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Doc Roe in the background of scenes (pt. 21/26)
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Grandson Kyle Tircuit remembered a few war stories his grandfather told him. Immediately before the men were shipped overseas, some of them stopped up a tub, filled it with peroxide, and bleached their hair as a prank.
Doc Roe was one of them.
— excerpt from A Company of Heroes: Personal Memories About the Real Band of Brothers and the Legacy They Left Us by Marcus Brotherton
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Just made a post about how Gene always had horses and now I think I just need quiet ranch hand Gene who tips his hat to newcomers when he’s introduced but then the boys will follow up with “don’t worry about Gene, he don’t talk much” and “who, Gene? nahhh he couldn’t hurt a fly.”
What about horse whisperer Gene who’s got such a way with the horses that they call him Doc cause he always seems to know exactly what’s wrong with ‘em. Got a horse who’s lame, let Doc take a look at him. No he don’t got proper training, but he don’t need it because the horses might as well tell him what’s wrong. Or maybe Gene who competes in Barrel Racing or Tie Down Roping or Reining.
Idk I just need Cowboy!Gene
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I read this quote in the book A Company of Heroes: Personal Memories About the Real Band of Brothers and the Legacy They Left Us by Marcus Brotherton,
With the war over, Doc Roe and his new wife settled in Baton Rouge, where three children were born. Doc Roe was a good father who pursued outdoor activities with his children such as hunting, fishing, and horseback riding. He always owned horses.
What if Easy Company comes across a horse that had gotten loose from somewhere, wild and unruly. Maybe it’s wounded and some of the boys want to put it out of its misery until Doc steps in and won’t let them. Says it’s just a flesh wound and he’ll fix it right up because how different is horse from a man? They sure as hell complain a lot less. And of course he’s smooth talking it and it just about instantly calms down under that soft touch of his.
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“…relied on Roe’s old medical journals…”
Unpacking this real quick
Roe had medical journals - not surprising considering he prob didn’t have much medical experience before the war
He kept them after the war - for not wanting anything to do with medical care after the war I’m surprised he kept them
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Cast interview, TV Guide September 2001 issue
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Doc Roe holding medical supplies in his mouth
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You could totally write a Band of Brothers-Masters of the Air AU where Easy Company is in the USAAF flying B-17s over Europe. Our Toccoa boys would be our “Original” crews of the 100th who flew over from the states in 1943 like we see in the Masters of the Air show.
Another thing to know is that if you weren't a pilot, you were a gunner. You might be a radio operator or a navigator or bombardier, but you were also a gunner during dog fights. I chose mostly based off of what I think fits them best with their personality but also somewhat with their roles in the company.
Here’s what I think some of the boys roles would be on a bomber crew (it’s kind long so see under the cut):
Eugene Roe would be a Flight Surgeon, without a doubt. Despite their title, Flight Surgeons don't typically fly becuase they can do a lot more good taking care of the wounded in the base hospital than they would be able to for a single crew of 10 men on an insanely dangerous mission (who could just as easily bleed out on the long flight home despite any medical attention they receive). The flight surgeons were never required to fly missions, and very few every did given the risk, but there were a handful that would so that they could get a better understanding of what the flyboys were going through in the air. Doc Roe would definitely be a Flight Surgeon who flies far more than he needs to.
Dick Winters would obviously be a pilot and I think he'd be a Squadron Commander who's promoted to Group Executive Officer. As the Air Exec he'd technically be third in command and he's in charge of organizing the bombing missions, briefing each mission, oversee group air training, navigation, bombing and to serve as command pilot leading bombing missions. He doesn't fly as often after he's promoted but will fly whenever the 100th leads which I think fits perfect with how we see Winters wanting to be in the battle with his men but can't always because of his new rank.
Lewis Nixon would probably be Group Intelligence Officer. As Group Intelligence Officer he was in charge of briefing flight crews before missions along with some of the other officers as well as in charge of interrogating the crews when they came back. I'm thinking he'd be a Marvin "Red" Bowman type if you know him from Masters of the Air, who was a much-loved member of the 100th BG known for “his sense of the dramatic” in that he would turn the morning debriefs into “real productions.”
Carwood Lipton would be a pilot. I think he’d be promoted to be the leader of one of the four squadrons of the 100th. He'd be telling Gene to stay back on a mission because they're flying in Coffin's Corner and don't want to lose their best Doc.
Buck Compton would be a pilot
Harry Welsh would also be a pilot or copilot
Frank Perconte would be a Ball Turret Gunner. Thank you, Perconte
Guarnere would probably be a Waist Gunner, but I can totally see him as a Bombardier. Also fits as a Top Turret Gunner/Flight Engineer but I really think he’d be a solid Bombardier. He reminds a lot of Bombardier James Douglass from MOTA in terms of personality
My first thought was that Bull Randleman would be a waist gunner because he definitely wouldn't fit in the spot for the tail gunner or ball turret gunner, but I actually think he might make a real good copilot with his leadership skills. Another thing that makes this a good fit is that when a Group Air Exec (think Major Kidd) flies on mission, they go in the place of the copilot in the lead crew when their BG is leading formation. The copilot then typically becomes a gunner for the mission or may assume the role of formation officer overseeing all of the aircraft behind them when they’re leading formation.
George Luz would be Radio Operator, duh
I'm honestly not quite sure where I think Liebgott would be. I can see him as a navigator or bombardier, or even a copilot. I’m leaning navigator, but I’d love to hear your thoughts
I feel like Skip and Muck could be a waist gunner duo on the same crew with Malarkey as the tail gunner on that same crew.
When replacements are brought in on masters of the air, we see brand new entire crews aircraft and all being brought in. I imagine this being the case for the replacements in this AU but I think Babe Heffron would fill in a spot on one of the “original” crews to mirror how close he becomes with the Toccoa men, or the “original” crews.
Ron Spiers would be a pilot who got transferred in from a different bomb group to replace Dike as a squadron leader maybe? There would definitely be rumors around him, if you’ve read Harry Crosby’s book, A Wing and a Prayer, you may recall the story of Leafy Hill. Leafy Hill was a navigator everyone despised and no one wanted to fly with due to his incompetence and insanity, but was set to be promoted up to Group Navigator. A crew decided to take things into their own hands and came up with a plan to ring the bailout bell when they got hit with the smallest amount of flak but make sure only Leafy would bail out over enemy territory. Im also think of Buck’s “we’re going to sit here and take it” line from Part 3, total Spiers vibes.
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Band of Brothers but it’s just Gene’s medic scenes (pt. 2/4)
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OMG “the whole canon abt how he's the one who's seen the most death” I WAS LITERALLY THINKING THAT SAME EXACT THING!!! I’ve read some stories from paramedics online and they’re messed up like they deserve so much more praise and attention than they get.
I’m so pumped for this like I’m just so excited.
Band of brothers hospital au !!.
Everyone is some sort of hospital employee in different specialty
Dick and the other cos are on the hospital board or just higher ups in the hospital and the canon medics and nurses are emts/ emergency room workers
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I was totally leaning towards ER for Gene but thinking about it a bit more I 1000% agree with Paramedic. Like being a paramedic is almost on a whole different level, like it’s totally unpredictable and can be just as if not more mentally taxing sometimes. I respect ER nurses, but for Gene to feel isolated and kind of separated from the others, I think paramedic is a good choice.
Paramedics are ‘the first line’ of sorts, they’re the ones who walk onto scenes of absolute carnage, sometimes putting themselves situations that are insanely dangerous like they probably shouldn’t put themselves at risk but they will anyway. When they arrive on the scene, the person might already be deceased but they still need to check. They might have to treat patients who are fighting back and getting physical or patients who don’t want to be treated, all while in a moving vehicle.
And paramedics don’t get paid nearly as much as doctors and from what little I’ve read many had to work OT to make ends meet, which totally fits with how Gene is like perpetually exhausted. But I also bet he’d cover shifts because he just wants to help people. I can also imagine him being like the only Paramedic of their group of friends, too, and maybe feeling a bit lesser because he doesn’t have all the same schooling and stuff.
EDIT TO ADD: omg what if Spina used to be a Paramedic who that Gene was often partnered with, but then Spina decided to go to school and become a nurse because he got so burnt out or something
Band of brothers hospital au !!.
Everyone is some sort of hospital employee in different specialty
Dick and the other cos are on the hospital board or just higher ups in the hospital and the canon medics and nurses are emts/ emergency room workers
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Doc Roe in the background of scenes (pt. 16/?)
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Doc Roe in the background of scenes (pt. 15/?)
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Doc Roe in the background of scenes (pt. 14/?)
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OMG WAIT building on this post I made about Gene knowing how to sew a bit—what if there’s a “scary” old elderly lady who only speaks French in one of the towns they’re temporarily stationed at or whatever. And the boys are all lowkey afraid of her because she’s always criticizing them and yelling at them in French so they really have no idea what she’s saying. But she has a soft spot for a certain quiet little medic who shyly approached her asking in French if she could maybe possibly show him how to sew something a bit more complex than he’s used to
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Whenever things aren’t too busy the boys will go to Gene when they need something sewn, like holes in their clothing or reattaching patches. They know how to do it themselves, but Gene’s got so much practice that by the time he’s done you can’t even tell the clothing was damaged in the first place. He does enjoy it and takes his time with this sort of needlework, falling into a slow and smooth rhythm because what’s the rush? It gives him something constructive to do with his hands and it feels nice to breathe new life into something without all the blood.
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Doc Roe in the background of scenes (pt. 13/?)
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Modern AU or Reincarnation AU or whatever where Babe meets this guy and is immediately smitten like he literally can’t stop thinking about him. Coincidentally, this guy is in some medical field (or is pursuing a degree in some medical field if we’re talking College AU).
Cue the other boys of Easy Company teasing him about doctors being his type when in reality he just has a thing for one doctor in particular because *surprise* Babe’s mysterious man is Gene all along.
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