#because they allowed me to figure out the basics of moodboards!
little-pup-pip · 3 months
I don't know how much fandom stuff you make, outside of requests, but if you ever have time, could you please make a fnaf puppet-inspired moodboard? None of mine look very good and yours are a lot cooler :)
Here you go!!
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remidiy · 2 months
We Don't Gatekeep Art Resources | A Comprehensive List
Here's a list of some of the tools/sites I currently use or have used previously for works/studies. I'll separate it into Software/Utility, Reference, and 'Other' which will be just general things that could help you map out things for your experience with art. **[Free highlighted in pink, paid highlighted in green. Blue is variable/both. Prices Listed in USD]**
Krita Painting app (PC) (my main digital art software on PC for 5+ yrs)
Clip Studio Paint [PC] [CSP 2.0+ allows for 3d modelling within the painting app and a lot of other cool features] [apparently allows up to 6 months free trial]
Procreate (12.99) [iPad/iPad Pro] (the GOAT)
Artstudio Pro [iPad/iPad Pro] (An alternative to Procreate if you enjoy the more traditional art app layout) -- I find this app handy when Procreate is lacking a feature I need, or vice versa. (you can easily transfer files between the two, but keep in mind Procreate's layer limit)
2D "Collaborative Painting/Drawing apps"
Magma Studio
Discord Whiteboard
Gartic Phone (Pretty decent for 2d animation practice, but has a hard limit on frames)
Blender [3D Modelling, Sculpting + Layout] (PC)
Sculptris [PC] (it's an old unsupported version of Zbrush, but can help to get ideas out, and functions better than browser sculpting apps
Nomad Sculpt [iPad/iPad Pro] ($20) Works pretty well if you prefer a mobile setup, but it is a bit intense on the battery life and takes some getting used to
References + Study
Magic Poser [ PC and Mobile ] Has both free and paid versions, I've made do with just the lite version before
Artpose ($9.99) [Iphone + Steam]
Head Model Studio [IPhone] A 3D head, with both a basic blockout version for angles, and a paid version with more detail
Cubebrush [simply search "[keyword] pose reference pack"], they usually have good results + they frequently have sales!
Line of Action [Good for Gesture practice + daily sketching], also has other resources built in.
Quickposes Similar to Line of action, more geared toward anatomy
Drawabox | Perspective Fundamentals Improvement modules (Suggested by @taffingspy )
Sketchfab, this skull in particular is useful, but there is other models that can help you study anatomy as well.
Pinterest can be good, you just have to be careful, usually you're better off just finding reference pack if you have the money, sometimes certain creators have freebies as well
Artstation Marketplace can be decent [make sure to turn on the Aye-Eye filter so it doesn't feed you trash], a colleague of mine recommended this head model for practicing facial blocking, there is also this free version without lighting.
Local Art Museums [Unironically good for studying old "master work" if you're into that, or even just getting some inspiration]
Brushes + Other Useful software:
I personally have used both of these brush packs before making my own
(I actually don't know how to share my daily brush set because I frequently switch between Krita, Procreate, and ASP, but once I figure that out I'll be sure to do that lol)
Marc Brunet's Starter brush pack [Technically free but supporting him for this if you like it is ideal, there's some good brushes]
Dave Greco Brush Pack [$3]
Gumroad in general is a good place to find brushes and art resources. *Note; for Krita specifically, brush packs are a bit weird, so it may require you to find different packs, or import them in a particular way
PureRef [PC] - Reference Compiler/Moodboarding
VizRef ($3.99) [iPad] - Moodboarding/Reference Compiler
Artist Youtubers/Creators that helped me improve/guide me along as a self-taught artist from when I first started digital art to where I am today:
Marco Bucci
Sinix Design
Hardy Fowler
Lighting Mentor
Winged Canvas
Marc Brunet (YTartschool)
+ Observing a lot of speedpaint art by people whose work I enjoy on social media/youtube, trying to dissect their processes
If you've gotten this far, first of all, congrats, you can read a lot, and second of all, thank you for reading and I hope this helps! I'll continue to come back and update this if I find any new resources in the future, or if my processes change :)
Much Love,
-Remedy (aka "grommy_art")
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elvisabutler · 1 year
a love supreme seems far removed
summary: it appears old wounds between you and professor presley die hard after one particularly pleasurable but exhausting incident. fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: m pairing: professor! elvis presley ( big daddy flavor ) x student! female reader ( nicknamed belle ) word count: 2462 warnings: big daddy elvis. elvis using a walking stick/cane. implied praise kink. student and professor relationship ( everyone is of legal age ). use of the derogatory name jezebel,in a negative way toward oneself. caning in a sexual way/sexual punishment way. negative self talk. dom/sub dynamics though not explicitly stated. near use of a safe word. sub drop. mild daddy kink? it's there, belle calls him that once or twice and elvis refers to himself as big daddy once. abandonment issues. author’s note: so this was sort of an accidental fic. once upon a time an anon came into my inbox and mentioned liking my fic about belle and professor presley with belle experiencing sub drop. i had never written that but between my right hand woman for belle and elvis @butlersxbirdy ( seriously, y'all she is the reason this entire series exists ) and my baby girl @stylespresleyhearted going "OKAY BUT CAN YOU DO IT THO I WANT IT." this fic was born. special thanks as always to my discord wives, christi and marina and for kicks also bee who i made love big daddy with these two. as always i love the love this fic series gets and truly i live for comments and questions regarding it or any of my serieses/fics. hell, the reason this series is a series is because y'all keep requesting more stuff from it. pay no mind to the moodboard as far as physicality goes or ethnicity, i just basically fell in love with her face because of daisy jones and she's got the right vibe.
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It's funny, you think, how once upon a time the things you do with Elvis were things you shied away from with your other- partners if you could even call them that. There's something to be said about the sheer ease at which Elvis puts you in to make you agree to anything. You figure it's because you know he'll always take care of you. You figure it's because of how he'll stop if you cry out in more than just a pleasurable pain. No, he'll make sure you're alright, make sure his precious Belle, his angel sent from God himself is alright.
A low keen leaves your mouth at the sting of his cane against your ass, hitting a spot still a bit tender from a week ago. Elvis had asked if you were alright with this, asked if you were ready to take this on this soon and it had been an easy question to answer. Of course you were alright because you had been the one to ask for it again. It's not that you needed it- craved it every second of the day but you knew very well you had nearly gotten yourself and him in some very hot water. It deserved more than his words of admonishment murmured against your neck and your hair. It deserved the caning that he rarely brings out but that you know tends to set you straight. Tends to keep you in line in a way you'll both never admit or question beyond these moments when he uses it. Your hand starts to move toward your ass, wanting to rub the spot that's sore before—
"Hands on the bed. Ya know better. Keep 'em where they're 'posed t'be," Elvis commands as your hands settle back against the bed. Back to where they ought to be because Elvis- Big Daddy- Professor Presley told you to keep them there.
"Elvis—" you start before another smack of the cane has your ass jiggling and has him chuckling a little as his ringed hand palms the area. You hiss.
"Ya asked for this, 'member? Told me ya needed the lesson, hm? Needed t'be 'minded that ya need t'be good, right? Keep that tongue o'yours in check. Doin' so good, Y/N. Doin' so good. What number we on?"
Your mind, fuzzy as it's becoming can focus on the number, can focus on something, settle on something that allows you to not float completely away. The grounding element of everything that keeps you tied to the Earth, tied to him and your life together. Your mouth opens and one single word falls out, "Three."
"Outta five, that's right, Belle. But ya haven't been countin' 'em out loud, have ya? Been tryin' to keep me from hearin' ya? Hearin' what my cane does to ya?" Elvis allows himself to lean against you, to press his stomach against your burning backside, his own warmth both a balm and an irritant against it. His chest hair scratches at your skin and earns a light whine as some rubs just the wrong way, the friction unwanted for now.
"Yes," you whine, arching your back as if to tease when really you only want to chase after the feel of the cane, of his body against yours in order to float and to feel safe. At your arch, he moves off of you and brings down his cane once more, this time closer to your vagina, in that dip where your thighs and butt meet. The part where his hands would grip and squeeze and slap when you rode his cock or his thighs. The number slides through your brain and into your mouth. "Four!"
You hadn't meant to shout the number but the sting overwhelmed you, the sting almost had you telling Elvis to stop, that this was too much too soon after the last week. It stopped though, the urge to tell him to set down his cane and pull you into his arms stopped. Still, even with your lack of asking, there's a pause with Elvis, a pause that has him leaning against you once more, his hand automatically starting to palm your ass. "Y'alight?"
He expects an honest answer out of you as you expect honest answers out of him when he wants to pretend his body isn't betraying him and hurting him. The bright side of when you do things like this, when you trust him to remind you to be a good girl- a good woman- you'll always tell him the truth.
A nod is what you manage before your body slumps forward just a little, the effort of holding yourself up on your hands against the bed becoming just a bit too much to handle. Elvis ought to stop right there and he knows it, can see an exhaustion settling into your body but a promise is a promise and he allows himself one final smack of the cane, lighter than all the others at the most fleshy and least bruised part of your behind.
"Five," you murmur against the sheets of the bed, your eyes a little glassy as he moves the cane to the side and tries to pull you up to a standing position. He manges it just barely but you lean against his chest, hand snaking up his chest to run your fingers through his chest hair. "Shower?"
You think it's you who asked for a shower but you're not sure, not sure with how your clit throbs and aches as it always does when Elvis does this to you, whenever you do something similar to this. Whenever he disciplines you like you deserve to be, because a simple talking to wouldn't have done, your body needed to know what was at stake. Whoever asked didn't matter as Elvis helped you walk to the bathroom anyway, his hands moving between your legs, playing with your clit, sliding his fingers between your folds gently as you rested your body against his own. It doesn't take long to finish the shower, doesn't take long for Elvis to wrap you in a towel and dry you off, only detaching himself to grab pajamas for both of you. You hadn't been this way last week but it had been earlier in the night, perhaps you were just tired from the day.
The bed sheets and Elvis provide a warmth that finally drags you into the land of sleep willingly and gladly.
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It's cold.
It shouldn't be cold, you think. Elvis runs as hot as a furnace and usually makes you so hot that you have to slip from under the covers in the middle of the night. Your eyes blink to try and adjust to your surroundings and you realize it is the middle of the night. Why is it cold in the middle of the night?
Your heart lurches in your chest, moving upward to your throat as your hand moves to Elvis's side of the bed only to feel cool emptiness beside you.
Elvis isn't there. Elvis isn't beside you. You are alone in your shared bed. Was it shared any more? Was this his way of telling you to leave? After everything? Had you finally made him realize you made a mistake?
There's a sliver of your brain, of your mind that knows the thoughts that are swarming your mind are silly and yet you can't listen to that sliver. It's wrong. Elvis isn't here with you. Why hadn't he fucked you to sleep? Why hadn't you woken up with his soft cock inside of you? Had Daddy- Had Elvis taken care of you after he hit you? Where was he? Why wasn't— Why wasn't he here? He left you. He's leaving you. He's going to kick you out when the first rays of sunlight enter through the curtains.
You don't know when you start to sob, don't know when your body starts to shake, the overwhelming lack of warmth settling into your bones, don't know when your stomach threatens to empty onto the bed. All you know is that they happen all at once. All you know is that you've done something to make Elvis abandon you.
Maybe, maybe he was still in the house, maybe you didn't disgust him so much he had to leave the entire house. If you called for him maybe he'd come. Maybe you could find out— maybe you could convince him that it was fine. You were still worthy of his love.
The wail that leaves you would embarrass you in any other context. It would mortify you if your brain could process what was happening.
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He hadn't quite registered that the noise he heard was you. Hadn't quite registered that the wail he heard was you. Graceland occasionally made noises that didn't make a whole lot of sense and that hadn't changed in the entire time you've been with him. It's only when he gets closer to your shared room that he hears your wail, your moan of unmitigated distress and anguish and knows it's you. He moves as fast as his body will let him and practically slams open the door, ready to use old karate moves and the gun he's got hidden in his dresser to defend you only to realize there's no one in the room but you.
There's no one in here who could hurt you and yet you're clutching at your stomach, curled in on yourself, looking as if you want to vomit all over everything. When you look up at him he sees your glassy eyes staring back at him, unshed tears in them to go with the ones streaming down your face. He opens his mouth to ask you what's wrong only to hear your whimpers and whispers to yourself.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry D- Elvis. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." It practically sounds like a mantra, a chant you'd only a monk say. It sounds wrong coming from your lips. What did you have to be sorry for? What would make you act this way? In what feels like a flash he moves to sit next to you on the bed and starts to touch you.
For once you shy away from his touch and Elvis's heart falls through his body to the ground. You never do that, even when the two of you hadn't worked through the dumbest set of issues known to man you had never shied away from his touch. Normally you would sink into it, but— what had he done to you. Had earlier been too much? Had he broken something inside you in a way he hadn't before?
"Y/N? Belle? What—" He doesn't get the question out before you whimper.
"You were gonna leave me like I did to you. I— I was alone. You hate— you don't love me anymore. Don't want to be with— you realized what everyone else does."
Tour Guide. Used. Whore. Bel— Jezebel. Not worthy of being with him or anyone else. But especially not him. Not worthy to spend the rest of your life waking up with him. Not worthy to have children with him.
Your hands tighten around your middle even more, as if that's the part of you that needs shielding the most. As if that will make the nausea you feel go away. As if it'll keep your stomach from revolting even as you feel Elvis's hand on your shoulder, tight as it was the first day he met you.
"My— Y/N. My angel from heaven. My Belle. No—" He pulls you into a hug despite your protests and your shaking head. "I couldn't sleep. I was downstairs. You—Belle. I— After everything, I would never do that to you. I could never hate you."
"You did," you whimper, your shoulders shaking even as you feel some form of warmth from him sinking through your pajamas and into your soul. "You did. You— I left you and I deserve— I don't— I made you hate me. You're gonna—"
Elvis shushes you, forcing your body against his, forcing your chest to rub against his, his chest hair brushing against the faintest bit of skin your pajamas show. "No. You're my good girl, Belle. Always have been even when I was so angry with you. I'm here. Your Big Daddy's here." He uses the nickname you had let slip that one time so long ago, knowing he finds it funny. It's supposed to put you at ease and he feels a tension in your shoulders lessen at it.
"For— You won't make me leave?" That's the question you ask, not does he still love you, because the two go hand in hand in your mind. For him to love you, he can't abandon you.
His answer should be silly, it should make you roll your eyes but something deep inside you finally uncurls when you hear him sing one of his own song lyrics acapella. "A team of wild horses couldn't tear us apart."
A sob, stronger than the rest wrenches itself from your throat, finally earning a proper release as he holds you even tighter through the tears, his hands petting your hair, murmuring soft words of comfort. You know the position has to be uncomfortable for him but he doesn't complain, too focused on making sure you're alright. Your tears and shivers finally settle into something manageable after what feels like hours and Elvis moves to lay you down on the bed, his hand still rubbing on your chest, right where your heart is. A whimper escapes your lips in fear only for him to shake his head.
"Let me get on my side of the bed. Then ya can curl up to me," he says and to show you how serious he is, he manages to clamber on top of the bed from the bottom, his hands never leaving your body, the warmth from his touch— his always burning hands allowing embers of warmth to blossom slowly but surely inside of you.
The second he's under the covers, you move to lay on top of him. He can't abandon you, can't leave you without warning if he has to move you from atop his body. Your hands haven't left your stomach as it still continues to roil and twist inside you, the nausea refusing to abate. Elvis looks at you and follows where your hands are before placing the hand that rubbing against your chest onto your stomach. For some strange reason it calms your stomach, allows for your body to settle down, and allows for you to lock your arms around Elvis's middle.
"Stay," you whisper, placing a kiss against his skin.
"Wouldn't dream of doin' anything but."
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted y'all know the drill with the taglist by now.
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zeawesomebirdie · 10 months
dancing fic, dancing fic, dancing fic!!!
[WIP Tag Game]
dancing fic dancing fic dancing fic
This fic!! Has haunted me!! For months now!! I wrote the entire 17 chapters of a zero draft in like a week or something ridiculous like that, it ended up like twice as long as it was supposed to, and just when I was settling into the first draft, life and my health got in the way. I did manage to make my first ever moodboard for it though, and I've got a link to the playlist on spotify right here! It's all 50's music, and I'm quite proud of it!!
The basic premise of this fic is that Hawkeye has a massive crush on Radar (as one does), but he figures he has no chance whatsoever when Radar comes up to him one morning and asks him to teach him to dance because there's some nurse or other that he's interested in. Always the opportunist, Hawkeye agrees to teach Radar to dance. But during their second lesson, Radar asks Hawkeye how he's supposed to kiss this girl too, because she's obviously so much taller than him and he has no idea how to go about that. Hawkeye doesn't even really hesitate, he kisses Radar and then promises to give him lessons going forward. Over time, this naturally escalates from simple kissing and making out ultimately to out and out sex, and by the time Hawkeye realises he's in too deep, it's much too late to stop himself
Below the cut is a snippet from chapter 1!!
“What is it you need, a date?” he asked as soon as he had recovered his voice, and to his relief Radar took no notice of the pause in conversation.
“Not so loud, sir!” Radar hissed, leaning in and glaring up at Hawkeye with those big beautiful eyes. “Can you teach me how to dance?”
Hawkeye couldn’t help himself, he rolled his eyes and refrained from leaning in to meet the kid whatsoever. After all, he had a reputation to maintain, and everyone knew his version of dancing these days was holding a girl close just long enough to steal a kiss. And so he responded without bothering to lower his voice whatsoever; “I don’t dance, Radar, you should know well enough by now—”
Radar shushed him, a hand flying up to flap in Hawkeye’s face. Now, Hawkeye had been hushed by many a nurse, even just in the short time he’d spent here in Korea, and he wasn’t normally one to let the husher hush him in such a way. But there was something about the way Radar looked around to ensure no one was listening in, something about the way his face flushed with red, something that piqued Hawkeye’s interest enough to allow him to overlook that shushing.
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swtki · 3 years
Anonymous said:
Heyy! Can you do a Cedricxfem!reader smut? Where the reader get stood up at the Yule ball and Cedric heart breaks since he has been in love with the reader for quite some time. And then they do the nasty you know thank you
A/N: Okay so basically...I am a stupid fucking Cedric simp,,,,and since I got home today, and my course work is fairly light for this week (no promises) my requests are open and I will try to get as much out as I can this week before my birthday! Jan 24th and you will get an about me post. ALSO, thanks for 700 (now 710 no brag) followers! I love you guys! Ok onto the fic!.
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(Y/N) stood in front of her full length mirror in her dormitory room, admiring the fabric hugging her hips. Very rarely did she ever get to see herself like this, never mind other people. Her hand reached up to move a stray strand of hair back into place, a minor detail that although she doubt mattered, she could not refrain from. It was the night of the Yule ball, a night that the girls in her year wanted perfection more than ever, (Y/n) not excluded. 
It would not be unheard of, however it would be rather embarrassing to show up un-courted. Nobody to dance with, nobody to share a moment in the moonlight with. That’s why when Miles Dane asked her to the ball, she did not hesitate to say yes. 
To be quite honest, the two seventh years had never really talked. Though, they did have potions together. Surely, she would get to know him while sharing a dance, and she had to admit that he was quite charming and handsome. A tall Ravenclaw boy, lankly in the most perfect way, his skin a medium tone that glowed in the sunlight, so the carriages weren’t out of the question either. 
The clock on the wall read six fifty, there was no sign of Miles, only (Y/N) and her twiddling thumbs. She wanted to scream, to cry, to hurt him even, but above all, she wanted to believe he was coming. Everything was going to be perfect. It should all be perfect.
Inside the hall, Cedric Diggory, the Golden Boy of Hogwarts, was pretending to be interested. The mundane conversation between Cho, his date who he now was sure didn’t even remember who she came with, and another seventh year girl droned on. Despite the banging of the loud music into his ear, Cedrics head was silent. Bored. Without saying anything, he slipped away from the table, creeping into the corridor for a breath of fresh air. 
The cold December air hit Cedrics face with a refreshing feeling, the pressures of being a Tri-Wizard champion melted off of his shoulders. Though, he didn’t like to admit it, he sometimes questioned if this path was right for him. Would it have been better if he had stayed put, never scratched his name upon the parchment? He knew that he couldn’t change the past, no matter how much he wanted to. Cedrics tall, lean body slumped against the stone wall. All was quiet around him, a welcomed environment. Then, he heard the faintest gasp, causing the hairs on his neck to stand up.
“Fuck,” (Y/N) sighed out, wiping the small bead of sorrow that had escaped from her eye. She knew Miles was not coming. A dark figure leaning over her crouched body interrupted her racing mind. Instinctually, she looked up from her knees.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?”  Cedric said in a soft voice.
“Nothing..nothing is wrong Diggory.” She avoided eye contact. Cedric and (Y/N) had been friends in years prior, particularly in third year. But as time drew on, their paths separated, effectively making them strangers to one another. He had gone on to be a hearthrob who was wanted by every girl, while she had focused on her studies and the go-to for casual sex.
“You know, we may not have sat together for three years, but don’t you think I can tell when you’re lying?” He squatted on the cement next to her, becoming eye level. “Now, what are you doing out here? You look so gorgeous, I’m sure your bloke in there is missing you.” His hand gestured behind him to the large archway leaking a bright tune. 
“Yeah, thats the thing,” she drew a sharp breath in, tilting her head up, “My bloke never fucking showed up. Look at me, all dressed up and no one to dance with.” Her eyes closed, painting a small smile in an attempt to conceal her pain.
“Oh...I see.” Cedric stood up and offered his hand to the girl below him. “Well, let me fix that for you.” She rolled her eyes, but happily accepted.
Opting to stay where they were, the two swayed in each others arms. The warmth of Cedrics arms comforted the girl, soothing her in a way Cedric had not soothed her in years. 
“Didn’t you come with a date?” she asked, her head on his chest.
“Yeah, shes inside. She lost interest with me I’m afraid.” Cedric made a small chuckle that made her bite her lip. “You know...I’ve heard about your reputation. I’m a little surprised, I thought you would always hate boys. Cooties was it?” He teased, resting his chin on her head.
“Oh fuck off. For the record, I did like boys. I liked you, Cedric. I still do.” He pulled away from her figure slightly, his eyes searching over her face. Then without any hesitation, he collided his lips to hers.
Shocked at first, she froze. But within a second, her hands were cradling his face. The kiss was deep, full of years worth of emotion. His grip tightened on her waist. Time stood still for the pair, it felt like hours before Cedric pulled away.
“Do you want to go to my dorm?” He said, panting. 
“Won’t people notice if you run off?? You’re like a celebrity around here, Ced.” She grinned up at him. Cedrics face took a more serious appearance, but his manor became relaxed.  
“Fuck ‘em.” His large hand grasped hers, leading the way to his dormitory.
(Y/N) sat on the soft mattress, her body stiff and unsure. Cedric fumbled around, locking the door, playing suave. He stood a mere three feet from her, wondering how he got so lucky. 
“Did you want to just chat because...Cedric, I can do far more than chat with you.” She gave him a seductive look, making the boy swallow hard.
“Well I... I mean trust me, the way you look sitting on my bed is amazing, and I’m all for it. But the question is, are you - I mean do you want to? With me?” A rose blush creeped upon the Hufflepuff boys face, making (Y/N) giggle.
“Come here, Ced.” She beckoned him over to her with her finger. He happily obliged, walking over to sit next to her. But before he could sit, she put a hand on his chest, stopping him in his place. “Stand...I want you to stand while I sit. Is it okay if I..?” she gestured to the growing errection inside his trousers. 
“Fuck...please darling.” She bit her lip and started undoing his pants, enjoying the sight before her eyes. She stroked his cock, admiring the way his eyes scrunched up when she ran her thumb over the tip. Smiling, she leaned over and put it in her mouth. His soft moans filled the room as he ran his slender fingers through her soft hair. All of the sudden, he yanked her off, pushing her on her back.
“My turn, love.” Cedrics mouth started leaving sloppy kisses around her mouth, trailing down to her neck while his left hand massaged her tit over her dress. Her elbows pressed into the bed, pushing her up.
“Wait, lets get these off, yeah?” Cedric kissed her, then unzipped her dress, fumbling to strip himself as quickly as he could. Once she was left in just her knickers, he continued where he had left off. He traveled until he got to her covered pussy, looking up at her to see if he could continue. She nodded, her eyes filled with need.
Cedrics left hand pushed apart her legs, letting him get a proper look at how she felt about him. His other hand yanked off her knickers, little did Y/N know how mental simple white cotton undies made Cedric. Without hesitation, his mouth started attacking her sensitive clit. The pleasure was unlike anything she had ever felt with her previous fucks, because this pleasure was dedicated with love. Her eyes rolled back into her head, a wanton moan escaping from her throat. This encouraged him to suck on her clit, and then to Y/Ns delight, inserted two fingers. Filthy moans filled the room as her cunt felt so pleasured in a way she had never felt. 
“Fuck thats so fucking...oh my god Ced.” He moved his fingers at a faster speed, attacking her clit simultaneously. Eyes rolling back into her head, a pure groan of pleasure filled Cedrics ears as she bucked her hips, reaching a climax unlike any other. 
Cedric stood, climbed on the bed, then looked at her. 
“Do you want to..keep going or?” He ran his thumb over her lips.
“yes but..I wanna be on top” His heart beat faster, his erection becoming somehow even harder.  He laid down on his bed, allowing her to swing a leg over his hips. Y/N grabbed his member and ran it through her folds, watching as his face contorted in pleasure. Then she sunk her body onto his, both of them in seventh heaven. 
Her hips started rocking against his, making his cock hit all the right parts inside her. Cedric was in love with the sight before him, his eyes looking at her like she was a goddess. Her hand reached down, rubbing her clit, maximizing her pleasure. It wasn't long until her next orgasm washed over her, making Cedric even more eager to put himself to use. When she was back off her high, he  brought her down to him, chest to chest. Thrusting up into her was the best feeling he could have imagined, it went on for minutes, both of them feeling amazing. 
Y/N leaned over into his ear to whisper,
“Please cum inside me, Ced. Please, I want you to use me and leave my body stained with your cum.” Cedric, finding out that now he had a thing for cumming inside her, sped up. His hips clashed with her arse as his climax grew closer and closer. 
Cedrics eyes rolled into his head, his body releasing his cum into hers. His legs shook a bit, he had just had the best orgasm he had ever had. The girl on top of him rolled over, now laying beside him. Both of them sat in silence, trying to catch their breath.
“I love you so fucking much, Y/N”
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myevilmouse · 2 years
If you are still doing the writing asks, 10, 28, and 31!
I am still doing the writing asks, so thank you so much for asking me @das-flamingo! I appreciate the opportunity to share some thoughts and kill some time with you this evening! 😘
10.  Top three favourite fic tropes.
Oh what a fun question!  And I never know what to call things so I went to tv tropes to figure out what my “name kink” as I usually call it is, because that is the first one that came to mind.  According to the ‘net, my name kink is actually the trope “Significant Name Shift” and I SWOON for this and love reading and writing it.  My OTP Luke/Mara and my evil OTP Thryce both fit so well into this. 
For Luke and Mara it’s when she goes from “Skywalker” to “Luke” but it REALLY is fun with the Grand Admiral and Governor because you have levels of significant name shift here, really.  You can drop titles (from “Governor Pryce” to “Pryce”) and then you get to move to “Arihnda” from there! 
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And it works with Thrawn and all the ladies, really, they have to deal with his rank or if it’s a fraternization ship, we get to drop Ensign or Commander or Commodore or whatever I LOVE IT!  I always always make it a bit deal how Thrawn says Pryce’s name and how weird she finds saying his without the title and I adore it so much.  OK I stop gushing now. Clearly a fave.
Second, I have to say “there was only one bed” although I haven’t written it much (I combined it with “huddling for warmth”, which is a classic for a reason!), in my fic Catalysts.  This trope just melts my butter.
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And I guess third, I will say language tropes.  I love languages and work "fake" foreign language as much as possible into my fic, it’s so damn sexy, I call it my language kink.  So you will find lots of Cheunh, obviously, but also I have written fics featuring Ryl, Sith, Mando’a, Aqualish, and probably some more.  Languages are SO FUN I love the nuance and depth they can bring to a relationship, particularly language learning and cultural differences uncovered through language.
28.  Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
I love this question and also hate it, because it reminds me of how different we all are and how useless I personally find most so-called “writing advice” to be.  But I humbly offer the following:
First, my best advice for writing is “just do it.”  If you have time and the inclination, write!  Sit down and get started and see what happens.  As a pantser, that is what makes the most sense to me.  No need for every detail, even a plot, just like “I’m going to write about X for a while” and GO!
The second piece of advice I have is “read”.  And, snob that I am, allow me to suggest you read the 'good' stuff, the “literature” that wins awards, the stuff that is on book lists for a reason.  You might be surprised how absolutely gorgeous language can be (I tend to love the classics and bemoan the quality of most popular fiction today) but also how gripping and beautiful those books can be with pure storytelling.  But definitely also read the fun stuff, the stuff you like that is “beneath” the critics or curricula.  I absolutely adore some horribly written books, but whenever people ask me how I learned to write I basically have to admit I owe it all to the amazing writers I grew up reading.  The more you read, the better you will write, I am 100% certain of this as an equation.
Oh and a bonus piece of advice:  feel free to ignore ALL advice!  Do what works for you, whatever that may be.  If you need moodboards or outlines or index cards or playlists or dark corners or a set schedule or whatever, that’s all perfect and valid and don’t let anyone tell you differently.  If you do something different every time, great!  If you hate to read but love to write, go for it!  No one knows what works best for you better than you!
31.  What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
Most fics, thankfully, are not a chore, but a pleasure to get out of my brain.  I am so lucky that my muse is an ever-present, sometimes uncooperative bitch, but I do have an answer for this question!  Command Performance.  It was my first published fic on AO3 for Luke/Mara, my first foray into the “modern” world of fanfiction, and I wrote it as a gift for a very talented @teagrl who also generously served as a supportive cheerleader and demanding beta.  There were some pushes and pulls along the way (particularly setting up the scenario) and I learned a great deal from the experience.  I wanted to write a non-con-esque fic (in this case a fantasy Mara’s handsome husband is willing to fulfill) and apart from the darker themes that go along with that, I had never had a beta before and so it was a whole new world of edits and suggestions and brilliant ideas that made it challenging and much more work and time than I had anticipated.  Then of course there was the absolute terror of posting it once it was ready and wondering what would happen.  Thankfully what happened is I made some amazing fandom friends, was blessed by generous readers who supported me, and here I am 100 years later with a tumblr and everything and getting awesome asks from people like you!  And this was a great selection of questions, thank you so much again @das-flamingo! You agree with me right Luke?
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The writing asks are here if anyone else would like to ask!
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So anyways I heard in the Cobra Kai video game Cobra Kai has fire powers and Miyagi-Do has ice powers and OBVIOUSLY I had to make a moodboard for a Forbidden Fire!Hawk x Ice!Demetri AU, I mean what other option did I feasibly have??? Listen I love me some elemental powers and forbidden gay romance, I COULD NOT RESIST
Anyways I got all hyped about it so I made a bunch of angsty (and fluffy) headcanons to go with it. Enjoy!!! ~Takes place in an superpower-ish AU where basically as soon as you join whichever dojo you start developing the corresponding powerset ~Both Hawk and Demetri turn out to be really powerful magic users. Demetri takes a while longer to master his ice than Hawk takes to master his fire, but once he gets the hang of it, he’s pretty lethal ~Kreese happily pits Hawk against Demetri as soon as Demetri joins Miyagi-Do ~Demetri manages to get through to Hawk briefly at Moon’s party, but the cops show up before they can fully reconcile (there’s bound to be some property damage when you put two drunk, warring gangs of fire-powered and ice-powered teens in one house ~Hawk fully masters his power just before the summer ends. When the school fight breaks out, Hawk gets a bit drunk on his new power and goes a little berserk. He goes after Demetri because, despite things almost being okay between them again, Kreese says he’s the enemy and Kreese probably knows best ~Once cornered, Demetri gets the upper hand in the fight. His powers are stronger than he expected when he’s in immediate danger, and Demetri almost loses control of them and freezes Hawk. He feels REALLY bad about this, but he IS able to subdue Hawk long enough for him to cool off (physically AND figuratively lmao). Demetri manages to talk Hawk down and they start to patch things up. ~They both yeet out of the school and go try to lay low until it’s over, which is probably a good call considering a lot of the school gets burned down and the rest gets iced over ~So much property damage good lord ~After the school fight Hawk and Demetri try to be friends again--but tension is still pretty damn high between the dojos, so they have to meet in secret ~LOTS of sneaking off to Coyote Creek on weekends to be alone together, away from the rest of their dojos ~It gets gay very fast, but they run into a lot of...complications, because their powers are pretty harmful to each other and they can’t really turn them off ~They can’t touch each other with their bare hands because they might freeze or burn each other, so they have to wear gloves like in Frozen ~Most of their power is channeled through their hands, so they’re usually fine touching each other’s skin if their hands are covered up--Hawk’s skin just feels a little warmer than usual and Demetri’s is a little cooler than usual ~Demetri loves making snow at random and shoving it up Hawk’s shirt to annoy him ~Hawk also loves to shoot fire and sparks up into the air and put on “fire shows” for Demetri. Demetri calls him a showoff, but secretly appreciates all the spectacle of it. ~Hawk also figures out how to make fire “hawk wings” for himself. He does this 85% to impress Demetri. Demetri is very much impressed, but pretends not to be. ~Demetri likes to ice the tips of Hawk’s mohawk. He claims this is so Hawk’s hair can be used as a weapon if need be, but really he just thinks it looks cool. ~When they make out, it tastes kind of like you ate a really hot chili pepper and then a Mentos immediately afterwards, and your mouth is full of hellfire. Demetri and Hawk don’t give a shit. In fact, they come to enjoy this. ~Sex is steamy. Like...LITERALLY steamy. There’s fucking steam everywhere. On the upside, this allows for some built-in privacy if the steam is thick enough. ~Eventually Kreese fucking catches them sneaking around ~All hell breaks loose ~Kreese attacks Demetri in a fit of rage. Eli tries to protect him, but he can’t fight Kreese off on his own ;___; ~Eventually Eli and Demetri manage to fend him off for the time being, but not before Demetri’s gotten some pretty nasty burns on his face ~A couple of them scar ~Eli feels REALLY bad, but Demetri keeps telling him “It’s okay, we match now. We’ve both got face scars!!!” ~Demetri’s burn scars are lowkey worse than Eli’s lip scar, but Demetri honestly doesn’t mind if it’ll help Eli be less self-conscious and feel a little better about himself ~As long as Eli still thinks he’s hot ~And he DOES--Eli thinks it looks “rugged and badass” ~He still feels really bad though ~Eventually they go on the run, because they’re sure Kreese is gonna want a rematch and is probably gonna hunt them down regardless ~Road trip away from a terrifying psychopath time!!! ~Or they go to Miyagi-Do and “oh no we can’t have a fire guy in here” angst ensues, idk
That’s all I got for now, but y’all can RB and add more if you want! I’m really vibing with this AU!
Moodboard pic credits available upon request!
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owlmylove · 3 years
I love your fashion sense and obviously it's not something you deal with yourself but I was wondering what you would suggest for someone who is pretty fat to kind of clean up their look because I mostly wear like graphic tees and like my nicest trousers are a pair of plain boot cut jeans lmao
Thank you so much for your kind words darling!! But, before you get too entrenched in the quicksand of comparison, I actually have dealt with that precise scenario. Multiple times to be honest, and while I’m fortunate enough to be able to find fitted clothes more easily than a few of my friends, I’m still bigger than most of them and have always been very aware of that growing up. There have been periods of my life (including right now tbh, #quar) where the function and comfort of my clothes has become overshadowed by the frustration and low-level embarrassment they inspire
That doesn’t mean the clothing is bad, or I was silly to wear it previously. It just means I’m changing, and so are my tastes. You can love your graphic tees and still want to try fancier pants on for size, and that’s all okay! Don’t let hyper-consumptive disposable culture try to guilt you into despising anything you may have once enjoyed, or been comforted by. Like foods, there’s no such thing as good or bad clothing. It’s just finding the clothes that fill your current needs and make you feel as good as you deserve.
BUT you came for fashion advice and fashion advice you shall HAVE babe. for cinematic purposes, please picture the following advice as a voiceover to our dressing room montage scene as i throw hangers over the door & applaud every time you do a lil catwalk spin
1. Fuck trends. They’re bullshit!! Unless you sincerely like the look of something and feel good in it, don’t fall into the trap of needing to wear the newest spring/summer anything. There’s nothing wrong with trying out a new style, but always remember the clothes’ job is to fit you; you don’t need to fit the clothes. If something doesn’t feel comfortable, or flattering, or right, that’s a failing on behalf of the clothing (and, most often, the designers’ limited understanding of the human body) and never on you.
2. Try stuff! I highly recommend trying on absolutely anything you have the faintest interest in*, trends included. Also: things you never in a million years would’ve tried on, but a friend/partner/random telepath recommended for you. It can be frustrating when things don’t work out, but that just teaches you something about what does and doesn’t work for you. Don’t think of your fashion sense as a pass/fail test, but a language you’re gaining fluency in. Learning what doesn’t work for your body can be as helpful as what does.
*Sidenote: This can be tricky in quarantine, but try online stores with free shipping/returns, and/or local stores that you can breeze through for returns. At-home try-ons also allows you to compare what you already have & see how new pieces could be incorporated into your wardrobe.
3. Learn your type. I hate categories of any kind but fuck me, my body type actually does serve as a helpful guideline for what does and doesn’t work on me. For instance: I’ve been wearing exclusively high waistbands for the last, oh, 6 years, bc I wanted to contain my lovely soft stomach and delineate my waist. But this actually just cuts me in half like a magician’s assistant, and I counterintuitively look better in one-piece swimsuits and un-tucked (but fitted!!) shirts. Hence: learn your body type, research what works for your body type, and try some of what they recommend. 
3.1. Break the rules. Anarchism baby!!! Everyone knows that learning the rules is the first step to breaking them. Research what science says is supposed to look good, but also trust your intuition on what you feel good in. Datasets can’t allow for individual tastes, and that’s where real fashion comes from (rather than just algorithmic minimalist capsule wardrobes)
4. Look for patterns. Obviiiiiiiously not just in prints (though I’m weak for stripes and polka dots, everyone around me is well aware) but in the cut, drape, and construction of what you love. Breaking down the elements of what brings you joy helps you recognize more of it out in the wild. But think about function too! What do you like and dislike about the fit of your shirts? Do you like the flair of boot cut jeans? Hate their length? Which elements of construction would you like to avoid in the future, and which would you like to see more of?
5. Find inspiration. If you don’t already have a sense of what you do and don’t want to add to your wardrobe, try giving Pinterest and/or moodboards a whirl. Look to people whose style you admire (and try Instagram [but avoid the identical influencer mill], Pinterest, cool Etsy boutique owners, etc). Compare their builds as an artist might, focusing not on comparative aesthetics but form. Do they use certain waistlines that would complement yours? What about colors? Finding someone with your exact body type & coloring can be extremely difficult depending your race and size, but you may be able to find influences who can guid you in one regard but not the other. Let them help you learn what you love without limiting you to just one style.  
6. Go (bargain) hunting. I maintain some things are worth spending money on — facial moisturizer, a tailored white button down, and well-fitted pants to be precise — but I almost exclusively shop clearance racks. If you’re still in the process of figuring out what you do and don’t like, there is something to be said for starting with inexpensive brands as training wheels. Discount stores like Marshalls can yield a lot of good stuff, while Etsy, resale platforms, and thrift stores can do the same for relatively low prices (and yield some p. unique pieces.) Once you know the silhouette, colors, and cuts you enjoy, that’s when I recommend investing in a $100 pair of jeans that you know will serve you for years.
Finally: Once you have a collection of things you love, experiment with them! Try them on in different combinations, add a hat, try different earrings, etc. etc. As you settle into your new wardrobe, new outfit formulas will emerge that you know you can rely on in the rushing, early mornings without feeling stressed by the question “what do I wear???” (honestly, the biggest unsung benefit of a good wardrobe is just the decrease in anxiety)
Also: I recommend looking for pieces you love first and foremost, rather than entering the fray with a shopping list of “gray blazer, navy blazer, white shirt, black shirt,” etc. Not to say I don’t own each of those basics (which are good to have!) but those kinds of Pinterest minimalist capsules work best for instant-professionalism sans personality. If that’s you need, go for it! But if you’re excited to develop your sense of style, give yourself the time and space to discover what brings you joy. Learning your tastes should be an ongoing experiment throughout life. Don’t let previous ensembles dictate future purchases (unless they’re inspiring them!!)
And, for what it’s worth, I actually still have a bunch of the graphic tees I was once so embarrassed of wearing when I was younger. And for what? They were comfortable, convenient, and expressed what I was passionate about at the time. The ones I really loved, even if I no longer fit into, still make me so happy as records of the person I was. I think taste and selves grows outward, like the rings of a tree, and there’s nothing wrong with remembering your roots c: 
Excessive tree pun alert, and sorry for being sappy, but I hope this rambling love letter to style could help! I’m sending you all the fairy godmother energy I am capable of from afar darling<333
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She-Ra tumblr au
I made this with @maycombhoney​ at some point and was thinking about it earlier today.
Adora: Has a popular sideblog named She-Ra about her boxing and fighting abilities but very few people follow her main account. Her sideblog is simple, with a lot of self defense tips and stuff, and sometimes people see reblogs of stuff that are supposed to go to her main account show up. They’re pretty boring, so they usually don’t check out the main account
Glimmer: Lots of sparkly moodboards and stuff with a really pretty aesthetic, and that’s all you see when you follow, but once you’re following, your dash starts having a bunch of vent posts about her mom and there’s a lot of discourse. Glimmer gets mad at posts easily. There’s also a lot of anon hate to her. It’s kinda depressing. If she ever posts art, she often has to take it down because no matter how often she says not to, people repost it, and she can’t let her mom connect the dots. 
Bow: He talks a lot about bows. Shows off a lot of his arrow creations and how-to's on making them at home. They’re too complicated to actually work though. Most of his followers find him through Adora’s side blog She-Ra, where he’s often tagged. It’s usually because she posts selfies of their adventures and he’s in them. Glimmer is too, but she’s well known on her own. 
Double Trouble: Their username is from some small fandom no one has ever heard of, their profile pic is from some abandoned cartoon from a year ago, their header is a gif scene from at least three different shows that were shot in the same place, and their line underneath is a quote from an old musical from the 90′s. The blog is about none of those and has a bunch of posts from a show no one can find. They often get asks about what show it is, to which they give a name, and when they’re asked for a link, it never seems to work. People have given up. At some point, someone noticed that you can actually figure out what’s going on in the show if you look at the gif sets and put them together in order of episode (which is labeled at the bottom). See the thing is, Double Trouble is using the mystery and confusion of this blog to advertise the show they wrote, directed and acted out. No one knows how it’s possible, but the people who know what happened are both under oath to not tell anyone and also extremely confused as to how Double Trouble managed it. Including me. I don’t know how it was managed, but I do have a theory that I’m about to send to @sheblah​. This does mean that she’s required to post my thing the moment she sees it.  Edit: She didn’t so I have to take matters into my own hands. Here’s the post I made with it
Catra: Catra’s posts have been a lot of discourse posts, with her being wrong. You can see in the tags that she knows exactly what she’s doing and that she’s making the wrong posts to be a jerk. She and Adora used to be mutuals (no one knows how, there’s no way their blogs should have ever crossed) but Adora saw one of her discourse posts and blocked her for around a month. After that, Catra stopped trying to reconnect. Now! Catra is less of a jerk on her tumblr and posts a bunch of cute photos of her therapy animal, Melog (no one knows what species Melog is but whatever-) and reblogs a lot of stuff about therapy and anger management. One day she put up a post about how she was getting therapy, and people spammed her with congratulations. She told them that she was crying and thanked them all deeply. Sometimes people still bring up how horrible she was and she has to put out a post saying how she recognizes this and she apologizes for everything she did. She nearly never answers the hate asks. She’s getting better. 
Perfuma: She has a cottagecore aesthetic account, it’s really pretty. She once made a cactus hating post and it blew up. She gets anons making fun of her for it to this day. Very annoying. Most people follow her for the discourse she participates in. It can be quiet for weeks, months even, and then she’ll find some idiot saying something dumb and will fight for, days sometimes, to set them right. It used to be Catra that she would fight with a lot. They ended up becoming enemy mutuals, following each other in order to mess up the other’s discourse post. This also meant that Perfuma was the first to see and cause change in Catra’s way of thinking and actions. Perfuma always reminds herself of the fact that she helped someone change for the better once. She’s proud.
Frosta: Is not legally allowed to be on tumblr. It’s a problem. But at the same time she just? Doesn’t seem to follow anyone at all? Sometimes people will send asks about a post that went viral, and she never seems to know anything about it. She hasn’t been affected by tumblr at all, and seems to post something, answer questions, and then log off to make her next thing. It’s... kind of strange, actually. Everyone knows she’s underage, but has no proof, so they can’t tell her to get off tumblr or anything. And if anyone asks how old she is, she gives a random number (A few favorites are “69,” “420,” “I stopped counting after the first hundred years,” “It’s a bit of a pardox actually, because in total I’m around 80, but I’ll be born in three years so... I’m -3 apparently,” “Old enough to beat you in a drinking contest,” “I’m a god, and have no beginning nor end,” and the best of them all, a video of someone being thrown into the air by a pillar of ice with the caption, “Begone thot.”) Frosta picks and chooses her battles when it comes to answering asks. No hate is ever seen on her blog and no one is sure whether it’s because she never gets it, or because she never answers it. She doesn’t get it. 
Entrapta: A lot of cool videos and vlogs and experiments. After about three months of being on tumblr, someone said they had an experiment she might like, and asked if they could send an ask about it and have her try it out. After that, she made it her pinned post to say, “Taking experiment requests! Have something you want me to try out?” She’s always tinkering now, and she loves it! Someone once asked her to explain one of her videos more simply, and she did! But it was too simple, and the person who asked thought she was making fun of them. A helpful follower of Entrapta’s made a better explanation in a reblog and was seen as better, so Entrapta now lets her followers explain how they see is best! She’ll reblog it onto the main account so everyone can see. If they need help, she can always take back the reigns! 
Mermista: No one is quite sure what her blog is about. There’s a lot of posts about this really obscure murder mystery book series. The ones made by the blog itself are videos of arson and mild theft. The videos are horrible quality, and no one knows what’s going on until at the very end of this three minute long vid, the camera stills, zooms in, and shows a boat on fire. It’s not on the news. Sometimes you’ll see a reblogged post that seems eerily relevant to the posts before and after. The mood the entire way through is basically just this meme
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She once made a uquiz that told you what crime you committed. It is... scarily accurate. The questions had nothing to do with the answer at all. You are horrified. There was once an audio that was basically just running for three minutes with sirens in the background (the post has gone viral and people are beginning to wonder if the sirens are actually mermaid type sirens. It’s becoming more and more likely every time it’s addressed). The audio was a voice reveal. It was one word, and it just made everyone who heard it pause for a moment and sit in complete confusion and mild fear before scrolling further, because they live in the lie that perhaps if they go further, they’ll understand what’s going on. It was just, “Fire,” in the most astonished voice, and then the crackling of a flame. The blog never seems to end. After hours of scrolling, you finally reach the end, and there is and never has been context for a single thing the blog has done. You are slowly filled with dread and anticipation for the next post as you hit the follow button.  
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relatablegenzwriter · 5 years
30-Day Writing Challenge (for novelists)
this challenge is intended for novel writers who have had a strong novel idea for a while and know their story fairly well, or who have already made a little progress on a novel, and are stuck on it. i’m not an expert so i don’t know how much this is actually going to help you get out of that rut, but the hope is that you’ll spend a month immersing yourself in the world of your story and you’ll get some motivation out of it. i’d suggest taking about 30 minutes (at least) to do each activity, and to do everything completely distraction-free, with your phone in another room and your computer on do not disturb (if you’re writing on a computer). enjoy you nerds.
1. Write out your entire plot, even if you’ve already done it. This will re-familiarize you with your project.
2. Get the basic information on your main character. Write their backstory up until the point where your novel begins, make note of characteristics, and get their basic appearance down. Got multiple main characters? Great! You get to write more. (That’s what you get.) For all characters, make sure you know:
your character’s wants
your character’s values
at least five character flaws
the role your character will play in the story
how you want them to change over the course of the story
optional but recommended: cultural aspects like race or religion, which will help you develop their background and values a lot better.
3. Do some basic worldbuilding: what year is this novel set? Country? Planet? What are some traditions or norms? Is there magic or new technology? What’s up with the government? If your novel is set in our current world, work out the specifics of the characters’ neighborhood, home, city, etc.
4. Without allowing yourself to see any previous versions that may exist, write the opening scene.
5. Do what you did on day 2, except for your antagonist. No clear-cut antagonist? Pick whoever’s closest, or do the prompts for a supporting or minor character.
6. Research day: go through what you’ve already written and highlight everything you wanted to look up later, then spend some time researching it. You’ll probably find out more things that you’ll want to add to the plot.
7. Character day: you’ll have four of these, so divide up your characters accordingly. Do some of the character work you did for your main and antagonist for however many . You can go into less detail if they’re less important, but make sure you still know the six main points that you got to know about the more featured characters.
8. Pick a few parts of your worldbuilding exercise that you want to go more in-depth into (i.e. political systems, technology, cultural traditions) and spend about thirty minutes writing, brainstorming, and researching things to flesh them out. There will be three worldbuilding days, so make sure to save some material for the others!
9. Look through the plot you wrote out and see if you can find any plotholes, concepts you want to flesh out more, or parts that are unclear or missing. Really take some time to understand what the problems are, and come up with some possible solutions. It’s great if you figure out what you want to do, but if you don’t, that’s fine! You still made progress.
10. Without allowing yourself to see any previous versions that may exist, write the ending scene. Spoiler alert: this is going to be really hard. You can try writing a couple contenders, or even outlining a scene if you’re not quite sure where to go. Don’t worry about trying to make it pretty, because it’s not gonna be pretty: you don’t have all the details that you would if you were writing in chronological order.
11. Character day
12. Write your favorite scene. If you have a strong story idea in your head, you most likely know the one: you daydream about it when you wish you were doing something else, it plays like a movie in your head, it’s probably located somewhere around the middle of the book, and you probably haven’t let yourself write it because you “haven’t gotten there yet”. Today’s the day. Go nuts.
13. Rewrite the opening scene from a different character’s perspective. I know this sounds really cliche, but even if it doesn’t give you more insight on the story, it’s fun to do.
14. Worldbuilding day
15. Research day: research new stuff that you hadn’t written last time, plus anything over from the first research day. Not sure what to research? Characters’ cultures, the history of your setting (if in our world), famous fictional worlds, language development… if you sit and think for a little, you’ll figure out something you want to know.
16. Pick a few of your favorite character relationships: romantic, platonic, familial, whatever you want, and spend some time sketching them out. Think about their arcs, how they met (if they’re not related), what they think about each other, how they interact… basically anything you want, as long as you come away knowing more about the relationships between your characters. Also, please make only half (or less) of these romantic! It’s super important to develop the other relationships in the story.
17. Pick up from where you left off in your opening scene and write the next scene. Again, don’t look at any previously existing drafts.
18. Character day
19. Emotion break! Make a list of everything you don’t like about your book. Get all your insecurities out onto the paper, then refute everything you don’t like. If it’s specifics like “I don’t like that x happens”, figure out how to make x not happen. If it’s general doubts like “This has been done before and I’m unoriginal,” refute that too! Everyone doubts their work all the time and I can guarantee that we are all more critical of our own work than others will be. Finish today’s unconventional activity off by writing a list of everything you love about your book.
20. Pick any scene you’ve written for this book, whether it be from this challenge or something you had before, and rewrite it in some form of AU. Change the genre, time period, location, context… you are a god.
21. Worldbuilding day
22. You know those books that are stories told entirely in poems? You heard me. (Start anywhere you want to, write at least five or however many you can get done in 30 minutes. No one will ever read them, so don’t complain that you’re not a poet.)
23. Find a list of dialogue prompts and pick a few to do with your characters. Want a challenge? Choose two characters at random. (I mean using a generator or drawing names out of a hat. COMPLETELY random.)
24. Pick up from day 16 and write the next scene.
25. Last character day :(
26. Write, or at least, begin, a very short story in your world. Try to include no characters from your actual story. If your novel takes place in our world, focus in on the characters’ neighborhood, time period, workplace, school, etc. This exercise will help you get to know your world through a different perspective. Don’t stress too much about this! It doesn’t have to be very long or even to be finished.
27. Fun day! Pick three of these activities to do with your novel:
Make a playlist about the novel as a whole, or make some character playlists
Design the cover
Cast actors in the film/TV version
Draw: character portraits, scenes, maps, landscapes…
Put together a moodboard for the novel or a character
Write that completely unrealistic scene you love so much but can’t put in the novel for plot reasons
Make memes about your characters
Sit and daydream for a solid 10 minutes about the Vibe of the novel
Anything that falls into a similar category
This is a callout activity for all you ””””””””writers”””””””” who spend more time daydreaming about novel ideas than actually writing. (this is 100% a joke because this is 100% me)
28. Rewrite your opening scene from a different narrator. If you wrote in first person, use third. If you wrote in third, use first. You can also mess with second person if you feel like you have an artist superiority complex and aren’t like other girls.
29. Pick your favorite activity from so far and do it again.
30. List everything that you need to do before you can jump right into the first draft. Then do it.
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faejilly · 4 years
I was tagged by @la-muerta​ & @facialteeth​ & @thedivinemissema​ for the WIP/Title Game
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
AND THEN  by @shadoedseptmbr​ @msviolacea​ & @ravenclawnerd​ for the “stories you want to write... but for some reason haven’t yet”
so this will be a mish-mash of both? The WIPs will mostly have blurbs in this case (to fit the second meme) but you are still welcome to ask follow-up questions, if you’d like ;) Assuming you make it through the list, it is uh. Not Short.
Anyone who would like to play with their WIPs, please consider yourself tagged in either or both of these. :D
Misc Fic Folder:
“untitled document” - where I’m working on fictober fills so I have word-counts for my GYWO tracker. I am not working on these because Brains Are Dumb and also Going Back To Work Is Exhausting
I made a file called “YULETIDE!” which has nothing in it but I’m determined to finish this year so that is definitely technically a thing in the Unending WIP List of Doom worth mentioning. (Tho obviously that’s all I could say even if I had started, because anonymous.)
“coda-fics, rewatch!” -yes, that exclamation mark is important! it’s to keep me motivated! (it didn’t work). Much like untitled, this is for putting stuff so I can do word count tracking even if I don’t know what I’m doing. Currently I think it just says “MARYSE” because I was working on my SH 1x6 coda-fic and then got distracted and haven’t typed anything up yet. (Yay notebooks? Boo notebooks? Not even sure at this point.)
WNIP (works not in progress) Folder:
“TOG” - I had one vivid mental image of how Nicky & Joe met (blood-stained evil smiles?) but then no idea for a follow-up story and also the fandom is insane and I’m not sure I want to deal with all of *gestures vaguely* all that
“Shan Xia Notes” -for a TTRPG that never quite got off the ground; she was a semi-tragic selkie who was still in love with the evil queen/lady who stole her skin and I got to play her for like one session and she was surprisingly chaotic neutral, which wasn’t at all what I’d been expecting. But the game never really got off the ground, so I never had enough info to really delve into writing backstory fic
“post-Kruschev” -Kruschev’s List was the last episode of Scarecrow & Mrs King, and I was debating writing an epilogue in place of the s5 we never got, to try and tie up some loose ends, but the fandom’s three old-ladies in trench coats and I never quite worked up the gumption to get it anywhere
“Code Realize warm as silk sequel” -there is literally nothing in this file except “SEX! Only a little angst” because I wanted to write some “we can’t actually touch each other” smut but never actually did. 🤷‍♀️
BioWare (also all Not-In-Progress Anymore)
“seb/adelaide”, “Theia” & “DAI Erana” -these WIP folders were cannibalized for ficlets for the last few times I did fictober, and while originally I had ideas for longer epilogues for all three of them, at this point I don’t think any of the remaining bits could support a story any longer.
”whispers in the dark” -Maia Ryder never really got much fic at all; the cancellation of any further Andromeda stuff was really disheartening, and at this point I’d have to play the game again, and I don’t think I’m gonna manage that any time soon
”TSP” -a Mass Effect 3 Shepard AU collab project that kind of went off the rails, and our mutual brains/lives never quite seem to line up so we can try and rebuild it ”Ngaio & Tane” -my one truly ruthless Shepard (Alliance background, who romanced Traynor) whose father Tane Shepard was, I think, in PsyOps, and I wanted to figure out their complicated relationship but never really did know where I was going with it
”JE Zu & Yaling” -so I’ve rambled about my Tragic Sagacious Zu Romance Thoughts regarding Jade Empire more than once (#Icy Yaling should have most of it) but apparently I want to yell about it more than I want to actually write it? Whoops.
”CI sequel: 5 times fic?” -Cruel Intentions is a kinkmeme fill that I started and then it sat for like five years before I actually finished it, and I liked the ending, but it does leave a giant fucking question mark in terms of how those people got from there to where they are after the game, and I kind of wanted to write a proper h/c fic rather than just... leaving them wallowing in all that trauma?
But I didn’t. I don’t even remember for sure how I wanted to frame the 5/1 of it all, besides it being something sad about allowing people to see you or touch you in some way. (Prayers maybe, since I think there was definitely some Sebastian & Fenris & faith stuff going on in there.)
“candles” -Merribela prompt fill that I never was happy with? Not sure what I might do with it at this point, so it’s just sitting there all sad and lonely and neglected-like.
“Persuasion” -so I keep trying to write Persuasion AUs in many fandoms because it’s my favorite Austen, but I think I like it too much, I have no real solid concept of how I’d transform it, and if I don’t have anything else to say about different characters within that framework, I have no push to actually write anything? Also this SH version of it suffered from MASSIVE scope creep when I started outlining and it got too big for me to handle so I like, killed it twice? Whoops. This one is really probably never gonna happen.
“oosdt sequel” -I wanted to write more about the Forest That Eats People and Magnus & Alec as Guardians Between Worlds, and also some background Magnus’ Found Family & Lightwood Family Feels (maybe some clizzy?) and I left a Madzie plot-thread dangling from the first one on purpose even but I think this one had too many ideas and not enough focus so it’s sort of sprawling all over a doc with a lot of “???” in it
“procedural-ish” -this was originally going to be a sex-farce. and then it turned more serious. and then maybe kind of copaganda which was uncomfortable in terms of the Everything That Is The News in 2020, and then maybe it was more a Mafia AU and at that point I had self-inflicted tone whiplash and I wished the voices in my head were a little more forthcoming about their plans so I stopped before I brained myself on my computer monitor in frustration.
“I had rather a rose than live forever” -I started a reverse!verse Malec (Shadowhunter!Magnus, High Warlock!Alec) for bingo last year, and I couldn’t quite get it together in time, so I made a moodboard inspired by the bits I’d started instead. I may see if one of my prompts from Bingo this year help me finish it?
“fall fright fest (practical magic  au)” -exactly what it says on the tin! almost exactly a year old & neglected! IDEK ANYMORE (I talked about this one with the WIP meme last time tho: here)
“priest!kink theology?” -I thought it was gonna be smut? I like priest!kink. I have made other people like it and yell at me even! But then I kept diverging into demon!Magnus thinking about Priest!Alec’s faith and as usual, IDEK ANYMORE *laughs*
(If they’re remotely canon-adjacent or divergent, a bunch of these are in here because I need to rewatch the show to get the pacing/timing/tone right and I haven’t, and I don’t know why, because I enjoy the show, but BRAINS! Are Dumb! So I guess that’s it?)
“I do” -I have tried to write this damnable Malec arranged marriage fic like six different times. I have signed up for fic exchanges and bangs with it, I have rewritten massive sections, trying to change tone or structure or POV or whatever, and it basically comes down to they like each other too fast and I keep not gutting it enough to get back to a useful pace, but by the time I realized that I was on take six and kind of sick of it. I may get back to it eventually
“wing!fic” -canon divergent in early s1, trying to deal with the consequences of Simon’s kidnapping as the Truly Serious Event that it should have been. It uh. Got heavier than I expected with those consequences (considering it was originally just supposed to be Alec’s wings flirting with Magnus) and also see above re: rewatching for pacing.
“2x20 aftermath/date night/pandemonium porn“ -yes that is the actual wip title. It used to be “spite fic” because I was originally inspired by fighting against a lot of fic!Alec characterization that was clearly based more on the books and ATG syndrome than the Alec in the show, which is the Alec I know and like and want to read about. BUT, pacing and etc. again, I think. Also I have somehow entirely lost my knack for writing porn, which makes it difficult to finish something originally intended to be smut!fic. Or even teasing almost!smut.
“rubbish heap” -so this is about three different fics that I realized complemented each other really well so they’re now all in the same file as I try to turn them into the sequel of “with an if in its soul”. It includes amnesia, parabatai lore shenanigans, a s3 rewrite, and some truly awful Owl adjustments that make me wince in horrified authorly delight and pain. BUT, as with the other ones in this file, the scope is large and I normally write short-fic and I kind of just threw up my hands in exasperation. I may have to break it back up into the three different fics instead, if I ever actually want to write it. Them? But also I need to take better notes on s3 to make sure I have what I need in here.
SH Pt 2: Started posting or not yet in hiatus because it’s actually almost ready to be a thing in the real world! maybe!?
“kisses (firsts)” -I actually started publishing this one, a “series of firsts” that was supposed to be kind of relationship milestones and kind of an excuse for smut, and then there wasn’t that much smut and I lost momentum and also dear lords & ladies the timeline is stupid, wtf. I may not ever add to this one, tbqh. It doesn’t stop in a terrible place, and they’re all ficlets so they stand alone all right.
“clizzy epilogue” -this is blank atm, it’s more a reminder for me to keep poking away at my “girls who can’t breathe air, only fire” collection BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO ACTUALLY GET TO THE CLIZZY AT SOME POINT
"mer!alec" -pts 2-4 of a series, but apparently having an actual plan gets in the way of me *writing* the thing, and I haven't managed to throw the half an outline far enough away from my brain to be able to write again. Or something like that.
"ibhww" -if broken hearts were whole is a soulmate fic I started a million years ago, and purposefully set aside to finish some other WIPs because I thought they'd be quick, and now it's just buried under two and a half years of regret and shame so it's hard to get back to it
"iafy" -i am for you is a delightful & frothy semi-epistolary fluff piece that also just lost momentum because Life & 2020 & etc. It's far and away the most popular thing I've ever posted on AO3, which also makes me feel weird sometimes, and I feel like the fact that there's no grand conclusion planned, just a bit more fluff and settling in, might end up being disappointing? Basically, it's the first time I think I've psyched myself out about reader expectations, and until I get over that I'm going to have trouble finishing the last couple chapters. (There really are probably only two more chapters though. IT’S SO CLOSE, I wish I could just... write it. And yet?)
“fake-hating” -I do not like fake dating as a trope that much, I just do not get it, but I love outside POVs and arranged marriages and there’s this delighful tumblr post about how they wished there was more fic about people who were together but had to pretend they werent’, and uh. This may be that? Eventually? I’m not exhausted by my failure to finish it yet, so it’s still in the regular folder rather than the hiatus folder, even though nothing’s been posted for it.
Not as terrible as it could be, but still. MANY WORDS THAT MAY NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. Posting the equivalent of one’s old ratty sketchbook is always a weird feeling. :D
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hi!! i was wondering what you would consider an active writeblr? i was also wondering if you could give a bit of advice on what makes a writeblr? if not thats okay! i'm just trying to figure it out :)
 hi anon!! i’m sorry it took me so long to respond!! i tried to answer your questions as best i could but my mind is a Mess so bear w me askdlfj
what constitutes an active writeblr?
being “active” online is subjective!! some people would say being online a few times a week, others would say a few times a month. quite honestly, as long as you’re not taking whole months off at a time without notice, i’d say it’s an active writeblr!! social media is supposed to be fun, so don’t stress about being active all the time!
what you post doesn’t necessarily have to be original content all the time, either. literally just reblogging writing tips and interacting w the community is being active! consistency is always a bonus, so if you’re concerned about that i’d suggest starting and maintaining a queue!
what makes a writeblr?
all you gotta do is post about writing!! that’s it! whether it be your original content — poetry, ficiton, nonfiction, journals, etc — other’s original content, or writing tips, you’re a writeblr! you don’t need fancy graphics or a large following or fully fleshed out projects.
so, if you post about writing, you’re a writeblr!! great!!! but the community itself can be a little overwhelming when you’re starting so here’s some of the basics to help you out!
writeblr intros
intros are a great way to make friends, discover new wips, and get involved in the community right off the bat! you can gather inspo and a general sense of what to include here, but its mainly about introducing yourself, your projects, and your overall blog goal — whether it’s improving your writing, sharing your wips, or discovering new ones!
now, the tumblr algorithm is pretty trash, so in order to get some traction on your intro, i recommend tagging some writeblrs who inspire you and using the following tags: #writeblr, #writers on tumblr, #writeblr intro, #writeblr introduction. only the first 5 tags on your post will show up in the search, so make them count! also!! make sure to reblog 5-10 posts before you post your introduction because tumblr will mark it as bot spam otherwise.
great! so you’ve posted your introduction and people are interested in following you and your projects! it’s time to set up a taglist, in which people opt in to be tagged on all your posts regarding your wip! a word of advice on writeblr etiquette: never add someone to a taglist without their explicit permission. its fine if you want to tag them once to alert them of something then leave it up to them on whether or not they want to officially join the taglist! but putting someone on a taglist without them asking can lead to a very uncomfortable situation.
engaging with the community
this is probably the most important point!! writeblr is all about engaging and supporting others. you can’t expect to gain a following and tons of interest without giving back! reblog other’s posts, leave nice comments in the caption or tags, send them asks, participate in tag & ask games!! it’s a little awkward at first, but i’ve made some of my best friends here on writeblr by going out of my comfort zone. plus, you’ll stumble upon some amazing wips!
above all: reblog, reblog, reblog. i never fully understood content creator’s desperation for reblogs until i became one. likes are practically useless on tumblr. if you really like a creator’s content, reblog them. it helps them get more exposure, it allows them to get feedback, and its validating!! nothing is worse than spending hours on a post just to get 20 notes, 18 of them likes. if you want to see more from a creator, reblog their work!! also putting compliments in the tags is instant serotonin. what goes around comes around!!!
writeblr content
if you’re a little stuck as to what to post pertaining to your original content, here are some ideas to get you started:
wip introductions
character introductions
wip/character moodboards
wip/character playlists
chapter excerpts
drabbles & prompts
writing advice
discuss your writing process
writing tag & ask games
@pens-swords-stuff has tons of great posts for new writeblrs & i highly recommend checking out their blog for further information!!
best of luck in starting your writeblr, anon!! please feel free to ask any further questions or tag me in your intro!!!
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leahxx129 · 4 years
Feels Like Home: The Return (pt.1) (Hvitserk x Reader)
Okay, so this idea is something I have been contemplating for a while now and recently I’ve come to the conclusion of ‘why the hell not’. The story is gonna have around 5 parts and I plan to keep each chapter short (less than 2.000 words) to make things more reader friendly.
Summary for pt.1: Following your father’s death you are on your way to Kattegat and wonder if your childhood friends, the Ragnarssons, will be there to greet you when you arrive. You are especially curious about one particular brother.
Warnings: none, I think. This is just fluff basically. (Angst will come later on.)
Word count: 1.160-ish
* Moodboard is mine, images used are not. *
Tumblr media
You are staring at the night sky, trying to remember the last time the stars shone this bright at you… nothing comes to mind. The cog sailing ship you won from a wealthy merchant by beating him in cards is slowly rocking under you. The waves are crashing against its side rhythmically, creating a melody as soothing as a lullaby. You pull the furs tighter as a light gust of wind hits your face and sends shivers down your spine. You forgot just how chilly this land is... The moonlight illuminates the water, and, in the distance, you can see the outline of Kattegat’s shores. In less than an hour you will set foot on the soil you have not walked on for many-many years and your heart almost bursts with nervousness. A multitude of questions and what if-s flood your mind, not leaving room for clear thinking. What if returning was a terrible idea? What if nothing goes as planned? Will the Ragnarssons be there to greet you when you arrive? But most importantly, will he be there?
All five sons of Ragnar are waiting in the port – some more patiently, some less. They have been there for quite a while now and the cold starts to creep deep into their bones. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. You are not the only one full of questions, they all have inquiries of their own, although they keep them to themselves. They are curious about things like how much have you changed? Will they be able to recognize you? It’s been ten years after all... Or like why didn’t you come visit all this time if they were as important to you as you claimed when you took your leave? And why didn’t you write at least a few words every now and then?
“Alright, brothers, here she comes. Please behave.” Bjorn says as your ship anchors down and people start disembarking. His remark earns him a scoff from Ivar and a smile from the rest.
“We are not children anymore, Bjorn, you need not to worry about our demeanor.” Ivar replies with audible annoyance in his tone.
“That you indeed are not!” a delicate female voice turns their heads in its direction and the men’s eyes widen in awe.
The woman standing in front of them looks just as breath-takingly beautiful as the day she parted, though her features are more mature and there is a glint of wisdom in her eyes.
“Y/N?” Ivar speaks up, breaking the silence. “Is that really you?”
You feel a huge smile spread across your face at the sound of your name coming from his mouth.
“Yes, my King, it’s really me.”
Hearing you address him like that makes him replicate your facial expression.
“So, you have heard about my title…”
“Well of course I have, and I could not be any happier for you!” you take a step forward and open your arms to embrace him in a hug but stop yourself abruptly.
“Gods, where are my manners… I shall ask… would you allow me to hug you, my King?”
Without a word he grabs your hand and pulls you in, squeezing you tightly.
“Besides my brothers and my wife Freydis, you might be the only person on Earth who shall not ask things like this.” he whispers into your ear. “Gods, I missed you, Y/N…”
“I missed you, too, Ivar! The last time I saw you, you were half a head shorter than me and you did not use crutches! Sometimes I would crawl with you in the dirt so you would not feel alone, remember? But now look at yourself… I have to tiptoe to be at your eyelevel.” you whisper back then pull away to take a look at the others.
“It’s my turn, hand her over, Ivar!” Bjorn exclaims having caught your gaze.
He envelopes you into a bear-like hug then takes a step back to inspect you in all your glory.
“My, my… I must admit you have grown into a lovely young lady, Y/N. Who would have thought that a girl who spent most of her time in the company of rowdy boys would turn out this exquisite?”
“Thank you. Although I must add that those boys were not half as rowdy as they would like to believe they were.”
Your comment is rewarded with lively laughter and your heart grows two sizes at the sound. Up until this moment you have not realized just how much you missed the Ragnarssons.
Ubbe is next to greet you. He lifts you up by grabbing onto your hips and spins you around a couple of times, enjoying the giggle that escapes your mouth.
“Please stop it Ubbe, I’m going to get dizzy! And you remember what happens when I get dizzy, don’t you?” your insinuation works, and he puts you down gently.
“Of course I do! And I do not wish to be vomited on so, feel free to proceed with greeting the rest of my brothers.” he chuckles.
“I don’t mind if you vomit on me because that would confirm that this is not a dream and you are really with us, here in Kattegat!” Sigurd whispers once he hugs you and his words awaken your remorse.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t write, Siggy! I have absolutely no excuses. All I can hope for is your forgiveness.”
“You have it, Y/N.” he replies without missing a beat. “You have it.”
Last but not least, you step in front of the third son of Ragnar Lothbrok. Your heart is pounding against your chest so loud, you fear that even he can hear it.
He has not changed much over the years. He became taller and perhaps has more facial hair and longer braids, but his eyes radiate the same kindness and warmth as before. A faint smile appears on his handsome face and he takes both your hands, pulling you closer to his body. Even though it is considerably cold your skin burns where he touches you.
“Welcome back, Y/N! I am sorry about your father, we all are. My brothers are just too joyous to see you, that is why they forgot to mention it.” he says softly, reminding you of the reason of your return – your father’s death.
“Thank you, Hvitserk! I deeply appreciate it.”
Your arms unconsciously snake around his torso, and he hugs you around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head. Your figure still fits into his perfectly.
You just stand there for a minute like that in silence, only the murmur of the waves and the sound of servants unpacking can be heard. 
You both feel the eyes of the others burning into you, but you could not care less. Being this close to each other feels like home and that is something neither of you have experienced in a long time.
Read PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 and PART 5 (final part).
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springday-aus · 4 years
Disney Prince!AU with Bambam
★ Bambam as Disney’s Prince Naveen ★
moodboard link
Group: GOT7
Member: Bambam / Kunpimook Bhuwakul
Other Characters: rich girl!Lisa (Blackpink)
Genre: romance
part of the Disney Prince series
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: 2.8k
I don’t wanna say Bambam in the prince of Thailand in this au
but also hmm
anyways Bambam is a prince
of whatever country you believe him to be
so he kind of has a bad rep…….
like yeah, he’s handsome
(practically the one of the most handsome in the country bc have you SEEN him??)
but there are three main reasons why he’s got a bad rep around the country
the first one being that he has a really bad spending habit
just take a look at his wardrobe
he spends so much money on his appearances that his closest is the largest in the mansion
(the maids say it could be his second bedroom bc there’s a literal couch in it)
remember how London Tipton had that “wear a day, throw it away” phrase?
that’s basically Bambam, only he just…….hoards it in his closet
Bambam: “just in case I need that outfit another day, some day”
cue assistant!Jinyoung rolling his eyes behind Bambam
Jinyoung: this dumbass
Jinyoung: “yes sir, we will save it for another day” :)
the second reason being that he’s also known to throw lots of wild parties
so he spends a lot of money on catering, entertainment, clean-up and such
ironically enough, it’s not one of those like “royalty only” parties
bc that’s boring
so literally anyone and everyone is invited
and that means anything and everything can happen in the mansion
ofc he’s aware of robbers and stuff so there are guards at every door
this leads the last and final reason of his bad rep: how much of a flirt of he is
while there are guards at every door, basically anyone attractive is allowed in
like omg his boy literally can not be tied down
or as he would say
Bambam: “there are plenty of fireflies in the swamp”
Yugyeom: “isn’t it ‘there’s plenty of fish in the sea’?”
Jinyoung: “ignore him, let the stupidity rampage”
Yugyeom: “you are evil oh my god”
anyways, despite all of this
he really is a good guy
and even the mansion servants are aware of this
it’s just that…. he’s not the first in line for the throne
he’s got two older brothers and they’re fighting enough for the throne and getting involved with the mix is just………… a lot
so he doesn’t really have the whole responsibility of a royal
but he’s got a lot of press on his back and that’s kind of where the bad rep comes in view of the public
while he does have that image, there is another side of him others know
he’s very compassionate, so he donates a lot to charities
especially for children who are interested in the arts
because he’s got a huge passion for the arts himself 
honestly music is kind of one of the only things he really loves in life
but he doesn’t really have enough motivation for it bc of the whole royal thing
so he keeps it as a hobby
anyways, this is the most important bc this combination of music and flirtation is what leads to his doom
for two reasons: his parents cut him off and this is what leads the witch doctor to seek revenge
so after all this ridiculous spending on his clothes and parties and all his flirtations, but no commitment
his parents couldn’t take it any further and decided to cut him off to make him less dependent and learn the value of money
just because he lost the money aspect to him didn’t mean he lost his charm
so the flirtations were kicked up a notch
well not really
he was playing the ukulele on the street and caught the attention of many ladies
bc it’s the handsome prince playing in public duh
one of those ladies being the partner of a very powerful witch doctor
……… well, former partner…….
bc said partner left him after talking to Bambam…………
so what does the witch doctor do?
he does what he does best and sets out for revenge
he lures Bambam in, telling him his fortune and all that good stuff
Bambam is allured
but next thing he knows, there’s smoke and he’s surrounded by spirits
and everything has been enlarged
so where do you come in?
when Bambam had his parent’s’ money, there was one mall he loved to visit the most
that mall is so boujee that it’s the size of an airport
he didn’t even buy from some places, others gave them as gifts bc it would be advertised or something
(the whole press thing on him bc he’s not a “perfect” royal is seen as an advantage for these businesses)
anyways, you work as a server in a couple of the restaurants that’s in the mall
one for the days and one for the nights
so you work part time in a cafe for the mornings and mid afternoons
and a bar for the evenings
so you practically live in the mall
and that means seeing Bambam often
each time he comes and goes, there’s a wave of people who chase after him and you can’t do anything more than roll your eyes at him
while you haven’t met him in person, you’ve figured out what type of person he is
just another guy who thinks he can buy his way into anything
he’s clearly never worked a day in his life and he’ll never know the meaning behind hard work
you? you’ve been working since you were 15 to save enough money to open up your own bakery
tonight, you were at a childhood friend’s palace
that’s right, a palace—Lisa threw a party and asked for you to cater it, especially since there was a very special someone coming (a possible suitor)
(and she paid you too so)
you were in her room, as she was putting on her third outfit of the night and touching up her makeup
she suggested you dress up too, so you were left alone in her room and while she danced on the ballroom floor
you were upstairs, gazing up at the stars
remembering your childhood memories with Lisa
Lisa: “if you make a wish on the evening star, it’s sure to come true”
feeling rather nostalgic, you do it—with no actual hope anything’s going to happen
You: “I cannot believe I’m going this”
you close your eyes and wish and pray and hope that you are able to achieve your dreams
but when you open them……………
there’s a frog
You: “very. funny.”
you turn to the little frog on the rail, tilting your head
You: “I reckon you want a kiss?”
Bambam: “kissing would be nice”
**chaos ensues**
let’s just say, you’re glad Lisa has a maid—but you also feel sorry for the person who has to clean the mess you made
Bambam, on the other hand, is running for his life
and managed to avoid the following: rolled up magazines, verryyyy thick books, a straightening iron, a curling iron, and some thigh high boots of Lisa’s that you grabbed from the corner 
Bambam: “you have a really strong arm—aaAAH sTOP IT” 
there’s a couple of minutes at a standstill, where Bambam remains on the vanity and you were trying to understand what was happening 
You: “okay, okay, I’m fine, everything is fine and this is not happening” 
Bambam: “oh this is happening” 
You: “SHUT IT” 
and this led to another process and it wasn’t until five minutes later and an airbag for you to acknowledge the frog in the room
You: “who and what are you?” 
Bambam: “I am Prince Bambam” 
You: “I don’t believe it” 
Bambam: “how can I prove it?” 
You: “okay, okay—let’s just say for hypothetical reasons, you ARE Bambam”
You: “why are you a frog and why are you here of all places?” 
Bambam: “I may or may not have gotten involved with a witch doctor….” 
You: “you mean to tell me you got into this mess bc you were messing with the shadow man???” 
Bambam: “he was very charismatic” 
You: “this is what I get for wishing on stars; the only way you can get something is through hard work” 
Bambam: “why would you want to work harder? that’s just more—ANYWAYS, I’m getting off track” 
Bambam: “I need your help” 
You: “why should I help you?” 
Bambam: “I’ll be your genie in a bottle—do you have any wishes?”
You: this fool just quoted Christina Aguilera 
and that’s when you remember: your restaurant 
you just said that you should work hard for it 
and you’re almost there
you really can just turn this all down and let him suffer
but you look into his eyes and……… this poor guy is just suffering and deep down, you would feel really bad about turning away from him
so…. that’s when you agree to help him
You: “I think I know someone who might be able to help”
you call up a favor from a friend, who has a cousin, and that cousin knows a classmate who is interested in voodoo
turns out the only other witch doctor lives in the woods somewhere
“her name is Mama Odi”
you get some directions, but there’s also a hint of uncertainty from your source
You: “you’re telling me, I’m gambling my way through the woods”
Bambam: “it’ll be like an adventure—it’ll be fun”
You: “oh my god”
so you two venture together for a weekend? trip
he’s like a little pet
along the way, you both talk
and like really talk about things
one night, the stars were out and he was talking about his old life
You: “do you miss the money?”
Bambam: “of course I miss the money, but the money…. kept me company”
You: “you think you can just buy people to like you?”
Bambam: “when you’re royalty…….. everyone wants something from you”
Bambam: “isn’t that why you’re helping me”
You: “truth? half”
Bambam: “then what’s the other half?”
You: “empathy—while I don’t like you, I’m not evil”
You: “I don’t have ill wishes on anyone”
Bambam: “so, what is your wish?”
You: “my wish, my hope, my dreams is to own my own bakery or cafe—it was a wish of my grandma’s but…”
Bambam: “but what?”
You: “she died before she could make it happen and with my parents, I can’t burden them with my own dreams—they support me and encourage me, but they can’t help me”
Bambam: “that’s better than what I was raised with—I depended too much on mine”
Bambam: “there are servants to do everything for you: drive you, wash you, brush your teeth—while I admit it’s a charmed life…….. when they cut me off… I realized that I don’t know how to do anything”
You: “everyone has their own time to find strengths and maybe you just need more time to find yours”
the rest of the journey is kind of like this and you kind of just forget you got a lil frog prince on your shoulder
eventually, you get to the center of the large ass forest and there’s an old treehouse but it’s also completely huge
and there’s some old lady on the side and you and Bambam are like what the fuck
she takes you in and gives you some tea and gumbo from a tub that you are unsure whether you should trust or not
and then Bambam just bursts
Bambam: “hey, this is great and all, but I’M A FROG”
Mama Odi: “you need to dig a little deeper and you’ll find everything you need”
Bambam: “what we want and what we need are the same thing, no?”
Mama Odi: “the same thin—no!”
You: “so, what do we do?”
Mama Odi: “technically in the olden times, you would need a princess, but times have changed”
You: “what does that mean for the present?”
Mama Odi: “a kiss would have been fine”
You: “what?”
Mama Odi: “a kiss breaks the spell”
she kind of just let y’all go after that
so you two were on your way back and trying to figure out what should happen then
and you just kind of talk
Bambam: “if you’d just kissed me that night we met….”
You: oh my god
You: “I would really to like to help you but I… do NOT kiss frogs”
Bambam: “but, on the balcony, you asked me”
You: “I didn’t expect you to answer”
Bambam: “(Y/N), please”
Bambam: “it’s me—you’re my only hope”
You: “..... just one kiss”
Bambam: “unless you beg for more”
You: “don’t make me regret this before I even do anything”
Bambam: “sorry, sorry”
and so you do what you thought you would never do
and kiss a frog
he transforms back and you head your way back together…… as humans
the trip back was nearly the same as the trip there, but……. something’s different
(other than the fact that you kissed him)
you can see the emotions on his face, read how he’s feeling
you def caught feelings, but……. how does the living casanova feel about you?
Bambam hasn’t felt this vulnerable with anyone before
he feels…. different
but like a good different
the thing is, you don’t know this—so when you get back to the city, you expected to part in different ways…………
he asks his parents for a favor, begs them to help you out
and they’re shocked, at the least to how he’s acting
so they make a deal………
they’ll pay you for your troubles and he has to get a job
so he gets the money to you and you get your dream
for a bit, it feels right but………. something’s missing
and then you realize what it is
just when you’re about to move on from the whole endeavor, he gets a job…………….
at YOUR new bakery
the press got a whole field day when they saw him working there
so hey free publicity
so the friendship continued, with the both of you taking your breaks together and such
it’s cute
Jinyoung is just confused about the whole thing that it’s kind of just hilarious
Jinyoung: “what happened to you that weekend?”
Bambam: “you don’t need to know”
Jinyoung: “yes, I do—it’s my business”
fun fact: you get along with Jinyoung really well bc you have a realistic sense of things and your patience is amazing
(considering that you work with Bambam)
so what changes between y’all?
on day, you were on your lunch and you were both enjoying a meal together in one of the back rooms
and you ask the question you didn’t dare to ask before
You: “why are you working? I thought you were going to try to do music”
Bambam: “you’ve inspired me…. I want to help you with your dream”
You: “you don’t have to”
Bambam: “yes, I do”
Bambam: “I have to do something to impress you”
You: “why would you need to impress me?”
Bambam: “because you’re amazing and I really like you”
You: “what”
and thus begins a beautiful relationship
omg, I need to say this—his contact in your phone is My Frog Prince
no one else except you and Bambam understand it
(also Yugyeom bc he’s Bambam’s best friend, but you don’t have to know that)
moving on
you two complement each other—making one another better than you were before
Bambam learned what hard work actually does and its impact, along with the importance of chasing your passion
with your encouragements and support, he was able to pursue music
there’s also love
each time he looks at you, he wants to be a better man for you
for your future together
you’ve learned to relax every once in a while—you haven’t really been able to do anything else when you started working and studying
you were able to learn a lot about yourself with your days off
another thing was self-love
Bambam made you realize how important confidence is
and the more time you spent together, the more time you were able to realize how that lack of confidence impacted you
you both are amazing in your own ways and you have each other to help realize that
Bambam is a very touchy lover and does not care who is watching
even if it’s in front of his parents
(you had to stop him from kissing you like twenty times)
Bambam: “one kiss isn’t enough!!!!”
You: “stOPPP”
**also you: not stopping him
anyways, you actually got to meet his parents
when you did meet them, they were immediately in love with you and the changes they were able to see with Bambam
he stopped getting so much attention from the press
gained more sense of responsibility
and he was able to be more independent, learn things on his own and do things on his own
honestly, you didn’t see much of a difference in him
to you, he’s the same flirty guy you’d met on Lisa’s balcony—he’s just more thoughtful with his actions………… most of the time
Bambam: “you know, (Y/N), we’re going to be here for a while, so we might as well get…… comfortable”
You: “keep your slimy self away from me”
Bambam: “you love my slimy self”
You: “ugh, don’t remind me”
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luminescentauthor · 3 years
Tag Navigation
Note: This is a writing and multifandom blog. I have a separate blog for talking about social issues (racism, america being america, sexism, homophobia,  transphobia, etc.) Since I do not want people coming for me on my writing blog for being aggressively liberal, the two will be staying separate.
Fandom Tags: 
While I tag using most of the standard tags for the fandom, here are the ones I consistently use (meaning, if you want to navigate my blog, use these ones.) I also tag all mentioned characters.
#dc / #dc comics: These two tags are for all the same posts, more or less. Mostly extended Batfamily. Almost all Bat-posts are tagged with #batman, #batfam, and #batfamily. Headcanons are filed under #dc headcanons and #batfam headcanons. I also tag what comic series I’m referencing (ex: #batman comics, #nightwing (2016); you get the idea.)
#jujutsu kaisen: Massive research post about Sukuna in Japanese mythology and legends. Also dumb HC post.
#raya and the last dragon: Commentary/analysis, HCs, and shitposts.
#the owl house: Meta/analysis/commentary + some random theories.
#mcu: Marvel Cinematic Universe, mostly shitposts; #marvel is basically all the same stuff, since I’m a heathen that doesn’t really read the comics.
#starlight revue: I have an OC and she fits into an AU made by a close friend who has tons of OCs. Other than that, I don’t post this much.
#the arcana: I have a non-binary apprentice who’s with Nadia. Their name is Kallor. I love them to death. I have a zillion HCs about them.
#ahiru no sora: Lots of HC posts. SO MANY INCORRECT QUOTES. Quotes are also tagged by character.
haikyuu!!: I don’t post a lot but I have it on my brain often!
Other Tags:
#writers on tumblr / #writeblr: My random writing bullshit. Often me just complaining about writing being hard. You’ll find most of these posts, along with posts where I’ve actually done the writing thing, tagged as #writing.
#i wrote a thing: My short writing pieces. You won’t find headcanon posts here, but actual writing. It’s a mix of various fanfics and original works, but I don’t post much of my completely original writing because I Do Not Want It Stolen.
#rin rambles: My misc. bullshit about my life, technical difficulties with tumblr, and all other sorts of random shit that doesn’t really fit with the multifandom + writing theme of my blog. You can blacklist this if you’re here for fandom/writing things 😅 it’s basically just a lot of shitposts. Most of them are tagged #shitpost too.
#graphic design: Just me screwing around with Adobe Illustrator to make quote graphics for my characters. Also there’s a moodboard made with a different app in there somewhere. There isn’t much of this.
#reblog: I tag reblogs from other accounts with this tag. I don’t tag self-reblogs, but the only time I reblog myself is to continue the original post. Don’t worry. I don’t do that annoying thing where I reblog myself to try and promote my post. It clutters the feed.
#health problems: I have chronic health issues and you bet your ass imma complain about it. I have like 4 different tags for this (health issues, chronic illness, spoonie) but this is the one I always use, mostly so people who don’t want to see my random shit can blacklist it.
#rin’s gender f*ckery: Most of these are me from fall 2020 trying to figure out How To Gender. You’re allowed to blacklist it, since they fall under the category of “not multifandom/writing.”
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sneezysmonsterlovin · 5 years
Harpy Boyfriend
A/N: ok first of all, Is taloned a word?? It’s probably not but i’m still going to use it. Secondly, I know this is super late but I couldn't decode between Iseth or a doll boyfriend and I ended up just writing whatever came first. 
Warning: Uh, Tsundere boy? Idk. 
Kind of edited? I spellchecked it but that's it
Word Count: 1,806
I rarely do moodboards or whatever they’re called but, that's what I picture in my head as i’m writing so 
Tumblr media
  It was ridiculously hot, you thought bitterly, wasn’t it supposed to be fall?
 Having finished your shift half an hour ago, you stood outside of the flower shop waiting for Iseth. He’d promised to pick you up and take you out for lunch, as an apology for how his sisters had treated you when he introduced you to his family.
Male harpies were rare, and Iseth was the only one you’d met, let alone seen. They were usually very feminine looking, and but not hard to differentiate from females. After all, most female harpies were basic plain colors unless dyed. Males, especially Iseth, were born with larger, brighter colors.
This is what brought you out of your thoughts, Iseth’s bright blue feathers shimmering in the scalding hot sun, pearly white skin painted with purple stripes to accentuate his cheeks and wide, golden eyes. He was honestly beautiful, and if the words that fell from his pretty hardened lips, pointed in the shape of a sharp beak, hadn’t been so nasty you’d probably have fallen for him long ago. 
“Disgusting. Why are you wet? It hasn’t rained in weeks. Are all humans as gross as you?” His forehead was creased in a scowl, one that matched your own as you wiped your brow clean of sweat.
“It’s all humans. And I’m only this ‘gross’ because you took so long getting here. What were you even doing?” Yes, he’d offered to take you to lunch, which had surprised you just as much as seeing him walk here. He was always one to mind his appearance, and never wanted to risk walks through ‘dirty’ streets like the one you worked on in case he ruined his outfit.
“Ungrateful.” He snarled, face scrunching up cutely. “My car broke down, so we shall be walking.” And with that, he turned abruptly, tail feathers flaring up dramatically. “Come on then. They close in two hours.”
 You simply rolled your eyes, used to your friends attitude by now.
The two of you had met when you were children, and he’d been just as salty then as he was today. Though, that didn’t seem to stop all the non-humans and humans alike from fawning over him like a bunch of lovesick fools. It wasn’t really a surprise, he was rich and gorgeous after all. What was a surprise, however, is that he never seemed interested in any of the beings that threw themselves at his feet. But, to each his own, you came to the conclusion he wasn’t interested in anyone romantically, and stifled the small bout of feelings you held within you for the bitter young male.
Yes, it was true. You cast a sideways glance at the harpy beside you, standing tall and flaunting his grace proudly. Iseth knew he was beautiful, you’d realized years ago, and wasn’t afraid to show it off. Honestly, someone so self centered and angry wouldn’t usually have stolen your heart so easily, but after a year or so of knowing him, when the pair of you were just tots, he’d started expressing his insecurities in his own silent, subtle ways. He wasn’t quick to judge and always seemed to know what you needed, and had been there for you through thick and thin, just as you had for him.
“When you’ve finished gawking at me, would you enter the building?” The sour note to Iseth’s melodic voice snatched you from your thoughts as it seemed to be doing a lot recently. Your eyes flickered from his eyes to your surroundings, and you realized that Iseth was holding the door open for you.
“That’s a first.” You said with unhidden surprise as you carefully stepped through the door, scanning the shops insides. It was a cute café, you realized, with soft yellow curtains and pastel tables. The register, sat in the center of the room with a rather handsome freshwater mer sat inside a large tub of water with wheels. You’d seen mer tourists in similar contraptions, made to allow merfolk a way around land.
Iseth approached the counter just as cockily as he did doing anything, and you followed behind, trying not to stare curiously at the mer.
“I know that look.” Well, so much for going unnoticed. Your eyes snapped up to meet the merman’s, feeling guilty that you’d done something rude. “Yes, I own this little café. My name is on the store’s  front, after all. What can I do for you?”
“A small raspberry lemonade, Cas. The human wants the same.” You sent a glare at the skimpy order, roughly jabbing Iseth in the ribs.
“You said we were getting lunch!” You whined, having skipped eating during your break so that you’d be ready for the usual absurdly large meal Iseth usually bought you two. Iseth huffed, shoving your arm away from him grumpily but maintaining eye contact with the mer.
“To go.” He was ignoring you! Though, you pouted, it wasn’t uncommon.
“Coming up.”
   After paying for your drinks, Iseth had said nothing more to you and began to lead the way out into the humid streets. You followed behind, trying to figure out where he was taking you, but gave up after he turned onto an unfamiliar street you didn’t recognize. When the pair of you finally came to a stop, you were standing at the edge of a road, having walked a bit out of the city. You were honestly exhausted from the long walk, but the view was almost enough to get you bouncing about your feet again. The lemonade had warmed a bit, and wasn’t nearly as cold as it was at the beginning of your walk, but Iseth had insisted that you waited until you arrived at the spot before you drank any of the sweetness inside the cute jar.
“They’re late.” Iseth scowled, glaring around the street angrily. You turned to peer at him confusedly, before he turned back to you, sour expression never sweetening. “Go ahead and drink it. I doubt the food will get here before your drink is ruined.” He’d leaned over the railing as he scoffed, plucking a pair of fold-out chairs out of the bushed and jerking them open. “I’ll have them fired for this.” He grumbled the last bit quietly, but you could tell he was genuinely upset.
“Iseth, how’d you find such a nice spot?” You tried changing the subject, sitting in the chair Iseth left for you. His shoulders were hunched as he leaned his chin into his hand.
“I....I looked it up.” He mumbled, twisting his head around awkwardly. You realized he was avoiding eye contact, which was just as out of character for him as his suddenly shy whisper. “I thought, I could pick you up and take you to get the drinks, and then drive you up here, but the car broke down and...” He trailed off. You watched as he slumped, turning to look at you tiredly. “I had to reschedule to food delivery, but the flowers had to be cancelled. And now, we’re sitting up here, in what was supposed to be a romantic setting for lunch, but not only was the weather horrid today, you’re probably exhausted and starving, and all I’ve got to offer you is lukewarm lemonade.”
 His scowl had softened, but you didn’t like this expression any better. It was a sad one, with cloudy eyes and a heartbreaking frown. He dropped his hands to push himself off his chair, feathers ruffling and tail drooping down lower than you’d ever seen. “Forget it. Let’s just go home. This was a stupid idea anyway.”
“Iseth, it wasn’t stupid.” You frowned, pulling yourself out of the chair though your legs ached in protest. “It was sweet. This is a wonderful view, and I like lukewarm lemonade better, anyways.” You laughed softly, reaching out to touch your friends shoulder. His scowl returned though, and delicate clawed hand reached up to shove your hand off quickly.
“No it wasn’t. This whole day was pointless. It’s time to go, come on.” He plucked the chairs back up, and began to trudge back the way you both came.
You frowned sadly, slowly making your way after him. He’d gone through so much trouble for you, but why? He’d always had a flare for romantic settings, that was just who he was, but he’d never been this upset about it being ruined. Usually he’d just complain about how people always ruined his plans, make the best out of what you did have. It was strange to see him so upset, and it made the small pouch you kept your feelings for him surge unhappily, wanting nothing more than to comfort him.
Iseth walked you back to your house, taloned feet clicking against the ground almost like heels. When you’d arrived, he turned to you with a misty eyes, and you almost dropped the now empty jar in your hands.
“I-I know this wasn’t as great as I hoped it to be, and I really wanted to do this after lunch but I promised myself I’d do it today.” He blurted out, bringing his hands together and scratching at the soft down that trailed along his arms and spread out into larger silky feathers.
“Then tell me after dinner!” You perked up, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder. “We can eat, then watch a movie, and you can tell me afterwards! It’ll be fun, I promise.” You gently tugged Iseth closer, and the harpy boy slowly stepped closer, wrapping his wing-like arms around your shoulders and hugging you tightly.
“Yeah..” He whispered, shakily sighing out. “That’d be nice.”
And so, you brought Iseth in, giving him a set of comfier clothes to change into while you made dinner. He showered, and once you’d finished making his favorites, you went to shower as the food cooled.
When you came downstairs, he was looking through the movies, looking up to smile softly at you when you announced dinner ready.  The pair of you sat down, cuddled up into your old couch with your respective plates laid across your laps. Iseth started the movie, one that you’d both enjoyed plenty of times before.
As the movie progressed and dinner eaten, you noticed Iseth was slowly inching closer to you, nervously initiating a cuddle for the first time. You simply grinned contently, reaching out and wrapping him in your arms. his feathers were awkward to move around, but he managed to move them around, finding a comfortable position for you both.
The credits roll, and as you turn to take a peek at Iseth you notice him already looking at you. “Iseth?” At his name, he opened his mouth slowly, words fluttering into the air before he could take them back.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
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