#at this point im not even sure how much im exaggerating these traits of his
pankomako · 4 months
in gang's bay shipwreck is definitely more of the like. punching bag comic relief of the cast. he's very endearingly stupid. he's kinda pathetic and wimpy despite his large build. he's always struggling or being made fun of. things are always happening to him and half the time it's his fault.
almost as an extension of this im tempted to make it so that in canon he had like a very comically bad upbringing, which would be kinda funny juxtaposed with the other characters having varyingly seriously rough childhoods/relationships with their parents that they're still negatively affected by. i dunno
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badaziraphaletakes · 3 months
Hi!! (Im so sorry if im annoying u guys, I just like this blog sm ok😭)
I just wanted to say that I have been relatively new to this fandom, since season 1 came out, and it was great! It felt like a space for asexual amd neurodivergent ppl, and I loved all the fanartists and theorists (still do) but after season 2, and I have a confession to make here, I too was on the "anti aziraphale" bus, properly boarded, seated and all. I know I didnt indicate that in the post I made, but I didnt self identify as one, I just "agreed" with what many of the crowd holding those setiments said. Why? My dear fellow, it was simply because of poor self esteem! I related alot to aziraphale, and so seeing those posts, where ppl talked abt traits( he and I share), like his love for his interests, his exaggerated movements, his anxieties, and seeing ppl dismiss them, or make fun of them, or call him "an emotional idiot" as that one lovely person said, well it felt like looking in a mirror, because those were the exact same things I said to myself! I told myself all those things, that I didnt deserve forgiveness from ppl I loved, when I made mistakes, I told myself that I should "tone down" my excitement for my interests, and the rest. I found myself mentally taking notes, and altering my behaviour, after reading those posts, bc hey, I hate myself for having those traits, and it looks like other ppl hate this one character for having those traits too, better "shape up" and "do better" yknow?
I stopped following thise blogs, but I still seeked the posts out. Why? Bc it felt "good". It felt like my negative self talk was being validated. It felt like I "finally" found posts that wouldnt "mince words" and be as mean, and rude as they possibly could be to him, because that was "what he, and anyone else like him deserved." (Im not saying that the ppl who made those posts said that, im saying that I made myself believe that I deserved that)
Maybe I shouldnt have internalized what the posts said. Maybe I shouldnt even care all that much abt a single character, I mean obviously the ppl who made those posts werent thinking about me were they? They werent targetting me, so why did I feel all that much. It didnt matter how much I rationalized it, at the end if the day I was making myself miserable, but it felt familiar, so I kept at it
I found this blog, and it felt.. so surreal. Like ppl were defending aziraphale? Ppl were giving him, grace? What? And then I read the analysis and responses that u guys gave, and realized that I also had biases, and I found myself giving more empathy to aziraphale, and then I found myself extending that same empathy to myself. I also started going to therapy also, and I realzied that no, I made mistakes, but I am human, forgivable, that my interests arent things to hide, but rather things that make me happy, and that I shouldnt be harsh to myself bc of that. It all progressed slowly, but I could feel myself becoming, happier. I didnt hide my excitement, I didnt tone down my "exaggerated" movements. I started treating aziraphale's character with love and lo and behold, I found myself loving myself too.
I have bad days, I still do. But they are lesser in number now. Whats the point of this long ass ask? Well, I want u to know that u guys are essentially teaching ppl to be more empathetic towards others and sometimes towards themselves, by being being empathetic towards aziraphale. U are telling people like me, indirectly ofc, to love who we are, and to give ourselves grace. And that while aziraphale (and ppl like him) maybe flawed, that shouldnt warrant hate, but rather understanding. U guys are wonderful, and I promise u, u guys are helping❤️
Im sorry to whoever that person was that left, im sorry that they were harassed as I am sure, those werent ur intentions. But what I am trying to say is that u are not making this fandom more toxic. U are helping people. U guys are a breath of relief in the fandom. Pls remember that.
(Sorry if this is too long to read, or too emotional, ive been in a bit of a mood I suppose, and being vulnerable like this is terrifying but agsjsgkahsbs what can one do, have a great day!🤗)
My dear, I'm so humbled to read this. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. As an autistic person, watching Aziraphale ever since 2019 has helped me unmask a lot, so I totally understand how the bad criticism towards him may have pushed you into masking yourself. It does hurt 🫂
I'm so happy that we've helped you on your journey and that we even helped you seek therapy (everyone should and every time a friend tells me I helped them get there I feel like I won in life). This is what we aim for here in this space, this is what makes it all worth it.
Thank you for the reassurance, it is very much needed sometimes. We want to fight toxicity, not contribute to it, and feedback like yours is very much needed to know we're on the right path. We hope to bring comfort for those who are feeling harmed by the situation.
And of course thank you SO MUCH for sharing your feelings with us, this is the juice we need to keep going 🩶
And finally: remember that you are and will always be good enough and that you deserve better. And no matter what, be yourself! Good luck and we're glad to have you on our train 🥰
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n4b3 · 4 years
Do you mind elaborating about those last reblogs? Your brain is huge would love to hear your name
damn anon u rlly want me to write an academic essay on behaviors in the middle of my finals, i got u bro.
Anon is referring to these two post of big brain anon (ur brain anon... let me marry it).
Well what anon has said may be like a theory or a reality since it has been scientifically and psychologically proven that reading fictional stories affects the perception of reality more due to the fact that our brains when reading enters a world imaginative where our brain uses the sectors of perception of reality, completely connected to our form of human socialization. These two articles can perfectly explain what may be happening with Dream.
And im more than sure that it is also what has happened with everything that surrounded with heatwaves, the fans have fallen into a perception of false reality, because it is a fictional story so well written that it has managed to give that feeling to readers and go like crazy to the point of asking content creators about this work of fiction because it is more likely that they have been left in a perplexed state by the same fact that reality and fiction got blurry. Or maybe the dono who made all that crap happen was maybe an annoying troll!!! 
Looking back and looking today dream behavior with george has changed so much, too much, and their love for each other (either romantic or platonic) has grown to the point where it can be easily perceived, its something that viewers love to see!! strong connections between two people in an era where youtube found out that people love seeing that but everyone’s been acting it, over exaggerating it some better than other, “youtube friendships” (not saying that there are not good genuine friendships born bc of youtube...) and all of that happened because people saw the genuine relationship between two people with genuine reactions that looked over the top bc it was genuine!!! it brought the clicks and everyone did it!! to the point where its exhausting seeing it everywhere that people got tired of it, it started to be too fake for the over exposure of exaggerated expressions and emotions, what many say and call youtuber voice. Genuinity is the true marketing strategy of youtube apart of doing incredible over the top things that no one else can!!! 
And oh do we have history in youtube of duos being successful and historically we have smosh (you think people didnt ship them??? you want me to go and find forums and deviantart groups dedicated to them???) its always been there when it comes to famous people, its always been there in fandom culture, since sherlock holmes happened, since star trek happened (and sadly there's recorded history of how even the actors themselves confused their characters with themselves in reality... all because of fans screaming at it, we also have one direction as another example).
But how is this all connected to dream’s behavior? because he wants to be  accepted by everyone, be perceived as a good influence a good person. 
I'm not saying that a bad thing, but its a very dangerous trait that can lead to some bad decisions and surely we have some behaviors that shows that, the fact the he stopped streaming bc people were accusing him of cheating, he could have easily flicked them off right? and knowing exactly he never cheated? but he still showed insecurity of it, fear even on being rejected, and its something very normal specially in a community he holds very dearly and its part of his personality too. 
He has a huge audience, too many eyes on him, from all sort of backgrounds and places, the community he holds more dearly and protects most is the one focused on fandom and stans culture. The ones who always forgive or always have a good perception of him. A place one would always go if you are so loved in there, people always talk about you, all about you. Even yourself can fall on the fake percepción of who you are, because of how people perceive you.
It’s sadly something that comes with fame, mostly you are alone with it, some people can’t handle it, some people can with the correct support and help. Very dangerous in my opinion i would say, to be so close to this world of how people perceive you, to know the limits because fiction and reality can blur a lot being in such place for a big while. It can happen to celebrities, to everyone even.
But take this mega rant as a way of retrospective, to sit down and think, real people are people like you, even themselves can fall like that, not saying dream is in a “bad place” right now. I even adore the fact that he interacts with fans the way he does, its something almost no cc does, and how he appreciates all the art of all sort of levels too much, but as fear has stated and quoting “ it’s blurring the line between creator and fan a bit too much. it shouldn’t be this blurry. there are things that we do about them that aren’t meant for them. it’s not. it’s meant for fans.“ 
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 22
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month
Hating LIla is apparently a family trait
First< Previous > Next
“Uh I hate this,” Chloe picks at her uniform like it's a disgusting growth.
“I think you look as nice as you always do,” Marion says cheerfully, turning around on his seat to look back at her and Kagami.
“Marion that is by far the worst you have ever insulted me,”
“It was a complement-” Marion doges her whack.
“Marinette! Hit your brother for me,” Chloe demands, standing up to try and reach him.
“It’s more gratifying if you do it yourself, trust me,” Marinette flicks through her phone, not bothering to look up, “I can pin your uniform to look more flattering if you like,”
“Nette you are the best!” Chloe hugs her from behind, awkward to be sure with the seat and all, yep that's the only reason, not Kagami's death glare that can be felt through the seat.
“Oh Marinette you can also pin mine,” Lila asks, as sweetly as acid, “Or weren't you going to offer the rest of the class?”
“No actually Lila she wasn't,” Marion sneers, ignoring Marinette trying to pull him back into the seat, “As I’ve made it quite clear none of you are our friends, so she isn’t obligated to do anything for you,”
“That’s so mean,” Lila sniffles, everyone is too busy feeling guilty to comfort her.
“Weren't you friends with MDC Lila?” Marion asks as sweetly as acid, “Why not try asking them?"
With that Marion turns back to his seat and starts scrolling through his phone, ignoring Lila's attempts at guilting. He gets a notification from Marinette.
I can speak for myself  
U can nicely tell them no- I  can tell them to fck off
That wasn't very nice
Im done with nice
Whats wrong?
Marion looks up seeing Marinette looking over him concerned, he sighs and texts back.
Dont worry Bruce hasn't told them yet
Its going to be awkward
We’ll get through it- Pound it?
Marion looks back up, Marinette is smiling at him holding out her hand.
“Pound it,”
They pull up to the school, the grandiose of Wayne academy is nothing to sneeze at. Brick buildings, iron work, Marion has to force Marinette to put her sketchbook away. They are escorted around the campus by a student. They’ll be split up and put into a range of different classes to make the best out of their week there.
“3 o’clock,” Marinette bumps into him, Marion lets his gaze slide over, spotting Damian.
“Wasn't Lila saying on the way over here that she was great friends with him?”
“Mari don't,” Marinette hisses, tugging at his sleeve, “It’s weird enough without pulling him in to our grudge match,”
“Nothing bonds siblings more than a mutual hatred of Lila, exhibit A,” He points back and forth between them, “I’m going to do it,”
“Don't you dare-”
“Hey Damian!” Marion shouts, waving his hand for the entire hallway to turn and stare.
Damian turns around with a scowl, hardly lessening when he spots them.
“Marion, just what do you think you’re doing,” Kagami scolds, as Damian stalks over.
“Lila,” Marion smirks back, looking over to the girl who pales at an actual Wayne walking over, apparently she had actually decided to look up what they look like.
“Oh this is going to be good,” Chloe steps back, content to watch the show.
“Hey Dami,” Marion goes to sling an arm around his shoulder.
“Don’t call me Dami,” Damian sidesteps his attempt, preferring to stand closer to Marinette.
“How’s Cat-fred?” Marion smiles, getting Damian’s scowl to lessen slightly, so he smiles brighter.
“He’s doing well,”
“Good good…” Marion shuffles, no longer able to look directly at him, “How’s the family?”
Marinette gives him a sideways look that clearly says ‘you did this to yourself’.
“Why are you asking?” Damian narrows his eyes, and Marion knows he fucked up.
Nette help please!
“I wanted to know when I can come over next for a rematch,” Marinette gracefully lets him off the hook.
“Evidently sparring at the manor is at risk of interruption,” Damian notes, deep in thought, “We should plan an alternative meeting space,”
“That sounds great,” Marinette smiles, catching Damian in between their grins.
Damian just nods and walks away, Marion smiles and waves.
“You’re an idiot,” Marinette punches him in the shoulder, getting him to lower his arm.
“We’ve established that, thanks,” Marion rubs his shoulder with a pout, “However look over there,”
Lila having an aneurysm, surrounded by the class berating her with questions.
“Worth it,” Marion grins, going for a subtle fist bump.
“Agreed,” Marinette returns the gesture.
“Lila why didn’t you say hi?”
“Why didn’t he say hi?”
“He must not have seen me,” Lila’s lip quivers in a practiced motion, “Marinette was standing in front of me,”
“Or were you hiding behind Marinette?” Marion calls over, actually voluntarily walking towards the beast.
“What?! Of course I wasn't!” Lila shouts, her glare sending him a clear warning, one he was fully prepared to ignore.
“Then why didn’t you just move?” Marion asks oh so innocently.
“I didn’t want to be rude,” Lila sounds shy but her face screams murder, as people hang around to eavesdrop on their conversation.
“Then you were doing it to be polite and complaining about Marinette is quite rude,” Marion has to hold back a smirk as he hears an ‘oh snap’ from his audience.
“I- you!-”
“That’s nice Lila,” Marinette interrupts, walking away like the badass she is, “How about we get to class,”
Marion goes to class, having the fortune to be lumped in with Lila. And yes he does mean fortune because while Lila is trying to brag and get the students under her thumb they are happily ignoring her, focusing instead on Marion’s tips for learning French. When Lila switches tactics saying she can speak Italian Marion switches over to fluent Italian, something he had learned from his Nona. He then breaks out his Mandarin, daring Lila to try and fake knowing a language.
Lila goes quite, just kidding you know that's not true. She starts to pull students aside whispering to them. Marion isn't sure if she is intentionally loud enough that he can hear her or if it’s just his enhanced hearing.
“He’s a bully, I know he’s just trying to act nice to get something out of you,” Lila warns a student who looks disgruntled to have basically been pulled into the corner away from the group.
“He’s a Wayne?” Ah so he’s heard the not-so rumour, “What could I possibly have that he doesn't?”
“He’s not a Wayne!” Lila snaps, before regaining her composure, “I actually know the Waynes,”
“... because they’re in your class?”
“No!” She stops her foot, “They made up that rumour! I know because I’m personal friends with all the Waynes,”
“Alright show a picture,” The guy shrugs, stuffing his hands in his pockets, Marion reminds himself to give them the award of ‘you’re smarter than everyone in my class, it's not much but it’s something!’.
“ What? ” Lila seethes, looking ready to tear his eyeballs out to have an excuse not to show him.
“All I’m saying is I’ve seen multiple pictures of them with the Waynes plus, I heard that they actually talked to Damian Wayne this morning!” He actually looks in awe at this fact.
“I would hardly call that a conversation,” Lila crosses her arms, looking to the side like a child.
“No you don't understand!” He employers making a wild hand gesture as if trying to show how amazing it is, “He’s the ice prince, if someone else calls his name or even tried to talk to him he would just ignore them, but he actually walked over and talked to them,”
“He saw me-”
“Look I don’t really care, this argument isn't worth having,” The guy puts up placating hands, the gesture having the exact opposite effect on Lila, “Marion seems cool, Wayne or not, so yeah,”
Marion tries not to smile as one by one Lila is shot down. Her anger rising so high Marion is sure she would have been akumatized three times over by now.
“Hey what's with Lila, she seems to have it out for you?” The first guy to talk to her whispers, turns out his name is James and was very confused when Marion gifted him a small paper trophy.
“Oh she does,” Marion shrugs, filling out the worksheet idly.
“Ok… why?” James presses, the small paper trophy sitting on his desk.
“Hmmm…” Marion leans back, tipping his seat, “It’s a paradox,”
“What is?”
“If I tell you the truth, you’ll probably think I’m lying and her accusations will seem more believable,” Marion reasons, looking up at the ceiling, “If I fake ignorance, you’ll probably just take her word for it, seems like a trap,”
“You’re taking this way too seriously,” James shakes his head, and Marion cracks a grin.
“Sorry, just happy to have some new friends,” His smile lessens, becoming melancholy, “It’s been awhile,”
“What? But you’re so,” James makes another one of his wild hand gestures,  “ Nice ,”
Marion just shrugs, but some people notice how he quickly glances over at Lila talking with someone else. Any further questions are cut off by the bell.
“Well, seems that's our cue to leave, now tell me are American school lunches really as bad as I’m led to believe?”
“You poor little french boy,” James shake his head,  “You have no idea the horrors you will face,”
“This is so much worse than I thought it would be,” Marion looks down at his tray in disgust, “This is a private school?”
“I told you so,” James shrugs, walking through the cafeteria to find a seat.
“Hold up a sec,” Marion says, spotting Damian, not talking but rather trying to ignore someone talking to him, “Dami!”
“Don’t call me Dami,” Damian pushes Marion off him this time, the person who was talking to him looks shocked that his arms aren’t broken.
He puts his tray on the table and grabs Damian's shoulders.
“I have an urgent problem,”
“Cheng-Dupain, from what I know of you that is a massive exaggeration,” Damian brushes him off again and Marion’s scared the other kid is having a heart attack, “Now stop bothering me, it can wait for later,”
“I didn’t take any pictures of Cat-fred!” Marion cries, flopping onto Damian, who doesn't bother pushing him off a third time.
“... Understandable,” Damian snatches Marion’s phone, letting Marion input the code over his shoulder, “This is an oversight on your part,”
“So you’ll send some to me?” Marion grins, using Damian’s head as an armrest as he watches him enter his number.
“Yes,” Damian passes Marion’s phone back and Marion grabs his food.
“Great, see you later!” Marion stands up, ruffling Damian's hair before leaving.
“What was that!?” He hears the other person shout as he walks away.
“What was that?!” James yells, and whoops the entire cafeteria is staring between him and Damian.
“Do you ever learn from your mistakes?” Marinette asks, materialising beside him.
“No?” Marion scoffs, putting his and on his hip, “Why would I?”
“Are you actually siblings?” James still looks in shock but at least he isn’t gaping and gasping for air anymore.
“Yes?” Of course they were siblings, they are twins? Is that not clear?
“God-fucken dammit Mari!” Marinette hisses, “That’s not what they meant!”
“Oh,” Marion says softly, totally not jumping as Damian materialises next to him.
“Cheng-Dupain, it was this absentminded nature that caused this rumour to get out of hand in the first place,”
“Yeah… you are going to have to be way more specific,” Marion looks around the whole cafeteria is still staring at them, trading whispers.
“No we are not related, that is a baseless rumour,” Damian glares at James, making him recoil.
“Right… baseless,” Marion mumbles, getting kicked in the shin by Marinette.
“Adopted then?” James foolishly asks.
“ No ,” and yep now James looks afraid for his life.
“Haha, you know you don’t have to seem so offended by that?” Marion slings his arm around Damian’s shoulder, silently rejoicing that he only gets a withered glare this time.
“Like I said,” Lila’s voice carries over the still quite cafeteria, “The Waynes were telling me how they hate that rumour, the meer idea they are connected to the twins is-”
“ Excuse me ,” Damian slams his hand down on the table, right next to Lila making her jump out of her skin,  “But who are you, and why do you think you know anything about my family and what we think,”
“I just-”
“You presume you’re of enough importance to understand my feelings towards the matter?” Damian stands tall and looks down his nose at her, “You aren’t,”
“Lila,” Alya whispers to her as Damian walks away, “I think you should just let them sort it out, it’s a family matter,”
“Who is that?” Damian demands when he gets back to them, “And how do I destroy her?”
“Don’t worry about it Damian, she's just doing it to get attention,” Marinette explains calmly.
“Lila Rossi,” Marion has other plans, “She’s a Liar, provide proof she doesn't know your family or anyone for that matter and she will be destroyed,”
Damian gives a curt nod and walks away, back to his friend who is still gaping like the rest of the room.
“ Mari ,” Marinette smacks him.
“I merely shared my wisdom,” Marion stroke his invisible beard, “What he chooses to do with it is up to him,”
“Ugh, that was a long day,” Plagg groans, curling up in the middle of his pillow.
“Plagg you slept in my bag the whole time,” Marion flops onto his bed, and it wasn't over they had to go on patrol soon.
“Which is far more disruptive than a bed,” Plagg complains, letting Marion curl up next to him, “Not comfortable at all,”
“Speaking of not being comfortable…” Marinette trails off, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Our brother insisting we aren’t related?” Marion curls around to look over at her.
“Very strange feeling,” Marinette nods, absentmindedly pulling her feet onto the bed.
“He yelled at Lila,” Marion smiles up at the ceiling.
“Does that make him an honorary Dupain-slash-Cheng?” Marinette smiles over at him.
“Yeah…” Marion’s grin drops, “... Or Dupain/Cheng/Wayne,”
“... You want to tell them?” Marinette asks in her horrible tone that reminds him of being back in Paris and trying to stifle emotions.
“I mean, yeah,” He sits up, crossing his legs, “They’re family right? I want to know them, do you?”
“He seemed upset when they called us siblings,” Marinette turns to face him, the Kwamis watching their little meeting from the outside.
“He seemed more upset with Lila, said he was insulted by it,” Marion reasons, he feels like they’re back in Paris dressed as Ladybug and Chat Noir having three in the morning conversations on rooftops.
“It’s Lila, anything she says can piss someone off,” Marinette sighs, flopping back on the bed, destroying the illusion, “Tikki what do you think?”
“This is a decision you have to make on your own Marinette,” Tikki advises sagely.
“Tiiikkkiiiiii,” Marinette whines like a three year old
“Alright, I never had a family but I have the other Kwamis,” Tikki concedes, explaining to the twins giving her all their attention, “I am separated from Nooro and Dussu, and if family feels like them I do not want you to be separated,”
“What if they get mad?” Marinette asks, fidgeting.
“Then you’ll find a way to work through it,” Tikki smiles at them, “You’re Ladybug and Chat Noir, there isn’t anything you can’t do,”
“Just do it kid!” Plagg shouts, giving up on pretending to nap, “If it turns out bad at least you know!”
“What is it Sugar Cube?” Plagg asks sweetly, getting chased out the room moments later.
“So, we doing this?” Marion asks, after all their Kwamis have left.
“I guess so,” Marinette shugs, bringing out her phone, Marion holds her hand for comfort as they wait for the phone to ring.
“Hello?” Bruce picks up on the third ring.
“Hey Bruce,” Marion says, sounding strained even to himself.
“Marinette, Marion,” Bruce answers, pleasantly surprised, “Is everything alright?”
“How do you feel about telling everyone else?” Marion cuts straight to the chase, he can’t be bothered to run.
“... are you sure?” Marion can feel Marinette tension grow at the question, “I want to but they’ll all be surprised, it might ruin your trip,”
“We got sent to the hospital the first week being here,” Marion reasons, he should technically still be on bed rest.
“... That's true,”
“So?” He prompts after a too long pause.
“When do you want to tell them?”
“Tomorrow,” Marinette speaks up for the first time.
Well I guess that's that
@technicallyburninggarden @fusser90  @misslenamooney @superbwhispersconnoisseur @biodad-bruce-month @nalu-ismyjam @the-one-woman-army @rosesandsailboats @blackmagicforever @zeneralla @ivymala07 @tired-butterfly @tired-butterfly @Ranger-gothamite @A-star-with-a-human-name @enchanted-nerd
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softer-ua · 3 years
in regards to what you pointed out a few posts ago, ngl one of my least favorite fandom things is when they make Kaminari the Har Har Stupid Joking ADHD Bi Playboy Who Is Never Serious Trope. like, he's very smart, 'worst in ___ area of a UA course' is very impressive and I don't remember if it even said that or just that he was studying with some other students, worried about his grades overall, calls himself stupid with implied insecurities about it, and didn't think he was very smart compared to the other people in the course. quirk overuse makes him loopy, incoherent, and think everything's funny. and yeah, he's a bit of a flirt and made a few perverted comments and actions that he clearly didn't think through that well. I'm pretty sure he's not ever stated to be bi in the manga because it was written by a coward, so I think people should think more about why they're associating and pairing together the idea of "hot flirty playboy who if legally able would sleep with everyone he meets" with emphasis or joke in the captions of whatever the content is on him being bi. I don't think this is inherently bad, even put together, but the execution feels kind of :/ and shallow. and I mainly just wish they'd pause to consider if there's any reason (subconscious or intentional) why one of those makes them think about the other, and at the very least lean back to see if they're blatantly making those traits centric around each other and tweak how they're showing them a little. Part of this is also because it's basically his fanon sexuality, but then they stick together "oh he's bi and everyone thinks that" and "he's made flirty or perverted comments and actions in canon at some point" and then mentally exaggerate and have this Canon Image of him as *waves hand at above* and I don't think that's happening consciously in most cases but. again. Cookiecutter Bi Party Playboy Who's Made a Date Offer to Everyone In The Building. not a flirty Person or a Playboy who is bi and flirts with more than one genders
I myself headcanon him as adhd and while the exact sexuality depends on my mood I think of/have him as bi in a lot of my content, but it's the same thing with why non adhd people see how he acts and label "adhd!" Especially about comprehension speed and derpy acting and intelligence and attention span jokes/tropes. Again, not bad in and of itself, but the specific parts of his behavior that make them think he's adhd, or that they start making jokes about or Ha Ha ADHD'ing, or that they think is why we project ADHD on him, (which they aren't necessarily wrong about, but like right in a really disrespectful look at how funny this is oh look squirrel way that's only funny when adhd people are doing it and it isn't all mocking like that) when they see other people calling him adhd, are the wrong ones, I think, and it shows in their characterization of him.
I'm not saying that any of those traits are bad in a character, but as a queer adhd girl with very high annual test scores and Gifted Kid Intelligence but extremely poor grades, focus, and brain damage (admittedly nothing like his, it was a longterm passive thing that mainly just made me have a Lot of Really Bad headaches, and closest thing it did to me was make me sluggish and emotional on bad days and also techincally have the potential kill my language bit if left untreated or the surgery messed up, which it didn't, and it won't be a problem again. but even after explaining that it wasn't cancer or any sort of tumor, and after seeing it do very little at all to affect my behavior outside of irritability and performance, because y'know, constant migraines, gone after the surgery but this was before that, Certain People I Was Vaguely Kind Of Acquaintances With started to treat my like I was a fragile glass thing going to to drop dead and revive myself speaking like a comic relief cartoon crazy person at any moment which was. patronizing.) I've since had surgery for, the way the fandom combines them into stereotypes and portrays them really just rubs me the wrong way- "Flirty Bi(tm) Playboy" "Har Har ADHD Can't Focus Or Get Things After They're Explained To Him, He's Still Confused And An Idiot" "Stupid Person With Brain Damage Who Can't Take Care Of Or Think For Themself And Acts Stupid And Funny For People To Laugh At" which tbh is super ableist even and especially when people irl do fit that description, and also reminds me of the Autistic Person Freaking Out And Being Dramatic sense of humor. And I know it's not helped by canon, because it done for comic relief and to limit his powers, but explored more I think it as a limitation could have been used way more interestingly than canon did and also call me biased but that quirk induced brain frying sounds at least as concerning as Izuku's quirk's backlash.
And it's a shame!! Because he's so much more interesting than that! Instead, the fandom gives me the Cookicutter Funny Bi ADHD Flirt Who's An Idiot and I am sad about it.
tbh it reminds me of what happened to percy jackson, esp with the ADHD Idiot Trope thing. which sucks because apparently it originated in the author making up stories around characters like his adhd and dyslexic kid inspired by Greek myths to tell him after running out of actual myths because it was his special interest and he wanted more. and then the series got kind of all over the place and the fandom processed that the adhd and dyslexic main character who does dumb things sometimes but is very combat smart and great at strategizing and leading gets bad grades and has trouble focusing and has, y'know, adhd, and made him the ADHD Idiot and erased his Gifted Kid girl friend's traits and ADHD and dyslexia into No Nonsense Calls Him an Idiot And Thinks He's Stupid And Has To Tell Him What To Do And Manage His Life For Him and honestly that just kind of sucks and it reminds me of what happened to fandom Kaminari. and now that I think of it people have jirou like that around him a lot too.
im fine with you answering this publicly if you want or have something to add but probably tag as ableism and maybe a biphobia mention content warning for people who don't have the energy to deal with thinking about those kinds of negative things rn because I kind of Went Off About It
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences 💚(and double thank you for tag suggestions)💚
I couldn’t agree more that a lot of fandom has messed up Kami’s character, which is why I’ve kinda been posting more about him cause he’s just stuck in my head.
I think a lot of fandoms have trouble with characters like this, people have a hard time with duality in characters and fast/fun posts are easier to make if you flatten a character down.
The did it to Kami, they did it to Percy, they did it to Ron Weasley, they do it to Thor, the list goes on. If being the Smart One ™️ isn’t your thing and you can be goofy than you get pigeonholed into the idiot trope.
I feel for Kami a lot(probably because I have adhd/brain damage too)
It sucks when you’re smart but it’s not the traditional, measurable kind of smart(even if by national comparison Kami technically is).
I got terrible grades growing up, and I pretty much got the absolute lowest gpa you can get and still graduate. But absolutely no one would have known if I didn’t tell them, because I’m not dumb.
(It’s okay if you are “dumb”, I love me a head empty just vibes friend. You’re 100% valid, stil worthy of joining discussions, and should be listened to and taken seriously. This just isn’t about that tho)
I joke sometimes that I’m clever and witty but not smart, because that’s exactly what it feels like.
I have lots of thoughts and ideas that I think I articulate pretty well, I am excellent at finding the humor in things and expressing it in a way that’s funny to others too, and there is almost zero problems I can’t find a work around. And the people in my life love it, and they love to use it.
But eventually everyone in my life finds out that I’m not smart. They see the way I have to pause to Google how to calculate a tip, that I don’t know the name of all 50 states or even where to find them on a map, or I legitimately just can not spell (if you ever see a post where it looks like I used a weird word choice it’s probably because I tried 4 times and autocorrect+Google couldn’t help me and voice to text wasn’t an option)
No one ever questions my intelligence until they find out about my adhd and/or catch me struggling with it. After the mask comes off it’s like they can’t even hear me anymore, nothing I say could be true or matter because I’m now just the goofy accident prone spacy girl. My family literally calls me Spacy
And ya know what sometimes I just let people think that because it’s easier, it’s easier than explaining that I’m dyslexic and that I didn’t have a single geography/history clas until 10th grade and shocker the capital of Iowa doesn’t come up much by then. And it’s easier for me to laugh off losing my keys again than dwell on the fact that sometimes it feels like I’m losing my marbles.
And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if after this post I get a lot more “fact checkers” and push back on anything else I post.(not talking about people who want to genuinely engage,y’all are always welcome, I’m talking those people who don’t wanna look it up themselves but no longer trust me to know what I’m talking about)
Kami is a sweet brilliant boy. He’s in a nationally high ranking school, he loves the weather channel, he’s careful about his quirk that could easily hurt his friends in combat, he has a very high emotional intelligence level, he wears dorky shirts with electricity puns on them, and he pays attention to his friends and remembers a lot of little things about them.
He wants to be a hero and he takes that seriously, and the series has tried time and time again to tell y’all that smiling and laughter are an important part of that. Kami excels at this part! So what if his history grades don’t rival the top of the class, the top 5 students would struggle hard to do what Kami does.
Iida can’t relax, Momos rather shy, Todo struggles with social cues, Midoriya is canonically not funny, and jfc where to even begin with Katsuki. I’m certain they’ll all grow up to be excellent heros in their own right, but none of them are going to bring the level of joy and camaraderie that Denki can. You can’t test that into someone.
Kami also just notices people differently and has any easy way of joining in with them, he doesn’t struggle approaching Katsuki or Shinso. Sure he doesn’t hit the the nail on the head the same way Deku does but he’s the only one who has the guts and skills to try. Also he’s not that kinda friend, he’s not looking to a save these guys but pal around with them
I think Kami 100% realizes what a special case and tough nut to crack Bakugo is, I don’t think he’s just careless or too dumb realize his life’s at stake or whatever.
I think he’s purposely testing Bakugos boundaries all while trying to not be a threat to Katsukis actual ego and calling Bakugo out when he needs it in a way that not to serious. Kami knows how to be just goofy enough that he’s approachable. He’s also keyed in that the way to Bakugo is through Deku, meanwhile everyone else is stuck believing the opposite.
Kami also realized how important music is to Jiro and saw an opportunity to let her display her skills and combin the two worlds she lives, and he wasn’t afraid to get some back lash from her for it.
Like Deku Kami isn’t afraid to be uncomfortable. You really can’t teach that level of social ease, you can teach the posture and feed people a couple of lines but it’ll never hit the same. Funny approachable people have spent a lifetime learning the craft, usually out of necessity.
It’s actually what gives me the biggest adhd vibes from him, because adhd is (speculated to be) a dopamine deficiency disorder. People with adhd are constantly trying to raise their dopamine levels, and that means looking for praise and reward and nothing makes the human brain light up faster than postative human connections.
Adhd children struggle a lot with connecting with peers and often find making people laugh a fast way into people’s circles and makes it more likely people will overlook being interrupted or spaced out on.
Also adhd people are pretty much forced by their own brain structures to be genuine in all they do, low dopamine levels make it very hard to do things you don’t enjoy because there no promise of dopamine from the activity and you don’t have enough to spare, plus impulsiveness makes it really hard to not show when you do or don’t enjoy something.
I agree that Kami is also painted as overly perverted at times, he’s a little flirty but in a fun casual way but it’s not the foundation of his personality and it’s really mellowed out over the course of the series.
And while I subscribe to the bi hc from his interactions with Jiro and Shinso, we should all be very mindful that we don’t lump these characteristics together. The are separate facets of his personality that are not dependent on each other in anyway.
Kami deserves all the respect and love, I can’t wait to see our electric king again 🖤⚡️🖤
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iamnojedi501 · 4 years
Ikemen Revolution Avatar & Suitor Ranking ♥️
Ikemen Revolution is arguably my favorite app of all the Cybird series. I’ve had it for close to 2 years now and I’m STILL obsessed. This was such a unique and intriguing concept, I was doomed to fall in love (many times).
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This is my cute little avatar named Anastasia 🥰 I love her.
Friend code: P5EQQS69V
✨IkeRev Ranking✨
1. Lancelot Kingsley: IM ACTUALLY IN LOVE WITH LANCELOT ugh I guess I just have a thing for the routes where he actively tries NOT to fall in love but does anyway 😍 very masculine & presh at the same time
2. Oliver Knight: This guy literally STOLE MY HEART in his route I was not prepared. I have a legit weakness for tsunderes. He’s such a hottie and PRECIOUS when he starts to fall for MC. Still obsessed with his rescue mission. I’m ngl his curse is a tad weird at the end, but tbh the way he acts is sooo accurate of boys 🙄 I didn’t even cringe bc boys are just dumb & do dumb things sometimes. (Sry for the essay lol I’m just passionate) Overall I love him ❤️
3. Ray Blackwell: Loooove friends to lovers almost as much as enemies to lovers 😍 he’s so noble & kind. Love love love everything about his route.
4. Fenrir Godspeed: Another friends to lovers that I ADORE. Fenrir is always so real and his passion is 🔥 all I’m going to say is I LOVE the Lake of Tears scene.
5. Harr Silver: I’m OBSESSED with him every time he shows up in someone’s route. So stinkin cute and mysterious. Loved all the Harr content in Loki’s and Sirius’s routes. I need his route ASAP!!!
6. Dalim (Dum Tweedle): IM READY FOR DALIM I’m so interested to see more content & I already can’t get enough. I think I have a type lol.
7. Edgar Bright: Was NOT expecting Edgar’s route to be as good as it was but I loved watching him fall in love with MC 🥺
8. Sirius Oswald: Love an older guy 🤩 He’s for real sexy and SO CUTE. I love it when he blushes I honestly die every time.
9. Zero: ANOTHER CUTIE I love Zero so much!!! He has such an intriguing backstory & I also love MC’s uncondional love for him because he deserves the world. (Also am I the only one who thinks of Taylor Lautner?)
10. Luka Clemence: Another baby that deserves the world!!! He comes across as innocent but DANG he’s also fire. Not usually all about the innocent types but Luka’s great.
11. Kyle Ash: A fun read and a cutie!! Not my fave route, but we love an intellectual 🤩 Still kinda concerned about how proud he seems of being the “weakest member of the red army” though??
12. Jonah Clemence: I usually LOVE stories where the guy tries to woo the girl for a bet, but honestly Jonah’s personality is a little unrelatable. He’s so pretty 😍 but why is he always talking about how great he is in third person? Lol. Idk I’ll give his route another shot at some point!
13. Dean Tweedle: Seems pretty cool but I’m already team Dalim 🥰 I’ll probably still enjoy his route when it comes out though!
14. Loki Genetta: He’s such a cutie but all of the cat comparison traits fell super flat imo I’m sorry 😬 they just made him seem super immature. I’m sure that was probably the point, but that’s just my opinion!
15. Seth Hyde: Very cute!! But a little over the top sometimes? Idk his personality seems very exaggerated occasionally, but I’m very interested in his mysterious side. I can probably make a better analysis once we get his route!
16. Blanc Lapin: Very very gentlemanly ❤️ but I kind of love Blanc more in a platonic way. Not sure I’ll relate to his route very much, but I could be mistaken! We shall see :)
17. Mousse Atlas: In my very honest opinion I’m really not interested in Mousse at all. Another one that I see platonically, and I don’t think his route will change that. Always love new characters though!
Bonus: Amon Jabberwock! I have no idea if Amon will ever have a route (I don’t keep up with the jp version) but I would be interested in reading it! I don’t think I can rank him at this point though, so until/if he gets a route he will just be the added bonus. Crazy dude though 🤙🏻
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jordyngellerxo · 3 years
summary: caleb & zeke get into a fight at at the charity ball event during the aspen trip. involved: zeke king, caleb walsh feat. jordyn geller, nicole hampton
** TRIGGER WARNINGS: physical altercation, arguments, mentions of cheating, blood mentions. **
TAGGED: CALEB WALSH @calebfck, ZEKE KING @zekehq, NICOLE HAMPTON @nicolehampton
caleb always felt out of place at fancy parties and events. truth be told, if it weren't for jordyn, he would have gladly just donated a good amount of money and stayed home in his pajamas. the only thing that made the night tolerable was the open bar, which he had been taking advantage of from the moment he and jordyn walked through the door. he lost track of how many drinks he had about four drinks ago, but he really didn't care. he was on the verge of blacking out and was well past his limit, but he was having fun. so, he really had to thank the countless beers in his system for that. he was dancing with jordyn and laughing with her friends, which rarely happened. he was even okay with being within five feet of that zeke kid who always seemed to be getting under his skin in someway. he peered down at jordyn with a lazy smile, "this is a lot more fun than i thought it would be," he shouted over the music and the hum of conversation around them, "we need to get some food soon, or im not going to remember any of this."
they were easily almost two hours into the event and it had been going surprisingly well. it took forever to convince caleb to come, even longer to deny his first three choices of a wardrobe, but it wasn't for not. they made it and were actually having fun. jordyn had been in her own special version of heaven. arm draped loosely around nicole with her head rested on her shoulder, devilish grin beaming towards zeke before caleb broke her attention from wordlessly poking her best friend. jordyn's brow arched quizzically and she almost had to ask him to repeat himself until nicole's voice chimed in closer to her ear, "my husband said he's having fun but hungry and you need to feed him... before he passes out like a little baby bitch." the blonde pressed a kiss to the dark haired beauty's cheek as jordyn let out a sigh. "i suppose we can find something for you to eat." she hummed, planting a kiss to caleb then offering an apologetic look to nicole whom she was forced to move to get up, "you gonna come help me find food for the big baby?" jordyn asked, holding her hand out for zeke as she batted her lashes at him.
zeke wasn't the type to waste his chances for throwing back liquor and celebrating... anything deemed appropriate by the blond. mostly he enjoyed celebrating himself. did he ever foresee himself within close range distance of any kind with jordyn's fiance? not at all, especially considering he never liked to address the other man by his name, let alone breathe in the same space as him. being at a charity event of any kind wasn't the time or the place for him to get into trouble, so he kept as best a distance as he could within the time span that he'd been here. rolling his eyes as he watched her being smug and tempting him to stick his tongue out like a child. he couldn't help but snicker at the whole conversation or the fact that caleb seemed to be rather lightweight in comparison to jordyn. tossing his head back, an exaggerated sigh slipped from zeke's mouth as he debated his options. "are we getting more shots, too? cause i need more liquor in my system." even as he'd already chosen that going with his friend was a more favorable option than being in caleb's presence.
caleb kept his arm wrapped around jordyn's waist as he stood up, "see? this is why i love you. you don't get too mad when i need food at these ridiculously long parties," he grinned. caleb looked over at nicole and shook his head, "and you," he pointed at her, "you don't get to call me a little bitch when i know about your secret little rendezvous with you know who," he sang and gave a pointed look toward zeke before he tapped his finger on the tip of nicole's nose. he definitely should not have said that as loud as he did, but his inhibitions were long gone. looking back at jordyn he tilted his head to the side, "do you think they've got steak? or is this an hors d'oeuvres situation?"
jordyn’s gaze shifted up to mouth an i love you to caleb, who was watching her with that drunken twinkle in his eye. her expression was full of amusement…but not surprise. caleb could do anything, but truth be told, jordyn could drink him under the table any day of the week. a trait she got from her father. "mhm, be sure to add that in your vows. that just really hits home for me, all star." the brunette hummed which made nicole chuckle. nicole, who too had been drinking since she'd arrived, was now using jordyn as cover to cuddle into to keep her out of trouble and from looking over to her ex. the sweet smile on her characteristics full of amusement for caleb's drunken ramble falling as he continued speaking. in fact, she froze, no longer protected by jordyn. she couldn't figure what he was talking about. they'd been pretty good tonight. or tried to in front of people. unless caleb wasn't talking about tonight. nikki's eyes swiftly darted up and narrowed on caleb. she couldn't even move after his drunken slur when his finger landed on her nose. the only person who knew about her only rendezvous was olivia. she couldn't see zeke spilling details of her birthday night to anyone... not after everything they'd been through, not with how he was with her... but especially not confiding their friend's fiancé. that didn't stop her heart from dropping to the pit of her stomach. "caleb, you're drunk... i think it's bedtime for you." nicole spoke, her voice sweet but with a hidden harshness in her tone after clearing her throat. jordyn's eyes flickered around the group. nikki's puzzled face, caleb's dumbstruck grin, watching as he looked to zeke. her jaw damn near hit the floor as she hushed her soon to be husband, tilting her head as her sights zeroed in on her ride or die. "so... food? shots? zeke you wanna go down a few with me? anything for anyone before i go get this big baby to bed?" jordyn asked in attempts to lighten the mood and divert attention for caleb's rambles.
zeke had been focused on the prospect of alcohol, ignoring a majority of what slipped out of the other’s mouth. amber hues and his full attention zeroed in as he spoke to nicole, his entire body going ridged. the blond hadn’t told anyone about his stolen moments with nicole, let alone caleb of all people. his thoughts circled back to the one night that could be what the other male was talking about the same time he was searching nicole’s expression for reassurance that she hadn’t confided about that night to caleb. he couldn’t see it, but none of that mattered to the feelings surface within as he stood there. “maybe you should watch what the fuck you’re speakin’ on when it has nothing to do with you.” he glared at the other male, before letting his attention return to his best friend. “no, no, moments passed i wanna know what the fuck ol dude thinks he knows so much about now.”
caleb was drunk, but he wasn’t drunk enough to immediately know that he had fucked up. that he had fucked up in a major way, at that. he cleared his throat and stood up straight. he forgot that he was the only one that knew that he knew what had happened in jordyn’s bar. “right,” he mumbled, “i’m too drunk,” he agreed. he was ready to leave the party and leave it at that, but of course things couldn’t be that easy. zeke had to say something and there was no way caleb could just let it go. his arm around jordyn’s waist tightened ever so slightly as he turned to glare zeke, “and maybe you shouldn’t fuck another dudes girl in my fiancé’s bar,” he growled lowly. there really was no going back now. the shots had been fired and he’d have to deal with the consequences tomorrow.
just like that, in the blink of an eye things had gone from bad to worse. it was almost impossible for jordyn to keep her eyes from popping out of her head nor the unruly gasp which escaped from her lips as she stood there. her brain frantically trying to process and defuse the situation at the same time, but that was wishful thinking. she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. that's when nicole's voice sounded and stole the words right from her mouth. "caleb!" the blonde hissed, voice lowered, green eyes locked on jordyn's soon to be husband. "you don't have the slightest clue on what you're talking about and whatever happens between me and zeke is absolutely none of your business. at all." she couldn't tell if it was her defensiveness over the look exchanged from caleb to zeke, or the idea of him running his mouth on a situation that she didn't regret, but didn't want an entire charity event to be privy to. "caleb, what the fuck. just stop. leave whatever this is alone." jordyn murmured trying to keep whatever this was under wraps. "i think we should just call it a night, walsh."
zeke could barely hear the attempts being made to diffuse the situation and shut caleb up, but he’s caught the words that the other male had tossed in his direction and he stepped closer toward the other, his features tightened as he glared. “and you should learn not to act like a little fucking bitch and open your mouth on something that you know fuck all about. not only out of respect for your wife but your friend,” he all but spat the words in disgust as he scoffed out a harsh laugh. “if you can’t handle your liquor maybe you should slow it the fuck down when you’re in public. talk about some loose fuckin lips, you’re marrying one nosey motherfucker, jordynella. “ tossing a half glance at his friend but keeping his eyes on the other male for the most part.
it was easy for caleb to ignore nicole and jordyn's attempts to get him to shut the hell up once zeke started to get more aggresive with him. he knew there was no chance that they were going to avoid some kind of altercation between the two of them. honestly, it was a long time coming. caleb was pretty sick of zeke's holier-than-thou attitude he had whenever caleb was out with him and jordyn. he looked between the two girls and scoffed, "i know exactly what i'm talking about and you do too," he rolled his eyes. "you didn't have to react to what i said, you all made it obvious what i was talking about." he did try to not mention names or speak loudly enough for other people to hear him. as soon as zeke moved closer to him, caleb stiffened, "how the fuck am i nosey? it's not my fault you were careless and didn't check to turn of the fucking alarm. you're lucky i didn't call the cops on your dumb ass," he growled. caleb was getting heated maybe a little too fast, but he wasn't about to stop. "and you know what? forget all the rest of this shit," he huffed, "i'm sick and fucking tired of your rude little remarks and blatant disrespect. i've done nothing to you and you're an ass to me for no fuckin reason," he continued without missing a beat. he had sobered up pretty quickly and was ready for a fight. "you know, maybe we should take this outside," he spat.
there were a lot of things that nicole hampton could stomach or would actively play off like she could but hearing someone or anyone speak to... or at zeke the way caleb was something that struck a nerve so hard and deep she couldn't see straight. she could handle her own when it came to defending herself and her choices, but what she wouldn't stand for or allow under any circumstances was someone especially a drunken caleb. "that is absolutely none of your fucking business like i said." even knowing she was done with anything involving her ex old habits died hard, and there wasn't a single person she'd be even the slightest bit okay with speaking to him the way he was being spoken to now. "jordyn gave the keys to me, not zeke. i had him meet me, so if you wanna be a bitch about things caleb... be a bitch to the right person. even more proof you don't have a single clue about when your talking about with your whole ass chest." all the while jordyn had managed to shift from caleb's grasp, sighing heavily as her blood pressure rose quick in speed. "it's my fucking bar?! i'll give my keys to whoever i want, and i'll decide if and when i call the cops." she hissed towards caleb, "and you, you don't get to give me the side eye. he's drunk - both of you are being fucking stupid for no god damn reason. enough, seriously."
zeke had never been quiet about his dislike for caleb, despite the rest of the world including jordyn viewing the pair as cute. did he have a real reason for instantly hating the other? probably not, but once zeke made his mind up fully on a subject he closed himself off to the potential to change opinions. petty, always something that could be said for the king male but he had never been one to shy away from an argument or a fight. his gaze shifted to nicole, hating the idea that she was attempting to defend him after their earlier moment and the fact that he wasn’t the type to shut up. “you were real fucking private about tossing a look at me, so the fuck do you think I was gonna do? sit the fuck back while you continue to talk bullshit? you made it pretty fucking obvious where you were tryna throw accusations around when I don’t give a fuck what you saw,” zeke cocked his head, the actor forcing out a fake laugh as he rolled his eyes. “you still don’t know shit. you’re nosey cause you out here trying spread shit like it had shit to do with you. like it’s your business to be worried about. probably fucking should have, do you think i give a fuck? or that I’d thank your ass? how fucking delusional.” the blonde let out another harsh bought of laughter as he listened to caleb complain over his attitude. “i don’t fucking like you, that’s reason enough I don’t give a single shit about you. I hope to god one day you actually are worthy of my best friend right there but i highly fucking doubt I’ll ever believe that or see that.” all but sneering the words. pausing to offer another sarcastic laugh to jordyn’s comment, he shook his head. “ he should learn to hold his liquor and keep his mouth shut.” motioning towards the outside, zeke shrugged. “let’s fucking go.”
caleb clenched his jaw and looked at nicole, "fine. i don't know what i'm talking about," he stated. he wasn't going to fight with nicole. he never had a problem with her and didn't want to cause trouble for her. it was easy to let that shit go. he more focused on zeke's arrogant ass at this point, anyway. he let zeke finish his little rant and his insults. he knew the words didn't matter at the end of the day."you didn't have to fucking react," he replied. "if i wanted a secret kept and someone said something about it, i sure as hell wouldn't react, but maybe that's just me," he rolled his eyes. "it's said and done, get over it." caleb was ready to show this kid his place and he would have no regrets kicking his ass. he could floor someone twice zeke's size in under ten seconds, and that was on a bad day. caleb laughed suddenly, "you think i give two shits if you like me? i couldn't care less. you know absolutely nothing about me and jordyn, so if you're gonna go off on a rant about me not talking on things i know nothing about," he mocked zeke, "then you need to shut the hell up about my relationship. she is the only person i care about when all is said and done and she knows that." he could have gone on for hours about jordyn and how much he loved her, but he was already seeing red and had been ready to punch zeke for a good while now. he exhaled heavily and walked toward the door, making sure to shoulder check zeke as he passed him on the way out.
jordyn's limits of stupidity had passed minutes ago, someone with four older brothers knew exactly how this was going to play out. they were going to get in touch with some deep rooted grasp for the title of supreme masculinity ruler, act like absolute idiots in front of everyone all over something that shouldn't have been spoke of in the first place. that was the most disconcerting part of this whole ordeal. she peeled her eyes from zeke and caleb long enough to see some of the color return to nicole's face, protectively draping an arm over her shoulder only for her to instantly shake it off. "caleb," nicole said, cocking her head back before bringing it back to her rightful place to look at the athlete beside her, "who the fuck are you talking to right now? because i know it's not zeke... and i know you aren't getting all knee deep into things that did or didn't happen that really didn't involve you no matter what you think you saw. it's not just get over it, because it's not just about zeke." jordyn shook her head, pulling nicole back as it became all the more obvious where this was heading, "let 'em go, sniks." it was easier said than done, being as both unwillingly trailed behind after watching the man she was weeks away from marrying shoulder check her best friend, her for all intents and purposes her platonic soulmate. "zeke... don't it's not worth it." nikki called out, it wasn't her place nor business but the last thing everyone needed was either of them throwing hands during a charity event, jordyn's voice trailing not far behind, "caleb, i swear on everything... you lay one single fuckin finger on him, i'll kick your ass." jordyn's brown eyes narrowing on zeke, "don't be fuckin' stupid. over nothing, zeke. seriously."
zeke couldn’t hear or see anything past his irritation with the footballer, logic had never been his strong suit. the blond already disliked the guy and he’d spoken on something that wasn’t his business. isaac king was a lot of things but he wasn’t someone about to back down from a fight. sure, caleb was taller and an athlete but zeke had enough fights under his belt. he wasn’t kidding any of the times he threw out his dodgeball practice and dodging skills either. undoubtedly, zeke was going to leave the fight looking less pretty than he preferred to be but he wasn’t going to go down easy and he’d not be the only one taking hits. even if he was certain that any onlookers would assume so from his height. ignoring the rest of caleb’s commentary because there was never a time when he listened to anyone and he wasn’t about to start now, he followed the other male with every intent to fight him. momentarily paused by nicole’s call out but after their last interaction his look over of the femme was short lived as he clenched his jaw. turning to his friend, he raised a brow. “It’s not nothing. He don’t need to worry about shit that has nothing to do with him.” He didn’t pinpoint that he meant his situation with nicole, or that night. he didn’t need to. despite the liquor in his system, zeke felt more than sober.
caleb chose to ignore nicole. they were well past the point where any reasoning would stop them from fighting. he knew the headlines were gonna be messy and that a lot of people would have a lot to say, but he just didn't care anymore. he turned around to look at jordyn and shrugged his shoulders, "then kick my ass, jord. this has been a long time coming and you know it. this dude has been disrespectful for too fuckin long and i'm sick of it." his voice was very matter of fact and he made sure he left no room for argument. he knew jordyn would kick his ass or just make him sleep on the couch for a few days, but that wasn't anything he couldn't handle. once they were outside, caleb made sure to walk a good distance away from the doors the came out. he was stupid, but he wasn't stupid enough to get into a fight right in the open. he didn't want to draw too much attention. as soon as he was a good distance, he turned to zeke and his fist was flying toward the actor's face.
"you know what, caleb, fuck you then." jordyn said, causing nicole to jump. even after nicole and zeke’s altercation, after her saying she was done she couldn’t help but feel like her heart had plunged full speed into the pit of her stomach following her and zeke’s exchange of looks. this didn’t involve her, not anymore, not after she’d essentially just finished telling her ex they were finished for good. those were just words, her senses numbed to anything besides the fact she couldn’t comprehend something happening to the father of her child. being finished didn’t stop her from standing there, heart racing as she witnessed caleb toss his fist in zeke’s direction. her gasp and initial reaction was to step in only to be stopped by jordyn’s hands on her shoulders pulling her back until she inevitably gave in. “nicole, no. they’re acting like idiot cavemen, so fuck ‘em both.” jordyn hissed, pulling nicole back in with a grimace at the view before them, jaw tightening. the fact caleb, in front of anyone in earshot, decided to say something about zeke and nicole and things unbeknownst to her happening in her own bar only irritated her more. there was a certain code between jordyn and zeke, see nothing say nothing. caleb using her as an excuse to get into a physical altercation with her best friend didn’t sit well, in fact, she stood there not only utterly unamused but questioning things she’d been sure about since meeting caleb. “do something, jordyn...” nicole pleaded to the femme holding her in place. sighing she looked from nicole to zeke and caleb, “what the fuck do you want me to do, nik? if dumb and dumber wanna pummel each other into a fuckin’ pulp let ‘em do it. this whole thing is a stupid my dick is bigger than yours contest anyways. they’re both being little bitches,” she snapped, “just go… okay? i’ll let you know when i get zeke back to his room. i promise it’ll be okay.” moving back and gesturing nicole to the doors back inside, shaking her head.
zeke didn't have anymore time or space to use words, all his energy buzzed through the festering annoyance with caleb. disdain for the male precedent didn't weigh in on the blond's current issue, not liking caleb hadn't ever been a problem for him and he wasn't going to make it one tonight. winning no awards for his brains didn't mean zeke was going to be a complete fool, standing back and waiting for caleb to turn around and deck him in the face wasn't on his agenda. the first hit was a freebie dodge, the blond's fists instinctively swinging towards the other male a millisecond later.
caleb chose to ignore his fiancé and just keep his head in the game. they’d have their fight later, he was sure of it. and knowing jordyn, that fight would probably be worse than this one. caleb pushed that to the back of his mind and focused on zeke. he took note of his body language and anticipated his first move. he wanted this to be a fair fight, so he was gonna let zeke get a few good hits in. he had taken worse hits on the football field. caleb laughed and was swinging again when he was sure zeke wouldn’t anticipate his move.
an actor fighting a football player — the results were inevitable, isaac knew that. it was a first he could add to his list, though, because despite his long list of fight history and mouthiness getting him into "trouble", none of them had been footballers. or they just weren't any good at their job if they were. he felt the swing lingering, radiating somewhere near his jaw but he could endure those hits. a right hook aimed at the other, ignoring both surroundings and whatever noise or vocalizations stemme from the other in response.
caleb shook off any hit that zeke managed to get in. he knew he’d be sore for a day or two, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. the actor was holding his own a lot better than he had expected. at least it was a somewhat fair fight. caleb wasn’t going as hard as he could have and he was sure jordyn at least had to have known he was holding back. caleb suddenly swept  his leg behind zeke’s and kicked the back of his knees to get him off his feet.
he'd all but forgotten the small audience they did have. purposefully not throwing any kicks out, zeke had definitely not been expecting the other male to throw any either and it would've have made him laugh. if being knocked into the snow hadn't pissed zeke off more than the rest of the fight, the cold serving only to push him to sweep his leg through caleb's so he could experience the same meeting with the snow covered ground.
caleb couldn’t stop himself from laughing as zeke fell to the ground. it was always funny watching someone else fall. even if zeke hadn’t kicked him down as well, it wouldn’t have been long before he got down anyway. he scrambled to get the upper hand and close enough to throw another punch toward zekes face. he wasn’t sure how much longer they would go at it but he  could go until someone physically pulled them apart. caleb wasn’t a quitter, that was for sure.
gritting his teeth, zeke ignored the icky substance he hated with a searing passion as his annoyance rose with caleb's laughter. this was a fight, how the fuck was knocking someone down that amusing when they were both supposed to be pissed off? zeke shook off the thought, taking the hit to his face and returning an elbow to the other male's ribs. swiftly throwing his fist in the direction of caleb's jaw, not thinking much about when they would have to stop. if zeke had any say, his stubbornness and overally endurance, the blond wouldn't quit until they were pulled apart by someone else.
tw: blood 
 caleb grunted when zeke elbowed him in the rib and not too long after hit him in the jaw. he could taste blood and he knew zeke had split his lip open. all sense of amusement faded and caleb was pissed off again. he angrily spat the blood out on to the snow before he moved to get on top of zeke and landed a hit right on his cheekbone. he hoped to at least have given zeke a black eye or a cut on his cheek. there was no way he was gonna be the only one leaving this fight with visible injuries.
zeke knew he was going to leave this with more damage overall than caleb, he could feel the impacted areas and knew he'd look rough for at least a week. any mark on the other was worth it. he almost took a moment to laugh at the result of his last hit, but he didn't find any of the situation funny. reminded of the icy snow, he felt the hit to his cheek. his stubbornness would only irk him in the morning when he saw the damage to his face, right now none of the cuts, scrapes or radiating pain soon to be bruised areas registered as important. shoving caleb off him and moving to take the top spot, he tossed another hit to the other.
there was no way in hell jordyn had set out with any intention of getting in between the two now snow covered and visibly injured men on the ground. if they wanted to be stupid, she figured it was better to let them. she didn't have the slightest clue how testosterone worked but it was practically spewing from both men and she assumed they'd catch on sooner or later. but that was her holding her hopes too high. "oh jesus christ..." she grumbled angrily to herself unfolding her arms after the final blows were tossed by each of them. if she stood back any longer someone was probably bound to get really hurt so she got up, looking over her shoulder only to find nicole standing there, eyes widened, mouth covered with an arm wrapped around herself. "fuck me. if either one of you hit me, i'll slap the stupid straight out of both of you." the brunette huffed, bracing herself for any accidental blows, "ENOUGH." she yelled, pulling zeke from his position on top of caleb. under any other circumstances, she probably would've made a joke, but none of this was funny. in fact, it was so beyond unamusing that she knew she'd be unable to look at either for days afterwards. "you have fun? was it worth it? because you put on quite the show... and both you fuckheads managed to turn a night about doing something good into a pissing contest and a show boat for you two and put on show for everyone else." she spat, her breath puffing clouds as a shiver shot down her spine. "get up, caleb." jordyn stood back, eyeing her fiancé on the ground face twisting up in utter disapproval and disgust. "you both fight like a bunch of 3 year olds, by the way. go clean yourselves up before anyone starts taking pictures and makes this worse."
caleb was lost in the fight. the only thing he could hear were the sounds of their fists making contact with each other’s faces and the grunts that followed. he wasn’t sure how long they rolled around in the snow (which at this point didn’t even feel cold anymore). caleb could feel the adrenaline coursing through his body as things got a little more intense. he could have gone for a while longer if he hadnt been taken out of his trance by jordyn suddenly shouting at the two of them. he slumped against the ground once zeke had been pulled off of him and laid there for a second, trying to catch his breath. he could barely understand the lecture jordyn was giving, but he was sure it was something about the two of them being stupid and annoying. after a second, he got up and brushed the snow off of his pants. he spat once more in anger before he stomped off without an word to anyone.
TW: abusive mentioned 
 the minute jordyn's voice registered, her words immediately made zeke halt his actions as he was pulled off her fiance, his jaw clenched and his eyes rolling. zeke was a lot of stupid, but he'd never laid his hands on a woman in any physically abusive manner. he wasn't about to make the mistake accidentally or not, but that didn't mean he was over the situation at hand. it didn't matter, at the moment, what happened next between him and his best friend. was she likely pissed at him? yes, but zeke couldn't bring himself to register why he should be concerned with it. his amber hues rolled once more as he watched caleb stalk off without a word, but as they flicked over to see nicole's features... his heart stopped momentarily. he was more than ready to get away from the situation all of a sudden. fighting with caleb was easily swiped from his thoughts, because everything in him focused on the expression. any residual anger, adrenaline, pride over leaving some form of mark on a good sized footballer... slid from him and he felt defeated. deflated, physically his frame exhaled all the remaining air from his lungs and he shook his head, pulling off the suit jacket he adorned and heading off in the direction of where he was staying, wordlessly as a half hearted roll of his eyes followed this time.
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mimi-cee-hq · 4 years
Notice me, Y/n-senpai - Yamaguchi x Reader
So this is the first time I’ve done a match-up. I offered to do one because I thought it’d be fun. I don’t know how I thought of this so quickly though. I guess when inspiration comes… I have a bit of a writer’s block with Accidental Confession at the moment. I hope you like how I characterized an anime version of you in my style of writing. I went a bit more with your empathy trait and exaggerated some other things too.
Request from @haikoo​:
well physically i would say im tall (5'9) and im just the average body. my hair is blonde and i have light brown eyes also i wear glasses bc im literally blind. i’m usually very rational and logical, and im very observant which makes me look very serious and maybe even rude bc of my facial expressions but im actually very energetic, nice and easy to talk to. im always making people laugh despite all my sarcasm and humor and i enjoy making new friends. i used to play volleyball (where i put my observation skills to use) but i dont anymore bc of an injury. i love being organized even tho sometimes i don’t follow my own rules, and im definitely a perfectionist which makes me usually overwork myself. lastly, im very enpathetic.
Y/n helps a certain player get more noticed by his coach, not knowing how embarrassed she’ll be when he uses her tactic back at her. A funny and cute “notice me, senpai” match up one-shot where y/n is the senpai.
“It’s fine,” Y/n said with a laugh, “You don’t have to do it. I mean, I think it would be hilarious, but if it makes you uncomfortable-”
“I’ll do it,” he replied.
“What?” Y/n said. It caught her off-guard since she was not expecting that.
“I’ll do it,” he said again, with the same determined face that she had noticed during his matches. “I’ve always admired people with the confidence to do something like that, so I’ll force myself to do it.”
Notice me, Y/n-senpai! - Yamaguchi x Reader
AO3 link if you want to read there instead
Words: 3,004
Tanaka and Nishinoya were energetically chatting in their classroom - things like Kiyoko-senpai as well as their volleyball team. Y/n wasn’t surprised that school work wasn’t one of those topics though.
“I don’t know how your team will cope now,” Y/n commented to the two of them. “Two of your best receivers graduated.” Y/n had known about their team because she was at the game against Shiratorizawa, cheering in the stands. Her friend had suggested to her that she should go. She had thought Y/n’s energetic personality would be perfect for the job. Y/n definitely went, especially since she loved volleyball.
“Wait a moment,” said Tanaka with a glint in his eye. “Do you know what’s the difference between a serve receive and a dig?”
“Of course,” Y/n answered. “You have to bump the ball for both, but one is from a serve and the other is from a spike.”
Nishinoya’s eyes lit up, as if catching onto why Tanaka was asking. “Do you know what a free or chance ball is?”
“Yeah,” Y/n said like it was obvious. “It’s when the opponents aren’t able to attack so they just lob the ball back over the net.” The two gave each other a look while Y/n was just confused. “I don’t get it. You two already know that I-”
Tanaka and Nishinoya suddenly picked up Y/n, all 5’ 9" of her, and carried her to a second year class. “What are you doing?!” she yelled out at them. She couldn’t believe that the 5’ 3" short libero was one of the guys carrying her.
Y/n suddenly found herself in front of Yachi. She stared at her for a moment, noting that she was really short. She looked at her more closely and figured that she was almost a foot taller than her. She wondered if she had always had a kouhai this cute in her school.
“S-sorry!” apologized Yachi to her. “I- I’m really bad at being a manager.”
Y/n got confused as to why she would apologize to her for something like that. Apparently, Y/n missed Tanaka’s explanation on how Yachi needed help with recording statistics for the team.
“Could you stop making that face?” asked Tsukishima. “You’re scaring Yachi.”
When Y/n realized that she was staring at Yachi a little too intently, she said, “Oh sorry!” She started to say, “I’m actually really friendly! I just-.” She stopped, initially wanting to explain that she only looked rude or scary when she was thinking about something, but she wished that she didn’t have to explain it every time. “Never mind.”
Later, Tanaka and Nishinoya introduced Y/n to the team as they waited for their opponents to arrive for a practice match.
“Is she Tsukishima’s sister?” asked Hinata.
“Yes,” Tsukishima sarcastically replied. “All girls with blond hair, brown eyes and glasses are my sisters.”
“Really?” said Hinata with sparkles in his eyes as he looked at Y/n.
“No,” Tsukishima answered as Yamaguchi snickered at him.
As the teams warmed up before the game, Y/n sat at the bench beside Yachi. She analyzed the players’ different forms and strengths as they practised their serves.
“What’s with her face?” Kageyama commented.
“She looks like she’s planning a murder,” added Tsukishima.
“Maybe because I am,” Y/n said sarcastically.
Tanaka stepped in to defend her and said, “You shouldn’t be talking about a girl’s face like that!” Tsukishima commented that Tanaka probably got offended because he looked like that pretty often. But then he looked away when Tanaka glared at him as if he was going to kill him. Y/n laughed at how Tanaka looked and decided that she didn’t have a favourable impression of either Tsukishima or Kageyama.
When the game started, Y/n took a glance at the players on the sidelines, cheering for their team. She recognized a few of them, especially their pinch server. She remembered when she was on the sidelines too and sympathized with them.
“Yachi,” Y/n asked, “do you have footage of your other matches?” Yachi later gave them to her, not realizing what Y/n was about to get into.
Y/n decided to binge watch all of their matches that night and as a result, she was sleepy the next day. It wasn’t like she hadn’t watched some of their matches before. She had made sure to watch their tournament games whenever they were on TV. She just wanted to get a second look of their games with the ability to pause in between plays. Y/n started by recording the stats for each game by counting every spike, block and dig per person, but it was too much work and it felt useless, so she just started to write her own notes based on her observations. So at their practice, a sleepy Y/n told each player on the team what they could improve on.
“How did you analyze so much?” Tanaka and Nishinoya asked with their jaws dropped.
“Oh, I actually have more,” Y/n grinned as she showed the rest of her notes. Inside an organized notebook, she had a page worth of content for each player. She had written their name, profile, strengths and weaknesses, and even detailed steps on things they could do to improve.
Tsukishima looked at her like he wanted to say a sarcastic comment, but he couldn’t because her notes were too accurate.
“I think you just don’t like that she pointed out your weaknesses,” Yamaguchi laughed at him. He looked at Y/n with a smile. “I’m surprised I’m in there too, especially since I’m not a starting player.”
“Of course I didn’t overlook you!” she said. “You’re the ones who want to improve the most!”
She could see that Yamaguchi really appreciated it. She had also written down their goals that she had gotten from Yachi, so she knew that Yamaguchi wanted to be a starting player and to have a bigger presence on the court.
“By the way, you look really tired,” noted Yamaguchi. As if he noticed something about her, he asked, “When did you start making these notes?”
“Last night.”
“What?!” he freaked out at the fact that she stayed up late just to help their team.
“Oh, this kind of happens often because I’m kind of a perfectionist and I can get carried away with things,” she told him. “But don’t worry! I’m used to this!”
Yamaguchi just sweatdropped at her, “Of course you’ll make people worried about you. You’re making me worried right now.”
Over the next month or two, Y/n continued to watch some of their practices and assisted Yachi and the coach whenever she could. So when they didn’t make it to the nationals the next time around, it pained her to see them lose their game, knowing how hard they had worked. She noticed that Yamaguchi was also trying to figure out a way for them to get over their loss and to encourage them to keep trying harder. Y/n wanted to help as well, but instead, she thought of a silly idea, which may or may not help.
She approached Yamaguchi one day, telling him that she had an idea that would cheer up the team and would also get him noticed by the coach. If he did it, you could say that he’d have a bigger presence on the court without even trying. So when she told him her idea, he freaked out, which she expected.
“It’s fine,” Y/n said with a laugh, “You don’t have to do it. I mean, I think it would be hilarious, but if it makes you uncomfortable-”
“I’ll do it,” he replied.
“What?” Y/n said. It caught her off-guard since she was not expecting that.
“I’ll do it,” he said again, with the same determined face that she had noticed during his matches. “I’ve always admired people with the confidence to do something like that, so I’ll force myself to do it.”
For some reason, his determination had caught her eye again. But the next day, you could say that Yamaguchi started to chicken out.
“Where did all that determination from yesterday go?!” asked Y/n as she tugged on Yamaguchi’s arm to pull him into the second gymnasium. “Do you know what I had to do to get this costume for you? I have to do my brother’s chores for a week now!”
“I didn’t think I’d look like this!” Yamaguchi yelled back.
They both froze when they saw Tsukishima walking along the path between the school and the gym. He also froze when he saw Yamaguchi. Y/n could see the drops of sweat on Tsukishima’s head forming. He then proceeded to the gym as if he didn’t see anything.
“Tsukkiii! Help me!” cried out Yamaguchi.
“What kind of guy ditches his best friend like that?!” Y/n yelled after him.
But of course he would be embarrassed by Yamaguchi at that moment. He was wearing a chicken costume. But that wasn’t all. He wore a t-shirt over it that said, “I’m going to be a starting player. So if you become a chicken, I’ll take your position!”
“BAHAHAHAHA!” Tanaka and Nishinoya both laughed at him after Y/n finally got him inside. Yamaguchi placed a hand on the wall, forgetting why he did this in the first place.
“Well, this would definitely get me noticed,” said Yamaguchi. “But this won’t improve my skills.”
“You should do both,” Y/n grinned at him. “Get the coach’s attention while you improve on your skills.”
“I guess we can’t let ourselves get too discouraged about the preliminaries now when we have to worry about Yamaguchi taking our position from us,” said Tanaka with a grin.
“Well, he could take a middle blocker or a wing spiker position,” said Kageyama. “But it’s not like he could be a setter.”
“Who knows,” said Y/n. “With how hard he works, it’s not impossible.” Yamaguchi gave her a look as if she were crazy.
Yamaguchi sighed, “I still can’t believe I wore this.”
Y/n just smirked at him. “You know, I thought it was actually really cool that you were determined to do this in the first place.” Yamaguchi blushed at her comment. “But it seems like you have a daily limit of confidence,” she laughed.
Yamaguchi got to know Y/n better over the months at school and practice. Since she liked making new friends, she somehow kept pulling him into her antics. She told him that she was surprised that he could keep up with her energetic personality. He figured that someone had to take care of her.
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask,” said Yamaguchi. “Do you have any suggestions on how I can spike harder?”
Y/n went on to explain things like proper spiking form and that he would need to twist his whole body to get strength from all of his muscles. “I’d show you, but I injured my shoulder.”
“What?!” exclaimed Yamaguchi as he panicked. He felt so bad that he didn’t even notice it these past few months. “Ugh… I feel like a horrible friend.”
“It’s fine. It’s not like I brought it up before,” said Y/n. She continued to explain that she kept practising her spiking swing at home, which overworked the tendons in her shoulder. So during an actual game, she had spiked the ball and then she had felt a sharp pain, which ran from her shoulder and down her back. But since they had been so close to winning, she had pushed through the pain.
After learning this, Yamaguchi did some research on muscle pain. He bought all of these medical supplies for Y/n. But then later, Y/n told him that he didn’t need to because she was already working with a physiotherapist. Yamaguchi couldn’t believe that he did all that research for nothing, but she still appreciated the effort.
One day, Yamaguchi walked down the school hallway with Tsukishima. When he peaked into Y/n’s classroom, he noticed that Y/n was chatting with Tanaka and Nishinoya. He sighed, commenting that he wished he was a year older. “She’s only a year older,” replied Tsukishima. “I don’t get why the whole senpai/ kouhai thing matters so much to people.”
Yamaguchi flinched in shock that Tsukishima knew that he was talking about. But then again, he knew that Tsukishima was pretty perceptive, so he shouldn’t have been surprised. “I just don’t know how I can get her to notice me.”
“What do you mean?” snickered Tsukishima. “She introduced a perfect method to you.”
Y/n walked into the gym, expecting a regular practice, but when she saw Yamaguchi, her whole face turned red and she yelled out, “What the heck is that?!” He was wearing a custom-made t-shirt with Y/n’s face on it, saying, “Y/n-senpai is really cool!” Yamaguchi struggled to give an answer right there, especially with his teammates laughing their butts off. So Y/n dragged him out of the gym and asked him what was going on.
“I- I just wanted you to notice me, Y/n-senpai,” said Yamaguchi timidly.
“What do you mean? You’re my friend!” she replied.
“I mean as a potential boyfriend. B- But I don’t expect you to like me back right now,” he said as he started to get flustered. “I figured that I’d get you to notice me while I worked on getting you to like me.”
Y/n blushed at his direct confession. She thought it sounded familiar, but then she realized that was the same advice she had given him to get the coach’s attention. She giggled at Yamaguchi for using her tactic, but she was suddenly conscious of how close his face was to hers. He was only about a couple of inches taller than her so she got a good view of his freckles.
“Y- You don’t have to do use that t-shirt to get my attention!” Y/n told him. “Do you think I’m blind or something?” When he didn’t answer right away, she added, “Okay, I’m basically blind without my glasses, but you don’t have to wear a t-shirt with my face on it.” She then turned her head away from him and muttered, “Besides, I had already noticed you.”
When Y/n had been in the stands at the Shiratorizawa game, she had noticed Yamaguchi freaking out before their big match. They had needed to win three matches against the powerhouse school. She had known that they still had a chance since they did somehow make it to the finals.
She had been surprised when Yamaguchi was subbed in. When she had realized that he had been there as a pinch server, she had found it interesting because she had never had a pinch server on her team before. When he had been subbed back out, she had thought it must have sucked to only be able to play for one rotation per set. He must have wanted to be able to play even longer.
Y/n had thought it was really cool anyway because she saw he was still a very valuable player as a pinch server. He had to ability to turn the game around with how good his serves were. She had later wondered what happened to the nervous boy she saw earlier. During his serve, he had looked a lot cooler and more confident.
When she had found out that she could have an opportunity to actually help the team, of course she had gotten too carried away. She had wondered why she was working so hard, but had just brushed it off, thinking that it was her perfectionist side coming out again. When she had seen how much Yamaguchi appreciated her work, she had wanted to help him even more. She didn’t know when her empathy turned into actually having a crush on him.
“I like you too,” she said with a blush.
“What? Really?” Yamaguchi was shocked.
“Why do you think I worked so hard on analyzing the team’s matches? I was especially attentive when I was writing stuff for you.” Y/n said with a blush. “I even did my brother’s chores for a week for you to get that chicken costume.” Yamaguchi chuckled at that memory with her. “So you don’t have to wear that embarrassing t-shirt anymore,” she added.
“Oh, okay,” he replied with a smile.
When he suddenly started to take off his shirt, Y/n panicked and said, “I didn’t mean that you should take it off now, you idiot!” Y/n smacked the back of Yamaguchi’s head. “Do you think you’re Tanaka or something?”
At the next tournament, Yamaguchi stood on the court, shaking like a leaf as he and the rest of the starting players showed their jersey numbers to the referee. From the second floor, Y/n noticed how nervous he was and energetically called out to him. “Yamaguchi!” When he looked up, she placed the tips of her hands on her head to form a large heart. Yamaguchi chuckled at her as she continued to hold the heart above her head and added a silly dance. Tsukishima still thought she was annoying while Hinata told him that he should be happy that Y/n helped Yamaguchi relax.
Bonus - (because of the liars headcanons I read)
“So… if you want to be my boyfriend, Tsukishima can’t be your best friend anymore,” said Y/n. When it looked like Yamaguchi was actually considering it, she cut off his train of thought. “Wait! I was just joking!”
Yamaguchi said, “I know and just wanted to scare you.”
“Where did you learn to fake like that,” she said as she narrowed her eyes at him.
“Our other setter taught me,” he said as he grinned. “He graduated in March.”
“I guess he must be like Tsukishima then because I thought Tsukishima taught you,” she said. Yamaguchi just laughed at how wrong she was.
Author’s Notes
I hope you liked it. I can’t seem to get away from my headcanons from Accidental Confession. lol. Y/n is kind of similar to my side character OC, but not at the same time.
103 notes · View notes
taexual · 5 years
HOLIC - 40 |  jb x reader
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pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
genre: enemies to lovers au | roommate au
warnings: angst
words: 5.2k
disclaimer: i do not own the gif, please let me know if it belongs to you, so i can give proper credit
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The leisurely contract did entail a couple of rules – that Jiho was kind enough to point out before you added your signature – such as not attending any public events with anyone other than him during the “PR process” as he’d dramatically called it. To be fair, you didn’t understand that part – if making a name for yourself meant causing unnecessary rumors, then wouldn’t this whole process go much faster if you were seen with not one, but multiple people at photography events? But this was probably where the loyalty – mentioned in the contract a couple of dozen times – came in. They’d probably be okay if you went out with some of the other staff members from the gallery as long as they weren’t complete outsiders.
In the end, the few rules weren’t enough for you to call the police instead of signing the contract, and, another moment later, Jiho was already ordering champagne -- which you refused even if a few glasses would have surely helped you get through the rest of your day.
Your head hurt when you left the restaurant and returned to your own gallery to get back to work. You always dreaded the end of lunch break – it was probably natural for humans to hate having to go back to work – but this time, as you tip-toed on the edge of a new life, going back to work—returning to your old routine—was something you welcomed and even looked forward to.
Avoiding a group of children on tour with their teacher, you popped into the staff room for a moment to grab your electronics and take your jacket off, and then replied to Jaebum’s text that was inquiring about your plans tonight. You had none. You just wanted to sleep until you were miraculously hosting your exhibition while Jaebum’s album played in the background and all was well.
Deep inside, though, you were hoping Jaebum was going to say something that would make you forget your wish to hibernate for the rest of your life. He wanted to say something like that, too – and if he’d known how you were feeling, he would have – but he had a different obligation now; an obligation that he apologized for – because he couldn’t invite you with him, – but an obligation nonetheless.
The agency he’d just signed with had invited him and Jackson out for dinner and celebratory drinks later. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t have asked him not to go there. This dinner was probably as important as the first meeting itself; Jaebum was given even more chances to impress his new employers. It was good. It would make sure that his road towards success wasn’t just a sandy path, but rather a solid highway that was able to endure any storm and hurricane that might threaten it.
With a heavy sigh, you turned around to return to work but not before checking in with your friends. It was unfair of you to rely on Jaebum so much, anyway, so, to avoid truly locking yourself up in your room for the foreseeable future, you were going to need someone to keep you company and, perhaps, tell you if the decision you’d made—the contract you’ve signed—was a mistake or not.
You’d texted your friends’ groupchat, looking for company but, as always, May – the youngest – was the only one who was free to get drunk on a Tuesday night. And, as if she had some magical telepathic powers, she immediately offered her listening services. Although, to be fair, the number of crying emojis you’d used when texting her might have been a huge hint.
Smiling at May’s eager approval to meet up tonight, you took a mental note to be a better friend to your friends – you suddenly weren’t sure if they were so independent that they just never needed your help, or if you just weren’t there for them, – and headed back out into the gallery, ready to spend the rest of the day focusing on crowds of children, high university students, and snobby customers. Somehow, all of that still put you in a better mood than the lunch you’ve had with Jiho earlier.
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For the first time since Jaebum introduced you to Mark, you managed to show up to his bar when he wasn’t working. You shot him a quick text while you waited for May to show up and learned that he was going to work today, after all, but his shift wouldn’t start until nine. That left you plenty of time to get drunk before he got here.
Somehow, even though you knew Mark much shorter than you knew the rest of your friends, he had become one of the most reliable people in your life – but, then again, perhaps, being reliable was one of the traits every bartender had to have. Still aware of Jaebum’s strong reaction about your and Mark’s friendship back in the day – even if Jaebum did change his mind later on – you weren’t brave enough to openly address the bartender as your friend but, in spite of everything, he still felt like one.
“Hey, I’m here!” May’s rushed voice was suddenly by your ear as your friend leaned in for a quick hug and sat down on the stool next to yours. “I might have just escaped a serial killer on my way over here.”
You never knew with May – she tended to exaggerate – but your eyes still widened in surprise. “What do you mean?”
“I called a cab,” she began to explain after making eye contact with the bartender-on-duty and earning a nod from him, “and the driver turned out to be the creepiest man I’ve ever seen. I swear, he’s Freddy Krueger’s long-lost brother. Even looked a little like him. He asked me when I was going to go home and if he should pick me up as if that’s something that normal taxi drivers do.”
“Shit, I hope he’s not waiting for you outside of the bar.”
“No, no, I waited until he drove away,” May said, still breathing heavily. She looked like she’d sprinted over here. “Otherwise, I would have called the police.”
“You need to get a license,” you reprimanded her for the umpteenth time.
“I do,” she admitted like she always did. “But, then again, what would I do with it? I’d only use it to drive to class and back.”
“Hey, I only use mine to drive to work,” you replied. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Yeah, but, hey, speaking of driving,” May smiled and then was forced to pause when the bartender came over to take your orders and make you your drinks. “You’ve got yourself a chauffeur for a boyfriend. That’s cute.”
“He’s not my chauffeur,” you shook your head, having nothing against the particular occupation and yet feeling as if calling Jaebum your chauffeur was offensive. You didn’t really pay him for his services—although…—so it sounded like you were using him.
“I want to ask how the roadtrip went,” she stopped to take a sip of her martini. Her love for gin was unrivaled. “But, since we’re drinking tonight, I guess, it didn’t go that well.”
You sighed, toying with the slice of lemon on the side of your cocktail glass. “No, it went well. Really well, actually. It’s… it’s what happened after that’s forcing me to turn to alcohol.”
“Did you fight again?”
“No. But that’s in the future, I’m sure.”
And then you told her about everything that happened after you opened the door of that damn gallery – a true devil’s lair protected by the remarkably pleasant administrators – starting from the surprise you felt when you saw that Jiho was the one who’d made sure you got the interview, and finishing with the meeting you’ve had to endure earlier today.
Of course, as you spoke, you ended up having to take detours from the main story and introduce May to Jiho – since, by a weird coincidence, she wasn’t aware of what had gone down between you two – but you felt like you’ve lost twenty kilograms of weight off your shoulders when you finished talking.
May listened patiently, not moving at all – aside from tipping her head back to finish her drink in one big gulp as soon as you wrapped the story up.
“That’s one big load of information,” she admitted, her head bursting with so many new facts. “That was extremely unlucky. I’m sorry. Did a black cat cross your road every morning for the past week?”
You scoffed. “No. That’s what I get for daring to consider myself blessed to get that interview with the gallery in the first place. There’s no such thing as—”
“No, that was blessed,” May said. “Even if it’s Jiho who sought you out. I mean… I don’t know. I don’t like the guy, either. Anyone who doesn’t mind the negative image of themselves in the media is suspicious to me but maybe getting some exposure won’t be that bad.”
“But unlike him, I do care about my image,” you continued pointlessly.
The contract was signed, there wasn’t really a way to back out now. And yet you kept on talking as if hoping to hear comforting words. As if hoping to hear May tell you that you hadn’t just made the biggest mistake of your life.
“I get that,” she said. “It’s why you’ve hesitated before signing the contract, isn’t it? Because this sounds ideal. I know I’m supposed to become an architect after I graduate but, hell, if I got an offer like that, I’d agree to switch to photography.”
You have her a sarcastic look. “Want to trade places?”
May scoffed. “As if you’d ever allow that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You didn’t really agree to do this for yourself,” she concluded. “You mostly agreed for Jaebum.”
“What?” you frowned, feigning confusion even though your heart had picked up speed, catching on faster than your mind did. “I don’t understand—”
“You understand very well,” she cut you off with a shake of her head. “I can see right through you, you know.”
You knew. Of course, you knew. Even strangers would have been able to tell what you were feeling but May was one of your closest friends – not to mention, she was the kind of person that would have been able to crack the toughest spine of the most complicated book. If she was the one who’d moved in with Jaebum, she’d have gotten him to open up in just a few days, guaranteed.
“You signed the contract because he signed his,” May concluded. “Isn’t that right?”
“Well…” you looked away, swallowing. “It may have encouraged me. But I’m not doing this for him. I’m doing this for myself.”
“No, but you mean photography,” she said. “You’re doing photography for yourself. You’re thinking of hosting an exhibition for yourself. But you’re agreeing to work with Jiho for Jaebum. Because this isn’t something that you’d do. You’re going to have to pretend to be Jiho’s friend, his colleague, and whatever the hell the media assumes you are – and pretending to be someone you’re not is not something you’d do voluntarily. You’re just not good at that.”
“Thanks,” you said dryly.
May gave you a kind smile in return. “You’re good at being yourself, sweetheart.”
Somehow, even though she was younger than you, the endearing term softened your heart. It also made you feel like you were the younger one but that wasn’t a new feeling. If you caught May at the right moment – that is, a glass of martini in hand and a suffering friend by her side – she was wise beyond her years.
“Everything is going so well for him,” you couldn’t help but say, the words pouring out of your chest faster than you could learn how to stop them. They sounded stupid when said aloud and yet you still said them because that was what you were feeling and feelings didn’t always make sense. “I don’t want him to feel like he’s leaving me behind when he starts to make it and I’m still stuck in the same place.”
May nodded – that was what she’d suspected all along – and, after ordering another round of drinks – even if you were still only halfway done with yours – she placed a reassuring arm around your shoulders, leaning over the bartop to be closer to you.
“There will be other opportunities in the future if you’d prefer to wait,” she said softly. “You’re talented.”
“Yeah, but there are lots of talented people,” you replied. “I’m nothing special.”
“Oh, May, it’s your job to call me special,” you interrupted before she could say anything, “you’re my friend.”
May retreated, smiling playfully. “I wasn’t going to call you special.”
“Oh,” you looked at her, surprise and embarrassed anger mixing in your blood. “Well, you should have. That’s the nice thing to do.”
“Yeah, but you wouldn’t be listening to me if I’d come here to tell you nice things,” she pointed out.
She was right but you still sighed, “I’m not sure I prefer the cold hard truth right now, to be honest.”
“You’re just going to have to deal with it,” she decided and then proceeded to tell you all that you needed to hear and more, “your own attitude towards this is exactly what’s the problem. You don’t think you’re special and that’s why you’re agreeing to do this. You need to sit down, convince yourself that you’re the most extraordinary person in this whole world and any gallery would be lucky to have you. You don’t have to do it this way. And then, once you’ve managed to convince yourself, you can drop Jiho, forget all about him and his half-assed attempts to get you both popularity, and go home to make love to your singer boyfriend.”
You shuddered, giving her the most disgusted expression you could muster even though your chest was full of nothing but gratitude.
“I was going to say you should be a motivational speaker,” you said, the first traces of a smile appearing on your face, “but I’m afraid you just made me cringe into the next year.”
“Come on, I’m serious,” May continued but she was beginning to smile, too. “Have a little more faith in yourself. I know it’s easier said than done but if you’re not going to work on your confidence, then you might as well just go through with this whole ordeal. Maybe having your first exhibition – under whatever circumstances – will open your eyes so you can see how wonderful of an artist you are.”
Her words got you to quit playing with the sad slice of lemon on your drink and finish the cocktail inside of the glass instead.
“I thought you weren’t going to be nice and would hit me with the cold truth,” you told your friend then.
“I am hitting you with the cold truth,” May replied. “You’re a good person and a great photographer. Do whatever it takes to prove that to yourself.”
She was right, of course. Before you proved your worth to everyone else, you needed to prove it to yourself. You’ve helped Jaebum out of his seemingly bottomless pit of insecurities about his music, but you were drowning in a similar pit yourself. You weren’t alone, though. You had your friends who were there to throw you a rope in case the deep water of your anxiety threatened to swallow you whole and, if you’d just told Jaebum about this, you knew he’d be here for you, too.
But he had so much going on already. He’d just released his first song. Just signed his first contract. Just went to his first formal dinner with his new employers. He was already riding on the highway to his future while you hitchhiked, hoping that a passing car would pick you up and help you follow after him. You didn’t like this way – you didn’t want to depend on anyone on your way to your dreams – but, right now, this seemed to be the only way to get to your destination at the same time as Jaebum got to his. Not years – or, worse, decades – later.
You’d just have to find a way to believe in yourself while you tore out a few pieces of your soul to be able to follow Jiho around without killing him on sight.
“Will you have my back if everything backfires and all that I’ve worked for explodes in my face?” you asked May then.
“No,” she replied, “because I don’t want to get burnt, too.”
You rolled your eyes just as the bartender brought you a new round of drinks. “A true friend you are.”
“I will visit you in the hospital, though,” May promised. “I’ll bring flowers.”
You laughed. For the first time since you’ve left the house today, you genuinely laughed. And you were suddenly overwhelmed with affection for your friend because, for the first time since that visit to the gallery, now you felt like you weren’t committing a huge, horrible crime. Perhaps you just needed to talk to someone and, having May listen to you and reassure you in the most realistic words she could manage to find, worked as a medicine of sorts.
You still felt a thick heaviness inside of your chest – you didn’t need just anyone to talk to; really, you needed Jaebum – but it didn’t feel so suffocating anymore. Maybe, as long as your mind remained on this moment, you’d survive this.
“You look like you’re going to start crying,” May observed, breaking you out of your thoughts. “Should I be worried about something else?”
“No,” you shook your head, inhaling deeply and then giving her a smile. “I’m just glad you’re here. Tell me how school is going. Fewer asshole professors this semester, I hope?”
“Oh, boy,” May rolled her eyes before finishing her cocktail and breaking into a story about her day-to-day life, never once abandoning her sense of humor as she complained about her deadlines.
You listened, nodding along and smiling whenever it was appropriate, because listening to her talk wasn’t just a wonderful distraction. It was also something you truly wanted to do.
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A couple of hours later, both you and May were already preparing to head out but then you saw Mark arrive. Deciding to stay back for a few moments to help him get started on his shift – he asked you to, claiming that the biggest bartender superstition was that, if no one ordered a drink within ten minutes of the start of their shift, the night wasn’t going to go well – you waved May goodbye and then walked her out to wait for the cab with her so the creepy driver from before wouldn’t show up again.
Once you went back inside, however, Mark was already pouring a drink for someone else.
“Looks like you don’t need me, after all,” you joked, sitting down in your old spot.
“No, but it looks like you need me,” he countered. “How long have you been here?”
“A few hours. Why?”
“You don’t look drunk in the slightest,” he said. “The only people who stay at a bar for this long and don’t get drunk are either psychopaths or people who are suffering from something that’s way beyond the superficial level. I’d say you’re sane enough, so which kind of existential crisis are we dealing with tonight?”
“Bartender sociology 101, huh?” you teased but after Mark showed no signs of playing along – he genuinely wanted to know what was going on with you – you ended up having to find a way to tell him all that you’ve just told May.
Except, Mark was Jaebum’s friend. You felt bad telling his friend about Jiho before you told him, but you’ve stumbled into a situation where the opposite wasn’t possible, considering that you didn’t have enough courage to run away from the bar and find Jaebum right this moment, and Mark obviously wasn’t going to let you leave unless you told him what was up first.
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” you admitted, still hesitant. “Because I haven’t talked to Jaebum about it.”
“I’m a bartender,” Mark said. “No one keeps secrets as well as I do.”
“No, of course, but—”
“Are you pregnant?”
You paused. “No.”
“Then we have no problem with you telling me first,” he shrugged. “Especially if it’s a loaded conversation that you’re not prepared to have with him yet.”
“It is,” you confirmed. “A-and, actually, maybe you could help me find a way to tell him about this.”
Mark wasn’t sure he would – apparently, he struggled with talking to Jaebum as much as you did sometimes – but he allowed you to open up anyway. He did have to ask you to pause for a moment while he poured drinks for the other customers, but, other than that, he listened to the story of your trip to Jiho’s gallery with great interest. A concerned expression remained on his face all throughout your monologue.
Once you’d finished, you expected Mark to give you a lecture – the look on his face was indecipherable by the time you mentioned signing the contract – but, instead, he just sighed, finished wiping the bartop, and leaned on it on his elbows.
“I don’t think you’re doing anything that’s inherently wrong,” he spoke but the slight shake in his voice was a subtle indication that he didn’t think he should have been saying that. “It’s just a somewhat conflicting way to start off your career, but, look – at least, you’re not sleeping with anyone.”
“I’d never do that,” you shook your head. “I have my limits.”
“Well, see? Then I don’t think it’s that bad,” he said, pulling away. “You only have to show up at a few events and then you can host your exhibition. That’s what you’ve been working for and that’s what you will get to do.”
“Yes, but it’s Jiho I’m supposed to show up to those events with.”
Mark considered this.
“Don’t think of it like that,” he said after a moment. “I mean, you and him are both photographers, right? So, even if you weren’t going to go out with him in public, you would probably still run into him at some event sooner or later. And, since you know each other, chances are, he would come over to talk to you. You would have to be civil since you’re both in a public place. And maybe reporters would catch you two talking. Maybe one particularly shitty journalist would even snap a picture and write an article about a-a ‘budding love affair’ between two aspiring photographers. These type of things happen without your consent all the time.”
He had a good point that left you hesitating for so long, Mark ended up having to leave you alone for another moment so he could serve a new customer.
“This feels different, though,” you said once he was back, “because now I’m purposefully waiting for that shitty journalist to do just that.”
“It’s for the greater good,” Mark said. “Or, rather, for a greater future.”
You chewed on your lip. “You really think so?”
For the first time since you’ve finished your story, Mark was the one hesitating before replying. Your stomach sunk lower and lower with every second that passed before he spoke again.
“Not really,” he admitted finally, lifting his apologetic gaze from the floor to look at you, “but that’s not what you want to hear.”
“No, no, don’t tell me what I want to hear,” you asked as a typhoon of anxiety washed over your insides. “Tell me what you really think.”
“I think you should talk to Jaebum.”
You should have seen it coming.
“Yeah?” you asked awkwardly.
“Mmhmm,” Mark nodded. “Because I don’t think that this way of getting your name out there is bad in itself. The bad thing is you keeping this a secret from Jaebum. That makes this into a bigger deal than it really is.”
That was true. If things hadn’t escalated so badly – if you hadn’t reached a point where Jaebum seemed to hate Jiho with a burning passion – he might have even supported you through this. Perhaps he wouldn’t approve – he did showcase some relatively possessive tendencies, although they never bordered on the extreme – but he wouldn’t dismiss just the very thought of you doing this.
“He would never agree to it,” you decided miserably. “He’d never let me do it.”
Mark seemed surprised to hear this. “Does he control you?”
“W-well, no. Of course not,” you said, unsure how to explain what you meant. “I-I… I just—I care about him a lot and I don’t want to fight with him.”
“If this is something that’s going to start a fight,” he said, “then maybe there’s something wrong.”
You didn’t understand what he meant. “With… with us?”
Mark shrugged his shoulders. “You tell me.”
You looked down. Deep down, you knew what he meant. In any hypothetical situation, if there was something that one person wanted to keep from another, it was likely that this thing – this secret – involved the first person doing something that wasn’t right. Wasn’t appropriate. Something that would damage their relationship.
Your head was suddenly as heavy as your heart was.
“I can’t tell you anything,” you answered. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“You signed the contract, didn’t you?” Mark asked, his voice more sympathetic when he noticed how dull your normally bright eyes looked. “Just try to go through with it. Like Jiho had said, it’s a business relationship and you have the legal papers to prove that if you should ever need to.”
You looked up at him. “You mean… prove that to Jaebum?”
“I mean, if you’re not going to tell him, and you’re hoping that this will just pass quietly—”
“I’m not sure it will. We’re talking about the media, after all—”
“Oh, love, don’t get offended,” Mark shook his head, not letting you finish, “but I don’t know a single person who would be interested in news about photographers aside from other photographers. I couldn’t care less about who Tyler Mitchell is dating or what he does in his free time – I only care about the pictures of Beyonce that he took – but Jackson was here the other day, trying to get me interested in that photographer-related gossip because he’d met Mitchell while traveling and the guy was, apparently, holding hands with someone.”
You felt your own interest in this conversation increase tenfold at the mention of the photographer’s name but Mark was obviously not going to elaborate – he nearly yawned just as he was giving you the abbreviated version – so you just nodded instead.
“You have a point,” you said, suddenly feeling the first bits of relief. “News like that probably wouldn’t even reach Jaebum.”
The bartender narrowed his eyes, asking slowly, “are you considering not telling him at all?”
Honesty was painful now as you replied, “I don’t know.”
“Okay, good,” he said, his voice rushed as if he was afraid you’d continue talking before he finished. “Don’t tell me what you decide then. I’ve already gotten more involved than I’m comfortable. I can’t support your decision not to tell him because he’s one of my closest friends, but, at the same time, this isn’t my story to tell. I’ll be quiet about this but... I don’t think you should be.”
“Yeah, I understand,” you said, awkward now that you’ve realized you’ve stepped over the line. “I’m sorry I’m putting you in this position.”
“It’s fine, I don’t mind listening to you,” Mark said. “Sorry I couldn’t help you with much, though. I’m afraid this is something that you have to do on your own. If you find the right words to explain what you’re doing, Jaebum will understand. You just have to believe in yourself and stop looking like you’ve killed three people on your way home to talk to him. Have more confidence.”
“More confidence,” you repeated, almost scoffing. “That’s what I keep hearing.”
“It’s the truth,” he said. “Jaebum always talks about how talented you are. And he recognizes art, he’s not saying that just because he’s into you.”
Your heart banged against your ribcage, reminding you yet again about how much you cared about Jaebum. About how special it made you feel to know that he was talking about you to his friends.
“I hope you get to host your own exhibition,” Mark added before you could stand up and dial Jaebum’s phone number. “I really do.”
Hearing that meant a lot and you felt your lips stretch into a smile. “So, you don’t think I’m selling my soul to the devil by trying to get it this way?”
“No,” Mark laughed. “I just think you’re very dedicated since you’re willing to give up so much for your goal.”
You couldn’t help but find his words ambiguous. You feared to think of what else – aside from your dignity – you were unconsciously willing to give up for your ambition, but you didn’t ask him to explain what he’d meant. You didn’t dare.
“You know, it’s extremely refreshing to talk to someone who doesn’t immediately assume the worst of me,” you said instead.
“Who immediately assumes the worst of you?” Mark asked.
“Ah,” he nodded with a chuckle and then clocked a group of customers that had just arrived. “Hold on for just a moment.”
You nodded, using this time to check your phone. The screen was decorated with multiple texts from Jaebum – most of them seemed excited as he told you about the divine food that the agency dinner had served – but it also showed that it was nearly ten o’clock already. You hadn’t planned to stay here for this long; you still had to work tomorrow, not to mention the mess of thoughts inside of your mind you’d have to deal with even before your alarm rang the next morning.
“Thinking of leaving?” Mark asked when he returned and caught you putting your jacket on.
“Yeah,” you said. “I’ve stayed far longer than I should have. Thank you for listening to me and for being so open-minded. You’re a great person, Mark.”
He laughed, the comment clearly flustering him. “Must be the reason why I’m single.”
“Oh, you’re going to make a great partner for someone one day,” you said, your mind flashing back to him and Kiera. You were suddenly glad you weren’t drunk or you would have brought your friend up and you didn’t think you were in the right position to talk about them together. “Anyone would be lucky to have someone like you. It’s just me who’s stupid; apparently, I like my men complicated.
“Men?” Mark cocked an eyebrow.
You smiled at this. “You’re right. It’s just him.”
Mark stopped cleaning the glass he was holding to give you a serious look. “You like him a lot, don’t you?”
You couldn’t finish the sentence and Mark was quick to notice that as a big smile spread from one of his ears to the other.
“What?” he asked, his tone teasing. “Is that not the right word anymore?”
“Oh, shut up,” you got up from your stool, looking down to avoid having him see your embarrassed face.
Mark laughed again, recalling the same exact words that Jaebum had said to him when he asked him the same thing.
“It’s okay,” he said, sending a mischievous wink your way when you looked at him again. “I happen to know that he feels the same way about you.”
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kadywicker · 5 years
like. okay. okay. im gonna go on a rant here bear with me.
for literal centuries the only way gay people could tell their stories were through “close, intimate friendships” wherein they were in love in all but name. a GREAT example of this is the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde, who was very much Gay. in the book basil is clearly obviously smitten with dorian, a young wealthy man. he paints him to capture his beauty and spends the rest of the book pining over him and feeling rejected because dorian drifts away with him and into more worldly pleasures. theres some very telling lines and oscar wilde was even put on trial because the book was so goddamn gay. HOWEVER by today’s standards? basil and dorian aren’t even in the ballpark of “canon” or a textual gay relationship. but it’s widely accepted that the book is a work of gay lit as the author had literally no other way to express this underlying relationship than a close, “platonic” male love. 
now like i know this sounds like an exaggeration but i have a whole post with sources backing this one up but let’s go with the literal start of fandom: star trek. kirk and spock were the main characters and to everyone were a “close platonic male friendship”. however, they were quite literally meant to be in love and in a gay, romantic relationship. by the creator, gene roddenberry, by the actors, by guest writers, by pretty much everyone involved with the show except for dc fontana who i’m not gonna talk about bc she was a bit of an asshole about it. and women and gay people picked up on that and started fandom specifically to be like “hey i see this does anyone else see it?” it was never put into words so much (there are some great examples of what they did get by with in the post i linked) but it was there, it was real, but even to this day fans of kirk/spock are accused of fetishizing gay relationships despite most of the fans being gay themselves and the relationship literally being canon.
this continued on for decades. even movies like “my own private idaho” which is literally about men having gay sex, use the close platonic male relationships to make it more palatable to the straight audience and never resolve the tension between the main characters, making it angsty and one-sided and all about the “close platonic male relationship”. it still didnt work and according to my mom who was a teenager at the time “if you went to see that movie you were basically waving your gay flag and so no one really went to see it or else they would’ve gotten bullied”. 
for centuries the only stories we HAD were “close platonic friendships” that were MEANT to be more but never could be due to homophobia. sure, we got some throughout the years (but i’m a cheerleader, brokeback mountain, queer as folk, glee, that one character on buffy i guess, a few side characters sometimes) but it’s been a battle in blood to get to anywhere NEAR the level of gay representation we have on tv today. and it’s still pretty shitty. most gay characters are written with their only personality trait being “they’re gay”. most of them are not main characters and their love interests are only there to be gay rep points and not really do anything except be in love with the recurring gay character. gay characters die all the time. gay characters are written for tragedy porn (i’m looking at you, euphoria). gay characters are written solely for “woke” points by straight writers and we’re told fuck you, that’s all you’re getting and if you complain you’re just asking for too much. 
(and we do get some gay rep that’s actually really good, i’ll admit. moonlight, adventure time, pose, etc. but it’s still nowhere near the amount of straight relationships in media and DEFINITELY nowhere near the amount of “close platonic relationships” that’s found in literally every movie since the dawn of time. name one movie where there’s 0 friends. one. i dare you to find a single movie where no character has a friend or friends).
and to top it all off. to TOP IT ALL OFF. when we ask for more gay representation or we see one of those “close relationships” that for centuries were our only outlet and we still relate to more deeply than “gay character played by joe russo with 2 lines” we’re told that we’re “fetishizing gay relationships” or “making men/women feel unsafe being friends” when we’ve literally never said they can’t be friends or taken that away from people. 
a lot of us discovered our sexualities through these narratives (who here was on tumblr and saying they DEFINITELY weren’t gay just because they had gay ships hahaha no way) that helped us normalize the way we felt and view these relationships as desirable and okay. a lot of us cling to those narratives of “close platonic relationships” because there’s always been so much more underlying them throughout history and maybe we relate to that feeling of not being able to tell the person that we love how we feel because of society.
people are free to interpret media however they want and gay people relating to characters and situations that we’ve been in/empathize with has never been and never will be “fetishization”. 
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tumblunni · 6 years
What do you guys think about the names Dustin and Darcy for my protagonists in Let's Go?
Cos i really wanted to play the co op mode thing by myself, just so i can pretend this role in the plot is filled by two siblings and have a bit of fun roleplaying that. But i dunno yet how the co-op works and whether you'd be able to customize the avatar of the second player or if its just the default trainer? Or can you only play co-op if you have two separate games? Im planning to buy the other version anyway once i get more money, so it could be fun to play my first version with sibling one and then the second playthru is sibling two's turn to shine!
Oh and the whole reason i wanted to do this is cos i wanna try out the customization features to make some ocs now that there's no competitive online stuff unless you pay a subscription fee (LOL NO THANKS). Like..i always felt like i HAD to make my character me in xy/sumo/usum, otherwise its like lying online? But of course i cant actually make me because theres no nonbinary option or even remotely ambiguous outfits for either gender. And you cant have wild hair colours while i dye my hair 24/7 irl lol. Its silly cos like 95% of the gym leaders and other characters ingame have anime hair colours yet the player has to be normal? So yeah i cpuldnt really enjoy making this innacurate defanged version of myself yet i didnt feel like i was allowed to just make up a new character either. Closest i could do was give myself white hair like my old trainersona when i was 12, lol. I mean i guess thats my 'real hair colour' underneath the dye right now, if you think about it that way?
okay where was i
Yeah! I think sibling trainers could be a good and unique way to handle a rival! Like having them be your sibling already establishes that rivalry. But it can be a soft and nice rivalry! I wanna go with that fun version rather than the full on angry exaggerated sibling rivalries you often see in kids media. Like i know that some people legit dont get on with their siblings and some people can even have a very gary esque full on rivalry thats sorta 'love to hate' or like..tsundere pretending you hate them. But personally i never had experience with that, i can never relate to those 'tfw u hate ur sibling and theyre always an asshole but lolll u love them anyway' posts. I only got to live with my little sister for a little while due to the catastrophe of abusive parenthood that was my childhood, and i lost contact with her forever when she was very young so i doubt she'd even remember me. *sigh* But like i don't think i only love her so much because i miss her! People say newborns and toddlers are the most bratty so like you'd think if i was gonna ever find her 'annoying' i would have done it back then. I was always just mega proud of her and whenever she'd be 'bratty' i'd be cheering her on and trying to protect her from mom. And when she'd try and pull pranks on me or practise play-fighting or whatever i was just like 'lol thats legit funny' and taking play-falls so she felt better about herself. Like we didnt have much power in that household so i felt like encouraging her pretending to be a wrestler would help her feel like she had some sort of control in some part of her life i guess? And just i wished i was allowed to roughhouse and run around and be all 'unladylike' and just enjoy BEING A KID when i was a kid, yknow? I always had legit fun being with her and legit enjoyed it and was legit proud and legit never annoyed. I just dont understand 'yeah she's annoying but i love her anyway'. I was only ever her rival as a play-rival to help encourage her to like.. Enjoy the things she enjoyed. Feel like someone else cared. I only ever acted like 'ha ha baby stuff yeah sure i hate hanging out with my sister" cos i thought i was SUPPOSED TO. I always felt so guilty doing it and so dissappointed cos id rather hang out with her than be a boring stereotypical teen tbh. I dunno, maybe this isnt typical for siblings and its just a sign of how badly we were raised? I was just real fuckin lonely and absolutely loved having a family member who loved me for the first time since my grandma died. Same reason i always used to act all 'i am too cool i totally am not soft for my lil sister' around my lil sister's dad. I really wanted him to love me too! I used to say swear words at him cos i thougjt he would thibk i was Cool And Adult?? I have soooo many cringe moments from that phase of my childhood. Man it hurts to think that i never actually did get to become that positive influence that protected my sister from my mum and let her know she was loved. Cos i was sent to live with my dad when she was like 5ish? And never saw her again and now im too scared to try and reach out to her again because 1: she probably doesnt even remember me, 2: theres a chance she believes my mum saying i was some horrible asshole who abandoned the family, 3: even bigger chance that contacting her could mean my mum finding me again and big fuckin risk of further abuse. Plus the awkwardness of introducing my trans self when she'd remember me as her sister and all. Sigh! All i can do is hope that her cool dad eventually got custody of her, and that he didnt turn out to be a secret bastard like when i met my own dad. He seemed good, but then again i was just a lil kid and my dad seemed good at first. Sighhhhhh...
Anyway the point is that whenever i write siblings i'd rather write 100% unapologetic super loving love cos its wish fullfillment for me. This is also why in/cest shipping is a massive beserk button for me, good wholesome family relationships are REAL FUCKIN IMPORTANT and how DARE you corrupt that shit! Some people would fuckin KILL to have that wholesome family!!
Anyway lol thats why i'd like a Wholesome Rivalry for these sibling ocs! Like they challenge each other to contests along the way just for fun, and they react all 'wow my sis is the BEST' when you beat them, so hard feelings at all. And you dont JUST do rival stuff but also sometimes just hang out and have fun cos you missed each other. And if anyone threatens your sibling then THAT is the only time you see the Serious Sibling Power! Rival moments: ha ha lol bet ya cant beat me ooo im a scary villain LOL I CANT KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE HAHA! Giovanni punches your brother: *stony cold death glare from hell as tricksy prank sis turns into an unstoppable vengeance engine* Oh, but also the only other time they'd be serious is in their final battle together! Like most of the 'rivalry' is just competing to make the adventure fun and to help each other get stronger. But if sis/bro ever actually legit said they really want to fight to find out who's the best, and its like..important to help their self confidence, then i think bro/sis would respect that and go all out. Taking a fall and letting them win would be the most disrespectful thing of all! Oh, but i do think there would be one kind of battle like that during the story? Like in one of the more low stakes faux-rival fights the sibling actually does try and let you win, and the challenge is to try and lose against all odds. High stakes super failure battle!!! Imagine the evil team in the background like 'wtf' as these two run the most aggressively slow race of all time! XD
Oh and i kinda thought about different personalities for the two of them based on who you pick? Like i did like that aspect about brendan/may in RSE compared to other 'unpicked option becomes rival' characters in later games that didnt even have one personality let alone two. It just sucks that the personalities they decided to give them were 'female rival is super self concious and thinks youre better than her because youre a boy' and 'male rival is super ego and thinks he's better than you because he's a boy'. Boooo!
So instead of that the personalities i was thinking for these two would be less sexist lol. Male sibling Dustin is basically Wally so far? I need to develop him a bit more to make him a bit distinct, i mean its not like every single shy dude is identical. I'm thinking maybe mix him with all the wasted potential in Brendan? Like in the game they slightly hint at him having the ONE non stereotypical trait of liking cute teddy bears, and that made me think about how much better his whole plot would have been if it actually criticized his sexism and said that he only behaves that way cos he's overcompensating for being bullied for being 'feminine', yknow? And then in the manga they actually DO write him as super feminine, and even as a contest star who loves fashion and dressing up his pokemon! But then GAHHH they present it as some sort of fuckin 'character flaw', like he's shown to be selfish and superficial because of it. And the backstory is that him and the female protagonist used to be 'normal' until a traumatic event. Brendan was a Natural Fighting Prodigy until he saved his female friend from a wild pokemon and was so traumatized that he never wanted to fight again, while she wanted to learn to fight so she'd never need to be protected again. But this is not only presented as Wrong Ways To Be Gender but also like.. Fighting their natural instinct which still comes through?? Like male protag hasnt fought in YEARS yet whenever he's forced to fight he's just magically better at it than female protag who's been practising all these years to become his equal. Ha ha silly girl you can never achieve that! All you get is this patronizing 'well if you just tryyyyy girly things im sure you'll like it' plot and then you get rescued by him in the end because OF COURSE you do. Sigh! I cant believe they made me hate that pairing even more than the games did! So yeah i dont really wanna write Dustin as a jerkass who's secretly got synpathetic motives of internalized homophobia/sexism, cos i feel thats a plot very specific to my perceptuons of Brendan and id basically just have to make Dustin a clone of him and he wouldnt be able to shine on his own merits. Instead i'm just thinking of writing him as a 100% sensitive soul, and he still faces predjudice for not being that bigoted idea of an 'ideal man' but really the fact he doesnt bow down to their demands proves that he's the bravest person here.
And then I'm thinking maybe the female sibling Darcy is the older one and is a bit "gary ish"? Like eitjer way you still have a friendly and loving siblingness, but she's a bit more of a sass who is tsundere about admitting she loves her bro. But i dont think she's the cold or grumpy sort of tsundere, more like a trickstery tomboy? Bombastic loki jock sis! She can only be a bit abrasive with her bro cos she wants to teach him to be tough even when she's not there to protect him. But sometimes she can mess it up and make him feel like he has to change his personality in order to be tough, rather than letting him know she supports him in being "unmasculine" and just wants to help him find the confidence to stand up to people who bully him for it. Like she feels like she is 'weaker' than him in the sense that she worries too much about what people will think if she expresses her real emotions, yknow? Like theyre both suffering from toxic masculinity! He's suffering from the standard form where men who are too 'soft' are beaten down into that mould. Ans she's suffering from the problem where 'masculine' girls feel like they have to be '100% masculine' in order to be allowed to be themselves at all. Like back when i was a kid and before i came out as trans i always used to try and pretend to like sports ans like..cliche macho shit where you Cant Admit You Care About Your Friends and also i wasnt allowed to like ANY feminine things at all. I had to either follow the stereotype of femininity entirely or follow the opposite stereotype, i wasnt allowed to just reject stereotypes and like what i actually like. So yeah me realizing i wasnt really a girl has led to me embracing more 'girly' things than back when i thought i was one! So i think Darcy would have a similar arc but like..the cis equivelant? Just finds people who arent such judgmental pricks and stops having to conform to either of those stereotypes in order to keep fake friends who dont really give a shit about her. She can have a plot about both forced feminine and masculine stereotypes being equally limiting, rather than that shitty 'being masculine is a prison uwu every woman will be happier embracing her love of makeup' shit. That dominant narrative just made me feel like i was somehow wrong about myself whenever i didnt like 100% Of Sports All The Time, i must be somehow girly if i liked even ONE girly thing yet i needed hundreds of proofs if i wanted to be masculine. And like i wasnt just allowed to be neither! I wasnt allowed to like parts of both! I wasnt allowed to BE GODDAMN TRANS!!! So yeah i dunno if i'd go whole hog and make this character a trans man or a nonbinary person tho? I think she's just actually a cis girl who happens to be sporty and brash and likes a lot of 'masculine' fashion and hobbies. And she's just been made to feel self concious about it, as if she cant possibly REALLY be that unless she likes Every Single Boy Thing and wins at Every Single Challenge. Does anyone else remember that shit too? The girls have to win Every sports game against the boys in order to be 'one of the boys' but if you lose even one of them it somehow proves that you're inferior. Even though the boys lost 50 billion games to you and that doesnt prove theyre inferior! Like man she has sooooo many 'gary rivals' in her school life, thats why she loves going on this adventure with a kind brother rival who actually respects her! So her resolution would just be her staying the same but being more confident about it and saying fuk u to those fake friends. Same as her brother's plot, just they both face different specifics to the way this sexism affects them, yknow?
Oh but yeah when i did finally learn about LGBT stuff and realize i was trans it was Big Amazing cos even in the rare stories about Its Okay To Be Yourself it still left me feeling weirdly empty when the girl decides that yes she does wanna be a girl in the end. So i get that these plots might come off as queerbaiting if i write them badly? I need to make sure to make it clear that these characters 100% want to be seen as this gender and its just other people being fuckfaces and trying to define what their gender has to mean. I think maybe i'll try and mitigate this potential misunderstanding by adding different sorts of lgbt content. And, well, also cos i just want lgbt content in all of my stories because i am lgbt, of course! I'm 100% sure that Darcy is gay, and i think also maybe possibly Dustin is trans? Like, his plot is about being mocked for being a 'feminine' boy, but its also even more personal for him because he's a trans boy and he feels like he needs to change his personality in order to pass/he isnt really real because his personality doesnt fit the stereotypical image of a man. Like if you'd looked at the two of them back when they were identical twins, you probably would have expected Darcy to end up being trans if you were the sort of person who believes those basic ass stereotypes about 'boys who play with barbies and girls who play with trucks'. Or i mean maybe its the other way around and Darcy is a trans girl who still has a 'masculine' personality according to stereotypes? Or even both of them are trans and both face being told that they arent real because they dont fit the perfect stereotype of a trans person according to cis perceptions? Or maybe i'm overcomplicating things with all of this and it'd just muddy the message i guess. I might just keep it to them both being cis but also both of them like girls. And i can always apply my trans and other LGBT headcanons to other characters along their adventure.
Anyway LOL im rambling too much!
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altonadventures · 6 years
So...because its Friday and I usually update AA on Fridays, I figured it was time to make my big announcement! 
And that is...that Alton Adventures is changing. A little bit. 
Am I rebooted the comic again? No haha! Once I get back to it it shall continue as normal but some characters may look a bit different going forward. 
Who may those characters be?
Sir Gareth Nemesis 
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Why is he changing? 
Sir Nemesis’ change is actually less drastic than one may think. For starters, he needed a design rehaul. I wanted his armor to be more simple, easier to draw but with still details that could tie him to Nemesis (the green eye, the arms, the light pink details instead of inconsistent tentacles). I also had an issue where his hair was too close to his skin color, so to combat this I turned him into a ginger! His eye color also changed from gold to green, another thing to visually tie him more to Nemesis. 
So yes, I changed Sir Nem’s design because I was unhappy with it. His armor was never drawn consistently ever, I was constantly changing the tone of his hair and his skin so that was inconsistent. I want my designs to be more consistent and polished going forward.
What else is different? Well, you can probably tell he looks much more serious, like in older pictures I drew of him. Why is that? Well, I was kind of..honestly tired of his role as the “dad character tm” that he kind of turned out to be. It almost undermined his true characterization and turned him into a typical over the top exaggerated hero character. And I started to realize how much I missed his original concept. A battle hardened solider that was filled with regret and remorse, who heavily sympathizes with the plight of the alien he’s locked in combat with. He’s still much a father however, as he has a biological son and adopts an alien who mimics his likeness (hence another reason he’s a ginger now as his Nemesis daughter always was one). He’s just returned to his roots as a character. Because I felt that characterization was a unique one for the Nemesis ride. And it was an idea I really loved. Sir Nemesis actually WAS one of my favorite characters...I wanted his role to be much larger than it is in the comics. I don’t blame anyone for him becoming a joke, I did initially kind of fuel the fire for it, I’m just hoping that its not to late to get back to the Sir Nemesis I originally wanted to write. And of course, all my characters are still meme and joke worthy. I just want to tackle much more serious issues with my comic and show the more serious side of some of my characters and don’t want there entire existence to be a joke Mr.S can’t have too many folks 1 uping him in the laughs department!  I guess to note with this change that his original voice claim has also been solidified as well. It’s a more somber and serious tone that I feel fits him as a character. 
Final Notes 
Sir Nemesis is a character that I have a lot of thought put into. His backstory is tragic, emotional, and his character is complex and he’s not the perfect hero people might image him as. I plan for his Arc to follow the Fireworks arc in the comic, as well as I am planning to start some more text heavy short stories about how the Secret Weapons became Secret Weapons (which I will likely call Secret Weapon Short Stories hehe) and will be writing his first. Also a very important thing i must address. Yes, the eye on his chest moves. (I have a gif but it doesn’t want to work on this post Ill have it up later ><)
Erica Annabelle Cloud 
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ooof okay this is a huge one. Confession time. Erica was always my least favorite character. Why? She just had...no character. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with her, her design felt phoned in and there because I needed an Air/Galatica character, (yes, she is changing as her Galatica stage too). She was just. not well thought out. She had a dual identity but I think a lot of people didn’t pick up on that? She felt like a Rita 2.0 as just a nice and friendly optimistic person and literally had 0 backstory. Originally she was supposed to have had some sort of accident that turned her into Galatica and she had memory loss and forgotten about when she was Air, yeah it was a mess. That eventually just turned into Nebula Corona being a character she made up (bc her one trait was that she was into space and wrote a lot) that she played as when her rides themeing changed. 
She was just..barely a character and her design was abysmal (Her Galatica suit was okay but her Air outfit was an afterthought) She needed a massive visual upgrade. A sleeker flight suit that makes more sense (I used a ref or two for this design!) A different face shape to help her stand out more, my signature they wear glasses they have dot eyes look. Long, wispy, flowing hair to resemble those trails planes make. A bit more lanky and tall. And let me tell you I LOVE her design now. It looks so much more unique and you can just SEE she has so much more character now!  As for her characterization im going full into her being a nerd. A very tech nerd at that! She designed her suit to help her fly at her best, and eventually will be the one that designs and builds all her Galatica tech! Her Galatica design hasn’t been done yet, mostly bc I wanted to focus on her current comic canon design, but not much would change I feel with her upgrade anyways! She is effectively the brains of the group, and the others often turn to her for plans of attack when dealing with a situation, or innovative solutions to problems! I have yet to get a voice claim for her, but im sure one will come to me soon enough! 
Final Notes
Erica/Nebula was a character I struggled to connect with. Everyone else had Airs that were either super plot important, or just much more cool and creative in general. I felt, that with my Air/Galatica she was just there, and I wanted her to be more. So a full character rehaul was done with her and it makes me so happy. She feels much more fleshed out, better designed, and I’m super excited to do more stuff with her, and hopefully you will all see her much more now that I’m a lot happier with her as a character! <3 
Welp that's the end of the updates....wait. Hold on. I have something written here. What could this be? Oh! I remember now! 
Black Hole, AkA Beatrix, will be joining the MAIN CAST of Alton Adventures! 
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When I drew my Black Hole design, I knew she was something special. She stands out compared to a lot of my characters, and her design SCREAMS main character. While the biggest main roles will still be held by Mr. S and Rita, I wanted to add another non SW coaster to the main crew, and because Canonically Corkscrew is MIA, Black Hole seemed like a fitting addition to the main crew! As she isn’t human, a species literally only referred to as Black Holes, I thought making her a main character and giving her a big arc would help flesh out the reality of non humans in Alton Adventures! Her powers and design and character and personality are just too fun to shove her into the background. I feel that adding her to the main cast gives them not only another character to support them, but a closer friend! You will all see her much more in the future for certain! 
Well that's about it! In terms of comic updates themselves...its still going to be hiatus as long as I’m being swamped with school work. I hope you all understand. I’ll try to squeeze in updates over the breaks I have IF im not working on assignments for class. As I also said, I wanna do short stories as well, to expand the world and explain it better, as a comic will only develop the world so quickly and lots of you have tons of questions! I also wanna do something animated at some point, that’s my dream. I’ve ALSO mentioned to some people about merch, likely going for making stickers first since that's simple. I got an excited reaction for that so I’ll come up with designs for them soon! I just wanna do a lot with Alton Adventures, because I know how much it means to people, and of course it means so much. Goodness I really need to actually get to this park, I look quiet silly constantly gushing over a themepark I’ve never been to all the time XP  That all aside I thank you all for sticking by me. I promise that even if I don’t do comic updates as frequently during the school year, I’ll still work to push out as much AA content I can outside of that! I’m always open to suggestions to what you guys want to see! ALSO, working on a big google doc spreadsheet with info on all the characters I’ll be posting when its more completed! So be on the lookout for that! 
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Again thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me through this, Your support makes me feel nothing but proud of what I’ve created. These characters may have been created out of something some may consider silly or odd, but the only thing that matters to me if that I can make at least someone happy with what I create. 
Patreon (note that patrons got to see all of this content as it was being worked on!) l Ko-fi
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nicesideburns · 6 years
imma post this here ab my 2 cents abt the animu 
srry my text is for ants on this blog heres a link where its more readable
Devilman Crybaby [SPOILERS]
OKAY I JUST WOKE UP AND PROBABLY FORGOT MOST OF THE STUFF BUT LETS DO THIS SHIT So, I personally enjoyed Devilman Crybaby FULLY as I've been one of the many devilman friends that have been dying for material that stay loyal to the material. And surely Crybaby DID deliver. Although some aspects have been translated to a more 'modern' approach opposed to the 80s. I know just about EVERYONE is like where's the SIDEBURNS and as someone who loves sideburns...sorry that trait kind of burned out way back then. So, I can understand what they were doing with the designs because its Modern times. Especially in anime, there's more different hairstyles that are IN right now that hasn't been the classy 80s look. So, it was bound to change in that aspect. My advice, if you can, indulge on the original material crybaby is based off of. Although some warnings because people have been rightfully mad about the portrayal of the women in the source material (which I will try to cover) as it's heavily present back then as well. Go Nagai has been Known about this issue with his series, so it's sad to say that this was also to be expected. Anyway, I'm getting side tracked just a bit. But the source material and modern Adaption are the same yet different. Also to keep in mind that Devilman was NEVER meant to be happy in the end. Just in case people are upset about the ending Crybaby IS, as I've stated before, the modern take of Devilman and because of that factors to the original story itself has been changed up. In my opinion, it's not a huge issue as I've read all of Devilman and even the OVAs, I believed they touched up on each arcs well. Even translating them into episodes despite making some adjustments to it. Personally, as each episode developed I could easily remember that certain arc of the series and be like God this takes me back. They're different, yet they play parallel with the original source material. I also REALLY can't complain about the pacing because Devilman itself did go that fast (with some bits of moments). In fact, it was one of the key things I was worried about with them dragging certain aspects too long and making things worse. Now let's see one of the things I wanted to touch. The explicit horniness of said subject matter? Primarily how 100000x hornier the demons, typically Sirene, get to gain their Raw Energy to fight. Which I thought was very Weird, since it wasn't like that in the original. Mainly it was, if I'm remembering correctly, left with Akira becoming Devilman. It's kind of a like a more Upped the scales puberty hitting him like a bus because his personality DOES change and he DOES get 10000x hornier. I guess they tried to convey that through the normal teenager looking up porn, masturbating, and engaging sexual activities. Not saying it was right to convey it like that or necessarily wrong because in the original Akira HAS made rather crude remarks toward Miki and even groped her. So it's like I guess this is better. I GUESS. But having it contribute to come demons, like Sirene, felt really I don't know off? In my taste. Especially Sirene because she was Amon's lover before Akira took him away and she wanted him back. I felt they just, as CJ puts it, that horny single desperate housewife opposed to the deadly yet beautiful being demons looked up to. IDK I guess what I'm saying is that it felt weird not acknowledging Akira as Not Amon but instead Amon and engaging with him before attempting to kill him. Even though in the past she KNEW Amon was taken from her and even acted out to take Miki from Akira to (imo) 'prove a point' of having a loved one taking from you. Literally her whole arc is focus on murdering Akira to bring Amon back because thats her lover. Not just...I'm horny n miss that sweet demon dick. When it really was, why did a human TAKE the one powerful thing I've loved type of deal. But I still love her... Another thing I wasn't too happy about was the whole Ryo thing. I guess they didn't want to explore to much on him because it was just 10 episodes and little time to cram everything. But Ryo (like prior to like ep 8 n beyond I think), has done some personal exploration on himself and patching things together on himself. I literally wasn't happy myself when they changed the aspect of him being adopted by some doctor in the original material, but instead some dude he found in Peru. It kind of killed his development and mystery in a sense because in the crybaby verse he's famous and well loved by all. When in the original it was different in terms of that (I can't really explain because my memory is hazy), but he does start off as NORMAL like Akira. (TOUCHING ORIG SPOILERS) Had a dad he believed to be his dad and raised based on research until he noticed his father was being strange. That's why he sought Akira because of the outcome of his father and the research he was doing, so he wanted to dig deeper. But of course, way later in the story as we near the apocalypse, Ryo began to patch things on his own to the relation to his father and the way he talked to him. Not heavily specific but I remember the one famous scene old fans remember when his father attempted to murder Ryo and Ryo remembered it as him going 'mad' from the demon. Yet upon later reflection we come to figure out while what happened to the father is TRUE, the father himself grew to knew that something was wrong with Ryo. That Ryo never was his son and was something Else. Hence, the keypoint of us and Ryo realizing that the father was right and Ryo is something else. It was a shame that had to be cut back and adjusted heavily with Peru to explore that aspect. They did touch on this a bit in crybaby with how Akira struggled being Devilman and facing his own demons, Ryo spent his time reflecting and researching to find out what he was. This wasn't explored as much as I would fancy, but again, 10 episodes. But this has been touched on in the manga where a portion of the time it was Akira's dilemma then to Ryo's. It's probably because they wanted to build onto Akira's character as well as the supporting characters to highlight their importance to one another, especially with Akira. Which I can say I was satisfied with because I appreciated being attached to said characters. I can say for sure I enjoyed their approach with the track team and the focus on familial relationships. I would also like to briefly touch on that rapper guy, Koda or something. I didn't like his approach being the token gay man to later join the demons. It felt tasteless in my eyes to make him like that. But I did enjoy his struggles being a devilman and the loss he underwent to see that, like Akira, still have their human heart and experience grief much like Akira. It was a really nice touch. Also, we gotta talk about the big elephant in the room: Ryokira. Crybaby didn't really focus too much on how close the two was in my opinion and only briefly touched it in the beginning half before shifting more on Akira and his relationships with the others. WHICH IS A SHAME... But people are complaining about how they didn't focus on the gay enough and blahblah fujoshi stuff. But it's limited time. But the two have been shown to be Very close to each other and even points where Akira, himself, would stand up for Ryo even if Ryo clearly did something wrong. Which caused tension between him and Miki because he held Ryo at a high standard than anything which can be shown in old material stuff. The same can be said with Ryo because he legit does like Akira in that aspect (coughgay) but its shown in other portion of the Devilman saga and whatnot. but Ryo is KNOWN to actually LOVE Akira to the point he found Miki distasteful (yeah one of Go Nagais token problems) around him and Akira. Espcially with the final episode, with the whole Mad At Myself scene because it highlights his regret killing the one being he truly loved. It was a damn shame their relationship wasn't explored much to gain that depression strings unless, like me and others, are familiar to the original material and very well known about this beforehand. But it was pretty Vague in crybaby imo. ANYWAY I think I've got some of the key points because I'm worn out and tired.There's probably more I'd like to explore and briefly point out especially with how ass and tiddy it is. But to keep it short and simple it's literally has been like that with Go Nagai's materials sadly and one of his many problems. But I can't touch on it much due to me being sick and my foggy memory but im sure there are others that can expand on this. I've overall personally enjoyed Crybaby as it didn't disappoint and I really did enjoy the new approach on some materials and execution. It's not Perfect perfect but at least it doesn't exaggerate too much with the material like the OVAs have done. The OST was good as hell too. Overall Abel score I'd give it...an 8/10 that's what I'm feeling
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mininecro · 7 years
Current Hibari characterization is butchered by the tyranny of the masses. Will you adapt? Or will you perish like a dog? *read more link* *10k meta essay*
how to write hibari????? I can't seem to grasp his character so any tips? 
show me the hibari meta. im ready 
i hate all of you
Entry level: 
Hibari's tendency towards animal metaphors isn’t ever made clear - he obviously considers them animal metaphors, considering his ‘bite you to death’ and how he frames crowds as herds, but their actual extent is up in the air.
However, what we do know about it is that Hibari uses the “herbivore” moniker specifically for cowards. If he hates someone who isn’t a coward, he gives them a title or nickname (like with Yamamoto, Reborn, and Gokudera, who he refers to by their most identifiable traits, Dino, who he gives a sarcastic nickname, or Xanxus, who he just straight-up insults). If he respects someone, he refers to them by their name. He does this to Yamamoto later in the story, and his future self does this for Tsuna. 
At no point does he ever refer to someone as a “carnivore”, because he respects brave warriors, and if someone is brave and strong enough to earn his good favour, they earn the privilege of being taken seriously, by being referred to as their given name.
Hibari currently refers to Yamamoto by his full name and Kusakabe Tetsuya by just his name. He might be taken to referring to Reborn and Shouichi by their names if endeared to them. It’s unclear how he’d refer to Gokudera. He’d never refer to Xanxus by his name because their desires are fundamentally at odds.
There’s a notable exception in Tsuna, who Hibari doesn’t really respect, but understands enough about his strength that he’s unwilling to call him a herbivore. Tsuna’s ingenuity and raw power outranks his “cowardice”, so Hibari would prefer to call him a Small Animal. Hibari also loves small animals and wants to care for them, so this is also pretty gay
I haven’t reread the series in a while so I’m missing a few details. But you know
Intermediate Level: 
He is just as much of a theatric edgelord as Mukuro is and thats why they can never get along. They both eat that “mortal enemies who cannot stop until the other is defeated” except they fundamentally misunderstand what the other considers a “mortal enemy” - Hibari’s objective is to Win, while Mukuro’s objective is to control, and both of them just misunderstand each other to be on the same page. If Hibari Won, he’d completely blow Mukuro off, because his mental dramatic character arc has been completed. Hibari and Mukuro are the edgy version of the Gokudera/Yamamoto dynamic and it’s a greatly underutilized comedy routine. How dare Amano reduce it to 1 panel in the Rainbow arc, like a coward
ANYWAY, Hibari is a fucking chuunibyou and since no one believes me I’m back with receipts
Volume 2, chapter 16:
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Hibari talks a lot. He has something to say every time he’s prompted. It’s incredibly important to him that he’s the most important thing in the room and he has the respect of everyone around him, and having a dominant personality is key to that image. The difference between him and a Fucking Chuunibyou is theoretically nothing, but in execution it’s more that he makes good on his threats. 
But they’re still theatrics, because immediately after asserting dominance, he does this: 
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His goal was just to dominate everyone with the minimum possible effort. Tsuna got smacked, so he’s been Adequately Dominated, but the other two fought back, so they needed to be knocked out. Since knocking out is dangerous, though, he’s made sure to take care of them afterwards.
Hibari isn’t a wild animal or anything. He meticulously cares for anyone he “bites”. If they’re fine, like Tsuna ends up being, he’s like “yeah, just sit on the couch for a second and rest for a little bit”. It’s only after Tsuna crosses him again that he goes back to violence. 
Hibari isn’t a rampaging delinquent, he’s a selfish asshole who associates violence with control, and that’s why he’s an abuse survivor in all my shitty AUs
But back to the theatrics and him being a chuuni fuck
Volume 6, Chapter 43: 
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Hibari just, clearly likes peaceful time alone? Looking at the trees? There’s no reason for a human being to say shit like this without blinking unless they think it sounds cool. Hibari curates his self-image meticulously. 
Before I move on to exaggerate the point, here’s some other micrometas:
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hibari is attractive enough to be sexually harassed by Hetscum, King Of The Restraining Orders, making him one of the only few characters explicitly handsome, which is important because Amano draws everyone hot and I need some sort of justification for the cold sweat I broke into when I saw 10YL Hibari for the first time
(also he looks like a pretentious nerd in these early chapters so its worth noting in general)
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Hibari’s entire character arc is literally the fact that he has the exact same problem. It’s possible that the reason Dino pisses him off so much is because he feels embarrassed at the implication of hypocrisy. 
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The fact these 2 expressions happen in abrupt sequence is so fucking funny I love him (also, proof again that he isn’t a wild violent animal intent on abusing others - being contradicted doesn’t anger him, he just assumes Winning will solve the problem, because, I’m sorry to say, Hibari is not a thinker, which I’ll get to later)
Volume 5, Chapter 38: 
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And then he doesn’t do anything to Tsuna.
I don’t even have to comment on this. Hibari’s just a weirdo
Volume 34, Chapter 330:
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Hibari has, at this point, witnessed Tsuna recover from a snapped neck and kill god. He saw this with his own two eyes. Tsuna asserted dominance over the closest this series has to the literal devil, eater of dimensions, and he only a few chapters earlier explicitly told Tsuna that he respects him so much that to defeat him in battle is a grand ambition of his and complimented him on his ingenuity and specialized power.
Hibari is lying here. He is lying through his teeth. He has finally entered tsun territory. He knows this conflict is important to Tsuna and is affording it to him, but because he painstakingly maintains self-image, he has to make it out to seem like he’s doing this for entirely selfish motives. “Wait for you to be killed”? What could that possibly afford him? Nothing, but it sounds cool, so that’s what he goes with.
it’s worth nothing that he’s functionally identical to Mukuro in this respect, except while Hibari communicates that he cares for Tsuna through Manly Warrior Affordances, Mukuro straight-out attacks Tsuna and compensates for his feelings with constant hostility. Both are funny but Hibari’s is full of more warmth and companionship so that one’s the best.
Anyway, god I forgot how cluttered and ugly the paneling had gotten during this arc
Chapter 335:
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It’s not as if he’s giving Tsuna special treatment, either, because he does the exact same “I could...BUT I WON’T” half-hearted dismissal when he comes upon a somewhat exhausted Mukuro. Everyone knows that Hibari hates Mukuro and wants to fight him, but Mukuro has just defeated the enemy as an ally, so he chucks a tonfa at him and says “reaction time is shit, get some sleep”. Hibari was slighted by being defeated, but he has garnered respect for Mukuro, but he can’t tolerate having these opinions concurrently, because he’s incredibly straight-forward and it doesn’t mesh with his “character”
Look at his dumb face. He’s entered Full Tsun.
Expert level: 
Hibari is super fucking Autistic and loves his friends
I mentioned before that he’s not a thinker. It’s not as if he doesn’t try - his observational skills are actually pretty good, and he composes a lot of reasonable conclusions based on the evidence he’s provided. For example, after fighting Daisy:
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But he often falls into logical stopgaps, and his method of resolving these are...less than ideal.
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Situation: Hibari meets with a conflict to his worldview, image, or judgement
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He hits it until it stops being a problem.
Hibari is like a Sims character that will scream at the wall that used to hold the door they were about to walk through for 30 minutes instead of rerouting. He doesn’t care about being crossed, because he can easily understand it and control that variable, but he is hideously offended by contradiction. If his worldview is challenged, he gets pissed off.
This is the primary reason he and Dino struggle to get along - the entire basis of teaching Hibari is the assumption that Hibari isn’t already right about everything. Dino has to challenge everything about Hibari’s preexisting notions, and Hibari hates him for it. Dino’s lessons excel the most when he feeds into Hibari’s view of things, which is why the 2 things that got through to him by the end is “anger is power” and “flexibility is strength”.
Hibari’s forthright, carefully maintained image also affects how he communicates with people. He talks a lot, sure, but it’s usually to talk at people about how fucking cool and above them he is. He rarely actually communicates his interest in others, which is why him talking to Tsuna about what he likes about him is so important.
It’s also why this tiny panel-and-a-half is one of the best Hibari moments in the series:
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Since when?? Have you respected Yamamoto?? He’s given zero indication of being fond of him until now. There’s absolutely no basis for this immense respect he’s solemnly presenting. He’s been mostly scornful of Yamamoto during the Daily Life arc. Hibari says this with such assuredness that he definitely thinks that liking Yamamoto Takeshi is in line with his character, unlike with Tsuna or Mukuro, who he also secretly grew fond of but is unwilling to admit as much, but Hibari just flies this like a fact.
Hibari Kyouya is fully capable of being friendly with others, but he struggles to operate outside of camaraderie. He definitely cares for Kusakabe, and they grew close over the years, but the first thing he says when he sees Kusakabe (10YL) “herding” up with a bunch of unconscious teenagers is “you’re fired”. 
Again, great basis for my AU fanfic where he’s an abuse survivor, especially when Mukuro, a canonical abuse survivor, has the same problem (with a different way of coping), but it also says a lot from the perspective of someone with Autism - he wants to become close to others, but communicating basic ideas like that is entirely beyond him. Hibari only operates in his comfort areas, and is hostile to being forced out of them. 
And yet Dino, who is the only character besides Kusakabe who has spent a significant amount of time around him, described Hibari to be similar to his ancestor, and when he gives reasons for that conclusion, he also mentions...
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And this is observable! Because Hibari's reactions are missing from scenes he has no engagement in, like this one:
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We can actually pick out scenes where he mentally checks off people as “worthy”, like this one:
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This is also where it’s more apparent that Hibari respects strength/bravery. Shouichi is obviously a cowardly mess of a person, but when he says “we are WINNING”, Hibari makes note of him.
Anyway in conclusion Hibari is a gay autistic chuuni and I love him. Here’s Hibari getting mad at Squalo for being around without permission, something he previously expected of his friends
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Submission - Insecurities are killing me
1. i’m balding. i cant even get balding hair treatment because i was born with these bald patches. so its natural. i can never wear my hair down i look like a cancer patient (not exaggerating)
2. i have small breasts
3. i have  massive black bags under my eyes (born with them)
4. im in my teens and my skin looks like that of a 40 yr old. wrinkles!!
5. scars all over my face from freckles & acne
6.i have weird red dots all over my thighs
7. i have a big nose
8. i dont have eyebrows
9. i dont have lips.
Honestly i feel so ‘less than’. everything a woman should have, i dont. I feel like (if there is a god) I just wasn’t worth anyone’s time to be made 'properly’ but overall my biggest insecurity is my hair. the rest i can get over and deal with everyone has insecurities but my hair is killing me. i literally want to rip it all out now. its hard to even hide the baldness by tying my hair up!! i feel so worthless. i get jealous when i see girls with hair and styling it. my hair is so thin and balding i cant wear extensions because you can see my scalp so you can definitely see the clips. there are hair wigs i could invest in but they charge like $500 and you have to get a new one every 3 months. thats too expensive im a student at uni and no job (i cant find employment but ive applied for over 200) help :( I always find myself comparing myself to others men and women. even if they look less attractive than me i think 'well, at least they have hair.’ i’d give anything to have hair. its not even feeling less of a woman i feel less young too! I’ve never been one to try and fit into society. i dont want hair to look like others i just want hair to feel like ME to feel like a woman to feel like a normal human teenage being. i dont even want to imagine how bald id be as i age
for purposes of privacy, i will insert a false name. Nicki Sims
please do not post my email. thank you lovelies xx
Hey Nicki, 
Life is hard. Life is unfair. It sucks. I don’t think it’s fair that you have to go through all of this, but like many other things, we can’t help what we’re born with. Some people are born with many things others want like beauty or money while others are born lacking the basic parts like a leg, hair, or boobs. Whatever it is, I think it’s our purpose in life to find beauty in it. I think it’s important that we can beauty in ourselves despite our shortcomings. Whether we’re tall, short, pretty, rick, poor, we should find the beauty that only we can possess. I’m not saying it’s easy but it’s important to not give up on yourself. 
First, your balding problem. It’s hereditary, right? Have you tried other solutions for hair growth? There are people with balding problems. What you have is definitely not uncommon. It may not be seen as often but ti’s not something that doesn’t happen. I would highly recommend talking to a doctor about it. Have you tried medicine that promotes hair health and such? Tried different natural remedies for hair growth? It may not give you thick hair like people with natural hair but it can nurture the hair follicles and help the hair grow. 
Second, breasts are fine. Small breasts or large breasts, you’re a woman no matter what. If someone tells you you’re not a woman because you lack breasts, tell them to suck your big toe. You define what makes you feminine. Your breasts may not be small. It may be AA cup but that doesn’t make you less of a woman. When you get pregnant, they’ll become bigger. If not, then so be it. There are thousands of women who don’t have large breasts. Even those with them aren’t satisfied with them. You can still wear cute dresses and be a female without breasts.
Is there any reason why your skin is bad? Do you have a good skin care routine? People think that if their skin isn’t naturally beauty then they’re destined to have bad skin. However, that’s not always the case. There are people with skin diseases and they can’t help their situation. But there are different treatments you can give your skin to help them look more bright and young. Do you massage your face often? Do you use sunscreen protection when you go out? Do you wash it often? Do you treat it with moisturises and other beauty products? I used to have really bad acne and I still have scars on my face but I treat my face really well. I never forget to wash it. Remove makeup before bedtime. I try to not wear too much product. Whenever I buy makeup products, I make sure that it’s light and breathable on the skin. I make sure to use primer and moisturise after use every time. Rehydrating your skin is the #1 key to having young looking healthy skin. I high recommend looking into this. It’s not impossible to salvage your skin from scars. 
Is it really that weird? Sure you don’t have perfectly smooth thighs like those on the shaving commercials, but is it really that weird? Do you think you’re the only one with them? You’re probably not. Are these red dots a side effect of something? Like psoriasis or eczema? Maybe it’s a skin condition that you can’t help. I have keratosis on my arms. It’s been there for 10 years and there’s nothing I can do to make it go away. It’s supposed to fade on its own but it’s been 10 years. Does that make me unbeautiful? I don’t think so. If you have these weird dots, try to find the cause for it. If it’s something that you can’t help, realise that it’s a natural occurrence on your body like beauty marks or birth marks. Talk to a doctor about them and see if it’s caused by hormonal imbalance or a reaction to certain things. 
Jewish people often have big noses. It’s not uncommon and definitely not an ugly thing. I have a huge crush on a man with a big nose. His nose could be an island and I still think he’s a wonderful man. 
I hope you’re seeing what I'm doing here. I want you to try and normalise these things about you. They’re not giant signs on your face or body that screams “I’m unattractive.” They’re a part of you and they’re what make you you. Sure, they don’t fit into the norm’s understanding of b beauty but they don’t make you a monster for it. The more you focus on how ugly these traits are, the more you become convinced of it and the less likely you are to make them work for you. I think if you have a flaw, you should make it work for you rather than trying to hide it. You have a big nose? Use it to make it a memorable thing about you. There are people with small eyes. There are people with big eyes. These things make them unique and easy to remember. 
Makeup is definitely not a bad thing either. Draw yourself some eyebrows. Draw yourself some lips. Make it work for you. I believe makeup is invented for women to feel more comfortable with themselves. They can enhance their natural beauty or present themselves in a different light. If they have a pointed face, they can create a more welcoming look for themselves, etc. It’s not a mask, per se. It’s a different medium that allows the person to feel more like themselves the way music does for us. So don’t be afraid to use makeup if you want to. 
All of these are basic remedies for your physical problem. I think it might be worth a shot. While you’re doing that, try to better your self confidence. So you don’t have Miss Universe’s beauty. What do you have that others don’t? Maybe you walk better than most people. Maybe you sing better. Maybe you dance better. Maybe you’re nicer than most people. Maybe you’re more perceptive. There’s something about you that’s better than others and it’s not always a physical appearance. Look at those traits. Things that you’re good at. Things that you like. Enjoy those things and remind yourself that you don’t have to look like a model to be a likeable beautiful person. 
It’ll take time and it’ll be hard process, but self love is always worth it. I promise you that. 
Always by your side,
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thekoreanlass · 6 years
‘Miss Hammurabi‘ came as a really huge surprise to me this year, in a great way of course. I wasn’t Go Ah Ra’s biggest fan, so I almost skipped this. She just seems overrated when she and her character always don’t match up. She had great projects, but it always felt like something was amiss her acting. But then, putting INFINITE’s L (Kim Myung Soo) alongside her and the fact that this is a legal drama convinced me to try and I was not even a bit disappointed.
In fact, the drama delivers something more than just drama. It tells stories about the lives of ordinary people, their real life struggles and social issues in modern day Korea.
The Story:
To put it simply the series tells the story of the life of judges and the various disputes that they have to settle (from wikipedia).
Park Cha Oh Reum (Go Ah Ra) is a rookie judge that is very passionate with her job and firmly stands for her beliefs and fair justice especially for the powerless. As she enters the court office as an associate judge, she unknowingly reunites with a person from her past, Im Ba Reun (Infinite’s L or Kim Myung Soo), a young judge who is popular for his firm principles and adherence to the rules. The two of them will together work hand in hand with Presiding Judge Han Se Sang (Sung Dong Il) to solve the civil cases of their department while facing their own personal battles as judges and as individuals.
What sets ‘Miss Hammurabi’ apart and above other legal dramas is how it attacked its challenges. Instead of going the usual route of talking about criminality in the court and the mystery surrounding the lead characters, this drama has shown a more human side to these judges.
They are seen as the powerful omniscients in most legal dramas, sometimes influenced by connection and bribery but nonetheless capable of deciding which life the characters or their clients shall lead. But here, we see the struggles of these judges in and out of the courtroom. We are presented an inside look to their real thoughts and how their everyday life went in comparison to their glorious roles as respectable men of law.
We are also unabashedly presented with the flawed truths about societal norms like gender discrimination in the workplace, power struggle, the clash between the unconventional new and the old traditional, the problems about following the inflexible hierarchy in the organization, the unjust treatment towards the oppressed poor and the special treatment towards the rich and people they are connected to and many others that are much closer to the truth. That are real and which are recreated in a fictional sphere to deliver sad but inspiring lessons that are realistic and often practical while keeping a pinch of idealism.
‘Miss Hammurabi’ is so good in delivering such a kind of story that is able to straightforwardly and strategically start slow burning kind of subplots that are able to challenge our characters and mold them and their relationships to something even more. These subplots are equally gripping and simply gratifying as it touches you in the most humanistic way at the end of every episode. I have in fact cried during every episode. They are just sad, like really sad, but nonetheless a fruitful journey filled with practical lessons about the everyday man. This reminds me so much of how ‘Misaeng‘ attacked its plot in almost the similar way.
Perhaps these dramas became so popular because of how it thrived to be about ordinary people and not about some grand scheme about chaebols or lead characters being on the run because of mysterious killers and whatnot. We surely love the sometimes scarring melodramas and heart-pounding romances, but it’s good to also have stories with a slice of life in it every once in a while, because that’s super relatable. It makes us realize how easily touched we are by these dramas because of how close it is to reality. A true gem in the rough.
Additional to the line of praises I’ve already given to this drama is its superb cast. Let’s give it that the storytelling is really solid and that character development has been evident all throughout the series and that consistency is wonderfully and carefully executed for each character, but of course not all of that ain’t possible if it isn’t because of its capable cast.
I had the strongest doubt that again Go Ah Ra won’t be able to pull off her role in the drama and she’s going to be an accessory once more to the male lead, but I can say that she made the right decision to pick this drama. Finally. She chose something that would definitely suit her and will make her shine. I didn’t think it would take one legal drama for me to believe in her.
Nonetheless, she made a very fine job of transitioning from a shy and naive teen to a strong judge with a lot of spunk and upright morals and compassion for the powerless. I was not one bit annoyed at how she portrayed the very idealistic and passionate judge that Park Cha Oh Reum is, even if Oh Reum’s character often had to exaggerate at how she does things, especially when trying to make the people realize her point. Oh Reum may be sometimes over the top, but Ah Ra’s acting has never been displaced. I think this is so far Go Ah Ra’s best performance as of yet.
On the other hand, I think that Kim Myung Soo is the ultimate revelation to me in this drama. I know already  that Myung Soo has the potential in acting. He has proven he has graduated from the campus crush or boy next door roles through the drama ‘Emperor: The Owner of the Mask‘ and it indeed showed, but I think his best performance yet is with ‘Miss Hammurabi’ as the introverted associate judge Im Ba Reun who became even more distant from other people after he took it to himself to become an objective judge who unflinchingly follows what the law says. He is often seen as an arrogant young judge with overflowing pride. Well, he tries his best to be an honourable judge like he once dreamt off but somehow in the process of doing his job, it seems that Ba Reun forgot why he was a judge. The burnout made him hate what used to be his dream, but then Oh Reum came back into his life without notice and he is exposed to a world full of hope and positivity because of her.
The characterization of the two main characters complement so much that while Oh Reum acts through her feelings, Ba Reun is the levelheaded buffer to guide her out from overthinking too much. That’s also why I think their team up worked. Because of how their relationship grew from merely nothing but acquaintances, to colleagues, to friends until they realized how much each has affected their lives in a patient, slow burn romance, which albeit not the main point of the story, still made a great side story because of its solid foundation.
Alongside these two great young actors is one of my favorite seasoned actors, Sung Dong Il. This guy is often part of the dramas I typically end up liking, so there’s no doubt he has great contribution with its success. And just like in those dramas, Sung Dong Il made his character Han Se Sang very fun to watch. Se Sang is the type of judge who is rough on the edges–with anger issues in the courtroom–but is very compassionate towards his fellow judges. He’s independent in the sense that he doesn’t strive for power and unabashedly criticizes his organization that seemed unyielding for years while upholding its old , unbending norms.
Se Sang may often clash with Oh Reum for her unconventional, idealistic opinions and may get into a silent battle with Ba Reun for the pride he is upholding, that is never to bend to hierarchy, but their love-hate relationship has been the perfect ice breaker in between watching heavy scenes that are rather always heart-wrenching.
Other minor characters like Jung Bo Wang (Ryu Deok Hwan) and Lee Do Yeon (Lee Elijah) adds more life to the series as they make perfect distraction away from the more serious topics. Bo Wang is the absolute gossiper that loves to barge inside Department 44’s office because of the beautiful stenographer Do Yeon who is his complete opposite.
Whereas Bo Wang is often clumsy and unthinking, Do Yeon is quiet but precise and reliable. There’s so much mystery surrounding Do Yeon at first that many people pass down false rumors about her and she doesn’t like to correct them, because she believes that people will believe what they want to so she doesn’t have to explain herself. She believes she doesn’t have to be friends with everybody, an extraordinary trait from a brave woman hiding behind a sweet looking face.
I must emphasize that aside from the characters that I have listed above, all of the other minor characters took on very significant roles that added more spice to the drama. We have seen how each of them are different from each character and that if viewed from different perspectives we are definitely going to see different sides of them that doesn’t really just make them bad guys alone or good guys alone. Of course, in one way or another, the people around you and how you are nurtured also indirectly affect what kind of person you are now, just like with them.
‘Miss Hammurabi’ has deeply explored humanity and their conscious effort to attack every struggle in a positive manner made everything in it every single bit that I am looking for in a drama. It has the right balance of melodramatic moments, cute and funny moments, friendship and romance. I think that the courtroom dramas are far from what I normally see from past legal dramas, but unraveling the sad stories of each victims and accused are an interesting thesis while trying to guess what decision will they rule out. These civil issues also opens our eyes to what we have closed our ears to, because of the standard facts.
Oh Reum’s independent actions are like little eye openers that also make us realize it isn’t so bad to be different, to not conform to the norm like everyone else, because like the saying ‘one person can make a change’–which we have stopped believing–goes, we see that no matter how minuscule or insignificant the change was, it’s still definitely a change that can make something become better.
On an ending note, though the ending became a bit hasty, I think that ending it with Oh Reum and Ba Reun finding comfort with each other is one of the best ways to close their own separate romance. Bo Wang’s and Do Yeon’s crazy romance is as much appreciated how playfully it was told. It’s also good to see that Oh Reum reunites with her mom outside the hospital with her mom remembering her and the whole gang meeting in Oh Reum’s home like a real family. Not tied by blood but by how they truly care for each other.
The show could have possibly extended to more civil cases, but I think adding more of it could have made this drama really tiring. So, it’s perfect that it’s only 16 episodes.
Plus, I super love how they concluded the series by tying each character’s fate into that one fateful memory in the library. We all think, based from Oh Reum and Ba Reun’s perspective, that they were the only ones there in the library when Oh Reum was vouching for a seat that she had saved and yet was invaded by a hopeless law student who was reviewing for the bar exam, but at the ending we are shown a glimpse of a younger Do Yeon and Bo Wang’s first meeting in the same library and Han Se Sang coincidentally being the hopeless law student who Oh Reum ousted from her seat that day. Se Sang always failed his past exams, but that day he had a really good feeling about it and perhaps that’s where it really all started. Fate, which is really sweet and nostalgic after all that court drama.
Over all performance of the cast is really great, story is well written, the character development is very progressive and the drama as a whole is really fun to watch. So, I’m giving it a 5 out of 5 grade.
A piece of advise, though, is to make sure not to binge watch it in one go and instead give it ample time to grow in your heart one episode at a time.
Completed: Review on ‘Miss Hammurabi’ 'Miss Hammurabi' came as a really huge surprise to me this year, in a great way of course. 
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