#at some point they’re gonna need to explain this to the parents and I look FORWARD to it
regallibellbright · 2 months
Okay, forget “Does Komugi know she’s pink” (I’m… reasonably convinced she can see human colors as a human?)
New question. Urgent question. Does Komugi know how to read?
(I loved everything about this episode but particularly Sho Ikari’s Rivalry At First Sight with Komugi.)
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its-time-to-write · 7 months
More Kent!reader and baby George?? Baby fever hittin hard rn🫠😮‍💨
I gotchu! This one has some backstory on the Kents. Or at least how I imagine it, anyway. I love that you all keep requesting more of this story, I think big brother Roy is the absolute sweetest🥺
this one is definitely more Roy-centric, that’s for sure! here’s a link to the other fics if you’re new here🤗
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light in the hallway
Roy’s in the middle of yelling, “Isaac, pick up your fucking feet!” when his phone rings. 
He almost doesn’t register it, because the only numbers allowed through while he’s at training are Molly’s, yours, and Phoebe’s school. 
His first thought is that something’s happened to Phoebe, and he’s already calculating how fast he can get to her before he notices it’s your name on the screen. He frowns. You never call while he’s on the pitch, but maybe you need to talk to Jamie about something. 
“Your prick husband’s in the middle of training. Can it wait?” he says in lieu of greeting. 
“I don’t want Jamie, I want you,” comes your panicked voice. “George is sick and I don’t know what to do, he’s all feverish and he hasn’t thrown up or anything but I googled it and it says I don’t have to take him ‘round hospital, but I’m worried anyway because you can’t give a baby chicken noodle soup but his eyes are all glassy and he’s so fucking sweaty.”
Roy looks over to where Jamie’s drilling with Dani, kicking football after football into the net. He turns back around. “Right. I’ll be there in five fucking minutes. I love you.”
“Five minutes? You’re at least fifteen away, and-”
“I love you!” Roy says again, slightly louder before hanging up. 
He makes eye contact with Nate and motions to the car park. Nate nods and Roy leaves, satisfied that Nate didn’t ask where he was going. 
He makes it to your house in six minutes, but only because he got stuck behind an old car. You open the door before he has a chance to knock with an overly fussy George in your arms. 
“I’m an awful mum,” you say immediately. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Roy. I can’t make him feel better and I tried googling it but I don’t even know where to begin with that.”
Roy takes George, who seems to calm down a little. “Right, go run a bath for him. Make sure it’s lukewarm, we’re gonna try to get his fever down without fucking freezing the poor lad. You got acetaminophen?”
You nod. “In the medicine cabinet.”
“I’ll go cut some up for him. He can have a bit since he’s four months now. Same thing used to happen to Phoebe, you remember?”
You shake your head and Roy sighs. “Of course you fucking don’t, you’re too fucking worked up to think straight, aren’t you?”
“Should I have called Jamie?” you ask, eyes wide. 
Roy adjusts his hold on George as he shakes his head. This certainly isn’t the first time he’s seen you in a panic, but it might be the fucking saddest. 
“I didn’t want Jamie, I wanted you,” you explain, more to yourself than to Roy. “You always fucking know what to do and you make shit better.”
Roy’s not going to get choked up over that, there’s no point in crying over the fact that you both have shit parents and he and Molly basically raised you. So instead he gives you a gentle push in the direction of the bath and says,  “I’ll fucking call Tartt. Don’t you worry about it.”
You caress George’s little head before hurrying up the stairs. Roy sighs and goes to find the medicine. He checks the time. The team’s on lunch, so Jamie will have his phone. He finds the contact labeled “prick in-law,” and hits the call button. 
“You shit your pants, Coach?” is the first thing Jamie says when he picks up. 
“Fuck off,” Roy replies. “I’m at your house. George isn’t feeling well, so I’m helping your wife out.”
“Shit,” Jamie swears, and Roy can hear him clamoring out of his seat.
“You don’t fucking need to come home,” Roy says before Jamie can get any farther. “They’re both fine. Finish training for fuck’s sake, and stop by the store to get some fucking immunity boosters. Can’t have you fucking getting sick before the fucking match.”
“Right,” Jamie says finally. “Yeah, okay. Tell her I love her, yeah?”
“Sure,” Roy grits out, but if he’s being honest with himself he’s glad that Jamie’s first instinct was to rush home. It’s bad enough that he and Tartt are friends, much less in-laws. He’s glad Jamie makes you happy, at least. 
They hang up and on cue, George starts crying. 
“You’re alright, lad,” Roy murmurs, but he can already hear you thundering down the stairs. 
You come careening around the corner. “What’s wrong?” you ask anxiously, but Roy just hands you the bottle of acetaminophen. 
“He’s fucking fine. Just upset. Let’s go cool him down, alright kid?” Roy says. 
“Okay,” you say. “I’m really glad you’re here, Roy-o. I don’t think Jamie would’ve known what to do either.”
“Mhm,” Roy grunts. “He said to tell you he loves you. He’s picking up fucking immunity boosters for you, but there’s no fucking way you’ll get sick. Just a precaution.”
You stand on tiptoes to peck his cheek. “My god, how would Molly and I survive without you?” you ask fervently. Roy just grunts again and once again herds you toward the stairs. 
An hour later, you’re on the couch with George resting on your stomach. Roy brings you a cup of tea and sits down next to you. You settle closer to him, head on his shoulder as you breathe deep. It reminds you of the rare times he’d visit before Phoebe was born, and how you’d attach yourself to his side and beg him not to go back. There was a time when you were five that he almost caved, but he was twenty and at the beginning of the peak of his career, so he wrenched his hand from your tiny one and refused to look back.
Molly had called him a day later and told him that you wouldn’t stop crying. She was fourteen and already adjusted to the fact that she’d be raising her younger sister (you) on her own.
Roy had hated himself for that. Hated his parents for being shit, but mostly himself. He sent Molly as much money as he could, going around your parents until Molly was eighteen and they fucked off to god knows where, rarely to be heard from again.
So you’ll hold on to him as much as you can even though he’s not going anywhere, not since Molly rang him in a right state, pregnant by a shit husband.
“Roy,” you say softly as not to wake George, “d’you think I’m going to fuck him up?”
Roy asks, “What?” in the gentle tone he only uses with the people he loves.
“I’m worried that I’m going to fuck him up,” you say. “I know we’ve talked about it before but I just can’t shake the feeling that I’m going to do everything wrong. You and Molly… you always fucking know exactly what to do. I don’t. I got pregnant on accident with your arch-nemesis-turned-best-friend-” (“he’s not my best friend,” Roy mouths) “-and I’m worried that it’s all going to go to shit.”
Roy rests his cheek on top of your head. It’s strange. He knows you’re an adult but there’s always a part of him that sees you as that five year old who was crying because her parents were never around, and her brother was leaving her again.
“It’s not going to go to shit,” he whispers. “Molls knows everything because she’s a fucking know-it-all. I don’t know fucking shit, don’t know where you got that idea. You’re a fucking amazing mum. You’d fucking do anything for George, yeah? I’m always here for you and Jamie” (god, Roy can’t believe he’s about to defend fucking Tartt) “Jamie loves you, fucking annoying as it is, and he’s not going to fuck things either.”
You still look worried, but George chooses that moment to sigh and burrow into your chest.
Roy says, “See? He doesn’t think you’re shit,” and the furrows in your brow smooth a little bit.
The lock turns in the front door and Jamie comes in with a grocery bag.
“Kid’s asleep?” he whispers. You nod and he plops the bag on the ground, coming to sit on your other side.
Jamie kisses your temple and runs a hand over George’s back.
“Mental that he was in your stomach once, ain’t it?” he comments, and Roy snorts out a laugh.
“Mental,” you agree hooking one leg around Jamie’s.
Roy asks, “The fuck are you doing here, you’re supposed to be at training,” and Jamie doesn’t even bat an eye just returns, “Coach let us go early,” even though you know he’s lying by the way the corner of his mouth twitches.
Roy probably knows too, but only because he can smell a rat a mile away, but he doesn’t say anything. 
Jamie turns back to you. “Little lad’s doin’ alright, babe?”
“Yeah,” you say. “Roy says he’ll probably sleep for a while, and I thought we’d do takeaway for dinner.”
Jamie kisses you again and says, “You’re doing great, you know that?”
Tears begin to slide down your face and he looks to Roy in alarm. 
Roy just shakes his head. “She’s fine,” he says.
“I fucking love you,” you croak out, and Roy feels like an outsider, like he’s present for something he shouldn’t be. He moves to get up but your hand shoots out and grabs his wrist and all of the sudden he’s twenty again, watching you cry and beg him not to leave.
“Don’t go,” you plead, so he stays. He stays and has exactly one feeling about it, a feeling he would never vocalize, something about family and familiarity and maybe a little bit about coming home.
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stewieonthewall · 2 months
need ur thoughts on the draft behaviour and the car pic bc omg!!
car pic had me smirking actually bc i could almost feel them itching to have their hands on each other in some way 😭 i’m prolly going insane but their two inside hands idk i can feel them twitching having to stay there
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also even crazier bc their legs are already pressed tg like there’s a point of contact but it’s not even enough
aaanyway as for the rest of the draft behaviour i mean i thought they kept it pretty cordial however i don’t think they were ever more than 3 feet from each other so there’s that
some random ppl did clock them tho so maybe they did a worse job than i’m giving them credit for? like i saw some girl on tiktok say she got vibes (she’s not involved w wbb at all) and sure she got jumped but like she picked up on it so
plus a lot of ppl were saying they were acting like proud moms and idk if that was meant in a “they’re tg” way or just in the sense that they were individually giving proud parents 😭😭
oh there was that one interview where they were bickering like a married couple and their heads always tilting towards each other in photos
i honestly didn’t notice a lot of pazzi looks (i’m gonna patent that term trust) like while i was watching it but seeing the photos after (including some that Azzi posted) clearly it happened a lot. examples:
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and then this is like not super related but i love this next photo and i can’t really explain why (writer core) but just trust me it’s important pazzi lore
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sorry this got a bit outta hand but enjoy the spiral ig
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Here’s a 3am Steddie rant I think every Steddie lover (and possibly hater) should hear. I have no goal to convert anyone—just to say that the ship did not actually “come from nothing.” Here’s why:
I don’t understand how there wasn’t Steddie foresight in the writer’s room.
So they play it up in season 3 like Steve just can’t get the girl and when he does she’s not the right girl and yada yada yada—cool beans. I love his character arc with Robin, their friendship, her queerness. I love their entire bathroom interaction.
Specifically: “It’s somebody that I didn’t even talk to in school. Maybe cuz Tommy H. would’ve made fun of me, or I wouldn’t be prom king…. First of all, she’s hilarious. So funny. I feel like this summer I have laughed harder than I have laughed in a really long time. And she’s smart—way smarter than me…. She’s honestly unlike anyone I’ve ever met before.”
Traits Robin Also Has that Eddie Shares:
Band Kid
The Witty Banter
Eddie’s personality is VERY Robin. Not perfectly so, but maddeningly close.
Another point:
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This is just the same person in different gender specific fonts, A.K.A. Steve’s “love interest” versus a guy who called him “big boy” completely unprompted and interrupted a tender moment between him and his “love interest” and complimented him for an entire scene while Steve wore his clothes.
So, really, one of them’s Steve’s love interest and the other is Nancy Wheeler /hj.
I write a lot, and as someone who both writes and consumes an abhorrent amount of media, whoever wrote this down, casted and costumed this way, and allowed for the interactions between Steve and Eddie to be as nuanced as they were (EX: the scene in which Eddie steps forward like he has more to say to Steve before he goes off and kills himself) had to have known what was going to happen. There is simply no way of not seeing it.
And if they didn’t want people shipping Steddie at the scale which they do, here’s what went wrong:
First: defaulting to Steve wanting his ex back is just plain shitty writing. It means you don’t know where to go with the character anymore, and since you’re certain he’s done all the growing he can do, he’s just gonna double back to the conflict he was in in the FIRST SEASON.
Are you serious right now, bro?
Steve’s arc as a character has been absolutely heartwarming to watch. If anything, he’d have been better off given the “I need to figure out how to be happy on my own” narrative. Throwing him back at Nancy is a cop out, a big one.
Second: Eddie. Throwing Eddie in the mix was absolutely a WILD decision, because he looks like Nancy, he banters like Robin, and GENDER IS NO LONGER A PLAUSIBLE REASON FOR AN AUDIENCE TO DENY CHEMISTRY, OR EXPLAIN IT AWAY. Not in the year of our lord 2023, no sir. Not unless you’re going to explicitly state in some way to an audience that these characters are DEFINITIVELY STRAIGHT. And with Eddie, they went as far off that course as possible.
The outcast stuff. The D&D stuff. The hatred of the system. The mysteriously living with his uncle and not his parents. THE HANKERCHIEF IN HIS BACK POCKET.
So essentially, this is what they did:
They took a beloved character, flubbed over his character arc because they weren’t sure what to do with it.
Then, they created a SECOND beloved character, made him likable, lovable, even, and relatable. Then they gave him half and half personality and looks of Steve’s last two love interests. Then they gave us scenes of them together where they showed chemistry, genuineness, and playfulness.
Then they EXPECTED that we as an audience had enough heteronormativity left as a society to say—oh, those two guys aren’t flirting with each other even a little bit because they’re two guys and obviously that doesn’t happen.
Pick a side pick a side, are your characters fucking gay or is your audience fucking blind?
Point being, I have some friends IRL who don’t really get this. They think Steve and Eddie hardly interacted enough for there to be romance at all, but I think it’s less about how much they interacted and more about the (unintentional) set up they were given by the writers.
Steve’s a truly beloved character and I don’t know on ST fan that wants to see him just end up back with Nancy Wheeler like his entire character arc was just to “get the girl” and “have six kids.” Which he already has by the way.
Anyway, that’s just my two cents. I’m not advocating for anyone to ship them, I’m just saying it’s honestly a perfectly logical conclusion to make, especially if you CARE about Steve as a character, you know? We want him to be with someone genuine, someone who challenges him to be better, to be different than he was. Nancy couldn’t handle doing that. Robin could, but they’re platonic af.
So why wouldn’t it be Eddie?
Rest in peace, by the way. You would’ve loved this text post.
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olive-fics · 7 months
⸸ .Pointed Passion. ⸸
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Not proof read (ofc),SFW,Nerd/Loser Ellie.
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Ellie was a neighborhood ‘friend’ (mostly just an acquaintance to you since she was kind of weird..) You were invited over for some shitty Barbecue with your parents and Ellie’s 'dad', Joel. Ellie being the only person around your age you decided to hang out with her, even though you’d much rather just talk with some old lady in the backyard about what she saw on CBS or how her cats are doing..
You sat on Ellie's bed quietly as she showed off all of her knives, deeply explaining on which does what and how each work.
"It’s actually different because this one has these grooves- Are you even listening??” Ellie asked through the sound of shitty country music and laughter from the backyard.
The truth was,you were at first but it got tiring, real fast.
“Yeah but like.. They all look the same..Like a shaft then a blade. Duh..”
“They’re all different! Don’t you see?! The bowie knives are longer and have better grip, these switchblades are shorter and more concealable. This ones the only one with a serrated blade! Do you need me to make it any more simpler?!”
You stayed quiet,wanting to laugh at her anger and how easy she got upset over her knives but you stayed calm and silent so she didn’t stab you or something..
“Uh..and serrated means..?” You felt somewhat dumb for asking, but you knew she would tell you regardless of hating your guts right now.
“It means the teeth on the blade make it more effective at cutting through flesh, but also if it’s not sharp enough it can jam. So, depending on what I’m gonna cut, either the switchblade or the Bowie knife would be the best option. It’s not as simple as you think..”
“Mhmm..okay.. well uh..why do you have so many anyways..?”
“Why do people collect stamps? Or coins? It's the hobby I happen to have.” Ellie snapped at you making you laugh quietly..
“Alright then..and..why don’t you like my rocks??” you laughed slightly trying to ease the moment so Ellie didn’t explode.
“You’re not seriously comparing your little rock collection to my knife collection are you? Rocks don’t kill people.” Ellie snapped back.
“And stamps do..?” Your tone was teasing, referring to her last point on 'stupid' stamp collections.
“Don’t get smart with me. My collection is useful, yours is just..rocks.” Ellie mumbled,she could feel her palms getting clammy and her voice trembling in anger.
“Are you getting upset Ellie?” You laughed at her and scoffed.
“..what?! No. I’m not upset-..do I look upset..?”
“yes. Alright.. then.. I’m getting a hotdog."
You started to leave Ellie’s room to go down to the backyard to try and leave this awkward situation..
“..H-Hey! Wait for me! I want a hotdog too!”
Ellie hops off the bed and followed you after shuffling to put her knife away and regaining her composure.
“Copycat..” You laughed at her for following you.
Ellie pushed you a bit and scoffed, “Whatever. Maybe I’m just hungry..The world doesn’t revolve around you y’know?”
“Jesus, are you always an asshole? Maybe that’s why you don’t have many friends.”
Ellie pushed you out of the way snatching your hotdog plate and storming off to her room angrily.
“Okayy then.” You rolled your eyes at her and sat outside on one of the fold up chairs by the fire.
. . . 
Sitting outside with the elders made you just as bored,you couldn’t wait to go home and just sleep everything off. Getting so bored though made you doze off in your seat and take a small nap next to the fire in the crisp breeze.
Ellie couldn’t help but glance small looks at you in your sleep, how could she not.. She liked the way the fire had a soft orange glow on your face, the way your hair moved so slightly in the breeze, How your nose and cheeks were a soft pink from the air getting colder.. Ellie noticed the temperature dropping the later it got, she couldn’t leave you asleep out there in the dark so Ellie decided to use all her might and pick you up, draping you over her shoulders like a kid, trying not to wake you.
“Huh..? Dad..that you..?” You mumbled being disrupted from sleep.
"It's Ellie." Ellie whispered, her voice barely above a murmur laying you down into her bed carefully..Her hands tracing soft patterns on your arms and the marks on your body..
She covered you with a warm blanket, tucking it around your shoulders with care. The touch of her fingers against your skin sent shivers down your spine..
She glanced at your face, her heart racing as she saw the slight confusion and sleepiness in your eyes.. "You fell asleep out there, and it's freezing..I couldn't just let you freeze to death out there.. Just thought I'd make you comfy.." Ellie spoke quietly with a gentle smile.
"You're too kind." You yawned and snuggled up into her bed reaching to hold her hand gently.
Ellie froze and let everything happen, she stood there and rubbed your hand gently and getting into her bed next to you.
"You..want to watch anything..?" Ellie whispered to you, barely awake.
"mm..n..no.." You mumbled quietly, leaning into Ellie's chest and closing your eyes..
Ellie took her hands and ran then through your hair massaging your scalp gently till you were fully asleep.
"Goodnight doll."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
okkk...Sorry I know this sucks. Ive had this in my drafts for at least 3 months now. Maybe I'll re-write it idk.. LOL
Sorry for being on a small break I've had like no ideas for fics so if you want anything specific use my Anonymous request thingy and I'll answer it if it's SFW. <3
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blue-jisungs · 6 months
i keep thinking about like seo yul who has been hired to be a personal guard to the reader. and she's either like the daughter of a rly noble family or a princess just someone rly highly established in society who needs protection
and yul falls in love as soon as he sees her, he's literally so whipped he would do whatever she asked him. and once she realizes that he's not gonna tell her what to do like everyone else in her life, she starts to fall too. and like he helps her sneak out and they're just idiots in love <//3
training // calming balm
author's note. HI ZANNA CUTIE THANK J FOR THE YUL REQ LIKE I NEEDED RHAT IN MY LIFE!!! i hope u enjoy it bc personally i feel like it isnt the best thing i’ve written :(
summary. yul falls for you // soft moments w yul as your guard
word count. 3,6k
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“a bodyguard?” seo yul repeated in disbelief, eyes wide and directed at his uncle. his voice echoed in the wide room as the older man just nodded.
“the l/n family just moved here and they’re a well respected people. their daughter was raised not to cause any harm and live peacefully; therefore, in case of an attack she wouldn’t be able to protect herself” park jin explained calmly. yul just nodded “it’s not going to be a permanent occupation, only until the time they find a professional guard for their daughter”
“i understand” yul bowed gently.
“i’m glad. we’ll pay them a visit in a while, i’d want you to go with me” park jin announced. his nephew didn’t say anything, just nodded. the older watched him leave the room almost as quietly as a rustle of wind.
yul was smiling gently while talking to your parents, genuinely invested in why they moved here. the tea that was served was truly delightful and he couldn’t help himself but ask for more. when the discussion topic turned into a political one, the young mage looked around the garden. the gazebo they were seated in was cozy and prettily decorated, you could see the majority of the open space with one’s bare eye.
suddenly, yul saw a movement behind the peony bushes. he straighted his back and his hand rested on the grip of his sword.
eyes trained on the bush, he frowned upon hearing some voices.
out of the blue, someone fell from the bushes with a yelp. everyone looked that way, lady l/n letting out a huff.
“there she is… gods, this child will make me die because of an heart attack one day” she mumbled.
indeed, there was a young lady standing in front of the peony bush. she was dusting off the pink flower petals and leaves from her pastel purple hanbok. everyone could notice she was saying something to herself and seemingly, she didn’t realise she wasn’t alone.
“this is our daughter, y/n” your father sighed.
you looked up and suddenly saw the four people’s gazes on you. blood of embarrassment rushing to your cheeks, you approached them.
bowing gently you greeted the guests and a young man caught your attention. it seemed that you caught his too – he was staring at you in awe.
“greetings” you mumbled and refused to look at the unfamiliar people.
“where have you been– you know what? i done even wish to know. this is your new bodyguard, seo yul” your father pointed at the young man in light purple hanbok. you smiled upon realising it had the shade as yours. sending him a nod, he bowed.
his face was truly handsome and being honest, you were glad it was him and not the older man seated next to him.
“it is my pleasure to meet you. i promise, a single hair won’t fall off your head as long as i’ll be guarding you” he said softly. his ebony irises were glued to you, enchanted by your beauty. park jin just lifted the corner of his lips in a smirk, noticing how smittened his nephew is.
“and your name is…?” you asked, ignoring the look your mother sent your way.
“seo yul, lady l/n” the brown haired man replied, his feline-alike features causing you to study his face. then, your gaze fell upon his plum-shaded hanbok with tender, blueish sewings forming peonies. how ironic.
“i like your hanbok, seo yul” you smiled and bowed, then looked at your parents “i still need to unpack my baggage so if you’ll excuse me, i shall get going”
they just nodded and dived back in to the conversation whereas the young mage’s eyes followed you until you disappeared inside the house.
you were so pretty and graceful yet – unlike choyeon – you had a rebellious spark in your eye. something in you just intrigued seo yul and he didn’t even notice when he tried to drink from an empty porcelain cup.
the young mage arrived at your residence, the warm sun heating up his skin pleasantly. the fresh air was filled with the scent of flowers that blossomed in the garden, the birds’ singing beautifully filling in the silence.
someone from the servants led him to your chamber and knocked gently, looking at the new addition to the staff.
“lady y/n is very… childish. please, don’t be afraid to tell her no if she has an ridiculous idea or a foolish request” they said. yul frowned and suddenly the door opened, your maid looking the man up and down.
“you may come in” she said and yul stepped inside.
“who is it?” your voice rung in the room yet you weren’t nowhere in sight. only when your maid came to the folding screen and stepped behind it, he realised you’re there.
blush hit his cheeks and he shook his head.
“it’s seo yul, lad–” he started.
“we’re the same age, i assume. please, don’t use any of the honorific words and nicknames” you hummed and then said something to your maid “this ribbon, please”
yul looked around the room. he didn’t spend much time with noble women except choyeon, yet he thought it’s something known that women tend to be tidy. well…
maybe your room was somehow clean, it definitely had it’s own charm. history books on the floor, along with calligraphy supplies. horse-themed ornaments scattered on the wooden furniture, makeup tools next to a pretty mirror and… empty plates.
“can you show me around the city today, yul?”
his gaze snapped up and he felt his face get warm when he noticed you caught him staring. but there was no anger or disgust in your eyes, no. pure amusement and excitement.
“of course” he nodded, taking in the sight of you. today, you decided to wear a faint yellow hanbok. the sewings at the bottom of the dress were gold and formed a beautiful scenery: young deers, forest plants and wild birds. the rest of the clothing, including the frame of your sleeves, was white. there was a yellow ribbon in your braided hair.
“we shall go, then” you grinned and energetically stormed out of the room. he looked shocked at the maid. the older lady just sighed, dramatically wiping her forehead.
“good luck” she just mumbled and seo yul chased after you, with a love-struck smile.
“so? what are you going to show me? can we see the mage place?” you asked, not even turning around when you heard his footsteps approaching.
you knew he’d say no: you heard that only mages were allowed to enter the place and after all – sadly – you were no mage.
“sure, i’ll take you to jeongjinjak. but be aware that the mages might not be too pleased to see you there” he answered casually and just when he caught up with you, you halted your movements. yul realised he had to stop and turn around, blinking.
“really?” you asked in disbelief, lips forming into a huge smile.
“of course, why not?” seo yul returned your smile.
“i thought… ah, it doesn’t matter. we should go, then” you hummed happily.
yul already knew that he won’t be able to resist you.
“oh my, it’s beautiful here” you sighed when you entered jeongjinjak. the place was spacious and quiet, the air filled with a feeling of seriousness and a scent of old books “do you live here?”
yul nodded, his hand intertwined behind his back as you two strolled around the place carefully.
“my uncle is in charge of this place” yul added. passing by some young mages that were training, you sent them a sweet smile and bowed gently.
they all stared at you in awe, immediately losing focus and stumbling over their own feet. giggling at that, you failed to notice the disapproving look yul sent them.
“i always wanted to at least possess the power ryusu” you hummed sadly “but my parents were never willing to find me a teacher, even though they know some of the stages themselves. selfish, isn’t it?”
you turned to yul and his apologetic smile. there was a certain softness in his features, a look that was different to what you always stumble upon. most of the people assumed you’re a spoiled brat and treated you this way. but yul was the only one who didn’t: he was carefully listening and genuinely cared about what you said.
“i can teach you the basics, y/n” he offered and before you could burst out with happiness, he quickly added “but it must remain a secret between us”
“of course it will” you grinned and quickly went to hug him. you realized your actions and froze, feeling ashamed of your impulsiveness. seo yul noticed that and his heart ached with a strange feeling. were you taught to suppress your emotions? “thank you so much, yul”
“it will be my pleasure, la– y/n” he smiled, ebony irises glinting with happiness. you held eye contact for a mere moment longer before there was a sudden bang.
it was the mages in training who were just staring at you and didn’t notice that they tripped over the edge of the passage.
spending time with yul became a part of your routine. however, it wasn’t a negative thing. you loved his company; for the first time ever you felt like you had a friend. someone who truly cared for you.
a knock at your door caused you to smile. yul had a specific pattern of knocking – it sounded like a tender melody, rhythmic but pleasant to listen to.
“come in!” you hummed, finishing braiding your hair. your guard entered, bowing and scanning your figure (not so) secretly.
“good morning” he hummed, stepping in. you could read it on his face that he wanted to add something but halted from doing so. ‘you look stunning today’ was what lingered on his lips, albeit his shyness prevented him from wording it out.
“what should we do today?” you asked, tilting your head.
you adored seo yul – he always kept up with your ideas and temper. most of the maids were old and always too tired to even take a short walk. even though he wasn’t your maid – and certainly, he wasn’t old – he never had a problem with taking strolls around the city or showing you the neighbourhood . sometimes it included walking through hills, high grasses and small rivers. but he was always willing to do so.
“is there something particular you wish to do?” he asked, his tender voice calm as always.
“not really, no” you shook your head.
“then, we could go–”
he wasn’t meant to finish when your mother barged into the room. her face morphing into relief when she noticed you.
“you’re here, good. do not leave the house today, i heard there are some… civil commotions in the city. and it’s been dangerous lately” she said and her eyes met yul’s. he bowed “oh, you’re here. you can go home now. y/n’s not leaving the household today”
“but mother, i–” you started.
“no. it’s too dangerous” she cut you off and left, the maids closing the door behind her.
yul watched your features grow sad and his heart sank. you lost your excitement, eyes gradually fogging with a strange, bland emotion.
“it’s fine. i’m not in the mood anymore, you can go home” you mumbled, turning your face to the window.
“i’m not in the position to disobey your mother’s orders, however i’m your guard” yul offered and carefully studied your reaction “and not to brag or be overconfident, but you’re going to be safe under my watch”
there was a ghost of a smile dancing on your lips as you played with the hem of your hanbok.
“mhm… and what if my parents found out?” you hummed, cocking your eyebrow.
“i’d take the responsibility” yul said seriously. shaking your head, you stood up.
“no need, i was just teasing you. shall we go, then? where are we going, anyway?” you asked.
“to the market. i believe you haven’t seen it yet, y/n?” he asked with a tender smile.
“no, our maids do the duty of providing food…” you hesitated and stopped yul before he left. his eyes widened when he felt your hand on his chest “how are we going to leave? it’s the middle of the day, everyone will see us”
“just trust me, lady” he hummed and slid his hand to grab yours “may i?”
you nodded. yul’s gentle and smooth hand took in yours, as if scared that he’ll cause harm. blush spreading across your cheeks, you looked away and let him lead you.
seo yul was like a cat – his moves were sharp and calculated, paying attention to if someone is coming or not. in no time, you left through the back door and the garden. finding yourself in the middle of a busy street, you looked at him with wide eyes and a smile of gratitude.
“i’ll be using this route” you grinned and saw a flash of fear go through his face.
“no, don’t do that… you’ll get hurt or…” he started and you let out a gasp, drawing some passersby’s attention.
“what is that? that colorful thing? wait, yul, are those parrots?” you yelped in excitement and he couldn’t help but laugh sincerely. his features dropped when you ran off.
“wait a moment!” he giggled, adoring your excitement.
yul walked you through the market, explaing who’s selling what. the delicious smells and colors surrounded you, mouth agape as you took in all the amazing views. the young mage was stealing glances at you and how adorable you were while doing that.
“oh, the sweets!” he hummed and noticed you look that way curiously.
“can we get some?” you asked.
“of course” he grinned, hands interlocked behind his back. he followed you slowly while you already approached the seller. eyes meeting, you stood closer to him once yul arrived.
“what are we having? my treat!” you grinned “all of them look delicious…”
“my favourite are the pine pollen tea ones” he mumbled shyly, pointing at the greenish cookies.
“well then, we’ll have each one of everything” you hummed and noticed the seller’s eyes widen.
“ah, yul!”
you both turned around and saw a man with blonde hair approach you. while yul was distracted, you said something to the snack seller.
“what a beautiful lady… my name is park danggu” the blond man bowed dramatically as you stared him up and down.
“uh-uh. nice to meet you, i’m l/n y/n” you smiled and frowned, looking at yul. he just smiled.
“that’s a friend of mine” your guard explained and noticed all the snacks are already packed, waiting for you. suddenly, yul had a strange feeling ache in his heart: he did not want you to talk too much with danggu. “shall we go home?”
“oh, already?” you pouted, grabbing the bag. yul took it from you, fingers brushing against each other. blush spread on both of your cheeks. danggu smiled upon that.
“yeah, i’m busy either way. i will see you around, yul. don’t come home too late, though” danggu wiggled his brows and was off before yul could even say something.
“he’s silly” you snickered and poked his arm. yul seemed flustered.
on your way back you chatted all the time. you decided you won’t go anywhere once you’re home, so you dismissed yul to go back (only after thanking him for his company, of course).
once back at jeongjinjak, yul was surprised to see a package addressed for him.
it turned out you bought all the pine pollen tea snacks for him and had them delivered at his dorm.
the mage couldn’t help but melt and smile absentmindedly at the gesture.
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for a couple of days yul was dismissed from his duties: your parents gave him some spare time and you said you’re not in the mood to leave the house. it left him pondering if something is wrong and decided to ask you if everything is alright.
the time he spent without you made him realise something: life is bland when you’re not by his side. you’re so lively and energetic, yet so adorable at the same time. he missed you and had this tingling feeling in his heart whenever you weren’t around. yul was looking forward to the day he’ll meet you again.
after finally coming back to his duties, he went right away to your chamber. it was late and dark outside but a messenger called him, saying it was urgent. the mage thought something dangerous was happening.
“y/n?” yul asked, coming into the room. there was a couple of candles lighting up the room, shadows dancing on the walls.
“yul! let’s go out!” you whisper-yelled, grabbing his hands. a pleasant warmth spread through his body before he processed your words.
“what? i thought it was an emergency and you got hurt…” he mumbled.
“no, no. i’m fine. just bored to death… are there any horses…?” you asked hesitantly.
“h-horses?” he choked out, eyes widening. you shrugged nonchalantly.
“i feel like going on a horse ride”
you are insane.
“sure, we’ll find something” he scoffed, shaking his head. he shouldn’t be doing this; none of this, at all. he’s about to sneak out with a lady he was supposed to protect and do something that could potentially harm you. which, he was here to prevent in the first place.
but he couldn’t help it! he felt like you put a spell on him, he just wasn’t able to resist.
“we shall go then, my lady” he hummed. good thing the room was dimmed, otherwise he’d see how your face reddened with a shade of ruby-alike shade of the yin and yang jade.
yul held your hand gently and helped you leave through the window. erupting into quiet giggles when you almost stepped on his feet or when you passed the peony bush where he first saw you. under the cover of dark night sky, yul led you to a nearest stallion. he looked around, making sure no one saw you.
“y/n, do you even know how–” he turned around and gasped when he saw you already on the horse.
“can we go to the pretty fields? please…” you mumbled. yul nodded slowly and hopped on a horse too, leading the way.
“we should be back before sunrise…” he mumbled. there was a look of calmness in your face, almost unfamiliar.
wind in your hair, the sound of horse hooves pleasantly clacking against the ground underneath the starry sky caused your heart to soothe. the smell of fresh grass and yul’s silhouette beautifully framed by moonlight – it was a moment that you wanted to stay in forever.
arriving at the fields, you stopped next to a small stream. the water was rustling pleasantly, hypnotizing you. yul realized that you stopped following him and turned around, looking at you. something was troubling your mind, clearly.
even in the faint light you saw his eyes widen. cute.
“yes, y/n?” he asked, voice gentle.
“i think i… no. um, actually, no. i’ve been practising ryusu! can i show you?” you asked and he nodded, locking his hands between his back.
you put your body strength on your legs, focusing to keep your moves sharp and clean. chest moving up and down to keep your breathing regular and steady. just when you thought you got it–
“y/n, i think… my heart longs for you when you’re not present but then it acts as if it was possessed whether you hold my hand… i’d rather look at you than all of the stars or beautiful ornaments” yul said, his words carried by wind.
letting out a shaky breath, you looked at him. moonlight shining on his handsome face and somewhat scared eyes.
“why did i say that…” he mumbled.
you let out a melodic laugh and ran up to him, wrapping hands around his neck. yum was startled but held you gently.
“you fool” you mumbled, smiling against the fabric of his hanbok “my heart calls out for you too. i’ve been meaning to say that for while, that’s why i needed some time alone”
you leaned away and gently grabbed his face, cupping his cute cheeks.
“you’re the only one who understands me, yul-ah. i bask in your warmth and kindness, your spirit makes me feel alive– can… can i kiss you? i’m out of words” you asked. yup nodded shyly, unsure what to do with his hands.
placing your lips on his plump ones, he instinctively wrapped hus hands around your waist. pulling you closer and smiling softly into the kiss.
when you felt like you were running out of your breath, he pulled away.
“you need more training though…”
a frown formed on your face and he snickered.
“with ryusu?” you asked, unable to believe he just said that.
“no– well, yes. if you train your breathing, you’ll be able to kiss longer” a smirk danced on his lips “or the other way around. fortunately for you, i can help with such matter”
suddenly his eyes widened, the flirty behaviour disappeared in a blink of an eye.
“don’t tell your parents. or my uncle. we’re kind of… breaking the rules”
“i won’t” you smiled sweetly and tip-toed to smooch his cheek.
years spend alone without friends or love, barely with your parents caused your heart to ache in a mysterious and hurtful way. but now, with yul by your side, a soothing feeling washed over it as if someone put a calming balm. a balm called love.
masterlist <3
taglist. @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @primoppang ,, @dazzlingligth
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happilyfeatherafter · 2 years
Dean’s VOs in The Winchesters (season one!)
Dean episode 1: 
( Ten Years After's "I'd Love to Change the World" ) ♪ ♪ 
March 23, 1972. The day Dad came home from the war, and the day he met Mom. Now I know this story might sound familiar, but I'm gonna put the pieces together in a way that just might surprise you. And in order to do that, I have to start all the way at the beginning. 
What they didn't know is that the Akrida weren't just a threat to Earth, but to all of existence. Now, like I told you, there's gonna be some surprises. Hell, I'm still trying to find all the puzzle pieces myself. But I'll explain everything. And until then, I'll keep picking the music. 
♪ ♪ Spread them wide ♪ ♪ Rich or poor ♪ ♪ Them and us ♪ ♪ Stop the war ♪ 
Dean episode 2: 
( punchy, percussive music ) ♪ ♪  The ties that bind a family together can be complicated. Parents raise you, teach you what's right and wrong, and in some instances, how to kill monsters. But no matter who you are, there comes a time when you have to break from them and make your own way. And if you're not careful, things can get pretty ugly. 
Dean episode 3: 
( dramatic music ) ♪ ♪ ( screams ) ( sizzling ) ( growling )  There's no map to being a hunter. No playbook. You gotta follow your gut. But that can only take you so far. Truth is, you can't do it all on your own. You need other people to help guide the way... Your friends, your family. Otherwise you just end up lost. 
Dean episode 4: 
( eerie music ) ♪ ♪  Fighting the battle between good and evil isn't easy, especially when the first monster you have to face is the one inside yourself. ( soft dramatic music ) 
Dean episode 5: 
( dramatic music ) ♪ ♪ Spending a lifetime of hunting monsters takes its toll. There comes the time when you gotta let out that pain inside you. If you don't, it'll eat you alive. 
Dean episode 6: 
(Lata) I am centered. I am at peace. I create my own path, and I walk in it fearlessly. (end Lata)
Hunting has a way of changing a person. After a while, right, wrong, good, evil, they all start to look the same. And then it makes you start to wonder, "Who's really the monster here--them or me?" 
Hunting's not for everyone. You have to be strong, stay sharp, make tough decisions, and it's not easy, But then again, the righteous things never are. 
Dean episode 7: 
( birds chirping ) Comes a time in every hunt when the fightin' starts. And the difference between winning and losing isn't whether you have the holy water, the wooden stake, or the silver bullet. It's whether you've got the grit to get the job done. (Mary on radio)
Dean episode 8:
(John Moran’s “Rebel”) ♪ ♪ Being a hunter, it means living a life of sacrifice-- not a lot of room for dreams. But you open your heart and get a little lucky, you'll find you gain more than you lose. ♪ ♪
Dean episode 9:
( mellow bluesy music ) ♪ ♪ This isn't how I saw things going when I pushed over that first domino. Thing is, I've had more than a few dances with free will and fate, but as my dad used to say, "Fate is what you make it."
Dean episode 10:
Hunting and happy endings don't usually mix, so when you get your chance, you got to ask yourself, "How far will I go to get it?"
Dean episode 11:
Being a Hunter means always being on the move, No matter how hard you plan, no matter how hard you work, at a certain point, we all run out of road. It's what we do with those crossroads that defines us.
Dean episode 12:
♪ ♪ ( carnival music resumes ) ♪ ♪ ( giggling manically ) ♪ ♪ ( shrill giggling ) ( whispering voices ) ( strange sounds ) 🤡🤡🤡
Hunting's a dishonest business. You gotta lie all the time about who you are and what you do. But the hardest lies aren't the ones you tell other people. They're the ones you tell yourself.
(Mary to John) Another day looking for this mystery man and still nothing. It's like this guy's a ghost. (End Mary to John).
Dean episode 13:
*RECORD SCRATCH* HE’S HERE!!!!! We’re going in universe baby.
(Opening scene, dramatic music ) ♪ ♪ 
Dean: John Winchester. 
John: Sir, can I help you? 
Dean: This is for you. 
John: Where did you get this? Who are--  [...] One ticket for Lawrence, Kansas. 
Ticket lady: Okay.
BOBBY, IT’S FREAKIN’ BOBBY!!!: We're not supposed to meddle with things, ya idjit!
Dean: You always said if I was gonna be stupid, I might as well be smart about it. 
Bobby: Yeah, that does sound about like me. We're not even supposed to be here. 
Dean: Come on, the letter was meant for him. I just, uh, you know, gave it a nudge. 
Bobby: You keep an eye on things here. I'm gonna get the damn cavalry. 
Dean: How you gonna do that? 
Bobby: I got no freaking idea. One last hunt, huh? 
Dean: One last hunt. ♪ ♪
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[Insert finale including lots of chat about the ‘ruggedly handsome' mystery man here. For Akrida!Queen exposition science: You're here to talk about the man with no name...he was digging around in things that should have stayed buried. ... The Akrida. You see, our mysterious friend isn't from around here. There's only so much he could do. His hands were tied. Credit where it's due... he did manage to stay ahead of me for a while, but... I can assure you that he's not going to be a problem anymore. ... Well, there's this portal. You see--I'm sure you've heard of it. It's not quite up to code yet, but I managed to pry it open just enough to toss a certain someone and his car into it. No human can survive that gateway, so his body will be torn to shreds for centuries. Anyway, this, um... this old journal... it's all that's left of him.]
Back to the end of the show:
( electricity crackling ) ( engine revving ) ( engine revving ) ( dramatic music )  ♪ ♪ 
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John: Mary! ... How did you guys survive? 
Dean (gestures at Baby): She kept Mary safe... me too. Of course, there's not a lot that can tear me apart. I'm already dead. I was stuck in the world between worlds, so I stayed close to that portal, and as soon as I saw baby come through, I hopped in and grabbed the wheel. 
Samuel: So who are you? 
Dean: I'm a Hunter, just like you. But I'm not from this Earth. 
Ada: And how did you get here? 
Dean: When I died, I made it to heaven. And she was waiting for me. So I went for a drive, and then I took a little detour. 
Latika: Through the multiverse. (Dean points ‘bingo’.)
Carlos: S-so what were you looking for? 
Dean: That's a good question, Carlos. I was looking for my family. See, I come from a long line of Hunters. I guess I was hoping that somewhere out there was an Earth that had a version where my family had a shot at a happy ending. When I was driving, I caught wind of the Akrida. Turns out that they were one of Chuck's last creations. 
Millie: Who's Chuck? 
Dean: God. It's a long story, but, uh... basically, he's a real dick. He left the Akrida behind to wipe out all of existence in case he failed. Well... he failed. Eventually the Akrida were going to make their way to my world, and I got family there, so I couldn't let that happen. 
John: T-the letter, why did you-- 
Dean: I took my little detour. The rules were simple. Don't mess with anything. Well... I gave it a little nudge. Thought it might need a little help. Looks like it worked out pretty well. So now that the Akrida are gone, you all can choose your own destiny. You can write your own story. 
Jack: And you can get back to yours. 
Dean: It's all right. It's all right. They're--they're with me. This is Bobby. That's Jack. They're family. Excuse me. You okay? 
Bobby: I told you I'd figure it out. Didn't say I wouldn't get us in more trouble. Look at 'em. Man, this is all kinds of weird... seeing Samuel with a full head of hair. 
Dean: Right? ( chuckles )
Jack (~~or is he?~~): Dean. 
Dean: Yeah. No, I know. I know, Jack. 
Jack: When I restored things, I wanted mankind to make their own fate. That meant no interference from on high, anywhere... no exceptions. 
Dean: I couldn't let our world get destroyed. Sam's still down there, okay? He deserves a good, long life. Hell, they all do. ( indistinct chatter ) So, if you want to cast me out of heaven... so be it. 
Bobby: If we're taking a vote, I'd say you give the guy another chance. 
Jack: There's always another case with you Hunters... even in death. Well... if you're going to meddle in things, finish what you started. After this... it's time to get around to the... "there'll be peace when you are done"... part of the song.
Dean to John: Listen, um... b-before I go... I want to give you two something. My dad... he, uh... Kept a Hunter's journal, looked just like this. I lived my whole life by that damn thing. Well, this is my Hunter's journal. So if you're gonna stay in this game... This will help guide you through it. 
John: Thank you. 
Dean to Mary: I know you're thinking about quitting Hunting. Believe me, I understand. But you need to do me one favor. Keep an eye out for a yellow-eyed demon. And if you even catch a hint of that son of a bitch... I need you to use this. 
Mary: Your family... did you ever find a version where they had a shot of a happy ending? 
Dean: I think I did. 
John: You never told us your name. 
Dean: Hetfield... James Hetfield. (Hetfield is the lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist, co-founder, and a primary songwriter of heavy metal band Metallica.)
( Nick Drake's "One of These Things First" ) ♪ ♪ (Dean, Bobby and Jack vanish with baby). 
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Transcripts from: https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewforum.php?f=1550
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dira333 · 7 months
Passing Peonies - Post War Touya Todoroki - Part V
When the war ended, Midoriya Izuku had proven one thing: That Villains did not need to be killed to be defeated. That you could make friends from enemies.
Touya Todoroki, formerly known as Dabi, had been one of those taken into the rehabilitation program. After one year of intense physical and psychological therapy, he's got the chance to prove himself. To prove that he can be a part of this world.
Complete fic length: 30.600 words - Masterlist
Warnings: poor mental health and resentment against past actions is mentioned, burn scars etc. as well. There is angst but this is mostly soft Touya coming back to his family...
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Part 5: (2k words)
“I have to say something.” Touya says and watches his therapist.
After more than a year of this he should be able to read him as well as the other way around, right? But he still comes up empty, day after day.
“I’m falling in love with my employer.”
“Go on.” 
And it’s like that first time at your apartment, the worlds spilling from his lips like molten cheese, the first word pulling the second and third with it, and so on and so forth.
“Hey, can we buy these?” He asks at the convenience store, pointing at a shelf of browning ZZ and pancake plants. 
“If you want.” Fuyumi shrugs. “It’s your money.”
“Yeah, yeah. They’re not gonna die, don’t worry. If anything, I’m saving their life.”
“Whatever you say. Hey, you mind eating Curry again tonight?”
“Nah. But you could show me how to do it. I wouldn’t mind helping out with cooking.”
Fuyumi throws him a look he chooses to ignore, content on placing the plants inside the cart.
“Be careful with the stems.” He tells Natsuo. “Don’t break them.”
“It’s not that easy, you fucker.” His brother curses. “How the fuck do you tie these ribbons? Is that witchcraft?”
“No, it’s a skill and you’re lacking it. If you can’t do it, let me. Just make sure there’s plant food in the water or the roses won’t keep fresh as long.
“Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to cut some flowers for Mom, not a lecture.”
“Be honest, you wanted both.”
“You’re home late.” He says when Shouto drags himself inside. “Have you eaten anything today?”
“I had Soba.” His brother mentions and drapes himself over a chair as he starts taking off his uniform.
“I’m making you a grilled cheese. Miso soup too. You need to eat properly.”
“Thanks.” He hears a quiet mumble and so much more that’s left unsaid.
His mother finds him outside, reading a book and taking samples of the earth around the garden, rubbing it between his fingers and sniffing it.
“Are you having fun?” She asks and places a pitcher of homemade lemonade and two glasses on the table, taking a seat to watch him work.
“It’s a shame we have mainly grass lawn, mom.” He explains to her, surprised by his own eagerness, his own growing interest. “If we planted bushes and flowers and expand on the diversity of plants, we could help foster not only bees but different types of butterflies and birds.”
“That does sound appealing. Why don’t you talk to your father about it?”
She smiles until her eyes reach a stump.
“I wish he would do something about that tree,” Rei tells him flatly. “It just wakes sad memories.”
He turns to look at the tree stump, surprised that it takes a moment to realize what she’s talking about.
He’d been about 9 years old, and when attacking Shouto did not work, he’d burned down that tree in a fit of rage, knowing exactly how much that tree meant to his parents, as they had been wed under it, in a time when they must have been happy, or as happy as they could have been.
“Why’d you never take out the tree?” He asks his father one night after dinner, the two of them alone in the kitchen.
“The same reason I will always carry these scars, even if they could be healed.” He points to the scarring on his face. “It serves as a reminder, a call to change, to protect what I have with the right means.”
“But you could plant a new tree.” He looks out into the garden, pondering it. “Or plant them around it. As if they’d hug it.”
“I’ll think about it. Or better, I’ll let you think about it. If you have a proposal on how to change the garden, you can come to me with it and we’ll go over it.”
“Or you could just let me do it. It’s my job after all.”
“Oh?” Enji raises his eyebrows in a challenge. “You’re feeling up to this?”
“Well, it’s settled then. How long do you need?”
“A day. I’ve got the plan mostly ready anyway, I just need the right weather and a free day to get it all together.”
“Great. You should have both this weekend. Your mother and I will be out of the house anyway, as I’ve booked an onsen for a weekend getaway. You can convince your siblings to leave you alone if you need them out of the house. You can have my credit card to purchase what you need.”
“The limitless one?”
Enji smiles. “Let’s not go overboard, we don’t need flowers made from diamonds.”
It’s Sunday morning, barely past 9 a.m. and he’s already sweating bullets. 
He’d thought that being able to sweat again would be a good thing - at least considering how well his skin grafts took to integrating into his body - but now he just feels plain disgusting. The garden looks like an absolute disaster after more than three hours going at it.
He’d started planting the tulips, realized that he wanted a peony bush in the middle of it, and had to dig some of them back out. 
The stone path he’d wanted to relocate is now a heap of dirty stones in one corner and he’d managed to knock over the bag of fertilizer, spilling its contents everywhere.
He feels himself getting frustrated. And tired. This work is harder than he’d imagined it to be.
He decides to take a breather, regretting not talking the plan through with you yesterday when he’d had the chance. Just because he’d wanted to surprise you with the news on Monday, telling you proudly how great everything had worked out.
He ponders the problem from the kitchen sink, his second glass of water in hand. 
Hawks and Natsuo could be used as backup muscle, but he doubts they’d come willingly.
Shouto’s on patrol and Fuyumi’s out visiting a friend. 
What he really needs is someone who’d give him direction while letting him do his thing at the same time. What he really needs is you and while he’d never missed a Friday night, he’d kept his distance, or at least tried to, in the weeks since that night.
He knows it’s a good thing. That doesn’t mean he has to like it.
You pick up after the first ring.
“Hi. Remember how you said I could call you if I ever had a plant emergency?”
“Of course. What’s the matter?”
“That’s the thing. I got free reign on redesigning our garden and it’s… well, it’s looking a bit awful right now.”
“Just a bit? That’s good news then.” He can hear you moving in the background.
“Very funny. I know today’s your free day but would you mind taking a look? I promise you won’t have to work, you can just sit back on the terrace and tell me what I have to do.”
“It’s no problem, Touya-kun. Just tell me your address.”
He realizes, probably five seconds before you ring the bell, that you might have no idea how rich the Todorokis really are. 
But if you feel out of place in your scuffed-up trainers and grass-stained clothes, you’re not letting it show.
Touya explains his plan to you while he shows you the garden, pointing out what he’s already done and what he still has to do.
You nod and nod, look around and pinch the earth just like he’d done and he feels a little proud that he’d copied you without knowing.
Finally, you step up to him and point at the heap of stones.
“You wash them and put them where you want them. After that you take on one part of the garden after the other, minimizing trampling over done work. You’re a little early on the tulips but they should do well. Peonies are a bit risky at this spot and the way you’re planning it, you’re leaving no spot behind to actually use the garden.”
“Use it?” He blinks. “What do you mean?”
“Do you always sit on the terrace? Or do you sit on the lawn too?”
“Well, we used to play outside as children but we’ve grown out of that. I don’t know if Mom still sits outside.”
“Okay, that’s just as well. You just have to be aware of everyone’s needs if you plan for a whole family. What will you do about the tree?”
He should have known you would notice it the second you stepped outside. 
Even if you only point it out now he can tell you’re affected by it. He sighs.
“It burned down when I was about 9. Mom says it makes her sad and my father wants to keep it as a reminder. I… well, I wanted to plant things around it, so that it would seem like the plants would hug it, maybe?”
Your eyes are on him, your question digging deeper than he thought it could.
“When I… When I…” He coughs and tries again. “When I… almost died… at the war… I remember coming to, waking up to my family hugging me, as if they were holding me together, keeping me in one piece. I like that picture.”
You hum. 
“So now we know what your mother wants, what your father wants, and what you want. What about your siblings?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”
“You said that you felt like Touya had to die for Dabi to live and Dabi had to die for Touya to live but for your family, they were always one and the same. It’s the same with the tree, isn’t it? Whether it stays or it goes, it seems dead to all of you. Have you ever thought of the possibility of it being still alive?”
Touya knows, in theory, that you’re still talking about the tree. But it feels like you’re talking about him.
Has he ever thought of the possibility of himself being alive? 
You kneel down in front of the stump and hug it, your cheek resting on the place where it had been cut down. 
It feels personal, like you’re hugging him and you’re not hugging him until you’re starting to hum, a tune he’s heard so often he can hear himself tune in.
Under your arms the tree stump glows faintly until it grows and grows, two thick stems rising up and pushing your face away, entwining and circling each other, growing up and up and up. They’re the height of a bush, a person, taller now than the first tree had been, its foliage a friendly green that smiles down at him.
You sink to the floor next to it and he’s too slow to catch you, can only pick you up and carry you inside, your sleeping form fitting too well into his arms.
He washes the stones and places them, thinking about himself at age 9. He finishes his display of tulips and peonies and thinks about himself, waking up from a coma.
With every flower bulb he plants, and every bush he places, he thinks about the past.
It’s therapeutic, in a way, to feel himself come alive in this place.
He’d wondered if this was growing into a new obsession, but could it be an obsession when it feels so healthy?
By the time you step back out, he’d started placing the plants he wants to “hug” their family tree.
“Sleep well?” Touya asks when you kneel down next to him and dig your hands into the dirt.
“I’ve never been able to grow a tree in one sitting.” You explain to him, your voice soft. “But it wanted to grow.”
“Yeah.” He looks up at the foliage. “He’s been waiting for his chance long enough.”
“What are you going to name it?”
Toya looks at the two stems that are intertwined now. “Enji and Rei.”
You smile. “That’s a good name.”
taglist: @misfit-megumi @shoulmate @pixiesavvy @the2ndl @neko-my-cat @chelseaquake @tiredslepz @frozen-phoenix17
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kaleldobrev · 9 months
My Hero (3)
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: After having a successful girls day, Shell almost slips about reading the books to Sam. Meanwhile, Y/N and Dean have a conversation about something that Shell said.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Cursing (2x), Fluff, Angst, Cliffhanger
Authors Note: Here's part 3 of my mini-series! I think that there's going to be one more part to this | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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My Hero Masterlist
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As you were driving you turned to Shell who was still mindlessly looking out the window, tapping her finger along to the current song that was playing on the cassette: Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin. Not listening to this cassette for a while, you had forgotten how many love songs Dean had actually put on here. “Hey, can you do me a favor?” You asked.
Shell turned to you. “Sure, what’s up?”
“Can you call Sam or Dean and ask them what they’re planning for dinner?” You asked. “I was thinking about just the two of us going out but I want to make sure my boys actually have a plan or they’re waiting on us.” You explained. “They have a habit of doing that a lot.”
Shell nodded. “Sure. I’ll call Sam. He’s my favorite.” She winked, getting out her phone and going through her contact list to find his name. Although there was a slightly joking tone to her comment about Sam being her favorite, in a really weird way...she actually wasn't. When it came to the Supernatural books, Sam was quote-on-quote her favorite character in the series (besides you of course, and obviously nothing against Dean). One of the reasons for him being her favorite was because she had felt that she had related to him the most, related to what he had went through – not wanting to go into the family business. Fortunately for her, her parents and you were extremely supportive of her decision of not wanting to be a hunter, when Shell had told you three, it was almost like there was a weird sigh of relief; unlike when Sam had told his father and Dean – which was on the complete opposite side of the spectrum. "Hey Sam, it's Shell. I have a question for you."
"Shoot." Sam said.
"Y/N wants to know what you and Dean-O are doing for dinner." Shell said, the nickname rolling off her tongue like it was nothing.
Sam shrugged, despite knowing that neither you or Shell could see him. "I know I'll be fine. But Dean's the only one I'm unsure about." He said. “Mind if I call you back?"
"Why am I not surprised." Shell mumbled. "Sure thing." She said, before the two of them hung up. Shell turned to you once she placed her phone back in her lap. "Sam said he's gonna call me back."
You looked at your sister with slight surprise. "Why?"
"Sam said he needs to see what Dean wants to do." She explained. You let out a deep sigh. "What?"
"I don't know why Sam couldn't just put you on hold and walk down the hallway to mine and his bedroom to ask him what he wants to do for dinner. If I know Dean, and I like to think I do, very, very well, he's either watching a movie in our room or listening to music." As much as you loved these boys, you were amazed by the lack of common sense they had at times.
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"So, before Sam calls back, what did you want to do for dinner? Cause I'm pretty sure Dean is going to want pizza." You said, the mixtape finally changing to something that wasn't a love song: Kashmir also by Led Zeppelin.
"I mean, I'm honestly fine with pizza if that's what Dean wants." You sister said, slightly shrugging. "I'm here for the whole summer, you and I have plenty of time to get dinner just the two of us. Especially if Sam and Dean decide to go on a hunt at some point during the summer."
"Yeah you're right." Your voice sounding just a tad sad, sadder than you had intended it to sound. "It's just...I don't know, I guess I'm just surprised that you'd be down for pizza with the gang versus just hanging out the two of us." Which was essentially the whole point of her coming here for the summer.
"I can text Sam and say that him and Dean are on their own. I don't think he minds." Shell unlocked her phone ready to text Sam.
"No, no. It's okay, honestly. Like you said, we have all summer. And even though you're an adult, I'm not just going to leave you by yourself and go hunting with Sam and Dean." You said.
"I wouldn't be alone. I'd be with Jack and Cas." Shell noted. Before you had the chance to comment, her phone had started to ring. "Oh, it's Sam." Her smile ever so gleeful. "Hey Sam. What's the verdict?"
"Dean wants pizza." Sam said, clearly on speakerphone now.
Shell turned to you. "You were right." She mouthed. "Y/N and I are fine with that."
"Mind if I order the usual?" Dean chimed in, Shell's face full of confusion. "It's everything on it."
"So, you like gross pizza?" Shell said, not even fazed by her comment. She couldn't see Dean's face on the other end, but you knew that he must of look offended. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh, not caring if Dean could hear you on the other end or not.
"How dare you." Dean said, his voice clearly sounding like he was offended. "You are so lucky I'm in love with your sister." He mumbled.
"Just get plain cheese babe." You said, hopefully loud enough for him to hear as for some reason your sister was refusing to have her phone on speaker phone.
You swear you could hear his eyeroll. "Fine. I'll get stupid just plain cheese."
"My poor baby." Your voice sarcastic.
"Order it whenever. We'll be home in less than 20 minutes." Shell interjected.
"Sounds good. See you guys soon." Sam said hanging up the phone.
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"We're back guys!" Shell yelled almost singsong like once you closed the Bunker doors behind the both of you. "See you boys didn't burn the place down." She smirked.
"Ha ha." Dean rolled his eyes, putting his jacket on. "I'll be back. Gonna go get the plain cheese pizza." He made sure to enunciate the last three words. This attitude had made you and Shell roll your eyes. Placing his gun in his back pocket, Shell's eyes went wide.
"Why do you need to bring a gun with you to go and pick up a pizza?" She asked, sitting down at the War Room table.
"You can never be too careful." He smirked. "'Sides, bet you didn't even know your sister here had her gun on her the whole day." Dean turned to you, and you stood there chuckling nervously. Shell turned to face you like Dean was doing currently. "Tell me I'm wrong Sweetheart."
You reached into your purse and slowly pulled out your gun. "Like Dean said," You began, pulling your gun all the way out. "You can never be too careful." You winked at the two of them before putting your gun back into your purse. "Want some company picking up the pizza?" You asked turning to your boyfriend.
He smiled. "Always." He walked over to you, and gave you a quick peck on the lips; a simple gesture that had made you smile from ear to ear.
"Okay, we'll be back. Try not to kill each other while we're gone." You winked again, before you followed Dean out of the Bunker.
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"So, what's it like living with those two 24/7? I mean, I got a little glimpse of it a few years back when you went to Hell and from –" Shell almost slipped, mentioning the books.
"From what?" Sam asked, curious.
"From...this week..." Shell hoped that she had managed to save herself from her slip up.
Sam looked at her, a little unsure of her response, but he decided to ignore it. "It's interesting to say the least." He started to explain. "I've been...I've been on the road with them for over a decade, something that I thought would never happen."
"I know what you mean." Shell said, understanding where he was coming from. As much as Shell knew that Sam had loved you and had loved Dean, he never thought that this was how his life was going to turn out. He had hoped that he would be living that white picket fence and apple pie life with Jessica.
"When I found out that Y/N started hunting with you...I was happy for you. Happy that...it wouldn't just be you and dad all the time." Was a line Sam had told Dean in Wendigo (if Shell had remembered correctly). Shell knew what he had meant by that line; there was a lot of different meanings behind it. In the words of Chuck: "Sam hoped that once they found their father, once they found Yellow-Eyes, that he would be able to go back to school, back to the life that he wanted despite the death of his true love. Sam was happy that Dean had found Y/N, because in a way, it was a comfort knowing that Dean wouldn't be or feel so alone."
"I'm glad that Y/N and Dean found each other I really do. But, hunting with three people is a lot different than hunting with two or by yourself." Shell knew exactly what he was talking about, at the same time, it was something that she never really considered.
"I always thought that it was better to have bigger numbers. You know, so everyone has each other's six." Shell said.
"Well...Yeah. But, when you're by yourself you have no one but you're the only one you have to worry about. When you have two, not only do you have to worry about yourself but you have to worry about your partner. With three people, you not only have to worry about yourself, but your other two partners as well." Sam explained.
"So me becoming one of your hunting partners is out of the cards uh?" Shell laughed to herself.
"I'm sure you'd be a great one Shell." Sam tried to reassure her.
"You don't have to humor me Sam." Shell smirked.
"You miss her." His comment seemingly coming out of nowhere, but Shell nodded in agreement. "She talks about you all the time, and she's insanely proud of you."
"She...She talks about me?" Shell asked, almost surprised to hear that. Sam nodded.
"Of course. You have no idea how proud she was when you told her you got accepted into medical school." Sam smiled, remembering the memory. "She told Dean and I how proud she was that you decided not to be in this life. That...you wanted to help people in a less dangerous way." He chuckled a little.
Hearing this had made Shell's heart melt. She knew how proud of her you were, but she never realized that you had actually bragged about it to Sam and Dean. Shell remembered when she had told you and your parents about how she had got accepted into medical school. Although she wasn't a fan of the books yet when she had told you guys, when she had become one, it was something that she was looking forward to reading about; but it was something that never had come up in the books. She wondered why Chuck decided to never include something like that. Then again, he did seem to be against wholesome moments.
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Dinner went by without incident, without any kind of slip ups; something that Shell was happy about. During the day she knew that she had almost slipped up several times, but had managed to catch herself. She honestly had no idea how you, Sam, or Dean would react if she did mention something by accident. Well...she had a slight idea. You and the boys absolutely despised these books, and she could understand why. The pages were intimate in nature, private. Revealing things that shouldn't be revealed to the average person. Secrets that were meant to be kept solely between you and Dean, Sam and Dean, you and Sam, etc. Although the books weren't popular, these were secrets that had become fixture in the fandom.
There was a part of her that had wanted to venture further into the fandom, as there were countless numbers of fanfiction about the three of you or people adding themselves into the story. But that was a line Shell would never cross; the thought being too odd for her because you, Sam, and Dean weren't just characters in a book - you were real life people with feelings, emotions, personalities.
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"So you and Shell had a good day?" Asked Dean, taking the towel that had been around his waist and currently using it to dry off his hair.
"Yeah, it was a really fun day." You said, fixing the blankets on the bed as to try and get comfortable as you talked to him; admiring his body a bit as he stood in front of you. "But...I don't know there was...something weird though." You said. "I'm probably overthinking."
Placing the towel on the back of the closet door, Dean walked over to the dresser and grabbed a pair of boxer briefs and put them on. "You're probably not overthinking." He assured you. "What was weird about it?" He asked, grabbing a Led Zeppelin T-shirt and putting it on before making his way to the bed.
"She said..." You huffed. "Have you ever told her that you and I considered bacon cheeseburgers to be better sex?"
Dean looked at you, and thought about it for a moment, trying to think about when he could have said that to Shell. "No...I don't think so." He said, shaking his head. "Why?"
"Well, when we were at the diner today, she mentioned that. And I don't know...It just seemed...Odd." You tried to explain.
"What made it odd?" He asked.
"It's odd because I know I've never said that to her, and you never said that to her. And I know for a fact that Sam, Cas, or Jack wouldn't say that." Especially Cas or Jack, you thought.
"Huh." Was all Dean said, raising a brow. "That's weird alright." He said, getting under the covers now. "She say anything else weird?"
"No. But, when we went to the bookstore today they had the fucking Supernatural books." Dean rolled his eyes. "And she didn't seem put off by them."
"Of course she wouldn't. She's not the main character." He said, putting air quotes around 'the main character.'
"I know but...She didn't seem...I don't know how to put this...She seemed...Like it didn't faze her to see it. Like, like she's seen them before." You explained.
"You never showed her the books right?" He asked.
"Oh fuck no!" You said almost too loudly.
"Weird." Dean stated.
"Weird is an understatement." You said.
"So should we like...talk to her?" He asked, unsure of what else to say.
"And say what?" You asked.
"Have you read the Supernatural books?" His question seemed so simple, and all you could do was just give him a disgusted look. "What?"
"That's not even what I'm implying." You stated.
"What are you implying then?" Dean asked. "Based on what you said, it sounds like you're assuming she's read the books. But, that bacon cheeseburger thing could have been said by anyone."
"Okay, who? Cause you and I are the only ones, and I mean, only ones that have ever said that. And she referenced specifically the two of us when she said it." You felt your blood pressure raising.
"You should have lead with that Sweetheart." Dean said, using the calmest voice you have ever heard him have. His calmness automatically making you calm.
You sighed. "I'll...I'll wait to see if she says anything else."
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @jackles010378 If you'd like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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luxaofhesperides · 1 year
those who serve.
read chapter one, two, three on tumblr or the entire fic on ao3.
10k+ words again..... i remain the queen of not shutting up <3
. . .
“Wait,” Dick says, reaching over to open the glove box, “Before we go, we need these.” He pulls out some hats, squished together to fit on top of the many CDs rattling around. He smooths out a dark blue baseball cap, then hands a black hat to Danny. “Disguises, kind of,” he explains.
Danny looks down at the hat in his hand, then back at Dick. Sure. Why not. He’ll wear a hat as a very bad disguise since Dick seems to think it’s important. He doesn’t really want to know the details as to why they need to do this, so Danny’s gonna roll with it.
He puts the hat on and looks at Dick for further direction.
Instead of getting any of that, Dick slips on a pair of sunglasses and grins at Danny. “Alright. Ready to brave the dangers of a Gotham shopping mall?”
“Great!” Dick kicks open his door and hops out. Danny follows much more sedately, getting out of the car more like a normal person, then closing it quietly. He takes a moment to look up at the mall, a large building with strings of lights hanging above the walkways. The parking lot is filling up quickly despite it being a weekday morning and people are bustling about, heading into stores or cafes. 
It’s much bigger than the two malls in Amity Park. This is the kind of place Paulina and Star would be spending all their time at if they could, wandering around and buying whatever caught their eye. 
Danny would have just hung out in the food court with Sam and Tucker, maybe caught a movie or wasted the hours away in the arcade. 
Being here, without them, aches like a bruise. He would give anything to just be a normal teenager hanging out at the mall with his friends. He wouldn’t have to worry about ghosts or avoiding his parents or dreading going home because he’s too tired to fully dodge all of his parents’ weapons. 
“Ready to go in?” Dick asks. He moves closer to Danny and his voice is much softer; it’s more gentle and concerned than excited, now. 
Danny tries to plaster a smile onto his face, hide his true feelings and not ruin Dick’s day out. “Let’s go,” he says, fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie just to have something to do with his hands. It’s better to focus on twisting the fabric than to think of the life he lost long before he ever ran away to this dimension.
He starts walking before Dick can grow any more concerned about Danny. They’re here for a reason and that’s to get Danny daily necessities so he can start working. It’s not for fun, it’s just an errand to run.
He doesn’t get too far before Dick is besides him, throwing an arm around his shoulder to keep him close. 
“Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable,” Dick murmurs, “But we need to stick to each other. Just in case, you know?”
“Just in case of what?”
“Kidnappings, usually. Or so we don’t lose each other if we need to evacuate. Or to stick together if a rogue attacks.”
Sure. Why not. This is just what happens in Gotham, apparently.
“Okay,” Danny says, weakly. “How likely is any of that happening, by the way?”
Dick hums, considering the question as they reach the walkway, full of potted plants and a fountain, lined with small stores, cafes, and a bakery. “I’m not too sure about the numbers, that’s something you’ll have to ask Tim. But the risk is definitely higher with us, being part of the Wayne family and all.”
“I’m not part of the family, though.”
“You’re close enough that the distinction doesn’t really matter. Criminals will see you as an easy way to either access the Manor and family, or an easy target for ransom. Though the average citizen is still at risk too, so you’d have been in danger either way.”
Apparently, there was a point in having Tim and Bruce discuss insurance and kidnapping policies. For once, it’s not absurd rich people things; it’s a legitimate concern in Gotham. 
“Anyways!” Dick says, smoothly moving along, “What do you want to get first? Clothes? Things for your room? Weapons?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re trained in whatever you’re interested in using.”
Danny side-eyes Dick as they enter the mall proper. “I prefer martial arts to weapons,” he says. 
Dick just nods. “We can train you in that too. Whatever you want, Danny.”
“Let’s just get some clothes, first.”
Inside, the noise of the morning crowd echoes off the walls of the mall. The ceiling is high and lined with skylights that don’t do anything when most days in Gotham are cloudy. It’s the most people Danny’s been around in a while and all the noise and movement makes him jittery, anxious, and close to clawing his skin off. 
“This way,” Dick says, lowering his voice. He easily guide Danny through the groups of people walking around the mall, heading towards a clothing store with dim lights and barely audible music playing. There aren’t many people in there and it’s quieter in the store. Quiet enough for him to feel like he can breathe without feeling his throat tighten with oncoming panic, at least.
“All good?”
Danny slips out from under Dick’s arm and takes a slow, steady breath. “I’m fine.”
“Alright.” Dick doesn’t push, but he clearly doesn’t believe that Danny’s fine. Which, yeah, he’s not and he’s clearly bad at hiding it if Dick can pick up on it immediately, but Danny also doesn’t want to talk about it ever. So Dick will just have to take all the bad lies Danny’s giving him and deal with it. 
He moves around the store, hoping to stop the conversation from continuing. He idly flicks through the racks of clothing, searching for things that are in his size. 
Most of the clothes in the store is more suited for Sam’s style, really. Danny doesn’t think he can really pull off fishnet tights, especially while working as a butler. He does grab some plain black shirts, both short sleeve and long sleeve, and a gray sweater. 
“That’s all?” Dick frowns at the few pieces of clothing Danny’s taken, but he leads them to the cashier regardless of his disapproval. He also takes out his wallet and hands over a card before Danny can protest.
“I can pay,” he says, and Dick shrugs.
“Sure, but I have more money than I want to deal with. I’m more than happy to pay for you, Danny. Don’t worry about it.”
The cashier scans the items, bags them, and hands the receipt to Dick. 
Her eyes widen when she does and she makes a strangled sound in the back of her throat. “You’re—!”
“Shhh,” Dick shushes her, a finger to his lips. 
She presses her lips together tightly and nods. 
That is… a weird reaction. Is she scared of Dick? Is Dick well known enough to the average citizen of Gotham that they clam up and get nervous when they see he’s around? What exactly is his role in the Wayne mob family?
He glances at Dick just in time to catch him lowering his sunglasses a bit to give the cashier a wink, then takes the receipt while Danny grabs the shopping bag and considers going invisible so he’s not seen near Dick any longer. But the cashier doesn’t seem scared anymore, not with the red on her cheeks and the smile she isn’t quite able to bite down.
“Is that going to happen often?” Danny asks as they exit the shop and back into the crowds of the mall, which are steadily growing louder as morning fades into afternoon.
“Hopefully not,” Dick answers, “We’re kinda big in Gotham, so I might get recognized. But that’s why I got disguises!”
“Disguises that barely work.”
“Well, I wanted a wig, but no one else let’s me have one. The few times I’ve bought some, they immediately go missing.”
“Can we leave and just order everything I need online?”
Dick sighs, looking over Danny with a critical eye.  “If you really want to, I suppose we can. But part of the reason why we’re here right now is so that you can get used to Gotham. This is a busy place full of people and it’s the best way to acclimate you to the city that’s not throwing you at a rogue or a gang.”
It hits Danny then that this might be part of his butler training. A way to prove that he can handle himself and that the Wayne family mob won’t need to worry about him too much. The weak disguises might be to test if he can keep secrets and not blow Dick’s cover. 
Would they do that to him?
Well… Danny can’t confidently say that they won’t, so it’s safer to assume that this is something they would do. Are actively doing, even.
He lets out a slow breath, rolls his shoulders back, and resolves himself to seeing this through. “Alright,” he says, “Let’s keep going.”
“That’s the spirit!” Dick grins, and Danny can’t help the way he twitches, biting down on a reflexive need to respond with no, I’m the spirit. Another downside of being in a new dimension where no one knows his secrets: everyone’s missing out on his death jokes. It’s a shame, really, because Danny is hilarious.
Dick leads him through the mall, keeping an arm around Danny’s shoulders to steer him through the crowd. Danny peeks into the stores they pass, hoping something will catch his interest so he can finish up with this errand and leave the mall sooner rather than later. 
He stumbles to a stop when he spots a NASA shirt on a clothing rack, and a black hoodie displayed beside it, Ursa Major and Minor decorating the front. 
“Hm? Find something you like?” Dick asks as he urges Danny in. He follows Danny’s gaze and makes a thoughtful noise in the back of his throat. “Here, let’s see if they have your size.”
He’s rummaging through the racks before Danny can respond, pulling out shirts to check their size. As soon as he finds a medium, he’s holding it out to Danny, who takes it without thinking, moving on autopilot. 
“Wait,” he starts, “We don’t need to—”
“Of course we do! We’re here to build up your wardrobe. What’s the point if you’re not getting things you actually like?”
And then he grabs one of the hoodies for Danny too, as if to make a point. 
Dick holds it up and looks at the design with a critical eye, then asks, “Do you like space?”
“Yeah,” Danny says. There’s so much more he wants to say, but he bites his tongue. This isn’t the time or place to start gushing about how much he loves space; he needs to buy what he needs and then leave. That’s all he needs to focus on.
“Well?” Dick prompts, “What do you like about it?”
“Can I just buy these and go?” Danny asks, “Talking about space is too distracting.”
“Oh. Well, I guess I can ask again later, yeah?” And Dick actually looks disappointed. He’s got this kicked puppy dog look that makes Danny feel incredibly guilty, but he won’t allow himself to be distracted. He’s on a mission and he’s going to see it through.
They spend another few minutes browsing that store. There’s more clothes here that’s to Danny’s taste and he pulls a few pairs of pants he can wear that don’t scream ‘teen hooligan’. Which mostly means there are no holes or rips in them. He checks the prices and tries not to wince at the prices; mall stores are always more expensive, and while it’s not a big deal to rich mob families, it is to Danny, who has spent most of his time in this dimension homeless and penniless. 
The cashier of this store barely glances at them as they scan tags and stuff clothes into a large bag. They don’t notice anything about Dick when he shoves Danny’s hand down and holds out his own card, again, and pays.
Shockingly, Dick’s bad disguise works. Though it might just be because this store is much busier than the first gothic store they shopped in.
Danny hurries out of the store, hoping that he can stop here for the day. He doesn’t get his hopes up too high, though, when he catches sight of the way Dick’s eyeing the food court. 
He’s trying to come up with excuses to avoid the area—full of people and noise and too much everything—when Dick’s smile suddenly falls and his eyes go cold as ice. 
He grabs Danny a second before the first gunshot rings out.
Immediately, the mall is full of shouts and movement as people rush to get away; either to find a way out of the mall, or into a store where they can hide. More gunshots follow, and a skylight shatters, raining glass down onto the frantic crowd.
Dick grabs Danny’s arm and pulls him away from the food court. Danny keeps pace with him as they sprint through the mall, searching for safety. 
Behind them, Danny can hear people screeching and laughing. Before them, at one of the mall’s entrances, he spots a group of people dressed in dark, torn clothing, and strange metal bands around their bicep. Some hold large guns while others have spiked baseball bats or machetes. 
From the sounds if it, there’s a group at every entrance. 
They’re trapped in.
Dick hisses a curse under his breath and ducks through the crowd, dragging Danny behind him, and ducks into a small space between two stores. There’s a door that leads to an employee only area, but it’s locked. 
Most of the crowd goes quiet after that. Danny looks behind them to see people cowering in stores, frantically typing on their phones; he hopes at least one of them is able to contact someone who can help. A few are still out in the open, crouched behind benches and massage chairs, holding onto each other. 
“Aww, don’t be so scared,” someone croons, “We ain’t gonna hurt you too much. So long as you give me your wallets, we’re all good.”
A robbery, Danny realizes, an extreme robbery. 
He’s not a hero. He doesn’t want to be a hero when he doesn't need to be. There are, apparently, many heroes in this world who can help but none of them are here. It’s just Danny and a bunch of civilians, at the mercy of whoever this gang of thieves is. 
It’s just Danny and Dick, stuck hidden away, because Dick is a bigger target than anyone else. 
“We’re going to be fine, Danny,” Dick whispers. He’s tucking his phone back into his pocket and taking off his hat and sunglasses. “Don’t worry.”
Danny’s not worrying. He’s concerned for the safety of everyone else, but he’s not worried about himself. What are they going to do, kill him a second time? Fat chance. 
The problem is that the only way Danny can do anything is by going ghost, and he can’t do that with Dick holding him back.
Outside their hiding spot, glass shatters and more gunshots go off. “Don’t be greedy now!” someone shouts, then cackles, “Just pass over what you’ve got in that cash register and we’ll be on our way.”
From farther away, someone says, “Don’t get smart with me,” and smashes a counter. From the sound of it, they actually smashed their fist through the counter. 
Most people don’t have that kind of strength. 
“Dick,” Danny says, and Dick shushes him.
“It’s fine. Help will be here soon.”
Danny focuses his hearing, trying to make sure no one is getting hurt or killed. The gunshots and destruction are just intimidation tactics. As long as people cooperate, this day won’t end with a body count. Footsteps get closer, loud against the tense stillness of the mall. 
He shifts his weight, then steps forward, placing himself in front of Dick. 
“Danny, what are you—”
“Dick.” He can hear the echo in his voice, the sound of something inhuman rising to the forefront. “Stay behind me.”
There’s no time for any warning, for any reassurance. Three gang members walk by and find them.
“Well look what we have here!” one of them jeers, swinging around a baseball bat, “Two little pigs tryin’ hide from us!”
“Come on out, piggies, before we have to drag you out,” another grins, all teeth.
The third is a large man who doesn’t seem very… cognizant. He twitches, breathing heavily as his eyes dart around. All three of them have a strange gleam in their eyes, one that reminds him of the mugger who went after Alfred. 
Are they drugged?
Danny slowly steps forward, eyes fixed on them. They make condescending whistles and clicks, treating him like a scared animal. They don’t know how tightly Danny’s holding onto his humanity, how badly he wants to let go and make them beg for mercy.
A hand grabs his. “Don’t, Danny.”
“Well, shit!” one of the gang members says, “That’s a Wayne! How much do ya think he’ll sell for?”
They don’t wait any longer. They rush in and grab Danny by his shirt, dragging him out. Danny takes a moment to glance behind him to see Dick caught by one, arms twisted behind his back. There’s a furrow in his brow, a look of barely concealed panic on his face, and he catches a single comment about making good use of a pretty boy like him before the rush in his ears drowns it all out. 
The first one doesn’t even have a second to understand what’s happening before he’s on the ground, knocked out cold. Danny slips up, his humanity pushed back, and claws at the end of his fingers cut through the skin of the his temple, leaving the gang member to bleed onto the floor. 
Cold mist wafts out of his mouth and he runs his tongue over the sharp fangs in his mouth. 
“Danny, don’t!” Dick cries, and then he’s twisting his body into a strange shape, easily slipping out of the grasp of the gang member who holds him. He swings a kick up, knocking them out quickly, and reaches for Danny but Danny’s already moving.
The big guy slams his fists into the place where Dick was standing. Danny hisses at him a few feet away, dropping Dick back onto the ground, safe and sound. 
“Touch him and I’ll rip every bone out of your hand,” he growls. 
The big guy doesn’t care. The big guy might not even understand what Danny’s saying, too lost in his drug induced delirium. He charges, bellowing, and Danny grabs one of his arms and throws him onto the floor. Before he can get up again, Danny slams his foot onto his chest and holds him down, slowly pressing the air out of his lungs. He’s baring his teeth in a snarl, leaning closer, ready to rip into his flesh and make him cry when Dick smashes a baseball bat into the big guy’s head and knocks him out.
Danny doesn’t let up. Doesn’t move at all, still too lost in the instinct to protect, to end the threat through any means necessary, to feel more than a distant glimmer of panic. He knows he doesn’t look very human at the moment, can feel his more monstrous, ghostly features take over. 
But Dick doesn’t look scared. He has his hands up, carefully reaching for Danny. 
“Hey, come on. It’s fine. We’re fine. Help is almost here.” Another gunshot rings out, breaking the silence, and Dick glances over to the entrance. “Help is here, actually.”
“Either you give up now or I make you wish you had given up. Make a choice, fuckers! I don’t have any patience left for you.” The voice that speaks is strangely mechanical, and when Danny looks over to take note of this new player, he has to wonder why anyone would ever wear a full face red helmet.
“That’s Red Hood,” Dick says, “He’ll take care of them and get everyone out safe, okay? So can you come over here, please?”
Red Hood. Was this one of Gotham’s heroes? This is one he hasn’t heard about yet, but Dick doesn’t seem all that worried, so Danny steps off of the big guy’s chest and allows Dick to pull him over to the side. 
No one pays any attention to them once Red Hood throws himself into the fray, a whirlwind of violence as he takes out every single gang member who rushes at him. A few try to run away, but well placed shots take out their knees and leave them curled up on the ground in pain. 
He catches a few whispers from a nearby store, as someone says, “God, he’s hot. I kinda want him to punch me like that.”
Danny tries not to make a face at that because 1) he’s dealt with the Phan Club and he’s used to those kinds of comments and 2) Red Hood is literally punching people into the ground. With great force. A lot of violence. The brutality with which Red Hood is dealing with the gang is honestly impressive.
While he doesn’t want to be punched like that, he does want to know how to do something similar. It would be a good move to add to his arsenal.
It takes only a few minutes to deal with all the gang members on this end of the mall. The atmosphere relaxes and Danny sees more than a few people slump over in relief, leaning against walls and collapsing on each other. 
“You’ll be fine now,” Red Hood says, “Just sit tight for the police to get these guys, and then you’ll be out of here.”
A few people call out their thanks as he walks by, and Danny thinks that he’s going to leave, deal with the other gang members scattered around the mall. But a few more steps and it’s clear that Red Hood is making a beeline right for him. 
Tensing, Danny shoves Dick behind him, feeling a growl begin to build up in his throat. 
“Woah, woah, Danny! It’s fine! Red Hood’s not going to hurt us!” Dick hurries to assure, trying to step out from behind Danny. He doesn’t manage to take more than a single step in any direction before Danny is herding him back. 
Red Hood slows down as he approaches, no longer marching towards them with danger written in every line of his body. “Huh,” he says as he comes to a stop just a few feet in front of Danny. He keeps one hand on his gun, ready to pull it out of its holster at any moment. “Dick,” he greets, but it sounds less like Dick’s name and more like an insult.
“Hood! So glad you got my message.”
“Yeah, well, it’s not every day I get to save a Grayson  in distress. You owe me for this, by the way. I could be home watching telenovelas right now.”
“Aw, come on, Hood, would you really abandon me like that?”
Red Hood laughs, and the hamlet makes it come out staticy and unnatural. “I’d shoot you for fun, Dickface.”
Danny hisses at Red Hood and delights in the way he shifts nervously, not stepping back but clearly apprehensive. He should be nervous; threatening someone under Danny’s protection right in front of him is bold, to say the least. 
“It’s okay, Danny,” Dick says again, trying to soothe him. He doesn’t try to move around Danny again, just stays and puts a hand on Danny’s shoulder. The single point of contact grounds him enough to pull his ghostly features back partway, leaving only the toxic green of his eyes and the fangs in his mouth. “Red Hood’s not going to hurt me. He saved us, didn’t he? He’s one of Gotham’s heroes, he’s a good guy.”
“Excuse you, Dick, but I am a crime lord not a hero.”
“A crime lord who helps people! Who is considered Crime Alley’s hero! Just admit it, you’re one of the good guys.”
Red Hood being a crime lord is much more believable than him being a hero. It also makes the familiarity between him and Dick seem less strange; surely, as a crime lord, he’s dealt with the Wayne Mob before. They’ve probably made deals between themselves and done super illegal things together. Dick is the eldest Wayne child, of course he’s friends with crime lords like Red Hood.
The hero thing is something he takes with a grain of salt. From the sounds of things, it’s really just a matter of perspective, and Danny is solidly on the side of not a hero. Sure he saved them, but he could have just had beef with this gang to begin with and decided to get rid of them when he had the chance. He’s like Red Huntress in that way: focused more on attacking threats than protecting the people in danger. 
“Hey, kid,” Red Hood says, looking down at the big guy Danny took out, “Are you sure you’re human?”
“Oh my God, Hood, you can’t just ask people that!” Dick groans, slumping onto Danny’s back.
Red Hood crosses his arms. He doesn’t look away from Danny. “It’s a valid question. No one normal can just knock down a guy like this so easily. You take any drugs?”
Danny blinks, thrown by the sudden question. “No?”
Red Hood tilts his head. “Are you being drugged by someone else?”
“Definitely not. At least, not that I’m aware of.”
“Wait,” Dick says, “You think—”
“Well, these guys,” Red Hood kicks the big guy, “have been running around Gotham hopped up on Venom. Or something close to it.”
“Have you talked to Batman about it?”
“Why the fuck would I do that? This is shit in my territory. This is affecting my people. The big bad Bat can keep his nose out of this. It’s my case, alright.”
Dick shrugs, and Danny shifts, trying to keep balanced under the movement. “It’s not staying in your territory, though. They came here in the middle of the day. And speaking of the day, is Signal here?”
“He’s taking care of the other side of the mall.”
“And he’s alright on his own?”
“Relax, he’s a big boy, he can handle himself. If he needed any help, he’d let me know.”
Dick pulls Danny back, smoothly stepping to the side so they stand together, Dick’s arm heavy around Danny’s shoulders, clearly holding him in place. “Signal is another one of Gotham’s heroes. He’s our daylight hero,” Dick explains.
He remembers Duke mentioning Signal at dinner. “Duke likes him, right?” Danny asks, “Signal and… Nightlight? Nighthawk? Something like that.”
“Nightwing,” Dick corrects with a strained smile. Red Hood snorts, and quickly clears his throat to act as if he wasn’t about to laugh when Dick shoots him a poisonous glare.
“Yeah, him.”
“Well, as fun as this has been, I think it’s time for us to go! Bye, Hood, try not to cause too much of a mess once we leave.”
“Don’t worry,” Red Hood says, “I’ll make sure the blood is easy to clean up.”
“Great! Bye!” 
And with that, Dick steers Danny away, turning their backs on the dangerous, gun-wielding crime lord. They go back to where they were originally hiding and instead of stopping at the locked door, Dick kicks it open and keeps walking. There’s no time to ask questions when Dick is rushing them through the back, following the green signs pointing towards the emergency exit. 
It’s a relief to be back outside. A few rays of sunlight manage to get past the gray clouds that cover the sky, and all the noise and chaos of the mall suddenly feels far away. Sirens fill the city as police cars speed down streets, heading their way, but they’re not here yet. 
“Sorry about your first day out being such a mess,” Dick says, “We can try again some other day.”
“I’d really rather just do some online shopping.”
Dick laughs, shaking his head. “Totally fair, after today. C’mon, let’s go home.”
. . .
The foyer is spotless. Danny can’t help but feel proud, even if Alfred did most of the work. The section that he handled, after Alfred showed him which cleaning supplies to use and the necessary steps to ensure everything was properly cleaned, is tidy and almost sparkling. 
It’s surprisingly enjoyable work. He’s always hated cleaning, from his own room to any place his parents tried out a new invention or did experiments. But this? Cleaning the manor with Alfred? It’s actually fun.
Seeing everything come together after all their hard work is just as rewarding. 
He’s glad he’s allowed to wear casual clothes; there’s no way he can do any cleaning in a suit and have it come out stainless and clean. Alfred probably uses his special magic to remain put together no matter what he does.
“Very good, Danny,” Alfred says once he looks over Danny’s section of the foyer. “You pick on everything so quickly. Soon I’ll have nothing left to teach you.”
“I’m not that good, Alfred, you don’t need to lie. Besides, it’s just cleaning. I’m not coming up with meal plans and organizing events and all the way you do.”
“And you’ll find that those tasks are just as easy to complete once you know how to go about them. Don’t discredit yourself, Danny, you’re an incredibly smart young man.”
Danny ducks his head, bashful, and shrugs. “I’m really not, but… Thanks.”
“Come now. With everyone out of the manor, we can tidy up all the spaces they usually occupy. Let us begin in the family den.”
It’s not like they have anything else to do. For once, the manor is empty of everyone but them so there’s no one Alfred needs to tend to. He doesn’t need to worry about preparing large lunches, either, when Danny is still slowly recovering his appetite. 
The family den is one of the rooms that Danny can find on his own, so he doesn’t trail after Alfred, helplessly lost. It’s a nice change of pace. They stop once on the way to grab a vacuum and a duster from a small supply closet in the hall. Danny grabs the vacuum before Alfred can and carries it the rest of the way, feeling inordinately pleased at being able to help Alfred before he can insist on doing everything on his own.
The door is already open when they arrive. It’s one of the few doors in the manor that is almost never closed, except for when they have a lot of food out and don’t want any pets stealing some, according to Alfred. Danny has yet to see any pets, but he’s looking forward to it. There’s so many places they could be hiding and it has Danny glancing around everywhere he goes, hoping to catch at least one of them. He’s hoping for one of the dogs. Maybe a cat. 
Damian is the one who primarily takes care of the pets, so Danny doesn’t get to have that responsibility, which he’s only a little upset about. It’s fine, really.
He misses Cujo.
There’s a lot he didn’t realize he was going to lose when he ran away. It just hadn’t been on his mind, not when Jazz was yelling at their parents, and Jack and Maddie were shooting at him, Fenton Thermos at the ready to trap him again. There wasn’t any time to focus on anything besides the panic, the pressing need to go as far away as possible, the fear fear fear taking hold of him and leaving room for nothing else. 
It was Jazz who had opened the portal, who screeched and threw things at their parents, creating a distraction as she pretended to be afraid of the ghost who had escaped. But it was Danny who flew in, thinking please take me away to someplace they can’t hurt me.
The Ghost Zone is strange. It’s only a part of the Infinite Realms. More than ghosts exist within that space, living within the fabric that holds the universe together. Full of that much ectoplasm and emotion and constant movement, it’s like nothing else. Danny didn’t know before that moment, hadn’t had the time to realize it until it was too late, that the Infinite Realms are alive.
It heard his plea. It reached out to him, crooning a dizzying song that shook every string crossing the universe, and gave him what he asked for. 
Danny didn’t remember much after that. He felt his core spark, wrapped in the embrace of the Infinite Realms, and then he was taken away. The brief flashes he does have of the journey don’t help him piece together what happened. All he has is the fading memory of being surrounded by stars, of aurora borealis dancing around him, of a sudden cold as he was ripped away from home and left in someplace foreign.
He woke up in this universe where he doesn’t exist. Where no one he knows exists in any way. There are no ghosts, no ectoplasm, not Fentons or GIW or Amity Park. 
There’s no one, and Danny stares down at the floor, clutching the vacuum in his hands as he’s hit by the sudden grief of losing everyone he’s ever known.
He knows that there’s no way for him to return to his universe. What was once his home is far out of reach. He’ll never see anyone he loves again. Not just Cujo, but Jazz and Tucker and Sam. Frostbite. Pandora. Even Walker and Wulf. 
“Danny?” A hand comes to rest on his shoulder, the touch light and gentle. “Are you quite alright?”
He sucks in a shuddering breath and tries to plaster on a smile. It falls flat, and he gives up completely. “I don’t think I can ever go back home,” he confesses, and blinks back the burn of oncoming tears.
“That’s alright,” Alfred says, “You have a home here.”
It’s a nice thought, but it’s not the home he wants. Maybe one day it can be; he’s staying for Alfred, but maybe he’ll want to keep coming back for the other members of the Wayne family. They’ve been nice to him so far, despite being part of a mob, and he thinks he can come to like all of them given enough time. 
But none of them will ever be enough to fill the void that comes from the loss of Jazz, Tucker, and Sam. 
“May I ask what brought this on? Is it because this is the family den?”
Danny latches onto the suggestion. It makes more sense than thinking about dogs and missing his own ghost pet. And missing his own section of the Infinite Realms. He shrugs and says, “Yeah, a little. Sorry for getting emotional all of a sudden. I’ll just… start cleaning.”
He glances up to catch Alfred’s frown, but gets to work before he can be told to take a break or, worse, talk about his feelings.
He goes straight to an outlet in the wall to plug in the vacuum; it’s an old model with a cord, and he wonders if this is just what Alfred prefers when he’s sure that cordless vacuums exist. It can’t be that the Waynes don’t want to get Alfred decent cleaning equipment because they all defer to him despite him being their butler. 
“If you’ll allow me,” Alfred says, grabbing hold of the vacuum before Danny can protest. “These settings,” he changes a few settings on the vacuum, “are best for cleaning carpeted surfaces.”
And then he gets right to it, leaving Danny behind. 
While Danny’s plan to just do stuff before Alfred can tell him otherwise works, he forgot to account for the fact that Alfred can, at any moment, hit him with a reverse Uno.. 
Alfred makes his way through the family den fairly quickly, moving in straight lines across the room. Danny trails after him, making sure the cord doesn’t get caught on anything or tangled, and takes hold of the duster to clean off picture frames on the wall.
One frame tilts as he dusts it, and Danny reaches out to fix it when he pauses. There’s a strange sound of something scraping against the wall. It doesn't sound anything like a frame, so Danny looks back to Alfred to make sure he’s turned away, then slowly lifts up the frame.
Stuck to the back is two daggers in sheaths decorated lightly with gold accents. 
None of my business, Danny thinks, and quickly lays the frame to rest flat against the wall, straightened out. 
He rolls the duster down from where it was resting in the crook of his elbow and into his hand. He twirls it around once, spots a flurry of dust falling off of it, and resolves not to do that again. 
He’ll… get the handle of keeping things clean eventually. 
The vacuum cuts off suddenly, and the silence that follows rings a little in Danny’s ears. 
“Danny,” Alfred calls out, “Would you mind lifting the couch so I can clean underneath it?”
“Sure,” Danny says without thinking. He reaches the couch and leaves the duster on the edge of the coffee table.  He moves to grab the couch and start lifting it when he realizes that couches are heavy and most people are unable to lift one on their own. 
He glances at Alfred. “Umm…”
“You may use whatever powers you have at your disposal,” Alfred says very casually. Danny swears he can feel his heart stop at the words. It’s not that he’s been very good at keeping his ghostliness hidden, but it was mostly used for fights and intimidation, but he was hoping no one would talk about it and they could all just ignore it. 
Whatever expression is on his face must be bad because Alfred visibly softens. He doesn’t move to touch Danny again, which is a relief because he feels like jumping out of his own skin and disappearing. Instead, he sets the vacuum down and gives Danny his full attention.
“I am well aware of the fact that you are a meta.” Again, what is a meta? He heard it at dinner with the Waynes, but he hasn’t gotten an explanation. So he can’t say that he is a meta, but he also can’t say that he isn’t. “You don’t need to worry. The Wayne family is very good at keeping secrets.” There’s a hint of a laugh in his voice.
That didn’t sound funny or reassuring, it just sounded a little like a threat. The Waynes probably are good at keeping secrets, such as where they hid the bodies of those who were foolish enough to cross them. Danny really doesn’t want any details.
“Metas are protected, and I will never force you to reveal any details about your powers to anyone, including me. But if you have these powers, then it will be good to use them. Cleaning and other small tasks are a good way of practicing with your powers and giving you greater control of them.”
It takes a moment for Danny to process the words, and another minute for his brain to fully reboot after understanding what Alfred’s attempting to do.
He’s trying to train Danny on how to use his powers through simple, every day tasks. This is Danny’s Karate Kid moment, but instead of learning how to fight with wax on wax off, he’s learning how to butler.
Which might be the same thing in Gotham, according to the things he’s heard.
“Okay,” he says weakly, “Sounds good.” And then, instead of lifting the couch, he turns it intangible and invisible so Alfred can vacuum straight through it.
“Oh my,” Alfred says, eyebrows rising at the display of his powers. 
“The couch is still here, you can just… ignore it while I’m touching it.”
Efficient as always, Alfred doesn’t let this throw him off his rhythm. He flicks the vacuum back on and continues cleaning, calming walking through the couch as if he does this all the time. Even Jazz always hesitated before walking through anything he made intangible, unable to help it. Butlers are just built different, apparently.
As soon as he cleans the floor underneath the couch, he nods to Danny who takes his cue to release the couch from his powers. It pops back into the visible spectrum, fully solid and intact. 
“Would you mind fluffing the cushions and folding the blankets?”
Danny salutes Alfred and gets to it, shaking out each blanket out before folding them, taking the time to make sure each corner lines up and all the edges are straight and even. He leaves them thrown over the back of the couch, piled on top of each other, ready for the next Wayne to collapse onto the couch and bundle up for a movie.
By the time he’s finished and is satisfied with his work, Alfred has finished vacuuming the entire room. It’s a large room and Alfred hadn’t exactly been rushing through it, so Danny’ not quite sure how he got it done so quickly. It keeps surprising him, how competent Alfred is. No one else he’s ever met has been this put together or skilled, especially in the realm of domestic work. 
Alfred gathers up the cord of the vacuum and looks over the family den with a critical eye. When he nods, satisfied with the state of it, Danny lets out a quiet sigh of relief. 
“Shall we head to the kitchen for lunch, Danny?” he asks, reaching down the lift up the vacuum. Which is unacceptable! Danny carried it in and he’ll carry it out.
He uses a bit of flight to cross the distance between them faster, not held back by friction. He swipes the vacuum from Alfred’s hand and gives him a cheerful grin. “Sure! Now’s a great time for a break, anyways.”
They had spent the morning doing laundry, which mostly consisted of separating everything into different loads and starting the washer. The clothesline strung up outside is primarily for bedsheets and blankets, so they didn’t even need to wait a long time for clothes to dry. Even folding everything and putting them in piles based on whose clothes they were didn’t take more than an hour between them. It wasn’t intensive work, as most of it was just waiting around, drinking tea and talking to each other. 
Even cleaning barely put a dent in Danny’s energy levels. He hasn’t done enough to be hungry quite yet, but the thought of eating isn’t as uncomfortable as it once was. 
Progress. No matter how small it is.
Hell, soon he might even be able to start asking for snacks in between meals. That will probably have Alfred weeping with joy. Internally, of course, seeing how he’s an old British guy who keeps most of his strong emotions hidden behind the facade of professional calmness.
But while he may be fine on eating for a few more hours, Alfred needs to sit down and have lunch. It didn’t feel like it, but they did get a lot of housework done. They did it together, which cut down on how long each chore took, and Danny can’t fathom how Alfred has kept this manor running by himself all these years. 
It’s so much ground to cover for one person, especially one as old as Alfred. 
And since he’s busy taking care of everyone, who takes care of him?
Danny, now. He’s determined to return the kindness Alfred’s shown him tenfold. 
He’s cemented the location of the hallway closet now. Everything is organized neatly within and it takes barely half a minute to put everything away, bodily blocking Alfred from doing anything to help. 
“I will say, I’m unused to having so much free time,” Alfred chuckles, “You are incredibly efficient. You’ll be taking over in no time.”
“As if I could ever replace you, Alfred. Besides, you’re the best cook around! No way will I ever be able to compete against you in the kitchen.”
“Don’t discount yourself so soon. You’ve only recently begun your cooking journey. I have no doubt that you will take to it as quickly as everything else.”
Danny thinks back to the Fenton kitchen, full of tech and wires and scrap metal and tools scattered around. He thinks of food coming back to life, of needing to keep chains and padlocks in one of the cabinets just in case, of constant ecto-contamination. Their house would fail every single safety inspection to exist. 
That kitchen wasn’t safe to cook in, and due to that, nothing cooked in it was safe. Most of what his parents made was edible! But it definitely wasn’t safe. 
“If you say so,” Danny says, trying not to grimace. He hopes his own halfa biology won’t lead to a food contamination. It’s never happened before, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. 
Maybe he could brainstorm some safety measures with Alfred. Just in case.
Unfortunately for him, the very thought of discussing his halfa status and nonhuman biology makes him feel nauseous. Alfred is kind and clearly wants the best for Danny, but in that case, what he considers to be best for Danny might be handing him over to scientists or doctors to learn more about him and it’ll be like he never left his parents at all.
“Come now, Danny, it’s time we work on your confidence in the kitchen,” Alfred says, already turning on his heel and walking down the hallway with purpose. 
Danny tries to shake all thoughts of violent hotdogs out of his head and hurries to follow, keeping close to Alfred until the halls begin to look more familiar. Being within the walls of Wayne Manor doesn’t feel so intimidating, but it is hard to be intimidated by a place when he’s helping clean it. 
The steady disappearance of his anxiety around staying with Waynes is nice. He’s tired of being scared and he hasn’t felt comfortable anywhere like this since before his accident. 
And he’s barely run into anything involving their mob business! That’s more than he’s gotten from Vlad or his parents. They’re actually sticking to the conditions he set, including the keep me out of shady shit one. 
Maybe Jazz was onto something when she was lecturing him about enforcing and respecting boundaries. This is great.
This job could end up being really good for him. More than he ever expected. 
“Do you have anything in mind for what you’d like for lunch?” Alfred asks as they enter the kitchen. 
Danny shrugs. “Anything’s fine, really.”
“I would appreciate an actual answer, Danny.”
“Then… how about something easy to make? So I can try my hand at making my own lunch.”
Alfred nods once, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Something simple. Perhaps a sandwich?”
“Yeah, a sandwich sounds great.” He doesn’t say that he already knows how to make a sandwich; pretty much everyone knows that much. It’s just slapping various ingredients in between two slices of bread. Easy. But if that’s what Alfred wants to make, then that’s what they’ll make.
“Let us begin by going to the garden.”
The thought of going outside perks him up, and Danny’s by the door even before Alfred is. The small vegetable garden Alfred’s cultivated is just outside the kitchen, organized into raised beds full of crop.
He accepts the gardening gloves Alfred holds out to him. They’re large on his hands, but not enough to hinder him as he kneels next to the tomato plants. He watches carefully as Alfred clips off ripe tomatoes, carefully holding them as he positions the garden clippers above the stems. 
Each tomato is perfectly round and red and he’s half tempted to bite into one just to see if it tastes as good as it looks. As if hearing his thoughts, Alfred drops one into Danny’s hand.
“Go on,” Alfred prompts, and Danny looks up from where he’s been staring at the tomato.
“Eat it. I can see that you want to.”
Danny flushes and moves to give it back, caught. “Sorry.”
“No need, Danny. I have helped raised quite a few children and teenagers in my time. I know to offer some of the crop when they accompany me out to the garden.”
He should give it back. He’s here to help Alfred, not add to his workload. He should be focused on working because this is his job, the first and only one he’s ever had, and he doesn’t want to mess it up.
But no one else is here at the manor. It’s just him and Alfred and Alfred has given him permission. So Danny takes off one of the gloves to hold the tomato up to his mouth, thanks Alfred quietly, then carefully bites into the tomato.
His carefulness doesn’t matter at all when the tomato is as juicy as it is. He startles and leans forward to let the tomato juice drip off his chin onto the ground instead of onto his clothes. Besides him, he can hear Alfred chuckling lightly as he sets all the tomatoes he’s gathered into a large, woven basket. 
“How is it?”
“This is the best tomato I’ve ever eaten,” Danny says, taking another bite. “Ho’ do you do thi’?”
“Don’t speak with your mouth full, Danny,” Alfred reprimands lightly. “I’ve simply had many years of experience tending to vegetable crops in this garden. I know very well what works and what doesn’t. Though the garden has gotten smaller over the years, it is still one of my proudest works.”
He finishes the tomato and shakes his hand to get some of the juice off. He tries to wipe his face off, but it’s hard when he doesn’t have anything to clean up with, so he settles with getting the rest of the drops off and resolves to clean up properly once they’re inside again. 
Alfred stands slowly, his knees clicking, and Danny winces sympathetically. He takes hold of the basket for Alfred and rests it in the crook of his elbow. 
“Spinach or cucumbers?” Alfred asks suddenly.
Danny blinks at Alfred, then thinks about it. He doesn’t eat much of either, but he’s heard Sam talk about how cooking spinach makes it shrink to the point of there being no spinach. Cucumber would probably go easier, so he says, “Cucumbers. Why?”
“That’s what we will get next to make lunch with.”
Are there cucumber sandwiches? Is that a thing? If it is, Danny’s never hear of it, but he trust Alfred to make it good.
Alfred leads the way to a shadier portion of the vegetable garden where long tendrils full of dark green leaves twist their way around a metal trellis. Hanging from the vines are cucumbers in various stages of growth; some are large and heavy, while others are still small and not quite green, covered in bumps. 
“Why don’t you pick a few, Danny?”
“How do I know if it’s ripe?”
“Look for ones that are large and have a good color to them. The less visible bumps in the skin, the better.” Alfred holds on up as an example, then cuts it with the gardening clipper and lays it into the basket besides the tomatoes.
Danny takes the clippers and begins shifting through the leaves and vines, looking over all the cucumbers he finds with a critical eye. He finds one that looks good close to the dirt and takes it in his hand to look over. Alfred doesn’t stop him as he lifts the clippers, so he figures it’s good enough and adds it to the basket.
“How many?” he asks, finding another cucumber ready to be picked.
“As many as you like. We can always get more later.”
Just to be safe, Danny gets five cucumbers. This lunch may be for just the two of them, but the rest of the family requires a lot more food. Whatever’s left over after Danny eats can be used in other dishes for the Wayne family.
He has no doubt they’ll be stopping in the kitchen first as soon as they return. With cooking like Alfred’s around, even Danny would be visiting the kitchen often in the hopes of sneaking a few bites of what he’s making.
Luckily, he doesn’t have to by virtue of being Alfred’s sous chef. 
They don’t get anything else out in the garden, leaving with their small basket of fresh produce. He’s looking forward to seeing what Alfred can make with these just as he’s starting to look forward to eating. 
He’s not super hungry, but that doesn’t mean he can’t eat as much as a regular human. 
They return to the kitchen after putting away their gardening gloves into the small storage box by the door, and Danny sets the basket down on the counter as Alfred goes through the fridge, getting ingredients. 
As he’s pulling out plates and a butter knife, he asks, “Would you mind setting out a small frying pan onto the stove?”
“Sure!” Danny chirps, then looks through the cabinets below the counter until he finds what he needs. He sets the frying pan out just as Alfred’s pulling the bread box closer from where it was placed against the wall. 
“Now,” Alfred begins, “This isn’t quite a sandwich, but it is very easy to make. You may adjust everything to match your own preferences, or the preferences of others.” He pulls out two slices of bread and sets them on the counter.
“Wait, don’t we need a cutting board?”
“A very good observation,” Alfred says. “But not in this kitchen. When it was remodeled many years ago, I changed the countertops. Instead of granite or marble, these are butcher block counters, which are used as cutting boards.”
“So the entire counter is a cutting board.”
With that, he grabs the butter knife to cut a small slab of butter to drop into the pan. “I will be teaching you how to make bruschetta and crostini. These are toasted breads that come with a variety of toppings. We will stick to a classic bruschetta and a salmon, cucumber, cream cheese crostini.”
Alfred pulls open one draw to reveal a knife block and wide range of knives, all different sizes.
“For smaller and softer ingredients like the ones we will be using, you may use a smaller knife. A medium size will be best.” He takes hold of his own knife and Danny gauges its size before grabbing one that seems to be similar. 
He sets the knife down on the counter, keeping the blade pointed away from him, and grabs the basket to place in front of them, easy to reach. He follows Alfred’s lead and grabs a tomato, washing it off lightly in the sink, then sets it down in front of him. 
“When you are using a knife, always keep the fingers of your nondominant hand curled so you do not accidentally cut them.” Alfred demonstrates, holding his tomato in place with his left hand, curling his fingers so he makes a loose fist. He slides the flat blade of the knife against his knuckles to show how it can’t cut his fingers, then waits for Danny to do the same.
As soon as he does, he’s showing Danny how to cut tomatoes without squishing them or getting juice everywhere. Then he instructs Danny on how to peel cucumbers and cut them. 
Once they get everything slices and ready, Alfred flicks on the stove and moves the slab of butter around to make sure it coats a much of the inside as possible. He then takes a slice of bread and places it into the pan.
“We don’t want it toasted too much. Lightly on both sides will do.”
Danny hesitantly accepts the spatula held out to him and hopes he doesn’t make Alfred waste bread. His attempts at making toast without a toaster usually leads to at least one side being charcoal black. 
But Alfred is patient and attentive, instructing Danny when to flip each piece of bread to ensure they are lightly golden on both sides. He goes over what to add to make bruschetta, what to add to make crostini, and allows Danny to assemble both. 
It doesn’t look very pretty, but it tastes amazing when they sit down to eat. 
“You’re a really good teacher,” Danny says, finishing up the last of the bread.
“Thank you,” Alfred smiles. “It helps that I have a wonderful student.”
“Can you teach me more? It can be later if we need to do more cleaning or something.”
“All of that can wait until tomorrow. Would you like to try your hand at baking?”
Danny lights up, grinning, and says, “Yeah! Can we make cookies?” Cooking is one thing, but baking in another. He’s not half bad at baking when he can muster up the motivation to make things. Following recipes is easy and unlike with cooking, baking requires precision and sticking to what’s written. He doesn’t know how to make too many things, but brownies were easy for him during the few times he actually baked them.
“Of course. Shall we make chocolate chip or would you like to do something else?”
“Chocolate chip to start, I think. And then we can see what else we can make, if that’s okay?”
“That sounds perfectly fine,” Alfred says, “Let’s clean up first before we get started.”
Danny all but leaps out of his chair, eager to start, and gathers their dishes to put in the sink. He washes as Alfred takes hold of a dish towel and gets to work drying, putting everything away where it belongs. 
The time spent baking goes by quickly after that. It’s much easier and less stressful than cooking, and each time a batch of cookies comes out picture perfect, Danny can’t help but grin.
They’re all placed into various containers once they cool, each one filling up with just half a batch. The chocolate chip cookies where then changed into double chocolate cookies, followed by jam cookies and lemon cookies. The smell of it all fills the air and Danny doesn’t bothering smothering the pride he feels when he catches sight of all the cookies covering the counter. 
From there, it’s easy to transition into preparing for dinner as the late afternoon hour brings with it a promise of everyone returning home. 
He puts his newly learned cutting skills to use as he helps Alfred make a potato gratin to accompany the carbonara he’s making for dinner. He’s even able to make the salad by himself, although it didn’t require much except cutting and tossing once he added the dressing. 
The first people to arrive back in the manor are Damian and Bruce. They appear in the doorway of the kitchen suddenly, and Danny only had a split second to realize that he’s being watched before Bruce greets them both. The sound of his voice makes Danny twist around to look at him, make sure he’s not too close. 
Bruce doesn’t move from near the door. He only goes a few steps into the kitchen, enough to get close to the island where the last batch of cooling cookies lays. Damian looks over Alfred, then turns his sharp gaze to Danny, studying him. 
He leaves without a word and Danny can only hope Damian wasn’t looking for anything nonhuman about Danny. That’s really the only reason he can think of to explain to scrutiny, and he doesn’t like it. 
“Did you make these?” Bruce asks, picking up a lemon cookie. It’s supposed to be dusted with powdered sugar, but they hadn’t cooled enough before both he and Alfred got caught up in preparing dinner.
Danny nods, a small thing, barely noticeable, but it makes Bruce smile. Not a big, theatric smile meant to distract. This one is smaller, more genuine and soft.
“May I?” He lifts the cookie up, waiting for permission.
Bruce is the master of the house. He doesn’t need to ask for permission. It’s not like any of the cookies are for Danny, anyways. He doubts he has the stomach to handle one, let alone the five batches he made. 
He glances at Alfred, hoping the butler will take over. But Alfred simple keeps himself busy at the stove, firmly keeping himself out of the conversation.
“Um, sure,” Danny answers, hesitantly. 
“Thank you,” Bruce says, and takes a bite. Danny watches him carefully for any signs that it’s bad, that he doesn’t like it, that he’s disappointed that Danny doesn’t live up to Alfred’s skills. But he doesn’t. He eats it calmly, then grabs a second on. “These are delicious.”
Danny’s shoulders slump; he hadn’t realized how tense waiting for an answer had made him. 
“If that is all, Master Bruce,” Alfred cuts in, “Do go wash up. Try not to spoil your appetite before dinner.”
“Alright. Do you know if Tim is going to be here for dinner tonight?”
“I haven’t heard from him today. Perhaps you should reach out to him if you would like him to be here.”
“Right. Right, I’ll… do that. And Danny,” he turns his attention away from Alfred, the lightness of his tone at odds against the dark light of his eyes. It almost feels as if Bruce can see through him, searching for all his secrets. “I’ll be in my study if you need anything, alright?”
“Okay.” Danny turns around and ducks his head, trying to focus but he can barely remember what he was doing before. He just stands, tense, frozen with his hands gripping the edge of the counter. 
He hears Bruce move, his suit shifting as he straightens out. “I also heard about the incident at the mall, yesterday. Dick only told me about it today.”
“Yes. Though this isn’t required of you, if you’d ever like to learn self-defense, let me know. I have trained in many different martial arts and I would be happy to teach you.”
That… wasn’t at all what he was expecting to hear. He was more prepared for an interrogation about what he is. He wouldn’t have been surprised if Bruce fired him for being inhuman. Half-human. Whatever. 
He opens his mouth to say something along the lines of no thanks I don’t plan on being seen in public ever again, but what comes out instead is, “If you don’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t. We can get started this weekend.”
Danny’s traitorous body nods even as he mind goes what the hell do you think you’re doing. This was not in the plans. This was not in any plan! There was no previous discussion about that. Danny was fine with the kidnapping policy and the very specific types of insurance he was given. 
Having Bruce teach him self-defense feels like something from a fever dream. But here they are, Bruce leaving the kitchen with an agreement from Danny to have weekend self-defense lessons.
“Alfred,” he says, blankly, after Bruce leaves.
“Yes, Danny?”
“Is it too late to fake my death and run away?”
“No need for such dramatics. Self-defense is important, especially in Gotham, and Master Bruce has trained every child that has been in this manor. He will teach you well.”
That’s not really the problem. 
The problem is that Danny doesn’t know his limits against regular humans. He has no idea how much strength to use against them. He’s even worse about staying human during a fight. The last thing Danny wants is to go full angry ghost against Bruce for the high crime of trying to help him.
But if Alfred says it’ll be fine, then Danny will need to trust in that. Surely Alfred will talk to Bruce about Danny’s powers and they’ll be better prepared to face him. 
He’ll just have to do his best to be a normal-ish person and hope things work out. Knowing his luck, however…
At least he has cookies to accompany his misery.
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unknownlemoneater · 8 months
Hellsing oc lmao ((more abt her under cut))
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Part 1 ⚬ ⚬ ⚬ Part 1½ ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁
((side note; Before I start, I dunno anything about skinbenders if it’s an actual thing, I just got the name from a comic book character and then just freestyling the rest, and my writing is horrible.))
Calico can shapeshift into much more than just animals or human. she can shapeshift her whole, or part of her body into whatever she wants, objects, weapons, animal-like, anything she wants. for an average skinbender, it’s easy to spot them through their disguises, they always look deranged, or something’s just off and inhuman about them. but not Calico, She’s always flawless with her shapeshifting ability and that fact does give her a bit of an ego. Calico has to wear one’s skin in order to shift into what she wants, so does that also mean she consumes scraps in order to shapeshift into an object? Maybe…
\\Likes \ hobbies\\
⟡ Using her shifting ability, Calico loves to terrify the soldiers around Hellsing with her body horror, and Seras is definitely her favorite to scare, she would stand in dark corners and just stare. But unfortunately ((or fortunately ?)) the only people that wouldn’t fall for her antics is Alucard and Integra, makes sense because Integra had to deal with Alucard within the second half of her childhood so she should be used to it at this point. and I’m sure Alucard vampire senses would know Calico is there before she even get to do anything.
⟡ shifting into a cat and pretty much doing whatever the fuck she wants.
⟡ joining Hellsing was just like a retirement for Calico, doing random activities around the mansion while also becoming a vampire Hunter to satisfy her animalistic nature to kill. crocheting, bone collecting, gardening, just to name a few of her random activities, but her favorite out of all is baking, and sharing her baked goods to hellsing while they’re completely oblivious rather or not if she ever put anything in the food they’re eating, and she haven’t... yet.
⟡ Women. ((Not in that way))
((ok maybe a little in that way..))
⟡ Bald people.
((k here some concept))
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\\The character\\
⟡ relaxed, serene, insensitive, sadomasochistic, two-faced, extremely kind when she feels like it, can be manipulative at times, and a challenge to provoke.
⟡ Calico speaks with a lot of hand gestures, and even touch the person she’s talking to, she does not acknowledge personal space, or possibly doesn’t even care. Her voice is usually soft, calm and almost robotic in someway, with a Chinese Mandarin accent, but her voice does change when she’s in her original form, it’s like a raspy, loud whisper. Calico has no filter, she would announce how ugly a baby is, in public, in front of the parents.. or casually ask a person why are they ugly, or bald. in other words she will say shit that probably shouldn’t be said out loud, or say what everybody in the room is thinking out loud in an awkward situation as another example and all with a small smile remaining on her face.
⟡ and there’s other times she’ll just stand there like a statue if anyone isn’t Interacting with her or just doesn’t have anything else to do.
//more random stuff abt this character//
⟡ Skinbenders aren’t exactly born with a pacific sex or gender, all their genitals pretty much the same and can be used the same way as both human male and female genitals, in other words, you could breed or be bred by them. ((WTF DID I JUST TYPE IN BRO 😭)) what I’m trying to get at is Calico is technically a trans woman if you think about it.
⟡ Calico forgets to blink sometimes, just putting that there.
⟡ ((I have this weird obsession with what a character bedroom would look like, so best believe I’m gonna explain what her bedroom looks like,)) most of her room is completely normal, a dresser she never felt the need to use, a vanity and shelves occupied with her small animal skull collection but what sticks out the most is instead of having a bed she has a nest in the size of an average king size bed made from majority of blankets and pillows she have stolen around the mansion all occupying in the corner of her room, she could be very protective of her nest, only allowing the people she trust the most to even be near, aka Seras, Calico has tried inviting her master Integra into her nest, but was always rejected.. so that’s why Calico has taken upon herself to settle for claiming her master's bed instead.
⟡ Most of her clothing is made of her flesh.
⟡ Calico is not completely emotionless she can make other facial expressions, a small smile is just her default / resting face. 
⟡ If Calico actually labeled her identity, she would be an aromantic, pansexual, trans woman. but she doesn’t feel the need to label it, so you would never catch her calling herself these things.
⟡ Calico doesn’t really see people as, well.. people. So this is how she view the main four !!
Integra ((But Calico personally calls her ‘my master’))- Calico actually respects her authority and probably the only persons boundaries she would take into consideration. Also silly British hehehehe.
Alucard - Calico sees him as some vampiric Manwhore. But they’re civil with each other, they like to have conversations and even sometimes play chess together.
Seras ((but Calico insist on calling her by her last name, Victoria.)) - ah she absolutely adore her, Calico would have her attend with her hobbies if available. Calico treats Seras as like she’s a new puppy for her. So in case you haven’t noticed she’s obviously the favorite.
Walter - twink.
((that’s all for now!! this may have some edits since I’m never satisfied with any writing I do, and I will be making a part two lololololo.))
((Did I choose this silly cat video in particular because it’s a Calico? Yes, yes I did exactly that.))
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ariesqueencobra · 3 months
what we used to be | Xlll
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're in love with a boy but then the rose-tinted lenses fall off and suddenly you're not so sure about anything.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, bullying, mentions of violence
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: We've now entered Hawk's red hair era...
Thank you to those who already reblog and comment, I see you and I love you all for it!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
You met Eli at the tattoo parlor after brunch with your parents and grandmother. It was a pleasant meal, your grandma being happy to see more of her first grandchild now that you were on summer vacation. 
Now that familial duties were out of the way, you could spend the rest of the day with your boyfriend and friends. 
Eli was laid out on the table, updating the color of the hawk’s hair to match his new hue. 
You liked the red he chose this time around. It was bolder, fiercer, and badass. You watched as he got up, thanking Rico as you stood up, walking over to him.
That’s when you noticed the new tattoo. “Lavenders?” Your heart swelled, placing your hand on his chest and tracing around the fresh ink.
“Since they’re your favorite,” he smirked, taking his shirt from you. “Snuck one of your drawings the other day, Rico was able to trace it,” he added.
You smiled before leaning in to kiss him, something he welcomed. You pulled away, licking your lips as he wrapped his arm loosely around your neck. Making your way towards the entrance, he stopped, calling out to Chris and Mitch.
“Hey, asshole twins, grab my bag,” Eli ordered.
You snickered as you walked out, loving the confidence he carried.
Later in the day, the entire dojo was hanging out at a restaurant in the mall. You were sitting with the girls, Eli was somewhere, and Miguel was working really hard on his computer.
“So, you and Hawk have been making heart eyes during the last few classes. What’s up with that?” Aisha asked, a teasing smile on her face.
“Wait, you’re just noticing that?” Tory laughed.
Their comments made your face heat up but you answered anyway. “We kinda said “I love you” a couple of weeks ago” you beamed.
“Woah, that means it’s serious,” Aisha’s eyes widened. 
“Look at that, young love,” Tory smirked, laughing with Aisha.
You grinned just as Eli walked past your table, he smirked at you, sending you a wink. To which the two girls teased you about. 
“He also got a tattoo of my drawing with my name,” you bit down on your lip to hide your smile.
“That means he’s totally whipped,” Tory explained. “Getting something so permanent?” She huffed.
“It’s insane, right?” You hummed, unable to hide your smile.
“You think?” Aisha raised a brow. 
You all laughed just as your food arrived. Beginning to eat, you noticed Eli was nowhere to be found but you ignored it when Aisha and Tory started talking about Sam LaRusso and what went down at the country club the other day.
“I still can’t believe she did that,” you shook your head after being told she accused Tory of stealing her mom’s wallet. “So what if you swiped a few bottles and some silverware, a place like that is not gonna miss it,” you scoffed.
“Exactly my point,” Tory said before glancing at Miguel.
You and Aisha sent each other a knowing look before she stood up and walked over to his table. 
“I’m probably gonna head out, do you need a ride home?” Aisha asked.
“Nah, Eli’s taking me back to the dojo, I left my bike there,” you said. 
You said bye to her, deciding to go on your phone and text your boyfriend. 
It wasn’t a lot longer that Tory and Miguel were leaving, something about her showing him how to get over Sam.
Now alone in the restaurant, you grabbed your bag, making your way out in hopes of spotting Eli. You barely walked into the mall before you knocked into him.
“Where’d you- what happened?” You quickly noticed the black eye, hands reaching up to cup his face. Your heart picks up at the thought that he got into a fight. 
He pushed your hands away and you frowned at that. “Let’s just go to the dojo,” he brushed past you, jaw clenched, eyes cold and forward. 
You were worried, only able to follow him as you made it to his car. Even inside, he didn’t tell you. 
“What happened?” You repeated. “You’re scaring me, Eli,” you gulped, glancing back out into the road.
“I’ll explain later, I just,” his fists clenched the steering wheel. 
You let out a shaky breath, nervous that he was driving while clearly under duress. Thankfully, the drive to the dojo wasn’t far and you were able to arrive just as the sun had set, the night sky settling above you.
“We fought Miyagi-Do and we lost,” he huffed, turning off the ignition and sitting back in defeat.
“Why would you fight Miyagi-Do?” You furrowed your brows. “Did they do something?”
His jaw ticked, exhaling. “Yeah, they did,” he looked over at you. “Demitri left a bad review about Cobra Kai like the pussy he is, we found him in the mall so we taught him a lesson,” he smirked. “Such a fucking traitor for joining Miyagi-Do after all the credit he took from Cobra Kai,” he scoffed.
You looked down, feeling guilty as you were aware that Demitri did join Miyagi-Do but then his words processed. “What do you mean taught him a lesson?” 
“I told him to take the review down or I’d take him down,” he shrugged like it was the most obvious thing to do. “Thought we were gonna win even when LaRusso and Keene showed up, but,” he huffed, not finishing his thought. 
You paused.
“You would hurt Demetri?” Your heart fell, realization dawning.
“That’s what you’re worried about?” He spat, annoyance laced in his voice.
You shook your head, stepping out of the car. 
“What the hell is your problem?” He walked over to you, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you to face him.
You pulled away from his grasp. “You think a bad review warrants cornering your best friend at the mall?” You scoffed, raising your hands. 
“He asked for it when he joined Miyagi-Do!” He screamed. 
“Why does that matter?” You shouted back. 
“Because he’s a fucking nerd! He always will be!” 
You frowned, taking a step back. It broke your heart to see him believe that was a terrible thing, you tried so hard but you couldn’t defend it. “And being a nerd warrants being bullied?” You asked, tears welling in your eyes.
His fists clenched at his sides.
“Because it’s one thing to beat on assholes like Kyler, but Demitri?” You winced. “If you can turn on him, then who’s to say what you’d do to me?” You asked. 
His gaze softened and he reached for you. “You know I’d never hurt you,” he glanced down, anger returning when you avoided his touch. 
“You did when you hurt Demitri,” you stated. “I think we should take a break,” you wiped a stray tear, taking a few steps back. 
“Y/N, you’re crazy,” he stopped you by grabbing your wrist. “Are you really about to do this?” He realized, voice changing back to an icy cold. 
“Get your hand off me,” you gritted, ripping away from his grasp. “You’re not the Eli I remember falling in love with,” you said. 
“What happened to you saying you’ll love all of me?” He inhaled.
“I guess you managed to show me a side of you I don’t love,” you pressed your lips together. 
“No,” he shook his head. “We’re not ending things, not over him,” he gritted before pulling his shirt over his head. “Do you know what this means?” He pointed at the tattoo he got for you. 
“I do,” you nodded. “Clearly, you don’t because if you did, you wouldn’t have hurt Demitri,” you shuffled on your feet, backing away. “Goodbye, Hawk,” you swallowed before walking towards your bike.
He called after you, but you didn’t turn back. Instead, you biked home, tears streaming down your cheeks and your chest aching with a broken heart.
You cried all the way home and you tried your best to hide your tears when you entered your house but your mom was sitting in the living room when you entered.
“Eli and I broke up,” you didn’t try to hide it before falling into the comforting arms of your mom. 
“What happened?” She cradled you, rubbing your back soothingly. “I’m so sorry, honey,” she kissed the top of your head. 
“He hurt Demitri,” you sobbed, voice muffled by her shirt. “He attacked him at the mall and he didn’t care!” You looked up, tears streaming down your face uncontrollably. “I didn’t think he’d change this much, it hurts!” You clutched your chest, doubling over as another wave of sobs wracked through you.
“It’s okay, sweetie,” she cooed. “He was your first love, it’s normal to hurt. But you did the right thing,” she said. “If you felt it in your gut that you needed to end things, then that’s all that matters.” 
You were glad your father wasn’t home because you could only imagine how he’d say he was right about him. Probably saying “I told you so”.
But right now it was just you and your mom. 
The next morning, you made it to the dojo, nervousness filling you knowing you’d see Eli again.
“Are you okay?” Aisha asked, she and Tory were standing in front of you, worry on their faces. “What’s wrong?”
“Umm,” you scratched the back of your neck. “I ended things with Eli,” you breathed out, voice weighing heavy. 
“Shit, what happened?” Tory rubbed your arm reassuringly. 
You took a deep breath in but the bells signaled an arrival, you stopped when Eli and Miguel walked through. You made eye contact with him but when the girls saw who it was, they blocked you from his line of sight. 
Thankful, you took your place on the mat before class began.
You spent the rest of the class sparring with each other, practicing your techniques. You finished off with Tory, you scored more in the end but it was a close match. Now, you kneeled next to her, the class watching Eli and Miguel fight.
Miguel scored a point, hitting Eli in the stomach. Sensei ordered them to go again until the bells of the door jangled, signaling an arrival. 
Mr. LaRusso came storming in, pissed off, searching for Sensei you assumed.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Sensei asked. 
“Like you don’t know,” Mr. LaRusso sneered.
“Take your shoes off the mat. You’re disrespecting my dojo,” Sensei stalked over.
That pissed Mr. LaRusso even more. “You’re seriously gonna talk to me about disrespecting dojos after what you just did to mine?” He came face to face with Sensei, hurt and aggravation spread on his face.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything to your dojo.” 
You watched as Eli and Miguel walked out of the way, but a look on Eli’s face gave you suspicion. 
“Just like you didn’t slug one of my employees, hug?” Mr. LaRusso said. 
You furrowed your brows.
“You know, part of me felt bad for you at one point, but you make it so easy to remember who the bad guy is in all of this,” he snickered. “You call yourself a sensei, you don’t even know what a sensei is. A sensei mentors, a sensei elevates. He doesn’t teach destruction and disrespect!” He shouted. 
Sensei narrowed his gaze. “I already said I don’t know what you’re talking about, LaRusso,” he stepped closer. “And I know you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about either.”
“Yeah, well I know you don’t- you don’t earn the Medal of Honor by stealing it,” Mr. LaRusso got choked up. 
You frowned, wondering what had happened.
“Let me tell you something about your sensei,” Mr. LaRusso began, taking a step back. 
Your attention was drawn back to him. 
“He may know how to fight, but he doesn't know what it takes to truly win at life,” he said. “If you want to get out before it’s too late, now’s your chance.”
“You think you can come here and poach my students?” Sensei spat. 
“And what are you gonna do about it? You know I’m not gonna strike first,” he smiled, almost enticing Sensei. 
Sensei came face-to-face, almost like he was going to strike first but he took a step back.
“I’m gonna be a bigger man,” Sensei said, shocking you.
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” Mr. LaRusso said before walking out. 
A beat passed and you saw as Chris gathered his things.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Sensei asked. 
He didn’t respond until Mitch called after him, saying, “I never liked it here.”
You sympathized but the more students that began filing out, the louder your gut was screaming to follow. You stared at the mat for a second until you did. Tory tried to stop you but you sent her a look. 
“Woah, Miss L/N?” Sensei called after you.
“I joined Cobra Kai to fight assholes, not become one,” you said before you grabbed your bag, walking out, leaving the place where all your problems started.
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Really excited for how your brotherly love series will go. And I just love how you included Tim and Jason because they’re my faves.
Can’t wait to read about some bonding between Jason and the reader
Sorry this is gonna be a long ass ask because there’s just a lot of things I want to comment on and ask.
There’s so many avenues you can explore. I’m kind of surprised only Damian is the only one who decides to take up crime fighting while the twin is fine with staying behind and exploring the mansion. One question I have is does the reader ever feel as if they’re living in Damian’s shadow? Like especially since Bruce bonds with Damian since Damian has taken up the mantle of Robin, then I’m gonna assume that Dick and Tim also spend time training their successor. Between training, vigilante duties, and time running Wayne Enterprises, that doesn’t leave a lot of free time. Does the reader ever feel left out/ignored or that Damian is the favorite? Or in other words, since the reader hasn’t thrown a tantrum that they’re stuck at the manor and they mainly seem to keep to themselves, do Bruce, Dick, and Tim seem to think Damian is a higher flight risk/the twin that is more reckless and needs more attention?
Poor reader. It hit a little close to home on the insecurities of being irritating/a nuisance to those your love.
Two, I think it’s so sweet that the reader was able to open up to Alfred that Damian yelled at them. I love how at least one of the Wayne’s is able to be open and express their emotions in a healthy way.
Three, you know how DCAU’s Batman vs Robin, Damian has a hard time getting past the security system. Idk but especially since Damian is the one who took up the mantle of Robin and it seems as if his primary focus is on training, I think it’d be such a funny thing to see him frustrated that his twin can bypass the security system with ease when the last time they picked up a sword or did any kind of conditioning was months ago before they lived with Bruce. And even Bruce, Dick, and Tim are scratching their heads since they thought you were the more well behaved and quiet one they didn’t have to worry about.
Damian: *fuming* I trained 18 hours every day for the past two months and couldn’t bypass the electric fence. How were you able to get pass the security system and then travel all the way to another country without any one detecting you until you got back?
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Reader: *shrugs* don’t know. Maybe you’re rusty.
Next point, I mean especially since you mentioned that Jason’s eyes were an unnatural shade of green and he has that white streak in his hair, you can have the reader get inspired after hearing Jason’s story. They sneak away from the manor and try to (or successfully??) revive Ra’s by digging up their grandparents corpse and dunking it in the Lazarus pit.
That would be such an interesting parenting moment between Bruce and the reader. Poor Bruce can’t catch a break. He has to sit one kid down to explain why murder is not justice and then talk to the other kid that death is a natural part of life and it is not normal and somewhat questionably unethical to sneak out of the house to dig up your grandfather’s corpse and dip them in a magical lake to bring them back to life
Bruce: *sitting across from the reader rubbing his temples* so hypothetically if your hamster died, would you dunk it in a Lazarus pit because you missed them
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Reader: I don’t know. I’ve never had a hamster.
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But judging by your tone, I assume you want me to answer no..? You told Damian it was wrong to kill Deathstroke to take revenge for killing grandfather. Hypothetically, if if a very very very bad parakeet killed your hamster—
Bruce: dear god you’ve spent way too much with Jason
Anyways sorry to bug you with the long ass ramble. Hope some of it made sense. Bottom line, I’m looking forward to what comes next and if you ever need a beta reader or just want to spitball/brainstorm with anyone I’m all ears
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You were not bugging me at all, I'm so glad that you enjoyed my story!!<333.
(I hope I make sense in this I have issues explaining things so bear with me)
To go over some of your topics, I feel that Damian is more career driven and felt comfortable being Robin because his life was spent being trained to be an assassin. I feel as if the reader is taking a break from the life they were forced to have by trying to live a "normal" life at the Manor. I will now go more into the topics of reader's insecurities, as we know they feel like they are annoying the people they are around, after a while they start to see how everyone is treating Damian like a normal person, whilst they are being treated like a child(even though they are), and they start to think that since Damian has been proving himself they just like him more. Everyone in the Manor does love them though, it's just Damian has hobbies in common with them so they feel that they have more to talk about(Wayne enterprises/Vigilante work), plus reader just stopped hanging out with everyone so how can people get to know them?
Yes, I wanted the reader to be able to have a healthy coping mechanism such as talking, literally all of the batfam has bad issues with talking except for Jason because homeboy goes to therapy(he too is an ex emotionally constipated person). Also yes reader does just have that magic touch, they are an Al-Ghul/Wayne, everyone knows reader was trained the exact same as Damian so it's a little bizarre that they are so good at something after being away from their training.
The reader is much aware of Ra's dips in the Lazarus pit and how it's kept him alive all these years, but I think that they understand that there is no help for Ra's, just like Talia said "the pit can't help a body that far gone"(or something), the reader is a little upset that after Jason had been beaten and put in a building with a bomb that the Lazarus pit still had a way to revive him(Reader and Damian both love animals and have definitely been in trouble for reviving random animals with dips in the pit LMAO). Reader, Damian, and Talia all share the same hatred for Deathstroke and all want him gone, whilst Damian and Talia are attempting to find and kill Deathstroke, reader just sits back because they know Talia has it handled. After spending time with Jason and sympathizing with him about his death, Bruce realizes that reader is all for getting revenge on people, they never did anything about Deathstroke but fully agree and understand Jason's reasoning behind wanting the Joker dead.
This actually meant so much, I'm sososososo glad you enjoyed Pt.1 of Brotherly Love!!! I have had a terrible night and this made it better!!!<33
( I definitely projected in this story, does anyone else have sibling issues?)
....Much love, Strangeshoepatrolbandit....
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youaintnothinbuta · 1 year
Oh please please please do part 3 of "You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes!" I love it so far and NEED MORE!!
Only if you want to though, your choice of course but the parents and Elvis smooth talking to them letting them know she was ok and sticking up for her and stuff like OH MY!!
Elvis - “you know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes” PART 3
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Summary: Elvis takes you home, where your parents are waiting impatiently for your return. He talks to them for you, helping to defuse the situation, even if it takes a little truth twisting. Here are Part 1 and Part 2.
Pairing: fem!reader x Elvis Presley
Word count: 1.0K
Warnings: fluff. Probably typos/spelling errors/bad grammar.
Drop your ideas/requests for how part 4 should go here <3
The car pulled up in front of your home. “They’re not strangers, honey, they’re your parents.” Elvis stated, as you sat next to him.
“I know that.”
Elvis turned off the engine and turned to face you, a knot tightened in your stomach, making you tremble slightly. Elvis noticed and placed his hand on your knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Do you? You're shaking like a leaf.”
“I feel sick. They’re gonna freak.”
“Ain’t you done nothing fun before?” Elvis chuckled, finding amusement in your innocence.
“Well, nothing like this, that’s for sure.”
Elvis leaned back in his seat, his demeanor suddenly serious. “Ease up, honey. Parents love me.”
“They do?” You asked, obviously aware of his reputation.
“No.” He laughed, “But I got a way with words. Just don’t flip your lid or nothing and they’ll see you’re fine.”
You nodded, placing your hand over his on your knee. You felt a sense of encouragement in his touch, it gave you the strength to step out of the car and face the impending storm.
You led Elvis up the steps to your front door, but before your hand could even reach for the handle the door swung open, almost smacking the pair of you in the face.
“Mom!” You exclaimed in surprise, pointing out to your mother that she’d almost knocked you out. Your parents were stood in front you, your father with his arms folded across his chest. There was a mixture of surprise, anger, and confusion in the air. Your parents exchanged a bewildered glance, still trying to process the unexpected guest at their doorstep.
“Mom, daddy, this is Elv—“
“What is the meaning of this?” Your father demanded, interrupting you. Elvis’ hand found your back, offering you some reassurance.
“If you just let me explain…” you started, pushing past your parents into your home. They followed you, and lastly Elvis, after closing the front door behind him.
There was a pause, everyone waiting for you to continue the point you’d began.
“Mom, daddy, this is Elvis.”
Elvis, ever the gentleman, took a step forward and extended his hand toward your father. “Sir, it's a pleasure to meet you,” he said with genuine warmth in his voice, his southern charm seeping through his words.
A flicker of surprise danced across your parents' faces at the unexpected courtesy. They exchanged a glance, uncertainty mingling with the initial anger. Sensing their hesitation, Elvis took a step back, his expressive eyes filled with sincerity.
“I, you see, last night—“ Your words got caught in the back of your throat.
“Thank you for allowing Y/N to come to my show last night,” Elvis interjected smoothly, giving you a little nod to tell you I’ve got it, diverting the focus away from the immediate tension. “It really does mean a lot to me.”
The sincerity in his voice cut through the tension, temporarily easing the strain in the room. With an artful blend of southern charisma and humility, Elvis continued, weaving a narrative that painted a picture of pure care and concern. In his defence, it was less of a total lie and more of an incomplete truth.
“You see, I saw your daughter in the audience last night and she looked a bit faint, and I wa’nt gonna send her home, I mean, she could’ve passed out on the way. We got to talking and I made sure she had some dinner, okay. So please, she didn’t do nothing wrong, just wasn’t feeling too well. I apologise if I caused you any alarm. I just wanted to make sure your daughter was safe and sound.” he explained, a warm smile gracing his lips as he glanced at you, silently emphasizing the truth in his words.
“Is this true, Y/N?” Your father asked.
You took a deep breath, again with Elvis’ hand on your back. “Yes daddy. He took care of me. He made sure I ate and stayed by my side all night, just in case I felt sick.”
Your mother's expression softened slightly as she looked at you. “Y/N, you should have called us if you weren't feeling well. We would have come to get you.”
“I know, mama, but it was late, and I didn't want to bother you.”
Your father sighed and ran a hand through his hair, clearly conflicted. “Well, it's certainly an unusual situation. We appreciate your concern, Elvis, but it's not every day that a singer shows up at our doorstep with our daughter.”
Elvis nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. “I understand, sir. I know that I have a reputation of sorts, but everybody meant well, besides, ask Y/N, she had the best night of her life.” Elvis pinched your bum lightly, ensuring that your parents remained oblivious to the subtle flirtation. An awkward silence fell over the room.
Breaking the palpable silence, Elvis took the initiative. "Well, I really should get going," he announced, his words marking the impending conclusion of his unexpected visit. You nodded, walking him towards the door.
“You gotta pen and paper, honey?” He asked, his gaze pointing towards the entryway table. You tugged open the drawer and pulled out a pen and a little notepad handing it to him. He pushed your hands back towards your body, shaking his head.
“Write down your number, for me, little one. I’d give you mine but I ain’t exactly fixed to one telephone.”
You smiled, leaning the pad against the wall writing your name and number down, with two little x’s underneath.
“Thank you, darling.” He took it from you, lifted your chin with his pointer finger, placed a kiss on your cheek and walked away to his car. Before closing your door, you blew him a kiss, to which he responded with a smile and a wink.
As you closed the door, the echo of his presence still lingering, you reentered the living room, “So you’re not mad?”
“We’re just glad you’re alright, Y/N,” your mother sighed, “but you’re still grounded for 3 days.”
You didn’t even care. 3 days of being grounded was nothing in trade of spending a night with Elvis Presley. Not to mention, he asked you for your number! Will this turn into something more?
Drop your ideas/requests for how part 4 should go here <3
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beardedhandstoadshark · 2 months
no more distractions, only boss time
oh man that is not ominous at all nope
EGG (and the shadiest resting place of all time. I don‘t like the sounds of breathing in the background either)
Oh hey it’s a normal bench. Cool. Also apparently we are 96% complete. I‘m missing a single mask and vessel piece, are those the other 4?
SLDDKSLF the violin crescendo-ing in anticipation. Oh man, this is it huh. Okay, here we go
I t i s l o o k i n g a t m e
there‘s more tones joining the violin, all higher than the last to end in a crescendo of dreadful anticipation. Oh man that is some excellent auditory design right there
Yup. There it is.
Are they actually actually related am I killing her parent or sibling or smth is that why she both still looks exactly like it and is hanging out here cuz the whole place got sealed by her family
the music change in phase three is cool too, really somber. Befitting of an end, really.
…Ah. I was wondering what the weird repeating squish sound was. That…that explains it. God and the actual attacks are slower too now. That‘s just…that’s all so messed up.
(I wonder, did they tell it this would happen? Did it know, that it was only a matter of time? That it‘d always have to end this way?)
You can‘t dreamnail it either, btw - it‘s just getting blocked. I got the upgrade, so maybe it needs the full 2400 power; or perhaps those dreams have long since been sealed away?
Three phases and that was it. And finally using the focus for what it was most likely intended for, all along.
Guess my first assumption of playing as the Hollow Knight isn‘t so far off now after all, is it?
"Congratulations- Good job on accomplishing this heroic task“ it was a task for sure. But heroic? No, no i don‘t think so. Not the way things are. Not the way Hallownest is and will continue to be. Not the way the cycle is bound to go on.
Really tho this is a VERY good game, the gameplay is on point and so are the level design, sound, presentation, etc. It was very fun to come up with theories and seeing them turn true or false- and props in that regard for setting clues and allusions up in a way that lets you actually come up with said theories and guesses in the first place, without feeling like it was super convoluted or totally obvious at the same time. That‘s quite a feat too. This was the normal ending as far as I‘m aware, so there‘s definitely some extra context/lore/story to be had, and I‘m gonna get those too. So, sorry to anyone who thought the hollow knight tag was free of spamming, it‘ll most likely be a while still.
I can see why people are waiting for Silksong so badly.
As it stands, I completed this game with 96%, in 46h 17m 24s. Yep, definitely those missing shards.
HARDCODE MODE akslflslfls and they’re making you speedrun this mode too yea no I‘m never gonna 100% achievements wow oof
the background changed and its basically a beating heart I do still wonder if getting another ending might shed some light (hah) on why the syrup juice sickness corruption etc has a synced heart beat. This isn‘t the first time it had one. Hm.
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J2 Gold Panel Nolacon 2023
We start off the panel with Jensen making a dirty joke because the stage reminds him of a lecture hall. It goes: A sex education professor comes into his lecture hall, he’s carrying a banana, and he says today class I’m going to teach you how to put on a condom. I have this banana here because I have a hard time getting an erection on an empty stomach. 🤦‍♀️ This makes Jared laugh and come up with his own joke: Did you hear about the serial killer professor? He always gave a Hannibal lecture. I can’t with these men, let’s get into questions.
Jared is asked about his ACL surgery, he hasn't gotten it yet but says he needs it at which point Jensen makes a knee pun. Jared’s brother has been helping him, and he does need surgery but it's a 4 to 6-month recovery period so until they find out about Walker he can’t risk doing it because he doesn’t want to do it and then get the call that they’re ready for him to film when he can’t move. Unless the season is gonna come back to Walker in the office playing wordle which sends them into a little sidetrack because Jensen mentions he got the wordle of the day in two so Jared asks him if he saw the hat picture at 2:30am he sent to the wordle group that they have, and Jared is so cute because he wants Jensen to look at it at that moment, it was something that had made him laugh but Jensen doesn't have his phone on him but after Jared explained it to him he did remember seeing it. It was just a little moment but I found it cute. Back to Jared's ACL, he’s hoping to rehab it and his brother thinks that maybe if he gets some intense physical therapy he might be able to avoid surgery. 
So when the fan was asking Jared about his knee they said that family should not help you in situations like that meaning if you have a family member whose a doctor they shouldn’t be the one treating you, and Jensen asks why, and says Jared’s doctor is one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Austin. Jared answers that he has asked his brother about this and explains why, for those that don't know, it’s because it's a conflict of interest. Because if you're treating a loved one there's an emotional investment that makes it difficult to be objective, and doctors and surgeons have to be objective in order to do what is best for their patients. x
Jared says some dad jokes, so Jensen mentions that he started watching The Last of Us, and the young girl, Ellie, has a dad joke book and when she says one of the jokes and it cuts to Pedro Pascal's character, Joel, going god, that's so stupid, and it makes him think of Jared 😂 That one of the jokes that got to him was: did you hear diarrhea is hereditary? It runs in your jeans.
Jared makes another joke: sex is hereditary if your parents didn’t have it you probably won’t either. I'll admit that one got a chuckle out of me. x
Continuing with the questions did they steal anything from the set?  Jensen says some things may have made their way into his suitcase. Jared replies that a few times when it was their last day shooting at a specific location for example Bobby’s house, there was a bronze owl paperweight and he wanted it so when it was their last day on that set it “got lost” and then after they said that’s a wrap he went back in to see if there was anything else he wanted to take or wanted to help find a happy home and Jim Beaver was in there and told him he was looking for the owl paperweight so Jared went back and gave it to him. Jensen shares that Jared has the cap of the steering wheel of the Impala that got totaled at the end of s1, that Jared just popped it off, put it in his pocket and it was never seen again. And when he's saying this there's a little in sync moment between the boys: x
Jared says they got some stuff and there were things they wanted but understood they might need for a reshoot but the set dec, props, and wardrobe would do them the solid of checking with WB if they would ever use something again so for example Jared has his white Lucifer suit and au!Sam's purple outfit, Jensen has the lederhosen and the duster from the western episode and he also has the OG Samulet, the original heavy metal one that would try to chip his tooth. Jensen says that one had gotten retired because it was so heavy and dangerous, so they did a mold of it and cast replicas in a lighter metal. But he took home the OG one, and actually included it in the Winchesters pilot. x
The next fan just wants to let them know that fans would love for a picture of them in the Bridge scene to be included in the stuff that is auctioned by Creation. Jensen mentions that scene was an alternate ending because of covid so he's glad that it worked so well. x
There's a character in Days of Our Lives called Marlena that gets possessed, and Jensen was in Days of Our Lives, does he think Dean would have been able to exorcize Marlena? Jensen answers that he believes the priest on that show is Jim Beaver so he should have been handling this a long time ago (that character has gotten possessed more than once). That it would have been interesting to see Dean show up and yeah it’s something the brothers could have knocked out in a weekend. x
When is Jensen going to play Batman? And was it liberating to play Soldier Boy? Jensen doesn’t think you’ll ever hear any actor complaining about playing the bad guy because it is a lot of fun. He says that if you ask Jared what one of his favorite versions of Sam is in SPN he’ll say soulless!Sam because when you get to play the bad guy it’s honestly more cathartic cause Jared is a really good guy in real life so when you get to find your inner asshole it can be cathartic. That Soldier Boy was a lot of fun, and the interesting thing, and he loves talking about this because people will ask how he could play such a horrible character and how did he prepare for it, the thing is Solder Boy doesn’t think he’s horrible, he’s the hero of his own story. 
And that’s something he took from Lee Marvin who answered years ago when asked why he made a career playing bad guys that he’s never played a bad guy in his life. And he thinks if you look at it through that lens it makes a whole lot more sense, Soldier Boy doesn’t think he’s a bad guy he thinks everyone else is in the wrong so that makes for really layered character work, and scene work, it was a lot of fun not to mention the way it was written and the way he related to the other cast memebers and characters on the show.
Asked if he got to improve any of it, he answers that yes. He gives as an example that Soldier Boy pops up for a brief moment on the new spinoff and his little bit was heavily improved. He had Kripke with him on set that day so they were spitballing ideas and coming up with different takes that it's a lot of fun to work at that level with that kind of mind that can throw something out and you're like 'oh! okay I'm gonna do that one' so it's a beautiful collab on that set much like SPN and that’s a testament to Kripke and the kind of worlds he builds and the type of people he puts in them. As for the Batman thing, he doesn’t know but if he gets the phone call he’s in. x
What is something they learned while working on SPN that they’ve since applied to their future projects? They’re kind of struggling to answer and Jared starts to try but he's having trouble so Jensen steps in to give him more time to think. And he answers confidence. Confidence on set, in front of a camera no matter who he is working with says that if he didn’t have the ten thousand hours that he had playing Dean he doesn’t think he would have the confidence he has now to go to a completely foreign set like The Boys or Big Sky or a movie set. He gives as an example when he was on Rust and working alongside Alec Baldwin, who is a legend in the entertainment industry, and shares that there was a moment on set where Baldwin dropped the line and got really upset and was screaming what’s the line and Jensen was just like holding up his phone going this is cool but he thinks had he not gone through what he went through with SPN that would have shook him a bit; he has a certain confidence, not arrogance but confidence that helps him do what he needs to do and that’s something he learned and earned on SPN.
Jared seconds that, and in his head went slightly different the fan asked about projects but he'll say life in general, he’s had a lot of highs and lows in his life and it doesn’t have to be something mental it can just be that he’s tired or physically beat down. They had a great time on SPN but there were times that just sucked like it being 5am and having to do a two-page emotional scene and having only an hour to film because the sun is coming up and just wanting the day to be over those were the days they’d get home and take a shower and get in bed and realize that it felt really good, so just realize there's another side of it. There’s a saying he likes: no feeling is final. When you're feeling beat down whether physically or mentally there's another side to that, you can get through that and he thinks SPN helped get that into him. x
Did Jared have fun doing his Walker Independence cameo, and are we going to see more of that? Jared replies that he had an amazing time there, it’s an amazing cast and crew that build a family over there in Santa Fe and he had a lot of fun. That he was riding horses in between takes and horsing around, and he has an absolute blast on Walker; he hopes he gets the chance to go back to Walker Independence and hopes the show comes back, he thinks if they were shooting in the same place he would have done it more often.  x
Favorite song on SPN outside of Carry On? Jared says he will probably forever love Renegade by Styx (saaaame!) and Space Oddity by David Bowie that those two music cues he’s watched more than a lot of the other clips of SPN he’s watched. Jensen says Eye of the Tiger but he'll also throw in Night Moves by Bob Seger. x
And that marks the end of the panel and as they walk away there's a mini butt pat! x
J2 Gold Panel Nolacon 2023
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