#any way im going with my brother and i told him and he was basically like cool i didnt care to go anyway
rammstein4ever · 8 months
I love my bf to death but sometimes he makes me want to pull my hair out. He just started a new job but it turns out it sucks and he applied for a different job and immediately got a job offer. I called him because I was excited for him and like, I wanted to talk to my fucking bf bc he's one of my best friends but after 5 minutes he says he needs to go bc he was watching something. Like wow excuse me from getting in the way of you watching something that's too damn important to talk on the phone with your gf for more than 5 fucking minutes
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deeisace · 1 year
Nightmare nightmare ughhh
#i think i am actually sick i only usually get dreams like this when im feeling the worst#it's a sore throat and a headache and some sneezes#but ill take a covid test while i type this up#basically. this dream. some random guy held my hand on the bus home?#and the next time i saw him i was on the train and he kissed me when the lights went out in the tunnel#then he turned up at my work and gave me a present and said there'd been some trouble could he come and stay with me#and I said like. i only have a bedsit. also im really scared. but if you want to come and see and maybe stay for two weeks.#i would never say that in real life i don't know what possessed me to in a dream#and then we got here and#firstly it turned out my middle brother lived on the top floor and my stepdad on the ground floor#also my flat was a tip like it always is but the guy wanted to come in anyway and i got that stressed#i had a panic attack and told him to get out stop i can't do any of this#obviously by this in dream point I'd met him three times all told#also the papers he showed me about what trouble he was in had a different name but he explained that it uhh it worked in the same way#as my aunt in thailand's name works - she has an official name and then like the completely different name that everyone actually uses#which she told me once means shrimp!#anyway this guy he left fine but he kept coming back and coming back#in the end i broke his finger my slamming the door in his face and that still didn't work#also he set the joint back in place himself while staring at me instead of looking at his hand and that was so creepy#also the asm was there going 'whats the problem let him in he has to get his stuff'#'his stuff' was stolen hats from my work that were out on the window ledge and if found in my possession#would lose me my job - which was why they were there‚ for some reason#it turned out the other downstairs neighbour was a therapist/councillor#and i was halfway through telling this when i woke up feeling the absolute worst#oh for fucks sake#the covid tests i have don't have the little not cotton bud things with them#im sure it's not covid like i am just ill but i see my asthmatic dad and my very ill grandparents tomorrow so i have to know exactly
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etheries1015 · 5 months
I had sort of a crack idea of what would the non-human twst boys do if their crush or s/o was allergic to them? Savanaclaw and Octonivelle with like the fur allergy and seafood allergy. Maybe diasomnia’s s/o has some sort of fairy allergy? Sorry if this is too silly for you to write, it’s alright if you don’t 😭
I LOVE THIS BECAUSE I'VE HAD A SIMILAR THOUGHT i'm allergic to cats and i'm like...man what am I gonna do around Grim BUAHAHA...this is a great idea. Nothing is too silly to write my friend!
Non-human Twst boys reacting to a S/O who is allergic to them!
featuring: Savanaclaw and Octavinelle!
general warnings: gender neutral reader, not really proof read \
TW: None! just fluff. and allergies.
The first time you sneezed around him, they didn't know it was literally BECAUSE of him. This was until you two took a nap together for the first time, and when you woke up he saw your face...Oh, brother. Your eyes were puffy and red, congested, and your nose leaked like nobody's business. He genuinely felt bad about this, but wouldn't let you in on his true feelings/emotions. Without understanding the cause (though he had an inkling) he immediately took you to the doctor.
"They're allergic to me? What kind of shitty nonsense is that?!"
Leona invested in the most expensive of healthcare for you. Allergy pills and whatnot, because he wasn't about to sacrifice his lovely naps with his significant other. No amount of allergy is gonna stop him from getting what he wants, and that is your affection.
"Sooo...basically you're saying you're allergic to me? Cause' im part heyena?"
"It's a little more complicated than that. It's more like...animal dander? I guess?" You didn't seem to certain in your answer either, it was more or less a guess since...well, there wasn't half beast half human where you are from. You can only make an educated guess on why you're so allergic to him based off of the information you had back at home.
Ruggie is honestly so sad about this. He can't afford to get you any treatments or medical help with this, so you two just have to be careful. He does manage to get his hands on some special washing products (probably legally) and takes extra care of what he eats, and how clean he his. He's consistently brushing his hair and cleaning his ears.
"Man i'm such a simp. What's wrong with me?!" ...He isn't used to bending backward for people. But seeing you so sick around him, hurt him even more than his pride, so he of course would do anything to make sure you're as comfortable around him as possible. Ahh...the power of love <3
He gives me the "I must stay away from you for your own good," Type. Although this doesn't last very long. Jack is incredibly loyal, and he's far too attached to let you go. There's times where he would try and keep a distance (much to your annoyance), but when you began sneezing and itching your eyes you knew he was somewhere nearby. Jack is protective like that, but it pains his heart to see you so sick because of something he cannot control.
He does both a mix of what Ruggie and Leona does. He took up extra part-time jobs to afford good allergy medication for you, the entire works. Pills, eye drops, nasal sprays, breathing treatments...He also invests in high-quality shampoo and conditioner to help rid of his dander and hopefully reduce the amount of shedding he has.
With the amount of hair Jack has, he is CONSTANTLY brushing it and it is CONSTANTLY shedding. He does EVERYTHING under the sun to control this, all for you. Although... this is a partnership! You told him that a relationship goes two ways. You love him regardless of how itchy you may get, and you equally chip in to problem-solve.
You're both loyal to each other until the very end, no matter what trivial matters may get in your way <3
He knew before you two started dating that you had a severe allergy to seafood, so he made it a point to avoid you. But...that didn't stop YOU from coming to HIM. It was one of the things that drew him towards you, the way even though you were gaining a rash you would still wrap your arms around the back of him. Although it wasn't as bad in his human form, he was always terrified what would happen if he were to unleash his original form.
But worry not! We are talking about the literal king of potionology. He finds a remedy very quickly, and you trust him...a little too fast. He is astonished when he says;
"Take this...the second you drink this your allergies will be something of the past. But be warned-" You grabbed it out of his hand and chugged it. He stared at you with his jaw slacked open, his face turning a deep shade of hot red when you throw yourself onto Azul and place a big fat kiss against his cheek.
He imploded. But hey! his potion worked! He tried to get you to give him some sort of paypack, but you mentioned that your form of payment was in that kiss.
He now demands kisses every time he makes the potion for you <3 It's kind of a silent agreement. He just stares at you after you're done drinking it, and whenever you feign ignorance the point upon his lips is far too obvious.
The first time you broke out in hives, he remained completely calm. Jade is rather smart, and he understands your allergy must be because of his disposition as a mer-folk. Although in human form, he couldn't help but notice the way you would hide your rashes either behind makeup or by bulking clothing. He was amused by this for a moment, but when he saw it worsen he couldn't help but become worried.
"Why would you go so far for me? what do you gain by allowing yourself to become sick?" When you replied with a blush that you simply liked Jade, thus his shock soon turned into action. He excused himself for a few days to climb mountains and collect the most effective of flowers and medicinal remedies for allergies and put together a potion that you were able to take to alleviate your symptoms.
He isn't the vice house warden for nothing! His talents and magic prowess truly aided him, albeit in a way that was seemingly selfish. It was all worth it for you, though.
But he does use you as an example during a class project in potionology, having you stand up in front of the class while he compares your allergies before and after taking the potion.
He got a 100% in the project. And a Significant other. A win-win for everyone!
Floyd is much smarter than he lets on. The moment he hugs you from behind and touches your arm, he notices the rash right away. He eyed it with a frown, and without saying anything he let go of you much to your dismay, leaving you to your lonesome for a few days on end.
You had to admit you missed Floyd, his silly jokes and way of talking, his unpredictable personality, and the attention he would often give y you. While sitting at the table during a free period, your head was propped up against your hand and a sad sigh escaping your lips.
"Ehhhh? Why is shrimpy sitting here all alone? Didya miss me?" A familiar voice teased as arms wrapped around you and something akin to a vegetable drink set in front of you. You gasped and smile up at the tall male, who wasn't wrapping his arms around you as you were used to, typically ignoring the itching of your rashes. He convinced you to drink what he sat in front of you, and although you eyed it with suspicion, you sighed and drank it in one gulp and tightly shut eyes.
Nothing happened. You turned to look over at Floyd, about to question the purpose of making you drink the (surprisingly tasty) smoothie-like liquid but were quickly interrupted by lips pressing against your own.
The kiss caught you off guard and you began to panic, talking about your allergy...before you realized that nothing was happening. No rash, no itchiness, nothing.
"Seeeee? It's a potion. I made Azul make it for me. Now I can touch you as much as I want," He smiled proudly. However he managed to convince Azul would forever be beyond you...
He forgets to give you the potion sometimes, only when you two are cuddling and a rash or itching pops up do the both of you realize it's time for a dose.
Ya'll are so silly for each other <3
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Hey love! if you're still accepting requests, could I get an extremely wild, rough and feral nsfw Daemon x wife fem!reader please? (feel free to ignore and sorry if the request is weird, but I'm thirsty for this handsome fictional man who unfortunately doesn't exist)
Frost Bite
Daemon Targayen x Stark!Reader
Summary: You were travelling back to home soil in anticipation of your wolf's heat cycle. Besides the fact that you could not stand the sound of your prince husband's breathing and the fact you were certain he would perish in the cold, there was one more reason why you did not want him to join you: the fact the heat was affecting you too.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Basically PWP, 5k+ SMUT T_T (non-con [daemon touches her while she's asleep], virgin!reader, she cries for various reasons, fingering, choking, biting, degradation kink, corruption kink, spitting, marking, edging, oral [fem receiving], breeding kink, cream pie), RIP feminism, opens with a wet dream, brief mentions of near death experience in a snow storm, dark!daemon (but imo its just canon daemon) fem!reader, wife!Reader, soft!daemon, typos, etc.
A/N: YEAH MINORS DNI. LOL SO I was planning to write this for my part 2 of my Stark!Reader, but i got lazy and didn't want to create a whole plot leading up to the smut, so i removed it all together, which I guess worked out swell for you nonnie, since I was planning something absolutely unhinged. I hope you liked that fic of mine since you're basically getting a p3 of it So here's part 1, here's part 2, but you don't need to read any of them to understand, but i suggest you do for background cos lol this is PWP T_T Next part ig but its a blurb "✨Magic✨" OMG NEXT PART BUT ITS NOT A BLURB "Moon Cycle" Also nonnie, i wanted to tell you albeit asking for smut is pretty awkward HAHAHAH you gotta process these feelings somehow you know. i mean, we could have been criminals, like Daemon, instead but we're not, and that's what matters (unless you are a criminal in which case im closing my eyes) this gif of him is so large on pc but idc he's so hot MATT I WANT YOU SO BAD FUCK OFF if someone snitches to big brother again like in In Your Defense /: Idk if you want to be, but I'm tagging everyone I tagged in the previous fic, as well as the others that commented there SO HI THIS IS SMUT YOU CAN GO IF YOU WANT LOL HAHHAH @aralezinspace @em-the-lurker @blue1006 @mukduk-not-murder @min-jianhyung @deniixlovezelda @moonmaiden1996 @thatmysteriousblog
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I caught him. I caught him doing the very thing I dreaded to catch him do. The one thing I accused him of doing every night, though in my heart of hearts I wished he did not... not that I would ever admit it to his face. Because why would I? Admitting it would mean- "You want me," Daemon heaved against the neck of the woman beneath him. He cranes his neck up as he thrust into her, smirking, eyes dark, "you want this to be you," he pants as he stares at me, "don't you?" I am in my place, frozen, watching and hearing the woman come undone underneath my husband who kisses her tenderly. "Daemon," I whimper helplessly, teary eyed, "Daemon please." "Fuck off."
I jolt awake, sweat sheening my neck and chest. I turn to my bed, empty, because though Daemon insisted we sleep together and I could not fight him in his decision, he did not return to me until nigh dawn.
I wipe my face as I recall my intensifying dreams.
It seems my travels up North would come quicker than anticipated.
And as much as I wanted to tell him I told you so, oh to all the gods, how badly he deserved it, there was no time for me to gloat when Daemon did the very thing I warned him not to, fall into the icy river.
It was instantaneous. The cracking of the ice, the splashing of water, the scream that escaped me. Maybe I should have left him in the cave we kept Caraxes, who he insisted on bringing. But then again he would have insisted on joining me to the cabin, the way he insisted on joining me here up North in the first place.
And now I had to deal with the consequences of his actions.
It was sheer miracle that I got him out of the river without falling into it myself, sheer stupidity of me to rid him of his coat and offer him mine when the blistering snow storm was not relenting, and quite clearly the sheer will of the gods that both of us made it to the cabin... barely.
The moment we walked in, I shut the door and scrambled towards the fireplace. As my fingers shivered, I thought of Havoc, and how at least I know she would find mine and Daemon's corpses if ever we do not make it. I had sent her away when the storm came out of nowhere because we had to find cover for Caraxes, and she would not have been any of help to us if she were here with us anyway.
My poor pup. She would be heartbroken if she saw me frozen. And Caraxes...
I curse the flint, I curse the cold, I curse the gods, and I curse Daemon for every time I failed to light a fire. I thanked the Stranger for finally allowing me the mercy of my eventual success.
Once the fire was burning steady, I get on my feet and run to Daemon, hauling him over to the fire roughly in haste where he helpelessly kneels in front of. He could do nothing but shiver as I scramble to get some dry clothes and sheets for the both of us.
I yank him closer to the fire and begin to undress him.
Seeing as he is nothing but docile to my actions and how his skin was turning grey, I began to grow frantic, "you cannot fucking die, you prick!"
I rip his top off and quickly clothe him, "I did not go through all the trouble of marrying you for nothing. I refuse to be forced into another marriage because your stupid ass froze to death."
Daemon's shudder comes out in a thick condensation.
"Fuck," I whimper, as I struggle to get him out of his boots and breeches.
I shrivel up at the feel of his frozen fingers then brush against my arm and I shake my head rapidly, realizing there was no choice. The only way I can warm him quickly enough is if I share my own.
I strip him naked, pulling off the shirt I struggled to put on him as well, then wrap him in a fur blanket in the meantime. I then take off my own clothes and hiss at the nipping cold.
The fact Daemon does not even look at my naked form strikes a chord in me.
I straighten him up and fix the blankets on his legs and thighs before I sit on his lap. I press my bare chest against his and whimper at his dangerously concerning coldness.
He shivers against me as his face rests helplessly on my shoulder. His breath that hits my skin is not even hot.
"Remember, you're too fucking stubborn to die," I say as I wrap my legs around his torso and graciously place his fingers beneath my bottom.
His lack of warmth literally brings tears to my eyes.
I reach out for the other blanket and wrap it over myself, consequently Daemon, before I wrap my arms around him and breathe hotly against his face.
I rub his back, "will you allow irony to take you? The hot blooded prince defeated by the cold?"
He releases a shiver and moves his head. He mutters something, but his quaking body does not allow me to make sense of it.
"Do not waste your energy," I chide.
And so for a long moment, we stay like this, wrapped in each other's arms, sharing each other's heat. I do my best to warm him. I even nuzzle against him, the way Havoc did me, just so I could warm his stupid face.
Daemon finally finds it in him to lean against my touch, and when he does, he mutters under his breath, "irony-" shudder, "-would be if the- N-Northern princ-ces-s-ss died in the cold."
My face contorts and yet I cannot help but chuckle at him, glad he can sputter his nonsense again, "then I should make Caraxes burn you for your stupidity."
I shiver when I feel his icy lips kiss my neck. Goosebumps form on my skin when I feel the hot breath that follows. My hands rake up to his nape, where I then dig my fingers as I pull away.
"N-n-nno!" he stutters, hands coming around my hips to brace me tightly, "I ss-swear I'm not warm yet-t-t."
I pull back again though to face him when I said, "I only wanted to tell you," I lean my forehead against his face, "I fucking told you so, you stupid idiot."
I rest my face on his shoulder and close my eyes, knowing I would not be off him any time soon.
I dream about him. I dream about kissing his shivers away. I dream about pulling the fur blanket that separated our legs away, and riding him until he was warm.
I dream about how good he feels, and how he burns inside me. I dream about calling his name, unlike how I did in my other dreams. I was no longer calling out in betrayal, I was calling out in pleasure.
"Daemon," I trail off in a groan, willing my heavy eyelids open. I feel pressure building up inside me before I understand what's happening.
I not know how, but I am laid on a bed, head on a pillow, form still naked. Daemon is sat up beside me, peering down at me and his hands.
I whine.
His fingers-
"Oh fucking hell," he groans as his other hand begins to knead at my breasts, "you feels so good wrapped around my fingers, I-"
I cut him off with my squeak, hands flying to his arm, thighs closing shut, squeezing this hand in between my thighs.
"Daemon," the dazed quality of my voice is gone.
He tilts his head, face twisting, a challenge.
When I struggle and wrangle against him, all it takes is his hand on my throat to make me go still. I barely manage a choke and my breath continues to leave me as his fingers quicken their pace inside me.
He only releases me after I shake and shudder when I come.
It is overwhelming and nothing at all like I have dreamed or imagined, unlike all the times I've touched myself in secret. It was intense but there was a shame tied to it.
My entire body is hot and tears prick my eyes at his relentless ministrations.
"You were too fucking ready for that," Daemon mutters dryly as he quickly pulls away and shifts in his spot, "how long have you imagined fucking me, hmm?"
Before I even have the brain to do something, he crawls down the bed, "was it when you caught me touching myself to you?" He sinks down, grabbing my legs, "or have you done it before and withheld me of your sweet cunt for no fucking reason?"
All at once, he brings his face between my legs and begins to lick all the slickness off my pulsing core.
"DAEMON!" I scream, pressing my thighs close as I push myself up on my elbows, trying to break free of him.
He ignores me and forces my legs open even as I kick them in protest, "you will not deny me something you so clearly want yourself."
He grunts and pushes my legs down before grabbing my hands that were shoving him away, "you fucking bitch," he grips me tightly, "you will not find it in yourself to fight me off once I make a whore out of you."
I growl at his words, feeling my stomach drop along with my tears because of it.
I was realizing just how strong he really was, and how in moments where our arguments got a bit physical, he has probably holding back. The revelation of this does not cease my attempts at freeing myself, but it is as pointless as I feared.
Daemon rises up from his spot, nearing me, up until he is breathing against my cheek and rubbing his hardened length against my wetness.
I turn away from him, unable to really do anything else and shudder as he speaks, "you said it yourself, you did not go through all this trouble marrying me for nothing."
I screw my eyes shut, feeling tears fall, "Daemon."
He shushes me, pulling my arms up above my head, "you should not worry. I refuse to die now that I know of your lust."
I whimper as he rolls his hips against me, "still, the idea of someone claiming you- fuck-" he groans gutturally, "had I died..." he trails of in another groan, "someone else would have gotten my prize and it would have been all be your fault."
Daemon squeezes my wrist in one hand then grabs my jaw, forcing me to turn to him. I keep my eyes shut though as he heaves hotly, "I should utterly ruin every part of you so you can never have anyone but me. Though make no mistake, I would never let that happen as I so fucking breathe."
"Hypocrite," I scoff.
He laughs and I tense at the feeling of his vibrations, "she speaks."
I dare to look at him as I pant, "you do not desire me. You're just a spoiled brat who merely wants to wet his cock, just like how you do every night."
"Oh," he groans, "is this jealousy I hear?" He squeezes my cheeks, "is my pretty whore jealous that she is not the only one?"
"Fuck you!" I manage out though muffled.
Daemon laughs at the feel of tears rushing down his fingers, "do not cry, foolish wife. I'll have you know I have not wet my cock ever since I called out your name when I fucked someone else before our wedding day."
He releases my face. I attempt to even out my breath.
"I hadn't even realized until she asked me who-"
"And you think you deserve an award for that?!" I quip through my heavy breathing.
He lets out a laugh that makes me whimper, "I think you ought to know that mine own want for you has made everyone else undesirable," he licks my cheek, making me pull my head away from him, "I have been so pent up in want and for what? Because you're too bull headed to allow me anything other than my lonely hand?"
I try to wrangle out of his grip again, and he presses his whole body on me in response, "it's quite adorable that you still have it in you act like you didn't just call my name out loud while you dreamt of fucking me."
He rubs his nose against my jaw, "you wanna know how I know?"
"Fuck off-"
"You were rutting against me like a hussy," he sighs, "by the gods, had I known you were so wanton at night, I would have never granted you the insult of sleeping alone."
I could feel myself burn hotter with each word that leaves his lips despite myself. I did not want him to catch me like this, but there was no use; I was already caught.
As Daemon rocks his hips on mine, he hisses, undoubtedly feeling how much wetter I had gotten was beneath him.
"Fuck," he trails off, "here's what going to happen," he whispers, rutting against me rougher.
I cannot for the life of me withhold my whimper.
He chuckles as he presses his face against mine, "I'm going to make you come with my tongue and then I'm going to fuck you until you cry."
"Daemon, please stop-"
"Your heartbeat against my cock and how fucking wet you are disagrees with your protest, little liar," he croons. He lifts his head, then leans his forehead against mine, "don't worry, my little virgin, you will not cry because it hurts, you will cry because you'll want it so bad that it hurts."
"You will not refuse me," he whispers, though it is anything but sweet, "not when there is not a sliver of doubt in my mind that you want this too."
He brings his hands to my neck again and I wait for his grip to tighten, but it does not, "now say it."
I look up at him as my breathing quickens.
"Yield," he commands, breathing heavily all of a sudden.
I look up at him feeling my belly swirl in ways I could not ever explain.
"Admit to both our ears that you burn for me just as I have been fucking burning for you."
I yelp when he puts pressure on my throat then releases it.
"Say it," he barks.
"Say you want me," he says softer this time.
I am disarmed by his quick change in tone and a shiver leaves me as the cold finds its way to my belly as he pulls away. Daemon releases my hands then begins to crawl down. His eyes are fixed on my as he mutters once more, "say it."
I shudder as he presses my thighs against his cheeks then whispers, almost begging, "say it."
I turn away from him and close my eyes, awaiting his next actions, for it was not like I could stop him if I refuse.
"Say it," he urges louder, "you know you want to."
I clench my jaw, "just do what you want and be done with it."
He growls, and goosebumps form on my skin when I feel him bite at the inner most part of my thigh. I grip at the sheets at the feel of teeth and tongue. I bite my lips tightly to keep myself from making any noise.
"I should, shouldn't I?" Daemon mutters.
I yelp and look down at him when his finger strokes my core.
His eyes are dark as he airily chuckles at my reaction, "after all I have given you my name, my Targaryen queen. You are no longer your own, you are forever mine."
I watch him as he lifts his head up and kisses my sopping heat. I flinch when he nips at me, drawing my nub out with his teeth. He lifts his head as he releases my flesh. His chin is glistening with my slick as he says, "I want you."
My breath leaves me when he says this.
"And I know you want me too, but I have to-- I need you to say it." He repositions himself in my thighs, "you are after all married to maniac," he breathes against me, "now, say it."
He shakes my thighs, "SAY IT!"
"I want you," I snap, "Daemon, I-" a loud cry rips out of me before I can even continue.
The sound of him lapping his tongue on me, eating me out as if I was his final meal, was somehow louder than my cries. I cannot help but so violently react to him as he devours me. He forces me still in his grip and fights off the movement of my thighs with his face.
It seems as though my admittance has reduced me into nothing but needy sounds.
Without another thought, my hands reach down at him and dig into his silver hair. I arch my back and pull at him when his tongue flicks into me.
"Fucking slut," he mutters, squeezing my thighs as he pulls me apart.
I scream out his name as he digs his face deeper into me. I lift my head up when he pulls away to laugh, "look at you, rutting against me like the needy whore you are."
I don't have time to find offence in his words because I still, not even realizing I was in fact moving my hips against him. He laughs as he continues his work, leaving me no time to feel embarrassment and only hot pleasure.
He is fucking good at what he does. He's so fucking good that my mind wanders where it should not. How much practice has he gotten to be this good? It is precisely because of this that I finally break, "all for you, Daemon," I grab his cheeks, "all for you-- all mine."
I do not see how his eyes dart up to me for I then throw my head back and whine. I feel myself come close to my undoing, "fuck, Daemon, don't stop."
I shriek when I bites me.
Just as I am inching so close, all at once, he pulls away from me.
I pant and stiffen as I hear and feel him spit on me. Much like all other moments, I do not have time to react. When I turn to him, he grabs my legs and shoves me to my side.
I begin to panic when he rises to his knees.
"I'll be fucking damned if I don't make you come on my cock right now," he grunts, making my eyes drop down to the very thing, erect, hard, and angry.
"Get on your knees, bitch," he blurts, though he doesn't give me much of a chance to as he drags me up into the position he wants me by my hips.
I haven't even propped myself up on my arms yet when he unceremoniously begins to pound into me.
I am certain if anyone could hear us in the middle of this storm, they would think I was mad, or worse, being tortured.
"I'm going to breed that prurient wolf in you, just as I'm sure your wolf, Havoc, is being bred right now."
I growl at the idea and feel my belly tighten at his words.
Daemon groans before he chuckles, "that's it, isn't it?"
His relentless thrusts begin to grow sloppy. Suddenly, he yanks me by my hair and lifts me up. His other hand slaps to my throat to offer painful support as he pulls me up against him.
I choke on my spit when my form presses against him with difficulty. He sinks down on his knees, my core wrapped around his length as he shifts me in a snug position atop him.
His hands make their way to my breasts to roughly grope them. His teeth sink down on my shoulder.
I release a wild sound as my own hands come on top of his. I am left moaning at how his mouth sinks into my skin.
Daemon makes sure to suck hard before pulling away. For a moment he catches his breath before speaking, "you did not want me here because you are affected by your wolf's heat, aren't you."
The way I begin to slowly bounce on top of him is enough of an answer to him.
He laughs as his hands depart from my tender breasts, one going down to my sensitive nub, the other sealing my throat again, "you are a fucking selfish bitch for keeping your cunt from me."
My breathing becomes arduous when he tightens his grip around me.
"You would have preferred to touch yourself to the thought of me?" he questions as he rubs on my sensitive nub.
"Daemon," I gasp, pushing my head back as his lips latch on my neck again.
He ceases the moment of his fingers as he finishes grazing on my skin. "Yes, my pretty whore?" he mutters in between his kisses, "what do you want, hmm?"
My breathing strains when his hand tightens around my throat more. I catch my breath when he releases his grip to push my hair off to the side, "tell me what you want me to do to you."
I call out his name. He calls out mine.
I find myself grabbing his hands as I moan out, "I want you to fuck me."
Without another word, I am thrown down to the bed. The only reason I'm still on him is because of his hands that latch on my hips.
I am nothing against his strength. He handles me like a ragdoll, fucking me with absolutely no regard and nothing else in mind.
I make sounds that mean nothing. His name is polluted by my whimpers and cries that you cannot make head or tail of.
I would not last any longer with how he was handling me, even if I wanted to, even if I tried.
"That's it my easy bitch," he pants, "come around me like the needy whore you are."
"Your eager cunt will take my seed well when I fill you up," his one hand leaves my hip and rips my head back by my hair again, "don't you think, pretty wife?"
"Yes," I reply without thinking, "yes, yes, yes, yes-"
"And you will give me your pups," he mutters, "bare my dragons, like a dutiful wife will you not?"
My only response is my body breaking orgasm. I shiver beneath him, falling powerless as I scream his name and crumble, absolutely boneless.
Daemon lets out a string of curses as he milks out my reaction for all he's got.
He does not waver once bit and it maddeningly delicious.
My voice hikes up when I feel him release inside me not too late after.
"Fucking come slut," he barks as he snaps his hips in me, "take it all just like that."
I bury my screams in the cushions he presses on, unrelenting. When he finally does grow sloppy, I take a moment to catch my breath and relish the feel of him.
I whimper when he pulls away and slaps my ass.
"The absolute mess you've made of yourself," he coos, as he rubs the skin he slapped.
I can feel myself leaking, I can feel it all over my legs, on the sheets, and I could practically feel his pleased smile as he watches the lewd display. I could not bring myself to care at all though, not when my legs begin to fall.
I squeak when Daemon rearranges me on the bed. He is not at all as rough as he was with me a while ago, but his strength and my lack thereof does not really allow him to be gentle.
He falls onto the side of the bed next to me and gathers me into his chest. When I roll over to him, I groan at the feeling of my wet thighs pressing together.
"Do not make issue of that," Daemon says as he watches me squirm. He pulls me close to him, arm over my shoulders. His other hand hooks behind my knee, dragging me atop him. I whimper and push my hand on his chest when I feel core empty out on his thigh.
He does not allow me to pull away and I turn to him because of this. Daemon forces me close against him, "are you so haughty over my come that you cannot bare the thought of it-"
"But it's getting everywhere," I start off loudly but end with a whisper.
Daemon's nostrils flare as he shakes his head, "I should sure hope so."
I feel my cheeks burn and so I decide to hide my face in his chest.
His laughter intensifies, and I do not enjoy how my head bounces on his ribcage because of it.
"Oh meekness suits you well, my dear."
I weakly mumble, "fuck off."
His amusement continues as he rubs my arms, "you mean, 'I want you to fuck me, Daemon.' "
"I did not say it like that!" I quip, lifting my head as I turn to him, finally making him cease his stupid laughter. The sight of his stupid smug face still glimmering in slick renders me frozen.
Suddenly I am aware of how cold the room still was.
"Pray tell, how did you say it?" he hums, pushing hair behind my ear.
I furrow my brows and press my cheek on his chest again, admitting lowly, "I didn't say your name at the end."
"My," he draws shapeless figures on my skin, "I'm glad to know the moment is burned in your very being."
"Fuck off," I mutter under my breath, scratching my eye. It dawns onto me that my face was equally as wet as Daemon's. Heat rises up my face again when I realize I really did cry because of how good he felt.
"Don't fret," he sighs, "there is a reason why you should not worry yourself about how your pretty cunt is leaking blood and come. I shall fuc-"
I turn to him in concern and push myself up.
Daemon furrows his brows and shakes his head, "it is normal," he soothes, grabbing my cheek, "or did you just forget your maidenhood was still intact after imagining fucking me?"
I am suddenly aware how real everything was. My husband has finally gotten me to consummate our marriage and all his talk of me bearing his seed could may well come true. My chest begins to constrict as my mind floods with endless scenarios.
"Well, if you start frowning like that, I might actually feel bad," Daemon mutters, lifting himself up on his elbows, "what's wrong?"
I look at his concerned expression and find myself speaking before I realize, "did you mean it?"
"Mean what?" he clarifies quickly.
"That you want me," I quip just as fast.
He stares at me for a moment, as if he was taken aback or measuring the truthfulness in my voice. When a prolonged moment passes between us, he realizes I was serious.
"Fuck," he drops his head back, "it must be exhausting to be a woman with your overthinking."
"Well, pardon me for not-"
"You are pardoned," he blurts, making me whimper when he suddenly flips us over.
I am beneath him again. He does nothing but press his weight on me, but I struggle beneath him, not enjoying the idea of remaining in an uncomfortable position.
He misreads my intentions and hinders me from moving, as he wraps his arms around me, "I just told I want you, that I burn for you, that I want you to mother my children. Do you honestly think I am one to say that to anyone?"
I gulp as he shifts to nestle his face in the crook of my neck, "I..." he breathes against my skin. He does not continue as he opts to kiss my neck instead.
When I move to wrap my own arms around him, he speaks again, "I am at your mercy. You saved me from freezing to death when you could have easily decided to rid of me."
I press my cheek against him and begin to comb through the long hair on his back, "I was serious about my distaste to remarry."
"Well, you will not," he quickly retorts, "you will have me until the end."
I bring my legs around him as I release a sigh, "consider me overjoyed by the thought."
He chuckles as he shifts, "you do not sound-"
"I did not want to admit it," I cut him off, "but I think I..." I turn to him as he lifts his head, "I think I... care for you, Daemon... I-"
"Love you," he finishes, staring at me with an unreadable expression.
And for the first time since our nuptials, he kisses me. He kisses me not because he has to, not for the sake of showing everyone present, but because he wanted to, for the sake of showing me.
He is nothing but warmth, nothing but fire, nothing but him. Daemon is not sweet, but in this moment he put even honey to shame.
He begins to stir on top me, though he makes sure his lips do not leave mine. It is because of my moan that we are broken apart, the moan that leaves me when I feel him slip inside me.
"You know how I fuck," he sighs, rubbing his nose against mine, "but now we'll both know how I make love."
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stevie-petey · 5 months
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episode seven: the bathtub
Steve sighs, “I just… I wanna help.” Maybe it’s his black eye or the pathetic way Steve says he wants to help, but the man comes down the ladder and hands him the dirty rag he had been using. “All yours.” Steve takes his jacket off and accepts the rag and climbs up, ready to get to work. He really does want to help, he has been trying to help. And Steve just really hopes that you can see his efforts someday, maybe even soon. He’s had a really rough week.
summary: your brother basically places himself on the fbi's most wanted list and el flips a van with her mind, now you have to create a giant salt tub because of course you do, nancy tries Talking About It but hasn't she read the title ? you don't have the time. sidenote: you've somehow become a steve defender during these trying times. typical. meanwhile: steve's inner thoughts are pathetic.
rating: general, some swearing
warnings: swearing, fem!reader, use of y/b, implications of death and violence
words: 10.2k
before you swing in: hello ! long time no see, i apologize :/ working while im home for winter break and my hours suck, but we move on ! heres chapter 7, she was a pain to write because it was more complex than i thought, but i love her dearly </3 enjoy !
When you finally get to the police station, exhausted and sweaty from running, an angry blond woman is following after Hopper as he guides Joyce, Nancy, and Jonathan towards his cruiser.
“Aren’t you going to do anything about that toothless kid and his weird friends?” She screams at the officer, but he just ignores her and instructs the others to get into the car.
A toothless kid and his weird friends? Gee, you wonder who the woman could be talking about.
You get to the car right as Hopper has started the engine. You knock on the window and he sighs when he sees it’s you. He rolls down the window. “Why is it always you?”
“I think it’s time you learn that wherever he goes,” you point towards Jonathan, who smiles at the chief, and then you point at yourself. “I go.”
“She’s right.” Joyce mumbles from the passenger seat.
Hopper places his head in his hands and sighs once more. “We don’t have time for this. Step away from the car. Now.”
You blink. “I’m sorry?”
“Leave, go home.”
Jonathan speaks up from the backseat. “Hopper, she has to come with us–”
“Where the hell are you guys going? Weren’t you arrested?” You ask, now even more confused.
“Not arrested, just detained.” Joyce corrects.
The officer groans. “Does any of this matter? We need to leave, now.”
“We can leave as soon as you let me in the car.”
Hopper stares at you. “You have no idea what you’re walking into, kid.”
“Try me.”
“Step away from the car–”
“The ‘toothless kid’ that the crazy woman shouted about is my brother!” You shout, entirely over this entire conversation. Like hell this bitter old man is going to stop you from following wherever Jonathan goes. Especially if Dustin is involved somehow.
“I told you, no-”
“I can and will hop on the hood of this damn car if you don’t let me in within the next five seconds.”
Hopper laughs. “Sure ya will.”
“One,” you begin counting.
“That’s not going to work.”
“Uh, Hopper?” Jonathan speaks up. “She’ll do it, you know.”
Hopper doesn’t listen, and now Joyce is getting annoyed. “Hop, just let her in.”
“I kind of want to see her jump on the hood.” Nancy says, causing Jonathan to laugh.
“Four,” you walk to the front of the car and pop your foot up, getting ready to start climbing. If Hopper thinks you aren’t being serious, then that’s his own damn fault. He starts shouting at you to knock it off while Joyce pleads with him to listen to you. Jonathan tries to get out of the car, but Hopper has locked them in. Everyone is arguing and yelling and you’re just ready to say fuck it and straddle a cop car.
Right before you can jump entirely onto the hood of the car, Nancy lurches from the back seat and screams through Hopper’s window, “Y/N, just tell the man about El!”
Everyone freezes; no one says a single word. Slowly, you lower your leg and walk over to the driver’s window once more while Hopper just stares at you. You can’t exactly read the look on his face, but if you had to guess, it’d be something like of course this kid knows about El.
“Who the hell is El?” He demands as soon as you’re back in front of the window.
“Buzzed hair, nose bleeds when she uses her powers, and hangs out with my brother and his friends. Ring any bells?” You ask, a slight smirk on your face because you know you’ve won. Bless Nancy’s quick thinking.
Hopper’s face drops and he lets out a tired sigh. “So, you know about the girl?”
You snort. “Yeah, I know about her. Better yet: I've met her, and I know something awful is about to happen. Let me into the goddamn car. Now.”
The two of you have a stare down for a couple seconds before he finally gives in and unlocks the door. “You’re the worst in the group.”
“Oh, just wait until you hang out with my brother. Now, let’s go for a drive, shall we?”
The slight amusement you felt earlier quickly dissipates as Hopper explains everything going on. He explains El, who is really named Jane, and how he had found her mom and learned that some guy named Brenner was conducting experiments on her while she was pregnant. Thus, he created El and her powers and ultimately kidnapped her, leaving her mother to believe that she was dead. Now El has escaped, causing Will’s disappearance, and unfortunately some other horrible consequences.
Said consequences include driving to Nancy’s house because this Brenner guy apparently really wants El back and has gone as far as faking a twelve year old’s dead fucking body. Now he’s currently tracking her and the boys down.
Who knew Hawkins could have anything as exciting as a shady lab and actual men in black coats?
“Y/N, I need you to tell me everything you know about this girl,” Hopper demands, glaring at you from the rearview mirror as you sit between Nancy and Jonathan.
You do as you’re told, but admittedly there’s not much to tell him. Sure, you know El and have spent some time with her now, but other than that you’re still a bit lost yourself. The details are fuzzy in your mind, a picture has almost formed, but not quite.
As you’re struggling to explain more about the Upside Down to a very frustrated Hopper and a concerned Joyce, a parade of Hawkins Power and Light vans fly past the car and turn onto Nancy’s block. Once again, everyone in the car goes quiet.
“Neighborhood power outage?” You ask, really hoping you’re right, but worry is now creeping in. God, you really need to just stop leaving the kids alone after this week. Dustin was just supposed to see Mike, apologize to Lucas, and have a nice conversation about how friendship is magical and all that bullshit.
It doesn’t look like they did that.
Hopper suddenly jerks the car into a different neighborhood and speeds down the block. The speed scares you and Jonathan grabs your hand, sensing your growing unease. Then, the car brakes and you’re thrown forward by the momentum. “Fuck!”
“Sorry, honey.” Joyce murmurs to you, but the view in front of you catches your attention.
Hopper has brought you guys to an overlook of Nancy’s neighborhood with a perfect view of her house being surrounded by a bunch of expensive cars and men in suits carrying items out from her basement. You see one man holding a stack of your comics with one of Dustin’s old hats on top.
You want to throw up.
Nancy reacts no better than you do and immediately bolts out the car, Hopper and Joyce not far behind her. The man whips out a pair of binoculars and scopes out the scene while Nancy just stands there, stunned. She begins to speak to him, demanding to go into her house, but he doesn’t let her.
You’re left alone with Jonathan in the car and you feel your own panic begin to settle in. Seeing all the cars, the fucking helicopters, after your baby brother… You really, really want to throw up.
You feel yourself begin to spiral. You think about how you’d left Will alone to bike home and how, because of you, he never made it back. Instead he got taken by a monster that’s big enough to kill a fucking deer. Will, small and sweet Will, is gone because of your inability to keep those you love safe.
And now Dustin and the boys are facing the same fate, all because of your stupidity. You left them alone, again, after they’ve spent the entire week sneaking off and getting into trouble. You have no reason to be surprised by their actions. You’re not an idiot, you should’ve known better.
You should’ve known better than to listen to Jonathan about not taking Will home. You should’ve known better about letting the boys explore those woods the night you found El. You should’ve reported the missing girl, called the cops, anything else rather than help hide her.
But because of your stupid, stupid, need to take care of everyone around you, to please everyone no matter what it may cost you, you’re in a cop car as your brother is being hounded down by what appears to be the goddamn FBI.
This is all your fault.
Hopper is saying something to Nancy now, there’s a commotion outside the car door and you know you should go out there and help, but you can’t. Jonathan, seeing the argument outside as well, turns to tell you that he’ll go and help, but stops when sees how pale you’ve gotten and that your leg is bouncing wildly.
He’s known you for years; he knows what you look like right before you have a complete breakdown.
He grabs you and you find yourself engulfed within his chest. His hands come up to your hair and he runs his fingers through it in a way that’s always calmed you down. You find yourself beginning to cry at the tenderness.
“I’m here, bug.” Jonathan whispers the words with his chin tucked atop of your head. He runs a hand up and down your back, drawing small patterns to try and distract you. You don’t fucking deserve the kindness.
You tighten your arms around him, afraid that he’ll slip away just like everything else has. “This is all my fault.”
“You’re crazy if you think that.”
“I was… I was in over my head.” A few tears slip out and you don’t bother to wipe them away. Instead, you bury your head deeper into Jonathan’s chest, ashamed. “This entire time, I should’ve–I needed to be better and I–I wasn’t, bee.”
Your words slur together as more tears come, but Jonathan is able to understand you regardless. He slides a hand up and under your chin, gently coaxing your head up so that he can look you in the eye. “None of this is your fault. You hear me?”
“No. Without you, those boys would probably be dead by now. Nancy and I included. You’re the glue holding everything together, you know more than anyone else involved.”
Jonathan’s eyes burn yours, he’s so sure of his words but you know they aren’t true. You pull away from him and try to collect yourself. “There’s an entire swat team ready to hurt my baby brother… I fucked up, Jonathan.”
“Still up for debate, but if you really feel that way, then I’ll help you fix it. It’s as simple as that.” Jonathan shrugs, saying the words so simply, without any doubt or hesitation. He has such confidence in you, and you know he shares the same thought that you do: together, the two of you can do anything.
You think about your birthday gift from Will, with you and Jonathan battling a dragon together with the boys, and the thought brings you comfort. Together, you and the boys will get through this one way or another. You’re sure of that much, at least.
Plus, you have El and Nancy now.
You wipe away a few more tears and manage a smile, now feeling a bit better “Thank you, bee.”
He smiles back at you and ruffles your hair. “Any time, bug.”
The moment between you is broken by Hopper throwing Nancy into the backseat, cruelly bringing you back to reality. The boys, they’re in danger. Hopper turns to face the three of you with a crazed look in his eyes. “Look, we need to find them before they do.”
“The kids?” You stupidly ask.
“No, we’re looking for Santa’s reindeer.” Hopper deadpans, which you honestly had coming. “Yes, the kids. Do you have any idea where they might have gone?”
“No, I don’t!” Nancy still looks shaken up and you and Jonathan don’t look much better.
“I need you to think.” Hopper presses.
Nancy lets out a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know. We haven’t talked a lot. I mean… lately.”
“What about you, Y/N?” Joyce asks, her voice a bit more gentle than Hopper’s.
You wrack your brain for where the kids may have gone, but with all your exhaustion and overwhelming feelings, you can’t come up with anything. Your brain is fried. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Byers.”
“Is there any place that your guys’ parents don’t know about that they might go?”
You and Nancy look at each other for ideas, but you both end up drawing a blank and shake your heads at Joyce. She sighs, but seems to be more understanding. You really wish you could be of more use, but besides Mike’s house, the kids don’t really go anywhere except…
“The junkyard!” You exclaim, throwing yourself forward in your excitement.
“What?” Hopper asks, his interest now is on you.
“The boys went there yesterday with El, they had a fight and–”
Hopper cuts you off. “I don’t need the petty details, just tell me where this junkyard is.”
“I… can’t.” You deflate now, realizing that you have no idea how to access this damn random field in Hawkins. It’s not really an official junkyard, just an area with leftover cars and trash piled up over the years. The boys have never taken you there, it had been the one spot they’d kept all to themselves.
“You can’t?” The man questions, his usual annoyance with you is present once again.
Before an inevitable argument breaks out, Jonathan speaks up. “I don’t know what Y/N is talking about, but I think I know how to ask the kids.”
When you get to Jonathan’s to look for Will’s walkie, you’re a bit car sick from Hopper’s damn speeding. You get that this is an urgent matter, but holy shit you feel ill.
You, Jonathan, Joyce, and Nancy hop out the car and start heading towards Will’s room. Jonathan and Joyce guide the way and you’re right behind them until you see Nancy stop in the living room.
“Woah,” she breathes out, examining the room around her. You forget that she’s only been a part of your life for a few days now and hasn’t yet seen the state of chaos that is Jonathan’s house.
“Yeah, welcome to the Byers home.” You say, grabbing her hand to tug her along.
When you get to Will’s room, Jonathan is digging through his drawers while Joyce is on the floor searching underneath his bed. You immediately walk over to the closet and begin sifting through his numerous boxes of comics and drawings.
“I got it!” Joyce announces from under the bed and scrambles into the living room with the walkie in her hand.
You follow after her and sit next to her on the couch. Jonathan stands next to you while Nancy is on your right and Hopper is by the door. Joyce fiddles with the walkie. “Okay, now what?”
“I’ll talk to them.” Nancy says, but you shake your head at her.
“No offense, but I think they’ll respond to me better. I mean, they like me.” Hopper snorts across the room and you close your eyes. “I didn’t mean it that way.”
Nancy bites her lip but eventually nods, thankfully understanding what you meant. “Yeah, okay. You should go first, then. They’ve always listened to you more than me.”
Joyce hands you the walkie and you thank her. You look at Hopper and hold the walkie up. “Anything I should specifically say?”
“No, just find out where they are and we’ll go from there.” He commands.
You nod and take a deep breath, silently praying that the idiots will respond both for your own sanity and pride. Exhaling, you bring the walkie to your lips. “Dustin, it’s Y/N. Do you copy?”
Silence, no one responds on the other end and you feel everyone’s eyes on you. “They’re paranoid right now, okay?”
Joyce reassures you that it’s fine while Hopper groans, unimpressed. You silently curse Dustin, who would choose right now to embarrass you and not listen.
You take another deep breath and try again. “Hello? Earth to Dustin and co? Guys, it’s me and I really need you to respond. Immediately. I will start crying if I need to.”
Again, more silence follows. You want to scream and throw the walkie across the damn room, but you keep your composure and try one last time and square your shoulders. You’re aware of Jonathan and the others in the room with you, so you’re dreading having to say this, but you know it’s the only way to get them to respond. ”Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and possibly El: what you’re about to hear is private and so incredibly embarrassing but obviously I have to prove that I’m me so you idiots respond.”
Jonathan’s eyes widen. “You’re not really going to confess to–”
You shush him and keep talking. “Dustin, remember when mom told you that Mews peed on my bed and that’s why I had to stay in your room for the night last year? Well, surprise! It was me. I peed the bed because I had a nightmare after you made me watch Friday the 13th.”
Nancy makes a noise that sounds suspiciously like a laugh covered up by a cough and Joyce herself stifles a laugh. Hopper doesn’t even try to hide his laugh and you just really wish the ground would swallow you up. All Jonathan can do is offer you a pitying smile. This is fucking mortifying.
And yet: no one answers.
You let out a frustrated groan. “Listen to me! Either you answer or I have a very annoyed and rude Hopper who would be more than glad to interrogate you boys himself. This is your last chance–”
“Ya know, you really should’ve just used Hopper as a threat from the start. We would’ve listened.” Mike’s voice comes through the walkie, causing you to sigh out with relief.
“Yeah, now we know you peed your pants at fifteen.” Lucas adds.
Then Dustin’s voice carries through. “I’m ashamed to be related to you, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Dustin. You’ve always had my back.”
Hopper takes the walkie from you and heads towards his car while demanding directions from Mike. He leaves without saying another word to everyone else, simply leaving you with Joyce, Nancy, and Jonathan to wait for his return with the kids.
You wring your hands together, unsure what to do in this situation. So, you do what’s familiar to you; you take care of those around you. “Mrs. Byers, do you still have my baking supplies here?”
Steve was having a rough week.
It started with finding you crying in the middle of the road while you were on your bike. At first, he hadn’t been sure it was you, but as you had biked closer and almost hit him, he knew then that you were indeed Y/N Henderson. When you swerved into a ditch to avoid hitting him, Steve did what any rational person would do.
He helped you.
You had been hesitant of him at first, nervous and guarded and Steve couldn’t blame you. Up until then, the two of you hadn’t had the best interactions. He’d always seen you around in the hallways at school, knew about your obsession with comics and Spider-man, and he knew how kind you could be and had witnessed first hand how devoted you were to helping anyone you could, regardless of who they were.
When Steve was in eighth grade and you were in seventh, Carol had bled through her pants and Tommy had been laughing at her and calling her disgusting. Steve hadn’t been much better, honestly, the two of them had reacted how any other idiotic thirteen year olds would. When Carol started to cry, Steve finally felt bad and told Tommy to knock it off and help his girlfriend. It started a whole argument between the two of them, but as they were bickering you swooped in and offered to escort Carol to the bathroom.
He had watched as you delicately took the girl’s hand and said something soft and kind to her as you guys walked to the bathroom. A lanky boy, who had been with you, told you he’d wait by your bike while you were with Carol. You thanked him and then you were gone, the door to the girl’s bathroom closing behind you.
“Who was she?” Steve remembers asking Tommy. He’d been curious about you and your actions, because not even ten minutes before Carol had bled through her pants, she had been making fun of your scuffed sneakers in the lunchroom. She’d been especially viscous back then, and yet you hadn’t hesitated to help her.
“Y/N Henderson. She’s new, moved here a few weeks ago.”
Steve had kept watching the bathroom door, hoping to catch another glimpse of you. “And the boy?”
“Jonathan Byers.” Tommy snickered. “Poor family, complete nobodies. Guess Henderson likes a pity project.”
“Yeah. Guess so.” The door still hadn’t opened, so Steve sighed and motioned to Tommy to follow him. “C’mon, my mom hates waiting for us.”
So, yeah. Your very first interaction with Steve had been you watching him make fun of a poor girl experiencing her first ever period.
Not a very good first impression.
Ever since then, Steve had kept an eye on you. Maybe not consciously, but you’d always been in his peripheral. He’d seen all the times you helped someone, from teachers to the local stoner kid, Eddie Munson, who needed a pen for his exam so you’d given him your only one and ultimately couldn’t take your own exam. Steve had always wanted to ask if you regretted that, but he was sure you’d say no. It’s just what you did.
He watched as you and Byers grew closer, almost inseparable, and Steve decided that eventually the two of you would get together and live happily ever after. When your hair grew a bit longer and your scuffed sneakers turned into pretty mary janes, Steve figured it’d happen in no time.
Then Will disappeared and Steve had found you crying in a ditch after almost hitting his car with your bike, and everything seemed to change. He wasn’t exactly sure what, but he knew he wanted to make you smile. He’d never been alone with you before and he felt bad about Will; he knew how close you were with him, so he cracked a few jokes, pretended not to know who you were, and then you smiled at him for the very first time.
A real, true, beautiful smile that had left Steve breathless for a moment.
God, then you laughed and Steve swore he’d never heard something more genuine and pure. He had felt like a little kid on Christmas day, giddy over the fact that he had made you laugh at his stupid joke.
Immediately Steve was addicted. He vowed then and there to do whatever he could to help you, to get you to laugh and smile and flash him that annoyed look that seemed to make your eyes reflect everything good and lovely.
So he did.
Steve had helped you out of the ditch and watched as you biked away, lingering until he was sure you’d be safe. He had invited you to his house for a party, figuring that maybe you’d enjoy a distraction from life. Sure, you had rebuffed him pretty harshly, but he had deserved it. He had been an ass to Byers.
But then Byers had taken pictures of his naked girlfriend and Steve’s world had felt like it’d been flipped upside down. How dare he? Byers was yours, everyone knew that. Hell, the entirety of Hawkins knew that. Why the fuck would he need to take pictures of Nancy, his Nancy, when he already had you? Not only was it creepy and invasive, but it was a major offense to someone as selfless as you.
Logically, Steve had to retaliate, it just wasn’t okay. He had told Tommy the plan and then before he knew it he ended up waiting by Byers’ car to confront him, and then alongside him had been you. Of course you’d been with him. Steve should’ve expected that.
He hadn’t wanted for you to get dragged into it so aggressively, but he also had to tell you the truth. Steve knew there was no way in hell that Byers had told you about the photos, so he had to be the one to break the news before anyone else could. It had killed him to see you so upset.
When Tommy threw you onto the ground, all Steve felt was rage. You weren’t supposed to be the one getting hurt, and yet somehow you were. It enraged him that he couldn’t do more to help, but before he knew it you were on the ground and he had rushed over to help.
He doesn’t remember much else that had happened next, but when your back pressed against his chest to avoid Byers, Steve had felt his heart flutter a bit. Again, he had felt like a little kid on Christmas day, giddy and excited and warm. You had needed him at that moment, so Steve helped.
“See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but that’s the thing about perverts. It’s hard-wired into them. They just can’t help themselves.” He had placed his hand on your shoulder, a risky move he had been afraid would scare you away, but you stayed; you had been warm underneath his touch.
Steve hadn’t meant to break the camera, honest. It just kind of happened, his brain had been muddled by your presence. He felt bad about it, but Tommy had whooped all impressed and Carol had encouraged him on, so he had to pretend that it hadn’t bothered him.
But it had.
It had really, really bothered Steve.
He just wanted to help, to defend you, and yet he had gone too far. And he had felt awful about it.
So, when he had spotted you once again biking on the road, struggling up a massive hill the next day, Steve had figured that this was his chance to make it up to you. He thought that if he had offered you a ride, the two of you could talk. When you accepted, Steve had happily thrown your bike in the back and felt so fucking relieved. There was still a chance.
Then the two of you engaged in the banter that made Steve feel so alive and he knew that it’d all be okay, it had to be. He had teased you, gotten you to blush and laugh once more, and Steve felt like he was on top of the world being able to offer you some type of relief from the news of Will’s death. He had helped you, if even for a little while.
Somehow he had ended up confessing to you that he had been trying to make you laugh a few days prior, having pretended not to know your name. “Figured you wouldn’t want to talk about it and the least I could do was make you laugh. And voila, I did.”
He’ll always remember the shocked expression on your face, the way your eyes softened for a moment with vulnerability and Steve had found himself wanting to lean in closer to see if he could make you blush an even prettier red. He had refrained, though (barely).
But his good mood vanished when you had berated him about breaking Byers’ camera, which he had to admit was a selfish move on his end. He had already felt bad about it, but to hear you remind him that Byers didn’t have the money that Steve did, it hurt in a way he hadn’t been familiar with.
And yet, like you always seem to do to Steve, you had completely turned his mood around with only a few words.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re a bad person.”
Your words had hit Steve harder than he would've ever thought possible. No one had ever told him that, not even his mother who always insisted on calling him her beautiful boy. Everyone always called Steve various names such as King Steve, the King, Steve “the hair” Harrington, and every possible way to complement his appearance, but no one had ever told him he was a good person.
You had called him “alright”, and those words had been on his mind for the rest of the day, creating a new warmth in his chest every time he thought them. You, Y/N Henderson, had thought Steve was “alright.”
It felt like he had won the goddamn lottery.
Until Nancy started acting weird and ditching plans with him for some mysterious “project”, which sucked. He hadn’t been sure what he did, but he was sure he’d done something to offend the girl. He always managed to do something to hurt those closest to him.
Imagine his surprise when he had driven to Nancy’s and spotted you, glowing in the moonlight and lovely as ever, looking for the girl as well. Pretty fucking convenient, huh? Something was up, Steve could feel it.
And boy, was he right.
There Byers had been, his arm draped over his girlfriend, sitting side by side in her bed without a singular care for the people they were hurting in the process. Typical.
Again Steve had felt that anger deep within him, the same anger from when he saw those pictures of Nancy, because how dare Byers? There you had been, standing underneath Steve, worried about Nancy because you’re the best damn person he’s ever met, and yet Byers had been abusing your kindness and trust for his own gain.
Steve was livid.
“You deserve better, Y/N.” He regrets yelling at you and pushing you away, but Steve had been so overwhelmed with his anger. You deserved everything and more, why couldn’t anyone else see that? Why was Steve the only one who could see this?
Hell, anyone could hurt Steve. He wouldn’t care, he always deserved it in the end. He wasn’t nice or good or worth kindness, but you? Hurting someone like you, someone as selfless and wonderful and genuine, was goddamn unacceptable.
Steve did the only thing he knew: he had to hurt Byers and Nancy for hurting you.
So he did.
And fuck, Steve really wished that he hadn’t, because now he’s standing underneath the Hawk’s sign with a black eye and a bleeding lip and really wishing that you were here to remind him that he’s a good person.
He also really hopes that you still believe this.
Steve had only been trying to help you, to get you to see your own worth and recognize how much of an ass Byers and Nancy were to you. But you had run away, back to that asshole, and Steve had been left to clean up his own mess.
“Need a hand?” Steve calls up to Byers’ boss, who is on a ladder trying to scrub off the cruel spray painted taunts of Nancy.
The man looks down at Steve, his face twisting into a sneer. “Did you have something to do with this?”
Steve sighs, “I just… I wanna help.”
Maybe it’s his black eye or the pathetic way Steve says he wants to help, but the man comes down the ladder and hands him the dirty rag he had been using. “All yours.”
Steve takes his jacket off and accepts the rag and climbs up, ready to get to work. He really does want to help, he has been trying to help.
And Steve just really hopes that you can see his efforts someday, maybe even soon.
He’s had a really rough week.
The cookies only take you thirty minutes to make, which is way before Hopper is expected to be back with the kids, so you awkwardly hand out a plate of them to Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy before sitting in between the teens and pulling out a comic.
Nancy hesitantly takes a bite, but her uncertainty melts into bliss. “Oh my god, these are delicious.”
“Y/N makes the best oatmeal raisin cookies, they’re insane.” Jonathan says with a mouthful of his own cookies.
“Thanks,” you say, flicking through the pages of your comic and trying to remember where you last left off. You keep an assortment of comics between Jonathan’s house and Nancy’s basement just in case you’re ever left with a need for one. Thankfully you’ve always planned ahead, because this latest issue of Spidey keeps you distracted as you wait for Hopper and the kids.
You’re doing your best to keep your anxiety at bay, but it’s hard. Baking has always calmed you, though tonight you’re still left feeling jittery. You’ve never been a patient person.
No one speaks as you wait, the clock on the Byers’ wall ticks away at a maddeningly slow pace. You try to focus on your comic, but it’s useless. Eventually you give up and flop your head onto Jonathan’s shoulder, frustrated and anxious.
The second you hear Hopper’s car pull into the driveway you sprint off the couch and run straight towards Dustin. He’s in your arms before he’s even had a chance to fully get out of the car. “Geesh, Y/N!”
You ignore his complaining and hold onto him tightly. He’s alive and safe and whole. Thank god.
Nancy does the same with Mike. “I was so worried about you!”
“Yeah, uh… me too?” Her brother mumbles back.
You snort at him and reluctantly pull away from Dustin to only then pull Lucas into a hug, which he hadn’t been expecting. You squeeze the other boy tight. “Where the hell did you guys run off to this time?”
Before they can explain, you see Nancy eyeing El and you immediately rush over to the girl and engulf her into a hug as well. You haven’t seen her in ages, you’ve missed her and she looks a mess. “El! God, look at you!”
“Is that my dress?” Nancy asks.
You inspect El’s dress and realize that yes, it is indeed an old dress of Nancy’s. You raise an eyebrow at the boys, silently asking for an explanation.
Dustin smiles and gives you a thumbs up. “Who’s ready for an update?”
All you’ve managed to learn tonight is that Will is the only one in the group with any artistic abilities.
Mike has drawn a horrible recreation of what Mr. Clark had explained to them at the funeral a few days ago, the whole tale about the flea and the acrobat. While the boy is explaining the situation to everyone else, all you do is wonder how the hell he couldn’t even draw a straight line.
“Okay, so in this example, we're the acrobat. Will and Barbara, and that monster, they’re this flea.” Mike points to below the line he’s so poorly drawn. “And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding.”
You’re sitting in between Jonathan and Joyce on the couch and notice their confused faces, causing you to sigh. “Oh, just wait.”
Mike glares at you but continues with his explanation. “Mr. Clark said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space.”
“A gate.” Dustin adds.
“That we tracked to Hawkins Lab.” Lucas then finishes.
“Don’t forget the compasses.” You mumble, trying your best not to butt in too much. You’re not really sure how much you should disclose about the fact that you’ve been in on the boy’s adventure without informing the literal cop who is in the room.
Hopper, who is seated across from you, narrows his eyes at you.
Yeah. Best not to push it.
“Right, the compasses.” Dustin leans in closer to everyone to make sure they understand what he’s about to say. “The gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle.”
“Is this gate underground?” Hopper now speaks up, though his eyes are still on you. El softly responds with a “yes” and the man doesn’t look too happy.
“Near a large water tank?”
“Yes,” El says softly again.
“You’ve been there.” You conclude, now holding onto Hopper’s gaze. Seems like you weren’t the only person keeping secrets, then.
Hopper doesn’t break eye contact. “Yes, I have. And you’ve been playing double agent.”
You shrug. “Didn’t have much of a choice, did I?”
“You should’ve told the police, kid.”
“Like you would’ve believed me.”
“You let these kids run off on their own, does it really matter what I would’ve believed if I had known they’d be in danger?”
You can feel your anger beginning to resurface. You’ll never admit it to anyone, but Hopper manages to bring out an anger within you that only your father could do before. Facing him, you feel like a ten year old again screaming against her father. “I did what I could! I’d never intentionally bring them harm. Don’t ever imply otherwise again.”
“Y/N, Hopper, now isn’t the time.” Joyce interrupts, her face ashen. You feel your anger drain from you as it’s replaced with guilt. She’s right, now isn’t the time for petty arguments with a cop who has a weird vendetta against you.
Joyce then turns to El, her voice shaky and you grab her hand as she speaks. “Is there any way that you could… that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this–”
“The Upside Down.” El finishes for her and then gives her own response as a nod.
You notice Nancy nervously picking at her fingers, so you ask El your own question. “What about Barb? Do you think you can find her, honey?”
Nancy gives you a smile and mouths “thank you”; you nod your head at her, understanding.
Again, El nods and you let out a breath of relief. For the first time in days, it feels like you finally have a solid and functional plan. Things are finally starting to all come together and now it isn’t just you who has to glue the pieces down. You have help.
After the conversation you help set up everything El needs to contact Barb and Will. You help Nancy tear a picture of Barb and lay it on the table alongside a picture of Will. Mike has switched his walkie into static and the white noise seems to help the girl focus.
All of you crowd around El at the table, not saying a word. Joyce is seated while you and Jonathan stand behind her, each of you have a hand on her shoulder and she holds onto you both like her life depends on it.
You find yourself holding your breath as El closes her eyes and begins her process of contacting Will. You’re terrified that maybe this time she won’t find him, or worse… She’ll find him, but he’ll be long gone already. You’ve already come so fucking close, you’re worried that your luck will run out soon.
Static fills the air and the lights start to flicker. El opens her eyes; her face falls with despair and you immediately know that something has gone wrong before she even whispers, “I’m sorry.”
Joyce’s hand tightens around yours. “What? W–What’s wrong? What’s happened?”
El begins to cry and her voice breaks. “I can’t find them.
“Shh, it’s okay, honey.” You’re at the girl’s side in a heartbeat, crouched down so that you can look her in the eye as you try to soothe her. “Hey, look at me. You tried your best, it’s okay. I’m right here, my dear.”
While you comfort El, Jonathan comforts his mother. The two of you share a quick glance and through it you’re both able to convey the same message: I’ve got her, take care of the other. Without any other word, you gently guide El to the bathroom and tell her to take some time to herself and that you’ll be there for her when she’s ready.
“Thank you.” She mumbles, tears still in her eyes.
“Of course. Take all the time you need. None of this is your fault, okay? I need you to understand that.”
El nods before she closes the door, but you know she doesn’t believe you. You guess this is how Jonathan had felt earlier in the car when you confessed that everything was your fault and he’d tried reassuring you that it wasn’t. It isn’t easy convincing someone that they haven’t done anything wrong, not when they truly believe that they have.
You hear the faucet running in the bathroom, so you walk over towards the living room to check in on the others. Mike is explaining El’s powers when you catch the tail end of their conversation.
“Like, she flipped a van earlier.”
“El flipped a van?” You ask, staring at the boys in shock.
They all smile at you and Dustin eagerly shakes his head. “Yeah, it was awesome.”
“I left you alone for five hours, Dustin.”
“That was your first mistake.”
Now Mike butts in. “I also jumped off a cliff and El caught me midair with her powers.”
Your jaw drops. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Shut up, Mike.” Lucas nudges him with his shoulder. “What we’re saying is, she’s drained.”
“Like a dead battery.” Dustin confirms.
Joyce looks around helplessly. You know she’s doing everything she can to follow along. “Well… how do we make her better?”
“We don’t.” You say, having known El long enough to notice the limitations to her powers. As far as you’re aware, the only way for her to regenerate her strength is through rest. But who knows, maybe during those five hours you left the kids alone they somehow found a magical crystal that heals El.
Mike nods at you. “Y/N’s right, we don’t. We just have to wait and try again.”
“Well, how long?” Nancy is seated next to Joyce and she looks just as overwhelmed as the woman. Had you not had some time before this with El and the kids, you’d be equally as confused as them.
“I don’t know.” Her brother responds, head ducked in shame.
Suddenly El appears. “The bath.”
You run back over to her side and crouch down once more. “Hey, I told you to tell me when you were ready to come out. Are you feeling better?”
“Yes,” she smiles at you, and though she looks exhausted, you know it’s a genuine smile. “I can find them. In the bath.”
“The bath?” You ask, and later you’ll regret doing this.
Dustin is the one who thinks of calling Mr. Clark, though you’re a bit skeptical of the idea.
“It’s late, what if he’s busy?”
Your brother laughs at the idea. “Sure, Mr. Clark will be busy and you’ll have a hot date waiting for you tonight.”
“Dude, harsh.”
He waves you off and dials the teacher’s number and you’re choosing to ignore the fact that it’s inappropriate for Dustin to even have the man’s number. You stand next to him as he takes the call, ready to intervene if needed.
“Mr. Clark? It’s Dustin… Yeah, yeah, I just… I–I have a science question.”
You drop your face into your hands and sigh with disappointment. Smooth, real smooth, Dustin.
“Do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks?” Dustin’s eyes widen and he quickly looks over at you, covering the phone so that he can frantically whisper, “he asked why!”
“Why are you looking at me?” You whisper back, equally at a loss for what to tell the man.
“You’re no help!” Your brother whispers back, rolling his eyes at you before returning to the phone. “Sorry, technical difficulties. Anyways, we need to know for… fun.”
Again you facepalm and Jonathan, who is standing behind you, rubs your shoulders to relieve some of your stress. You relax against him and remind yourself to calm down. Dustin can handle this, he’s always been better at this stuff than you have; he was practically made for this life of lying and mischief. You were made for cookies and comics.
There’s a pause on the other end of the line and you can faintly hear Mr. Clark ask to talk about the topic later, preferably after a school day, but Dustin insists. “You always say we should never stop being curious. To always open any curiosity door we find… Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?”
The demanding tone causes you to stifle a laugh and you feel Jonathan doing the same. Yeah. Dustin was made for this.
Mr. Clark and your brother discuss the details of the tank for a while so you wander over towards the table and sit down. You hand Dustin a piece of paper and a pencil so that he can write down important information and flick through a comic as you wait.
As soon as he hangs up, Dustin throws the phone down and turns towards Joyce. “Do you still have that kiddie pool we bobbed for apples in?”
“A kiddie pool?” You ask at the same time Joyce responds, “Yeah, I think so?”
“Good. Then we just need salt. Lots of it.”
“I’m sorry, salt?”
You’re ignored once again as Hopper asks how much salt is needed. Dustin looks down at his notes and bites his lip. “1,500 pounds.”
“What the fuck…” You mutter under your breath, completely exasperated by the entire situation. A kiddie pool and 1,500 fucking pounds of salt? No. This is where you draw the line. You can handle monsters and alternate dimensions, but a kiddie pool full of salt to create a sensory deprivation tank is just too much. It’s your breaking point. “My life isn’t real.”
Somehow, amidst the diverging of groups to tackle everything needed to make El’s tank, you end up with Nancy in the shed at Hawkins Middle. You’re really not sure how it happened but one minute you were with Jonathan and Joyce, the next you’re in a shed with the girl you have very conflicted feelings over.
Mike is standing outside the door while you and Nancy struggle to grab the hoses from the shelf. The things are surprisingly heavy so it takes the two of you to get them down. You grunt as you throw a third one down into a barrel. “God, what do these things eat?”
Nancy chuckles. “No clue, but I’m sure Jonathan and Hopper are having a better time with all those salt bags.”
“Touche.” Then both of you are quiet again as you continue working.
“So… what’s up with you and Jonathan?” Nancy suddenly asks, which causes you to drop the hose you’d been holding.
“Shit!” You bend down to pick it back up, though you also do it to try and compose yourself because what the fuck. “And nothing. There’s nothing going on between us.”
Nancy frowns. “Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want you to think I’m intruding or anything.”
“I mean… shit, I don’t know how to word this.” She fumbles with her own hose. “I just– I want you to know that you have nothing to worry about.”
You know she means well, but Nancy’s words only upset you for a multitude of reasons. “Nancy, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but why does it matter?”
“Why does what matter?”
“How I feel about Jonathan. I mean, you’re with Steve. He’s your boyfriend, there shouldn’t be any reason for me to worry about you and my best friend.”
Nancy looks down at the ground. “You’re right, but it’s not like that. Nothing happened between Jonathan and I last night. I promise, I know he’s yours and–”
“You know, I’m really fucking sick of everyone trying to tell me what Jonathan and I are.” You spit out.
Nancy flinches. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Let’s just focus on the task at hand, okay?” The girl nods and places the last hose into the barrel, but there’s something that’s been on the back of your mind for a while. “Look, I know you mean well and I’m sorry for being so mean, but… Cheating is something I can’t get behind.”
“I’d never cheat–”
“I know, but a word of advice? Figure out your own feelings before you hurt those closest to you.” Nancy’s frown deepens and you sigh. “Don’t tell him I said this, but even though Steve can be an asshole, he’s still a good guy. He’s already really hurt over seeing you with Jonathan. I just… I don’t want to see him get hurt again, it wouldn’t be fair.”
“Didn’t know you had a soft spot for him.” Nancy says, a hint of something else within her voice.
“Believe me, I don’t, but it sucks knowing that the person you love may love someone else.”
“Woah, I don’t think he loves me–”
“Maybe not yet, but he’s starting to. So again, I urge you to figure out what you want before more people get hurt. Jonathan included. He’s my best friend, Nancy.” You take a deep breath and will yourself to be vulnerable. “Regardless of whatever I may feel for him, he deserves to be happy. You need to figure out your feelings before you’re in too deep. Okay? He’s been through enough to last a lifetime and he’s the best damn guy in this hellhole of a town.”
Nancy swallows and for a moment you think she’s going to refute you, but instead she straightens her posture and gives you a curt nod. “Yeah, you’re right.”
You finish up in the shed in silence. Once you’re done you wheel the barrel out and motion for Mike to follow. “Here, can you take this? I’m going to go check on Dustin.”
Mike makes a face. “I mean, I guess, but–”
You quickly hand the kid the barrel and run back inside the school. You’re a shaking mess from your conversation with Nancy and you need to get away from her as quickly as possible. The conversation replays over and over in your head and each time it’s like a punch. Were you too harsh? Have you revealed too much to her?
Whatever, you don’t have time to dwell on it.
You run back into the school and slam the door behind you.
It takes a while to set everything up within the gym. You help Mike hold the hoses as Jonathan and Nancy turn the water on. Lucas holds a thermometer and monitors the water’s temperature and when it’s time, you use your new switchblade to tear open the bags of salt alongside Jonathan and Hopper. Every five bags or so, Dustin drops an egg into the pool to check the buoyancy.
It’s a team effort, but eventually the eggs begin to float and you breathe out with relief. One task down, a million more to go.
Mike switches on the walkie and you help El put on her tapped goggles. Once everything is ready, you hold her hand as she carefully steps into the water. When she’s fully in, you step away and sit down between Jonathan and Nancy, a position you somehow always find yourself in.
As soon as El begins to float in the water, the lights start to flicker before completely shutting off. You feel the static that always seems to accompany her powers. No one moves, too scared to break El out of her concentration.
You wait for a few minutes, uneasy. You’ve never actually seen El’s power in action besides when she made your comic book fly up in the air, so you’re unsure what to do while you wait. Then, faintly, El mumbles, “Barbara.”
Nancy jolts to life and leans in closer to the girl. The lights flicker once more but this time you see El’s body tremble with fear.
“What’s going on?” Nancy asks you.
“I don’t know. I think… I think she’s scared.”
“Scared? I–” Nancy leans even closer to El now. “Is Barb okay? Is she okay?”
You pull Nancy back, not wanting to overwhelm El, but it’s too late. The poor girl trembles even more and repeatedly mumbles “gone” until her voice raises and she begins to cry out. Nancy starts to cry and you motion for Joyce to hold El while you handle Nancy.
Joyce reaches over to comfort the girl and you pull Nancy into your arms as she cries. “I’m so sorry, Nancy.”
She cries harder and you tighten your arms around her. All your anger towards the girl from your conversation from earlier has faded. Barb, Nancy’s dearest friend, is gone. You can’t imagine how she’s feeling right now. If you ever lost Jonathan… God, a piece of you would die.
Eventually Nancy manages to calm down and pulls away with a soft “thank you”, but you keep your hand around hers as you pay attention again. You know she’s embarrassed about her reaction, but you don’t blame her for a second. Later, after all of this, you’ll make sure to check up on her.
You hear Jonathan gasp next to you and he grasps at your free hand. You sit there in shock and feel your heart swell. Tears lump in your throat at the confirmation of Will being alive. Will, beautiful and sweet Will, is alive.
You squeeze Jonathan’s hand and the two of you look at each other. There’s tears in his eyes as well and you both let out a slight chuckle of disbelief. After this horrible week, everything that you’ve been through together to find Will, finding out that he’s alive by each other’s side only seems fitting.
“Tell him… Tell him I’m coming. Mom is coming.” Joyce instructs El, strength returning to her voice.
The walkie sparks to life with Will’s voice. “Hurry.”
You choke back a sob. “Little bee,”
Jonathan squeezes your hand again and you rest your head against his shoulder, completely sagging with relief. He’s here. He’s real and he’s alive and he’ll be in your arms once again soon.
“Okay, listen. You tell him to… To stay where he is.” Joyce is speaking with an urgency now as she hovers over El. “We’re coming. We’re coming, okay? We’re coming, honey.”
The sweet moment is ruined by the walkie’s intense static. El quickly sits up and tears her goggles off and begins to panic. She flings herself into Joyce’s embrace and you hurry over to console her as well. She’s just a little girl, she’s been through so much for someone so young.
You kiss her forehead the way Jonathan always does to you. “You did so well, El. I’m so, so proud of you. You’re incredible, okay? We’ve got you, you’re safe with us.”
Joyce echoes your words and the two of you hold tightly onto El as she cries. You look over at Nancy, who is staring off into space with her own despair in her eyes, and you feel such an intense wave of hurt hit you. You’re all so young. The kids are all huddled together in shock. None of this is fucking fair.
You opt to stay behind with the kids on the bleachers as Jonathan, Joyce, and Hopper discuss what to do next. Nancy has walked away, presumably to grieve, so you give her the same she desires.
El shivers, so you tighten the towel around her. Lucas rubs her arms to try and warm her up as well, something that brings a faint smile to your face. You guess the two of them sorted out their differences, then. Good. El needs more friends like Lucas in her life if she’s going to continue hanging around Dustin and Mike. They’re insensible, but Lucas isn’t so bad.
Dustin’s stomach rumbles and he lets out a sheepish laugh. “Sorry, ignore that.”
“Oh!” You gasp, suddenly remembering the cookies you packed in your bag. You had grabbed them before leaving Jonathan’s, figuring the kids hadn’t eaten all day. “Here, made these fresh today. You all get three, that’s it.”
The boys fight over who gets one first and you leave them to sort it out themselves. You roll your eyes at them; they’re such heathens. You focus your attention back to El, who remains pressed against your side. “Hey, honey. How are you feeling?”
“Hmm, I think I can understand why.” You grab a cookie while the boys aren’t looking and offer one to El. “Have you ever had an oatmeal raisin cookie?”
She shakes her head.
“Ah, well then you’re in for a treat. You see, I’m kinda known for my cookies. Everyone loves them, see?” You point towards the boys, who are about to start throwing punches over the biggest piece, and El giggles.
Your heart brightens at the sound. “Here you go, try it.”
She accepts the cookie and takes a tiny bite. As she chews, her eyes lighten and she lets out a quiet “yum”.
“‘Yum’ indeed.” You agree with a smile.
Eventually the kids settle down and eat their own cookies in silence. You figure that the events from today have finally caught up to them, so you eat your own cookies in peace. You’re content to sit with them for a bit, relieved to have all your boys with you safe and sound. You’ve missed them.
Once you’re done eating, you wipe your hands off and gently nudge El aside. “Sorry, honey. I should go check on Jonathan. I’ll be back in a sec.”
She nods at you and moves so that you’re able to get up.
“Where you going?” Dustin asks with his mouth full.
You make a face at him. “Dude, don’t talk with your mouth full. You know mom hates that.”
He sticks his tongue out at you and you roll your eyes. “I’m going to go find Jonathan. Make sure no one leaves, alright?”
Your brother salutes you and you salute back before heading towards the gym doors. You’re about to open the doors, but then you see Jonathan sitting with Nancy against the wall through the glass panel.
You freeze, unsure if you should interrupt them. They seem to be deep in a private conversation, Nancy’s face is twisted with so many emotions you feel almost guilty for looking in. Like you’re intruding on something.
Then again, it always feels like you’re intruding when you’re with them lately.
Is this really what you want?
Your hand hovers over the door handle and for a moment you think you’ll pull it open, but you don’t. Instead, you turn around and walk back over to the kids. You’re not sure what you’re feeling as you walk over, but when Dustin sees you he seems to notice a change in your demeanor.
He frowns at you. “Is everything okay?”
“Fine.” You say numbly, sitting down next to him. Your shoulders are stiff, your leg is bouncing up and down.
Dustin looks over towards where you came from and he seems to freeze as well. He looks between you, then Jonathan and Nancy in the hallway, and he exhales. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.”
You think your brother will leave the topic at that, but he surprises you. He grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze. You look up and see that he’s smiling at you and your heart breaks all over again for an entirely different reason. You look around at Lucas and Mike, who are bickering over the cookies, at El who watches in amusement, and then finally at Dustin who is holding your hand and offering you whatever comfort he can provide you.
Dustin knows you as well as you know him, he can sense a shift in your mood before you even can. He’s here with you, holding your hand because the boy you love has broken your heart once again, and Dustin is doing this without you having to tell him. He just knows, and you love him all the more for it.
You’re surrounded by so much love it takes your breath away for a moment.
You squeeze Dustin’s hand back, so immensely grateful that he’s your brother. “I love you, kid.”
He smiles that wonderful toothless smile that you’ve loved since he was a baby. “I love ya too, sis.”
“Are you two done? Can I ask Y/N for more cookies now?” Mike calls over, though his voice is kinder than usual. You guess that even he has noticed your mood change but doesn’t want to pry.
You wipe your eyes quickly and stand up. “So demanding. Let me check my bag, but I doubt it.”
“I’m your favorite, let’s be honest here.” He responds, trying to get you to laugh.
It works. “Sure, buddy.”
You walk over to your bag and rustle around, but you know there’s none left. You’re just thankful for the distraction, and you have a sneaking suspicion that this had been Mike’s plan all along. You look up and see him staring at you with a concerned look in his eyes and your heart swells even more.
You’re so surrounded by love; sometimes it feels like you’re even drowning in it.
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bunnimatsu · 6 months
Now what about dom Matsus 😈
im tryna clear out my inbox so, thank you anon for this one!
tag(s): nothing too hardcore but if it’s too much for you, i’m sorry!, lowkey cringe, nsfw, dom matsus, not really edited and its basically just me horny talking and pulling it out of my ass, brat tamer karamatsu (that one’s for you @thebardisabird and @squidzza , I DID IT)
i tried to finish this as fast as i could.
osomatsu, who’s absolutely merciless when it comes to pounding you. he’ll grip your hips and slam himself into you over and over again, never slowing his pace down as wanton cries leave your lips. when you throw your head back in ecstasy, a smirk forms on his lips. he leans down and nearly whispers in your ear: “yeah you like that? tell oso how it feels…~ say it~” and when you can only let out cries and whimpers, his hand comes down on the fat of your ass and thighs while demanding you say who’s making you feel this good.
karamatsu, who’s a brat tamer. he’s the second oldest. he has younger brothers who get on his fucking nerves, you think he has time for YOUR shit, [name]? imagine: you’ve spent a looong time dragging him around the mall and doing things YOU wanted but the one time he wanted to do something, you whined a little and said no. kara had it rough the day prior and he thought shopping with you today would ease his mind but that little stunt made him snap. he grabbed your chin and tilted it up to look at him, his eyes a darker brown than you originally thought. he looked mean… “darling…i’ve spent so long trying to please you today…just like how you deserve..but the one time i ask for something i want…i get a no and a whine.. i’m very tired, cherie…” you’ve never seen him like this before and to be honest, it made you squirm a little. “you’re going into this store and shutting that pretty little mouth…understood?”
and that was the night karamatsu absolutely rocked your shit. hands tied to the bed post and having no mercy on your pretty body.
choromatsu, who no longer gets nervous around you and started to show the strict side of him. at first, he was always careful when it came down to spending a night with him. gentle caresses and slow yet nervous kisses down your body, asking ‘i-is that okay..?’. you loved it, sure, but you wanted more. you knew what choromatsu was capable of, especially when it comes down to being mean. you see it when he’s badgering at his brothers, yelling at them for being lazy pieces of shit and…ordering them around. to be honest, it was kind of sexy. he was a little shocked when you asked him if he can apply that kind of behavior in bed but he didn’t oppose to it. so naturally, you found yourself facing a mirror while you were sat on his lap, bouncing on his cock. his hands made their way up to your chest to tweak your nipples and when you tilt your head back in pleasure, he firmly grabs your cheeks and makes you look into the mirror again. “don’t look away. i told you not to look away.”
ichimatsu, who always has to have you bound. gagged, on a good day. he puts you in positions you didn’t even know existed and it leaves your poor muscles sore the next day. ichi loves to get rough with you, treating you like you’re his prey while he’s the predator. your entire body would always be covered in bruises and bite marks and it makes him always smirk in pride. he always leaves your legs shaking, whether he’s drilling into your sopping wet pussy or driving his tongue deep into you, hoping to get more and more of your sweet essence. more. ichi wants more of you. and he’ll do anything to get it.
jyushimatsu, who pins you against anything and everything. there isn’t a single piece of furniture in your house that’s untouched by you and him. he’ll have sex with you at any chance he gets if you ask him. he’ll hold you up against the wall, his biceps flexing a bit in his compression long sleeve as he pistons his hips into yours. the usual wide-mouthed smile he has on his face is replaced with a look of concentration, focused on your body and how it reacts to his touch. but that also quickly fades back to his smile as he looks at you and laughs almost joyously, “am i making you feel good?”
todomatsu, who loves to tease you. light feather touches as you sit in your chair at the mixer he took you to. you knew what he was doing, and by god, did it make you squirm a bit. it all started because atsushi was sat across from you. you were just being friendly to the guy, chatting like how you normally would. but todomatsu hated that. he didn’t like the way his ‘friend’ looked at you. only he was allowed to look at you like that, why were you letting him? and then you felt it. todomatsu’s hands gently rubbing your thigh. you looked down at his hand then up at him, moving your leg away then going back to talking to atsushi. mistake #1. he didn’t like that, so he took it a bit further. when atsushi started talking to the others at the table, you felt your boyfriend’s hand dip between your thighs, brushing against your heat slightly. you jerked forward and played it off as something else when atsushi asked if you were okay. todomatsu retracted his hand as if nothing happened, giving you a stupid coy smile. that night when you two went home, your legs were immediately spread open while he worked the vibrator against your aching cunt. you cried for forgiveness as you made a mess for what seemed like the hundredth time. he smiled sadistically as he cooed at you. “i don’t think you really are sorry~”
and that’s that!
sorry if it’s underwhelming, writing’s still not my strong suit.
anyway, i have to tell you guys agaaiiinnn, my ask box regarding writing is closed so please, don’t send me stuff unless i say otherwise 🥹
other than that, love ya!
- jarvis <3
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Absolutely loved your Lucifer x Son reader!! Can we get a part 2? Im eager to see how Charlie and the gang may react!
Hello Anon! Here’s my take on what would’ve happened in the aftermath. As requested. Wasn’t really planning on making more content relating to this Au, but here we are! This is the last one, I hope. The gang haven’t met (Name) so they won’t be included in this.
Enjoy (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Lucifer was basically contemplating every bad decision he's ever made in his life as he stares at the face of his unconscious son.
He barely managed to save (Name)’s wing by reattaching it, but it'll take a while before it's usable again.
Coat and hat off, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair disheveled from running his fingers through it in his moment of stress.
Eyes rimmed red from crying, cheeks stained with tears as he rubbed his eyes to get rid of the heavy feeling you usually get from crying so much.
He practically started having a mental breakdown the moment he knew that (Name)’s life wasn’t in any immediate danger. It wasn’t until a few minutes ago that he finally calmed down.
Sitting on a chair next to his son's bed, Lucifer sighs as he puts his face in his hands. He hasn't told Charlie yet. He doesn't really know how he should go about explaining what happened at the palace without freaking her out.
Wounds inflicted by angelic steel take longer to heal. He doesn’t know how long it would take for (Name) to wake up. It’s been about 3 hours since the attack, and he’s been restless ever since.
Still no sign of movement from (Name) as he lays motionless on his bed. The only way Lucifer could tell that he’s even still alive is the slow rise and fall of his chest.
Running his fingers through his hair as he stood up from his chair, reaching for his phone in his pocket, he hesitated to call Charlie. He didn’t know how to disclose the situation to her. There’s no easy way of doing this. I mean- how do you go about telling your child that her brother could possibly end up in a coma after being attacked by bloodthirsty psycho angels! That’s ridiculous! Everything about this is ridiculous! He’s ridiculous! He’s literally the King of Hell! He should’ve done more to ensure the protection of his son! If he just had the time to construct a barrier around his home then maybe this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. If he hadn’t been in a hurry to go save Charlie, he would’ve given it more thought. The fact that (Name) would be left defenseless all by himself with no one to help him. It’s basically a miracle that he even managed to survive all by himself. What with his inexperience in life or death fights. What kind of father would he be if he can’t even protect his children from harm! An incompetent one, he thinks.
His hands shake as he grips his phone. Taking a deep breath, he presses on Charlie’s contact and hopes that everything goes well.
“Dad! Thank goodness you’re okay! I’ve been trying to call you ever since you left in a hurry earlier- Is everything alright?” Just hearing Charlie’s voice over the phone makes him want to cry again.
He swallows the lump in his throat, “I-I’m okay, sweetie! It’s just- uhh,” just say it dammit! That’s her brother! She needs to know! “It’s (Name). He- he’s not doing good at the moment.” He cringes at his attempt.
“What?! Is he okay?! What happened?”
“He-,” his throat felt dry as he swallowed, “the palace was attacked.”
“WHAT?! Is (Name) okay?!” Her panicked voice could be heard over the phone. He tried to breathe properly to not breakout into another panic attack. “Dad?! Why aren’t you saying anything?!! You’re scaring me!”
“He’s-,” he winces at the break in his voice before clearing his throat, “He’s okay now! I managed to get here on time before he-,” his voice cracked again as tears wells up in his eyes.
The other side of the line goes silent for a bit. Charlie most definitely heard his pathetic attempt at trying to compose himself.
He clears his throat again, “His wounds are healing. But I don’t know when he’ll wake up.” He settled with. His voice raspy from crying.
On the other side of the line, Vaggie was standing next to Charlie, comforting her as she processes the information she just received. It was just them two in the lobby. Everybody else was either out or resting in their new rooms.
“Do you need me to come over, Dad?” Charlie asks.
“No need for that, apple pie- I’ll stay here until he recovers. You need to stay at your hotel. I can handle it. Promise.”
“Okay,” she swallows, forcing back her tears, “Call me if you need to. Okay, Dad?”
“Of course. Goodbye, sweetie.”
“Bye-,” he hangs up.
“Everything okay, babe?” Asks Vaggie, “You seem pretty worried.”
“Worried? Me? Pshh- no! Not at all! I mean- it’s not like the angels attacked my Dad’s castle and put my brother in a coma!-,” Charlie rambles.
“What?!” Vaggie yells in shock, “Is he okay?”
“Dad said that he’s okay. (Name)’s just resting-,” Charlie starts pulling at her hair. “Why would they attack him! He didn’t have anything to do with any of this!”
Vaggie doesn’t say anything. She just takes Charlie by the hand and takes her to their room as Charlie continues to worry about her brother. Which is valid cuz like- (Name)’s her brother-
When they reach their room, Vaggie takes Charlie by the hand and leads to bed.
“I’m sure he’ll be okay. He’s got your father’s blood flowing through his veins, no? He’ll wake up before you know it- Trust me.”
Charlie sniffles, “You really think so?”
Vaggie nods, “I know so. Now- why don’t we rest and cuddle. We’ve had a long day. I think we deserve some rest, don’t you think?”
Vaggie then helps Charlie change into pajamas as they both lay in each other’s arms in bed.
“Feeling better?” Vaggie asks.
Charlie nods, “I just hope he wakes up soon.” As they both continue cuddling in bed.
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Imma be honest y’all. This isn’t my best work. Didn’t come out as well as I’d hoped. Kinda lost motivation half way through. Not sure if you can tell. But anyway! Here’s how I thought it would go. Hope y’all like it! Stay healthy and keep hydrated! ∠(ᐛ 」∠)
Bye babes!
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I know, it's (VERY, im so sorry) delayed, this has been sitting in my drafts since the day his trade was announced and i just got around to finishing it up. enjoy!
"Jamie," Is all I can think to respond to my brothers words. "I can't just move to Pennsylvania, you know that. I have three more years left of schooling."
You were supposed to have 3 more years on your contract, I want to add, but I know that's not what he needs right now. He was just traded away from his home with no warning, he doesn't need his little sister giving him a hard time.
"I know, trust me I know. I was so focused on getting my deal with the Ducks because of that. But some kid that was supposed to go to Philly had a change of plans and now I have to be on a plane there from Nashville at 5 in the morning."
"You don't even get to play against the Predators?" I ask, not realizing just how sudden this was all about to happen. "Do you need me to send you things? God I didn't realize this would all be so sudden."
"Kid, let's worry about what I need in a minute, I need to talk to you about you, the apartment, all of that." Oh shit. I can't afford this place. "I talked to Trevor, and he and I think you should move in with him."
"You... what?"
"No, I heard you," I interrupt, not even letting him get two words in. "Why on earth is that your first thought? Let me have my sister move out of the apartment we've been living in and in with my best friend? Didn't Trevor literally move out because he wanted more space?"
"I know, and he knows that, but you're my little sister, I don't like the idea of you just finding some random roommate. And Trev promised that he'd look after you," Jamie explains, and I don't want to give him more grief than necessary today of all days, "I just need to know you're being looked after if I'm going to be on the east coast."
"Have you already talked to Trevor about this?"
"He offered."
Oh fuck me.
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"Oh, woah," Are the first words out of Trevor's mouth when he walks in the door, two weeks and change after Jamie's move. After my moving in.
"I promise I tried not to touch anything, I just-"
"No, I told you that you should make yourself at home," He reminds, dropping his gear by the door. "It's just, I don't know, feels more homey in here than when I left."
"It's probably because you got so used to living with me and JD that seeing my things around reminds you," I offer, trying to ignore the way he's looking at me like the entire reason this place feels like home is me. "Speaking of my brother, when you offered this little deal to him did you happen to mention that you'd been sleeping with said little sister for months before you moved out?"
I probably should have seen what he was doing when he started to distance himself from me and should have realized I had gotten too attached when it hurt for him to do so.
And I had been doing fine with getting over him until JD had this fantastic idea.
Now he's here, his look shifting from admiration to shock.
"Why- why would I tell Jimmy that?"
"You're basically boyfriends, I would have thought you'd tell him about your torrid affair," I can't help the joke slipping, only earning myself an eye roll as he throws himself on the couch, landing by my feet and making the book on my lap nearly fall to the floor.
"You and everyone else need to stop thinking that we're boyfriends, you know better than any of us that I am not into guys," He returns, pointing at me like he's trying to prove his point.
Now I'm the one rolling my eyes. "Trev, the whole world knows you're into women, have you not seen the photos of you and that D'Amelio sister around? You're hot gossip on the internet."
I hate it.
"Oh God," He groans, head falling in his hands, and it's not the joking one I'm expecting, but genuine discomfort.
"Trev? You okay?" I'm already moving before I've finished asking, my book set aside as I move to his side, hand coming to caress the back of his neck, where his shaggy hair meets his hoodie.
I can't help but take a moment to hesitate, knowing that if he is with her like the tabloids say, I'm far too close to a gray area than I should be.
But it's Trevor. He helped JD move me into their apartment, after agreeing to me living with them in the first place.
He's always been there for me as long as JD and he have known each other, and I have always done my best to be there for him.
"It's the God damn media," is his whispered answer, shoulders slumping. "I can't be seen with a girl without being assumed to be with her, you know?"
"I can't say that I do," It's honest. Also very unhelpful. "You're sitting with the boring Drysdale, I have as much experience with the media as being photographed with you and JD."
His eyes rise up, looking at me for only a second before he's looking back down at his hands, ringing them. "You're not boring, Kate."
"You know what I mean-"
"No," He interrupts, eyes jumping up again, this time remaining on me. "You're not boring, you're normal in the best way. Why do you think I ended things?"
"You deserve normal."
My hand stills on his neck, slowly sliding across his shoulder until it's back in my lap. "Trevor, what are you talking about? If this is because things aren't working with her and I'm suddenly around-"
"I was never with her!" He's yelling, moving to stand in the time it takes me to process his words and turning back on me, eyes wild. "We were in that photo because a mutual friend had a birthday and everyone ran with it!"
"Trev, you don't have to explain your dating life to me," I sound almost desperate, desperate in my desire to not hear about the women he's seen since our last night. My voice is the one who gets quiet now, "I'd really rather you not."
"You're not listening to me," Trev is nearly grunting, pausing to sit on the coffee table in front of my legs. "I haven't been seeing anyone else, it's why the photos piss me off. They have you thinking I'm out sleeping around," His hands rest on my knees, thumbs gently running over them. "You're not someone a person can just move on from, Kate."
"Trevor, you can't do this to me," There's that desperate tone again. "You broke off our arrangement. I was ready to become more and you were the one who said we'd have to just be friends, that I had to go back to being your best friend's little sister."
His thumbs dig in momentarily, the only thought coming to mind being when he last did that, hands slowly guiding my legs apart and -
"Do you not know how much I've regretted every word of what I said?" He looks so genuine. He's Trev, of course he's being genuine.
"What made you change your mind?"
"The idea that you'd be moving to Philadelphia," There's no hesitation.
And I can't help but laugh. "Trevor Zegras, I have one year left of my undergrad and two of my masters. You can't have thought I'd really be uprooting my life," a smile comes back to his face for the first time since he walked in to see me on the couch.
"Are you laughing at me?" Is his falsely offended cry, making me laugh even harder. "How dare you!" His hands find my sides immediately, fingers moving in sync to tickle where he knows I'll feel it most.
His body has moved onto mine, my breathe leaving my lungs faster than they can refill as I wiggle.
"Trev! Trev! Get off of me, you goon!" He just smiles, propping himself up on his arms enough to pop back into a sitting position.
It's so soft, the look in his eyes.
"Give me another chance, please?" That's why he looks so soft.
He's scared.
But I am too. This has gotten more complicated than before.
"Trevor... this has gotten so much more complicated-"
"What?" How could he possibly be asking how this could be more complicated.
He's smirking now. "It's actually less complicated. We're still roommates and I still want to be with you, only difference is your brother isn't on the other side of the door, keeping us quiet."
He's not wrong.
Now it's my turn to smile. "If we try this again, we're a couple. No casual sex."
"Deal," His smile is brighter than the lights at the stadium. "My terms were the same."
"And? You want a kiss?" He supplies, and while it's not at all what I was going to say, I'm going to let him have this one.
So I nod.
He leans in.
And when our lips touch, it doesn't matter that he's my brother's best friend, or that I'm his best friend's little sister.
We're home.
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crushedsweets · 9 months
Got any cool hip creepypasta headcanons?!?😱😱
DEPENDS... its hard without any specific prompts but yk what anon im capable of talking out of my ass no matter what.
this'll be talking about the main 12 i usually talk about, so if i say smth like 'so and so is the ONLY one who does this', they aren't actually the only one
toby rides a bike everywhere. he just steals random ones if he sees one he likes or knows hes hella far from home and doesnt wanna walk. brought home a pink beach cruiser once and natalie laughed her ass off. . .
the proxies (tim, brian, toby) have a cabin that tim and brian treat more like a safehouse rather than a home. tim and brian share an apartment near the city though. toby is the only one who lives there full time. they all have to pitch in for the bills, but toby has to scramble to get the majority bc again.. lives there full time.
the cabin only has 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a connected kitchen/living room, and an attic. the small bedroom is filled to the fucking BRIM with random bullshit that they keep as storage but its just ridicoulous. like boxes filled with random shit toby steals (i kinda hc toby as a kleptomaniac too), tables, dressers, clothes, etc. a lot of it is also stuff that like, jeff or nat dropped off being like 'keep this safe for me' and it eventually just devolved into a storage room. the master bedroom is where tim or brian sleep IF they are at the cabin. toby made the attic his bedroom, but he falls asleep on the couch or in the master bedroom if the other two aren't home. he just likes that the attic is someplace nobody else really wants to go cuz.. why would they need to?
tim owns a busted rusty reddish colored pickup truck. he totally named it something like sheila and calls it a 'she.' brian prob just has a basic little grey honda. does not name it . .
natalie has huge issues w her gender. not in a queer way(well sort of in a queer way bc im projecting) but in a like. 'fuck this shit im fucking tired' because growing up, she was always a daughter, sister, niece, etc before she was her own person. she grew up in a house of men, and her extended family was largely ran by shitty, loud, sexist men that constantly ostracized her for being a girl. toby is legit the only dude she's fully like Ok. I'm ok with u. ur just fucking stupid. and she pokes fun at him being a mamas boy and says thats why shes ok with him. she stopped talking to him for like a month the one time he made a gender roles comment that he got from his dad.
natalie used to play volleyball and basketball growing up cuz again, grew up with boys and she was always really tall (like 5'7 in 6th grade, 6ft by highschool). sports and art were her ONLY outlets, but she was always degraded and shamed by her dad and brother for art. her dad loved that she played sports though, one of the only things he was supportive about . until she got a little older and he decided that being a tomboy wasnt as endearing on a teenage girl.
i cannot explain how close jane and her parents were. she was an only child in a upper middle class house to a lawyer and a real estate agent so she was always spoiled rotten, taken care of, always told how beautiful and smart she was. hence why losing them is the most fucking detrimental shit to ever happen to her. she literally worhsips her parents. she's wore mothers wedding dress to her own wedding. her uncle(dads brother) walked her down the aisle holding a framed photo of her dad. she almost refused to walk during her university graduation because her parents couldn't be there, despite the years worth of hardwork and dedication she put into it.
mary(janes wife) was janes bestfriend in highschool. it was one of those crazy homoerotic female friendships. they were eachothers first kiss even when they thought they were straight ("oh lets practice kiss for our future bfs!").
my idea of ben kinda combines the idea of ben the kid who drowned, and BEN the experiment to put souls into a digital afterlife. ben bought majoras mask from some creepy neighbor at a garage sale, and the neighbor had like. this completely absurd theory that he could put himself into a game or something. so he ended up tricking several kids into buying the same majoras mask cartridge, killing them after they beat the game together, and their souls DID get trapped in the cartridge but it didnt do much for his theory... WHICH MEANS that BEN is a culmination of several people, kids and teens raging from like 7-19, but the ben we know is sort of like.. the only one who escaped the cartridge (he was the last one killed and the reason the man got caught for murder)? but he was stuck in said cartridge for about like 7 years before he was 'reawoken' so traces of others souls are in him. ITS REALLY COMPLICATED it makes sense in my head but idk. he has a lot of identity issues that come packed with having his childhood stolen from him.
he's so close to sally because he relates to her on that level. while their trauma was different, being a kid taken advantage of and fucking murdered is insane. despite coming from completely different time periods (sally died in the 1900s, ben died in the 2000s), ben can only find himself truly relating to sally on an emotional level. sure, him jeff and toby can laugh and play video games and wrestle and stuff, but sally is the only one who can even begin to understand what it's like to be a dead kid.
sally and ben kinda make a lot of comments about humans and stuff LOL. most of it is in the 'you ungrateful pieces of shit you THREW AWAY YOUR LIFE' but sometimes it's something more bittersweet. 'you lived to adulthood, you have so much, you can do so much, please keep going, there's so much left for you, don't let it go' etc etc. they can sometimes be the wisest in their perspectives of life, death, mortality. but theyre both so bitter and traumatized and hurt but it that it's mostly overshadowed by envy. that's why the two of them can be so close, even if they dont really sit and like.. philosophize about life. lmfao
ben has gotten into several like police and governemnt systems and removed so many cctv footage of everyone getting in trouble, or even wiped their shit from systems. he is like the main reason none of them are in jail unironically.
jeff is the only one who truly enjoys murder. he's a sadist at heart and has a fetish for all this blood and guts. toby and natalie did have their own periods in life where they killed for relief/as a power trip(toby only ever did it under orders, natalie took some sleezy guys home from bars). the rest of them either aren't killers, or don't do it by choice (brian and tim).
i was gonna ramble about nina next but im kinda embarrassed that i just spoke so much about them BAHAHAH OK THANKS ANON
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Hey, can you do a peaky blinder headcannon where the reader is the second youngest shelby but is really close with John shelby so she is basically John and esmes daughter. She's always around them and won't leave their side. They are both so protective of her as she's always happy and kind. She's really close with esme and she looks up to her like a mother figure and esme looks at her like a daughter.
Sister Shelby- John And Esme Pt1
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Here you go. Hope you like it. Also might do a part 2 to this!
YN Shelby, the second youngest Shelby child. Only being a year older than her younger brother.  When John and Esme married YN seemed to be over at their house more so than her own, so much that YN would often stay over at her brother and sister in laws house. As YN had no mother Esme soon became a mother figure. Teaching YN about her first period, going through her first relationship and breakup, giving her the 'talk' and most importantly loving her. John also became like a father to her eventually vetting the guy YN would in the end fall in love with and marry. He would even walk her down the aisle.
12 Years Old
"John I'm here!" you runs through the door of her brothers house "John?" You stop when you realises the house is quiet, to quiet. Where could everyone be? "John? Esme?"
"Upstairs love" Esme shouts from upstairs. You run up the stairs, bumping into John the way up
"We have a surprise for you" your eyes widen as does the smile gracing your face "come with me" you follow John to the spare room, the door closed "ok close your eyes" you do as he says. After hearing the door open and John telling you to open them you see a newly decorated room
"Oh my god"
"This is your bedroom"
"Mine?" You ask confused
"Yes yours. You spend half your life here so we thought we'd make a space for you. What do you think?"
"I love it thank you" you give both John and Esme a hug
"Aunt Polly said that you can live here with us, that's if you want?" John nervously asks
"Yes!" You yell "I love you both so much"
"We love you too YN"
13 Years Old
At 13 years old you woke up to blood on your bedsheets. White bedsheets. Quickly gathering the bloody sheets you quietly take the sheets and place them in the sink hoping to wash out the stain. But when you realise that the stain isn't coming out you start to panic. Esme just put these sheets on fresh, then the panic to why you bled sets in. What's going on. That's when Esme catches you
"What are you doing?"
"Esme. I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened and I don't know why. I didn't know what to do" Esme walks over to you and looks in the sink
"Oh honey. You've started your monthly"
"You know. Your bleed"
"My bleed?"
"Bloody hell hasn't anyone told you?" You give her a shrug.
"I have brothers not sisters and aunt Polly hasn't said anything" you reply feeling embarrassed
"Ok don't worry. I'll clean this up and put some fresh sheets on"
"I'm sorry"
"It's ok. Don't apologies" Esme takes over from me and starts to clean the bedsheets "do you have any pains?"
"No" you shake your head
"Ok well if you do, let me know and I'll get a hot bottle for you"
"Thank you Esme"
"It's ok"
15 Years Old
Your first boyfriend was hidden from your brothers, but Esme knew. She knew everything and kept it from her husband knowing he will kick off. But when your boyfriend broke up with you, the first people you went to were Esme and John. You walk through the door wiping the tears and snot on your sleeve
"YN? What happened?"
"He broke up with me"
"What?" Esme is up in no time and wraps her arms around you
"You had a boyfriend?" John asks confused and angry "why didn't you tell me? Who the fuck was he? Did he fucking hurt you? I'm gonna fucking kill him"
"John, not the time" Esme scolds John as she strokes your hair
"Im sorry. Come here" you pull away from Esme and run to John who holds you close. He places a kiss on your head "whoever this guy is, he doesn't know what's he's missing. One day you'll fall in love and marry a decent man. You'll have a nice house a good job and kids"
"Johns right. You have to kiss a few frogs before you find your Prince" Esme giggles referring to one of my favourite books that we used to read together
"It sucks"
"I know, but soon you won't feel so sad. Promise" John and Esme once again hug you making you feel slightly better.
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wataksampingan · 3 months
I lied - I have no outlet and I must scream (and also moved the flailing to a whole other post just to be safe)
** every single spoiler warning ever conceived of for chapter 88 onwards particularly ch 95, it's awful beyond the cut, don't do it unless you're like me and you can't help yourself despite having so many other more things to do **
Spoilers Ahoy
No, SERIOUSLY - huge spoilers ahead; don't say I didn't warn y'all
Are we ready?
Okay. Okay. Coz:
Oh my gooooooodddddddd
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I don't know if seungu was chomping at the bit as much as we all were but IT SURE FEELS LIKE IT LMAO (I have no idea what pronouns they use so general singular they will have to do for now)
Like they were also plotting out the story and there's Perry frustrated, and there's Theo, frustrated and then there's Phineas, frustrated and also depressed and they're just like, "okay I've almost killed off Phineas so I THINK WE ALL NEED A BREAK"
The way seungu did it too - I am rolling and reeling and gravity has no hold on me coz oh my god she told him, BASICALLY, everything she's been doing, all the effort she's been putting in-
Is for HIS SAKE.
All she thought of, all she worked for, all the studying and theorising and worrying was and is for him.
How could he hold his countenance after that?
oh my god she pulled a Wentworth on him; my girl pulled a "For you alone, I think and plan. Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes?" on his ass AND SHE WASNT EVEN THINKING STRAIGHT SHE JUST BLURTED IT OUT COZ OF COURSE SHE CAN ONLY SAY IT UNDER DURESS*
Mia, you might be the one who supplied Dodolea Lapileon blood but in this one moment, thank you for existing coz apparently Perry needs a dose of jealousy to get her to admit - OUT LOUD and WITH HER FULL FACE- that she likes her husband
I have to calm down and write something more coherent later, coz there's really so much to point at and shriek excitedly about, but now is not the time
They're finally officially together and they haven't even kissed, I AM LUMINOUS, BLESS THIS SLOW BURN
*Pereshati Jahardt and Therdeo Lapileon are honestly so well matched in how emotionally blocked they are?? It takes several thought provoking epiphanies, Phineas nearly dying, Theo being scared to death, Mia being bitchy to her, moving to this frozen northern land, falling over into the snow and sitting in an isolated cabin with a blizzard howling outside to FINALLY ADMIT SHE HAS FEELINGS FOR HIM - I LOVE HER SO MUCH
P/S: young Theo calling Phineas "uncle", asking him not to go and to stay and help djfjsksksk my heart
Wait. 숙부 [sukbu] = dad's married younger brother
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coelacat · 16 days
I am very intrigued by adam harding and stu sullivan please share a crumb of their lore🙏
hehe hi 👋
okay okay ill finally gush abt them
also i should warn that some fucked shit!! happens to these characters. dont read my lore about them if abuse/rape/substance abuse/bigotry isnt stuff you wanna see. anything under the cut is just a brief mention, but its there
so most of my ocs (the guys with relatively normal names, anyone named like. blade or some fantasy name ignore them for now) are a set of young adults in the 80s in small town midwest USA (some town in iowa, probably) (if any of this sounds familiar to anyone keep it to urself :)). i wanna cover their struggles with highschool, struggling with transitional periods, and then growing into adulthood. im debating if i wanna add and supernatural/scifi elements of have it focus on their relationships and internal struggles mostly, but those are minor details for later on down the road
adam!! hes like. My Main Guy. the one i ended up making this whole lil universe for. bold that i created all of this for him basically and i still named him after adam from the bible, yet it gives me a complex i deeply enjoy so i do it anyway. i am a god who created the world for man, not man for the world.
most of these characters play off 80s media stereotypes and expand on them, and i think adam is like. the most blatant example of this. you know that movie from the 80s-90s you last watched that had a misogynistic metalhead who pulled chicks because he viewed them as objects to win, loved his car, and was angry and violent most of the time, while people who were scared of him vaguely assumed he was satanic in some way? thats adam harding. bleached blonde hair done in a perm mullet, a shitty stache hes convinced makes him look mature, sad brown eyes, leather jackets, and steel toed boots, with tattoos to really top it all off.
semi repressed devout christian faggot who struggles with his own sexuality and identity. hes got daddy issues AND mommy issues (though his mommy issues are much more prominent) and an abusive and neglectful home life, he has to adapt to having a sister after being an only child his whole life, and he has to adjust to a move half way across the country, from southern california to the middle of nowhere hick iowa. as a result, hes quick to anger, never lets his guard down unless around other queers, but ultimately he wants to be good. he was told to be good by his mother, its been ingrained in him from a young age to be nice and do good things. its just unfortunate that his environment allows for that as little as possible. when he has the patience and energy, hes often a lot gentler, but its rare for him to not be running on fumes and a bit of nicotine.
his hobbies include chasing milfs and cougars, working on his car, working out, surfing, blaring Dio as loud as humanly possible, chainsmoking, basketball and wrestling. keep those last two in mind.
on the other hand, stewie "stu" sullivan is the star example of what a highschool student should be. athletically, hes the top of the school, hes got pretty hair and a handsome face, a kind of preppy style, and girls go wild over him. soft brunet hair, sweet freckles occasionally dotting his skin, and lovesick hazel eyes. hes even a total sweetheart who usually treats his girlfriends really well. his only downsides are his mild stupidity, petty mean streak, his shitty guard dog entourage, and his twin brother, kurtis.
stu comes from an upper middle class home, and hes got high expectations set on him. hes consistently been great on whatever local sports team hes been a part of, and the success of his whole future rests on his shoulders to continue doing well. he'll have a free ticket to college, if only he can stay the top of his school, athletically. in terms of popularity, hes pretty slow to give up that as well.
you can probably guess that having the constant pressure to be perfect from his parents creates a lot of friction, however, hes always been seen as the "good" of the two twins. he cant really rebel in any meaningful way, as the expectations placed on him keep him locked in place of being well mannered with adults. towards other students, however, stu will happily pick some fights to blow off steam. its usually with the teens that dont fight back, of course, and its usually only a couple petty insults and a half hearted shove. one affected girl thought that she mightve seen remorse in his expression when he walked away. she was written off as being down bad for him.
oh, right. remember those hobbies of adams i asked you to keep in mind? basketball and wrestling?
yeag .... that might be because stu is the top of the team for wrestling and basketball, and is constantly regarded as the schools mvp.
you can imagine how easily theyd hate each other. theyre both hormonal teenagers who are angry all the time and feel insanely guilty about being angry so they only get angrier and now theyre both challenging each others masculinity. adam very quickly comes for the top spot in the sports stu is good at, so they end up beefing with each other fast and hard. its a constant cock measuring contest with them, and they frequently bloody each others noses.
this sorta fued carries on, and they make no real progress with each other for like 6 months, until adam meets eve, a mysterious newcomer to the town who refuses to say much about herself. shes very obviously queer, and he latches onto her almost immediately as a result of that, and verious other reasons. eventually, eve will coax out adams queerness and he'll be a little more comfortable with himself and end up realizing "fuckkkkkj dude ive got a crush on that prettyboy whos blood ive tasted!!". stu will eventually be coaxed into realizing himself and fixing some of his issues as well as they get older, though all that stuff is a lot more vague in my mind at the moment.
the post i rbed from you tagging as them, id imagine is after adam meets eve, and starts spreading his faggot agenda to stu, but before either of them are fully comfortable with the fact that theyre into men.
stu will eventually have some gender fuckery going on too, but like. thats complicated and i wanna wait and explore that once i have a more comfortable grasp on his character.
if you want a voice claim for adam, i particularly like Randy from Idle Hands (1999) for him? i still gotta nail down voice claims for most other characters though. sorry that adams my favorite
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 10 months
How I think different natural disasters (a long with other forms of severe weather) affect the states cuz why not:
Wildfires/fires in general (not house fires tho @simpyfrog i was mostly joking about that lol. Pls give me my fire privileges back pls pls pls-)
They will get burns all over their body, and the worse the fire, the worse the burns. Also the bigger the fire, the bigger the burns. The West (+Texas) have the worst burns/burn scars. Also sometimes breathing is a no and they will choke on smoke. And their vision will be kinda blurry and from the outside their eyes will look a bit cloudy (how cloudy depends on the amount of smoke).
Balance is a no. The state affected will be VERY shaky and be in a lot of pain. Along with bruising, they will have a long gash across their back. Alaska and California have the worst of this.
Severe Thunderstorms:
The states don't get too affected by them, but sometimes they will receive a big enough shock from the lightning that they get knocked out and are left with some burns that look like lightning streaks. Also sometimes if there is power outages, let's take Texas for example, he wont be able to use certain electric things, such as light switches, microwaves, electric stoves, ect...(tho he found a way around it and wears leather gloves if he needs too). Also, I'm gonna do a silly and say that they can shock people to tease them.
Throwing up water, sometimes blood. The state will be very cold and kinda clammy and will feel like they are drowning. They will be VERY dizzy and throw up a lot. They will most likely pass out at some point and wake up covered in bruises, lightning-strike burns, some cuts, and other various small injuries. Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and basically any Gulf Coast state has had the worst of these. (Texas and Loui tho- the Google machine told me that Galveston, Harvey and Katrina were the most costly ones-)
Dizzy yes. Balance no. The affected state will be covered in bruises (the bigger the damaged area, the bigger the bruise.). Blurry vision and a migraine also will occur. Texas, Oklahoma, and the Midwest have the worst of these (Tornado Alley).
Acid Rain:
Again, they don't really get too affected by this, they will just have some pretty rough looking burns. NY (haha this fool thought he would be safe from me-), NH, VT, and ME have the worst burn scars from this.
Dust Storms:
I don't have much for this one lol. Im thinking grainy-feeling skin and a really really dry throat, but I don't really have anything else.
Heat waves:
Fever, a lot of sweating, and dizziness that can lead to passing out. Texas, Loui, and Sippi are currently getting BAKED and not in the good way :(
(Now take some weather quote thingys (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
(During the Great Galveston Hurricane)
Gov, coming to check on Texas: Hey Texas are you doing alright?
Texas:*looks like he's gonna throw up* Y-Yes. Don't worry about me.
Gov: *not believing him* Are you sure?
Texas: Y-yea-*throws up a bunch of water*
Gov: Thought so.
California walking downstairs to get some water during an earthquake:
California: *proceeds to fill down the stairs and lay there for 15 minutes*
(after a really bad acid rain)
Mass: New York get yer ass outta the tree and let me take care of the burns before they get infected!!
NY: No f*ck off!! They don't even hurt!!
Mass: You were literally on the verge of tears, moron!! So quit lyin' and get down here right now!!
NY: No go take care of NH and VT!!
Mass: I already did, and they weren't as damn stubborn as you're being right now!! *has already texted Texas to come get him out of the tree*
NY: I don't give a sh*t how stubborn they were!! Also I ain't stubborn-*screams when two arms randomly grab him from behind*
Texas: *is now holding him captive* Yes you are. You are a stubborn little Yankee.
NY: Texas you damn traitor!! Let me go!!!
Texas: No can do, partner. Yer comin' down and letting yer brother help ya. He's gonna be gentle, so calm down!!
NY: *sigh-whine* I give up....
Texas: Atta boy.
(during a fire)
Cali: Hehe. ✨arson✨
(during Katrina)
Loui: I'm fine sha.
Florida: *hugging him close* Sir no you most definitely are not!! You are way too cold-
Loui: *throws up blood and water* Uh sorry bout dat sha...
Florida: And you're sick, mi amor!! Go to bed right now!!
Loui: B-but-
Florida: No buts!! Bed. Now. I will drag you there if I have to-
Loui: *passes tf out*
(during the heatwave that is currently killing us all-)
Gov: *walks into Texas's room and sees Louisiana passed tf out, Sippi on the verge of it, and Texas just laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling and contemplating on playing Russian roulette with a pistol*
Gov: *walks back out*
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sassykinzonline · 2 months
who loved who first? when do you think you each fell in love?
im...not sure actually. it's like asking, "when did you know the sky was blue?" i'll try to sort it out.
he was attracted to me first. that much is obvious given the longing stares and bed time fantasies of his. i was aware of him, and i was curious, but at the same time i was afraid of what i thought my family would think so i didn't really let it go there.
there's a conversation in the itachi light novels that is pretty similar to an actual one i had with my brother. basically one day, super randomly, he asked me what i though of naruto and i said i dont have any special feelings but i think he doesn't like me. my brother asked why and i said because hes always yelling at me and trying to make me mad, so i just ignore him like everyone else who follows me around for no good reason. my brother asked me, "what if he has a good reason?" and then just walked off like a dickhead. but from that point on i tried to avoid naruto less and pay attention to what he was saying to me. i realized that he antagonizes people because he wants their attention and doesn't know how to get it, and the stuff he says to me were backhanded compliments and essentially invitations to train. so i started indulging him from time to time because it was fun and it made me feel good about myself.
then my family died and all of a sudden i realized what it was like to both be lonely and want to isolate yourself from everyone around you. on my first day back from school, of course everyone was talking about itachi going batshit and killing my family and how "maybe sasuke will do the same" "yeah hes super weird he never talks to anyone". that was the one day i can remember naruto not saying anything, and i was mad at him because i wanted him to. apparently what i didnt know is he fought with some of the kids who were saying really stupid shit. so that's apparently when i subconsciously knew i felt differently about him.
the day i realized i liked him was the day we kissed, then were put on the same team, then he flopped at trying to kidnap me (wtf was that about?). when i was tied up i realized i wasnt mad, just really happy that this was gonna be my life from now on. that's why when i saw him again i just teased him, and why i lashed out at sakura when she was badmouthing him.
if i try to trace back when the first time i realized i love him was, it was probably orochimaru's hideout. leaving him was painful, but eventually i just went numb. when i saw him again and the first thing he asked me was why didn't i kill him, with that sad and scared face...i thought about the way he cried at the idea of me leaving him and being in danger. i realized he still thought i didnt care for him and that he was weak, and i could tell he was upset at himself and not me. it made me realize how similar we are because that's exactly how i felt when itachi left, but more importantly it made me realize i never wanted him to think i felt that. so i must feel the opposite. that's why i told him i spared his life on a whim instead of just saying the same thing my brother said to me, i didnt want to twist the knife. and i wanted an excuse to hold him so i staged a death threat.
i know around the time itachi came back was when i started contemplating about him more seriously, so i probably "fell in love" when i woke up from the coma i was in and realized he had saved me. but that's also why i was so angry.
onto the easier question: naruto has always loved me but just didnt know how to express it. when i say "express", i dont mean tell me. i mean he didnt know how to show it and he didnt know what it entailed. it was just more platonic for him for a while, then when we were fighting right before i left, i think he realized it might not have been only platonic. this is just my guess because i never asked since i dont really care and i dont think he himself could answer me, but he probably realized it was romantic right after he defeated pain. i know that moment was empty for him. i also heard from him that inari asked about me, and the old guy asked if i left because of some sort of lovers' conflict? but the face he made when he told me that was like he was embarrassed. i dont see why he would be embarrassed unless it was somewhat true for him and he didnt like getting called out as a joke. he probably "fell" in love in haku's ice mirrors because hes a queen like that.
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kurokmask · 3 months
now that we are on Link topic. do you have any other hcs that you've not included in the fanfic? like extra info and stuff?
sorry for the late answer, college blah blah blah
there's lots that haven't made it in explicitly, but they're all still swimming in my head when im writing him. this is gonna be disorganized, sorry!
Link likes being told what to do. secretly he likes having other ppl’s expectations on him bc it gives him security, so he doesn't have to think about who he is
not Link, but every version of OoT Zelda I write is transmasc, whether thats something Zelda is truly aware of or not.
again not Link but Cremia was supposed to have a hot Gerudo pirate gf 💔 sorry girl
I kind of regret not doing more with the Ocarina of Time, and time travel in general. Like, towards the end, Link would definitely try to use it, right? I think I'm going to do a major overhaul of the Termina arc soon.
Link can cannot write more than his name.
Link was originally going to be very open about his past adventures. But i decided bottling everything up and feeling ashamed about it and letting it fester like a rotting wound would be sadder :)
sexuality was going to be a concept i explored in the fic. ultimately i wanted to keep it a T rating so i didn't do this, but. it was definitely a thing! cut things include lotsssss of Sheik baggage, boyish feelings about Kafei, weird fierce deity sex dreams and um. remember Javert?
Javert and Link wereeee... supposed to fuck! I even wrote a before and after scene LOLLL. Javert was going to play a more important role in general, being a semi-reoccurring character. He was planned to be Link's kind of """only friend""" in Castletown. Link was drawn to him because of how much older and experienced he was, and Javert took pity on Link, both in a sort of genuine but also kind of overbearing way. ultimately Link got annoyed by him pretty quickly and once he started to get to know Malon he basically ghosted him. another example of how Link struggles to balance relationships, especially those who really care for him. obviously i. didn't go further with this. but it was planned for about a year before I scrapped it. But i hope you reread their scene together to pick up on some vibes.....
since im already being disgusting um. bottom. praise kink. but he never really finds this out. how sad.
when i was first conceptualizing his character, i was actually going to write link as bipolar. I ended up writing him more adhd/autism as thats closer to my own personal experience. but its still in the back of my mind, and it definitely manifests more as he gets older. but this man has so much going on please project anything you want on him and its real he has it
OoT Link is the only Link i hc as cis bc only a cis man would fumble the bag THIS bad. put those tights on boy
i have a weird hyper-specific modern au where he's living in 1998 germany with his little brother (whos just young link). they play ddr together, he goes to acid techno raves, and dresses like this
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again, in a modern au, Link would be a total audiophile. his favorite musicians would be Kate Bush, Fiona Apple, Talking Heads, the Prodigy, Devo, the Mountain Goats, Modest Mouse, Nirvana, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Bjork, the Magnetic Fields-- ok ill stop
if he was an Animal Crossing villager he'd be a gold wolf with the Jock personality
that's all i can think of right now, I'm sure more will come to me and I'll write them here. thanks for the ask, thanks so much for the interest!!!!!
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mooonjin · 1 year
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Notes: *throws drabble at you* i jut wrote this down real quick because a new tbb episde is coming up and im so exicted and miss crosshair <33
Pairing: Just Crosshair :D
Summary: A new face introduced as the Batchers lay low from the Empire.
Warnings/Tags: fluff — tell me if I've missed anything!
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The stench of the parlor was definitely an unfamiliar waft for Crosshair. When his brothers told him about a place they could lay low from the Empire, he didn't exactly have this... shelter in mind. At least there were tables for Dejarik as well as receiving his trusty rifle back, otherwise he'd be bored out of his mind. Maybe use the rusty parts of droids by the bins as target practice.
"You, Toothpick, what's so mesmerising that yew gotta stare at it for so long?" Cid snapped so abruptly. It seems Crosshair hasn't been paying attention to any of what she was saying. Hunter, who stood to her right, discreetly shook his head, grinning. Hunter didn't blame his inattentiveness. It wasn't so long ago they all fled from the Empire — shocking, amirite? — and had to keep a low profile which also means hand-to-mouth.
Crosshair, on the other hand, was more surprised that someone dare raised their voice at him. Especially someone who wasn't a clone or ranks higher than Hunter. He kept his composure anyway, spitting out his toothpick only to replace it with another one. It was probably a silent way of saying, 'don't talk to me when you own a dog shelter' or something like that.
"Oh, it litters too," Cid rolled her eyes, chucking Tech, who stood beside Crosshair, the information disk for a retrieval mission, "Now, hustle, hustle, this thing ain't collecting itself!" she waved her arms in a shooing motion before grabbing her weapon (walking) stick and walking back to her office.
Crosshair was told that they were all introduced to Cid from Echo, so he sent the ARC trooper a "generous" stare at what was basically Crosshair's first impression of her.
As long as his brothers were fine with it, he'd go along like he always had.
Like old times.
Post-Notes: hope its good!! i kkinda thought thats wha cid would call cross ngl but lol its all for funsies! :D
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