#even though you dont like the band you would have had a good time any way and you would have idk spent time with your gf
rammstein4ever · 8 months
I love my bf to death but sometimes he makes me want to pull my hair out. He just started a new job but it turns out it sucks and he applied for a different job and immediately got a job offer. I called him because I was excited for him and like, I wanted to talk to my fucking bf bc he's one of my best friends but after 5 minutes he says he needs to go bc he was watching something. Like wow excuse me from getting in the way of you watching something that's too damn important to talk on the phone with your gf for more than 5 fucking minutes
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venear-tmblr · 9 months
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…. so i’ve had an idea
C!Ven FableSMP In-Character Smash or Pass
Today we reject canon and embrace non-canom ships like it’s the 2000’s-10’s again. Let us begin heheheh (also im sticking to masc leaning characters because c!Ven likes 🅱️oys.)
5/10: Pass
I don’t think they’d be bad for each other, I just think Ven would feel out of his depth yk? Their communication type wouldn’t clash badly, they’d both be able to argue without killing one another, but they just dont click?
I just think Ven would be intimidated? and that should be a dealbreaker in any relationship.
6/10: Smash
Caspian would be the cool ex that you still see sometimes in random places, and you stop for 10-15 min to see how he’s doing, before you both leave and forget about each other again.
Cas would keep Ven’s bossy streak in check, and they’d sort out their problems together well. They have aligning interests in knowledge and writing, and overall they’d work.
they actually seem like the kind of couple to fall out of love with each other? which is very sad to me ;-;
They’d care about each other a lot i think, in a Scott’s Street by Phoebe Bridgers kinda way
7/10: Smash
… there’s only room for one self-sacrificing idiot in this relationship.
Opposite of Rae; Centross is Ven’s type, personality-wise. Also Centross does the love-bickering thing that Ven and Feng would do. They communicate well, they’d argue healthily, over all they’d be pretty good tbh. The sleep schedule between the two of them would be bad though, Ven would forget to stop work and Centross would do the same, they’d forget to check in with each other.
3/10: Pass (edit, was 2/10 but i raised it by 1 for Zenni the beloved)
you already know what i’m gonna say about these goobers. they’re terrible for each other
the interesting thing to me; there’s only two reasons for Ven to date Rae. 1) they’re young, and social norms say you should date someone similar to you. So both Vena and Rae would go “he likes what i like” and call it a day. OR 2) Rae would be a rebound for Ven. neither of which can happen in canon. (i love the band au blorbos <3)
4/10: Pass
they wouldn’t be bad, Ven just wouldn’t know how to approach Seven? Seven has so much going in, and Ven would need to know every detail about Seven’s past in order to feel comfortable in the relationship. Seven can’t really give that, so the relationship is over before it’s begun.
7/10: Smash
Similar to Caspian, they’d get along, they’d be good exes. Ven would learn a lot academically from Ulysses.
bonus point because this fish sounds aussie and that is important to me ok
4/10: Pass
Based on the emotional reactions seen in the spy arc of S2, I don’t think these two would get along. i actually think Ven would get on Will’s nerves in close proximity, if he were to open up and let Will in emotionally. Not that it’d be Will’s fault, they just clash. They would have common interests though, so all wouldn’t be lost.
Will would speak his mind, whilst Ven clams up and avoids conflict, but they’d get around to communicating eventually. (so they’re def not the worst pairing on this list.)
…9/10: Smash
ok hear me out, you haven’t seen the half of it in canon yet, but these two work well. They have a lot in common (that i can’t share yet)
they argue so well, maybe even better than Feng and Ven did. Where Feng would speak up with Ven, Wolf sits and listens and waits.
Wolf is Ven’s type physically,tall with long hair and broad shoulders, and comes close to his type in personality.
nodders they should kiss
…So in conclusion; Let Ven join Wolftross, its time for Wolventross throuple takover
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honeybadgerwritings · 2 years
Never Trust An Elevator
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Requested: “12🧍‍♀️angst with Eddie Munson”
Prompt: “Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?”
Warnings: Angst, Arguments, Public Embarrassment, Claustrophobia, Panic Attacks
Summary: Eddie’s been quite a dick to you lately, can things be mended?
In all those cliche teen drama movies it was always a given that the nerds and freaks would stick together no matter what. They’d find solace in each other and were accepted. It didn’t matter how weird they were; if they were band kids, math geeks, or video game nerds. They were better than the jocks and preppy girls, and there was a lot less drama. Turns out, real life is actually quite different.
Moments ago you had been happily chatting with everyone at the lunch table and listening to Dustin ramble on about his new D&D campaign. And then Eddie showed up.
He slams his lunch tray down onto the table and takes a seat next to Gareth like he has been for the last four months. You immediately shut your mouth and hang your head low at his presence, playing with the goopy mashed potatoes on your tray. He used to sit next to you. He used to steal food off of your tray. He used to wrap his arm around you while he went on his over the top theatrical spiels about how high school is a waste of time.
He used to.
You have no idea what happened between you and him. You’d been best friends for the longest time, and you’d grown up living next to each other until he moved to the trailer park. But one day four months ago he never came to pick you up before school, and when you confronted him about it after walking three miles, he just started giving you the cold shoulder. You have yet to figure out why.
“So Y/N,” Mike starts, oblivious to your reluctance to speak, “Are you excited to finally join us for the campaign tomorrow?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you in excitement and your heart immediately sinks. You’d missed so many recently and you could tell it was really starting to disappoint them, so you promised them that you would be at this one.
But you couldn’t hold up that promise.
Three months ago your mom had gotten sick. Really sick. She’s been bedridden and unable to work. So you had to not only take up an extra job, but you had to take care of her and your little brother as well. Because of this you had to start backing out of hellfire campaigns to work your shifts or pick your brother up or take care of your mom. But you couldn’t tell any of them that, you didn’t need to burden them with your life problems. You did wish you could tell Eddie though, he would understand. At least the old one would.
“Um,” you nervously rub the back of your neck, trying to figure out how you should say this, “About that actually..” You can practically sense everyone’s disappointment without even looking up. Suddenly, two hands loudly slam onto the table shaking everyones trays, and startling you.
“Let me guess,” Eddie starts, “The princess can’t make it again?” You bite your lip, not looking up to meet his eyes as you slowly shake your head in shame.
“I have something else I need to do-“
“You always do dont you?” Eddie laughs, mocking you, “You just never have time for your friends anymore I guess.” You scoff at his words and shake your head again.
“Yeah as if you’ve been such a great friend recently...” you mumble under your breath. Eddie’s head perked up at that and he glared at you.
“You know what I think boys?” He speaks loudly, standing up onto the table, “I think, that she thinks she’s too good for us.” By now there were a lot of eyes on your lunch table as Eddie loudly declared your betrayal. He slowly walked down the length of it, continuing to speak, “I mean why else would she skip out on our campaigns with no actual explanation?” He mockingly wonders aloud.
“Eddie stop it.” You hiss, heat rising to your cheeks in embarrassment as almost the whole lunch room was paying attention to this exchange. He only laughs and the rest of the table stares at you with sympathy.
“C’mon Eddie that’s not fair-” Jeff attempts to chime in, only to be cut off by the man himself.
“Oh and what she’s doing is?!” He asks incredulously, “She hardly even shows interest in us anymore, and when she sits here she doesn’t even looks at us, let alone talk to us.” He eventually stops in front of you and you refuse to look up at him, visibly shaking in both embarrassment and anger. Tears prick at your eyes and begin to drip down your cheeks.
“So what else am I supposed to think when she starts breaking promises too?” He squats down in front of you, eyes studying you carefully. “The only possible explanation is that she thinks she’s too good for us....” He reaches out and grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him, “Isn’t that right sweetheart?”
You tear your face away from his hold and stand up, angrily grabbing your chocolate milk from your tray and dumping it over his head in the process. The entire lunch room audibly gasps.
“Fuck you Eddie Munson.” You seethe before storming out of the cafeteria.
It was now 7pm and you were shifting through old newspaper articles in the basement of the library. School had ended hours ago and you were incredibly thankful when that last bell rang out, signaling the start of the weekend. Everyone had been staring at you since lunch, and you could only hope that they would forget about what had happened by Monday.
You had a huge essay due next week and you were searching for sources to back up your thesis. You normally weren’t so focused on your grades, but you couldn’t afford to fail your senior year. In the fall you would need to be home to take care of your mom and brother, not retaking Mr. Figs english literature class.
The old elevator in the corner of the room made a loud clanking noise, startling you. The stairs were being remodeled or some stupid shit so people were forced to use the metal death trap if the wanted to come down here. A loud sigh escaped your lips as you realized someone was on their way down, already missing the peace and quiet you had. The doors creaked open and you looked up to find the last person that you wanted to see right now: Eddie.
He’d very obviously showered and changed his clothes since lunch, as there were no remnants of chocolate milk left on him. He looked extremely out of place surrounded by books, magazines, and newspaper articles filled to the brim with information and knowledge. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion but you looked away as soon as his eyes met yours, attempting to pretend like he wasn’t there.
“Fancy seeing you here.” he says as the heels of his boots click into the room. You ignore him as you continue digging through different articles, attempting to get out of there as fast as possible.
“Okay...” he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. You can tell he feels bad about earlier but you couldn’t care less. He had humiliated you in front of the entire cafeteria over something he had no idea about. You rolled your eyes, continuing to look through the articles you had collected before they were ripped from your hands. You whirled around to find him shuffling through the articles looking very confused. “Eddie! Stop it give them back!”
“You’re actually doing homework?” He asked, obviously surprised.
“So what if I am? It’s none of your fucking business.” You snap at him, feeling incredibly agitated. His eyebrows raised in both surprise and irritation.
“Wow...touched a nerve I guess.” He huffed out, handing the articles back to you. You snatch them from his grip and shove them into your bag, turning away from him to continue digging for the last article that you needed. You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head while you did so and you sighed, giving in to your curiosity.
“Do you need something? Or are you just here to stare at me?” You ask, pulling the last article you needed from the filing cabinet and slamming it closed, before turning around to face him. He looked incredibly annoyed at your newfound attitude towards him, but you couldn’t give two shits.
“Well I did come here to apologize, but now I can see that was a mistake on my part.” He snaps at you. You roll your eyes, marching your way over to the elevator. “Yeah it was because I certainly don’t want your fucking apology.”
He scoffs, trailing two steps behind you, not wanting you to get the last word in this ridiculous argument. “You don’t deserve it either. I was right at lunch today wasn’t I? You think you’re too good for us, to good for me?” You enter the elevator and jam your thumb into the ground floor button repeatedly. You wish that the elevator doors would close on him so you could end this stupid bickering, but you unfortunately were not so lucky. You never seemed to be lately.
“I don’t know how the hell you got that stupid idea in your head when you’re the one who stopped being friends with me.” You practically growl at him, watching as he only grows more angry, his voice rising to a yell. The elevator doors close as he does, and the death trap starts to move upwards.
“You’re a selfish fucking brat you know that? I never should have started being friends with you in the first place!” At this point something in you snapped, because how dare he call you selfish. You didn’t know what else to do other than scream,
“Why do you hate me so much?! What did I ever do to you?!”
He freezes for a moment, surprised at your aggressive outburst. His eyes soften significantly and he opens his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a loud clang. You both stumble as the elevator came to an abrupt stop. The single light overhead began to flicker on and off and your eyes widened in horror.
“No...no no no no, c’mon,” you rush over to the buttons, pressing every single one and praying it would get the elevator moving again, “Please don’t do this please!” You beg the stupid metal death trap, beginning to panic. You shove your finger into the “Help” button over and over again expecting something magical to happen, but to no avail, the elevator was stuck.
Eddie watched your reaction carefully, knowing you were prone to panic attacks, especially when you were feeling claustrophobic. You backed yourself into the corner as your breathing continued to grow faster and faster. He took a careful step towards you arms outstretched.
“Y/N...hey it’s okay-“
“No no no no this is not okay, nothing about this is okay!” You cut him off, clawing at your chest in a panic and sinking down into the corner, hyperventilating. “We’re gonna die in here... oh god we’re gonna fucking die.”
Eddie could tell you were becoming hysteric, falling past the point of reason. He’d seen you like this many times and knew exactly what you needed. He didn’t know if you’d want his help though, especially after what he had done to you today. But as he watched tears stream down your face and your lips tremble in utter terror he decided he didn’t care. Your well-being was more important to him than the possibility of you lashing out at him afterwards.
Your vision was beginning to blur and a loud ringing grew in your ears as you rocked yourself back and forth, the idea of the walls closing in on you only adding to your fear. You barely even register the reassuring words that were being whispered to you or the fact that your body was being maneuvered. Part of you realizes you are in a full blown panic attack, but you can’t slow down and try to calm yourself. Your brain is stuck on autopilot and you can’t stop mumbling incoherently. It isn’t until your wheezing begins to slow that you realize you’re pressed up against someone’s chest, your hearing fading in and out.
“...right here...breathe for me...not leaving...”
Eddie’s voice was fading in and out of your ears as you slowly returned to reality. Your body feels numb, but you try your best to relax. A sharp gasp cuts its way through your throat, and you’re able to get one deep breath of air into your lungs.
“That’s it sweetheart, just like that. Keep taking deep breaths for me.” Eddie comforts you, “I’m right here with you, you’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Your back is pressed against his chest as you sit in between his legs. His chin rests on top of your head, and one of his arms is wrapped around you, while he strokes your hair.
After a few more moments your breathing returns to normal, but the ache of dread in your chest remains. You slowly try to pull away from Eddie, realizing he probably doesn’t want to keep holding you as apologies spew from your mouth.
“I-I’m sorry...I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to freak out like that-”
“No no no sweetheart don’t apologize. You’re okay, just let me hold you.” He insists, gently guiding you back towards his chest. You don’t argue, resting your head against him, listening to his heartbeat. A few moments pass before he finally speaks up, his fingers still toying with your hair.
“I don’t hate you...” You don’t say anything, patiently waiting for him to continue.
“To be honest with you I...” he pauses for a second, trying to figure out how to word this, “I never did. Quite the opposite actually.” Your eyebrows furrow in confusion and you sit up, spinning around in his arms to look at him.
“What do you mean?” You ask. He hesitates for a moment, before eventually spilling.
“I...I like you Y/N. A lot more than I should.” Your eyes widen in surprise at his confession, as you try to process this new information.
“But-but why have you been-”
“Such an asshole the last few months?” He finishes your sentence for you, and you nod in response. “Because you really are too good for me.” He says, reaching out to stroke your cheek. You shake your head in confusion and he sighs.
“Everywhere I go, things go wrong and I hurt people. It’s like I’m a walking disease. I mean look at me, I’m 20 years old and still in high school, I live in the trailer park with my uncle, I don’t have a job, I have no plans for college and...and...you, you’re just so perfect. You’re too good for me. You were meant for great things and I know that if I continue to hang around you I’m just going to drag you down with me.”
“So your solution is...to humiliate me in front of the entire cafeteria?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckles in response to that, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“Yeah well I think you got me beat with the whole dumping chocolate milk on my head thing.” He retorts. You giggle at that, eyes crinkling with joy and he beams at you.
“Yeah well you deserved it.” You tease, giggling some more. He goes silent for a few moments, racking his brain before he carefully takes your hands into his, his thumbs caressing them gently.
“I don’t know if you’ll even want to forgive me, and honestly if you don’t I won’t blame you one bit but I really, truly, am sorry for the way that I’ve been treating you. I never wanted to be the reason that you started pushing everyone away and-”
“Woah woah woah, you’re not the reason I started pushing people away.” You cut him off and he looks at you, incredibly baffled by your words. You sigh and bite your lip wondering how you should put this, “If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell any of the others.”
He raises an eyebrow at you as if to say, ‘When have I ever told anyone your secrets?’ But still, he places his hand over his chest and mutters the words, “Scouts honor.”
You give short laugh at his silliness before you begin to explain to him everything that’s been going on at home with your mom, your brother, your two jobs, and focusing more on your education. By the end of it he held his head in his hands, groaning in regret about how stupid he is for not noticing something was genuinely wrong, and instead exploiting your absence for the whole world to see.
“Jesus Christ I’m so fucking stupid.” He groans.
“I won’t deny that,” you tease him, gently smiling, “It’s okay Eddie really, there was no way you could’ve known-”
“But I should’ve known. I should’ve known there was something going on with you instead of avoiding you for my own selfish reasons. I should’ve never started acting like a dick in the first place Y/N.” He shakes his head again before gently taking your face in his hands, his thumbs stroking your cheeks, “I’m so fucking sorry baby. I should’ve never done this to you-”
You cut him off, leaning in to press your lips to his. You know that you’ve caught him off guard when he freezes for a moment, before he eventually gives in, his lips moving sensually with yours. You wrap your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, as his hands settle on your waist.
His lips were soft and pillowy against your own, and a warm fuzzy feeling grew in your chest as he tugged you impossibly closer to him. He gently bit down on your bottom lip, soothing it with his tongue before pulling away, resting his forehead against yours while the two of you caught your breath.
“Holy shit...” he breathed out, “I’ve been waiting to do that since like eighth grade.” You laugh at him, shoving his chest lightly before looking up at him.
“You, Eddie Munson, are a complete and utter idiot.... but I forgive you. Cause your my complete and utter idiot.” He chuckles, leaning in to peck your lips again.
“I still wanna make it up to you somehow.” He states, still feeling slightly guilty. You look up at him, a smirk growing on your lips. 
“How about you start sitting next to me at lunch again?” He tosses his head back in a laugh at your words before looking down at you again, smiling, “You’ve got yourself a deal pretty girl.”
The two are you are startled as a muffled voice blares through the overhead intercom, explaining that they’ll have the two of you out of there within 10 minutes. You sigh in relief and Eddie chuckles as you, placing a kiss onto your temple.
“I don’t know... I think we should get stuck in elevators together more often.” You roll your eyes and shove at his chest.
“Like I said Eddie, you’re a complete and utter idiot.”
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babybluebex · 2 years
*claps hands together* okay SO. listen. even though i know some people dont like it, i am kind of a sucker for “tomboy character gets femmed up and male protagonist falls for them hard” cliche, and imagining that with a fem!reader (or just a kinda fem enby like myself) who’s one of eddies childhood friends SENDS me 😭 ofc no pressure!! your writing is wonderful as always and take all the time you need 🥰
𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you’re not exactly a girly-girl, but, after corroded coffin is booked to play prom, you decide to surprise your best friend with a dress and a confession. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: eddie munson (stranger things) x fem!reader 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: tomboy!reader, a LOT of fluff, brief blood mention 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: eek thanks for sending in this request! i had such a good time writing it!
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You didn’t usually give much thought to dances or school functions, or really school at all. All of the events, be it homecoming or the Snowflake Ball or that weird assembly about saying no to drugs, were a complete snooze fest. Even prom irked you. Who would actually want to hang around the gymnasium and drink flat punch for hours and listen to whatever crappy band was hired out for the night? The concept of it never struck any flame inside you, so you never cared about it. 
Until this prom. Until Corroded Coffin. 
“How the fuck,” you started, tossing a crumb at Eddie as he strutted proudly around the lunch table. “Did you manage to get Higgins to hire your sorry-ass band to play prom?” 
“I can be persuasive!” Eddie returned quickly, dodging your crumb with a smile. “Anyway, I also told him that it would motivate me in my schoolwork.”
“How would that…” you began with a roll of your eyes. “Never mind, I don’t wanna know how you smooth-talked that away. So, you’ve got your Saturday booked up. What happened to renting Halloween, like we talked about?” 
“We can still do that,” Eddie told you quickly. “Prom officially ends at 11, then I’ve got the rest of the night for my favorite girl.” 
Your heart swept up into your throat as he passed behind you, his hand lightly trailing your shoulder. You and Eddie had been through thick and thin since meeting, way back in preschool, and he loved you like you were his sister. You, however, had something festering in your heart. 
It had happened back years ago, despite the awful buzzed hairstyle that he had rocked all through junior high. Somewhere between seventh and eighth grade, you had developed a huge crush on your best friend, one that had consumed every second of every day. And now, your last year of high school (and Eddie’s third senior year), your crush had managed to dull down to less all-consuming and more… Loving. 
You didn’t have a crush on your best friend, you loved him. And soon you would leave him for college. You worried if your friendship would survive the distance, but, the one time you had talked to Eddie about it, he had assured you that he would write and visit every chance he got. But, as the time drew nearer and nearer, it felt less likely to happen. He would get a job, you would move, and you’d never have time for each other, and, eventually, he would only be that guy you used to know.
Spending time with Eddie mattered to you, and you were only slightly hurt that Eddie would drop your plans to perform at the stupid fucking prom. He had never gone to prom, nor had you ever heard him express any interest in going, and you groaned at him. “Since when do you even wanna go to prom?” you asked. 
“Since I decided that this is my last chance to,” Eddie said, and he finally settled down in his chair at the head of the lunch table. “I’m fuckin’ done with Hawkins High, and I’m gonna graduate and leave this place in my dust. I don’t have anything to lose. Anyway, it’s a gig. I’ll get paid. We can rent Halloween and buy some snacks. Sounds like a good deal to me.” 
You crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m going,” you told him. 
“Going where?” Eddie asked, and you coughed out a laugh. 
“To prom, dork,” you returned. “I wanna see you guys perform.” 
“Really?” Eddie asked with a furrow of his eyebrows. “Prom isn’t my scene, but it’s really not your scene. Don’t torture yourself just ‘cause you wanna spend time with little ole me.” 
“What do you mean it’s ‘not my scene’?” you asked, and you stole a carrot off of Dustin’s lunch tray. The freshman gasped at you, and you jokingly mocked his gasp before giving him an exaggerated pout. “Prom can be my scene.” 
“You just don’t…” Eddie started. “Getting all dressed up and everything, I know you hate that.” 
“You’re right,” you sighed, slumping back in your chair. “But you never know, I might surprise you and show up. It’s just a Corroded Coffin gig, right?” 
“We’re gonna be playing dumb covers,” Eddie grumbled. “We were given a very specific list of dos and don’ts. No heavy metal, nothing vulgar—”
“So, you’re a cover band for the night,” you giggled, and Eddie scrunched up his face in fake-annoyance before he tossed a pretzel in your direction. It hit your cheek and fell down into your lap, and you grinned as you plucked it up and ate it. “I know how you feel about musical integrity, Eds.”
“Yeah, well, integrity goes out the window when you get paid,” Dustin chuckled, and Eddie flashed him a dirty look. “Well, doesn’t it?”
“Whatever,” Eddie said. “Fuck you guys. If you wanna show up to prom, do it. See if I care.” 
“I will,” you told him, and you stuck your tongue out at Eddie at the same time that he stuck his out at you. “And I’ll watch you care so much.”
Prom, unluckily for you, was only 3 days out. You hated the idea of dressing up for it, just as Eddie had predicted you would. You hated the whole glitz and glamour thing, and the thought of intentionally getting all dolled up with hair and makeup and some big dress and heels made you feel sick. But, you considered, it was for Eddie. You would do a lot for him, this included. 
The problem came with the dress. Dresses were scarce in your closet, let alone something really nice, and you knew that no stores would have anything like what you wanted that was even remotely in your price range on such a short notice. 
On the night, just hours short of prom, you chewed your lip as you held the phone to your chest, debating if you truly wanted to do this, and you rolled your eyes as you got over yourself. It was Eddie— you could show up in a potato sack and he’d still call you pretty. 
You quickly dialed Mike Wheeler’s number, rotating the dial as you tried to remember it. You had only ever called him once before, getting on his ass for being late to Hellfire last semester, but it wasn’t the younger Wheeler that you wanted to talk to. 
His mom answered the phone. “Hi, Mrs. Karen,” you said, hoping to sound sweet and charming. “Is Nancy around? I have a question for her.” 
“Why’re you calling me?” Nancy asked as the phone was passed to her, and you sighed. 
“You’re the only girl I remotely know,” you started. “And I need a dress.” 
“A dress?” Nancy repeated. “Why? Are you going to prom tonight? Don’t you have a prom dress?” 
“Well, no,” you started, curling the phone cord anxiously around your finger. “I, umm, wasn’t really planning on going to prom. But now I am, and, like I said, you’re, like, the only girl I even sorta halfway know. We were in Kaminsky’s class together sophomore year, and Mike’s in Hellfire, and I just… I need a dress. Anything! It could be a church dress, sundress, it could be anything. I just need help.” 
“Right,” Nancy said slowly. “Umm… Come over, I guess. I’ll see what I can do for you.” 
You had never even been over to Wheeler’s house before, and going to see specifically Nancy Wheeler felt odd. You especially felt weird walking into her pink-topia bedroom, wearing your ripped jeans and dirty Converse and flannel shirt that used to be Eddie’s but you had stolen off of him. To top it all off, of course, her only dress options were pink and/or glittery. But you weren’t going to be a choosing beggar, and you decided on one that was the least egregious. A strapless burst of light pink tulle that fell down to your calves hugged your frame, and you examined yourself from every angle in Nancy’s little white wicker mirror. 
“How is that?” Nancy asked, stepping behind you into the reflection. 
“I feel like a princess,” you mumbled, turning again to look at your back. 
“Is that good or bad?” Nancy asked, and you shrugged. 
“It’s…” you started. The dress showed off your dirty shoes and scrunched socks, but you sorta liked the way it looked. You felt pretty. “I think it's good.” 
“And if you let your hair down…” Nancy started softly, reaching out and shaking your hair out of the perpetual ponytail that it was in. Your hair was dented from the ponytail holder as it fell down, and you took a deep breath. “Maybe curled it… A little makeup… Is Eddie your date?” 
“No,” you scoffed, but you looked away from the mirror all the same. “No, his band is performing, and I was gonna surprise him.” 
Nancy suddenly got a smile on her face, like she knew something or understood you, and she said, “You’re trying to look nice for Eddie.”
“No, I’m not!” you said. “I… I don’t know. I just wanna… Look like I’m going to prom, I guess. It’ll shake him up, seeing me in a dress, it’s gonna be funny.” 
“Honey,” Nancy said gently. “It’s okay to wanna look nice for the guy you like. I mean, any girl would want that.”
“I don’t like Eddie—” you tried to say, but Nancy shook her head, her permed curls bouncing around her face. 
“Then why do you wanna look so nice?” Nancy asked. “You could’ve showed up in your jeans.” 
You frowned, examining the dress once more, and you sighed. “Okay, fine,” you mumbled. “I just… I like Eddie, I really like him, and I just… Maybe I do wanna look nice for him, whatever. Don’t judge me.” 
Nancy looked at your reflection for a few more quiet moments, and she finally said, “You can keep that dress. I never wear it.” 
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The band was already performing by the time you showed up. Given, you had shown up a little late, but you were sure that Eddie wouldn’t mind. You were sure that, even if you hadn’t showed up at all, he wouldn’t have minded. 
That way, you would’ve missed seeing him in that dumb fucking suit. 
Suit was not exactly what it was. It was a tuxedo, black, with a white shirt that had some frilly bullshit on the chest. You could tell that Eddie was despising the black bowtie around his neck and the cumberbund around his middle, and you also knew for a fact that he was hating every second of having his hair pulled back into a ponytail. You almost wanted to laugh at him. Your hand came up to cover your mouth to hide your laughter, as if he could see you from across the gym. 
Eddie was standing very still as he played his guitar, some gentle-paced love song that couples all around the gym were slow dancing to. You had seen him play guitar before, and you knew that he usually played with all of the energy in his body, headbanging and jumping around. You had wiped blood off of his face before after he had rammed his head into the headstock of his guitar, even. He looked miserable, and you frowned. Poor Eddie. 
You weaved through the dancing couples to make it up to the small stage, and Eddie’s dark eyes found you in an instant. You waved at him carefully, not wanting to draw his attention away from the song for too long, but that failed in an instant. He had already missed a cord and, as his hands floundered to get back on track, he struck a sour note. 
You saw him mutter something that looked like “Fuck it”, and he pulled his guitar up and over his head before he said something in Jeff’s ear. Then, he jumped down from the stage and, smugly adjusting his bowtie, swaggered up to you. 
“Alright, cut that shit out,” you laughed as he approached you. “I can tell you’re not having a good time.” 
“Jesus Christ, am I that easy to figure out?” Eddie asked, dropping his hand from his tie. “I hate this fucking monkey suit.” 
“You look like the kid from Back To The Future,” you giggled. “That tux is hideous, Eds.” 
“Kinda felt like him too,” Eddie mumbled. “My hands stopped playing when I saw you. Holy shit, by the way! You look—”
“Hideous?” you repeated with a shrug. “I know.” 
“Beautiful,” Eddie said breathlessly. His eyes were canvassing your whole body, from your curled hair to your pink-painted lips to your dress, and even down to your scuffed Converse and scrunched-up socks. “I didn’t know you had this in you.”
“Shut up,” you laughed, reaching out and punching Eddie’s shoulder. “If I look beautiful, then you’re downright handsome.”
“I’ll take it,” Eddie chuckled lightly, and the smile dropped off of his face. “You wanna… You wanna dance?” 
“Seriously?” you asked. “Do you really wanna dance?”
“Kinda,” Eddie shrugged, and your heart jumped in your chest. “But not if you don’t want to.” 
“Oh,” you said softly. “Well… Yeah. Sure.” 
You watched Eddie swallow thickly as he took a step towards you, and your skin rippled as he put his hands on your waist. “Have you ever slow danced before?” you asked, and Eddie shook his head. 
“No,” he said. He seemed nervous, and you were taken aback. Eddie, your high-strung best friend, never afraid and always loud, was nervous. Was he nervous to dance with you? Or was he really that insecure about the way he was dressed?
“You do look really nice,” you mumbled. “Really… Seriously handsome.”
“Thanks,” Eddie said as you circled your arms around his neck. “Umm, are my hands okay here?” 
“Yeah,” you told him. After a moment of consideration, you added, “They can go lower, on my hips, if you want.” 
“No,” Eddie said. “I like holding you here.” 
You nodded, trying not to think about his words too hard. Sure, you had hugged Eddie before, loads of times, and he always threw his gangly arms around you and squeezed hard, and he never seemed anxious about it. Your heart was racing inside your chest as you moved even closer to Eddie and rested your chin on his shoulder, letting your cheek brush his neck. Your body fit against his like the most perfect puzzle piece, and you sighed lightly. 
It was now or never. “Eds?” you whispered. His grip tightened on your waist at the gentle nickname, and you started to add, “I—”
Eddie cut you off, though, in the best way he could have. He turned his head and swiftly pressed his lips to yours, lingering for just a moment before pulling away, all too soon for your liking. “Sorry,” he said quickly. “I, umm… I’ve had the biggest crush on you for a long time. A-And you’re about to leave for college, and you look so fucking beautiful— not that you don’t look beautiful every day, I actually sorta prefer your jeans and everything— and I just, I can’t hold it back any more. I love you.”
“Eddie,” you sighed heavily, your voice trembling. “I mean… I don’t know what to say to you.”
“Tell me you love me,” Eddie whispered, and he pushed a lock of your hair behind your ear. “Tell me I didn’t just fuck everything up.” 
You looked at him, entranced by his wide, dark eyes, and you leaned back in, pressing your lips to his again. His hands fluttered on your waist for a moment before he dragged you right up against him, his palms pressing flat to your back, and his lips moved gently against yours as he kissed you. Eddie was kissing you; it was your dream come true. 
As you broke the kiss, you could feel Eddie’s heartbeat flush against your chest, and you giggled softly, looking down at your swaying feet. “I love you, you dork,” you told him. 
“You still down for Halloween later?” Eddie asked hopefully, his eyebrows raising. “Watching a scary movie with your boyfriend?” 
“Yes,” you told him with a smile. “Yes, I am so down for that. As long as you let me hide during the scary parts.” 
“I’ll kiss it better,” Eddie said. “How does that sound?”
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starlightsearches · 1 year
requesting reader asking bf eddie to do his eyeliner n he says yes but only if they will sit on his lap while doing it!! if it gets spicy i absolutely dont mind!! also no rush!!!
AO3 Request: What about one where the reader is painting Eddie’s nails black for him after watching him struggle and somehow in between them drying they start making out and it turns a little NSFW and something about “Don’t, you’ll fuck the paint up.”
Looks That Kill
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Thanks for the request, friends, and even more thanks for your patience!! Hope you enjoy 😚
Eddie Munson x F! Reader
Warnings: very very horny but not really smutty (18+ only please), language, Eddie is a SIMP always and forever, hints at sub! eddie, finger sucking, I know licking nail polish to smooth is out is gross but sometimes it's just what you do, okay??, mentions of impact play, some unfortunate cockblocking, and i think that's it! If I missed anything let me know uwu
"Jesus- fuck."
The eyeliner pencil slips from Eddie's fingers, again, clattering against the basin of the sink and leaving little black smudges around the porcelain before it slowly comes to a stop. He rubs the matching smudge off the corner of his eye with his thumb, smearing black down his cheek.
Normally, this is the point where he'd give up. If this were a gig at The Hideout, he wouldn't have even bothered to try with the makeup— would have rolled out of bed an hour before, still half high for another fucking show of watered-down covers.
But this is not just some show.
"You good, Eds?"
Your head pops into the shitty motel bathroom, drying your nails with pursed lips painted dark, perfectly-lined eyes meeting his own. Eddie shivers like you’ve got your hands on him, even though it's just the slow up and down trace of your eyes.
He knows what the look you give him means. You're trying to figure out what his problem is.
There's an immediate reminder of the secret he's been trying to keep from himself—that he's got more to be nervous about than this show and maybe a record deal and trying to put a little, black crayon by his eyeball.
"How do you even do this shit?" Eddie asks, holding the eyeliner in a tight fist like he's trying to choke it.
"It just takes practice."
You lean up against the door frame, unphased, because nothing ever gets to you. Not nerves, not shitty guys at shows, not late nights spent driving or hours in the van with nothing to look at but corn fields.
With Eddie, it's the opposite. Everything gets to him. Especially you.
He knew it was a bad idea, letting you take Grant’s spot when he went off for college. The guys were a second family to him, and the idea of replacing any of them always felt weird, like finding out your dad has a new girlfriend, and he wants you to call her mom.
But Corroded Coffin needed a bassist. And you could play—could play so good he’s pretty sure he’s been in love with you since that first note hit him in the chest.
It doesn't help that you're so fucking pretty, with your over the knee boots and those short, short skirts and fishnet tights that have him biting into the meat of his palm when you're not looking.
It doesn't help that Jeff and Gareth know way too much about his little problem, and still took the other room, leaving him high and dry.
"I don't have time for practice," he grumbles, mostly to himself, capping the eyeliner again and planting his hands against the counter.
It's not like anybody in the crowd would care if he had eyeliner on or not. Openers never got that much attention anyways. The record studio guy might be too high to even notice the name of the band, let alone what any of you looked like.
But Eddie cares. When he steps out on that stage, he wants to feel like he belongs there.
He catches you staring at him in the mirror, chewing pensively on your bottom lip, brushing a few hairs back behind your ear. You've got it just barely secured—like you always do before a show—knowing by the end of it you'll have all the loose strands sticking to your sweaty skin, making sure that everybody in the audience (and at least one of the guys on stage) can't think about anything else but fucking you.
There's a moment of prolonged eye contact between you that has Eddie glad the shirt he's wearing is black, so you won't see him sweat.
You push off the wall behind you, sliding up beside him at the counter. "Scoot over."
Eddie does, watching you take a little hop up onto the counter, shimmying the hem of your dress back down over your thighs, the fabric tight enough when you spread your legs he wonders if it'll pop at the seams.
And Eddie gets what's going on—or he thinks he does—but it's like he can't get his legs to listen, stumbling toward you like a baby deer until his legs are just brushing your knees.
You roll your eyes at him. "Closer."
He lets out a little yelp when you tug at his wrist, pulling him in, widening your legs until there's enough room for his hips. There's a quiet sound, like fabric tearing, but maybe that's just leftover brain-rot from all the porn he watched in high school.
Your thighs close around his hips, and they're so fucking pillowy, molding against him. One of your ankles curls around the back of his knee. Eddie wonders if you can feel how close he is to buckling.
You're so fucking chill about it all, though, taking the eyeliner in one hand, gripping his chin in the other until you're almost nose to nose. It's just clouds of your shampoo and the smell of cherry-scented lip gloss Eddie'd snatched from the counter the second you stepped out of the room. Spread over the back of his hand, watched it shine in the light before immediately licking off. He needed to know what it tasted like.
You've got the pad of your thumb pressed into the soft skin under his eye, swiping away the evidence from one of his hundred other attempts.
"Look up," you tell him, catching his lashes gently under your finger when he obeys, "and stay still."
He's got no other choice. Eddie knows if he makes the slightest move, he'll feel your body move against his, and that'll have him popping a boner so fast he might lose consciousness.
One eye, and then the other—you swipe the pencil around his lash line so fast it would make him dizzy if he dared to look. The cap snaps back over the top of the eyeliner, and you drop it back into the bag.
"All done, rockstar," you tell him with a tap on the cheek, "check yourself out."
Eddie leans around you, trying to get a good look in the mirror, but his balance is all off. He's gonna fall on his ass, a thought almost too embarrassing to name, and he catches himself on the closest thing he can grab at.
Your thigh dents too pretty underneath his fingers, the backs of his rings snagging against one of the strings on your fishnets.
Fuck. Eddie's gotta play it off or he'll look like a tool—fucking about to faint because a girl is touching him—which means he's gotta keep his hand there, even if his vision is going dark at the edges. He can hardly see his own reflection.
"What d'you think?" he asks instead.
You're smiling, but in that way that has Eddie questioning everything you say, like it's all some fucked up riddle designed to torture him.
"It's sexy, Eds. You look great."
He just rolls his eyes. It's sexy, Eds. You're so fucking sexy, Eddie, and I need you to take me on this motel bathroom sink and fuck me for hours or I'm gonna claw my eyes out.
Yeah right. In his dreams, maybe.
But you didn't push his hand away, either. Let him cop a feel and you didn't even shrink away from him, or hurl. So maybe he's just being a mean little bitch to himself for the fun of it.
"Anything else?"
Yeah, Eddie thinks, slap me hard across the face then kiss it better.
But that's not really in the cards for tonight, so his eyes flash around the bathroom, landing on the black bottle of polish you brought in with you. Eddie raises his free hand, the one not on your thigh—which will stay there until he dies if he gets his way—spreading his fingers wide. "How 'bout a manicure?"
Your fingers grip at Eddie's hand, coating each of his nails with one clean swipe of the polish, breathing in deep and slow while the room floods with the scent of acetone.
"Blow," you command, placing his nails in front of his lips before you grab the other hand. Eddie's more than happy to do what he's told.
He watches you, watches the way your brows knit together, totally focused on perfection.
"You know," —your breath puffs against his knuckles, voice all quiet, "you don't need any of this shit, right? You're gonna blow it out of the fucking water, like you always do."
Eddie hopes his nails are dry already, because he's got no more breath in his lungs, just barely managing to gasp out a word.
You glance up at him through your lashes, and past your cool exterior and the twenty layers of apathetic irony bassists always seem to have, he knows you mean it.
Eddie flinches, hand slipping against yours. When you pull back, there's a big black smear across your thumb.
"Oh, damn, sorry."
He's left a dent in the polish on his middle finger, pushed some of the already-dry paint around until a sliver of his real nail was visible beneath.
"Don't worry about it."
If Eddie had a thousand years and unlimited guesses, he still wouldn't have come up with what you do next—taking his middle finger in your hand, pulling it toward your lips.
Your mouth is wet, and warm around his finger, and maybe Eddie moans when you suck at his skin but the roaring in his ears is too loud for him to be sure. All he knows is that he'll never need another dirty magazine or porno for the rest of his life. He's gonna be jerking off to this exact feeling forever.
Your tongue drags flat across his nail, and when you pull the digit from your mouth—all wet and shiny with your spit and stained purple with lipstick—the polish looks good as new.
"Tastes like shit, but it works," you tell him, leaning over to spit in the sink.
There's a smirk on your lips when you turn back to face him. Eddie feels like such an idiot.
All those times you'd bent over in those short skirts, gripped at his thigh while you reached for a pencil, or one of those discarded pages of lyrics on his bedroom floor and he'd sit there, staring at the ceiling and trying to name all the state's capitals so he wouldn't be sporting a boner hard enough you could see it through his jeans.
You were fucking with him this entire time.
He could have been fucking you this entire time.
"Jesus," he says, "you're a fucking tease."
You smile wider, tightening the grip of your thighs. "Maybe I just wanted to see how long it would take for you to get the fucking hint."
Eddie braces himself against the counter with both hands when he leans forward, nudging your mouth towards his with the tip of his nose and just diving in, no backup plan, no parachute. He's all in, crushing his body against yours until his hips ache against the sharp edge of the counter.
You're kissing him back, cupping your palms around his jaw, smearing that cherry lip gloss all around his mouth with the way you get into it. Breathing heavy against his cheek, slipping your tongue past his lips and tapping it against the edge of his teeth.
He grabs at your thighs—desperate and totally indifferent if you know it—pulling at you until your hips bump against his, skirt riding up again until it's sitting in the dip between your stomach and the tops of your thighs.
He slides a hand up the lattice of your tights, climbing higher and higher, so close to your cunt he can feel the heat caught up in the space between your legs.
You drop a hand from his face, press against his wrist, gasping out the words between the harsh crush of his mouth.
"Don't. You'll fuck up the paint."
Eddie shakes his head. "Don't care."
You pull back, scrunching your nose at him indignantly.
"I do."
There's a knock on the door, timing so perfect it's like you summoned it. Gareth's voice calls out through the thin walls, saying something along the lines of, "showtime, motherfuckers."
"Fuck that," Eddie lets out a hard sigh through his nose as you slide off the counter, but he makes space for you to slip out from between his arms. He watches you, leaning back against the counter while you wipe off the smeared lipstick with a washcloth, moving in close to reapply.
He couldn't give two shits about the show now.
You snap the cap back on the tube, hand him the stained rag so he can clean himself up. It turns his skin red where he rubs at the sticky stain, but he gets his first real glance at the eyeliner. It looks pretty metal.
You catch Eddie by the collar just before he's about to step out of the bathroom, two fingers sliding against his skin, pulling him close.
"Listen," —and Eddie is, feeling your lipstick brushing over the shell of his ear— "you get us this record deal, and you can do whatever you want to me tonight."
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Spider-Punk x Black Cat: Punk!Cat Headcanons
Yes, I'm doing this. Every Spider-Man needs his Cat.
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First of all, they'll be the first to tell you they are not dating.
If you ask, they'll both say 'We hate labels'. It's their thing.
If Hobie is the king of all things anti-facist then Felicia is the monarch of rage fueled feminism and anti-capitalism
Hates all things classist, racist and sexist and has a 'k!ll your local rap*st' patch on her battle vest
And her weapon of choice is spiked-out brass knuckle claws
Hobie towers over her (like he does everyone), but Felicia's ten times louder and twice as confrontational. Felicia in any universe talks bold with no filter, and Punk!Cat is that turned up to eleven
Which is probably why she's on vocals in the band
She has a mouth like a sailor and an accent as thick as Hobie's, so mixed with his slang, their conversation are literally British-dipped jibberish
Her style sits on the border of old-school punk and trad goth. She's usually in all black and white, compared to Hobie's red and blue, and sometime her domino mask is swapped out for trad goth style eyeliner
The motives align more than any other Spider-Man, at that makes things a lot easier.
Hobie loves a girl who can do a little direct action, and his anarchist beliefs align more with hers than any other Spider-man.
Though they did have to get over the fact he's an anarchist and she's a communist (she constantly says to him 'i dont believe in private property')
Of course she likes to steal, and she's real good at it
To most Spider-men this would be annoying, but Hobie actually finds it fairly impressive.
She steals things for him constantly, and he keeps every single thing she gives him. Lots of times they turn out to be useful, especially in his builds
Punk!Cat steals shit from museums to return objects back to their native countries and defaces pieces from racist, sexist artists
Steals from banks to handover the money to grass-roots resistance movements
And since Hobie is one of the only Spider-men to hate cops (blue laces people) he's always there to happily protect her from the pigs
She's still herself, but a bit different than most Felicias
Every Felicia is a little 'not normal' about Spider-Man, and Punk!Cat is the same, but approaches it from a different angle
She'll call Hobie a hero only because she know it bugs the day lights out of him
But unlike a LOT of Felicias, Punk!Cat outright hates Spider-Man merch and imagery
She thinks it's incredibly exploitative of Hobie and everything he stands for.
And she hates their totalitarian J.Jonah more than anything because if theres one thing she hates, it's misinformation and propaganda
Although most Fe's love their jewlery like no other, Punk!Cat takes another slight deviation -
Punk!Cat knows that things like diamonds, pearls, and gold has been used as items of oppression for literal centuries. Instead of a taste for items of bougeois lust, Felicia is much more into punk jewlery
She loves everything pinned, spiked, and covered in soda tabs. Her hero uniform is covered in chains, and even her canon 3-claw grappling hook is replaced with a heavy chain and hook she fashioned herself. Scavanged, of course.
She's really close with Gwen and Pavi
Community outreach is everything to a punk, ya'll
Her and Gwen get along immediately. Felicia is never one to be quick to jealousy and she accepts Gwen with open arms.
Gwen turns up to Hobie's universe distraught and homeless.
She teaches her about squatters rights and how her and Hobie keep a roof over their heads, always made sure she had toiletries and someone to talk to, because she knows what it's like to have a strained relationship with your dad
Pavi takes to everyone quickly, but when he and Felicia are together, it gets LOUD
The Spider-Society hates her
And Felicia and Hobie love it
Hobie had no idea how controversial dating Felicia would be. Not for band fans, but for all the other Spider-people
Turns out, Felicias aren't very popular with the Society
The both of them thinks it hilarious
They tell him Spider-people are suppose to be with their MJ's. That's how it's meant to be.
Dating a Felicia or saving a Gwen is an anonmaly waiting to happen.
But neither of them care, and if anything, that only eggs them on. If everyone thinks they're 'bound' to breakup eventually then thats even more reason for them to stick together.
Hobie has absolutely made Felicia her own watch
One which she uses to crash the Spider-Society every now and again
Because of this, Miguel hates her and Jess is just so done with the both of them
Even if Hobie and Peter.B are in no way close, Peter seems to be the only adult in their corner. As a Spider-man that didn't have the most conventional story with his MJ, he's more than supportive of Hobie and his unconventional story with Felicia. He figures if he and MJ can make it work, so can they.
Her and Gwen bond over the awkwardness of being variants of the dead or ex-girlfriend of most of the Spider-society, and how Spider-men see them because of it
And when it's time to take the Society down, she's the first in line (after Hobie, Gwen, and Pavi of course)
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auspicious-manner · 10 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could write about Billy dunne, there isn't a lot about him. Him and the reader have known each other since they were kids but dont really interact much and Billy is so crazy about her but the reader hasn't ever considered romantic feelings for Billy. He wants to impress her and win her over bad. Basically follows what happens in canon except there is no cheating drama, its just drama between Billy and reader. I don't know how clear this is but thanks i appreciate it!
what's with my djats stories being so long?
sorry this took so long to get out, i started to lose motivation for it after i realized the idea in my head would make this WAY longer than it needed to be. sorry if the end is a little rushed 😭
female reader x billy dunne
warnings: drug use
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It Was Always You
pittsburgh didn’t have much to offer anyone looking to explore the music scene. there were no big opportunities, and limited ways to get noticed. the six, formerly known as the dunne brothers, needed to move out of pittsburgh to somewhere they could make it. somewhere like california.
and you were the reason they got there.
you lived in the same neighborhood as billy and graham and went to school together, and you were the same age as graham. you and graham were friends, not great ones, but friends nonetheless. despite you being a friend of his brother, billy couldn’t help but keep a watchful eye over you.
even since you were in middle school, billy had some kind of adoration and fascination with you, and you barely knew of his existence. if you were taking a walk through the neighborhood, billy was at his window watching. you always knew it wasn’t in a creepy way, it felt different than that. you couldn’t tell what it was that made him watch you, but you felt flattered more than anything.
when you caught word of graham wanting to start a band with eddie, warren, chuck, and billy, you knew you wanted in. even though music was not your specialty, you could do other things.
during one of the band’s first rehearsals in billy and graham’s garage, you walked over to scope out the band. billy noticed you first, and his eyes widened a bit. graham noticed you shortly after.
“oh, hey Y/N.” graham started.
you smiled and waved. “hey graham,” you said, looking around at the rest of the boys. “and warren, eddie, chuck, and…” you said while giggling, trailing off when you got to billy. he looked at you like he was waiting for something important. “billy, right?”
you thought you saw him sigh of relief, but he covered it well. he smiled at you and reached out his hand. you took it, and noticed he held on for a few extra moments. “yeah, i’m billy dunne, graham’s brother. it’s good to meet you, Y/N.” after he released your hand, you noticed he never broke eye contact.
“what brings you here?” warren asked, taking a sip from his water.
“i actually had a question for you guys,” you said, suddenly getting nervous.
“let’s hear it,” billy told you.
you took a small breath. “i was, uh-i was wondering if you would consider letting me be apart of the band. i’m not musical in any way, so i don’t expect to be in the band, but i’d love to be apart of it some other way.”
the band stared at you, not in a threatening way, but like they were considering it. they couldn’t decide what to make of you.
“what, you want to be our groupie or roadie or somethin’?” eddie asked.
“actually, i was thinking manager.”
the group made surprised expressions. billy stepped forward to you. “why should we let you be our manager?”
“well, for one, i’m very organized. i can keep everything on track and on schedule with the band. i’m also very persuasive, and i could get you guys a lot of gigs for good money. and although i can’t play music, i know a lot about it. i’m also good at photography, and can get some good shots of you guys.”
the band once again considered you. you felt small under their glares, but the harshness was broken by billy’s smile. “you got the time for us?”
you smirked. “always.”
billy bit his lip. “welcome aboard.”
you smiled wide. you couldn’t believe they actually took a blind chance on you. you half expected them to turn you down.
“wait, aren’t we going to talk about this?” eddie asked.
billy annoyedly turned to eddie. “you guys put me in charge, so i call the shots, and i say she’s in." he paused, turning to warren. "warren, count us in,” billy said as warren began counting. billy sent you a wink as they played, and you noticed eddie rolling his eyes.
you grew closer with everyone in the band. graham quickly became your go to guy, and you became best friends. warren was like your annoying brother that you constantly got fed up with but loved regardless. eddie acted like he didn’t like you as the band’s manager, but you were always the first one to call if he needed help with anything. you never really grew close with chuck, but you tolerated him and he tolerated you. your relationship with chuck didn’t matter much, since he left the band early.
billy, however, felt different. you could tell something was off about him. you rarely talked, but it always seemed like billy had something to say to you that he never let out. it always felt like he was hesitating around you, and he wanted to make sure you were watching him during your performances. it was clear to everyone in the band that you had some sort of hold on him.
over the next few years in pittsburgh, you lined up gigs at proms, weddings, and graduation parties for the band. you adored what you did. you got the thrill of watching your friends perform and the crowd cheering without the stress of playing. also, you felt like you were good at what you did. you always knew how to be timely, organized, and respectful, all qualities which made you fit to be their manager. you also used your photography skills to take up close photos and videos of the band performing and practicing, which you would later use to advertise for the band.
after chuck broke the news to the band that he would be leaving, he went back into his house, leaving your disheveled band down a member.
you could tell billy was thinking hard. with his brown furrowed, eyes pointed to the ground, the rest of the band waited for his direction. then, out of nowhere, he grabbed your wrist and took you out of earshot from the boys.
“billy, what’s this about?” you said, keeping your voice low. you knew there was a reason billy pulled you and no one else aside.
“i need your help. i don’t know what to do,” he said, avoiding eye contact.
“why’d you need my help? i mean, you have graham, you own brother. i’m sure he’d know-”
billy looked up into your eyes sharply, and you immediately stopped talking. “i trust your opinion more than anyone else’s, Y/N.”
you nodded. you glanced at the band, who was clearly trying not to watch the sight unfolding in front of them. when you looked at them, they turned away quickly.
“eddie’s gonna hate us, but i think he should switch to bass,” you suggested.
billy slightly smiled. “you think?”
you nodded. “yeah, you just need to stay focused on being a great leader for this band. i wouldn’t want you straining trying to figure out bass while also trying to be a kick ass front man.”
billy blushed and bit his lip to suppress a smile, then patted your shoulder. “you’re too nice to me.”
you both walked back to the band, who was anxiously awaiting the solution to their problem. when billy broke the news, eddie scoffed, bluntly saying, “no, absolutely not."
“which one of you came up with that idea?” eddie continued. it seemed like one wrong move could completely set him off.
billy stepped up. “it was me. i-”
the band was only beginning. you couldn’t let their relationships already fall apart before the band even gets big. you knew billy was trying to take the blame for you, but it wasn’t necessary.
“it was me.”
his eyes softened at you. he seemed almost offended that you gave up his role as rhythm guitarist, but since it was you, he knew he couldn’t blow up at you. you were too beloved by the band.
eddie rolled his eyes. “for how long?”
you and billy looked at each other smiling. “we owe you one, eddie.”
not long after eddie switched to bass, you were opening for the winters. as you watched the winters perform on stage, you noticed graham eyeing the blonde keyboardist singing harmonies.
you nudged his side. “make a move.”
graham looked down at you before looking back at her. “i-what do i say?”
you shrugged. “i don’t know, compliment her music or something,” you paused. “make small talk. she’s cute, graham, you can do this.”
you smiled at him before walking away to talk to eddie. however, you felt a pair of eyes burning into your side, and without looking, you could tell billy was the culprit.
after the winters’ set, you caught the keyboardist shortly after she got off stage. you introduced yourself as the manager of the dunne brothers.
karen smiled at you, introducing herself before walking away. before she could, you decided to help graham out a bit.
“graham dunne, the guitarist of our band, really liked your sound.”
she turned around to look at you. “yeah, we’re good at what we do.”
you amusedly grinned. “he didn’t just like the band’s sound, he liked yours. you should go talk to him,” you said before winking and walking away.
not long later, as you were helping the band set up, graham came up behind you. “Y/N, we talked.”
you looked over your shoulder and saw him grinning from ear to ear. you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself, and you turned around. “earlier, i may have… told karen that you liked what she did on stage. i don’t want to take all the credit for your interaction with her, but,” you said, pausing slightly. “i definitely contributed.”
graham’s jaw fell slightly, and he began laughing. before you knew it, he picked you up in his arms and gave you a big hug. you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck as graham thanked you, and your eyes drifted outwards where you saw billy’s eyes staying locked on your hug with his brother.
after their set, you billy caught up to you backstage. “hey, Y/N,” he started. you could tell he sounded a bit nervous.
you turned around to meet him. “billy, what’s up?”
he looked around to make sure the rest of the band wasn’t near. “so, you and graham?” billy asked. he sounded apprehensive, and almost stern. he looked everywhere but at you.
you squinted. “what do you mean?”
billy shook his head. “i saw that hug earlier. and not just that, y-you’ve been with him a lot. which, i don’t really mind, i just want to know. i don’t want the band to be ruined by this.”
you stared back at him, and all you could do was start laughing. he looked at you, a bit dumbfounded. “what’s so funny?”
“you, billy. you’re funny,” you said, walking closer to him. you watched as his cheeks grew red. “there’s nothing going on between graham and i, seriously. he’s like a brother to me, i wouldn’t dream of looking at him romantically. besides, he has another lady in mind.”
billy looked down at you, wanting to believe you. “okay, i get it,” he said with a slight smile.
you lightly placed a hand on his chest. “i wouldn’t dream of ruining this band,” you said before walking away. you couldn’t see the giddy smile creep onto billy’s face.
from that point on, billy’s mood around you seemed to lighten. he always had a way of making you notice him. you began to get the vibe that this was all on purpose, that he wanted you to compliment him or give him attention. you wondered if he ever looked at you romantically. sometimes, billy’s odd behavior around you could only be excused if he was interested in you. you couldn’t decide if you were interested in him, but you didn’t want to be involved with a member of the band. things could get too messy.
after meeting rod after the night opening for the winters, the band made the decision to move out to california.
you loved the band, and would do anything for them. but, moving out to los angeles on a whim was risky. you knew they could go the distance, but you were being expected to leave your entire life behind to start a new one. besides, with the new move, they needed you to be an even more present manager than you already were. sure, you could handle managing an up and coming band from pittsburgh. but you felt less than qualified for the job of a big time manager of a growing rock and roll band on the infamous los angeles music scene. someone else could do better and take them farther, and they deserved it.
one day, shortly before they left, you expressed your thoughts to the band. you sat on the floor in billy and graham’s garage as the band stood by their instruments.
“guys, i don’t know if i’m coming with you to california just yet,” you said quietly, looking down at your hands. you could feel the glares of the boys burning into your body.
“what?” graham asked.
you stayed quiet, and heard shuffling footsteps come closer to you. a tear fell from your eye, and you tried your best to hide it. “i-i have to leave my life, my family. which, i can do it, but what’s the point?” you looked up to find the band hovering over you, concerned. “i don’t know the ins and outs of music there like i do here. i’m afraid i won’t be able to take you guys all the way.”
billy stepped closed, and bent down to meet you gaze. you noticed that he still seemed to tower over you, despite him meeting you on the ground.
“Y/N, don’t think for one second that we don’t need you,” billy said. “you’re the only one we can see doing this for us.”
graham bent down next to billy. “you’re like our sister, and you’ve done so much to help us grow. you can keep doing this. we all know you can.”
staying standing, warren nodded at you. “we can’t do this without you. don’t quit on us now.”
even eddie agreed. “you make us better, Y/N.”
billy took your hand in his as another tear escaped your eye. “what do you say?”
you couldn’t leave these guys. even if you were the reason they failed in the future, at least you failed with them. they were your family.
you smiled to yourself. “okay, you’ve convinced me.”
billy smiled, and with the hand that still held onto your fingers, he pulled you into his arms, wrapping you in a hug. you were taken aback by this change of character, as he very rarely showed affection like this to anyone. you hugged back, leaning your head on his shoulder.
before you knew it, warren wrapped his arms around the side of you, then graham joined the party. finally, eddie did too. for a few moments, you all stayed in that position, with you in the middle of the group hug. that was when you knew this was where you were meant to be.
a few days later, your belongings were packed and loaded as you climbed into the back of the warm, cozy van while the rain poured outside.
“look who it is!” warren exclaimed as you sat down. eddie stood outside packing the luggage onto the top of the van.
billy smiled widely at you. “i’m glad you’re coming.”
you blushed at his sincerity against your will. “me too.”
the road to california was long, but the building excitement in that van was infectious. everyone knew something big was coming.
upon arriving in los angeles, the band contacted rod reyes and built their first connection in the music world. with rod’s help, he gave you the number to contact filthy mcnasty’s on the strip and gave you another piece of information; karen’s phone number.
“graham, i have a surprise for you,” you said excitedly, dragging out the “you”.
“what?” he asked, confused.
you smiled. “i got karen’s number.”
not long later, you moved into a shabby house with the band in laurel canyon, and recruited karen sirko to be the new keyboardist for the dunne brothers. along with the new edition came a new venue to play in on the strip.
there, you saw billy really begin to fall in love with his music and performing. the way he interacted with the audience, and with you, was electrifying. you found yourself getting flustered if he sang to you while onstage, and you questioned why you felt so strongly. you didn’t have feelings for him, at least you thought. the butterflies in your stomach as he looked at you while singing on stage were trying to tell you something different.
one day, after billy came home with the legendary teddy price’s business card, you had sealed a deal to play for him, and the energy was beyond exciting. they played for him as you watched, and you kept getting those butterflies in your stomach as billy performed. they were getting harder and harder to ignore.
after teddy named the audition a success, the pure joy in the van afterwards was infectious. as the band drove away, you and the band were giddily laughing and hugging like children. billy was the first one you hugged.
you wrapped your arms around his neck first, and you could feel him get caught off guard for a moment, but he soon reciprocated. your heart felt like it was going to pop out of your chest.
“i’m so proud of you!” you said to billy as he squeezed you tighter. you pulled away from each other, faces red and smiling. your arms lingered on each other, not fully pulling away.
“we couldn’t have done it without you, Y/N,” billy said over the commotion.
one night, after a gig at filthy’s months later, the band finished playing and walked out onto the strip. you saw billy and teddy talking, and when you walked over to them, you heard the words you’ve been waiting to hear forever.
“if the label agrees, we’ll get you in the recording studio.”
billy stepped back, shocked. he looked at you, then back at teddy. “shut up.”
teddy shrugged. “it wasn’t all me. Y/N has been on my case about this deal for a while now. if it weren’t for her, this might not be happening.” that was true, the past few months was a pain trying to get teddy to budge on a deal.
billy looked at you. he had the widest smile you had ever seen, and in that moment, you thought you’d never seen anyone more handsome. he wrapped you in a hug, picking you up from the ground and spinning you as you giggled. you didn’t even care that he was drenched in sweat.
he put you down and tried to go hug teddy. he turned to the band, who was confused at the commotion. “guys, we’ve got an album!”
the boys jumped up, running to you and teddy, enveloping you both in a sea of hugs. teddy wasn’t as fond of hugs as you were, but you welcomed them sweat and all with open arms.
billy had always considered you vital in the band, but during the first album sessions, you were involved more than ever before in creative decisions. billy was running the show, but he trusted your opinion just as much, if not more, than teddy’s. given that billy wanted you involved in the music just as anyone else, it made your interactions much more intimate. you found yourself spending a lot of alone time with billy.
one night at the house after a long day in the studio, you and billy sat outside and drank some beers. your chairs were facing in, and it took some effort to not longingly stare at him.
“how do you like it so far? i mean, the album?” billy asked you nervously, looking down.
you smiled to yourself and bit your lip. “you’ve been wanting my approval more and more recently. what’s that about?” you asked, leaning back in your chair. “you’ve always been looking for my validation, but i never thought much about it until now.”
billy took a deep breath in. he looked like he was contemplating something, and he took a sip of his beer before looking at you again. “do i really have to say it?”
you furrowed your eyebrows slightly. prompting billy to start, he closed his eyes before talking again. “Y/N, i think i may be in love with you.”
your heart seemed to fall into your chest. you’ve had suspicions for a long time now, but you had always assumed you were looking too far into it. you thought that was just his personality. until recently, you had never even considered him romantically. it wasn’t until he really starting honing in on his craft that you saw a side of him that you could potentially like.
“billy dunne in love with me?” you asked playfully. you couldn’t believe it.
“i know you don’t feel the same, and i’ve accepted that. maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but i’ve been pining over you for as long as i can remember. i value your opinion because your ideas and thoughts are the only ones that truly matter to me.”
the heart beat in your chest sped up. you felt your face grow red and you hoped billy couldn’t see how absolutely flustered you were. you took a sip of your beer.
billy then waved his hand like he was brushing his thoughts away. “forget it, this was all stupid. i shouldn’t have said that, i’m sorry.”
your eyes softened as billy looked away, embarrassed. you scooted forward, gently placing a hand on his knee. “billy,” you started. he reluctantly turned to face you. “i want to explore where this could go.”
he smiled at you, a wide and endearing smile that made you immediately grin back. “i’ve waited a long time to hear that.”
after that night, it didn’t take long for you and billy to become inseparable. the band eventually caught on to what was going on, no one had to explain your feelings to anyone; everyone seemed to know. the often caught you making out in secret in random places in the studio.
after recording the album, it was time to go on tour. you and billy started dating after the first show on tour, and you were truly happy for the time being.
however, a lot of that initial glee faded as the tour continued, as the band was heavily using drugs and alcohol to escape the pressures of the tour. billy seemed to take it especially hard. most nights, he would do a line of coke right on stage and finish the show by washing everything down with alcohol.
“billy, don’t you think you should… slow down a little?” you asked gently once you were back in your hotel room. billy was opening another bag of coke.
he looked at you. “this is rock and roll, Y/N.”
you sighed. you were worried for him, everyone was. “you’re not yourself, billy. this isn’t the billy that i know,” you said, your tone getting harsher. when he looked away back to his bag of coke, you walked over to him.
“look at me,” you said, standing in front of him between him and the coke. he obliged, and blankly stared back at you.
it hurt you to see him like this. he was falling apart at the seams. “don’t fucking blame this on rock and roll. you’re addicted, billy. you have a problem. you better clean up your goddamn act soon or i-” you stopped, your voice cracking. tears were forming in your eyes. “or i can’t be with you any longer.”
billy blinked, almost unfazed. after a few moments, he nodded.
you looked up at him and shook your head. “clean yourself up.”
after that night, billy tried to cut back, but he always found his way back to the drugs and the alcohol. for a while, it was okay. he only did a line before a show and kept his alcohol for after the show. you still didn’t like his heavy consumption, but at least he was making an effort for you and your relationship.
then, just as it was getting better, it got worse again. he was fully addicted now, and was stumbling all over the stage. he couldn’t hold notes in the songs, and the band looked between themselves, confused.
“Y/N, what are we going to do with him? karen asked after a show, leaning into your ear as you watched billy open a bottle of vodka. you stared as tears fell down your face.
“there’s only one thing to do.”
you forced billy into your car, giving the band members hugs before you drove off.
“w-where are we going?” billy asked, dazed.
a tear drop fell on your leg as you drove, and billy’s eyebrows furrowed.
“you know where,” you whispered.
“Y/N, i’m sorry.”
“i know you are," you replied numbly.
you heard billy sniffle, like he was also crying. you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. “i can’t live without you. you’re all i ever wanted, and now i’ve thrown it all away.”
you bit your lip as you suppressed your tears. “i know.”
you pulled up to the rehabilitation center, and got out of the car with billy. you stood in front of him, close to him. he looked down at you with melancholy, and you looked up at him.
“take care of yourself, okay?”
he nodded. “i-i’m sorry, Y/N.”
you nodded as the tears fell harder. you were leaving behind one of the greatest things that has ever happened to you.
you turned away before you could hesitate and headed back to your car as you watched billy enter the front doors of the center. when he was out of sight, you broke down, releasing the sobs that were hiding in your body.
the rest of the tour was cancelled, and back at laurel canyon, the band wasn’t sure where their future stood. not having billy around had left a hole in the group, and you fell into a pit of depression not having him around. the band tried their best to cheer you up. whether it be graham offering to play games with you, or warren buying you useless knickknacks, or even just crying on karen’s shoulder, you appreciated their efforts but you couldn’t seem to get billy off your mind.
when you got the call two months later that billy was coming home, you felt excited and scared all at the same time. you were looking forward to having him back, you needed him. but confronting everything that had happened seemed too overwhelming.
graham brought him back to the house, and he got out of the car to greet the band. warren showed him his mustache he had been growing, and eddie showed billy his bass he had built. karen squeezed your hand before going up to billy and hugging him.
you stood behind the rest of them, afraid to make an appearance. billy was trying to look for you, and when warren noticed, he stepped away so you were visible to billy.
you could tell billy was feeling the same as you were. you watched as guilt flashed across his face, then nervousness, then eventually, relief.
you stepped forward at the same time, and he wrapped you in an endearing hug. it felt nice to be in his arms again.
“i’m never letting you go again,” billy said into your hair. “i’m staying clean for you.”
you pulled away so you could look at him, your arms still loosely around each other. “you get one more chance, dunne. one more slip up and whatever this is is over.”
after settling into normalcy again, you felt like you were getting to know billy all over again. you were rediscovering why you began to like him in the first place. you missed him.
not long later, you watched as graham angrily stormed out of the room with billy in it. you frowned and peered into the doorframe, finding billy with his head down.
“what’s wrong?” you asked, sitting down next to him. you placed a hand on his thigh, and he stared at it.
“i’m quitting the band, Y/N,” he said quietly.
your jaw fell slightly. “what?”
billy scooted away from you. you could tell he was emotional right now, and was pushing you away not because he didn’t want you there, but because he didn’t know what else to do.
“i love music, but i can’t keep doing this. there’s too much temptation, and i can’t go through that again. i can’t lose you again.”
you softened. billy was willing to do anything for you, but this was one act of selflessness that you couldn’t let him get away with.
“billy,” you started. “you’re the strongest person i know. i trust you. i’m not going to let you quit on this band because of me, you’re just getting started. please, at least think about staying. i won’t be able to do this without you.”
he continued looking down. he paused, and you could tell his hard exterior was crumbling around you. “i’ll think about it.”
and he did. only a few days later, he came to the band with a new song in a new direction that he was ready to get recorded. it was a beautiful song that he called honeycomb, and when he first played it for you, you had some thoughts.
“it’s good,” you said, nodding your head as you sat down on the couch next to billy.
“but…” billy asked, sensing your hesitation.
“it’s missing something.”
billy squinted, a devious smirk forming on his face. “like what exactly?”
“i don’t know, it just sounds too… hopeful, maybe?” you said.
billy looked at you with genuine confusion. “what’s wrong with having hope?”
“nothing, nothing at all, it’s just-” you paused. “no one wants to hear a song about hope. people like to hear things that are messy, and dark, and imperfect.”
billy rolled his eyes and kissed your cheek. “Y/N, you know i love your opinions, but i think you’re wrong about that one.”
you giggled. “i can guarantee teddy will tell you the same thing when you get it recorded.”
“is that a bet?”
you smiled. “hell yes it is.”
then you shook on it, and as it was, you ended up being right. in the studio, teddy told billy it was a good song, not a great one, and you and teddy had a new artist come in to sing vocals on the track named daisy jones.
billy was less than welcoming at daisy’s arrival, and they clashed over everything. billy wasn’t informed that daisy had changed his lyrics, and he stormed out of the studio, taking you with him by the wrist.
“billy, what the hell?” you said as you stumbled behind him, finally coming to a stop when you were outside.
“i can’t fucking believe this, Y/N, you and teddy are ruining my song by adding daisy. it’s not supposed to be a duet, and it’s suppose to be about hope,” billy said harshly.
“daisy adds more layers to that song whether you like it or not. she makes it better, and it gives the song a story.”
“no, she’s not. i wrote a beautiful song, and it’s being taken over.”
billy was frowning, and you stepped forward so you were right under him. at this point, you were frustrated too.
“stop being so fucking stubborn, billy. your ego is getting in the way for the success of this song. we’ll record it daisy’s way, and then we’ll record it your way, okay? we can decide which one sounds better later.”
billy paused, and looked down at you. you could see his harsh eyes soften a bit, and then he nodded his head.
you never did record it his way.
with look at us now came a rush in popularity and invitations to perform at festivals. at the diamond head festival, you saw for yourself the magic on stage that was billy and daisy together. daisy wasn’t a want, she was a need. that is, until billy made a particularly snide remark about daisy to the news following their performance.
“billy, are you crazy?” you asked when you had a private moment after the interview.
billy seemed confused. “what are you talking about?”
“billy!” you exclaimed. “you could have been a little nicer to daisy in that interview.”
billy looked at you, shocked. “i was! i couldn’t have been nicer! seriously Y/N, what’s the big-”
“the big deal is that daisy makes you better. she makes all of you better. you didn’t even give her any credit for the song.”
billy stepped closer to you. “it was my song.”
“daisy wrote the part that everyone remembers.”
billy paused. “she will ruin us.”
you shrugged. “you’ll never know until you try.”
for a while after that festival, things went back to normal, but you knew your work with daisy wasn’t done. you and billy were throwing a house party, and you invited daisy to try and work out the bad blood between the two. getting them to work together was not an easy task, but by the end of the night, they found common ground. it didn’t take long for daisy to be formally invited into the band.
you noticed daisy and billy continued to be unwilling to work together, despite all your efforts. finally, teddy sent billy and daisy away to write material together, and the pair didn't come back until the night time.
as the band recorded let me down easy, you could tell something special was building. as billy sang into the microphone, you hoped he would catch your eye so you could give him a proud smile, but his eyes stayed locked on daisy. you didn't think much of it at this point.
billy and daisy found their groove, and the two would walk into the studio after a day of writing laughing and giggling like children. you remembered when billy would do that with you. now, it seemed like a distant memory.
"karen, can i ask you something?" you asked karen once when you were the only two in the lobby of the studio.
"anything," she replied, putting out her cigarette.
"do you think something is off will billy? like, with me?" you asked sheepishly.
karen frowned. "what do you mean?"
you looked down. "he hasn't been the same since daisy has been in the picture. i rarely see him anymore, and when i do, he's not all there," you said. "and i felt so involved in the last album. i was involved in all of billy's decisions, and now it's daisy. should i be worried about..." you trailed off. "you know?"
karen looked at you, her eyes softening at your worried expression. "i know what you mean. billy's a great guy, Y/N, and i think you can trust him. if you're worried, i would talk to him sooner rather than later."
you nodded. "i'll see if it gets any worse, and if it does, i'll talk to him."
you hated that things were getting worse between the two of them. you could tell he was hiding something, and a part of you always knew that those two had some type of connection. they had to, for the sake of the music.
you tried to trust them and let him run off with daisy, knowing that they made each other better. but you knew he wasn't telling you something.
you didn't realize how far along their connection was until daisy and billy stormed out of the studio while recording more fun to miss.
you followed them out, a few paces behind them, to make sure everything was okay. as soon as you stepped out onto the pavement, you watched as daisy yelled something at billy, close to his face. then, you watched as billy pulled daisy closer, leaving a kiss on her lips.
you gasped, and the two immediately broke and turned to look at you. billy went as pale as a ghost, and you stood horrified.
"Y/N, this isn't-" billy started, walking closer to you.
you put up a hand, stopping him in his tracks. "don't."
billy paused. "daisy, can we get some privacy?" he asked sternly before daisy hurriedly made her way inside.
"can i explain?" billy asked quietly.
a tear ran down your face. "what is there to explain? i know what i just saw."
billy nodded understandingly. "i know, i know what this looks like, and i'm sorry. but truthfully, there's absolutely nothing going on between us."
you laughed. "you call that nothing?" you asked, raising your voice. "you kissed her, billy! and god knows what else you've been doing behind my back all this time. there's a reason you came out here to do this, so i wouldn't find out."
billy put his hands on your shoulders. "there's nothing of substance between us. this is all an act, we're building our connection so fans can see it and believe it onstage. that's what the fans want. please believe me, there's nothing between us. there never was, and there never will be."
you shook your head, tears streaming down your face harder. "and you expect me to believe that?" you asked quietly, walking away into the studio.
you had locked yourself in a storage closet for some privacy, and you could tell the band, minus billy and daisy, was looking for you around the studio. you sat on the floor crying, thinking about all the times billy left you to be with her.
you felt so stupid for letting this happen. you should have known something was off. you couldn't believe what billy did, but you couldn't believe that you fell for him the way you did. this should have been expected.
suddenly, you heard a faint voice from outside the door, down the hallway. "daisy, we need to talk."
footsteps. "don't tell me what i think you're going to tell me," she replied.
"we were a mistake. we never had anything, and we never will."
a pause. "you're a big fucking liar, you know that?" daisy asked him.
"Y/N is the one i love. she's the one i will choose every time."
"so that kiss just now meant nothing?" daisy asked, getting angrier. "you did that just so i'd sing like that on the album?"
"i did what i had to do," billy said, matching her tone. "this is all an act, for the music. we had to build chemistry so the fans will believe it. none of this is real." there was a pause before billy spoke again. "i refuse to lose Y/N. not again."
there was another long pause, before a loud "fuck you" and the sound of daisy's heels walking out of the studio doors.
your heart was beating fast after hearing that exchange. you wanted to trust the man that you had grown to love again.
you quietly unlocked the door, stepping out and finding billy down the hall. he looked at you and his harsh features softened when he saw your tear stained face. "hey, i've been looking all over for you," he said sweetly.
you stood in front of him, and he put his hands on the sides of your face, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"i'm so sorry, Y/N. for all of this. temptation got the best of me, and i lost sight of what i wanted and needed. you're it for me, and you always have been. even before you knew i existed, i knew i wanted you and no one else."
you rested your forehead on his, briefly staying quiet. "never do anything like this ever again, okay asshole?"
billy smiled. "you have my word."
you kissed him, and it made you forget everything that had just happened. you could tell that he truly meant what he said to you through a single, meaningful kiss.
he made all of your worries dissipate in an instant.
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bbrokenbback · 5 months
Hairstyle hcs time!
So recently ive been thinking what if all of those bald-ass primarchs actually had visited a hairdresser of some sort at least once in their lives instead of taking a razor and getting rid of all their hair. And also what if other who canonically have hair had something actually good on their heads instead of just going in a fight with flowing hair of theirs and idk being tugged on it by some warboss of whatever.
So there it.
I. Lion ElJonson. I think he should have had some sort of braids and it is also going to be probably just as loose and messy as it is in the picture since you know he likes a mele fighting.
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2. Let him stay bald.
3. Fulgrim. Canonically hes already got the best hairstyle of all of his brothers but i think there must be something that would fit him best and also be a little more practical in a mele sword fight than having loose hair. I sadly havent found a male reference but it doesnt matter. So i would give Fulgrim a neat ponytail with a band probably made out of his own hair. Its practical, it shows how good hes hair is, its beautiful, its everything we need.
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4. Perturabo. Hes focused a little too much on a practical side of things so i think if he had hair he would collect it into a bun. Not so neat since he does not really care about hair at all and it gets messy with time cause he just makes it in the morning and does not correct anything about it till the time he goes to sleep again unless the bun collapses. I also think he would have slightly curly hair because well greek. It also charcoal black.
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5. Jaghatai Khan. Hes allowed to have messy hair because hes the definition of a mess himself and he messes around and pls stop me. I think his hairstyle is required to be a little more loose than its in canon because i dont think that a person like him would actually care about keeping his hair neat. Although i see him having a little ponytail on the back of his head the hair itself is just to short to be collected in one scrunchy.
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6. Leman Russ. It was too easy to find lots of scandinavian kind of hairtyle references so there we have it: shaved sides with long braids going from the top of the head which is sometimes collected in a bun and sometimes not. Hairstyle had quite a meaning in the northen contries so i think hes the unexpected one to actually care about his hair and making his little braids. It must be some sort of a ritural for him.
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7. Rogal Dorn. I honestly cannot see him with hair any longer than hes got in canon. Actually I see him as a person who would like it to be even shorter because you know another guy whos focused on practical stuff too much. He does not really care about hairstyle so his head is always neat but with nothing fancy or special. Hes hair looks like hes just gotten out of the army and is trying to grow it up but fails and cuts it short.
BUT i think he cares about his hair condition a lot because its quite hard to have a clear white hair when you are in constant war. Hes got plenty of purple shampoos to get rid of that annoying yellowness in his hair. One of the few of the primarch to actually use conditioner so altough his hair is short its the softes and the silkiest of all.
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8. Konrad Curze. This was a difficult one actually. Most of his hairstyle habits disappear the moment he exits the Prime of Emperor after he finished his Fulgrims degree. And when he had any kind of hairstyle at all it was mostly made by Fulgrim himself so Konrad does not look like a junk rat while walking on his flagship.
I can imagine Fulgrim making poor Konrad having the worst and the most difficult hairstyle ever so he does not unbraid it himself or gets too frustrated by the structure before he finishes it. Maybe something that in M2 was popular among brides, all those hairstyle that requires at least two people to make it work on a head. Increadibly neat and shiny and silky though Konrad does not like it at all. Hes head is itchy hes eyes are pulled in two different direction because of how strong the tension on his temples is.
However Konrad does not shave his head bald out of protest. He just endures his fates.
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9. Sanguinius. His hair must be so hard to work with because hes got the curliest of all curls so I think it would take a lot of time for him alone to make something of it properly. Thankfully hes got his sons who are all happy to help their dad with his hair and would probably fight each other for a chance to do so because its considered an honour.
He needs something that is strong enough to not fall apart during his flights and also beautiful so I decided it to be a head-circling braid or a few of them. It is held my several hidden hairpins and from outside it looks rather magical than real because of how good its made. His curls although are almost unnoticable.
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10. Ferrus Manus. There is not that much to say about his hair outside of it being a total mess all of the time no matter how long or short it is. His hair must be very dry and so straight that it would never touch Fulgrimg stay in any kind of shape and will stick out in all possible directions like hes not a primarch but a hedgehog. If his hair ever grows up more than shoulder lenght it would look spiky.
Also no idea who the character is but his hair fits and also a little beard is something I can see Ferrus having.
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11. Cut of his head while shaving it. Deserved.
12. Angron. Ive seen it somewhere as a canon fact but his hair must be red. So hes a redhead! Its cute! Since he was a gladiator there is not so much of things that he might have done with his hair so he would probably just keep it short. It wouldnt get too dirty in fights, practical and not as ugly as a bald head. Simple though not so neat because I think its kinda hard to wash it while being a slave.
Since hes got nails I think he would always have bristle because its hard to shave when you twitch all the time.
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13. Roboute Guilliman. I do not know why hes hair is not curly since hes a walking reference to the Roman Empire. Anyway there is not so much to say about him too but I think hes really into accessories. Flower crowns, lauren wreathes, all that kind of stuff. Simple things like little golden leaves as hairpins too.
I also think that in 41M hes wreath hurts him because it has sharp leaves and is spiky in general so hes got little wounds on his temples all the time which sometimes bleed dirtying his hair and making him look even more like a figure of faith.
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14. Mortarion. Hes hair is white or rahter colorless and very thin, also its very brittle considering all the toxic stuff hes met on his homeworld and also his casual habit of taking a glass or two of literal moonshine of his own making which is rather a promethium to human body than an actual drink. Since his hair is thin and brittle I think his hairstyle would be very uneven although he would still keep it long rather than shoulder or temple lenght. He lenght is different on every side of his head but somehow he does not look like a mess of a man who cannot take care of his own hair but rather like a fairy moth.
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15. Magnus the Red. Hes a literal shapeshifter so he doesnt really care about whether his hair gets cut off or burnt during a fight or not because he can always grow it back in a minute using his warp magic. Although he still would need a hairstyle to attend some official meetings with humans or his brothers so this is it. I have no idea how to call it but with the hair of his it would look so great. It might appear to others like kinda messy but actually it is not and for Prospero where I can see this hairstyle to be quite traditional its very neatly made. Hes also into accessories like Roboute but for him its rather thin chains, strings and necklaces.
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16. Horus Lupercal. Somewhere Ive read that hes got canonically red hair too so be it. Hes a redhead. If he wasnt bald he would have a short military hairstyle. Hes hair is straight, thick and healthy in every way though he does not do much to it. Hes got no actual hairstyle but hes very into royal kind of accessories. Crowns. wreathes, tiaras and diadems of all sorts. Nothing too extra like those gigantic russian crowns since he considers himself to be a rather warrior type of king. Its still too much in comparison to his other brothers.
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17. Lorgar Aurelian. I think his hair is just like the Emperors because hes always compared to Him in terms of appearance. Brown. straight but not messy, very heavy. If he wasnt bald he would keep it long, much longer than his shoulders, probably to his waist. The hairstyle is simple yet sometimes quite excessive. Little braids with rings and chains of gold braided into them, sometimes with no braids at all and just the accessories put straight onto strands. And there is always a little too much of them than its required. Just as Sanguinius allows his sons to take care of his hair sometimes with braiding and washing it although it mostly Erebus and Kor Phaerons job.
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18. Vulkan. Hes getting dreads since it was quite obvoius but its not that simple. I think on Nocturne its very important to keep you hair clean out of all that vulcanic junk that atmosphere is full of and dreads make it much easier to manage. The way it looks, amount of added colours and accessories is the way of showing a status of a person. Since Vulkan is a primarch his dreads would be very colorful and full of small details such as hollow gems, beads, tapes and belts. There must be lots of pieces of dragons` skin too. Its also very practical because a bun of dreads makes it much easier to work in a forge with long hair considering all the sweat and dirt.
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19. Corvus Corax. I dont think hes the kind of a person who would put too much effort in his looks but its different with hair. Since hes got very thick hair and its canonically long I think he might grow it even longer and experiment with it a lot. There is a different hairstyle for fight, for meetings with humans, his brothers and his sons, for each and every special occasion. But i think he would prefer ponytails the because its simple, practical and still looks coold with that hair of his.
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20. Alpharius and Omegon. Matching hairstyle. I havent found a reference pic for this one that would fit the vibe of the two of them. Its just crazy matching haistyles. Pink waist long dreads? They both got it. Blue quads with a shaved side? They are mirrorying each other. The older they get the more interesting it gets.
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julilovesyou444 · 11 months
the only exception ~ tom kaulitz
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background: you and Tom had been hooking up for a while now, probably close to around half a year. you had a big crush on him but were very aware that he didn’t do relationships, so even though you were ‘physically’ with him, you never let yourself get super emotionally attached. Tom couldn’t say the same for himself, though. He wanted you, and only you.
warnings: nothing much just kissing and swearing lol
a/n~ sorry for being m.I.a!! I had to visit my dad in serbia and it sucked because I hate my dad and he hates me lolllll speaking of I wrote a fic that was requested where like the ready has daddy issues and tom like helps her through it but I think I made it wayyyy to like serious I think the word is? and its very long so I’m considering scrapping it idk, also I’m getting to all ur requests that I wanna do dont worry !!
“hello?”, i said, picking up my phone. it was tom, my long-term fling. I can’t remember exactly how I met him, or exactly how we started hooking-up. I had heard about his band before we met, and I thought they were cool, but i didn’t quite understand just how popular they were. Until after meeting Tom, i didnt know about his ‘reputation’ either. I didn’t know until after the first time we hooked up. He had made us trade numbers, and i was expecting a call at least a day or two after we had seen each other, but nothing. I decided to do some research, just to find out that the boy i was crushing on was in fact a hardcore player. A womanizer, if you will. Part of me wanted to never go out with him again, the smart part of me. But another part of me wanted him so badly, so overwhelmingly bad that I went with my heart instead of my head. I liked Tom, I really did. I couldn’t help it. But I didn’t want myself to get hurt, so I expected just about nothing from him. We fuck and then it’s over. Whenever he would ask me to stay the night or do any of that stuff, I would politely decline and leave. Sometimes we would go out and do non-sexual things, but they always ended sexual. I learned to become okay with that, and I ultimately stopped expecting us to do anything that was hooking up.
“Hey, are you busy?”, he asked.
“Hmm, i dont know, maybe, depends on why you’re calling.”, I teased. he chuckled.
“Uh-huh… well I was thinking, that if you’re free, I could take you out somewhere.”
“take me out, huh? is that code for fucking?”, this earned me another laugh.
“no, no, it can be, but I want to actually take you out.”, he chuckled.
“are you asking me out on a date?”, i asked, a little confused.
I was quiet for a second, apparently a second too long.
“look if you dont want to, we don’t have to, I just thought-“, he started.
“no, no! sorry! I was thinking but yes, I’m free and we should go out!”, I interrupted. I heard him release a breath he was holding, probably one he didn’t intend for me to hear.
“okay, yea, cool. when can I pick you up?”
“hmm let’s say in about 30 minutes? does that work?”
“mhm, I’ll see you then.”
“bye.”, he said just before I hung up.
tom kaulitz. taking me out on a date?? what????
I got up almost immediately and started to get ready. I wanted to look as cute as possible. I ran over to my wardrobe and searched through it for a good five minutes. I found this super cute, also pretty tiny, pleated denim skirt and this purple and black top that had a lot of lace detailing and these little puffy princess sleeves. I put on some jewelry, makeup, and these black boots I had. I left my hair down, i noticed that when I did, Tom always complimented it. I grabbed my purse and threw some gum, lipgloss, my phone, and my little digital camera in there.
I glanced at the clock and saw that he should be here any minute. I stepped outside and waited for about 3 minutes, which would’ve been fine, if it wasn’t as cold as it was. I didn’t feel like going back in, just in case he showed up right as i did. I was shivering a tiny bit and got some goosebumps, but to my relief, and pulled in front of my house not too much later. I got in, the warm air of his car heaters hitting me.
“shit, you look freezing. how long were you out there for?”, Tom asked, looking genuinely concerned.
“I’m cold but I’m fine.”, I laughed it off.
“okay, do you need a jacket or-“
“No!! I’m serious! I’m okay.”, I laughed some more.
“okay, okay! just checking.”, he smiled. I watched as his eyes did a quick scan over me.
“you look pretty. your hair looks really nice too.”, he said, his eyes averting back forward as he began to drive away.
“thank you. you don’t look too bad yourself.”
he playfully rolled his eyes but he couldn’t help but smile as well.
“sooo… where are we going?”, I questioned.
“you’ll see.”
“Oh, c’mon. I hate surprises.”
“You’ll like this one, trust me.”
I sighed and faced myself back forward. Some radio station was playing softly in the background as we raced down the highway.
the drive to the mystery place wasn’t far, only a 20 minute drive, which I filled with a lot of talking. mainly about random stuff, Tom telling a few jokes which never failed to make me laugh. He pulled into a parking lot which only had a few other cars. I looked around, it looked like we were at some kind of fancy park. A garden maybe? He leaned over the center console and grabbed something from the backseat.
Tom dropped a large black zip up jacket in my lap.
“My jacket, so you aren’t freezing your ass off the entire time.”
“Oh, thank you.”, i said quietly. He got out of the car and made his way to the back. I followed his lead, getting out of the car, putting on the jacket but not zipping it. I walked around to the back of the car where the trunk was open. There were two big woven picnic baskets. Tom grabbed both and I shut the trunk door as he began to walk off. I caught up with him.
“Do you want me to carry one?”, i motioned to the baskets.
“It’s okay, just follow me.”, he said, continuing his venture into the park. I followed close behind.
We didn’t walk for long, it was a really beautiful park. There were lots of flowers and little benches everywhere. Lots of really big and beautiful trees too. We stopped in front of this big pond, the water was so clear you could see the miniature fish swimming. there was a swan that swam around too.
Tom opened one of the baskets, revealing a big blanket. Without a word, I helped him spread it out over the fluffy grass. He sat down on it and patted the little space next to him, indicating for me to sit down as well. I did. He grabbed the other basket next to him and moved it to be in front of us. Tom opened it and inside were a ton of snacks. All of my favorites. I was shocked to say the least.
“Oh my god, how did you know?”, i said, mouth slightly agaped. He looked proud of himself.
“You mentioned some of your favorite snacks once or twice.”, he nonchalantly shrugged.
“This is lovely, Tom.”, I replied, sounding as genuine as I ever had. His eyes met mine and I gave him a little smile which he returned.
“What is all of this for?”, i added.
“Just wanted to do something nice for you, I guess.”, he mumbled and looked away.
I gently placed my hand over his, his head turned to mine.
“I appreciate it, I really do.”, i smiled. my thumb caressed his hand for a second.
“I like spending time with you, y’know? even when we’re not…”, he trailed off. I laughed, taking my hand off his, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by Tom.
I grabbed one of the many snacks he packed and started to eat. In between bites, I would ramble about different things. He always would just listen to me talk, admiring me as he did. This went on for a while. Tom started eating some. Somewhere in the midst of this, my position changed. I now had my head laid across his legs, my legs stretched out and my hair splayed all over his lap. i stopped eating and just started talking. Tom gazed down at me. Eventually he lit a cigarette and started smoking. He held the cigarettes between his pointer and middle finger, moving it down for me to take a puff. I did, peering into his eyes as I did so. They weren’t filled with their normal lust, but they looked like they had something else in them. I couldn’t figure it out.
Tom talked some too, mainly making crude jokes. I always laughed, no matter how stupid. I think he enjoyed that.
He took a hit and then leaned over, his mouth hovering over mine. I opened and allowed him to blow the smoke in my mouth. He sat back up and watched as slowly blew it out.
“I know this isn’t a normal thing to do when we ‘meet up’, but i really like it.”, Tom said, his fingers intertwined with the ends of my hair.
“Really?”, i asked. I knew for a fact he enjoyed my body, but I wasn’t aware he liked spending time with me when we weren’t doing one another.
“yea… why’s that so shocking?”
“Um, i dont know. I guess I thought you really only wanted sex from me.”
“Uh, I guess that’s just what I wanted at first. But the more I started seeing you, the more I wanted to see you again.”
“Yea, and whenever I would invite you to stay over or do anything like that, you would always say no. Kind of assumed you were the one who only wanted me for sex.”
“I don’t, I just assumed you were trying to be polite or something. It’s stupid, I guess.”
“No, it’s not. At this point, you know me and you know the reputation I have, so i understood why you thought that.”
“Sorry…”, I muttered, feeling a little embarrassed.
“Don’t be sorry.”
We sat in silence for a few moments, but it wasn’t awkward.
“I was thinking about maybe doing this kinda thing more often with you, I mean, we can still do our normal things we do, but maybe we can start doing more of this too.”
“What? Like go on dates?”, i furrowed my brows.
“Yea, something like that.”
“I feel like that’s something only couples do.”, i sorta laughed. He was quiet, which made me sit up, I looked over at him. He was staring at his lap in my absence.
“Is that… not a possibility?”, he murmured.
“But… I thought you dont do commitment? and relationships?”
“Yea, i dont usually.”
“I can’t go on dates with you and act all boyfriend-girlfriend unless you are actually going to commit. I’m not going to do that to myself, Tom. I can’t let myself get hurt like that.”, i said quietly but sternly. I had to be sensible, i didn’t want to be just another girl that got fooled by Tom Kaulitz.
“I know, but i want to try.”, he looked up at me with pleading eyes.
“What changed? What’s different now than from when I first met you?”, I asked, still unsure.
“I hate talking about my feelings.”, he huffed.
“I’m not gonna judge you or anything, I just need to know.”
“You changed me. You did. I didn’t want to date any of the girls I hooked up with for one night because they just weren’t worth it and they didn’t mean that much to me. You’re one of the only girls I’ve consistently seen for more than a month. I haven’t gotten with any other girl than you for like 4 months. I don’t know what it is about you, but I can’t ignore it. And I want more of you. More than just the physical aspects. Dont get me wrong, I love those parts of you too, but i want you for more than just your body. Dude, I can’t stop saying stupid ass jokes to you just because I want to hear your laugh. So yeah, I haven’t ever really commited before because I didn’t really do relationship. But, for you, it’s different. You are the only exception.”
“What? Really? I had zero idea you felt that way at all…”, I replied, astounded.
“Well I do feel that way and have for a little while now.”
“You aren’t playing with me, right?”, i asked, still not believing it.
“Really?? I practically just confessed myself to you and you still don’t believe me?”
“Okay, I’m sorry! You’re right, this was just, unexpected from you.”
“So… what do you think?”
“I want you too, Tom.”, I managed to say. A smile grew on his once nervous face. He cupped my face in his hands and began to lean in.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Mhm.”, i responded. He kissed me so passionately, I felt like I was floating. My hand went to his jaw, my thumb subconsciously tracing little hearts on his lower cheek. I could feel him smile into the kiss. I pulled away, my forehead still connected with his. I started giggling a little, looking away and hiding my face.
“Oh, c’mon. Dont be shy, now.”, Tom pulled my back towards him so I was leaned against his frame, his arms wrapped around my torso. He left little kisses on the top of my head.
“Hm?”, he hummed.
“Can’t believe I was your only exception.”, i said with a cocky smile in attempt to poke fun at him.
I could feel him roll his eyes.
“Uh-huh, whatever. Its true.”
“I kinda never thought this day would come.”, i said, my finger trailing up and down his, that rested on my stomach.
“Yea, me too, I guess. But I’m glad that it did.”
I smiled, turning my head around to kiss him again.
A new beginning.
His first real relationship.
It was me, I was his only exception.
Something about that phrase made me feel like the most special girl in the world.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
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See, these three make perfect sense for Dave. We've got the funny meme troll, the funny meme troll, and the funny meme troll who's flirting with him.
TC: ArE YoU ReAdY TC: To gEt tHe hOrNs yOu dOnT HaVe TC: CoNfIsCaTeD AlL LiKe tHe mOtHeRfUcKiN HoNkTrAbAnD ThEy aRe TC: BeInG AlL IlLiCiT As tHe vAsT JoKe iTsElF
Aradia just mentioned the 'Vast Joke', and now Gamzee is using it as part of his trolling efforts. I guess it's a part of Sburb's lore that the kids haven't yet encountered.
I doubt Gamzee will be enlightening us, though. He probably just thinks it's a juggalo thing.
TC: YoU GeTtInG YoUr hOrNs aLl hAnDeD To yOu, If yOu pEePs aNaToMiCaLlY WeRe sUcH To bE LiKe tHaT TC: DoInG ThAt's tO MeAn lIkE YoU GoT MoThErFuCkIn sAsSeD OuT TC: As iN TrOlLeD
It honestly takes a minute of painstakingly parsing his text to even realize that he's trolling - which means he's already succeeded.
TG: oh god thats right TG: you were the best troll
See, Dave gets it!
TG: it was months ago for me TG: you did your bizarrely oblivious juggalo thing TG: then bitched and moaned at me for ruining your religion or some horseshit TG: like i guess a weird crisis in faith i dunno TG: and then TG: you kinda got over that i guess
We haven't seen this conversation, but I could pretty much write it myself:
Gamzee raps at Dave.
Dave memes on Gamzee for being a juggalo.
Gamzee learns that he's worshipping a band from Earth, and realizes how bizarre his situation is.
Then he immediately gets over it. Because, y'know, he's stoned out of his mind.
TC: My mInD'S NoT ThAt sHaRp nOw tHoUgH, iT'S BeEn aGeS SiNcE I HaD A GoOd pIe
Or not - maybe he'll sober up soon.
It'd be funny if a straightedge, post-juggalo Gamzee ended up being one of the more competent trolls - although that would mean more conversations iN HiS qUiRk, which I wouldn't exactly relish.
TC: I WaSn't tHe dUdE Of tImE TC: I WaS ThE TC: ThE MoThErFuCkIn TC: BaRd oF TC: FuCk
Oh, he's a bard! Hell yeah!
Bards are my favorite D&D class. They're charismatic generalists, with a fun, musical flavor to their abilities. It's a good fit for Gamzee, too - bard isn't far from jester, which isn't far from clown.
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In Sburb, I imagine that it's an oddball class for Players who don't dance to anyone's tune but their own.
Gamzee barely qualifies as a Player, and is hardly aware of the game going on around him - but I'm sure he'll have his moment to shine. It's worth noting that, if built correctly, a Bard can also be one of the most powerful classes in D&D.
TG: do you remember if you watched any videos TG: from earth [...] TG: youve got to check this out TG: trust me itll lift your spirits shit will all make sense to you finally TG: youll finally figure out who you are and why you worship all this ridiculous clown bullshit [...] TG: http://tinyurl.com/MoThErFuCkInMiRaClEs
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Dave has decided he may as well kickstart Gamzee's crisis of faith...
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...and accidentally kickstarts a kimessitude that will be written in the stars.
Eat your heart out, Karkat.
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lime1991 · 6 months
hold on i have to recraft my trolls age hc... i just learned there was a brozone website and on said site we have:
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January 2nd 1999 is, maybe, Branch's birthday? And instead of being like "awesome im a big brother" Floyd just goes "thank god im not the baby anymore" after hes born.
Baby Branch's oldest message is this:
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February 26th 1999. He's over a month old at this point, but the phrasing of "tonight's show" leads me to believe he was part of the band from literal birth (also why Floyd's first reaction to his birth is "thank you for saving me") and therefore this isnt his first show.
The last logins for all of the brothers is March 11th 1999
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And just a day before, according to John Dory, new merch dropped
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Soooo i think its safe to say around March 11th 1999 is when the band broke up after their ruined performance, which makes sense that it was also the last time any of them logged into the website. (though i think it would be sad and sweet if it showed branch had logged into it sometime recently but whatever)
So that brings me back around to the age thing.
The trollspedia page states Poppy is around 21-23, and I agree and am more inclined towards 22-23 personally. Seeing as Branch was born in January 1999, he'd be 24 in 2023. But the only thing that confuses me a little is Branch saying its been 20 years since the band broke up:
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For 1999 to be 20 years ago, that would mean the movie takes place in 2019. And... honestly that's not too far off from 2023 so i don't mind that being the case, its always vague about what year its meant to be, a lot of animated movies are like this. Also i wanna bring up that the song Bridget and Poppy sing in the beginning (Good As Hell by Lizzo) came out in 2019, SO... its not impossible that the movie is meant to take place in 2019.
SO... with this all in mind... my new theory/headcanon:
As of 2019...
John Dory - 39 Bruce - 38 Clay - 33 Floyd - 28 Branch - 20
And as of 1999...
John Dory - 19 Spruce - 18 Clay - 13 Floyd - 8 Branch - 2 months
ALSO lets not forget the fact that troll age stages are different from humans', a 2 month old is singing and dancing in a boyband. They tend to mature past their actual age really quickly.
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(i know these are country trolls, but the idea is still there. as soon as they pop out the egg, trolls are basically toddlers)
And I've tried to keep my theory compliant with what the wikia says (like how Clay's 1999 self is referred to as a teenager, therefore i made him 13) because i believe theyre mostly right. however. i also believe the movie takes place in 2019, not 2023. even if that wasnt the intention of dreamworks, they wrote in the script that its been 20 years since 1999... that can literally only be 2019 lol.
But if we want to imagine it takes place in 2023, heres age hcs for that too:
John Dory - 43 Bruce - 42 Clay - 37 Floyd - 32 Branch - 24
Btw this means, in my hc, Poppy is 19 in 2019 and 23 in 2023, as is implied in the wiki. Which makes sense to me, because Branch is obviously older than her by at least a year. With my hc that Bruce and JD are only a year apart (again, in compliance with the wikia that claims JD was a teenager in 1999 and therefore not 20 like i want him to be. and making the "heart throb" not a minor bc thats weird to me) the moment where Poppy calls JD the "old one" but later fawns over Bruce is made extra funny when the two of them are so close in age.
But i want to say for the millionth time so nobody gets confused bc of all these numbers: I THINK BAND TOGETHER TAKES PLACE IN 2019!!! not 2023. And don't even ask about how the first movie truly fits into this, I DONT KNOW, they definitely did not fully think through a trilogy in 2016. Some things are just a product of when they came out and thats ok.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 3 months
Pairing: Mor x Reader
Summary: Day 6: Character A was so busy planning the perfect Starfall party, they forgot to get a date. Character B has an idea.
Warnings: Unedited, I'll do it after.
A/N: First of I am so sorry this is taking me this long, sorry if this one sucks I wrote it in a hurry. This is my submission to starfall week. Hope you like this 💕
Tagging: @carinaswife @starfallweek
Dialogue Prompts Masterlist
You sigh looking around The House of Wind. It was your responsibility to hold a party this year, you had volunteered after seeing how much work Rhysand and Feyre already had. He was a little hesitant at first, never having given someone else the job of organizing the festival celebration, but he ultimately agreed because you were right, he didn't have time to think about such things.
You knew you had to do your best, having a dull party wasn't an option. There was no way you were forcing Rhys to take a break one year only for him to regret and never give the responsibility to anyone else.
You went all out, no limit on anything. Alcohol, decoration, food. You were busting your ass from an entire month, planning this party. You wanted it to be perfect, wanted everyone else to think it was perfect.
"You've done a brilliant job." Mor's voice filled with wonder as she looks around the room. A small group of people had gathered around the room, chatting and drinking, waiting for the show to begin at night. The actual crowd yet to come, considering the party had just begin.
You had heard a lot of compliments this evening, everyone seeming to like what you did with the opportunity. The heavy decoration getting special attention and wondering eyes. You admit, if felt really good, the appreciation but you were yet to get the approval of your high lord and lady.
When you turned around to look at More, your breath caught up. Wearing a shimmering white gown that started at her chest, just the right amount of her cleavage picking out from the hem, with no sleeves, showing off her smooth skin, and ending at her ankles, her feet tucked in light blue heels. And adorned with a thin diamond necklace and earrings.
She looked break takingly beautiful.
Gods the things you want to do to her.
Her eye brows raise in a silent question when you dont say anything and just stare at her. You close your opened mouth and clear your throat, trying not to seem like a hopeless in love. She doesn't know of your feelings and you don't intent on telling her.
"Thank you. You look- really good." You silently curse at youself for being dumbstruck. Her lips pirk up in a smirk, the slight hitch in your voice revealing a lot more then you wish for it too. She thanks you and stands beside you, looking over at the people.
"So, why are you not ready yet? You planning it would make people believe you would be the first to get ready." Her tone teasing but that doesn't stop you in sighing.
"There was a problem with the music band, trying to clear it took more time then I thought it would." You glance down at yourself, standing in a plain shirt and pants, while everyone else was looking thier finest. You should probably get ready now, before more people come.
Mor lets out a hum before speaking again, "And who is your date for the evening?"
Your cheeks flush and you look away from her brown eyes, "I don't have one."
She turns to you, eyes furrowed. "Why not? The last I heard you were with a handsome cook."
"That was months ago." Before I realized just how deep my feelings run for you. You don't speak the words you think. "And I didn't get any time to ask someone." You shrug.
"But you want one, don't you? Seeing you without a date on Starfall in wired for me." It's not a dig, you know it because it's true. You always had a date at Starfall, different males and females in your arms every year, inhopes that someone will spark your interest more then the female standing in front of you, none have made it to second year though.
"It's alright." You shrug again, trying to make your statement believable.
She is silent for a minute before nodding to herself, seeming decide on something and smiles. "I will be your date."
You freeze. Your eyes snapping to hers the second later. Mischief written clearly in them as she takes your hand. "Oh- No, no. It's alright you don't need to do that for me- I mean, I'll be alright. Cause like I don't need a date. Not that I don't want one but, I don't need one- I'll just stay single fur one year. It's okay. You don't need to-" You babble in nervousness, unable to think straight as her smile widens at your state and her hand grips tighter on yours.
"Y/N, shut up." You quickly do, knowing if not then you'll probably say something you'll regret later. "I will be your date It's finale. Now go get ready."
She releases your hand and nudges you toward the bedrooms. You go obediently, without another word as you try to process what just happened.
This is like a dream come true.
A knock your door disturbs you as you try to think yourself up in the mirror. You are ready, wearing your dress and hair the way you decided. You look beautiful, smiling at yourself as you turn to look at yourself from every angle. Mor having told you about your plans just made you more motivated to look your best.
You nod at yourself one last time before turning to open the door. Standing on the other side is Morrigan, holding a bouquet of flowers. Her mouth openeing slightly as she looks at you, up and down, and again, not knowing what to say.
"You, look really beautiful." She smiles at your and you blush under her stare. "And these are for you." She hands you the bouquet. "My date." Her smirk widens when you take it from her, your face unable to hold your smile. You thank her and she holds out a hand,"Shall we?"
"Why not." You nod and put aside the flowers, taking her hand and closing to door behind you. "I still can't believe you declared yourself my date." The two of you laugh and you prepare youself for the night ahead.
At the end of the night, you stand at a balcony, looking over the stars crashing into each other. The colours illuminating against your face and you close your eyes to bask in them.
"You truly are so beautiful." A murmur laced with wonder speaks from beside you as Mor comes, leaning on the railing ahead of you. Your smile automatically widens at her voice, her perfume, her presence. You open your eyes to look into hers.
Oh how gorgeous she is.
You want to hold her close and never let go. Kiss her and touch her until all she knows is you. Love and pamper her in the way no one ever has. Stand on this very railing and scream on top of your lungs, declaring your love for her until the entire world knows just who you belong to.
Maybe you've had quiet a lot of drinks.
"Kiss me." You whisper, your drunken mind not caring about the consequences of your words.
Her eyes flare in surprise, "What?"
"Kiss me." You repeat, grining widely at her.
She is silent for a moment before she lifts her hand to cup your cheek. "You don't mean that."
"I do." You nod enthusiasticly. "Kiss me." You say aloud for the third time, looking at her lips and licking your in anticipation.
"No, you kiss me." Now she can't help but agree, seeing the happiness in your eyes. She wants you, so much, but if your doing this just because your drunk, she might as well let herself this small moment of content.
Your hands lift to wrap around her neck and your lips rest on hers. Both of you sighing in content when you finally kiss the other. In a rush of moment, your tougnes mangle, your breaths mix as you moan in the others taste. Having tiptoed around the other for years, you finally let yourselves have this small moment, not caring about the future.
You kiss each other like your life depends in it. Your head spins, from the alcohol or the kiss your not sure. Mor's lips just as intoxicating. You kiss until your lips feel numb, you finally pull back, resting your foreheads together, looking into the others eyes with equally widened smiles.
You don't care what happens in the morning, only that you love her now and kiss her again with everything you have.
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secondhand-snow · 3 months
I have a request on mencken: what do you think of reader being his questionably young wife? (This is probably going to end in pwp but i dont mind lol) he likes to show her off and buy her expensive things from the money he pocketed 😂 she's practically his sugar baby but she has a side hustle of being the first lady too
your mind... im obsessed this is such a good dynamic
nsfw | jeryd mencken x f!reader (succession)
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The sugar baby comments don’t really get to you anymore. They’re pretty accurate, truth be told. But people don’t need to know that. 
Your relationship with Jeryd Mencken began in your late 20’s, back when you still had a bad dye job, student loans, and a shitty studio apartment. You were employed at a jewelry store, barely making minimum wage, working 9 hour shifts every day just to pay your rent. The first time he came into the store, you treated him like any other customer. Any other incredibly attractive, extremely charismatic, and undoubtedly rich customer. But all the same, when he made his purchase and you parted ways, you never expected to see him again. Until he came back to the store a second time. And a third time. And a fourth, fifth, and sixth time. When he finally asked you on a date his image had already been clouding your sexual fantasies for weeks.
And so started your incredibly complicated romance. Jeryd expected you to be submissive and compliant when you first started going out, basing his speculations on how you’d acted at your job. Let’s just say he was more than surprised when you talked back to him, not afraid to be a brat in public to get what you wanted. This revelation was more of a thrill than a shock. Not only did he get to fuck you so hard the neighbors complained on the noise, he also got to punish you when you acted out. And you acted out a lot. But more than the sex was the attention the pair of you got in public. He’d bring you to his business events, dressing you in expensive silks, showing you off to his colleagues. He loved how amazed his peers got when he arrived with a pretty little doll on his arm, how the women would envy you and the men would crave to be him. 
The gifts started as a reward of sorts. Everytime you accompanied Jeryd to one of these work benefits, everytime you made him look good in public, everytime you were especially well behaved in the open, a present would arrive at your door. Wrapped in gold wrapping paper, with a handwritten note on the top expressing his appreciation, and usually sporting a designer logo of some sort. It began as just a few times a month, but you reacted so happily each time you opened one that he started delivering them almost daily. Oh and he loved when you wore his presents out in public. Most outings with you wearing his gifts would end with him pulling you into a bathroom, car, or empty room, making you thank him for the present while he bent you over and fucked some gratitude into you. He started paying your rent when he convinced you to quit your job, saying that you're too pretty to have to work so hard. And when he sees your apartment for the first time, he immediately insists on finding you a new space. When you can’t find anything you like enough, Jeryd just moves you in with him.
When you finally get married, it’s more a formality than anything else. Your love goes beyond metal bands and a piece of paper. The 5 carat diamond ring does help, though. The wedding happens when Jeryd’s career starts really taking off, when his name starts to seriously come up in political discussions. You both knew he needed a loyal wife to further his traditionalist image, and you were more than capable to play the part. So what if your age gap was controversial, you would make sure every other aspect of your public personas was absolutely perfect. And you did! You wore the business casual skirt suits and attended the charity events. Shit, you even learned about government systems to understand his campaign better. But you can’t tame the perversion away, not completely, not forever. So when Jeryd finally wins the presidency and your lives become semi-private again, it’s a massive relief.
It’s only his first week in the White House when you can’t hold back anymore, sauntering into the Oval Office and kneeling underneath his desk as he works. 
“You missed me this much? Had to come in here while I’m working, couldn’t wait a few hours?” Jeryd’s hand is tangled in your air, slacks around his ankles as you sit on your knees in front of him. You kitten lick at his tip, already red and leaking from your touch as you stroke his shaft languidly. “Such a little slut, so desperate for my cock.”
Your only response is a little smile as you press a teasing kiss to his public bone. Then, you swallow his dick to the base in one movement. His hand tightens in your hair, his head falling back as soft sighs of pleasure leave his plump lips. You’ve done this more times than you can count, having his likes memorized to the point of instinct. You know to cup his balls as you suck his cock, to trace your tongue along that one vein on the underside of his shaft, to hum around his length as he’s fully sheathed in your throat. If you wanted to, you could bring him to release in a matter of minutes. But where’s the fun in that? 
You release him from your mouth with a pop, taking a few seconds to deviously lick the pre-cum on his tip before addressing your husband. 
“You haven’t given me attention in so long…” You lean forwards on your knees, face moving into a pout as you look up at Jeryd with the eyes of a sad puppy. “I’m starting to think you don’t like me anymore.”
He scoffs at that, but takes the bait enough to pull you into his lap, hand coming to your chin to force eye contact. “Don’t be a brat. Just say you want me to fuck you- without making bullshit excuses.”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“Good girl.” He captures your mouth in a kiss. 
It's all teeth and tongue, messy and sloppy and charged with passion. Before long he has you bouncing on his cock, face pushed into his shoulder to muffle your moans. You cum once as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head, then again when he bends you over his desk to fuck you from behind at a brutal pace. You're glad the building is less busy this time of day, since the sounds of wet skin and hushed groans would be unmistakable to anyone passing by. Jeryd finishes inside of you, like always. When he pulls out, he kneels behind you, your ass swaying temptingly side to side in front of him. He spends several minutes collecting any liquid that leaks out of you onto his fingers and fucking it back inside of you, making comments that his cum is too important to waste.
The next morning you wake up to a golden wrapped present on your night stand. Inside, a remote controlled vibrator, and a note with a promise to film next time.
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© secondhand-snow 2024
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wonbin-truther · 2 months
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< chapter 2 • frat party >
written - 954 words
the party was as you would expect. the pounding bass of the music felt as though it was about to blow out peoples eardrums. there was barely room to move as drunk people knocked into eachother, spilling their drinks. you had lost jisung within the first 5 seconds. he was friends with the people in the neo frathouse so it was expected. keeho was the next to disappear, talking up some person before moving into a bedroom. sana and karina stayed close to you. the three of you had found a spot on the steps in the dimly lit backyard, passing a blunt around.
"so how many in there?" karina asked, handing it off to you.
"i counted like 4 of them," you sighed out
"man cant we have one night," sana buried her hands in her head.
you gently patted her back and waved the blunt at her which she gladly accepted. you could feel the smoke starting to catch up with you as the backyard began to blur.
"ready to go back inside?" karina asked, getting up from her place on the steps. with a quick nod, you and sana stood up and followed her back into the crowd.
none of your group were strangers to the neo frat. if there wasn't something at the bronze, a small shady club in town that let in everyone and anything, there was certainly something at the house. jisung was close to the younger members of the frat which meant more often than not, you were stuck in the kitchen of the house. as time went on you had grown familiar with some of them. which is how you ended up being handed shot after shot by lee jeno and na jaemin. after a while, you could feel your guard starting to deteriorate as an equally drunk karina pulled you to where multiple people were dancing.
wonbin can't say he was a fan of parties. whenever he did go, it was to keep an eye on anton and sohee as the two lightweights drank past their limit. right now, the two younger boys were playing beer pong and very near their limit by the way they swayed back and forth. in the beginning it was hard to control his urge for the metallic liquid especially when he was close to someones body, the smell teasing him. wonbin had found a space against the wall, holding a cup of something that sungchan gave him. he tried to scan for any trace of his friends but he couldnt see over the crowd of people. suddenly two people rushed past him as the song unwritten filled the air. he could hear the two girls giggling past him as they drunkingly stumble to dance to the song. the girl being pulled bumped into him slightly. she turned around and her gaze set goosebumps onto wonbin's skin.
"sorry," she giggled before she quickly followed her friend.
his eyes followed her, something unsettled him about her and he couldn't put his finger on it. even as she disappeared into the crowd he couldnt shake the feeling. he felt almost scared. he took a long sip of the drink in his hand until it was finished.
the music boomed as you and karina danced with each other, lost in the beat of the song and the alcohol in your cup. as you swayed with the song you felt yourself bump into someone behind you. you turned around and started to apologize until the words got caught in your throat. you recognized the man as the man you stumbled into before and from the band always playing at the bronze. so why did the familiar long black hair and brown eyes send a shiver down your spine as you were up close. you stared up at him, shocked expression on your face and unable to get any words out.
"you good?" his voice was loud over the music.
all you could give him was a nod before you turned around to where you expected karina. you quickly looked around the room for your last remaining friend only to spot her against the wall with some girl.
"you sure you're good?" the guy asked again.
"can you take me somewhere quiet?"
that's how you ended up in a closed bedroom with the black haired man who you learned was named wonbin. what you dont understand is how you ended up against the wall with his lips on yours. the goosebumps and unnerved feeling not going away as you tangled your fingers in his hair, but you chalked it up to all the substances in your system. you could taste the strong vodka on his tongue and the cigarettes on his lips but it was all pushed away by the strong grasp on your waist and the pass of his tongue against yours. he pulled away for air as you chased his lips. he smiled before leaning back in and you could briefly see the sharpness of the two teeth on either side of his mouth. before you could even process the fact, the colors of red and blue filled the room and the sounds of footsteps scrambling around replaced the loud music.
"shit," you heard him mumble, pulling away from your lips before grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the room, about to break into a sprint. before he could do anything, you spotted keeho coming out of the room next door. the two of you locked eyes before you were broken from your daze. you unintentionally pulled your hand from wonbin, following keeho quickly down the stairs to where sana, karina, and jisung where yelling at you two to hurry up.
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a/n this isnt proofread so pls ignore anything misspelled thank youuu
Summery - y/n didn't ask to be the chosen one, and even if she had a choice she knows for a fact she would never have chosen this. being bounced from school to school due to the trouble that seems to follow her everywhere was not the most ideal situation. but the hot guy in her 9pm statistics class makes it all worth it. i mean, oogling him was the least she deserved for saving the world every night
tags @starwonb1n
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lucy4-ever · 10 months
bill kaulitz x male reader
Emo Boy
i met bill when i was 16, at this time we were only fucking. his twin brother was as handsome as him, which by the way, made me question things about myself. bill used to be an one night stand fucker, but he met me. im a 16yo boy who's in a romantic relationship with bill kaulitz, a famous german singer in the Tokio Hotel band. as you probably know, bill always says in interviews how much he's a love at first sight believer.
im not shaming him though, he's just a liar, a hot liar. when bill was about 17, he started acting like tom, fucking with anyone who was near, and minor. he was acting like this because of alchool, then because he wanted to. i mean, i cant blame him, alchool does make me horny, which is how we met, well, not exactly.
i was in a bar, in paris, minding my own business, when a really hot and drunk emo boy came to me asking if i was gay. i wasnt in the mood to fuck, to be honest, he just looked irrestible. i said yeah and we went to a hotel room. when we arrived i started getting excited since he was flirting with me as we walked to the hotel. bill was really drunk, i asked him why would he drink so much, between his sentences talking about my dick.
"i dont know, i guess i just love avoiding problems by drinking them away, whatever, i really wanna suck your cock right now", ive gotta say i kinda felt bad because i was feeling like taking advantage of him. so we didnt do anything. when we arrived he jumped on the bed, arching his back, okay now he was testing my patience and hornyness for sure. i told him i didnt have any condoms or lube. he just kissed me, heavy, wet and long, asking for more kissed me. i really didnt wanna fuck him, knowing im a sober teenager and he was a drunk, famous teenager. even though, i could have fucked him. but i respected him too much to do this when he was dead drunk. i decided to take it easy, because he was starting to complain.
"how are we gonna do it, fuck"
he had this adorable german accent too.
"look i feel like youre not in your complete mind to do this, we dont even know eachother"
"how come boys teenagers dont have hormones?" he said smirking. he was really hot.
"listen i can suck you off if you want, but nothing more, it'll feel too wrong"
"alright, then make me cum" his eyes were so pretty, his nose, his smile too. jesus christ, that boy really excited me.
i obviously, started sucking him, and just when i touched the top of it with my tongue, he started moaning like crazy, in english, in german. tired moans though. he was actually driving me crazy. "oh fuuuck, please, please, aah, fuckk, fuckkk *german sounds*
he ended up sucking me too. then he fell asleep on my chest. i gotta say, that was one of my best fuck, even though we just sucked off eachother. bill was just so, so hot.
finally, the next morning, i was kinda suprised he was still here, sleeping in my arms. he was so pretty too. sun came across his face, lighting his smoked eyeliner. i checked the time, it was 4pm. damn.
when he woke up, he started blurring out apologies. i gotta say i didnt quite understood why.
"im so sorry, i really shouldnt have forced you"
"i gotta say you were completly gone, haha" i answered, chuckling.
"well, im kinda awkward to ask this, but, would it be possible to get your number?", he was blushing sooo hard. or maybe i was the one blushing very hard. not only my face was bright red, hardly flushing. my dick was too.
so yeah, we fucked, for good this time.
we ended up giving eachother numbers and bill kept talking about how good i was in bed and how handsome i was. i kept saying "you too" though.
we were hooking up almost every two days. he felt really good to be honest (still is).
we determined our relationship as casual hookups.
yet he always came to my house, and after fucking we were having so much fun, watching movies and stuff. so we decided to get together, as a couple. the way we did was pretty cute.
we were at my house, bill called me to ask my opinion about an outfit he wanted to wear, i told him he looked better naked. so we started to flirt in a very sexual way. "oh yeah, you think so?" he answered, "im actually kinda insecure about my naked body, cause like im so skinny".
"twinks are the hottest" i said. he laughs. i actually kept what he said in mind, i didnt know he was insecure, i mean when we fucked he was pretty confident actually. i also felt good that he trusted me enough to tell me about his insecurities. we continued flirting until he said somthing like "gött, pretty sure im hard, thanks to you", he chuckled, with his adorable laugh making me feel butterflies in my stomach.
"anyways, im coming over" he said.
"im impatienly waiting for you love" i answered.
he made a gasp sound, "did you just call me love"
"what, you don't like it? sorry, i didnt mean to grt you inconforatable"
"no, no it's alright, pretty sure i liked it."
then bill came to my house, the second he ranged the bell, i litteraly jumped onto him, kissing him with the least respect for myself. he kissed me back with his heavy tongue, exploring my mouth.
i held him by the waist (he, on purpose, arched it so i was getting a great look on his ass, such a whore) while he gripped to my neck, thrusting his nails into my skin, while dominating the kiss, and moaning some german words.
we finally moved to my bedroom, i took his hand and pushed him onto the bed, telling him he shouldnt act like a masochist slut with me. he answered "i know you secretly liked it, dont you, honey?"
dang it, that german accent was doing things to me.
i was about to undress when he pulled my arm and forced me to sit on the bed. emo boy stood up and looked at me with those desiring eyes. i knew what he wanted, and i was gonna give it to him.
he got on his knees, and kissed my used lips. he started lowing his kisses, from my chin, to my neck, while he held it with his hands, then my torso, touching my back sensually, then he just touched my up body, lifting up my shirt. i finally started whining and moaning. bill took off my shirt and started unbottoning my jeans. he was holding it, even with my underwear on. he grabbed it, and just touched the top of it throught thd fabric. he started moving his fingers up and down. emo boy took off his pants too, even thought i wanted to be the one doing this job. he did it just so i could his back arch whild sucking me off. he just kept moving with it in his mouth. i felt myself exciting real much. i kept giving looks to his ass, how was he arching his back that much. he started moaning too, german moans only.
what was really hot too was his full mouth moans, it was reallllly attractive.
i wanted to realise it, the hot white liquid fulling my cock. but bill decided otherwise, so he told me right in the eyes that if i came i wont fuck him up. so i didn't. now i was really horny and vulnerable right now, the only thing i wanted was to feel my dick in him.
author's note : i decided to do a bill x m reader cause i've only seen like 2 posts about a gay relationship with bill. like? he's so fruity 😮‍💨
i'm sorry i'm cliffhangering you guys 😞
i just didn't have the energy to keep writing. so don't worry i'll make a part2 😙
love yaaaa!! 💕💕
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6irlpet · 11 months
im trying long term denial but I ruin nearly every time i try to edge. do you have any tips to help that not happen? thanks !!
honestly ur gonna hate me for saying it but i have rly bad self control too without the external pressure of being in a relationship (aka being controlled/monitored and punished for not obeying) and the best way is rly No Touch lol. it’s frustrating but it’s hot once u get into it…. i stayed a year denied once just bc i’d only touch like once a month and only super lightly outside underwear. u just Mentally edge like: still get horny, watch/read porn, touch everywhere else except where will give u an orgasm like nipples, etc. u end up Throbbing and Aching and desperate. one time after a few months of that i accidentally came just from rocking my hips in the air, thats how needy u can get lol
but other tricks when edging:
the headspace is rly important. i take a moment to tell myself before i start touching: make peace with the idea ur not going to cum, you Are going to be desperate, you’re going to like it, you’re going to pretend you’re being watched by a dom who will punish you if you go over.
that last point: i have a rly good imagination so i do imagine someone sternly telling me like, “you know you’re not allowed to cum” “this is all you’re getting” etc and repeat it devotionally as if ur replying agreeing to them. i always end up whining like :((( yes mommy/daddy i knoooow im not allowed….. This has the added bonus of being Hot As Fuck and will get u to edge faster 👍
set a timer!! tell yourself ur only allowed to touch for that period and when the timer rings u stop no matter what
also mental prep tell urself ahead of time like, “im not going to get
self enforced punishments! something genuinely a lil unpleasant so you want to avoid it, and be good about sticking to them like a dom would, dont give urself a break. like, if you add more time to timer u have to pay it back with a rubber band snap somewhere sensitive for every min u went over. if u cum, have to spank/snap/overstim until its horrible/do something unpleasant. if i cum, or accidentally ruin, i spank my cunt and i try to do as many a ratio to how long i was edging for (with lessened amount if i ruined it) i also tell myself im then not allowed to touch for a week, things like that. i try to do this most every time even if i wasnt thinking about staying denied at the start of the session, just bc i think it’s hotter to be denied and wish i had better self control or someone enforcing me, it makes me more hesitant to give in and go over the edge knowing im going to have to trade off the pain
if i told myself i was gonna stay denied at the start and i go over, i ruin the orgasm. if u stop early enough it’s rly hard to endure (this is the goal), if u stop a few seconds later (more common with poor self control) u just don’t feel anything. i also imagine myself complaining that i didnt feel anything and someone saying “good” ^____^
if u have a clit, numbing cream is a must-try experience…. im out and i keep telling myself to get more bc ugggghhhhh its so hot to be trying to touch and cry over not feeling anything. i always like to imagine a dom putting it on me without telling me by pretending to touch me as though im gonna get to cum and i dont realize what happened until i stop feeling their hand
tbh the no direct touch is rly the way to go with bad self control… u can still make it fun and frustrating! i love to use toys n restraints to be turned on still. i love to use pumps/clamps on nipples, i love to be gagged so much i Have to bite down on something when i edge now, i have a tens unit i let run on random pulses thru my cunt the other day while i cuffed my hands and had 2 endure it for timer amount, i like fucking my cunt with a dildo and not letting myself touch my clit or numbing/covering it if i think i cant resist, u can play around with getting stimulation but in ways that are hard for u to cum from :) def set a timer for those sessions tho otherwise you’ll spend 5 hours broken essentially until u pass out or break and cum regardless lol
i hope this helped!!!!! godspeed 🫡
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