#bc i didnt want to go by myself and waste a ticket
rammstein4ever · 8 months
I love my bf to death but sometimes he makes me want to pull my hair out. He just started a new job but it turns out it sucks and he applied for a different job and immediately got a job offer. I called him because I was excited for him and like, I wanted to talk to my fucking bf bc he's one of my best friends but after 5 minutes he says he needs to go bc he was watching something. Like wow excuse me from getting in the way of you watching something that's too damn important to talk on the phone with your gf for more than 5 fucking minutes
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cosmosrival · 4 years
Rico besides Kama what do you think about the other indian servants?????
AHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS GOING TO GET SOOOO LONG!!!! i have a different view of the indo fam as a whole. i call them the indo fam but i mean the found family trope!!!! theyre like a group of college students sharing a dorm if that makes sense, since their servant selves are obviously different from their initial myths/human vessels!!!
OK SO. RECENTLY, i have an oomf that found books about arjuna that summarize his exploits in the mahabharata(I DONT HAVE THE STRENGTH TO READ IT ALL IM SO SORRY) and also talk about him in a more philosphical manner such as his states of mind during each event etc and i’ve been meaning to read said book because im genuinely interested in arjuna now!!! and i’d like to know more about this indo prince because from what i’ve seen, he is portrayed in a rather bad light(?) in FGO which i find extremely !!!!!!!!!!! and incrdibley !!!!!!! strange !!!!!!! the mahabharata’s conflicts can be put in a mostly grey area where there’s no good nor bad, its not black and white. so seeing arjuna get bashed because of the way his conflict with karna was written is... hm. let’s say that im REALLY starting to understand arjuna fans that dislike seeing him get mischaracterized so much. OTHER THAN THAT, his design is adorable, his travel outfit is my favourite because he deserves to relax and have some fun!!! fgo making him a chuuni is cute and his VAs little moans are cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!!! (mash grabs my shoulder and forces me to sit down) i think that arjuna deserves better and im really happy to see him have fun in his travel costume voicelines. i think we should take arjun on a date!!! he’s a great lover, we’d have the best time!! OH ALSO, kama seeing him as the student council president in their interlude makes me SOOOOOOO HAPPY its unreal, i think it fits him very very well, the seitokaichou who was elected because of everyone’s hopes and recommended by teachers because he’s suuuch a good student but because of that, the pressure to be good is constantly towering over his head and everytime he looks out the window he wishes he could ditch class and skip a day just because he felt like going to the arcade and be a bad student.......just this once........i think hes very very cute...... i want him to cook for me. HAVE YO U READ HIS BOND 4 VOICELINE ?mmmmmggg i want him to get embarrassed everytime i praise him for having such a muscular waistline. AUG
ANEWAYS i also have quite the thoughts about karna, his characterization in the game is linked to arjuna’s and thats fine but i think that forgetting how much of a little sassy bastard he can get was a mistake! did you know that in apocrypha’s german dub on netflix, when jeanne calls his name like “You’re Karna, aren’t you ? The son of the Indian Sun God !” HES LIKE “So ?” AND THAT WAS SOOOO BITCHY OF HIM, i think that karna is a good boy in fgo but the fact that he was such a fighty old man in the mahabharata shouldnt be forgotten and is a charm trait. I MEAN ???? HE THREW HANDS WITH AN 18 YEAR OLD(ARJUN) WHILE BEIN LIKE... THIRTY TWO. WHATS WITH THIS ANNOYING OLD MAN !!!!! knowing these little facts about him made me like him so much more actually !! i think karna being so nice is adorable!! but the little bitchy energy u can find in his voicelines is also very charming!! i think karna looking at me emotionless as i ask him to lend me his notes for the nth time that week and then saying “...Mn.” when i thank him is cute!!! his voiceline towards things he dislikes is interesting to me. karna seeming aloof and mean bc he doesnt know how to communicate but is actually nice underneath...... hey... thats a little delinquentcore........ i wouldnt say yankii but hes like... hes like... u know hes the handsome quiet one of the group of yankiis... u know the one...? hey where are you going
ganesha is also a character im deeply interested in but i havent played CCC so i dont know that many details about jinako herself !! my brain goes HMMMMMM it seems lord ganesha is trans in fgo ! (since kama used to be a male god originally as well!!) ganesha uses all pronouns!!! and ganesha is also special to me because they share similar traits with kama when it comes to their characterization AND mischaracterizations. ganesha isnt JUST jinako. theres a part of a god in the servant mix!!! and jinako HERSELF is actually a pretty sad character imo. the whole otaku/neet thing is obviously a facade and her true wish being that she wants to redo her whole life is also proof of how much she hates what shes become, yet at the same time, she doesnt know what else she could do. but anyways, i prefer looking at servants from a lore POV so i think that ganesha should still be considered a god and be adressed as such!! i like seeing people portray ganesha as jinako but i prefer it when a certain lavish more godly side of them is put forward. a side of jinako that managed to move on a little bit if that makes sense ? that got more serious. and became someone else entierly despite sharing similarities. needless to say their bond with karna makes me happy since he shows them respect as you should towards a god!! its a bit different from their bond in CCC... like they matured somewhat!! anyway ganesha is the one who taught everyone else in the indo fam about video games and technology and i will NEVER shut up.
ashwatthama..... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %_’(’ç_”’è_ç(è_’”545656455456545453£¨¨µ¨µMµ¨++°=)=)°+ goodness. jesus christ on earth. my love story with him makes me so embarrassed. when he got revealed i instantly fell in love with him despite knowing JACK SHIT ABOUT HIM but since i was the only one in my friend group who was hardcore into fgo at the time, i kept my love for him to myself and just... (looks away)(i drop my wallet full of picturses of him) quietly adored his everything in silence. WELL, ree having an intense crush on yankii type characters isnt new, its been my favourite trope for ages (gyarus go in hand with them!!) and im still very attached to it so thats what made me love him in the first place!!!! BUT THEN. I GOT INTO HIS MAHABHARATAN LORE. And OHHHHHHHHH BABY.......... (im twirling my hair) so theres this 7ft tall war criminal..........<3<33<3(mash leans in and informs me that the convention of geneva didnt exist at the time) SO THERES THIS 7 FTTALL IMMORTALMAN.......<233 gOD he makes me absolutely CRAZY9909840385%£%%£%%µ%µ%µ the love i have for this character is immense and whenever im sad i remember that pako exists and has a tablet and can draw and i suddenly feel so much better. ok im gonna stop horny posting a little bit. but hes my wife. AND WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HIS PORTRAYAL IN FGO IS THAT, they actually made him a good boy despite his initial roughness and misdeeds ???!!! HELLO?? ashwatthama wishing for a redemption ark is my favourite thing and his righteousness that was born because of his regrets is a very interesting drivepoint to me !!! hes a gorgeous character and im buying a ticket plane as we speak right now so i can go find him in northern india. i’ll find him. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME !!!!!GET OFF ME !!!
miss lakshimi makes me very sad! because every female servant in the indo fam is an already known face. (... would sita count.) and lakshi being a jeanneface is a waste. well, she’s still very pretty and her lore is also quite interesting!! i havent looked into it fully yet but i think she should be kissed on the mouth. her bad luck makes me slip on a banana peel whenevr i get close to her to kiss her and i hit my head on the pavement and pass away- 
parvati is on a tough spot for me atm. i genuinely love thinking of her as the way the indian goddess herself is portrayed because thats where the fun lies for me in her character. especially when shes involved with other indian servants, thats a given!! i would like to see parvati grow, suffer and heal. because branding her as an “all-knowing mom” is easy, but every single parent makes mistakes if you follow that logic. also, since shes the sakura servant “thats closest to her initial personality”, she’s got some of the most Repulsive fans ive Ever witnessed in fandom spaces and lets say that im trying to work my way out of this hellhole and find things to like about parvati without the fandom’s influence. needless to say, im going to keep looking into her mythos and her lore by myself at my own pace and keep doing my own thing in my little corner. 
rama shouldve been a jock. THE RAMAYANA IS OLDER THAN THE MAHABHARATA, WHY IS.....Hrm well him being summoned as his baby version gives me hope for a future rama alt perhaps??? but i think that he shouldve been a total jock and he shouldve been huge with a huge red lion-like mane for his hair and a teethy grin and big biceps and intense love for his wife. SPEAKING OF SITA, her charm point is her purity but i wish.... that their artist still hadnt drawn them like That, im not a fan of lily servants and i think purity = being young is a bit of an annoying excuse!!! rama and sita looking similar is because of their shared history which is fine but... rolls my eyes............. rama shouldve been 6ft tall and sita shouldve been a milf to match...... anyways i doubt ravana would be added as a servant but i’d love to have a ramayana centric event!! where all indo servants have their own lore centric role to play!!! oh thatd be a dream.... but i have learned to not expect much from a fanservice game so im jus gonna draw my own stuff! (strikes a pose!) (mashu claps!)
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shytiff · 4 years
Small Dec Wins
i cant believe its December already tf?!?!?!
1 - poli KIA today. saw a mother who cant feel the movement of their baby. the senior midwife tried to find the baby’s heart beat but not finding it. she said she hopes she were wrong. fell asleep at 3pm-ish, woke up super hungry. ate. i swear i feel like my weight when i measured it this morning was ~52, but after eating its close to 54 lol. eating banana and chocolate nextar is yummm. dalbang today is hella funny as always and suuper endearing. fell asleep after dalbang, didnt study hufttt
2 - today im at igd but joined azkia at vk for a bit to see partus. its not that im scared (maybe not consciously) but when the mom was being stitched i felt lightheaded, nausea, cold extremities, and i even had to squat multiple times because i couldnt stand. But i felt better after the partus so maybe seeing it was the cause. I did not feel scared at all honestly ._. and i’ve seen multiple partus before. i dont know why. i can literally feel my symphatetic tone giving out lmaoo. tried matcha latte with Cy matcha powder. it tasted more milky and grassy. mom thought it tasted like nori. i prever cocodeli alll the way (although Cy is cheaper). i think it also has a bit of caffeine that made me feel awake like a normal person should be. 
3 - today is vk but there’s no patient so thank god i saw sumn yesterday. did some cicil ukmppd in the morning accompanied by matcha latte. tried to order dufan tickets and i couldnt find my damn ktp...... fell asleep after worrying about said ktp
4 - matcha latte in the car, swab at lmk, went to dufan by tj with willy, had quite some funn with atikah nila willy amel pupuy. first time trying kereta misteri, quite fun. it rained after ashar so we didnt ride anything after that. turns out my ktp was at barel’s fotocopy lmaoo thankyou ara for picking it. went to solaria ancol afterwards, picked up by mom. i didnt tell her in the morning that i was going to dufan lmao. plenary @ zoom 19 pm. rapat nemo. fell asleep.
5 - went to lmk by tj to surprise clara. went back home and fell asleep. didnt rly do anything afterwards because this ragged body gets tired easily and i dont eat much recently. i can feel the difference before and after eating and there’s actual energy after eating. its not that im hungry though, but i feel less energized. felt annoyed terrible and just wanna lay in bed (this is unrelated with the less food in my system). even though i met up with friends
6 - after LOTS of sleeping i feel somehow better but not to a ‘normal’ amount. watched kimbab family videos. did power vinyasa by doogether with fianti. took a shower and ate indomie and i felt quite normal, except i slept again wtf. i thought i would have the second half of the day but nah. did self tryouts with fianti, 150 FDI questions. I got 96/150 right. huft. such a great reality check
7 - poli lansia with dokter isip, matcha latte in the afternoon rly helps me not sleeping the day away, packed up for depok
8 - poli umum with dr gita (helped doing phys exam), packed the rest of my stuff, ate some risol and matcha lattteee in the car, took swab results, picked up hazmats etc, zoom discussion with FT PKM Kalideres (dr gita) on the way, and i finally arrived at tamel. dinner is granola with vsoy. Taste like a slightly wet granola bar, nutty fiber-y vibe
9 - walked in ui with ara, managed to jog from the trees near st ui until kuburan bikun wow. i reached that point where my leg and heart were going in a steady unburdened pace and my willpower to keep going on was tested. tried the signature steak in Double U Steak by Chef Widi, while ara tried ribeye. the ribeye was more tender than the signature. but the seasoning in the signature is quite delish, salty and oily without being too much (like futago ya). read poppyland fast pass from ara’s phone omg season 1 is finally complete! went to coftof (omgggg i miss this place), it looks different now. ordered matcha latte and it tasted weirdly like a soy milk although ara doesnt feel that way. the matcha tasted weird. wont repurchase. read chainsaw man, its so entertaining, funny and deep at the same time. denji mess around and be too naive sometimes but hes lowkey hot lmaooo. aki is lovvvvve.
10 - first day at rsud budhi asih. had moesli combined with granola + vsoy for brekkie. went back to tamel at 3 pm. it rained when i got back. bought warteg lugina worth 32k. walked to sbux for tumbler day its been a while since i had their matcha latte. it tasted quite good, but not as good as i remembered (?) maybe bcs i asked for non fat milk. sbux closes at 8 pm for now hikss
11 - left tamel at about 7:10 and arrived on budhi asih at 08:54 yalll the traffic. Icu. Bought eatlah double and ate the salted egg part. Nap. ICU discussion with dr Dedi @8pm. I presented from my phone to save data hehe,,
12 - woke up at 8, eatlah brown butter for brekkie, symcard, saladstop's caesar salad for lunch (quite 'eneg' because i didnt eat the cheese evenly so the chicken and cheese were eaten last after the vegs are out. The vegetable's not that variative, and the non vegs make the salad taste delicious (albeit maybe not THAT healthy). Evening jog @UI and i realized i can get wifi sitting near the lake n library. Stared at the night sky from my room, i swear the sky seems super clear. Saw tiny fireworks in the distance
13 - ate muesli and saladstop’s banana walnut cake, symcard, bought moon chicken and saladpoint. lunch was egg salad and the wings. the original tasted so good like??? maybe i havent had msg for a while. also tried big bang, not too spicy which is nice. cicil ukmppd. put my laundry at buih barel lmaoo. try out with fianti. got 70/100
14 - breakfast was salad and leftover chicken. today was bangsal with angga armand. the geriatric patient has a loud murmur yall (and scoliosis, so much that the heart looks distorted). went to margo city to see sales, but when i think about it id rather just thrift stuff lmao. bought lugina. slept through kuliah guru besar. writing this in yellow truck coffee, that had 2 customers on the 1st floor including me. tried banana milk. yall after trying to drink less sugar the beverage tasted super sweet. my headache just goes away. sugar is magic but unhealthy whyyyyy.
15 - igd siang with indah. This body sure is frail. Did cbd with dr afifah AND rescheduled pleno. Rip mobile data i have to use for hotspot.
16 - ok today. Inserted goedel and did bagging. I bagged the patient the wrong way at first (too much). Thankfully the nurses were kind and taught us a lot :) watched some bts content. I feel like after reading househusband my tiktok page is now immensely funnier. Dalbang is also hilarious as always. Put on ginseng sheet mask (smells quite strong)
17 - bangsal. snacked on fried chicken. matcha latte starbucks (turns out its quite full here) and liqo about keeping our tongues in check
18 - arrived at icu. And then opened line. Turns out hadin's swab is positive, so agung kak iman and me have to isolate and swab. So i went back. Ordered kanayam chicken and fish and tempe. Nasi liwet tasted goood damn. Sleptt in the afternoon. Pleno at 4 pm (entered the room 4:30). Had no motivation to do anything. Azkia is getting married! Spent 20 mins formulating words to congratulate her lmaoo
19 - osce simulation, kak nanu was so kind and encouraging. Did try out solid. Lunch is fish bite pasta with melted cheese (cause i had to reach the minimum amount for promo). It got cold so its not that good (pairing it with self made mentai sauce, mixing the mayo and chili, is way much better). Jogged in ui (and searched for wifi). Approached by someone selling haraus coffee (25k), saying that some earnings will be for charity. Its basically sweet. Can barely taste the coffee.
20 - had kanayam for lunch (brekkie is almost always muesli lately). The nasi liwet tasted much better the first time. Walked to yellow truck coffee in the pouring rain. Got banana milk. Saw webinar ksk (electrolyte correction and dr nadhira talkshow). What i got from it is that, dr nadhira is a different person from the first place. Shes visionary, knows what she want and not afraid to reach it. The mindset is different. Even if i try as hard as her, her propensity to growth is different. Cicil ukmppd. Try out with fianti (got 72/100). Talked for an hour about love and marriage and engagements (there are so much of it lately)
21 - leftover kanayam for brekkie, also ate roti salman in cikini st. swab today (met kris, nessa and others). muesli for lunch. i thought my body felt a bit warm, so i decided to find sumn to eat. tried kedai abu bakar’s spaghetti brulee. its okay. maybe because its not too cheesy or meaty, mainly bechamel sauce. the one pupuy made is much tastier. finished the whole 10x20 portion in 2 eating sesh. cicil ukmppd @ bed in the evening (somehow felt refreshed enough to be able to concentrate in bed)
22 - went early to icu to put dops form. lugina for early lunch. i feel like my metabolism is faster? or my body is not so much in calorie deficit mode anymore and it got greedier lmao i used to just ignore hunger but not now, for health. starbiiies tumbler day. ordered black tea latte with non fat milk and vanilla syrup (because raspberry syrup is no more). did cbd geri ppt. 
23 - finally knew the swab result bcs kak iman asked kak farras. thankfully negative. igd with jordi. quite a few chances to do iv line, but i failed 2 times. managed to do iv injection to insert 2 drugs. saw the worst cpr ive ever seen in my life. its too slow, with maximal interruption. fish bite for lunch. wasted the rest of my day
24 - originally intended to run but i cant bring myself out of bed. packed up my stuff. picked up by mom. got the paper result of swab, got ksk from kelvyn @ capitol. can finally drink self-made matcha latte again, but it tasted horrible. i know cy matcha doesnt have that much going on, but even this is low even for them. previously i was starting to get used to the grassy smell.
25 - my lil bro remarked “maybe shes depressed because she doesnt have her chair”. fuck yall. this “depression” that im in is caused by this very place and the people. and im supposed to still muster the strength to study for ukmppd AND get my face together for solid book photoshoot. that shit is too much. this is why the money that goes to cafe, and the bike ride there is worth it for my sanity. after showering, things felt a bit better. had absolutely no will to study today. ate muesli with a bit of matcha latte.
26 - muesli for breakfast. matcha latte is lyfff ive probably said this before but it ~somehow~ makes me feel normal and not in a slump. like im a regular person. with normal moods. and not wanting to sleep all the time. i try to do ukmppd exercises but the pace is so fucking slow, bcs im distracted by get rich haha,,,. the latest potn update (64) is omgggg the mixed feelings? love? hate? anger? everything and nothing? the ~tension and passion~? im obsessed. watched a ton of bts content today and yesterday lmao.
27 - nasi kebuli for brekkie. went to flavola, im the first customer lmao. tried kopi susu coklat, tasted quite close enough to janjiw’s kopi soklat. had the same ~improved mood and concentration~ effect. tried to read ksk. bought milky banana 1L from puyo to give dajen (its his bday yesterday) (i feel prompted (?) to gift people when theyve given a present to me) (because my love lang is not gift giving at all so i barely think abt gifts lmao). talked with sum 33 ipa guys @ dajens house. yay appropriate amount of social battery charging. tryout with fianti, padi this time. got 67/100. 
28 - ate muesli with matcha latte after breakfast. cicil ukmppd. Listened to yoongi's vlive until i fell asleep lol. 2 burger and salad for dinner. omggg hansol revealed his gf. 
29 - spent half of my day tidying up the mess that is my room. figured out what to wear for solid book photoshoot with fianti, ara. matcha latte terosss. phd for dinner. 
30 - breakfast is muesli with cimory choco hazelnut. mom made matcha chocolate brownies. tryna study. slow pace terosss. read some padi materials. dalbang.
31 - bought vsoy low sugar and multigrain. moved my body a bit to youtube videos. showered. felt better. it also rained (which i love). the pleasant mood only lasted til the evening. did nothing from 7pm even though im not sleepy. cant tell when did i start to sleep
and just like that, 2020 kkeut. its sad to say i dont rly remember much remarkable things this year. other than the trip and memories with minor rotation friends. i just remember wasting my life away in my house. i guess that’s the danger of living a monotone life. sometimes you gotta invest some time to have fun, to have motivation to live on and do things. not doing this makes it difficult to live day by day. and friends. meeting friends, seeing new stuff. that helps me live. 
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thotfuss · 4 years
the rules: answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to know better
tagged by @fionaappletini and a few other people i think but i did not save those posts so :/ but thank you!! <3<3 
this is long so i’ll put it under a read more! 
nickname: i dont really have one :(
zodiac sign: virgo!
height: 5′9
hogwarts house: bro i get a different answer every time i take that test. who knows. hufflepuff? who knows 
last thing i googled: fsdkfjsdlkf it was uh. “rihanna maya hee maya ha” because my coworker and i couldn’t figure out what song that was. 
song stuck in my head: well now its the rihanna maya hee maya ha song. but also mavis by nathaniel rateliff 
following and followers: uhhh i never look. 802 and 4,515
amount of sleep i get: literally like 4 hours. once a month i sleep for like 16 hours which is fun !
lucky number(s): 713, 708, 27 
dream job: i want to work in movies so bad...ive thought a lot about set design! who knows 
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junji ito shirt babeyy
favorite songs: of all time? all these things that i’ve done by the killers, richie tozier by ok otter, under cover of darkness by the strokes, 12:51 by the strokes, Dream of Mickey Mantle by bleachers, sweet talk by the killers, sleep in the heat by pup. i have more this is too many. uh currently my top 5 on repeat songs are richie tozier ok otter, hope to die orville peck, mavis nathaniel rateliff, missed the boat modest mouse, and time stands nathaniel rateliff
instruments: i’ve played piano since i was like 7? but i haven’t had a piano available since i moved out which was like two years ago :( i miss it lots. i’m teaching myself guitar, and i played clarinet from 6th grade-12th grade bc i was. a band kid 
random facts: GOD im boring i don’t know!! um. i have like 30 piercings and i did probably half of them myself, I collect ticket stubs and WAIT ok this isnt a fact but my favorite story related to ticket stubs is this. i had my 7 ticket stubs from clown movie 2 in my phone case when i met ryan ross. he saw them when he signed my phone case bc i didnt think to take them out and literally pointed them out, he was like “oh what are these movie tickets...cool...what movies...oh It 2 nice. oh are these. are these all from it 2? are these all. different showings of it 2?” and i was like. yes yep. yes they are. and he was like “oh. i haven’t seen it. is it good?” and i said “yeah. i mean i liked it.” and he just was like yeah. obviously. and i think about this every day, what if he went to go see that movie and realized it was bad and just was like man fuck THAT girl for wasting 3 hours of my life. also i barely resisted telling him i have his tweet tattooed on his arm. this was NOT the question. the fun fact is that i met ryan ross and also that i saw the clown movie in theatres 7 times. oh! i haven’t worn matching socks since 3rd grade, at this point its like a Thing. i can’t break the streak. 
aesthetic: i go to the thrift store. I see an ugly shirt. I say “would my mom hate this?” and if the answer is “yes” i buy it. also i own like 8 pairs of overalls. you know the fanon interpretation of richie tozier where he wears like band shirts/ugly hawaiian shirts but in a cool punk way with ripped jeans and docs and a jacket with a billion patches on it? that’s literally what i wear most days of my life. so that? 
tagging people stresses me out! but! @bikenight @foragecore @rchtoziers @theparadigmshifts @jestersbeauregard @troxk @aimeemarch @heart-dyke @tsnlesbian @katistry @hasanminajs @kissrichie @billdenbrough @descent2005​ @businessboyjared @stanchie @adampvrrish if you want to/haven’t been tagged sjdsflkjds.  and also anyone else who wants to feel free to say i tagged you im. literally terrible @ these <3 
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outragedslime · 5 years
1, 6, 16, 22, and 26!! For the ask meme
tysm!!! ill put em under a cut so it doesnt take up half the dashboard dgfjkdfgj i write a LOT SORRY GKFLHG
1. if you were to have Hanahaki disease, what flowers would you cough up?
ough… ok i love. flowers. i love all flowers. but my absolute favs are speedwells? and i guess id also cough up flowers for the person im coughing them up For so id throw in some bloodroot and dogwood..   does this disease work if the love Is requited. EITHER WAY GDHKFLH
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6. name five iconic quotes that make you feel things.omg ok the whole experience of all of these movies imma list is like. tremendous. these movies (and show) got a great impact that one or two quotes for the life o them cannot cover the scale of emotion it gave me so… just gdfkh the source is more important than any of the actual quotes i write here tbh. theyre amazing they All made me cry.
1. Sing Street - “Look at her. She races home every evening just to catch that last little bit of sun, have a cigarette and read her papers. She’s always talking about going on a holiday to Spain, but he never takes her. That’s all she gets. Then that tall tree blocks it, and she comes in. I often wonder what she’s thinking about.”
2. Garden State - “We may not be as happy as you always dreamed we would be, but, for for the first time let’s just allow ourselves to be whatever it is that we are.” 
3. Good Will Hunting - “No. No, no no no. Fuck you, you don’t owe it to yourself man, you owe it to me. Cuz tomorrow I’m gonna wake up and I’ll be 50, and I’ll still be doin’ this shit. And that’s all right. That’s fine. I mean, you’re sittin’ on a winnin’ lottery ticket. And you’re too much of a pussy to cash it in, and that’s bullshit. ‘Cause I’d do fuckin’ anything to have what you got. So would any of these fuckin’ guys. It’d be an insult to us if you’re still here in 20 years. Hangin’ around here is a fuckin’ waste of your time.”
4.  The End of the Fucking World - “It’s strange. A lot of the time you don’t register the important moments as they happen. You only see that they were important when you look back.”
5. A Monster Calls - “It’s okay that you’re angry. I’m angry too, and if you need to break things, by god you break them. I wish I had 100 years, 100 years I could give to you.”
ok those are all masterpieces if ur ever stuck on smth to watch i recommend these SDFGHFGJ
16. describe your ideal fantasy outfitaa honESTLY. big chunky ass boots. big chunky ass jacket. big chunky ass bag or belt with weapons and cute little satchels of herbs and whatnot. and a big fuckin floofy dress that is SUPER fancy almost like a wedding dress but it can be like a different colour than plain white. hell yeah !!
22. tell us, in detail, about a curse a witch would put on you.i guess a curse references something i Dont want to happen? bc a lot of the things that ppl might view as curses id actually love (dont mind me im still dying @ that “may your womb be barren” thing). but in terms of smth i dont want i guess an easy one would be that id never experience true content. true satisfaction. true peace.
26. tell us about an experience you’ve had that seemed unreal or supernatural. (doesn’t have to be scary)i didnt have a Lot happen to me? i guess every time i have a recurring dream, or like. dreaming about something and then experiencing it irl? i think i rly believe in dream symbolism idk how it works at All but i rly do think its got like.. some reflection onto your own personal state. the only thing i can think of rn is when once i had a dream that i wasnt myself, and i kept changing parts of myself, like cutting my hair or later turning into some weird mermaid creature (sfhfgj) but like. in that dream there was a lot of children. children in school around me. children on a beach. a baby drowning. a child curled up in a fridge. and these two children, one of whom came up to me with a fuckin Horse of all things and went “do u want penis?” and im like “what” and shes like “my horse :) this is my horse, penis” and im like Odd name but ok and i didnt reply to the kid. anyway that morning i woke up and looked into dream symbolism and children and babies stand for a part of yourself youre neglecting, and horses stand for hm. “  male sexual energy and masculinity”. anyway thats how i found out i was trans GDFHJGH
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anyhao-archived · 6 years
okay im finally getting around to posting this, tbh i had to take a few days to (rest) before i thought more about this lol. also sorry it’s so long, ill put it under a read more. ANYWAYS my vav experience, as follows:
so for the fan sign there was a Lot going on so i forgot most of it but.. barons teeth sparkled when he smiled lmao anyways st van was first and I told him he was my moms favorite and he went rly?? in a really cute voice and he just seemed so surprised, it was endearing
and then jacob... i don’t mess with him anymore. jk lol he was so freaking attractive but like in a Hot way? his smile was so nice that im pretty sure i garbled my words but i tried to tell him i really like love night.. and I was going to ayno and like idk if i was joking to myself or what but just loud enough i actually said, oh that’s lots of bling! and both ayno and jacob heard me, ayno laughed genuinely and jacob was like omg i can’t believe this idiot.. i don’t think i said anything to ayno, he seemed really uncomfortable so i didn’t want to bother him anymore. but his laugh was genuine i could tell, and for a split second i don’t think he was wearing his Idol Mask(TM) when he smiled. but that’s probably just wishful thinking lol
ACE I CANT BELIEVE HIM he looked so fucking good oh my god i got to him and i called him a Casanova and he went ayyyy with a thumbs up and finger guns and i wanted to die lmfao
when i got to baron he said my name but kinda pronounced it wrong but i corrected him, and he said it again. and then i told him my name rhymes with his and he said mine like four times in different ways trying it out and rhyming it with his stage name😭 HE DIDNT have to say my name that many times, god. his English was so fucking good holy shit and his pronounciation??? Amazing and he’s so handsome up close, like literal Disney prince handsome
ziu talks sooo much!!! I love it and he’s so good looking and kind and he shook my hand and ??? he said to enjoy the show and i told him to enjoy doing the show and he did like a shy smile kind of thing !! you could tell he was trying hard with the English i was rly proud of him
lou had a flower crown on and i complimented on it and he said my name so well and there was more with him but i forgot 😢
but that was just the fan sign lol so much other stuff happened... later during the show i nearly died bc of ayno.. they were picking people to go up on stage, right? and there was a girl in front of me also with her hand raised, like freaking out (maybe a bit too much?) and i was like okay she probably wants it so i kinda like.. stopped raising my hand and gestures to her? If that makes sense... he almost picked her but when he saw me be nice and let her have it, he literally stares at me and picks me, dead on...but someone random that he wasn’t pointing at like ROWS back walked on stage before we could realize it was me but that fucking eye contact i had with him made him SHOOT up my bias list lol now I have to rethink my entire order. im like 75% sure that he picked me because i wasn’t a crazy fan, like the girl in front of me was a bit much.. and obviously if i was willing to give it up im not that insane... ladies, it pays off to be a nice person!
AND JACOB WITH THE BABY please end me i fell for him so much like he’s almost overtaking baron that’s how much i liked him last night and how nice is vav that they tried to pick new people?? like they picked the fan boy, the little baby, the elderly lady.. and they even helped her to and from the stage 💗😍 AND SPEAKING of gentlemanly stuff there was a guy with a wheelchair during the snapshots in line for jacob and when they were done he personally pushed the guy in the wheelchair all the way to where the man needed to go. he breaks my heart and heals it simultaneously, he’s so underrated but still a genuinely and QUIET nice person.. he doesn’t do good stuff to be noticed. like when winter breeze was over, they had the rappers sing it too... but not jacob. i was so upset and he also didn’t do his solo song that i specifically told him i liked, but ayno did two of his. im not bitter at all what do u mean ??? 🤷‍♀️
i feel like more happened at the concert but i can’t think of much more, im sure other fan accounts will have it all. the only thing i can think about is the snapshots anyways lol
the group picture was ... interesting. the hi touch wasnt much except it reinforced my idea that ayno recognized me, bc instead of a high five he held my hand for as long as possible, probably an apology for earlier. i nearly died. the pic ended up looking awful but thats okay lol. then we tried to leave but i ended up going the wrong way, and a staff handed me roughly like actually grabbing my shoulders and pushing me in the right direction (which i did not appreciate, please chill, u just didnt tell us the right way to go...) and a few members saw that and didnt like either. ayno looked irritated but im sure  hes just irritated at everything at that point lol, lou and ace looked at me sympathetically, and i gave ace the happy bday present someone asked me to give to him. he was so surprised it was adorable.
OKAY, NOW FOR THE SNAPSHOTS: so i actually had 7 snapshots but ended up getting 2 with jacob and 2 with ayno instead of one with everyone (which.. if u look above is not a surprise lmfao) so the first snapshot i do is with baron, obviously.. and this ASSHOLE wants to kill me like... for everyone i tried to pick poses that werent too touchy bc a) im not comfortable w that and b) im sure they were all tired of being touched lol so i picked the one where you make fingerhearts while standing next to each other, but NOOOOO
baron decides he doesnt like that pose enough so he literally puts his hands on my shoulders, guides me to a position thats not only in FRONT of him but CLOSER TO HIM than i was originally!!! what the fuck!! thats not all after that he had to lean around me and basically like... he was so fucking close to me oh my god. he smelled so good i need to know where he gets his cologne. also lol when he moved me in front of him i was like... omg are u sure??? im kinda tall.. and he just laughs and smiles and leans into/around me. that picture of me looks so stupid bc i was so.. happy and Not Ready lmao
anyways i go to jacob next and do the e-t touch pose lol since like i said... didnt want touchy ones and he seemed amused that i picked that one. i wonder if it was one of the least popular ones? probably.. and GOD hes rly such a gentleman hottie like i rarely say h*t but.... jacob was hot. since we did the e.t touch pose we had to touch fingertips and (eyes emoji) not to have a hand kink or anything but hes got. really nice hands. long fingers. also lmfao he had long ass fingernails and i kinda joked with him like “youve got longer fingernails than i do!!” and he laughed and smiled at me. and okay i turn to leave like gotta have the next person go but APPARENTLY he wasnt ready for the next person yet...  i literally had to have the staff be like wait! jacob is saying bye to you!!! and i was like WHAT and turned around and ran back to him basically to say bye he was grinning the entire time and he waved his hand and held it up for (i thought) a high five but he grabbed it and i swear i fell for him right there. JACOB WHEN WILL U BE MINE godfjkdgd and i watched him for a little bit but he didnt say bye that enthusiatically to anyone else (that i saw, at least)
then i did the prom pose with st. van, it was adorable. you could tell he was rly trying to interact with everyone and idk what it is about him but i felt comfortable enough to actually do a Touchy pose (the holding arm pose, like prom yknow). we love an amazing leader~
oH i did one with ziu too!! i did the byung byung pose with the hands together and we both looked ridiculous lol. i dont remember much about him except he was so tall wtf taller than i expected.
at this time i keep looking at my pics and THE E.T PIC WITH JACOB??? makes me crack the hell up.... it had to have been fate, obviously. in the pic (from the camera flash, i guess) where our fingers were touching, it just SO HAPPENED THAT THERE WAS A FLASH OF LIGHT......... iconic. jacob n i are meant to be. so i get in line for him again bc i want to show him the pic, but by the time i got up there again i had forgotten. i was also like... ready for a touchy pose with him bc why not. i cant remember what pose i did with him or if anything happened, im sure i was in a trance then lmao. pretty sure he recognized me but i cant be sure. 
then i get in line for ayno and i have two snapshot tickets left, and the staff announces theres only a few mins left so i was like SHIT and figured id just do two with ayno bc i didnt wanna waste any. his line was so long and staff had to keep reminding ppl not to hug/touch him and i felt soooo bad. i picked poses that werent too close to him, and even those in the pic he looked like he was trying to not be close to me lol. i feel so bad for him, im sure he got a lot of weird fans that night. i think he recognized me (again) because he smiled genuinely like he was happy i was there. i think he appreciated that i picked poses that didnt require touching -- he probably had a Lott of that. when the second pic was being printed the staff member laughed at something someone said, but i thought she was laughing at my picture bc i take shit pics and i got offended for a second and so did ayno LMAO but then she explained and i said bye to him and he went back into Idol Mask(TM) and i think that was it. 
i also ate at ihop that night, it was great, we didnt get back to our hotel till after 2am, it felt so... young adult-ish to be out so late lmao. i was very proud at how everything turned out, i dont think i wouldve changed a thing
anyway, long story short: im in love with jacob, baron is a disney prince, ayno shot up my bias list (he was like... last lmao) and i appreciate him as a person. those three were the Big Three, but i still loved meeting the other members. 10/10 would recommend vav
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bangtanbighit · 6 years
For the amsterdam show, people under 16 (im 19 myself lol) aren’t allowed to go inside alone, they have to go with someone who’s an adult. Still, a lot of people under 15 are getting tickets in hopes they can get inside without having to show their id’s/ they can find adults there who arw sitting close to them. They are rlly strict with that here so a lot of those people might not even get inside, that’s such a waste of tickets bc 18+ year old or people who did have someone didnt get to go...
Ahhhh, that really sucks. I didn’t know they were so strict with the age there. Yeah, it’s a tough situation cause on one hand, I’m sure those younger fans really wanted to go and wanted to try no matter what. Butttt, on the other hand, it prevents a lot of others from getting the tickets. I think if they knew 90% that things probably wouldn’t have worked out for them, they shouldn’t have gotten the tickets just because it’s a waste but idk, it’s tricky isn’t it? :/ 
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lovelylarrie · 7 years
hello all 95 pls ily ;))))))))))
Nina you’re the biggest asshole I’ve ever met. Also theres only 92 but ily so here u go:
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?it was you but yeah after u take me on a date (;
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?No?
3. Have you taken someones virginity?This is escalating quickly but no lmao
4. Is trust a big issue for you?Only for people who have broken it
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?No, but I will v soon 😛
6. What are you excited for?U to come visit me
7. What happened tonight?I made my first follow forever (shameless self-promo)
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?Not really, you do you!
9. Is confidence cute?YES
10. What is the last beverage you had?Water
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?A big fat 0
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?Yes?
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?Work lmao
14. What are you going to spend money on next?UNIVERSAL TICKETS WITH @sbblou
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?Nooooooo lol
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?YES! I’ve changed so much in the past 3 months that I wouldnt doubt it
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?You, @teentomlinson @sbblou  @spacegaycombeferre @ummharrystyles @louisispuresunshine and @hellaplantsjpg
18. The last time you felt broken?Like the end of September to the beginning of October 
19. Have you had sex today?yep 4 times actually (im kidding)
20. Are you starting to realize anything?That I’m finally happy and in a good place I think?
21. Are you in a good mood?Im kinda salty im only on 21 and that u made me do this
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?I mean I dont have the pressing desire to do so atm but like I would if the offer presented itself
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?I don’t have a dad
24. What do you want right this second?Chipotle
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?Im happy for u, idfk
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?No
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?No wtf kind of question is this? 
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?My answer to #23
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?Yep
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?I think so, unless you like killed someone. I think everyone can change for the better so yeah.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?Yeah most boys suck
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?Yes
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?Kind of? Like I’ll have sweet tea, coffee, and water before I’ll have soda. 
34. Listening to?Actually nothing which is really sad so I’m gonna put on the new Maroon 5 album
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?Yeah?
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?No, probably somewhere in the states of minnesota if I were to take a guess
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?No, sounds fake
38. Who did you last call?@teentomlinson and @spacegaycombeferre did a 3 way last night
39. Who was the last person you danced with?Idfk
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?Bc I thought it would be cool
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?Never, fuck cupcakes
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?No I have not even seen them today
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?I’ve embarrassed myself in front of every person I’ve ever talked to so yes
44. Do you tan in the nude?When I used to use tanning beds, yes
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?Nah, it didnt really mean anything so whatever
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?No?
47. Who was the last person to call you?Probs my mom
48. Do you sing in the shower?No but i sing everywhere else
49. Do you dance in the car?All the time
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?I think in like 7th grade we did it in gym
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?Senior picures, so Fall 2015
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?Yes
53. Is Christmas stressful?Not really
54. Ever eat a pierogi?wtf
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?FUCK FRUIT PIE
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Doctor and actress
57. Do you believe in ghosts?Meh, sometimes but not really
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?already answered
59. Take a vitamin daily?No
60. Wear slippers?No
61. Wear a bath robe?No
62. What do you wear to bed?Shorts and a tee shirt
63. First concert?T*ylor Sw*ft
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?Target, obviously
65.-69.already answered
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?whatever tf you’re gonna be(;
71. Can you curl your tongue?Yeah 
72. Ever won a spelling bee?No fuck spelling
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?All the time
74. What is your favorite book?Does Y&B count?
75. Do you study better with or without music?Without bc ill literally start singing the song instead of studying
76. Regularly burn incense?No
77. Ever been in love?No
78. Who would you like to see in concert?LOUIS MF TOMLINSON
79. What was the last concert you saw?Louis’ husband, HARRY MF STYLES
80. Hot tea or cold tea?Cold, hot drinks make me sweat lol
81. Tea or coffee?COFFEE
82. Favorite type of cookie?Double chocolate chip or just regs chocolate chip
83. Can you swim well?I can swim, just not well
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?Not if im jumping into a pool
85. Are you patient?I thought this said “are you a patient” and I was like wtf. But the answer is no.
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?a band would be pretty cool
87. Ever won a contest?I won a radio contest once and got $150 
88. Ever have plastic surgery?No
89. Which are better black or green olives?BLACK
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?you do you, but i think the whole “sex before marriage is bad” thing is so fake
91. Best room for a fireplace?Living room
92. Do you want to get marriedWe already are?
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souryogurt64 · 7 years
hey guys i had suicidal thoughts all my life and wrote a will when i was 9 years old and hid it on my bookshelf. when i turned 14 years old i really seriously wanted to kill myself. i set my date for the middle of summer between graduation and college. i set this date for a lot of reasons. id be 18 and have more autonomy about what happened after i died, i wouldnt be in college so i wouldnt waste any of my parents money, and the summer between high school and college meant id be distanced from my friends and teachers and would hurt the least amount of people in my life. i chose july 1st because its the halfway point in the year. up until recently i was literally planning on going through with it. sometimes id have happy lapses but id always go back to my old plan. that day was today. im obviously not dead. im still alive and a lot happier. i have a road trip with a friend who really cares about me and who ive known for 5 years but only really got close to in the past 6 months or so. over the past year and especially six months ive gotten a lot healthier and happier. ive got friends who really care about me and dropped people who were hurting me. high school feels like a bad dream. i have seven concerts lined up in the next few months with people who truly care about me bc i realized that stuff makes me really happy. im doing so, so well. my dermatillomania is almost completely gone. i stopped self harming. this whole thing is pretty much an accident, to be honest. i never made a conscious effort to recover and when i bought tickets to green day i thought i was crossing it off my bucket list as i was dying. i stopped seeing a point in letting people at school get to me as i was gonna die anyway and started wearing stupid shit like striped tights and mom jeans. i wrote a lot of bad poetry and dumbass stories for class and i didnt really care about sharing them. i stopped chasing relationships with people who were abusive toward me bc i was gonna be dead in 3 months. i let them drop out of my life. somewhere along the way i found myself surrounded with better people and somehow i found myself making plans past my suicide date without thinking about it. i thought i was just postponing it but then i kept making plans as far out as a year from now. last night i bought five concert tickets for me and five concert tickets for my best friend starting in two weeks. so im officially going and i officially survived past the suicide date i had for four and a half years. this was really dumb and embarrassing but basically im not dead and am seeing swmrs in 2 weeks so like.... yeet
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miallday · 4 years
✨2019✨ Jan.-July.
wow. You were a hard year, but you had a great ending to it.
January: I let go of my toxic relationship of 5 years. I let go of his entire family. We ended on a bad note.. pretty much all of them. Sarah and I had an awful fight. I was angry during one of my conversations with Maia. I was so hurt. I remember I was also broke. Like I had less than $100. I went through all my savings for 6 months. I am so blessed I was able to pay all my bills.. all on my OWN. I moved out from my apartment, separating myself from those familiar faces and became a live in nanny. I started school again.. from scratch. I went to school and worked, but I was still broke since I didn’t get paid. I lived off the 200$ a month from my church job. I wanted my head shaved. This is an easy decision. It had been over a year of thought. Jacob was so kind to do it for me. That was the first time I wore his clothes. I liked it. That was also the first time I slept on his bed. I was scared, I didn’t sleep well that night. But waking up that morning it made me happy. I was ok. Now I’m just bald. Yikes. But I liked the wig look... until hair started growing in. In the month of January I began praying to God so much. I remember one night I spoke to God and asked him to show me what to do. Show me the Autrys true colors. To show me the cards. Lay them on the table. Later on that month I had a dream giving me the answers. Time to let go. Jacob called me telling me about Shonté getting this chicks # and stuff and she looked just like Stefany. Jacob came to my rescue again. Jacob, Marcus and I went out that night. I remember it was the first week living at carols. My first Friday night out!! To zen! I’m 21! It was so fun! Jacob suggested putting my phone on airplane mode and the next day I ended everything with Shonté. He told me to go fuck myself... then texted me saying “ i dont know when but one day I will show you that I love you” lol... that’s the “love” I had for 7 years. (5 + the 2 we were talking.) wow. I wish none of that happened. I am embarrassed of it all. I had no self love at all. I didn’t know what love was. I was trying to find love in all the wrong places. I look back and I wish I could just hug my younger self. I am so glad I am out of that. ALL of it. I was in so much pain. I am thankful for Jacob. I really am, but I am also so proud of myself for finally choosing myself and my happiness. I put myself first for once in my life.
February: I wanted to ignore the hurt that I was feeling. I regret ever talking to justin. I shouldn’t have done it. I knew it was wrong. I didn’t want him to kiss me. I wanted to move my head, but I was lonely. I’m sorry. I knew you loved me since the 7th grade. It was nice catching up on life. We may have been best friends but Sam really did take you away from Zahria and I for years. I tried to tell you that we were just talking. I knew I didn’t want more, I’m sorry for going along with those conversations. I shouldnt have sexted you. I shouldn’t have made out with you in your car. I led you on. I am so sorry. It was wrong. I was lonely and I thought maybe our long friendship must mean maybe there could be more. But you were too much for me. You took me to meet your whole family on our first date. I spoke to everyone of course, but you continuously asked “are you having fun”. Ugh Justin I missed my friend. I hated when we were in the car stopped at a red light you’d want to kiss me over and over and over. I’d say stop & you wouldn’t. I didnt want this. I could never love you the way you needed to be loved. I am so happy you found someone, but Apart of me regrets losing my guy bestfriend since middle school, but after all that happened it’s too late. You became clingy and told me you loved me too fast. It was only a month. & you’d say it so often. You made me feel suffocated. I didn’t have that love connection with you. It was TOO much for ME. You’d call me every night around 7/8pm and you keep talking until 1am. I’d get frustrated bc I’m serious about my sleep. I’d say bye and you would somehow find another topic. So I even told you to give me space. While you were blowing up my phone I was sleeping next to Jacob in his bed, getting high and doing acid with him. Nothing happened ever, but you never knew. You just knew I was there. That’s how I knew I didn’t want this.. I could never commit to you. I knew you weren’t it. I wanted to be around Jacob more than I ever wanted to talk to you. And I’m sorry. This one day before work I walked up to a church and I sat down on their bench outside. It was like 8pm and I spoke to God. I asked him to show me if you were meant to be in my life.. not to long later God showed me the answers. The fact that after I went to visit Jenn for her birthday and Jacob mentioned who she saw him marrying I knew it was me but I was afraid I would be right and things would get awkward. But somehow Jacob smoothly brought up our pact by 30 if we were still single we’d get married and I was ok with that. Or when we did acid that day I was making a floor angel.. before we fell asleep I told you I didn’t mind being with you if by 30 we didn’t have anyone. My heart was with Jacob before I even knew.
March: Jacob and I began hanging out. During my spring break we went out to eat. We drank. I got high from brownie crumbs you shared with me. We drank. In the Uber I leaned on you and I dosed off, but you put your hand on my leg. I felt it but with you I wanted you to keep you hand there. We got to his place and we talked about tattoos. You even helped me decide what to do with mine and then we ended up wrestling. It was fun. Nothing more. That whole week we hung out. I went to go visit you in pentagon city. We texted daily. Anyways, Wednesday March 13 you kissed me. A couple days before I had a feeling something would happen between us. I was in shock that you kissed me. I dont know, I just never put mind to it. I accepted you for who you were, but I always turned my head bc I knew your body count. I am sorry for judging you. I did accept you, but that kept me from looking at your direction the whole time we were friends. I dont know if that sounds shitty of me. There was also something going on between you and Zahria and I really didn’t like it. In all honesty I didn’t want to give her your number the first time. Back in cityside. Big yikes. Anyways. I liked you. I liked how it felt when you kissed me. I wanted to know if you’d kiss me again. Then next morning you kissed me and said “does that answer your question.” So cute. From this moment I told Justin to let me go and find someone else. I didn’t want to waste his time. I wanted to do things right. For St.Patricks day Jacob invited me out to DuPont circle! This parents were there. That night was fun. Jacob and I clicked in a different way. We were out together. I held his hand for the first time outside. I also called him bby. There was a connection. I remember that night pretty clearly. Anyways, Jacob & I had sex like a week later. I wanted to. I wanted you. I wanted you since my 20th birthday. On acid I looked at you when I was laying on my bed and I literally said I wanna fuck him but I knew that was wrong of me to think that. I wasn’t scared the first time we did it. It was definitely better than my first time lol. And it was mutual and we were sober. That.. helps me.. in all honesty. All the time I think of that and I smile. The next day.. oof it was the first time I ever had good sex. It was hard having sex with you for a while after that though. I really felt like I lost my virginity. It was rough for a while. I am so lucky. I was always embarrassed but you helped me feel better. I’m sorry for bleeding on you. I really appreciate you comforting me every time... you are so sweet. I remember that following day you took me over to your parents house. That was my first time there. He brought me to his parents house ASAP. I met Shonté’s family 3 years later and that’s because I came over during Christmas break and his parents decided no one should spend Christmas alone in another state. Yeah I was literally going to stay at his dads apt alone if his parents didn’t want me to come. Yikes. You obviously really did like me. Don’t worry I can’t wait until you meet my brother and my nephews. My nephews are my treasure, so you are very special!!! I remember the last day of March.. March 31st we went on our first date!! No ones ever gone all out for me like that... I was speechless. You took me to the fish market. You got a small bowl of clam chowder and I got fish and chips. We walked down king street and we went to go see Kai. You paid for our tickets to get on the ferry. I’ve never been on that one!! It was cold but there was a beautiful view. We got to NH and we passed by a spicy sauce store. We still have to go there!!!! Then we got on the Ferris wheel. I had so much fun with you. The first time I went on it I didn’t have much of a good time. So thank you for giving me a better memory!!💗
April: Jacob called me his girlfriend over text. I remember I completely ignored it. You pointed it out and I told you I wasn’t your girlfriend until you ask me. I’m glad I stood up for myself. I wanted you to know I am different. April 12 we woke up super early and took acid. We spent the whole trip in bed binge watching breaking bad. I love that. Later that night you casted a slideshow for me. That’s when you asked me out. I found it so cute and I loved the effort you made to ask me to be your girlfriend. I went and got tested this month. I was scared tbh. I wish I would have been smarter and asked Jacob some more serious questions before having sex without a condom. But when we had sex I was okay with it, i could have said no put one on but i really wanted to know what you actually felt like too. & I loved it. I could never go back. Well unless I find those vibrating condom thing. We gotta try. But anyways. I didn’t have peace of mind until my dr. called. I don’t mean to judge. But I’m glad all is good. School was going well! I was working on my website. I was nannying and teaching Jonah Spanish on thursdays. I was also making $ in the side with Sophie, and Guy& Coleman as well as the church! I was productive... you see.. not smoking weed.. I was sober. This is why I’m harder on myself. I could be doing more. Anyways. April was a good month.
May: In May I finished my spring semester!! I took 5 classes. All A’s and B’s. I worked SO hard. I remember I stayed up all night until 4am studying my history notes. Over and over and over. Took a 2 hour nap and went to school. Took my finals and had to hurry and pick up Jonah for tutoring. It was so nice to go out to eat for dinner that day. I was proud of myself. I finessed my communications professor to bring my grade from a B to an A. It took some convincing but he did it. He gave me those extra points. I went home for Mother’s Day. This was wonderful... 2019 I finished paying off to install my moms tombstone. And my brother and I went to see her for Mother’s Day. We got her a bouquet of red roses. Her favorite! It was nice even though my brother was a total dick to me on that 40 minute Uber ride. Zahria didn’t hang out with me this weekend and I was very upset about that. She was mad that I was going to see Michael. Michael and I still speak tbh. Mostly about drugs and life. I was always a real friend to him since freshman year. But now I understand where she was coming from. Jacob and I would FaceTime each other at night now & fall asleep. So cute. I went back home and it took sometime to be okay again. That toxic, negative energy back home is some serious shit. Summer semester started and I only took one class for 6 weeks!!
Pride was so much fun. I wish I went the second day, but I had school and work on Monday. I didn’t want to be out late on a Sunday. But I really had a great time. Too bad I’m so awkward. This is the month Jenn was helping me speak up to Carol and Aaron about the contract. I was terrified. THAT WAS HARD FOR ME. That was so hard for me. But I did it. I spoke to them about it and I decided the best decision was to move out. It’s crazy bc at this time I found my love for champagne. I was drinking so much of it. Tbh that’s how I gained so much weight. Alcohol!!!!!! Anyways. I was sitting in Jacobs closet and he came to talk to me. We talked about what happened and you brought up if I wanted to move in with you. I said yes. So I gave my decision. They didn’t want to give me any money. I would get $200 a month for food if I worked more hours from the morning. As well as no summer tutoring so I would have to readjust my hours on the weekends and I wasn’t about it. So I cleaned up my room. They wanted me out ASAP. Marcus and Jacob helped me moved half my stuff. The other half Aaron helped. They weren’t in a good mood that days Carol gave me a hug though and told me she loves me. I closed another chapter. I was nervous and worried to move in with Jacob but it wasn’t too bad.
July: Jacob always tries his best to make me feel welcomed. He moved his desk over and gave it to me. He moved his shelf and fridge to make more space. You were okay with me taking the closet. You never once complained. You were okay that I had a lot of things. I was so worried about it all, but you always comfort me. I started working with Andrea. It was a blessing answered from God. I remember telling Jacob I wanted to take care of another 3 month old again.. and then Bradley came along. That baby brought me a ton of happiness whereas Jackson gave me headaches 🤣 I felt good. I was in school. I was making money. I was also babysitting Cora a lot. I made a little over $500 in 3 days. I saw Guy & Coleman. Jacob, Marcus and I went to Dave & busters. I had a lot of fun. I love that wizard of oz machine. I also came across this letter I wrote for myself back in 2016. I was suppose to wait until 2021, but I read it anyways. Wow I accomplished a couple things in there, but the way I saw my life planned was SO WRONG. hahah. I went and renewed my cpr license. The instructor was tough. I was afraid she wouldn’t pass me. I was doubting myself but I had studying. It was just a lot of pressure. I am so proud of myself for passing and I have a renewed certificate now. I ended the month saying goodbye to the Barhydt’s. They moved back to MA.
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This 22-Year-Old Woman Just Had The Wildest Birth Story EVER!
If this isn’t the epitome of black girl trickery, we don’t “to know whats” !! Earlier this week, 22 -year-old Tia Freeman took to Twitter to detail the craziest birth legend we’ve ever read. No, severely, I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant couldn’t even handle this ish. Related: Pregnant Cardi B Announces Break From Accomplishing Apparently, the Air Force member learned she was significantly pregnant back in January. Per Miz Freeman, she was on family planning that procreated it so she didn’t get her season every month. Thus, she was already in her third trimester when her pregnancy was confirmed. She asked: Might as well tell you now lol. Grant me a little time though because it’s sort of a long storey — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 I didn’t know I was pregnant for awhile( already in my 3rd trimester) and before you ask the birth control I was on shaped it so I didn’t have a hertz every month. So not having a period wasn’t key indicators for me. On pinnacle of that I didnt actually gain any weight. Me when I spotted: pic.twitter.com/ An5QA3hX8A — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 Unsurprisingly, Tia was a bit in denial involving her newborn story, so she didn’t give her pregnancy forestall her previously scheduled trip-up to Germany. She persisted TAGEND So I had already purchased tickets for a vacay in Germany and ya girl was not was just about to waste international flight money. So I was like if the son comes on time I should be all good in the bonnet. So I came home for two seconds before hopping on the my flight to Germany. pic.twitter.com/ SWYOpatnEN — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 While on the plane, Tia devoured one of the in-flight meals, which resulted in her ardour nauseating. At first, Freeman believed she was experiencing food poisoning. She tried sleeping off the annoyance, but upon landing in Istanbul for her layover, Tia embarked realizing that something wasn’t quite right. Eventually, the status of women recognise she was having contractions. No I don’t know if it was he salmon, the flight, or it was just my hour but out of no where I start cramping up. I’ve still came like an hour left before we land. I time knew I had food poisoning. Y’all I was HURT pic.twitter.com/ WBgWcG0NkU — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 So anyway I make it until we land but when I wake up the cricks have gotten worse and I’m like okay I just want to make it to my inn. Its my layover and I’m only here( Istanbul, Turkey) for 17 hrs. But getting through traditions made FOREVVVVVVVERRRRR pic.twitter.com/ VUFDhyrCR1 — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 I’m literally gripping the railing trying to make it through the lines. At this detail I feel like I’m about to pass out. I’m sweating. I feel like I have to vomiting. I’m “re going through” it. Then I’m like wait a minute bitch are you in strive ?!!! pic.twitter.com/ p6SMEfunP0 — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 After having her revealing, Tia took to the internet to try and google manifestations of labor. Rather than call out of providing assistance, Tia chose to power through customs and get to her inn TAGEND Either way it get I’m not giving birth in this airport so I start gassing myself up bc I am NOT having a baby in this airport. I start talking to myself like Bitch what you’re not gonna do is give birth on international airports floor. So you need to get it together& make it to your inn pic.twitter.com/ Ywjk9fmsaD — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 I make it to my inn& now I’m sure I’m in labor. There is no way in the world I’m not in strive because I can barely standup at this detail. So I’m in a foreign country, where nobody speak english, I don’t know this country’s emergency list,& I have no clue what the hell is do. pic.twitter.com/ sk6k10zdu5 — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 In “true millennial pattern, ” Tia chose to YouTube how to deliver a child. Despite having limited quantities, Freeman use what she could find to prep for her little one’s appearance TAGEND So yo it’s GAME TIME. I don’t have time to be nervous. It’s time to get shit done. I spring into action. Filling up the tub with heated spray #WaterBirth, grabbing a towel to bite down on, grabbing another towel to wrap him/ her up with whenever it pops out pic.twitter.com/ PVu2SWLCiG — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 It’s weird how focused a person becomes when they’re adrenaline starts going. Because at no part ever did I freak out. Like I just did what I had to do. — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 However, since Tia put off propagandizing, her baby’s entrance returned faster than expected. She lent TAGEND My constrictions were already at a time a part lol I was late as inferno. I BARELY induced it to my apartment. so I shed the towel in my lip and start propagandizing. And I have NEVVVVEEERRRR experienced any anguish like this in my life. I felt like I was being split open. WHERE WAS MY EPIDURAL ?! pic.twitter.com/ HGlootcNHu — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 Luckily it happened pretty quickly. I merely had to push about 5-6x before a child popped out. Lol now let me tell you newborns are buoyant. That little joker responded bloop and moved right on up to the top of the water pic.twitter.com/ IuqwKXFb2L — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 For those of you who are unaware, the baby’s delivery isn’t the end of the birthing process, as Tia still had to wait for the placenta to stop TAGEND Warning Viewer Discretion is Admonished [?][?] So I’m sitting with Young Xay laying on my chest waiting for the placenta to pass. The internet “ve told me” chafe my lower abdomen to sell my placenta to come on out. So her I am baby in one appendage rubbing my pelvis with the other side lol — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 So finally it feels like I’m having another reduction and I premise this is the placenta ready to drop it like it’s hot. So I shuffle to the bathroom and sit down on the toilet because idk where else to tour pic.twitter.com/ UpGTANtLnh — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 Once the placenta slipped, she realized it was still attributed to her newborn son.( Oh yeah, she had a baby boy, mentioned Xavier Ata .) As she didn’t have any clamps, she self-sterilized some shoelaces for stopgap secures. Thankfully, the reduce of the umbilical cord went off without a hitch! Rather than head to the hospital, Tia chose to clean up the inn bathroom and breastfed her babe TAGEND Umbilical cord cut and I did a mighty fine task if I do say so myself! At this level tired is beginning to set in. But I need to clean up the lavatory because it looked like the situated of a horror movie pic.twitter.com/ DyvlwXXeQ2 — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 So I clean up the shower, breastfeed my babe, and go to sleep. No I do not go to the hospital I make my ass to bunk. so the next day I wake up for and get ready to go to the airport because I once paid for the cab the darknes before& even though I knew I couldn’t fly out — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 Not knowing what the hell is seeing her little one, Tia headed to the airport — where government employees( rightfully) freaked out, because they are envisioned she was human trafficking a baby. So I clean up the bathroom, breastfeed my baby, and go to sleep. No I do not go to the hospital I make my ass to berth. so the next day I wake up for and get ready to go to the airport because I previously paid for the cab the light before& although there are I knew I couldn’t fly out — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 So they called in practices, the police, a medical doctor& a harbour( to check the babe& me to see if I actually imparted birth ), and the airline to a higher place. I was besieged with questions( naturally) but lastly I proved that I wasn’t a trafficker. During this I called the @USEmbassyTurkey. pic.twitter.com/ HH9zQybcHB — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 After the airport established that Tia really was her child’s baby, Turkish Airline arranged for the new mommy to be brought to the US Embassy. Anyway @TurkishAirlines shuttles me over to the US Consulate for free with a translator( actually shoutout to them !) and when I get there a columnist pop out of nowhere trying to ask me theme like ma’am! How did you even find me ?! pic.twitter.com/ P64aq12xCv — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 So the translator is like like miss maybe later. The reporter was like okay I’ll wait. So I’m in the consulates for like 2/3 hours( it has been a superrrrrrrr long daylight ). So as I’m inside I have to answer a knot of the same contentions& apply for his birth certification& passport pic.twitter.com/ X3JptPMaJi — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 By this point, Tia and her kiddo grew celebrities and were taken to the hospital to get checked out. Patently, unable to control straight off, Turkish Airlines was organised by Tia to have top of the line housings TAGEND To wrap up I go to the hospital get checked out everything is fine. He’s perfectly healthy! Lol the doctors were appalled to hear my floor. I originated national bulletin& people would stop us to take pictures all the time& a random elderly female grabbed my boob as I was breastfeeding pic.twitter.com/ gGp4lJvEvl — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 Because she was demo me the right way to do it. Because I leaved them so much publicity Turkish Airline paid for my inn remain for two weeks, comped all my snacks, upgrade @BBills_& my proceed flights to business class and we experienced the lavish business parlour. The outcome — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 What’s even crazier is, Tia’s loved ones didn’t even know she had a babe until days later. Guy, oh humankind! Tia and little Xavier are doing just fine and had now been returned home to the States. According to Buzzfeed, the baby is doing really well and is being spoiled by Tia’s family. Like we answered, isn’t this the CRAZIEST story you’ve EVER hear ??? [ Image via Twitter .] Related Stories VOTE: Blac Chyna Slammed For Giving Dream Kardashian Pink Hair Extensions — Appropriate Or No ?? John Legend Implores Kanye West To Reconsider His Pro-Trump Stance — See The Texts HERE! Kim Zolciak Accused Of Homophobia By Ex-Girlfriend! Donald Trump Has A Fake News Meltdown On Live TV — AND Admits Michael Cohen Represented Him During ‘Crazy Stormy Daniels DealSSSS http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/06/04/this-22-year-old-woman-just-had-the-wildest-birth-story-ever/
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
thoughts on ice skating
supposed to be under read more, sorry if mobile is weird! 
i mean ive missed multiple weeks and alll in all the society/ practice is quite weird like the beginners teacher dude keeps rambling off about like olympics skating or how higher levels have this and this move and look ive taught that advanced kid over there and heres how they do that technique rather than concretely helping us develop those basic skills that were apparently flawed at. like how do i do that correction youre just showing me bc clearly im about to fall over bc idk how to do it. and i tried being all professional and interested and make the most of it for myself, but cant help the frustration when it goes out of the easy shit into the stupid spins because apparently i just cant do it. be it my skates are too thin or too sharp blades or my ankle is not strong enough  or enough support thats why its going bad? idk even but i cant spin. cant do it. idk i kinda know multiple things that are fucking up and its frustrating and annoying and its just not gonna work yknow i can kinda turn 180. no i cant do the multiple spin spin spin that seems so easy. is it my skates or is it my inadequacy? im not getting new skates tho, im only here because i have my own skates a while back, im clearly so shit that im not even gonna be a milkly good figure skater im not gonna get in on that. i might as well do fuckin ballet rather than this. im actually looking into that kinda now id love to try. 
ice skating is dumb in the way that ive done it since im a child but never as a hobby, like ive done it with most the time my own owned skates since like 3-4 yrs old like young. but school only ever teaches forwards and basic backwards (apparently its cheating backwards) and basic stop and turns and idk things you learn somewhat naturally and my coolest tricks always been sausages (or bubbles as they call them here) and those are apparently baby level beginner stuff and im just :| yeah i can do those tho. and now ic an do them backwards which is kinda cool, and im more confident one foor skating/gliding. but like never as a hobby so i guess none of that matters, i did try to do intermediate and could keep up to an extent but i guess my basics are so shoddy i wasnt doing well enough for my own standards, and even now looking over tho the teacher is better and more encouraging, everyone seems to be doing crazy tricks and jumps and spins and one leg up fancy shit and im just... ya. guess i cant be over there. cant do it. lemme just stand with mr blabber mouth. it is frustrating bc yeah maybe i wanna be that intermediate level, maybe i wanna go skate with my family/old friends and show off bc look i can do like 3 4 cool things im almost a real skater. but fuck i guess my skates are limiting me and i should try use the rental skates? that are dull af but have better support? idk, ive got blisters from them the last i used them and i dont particularly wanna use shitty skates. but i dunno even what to do, i dont particularly wanna drop on some fancy skates just to find smths wrong again and im shit and cant do it. maybe id suddenly improve and feel a lot better about myself and take it as a proper hobby but realistically nah. im actually kinda frustrated i dont even know if i wanna continue. yes i have a friend that goes, yes i have skates and you only get better by spending time on ice and id like to be better bc only recently ive realised how shit i am, (trust me its confidence boosting to have skated with bambis on ice who are afraid of moving at all and then i can at least go kinda fast if i want) but i cant even turn properly, cant stop properly neither. its just ugh, i dont think im getting as much out of it as i should be, i dont know if its the teachers fault, my skates fault, or my own personality/inability. 
no im not doing the dumb kinda competition theyre organising in a few weeks. the criteria for intermediate (that i havent participated in enough anyway recently) is fuckin hops and drags (my skates do not drag! to sharp? idk) and spins and fancy shit i havent even ever tried to. yeah sure i could for the fucks of it do the beginners bc its uh, bubbles forward and backwards that i can do, and i can kind of do the chassee thing kind of. but i cant do a god damn spin for the life of me apparently so i might as well save my 5 pound and ‘pride’. ugh. besides the fun part was that he was talking abt the higher levels leg up glide thing, and had us do it against the wall bc ‘afraid well just face plant’ and i guess i can bring my leg up decently high when supported by the wall which is fun, and otherwise im not the worst of the 5 beginners that showed up. but yeah im just frustrated with it over all. dunno how long the clubs even gonna continue for, theres only one friend there that i would continue for which isnt great considering means i dont consider the others easy to make friends with or ones i could be fond of enough to over look the struggle of the hobby. 
i think my plan was to call my dad not only to ask if they had a preference for when my friend would fly down to visit  so she could buy her tickets, but i guess also i was going to say about the skate apparently being too soft and too thin/too sharp and express this frustration that i still cant do shit, that maybe even using unsharpened (and uncomfortable) rental skates could be better for skating and just wonder what im even doing abt this all. clearly not competing but idk even if we could just come to observe/skate for fun during the competition etc or if i should just skip to catch up/pack and clean idk. also im kinda annoyed at myself otherwise bc i just tuesday saw with J and shes off for a few weeks and i made such a good verbal plan saying id do an email and a summary im weeeeeks behind on on tuesday evening and prep for class today (didnt prep but it went okay anyway) and today i would have gone to class and to skating with a healthy meal (check check check) and come home to sign up and send the other email thats been bugging me, and then do my report due midnight i havent even started on. said id work after midnight if it was taking so long so id have it done..... i had a nap instead. not even a god damn shower i was planning to have tuesday and now its 3 am on thursday. ayy. sure i could skip classes tomorrow to shower and clean my room and maybe complete a task before i drag myself to an archery arrow lesson and badminton after (no thatll be fun, but ill be back rly late) but ive skipped so many classes and i wana see and be with my friends i might as well go, and if i get abandoned work on work somewhere in between classes and maybe actually get something done? gasp. shock. and still get home and do smth like clean and do dishes to be productive while anticipating fun thing, do it and come home and actually sleep bc im fuckin that over eh. but fuck. its not just that i have 1 overdue summary from two weeks ago, i have another summary due thursday night. maybe, in between classes i could do both, miraculous i guess yes but would be cool. do two summaries, send off both and an apology email for the other, take the spare chance to book myself another experiment if theyre still running and if not send an apology email bc i missed one in class one and ask what now. and then maybe even since the calendar is out get my 3 planned viewings booked so that i can see them b4 going back home and dont get fucked. maybe even add the corrections i got yesterday to my other report. wow wouldnt that be great. i could do them now but i should get to sleep right now heres hoping ill remember the corrections then. and then id need to look at the video for the assignment that was due yesterday and bring up the files and find the debrief and begin filling it in and maybe email researcher if i need to, and do the easy part. so that maybe logical me in a clean room will fill in the ethics part between classes on friday or after class or gasp on saturday bc im not going to st andrews after all... its a lot.. i hate that two days are wasted already. ugh. uGH. well get by. lets just try stay positive, now im going to sleep and wake up to go to my 11 class prepared to do some easy work between classes. yes yes. its probably weird that who ever has read this far has read all this shit and maybe i should just keep my shit personal and not post on my main blog bc surprisingly its open to anyone who just slightly would wanna see it,and though you likely dont know me in person its a bit weird huh idk. maybe this is here so my cousin can read it if she happens to , maybe its so that you can read it and be like ya i do that and i think like that too pretty cool im not alone, maybe its for me to read back and not have to be exposed to my worst ugly vents on my plain vent blog and can remain positive thomaybe not. its under read more anyway. lets try bury it guys. 
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space--is--gay · 6 years
do all of em for both
If you really wanna read all of these you can, but if not I’m not about to clog up your dash lmao
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Nope, I love Ashley but thats TOO FAR2. You talked to an ex today, correct? nah3. Have you taken someones virginity? Nope4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yeah, and some people didnt help that much5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Not in a couple weeks. I think she’s coming to see me this weekend tho6. What are you excited for? This weekend lol7. What happened tonight? I took a nap & woke up in a great mood8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Nah, let them live their lives, dude9. Is confidence cute? Yesssss10. What is the last beverage you had? Gatorade11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 012. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? I only own skinny jeans. You can pry them from my cold dead hands13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Not sure yet14. What are you going to spend money on next? Probably coffee tbh15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? NO16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? I sure hope so17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Briannaaaa18. The last time you felt broken? I really don’t know (which is so cool!!!!)19. Have you had sex today? Bruh, I’ve never had sex20. Are you starting to realize anything? I like what happiness feels like, and I like having people in my life who actually care about me21. Are you in a good mood? Yes22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Alright so I saw 47 Meters Down and the answer is a definite negative23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Nope24. What do you want right this second? A kiss from someone tbh25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I mean, it would suck but I’m not her girlfriend so I can’t really say much26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? unfortunately27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? No way28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Probably myself or a meme tbh29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? I think so, but ya still gotta be careful31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? I don’t even remember the last boy I talked to32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Yep33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? I drink 1 a month34. Listening to? Fletcher35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Sometimes36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Probably in New York but that’s just a guess lol37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah38. Who did you last call? My mom39. Who was the last person you danced with? Man i dont even know40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? I loved her41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? I don’t remember42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Nope43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? My life is an embarrassment, so yes44. Do you tan in the nude? I don’t do anything except shower in the nude45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? I don’t think so, actually46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Nope47. Who was the last person to call you? Mom48. Do you sing in the shower? If i’m home alone49. Do you dance in the car? Sometimes50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes, it was difficult51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? 8th grade?52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Yes, but i love them53. Is Christmas stressful? Yes54. Ever eat a pierogi? a what now?55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Teacher, Orthodontist, Chef57. Do you believe in ghosts? Absolutely58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? occasionally59. Take a vitamin daily? I actually just bought some to start taking60. Wear slippers? Nope61. Wear a bath robe? Nope62. What do you wear to bed? Usually just a t-shirt and underwear63. First concert? The Cheetah Girls64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Walmart but just bc its the only thing we have65. Nike or Adidas? Adidas tbh66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Depends on the day68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Hey Stephen69. Ever take dance lessons? Nope70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Not really71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes72. Ever won a spelling bee? YES in the 3rd grade73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes74. What is your favorite book? The Outsiders 75. Do you study better with or without music? with76. Regularly burn incense? nope77. Ever been in love? Yes78. Who would you like to see in concert? Halsey or Fletcher79. What was the last concert you saw? I don’t even remember tbh80. Hot tea or cold tea? Cold & sweet81. Tea or coffee? Coffee82. Favorite type of cookie? Chocolate Chip 83. Can you swim well? Eh84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? No85. Are you patient? NO WAY JOSE86. DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ87. Ever won a contest? yes, i won several webkinz in 4th grade (like 12)88. Ever have plastic surgery? Nope89. Which are better black or green olives? Neither90. Opinions on sex before marriage?  You do you, dude91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room92. Do you want to get married? Absolutely
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I don’t have a closet door sooooo2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Not usually3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? I don’t use a top sheet sooooo4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Nope, but there’s one near my house I want to steal5: Do you like to use post-it notes? Yeah i do6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? Always7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Neither?????8: Do you have freckles? Not really9: Do you always smile for pictures? Nah, i kinda hate my smile so10: What is your biggest pet peeve? I don’t really know, I have a lot of them lol11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? I do, actually. I didnt realize it until recently12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Indeed13: What about pooped in the woods? Nah bro14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Not really15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? Not chew, but I put the caps to my pens in my mouth16: How many people have you slept with this week? 017: What size is your bed? Full 18: What is your Song of the week? Mine by Bazzi19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yeah, you do you, bro20: Do you still watch cartoons? They’re funnier than most other tv so21: Whats your least favorite movie? TITANIC22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Not telling my secrets23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size? Why does it matter?24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Honey mustard usually25: What is your favorite food? Mac and Cheese26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Pirates of the Caribbean (any of them)27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? Mafe (and i’m sick of saying it so someone kiss me PLEASE)28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout? I was indeed29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? They would pay me to put my clothes back on so30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? I wrote one for J’s birthday31: Can you change the oil on a car? Nope32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? NOpe33: Ever ran out of gas? NOpe34: Favorite kind of sandwich? PB&J35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? Grits 36: What is your usual bedtime? Whenever I pass out37: Are you lazy? Yeah, I guess38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? One year I was bubblegum under the table39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? I really dunno40: Are you horny? Almost always41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Legosssss43: Are you stubborn? Ask any of my friends (or ex’s) and the answer is definitely yes44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman? Neither, Fallon.45: Ever watch soap operas? I used to with my Grandma46: Are you afraid of heights? Yepppp47: Do you sing in the car? Always48: Do you sing in the shower? When i’m home alone49: Do you dance in the car? Sometimes50: Ever used a gun? Yeah, I used to when I was younger, but I haven’t in years
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kayhaat · 7 years
quite a shift...
assistant manager and manager swapped shifts for the night. ive worked like two shifts with the am since he started and those were ones i was covering for a coworker. okay. (managers actually HELP here thank fuck) im the only counter from 4 to 5. this is not normal. theres always 2. im doing phones, salads, and hot foods by myself for an hour. its not so bad. business is slow until rush hour. but doing everything myself... theres two tubs of garlic bread in the walk in thank fucking god. i did not have time to drop everything and cut garlic bread for half an hour. one of our counters called out bc strep throat. okay, we got a driver to come in to cover bc everybody else would go over hours or was already working. he barely knows salads and phones. he does way better than i expected. hooray for competence. 👍 were already down to 3 counters bc one quit a week or two back and we havent been able to replace him yet. whatever. (this is why i was alone for an hour) normal friday rush. (200 tickets is a busy-ish friday. 200 all day.) around 6 something, one of our closing drivers cars breaks down while hes on a delivery. he tried and failed to jump start it. we cashed him out and sent him home. two drivers. the orders are starting to pile up for drivers. we quote an hour and a half. normal is 30-40. new girl goes on a delivery. guy tries to pay with a hundred, but she cant break it. he goes to "get change" from his car and doesnt come back. she goes up to the house and they didnt order pizza and dont recognize the name. their theory is some homeless guy used their address. she doesnt want to get mugged so she leaves. the hundred is fake. says "for motion picture use only" and everything. this is her third day. (this is absolutely not normal.) we send our other counter (not the driver, for some reason) out on the road to help the drivers catch up. he does this until like 9 when his shift ends. new girl gets into an accident. somebody ran the light up by the ymca and hit her. shes fine, but her car isnt. the axel or something got messed up and she cant steer properly. now we have no closing drivers. i suggest we call shannon in. (everybody hates shannon.) we send our closing cook on the road. we are now quoting 2 hours for delivery. around 10-11, the only remaining driver has to leave, 2-3 hours after his shift is officially over. he cant go over 40 hours and most of us are pushing it. cook is the only driver. quoting 2 and a half hours. we try to convince as many people as possible to do pickups with our ridiculous times. by some miracle, we dont get any orders for the casino. all night. thats like a 30 minute round trip iirc. and we usually get a bunch of orders in the area. (also, only 1 great taste insert all night and i was in the bathroom for it. hell yeah) cook gives wrong pizza to a lady on a double. we plan to send the driver back to do a quick swap. "is the pizza intact?" "no, i ate two pieces" fuck. remake time. cook takes a quad that would never be a quad. whatever. we made him. we stop taking deliveries by 12. we close at 1. like 40 minutes later he still isnt back to take the hotel. we get a call from one of the people on the quad. they dont have their pizza yet and are checking on it. ("hes STILL not done with the quad???? this double trees almost an hour old!") he couldnt find the apartment for the second drop and wasted like 20 minutes on it. no answer when he called them. he brought it back and we voided it. they dont call back. we close. manager does cook and driver closing stuff bc cook is still on the road with the last delivery. i do all the cook dishes. closing is normal. i get out 20 minutes earlier than usual. that apartment had good taste. their breadsticks were delicious. tl;dr it was awful. everything but drivers was fine. but drivers, everything that could go wrong did.
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sellbel · 7 years
i have not been this upset in a long ass time
I am typing this on my actual computer as opposed to my phone so the angry words can come out as fast as humanly possible.
so joshs grandma got me a flight to go surprise my sister for her 30th bday in april and everything was set and good i had the flight on my delta app then someone called her and told her that the credit card info was old or wrong so they had to give the reservation to someone else.. okay no biggie yet.. she could call again and have them redo it... so she did but she did it for the wrong times and basically got me a flight that wasn’t as perfect as the original one. whatever, I could have just dealt. but she cancelled it and tried to change it or something and spent TWO HOURS on the phone with her and they were trying to tell her it’d be $300 to change the flight she’d made or $200 to cancel it. like what the actual fuck? so she cancelled i guess and josh didnt even tell me about all of it until i called him tonight to get an update. so she got charged for $200 for no reason and I feel so fucking awful about it. Im embarrassed and feeling guilty and shitty and im never going over to his house again. i guess they gave her like a $115 united airlines credit but LOL all united flights are like $400 so even if she gave me the credit i couldnt make up the difference. I can’t even pay her back to $200 right now. I shouldnt have to but she shouldnt have been charged in the first place i am so fucking upset about it. EVerything was perfect and planned out but OF COURSE nothing in my life can ever go my way. I am always fucking myself and other people over. I feel like a sack of shit. but its the stupid companies fault because the first reservation shouldve worked but THEY typed in the credit card info wrong. 
SO josh is telling me all this shit on the phone and i just lose it. I start crying because i have to tell my brother in law that i can no longer come because i cant afford it and the plans that i said were a sure thing actually fell through. I am not going to get to see my sister for probably 10 months now.. and so im sitting here crying because im sad and im also feeling like shit about the money and hassle i put his grandma through and his grandparents probably high key hate my ass now. i feel so incredibly fucking bad. I just wanted josh to come stay the night bc when i am sad he calms me down. makes me feel better. god forbid I ask him that. god forbid he feels sorry for me and thinks about my feelings before his own for once. of course he refuses to come over and SOMEHOW ends up getting mad at me. okay so now were fighting. great another reason for my heart to hurt. I try SO hard to make him happy and do what he wants. and then i feel like he isnt THERE for me when I need him. he tries to anger buy me a different plane ticket to get me to shut the fuck up but that is just NOT WHAT I NEED> I NEEDED HIM TO BE HERE FOR ME. and he just doesnt get it. he starts getting all pissed at me meanwhile im sitting over here like what the actual fuck is happening right now. we argue for a good forty five fucking minutes. what. he couldve just come over and gone to sleep and we both wouldve been fine. instead he calls me a baby and dramatic. he is always low key putting me down and i just freaked. a switch fucking flipped. so then he PUTS THE PHONE DOWN ON THE TABLE AND “GOES TO SLEEP” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just sets me aside while im trying to talk to him and is like nope im done. so i called him back probably 30 times. you KNOW he doesnt answer me. so i write him the LONGEST text i have ever sent anyone ever. about how upset i am and how much i hate him and his selfish ways and sure maybe I am being dramatic but SHIT. I feel so fucking shitty right now. i want to cut myself open or jump out my window goddamn. I deserve to be put first. my feelings are valid as fuck and he justdoes NOT understand me. I am tired of feelings inadequate. he’ll probably wake up tomorrow. not feel guilty. not feel anything. not text me. and i’ll end up texting him and he’ll tell me he doesnt love me anymore and he’s not happy and he hasn’t been happy in a long time and i will feel so broken and sad and he wont think twice about it. im scared to see what the morning brings.
I just wanted to go surprise my sister for her big birthday. thats all i wanted. screw the person who typed in the card info wrong. you have ruined my life and caused me to owe so much money that i DONT HAVE. 
like i have to pay $2249 on friday to go to peru. and dont worry that isnt the only payment. and dont worry im going to savannah that same day for the bachelorette party and dont worry i definetly wont spend money at all while im there. JUST DONT WORRY. my problem are stupid and compared to other people ive got it so good but i dont feel like that tonight. I feel like i can never catch a break. nothing can go my way. I feel fucking doomed and so fucking sad, like i said i havent felt this bad in a looooong time. i havent really fought with josh in so long and so this happened and hes going to realize im just a fat stressed out ugly bitch who isnt fun to be around and that is going to be the end of us. but dont worry ill put on a stupid ass smile and pretend that everything is a-o-fucking-kay. because school is a joke and my job is a joke and my life is a joke and my feelings are irrelevant as fuck and thats just that. how its been and how it always will  be.
nobody talk to me for the next two days because I am not fucking having it. I dont even deserve to be here. im a waste of space and a sad fucking excuse of a human being. 
fuck this 
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This 22-Year-Old Woman Just Had The Wildest Birth Story EVER!
If this isn’t the epitome of black girl trickery, we don’t “to know whats” !! Earlier this week, 22 -year-old Tia Freeman took to Twitter to detail the craziest birth legend we’ve ever read. No, severely, I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant couldn’t even handle this ish. Related: Pregnant Cardi B Announces Break From Accomplishing Apparently, the Air Force member learned she was significantly pregnant back in January. Per Miz Freeman, she was on family planning that procreated it so she didn’t get her season every month. Thus, she was already in her third trimester when her pregnancy was confirmed. She asked: Might as well tell you now lol. Grant me a little time though because it’s sort of a long storey — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 I didn’t know I was pregnant for awhile( already in my 3rd trimester) and before you ask the birth control I was on shaped it so I didn’t have a hertz every month. So not having a period wasn’t key indicators for me. On pinnacle of that I didnt actually gain any weight. Me when I spotted: pic.twitter.com/ An5QA3hX8A — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 Unsurprisingly, Tia was a bit in denial involving her newborn story, so she didn’t give her pregnancy forestall her previously scheduled trip-up to Germany. She persisted TAGEND So I had already purchased tickets for a vacay in Germany and ya girl was not was just about to waste international flight money. So I was like if the son comes on time I should be all good in the bonnet. So I came home for two seconds before hopping on the my flight to Germany. pic.twitter.com/ SWYOpatnEN — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 While on the plane, Tia devoured one of the in-flight meals, which resulted in her ardour nauseating. At first, Freeman believed she was experiencing food poisoning. She tried sleeping off the annoyance, but upon landing in Istanbul for her layover, Tia embarked realizing that something wasn’t quite right. Eventually, the status of women recognise she was having contractions. No I don’t know if it was he salmon, the flight, or it was just my hour but out of no where I start cramping up. I’ve still came like an hour left before we land. I time knew I had food poisoning. Y’all I was HURT pic.twitter.com/ WBgWcG0NkU — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 So anyway I make it until we land but when I wake up the cricks have gotten worse and I’m like okay I just want to make it to my inn. Its my layover and I’m only here( Istanbul, Turkey) for 17 hrs. But getting through traditions made FOREVVVVVVVERRRRR pic.twitter.com/ VUFDhyrCR1 — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 I’m literally gripping the railing trying to make it through the lines. At this detail I feel like I’m about to pass out. I’m sweating. I feel like I have to vomiting. I’m “re going through” it. Then I’m like wait a minute bitch are you in strive ?!!! pic.twitter.com/ p6SMEfunP0 — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 After having her revealing, Tia took to the internet to try and google manifestations of labor. Rather than call out of providing assistance, Tia chose to power through customs and get to her inn TAGEND Either way it get I’m not giving birth in this airport so I start gassing myself up bc I am NOT having a baby in this airport. I start talking to myself like Bitch what you’re not gonna do is give birth on international airports floor. So you need to get it together& make it to your inn pic.twitter.com/ Ywjk9fmsaD — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 I make it to my inn& now I’m sure I’m in labor. There is no way in the world I’m not in strive because I can barely standup at this detail. So I’m in a foreign country, where nobody speak english, I don’t know this country’s emergency list,& I have no clue what the hell is do. pic.twitter.com/ sk6k10zdu5 — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 In “true millennial pattern, ” Tia chose to YouTube how to deliver a child. Despite having limited quantities, Freeman use what she could find to prep for her little one’s appearance TAGEND So yo it’s GAME TIME. I don’t have time to be nervous. It’s time to get shit done. I spring into action. Filling up the tub with heated spray #WaterBirth, grabbing a towel to bite down on, grabbing another towel to wrap him/ her up with whenever it pops out pic.twitter.com/ PVu2SWLCiG — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 It’s weird how focused a person becomes when they’re adrenaline starts going. Because at no part ever did I freak out. Like I just did what I had to do. — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 However, since Tia put off propagandizing, her baby’s entrance returned faster than expected. She lent TAGEND My constrictions were already at a time a part lol I was late as inferno. I BARELY induced it to my apartment. so I shed the towel in my lip and start propagandizing. And I have NEVVVVEEERRRR experienced any anguish like this in my life. I felt like I was being split open. WHERE WAS MY EPIDURAL ?! pic.twitter.com/ HGlootcNHu — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 Luckily it happened pretty quickly. I merely had to push about 5-6x before a child popped out. Lol now let me tell you newborns are buoyant. That little joker responded bloop and moved right on up to the top of the water pic.twitter.com/ IuqwKXFb2L — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 For those of you who are unaware, the baby’s delivery isn’t the end of the birthing process, as Tia still had to wait for the placenta to stop TAGEND Warning Viewer Discretion is Admonished [?][?] So I’m sitting with Young Xay laying on my chest waiting for the placenta to pass. The internet “ve told me” chafe my lower abdomen to sell my placenta to come on out. So her I am baby in one appendage rubbing my pelvis with the other side lol — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 So finally it feels like I’m having another reduction and I premise this is the placenta ready to drop it like it’s hot. So I shuffle to the bathroom and sit down on the toilet because idk where else to tour pic.twitter.com/ UpGTANtLnh — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 24, 2018 Once the placenta slipped, she realized it was still attributed to her newborn son.( Oh yeah, she had a baby boy, mentioned Xavier Ata .) As she didn’t have any clamps, she self-sterilized some shoelaces for stopgap secures. Thankfully, the reduce of the umbilical cord went off without a hitch! Rather than head to the hospital, Tia chose to clean up the inn bathroom and breastfed her babe TAGEND Umbilical cord cut and I did a mighty fine task if I do say so myself! At this level tired is beginning to set in. But I need to clean up the lavatory because it looked like the situated of a horror movie pic.twitter.com/ DyvlwXXeQ2 — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 So I clean up the shower, breastfeed my babe, and go to sleep. No I do not go to the hospital I make my ass to bunk. so the next day I wake up for and get ready to go to the airport because I once paid for the cab the darknes before& even though I knew I couldn’t fly out — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 Not knowing what the hell is seeing her little one, Tia headed to the airport — where government employees( rightfully) freaked out, because they are envisioned she was human trafficking a baby. So I clean up the bathroom, breastfeed my baby, and go to sleep. No I do not go to the hospital I make my ass to berth. so the next day I wake up for and get ready to go to the airport because I previously paid for the cab the light before& although there are I knew I couldn’t fly out — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 So they called in practices, the police, a medical doctor& a harbour( to check the babe& me to see if I actually imparted birth ), and the airline to a higher place. I was besieged with questions( naturally) but lastly I proved that I wasn’t a trafficker. During this I called the @USEmbassyTurkey. pic.twitter.com/ HH9zQybcHB — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 After the airport established that Tia really was her child’s baby, Turkish Airline arranged for the new mommy to be brought to the US Embassy. Anyway @TurkishAirlines shuttles me over to the US Consulate for free with a translator( actually shoutout to them !) and when I get there a columnist pop out of nowhere trying to ask me theme like ma’am! How did you even find me ?! pic.twitter.com/ P64aq12xCv — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 So the translator is like like miss maybe later. The reporter was like okay I’ll wait. So I’m in the consulates for like 2/3 hours( it has been a superrrrrrrr long daylight ). So as I’m inside I have to answer a knot of the same contentions& apply for his birth certification& passport pic.twitter.com/ X3JptPMaJi — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 By this point, Tia and her kiddo grew celebrities and were taken to the hospital to get checked out. Patently, unable to control straight off, Turkish Airlines was organised by Tia to have top of the line housings TAGEND To wrap up I go to the hospital get checked out everything is fine. He’s perfectly healthy! Lol the doctors were appalled to hear my floor. I originated national bulletin& people would stop us to take pictures all the time& a random elderly female grabbed my boob as I was breastfeeding pic.twitter.com/ gGp4lJvEvl — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 Because she was demo me the right way to do it. Because I leaved them so much publicity Turkish Airline paid for my inn remain for two weeks, comped all my snacks, upgrade @BBills_& my proceed flights to business class and we experienced the lavish business parlour. The outcome — Tia Freeman (@ TheWittleDemon) April 25, 2018 What’s even crazier is, Tia’s loved ones didn’t even know she had a babe until days later. Guy, oh humankind! Tia and little Xavier are doing just fine and had now been returned home to the States. According to Buzzfeed, the baby is doing really well and is being spoiled by Tia’s family. Like we answered, isn’t this the CRAZIEST story you’ve EVER hear ??? [ Image via Twitter .] Related Stories VOTE: Blac Chyna Slammed For Giving Dream Kardashian Pink Hair Extensions — Appropriate Or No ?? John Legend Implores Kanye West To Reconsider His Pro-Trump Stance — See The Texts HERE! Kim Zolciak Accused Of Homophobia By Ex-Girlfriend! Donald Trump Has A Fake News Meltdown On Live TV — AND Admits Michael Cohen Represented Him During ‘Crazy Stormy Daniels DealSSSS http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/06/04/this-22-year-old-woman-just-had-the-wildest-birth-story-ever/
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