#anon asked a simple question and got a whole essay
magnetostits · 2 months
Is it just me or did it seem like Magneto wanted to die right before his death in X-men red?
nope it’s not just you it’s mentioned that he isn’t happy like everyone else on krakoa because anya not having a mutant gene so he’d never have a chance to bring his daughter back. then a few issues later he destroyed the only way to bring him back from the dead. while this was about more than just himself i don’t believe it’s a coincidence he died right afterwards.
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then in resurrection of magneto what you pointed out is confirmed when he said anya was only his final straw and that he was already broken.
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also i think it’s worth noting that max wanting to die wasn’t just limited to xmen red and rom there’s a scene in magneto testament where max walks away from the group hoping that he’d be shot for doing so and the only reason he chose to live was because he found out that magda was alive.
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additionally it’s been made obvious throughout a many comics that he has a lot of symptoms of mental illness like frequent nightmares, anger issues, inability to trust others and unhealthy coping mechanisms like turning to alcohol
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another interesting thing is that his powers would likely have psychological harm that would make his mental health problems from a lot of trauma even worse
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hungry-skeleton · 9 months
Thanks, appreciate your doc and help a lot!!! I'm pretty dumb so etiquette guides are always helpful.
I realized the questions I have were...quite a load but I'm sending these to you if you wanna continue your doc. Feel free to answer only a few of them or not answer them now!
Dividing content by blogs: I got a few main interests, and some minor interests. When is it a good idea to start a sideblog?
Adding a lot in a reblog: I ended up writing a long essay in my reblog. My contribution adds to the discussion but IDK if it's inconsiderate to post a whole essay to someone's post. Is that OK, or should I instead put it in a new post, put some context and tag the person?
Avoiding the flames: I'm often afraid of posting something for the fear of backlash - whether or not deserved. The options I know so far: a) Don't post it, b) Post it and accept whatever happens, c) Scroll down for 30 minutes in a dashboard or through tags to find out whether my take would be considered problematic or inflammatory. What's your take?
Attention: I heard it was OK to scroll down someone's blog but in one blog I seemed to have interacted with at least 30% of their posts, putting lots of comments along the way. Is that creepy or acceptable?
Anons: There's a few cool people I send a lot of anon asks to. Is it considered considerate or dumb if I eventually let them know that I've sent them a bunch of anons?
Followers, mutuals and the dashboard: I'm considering either visiting blogs individually or curating my dashboard. If I curate my dashboard and unfollow 200 people, that'll go against the "follow back" and "unfollow only if you dislike the person" viewpoints. Do people still have those mindset?
Edit: tumblr is such a functioning website sometimes the numbers on this post get broken lmao 😭😭😭😭
That's all up to you! Some people like to keep their blogs pristine and curated for certain things, others like to put all their stuff in one big pile of you (like me!) it all depends on how you want your blog to operate!
As long as it's relevant to the post it's absolutely okay to add a long addition, especially if you're teaching something! Most people love having some actual substance in their interactions so don't worry about that. But if you'd like to, you can add a "read more" divider so others don't have to scroll through your paragraphs if they don't want to :)
This is true for every place on the internet, it's honestly your call! Do whatever makes you comfortable, not much else I can say
Absolutely fine! We love interaction no matter the age of the post! Make sure you check their bio or pinned posts first though, most people are alright with "like spamming" but some aren't. Unless they say otherwise somewhere interact to your hearts content!
That's the beauty of anon, it's up to you how much you want to be known. Try not to pester people though, let bloggers get to your asks on their own time! If you'd like for them to know all your asks are from one person but without revealing they're from you, you can add an anon signature! It's a simple nickname to give yourself in the ask box to show that you're the same person. This could be as simple as saying "hey! It's me, (blank)anon again!" or a popular way of doing it is assigning your self an emoji to sign off your asks with! Example: "hope you're day is good! -💥anon"
Once again this is a "your call" situation. Curate your experience to your comfort. I will say though I'm following over 800 people and my dash is just fine lol. Tumblr users don't usually believe in the "follow for follow" system so don't feel bad for unfollowing someone for whatever reason
I hope that was helpful :)))
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whitetrashjj · 6 months
Ngl not a good look that you don’t actually address anything these anons say.
You’ve never explained why you think Elaine tried to remove herself. Mo does follow Madison around, think anyone can admit that one. They said Maddie isn’t seen with the cast outside PR events and during filming, and they’re not wrong. I’m a Maddie stan and you’ve got to be real, she’s not seen with the cast that often unless it’s a paid event or during filming. Can we not just admit how big Madisons role is in this drama? Doesn’t absolve Elaine of anything but there’s too much evidence to try argue otherwise
I have answered these questions and talked about all of this in depth. Again. And again. And a-fucking-gain. If people are not aware of that then they have no business throwing these opinions at me because they haven’t taken the time to understand the situation or my views that span across this blog since 2020.
If you consider me being tired of rehashing and saying the same stuff because someone has the time to write an essay in my ask box but not do a simple search a ‘bad look’ then that’s a you problem. I’m confident in my opinions and my responses, I stand by them and don’t hide from them. But also - I’m not required to repeat myself a million times for a faceless person. Remember you are on my blog. You’re the one who cares what I have to say … otherwise you won’t not bother. I can respond how I wish.
Im not sure if you are not paying attention or you are wilfully ignorant but if the cast are hanging out or have a night out. Maddie is there. Rudy? No where to be seen. And I am no way saying Mo isn’t a clinger… it’s a whole other story. But it goddamn delusional to imply that that relationship is more codependent or clingy that Rudy and Elaine. Objective fact. It is not. Maddie is often seen without Mariah. Cannot say the same for the other couple.
And while back in 2020 I would be the first to say Maddie is immature but she has grown so much in that time. And I do not see the issue in reposting a few TikTok’s here and there cause she found them funny and relatable. She’s a person with social media. It’s what people do. And it’s certainly, in my opinion, the most normal reaction to what’s going on in amoungst a sea of goofy ass actions.
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realcube · 3 years
saying things they don’t mean during an argument
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 navi | masterlist | taglist 
thank you to anon for this request <3
characters ♡ msby black jackals (hinata, sakusa, atsumu, bokuto)
content warning ♡ angst, hurt to comfort, fluff, swearing, crying, adoption  (sakusa’s) & suffocation (?)
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kōtarō bokuto 
♡ you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest - you knew he was a bit boyish sometimes but you never expected him to be so childish in regards to a simple request
♡ ‘bokuto, i have so much on my plate!’ you cried, tightly gripping the sheets underneath you, ‘planning the wedding, going to work, doing almost every chore in this damn house and filing all our fucking taxes!’
♡ you momentarily paused to look at him, expecting a look of sympathy but instead getting an eyeroll which prompted you to continue, ‘and all i am asking for is you to run a few errands! that’s it! why are you so opposed? i thought you enjoyed grocery shopping?!’
♡ bokuto pulled his night-shirt over his head as he stormed to his side of the bed, ‘it’s not fun without you!’  he whined childishly, plopping himself down next to you and gasping when you had the audacity to shuffle away from him
♡ ‘it’s not supposed to be fun, bokuto!’ you yelled, completely fed-up with him at this point, ‘a few errands, that’s all i ask of you!’
♡ bokuto notices how your voice shook and your lashline glistened; he didn’t want you to cry so he begrudgingly gave it, but with a strong comment to go along with it so you knew that he really didn’t want to 
♡ 'fine! i don't need you anyway!'
♡ then proceeded to dramatically pull the duvet over himself and pout, averting his gaze to the wall opposite 
♡ in this context, he hoped that you’d understand his comment and not take him too seriously but since you were already on the verge of tears, this simply pushed you over the edge
♡ you buried your face in your hands and hid under the blanket in hopes he didn’t realise you were crying but his senses are just different when it comes to you so try stifle that sob all you want, he’s still going to hear it and he’s still going to instantly pull you into his arms while frantically apologising 
♡ ‘please don’t cry, (y/n)! i really didn’t mean it- i do need you! i love you so much, my life wouldn’t be the same without you! you do so much for me and i am so sorry for not showing you how grateful i am! like you’re so pretty and kind and talented and smart - only geniuses can do taxes - so i’m just so lucky to be with you and i can’t wait until we’re married. please, don’t leave!’
♡ eventually his praise slowly became pleas as he begged for you not to leave/hate him
♡ he does not want to lose you bc of a silly comment he made-
♡ eventually his endless pleas started to become more than background noise to your sobs, so you finally hugged him back, whispering, ‘i can’t wait to marry you too, kō.’
♡ this action lifted a massive weight off his chest and he let out an audible sigh of relief, his grip on you loosening, ‘mhm, and of course, i’ll run the errands, babe. i suppose, it’s the least i could do.’
♡ you hummed in agreement, glad that a part of your mental stress had been relieved, allowing you to finally relax in his arms and perhaps doze off in his loving embrace 
♡ ...
♡ ‘mm, you smell like marshmallows, (y/n)- can i add marshmallows to the shopping list?’
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he spoke as if you were making some crazy, otherworldly request but in reality, all you were asking was for him to take paternity leave to help you care for the baby 
♡ you’re not really a baby-expert so you thought that sakusa would be happy to stay home and learn how to care for the child with you - as a couple, as a team 
♡ but he was extremely opposed to the idea, spewing out a much of nonsense as to why he needs to go to work, but a part of believed that he just didn’t want to deal with his child - or maybe, he didn’t want to deal with you
♡ ‘sakusa, how do you expect me to raise a whole baby on my own! they need a lot of attention - i don’t think you understand how big of a commitment this is, you can’t treat it like a hobby!’ you cried, having long before burst into tears because your mind told you the worse - that he didn’t actually love you, he lied about wanting a kid, he lied when he said ‘i do’.
♡ usually during arguments when he notices that you’ve started to cry, he’ll drop everything he was doing to shuffle over to you and wrap you in arms, then whisper sweet-nothings into your ear until you feel better but today, he showed little consideration to your emotions as he continued pacing through the living room while you bawled your eyes out on the couch
♡ ‘i thought you loved (c/n)! you were so gentle around them but it turns out you’re not even willing to take a paternity leave to help take care of them!’
♡ ‘what happened to the man i married?’
♡ ‘kiyoomi, you need to revaluate yourse--’
♡ you wouldn’t allow him to get a word in, which was probably for the best considering he had nothing good to say 
♡ but you were forced to cut yourself off when heard the sound of shattering so you immediately search for the source of the noise and there stood sakusa, his hand resting on the decorative table in the place your framed wedding photo once was - now, it was laying smashed on the ground surrounded by it’s own glass shards
♡ he pushed it off like the petty bastard he was
♡ while you sat stunned, staring the mess he just voluntarily made, he quickly turned on his heel and strolled away at a leisurely pace, 'my life was a lot easier before you entered it.'
♡ that was the last you heard of it for the next three days - you were giving each other the silent treatment 
♡ you couldn’t have any sort of grain for three whole days bc they are all on the top shelf and you usually make him grab it for you but you refused to talk to him- 
♡ you were the first one to break it though as you noticed that he hadn’t went to work for the last three days and curiosity got the better of you 
♡ ‘kiyoomi.’ you called out to him from the kitchen but he didn’t even look up from his book - ‘parenting for dummies’ - causing you to scoff, ‘why aren’t you going to work? did something happen?’
♡ finally, he sighed and shifted his gaze off his book but only to shoot you demeaning look, as if you were stupid, ‘paternity leave, duh.’
♡ the corners of your lips twitched into a smile, which you quickly forced away when you recalled the events that occurred three days ago and the hurtful things he said, instinctively looking over at the decorative table to remind yourself of what he did 
♡ but to your surprise, the picture was no longer laying on the ground, pooling in shards of glass but rather, it sit on the table with a brand new frame - which had both of your initials engraved onto it along with the date of the ceremony
♡ you didn’t need to choke out an inquiry as sakusa noticed your stunned expression and answered on his own, ‘i bought a new frame. i hope you like it.’
♡ of course you liked it; this one was a chic black with silver decals which matched your living room aesthetic way better than the other, tacky blue one did - plus, this one was customised which made you love it even more
♡ ‘i do. i really do. but i don’t like your attitude lately.’ you muttered, shaking your head as you waddled over to the couch 
♡ sakusa was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you down next to him, ‘i’m sorry, love.’ his voice cracked slightly as he whispered in your ear, ‘i cannot put into words how much harder my life would be without you. i just..hope you understand.’
♡ it’s not that sakusa was bad with words; he was just too emotional and overwhelmed to produce a long, coherent sentiment for you so he just prayed that you recognized that everything he said on that day was meaningless
♡ ‘i love you, (y/n).’
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atsumu miya
♡ you rolled your eyes, ignoring him and continuing to type your essay until atsumu slammed your laptop closed
♡ ‘please, (y/n)! you know how much this means to me! i’ve been waiting for this festival for years!’
♡ you scoffed, folding your arms and patiently waiting for him to move his filthy hand off your laptop, ‘i do and i’m proud of you. but i have a lecture that day and my exams are just around the corner - and you know how much my education means to me.’
♡ atsumu had to take a moment to suppress a gag at how sickening and condescending your tone was, ‘it’s just one lecture, (y/n)! you’re not going to fail your exams because you missed one lectu--’
♡ ‘you don’t know that.’
♡ atsumu blinked twice, a unimpressed expression painted on his face as he let out a sigh, realising there was no possible way he’s going to be able to get through to you - i mean, he’s been trying for the last 20 minutes to no avail
♡ he ran his hand through his hairs, turning on his heel, heading towards the door and left
♡ but not before peering over his shoulder to shoot you a nasty glare and spitting, ‘you’re so selfish. you can’t even do one thing that’d make me happy - you never can.’
♡ that was the final thing he said to you for the next....20 minutes 
♡ that’s actually a new record for him - usually he storms out of the room, sulks for a minute or two then renters to beg for your forgiveness 
♡ but not today. he was so mad that he needed 20 whole minutes to cool down and come to his senses
♡ but once he did, when he came back into the room, he expected to see you typing your essay or studying as usual since his words don’t usually effect you too much 
♡ so of course he was shocked when he slipped back into your shared bedroom to see you with the duvet tossed over your whole figure, faint sobs coming from underneath 
♡ his immediate reaction was to pull the blanket away and offer himself as your source of heat, so he wrapped you in his muscular embrace, ‘b-babe.’ he stuttered, eyes-wide as he never would’ve thought you’d take his words seriously, ‘are you okay?’
♡ he knew that was a stupid question but he simply asked it to determine how sad you were - and considering you weren’t able to babble out a reply, that wasn’t a good sign
♡ ‘you’re not selfish.’ he reassured you while rubbing circles on your back, ‘if anything, i was being selfish- and nothing makes me as happy as you do, (y/n). i- i really didn’t mean it.’
♡ he paused only to place a kiss on the top of your head, ‘i love you- and to show you how much i love you..i’ll drop you off at your lecture on that day, and take you to the festival afterwards; does that sound good?’
♡ you were finally able to choke out a response but only to explain how unachievable his idea was, ‘my lecture finishes at 5 and the festival ends at 7, and there is a 45 minute drive between the two- you’re only going to be able to spend a little over an hour there.’
♡ ‘and i’ll have a blast in that time!’
♡ you sighed, your lips twitching into a small smile as you buried your face into his chest as you really couldn’t look him in the eye, ‘and why can’t you just go without me again?’ 
♡ ‘who the fuck am i going to play dance dance revolution against if you don’t come?’
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shōyo hinata 
♡ you crossed your arms over your chest, internally regretting ever opening your mouth to try calm down fiancé as now, not only is he even more angry, but also most of his anger with now directed at you rather than manager, like it was previously 
♡ eventually, you started to develop a headache from all his screaming and shouting so you politely asked him to calm down, to which he replied, ‘calm down?! you’re the one who made me mad with your rude-ass comment and now you’re telling me to calm down?!’
♡ you preferred it when he was demanding for you to say ‘butt’ instead of ‘ass’ because now that’s he spent more time with bokuto, he’s started swearing more often and to be honest, it’s scary when a 5″4 ginger sunshine is yelling at you, calling you a ‘rude-ass’
♡ ‘shōyō, if i’m completely honest, i have no idea why what i said was so mean and i have no idea what’s going on- why are you so mad at your manager?’
♡ suddenly, he twisted his neck to look at you as if you had just been possessed, ‘what?’ he inquired in a hushed tone, his voice hoarse and oddly sinister  
♡ you quirked a brow, too tired of his constant bitching to pay attention to his tone of voice, ‘yeah, you speak too fast, shōyō.’ you said with a shrug, checking your nails to ensure that he knew that you truly did not care about how he scowled at you, ‘plus, i just don’t understand why this gets you so worked up - i try, i really do, but i guess your volleyball problems just go over my head.’
♡ hinata clenched his fist, realising that he wasn’t going to make any progress by complaining to you. he whipped his head away before storming off, not even sparing you a final glance, ‘you just don’t get it; you don’t understand anything i say and you don’t even make a fucking effort! you just think you are so much better than everyone - well, you’re not! try coming back down to reality with the rest of us, and then we can talk.’
♡ followed by a slam of the door which rattled through the whole apartment
♡ you really had never seen hinata so angry before in your 6 years of being together 
♡ the words he said were far from pleasant and a part of you wondered in he genuinely meant them, perhaps he had been supressing those thoughts for ages and now that he was finally mad, he could let it all out
♡ though you tried to reassure yourself that everyone says things they don’t mean when they are angry, but the tears started flowing on their own
♡ hinata didn’t plan on seeing you for another few hours as he had the idea of heading over to bokuto’s, have a drink and cool down but when he hopped out the shower, he realised he had left his phone in the bedroom - where he left you. 
♡ begrudgingly, he slid into the room with the intention of grabbing his phone then leaving but that went to shit when he noticed that you were bundled up under the blankets, and he could hear distant sniffles coming from underneath
♡ and hinata only has four moods: mad asf, happy asf, loving you & volleyball...asf
♡ so upon seeing you in such a state, presumably because of what he said, elicited his mood to change from ‘mad asf’ to ‘loving you’ 
♡ he pounced on you, causing you to fall sideways and squeal but he simply did not give a fuck
♡ ‘baby! i am so sorry! i didn’t think what i said would make you cry!’ he blubbered, or at least, that’s what it sounded like since you couldn’t actually see him due to the fact he had trapped you under the blankets, ‘i don’t know why i even said that! you’re not like that at all- i don’t think of you like that!’
♡ he paid little regard for your pleas of mercy as you squirmed frantically under the blanket, trying to escape his grip and body weight. he simply continued babbling on about how sorry he was and how amazing you are, ‘you are down here with the rest of us - i just said for no reason. please don’t be mad! you are - what does bokuto call it again? - oh! a humble--’
♡ ‘shōyō! i’ll forgive you if you get off me right now - i can hardly breathe!’
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felswritingfire · 3 years
Thoughts on Leona Kingscholar? And Ruggie? I like them both! Especially that feral little gremlin!
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That's all the damn warning you get, Anon. You just opened a can of worms that you had no idea about.
So, pls watch yourself UwU
Ok, so, confession time: Ruggie is hands down one of my favorite boys. He is my bread and butter- my cinnamon apple, if you will. I just- ABSOLUTELY L O V E HIM.
If he told me to walk of a cliff, I'd do it. He'd just have to ask me- he wouldn't even have to use Laugh with Me on me. I'd just- fucking- Y E E T myself,
And now that I know about Rug's backstory??? Like??? Oml, Granny, I'll kill for you too, you beautiful woman. Also I relate a bit too hard to Rug growing up in poverty. Like, can understand why he's such a sneaky bitch. It's hard when you don't know when your next meal is coming. Also he's a genuinely sweet guy?? Like, once you get past the trust issues and shit- like, what a baby I just-
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I love him.
Easy. Simple. Ruggie Bucchi??? Absolutely adore- he's my discord icon. The first character I saw from this game.
And then we get to the fucking main show: Leona fucking Kingscholar himself.
I am about to make a lot of people either very pissed off or very emotional and either way, I'm just gonna fucking dump out EVERYTHING. So, sorry in advance.
So, I can write a 50 page essay on why this motherfucker pisses me off. MLA format with references.
The sheer audacity of this fucking man infuriates the shit out of me and I think the main reason is how the hell they presented his backstory. Because, on one hand: it is absolute shit he was pushed to the side and treated as second best compared to his older brother; on the other hand, the only glimpse we see of this is the servants whispering about him (which, again, that fucking sucks and they had NO right) when he was younger and then we immediately are presented with Ferena actually fucking being concerned about him after he wasn't at the party. Did he come in a little aggressive? Sure. But immediately after that he tries to talk to Leona and gets shut down, which, I understand has to do with his inferiority complex but the sheer audacity of this man- I fucking- he's presented to have this damn support system and yet he's too prideful to take it.
If we're supposed to feel sympathy (aside from our own experiences, because I know a very dear friend of mine who adores him and understands where he's coming from, so no- no shame in genuinely liking him- I just want to beat him up because he's such a dick), they royally fucked it up.
AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED IN HOW HE MANIPULATED ALL OF SAVANACLAW, TRIED TO FUCKING COMMIT MURDER ON A WHOLE OTHER DORM AND RUGGIE- LIKE, Y'ALL, HOW DO WE JUST GLOSS OVER THAT SHIT??? HE FUCKING TRIED MURDERING PEOPLE LIKE- Look, LeLe, I know you're angry about losing to Daisomnia all the time, but, man, fuck you. You're an absolute cock sucker and you do deserve to get punched and I will never forgive you for trying to turn fucking Ruggie into dust after you ripped away all the hope you gave to your entire dorm-
AND THEN- HE HAS THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO BE LIKE: "I'll do this again next year!" LIKE
Off of that note, I am very proud of him in the third chapter for having a teaspoon of character growth and actually feeling guilty for what he did to Ruggie. Very proud of him there. NOW IF HE'D JUST GET OFF OF THE PITY TRAIN THAT'S BE FUCKING *chef's kiss* IMMACULATE.
Also, sorry, I am in firm belief that he is one of the people that has a canonical crush on MC and no, you can't convince me otherwise. Him, Floyd and Riddle. Those three so far. Absolutely am convinced. You can also argue Jack, he's so soft with us, but, I digress.
I adore Ruggie and Leona, despite the fact he can go fuck himself- I do very much care for him and had a heart attack during the Camp event when he got kidnapped and I almost fucking cried. So, like, it's straight up an issue of me being the only person allowed to murder him, but I haven't decided when he dies- he's the Megatron to my Optimus Prime. You know, without all of the... tyrannical murder sjkdsflj;sd
Anyway, enjoy y'all's day- Leona stans, I do love you. But y'all got shit taste and I think I should say it (jk, but I will fight your husband istg)
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lowkeyorloki · 2 years
hi it's cass here and i just came on to say that i am 100% on board with everything BC anon is saying (also holy shit their ask was hilarious; nothing on tumblr will ever make me laugh harder than the first bit of that ask did). i'm torn between whether i think y/n is gonna be the one to break it up or if it's actually gonna be loki cuz based on chapter 34 it all points to y/n doing it but loki is so angry (i feel like he would stop holding back his hurt and fury once he finds out y/n isn't actually pregnant) that he might actually be the one to instigate it.
Also this "And u know the loveliest thing about papers is that is doesn't matter if you're right or not, just that you can appropriately defend your position" took me straight back to my ninth grade english class lol. My teacher spent the whole second day of the semester drilling into us that 'the right answer is the one you can back up with textual evidence'. Ya know i never thought all the character analysis essays i did in high school would come to use later on... but look at me going now through asis to find proof for my and other people's theories lmao. except this time there actually is a right answer and only 6 more days 'til we find out what that is i can't wait :)
BC ANON LOOK AT YOU GETTING THE ATTENTION YOU DESERVE you are famous BC anon. You're truly the guy at the board with the red string and now you've got an audience as well hehe :)) And Cass u r right BC anon is hilarious and I hope they remember all of us when they get their own Netflix special
So, I totally hear what you're saying about thinking it'll be y/n, but also recognizing how mad you think Loki is going to be. My questions for YOU would be: Do you think Loki is going to explode because of his fury, or shut down? Similarly, do you think the reader is going to resigned with the breakup or mourn it, even though she's the one who everyone agrees will be the one to actually put her foot down? Of course, this is all operating on the assumption that they are going to break up, which of course, I have not confirmed and shall not confirm until the 3rd 😌Just some food for thought as we approach the LESS THAN A WEEK TO THE UPDATE mark ;)
And oh to be able to return to 9th grade English... such a simple time (not any other aspect of high school just high school English lol). But omg you're so right it's honestly so funny to think about how that all impacted us in terms of... a professor! Loki AU fic??? Like I just know that's not what our teachers had in mind and as perplexed/disappointed they might be I feel like most would react with "I mean... I guess I'm glad you're interested in the subject/using the tools I taught you somehow" LMAOOO.
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howtosingit · 4 years
if ur ok with it can u break down the tarlos huggggg in the lst ep after tk tells evy1 abt his addiction? bc that gd huggggggg i wanna no every thing u think abt it i live for ur love for tarlos theyre just so so cuteeeee
IF I’M OKAY WITH IT?! Anon, I feel like I have been waiting my entire life for this ask. I could literally talk about this hug for the rest of my existence. I would talk about this hug every second of every day if I could and never get tired or bored. This hug has owned my entire heart from the moment that it happened and I can never get enough of it. Brace yourself for this essay, and remember that you asked for it...
Okay, so before I get to the actual hug, I want to talk for a minute about why I love it so much and also how fantastic the scene is that comes before it. I’ll try to keep both of those brief (LOL). If you want to skip to the hug breakdown, I’ll give the sections titles. 
Why I Love This Hug
So, why do I love this hug so much? Honestly, because I never in a million years thought we’d get something like it, and it was a big turning point for me.
I have not been quiet about how disappointing I think season 1 was. Too much Owen being Owen, too much Iris plot (which never interested me for even a single moment, unfortunately), not enough of the other characters - specifically the characters of color - and definitely not enough Tarlos.
Following episode 3, the show established a really frustrating pattern with Tarlos: they either never interacted with one another, or there was a moment of them at the end of an episode where they were in the same place physically but never spoke directly to one another. Frustration doesn’t even begin to describe the Tarlos talking drought between episodes 3 and 10 - and honestly? It’s bad writing. To focus on a ship for 3 episodes, giving them a lot of different nuances and conflict, and then do absolutely nothing with it? Stupid. So, going into the finale, my expectations were low. At that point, I was literally tuning in just to catch a glimpse of Carlos, with the expectation that that was all I would get. I really didn’t think I was going to watch the show after season 1. 
When the finale started with a Tarlos scene, I was honestly very surprised. But, then, of course, it was a “break up” scene, and I was like... well. So much for that. See, I fully expected, based on the trend throughout the later half of the season, that that would be the only Tarlos scene we would get, and that that is how they would end season 1. 
But when that camera cut to Carlos Reyes walking through the station door looking like a modern-day motherf*cking Prince Charming? I cried. I’m not ashamed to admit that. And then WHEN WE GOT THE HUG?! I can honestly still feel my heart pounding in my chest.
The finale didn’t fix everything for me; they still barely talk in their final two scenes. It’s not all perfect. But this hug, this small moment? THAT. IS. PERFECTION. (And I’m gonna go on and on about why in just a minute!)
Framing the Hug
I just want to take another moment here to chat about the entire fire station scene with TK and the team/Carlos because there’s a lot that informs why this hug is so freaking incredible. It has everything to do with the directing choices that were made - and boy were they good ones!
We all probably remember how the scene starts: extreme close-ups on TK as he sits waiting for the crew to come back. He’s anxious and possibly having a mild panic attack, and the camera is used to create that moment. Certain shots are out of focus, the shots that are focused are zoomed in to his mouth/hands/eyes, the sound is distorted, his breathing is isolated. It’s all super effective. 
So the observations that I make about this brief moment are: TK is stationary, the camera is basically attacking him. And TK is alone. Pretend for a moment that the camera is a character. The camera won’t leave him alone. No one is there to help him. His anxiety grows. 
(Even when the team joins him, the camera stays pretty close to him, except for one moment where it backs off but then approaches again. It continues to invade his personal space and his personal moments with his friends and his dad.)
Now, compare that to how the scene ends: TK walks away from the camera, the camera doesn’t follow him. It gives him space. His interaction with Carlos happens in the distance. If the camera is a character, TK defeated that character. He leaves it there, it no longer threatens him. I just really like that visual storytelling; that through the 4 minute scene, TK not only faces his demons, speaks his truth, and conquers his anxiety but he beats the camera and goes off to hug Carlos untethered. (He even bounces towards him, but we’ll get to that in a minute.) That doesn’t really have anything to do with the hug specifically, but I thought it was interesting anyway.
The other comparison that I want to make is a simple one, but it’s another reason why I love the hug: TK initiates it. He doesn’t initiate the group hug with his team (he actually almost says “we don’t have to do that” when Mateo moves towards him), though he obviously enjoys it. Owen initiates their hug, flinging himself at his son, and TK obviously appreciates it.
But the Carlos hug? TK approaches him, TK raises his arm to wrap around Carlos’s neck.
Okay, now to finally answer the original ask...
First, can I just say from his first appearance to the end of this scene, Carlos is there for 20 seconds total and I am about to write a whole-ass essay about those 20 seconds?! I’m literal trash.
Okay, so Carlos appears looking like a fucking snack. He’s changed since the bus accident, looking like someone’s hot date, and I think we know whose... Owen is basically like “well this is unexpected” and honestly, same sir. TK is adorable and noncommittal, but clearly not surprised to see Carlos there. We’ve missed a moment between them since TK was sent to the hospital and Carlos called him impressive, that’s for sure. 
So when TK starts to walk towards him, the camera refocuses on Carlos and we see this adorable freaking look on his face that clearly says “how did it go?” or “all went well?” or something to that effect. I think Carlos knew what TK was doing at the station and he knew that it was a big deal for him, and I love that even before they are next to each other, he’s checking in to see how it went. He’s invested in TK’s well-being - as always - and he’s there to support him, both physically and emotionally. I COULD SCREAM.
In response to Carlos’s silent questioning, TK throws his head back and sighs. Like I said before, he seems to bounce towards Carlos, his body is pretty loose - his arms are swinging back and forth. This is a guy who just took a load off, and he’s relieved about having done so. The smile that Carlos gives him in answer says that he’s relieved too - that it went so well, that TK seems lighter. He might even be relieved that TK is being so much more open with him, clearly showing him his emotions. Their body language for this entire moment is very open, neither of them seem closed off. It truly does feel like, for the first time, they are meeting each other on equal footing, with all of their cards on the table before them. It’s such a different moment for them, certainly different than their body language during the boba date earlier in the episode.
I would be an absolute idiot if I did not pause and remark here how INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT IT IS that TK is the one that approaches Carlos. I’m not the first person to notice and say this, but Carlos “I hate being the one doing the chasing” Reyes stops just inside the door. He lets TK walk towards him. It’s such an interesting, nonverbal conversation between them. In this action, Carlos is saying “I’m here, but I’m still not going to force anything. You said you wanted space, so I’m giving it to you.” Sure, he comes to the station - but I would pay good money to bet that TK invited him there following some kind of conversation about what he was doing there - but he stays at the door. He’s cautious, but open. He wants something more with TK, but he’s not going to throw himself into it just to get hurt again. So, he waits. AND TK COMES TO HIM. TK leaves his own space and enters his. TK takes the final step. TK closes the gap. TK makes the big move, and they’re finally both right in front of each other, on the same wavelength. The find that solid ground from which they’ll build their relationship together. ISN’T IT JUST BEAUTIFUL?!
Seriously, kudos to Bradley Buecker for directing this episode with multiple levels of storytelling at play. It’s really great stuff.
OKAY, there’s a little Owen and Michelle moment, but then the camera finds Tarlos again. 
TK is standing in front of Carlos, they’re completely fixated on one another, their body language is just so fucking casual and comfortable I cannot stand it. See, the other hugs were all pretty intense: the team piles on top of TK, burying him, and Owen practically throws himself at TK, it’s a fairly hard hug for a man with an injured shoulder. But this hug? NOPE.
It’s so soft. It’s so gentle. TK raises his arm like he just can’t not wrap it around Carlos’s neck, like it’s the only way to be as close as possible to him and being as close as possible to him is all he wants in that moment.
What I really love about this hug is that it feels like two people who hug not because the moment is demanding it, not because they’re reuniting after a long time apart, not because they’re in a heightened state of emotion. 
These two hug like it’s just what they do, what they always want to be doing, like they don’t know how not to do it. The whole thing reads like “Hi, I’m TK and my arms belong around Carlos” and “Hi, I’m Carlos, and my arms belong around TK, what else would I be doing with them?” (It’s also the vibe I get from the club scene where they wrap their arms around each other.)
Look, to be a Tarlos fan, I think you have to be willing to look at the relationship on two different levels, right? One is what they verbalize to each other, which is admittedly very little (season 2, come through). The other is the story that they tell through their body language. These two have seemingly always been on the same page physically. It just comes naturally to them, from the minute they first dance to their obviously very pleasing sex scene to the way they flirt in the bar to the club to Carlos at TK’s bedside. 
Their chemistry is made clear through how they physically relate to each other, and never is that more clear than in this hug that LITERALLY LASTS 2 SECONDS BUT CONTAINS MULTITUDES.
Okay, back to it... so TK strolls towards Carlos, Carlos waits for him - they symbolism is making me scream - TK raises his arm, it’s all super casual...
And then he just kind of literally falls into Carlos’s body, and Carlos basically just catches him. HOW BEAUTIFUL IS THAT.
They don’t even speak but because they’ve had a nonverbal conversation with just those looks that I talked about, there’s just this understanding that TK needs to just collapse a little bit and he never for one second doubts that Carlos will hold him up. THAT’S JUST WHAT THEY DO.
OKAY OKAY OKAY now we’re going to break this down from head to toe.
Like, the way that their heads just rest against each other, TK pressing close - I can almost imagine that he breathes in the scent of Carlos’s shampoo, his nose is pressed right there in his curls. AND JUST IMAGINE HIS SMILE, I BET IT’S BLINDING.
I love that their heads kind of curve around each other kind of, perfectly Yin and Yang - like, from above they would totally look like that symbol.
First, it’s our first kiss since episode 2. 
Nothing screams “I want to know every part of this man on a deep, committed level” than a fucking neck kiss, and Carlos Reyes just... he fucking does it. 
Okay but he really does bury his whole face in there like he wants to keep it there forever, I have truly never seen something so soft in my entire life. 
I’m so in love with them I could puke.
But like, that’s why this moment means so much to me, because I really do think that it’s a solidifying moment for both of them. 
For TK, it’s a “It’s okay if I stumble or fall because this man will catch me or help me up” thing
For Carlos, it’s “he wants me, he wants this, he’s taking literal steps towards this thing between us, and he encourages me to sink into him, he wants me to do that, he really wants this”
Like, fuck. 
Moving down... we gotta appreciate Carlos being mindful of TK’s shoulder, unlike literally everyone else who has hugged him. Like, he doesn’t even go anywhere near those stitches because there’s no fucking way he’s going to watch TK bleed out for the third time, nope.
And the way that Carlos just slides his arms around TK’s waist, pressing his palms into his lower back?! 
I think there’s a whole like, thing, where when a person’s hands are flat and open they’re like, open and vulnerable. So there’s just something about the way that Carlos presses both of his open palms against TK’s back that feels so open and vulnerable and honest to me.
Also, the way that he literally covers as much of TK’s back with his hands as possible? He doesn’t place his hands on top of one another, he stacks them along TK’s spine - he completely covers the entirety of his lower back. That’s a really vulnerable part of the human body, and Carlos instinctively protects it. AND TK LET’S HIM.
Okay, finally, down to their feet: TK really does collapse against Carlos, throwing himself on top of him and trusting that Carlos will keep him upright. All of his weight shifts to that forward momentum, he even goes up on the toes of his right foot. Carlos plants his feet, and as TK sways into him, he wraps him in his arms and gently centers them so that they don’t tip over to the ground.
He literally re-balances them. The two of them together find a balance with one another during this TWO-SECOND HUG. They shift, they steady themselves, they sink into one another.
It’s literally symbolic of them both being completely, 100%, without question, ready for the next phase of their relationship together.
They keep each other standing, and that’s fucking true love, y’all.
I honestly cannot wait for season 2. This hug and the final scene on the hood of Carlos’s car - with TK again making the move to embrace their relationship by physically reaching into Carlos’s space for his hand and dragging it into his own space, firmly opening the door to his heart to let him inside, while also settling Carlos’s hand between his own to let him know that he’s willing to protect him and his heart too - makes me believe that we are in for some truly wonderful romance with these boys. 
My heart will not stop screaming about it.
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la-luna-es-hermosa · 4 years
EXO Reaction to a Filipino Idol
Note: Bruh I think I have overdone this reaction. This reaction is made from a request by an anon! I am so excited to finally receive an ask! But yes I did make this reaction extra special because of my hiatus. Sorry for not being active anymore because I have been addicted to osu and other rhythm games (Arcaea and Superstar SM). I have also been in a new fandom (in my profile picture) I know I gotta stay loyal for my boy Jongin but I just can’t. For this blog, I will still accept requests, still active, but I will be more active in @kuwurapikaaa​ ! If you want hunter x hunter, the arcana, jjba and A3! content, check that blog up too! I am finishing drafts there as well - MeiQI
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You guys met at one of the designer parties he attends to. Despite being in the same industry, you guys haven’t really faced each other. He was probably too busy tending to his members.
In that moment, he finally had enough courage or time to actually talk to you. He really liked how you guys shared many struggles, from trainee days and even today. “I really understood your struggles back then. Adjusting to a new country and lifestyle is really hard.” He said to you as he patted your shoulders.
Junmyeon would give out flowers every promotion you had. Even if your group didn’t win, you always get a bouquet from him. Your members started assuming that he has a liking on you.
Your family started to notice his actions as well. “Are you sure that Junmyeon isn’t courting you?” Your concerned father asked. He loves his unica hija (lit. unique daughter, in context: only daughter) too much to just let her go with a mere guy. He has to know more about Junmyeon before letting his child date him.
It seemed like everyone around you are just beating around the bush because of his actions around you. But all that was worth it as he went to your parents and asked them if he can court you. “Mr. and Mrs. (Surname), I like your daughter (Name). Can I court her?” He asked them. - The parents did not even question it since Suho is such a sweetheart
Junmyeon also started exploring more about the Philippines, knowing that his beautiful girlfriend is from the country. He would firstly look up at pieces of art made by Filipino artists (with the likes of Fernando Amorsolo and Juan Luna), it would be a bonus if you’re interested in art as well. Most of your conversations would end up being about you guy’s cultures and how the painters showed the message they want to put out there.
He would also end up being really curious about the language as well. I can see him trying to learning the language just for you. “Sobrang mahal kita, ikaw ang aking mundo” He says with a cute bashful smile. It still sounded different because of his Korean accent. You found it quite endearing that he will go through all this lengths to impress you and show how much he loves you.
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For Xiumin... hmm... it’s hard because I can’t really picture Xiumin with a Filipino girl or a foreigner in general. It’s not that he doesn’t like Foreigners, but I am very unsure about it. Like Kyungsoo, he is really into girls that are more traditional.
Like everyone else, Minseok would be really interested in your culture. The delicious food, the language you spoke. He would always listen to the way your voice shifted when you speak to him and to your parents. “Ma okay lang ako... nag-iingat naman po kami ni Minseok.” You spoke to your worried mother over the phone.
Although I can see him trying to actually learn Tagalog just for you. He would learn it in secret until he was fluent enough to tell you that “(Y/N) ikaw lamang ang aking mamahalin” and write you a whole essay on why he loves you just in Tagalog.
In music shows, like Junmyeon, he will send you lots of flowers because that is exactly where you guys met at. Every time your group had a comeback that was around the same time as his, he will always look at you and got the courage to sneak in his phone number.
Minseok texts you a lot, telling you if you got his flowers or if your parents approved of him. - Of course your parents approved of him, even saying that you grew up too fast as you now have a boyfriend. 
You guys haven’t had the time to be together due to his military enlistement, but as soon as he can hold his phone again, you were the one of the first people he messaged. “Sorry I haven’t talked to you” He said.
But out of all the EXO members, he gave you the sweetest confession at a park at night. “I want to say that I enjoy your company and I am thinking about my future with you.” He said to you as his hands cupped your face.
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I remember the time he said PhiliPENIS, this man right here lol. Anyway, jokes aside I think Yixing would be really interested in your culture. It is a bonus point that both of you are foreigners and are in the same industry. Like Suho, Yixing met you in one of those luxury parties hosted by fashion labels.
You immediately caught his eyes, the look you were wearing really suited you. The colors were beautiful, just like you. When the cameras aren’t rolling, this is where he would move. He would DM you via instagram and that is where you guys will start to talk. It went from simple “how are you?”, to the more complicated topics. You were his home, the place he would go to if he’s stress.
It would definitely be a bonus if you like doing music. You would be singing many of his demos so that he can really see if he did a great job. His source of inspiration is you as he stays late at night to compose something for him.
Even if you’re an idol, your relationship would still be long distance as he is in China and you’re in Korea, promoting with your group. (With some sneaky flights to China), “I miss you Yixing...” You smiled at him as you looked at the screen, Yixing is working hard in the studio.
“I miss you too... I wish I can hug you.” He said to you, his eyes somber as he looked at the screen of his phone, seated at his studio, working on a new song. Every time you guys kissed, hugged or touched each other, it felt more electrifying as you have never met him often.
Since he had always been a dancer, I can see him trying to learn Cariñosa (I had a dream like this aaaa), he would be really curious at the many dances the Philippines offered.
(Note: I have to cut the reaction for Yixing because I might get political and I don’t wanna get in jail anytime soon lol)
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I feel Baekhyun would be a bit more safer with a Filipino girl (given what happened to his ex-girlfriend). I can see him being with one as he was the one who came up with the Phixo name in the first place.
He would protect you so much to the point that he will not reveal you guys are together. With what happened to Taeyeon and to think that you are a Filipino idol, which means you are certainly the pride of your country. He would rather reveal you at the right time. (When will that be at this rate)
You met him at a music show while promoting his solo stuff. He really enjoyed your group’s performance as well. You became immediately his favorite member for your talent and eye-catching looks. He knew you already since debut and thought you were really pretty, but it took to another level when he saw you personally.
His jaw dropped at your looks, you were unique unlike any other idols. With his social skills, he didn’t hesitate to talk to you backstage and that is where you guys really took off.
I can see you and him are variety idols. - Reminds me of Heechul and Momo. You guys would always come up with the stupidest jokes. Bonus points if you are a gamer as well. You guys would always fight at the latest RPG games out there. “I beat your ass!” You said to him while laughing at his loss in the game.
Baekhyun would also sing songs for you (like Kyungsoo and Chanyeol). He would sing all your favorite songs in Tagalog just for you!!!! I am fangirling in the inside as I imagine Baekhyun singing songs to make you sleep aaaa He would also try to explore your culture as he would try out your favorite food as well. 
“Wow this thing tastes delicious!” Baekhyun remarked as he poured the soup over the rice. A smile formed in your face as he eagerly ate the food. You looked at him, lovingly observing him. You were glad he really enjoyed the food you made.
In later years, when he finally think that you will be the one that he truly wants to be with forever, he will choose to settle in the Philippines as the media and paparazzi there is not as crazy as the ones in Korea.
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For Chanyeol, I think you guys met through MC-ing, You guys were partnered up to MC a music show. Since your cute bickering in the music show aired on TV, your fans started shipping the two of you. It ended up with you guys talking more to each other backstage. Recommending songs and telling your problems to each other were the most topics of you guys’ conversations.
He ends up giving his number as you guys message each other more and more often. He was the first one to fall for you. Falling for the first time your eyes laid on his. You fell for him in no time, enjoying his company.
Because of you, he would listen to Filipino music. Particularly, I can see Chanyeol liking old Filipino bands such as Silent Sanctuary, Eraserheads, Parokya Ni Edgar, and Orange & Lemons. He would always sing their songs to you every time you guys meet. You guys would even have Karaoke nights where you just sing songs. “I heard Filipinos are good singers.” He told you as he handed out the mic.
You laughed as you started singing. - Obviously you would be a good singer as you debuted in an idol group and is a known kontesera (a woman who participated in many singing contests). He was charmed by how captivating your voice was.
You became the topic of many songs by Chanyeol. Your eyes, your loving words, your everything. - He loved every single part of it. Hell he can even dedicate a whole album just for how much he loves you and how you are an important part of his life.
You went to the Philippines to have your vacation. As you were enjoying your family’s company, suddenly you heard a familiar voice. You stood up from your couch and looked down at the window. “(Name)! This one’s for you!” Your eyes widened as you saw that it was Chanyeol.
Chanyeol started strumming his guitar. The view looked amazing, the stars twinkled, he looked ethereal as he looked up to meet your eyes.Your parents peeked with you as their heard his voice. “Uso pa ba ang harana?” He started singing the song with his low voice. He was singing Harana by Parokya Ni Edgar. 
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People would be rather shocked as Kyungsoo is the type of guy to date a traditional Korean girl. But I can also see him truly appreciating a Filipina girl. He firstly found you quite weird because he
It was you who made the first move. Your group is promoting your comeback at the same time EXO was. You hesitantly sneaked your phone number into his sandwich. You watched him open it, as you thought he was going to throw the paper away, he didn’t. He kept it in his pocket and went along.
With his sweet voice, like Chanyeol, he always sang many Tagalog songs with you. (I remember the time when they sang ‘Hawak Kamay’ in the dream concert). Your parents would’ve approved of him quite fast, being such a good, well mannered man. He is the dream son-in-law for every parent 
Kyungsoo had always been so protective of you because of you being Filipino, you had a lot of supporters since rookie days. Your kababayan would be really dismayed if there was bad news about you. He wouldn’t like you to lose your career. (Even more if you’re supporting your family)
“After boiling the tamarind, what comes next?” Kyungsoo asked you as he was chopping the spareribs in the battered cutting board. He always does this. He makes random food from your childhood. One day it was adobo, the other day it was caldereta, now it’s sinigang na baboy.
You smiled at him as you spoke a reply, “The ribs.” You clung to him as you wrapped your hands underneath his apron. Wrapping him in a tight embrace.
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In the Filipino side of the fandom, affectionately called “Phixos” by Baekhyun, Jongin has been called a Filipino. It was because of his looks (his charming eyes, his tanned skin) and his frequent visits to Cebu. Some fans even jokingly say that Jongin would settle with a Filipino girl or along those lines.
It wouldn’t be a shock for the Filipino fandom that Jongin chose a Filipino girl. It would be something that they would even celebrate, the fact that Jongin dated a kababayan. (Fellow Filipino)
You guys met in a photoshoot of a local magazine. He was impressed with your modeling skills, despite you being a rookie in it. Of course, you were intimidated with him as he is the Gucci ambassador. Right after the rather sexy photoshoot, you guys gave each other numbers. You guys started DM-ing each other via Instagram.
Jongin would be just as interested in learning Tagalog than English. In your very long conversations, he would always talk to you in Taglish (Tagalog and English) so that you are more comfortable talking to him. Rather than him talking in long paragraphs of Korean text. He finds it amazing that you speak more than two languages.
Your leader would joke about you being awake at ungodly hours listening to Jongin’s honey voice as he tries to sing when you can’t sleep. Or sometimes it would be his heavily accented English or Filipino. You wouldn’t say anything, but everyone already knows. As soon as your magazine gets through publication, everyone would start shipping you guys together. Searching the deepest depths of the internet for ship-able moments for the two of you.
“I’ve been to Cebu two times last year.” He said to you, smiling as he showed some polaroids from his Cebu trip. Your handsome boyfriend was seated on the couch. You were just chilling in your own apartment.
“You’ve been to Cebu two times in one year?! I haven’t even been to that place ever!” Your eyes were wide with shock, you almost dropped the popcorn you were munching on. How can someone travel twice to a foreign country? - You thought to yourself.
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It was love at first sight for the maknae. As soon as he saw you passing by on a music show, he cannot take his eyes off you, following all of your available SNS. His eyes were glued at you as he sneaked his number on an Inkigayo sandwich. He was also your secret fanboy, cheering and supporting you while you perform. Sehun always congratulates you on every comeback/release, messaging you on Kakaotalk on how are you doing that time or saying that he’s happy for you.
As soon as you received his number, you cannot imagine that out of all people, it was Sehun from EXO who gave you his phone number. It was like a dream come true. After emptying out your schedule, you immediately called Sehun. - From there, you guys started talking and having feelings developed.
He started being more curious about Filipino culture all because of you. He started researching it in his free time. - I can see Sehun date a foreigner, so I think the culture is not really a hurdle for him. 
Surprisingly, you were the one who made the first move. Not Sehun. You confessed to him very confidently. But since the cultural difference, he hasn’t met your parents. As soon as your schedules were empty, you guys went to the Philippines to find your parents and introduce him to them.
Sehun was standing nervously in front of your house’s gate. It was his first time visiting your family. He was shaking to the point that he cannot even move. You looked at him in the eye and asked him, “Is anything wrong?” you asked as you pat his shoulders, calming him down.
“No, nothing.” He said as he shook his head as he held the bouquet tightly in his hands. Then you saw your mother that opened the gate. - They were more than glad that they get to meet your precious Sehun.
“Why didn’t you tell me that your boyfriend is this gwapo?” Your mom asked you as you laughed. Then, you entered the house with huge smiles on your faces.
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I loved your latest Nick fic! I had this idea from Perfect that some of the lyrics fit him and the reader as his best friend while they’re crushing but scared to admit it. Like “sometimes is never quite enough” because he always wants to see her and “how long before you screw it up? and how many times do I have to tell you to hurry up?” because he feels like he always screws up a chance to tell her how he feels but he keeps trying until he gets it right. If the idea is too specific that’s fine!
honestly, anon, you should be the one writing this, this is a really good idea. but i’ve already written it so..
i used four lyrics from the song! they’re from the beginning part, because they seemed like the only ones that could possibly be fit into a romantic context! i tried my best to make them direct quotes, but some have added words because the perspective of this song is kind of weird
1898 words
cw: femreader.
nick stared at his phone screen. it went black, from inactivity.
he turned it back on, to see your text. it was simple, just a few hearts.
but nick couldn’t handle it. his brain flashed memories from the past few months with you. everytime he had tried to ask you out, to be more precise. tried and failed.
he had tried so many times to work up the courage. he tried so many times to just say the right words. but now he was running out of time.
it was your senior year. nick had gotten into harvard, and you had gotten into ucla. you were leaving each other. and these months were the last chance he would get to finally just say the words. the three little words.
and, hey! there were no consequences, right? earlier, nick was terrified that he would screw up your friendship, but you were moving away. and people stop being friends when they move away. it doesn’t have to be that way, but if nick did screw up the whole relationship, then at least the two of you wouldn’t have to be near each other, and have that as a constant reminder.
so now there was literally nothing that could go wrong, but nick was just so scared.
he was paralyzed. a single tear fell down his cheek. suddenly, an idea stuck him.
he took a deep breath, as he began to formulate. he would write a letter to you. he didn’t have to give it to you, he just needed to get all of the words he wanted to say out.
maybe he would give it to you. maybe he didn’t want to have to see your face when he told you all his pent up emotions. but maybe he did.
if you reciprocate the feelings, he wanted to watch you react. but you might not. you probably don’t, and so nick should give you the letter. that way you can let him down easily, without the harshness of an initial reaction.
nick flattened a piece of lined paper on his desk. he picked up the pen you gave him. it was years ago now, but this would be the first time he’d ever used it. it was for special occasions. and this was definitely special.
”dear y/n,” he began. “i am in love with you. i’ve been in love with you since we were sophomores. do you remember homecoming? at the end of the night, when everyone found new energy as the final song started up, you told me something. you probably didn’t put much thought into it, but i think about it nearly everyday. you told me that i’m perfect. do you remember that? it caught me off guard. we hadn’t been talking, just laughing at nothing and dancing, and you told me that i’m perfect. and then when the song ended, you hugged me. i think that’s when i realized i had feelings for you. romantic ones, that is.
”i don’t know when it happened, but sometime last year i really fell in love with you. maybe it was seeing you with paint all over your face, after we got distracted from making posters. or maybe it was on facetime, when you let me rant to you for the thousandth time about how stressed i always am. but i think it was when you held my hand during the scary part of some cheesy horror movie that i can’t remember the name of.
”and after i fell, i realized that sometimes is never quite enough. i couldn’t just be with you sometimes, i had to be with you every chance that i could. so if it seemed like i was just making up reasons to hang out with you, i was. i hope you don’t mind.
”yet being with you constantly turned out to stab me in the back. do you remember gabe? godlike gabe is how i thought of him. you put him on such a pedestal. you thought he was so incredible, so perfect. perfect body, perfect grades, and he always had the perfect thing to say. he had no flaws. and i know you never meant for it to impact me the way it did, but everytime you mentioned him, it was like you were just stabbing a dagger through my heart. a dagger engraved with the words, “if you’re flawless, then you’ll win my love.” and all i saw were my flaws, and i felt like they were on full display to you, so you could never love me.
”and i couldn’t tell you about how this made me feel, not if i wanted to keep my love for you a secret. so, i told you about other things. my family, the stress that they put me under. your family is much different than mine, so you didn’t really know what to say, but you did tell me “don’t forget to keep that smile on your face” when you tricked me into laughing at your horrible puns, and that helped. you told me that my smile was cute, so i tried to smile more when i was around you. and then you would smile, and i’d forget about all my flaws.”
nick put his pen down. he hadn’t said everything he wanted to yet, but needed a moment to regain himself. he didn’t want to deliver a letter stained with tears to you. he leaned back in his chair, thinking of what he had left.
with a deep breath, he began again, “i would sometimes wonder how long it would be before i screwed it up. how long before i said something stupid, like “i love you.” so i guess this is that time. i’ve waited to tell you, because you are the best friend i’ve ever had, and i don’t want to lose you. but i can’t be just friends with you. i have tried, but i need to tell you i love you. if you don’t have feelings for me, that’s fine. i waited to tell you until our graduation, when we’re going to be on opposite sides of the country, so that if you don’t feel the same, our parting will be more natural. if you don’t, i would still like to be friends with you, but not right away.
”y/n, i know you better than i know myself. you are going to succeed at whatever you put your mind to. california doesn’t know what’s coming.
”love, nick.”
nick read over his letter. “this is shit.” he muttered to himself. it was like he had written a fucking essay on you. that’s not how you tell someone you love them.
he read his words once more. he decided he wasn’t going to use it. he would just tell you in person, maybe hitting on the point he had made in the letter. it’d seem less awkward and rigid than this.
yet, he tucked the letter into an envelope, and put it in an often unused pocket of his backpack.
he tried to forget about it, and go to sleep. but it was a restless sleep. every time he glanced at the clock, convinced that hours had passed, only a minute had.
when he finally gave up on a restful sleep, he dragged himself out of bed, the only solace being a cup of coffee.
finals, his last finals of high school, were coming up soon. and instead of studying, he had written a shitty fucking love letter to a girl that would never see him as more than a friend. he completely checked out when his family began talking. talking in their incessantly loud voices, about mundane topics.
his sister, frankie asked him something. not wanting to seem like he wasn’t paying attention, he said, “uh yeah, sure. sounds great.” and frankie gave him a hug. which was weird, but nick didn’t have mental energy to question it.
later that day, after the final bell rang and frankie hopped into nick’s car, frankie said, “you’re welcome.”
nick furrowed his eyebrows. “you’re welcome what?”
frankie rolled her eyes. “for being the best little sister ever, obviously.”
the look on nick’s face was not amused. “what did you do.”
”well, you know how you told me you wanted me to give that letter to y/n this morning?”
nick’s heart rate picked up. the letter. “i didn’t say that.”
”well, i remember you did, and i already gave it to y/n. so you’re welcome.”
”what?” nick screamed. the car suddenly felt so small, the windows closing in on him.
”this morning, i asked you if you wanted me to give the letter to y/n, and you said that that sounded like a great idea, i don’t see why you’re freaking out right now. can you hurry up and drive us home? i have loads of physics homework that i need to get to.”
the world seemed to rotate around nick. “frankie, i was half asleep, was that not obvious? and why did you have my letter in the first place? did you got through my backpack again? you need to stop doing that!”
frankie shrunk into her seat. “sorry. but you shouldn’t agree to things you don’t hear.”
”you are not going to blame me for this!” nick took out his phone, and quickly sent you a text, “hey did frankie give you a letter today? have you read it yet? if you haven’t, do you mind waiting until after graduation to read it? please no follow up questions about the letter’s contents if you have not read it.”
nick then threw his phone into the backseat, and began pulling out of the school parking lot.
”so what was in the letter? did you finally confess your love to y/n?” asked frankie.
nick’s face flushed, and he didn’t reply.
taking his silence as an answer, frankie said, “well good for you, then. and hey, with y/n’s dna, you have a 50/50 chance of making cute babies.”
nick continued to ignore frankie’s comments all the way home.
”do you think y/n will still want to be friends with me, even when we’re no longer sister-in-laws, and she’s on her second husband? or wife? or spouse? is y/n queer?” frankie gasped, “maybe i could be her second wife!”
”get out.” nick said, pulling into the driveway.
”i have the kindest brother.” she said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.
nick sneered at her.
after he parked his car, he took a deep breath and picked up his phone. NUMBER texts from you. “yeah, frankie like ran up to me in the middle of the hallway. that was weird.”, “i haven’t had time to read it yet, why is it bad?”, “wait, ignore that question. i will conveniently forget the letter’s existence until after we’ve graduated
”yes, please forget about it for the next two weeks. wait no, less than two weeks. frankie wasn’t supposed to give that to you, sorry.” he sent back.
”give what to me? ha ha…”
”please don’t remind me that graduation is that soon ugh.” you double texted.
”i know :(“ nick sent.
@meangirlsx @meangirlmurphy @eliza-is-confused @boredomimi
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Oooh dusty! Um, is there a specific reason “Their mistake is they got old, that is not a mistake we’ll be making, no sir, we’ll stay young forever.” is your least favorite line?
THAT is a very good question my friend, and one I could write a whole essay on. (I hope you know what you got yourself into Anon haha, but here we go anyway) 
I’ll try to keep this as short as possible (especially since I don’t know how to do read mores)
First off, I want to clear the air about Watch What Happens as a whole. I very much enjoy the song. It’s a fun, strong, positive number by a female lead who not only WANTS something, but is actively doing something about it. Although not my favorite song as a whole, I still belt it out whenever I can. 
Now, on to the fun stuff. 
The trouble with this line lies for me specifically in the part that says “We’ll stay young forever”. This is something that whenever it is said, in this song or in anything else, to me it seems very naive and egotistical. Saying that you are going to be young forever is something that is obviously not true and it just a weak rally cry of “the youth are better than all adult people and we will always rule the world with our youthfulness”
That being said, is the whole musical about the youth uprising against the adults? Yes. Is Katherine just trying to say that her generation will not oppress young people and actually listen to what they have to say in order to create a better future? Yes. Does this actually work or have any signs that it’ll work? Of course not. 
There are many examples throughout the show of the characters being reckless and jumping into situations without really much of a plan at all (see the first and second time Jack tries to go see Pulitzer, the first day of the strike, and Jack trying to run away) Yes, by Watch What Happens Reprise we see a full plan form (That’s called character development friends) but my point still stands. 
Is Katherine a young character in a musical that the audience needs to relate to? Yes. 
Crying out that “We’ll Stay Young Forever” is a cheap way by the writers to show the audience that these young kids are in the right, will always be in the right, and have always been in the right (at least for the entirety of the show). It’s one line that makes me cringe every time I hear it, mainly because it’s clear that it was written by old men. Kids don’t actually go around saying that unless it’s in a catchy pop song. But that’s exactly what it is. It’s a way for kids to rally around one simple phrasing that makes them seem in control of something. 
At it’s most basic point, saying “we’ll stay young forever” is simply not true. That might be what irks me the most. Obviously they are going to age, they are going to get older, and they are going to make the same (if not similar) mistake as their older counterparts. There’s nothing that can actually stop that. 
Now, pretty much everyone in the Newsies fanbase is around or just older than the age that these characters portray, so this line well represents our feelings and wishes. However, it is wrong to think that you will ‘stay young forever’-- meaning that your ideas will always be the correct ones, and the best for everyone -- and this is a pitfall that every generation falls into. 
Personally, I think Governor Roosevelt says this line much better when he tells the crowd “Each generation must, at the height of its power, step aside and invite the young to share the day”. 
In summary, I think this line is a cheap play at the musical’s young audience and someone as smart as Katherine should not have fell victim to. 
I could go on for much longer, but I’m sure this is already longer than anyone intended to read. So, if you have made it this far, thank you! 
ANON, thank you so much for the question! This was very thoughtful and I am very impressed that you read my answers to another ask! (Also I really hope you were just curious and not angry with me for saying that I disliked this line) 
-- <3 Dusty
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kippentrash · 5 years
(1/?)The fact that I thought them saying long distance was a metaphor for how the relationship is slowburn is probably far fetched right? I think Rachel will show up in 3x14, that would be some conflict possibly because Marty is shown running with Buffy :o If I'm gonna be honest I think Muffy will get together romantically but once I meet Rachel I'll either be like "love this new character!" or "i want to cry why are you this way" JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY DISNEY I BEG YOU
(2/?) Tyrus tangents always welcome! My heart broke for both of them. Cyrus is already insecure as we’ve seen and this can’t be good for his self esteem :( TJ is obviously going through something and I’m worried for what it is. Did Kira make him insecure? Or was it something different? Either way this emotional conflict (as you pointed out) feels almost bigger than the gun. Because Cyrus trusts Tj at this point, the gun situation was the thing to cement that
(3/3) Totally agree with being outsold like this episode, while hurtful in aspects was so GOOD. We’re seeing Jonah growth, Muffy and Tyrus growth and I am here for it!! Bexie not having a wedding I was actually okay with? Hopefully Andi’ll be okay too. My cats a Burmese! He just reached his 1st year yesterday :) you have a dog??? What breed? How old? Sorry I love dogs they are great animals -ghostie anon
So like this turned out pretty long bc I addressed pretty much everything you mentioned (most elaborately the buildup and teardown of Cyrus) plus more here and there. Like, I’ve typed a lot before, and I’ve put things under a cut before, but this is LONG. Like when I first got into the fandom and typed a weeks worth of responsed for the Andi Mack Month prompts long. SO UNDER A CUT IT GOES LOL (I’m sorry again for it being practically a 5 page essay ;w;)
To summarize: Rachel will definitely be an interesting aspect of the ep, the things showed of Cyrus’s insecurities plus the fact that somersaults are ‘their thing’ makes it all the more painful, I’m really excited to see what specifically they chose to do with TJ and his insecurities, Jonah’s doing better and I don’t want Jandi to ruin that, this episode has some cool parallels to 1x11, and this episode set up so much with each of the relationships I’m ready to see unfurl. Oh and rip Andi bigtime this episode.
Oh and so you don’t need to scroll all the way down, THAT’S SO CUTE MY FRIEND HAS A BURMESE TOO!!! He always looks like he’s constantly terrified lol I don’t think he likes me. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM!!! Doggos are amazing I have a yellow lab and I wub her sm
Ooo that’s a cool thought! Maybe maybe! All I thought about the long distance thing is it was to show that Marty has changed a little during their time apart and that it was a plot device to show that Buffy’s competitiveness can cause her to get in over her head still, as well as you know the Marty worrying stuff. But that’s actually really interesting I hadn’t thought of it that way! I wonder how slow burn they can make it though considering how little is left for them to work with.
Pretty much anything Muffy related will cause conflict when it comes to Rachel tbh. Like just them standing next to one another with her knowledge will be something because of the sheer amount of sparks flying between them when they so much as look at each other LOL (You can see my Muffy stan jumping out). And I’m all for it! No offense Rachel, I know you probably make Marty happy and stuff but like… Muffy. I’m honestly kind of curious how Marty and Rachel’s relationship is going to be portrayed considering it’s going to be sunk FAST and I’m pretty sure Muffy will happen extremely soon after so. We’ll see how that goes. Because Muffy is definitely endgame at this point in my opinion, whether it be ambiguous because Rachel and Marty just broke up and they want to find security in the newly rebuilt relationship they have before starting anything or something they show with full confirmation and commitment on screen.
I’m trying my best to have NO expectations of Rachel so we’ll see what happens when I meet her lol. There’s no character in this show at this point I have ZERO opinion on I think (watch me remember some as soon as I finish posting this lol), so I’m pretty sure that I’ll definitely form some feeling about her in the single episode she’s in. But I’m kind of hoping they’re not that strong of feelings. So we’ll see how that goes I don’t want to feel bad for her but I also don’t want to just despise her for being a buffer between Muffy so. WE SHALL SEE WE SHALL SEE.
As for Tyrus, oh my GODS right? Looking at it from Cyrus’s perspective might pain me even more than looking at it in TJ’s. 
TJ’s the one person who’s constantly believed in him and never seems to be ashamed of Cyrus, and then this happens. He was the first one to tell Cyrus not to let anyone, even himself, tell him what he can’t do. Then take into account that somersault is one of those big moments in Cyrus’s life where TJ was there and believed in him and didn’t seem to be ashamed or put off by it, even though Cyrus and Andi had insisted it was something Cyrus was incapable of. Both him and his best friend tried to warn TJ against it, yet TJ didn’t give up on Cyrus and was so proud when he was able to do it. But now that same thing that TJ had once been proud of and shown no judgment towards and is something Cyrus considered to be their thing is what TJ winds up opting out of. 
It brings me back to s2 when Cyrus said “He wants to be friends with me. Who knows why.” And it makes me really want to cri everytiem. Like you said, the gun situation built up their friendship even more and established its solidarity, and you can tell they got even closer after it. He thought they were comfortable and that he was as important to TJ as TJ was to him (which he IS), especially after the whole “only person I can talk to like this” thing. So TJ not telling Cyrus something, along with that ‘something’ negatively having to do with something he thought was special to both of them, must be a real punch in the gut.  Maybe Cyrus is more secure in himself than I’m giving him credit for and is just feeling betrayed, but I think it’s more of both betrayal, humiliation, and questioning of their whole relationship (which I think I’ve posted about already lol). 
AND THEN if you take when he and Jonah were supposed to wear matching jackets together and compare that to him and TJ in this scenario, I’d think that this feels even worse. TJ was the one brought up doing a matching costume in comparison to him bringing up the jackets with Jonah, and instead of just being a jacket from a random sports game he didn’t care for, this was an inside joke that he emphasized was their thing. So it was bigger and more important. This may be me reading into it too much, but considering being ditched in a situation like this is now something that has happened to him before due to the Jonah thing, he might feel even worse about himself for letting it happen to him twice.
I’m putting a lot of emphasis on the fact that it’s their thing, because even though Cyrus and TJ both saying that in the episode was cute for the simple fact that they say they have a ‘thing’, I feel like by saying that it also draws attention to the importance of what the costume was in their relationship. It was them both being proud of having a ‘thing’ and ‘inside joke’ together. And I kinda keep in mind that Cyrus and TJ had been talking about the costume and its importance to two different people trying to stand their ground against two different costumes. They know both of them found the costume funny and was a cool joke between the two of them, but they didn’t necessarily know how much importance it held for the other. But one party backed out of something that actually holds importance and emotional value for someone they claimed they didn’t really hang out with much and with no warning at all. If it were me my anxiety would make me wonder whether it had actually been important to them at all or if it were all in my own head. ;=;
This scene just feels so built up from so many different times we’ve seen Cyrus feel insecure, and now that TJ’s become someone he doesn’t find himself feeling insecure around and someone he instead finds comfort in, having it all compound into TJ no longer being someone who he can feel he trusts makes it so much worse. Especially since it related to something he felt was important enough to them that he’d opted out of the GHC+Jonah costume.
And on TJ’s side I feel so bad that he feels like turning down Kira for Cyrus is something that wouldn’t normally be accepted, and I’m really curious what route they’re going to go in terms of which aspect of what she said had caused him to change his mind, because really there are a few different things they can go about using. They can draw it on the lines of peer pressure and social hierarchy, fear of being too obvious with how he treats Cyrus, make him question himself/his sexuality, etc. and whatever route they do take will essentially come back to TJ’s insecurity. 
But like I said, TJ’s never seemed to be ashamed of being close to Cyrus before and has never seemed to care about how being friends with Cyrus (or ‘a person like Cyrus’) might affect his image before, so I’m really interested to see what part of his insecurities caused him to ditch Cyrus. He’s in so much pain when he sees Cyrus (Luke OUTSOLD) that it makes me wonder what pushed him to even consider hurting both himself and Cyrus in the process. Especially when you consider the line from 3x7 where he talks about how if he knew Reed had a gun, he definitely wouldn’t have brought Cyrus. So yeah, I’m really curious and hope to see them actually specify what part of her threat caused him to decide to change his mind. They pretty much need to have him give some explanation to Cyrus in order for things to mend themselves.
I also wonder if TJ will feel bad enough about this to avoid Cyrus himself or if TJ’s insecurities will cause him to feel like he doesn’t have the right or can’t talk to Cyrus without it being risky, or if Cyrus will be avoiding him after this or anything. This seems like a big argument type of thing. No TJ next episode means no confrontation for at least a period of time in-universe, and I don’t think it’ll be Buffy and Andi policing Cyrus again this time. Cyrus is his own person, they know that and acknowledge that more than ever after the gun incident, and I think they know whatever he does in regards to TJ will be his own decision and will support his decision like the good friends they are. People are upset at them for jumping to conclusions about TJ ditching Cyrus but fact of the matter is their friend is extremely upset over something TJ caused, and they’re being protective. Sort of like when Amber had done some bad things to Andi, it took Cyrus and Buffy some time on their own to lower their defenses. Plus, looking at Cyrus’s face when he was about to cry after TJ leaves with Kira tells me that while the gun thing wasn’t that personal, this definitely was.
Please say that it’s not a plotline they shove offscreen for an episode like they did with Jonah and Libby before coming back to it. At least show Cyrus having some distress about it and talking about it with maybe Buffy or something. And please please please Andi Mack I beg of you stop hurting TJ like this he’s already gone through so much and he’s NOT EVEN A MAIN CHARACTER SALKDJASKLDJ Anytime he does something like this it will give me flashbacks to “classic TJ” and I DON’T WANT IT TO (okay yes I do because it shows it’s a powerful line and they’re using it to provoke me properly but you know what I mean)
Jonah, Jonah, Jonah. This poor boy. He’s growing into his own person and becoming more understanding that while he should take others feelings into account he also needs to pay attention to himself instead of just always putting on a brave face which I love. But jfc he has the worst timing to make these decisions. Andi already had so many other things just crashing down around her, adding his anvil to the pile was definitely an oof.
I really hope that now that they’re emphasizing both how Andi does not want to be the next ex in the lineup as well as how Jonah finds being in a relationship too demanding that it’s actually building up to a single Jonah endgame, or at the very least an ambiguous endgame. They have it pretty set in stone at this point that Andi and Jonah are fine with their friendship and that Jonah’s been getting himself into relationships he is most definitely not ready for, so with so few episodes left I can’t see how they can turn that on its heel and result in Jandi endgame without some major logic gaps. 
For the love of EVERYTHING Jonah take some time to be single. Amber always needing a boyfriend pales in comparison to you always getting a girlfriend even though you don’t even seem to want one???
Also random but I really like how his decision to not partake in the group costume paralleled 1x11 where Andi decided to not just make decisions to make Jonah happy. I feel like this episode in general paralleled bits of 1x11 here and there tbh. Maybe I’m just reading into it too much but not just Jonah and Andi making their own decisions instead of making everyone happy, but the whole costume aspect vs the prison uniforms, Cyrus wanting to back out of Mt Rushmore vs wanting to change into his own outfit for picture day, Buffy helping Cyrus find an replacement vs Buffy helping Cyrus find a way to use the prison uniform well for his picture, and Jonah not participating in Mt Rushmore just for Andi vs Andi not giving up on her movement and taking off the uniform just for Jonah are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head! I haven’t seen anyone mention it and it’s not like its a big obvious parallel, but it’s just some things I started thinking about after comparing Jonah and Andi’s ‘were we ever’-esque speeches.
Like you said, I love the develpoment they’re giving Muffy and Tyrus! Muffy’s being given time to show that they fit like puzzle pieces even after not talking for awhile and that even after they haven’t talked for awhile and left on not the best of terms, they still clearly care for eachother whatever way that is at the moment, and I can’t wait to see how they add to that care and their dynamic as we get to see the rest of Marty’s episodes in the season. Tyrus getting angst specifically related to their relationship like Muffy’s ‘I want it to be real/I don’t want it to change’, Bexie’s proposal(s) and last name decision, and Jandi’s… well Jandi’s everything since pretty much it’s always something personal blown out of proportion for Jandi is something I didn’t expect and am actually excited for the more I think about it! Like yes it’s going to pain me until the show is back, but I’m not opposed to the angst itself lol. So I’m ready to see how they grow and to what extent they grow by the finale!
Bexie not having a wedding I’m actually okay with too. Like there’s really no rush to get married, if they decide later down the line they do want to have a wedding or just want to officiate it that’s fine. They’re engaged, and they’re committed to eachother, and that’s enough for them if they can be a family. Of course, eventually they’ll probably want to go through with at least something small in the future (if you think hypothetically not with the confirmation they’re gonna have a wedding in show) that’s fine too. Honestly, considering they didn’t even go through the process of beginning to date again before proposing, I sort of think it’d be good for them if they prolong the wedding. There’s no time frame a wedding needs to occur post engagement, right?
I do feel bad for Andi though, since she was so excited and working so hard with Cece to plan for the wedding, only for it to not happen since of course it’s not her wedding and she can’t make them get married if they don’t want to. This episode was just so mean to her oh my gosh, from her parents’ marriage to her group costume, they were things she was so excited for but had to rely on others which ultimately fell through and she just can’t do anything about it really. PLUS trying to work out a friends’ relationship and make it work for them even though it’s really not something she should need to get involved with must’ve exhausted her. Trust me, I know. I know the feeling for both the being excited for something but commitments fall through and the feeling of how tiring it is trying to help friends in a relationship understand their own relationship. Lmao.
I think that was about it in response to what you said. Sorry again that it’s so frEAKING long and if you read this far (whether you’re ghostie or you’re just a random passerby on this LONG ASS POST) you a real one and I love you
I should have applied to TyrusChat with this much commentary i stg SLKAJDLKSAJ except I was too socially anxious to apply and have such disorganized thoughts to dump. Whoops.
I hope this made sense. It took me like 2-3 hrs to type this all out while discording my friends (not related to Andi Mack), so yeah. Hope this was a fun read and is somewhat coherent since it’s 2am. No proofreading we die like… dead people.
OVERALL: As you put it best...
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
Was typing my asks responses to you and tumblr crashed so i'll just do another thing 😍 i might seem like a menace for this but i can sense how much you wanna be asked and talk about yourself more🧐 this is what you call actively participating as your anon 💪💪💪 literally almost devouring the whole ask game 🤩 @ three-clover anon come and join me in devouring the whole ask game <33 (ein im sorry im feeling extra goofy 😭😭😭 feel free to not answer some questions ofc 😍) if there's no one who's gonna ask you anything then let it be me 👹👹👹
For ask game ! 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 16 because im extra, 25, 27, 29, 30.
Also if it gets too long just use the power of "read more" feature -> :read more: to put a cut 😍
— 🍰.
DID YOU ATLEAST BURP FROM DEVOURING THE ASK GAME⁉️ you got me writing in my notes maam😭👍
ask game!
(answers utc)
1. theres alot tbh, but most of them are just Taylor swift's song. for example getaway car, style and cruel summer bc we love them 🙏🙏🙏
4. im not really into flowers so i just searched and i think hydrangea and a forget me not is pretty. if i were to recieve a flower, i would care more abt the meaning and the sentimental value of it😗😗😗
6. nice things about myself?? just to let you know i spent a long time on this bc i dont say nice things abt myself 😭😭
1) im the type to go with the flow. ppl might think of me as a big ass extrovert but my man lemme tell you im more of an ambivert. i barely go out of the house just bc😔😔 and i am humble and shy in the first meetings😇😇😇 (everyone agree rn or else)
2) i think i have a lot of empathy than my irl friends. im their mom and therapist 👹⁉️
3) i would love to learn more about psychology bc i want to understand ppl and help them because mental health matters everyone ⁉️⁉️
physical (this is the part u made me think for a long time bc maam idk😭)
1) i think my eyes are okay (this is a lie)
2) i have dimples on both cheeks which i am not really a fan of but oh well (this is the truth)
3) i love my hairstyle (im starting to love the failure of my hime cut)
7. well first thing that came into mind is white and blue too?
11. i dont really think abt things like this bc 1) im not gonna date someone until i finished studying (my parents command) and 2) im not interested in anyone real bc im focused on these pixels 🙄🙄 but i would love to travel to different countries with my lover in the future but like i am broke so ill just go for a simple one, maybe just staying indoors and do domestic things like baking, painting or whatever? (i cant do all of them btw) being beside each other is enough ( ꈍᴗꈍ) wow so romantic, diluc come and date me rn
13. idk too tbh😭 but i think salted french fries and potato chips bc why not🤨🤨
16. heyy😠😠 u nice, keep going👍👍 its heartwarming that u care for a random stranger in the internet. i remember the message you gave me in dan's blog when i said i feel sick and keep throwing up, i was deeply touched fyi🙄🙄
25. kinda weird but i really to receive a cute puppy and foods! and money
27. i would want to be like those shoujo girls. like damn they're getting all these fine dudes for free🤨🤨 what abt me huh? what abt me? when is my turn to pull a yuki sohma🤨🤨 oh and ik i told you im a gold digger as a joke but i would really want to be someone rich and successful so i can buy anything i want😩🤛 they said money cant buy you happiness well money can buy food and food makes me happy🤬🤬🤬
29. i absolutely hate morning, so its between afternoon and night😍
30. i really love puppies so being with them fills me great happiness so they're home. and a breathtaking scenery and ofc my family bro😩🤛
i tried to make the answers shorter bc at this point i might write an essay😩🙏
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freedom-of-fanfic · 6 years
I'm kind of torn on the Mary Sue issue. On one hand, I don't care what anyone writes for their own amusement, but writing is still an art that does and should have standards for professionals. As someone who has degrees in writing and does it as a profession, it's a little insulting to be told that the work your poured tons of research and time into is on the same level as amateur self-insert fic. That's why I advocate for different standards for fandom vs pro work.
I feel you, anon. and I have a lot of respect for people like you who got degrees and write professionally, because words are held rather cheap with the internet being around and anyone who can get paid to write words impresses me to some degree. but:
 I’ve always felt like comparing fanfic and original fiction to be not exactly congruous? and 
I think Mary Sue suffers from maligning because she’s disproportionately evoked by the youngest/least experienced of writers.
this got … pretty long … so i’m dividing it up a little for ease.
the concept of ‘standards’
first of all, I also advocate for different standards between published/professional/marketed works and fan works, but I do so because of 1)potential spread and 2)they aren’t accomplishing the same thing.
In general, a fanwork will have limited appeal outside of the fans of the canon the work is based in; they cannot stand on their own without some additional effort. Further, fandom has its own language to some degree or another, and fanworks are frequently best understood in the context of other fanworks, like scientific papers citing other scientific papers in passing because the audience is expected to be other scientists in the field who have read it. In other words: the audience is probably fairly niche and in on the ‘lingo’. its potential damage circle is therefore relatively small. if somebody fucks up their research for a fic, it’s nbd, for instance.
On the other hand, an original work with a professional marketing team will certainly reach a much more diverse audience and probably a much larger one. It’s therefore responsible, imo, to be proportionately aware of the potential impact of the subject material and approach it accordingly (though true fiction will always have an unpredictable effect on any given individual, so there’s only so much the creator can do). I’d expect accuracy where research was done, if for no other reason than to avoid spreading false information to such a big potential audience.
and of course I’d hope that if somebody is being paid to write, their grammar/prose/proofreading will meet a certain standard of readability. (the same cannot be expected of free works done for fun that take a few minutes to post on the internet.)
having said that: standards for quality fiction writing will always be subjective. I’m always going to have questions about why The Sound and the Fury is an American classic (I couldn’t make sense of it no matter how hard I tried).  What gets published can be as simple as having good luck with the slush pile reader that day. I’ve seen fanfiction complimented with incredible research: there’s a Tokyo Babylon work-in-progress with an author who has traveled to fic-relevant locales to nail story and character details. I feel the line is blurring these days, especially because there are people who make a living off writing commissioned fanfiction now (too small-scale to be an IP concern, of course).
I think the fundamental difference between fanworks and original works is not quality of the work itself or effort expended.  It’s related to structure and aim. 
Fanworks, even AU fanworks, are like interior decoration. A 'good fanwork’, even an AU fanwork, works within a pre-built framework to elaborate on or add to or evoke what drew its audience to the framework in the first place. 
Original works build a whole new house, creating a new framework from bare construction materials to draw in and house the emotions of its readers. (and then maybe its readers decorate the house with their own fanfic.)
tl;dr: if an AU fanfic was so different from canon and the characters were so OOC that the author can shave the serial numbers off and repurpose it as an original story, it might be a great original work. But it wasn’t a very good fanfic, was it?
why is mary sue so offensive to us?
I don’t know if you’ve ever read the post Mary Sue, What Are You?, but what I keep coming back to is its iconic opening. the author describes an OC at length: orphaned as a child when her parents were killed in front of her, she decided she would dedicate her life to fighting for justice. She grew up to be rich, athletic, beautiful, sexy, angsty, a genius, undefeatable in a battle of wits and agility, and everyone who meets her is instantly lovestruck. In other words, a classic Mary Sue …
but also Batman with female pronouns.
I think one could argue that Batman is not always well-written, but the relevant point here is that Batman - and Mary Sue - might be 99.9% perfection in the shape of a human around whom the universe revolves, but if its their own canon and the universe doesn’t recognize their perfection the way the reader/writer does, it’s not really 'bad’. (And there’s something to be said about why giving this power fantasy male pronouns seems to render it so much more palatable than female pronouns, but for more on that I point you to the referenced essay.)
Your ask is worded to suggest that Mary Sue is synonymous with unprofessional writing. I … kind of agree? Mary Sue is frequently the main character of Baby’s First Fanfic, and let’s be real: Baby’s First Fanfic is often being written by somebody who might be as young (or younger than) 12-13 years old, with all the inexperience, grammar mistakes, and lack of training that suggests. and as far as characterization goes, I think that anyone who takes decent writing classes will be discouraged from writing a Mary Sue. But like Batman, Mary Sue can be a perfect princess and get away with it under certain circumstances.
I posit that Mary Sue characters (or Gary Stus) - whom I will call Flawless OCs from here - are not really a problem on their own. Further, Flawless OC is more agregious in fanfic than original works. Because what makes the Flawless OC so irritating isn’t their perfection, really: it’s what the character’s presence must do to the universe (which is, in the case of fanfic, the universe the reader came to experience in the first place) that’s the real problem.
To show what a good fighter Flawless OC is, they defeat the best canon fighter.
Flawless OC has a backstory more tragic and painful than the most tragic canon backstory, and they cope with the trauma of it better.
There’s no room for Flawless OC because canon wasn’t holding a spot open for a self-insert, so now there’s a 6th Lion or a 10th Fellowship member or a Second Child Who Survived Voldemort.
The entire universe bends to ensure Flawless OC has perfect luck; their enemies are helpless before them. Everything seems to go their way except in the chapter where the their love interest is supposed to rescue them from danger. (the rescue goes flawlessly, of course.)
Depending on the author wish that Flawless OC is meant to fulfill, Flawless OC will defeat any undefeatable enemy, solve the unsolveable problem, be the envy or lust object of any character, etc etc, often without regard for the original context of the enemy/problem or the canon personality of the character.
In short, Flawless OC usually have two major issues: 
they render canon irrelevant to glorify Flawless OC, and 
the universe constantly validates their choices to a degree that wrecks narrative suspense. 
what makes each of these things 'bad writing’ is different.
The first problem I mentioned - warping of mythos, plot, and characters to accomodate the Flawless OC - is a fanfic problem.  Canon-warping absolutely allowed, but what makes it fanfic - the canon source that acts as our shared experience and usually our main reason for being a potential audience to the fic - is almost always nigh-unrecognizable. That makes for bad fanfiction, but it doesn’t always make for bad fiction. Change all the parts of canon enough and you’ve arguably got an original work. It might even be a good original work if the author has writing skill.
The second problem - the validation of the universe - is what makes Flawless OC a dull read in any context. If Flawless OC wants something, you know they’ll get it. If Flawless OC hates someone, you know they’re going to catch hell. If Flawless OC needs to be vulnerable for their love interest, something just bad enough to make them vulnerable will befall them. The perfection of the OC is less of an issue than the lack of meaningful conflict. (A character can have no faults and still be interesting to follow if they must struggle against a universe that doesn’t care.)
to wit:
there’s a fantasy book by David and Leigh Eddings - The Redemption of Althalus - that I read long ago. it stuck with me to a peculiar degree because for a book with such a unique conceit, it was incredibly boring. This is published fiction: it had editors, a marketing team, and was written by professionals with lots of experience! But looking back, none of this saved the story from featuring Gary Stu in a universe that catered to his every need.
The main character, Althalus, is ostensibly a person in need of redemption for being such a bad person all his life and never punished for it, but he’s a loveable, quick-witted rogue almost from the start. To 'redeem’ himself, he’s tasked with saving the world from Enemies (we’re told they’re evil, but I don’t think we see them more than once or twice).  Protected by the Goddess of Luck - literally - for the entire novel, there’s never a single moment where Althalus’ victory over the Enemy is in question. He never does anything really awful that would explain his need to be redeemed (in fact, it turns out the Luck Goddess is the one who protected him from punishment all his life). The enemy is weak, forgettable, and constantly outwitted, and the protagonists, supposedly people of gray morality, never did anything worse than be snarky.
The unique conceit that kept me reading was the House at the End of the World. Being the home of the Goddess, it had doors that opened to anywhere on the planet. but for an idea with such double-edged possibilities, it turned out to be an impregnable fortress of Good. The House and its owner were the forces that bent the whole book’s universe to the inevitable triumph of the main character and his companions.
A counter-example might be Miraculous Ladybug. I’ve often wondered if Mary Sue could be written well and be likeable, and Marinette - the titular Ladybug - is probably close. She’s good at almost everything and always outwits her enemies; even when she seems confident to the point of arrogance, it’s justified by her endless successes. (Her only real flaw is being clumsy when she’s distracted, and it only happens when it’s conveniently cute. this is a walking Mary Sue cliche.) Her power is to be lucky, after all.  
However: even though everything ends up right for Marinette at the end of every episode, she’s not rewarded when she acts poorly towards others. She causes herself problems when she does. Her luck powers give her the ability to bend the universe a little, but the universe is otherwise unforgiving; she’s subjected to the same banalities as everyone else and learns to be a better person along the way.
OTOH if you put Ladybug in another canon with a makeover to recast her as Flawless OC, changing everything so she could occupy a central role like the one she has in her own series, she’d be insufferable: hence Ladybug is a solid example of how a Mary Sue can prosper provided she’s in a universe designed to both feature her and contain her powers for the sake of Good.
I apologize for how long a reply this is. Still: I hope it successfully illustrates for you that:
though original writing and fanfic writing use the same tool (words), and both can use them masterfully, what original writers like you do and what fic writers do are, in general, very different things.
And Mary Sue is what you make of her. In the right universe, she’s just a very lucky person. :)
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years
A Second Guanlin Soulmate Au
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Anon requested another Guanlin Soulmate au with pieces of Barista au mixed in, (I have no idea how there is still more soulmate keys left to write about) so yanno, here we go.
• Your soulmate sign was odd, different to many of the other signs,
• A possession, a necklace,
• I mean, the first worry is forgetting it right?
• Nah this thing is like a magnet - magic or something- if you lose it, it’ll appear around your neck again within the next minute,
• ( Y'all know Percy Jackson and his sword/pen? Like that voodoo),
• It’s quite a rare Soulmate sign, but you’re pleased with what you’ve got,
• Who needs quotes or music or tattoos when you have a literal thing to hold to signify your soulmate,
• The pendant that’s hangs on the inky black string is metal and cold and delicate,
• A light blue and silver moon littered with patterns and careful designs make your little sign one of the prettiest things you own,
• All swirls and linking patterns and quite beauty,
• A lot of people ask where you got it from,
• You just smile and say your soulmate made it for you,
• hA who could hand craft something so beautiful?
• Being the moon, it’s always cold, occasionally becoming slightly warmer on its own,
• Because it’s such a rare sign you don’t know it actually warms up when you get nearer to your soulmate,
• So you wonder around in your life peacefully, occasionally skimming people’s necks or chests to see if they also have a moon,
• Nope,
• But you’re in no rush, always quite relaxed and cheerful,
• So you’re in university Despite the threat of crushing student loans,
• But because you’re a student you’re actually broke,
• (but so is everyone else so at least you’re not totally alone),
• So you decide you’re going to have to find yourself a job,
• I mean you knew you where going to get one Anyway but you have a huge essay due and a hell of a lot of work from your course,
• Looks like you’re going to have to say goodbye to your social life rip,
• So you go scouting at all the cafes to see what they’re like and if they’re hiring,
• You had a job at a cafe in your old home so you’re pretty sure you could score one at uni as well,
• So you set off on a mission™
• You Jump around businesses because there’s many busy places,
• But you’re walking down this road and your necklace is warming up and you’re slightly surprised but used to its ‘random’ temperature changes,
• But then you spot it, seemingly glowing and calling your name, a cute cafe on the corner,
• But that could be because by now you’re Hella tired from walking around with a lot of course work to try to complete while scoping places out,
• You slide Through the door and glance around the cozy place and you swear you just walked into a fic (Whoops) because this place is too picture Perfect,
• The place is casual and bright and smells sweet with odd tables and chairs with soft music,
• The place looks to be half full of students meeting up or studying, the atmosphere relaxed,
• There must be a con - everything has a con,
• Like the very cute barista must be an idiot because if he isn’t you might cry and beg them to let you work for them,
• But oh shit how you’re wrong,
• You slide up to the counter to order a smoothie,
• (because although you’re apparently an adult now coffee hadn’t miraculously become something you crave),
• “Hey, what would you-”
• The barista spins round with a smile and as your eyes meet his beautiful ones you come to realise,
• Your necklace is near enough burning your damn chest and glowing,
• It’s hot as hell but it doesn’t actually hurt it just sorta tingles,
• Inner you is screaming that this is weird as hell you have burning metal on your chest why doesn’t it hurt,
• But it may look weird if you did that,
• So outter you is just like 'huh, you feeling this as well?’
• It’s actually funny because you can see the Batista’s own inner turmoil as well,
• So you take this moment of mutual panic to check your supposed soulmate out,
• A toll bean™
• That’ll be handy for when something’s on the top shelf,
• Or spotting him in a crowd,
• A face so delicately pretty and striking that you’re starting to question if Photoshop irl is a thing,
• Your eyes trail down to his chest, where a pendant sits on an oily black string, just like yours,
• Although there’s no moon, but A small and simple sun hangs from his neck, careful oranges and yellows and whites blend together seamlessly and in an eye-catching way, one that draws attention with an easy aura,
• Not an identical moon, but something that matches perfectly - You can’t have a moon without the sun, 
• You want to take it into your hands and examine it yourself,
• Except 1) that may be a creepy right now, factoring in the fact you’ve only just met this cute boy,
• 2) it is also slightly glowing and hot looking like yours, His is a brighter, burning glow, whereas your moon in more of a pastel glow,
• Except you do take it into your hands anyway because self control is a myth,
• The Sun is warm and sends tingles up to the top of your head and back down to the tips of your toes, making you feel like you’re floating,
• You feel him take your moon and you only hope he’s feeling the same rising absolute joy that’s filling your heart,
• You already want the absolute best for this stranger,
• This soulmate,
• You need to calm the hell down,
• “It’s just as pretty as you,”
• You’re about to call yourself out for being cringy AF with your first words but you decide to let yourself this once,
• Because if your necklaces are representatives of your soulmate, like you always had a suspicion about,
• Because there had been a rumor, and people had told you before you where cheerful and bright like the sun,
• ( A coincidence? I ThiNk nOt),
• He’s the moon - shyer, quieter, more aloof and graceful,
• Because he looks so, like the shining moon hovering in a black sky, providing the perfect amount of light to illuminate everything,
• Except he doesn’t have craters of course, 
• (although craters add a charm, a unique beauty),
• So yanno, you figured you might as well talk first,
• He laughs at that, eyes shaping into crescents and his ears turning shades redder,
• He moves his hands up to carefully run through your hair, which makes love explode in your heart and you’re automatically content with him being your soulmate,
• Honestly, someone playing with hair? A kink™
• You already know the years ahead are going to be filled with new experiences, ones that’ll make your heart ache and your head dizzy,
• An adventure calls in the eyes of your soulmate and you’re ready to explore the unknown,
• Which starts with you getting a job at that cafe the very same day,
• Honestly, it’s suspiciously perfect,
• But I guess everyone has a different perfect, so maybe it’s not so suspicious for you to find your perfect,
• You seem to co-exist so perfectly, you can work together in perfect harmony, knowing who needs help with what or how to complete an order with each other without so much as a word,
• And when it’s quite you share smoothies or sandwiches and chat or read or silently send each other memes which is true love,
• Or you listen to each other rant, or play stupid games or make up stories about the people that walk past,
• If you’re with the right person, nothing is boring,
• And you find out what it feels like to depend on someone with utter, unquestionable trust,
• But you also realise your whole life isn’t about soulmates,
• While spending time with Guanlin makes your heart race and your heart fill, if he’s in class you can still enjoy lunch with friends or walk cute dogs from a centre,
• It just makes the time together cherished,
• And because Guanlin is a goof, there’s never a moment that’s dull,
• A lot of lazing around in pajamas and blankets and in front of TV’s,
• (Because we all know Guanlin is 2nd lazy in wanna one aka very relatable ),
• Your necklaces are always a content warm when you’re together, a cold when you’re apart,
• And even when you can’t meet, you have your moon,
• A quite reminder that you have someone to lean on, someone to cheer you on,
• You have someone to support you until their arms give way and they can’t anymore,
• Although they’ll still try everything they can to give you their all,
• It’s a comfort, a soft glowing light for the darkness that occasionally appears,
• You know that time together doesn’t need to be jam packed with activities, and that sometimes quietly keeping each other company is love in its own way
We hit 800 followers yesterday, so tysm for that, It means a hell of a lot!
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deanssweetheart23 · 7 years
How come there are certain fic ideas that get written to death? Like the reader being jealous of Dean at the bar and eventually they reveal feelings. Or Dean hides his feelings because he's a hunter and doesn't think he deserves love. Ugh. I wish there were more original ideas out there.
Dearnonnie, I have no idea whether this is a genuine question of yours or justsomething implicitly pointed towards my own writing (since I have a fic very similarto jealous!reader and this just came in after I posted the announcement on mynew mini-series which includes “Dean hides his feelings because he’s a hunter anddoesn’t think he deserves love”) but in any case, I am thankful for your politeness and very happy youasked me this question because I’m majoring in English language and literatureand spent a whole semester studying theory and criticism of lit, so I feel likethis is something I can answer.
My (very long) answer is just belowthe cut..
“We say that every poet has his own peculiarformation of images. But when so many poets use so many of the same images,surely there are much bigger critical problems involved than biographical ones.As Mr. Auden’s brilliant essay The Enchafèd Flood shows, an important symbollike the sea cannot remain within the poetry of Shelley or Keats or Coleridge :it is bound to expand over many poets into an archetypal symbol of literature.And if the genre has a historical origin, why does the genre of drama emergefrom medieval religion in a way so strikingly similar to the way it emergedfrom Greek religion centuries before? This is a problem of structure ratherthan origin, and suggests that there may be archetypes of genres as well as ofimages.
An archetype should be not only a unifyingcategory of criticism, but itself a part of a total form, and it leads us atonce to the question of what sort of total form criticism can see inliterature. Our survey of critical techniques has taken us as far as literaryhistory. Total literary history moves from the primitive to the sophisticated,and here we glimpse the possibility of seeing literature as a compilation of arelatively restricted and simple group of formulas that can be studied inprimitive culture. If so, then the search for archetypes is a kind of literaryanthropology, concerned with the way that literature is informed bypre-literary categories such as ritual, myth and folk tale. We next realizethat the relation between these categories and literature is by no means purelyone of descent, as we find them reappearing in the greatest classics- in factthere seems to be a general tendency on the part of great classics to revertthem. This coincides with a feeling that we have all had: that the study ofmediocre works of art, however energetic, obstinately remains a random andperipheral form of critical experience, whereas the profound masterpiece seemsto draw us to a point at which we can see an enormous number of convergingpatterns of significance. Here we begin to wonder if we cannot see literature,not only as complicating itself in time, but as spread out in conceptual spacefrom some unseen center.
The myth is the central informing power thatgives archetypal significance to the ritual and archetypal narrative to theoracle. Hence the myth is the archetype, through it might be convenient to saymyth only when referring to narrative, and archetype when speaking ofsignificance. In the solar cycle of the day, the seasonal cycle of the year,and the organic cycle of human life, there is a single pattern of significance,out of which myth constructs a central narrative around a figure who is partlythe sun, partly vegetative fertility and partly a god or archetypal human being.”
These arepassages from Northrop Frye’s essay “The Archetypes of Literature” and the gistis that there are archetypes of stories that every single poet (or writer) followssince they are developed based on patterns of human behavior, the psychologicalanalysis of the human soul and on cultural, political and social influences.
All thegreat stories in time are based on archetypes.
Take Great Expectation by Dickens and The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald as anexample. These two works of fiction are considered to be two of the greatestliterary works ever made –and, according to me, they are, but they are bothbased upon the same archetype: A young, intelligent or talented boy withambitions falls in love with a mysterious, rather rich girl, and, influenced bypowerful, wealthy figures (Mrs. Havisham and Jason Gatsby) set out to becomerich and powerful.
The fact bothof these works play upon that archetype doesn’t take away their literary value.And there are so many more stories that follow their own archetypes (in ancientGreek tragedies, for instance, the heroes of the tragedy were always saved towardsthe end of the play by a god. It was a convention of that time, but trust me,ancient Greek tragedies are still frigging awesome because of all thesociopolitical, religious and economical information we can get out of them)
But. Archetypescan also be found within the works of the same author. Another example? Jane Austen.Four of her novels actually revolve around the same theme (which is now knownas the “myth of Jane Austen”); “All fournovels are about young women who fall in love, but eventually reject, theCharming but Worthless lover and finally marry a man whom they esteem andadmire rather than love passionately” (From Gorer’s essay “The Myth in JaneAusten”)
Does thefact she used a myth in her writing take away the fact she’s an awesome writerthat has influenced so many others –and played a part in feministic writing?No, I don’t personally think so.
Now, let’smove this within the Supernatural fanfiction world.
Here,instead of archetypes, we got tropes that writers use because they love writingthem (like jealous reader or jealous Dean). It’s not just that they’re fun towrite though. Again, these are based on patterns of human behavior and the psychologicalanalysis of the human soul since it is generally accepted that if someone flirtswith the person you got feelings for you will be upset (though the revealedfeelings part is just really amazing to write).
And when itcomes to Dean not believing that he deserves to be loved and thus, notadmitting his feelings for someone, I don’t think that’s trope per se. Deanreally doesn’t believe he deserves to be loved. Dean really doesn’t stay withthe ones he loves because he thinks he doesn’t deserve them and knows it willnever work out because he’s a hunter and because he wants to protect them (seeCassie, Lisa, J, Ben etc.). So, I think that if someone wants to write an accurateDean fic, that should be included asan essential part of his character (or if avoided, should include anexplanation as to why).
Andbesides. We all write stories based on SPN, where the characters and theirtraits, pet peeves, characteristics etc. are specific. It is only natural thatsomethings get written more than others. The most important thing is not that,but whether the way you write itmakes it special. It’s the way we tell the story that matters more than the storyitself. (Someone could have an amazing idea about a story but if the storytelling is not good, not many people will appreciate it).
Do I want toread more original ideas though? Yes. And I applaud everyone who comes up withthem and puts them perfectly into words (here, let me suggest Wake up, Sammyand Unwell by @hannahindie Escape by @impala-dreamer and As It Seems by @imagining-supernatural as four of the most original things I’ve ever readhere).
But thepoint is, those stories that get written to death? They matter, too. Because weall put our hearts and souls into our works and that should be enough.
I hope this answers your question, dear anon. Ifnot, you can always send me another ask, I’m always open to discussion.
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stimtoybox · 7 years
Image Descriptions
I’ve got two asks by anons on the same theme, so I’ll combine them into one post to save a few spoons:
Hi! I was wondering if you had a guide for writing image descriptions? Something outlining how much detailed is needed and what should and should no be included, any tips really. Thanks! 
hi! i had a couple of questions about image descriptions; do you have/have a link to a guide on how to write them properly (eg. amount of detail, how to write multiple image descriptions on one post and still be clear etc)? and if we dont have the spoons for a full description, would a simple/basic desc (eg: "a jar of blue orbeez on a wooden desk" w/ no more detail) help by giving the mods a starting point to edit from rather than writing from scratch or would it be a hindrance? 
This is actually a hard question for me to answer, because it asks me to do something I do without thinking - convert non-word information into words. In all honesty, my first response was well, just describe it which is so not helpful to anyone. For me, this is like asking someone to explain how they fall asleep - it’s an automatic process that doesn’t involve a lot of conscious decision-making.
So I let both asks lie fallow for a few days until I got past the not helpful first response and figured out what it is I actually do when I describe.
I’ll also observe that while I do need image descriptions myself (for GIFs and videos) I am not the primary target for them, so there might be needs I have forgotten or overlooked. I’m in the position of needing descriptions but still having full access to reading the text, so there’s probably a lot of issues folks who use screen readers face that I haven’t included. Please correct me if so.
First: any description is better than no description.
If you only have spoons for one line, do it and call it done, seriously. Yes, a more detailed description is preferable, but when you look at the vast amount of undescribed posts on Tumblr alone, if even a brief descriptive line makes those posts more accessible, we’re better off. We need to make Tumblr a more accessible place for everyone, so every little bit makes a difference.
(Speaking for my needs here at @stimtoybox, I can always add a description line if there’s something I think needed that the OP has left out, and I have done this in the past. That’s still less work than my having to do it myself, and I’m pretty sure the other mods will agree. Anything that means less work for us means more posts for everyone else. Right now, I have the posts to go up to posting five or six times a day easily, but we can’t format them fast enough to do so.)
I’ve tucked everything else behind a read-more cut. This is a long post and is probably best read when one has time and spoons on hand:
Second: you do not and should not describe every tiny detail in an image.
Look at an image long enough and you’ll see a chapter’s worth of detail you can describe, but nobody wants to read through or listen to a whole chapter just to know what’s in the image. To be blunt, nobody cares about the fine grain detail of the table on which your stress ball is sitting. They’re more interested in the pattern on the stress ball.
We need to describe in more detail the relevant information and in less detail the incidental information. This is all the more important for describers with limited spoons, like most of us, but it’s also important for folks who need the descriptions but don’t have the spoons to read a paragraph for one relevant sentence.
To figure out what’s description-worthy, as in what the majority of your description should focus on, you might want to ask yourself these questions:
- Who is the image for?
- What is the image about?
Take any photo on this blog as an example: this photo is for stimmers, about a given stim toy, and its purpose is to show people what this toy looks like and, often, how it might be used. That tells you immediately what your focus is. Often, it’s the central object in the image, as we have a long history of indicating importance by putting something in the centre of a composition. However, it could also be several stim toys or people; chances are high that any single image is actually about a few different things at once.
Next, we move on to details we think people are going to want to know:
- What do the subjects of the image look like?
This can be broken down into a few different categories:
- Colour: what colour or colours is the subject?
- Shape: is it rounded? Angular? Cube, rectangular, circular? How many different shapes comprise it?
- Texture: is it soft? Hard? Fuzzy? Prickling? Protruding?
- Size: how much bigger, longer or wider is the subject compared to any other items in the photograph?
(Stim toy review shots often have the toy beside a coin or credit-card-sized card for scale, so describe the difference between that item and the toy.)
- Text: is there any text in the image, particularly on labels, signs or packaging? Include this, especially if it conveys meaningful information!
- Material: plastic? Wool? Wood? Metal? How many different materials comprise it? How is it put together?
- Expression: does it look happy? Sad? Indifferent?
Less relevant for stim toys, more relevant for animals/people. I don’t just mean facial expression here, but body language as well. The difference between a dog growling and a dog lying on its side sunbaking is something people will want to know.
- Is there anything in the background that impacts the subject?
For stim toys, this often isn’t the case. You can write a short line referencing the background or, if you need to save spoons, exclude it. This is where you don’t need to go full-on detail, because it isn’t necessary to the information the image is trying to impart. A reference is good, as it goes some way to giving the reader the whole visual experience, but this shouldn’t be the focus of your description if it has nothing or little to do with the subject. Contrarily, for a landscape shot of mountains, the background is as much the subject if not the subject, so it should be described with more detail.
- Is there anything in your description irrelevant to the subject?
For example, glare, flash, an out-of-focus shot, two sentences describing the wood grain of the table on which the Tangle is sitting. If your description is already tending to the long (more than a paragraph), these are the sorts of things that are first to be cut because they don’t aid in conveying meaning. If you do include these things in your description, keep them to brief mentions: they should not be the focus.
- Is my description too long to be readable?
The general rule is this: the longer the description, the more incidental/extraneous detail you need to cut (and the more formatting it will need, see below). The more photos in one post, like a long photoset, the more you need to cut detail that isn’t absolutely relevant, since nobody is going to read or listen to ten paragraphs of description about said photoset.
This is why I dislike information posts here on Tumblr that contain upwards of say ten images: they’re difficult to describe properly without creating an essay-length description that even folks who need that description won’t bother accessing. Conversely, the amount of information needed to be cut to make the description readable means the folks who need those descriptions just aren’t getting enough information. The very format of these posts makes them impossible to make fully accessible.
(It’s different on other websites, especially for things like tutorials and essays, where you can put the description as alt text and it’s broken up by the body text itself. When you’re forced to put image descriptions as one separate section of text, as here on Tumblr, it is a problem.)
If you want your post to convey information and be accessible to the majority of people, consider the amount of images in your post. This post is an example of why a large amount of images render the post, when described, absolutely inaccessible. You’re better off to make a few smaller posts, that can be described with readable/listenable descriptions, than one massive post, even if you tuck the descriptions under a read more.
- What is the image trying to convey to its audience?
This is less relevant for stim toys, more relevant for photos of animals/people, comics, anything where the image is doing more than conveying factual information. When an image is telling a story, check if the factual descriptions do communicate that story. Your description should be doing, as much as possible, the job of the image, which means conveying information or telling a story.
When describing, keep asking yourself: if I couldn’t see this image, what would I want to know? A description that answers that question without becoming an essay is a good description.
Third: formatting is important.
Paragraphing: in most cases, anything more than ten lines a paragraph will result in nobody reading it. Humans have short attention spans, even more so for non-fiction/non-creative/informative writing, like web writing. Not to mention that many disabilities make processing slabs of text difficult if not impossible. If your description runs longer than ten lines, break it up somewhere. Also, if you need to break up your paragraph, that’s a good sign that your description might be long enough to go under a read more cut.
Make sure you’ve got a line space between each paragraph. Anyone who reads your description (me, for example, if you’ve described a GIF) is used to the standard online formatting of a line space between paragraphs, and just starting a new line throws off the brain’s ability to realise you’ve paragraphed. It will still look like an unreadable block of text, and I can promise you that I won’t read it (can’t read it, in fact). Which is a waste of your time, sadly, since you mean the best, but that’s how much formatting does matter.
(Tumblr mostly adds line spaces between paragraphs automatically for you if you’re typing in rich text mode; you’ll need to add the HTML for paragraphs if you’re in HTML mode. Just add <p> to the start and </p> to the end of each paragraph.)
Indicating: use some indication (usually the words “image description” and brackets) that the description is not the body text, as that signals to sighted readers that they can skip past it. I use squared brackets [] because they’re not in common use in prose/non-mathematical text. I dislike the use of rounded brackets () because they’re in common use, so my brain thinks the description is body text. I realise it a few seconds later, but if we can tell the brain immediately that the text is optional, it’s easier on the reader, especially if they have limited spoons for text processing.
This one is subtle editing; I know most people don’t think about how much text formatting guides and alerts the reader, but there’s a reason we stick to some norms in English. The brain gets very used to certain styles and punctuation conveying meaning, and folks with developmental disorders in particular might find it hard to understand meaning without these cues or have to work harder to get that meaning. Speaking from personal experience!
Numbering: in most cases for multi-image posts, you’ll need to mentally assign a number to the post (left to right, top to bottom) and describe those pictures in order. This is for folks who can see images but need the text to help with processing; if they’re not in order, it’s ridiculously confusing. Start each description with the number of that photo and break each description up into a new paragraph. Here’s an example on my sensory room post.
The exception for this is when there’s only a few images or those images aren’t very different from each other. Then, to save spoons (as I have few myself) I’ll describe the subject of the image and then how it differs in each photo, often in a single paragraph. Here’s an example on a slime post. I admit that this is a less-clear way of describing, but it saves a few spoons!
I’m sure there’s something I’ve forgotten, anons, but this has taken me quite a few spoons. If there’s something confusing or there’s a question I haven’t properly answered, ask and I’ll do my best to answer/answer properly.
Likewise, if folks who use screen readers want to add corrections or changes, please do so!
- Mod K.A.
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