#angst sort of
justaz · 1 month
post magic reveal, post magic ban lifted, arthur gets to see merlin in all his glory and somehow falls deeper in love with him than he ever thought possible. merlin who is free and accepted and loved and ecstatic by it all, but there's that thought lingering in the back of his mind that only half of their destiny has been fulfilled. magic has returned to camelot but albion is still fractured in many different kingdoms, many of which are still holding onto the hate that uther spread which is seeping into the very fabric of the earth itself. druids and magic users and even magic creatures are still persecuted all across the realm and yeah camelot opened her arms to them but not everyone trusts it (justifiably).
arthur who is choking on the sheer amount of love he has for merlin and promising himself that he'll tell merlin, he'll confess, even if he feelings aren't reciprocated. merlin will know. merlin who has been chewing on an idea for some time now and is planning on bringing it up to arthur. its night as merlin is dressing arthur for bed and they're both quiet and tense. they break at the same time and end up speaking over one another. arthur allows merlin to go first since his nerves are eating away at him. then merlin speaks of leaving.
arthur feels his nerves rot and decay and fall into a bottomless pit. merlin is rambling about how every magical being in albion is still being targeting by various kingdoms and as the prophesied emrys, magic incarnate, druid king, should he not be doing more to help? he doesn't want to leave arthur's side, but he does want to help his people. he's seen only a fraction of the atrocities committed against them and he wishes to protect them, give them somewhere completely safe, a kingdom of magic so to speak. he promises that he'll only be gone for as long as it takes to establish a kingdom (a year? two? three?) but he promises to write and visit often...as long as arthur gives him permission and allows him to leave his service for the time being.
arthur of course agrees, half unhappy about it but completely understanding. surely, out of everyone, he is the one who can understand the weight of responsibility weighing on merlin's shoulders. he mentions that merlin will need someone with experience wearing the crown to guide him. plus, balance. merlin was always there for arthur, guiding him on how to be a better man, a great king, someone worthy of the praise he constantly spewed. it's only right that arthur gets to return that by helping merlin establish a safe haven and home for his people. and politically, camelot being the first kingdom to recognize merlin's and establish some trade agreement or treaty with them will strengthen merlin's kingdom's status and send a message that camelot stands with magic.
merlin smiles wide and asks what arthur was going to say. the king hesitates before biting his tongue and requesting that merlin bring up the honey cakes that had been prepared earlier that night. two of them. since merlin was no longer in his service, he didn't have to stand by and watch arthur eat - not that he ever did, the idiot loved to steal his food. shamelessly!! he never even tried to hide it. they both sat at the table in his chambers until late in the night, nibbling away at the sweets, chasing it down with wine, and chatting away.
arthur wasn't able to confess, but it did not change his feelings. if anything, merlin's heart and the decision he made only added fuel to the raging inferno of love and devotion within arthur. he knows that merlin will keep in contact and will return to his side one day. he gets through the tough days/nights by rereading merlin's letters and imagining seeing him again in royal garb and donning a crown.
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kikipancakes · 9 days
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Gentle persuasion
A veeeeeery loose sequel to this (x)
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
After Jason’s resurrection he finds that his body works… wrong somehow.
Some days he forgets to breathe until he wants to say something and finds there’s no air in lungs. Other days his body goes eerily cold until someone points out that his lips are blue and he needs to warm up.
And some days his heart stops beating in his sleeps.
It’s fine, really. It always starts again eventually a short while after he wakes up. And yeah, of course it was a bit scary the first couple times it happened but it’s not like his resurrection and Pit-dip came with an instruction manual, so this is probably pretty normal stuff, all things considered. He is kind of the definition of “undead”.
The real trouble starts when he forgets to mention those little details to the Batfamily when he stays over for the night.
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Danny couldn't really explain why he always answered this specific summoning ritual. It was like a feeling. One of warmth. Of a mug of hot cocoa in your hands and a nice weighted blanket dropped around your shoulders as a fire blazed in the hearth in front of you, keeping the chill in the rest of the room at bay.
Danny always lost himself in the sensation and found himself back in that stupid circle of protection with that same wierd guy demanding answers. But Danny didn't know anything about a "Lazarus Pit" or a "Pit Madness" let alone a cure for it. Even if he did he wasn't going to tell Red Robin anything after all the times he'd used the marriage summoning spell to get him here.
Earlier on Red had explained it was the only spell known to thier universe that could summon an entity from "The Lazarus Dimension" Which he guessed was another name for the ghost zone and Phantom was the only one to ever be summoned.
Danny couldn't help but wonder why...
After escaping Bird boy and his supernatural pop quiz (oh look, another test for him to flunk) he returns home only to discover his parents had seen him get summoned and accused him of being a ghost that replaced thier baby boy.
Naturalally the next time Red Robin had summoned Phantom he was angry. He was tired and dirty from being on the run from his parents, his worlds US government, and Vlad. Not to mention his own rogues gallery didn't exactly cut him any slack.
So Danny decided that if Red Robin wanted to abuse the power of a marriage ritual than the very least he can do is put his money where his mouth is.
Danny grinned and exited the magic circle, taking delight in Reds widening eyes before he lunged. A kiss sealed the deal, making sure Danny had a safeish place to stay.
After all, married couples in the infinite realms were obligated and even compelled to protect and care for eachother.
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dank-meme-legend · 2 years
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Too Much, Too Much
Word Count: 2,298
As Ava has gotten older, she's learned to deal with the buzzing fluorescent lights and itchy t-shirt tags of the world.
But there are some days where the tag in her shirt feels like a tiny piece of sandpaper itching at her back and the lights in the school building buzz like a swarm of bees.
A day just like today.
The day had been rough from the beginning, with Ava dreaming and sleeping hard, waking up after her alarm had already gone off a few times.
She isn't late to the bus, but she's always early.
So, for her, being on-time for the bus is being late, in a way that only makes sense in her mind.
The adrenaline and worry from being late sets her up to feel off all day long.
Her walk, or hasty sprint, to the bus stop is uncomfortable, because it's oddly humid outside for mid-November.
The air is warm with a slight breeze and it makes Ava uncomfortable whether she wears a jacket or not.
If she wears it, she's too hot, feeling sticky and gross in her own skin.
If she doesn't wear it, the thin hairs on her arms stand up with goosebumps when the aforementioned slight breeze blows past her, sending a sudden chill up her back.
It's too late to take it back home, so she settles with leaving her jacket unzipped and continues to make her way to the bus stop.
Despite how overwhelmed and tired she feels, Ava does try to shake it off, brush sleeping in and rushing to get dressed as a simple accident, and the confusing weather as no fault of her own.
She takes a deep breath once she takes her seat on the bus, pulling her pair of wireless earbuds out of the front pocket of her backpack and turning them on.
Bluetooth pairing...
Bluetooth connected...
For a few short minutes, things are looking up, like Ava can really brush everything off and have a good day-
Battery low...
That message interjects the music every couple of seconds, but she still tries to push through.
Halfway to school, her earbuds die completely and she sits on the bus with dead earbuds and no music to block out the sound of the painful screech noise the bus makes every time it stops to pick up a handful of students.
Ava trudges into school, her mood diminished.
The lights that line the ceiling of the hallways are normally never an issue, for Ava doesn't pay them any mind.
But today, they're too bright and they make a faint buzzing noise that she knows no one else can hear.
She keeps her head low, pushing past the buzzing hallway lights and the chattering, bustling students that are talking way too loud this morning.
To her delight, she makes it to her first period home room on time, which eases her mind and improves her mood for the time being.
Even though she feels a tiny bit better, her face looks dreary, which Lilly notices the second she sees her.
Sitting right next to her, Lilly leans towards her desk, asking softly,
"Hey, are you feeling alright? You don't look too good."
Ava looks at Lilly for a second and her heart feels heavy in her chest, as if it's filled with sand.
She never wants to worry Lilly, the same as Lilly never wants to worry her, and by the looks of it, Ava has already failed at not worrying her.
Lilly looks concerned and worried, very worried.
"No," Ava mumbles truthfully, "Today... today hasn't been good. Everything is too much and I hate it."
On the days where every sensory thing that surrounds Ava is too much, too loud, too bright, too itchy, too anything, Lilly knows she can't stop it, she can't make the lights stop buzzing and she can't go around quieting people's chattering down.
But to the best of her abilities, she helps Ava get through the day.
"I'm sorry." Lilly replies with a sympathetic look in her eyes.
"It's not your fault. I'm the one who woke up late."
Lilly doesn't understand, and has never understood, why Ava sees being on time as being late, but she doesn't say anything about it.
It makes sense to Ava and that's that.
What she does understand is that Ava doesn't control what days become bad sensory days.
Some days, she just wakes up with the sun being too bright and the blankets on her bed being too warm and suffocating.
Home room goes by slowly and halfway through it, Ava shrugs off and stuffs her jacket into her backpack.
It's too much, too hot, even when it's left open now that she's in the school building.
The bells rings and Ava and Lilly walk together to the math hallway, where they have classes two doors down from each other.
Ava holds Lilly's hand loosely and squeezes it when the two of them get to Lilly's math class.
"I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Lilly tells her, "Do things the best you can, Ava. I believe in you."
Ava shows her a small smile,
"Thanks, I'll see you at lunch."
With an exchange of, "I love you"s, Ava walks into her math class.
Math already isn't her strong suite, and the tiredness from the start of the day doesn't make it any easier.
But, she manages to not shred her worksheet up in frustration as she continues on, surviving through second and third period, and finally getting to make her way down to the cafeteria.
Maybe a half-hour spent with her friends will boost her mood enough to get her through the remaining three periods after lunch.
But, Ava freezes in the doorway of the cafeteria and her appetite leaves without a second thought.
She feels like she might throw up.
Have the lights in the cafeteria always been this damn bright? This damn loud?
She can vaguely, very vaguely, hear Lucas happily calling for her from their lunch table,
"Ava! Hey! What're you waiting for? Come sit down!"
She wants to talk with him and Rose and Lilly, but her stomach is aching and churning.
Something bad will happen, either her throwing up or something worse, if she stays in the cafeteria for another moment.
So, she makes a sharp one-eighty turn and briskly walks towards the library, where the lights are dim and don't buzz and students aren't allowed to talk above a whisper.
She takes a seat on the floor behind the fantasy section, while the nausea in her stomach begins to settle.
For the first time today, she can breathe.
In and out, in and out, in and out.
She leans her head against the wall and shuts her eyes for a minute.
In and out, in and out, in and-
"Ava, are you okay? We saw you rush out of the cafeteria."
Ava startles and her eyes shoot open, wide and panicked.
Lucas, Lilly, and Rose are all crouched around her in a sort of semi-circle.
She doesn't want to worry any of them, but she also doesn't want to lie.
"I'm okay, it's just too much in there, it's loud and bright."
There's an emphasis on bright.
Her eyes are strained enough with her poor eyesight, she doesn't need buzzing lights to strain them any further.
"Right, Lilly told us today has been one of those days for you." Rose says, nodding, "Do you want us to stay here with you?"
"You can't eat in here, so, so, no. But thank you. I'll be fine." Ava answers, looking up at all three of her friends.
"Are you sure?" Lilly asks, a mixed bundle of emotions painted on her face that Ava can't really read.
"Yeah, I'm sure." Ava says with a halfhearted nod.
She's left alone in the quiet peace of the library.
The peace can only last so long, because she has to go back into the hell that is the school hallways today when the bell for fifth period rings.
Ava's final class of the day, seventh period Earth science, comes after fifth and six period give her more things to focus on than the work she is given.
More lights that buzz and students who talk too loud.
She shares her seventh period with Lilly, though since the seating chart is made alphabetically, they sit ten seats, two rows of desks, apart.
There are some days where the two of them are allowed to sit together for partner work, but today is not one of those days.
She sits by herself, working on a study guide for a quiz next Friday.
The scratch, scratch, scratching of pencils against paper and the even worst scrape, scrape, scraping of ink pens against paper is all she can think about, the same goes for the clock above the classroom door.
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
Her stomach grumbles, feeling empty and achy, like she hasn't eaten in days.
She couldn't eat in the library, so she didn't eat at all.
She asks to use the restroom before long, walking out of the room as quickly as she can.
For once in her life, she lies.
It's not a huge, life-ruining lie, she simply wanders down the hallway and doesn't turn to go to the restroom.
She keeps walking forward, reaching a stairwell and going into it, all the senses and too much-ness of today getting to her.
Her aching stomach and heavy heart don't help, hurting and twisting in her.
Ava doesn't know how much time has passed as she stares blankly at the wall in front of her, but she can hear soft footsteps coming from behind her.
There Lilly stands, looking down at her with a look of relief on her face.
Ava also hadn't noticed the overwhelmed and exhausted tears that had brimmed in the corners of her eyes and then trickled down her face.
She blinks hard and Lilly sits next to her in the stairwell.
"What-What're you doing here?" She asks, her voice comes out soft, soft and tired.
"I was told to check on you, you were- well, here for fifteen minutes."
"Oh... I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?"
Ava looks at Lilly and feels a few more years drip from her eyes.
"Because, because I've tried to just deal with today and get through it, but God, it is not easy, Lilly," She spits out, her voice shaking and sounding gravely with every word she enunciates.
Lilly reaches over to put her arm over Ava's shoulder and Ava doesn't push her away, continuing on, "I didn't eat lunch with you like normal and I've never done that before and I'm sorry that you had to- have to see my like this."
Ava is holding onto the gemstone of her necklace, rubbing it with her thumb repeatedly.
Up and down, up and down, up and down.
"Ava, I know these days aren't easy for you, I know it's not easy. You don't have to apologize for helping yourself. If the cafeteria was too much, then you helped yourself by getting out of it." Lilly tells her, watching Ava’s face soften a bit at her words, “I want to help you through your bad days, like you help me.”
Ava takes a deep breath, her eyes are set in the distance, gazing at the wall clock and the other stairs in front of her.
“Thank you for, for understanding. You do help me and, and I appreciate it a lot.”
She does appreciate Lilly’s help.
She appreciates her understanding and her kind words and moments like this, where Lilly talks and helps her get out of her own spiraling thoughts when her mind is overwhelmed and overstimulated.
Ava leans into the feeling of Lilly’s arm around her and that helps, it helps to ground her as she continues to breathe steadily.
There’s silence between them, but it isn’t unwelcome.
They’re together, with Lilly helping Ava and being with her.
But when the silence goes away, it’s stopped when Ava is ready.
“What time is it?” She asks, squinting at the clock on the wall.
“Almost two, we’ll have to back soon.”
“I know…”
“Do you think you’ll be alright when we go back?”
Ava will have to go back to the grating noises of pencils and pens on paper and the ticking clock and the buzzing lights, which she isn’t happy about in the slightest.
But she’s calm now, genuinely calm now that she isn’t carrying any ill feelings about Lilly helping her get through today.
She can get through twenty minutes.
She can think about right now, in the vacant, dimly lit stairwell.
She can think about where she’ll be when the twenty minutes are over, in Lilly’s car, listening to soft music from the radio and feeling the soothing motion of the car as it moves down the road.
She looks at Lilly and smiles tiredly,
“I’ll be alright.”
Lilly smiles back at her.
They meander their way back to the Earth science classroom and take their seats.
Ava makes it through the twenty remaining minutes of class and soon enough, she’s in Lilly’s car on the way home, leaning her head back on the seat’s headrest and breathing deeply, calmly.
As hard as it was, she’d survived with the help of Lilly and her friends.
She knows this isn’t the last bad sensory day she’ll have, where everything is awful and too much in every sense of that phrase, but she knows she can get the help she needs, she’s got the best friend-slash-girlfriend in the world to help her through anything.
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hairmetal666 · 9 months
Eddie Munson gets famous at fifteen, after a YouTube video goes viral.
He's the kind of famous where he can't leave his house without being mobbed; where his name is plastered across grocery store tabloids and every fifth Pop Crave post; who has to make special arrangements with stores, whose body guards have body guards, who's forgotten what it's like to be normal. He's the kind of famous with well-chronicled stints in and out of rehab
And he thinks, at thirty, why not do a reality show? Why not let everyone in the world into his life because they're there anyway?
There's this guy on the crew, beautiful as a fucking sunrise. He's all golden-tanned and chestnut-haired, with these big hazel eyes that makes Eddie stomach swoop deliciously whenever they happen to meet his.
His name is Steve.
And Eddie, well. He's learned his lesson about jumping into relationships. So, Steve is nice to look at, and that's all there is to it.
They're at the studio, and Eddie, he only smokes when he's recording but he's "not allowed" to do that inside. So, he steps out into the alley behind the building, eyes falling shut as he hands search his pockets for his pack of Camels and his Zippo.
"I didn't realize you smoked," a deep voice says from the darkness.
Eddie startles, eyes flying open. Steve is leaning against the brick of the building, cigarette perched between his pursed lips.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I'm Steve. With the crew."
"Eddie," he answers by instinct.
"I know," Steve chuckles. His hazel eyes are golden in the yellow streetlight.
"Oh, right." He lights his cigarette and inhales deep.
"I really like what you're doing in there." Steve nods his head towards the studio.
"You a fan?"
"Never listened to you much before. Not really a metal kinda guy, but I like it."
People aren't usually honest with Eddie. It's refreshing.
"Glad you're getting into it! How's your--uh, job going?"
Steve laughs. "First assistant camera, that's my job." Eddie's expression must read a total blank, but Steve only smiles. "I make sure everything's in focus while we film"
"Is that--hard?"
"Sometimes," Steve agrees. "How do you like being the star of a reality show?"
Eddie huffs out a breath. "It's more fun than I expected. Like, sure it's weird to have you guys follow me around, but at least I invited you, you know?"
Steve's dark eyes are fathomless in his perfect face. "You'll let me know? If anything happens that you don't like?"
Eddie nods, taken aback by the serious line of Steve's pretty mouth. Before he can respond more, the back door creaks open, Gareth's backlit shape leaning into the alley. "Eddie? They're ready for you."
"Duty calls." He smiles at Steve as he stomps out his cigarette. "See you around."
Eddie goes to a house party in the hills. It's just a handful of people, all of them he's known for years, no cameras in sight.
Someone asks how things are going with the band. Eddie doesn't think anything of it. Why should he, among friends? Why should he when they already know the resentment that Gareth, Jeff, and Freak have for him? Eddie got signed and not his band. The guys--they never really forgave him, think he could have tried harder.
So, he says--he says--"I wish they didn't resent me so goddamn much still. To this day! They're millionaires and they're pissed at me? Fuck that. I got them here. I got us all here."
They're filming the next day at Eddie's house. He's working on a new song, engrossed in his acoustic and his notebook.
He's so in the zone, it takes him a second to register when Gareth bursts into the house.
"Fuck you, Munson," Gareth screams. "What the fuck is this shit?" Eddie's own voice pours from Gareth's phone, and Eddie's stunned speechless for dozens of seconds as he tries to comprehend what's happening.
"I didn't--" he tires. He raises his hands placatingly, but his minds a whirlwind, thoughts a tangle, heart a mess of betrayal and hurt and fear.
"We should be fucking grateful?" Gareth yells. "You spoiled piece of shit, fuck you!" He lunges towards Eddie, but Steve darts from behind the camera, moving to block Gareth's path.
"Stop filming," Eddie shouts. He lifts his arms to block the shit. "Get out," he snaps at the crew. " Now!"
He and Gareth scuffle towards a set of double-doors, heated words low and unintelligible.
"Don't come in." He tells the crew. "Steve, I mean it. Tell them to stop."
Eddie shoves Gareth into the other room, slamming the door behind him. Still, the mics pick up the screaming fight between the two men.
Hours later, Eddie finally makes his way back to the main part of the house, finds Steve standing at the kitchen island.
"Why are you still here?" He's too exhausted from the fight to put any inflection into it.
"I was wo--I wanted to make sure everything was okay," Steve says. He relaxes against the island. "Are yo--is everything okay?"
Eddie's laugh is humorless. "Something like that."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
The tears he kept at bay with Gareth prick at his eyelids until they burn. "Not really, no."
Steve nods. "We could--you wanna watch a movie?"
This startles a laugh out of Eddie, one that has tears flooding his eyes and he has to blink fast, look down, anything so Steve doesn't notice.
"You know what I want?" he says. It's soft enough that maybe Steve, across the kitchen, wouldn't hear.
"To have friends who won't sell me out for a couple thousand bucks." The tears start falling, his throat choked with emotion.
He wants to stop, embarrassed to be crying in front of Steve, but now that he's started, sobs shake his shoulders and he can't keep quiet.
Steve reaches for him. "Is this okay?" he whispers, hands rubbing circles against his back.
Eddie nods, cries for a while as Steve makes soothing motions against his back.
"I just wish I was normal," he mumbles when he has words again.
Steve's hold on him tightens. "I'm sorry, Eddie."
Shame hits him then, too hard to ignore, and he steps away. "I'm gonna--I'm gonna go. I--Thanks again."
He ignores the sound of Steve calling him back.
Eddie's playing a show. He's playing a show in a small club, something he hasn't been able to do for years, but he's doing it right now. It's electric, vibrating through his body, the crowd screaming along with every word.
So much of this is because of Steve, and Eddie can't think about it, because men like Steve aren't for guys like Eddie.
As he plays, his eyes scan the small crowd, find Steve easily. He's gazing at Eddie, lips slicked pink and parted, eyes shining. Eddie knows this look; the naked desire obvious. A heat he never lets himself feel for Steve blooms low in his abdomen, but--
He wails into his mic, forcing his thoughts away from that path. He has a show to play, one that's pumping his veins full of satisfied adrenaline. Nothing can ruin it.
When the show ends, Eddie is high, endorphins and adrenaline pounding through his bloodstream.
Eddie, the band, and the film crew make their way out the club's backdoor. There's a car idling close by, but they only get a few steps in before there's shouting; the ear-shattering click of dozens of camera shutters; overwhelming burst of flashes.
Eddie is disoriented, dizzy; the rapid shift from the best night he's had in years, to this, mobbed by paparazzi, people screaming his name, crowding their small group. He stumbles, black spots still obstructing his vision.
Arms catch around him, holding him steady. "You okay?" Steve asks.
Before he can answer, one of the paps yells, "Munson's wasted! Can't even walk!"
"C'mon, Ed, I've got you," Steve says.
"Just get into the booze, Munson, or someone had Molly too? Maybe a little coke? That used to be your thing, right? Snort a little blow and do a show?"
Eddie tenses, almost stops, but Steve keeps him going.
The crowd surges around them, more voices yelling, more flashbulbs popping, the guy saying, "He can't even stand without help! You got a real problem you know?"and he just--can't anymore. He whirls out of Steve's grasp, lunges for the guy.
"What's your fucking problem, man?" Eddie hisses. "What did I do to you, huh?"
"Real tough, Munson, huh?" The man sneers. He shoves Eddie hard, knocking him back a few steps.
Eddie's vision fuzzes out, brain buzzing. He snarls, knows he does, knows he's losing it, can't make it stop.
Strong arms wrap around his waist, pull him off his feet. He fights it until he's pressed into a wall, until cold hands cup his face.
"Baby, baby, you have to calm down," Steve murmurs. "You have to breathe, can you do that for me?"
"I want--he can't--I--"
Steve presses harder against him, bodies joined. "You're having a panic attack, yeah? Can you breathe with me, baby? Match me?"
Eddie nods, tries, wants to be good for Steve.
He calms, as much from the breathing exercise as being held by the most beautiful man he's ever seen. Pressing his face against Steve's neck he says, "why are you always around for my worst moments? I'm such a fucking mess."
"I don't think you're a mess," he says. "I think you've gotten hurt, you've gotten cornered. And your reactions are normal."
"Why do you even care?" Eddie asks.
Steve doesn't even pause. "Cause I like you, Eddie." His hold tightens for a second. "I like you a lot."
Eddie scoffs. "Yeah, you like Eddie Munson, the hot rockstar. Not the loser who cries in your arms"
Cold air hits Eddie as Steve steps away to meet Eddie's eyes. You want to know something? I didn't expect to like you at all. I admit, I bought into all the stories on the internet. But you were never anything like that, Ed. Not even once."
Steve takes a deep breath, turning away as his cheeks grow pink. "And you--you're always going out of your way for people. The day I knew I was gone for you? Three weeks into filming. There was this kid interning. You didn't know a thing about him, just some twenty-year-old, and you sat down and talked to him. Were genuinely interested in everything he said."
"Steve," Eddie's voice breaks. He has to cover his mouth, lips a wobbling mess.
"I want to give you normal, Eddie, as much as I can. If you'll let me."
The moisture tumbles free from his eyes, streaking down his cheeks. Eddie laughs. "God, Steve, you're--I like you, too."
Steve brushes the tears away. "So, you'd go on a date with me?"
"I think I would really like to go on a date with you, yeah."
Steve leans in, slow and gentle, placing a soft kiss at the corner of Eddie's mouth. It lights him up like a fresh struck match, nerve endings on fire. He thinks it's so much more than like already.
"Take me home, sweetheart," he says.
"Getting fresh with me, Munson," Steve smirks. "I won't have you using your rockstar wiles to seduce me."
Eddie's laugh echoes off the brick of the surrounding buildings. "Oh, sweetheart, my rockstar ways will destroy you."
"That a promise?"
Six months later, the first and only season of Welcome to Hell premieres. Instead, of chronicling a rockstar's debauched and wild lifestyle, it's a soft and charming love story. It shows Steve and Eddie growing closer, Steve working late into the night, to give Eddie the hint of normalcy he's so desperate for, to make him happy. It shows Eddie's eyes track Steve across a room, something like sadness crossing his face. It shows a concert that Steve arranged, the fight with the pap outside the venue, brief glimpses of Steve and Eddie in the aftermath, the gentle kiss.
In the last interview of the season, the producer asks Eddie if there will be a season two of Welcome to Hell.
Eddie smiles, glances off camera, which pans to find Steve in worn jeans and a Metallica hoodie, hair messy and wearing glasses. He gazes at Eddie, smiles this soft, aching thing.
"Nah, I don't think I need it anymore," Eddie answers. Throwing the camera a smile that matches Steve's.
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cringelordofchaos · 2 months
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//• 'unbreakable' bond...
(based on the bad ending of STH 2 8bit / for the SMS/SGG)
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beansandshrooms · 1 month
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"We'll both be unforgivable!"
"You always were the nicer of the two of us."
Why did I think that Jophiel's face being a solid color would make the whiteboard easier?! I should have known better!?
Anyway! @asleepyy 's Oopsie Omens au broke me. It's amazing! You should read it! How is it that I know the plot of the book and the show, and I'm *still* anxious to find out what happens next!?! It's an AU where everything is almost exactly the same minus one key difference!?!? I know what will happen next! But also, I don't.
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stroobae · 3 months
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don’t say that she needs him, that she needs him
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ruporas · 10 months
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that one trope for high school au... (ID in alt)
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kovalitics · 1 year
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Some Donnie angst because why not
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joaniejustwokeup · 5 months
DPxDC Prompt:
The next blow sent the human tumbling into the wall. It wheezed and spat up a gob of blood, pulling itself up on trembling arms and legs.
“So this is the mortal who captured our young king’s attention. The so-called warrior who he trusted with the sacred duty of guarding his core.”
A shadowed hand pinned it to the wall and it uselessly pawed at the blade-like claws pressed against its fragile throat.
“How a weakling like you seduced High King Phantom, I’ll never know.”
The human squeezed its eyes shut. I’m sorry Danny, it mouthed with cracked and bleeding lips.
The impudence.
Slammed into the ruined bricks once more, the human let out a breathless cry.
“You dare address him like that. You dare to call upon his living name!” Dagger sharp teeth dripped shadowy ectoplasm inches from the mortal’s flesh.
“I’m doing him a favor, disposing of you.”
There was silence.
The human looked up with glowing green eyes.
A wave of unearthly force erupted from its body.
A dual layered voice echoed out from its miserable throat.
“Oh you just made a BIG mistake.”
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getosugurusbangs · 4 months
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bleaching the bathtub puts me at ease.
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gomzdrawfr · 5 months
that's all I ask
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limbel · 2 days
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🏳️‍🌈 day 2 ~ love in his eyes
sometimes love is fire and it consumes and devours and burns everything to the ground
sometimes love hurts before it gives you the chance to know that it's there
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 days
What if in the big first disaster mini-arc of season 8, Tommy's helicopter crashes close to where the 118 are. Gerrard decides that the helicopter, and everyone that is in it, is a lost cause and that they shouldn't be wasting resources or his team trying to help anyone out of the crash. What if the entire team mutinies to go find Tommy, his team, his helicopter, and the patients he was transporting?
What if the people in the helicopter crash are scattered - some in the helicopter, some flung out of it? What if Tommy was one of the people flung out of the helicopter; lost and out of range?
What if the 118 manages to find the helicopter, only to see that Tommy is missing? But they have to secure the scene, they have to call for back up, they have to make sure everyone still in the helicopter is okay. But maybe Hen takes over the scene and tells Chimney and Buck to keep searching the woods for other survivors.
And Buck feels guilty that he's relieved that Hen chose him to go sift through the woods of this mountain for other survivors, but there's really no time to think about that. There's no time at all.
Lives are on the line.
Tommy is out there.
And in the woods, Tommy is hurt. He's hurt, but he can hear someone calling for help. So, he moves despite knowing full well that might be bad for him. He moves because he's a first responder and will always try to help someone in need. And he finds one of his patients worse off than before. And he feels guilt that due to bad weather conditions and how the fire in the woods traveled (did I not say there was a fire? There's a fire and it's threatening to reach their side of the mountain at any moment), he lost control of the helicopter (and I would like to think there would be another twist too, like the 118 find something was already messed up with the helicopter to begin with, so it was a miracle that Tommy could even fly it at all).
But Tommy could do this.
He could save this one person.
So, Tommy's doing his best. He's working through his own pain as he puts a splint on this person's leg, as he pops this person's dislocated arm back in, as he makes the split decision to burn a cut closed because he doesn't have the supplies and that was the best he could do without the person bleeding out during a hike. And he makes a fucking board out of low branches he rips off trees. And, damn it, he knows his radio is basically busted, but he tries for help, only getting broken static back.
But he is going through.
He just can't hear the other end.
But his words are getting through the radio - they're reaching Buck. And Buck is desperately trying to answer back, he's trying to far longer than he should, he should have realized the first four tries that Tommy can't here him.
But he knows which direction Tommy is going. Because he and Tommy hiked up this mountain before. Buck knows which trail Tommy is trying to get to, so it's a race against time - will Buck and Chimney get to Tommy and the patient before the fire gets to them?
And the answer is that they get there just as the fire does. Nipping at Tommy's heels, but it ends up being stopped by a water drop just in time. Tommy is stunned when he sees Chimney and Evan, he's truly stunned.
He didn't think anyone heard him.
He didn't think they were going to be found in time.
And Buck calls it in, asks for backup, asks for help. Chimney checks on the person Tommy did first aid on.
And Tommy.
And Buck.
They run to each other.
They collapse into each other's arms. Exhausted and running on adrenaline alone. And they're checking if the other is okay - both are very worse for wear. And things seem okay as they wait for help to get to them. Things are going great for Hen too, she successfully saves everyone else in the helicopter crash with Eddie and Ravi's help.
But then.
A tree nearby is unstable.
Tommy sees it just in time.
And Tommy pushes Chimney out of the way, only to be caught under the tree.
And this is bad.
Back breaking bad.
Body crushing bad.
Buck tries not to panic, but it's clear this has shaken him. Chimney is doing his best and is calling for more help.
Help gets there, help finally gets there. And they manage to pull the tree off Tommy. Buck rides with Tommy to the hospital, holding his hand. He paces, distressed, as he waits for the longest surgery in his life.
And Tommy? Tommy should make it. But he's out, he's been put into a medically induced a coma as he heals. And at first, that's okay. Buck can be there. He can make sure Tommy's warm. He can hold Tommy's hand and read to him, and sleep in a rolled in bed.
Until that stops.
Mysteriously, he's not allowed into Tommy's room.
He's not allowed any information.
He's not Tommy's family.
And Tommy's parents are, somehow, technically still Tommy's next of kin - they're in charge of his medical treatment. They're in charge of who sees him.
Buck tries to explain who he is.
They reject the very idea of it.
And it's devastating. Buck didn't think about this. He didn't know this could happen. Tommy hadn't spoken to his parents in over twenty years, yet they're just allowed to come and do this to him.
Buck doesn't know what to do. He can't eat. He can't sleep. People have to force him to do anything for himself as he wonders how Tommy's parents are treating him.
Are they reading to him? Are they spending time with him? Are they making sure he's warm? Are they doing anything at all? Is this all for spite?
Somehow, other people are allowed to visit.
Just not Buck.
Buck is blacklisted.
Eddie is allowed; Christopher too. Chimney, somehow; probably because Tommy had saved his life. Maddie, even. Hen isn't, they can tell something is queer about Hen. Ravi isn't either. Bobby was allowed at first, before he made a case to the Kinards to let Buck see Tommy and it went south.
But definitely not Buck.
And Buck? Buck is camped out in the waiting room. The waiting room he kissed Tommy in. He basically has grown a short beard in that waiting room, he hasn't been shaving.
And all Buck can ask when he sees Eddie or Chimney or Maddie is - how is he doing? Is he doing okay? Is his favorite blanket still on him? What did you talk to him about? What did you read him? How did he look?
And the nurses - they know Buck. They've known him for years. And some take pity on him one night, and let him at least near the room when the parents are gone.
And the parents file for a restraining order against Buck, but it was worth it just to see Tommy.
Tommy looked better than last time.
That was good.
That was what mattered.
And a few more days go by like that with Buck in the waiting room, unable to leave.
Until Tommy wakes up.
He wakes up.
He asks his parents to leave.
He asks for Evan.
And a band of nurses and maybe Chimney rush over and tell Buck the news.
And Buck is running.
To get to Tommy's room.
He knows where it is.
He memorized where the room was.
And he sees Tommy awake.
And part of him hadn't realized that he wasn't sure if Tommy would wake up. That some little, horrible part of him thought that Tommy would never wake up and he would never see Tommy again.
Tommy makes a joke about how Evan looks like a caveman.
Buck laughs. And cries. And sobs as he rushes frantically over to Tommy and collapses into a hug.
Tommy holds Buck as best as he can in his state while mumbling fondly that Evan smells like a caveman too. Buck offers to go, get cleaned up, but Tommy holds onto him.
Asks Evan to stay.
Apologizes for his parents, that he hadn't expected them to come. That he is going to change his will as soon as he can.
And he just wants Evan there.
With him.
And Buck stays.
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