#and the whole oh beauty and fame are such beasts thing is just...
I think these are the only two of the 31 songs that I don't love!
@haventdecidedyet @userlaylivia
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zazu75 · 1 year
Gilderguste except it's practically beauty and the beast AU
No one really likes to go to the woodlands region. The people who live there stay away from certain areas. There’s a monster there, they say, that haunts the cities and the towns.
It’s rarely outside of them, and rarely anyone can find it.
It appears, destroys, disappears.
Some scholars decide, nope! They’re gonna get to the bottom of this mystery!
It’s been decades. They’re going to find the monster and get rid of it for good and that’s gonna be their thesis!
Thanks to @hazelgatoya for the name Eduardo! And @theynanigans for the name Gabriel! 
And their teacher, the one overseeing their work, is Morbidus! Morbidus, who’s into it for the fame, the glory, the money, and the knowledge for his cult!
Oh and also: Eduardo and Gabriel are a couple. They’re discreet about it and think no one knows. But Morbidus knows and uses it against them.
He’s in the habit of manipulating them with their feelings to each other, but they never pick up on it, since he’s their beloved mentor.
Ok so.... to lure the monster out....
Maybe a blood ritual?....
Maybe Morbidus pokes them in the direction of a blood magic ritual.
It needs a sacrifice.
His students are hesitant, but he reassures them that it’s fine.
It’s not like they’ll actually do the ritual. Just a part of it.
So they need just some blood, not a whole sacrifice. 
They agree.
They do this ritual.... hm, in Valore? Near it?…. By the path that runs to the ruins in Peredir’s Tale.
And only because the students insist. Morbidus would’ve been happier doing it in the city.
More carnage for him :3
But they find a nice empty place and draw out the runes and they get started.
They go slow. Let the magic flow. They... don’t wanna accidentally kill someone.
Gabriel is in the middle of the circle, and Eduardo is with him, handing him the knife. Telling him to be careful. And when Morbidus isn’t looking, they kiss for good luck.
Gabriel slices his hand open, Eduardo steps away, and the magic gets stronger.
Drip drip drip of the blood.
It’s too strong and delicious for the monster to resist.
The blood, the magic, the ritual—the urge to murder is strong. Too strong. A certain black cat transforms on his way there, ready to spill more blood.
He’s practically a mindless monster like that.
Loud. Large. Horrific.
Dread fills the air....
Morbidus is ready, or so he thinks. The students are a bit more panicky but they try their best.
It’s a tough fight. Almost nothing seems to bother the monster.
Gabriel isn’t doing much. He’s frozen in a panic. But Eduardo is blasting the thing with fire.
It seems to be doing nothing— and then, he hits the monster in the face—and it makes him very angry.
The monster turns to Eduardo and hits him so hard he goes flying. He hits a tree and breaks it and keeps flying through the trees. 
The monster is very interested in whatever is happening, and turns to follow where it threw Eduardo. 
This makes Gabriel go into action, and he screams Eduardo’s name and runs to him. The monster is between them, however, so Gabriel casts. He casts ice.
And oh, ice really annoys the monster.
Morbidus picks up on that. And he and Gabriel blast the monster with ice and ice and more ice.
The monster is backtracking now. They’re winning—and the monster’s gone.
Gabriel runs to Eduardo. Morbidus tries to call to him to search for the monster.
But Gabriel won’t listen. 
Morbidus ignores them and searches for the monster. He hears rustling and follows it.
But whatever he finds is very tiny and very fast and eludes him. He tries hard to chase it. But it’s nighttime and it’s fast and Gabriel is sobbing too loud for Morbidus to concentrate.
He loses it.
He goes back, angry and upset about losing the monster.
But Gabriel hasn’t stopped crying by Eduardo, and Morbidus is unhappy about it, but he takes the time to console his student and does his best to pretend to look very upset.
Meanwhile, a little black cat has made its way back to the outskirts of Valore
It’s soaking wet and shivering. The cool night air is doing it no favors. 
It’s tired. It’s hurt. It’s cold. Too cold.
It makes it to the first alley it can and collapses at the mouth of it. 
And the last thing it hears is footsteps.
The black cat wakes up warm and comfy.
It blinks awake and sits up. It’s sore but its wounds are treated.
It looks around. It’s in a room, a warm one, with a hearth fire going. It’s on a bed, bundled in blankets. One of the blankets is purple and has tassels.
It resists the urge to pounce on the tassels.
“Hey, kitty cat,” a warm voice calls to it. It looks to the door to see a man with blue hair stepping in.
It growls at him. Then it stops when the man holds out a plate of meat.
The man sets the plate down on the bed and steps back. The cat devours the food, then hops down and sits by the fire.
The man doesn’t try to approach it, and it sits and watches him.
The kitty stays wary but it sits and learns. The man’s name is Gilderoy, and he works with shiny rocks. 
(The kitty likes the shiny)
Gilderoy treats the kitty with respect. He brings it a lot of food and gives it the pillow.
He’s nice. It’ll spare him, it thinks, if it transforms again.
Once Gilderoy is ready to leave, the cat walks out ahead of him. They’re still in Valore. And it’s fine. It can stay there.
It stands still for Gilderoy to pet it goodbye and walks off. 
But within five minutes, it comes across a very familiar man. 
He’s looking for it.
The cat runs. It doesn’t know where it’s going, but it knows that if it gets caught right now, it’ll die. Cats are easy to kill. So it runs.
It finds Gilderoy and remembers that Gilderoy was leaving town. Sure, the cat can’t leave the woodlands, but maybe it was time to leave Valore.
So it runs and jumps at Gilderoy, climbs his back and settles on his shoulders.
It meows at him in greeting. He laughs and pets it, asking if it wants a ride.
It meows again. He pets it again and goes on to talk about his plans.
And they travel together!
The cat grows to like Gilderoy. He’s a genuinely good person, and the cat grows comfortable around him and becomes clingy, which Gilderoy finds cute.
They become best buds. Gilderoy names it Schwartz and calls it a little guy. And.... it’s nice. To have a name.
It’s nice to be cared for. Not hunting. Not hunted. It’s nice to be clingy and lazy.... and very, very mischievous.
But Gilderoy doesn’t get mad. He picks him up and tells him not to do that and puts him on his shoulders.
If he’s especially not behaving, Gilderoy will burrito him in the purple sash he wears. And Schwartz lets himself be distracted by the tassels.
They’re in the wilderness, one night, with a fire going. Schwartz is buried in the purple sash, playing with the tassels while Gilderoy works. The jeweler sighs in frustration and it catches the cat’s attention.
So he leaves the tassels and walks over to meow and pester Gilderoy. When he finally has Gilderoy’s attention, he walks back to the sash and brings it back between his teeth, asking to play.
Gilderoy laughs and plays with him a little. Then, when it’s over, Gilderoy leans close to kiss his head. Schwartz happily allows it. 
And when Gilderoy pulls away—did... Gilderoy get smaller?
But no. Gilderoy’s eyes widen before he turns to his pack. He pulls out a change of clothes and tosses it at Schwartz.
“Get dressed,” Gilderoy says as Schwartz realizes he’s cold. He looks at himself and notices there’s no fur. And he remembers. Right. He was human once.
Gilderoy helps him get dressed, because he can’t remember how to. Then he sits down, the sash over his legs, idly playing with the tassels.
Gilderoy is quiet, expectant, but doesn’t push. He watches Schwartz, who watches him.
Then Schwartz says, with a voice still figuring out how to be a voice. “My name is Auguste. I used to be a playwright.”  “That’s a nicer name than Schwartz,” Gilderoy replies.  “You may call me what you wish.” “I want to call you by what you like.”
There’s no reply for a while. Then, more surely. “You’re not surprised.” “This isn’t the first time you transformed,” Gilderoy explains. “Back when I first found you. You were sick and injured.”  “Ah,” Auguste nods. It makes sense. He doesn’t remember.  “What makes you transform?” Gilderoy asks after a moment. 
Auguste looks at his hands. They have gloves on. They’re on clothed legs that are covered by Gilderoy’s sash. 
“I feel human,” he says, “the most I’ve felt in a long time.”
Gilderoy is quiet as they sit and stare at the fire. Auguste takes a while to continue. “I was cursed.” “How?”  “A man stole my wife and killed her, so I stole his wife.” Auguste expects judgment, but when he doesn’t get it, he continues. “The man killed his wife then himself. He cursed me with his dying breath.” “... A sorcerer.” “Yes.” “So the cat is from that?” “No, the monster is.” “Monster?” Gilderoy looks at him in concern. 
Auguste’s eyes look dark and eerie in the firelight. His face is completely empty of emotion as he says, “I am the monster of the woodlands.”
Gilderoy has heard of the monster, of course. “You’re too cute to be a monster.”
Auguste smiles, but when he shakes his head, his smile is gone. “You haven’t seen it.” “How do you turn into a monster?” “Its base instinct,” Auguste replies. “The want to kill.” “And the cat?” “A different sorcerer.” The look on Auguste’s face is distant. “I was a monster the entire time. The cat was to seal it.”
Gilderoy nods. Then he slowly, gently wraps an arm around Auguste’s shoulders. “Stick with me. We’ll get through it.” “I can’t leave the woodlands,” Auguste replies.  “We’ll figure it out.”
Auguste leans into the hug.
For the next few hours, Auguste is human. They talk for a while, then Auguste curls up close to Gilderoy and falls asleep.
He’s a cat the next day.
He climbs Gilderoy’s shoulders as they travel. Gilderoy makes his way to Victor’s Hollow to sell his wares and talks to Auguste the entire way.
Auguste becomes even clingier and more affectionate as a cat. 
Gilderoy gives him a lot of kisses on his head in the privacy of their inn room. It doesn’t always work, but when it does, they go out and eat together, and sometimes get drinks together, and talk into the early hours of the morning.
Gilderoy stays a long time in Victor’s Hollow. Some clients think he’s settling, but he promises he’s just on an extended stay.
He listens for rumors about sorcerers and curses. He searches for myths and stories about the monster of the woodlands. 
He wants to help Auguste in any way he can.
But as he’s looking for answers, he attracts attention. Mainly, a desperate scholar looking to avenge his lover.
Gabriel feels very guilty for freezing in panic, and Morbidus comforts him by telling him that the only way he can feel better is to find the monster again and kill it.
And Gabriel hears about a merchant asking questions about the monster. He hears that the merchant is asking about the origins of the monster. Asking about curses.
Gabriel decides to confront the merchant.
It’s a cold afternoon, most people have gone home since the games were over for the day. Gilderoy had grabbed food for two and a bottle of wine. Auguste had mentioned the name of his favorite wine the last time they spoke, and Gilderoy managed to find a bottle.
He’s feeling pretty proud of himself about it, and is in a great mood, with Auguste the cat on his shoulders purring happily.
But then a scholar calls to him. He looks thin and pale, but his eyes are angry and full of grief. He‘s angry as he asks Gilderoy about the monster, asks Gilderoy where he’s hiding it. 
Gilderoy is defensive, asking what the scholar wants. The scholar threatens that he’s not there to play games. He‘s here to slay the beast.
Gilderoy denies any knowledge of the beast and tries to leave.
The scholar won’t let him. He keeps trying to leave anyway. The scholar attacks.
Auguste jumps off his shoulders when Gilderoy dodges. A fight breaks out. The scholar uses ice, ice, ice. Gilderoy is unphased. He doesn’t wanna kill the guy. But he’s got food in one hand and the wine bottle in another.
He smashes the wine bottle on the scholar’s head.
The guards come as the battle ends. They arrest the scholar and take Gilderoy in for questioning too, but he’s soon released.
As he steps out of the guardhouse, Auguste meows and tangles between his legs. But before Gilderoy can pick him up, Auguste tenses and runs away.
Another scholar approaches. This one looks easy going and wears a smile. He’s charming and relaxed and very respectful.
Gilderoy immediately doesn’t trust him.
The scholar introduces himself as Morbidus. He says he had information about the monster, if Gilderoy would like to come to the tavern with him? 
Gilderoy insists they stay where they are, in front of the guardhouse. Morbidus agrees.
They talk amicably. Morbidus is surprised to hear that it’s a curse. He has no new information but he promises Gilderoy to look into the curse and come back.
Morbidus then leaves. Gilderoy watches him go before he leaves. He goes around a long way before he heads to an inn.
Auguste meets him halfway and climbs up his shoulders.
Gilderoy apologizes for smashing the wine bottle and Auguste headbutts him, purring again. It makes Gilderoy smile, and he feels at ease walking back to the inn.
Morbidus, on the other hand, has gone back to the guardhouse. He pays handsomely to have his student freed.
Gabriel is a mess, as the guards are not nice to people to brawl in the streets illegally. He just wants to go home. Maybe retire. Mourn with his friends and family.
But Morbidus takes him to the inn and lets him bathe and eat and then sits him down and tells him he found the monster. It’s in Victor’s Hollow with them, following that blue haired man around like a pet.
They can set a trap for it. They can kill it for good. Gabriel is hesitant, but Morbidus reminds him. The monster is weak to ice.
It cares about the man. They can set a trap. 
And how many ice soul stones have they gathered?
They can do this. For Eduardo.
Gabriel agrees. For Eduardo.
Gilderoy is ready to leave that very next morning. He doesn’t trust Morbidus one bit. 
He gets everything in order, but just as he’s about to leave, a client from the day before stops him. She wants to buy more things! Gilderoy cannot say no. 
Once that wraps up, a courier comes to him. He hands him a letter and it’s from Morbidus. 
He found info! But it’s in a distant town in the woodlands, one called Duskbarrow. Would Gilderoy meet him there?
Gilderoy is suspicious, but Auguste meows insistently. He agrees to go. 
The trip there takes a few days. Gilderoy makes haste. He’s nervous and worried.
Auguste turns human only once during that trip, and only for half an hour. He's as anxious as Gilderoy.
They both agree it’s a trap, but they’re desperate.
But they think that going in knowing it’s a trap would help them.
It doesn’t.
Something is wrong as soon as they get close.
Auguste freezes on Gilderoy’s shoulders. Then he spazzes and falls off.
Gilderoy kneels beside him, very worried, but the cat mutates and explodes in magic, evil and dread taking over. 
But the monster ignores him completely. It roars and stalks forward instead. 
Gilderoy follows, calling for his friend.
Its destination is obvious when they get close. The smell of blood permeates the air. The blood circle is on the forest floor, and in the middle of it is Gabriel. His hand is bleeding profusely.
As soon as the monster steps into the circle, ice attacks it. Ice soulstone after ice soulstone is thrown at it. And Gabriel casts his own ice magic. 
It roars in pain. But Gilderoy is there, and he uses his lightning to intercept attacks.
He’s yelling at Gabriel that this isn’t the way. The monster is a curse. They can undo it. There’s no reason to kill it.
But Gabriel is angry. It took his Eduardo. He’s going to have his revenge
Gilderoy tries to argue back, even as he pulls out his weapon, but he’s attacked from behind. The drawers latched onto his back are blown to splinters. Pain sears his back. 
He falls.
This incites the monster into a rage. Even as it’s being pelted in ice, it attacks. It roars as dread and evil oozes from it and breaks the blood circle. It goes after the source of the attack that took down Gilderoy. It finds Morbidus. It attacks him.
The ice isn’t doing anything anymore. None of the elements are.
Gilderoy wakes up, exhausted and in pain, to the sound of screaming.
It’s a terrible, horrible sound, suddenly silenced by what sounded like a wet crunch.
He forces his eyes open and sees a giant monster, oozing evil and sludge, shaking half a body in its mouth
On the other side of the monster, ice pellets it.
The monster drops the body. It roars in pain but moves. Sludge and more sludge falls out. Too thick. Too fast. Covering the ground. Staying behind in footsteps. 
Gilderoy thinks, it might be dying.
He forces himself to get up. 
It hurts to breathe. It hurts to stand. His back... his drawers....
He gets up.
Auguste, he calls to the creature. It shambles past him, dying, heading to the other attacker.
Gabriel is screaming expletives and grief and pain, cursing it over and over as he casts his ice magic.
But the monster is unheeding to both of them, shambling forward, roaring its pain, dying, as it tries to attack. 
Gilderoy, with all his pain, is faster than it. 
It makes him worry.
But he approaches Gabriel and tells him to stop attacking.
Gabriel refuses. Revenge. For Eduardo. For Morbidus.
But Gilderoy protests. He tells him it’s a curse. It can be stopped without violence.
Gabriel says it can’t be. The monster relies on instinct. All it knows is hate and rage and deception. All it knows is how to kill. That’s its instinct.
The monster is close now. Angry. Hurt. Ready to kill. 
But Gilderoy moves in front of Gabriel. He stands between him and the monster and gives Gabriel his back.
The monster sees him and comes to a stop.
Gilderoy slowly approaches it, hands by his side so as to not spook it.
The monster brings its head down to look at him.
It’s an ugly thing. A skull with nothing but magic keeping it together. Its eyes are voids of black, its jaws too big with too many teeth.
Gilderoy slowly brings his hands up and hugs it. His arms wrap around its head, and even then, he can’t do so completely. 
He presses his forehead against the top of its head. It lets out a small, weak sound.
And Gilderoy tells Auguste that it’s alright. That he’s fine. That he knows Auguste was scared and worried. But he’s fine.
He doesn’t have to do this. He’s more than hate and rage and killing. He’s so much more.
That he’s Auguste, a human who used to be a playwright. That he’s funny and friendly and likes tassels and purple and black.
That he’s Auguste. His friend.
And that he’s Auguste. The person he loves.
And he kisses the top of his head, like he did with the cat so many times.
The monster lets out a low sound. 
It doesn’t move. But Gabriel moves. He stands up and raises his arms. One last attack while it’s distracted—-
But then something changes. The monster... melts. Its sludge bubbles and melts down, down, down. The bones of the creature fall away with loud thuds, and it keeps dissolving.
Until pale skin shows. Until a tall, thin human man is all that’s left.
His face is cradled by Gilderoy’s hands on his cheeks, and their foreheads are pressed together. Their eyes are closed even as the sludge pools around them.
The tall, thin man sways. His knees buckle and he collapses, unconscious. 
Gilderoy catches him.
Gabriel approaches the two men and he can see it now. The tall man has injuries, terrible ones. Likely from the ice.
All that’s left is to finish him off. For Eduardo.
But then Gilderoy speaks. He asks Gabriel, how did the monster kill his beloved?
Gabriel stutters. Because how did Gilderoy know Eduardo was his lover? But Gilderoy says it’s obvious. Gabriel is stunned.
Then he explains the trap they’ve set. The purpose of it. For the thesis.
Gilderoy listens quietly then points out that they provoked the monster.
Gabriel says it doesn’t matter. It killed Eduardo. It killed so many people. It must die.
And Gilderoy gestures around to the sludge and bones around them, and says that it did.
Gabriel points at the man and says it’s right there. 
Gilderoy shakes his head. He runs a hand through the man’s hair and asks Gabriel about the monster’s instincts again.
Gabriel says that its instincts were made of hate and rage and death.
And Gilderoy asks, then why didn’t it attack him? How did Gilderoy stand in front of it and not die?
Gabriel has no answer.
And Gilderoy tells him that instincts are more than just evil things. The monster was created from rage and pain, it was created from a death curse and sought death.
But the monster didn’t kill Gilderoy, because its instinct was to protect him.
It was protecting itself before.
It was protecting Gilderoy now.
And it only killed when it thought they had killed Gilderoy.
Don’t you see, he asks Gabriel, that the creature’s instincts changed? That it can also love?
Gabriel is quiet. He stares at the injured man that was once a creature for a long time. Then, with his head down, he walks away into the woods.
Gilderoy calls for him, but Gabriel never looks up or acknowledges him.
And Gilderoy watches him until he disappears into the woods.
Then he carefully sets Auguste down onto the grass and goes to find what he can salvage from his obliterated pack.
It hurts to move.
But Duskbarrow isn't too far, and Auguste is bleeding. He has to move.
He has to get them there.
He has a blanket. He has clothes he haphazardly puts Auguste in. He grabs whatever pouches that weren’t destroyed and puts them on his belt.
Then, the hardest part, he carries the injured and unconscious Auguste and makes their way to Duskbarrow. 
It starts to rain around them, cold water that’s a few degrees away from snow. The sludge melts away with the rain, and so does the path. But Gilderoy keeps moving forward, even as the dirt turns to mud. Even as he slips a few times.
He moves forward until a root catches his leg and he falls down an incline. He twists himself to protect Auguste’s unconscious body during the fall. It’s painless, thankfully, without any small stones to bump into.
But he can’t get up.
He’s tired. He’s so tired. 
It hurts to move. 
It hurts to breathe. 
It’s cold....
He instinctively curls up a little more around Auguste and holds him closer, and he knows no more.
Gilderoy wakes up with a throbbing headache.
He’s under several layers of warm blankets, dressed in something pretty cozy, and sore all over.
It takes him a minute to realize that 1) he’s awake 2) he’s alive 3) he’s indoors.
He’s probably safe, then.
.... Where the hell is Auguste—
He practically shoots out of bed. Which is a mistake. He can’t stand and he collapses.
The thud has people rushing in. He doesn’t recognize anybody between them. But he doesn’t care right now.
He asks them—or tries to ask them—about the other man he was with. 
They won’t listen, insisting he gets back in bed.
Gilderoy is ready to fight all of them when the door opens again and someone very familiar stands in the doorway.
Auguste looks a lot better in black than he does in blue, Gilderoy realizes.
He stops resisting and gets into bed. The strangers fuss over him to make sure he’s alright before they leave him and Auguste be.
Auguste moves carefully to sit beside him, wincing as he does so. Gilderoy is immediately worried. His injuries were pretty bad, after all.
But Auguste says he’s fine. He’s been awake for a day now.
They catch up a little. An old man found them after the rain had passed. 
They were both ice cold but alive. 
Gilderoy was running a bad fever, however.
But they made it through. 
Auguste had told them that they were attacked by brigands, which attracted the monster of the woodlands. They had barely made it away and only because it chased the brigands.
Some of the townspeople went out to see the damage. They only found half a man.
He got a burial there and then.
They fall quiet, then Gilderoy jokingly asks how human tastes like. 
Auguste makes a face and says he’s thankful he can’t remember, and Gilderoy laughs.
Auguste leans against him, and Gilderoy wraps an arm around his shoulder. They’re quiet again, and Gilderoy is slowly falling back asleep like this, but Auguste asks him how he knew to break the curse.
Gilderoy says he didn’t. He just wanted Auguste to know he was okay.
He sleepily asks Auguste what he’s planning to do now.
Auguste says he’s not sure, and moves to help Gilderoy lay back down. 
He gets under the covers with him and asks if he’d be willing to let Auguste tag along for a while.
“For as long as you want,” Gilderoy replies, curling up into Auguste. “Even forever.”
Auguste chuckles and cuddles close. A beat of silence, then, “I love you too.”
Gilderoy smiles sleepily, and the last thing he feels before falling asleep is a kiss pressed to the top of his head.
---> end <3
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mindofasupernova · 3 years
Mr. Sandman
Kaz Brekker x reader
Inspired by the song "Mr. Sandman" from SYML.
Description: Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream. A beautiful illusion of when they were younger, when things were good. A dream where Kaz hadn't shattered her heart into a million pieces, one where Kaz still cared.
Warnings: angst
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Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream.
A beautiful illusion of when they were younger, when it was just the two of them against the world.
Y/N met Kaz Brekker before he earned the name "Dirtyhands" when he was still inexperienced, seeking a way to make fame in the criminal underworld.
Their introduction wasn't a conventional one, the first time he'd laid eyes upon Y/N, Kaz was surveilling a new bank's vault he wanted to crack. Back at the time, Kaz Brekker was just beginning to refine his lock picking abilities, he was more careful, taking longer at figuring out the ways around safe.
Kaz Brekker was attentively watching a vault demonstration the bank was giving in hopes of acquiring new wealthy customers when his bitter coffee eyes landed on Y/N.
She was leaning against a door that led to the bank's depository, eyes closed as if straining to hear the sounds on the other side. A frown upon her face, concentrating, and a few minutes before an employee opened the door she was leaning on, she pushed herself out of the way and left the bank.
The next day, news had spread around the Barrel like wildfire that someone had stolen the diamonds that resided in the new safe that belonged to the bank's depository. That was no coincidence, somehow Y/N had done it. Kaz dedicated his whole afternoon tracking the girl down until he had found her working as a dishwasher in a popular restaurant.
"How did you do it? How did you manage to open the safe?"
Y/N stared back at Kaz, terrified eyes fearing someone might overhear them. Y/N tried to lie about it but he could see straight through them.
"I like memorizing things. I remembered the sounds, every click the locks gave when the vault was being opened." Y/N answered reluctantly
"What kind of things do you like to memorize?" the raven-haired boy prompted.
"Anything that leaves good money."
"I have a job offer for you. "
And just like that, the promise of a very odd friendship began.
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen, give him two lips like roses and clover. Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over.
The truth was that Kaz Brekker wasn't gentle in any way. He was selfish, logically cold, and unafraid of danger if it was for the right price.
Their friendship had bloomed in the blood-stained streets, finding solace in each other to survive the hungry beast that was Ketterdam.
Y/N's memory had proven useful, she was Kaz's little library of secrets. Her mind was the vault that safely guarded all types of information; transactions, blueprints, deals that Kaz couldn't risk to curious eyes. Every word was imprinted into Y/N's mind.
Y/N had lied when she said she only memorized things that brought money. She remembered all of Kaz's little ticks: The way he ran his hand through his hair when he was tired, the grip that tightened on his cane when stressed, the joyous glint in his eyes after a successful job, the almost imperceptible tug of his lips during their late-night talks and the shape of his lips when he proudly explained his plans to her.
Y/N knew it was foolish to fall for someone like Kaz, but her heart couldn't stop racing every time they talked. Couldn't stop her gaze searching for him amongst a crowd, the way her breath hitched every time Kaz looked out for her. It was a childish wish and yet, sometimes she could have sworn Kaz cared deeply for her too.
Sandman, I'm so alone, don't have nobody to call my own.
Where had it all gone wrong? What had she done to Kaz for him to shatter her heart the way he did?
One moment she was getting ready to go on a heist, it was supposed to be easy, gather intel, and escape before anyone knew they had been there. It didn't end well.
Y/N had been given the task to distract their target's bodyguards, pretend to be an injured scared girl in need of assistance, but someone had told them the Dregs would be there. A guard had grabbed her harshly and forced her to give away her crew's location, but when she refused he'd beaten her unconscious.
The next morning she had woken up at the Slat, everyone was worried she might have not woken up. However, as soon as she was healed, Kaz called her to his office.
"Why?" Y/N's broken words were met with silence.
"Have I ever failed you? Have I not done everything you asked for?!" she questioned, tears threatening to fall. "Why are you kicking me out?! This is my home too, my family!"
"You won't have to worry about searching for a place to stay. I've already made arrangements, a small apartment is waiting for you." Kaz spoke, expression unreadable.
Y/N wanted to throttle Kaz, shake him up and demand a reason for his sudden decision. He hadn't even visited when she was injured and now he was kicking her out. He had no right, no right to strip away her found family. Had all those night talks meant nothing to him? Were all those small gestures and tiny smiles a ruse?
"You can't do this! I have all your secrets! I have stood by your side longer than anyone", Y/N screamed at Kaz, eyes begging him to say something. To tell her to stay, to tell her he cared.
She never heard those words instead she received a bitter response that mercilessly ripped her heart out. "Do not think that just because I have kept you around for this long you're irreplaceable."
This time Y/N didn't suppress the tears, silently gliding down her cheeks when she walked out of Kaz's office and away from the Slat.
Please turn on your magic beam, Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream.
A beautiful dream where she wasn't tied to a chair, broken ribs, and blood pouring from a large gauge in her stomach. The Dime Lions had captured her, knowing full well she was one of Kaz's most trusted allies, they decided to torture her until she spilled Brekker's secrets. But Y/N wasn't a traitor and even though Kaz had crushed her heart, she still loved him and would rather die than betray him.
Eyes barely open, black spots clouding her vision, she was fading away. Oh, how she wished that Kaz would come to save her, take her back to the Slat, tell her he was sorry and that he needed her by his side. But dreams were for children, Kaz wouldn't come because he simply did not care, because she was replaceable.
She wanted a dream, one where the punches thrown at her were tender glances. One where the sounds of bones breaking were quiet caring words she'd shared with Kaz once upon a time. Where the coppery taste of blood staining her tongue was the one of hot chocolate she and Kaz used to drink in his office.
Please, bring her a marvelous dream, back where things were good. A dream when Kaz still cared for her. One where he loved her.
Mr. Sandman, please bring me a dream.
@getawayfrommewerewolf, @princessleah129, @rika90, @lady1505
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sunny-sings-sooth · 3 years
Words: 4.5k
TW: Sexual assault, abuse
Here's my retelling of the myth of Apollo and Daphne! Highly experimental, as I usually write in first person and not so poetically. Hope you enjoy, and if anything doesn't make sense lemme know and I will add some context here. (Also FYI some of the dialogues are pulled directly from Homer's narration)
Phoebus Apollonas had been alive too long.
He was young by god standards, barely over a millenia old, and still one of the youngest Olympians. And yet he had grown exhausted. He’d been suffering the curse of life long enough to see the boy he used to be -- Phoebus -- die. The demise of the boy began when, in attempt to protect his sister Artemis, he had committed his first murder and thereby lost her forever. The boy decayed further when he’d held the corpses of his sons in his arms. And he’d finally killed the boy with his own hands when he turned his grief-fueled wrath on mortals. Phoebus, the bright, the innocent, the golden prince of Olympus, was dead. All that remained was Apollonas, the destroyer, the terror, the monstrous god of plague.
Except he no longer wished to be Apollonas. Apollonas was addicted to alcohol, drowning himself in it so that he wouldn’t have to face the memories that had murdered Phoebus. Apollonas had struck his younger brother Hermes, the only friend he had left, in drunken rage. Apollonas was despicable and deserved death. He could never be Phoebus again; that he knew and had accepted. But perhaps he could rid himself of Apollonas and become just Apollo. That did not mean erasing Apollonas; he had too many crimes to pay for, and running away would be a dishonor to all those who had suffered at his hands. He would repent for everything he had done as Apollonas, and thereby recreate himself as Apollo.
The first thing he needed to do was to break alcohol’s hold on him, which meant distancing himself from Dionysus. He didn’t want to abandon his youngest brother, but the temptation to drink was too strong in his presence. He hoped Dionysus would understand, and that he would one day be strong enough to bridge the gap of his creation.
He had been clean for three whole days. It didn’t seem like much -- blink of an eye in the lengthy lives of gods -- but that alone had taken him all his willpower. In the absence of the gallons of drink he had been consuming daily, not only was he plagued by memories and sheer self-hatred, he suddenly became highly attuned to the gossip that trailed him. Every moment on Olympus, hundreds of eyes were trained on him, and the whispers never escaped his sharp ears. It wasn’t that he was not used to being the center of attention, but rather the harsh truth of their statements. Phoebus Apollonas is a murderer. He flayed Marsyas alive for daring to challenge him. He curses anyone who questions his authority. He has killed thousands with his plague arrows. He is a monster. He knew these were all true and that he deserved to be pierced by such words, but the anxiousness caused by his withdrawal made them unbearable, and he had to escape to the woods. Here he found solace. Here he could work to slowly put himself together again until he was strong enough to face those who he wronged.
If he hadn’t been so lost in thought, then perhaps he would’ve heard the flap of wings before Eros was standing before him. He nearly dropped the silver bow that he’d been restringing and looked up to meet the other god’s gaze. Eros was the only man Apollonas considered a possible competitor in terms of beauty; his fair skin was smooth as a pearl, his wings the color of one, his features the aspiration of every artist’s portrait. And yet there was something unnerving about the other god. Perhaps it was his hair that, while comparable to a young maiden’s blush, was also the same shade as blood. Perhaps it was the deep red hue of his eyes, made of crushed hearts and rubies. And perhaps it wasn’t his appearance at all, but the mystique that surrounded him; he was the fourth being to come into existence and was old as time itself, and that was one of the only two things Apollonas knew about him.
“Phoebus Apollona,” Eros stated in greeting, and Apollonas hated how wrong it sounded, though he couldn’t tell if it was the names themselves or simply the one who spoke them.
“What do you want?” He couldn’t hide his irritation. The other thing he knew about Eros was that he was the god of love, and love had only ever caused Apollonas pain. He had no reason to like the god nor felt the need to veil his displeasure. All he wanted was the solitude necessary to rework himself.
“I was simply admiring your bow, oh He Who Shoots From Afar.” There was no missing the mockery in Eros’s voice, and his eyes gleamed as he gazed at the weapon. “Why, your skill is almost comparable to my own! Perhaps with some effort, you can become the greatest archer in the land.”
“Are you implying that you are the greatest archer?” Eros nodded, and one glance at the winged god’s slim arms and the modest bow slung across his back sent Apollonas into a fit of laughter. It was many moments before he could calm himself enough to speak. “What have you to do with the arms of men, you feeble thing?”
“I am merely suggesting I may be god of archery as you are god of plague.” Apollonas’s head snapped up at the idea, and his hands curled into fists as he stood, towering over the shorter god. If Eros was a painter’s fantasy, then Apollonas was a sculptor’s. His toned body was the epitome of perfection, the ideal balance between strength and beauty. He was well aware of this fact, and though he rarely preferred to use his appearance for intimidation purposes, Eros’s insult necessitated such action.
“Do not lay claim to my honors,” he hissed, his sky blue eyes glinting with divine power. Archery was the one constant he could always rely on. With his bow and arrows, he could protect and punish, wound and save. It was the one part of him that stayed no matter if he was Phoebus or Apollonas or whoever, and he’d be damned if he allowed this worthless winged wretch to even suggest taking that from him.
“Let us put it to test, then,” Eros declared, unfazed by the archer’s anger. What would the ancient deity have to fear from the youth? He was well aware of his capability, and little did Apollonas know he was falling into another trap, his emotions and naivety deceiving him once more. He was but a pawn in Eros’s game. “What say you to a battle of skill?”
Apollonas did not grace the other with an answer, lifting his weapon and drawing an arrow from his golden quiver in response. The toned muscles of his back flexed as he pulled back the string and released, and the arrow had barely gone forth an inch before he sent forward another, and then yet another. His arms were but a blur as arrow after arrow went flying, striking the most minuscule of targets: the pupil of a fly’s eye, the thread of a spider’s web, the stem of a single olive. Apollonas did not stop until his quiver lay empty, and he took in the perfect shots before him that seemed almost artistic by his hand. No matter how low he may have descended in these past years, there was no denying the masterpiece he created from the most basic of weapons. This was his domain. He couldn’t keep his lips from curling in conceit as he turned to Eros.
“That gear becomes my shoulders best,” he declared, setting his bow back beside his quiver to draw emphasis to the weapons that had adorned him for centuries. “I wound my enemies; I wound wild beasts. My countless arrows slew the bloated Python, whose vast coils across so many acres spread their blight. You and your loves!” Apollonas couldn’t hold back his scoff at the mention of Eros’s inferior work. “You have your torch to light them. Let that content you. Never claim my fame!”
“Your bow, Phoebus Apollona, may vanquish all, but mine shall vanquish you. As every creature yields to power divine, shall your glory yield to mine.” At Eros’s threat, an enraged response was making its way up Apollonas’s throat, but before it could spill off his tongue, the love god drew his own golden-tipped arrow. In the blink of an eye, he shot it forth right into the other god’s heart before taking flight.
Apollonas stumbled back, a gasp more of shock than pain escaping him as he clasped his hands over his chest, fingers fumbling for the arrow. However, it had already dissolved into him, its magic making its home in his body. He felt something ooze into his heart and bloodstream, shoot up his spine, ensnare his mind. He turned his attention inward, trying to identify the invader, but he could not locate it, nor could he compare it to anything he had ever felt before. What had Eros done? He lifted his head, searching for the god, but instead his gaze fell upon another figure altogether.
There, a few feet away, stood the sweet river nymph Daphne. He knew her -- he knew the names of many of the nymphs that resided in these woods -- but beyond a passing glance and a murmured greeting, she had never caught his attention. But now… he couldn’t seem to look away, his lips parting in awe as he stared at her, dumbfounded. Had she always been so breathtaking? How could he have missed such a beauty? Her dark locks flowed down like a waterfall of ink. What it would be to hold that silky hair between his fingers, to braid it and adorn it with flowers and beads! Her eyes were a startling shade of not blue, not green, but something between the two, and he could spend hours drowning in their depths. Her figure had the slightest curve to it, the outline of a river, and he imagined that her body had been crafted to fit against his perfectly. He saw her, loved her, wanted her.
“Daphne.” Apollonas whispered her name, marvelling at the nectar-like flavor that coated his tongue. If just her name was so sweet, then how must her lips taste? Looking was not enough. The urge to find out was unbearable, the earlier argument stolen from his mind entirely as he found himself tossing aside his bow and quiver. What did archery matter when he could master the bow of her lips instead? He would claim it, make it and the rest of her his and his alone. He took a step forth, a giddy smile alighting his features.
“St-stay back,” the nymph stammered, icy fear coiling in the depths of her stomach. She could read his intentions clearly on his face, from the crazed look in his eyes to the wolfish grin he wore to the way his hands reached towards her. Daphne knew all too well what this man planned to do with her, and that should she fall into his grasp, she would not be able to stop him from having his way. So when he took another step forward, she turned and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Apollonas gaped only a moment before rushing after her, an arrow released from its bow.
“Daphne, please wait! I am no foe! You don’t need to fear me!” he cried out after her. Daphne did not answer him, her thoughts only on escaping. Thorns and brambles tore at the bare skin of her calves, yet she refused to slow down. “You run as if I am a wolf and you a lamb, but that is not so! It is love that spurs me! Don’t fly so fast, lest you fall and wound yourself!”
“Leave me be, you horrid man!” she shrieked, not stopping even as her dress got caught on the surrounding plants and began to tear, revealing her to him little by little. Apollonas’s brows furrowed in worry at the sight of bloodied cuts on her legs. From within him a voice called out: What are you doing, Apollona? Why are you tormenting this poor girl? Leave her be! You will not have your way with her! But before the voice could say more, he caught a glimpse of the bare skin of her thigh, and everything left his mind. His conscience was once more bound and gagged by Eros’s power, forced to watch it all in horror. Speaking of the god of love, he also watched, flying unnoticed above them, yet he felt only amusement from the sight. The sheer terror that had contorted Daphne’s face and drawn panicked tears from her eyes made him smirk, and Apollonas’s frantic yelling drew out peals of laughter. They had both bent to his will so easily, and he was eager to see how this played out.
“You run because you do not know. I am no peasant, no shepherd!” Apollonas called out to her again. She was only afraid because he didn’t know who he was. He knew the moment she realized his true identity, she would stop and turn to him with a blessed smile. “I am the son of Zeus, prince of Olympus, lord of Delphi. By me things future, past and present are revealed. I shape the harmony of songs and strings. You will be happy as my bride, dear Daphne! I will see that your every wish is granted and that no desire goes unfulfilled. Please stay!”
“No! My only desire is to escape you!” Yet this would not be granted, as her body was beginning to fail her. Try as she might, she could not outrun Apollonas; he was strong from years of training and battle, and though she was swift and sure-footed, she had used up all her limited mortal strength. Her legs trembled with every step, her lungs two pits of fire in her chest. And so her traitorous body came to a stop as she gasped for breath, and Apollonas finally had her. He held her hip tightly, freezing her in place. Had he been in his senses and had control over his own body, he’d never have done this, and his conscience screamed within him. But he was deaf to it, the lust coursing through him silencing all else. His eyes soaked in her bare skin when he would’ve shielded them, his hands pulled her closer when he would’ve let her go, and he was ready to claim her when he would’ve done anything but this crime.
“My love.” His warm breath brushed against her ear as he leaned down, pressing his lips against the pale column of her neck. Daphne gasped and tried to pull herself away, but his grip was too strong, utterly unbreakable. How could she escape a god? She was helpless and frail, trapped and alone. There was no one to aid her, no one to stop Apollonas from running his hands down her body and forcing himself against her. And then he was turning her around, wishing to taste her lips, and a final plea escaped her.
“Help me, Peneus!” she screamed for her father. She knew her father could do nothing against an Olympian, but perhaps he could do something to her, and she would accept any escape from this fate. “Open the earth to enclose me, or change my form, which has brought me into this danger! Let me be free of this man from this moment forward!”
Daphne’s prayer was answered, and she was changing.
A stiffness had taken over her body, the swiftness that had protected her for so long sacrificed to escape Apollonas. Her arms lifted of their own accord, her fingers elongating up and her feet rooting into the ground. The dark waterfall split into a hundred streams that lightened to a soft green. Her curved figure fell away as her body thinned into a single arc, her legs fusing and her hands reaching higher and higher. Bark was creeping up from her extremities, down what were now branches and up what had transformed into a trunk. It conquered her shoulders, her chest, her neck. A soft sigh, her last breath, escaped her just as her lips were encased.
Apollonas’s lips met rough bark that cut at his soft skin. With a small gasp, his eyes flew open and he looked straight into Daphne’s piercing eyes. The waves in them had finally calmed, as the storm that had tormented them could no longer ripple its waters. He stared into those beautiful orbs, breathing her name, and watched as they shut forever.
Apollonas couldn’t tear his gaze away, his mind still unable to process the transformation that had unfolded before him. His hand trembled as he raised it, placing flat against the trunk of the tree. A steady pulse graced his fingertips -- a heartbeat. Daphne’s heartbeat. She was this tree, this sorrowful laurel tree, lost from him forever. His legs gave out beneath him as he wept, wrapping his arms around her and leaning his head against her bark. And yet the lust hadn’t left him, and he was kissing the wood over and over, whispering her name and an endless string of apologies as the skin of his lips tore and blood dripped down his chin.
“Oh, Daphne. My Daphne,” he cried, yearning what could’ve been. He thought the image of her smiling sweetly at him, kissing his cheek and calling him ‘husband’, was a vision, a prophecy promising that he could be the source of her happiness until the end of time. But he was wrong. It had been a fantasy, a dream that had slipped out of his grasp. And now she was gone. His sobs doubled in intensity as grief wracked him, and he didn’t notice Eros approaching until he spoke.
“Isn’t this a beautiful sight?” the god of love asked, his lips twisting into a smirk. “Phoebus Apollonas, broken and filthy inside and out. A slave to his desires. Do you accept defeat, oh lustful one?”
Apollonas turned to the other god, and the grief in him sharpened to rage. His beautiful Daphne, the love of his life, had been stolen from him, snatched right out of his hands, and the cause of it all was simply standing there, taking amusement in his loss. He reached for his bow only to find it missing, and so he lunged forth and tackled Eros to the ground, wrapping his hands around the smaller man’s thin neck.
“You monster,” Apollonas growled, his sky blue eyes glowing with divine power. This horrid creature had taken his Daphne from him and deserved nothing less than death. Apollonas would deliver him to the gates of Tartarus himself if necessary. The man must pay for his crimes. He increased the pressure, causing the other god to choke under his iron grip. “You did this!”
“Oh no, Apollona. I merely gave you a nudge. The rest was all you,” Eros gasped out, managing to laugh even as his windpipe threatened to collapse altogether. The sun god’s brows furrowed at the statement, and Eros subtly waved his hand, calming the effects of his magic. “And who knows what you’ll do next if I keep nudging you forth? You’ll be giving your father quite the competition, won’t you?”
The spell finally broke, and Apollonas’s grip slackened as the lust drained out of him and the truth became clear. He had chased Daphne. He had chased Daphne with the intention to force himself on her. He had tried to kiss her and claim her as his own with no care for her terror. He pushed her so far that she thought it better to lose her humanity than to be his. Oh Fates, what had he done? You are the most wicked person to live, Phoebus Apollona. You are no better than your father. You did this to that poor girl. You ruined her.
“N-no,” he whispered, backing away from Eros and clamping his hands over his ears, but it was in vain. The voice came not from outside but from within, where his conscience was finally free to reclaim its owner. And so Apollonas relived the incident that had just taken place. He saw himself chase after her just as Python had chased him and his family, heard his plans to ruin her just as he believed Orion had intended with Artemis, felt himself force himself upon her just as Zeus did to his mother Leto. Never in his life had something been so achingly clear to him as this truth: while he had spent his whole life painting others as wicked, he had been the most terrible monster all along. Apollonas doubled over, spilling his insides onto the earth as though he could purge the maliciousness from his body. But alas, he could not; he was born the destroyer, and he had truly lived up to his name. He could not tell if his scream remained in his soul or ripped out of him. He didn’t know if it was tears or fire spilling from his eyes. All he knew was the terrible truth that he has been blind to all his life.
“You are weak, boy. But I can make you strong,” Eros declared, towering over the hysterical god. He wondered how Olympus would react to seeing their golden heir broken on the ground, sobbing like a spoiled child. He could only imagine they’d be just as entertained as he. Still, the time for games was over. Making sure to avoid the pool of vomit, he crouched down and placed a thin finger under Apollonas’s chin, forcing the young god to meet his gaze. “Here is my offer to you: vow to me on the river Styx that you will follow my every command, and I will save you from further humiliation and heartbreak.”
“What, so I can spend my life blind and deaf, a mindless slave to a heartless man?” A dry, humorless laugh slipped out of Apollonas’s lips. He had seen and tasted truth, and he would not give that up to become Eros’s puppet. He scowled and spat at the love god’s feet, glaring into those blood-red eyes. “That is what I think of your offer.”
“I expected the god of intellect to be wiser than this, but I now see the difference between you and Athena.” Eros sneered, wrinkling his nose at the sorry display. “Do not be hasty, godling, and ponder my words carefully. I am offering you invulnerability. I will harden your heart to stone so that none may hurt you. Without your greatest weakness, you will be unstoppable. You will never have to feel such pain again.”
Apollonas paused for a moment, considering Eros’s claim. To never feel this soul-tearing agony again? To be free of the organ that rebelled against his mind at every moment? Now that he contemplated it, the offer was quite tempting. Without his heart, he would only have to rely on his body and mind, both of which were immaculate. He would indeed be unstoppable, finally the golden heir of Olympus he was expected to be. And yet… his gaze moved to the laurel tree, and a single leaf drifted down before him. Apollonas caught it in the palm of his hand, carefully tracing its pale green veins. If he were to remove his heart, to lose his ability to feel, would that not be a dishonor to Daphne? After all he had put her through, did she not deserve to be mourned and remembered? And what about all the others, every mortal that had suffered at his hand? He would be spitting on their graves by choosing to run away from the pain that, in the face of what torment they had lived through, was nothing. And so Apollonas rose to his feet, stretching to full height and then kneeling down so that his face was merely inches from the love god’s. “Rot. In. Tartarus.”
“You really should have chosen the easy path,” Eros muttered, the smirk sliding off his face as he grit his teeth. Apollonas wanted to regret? Then he’d give him reason to regret. His hands flew to Apollonas’s temples, freezing the younger god in place. Eros’s eyes glowed, twin pits of lava, and his voice boomed as he invoked his ancient power. “I curse you, Phoebus Apollona. May love be your enemy and your heart a traitor. May you be powerless to control the whims of your desire, and may you be the cause of pain to those you love, over and over until the end of time itself.”
Apollonas fell to the ground once more, struggling as the curse rooted itself deep in his soul, at the very essence of his being. By the time his throat had grown too raw for him to continue screaming, Eros had already flown away, leaving behind nothing but punishment. He found himself crawling back to the laurel tree, to Daphne, leaning his forehead against her trunk as he wept. He wept for her, for those before her, and for those after her.
“I’m sorry, Daphne,” he whispered, holding on so tightly the bark dug into his skin and realizing how powerless he really was. “I’d change you back if I could, sweet nymph, but I cannot. Instead, I swear by the river Styx, I won’t let you be forgotten. I bless you so that your leaves are never shed and instead will be woven in wreaths that will become a symbol of honor, the very thing I tried to steal from you. Let mankind see me to be the monster I am if that means your memory will live on. And even if your name no longer forms on the lips of men, they will live on eternally upon my own. This I vow to you.”
With this, he lay one last touch upon the tree before turning away, trudging his leaden feet back to Olympus. He heard the whispers as he arrived in the city, but he paid them no mind and made way to his house. Barely moments after he entered, his fingers scurried over the wall until they found the loose brick that he yanked out and tossed aside. His hands trembled in a moment of hesitation before reaching in. He grasped the bottle of his poison, his secret, his solace. Apollonas lifted it to his lips, tears running down his face, and drank his worries away.
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peach-pops · 4 years
Famous S/O HC
This is very self-indulgent cause I’m the type to make up fake scenarios where I’m famous and going on interviews and press tours asfjdks. If you guys want, I’ll make more of these! Oikawa+Tsukishima underneath the cut!
How The Haikyuu Boys Find out that You’re Famous
-Bokuto- (Pro-Athlete) 
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Bokuto knew you were an athlete but he had NO IDEA that you were super famous. Like he always thought it was normal for people to come up to you after your game to ask for pictures or autographs ??? 
I mean that’s why he was so drawn to you because of how much passion you had for your said sport cause duh he could relate
One day when you two were out at the mall, he told you that he needed to get new shoes to work out in and so the two of you went into the Nike store so he could look around
He was looking through the shoe aisle and after almost two hours of looking through the same shelves, he finally found a pair he liked (shopping with him is so time-consuming but that’s for a different day) 
when he found a pair he liked, the two of you made your way to the cashier to pay for his shoes. As the cashier was ringing Bokuto up, his eyes traveled up to the large poster/banner that was directly behind the cashier’s area and smiled to himself
It was a colorful promotional banner with a bunch of top athletes from around the world and as he’s looking at the banner, he sees this girl and he nudged you like,” Babe, she looks like you!” 
You look up from your phone and sure enough, you’re plastered on the wall posing with other athletes
“ Oh yeah, I didn’t think this shoot would come out until next month.”
Bokuto didn’t even process what you just said but my dude behind the cash register stopped scanning the shoes to turn his head to the banner and he turned PALE. 
He even does a double-take cause hold up, is there seriously a pro athlete in front of him?
“ Oh my god...You’re Y/N L/N!”
“ How do you know my…” Bokuto furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the banner again and he even squinted like hold up
“ Y/N? That’s you!” 
“ Yeah-”
Bokuto can’t even believe it and he totally spaced out when you take a selfie with the guy behind the register with the banner in the background like UMMM HIS GIRLFRIEND IS FAMOUS WHAAAAAA
Dude is totally making a scene in this store but he does not give a single fuck
As he’s walking you back home, he’s looking up all of your stats and even watches a compilation called “ 100 times Y/N L/N was a beast!” and he’s just shooketh 
“ I didn’t think it was a big deal I mean, you’re pretty famous too babe.” 
He’s not salty at all he’s just a bit emo cause he felt bad that he never even noticed before
As your fame grows, so does Bokuto’s with his volleyball career. You and him are described as a powerhouse couple and it really hypes the two of you up like THE POWER YALL POSSESS TOGETHER ON AND OFF THE COURT/FIELD/WHATEVER
Lots of training together and joint interviews together like Wired autocomplete or your favorite ~THIRST TWEETS~
“ ~Bokuto could spike a volleyball in my face, crack my nose in two different places, and I’d thank him~ oh my god that’s horrible I would never do that.”
“ I mean, you’ve done it before haven’t you?”
“ That was different anyway, your turn Y/N!” 
*passes that clunky ass bucket*
“ ~Y/N L/N, please tie me up and- oh my god this is too dirty I can’t! My mom will watch this!” 
If you’re a pro volleyball player, you two get compared a lot and it bugged you at first since you felt like you two were two very different in terms of playing style but after a while, you both started to encourage the idea of your own playful rivalries like comparing stats and wins
But if you’re in a different sport, you two get asked questions like who’s sport is harder or what it would be like if you two switched sports like??? But because you two are in different fields, you both have such major respect for each other cause you can’t even imagine how much hard work it is 
He absolutely does not mind it at all when fans approach you two if you guys are on a date. He knows how important your relationship with fans are, especially if they’re younger girls who look up to you as a role model
Bokuto will fall in love with you all over again whenever you crouch down to a younger fan ughhhghgh
He doesn’t care for the paparazzi to be honest. he knows it comes with the territory but he will get a bit protective if they start to get too close to you 
“ Hey, we’re just trying to get back home so just let us through please,” but if it continues, he will not give a single fuck about being nice,” dude, what did I just say? Back off!” 
Mad!bokuto will be the death of me
He knows how stressful it is being a pro athlete but he will always remind you how proud he is of you and if he ever sees you overworking, he will make sure you take a day off even if that means just napping together all day
Long story short, Bokuto would be amazing to have by your side as you’re navigating being in the public eye and you may quote me on that
-Oikawa- (Actress)
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This attention whore I swear 
So Oikawa knows that you act but he doesn’t know that you’re an actress (which is basically the same thing) 
Like as a kid you were in commercials and you had a small role in a tv show but it wasn’t like it was super popular. 
But what Oikawa didn’t know was that a couple months before you two started dating, you were flown out to America to star in an upcoming and highly anticipated movie 
since you were under a contract, you weren’t allowed to talk about it until the trailer dropped and it ate away at you because all you wanted to do was tell people especially your boyfriend 
ANYWAY He decided to take you on a date to the movie theatre and as you two were getting popcorn, these girls came up to you two 
“ Hi! Is it okay if we can get a picture with you?”
“Of course, how could I ever turn down my lovely fans-”
“ No, not you, Y/N!” 
Oikawa is just flabbergasted as the girls hand their phone to him so he can take a photo of you with your fans he deadass thinks it’s some prank
After the girls left, he gave you a weird-ass gaze and asked you what that was about but you just shrugged and told him that maybe it was because of ur mini part in that one tv show
So he thinks nothing about it and teased you that it was so cute how you had a mini fanbase and you weren’t going to lie, it was pretty freaking cool 
You guys entered your theatre and got settled into your seats as the movie trailers started to play. 
(Oikawa loves watching trailers like this dude is the type to take you 45 minutes before the movie actually begins JUST to make sure he doesn’t miss anything)
As you’re chilling in your seat, you see the trailer to your movie so you do your best to keep your eyes on your boyfriend and the screen at the same time cause you want to see his reaction
The trailer plays and Oikawa seemed to be interested in the movie but again, it’s like any normal trailer UNTIL he hears your voice coming from the screen and he immediately sits up in his seat 
“ Wait- was that your voice?”
“ My voice?”
“ Nevermind, I think I’m going crazy-”
AND THEN HE SEES YOU ON THE SCREEN! Since it’s a trailer it was just about five seconds of an intense/dramatic scene but it’s enough for Oikawa to lose his mind
This prompts some people in the audience to shush him but Oikawa doesn’t care
“ Toru oh my god yes that’s me but stop screaming or they’re gonna kick us out!” You whispered loudly as Oikawa clamped his hand over his mouth 
He’s so happy and he’s beaming with pride so he pulls out his phone and  records the trailer to post it in his group chat cause duh he wants to show the boys how proud he is but when he sees you kissing someone else for .6 seconds, Oikawa just (ㆆ_ㆆ) and stops recording
“ Are you okay babe?”
“ Was that real or CGI?”
“ The building crumbling is all CGI-”
“ No...the kiss.”
“ Why didn’t you tell me you were this good?” 
“ I- I was always this good! But I couldn’t say anything, I’m under a contract!”
“ But you could’ve told me! I wouldn’t have told a soul!” 
That’s a whole ass lie, if he knew, he would’ve bragged about it to Iwaizumi 
But foreal, Oikawa is such a supportive boyfriend like as months pass and your following gets bigger, he just gushes cause yep that’s his famous girlfriend ( he will 100% use you sometimes for clout)
this dude LOVES bragging to his friends that he’s dating a famous actress. Like he was always showing you off and hyping you up before but it gives him such an ego boost when people find out the two of you are dating
Oikawa is an attention whore like I said so you know whenever the paparazzi appears, he eats it up and will pose which is SOO embarrassing like pls why do u do this
But there are some days where you don’t want to get recognized and he 100% understands so the two of you will wear disguises as to not get recognized. One time you two ended up getting caught so he just grabbed your hand and the two of you SPRINTED back to the subway
He will have all of your movies on DVD and if your movie is on a streaming service, he will buy a membership JUST so he can watch your movie
Sometimes you’ll come over to his house and he’ll always try to make you watch your movie for the millionth time 
“ Toru, can we please watch something else?” 
“ But my extremely talented and beautiful girlfriend is in this movie why would I watch anything but this?” 
Don’t be fooled he WILL skip through any kissing scenes or scenes where your character shows any type of affection to another character
LOVESSS tagging along with you to photoshoots, interviews, red carpet events ALL OF IT
Red carpet events give him a chance to dress up and lowkey his outfit is always one of the best there. He won’t outshine you per se but fans actually look forward to see what he’ll be wearing and he’s not even in any of the movies I- 
Your schedule gets pretty busy once your career takes off and even though there are certain time periods where you’re across the world, it won’t stop him from sending huge bouquets to your set 
Basically, Oikawa is such a supportive boyfriend and is overall so proud of how you managed to juggle your studies with your acting career 10/10 best boy 
-Tsukishima- ( Musician/Singer)
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You and Tsuki had only been dating for a bit and since it was all still new, he kept it on the down-low because the last thing he needed was his teammates pestering him about a girl 
Tsuki knew you liked to sing and write songs but you never told him about how well known you were simply because he never asked
He just assumed it was a side thing for you UNTIL he showed up to practice and some of his teammates were huddled around Noya watching something on his tablet
“ Move your elbow! I can’t see-”
“ Watch your hand-”
“ Shush! I can’t hear her-”
“ What are you idiots watching?” Tsuki asked as he craned his neck to look at the screen
No one answered him so he started to watch the music video and low and behold, your face popped up on screen singing along to your lyrics that he’s heard a million times
Tsuki is a bit taken aback cause why is his girlfriend in such a high production video and why is his heart feeling some type of way seeing you in that outfit
Like lemme just take off my glasses and see that again ( •_•)>⌐■-■
” Where did you guys get that video?”
“ What do you mean, it’s online? She’s trending right now-”
“ God all of her songs are so good I want to see her live-” 
“ I can’t believe she goes to school with us-”
“ I wish she would step on me-”
“ Hey, don’t talk about my girlfriend like that,” Tsuki said dryly as he glares at the back of Noya’s head, which prompted everyone to turn around
“ You’re dating Y/N L/N? Ha! That’s funny Tsuki!” Tanaka laughed as he slapped Tsuki in the back harshly
At first, even Tsuki was questioning himself like wait, is he even sure you’re dating? cause this girl in the music video was NOT the same girl he was on the phone with last night
 If you had asked Tsuki 10 seconds ago if he would ever reveal to the guys he was dating someone, he would say helllll no but now that he knew about this, he didn’t care about keeping the relationship a secret especially if they were thirsting over his girl
He had all the proof in the world that he was dating you but took the salty approach to prove it to them. He pulled out his phone and shot you a text even though you were in class
Tsuki: Come to the gym right now
Y/N: is everything ok?
Tsuki: just come quickly
You left your class to “use the restroom” and practically rushed to the gym thinking that something was wrong with your boyfriend. You slid into the gym, causing the boys to look up from the tablet and you ignored their shocked faces
“ Where’s Tsukishima?” 
The boys slowly did a doubletake from the music video back to you to make sure they were seeing correctly and even though you were a bit embarrassed to hear your song playing in the background, you were just worried about Tsuki
Tsuki walked out to you from behind the guys and you rushed over to him
“ Babe, what’s wrong?” 
“ BABE?!” 
The boys were shocked and the second years practically FAINTED in your presence 
Tsuki pulled the tablet from Noya’s cold, dead hands and showed you the screen,” Care to explain this?” 
“ I- Um, it’s my music video…”
“Well are you famous or something?” 
“ I wouldn’t say famous…more like upcoming artist?” 
And then the next week you’re a nominee for the VMA’s asjfkghdk
 honestly out of Oikawa and Bokuto, he probably handles it the best on the outside, he doesn’t make too big of a deal out of your fame but on the inside he’s can’t even believe it
He doesn’t go around shouting to the world that he’s dating the Y/N L/N but he has his own ways of supporting you. He’ll listen to your songs whenever he’s walking in the hallway or doing homework at home and he’ll catch himself liking tweets that are about you as long as they’re positive
He’s def the type to argue with people online if they say mean comments and will report/block them before you can even see it 
IDC how much he tries to hide it, he is deadass ur biggest fan. Tsuki will tease you about how nervous you act during interviews/award shows but he will ALWAYS go with you to ease your nerves even if he had prior plans
If you ever write a song for him, he gets SO RED AND EMBARRASSED so pls do that 
Will def call you baka for doing so but deep down, he’ll fall in love with you even more cause you’re able to put into words how he feels about you 
I don’t think he’ll be too comfortable with you posting about him but he knows he can’t do anything about people taking photos of the two of you out together in public
Tsuki would never be rude to your fans though like if you were recognized during a date, he wouldn’t make a fit and will take photos of you and your fans to speed the process along
He HATES HATES HATES the paparazzi’s like it’s one thing for fans to come up to you when yall are in public but he gets mad when the paparazzi harasses you with questions/pictures/comments
“ Y/N! Turn around and give a smile!” 
“ Not right now, I’m sorry.”
“ Oh come on, don’t be shy! Just show the camera a little skin!”
“ How about you shut the hell up before I smack that camera out of your face.”
Head empty, no thoughts, just thinking about Mad!tsuki
It’s a big adjustment for Tsukishima that he has a girlfriend in the entertainment sphere but he knows how hard you’ve worked for it and he would never tell you to stop living your dream 
Sometimes he’ll feel insecure because you’re so successful and he doesn’t want to hold you back but since he can’t imagine being without you, he just pushes those thoughts away and enjoys every minute with you 
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Cherry Serpent - ft. Levi / reader
In this au you are a member of a semi famous j pop group, named Cherry Serpent. 
You are a human exchange student and asked Lucifer and Diavolo to keep your fame a secret, since you desire to live a normal life, at least in the devildom. Lucifer doesn't get it but is fine with this. You also get your own little portal so you can travel freely between the worlds. Soon you find out that Levi is your biggest fan.
  Small side notes - Cherry Serpent is an enby group, their whole aesthetic is based around snakes and cherries with an overall cute look. The group has 5 members.
Your character is Sakura, who is the cute one of the group. You wear a wig and contacts on stage. With some pretty heavy makeup. 
Here is how I picture Mc's stage outfit.
  Pairing: Levi x reader
2.5k words
At the start of your exchange program you didn't hear any mention of cherry serpent. It's not a huge surprise and honestly it's a relief. You don't have to worry about anything and just be yourself. 
On stage you must play the role of the cutie with a love for cherries. In reality you are a huge anime and game nerd with a love for hoodies. Most people would be very disappointed if they knew. At least you believe that. 
Not long after coming to the devildom you become friends with Levi. You find it very easy to be around Levi. He never judges you for anything and it's very relaxing to be with him.
  Everything is going very well. You feel much more relaxed and your idol carrier is also going well.
  Well, at least until the day you walk into Levi's room and find a huge poster of your own face staring right back at you. 
You stare at it in awe. You can remember the photoshoot very vividly.
  “Hey perfect timing. I was just about to tell you about my newest treasure. Look at this beauty. It's so rare for Sakura to have a photoshoot, they are very shy. I relate so much. I'm so happy. I mean it's super rare merch.” Levi is very happy, so happy that he doesn't realize that you have gotten a bit pale. Now he will surely notice that you are Sakura. I mean it's literally your face but like 3 times bigger than you are. 
“Oh, wow that's pretty cool.” You try to not show your distress. 
“Sakura is just so cute, look at their signature hand sign. I mean I have pre-ordered the new CD of course. Actually about 500 of them. I know it sounds like a lot but they have limited photos of them all and a chance to win a vip ticket for the next concert.” Levi is in full fan mode. 
It's pretty sweet of him to be this excited about it. Even when 500 copies seems a bit too much to you. 
“You really are a huge cherry serpent fan.” You never thought that a demon would ever be your fan, especially since you have not heard a single thing about it since your arrival. 
“Ohhh, you know about them? Don't tell me you are a fellow cs stan?” Levi's eyes light up. 
You bite your lips, darn you forgot that your group is just semi famous even by human standards, it's rare to meet a person that recognizes you just from a poster. 
“I have heard about them.” You try to be vague. 
“That's so cool! Who is your favorite? I mean I'm a full Sakura stan. Maybe I'm biased but when I first heard their first solo single 'cherry beast.' I was so excited and they sang about the love between a sea beast and a human. It was so touching. Ever since that day, I've been their biggest fan.” Levi has stars in his eyes.
  This is pretty embarrassing. You can't help but blush a little, of course you had people tell you things like this before during handshake events but they all were strangers. 
This here is different, it's your friend telling you how much they love your work. Even when Levi doesn't know that you are Sakura.
  “I think they are all great but why Sakura?” You wonder a bit about this. 
“Well, other than their cute outfit, they have the best voice, the best signature move. They always encourage everyone. Like one day I felt very down and sent a request to their radio show and Sakura was so sweet and really encouraged me. I know Sakura isn't the best dancer but they always train so hard and improve so much everyday. I honestly want to be more like that. We also share a love for water creatures. I mean their favorite pet is a fish, despite them only being able to have a toy fish due to their busy life. Such a tragedy.” Levi seems unable to stop himself.
  This makes you smile. You have never heard anyone say such sweet things about you. 
“I know it must sound funny to you.” Levi seems a bit embarrassed. 
“Oh no, you were just so cute that I couldn't help smiling.” You are telling at least half of the truth. 
Levi blushes.“ You shouldn't tease me like this.” He is pouting. 
You giggle a little. “Sorry Levi.”
“Now that I think about it, you are similar to Sakura.” Levi looks closely at you.
Did he notice who you really are? 
“What do you mean?” You shift nervously around.
“You always encourage me too.” Levi gives you a smile. 
Now you feel a bit embarrassed.“That's very sweet of you to say Levi.” 
“I also think that you look similar.” Levi says this very quietly. 
“I'm not sure if I do.” You can't say that you don't look like this at all. 
“Well, how about we listen to their old CD and play some games?” Levi is utterly embarrassed again and just tries to move on.
  You welcome this chance. 
After a few games you both take a break. 
The CD is still running in the background, it's pretty surreal. What are you going to do when Levi notices that this is your voice?
  All kinds of thoughts keep running through your head for the rest of the day. 
Why does Levi have to be your fan boy? 
It's not like you want to hide this from him but how will he react once you tell him the truth?
He will be disappointed in you for sure. You basically lied to your best friend. 
You ponder about this for the rest of the night. Causing you to be very tired the next day.
  Asmo sees you and can't help himself to mention it.“Don't tell me that you have been gaming all night again? You have an awful complexion. Well, nothing that I can't fix of course.” He shakes his head. 
“Not this time Asmo. I just have been thinking about some stuff.” You sigh lightly. 
“What kind of stuff? I'm glad to hear you out you know.” Asmo tries to be supportive. 
You honestly appreciate this, especially today. “I can't really talk about it here.” You are afraid that Levi will overhear you. 
“In that case you should come to my room later.” Asmo gives you a suggestive smile. 
“If you mean to talk then I'm willing to come.” You know that he means no harm. 
“Alright, we will just have some snacks and tea and talk about all of your troubles.” Asmo shrugs and casually changes his tone. 
In the end he is a good friend. 
“I will bring your favorite cupcakes to make it up to you.” You give him a soft smile. 
“Now that is a plan. I'm looking forward to it.” Asmo is genuine about this and you are grateful.
  Later in the day you go to Asmos room with the promised cupcakes. 
Asmo is delighted. It seems like he is really looking forward to this. 
You both sit down and have some tea before starting your conversation.
  “I will get straight to the issue. I have a secret from my best friend and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.” You aren't sure how much you should tell Asmo. 
“Is this about you being a member of cherry serpent?” Asmo says this very casually, while you almost spit your tea out. 
“How do you know that?” You are too surprised to deny anything. 
“Please, I've known ever since we went to karaoke. Levi might be too blind to see it but I have heard enough of your music to recognize your voice. I mean your stage makeup is great but it's clearly you.” Asmo just shakes his head. 
“You knew all this time but never once mentioned it?” You are pretty baffled. 
“I know how it is to be in the spotlight and figured that you had reasons to hide it. I knew you would come forward when you are ready.” Asmo keeps sipping his tea. It's honestly amazing to you. 
“That was very nice of you Asmo.” You feel honestly touched. 
“Does that mean that you have finally fallen for me?” Asmo gives you a flirty smile. 
“Nope, I'm just glad that you support me.” You shoot him down with a smile. 
“Too bad. Well, anyway, I think you should tell Levi. I know he is your fanboy. I mean technically of Sakura, but I'm sure he will be happy to know that you are his favorite idol.”Asmo casually moves on and then gives you his suggestion. 
“I'm afraid that he will see me differently than now and I also don't want him to hate me. I hid this from him all this time after all.” Both things weigh equally on your mind. 
“He will figure it out sooner or later. If he finds this out from anyone else he will be much more hurt.” Asmo says this gently while still being firm. 
You can only agree and nod. “You are right.” You feel sad about this.
The last thing you want is for Levi to treat you differently. 
“Of course I'm right, and you know it's not the worst thing in the world to have your own personal cheerleader.” Asmo doesn't really understand your issue. 
“I just want to stay close to him. I can't do that if he is only my fan boy.” You shake your head. 
“You should tell him that. I don't think Levi will stop being your friend first and fanboy second. Maybe your relationship will change but that's not always a bad thing.” Asmo gives you some much needed encouragement. 
“You are right. Thank you for your help Asmo.” You give him a heartfelt smile. 
Asmo seems slightly troubled for a moment but then smiles as usual once again. “Everything for you.”
You spend some time with Asmo, catching up on the latest devildom gossip. 
After talking about anything you feel much better.
  You go back to your room and see a load of messages from Levi. 
It seems like he got tickets for an upcoming concert. All is well and good but it's a cherry serpent concert. 
Now you really need to come clean to Levi.
  After thinking for hours about the right way to gently break the news, you invite Levi over to your room.
  Not long after Levi arrives. He is still very giddy over the tickets. He almost seems to sparkle. “Hey, there. I guess you also wanted to celebrate the great news right? I have brought some snacks and some other stuff.” As usual he has brought some seemingly random things with him.
“Come in Levi. We really need to talk.” You give him a nervous smile. 
“Is the moment where you break up with me? Wait, we aren't dating…” Levi seems pretty confused. 
“Stop fooling around. There is something that I really need to tell you.” You feel slightly annoyed at his joke. 
“Alright, sorry…” Levi gets serious in an instant. One hundred reasons why you want to talk to him in such a serious manner race threw his head. No reason is a good one.
  Levi sits down, trying to prepare himself for whatever you will drop on him. 
“I know what I'm about to tell you will probably be upsetting. You should know that you are my best friend and if possible I want you to see me the same way as you see me now. You see, I have a big secret that I kept from everyone.” You take a small breath,“I'm a member of cherry serpent. To be more precise I'm Sakura.” 
You prepare yourself for whatever Levi will throw at you. His possible anger or hurt.
What hits you is stunned silence. Levi looks at you like he can't comprehend your words at all.
  It takes him a moment to get over the sheer shock of this information. “W-wait.. Hold it right there! You are SAKURA? Since when? Wait that's a stupid question. Are you serious right now?” Levi has huge issues understanding what you are saying. 
“It's true Levi. I'm sorry I have been hiding this for so long.” You feel pretty guilty. 
“Never mind that part but you are telling me that I'm friends with Sakura? THE SAKURA FROM CHERRY SERPENT?? I can't believe it!” Levi seems to struggle with his emotions but he seems pretty happy. 
“Well you are friends with me. I just happened to be Sakura as an idol.” You feel like you really need to point this out. 
“Oh yeah. That is an important distinction. So, you are telling me that my best friend is not only an idol but also my favorite idol on top of that?” Levi's confusion seems completely gone. He is very excited. 
“Yes, that's right. I mean, I didn't know that Sakura is your favorite idol.” This point is a bit embarrassing to you. 
“Now they definitely are. I mean my best friend is Sakura. So of course Sakura is my favorite idol.” Levi says this without any hesitation. 
This makes you smile. “That is very sweet of you Levi.”
Somehow this causes Levi to blush.“Stop being so unfair.” He mumbles. 
“Does that mean that you aren't mad? I mean, I've been lying to you for a pretty long time.” You are still bothered by it. 
“I'm not mad. I actually can't believe that I never noticed. In hindsight, I was pretty blind.” Levi seems to beat himself up more than anything. 
“I look very different on stage. I bet most people would be very disappointed by my normal appearance.” You give him a small smile. 
“Everyone that says that is a huge idiot. You are even better than Sakura in my opinion.” Levi seems a bit offended by your statement. 
This makes you giggle. “You truly are my biggest fan, aren't you Levi?” 
“Damn right I am! I will continue to support you and I will take your secret to my grave.” Levi says this with unusual confidence. It's something you can only see when he beats the final boss of a game. 
“You are the best!” You give him a big hug.
  This makes Levi freeze on the spot. “Hey, no surprise attacks!” 
You burst out laughing, there is your usual Levi. “Sorry Levi.”
“It's not like I hate it, but you should warn me.” Levi pouts a little.
You are just glad that your friendship is safe.
  On the day of your concert Levi joins the rest of your fans, as usual. 
Thanks to his great efforts he is far upfront. Waving his glowsticks. 
This is a very familiar sight to you. When you notice him your eyes meet just for a moment and you give him an extra smile while doing your signature move, just for him.
  Then you notice that Levi wears a shirt with your name on it. Not with his usual Sakura gear but your real name.
  What a sweet surprise. 
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aceofshitposts · 3 years
I saw that you like CATS the musical. What are your thoughts on the movie?
AAAAH AHHAHA oh man oh boy y'all should BUCKLE IN cuz it's a ride
my simple thoughts? it's entertaining if only because it butchered the stage show so badly in an attempt to idk modernize it? Well, modernization is one part of it I think. The other part I'll go into below lol. I don't necessarily hate some of the more modern renditions of the songs (mostly the ensemble sets like Jellicle Song for Jellicle Cats) but then others are just... so poorly done it's insulting.
I've said this at the end of this whole rant too but I'm gonna put it up here in case people don't (justifiably) wanna see me go on and on about it:
The movie wasn't made for fans of the musical. It was made to make money and I believe they choose, at least partially, to do that through making it the weirdest and worst possible adaptation they could so that people would want to go see the train wreck. Which, really, worked! It was all people could talk about for a good while so like... Goal achieved, I guess.
A MUCH MORE COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS UNDER THE CUT cuz i don't wanna. flood your dash with... this
ALRIGHT SO. Most of my friends know I'm actually a huge fan of new adaptations of things. I love remakes (provided the people making it are coming at it with some form of heart and not just... cash grabbing which is more often the case) I love seeing other peoples interpretations of characters, or changing settings. It's one of the reasons I like American comics so much, getting to see different writers takes is fascinating.
I think musical movies can be wonderful ways to introduce people to a stage show that might have been unavailable to them otherwise! Chicago, for example, is one of the BEST musical to movie adaptations in my opinion. It kept the heart of the show, it's funny and the song numbers are done really well.
There are of course other famous examples, such as Grease or Bye Bye Birdie. Hairspray was also a wonderful take. These are simply off the top of my head, there are of course more.
CATS in particular has a history. If you go through my CATS tag you may see a few posts from @catsnonreplica which posts photos from non broadway productions of CATS! It's a fascinating read and I love, love, love looking at the other interpretations of the characters! CATS is a musical full of fun and wonderful characters if you take the time to see past the ridiculousness haha and the Korean and Japanese runs of CATS especially have some of my favourites.
How does this relate to the movie, I hear you say well. As you might has noticed the movie's interpretations of the characters is........ lackluster at best and downright uncanny valley at best.
CATS is, at its core, a ridiculous thing. I will fully admit that! But it's fun, it's entertaining and if you pay a little attention you can actually get the plot. (Honestly I don't understand when people complain it has no plot but that's a whole other rant for another day)
The movie was... obsessed with this idea of like... semi realism? Like obviously, as a fan, I think they should have leaned into the over the top character designs but instead we got...w ell:
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Demeter left and Bomba right. Demeter was actually cut! From the movie which is. upsetting lmao.
Macavity is one of the worst offenders for me:
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Macavity was... I wish I could know what the hell they were thinking there cuz it's even in his song? Ginger cat??? THAT IS NOT... A GINGER CAT...... but I digress. I would show more examples but I think you get the point.
So. We've butchered the characters appearances. Okay that's fine but what about their personalities?
There's... there's a lot to unpack here. Just for context: the Jellicle Ball happens once a year and the Jellicle leader chooses a single cat to be reborn into a new life. In the stage play all the cats who are nominated for this honour are on the older side (Jenny-Any-Dots, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Gus The Theatre Cat, and eventually Grizzabella) AND are always nominated by another cat. Not themself, unlike the movie where they all seem to nominate themselves.
Jenny-Any-Dots went from a doting grandmother figure who's celebrated for her selfless volunteering and tireless work into a conceited, vain younger cat who is obsessed with fame.
It's an incredibly strange dichotomy. I don't doubt some of it isn't the result of the uh people playing the characters honestly. I do think some of them did the best they could! I don't really blame Jason Derulo, for example, for Tugger. And honestly, Tugger was probably closest to his stage version (while being a trouble maker, he's shown to show Deuteronomy an immense amount of respect)
Speaking of Tugger! This will bring us to one of the biggest grievances with the movie and that is how they handled Mr Mistoffelees.
So... Ugh. So. We have Victoria as the pov character, which imo is like whatever in the grand scheme of things, and then we have Misto who they have decided will be get live interest cuz... Of course. Misto is shown throughout the musical to be awkward, unsure of himself and well. Really, kinda incompetent. Which is Wild cuz in the stage show he might be aloof but he's fairly confident in his powers.
So, Old Deuts gets kidnapped. In the stage show Tugger is the one to bring Misto forward! It's really quite sweet, imo, and I'm showing myself as a Tuggoffelees shipper here, but again Tugger is previously shown to be pretty conceited but then here he is boosting and hyping up Misto to bring Deuteronomy back. My friends and I have lovingly dubbed this the boyfriend hype song.
SOMEHOW. The movie manages to make this, easily, the MOST BORING number in the whole thing. Which, again, WILD. Misto awkwardly stumbles through his whole song, which again is... Boasting of his supreme magical powers which movie Misto clearly. Does not have or believe to have. The song, to me, feels super awkward and unnecessarily drawn out in the movie which sucks cuz it's one of my favourites in the show.
The declawing (heh) of Mr Mistoffelees actually reminds me strongly of how they changed Gaston in the live action Beauty and the Beast movie. He's gone from a beloved figure in the animated movie to someone so disliked in the town that Le Fou has to pay people off to say nice things about him. It's just. Wild character choices were made!!
Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat is probably my favourite in movie non ensemble number. It feels the most... Genuine? Compared to the other nomination songs.
Other problems include but are not limited to:
The inconsistent size scale of the CATS which throws me off constantly.
The weirdly overt sexual overtones added to MANY of the songs (Jenny and Bustopher being the worst)
This is just a personal gripe and opinion but I don't like that they used the UK version of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. The American version is both better known and tbh way more fun. Teazer's giggle? Adds ten years to my life every time.
Victoria's added solo song, Beautiful Ghosts, while I like the song as a song it doesn't fit the style of message of the musical. In the movie she's singing directly to Grizzabella who's being an outcast for years that she should be grateful she even has memories of being part of the tribe?? What?? But I know they had to add an original song to be able to be nominated for awards in like the Grammys n shit (which is why all musical movies will have an original song, fun fact!!) kinda funny they went to the effort though considering........... I don't think anyone could have genuinely believed CATS 2019 was gonna win anything but golden rhaspberries.
Movie Mr Mistoffelees has made repeated appearances as my sleep paralysis demon
The various cut characters, shout outs to Jemima, Demeter and Jellylorum especially
Bombalurina being a henchman to Macavity rubs me the wrong way
God I've written... So much. You probably get it by now haha. Like I said at the beginning, I try to go into any adaptation with an open mind but... Let's be honest, this movie wasn't marketed to people who are fans of the musical.
It was marketed, and made, to make money. And they choose to do that through, I think, intentionally making the worst possible version ever. Bad press is still press and the more outrageous people said the movie was the more people wanted to go see exactly what kind of train wreck it was.
Which is a disservice to the stage show, honestly, and all the people who've worked on it over the years.
But what can we do, right?
And besides all that, I do... Still own the movie version and I do still rewatch it on occasion. It is entertaining even if it's in a train wreck kind of way. I usually end up watching the 1998 version, then 2019 and then various tour runs that are on YouTube. (I highly recommend the 2016 tour, it's very good)
So in conclusion. It's fun (?) to watch. I enjoy picking things apart and doing analysis (if you couldn't tell!) so like... I don't hate it?
It did what it set out to do, I guess, and I can't fault it for that but. It's not a fair metre with which to judge the stage show imo. But I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, haha.
Jazz hands. I'm more than happy to elaborate or just chat about CATS if anyone wants! I grew up listening to the Broadway CD since I was a toddler so it's been! A very long standing obsession haha. Probably the only other thing on par with CATS is my obsession with Jurassic Park which I've also been a fan of since I was 3 (but that's a whole story in and of itself)
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Day 6: “What book is that?”//”Is that smut?”
non-descript, non-canon-compliant AU
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Leo Valdez sighs as he stares at the gloomy weather taking over his Saturday. It seems that while winter is well and truly underway the sun would not be making an appearance, or at least it hadn’t for the last week. He looks back at the rough sketches he’s drawn for his practical assignment due after winter break and decides he’s worked hard enough for the day. Writing down measurements and ruling a few lines counted, right? He didn’t care. Heaving himself out of his chair he pulls up the socks that had slowly started slipping down and shoves his feet into his giant Yoda slippers that are truly a wonder and a disgrace in equal parts. His friends take turns wearing them and pretending to be everything from big foot to Yoda-crushers. He has a polaroid hall of fame behind his door.
As he trudges across the wooden floor of his apartment his mind wanders to the upcoming days and the time that stretches before him. His roommates are gone to their homes for the break but Leo, ever the orphan, was still stuck in their shared apartment, the weather and his lack of plans keeping him steadfast. He hops onto the kitchen counter and slides across it, landing on the other side in a smooth glide to the fridge. With a self-satisfied smirk he prepares a hot chocolate, laced with coffee because he doesn’t need a sleep schedule when he’s on holiday! He dances at the thought, slurping up a marshmallow and burning himself on the steaming mug.
A knock at the door interrupts his little moment. He glances at the time on the microwave and frowns as he sees 13:30 flashing on the little screen. Who would be here at this time? Everyone he knows is well on their way to family homes or tropical vacations. Stupid Piper and her stupid rich father. He should call her and check in. The knock sounds again and he hurries to open the door.
Percy looks up from his phone, a small smile tugging at full lips, “Hi Valdez, can i come in?”
Leo instantly moves aside, as his mind runs a mile a minute. It’s not unusual for Percy to pop around, considering they went to the same university and hung with the same people. It just seemed odd that he’d be here now. When he was supposed to be in New York.
“Is uh, is everything okay?”
That signature smirk takes over that lovely face and it makes his heart beat just a little faster. Well that’s a new reaction. “Everything is fine. I just wanted to come back before the semester reopened, so I could catch up on sleep and video games without Estelle trying to press every button.” His nose scrunches in what’s supposed to be irritation but the soft look in his eyes offsets the whole charade.
“Oh, well make yourself at home.” He gestures to the lounge, which looks relatively neat for once.
“Thanks,” Percy looks around, setting his keys on the kitchen counter and flopping onto the double couch. “Want to play a video game with me?”
“Sure, mind if i go shower first though? I kind of got distracted with school stuff and haven’t actually gotten any self-care stuff in.”
A laugh that reminds him of forest brooks, catches around the apartment. “Go shower, you hazard. I’ll wait for you.” 
Sticking his tongue out at the jab he hops off to the bathroom, all the while thinking how nice it is to have a friend here. Even if that friend came back from two months of holiday with sun-kissed skin the colour of maple bark, and green eyes that twinkle as bright as the evening star. It’s never really been fair how gorgeous Percy Jackson was, with his whole skater boy-badass-saving the world-looking-out-for-the-little-people thing going on, but now he seems to be from another galaxy. One where they make humans out of gemstones. It is almost a shame he’s still dating Annabeth because Leo would happily set his heart on fire for a chance to be Percy’s flame. But no matter. He is allowed to appreciate without disrespecting.
His shower is quick and steaming as he tries to fight off the strange chill in the air. Soon he’s in a fresh pair of sweats and is running his fingers through damp, unruly curls to try to organise them into something that won’t resemble a bird’s nest when it dries. He doesn’t have much luck but at this point his interest is far below his luck. With a shrug in the mirror to make sure his top is on the right way- inside out, back-to-front shirts are a common occurrence- he pads across the cool wooden floors and into the lounge. There he finds Percy, sitting on the floor, back against the couch, with his nose buried in a kindle and the most adorable wire-framed glasses pushed up his nose.
Without saying anything he comes up behind him and settles himself on the couch. He knows his friend notices his presence because he shifts slightly so Leo can get comfortable and then settles back down. He sees two video games lying on the table and the controllers connected and waiting to be used.  And then he glances down at the book Percy is reading, curiosity pressing on his lungs.
“What book is that?” He leans in closer, his curls brushing the balck-haired boy’s cheeks. ”Is- Is that smut?”
Instantly his friend blushes, skin turning a deep red. “N-no.” He stammers.
“It totally is.” Leo smirks, delighted by the recent discovery. “You trying to learn some tricks for Annabeth?”
“Oh my gods Valdez!” He blushes harder and it is possibly the cutest thing he has ever seen.
“Well there’s no need to be embarrassed. I think it’s very cool that you’re putting in the effort to try and impress your lady. I know Annabeth would love this, she’ll see it like studying.”
Percy drops his head into his hands and groans in embarrassment. It sets Leo off cackling with glee.
“Annabeth and I aren't together anymore.” His friend mumbles.
‘Wait what?”
“Yea she went halfway across the world and we felt it was better to break up, If we find each other again then so be it.”
“Holy shit are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?” The scandalous book is all but forgotten.
“No, I’m good.” When he sees Leo’s raised eyebrow he rolls his eyes. “I swear. I was a bit all over the place in the beginning but the holiday with my family and talking it over with my therapist really helped. Besides we didn’t lose all contact. She’s still my friend.”
“Okay,” He is still a little skeptical but he drops it. “Let me know if you ever want to talk.”
“Will do love.” And he goes back to reading.
But Leo sits there frozen in shock as he processes the words Percy had just said. Love, love, love. Oh gods. This little crush was turning into a big problem in his life. 
“Want to play a video game now?” He asks a little too loudly.
The black-haired boy gives him a weird look but locks his Kindle and grabs the controllers from the table. “What am i beating you at Valdez?”
He scoffs, as he scrolls through the options, and then grins when he lands on the perfect one. “I’m going to absolutely crush you at Mario Kart.”
“Oof, wrong choice love. I’ve been playing this game since before i could talk.”
“Big words for a man who chooses Luigi over Princess Peach.”
“Hey don’t judge my avatar. Luigi is a beast.”
“He looks like the creepy brother who’s plumbing business is a front for the mob.”
“Good then at least you know not to mess with him.”
“Oh you are going down Jackson!”
The screen flashes with 3, 2, 1. And they’re off. Yelling obscenities at each other and slamming their little cars off the roads. Percy lands up in the ocean, and growls so loudly Leo is sure he has a stray animal in his apartment. But then a blue shell is hitting him and he’s the one making animalistic sounds, as he shoves Percy’s shoulder and zooms past Luigi’s car.
“I’m getting the family inheritance sucker!” He whoops as he crosses the finish line.
“Listen Mario. If i’m tied to the mob you’re tied to the mob so buckle up buddy, we got shit to do.” Green eyes flash, dark eyebrows knitting in faux seriousness and then they’re both keeling over with laughter.
Percy flings his head back and it hits the couch seat with a soft thud, but he’s too busy laughing to notice. Leo’s head falls forward until his curls are brushing his friend’s forehead and they are breathless with amusement.
“You’re a clown Jackson.” He whispers, still only centimeters away from beautiful brown skin. His lips a mere inch from brushing against the crease between those eyebrows
“At least i’m not Princess Peach.”
“Maybe you should be, and then you could actually win.”
“Oh you did not just say that!” He gasps, and Leo feels the intake against his knees, which are pressed to his back.
“Round two?”
“You’re on, mobster.”
And with a determined gleam in those green eyes they race into another round. And Leo thinks, maybe this is what paradise feels like. And Percy laughs as he releases a blue shell. And Leo knows this is what happiness looks like.
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naptoons · 4 years
I am in dire need of some Christopher Velez content. Anything at all I appreciate 💛💛
You got it bby🤍 hope you like it!!
Rainstorm- Chris Velez
Warnings: none
Summary: Chris plans was to take you out on a date after he just came back from tour. But with an unexpected thunderstorm caused him to change course.
Theme: Fluff.
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Laying on the couch as you watched your favorite tv show while twirling the carmine lollipop in between your lips. The front door swung open indicating Chris finally came back from grocery shopping. Smiling you sit up bating your eyelashes at him. Instantly his eyes catches yours in admiration. “well hello the beast is finally awake” christ chuckles closing the door with his foot
“Aye! But when it was you all I did was call you beautiful and caress your hair”
“And I also called you beautiful and rearranged your spine” Chris winks at you , that was the first thing you guys done when he came back, being away from a long time just meant sexting each other. And knowing you could get away with you, you’d tease him just to hear him say things he’d do to you once he got home, just to bite your lip in pride that you’re the only one to make him feel this way. So ultimately you would do just that.
When chris got home it was all sweet and beautiful, two hours later you were ruffling the sheets, screaming through the pillows as your eyelashes touched the peak of your eyelid. While he was dirty talking in your ear whole your legs shaked around his. Needlessly to say Chris remembered what he promised and delivered.
Chris sits down next to you throwing his arm around the couch, as you scoot over leaning your head on his shoulder. His lips press against your head making you scrunch your your nose with a giggle, looking up at him you peck his lips softly smearing the sticky candy on him. “Mmm you’re beautiful” he mumbles but it came out as a desperate moan.
“You’re handsome” you giggle wrapping your legs around his waist you cover the tv from his vision. “So what are we doing today?” You trail your fingers up his forearm.
“Well I did promise you I’d take you on a date when I got back, so we’re going on a date, I have everything planned out” Chris lips tug apart spreading from ear to ear
“You know you don’t have too right? I like doing anything with you” you pop the lollipop out your mouth for a second just to kiss him
Sometimes it still was a mystery to how Chris came to like someone such a polar opposite of him. Chris likes the fast life. You like the freeway. Chris love parties. You love staying home watching movies. But they did say opposites attract. Moral of the story is Chris fell in love with you for loving everything about him, most want the riches or the fame. But you just wanted random walks in the park, crazy Polaroid pictures you can’t explain when you’re older. Sitting on the balcony watching the stars.
Since Chris been dating you , he’s stopped going out to parties every weekend, he’s even converted to drinking less alcohol and soda. Slowly he started to love what you loved. He loved your aura, it was hard for him to get out the friend zone. Your ex wasn’t all peaches and creams, instead of telling you to your face he wasn’t into anymore, he decided to cheat on you, nevertheless with an associate on your job you were getting to know slowly. On top of that she later let you know that he just wanted to take your virginity. Something she wish she didn’t give to him. It took a while for you to trust and love again.
You were tired of the whole opening and closing process. Strangers to friends. Friends to lovers. Lovers to nothing. You didn’t want that cycle to repeat. And Chris was determined to not let it happen. He brought you flowers every once and a while, took you out to dinner. Bought you gifts. Always said “good morning” & “Goodnight” every chance he got he would remind you that he’s so in love with you. Wether you was his girlfriend or not.
Eventually you started to like him taking slow as possible, eventually you broke out of your shell and you were the first to say “I love you” ever since then the nice gestures just increased and he never stopped saying I love you.
“Oh shush, you know I always take you out on a date one a week” Chris shoots down your argument
“I mean you don’t have to keep those gestures up I know you love me” you smile
Chris shakes his head cupping your face in his palms “hey I’m never going to stop them gestures because the same way I got you, is the same things I’m going to do to keep you” planting soft kiss all over your face until he reached your lips “I love you” he mutters
“I love you too” you giggle, “now get dressed sexy, dress casual now, I’m not trying to go anywhere with a hard on” he smacks your thighs
“So you’re saying me casual doesn’t turn you on?” You buck your hips against against his feeling his body tense up, his fingers dipping into your waist hard. “Y/n?” His voice shakes “you better chill, because I will break you like a glow stick”
“Doesn’t sound to bad, but we don’t want your reservations to be wasted” you giggle getting off his lap, crunching the lollipop in your mouth, you give him a wink before turning the corner. “You’re so getting it when we get back!” Chris yells.
After you took a shower Chris went in right after you, sitting on the couch again you placed your feet up on the couch. You were wearing an off the shoulder dress with a pair of strappy sandals, he said something casual so it was the simplest thing in your closet. Besides sweats and a shirt. But it was a date.
Flipping through the channel, Chris came out the shower his aroma filling the whole room already making you weak to your knees before the day was over. Chris peaks around the wall coming in contact with your eyes drowning in lust and love for him. “Did I tell you casual?” He rasps you shrug your shoulders biting on your lower lips softly “I swear you love being a brat”
“Thought I was a princess?” You pout while looking at him chris squints his eyes at you while getting comfortable on the couch next to you you caress his chin with your nails, a simple but affective thing. he loved it. Placing his hand between your thighs his thumb crossed over thumb softly. “You’re beautiful baby” his lips mumble against your skin.
“Thank you” I whisper back to him, Chris begins kissing your neck softly in a intimate way, no matter what he’d never push you into having sex with him, even if he was in the mood and you weren’t he’d handle it himself, instead of asking or turning you on. You’d tell him constantly time after time a relationship involves two people. Then hitting him with the joke “who says I don’t want you?”
“Let’s go, before I have you dress on the floor as a decor piece while I have you screaming in these pillows”
“Doesn’t sound bad” you smile knowing it pissed him off, Chris side eyes you then stands up slowly, just as you are doing the same , a loud roar of thunder shakes the house followed by the crackled sounds of lighting. The rain slowly rolling in. Chris sighs in defeat knowing his plans are all canceled.
“Great” Chris lets our softly, you walk up to him wrapping your arms around his neck, he looks down upon you with glasses of disappointment and love, kissing his chest soft you make your way up to his lips. Carefully avoiding his weak spots. “Hey, you know it’s okay I like staying out home too baby” you remind him
“Yeah I know, but I wanted to take you out to this special place, you deserve more than staying home” chris says softly
“I deserve you, and that’s all I need, I don’t care what we do, now you’ll just have to make those perfect plans here!” walking back towards the couch you kick off your sandals and smile at him.
“Damn am I lucky to have you”
“Same here bubs”
Chris ended up pulling out all the board games you guys have, he even cooked dinner, your favorite food to be exact. He wanted to make up for the rain ruining his parade still failing to realize this is still perfect for you no matter what. Because you’re both together.
“y/n, stop playing I will make you draw four”
“Try it! I’ll double it bitch”
Chris holds his hand up in defense with an eyebrow up “excuse me ma’am I don’t want any of the smoke” you giggle at him throwing down your last card then shouting “uno!” So loud you’re sure going to hear a noise complaint from your neighbors.
“If you end on a plus four you’re a pussy” you squint your eyes at him
“Really?” Chris ponders sarcastically
“Yep, you’re a pussy if you do it”
“Well , pussy builds strong bones” Chris throws down his last card as you dramatically fall back on the carpet mimicking the sounds of a flatline heart monitor, a laughing Chris hovers over you lowering himself down to your level.
“I gotta do cpr” Chris jokes
“No!” You yell jokingly trying to push Chris off of you but he holds your wrist down kissing you all over your face but your lips, he pulls away from your frame, you pout pulling him towards you and placing your lips on his.
“You’re going to give me my kiss one way or another”
“You need to stop before I act up brat” his hands wrap around your neck.
Ending up teasing him and pushing his buttons, he delivered what you’ve missed the entire time he was gone. You missed his hands on your skin, and he missed the way you dipped into his hands, letting out noises of euphoria. But most importantly he missed cuddling with you.
Rubbing his fingertips up and down your arms you guys cuddled in bed just watching the storm raging outside your window. “You know, I’ve been thinking”
“What you’ve been thinking about sly devil?” You turn around in his arms rubbing his shoulder blades. Chris doesn’t reply all he does is grab something out of the drawer, chewing down on his lower lip to suppress his nervous giggles. “This is what I’ve been thinking about”
He hands you a box which you furrow your eyebrows up at “you got me a gift darling what’s the occasion?” You slowly take off the bow and open the lid. Your eyes widen at the sight of a ring along with a pair of house keys.
“Baby?” You pause as your eye fill up with tears
“Will you do me the honors of being your fiancé and moving in with me?” Chris smiles, you jump into his arms kissing him so much he starts to giggle. Grabbing your hand he slides the ring on your left ring finger.
Chris wipes your face and with every kiss on your skin he whispers “I love you” to which you replied “I love you more”
“and you thought dates away from home was better, this was the best date I’ve ever had” you mumble against his neck
“Me too mi amour”
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thephantomcasebook · 4 years
Matt’s “Reasonable” Downton Abbey Movie Sequel Pitch
Since I’ve been known to take extreme flights of fancy ... maybe wedding Downton Abbey continuity to Pulp and Classic Adventure stories in the past ... this time I’m gonna pitch something that is plausible on the Silver Screen.
The Summery:
Set in the Mid-1950′s. Lady Mary Talbot hosts a house party at Downton Abbey, like the old days, before the war. However - during the party - a maid is found dead. Miles from competent investigators, Edward Pelham enlists the help of his childhood hero and older cousin, the Earl of Grantham, George Crawley. Once a famed adventurer and war hero - no one has seen or heard from him since the war ended. He has chosen solitude and exile in the seclusion of Crawley House with his young son and his faithful butler Thomas Barrow. 
Together, with the help of old friends, the two cousins try to unveil the murderer that is on the loose in Downton Abbey looking to avenge an old sin from the past. 
 Lady Mary, Lady Edith, and Tom Branson -  Michelle Dockery, Laura Carmichael, and Allen Leech 
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Lady Rose Aldridge, “Dowager Countess of Sinderby” - Lily James 
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Mrs. Lucy Branson - Tuppence Middleton 
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Anna Bates - Joanne Froggett  
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Thomas Barrow & Richard Ellis - Richard Collier & Max Brown
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Captain George “The Comet” Crawley, Earl of Grantham - Henry Cavil  
Crippled during battle while Storming an SS held Austrian Castle in May 1945, George Crawley chose seclusion rather than Downton Abbey. For the last ten years he has retreated from the world. Surrounded by Libraries of ancient texts and Medieval Chronicles - glass cases filled with trophies and artifacts from his adventures -  George broods darkly over the death of his men and a betrayal by the one he loved most in Matthew Crawley’s old chair by the fire..  
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However, his young idealistic cousin rouses the once heroic and valiant adventurer back to action with the encouragement of his son Jason Crawley and Thomas Barrow, who believe George has sat idle too long and must become the leader and man of action he once was.
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“Well, well, well ... if it isn’t Captain George “The Comet” Crawley himself. The most Dangerous Man in the whole Empire, this one was ... Once. 
“Yes, I dare say, and how are you holding up these days, eh, Old Boy?!” 
“With a cane.” 
Ms. Sybil “Sybbie” Branson - Jessica De Gouw  
A Genius Mechanical Engineer, Sybbie was once the partner and companion of George Crawley on many adventure and stayed by his side throughout the war. However in 1943, during a mission with their SOE Commando Team in Greece, Sybbie Branson turned coat on the Allies and  was revealed to be a Nazi Agent ... Her betrayal caused the unintended death of John “Johnny” Bates Jr. 
Captured in Austrian Castle in May of 1945 at great cost in George’s blood and the lives of his men by her fanatical suitor and body guards, Sybbie was tried at Nuremberg for helping design super weapons for the Nazis. However, just before her execution, at the last moment, she was reprieved and recruited by “Operation Paper Clip” ... some believed sparing her life was the last thing George did before going into seclusion.
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Ten years later, Ms. Sybil Darcy splits her time in Hollywood as an Oscar winning actress and a Southern California Military Base where she helps develop rockets for a fledgling American Space Program. It is only by chance that on another guilt ridden drinking binge that she awakens at the doors of Downton Abbey - her childhood home - where her International Playboy fiance was invited to Lady Mary’s House Party.
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“When I’m in his arms all I can think of is home, and when I think of home all I can think of is you. I know what I’ve done is evil and can never be forgiven. And I don’t ask for it from you ... all I ask is that you wait for me ... please, don’t leave me here alone. I don’t remember what this world was like without you in it, And all I know is that I cannot live in such a world. I know you don’t want to hear it, but I love you, and I’ll never stop ... Never.”
Lady Marigold Fraser, “Countess of Tarahill” - Elizabeth Henstridge 
During the “Battle of Britain” and “The Blitz” Corporal Marigold Crawley served as a operator and airwoman in the RAF control room. When George and Sybbie’s squadron was sent to break the Siege of Malta and fight in the North Africa Campaign , Marigold would not be left behind. Thus, she resigned commission and became a War Corespondent for her Mamma and Aunt Laura at “The Sketch” - covering George and his men’s exploits from the ‘safety’ of Sybbie’s mechanic’s hanger. Later, during Sybbie’s arch betrayal, Marigold used her media and diplomatic pass as a Marquess’s step-daughter to rescue a hunted George with the help of local resistance. She went on to cover D-Day, Market Garden, and the Battle of the Bulge while attached to a much darker and violent George and his Commandos, 
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Marigold was vaulted as a “Female Pioneer in Journalism”. But falling in Love with a Scottish Colonel in the British Airborne during Market Garden, she chose marriage rather than her career. But 10 years later the call of adventure is stirred in the societal matron’s blood once more upon her reunion with best friend George and a Mystery to solve.    
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“Do you ever think of it, George?”
“The war?” 
“Would you think me terrible if I told you that I miss it?” 
“What particularly do you miss about the Ardennes or Arnhem Bridge?”
“It’s not the places, not the snowy woods all bundled tight together in our freezing foxhole under artillery fire, or escaping Holland on rubber rafts in the middle of the night ... I miss our men, I miss ... waking up in the morning and knowing that we were apart of something, that it was you and me, and the old chaps, against the world ... I miss being useful, George. I guess, I’d rather like to feel that way again.”  
Ms. Caroline Talbot - Daisy Ridley 
Beautiful, Spoiled, Clever, Selfish, and Effete, the co-heiress to “Branson & Talbot Motors” has spent her life attempting to get a rise out of her mother. As most desirable of debutantes and Crown Princess of British High Society, Caroline spends her days scheming and contriving against other society girls, of whom she loves to torment. Her nights in nightclubs spent drinking and dancing, waking up in different beds throughout the poshest London Houses. 
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 She loathes her mother, and blames Henry’s death on George, whose Spitfire shot down the German Bomber that crashed into Henry and Bertie’s train during “The Battle of Britain”. With George and Sybbie having never gotten along with, or been able to stand, Henry - Caroline believes George plotted her father’s death.
However, her arrogance and anger is dropped only in the presence of her best and only true friend, her cousin Edward. The only person in her unhappy life of whom she knows she truly loves.
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“JUST SAY IT, MAMMA! WHY CAN’T YOU SAY IT! Why can’t you just say you didn’t love him! I’m certainly not the first unloved child ever born to a widow looking for a cheap thrill! I guess I owe you enough thanks for at least marrying Daddy!”
“Oh, pipe down, you spoiled little bitch!” 
“Shut up, you Nazi whore! You two ran off to have your little adventures and you never stopped to think, just once, about me!” 
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ! Here we are again! What could you possibly want more of?! Huh? You got everyone’s attention!” 
“George, leave it!.” 
“No, no more, mom! She got everything I didn’t! She got a mother and father, parents! You left me behind so that you and Henry could start your trendy new fashionable family! You took their side against me! You and Uncle Tom! Just so you can continue to play grab ass with your pathetic little trio! I spent years away from home, Christmases at Aunt Edith’s, all because Henry didn’t want me here! MY OWN HOUSE! And still, after all that, his brat wants more! So, what, Goddamnit!?  What do you want from me, Caroline!?” 
“YOU! I wanted my brother! I loved you and I needed you! And you left me with HER!
Lord Edward Robert Pelham, “Marquess of Hexham” - William Moseley
Upright and just minded, Lord Hexham grew up on the stories of adventure and mystery that his older cousins, George and Sybbie, were famous for. At the death of his father in the war, he looked up to his cousin George as a male role model. 
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Thirteen years later, while on break from Oxford - he is not sure what to do with his life. Determined to save his beloved best friend Caroline from a nose dive of alcohol and sex turning into a death spiral, he finds himself at Downton Abbey - a guest of his Aunt Mary - when a murder takes place. But when the Killer leaves a message that it would only be the first. it seems everyone turns to him - as senior peer - for guidance. Unsure what to do, he goes to find his old mentor, George - who has much more experience in this kind of danger and mystery.  
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“I don’t know, Marigold ... sometimes I think I’m the wrong man for this job.” 
“Nonsense. In fact, rising above the bias of an older sister and the person who helped raise you, I just happen to think you’re the perfect man for the job.”
“I feel ashamed sometimes. There are lads out there that don’t have two pounds in their hands. And here I am, a Marquess, leaving Oxford, to snuggle up to my big sister’s beast, because, I’m frustrated.”
“Well, they are fantastic breasts.” 
“I’m serious ... I just, I keep telling Caroline that there’s more in life. But I feel like it’s all just words. Neither Mummy nor Papa were ever so ambitious. And it’s not that I want more power, how could I? It’s just ... I feel like there’s something out there, waiting for me to get into its shouting distance.”
Jason Matthew Crawley, Lord of Downton - Unknown (I don’t know child actors)
Born in 1944 to an unknown mother of whom George refuses to speak of to anyone. Mary and the rest of the family were shocked and confused to find George return from the war hobbled on a cane and carrying a toddler that was unmistakably his son.  
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Ten years later the blue eyed raven curled boy attends the local Downton school, but is often pursued by high ranking academies for his extremely high intellect. But George refuses to entertain sending him away. Spending most days with Mary,Tom, and Edith, the boy is famed around the county for his Holmesian deduction skills ... and aptitude for machinery - which his father refuses to allow him to pursue. Serving as his father and ‘Uncle Edward’s’ assistant while investigating the murder, they find him a much bigger help than they thought possible.
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“You listen to me, Cowboy ... cause I’m only going to tell you once. You stay away from Sybbie, do you understand me?”
“I was just saying that she’s beautiful -” 
“Under no circumstance do you go near her or even speak to that woman.”
“But what does a movie star want with me?”
“This conversation is concluded, mind what I say.” 
“But, Pop ... wha -?”
“That’s an order, Cowboy.”
“Ye- yes, Sir.”
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jellyroom · 4 years
The boys as Disney songs~
I listerwlly spent all day listening to Disney just so I could pick the perfect ones.
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Don’t fall in love- beauty and the beast, the enchanted Christmas
“As soon as your heart rules your head
Your life is not your own
It's hell when someone's always there
It's bliss to be alone”
The reason I picked this song is becasue I feel like it would be him talking to him self. He tends to hold himself back to protect himself he also does it because of his pride.
One jump ahead- Aladdin
“Riff raff! Street rat!
Scoundrel! Take that!
Try a different tac', guys
Rip him open 'Round the back lines
I can take a hint, gotta face the facts
Could really use a friend or two (huh?)”
Well other than in this song Aladdin mentions stealing, it also mentions how people basically hate him. Mammon gets called many names and often gets chased because he steals things. Though just like Aladdin he can out run them easily.
Perfect isnt easy - Oliver and company
“Girl, we've got work to do
Pass me the paint and glue
Perfect isn't easy but it's me
When one knows the world is watching
One does what one must
Some minor adjustments darling
Not for my vanity but for humanity
Each little step a pose”
Asmo very clearly loves himself a lot and takes care of himself. So I figured this song could fit him. Obviously that’s not all he is but it is a major part of his character.
Something there - beauty and the beast
“She glanced this way, I thought I saw
And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw
No, it can't be, I'll just ignore
But then she's never looked at me that way before”
Satan give me Prince Adams vibes a lot of the time. I feel like he was a little shocked that Mc wasn’t really scared of him.
In a world of my own- Alice in wonderland
“All the flowers
Would have very extra special powers
They would sit and talk to me for hours
When I'm lonely in a world of my own”
I feel like Leviathan would love to have his own little world exactly how he would want it.
Do you want to build a snowman - frozen
“Elsa, please I know you're in there
People are asking where you've been
They say, "have courage" and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you
Just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?”
I feel like this would be Beel talking to Belphie after Lilith died. Beel is definitely the nicest of the two and is more out there than Belphie, but they are always together.
Be prepared - lion king
“Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected
To take certain duties on board
The future is littered with prizes
And though I'm the main addressee
The point that I must emphasize is
You won't get a sniff without me!
So prepare for the coup of the century
Be prepared for the murkiest scam”
I feel like Belphie is always making you plans to get what he wants and to get things done, even if he himself doesn’t have to do anything.
Jacks lament - nightmare before Christmas
“But who here would ever understand
That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin
Would tire of his crown, if they only understood
He'd give it all up if he only could
Oh, there's an empty place in my bones
That calls out for something unknown
The fame and praise come year after year
Does nothing for these empty tears”
I feel like Diavolo hides how he feels most of the time. He acts like a whole man child sometimes and I really think he just wants to be the closest to normal as possible. He knows what’s expected of him but he wants to be treated like a person not just a prince.
Be our guest - beauty and the beast
“Beef ragout
Cheese soufflé
Pie and pudding, en flambé
We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret!
You're alone
And you're scared
But the banquet's all prepared”
Barb is known for cooking so I immediately thought of this song. He’s not as flashy as the song though.
I got friends on the other side- princess and the frog
“Transformafication central, can you feel it?
You're changing, you're changing, you're changing alright
I hope you're satisfied, but if you ain't don't blame me
You can blame my friends on the other side”
Let’s me honest we all know this boy is a little shady. I feel that he would use his magic to get back at someone especially if they as him for help but arnt specific.
God help the outcast - The hunchback of Notre dame
“God help the outcasts
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy
They don't find on earth
God help my people
We look to You still
God help the outcasts
Where nobody will”
I feel like the song is self explanatory.
Tell everybody I’m on my - brother bear
“Tell everybody I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead yes
I'm on my way”
I could just see Luke singing this song with Mc which is really adorbale to me.
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snow--blanket · 4 years
london bridge is falling down
tw: character death word count: 1133 
characters: arthur conan doyle, theodorus van gogh ***
Wasn't love supposed to be the answer?
The air is cold metal cutting the insides of his cheek. Breathing became a labour he felt too tired for. He is holding her close to him, feeling her heartbeat waning like a moon born anew. 
He can feel her tremble under his touch. She is trembling like he used to, before he became a vampire. The soft curve of her lips he sang praises to shaking like a child's, and he knows she is about to die. He knows because he has before. 
What does he do? “Hush,” he says, and he thinks it's foolish. “Hush now. You'll be alright.” The words are repetitive, he thinks. He's wasted these words before, to the little children that haunted his life. Wasted and worth only a thoughtful penny thrown into a river. Clink. He throws his. He wishes for her to be able to go home with a smile. 
Clink. It is the sound of a revolver reloading, eating it's next bullet. 
Love was supposed to be the answer. If not, then what was the point of anything? 
He is supposed to be a doctor. He should be measuring her heart rate, stopping the bleeding in her stomach, putting pressure. “It's going to be okay.” He feels the sting in his eyes. There are better skies, he says to her. He knows she is dying, and there is nothing he can do about it. He is not a pureblood. He is barely a decent doctor. Oh, if only. If only those were the only reasons for the tragedy that had befallen them both. This is just coincidence. A bad joke the world plays on beautiful, pure lambs like you. 
But he knows. The taste is metallic like metal under his tongue, and he lives it every day. He feels disgusting. He doesn't deserve her. He knows. He wishes she would've just washed her hands clean of him already in the first place. Then wouldn't this pain cease? Wouldn't they both go their separate ways, finding love in smaller things to survive?
It is a summer after the funeral for her, and he's grown tired. Theo keeps looking after him even though he doesn't want to be looked after. 
“It's not like we can die, you know.” He says over a mug of ginger ale, for a turn. The smell reminds him of her; earthy, so… raw, full of life. The places he's built in dirty ways when he was building on her body, the beautiful way how she was simply made for making things. How flowers bloom. How birds hum. He is a sinner living on her earth, he knows. But it's not like he can escape it.
“I know.” Theo regards him, his eyes cut like gems. Theo always had a knack for finding talent, he thinks. That was why he was such a good art dealer. What was it in the eyes of him that was like prophecy, that spun a ribbon of fate that would allow the artists to walk in fame? 
More importantly, what was it in someone like Arthur that he saw? 
There's nothing in me, Arthur wants to say. Nothing worth seeing. He looks into the mouth of his mug, trying not to let the tears come. She'd seen him anyways, for what it was worth. He was just a well of resentment for the world and all it's beauty, who hated flowers that were prettier than him and adored them for being fragile. Arthur snorts bitterly. “Saying the words ‘I know’ so many times makes them lose their impact, you know.”
Theo takes a big gulp of his drink. “I know that too.”
“Blathering fool.”
“What else do you know?”
“That it's not your fault.”
His eyes become fanged like a wounded beast's, a snarl in the arc of his brows. “I'm not talking about this.”
“We're already talking about it.” Theo shrugs, and hollers the bartender for a refill. “You can't die.”
“Neither can you.” Arthur rolls his eyes.
“I mean it, klootzak. You can't die.” Theo leans back from his drink, and Arthur refuses to meet his gaze. He's afraid of being seen. He's afraid of seeing, and understanding, and knowing that his world will have nothing more to offer after she left it. 
“I know that!” 
A sound erupts, and Arthur realised he's banged the bar counter too hard. There is a lapse in silence, then the bar continues on its merry way. He hated that, too. Can't you see? He wanted to yell out. Can't you see I'm suffering? He wanted people to look at how ugly he was and laugh at him. At least, then, it meant that it was intentional, wasn't it? That the whole world was in on this sick joke, of plucking the beautiful blooms of the garden first? Then he was able to hate everything and despise it all, and he would stop writing, stop breathing, stop everything–
Arthur felt Theo's hand on his back. He is rubbing it comfortingly, and he realises that his cheeks are cold. Before he knew it, he was crying. 
It hurts. Crying hurts his lungs and he wants it to stop. He wants everything to stop. He can't stop crying. His heart feels like it is a boat sunken to the depths of the sea, where only the freakish animals could survive without sunlight. “It wasn't her fault,” he sobbed.
“It wasn't yours either.”
Correlation isn't necessarily causation. He knew this. His logical mind allowed for the slight possibility that, perhaps, it wasn't his fault, and it was all simply fate at play. But then. But then, he knew there were other factors. If she hadn't walked through the door, there was a possibility she would've survived the month. If he hadn't approached her. If her schedule changed that day. There were so many if's unaccounted for, and who could he blame for his own helplessness and his pain? God? What could someone like that do?
If he had the chance, he'd bring her back to life and he'd never look at her ever again. His Eurydice. 
“You can't die, Arthur.” 
Then he was meant to suffer? Was he put on this Earth just to live through the passing of time and never experiencing it, waiting for another Eurydice to change his life and waiting for them to die too?
So it was this, then. A cycle of love for the world and hatred for the life they left after. 
His hold on Theo's arm tightens. His finger digs into his skin like he's the Earth he is trying to recover her body from. What remains of her is a ghost, a memory, a dull sky.
What was left of a life without love?
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thorne93 · 4 years
The Softest Fire (Part 28 - FINAL)
Prompt: Rosaline Vaughan had it all: fame, money, power, glory, a high status job. Until, one day, she woke up, and realized something was missing from her life.
Word Count: 1540
Warnings: none
Notes: First Fantastic Beast fic! I could NOT have done this at all without @arrow-guy​​​​. They have created a counterpart to this fic, writing it from Nora Vaughan’s perspective (Rosaline’s cousin/adopted sister). Fic aesthetic done by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​.
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The night after the duel with Grindelwald, I was at Newt’s flat. He asked if I’d join him for dinner. I agreed happily. Nora had heard of what happened and spent the greater part of the day grilling me and reprimanding me. 
Now though, it was only Newt and I in his flat. 
He and I were eating what was a lovely home made meal and I could tell he was nervous about something. But then again, he very rarely ever made me dinner so I assumed it was about his cooking skills.
“If you want, I could cook next time, since it appears to have you riddled with anxiety,” I remarked, trying to lighten the mood. He seemed to be sweating bullets.
“What? Oh, hmm, no that’s not it,” he assured. 
“What is it then?”
He waved it off, shaking his head. “Nothing, it’s nothing. Would you like some dessert?”
“Sure, that’d be lovely.” 
He got up and stood behind me at his counter before I heard a bit of a commotion behind me. 
“Newt?” I said, turning around in my chair to see what was going on. 
“One moment!” he said quickly as he wrestled with a niffler. “Give it back you wicked little thing.” 
“What? Oh, does he have that gold spoon again? I told you to hide it.” 
“I know, I never listen,” he struggled to say before the niffler wiggled out of his grasp and went bounding down the stairs. “Be right back,” he huffed out before jogging after the thing. 
I raised one eyebrow. “Alright.” I helped myself to a bit of a strawberry dessert that was left out. Just as I was plating it, I heard a small crash coming from downstairs. “Oh, for Merlin’s sake, I better go help him.” I descended the stairs. “Honestly, Newt, those things need to be in a steel cage. They’re practically--”
I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Newt pull a ring box out of a Niffler’s pouch. 
Newt heard me and his head whipped my way. He was about to put the ring box back in his pocket before he embarrassingly waved and said, “Right, well, hello there. Uh, no sense in hiding it. You’ve seen it now. I had a ring in my pocket, in which the niffler smelled out the jewelry and stole it.”
“Oh my God,” I gasped. My eyes filled with tears immediately. I went to speak again but he stopped me, holding up his hand.
“Wait, before you say anything, I want to do this as properly as I can. I had something planned out but the niffler very clearly destroyed that.” He shot a look of disdain to the small creature that simply looked back at him. He returned his attention to you and took a deep breath. “Now is as good a time as any I suppose.” He looked down as if thinking to himself before getting down on one knee. “I’m probably not very good at this. Theseus tried to tell me what to do. In fact, he told me not to ramble, but Rosaline, I’m not sure how that’s not possible to do with you around. You make me both a bumbling fool and a well-spoken man. I can focus better with you around but I also can’t think clearly at all. It confuses me on the daily, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. When you first came to me asking to be my assistant, I didn’t think you weren’t capable of doing the job. Far from it. I thought you might surpass me. I watched you excel at everything you did at Hogwarts. I witnessed you propel to the top of your field at the Ministry. You even earned the love of dozens of children at the Ministry. I never worried you couldn’t do the job. That was never the issue. I worried you’d put me out of a job. Your compassion is so fierce and soft. We’ve known each other most of our lives and I regret to say it took you almost dying before my eyes to make me realize I don’t want to live another day without you as my wife. So will you, Rosaline Vaugan, the most beautiful, talented, intelligent witch, take this humble Magizoologist as your husband?”
All I could do was stare in awe. The most compassionate, wonderful, intelligent, sweet, kind-hearted, faithful, forthright man I’d ever known wanted to have me as his wife? I’d get the absolute glory and honor of calling Newton Scamander my husband? I must’ve been dreaming. 
Finally, I managed to say, “Of course I’ll marry you, Newt, nothing could make me happier.” 
He stood and smiled a face splitting smile before taking me in his arms and twiling me around. He pulled away from me for a moment only to admire my face and kiss me. The sensation filled me with pure light and joy. 
“This is the happiest day of my life,” he announced. 
“As it is mine,” I agreed. “For the record though, no one could ever surpass your genius for creatures, darling. You love them too much. Not even I, with all my talent and skill, could outshine that.”
He grinned at me and I grinned back, feeling the sensation of utter euphoria wrap around us. Without hesitation, I kissed him again, the feeling surrounding me. 
Shortly after we announced our engagement, Theseus and Nora were engaged to be wed as well. 
Wedding plans went underway for me and I made Nora my maid-of-honor, and Thesus was Newt’s best man. 
Once news of Grindelwald’s arrest made the papers, my campaign for Minister practically ran itself. Nearly everyone wanted me to serve as Minister for Magic and it was very humbling. I was voted into office before our wedding ever took place but I didn’t let it interfere with my plans of making Newt my husband. 
We decided to have a rather typical wedding affair with a wizard reception to follow. 
Newt and I stood at an altar, taking each other's hands as I stood in a gorgeous, one of a kind satin and jeweled wedding dress. Newt stood in front of me with a dark blue suit. He’d never looked more handsome, dashing, or lovable in that moment. 
I gazed at him with love in my eyes like I never had before, and I could see the adoration in his gaze. All I’d ever wanted in this life was to be loved by someone. Someone was utterly perfect as Newt and I got my wish. 
We said our vows and the best words I ever spoke in my life were, “I do,” as the minister asked if I took Newt as my husband. He announced us as husband and wife and we turned to exit the church. 
We made our way to a special venue that Nora and Theseus were setting up for us and our guests. The reception, as with all things in my life, were over the top. I wanted as many chandeliers as the place could hold, with all the tame creatures we could have around us. All my favorite  flowers covered every surface that wasn’t reserved for seating or eating. Nora had an enchantment going non stop that looked as if glitter were falling from the sky. The whole place was a merriment of beautiful wonders.
As we entered the building, away from prying eyes, Newt stole me away to a dark hallway for a moment and peered at me. His hands were on either side of my face. 
“I hope you know that I love you, above all else in this world. You continue to amaze and impress me every day. Your love knows no bounds and I’m so proud to call you my wife.”
“And I am so proud to have you as my husband. I wish I had told you sooner that I loved you and perhaps this happy day could’ve arrived earlier for us. But I’m glad our story unfolded the way it did,” I stated. 
“Me too,” he agreed. “Thank you for becoming my wife.”
“Thank you for asking me. You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted and more.” 
“It’s the least I could do for you becoming the best assistant anyone has ever seen.” 
I smiled at him, my joy evident on my face. “I have no idea how I became so lucky to be loved by you.” 
“You were just yourself. You insisted on taking a job offer I had posted and I would be a fool not to take you up on your confident offer. Your lovely, fierce, compassionate self. Anyone would be a fool not to love the soft fire that burns inside you,” he commented softly.
“Then I am glad you’re not a fool.” I conjured a glass of champagne in my hand and his. “To the best job interview that led to the most wonderful destinations.” I raised my glass. 
“To best interviews, and even better interviewees. The world is a better, safer, more loving place because you are in it.” 
We clinked glasses before smiling to melt into each other’s arm for our first married kiss - one of many to come.
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loverdrew · 4 years
Promise, You Won’t Fall In Love With Me
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He never knew love. He never understood relationships. He never imagined his life after high school or outside of his fame. She was the opposite. She deeply loved her family, she had ambition, intelligence and drive. They were the complete opposite, but together, they wouldn’t know what to do without each other.
Inspired by the movie A Walk To Remember.
Senior year. The year all the students turn 18, throw the wildest parties, the lifelong dreams of getting acceptance letters from their dream college. However, the Ethan Dolan didn’t have to worry about that one bit. He already had a future. He would continue making video comedy content online for his millions of girl fans that adored his soft eyes and bright smile. After this year he would move to California to pursue even bigger dreams, leaving his heart in New Jersey. 
The hallways and outside the school yard filled with laughter, hugs, girls wearing close to nothing, and the guys drooling over them. Ethan walked in holding his football, jersey on full display, taking in the last first day of any schooling he’d ever get. 
“My boys!” One of his friends, Jason, exclaimed. He hugged both Grayson and Ethan and put both arms around them walking into school. “This going to be the best year yet?”
“Oh you know it! The parties, the easy classes, the girls!” Grayson rubbed his hands together and laughed.
Ethan’s laughed along with his friends walking into the building, when the most unexpected girl caught his eye at her locker. It was Y/N. He had known her since kindergarten, she always wore the same type of outfit: a pastel skirt to her knees and a blouse with the same beige knitted sweater. Her hair always out of her face either in a ponytail or behind her ears, and she wore a brown shoulder bag to carry her books. They never particularly talked or even hung out together, but he somehow knew everything superficial about her. She never paid him any attention, except in class when he tried to be disruptive on purpose. He weirdly wished she would pay attention then. But he’s hooked up with prettier girls than her, so she wasn’t one to be upset over, right?
“Ethan Dolan, to the principals office. Ethan Grant Dolan, please come to the principals office.” They all heard, even Y/N. Their eyes met for a split second, before she closed her locker and headed to home period. 
“Damn dude, trouble on the first day?” Jason joked.
“Shut up man. You know I’m the model student.” He smirked, shaking hands with his friends before headed to the office, which happened to be right across from Y/N’s home period, not like he noticed. He swiftly walked into the office and sat in the chair in front of principle Henderson, who closed the door with a stern look on his face.
“Ethan, what did I tell you about getting into trouble again.” He crossed his arms.
“Principle Henderson, I don’t know what you mean but I have been an angel since last semester, haven’t I?” He flashed that boyish smile of his that got him out of every situation, just not this one. 
The principle proceeds to pull out 5 beer bottles and 2 bitter nubs of used joints. Ethan stiffened, his mouth running dry.
“I have no idea what those are.” He said quietly.
“Cut the act Dolan. Along with drinking and smoking on school property, you’re on the verge of not graduating. You have a combined GPA of 2.3. You need at least a 2.9 to graduate. Now I could expel you and kick you off the football team now...” Ethan begins to worry sit up straight, trying not to believe this could be true. “But I won’t.” Ethan looked up at him with a big sigh, eyes falling shut.
“Thank you, thank you so much Mr.Henderson I promise I’ll be even better-”
“You didn’t let me finish. Instead of doing all that, you’re going to be doing something for me. You will get a tutor which I will assign to you, and you’ll be spending time after school participating in our schools fall play.”
“Oh cmon Mr. Henderson you can’t be serious. I can’t act, at all.”
“You acted like you didn’t know where that bottle came from. And now you’ll act as the prince in our schools production of Beauty and the Beast.” Ethan struggled with the principles decisions, but if he didn’t do it he would’ve been destroyed having to give up his friends and football. 
“When do rehearsals start.” He said plainly.
At lunch, instead of being in the lunchroom with his group of friends laughing and being dorks together, he was stuck in the library for the next 45 minutes, waiting for whoever his new tutor is. He tapped his pencil impatiently. All he had to do was pass English and Government/Economics with at least a 75% and he’d be golden, but even he didn’t know how he could manage that. He looked around, and heard the library door open in front of him, revealing the golden eyed girl walking in with such ease. Her eyes found his and slightly pulled at her bag strings nervously. He sighed in disbelief, of course the girl with straight A’s, captain of the science club and the church singer was his tutor. 
“Hi Ethan. I’m Y/N, your tutor for this semester.” She said in a soft voice just above a whisper. “Today we’re just going over basics explained in the syllabus but it won’t take long, maybe 25 minutes so you’ll be able to run off with your friends.” She took a seat in front of him, opening up the Government textbook and her notebook with the classes syllabus laid out.
“I don’t need you to do me any favors okay, I just need to pass. I would think you’d want me here considering Ms. I’m-so-holy doesn’t have many friends.” He spat at her. Partially because he felt embarrassed, partially because he didn’t want to give her any impression that he in any way cared about her. It didn’t even phase her, being that her whole life was filled with constant ridicule and bullying. She stayed calm amidst his venomous words.
“The teachers are my friends, my church choir are my friends, my father is my friend. Please don’t pretend like you know me, Ethan. You haven’t even spoken to me ever.”
“But I’ve been going to school with you and living in the same neighborhood as you since we were 5. Your father is a prodigious doctor that always goes to church to watch you sing. You’ve lived in the same white house with the pink flowers surrounding the white painted porch. You always wear pastel colors because you like to be girly but don’t want attention. You started putting your hand back in middle school because it always got in your face when you were studying. I know you Y/N. Don’t act like you don’t know me either.”
“I know you Ethan. Which means I know you’re capable of doing greater things than being the stereotypical jock. You’re successful and talented and smart, learn to use it. Now let’s get started.” She said without even looking at him, and staring daggers into her book. 
After school, Ethan trudged his way to the schools theatre, where everyone would be meeting up for the parts and the production of the play. No surprise that Y/N was there, script in hand near the piano, while someone playing ‘Beauty and the Beast’, and she hummed along. The stage lights somehow made her skin shine brighter, and her hair glisten. He scoffed, and sat in the 3rd row, seeing all of the theatre nerds gather with smiling faces ready to start production.
“Alright everyone settle down. We are going to cast roles right now so listen up!” Ms. Davida clapped her hands and stood in front of the stage. 
“For the role of Lumiere and Cogsworth, Louis and Jeremy! Mrs. Potts goes to Claira, Gaston goes to Derrick, Belle goes to of course, Y/N, and The Beast is played by the newest member to theatre Mr. Ethan Dolan.” Ethan knew he would get the lead, but Y/N did not. Her eyes spread wide, whites fully visible as her grip on her script tightened just slightly, the realization that she’d have to play his princess. She could barely handle his demeanor during tutoring, but in something that she loves to do she would only hope he wouldn’t ruin it for her. 
“Opening night is in exactly 3 months just before Christmas break, so that means you’ll all need to work hard and together to make this production amazing but I believe in you all. So let’s get right to it! Ethan, Y/N on the stage please we will be starting with the scene when Belle and the Beast argue, right after he saves her from the wolves. Feel the anger, feel the frustration.” She had that typical musical theatre teacher ‘passion voice’, really trying to emphasize the feelings within the scene. Ethan couldn’t take her seriously, laughing as he jumped onto stage and grabbing ahold of a script. 
“Y/N, you start and pretend that you’re cleaning up his wound.”
Y/N slightly rolled her eyes and put her hand out signaling Ethan to give her his arm. He sighed and slammed his arm into her palm, she then yanked it closer to her not caring if it hurt him, and pretended with her other hand to be patting it.
“If you’d hold still it wouldn’t hurt it as much!” She yelled her first line. Ethan could tell some of that frustration was real. So he decided to do the same.
“Well if you wouldn’t have run away, this wouldn’t have happened!”
“If you wouldn’t have frightened me I wouldn’t have run away!”
“Well you shouldn’t have been in the West Wing!”
“Well you should learn to control your temper.” She said plainly, as if it was an actual piece of advice.
“Now hold still. This might sting a little.” In the script it says for Ethan to wince in pain, so he did, just not well at all. It was forced, and painfully bad to watch his face squint uncomfortably. Y/N sighed, turning to the teacher.
“Ms. Davida he needs to take this seriously, some of us really want this play to go well.”
“I don’t even want to be here, I was forced to join the play, I could’ve gone my entire life without acting in a play.”
“Then leave.” She stepped forward in his face, quickly walking away towards backstage to get some air. He made her so angry. His cocky attitude, his rude tone of voice, the way he could get under her skin over and over again yet she still wanted to see good in him because she truly believed he had some left. Ethan looked off with a surprised face to see all the cast looking at him, and the principle standing at the edge of the theatre, arms crossed. He got nervous, making his way backstage to catch Y/N drinking some water.
“Y/N, hey Y/N, please listen to me.” He grabbed her hand but she angrily pulled it back.
“Help me okay. I’m sorry, I really need to do great in this play or else I get expelled. I’m sorry for being so mean and always in your face. I just-this is all new to me.”
“Being nice to someone trying to genuinely help you is ‘new to you’?” she used air quotes, rolling her eyes taking another sip of water. 
“No, trying new things. Trying to be good. I’ve always acted tough on purpose because I thought that’s how it should be. People give you more respect.”
“Your act only works on an audience.” Y/N saw through it since first day of kindergarten when he stole her crayons and snored next to her ear during nap time to annoy her. But she paid no mind, there were more important things to worry about than a little boy. 
“Ethan, if you promise me you try, like really try, in all aspects, I won’t be opposed to helping you.” She said calmly, with her normal soft voice.
“I won’t say I’ll be perfect, but I’ll do the best I can.”
“That’s all I ask.” She started walking back onto the stage where they were already rehearsing another scene, but she quickly turned back around to say one last minor detail.
“Oh yea and Ethan, one more thing. You have to promise not to fall in love with me.” 
A chuckle came from his mouth as he looked her up and down. 
“Without a doubt, that is a promise I can keep.”
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fmdkiana · 3 years
【✧】━━━━━ 🌿 k i a n a     i n t r o     p l a y l i s t 🌿 ━━━━━【✧】
these are nineteen songs that i’ve been listening to while making kiana’s blog [x] some i came across, some randomly thought of, and some suggested by lovely muns i’ve been chatting about kiana to. since she’s a character that i’ve adapted for the purpose of famed, these songs have helped ground me in the person she is. i hope the songs and descriptions below will help you learn kiana a little better too
1. to be torn by kyla la grange
this first song was a suggestion from someone, and i think set the tune for the rest of my choices. apparently it’s from beauty and the beast? lol anyway it describes this desire to be torn, a carnal need to be used. the heavy sound of it is kind of haunting, a bit sad, but also strong. the emotion can be felt even without the lyrics. kiana has this part of her that deeply craves being important, whether it comes at her own expense -her own tearing- or not. also forewarning that a lot of these overlap on the same concepts. shrug emoji
2. intertwined by dodie
intertwined is a song that immediately came to mind for kiana after to be torn. when this song came out, many people saw it as a cute love story, wanting to be intertwined with a lover, and have them be the safe space when you have a troubled head. however, dodie made a video debunking this, against her natural inclination, because the song describes something severely unhealthy. the following music video also helped many people to see the gore that’s strung throughout the lyrics. it Actually describes a relationship where the participants have put all of their source of happiness in one another, and it’s left them codependent, but ever seeking more. kiana has this perpetual trouble in relationships, especially romantic ones
3. bite by troye sivan
i can be the subjective of your dreams, your sickening desire is a pretty good sum up of where the inspo comes from. it’s difficult, when talking about the negative parts of kiana, to not talk about her ex-boyfriend. i have lots planned to talk on so i won’t go on forever here, but it reminds me of how all it took was the tiniest invitation for kiana to “become his.” that’s how she works. come here puppy, don’t bite, and she’ll heel at your side forever. at least, back then. she’s someone who seems difficult, because she’s very asocial, but with the right formula, it could be so easy to slip her into your arms
4. hell in heaven by twice wish
this song is a bit similar to intertwined, i would say? someone who feels stuck, drowning in a “hell” that is only saved by a piece of “heaven/paradise.” yet they’re in between the place of hell and heaven, constantly confused of where they land, because they’ve placed their hope for salvation in this one, singular place/person. they want to be freer than they are, yet their salvation keeps them locked away. open the door to heaven, let me walk on the cloud. the day i’m trapped in you, save me, hold me tight
5. dinner & diatribes by hozier
a few different levels come from this song. while it was created with the idea of how tedious social gatherings are, the story that comes from it makes another world. kiana is asocial, and struggles with fear over social situations, which make something like dinner parties quite stressful for her. she’s also someone who isn’t fond of small talk, and more likely that type to say ‘talk to me about your deepest fears,’ but... she actually means it and isn’t saying it to be pretentious. she would much rather see the sickest, nastiest parts of someone, soak all of that up, than talk about whether the food was good. the music video describes this in part, but also gives a hades/persephone but worse type of story that is also quite kiana aligned. that’s the kind of love i’ve been dreaming of
6. creep by radiohead
i want you to notice when i’m not around. so fuckin special, i wish i was special, but i’m a creep. not to ‘have you ever seen me without this hat’ on you, but lissen! kiana is forever convinced she’s an outsider. the things she likes are more Cool these days than they were when she was a kid, but the feeling of being ostracized for liking them back then will always live with her. she’s an insecure overthinking fuck at times too. and also desperately wants to be someone special, and unique, as if having that would make her pain of feeling different worth it
7. seigfried by frank ocean
the meaning of this song is pretty different from how i view it in relation to kiana. for her, the focus is on the idea of ‘settling down’ being... acceptance of normality? her whole life, she’s been searching for someone and/or something that makes her feel special. she became an idol for this exact reason, dated her ex for that reason, seeks the relationships she does, thinks she could still have superpowers for this reason. but the truth is that she’s pretty normal. her hobbies are very normal people type things. her talents aren’t anything that would have her being called top of the line. her thoughts are all things other people have thought of. her booksmart intelligence isn’t any stronger than the average. she is very normal, and the tiny part of her that acknowledges that usually shoves it away. but on occasion, she wonders if she should accept it, and settle
8. gimme love by joji
gimme gimme love is all you really need to know lol kiana doesn’t stick around easily when she’s not being given the same kind of world-ending affection from those she’s chosen to share that with that she gives out. she gives at Least 110% of her love, affection, and loyalty into anyone that she has chosen to keep closest to her heart, and if she isn’t getting that back, she can feel dejected, unloved, and unimportant. she may give people like this a few chances to change, but her expectations, or “standards,” won’t change
9. pain by king princess
cos i can’t help turning my love into pain is the strongest lyric that ties back to kiana. the overall message isn’t as strong because king princess has a different view on a relationship as described than kiana. for her, it’s yet another kiana will put herself in the face of terrible parts of relationships. the trouble is that she enjoys it, and seeks it, thinking it’s the ultimate show of love. not to pain one another, but to be pained without them. also realizing after all these i should be saying this applies to her inner circle friendships as well, but the standards are just a little less heavy
10. any song by zico sun
not one for big gatherings, kiana likes to have her social interaction either through the wire, or in small groups (duos are best to her tbh) the song has an upbeat tune that contrasts against the lyrical meaning of something more about... any song will do, something to drag away the sadness that’s living inside. kiana functions a bit like that, always seeking her uniqueness to bust out and save her from her own mind thinking she’s not good enough
11. why won’t they talk to me? by tame impala
she is asocial, but that doesn’t mean being a hermit,, an otaku,, whatever you want to call her, is a life full of happiness. she functions very well on her own, but when she has that for too long, it can be damaging to her head as well, especially when she has inner circle friends or a romantic relationship. when not speaking to these people, the need for human connection seems unbearable to deal with, and anxiety runs rampant
12. alien by lee suhyun
her mama told her she’s alien, but actually it was herself telling herself she’s alien mixed with influence from pop culture making her want to be a superhero and kids who told her she was a freak, all coming together in the desire for weirdness to be a Cool thing. kiana will wish til the day she croaks that she will have a realization that she has a special power
13. stressed out by twenty one pilots
ki doesn’t care about the core message of this song. many people relate to oh no bills~ adult stress~ but kiana doesn’t. even if she wasn’t born into a family that could live comfortably, and didn’t become an idol making phat stacks, she would feel the same. to her, it’s an inevitability. HOWEVA the beginning lines are 1:1 for how she wishes to be something extraordinary, and is supa insecure that she isn’t. i wish found some better sounds that no one’s ever heard. i wish i had a better voice that sang some better words ... i was told when i get older all my fears would shrink but now i’m insecure and i care what people think
14. true crime by epik high ft. miso
not exactly 1:1 word by word, since there’s several perspectives coming in one song, however, the overall message i think can be summed in it’s a true crime to be without you. other lines like i’d open up my chest for your entertainment, that was the line that drew me to originally put this in the playlist. i’m not sure on a story behind the song, but it strikes me as something bonnie & clyde-esque? there’s themes of being on the run, lying on the pavement dying, stuff like that. that kind of relationship is strongly the ideals kiana holds for her romantic and close platonic relationships
15. shine by pentagon (shouldve been knight but bad bois image PLAYIN)
i cannot explain to u the random joy this dumb song gave me when it came out. it’s similar to power up like i just?? get so happy lol anyway the whole premise is like nerdy person has a crush n theyre like oh my god~ why would u like me~ i cant say i like u~ it’s super fucking cute. i’m a loser who loves you. yes, i’m a misery. to you, i’m a nuisance, i’m an outsider, but in this world, i only need you. that’s where the kiana part comes in strongest, or explains it in one sentence. she worries she isn’t enough for others but her affections are always incredibly strong. also she’s cute
16. tail by sunmi dimensions soloist 2
when i first heard this song, i needed to play it again to pay attention to the lyrics because i had the feeling it was kiana-esque. i was right, but i would say that it’s where kiana could go at her worst. has she been there? i’m not so sure. perhaps teetering on the edge of having her claws out, but really, for now, it’s just that the potential is there
17. she’s my religion by pale waves
so as to not repeat myself too much and because this is so much fookin writing already, this is another song that talks about how deeply and dangerously kiana falls into others. she’s no angel, but she’s my religion, always finding ways to numb the pain ... made me feel like i was finally enough ... she needs this love just as much as me
18. space cadet by beabadoobee
this song has similar themes to alien, but rather than about being special, it’s about being in a shitty place and letting your mind wander to create a better reality. ki has her interests, her extreme love of her fandoms, because it’s an escape for her. that’s not something i personally approve of, however, it’s a common reality for many people. living in these online spaces and thinking of these fictional worlds gives her a place to go to when the irl world is too difficult for her to handle
19. me! me! me! by teddyloid
you might think this is a meme addition and sure! to a degree it is! but i’m also going to talk about it as an actual piece of music and visuals. first we’ll talk about the music video. kiana feels complicated about the type of anime fans that oversexualize everything, so in general, she likes a message that’s against those types. the message of addiction tearing real life relationships apart also is something kiana sorta needs to hear. the lyrics of the song itself talk about an all consuming type of relationship, and dissects it to explain how it wasn’t love, but worship, which was dangerous to them both. it’s a song that kiana perhaps would need to take to heart, but i, as her mun, am unsure if she ever will. that depends on the connections she forms, and what types of people are goading her on, or trying to get her to stop
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slinglouis · 4 years
august fic rec!
hi friends! these are my favorite fics that i read during july while avoiding studying for my mcat & i think you should all read this month! if you have a fic you want me to check out this month please let me know, i’m always looking for more!
black with autumn rain by whimsicule -  93k
“Thank you,” Geoff says, taking a sip of his tea. “What did you tell him?”
Louis has a sip as well, lets the tea burn down his throat too quickly, too hot, and he feels it all the way down to his stomach. “The truth. Essentially,” he replies after a moment, licking his lips, relishing the slightly bitter taste of the brew that’s never quite strong enough for Louis’ liking. At least it’s not decaf. “That my dog scented it. That I didn’t touch the body. That I came here first thing.”
Geoff nods pensively. “Did he believe you?”
“Probably not. There’s only so many people who can drown on dry land before it gets fishy.”
or: Harry is a journalist, Louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren't exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
Oh Glory by alivingfire - 21k
Tomlinson looks Liam over, tilting his head. “Are you a swimmer as well?”
“Yeah,” Liam says, a little cautiously. Harry wonders if it’s Tomlinson’s fame or the unimpressed eyebrow that’s making Liam wary. “Distance, I’m doing the 1500m. Harry here’s a sprinter.”
“Ah,” says Tomlinson, turning his glinting eyes back to Harry. “So you’re not an endurance man.” A beat passes, and his grin grows, wide and filthy. "Shame."
Harry Styles is Team Great Britain's newest swimmer, and has spent his whole life training for this moment, a chance at the gold medal in the Rio 2016 Olympics. All his training, hard work, and dedication to no distractions is tested when he's assigned to the same Rio apartment as Louis Tomlinson, British gymnast and Harry's childhood crush.
Howls Like a Beast (You Flower, You Feast) by @indiaalphawhiskey​ - 17k
“You don’t love me,” Louis had said, utterly blasé as he callously fractured the heart of a Harry that was just barely eighteen.
“I do,” Harry had insisted pleadingly, green eyes already watering.
Louis had rolled his eyes, exasperated and flippant in the way only beautiful, young boys could be when faced with the affections of a baby prince. He had run his finger down Harry’s cheek then, had forced him to look into his eyes as he delivered the final blow.
“You’ll change your mind once you’ve seen more of the world,” Louis had teased, pressing a brutally delicate kiss onto Harry’s lovely, pure cheek. “Once you’ve been properly defiled.” He had whispered filthily, delighted by the gasp he heard, the frantic pink blush that had rested high on Harry’s cheeks, the power he had felt at knowing he could make the Crown Prince squirm.
And down the long and silent street by whimsicule - 86k
The year is 1881 and if you’re alone in this world you might as well be dead, because starving dogs have no mercy.
Or: Wherein Louis and Harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder, but their paths still cross on the filthy streets Louis calls his home. The odds are staked against them from the beginning, and even more when Louis' past finally catches up with him.
Run Like the Devil by benzos - 138k
Harry stops pouting, but his frown is still fixed in place. “Are you sure?” he asks. “You know it’s your soul you’re signing away.” He sounds…sad? No, that’s not right, but there’s something.
Christ. This is the most incompetent demon Louis’ ever met. If he hadn’t seen the red of his eyes he wouldn’t believe he was a demon at all. How’d he get this job if he isn’t trying to convince Louis to deal? Or is it just another trick? A ploy for sympathy?
“I’m sure,” Louis says. “Come over here and kiss me.”
Supernatural AU. Louis hunts demons; Harry's the strangest demon he's ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.
No Place Without You by @fackinglouis​ - 19k
Harry's in love with life and he's in love with the world.
Louis' in love with Harry and he doesn't think there's any way he can possibly compete.
A Wanderlust AU in which Harry doesn't have a permanent home and stays with Louis when he visits NYC.
Given a Chance by fabby - 170k
Five years after One Direction took their last tour, the last thing Louis Tomlinson ever expected to happen while on a tea run at the local Piggly Wiggly was to run into his ex-boyfriend and ex-bandmate Harry Styles.
The odds of them ever running into each other again had to be super slim, right?
What happens when you mix ex-boyfriends with a large serving of Small Town America? Will Louis and Harry be able to set aside their differences, or will Louis be able to stay breezy as fuck in the wake of Harry’s arrival?
(or, the one where Louis and Harry run into each other five years after One Direction ends and learn how to love each other again. Featuring: Reggie as the overweight labrador, Niall as Louis’ last grip on reality, and Nowheresville, North Carolina as the setting for Louis’ worst nightmare to come true.)
these bountiful silences by tommoandbambi - 123k
they live in a world where they can only say four words per day. harry meets some people that don't want to live that way.
we can only look behind by @hereforlou - 70k
His mum said there was no getting an idea out of his head once it was stuck in there and Harry thought she was right. It wasn’t like he did it on purpose - his ideas were just really sticky.
(Or, the one where Harry fixates through the years.)
Don’t Want Shelter by kingsofeverything - 77k 
Louis and Harry have known each other all their lives. Friends as children, they danced around each other as teenagers, and have spent the last twenty-five years either screaming at each other or not speaking at all. Except for that one time ten years ago…
When Hurricane Nicole threatens the coast, they end up stuck together in their families' old vacation home that they begrudgingly co-own.
During the storm, and in the months after, they’re both forced to reevaluate their history and what they mean to each other.
somewhere in between the lightning by jassy117, nauticalleeds, shiningdistractionwrites - 100k
As Louis took another bite, he thought back to how he had once believed that the hardest thing about being on Love Island would be Liam handling his social media. He had been wrong. It was Harry Styles, peeking over at Louis as he forked a pancake into his mouth, and gauging his reaction. It was having to quench the swelling of his heart, which felt simultaneously like hope and the breaking of a thousand pieces.r
A summer gone wrong (or very right) when, under Liam’s persuasion, Louis finds himself drunkenly applying for Love Island, and getting accepted. Oh, well. A summer spent on an island paradise couldn’t be all that bad, right?
Imagine his surprise when Louis arrives in sunny Majorca to find that his first love and ex-boyfriend, Harry, is another contestant, about to capture the hearts of everyone in the villa. Most normal people don’t have to face their ex on an otherwise straight TV show. Most normal people don’t fall for their ex again in front of the whole nation, either. Too bad this whole situation isn’t normal.
special mention bc an epilogue was added and this is one of my fav fics of all time: Collision by @tequiladimples (itjustkindahappened) - 225k
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
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