#and i know i just ate but i really want to ravage the kitchen once more
raveartts · 3 months
oh my god i haven't created an oc in actual ages???? not jsut a random pretty design i never touch again i mean like an actual CHARACTER
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maopll · 1 year
May I request Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, and Diavolo with a confectioner reader?
| obey me!
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⌗:, a/n: first obey me req! I love any ask which has something to do with sweets. thanks for giving diavolo though I love this himbo.
⌗:, warning: fluff only
⌗:, pairings: lucifer, mammon, satan & diavolo w/ gn!confectioner!reader (separately)
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,,baking sweets have been running in your family since. your friends, teachers, and neighbours all have complemented that your sweets taste like the celestial realm and...they were not joking,,
LUCIFER was once again overworking himself so to help him get through those stacks of paperwork you prepared some tea and biscuits. you kept those at a place where he could reach.
He was a bit hungry that moment since he had been overworking non-stop so it was like a midnight snack at this point even if the tea had grown cold. Once he tasted those however, he thought 'they taste good' but when he tried to grab for more he was met with empty plate because he basically ravaged the plate without thinking that he had been binge eating. he was going to ask you where you found those biscuits from and he was amazed to hear that you baked those. you truly have some worthy talents thus the reason why you belong in the house of lamentation. he had to admit that those felt like the baked goodies he found in the celestial realm back when he was still an angel. but now that he has you he can always ask you for more. but for rigjt now he is not going to get more cause according to you Beel ate them. you can always make more for your overworked luci :)
MAMMON and you were inside the kitchen while he was talking about the happenings of the week while you were preparing some lunch for everyone because the next day was school. everyone had mostly the same but he had fee sweets because he is your favourite dumb lover
he did see you put some sweets and he had that pikachu meme face. he was BAFFLED hearing that you can bake. WELL that's the very reason why you are his human. Make more for him he loves your cooking he just can't get enough. especially those croissants that you make. Before he really didn't like human world cooking but yours can be an exception. Your cakes, crackers and other baked foods tasted like the ones Michael and Lucifer used to make for him when he was a kid and would always annoy his brother to make more because 'I am hungry!'. You saw how mammon's eyes were a little dazed and heard him chuckle a little. looks like he's remembering those good memories.
DIAVOLO was sitting in his office taking care of the ministrations of devildom at large and the paperwork of RAD. he had been doing it and the heaps of paper just never seem to end and while you did know that he would be working at the very moment thanks to a certain butler. so you gave the cake you made for him and some tea and asked Barbatos to serve it to him because you didn't want to disturb him when he's busy and he would definitely ditch the paperwork to just talk to you
He was still doing his paperwork when Barbatos came with some tea and cake. He thought he had made them so with a simple 'thank you' he had him leaving the room to take care of other works. After a while, when he was finally going to eat those, he felt like he ascended to the heavens. he swore he saw some white pearly gate with trumpets. How did these taste so good? he has had enough of Barbatos's food that he should know their taste by now, so how did these taste so different and so...delicious? on inquiring barbatos, he found out you made it and asked him to serve it to him. Now he was running to his phone just to ask you to come here. he can't thank you enough for giving him foods that give him more energy! he knew it was the right idea to bring you in as the exchange student since you were basically good at everything! Well now since you have shown your talents he will NOT hesitate to shamelessly ask you to bring some more. he loves you <3
SATAN here was making food for asmo because he demanded that one food that was all the rage in devilgram but he didn't get to eat and only Satan was the one who had it. since he knew how it tasted he should be the one to make it right? so here he is baking some raindrop cake
He reluctantly agreed because if he didn't do it he would constantly annoy him and that would just fuel his anger more. so he begrudgingly decided to listen to his whims. He was kinda frustrated because one, he just brought a new book about cats and he has been wanting to read it for so long and two, he can't get this thing in the right shape either and it's just been a hard journey all along. He was thinking of blasting away the kitchen but he held together what little piece he had of his patience and thank god you arrived at the right moment. please help him dude can't figure out anything.
He had been sitting across you while you baked and he gave instructions but he didn't think so you would actually be able to bake that??? he gotta admit he underestimated you and your decorations on top and the taste of it was immaculate. he was craving for more but that was for asmo and he really went ahead and asked without thinking "can I have more" and he was blushing hard because he just spitted out his inner thoughts. he was met with cackles from you but you will always make him some more if he wants all he needs to do is just ask !
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yourlocalzombie · 1 year
Continuation of Cleo loses headcanon
Cleo spent the next week or so in their room.
People came by, knocked, and she ignored them until they left. She could hear them setting things down and always noted the ever-growing pile of notes slid under the door.
But all cleo was doing was packing. She was a light packer, but then again, she never had much to pack to begin with. Until now.
The crown. Her armor stands that she hadn't quite finished. Even the gorgon body she had made. It was finely crafted, after all.
And while by all means, cleo was extremely strong, partly due to her size, she couldn't take it all. At least in one trip.
And she didn't even know where to go. Normally when hermits move, they have a place in mind.
But not cleo.
She was a lone wanderer for most of her life, and despite this break in good luck, it was going back to normal
But it didn't feel normal.
Even with life game antics, and the prank wars and really just the general chaos of their homes...it was still a home.
Cleo pondered the thought.
"I knew I shouldn't have stuck around...that this would happen...but
...it had been years since I had a home when I first arrived. What else was I supposed to do?
At any rate, the longer I stay, the more trouble there will be.."
Cleo wasn't entirely wrong. People have harassed the group to hand over cleo. Or to have the fellow hermits kill cleo themselves. Some had even wounded cleo before, much to the dismay of whoever ended up finding her. Though, none of the hermits seem to be abive killing each other either.
She always attracted trouble, and what she didn't attract, she made.
Arson. Theft. Even killing. All of these things she has done and will likely do again.
Someone will agitate her and it'll be as revenge. Maybe, her zombie instincts will influence it. It was always something, wasn't it?
She didn't really want to. She knows first-hand what it's like. But what else was she to do, other than destroy others like she had been?
This all slowly subdued itself in her time with the hermits. Really, she was quite tame compared to some. But these life games always get her.
She had been staring out a window, far gone from reality. Enough so she didn't notice the continuous knocking on the door.
Once she did notice the knocking she ignored it. Or tried to, anyway, as the knocking simply didn't stop.
Eventually cleo cracked the door open and looked down. It was Joe.
Her dearest friend, Joe.
Joe opened his mouth to speak but decided against it.
He held his hand out. Cleo stared at it.
Eventually a clawed hand met a human's hand.
Joe gently tugged and cleo complied. Eventually, she left her room.
The condition she was in made it clear she hadn't been taking care of herself at all. Her clothes were dirty, she seemed thinner than she should be, and what Joe saw of the room behind her, led him to believe it was practically ravaged.
Joe led cleo to the couch he had been sleeping on. Gifts lay beside it, as well as a couple notes.
Cleo eyes the pile and stooped when she saw the gift of cookies. They were from Scar, and he knew her favorite type of cookie, even if it was the basic chocolate chip. They reminded her of a simpler time, and she's always had a sweet tooth.
Cleo also smelled food coming from the kitchen.
Turns out, Joe is a good cook.
Joe sat cleo on the couch and grabbed what he was cooking - a meat filled dinner.
Admittedly, cleo may have a slight problem in regards to how much meat she eats. Then again, when have zombies eaten plants?
They ate, and as they talked they snacked on cookies together.
"Joe...." cleo looked around, "have you been sleeping in here?"
"For the past week"
Cleo sighed.
"You have a functional bed at your home, why were you sleeping on my rubbish couch?"
"First of all, I like this couch," Joe retorted, "second of all, we're best friends! Did you really think I was just going to abandon you?"
Cleo paused and looked down. She'd never seemed so small before.
"...yeah, I did"
"Cleo, my dear friend, I could never do that to you. And neither could they."
Joe gestured to the gifts in the room. Fire resistance potions, wood, flowers, pies, cookies, so on and so forth.
They clearly cared. So why didn't Cleo believe it?
They sat in silence for a moment. That is, until Joe's communicator went off.
He tried to play off whatever news he received but cleo already knew that, with Joe's luck, it was urgent.
"Oh! Let me guess, your house is on fire?-"
"...how did you know?"
"That doesn't matter, go take care of it, Joe. I'll be fine."
"Promise you won't leave?"
"I promise."
Cleo spent the rest of her time cleaning up.
She didn't break promises, so she figured now she's *really* stuck here.
She unpacks her things, and cleans her room. She also takes the time to bathe and put on fresh clothes. A simple loose shirt and some shorts would do.
She decided to read through the notes left by her door. They were all hoping that she was well, sometimes inviting her to play cards or just hang out. Anything to get her out of her room.
She started to believe in her friendships a little more as she sat back on the couch.
She mindlessly ate some of the cookies scar left, paying little mind to anything else. Until clacking on the floor began, anyway.
A woman came in, with hooved deer legs and antlers. Orange hair and green eyes. A simple beige dress with a brown corset. Anyone could tell you it was Gem.
Gem was shocked to see cleo on the couch almost as much as cleo was shocked to see Gem standing in the doorway. Holding a flowercrown, no less.
Gem ran over, hooves pounding at the wooden floor.
"Cleo!! You're still here!!"" Gem pounced onto cleo with a hug.
"Yes...yes i am," cleo replied, slightly overwhelmed.
Gem pushed herself back to standing, "I made this for you! I noticed you were missing your previous one when I last saw you so, I made this one!"
Gem put the crown on cleo' head herself. Cleo took a moment, noting the woman's fiery hair and emerald eyes. Freckles painted her face.
Cleo doesn't blush red or green, rather, her skin turns closer to the fair skin she had in life. Which is what happened, when gem's hands ghosted over the skin of cleo's head as she put them down.
The crown was rather comfortable, and cleo took it off to inspect it. Red roses, white lilies, marigolds. It was a well made and beautiful crown. Cleo gently put it back on her head.
During this, Gem noted cleo's faded hair and eyes. The eyes glazed over, a dull green. And her hair, a gray-orange. But, despite the deathly look, it represented a stubbornness that Gem could respect, maybe even admire. Truly, how stubborn do you have to be to defy death?
"Well, do you like it?" Gem inquired.
"Oh! Yes, very much so, it's...quite nice, thank you" cleo responded. She didn't mean to sound disappointed. She really wasn't.
Gem smiled wide at that. She knew cleo wasn't always the best at speaking.
"Of course!"
They sat together a while, not speaking much. There wasn't much to talk about on cleo's end. Though, Gem did have some stories about construction of the bases. Apparently, some issues came up and a lot of repairs had to be made before it got properly dangerous. It's why Impulse and Pearl aren't with her today. Cleo wasn't sure she believed that, but then again, she spent the past week locked in her room, so she couldn't argue otherwise.
Gem's communicator went off a bit later. She said impulse and pearl needed a third pair of hands, and with a hug, she left cleo.
Cleo, though, was thinking. Thinking about how lively Gem was.
Cleo wasn't sure what it was, but, she felt maybe some of that rubbed off on her.
And so the zombie stood up, ready to face the day for the first time since the recent life game.
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adminbryantsaki · 8 months
Gang Orca x Reader
On a cruise ship.
(I do not own My Hero Academia or the characters within. Anything associated with that fandom belongs to Horikoshi Kohei. This story belongs to my 2023 Spice-tober collection. I hope you enjoy. If this story isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
TW: Thalassophobia warning, Tight spaces, size difference.
WC: 696
You were on the passageway of the cruise ship that you and Kugo, your orca whale husband that you were on your honeymoon with. At this moment, the two of you were returning to your room to shower and get ready for dinner. Kugo opened the door and let you inside before he followed you into the room to shower as well. You picked out the outfit that you wanted wear that evening and put it in the bathroom for you to put on once you got out of the shower. Kugo picked his suit out and laid it on the bed before he began to undress from his swimming trunks and tank top. He grabbed his towel and followed you into the rather cramped bathroom. When he was in the bathroom with you, you both were bumping elbows and running into each other constantly. Eventually Kugo got frustrated enough that he picked you up with ease and he placed you in the tiny shower.
“You stay there and start on bathing yourself. Don’t be too quick as I’d like to join you when I’m ready.” He spoke, looking down at you from where he stood and waited a couple minutes to let you clean yourself to the point where you only had your hair left. Kugo loved to wash your hair whenever you would let him as it was something he could provide for you and care for you. He looked over as you were finishing up cleaning yourself and he stepped into the shower behind you, hugging you from behind and resting his head on top of yours. You smiled and turned around to kiss him. He kissed you back and pushed you against the wall of the shower since it was so cramped.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He spoke and looked for your shampoo.
“Its okay, we’re pretty cramped in here and I know you take up more space than I do, and that’s alright.” You reassured him. Once he found your shampoo, he looked up at you and kissed you gently as a form of thanks for the reassurance. He applied the shampoo to his hand and you turned around to let him wash your hair. Once he rinsed your hair out, he pushed you against the shower wall again and kissed you deeply.
“What’s this?” You asked as you received another kiss from your newly wedded husband.
“Oh, you know, just picking up where we left off.” He spoke, picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist and putting both of his arms on either side of your head. You blushed hard and he pulled his erect member up and into your entrance.  He pinned you against the wall and began to thrust into you at a rapid pace. You moaned out and let him ravage you as the water of the shower fell onto the both of you. You could smell the scent of the sea and a slight grassy scent of parsley on him from his body wash.  He soon came inside of you and pulled out soon after and he helped you out of the shower and into some softer clothes.
“Do you think we should stay in for dinner? I don’t really want to leave after what we just did.” You told him as you leaned into him and he stroked your hair.
“I’m alright with that I’ll call the kitchen up and have some food sent over so we can stay in tonight.” He told you, letting you relax into him and you smiled.
He ordered in dinner for the two of you and the two of you ate on your balcony, looking over the ocean as the sun was setting on the horizon.
The end.
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petitmonde · 2 years
Random pranks over the years leading up to today. In no particular order or length.
To say that Kerri was enthused when she came home to her dorm room plastered with post-its would have been a major lie. Her bed had been neatly framed in blue and pink scraps of paper, bedframe and all. Nothing in the room had been spared from the paper terror, not even her favourite knick knacks had gone unscathed by. The paper painted the walls a multitude of colours in the shape of blocky flowers.
Not even her roommate's side had been spared from the paper menace, hinting at them not being the culprit. Nothing in the methodology hinted at who did this. That however, didn't stop Kerri from choosing violence as she snapped a couple pictures and sending them to Deja.
KERRI: Maybe don't tell anyone what you're doing
DEJA: Come on, Korn promised not to tell!
KERRI: She did me a great service
KERRI: Just come over and there won't be any consequences
DEJA: I'll be there in ten
KERRI: You better, or I'm letting Korn clean everything up
DEJA: She's innocent
KERRI: An accomplice must pay for their crimes
"Tell me why you did it."
"Remind me of what I did, Willow."
"The lucky charms, Daya!"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You ate all the charms and left the cereal in the box with a picture of you eating them at the bottom."
"Oh yeah, I did that."
"Why would you do that? I'm pretty sure all that sugar would kill you."
"I was feeling on edge that day."
"Next time, don't try to overdose on my breakfast."
"Jasmine, could you come here for a second?" Bosco sat at the kitchen island, motioning for Jasmine to take a seat across from them. Two glasses of water stood tall on the island.
Intrigued, Jasmine comes over and sits down. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"
"My friend Ted showed me this magic trick today, and I thought I'd show you."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Okay, I can do that." Jasmine agreed easily. Bosco held back her smirk as she placed the two glasses on Jasmine's hands, taking careful notice of balancing them so that they wouldn't fall. And then she left Jasmine where she sat.
"Put both your hands on the table, backside facing up." Bosco demonstrated as they explained how the magic trick worked. "Now, I place these two glasses on your hands. Don't move until I say so."
"Bosco, hey Bosco where are you going?"
"I forgot to tell you that Ted is my horse back home." Bosco was at the door, ready to run when Jasmine had grasped what had truly happened.
"Bosco, how the hell am I going to move without spilling anything?" Jasmine's voice raised in pitch as she looked at Bosco in disbelief at having been duped once again. The door clicked open, Bosco a free woman not responsible for cleaning up the inevitable mess. At least it was just water.
Going to McDonald's had been a mistake. Or rather, it had led to a series of mistakes. Maddy could quite easily list the number of mistakes that had led them to this moment.
Mistake #1: Agreeing to go out with just Alyssa and Jorgeous.
The three of them barely knew eachother, only really speaking in passing. Jorgeous more than anyone was a mystery, she didn't even attend the college everyone in their friend group did. She just tagged along, looking for a good time. Alyssa could be fun when she didn't try to ruin people's food with her menial pranks. Maddy, ever the fool, fell for it hook, line and sinker when the Puerto Rican had invited her to hang out. Pretense being that she'd love getting to know her better.
Mistake #2: Ordering a large drink.
In hindsight, ordering a large coke hadn't been the smartest of ideas. Before even getting halfway through, nature was knocking on her door, which lead to her third mistake of the evening.
Mistake #3: Leaving her drink unattended.
Excusing herself from the table, her drink just sat there on the table all alone and lonely. Unviolated and virginal, begging to be ravaged. Really, what was Maddy thinking, leaving such a golden opportunity at the hands of two seasoned pranksters? And not expecting something to happen? Really, the fool was on her for thinking such a thing.
Mistake #4: Grinning and bearing it when she discovered what the two had done.
Returning to her seat, Maddy took one big sip of her drink. She wasn't surprised to find it had gotten a twist of tangy, sweet tomato ketchup, and judging by the taste, the two pranksters hadn't been shy in how much they had added. It tasted awful, but looking at their expectant gazes, she couldn't let them win. So Maddy finished her meal, had a lovely chat with her sort of friends, and went on with her day. But man, finishing that cocktail had been awful. Regret sure was a funny thing.
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lailyn · 3 years
Can I have another loki fic with stomach ache? Any pairing is good. Also, the fic you wrote for me earlier was amazing! Now I want more....
These Chains Around Our Hearts
Pairing: Loki/Steve Rogers
"Another war movie?"
"This one’s said to be...not bad."
“Not bad,” Loki echoed. “Not one for overselling, are you?”
“I haven’t had much luck trying to impress you with my movie choices,” Steve said. “But it did win around seven Oscars or something so...not that that’s a true indication of what makes a movie great but it’s on my bucket list and I thought we could - ”
With a tease of a smile, Loki plucked the DVD cover out of Steve’s hand; for some reason, the good captain looked flustered. "Tut-tut, Captain. I was not questioning your taste in movies nor your diligence in compiling your list of buckets.” 
“'Bridge On The River Kwai'," he read. "Sounds promising. Was this your war?”
“I’ve fought many,” Steve said, smiling faintly. “But you could say this was my first, yes. Only it was fought on a different front.”
“Then let’s watch it, shall we?” Loki asked brightly. 
“I’ll be right with you. I just need to grab a few snacks from the kitchen - ”
“But we just ate,” Loki grumbled to himself as he picked a corner to get comfortable in, making sure there was ample room on the couch for Steve when he returned. 
The pot pie Steve made for dinner had been a tad too rich and Loki felt uncomfortably full despite not having eaten very much. He listened to the sounds of Steve pottering about in the kitchen and wondered if he had any space left to fit whatever bonne bouche his host had prepared for their movie night. 
Loki had suspected from the start, back when they first started seeing each other, that Steve was one nervous entertainer. True enough, when the super soldier emerged from the kitchen, his already impressive arms were burgeoning with bags of crispy, salty things, jars of dips and cans of drinks. 
“Oh my.” Loki eyed the smorgasbord laid before him critically. “Is that all?"
"It's not enough? I could get some more - " But before Steve could make a beeline for the kitchen once more, a hand touched his wrist.
"I was teasing."
They settled into their usual seating arrangement, not too close but at a companiable distance from each other. Steve and his appetite dived face-first into the tortilla chips and dips, but Loki refused to partake, what with his stomach feeling as unsettled as it was. 
For a film made in the fifties, Loki found it quite impressive, almost believable even, if one had not lived through the dark times first-hand. 
“Did you win it?” Loki asked. “Your first war?”
Loki’s vast knowledge of the cosmos and all it contained was legendary and Steve for one knew it included Midgardian history, so there was no way this was not a trick question. “In a manner of speaking.”
“You were fighting the same war, you said. Did it look like this?” Loki pointed at the screen with his regal chin. 
“No,” Steve shuddered. After the surrender of Germany in 1945, the Allied forces’ attention shifted east, and this was a film depicting the horrors of the time.
How many of his comrades-in-arms had been taken prisoner? Forced to live in squalid conditions, ravaged by disease and starved slowly to death as they slaved away in the harsh tropical sun piecing the Railway of Death track by track?
"The Auschwitz of the East." The thousand-yard stare bruised Steve's baby blues to a dark, angry cobalt. "I don't know if I could have survived it."
"Of course you would," Loki said firmly. "If any man could, it's you." 
Steve's mind turned, uncertain if he was deserving of such high praise, especially when it came from none other than Loki, the God of Chaos himself. 
"I am familiar with the concept of war. I was Odin's war trophy after all," Loki said casually.
Steve turned his head slowly. 
"Story for another day, Captain," Loki forced a smile; he was no longer in the mood for a romantic evening, let alone a heartfelt tete-a-tete. The vague discomfort in his belly was commanding more and more of his attention by the minute. 
He laid a hand on his stomach. When it twinged again, Loki knew he was in for a long, long night. 
Steve caught Loki's sigh. "Loki?"
"I'm fine," he said gruffly.
Now showing was a scene depicting insubordination among the ranks, and by the time the Japanese sergeant had finished giving the prisoners a dressing-down and placed them in a punishment hut, the twinging in Loki's stomach had blossomed into a full-blown ache that no amount of rubbing was helping. 
Steve caught Loki's hand grabbing his waist again. "You okay?"
"I am fine, Captain."
"Are you sure?"
"I seem to have what you Midgardians call a stitch," Loki said as he kneaded his side gently, his smile wan. "It is nothing."
At being denied its existence, Loki's stomach voiced its protest in the form of a loud, whining rumble. 
"That doesn't sound like a stitch."
"You are not going to let this go, are you?"
Steve groped for the remote control that had slipped somewhere down the side of the couch. "Yeah, no. We can continue watching some other time." 
Ignoring Loki's mewl of protest, he stabbed the pause button before he stood up, gathering the uneaten snacks and drinks to clear the table.
Loki rose to help, but as soon as he did, a sudden pain lanced through his abdomen, sharper than anything he had felt tonight, and he sank back onto the couch with a gasp. 
Steve dropped everything with a crash. "Loki, what's going on?"
A tense few seconds later, the pained expression on Loki's face eased and his whole body relaxed. "Something I ate is not sitting right with me, that is all."
"Do you want some water?" 
Loki shook his head. 
"Do you feel sick?" Steve pressed.
A wince. "A little. There is a slight ache, it is more uncomfortable than painful really."
"Somehow I don't think slight means quite the same with you guys," Steve sighed. "Why didn't you say anything?"
Only Steve could say something like that without sounding chastising or judgemental, only worried if not a little bit sad. 
"It was not my intention to keep anything from you, Captain," Loki said placatingly. "And I speak true, it is only a mild discomfort. Perhaps I merely overindulged."
It was evident from the look on Steve's face that he did not believe a single word Loki said. 
With a sigh, Steve patted his thigh. "Come lie down."
A flush of colour suffused Loki's cheeks. "I can't possibly."
He felt Steve lay a hand on his back, contemplated leaning into it, but the thought was obliterated by a fresh round of cramps so intense they folded him in half. 
These things happen at the worst possible time, Loki cursed silently, groaning into his knees in sheer frustration. 
Steve must have mistaken his moan for one of pain for suddenly, a strong arm enveloped Loki from behind and pull him down. 
Resist, don't give in, resi -
Like magic, the gentleness with which Steve said his name drained all the tension from Loki's body and sapped him of the energy to remain upright. He sagged sideways in a slump. 
Utterly mortified by his inelegant tumble into Steve's lap, Loki hid his face against a taut, well-muscled thigh. To his credit, the captain said absolutely nothing, only running a hand up and down the side of Loki's arm.
If his stomach wasn't hurting so much, Loki would have appreciated the comfort of Steve's lap much more vocally instead of trying not to be sick in it. 
"Are you sure you don't want me to get someone? Banner? Dr Cho?" 
"There is no need. I will be fine."
"What if this is something serious?" Steve patted his jacket for his mobile phone. “I should get your brother.”
“No!” Loki peered through strands of hair, which Steve tentatively brushed away. "If it were, it would have killed me already." At the aghast expression on Steve's face, he added in a hurry, "Or conversely, my healing spell would have cured it completely."
"What do you think it was?" Steve asked anxiously. "It wasn't my pie, was it?"
Loki shook his head. "No, Captain. This is just a run-of-the-mill stomachache, albeit a very irritating one. Exploring the vast diversity of Midgardian cuisine has truly been an adventure."
"Thor can eat anything."
"There is nothing my Brother can't and won't eat. I have seen Thor devour five wild boars in one sitting and that was after a light training station, imagine what he could polish off after a day's battle or two." A sullen mutter. "I am not like Thor."
"No." Steve smiled. "No, you're not. You're different."
Loki knew better than anyone all the ways in which he was different. He wondered if they matched Steve's list. "How so?"
Steve shrugged. "You were right. I like war movies. And you're the only person who'd watch them with me."
"I suppose I too am nostalgic for the olden days. Even if they were someone else's," Loki said, mirroring his companion's smile; it felt just as awkward on his face as it had looked on Steve. 
He tried to make himself comfortable but lying on his back hurt too much. With his head still in Steve's lap, Loki turned onto his side and curled into a tight ball. 
Meanwhile, Steve was beginning to fret. “What can I do?”
“Retire for the night, I suppose. I’m afraid I am not very good company at the moment.”
“Yeah, like that’s going to happen.” 
“No man left behind, Loki. I’m staying.” Steve let Loki squirm against him as he tried to find the most comfortable position. “What do you need?”
“Sleep.” Loki was almost too embarrassed to admit it. “I could try walking it off, but - ”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Steve growled. “We’re watching a goddamn movie, not kicking some alien's ass in battle."
"I'm sorry you couldn't finish the movie," said the only alien in the room.
"It's okay. I couldn't concentrate anyway."
"Something on your mind, Captain?"
Steve shook his head. "Someone," he corrected.
"Anyone I know?" Loki asked, wanting to jest, but his intestines chose that moment to coil into knots inside him, each tighter than the one before; he could barely keep from crying out, he was in so much pain.
"I'm looking at him," Loki heard Steve say in a voice so soft it could only be a product of his muddled imagination.
He closed his eyes and concentrated on the grounding warmth of Steve's body heat against his face.
The beast clawing away in his belly was not real. Steve was. Good, kind, sensitive Steve.
Steve watched in sympathy as Loki massaged his stomach gingerly. "You really don't feel good, huh."
"There was a time when I would rather face the axe than admit to something so pitiful." Loki opened his eyes a mere fraction, lest he revealed too much his pain. "But no, I do not." 
"I'm not used to seeing you like this," Steve said quietly. "You always get stomachaches this bad?"
Loki had to laugh; Steve looked so serious it was adorable. "I have survived horrors far worse than this, Captain."
"Yeah, but you kept it to yourself this long, so it must be pretty bad."
"Oh, you know me too well," Loki said sarcastically. "I must have been too engrossed in the film to notice my stomach eating itself."
Steve appeared offended. "Hey, it's based on a true story!"
"They did not blow it up in the end, you know."
"What are you talking about?" Steve asked, baffled.
"The Bridge. There were many bridges like it along River Kwai, but the rest of it?  The uprising and the sabotage? That is all fiction," Loki said flatly. "Glorious fiction."
His eyes fluttered shut with a solemness analogous to that of one burdened with bearing bad news. 
It was hardly news, was it? These people had been dead for almost a century -
"Your friends did not escape the jungles. They were all packed onto ships that took them across the sea to the Land of the Rising Sun, but your own warships mistook them for the enemy and blew them out of the water. All ten thousand of them."
"Tell me one thing. Why does telling stories come so easily to you but not this?" Steve swatted Loki's hand away and replaced it with his own, ignoring Loki's surprised gasp. "Yes, war sucked. Watching your friends die in front of you sucked. But right now I don't care about any of that. I care about you!"
Loki swallowed hard. "Captain…"
But Steve was not done giving Loki a piece of his mind.
"I want you to tell me these things," he berated, his fingers curling around the taut flesh of Loki's stomach. "I'm not good at reading you."
A sharpness cut through Loki's words, a warning in disguise. "I do not want you to."
"I couldn't if I tried," Steve said quietly. "I have brought down walls thicker than you've ever seen. But I can't see through yours." 
Loki fell into a silence so deep it left Steve wondering if he had ruined the moment beyond repair. 
"A war hero like you has no business consorting with someone like me." Loki turned his face. "I am but a prisoner, begging for scraps from you, and from everyone else in the universe."
Steve's hand stilled. Loki's thin abdomen throbbed under his palm, the pulsations picking up pace in time with the racing of the ancient heart.
"I have been in chains since the day I was born. I will not chain you to me." Loki interlaced his fingers with the ones still clasped to his stomach. "This is a momentary comfort."
"We are all prisoners here, Loki," Steve said gently. 
As all anger left him, his other hand searched for Loki's. "We don't belong to this time, but there is no escaping it." 
His thumb danced across the bony row of Loki's knuckles. "There is only living."
"Perhaps I have lived too long." 
"That is a decision only you can make," Steve said, the sadness returning to his eyes. "But I have just found you. And I want you to know that I care."
With the confession finally out of the way, Steve inhaled deeply and leaned his head back against the couch, his hand resuming its gentle kneading. It was comforting, the sensation of Loki's tight, concave abdomen giving little by little to his ministrations. 
It was not overindulgence, the cause of Loki's pain. He knew that now.
"Yes, Loki?"
"What exactly do you want from me?"
Steve went quiet. The answer could not be any clearer, but Loki was notoriously oblivious to any notion of sentiment, even the most obvious one. 
"You said I was your comfort. I want you to allow yourself to be mine."
Loki remained quiet for longer. When he finally spoke, his voice quaked with a timbre of hope and unbridled joy. 
"If I say yes, would you do me a courtesy and let me choose what to watch for movie night?" 
Steve laughed. "Sure. On one condition." 
“This negotiation has strayed too far off course, Capta -”
“Steve,” he interrupted, cradling Loki's face in his hands. “Call me Steve.” 
It was an offer Loki could not refuse. "Steve." 
The name tasted good on his tongue. And so did those lips. 
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megumis-lashes · 4 years
Love, but make it Magic!
Werewolf! Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
*Contains*: mentions of blood/fighting, slight angst (if you squint), bullying, fighting, slight swearing, Enemies to lovers if you squint, school based on western standards, werewolf Hyunjin, witch/vampire reader
Nothing too bad overall. Mainly fluff. I sometimes use italics for emphasis. I use typical quotes for speech :)
Narrators POV
In today’s society, supernatural beings like vampires and werewolves are believed to be mythical creatures. Few people believe in their existence and have many false stereotypes surrounding these creatures’ existence. In reality they do exist. Supernaturals or whatever you like to call them, live a life hidden from society. They play the role of innocent humans in a world where they aren’t accepted. In certain areas, schools and housing are built to house strictly supernatural creatures. Despite their separation from the world, they still have many disputes between each other.
Name’s POV
My life has never been easy. From a young age I’ve been pressured to fit into a society that I was not designed for. I’m half witch, half vampire, a deadly combination in today’s world. Not only am I hated by humans but I’m also hated by other supernaturals due to some dumb disputes among species. I lived among humans for the the first portion of my life. I was constantly in fear for what might happen to me if I was discovered. I had to live and act exactly as a human, which was never an easy task. Thankfully, for college I was able to go somewhere I better fit in, an all supernatural college, NX University. My parents were opposed to me going due to their meek status against humans, but I needed a change in lifestyle. Thankfully I managed to get multiple scholarships to the school.
I had been living on campus for a few months. Everything was going smoothly. My stress and anxiety of blending in was long forgotten and I was able to express myself through my supernatural abilities. I took courses on witchcraft and alchemy, things I never would’ve had the opportunity to learn in human society. I shared a dorm with a fellow witch from my classes. Her name was Sunghee. She was what could only be described as text book beauty. She had glowing ginger hair that flowed over her shoulders and large green eyes. Her face was littered with freckles and she was rather slim. To go along with her innocent looks came her witchcraft. She was what humans would describe as a ‘good witch’. She practiced strictly healing and protection magic and had made a pact with herself to never engage in battle. She often spent her days collecting and researching herbs she discovered around campus.
After a long day of classes I was heading back to the dorm. I had what could be described as an infinite amount of homework and I wasn’t exactly excited to lose sleep working on it. As I approached the door I noticed something.
“Hmm? The door is locked? That’s strange. Sunghee usually leaves it open...” I mumbled to myself as I shuffled through my bag, searching for my spare key.
“Maybe she went to the shops for more herbs..”
As I unlocked the door and entered, I was greeted by emptiness. The place was sparkling clean, which was very unusual for Sunghee. She was more like the ‘messily organized’ type so seeing the place so clean was shocking. As I approached the small kitchen table, I noticed a crinkled note taped to the fridge. It read :
‘Hey name! Sorry for the sudden departure but I had some family business to attend to. I’ll probably be back by the end of this quarter. As an apology for leaving so fast I tidied up the place! Also, you don’t have to worry about caring for my plants and such! My friend Hyunjin will be staying here to take care of them! Hopefully you won’t mind!
- xoxo Sunghee ♡︎
“Only Sunghee would do something like this so suddenly and think nothing of it.” I sighed. I guess I had to get used to living with someone else for a while.
“I should really start my homework....I don’t want to be up all night.” I shook my head.
My head had been buzzing with witchcraft and algebra work for what seemed like hours. I was so focused on finishing my work before the clock struck midnight that when a knock on the door sounded through the dorm, I nearly fell out of my chair.
“Who in their right mind would arrive at this hour...” As much as I disliked the idea of talking, I still ran to open the door. As the old wooden door creaked open, the sight behind it almost made me fall over again. Standing at the door was a tall and lanky boy with longer blonde hair tied up in the back. He was beautiful and his perfection was accentuated by the small birthmark under his left check. I couldn’t put a finger on his name but I had definitely seen him before. He was deemed the school’s ‘pretty boy’ from what I could remember.
“Excuse me but what do you need? It’s quite late and I’m not exactly sure what you want from me?” I questioned as I leaned on the door frame in exhaustion.
“Oh hi. You must be name. I’m Sunghee’s ‘childhood friend’ you could say. She asked me stay here for a while to watch over her plants or whatever.” He shrugged as he pushed his hair back. Now that I looked at him closely I noticed he was carrying a large duffel bag packed to the brim.
“You? Stay here? There must be some sort of confusion. I thought a girl by the name of Hyunjin would be staying here?” I blinked in confusion.
“Oh she never explained fully then huh?” He chuckled. “My name’s Hwang Hyunjin. I’m not exactly a girl but I understand your confusion. You were probably thinking of Kim Hyunjin. She’s a girl in the shapeshifter division.” He suffled around awkwardly. “So are you gonna let me in?”
“Hoooold on there. I have no idea who you are! You expect me to just casually share a place with you for months? When I’m just meeting you for the first time now? Plus you’re a werewolf aren’t you? Bold of you to assume I could naturally just trust you!” I was beyond shocked at his audacity.
“Come ooonnn! I’m just tired ok! It wasn’t exactly my idea to stay here. Sunghee kinda sprang it on me this morning.” He sighed once again, rubbing his neck.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? If you’re trying to convince me to stay with some guy I just met than you’re doing a terrible job.” I chided.
“Look, we don’t even have to see each other or talk to each other. Ok? I’m just as unenthusiastic about this as you are but I know Sunghee would skin me alive if I didn’t care for her precious plants.”
I huffed. “I’m honestly too tired to continue with this conversation. Fine you can stay, but you better keep the place sparkling! Pull your weight in chores and maybe I won’t kick you out.” I didn’t plan on caving so easily but I was exhausted and needed sleep. I let the boy inside and then shut myself in my room for the night.
The next few weeks were....rough. Living with a teenage boy was hard enough but with him being a werewolf it was even worse. Despite trying to keep the place clean, everyday the place would be in shambles. He slept on the couch but would often shift to his wolf form while sleeping and ravage the place. Even with his sudden outbursts, Hyunjin did try his best to keep true to his deal. He rarely bothered me and the only time we really had a conversation was when he accidentally ate Sunghee’s herbs and needed information on which ones he should buy in replacement. One thing I did notice about Hyunjin was his habit to get home quite late. I was typically up into the late hours of the night doing homework so I always heard him come home. He would always be panting and out of breath, as if he had been chased back to the dorm. I did wonder what he was up to but I never confronted him about it, that is until one specific time.
It was a dreary Friday night in early October and I was finishing my physics homework for the week. Due to my growing hunger I decided to make some popcorn and maybe watch a movie later. As I was pouring the popcorn in a large bowl, I heard the front door slam open. Hyunjin must’ve been home. I didn’t greet him, as I didn’t typically do so but I could tell something was off by how he was breathing. He was panting much heavier than I had ever heard and seemed to be groaning in pain. I decided to ask what was wrong and finally discover what was happening. When I turned to question him, I was shocked by his appearance.
Standing in the doorway was Hyunjin. He was drenched it what appeared to be a mixture of blood, sweat and rain as it had been storming outside. What shocked me the most were the large scratches and cuts scattered throughout his body. The most noticeable of them were placed near his heart, from which blood seeped into his shirt. He also appeared to have some bruises forming on his face and his nose was bleeding. The last feature I noticed were the pitch black ears and tail that sprouted from his head and lower back. He was in partial wolf form.
“What the hell happened to you?!” I exclaimed. I wasn’t exactly expecting a bloody Hyunjin to walk through the door.
“Uhh....” he spun around, eyes wide in shock. He was like a deer caught in headlights. “I got into a small fight...” He mumbled, scratching his neck awkwardly. He wasn’t expecting me to be home.
“Bullshit! You wouldn’t look like walking road kill if it was just a small fight! Tell me what really happened!” I huffed. I wasn’t usually one to get mad easily but I had been suspicious of Hyunjin for a while and wanted answers.
“Fine...fine... I guess I owe you an explanation at least...” he stumbled forward out of shock and exhaustion. I quickly set the bowl down and went to help him walk to the couch. He was still badly injured.
“Fine but before you explain we better fix your injuries. You may be a werewolf but those wounds are deep. Without treatment they could get infected.” I quickly jogged into Sunghee’s room to fetch a first aid kit.
“Unlike Sunghee, I’m not a herbs and healing witch. I’ll have to patch you up the old fashion way.” I snickered. This would’ve been a lot easier with Sunghee.
“Fine, just get it over with.” Hyunjin sighed. I could still sense his distress from his previous experience.
I started with the cuts on his face. I washed them with a damp cloth followed by alcohol wipes. Hyunjin cringed in pain. I placed small bandages over the wounds and moved on to his chest. As embarrassing as it was, I was forced to lift up his shirt to access the scratches. Any other day the blonde would of teased me for being shy but he was currently in too much distress to do so. The wounds were deep but just shallow enough to not need stitches. I applied the same treatment as I did with his face but used a wrap of bandage instead.
“Ok Hwang, explain.” I crossed my arms as I huffed.
“Fine, fine.” He shuffled in his seat, cringing in pain as he felt his injuries stretch.
“I wasn’t lying when I said I got into a fight, but it was definitely more serious than usual. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now but I usually get home late and after a run in with some not so great people. They’re a group of vampires and shapeshifters that are a part of my gym class. I do excessively well in that class and I guess they were jealous of that so that’s why they first approached me. They wanted to ‘knock me down a peg’ and put me back in my place. It probably would’ve ended there but I’m so terrible at controlling my wolf form that I snarled at them. They chased me home after that. The past few weeks I’ve tried to avoid them, more for their safety than mine. I would sprint home each day in hopes of not starting any drama. Today was the one day I didn’t run home and those punks took advantage of it. They picked a fight with me and out of exhaustion I partially turned and swiped at them. They were pissed. My accidental turning led to them ‘beating me up’ except I was far stronger and managed to do more damage.”
“Wow.” Despite my suspicion I was still a bit shocked to hear the whole story. “I never would have pictured your lazy ass to be a fighter Hyunjin..” I chuckled. “That’s hilarious.” I subtly laughed into my hand. My exhaustion combined with the fact that Hyunjin ran away out of embarrassment made the situation seem hilarious to me.
“Don’t laugh! Hey! I try to keep the place clean! I do my best!” He chided, dramatically waving his hands around in exasperation. Now that I focused on him I realized he was still half turned.
“Hyunjin..” I giggled “You dumbass! Your ears are still out! Can you even tell?!” At my examination he quickly slammed his hands against his head, feeling that his ears were in fact still showing.
“Dammit! I swear these things have a mind of their own! If it weren’t for these dumb ears, I could’ve avoided all that drama!” He groaned as he tried to push his ears back into his head. I giggled and rolled my eyes. “You really do suck at controlling your wolf! As much as it pains me maybe I could help you out?” I stifled my laughter as I wanted Hyunjin to take me seriously. “Oh really? And how do you plan to do that?” He questioned, tilting his head to the side like a lost puppy. “I’m part witch! don’t you remember? I could make you something that can help you control your wolf better! For the time being I can cast a spell on you to alter your appearance! I’d have to be with you during school though...” I mumbled. Despite being ‘roommates’ I didn’t consider us to be close friends
“You’d really do that for me? Ya know you’re a lot cooler than you let on.” He chuckled.
“Could you maybe tutor me while your at it?”
“Don’t push your luck, pretty boy!”
Over the next few months, Hyunjin and I spent a lot more time together. Initially it came as a shock to the rest of the school. He was a werewolf and I was part vampire, both species that had strongly disliked each other for years. Along with this, the blonde was far more popular than I was. I was more the ‘nerdy witch’ type, who’s only care was grades. Despite all our differences, we got along extremely well. Someone who had never met use before would’ve thought we had been friends for years or even lovers. Due to our tight knit relationship, it was a common task to deny relationship rumors. As promised I did start working on a formula that would help Hyunjin with his transformations. For the time being, I simply cast an illusion spell on him each morning and would check with him throughout the day to assure it was still in effect. Throughout my growing relationship with the boy, I began to feel confused. I felt strong emotions for him, emotions I had never felt before and didn’t understand. I finally figured them out when on the phone with Sunghee. As I described to her my new found friendship with Hyunjin and how much I wanted to hang out with him, Sunghee pieced together that I must’ve liked him , or in her words had a ‘crush’. I immediately dismissed the idea, but over the following week I noticed just how much I liked his company. There was no other way to explain it. Thankfully it didn’t appear to hinder our friendship at the time so I simply pushed the thoughts to the back back of my head.
Currently it was approaching the end of October meaning both finals for that semester and Halloween were in the upcoming week. Hyunjin was stressed to say the least. Despite all the tutoring I gave him, he was still adamant on needing my help to prepare. I decided to make a deal with him. For my witchcraft class I had a final project which required a non-witch partner. If he agreed to do the project with me I could tutor him again for free.
“Wait so what is this project again?” Hyunjin questioned as he took a bite out of pumpkin pie. We were sitting in the kitchen discussing our study plans for that week.
“Well it’s for my witchcraft class, it’s my final project. I need a non-witch partner and I thought you’d be perfect for for it!” I chided, throwing my arm over his shoulder.
“The premise of the project is to develop the three main elements of witchcraft through a secret mission into human territory-“
“What?” His eyes widened in shock as he choked on the pie he was practically inhaling. I patted his back to help with his coughs. He sighed and wiped his mouth. “What do you mean human territory?! It suuuuper dangerous over there! How could they assign that as a school project?!” He was surprised to say the least.
“Look Hyunjin I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s not like I didn’t live half of my life surrounded by humans. Just because you’re some rich prince boy who has never seen a human in their life doesn’t give you the excuse to back out on me now.” I sighed as I rubbed my temples.
“The majority of humans are pretty chill. They won’t notice anything if we keep a low profile. All we need to do is collect an item for each element of witchcraft, that’s three in total. We’ll be in and out of there in no time!”
“Ughh... As much as I hate the idea of us walking directly into danger, I can’t afford to fail this test. Plus with all the things you’ve done for me, I think I owe you one.” He chuckled.
“Then that’s settled! Well leave tomorrow!” I clapped my hands together. “Better start packing Hwang!” I shouted as I dashed to my room.
That night I packed the necessities I would need for the small trip. I packed a map, money, a change of clothes, water, snacks, and some tools for spell-craft. Hyunjin and I were to be disguised as travelers who were stopping at the nearest town for some materials. The disguise had to be convincing so I told Hyunjin to wear old, battered clothes and bring nothing too flashy. The only downside to this town was their utter fear of supernatural beings. Many humans could care less but for some this fear had evolved into hatred. If any supernaturals were discovered in or near the town, they would most likely be executed on the spot. In order to keep our cover from being blown, I could not risk the use of the spell I typically used on Hyunjin. He questioned me about it before leaving.
“Wait! What about the spell? You know I still suck at control right?” He questioned, lugging his tan backpack from his bedroom.
“I can’t risk anyone noticing. You’ll have to survive without it for one day. Just wear a hoodie or something to cover your ears if they happen to appear.” He nodded, nervous as ever. “Don’t worry it’ll be fine!” I smiled. “Let’s get going.
The beginning of the project went perfectly. We were able to slip into the town with few people noticing our presence. For the grade, I needed to collect three objects to represent the three elements of witchcraft : defense, offense and recovery. The recovery object was the easiest so we decided to gather that item first. We stopped at a small tea and herb shop, which they surprisingly had, and I bought multiple bags of herbal tea along with healing incense. We did get some strange looks in the store but nothing crazy, they probably weren’t used to teenagers visiting a dusty shop like that. Next was defense. It seemed easy enough. Hyunjin suggested we buy a plank of strongly crafted wood and have it shaped into a shield. He went and gathered that part of the project while I purchased solvents from a scientist that I could use in defense spells. The final element was definitely the most difficult. Offense or in short, something that could kill. Sure we could’ve found a sharp stick or snatched a spear from some old museum but those wouldn’t get me a good grade. I needed something special.
“Hey Look! A weaponry shop! That’s exactly what we’re looking for I chided, pulling him behind me by his sweatshirt sleeve. “We can probably get a gun or something here...” I mumbled. As we entered the small shop we were greeted by an old man. He didn’t say anything directed towards us but a simple ‘Welcome. Shout if you need help’.
“Let’s go quick Hyunjin. I wanna get out of here as soon as possible.” I whispered to the boy as I signaled him to follow me into the store.
“Okay, okay. What do you want me to look for?” He whispered back.
“Find a dagger or knife of sorts, I’ll find a small handgun. Don’t buy anything too gaudy though, we don’t wanna draw attention on the way out.” I walked to the back of the store that was labeled as the gun section. I picked out two small handguns along with a couple packs of ammunition, keeping in mind how they would fit in my pack. I quickly met Hyunjin at the front counter. He had picked out a dark green Swiss Army knife along with what appeared to be a hunters knife. If the store owner didn’t walk out at that moment, we probably would’ve slipped out without paying.
“Hello! Is this all you want today?” He questioned. We both nodded placing the weapons on the counter. He wrapped the items lightly then packed them into a small bag. He handed the bag to Hyunjin as I shuffled through my bag for cash.
“Why you both look pretty young! You wouldn’t mind showing me your weapons license by any chance right?”
Shit. I didn’t think of that. I shuffled through my bag in despair.
“Umm you see sir I think I must’ve lost it while traveling....” I rubbed my neck, hoping he would buy my childish lie.
“I’m sorry but I need to see it in order for you to buy these weapons miss.” He smiled, an eerie smile at that.
“I’m so sorry sir but I can’t find it....” I awkwardly smiled back.
“Well then missy, you’ll have to give those back!” He reached and grabbed at the bag which Hyunjin had handed to me. Out of instinct I pulled it back towards me, effectively loosing my balance and stumbling back into the blonde. It didn’t take long for us to trip over each other and fall to the floor.
“You...you monsters! I knew something was up with you!” The man at the front screeched, flailing his arms about wildly. I furrowed my brows in confusion. It made sense when I finally caught sight of the boy beside me. The fall had effectively knocked the hood of his head and thanks to our luck, his ears were out on full display. We were screwed.
“Dammit Hyunjin!” I yelled throwing myself up from the floor and grabbing at him to get up. “Time to run!” Finally grasping the situation, the blonde sprang up from the floor and dashed out the door beside me. As we sprinted through the city, we heard what sounded like gunshots. I assumed they were signal flares, something to notify the people that supernaturals were there. It didn’t take long before a group of crazed humans were chasing after us with spears and guns. Just as the gunshots began to sound, I managed to put up a protective barrier around us.
“Hyunjin we gotta get out of here as fast as we can! We can’t risk dying or letting them know the school’s location!” I huffed. Running was hard. “I can only keep this barrier up for so long! Do you have any ideas?” I desperately shouted as we made a mad dash away from the town. His eyes seemed to sparkle in excitement at me asking for his help. He had an idea.
“You might not like this idea but I think it could work!” He shouted back.
“What is it?”
“I’m gonna need you to trust me fully! On the count of three, I’ll transform into full wolf form and run out of here with you on my back! There’s no way they could catch up to us!” He panted, his golden eyes shimmering in the sunlight.
“You’re really crazy sometimes Hwang, but this time I’m willing to trust you! Just don’t let us get killed ok?!”
“Alright it’ll take me a minute to transform fully! If you can hold up this barrier for that long we should be fine!”
“Alright!” We stopped suddenly. I closed my eyes in concentration as I chanted the spell for the protective barrier. As I did so, Hyunjin transformed into a beautiful, sleek black wolf.
‘Hop on!’ I heard him speak to me through subconscious thoughts. It didn’t take another word from him for me to swing my legs over his back and latch onto his fur. “Go Hyunjin!” I shouted, causing the wolf to sprint forwards, almost three times as fast as the pace we were previously at.
We ran for what seemed like years. The sounds of gunshots and angry shouts seemed to fade into the distance long ago. We had lost them. Upon passing the school gates, we both collapsed on a grassy area, Hyunjin returning to his human form. I rolled onto the ground in exhaustion. I wasn’t exactly the ‘athletic type’ and that amount of exercise was painful. I chuckled as I saw Hyunjin collapse beside me.
“What are you laughing at?!” He jeered.
“Heh, at least we didn’t die! Now you won’t fail your finals since you are guaranteed my help in studying! Aren’t you happy about that?” I chuckled again.
“Ignoring the fact that we almost died, that was the most fun I’ve had in years! Who would’ve though you to be my best friend-“ I was cut off by the sensation of warm lips against mine. Hyunjin was kissing me. I could feel my face heat up but I kissed back. His feelings were clearly reciprocated. Upon breaking the kiss, I faced away for, him and covered my face in embarrassment.
“Huh? Is that the great and fabulous name being shy at a simple kiss? You’re so weak!” He laughed as he rubbed his face against my neck, similar to how an animal would treat its mate. I chuckled. Two could play at that game. I faced him again.
“Is the great, dumb wolf Hyunjin in love with me?” I smirked as I saw the slight blush bubble up on his cheeks.
“Well maybe I am!” He chided. I smiled
“Well maybe I love you too.”
AN: This was from Halloween buuuttt imma post it now cuz y not 😗. Also I watched the Skz concert this weekend and it was AMAZING. I am currently still in post concert depression buttt maybe I’ll have some motivation to write again soon! Peace out ✌🏼
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jungcity · 4 years
bane of the devil. | ii
genre: vampire!jaehyun
pairings: jaehyun x female reader
important note: the au’s i write for nct members do not, in any way, reflect them in real life. they are only my muses for my writing and an addition to enliven my fictions! ♡
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“father, i must confess
i tasted the devil,
orison in my lips
with blood on his teeth,
how could he taste like
the bitter tang of revulsion,
and the carnage of war?
father, i kissed the devil
even if i should not
will you punish me
now that i see burnish gold
in his hands
instead of blood?”
— bane of the devil // ii
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A nervous chuckle broke free out of your mouth by the mention of the word ‘vampire’. Agitation filled your whole body; your fingers started to shake, your heart beating in frenetic patterns inside your chest. Jaehyun laid still, all bloodied and nearly unconscious on the sofa.
“Are you crazy?” You managed to croak, the tightness in your throat making it hard for you to speak.
Perhaps the pain of his laceration made him delusional. Perhaps Johnny told him about the death of your parents. Perhaps he knows about your obsession towards vampires. Perhaps, perhaps—
“A little bit out of my mind, yes.” His chest and shoulders vibrated by the toneless chuckle his mouth released. “Crazy? No.” Jaehyun’s eyes were still closed, but a playful smile was displayed on his lips. You have no idea how could he smile despite of his situation. He must be really deranged.
“You must be in so much pain,” you sympathized. A single paper cut hurts like hell, what more when it’s a long gash in your stomach? The mere thought was enough to make you recoil in your seat. So, you tried not to dwell in Jaehyun’s pain as you continued to sew his skin back together.
“I don’t feel anything at all.” Then he sat up from the sofa and brought his forefinger to the wound. He pressed his finger down on the incision, causing his blood to gush down his jeans.
You slapped his hand away, while he chuckles as if he enjoys seeing his blood. “What the hell?!”
“See?” he sighed before leaning back on the sofa. Sinister as it was, you have decided to just ignore his remarks and focus on the needle and thread instead. But Jaehyun seemed to be having the time of his life as he pushed on yet another statement, “How I wish I could drink my own blood.”
Bony faces, sunken cheeks, withered bodies— those were what was left of your parents’ once healthy features when you saw them lying on the metal beds in the morgue, their eyes lifeless. The same image went crashing back in your mind as you heard Jaehyun’s utterance. As much as you wanted to lash out on him for being insensitive, you could not bring yourself to now that you weren’t sure whether Johnny really told him about your mother and father’s demise.
“I don’t mean to offend, but…” your teeth twiddled with your bottom lip, Jaehyun silent beside you, “Are you… mentally ill or something?”
It’s impolite to pry. But if you would sleep in a roof with a man who nonchalantly brushes off his injuries like it was just a small scratch and not a long gash, you’ve guessed you needed to know how to walk the attenuated thread that seems to bind his sanity together. You trust you brother— despite him selling your apartment without having a word with you— you’ve met some of his friends before, and you still believe that Jaehyun is not a bad person. And that you hadn’t been wrong to allow him inside the house.
“I am not,” he finally answered after minutes of being lost for words.
“Then why did you tell me that you’re a vampire?”
“Because I am.”
There was a certain rise of intonation in his words that you have a difficulty distinguishing if it was a question or a statement.
“Did Johnny order you to do this? To scare me by standing bloodied in my doorway, and to frighten me more by saying you are a vampire? Because it’s not funny.” You slammed the lid of the sewing kit shut, breathing heavily while looking at Jaehyun. Your fingers imprinted the lid with blood.
His infamous smirk was plastered on his face in a blink, displaying his dimples. He gripped the arm of the sofa then sat up, his eyes boring into yours. “First, no one orders me around. Secondly, I don’t know shit about what you’ve just said. And yes, I think you really need to be frightened because I really am a blood-sucking bastard.”
Jaehyun bared his teeth, his two fangs elongating— Before. Your. Very. Eyes. The ravaging of your heart inside your chest was unbearable. The widening of your eyes would have been enough to let your eyeballs roll off your eye sockets.
Are you going to die now? Are you going to die just like your mother and father; lifeless eyes, wasted body? Mom and Dad. They died in such a terrible way. A cruel death for two loving souls. And they were killed by a vampire— like the monster in front of you. You grabbed the sewing kit— it’s stupid, it’s hopeless but you need to stay alive— and slammed it into Jaehyun’s face.
His face turned sideways by the impact. If a different person would put his shoes on yours right now, the person would surely collapse because of fear. But you’ve anticipated this all your life— this is your purpose. To meet a vampire, to kill a vampire. However, you are still just a person; petrified of the undead.
Breathing ragged with your heart nearly collapsing, you ran for the kitchen and rummage through the drawers to find a vinegar. Before you could sprint away from him, you need to at least injure him first. The rosary standing near the altar behind the television waved at you, you grabbed it until the cross dug in your palm.
With a vinegar in one hand, and a rosary in the other, you dashed back to the living room. Where Jaehyun sat as if he was on a vacation. His arms were laying stretched out on the head of the sofa, his eyes observing you with deviltry in them.
“Begone! You monster!” You opened the lid and threw him the vinegar, the liquid splashing on his body, on the floors and some on your own shoes. The smell of it whiffing your nose, making it itch. It would scorch Jaehyun, that’s for certain.
With the rosary raised by your hand, you shut your eyes and started chanting prayers. “Our Father, Who art in heaven, Holy be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth—”
Then a howl. You opened your eyes and saw Jaehyun lying on the floor, he was in a fetal position while screaming. You did it! Without waiting for him to recover, you grabbed your phone and ran for the door. As you gripped the doorknob, the howl of pain echoing around the room was replaced by howls of laughters.
Jaehyun is laughing.
You turned around with narrowed brows. He was kneeling on the floors now, clutching his stomach while laughing. His shoulders continued to vibrate, his laughs enveloping the whole space.
“Why—? How?” was your breathless question.
“Damn, that was hilarious.” Then he slowly got up on his feet, a low laugh escaping from his lips even now. He took a step towards you, while you backed away from him.
His hands was raised in shoulder length in an instant, “Whoa. I’m not going to bite you,” he chuckled, then he raised a brow, “not unless you want me to.”
Every young adult romance books who has a cocky man as their main character had that line in one of their pages at least. It was enough to make you cringe just reading it in a book, but to be told the same thing in real life was like a dirt you could not wash off your body.
“Why… why aren’t you scathed?” You observe his body from head to toe, not a trace of scorched skin could be seen in his pale features. “Are you just fucking around?” An infinitesimal dismay bubbled up in your heart by the realization. You could have killed him, you could have taken vengeance for the death of your parents. Could you, truly? If you weren’t even sure about your theories, if you do not even have any idea about the face of their murderer?
“I am a vampire, babygirl.” He continued to advance to you, until your back was against the plain walls of your house, with Jaehyun’s one hand pressed to the walls beside your head. “So you better pack and move out tomorrow before I suck all the blood from your body.”
This close, you could see his lashes fanning his cheeks. They haven’t mistaken when they wrote vampires as terrifying yet beautiful creatures. Jaehyun is stunning.  All the papers plastered on your blackboard slowly came to life through him. You have primed yourself for this day, yet the weak side of being human ate you up as you stood unmoving, eyes focused on Jaehyun and Jaehyun’s face only. They were right when they said vampires were mesmerizing.
You could not move a muscle to defend yourself. With a heavy heart, you braced yourself for your end.  
“Hatred. So much hatred.” Jaehyun sniffed at you, you blinked. What is he doing? “Your blood would taste bitter on my tongue,” he stated, breath fanning your face. It smelled like cigarette, cigarette and mint. “You are so full of hate. Why?”
Then he took a step back, before running his hand through his hair. “Go.” His playful façade was back when he looked at you as if he’s going to pounce on you anytime sooner. “Lock your doors and don’t leave. Johnny told me to keep you safe, so don’t try to run. Because I will know.”
You should bolt out of the house and away from him, it’s preposterous if you won’t. Staying and sleeping in your bed should be out of the choices.
Where else would you go, though? Haechan’s? The little devil would surely squeeze the reasons out of you if ever you decide to stay the night in his house. Mark’s? He’s living with his own. He’d surely feel flustered by the thought of you sleeping in the same roof as him.
Jaehyun made it clear he would know if you do something as to try to leave the house, you do not doubt him one bit. On the other side of things, this is your chance to put your life out of misery: the misery that was inflicted by the murder of your parents.
Sometimes, we have to be a little bit crazy to accomplish something right? We have to be out of our minds to push our boundaries and ignite the bravery in our hearts.
Tonight, you’ve decided to be insane.
Tonight, you will stay.
A single dagger lay quietly on your bed. You sat, your legs crossed with each other as you stare at it with pure concentration. The blade reflecting your face in a blurred image. You bought it online years ago, and was hidden underneath your dresser ever since it has arrived. The design was remarkably artistic; a snake head as its pommel and hilt, and instead of a silver blade, it was onyx black.
Grief. It was the reason why you bought it in the first place. Of course, it was Johnny’s name you wrote in the information so you could buy the dagger. The grief and the yearning to find a vampire was what fueled your determined little spirit, resulting in you,  breaking the rules.
Jaehyun’s elongated fangs flashed in your sight as you stare at the dagger. Is he really a vampire? But the vinegar had no effect to his skin, not even the rosary or the prayers. Yet the fangs. How could he make those fangs longer? Perhaps he couldn’t. Perhaps it’s your disconcertment playing tricks on you.
You let your body fall into the mattress. It was like a hearkened prayer. A vampire showing in your doorstep when you least expect it. Was it why he does not appeared to be breathing? Or hurt by his wound and the sewing you’ve done to his skin? Perhaps he’s high, intoxicated, you have no idea. But you believed that even drugs would not obliterate the painful effect of your stomach being slashed open.  
If he’s truly a vampire, why didn’t he use his powers to heal himself? Being undead, and the blood they consumes from humans or animals makes it easier for them to recover from any wound. A gash like that in Jaehyun’s stomach would only compare to a small knife cut or to nothing at all.
There’s only one way to know. No, there are many ways to know the truth, you realized as you glanced at the full body mirror resting near your closet. Vampires can not cast shadows nor reflections. Especially when the mirror is backed with silver.
You pulled the chair, drafting table, and your little drawer away from behind the door. It was a horrendous idea to lock your door with your furnitures, only to pull them back again. Safety first, though.
What if he’s truly a vampire? The question drew you in a sudden halt, your hand frozen onto the doorknob. Then you realized that you have not prepared yourself to meet a real vampire after all. Concocting everything in your mind was easier because it hasn’t occurred to you— not even in your wildest imaginations— that you’d see a vampire today. In the modern world and years after the death of your parents.
As the saying goes, it’s now or never. So you turned the doorknob, and stepped outside your bedroom— your hand holding the dagger behind you.
Jaehyun sits on the sofa while he dries his hair with a towel. He was wearing Johnny’s clothes. The scent of your own shampoo lingers in the air, a proof that he had used it. You swallowed the irritation and sauntered up towards him instead. There’s a mirror hanged on the wall above the piano, you took a quick glance at it while planning ways on how to make Jaehyun stand in front of it.
“I told you to stay in your room,” he impassively voiced out, eyes not looking up at yours. When he did look up to you, your breath was snatched away. He looked fresh, and clean. His face was free of blood now, revealing his pale yet soft features and the redness of his lips. The beauty he possesses locked you up on your position.
“By the way, I’m charging money towards the person who looks at me like that,” Jaehyun stated before standing up.
You blinked, washing away your embarrassment by clearing your throat and slightly shaking your head. “I have to ask you about a few things.” Before he could answer, you’ve already spoken, “Where did you meet Johnny?”
“Casino,” was his bored response before reaching for the remote and tuning on the television.
“Casino? Why would you meet him in a casino?”
“Your brother owes me a large sum of money after gambling all of his in baccarat,” he explained. The various colors from the television illuminating his face.
“Casino game, one you would not understand as a college girl.” He glanced at you then. “Do you have any beer stored here?”
You ignored his remarks and shook your head instead, “We don’t. I do not allow it.”
“Well, thank fuck that this is my house now.” He leaned and propped his arms on his legs, “Why don’t you buy me a bottle as a welcome gift?”
“Don’t you have a penny?” This time, you’re the one whose voice was laced with boredom.
“I won’t ask you if I have a dollar.”
“Your audacity, it’s impeccable,” was your sarcastic response. “Why did Johnny vend you the house? Our house?” You put an emphasis to the last words, trying to veer the conversation to your advantage.
Jaehyun merely looked at you from the television, “Didn’t I just answer your question? He lost all his money, he borrowed mine, and as payment, he sold me your house. Business.”
“I couldn’t believed Johnny would sell you this house without consulting me,” you exhaled. Realization was dashing against your mind. He really sold the house, the one thing your parents built with their blood and sweat.
“Yup. Me too,” he smiled impishly, “I couldn’t believe you would have enough audacity to hide a dagger behind you.” He stood up, walking towards you in a languid manner, “Baby, is that for me?” He asked, his mouth dripping sensuality; sweet as honeysuckle. “Because I would tell you now it won’t do anything.”
You concealed your shock by straightening your back and stepping backwards, the mirror inviting your line of sight. All you have to do is step back until Jaehyun’s façade is on its surface.
“Really? What about I stab you with it through your heart?”
The urge to bury the dagger in Jaehyun’s chest was like a magnet, pulling you with a force that made your hand reveal the dagger. Fascination flickered in his eyes as he took in the length of the blade.
“You’ve got good taste.”
The dagger was raised, so is his finger. In a blink, his finger was pressed on the very edge, his blood cascading down the blade. One step, one step is all it would take for the mirror to reflect his body. One step and—
And then his mouth was on yours. Unmindful of the dagger between the both of you, Jaehyun pressed on, his kiss going ferocious in every second. Your body went rigid, the slick flicker of his tongue on your lower lip electrocuting you in the most pleasurable way.
Vampires are sinisterly sensual creatures. They could lure you with their beauty, fascinate you with their eyes. It was another thing to read about it, and another to feel it yourself. A millennium old gens never lied about vampires’ ability to romance a mortal.
The mirror. You opened your eyes, the mirror on your peripheral. It was difficult to get a better view, especially when Jaehyun was still kissing you. Your body refused to pull away, so you pulled Jaehyun closer instead. In a very unobtrusive way, you slightly turned your head sideways, so you would be able to see the mirror.
Trying your hardest not to completely fall into the desire, you grabbed Jaehyun’s hair with your other hand, then turned your body. Verity slapped you right in the guts as you see Jaehyun’s back reflecting on the mirror. You pulled away, catching your breath and gripping the dagger tightly with your hand. He reflected on the mirror, he wasn’t scorched when you splashed vinegar onto his body, he repelled the prayers and the rosary. Is he the insane one? Or is it you?
Jaehyun’s lips were swollen, and you do not doubt yours looks like that too. You stared at each other for seconds, Jaehyun stupefied in front of you. He looked shocked, like he had just came out of water, and was struggling to stabilize his breath. Before anyone could utter a word, you sprinted back to your room and locked it behind you.
That night, you lay awake on the mattress. Sleep feels like miles away. You could not simply close your eyes and pretend that there wasn’t a potential vampire under your roof. And you’ve kissed that vampire. It feels like betrayal, a bittersweet kind of one. However, you’ve nailed it on your mind not to repeat the same stupidity again. Not if you want to take retribution for the death of your parents.
A Roland for an Oliver. Always.
One person needs to know your wrath tonight, though. That is your brother. So you dialed Johnny’s number repeatedly until he answered.
“Why did you sell the house without consulting me?” was your greeting. The ire that you’ve been keeping inside you for hours after knowing the imbecilic decision of your brother rose up in your throat, begging to be unleashed as a scream.
“Well, good evening my dear little sister,” Johnny’s smug reply. You could almost see his sarcastic face in your mind. Before you could speak and bring hell to him, he inhaled and spoke himself, “I didn’t sell the house— well, sort of. But not really. It’s a fifty-fifty negotiation.”
You stood up, your hand on your waist. “I couldn’t believe you, Johnny! Casino? What in the heck were you thinking?”
Johnny cursed from the other line, “So the dick really told you about it?” Then a deep sigh, “Whatever he told you, it’s true. I’ve lost all my money in a game of baccarat. Don’t ask about it, you would not understand,” he uttered, so fast you almost didn’t catch it. Why is everyone thinks you won’t understand that game?
“What about Mom and Dad’s fund? Did you—”
“No! I did not,” Johnny sighed, deeper than the last time. “Well, almost half of it.”
“What?!” The scream that was threatening to come out from your mouth was unleashed, at last. You were afraid the neighbors heard it. “You—! Why did you do that?” You muttered, exasperated. Your knees felt like they would give up any second now, so you grabbed the chair and sat on it while trying to soothe your raging nerves. “That’s for us, Johnny. For our future.”
“I know. It was bad luck, Y/N. I promise, I’m working hard as much as I can to earn the money we’ve lost—”
“You’ve lost,” you repeated.
“Yeah. I’ve lost. Just, let Jaehyun stay for a while. He’s got no one and nothing.”
“What do you mean no one? And nothing?”
“He’s got no family. And no money. He’d lost it at the casino.”
You raised a brow like Johnny would see it, “Johnny, do you know that—” I saw him standing on our doorway, his stomach open and gushing out blood? Sighing, you have decided not to tell Johnny about the bloodied Jaehyun you’ve seen on your doorstep. He would only worry about you, and that’s the least thing you wanted now that your brother is miles away. “Do you know that he showed me a contract saying you sold him the house as payment for the money you owed him?”
Johnny once again cursed, “He’s fucking around with you. I’ll show you the real contract, hang on.”
Then you pulled your phone away from your ear the same time Johnny sent you a message. It was a picture of the real contract. And it was stated in the paper that Jaehyun could stay as long as he wanted in your house until Johnny earned the money he owed him. You knew it. Johnny didn’t sell the house. There is just no way he would do that.
“I knew it. I know you wouldn’t sell our house without discussing it with me.”
Johnny took seconds to speak, “I’d never sell the house, Y/N. No matter what. It’s ours.”
You rolled your lip with your teeth, “Where are you now, though? Are you eating well? Are you alright?”
Your brother chuckled, “I am. Don’t worry about your big brother. Just study and keep your self healthy.”
A pensive sigh was what you answered him. You wished your parents’ funds was enough for the both of you. So, Johnny wouldn’t have to work his butt off working here and there to provide for you.
“Just… take care. Don’t do anything illegal.”
“I won’t. Anyway, I have to go now. I have tons of work to do tomorrow. Call you tomorrow night, ‘kay? Take care, you little devil.”
“Alright. You too. Bye, Johnny.”
Then the line was cut off. You plugged-in your phone’s charger and set up the alarm. Staying up late was a bad idea, especially when you didn’t even have an ounce of sleep yesterday. It was a miracle that you’ve reached midnight without falling on your feet and sleeping on the floors. Dinner also went in the back of your mind, your appetite vanishing because of the adventure you’ve gone through for the past hours.
Going out of the room was out of the choices too. Jaehyun could be sucking an animal or a person’s neck in Johnny’s room for all you know. You frustratedly sighed, your imaginations would be the ones that would kill you, not the potential vampire inside the other room.
To get your mind off things, you checked on your group chat for any messages. Mark and Haechan, as usual, was bickering. Haechan sent a picture of his middle finger above his plates. While Mark sent a picture of the blackest coffee you’ve ever seen in your whole life with a caption, ‘palpitate? I don’t know him’ which elicited a chuckle from you.
As you glanced at your own plates, discarded at the corner near the original position of your drafting table, envy for Haechan and Mark enveloped you. You could have been on the third or fourth floor plan for the five-storey residential if not for Jaehyun.
You turned off your phone and decided to take a quick shower. You badly needed one. Jaehyun’s warning could not even stop you from washing the dried blood on your hands, wrists, over and under your fingernails.
Silence welcomed you as you peek through the door, the television was turned off, which only means that Jaehyun’s already in Johnny’s room. You finally stepped out, towel and robe in your hands.
Inside the bathroom, your shampoo bottle lay discarded on the shower floors, a sign that Jaehyun has emptied the container. You groaned, and threw the container to the trashcan with a loud thump.
As the water cascaded to your hair down your body, you felt the kiss you shared with Jaehyun, jolting your eyes open. What was that? You touched your lips. So many years of indulging yourself about vampires and how to kill them, one kiss and you are slipping off your principles already. What feebleness, you mumbled while slightly slapping your cheek.
After your quick shower, you felt cleaner than ever. No trace of blood could be seen on your hands. You wrapped yourself up with the robe, then your hair with the towel.
As you stepped out of the bathroom, you saw Jaehyun drinking a glass of water. You wrapped yourself tighter as you walked past him. He raised a brow but did not say anything. You’ve guessed the discussion about his stay could be accomplish tomorrow. Since you already had been exhausted to the bones, sleep was all you wanted and not another argument.
“Hey.” Jaehyun called out.
You froze for a few seconds before turning around to face him. What is it he wants this time?
“What’s your name?” He asked, arms crossed with his body leaning on the counter.
Oh, yes. He hadn’t inquired about your name yet.
“Y/N,” you declared.
Jaehyun stood straight then, pocketing his hands on the pockets of his sweatpants. “The kiss. It means nothing. No need to fret about it.”
You blinked. “I’m not fretting about it.”
“Yeah? Keep telling that to yourself while touching your lips as if you could still feel mine against it.”
All the blood rushed up to your cheeks, you do not doubt you looked like a tomato with eyes right now. “What are you talking about?” Did he peer through some hole while you shower? Did he use his vampire instincts to watch you bathe?
“I didn’t watch you bathe. As I’ve said, you’re not my type. Girls willingly peels off their clothes for me, I don’t need to peek at some hole to see tits and a pussy.”
An unbelievably loud gasp resonated from your mouth, your cheeks heating up again by his bold statement. How did he know your thoughts? “What do you think of yourself? A god?”
A smirk, “Yes.”
“You’re really unbelievable,” you muttered while shaking your head. Then you turned your back on him, not turning around even after hearing his salacious laugh behind you.
Heat continued to wrap your body until you kicked the blanket off of you. You slowly opened your eyes, the blinding rays of the sunlight jolting you awake. You needed not glance at your phone to know that you didn’t wake up on time.
Running a hand through your hair, you unplugged the charger from your phone. Several texts from Haechan and Mark were displayed on the screen.
[Already submitted your plate. :)]
[You bugbear, where are you?]
You typed in your reply for Mark, thanking him for submitting your plate for visual techniques. It was the right decision to leave it on his drafting tube. Then you sent a wacky picture to Haechan.
After not getting a reply from the two boys, you stood up and put on your slippers. The chaos of your room was an eyesore. You reminded yourself to clean and get back on planning later.
Jaehyun was nowhere in sight, he wasn’t in the living room nor at the kitchen. Perhaps he’s still sleeping. Or maybe he’s afraid of the sunlight. As you walked straight to the kitchen, you remembered the call you had with Johnny. Someone needs to explain himself today.
A lot of things whirled in your mind as you mix the coffee in your mug. First, you need to confirm whether Jaehyun is a vampire or not. What would you do if he is? Would you kill him? No, he would definitely kill you first if you ever did something as to think about assaulting him. Or maybe… maybe he could help you— on finding the vampire who killed your parents.
Your eyes widened by your realization, the spoon falling to the sink, making a loud clanking noise. Why had you not thought about it earlier? You muttered a curse before sitting. Yes, that would be it. Once you successfully vindicated his vampire nature, you could ask him to collaborate with you in finding the monster who killed your parents. However, Jaehyun looks like he’s going to be a huge pain in the ass. Men like him do not do things without gaining something from it.
“Yes, that’s right.”
You jerked in your seat as you heard Jaehyun. He entered the kitchen like it’s his own, walking straight towards the refrigerator and slamming it shut when he didn’t find what he was searching for.
“Can you not read my mind?” Your annoyed reiteration.
Jaehyun continued his rummaging through the drawers. “I don’t. Your thoughts are just all over the place. Too loud.”
You ignored his comment and focused on your goal instead. All while remembering the things you have learned about vampire’s ability to infiltrate minds and how to block them out of it. “You told me you’re a vampire.”
Jaehyun merely glanced at you, “Did I?” Then he continued his ransacking.
“Yes. Last night.”
He attempted to leave the kitchen, “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Then he stood still, facing you. “Aren’t you supposed to leave my house now?”
“Oh, speaking of that, I called Johnny last night. You lied to me.” You walked straight to one of the chairs and sat on it, your spoon pointing at Jaehyun’s way. “He didn’t sell you the house. You’re supposed to live here ‘til Johnny earned back the money he owed you.” A wicked smile was displayed on your lips now.
“Whatever. I better not see you again today.”
“This is my house!” You stood up from your seat, the coffee spilling as your hips collided with the table.
“Not anymore. Get out.”
“Get out.”
You straightened your back, “What would you do, then?” Knowing that you are walking through a thin thread, still, you pushed on. “Bite my neck and suck my blood?”
Jaehyun huff out a breath, “You’re delusional.”
“You’re in denial.”
It took him two strides to face you, “Shut up.”
“Why? Did it surprise you that you revealed your true nature to a mortal? Mere minutes after meeting her?” You gathered all your willpower to smirk.
“I did not reveal you anything.” He said through gritted teeth.
You have never felt so powerful until you saw Jaehyun’s face right now. “You did. You told me—”
He turned his back towards you and left the kitchen. But your spirit has risen up, your being refractory oozing out of you. You followed Jaehyun to the living room, your hand grabbing his shirt.
Jaehyun jerked your arm away, his face ruddy from irritation when he faced you. “I didn’t tell you shit.”
“If you really didn’t, show me your wound then.” You waved your hand to where his wound was located in his stomach. “The wound that I’ve stitched up last night.”
He seemed appalled, but he quickly recovered, tuning in his smug face at the stroke. “Sorry, but my abs isn’t available at the moment. Try again next time, sweet.”
“Why don’t you just show me?” You voiced out, irritated. Jaehyun sighed and turned his back on you for the second time, but you didn’t budge as you pulled his shirt again. He tried to jerk your hand off of him but you held on.
“Let go!” He continued to wrench his shirt from your grip, the force of his hand pulling you towards the living room with him.
“Show me!”
“Damn it, Y/N! Let go!”
Jaehyun, for the last time, tugged his shirt from your hands, the force pulling you on your knees. Now you knelt face to face with his crotch, but you ignored your awkward position as you held his shirt again, then you caught a glimpse of the wound. It was a wound no more, but a faint scar instead—
“I knew it—!”
“Good mornin—! Oh shit! Oh my God! Y/N!”
You froze as you heard Mark’s shoutings, followed by Haechan’s remarks.
“Hotdog for breakfast, really, Y/N?”
You struggled on your feet, nearly tumbling again as your toe hit the foot of the coffee table. Swallowing the pulsating pain, you fixed yourself and faced your friends.
“It’s not what you think it is—”
“I told her to wait but she’s a spunky little thing, even begging and crawling for it.”
You’ve witnessed as Mark’s mouth formed a big ‘o’, his eyes nearly falling off their sockets. Haechan, beside Mark, only looked at you as if he was already tucking the information at the very back of his mind to blackmail you in the future.  
“Don’t listen to him. He’s crazy.” You tried to smile despite the embarrassment. “Johnny asked me to take care of him for awhile.”
“Yeah, sure.” Haechan snickered.
You widened your eyes at him then turned it towards Jaehyun, a forced friendly smile painted on your lips. “Just… I know this is hard for you. But stay in your room, okay? I’ll give you milk later. Be a good boy, hmm?”
You saw the irritation in his face, causing you to swallow the chuckle that was threatening to come out off you. For the last time, Jaehyun looked at you with daggers in his eyes before sauntering up to Johnny’s room.
“What was that?” Mark asked, his eyes watching Jaehyun disappear to the other room.
“Johnny’s friend. He’s been on a traumatic past, made him childlike. It’s a pity, really—”
Haechan cut your sentence off by screaming, “Y/N, what the fuck is this?! Blood?!”
Both you and Mark followed Haechan’s sight. Sweat automatically formed in your forehead as you saw Jaehyun’s blood on the sofa, almost black in color because of its dryness.
“Oh! It’s— That’s— ignore that! That’s from Jaehyun’s wound. He cut himself last night— and yes, have you had your coffee yet? Come, let’s have breakfast!” A nervous chortle was elicited from you, then.
Haechan and Mark exchanged glances before sitting on the ottomans.
“No, it’s okay Y/N. We really just came by to check up on you,” Mark declared, his palms on his knees.
Haechan, on the other side, glanced at the blood before looking at you. “Are you alright?”
A spontaneous nod, “Of course. I am!”
“He’s not giving you any troubles, is he?” Mark dug in. You shook your head. Lies. Trouble has been the first thing Jaehyun led on your doors the moment you invited him in. “Since when did he arrive?”
“Last week,” was your terse reply. “Anyways, highways, why are you here?”
Haechan kept looking at the blood, so you rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a clean rug to cover it. Only when it was covered did he answer you.
“We had a notion that maybe you’re sick,” Haechan stated. “And you told us last week Johnny’s away. Besides we don’t have any more classes so we decided to visit,” he added.
“Thank you. But I am not sick. Just woke up really late.”
After talking about your plates, and the reminders two of your professors discussed, Haechan and Mark already bid their goodbyes, no doubt to play computer games. They did not ask about Jaehyun nor the blood on the sofa any further. Instead, they’d asked you numerous times whether you were really okay before making their way out. You answered them both with a slight pat on their backs, reassuring them that all is well even if you weren’t sure of it yourself.
Jaehyun was already sitting on the sofa when you got back inside, his eyes unfathomable as he took in your presence. Suddenly, you remembered his wound, and the scar that was left of it in a span of hours.
“Shall we go back to business?” He raised his brow, an impish smile imprinted on his luscious lips. At your confused look, he attempted to untie the string of his sweatpants, resulting in you, grabbing the pillow and throwing it his way.
“Gross!” You grunted.
“C’mon. Acting all shy now? Where’s the energy from earlier? I like that version of you better.” Then a wink.
You felt the veins of your temple tick. “You’re disgusting.”
“Disgustingly hot?”
“Go to hell, Jaehyun.”
“Working on it.”
Inhale, exhale, was your continuous chant in your mind as you tried to calm your nerves. After a minute of closing your eyes and breathing heavily, you finally had enough sanity to talk to the mad man sitting on your sofa.
“You’re really a vampire.”
Jaehyun let his head fall back, his eyes closed. “I am not,” was his worn out reply.
“How would you explain your wound, then? That’s completely healed not even twenty-four hours after I’ve put it back together?”
“Y/N, don’t you know that I’m God’s favorite? That’s why I heal easily.”
“Will you stop fucking around and confirm it to me instead?” you exhaled. “You’ve already revealed yourself, Jaehyun. And if you don’t want to wake up with the whole world salivating to put a stake through your heart tomorrow, you will listen to me.”
Jaehyun looked affronted, as he furrowed his brows before opening an eye. “Was that supposed to make me shit my pants?”
You sighed, deeper than a well. One minute of talking to Jaehyun and you felt yourself going insane already. “Listen, Jaehyun—”
“Why are you so eager to know whether I am truly a vampire? A normal person would’ve knelt and begged for mercy in front of me if they’d so much as see my fangs.” He sat up straight then, regarding you with interest.
“I am not afraid of your kind.”
Jaehyun chortled, “Says the girl who literally poured vinegar on me while chanting prayers.”
“Speaking of that, how did you repel those? Those are the bane of every vampire’s existence.” You, no doubt, believe your eyes looks like they are twinkling right now.
“You don’t know enough about vampires, then.”
Your years of determined study about the lore of vampires denied Jaehyun’s insult like an instinct. “Or maybe, you are a peculiar vampire,” you reiterated.
“Didn’t admit I was a vampire, did I?”
The conversation was getting exhausting now. You feel as if running and chasing Jaehyun in an endless path that leads to nothing. Vulnerability had a hard time reflecting itself to you, but you feel like you could only reach for the answers to the questions that were circulating your parents’ deaths for years if you showed it to Jaehyun.
“Our parents died years ago.” You tried your hardest not to look at Jaehyun as you started speaking. “They said… it’s a hopeless case. The police, the detectives, and even Johnny already gave up on it. But I refused to do the same.” You cleared your throat. “My parents had two bites on each of their necks. Yes, it could’ve passed as a snake’s bite. But the two of them? A snake bite on their necks? And since when did snakes leave their victim’s body looking withered as a dead plant?” With that, you looked up to Jaehyun.
His eyes were fixed on you, devoid of any emotions. “When did it happen?”
A slight hope ignited in your heart by his question that you answered right after the words tumbled out of his lips. “Ten years ago.”
He sighed before standing up on his feet. “When they said it was a hopeless case, it really was Y/N.”
Boulders on your shoulders, that was what his words felt like. The earth and the heavens felt like closing in on you.
Jaehyun started to walk away. Ice seems to envelope all your hopes. The impact of it was different, as it came from a vampire itself. You looked up to stop the tears that were threatening to roll down your cheeks, but a traitorous tear slid down the side of your one eye, your lips shaking. You wiped it off, as harshly as you could before standing up and sprinting to your own room, the frames rattling by how forceful you shut the door closed.
For hours, you sat on your bed, your mind drifting off to nowhere. You refused to cry, it wouldn’t make any difference. The blackboard who has all the articles from newspapers, books, internet news magnetized your line of sight. You stood up, and walked towards it.
As you ran your hands through the crumpled papers, the image of your parents flashed in your mind. You shut your eyes closed, then the tears finally slid down.
“Mom, Dad, I’m sorry.” Your body shook, your shoulders continued to vibrate as you cried. It’s been a while since you let yourself fall. Forcing you to think that the pain of your parents’ deaths has already left. But no, it does not. Time only made it worse.
A scream resonated from your mouth as you let the pain coaxed you. You gripped the papers attached to the blackboard, and wrenched them with enough force to graze your knuckles on the hard surface, the thumbtacks scratching your fingers. Slowly, your body fell to the floors, the coldness of it biting your soles. You hugged your knees as tears continued to come out of your eyes.
Then you heard a knock.
You slowly got up on your feet. Bloodshot eyes greeted you when you looked at your reflection on the mirror. You hastily wiped your cheeks and fixed your hair before sauntering up to the door.
Jaehyun’s façade loomed over the other side.
“What?” You never meant to make the words come out vexed. But Jaehyun displayed a look of hesitation, making you uncomfortable. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“I might have a solution to your problem.”
Your gripped on the doorknob tightened, your chest constricting. “What… what do you mean?
“I meant… I might’ve a solution to the death of your parents.”
“Really?!” You held his shoulders and shook him.
“Yeah. But before anything else, I need a beer.”
After Jaehyun’s revelation, you fixed yourself and dashed for the nearest convenience store, grabbing his preferred brand of beer and filling your cart with it. You needed to be tight on your expenses after you saw the receipt, but you have no time to care one bit now that you feel elevated more than ever.
When you arrived home, Jaehyun quickly opened the bottle with his hands, while you refrigerate the others. You dashed for the living room after putting all the bottles inside.
“So, what now?” You asked like a little puppy while Jaehyun chugged down his beer.
“I’ll help you in one condition.”
Of course, there’s a condition. Thankfully, you’ve anticipated Jaehyun to be the kind of man that it didn’t surprise you anymore.
“I’ll live here as long as I want. My clothes, cigs, beers— that’s all on you.” He pointed his finger at you, while holding the bottle in the same hand.
“Don’t you have any cash with you?” You tried to look kind as much as you can. Yet Jaehyun still raised a brow as a no.
“Blame the casino,” he added.
As you reckon his conditions, you grimaced privately. What would you tell Johnny if you started spending your funds? Or when you started asking for money all of a sudden?
“Alright. All your expenses, on me.” You smiled, teeth flashing while pointing at your self.
“I want my own room.”
“I will clean the storage—”
“Your parents’ room.”
With that, you stopped speaking, stopped breathing. “No.”
Jaehyun’s lips turned sideways, “Then the deal is off.” He turned to leave but you grabbed his wrist.
“Wait, alright. Alright. You could sleep there tonight. I will talk to Johnny.”
Jaehyun sat up again, a triumphant smile plastered on his lips. “Nice.”
“How did you know it was my parents’?”
The room was always locked, not when you clean it every once a week. You need not ponder how Jaehyun knew it was your parents, his vampire instincts surely told him. The room was bigger than any of the rooms inside the house, with big curtains making it cozy. There’s no doubt Jaehyun wanted it to be his just by that feature.
“Do I need to answer that?”
You shook your head. “So, how do we find my parents’ murderer?”
Jaehyun took a swig off his bottle before speaking, “Are you certain it’s a vampire?”
You didn’t answer. Instead dashed back to your own room to delve the box tucked underneath your dresser along with the dagger. In it was the picture of your parents in their withered state, the camera captured a shot of their neck, revealing the two bites each of them had. You hurriedly went back to the living room and revealed Jaehyun the pictures.
He took it with oddity, his mouth formed in a tight line. “Vampires. No doubt.”
After all these years, it was confirmed at last. You wanted to shout, but that isn’t pleasant for a time such as this. “I knew it,” you breathily stated.
Jaehyun shuffled the picture in his hands, “Some vampires has a peculiar way of killing their preys. However, the way your parents’ were murdered was no special. This is how the majority of the vampires kills.”
You leaned closer to see the picture yourself, but in a spur of moment felt embarrassed as you remember the kiss you shared, so you shifted away from him. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Yes. This gave us no clue as to who might be behind this.”
You feel your hopes shattering again. Jaehyun’s next words smashing it to smithereens.
“Vampires are all around Europe, and I do not doubt this town have several vampire clans too.” He continued, “But I know someone who could possibly identify the vampire behind this.” He waved the pictures in front of you, his mouth putting an emphasis to the word ‘possibly’. Your hope rose up in your chest again, despite the reluctance to his statement.
“What are we waiting for, then? Let’s go!” You stood up, ready to go at any given moment.
“Don’t be so excited, Y/N. He’s not a pleasant view to look at.” Then Jaehyun took one last swig on his bottle before laying it on the table with a thud.
“Anything, anyone, Jaehyun. For my parents.”
Jaehyun shrugged, “Tonight, then.”
“Where do we go?”
The sky was pitch black that night, no trace of twinkling white lights could be seen in the heavens. You held your jacket tighter to your body, the howling winds with heavy mists slapping on your face, hazing your skin with little droplets of water.
The cemetery’s entrance loomed over you, the letters in the metal bars embossed with an eerily looking font. You gulped, it’s sinister façade making the hairs on your neck prickle.
“Can’t we go back tomorrow morning?” You pursed your lips after asking. Jaehyun’s eyes was fixed on the name of the cemetery above you. Eternal Rest Cemetery.
“We won’t be able to meet Hubert in daylight,” he explained.
On the way to the cemetery, Jaehyun had given you little informations about the person you would meet tonight. His name is Hubert, Eternal Rest Cemetery’s gravedigger. He didn’t tell you how had he met him, or what does he looked like other than ‘creepy’.
“Why? Isn’t daylight more fitting for meetings such as this one?” You continued to babble as you entered the vicinity. Trying your hardest not to grip Jaehyun’s arms, you unobtrusively walked closer to him instead.  
“I told you, we couldn’t meet him in daylight. And I am not bestfriends with the sun, Y/N.” Jaehyun is clothed with a black shirt, paired with one of Johnny’s sweatpants again, since you haven’t bought him his own yet.
“Why? Aren’t you immune?” You glanced at the several tombstone, waiting for some ghost to show up and grabbed you with them underground. If this scene was accompanied by a smoke, and sinisterly white lights, it could pass as a horror movie already.
The wet tombstone was glinting against the moonlight, muds covering the green grass, leaving it mixed up with brown and green colors.
“How could you keep too many questions in that pretty mouth of yours?” Jaehyun asked, snapping his head at you.
You drew into a sudden halt, flustered by his question. Against the night, Jaehyun looked ashen if not for the redness of his lips, his face was giving off a chalky visage. He looked more vampiric now ever since you saw him.
When you didn’t answer, Jaehyun started to walk again, with you trailing behind him, mindful of the tombstones watching as you passed by.
In front of the rustic metal bars, Jaehyun halted. You stood behind him, observing the size of the space where the gravedigger must have been staying. Jaehyun rattled the bars again, the rust cascading down the grass.
You start as you saw someone penetrated the metal bars. Jaehyun shifted on his position, giving you a better view at the person— or an entity— in front of him. In an instant, you were reminded by the ghosts in Lord of the Rings. Hubert looks like a green smoke, but his whole façade is intact, no missing flesh nor eyes. He is tall, clad in suit like it came from Victorian era. Now you understand why Jaehyun insisted to meet him in night time. A ghosts could not be seen in daylight.
“Hubert! My friend, do you remember me? Of course, you do! Even ghosts wouldn’t forget this face.”
Hubert brushed him off with a stare before nodding his head your way.
Jaehyun waved his hand towards you, “This is Y/N. My friend. She needs something from you.”
Hubert looked at Jaehyun meaningfully, it was like a code you have no chance to decipher. After that, Jaehyun whispered something to him, but the ghosts shook his head.
Jaehyun glanced your way, his face abstruse. Then he held your shoulder, guiding you away from Hubert who remained standing on his spot.
“I forgot to tell you something.” Jaehyun released a curse. “Hubert, he has no tongue.”
You couldn’t help but to release a curse yourself, “What?!”
“If the crime happened in a cemetery, he would surely know the vampire who killed your parents.” Jaehyun took a quick glance at Hubert, “Usually, he would write it down on a paper. But something befell him, with the involvement of dark magic. I could smell it from him, Y/N. He is enchanted.”
This time, it’s you who peeked at Hubert’s tall frame. “I… I don’t know where my parents really died.”
“A higher chance that they were killed here, then.” Jaehyun licked his lips, “Trust me. Vampires around this town usually slays their prey in cemeteries.”
It was a gnawing suspicion at you, the real location where your parents had died. The policemen said it was likely that they were dumped into the crime scene, since their body hadn’t made a pattern on the earth yet. It was distinctly possible that they were killed in a cemetery.
“How could we make him talk?” You bit on your lower lip.
Jaehyun’s eyes lingered on your lips for a few seconds before he answered. “He wants you to offer him your own tongue.”
You were thrown off balance by his statement, your words coming out as a loud baffled gasp, you were afraid you would wake up the whole cemetery. “My what?!”  
“So he could talk,” Jaehyun explained like he was talking about the strands of your hair instead of your tongue.
You felt your tongue before speaking, “Is there any other way?”
If cutting your tongue out of your mouth was the only way to identify your parents’ murderer, you’d gladly do it. But you at least need to try for different alternatives, since your tongue is a crucial part for your mission.
“Yes,” Jaehyun answered, he held his finger to quiet you down when you attempted to speak. “We would need to hunt for a witch to enchant him. But I’m telling you now it’s gonna be a lot of work. Witches has already learned how to be cunning and inconspicuous ever since Salem.”
The Salem Witch Trials. You’ve encountered it when you first started reading about vampires. It was a series of prosecutions for people suspected of witchcraft between February 1692 to May 1693 in Massachusetts. Thirty were found guilty, nineteen of them had met the infamous Gallow Hills to die by hanging.
“How did you know all this?”
“It was my on the job training before I completely transformed into a vampire.” Jaehyun declared. You would have nodded since you didn’t know that information when he started to laugh. “Just kidding.”
“Then… do you know any witch that might be in this town?” Your voice was calm and toned down now, not sure if it’s because of your location or the lingering feeling that Jaehyun might think of you as a coward for refusing to lacerate your tongue.
He wiped the sides of his mouth with his fingers, “Yes. I know one. But I don’t think she’s going to see me.”
“Then I’ll talk to her.”
Jaehyun took in your expression and the determination in your face before nodding, “Alright.” Then he turned his head back to Hubert, who has disappeared to his small space behind the metal bars. Jaehyun tried to call for him, but the ghost did not appear again.
“He could be really annoying sometimes.” Jaehyun shrugged.
The following days, you tried to get back on your normal life by starting off your plates and pretending as if you hadn’t just met a vampire in your doorstep, and that you didn’t make a deal with that vampire to find your parents’ murderer, and that you hadn’t gone into a cemetery in the middle of the night to talk to some tongueless ghost that might be holding the key to your life’s biggest mystery.
Exhausting, yes. But fulfilling nonetheless. Johnny had no idea about your endeavors, and you do not plan to tell him anytime sooner. You’ve also warned Jaehyun not to mention anything to your brother, which was only answered with a deadpanned expression and ‘I don’t have a phone’ statement.
Jaehyun had his own adventures at night, only returning before the dawn breaks. You did not ask about his business, but you’ve been seeing droplets of blood on his shirt every now and then. The humane part of you wanted to banish him, for threatening the life of other people, but you also didn’t want to offend him. You could not afford him bailing out of your deal.
One night, though, you had no chance to stop yourself when you noticed blood on his shirt.
“Do you kill people, Jaehyun?”
The answer could be no, since there were no news about people being murdered the same way your parents had been.
“Why do you care?” He sounded irritated that you shut your mouth for a moment before pressing on.
“How does their blood tastes like?”
He snapped his head at you, baring his fangs. “Care to offer me your neck so I could answer your question?” With that, he slammed the refrigerator door shut, and stormed out of the kitchen with beer in hand.
You watched as his back disappeared from your sight, his statement leaving puzzles in your mind.
Then you remember a fact about vampires from your books. Yes, they need human blood to sustain themselves. But that does not prohibit them from drinking the blood of other living creatures. Doing so would satisfy their thirst, but it won’t provide them the same power as human blood. Jaehyun’s wound didn’t heal according to his ability to cure himself faster than any being because a continuous doze of animal blood would render their powers weaker.
Which only means that Jaehyun does not drink human blood. A swell of pride bloomed in your heart by the realization. Perhaps he is a vampire, but he isn’t monstrous.
You looked up to Jaehyun, who slammed a paper on your drafting table.
You ignored it. “Can you please knock before barging in my room?”
“Look at what I’ve got.” He ignored your annoyance and motioned his hand on the paper. Only then you took a glance at it. It was an invitation. “Invitation for Madame Juana’s party.”
You stood up from your seat, eyes twinkling. “Isn’t she the witch?!”
The golden print of the invitation was exquisitely inviting that you grabbed and ran your fingers through it. You could not believe Jaehyun got the invitations.
“Yes. It is a formal party, Y/N. We need clothes, especially me.”
“What are you waiting for? Get dressed! We’re going shopping!” You giggled before pressing the invitation between your planning and design’s book.
Two hours before the malls starts to close. You quickly changed and met Jaehyun outside the house. This time, he was wearing a white shirt paired with cargo pants, one you bought him. His dog tag making him hotter than he already is.
You tried not to focus on him as you got on the bus. Jaehyun sat beside you, while you sat near the window. Then the memory of the bus you rode in weeks ago suddenly drawing to a halt went crashing back in your mind.
“Jaehyun… weeks ago. Did you… cross the streets all of a sudden?” You decided to ask. It doesn’t change anything, you were just curious since there’s a high chance he was the one who crossed the street that night, fast as a lightning.
“Yes,” was his uninterested reply. You nodded and didn’t press any further. But when you shifted to look at the view outside the vehicle, Jaehyun spoke. “Were you hurt?”
He didn’t ask how did you know. It was obvious that you were inside that bus. Slightly perplexed by his question, you shook your head. “No.”
“Did I hurt anyone?” His eyes were fixed forward, not bothering to glimpse at you.
“No. You did not.”
“We’re here,” he announced before the bus halted in front of the mall.
“Jaehyun, could you please slow down?” You hissed while tugging your too-tight dress further down you knees.
Jaehyun was walking ahead of you as if he was being chased by a wild cat. The painful feeling of your heels against your soles flaming your agitation. Madame Juana’s party was a formal one. And it’s not as if you could not walk with heels, you could perfectly do that even if you put a book on the top of your head. But Jaehyun’s strides makes it harder for you to do so.
The stygian corridors of Madame Juana’s mansion makes it harder for you to navigate with your too-tight dress and dangerously thin red bottoms. What literally came into her mind to decide not to put lightbulbs in her corridor? Your question was answered when you saw the light from the hall infiltrating through the open curtains at the end of the corridor. A touch of anticipation.
Jaehyun held up his hand at you when you’ve finally reached him.
“Hurry! It’s starting!” His breath fanned your cheeks as you entered the party, making you blush all of a sudden. He was clad in a simple black suit, which took a huge amount from your allowance. Despite that, he towered most of the men in the hall once you entered.
Jaehyun is simply ravishing.
Eyes from both women and men bore into his façade as you walked through the throngs of guests. Some whispering about his vampire nature, and some giggling by how good he looks like. It made you realized that this party wasn’t meant for mortals.
The orchestra was playing a forlorn music from the other side of the made platform, unfitting for a party such as this one.
“Madame Juana’s mortal husband died.” Jaehyun whispered all of a sudden, an explanation for the question you’ve asked only to yourself.
“Why is she throwing a party then?”
“Because she’s happy. She’s collected a number of rich husbands in the span of her life, Y/N.” He leaned closer, his minty breath whiffing your nose again.
You cleared your throat, trying to make your voice little. “How old is she?”
A waitress passed by, offering you a margarita. You gladly took one with a nod of thanks.
“Five hundred years old.”
You almost spat your drinks, eyes widening. “Five hundred years old?”
Jaehyun only nodded. The music halted, magnetizing your focus on the woman at the top of the stairs. She was clad in the finest silk, her skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood. If you didn’t know that she was a witch, you would think of her as a vampire.
“Don’t say that to her face later,” Jaehyun warned before clapping his hands.
You ignored his enraging ways to read your mind and started to clap your hands together. Madame Juana started to descend the stairs, her silk gown moving like ocean waves. She does not look like a five-hundred year old witch. Rather, she only looked like a few years older than you.
One of the waitresses handed her a mic, you were mesmerized by how her lips moved as she welcomed everyone who has attended his late husband’s first month death anniversary.
After her warm reception, the forlorn music became jovial. The guests started to chatter in loud voices, while Madame Juana greeted each of her visitor.
Jaehyun stood still beside you, watching the Madame like a predator… or a prey. And as if Madame Juana felt Jaehyun staring at her, her eyes suddenly shifted towards the both of you. You start in your position, feeling as if your muscles are strained. The Madame raised her hand, which is holding a glass of red wine, towards you. Jaehyun imitated her actions, and you have no other choice but to join them as they toss their glasses to the air.
You sipped on your drinks, the same time the music shuffled and then all you could hear was the Waltz of the Flower by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Most of the guests gathered between the hall, and they started to dance. You know the piece yourself. Your mother loved it so much, teaching you how to slow dance with it when you were little.
Awestruck by the pairs of dancing bodies on the dance floor, you did not notice Jaehyun stretching out his hand to you until you blinked out of oblivion and saw him watching you with a small smile painted on his lips.
“Will you give me the pleasure to dance with you, milady?”
A hearty chuckle resonated from your throat before taking Jaehyun’s hand. He guided you towards the dance floor, securing you with his hands.
“I am not good at dancing,” you warned him with a chuckle.
Jaehyun laughed, “Let’s fall together then.”
Eyes locked with Jaehyun, you let yourself leave your worries behind for a while. You stepped on Jaehyun’s feet every now and then, but he only brushed it off with a chuckle. After a few minutes on the dance floor, you regained your footing along with the memories of the steps your mother taught you. Jaehyun spun you around with an ease of a professional.
The chandeliers painted Jaehyun’s face with a light that wasn’t meant for a creature such as him; it made him more human, more real. His dashing aura blinding you, together with his smile. All of a sudden, you forgot the bloodied man in your front porch weeks ago, replaced by a new Jaehyun. It felt like it was the first time you were seeing him.
You chuckled. Both of your laughters mixing with the music, pulling you into bliss. You hadn’t noticed when most of the guests drew into a halt, leaving a few pairs together with you and Jaehyun on the dance floor.
The both of you were catching your breaths when the music stopped, the claps of the visitors making you smile.
“Kiss! Kiss!”
Your smile was easily replaced by a flustered expression when the visitors started to chant. Jaehyun mischievously glanced at you, deepening the redness of your cheeks.
“Kiss! Kiss!”
All the chants were muffled as Jaehyun grabbed the back of your head. Your eyes widened, muscles frozen. You closed your eyes and waited for his lips to touch yours, but nothing came.
Someone cleared her throat. You opened your eyes and saw Madame Juana walking towards you. She smiled, pearlescent white teeth flashing.
“Nice to see you here, Y/N.” Then she gave you a peck on the cheek before turning her eyes to Jaehyun. Her smile quickly dropped to a frown as she took in his aura. “And you. Jung Jaehyun.”
Her smile returned when she looked at you again, “Come. Let’s talk about your parents.”
Madame Juana led you through a corridor across the entrance you walked in earlier. Unlike the other one, the corridor was flashing with lights, almost blinding you. She opened the door at the end of it. Stacks of books and bookshelves filled your sight as you blinked and refocused your eyes.
“As you can see, I have too many visitors to entertain tonight. Talk.” She waved her fingers languidly as Jaehyun closed the door behind him.
“We need your help to enchant a tongueless gravedigger,” you started.
Madame Juana sat, her eyes looking straight at yours. “I’ll help you.”
Your happiness swelled up as you didn’t expect her to easily cooperate.
“In one condition.” She propped her chin onto her palm.
“Anything!” You took a step towards her, laying your palms on the top of her table. Jaehyun followed and stood beside you.
“Kill Alena for me.”
Jaehyun tensed, his mouth formed in a thin line. “You are insane.”
You widened your eyes at him in warning and turned your head towards Madame Juana instead. “Who is this Alena?”
When she attempted to speak, Jaehyun cut her off, providing you the answers himself. “She’s the head of the Detritius clan of vampires.”
You shot Juana a look. “What makes you think I could kill her?” Even if driven by madness, you still could not. Right now, you doubt your skills— you doubt even your determination.
“That’s it, pretty girl.” She raised her finger towards Jaehyun to shut him up. “I’ve cursed Alena to die in the hands of a mortal. Your goal to make the gravedigger speak is fitting to my intentions. It’s a win-win situation, don’t you think? Not unless you’re ready to slash your own tongue out of your mouth.” She smiled her alluring smile.
You took a glimpse at Jaehyun. He was shaking his head at you, but this is your chance. It’s preposterous, but it is the only way. You shut your eyes for a moment and took deep breaths before facing Juana again.
Then you nodded.
“Perfect!” She clasped her hands. “Visit me again tomorrow, so we could talk about it in details. Don’t worry, I’m not sending you to war without weapons, darling.” She stood up and brought her hand to your cheek, caressing it. “Now get out. Both of you.”
You did as you were told, your heart hammering against your chest. Jaehyun did not speak to you until you’ve reached the outside of the mansion and until you grabbed his arm.
He sighed, “Y/N, I’m not sure about this one.”
You released a breath, “Why? Jaehyun, you can’t bail—”
“Alena… I am bound to her.” He ran his hand through his hair, his eyes suddenly seeing the ground more interesting than you.
You took a step back. His words blowing you out of proportion. “I don’t understand.”
Only then he looked up to you, his eyes reflecting something you could not decipher. “Y/N, Alena is my fiancée.”
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The Witcher way
Henry Cavill x OC Lisa - multi-chapter fic
Author’s note: Smutty smut, fluffy fluff and a few skipping heartbeats. Lisa and Henry get back to work, but life - as usual - offers them a challenge or two. 
Word count: 1.572
Disclaimer: fluff and smut
This is part 18 of the Tea for Two story.
You can find the Masterlist here. 
< Go back to part 17
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Henry cheered as we heard a faint knock on the door of the small cottage, the floorboards creaking under his weight as he sprinted down the hallway to open up. I chuckled softly and half-listened in on the conversation between the delivery boy - obviously a fan - and Henry as I moved to the small kitchen to get some paper towels and cutlery.
It was Sunday evening and tomorrow morning working life was starting again. The Witcher production was beginning its first month of pre-production in the Scottish highlands, which offered not only beautifully picturesque landscapes..but also a complete lack of supermarkets that were opened on Sundays.
A challenge, surely, but one that was easily overcome by Henry whom had taken it upon himself to figure out if we could order in. We could; Pizza... Pizza... And more pizza. 
And that was really all we needed right now, our bodies quite travel worn from the long trip from our - did I mention I officially moved in? - London home to this cute little cottage in the Scottish highlands.
The rural style kitchen of the cottage was simple at best. A small hob with an oven, an even smaller fridge, a porcelain sink and an old oak dinner table that stood below the paned window, an empty vase and some candles placed on top to spruce the room up ever so slightly.
I leaned on the rough wood of the table as I peeked out of the window, the delivery boy now climbing back on his scooter, while laughing at something Henry said, his hand revving the engine back to roaring life.  
Wandering back into the hallway I was met by a giddy-with-excitement Henry,  the boxes with pizzas and some drinks stacked carefully in his arms.
‘Smells good!’ I hummed, appreciatively sniffing in the savoury smells.
‘Sure does.’ He agreed, his eyes moving to the living room. ‘Couch?’
‘Yes pur-lease.’ I smiled, curtsying slightly as Henry offered me first entry to the living room.
As Henry started to investigate the pizzas I turned on the television, happily surprised to find it offered the functionality to log in to Netflix.
‘Netflix and chill?’ I purred, looking over at Henry who had already dug into one of the pizzas, his teeth biting into an oozing hot slice of pepperoni pizza. He nodded, slightly embarrassed by his manners and moved up a hand to hide the mess of cheese strings that were hanging from the corner of his mouth. I laughed, poking him in the arm and reached for the box to also take a slice, my other hand scrolling through the new additions.
Some cooking shows, some mildly interesting documentaries, some Netflix originals that did not look promising in the slightest..and then..the Witcher season 3.
‘Hey. Have you seen the new season yet?’ I quirked up an eyebrow, looking at Henry as he was once again mid bite. He shrugged and quickly swallowed his bite. ‘Only the first episode…Premiere nights you know.’ He winked. ‘Want to maybe..continue? Call it work research before we start shooting the next season?’ I tried, Henry already grabbing a new slice of the pizza. ‘Sure. I’ll try to not hate seeing myself.’ He said casually.
‘Bear!’ I sighed, giving him a exasperated yet comforting smile. ‘You know I don’t want you to feel that way. If you don’t like it, we’ll watch something else.’ I said before finally taking a bite, humming in satisfaction as the hot cheesy goodness oozed down my tongue. ‘So gooooood.’ I groaned, barely noticing Henry’s hand reaching for the remote, clicking on “ok”.
The episode started and we ate and ate, Henry occasionally making comments on scenes he had fond..or not so fond memories of. Especially nude scenes got him all quiet and awkward.  
I smiled, laying against his chest, enjoying the series without much of a thought. No thought other then; Holy fuck, Geralt is so hot. 
To realise that the very man was now being my personal pillow, was more then a little arousing.
I looked at him during a sex scene between Yennefer and Geralt, seeing him once more stare in utter silence.
I Moved my hand to his chest and wrapped my leg over his lap, crawling on top of him just like Yennefer had gotten onto Geralt. Our eyes met, his blue orbs looking at me with confusion, before realising what I was onto, my lips slowly inching down to his mouth. He moved back a little, leaning into the soft pillows of the fluffy brown couch before letting out a pent up sigh, his eyes quickly darkening. ‘Don’t be shy now…Geralt.’ I said playfully, kissing him more entrancingly. His hunger was now fully awakened, a hunger that sparkled in his eyes as his lips curled up ever so slightly. ‘Hmmmpf.’ He growled.
Geralt is in the house.
In one fell swoop he pushed the pizza box behind me off the couch and pushed himself down onto me, my back now flat on the pillows. His jaw clenched as his nostrils flared - with annoyance or lust.. I did not know.
‘That scent…’ He rumbled in Geralt’s low, raspy voice, roughly moving his hand through my hair. I bit my lip, expectantly, feeling him move his nose down my neck, sniffing me like a touch-deprived animal, his hands starting to tug at my pyjama pants. He looked down at me, embalming me with his wanton gaze, his arms moving to quickly take of his shirt.
‘What’s taking you so long?’ I said in Yennefer’s cocky voice, making him growl even lower, his large body quickly climbing back on top of me, rubbing himself against my groin. He was ..very..excited. 
His heavy erection already pressing eagerly through the fabric that separated us, making me shiver in anticipation. I forced myself to breath in deeply, closing my eyes as I felt his coarse fingers near the trim of my lacy underwear, the fabric being pulled away with ease before the silky skin of his erection pressed against my core.
I gasped at the sensation, my eyes shooting open at him as he pressed higher, my clit awakening in an instant. ‘Hmmm…you’re quite ready.’ He said gruffly,  before penetrating me in one smooth motion, making us both groan. Still half clothed, it felt ever as hasty and passionate as Geralt and Yennefer on screen, our bodies a tumble of passion.
The series already continued with some grave fight scene, but we didn’t care. We ravaged each other, our hair wild, our hands grasping at each other, searching for skin until we finally found our release, our bodies crashing back onto the couch.
His love making had been so rough I could only shiver and shake when he was done, my legs splayed out as he got up slightly, cupping my cheek, demanding me to look at him. ‘Hey..you okay?’ I looked at him, still shaking. ‘Wew…’ I panted. An exhausted, slightly pained smile played on my lips. 
‘Oh my..’ I continued, still panting and shivering. He pulled up his pants and pulled me onto his lap, kissing me sweetly on my temple. I snuggled away in his chest, still a bit shaky, but smiling.
I looked back at the screen. The episode had ended, credits rolling as a loomy soundtrack played.
‘Okay, roleplaying at own risk.’ I finally said, sniffling, then rolling up further in his arms, putting my head against his chest. My innards were on fire and electricity kept shooting through my nerves every few seconds or so. 
I guess this is what one would call “fucked out”.
He wrapped me more gently in his arms, like a babe, kissing my forehead, sighing. ‘I’m sorry.’ He whispered. I smiled and shook my head. ‘Superman..super sex.’ I shrugged, feeling another spike shoot through my body, making me stiffen. He kissed my head again, sniffling softly as he kept me snug against his chest. We sat there for a moment while my body slowly quieted down.
‘Oh..I’m leaking…’ I said a bit embarrassed, feeling it go through my panties.
Without question he stood up, keeping me snug in his arms as he walked through the small hallway to the quaint bathroom. I sniggered.
‘I CAN walk you know.’
‘Mhm.’ He smiled, hoisting me up further, placing a pillowy kiss on my lips. ‘I know.’ He said smugly, still not lowering me down.
He turned on the shower and walked us into it, our clothes quickly soaking in the hot water. He huddled over me, shielding me from direct water in my face, his lips caressing me with the sweetest of kisses.
‘A bit of romcom romance to wash off my sin.’ He whispered, cheekily grinning at me. I smiled, relaxing more into his strong arms as the hot water relaxed me to the point that I felt like putty in his arms. He kissed me one more time before lowering me down slowly.
Our clothes were now heavy with water, our hair falling like curtains around our faces.
‘Maybe that’s a roleplaying more to my liking.’ I said, biting his lip playfully. He laughed, then started to pull off his socks, pants and trunks. I in turn pulled off my panties and shirt. We giggled, throwing the soaked clothes in a corner of the shower, before giving each other another lingering kiss. ‘Hmm.’ He hummed, enveloping me once more in his arms as I soaped up his hair. ‘My sweet Geralt.’ I smiled.
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The next morning I was the first to leave for work. But I didn’t feel all too well. Actually not well at all. I rushed to the toilet, throwing up, feeling my lower back all cramped as I clamped onto the toilet.
‘Mmmpff.’ I groaned, taking a few deep breaths. My stomach was pretty upset.
I could hear Kal’s nails ticking on the floor behind me, a wet nose pushing against me, asking me what I was up to. 
I sat up a bit, feeling nauseous from just breathing. Kal whined softly, pushing his face through my arm and licking my face.
‘Pfff.. I hope it wasn’t the pizza, or Henry will be next.’ I mumbled, giving him a stroke through his thick fur.
‘Hey boy.’
I forced myself to get up, feeling weak in the legs. This was not like me…I took a deep breath through my nose, keeping my mouth fell shut but immediately feeling another wave come over me. I crouched down again, throwing up once more. Though it mostly was dry heaving now. I flushed and groaned in dismay. NO. I can’t be sick on my first day back at work. Get it together girl. Rawr!
I spritzed my face with some cold water from the sink and saw Kal looking at me with a confused look. Had he ever seen a human vomit? I pulled myself back up and looked into the mirror. I looked normal, I guess. Not pale, or sweaty. I felt my cheeks. They were fine. Yea..maybe just some bad food. I washed my mouth, then opened the drawer and popped some pain killers in my mouth.
Kissing a sleeping Henry goodbye I went off to work.
Throughout the day I started feeling a bit better. It was quite calm at work with a few meetings and some prep work, leaving me with a lot of spare moments to give way to a certain nervousness. Was there some other reason I had felt sick this morning? Did I maybe not take my pill at the right times during our holiday?
I was sitting in the back of the set, waiting for others to move around some set pieces and looked around. Nobody was watching. Quietly I squeezed one of my breasts. Painful. Oh gods. Could it be…? I started rummaging through my bag, looking at my pill strip. I was only 3 quarters through. It was too early. I felt my breath quicken, my head a little light. ‘Okey..calm down girl. Let’s..Let’s not overreact.’
During my lunch break I borrowed a car from a colleague to buy some pregnancy tests, my heart beating wildly in my chest.
Should I tell him? Should I tell him?
Should I?
I came home, good smells coming from the kitchen. I plopped down my bag, was greeted by an overly excited Kal and walked into the kitchen.
A very sexy, domestic Henry was wearing a fitted t-shirt, jeans and apron. ‘Hey..what’s cooking good-lookin’?’ I quipped, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before looking over his shoulder at the cut vegetables on the wooden board.
‘Hello dear.’ He gave me a playful pat on the butt. ‘Something simple. Vegetarian pasta.’ He shrugged. ‘Well..it smells a-ma-zing.’ I said, smiling as his knife continued to cut up vegetables. ‘How was your day?’ He asked. I stole a bit of cheese from his cutting board and moved to the table, plopping down on one of the chairs.
‘Not great. Felt very ill this morning. Maybe I ate something bad..’ I frowned. ‘Did you have any stomach pains by any chance?’
He shook his head. ‘Not really.’
I touched my breast again, my lips forming a thin, unsure line. ‘I think we need to…check..if this is not something else..’ I said, hesitatingly. He looked up and over his shoulder, his face a bit confused, first looking at my face, then at the hand on my breast. His lips parted as his eyes darted back to mine.
‘Wh..’ He breathed, turning fully towards me, one of his arms ghosting over the stove to push a pan with some frying onions off the stove before they’d burn.
His eyes widened and within the blink of an eye he was kneeling before me, a hand cupping my cheek while the other folded around the hand on my lap. I looked down at our hands on my lap, my throat suddenly feeling dry as sandpaper. ‘I got some pregnancy tests on the way back home.’ I said softly, my breath hitching.
‘OH.’ He gasped, his mouth slightly agape as he pulled me in for a hug. I could almost feel the joy radiate from him. His long cherished dream. 
‘So…do you have to…pee?’ He looked at me, curiously. I sniffled. ‘I believe it’s best in the morning.. But I still have to read the wrapper.’ I sighed, laying my head against his shoulder. He nodded, then wrapped me more tightly in his arms. ‘Oh my.’ He sighed, finally letting out the breath he had been holding.
‘I’m scared.’ I said in hushed tone.
He cupped my cheek again, keeping his other arm safely wrapped around me as he searched for words.
‘I don’t know if I’m ready.’ I said, looking up into his eyes. They became a shade sadder.
‘Let’s…give it a moment. And…see what it is first?’ He said, raising his eyebrows in an expression mixed between joy and confusion, before deciding it was best to just fully wrap me in his arms, his fingers gently coaxing me to lean into him as he laid his head in my neck.
The next morning we both awoke anxiously. We did not even yawn or stretch, just ..straight to the bathroom. I peed on one of the sticks, while Henry petted Kal nervously, waiting on the door step with the door opened. Our eyes met, both our faces etched with tense nerves as I put the stick on the edge of the sink. I didn’t feel terribly sick this morning, but my stomach sure was turning. I finished peeing, flushed, and looked at the stick. No signs yet. ‘A few minutes,’ Henry whispered, eyeing the stick as it lay there balancing on the white porcelain.
I sighed, then walked up to Henry, hugging him. ‘Let’s…get breakfast.’ I said, hoping it would take our mind of the matter just long enough to calm our nerves. He nodded.
Well..we never munched down our breakfast so fast, quietly shoving it into our mouths.
Before re-entering the bathroom, he grasped my arm. ‘No matter what happens. We’re in it together. I support you and love you.’ He said, looking at me intensely before pressing a kiss on my lips. I nodded, then walked to the sink, my eyes immediately sinking down to the little stick as it lay there, forlorn.
I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding, the spinning world suddenly coming to a halt.
I could feel Henry’s arms as they tentatively wrapped around me, his hands curling over my belly. He was quiet. His breath slow and warm in my neck. And I wasn’t sure what to do. After a long exhale I finally looked up, our eyes looking at one another through the mirror.
‘Gods.’ I breathed.
His face was a touch pained, his jaw clenching. A sight that made me hurt beyond words. I knew he was trying to keep it together, to be calm and supportive, to give me space. But what about him?
I turned around, looking at him directly, wrapping my arms around him. ‘How are you feeling?’ I asked gently.
He drew in a deep, sharp breath, his deep blue eyes meeting my green ones. ‘Okay.’ He nodded, slowly accepting the reality as it was. ‘..A bit of a rollercoaster of emotions.’ He sighed again, looking over my shoulder to see the negative result once more, burning the image of the offensive piece of plastic in his mind.
I pulled his face towards me, laying a most gentle kiss on his lips. ‘I love you bear. And please know, that it will come. Just…not yet. We know each other for a little over half a year. Besides parenthood still feels kind of daunting to me…pregnancy especially. I guess I need to get used to the idea first before we…’ I looked back in his eyes, losing my trail of thoughts. 
‘I know. And I understand.’ He was obviously a bit sad, his blue eyes blazing with emotions unspoken.
I smiled feebly. 
‘I love you I love you I love you.’ I whispered, squeezing him into the hardest, most snug hug I could manage. He hummed quietly, also pulling his arms more tightly around me. ‘I love you too my dearest.’
Part 19 > 
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baekhvuns · 4 years
Bad Boy | Baekhyun X
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( series masterlist )
part ten.
word count : 3.0k
pairing (s) : Baekhyun x reader
theme ( s ) : romcom, angst.
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After last night my thoughts were everywhere, did I make the right decision by coming here? Was this going to fix anything? Will I be able to move forward after his wedding?
I realized that it was a mistake to come here for his wedding, when I could be back home working to distract my mind off and eventually find the one who I can call mine and live together with.
Although I shouldn’t have came here, I need to distract myself and enjoy this vacation as this might be the only time I’d ever visit Greece.
I walked downstairs while glancing at the white roses that decorated every inch of the house, the wedding planners running around the house in a hurry.
I walked to the kitchen where I saw Sehun and waved towards him, “Hey morning stupid!” He rolled his eyes and gave me a side hug, “Where’d everyone go?” I asked, he motioned to the door leading outside from the kitchen.
“Outside, everyone’s setting up for a little breakfast outside! Come!” Sehun dragged my forearm and took my outside to where everyone was, obviously we both became the centre of attention once we entered in.
“Hey! Joohyun morning!” Eunhye waved and so did Yuna and everyone else outside. I made my way towards Eunhye and started to help her with little trinkets.
“You’re up early! Did the pigs fly?” Junmyeon teased me, as I made a face towards him which made him burst in laughter.
“Aahhh! I remember Joohyun could never seem to wake up early for my and Eunhye’s wedding! Like EVER” Jongdae exaggerated as I hit shoulder playfully.
“Ah really your wedding was the last best wedding I had been too!” Chanyeol spoke up as everyone nodded, “Well I guess this might be even better than Jongdae’s!” Suddenly Baekhyun entered in, I gazed in his eyes before looking away immediately.
“We’ll see about that Mr. Byun!” Chanyeol rubbed Baekhyun’s neck and smacked his head lightly.
We all sat together and ate the breakfast happily. Everyone would talk and occasionally I’d talk too, “Y’all remember how Baekhyun and Joohyun hated each other so much but then the—“ I stuffed a piece in Chanyeol’s mouth so he’d refrain from saying anything further
He pouted and ate his food, but this wasn’t going to happen! Yuna spoke up and catches upon what Chanyeol was about to say, “They what? Ahhh you guys should tell me too! I mean I’m about to marry the man of my dreams so I deserve to know his past life!”
Everyone stayed silent on the table while I looked up from my plate and started at Baekhyun, turns out he was mirroring me. I smiled bitterly and looked at Yuna, “It was really nothing, but if it’s bothering you ask Baekhyun because he was the one who inniated it.” I spoke and hoped for this breakfast to end here.
It was now evening time, the sun was down and it became a little darker. Yuna and Baekhyun has assembled was in the lobby for their ‘pre-wedding ceremonies’, I rolled my eyes as the past repeating itself, this was just like Eunhye’s wedding but he was the main person now and the girl next to him wasn’t me.
“Okay everyone listen here! Me and Baekhyun wanted to make our wedding more fun so we decided to do a small segment of fun games to keep you guys energized!”
“What are we kindergarteners?” Sehun whispered next to me causing me to chuckle which brought him to silently chuckle too.
The first ‘game’ was where we all had to hide, Yuna was IT, basically a hide n seek game but whoever wins will win something.
“There’s two rounds, ones when I’m IT and the next is when Baekhyun’s IT!” Yuna exhaled excitedly as everyone started to wander away to hide.
I made sure no one would see me and I ran towards my room and shut the door, “Maybe the prize is something good! Can’t afford to not win!” I made my way towards the closet and hid behind the door.
After what seemed like 15 minutes, I heard the door knob start to move. My heart raced, as I slowly shit the door of the closet to make it believable that I wasn’t present in the room.
I hid behind the racks of clothes as I heard the closet door open, I straightened my back as I felt footsteps come closer. The person ravaging through the clothing racks as my breathing went on a uncomfortable heart rate, the noise getting closer and closer and closer.
The clothes infront of me spread apart as I was about to scream but got shut up by a mouth hand cloaking my mouth. “Sshhh she’ll find us!” I opened my eyes to see Baekhyun looking into my eyes.
He moved to sit next to me and hid himself in the clothes, just like me. My heart rate at an uneven level, “Congrats.” I whispered to break the awkward silence.
“Congrats on your wedding.” I looked down, I felt his gaze towards me. I looked towards him, his eyes softening.
“I’m— I’m glad you came.” He whispered back, I scoffed.
“I had too, my friend is getting married, I can’t miss it! Especially here, in Greece. My favourite place.” I said and looked away from him, facing the clothes and looking at the textures.
“Friend..” he laughed slightly, I mimicked his actions, friends we were after all I can’t love him anymore. Especially since now he’s getting married.
“Joohyun, I’m so sor—“
“THE FIRST ROUND IS OVER!” Yuna’s loud voice made us flinch.
I made the first move to get out of the closet and leave, while not saying anything and walking out to the lobby.
“Okay so since I caught everyone except BaekhYun and Joohyun! The next round will determine the winner, for Baekhyun’s case, he has to find everyone in the house to win. For Joohyun, she has to hide from Baekhyun throughout all the game.” She explained, what an irony I’ve been hiding from Baekhyun and his face for years.
I ran for the rooms, again. But this time not mine but Baekhyun’s because he’d never know I’d be in his room, he wouldn’t think I’d have no guts to enter his room. But boy am I going to define him wrong.
Going in, I found two closets which I presumed were his and hers, not knowing which ones who’s, I entered in and locked the door.
I slowly opened the closet door and entered it.
I hid there in silence and hoped no one would find me, Okay maybe I did hope someone would find me so I wouldn't have to be alone anymore.
A couple minutes later the closet door opened and someone entered.
They came inside the closet and my heart thumped in my ears.
I could hear his footsteps getting closer, his hands going through the racks. Just like what had happened before he found me in e previous round, his hands were beside my arms and he suddenly pulled me towards him.
Baekhyun held his one hand on my mouth and the other around my waist, he came close enough that out noses were almost touching. In this darkness, he was illuminating.
Byun Baekhyun whispered in my ear, “Gotcha.”
The heat from his body pressed up against mine ignited a fire between us. His eyes gleamed in the darkness of the closet his warmth enveloped me.
The hand on my mouth softened and his fingers spread out along my face.
His thumb traced my lips, sparks spreading wherever he touched. My heart racing as his thumb caressed my lip
Baekhyun’s thumb pressed up against my lips and I opened them as he stuck it inside. His thumb flesh up against my tongue as I licked a long strip along it.
Baekhyun’s mouth twitched into a smirk as his hazy eyes, now hooded, followed my mouth.
And in this haze I licked again and sharply bit down on his thumb.
Baekhyun’s eyes widened as big as saucers as he released an amused chuckle.
Removing his thumb, his hand trailed done to my waist and his face inched towards mine, the smell of his minty breath so close.
I closed my eyes and felt his soft lips brush against mine. A scorching hot sensation is left after they’re gone.
I open my eyes and I his narrowed towards me as he leans down again. His nose pressed up against mine as his lips brush up against mine again.
When he pulls back again, I’ve had enough.
A random spike of courage occurs in me as I grabbed his collar and pulled him near me. The warmth of his breaths so close and the surprise in his eyes is enough for me to continue.
“Gotcha.” I whisper before closing the gap between us.
Baekhyun wastes no time in pulling me closer and matching my pace. He lifted me up and my legs instantly wrapped around his waist as he pressed me smack against the wall of the closet.
Our lips move in sync as our hot bodies pull up against each other. As one of his hands now under my butt and the other tightened on my waist.
Our tongues and teeth clash and the room is now a lot more warmer. So warm that I think it’s closing in on us. Until the only thing left is me and him.
Baekhyun pulls back to catch his breath, his lips bruised and chapped as his head rests against mine.
Our breathes mingle as warmth floods my cheeks. I shyly look him in the eyes, I don’t even know how because I could barely meet them.
He looks at my warm and pink cheeks and smirks.
His large hands cup my cheeks, stroking them ever so softly, “Where were you? Why did you go? I missed you so so much.”
His words hurt so much, so much more than they should’ve. The knife already plunged deep in my heart twists and twists until I’m forced to escape his warm hold.
“We— I’m so sorry, I cant—we can’t do this! You’re getting married and it was my mistake I’m so sorry! I’m—“ Baekhyun engulfed me in his arms, his grip on my waist now tightened.
His head resting in my neck as he delivers soft kisses all around my neck and jaw, almost making me let out a moan, “I don’t care, I’ve missed you so much. You had no idea, I missed you so much. I’m sorry.” He whispered in my ears before pecking the spot underneath my ear, I gasped as he hit the spot right under my ear.
I put a hand in his chest, gesturing him to stop. And so he obeyed and whispered,
“I missed you so much, so much..”
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
Sweet as Pie - Elijah
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Pairing: Elijah x Reader
Warning: nope. It’s fluffy. Feel the fluff.
A/N: This was not on the list. Blame heythereelejah on wattpad. Elijah could not be tamed. That makes this sound dirty. It’s not. Maybe it should be.
Just one normal day, that was all you wanted. Not even a whole day. You just wanted one meal. One dinner with the people you considered family. No interruptions, no drama, no distractions.
You texted or emailed the invitations and one by one the responses came in. For once, everyone could get together on the same day. You spent weeks planning the menu and two days preparing what you could ahead.
It was five hours before dinner was to be served when you received the first call. Kol and Davina had something else come up. “Another time though, darling,” the Mikaelson had said and hung up before you could even respond.
You were a little disappointed but two less people would hardly put a dent in your numbers. You took their place settings from the table and put everything away. But as the afternoon went on, the guestlist whittled away and the table grew emptier. Eventually, you took the extension out and made the table smaller. 
When Damon texted to tell you that he and Elena had taken an unexpected trip out of town, that left only three plates on the table. You wiped a tear away that threatened to spill over and sighed. Damn it. You should have known better.
Truth be told, you’d been prepared for something to come up, but you’d been thinking trouble of the supernatural variety. This just seemed like everyone decided they had other things they’d rather be doing then spending time with you. Maybe you should have told them it was your birthday. As soon as you had the thought you brushed it aside. There was a reason you hadn’t mentioned it. While you wanted to spend the evening with your friends, you didn’t want them to make a big deal out of it.
Your phone rang. You bit your lip as you frowned at it. At this point you were afraid to answer. A glance at the screen told you that Elijah was calling and you sighed. The one person you wanted to spend the day with more than anyone else and even he was calling to cancel. You swiped the tears away from your eyes and answered. “Hello, Elijah.”
“Ah, Y/N. I am terribly sorry to give such late notice—”
“It’s fine,” you cut him off, not really wanting to hear what he found a more appealing option than you. “Things happen. I appreciate you calling to let me know that you can’t make it.” You needed to get off the phone so you could curl up on your bed and have a proper cry.
“On the contrary. Niklaus and I both plan to be in attendance. However, we may be running a bit late. There is a rather delicate matter we must see to first.”
Relief flooded through you. “That’s fine, Elijah. I’ll keep your food warm.”
“Thank you, Y/N. We’ll see you soon.”
When the call disconnected you gave into your childish desire to celebrate by bouncing and giving a little squeal of happiness. Elijah and Klaus were still coming. Perhaps, the evening could be salvaged after all.
Dinner had been scheduled for six. Since everyone else had cancelled, you planned for it to be done at seven, figuring the Mikaelsons would arrive soon after. Or not.
Your gaze shot up to the grandfather clock that stood in the corner of the room for what was undoubtedly the hundredth time in the last hour. You rested your chin in one hand and used the other to twirl your wine glass. Nine o’clock.
You huffed a laugh at your stupidity. Why had you even thought this might work? You weren’t the planner, you were the tagalong. Maybe no one had wanted to come in the first place and just didn’t know how to say no. You downed the last of the wine in your glass and pushed yourself to your feet.
You kicked off the heels you’d bought to go with your new dress. Well, you thought you’d looked pretty, even if no one was around to see it. As you walked into the kitchen, you removed the pins from your hair and fluffed it a bit with your fingers. The food was easy enough to put away. It was well cooled so you simply covered everything and made space in the fridge. As you did so the pie on the top shelf caught your eye.
Two chocolate cream pies with whipped cream. Your favorite. You stared at them for a moment before grabbing one and pulling it out. Taking the cover off you tossed it aside and got yourself a spoon from the drawer. If no one was going to join you for dinner, you didn’t have to share your pie. You leaned against the counter and dug your spoon right into the center of the pan. After making certain your bite contained a bit of everything, you placed it in your mouth. Your eyes closed as the rich flavor coated your tongue. That was some damn good pie even if you did say so yourself.
Somewhere around your third bite you were interrupted by a knock on the door. You took your time strolling to the door, pie still in hand as you opened it. Elijah stood on your porch with one hand in his pocket and the other wrapped around a bottle of wine. One side of his mouth kicked up in a grin as he took you in from your now disheveled hair to your bare feet. “Hello, Y/N.” His voice had a teasing lilt to it and there was a mischievous spark in his eye.
“Hello, Elijah,” you greeted before turning and walking away.
After a moment, you heard him step into the house and close the door. “I realize that I am unforgivably late, but I had rather hoped at least a few of your other guests would still be in attendance.”
You laughed around the spoon in your mouth as you dug in your silverware drawer for another one. Turning, you found Elijah leaning in your doorway, wine still in hand. You gestured for him to move and took a seat at the dining table before passing him the spoon you’d gotten for him. You sat the pie between the two of you. “Dig in, Elijah.”
He looked between the rather ravaged pie and you with his lips twitching.
“Would you like me to get the other one out so you don’t have to worry about my germs?”
“I am a vampire. I have nothing to fear from germs.”
That was a good point. You nodded and pointed at the pie with your silverware. “Eat then. If you want dinner, it’s in the fridge.”
He took a bite of the dessert and hummed in appreciation. “That is very good. Did you make it?”
“Of course.”
You were both silent as you ate a bit more.
“The wine is from Niklaus. He regrets not coming tonight, but he was rather messy when we were handling our problem. It will take him a bit to get set to rights. He asked that I inform you he will call on you tomorrow to take you for a birthday drink.”
Your head jerked up at that. “Birthday?”
Elijah’s brow furrowed. “It is your birthday today, is it not?”
You cleared your throat. “Yeah, I just can’t believe you remembered. Or he did. Whatever.”
The scowl didn’t leave his face. “I assumed that was the reason you chose tonight for your dinner.”
You shook your head and took another bite of your pie. “You never cease to surprise me, Elijah Mikaelson.”
He tossed his spoon on the table and leaned back in the chair. Crossing his arms over his chest he tilted his head and studied you with a narrowed gaze. “It is not often that I feel at a loss, but when I do it always seems to be when I am with you, Y/N. There is something I am missing about tonight.”
“Actually, you didn’t miss anything, including the dinner party. You are the only guest. So, this is the party.” You made a circle with your spoon to indicate the two of you as well as the table.
He lowered his arms and straightened in the chair. “You can’t be serious.”
You shrugged. “It’s fine, Elijah. I had a very nice bottle of wine. I am eating a lovely chocolate pie and I have the pleasure of your company. It could be much worse, all things considered.”
“It could also be a hell of a lot better. I cannot believe everyone cancelled on your birthday. And then I was abysmally late. I am so sorry, Y/N.”
“To be fair, I’m pretty sure you’re the only one that actually remembered it was my birthday.”
“Surprisingly, my brother actually did remember on his own. You are permanently in his calendar it seems.”
That warmed your heart a little. At least someone cared. “Do you suppose that wine goes with pie?”
Elijah arched a brow. “Don���t be ridiculous, Y/N. Everything goes with pie.”
You grinned. “I knew there was a reason I liked you, Mikaelson.” You placed the two unused wineglasses on the table in front of him while he opened the bottle. He poured you both a generous portion.
“I would hope my questionable taste in wine pairings is not the only reason you like me.”
You sipped the wine and hummed in appreciation. It was rich and sweet, just the way you liked it. Your gaze shifted from the glass in your hand to the Original sitting in front of you. “Are you fishing for compliments, Elijah?”
He gave a half-smile at that. “I guess that is what it sounds like, isn’t it?” His gaze became unfocused and you stayed silent as you watched him. He was contemplating something and it was best to leave him to it. Finally, he produced a box from his pocket and sat it on the table. He pushed it toward you with one finger. “Perhaps it will be easier to just give you your birthday present.”
You reached for the box with a trembling hand, excited and terrified to see what he’d gotten you. The top of the box snapped open and you sucked in a breath as the light reflected off the stone within.
A necklace with a heart shaped pendant cut from a brilliant red ruby rested atop black velvet. Encasing the stone were three bands of diamonds. If it had come from anyone else you would have assumed the gems were fake. You reached out to touch the beautiful piece of jewelry but quickly snatched your hand back before you smudged the shine. “Elijah. It’s beautiful, but I couldn’t possibly accept it.”
“See that’s unfortunate, Y/N,” he said as he stood. He lifted the necklace from the box and moved behind you. He continued to speak as he fastened the chain around your neck. “Because this heart belongs to you whether you want it or not. Much like my own, I’m afraid.”
What? He couldn’t possibly have just said what you thought he had. You tried to turn to face him, but he held you in place with his hands on your shoulders. “They’re yours, sweet Y/N.” He leaned down as he spoke, his breath tickling along your neck. “The bands signify our past, present and future.”
He released you then, allowing you to turn. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and he dropped to his knees in front of you. Both of his hands clasped one of yours. “I have lived a thousand years. I have seen nations rise and fall as their heroes faded into obscurity. I have known love and hate and desperation.” His tongue darted out to moisten his lips. “I could fill libraries with the tales of my past. And a hundred more with my hopes for the future. But it wasn’t until I met you that I realized my purpose in this life.”
Your chest was tight and your heart raced. You’d dreamed of him telling you that he loved you, but none of it could possibly compare to this moment.
He kissed the back of your hand. “Y/N, my heart has belonged to you since the day we met. Please say you’ll at least give me a chance to earn yours in return.”
His dark eyes studied you and you couldn’t help but laugh. Your free hand covered your mouth, not that it did any good. He could clearly see your grin behind the hand. You gave a little shrug. “It’s always been yours, Elijah. Even before I knew you, it was yours.”
His gaze searched you again. When he saw the truth in your words, a breathtaking smile covered his face. He surged forward and his hands cradled your face as he pressed his lips to yours. His tongue traced your bottom lip and you gasped, granting him the entrance he wanted. As his tongue swept inside, your chest heaved and your heart raced.
He pulled back and pressed his forehead to yours. “Sweet as pie,” he teased and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.  
“I love you, Elijah Mikaelson.” Your voice was little more than a whisper.
“And I love you, Y/N Y/L/N.”
Best. Birthday. Ever.
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Three Soldiers and a Baby | Part One
summary: Three handsome bachelors find their day to day operations disrupted when an unexpected new roommate (who comes complete with a diaper and a pacifier) shows up at their doorstep. How will they deal with this new and baffling responsibility without losing their minds or killing each other in the process?
pairings: Bucky x Reader (eventual) featuring Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
warnings: none, this is all very introductory
a/n: Here we go! The start of something I’ve been working on for a little while and finally managed to finish! As this is being posted I’m actually on a plane from Greece back to Canaduh for 12 hours. Pray for my sanity and my knees!
*warning to mobile users, the “keep reading” tab may not work so apologies in advance*
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |
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Late mornings were not typical for Steve Rogers, but that didn't keep him from enjoying them. By now he should have been halfway through his early run before heading back home for a shower and a large breakfast. Still, a break from his normal routine was not unwelcome. After rubbing the sleep from his eyes he turned to look at the empty space beside him. This was another part of his normal routine that he wouldn't mind changing; waking up alone. There was nothing he could do about that if he stayed in bed, though, so Steve tossed aside the bed sheet and got up from the hard mattress. After finding a pair of sweatpants to pull over his boxers and a zip-up hoodie to cover his bare chest, he made his way to the kitchen.
The Brooklyn apartment was by no means as large or luxurious as the Compound, but it was everything Steve wanted in a place. The area was great and central to a lot of local business. The bedrooms were a decent size and the living room and kitchen area was a large open space with floor-to-ceiling windows looking out onto the city. It wasn't the typical penthouse, but this entire level of the building was dedicated to just this apartment and the only way you could access the floor was by key. There were a few other security protocols set-up as well, of course. You could never be too careful. The last thing anyone wanted was an unwelcome visitor showing up at Captain America's front door. Not just his door since he also shared this space with two of his best friends and teammates. Having Sam and Bucky as roommates was just another great bonus. Well, most of the time.
Sam Wilson was seated on one of the stools by the kitchen island sipping from a glass of orange juice. His attention was seemingly fully focused on his tablet, but the second Steve entered the room all bets were off.
“Why did I move in with you people? What could have possibly possessed me to do such a thing? Desperation? Pity?” He tilted his chin upwards and pursed his lips as though really thinking about it. “Maybe I've just lost my damn mind.”
Steve rolled his eyes as he poured himself a glass of orange juice and took a long sip. “What is it now, Sam?”
“Not what...who.”
“Alright.” Steve conceded with a sigh. “What did Bucky do now?” Sensing that this wouldn't be short, or pretty, he took a seat at the counter beside him.
Last night the three roommates had gone out to a nearby bar. Not for any particular reason other than maybe seeing Bucky off before his solo mission. A few years had passed since his stint in Wakanda and after taking some much deserved time to himself Bucky agreed, however reluctantly, to return to active duty. There were of course some concerns, but it didn't take long for Bucky to prove himself and become a powerful addition to the team. His friendship with Sam was a little turbulent at times, but it was mostly due to the fact that they enjoyed pissing each other off. A night out at a bar was usually a recipe for competition.
“You wanna know what he did?” Sam said. “I'll tell you what he did. Picture it, a beautiful Saturday morning after a night out with no hangover in sight. No missions. No plans. No responsibilities. Just me and half a pizza in the fridge calling out her siren's song to me.”
Steve chuckled, but once he saw the lack of humor in Sam's eyes he cleared his throat, motioning for his friend to continue.
“So there I was, humming some Earth, Wind, and Fire as I made my way to this very kitchen when none other than the edgelord himself comes barreling into me. No shirt, no shoes, stinking of his nasty ass cologne from the night before, but wait,” Sam paused, pretending to sniff the air suspiciously. “There's another scent desperately clinging to life despite the overwhelming odds.”
Steve grimaced knowing what that meant. How out of it was he that he managed to sleep through the confrontation? “Okay so Bucky ate the pizza. It's not a big deal. Besides I don't remember anyone actually laying claim to the leftovers. You know the rules.”
Clearly, that wasn't the end of it though as Sam raised his hand in declaration. “Oh but it didn't end there! Barnes' reign of bullshit managed to completely ravage my entire morning in the span of twenty minutes. The guy is going for a record at this point.”
Apparently after eating the pizza Bucky then went on to finishing the last of the toothpaste, using Sam's towel to dry himself off after his shower, and topping it off by drinking the freshly-brewed coffee that Sam made for himself before Bucky was finally out of the door and heading for his mission briefing.
“He's back on his bullshit, Steve.” Sam folded his arms in front of his chest and stared at the other man. “Tell me this isn't about that girl still.” When Steve didn't answer right away Sam threw his hands in the air. “It's been two years! He can't still be hung up one girl.”
It was actually closer to a year and a half, but yes Steve did think it was about that girl. They never really knew who she was, only that for awhile there Bucky was the happiest Steve had ever seen him. He spent more nights away from home and would come back in the morning with a love-struck look that not even Sam could wipe away. When asked if they could meet her Bucky would dodge the subject or say it's complicated. Turns out it was a lot more complicated than they thought when he came home one day telling them that it was over. It was Steve's hope that during one of their nights out he would find someone new and move on.
“The guy just needs to go on a couple dates and get laid.” Sam suggested.
As much as Steve doubted it would be that simple he remained hopeful. “Did you see anyone leave his room this morning?” The other man snorted and shook his head, which was condescending enough to earn a unappreciative growl from Steve. “What I meant to respectively say was no. Barnes was solo this morning.” A sneer exposed Sam's white teeth. “Just like you.”
The blonde groaned and leaned back on his chair. He wasn't exactly doing any better when it came to finding love. There were girls he would see for a little while, but nothing that turned out to be more than just a fling. “What the hell is wrong with us?” Steve mumbled.
“What the hell do you mean by 'us'?” Sam scoffed indignantly. “Don't group me in with you two hopeless fools. I just so happen to be seeing someone.”
That got Steve's attention. “Bullshit. You do? Since when? Who is it?” The barrage of questions and disbelief in his tone did little to improve Sam's already sour mood. “What the hell, Steve? Do you know who you're talking to? Look at this.” Sam stood up, holding his hands out as he showcased himself with a slow twirl. Only Sam Wilson could pull off a silk robe and boxers set. “I'm a masterpiece. It was only a matter of time before I was swept off my feet and taken off the market by a beautiful woman.”
If there was one thing that could be said about Sam Wilson it was that he never lacked in confidence. Steve smiled at his friend. Sure, he was still a little shocked, but genuinely happy for the guy. “That's one lucky lady. What's her name?”
“Ah-ah. Nice try, Rogers, but these lips are sealed. ” He mimed zipping his lips shut and throwing away a key. “All you need to know is that she's a lady agent and she has good taste. Otherwise, I'm a man of mystery and I do not kiss and tell.”
Steve frowned. “But you're always prying into mine and Bucky's love lives.”
“Do as I say, not as I do, Cap.”
“Yeah fine, whatever.” Steve got up from his seat and made his way back to his bedroom to change. “I'm going for a run. And don't worry. I'll talk to Buck when he gets back.”
“Yeah, you better.” Sam called out. “Cause it he does just one more thing to piss me off, I will not be held accountable for smothering him with a pillow the next time he passes out on the couch.”
After three hours of running, Steve was on his way home and yet no closer to figuring out a way to help his friend. He scoffed and shook his head as he passed through the elevator doors. How could he help Bucky out of his funk when he didn't have a clue for himself? He was deep in thought as he rode up the multiple floors wishing that the answer to Bucky's happiness would appear before him. Though, when the doors finally opened to his floor, he was greeted by something that wasn't there when he left. There on the floor right outside of their door was what looked like a basket. A very particular kind of basket. One that shouldn't be sitting out front of anyone's door let alone the home of three bachelors. Before he could take a step closer, the basket started to cry.
part one >> part two
a/n: There we have it, the series has begun! What did you think? Are you ready for what comes next? I hope you liked it and are as excited as I am for more! 
Feedback is always appreciated, leave it here!
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stories-mostly · 5 years
Stark's Bug
Tony Stark x son!reader
And we're back baby. Sorry for the long wait but it had to be done. I was stressed to the brim lol. Anyway this chapter is a little cute and domestic cutouts of what Tony has to deal with every day lol. Happy Pride and have fun reading.
Warnings: zero to none
Words: 2079
Chapter 16
After the trip everything, and everyone, was busy. Happy had taken a week long vacation. Pepper and Natalie were having to call and answer calls from all kinds of government people. And Tony was in his lab researching about the dude who attacked him. Ivan something something if you remember correctly.
The news weren't above it either.
What was worse for you though was the stress hanging in the air. It seemed like nobody would be happy about you interrupting their work. But you also didn't know what to do with yourself. So you sat there on the ground looking off into space thinking about anything and nothing at the same time.
Then you decided to just walk around the house for a bit. Maybe you'll find something to do. As you turned the corner you saw a familiar and loved face appear not far away.
"UNCLE RHODEY!" You screeched and jumped into his arms.
"Hey there, champ. What's new?"
"Everybody is suuuuper busy and boring right now," you complained.
"Well, yeah. The attack yesterday was pretty shocking for a lot of people."
You shrugged and were put back onto the ground.
"I guess. What are you doing here?"
"I have to have a word with your dad about what happened."
"Ugh, you too?" You groaned and threw your head back.
"Yeah. Many important people are mad about what happened. They think Tony can't protect them so they want to take the suits away."
"Like the government?"
"Yes and the military and so on."
"But you're in the military?" You questioned as you were walking into the living room.
"Don't worry. I'm trying to protect him." He smiled at you and asked the room where your dad was right now.
You followed behind him but he turned around and stopped you.
"Sorry, bud. But I'm gonna have to talk with him alone, okay?"
"Why!?" You crossed your arms.
"Because I'll say some choice words you aren't allowed to use yet."
You huffed and sat down on the couch still pouting. You were allowed to go anywhere you want! This was your house!
Still angry your stomach growled loudly. So you left for the kitchen, took some food and sulked off into your room.
The next morning you woke up to a quiet and empty house. Which got you into a chipper mood.
For Tony Stark it was time to let off some off that pent up energy from sitting in the lab all day and night since he got back.
But inside the gym awaited a peculiar scene. There were you, pushing weights with all your might onto a mat layed out on the floor.
"Hey Buddy, what are you doing?" He asked both curious and amused.
You turned away from the task at hand to explain.
"I want to test how much I can lift!"
"With your hands or force?"
"The force!"
"Okay. Don't hurt yourself, alright?"
"I won't" and with that you turned back around to the task at hand. Tony watched you after changing into his gym clothes. You were so focused on scribbling into your notebook that you didn't know he was watching.
He looked on as you picked up one after another weight, putting them down inbetween to write something. He cheered you on inwardly as you struggled to lift another one and add it to the ones already floating about in the room. You added some more until it all finally came tumbling down with a loud thud that made the floor vibrate. Quickly moving to your notebook you wrote down the final amount you had lifted.
"Look how much I can lift, daddy!" You ran up to him holding up your little notebook proudly.
Tony grabbed it to stop it from moving and his eyes almost fell out of his head as he read the number with three lines under it.
"212lbs!? Wow, that's a lot," he exclaimed engulfing you in a big hug.
"That's more than 4 times my weight!" You talked on and showed him the math you had done in your book.
"No way. Wow." He paused thinking about all the documentaries on animals he had watched that talked about this kind of thing.
"That's just like an eagle!" He finally said remembering the documentary he watched with you just recently.
You frowned but shrugged. You'll take that.
"I guess your superhero name should be Eagle from now on." He joked but you shook your head.
"There is already someone named Eagle in Captain Magics team. I can't steal his name." You said matter of factly and walked off to begin cleaning up after yourself.
Meanwhile Tony wondered where Happy was for their sparring match today.
He pulled out his phone to call but then something made an elevator sound in his brain. Happy was on vacation for the next two weeks so... yeah.
He totally hadn't forgotten about that at all. Instead of dwelling on it he turned to you and helped to put away the weights.
"Iron man I need your help!" Tony jumped at the sudden appearance of his son Captain Storm behind him.
"What? Oh, what is it Captain Storm?" He asked in a serious tone.
"The evil Madman is trying to take over Brickville and I need your help defeating him and his evil goons!" You explained in a lower voice than usual, which he found adorable.
"Oh no that's terrible! How can I help?"
"We need to find his headquarters and destroy him once and for all!"
"Let's go then. We can't waste any time!" He jumped up and put on his helmet before sneaking away behind his you.
The city was a mess and located in the living room. Brickvilles Bricks were all over the place and half the city had been ravaged. No one who resisted had been left alive. As Captain Storm explained.
Nearing the headquarters Cap instructed Iron man to quieten down so they wouldn't be discovered by the very vigilant guards hired by Madman.
He had the entire city under his brutal paw.
Evading the goons outside both heroes got inside the headquarter undetected.
"We have to find Madmans office. Follow me!" Captain Storm walked forward leading the taller hero through the corridors towards what was discovered to be Madmans office just a few minutes prior.
"Stop," Storm said holding out a hand behind him before turning around. "Look, there's guards."
"That must be it then. How do you propose we get inside?"
"I sneak around to the other side and on three we take them down together."
Iron man nodded in agreement and the plan unfolded as said.
Captain Storm snuck around to the other guard further away from Iron man. He held up three fingers and lowered them one at the time indicating the countdown.
Once the last finger went down both heroes took the guards down quickly  and left their bodies in the same spot they had been standing.
Bursting through the door there he was. Madman. Sitting on his office chair and looking as though he had awaited their arrival.
"Ah. Captain Storm and Iron man what a pleasure," spoke the Bear.
"Shut up stupid! We're not here to talk. Leave the city alone and I wont punch you in the face." The Captain said. Very aggressively. Iron man was sort of taken back.
"Yeah. You heard the man Madman." He supported non the less.
Madman said no and with that Storm tackled him out of his chair and started throwing punches.
"Leave. The. City. Alone."
You really beat the crap out of that Bear.
In the end Iron man dragged Madman out of his hideout and held him in place as Storm told the citizens that they were now safe and left Madman in the hands of the public.
"Good work Stormy. I will go now I hope you can handle the cleaning up?"
Captain Storm nodded dutifully and began cleaning. First dragging the stuffed supervillain by his blanket cape into his room while several Lego houses followed.
Tony Stark always thought of himself as a rather messy and unorganized person. But he didn't think he was this unorganized. After you had nagged him about being hungry he went into the kitchen to see what was available.
Nothing apparently. Nothing for him rather. You had spotted something that peaked your interest. A full bag of frozen peas.
"What about this?" You asked holding out the peas infront of you.
"What about it?"
"Can I have it?"
"The peas?"
You nodded.
Tony frowned. This wasnt what he imagined his son wanted for dinner.
"You want a plate of...peas?"
"With what?"
"Just peas."
"Are you sure?" Again you nodded this time more insistent.
What the hell. What kind of child wants peas for dinner.
"But these won't fill you up."
"Not if I eat lots."
The older Stark sighed and went on to prepare you a plate of pure peas. Just peas and nothing but peas. It felt wrong to put peas in a pot all by themselves. And it felt even worse putting all of them in an empty bowl again all by themselves.
He placed the bowl of peas infront of you and gave you a spoon. You, being the semi independent little man you are, went and got yourself a fork. Meanwhile your poor father didn't understand any of the actions you were currently taking. He wondered if he ever confused his parents like you were currently doing to him.
But you seemed to be delighted by the food. Kicking your legs back and forth while chewing the peas.
Tony opted to bite into his apple and keep his mouth shut.
In the end you ate two and a half bowls of peas and was satisfied with your meal.
Pressing down random keys on the piano you were slowly getting frustrated with the bad tunes that came out of it. Nothing even resembling the melodies your father could produce.
Said man walked in just as you were dragging your fingers over the keys angrily. He was planning on telling you to get ready for bed but seeing you sitting there, trying your darnest to produce music warmed his heart with fondness.
"Playing the piano, Bug? What song?" He teased and sat down next to you.
You glared at him.
"Oh if looks could kill," He chuckled and pressed down on one of the keys.
"Want me to teach you?"
You eyes lit up. "Yes! Can you, please?!"
"Alright, come here!" He patted the spot right next to him and you slid closer. He took your smaller hands and placed them where you should press, adjusting each finger that was needed.
"What song is it?"
"I think you'll know once we play it," you weren't really satisfied with that answer.
He placed his own hands right over yours and pulled you on his lap rather than reaching around you awkwardly.
Tony pressed down and the first two notes rung through the quiet room. You groaned.
"Thats a childs song!" You exclaimed offended.
"Yeah and what are you?"
"Too old for Twinkle Twinkle little star."
Tony laughed a little. "Bug. This is one of the easiest things to play as a beginner. You don't start with the hardest thing first," he explained and played on with your hands still being guided along.
"Twinkle twinkle little Star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little Star. How I wonder what you are." Tony sang along teasingly.
"This song is stupid." You pouted.
"You rather have me sing the ABC's alongside it?" He poked you side and you moved away.
"Come on this was composed by Mozart. So I don't think it's all that stupid. Come on let's play some more,"
"Only if you play the Star Wars song!" You grinned up at him.
"Okay? I'll see what I can do," he said and placed you back onto his lap.
"This time you sing along too. Make sure I'm doing it right," he put your hands back in position and you nodded dutifully.
At first you just mumbled the words but your dad pushed you a slight bit and joined in.
You grinned and sang the last lyrics together. Giggling you pressed the last keys on your own.
"Great!" Tony praised and placed his own hands over different keys.
"What Star Wars song would the gentleman like to hear?"
"The one that goes: dun dun dun duhn dahdan duhn dahdan," you tried to describe it to the best of your abilities.
Tony nodded and thought for a second before pressing down on the first few notes of The Imperial March. You smiled brightly. He missed a few notes but that didn't bother you too much. It was sensational and you liked having your own musician in the house.
You clapped when he finished. "Whoooo. This was great!"
"Well, thank you kindly. But now is really time for bed,"
He shooed you along and into your bathroom and with that your day was over and another would soon arrive.
And then another, and another, and so on.
Tags: @shannonr2003 @art-estrange @nicholasbich @tater-thotties @tonystanktheirondad @gaylemonshark @emilaa2001 @kindahadeschild @actualcringetm
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Stop Stopping
Ch. 5/?
They ran. Harry was so close on James’s heels that he was nearly colliding on every step. The rusty door banged on the wall when it was thrown open, and the two of them raced down the narrow alley. It took seconds to land on Katz St., the wail of the radio deafening in the abandoned street. They stood in the middle of the road, frantically looking both ways, until James grabbed Harry’s sleeve and yanked him to the right. Harry turned on a dime and took off after him, only to stop again in the intersection at the sound of a pitched, gurgling woman.
From the fog emerged a staggering, loose-limbed creature that was closer than either of them had anticipated. It shuffled on buckled legs, its ropey arms swinging carelessly in the momentum. The head drooped on its neck, masking its face from everything but the asphalt, and they ought to be grateful for it. The entirety of this abomination was ravaged in sickening swirls of exposed muscle, black rot eating away at its flesh, and raw, peeling skin. Like most of the hell creatures in Silent Hill, it was an impossibility. The thing moved as though it was treading through tar, but these two were wise to the fact that that shouldn’t be undermined.
The stench of it reached them as soon as they saw it, triggering bile washing up Harry’s throat, and gritted disgust on James’s face. It smelled of charred meat forgotten in an industrial oven fueled by sulfur and was heavy with the unmistakable odor of wet, moldy clothes. Every breath it took sounded labored and painful, and vaguely feminine. In its wake were slicks of thick blood, and if they dared to be any more observant, flung drops of blood from its stiff fingertips as the arms swayed.
This was Harry’s welcome party. It was a party of one and that was more than enough. The sight of it left him frozen in place for a multitude of hours that were condensed into several threatening seconds. When struck with terror, one forgets how long seconds truly are. He was stuck in it. The radio was just background noise to the head spinning fear that gripped him.
He nearly ate pavement when James once again seized his arm and pulled him out of the moment and down the street. Harry went after him in a daze, his brain and legs acting on autopilot to keep up with the misplaced civilian he was now reliant on. They raced down Katz, the squeal of the radio still strong in warning, but for the third time in their escape, it was James’s turn to brake hard in the road. Harry crashed nto him, the both of them catching themselves before a stumble.
“What’re you doing?!” Harry hissed to the back of James’s head. “What’s wrong with you? Don’t just stop like that—“
“What the hell is that?”
Harry looked over his green shoulder. The sigil was still planted right in the road. James stared at it, disquieted. It was foreign to him, and told him it was something he was going to be much more than just an acquaintance to it. It was mocking him. Taunting him. James felt threatened, and with good reason, and all he wanted to do was run away from it, and the way it itched in his brain.
Harry was anxious behind him. “C’mon, James, keep moving,” he urged, starting to sidestep him to blindly lead the way. James came to his senses and cut him off, dashing into the apartment building. Harry had to ignore the dread that went along with entering the lobby, and they ran up the stairs skipping a step at a time.
The radio was unrelenting, as was the pitch black darkness of the hall stretching before them. Their flashlights illuminated the disgusting walls as they hurried to the stairs to ascend to temporary safety. The dark made it look like the hall was a mile long. It wasn’t; it was easy to cover the distance in under thirty seconds if they ran. They were focused; they were propelled by their survival instinct.
Through the noise of static, Harry heard crying. The crying of a girl was hollow and trapped behind one of the doors as he passed it (the hall was so short! it didn’t need to seem to long! he was so close to the stairs!) and then came the voice that speared his heart, and body, in place.
Harry sucked a hard breath and looked at the crusted doorknob. Guilt hit him like a truck. The little girl was sobbing on the other side of the door, breaking his heart and kicking his protective fatherly instinct into foolish gear. She sounded so scared. She sounded like she was abandoned. Another cry took his chest in a crushing twist, and knowing that they had to hurry, knowing they were in danger, knowing the town was baiting him, forcing him to stop and make himself vulnerable, but he couldn’t live with the possibility that he’d leave Cheryl to suffer alone.
“Daddy!” she cried pitifully. “Daddy, please! Please help me..”
“Cheryl, baby,” he whispered in ache, weakly reaching for the knob. “It’s okay, honey, I’m gonna get you out.”
Like hell he was. James’s strength was angry when Harry was ripped away from the apartment and dragged down the hall. He was all but thrown through the stairwell door and shoved up the steps to the second floor, where James manhandled him one more time when Room 212 yielded, and he staggered to the middle of the living room as the door slammed shut.
Harry was dazed. The radio had silenced. His head swam in murky sludge as it tried to catch up with everything that had happened since they left the cafe. Too much information was squeezed into a span of minutes just shy of ten, perhaps, but neither of them would ever know. His eyes rooted to the crusted floor, the flashlight’s white ray bobbing as his breath heaved. Harry could barely process anything, much less James’s furious step towards him.
“Are you fucking crazy?!” James bristled. “What was that? You can’t stop in the middle of the hall like that! Didn’t you hear the radio? Don’t you remember what that means?”
Harry couldn’t respond in his struggle to process. James scoffed over his shoulder and fidgeted. The questions were mostly rhetorical anyway. He sighed and rubbed at his forehead, and took a walk to the kitchen to cool off.
Harry was beginning to pull himself together when they both looked up in cold horror. There were footsteps running beyond the apartment. Light ones, like a child’s. They passed their hideout, stopped, and then returned. The tread sounded heavier now, like they’d grown to an adult’s weight, and came to a stop outside the door.
The tension was thick. Both men were waiting, staring at door with bated breath. There was hardly a full minute of rest. The town had gleefully initiated the hunt, and had decided to begin with a marathon. They were not just kept on their toes; they were kept on the tips of the hair that stood on end.
Then the knob rattled. Like lightning, James hurled himself at the door and slammed it shut the moment that it tried to open. He braced his weight on it, his eyes wide as the knob rattled again and again, and a force attempted to counter his strength.
It gave up. James didn’t. He leaned everything he had into keeping that door shut, and then looked pleadingly to the disoriented father in the middle of the room. “Harry,” he whispered, “please. Help me keep it shut.”
Harry was at a loss. His eyes roved blankly to James. There was desperation in the air, and he couldn’t do anything about it. His body felt numb; it didn’t even feel like his. A knock rapped on the door, and a girl’s muffled voice begged for her father.
“Daddy, please help me. I don’t know where to go. I don’t know what’s going on. Dad.. please..”
The voice was familiar, and too unnatural to be trusted. It rose and fell in pitch from child to teenager in each sentence. James stared anxiously at Harry, watching his every move - more like the lack thereof. But Harry was trapped in place by his own deadened mentality.
The girl’s weeping went ignored. Soon it petered off, and the footsteps receded down the stretch of the hall. Only when they were gone did James feel for a lock on the door, and to some miracle there was, and the deadbolt slid into place.
Neither of them noticed that the radio’s static was hushed but humming that entire time. James peeled his body tiredly from the door and looked out at the man who wasn’t in himself. He looked so despondent.. lost. James’s anger had washed away, and now he appeared awkwardly sympathetic.
“That was Heather, wasn’t it?”
Harry nodded slowly. “Yeah. And Cheryl.”
James’s head bobbed their brief uncomfortable silence. “Yeah. But that wasn’t her.”
His lousy attempt at comfort actually brought Harry back into the present. He stared at him like he’d told him the earth was flat and he had a globe to prove it; he was astounded at how empty James’s head was.
That dealer was out on a really, really long smoke break.
“You don’t say.”
The snap of the icy sarcasm caused James to look away. Harry, heavy with the stress and confusion of everything, turned his back. There was a stained green chair that faced a broken TV, and he trudged over and sank into it.
He needed a few minutes to sort himself out. He didn’t want to hear or see James, or the rest of this decrepit space, or acknowledge the blood that was caked to the unit in front of him. He didn’t even want to think. He could barely feel. Harry needed to breathe and come down from the displacement of his brain from his body. He just needed a few minutes to himself.
James silently took in the scene. He’d seen this before. Harry was no dead body with a gaping hole in the back of its head and remaining features concealed under blood, like the other man was. He recalled feeling like it was an omen then. Now he felt mocked. Harry sitting in the chair like that was a cruel joke.
He had to wonder if that decision was Harry’s alone, or if the town had something to do with it.
Of course, he knew the answer. James quietly left the living room. He went into the bedroom and sat on the edge a mattress that was yellow and sagged. Harry needed alone time to gather himself, that was made abundantly clear. He understood that. There were many times in his life where James could relate. In that, though, James felt the pang of rejection.
He’d upset Harry. He had been hotheaded in that whole stressful escape and battle for sanity, and he knew that was a flaw he had to live with. How selfish of him to feel rejection at a time like this, from a person he barely knew, whose prior visit to Silent Hill had left him unprepared for the rest of his life. James was so full of self-pitying that he went to wallow in it alone in the aftermath of someone else’s trauma. He was pathetic, insensitive, and helpless to know how else to be.
He didn’t think with words. He thought with feelings, and though there was a numbing effect to his foul pool of negativity, he was resigned to sit in it until Harry was ready to join him.
So James waited. He was accustomed to it. He was good at it. He hated it. It left him alone with himself, and kept him lonely. As his mind took the merry-go-round of problems and emotions that played over and over ad nauseam, he waited. And waited. And sighed.
There was no point in noticing how his hands were getting cold, and droplets of water gathered at his fingertips, and plummeted at will to the dark floor.
pt 1//pt 2//pt 3//pt 4//pt 6// series on ao3
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shyficwriter · 6 years
Don’t Call me Sweetheart
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Yondu x Reader, guest starring Peter
Summary: You hate that Yondu wont stop calling you nicknames that only seem to fuel the crew’s teasing. Well, two can play at this game.
Author’s Note: Based off this prompt from Anon that was inspired by this post from @giulscomix.
Word Count: 4,110
“Ok, sweetheart.” 
You hear Yondu call to you from the entrance of the Central Area, noticing irritation in his voice as you hear his footsteps approach closer. You turn from the window to face him. 
“Where’d ya put ‘em?” Yondu looked at you crossly as he closed the gap between you. 
“Don’t call me sweetheart.” you reply in annoyance. You hated when he called you that in front of the crew. It always earned you a lot of teasing, the crew calling you ‘Daddy’s little girl!’ or ‘Captain’s pet!’ while they laughed at your expense. “And where did I put what?” 
“I’ll call ya whatever I like, pipsqueak,” this started a round of muffled laughter from the crew playing cards on the far side of the room and you glared at the blue man. “and ya know what I’m talkin’ about, don’t even pretend!”
“I have no idea what you lost, but I didn’t have anything to do with it.” you respond crossly, turning back to the window.
“Oh-ho, girly! Ya don’t even wanna go there with that attitude or I’ll make you scrub all the catwalks in the Dockin’ Bay!” Yondu scolded, turning you back around to face him. “Now where’d ya hide the little figures I line up on my control console?”
You roll your eyes. “I don’t know where they are, why don’t you ask Peter?”
“Peter ain’t even here, little missy.” Yondu started. “He left three hours ago on a supply run to Xandar, an’ they were all still there after he left. Try again, pumpkin.”
This new nickname started another round of stifled snickers from the crew, who were trying to pretend like they weren’t listening in. You shot them a glare before turning back to Yondu and saying “Why do you think it was me? How to you know it wasn’t one of them?” you pointed to the table of card-playing Ravagers, who jolted and immediately tried to look very concerned with their card game.
“They all know better than to disrespect their captain, sweetheart.” Yondu chuckled, looking at his crew. “Inn’t that right, boys?” 
The crew piped up with “Yes, sir!”’s while nodding and looking down at their cards. They were still stifling laughter at how Yondu was treating you like a kid.
You sighed. You were guilty, of course. You had taken his dash toys while no one was looking and hid them all around the Eclector, trying to spread them as far apart as you could in retaliation of Yondu constantly treating you like a kid. But of course you weren’t about to admit it. “Look, I don’t know where you lost them, but it’s not my problem.” You said, throwing your hands in a gesture that said ‘I don’t care’ and starting to walk away, taking notice of how his features went from momentary surprise at your insolence to anger. You made it about 8 feet before you heard Yondu speak again.
“They better be back on my console in the next hour or yer grounded.”
You immediately halted, your boots making a slight screech on the metal floor at your sudden stop. The crew was now openly laughing, pounding their fists on the table in sheer delight at what their captain just said to you. You rarely ever got punished with anything more than minor chores added to your day, hardly receiving anything more substantial than a warning or an extra dish duty, so anytime it looked like the captain might follow through with some actual discipline towards you, the crew ate it up. This time was especially hilarious to them because he basically just dressed you down like a misbehaving child. Your face got red before twisting into a scowl. You spun back around to face him. “What?!” you said angrily. 
“Ya heard me, sweetie.” his expression was now slightly smug and he laughed. “If they aren’t back on my console in an hour, yer grounded. No leavin’ the ship for anythin’, not even for missions, an’ ya’ll be scrubbin’ all the catwalks in the Dockin' Bay as well as givin’ all the toilets a good shining.”
“You can’t ground me! I’m not a kid!” you cried in frustration, your hands balled into fists.
“I’m the captain, sweetheart, I can do what I like.” he smirked. The crew still hadn’t stopped laughing.
“Stop calling me those nicknames! I’m not a child!” you seethed as Yondu started to walk past you. 
Yondu patted you on the shoulder saying, “One hour. Your choice, sweetheart.” and continued walking out of the Central Area.
You growled in frustration and noticed the crew still howling in laughter, only now that the captain was gone they had started jeering “Oh, daddy’s little girl got in trouble?” and “Looks like Cap’s finally gonna put his pet in a cage! HAHAHA!” 
“Shut it!” you growled before storming off to re-collect his dash toys. ‘He may have won this time, but two can play his game!’ you thought, already planning your next retaliation. 
You didn’t see Yondu again until the next morning as you mainly stayed in your quarters the rest of the night, both in irritation at Yondu and to avoid the teasing from the crew. No doubt word would have spread quickly about the captain threatening to ground you like a child.
You passed him in the hall on your way to the front deck and before he could tease you about how his dash toys “magically re-appeared” on his control console within the time limit he set, you spoke up and greeted him. “What’s up, grandpa?” you said with a grin and a clap on his shoulder as you passed.
Yondu’s expression quickly changed from that of one who was about to have a laugh at another’s expense to that of surprise before quickly switching into one of mild irritation. “What'd ya say, brat?” his eyes narrowed.
“What?” you say innocently, working to keep a straight face.
“Ya know wh-” Yondu started, but was interrupted by Kraglin’s voice over the intercom informing that there was a message incoming for the captain, and asking that he please come take it in the control room. “I’ll deal with ya later.” Yondu says, waving you off and walking away. 
“Alright, see ya later, papa bear!” You call after him, just as Oblo and Scrote came around the corner. You can tell they heard the nickname as they went quiet and then started snickering. Noticing this, Yondu turns back momentarily to tell you to cut it out before continuing on his way to the control room. ‘This is going to be fun.’ you thought with a smirk.
The next time you saw Yondu was in the mess hall, sitting with Kraglin and a few other crew members. "How’s it going, old man?” you say, nudging him as you sat down next to him with a yaro root. 
Yondu glares at you while the crew members try not to grin, suddenly becoming preoccupied with either their food or the wall. “What did I tell you about that, little girl?” he scolds.
“Not sure what you mean, padre.” you smirk, taking a bite of your fruit. You hear one of the crew members let out a snort and see Yondu shoot him a glare.
“You know exactly what I mean.” he replies crossly. “Now cut it out.” he turns to take another bit of his food.
“Cut what out, grandpa?” 
That last one resulted in the other crew members at the table now having a hard time holding back their laughter. A couple who couldn’t hold it in quickly pretended like they suddenly had an urgent need to talk to other crew members across the room and left the table so they wouldn’t be punished for laughing at their captain. Even Kraglin is trying his damndest not to snicker, looking down at his drink and pressing a knuckle to his teeth. Yondu turned to look at you, eyes narrowed and nostrils flaring in aggravation, when suddenly you can hear Peter calling for you. You look over to see him near the entrance. He jogs over.
“Hey, I need to borrow her for a sec!” He says to Yondu, motioning for you to get up and follow him. “I... need her help with a thing.” He grabs your arm and quickly ushers you out of the mess hall. “Are you trying to die?” he says once you’re in the hall and out of ear shot.
“What? He deserves it. He keeps treating me like a little kid!” you retort. “Calling me “little girl” and “sweetheart.” Did you hear what he did yesterday? He threatened to ground me! What am I? Ten??”
“Yeah, I did hear about that,” he said, snickering, before seeing the look you were giving him and quickly clearing his throat and continuing. “But, you did hide his dash toys. Not really sure what you expected to happen.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I’m just saying, you keep this up and it’s bound to backfire.” Peter warns, before nudging you and saying in a quiet tone: “But, hey, ...how mad was he when he realized they were gone?”
“So mad!” you giggled. “It was totally worth it until he threatened to ground me to the ship, cleaning the catwalks and the toilets.”
“The toilets too? Harsh!” Peter laughed. “You better quit whatever you were doing to make his eyes go all murder-y back there then, unless you want him to tack on cleaning out the grease traps in the kitchen too.” 
You lightly punch him in the shoulder and roll your eyes .
“What?” He laughed. “He made me do it once when I was 13 and went joy riding in one of his M-ships. Trust me. After the smell of having to clean those things out, you never want to do it again.”
“Well then don’t give him any ideas!” you laugh, lightly punching him in the shoulder again.
“I take it that means you have no intentions of stopping?”
“Nope.” you say matter of factly. “Not til he stops calling me kiddy names, at least.”
“Well,” he laughs, stopping in the hallway and pulling you in to ruffle your hair, resulting in you pushing him way and sticking out your tongue. “don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Later that day you ran into Yondu again at the front deck where he was drinking with a bunch of the crew. ‘Perfect.’ you thought with a grin. You plop next to him on the couch. “Hey, dadio! What’s crackin?” you say with a mischievous smile. 
Yondu merely groans and looks at you. “What do you want?” 
“Nothing, just seeing what you’re up to, old man.” you lean back and shoot a grin at Kraglin sitting on the other couch, who tried not to engage lest he be repremanded. Oblo, on the other hand, was elbowing Gef in the ribs, who happened to be at the table in the mess hall when you were tormenting Yondu earlier. They, and a couple others, had gathered what you were doing by now and were getting a kick out of seeing their captain be tormented by his “little girl.”
“Cut it out.” Yondu growled in a low tone. You shifted on the couch to face him more as the crew tried to hide their grins, now pretending to be engaged in conversation with each other.
“What do you mean, papa bear?” you say sweetly. You may not have had a lot of different nicknames you could tease him with, but you could keep this up all day with just the few that you had as they clearly had the desired effect.
“For the last time y’know what I mean, now knock it off.” the captain said sternly.
“What’s the matter?” you ask, mock hurt. “You don’t like my nicknames, grandpa?” As expected, that one broke the crew as it did the first time. You look over to see Retch openly laughing, holding his sides. Even Kragin, sitting next to him, couldn’t keep it together any longer and you watched as he bit his fist in an attempt to quell his laughter. Then you notice his expression quickly change to something akin to fright. You recognized the expression as one that just screamed “Run!” and you look back over to see Yondu starting to stand up, his expression seething. ‘Oh shit.’ you thought, bolting up from your seat on the couch and high tailing it out of there, only to hear the angry boots of the Ravager captain pounding on the metal floor as they pursued you. ‘Shit! Shit!’ your mind screams as you run, dodging surprised crew members left and right and you ran from your pursuer. You turn down a hallway and run into Peter. 
“Whoa! What’s going on?” Peter laughed, helping you keep your balance.
“Yon-... Yondu!” You manage to get out between breaths, backing up to further yourself down the hallway. You look up when you hear the screech of his boots skidding as he stopped to turn the corner into the hallway he saw you flee into. 
“Ya get back here right now, little missy!” Yondu angrily called out to you, starting back up the chase.
“Shit!” you cry out and take off again. You can hear Peter laughing behind you as you take flight.
“I warned you, didn’t I?”
“Now’s not the time, Peter!” you holler back as you make a right turn into another hallway, nearly running down Scrote in the process. You can hear Yondu gaining on you and shouting at you to “Get back here, ya lil shit!” as you turn to run through the mess hall. 
There weren’t as many crew members inside now as before so fortunately you didn’t need to dodge as many. However, those that were inside wore shocked expressions as you came bursting in through one door and ran through to the other exit. As the exit doors close behind you, you try to take a moment to catch your breath when you hear Yondu shout “Where is she!?” from inside. You knew the crew weren’t about to lie to their captain for you and would just point out where you had run to, so you knew you needed to take off again and try to find somewhere to hide.
You tried to think quickly where you could hide that he might not think to look for awhile. Docking bay? No, too open. Double back and hide in the kitchen? Maybe the bar? No, you knew the crew wouldn’t help you hide. Your quarters? No, too obvious.
You racked your brain for a place to hide. You briefly thought to hide in the Captain’s Quarters, because maybe it would be just stupid enough to work? He surely wouldn’t think you’d be dumb enough to hide there, right? However, you scrapped this idea when you realized even if he never thought to look there, he would obviously retire back there eventually. You were running out of ideas and settled on ducking into the engine room and hiding in there for the time being, checking behind you beforehand to make sure Yondu wasn’t within eyesight to watch to enter. 
The dimly lit room was massive with multiple engines and several large pipes for exhaust coming out of each one.  There were also multiple generators, tanks, pumps, and much more machinery you couldn’t completely identify. That didn’t matter, however, as it just meant several places to hide. You walked further into the room until you found a tank that appeared safe to lean on and caught your breath, listening to the rumble of the engines and hissing of the boilers.
You remained like this for a few moments before you heard the metal door of the engine room open and a set of booted feet step into the room, closing the door behind them. You jumped at the sudden noise and your heart leapt to your throat when you heard Yondu’s voice call out.
”Sweetheart, I know yer in here.” you heard his footsteps walk further into the room, sounding like the were headed towards the other side of the main engine. “Come on out.” he called in a sing-song voice.
‘Crap! How did he know?!’ you thought, kicking yourself once you realized that you didn’t make sure there was no one else in the hall either that might’ve pointed him in your direction. You quickly slip in between two tanks against the wall in the back of the engine room, trying to steady your breathing as you hid, leaning against the tank and taking advantage of the shadows.
“Come out, sweetie.” you can hear him chuckle as he continues walking around the main engine, approaching closer to the back. 
You let out a sharp gasp when you hear him begin to whistle. ‘No! No! Shit!’ your mind screams as you cover your mouth. You don’t believe he’d actually kill you with his arrow, at least not for this, but you knew he was trying to scare you out of hiding, and you could only hope he hadn’t heard you over the sound of the engines. You close your eyes and try to focus on being quiet, hoping the shadows would be enough to hide you and he would give up, believing you to not be in there after all. However, after a few moments you realize not only has he stopped whistling, but you no longer hear his footsteps either. You begin to ponder if he had stopped walking, probably thinking you’d come out of hiding to check if he had left, when you feel a hand grab your arm and rip you out of your hiding space with a triumphant yell.
“Gotcha!” he laughs as you let out a startled scream. “I ought to beat yer little ass for making me chase ya down, missy!” he scolds as you try to pull away.
You do manage to free yourself for a moment but he lunges at you, missing your arm and instead grabbing your waist, causing you to cripple into the touch. “Oh-ho! Or maybe I could just do that.” he says with a sly grin, grabbing your wrist before you could run for it.
Your eyes go wide, silently pleading that he doesn’t dare as you try to jerk away from him once more, but to no avail as he grabs at your waist again making you jerk and erupt in giggles. “No! Stop!” you shriek, grabbing at his wrists as he begins spidering them up and down your ribs.
“Nah, I don’t think I will.” the blue man grins evilly as you squeal and squirm. “Not until ya learn to respect yer captain!” he laughs.
Your knees give way from the onslaught and you find yourself lying on the surprisingly cool metal floor with Yondu straddling on top, still tickling with a vengeance, making you scream with laughter.
“Nohoho! Please! AHAHAhaha!” you beg, shrieking and kicking when he moves to tickle under your arms.
“I told ya to stop with the nicknames, didn’t I?” he laughed, moving to your stomach, never letting you get too used to one sensation before moving on to another.
“You didn’t!” you cry, trying to turn over to escape the ticklish sensations, but with no success as Yondu had you pinned fairly well.
“I didn’t tell ya?” he teased, moving to tickle your neck. “Do ya want more for lying, pipsqueak?” 
“No!” you squeal. “Y-aHAHA You d-didn’t stop!” you manage to get out through giggles, scrunching your shoulders and reaching up for his hands, leaving yourself open for him to attack under your arms again. Which, of course, he did, making you let out a high pitched shriek and kick your legs out behind him.
“Yer my lil’ girl, I’ll call ya whatever I feels like.” he laughed.
“Mm n-not ahaha kid!” you cry out. It was getting harder to form coherent sentences. 
“Well ya act enough like one, why shouldn’t I call ya as such?” “C-crehoho tea-tehehehese mehehehe!” you squeaked out, forming noises that were barely words.
“What was that?” he moved back to tickling your sides. It was becoming apparent that under your arms was perhaps your worst spot and he realized you had a hard time answering if he was attacking that particular area.
“Thehaha crew teases mehehe!” you whine. 
“Oh, do they now?”
“Yes! HAHAHA Please stop IT!” 
“Stop their teasin’, or what I’m doin’ now?” he joked.
“BOTH!” you whine.
“Hmm... Well that depends. Have ya learned some manners, young lady?” he asked, to which you vehemently nodded your head ‘yes,’ desperate for the tickling to cease. “Hm, well there’s only one way to be sure...” he said evilly before lifting up your shirt a little and blowing raspberry after raspberry into your tummy, resulting in you immediately begging and shrieking in laughter.
“NO! No pleahehese! Not the beard! Oh GAHAHAHAD! STOPPIT! AHAHAHA It tickles sO BAD! AHHHH! Please! PleASE! PLEAHEHEHESE!” you push on his shoulders desperately trying to get the blue asshole off of you, but he’s stronger than you even when you’re not weakened by tickling.
After another moment or two of your screaming laughter he finally relented, satisfied you had learned your lesson. You lay there, panting for breath with tears from your laughter staining your face. 
“You suck.” you say as Yondu stands up.
“Now what did I just teach you about manners, young lady.” He playfully growled.
“Ok! Point taken!” you squeak, raising your hands in defense and moving to stand. 
Yondu looks contemplative for a moment. “So, ya say the crew’s been pickin’ on ya for those nicknames, huh?”
“Yeah,” you admit, still catching your breath. “They call me ‘Captains Pet.’” 
“Hmmm...” is all he responds with. He makes a mental note of making an example of the first man he hears teasing you about the nicknames. Threatening them with being on the wrong side of his yaka arrow if they “disrespect the names their captain chooses to call another person on his ship!” should do it.
You’ve nearly caught your breath when suddenly you realized that anyone outside the engine room probably heard your screams. “Oh no.” you say sullenly, putting your face in your hands.
“What?” Yondu asks, prompted by your actions.
“The whole crew probably just heard me screaming from you tickling me to death! This will be just another thing they can use to torment me. Thanks a lot!” you say bitterly.
“Oh I don’t think ya gotta worry too much ‘bout that, little girl. As far as they know you just had a date with the broad side of my belt.” he chuckles, lifting your chin. “Don’t worry, ya already look like ya’ve been bawlin’ anyway.” He teased. “I’ll just make the rest look good.” With that he motioned for you to follow him. When you reached the door he grabbed you by the elbow. “Remember, make it look good.” he said before loudly throwing open the door of the engine room to reveal a crowd of startled crew members who quickly dispersed and tried to act like they were just casually working or talking amongst themselves.
He pulled you by your arm and roughly tossed you out of the engine room. “Now take yer little Terran ass back to yer quarters an' make sure I don’ hear from ya the rest of the night!” He shouted loudly. “Unless you want another date with my belt!”
With shock in your eyes from the sudden change you quickly played along and merely nodded your head hastily in response before making your way in the direction of your quarters, taking notice of the surprised glances of the crew as you made your way past. You thought you were able to hear someone murmur “I can’t believe it, Cap finally whooped her for somethin’!” before you heard Yondu yell: “Well what'r ya’ll jus’ standin’ around for! Get back to work!”
Before you turned the corner to head down another hallway you took a moment to glance at Yondu. He was barking orders at the scrambling crew members and momentarily caught your gaze, giving you a quick wink. You flashed a quick grin and headed down the hallway before he turned away to shout something at Oblo.
When you finally reached your quarters you flopped down on your bed and laid there staring up at the ceiling, a small smile painting your features. You knew he probably wasn’t going to stop with the nicknames, but you supposed you could get over it. 
At least you knew he had your back.
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agl03 · 6 years
Are you still taking Fitzsimmons prompts? If so, I’d love to see something along the lines of Jemma having twins and Deke volunteers to babysit because Fitzsimmons hasn’t had a date night in forever but once they leave, Deke is way over his head because he has never taken care of anyone before, but he refuses to call Fitzsimmons because he doesn’t want to ruin their date.
 Hi Anon!
I am, I get to them as my muse permits.  
Deke couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he finally turned down the tree-lined drive that leads to his Grandparents home.  In the years since they had saved the world, found Fitz,  and saved the world again, they had finally settled down when they learned Jemma was pregnant, with twins.  Moving into the cottage on the outskirts of River’s End.  The pair even going as far to renovate the small guest cottage on the property into a studio apartment for him so he would always have a home of his own and one with them.
He didn’t hesitate walking in the front door and was greeted by the familiar smell of tea and the eerie sound of complete silence.  Complete silence was a thing of the past in the Fitzsimmons household since James and Mackenzie had arrived.  
“Jemma?  Are you guys here?” Deke called setting the bag that contained his customary presents down.  The silence didn’t last long after that was there was a stampede of footsteps from the living room followed by twin squeals of delight.
“Uncle Deke!”
The pair rounded the corner and Deke only had a moment to brace himself before he was tacked by the now six-year-old twins.  Each one talking so fast that Deke only caught snippets of what they were saying.  
From what Deke caught James had started a garden with Jemma, Mackenzie had helped Fitz build a new drone, and both were excited that they were taking turns reading Harry Potter to their parents at night.  
“Okay time out,” Deke said standing up and scooping one in each arm with a grunt.  They really were getting too big for this.  “You can tell me all about it but first where is your Mum and Da?”
In unison, the twins pointed into the living room and Deke followed having to stifle a laugh at the site.  Fitz and Simmons slumped against each other fast asleep.   Their feet were propped up on the coffee table where it appeared Mackenzie had been giving them pedicures before he’d arrived and James had taken it upon himself to use his mothers make up on his parent’s faces.  
The normally pristine living room was littered with pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, books, and a familiar bucket Jemma would use when anyone under her care was sick.  
“Was someone having tummy troubles?” Deke asked.
“Yeap!” James said proudly as he wiggled out of Deke’s arms and returned to the couch and the abandoned make up palette. 
Mackenzie stayed with Deke enjoying having him to herself for a moment.   “First Mommy got sick, then Daddy because he was taking care of her, and then Kenzie and I at the same time.  I threw up on Da twice!.”
“Da said he didn’t know we could throw up that much,” Mackenzie added helpfully.
“And I’m afraid with them being ill then us they didn’t sleep for a few days.  So James and I were doing a Spa-” Mackenzie said reminding Deke so much Jemma at that moment.  
“And I’m doing makeovers-” James said holding up some blue eyeshadow just above Fitz’s already hot pink eyelid.
As much as Deke would have loved to see what kind of masterpiece James would make he opted to rescue his grandparents instead.  “Okay, Monkies why don’t you two go get in my bag and see if you can find your presents.”
They didn’t need telling twice and immediately ran back to where he’d dropped his bags.  “I hope its a kitty!” Mackenzie cried rounding the corner. 
Once they were gone Deke snapped a quick photo before sitting down on the couch next to Jemma and gently shaking her.  Usually, Jemma woke if anyone so much as sneezed, so for her not to hear him enter must mean she was utterly and completely exhausted.  
“Jemma,” he said and she shot up with a start and in turn waking Fitz.   
Fitz still half awake put himself in front of Jemma while looking wildly around for the twins before his eyes fell onto Deke and he relaxed.  
“Deke,” Jemma said warmly embracing him in a hug.
“I hear you guys had a long week,” Deke said handing a baby wipe that Jemma always had on hand to Fitz.  
Fitz wiped his eye with the wipe and groaned when it came back pink.  
Jemma grabbed another wipe and set to work helping get the makeup off of Fitz’s face.  “Its been a long week.  We did a consult for Mack and I picked up a bug which proceeded to ravage our house.  Neither of us has had much of a break recently but at least the kids are starting to feel better.  Poor things now just want to play.”
Two excited squeals from the entry telling them they’d found their presents.  
“Mummy, Da!” James cried running in a stuffed dog under one arm and a thick book under the other.  Mackenzie hot on his heels with a stuffed kitten.  “Uncle Deke got us new animals and a book on Greek Mythology!  Can we read it?”
“Of course we can,” Fitz said opening his arms to James and Mackenzie settled in with her mom showing her the fluffy calico kitten.  
“Perhaps tonight after baths,” Jemma added.  
“I have a better idea,” Deke said with a smile.  “Why don’t I watch the Monkies and you guys go out to dinner, take in a movie, go nap at your old bunk at the Lighthouse.  Whatever you like and take a break.”
Fitz and Jemma both looked at him with wide and uncertain eyes.  It had been a while since Deke had watched the pair on his own.  Usually, he’d have a helping hand from someone else on the team.  But before either could voice their concern the twins were jumping up and down in excitement.
“Please Mummy!”
“We can make pancakes!”
“And watch movies!”
“Build a fort!”
“Read stories!”
“Play hide and seek!”
“Get a kitty!”
“What do you say?” Deke asked putting on a pair of puppy dog eyes to match the twins.
Jemma looked at Fitz and after a few subtle nods, Jemma spoke.  “If you are sure you can handle them, it would be nice to get out just the two of us.”
Three hours later Deke realized he had made a terrible decision and it was taking every bit of willpower and love for his grandparents not to pick up the phone and beg for them to come home.   Though he hadn’t ruled out using his Shield panic button and have Mack send a team in to save him.
Things had begun to go wrong nearly from the start.  
Pancakes for dinner had sounded like a fabulous idea until James had dropped the bag of flour and Mackenzie had pulled the running mixer out of the batter.  Jemma’s pristine kitchen now resembled a scene from Frozen with white powder covering nearly every surface.  He’d tried to clean it up while the twins ate the four pancakes he’d manage to make but they had eaten quickly and taken off for the next phase of the night.  Leaving a trail of white footprints into every bedroom.  
Deke had decided he’d clean up the kitchen later, grabbing bags of crips and candy to take inside the fort.  It had taken shape rapidly and between the three of them and every pillow and blanket in the house, they’d managed to turn the living room into a very respectable fort.  Unfortunately, Deke hadn’t been paying too close of attention to what all the twins brought inside as he’d been shoring up the supports.  Finding when he crawled in that nearly every toy the pair owned now resided in there as well, leaving no room for them to sit.   Even worse the twins were bored of it, had eaten all the candy, and ready to move on.
“How about we go for a walk,” Deke had suggested thinking a the stroll would burn off some of this pent-up energy…that may or may not be exasperated by the bags of candy they’d eaten.  
They didn’t really answer him, more let out another squeal and ran to find their shoes.  
“Can we walk to the Jones’s Fruit Stand?” McKenzie asked.  
The Joneses were a sweet elderly couple owned a farm just down the road and would put the excess from their garden out on the weekends at their roadside stand.  Jemma loved to take the twins down to pick out fresh ingredients for dinner.  
“That sounds perfect,” Deke said not seeing how this could possibly backfire on him.  
“Just no carrots, or lettuce, or broccoli, well anything green for that matter,” James said earning an eye roll for from his sister.  Deke had to agree with him both inheriting Fitz’s aversion to most if not all vegetables.  
The twins walked the familiar path, excitedly bouncing up and down as they would run ahead and back to urge Deke to go faster.   Once the stand was in sight they took off at a full run to begin to check out the day’s selection.  
Deke arrived a few minutes later to see the twins not looking over the fresh strawberries and apples.  Rather, peering into a cardboard box with Mrs. Jones smiling down fondly at them.   
Mackenzie turned first her blue eyes shimmering in delight as she held a fluffy Calico kitten, nearly identical to the stuffed one Deke had brought back hours before.  
Oh no.  Was all Deke could think before James followed suit with a sleeping kitten snuggled against his chest.  
���Mrs. Jones said they are free to a good home!” James said in an excited whispered as to not wake the kitten.  “And she’ll provide some food and litter until we can get to the store!”
“Can we take them home Uncle Deke?” Mackenzie followed.  “Mrs. Jones said they are brother and sister and have been inseparable since they were born, and they both need to go to the same house.” 
“Please, Uncle Deke?” James added.  “We promise we’ll take care of them, Mummy and Da said we could have a kitty when we could take care of them and we are.”
“Besides I said get a kitty and they didn’t say no when we discussed our plans for the evening,” Mackenzie added. 
Deke knew he should say no.  Bringing home not one but two pets was quite the commitment.  But seeing the two so happy and those identical sets of blue eyes boring into his own silently pleading with him.  Not to mention looking completely adorable there holding the kittens.  
Honestly, how could he be expected to say no?
“Okay,” Deke relented.  “But if Mummy and Da say no they will have to live with me at my place and -” He didn't’ get to finished as they squealed in delight and ran to embrace him in another hug.
“You’re the best Uncle!” Mackenzie cried.
“Even better than Aunt Daisy and she got us drums for Christmas!” James added.
“And Uncle Mack with the Play-Doh!”
Deke gave them both a hug.  Whatever wrath he could face from his grandparents was well worth it for a moment like this.  “You are very welcome Monkies, now lets get some apples and head home.  It’s almost bedtime.”
It was just after midnight before Fitzsimmons returned to their home.  They had taken Deke up on his offer not only crashing at the Lighthouse for a nap but took dinner out, having a picnic to watch the stars.  
Every light in the downstairs was on and the first thing that they saw was white footprints on the dark wood floors.
“Are those paw prints?” Fitz asked pointing next to his children’s.
Jemma nodded slowly and felt her jaw drop when she entered the great room.  The mess of a few hours before was downright organized for the sight that greeted them.  
The kitchen was still covered in flour and the sink overflowed with dirty dishes. “How many bowls do you need to make pancakes?” Fitz whispered. 
The living room was no better and contained the remains of the fort.  The blankets now collapsed into heaps.  While the TV rolled the credits of the twins current go to movie, Incredibles.
Three figures were fast asleep on the couch.  Deke in the center with James and Mackenzie each snuggled into his side.  Deke had flour streaked in his hair on his face while the twins had it on their feet.
It was only upon closer inspection that they noticed the two balls of fluff curled up in the twins lap.
“Bloody hell he got them kittens!” 
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