#and i had to reassure him it was ok i could see the conflict on his face poor dude
cyanlark · 2 years
I feel a little bad but there is nothing more euphoric than a customer service worker saying to me, "Here you go sir... ma'am... sir...?" And then I always have to say 'either is fine' and leave them confused. I'm sorry to those I stress out but it's always funny to me 😂
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insxghtt · 1 year
reschedule — bella ramsey x reader
All you wanted was to go back in time.
warnings: hurt/comfort. i used they/them pronouns for bella (bc i see that it's what pedro uses) and it was kind of difficult bc english is not my first language so if i got anything wrong i apologize. also bella said that they don't rlly care abt pronouns so i guess if i use she/her or he/him is ok right? idk let me know in the comments.
this was based on two requests: "hi babe can you write bella ramsey x reader where reader and bella are in a relationship but reader believes bella will leave them and bella reassures reader that they love them sm" / "bella and reader have a massive fight and reader thinks it’s a breakup but then bella comes and they makeup?"
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You and Bella had been together for three years and not even once you doubted that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them. Bella was everything you’ve ever wanted. They were kind, funny, beautiful, and most importantly, they always made sure to make you feel loved. 
You knew how important their career was to them and you respected that. The Last of Us was a huge success and Bella was out a lot, doing interviews and even getting new jobs. You were so proud of them and just seeing that sparkle in their eyes was enough to make you forget any problem you had going on. 
Well, you had a few problems going on. You just released your second book and the book launch was awesome, except for a little detail. Bella wasn’t there. 
It’s okay, you thought. They were busy with work. It happens. But just because it happens doesn’t mean that it didn’t hurt a bit. Especially when you found out that they didn’t show up because of an interview. Interviews can be rescheduled. Especially when it was someone like Bella. Pedro rescheduled an interview two times a while ago just because his sister needed some help with the children. He said that family always comes first. 
It was your second book. You had been writing it for two years, working every single detail of it. It was a big deal. Maybe she didn’t see you as family, you thought. That was when all the problems became to appear. All your insecurities, all your internal conflicts. You spent the whole book launch overthinking every part of your relationship. 
When you got home, you knew Bella would be there. They had your key and asked if they could go to your place after the interview. You said yes, of course. Didn’t matter if you were slightly hurt, you just wanted to be with them. 
“Hey! How was it?”, Bella smiled when they saw you walk inside the apartment. 
“It was good”, you smiled back and gave them a big hug. “I missed you so much.” 
Bella laughed at how muffled your voice was because of the way your face was hidden on the curve of their neck. “I missed you too, darling.” 
You let them go and they gave you a quick kiss. “I’m hungry. And really, really, tired.” 
“I know. It’s why I ordered some pizza”, they pointed to the box on the center table in front of the couch. 
“Oh, you’re the best!”, you throwed your body on the comfortable couch and sighed. “Is it pepperoni?” 
“Yes...”, they sat next to you and grabbed one piece, giving it to you. 
“Thank God... I mean, I know you’re like, a hater of meat eaters, but...” 
“I’m not a hater!” 
“You are kind of a hater. It’s why I appreciate this”, you grabbed the slice of pizza. 
Bella grabbed one slice of the other pizza, the one without meat, and looked at you. You two smiled at each other and toasted the slices before eating it. 
The time went by and considering how hungry the two of you were, it didn’t take long for the pizza to disappear. Between one bite and another, you told Bella about the event. You told everything, like you wanted them to see it. You really wanted them to see it. And when Bella realized it, they felt terrible for not being there. 
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” 
“You already said that”, you laughed and held their hand. 
You were with your head laid on their shoulder and you felt them kissing your hair. 
“No, I mean it.” 
You raised your head to look at Bella. “It’s fine, you were working.” 
“You’re not mad at me?” 
You were a little mad, but it would pass. There was no reason to ruin that moment with a stupid argument. They were sorry, that’s all that mattered to you. 
“At least you read my book, it’s more than what my own mother did, so...”, you joked. 
But Bella didn’t laugh. In fact, they gulped. 
“You read it, right?” 
The response was the silence. All the walls you used to hide how disappointed you were collapsed right there. 
“You didn’t even read my book?”, you dropped their hand. 
“I was going to...” 
“I gave it to you, like, a month ago.” 
“I was going to read it, I swear! It’s just that there were so many things going on that I...” 
“Oh my God”, you stood up from the couch. “You really don’t care, do you?” 
“What?”, they stood up as well. “Of course I do!” 
“Yes, of course you do, but never as much as you care about your own work!” 
Both of you were angry now. Bella was feeling offended. It wasn’t like they were terrible all the time, Bella was always doing the best to make you happy. 
“Are you kidding me?” 
“No, Bella, it’s just the truth.” 
“Imagine if I told you that every time you say no when I invite you to an event, how would you feel?” 
“It’s different, Bella. You’re great at what you do.” 
“And so are you!” 
“It’s not the same thing!”, you yelled. “People love you. You’re successful.” 
“So what? You want me to not be good at my job?” 
“No, damnit! What I'm trying to tell you is that we’re different. You’re on, like, a thousand tv shows”, you pointed at her and then at yourself. “My biggest achievement was a book written three years ago and after that, all I do is sit and watch while the world around me continues to move.” 
Bella stood silent, waiting for you to finish with tears in their eyes. 
“The one thing that kept me going was this stupid plot I had in my mind during a shower, a stupid plot that I worked so fucking hard for two years. You were there, you saw it! I fucking cried myself to sleep wondering if I would ever do anything good again”, you dried your tears with the sleeve of your sweater. “And I finally did it! I did it, and it’s so good, and I wanted you to be there so you could see how good I am. I wanted to give you a reason to be proud of me!” 
When you were done talking, Bella didn’t say anything. They didn’t even look at you. 
“I think I should go”, they said. 
“You’re going to leave? Really?” 
“I just...”, they sighed. “I need to be alone now.” 
Bella gave you no time to say anything. They grabbed their bag that was on the corner table next to the door and left. 
“Yeah, that is really fucking mature, Bella!”, you yelled before the door was closed and they were gone. 
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The morning after that night was awful. You and Bella never had a fight like that. You tried to call them 2 times since you woke up, but it was useless. At first, you thought they were asleep, that’s why they haven’t answer. But the day went by, the night came again, and they still gave you no answer. Talking to their mom, you found out where Bella was. 
“Locked in their room”, she said through the phone. 
“Okay, can I talk to them?”, you asked nervously. 
“Did you guys have a fight?” 
“Ah...”, you were not sure you wanted to talk about this. 
“Alright, you don’t have to tell me”, she calmed you down. “Bella asked me to say that they’re busy, if anyone called.” 
Shit, they were going to break up with you. 
“I though Pedro and Bella were supposed to be on a tv show today.” 
“Bella rescheduled.” 
Okay, so whatever Bella was doing, it was more important than you, apparently. 
Bella’s mom sighed. She knew the two of you enough to tell that something was off. 
“Honey don’t worry”, she said. “I’m sure you guys will figure this out.” 
It didn’t feel like it. 
“Okay”, you agreed. “Thank you, I'll try to call them again later.” 
“Bella loves you very much, you’ll be fine.” 
You thanked her again before hanging up. Not a second after that, you got a message from Pedro, answering one of your texts asking about Bella. 
“They didn’t say anything to me. Just that something came up and that it was urgent, so we had to reschedule the interview.” 
You couldn’t stop a tear from rolling down your cheek as you typed. 
“I think they’re gonna break up with me” 
Pedro was fast to answer that one. 
“Bella is crazy for you. Shut up.” 
You let out a sad laugh. Pedro was so sure of it that you were a bit jealous of that confidence. Bella never did that before. Honestly, it felt like it was already done. You could imagine them coming to your apartment to pick up their stuff and you could see yourself begging for them to stay. Were you being dramatic? Maybe, but it felt real. 
You laid on your couch, curled up in a ball of blankets that smelled like Bella. It was funny how much you missed them, considering that you saw each other last night. But this was different, this time they didn’t say the ‘I love you’ that they always said before leaving. No, they said ‘I need to be alone’. 
That was it? Three years of relationship thrown away because of a book. 
The sound of the doorbell brough you back to earth in a flinch. You stood from the couch and stared at the door. What if it was them? You didn’t want to hear it right now. You couldn’t handle it. Not now. 
“I know you’re in there, the lights are on.” 
Shit. It was Bella. Trying to be silent, you reached for the light switch and turned it off. 
“Did you just turn the lights off?” 
“No...”, you answered, soon closing your eyes and hating yourself for being so fucking stupid. 
With no other options, you walked to the door and opened it. 
“Why did you kill him?”, Bella asked. 
They had dark circles around their eyes and on their hands, was the book you gave them. Your book. 
“What?”, you were still trying to process it. 
Bella entered the apartment without even asking. “Why did you kill him? Do you know how sick and twisted this is?!” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Your book!”, they pointed at it. 
You closed the door and continued to stare at them without having any idea of what was going on. “You read it?” 
“I read the first two pages last night and just couldn’t stop”, they said, gesticulating every word in excitement. “Why did you kill him? Do you know how much I cried?” 
And then you realized. She was talking about the main character on your book. 
“Well, I...” 
“I mean, do you have a problem with happy endings? This is the best book I've ever read, and you had to kill my favorite character?” 
You didn’t know what to say. “How did you finish it so fast?” 
“I was up all night.” 
Oh, so that’s why... 
“And you didn’t even think of, I don’t know, check your fucking phone?”, you yelled. “I thought you were going to break up with me!” 
Bella finally stopped talking and looked at you with confusion in their eyes. 
“Why would I break up with you? I love you.” 
You breathed in relief and closed your eyes. “You dumbass”, you whispered before wrapping your arms around their waist on a tight hug. 
Bella was still confused, but they hugged you back and ran their fingers through your hair. “I’m so sorry I made you think that.” 
You raised your head to look at them. With all the tenderness in the world, Bella touched your cheeks and kissed you on the lips. All the worries, all the sadness, it was all gone. When they pulled away, their arms were still around your neck and your faces were still close. 
“So that's what you were doing?”, you asked with the smile on your lips that Bella loved so much. They nodded. “And you cried?”, Bella nodded again. “Good.” 
Bella laughed and gave you another kiss. “I should’ve been there. And I should’ve read it the same day you gave it to me...” 
“It’s fine.” 
“Shut up, let me finish”, they interrupted, and you let out a laugh. “I am so proud of you. You’re so good at everything you do and this book...”, Bella sighed. “This book is just heartbreaking, perfect, sad, beautiful, thrilling...” 
“Yes, I got it”, you giggled, already blushing from so many compliments. 
“Exciting, original, sensational, fantastic...” 
“Okay!”, you covered their mouth with your hand. “You loved it, I get it.” 
Bella tried to say something, so you removed your hand. 
“Are we good?”, they asked. 
You answered it with another kiss. 
“Okay, I think we’re good”, Bella smiled. 
“Yes. Yes, we are.” 
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bomber-grl · 2 months
Touch Starved
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!reader
Summary: you’re rarely the touchy type but when you get into a fight with your parents you leave home. The only person on your mind is Hiro so you drop by his house in hopes of comfort.
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They were so stupid. Obviously you felt even more strongly about your parents at the moment but that’s what automatically came to mind.
They just don’t understand and sure you’re acting like an angsty misunderstood teenager but that’s exactly what’s happening. Whatever, they’re the reason their teen kid is walking out at night.
Well, regardless of what you thought you were brought out of your head. You were now in front of hiros window, the window that you’d try and climb and hope to not get caught doing so.
Luckily for you, you brought along some gadget you invented while at SFIT so with some A LOT of effort you managed to make it through his window.
Ok, step 1 complete.
That’s all you got, you hadn’t planned ahead and now you were standing in the middle of Hiros bedroom luckily without causing any sort of racket What a lie
Well because of how in your own head you were you completely tuned out the footsteps walking towards the door. Aaaaand now you’re face to face with Hiro..
“Uhh hi?” He says a bit awkwardly, he’d been taking a shower if the towel around his neck and wet hair was anything to go by.
He steps out of the door frame and into the room. He’s staring at you…
Huh??? Hes staring at you
“So? Why’re you here” you can practically hear his smile through his tone.
“Oh! Well uh… I just wanted to hang out” that’s all you said, he immediately got it and stepped closer, a little too close.
“Kay, want to play games or something?” He asked nonchalantly, and of course you answered-
It had been fun, you and hiro were laughing until it hurt if the ridiculous drawings of each other were anything to go off of.
Half way through your little hang out Cass might have heard the commotion as she popped in and offered some sweet snacks, luckily not suspecting anything.
Now? It was quiet, you both calmed down and you were sitting on his bed and he was standing.
“So uhh, what’s been up with you?” He asks obviously stepping on egg shells around you.
“Huh?” You perk up “what’re you talking about?” You really didn’t know.
He laughs awkwardly “don’t think I haven’t noticed your weird behavior.”
You cleared you throat but hiro interjected “look I-“
Suddenly hiro back was against the wall and despite almost tripping over Baymaxs charge box-thing he managed to hold onto you, you were hugging him.
What you did didnt sink in until you felt his hands reach around you.
Suddenly you became hyper aware, he was breathing close to your neck, his hair was tickling your cheek and most of all? You could feel his heart pounding against yours, and to say it rivaled it wasn’t exactly an understatement.
You held him back of course, your face hid away in his neck and after a moment of stiffness hiro relaxed once more.
You thought you were being silly for reacting this way, but hiro? He was just as much head over heels for you as you were for him.
His face was bright red and all he could hope was for you not to notice, he really couldn’t handle any teasing after this.
Then you let go and backed away. Seeing your face was much more reassuring for him.
It was silent until you both spoke
“I-“hey” you glanced from the floor to him in an instant
“Sorry- “you can go first”, you guys spoke at the same time, again..
You spoke up once and for all “you speak first, please do..” the last part was said in your head but who’s to say otherwise?
“Uh, what’s really up with you?” He breathed in and then out “you can tell me, and if you don’t want to? Well that’s ok.”
The last feelings of conflict left you and you finally told hiro about the big fight with your insufferable parents- albeit in a bunch of jumbled words.
He smiled obviously trying to hide it and when he asked why you hugged him? You told him that you just wanted to be held…
“Oh..” hiros face went ablaze and was now covered in a darker shade of red. Atleast now he couldn’t tease or say anything sarcastic-
He spoke again “then I’m assuming you’re sleeping here?”
And boy was he right, now you’re here laying in his bed while he brushes his teeth.
Luckily Cass had a spare and he let you use the restroom before him.
Now you were laying here in suspense, your heart was practically pounding in your chest and you were filled with all kinds of nervous energy.
The door creaked open and in popped in hiros head, then followed by him as a whole.
He stood around the bed for a second, very obviously hesitating. Then he went all in and laid down
He was faced away from you but once you reached out to touch his neck it was hot to the touch.
“U-uHm” his voice cracked “you want to talk about it any more?”
He was going for the normal approach
“No, just… hold me, ok?” You really didn’t know how to respond, was it even possible to say this in a relatively normal way? You rlly don’t think so.
He flushed again then opened his arms. You joined to lay in them and despite the constant pounding of a heart you couldn’t decide was his or yours; you enjoyed it.
It was nice to finally be able to be affectionate with someone.
The next morning rolled around and the two of you got ready and headed down.
You two were met with a delicious looking breakfast and cass may have picked up on the energy between you two because she asked
That morning you witnessed your boyfriend hiro having the Heimlich maneuver performed on him by no other than his own aunt.
For those who can’t read between the lines, the last paragraph is basically saying that since hiro and reader were already having tension from the events of last night, cass brought it up and startled hiro- catching him off guard. Prompting him to choke on his food)
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hellaarknight · 1 month
Nothing can change the way I see you
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙
Pairing: Chuuya x femreader Warnings: pet names, mental and physical struggles, being pregnant, a bit oc (a bit more actually) Genre: Fluf/Comfort
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙
Chuuya never thought about seriously having children. Yeah, sure, he did find the idea entertaining, but he could not see himself as a father. Firstly because of his job and the dangers it entails, and secondly because he was afraid of being a shitty father. Probably many other reasons, but these two were enough to engrave in his mind that he would never be a father. And honestly, all was working out when he met you, his now wife, and a person who also did not want kids. So when you presented him with a pregnancy test he was conflicted. Scared. And so were you.
Despite these feelings, he hugged you and reassured you that you would figure it out together. He wiped away your tears when one day you confessed you were afraid his feelings would change with this pregnancy. „Doll... There is no way in hell that my feelings for you will ever change” „But...but... You say that now, but when I will have a belly and stretchmarks and I will be in pain, you will be repulsed by me” His hands cupped your face and he put his forehead onto yours. „Never. There is nothing in this world that could happen to make me lose my feelings. Nothi'g, pretty. You are my everything and despite you not wanting children, you chose to go forward with the pregnancy and gift me a kid. Baby doll, I'm staying by your side every step of this life.”
Unfortunately, no matter how much Chuuya was trying to convince you about his intentions, the story of your work colleagues and some friends did nothing but aggravate a feeling of dread for the pregnancy, birth experience, and whatever would happen afterward. Partners lose interest in their wives, not being attracted by them anymore, being repulsed because they saw the birth of their kids, and not wanting to engage in intimacy anymore, abandoning their spouse to all the chores of the house, minimizing the struggle of a new mom. And these were just some examples of what was told to you and what you read online. But Chuuya... Chuuya wouldn't do something like this, right? Chuuya was unaware of your internal struggles as he worked his but off in the Mafia so he could take more months off to be by your side in this process. It wasn't about the money, he had plenty, but about gaining more time from his life as an executive. Chuuya read a lot about pregnancy, side effects, and everything that had to do with the struggles of becoming a mom. He swore he would try to be as supportive as ever for you and the best dad he could ever be. When the hormones hit you like a brick, having you going from one emotional state to another, he wouldn't get angry once. Instead, he navigated through your mood changes the best he could. Was he going crazy? Yes, absolutely. But never once has he got mad at you. Not once has he raised his voice or made you feel bad about your own outburst, for your tears for your pitiful sight. „Baby, I'm not mad at you.” His voice soft, his hand holding yours while you tried to avoid his gaze. „Yes...hic... you are... I'm a terrible wife... I forgot, I'm sorry, I forgot to pack your lunch and now you're mad”. „No, baby, no, I am not mad, I ate plenty and you are not a terrible wife. You shouldn't even bother to think about doing things for me in this period, ok? You should rest as much as possible. Since the pregnancy is one with risks, you need to focus only on yourself, ok love?”
When you started having morning sickness and emptying your stomach almost every morning, he was there by your side if he was home, holding your hair up and rubbing your back. It pained him to see you vomiting so often, barely eating anything because everything made you nauseous. When in those moments you found yourself disgusting, he found you the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world. You kept pushing through. You kept drinking your prenatal vitamins to have a healthy baby and tried to have a variate diet, even tho you could barely tolerate food. In his eyes, you were shining, glowing, and wiping your mouth after one nauseous episode was the least he could do for you. „Chuu... I'm disgusting, how can you stay here?” Laying with your face near the toilet, tired, as you emptied your stomach for the fourth time today. „Stop talking like this about yourself, honey. It is something natural that happens and there is nothing to be disgusted of. C'me here, let me clean you up and I'll carry you to bed, you should sleep, you're barely getting around. And I'll have something else cooked when you wake up and you'll try again to eat, 'key baby?”
Chuuya was sure, there was nothing in this world, nothing that this pregnancy could bring that would make him look at you with less adoration. His feelings only grew bigger, if possible, he found you more and more charming every day, every day that belly grew and you faced another struggle in the process.
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pinkpinkstarlet · 3 months
guys I have an idea for how it would got if house of mouse came back
@orchestra-of-demonic-screeching @champmorado @x0stormie0x @anemoia42 @thisismisogynoir
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Imagine the house of mouse starting off with Mickey announcing to the gang that he’s rebooting the show, this time inviting not only the new Disney characters in store, but also the Pixar characters!
There’s the Toy Story gang, the Bug’s Life gang, Monster’s Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, and everyone else in the Pixar studio is invited to join this new show in the House of Mouse. The new Disney characters such as those from Wish, Encanto, Frozen, Tangled, Moana, etc is also invited.
That includes…the villains.
But we’ll get to them later.
anyways, Mickey and the gang feel overwhelmed with how many more guests there are now, with Mickey especially feeling like he isn’t doing enough and isn’t being grand enough for the “much more advanced and futuristic characters”. But Minnie reassures him and over time this inner conflict is resolved with great payoff. This will also connect with the second conflict of this:
The Pixar and Disney heroes not getting along. They have their tensions during the opening episode, but there’s a moment in the climax of it where they start arguing with each other about everything due to a big moment enacted by the villains.
Oh by the way, let me bring up those villains again!
Similar to ‘the House of Villains’, this time, The Evil Queen, Maleficent, Jafar, Chernabog along with Auto, Syndrome, Hopper, and Lotso lead the Disney and Pixar Villains into a total overthrowing of the house of mouse, getting all the protagonists kicked out while the antagonists and villains reign free in the house. We could have a little gag here where when the Disney villains are singing and they point to the Pixar villains, they just go “oh we don’t sing sorry lol” and they have an “ok whatever” moment and continue.
This makes the tensions between the Pixar and Disney characters that were previously established reach its peak. It starts off with one of the Disney characters saying that it was the Pixar characters’ fault for not stopping them since they’re so much more advanced than the Disney characters. It then blows off from there, and, at least for me, I’d wanna see a moment in this huge argument where someone shames mater for being just an idiot tow truck, with lightning defending his best friend by saying “oh so dopey and goofy are allowed to be silly but mater can’t? Give me a break!” Or maybe something where lightning or mater respond but this time making fun of the early disney princesses for just being damsels in distress who sing with animals, with the princesses gasping in shock and the sidekicks of snow, cinderella and aurora being like “how DARE you!” (Especially grumpy because. He’s Grumpy). You could only pick one to keep the consistency but both are funny ideas for this.
This argument ends abruptly with Mickey yelling “ENOUGH!” which leaves everyone silent. He starts talking about how all the fighting they’ve been having is not only pointless, but extremely damaging to any chances they have at taking back the house. He goes on saying that the Pixar and Disney villains were able to cooperate and they become stronger, and if the protagonists couldn’t do the same in time then they’d be letting the villains take over everyone’s worlds. The other Pixar characters such as (but not limited to) woody and buzz join in as well as other Disney characters talking about their stories and how they’ve had to grow to understand others to get to their goals and more importantly to not let evil prevail. There’s a little heart to heart before Carl from Up interrupts saying “well, how are we gonna defeat them together? We can’t just believe in the power of friendship to do this!” and then Mickey gets an idea. And the training montage starts.
Mickey and his gang along with Woody and his gang of friends are the leaders of the operation, and they decide to use the magic of Disney and the technology of Pixar and mix them together. Thinking of Antonio from encanto leading the bug’s life characters into battle, miguel and moana getting an epic team up with maui as they fight against tamatoa, and some other cool stuff with other characters but the thing that I’m thinking about the most (because I’m a die hard cars fan and since this probably won’t happen I don’t have to worry about the other characters) is the idea of LIGHTNING MCQUEEN MATER AND THE OTHER CARS CHARACTERS DRIVING WITH TINKERBELL’S PIXIE DUST. LIKE IMAGINE LIGHTNING ZOOMING BY AND ABSOLUTELY BESTING CHICK IN A RACE WHILE FLYING WITH TINK’S PIXIE DUST AND MATER BEATING UP THE LEMONS WHILE A BUNCH OF GLITTER IS EMITTING FROM HIM OMGGG
Also like tinker bell teaching them how to control themselves while flying with her little bell voice and them learning how to steer and stuff and lightning stumbling a bit in the beginning omggg
but the final act comes from sorcerer Mickey. There’s a moment where the villains are weakened where Maleficent decides to transforms into her dragon form as a way to finish the battle quickly. Mickey shows up in his wizard attire and they go in a final battle which ends with Mickey winning, and saying that the villains are allowed in the house of mouse, but ONLY if they don’t pull a stunt like that again, which they reluctantly agree to.
This ends the opening episode for the new house of mouse, and with the heroes from Pixar and Disney being closer now.
Now here’s some ideas for other episodes in this new house of mouse. Keep in mind this is all cars related because I am a massive fan of cars, and I’m not really thinking of the other franchises for this as it probably is not gonna happen. If you have any ideas for the other characters though, feel free to share them in the notes!
here’s the first idea:
Lightning and Mater enter the house of mouse, with lightning talking about how great Cruz has been in training and in her races, as well as both of them just being glad that they’ve found the time to be in the house of mouse again. But then, we focus our attention to the evil queen from Snow White, who has a new magic mirror after her old one quit to work as Walt Disney’s co-host (my headcanon btw LMAO). She asks her iconic question and it shows that MATER is the fairest now, due to his naturally optimistic and kind personality and how everyone enjoys his company. She then decides to try and kill mater, first using some poisoned gas to try and kill him. Lightning, who knows exactly what’s going on, kicks the can of gas away before mater can consume it. We get a whole montage of the evil queen in her hag form trying numerous ways to kill mater but failing as the episode progresses while the different cartoons are played, only with the hag having a breakdown after not being able to kill him. Mater asks what’s wrong and the queen replies saying that she just wanted to be the fairest in the land, which mater says he can help with, since “that’s what a tow truck does!” The episode ends off on a comedic note, kind of similar to that one 2013 Mickey Mouse cartoon short, where despite still being an ugly hag, the queen is much happier than she was before, and mater being proud of himself for helping someone out (while lightning is slightly uncomfortable but still happy for his best friend).
now here’s the second one:
Here we have lightning and mater in the house of mouse again, this time with lightning remarking that he hasn’t been spending much time with Sally, especially since he’s started training cruz. He goes to look for her with mater only to find her hanging out with…the Disney villains! She’s seen sitting at a table and laughing with all the female Disney villains, such as Maleficent, lady Tremaine, cruella, madame Medusa, the evil queen, and more. Lightning shows up to the table asking her why she’s hanging out with the villains of all people, with her replying that yeah sure they may be a bit eccentric, but they’re actually fun to hang around. The episode progresses with this conflict and Lightning realizes that because he has been neglecting time with Sally, she actually feels a little hurt because of it, even though she knows racing means a lot to him. Lightning convinces Sally to not hang with the villains and apologizes to her for not giving enough love to her, which Sally forgives him for. This one isn’t as strong in my head as the first one but if I think it through it can be decent.
hope yall liked this train wreck of a post though! I might add more who knows lol
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reveworld · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a IdolNiki x Idolreader were shes a member of newjeans but stands out because she is more boyish, and one they they mc together and fans directly notice the connection they have and she gets a lot of hate but then Niki himself post on Weverse and protects her and kinda reveals that they are actually together? I think this would be hella funny, so yeah have a great day bye!
Of Course!!
My Dearest
idol!niki x idol!reader
warnings: You get hate for having a “masculine” look
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“Y/n!” your manager called out. “Hm?” You questioned. “Would you like to be a guest mc on music bank?” You smiled and replied “sure! When?” Your manager looked you in the eye, “In 5 hours.” You jumped up, “Why didn’t you ask me earlier,” She gave you a sweet smile and said, “C’mon; Let’s get going.” You grabbed your bag and ran after her.
When you got to the KBS building you saw that your boyfriend was also there. “Y/n!” he called out. “Hey Niki,” you smiled at him. The two of you met up in the hallway and hugged each other, not minding the staff following you. “I didn’t know you were gonna be here!” The tall boy said, looking directly into your eye and smiling. Because of your conflicting schedules it had been a bit since you’ve seen him in person.
“Ok you two,” his manager spoke. “Cmon, you need to get ready.” The two of you looked back into each others eyes and laughed before walking into your own dressing rooms. “I had them prepare something that suits you for todays outfit!” your manager spoke proudly. “Thank you,” you laughed.
After you’d finished getting dressed you walked out from behind the curtain and over to the makeup chair. You picked up your phone, opening Weverse to talk to Bunnies.
You uploaded a selca with the caption “Soon ❤️”. You smiles as comments questioning what the caption meant start flooding in. After replying to some comments, you get a text from Niki saying, “Cute selca.” you reply with the blushing emoji. You can practically hear his laugh as he replies with a “haha”.
Next thing you know, Niki and yourself were practicing for the interview section. He kept messing you up by making faces and so you decided to mess with him in return, causing the director to give you a 5 minute break. The two of you go and sit against a wall. “I cannot stand you sometimes,” you tell him with a laugh. “Aw, I love you too!” he responds. “Wait,” he says pulling out his phone. “Let’s take a picture.” You look at him and nod as he snaps a few pictures of you looking at him without you knowing. The break was over and the director was calling you back for the final take, the real interview.
“Hello everyone! We are today’s Mubank guests..” the two of you say in sync. “Ni-ki,” “and Y/n!” The interview goes smoothly other than the many looks you give each other. Your manager watches mentally face palming herself for taking this opportunity. After it ended, it was time for you and the other New Jeans girls to preform “OMG”.
The performance went over well and would’ve been done in one take if not for Hanni’s shoe falling off. You picked up you phone to see a text from Niki saying “Just ignore them dear.” You raised you eyebrow in confusion and opened twitter.
“Y/nki” was trending. ‘Oh God..’ was all you could think. Clicking on the tab, there were hundreds of comments saying stuff like, “Ni-ki shouldn’t like her, he’s so much better.” and “She’s probably forcing himself on her, he would never like a fake girl.” You couldn’t help but feel hurt, ignoring what Niki had texted you.
He kept sending reassuring texts but you chose to ignore them. You tried not to cry as the girls we having fun in the car ride home. When you got home, there was a surprise waiting in your room. None other than Riki Nishimura himself. He smiled at you and walked over to hug you.
With the comfort of the hug and the hate you’ve been getting, you started to cry. He gently scratched your back and carried you over to your bed, laying you down and then laying down next to you. He just held you and never let go, after a while you felt yourself start to feel tired. After a minute of your eyelids feeling heavy, you fell asleep in his arms. He smiled to himself, whispered an I love you, and kissed your forehead.
The next morning you were in your bed alone. You sighed already missing your boyfriend, but knowing he has a busy schedule you forced yourself to cheer up a bit. You opened your phone to your friends texting you, telling you to open Enhypen’s Weverse. You were rightfully confused but did it anyways. You saw a post:
🌟 니키 : My dearest. With the picture he took of the two of you sitting by the wall, you staring at him with stars in your eyes and him smiling.
Of course fans went crazy, both Bunnies and Engenes. You smiled texted the boy a simple, “I love you.” and went on with your day.
☆ authors note:: i’m sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind, i tried my best 😭😭. Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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nowmemoriees · 1 year
"Let's start a new party, you and me"
-> why I think this phrase is about Will and Mike.
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to start, this was tweeted in 2019, after season 3 was released. the pic is from the TV report program "Cutting Edge". That clip was shown in Episode 8 after the starcourt battle.
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(this also foreshadowed how dnd would be seen as a satanic game in s4. those last minutes from 3x08 foreshadowed A LOT, but I'm gonna make another post about that later)
Guess who were the ones that talked about DnD and the party in that episode? Will and Mike.
Let's analyze this dialogue again.
M: Whoa, dude, that's the donation box.
W: I know, I'll just use yours when I come back. I mean... if we still wanna play.
-> Will is now back in Hawkins. If they still wanna play, he will use Mike's dnd, because he donated his to Erica. That already hints something really important. And yes, they still wanna play!
M: Yeah, but, what if you wanna join another party?
W: Not possible.
-> Will never joined another party. We don't know if he even played dnd since he left Hawkins, but I think he didn't, given that he donated his.
In s4 Mike joined Hellfire with Dustin and Lucas, but we know he's still the more enthusiast about that. Beside, Lucas already got another hobbie.
(We've also seen in Lucas On The Line that Mike locked himself in his basement playing alone after the Byers had left Hawkins)
Will also tells Mike that he still feels the same: he just wants to play dnd with Mike the rest of his life.
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Which makes that tweet even more suspicious, because, he already said that in season 3, so, that tweet was so easily to interpret as a byler tweet in 2019. In s4, Will reassured it.
And that conflict was never solved. Mike and Will's conflict is still there. And we'll see it in s5.
Then, I was checking the answers to the tweet and I found this one, which was really, really interesting.
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ok, so this might be a stretch, but there's a theory that many people on social media talked about, which said that Mike and Will would defeat Vecna because they, together, are a 20.
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[I love this theory and it's pretty believable to me, because why tf where they holding the rollers in that way if it wasn't to show the numbers directly to the camera?]
- the theory is based on the scene of 4x01 where Dustin rolls an 11 and he could not defeat Vecna, but Erica could defeat him by rolling a 20.
This could also be related to the Will has powers theory, but even if it's not, it's all connected. Everything, the scenes, the foreshadowing and the theories lead to the same result: Will and Mike.
They'll start a new party.
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ejzah · 1 month
Collateral Damage, Part 8
Since they were in the middle of nowhere, and Kensi wasn’t in immediate danger, Deeks had driven her to the closest hospital rather than wait for an ambulance. The entire ride over, Deeks he’d felt a conflicting mixture of relief and fear. He trusted Kensi’s assessment of her health, yet wouldn’t feel easy until both she and the twins were checked out.
Of course, first they’d had to wait for backup to take possession of the man Deeks incapacitated.
Now, they waited once again to be seen by a doctor. The fact that Kensi was pregnant and had a head wound had pushed her first in line for a CT scan, but not to the head of the line. Once she was finished with the scan, a nurse gave Kensi an ice pack, and deposited them in a cubicle.
That had been 45 minutes ago.
Since Kensi seemed reluctant to be apart, Deeks had kicked off his shoes, and lain down, letting her use him as a human pillow. Kensi hadn’t complained once—of course she hadn’t—but Deeks could tell she was uncomfortable. At the very least, they had a full bed.
He felt Kensi relax a little more, her hands going slack on his chest. “Hey baby, you gotta stay awake,” he told her softly.
“I’m so tired,” she murmured, head pillowed on his arm.
“I know, but we need to find out how bad your concussion is before you can. I’m sorry, baby.”
“It’s ok. You’re always—” she paused to yawn hugely. “Always looking out for me.”
“Mm. That’s kind of my job,” he said, rubbing her back just as her stomach made a noise. “You hungry?”
“Kind of. Also a little nauseous. But the thought of hospital food or whatever they have in the vending machines isn’t appealing.”
“I could sneak out and find you some ice cream or a possible,” he offered, and Kensi chuckled sleepily.
“My hero. I don’t want you to get kicked out.”
“I’ll be careful.”
Before he could act on that plan, there was a knock on the wall outside the cubicle, and a doctor entered, rolling an ultrasound machine along with her. Deeks hastily, slid out of the bed, taking one of the chairs off to the side.
“Hi, I’m Doctor McCormick. I understand you were in a work related incident,” the doctor said, and Kensi nodded.
Any exhaustion and calm disappeared in an instance as Kensi sat up, her fingers twining together.
“I was knocked out. I think I have a mild concussion, but I’m more concerned about my pregnancy. I’m approximately thirteen weeks along with twins,” she explained.
“Right, that’s what I see in your chart.” The doctor took the rolling stool and faced Kensi, her expression compassionate. “Are you experiencing any abdominal pain, bleeding, or other unusual symptoms?”
“No. I’m nauseous, but that’s been off and on for a few weeks. Not to mention the concussion.”
“Ok, well that’s good. I’m going to do an ultrasound just to confirm,” she said, prepping the machine. Kensi’s face fell, and the doctor hurried to reassure her. “This is just precautionary. I don’t want you to worry for without reason.”
Kensi reached for Deeks’ hand, squeezing tightly as Dr. McCormick pressed the ultrasound wand to her abdomen. Despite the doctor’s assurances, he could feel Kensi’s anxiety mounting. The pulse in her wrist fluttered rapidly under his thumb, her shoulders tensed and drawn towards her ears.
“Hey, it’s ok,” Deeks whispered in her ear, rubbing small circles into her skin.
“Ok, I see Baby A and Baby B,” Dr. McCormick interrupted gently, pressing the wand firmly over Kensi’s skin. “They both appear healthy, the placentas look good, and I don’t see any internal damage.” She shifted the wand and a soft whooshing filled the room. “And we have two strong heartbeats.”
“Oh thank god,” Kensi gasped, pressing her free hand against her mouth and collapsing into Deeks. He let out a relieved sound of his own, kissing the side of her head.
The doctor smiled kindly at them, cleaning up the equipment. “We’re going to run a few more tests to be sure, but assuming your CT scan is clear, I think you should be able to go home tonight. I’ll be back in a little while to answer any questions.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Deeks said fervently.
“Of course. Congratulations.”
“We’re ok,” Kensi repeated, almost like she didn’t believe it.
“Yeah, you are.” Deeks climbed back up on the bed, and Kensi immediately flung her arms around him.
“I was really scared out there,” she admitted, her lower lip trembling slightly. “It’s not just me anymore.” Her hand dropped to her stomach, and Deeks covered it. “I keep telling myself that I can keep going for a little bit longer, but this was so awful.”
“Me too. I was terrified every second you were missing. I might have gone a little crazy on one of the guys back at the house,” he said.
Kensi’s lip quirked slightly, and she reached over with her other hand to clumsily rub his knee. “I would expect nothing less.” She pressed a kiss to his arm, shifting upwards so she could lay her head on his chest.
At another time, he would have mentioned leaving. How they’d talked about getting out before they ran out of luck and today proved his point. Instead, he stayed silent. He was just happy to be together, everyone in one piece.
“I think I need a break after this,” Kensi murmured several minutes later, her face smashed against Deeks’ chest. “A long break.”
“I could use a vacation,” he agreed. “How long are we talking?”
Kensi shrugged. “A few weeks. Maybe months. We’ll see how long my vacation days last.” Her grip tightened on him, and when she spoke again, her voice shook slightly. “I want to enjoy my time with you and the babies without worrying.”
“That sounds amazing.” He swallowed thickly. “I love you, Kens.”
“I love you too.” Tilting her head back, she kissed him, then settled back against his chest with a tired sigh.
A/N: I hope you enjoy the hurt/comfort and angst.
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isa-ghost · 5 months
I need qPhil to tell Sunny how awesome and swaggy she is so she stops thinking he hates her and so Tubblings that clearly don't watch any other POV besides Tubbo's shut the FUCK up about Phil hating her and stop posting the most rancid, untrue, one-sided & illiterate ass takes I've ever seen.
Also Tubblings & Phil antis in general have this habit of assuming he's being fucking rude when That's Just How Northerners Talk. So good job, you dumbasses are stereotyping. I've seen so many UK northerners speak up about how they hate seeing people from their region labeled as assholes for talking the way they talk. But I digress.
I hope to god this is ccTubbo playing his character this way intentionally bc I'm down for imperfect/flawed characters. Even if this is aggravating me SO MUCH and even if I HATE characters that think everyone & everything is against them when it's clearly not true. Bc at least then that means there's time for qTubbo to learn he's severely fucking things up going about things the way he is. There's opportunity for the narrative to progress and for the conflict to resolve. qPhil is imperfect and flawed and I snort that shit like crack. I'm down to ride out qTubbo's character development just the same even if I don't enjoy it.
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ya-zz · 1 year
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It was like 2am when I wrote this, so apologies if it doesn't make sense. Was actually debating on whether or not to upload this, but here you go.
Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Word count: 787
Since your arrival at the Monastery, Ramattra had hated you, in fact he despised you. He wanted nothing more than to crush that pretty little throat of yours and watch you choke on your own blood. Just the thought of you suffering made his circuits warm. 
That was until he had grown used to you. The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months. He had been getting used to you being around, being a nuisance but overall helping everyone whenever possible. He saw the kindness in you, the kindness you showed to omnics, the care you took in making sure they were ok. 
He saw how you put others before yourself, no matter the species. He watched on from the sidelines, watching you grow in the little time he had known you. You were a temporary guest that had long overstayed the original agreed time, and that time was up. 
Ramattra let out a small sigh when the day finally came. Be it relief or something else, he didn’t know. He was conflicted. All he could do was watch and wait. 
As he wandered the Monastery halls, he stopped just short of the entrance, watching as you hugged the other monks, a warm smile on your face and tears in your eyes. The others were just as upset as you were, although their faces were stoic as always. 
You reassured them that you would be back as soon as you could return, and just before you left, you caught the hidden omnic in the shadows. 
Ramattra approached you, he didn’t know why, he barely even spoke to you, but something inside of him wanted to wish you well. 
“Ramattra.” You started, looking up at him. “Didn’t expect you to come see me off.” 
“Neither did I.” He tilted his head down to look at you. “Your presence will be missed.” 
Your eyes widened slightly at the comment. “Didn’t think you liked me either.” 
He paused for a moment. “I don’t. But I suppose I’ll miss seeing you around.” 
A small laugh escaped you. 
Ramattra stared at you, his optics hidden behind his face plate. There was something inside of him that wanted to say more. He wasn’t sure if you would ever return, despite you saying you would. Humans are so unpredictable. 
“Perhaps we could talk more on your return?” He asked. 
The sudden question startled you. Your eyes met his, and a feeling of warmth spread through your body. Although the pair of you barely spoke, a few good mornings and good evenings here and there to each other in passing, you never really had a chance to sit down and talk to him. In fact, you avoided him due to his stiff demeanour, and now a part of you regretted it. 
Ramattra thought the same thing. He avoided you simply because you were a human. He wanted nothing to do with you, except he watched you closely until he deemed you somewhat acceptable. The monk had developed some form of feeling towards you that he couldn’t describe. 
Looking up at him, you smile softly. “I would like that.” 
“Do you know when you’ll return?” 
“Could be a few months, depending on how busy it gets.” You shake your head. 
He hummed in response, not knowing what else to say.
“I’ll miss seeing you around too.” You break that silence. 
“You were annoying, I won’t lie.” He admitted, a small chuckle escaping his throat. 
“And you’re a stalker. Don’t think I didn’t know that you were watching me.” There was a slight playfulness in your voice as you spoke. “But I understand why you had your doubts.” 
Ramattra nodded, a feeling of embarrassment rising in him. Something else he hadn’t felt for a long time. 
“I apologise.” 
You shake your head again. “It’s fine. You had your doubts, I don’t blame you.” 
He watched you as you checked the time. “I don’t want to hold you back. Go. We will speak again soon.” Ramattra tilted his head to the side slightly, as if to express a smile. 
Something inside of him wanted you to stay longer; to hold you back and keep you here in the Monastery. You had warmed his circuitry far more than any other being has, but he didn’t know how to express it. He watched as you smiled at him and turned to leave. His body wanted to move, to pull you back as his mind was short circuiting from the overflow of emotions. 
You turn back at him, smiling just as the warm winter sun hits your face. 
“I’ll come back to annoy you, don’t worry.” 
He chuckled, raising his hand to wave you off.
“I look forward to it.”
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kaz-playz · 5 months
alright, let me hear your angsty Illiyork ideas, give me the pain please
Sorry this took so long i had to run to my notes app and wanted to post it at an hour you would see it (i totally didnt fall asleep.. what)
Illiyork angst (im so sorry 😭)
Ok so tw for Suicidal Ideation and Attempted suicide and ED mention (very very vague)!!
All the states have had at least moderate SI before. Illinois, while not the only one, is really concerning abt it. I swear im not projecting my BPD onto him guys i promise (lie). He's the kinda person to make extremely self deprecating remarks and that really takes a toll on NYs mental state and the relationship because he's constantly reassuring IL. Now in my usual hcs, IL is healthy enough for a relationship. Here? Not so much. It gets to a point where NY finally makes the executive decision to break it off with an "I will wait for you to get better so we can try again." And that keeps IL content enough not to really change. NY finds a new love and is very conflicted. On one hand he has his promise. On the other, a beautiful HEALTHY relationship. This drives IL over the edge. He feels guilty for not changing fast enough and attempts. In the less angsty version, NY and IL slowly try again, and sometimes IL needs a reminder as to why its so important he tries to get better. So much so he might become desensitized to it (it being references to his attempt) and falls right back into putting in zero effort. Or he could become desensitized to his attempt and use his relationship as a motivator. In a less ideal world, NY chooses his new love. He will be always love Illinois but he needs to experience a healthy relationship and a new partner. This practically rips them apart. With a visible shift in their demeanors.
Illinois is the one who says the most hurtful things in an argument. New York doesn't condone hitting partners but he will be the first to grab ILs collar roughly in anger. Illinois is one of those people who push in an argument to goad a physical fight. Honestly these two need to smack each other around. The crying afterwards could help.
Illinois is really insecure about how much he eats. He wont excessively work out or resort to more extreme methods but he will complain about being pudgy and NY hates it because he thinks his partner is beautiful but like it's getting really hard to argue that IL is perfectly fine because of how often it is.
In the first one theyre still immortal. IL's attempt still shook NY because his actions reflect how he feels. And if he feels like he wants to die than NY needs to work harder to push Illinois to get help.
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fluffytsukino1009 · 2 years
ATEEZ when you tell them "I want a baby"
Summary: Ateez members reacting to their s/o saying "I want a baby"
Warning: Probably none
A/N: What about my fellow atinys and the babies requests? Lol
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Asks you sit down and have the talk yes he wants it too but first needs to be sure you're both ready for it. "You know that would change a lot of things here" may sound a little bit catastrophic at first but you know he's just trying to check how much you really want it. "I'd love to start our family now but if there's a part of you hesitating about it, I can wait" Visibly excited when you confirm that's what you want.
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"Oh... You think we're ready?" Way more nervous than you expected so you have to be clear expressing your reasons "I mean... Yes... It sounds nice" He actually starts picturing your life together as a family and get involved in it, having a baby seems scary but having a baby with you would be amazing. First open up about his concern then gets all excited out of nowhere "Fuck it, we'll do it" kisses you deeply to seal the deal.
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"You mean right now?" Surprised but optimistic about it, ready to leave everything aside and start working in that baby. You reassure him it was a serious petition and he hugs you for a brief second to let you know how he feels about the idea "I know, yes!" Insists he wants to start working in it right away, you have to accept he's not joking but genuinely excited about the process that takes to get you pregnant.
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"Ok" Smiles at you widely and come back to his cellphone. You had to repeat the question to confirm he listened to you the first time "Yes, love" He laughed while looking at your confused face, it was obvious you didn't expect it to be so easy "Do you want me to check that about your fertile days? Or you prefer to try in the old school way?" Definitely ready for it and happy you're ready too but still takes everything with calm.
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Stares at you in silence not sure what to say, expect to hear your reasons while he creates the right answer. Loves the idea of having a baby with you but still feels a little bit concerned about how different your life would be. "I think... If we're gonna do it we should... You know... Go to the doctor and get a check out and all that stuff... Do it right" You may feel a little bit overwhelmed looking at him so nervous but over time he start feeling everyday more sure about his decision.
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"Why?" Stares at you scared but regrets it as soon he notice you're not happy with his answer "Give me a minute to think better about it" Hates to see you overwhelm but refuses to agree with you just to avoid the conflict. Allows you talk and even complain about him out loud, still remains in silence, making up his mind, thinking about all the cool stuff he could do as a father "Yes, I think we should do it" It's his final decision not planning to change his mind.
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"I want a baby too" The excitement in his face let you know he's not joking, still feel the need to ask for a more serious reply. "I've been thinking about it for a while, didn't know how to tell you" Shares his thoughts and desires with you, wants to know exactly what's crossing your mind, hopes you both can get to agreements about how you'll raise your child. Makes it clear you're free to choose the way to take the pregnancy "Your body, your choice"
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"Sure, let's do it" Honestly you were expecting that type of answer, for a while he had been pointing about how you'll both be great parents and have some brilliant, talented handsome kids. "You... really want it, right'" He's aware how insistent he could be about that topic and hate to think that's the only reason why you suggest it. Doesn't need a lot to believe you're honest about it and shows his excited about it kissing you repeatedly.
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dionysus in tsats
contains slight spoilers for tsats!
ok i mentioned in a previous post how i love dionysus and his story had so much potential to be included in tsats, so here's just some stuff i wish happened/were mentioned.
(preface to say that i did love all the interactions with him, i just wish we had... more)
if you're going to add ANY queer characters, the first one mentioned should literally be the god of homosexuality, cross dressing, and effeminacy
like all the minor characters were wonderful, but cmon! ancient greece wasn't exactly as open to equal/consenting gay relationships as people think, and strict gender stereotypes were really degrading to trans people (especially for "feminine men")
so if you consider dionysus's whole life basically, he would have had it really rough!!! like nico!!!
i think that if anyone could have helped nico/other campers come to term with their identities, it should've been mr. d, and it would have been such a different side of his we wouldn't have seen before
like a scene with him talking to nico about his relationship with will or talking about nico's whole catholic guilt sexuality crisis — that's the kind of dionysus content I NEEDED
i feel like the whole amphithemis storyline wasn't as well-explained/in depth as i wanted it to be
i was SO EXCITED to hear about this bc dionysus's childhood is super interesting and i wanted to see which interpretation of the myths rick/mark went with
it would have been so cool to maybe hear snippets about ancient greece, what happened to the other lamian centaurs, how this singular one ended in tartarus
or even maybe someone, i don't know, REASSURING AMPHITHEMIS THAT "THE CHILD" IS A GROWN-ASS GOD
when will and nico were recounting their journey to chiron and mr. d, i would have also loved to see some reaction from dionysus about his former caretaker being a mania in tartarus
also some acknowledgement of dionysus's madness! in a lot of versions of the myths, hera actually drove dionysus mad for a year (don't quote me on that timeline), so i think he could have had an interesting aside, if not full convo, about sympathizing with amphithemis being driven mad
there's a quote that's something like "dionysus stared dreamily at will as he described the underworld" or something like that — i wish we got a comment from mr d on what the underworld used to look like when he went down there (to save his mother semele who he brought to immortality)
according to riordan wiki (but very conflicting in greek mythos), dionysus was a demigod during the (original) gigantomachy, so i wish wish wish we got a comment on maybe what that was like or talking to the most recent batch of demigods about how to recover from it
a therapy session/talk between nico and mr d would have been really cool to read, or even a post-nightmare talk after mr d finished eating his popcorn
more dionysus/chiron interactions? some myths say that after he was raised by the nymphs, dionysus was sent over to train under chiron for a bit to gain wisdom and stuff, so i would die for some more of their relationship
also i've been wanting this for years now, but a dionysus reveal where he actually looks like his true form (aka literally stunning) would've solved my life problems. especially in such a gay book.
this is all i can think of for now but i'm literally planning on writing a bunch of chb and dionysus stuff soon because i'm in my "hyperfixate on a singular greek god's conflicting life story and deciding what i most agree with instead of studying for midterms" era :)
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 9 months
Riddle's Double Isekai on Chapter 7
Hooo boi!
Upon voting, it was decided that people who like my shit want to put yet again the redhead shortie into the angst departament. :v
Initially, I had 7 double isekais, but when it comes to touching up the diasomnia chapter, we can exclude Malleus's double Isekai, since that had a completely separated plot and even then, the Isekai Malleus was way more detached from the conflict that cannon Malleus has.
Of course! We have chapter 7 Spoilers, for both servers. We will touch up until 7.5, cuz that is literally where the book stops at the moment, just to get a feeling of what we are dealing with. (I have a feeling that mayhaps we could possibly get near the Dia arc end in main story... Dunno, man...)
Anyway... Yep... Chapter 7 Spoilers... Along with spoilers for Riddle's Double Isekai story. We will touch up on the basis of it, just to tie in everything...
Under the cut we have everything! :3
OK... So for starters, background! Riddle got Isekai-ed back into twst along his adoptive mother, Yuuneka(his Yuu :3) and cheesecake, his cat. Due to this circumstances, Crowley assumed that Yuuneka was summoned to twst, hence Riddle, Grim and cheesecake were deemed as her student counterparts. Since she was an adult and also magicless, Crowley assigned Yuuneka as the janitor, therefore the other 3 would have to live with her in Ramshackle. :'3
Yuuneka is very positive, always reassuring that things will sort out just fine in the end. Riddle, unfortunately, is far more negative about the whole ordeal. He does happen to befriend Adeuce, the Chandelier incident commences and everyone gets yeeted at the mines. There Riddle discovers that he has magic, purely by accident.
We follow the Savanaclaw and Scarabia arcs almost like in cannon. Octavinelle has the highlight that Azul was very persuasive on Yuuneka giving up Ramshackle. Also cheesecake and Leona have rivalry. :'3
Then you have Heartslabyul arc, where Trey gets to push the line a bit too much on poor Riddle. Like he knew he was missing, at worst, dead, so to see this redhead with a new last name just waltzing around the school, was bewildering. Trey expected for Riddle to remember him and Che'nya, which wasn't the case. Adding to the fact that poor Riddle just discovered his UM in the heat of the moment back in Scarabia, he was very wonky and all was piling up on him. Plus, adding to the whole VDC camp ordeal and the fear of his biological mother stepping in and taking him away from his family, who raised him.
Yes, he was pushed into overBlot. The Aftermath was also messy. It was mostly stopped by Yuuneka reaching out to her child and Riddle who just wanted home. He wanted back home, at his normal school, at his grandparents and the magicless world. So it ended more with a heart to heart from mother to son and a fluffy time in the little family of 4(grim was officially adopted around the 2nd chapter :3).
Following it with the rest of the VDC and Vil's overBlot, Yuuneka had to finally be more harsher with those Bois. Mainly Rook got the shoe treatment. R.I.P. French he-man, your betrayal won't be forgiven. :'3
Then, chapter 6 happens, Idia also gets the shoe treatment. No one is safe from the shoe, not even Crowley. This mama had enough of you the second you made her child to cry. Suffer now :'D
And now... After this smol explanation of everything, leading up to the very awaited chapter 7, we can finally touch upon it.
First of all, with Malleus becoming a good aquitance of Yuuneka, it was clear the Fae was also introduced to Riddle, Grim and Cheesecake. So they were all buddies. :D
Hence why, when Ortho presents the opportunity to find a way home for Yuuneka, Malleus is a bit sad. Of course he would be if the allegedly new mom figure and his new friends all went home and never returned. But Yuuneka reassures the Fae that she is sure there could be made a 2 way in between the 2 worlds and they could visit each other.
But then Lilia ruins the mood when he announces he would suddenly drop out. Now, Riddle didn't knew all that well the diasomnia vice, but he figured Malleus was also sad about it. Cater, the Heartslabyul Dormhead, also expressed his woe about his fellow clubmate leaving so out of the blue. Many students came to like Lilia, so him leaving would be a quite painful jab. The good part was that Lilia was throwing a bigass farewell party and the whole school was invited.
Yuuneka also felt the need to serve a good party look, just because she is a very lady-like figure. If she doesn't feel she slays. She might as well stay at home. Riddle really doesn't understand his mom sometimes. :'3
But, for a nice farewell gift, the Ramshackle decided to give to Lilia a nice handmade scarf. Lilia wholeheartedly accepted the said gift.
Meanwhile, Sebek gets introduced to the first year group. And him with Riddle immediately go head-to-head. Ace and Epel are just egging on them, Jack tries to stop the fight, all whole Deuce and Ortho want to see how this pans out.
There is also Trey, but Riddle avoids him. They still had things sour in between them. And it doesn't help that Yuuneka is also very salty about Trey. He has a chance to redeem himself, but then again, if he messes up, the belt will be upon him. :'3
But, the party is abruptly stopped when OverBlot Malleus shows up. There is a fight and ofc, panic. Malleus uses his own UM, putting everyone to sleep.
So while Ortho goes to STIX like in cannon, we have the other side, where Yuuneka gets shook up by Riddle in the dream world, which depicted a more different Ramshackle dorm room. Grim and cheesecake were also there.
Unfortunately for them, there were also Phanthoms, whom Grim and Riddle had to put a front against. They thankfully get saved by Silver and together they jump into Sebek's dream. Again, Malleus sends his blot goons to stop them and so, they resort to jumping in yet another dream.
This time it was Lilia's and they get held hostages by the Fae soldiers, whom general Lilia was leading. Cheesecake bit some soldier's ass. :3
Lilia, of course, doesn't recognize Silver, nor Sebek. Same story with Baul. But Yuuneka does plead for them to at least help out, as they mean no harm. Since she was clearly an emphatic lady and of course, a woman who still fought to protect the boys(maternal instincts seem to be the bane of NRC Students's Pride).
In reality Riddle told them she could cook, the second they realised they needed to stop for food. Sorry, Lilia, but you were demoted from your cook position. :'3
And thankfully, the soldiers finally ate something that won't poison their stomachs. They won't voice it out, but the humans proved to be a gift from heavens so far. :v
Riddle does have a little heart-to-heart with Sebek, mostly about Baul rejecting the Greenhead for being 'human'. Cheesecake is also a chonky huggable mass of fluff, which helped more to the opening up. They are friends now! Yay! :D
They go to the castle where Malenoir is, along her egg. Imagine just how easy it becomes when Riddle uses 'off with your head' on the silver owl soldiers. Not only it gives shock value to the poor less knowledgeable, but also it locks the magic of the soldiers, having them far easier to defeat.
Reaching the castle, they ofc are waltzing right into a trap. Lilia gets wounded and is a chaos of proportions. Via unspeakable raging from Riddle and Sebek, they do manage to reach the throne room, where Malenoir was along the egg. It doesn't help that she was cranky on top of it. :'3
But Yuuneka, as a fellow mother, understands how excited Malenoir was for her very own child. So she resonates with her and the 2 immediately become buddies. Since Yuuneka worked as a kindergarten teacher prior to the Isekai, she had that knack for taking care of kids. So Malenoir was delighted that at least some humans prove to be kind and peaceful.
Ah yes... 'if not friend, then why friend shaped', But make it insanely powerful Fae queen and magicless hooman mom with 1 son and 2 cats. :3c
Malenoir does ask about Yuuneka's son, so the queen gets introduced to Riddle, who's at that age, where a teen only has one thing in mind: arson. :3
But because Yuuneka and Malenoir bonded so well and fast, it allowed the group to warn the queen far more quicker about the threat of the silver owls. So now it isn't a surprise attack anymore. Still, with a significant lack of preparation like the said owls had, our team was still getting the shorter stick.
And so, Malenoir takes it up to herself to protect the egg and the group. Firstly by entrusting Lilia with egg Malleus, then by going full dragon lady and fighting with the troupes of the enemy. :3
Ah yes, very nice! Malleus gets motherless, the dad's still out for some of that diplomatic milk... Great job, everyone! :D
So now we get introduced to the knight of dawn, who apparently wasn't a bitch and this whole time was pressured by his actual bitchy brother in law(or smth, I read summaries, don't sue me :v), into going through this fucked up campaign.
Riddle is the first one that makes the connection that Silver is related to the said illegally pretty knight. Their hair and eyes are just different. But ya know... Nothing a wig and some good ol' contacts can't fix. He does whisper it to his mom, who also keeps quiet and keeps Grim from bringing up the uncanny resemblance.
Cheesecake does seem to like the knight tho. Damn... Disney princess power hitting yet again. U-Ub
But after the noble sacrifice on the knight's side, we get to find out that *gasp* Silver is his baby son, cursed to sleep until ✨true love✨ wakes him up. Lilia tho manages to do just that and so uses his UM(still IDK what that shit does, but let's pretend I do know) on baby Silver, which results in the aurora eyes and the silver hair to appear.
Cue Silver having a breakdown about it, which yes... He totally has the right to it, because this is fucked up on so many levels at this point... And here I thought Idia's backstory was a tearjerker... :'3
Now Riddle also can resonate with Silver to some extent, because he also was an adopted child, someone who was faced with the fact that he was adopted quite harshly and he even overblotted under the pressure of that theme. It's a very sensible topic, so once Sebek does reach Silver with his UM and gets him to snap out of it, Riddle gets to comfort Silver about this. It was hard, everyone can't possibly imagine how this revelation is affecting him, but they have to be tough now. OverBlot Malleus is still out there and they need to stop him before something goes horribly wrong and no one could fix it anymore.
Yuuneka is also the voice of reason. As a mother, she feels like she is able to speak on behalf of our current Lilia, when she declares that no matter what, their child is their child, adopted or not, so they deserve the love, time and effort that was put into raising them. Because usually parents take this responsability upon them without being forced by someone. They want to share the love and give it life, raise it and educate it towards a future of it's own. It's not something romantic or platonic, is a whole other type of love that only a parent and their child has, so of course, Lilia has that love for Silver, otherwise he wouldn't be here.
And that gives to Silver determination. He is pumped up and ready to go and save his father! That, of course, alongside the rest of the group because sure as hell Sebek doesn't want for his buddy to go right into the danger, head-on, without being prepared beforehand.
And that would most likely pack up everything. I mean... Until Diasomnia chapter doesn't update a new part... We just have to sit down and relax for a bit. :3
Except moi... I have school :'3c
Until next time! Buh bye!
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sometimesoliloquy · 2 years
“Hey Nick... Try and be happy, ok?”
I’ve been thinking more about the phone call, and while I’ve seen a lot of conflicting opinions and have some complicated feelings of my own, I’m trying to focus on the positive, and there is one thing I’m doubling down on. As I’ve said, I think that "try and be happy" is Nick and June's way, after she is out of Gilead, of saying "I love you" to each other, without actually saying those three words. Maybe because the out loud verbal acknowledgement of their mutual love, faced with the reality that they can’t be together* is just too painful.
But I do think it’s kind of beautiful that the words they do use actually signify the kind of deep unselfish love, where as heart-rending as it is to be apart and imagine the other moving on, they do just truly want the other to be happy, or if that's impossible, at least be ok, at least try. They’re each telling each other that they understand, and they would never want the other to feel sad or guilty for grabbing onto whatever joy or comfort they may be able to find in their respective situations. Not because they’re no longer in love, or even despite that love, but because of that love.
We've already seen the evidence of this kind of love from Nick many times over: trying--and risking himself--to get her and Holly to freedom even if that means he can't be with them, relaying Luke's message of love to her even though it had to be incredibly difficult for him, gathering intel on Hannah never even imagining he'd be able to see her to deliver it himself, and letting her know he wants her to be happy, to move on with her life as a free woman in Canada with Luke and Nichole, if she can.
But I think this may be the first time we've actually seen it explicitly expressed from June, and that feels significant.
I also understand that a lot of people perceived the phone call as June using Nick, just wanting something from him, and while I can see that perspective, that ultimately wasn’t my read. Was the impetus selfish? Sure. It was Hannah, and the imminent danger of her daughter’s situation that’s just been even more blatantly thrown in her face. And of course she would have an overwhelming urge to speak with Nick, because he is not only the one who has been able to get information on Hannah, and not only the one person in Gilead who gets it and is concerned for Hannah’s plight, he is also the one person June has been able to go to in the last several years for understanding and solace, and also often a needed reality check.
She wants to ask about Hannah, but she also—even if it’s subconsciously—needs to connect.**The immediate peace that comes over her face when he answers speaks to that. And there is also relief in the little sigh she breathes out because she worries about him, too; she already knows he’s physically ok and his cover is safe (at least for now) because she just saw him on tv flanking Serena, but hearing his voice solidifies and makes it real (“it’s so good to hear your voice”). It’s the same happiness and relief as every time she sees him after being apart.
Nick knows her well enough to once again initiate the conversation with the quick reassurance that Hannah is ok. He understands that, as often happens in her traumatized maternal desperation and panic, Hannah is the initial single-track thought in her mind, to the point where she impulsively throws out completely ill-thought-out and unreasonable requests of him (as the chaotic version of June is wont to do: “we’ll drive north and get Hannah,” / “maybe you could transfer to her district"). And Nick grounds and calms her (as is the effect he has on her: “she loves you, I love you”…/ “she’s tough like you”).
She's heartbroken (though not surprised) to find out he's married—of course for what that means to her, but also what it implies for him, because she knows it’s not what he wanted, and she knows that it ties him down even more solidly to Gilead, effectively trapping him there (“I have obligations”). But at the same time she is relieved at the thought that his wife seems to not be a danger to him, and someone he can actually talk to and trust and get along with. Because if he has to be married to someone else, she wants it to be to the best person possible, because she does worry for him and she does want the best for him. And her vulnerable “would I like her?” is her way of confirming this.
She starts to especially break down while speaking to him of Nichole, because of course true happiness for her would include Nick, being with him and raising their daughter together; and because her heart breaks for him, not being able to be there as their daughter continues to grow. She tells him how much Nichole loves the doll he gave her, because that is something she can give him; a seemingly small thing, but one that means a lot: to let Nick know that a part of him is and will be with his daughter (“I thought maybe she could keep this with her”). She gives him what she can in that moment: I will keep our daughter safe and she will know about you.
And for me—in this scene heavy with subtext—I really did hear the underlying, implicit "I love you" in those words she echoes back to him, just as they were present in his words in 4x09. And in a heartbreaking, bittersweet way I think that it is an even deeper and more profound statement of love than the actual words could be.
*Disclaimer: I cannot believe there is any world in which Nick and June do not keep coming back to each other—it’s practically canon at this point—and I have faith that they will get there. Any seemingly “final” language in this analysis as it relates to their relationship is only from the thought that this may well be the characters’ perspectives, given current circumstances: that it is impossible for them to be together in the way they both want. And, as always, they are never sure if this goodbye will be the last.
**I also think it’s kind of funny that we know Nick has also been wanting to talk to June (to tell her about Rose before that c*nt blabbermouth Serena can). It’s like she just beat him to it.
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desnoot · 2 years
Hy everyone, I'm going to be reviewing the third Umbrella Academy season chapter by chapter couse I couldn't fit every thought in a single post!
I'm going to comment some important bits and then list the details I liked most in chronological order, hope you enjoy and feel free to rant in the comments/taggs with me <3
Episode 1: Meet the Family
Theories and analysis:
I think Ben is a bit sensitive about the scar because he got it during the Jennifer Incident and even though it didn't kill him this time around it probably was what led to his eventual demotion to number 2
I don't know if it's confirmed but I want to believe Christopher communicates through telepathy with the others
I'm going to bring this up again but why do they all suddenly think Five knows what might be different in the timeline? The whole show is about him not knowing this kind of stuff and trying to find out.
One of the things that bother me this season is that some of the conflict seems a bit fabricated. For example, I get that we need conflict right away but the Sparrows dismiss the Brellies so fast and have a very bullie like kind of humor? And the Brellies get so defensive of their childhood home, which they didn't even seem to like during the previous seasons, even before the Sparrows become hostile
Another example of this is nobody realizing that Claire doesn't exist before it's revealed. Allison hasn't lived the same life in this timeline, obviously Claire is not going to exist
I love how it's a consistent theme that Klaus kind of just comes across plot relevant shit without trying (Part 1. Hotel Obsidian)
Watching Viktor and Allison during the first half of the season hurts me so much because they could have finally had the good relationship they wanted since season one
I know we don't get to know much about how the Sparrows work in this timeline but I think the closest we get to knowing are Marcus' interactions and him referring to civilians as "sheep" when he talks to Viktor
Ok. As much as I love the Stanley plotline and Diego trying to figure out how to be a dad, how does anyone entertain this???? Does. Does it look like Lila is 12 years older now??? TO ANYONE????
I'll come back to this later too but after all the promos and such I expected all the Sparrows to have more screentime during this season kind of the way Lila did the previous one so it's a bit of a shame we didn't get to know them that much.
Details + Stuff I liked:
I didn't expect Ben's family in particular to want to keep him so it's a bit reassuring that they did
WTF is RegiNaLd WeAriNg
Jayme and Alphonso beating up racists
Marcus discreetly motioning Ben out of the way so he can be in the center
"Cute hat, Sundance" is my new favorite sentence ever
I love the dynamic between Sloane and Luther since minute one (1)
Diego immediately putting the knife back when he sees Grace
We do not deserve the footloose scene but man, do we love it:
"Oh shit, we're really good at this!!"
Alphonso's very excited face while dancing
Christopher becoming a disco ball
Ben and Klaus dancing together will ✨never✨ fail to bring me joy
Klaus immediately going "wow look at you not being dead, shitty haircut btw, oh look at that scar in your face, anyway how about a hug???" at Sparrow Ben
Klaus' very dramatic fall after the punch
Reginald noping out of the fight and going for some biscuits
Klaus interrupting Luther and Marcus' fistfight to pass through without being hit
Christopher using telepathy explicitly to insult Diego's hair
Five very calmly going through existential problems while discussing with Ben
Alphonso, Jayme and Sloan chilling with some popcorn while Fei fights cause "she's making a point"
"See? We're hugging! This is progress!"
Finally knowing what Five imagines Delores like and them lovingly talking in Italian to each other
If he didn't before Five definitely has a concussion after falling down the stairs. Repeatedly
The Sparrows casually discussing dinner while beating someone up
The umbrellas knowing the secret passages of the house
Reginald struggling to open the biscuit box
Klaus going for the biscuit
Five noping out the second he sees Viktor starting to glow
"Here you go, it's your ass"
Luther also being concussed
The sandwiches in numeric order
The Brellies looking like a decadent boyband
People actually looking at them because they strangely resemble the Kennedy 6
Klaus encouraging Luther, even if it's to insult the Sparrows correctly
Everyone slowly turning to Klaus because they need a weirdass place to stay and Of CoUrSe he knows a place
Them all going though the same door but Five going through the door even though he points out there's another one
In this house we stan Chet
Luther and Diego both playing with the doggie like the himbos they are
Ok we love Luther being like "put the knife awaY" when Diego shows the knife but can we talk about the fact that FIVE HAS TEETH IN HIS POCKET???
None of them asking Allison to rumor them some rooms
That's cute, Diego thinks Reginald loves them
The Sparrows training scene, for reasons
Sparrow Ben having the audacity to say they can use the Brellies' lack of loyalty towards one another when he himself doesn't have an ounce of it
Luther loving the summer camp experience
Would also need my headphones if a baby was crying on the bus
Marcus being a poser
Marcus assuming Viktor is number 1 and being like "well somebody screwed that up" after finding out he is number 7
Viktor being both hot and scary af during that scene
Klaus having the audacity to criticize table manners after peeing through an open window hours/minutes before
Diego, sweetie: Five being older than you doesn't make him a boomer, you were born the same day
Klaus being a confirmed pro clone-fucker cause oF CoURse hE iS
Lila just dropping Stanley with Diego like "here you go, a child"
"Hello Stanley"
I know Grace being religious is a reference to the comics but omg I was not prepared
Damn Marcus. That was fast
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