#and he injured his leg but was very brave about it but then it got Worse and he got fired
rubsjuice · 2 years
hi! who and what is the guy that made you forget greek mythology exists!
Hi, thank you for asking
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(first image by @gh0stbreath second I drew over a meme)
his name is
Also I tend to write characters more on the natural/realistic side so I hope you're not disappointed he's not a wretched fantastical beast or a dude with super cool powers he's just a guy. He could be your neighbor for all we're concerned. Read more bc I can't shut up about him
He just. Looks very normal. He's a tiny gay loser car salesman from Boston with a husband and children, negative credit score, 30k in debt and in the sights of loan sharks because he's too stubborn to get through his head that his dream of being self made and successful is never gonna be realized. He also has a penchant for religion, although he stops going to church to get more time to try to make his business work. His dream is to have a successful job, a beautiful family, and being a pillar of community – he's the guy the American Dream is marketing itself to, and the kind of guy who's most let down by it
He gets tied up in some mafia business when they put him as a front for their own business in exchange of letting his debts go and leaving his family out of it, and he promptly uses it to abandon the aforementioned family, get filthy stinking rich, invest heavily in advertising and become one of the most well-known faces in New England & the East Coast in general because his face would be in almost every ad running on TV at the time. He also had a huge liking of fashion and apparel in general so he had a bunch of clothing lines, perfumes and accessories named after him. He also developed like 5 different mental illnesses from it because by the time he was famous he was also in his 40s and he experienced the most hardcore midlife crisis ever trying to keep up with the socialites and rich kids he'd surround himself with.
Then when the mafia drops him and it turns out most of his fortune was inflated by an overcomplicated money laundering scheme he sort of starts to experience the Horrors as he starts getting increasingly desperate to keep his life afloat due to all the mental illness he's accumulated, and after a particularly bad trip on LSD where he sees every version of himself from the past and future and beats the shit out of himself he decides he needs to shape up and let this life go for his own sake. So he calls his (now ex)husband and asks to go back into his life and he goes through this whole 20 year long healing arc with a lot of therapy and finds a new and exciting gender for himself (guy who is a mom)
Some other random facts about him is that he's catty, physically fragile, lowkey slutty and loves to overindulge himself. He can be very blunt and says the most insane things. As an old man (around 60) he has a tumblr blog where he ends up being like a B-celebrity. He enjoys serious and artsy media and his favorite book/movie of all time is American Psycho. He relates to Patrick Bateman because he believes him to be the sort of guy he could turn into if he let himself stay in the rich life for longer without seeking proper help, and being able to look at that guy and go "lol glad that's not me anymore" makes him feel Normal
As you can tell if you squint, his life story more or less mirrors the tale of Icarus, with the exception of the healing arc bit (he was saved from falling in the ocean!!), plus with his whole religious theme he also gets a "fallen angel" sort of motif that fits very well. There's more stuff to his life that makes his name and theming more interesting but I don't wanna keep you here all day
Here's his playlist organized chronologically also it's full of bangers
So yeah with all these themes you can tell every time someone talks about the myth of Icarus I just go "ooooo just like my blorbo" and forget that I made him close to the myth on purpose
You can also find posts I tag as him [here]
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girlgenius1111 · 3 months
say it again
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alexia x reader something... slips out accidentally. alexia is more into it than you expected. smut. 18+
cw: mami kink. breeding kink. thigh riding. fingering. strap on use. dom/sub dynamics. praise kink.
Both you and Alexia had been busy beyond belief in recent weeks. So, when she slid out of bed early on the day  you were both supposed to have off, you latched onto her shirt and refused to let go. 
“Amor, I have to go,” Alexia whispered, although she slid back into the warm cocoon of blankets, and wrapped you back up in her arms. 
“No. Stay.” You grumbled, tightening your arms and wrapping your legs around her too, for good measure. 
“I have to go,” she repeated, kissing your temple and attempting to slide out of your grip. You were about to remind her that neither of you had training that day, when you remembered somewhere in your sleep-hazed brain that Alexia had mentioned coaching a game at the Barça academy that morning. An idea found its way into your brain, and you forced yourself to sit up, allowing Alexia to escape the bed. She looked at you suspiciously as she headed for the bathroom, never having seen you give in so easily. In fact, she still had 10 minutes to lay in bed with you, having set her alarm early because she knew you’d capture her for more cuddles. 
“I’m coming with you.” You declared, smiling happily at your girlfriend when she poked her head out of the bathroom, a slight frown on her face. 
“Bebita, you will be bored, and you will distract me.” Alexia was referring to your rather interesting habit of watching Alexia. There was a certain look you got on your face when Alexia took charge on the pitch that made her crazy. You both kept it under control when you played together, but when one of you was out injured or on the bench, there were few games that didn’t end in rather passionate sex once you arrived home. You both loved to watch each other, and you really loved to watch Alexia be in charge. This was why Alexia absolutely did NOT trust you to accompany her to coach this youth game. 
“No, I won't, I promise. I’ll sit in the stands the whole time. No one will even know I’m there. ” 
Alexia simply raised her eyebrow at you doubtfully, before turning away to head to the closet. You scrambled out of the bed and followed after her, wrapping your arms around her abdomen. She chuckled, but continued to rifle through her sweatshirts, picking out the right Barça one for the day. 
You kissed her shoulder blade, peeking out from the small tank top she was wearing. “Please, Ale. We’ve barely seen each other these past few weeks. I miss you.”  
Alexia melted, turning around and wrapping her arms tight around you. “Okay, bonita. If you promise not to distract me.” 
You’d had every intention not to distract your girlfriend, really you did. Watching her with the kids, though, was much more challenging than you expected. It wasn’t stern Alexia that you got; it was soft Alexia, and it was making something inside of you melt into a puddle. 
Alexia with a whistle slung around her neck, leading the very little kids through some basic drills. Patiently directing them around the pitch. Very softly kicking the ball in their direction. Shouting words of encouragement every second, even when it was just in response to one of the kids falling down and getting up. 
Alexia, standing on the side lines, whistle caught in her mouth, hands on her hips, taking the match just a touch too seriously. 
Alexia in a tight pair of athletic shorts, ass on full display, although it always was, regardless of what she was wearing. 
Alexia rushing onto the pitch when one of her players fell; it was nothing more than a scraped knee, but she carried the sniffling boy off the field and over to his parents, ensuring him that he was being very brave. 
You’d never really gotten the appeal of being pregnant before. And sure, you wanted kids, but you’d never craved them, never desperately wanted to watch your partner turn into a parent with you. Sat in the stands, though, watching Alexia interact with these kids like she was born to do it, you rethought all of that. 
You were staring, and you knew it, eyes firmly trained on your girlfriend as she turned around, bringing her shirt up to wipe at her face. It was a hot day, and she was standing directly in the sun. Her eyes caught yours as she did so, lips pulling up into a very small smirk, before she turned back around, taking a sip of water. You realized your mouth was, embarrassingly, hanging open. The things Alexia could do to  you, without even trying; it wasn’t fair. 
The midfielder could feel your eyes on her for the remainder of the match, and she struggled to stay focused. Her mind, too, was elsewhere, somewhere in the future. Where she was coaching your guys’ kid, with you watching proudly from the sidelines. She wanted it, desperately, and it caught her off guard. The rest of the match passed slowly as both of you were eager to get home. Even though you’d known what you’d been signing up for when you forced Ale to let you come watch, you couldn’t help but feel a little starved for attention. It was ridiculous, but you weren’t one to shy away from the things you wanted. So, when the match ended, and Alexia led the kids to shake hands with the other team, you headed down, impatiently waiting for her. The hug you brought her into was one that belonged at the end of a difficult match, not at the end of a children’s match where most of the goals were accidental. 
“Hola,” she sang softly in your ear, feeling you inconspicuously press a light kiss to her neck. Your lips didn’t leave, though, and Alexia pulled you back, giving you a warning look. 
“You are all red, amor, are you warm?” The question was paired with an adorable look of concern washing over her face; Alexia was always very aware of your less than impressive heat tolerance, and she grabbed the hat you were holding in your hand, placing it on top of your head. 
You were warm, but the redness was due more to Alexia’s close contact with your body, when you were already very aware of her, than the heat, although it wasn’t helping. 
“It’s warm out.” You agreed anyway, before smiling innocently up at her. “Can we go home, baby?” 
Alexia’s lips twitched. “Of course.” 
Alexia had parked in a different parking lot than the rest of the attendees, and by the time you made it over there, you were debating whether you could wait until you arrived home for Alexia to touch you. The way she led you through the parking lot, hand in yours, body hovering protectively in front of you even when there was no one around, was only increasing the deep need for her to do anything to you. 
You decided to take matters into your own hands, noticing that the area around you was devoid of other people. When Alexia opened your door for you, something she insisted upon even though you were completely capable of opening your own door, you smacked her ass, climbing into the car like you hadn’t done anything. Alexia jumped slightly, and her eyes narrowed at you as she shut the door behind you. 
The minute your girlfriend was in the driver's seat, you were leaning over the center console, attaching your lips to her neck. Alexia exhaled sharply, minutely tilting her head to the side. 
“You promised to be good.” She said quietly, and you noted the very slight shake to her voice that told you she was, in fact, feeling the effects of what you were doing to her. You pulled back briefly, nipping at her ear as you did so. 
“Are you not enjoying this?” 
“It does not matter. You promised to be good, and you are breaking that promise.” She warned, gently shoving you back to your seat. You blinked at her, not used to the hard edge her voice had taken on. 
“No. You will take what I give you at home.” 
You couldn’t pretend the way Alexia was looking at you disapprovingly wasn’t filling you with arousal. As badly as you wanted to be good for her, you also desperately wanted her to make you be good for her. And it seemed this was her plan. 
You trailed into the house behind her, not quite sure what to expect when you were behind closed doors. It wouldn’t be the first time Alexia was rough with you, and you enjoyed it. Something seemed different, though, and there was a tension in the room you couldn’t quite identify. Or, if you could, you weren’t quite willing to admit it yet. 
Alexia backed you up against the wall just inside the front door, her face mere inches from yours, capturing your wrists in her hands and pinning them behind you. She was looking at you, sternly, but also so… softly. Like she would take care of you, even if she made you work for it first. Your stomach was filled with butterflies, in a way it hadn’t been in a while around her. You were beginning to have an idea of what you wanted, you just weren’t quite sure she wanted it too. 
“You have been very bad today, bonita. I do not know what I am going to do with you.” 
“M- Ale, please, take me to bed.” You almost slipped up, and you blinked at your girlfriend, hoping to god that she hadn’t caught it. 
Alexia leaned back and was quiet for a moment, her eyes searching yours.“What was that?” 
“What was what?” You replied, feeling blood rush to your cheeks, avoiding your girlfriend’s gaze at all costs. 
“You almost called me something… it sounded like it started with an M…” Alexia whispered, moving closer to lay kisses on your neck. She knew where your head was at, somehow, as she always did, and she was very on board. It had been something you’d both been thinking about for a while, but neither of you were brave enough to bring it up.
“Alexia,” you whined, struggling to form a single coherent thought. 
“That is not my name, amor. Not right now.” She whispered, her teeth capturing your ear and tugging lightly. You went practically limp in her arms, a low keen escaping your lips. 
“Mami,” you whispered, feeling Alexia’s grin against the skin of your neck. You realized that Alexia liked the title just as much as you did, if not more. 
“There you go, bonita. Mi mala niña, you can listen, hmm?” 
“I can, I am listening. I’m your good girl.” You argued, pressing your forehead to the blonde’s somewhat desperately. 
Alexia tutted quietly. “You were not listening before. I am not sure you are mí buena niña.” 
“I am, mami, I promise,” 
You’d barely finished speaking before Alexia was capturing your lips in a heated kiss, her tongue licking into your mouth, her teeth nipping at your bottom lip, in a manner that was almost overwhelming. She pulled away from you with a wet smack, her smile beyond devious as she took in your blown pupils, the downright submissive look on your face. 
“You want to prove to me you are my good girl?” She murmured, dragging her finger lightly down one side of your face, watching as your eyes fluttered shut, struggling to answer her. 
“Sí, por favor. Let me show you.” 
“Vamos, mí zorrita.” With that, Alexia swept you up into her arms easily, throwing you over her shoulder and heading for the bedroom. 
It wasn’t unusual for Alexia to take full control, as she was doing as she carefully placed on the ground, removing her clothes and directing you to do the same before scooching up the bed to lean against the headboard. What was new, though, was the feeling filling your body, like Alexia didn’t even need to ask you to do anything; you’d just do it if it was what she wanted. Making Alexia feel good would make you feel good. And Alexia knew better than anyone on the face of the earth what you needed. 
So, the minute she gestured for you to move on top of her, you were scrambling forward. Ignoring the slightly condescending smirk Alexia sent your way, and the blush that lit up your cheeks as she did so. 
Alexia settled you on one of her thighs, the smooth skin hitting your core perfectly. You barely contained a whine at the contact, and Alexia smirked up at you. 
“You are wet for mami, no?” 
“Yes, for you, only you,” you stuttered, feeling incredibly turned on considering Alexia had barely touched you at this point. 
Alexia’s voice was low and possessive when she spoke next.“You want to make a mess on my thigh, bebé?” 
“Yes, please,” you begged, her hands still keeping your hips completely still, even as you tried to grind down against her, 
“Yes please what?”
“Fuck, please mami, please,” 
“Buena niña,” she replied softly, the quiet, affection filled tone she was using making you fall against her, wrapping your arms around her neck almost desperately. Your motions were stuttering, no rhythm to them. Your head was too empty, your body too aroused to get you where you needed to be. “You need my help, bebé? You need mami to do it for you?” 
You thought you might be dying. Everytime Alexia said the word, you crumbled just a little bit more. You’d never felt this desperate, this needy before in your entire life. It was almost beyond words. You just needed her. And at the same time, you couldn’t do it yourself, couldn’t get yourself to move the right way. 
“Need you,” you cried out. Luckily, Alexia seemed to take mercy on you, her hands beginning to guide your core to slide against her thigh. She leaned up, pressing her lips to yours in a slow kiss, almost as if she knew you could only take so much at once. It was intoxicating, being pressed up against her, feeling her wet thigh on your dripping cunt, her hands in your hair, her teeth tugging on your lip. 
You whimpered pathetically into her mouth, encouraging her to speed her motions up. 
“Am I making you feel good, princesa? Tell me.” She murmured, pressing her forehead against yours, her face so close you could feel her hot breath on your lips. 
“So good, mami. You feel so good,” you whined, and Alexia almost moaned, too, at how entirely gone you sounded. 
“You are being so good for me, hmm? Do you like it when I take control? When I help you get yourself off on my thigh like a needy slut? Does it make your pussy drip, princesa?” 
“Jesus christ,” you replied, every word she spoke edging you closer and closer. It had been minutes, only minutes, and you were already about to fall apart on top of Alexia. 
“I want you to come on my thigh, sí?” She said lowly, and suddenly, as soon as she said the words, you were teetering on the edge, just one perfect movement away from coming. 
“Mami, fuck, please,” you gritted out, teeth clenching together as Alexia worked you harder and harder against her, until your body tensed for a minute, and you fell silent. 
“Que buena, princesa, que bonita.” The blonde woman whispered, watching your face in awe as you collapsed against her, breathing heavily. Her hands slowed their movements, until you were left rubbing yourself against Alexia’s thigh very slowly, and very jerkily. 
Alexia didn’t wait very long until she was easing you away from her, gripping your face in between her hands. 
“I want to fuck you,” she whispered, watching as your breath stuttered. “Can I fuck you?”
“Yes, mami, I need your cock,” you begged, knowing you said exactly the right thing when Alexia rolled you off her with a smirk, and headed for the bedside drawer. 
Alexia liked to fuck you from behind, more than anything. She loved your ass, loved to watching it as she fucked you, so you rolled onto your stomach, looking questioningly at her when she tapped your side. 
She was kneeled behind you, gazing down with a hungry look on her face. “No, on your back. I want to see your face when I fuck you wide open,” 
You barely withheld a moan, then, as you rolled over and spread your legs. Alexia roughly pushed them to the side, settling in between them, and plunging a finger into you without warning. 
“Shit,” you cried. 
“You are soaked, mi amor. You need mami to fuck you now?” She asked, quickly adding a second finger when it was clear you could take it. 
If anything was hotter than calling Alexia mami, it was hearing her call herself mami. 
“Need you, mami,” you repeated for what felt like the 8th time so far. It was all you could think or articulate. You just needed her. 
When Alexia pressed her cock in, you knew instantly that you wouldn’t be lasting very long. You were already gripping the bed sheets in your hands, and Alexia was already starting an unforgiving pace. 
Alexia fucked you harder than she ever had before, her hands pulling your hips to meet her thrusts, her thighs burning, her breath heaving as she worked herself in and out of you. She was getting worked up herself, watching the way her cock disappeared into your dripping cunt, the way your clit throbbed, the way you looked up at Alexia like she was the only other person in the world. 
You were so far gone, so lost in the pleasure, and you knew Alexia was getting close too by the way she whimpered every few thrusts, a sound very un-Alexia, but one that made you bite your lip all the same. You wanted more from her, needed more. And what did you have to lose, really?
“In me,” you muttered, almost completely incoherent as Alexia moved herself in and out of you. 
“Que?” she asked, not slowing down for even a second. 
“Inside me, please,” you begged, blinking up at her with a look in your eyes that she’d never seen before. 
Alexia was confused, momentarily. She was already inside of you. She watched you grow closer and closer, suddenly hit with your meaning. 
She pressed her hand down on your lower stomach, and your back arched right off the bed. You threw your head back, practically screaming at this point at the sensation. 
“Mami, mami, please,” you cried. 
“You want me to come inside you?” She gasped, absolutely pounding into you now. 
You nodded frantically. “Fill me up, mami, I need it” 
“Mierda,” Alexia groaned, she was close too, suddenly, even though normally the friction of the strap wasn’t enough to get her off. Everything you were doing, though, everything you were asking for was almost overwhelming to her, and it was all she could do to keep pumping in and out of you, moving her free hand to circle your clit. 
Your voice cut off abruptly, and your eyes slammed shut. You reached for your girlfriend, and she reached for you, too, removing her hand from your stomach and lacing her fingers with yours. Her forehead fell to your shoulder as she got louder than you’d really ever heard her.
“Gonna come, princesa, gonna come in your pretty pussy,”  she managed, her words making you shudder underneath her. 
It was the most intense thing you’d ever experienced. You felt yourself tighten around Alexia’s cock deep inside you, felt Alexia thrust one more time stop, frantically grinding herself against you as she, too, fell over the edge. Pleasure washed over the both of you, and you held tight to each other, as if your lives depended on it. 
When it was over, you fell limp into the mattress, every clenched muscle unclenching as Alexia’s full weight dropped on top of you. It was the most comforting sensation, her hand shakily running through your hair, her hot and rapid exhales on your shoulder blade as she came down. You were still throbbing around her, and it was becoming too much, she was too big, too deep. 
“Out, Ale, pull out,” you murmured. Alexia broke out of her mindlessness, sitting up and very delicately removing her cock. You whined deeply when she pulled it out all the way, brow scrunching as you squirmed underneath her. 
If someone had asked you your name or what club you played for at that moment, you weren’t sure you’d be able to respond. You weren’t sure you could form words at all, really, only capable of reaching out for Alexia again, and sighing happily when she laid back down, pulling you to lay flush on top of her. 
“Are you okay, amor?” She asked after a minute, when you still hadn’t spoken, and your eyes were still shut, face crammed into the crook of her neck. 
You only hummed in response, barely registering that she was speaking to you. That was not good enough for your girlfriend, though, and she rolled you both over, until she was hovering over your body again, finger delicately tracing a pattern on your cheek. You opened your eyes, a faint smile on your lips. 
“Bonita, are you okay?” She asked again. 
“So good, Ale. My god. So so good.” You promised her, your smile only growing when Alexia’s face broke into one of relief. 
“Muy buena,” she murmured, ignoring the annoyed whine you let out when she sat up off you. Alexia was undeterred, even when you reached out for her. The blonde left the room, briefly, and you felt your eyes inexplicably filling with tears. 
When Alexia returned with a water bottle and granola bar in hand, she quickly grew frantic when she saw the tears dripping down your face. She dropped the items onto the bed, sitting you up and pulling you into her, your back against her chest. 
“What is it, what is it?” She asked, panicked, wiping away the tears so gently, you almost started to cry again. 
“I don’t know,” you cried, the words somewhere between a sob and a laugh. “I don’t know why I’m crying,” 
Again, Alexia deflated, relieved, knowing that she hadn’t upset you. “Okay, that is okay. Drink some water for me please?” 
The adorable grin on her face as she held the uncapped water out to you had you reaching for it without question, taking a few sips before handing it back to her. 
“You too.” You reminded her. Alexia dutifully took a few sips, placed the bottle back on the table, and manhandled you until you were laying down next to her, her body wrapped around yours. 
“Love you, love you, love you, love you,” she murmured in your ear, and you laughed in response, feeling happier than you think you’d ever felt in your whole life. 
“I love you so much.” You whispered back, feeling Alexia smile hugely into your neck. 
“Mi princesa,” she sighed. “How are you so perfect?”
“Because I’m with you,” you replied easily. “And you’re perfect.” 
Alexia disagreed. In fact, she thought the opposite. She wasn’t going to argue with you now though, not after you’d made her deepest desire come true. Instead, she tugged you closer, kissing your neck repeatedly. There’d be time to remind you of your perfection later. Now, though, both of you were drifting closer and closer to sleep, and all Alexia wanted in that moment was to hold you close to her forever. 
You’d happily let her. 
this has been in my wips for actual weeks im im thrilled to be done with her i hope you like :)
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homicidal-slvt · 15 days
[Monsters Walk On Land]
Shark Merman!Kyle Garrick x F!Reader
Warnings: MDNI, Abusive Husband {Not Kyle}, Angst, Attempted Murder
Summary: Thrown into the depths of the ocean you expect to die... Only the be rescued by the monster many warn about.
Your body sinks into the darkness, no attempt to open your eyes or fight back against the pull of the deep, cold and bitter as it crawls through your veins... No different than your husband, unforgiving and all consuming, taking until there is nothing but a bed of graves.
You were sick of his abuse - the condescending words - the control... You mistakenly thought it'd never get physical, so you bravely told him you were leaving... Oh, what good that did you.
'I'll tell them how ya run away from me... They'll believe me, y'know? Fuckin' whore.'
Blood leaks from your cut up legs, drifting into the darkness, like bait you lure anything closer. He had dragged you to the rocky coast line, your begging and screaming had fallen on deaf ears, tossed over and discarded like mere trash. Something to be forgotten because it no longer was useful.
Something brushes against your leg but you don't have the will to fight it... You can't swim. You always feared the water. There's no point in trying to fight.
Kyle drifts through the water - big brown eyes searching for the scent of blood he picked up on... Webbed hands immediately grasp onto the floating body of a woman without much thought at first, then he processes it.
"The hell...?"
For a moment he thinks she's dead - given the fact she didn't instantly start kicking and flailing... And if she was already dead then a bite wouldn't hurt right- but no... There's certainly a pulse. Soft but there.
He couldn't just kill an innocent woman like this, could he? Even as a shark style monster in the deep, he still has that heart of gold under the surface. So, he drags her towards the dim light of the moon above, moving her to the shore...
It concerns him... The fact she didn't fight... It made it easier to save her but - why didn't she fight?
"C'mon now..."
Settling her against the sand he assists her, watching her cough and sputter, small rocks digging into her skin.
"Who did this to you...?"
He didn't much expect an answer to the question, especially not when she finally got a good look at her savior... He suspected the usual fearful screams would tear through the air - that was how it'd usually go anyway.
You certainly were a bit startled to look over and see the very thing many warn of. People often claimed a monster lurked the waters by this shore but... He saved you...? He could've easily chewed the meat off your bones, especially with those freakishly sharp shark-like teeth of his...
He's honestly kind of beautiful, unique patterns of dark spots and strips across the gray scales on his lower half, his tail built exactly how a shark would be - aside from the whole scaliness of it.
"Thank you..."
You sputter out the words and those big brown eyes of his widen, lifting himself up a bit while he looks at you... He's definitely stunned from what you can tell by his expression, his slightly pointed ears twitching.
"You're not scared of me?"
"Well, I am a little bit but... If you wanted to hurt me - you would have."
A soft chuckle emits from his chest, amusement bubbling and spilling over. You're a very strange human in his books but he likes you...
However, it nags in the back of his head as to what happened to you. How you ended up injured in the water to begin with - the look on your face and your body language... It all reeks of humans doing.
After all - those who walk on land are often much more frightening monsters than the creatures of the deep ever could be...
{I'm fuckin' exhausted so it took forever to write this and it's shit. And yeah it has a cliffhanger ending - I gave up. I didn't know where to go from there. I probably won't make a part 2 because I'm losing mind.}
{@sofasoap @soupbinsoup @sarraa-26 @gothgirl6-6-6 @caramlizedtomatoes-deactivated2 }
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goinsaneposts-blog · 1 year
Injured in Battle
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The first time you and Alastor shared a bed together was defiantly not by choice of either parties.
Some foolish demon was attempting to attack and bulldoze the hotel, and you had sprung into action before anyone or Alastor could warn you otherwise.
The other demons in the hotel stood by and watched as you focused on the enemy at hand while the Radio Demon more focused on the defense of the hotel, making sure nothing important got damaged. He did, however, blissfully turn a blind eye to the boulder heading towards Angel Dust, who was able to just barely avoid it.
"Hey! Careful w'ere ya' thrown' thangs!" Angel cursed at Al, "I gotta go to work later! Val would kill me if the goods were ruined!"
"Apologies, my eight-legged friend, I simply didn't see you there!" Alastor let out a hearty chuckle before turning his full attention back to the fight at hand. Angel crossed his arms and let out a huff, muttering curses under his breath. Charlie put a comforting hand on his shoulder while Vaggie only seemed to be more enraged by the Radio Demons antics.
While making your way up and around obstacles, you slipped on a stray piece of metal and slid off the side of whatever contraption this sinner had. You tumbled off the side and down towards the rough pavement. As prepared as always, Al had one of his black tendrils catch you and help break your fall.
"Careful, darling," He called out, though he didn't seem very bothered by you near death. He still kept a tight smile on his face, clearly enjoying watching you fight and cause mayhem during the fight.
"Yeah, thanks Al!" You called back before jumping straight back into the action.
It had been a long fight, with Alastor hardly breaking a sweat over the foolish demon brave enough to attempt to attack the Hazbin Hotel. You, however, were barely clinging on at all, putting your all into the fight and diving head first into the enemy. You paid no mind to who, or what you were hitting at that point.
While Alastor could have ended the fight in the matter of minutes, he let you play around for a bit. Watching you fight brought warm memories back to the Radio Demon.
He looked back on your first meeting, you were an aggressive thorn in his side that somehow infested his life.
Some would say the Radio Demon favored you above all the other sinners in Hell. You were able to get away with things most other demons would be erased for. Alastor allowed you within his own personal bubble that not even his closes 'friends' were allowed in. You teased him and got to live to tell the tale.
You had him wrapped around your finger without even knowing how dangerous it really was.
A pained yelp pulled him from his thoughts with a sharp pop of static. Somehow, the lonesome sinner had managed a decent blow to your chest. Nothing fatal, but enough to put you out of commission from the fight.
With a snap of his fingers, his shadows were able to distract the demon long enough for his tendrils to retrieve you and place your bleeding body tenderly in his arms. Deciding to end it, he snapped his fingers once more and with a loud hum of static, the demon and his contraption were sent back to wherever they had decided to come from.
He looked down at your pained face with a mix of emotions swelling inside of him. He felt angry that you lacked the attention to detail and allowed such a blow.
The sadist in him also enjoying the pain.
However, a small part he dared not pay attention to also hated the idea of you being in any kind of pain.
Charlie was the first to appear next to the two of you, spewing questions from and remarks about you being injured. Alastor watched with amusement as you waved her worries off through gritted teeth.
She opened her mouth to say something but ended up closing it again and stepping out of the way and allowing Al to take you up to your room to rest, with Nifty following close behind with a medkit.
Nifty worked her way quickly, sewing up any wounds and bandaging anything she needed too. All the while you laid there in terrible pain, your head resting on Al's lap while he ran his fingers through your hair trying to provide any comfort he could.
His smile was strained as he watched Nifty work, the silence being filled by her constant talking.
After Nifty left, and you had fallen asleep, a tense silence fell in the room. The only noise being was the small hum of static coming from the Radio Demon as he placed himself on one of the chairs by the bookcase in your room.
With a wave of his hand, a book he had been reading on appeared. He sat there with a small glass of Old Fashion on the side table, occasionally taking small sips from the glass.
He was still in that same position when you had finally woken up.
A small groan fell from your lips as you slowly sat up in bed, grabbing your abdomen. A glass of water and a pain-killer appeared on your bedside table to which you swiftly took. You chugged as much water as you could and popped the pill into your mouth, swallowing it.
"Glad to see you awake, Darling! How do you feel?" Al moved to stand at the foot of your bed, looking over your ratted hair. You noticed you had your pajamas on instead of the torn clothes you had fought in. Alastor or Nifty probably changed you while you were knocked out.
"Like a million bucks…" You muttered back, earning a laugh track to play. You fell backwards onto the bed, hissing at the pain that shot through your chest and back.
"Well, you since you seem to be feeling better, I'll be off then!" He chirped up. Both the book in his hand and the empty glasses disappeared before he grabbed his red cane out of thin air. He walked confidently towards the door, a small smile still on his lips.
You wondered how he was able to smile all the time. A sense of dread and loneliness filled your stomach. You didn't want to be alone after your possible near death experience. Without even thinking through your actions fully;
A small tug on his freehand caused a shrill static pop and him to stop dead in his tracks. He glanced down at you, his smile wider and a small twitch at the edge of it.
"Please… Just- just stay a little longer.. Until I can fall back asleep…" You muttered softly, heat flushing your face at the vulnerability.
You had no idea where your relationship with Alastor stood at that point. You clearly had his favor, but whether or not it was romantic or not was up in the air. You had grown to like the sadist himself, finding he was always on your mind and easily could fluster you with a simple glance.
You peeked up at him to find him not even looking at you. Instead, he was looking at a spot on the wall, deep within his own thoughts.
"I suppose I can stay for a little longer.." He smiled down at you. His smile was forced and clearly uncomfortable with the idea of being touched.
You moved to make room for him in the bed as he slowly sat down and made himself comfortable. He sat almost pin-straight against the headboard with his hands folded tightly across his lap. After a few moments, you turned to the opposite wall, curled tightly into a ball.
The space between the two of you was huge, and neither one of you said a thing. You were tense, and without even having to look you knew he was as well. Eventually, you fell asleep.
He wasn't there when you woke up that morning, however another glass of water and another pain-killer rested on your bedside table.
A couple of years have passed since that day and you and Alastor had officially defined the relationship you guys had. Officially, you guys shared a romantic interest in each other and were a couple, though both of you were very uncomfortable calling it 'dating'.
He'd have little pet names for you, and often showered you with gifts after his daily strolls. The Radio Demon didn't love the idea of touching, in any form what-so-ever, he still made some effort to provide you with physical touch as you needed.
Though, Alastor hardly ever slept, he still chose to share a bed with you. It was awkward at first, with both of you basically hanging off each side of the bed with a wall of pillows in between. However, over the years the two of you got more comfortable with each other's company.
Now, he would simply sit in his red and black striped, silk pajamas, reading a book under the dim light of the red moon. You were a restless sleeper, always tossing in turning and finding some unconscious way to be touching him.
You would throw your leg over his, or throw your arm across his lap. He was very annoyed with this contact at first, your sleepy need to be touching getting on his nerve. He would pick up your wrist between his two claws, almost disgusted at the contact. He would drop your hand back next to you, only for you to move it back once more after a few hours.
This would only provide more irritation and then he would use his powers to tightly tuck your hands back under the plush comforter. Somehow, you still always find a way to place it back across his lap. After a while of playing these games, he gave up and allowed you to sleep however you wanted.
If you asked very polity on a good day, he would hold you close for the rest of the night, reading you to sleep.
You became the only demon, in all of the nine circles, to be able to touch the Radio Demon and keep all your limps intact afterwards.
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outtoshatter · 8 months
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Prompt 2: “Don't worry, I got you.”
Fanfiction | Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek
Warnings: none | Rating: Teen & up
Raining Cats and Dogs (also on ao3!)
Derek almost didn’t stop. The storm had picked up, the rain was coming down in buckets and thunder rumbled threateningly overhead. The flashes of lightning were bright and close. Even on the highest setting, his wipers could hardly keep the windshield clear enough for him to see.
It was a combination of good timing, Derek’s instinct to track movement, and pure dumb luck that he noticed it at all. He turned his head. Lightning struck, illuminating the rain drenched gray sky, and the soaked pile on the shoulder of the road twitched.
He jerked and then righted the wheel, cursing at himself. He pulled off more safely and flicked on his hazard lights.
The rain was icy, stinging against his skin and soaking him the second he got out. He ducked his head and ran along the road to where he saw it. He splashed through the deep puddles that formed as the rain flooded the ditch.
He sped up; when he reached the soaked lump, he bent over, squinting through the rain to see if it was even alive.
The kitten bunched up in a shivering, wet ball, opening its mouth in an almost soundless warning hiss.
Derek tried to guess how young it was—old enough that it would probably make it, by his estimation—before, resigned, he stripped his jacket off.
He didn’t try to get closer or pick it up right then. He tossed his jacket over it from afar.
The kitten yowled with panic, flailing under the leather.
Derek lunged before it could fight its way out, scooping it up inside the jacket. “Don’t worry,” he said grimly, “I got you.”
It struggled in his arms, no doubt shredding the lining of his jacket. He sloshed his way back to the car and got in with the jacket bundled to his chest. He cranked the heat and seat warmers, and dumped the spitting kitten in the passenger seat. It was still drenched to the point where Derek couldn’t tell what color its fur was, or whether it was a cat or a gremlin. It flexed its claws against the seat, backing up against the door with its greenish eyes locked on him. He faced forward. “That’s fine. We’ll just sit here and warm up a little. After this, we’ll go see…my friend.” He grimaced. Scott would tell Stiles about this, he knew it. But there was no avoiding it. Dr. Deaton was out of town and the kitten needed to see someone. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw it hunker down against the seat as the warmth seeped up. The rain eased after a few minutes; it was still coming down steadily, but it lightened up enough to give the wipers a fighting chance. Thunder cracked. The kitten flinched. Derek watched from the corner of his eye, careful not to turn his head. He’d already figured out it was best to just pretend he didn’t know they were there. He pressed his hands to his eyes. Stiles was going to kick him out. This was the ninth stray he’d picked up this year. He didn’t mean to, he just kept finding them, and he couldn’t just leave them out there. He sighed and put the car in drive, aiming for the vet’s office. Maybe the shelter would have room this time. Stiles wanted him to stop bringing home strays, so they didn’t have to keep saying goodbye. Bu it was a good thing. The six cats and two dogs he’d found had gone to terrific homes. This little one would as well. Maybe Scott would keep his mouth shut. He’d nearly reached the office when a slight, damp weight touched his leg. Four delicate paws pressed into his thigh, and then the kitten curled up in his lap. “Well, you’re a brave one,” he said evenly. His hands flexed on the steering wheel. Otherwise, he didn’t acknowledge it until they pulled into the parking lot. He gingerly worked his phone out of his pocket and called Scott. “I’m outside,” he said when he answered. “I have a…very wet and cold kitten.” He was quiet for a beat. “I’ll bring a towel out. Was it injured?” “I don’t think so, just caught in that bad storm.” “Alright, I’m on my way.” Derek risked glancing down at the kitten; it was either asleep or doing a good impression of it. Scott wasted no time wrapping the kitten in the towel, tightly enough that all I could do was yowl unhappily from its new swaddle. Derek went inside with them, unsurprised when Scott’s first order of business was to get the kitten warmed up; they’d done this enough times to have a routine. He looked at Derek while deftly avoiding the kitten’s outraged biting. He sighed. “I didn’t go looking, I saw it on the side of the road.” Scott hummed doubtfully. “Alright, why don’t you go to my office and grab the spare scrubs I keep in there so you stop dripping all over the floor while I deal with this?” Derek went to do just that, but he hesitated at the door. “Would you…not tell Stiles?” Scott didn’t look up. “Hmm,” was all he said.
Derek glowered, but there wasn’t much else he could do besides ask. He left to change. He should have expected it. He heard Stiles’s voice in the exam room when he left Scott’s office. With a heavy sigh, he pushed the door open. He couldn’t help smiling when he saw the kitten bouncing around the table chasing a mouse toy. “She’s healthy,” Scott said into the silence. “She’s going to need flea treatment and lots of food—she’s a little skinny—but there’s no microchip, and she seems pretty dirty for a pet. Probably a stray that lives near people—she’s fine being pet and handled. Mostly.” Stiles took a deep breath. His hoodie was wet at the shoulders from the rain, his hair damp. “We agreed,” he said slowly. Despite his calm tone, Derek could feel his disappointment. “I found her on the side of the road, half-drowned. I couldn’t just leave her.” “I know, but-” He rubbed his face. “We can’t foster again. Derek,” he sighed when he opened his mouth. “We agreed, remember, after the last one, that we wouldn’t do anymore fosters.” “There’s really no room at the shelter.” “Thank you, Scott,” Stiles said between his teeth without looking away from Derek’s face. “It’ll be okay this time,” he said. “She’ll get adopted really quickly.” His voice cracked, but that was just from the rain. “Probably a week. Look at her.” “That’s not what I’m worried about. You get attached,” Stiles pointed out. “And then they’re gone! And I can’t-” “Oh my god,” Scott blurted suddenly. “Oh my god.” “I can’t help it,” Derek said. “And I can’t just leave them there—I won’t.” “Derek,” Stiles said, his voice quiet, “I’m not asking you to, I-” He cut off. “I hate seeing you so torn up when they get adopted.” “Better that than them on the streets though.” Scott rubbed his temples. “Good god. Get out.” He scooped up the kitten and her toy, shoving her into Stiles’s hands. Derek flinched, reaching out to take her, but Scott slapped a bottle of flea and tick treatment in his hands. “I’m tired and I want to go home. Both of you are idiots. Go talk about this at home.” He pointed at Stiles. “Just say it.” He pointed at Derek. “Listen.” Then he stomped out, waving his hands over his head. “I meant it,” he shouted. “Get out!” Stiles looked at the squirming kitten in his hands, baffled. She bapped his nose. “I can take her,” Derek said. “Maybe Boyd…or someone else can foster her.” Stiles’s fingers curled more securely around her as he looked at Derek, his expression going thoughtful. “No, let’s go home to talk. She’s coming with,” he added. “I think Scott’s right and we’re just not hearing each other.” He took Derek’s hand and pulled, giving him a careful kiss on the lips. “Come on, let’s go home.”
Derek prepared his case in his head while he followed the jeep home. He was already attached, so it didn’t change things if they fostered her or gave her up now. He would find her a home quickly, so they wouldn’t be inconvenienced for long. They already had some basics, and she would already be at their house, so this was much less hassle than finding someone else to foster her. Stiles sat them down at the kitchen table when they got home, looking uncharacteristically serious. The kitten chased her toy across the floor by their feet. “Okay. Look. The reason I don’t want us fostering strays is because of how torn up you get when they go to their new homes.” Derek winced. “I can-” Stiles cut him off with a sharp look. “You just quietly retreat into your head for days after they’re gone. You don’t need to go through that.” He set his jaw. “I’ll try to get better about it, but I can’t promise to leave them if I find them.” “I told you, I don’t want you to do that.” Stiles rested his chin on his upturned palm, smiling as he kicked around the toy for the kitten to chase. That was how it started—Stiles got just as attached as Derek did, when they took in a new stray. But once a potential home was found, his demeanor changed. He got anxious and tense, and distanced himself from the dog or cat. Derek realized why as he watched Stiles playing with the kitten. You just quietly retreat into your own head after they’re gone. “Oh,” he murmured, guilt grabbing him by the throat. “Oh. Stiles, I-” “Can’t we just keep her?” he blurted. He straightened. “That’s all I’ve been trying to say. We can keep her, and it’ll be easier to let go of the others, for you.” Derek blinked at him. He thought of all the other strays, all the other conversations like this that never had a satisfying ending. “You want to?” “Yes.” Derek laughed breathlessly. “So do I.” Stiles beamed. “Good. Now let’s go give her that flea bath.” They shared a kiss first, then turned on their unsuspecting new kitten. They decided to call the kitten Lightning after they all three barely survived the bath and all of her escape attempts. Derek disinfected Stiles’s cuts while Lightning rolled around on a towel and glared balefully at them. Stiles took the hair dryer out with a gleam in his eye. “Come here, Lightning-bug, we have to get you dry.” He took just a little too much pleasure when he flicked it on, Derek thought. They all collapsed together on the couch after she was dry, too tired to make it up to the bedroom. Derek slumped against Stiles’s shoulder, one hand cupped under Lightning to keep her in place. He woke a little later when Stiles moved sharply. “Don’t worry,” he murmured sleepily, catching Lightning before she could slip off Derek’s slackened hand. “I got you.”
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shallyne · 10 months
Feysand Week Day 1: Stars Eternal & Death Incarnate
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Always lonely, Never alone
Day one! So exciting. I tried something new here, hope you all like it. @officialfeysandweek2023
Words: 1,653
TW: death, neglect, sickness, health, Tamlin
Feyre lives a a lonely life in the clutches of an unhappy marriage. When she meets an old friend, she realizes that she was never alone.
Feyre Archeron was a newborn when she opened her blue-gray starlit eyes and gazed up at her mother with a curiosity that would accompany Feyre her whole life. She was a newborn when her mother looked the baby in the eyes, deemed her strange and shoved her into the nearest nursemaid's arms.
Feyre Archeron was a year old when a maid convinced her mother to bathe the child for once, who in return grew bored and left shortly after. Her nursemaid was near to get the child's head back over the water surface in time.
Feyre Archeron was three years old when she first gazed up at a painting, admiring the beauty in that piece of art. She was four years old when she first held a paintbrush in her hand.
Feyre Archeron was six years old when she was brave enough to show her mother one of her paintings, pride surging through her as it finally looked how she imagined. Her mother didn't even spare a glance.
Feyre Archeron was eight years old when her mother died, leaving chaos in her wake. The little girl had cried at the funeral, mourning a life. She didn't understand what the other guests were talking about when they called her mother an incredible woman because the woman Feyre knew was nothing but mean.
Feyre Archeron was nine years old when her father put all their money into trading ships, which got lost in the sea. Creditors hunted their family down and splintered his leg so much that her father could never use his leg again. Feyre had begged the creditors, trying to stop them, her stomach emptying as she watched the assault on her father.
Feyre Archeron was eleven years old when they moved into a cottage on the edge of the forest. She was fourteen when hunger led her into the woods, when she made her first kill. Feyre came back to the same spot to weep for the life she took. She went back to the cottage every night, the space crowded with too many people for such a small place, and felt utterly alone despite it.
Feyre Archeron was seventeen years old when she met a farm boy at the village market, both so lonely that they found solace in each other, sating their hunger for intimacy.
Feyre Archeron was nineteen years old when she went to the village market to sell the pelt of a wolf she had killed in the woods. She had met a handsome stranger on her way back home, who introduced himself as Tamlin. He started courting her the very same year.
Feyre Archeron was twenty years old when Tamlin proposed to her. She said yes.
Feyre Archeron was twenty-one years old when she promised Tamlin to be with him for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to cherish and love him until parted by death. Tamlin had promised her the same, with no intention to keep that promise.
Feyre Archeron was twenty-two years old when Tamlin first held her wrist so strongly that she got bruises.
Feyre Archeron was twenty-three years old when Tamlin forbade her to leave the house at all.
Feyre Archeron was twenty-four years old when she was so alone that she sought comfort in the night sky, staring up at the sky. She felt the stars staring back, comforting her.
Feyre Archeron was twenty-five years old when she was confronted with death. A sentry of Tamlin’s household was terribly injured in the woods and Feyre spent the night at his bedside, being there for him like she would want someone to be there for her when her time would come. She held the sentry's hand and reassured him that everything would be alright. He died before the next sunrise.
Feyre Archeron was twenty-eight years old when Tamlin yelled at her for not yet carrying a child. She hadn't bothered to tell Tamlin that she kept taking her contraceptive tea, not yet ready to bring a child into this world. Into her world.
Feyre Archeron was thirty-one years old when she first fell sick. She hid it, hoping it would vanish again. Just a cold. Only a cold. Although there was always an echo of the sickness, following her around.
Feyre Archeron was thirty-four years old when the echo became a constant whisper. She was tired, exhausted and sleep became rare. She spent more time watching the night sky, the stars and the moon, the shadows and realized that they were her only constant companion throughout her life. She didn't know if Tamlin had a busy schedule or if he had realized that Feyre became sick but he was barely there anymore.
Feyre Archeron was thirty-five years old when she watched the night sky during another sleepless night. She had lost her appetite and lost a lot of weight due to falling more and more and more sick. The dark circles under her eyes became constant, the whispering now a silent beckoning inside her. She was desperate, so desperate that she talked to the stars, promising that she would leave this manor, leave Tamlin and pick up painting again if she became healthy again. She promised to find a home, a real home. She tried to bargain for a little more life when she realized a spot on the clear night sky, between the stars, that felt empty. Like it was missing something. Feyre waved it away and went back to bed, a weird feeling of homesickness creeping over her.
Feyre Archeron was thirty-seven years old when the sickness exhausted her so much that she couldn't walk more than five minutes before taking a break. A trip to the bathing chambers felt like climbing a mountain, she was tired.
Feyre Archeron was thirty-eight years old when she looked into the mirror and didn't recognize herself. She was frail, weak, only skin and bone. Her hair was matte, already streaked with fine lines of silver. Death was near, watching over her. It wasn't death that scared her. It was the weird feeling of familiarity, the lack of fear that Death was so close, that scared her.
Feyre Archeron was thirty-nine years old when she became utterly bedridden. The only one who was watching after her was a healer but she didn't talk to Feyre. No one did. She was useless to them now, why would they bother with her? They waited for her to die. So did she. She was ready to go, ready to leave the world. To go home.
It was December twenty-first, an hour past midnight. Feyre Archeron was barely forty years old when her eyes went to the window. The curtains weren't closed but she couldn't see the night sky, a figure blocked her sight. Feyre smiled as her eyes locked with purple ones. Purple eyes shining with stars. A chance for Feyre to see the night sky one more time before she took her last breath. Tears welled in her own eyes, her smile not wavering, as she looked at him. Death. Her friend. Her lover.
"There you are, Feyre Darling." he said, his voice dark but smooth. He stepped forward, his hand resting on her face. Gentle. Death was gentle. "I've been waiting for you."
"I've never been alone, have I?" her voice was rough. Her throat hurt.
Death shook his head, his raven hair moving perfectly. "Never," he promised her. "I was always with you, my love." Death smiled his perfect smile. "It's time to go home."
"Home." she echoed, closing her eyes. Death didn't leave her side, he held her hand and smoothed her hair until the last breath had left her lips.
Home. Her friend. Her lover.
Feyre gripped his hand tightly but he didn't mind. He actually welcomed it. She was still disoriented, which was usual for souls that crossed the realm of the living to the dead. It was especially confusing for souls like Feyre, who didn't have any previous experience with human life. It was Feyre's very first life, that she had insisted on experiencing because she was curious. Forty years they were separated. It was nothing for an immortal, it was eternity for a male who was separated from the love of his life.
When they walked through tall double doors, Feyre's eyes went wide, watching the stars being so neat to her. He felt the wonder through their bond, the curiosity and the familiarity. This was her home. This was where she belonged. Her place in the midst of all the other stars was still empty, the stars seeming dull since she was gone. Feyre was the brightest star of them all, always was. Eternity never took her curiosity, her happiness. Rhysand had always admired her for this.
It would take Feyre quite some time until she was ready to take her spot again, that's why he took to another set of doors on the left, a door that led to his office.
Feyre stopped in her tracks when she took in the painting behind his desk. It was a painting that she had made for him a couple hundred years ago. It showed both Feyre and Rhys.
She stepped forward and read the plaque on the bottom of the painting. He knew what she found there, had read it already a million times since she got it for him. Double the amount since she started her human life on earth.
Death Incarnate and his Stars Eternal.
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @edgyellie @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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laskyy · 1 year
So! Yk what's about to happen!
Yechan req because yes.
So, I was thinking it could be a friends to lovers aswell where the reader is a camera worker for KQ ENT, and while filming (any MV) someone/thing falls/bumps on Reader and they accidentally hit yechan w the camera then patch him up because they feel bad? (Not too hard. Don't kill my baby lmfao) 😋
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AAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUUUCH!!! I'm really happy you enjoy my content! Thank you for always requesting cute ideas!! Love you and happy reading <33
Fall for you
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Genre: f2l, camera operator reader, idol Yechan
Contains: mentions of blood, injuries, cheesy content
It was another day of working with the boys of xikers to film their music video for Tricky house and you were very excited to say the least.
Today they were filming on the train and that gave you more opportunities to have fun with the camera angles and you knew the boys would make the job easy for you because they're just so good to work with, especially Yechan.
He was always really sweet to you and considering you were the youngest member of the staff he understood how you felt so he would always try to make you feel confortable.
The guys arrived on set and you started filming right away hoping to get good footage and let them go home as early as possible as they needed to rest.
They were currently taking a break from filming and you took the chance to look through the material you already filmed.
"Wow you made Yujunie look really cool!" You heard the voice you'd been wanting to hear all day.
"Yeah well, he's already cool I just filmed him!"
"Hey that's nonsense, have you seen him? He's a complete fluffball!" Yechan said while pointing to Yujun who was blinking one eye at a time because of how sleepy he was making you both giggle.
"You're right but you're also a fluffball, you look cute when you're sleepy!" you said not even believing you were brave enough to compliment him.
"You think?" He asked with his sparkly eyes.
"Well... yeah!" You said with a small smile while looking down.
"Then I hope you can make this fluffball look cool on camera" he said while lifting your chin up with a finger and smiling at you.
"I wasn't- I'll see you later" he said giving you a small wave while going to the makeup arting who laughed at the boy's embarrassed state.
When he finished fixing his makeup it was time to start filming his part.
Everyone was preparing their equipment but you already had your camera ready so you had time to admire Yechan from afar as he joked around with his members who were eager to watch him in action.
"Action" the director yelled as he got closer to you to take a look at how things would turn out on camera while you were filming.
Yechan started lipsyncing to his part and you looked at how amazing he looked having fun. You were careful to capture all his expressions in a lot of different angles.
His part was coming to an end when the director wanted to remove a mosquito that got stuck on the screen without making a lot of fuss, but unfortunately he leaned too far and bumped into you hard making you lose your balance and hitting Yechan on his leg with the camera.
"YECHAN!!" You yelled as you squatted to his level and started apologizing endlessly while looking for the part of his leg that got injured.
"It's fine Y/n it's just a scratch see?" he said smiling weakly while pointing to a cut on his shin that had some blood spilling out.
"But I feel bad! Let me help you!" You gave him your hand so that he could stand up and then you headed to a couch next to where there was a first aid kit.
"Alright this might hurt a little bit, but if it gets unbearable tell me and I'll stop ok?"
"Yeah but I doubt that'll even hur- OW"
"You were saying?" You asked while chuckling
"Nevermind" he said while smiling at the thought of making you laugh even if he was in pain.
You finished patching his leg up and then his members found the both of you and started getting worried about Yechan.
They were all around him, except Minjae.
"Thanks for taking care of him!" Minjae said while smiling at you.
"It's the least I could do, after all it was my camera that fell on him!" You said while looking at Sumin who was currently making Yechan laugh.
You were in a trance looking at Yechan and Minjae seemed to notice so he smiled to himself at the thought of you having a crush on their baby.
"Y/n if you like Yechan you should tell him!"
"I- Wha- Who- How did you know?"
"Just the way you look at him you know? And if it gives you any confort, I think he likes you too, in fact he is currently admiring you!" Minjae said making you turn your head to Yechan who was actually staring at you and looked away as he got caught.
"I'll take the guys somewhere else so that you can talk it out, good luck!" Minjae said giving my head a small pat and yelling for the other guys to come with him.
You sat next to Yechan and smiled at him.
"So you and Minjae hyung?"
"What? No? What makes you think that?"
"Well it's just that you seemed so smiley when talking to him and then the head pat." He said while looking down.
"Hey Yechan, look at me, the only reason I seemed so happy when I was with Minjae was because he was talking about you" you said, your voice getting quieter after every word.
"So does that mean you like me?" He said with a big smile on his face.
"It depends!" You said with a small smirk on your face making the boy before you frown.
"On what?"
"On whether you like me or not!"
"Well then, I like you so?"
"I like you too Yechan!" You said while smiling.
"You asked for someone to pinch you so I did!" You said while laughing at his frustrated face.
"You have to make it up to me!" He said while crossing his arms.
"And how would I do that?"
He pointed to his lips and said or more accurately asked "By giving me a kiss?"
You giggled at how cute he was being and complied to his request by softly pressing your lips to his and moving them in sync with his until the both of you ran out of air.
"Who knew today I would get kissed and almost murdered by the person of my dreams!" He said while holding my hand and helping me get up from the couch as we both laughed and heard some more voices laughing.
We both looked behind us and there stood the boys just looking at us like they had been caught stealing something.
"Congrats!!" Minjae shouted and the rest of the guys congratulated us right after.
This sweet moment was obviously short lived as we had to get back to work to film Yechan's part.
"Good luck bub" You said as Yechan quickly kissed your cheek.
"Thanks cutie, try not to fall for me this time!" He said while laughing making you laugh too.
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whxre4hange · 2 years
attack on titan but dodgeball hc’s
eren is most definitely trying his best to DEMOLISH the other team
nothing will stand in his way. anything that does will be crushed.
probably hits a bunch of his teammates accidentally during his rampage
mikasa is mvp
well she would be if she wasn’t constantly lurking around ereh
has dove and skidded on the ground at least 20 times to catch the ball and/or protect ereh
armin cowered on the ground behind his teammates for the first 20 minutes and was the last one standing cause everyone else got picked off before him
tries to psych the other team out- “cmon, let’s talk it out- we can talk this out! violence isn’t the answer!” [boos] “you wouldn’t wanna hit me, would you? i’m so weak and defenceless and you would NEVE-‘ [gets hit by 5 different balls]
sasha ate 10 baked potatoes before the game and she gets stitches 30 seconds into the game
she is on the floor crawling around the whole time
‘pls im an injured woman dont throw anything at me :(‘
she also snuck a bunch of snacks into her pockets so she’s snacking at the back until someone gets her out
and she’s still snacking on the sidelines #girboss
connie does not understand what is going on, he thinks it’s catch, so he keeps throwing it at his teammates
and he’s like :’o when everyone yells at him
“ur just mad because u cant catch properly” connie no ur just dumb sweetie
jean wants to be the leader and is the control freak of the team, but no one cares about anything he says
and because eren is not petty at all, he ignores everything jean says and instead gets everyone to do the opposite
marco is the wholesome one. shakes everyone’s hand. smiles and wishes everyone good luck (including the opposing team). is the first one out because he got distracted whilst smiling and waving to his mom, who was in the crowd. yells encouragement from the sidelines. (he’s so precious PLS)
reiner is following historia around constantly trying to be a human shield
spoiler; it doesn’t work
ymir keeps intercepting anything that dares come near historia and “accidentally” whacks reiner every time he gets too close
annie is the true mvp. she’s an absolute machine. but she kicks the balls instead of throwing it. beat up the referee when he tried to tell her it was against the rules
given his size, bertholdt is seemingly an easy target
or is he? bertolto is actually a very speedy player
although he struggled to get how the game worked at first, bertoloto quickly grasped the rules and became the runner up mvp
bertrololololololol has kind of made it his mission to be annie’s back up- always catching/intercepting anything that might hit annie and attacking would-be annie attacks
very good at running, ducking - you name it, birthcontrol can do it!
erwin, surprisingly, is really really really bad at dodgeball
gives a really huge inspirational speech to his team but doesn’t understand the point of it
why throw balls when he has the biggest balls out of everyone? [this was a joke about what a great brave commander he was, not a sex joke. pls don’t cancel me]
anyways all jokes aside, he just stands there like 🧍🏼 what is going on
gets hit very quickly and sits on the sidelines researching the origins of dodgeball
hange managed to invent this robotic arm that throws dodgeballs at an insane pace
but it malfunctions and targets her & her team instead
oh and she built it legs that have suddenly started working and it’s chasing her around now
moblit is frantically running after hange with the remote screaming because he can’t find the off button
(spoiler: there is no off button. hange forgot. in her defence, she made it at 3am on a grand total of -50 hours of sleep)
levi is above this nonsense and is silently judging you all
lmao you thought. he’s lurking in the back throwing stuff at hange #pettygirlboss
some r from aot junior high but I tried to expand on them and add more stuff :) hope u enjoyed
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Also, help i fall down this rabbit hole... I did plan to write a lot about it 😅, sorry guys for the torture, please forgive me! Ok? 🥺🥺
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P. S 2.0:This is an old fanfiction that never come out two years ago, didn't have the mood to write that much...It is a bit prepared with feelings... I do plan to write more with cases and of course more SCP style since H. Hope is my SCP persona... 😅 I just got the taste of the case-detective stories 👀👀👀, oh boy... My imagination is over 9000🤣🤣♥️
Also part 1:->
Part 3: ->
The others strangers looked strange at her, had that look as if they could eat her, Hope was in a new completely unknown location to her, it Was scary but she had to be brave after all they Were people not anomalies.
Most teenagers and even some adults found comfort in alcohol and very fould language, they were dressed too stridently and vulgar, it Was indeed a mad world out there, the streets have so much danger on them after the sunset and With every step she took, she felt watched.
On the Site after everything that happened that day she couldn't stay there for much longer, she needed a break and her colleague understand her, for that Hope was grateful, she did not need to explain to them any forward, there was still blood, bad blood and smell, that smell made Hope sick.
While she tried to avoid unwilling conflicts a group of three boys blocked her way, that made her sigh, can't she just had a peacefully night at least once...
The blonde one said something to her, his breath smelled of cheap cigarettes and different types of alcohol, wondering how he stood on his feet by now, the middle one was shorter than the rest of those two, tried to grab Hope by her shoulder, lucky his face meet with Hope angry fist, the idiot felt down probably needed a dentist soon.
The third screams something Hope could not understand probably he had too many glass of whisky, but that kick somewhere should had wake him up.
For someone like Hope it was easy to kick their sorry lives but that wasn't something she wanted at that moment, Hope withdrew when she caught the moment.
Near the beach a detective looking at sea, the waves calmed him down, he didn't even know why he suffered from insomnia.
The moon was full and beamed with light as it looked upon him, the moon was the detective's only companion but as he sit down a noise caught his attention.
It looked like several people were chasing another person and a few swear words could be heard, this Was something that the detective didn't want to see it, his hero side come out, someone had to teach those jesters a lesson, it was incredible how society was deteriorating.
The detective had no problems When it came to fight, it is What comes with being a detective, having to know those things not only using your brain and of course be in the right shape he didn't had a problem catch up with them.
The detective had to take them by surprise so he hide behind a bush, finding a rock it throw it as far as he could, the rock made a sound that drove their attention away, following the sound they found and angry stray cat that gave them a scare, not far away two guardians having dogs come and chase those men, probably they had heard the laughter and come to see What was going on, a hotel was nearby.
As the scene was safe detective Void decided it Was time to come out, that sure Was boring but he didn't knew What happened to the fourth person, was injured, did it needed help.
As he was walking by mistake, his leg got tangled by something and in the sand his hand found a long thin rope only that it moved in his palm. As soon as it moved, it withdrew immediately leaving a thin trace in the velvet sand and clearly that wasn't a fish.
The detective follow the trace, it was obviously something was going on, he knew only one person with that tail, it was three years ago since he last saw her... And those men could come anytime soon, he had to warn her and make sure Hope was alright, not that he cared that much, sure he did not or that he tries to say to himself.
He finally found her hidden behind some rocks, the light Was weak, nearly impossible to see someone there if it wasn't for the thin rose tail that the Waves brought it ashore, he slowly gave his hand so the female anomaly would have a better chance to come out of her hidding spot.
Hope remember the young male in front of her, another strange place for a reunion but then again, they first have meet on the Site at the worst time possible, maybe next time they could have a nice cup of tea, the water in the sea was just like ice.
Just a reminder for them, they Were in an open area where they could easily fall prey, Hope made a sign, they have to move in the opposite direction, as they walked the big full moon follows them and more stars were revealing themselves.
The beach was long and wide, the sea become restless, they already were going by an half of hour, no noise, no strange figure, occasionally they heard a train passing by, the detective was silent.
Even in the darkness she could still see the sadness in his eyes,even if the detective tried so hard to hide it, something was wrong with him too, maybe he saw something that broke him too, Hope realize thst she wasn't the only one who was running from something. She knows that face too well, even in her nightmares. She got closer to the detective,as the breeze started to bother her, she still was wet from that early night bath in the sea, wished she had a towel.
Anyway deep down Hope was really happy to see the detective, since last time in a way she had missed him but then she remember her true mission and the foundation purpose, people like detective Void should be protected from any anomalies no matter the cost.
On the other hand, the silence Was killing the detective, who Were those men that were following Hope? Why Hope needed to hide from them? Have they found out? They were in danger?
The flashbacks from the recent events come before her eyes, Hope didn't even knew the detective asked her something so she tried to change the subject.
"It's crazy to think how the stars appears so small on the sky but if you would get closer to them, it can kill you."
"What are you trying to say with this?"
That wasn't exactly the conversation the detective really wanted at that moment but it had to start from somewhere plus it looked like Hope felt a little better, he saw how tense she was.
"Do you always have to let your little tail get into trouble?"
At that Hope let a small laugh, if only the detective knew, but he knows only 0.0002% of it, truth Was she always had her little tail into trouble more or less...it Was funnier this Way more or less, unlike the rest of the SCP colleague she has fun.
"I kinda wish the stars would have been this small so i could pick up some of them in my hand and make a lovely how you call those paper flowers that puts them around your neck in the old Hawai beach movies?
"For good people there will always be a compliment found."
"It's just you should be more careful... Take care of you, mister detective Void... Um, your soulmate needs you whole body and soul."
"You are sometimes weird, Hope... Why would i even need a relationship?"
"And the detectives past time activities is star gazing?"
"No. Is it yours?"
Ouch, there he caught her, she tried so hard maybe too hard to not make herself a fool well it did not work.
"Probably, i don't know, i like the night sky and looking at the many stars, at least they are not alone."
"Are you? Is that all, Hope, you are a little defensive there... When you are a detective you get to speak to lots of different people/ suspects."
"I only want someone to have a heart to heart conversation that is all. Nothing too much, or too many..."
"How was your day?"
"Great! Containment breach, violence, blood, more people in the cemetery the usually stuff. Yours?"
"Maybe i shouldn't have asked, i'm sorry... Well, i failed finding a perfect gift for someone whos birthday is about in 2 months, i can't find the right one and i am a detective i should know were to look for it."
"That is so sweet, i am sure this person knows you live them even without the perfect gift."
Hope looked at the detective and it was getting hard to keep herself up, the sad feelings were still there and it Wasn't like it could go away that easily, knocking at her doors, she tried her best to not give up anything besides good vibes, it wasn't about her anymore, it is never about her, she can go through it just fine, right? Wrong. Just thinking about those hours back the containment breach, oh gosh, it could have been anyone even the person in front of her, dead, just as cold as an ice-cream...
"Please don't go, i don't want to have you too on my consciousness. I can't protect you!"
She found herself speaking, it was true after all and if it wasn't for the professional expression mask the young detective had, that statement would have taken him by surprise. He had to admit to himself that nothing was shocking him anymore at that point, well he was wrong, they barely knew each other after all, that must have been confusing as redacted.
"I thought more than half of the foundation would dislike me, wasn't expecting this from you!"
"I don't know what your problem is but we are not evil and you are not a hero either, it's just you should live your life as a simple life nothing too complicated."
This somehow hurt him, it's not like he wanted any of this in the first place, he wouldn't admit it to anyone but this secret started to get the better of him, it wasn't like detective Void forgot his promise to forget about all of this, he really tried but fate is a cruel mistress and a twisted one.
The silence was too long and Hope decided to speak again, she didn't wanted to make him feel bad and unwanted.
"It's nice to have you in my life mister detective, i find you a funny guy with a sense of humor."
"Sense of humor? I don't think that is true about me, of course i have many qualities but that isn't on the list."
Hope started to shake, it was indeed a beautiful view but it was getting cold and colder the breeze, it was also late.
"Have you ever thought that the SCP foundation is the problem here? This secret is just a brainwash, it should have been better if people knows about it, it's the only way to confront whatever will come in the future!"
"And then what will happen? They will become so afraid that even seeing their own shadow will scare them! Some things are better left alone in the dark, if you don't know it then it won't hurt you!"
"That is not how things works, Hope!"
"Have you forgot in what twisted universe we live in?
"And does getting yourself killed solves any problems?"
"So does that means you do care a little about me? I'm flattered mister detective, please don't make me blush more than i already am."
"Eh...Why do i even bother? It's clearly i'm fighting on a war that is already lost..."
"Mister detective Void let me say something nice too, you are like a sad fairytail with a happy ending."
"That doesn't makes much sense but i will take it and please drop the mister, i'm not that old!"
"Well you sure are the detective of my life!"
Hope gave a little smile, all those books and TV series about detectives and resolving crimes, made her want an adventure like that, maybe if she asked him, Hope might have a chance.
"Again what is with this obsession about detectives?"
"Not just any detective, if i might add."
Again silence, it was fun, they just sit there on the sand and talk about ordinary things, nothing much, but neither of them mind it.
"Are you tired?"
"Yes, sort of... Mind if i let my head rest on your shoulder? So warm, i like it, ten out of ten, you would make a great pillow, detective."
"Yeah, my next great career as a pillow, a detective pillow."
Just like that Hope gave a short laugh, she already could imagine the detective pillow, at day solve cases, at night giving everybody who needs it, a great night sleep, not bad at all.She buried her face a little deeper in the detective neck, a faint blush covering her cheek.
"Come on, i saw a motel near by, i am sure they have a room where you can stay..."
She didn't wanted to go back at the Site plus too tired and she barely drag her feet, the room Was cozy points to the detective fpr knowing such a nice place, once they were in the room the bed somehow winked at her, and Hope knew how tired she Was.
"Not bad, right Hope... Oh and here i have this two coupons With 50% Off at any dumplings order, their dumplings are one and only kind, you can have them... I am too busy sometimes i forget to even eat, it would be a shame to let this coupons waste..."
The detective turned his head only to see Hope already curled up into a ball, looked like she already Was fast asleep and did not heard him, but he couldn't blame her, after that he let her a message and slowly closed the door behind him.
The detective had a lot of things on his own agenda to do, just thinking about it made him almost skip sleep that night, but that could have wait at least one more day, he could feel that he was getting closer to the truth.
The end
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somemydayy · 2 years
Jujutsu Kaisan characters as yanderes: tokyo school edition
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yuji itadori: wasn’t good with words, and rather brash and hotheaded. but you liked him, nonetheless. at first it started as a simple wave and heartfelt smile here, and there. everytime you saw him, you couldn’t help but pipe up and ask how his day was going. you did your best being friendly, but itadori didn’t see it that way. he saw it as you, taking interest in him. and he wasn’t one to just give his heart to just anyone. but he did, he gave it to you. and that in itself was enough testimony of his conviction. he was taken aback when you seemed rather shocked by, and even rejected his declaration of marriage. you knew, he liked you but never in a million years did you expect the happy-go-lucky strawberry haired boy to drag, and lock you up in the school’s outdoor storeroom, after you rejected him. yuji wasn’t going to let you go, not after you itched your very existence onto his soul, and denied your very involvement. “your lying. you love me, I know it!”
megumi fushiguro: was quite the notorious delinquent during his time in middle school. he wasn’t proud of it, but he will admit it did have its advantages at times. like how it helped him get all the dirt on certain people and even some other perks. you weren’t megumi’s girlfriend, but anyone with half a mind, knew to stay clear of you. first it started with megumi making sure no one bullied you. but soon that just wasn’t enough. megumi started to “accidentally” injure anyone who got near you. cut lips and bloody fists were on a normal occasion, and soon word spread about what megumi had done. not long after everyone in the prefecture caught wind of what he did, what he would do if anyone approached you with ulterior motives. one day he caught someone hassling you on the subway train. next day news broke out that the pervert has been beaten to a bloody pulp, black eyes, multiple broken ribs, and even one of his legs had been horribly shattered and rearranged beyond repair. he was disfigured and stabbed beyond recognition, and was even left to die on the side of a deserted road. everyone knew megumi had been behind the incident. everyone, but you. “don’t worry, I’ll make sure to protect you from now on. Its a promise.”
nobara kugisaki: loved beautiful people, and things. and you were quite the rare beauty, the sickly sweet kind too. a gentle smile, a soft caress of your finger tips, the alluring melody of your voice. the most beautiful part of you was that you always put a brave front in order to console somebody else. no matter how much you were hurting inside. after some time, nobara found herself devoted to you. body, mind and soul, but that just wasn’t enough. nobara couldn’t stand the thought of disgusting men and women alike, taking advantage of your kindness. and your pure soul. so one day after chorus practice, nobara made sure she told you so. “this world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.”
maki zenin: knew all to well what being mistreated and unwanted felt like. she was part of the big three sorcerer clans after all. she didn’t want to live hated for it, so she left. she did the unthinkable and announced her stance on becoming a sorcerer just to spite those old bastards. maki was really tough, but equally as kind. that kindness even extended toward you, a lowly servant. you admired maki, you really did. so when she asked you to leave with her, all you could do was sob uncontrollably. but unlike the tough and brave miss, you weren’t strong enough. who would look after your sister if you left, who would support, cloth and fed her? you respected the young mistress maki, but you couldn’t leave your sister behind. maki could only shake her head and let out a slight frown and say she understood. but maki lied to you. that night when you were fast asleep, she stealthy sneaked back into your chamber. and stole you away in the dead of night. “I won’t ever let you go.”
toge inumaki: thought you were such a innocence, and naïve soul since youth. and caution was just something to you lacked for a better sense of words. you were walking down the street when she heard it. a snap of a tree branch in the dead of night. you had just finished your shift at the local dinner, but unfortunately your car got stranded on the outskirts of town. and the closest gas station was a a mile away. you knew it was reckless, stupid even; but you had the take a chance. and so you got out of the car, and decide to make a dash towards the closest telephone both, and call for help. picking up your pace, you heard the sound of footsteps trailing behind. you tried to sprint down the street, but your legs crashed down instead. you were defenseless and vulnerable, and you couldn’t help but thing back at all the times you were told off for being so reckless. your absolutely devastated with the thought that your parents would soon have to identify your body. tears streamed down your cheeks uncontrollably, when a strange voice made its way into your mind. controlling your mind and body alike. “sleep, tight. doll.”
yuta okkotsu: knew after what happened to her, he was afraid to get close to anyone ever, again. he actively avoided people, and getting involved within their lives. in order to avoid complicated situations, distress, hatred, and hopelessness he felt back then; he shut himself off completely. he felt like he deserved to be haunted, and live with the ghost of her attached to him for the rest of his life. he couldn’t help but feel dreadfully scared almost, always. but that all changed when he met you, he couldn’t help but feel free. of the restraints and the chains that bonded him to her and the rage, and all the sadness that consumed him whole, disappeared suddenly. after he started volunteering at the local animal shelter he finally found a bit of joy. and finding purpose in his life for once. he finally came to enjoy a person’s company, more specifically your company. you volunteered at the local shelter every weekend for the past year and you also went to the same high school. you were a sweet girl. timid and reserved. strict parents that placed much pressure on you getting into a ivy league school. not too many friends, but a close nit group nonetheless. you weren’t the smartest or most popular, but you were the most beautiful girl in yuta’s eyes. well known and liked due to to your kind and positive personality. just one problem though, you changed since you met your boyfriend. he was a well known delinquent. and a reckless punk that participated in illegal car races, and gambling rings. and by extension you were brought around such dirty dealings. yuta advised you to see reason, everyone did. but to no avail, you continued in this disaster of relationship with such a horrible person. it didn’t end there, your supposed boyfriend started insulting your family, and friends. even went as far as forcing you to move in with him, and banned you from taking to anyone other than him. he would beat and humiliate you. on more then one occasion your friends, and family tried to talk you out of this relationship. even intervention and therapy didn’t work. but after one particular evening, your boyfriend never came home from his extracurricular activities. soon after he was declared missing, and his body was found bloody, beaten and tied up in the trunk of his car, a town over. yuta wasn’t about to let you ruin your life for a low life like him. he made sure of it. as you cried your eyes out next to his lifeless body laying in a hospital bed, yuta couldn’t help but light up at the thought of that same man never being able to do anymore harm, never able to talk or open his damn eyes ever, again. yuta held your sobbing body in his arms. you didn’t have to know how far yuta would go, all you had to know was that he wasn’t going to let anyone hurt you. he wasn’t going to let anyone make you cry, and never let anyone take you away from him, ever again. yuta wasn’t going to lose you like he lost her. he’ll be dammed if he did. “sweetie don’t cry… I’ll help you get over this heartbreak.”
extra— sakuna ryomen: remembers it clearly, like it was just a fortnight ago. the very first time he set his sights upon your beautiful existence. he was on his way back to his lodging, from the village he was currently on a retreat at. that’s when he stumbled upon you, naked in all your glory bathing underneath the crystal clear water, of a rural lake in the middle of the woods. sakuna would admit the sight of you alone made him red and slightly intoxicated. the man was bewitched by your cocoa-colored locks that draped over your bosom. the way your back dipped into slender lines, it reminded him of those evening strolls when he would just watch the sun decent into the far away horizon. you were beautiful in all meaning of the word, your beauty was as if the heavens kissed upon you their eternal blessings. as if the gods themselves sculpted your beautiful being into existence. you reminded him of the many tales his family elder would tell him of long ago. of a women that looked so beautiful, as if she descended from the heavens above. and in admiration he stole her celestial robe. he deceived the celestial being in order to strand her on earth, and marry her. and sakuna did just that. he just so happened he steal your robe, just like in that story tale. “I’ll do whatever it takes if it means we’ll be together, forever.”
© Somemydayy 2022 | Please do not copy or alter this writing on Tumblr or any other platform.
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countrymusiclover · 5 months
32 - Acting like Teenagers
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Part 33
Family is more than Blood
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
Missy’s pov
A few days later it was finally Friday afternoon when I was waiting outside Mystic falls high school. My sister Alina was there with me. Swinging my legs back and forth sitting on one of the picnic tables I sighed where she finally broke the silence between us. “So why exactly are we outside the human high school waiting for somebody?”
“I’m waiting for Ethan. You can leave if you don’t want to be here.” I told her flipping my hair over my shoulders when I looked her way.
She sends me a half glare, gesturing to her growing belly. “Hey don’t be angry with me. I am very moody right now after this..”
According to our aunt Freya she was getting close to being five months pregnant. She was having to wear some of Jackson’s hoodies since she couldn’t fit into some of her clothes. Thankfully we could compel people not to judge that she was an eighteen year old pregnant girl. “Okay I’m sorry, Lina. I just wanted to feel normal for once given what we’ve been through the past few days.”
“Do you think mom is going to be okay now that her memories are back. I’ve never seen dad worry about the veins on her arms.” She pointed out to me tapping her fingers on her knees.
Shaking my head I wasn’t sure. “Mom’s been through hell and back. If anything she will be able to get through this. They are both tough as nails.”
“I suppose you’re right. We have to get our brave streak from somewhere. Now if you are wanting to do a party I’ll call Lizzie and see if she’s got any ideas.” Alina pulled up her phone texting the blonde Saltzman witch.
Shifting my attention away from her and her texting I saw the main school door get swung open and everyone started rushing outside happy the school day was over now. Scanning the crowd of people I shut my eyes trying to pinpoint his specific heartbeat. “Missy! Hey Alina, what are you guys doing here up here?” Ethan finally noticed us and he ran over smiling at us.
“We didn’t have class today and I couldn’t wait to see you.” I grinned sliding off the picnic table standing in front of him.
He nodded in understanding. “Nice. Who are you texting so much over there, Alina?”
“Our cousin Lizzie. It’s Friday night and we deserve to party tonight.” She responded by throwing her hands up in the air feeling embarrassed when he just stared at her. “I probably look ridiculous right. Pregnant girl wants to get her party on.”
My boyfriend shook his head in disagreement “it’s not lame at all. After getting cut from the football this morning I could use a good distraction.”
“You got cut this morning. I’m sorry I didn’t think that would happen.” I apologize to him remembering the day that he got injured because of Josie.
Alina’s phone vibrates when she reads the text out loud. “Ohhh yes! She said that we could have the party out at the old Lockwood mansion that was given to Mayor Donavan. That way there’s no way our parents or Uncle Ric can ruin our fun.”
“Cool. I’ll call some of my football buddies and see if they want to come hang.” Ethan points his thumb over his shoulder clearly excited.
Clasping my hands together I grinned at my boyfriend where I threw my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist mirroring the smile. “That sounds fun, E. I’ll text you the address later tonight.”
“I’ll see ya later M & M.” He walked away leaving us alone to watch him go find his other human friends. Wrapping my arms around my chest I smiled knowing that I had made the right decision to have him remember my secret.
My sister broke me from my trance. “I’m glad to see I was right about you two the day we met him. He’s a good little dork for you.”
“He’s not a dork, Lina.” I snapped at her.
She smirked. “Yes he is. He freaking reads comic books and gives you your own unique nickname. What else am I supposed to call that?”
“You still married the only guy you’ve ever known.” I taunted her with a hand on my hip.
My twin sticks her tongue out. “How long are you going to use that against me?”
“Let’s see I am a vampire now so…forever.” I tapped my finger on my chin in thought smirking when I finished my sentence.
She gently shoved me away. “You suck you know that. Just be lucky that I love you. Now we have a party to plan.” Extending my hand out to her she loops her hand with mine where I vamped us back to the mansion going to get the rest of our friends ready for tonight.
Raelyn’s pov
Sitting at the office desk in one of the mansions studies I sighed heavily running a hand over my forehead feeling completely exhausted. Even though vampires don’t need sleep I still felt tired after the past few days. Flipping through some pages of the book I was reading I heard someone come stand in the doorway. “Raelyn, you’ve been in here for who knows how long. Would you please inform me what you are so preoccupied with?”
“Not at the moment, Nik.” I didn’t lift my gaze up from the book slamming it closed shut with a snap of my fingers. “Grrrr. It shouldn’t be possible. I fixed the problem ages ago. I know it.”
My husband crossed the room leaning his palms on the wooden desk. “Raelyn, what are you rambling on about?”
“I saw my uncle Joshua and he warned me. He warned me that Rapunzel and Charming may have to merge like Jacob and I.” I answered his question by dropping another book on the desk that dealt with the blood relation of the Gemini family tree.
Klaus sat down on the edge of the desk, taking out his phone trying to gain my attention. “Hmm that’s odd. Alina just made a large charge on my credit card.”
“Yeah I heard her tell Hope about having a party at the old Lockwood house later tonight.” I replied, racking a hand through my loose hair.
Klaus sent me a half glare. “You’re telling me you knew about this and you did nothing to stop them. That doesn’t sound like you.”
“They're grown adults. I am currently trying to save our young twins even though I am certain that the blood spill I used years ago was supposed to protect any set of twins from our blood from merging. The only ones not spared were Lizzie and Josie.” Hitting my fists on the desk my sleeves had fallen down giving my husband the opportunity to see that the black veins were still there meaning I hadn't placed the Hollow's magic back into the white oak.
Klaus reached across the table snagging my wrist in his grasp. “Rae, look at me for a second.”
“Hmmm.” I made a noise lifting my gaze up to his blue orbs.
He replied to me. “I say we go out tonight. You and I. Crash our teenagers party. Take some alcohol and maybe sample some fresh blood.”
“They're kids. We can’t crash a party.” I told him, shaking my head. “Besides, we have to watch Henrik, Charming and Rapunzel.”
My husband snapped his fingers. “I already took care of that problem. Anticipating our children I asked Damon and Elena to watch them. Given that your brother and Hayley are out on a date tonight.”
“How the hell did you pull that off? Can they be compelled cause I swear they'd take vervain “ Leaning back in the desk chair I tapped my fingers on the old wood.
Klaus stands in front of me offering his hand to pull me up and out of the chair. “I agreed to pay for their kid’s school bills. But that shouldn’t be for a few years since they are only in elementary school. Now come on Raelyn.”
I changed into some ripped blue jeans, a bright red sleeved top with my hair slightly curled. I paired it with some short black boots. Klaus chose to wear his old gray and black jacket that he wore before we made our home in New Orleans. We walked in hand and hand seeing the mansion filled with teenagers dancing and bumping around drinking. “Remind me again why we came here?”
“Because we deserve a night out on the town. And because I have been morning in pain not having you at my side for days. So I’d like to take the win and spend the night with the woman I love.” Klaus turned to face me cradling my face in his freehand and squeezing our intertwined hands together.
Clicking my tongue I smiled up into his blue orbs. “Aren’t you a romantic, Mr. Hybrid. I only have one warning for you.”
“And what is that, heretic queen?” He asked, leaning down when I raised myself up on my toes.
Hitting my nose with his I giggling pulling my hand out of his. “Be prepared to accept defeat at beer pong.” I vanished into the crowd and the hybrid just chuckled as she left him standing there. For he had missed her very prescience that consumed his very being. And now he wouldn’t miss another moment.
I wasn’t sure how long we had been playing the game. But the kids we were playing with were close to passing out drunk. Raising a glass of wine to my mouth I downed almost half of it. “Alright Nikky, it’s your turn. But there’s only two cups on our side to your.. .five.”
“Don’t think you’ve won just yet.” He warned me by throwing the ball without bouncing it on the table so it landed right in the center cup.
Glaring at him I raised the cup drinking all the bourbon that we had poured into it. Lowering the cup I gagged at the same opportunity to hear cheering coming from the wine cellar in the basement. Pinpointing out our daughter's voices. “I can’t believe our parents are here.”
“Dad, probably saw the credit card charge.” Alina reported scolding her older sister. “Or somebody’s boyfriend blabbed to him.”
Landon nervously chuckles. “Hey has anybody ever done Never have I Ever and Truth or Dare?”
“That sounds like fun.” Ethan chimed in where I finally stopped listening in on their conversation.
Nik came over to me after the teenagers playing with us had left. He held the cup of bourbon in his hand and I sat down my cup feeling his freehand on my lower back. “We will mess with their fun in a few hours. I think we need far more drinks than what we have had.” He took my hand and we went in the direction of the kitchen.
Missy’s pov
We had decided to break away from the others at our school that we had invited to this party. That meant that it was me, Ethan, Alina, Jackson, Landon, Hope and finally Andrea all hanging out in the basement. It became our own little clubhouse area. “Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter.”
“Oh geez.” Ethan covered his face with his freehand while taking a drink from his red solo cup.
I turned my head at him. “When did that happen?”
“It was like an initiation into being on the football team. Conor wanted to find out who the weak team members were.” He explained simply,
Landon sat up holding out his cup to the center circle. “Never have I ever drank alcohol before I was 21.”
“Seriously Landon, that's everyone in this room.” Alina scolded him after taking a drink along with everybody else playing the game.
Jackson, who had his arm draped over Alina’s shoulder, raised his glass. “Never have I gone skinny-dipping?” My sister Alina slowly takes a sip from her cup causing me and Hope to gasp in shock.
“When did that happen and why didn’t we know about this before tonight?” Hope gasped.
She shrugged her shoulders, laying her head against her werewolf husband’s chest. “Possibly on our second date before he officially met mom and dad. And you can’t say anything but we got a little excited that night and I’m surprised he didn’t get me pregnant that night.”
“You took her virginity before you were married!” Andra nearly choked on her words.
Ethan made a look of confusion eyeing my twin and Jackson who sat across from us. It was a lot to just explain all the supernatural creatures that lived in this town. I hadn’t had time to explain the whole Mikaelson / Lane family details that he didn’t know about yet. “Wait a minute. Are you two married because you love each other or are you together because you got her pregnant?”
“Because we love each other, man.” Jackson answered the question.
The human boy in our group didn’t seem convinced. “I’m just asking because I don’t get why two teenagers are married but only one of you has had other relationships before you were married.”
“Ethan, you want to talk about odd relationships. We should talk about who is the weirdest supernatural creature in the room. I vote for Landon.” Andrea got up to her feet pointing her index finger at the curly haired boy,
Hope glared at her. “Why do you say that, Andrea? You know what, let's get back to the game. I dare you to chug hot sauce for 30 seconds.”
“No, I think it would be cool to hear that all supernatural creatures are here with me.” Ethan shrugs his shoulders, actually curious.
I raised my hand starting off the list. “I’m the only heretic besides my mother. Half witch half vampire..oh wait there’s aunt Valerie too.”
“Team were witches.” Alina raised her hand so Andrea and her high fived each other including Jackson.
Landon held up his hand. “Only phoenix.”
“Tribrid. Hybrid of three different creatures beat that!” Hope teased them by downing almost all the alcohol in her cup.
Running a hand through my hair I did my best to change the game back to what it was before we switched the subject. “Howl like a wolf to the moon, Ethan.” I eyed my boyfriend who got to his feet about to do what I suggested to him until Jackson spoke up.
“Hold on, Missy. I don’t think we’ve asked the very obvious question yet. Who here is still a virgin in all of our relationships?”
“Oh Jack.” Alina scolded him.
He chuckled, not backing down. “I dare them all to answer it since we know we both aren’t.”
“I’ll put it out there man as long as you don’t tell the guys on the Mystic High football team.” Ethan was the first to admit it, sending me a half smile as if he was worried I would out him.
Taking a long sip of my drink I wasn’t comfortable giving that out even though everyone in this room was either family or close friends. “I still am one. Sorry I didn’t tell you that yet, E.” I apologized before he placed his hand in mine.
“Fine. I ain’t slept with anyone either.” Hope blurts it out, getting to her face and heading towards the stairs to leave. “I’m getting us more alcohol.”
Landon nervously chuckles against the somewhat tense silence in the room that had been created. He leans back in the chair he was sitting in shifting his attention around. “Is anybody still open to Truth or Dare?”
“I think we should try and trick our parents. Specifically our father.” I smirked, getting a good idea in the back of my mind.
Ethan and Landon sent me a horrified look. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Yeah, he's totally cool with it.” Alina responded, acting so much like our father than the rest of his kids did in the room.
Andrea throws her hands up in the air. “I’ve got an idea but we need to buy a Santa Claus hat and beard.”
“Ah I see where she’s going. Plus we’ll need to put it on him when he’s asleep.” Jackson leaned forward in his seat, interested in the plan.
Landon froze up and I could hear his heartbeat quickening up. “Wait a second, who exactly is putting the Santa hat on him while he sleeps?”
“Obviously you and Ethan.” Andrea sniped at him.
Ethan rubbed the back of his neck but he calmed down when I placed my hand in his other. “Why exactly is it just the two of us? Why not include Jackson too?”
“It’s a right of passage in this family. Jackson already faced him when he asked for Alina’s hand in marriage and he didn’t get killed over it.” I clasped my hands together turning around in a circle so both of the newbie boyfriends would understand what they were up against. “Our mother is totally okay with us dating any boy. It’s our father you have to worry about.”
“What have you got them into now?” Hope shut the door with her food coming back down the stairs carrying an unopened bottle of liquor.
Andrea finished the contents of her cup. “Simple the “Can They Survive Klaus Mikaelson Test”. If they come out of it alive then they have proven they are worthy to end up with a Mikaelson daughter.”
“Most importantly somebody better get it on recording.” I added laughing along with my sisters and cousin. The face reactions from my boyfriend and Landon were priceless.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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mrspockify · 6 months
Loved the previous angsty ask about Mario's daughter. So have a couple more.
What if Bowser harms his daughter, whether that be physically or emotionally? (for example, having Kamek use his magic to torture her or Bowser scaring her by saying Mario will forget about her?) If Mario was bad when she was kidnapped I can only imagine how much worse his outburst will be then.
This is about King Boo this time. What if King Boo comes in the picture and traps Mia in a portrait, like in the Luigi's Mansion games? I can imagine King Boo is delighted that he got Mario's daughter, Mario would be ticked and terrified and dear old Uncle Luigi would go ABSOLUTELY FERAL and put aside his fear of KB and be a lot less merciful fighting King Boo to save his niece. Oooo the PTSD and angst this would bring! The nightmares Mia would have, the PTSD it would bring Mario and the wholesome fluff the father-daughter comfort would be.
What is Mario and/or Luigi gets injured in a battle with Bowser while saving Mia? Poor girl must feel really guilty. How would Mario and Luigi deal with this and comfort Mia?
Hope you enjoy the angst! Sorry if this is too long.
I have a hard time imagining Bowser would actually physically hurt Mia that badly. He's evil and malicious, but that's also very much a child, and I think even he has his own moral stances that would keep him from doing too much harm apart from maybe some rough handling. That might leave a few scratches and bruises still, and Mario would absolutely pick up on those immediately, and he would be furious. He'd inwardly vow to make sure Bowser's left with some of his own wounds, severe enough to be permanent reminders never to do this again. I do think Bowser would say a lot of things to Mia to hurt her, though. A lot of "this is your fault, when Mario comes to save you I'm going to finally kill him, and it'll be thanks to you setting the perfect trap, he's going to regret coming to your rescue," etc. Obviously those are lies, but once Mario rescues his daughter, he can't help but noticed how apologetic she is for some reason. When he finally pulls from her the things Bowser said, he's devastated, and he spends all night holding her and reassuring her that none of it was true, and things like that are never her fault.
I think that situation would pull together the most unstoppable brotherly duo imaginable. The moment Mario discovers what happened, he would go straight to Luigi and ask him what they needed to do. Luigi would end up needing to take charge for most of the adventure, because I think Mario would do his absolute best to fight his own fear response and trauma to being trapped in the paintings, but he would definitely be having a hard time. He'd still do everything in his power to help, but his own trauma and his overwhelming worry for his daughter would be very distracting (imagine that scene in LM3 where he's sobbing about Peach and begging Luigi to help, but even worse). Luigi, on the other hand, would be fueled by the instinctual need to save his niece no matter what. Even King Boo would be surprised at his determination and lack of mercy. He's not scared anymore. He doesn't have room for fear. Fortunately, Mia has two parents who know what she went through, so they are very well-equipped with experience and know exactly what kind of recovery Mia is in for. She also has her brave Uncle Luigi to remind her that she'll always be safe, and he will always bring her back home.
Similar to the first answer, I think Mia would struggle a lot with feeling like it was somehow her fault. The brothers could spend hours telling her it's not, but they would see the guilt in her eyes. It wouldn't be the healthiest way of dealing with things, but Mario and Luigi would 100% hide the true extent of their injuries to make her feel better, reassuring her that they weren't in pain and it wasn't actually that bad. A severe leg injury that leads to a limp being hidden by always sitting when she's around, third degree burns hidden underneath clothes at all times, pained winces kept at bay whenever she hugs them, etc. They'd do anything to keep that guilt from her eyes.
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crowfromfoggyforest · 5 months
"Stop excusing Rumple's actions by saying he's a coward. He's just power hungry. He has never been a coward before he became the Dark One."
"Rumple saying he broke his leg because he was afraid in s5e6 is a dumb retcon, he did it to be there for his son."
This might sound arrogant... but you don't get it. You don't get what all this is actually about. [tl;dr: only read the bolded parts. Also i'd be very happy if you read this, i'm basically explaining how Rumple became who he is.]
Of course he wasn't always a coward. No one is born a coward. And you're right, all of his actions before he became the Dark One were actually very brave. Becoming the Dark One just to save his son was brave too. And mutilating himself was probably the bravest thing he has ever done. Because he actually chose the harder and scarier option. Yes, he was afraid of the war, but he also knew that if he made himself an invalid on purpose, - not only would he make his life harder because medical care isn't great in the enchanted forest so it wouldn't heal well -, but also everybody would call him a coward. And putting up with all that makes him objectively brave.
But. BUT! I've already mentioned the important point: People calling him a coward. This didn't start when he came back from the war. His whole life, he got told that his father was a coward (although i never really got that part) and he had to live with that bad reputation. People expected him to become like his father. That's why he was happy to go to war - so he could prove he wasn't like his father. So he had this shadow over him his whole life: Everybody thinks i'm a coward like my father. I hope they're not right. What if they're right? Then, he injured himself to flee the war, and for everyone he knew, it was proof that he was actually a coward. If everybody constantly told you who you are - wouldn't you start believing them? Of course, at first, he kept repeating to himself that he was actually brave. But even his own wife kept telling him he should have bravely died in the war! So he probably thought: Well, i had good intentions. But apparently, the objectively brave decision would have been to fight in the war. So maybe i am a coward. Probably inherited it from my father... (Keep in mind he hated that thought because his father was a terrible person.) Same goes for running away when his son was supposed to go to war: We as the audience know it's the only logical thing to do to save his son, but to him, his decision was just proof that running away "is what he's good at". At that point, he already believed what people said about him.
In my opinion, he has always been afraid of things - of course he has. Growing up without your parents must be scary. Growing up in a world where powerful people can take everything away from you at any moment must be scary. But he never really acted cowardly - until people convinced him he did. They taught him fear + logical action/ getting yourself and your loved ones to safety = cowardice. Or in short: fear -> cowardice.
So my first point is: When he multilated himself, he was scared, but not a coward. But people have convinced him he was. So what he tells Belle in s5e6 is the truth from his perspective, because in his manipulated memory, his fear was the reason for his action.
My second point is: He actually did become a coward. When he became the dark one, he said something very important: "I'm not scared of anything." For the first time in his life, he doesn't have to be afraid. His fear, the thing that made him hateable in is opinion, is finally gone - he doesn't risk doing cowardly things anymore. He won't be like his father anymore. His power allows him to protect Bae, but it also allows him to escape the one thing that has weighted on him his whole life. He feels free now, and he doesn't want to let go of that feeling, ever. So when Bae wants him to go to the land without magic, his main thought is: If i lose my magic, i become a coward again. Weak, scared. I'll become like my father again. He's terribly scared of being scared again, because in his mind, that means he will become a coward again. Of course, he also simply doesn't want to be weak again - but in his mind, this is linked to being a coward. And his fear is so strong that he lets go of Bae's hand. This is actually one of the most tragic things about Rumple: He actually becomes a coward for the first time because he doesn't want to be a coward. (On the same note, he also becomes like his father because he doesn't want to become like his father.)
And the fact that he left his son was the final proof for Rumple that the others were right. From that point on, he was actually a coward, because he believed he was. If this sounds weird to you: Yes, this is actually how psychology works. Your perception of yourself influences who you are. So from now on, every time he was afraid of something, he kind of gave himself permission to act cowardly because he thought that was who he was anyways. And most of the time, that thing he's afraid of is losing his power. Because yes, ironically, tragically, the thing he's most afraid of is still being a coward again. That's still what makes him a coward. (The second thing he's scared of is love - the reason for that is all the people abandoning him in his past + his regret because of Bae. So the reason for him rejecting Belle in s1e12 is actually mostly his trauma, but once again, he sees it as proof that he's a coward.)
If you don't believe me, if you're still saying "no no Rumple was actually just power hungry", look at this scene in s5e6. Yes, he hated losing his power. But not because he didn't have control over people anymore or anything like that. More than anything, he hated becoming the person he was before becoming the Dark One. A coward.
So yes, his goal is often to keep his power, but the motive behind that is fear - the fear of becoming who people convinced him he was, of becoming like his father. And he also wanted to be able to protect his loved ones. The only part where i will accept the "power hungry" argument is in s4, see this post i made.
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demonangelgirl134 · 1 year
Pixels saves Black Hat
(TW: ⚠️ blood, injuries)
(Oh, and btw, the reason why Pixels didn't just teleport black hat to a hospital is because she can only teleport herself and objects, not other people. Basically, if she tried to teleport with black hat in her arm(s), he would've fallen flat on his back, and Roxy told her not to teleport so she could get a chance to get through to him)
Part 1
Black Hat was caught in a terrible explosion that broke 3 of his ribs, his right arm, his right leg, and gave him a severe concussion and many open wounds after an intense battle with the main cast from my Dancing with the Devil au. When any magical being gets injured, they can't use their magic at all because it just makes the pain worse. Black Hat knew what was eventually going to happen to him with the condition he was in and had accepted his fate, That is until a brave, kindhearted, and colorful imaginary friend named pixels stepped forth to help him. He hissed and growled at her, but she assured him that she was only trying to help, then picked him up and started on a journey to the nearest hospital
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Pixels carried Black Hat for hours, but still no luck of finding a doctor. Suddenly, Black Hat moved wrong in Her arms and began to scream in pain. Pixels quickly but gently set him down against a rock in an open field and helped him breathe through the extreme pain until it finally passed. She then teleported away and came back with a first aid kit and a pillow. She placed the pillow behind Black Hat to help him be more comfortable as she treated his wounds. Black Hat hissed and growled at her, but she calmly talked him through it until he gave in and let her heal him. She treated his open wounds, put his leg in a splint, and used her scarf as a sling for his arm, all while giving him a hand to hold with her artificial arm. Once he was decently patched up, she teleported away and came back with a cot, a mat, another pillow, and two blankets.
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Pixels then moved Black Hat to the cot and began to start a campfire to keep them warm throughout the night, but was having trouble until Black Hat helped by using his laser vision. As night fell, Black Hat questioned why she would even bother to help a heartless monster like him, and she explained that it was an instinct of hers to help anyone in need no matter what, And she figured he was very troubled and wanted let him know someone cared about him because demon or not, nobody is born evil. This got to Black Hat in such a good way, he thanked her and unintentionally began to open up to her about his past. As Pixels listened to his life story, she began to realize how similar it was to 505, Dementia, and Dr. Flug's lives and pointed it out to him and explained that they feel the same way and that in order to make friends, he needs to treat others the way he would want to be treated. Black Hat then realized how wrong he had been from hearing her words and stated that he'll consider it. They both then decided to call it a night and went to sleep.
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Part two is coming soon ^^
Thanks to @mypersonalfirepit , I've decided that Roxy's imaginary friend Pixels and Black Hat should have a "friendship" like they're close, but they're not dating because she respects his boundaries and the fact that romance isn't one of his interests, but still has an admiration towards him. This is basically the story about how they become friends. They basically have a Fluttercord type friendship.
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r0ses-are-rosie · 2 years
Not sure if the ask you deleted was mine but just in case I'm sending it once again hehe ^^
Only if you could, can i request some headcanons of the hashiras (if it's possible all of them, if not, you can choose whoever you want!) seeing reader (who's also a hashira) as an older sibling figure??
Please and thank you i hope you are having an excellent day / night ♡
A/N: YES OMG THIS WAS THE ASK THAT GOT DELETED. im so sorry your request was super delayed, here you go! thank you btw, i hope you're doing great as well (also im apologizing in advance but i literally cannot write gyomei so you wont see him on here 💀🤚). im gonna do obanai, sanemi and muichiro in a separate post because i want to work on other requests, but i also wanted to get yours up because it was the oldest one. i hate how this turned out but i hope you like it 😭
The Hashira seeing another Hashira!Reader as an older sibling figure
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🍡 Mitsuri Kanroji
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thats who you are in her eyes ─ someone amazing
mitsuri looks up to you...she idolizes you
it doesnt matter if you're older, younger, or the same age as her!
probably sticks to you like glue
enjoys watching you practice/spar ─ and then she has a plate of snacks/drinks ready for you when you're finished!
her doting nature is a bit excessive
did i mention that she sticks to your side?
mitsuri doing all of this for you is just payback for how lovingly you've treated her
brushing her hair, having her back in battles, and being brave for her when she's overwhelmed
when you care for her ─ making sure that she's okay, well fed, and just wanting to be in her company ─ it just makes her heart swell
"(name), you're the best!"
"i'm really not..."
"but you are!"
probably has gotten used to referring to you as her older sibling so much that in public it just sort of slips out
"ah, this is (name). we're family."
"wait, what? you two are related?"
"well," you laugh. "not biologically, no."
she loves you so so so so much. <3
🌊 Giyuu Tomioka
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for him to even consider you as family is such an accomplishment
bro trusts you with his life
like mitsuri, this guy follows you a lot
not as much, but yeah. you get it. he's kinda like a shadow
shinobu teases him about this often ─ because she already knows what his response will be
"tsk, tomioka. this is why you have no friends! what a shame."
"(name) is my friend. i dont need anyone else...i'm fine with just them."
you both do every single mission together...change my mind
oh wait, you cant
adores when you both have late night conversations. it can range from sitting in comfortable silence to laughing till' you cry
whenever he's upset, you're the first one there
always wanting to help you in some way. it bothers him that you're always the one tending to him. he wants to care for you too
gets angry when you try to put on a brave face for him when you're clearly hurting/struggling
"i─i'm fine, giyuu. honest." you wince, clenching your teeth as you held your badly injured leg. "i'll make it back, so please dont worry about me─"
"stop it, dammit!" he grabbed your shoulders, shocking you. "you're always caring for me. just...let me be there for you too."
probably feels too awkward to refer to you as his older sibling, but if you ask him to do it, then he will
that being said, he admires you very very much.
🦋 Shinobu Kocho
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very reluctant to have someone she thinks of as an older sibling after what happened with kanae
but then, you came along and that mindset just went poof
when you care for shinobu, it makes her feel odd...usually, she's the one tending to others, so she was sort of tickled when you asked her how she was doing for the first time
but...that doesn't mean shinobu doesn't enjoy it ─ it's nice to have someone to depend on!
when even kanao starts to warm up to you, that's when she knows that you're a keeper
congratulations! welcome to the butterfly family! the mansion is now your home as well <3
when work gets too overwhelming, you're there to help her sort it out, or get her mind off of it for the moment! whichever is fine
not gonna lie...i think you becoming shinobu's sibling figure would make you adopt some of her traits as well
that being said, you two are total CLOWNS
you're both taking up a masters degree in messing with giyuu, idc
"tomioka, your sourpuss attitude is the reason nobody likes you, you know."
"what do you mean? people do like me."
you and your sister figure both share a look.
then your hand covers your mouth as you adopt a guilty expression. "is that really what you think? poor thing...maybe you shouldn't have told him, shinobu."
(name) & shinobu: 2
giyuu: 0
you truly are her best friend.
🔥 Kyojuro Rengoku
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honestly...kyojuro is just...kyojuro 💀
regardless of who you are tbh
but if he looks up to you then he treats you with much more respect than he does with others
you both eat meals together all the time!
he probably convinces you to yell "delicious" at the top of your lungs while you're eating.
...you find it to be the funniest shit ever
"DELICIOUS!" he slurps his noodles, "DELICIOUS!"
"DELI-" you drop your chopsticks onto the table, leaning on your side as you start to wheeze hysterically.
kyojuro isnt sure whats so funny, but he smiles anyway because you seem to be happy
after knowing you for a bit, he introduced you to senjuro and fell in love with the sibling-like way you interacted
from then on out, he treated you like family as well
um, hello??? you cooking food for him when he returns from a mission and he's tired?YES?
nah cuz your cooking would be the best fr
bro inhales that stuff while you tell him to slow down
like the food isnt about to grow legs and walk away sir?? 😰
kyojuro loves it when you act protective of him, even when you don't need to be! he's a hashira, after all!
i have the strangest feeling that he's sometimes unorganized (i.e. having clothes scattered on the floor, probably dropping small belongings)??
you're always quick to tidy up his messes, and he's so thankful for that
he apologizes, like, a lot after you do that
"I'm very sorry for leaving behind my litter, (name)! it well not happen again!"
"kyojuro," you snort. "don't refer to your things as 'litter.' and it's fine, really! i don't mind a little cleaning up ─ especially after you."
when he feels sad or discouraged, you set his heart ablaze.
🎵 Tengen Uzui
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you must be a very flashy person indeed
i was going to leave it at that because that wouldve been hilarious but i decided not to 💀
i mean you must be a seriously cool person to earn his respect right??
but nonetheless, you both are close and eventually, he introduced you to his wives!
suma talks your ear off so much until tengen has to pull her away from you. hina makes sure that you're feeling comfortable, and makio acts as if shes disinterested when she secretly loves you
yall probably have those lazy off days where you do absolutely nothing and just enjoy each others company
and then you'd probably ruin it by telling him that you both needed to get out and run
"come on, get up." you nudged him. "lets go work out!"
"why would i need to work out when I've got these?" he flexes his arm muscles, grinning up at you. "flashy, right (name)?"
you folded you arms, expression unimpressed. "tengen. get up. now."
"ah, alright. you're acting like makio,"
"i heard that!" makio calls from the other room.
when he takes tanjiro, inosuke and zenitsu to the entertainment district, you're there as well
you took the hit for him when gyutaro sliced off his arm
he feels guilty that you had to retire from the corps at such a young age on his behalf so he works for your forgiveness everyday, even if you tell him its not necessary
um...he definitely named his first child after you (if he had any) lmao
you are the most flamboyant thing to ever exist in his eyes
i hate myself for saying that
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annas-hair-donut · 10 months
Self rec fic
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Thanks @annaofthenorthernlights for tagging me!
1. Pretty Please (Kristanna, E) This is my very favorite fic ever. Anna and Kristoff have this super intense relationship based on love and trust. And yeah, maybe Kristoff likes to wear lace panties and be told he's pretty. I wrote it for @99goosebumps for the 2023 BDSM exchange, but I know it's not for everyone. More than anything, though, I wrote it for me.
“Show me how bad you want it, Kristoff. Show me how bad you want me to spank you.” “You think I only want to sink my tongue into your $!@# so you’ll spank me?” His smile made her heart flutter as much as his words, but she tested him anyway. “Pretty men say pretty please.’” “You think I’m pretty?” he asked, each word punctuated by a sloppy, wet kiss on her thigh, "when I wear my lace panties?" When she didn't answer, he looked at her with lifted brows and puppy dog eyes. She cupped his cheeks and said, “You're not pretty, Kristoff; you're very pretty."
2. The Chaise (Gaston/Adam, E) It's seduction via flattery. This one sort of happened in a fever. The idea just kind of snowballed, and I'm still extremely tickled by the fic. Adam knows how vain Gaston is and that Gaston just can't keep his clothes on when someone wants to admire his muscles. I still go back and reread it and giggle out loud.
Adam debates buying a small chaise longue at his local antique shop until he finds out it comes with an extra large delivery man.
3. The Jakku Lantern (Kristanna, E) I wrote this as a birthday present to a friend that's deep into the Mando fandom. (And for Kristanna Halloween 2022). I wanted to combine our favorites. Kristoff's Mando helmet is stuck! Kristoff makes the most of this protection against his social anxiety to woo Anna in a way he wouldn't have been able to otherwise. It was so fun combining fandoms like this. Plus it's a Halloween fic, so it's extra fun.
It’s Kristoff, his Mandalorian helmet, and Olaf the Pumpkin King, against Raggedy Anna and Elsa AKA Maleficent, in a pumpkin carving contest judged by Sandy Claws Sven. Will Mando get a happy ending, despite the helmet that just won't budge, in this alternate version of the charades scene from Frozen II?
4. Boom, Clap! (Kristanna, E) I wrote this one for Frozen Smut Week 2023. It started out as just another S&M fic, but turned into the story of a war-injured vet who discovered the answer to his pain was more pain. And he didn't expect his heart to be mended in the process. It became something much more meaningful the more I learned about some of the things soldiers face at war and the things they face when they come back home.
Boom, clap! A sharp pain sears across Kristoff’s face from the force of Anna’s hand slapping him to the present. Stars twinkle just inside his field of vision as he rubs his cheek, and his heart beats faster in excitement. He hasn’t felt this good in years. Until an irate voice says, “What the fuck?” Anna stands in front of him, angrier than ever, and he smiles a little more. “You think that’s funny?” she asks. The correct answer is no, of course, but the right answer is that he’s elated. He looks down to hide the smile he couldn’t make go away. That’s when he sees his brace and remembers his injured leg. The only pain he feels, though, is on his cheek. “I had it handled,” she says and shows him the red rhinestone-encrusted mace attached to her keychain, which her thumb sits on top of. He grins, and says, more bravely than he would have had he not been floating on Cloud 9, “Or you could just slap me again.” Her red lips slowly curve into a cat-like smile. She folds her arms and coolly leans against the wall. Her eyes glitter with mischief, and she purrs, “Well, now you’ve got my attention.”
5. The Refugees (Kristanna, M) This is my baby. I've done some really hardcore world-building and created this really intense love story about soul mates who overcome immense obstacles to be together. I wrote this for the people who, unfortunately, knew after chapter 3 where this was going. Honestly, though, I last updated in April and I've been working up the courage to continue with it.
Kristoff, a refugee of the Northuldran genocide, and Anna, an Arendellian immigrant with a hole in her heart, fall in love and have a complicated and intense relationship.
I'm gonna tag: @99goosebumps @true--north @dei2dei @nonamemanga @jessi-skylark and anyone else who wants to show off their stuff!
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