#and don’t get me wrong i am also laughing at eddie and enjoying this messy storyline they’re writing for him
moonlightperseus · 25 days
okay like i want to preface that i do not have anything against the storylines that they are doing, i’m straight vibing with this season, having fun. i just want to say it’s a little frustrating to me that 911 keeps tacking on these buck and/or eddie centric “surprise” scenes at the end of an episode because then it becomes the big talking point of the episode after the fact and a lot of the other stuff that happened in it falls away to the sides a bit
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Hazy - 12/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: Enjoy! 
Commissioned by Patricia H.
Chapter 12 -
Joe was awake, stable, and in his own room by the time Barry and Linda returned to the hospital. He also had a couple of police in his room interrogating him when they arrived as well. Barry hated it. No matter how many times the nurse at the station told him they were just taking his statement, he didn’t like it. Anything that looked like an interrogation was one in Barry’s eyes. Especially since Eddie was also a cop and could turn things in his favor if need be.
“Hey,” Linda said, standing beside him as they waited in the hall. “It’s gonna be okay.”
She ran her hand down his arm briefly, and he knew it was supposed to be comforting, but it just irritated him. He didn’t want any more explanations. He just wanted to see Joe, to see with his own eyes that he was okay, and to get some guidance on what they should do next. Whether he’d grown up in his house or not, they still clearly had a connection. Barry needed to use that to figure out just exactly what this timeline entailed, and how he could fix things, if he could fix them at all.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides, and Linda stopped touching him. He wished he could feel bad for pushing her away, but she had to understand. Right?
The two cops emerged from Joe’s room moments later, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“You can go in now, son,” one of the two officers said.
Barry let Linda be the one who smiled politely and said her thanks. He dashed in immediately and sped-walk over to Joe, hugging him gently.
“Oh, my God, I’m so glad you’re alright.”
Joe chuckled and patted Barry’s back lightly.
“Of course I am. I can’t be taken down that easily.”
Barry sighed, kneeling beside the bed.
“It should’ve been me.”
“Bear, no. I won’t hear you talking like that. You were already in the hospital due to Eddie beating the living daylights out of you. The last thing you needed was to get shot. None of us deserved any of this. Eddie is just…out of control. A jealous maniac. Not that it came out of thin air, of course. But he could’ve tempered his feelings in a way other than kidnapping and attempted murder.”
Barry swallowed.
“Have you heard anything?” he asked gently. “About Iris?”
He shook his head sadly.
“Nothing. I was somewhere else, trying to find another way to…fix all this.”
Joe’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“Where were you at, son?”
Barry hesitated.
“STAR Labs,” he finally said.
“The museum?” Joe asked, thoroughly confused now. “Don’t they close kind of early today?”
Barry winced. “Yeah…”
“What are you not telling me?”
Barry sighed and sank back onto his haunches.
“I don’t…think you’d believe me even if I told you.”
Joe was about to pursue his questions further when he saw movement in the doorway.
“Linda? Honey, is that you?”
She popped in.
“Yeah, it’s me. I was just giving…giving you two some privacy. I know you don’t really know me. I’ve just…been here for Barry, in case he needs me. Which he often does, without realizing it.”
Joe managed to chuckle. Barry actually appeared annoyed.
“Well, I appreciate that you’ve been taken care of him, dear.”
“Of course.” She smiled, her hands folded together in front of her. “Can I…get you anything, Mr. West?”
“Joe, please. And um, a cup of water would be great. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
She turned and scurried out the door, likely headed for the nurse’s station down the hall.
Barry fixed Joe with a confused look.
“Why’d you do that?”
“I wanted to make sure we were alone for a few minutes.”
Barry tilted his head in curiosity.
“Does that girl like you?”
“What…do you mean? Like, as friends? Because we were barely acquaintances three days ago.”
“That’s…not what I meant.”
It took a few more seconds for Barry to connect the dots. When he did, his eyes bulged.
“Whoa. Like like, like…like-like as more than friends like?”
Joe waited.
Barry burst out laughing.
“No way! She likes Scott. She spent the entire gala drunk-flirting with him. She used me to try and get him jealous.”
“Maybe things have changed.”
Barry was in disbelief. He couldn’t believe he was hearing this. Sure, Linda had been really clingy today, but she was just being a good friend. Right? That was it… Right?
“You don’t want me to…ask her, do you?”
Joe shook his head, smiling.
“Just be on the look-out for signs, son. Okay? And be careful how you respond to her, so she doesn’t get the wrong idea.”
Doubt still wrote itself straight across Barry’s forehead.
“Yeah, sure, okay.”
“Water is here!” Linda announced, coming through the doorway.
The two men looked and saw she’d brought a tray of 6 cups full of water. Barry blanched and met Joe’s amused gaze.
“Thank you, Linda,” Joe said as she set each cup on his mobile tray. “That’s very kind of you.”
“Should keep you hydrated for a while.” She fixed her gaze to Barry. “Don’t you think?”
“Well, yeah. Mhmm.”
He didn’t look at Joe, who he had a feeling was smiling smugly. Instead he got to his feet and crowded Linda off to the side.
“Linda, uh, do you think…you might want to go home? I mean, you really don’t have to stay here. I’m probably going to stay until he gets let out and then maybe go home with him.”
“Oh. Uh…but what about your pain meds? Are you feeling pain right now? Do you want to sit down?”
A smile tugged at Joe’s lips over on the bed. He couldn’t help but overhear.
“No, no, I’m good,” Barry assured her.
Linda’s shoulders slumped.
“I was kind of looking forward to taking care of you this week,” she admitted, and he swallowed.
“It could just be the adrenaline from running all over the place. You could drop off the meds at Joe’s house tomorrow. I could give you the address.”
“Oh. Right. That…that sounds good. Probably the uh…best course of action.”
Barry forced a smile.
“Great. Thanks. I appreciate everything you’ve done, Linda. And when this all blows over and Iris is back, if you need to make Scott jealous again…within reason, I’ll be right there for ya.”
“Right. Scott. I…kind of forgot about him with everything that’s been going on.”
Joe stifled a snort, but it came out as a couch, and Barry knew the man was laughing at him behind his stoic face.
“If you need anything, you’ll call me?” she asked hopefully.
His lips had thinned, but he nodded to assure her.
“I promise. Thank you. Again.”
She nodded and took a step back, looking over at Joe who seemed to have recovered from his coughing fit.
“I hope you get better soon…Joe.”
“Thank you, Linda,” Joe said. “We’ll keep you in touch about Iris…and Barry,” he added after a beat.
Barry shared a wide-eyed stare with Joe, but Linda was oblivious. She took a few steps back and then went out the doorway and out of the hospital, presumably to call a cab home.
“Well? Do you believe me now?” Joe asked.
Barry shook his head in awe.
“How did you know?”
“I’m a detective, Barry. How else do you think I picked up that you were in love with my daughter at such a young age?”
Barry wandered back over to his bedside and pulled a chair over to sit on.
“I can’t even imagine how tough it was to move in with us having that crush.”
And there it was. Barry tried not to look too relieved. At least that piece to the puzzle was the same. But what about his dad then? If he wasn’t the Flash… That meant no Zoom, and no Zoom meant he might still be alive. But no evil Wells making a confession, that might mean he was still in jail. It might also mean Joe still 100% believed he was guilty of Nora Allen’s death.
Barry licked his lips. His heart was pounding away at the thought of seeing his dad again. His real dad.
He looked up into Joe’s searching eyes.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Nothing,” he said quickly. “I’m just…thinking about Iris and this whole, messy situation.”
“Ah. Yeah, I don’t know how to save her, Bear. Especially when…when I’m like this.”
“You’ll be out by tomorrow,” Barry said. “I’m sure of it.”
“And then?” He looked up at him hopefully.
If he was the Flash, he would tell him everything would be all right. He would speed through the city until he found Iris and Eddie and put the latter in custody. Everything would be put right then. He could even go back in time to fix this whole mess and set things right.
As soon as he knew what had been changed to begin with.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Joe said, when he saw Barry frowning without an answer.
Barry met his eyes.
“Yeah. Me too.”
It was just after midnight when the call came. Joe was fast asleep in his hospital bad, but Barry, strung across three armless chairs in an attempt to get some shut-eye was more than half-awake when his phone started to buzz.
Still, he had to blink more than a few times to read the name correctly that was blaring across his screen.
“Iris?” he whispered into the void.
Falling off the chairs in the process of trying to sit up, he answered the call as quickly as he could.
“Iris? Is that you? Where are you? Are you okay? How are y-?”
“It’d be nice if it was that easy, wouldn’t it?” a snarling voice cut him off.
A chill ran down Barry’s spine.
“Eddie.” Anger flooded his body. “Where is she?”
“She’s safe,” he answered. “With me. At a hotel. We’ve decided to start fresh. Give this marriage another shot.”
Barry scoffed. “Somehow I find that hard to believe when you shot her dad.”
There was a pause.
“He shouldn’t have stepped in front of-”
“Iris?!” He was standing now. “The woman you’re now claiming wants to start fresh with you? I don’t buy it.”
Barry could practically hear Eddie grinding his teeth on the other end.
“It’s not your job to buy it,” he finally said. “It’s your job to not come looking.”
“Over my dead body.”
“I would’ve taken that,” Eddie spat back. “But you’re too damn resistant.”
Barry’s eyes narrowed.
“You want to know Iris is alright?”
“I’ll send you a video of her an hour ago, but then I’m throwing out this phone, so don’t bother trying to track it. You’ll never find us. You’ll never have her. She’s mine.”
Eddie cut the call before Barry could finish saying his name. Seconds later the video came through. Barry watched it immediately.
It showed Iris, looking a little worse for wear but she wasn’t bound or crying. When he squinted though, he could make out what looked to be duct tape marks across her face over her mouth. It had clearly been ripped off right before filming the video.
“Go,” Eddie said in the background of the video.
“Hi, Barry,” she said, managing the tiniest of hopeful smile. “Dad…I hope.” She sniffled.
“Don’t cry,” Eddie snarled.
She looked down to regain her image, then started up again.
“I hope both of you are fine. I want you to know I’m okay. I’m fine. And…”
“Say it,” Eddie muttered under his breath. “Say it,” he said again, louder when she didn’t say anything.
“I’m fine,” she said through a strangled breath. She swallowed hard. “Don’t come looking for me. I’m happy with Eddie. We’re going to start over somewhere else. I’m…happy.”
The video froze on her tear-streaked face.
End of video.
Barry scoffed as his hand clenched hard around the phone.
She was not happy.
She was terrified for her life.
And he had to act quickly before they left wherever they were at. Iris’ life depended on it.
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loverboytrashmouth · 3 years
Of Macchiatos and Nicknames (pt 1)
pairing; Reddie
word count; 1.6k
summary; Eddie doesn’t mind studying at the coffee shop as much as he thought he would.
a/n; part one of two of a little coffee shop meet cute because meet cutes are my fav and also i’m a barista so i think about this kinda au a lot. also read on ao3 if you’d like! enjoy :)
Eddie didn’t even like coffee that much. He’d really only drink it when he needed the caffeine to get him through a long night of studying. He hardly ever visited the campus coffee shop, and if he did it was because Bill would drag him out of bed earlier than necessary to make a stop there before their 8AM lectures. 
It wasn’t until one afternoon during midterms that Eddie began spending most of his free afternoons at the coffee shop.
It was a particularly windy October day, so Bill and Eddie decided they’d trade their usual study spot outside on their university’s great lawn area for the cozy coffee shop right on the outskirts of the main campus . Eddie couldn’t stand studying there; it was constantly full of loud students who would call themselves “study groups” when really it was just an excuse for them to drink their lattes and goof off. He had tried to convince Bill that they could just go to the library or back to their room, but Bill insisted he absolutely needed coffee, blaming it on his lack of sleep the night before.
“Just get me anything, I don’t care. I’m gonna get us a table,” Eddie said to Bill once they entered, already beginning to walk towards the mid-sized seating area. Bill gripped his upper arm and pulled him back.
“Definitely n-not. I’ll be h-halfway done my drink before you finish your dis-disinfecting routine,” Bill chuckled, earning a glare from Eddie. “I’ll go s-sit. You know my order. I promise, I’ll wuh-wipe down the table with the utmost c-care.” Eddie sighed in defeat, rolling his eyes at his friend’s teasing and lightly shoving him towards the seats. The shorter boy turned around towards the menu hanging on the wall, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to drink. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming from behind the counter.
“What’s your poison, ol’ chap,” it asked in a very obviously fake British accent. Eddie’s gaze trailed down to where the voice came from and his breath involuntarily hitched in his throat at the sight of the guy behind the register. He had disheveled curly black hair that contrasted - very nicely, Eddie noted - against his pale skin. He was tall, Eddie not needing to move his neck much from the position it was in to see the menu to look him in the eyes. The barista’s eyes, Eddie noted, were insanely large behind the thickly rimmed glasses that framed his face, but somehow he made them look good. Eddie’s eyes flicked down to the barista’s sharp jawline covered in messy stubble, his slightly chapped lips in a playful smirk.
“You gonna order something shortie, or are ya gonna just keep undressing me with your eyes,” the barista asked in his normal voice, the smirk never leaving his face. Eddie snapped out of his trance, feeling his face immediately heat up.
“Am I short or are you just freakishly tall,” Eddie shot back, his voice dripping with offense but he knew the color on his cheeks told the barista that he definitely had no ill feelings towards him. The taller boy shrugged.
“Tomayto tomahto, pretty boy,” he said with a wink. “Seriously though, whatcha havin’? It’s my duty to know.”
Eddie huffed out a chuckled at him and shook his head, before it dawned on him that he barely knew anything about coffee. Sure, he knew Bill’s order was called a “caramel macchiato,” but what if he said the fancy names of the sizes wrong and embarrassed himself? He was already anxious enough about ordering in the first place, customer service interactions being one of his least favorite things (he’s so glad his work study is in the library, stacking books with little to no human interaction). It didn’t help that the stupidly tall - and cute - barista was full force hitting on him like his life depended on making Eddie blush.
“Um, two mediu- no, grande, right. Two grande caramel macchiatos please,” Eddie finally decided after a few short beats of silence, mentally kicking himself when he realized what he said, because he hates caramel macchiatos. The barista tapped out his order on the register, taking a couple glances at Eddie as he did so.
“Alrighty, you got it. And what’s your name?” Eddie furrowed his eyebrows at this question, taken slightly aback even though it was no secret the barista had been flirting with him this entire conversation. The latter must have noticed Eddie’s confused reaction, as he clarified with a chuckle, “So we can call it out to let you know your order is ready.”
“Oh, right,” Eddie laughed, his cheeks heating up once more, this time more of embarrassment at his misunderstanding of the question’s intentions. He reached a shaky hand to the back of his neck, rubbing nervously as he answered. “It’s Eddie.”
The barista nodded his head, his grin growing wider as he typed Eddie’s name into the machine. Eddie began pulling cash out of his fanny pack when the barista interrupted his movements with his voice.
“Don’t worry about that, Eds. They’re on the house today.” Eddie tilted his head ever so slightly, his furrowed eyebrows returning once more.
“Did- did you just call me ‘Eds’,” he asked, receiving only a simple nod from the taller boy. “How’s it fair I have a nickname already when I don’t even know your real name?” The barista smirked that shit-eating smirk again, holding a hand out towards the smaller boy.
“Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier, at your service.” Eddie placed his own hand into Richie’s, the roughness of his dry skin making Eddie’s skin crawl, but in a good way.
“Nice to meet you, Rich,” Eddie replied with a smirk of his own, his eyebrows slightly raised. “Thanks for the coffees.”
“Anything for you, Eddie baby.” Another wink. God, Eddie’s face was so hot he thought he could probably fry an egg on it.
Eddie couldn’t hide the blush on his cheeks or the dumb smile that refused to leave his mouth as he walked over to the table Bill had chosen to set up study camp at. Bill watched as the smaller boy sat across from him and began placing books on the table, attempting to cover his smile with his arm.
“Wuh-wow, Eddie. I haven’t seen you blush like that since our s-sex ed course in high school,” Bill teased with a slight laugh. Eddie’s face heated up even more at the memory, as well as the fact that he’d been caught basically swooning over Richie.
“Shut it, Bill. You got those notes I missed when I was sick?” Despite Eddie’s attempt to change the subject matter, Bill pressed on.
“It was the barista, wuh-wasn’t it? I could s-see the way he was looking at you from all the way over-”
“Wait, how was he looking at me,” Eddie interrupted without thinking, his eyes full of hope. Bill laughed some more at his eagerness.
“Y-You’re kidding, right? I’m s-surprised he didn’t jump over the counter and attack you into a m-makeout session right then and there.” Eddie’s eyes widened at Bill, before glancing over his shoulder to look at the barista again as he was making their drinks. He must’ve felt eyes on him, because not even five seconds after Eddie turned his head, Richie looked up from the espresso machine he was working with and the two locked eyes. Eddie immediately snapped his head back around, but not before noticing the smirk that returned to Richie’s lips. Bill shot him a knowing look.
“Okay, he flirted with me hardcore and yes he’s absolutely my type but if I don’t study for this midterm I won’t be able to think about him with calc on the brain 24/7. Notes, please,” Eddie spat out at high speed, a habit he had since he was a preteen that occurred whenever he got flustered.
Bill passed the page of math notes over with an eyebrow wiggle, but Eddie didn’t get a chance to even glance at them before hearing an obnoxiously loud voice behind him call out, “ORDER UP FOR A SIR EDDIE SPAGHETTI.” Eddie mentally facepalmed at the nickname usage before getting up and walking back to the counter.
“Really? Eddie Spaghetti?” Eddie couldn’t resist the laugh in his voice or fond smile as he shook his head at Richie. Richie, in return, held the coffees out to him, and shrugged his shoulders with a grin.
“Cute nickname for a cute boy,” he commented casually. Eddie couldn’t believe how smooth this thick-glasses wearing, awkwardly lanky dude could be, especially when he felt as though he could burst with every sentence uttered by said thick-glasses wearing, awkwardly lanky dude.
“So, uh,” Richie started once Eddie had taken the coffee cups from his hands, their fingers brushing lightly and lingering a bit too long. Eddie noticed his ever so slight change in demeanor, leaving bold and flirty and inching more towards reserved and… nervous? “Can I expect to see you around here again any time soon?”
The sincerity Eddie heard Richie speak within that sentence made his heart flutter, as well as whatever anxieties he still felt in his stomach to slowly dissipate. With that statement Eddie realized he wasn’t just aimlessly being flirted with, but that this could actually, maybe, mean something a little more?
“You sure can, Trashmouth,” Eddie replied with a warm look in his eyes. Richie perked up at the nickname, his cheeks going pink as Eddie walked back to his table.
“Dude, I thought you hated caramel m-macchiatos,” Bill commented when he saw the identical coffees his friend was holding, but Eddie barely heard him. He was too busy stealing glances back at the barista.
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jecrite · 4 years
so I just watched the ‘Inside the Mind of Hilary Hahn’ video and noticed something in that fire alarm story, so I wrote a little breddy excerpt about it - enjoy!
[starts from 35:54 in the vid btw]
If anyone was gonna watch that video, you could tell that Brett was nervous. I mean, meeting your violin idol, sitting next to her in front of Thai food, talking about anything and everything? What could go wrong?
Well, he could stop stuttering.
“I-I don’t know, I like to dabble in things,” he trails off, picking at his food. “But I need to...”
He sees Eddy in the corner of his eye, who was leaning back in his chair, his thoughts unreadable.
The scrawny kid with the mullet who sat to his right in maths tutoring. The vulnerable musician who he pushed around in a wheelchair when they were at the con. The messy, chaotic whirlwind who lives with him, who he chose over a soloist career.
The only thing who stayed constant in his many pursuits of something different.
For the first time that night, Brett lets the words come out of his mouth, pointed and assured.
“I feel like I need to be obsessed with it.”
He finally says, his eyes fixed on Eddy. Eddy’s face remains calm, pensive.
Has he said too much?
“Creating something, or... something.” Brett trails off to a halt, relying on Eddy to finish his sentence for him. Like he always does.
But he knew exactly how he wanted to finish it.
...or just being with him.
It feels weird to almost confess in front of Hilary (and, possibly, hundreds of thousands of people on the internet) that he’s obsessed with Eddy, but it also felt right in a way.
There’s really no other way to explain it.
He did not remember a day when he did not think of Eddy, what Eddy was wearing, how Eddy’s feeling, if Eddy’s eaten, if Eddy’s safe—
—if Eddy‘s just as obsessed with Brett as he is with him.
He should probably brush it off and stay present. It’s not like they’d notice.
Little did he know that Hilary was following his line of sight as he said it.
And he certainly did not expect when she smiled and asked,
“Are you obsessed with this?”
The urgency of the question snapped Brett out of his reverie, his eyes suddenly growing wide. The nonchalant tone in her voice sent a jolt through his body, causing him to flail his right arm between him and Eddy. “This?”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck—
You know what, fuck it.
“Ye-ah,” his voice rises, almost defensively. Eddy erupts with laughter, light and breathy and perfect. Hilary joins in shortly after, pleased with herself.
“Of course!”
In a quick glance Brett turned to his right, seeing Eddy’s head pulled back in laughter with a huge grin plastered across his face.
Brett has yet to grow tired of that face.
He was obsessed with Eddy, and he always has been.
“That was a long pause,” Eddy chides, obviously amused.
Brett’s smiling now, Eddy’s voice putting him at ease. At this point, anything goes.
“Yeah, I was like, was that a trick question? Like, hmm,” he laughs, pressing his fingers to his chin. He steals another look at Eddy. His Eddy.
“Yeah of course, I love it.”
Oh, but Hilary Hahn knew better.
“Because you create a lot with...” she trails off expectantly, wanting him to fill in the blanks.
It was never about it, isn’t it? It’s always been about him.
Brett nods, almost too enthusiastically, filling the silence with anything but Eddy’s name.
“It’s fun.”
That’s when Hilary asked about working, where the moment passes, and he’s safe.
For now, at least.
“We should probably start cleaning up. We only have fifteen minutes left in here,” Hilary huffs, leaving her seat as she picked up the plastic cutlery from the food containers.
“Yeah...” Eddy trails off, before he quickly stands in surprise. “Wait!”
Hilary froze, a stack of paper plates in hand, and Brett almost jumped from his seat. “Dude, What is it?”
“Practice review! We were meant to show them a clip of Hilary practicing!”
“Oh, right,” Brett looks up at Hilary. “Maybe we can film it outside?” He offers apologetically.
Eddy clucks his tongue. “With those a Capella people? No way—“
Brett thought aloud. “Maybe if we clean up in like 5 minutes, we could film it quickly—“
“Or maybe just film it in the corridor—“ Hilary offers.
“Or, I could go to security and ask for 20 more minutes!” Eddy says, snapping his fingers. He looks over to see Brett and Hilary’s raised eyebrows, shrugging them off as he made a break towards the door.
“You two clean up, I’ll run to reception!” He shouts behind him, running at full speed.
Brett can only smile fondly as he left. What else was he gonna do?
His eyes meet Hilary’s and they can’t help but laugh at the younger man.
“He really is a whirlwind, isn’t he?” Hilary asks in a hearty chuckle.
“Yeah, he really is,” Brett grins as he placed the food containers back in the plastic bags.
Hilary hums.
“Is that what got you falling for him?”
He didn’t even have to say it.
The sound of the fallen plastic bags answered the question for him. The containers followed suit, bouncing off of the bags and onto the floor.
What a mess.
Hilary chuckles. “Sorry, too far?”
“No, no,” Brett chuckles nervously, hurriedly kneeling down to retrieve the plastic containers and putting them back in the bags. “Not at all, it’s just,”
“Is it that obvious?”
An amused sigh. “Well, to a trained eye, maybe,” Brett swears she was smirking as she said this. “It’s the age old equation: you love him, he loves you, nothing else matters, might as well put the rings on now.”
She says it as if it was nothing, which prompted him to turn to the violin prodigy, furrowing his eyebrows.
“What gave it away?”
“Well,” Hilary starts, putting the plates in another plastic bag. “Maybe it’s because of the way he looks at you, or, the way your face just lights up when literally anything comes out of his mouth,”
Brett was standing now, having returned the containers in the bag.
“Or maybe that part when you said ‘our bed’ in that fire alarm story.” [which is from 14:12 in the video btw, you’re welcome]
The plastic bags almost escape his grasp again, but he caught it just in time.
“Oh my god,” he breathes out, horrified.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fu—
Hilary’s laughing now, high-pitched and bright. “Oh, don’t worry about it,” she says as he she pats his shoulder. “I’m sure no one will notice.”
He can already feel his face getting hot.
“But... but... but you did!” He exclaims, pointing an accusing finger at her.
Hilary’s laugh grew louder. “I did say I was trained, didn’t I?”
Suddenly Brett took an interest in the empty milk tea cups, only to look up again when the laughter stopped, and his eyes were met by expectant ones.
“Well, what?”
Hilary rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows. “Do you really want me to say it again? We can’t have you picking containers up all night.”
Brett sighs, defeated. Eddy wasn’t here, why not just say it aloud now? While he can?
“Yes, Eddy’s a whirlwind,” he says, setting the plastic bags down on the table before making a start at tidying up the chairs. “But it wasn’t that that got me there.”
Hilary hummed again, urging him to continue.
“Eddy always tells me how brave I am, and how he wishes he was as brave as I was,
But I don’t think moving from place to place isn’t bravery. It’s cowardice.
Yeah, I like to dabble in things, sure, but that’s only because I’m so scared of staying in the same place. Being stagnant and... complacent.
I always wanted to do everything I wanted to do back then, moving to Sydney and all that, and I wanted that part of my life to be over and done with as quickly as I could.
Because, at the end of the day, I wanted to close that chapter and just... come back to him as soon as I can.
I realised that a couple of years into working with SSO, and once I did I knew what I had to do.”
“Come back to him,” Hilary echoes, smiling fondly at Brett.
“Exactly,” he resigns. He walked toward one of the chairs to grab his sweater before putting it on. “I never told Eddy this, but, when I saw him playing with Queensland I knew I didn’t want to go anywhere else. If I was going to travel the world like I’ve always dreamed of, I want him right there next to me.”
“And he still is,” Hilary nods.
“Yeah,” Brett’s head pops out of the sweater, grinning at his senior. “I guess that makes me the luckiest bastard in the universe.”
“What this about being a lucky bastard?” Eddy’s voice echoes the room, making Brett and Hilary jump, again. “Talked to the security guy in reception, he says he can only give us 15. I guess that’s enough for a little segment?”
Brett and Hilary looked at each other, eyes wide.
“Sounds good! I’ll grab my violin.”
Thank God for Hilary Hahn.
“Great! Lemme turn the camera on again,” Brett says, finally regaining his voice. He starts to walk towards the tripod until Eddy stops him, peering at the green light that blinked from behind it.
“What do you mean? We never turned it off,” Eddy says as he lifted the tripod and set it to Hilary’s direction. “Go, stand next to Hilary and we’ll just have editor-san cut the extra bits!”
[this bit is from 1:22:21 in the video btw!!]
Hilary, with her violin already resting on her shoulder, let out a breathy, nervous laugh as Eddy positioned the camera and ran towards them. Brett can’t even look at her in the eyes.
Nevertheless, he laughs alongside her, clasping his hands together.
“Practice review!”
“Practice, c’mon!”
Brett exhales deeply.
Oh my god, editor-san’s gonna have to cut that whole bit out.
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greenornaments · 4 years
oooh 97 for reddie 💞💞
Omg, THANK YOU so much for this prompt, because I gave myself all the feels working on it! This takes place between their last year of high school and freshman year of college, in which they’ve been secretly dating for a while and Eddie is just a little jealous of Richie’s celebrity crush. Enjoy!
Eddie and Richie have been secretly dating for almost a year now, although, if you asked any of the other Losers, it’s not really that well-kept of a secret. There’s been feelings there for years; Eddie still remembers the summer when they were all thirteen, when the days were long, the nights were humid, and Eddie spent a great deal of both with his mind constantly wandering to Richie. Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier, with his goofy glasses and his messy hair. Richie Tozier, with his stupid Hawaiian shirts and his annoying, crude jokes and his incessant need to relentlessly tease him. Richie Tozier, who he’s known since he was five years old and is one of his best friends in the whole world.
He doesn’t realize it then; he doesn’t fully understand why he can’t stop thinking about Richie even when he isn’t around, or why he feels the need to do things like buy an extra ice cream for him or aggressively jump into a hammock with him for seemingly no reason. Why those glasses are suddenly not looking quite as goofy, that hair doesn’t seem quite so unruly, those jokes are becoming more endearing than annoying (although, don’t get him wrong, they are still annoying). Why it suddenly makes his heart pound the tiniest bit faster whenever Richie climbs into his bedroom window at night and settles down next to him for their own private comic book reading club, the innocent brush of the other boy’s shoulder against his own making his cheeks hot for reasons he can’t fathom.
He doesn’t let himself acknowledge it until the summer before their senior year, when he strolls past the Kissing Bridge bearing the mysterious R+E that has intrigued him for years, although he’s fully convinced it’s just a coincidence. Lots of people have those initials…. but Richie is already there, and he’s brushing his long fingers over the carving, a look of painful longing on his face, and Eddie has to know, he has to. It’s awkward, it’s so awkward, but Richie tearfully confesses, and Eddie feels like he’s going to jump out of his own body, but he lets out a heavy sigh and he tells him that it’s not unreciprocated. They kiss; it’s also awkward and feels weird, and it only lasts for a second or two, but it also feels like the inevitable conclusion that they’ve both been waiting for their entire childhoods.
That was last year. They’ve spent their entire senior year trying to keep their slowly budding relationship quiet, both of them terrified of what might happen if anyone finds out, especially any of the local bullies, or worse, Eddie’s mother. The Losers know; Eddie and Richie haven’t told them but they have to know; Stan is always rolling his eyes when they start to argue, and Bev is always giving them knowing little smiles when she thinks they can’t see. Eddie is pretty sure that Richie’s parents know, or at least, his mother does. She’s always treated him like a son, but even more so over the past year, always inviting him to stay for dinner, or even for the entire night when she can clearly see that Eddie is dreading the idea of going back to his cold, lonely house to face yet another night with his overbearing mother.
Yeah, he feels like they’re always safe at Richie’s house.
Now it’s late July, summer is in full bloom and so is their relationship, but Eddie can’t help but find it bittersweet. He knows the end of summer is rapidly approaching and that their lives are about to drastically change come the fall. They’ll still be in Maine, still close enough to see each other fairly often, but it won’t be the same. They’ll be in separate colleges, working separate jobs, and have completely separate schedules. They won’t have time to just lay beside each other on the grass and watch the stars come out, or sneak down to the old clubhouse and cuddle in the hammock on a lazy afternoon.
They might not even have much time to do what they’re doing right now, which is sitting next to each other on the couch in Richie’s basement, a bowl of popcorn between them and a stack of videos from Blockbuster at their feet as Benny and Joon plays from the small television across from them. Both of them have their feet propped up on the coffee table and Richie is grabbing handfuls of popcorn out of the bowl as he chuckles deeply at the antics of Johnny Depp on the screen. The sound of his laughter is almost musical to Eddie, his smile as bright as the setting summer sun outside, and Eddie feels juuuuust a tiny twinge of jealousy that it’s, technically, another guy who’s eliciting that response from his boyfriend. He knows that’s fucking stupid; he knows that he’s the one who can always make Richie laugh the loudest and smile the widest, and that even if Johnny Depp himself were to descend the basement steps right now and join them, Richie would still only have eyes for Eddie.
But still.
“Something bugging ya, Eds?” Richie asks, his hand brushing up against Eddie’s inside the popcorn bowl. The skin to skin contact sends delightful electricity down Eddie’s spine, just like always.
“No,” Eddie answers casually. He holds his head up and looks over at the other boy, who lets out a loud giggle as Johnny, on the screen, sticks forks inside of two breadsticks and begins to make them dance like they’re a pair of feet. Eddie lets out a quiet, involuntary hmmph and moves the bowl to the coffee table in order to scoot closer to Richie, who glances at him amusedly out of the corner of his eye.
“Oh my god, Eds, are you jealous?” Richie says, his attention certainly focused on him now.
“What the fuck? No,” Eddie insists, even though he’s finding himself wrapping both arms around one of Richie’s.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. And don’t call me Eds.”
Richie smiles and shakes his head as he looks back at the movie, where that stupid breadstick scene is still going on. Richie laughs again and Eddie quietly rolls his eyes.
“There it is again,” says Richie suddenly, grinning devilishly as he looks back over at him.
“There what is again?”
“That little pout, cause you’re jealouuusssss”
Eddie is indignant. “I am not pouting!” Is he pouting, though? He doesn’t think he is, but he knows his face can sometimes… well, often… betray him.
“Yes you are.”
“I am noooot.”
“You are so cute when you pout like that,” Richie croons, reaching a hand over to playfully pinch Eddie’s cheek.
“Shut the fuck up, asshat.”
“What, you think I’m gonna run away and leave you for Johnny Depp?” Richie teases as he wraps an arm around Eddie’s shoulder and pulls him close.
“I don’t know, you seem to think dancing breadstick feet is the height of comedy,” Eddie grumbles, even though inwardly he’s screaming in delight at how nice it feels to have Richie’s arm around him like this. “I’m sure you and Johnny would be super happy together,” he adds with an eye roll.
Richie snorts. “Not even a tiny chance in hell, Eddio Spaghettio,” he says with a smile. “You’re just too adorable, so you’re stuck with me.”
“Is that a threat?”
“That’s a promise,” says Richie, leaning in closer, his eyes full of hesitation behind his glasses. He always looks like that beforehand, like he’s unsure if he’s even allowed to kiss him, and Eddie always has to give him permission with his eyes and assure him it’s more than ok. He does that now, reaching a hand up to gently cup Richie’s face as he closes the space between their faces and lightly presses their lips together. It doesn’t last long, but it’s soft and it’s sweet and it’s enough to give Eddie butterflies, and when it’s over Richie is looking back at him in total awe, like he just can’t believe how lucky he is. Eddie assumes that’s what he’s feeling, anyway, because that’s what Eddie is certainly feeling.
“Johnny Who?” Richie quips, going back to cuddling him close, and Eddie grins as he leans his head against the other boy’s shoulder to watch the rest of the movie.
Let autumn come at them with all of its changes, he thinks to himself with a soft smile as Richie starts singing I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) under his breath, complete with an exaggerated Scottish accent. They’re gonna be just fine. He can feel it in his soul.
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•The One With The Monster•
Hey guys! Just a little warning before this chapter starts, I will be touching on religion, but it is in no way accurate and I am not trying to offend anyone in any way. This is all simply for the story, so if I say anything please do not take offence.
Also: This story is based on the song Monster by Dodie, so if you'd like to listen to it while reading then it can help set the mood.
"So what are we going to do with him?" The arc angel glances over at his associate.
"Well, I suppose we could always assign him to an unsolvable case, someone who can not be saved. That way he will stay on earth forever" The lower level angel suggested.
"We could always assign him to-" The arc angel tapped a name the list he held with his index finger.
"Hm... Good choice. A demon he's bound to fall in love with, he will be gone within a decade. Clever" She smirked at him.
"Would you like for me to inform him? Or shall I?" He asked as she shook her head.
"Oh no don't you worry, I will tell the boy about his new and permanent position"
(Basically, our little angel was just assigned a case to a demon where he'd inevitably fall in love and die, all because they couldn't accept that he was gay)
Tell me again about how it hurts
"Okay... Eddie please, just tell me again how much it hurts" Richie leaned forward to cup Eddie's face with his hand. The shorter boy pushed him away. Suddenly Eddie was up and of the bed, pulling at the ends of his hair as pain flashed through his eyes.
"I-It feels like someone stabbed me in the back with a needle and I can feel the fucking venom spread through my system. Like roots of a fucking weed growing" He hissed.
Shit... This is what I was worried about
Being awfully loud for an introvert
There was a moment where Richie didn't speak, he just let Eddie rage.
Eddie sat down on the edge of the bed, practically hugging himself, with blank eyes and an emotionless face, "God, I can feel it seeping into my blood" he sighed. "Rich... Baby, what's happening to me?" Eddie's fear-filled voice cracked as his eyes grew watery.
Richie couldn't even meet his gaze as he muttered a guilt-filled, "E-Eddie... I'm so, so sorry".
Eddie's brow scrunches together, he tilted his head like a confused puppy. "Richie... what did you do?".
Richie moved out of his family's house at the young age of 22. His parents were very reluctant to let him live on his own, worried that he'd somehow spill the family secret, start the next set of witch trials or something. He was a demon after all. He loved Maggie and Wentworth with his entire heart, but as Panic At The Disco once said, if you love me let me go.
He wasn't a monster, neither were his parents. They were just two angels in love who made a wrong choice, so of course, they were thrown down to earth, banished. And heaven forbid there be any angels on earth that aren't guarding a human, so Maggie and Wentworth there stripped of their white angelic feathers and gifted new ones, darker ones.
Still, they were just as magical, just as magnificent. Long and elegant,  they shimmered like the dark night sky. Their wings only came out when they wanted them to, unfurling like a red carpet being rolled out, it was one of the best feelings in the world to Richie. But if not then they just kinda went poof, disappearing. Although they would have to let their wings out at least once a week or else they'd wake up with major back pains. Sometimes Richie would even do it subconsciously in his sleep, he'd wake up from a nightmare and he'd just be curled up in his own dark wings. It was oddly comforting. When they went full dark angel, they had the wings as well as small black horns that would peak out through Richie's equally as dark curls. There were also dark eyes and sharp fangs.
There were other things that came with being a demon. They had magical powers, to a certain extent, they could make things happen, some call it miracles. Oh and also if they were to lash out and lose control, one would be able to see their pointy fangs and blood-red eyes. Richie had always been in love with his demon eyes. Their normal brown colour turned to a deep red, and the rest of the whites in his eyes turned black, making him look like a total satanic worshiper. Which they weren't by the way just cause they were demons didn't mean they had to worship the dark lord.
His place was magnificent, to say the least. It was a one-bedroom apartment with a kitchen and living room and just enough space for an office corner. But he made it work. He was only one person after all. He tried to keep everything organized, only half failing, which had surprised even himself. The apartment wasn't messy, he kept the dirty clothes in the hamper and the trash in the bin. Although he did always have a couple of dirty dishes in the sink and way too many papers on his desk, but he didn't mind.
Everything changed about two months after he moved in. He was sitting at his desk, some chill music on the in the background (Fly by Bloodwich to be precise. Recommended by Stan) when he heard something smash and fall from outside in the hallway. Richie waited a moment before he decided to go make sure no one was like... bleeding out on the floor.
Stepping out into the hallway that connected all the apartments, he noticed another male figure. Richie couldn't make out his features as he was crouching down on the floor in front of his door, back towards Richie. The guy had dropped a vase, pieces of porcelain scattered across the floor.
"Shit shit shit! Mom's gonna kill me!" The guy whispered, he frantically tried to collect all the pieces.
Richie knew he could help, alongside his miracle abilities, he also had a little bit of mind control. And he couldn't bear to hear this guy whimper about this damn vase any longer. He was going to command the guy to back away and he'd miracle the vase back to its original state, then just clean up the boy's memories a little before letting him go, so he wouldn't question the now fixed vase.
Before he gave the command he allowed his eyes to roll back into his head, they reverted back into their demonic state as he commanded, "Stop". Richie's voice stern and deep, it always got that way when he commanded someone to do something.
The boy froze.
"What?" He suddenly jumped up from his position on the floor. Richie wiped his eyes away, they changed back to their normal brown just as his eyes met the eyes of the other boy's. For a moment he could've sworn that the other's eyes were blue, but not like, blue but blue. A blue that could give the sky and sea a run for their money, a blue that'd make someone have to shield their eyes cause it was so bright. But he blinked just as Richie tried to focus on their colour, and suddenly they were brown, just brown.
"Sorry... I uh... Thought you were my neighbour, they party a lot and I always tell them to shut the fuck up" Richie told a terrible lie. No one on his floor partied, they were the Losers floor after all. He knew how weird he sounded so he quickly kept going, he tried to get rid of the awkward tension. "Sorry about the vase" Richie rubbed anxiously at his neck.
"W-What vase?" The guy asked with a lifted eyebrow.
"The one that broke..." His voice drifted off when he looked over and saw the vase that sat perfectly on the ground beside the other boy's feet. "oh" was all he could say at that moment.
Good going trashmouth. What the fuck just happened?
"I'm Eddie," The guy, who is apparently Eddie, said, forcing the awkwardness away. He stuck out his hand for Richie to shake.
"The name is Tozier, Richie Tozier" He replied and shook Eddie's hand. "Moving in I see?" He motioned to the boxes that line the hallway.
Eddie's eyes went wide for a moment, maybe a moment too long before let out a laugh mixed sigh, "Yeah, this is me" he pointed to the door right across from Richie, the sight caused the trashmouth to smile a little bit more at the thought of having a cute neighbour.
Now that Eddie was no longer crouched on the ground he was finally able to get a good look at him. Eddie was a petite guy, for sure a couple inches shorter then Richie and had a smaller build as well. He had a head of neat chocolate brown hair that flopped into his eyes, which he constantly swatted away, Richie found it adorable. He wore a pastel blood hoodie and black skinny jeans and some nameless runners.
"Welcome to the Losers floor" He said with a wink.
"The what?" Eddie asked.
"The Losers floor, that's our name. You've got me, Richard Trashmouth Tozier, the leader of course" He nods, "Beverly Marsh, the badass" Richie points to the apartment beside his own. "Benjamin Hanscom, the nerd" He points to the farthest room, the one after Bev's. "Mike the animal lover, he has a cat, but don't tell the landlord" Richie smirked, he gestured to the room across from Ben's. "And then there's Bill and Stanley. God, I don't know how they fit two people in that fucking apartment, let alone a god damn bird".
Eddie's eyes went wide at the statement, "A bird?".
"Yeah, Staniel loves them. I think her name is like Alley or something" Both of the boys turn to the camera like it's the office.
He leaned casually against the doorframe to his apartment, "Need a hand with the boxes, Edwardo?" Richie asked.
Eddie had to resist the urge to shoot the nickname down and deny his offer, but he knew that be seeing more of Richie in his life. Eddie was his guardian angel after all (;
Eddie was an angel, well he was pretty sure he still was. Eddie always had an enteral battle going on inside of him. They fought over what was right if he should be listening to his lord and saviour or to his heart. He repressed his feelings for centuries, but love always won. Coming out was something. (I don't feel comfortable going into details). But everyone seemed okay with it, sure some hated the idea but everyone liked Eddie. And as luck would have it, a week later he got his first official Guardian placement, Richard Tozier. They'd given him everything he needed, a book full of fake memories and a storyline to follow, it was all set, well... kinda. They basically just gave him the job, no further explanation on why Richie needed to be guarded or anything at all for that matter. They just told him he had 3 days to prepare before being shipped out.
Living on earth was something. But the guys above gave him some books and tips to keep his heavenly side a secret.
Don't fly in the city, don't use your powers unless necessary,  and never, ever tell your person about your secret.
All they said was don't fly in the city, they never told him he couldn't just sit in his apartment with his blinds drawn and his wings out, so that's what he did most nights. He had specific shirts and hoodies with little slits in the back so his wings could come and go with ease. Sometimes he'd just opt to sit shirtless on his couch while watching Will and Grace reruns.
With no knowledge of what he needed to guard Richie against, Eddie simply chose to be the friendly neighbour that was always there to help. But then he realized how dreadfully annoying Richie can be, and then their iconic banter began. But during all of their arguments and bickering, a spark was lit. The two went from friendly neighbours to each other best friends. They'd developed countless traditions that were carried out throughout the week, Taco Tuesday, well that was just the day they went to eat at Burrito Gringo. There were also Sunday laundry nights, where they'd spend countless hours in the creepy basement laundry room laughing their asses off about some random ass shit since anything was hilarious after 1 am. Although on Mondays, both of the boys always seemed to be oddly busy. Maybe it's because these are the days when they both hiked to different parts of the city, heading deep into the forest, away from civilization before letting their wings out and taking flight.
Around the one-year anniversary of Eddie moving in, Richie had no doubt in his mind about 2 things. 1) That he was head over heels for Eddie fucking Kasbrak, and 2) that said Eddie fucking Kaspbrak was also an angel. How did he know this? Well, the first day the two met, Eddie literally miracle-d the vase with shiny blue eyes. These eyes were not only a one-time occurrence, sometimes when Eddie laughed a little too hard, the times he got a little bit too embarrassed, or when he sneezed too hard, or if Richie's touch lingered a little bit too long on Eddie's body, they'd appear. Even though it was always only for a moment, blink and you'll miss them, Richie always noticed. And one day when Richie was walking home from the radio station he may or may not have noticed that he could see perfectly into Eddie's apartment. From there, he watched the short boy grow angelic wings from his fucking back. So, yeah Richie kinda knew Eddie was an angel.
He never brought it up, for various reasons. Richie knew a lot about demons but he also knew his fair share about angels, and he knew that if word got out to the people above about someone knowing Eddie's secret, he'd be in deep shit.
Even though the trashmouth knew what he saw, he could practically feel the angelic powers pour out of his little angel, but he didn't want to face the facts. He didn't want to believe that the boy he loved was an angel. They could probably be together, to hell with the sides! They'd make it work... But then came the inevitable, the biggest thing that stood in their way. Something everybody knew.
An angel and a demon could never share a kiss. It was a curse put upon the first angel and demon who fell in love, all those years ago. The curse states that when the two opposing creatures kiss, the being of light will lose their spark, it will go dark, they will go dark. Basically it means that Richie was to kiss Eddie, Eddie would lose his wings, and he'd turn into the same beast that Richie was. Or even worse, Eddie could die, if he wasn't able to survive the turn.
So Richie suppressed everything, his thoughts, his ideas, his feelings. Anything that could lead to having a crush on Eddie was shoved into a box and stuffed into his metaphorical closet. He wouldn't allow himself to be the reasoning behind Eddie's banishment, he couldn't... Richie wouldn't be able to live with himself if he knew that he was the reason his little angel was turned dark. So he made a vow to never kiss Eddie.
So Eddie kissed Richie instead.
It had been officially one year and one month since Eddie moved in across the hall from Richie, and it has been exactly one month since the two started dating. Richie was the first one to make a move, he was reluctant since he couldn't kiss Eddie, but he could see the yearning in his angel's eyes and he really just wanted to be happy, to make Eddie happy. That's all he ever wanted.
So he gave in. Eddie confessed his feelings one night after Richie's failed attempt at a tinder date with some asshat named Connor. Eddie spilled his guts out about since the first time he saw Richie in the hallway, he has been living on this high, the feeling that he only got when he was with Richie. And that feeling gave him life. What Richie didn't know was that the life Eddie was feeling was the feeling of finally living. He was doing what he wanted, on his own terms, with the man he loved. That night forward they were officially boyfriends.
Eddie found it kind of odd that they didn't share their first kiss after they both confessed their true feelings. Instead, once Richie finished spilling his guts, he simply wrapped Eddie up in his arms and the two held each other, their hearts beating as one. That night they slept together, no sex, just being wrapped up in each other's arms was enough. And Eddie was okay with that.
It was just another morning that the demon and the angel had woken up together. Eddie had woken up first. To no surprise, he found his limps were tangled up with Richie's. But once the demon had woken up, the two sat facing each other in bed for a while. Until Eddie practically jumped on Richie, cupping his face and kissing his lips.
Richie was left in shock. They'd kissed. And it was amazing. There was only a single moment where Richie's mind burst at the thought of their lips touching, but instead, he drowned it out by passionately kissing Eddie back. Eddie had pushed Richie onto his back, playing with his hair as the made out on the bed, that's when Eddie jackknifed off of Richie. That's when he started to turn, and that's where we are now.
"Eds, baby I'm so sorry. I should've told you sooner" Eddie snapped his head to face Richie. His angel eyes were showing, and they were blazing like a roaring fire. The flames so burning hot that they turned sky blue.
"What the hell did you do?!" He hissed, anger and confusion laced his voice.
Richie could barely let out a stuttery, "I-I'm..." that's when he let his eyes roll back. With regret he let his demon eyes roll forward, he hoped it would be more than enough of a response.
His blue eyes snapped open wider than ever, "Y-You!" he shrieked. Eddie went to stand and get the fuck out but before he knew it, he'd stumbled over his own feet and landed on the carpeted floor of Richie's bedroom. With the pain that radiated through his body, he felt something, stress relieved from his shoulders, but now there was more weight on them than usual. His wings. Eddie curled up, the pain simply had more space to cover.
Richie slid out of his bed and shuffled over to Eddie. "Please can I just-"
"No, NO! Get away from me" Eddie backed away, "You demon fucker, you did this to me" he hissed. Hastily he got to his feet,  he stumbled out of the room.
Get out of my room, smile wiped clean Isn't it weird to be so mean?
Eddie had sworn Richie out countless times, but nothing stung as badly as the words that just slipped out of his mouth. He couldn't even begin to imagine the pain Eddie was going through. The guys below always described it as the feeling of what it's like to burn in the deep pits of hell. But the least he could do was make sure Eddie didn't have to go through this alone.
He marched into the main area of his apartment where he spotted Eddie had sprawled out over the couch. The demon moved quickly to crouch down beside Eddie. The angel's eyes were in a half-open stat, but once they caught sight of Richie they reverted back to their blue shocked look. But now they were focused on something just above Richie's eyes.
I'm guessing that I've grown horns I guess I'm human no more I can tell I've rotted in your brain
"Oh... Sorry. This happens sometimes" He smirked down at the shorter boy. His hands wandered up to brush up against the small horns that had appeared in his dark curls.
The shorter boy was hugging himself, the pain pounding in his head. "I can't believe you'd do this to me. Turn me... Make me into a monster" Eddie breathed breath after breath, each word filled with a hatred that was new to the both of them, and Richie hated every moment of it.
Oh, how easily passion twists You think I'm a crazy bitch I craft my words to fit your head 'Cause no one listens to the dead
"You think I wanted to do this? Do you think I wanted to turn the fucking love of my life into the same thing that haunts me? The thing that looms over my fucking head every goddamn day of my life? Eddie I always wanted what was best for you, that's why I joke and I play and I never let you in because I didn't want to get close. I didn't want to feel anything for you but I couldn't" Richie's emotions were about to overflow when he realized the amount of stress that sat on his back. So with a roll of his kneck and a stretch of his arms, he allowed his pitch-black demonic wings to magically roll out behind him.
If Eddie's eyes could grow bigger then they already were, then they did. "LIES! That's all your kind does. It's all been lies, and to think I fell in love with a fucking spawn of satan".
The words burned like a slab of meat over an open flame. There was one way that Richie knew he could capture Eddie's attention, grab his attention by the balls and tell him what's what.
So maybe I will talk to you The only way I know how to I've said my speech through sharpened teeth
"Edward mother fucking Kaspbrak. Do you think, that I would spend over a year, lying to my dumbass neighbour just to turn him? 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 fucking minutes, all so hell could have one more damned demon? Eds, Eddie, light of my life, I never, ever, planned on turning you" Richie's voice was stern and serious. It was something that was new for Eddie. He couldn't help but notice the fact that Richie's teeth had sharpened into fangs, poking out from behind his lips as he spoke. They must have unconsciously lengthed as his emotions grew stronger.
Although he wasn't focused on Richie's new way of talking. He was focused on the words, the phrase he just said. Light of my life. A direct quote from The Shinning, the same words Jack Torrance told his wife Wendy during the climax of the movie. It was their safe word, the phrase they said when something was happening when they needed help, when they needed each other. If something was happening and the other needed help, no questions asked. Suddenly everything became so much more serious to Eddie.
Eddie curled deeper in on himself, with closed eyes, and a weal voice, he wept, "Then why am I dying".
Richie's dark heart broke at the sight of his boyfriend who crumbled before him. "oh... Spaghetti" He muttered, collapsing beside him, throwing his arms around the angel. "I-I'm gonna figure this out".
With that declaration, the two stayed like that for a while, Eddie curled on the couch with his wings behind him with Richie's arms wrapped around him. Their foreheads pressed against each other's. Richie's wings even lowered down and wrapped around the angel. When the dark wings touched the lighter ones, it was like the first time their hands brushed up against each other. It sent a shiver up both of their spines.
Eddie's body had almost grown used to the pain, it was numbing, his body ached, but the feeling of Richie's touch made everything just a little bit better. As much as Eddie wanted to be mad about this, it was Richie's fault, deep down Eddie knew his boyfriend didn't mean it.
The angel felt the demonic presence that cuddled against him shift and move, followed by the all too familiar 'Click' sound of Richie's phone turning on. He tilted his head upwards and saw Richie's head was perched on top of his own while he scrolled through the contacts on his phone. "Seriously rich? Ruining our moment? I'm literally dying you asshole" Eddie's voice had a little less pain and some more confusion mixed in there, and maybe even a little laughter.
The demon's lips turned into a little smirk. He slowly slipped off of the other, "I've got this angel, just give me a moment. Don't die!" He hollered whilst he walked into the other room.
Richie had his parents on speed dial and the phone rang three times before they answered. He cut to the chase and asked what to do if an angel was turning. Of course, Maggie informed him that there's nothing he can do, the change will most likely kill the angel.
Richie's voice came out sounding way too chirpy for the situation he was in, "hmm, no. My angel won't be dying today. So we need another way".
There was a sudden muffled sound, followed by a very quick argument of few words before Wentworth picked up the phone, "Son? yeah, I'll call you if I find anything until then, keep the angel awake and alive. Love you son" and the line went dead.
You break the rules and spikes grow from your skin
Eddie had heard the stories, every angel knew them. The ones of the curse and what it's done to the angels that were stupid enough to fall for a damned demon. But for some reason, Eddie knew that deep down he would've kissed Richie again if he had the chance to go back, he'd do it again and again, no matter what the cost. Because deep down he knew that this boy.... this demon, was the only person Eddie truly ever felt this way about. He's never cared about anyone the same way he cared about Richie, it was love.
The angel could sense the demon when he re-entered the room. At that same moment, another jolt of pain shot into his body. This time it started at his lower back and spread like roots to a virus up his back.
"H-Holy shit" Eddie's eyes snapped up to meet Richie's, worry washed over him when he noticed that the demon's face had gone as white as a ghost.
"What? Rich, what is it?" he questioned. Richie stared in shock as black veins slowly kept up the back of Eddie's neck. They edged their way up to his neck and into his wings. They trained the whites of his wings as they. It seeped into the feathers and kept growing, black spikes in a world of white.
"Eddie, hey, sweety, trust me okay? It looks bad, I won't lie. But we're gonna beat this, you and me" Richie's voice was reassuring, but Eddie still needed to see what was happening. He rapidly sat up, ignoring the pain that it caused. He moved towards the full-length mirror Richie had proper up against the wall in his living room.
His voice was weak, only able to let out a soft "No....". Richie stood behind him, which was good since Eddie basically collapsed after seeing himself, the shock had overtaken his body.
Please let the devil in
Richie, of course, caught his boyfriend. He cradled the boy in his arms, softly stroking his hair while he wept into his sweater. The apartment was silent, the only sound to be heard was the soft sobs and sniffles that the angel.... that Eddie let out as Richie held him close.
A meter apart, we blankly stare
The demon wasn't that strong so at one point he had to slowly lower himself and the boy who laid in his arms to the ground. That's where they laid for a while. The pain pulsed through Eddie's body which caused the tears to keep falling. Richie held him tight, one hand holding the other's while the other would run through Eddie's hair, in slow calming motions. The two laid on the kitchen floor, Richie's back was leaning against the counter for support. Both of their wings were sprawled out everywhere as they laid together.
After countless minutes, Eddie's weeping stopped, so did the rising and falling of his chest as he breathed. "Eds?" Richie asked, voice low. When he was left with no response he asked again. "Eddie?". Now worry filled his face as he turned his boyfriend over to see his face had gone soft, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. "HEy, Eddie, Eddie?"
We shout in our heads, "Are you still in there?"
"no, no, NO... no" Richie winned, he ran his hands along Eddie's body. He moved his index finger and his middle finger along the boy's neckline, he tried to find a pulse, anything. But there were no signs of life.
Well, this ends bad then, we knew it would
"It can't end like this... I-I won't let it".
The sound of his phone ringing cut through the air like a knife. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, he smashed the answer button when he realized it was his father who was calling. "What?" His voice came out weak, hopeless even.
"Son... Blood" His father sounded out of breath. "A demon's blood can change him, bring him back".
"What? Dad, no... No, I can't turn him, h-he's an angel"
"Richie, either you turn him or he dies. You don't want him to die, do you?" The question made something snap deep within the demon. He knew what his dad was doing by the tone in his voice. He'd used it in the past to manipulate Richie, not in a bad way, but he needed it right now. His dad knew he wouldn't want to lose Eddie, so he left him no choice.
"Fine" Richie hissed, he clicked the end call button before dropping his phone.
So we won't eat our words, 'cause they don't taste good
(Mild blood warning)
The demon slowly moved his boyfriend off of him and laid him carefully onto the cool tile floor beneath them. Richie moved quickly through his kitchen, he got one of the various knives from a drawer before he took a seat again beside Eddie.
"Okay... Eddie, I'm so sorry" Richie apologized again for the 100th time. He took his own hand and with the knife, he made a clean cut across his palm. The demon hissed, fangs poking out from his mouth, at the pain.
Before he could change his mind, the demon carefully picked up his boyfriend's hand from where it sat on his chest. He studied it for a moment, examing the soft skin against his. He shook his head, cleared his mind. It was hard, his hand began to shake the moment he gripped the knife.
Just do it. He thought.
"I love you," He said as the knife drew blood.
The moment he was done with the knife he let it clatter to the ground. Instead, he put Eddie's hand in his, pushing their cuts together in hopes that enough blood would enter the boy's system for this cult-like ritual to work.
He held their hands together, he pressed his lips up against the back of Eddie's hand, and just held them.
Eddie's eyes snapped open. His heart beat strong and hard inside his chest. He looked over and saw Richie, a demon, his demon. He held their hands together to his chest, his head tilted downwards.
His voice was weak, tiered from the aches and pains, "Rich..." he whispered.
The demon's head jolted upwards. He was overwhelmed by emotions, he's alive. A smile spread across his lips as he let out a small, "Eds".  Without missing a beat he jumped at him, wrapping him in his arms and hugging him.
The sudden action caught the former angel by surprise. "H-Hey... It's good to see you too trashmouth".
Tears began to fall from Richie's eyes, unable to hold back his emotions any longer. He slowly let go and moved to face his boyfriend, "I, thought you were dead. You flatlined" he looked into Eddie's eyes and suddenly his face fell a little.
The angel's eyes were still blue, but there were no whites to them. They were actually similar to Richie's, which he loved. The only difference was that instead of red, it was blue, and everything else was pitch black.
Eddie noticed immediately and mirrored his emotions, fear, and worry. Which Richie caught on to and quickly changed this up, "I have something to tell you". Eddie simply responded with a small nod, "So you know the curse right?".
"Of course, everyone does".
"Exactly. So, uh... Yeah we kissed, and you almost- um, ya know... died. But I brought you back! You're here now, and you're alive. But y-you aren't the same" He glanced away, unable to meet his gaze, suddenly ashamed of his red and black demonic eyes. "I-I guess it's better if I show you".
Richie slowly got to his feet and helped Eddie to stand, the boy's legs were a little wobbly but he wrapped an arm around Richie's waist for support as he led the shorter boy towards the mirror. What stood before him sent a little shiver down Eddie's spin. He looked into his new eyes, the blue he was used to seeing remained the same, but instead of the normal white that usually surrounded them was replaced with a black as dark as night. The darkness grew wide for a second, his eyes stared at himself in shock. His wings had changed as well, the black veins were now gone, and so were the white feathers he knew so well. Although his wings weren't black like Richie's (Which Eddie kinda found dark and sexy), his new wings were a silver-grey, they shimmered under the light, slightly changing as he moved and tilted his body.
I'm guessing that I've grown horns I guess I'm human no more
The no longer angel noticed something else. Little spikes poking up through his brown messy hair. The little horns felt smooth to the touch.
"I'm so sorry Eddie. I never meant for any of this to happen" Richie kept his eyes on his hand, where the cut had already healed.
"Richie... We could've never been together before. An angel and a demon? That's insane, totally against every rule, on both sides" His voice was stern, anger slowly building up as he went on. It all changed within a moment, "But I'm not an angel anymore..." His voice drifted off a moment before Richie realized what he meant. The dark-haired boy stared wide-eyed at his boyfriend,  not 100% sure what was going to happen. His heart began to flutter. Then the smile he's grown to love spread over Eddie's lips, even going up to his demonic eyes.
"So it's just you and me now" Without missing a beat, Eddie closed the gap between Richie and himself, he moved his hand to grab the collar of Richie's shirt before he pulled him down towards him and kissed him.
"So what now?" Richie asked his boyfriend, who's head was leaned against his chest as the two laid together in Richie's bed after a hot and intense makeout session. It left both of them sweaty and speechless. The power that the two shared was something neither of them had ever felt before, leaving them both a little mad that they hadn't done it sooner.
Two ugly creatures, two sinister preachers
"Well... Now that we're two ugly creatures, two sinister preachers" The jokes rolled off his tongue. Richie could get used to these demon themed jokes.
Blind to the past, like a couple of monsters
The newly deemed demon rolled over to lay propped up on his elbows, facing Richie. "Rich there's one thing I know for sure. Heaven can't get to me, and I have a feeling Hell can't get to you". Eddie hadn't a clue about Richie's past, but he knew he'd find out sooner or later since they were in this mess together. Two separate sparks that by some miracle collided, creating something amazing.
"So it looks like it's just us..." Eddie's voice drifts off.
"You and me" Richie confirms.
"Us, together" The two smiled at that thought, "Just a couple of monster".
Word count: 6119
Guys, I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter/oneshot I've ever written. I had so much fun writing this chapter! Exploring their backgrounds and giving the whole angel x demon thing a go, and I really enjoyed it, I hope you guys did too!
As I said this chapter is based on the song Monster by Dodie. I knew the moment I listened to this song that there was some deeper story behind the lyrics and I needed to bring it to life.
Anyways that's all for me! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to like and comment, it shows that you like my work and encourages me to keep writing.
Until next time
so long and goodnight.
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evan-buck-ley · 4 years
Highschool crush on Eddie #2
A/N: Enjoy reading and thanks for your support <3
Eddie rang bucks doorbell. Buckley, so that’s his name. Buck opens the door and both are shooked. Buck didn’t thought that Eddie would show up and Eddie didn’t thought that he would see buck with a bruised lip.
“What happend?” Eddie asked worried. “I fell. What are you doing here?” Buck answered quickly, Eddie laughed in disbelief. “Yeah you fell? On what? On a fist?” Buck shooked his head, he is kind of hurt that Eddie didn’t believe him and that he is laughing at him. Because he said the truth, he fell. “No. The stairs. I Tripped up the stairs yesterday, then I fell. So. Why. Are. You. Here?” Buck asked a bit angrily. “I was worried, after how you act yesterday, I was worried that you did something dangerous.” Buck shooked his head. “Can we forget that? I mean Yesterday. I was sad and angry.” There was a silence between them.
“Can in go inside?” Eddie asked in a soft voice. Buck looked away. “I wish I could. But it would be a bad idea. But thanks that you come over to look after me. I am fine.” Buck wanted to close the door but Eddie stopped it, by pushing his hand against the door. “That you fell the stairs, that’s not the reason why you didn’t come to school, or?” Buck is breathing heavily. “I didn’t felt like going to school!” Buck said quiet, but in a way eddie could still hear him. “And why are you worrying anyways? We aren’t friends, you don’t know me” Eddie is hurt and speechless. “I don’t know why, but you’re kind and lovely, I don’t like to see you ever again like yesterday.” Eddie answered and Buck felt even sadder, he wants to be alone right now. “I- I don’t feel well. I just want to be alone right now.” Buck said he didn’t have the guts to tell him to go away. When Eddie heard, the Bucks broken voice, he felt bad for being mean to him. “OKay, then I am leaveing.” Eddie said a bit sad and left.
The next day, Eddie tried to speak with Buck, but Buck didn’t want to. When ever buck saw Eddie, he walks for the different way, or just went into random rooms. He didn’t even ate lunch in the cafeteria, Buck ate his food somewhere outside, alone. But Eddie isn’t stupid, he waited from 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. infront of Bucks room, until he gets back from school.
When Buck saw Eddie infront of the door, he got goosebumps. Not because he was in shook, more because he was afraid eddie met his mom. “Did you rang? Or knock?” Buck said in panic to Eddie while trying to put his key in the keyhole. “Yes? But nobody answered, that’s why I was waiting for you?” Eddie answered a bit confused. Buck finally got his key in and turned it around, so the door would open. Buck saw that his mother’s purse isn’t at the usual spot, that means she is still at work. Buck sighed in relieve. “Buck, I want to be a friend to you” eddie tried in a soft not mean voice. “I didn’t asked for” buck knows it’s wrong, he asked for, but at this point in his life, he was happy, but now he has problems he wants to solve. Eddie frowns, he felt pranked.
“You kidding me right?” Eddie asked in an angry tone. Buck exhaled deep in. “You know, I am stupid as hell and I thought my life would trun out good, after my life was being so shitty like last year. I thought I could live in a school normal, without having anxiety attacks whenever some random jerks pass my way, because last year I got almost punched and kicked to death for being bi.” Buck shouted and also wanted to punch himself for outing him, but it feels so good to shout and to tell someone what’s going on in his mind. “I thought that this cute, sexy, hot senior guy I like would like me back in the same way I like him, but he only wants to be friends.” Buck gasped for air. “Also I thought my mom wouldn’t fall back into her addiction to alcohol. But stupid me needed to be almost dead and my sister seem to doesn’t care about us.” Bucks gets quieter at the end, before a single teardrop falls down his cheek. But Buck wipped the water path, it left behind, away so there’s no proof to say he cried.
There is a silence and Buck already wants to go inside but Eddie stopped it by kissing the younger one. It’s not really a soft one, it’s a desperate one. They both are so amazed by the feelings they just felt and when Buck leans in for a second round Eddie backs off. “There is this cute, hot and sexy freshman kid I can’t have, because he is stubborn and mostly important to young.” Eddie started “age doesn’t count but I could get in jail because you’re still underage.” Buck nods in understanding, although he doesn’t really wants to understand. “Also my sister just got pregnant, doesn’t even have a boyfriend anymore. My home is a hell right now.” Eddie continues. “Your Life isn’t the only one that’s messy and dirty. But I can’t -and dios I wish I could- give you more than just friendship. And I don’t want you to swallow everything bad in your life. Talk to someone, it doesn’t have to be a therapist, it doesn’t have to be a family member, or me, just someone, anyone!” Buck nods before hugging Eddie as tight as possible and Eddie hugs him back.
The next day in school it’s a bit awkward, but Buck doesn’t run away from Eddie anymore, sometimes Eddie sat on Bucks table and sometimes buck on his. At games buck can wear one of eddies trikot. Sometimes if they are alone they kiss, it’s like they have a secret relationship until Bucks 18th birthday. But when Eddie went to collage things got complicated and Buck found out eddie is in love with someone else. Bucks heart was ripped out, but he knew, he couldn’t asked for Eddie to wait for him. It’s would be still a year and they can’t see each other as often as the year before. But this relationship with Eddie thought him to be stronger and patient.
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mendesnecessary · 5 years
A lost match and a lost jealousy fight
Request:  can you write an angst where Shawn gets tickets to game 2 for the raptors but then takes a friend rather than his girl friend and she’s hurt and he’s so excited but doesn’t realize she wants to go until it’s too late and instead she goes out to watch the game and he gets jealous but ends in fluff
A/n: I did not review this piece, so if there’s some grammar mistake I’m sorry, I’ll correct it soon. Hope you guys like it and don’t forget to tell me what you think and reblog <3 
Word count: 2.000
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“we are going together in the next game, promise you, babe” That’s what Shawn told y/n on the day of the match between The Raptors and Philadelphia 76ers. That’s also the main reason why she thought the two tickets that he had in hands one week ago were for they two, but when he excitedly told her he was going with his friend she felt slightly hurt. 
Shawn couldn’t properly notice during the week since he was focused on the studio work and y/n were constantly at the college’s library. He found weird that she was spending such an amount of time at university since her finals were over, but she always had something new to work on and he decided not to bother.
So when Sunday came in and he left for the game, she said goodbye with a single touch of lips, no tongues, no tugging hair, and especially no hugging. But Shawn was already late to meet with Stirling, they were going to have coffee together and then head to the game. Little did he knew that y/n was going out as well. 
She took a long and relaxing bath, enjoying the hot water and trying to vanish the knots in her muscles, stress was something that really gets into her nerves. So after eating dinner while scrolling through Instagram, she got prepared to meet with a friend. A new one, actually.
Mark was in some kind of relationship with one of her best friends, Edward. They weren’t exactly dating, but y/n was pretty sure this was only a matter of time. She talked with Ed about how mad she got when Shawn forgot about her and he gave the idea of the three of them going together. What happens was Edward’s sister got sick and he had to stay home to take care of the little one, but Mark, already friends with y/n, kept the game meeting.
So at eight-thirty y/n was taking a last stare at the mirror. One of her favorites black leggins hugging her thighs and a big raptors hoodie in red. When she and Mark entered arm in arms cause he was telling about someone's shirt the match hasn’t start. 
“Wow, I can’t believe Eddie got us the front row seats” she was excited. Front rows were the most intense ones. 
“Yeah, I’m gonna remember to give him extra kisses tomorrow” 
Y/n laughed at her friend’s comment and went on with the talk until her eyes found him on the other side. Justin sitting right beside telling something that made him roll his eyes slightly. She couldn’t believe that all of his friends Shawn came with Justin who doesn’t even like Basketball. 
Now she was more pissed than before.
The first quarter starts and Mark tells her to enjoy it and forget for some time about her “stupid but very pretty boyfriend” his own words. She does so, but knew it was a matter of time before he becomes the center of attention, Drake and Obama, the two of three celebrities present, had already waved at the camera appearing in the big screen on the court, meaning he was the next one probably in the first half-time break. 
So in the half-time break, when his face with a big smile showed in the screens, y/n got up to go to the bathroom and Mark to grab them something to drink. She washed her face and took time to breathe and try to deal with the mess in her head. 
Maybe Shawn was going to sleep in the couch today.
Once she opens the door and starts making her way back to the court he, standing in the hallway talking with some stranger, sees her. Shawn’s eyes went wide, curiosity and confusion sparkling in the hazel color. And of course, y/n was going to ignore, if he hadn’t made his way to her.
“Babe, you here!!” he approaches and leans in for a kiss, but when she turns her face his lips land on her cheekbones.  
The exact moment where Shawn knew he messed up on something, he couldn’t quite tell what he did, but something was up. 
“Y/n! There you are. Here’s your beer” Mark says when he found her in the small crowd. He looks at Shawn and ignores his presence trying to make his best serious face.
“Thank you, Mark” She smiles to him, taking the cup from his hands and bringing to her lips. “You got it right” and there was the smile that she didn’t give to Shawn in the last week. 
Who the hell is this guy?! Shawn thought to himself. 
“Aren’t you gonna introduce me to your famous friend?!” You can tell Mark is enjoying the situation. It’s not like you get to make your friend’s boyfriend jealous every day. 
“Actually, I’m her boyfriend” Shawn steps in, jaw clenched and despite the calm tone, you could see some angry in his eyes.
“Oooh, so you’re the one who fucked things up! Sorry, I should remember you.” He sticks his hand and Shawn ignores it glancing at him confused and huffy.
“Honey, you can switch seats with Justin and come to my side, I’m sure he wouldn’t min-”
Y/n cuts him off.
“I’m sorry, Shawn, I came with Mark and I’m sure Justin would mind, after all, he was the one you called to be with him in the match.” 
FUCK! Now he understood the whole situation.
“See you at home” she waves and walks away with Mark who holds her close by the shoulders. 
The rest of the game is Shawn looking at y/n trying to catch her attention but failing also boiling his jealousy of Mark so close to her. 
“You fucked up, Shawn, this one is well deserved” 
one of his sides tells.
“But he’s too close, that’s no excuse, she’s your girl. Who the hell this guy think he is” 
the other side defends.
“Well, unlike you he didn’t forget y/n likes basketball and was waiting weeks for this match” 
He tries to shut his thoughts up when the game ends with a defeat for The Raptors. Well, today wasn’t luck day not in the love and neither in the game. He searches for her in the intention of driving home together, but she’s long gone and so is her friend. 
He says his goodbyes to Justin and starts to drive home expecting to find y/n in the bath or already sleeping, she was a fast asleep, he finds it cute. But when he enters the condo the lights are off and there’s no sound of someone. No shoes in the entrance or coat hanging. 
Shawn takes his own bath and sits in the living room waiting for her while the rerun and comments of the game are on the TV. He drinks his wine desperate for her to get home. 
What if her friend wasn’t a real friend but someone who wanted to do some kind of bad thing with her?!
His mind was running at a fast speed until he hears the door and everything comes to normal motion.
“God, where were you?!” 
“Out” y/n is short and cold.
“Are you really mad at me because of the game?” he gets up.
“Oh c’ mon that doesn’t give you the right to try to make me jealous!”
“What are you talking about?” She asks confused while walking to their bedroom, Shawn following hot in her heels.
“I’m talking about that stupid guy by your side tonight” 
“The only stupid by my side today was you, Shawn” she hisses, stressed with his moods like she was the guilty one.
“You wanted to see me jealous, eh??!” she could tell he was pissed but y/n doesn’t bother stopping her things, taking off her hoodie and putting her hair into a messy bun.
“Yeah, cause the fucking world spins around you, huh?! If I go out with a friend is about you, If I enjoy basketball is about you, if I fucking breath it is about you too, right Shawn Mendes!? Cause after all you’re the king of this fucking world, Am I right?!” She tries to keep her voice low even tho the angry tone was getting the best. 
“All of this because I forgot to call you to the game?” 
“Don’t try to change the subject just because I proved you were wrong, Mr. Know-it-all.” 
“You didn’t tell me you wanted to go. So now I’m supposed to read minds, y/n?!” 
“Go fuck yourself, Shawn!” she ignores him, walking to the bathroom. 
“Can you please discuss this like an adult?” he followed, stopping at the door frame. 
“Oh so now I’m talking like a child?! Maybe your friend Justin talks like an adult, go call him to the game, Mendes” 
“C’ mon, I already told you: how am I supposed to know you want things if you don’t fucking tell me?!” Shawn motion with the hands and she rolls her eyes in disbelief. 
“We fucking talked about this game since the start of the season! You knew how much I wanted to go. And the worst thing is you don’t even notice how low I was this week. You called Justin to go with you, Shawn!” her voice is a little higher in the last sentence. “If you had called Brian, I would probably deal with it better cause Brian loves basketball, but Justin doesn’t even know to name one player or how many times of match it has.”
“You should have told me!! Now you wanna make me the bad guy, that’s not fair”
“Yeah, I’m the blame, Mendes, if this makes you sleep at night.” She says and walks out of the room, heading to the guest room and slamming the door shut. 
“No couch for Shawn today, instead guestroom for me,” she thinks trying to make fun of her own situation.
Y/n scrolls through her social media seeing some fans commenting about Shawn’s close face during the game and how you two were probably in a fight. Her eyes start to heavy at some point and she couldn’t help but fall asleep. 
She woke up to a noise in the door and a weight on the other side of the bed. His arms sneaking to hold her close to his chest. 
“We’re in a fight, you don’t get to sleep with me tonight” she mumbles, still tired from the previous wake up.
“I’m so sorry, babe.” his voice is low even tho they are the only ones at the room.
She waits from more, she knows Shawn has more to say cause his hand keeps making different shapes into the skin of her waist.
“I was an asshole tonight...the whole week, actually. I should have remembered about you, it’s just I was so worked up with the studio and this match and...Sorry, there’s no excuse, I was just stupid”
“Now, you’re right” 
“It means you’re gonna forgive me?” he asks and you turns to look at him, hands resting on his bare chest.
“It means I’m gonna think about your case”
“Can you think about it sleeping with me tho? Cause I hate spending the night without you” 
She hums, holding back a chuckle. 
“What about your stupid friend?”
“He gave you what you deserved” 
“He called me your friend, babe!” 
“He was pissed with you as well” 
Y/n couldn’t see in the low lights, but she knew better Shawn rolled his eyes.
“I don’t like him anyway”
“You’re just jealous.”
“’m not”
“You are jealous and he’s gay, Shawn”
“Dating Eddie?!” he asks curiously, Shawn and Edward were friends, they met once Shawn went to pick you up from class and ended up giving him a ride to his home.
“Well, in that case, we should go to the next game in a double couple date.”
“What makes you think I’m going with you to the next game?” 
“I’m pretty convincing, you know” 
“Try me, Mendes” 
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Naked & Afraid
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier (Both adult)
Word Count: 884
Warnings: Blood, vomit, gore in general. Slight spoilers for It: Chapter 2.
Notes: Okay so. I remembered the scene from the original It miniseries where Eddie’s in the showers at school and Pennywise creeps him out and I’m kind of upset that it didn’t end up in the 2017 version (although I get why, small boys in the shower isn’t exactly an appropriate thing to be watching/thinking about because ew) so I went ahead and made an updated, scarier version that falls in the plot of Chapter 2. Then I made it Reddie-centric because I can do whatever I want. Also, quick warning, I am like Stephen King: bad at writing endings. Enjoy!  
This was shaping up to be the worst day of Eddie’s life. Hands down. No competitors. Sure, he’d been vomited on by a leper before. The same leper, actually. And to be honest, there wasn’t too much of a difference in either experience. Except for the teeny tiny little fact that this time, he’d gotten it in his mouth. It was taking all of his willpower not to throw up himself as he stomped up the stairs of the bed and breakfast, dripping trails of gruel and bowel fluids behind him. 
“Eddie?” he heard Ben call from behind him. 
“Don’t talk to me,” he said flatly.
As soon as he got into the bathroom, Eddie stripped off his soiled clothes, grabbed the toothpaste and his brush, and got into the shower. He spent a solid five to ten minutes just brushing, rinsing, and spitting as he let the water sweep all the grossness from his form. When he finally felt decent enough to ditch the toothbrush, he squirted a generous helping of shampoo into his palm and got to work lathering it all into his hair. It was around this time that Eddie heard the voice. 
“Eddie…” it rasped from behind him. Eddie froze. No. Not behind him. From below him. 
“Don’t turn around,” he muttered to himself. “Do not fucking turn around.”
Despite his own warnings, Eddie couldn’t help but steal a glance. He didn’t know if it was better or worse that everything seemed completely normal. He looked down. Even the drain appeared to be the same as always. Until it spoke again. 
“Poor, poor Eddie…” it cooed. “Scared little boy…”
Eddie drew back against the opposite wall, staring intently. “F--fuck off.”
The voice only laughed and continued. “Eddie’s life is unraveling…”
Turn the water off and leave, Eddie told himself. Just go. Get out of here. Even so, he stayed frozen and still. 
“Years and years of a stable job...a marriage...a brand new car…” it went on. “What more could he want? And then he came back to play…” 
“I’m not playing,” Eddie hissed. Why can’t I just fucking move?
“We are playing,” the voice giggled. “Play, play, play! Play until he tells…”
Eddie swallowed thickly. “Tells what?”
“Tells his dirty secret.” 
Eddie could’ve sworn he saw the glint of an eye in the drain, staring up at him. 
“Tell how he doesn’t want his life anymore. Not his old one, no…” 
There was a wet slap from behind him. Eddie jumped as something soft and wet touched the heel of his foot. 
“Not since he saw the trashmouth again…” 
Eddie looked down. A tuft of brown hair covered in suds lay at his feet. He furrowed his brow. 
“Now he doesn’t know to do. His whole world is falling apart.” The voice cackled suddenly. “Falling apart! Falling apart!” 
Another slap, this time heavier. Then another, and another. Eddie watched in horror as hair and lumps of reddened flesh rushed towards the drain. A quick look at his body confirmed his dread. They were his hair and flesh. Feeling his chest move faster and faster, Eddie raised his arms to his face. He nearly screamed when his little finger bent back and dropped off his hand, leaving only a stump swollen and messy with water and blood. 
Eddie’s legs finally let him move as he tore open the curtain and jumped out of the shower, the drain laughing all the while. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and finally shrieked. Flesh was still dropping off of him at an alarming rate, leaving only stinging patches of red muscle and even exposed bone in areas. Eddie’s vision went warped and darkened as he witnessed his left eye roll down his cheek and onto the floor. 
He busted out of the bathroom, cussing and still yelling. 
“Help! Help, fuck!”
Richie. Richie would know what to do. Or maybe he wouldn’t, but Eddie was already running to his room. 
Richie was apparently already on his way to the bathroom, because he and Eddie ran into each other in the hallway. 
“Eddie!” he yelled breathlessly, grabbing onto his arms. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What’s happening?”
“M-my body--” At this point, Eddie was sobbing. “Fucking--you have to fucking help me, make it--make it stop!” 
“What?” Richie seemed confused. He looked Eddie up and down. “What’s wrong? Does it hurt anywhere?”
“I--I’m f-falling apart!” How could he not see it? His eye was missing! Eddie looked down at himself. Except...he was completely normal. Naked, but normal. 
“Eds?” Richie asked softly. 
“I…” Eddie swallowed and touched his face. Everything felt whole. “I was…”
“Let’s...go to my room.” Richie took his hand and led him to his bedroom. Eddie sat on the bed, blinking at the carpet. 
“Here.” Richie laid a hefty blanket across his shoulders. 
“Yeah. Can you tell me what happened? I heard you screaming, and…” 
“I was in the shower. And...and then there was this voice, this voice from the drain.” 
“Fuck,” Richie hissed. 
“And it spoke to me, and told me that…” Eddie paused. Maybe he should keep that part about the trashmouth and his secret to himself. “...That it wanted me to play. And then I...I started to fall apart, my skin was falling off…”
“Holy fuck, your…” Richie stood up suddenly. “I-I’m gonna fucking kill that thing.” 
“Wait,” he said quickly. “No, no. Don’t. We can’t do it. Not right now. It’s--it’ll hurt you.”
“It hurt you!”
“Yeah, but--but not for real!” He sniffled and reached to grab Richie’s arm. “Please just sit with me. Please.” 
Richie softened a little and looked back at Eddie. Soaking wet, hands shaking, white as a sheet. He spared one last look at the door, then took his place on the bed. 
“Fuck. Fine. I can’t take it when you give me those puppy eyes.” He adjusted the blanket so it was further around him. Eddie tried to smile and shut his eyes. They were quiet for a beat, accompanied only by the sounds of their breathing, which was slowing to a calm rate. 
“Do you...regret coming back?” Richie asked out of nowhere. Eddie frowned.
“Of course I do.”
“Oh.” He sounded disappointed. “I mean...yeah, you do. Duh.” 
Eddie felt a pang of guilt and tried to recover. “I mean, I don’t regret seeing you guys again. Not at all. I missed you. I mean, I would’ve missed you if I remembered you, but...I think I always did deep down. I just didn’t know it.” 
“Yeah…” Richie smiled. “I just got one question.”
“How the fuck did you forget me?”
“Well...I don’t know. It wasn’t my fault! It was magic, or ghosts, or whatever the fuck Mike says it is.” 
“But I’m irreplaceable,” he said dramatically. “I’m a gem. A gift.”
“You’re annoying, is what you are.” Eddie pushed his shoulder with a smirk. 
“Aw,” Richie pouted. 
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Aw!” He broke out in a smile. 
“Can I get dressed now?”
“Um...no,” Richie said decidedly. “Never. Nude is the new black.”
“Good to know. I’m sure that’ll go well at meetings. Now go get me a fresh set of clothes that aren’t covered in puke.” 
“Sure thing, Captain Clean-Freak.”
“What, you think being covered in vomit is a nice?” he scoffed. “Fuck you, Tozier.” 
“Your mom already did.” Richie took off down the hallway towards Eddie’s room. Eddie groaned loud enough for him to hear and fell back on the bed.  
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venomous--fics · 6 years
Summary: Eddie and Venom spot you shoplifting a store *Mrs. Chen's to be exact.. and they discover why.
A/n: I really enjoyed venom okay?? and ive had this idea for awhile. enjoy this garbage! sorry its a bit short, am very tired.
"Eddie, I am hungry."
"It's almost 11 o' clock, man."
Suddenly Eddie was thrusted to his feet, "I need tatertots."
Eddie turned his head and looked out the window, groaning, "Dude. It's raining."
Before any more excuses or protest, Eddie found himself walking out of his apartment. He sighed as Venom began making a grocery list of the junk food he wanted.
"You really don't mind?" You ask your friend as you slipped on your jacket.
"Not at all. Just be careful.. Y'know.. Rain and all."
You nodded before giving your friend a hug, who added, "Don't get lost."
She pulled away, chuckling. You choked back a small laugh, "I'll make sure to get extra lost."
You left your apartment and made your way outside. You lifted your hood and headed down the sidewalk.
All the stores you normally went to were closing up, so you were hoping to find some place that was open ungodly hours just so you could get what you needed.
You were also praying it wouldn't cost you a leg. You have recently hit rock bottom.. Your boss, who seemed more like a failed pimp, wasn't paying you enough anymore. You worked at a local diner that was very popular.. But your boss decided to underpay you because "he needed the money more."
You wanted to sue the shit out of him but you didn't have the money.. And what money you had .. you needed for the never ending stream of bills.. And other things.
You pulled some money out of your pocket and count it. 20 dollars is all you had until god knows when. You hastily shove it back into your pocket and stop in front of a small shop.
You passed this places many times, but never went into it. You sighed as you opened the door, hearing a bell ring as you walked inside.
"Hello," a woman greeted.
You looked at her, glancing at her name tag. You sheepishly said "hi" back and made your way to the back end of the store.
You heard the bell ding again, followed by voices.
"Ah, Eddie.. You still look like shit."
"You still look as delightful as ever, Ms. Chen."
"You here for the usual?"
"More or less."
You drowned then out when you found what you were looking for. Medicine.. You were relieved until you saw the price. It was going to take nearly half of your money and you still had a few other things to buy.
Then a thought crossed your mind.. You could just steal it. As soon as you thought it, you began mentally scolding yourself. You were not a thief. You were a hard working person.. But you really needed this medicine.. You had no insurance.. And there is no way you could afford seeing the doctor. You had to.. Just this one time.
You look around you immediate surroundings. You poked your head around the shelf just to be sure.
You slowly and quietly slipped the medicine into a inside pocket of your jacket and then walked over to a different shelf.
Your mind began justifying why you were about to shoplift. You needed to save your money but you also really needed the things on the list.. Outside medicine it was all food. Sure you couldn't get the entire list here but you could hopefully get enough to get you by.
Your hand shakily reached up and grabbed a loaf of bread and you began going aisle to aisle, grabbing as much as you could carry. It wasn't much when you looked at it..Simply a bottle of juice, bread, a can of soup and a chocolate bar.
You had it in your coat and you folded your arms as you seem less suspicious. It didn't help. There was only one shelf between you, Ms. Chen and the door.. If you move really fast..
You felt terrible.. You knew this was so wrong, but you had no real choice..Your only worry now was getting home.
You glance around the shelf again. Ms. Chen was distracted, talking to a tall, blonde haired man. You pieced together that he was the one that came in after you.
You mentally thanked the man, Eddie, you remember his name being, and strutted out the door. Thank god she didn't have alarms.
You started picking up speed as you practically booked it down the sidewalk.
Ms. Chen's chuckles died down as she looked over at a monitor, her brows furrowed.
"What's wrong?" Eddie asked.
Ms. Chen sighed, "Another shoplifter."
"Yeah. It's been a problem lately. Normally it's just bratty kids stealing candy."
Eddie stood up straight, "Watch my stuff. I'll go get them."
You slowed down to catch your breath. You were a few blocks from home so you decided it was safe enough to walk.
Most of the stuff was still tucked into the pockets of your jacket, you clung to the bread and juice for dear life.
You adjusted your hood as you walked under a tree, and you could've swore you heard a snarl behind you.
You turned around to check, but there is nothing. You turn around once more and come face to face with a giant, black, slimey looking monster. It's razor sharp teeth twist into a wicked grin.
You can't seem to scream, but you find yourself running down a dark alleyway, still holding onto your stolen goods.
The monster slowly walks towards you, leaving you backed up to the cold, wet brick wall.
"I see we found a thief."
You feel warm tears go down your cheeks, still unable to form words. Not like they would matter.
You felt a claw like hand wrap around you and lift you up. You finally dropped some items in an attempt to put the monsters hand away.
"It won't matter. I'm still going to eat you."
You let out a sob and your struggling knocked your hood off, revealing your messy hair and your overly tired face.
The creature stopped.
"It's a-"
It felt like time froze. You stared into the thing's shiny white eyes, still crying. You were still afraid you were going to get eaten, that you hadn't stopped pushing on it's hand.
Slowly but surely it set you back on the ground.. You were both confused. You picked up your stuff and held it to your chest.
"You don't look like a punk," it said lowly, "Why are you stealing."
You remained silent, out of fear that the wrong word would get you devoured. After some time you cleared your throat and opened your mouth, "I.. I need this.."
The monster was silent for a second. He wasn't used to this.. It seemed like this never happened. He mostly captured and ate real scum.. Like the scruffy men who rob women of their purses.. Or stole from the bank.. Never what looked to be a tired person at the end of their rope.
"I'm Y/n," you said without thinking, "I'm not a bad person.. I just didn't have enough money.. And I really need this stuff."
The monster was still processing what to do.. It backed away, and it sounded like it was arguing with someone.
After awhile, it turned back to you, "We are Venom."
"W-we?" you stammered, looking around the damp alley, expecting to see more of them.
When you turned back to where the creature was, there was just a man in a baggy hoodie. It was the man from the store.
"Eddie.. I-I heard." you cut in, realizing how late it must be, "Please, I need to get home."
Eddie awkwardly stepped back, "I can walk you.. Uhm. Sorry for the scare.. We're used to more.. Y'know..Burly men."
You walked out of the alley with him and made your way home. You walked up the steps to your apartment building, guilt eating you.
You turn to Eddie and rustle through your pocket, "Could you give this to the nice woman at the store.. Could you tell her I'm sorry?"
Eddie looked at the 20 being held out to him. It looked worn and wrinkled, almost like you were clinging to it. He was starting to put two and two together.
"I can pay for it. Obviously you do need that stuff if you were desperate enough to steal it.."
You were taken aback by his kindness. Nobody's ever been this nice to you.. Of course you lived in a city filled to the brim with assholes, however.
"Thank you."
"No problem. Have a good night and again..Sorry for the scare."
You made it into your apartment and began putting your things on the counter. You looked around, your friend was asleep on the couch, tv was on. Typical.
You took the medicine out of your pocket and placed it on the counter. You took off your jacket and made your way to a bedroom.
You peeked into the room and saw your son sleeping in his bed, under a mountain of blankets but he still seemed cold. You walked in and kneeled by his bedside, gently placing a hand on his forehead.
He still had a small fever, but hopefully this medicine worked. You lean forward and kiss his head and then quietly exit his room.
You went into the bathroom to brush your teeth when you felt like something was watching you.
You looked out the window that was directly behind you, but only saw the moon. You shrug it off, finish washing up and make your way to bed. Who would be watching you at this time of night?
Venom manifested over Eddie shoulder, "She had a child.."
"I know. I have eyes, bud."
"We should help."
"Oh? YOU.. Wanna help somebody we don't even know?" Eddie cackled, "How out of character for you."
"It is your fault, Eddie. You told me to be nicer...I want to be nicer. Starting with her."
Eddie seemed a tiny bit surprised. He wanted to help you, but he didn't think Venom would.. He's stilly having issues with holding grudges. So if you were a thief, you're always going to be a thief to Venom.
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sxftrxchxe · 5 years
Tumblr media
AN-this is actually the backstory i have in mind like 90 percent of the time sksksks. please enjoy <3
SONG: none
WARNINGS: hints of past abuse. pregnancy?
FANDOM: it 2017
WORDS: 3420
SUMMARY: its just a pregnancy fluff fic
yn-your name
ln-last name
ec-eye color
hc-hair color
hl-hair length
The young girl skipped down the road happily avoiding the cracks and humming while her parents walked behind, heads on shoulder and hand in hand. They were always like that, a perfect example of a stereotypical family that only exists in movies. But for yn ln that was her reality since she was born.
"So you aren't nervous? Like even in the slightest?" She shook her head and stumbled as she almost stood on a particularly small crack, her small pastel pink bag nearly falling off.
"Nope you and Daddy said I was going to the the princess of the playground. Isn't that why I'm wearing this ugly ice cream dress? Cos princesses wear horrible stuff?" Her mother laughed and smiled lovingly at her daughter. yn's small pink cat bag hit her back with every hop and skip creating a rhythm she was determined to keep. Her dad gasped and she looked up to see the cream and blue building of Derry's kindergarten in front of her.
Other kids were hugging their parents and running through the blue gate and happily greeting friends. One small boy clung to his mothers and cried begging her to stay. yn giggled at how stupid he was being as her mom fixed her hair and muttered something under her breath. After a slightly aggressive tug and a sigh, she turned around to smile at her favourite people in the world.
"Good luck Sweetie. We love you okay?" Her mom leaned down and pulled her in for a hug. She hugged her back and giggled as her dad pulled a face from behind.
"And at twelve me and your father will be waiting here at the gate okay?" She nodded and pulled away to hug her dad's leg. He laughed and pat her back as his eyes wandered to someone driving by in a car. Another sob from behind her caused her to turn back around and skip into the playground leaving her parents to walk back home with their arms around each other's shoulders and tears falling down their faces.
The boy who had previously clung to his mams leg was now sitting just inside the gate with a pout on his face and tears in his eyes. yn gave him a small wave before her focus turned to three girls playing hopscotch while one sat by and watched. She looked a bit bored and caught yn watching her. She waved at her happily and yn almost skipped over to play until a happy scream came from the other side of the playground. Boys were chasing after girls while they screamed and laughed. Others were clinging to a climbing frame and pulling faces at each other as kids slid up and down a slide nearby. yn nearly exploded with excitement as she saw two empty swings near to the slide for her to sit on and make friends. She gave the bored ginger a last wave before turning to run to the other side.
Unfortunately, she turned right into someone else and fell to the ground landing on her knee and crying out in pain. The boy by the gate gasped loudly and gagged as he noticed the small trickle of blood coming out of her knee. Her eyes began to fill with tears before someone hand was stuck in her view and she looked up.
"I'm sorry I thought I was late cos I can't tell time and I guess I didn't see you oops. Are you okay? Your leg is red and disgusting now." The voice came from the person who she ran into which turned out to be a scrawny young boy with big brown eyes and dark messy hair. He was wearing an oversized blue button up lazily thrown over a cream t shirt, the same color as yn's shoes. She took his hand and he pulled her up almost dropping her to the floor again when she sneezed.
"Sorry, I'm allergic to grass. My mom calls it hay fever but I don't. And I guess a little blood never hurt anyone." yn flashed the boy a toothy grin which he returned. The boy at the gate gagged again and yn heard the girls from hopscotch teasing him before the girl who was watching them told them to be quiet.
"What's your name?"
"Oh, I'm yn ln. What's yours?" He shook her hand he was already holding which confused yn so much she stopped smiling.
"I'm Richie. Richie Tozier." She smiled again and let go of his hand and wiped her own on her ice cream patterned dress just in case he had the cooties her dad told her about.
"Chee Toaster?" He laughed and shook his head causing his curls to bounce. She shook her head back and crossed her arms. He looked pleasantly surprised when she replied in her cute childish voice.
"No, I'm calling you Chee. Now, do you want to swing on the swings?" He nodded and the slightly aggressive way they met was forgotten as they linked arms and ran across the playground. The swing set was in the shade behind an oak tree beside the slide but no one was on the slide anymore. Still, they kept running until they landed by the swing set and quickly hopped on kicking their legs to go higher and higher. They easily making friends like most five-year-olds do.
yn Tozier found out she was pregnant at twenty two. Married, happy and long forgotten were the horrors of her past meaning she was overjoyed.
In fact her only problem was how to tell her husband in the most flamboyant way. After all the Toziers weren't known to do things normally. Richie proposed on their graduation day in front of the whole school whilst everyone sobbed after all.
So on March 7th 1998, her husbands twenty second birthday, she decided to execute her plan that was boiling in her head for months.
First she called up her long time best friend and practically sister Beverly Marsh and told her the news. After much squealing between the two, yn explained her plan and Beverly agreed saying they had to do it.
Three squealed phone calls and two where she sobbed with Bill and Eddie the plan was ready. All she had to do now was wait. Which in itself was hard since her bump was beginning to show. Richie asked why she was no longer wearing her favorite skirts or t shirts in favor for her oversized sweaters and tracksuit bottoms receiving panicked and random responses most of the time.
"Hey nn? Why aren't you wearing your skirts anymore? It's literally thirty two degrees out?"
"I'm allergic to the material."
"You're allergic...to the material?"
"Yup. But only for a few months ha ha oops okay bye I have to go to work."
Richie was getting suspicious. She was dodging many question instead giving him food and taking more private calls than any kindergarten teacher should ever take. One time he found her crying on the floor surrounded by tissues saying something like "am I just like her?" When Richie asked who she had quickly stood up and wiped her eyes saying she had to go to work even though it was eleven pm at night. yn was never the best at lying. So on the night before his birthday he sat her down on the couch and asked the question burning at the back of his head for weeks.
"Are you cheating on me?" When yn's eyes widened and she didn't answer instead staring back with saucer eyes and a mouth wide open Richie presumed his assumptions were correct. He sighed and stood up running his hands through his forever messy hair. Lori started to stutter trying to think of an excuse but none came to mind.
"You know what? It's fine, I'm fine. I knew this would happen since you're so much better than me anyway I just thought seventeen years would have meant something you know?"
"Rich it's no-"
"No! No! It's fine just let me finish I mean kindergarten wow has it actually been seventeen years? How haven't you changed?"
"Chee look at m-"
"No yn you look at m-"
"I'm Pregnant!" yn yelled standing up off their small couch and clamping her hand over her mouth like she just said the worst thing ever. Richie stopped and looked at the girl who had tried to wear one of her old skirts and t shirts to try and throw him off. If he squinted in the light he could just about make about the small bump growing on her stomach.
yn felt her eyes begin to tear up at Richie's shocked expression. Maybe she was wrong maybe he didn't want kids and just wanted the Hollywood life he was working on. Maybe he would leave her alone with their child to bring them up like her own mom. Maybe she was right about her assumptions that she was just like her.
However after twenty seconds of silence Richie scooped the girl up bridal style and spun her around the room screaming. yn began to giggle and cling on to his T-shirt so she wouldn't fall. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she did so glad her husband wasn't actually kissed and more just shocked.
He eventually put her down after a cute peck on the lips you usually wouldn't see from Richie who was ever the passionate. Once yn had two feet planted firmly to the ground he dashed to ring his closest friend Stan and tell him the news. yn didn't bother telling him she already told everyone instead happy she could take the skirt uncomfortable rubbing against her growing stomach that contained a child. Her child. Their child.
Seven Months Later
Beverly wiped the sweat off her brow with a wet towel her boyfriend Ben had brought along. Ben was tapping the uncomfortable hospital waiting room seats and glancing at the hall for the nurse every so often. Eddie sat on her other side muttering about the dangers of pregnancy whilst also sneaking hopeful glances down the bleached corridor. Bill was across from him leaning forward with his hands over his mouth and leg bouncing. If anyone he had been most excited and Beverly hoped they would be just as excited once the baby came. Stan was rubbing Bills back and checking his watch, having to leave in two hours. yn had already been in labor for six hours so he had a pretty good chance but there was still that twinge of worry telling him he'd miss everything. Mike was on Bills left staring straightforward and breathing heavily. No one had spoken a word in a half an hour, tired and impatient.
Suddenly there was a yell of excitement from down the hallways, causing them all to sit up. Richie busted out the room yn was in with a nurse yelling at him saying he had to wait a minute before he said anything. Beverly stood up, now aware of her eye filling with tears as he ran towards their group making other patients jolt awake.
"It's a girl! I gave birth to a girl! That was some work lemme tell you, my hand is so sore!" No one bothered to correct Richie instead yelling and pulling each other into celebratory hugs. He looked a mix of exhausted and the happiest Beverly had ever seen him as he threw his arms around a sobbing Bill.
"What's her name?" Eddie asked once the group calmed down just enough for them to hear each other clearly. Richie's eyes widened and he ran back to the room where the nurse was still yelling. Beverly would have face palmed at the fact he forgot to name his own daughter if it wasn't for the fact he had his own daughter. She was an aunt! Sort of not really but still!!!
Ben pulled her in for a hug and she was made aware of the many tears on both her boyfriends and best friends faces. She wiped at her own before smiling at her best friends and pushing her copper curls back. They pulled each other into a group hug until there was another whoop from down the hall that caused them all to pull apart and grip on each other's shoulders.
"Harmony-Rose middle name Georgia! And last name motherfucking Tozier! Get your asses down here!"
"Sir no we can't allow that right now-"
"Come On!"
"Sir you're wife needs rest-"
"Bring The Bitches Down! They Need To Meet The Newest Loser!"
The nurse gave an exasperated sigh before mumbling an okay. The door opened slowly as if saying they could come in. After more excited yells and tears that received both looks of admiration and eye rolls from the other patients they ran down the hall, Stan nearly running into a tray of needles and screaming in agony instead of pride.
Bill got in first before Beverly squeezed past Eddie. She nearly cried again once she saw her best friend sitting up in the hospital bed her hair messed up and eyes tired holding a small bundle of blankets. Richie was sitting in a chair beside her leaning onto the bed so he could both see his daughter and hold his wife's hand.
yn smiled tiredly at the six surrounding her bed before turning the bundle towards them so they could see their new shared child. The little girl blinked back at them with big ec eyes like her mom and slight black hair like her dad. Beverly felt Ben and Bill both squeeze her hand only one letting out a small sob as Harmony Rose was handed towards him.
"Here Billy your new niece and goddaughter. I hope you like her middle name it's for the both of us." Bill nodded and took the baby in his arms once the nurse showed him how to. He sat on the bed and waved down at his goddaughter with wet eyes slightly shaking as yn apologized to the other five boys about him being godfather. Richie said he considered them all top daddies before receiving a tired slap from his wife.
Beverly had handed the baby next learning she was the godmother and aunt of the now sleeping baby in her arms. yn rubbed her back as she rocked her slightly promising she would be the coolest aunt ever.
Ben was next explaining how he already bought tons of clothes for both gender and had them in the trunk of his car telling Beverly to remind them to get them before they left.
Then it was Eddie who happily took the girl and rocked her. He decided she was both the cleanest and dirtiest thing he ever held before getting a snicker from both mother and father and complaints for calling her thing from the others.
Mike begged to be next and sat down beside yn, talking to the other girl who's eyes were now opening again. He told her how he would have her both the most polite and ripped girl in her kindergarten receiving a quiet whoop from the group afraid to do their usual loud chanting in case she cried.
Stan was last and he cried again once the girl wrapped her hand around his finger and cooed which made the whole group gasp never having heard such an innocent noise before. Once he had wiped his eyes and apologized to Harmony Rose for the bad manners he went to hand her back to yn only to find both her and Richie asleep. Hands intertwined of course. They usually were. They both looked completely exhausted and so happy no one wanted to wake them up.
So instead with permission from the nurse Ben lay the girl in the cot provided by the hospital and Eddie rocked her to sleep saying he was good at that. Apparently he was because after only three minutes of rocking and whispered hushes Harmony-Rose was out cold.
The six remaining awake losers sat on the floor legs crossed and smiles on their faces. Heads were leaning in heads and hands were on hands. Beverly and Ben even had their linked crossed a slight promise to have their own kids when they were ready whenever that was. The nurse came back in to send them all out but took pity on the happy kids
"You know she's going to be moved to a room shared with three other new mothers tomorrow. I don't know how all seven of you will fit in at the same time." She spoke in a hushed voice taking blankets from the floor to send to the washing room. No one moved and Beverly spoke.
"Seven? Nah there's eight of us." She smiled at the yn who looked ten years older in front of her. Still she had the same smile on her face that she always had and her gown was covered in stickers showing Beverly she had matured, not changed. Richie even looked older, bags under his eyes that usually looked so young. Her eyes slid over to the cot containing her new goddaughter and she smiled wider. "Nine. There's nine of us."
"Nine. You all seem so close so it will be hard to split up to see yn and Harmony-Rose." Beverly finally noticed her friends all sleeping around her the only one mildly awake being Mike who was also blinking asleep. She shook her head before leaning onto Eddie muttering slightly in his sleep beside her.
"We'll figure something out. Always do."
5 years later....
yn held onto her daughters hand as she skipped down the road between her two parents humming. She had a small galaxy bag on her back that hit off her back with every jump reminding yn of herself. Unlike her however thick curls held back with only a small purple clip bounced around her face and tickled her nose. In fact aside from her piercing ec eyes and thumb biting the girl was one hundred percent Richies. From her hair to loud personality tendency to make a mess and annoy Eddie. Even the faces she pulled sometimes reminded yn of her husband.
"Here we are Rosie. Are you ready?" Harmony Rose let go of both of her parents hands and shrugged before turning to run in the gate. If yn didnt gently take her wrist and pull her back she would have left without a second glance. Richie smiled at his favorite people as yn scooped the girl into her arms and went over the rules.
"And no running into annoying boys okay? And if you do run away. Nothing good ever comes from it." Harmony Rose nodded wiggling to get out of her moms glance. Richie scoffed and threw his arm around his wife's waist.
"No if you run into a quiet girl run away. Don't ask her name it's a trap." yn elbowed Richie and gently let Harmony-Rose back down. She blinked back at her parents elbowing each other like kids before sighing and skipping through the gate. She waved back at her parents and took a quick scan of the area eyes lighting up at the sight of an empty swing set.
A young girl clung to her moms leg and cried as her mom tried to calmly get her off. A small group of girls skipped together one looking slightly more bored than the others. A group of boys and girls ran each other in a extreme version of tag. A young boy with blonde parted hair was sent to the ground as Harmony-Rose turned and ran into him. yn smiled as Harmony-Rose helped him up, a small smile on her face.
"Weird isn't it?" She asked once the initial weirdness wore off. Richie shrugged and pulled her closer not taking his eyes off his daughter running off to the swing with the boy in her hand.
"Nah I think it would be weirder if she didn't get a soppy love story." yn smiled and put her hand up to touch her husbands arm. She drew circles on it softly a feeling of peace washing over her.
"Let's hope her life is less chaotic and more soppy then." Richie nodded and the trees behind them rustled sending a gust of wind to blow yn's ice cream patterned dress around her legs. Her cream shoes on her feet seemed to remind her of something she couldn't quite place the hair clip holding her hl hc hair back also seeming rather reminiscent.
"So we're bringing him over for dinner?"'
"Oh yeah. And Mike just texted me saying him and Stan will drop by later so he's already meeting two of her uncles." yn's fingers curled up against the blue button up Richie decided to wear that day and she smiled.
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cards-onthetable · 5 years
Seems I'm wearing grumpy pants again... sorry
(LOL OOPS I get notifications for asks and messages but not submissions for some reason, so I’m just seeing this. Sorry if it’s been sitting since last week...)
Thanks for the review. I needed that laugh!! But I had questions, oh so many questions. So I watched the Jamko bits on instagram. I tried to send an ask but not enough characters (do you wanna punch me yet)?
1. Why does arsehole Janko have Jamie's mobile number? Do they have a relationship independent of Eddie? Maybe it's just me being stupid for assuming, but wouldn't Jamie's number be unlisted to avoid dealing with BS from those he arrests?
I’m sure Jamie’s actual cell number is not public knowledge - Maybe Armin knew which precinct Jamie’s at, and went through Police Channels to contact him? Like maybe that’s his duty phone as a sergeant or something? Or maybe Lena had passed on an NYPD courtesy card to him in jail lol. Hooray for plot holes. Who knows.
2. Did Lena know more about her husbands shady dealings than she lets on/Eddie is aware of? To me that would explain why never divorced. Or she may just be the marriage is forever no matter what type. Given the strained relationship between Eddie and her mother and also the way Lena seems to have treated her, I'm not so sure Lena was totally clueless. She may have moved a bit because people give her grief but she sure is not struggling financially so maybe her husband in jail is worth the high life.
It wouldn’t surprise me. When I wrote (and named, yo) Lena Janko I characterized her as a petty, materialistic person who was a knowing bystander at least, if not actually complicit in Armin’s crimes. But lol I also wrote Armin as a reformed, sympathetic, Good Guy out of prison so what do I know? But we saw that Eddie does not have contact with her father so I do assume Lena still has contact with him at this point - how else did he know Eddie’s engaged, which precinct to find her fiancé, etc?
3. Does Eddie still drive her Porsche? Given that it came from a dubious money source, it seems odd to me that she would still be driving it. The fanfare of the wedding will invite media attention so why make it so easy to make nasty comments? You know Garrett is all about OPTICS and she is about to be a REAGAN aka NYPD ROYALTY. What if Frank is asked about their relationship at a press conference? OPTICS PEOPLE! OPTICS! 
No idea dude. When’s the last time we actually saw that car? I don’t know but previously I accepted the headcanon that she kept it at her parents’ suburban McMansion most of the time, with rare times she’ll bring it to the city for a few days. Parking in NYC is expensive af, yo. Like an actual assigned space costs as much as a second rent in some places. But now we know Lena’s been moving around the city for the last 5 years, not up in Westchester babysitting Eddie’s car, so your guess is as good as mine. As far as the optics, I’m not sure how they’ll play it. Lena has brought up the Irony of Eddie, daughter of a criminal, marrying the PC’s son but nobody else has said very much. Maybe the show will address it in a typical Who Cares way and it’ll just be a non-issue.
4. REDACTED because I have some Thoughts about this topic that I hope to address in this fic I’m hoping to finish soon. 👍
5. Why do you hate Anthony? I personally enjoy his sarcasm.  But then I also enjoy Gormley's putting the mouth in gear before the brain so frequently. 
WHY DO I HATE ANTHONY? OH HERE’S A CAN OF WORMS, AUSSIE. But I’ll be succinct. Anthony’s entire existence bothers me. He’s only here to make Erin’s lawyer-y storylines into detective-y storylines. How often do we see Erin actually act as a lawyer? We usually see her and Anthony Investigating or maybe arguing/discussing a case. We rarely see her actually going her job (except when her ADA position conflicts with Frank’s NYPD agenda). It’s like the show runners have no faith in their audience, and think the viewers only want to see detective/police storylines - as if lawyer storylines, and that whole branch of the justice system, would be too Boring for tv. So I hate Anthony because he takes away any opportunities for Erin - a supposedly powerful and successful woman - to do her actual job, and her entire position as ADA is minimized in the show. It’s insulting to the audience and insulting to Erin too. Anthony’s entire existence is unnecessary for the show to go on. Let us see Erin actually be a lawyer in a context other than being the Reagan Family Bad Guy (and maybe that would humanize her a little bit! We all know she gets some pretty shit writing/characterization lately) and drop this whole charade that investigative, action-packed storylines are the only interesting or relevant storylines.
The whole Jamko and the precinct secret is still BULLSHIT. There is no way there is no push back if their coworkers do in fact know. Does anybody know if this is actually allowed in the NYPD? A superior can date a direct subordinate? Seems ridiculous if that is actually true. Corruption allegations would be made daily. (Agreed yo. We all know it’s ridiculous. And like, does the precinct know? Are they still in the dark? Jamie and Eddie can discuss wedding plans in front of everyone, but it’s still a secret? Coooolcoolcool.)
Jamie not understanding Eddie's messy family situation is BULLSHIT for someone about to be married. If Eddie can't talk to Jamie about this because she fears being judged/not supported then really they should not be getting married. I'm not saying spouses have to share absolutely everything, but what you go through in life often does shape how you see the world generally, so the fact both Eddie and Jamie have chosen to not discuss important aspects of their lives with each other should be a massive red flag. (AGREED AGREED AGREED. I have so many issues all the time. If they’d dated like normal people before jumping into rings and vows, they’d have worked out the majority of this Big Stuff before deciding to commit to one another for life. Like, you typically want to know these things as relevant info when making that decision to get engaged - not after. This “get engaged and figure everything else out later” shit was/is terrible. If the show insisted on doing it this way, they AT LEAST should have moved the Armin situation and the Baby Discussion to the first few episodes of the season. Don’t talk to me about the weird time lapses and inconsistencies in this show, I don’t care if a month of ~actual time~ passes in one week between back to back episodes... they should not be introducing these topics for the first time in the two episodes leading up to the wedding. GOD I HATE EVERYTHING.) There's a reason divorce is so prevalent. I wonder if Eddie feels she should reconcile with her parents because of the closeness of the Reagan family. Or is it something Eddie herself actually wants? Family or not, sometimes people are just toxic and you need to cut them off for your own sanity. (I hope the Reagans don’t put pressure on Eddie to fix things with her parents, ugh. That would be overstepping in a major way and yeah, your relationship to someone shouldn’t trump their toxicity - like Eddie doesn’t have to forgive her parents just because they’re her parents.)
We've already discussed my thoughts on the Reagan siblings getting arsehole sprung from jail before the show aired (spoiler: they were not nice thoughts folks), but as for the  BB continuity, consider this: the only consistency is the inconsistency!
@kwannemacher and I have kinda discussed the whole prison fiasco and I think arsehole lost his temper one night after watching a TV show that drove him insane so he started a prison riot and got extra time. He didn't just throw things at TV, he tore TV off wall, set fire to his mattress and started an all in brawl. So 5 years extra for totally losing his shit.  BB has the capacity to ignite tempers here so it's feasible arsehole Janko totally lost it. Probably watched one of those dating shows where they pick the so called love of their lives and he couldn't believe who the guy picked. We all have bad days!! (😂😂😂😂😂 omg I can be on board with this)
In closing I hope @ontherockswithsalt has insurance because I am wondering if her TV can withstand the wedding viewing party if you will be enjoying with her (lol I think I will be, and I plan to wrap myself in whole body bubble wrap for the protection of myself and everyone/everything around me). I'm already emotional 🤮🤮🤮 if they go with their own vows. I may be wrong, but I think Will  shows Jamie's soft side next week. He won't be dead face or whatever it is you call him. (Dude I am ALL IN on those ridiculous vows. If they’d only said them once, I’d be rolling my eyes @ the grossness, but it would be whatever. BUT THEY MADE A POINT OF SAYING THEM TWICE so they’re committed at this point. Make Jamie recite those ridiculous words for the third time. I want to see the pain on his terrible face as he suffers through that again. If we don’t get those vows I’ll riot.)
Enjoy your week
P.S. Yes I realise his name is Armin, but that guy is a narcissistic ARSEHOLE
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beans-and-rice101 · 5 years
Merry Christmas
Prompt: Imagine being the Christmas Gift Master for the Avengers or the Justice League. - @darkshadow3942
So this is actually completely wrong when compared to the prompt but I took creative license so fuck you. Also it's way late for Kringle but WHO CARES. I worked pretty hard on this so be gentle?
"T-Tinsel? Check. Tree? Check-k. Obnoxious self-sus-sustaining Christm-m-mas lights? Check. Met-t-ticulously crafted gingerb-bread houses that n-no one w-w-will eat because I w-work for a t-t-t-team of ungrateful sh-shits? Ch-Check." You placed the clipboard down after ticking the last box. You had volunteered as Christmas organizer this year as Pepper was busy trying to convince Mr Stark to leave her pregnant ass alone for five minutes. Worst. Decision. EVER.
You had decided(in your naive eagerness) to invite not-really-Avengers as well because you pitied Quill when he tried to explain the concept of Christmas to the Guardians. Plus you wanted to meet the Spider-Man that Mr Stark had been fussing over. God that man needed to chill. You had only hoped he would relax enough this past week for you to get everything done. Hardly. But no use dwelling on the horrors of unpaid apprenticeship! You still had a lot of work to do. Let's see... Hang up the tinsel and assorted decorations, figure out how to attach the lights to the top of the compound, hide the food from Clint and Thor, pick up the order of mince pies from Bow's and Holly's Bakery, be at the airport at 10:00am sharp to recieve Mr Stark and Mrs Potts, arrange the assigned rooms for the Wakandan and spacefaring guests... God... What were you forgetting!?
You pulled out your phone and look back through your notes for the day. Ah, yes. Pick up Peter. Peter? Oh, right, Peter Parker. Spider-Man. Happy was away with family - who were invited to join, but declined - in California. This left you with the additional task of either driving Mr Stark to meetings and seminars or organizing for chauffeurs. You honestly preferred the latter, but To-Mr Stark always insisted on paying you for the ride. Plus, he wasn't that bad as travelling partners went. In fact, for the co-CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, Mr Stark is pretty cool. He isn't without his snark and a certain level of entitlement; and occasionally forgets that people like you live under different circumstances, but all in all, not the worst boss. Certainly better than the one that pays you.
Lost in thought, you very nearly ran into someone. Looking up at the person steadying you, you swallowed loudly at the sight of Steve Rogers. You smiled weakly and mumbled an apology as you looked down at your watch. "Oh sh-shit!"
"Uhh..?" Your gaze snaps back to Steve, who looks more than a little worried by your outburst. "Everything alri-?"
"I'M SORRY I HAVE TO GO THANKS FOR THE CHAT BYE!!" You sprinted past him; later you were informed that this was when you dropped your phone, but at the time your thoughts lay with the fact that it was 9:45am and you had to get your ass in gear.
You barely got to the airport as Mr Stark's plane was set to land. He and Mrs Potts had insisted on flying to San Francisco themselves to pick up Eddie Brock - Mr Stark's newest "find", whom he was as of yet, unsure of. Mr Brock had agreed on the condition that he stayed in a hotel of his choosing as opposed to the compound. Whether that was a lack of trust in you, Tony or himself, you weren't certain. Whatever the case, you didn't mind, as it was one less room for you to organize. As you contemplated Mr Brock, you turned up the radio, listening to the Christmassy songs.
Despite your responsibilities this year, you still found that you enjoyed Christmas. There was something about the cheesiness of it all. How over the top people would get, going to such great lengths to prove their Christmas Spirit. You were content with spending most Christmases by yourself, but lately you had been wondering what Christmas would be like when spent with someone. Don't be mistaken, you had plenty of memories with your family, and they stayed in touch, but it had been years since you had been home for Christmas. Your thoughts moved to the Avengers. Superheroes, secret agents, goody-goodies the whole lot of 'em. Most days, you found it hard to understand how so many different people could share a space... Maybe you envied them... You weren't much older than Peter Parker, but you would never consider to include you in the superhero equation.. You tried to convince yourself that you wouldn't belong, anyway. You had nothing to contribute; aside from coffee, bad jokes and a stutter that even your family couldn't decipher.
The car door opening jolted you out of your thoughts, and you looked over to see Mrs Potts sliding into the seat next to you. "How's planning going?"
"...How d-do you d-d-do it?" Mrs Potts laughed. After Mr Stark and Mr Brock were seated, you began the drive back to the compound. Along the way, you stayed mostly silent - unless it was to correct dates and names Mr Stark got wrong that Mrs Potts missed - and listened to the conversation. It was clear, at least to you, that there was both an air of caution from Mr Brock towards Mrs Potts, and a faint tint of distrust in Mr Stark's words to Mr Brock. You had never thought to ask why Mr Brock was of such interest to the billionaire, and from the air between the two men, you didn't intend to pry. You, personally, thought Mr Brock was quite polite, if a little blunt. He thought to include you in conversation, despite barely knowing you for a minute. When you started driving him to the hotel, preceding dropping off Mrs Potts and Mr Stark(who seemed hesitant to leave the two of you alone...), Mr Brock seemed to grow more closed off. You supposed he didn't want to distract you; or perhaps he didn't care.
With the lack of conversation, aside from occasional directions from Mr Brock, you started zoning out again. There was no point in returning to the compound straight after dropping him off. You would only have 20 minutes, then, to spare before it was time to go pick up Peter. Mr Parker? Should you address him formally as well? He was maybe two months older than you. You supposed it was better to be safe than sorry, but something about it felt wrong...
"Thank you for the lift." You nodded, smiling at Mr Brock as he got out of the car. "It was n-n-no problem, M-M-M-M-..." You sighed, giving up. You just nodded again. Mr Brock pulled his suitcase out of the trunk himself, waving off the doorman. You leaned out the side window, taking a moment to figure out your words before speaking. "I'll be b-b-back-ack at 6:15. Is that-at okay?" Mr Brock copied your earlier action before stepping back from the curb. You waved at him as you pulled away, contemplating what to do. You supposed you should at least pick up those pies from the bakery. In fact, it wasn't too far from Mr Parker's address... Nope. Didn't like it.
The bakery smelled fresh and the air was warm, compared to the snow outside. You rubbed your hands together, regretting not wearing thicker clothes. "Order for Mr T-T-T-Tony St-t-Stark?" The barista looked through the boxes and picked up a large cream one with clear plastic on the top so you could see the treats inside. You smiled thanks and regretted not returning the "Merry Christmas!" that followed you out into the cold. You sighed, taking a moment to look around. The street you were on wasn't too busy, and the shops were cheerful enough, but it seemed you were destined to be in a mournful mood this afternoon. You checked the time. 12:42pm. Not too bad on time. You decided to keep the pies in the back so that you weren't tempted to eat them. You had cookies at home that you could snack on.
Pulling up at the Parkers' house, you braced yourself for conversation. "Hi. I'm here for P-P-Peter Park-k-ker." Ehh. It was understandable. That was what you told yourself as you rung the doorbell. You heard the sound of footsteps(sprinting??) approaching the door, and it swung open to reveal a boy with a cheery smile and messy brown hair. He yelled goodbye to someone inside, before hauling his backpack to the car. He was already in when you got there. Oh boy...
"So... You work with Mr Stark, too?"
"For. I work-k for Mr St-tark."
"Oh. Right. So... You've met the other Avengers? Like... Personally?" The dreaded question. You shifted slightly, preparing the words on your tongue. "N-no. Not p-p-personally. I only work-k for Mist-ter Stark."
"Oh." Peter looked out the window. Oh God... You knew what he was thinking about. Here it comes- "So... Is your stutter, like, a speech impediment?" You sighed quietly. "Yes, it's a sp-peech imp-p-p-pe-pe-RRAA!" You slammed the breaks in frustration, skidding a little. You took a deep breath, and turned to Peter, who looked more than a little shocked. "I understa-tand that you have qu-questions, and this is p-p-probably your first-t t-t-t-t-... Your first ex-per-i-ence-" You said the word slowly. "-with someone lik-ke me. But I have answered these que-questions too man-n-n-n-ny times before. P-p-please do not ask-k anymore." Peter had the conscience to look apologetic and he nodded in understanding. "Okay. I promise not to ask anymore questions like that."
"Thank you."
You arrived back at the compound at about 3:08pm, and watched Peter run over to greet Mr Stark. As soon as you had started driving again, you felt guilty for snapping. You were grateful to Peter for being the civil one and apologizing, and you knew he crossed a line... Forget it. He apologized and you forgave him. He even offered to take the pies in, so you guessed there were no hard feelings. Anyway, back to doing your job which, funnily enough, didn't include yelling at superheroes.
You had 2 hours before you had to go pick up Mr Brock, so you decided to run back to your apartment and amuse yourself until then. You had all but given up on completing your other tasks. The Avengers would simply have to put up the tree themselves. You would apologize tomorrow. You hoped Tony would understand...
Your apartment was kinda chaotic, but you were pretty decent at keeping things in the area they belonged, so it wasn't too hard to navigate. It also meant you were less likely to lose something valuable if you were broken into. You pondered this as you prepared a simple sandwich for yourself. The ideal Christmas dinner. At least munching on it gave your mouth something to do. You checked the time. 5:41pm. You supposed you could leave now and pick Mr Brock up early. Or wait outside for him.
You decided on the former, as you realized the latter made it seem like you were here for suspicious reasons. You found out from the front desk where he was staying and took the stairs to avoid people. Mr Brock's room wasn't difficult to find. You knocked. Inside, there came a sound like a wounded animal. You grew worried, as Mr Brock's voice sounded deeper when he answered. "Yes?"
"Uh, hi. It's m-me, ag-gain. I hope I'm n-n-not intrud-ding, bu-but I had t-t-time to spare s-so..." You trailed off as the room behind the door grew quiet. "M-Mr Brock..?" Getting no response still, you knock again. The door swings open to reveal... Mr Brock. He looks a tad more shabby and a bit nervous, but he smiles anyway. You recover your professionalism and return the smile. "I've pu-parked the c-car out the fron-nt. I hope you d-d-don't mind, b-but I'd like t-t-t-... The evening to m-myself." Mr Brock looks confused. "You're not going to the party?"
"I'm n-not an Avenger."
"Neither am I." You huff. "I d-don't work WITH Mist-ter Stark-k. I'm his assis-sis-sis-..."
"...Yeah..." You give him a tight-lipped smile and gesture back to the stairwell. "I'm g-gonna wait in the c-c-car..." Mr Brock nods, turning back to his room. "I won't be long."
Indeed he wasn't. You were only sitting in the car for 10 minutes before Mr Brock slid in behind you, looking only slightly less disheveled. But he was in a suit, and you'd seen Mr Stark look worse, so you started driving. The car ride is much like before, only you occasionally catch Mr Brock muttering intensely to himself. Odd. Now that you think about it, Mr Brock seems to be absent of many common traits among the people Mr Stark tends to recruit. Perhaps that was the reason for the underlying hostility between the two. Mr Brock certainly makes you slightly anxious. But you boil that down to second hand stress on his behalf. Checking the time again - 6:12 pm - you force yourself to calm down. If Mr Stark trusted this man enough to allow him around his pregnant wife, surely he's safe enough to share a car with.
You pull up to the compound and smile encouragingly at Mr Brock. He returns it and nods in gratitude before getting out. You watch him stumble up the stairs, a distant part of you wishing you could join in. Inside looks so happy and bright. Such a distant, alien world to you. So far out of your reach. Held within your sight by one man who, while friendly enough, barely acknowledges your existence. These people are far removed from you. The good they do surpasses your life. This is what you force yourself to remember, and you wipe the tears from your eyes.
The drive home is difficult, to say the least. What with the tears in your eyes, and the pull you feel back towards the party, you're surprised the car moves at all.
Your apartment is cold when you arrive. Not only due to the obvious symbolism of how lonely you are, but also because you forgot to leave the heater on. You don't care much, though. After everything, you just want to crawl into bed. At least there, you can dream. You can return to the party, to be greeted by smiling faces, all of them delighted at your arrival. There, you can exist in the world you crave. Part of a family that stretches through space.
There, you might just have a Merry Christmas.
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can you please do the “please? For me?” Thing from the 3 little words starter pack for Reddie?
3 little words || “Please? For me?”
Summary: To say that Eddie was concerned he would die on one of these things was an understatement. Does Richie know how many accidents happen on these every year? Has he even seen the ‘Top 10 fails’ videos circling the internet? Apparently not, because he was persistent on convincing Eddie to join him, anyways.
Word Count: 1,615
Warnings: A tad bit of swears and a couple joking mentions of death, nothing too crazy.
A/N: This probably wasn’t what you were expecting, but I hope it’s okay !!! Also I love roller coasters and I laugh like a mad man going down the hills, and I hc that Richie is the same. Fight me on it. Enjoy !!!
To say that Eddie was concerned he would die on one of these things was an understatement. Does Richie know how many accidents happen on these every year? Has he even seen the ‘Top 10 fails’ videos circling the internet? Apparently not, because he was persistent on convincing Eddie to join him anyways.
Going against his common sense, Eddie had decided to tag along with Richie to an amusement park. Why? He wasn’t so sure. He had kind of assumed they’d spend the day playing games and going on safe, fun rides like the carousels or baby roller coasters. He was wrong. God, he wished he were on a baby roller coaster.
He had managed to keep Richie from dragging him onto anything too high or too fast, but he couldn’t keep the thrill seeker away from thrills for long. Halfway into the day, all Richie was doing was complaining. Eddie could tell that their perfectly safe and reasonable amusement park date was about to get… A little less safe and reasonable.
“I wanna go on the Storm Racer!” Richie begged like a little kid. “Pleaseee,” He dragged out, “all we’ve done is go on stuff for 5 year olds, and all these Christian mothers keep staring at me like I’m a freak while I ride next to their toddlers.”
“You are a freak.” Eddie barked back, trying to avoid his boyfriends question.
“Can we go?” He pleaded. “You’re gonna have so much fun when you get to the top of the hill. I promise it isn’t even that bad! It looks super high but it’s such a blast when you go down the first drop.” He informed Eddie.
He just scoffed, not believing what he was hearing. “I’ve watched videos from when people test their amusement park rides. I’ve seen one where the test dummy just flew out of the coaster! He flew right out while he was way up in the air like a bird who tried to fly but couldn’t. You want that to be us?” Eddie asks him, eyebrows raised.
Richie rolled his eyes and groaned. “Oh, please. That was probably fake. That’s only happened twice in real life.”
“What?!” Eddie cried.
“Joking! That was a joke!” Richie added quickly, realizing he wasn’t helping his case. “But for real, Eds. I promise they do tons of checks on these all the time and there’s secure seat belts and harnesses and everything. You’re perfectly safe. Sometimes there’s even extra handle bars to hold on to.” He reassured.
“Okay, well.. Maybe that sounds reasonable enough, but have you ever stopped to consider what could happen if the actual cart flew off the track?”
“They do checks for that too, Eds.” Richie deadpanned.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Come on the Storm Racer with me and I won’t.”
“Beep beep, Richie.”
Richie let out an obnoxious whine as Eddie pulled him by the arm to a nearby bench, sitting the both of them down.
“This is for your own good, Tozier. I guarantee there’s faulty wiring somewhere in that thing. We can get some ice cream or something instead. How does that sound?”
Richie glared at Eddie, crossing his arms and keeping his lips shut tight.
“Are you serious right now? The silent treatment? I’m looking out for you!” Eddie explained.
In response, Richies facial expression contorted from mock anger to pouting as he began to fake cry.
“Jesus, I am dating a 6 year old! This is exactly why I’ve been taking you on kiddie rides all day.” Eddie laughed at his own joke, but Richie paid no mind.
“Please come with me on the Storm Racer, Eddie spaghetti!” He cried, dramatically grabbing Eddies shoulders and lightly shaking them. “I’ll do anything you want for the rest of the day.” He tried to bargain.
“As tempting as that sounds…” Eddie began to think, but before he could get any further Richie cupped Eddies face in his hands and stared directly into his eyes, serious as ever.
“What are you doing?” Eddie asked, trying to read his companions face.
“Eddie. You need to take risks.”
He rolled his eyes, but Richie immediately spoke up. “Look at me! This is gonna be so much fucking fun, you don’t even know. Well, you really don’t, because if you did you would be waiting in line with me already. But it’s gonna be amazing. Amazing! You hear me?”
Eddie raised one eyebrow. “Eh… I still think-“
Richie cut him off. “Nope. You don’t think. Just do. If you don’t tag along I’ll have to resort to extreme measures.” He warned. When Eddie just giggled, Richie pulled his hands away from his face and sighed.
“Alright, Eds. No kisses for 3 days.”
“What?!” Eddie cried for a second time that day.
“I told you, and now you’ve gotta face the consequences.” He said, trying not to smile.
“That is not fair, you asshole. I’m just trying not to die here.”
“Shame.” Richie shrugged, not even bothering to try to look regretful.
“Fine! Fine. I’ll go on this stupid death trap!” Eddie caved immediately, watching Richie jump up from his seat in excitement.
“Fuck yes! Thank you, Eddie spaghetti!” He laughed, leaning down to pepper a few kisses onto Eddies face.
“Whatever. I’m only agreeing because you’re annoying me.” Eddie tried to play off.
“Sure. Now let’s go!” He exclaimed, grabbing Eddies hand and practically dragging him all the way to the line. Once they got up to the entrance, Richie tried to walk in but lost grasp of Eddies hand when Eddie let go, stopping in his tracks. Richie turned around to look at him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked sincerely.
Eddie looked up at the ride with a worried look on his face. “I don’t know if I can do this, Rich. I know you didn’t take it seriously, but these rides freak me out.” He said, looking back at his boyfriend.
Richie’s face fell and he stepped towards Eddie, grabbing his hand once more.
“Hey. I swear on my life, nothing’s gonna happen to you. Just come up here with me and I can hold your hand and we can kiss at the top of the biggest hill and I can talk to you the whole time. It’ll be just fine, I promise.” He cooed as Eddie gazed at him. “Please? For me?”
“Alright. For you.” He replied, watching a grin spread on Richie’s face with his answer.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!” Eddie squealed, watching the ground get smaller and smaller beneath him as a cart ever-so-slowly pulled him up.
“Deep breaths, okay Eds?” Richie reminded him, grabbing onto his hand tightly. “I’ve got you!”
“Okay. Okay, phew! I can do this. I can do it.” Eddie muttered, trying his best to convince himself, hardly noticing how Richie’s thumb rubbed his knuckles in a comforting manner.
“Alright, we’re almost there. Are you ready?” He asked the smaller boy, though he didn’t have much of a choice.
“I don’t kn-Holy shit!” He exclaimed as they reached the top of the hill. “We’re so fucking high.” He said quickly.
Richie ignored his impulse to make a joke out of Eddie’s last statement and spoke fast while the cart hovered for a moment. “Hey.”
Eddie looked at him, and Richie leaned in to do just what he promised. He kissed him soft and sweet, pulling back just as fast as he had leaned forwards. “Let’s do this!” He yelled as the cart began to roll forwards, hurling them down.
Although Eddie let out a squeal he would never admit to, and although his grip on Richie’s hand tightened enough to practically break it, the drop didn’t send him into a panic attack unlike he had expected. Instead, he focused on looking at Richie while they soared down, training his gaze on his freckled face and messy hair. He watched as his lover squeezed his eyes shut, raising his free hand in the air and laughing; really laughing.
Despite the cool feeling of the wind rushing quickly against him, Eddie could feel his face flush at the sight. He had never seen Richie look this carefree. Suddenly he was okay with the fact that he had just plummeted 200 something feet, because Richie was truly happy in this moment, and that was a feeling the poor boy just didn’t get to experience enough.
Eddie twisted his head to face forwards again and lifted his own free hand into the air, relishing in the feeling by closing his eyes and smiling until he felt the ride slow to a stop. Opening them back up again when he was sure they were on solid ground, he heard his partners voice fill the air.
“Eddie spaghetti, we are really taking some risks today, huh?” He beamed, having taken note of Eddie putting a hand up throughout the ride.
Instead of replying, Eddie cupped his face quickly in one hand and pressed their lips together at the speed of light. It was sloppy, and Richie wasn’t expecting it, but within a couple seconds he melted into Eddie, feeling him smile through the kiss. When Eddie finally pulled away, he lifted his head up to look into the sky and laughed.
“Shit, maybe I should be taking you on roller coaster rides more often.” Richie joked.
“We didn’t die.” Eddie panted.  
“We didn’t die, Eds.” He backed up, smiling from ear to ear and picking up Eddies hand, kissing his knuckles. “But god, did it take you some convincing. I told you it would be fine, you weirdo! Who’s the freak now?” He joked.
“Love you too, trash mouth.”
Richie just laughed.
Really laughed.
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tomsgreg · 7 years
But She’s  a Cheerleader
Summary:  Eddie Kaspbrak is a senior in high school with a lot of promise in his future. He has the “perfect” girl, good grades, and a few good friends. Sure he isn’t the most popular kid in school, but he’s happy. All of that changes though when his mother, friends, even his own girlfriend think he’s gay. All because he wants to be a cheerleader. When he arrives he meets a bunch of interesting characters, the most interesting being Richie Tozier, a complete trashmouth who unlike the rest, doesn’t want to fix what’s clearly wrong with him. Based on the film “But I’m a Cheerleader" 
Ships: Reddie, and some side Stenbrough later
Author’s Notes:  AHHHH! I’m so excited about this fic you don’t even know. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! Feel free to send me stuff/asks/whatever about this because I’d love to talk about it! Also: If you wanna be added to the tag list, either message me or shoot me an ask! I’m happy to add anyone!
Link to AO3
Eddie sat in the bleachers as his girlfriend was wrapping up her cheerleading practice. He heard the head cheerleader say something about donuts and being at the school at 7:30 Saturday morning to head to the football playoffs upstate. Eddie never really understood the appeal of football at all. Or why anyone would be so dedicated to cheering on the players. However, something always fascinated Eddie about cheerleading as a sport. Maybe it was the fun beats, or maybe it’s because it was a sport that was invented just to make people feel good; nothing more nothing less. Something about that concept always made Eddie want to try cheerleading, which he’s brought up to his girlfriend in passing. Just to see what she’d say “I would love to have you on the team Eddie bear, but this is Derry, and Derry wouldn’t be as supportive as me”  Needless to say, his excuse that he wants to look at pretty girls in short skirts got him the silent treatment for nearly a week. She was right though, Derry wasn’t exactly a progressive town to live in, and given that Eddie was never the most masculine of men anyway, cheerleading would only make the already present rumors worse. I’m not gay though, Eddie thought to himself. So why should it matter? He was pulled out of his thoughts by Jenna tugging on his wrist
“Hey, Eddie bear!” She exclaimed, hardly sweaty from the hour-long practice. “Hey, babe. How was practice?” He said, grabbing onto the small of her back, pulling her close and placing a gentle kiss on the forehead. “It went fine.” she pulled herself away from him and walked beside him to his car.
“Can you believe it? First time in 27 years that Derry High is making it to the state championships!” “Eh, you know I don’t really care about that kind of stuff.” “Awh Eddie, no fun. So what pray tell will you be doing Saturday instead of being normal?” I am normal. Why does everyone think otherwise? He laughed it off, “Oh you know. Just the usual, homework, work. Stressing over college.” She pouted, “Awh, you’re stressed? I have the perfect solution.”
She tapped his nose and pulled him by the arm through the parking lot before making him unlock the car doors. Once the two of them were in the front seat of the old convertible, Jenna had attached her lips to his. It was wet, slobbery and nothing about it made Eddie want to kiss back. In fact, all he wanted to do was to pull away. He turned his face away from hers. “Jen, I-I need to get home for dinner.” “You can’t stay here with me for a little bit? Not even five minutes?” She may be a horrendous kisser, but he really didn’t like seeing her upset. She was a decent enough girl. He supposed he loved her. If love meant preferring to see them happy just so you didn’t have to deal with them being angry,
“I mean I guess I could…” She let out a suggestive chuckle before reattaching her lips to his. He couldn’t help but think if this is how other girls kissed their boyfriends, or more if this is how most guys kissed their girlfriends. His friends said they thought kissing their girlfriends was hot. She had to be doing something wrong for him to hate it so much.  He thinks back to the football captain, Mike Hanlon and how happy he is when he kisses his girlfriend. He thought about how it was gentle and it was almost as if they were one, in sync. What must it be like to kiss him? That’s Normal. Everyone wonders these things, right? Eddie thought to himself, that’s all it was after all. Curiosity. Jenna moved her lips from his mouth to his jaw line and that’s where he drew the line. Pulling away from her kisses. “Jen. I-I really should get home” “Fine.” She rolled her eyes and pulled away from him, placing herself as far away from him as she could get in the small car. He sighed and created even more of a distance between the two before turning the keys in the ignition. —– Eddie sat at the dinner table as his mother prepared his plate, putting a huge chicken breast on his plate along with the vegetables already on his plate. “Eddie, you need to eat meat. You’re fragile enough already. Please?” She pleaded as she did at every meal. Eddie pushed the meat away from the rest of the food on the plate, grimacing at the oils it left behind in the spot it once was, “Ma, I tell you every night. I’m fine.” “Eddie, please. You’re wasting food.” Eddie shrugged his shoulders and dug into his serving of mashed potatoes. “I don’t know what happened to my sweet Eddie. You won’t take your pills anymore, and now this. One day you’ll be sorry that you didn’t listen to me.” He shrugged again and continued eating his dinner. They had this discussion almost every night, one would think she’d give up by now, but if anything she got more persistent. Serving up fewer vegetables at every dinner trying to force him into eating what was on his plate, whether he liked it or not. At this point, he was shocked she hadn’t stopped serving them all together. He quickly ate his dinner, anxious to get up to his room and avoid his overbearing mother. —– Eddie’s entire day was strange. It all started when his alarm went off to get up for school, as usual; and his mother came in to check if he was awake, as usual. “You up Eddie?” She asked, sounding off in a way that Eddie couldn’t quite place. He just knew he had a bad feeling about it. “Yea mom. I’m up.” He said, rolling out of bed slowly and turning off his alarm. “Okay. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” “Okay, ma.” She turned away and closed the door behind her, something she’s never done before today. Eddie thought nothing of it, maybe his mother was finally learning the word privacy. He should be grateful if anything. He threw on an oversized school sweater that had the words ‘GO RAIDERS!’ printed onto the front along with the cleanest pair of jeans he could find on the floor of his messy room and he brushed his curls into something manageable before heading downstairs. “Hey, mommy” he went up behind her and kissed her cheek before quickly grabbing his lunch and heading out the door. Mrs. Kaspbrak watched him go, hoping she was making the right choice. He put his book bag and lunch in the back seat of his car and got into the driver’s seat, turning the keys in the ignition and driving to Jen’s house to pick her up from her house. When the car started, so did his radio. Some song he put on a playlist for Jen a while back started playing. It wasn’t even a real song per se, it’s from that old Adam Sandler movie Jen always made him watch, The Wedding Singer. ‘Oh it could be so nice, growin’ old with you’ Sure, he knew they wouldn’t grow old together. They were only in high school, and Eddie knew they weren’t truly in love, or at least he wasn’t. That’s why Eddie didn’t really take the playlist all too seriously. Just kind of putting what he could think of at the time onto the cd. Even if he was in love, they’re only 18. Making any commitment to anyone at his age was irresponsible. He still had to go to college and find out exactly where he was going in life before he tried dragging someone into it forever. He pulled up to her house and she was already waiting on her porch. She rushed into the car and pecked his cheek. “Awh, you’re listening to the playlist you made me. How sweet” She clicked in her seatbelt and Eddie began driving in the direction of the school. “Hey babe, I-I’m not feeling too good, can we skip school?” She pleaded. “I mean you can, I can turn around and drop you off at home, but I really need to go to school.” She pouted, “but I want my boyfriend to take care of me. Please? Have someone send you the notes.” He looked at her briefly and sighed, she didn’t look sick at all, but she’d probably be angry if he didn’t eventually give in, “Can’t someone take care of you at home?” “Nobody’s home to babe. Please? Pretty please? I’ll give you anything you want.” “Fine. Let’s go.” He turned the car around and back in the direction of his house, where his strange morning was about to become the worst day of his life.
Tag list: @rheddie @clamcrabcocklekaworu @i-dont-floss @gazebos-are-bullshit @ghoulishkaspbrak @bcckybeaver @richiexeds @isamarneedstosleep @but-no-homo-bro @majestic-phan7 @penvelynn @shqipshqip @beepibeeprichie
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
A Kind of Magic
Here is the next part for you all :)
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“We begin to realize that it will take something more powerful than we are to relieve our suffering. This is what we’ve been missing all along – a source of hope.”
“I am feeling good mam, I promise. You have already heard about the mammoth sleep I got and Robyn and I have eaten some food and I have taken my pain killers.”
“Are you sure love?”
“Mam I doubly promise. I am doing really good. I feel really a lot better. Robyn and I are just relaxing on her couch right now watching some TV.” Taron looked to Robyn as she sat beside him, both using the cushion between them as an arm rest, their legs beside each other as they rested on the poof, Robyn’s crossed at her ankles. She was able to hear the conversation between him and his mam and Tina had asked multiple times if Taron was ok. They had already been speaking for nearly forty minutes as Taron talked him mam through his last two days, Robyn listening in, flicking through Netflix, cringing a little when her home screen had Eddie the Eagle pinned to her favourites, hoping Taron hadn’t seen it.
“Mam I promise.” Assured Taron. “I am so much better than when I was in the hospital. I can get up so much more easily and let me tell you Robyn’s shower is insane. Helped to ease some of ache and she makes great cookies too.” He gentled nudged his knee with Robyn’s. “Second place in Kilcreen bake off.” He laughed.
Tina enjoyed hearing her son laugh. “It’s so good to hear you laugh Taron. Really good and I am pleased beyond belief that you are being fed cookies.” Satisfied that Taron was sounding more like himself and had slept and ate something, she was keen to speak to Robyn, now that she knew the truth of what she had done for her son. “Any chance I can talk to the cookie maker now?”
Taron looked to Robyn. “Mam wants to talk to you.” Robyn nodded and held out her hand for the phone and Taron handed it over to her, leaning further down into the cushion so his head was closer to Robyn’s shoulder so he could hear the conversation.
“Hey Tina.”
“Hello Robyn. Taron listening?”
“Of course he is.” Robyn looked down to Taron, who was giving her his most innocent look. “Did he tell me the truth? He is ok right?”
“He is ok Tina. Sore and tender and is still pretty tired but he is walking and talking and looks so much better then when I last saw him and he’s been singing.” Robyn could hear the smile on Taron’s mam’s face once she said that and she had to move over on the couch as Taron went to gently poke her. “He’s taken his pain killers, he had eaten some food and is smiling.” Robyn had to get up off the couch as Taron went to try and poke her again and she turned to look at him and pointed a finger at him to stay while raising her left eyebrow. “He looks good Tina.” Robyn made her way into the kitchen leaving Taron on the couch. She leant against the island so her back was to Taron and she was facing the fridge. “I don’t know if I should apologise to you or not for the fact that he came to see me rather than going home to you Tina. I can only imagine how hard that has been on you considering what your son has been through. You must have been desperate to see him after he spoke to you.”
“I am going to take a guess that you and Taron haven’t actually had a chance to talk to each other yet, considering he has been asleep for the majority of his time with you.”
“Well no not really. We briefly spoke in my office but, yeah not so much.”
“Well let me clear the air quickly with one thing Robyn, I helped Taron to book the flights to get to you. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to have my son here with me so I could look after him but I know why he needed to go and see you but I don’t think you will understand why until you both have taken the time to speak to each other. Also, I know he is in safe hands with you, very safe hands considering it was your hands that saved my sons life. I don’t think I have actual words that I can say to you that explains how thankful I am that you were in that 7/11 with Taron and how you selflessly took care of my son and risked your life to save him.” Robyn could hear Tina getting emotional on the phone. “And it fills with me dread every time I think about what would have happened to him, if you didn’t do what you did.” Tina stopped to take a calming breathe. “So yes, believe me, I am desperate to give my son a hug, but he needs you more at the moment and I know you need him too as you two have been connected by something that no one else can understand. He will come home to me when he’s emotionally ready and will probably want to leave once I refuse to let him go.”
“I doubt that. Taron adores you. Been worried that he hadn’t called you sooner and I know he is eager for a hug too.”
“You will have to give him one for me instead. Robyn, I don’t think I will ever be able to thank you. Thank you for looking after him in the 7/11 and thank you for looking after him now. He needs someone to look after him.”
Robyn turned to look to her couch to see Taron almost hiding behind it but she could see his eyes as he looked her way. “Everybody needs someone to look after them.”
“You do too. Taron is very good at looking after his family and I know he will consider you part of his family now, let him help you too.”
“He already has.”
“Good I am glad to hear that. You have let Taron into your home and you are always welcome in mine Robyn. In fact, I insist that you will come and visit us. You will come and visit us and knowing my son, he will make it happen. As much as I need to hug my son, I want to give you one too.”
Robyn smiled. “Well Wales is pretty close to Ireland.”
“Yes, it is.” Tina paused. “Thank you, Robyn, for everything. I meant it when I said it to you last week when you first called me that it’s very rare for Taron to meet someone who genuinely cares without question, who I know won’t take advantage of him and I know without a doubt that’s you.”
“Thank you Tina, though I might take advantage of his voice and make him sing for me.”
Tina laughed. “Taron won’t mind that at all. In fact, I think he will enjoy it.”
“He is safe here Tina.”
“I know Robyn. I absolutely trust you with my son.” Robyn heard some other voices on the end of the phone. “Robyn I am so sorry but Taron’s sisters really want to talk to him.”
“Oh God, you don’t have to apologise to me for that. I know how close a family you are. Let me give the phone back to Taron.”
Robyn turned and walked back to the couch where Taron had turned back around and did a very good job of pretending he was watching the television. “Your sisters would like to speak to you.” It was hard to miss the smile that filled his face as she handed him the phone. “I am just going to nip to the loo.”
Robyn walked away from the couch and into the bedroom, smiling at the mess Taron had left on the bed, his clothes strewn everywhere. Robyn pretty much did the same as he did but threw her clothes in bundles on the shelves in her closet. Robyn was a professional at work but at home, she was messy and as she lived by herself, she was under no pressure to keep everything completely tidy and was glad to see that Taron had made a bit of a mess too. She kept her apartment clean and tidy but at times, she admitted she was too lazy to pick up her clothes or make the bed.
She was happy to leave him speak to his sisters in private. Robyn was an only child, so didn’t have the relationship that Taron had with his sisters but understood his closeness with his mam. She knew how lucky she was to live so close to her parents and have a wonderful bond with them so completely respected Tina and her love for her son but Robyn also found herself building a connection with Taron’s mam.
Robyn washed her hands and dried them on the towel on the hand rail before taking a glance in the mirror. She looked thoroughly knackered and even with the colour on her face from her time away in Florida, it didn’t hide the circles of fatigue under her eyes. She prayed for a somewhat decent nights sleep tonight. She did not have to get up at six tomorrow as it was Saturday and it was meant to be another fabulous day, so it was her plan to sleep and then relax in the garden for the day and she knew Taron would very much approve of that plan too.
She walked out of the bathroom, through the closet and bedroom and back to the couch. She loved how Taron looked so cosy and at home as he sat on the couch, his legs still propped up on the poof, nestled in the cushions. He was so animated as he spoke to his sisters and Robyn loved how he laughed easily as he chatted and as she walked around to sit back in her corner, his face was so bright and full of life, a constant smile on his lips and Robyn loved seeing it.
“Well I will see you soon and I love you too and yes I will tell Robyn.” Taron ended the call and put the phone down to his left. “My sisters want to tell you that they can’t wait to meet the lady who helped their big brother and they want me to give you a big squishy Taron hug.”
“Well your mam wants me to give you a hug from her but she didn’t specify what kind of hug but let’s not test faith by moving you because I know you are extremely comfortable so how about a hug from here and what on earth is a squishy Taron hug.”
Robyn quickly discovered what a squishy Taron hug was as Taron moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her tightly, making sure he didn’t put too much pressure on her left shoulder, knowing it was hurt and embraced her firmly, keeping her snug against him. “Taron hugs are squishy, snugly and soft and my sisters love them.”
As Robyn returned the hug, she noticed how he avoided her shoulder but still gave the hug some dept and meaning, holding her really close to him. “I know why your sisters love them.” She enjoyed how his laugh rippled through his whole body. “This is from your mam as well.” She added which only made Taron hug her that little bit tighter. “You ok Taron?” She felt him nod into her shoulder.
“Yeah, I am.” Without thinking about it, Taron placed a soft kiss on the side of Robyn’s head as he left the hug. “I am really good. Better than I have been in a long time.” Taron sat back on the couch. “So, Eddie the Eagle, huh?” He grinned as Robyn sat back in the corner beside him and blushed.
“Ahh shit you saw that and moving on.” Robyn picked the controller up and started to flick through the top picks on Netflix. “So, what you in the mood for?”
Taron moved closer to her popping his legs back up on the poof, his right arm resting on the cushion between the two. “Whatever you want. I don’t mind at all.”
“I am the most indecisive person ever. You decide.”
“Eddie the Eagle.” He grinned. “I mean it’s right there.”
Ignoring his comment, Robyn settled on Friends, snuggling back in the cushions, her legs going beside Taron’s on the poof, giving him a look before turning back to the television.
Taron felt light, happy and relaxed and it was something he was enjoying very much, the pressure of the last few weeks in work really bringing his mood down. Something about being in Robyn’s presence calmed him and it had been that way since he had met her in the 7/11. He snuck a look to her as she sat and just loved seeing how relaxed she was too. He knew Robyn had a very tough week in work, he could see the tiredness on her face but as he looked to her hands which rested on her legs, he could also see those bruises which stood out on the back of her right hand. She had the same wear and tear on her body that he had on his but looking to her hands, made his heart race because he knew why those bruises were there.
Taron reached over and lifted her right hand and gently ran his fingers over the bruise.
“Did it hurt?” He asked.
Robyn looked to her hand as Taron delicately touched the dark bruise on her hand.
“It doesn’t hurt that much.”
“Not your hand now. I meant the CPR. Did it hurt.”
Robyn looked to Taron. “At the time no. I just knew you weren’t breathing and I had to do something and adrenaline kicked in. I think I might have scared Richard a lot when I got to you.”
“He might have mentioned something about that. Said you ripped my t-shirt open.”
“Erm yeah. I just needed to get to your chest as quickly as I could so I could start the compressions. It’s just what you have to do, whether it’s for a man or a woman.” Taron was still holding her hand but she pulled it away and getting to her knees on the couch, knelt beside him. “Do you mind if I just put this cushion here?” She asked him as she took the cushion that was between them and placed it on his legs, once Taron nodded his head. Robyn knew it was easier to show him rather than try to explain it. She then locked her hands together and placed them on the cushion. “It takes a lot of pressure to make sure you do it properly and you have to lock your shoulders and really put your body weight into it.” Robyn showed Taron what she meant on the cushion as she knelt beside him. “I bruise like a peach anyway so it didn’t surprise me to see the bruising.” She threw the cushion to floor and sat right beside him, Taron taking her hand in his again.
“I have only ever seen it on television or movies.”
“Everyone should learn how to do it and do it properly. Even just the compressions and rhythm, it’s all you need to be able to do. The breathes don’t matter. I truly believe it should be taught in schools too. I have explained to many kids over the years how to call an ambulance or what to do if one of the staff members falls down and doesn’t get back up.”
Taron turned so he could look at Robyn. “I have never actually thought of that. Jesus I must explain that to Rosie and Mari.”
“I used to work in a room by myself and I always made sure the children knew what to do if Robyn fell down and didn’t get back up.”
“Richard told me you did the breathes too.” He said quietly.
“Only because I ‘knew you’.” Robyn made air quotes with her free hand. “It’s not necessary but I was not taking any chances. You started breathing again really quickly, really quickly. I don’t know if that’s the way it always happens.”
Taron frowned a little. “Have you never done CPR before?” He asked as he took his legs from the poof and moved so he was sitting to face her.
“I have done it on the mannequins many times during training but never a real person.” She answered quietly, feeling her hands starting to shake as flashes of a motionless Taron came into her head. “You were the first”
Taron moved again, his right arm going straight around her shoulders. “I can’t imagine how that felt for you.” He said as placed his cheek against her hair.
“It wasn’t until I was sitting in the ambulance with you, knowing you were going to be ok, that the reality and seriousness of the situation hit me. My hands still shake when I think about it. Joe gave me a bit of a pep talk and Doctor Keane definitely made it her mission to get me to talk about what had happened. Actually, she said something to me that really helped and it wasn’t until I saw you in the hospital bed after you had your CT scan and were examined, that it clicked for me.”
“What did she say?” He asked.
“To think about why I did what I did and though at the time, it was a lot to take in and process but once I saw you, it would make sense and it did. I could hear your heartbeat from the machine and I could see you were breathing and Doctor Hart told me you would be ok and make a full recovery.”
“I will and I am and it’s thanks to you Robyn. I don’t think I have ever met anyone as brave and fearless as you. You don’t think and just do, which in some situations is terrifying to watch and hear but in others, it’s amazing.” He took his arm from around her shoulders and placed two hands on her face, in the same way as she had done to him so many times. “You saved my life and that was before the CPR even came into play Robyn. I find it hard to explain how you kept me calm in that 7/11 and still here, in your home, I still feel that from you. Oh, shit Robyn, please don’t cry.” Taron took his hands away from her face and once again pulled her close for a hug, his arms locking tight around her.
She hadn’t planned on breaking down in front of him, but as she spoke to Taron about what  had happened, even though she knew he was there in front of her, alive and talking and holding her hand, she just couldn’t shake the images from her head of a lifeless Taron.
“Shh Robyn, its ok. I’m ok. We’re ok.” Soothed Taron as he held her close. It was a vulnerability he had not seen from her yet and it hurt him to know that she just held all the pain she was feeling in. “Hey Robyn, its ok.” He said again. “I am right here. Robyn I am going to be just fine. We are going to be ok. This is why I knew I needed to come and see you. I was able to talk to Richard in the hospital. Who have you spoken too?” He felt her shake his head as she leant on his chest. He didn’t care if his ribs protested but he gripped her even closer to him, rubbing her back.
He sat hugging Robyn for a few minutes, letting her compose herself against him, which she did quite quickly and when she broke the hug, she kept her head down and wouldn’t look at him, he lifted her chin so she had too. Even with tear stained cheeks and red eyes, Taron was only more drawn to this woman whose walls had just completely collapsed. He wiped the remaining tears away from her face. “Talk to me.” He said simply.
“I know you are here and I know you are going to be just fine but I can still see you on the ground lying unconscious under my hands when I close my eyes. It is all I can see and now those imagines are haunting my dreams and they are just getting worse.”
“You haven’t been sleeping at all have you?” He asked as he wiped another falling tear away.
“I’m jealous of your fifteen hours straight.”
“Can I show you something?” Asked Taron as he looked Robyn straight in her eyes, noticing for the first time that her eyes had two different shade of blue in them. He took her nod as permission and let her face go. He shifted a little and pulled his t-shirt up to his chin. “I get it Robyn. I feel the exact same way as you because when I see these, I know what you did and I get the same fear that you feel.” Taron touched the bruises on the centre of his chest, wincing a little from the movement and watched as Robyn moved closer to him and placed her right hand lightly over the bruise, looking to Taron when she realised that her right palm matched the shape of the bruise exactly. “We have been through something extremely traumatic and I think about it every day how I could have died and it scares me shitless. Then I start thinking about what would my mam and sisters do if that had of happened and if I am thinking like that, I can’t even imagine what you are thinking because you were responsible for my life. It’s a lot to take in and understand and just like you, I have had a few disturbing dreams, though I can see they are nowhere as upsetting as yours. I spent my time in the hospital constantly thinking about if I could have done anything to stop what happened to me but what happened wasn’t my fault or yours. We didn’t ask for Frankie to come in and hold us all hostage. I know I didn’t ask for a fucking shelving unit to be pushed on top of me or to be hit with a bullet. You didn’t ask to be put in such a position of responsibility and you didn’t have to do what you did. You could have walked away from it all but you didn’t and it hurts me to see you like this Robyn.”
Robyn moved her hand and Taron pulled his t-shirt back down and grabbed her hands. “I owe you my life and I will never, never be able to repay you for what you did for me, what you have done for me and continue to do for me. I mean I just appeared at your work. I completely freaked out before I even got to you panicking that you would turn me away.”
“Taron I would never turn you away.”
“And that’s why I was so sure coming to see you was the right decision, not only for me but for you. That hug in your office meant so much more to me than a hug Robyn and I know you needed it too. I don’t want you holding any of these emotions in.” He took his hands and placed them on her face. “You said something to me and Richard in the 7/11 and it was that we can’t start thinking negatively because we will end up down a dark tunnel. We are going to get through this and we are going to get through it together ok? As much I need you Robyn, you need me too and I want you to lean on me when you need to because God knows you have been there for me and never be ashamed for showing any emotion, especially in front of me. Never.”
Robyn took a steady breath and nodded. Taron took her hands from his face and wiped another falling tear from her cheek. “I’m going to give you another squishy Taron hug, ok?”
Robyn smiled, allowing a laugh in and it took Taron less than one second to hold her against him again. “The dreams will stop Robyn. You told me you liked the drinking tea Taron? Well I will drink endless cups of tea if it means you will dream of Taron drinking tea, ok?”
“Thank you Taron.”
“And if squishy Taron hugs help me to repay you, then I will gladly repay you that way.”
It was another hug, like the one they had shared in Robyn’s office, one that said more than words could and Robyn felt more tears fall from her closed eyes as Taron helped to ease her worries and listened to her, helping her to see that he was just as upset as she was.
“You are going to be ok Robyn. Just like I will be. It’s good to be strong but it’s also good to let others in too and I am afraid you are going to have to let me in because remember when I told you belong in my world? Well now you are permanently stuck in it with no way out.”
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