#and also have a big garden and become a witch
wooldawn · 27 days
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bucketsofmonsters · 1 year
The Witch's Apprentice - Part 5
cw: demon summoning, prolonged isolation, size difference, non-human genitalia, oral sex, agoraphobia, magical branding, more tags will be added as the story continues
male demon x afab reader
Word count: 4k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7
By your third week of being locked in your room, you felt like you might lose your mind. 
Considering you’d been locked in the house for years you’d think the room wouldn’t be so bad. The actual space wasn’t that much smaller but the real problem was that there was nothing to do. Everything you’d been busying yourself with for years was locked outside, your books, your garden, your best friend. 
Any pretense of freedom had disappeared. You could no longer go outside, chose what to do with your day, or see another living thing. 
Well, most living things.
Eden had soundproofed all of the rooms for her own usage, so no one overheard anything she didn’t want them to. She knew how to break through it and project sound through the walls, something you’d never learned to do. However, you had no qualms about using the soundproofing to your advantage. 
Lucien was less and less incredulous with every new time you summoned him. What do you want’s turned into easy greetings and his exasperation with you faded, although he seemed loathe to let you notice. 
The summonings had become almost daily events. 
You never made it more than an hour or two without at least giving it a shot. Your lack of actual summoning materials or techniques made it so he didn’t strictly have to come, could just decide not to show up, but he almost always did, choosing to stay with you for hours on end. 
Every now and then he’d drop out, feeling a tug of being summoned by some other witch before he’d pop back, unsummoned and of his own choosing. 
Today you were laying back on your bed while he sat on the floor. Even sitting, he was tall enough that your heads were roughly in line with one another. 
You never did much. You would ask him question after question and watch as his answers got more and more evasive, not even to hide anything but seemingly doing it just because he could. He spoke in circles just to watch your head spin and see how long it would take before the questions stopped in favor of throwing pillows at him. 
All the pillows lay scattered around him leaving you tragically out of ammo. You supposed you’d just have to hope that he’d had a change of heart in his neverending quest to irritate you. 
It never worked. Not really. 
Even if it weren’t for the boredom that made you cling to every word, there way something almost charming about his refusal to commit to an answer, to dance around the question and try and make you forget what you’d originally asked, regardless of whether he cared about you knowing the answer or not. It felt almost like a game. 
“What does it feel like when you get summoned?” you asked, curious what happened on his end when he got that distant look in his eyes. 
“Why, do you think you're getting summoned?” he asked with a laugh. “Is there another witch out there who wants to lock you in an even smaller room?”
“Stop it. She’s just worried.”
“Uh-huh. How long do you think this is going to last?” he asked, staring out at your locked door with blatant disgust. 
You were less evasive with your answers. “I don’t know. If it lasts longer I might actually lose it.”
“So let me take you somewhere. Come on, I’ll have you back before you know it.”
Where the teasing and talking in circles was entertaining, this was your biggest point of contention. Lucien had become fixated on getting you out of here, on showing you the world. 
You’d be lying if you said part of your apprehension to leave wasn’t fear. It had been so long, even talking to him had been such a big step. You couldn’t imagine just being somewhere new. 
But you also couldn’t do that to Eden, betray her trust like that. No matter how many times he reassured you that she would never know, it left a churning feeling in your stomach. She’d been there for you for so many years, kept you safe. You couldn’t just leave her like that, behind her back. 
You avoided the topic as often as you could. Other than those little arguments, seeing him had absolutely become the best part of your day. 
You supposed that wasn’t hard to do. You spent most of the time he wasn’t there sleeping, What else was there to do?
You told him as much and he couldn’t quite manage to hide the flash of pity that crossed his face, the one that showed up whenever you mentioned your current living situation. 
He did his best to push past it. “Have you been having fun dreams?” he asked with a grin. 
You tried to brush off the comment despite his suggestive tone and allusion back to what he’d seen before. “They’re fine. Why don’t you show up in them anymore?”
“Just fine? Maybe dream me needs some pointers.” 
You leaned off the bed, reaching for the pillow that lay closest to you on the floor. You managed to get a grip on it right as you started to slide off the bed but Lucien pushed you back up before you could fall to the floor. 
He was rewarded for his efforts by a pillow flying towards him that collided with one of his horns as you let out a quiet harrumph. 
“You’re so rude to me. And why are you asking? I’m here all the time, do you miss me?” he asked, cooing at you with faux sympathy. “Because if you want me there all you have to do is ask.”
“None of that was an answer to my question,” you informed him, well aware it wouldn’t get you anywhere. 
He rolled his eyes. “You’re much more fun when your inhibitions are gone.”
“Mmhmm, I’m sure. And do you take a lot of humans to your little sin room?”
“Only the cute ones.”
You snorted. “Yeah, sure.”
“I could take you back there.”
“You are so shameless. If you want me to get all loose and flirty again just bring some wine by or something.”
“Not like that. I just think it would be good for you to get out, stretch your legs.”
“For the last time, I’m staying right here.”
“Suit yourself,” he said with a huff, as if there was even the smallest chance that he’d finally give up on the idea. “If it were me, I would have killed that bitch by now.”
“Stop it! You will not talk about her like that!” Your defense of Eden was as reflexive as ever. You knew he had every right to be unimaginably angry at her but she was still your best friend, your savior. 
His inevitable upcoming protest was cut off by your dinner being slid under the door, Lucien keeping absolutely still as the metal tray scraped against the floor. 
He hated being here when she was nearby, even if she wasn’t interacting with you much these days. He claimed it was because he didn’t want to get you in even more trouble and get any more of your freedoms taken away. 
You were sure that was part of it. But you saw the way he tensed up when she got close, when any sign appeared of her existence right on the other side of the door. 
He was afraid of her. Absolutely terrified. 
It made your heart ache, seeing him like that, seeing the fractures in his facade. You couldn’t help but wonder what she’d done to him to make him act like this. 
Not that he’d ever tell you. You knew better than to push that point, it was one secret he was more than entitled to. 
You did your best not to dwell on it too much. If you did you’d have to reflect on the way he always put himself between you and the door, the way he tensed up whenever she called out to you, knowing you couldn’t even respond unless she allowed it through the soundproofing.  She never did. 
You couldn’t be sure exactly when, maybe when you summoned him on your own the first time, maybe when you’d told him about all the years you’d spent stuck in this cabin surrounded by the vicious woods, maybe when you’d broken that summoning circle and trusted him, but at some point he’d decided that you were just as much Eden’s victim as he was. Some mysterious point where something switched in his mind and it moved from being you and her against him to Eden against the two of you. 
You didn’t blame him for it. Eden had done horrible things to him, that much was clear. He needed her to be a villain and you could give him that. 
Lucien always waited a long time before speaking after she showed up so you just lay there, attempting to sneak glances at him and getting caught every time. 
Eventually his shoulders untensed and he seemed to decide it was safe to speak again, although a simmering anger still burned in his eyes. 
“She isn’t teaching you jackshit.”
“Well…” you attempted to protest before he immediately cut you off. 
“Not a question. I could teach you, you know. Your little witch isn’t the only one who knows magic.”
You laughed. “And what’s the price? You want my soul or something?”
“Please, if I wanted your soul I’d probably just need to ask, your dumbass would just hand it over to me.”
He probably wasn’t that far off the mark, if your history was any indication. 
You shrugged as you replied. “There’s no real point in teaching me anyways, I’m not very good at it.” You weren’t even sure why he was offering, he’d already seen more than enough of you to know you were a lost cause. 
“Being good at things isn't the only reason to do them. Come on, have some fun with it.”
Everything in you screamed that it was a bad idea, that you’d fuck it all up. But the way he was looking at you, daring you to say yes, managed to override those instincts just long enough to squeak out, “Fine. But you’re not allowed to get mad when I mess up.”
You weren’t sure what to expect of Lucien as a teacher. Whatever those confused expectations in the back of your head were, he certainly didn’t match them. 
He was a patient teacher, letting you feel things out quietly and slowly. His jokes and evasiveness disappeared completely and every question you had was met with a careful answer. 
You discovered very quickly that his sort of magic was very, very different from Edens. 
Eden was all about rules, about maintaining the security and purity of her spells first. Everything was a strict ritual to be observed. 
Lucien’s magic contained a freedom you thought couldn’t be afforded to humans. Instead of a list of materials and steps, what you were faced with most frequently now was instructions to shut your eyes and imagine, to put all the trust you had into the idea that when your eyes opened, whatever you imagined would have happened. 
It was something you struggled with. That faith that it would work. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t believe in the magic, you’d seen far too much for that. It was thinking it would work for you that you kept stumbling 
Where Eden’s magic was like a recipe, Lucien’s felt more like a trust fall. 
And still, you progressed. Without the same confidence Lucien carried himself with, but progress nonetheless. 
He brought you little gifts every time you made progress, slivers of the outside world. 
You’d been getting frustrated with yourself. The very first thing he’d tried to teach you was just the ability to reach out to someone. 
You sat there, day after day, attempting it. The way he’d explained it, everyone had an aura, a little pool of energy that hovered around them. If you focused you could reach out, stretch it thin and find someone else’s. 
It had to be close. Not in proximity but in a more abstract sense. He reassured you that the two of you were more than close enough for it to work. 
One night, after he had long since left, you were practicing and getting frustrated once more when you felt that aura of yours he’d described time and time again bump into something warm, and a sense of familiarity washed over you.  
A moment later you felt something back, a meandering sense of something winding inside of you, pulling at some part of you that made you giggle. Who knew auras could be ticklish? 
The next day he came bearing an eclair. It felt like a breath of fresh air. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been able to eat something sweet like that.  
You treasured the little paper doily it came on, sometimes just tracing the intricate designs that bordered it. 
A few days later was a soft scarf in a bright red that had been given to you when you opened your eyes to find yourself letting off a faint glow in that same red. 
The next time you managed to do something, this time it was simply to warm up a surface by a few degrees, he reached out and handed you a gift he had at the ready. It made your heart swell that he already had it, like he had absolute faith you’d be able to do something to deserve it. This time it was a tiny ceramic fox that had its little head lifted defiantly towards the sky
You kept them all buried under your pillow, terrified that any day now would be the day and Eden would come in to free you only to see mysterious trinkets that could only have come from elsewhere. 
You kept the fox wrapped up in your scarf, afraid you’d roll over wrong in your sleep and it might break but still unwilling to hide the little treasures too far away from yourself. 
More often than not, you woke up clutching them, a habit you couldn’t break no matter how hard you tried. 
Sooner than you ever could have imagined, you weren’t even afraid to make mistakes around him anymore. When you’d begun, you’d been convinced any slip-up would ruin everything, that he’d give up on you and leave you behind. Now you floundered and messed up spells and it didn’t matter. He made sure that you were alright, that it was safe to learn and eventually you figured them all out. 
“I’m running out of rewards,” he said with a chuckle as you beamed down at your fox, one you’d managed to make wobble without so much as touching it. “That’s how you know you’re getting good. How will I ever motivate you now?”
“Are you kidding,” you basically shouted, pride and excitement welling up inside you. “Did you see what I just did? That was amazing! I don’t need a reward to want to learn how to do incredible things.”
“Maybe. I think you deserve them anyways.”
The comment brought a heat to your cheeks, one that was becoming more and more common in you every time Lucien was here. Another thing you tried not to dwell on too much, lest you get swept up in it. 
His head cocked to the side with a familiar look as you gave him an understanding smile. “Off to see another witch?” you asked.
He sneered. “Yes, your favorite witch, in fact. Well, I shouldn’t keep her waiting.”
He leaned down towards you and kissed the top of your head before immediately dissipating, a move that didn’t feel quite fair. At least it didn’t give him the chance to watch you flounder. 
As you slept that night you found yourself having a familiar dream. The walls of colorful fabrics were a much more welcome sight than the forest that so often plagued your dreams. 
A dream Lucien stood before you, per usual. But something was off this time. It took you a second to place it before you realized that even standing here, passively, you could sense his aura. You knew him too well for the trick he was trying to pull. 
But after an onslaught of little tricks and his rude kiss and run earlier, you were feeling a little more mischievous than normal. Perhaps he was rubbing off on you. 
Before he could say anything to tease you, you strode up to him, got onto the very tips of your toes, and reached up to pull him into a kiss. 
He was too tall for you to be able to pull a maneuver like that without him playing along but he eagerly leaned down to meet you, lips crashing together. His hands fell to your waist, helping you keep your balance as you strained to reach him. 
You pulled away after a moment and looked up at him with a smirk, giving his aura a little tug as you said,  “You really should announce when it's you.”
He laughed. “You didn't give me the chance.”
His hands tightened around your sides, giving you a gentle squeeze as he kept you close. “We don’t have to stop, you know. I’d be a cruel man to rob you of a wet dream.”
Your boldness grew in your chest. You couldn’t remember if you’d ever been around someone and simply not felt nervous before now but these last few weeks, he’d managed to foster that feeling in you. You were eager to try out this new confidence. 
You slipped out of his grasp and fell to your knees in front of him. “You know,” you said, “I haven't been able to thank you for being so kind to me.”
For once he seemed to be at a loss for words. After a moment of floundering, he managed to say, “You don’t need to do that, little one.”
“I want to,” you said, looking up at him with big eyes. 
You barely caught the quiet groan that escaped him. “What did I do to deserve you,” he asked, and it too was quiet. You couldn’t help but wonder if it was a question meant for you or if it was for the universe itself. 
After his little nod of permission, you were immediately undoing his pants, eager to get your hands on him after so many weeks of pining after him. 
Being here, now, it felt silly that you’d denied yourself those feelings for so long. Outside of his little pocket of hell where you’d been able to do as you wished, you’d tried to force down those feelings. 
But now, despite the appearance of his familiar room, nothing was here to help you along. The dam just broke, and you couldn’t help but wish you’d given in much sooner. 
As you pulled down his pants you found he was already hard, his massive cock bouncing up as you freed it of its confines. 
Part of you was glad your first encounter with it was in a dream because it was intimidatingly big. It fit his frame as he towered above you but you were unsure if humans and demons were meant to be together like this. You found you didn’t much care either way. You’d make it work. 
You gave an experimental lick to the tip, your tongue moving lightly across it. 
His hand came down to grab your jaw as you pulled off of him, squishing your cheeks as he angled your face up toward him. 
“You’re too sweet, little one. It’s going to get you in trouble one of these days.”
“Wanna be sweet for you,” you said, leaning into his touch. 
He released your jaw and tilted his head to the side, giving you the reigns. 
You licked up a long stripe up his cock, from the very base. It felt like the most you could manage, your hands encircling him to make up for what you couldn’t do with your mouth. 
His breathing was coming faster, his eyes remaining locked on your form. As your hands pumped up and down his shaft, focusing most of your attention on licking at the head of his cock, you couldn’t help but wonder how much of him coming undone so quickly was because of the actual sensation and how much was from him getting to watch you. 
He seemed entirely entranced. You felt several times as his hands moved to touch you before pulling quietly away, like he could get head from you and yet was nervous to touch, as if that would make it too vulnerable. 
The more grunts and whines you pulled from him, the more determined you became. You pulled back from your persistent licking, taking him in for a moment. 
He might be massive, but you focused on the fact that as real as this felt, it was a dream. Surely in a dream you could do whatever you wanted. You were most certainly going to try.
You managed to fit your lips around the head, your mouth stretched wide. You swirled your tongue around the tip as your hands worked his shaft, determined to draw even more noises from him. 
You looked up with wide eyes, waiting to make sure you were doing okay. You could feel them watering as you worked him over but you pushed past it as those watery eyes met his, pitch black and full of nothing but lust and adoration. 
A massive hand found its way into your hair, not pushing but caressing as you tried to take as much of him as you could. 
The hand tightened in your hair and he grunted out, “I’m going to…”
That was the only warning you got before he started to come. 
You tried to swallow it all but couldn’t manage it.  It just kept coming, it was too much. You popped off the head with a little cough, the rest getting all over your clothes and making you once again glad that this was a dream. 
This would have been a nightmare to explain to Eden. You might’ve just had to burn your clothes and hope for the best. 
Lucien lets out a gentle chuckle, thumb wiping some of his cum off of your face. “A little over-ambitious but I appreciate the enthusiasm.”
You snorted out a laugh and as he looked down at you fondly, you thought you could happily stay here forever.
And then something other than the contentedness and fondness crossed his face, wrinkling his brow.
His expression soured and before you could so much as ask a question, he simply said, “Wake up” and the world around you fell away. 
You woke up frustrated and confused, not understanding why he sent you away. You wanted more and you wanted to stay and more than anything you wanted an explanation. You summoned him almost reflexively, the process second nature to you now.  
Before any of your confusion or frustration could come out, he blurted out, “Let me take you somewhere.”
A wounded little sound escaped you as the moment soured and his obsession with whisking you away appeared once more. “Not a chance.”
“But if you could go somewhere…”
“Can we not do this? Please? I can’t.”
“Shouldn’t. Whatever word you want me to use.”
“Why, because she says you shouldn’t? I say you should.”
“I say I shouldn’t. Isn’t that enough for you?”
The fight normally petered out right about there, both of you frustrated and exhausted with the uphill battle of trying to get the other to understand. 
Not today. Something had changed between the two of you and the desire to linger in it, to bathe in the affection, dissipated as he grabbed your arm and the room around you gave way to the stone walls of an alley. 
The narrow, stone corridor was devoid of people but you could hear the buzz of a crowd not far off, probably not more than a few paces away. It was hard to tell exactly as the noise bounced off the walls, echoing in your ears. 
Despite your anger, you found yourself edging closer to Lucien. Anything familiar was welcome in this alien place you’d been thrust into. 
Your breathing got shallower and you pleaded with him. “Take me back.”
“I will if you want me to. Just not yet. Please not yet. You need to leave, you need to not be there.”
You looked up at him with teary eyes, the trust you’d been basking in being shattered in a moment. “Why are you doing this? I know it’s not for me because I don’t want it.”
“She’s made you afraid. You’ve been tricked and trapped and you need to leave. I need you to leave. You just need a push, that’s it. Just need to be away from her.”
“Listen, just because you don’t like her…”
“No, this is not spite talking, you need to listen to me, you need to figure it out.”
You reeled back. “What?” Surely if he knew something that could change this endless fight, he would have told you. What could there possibly be that you needed to figure out all on your own? 
“You just, you need to ask…” his words were cut off with a yell as he doubled over on himself, runes burning into his skin as he spoke. They shone bright red and it almost looked like he was being branded. 
The anger faded immediately into concern as you rushed to his side. 
“What’s happening, I don’t understand?”
“You can’t say anything,” he insisted, a frantic look in his eyes.
“But you said…”
“I know what I said, you can’t ask anything.”
More than anything, that scared you. The constant pleading for you to break free and push back against Eden and now he was doing everything but that, retracing his steps after unmistakable witch marks were burned into him. 
She’d done this. That much was clear. 
You couldn’t keep doing this. You needed to know, needed to understand. 
“Take me back.”
You put everything you had into your voice as you said, “Lucien, take me back.”
The use of his name in his already weakened state with the ruins still charred into his skin was enough, he didn’t have it in him to fight back and you were whisked into the depths of the woods. You returned home. 
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ivys-garden · 6 months
My head cannon endings for all the Hilda cast post finale (Spoilers for season 3)
She remains in her home, never moving away. However she makes sure to visit Hilda often, which has become easier now that she's learned to fly again. She also doesn't get to lonely as she invites the Pooka to like with her and helps him practice shape shifting. When she dies she is buried where the fairy mound once was to be closer to her family.
He travels the world but always returns to Trollburg, on cold winter nights he joins Hilda and her family for tea and games, maybe the yule lads join in too. On his travels he spreads the story on Hilda far and wide even long after she's gone.
Tryla & Baba
They remain at the mountain most days but do ecompany Hilda on adventures during her weekly visit. They still live there long after everyone else is gone, telling tales of Hilda to the next hundreds of generations of trolls.
He continues living in Trollburg, working on wall and city maintenance with the bellkeeper. He never gets back together with Johana but he does try and be a better dad to Hilda, including taking her on that camping trip.
Begins selling her paintings to people, she also starts painting things from her and Hilda's adventures, including the Fae Ilse, which she still thinks about often. When she dies Hilda burries her at the fairy mound with Auntie Astrid, but she keeps a lock of her hair in a locket. One day, in the far future when Hilda has finally moved on she hangs that locket at the remains of the cabin.
Just keeps doing what he does mostly. Going on adventures with Hilda occasionally but mostly keeping to himself. He remains in the house for a long time, even after Hilda had died.
Keeps writing reports for the northern counties but he also begins working with Gerda and the safety patrol, his days are busy but that's how he likes them. When he dies, if elfs even do, he would be given a funeral pyre by the lost clan and Hilda returns to the northern counties to scatter his ashes.
Would go on many more adventures with the trio and would start to develop a crush on David, one that David would reciprocate. She would eventually become a wildlife photographer.
Started researching entomology and now runs an insect focused wildlife centre near the sparrow scout building, enjoying a more peaceful and quiet life than most of his friends. He also assists the linworm in a construction of a new garden on sparrow scout property, sometimes the two of them and Louise have tea together. He was the first to die out of the four and was buried in Trollburgs graveyard, later Louise would be buried with him when she died.
Finished her training and became a fully fledged witch. She would take over running the Trollburg library from Kaisa after Kaisa was appointed to the witch council. When they were teenagers she and Hilda started dating but they never decided to get married.
She still goes on adventures in her teenage years, it wouldn't be Hilda if she didn't. She and Johanna also practised flying with their fae magic. She always makes sure to keep in touch with Astrid and Victoria. She continues to paint and make music and becomes a freelance artist like her mum. Twig also grows big enough to ride when he gets older. She lived in her apartment in Trollburg until her death. She and Frida were buried together at the overgrown remains of the cabin
He's still there, deep in the woods. even after everyone else has long since died, perhaps he tells the tales of a mysterious blue haired friend to spirits to the passersby.
Or perhaps he would tell you that if you walk deep enough into the woods, you could find an old forest glen where a cabin once was, and you can speak to her spirit yourself
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witchyfemking · 1 year
🌹🐉Queen/Mother Lilith master-post 🐍🦇
There are many people saying that working with Queen Lilith is closed, id ask that you please go to the last link. A Jewish content creator goes into detail about why 1.) That's false and 2.) Why claiming this is actually antisemitic.
I understand that this deity may hold a negative context to different people/cultures(i.e. people of Jewish culture)/faiths etc. Please be respectful and mindful. Both the people and the divinity have the right to respect. Just because a divinity/entity has been the best thing in the world to you, doesn’t mean that’s the case for someone else(vice versa). Thank you for your consideration.
Mother Lilith is a divinity that I hold very dear. She has been a big help to me and has guided me in my journery of self love and reparenting myself.
Lore/mythology (briefly summarized)
Lilith originally was the first wife of Adam; made from the same primordial matter as her counterpart by the one who created her. She has left the garden in anger because she refused to lay under Adam; Lilith wanted to be seen as Adams equal but he refused. God sent angels to take Lilith back to Eden at Adam’s request. She was located near/in/at the Red Sea. Her children had been slain because of her refusal to return. ( I have heard conflicting info from different sources but I’ll recall what I think is to be more accurate at this point). Some of the fallen angels (a big figure being Lord Lucifer) had made themselves acquainted with her and they had gained each others’ trust. This is the point where Lilith had became a demon and was at least set on the path to becoming a highly ranked Infernal deity(if not at this point already). Lilith at some point after this whispered empowering thoughts into Eve during her dreams; leading her to eat the fruit.
Lilith also has an aspect tied to the Mesopotamian demon Lilitu.
Signs/Symbols of Queen Lilith(some i’ve personally experienced as well):
Snake imagery
Birds( robins, cardinals, blue jays, doves, owls or any corvid/black bird) I’d like to mention that she left me a robin who had passed, cause she knew I’d give it a proper burial.
Witnessing any of her other sacred animals (mentioned below) or frequently seeing imagery of them
Me and other devotees of hers have known her to send really animal that’s black as signs
rose imagery
sudden interest in her
sudden yearning desire to explore oneself/identity
speaking up/ standing up for yourself in circumstances in which you normally wouldn’t
for uterus owners; in my personal experience she had gotten terribly frustrated that i wasn’t noticing her so she started affecting my ‘moon cycle’. I experienced irregularities, increased pain and moodiness. I also got much more fatigued during my time of the month in the time she was trying to get my attention. She may or may not feel the need to do something of this fashion to get your attention; My only assumption that she did so in my case is because I was extremely oblivious. However I highly implore you discuss things with your doctor before concluding that this is the cause.
You may notice the wind howling louder
Vampiric/Succubus imagery/energy
Draconic and/or primordial energy
Energy of water or the ocean
Feeling of not necessarily one certain element (maybe all of them together)
feelings of a motherly energy
dreams/visions of red or dark haired woman( i’ve honestly had her appear to me as blonde). She may be a witch, possibly a queen. She could be protecting you during the experience ( if you’re on her good side ofc)
Sacred animals of Queen Lilith
Cats of various kinds ( domestic, wild, especially with black or dark coats)
What does Queen Lilith specialize in? What can she help you with?
taking back your power
shadow work ( specifically the feminine side of the side)
tapping into/ welcoming your dark feminine energy
welcoming dark femme energy into your life
dark femme workings
defends women/femmes and children who’ve suffered abuse(especially s3xually)
Improving sexual relationships
asserting independence
support in women/womxn’s/femmes rights
fighting oppression/sexisim placed on women/fem identifying people by the patriarchy(or in general)
assistance in gaining respect and/or recognition for contributions
exploring/awakening sexuality (especially if you need assistance with you libido)
sex magic ( more specifically feminine dominance)
Assistance with menstrual magic/spells/rituals
Help in any women/female health issues ( menstrual issues, moods swings, feritility, MtF/FtM etc.)
( i recommend you be treated by a medical professional along with the last point; mundane before magical; magic/spirituality shouldn’t be used in place of medical treatment, simply as support.)
Correspondences/ Offerings
Belladonna (POISONOUS)
Nightshade (POISONOUS)
Mugwort ( still use with caution)
Sandalwood(Red + White)
Dragon’s Blood
Fire opal
Red Jasper
Red Carnelian
Black Moonstone
Black tourmaline
Clear quartz
Chocolate ( Especially anything Dark and/or spicy )
Pumpkins/ Gourds(idk if gourds are edible tho, but to a deity it doesn’t matter lmao)
Red velvet sweets
Chocolate cake
In my personal experience, she loved these Sriracha Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcakes I used to be able to get.
Spicy foods
Pomegranates/Pomegranate juice
Reds (Especially blood red or velvet tone)
Dark pink
Dark Grey
Witching hour (either Midnight or anytime 3-4 am)
Dark/New Moon phase
Beltane Sabbat/May Day ( sexual theme of the holiday)
Oct. 24 ( some sources claim this is the day Lilith left Eden)
Feb 29 (on leap year. Woman are known to break traditional norms during this time)
Empress (Tarot)
High Priestess (Tarot)
Moon ( Tarot)
Strength (Tarot)
Any Queen Card ( More Specifically to my UPG, Swords and Wands suits)
Air and Fire are her main elements. However, she does not limit herself to one specific element, she has traits of all.
Vampiric/Succubus energy
Draconic/Primordial Energy
What is she like?
To me, Lilith is very much like a mother. Im sure you could probably guess by how I addressed her in the beginning of this post( which I call her Mother Lilith for personal reasons). She very much holds the energy of a firm mother who cares very much for her children. Lilith is very much stern when she feels the need, but knows when you need her to be gentle. Many times she has been a source of comfort and encouragement for me. If you show her the decency and respect she deserves, she will give it to you in return. If she sees you as her child (or holds you dear in anyway) she will go to distant lengths to protect you or to show your abusers not to mess with you again ( at times on her own accord). There are times where she made things difficult for people who wronged me on her own(probably a lot more I don’t know about). Mother Lilith is extremely supportive and will be there when needed, but she will not coddle you. She will not baby you. I see a lot of practitioners say “ she wont hold your hand” that’s true in a sense. Yes there are things you need to face alone, but a mother wont deny holding your hand if needed, she just wont do things for you. She will empower you to do things with independence. Lilith is definitely the kind of mentor to give you a rude wake up call when you’re not acting like yourself or doing things that wont benefit yourself or others. She is not afraid to be mean and wicked with you if need be.
Lilith’s energy generally feels airy and fiery. She carries herself regally and a sense of pride. Like i’ve mentioned, she doesn’t necessarily tie herself to one element, I’ve felt energy of all elements come from her, I assume this comes from her shapeshifting nature.
Sources and links
My own personal experience and UPG
Lilith Queen of the Night
Lilith and Witchcraft
Lilith: The Demonic Paradise Wiki
Lilith ( Occult world entry)
Tumblr users entry on Queen Lilith (i’ve honestly had a rocky history with the author of this post, I hadn’t realized who this was until after I recorded the information, but I still am going to give them credit where it’s due because it’s only right and their post gives solid information)
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
Garden Party: Frankie 'Catfish' Morales x Reader
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Tagging: @aaronhtchnrs @rosaliedepp @mysoulisasunflower @kabloswrld @xoxabs88xox @crazy4chickennuggets @justreblogginfics @witches-unruly-heart @infinity-mars @pimosworld @beardedbarba @est1887 @creativitybeware @mortal--soul @spookyboogyuniverse @corruptedcoffin @nu1freakshow @@oureternalbond  @the-wandering-lunatic @thebaileybugle @proceduralpassion @callsignartemis @kmc1989 @thanossexual @the-wandering-lunatic @thebaileybugle @justreblogginfics @deekaag
Prequel to Come Up for Air
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Frankie meets you at a garden party of all things. It’s his sister’s birthday and he’s spent weeks building the bar out of pallets, because he’s ‘handy’ and his morning stringing fairy lights across the top of the fences, along with fake roses to make the place look ‘magical’. It’s not even a big birthday.
Lucia is two years younger than him and has always lived extravagantly, his little sister deserves the world, but he wishes she wouldn’t whine about how his truck brings down the neighbourhood every time he parks it outside her house.
As he stands underneath the strings of light and looks up at the night sky, he realises that she may have been right about the vibe they bring to the garden. There’s an ethereal air to the place, the flowers accentuate the plush greenery making it seem like botanical wonderland.
He doesn’t know anyone here except Lucia and her husband Dave, the TV Exec. He knows fuck all about what Dave actually does, only that he makes an alarming amount of money. Frankie’s only been home a couple of months and honestly, he kinda sucks at making friends. He’s too quiet, Lucia tells him, too lost in his own head.
How could he not be? He thinks. The shit he’s done. He can’t burden anyone with that. There are only three people who can understand him on any level, and they are certainly not at this party.
A couple more minutes he thinks. He’ll stay a couple more minutes before making his excuses.
That goes completely out of the window when you literally bump into him. He doesn’t know how it happens because he’s standing stationary for Christ’s sake. You’re in the midst of apologising when he reaches out a hand to steady you, his warm palm coming to rest upon your shoulder, thumb accidently skirting your collarbone. It’s the first physical contact he’s had with anyone for a while, and it makes his heart thud even harder in his chest.
When he looks into your eyes he knows he’s in trouble. They’re a stunning shade, the hues bleeding into one another. He’s told women they have beautiful eyes before but with you he means it. The words slip out of his mouth before he can take them back and you tip your head back and laugh. It’s a musical sound that strikes a chord somewhere deep down inside of his soul.
“Pretty bad huh?” He says smiling despite himself.
He doesn’t do this. He doesn’t approach women, he doesn’t hit on them. Every single relationship he’s been in, he’s fallen into.
“I’ve heard worse.” You reply.
He can see it, you’re a striking woman. He’d sure you catch a lot of guy’s attention. There’s no ring on your finger and he feels a surge of hope.
“I bet you have.” He says knowingly, taking a sip of his beer.
It starts from there, the two of you sitting at the makeshift bar long into the night. You’re warm, companionable. He learns that you’re a writer for one of those sketch shows he’s seen on TV, that  you don’t usually tell people that. You list the professions that you’ve made up during your tenure on Tinder, each one becoming more creative and silly the longer it goes on. He finds himself laughing for the first time in a long time and he’s forgotten just how it good it feels.  
“Because they’ll ask for tickets?” he asks, questioning the reasoning behind it. He’s old fashioned, he prefers actually meeting people instead of using apps.
“Mostly.” You tell him before deliberating. “I also don’t want them to have that part of me. Remember this it isn’t a long-term connection I’m looking for; I just want to get fucked.”
Heat creeps across his cheeks and he takes a swig from his beer in an attempt to hide it. He finds your openness refreshing and it emboldens him. He hasn’t had this much fun in a long time, he can’t remember the last frank conversation he had.
“And why is that?” He asks you.
“My schedule.” You say with the shrug of your shoulders. You gesture to the space around you, it’s getting late, or early depending on how you look at it. The sun is just starting to peek over the horizon, bathing the garden in an orange glow. Most of the guests have gone home and the entire yard is in a state of disarray. Frankie can see his sister sprawled out on the couch through the French windows, a blanket haphazardly tossed over her. “Everybody’s going to bed, but this is the golden hour for me. The work I do, the pitching, the rewrites, the editing, the filming, it all happens overnight. It’s entirely nocturnal. You can’t ask anyone to get on board with that. People think they can handle it but they can’t.”
He senses you’ve learned that from experience. That there’s been a boyfriend or two in the past who’ve called it quits because they couldn’t deal with it.
“I’m an insomniac.” He reveals to you, his hand clasped around his beer. “Sometimes when I can’t fall asleep, I drive around the city with the radio on, get out of my own head for a little while.”
“I get that.” You tell him with a smile. “The city is different at night, it’s quiet, it feels like it’s settling.”
You’re not wrong. He sees a lot of shit you don’t see in the day time, but it’s the peacefulness that he enjoys. There’s less traffic on the road, the streets are quieter. He thinks the nightlife suits him.
“The good thing about that is that I know all the good places to eat…” He says checking his watch. “… at four thirty in the morning.”
“Are you asking me out for breakfast?”  
“Would you come along if I did?”
“Yea.” You tell him. “I think I would.”
“There’s a place around the corner.” He tells you, touching the edge of his cap. It’s a nervous gesture, because only now does he realise the enormity of his actions, that the night is shifting towards date territory, and he hasn’t been on a date for a very long time.  “We can walk it?”
“Sounds like a plan.” You say as you climb off the barstool. Frankie follows suit, helping you into your jacket before the two of you slip out through the garden gate, trying to make as little noise as possible. There’s a giddiness to it, he feels like a teenager sneaking out of his parent’s house to meet a girl.
Out on the street he’s surprised when you capture his hand in yours. They fit together perfectly, your fingers entwining with his. It’s been a long time since he’s held someone’s hand, even longer since he’s met someone who he connects with.
“I like this.” He says, his thumb ghosting along the inside of your wrist.
He sees the blush creep up your cheeks and he can’t help but smile because it’s just so fucking adorable.
“Good.” You tell him. “Because I like it too.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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terabyteturtle · 18 days
Fighter #13 - Peach
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For clarification, whenever "the kingdoms" are mentioned, I'm referring to the kingdoms from Super Mario Odyssey.
- She frequently has to clean spores off of her dress from how often Toad is around her.
- Toad releases spores whenever he gets startled, so Wolf and Dark Pit make it their mission to scare him every day just to annoy Peach.
- Gardening helps Peach relieve stress. Whenever she’s feeling overwhelmed, going outside and tending to the plants always makes her feel better. She even has her own vegetable garden in the courtyard. Out of all the veggies she tends to, turnips are her favorite.
- Peach has been on the cover of numerous fashion magazines throughout all of the kingdoms. One of these days, Bayonetta hopes to accompany her on her modeling endeavors.
- Her parasol is reinforced with sturdy toadstool caps to prevent it from blowing backwards or flying out of her hands. Poor Peach went through a lot of trial, error, and lost parasols before finally coming up with this solution.
- Peach is a very skilled dancer. Her amazing balance, flexibility, and endurance shines through whenever she's tearing up the dance floor. She leaps with grace, waltzes with elegance, and breakdances with style. No matter who her audience is, Peach never fails to impress with her spectacular moves.
- Peach's playlist is an amalgamation of upbeat girly pop, spunky punk rap, and hardcore thrash metal.
- Some fighters get extremely annoyed with Peach during matches. Sometimes, her taunts are incredibly infuriating.
- Anyone and everyone is welcome to join her for an afternoon cup of tea. Depending on who it is, she'll also bake them their favorite sweet treat. If Peach doesn't know this information, or they simply don't have a favorite, she'll default to her signature strawberry shortcake.
- Bayonetta always teases Peach about her relationship with Mario. While she constantly insists that she and Mario are just friends, the Umbra Witch refuses to believe it. It doesn’t help that literally all of the DLC fighters thought Peach and Mario were a couple upon arrival.
- Whenever the Mario fighters play tennis or golf, Toad makes it his mission to beat Bowser. He doesn’t care where he is on the leaderboard, as long as he’s above his sworn enemy. It’s his way of getting revenge for his beloved princess, but all his attempts fail miserably, and he only makes himself look like a fool. Even Bowser himself is starting to feel sorry for the guy.
- When it’s that time of the month for Peach, she becomes irritable and bitter, which is a stark contrast to her usual sweet and forgiving personality. Unless she asks for a favor or strikes up a conversation first, all of the fighters know to give her some space until the week passes.
- Peach is always on her guard. Considering how many times she’s been kidnapped, she’s unknowingly become more paranoid over the years (and rightfully so). Like Samus, if something startles or surprises her, her first instinct is to fight, and her hands will curl up into fists. Unlike Samus, however, she’ll take a quick second to evaluate whether or not something is actually a threat before she does anything.
- Peach has incredible strength when it comes to punting things. Whether it be a soccer ball or a Bob-omb that she pulled from the ground by mistake, she’ll kick it far and high enough to make you think that Team Rocket’s blasting off again.
- Peach is like a mother figure to the younger fighters, including the Koopalings. She's sweet and gentle with them, but if they misbehave, they're going to get scolded. And if anyone tries to mess with them, she'll protect them like a lioness would protect her cubs.
- Everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom is a big fan of the Squid Sisters, so Peach will buy tickets from the Inklings and take the Toads to see them in concert. The Toads love Callie, but Marie is Peach’s favorite.
- Peach received her car, Birthday Girl, from the Toads for her sixteenth birthday. It was her first vehicle, and she still has it to this day.
- Peach has been best friends with Daisy since childhood. When they were younger, they used to do everything together. As they grew up, they still kept in touch, but didn’t get to see each other as often due to how busy they were with royal duties. Despite this, they still have a close-knit relationship.
- Every weekend, Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina go out for a girls’ night. They don’t care what they do, just as long as they get to spend time with each other and away from the mansion. Sometimes, Pauline will join them.
- Every so often, Pauline will invite the princesses to galas in New Donk City, which they always accept and attend in style.
- When she first met Pauline, Peach thought she was related to Mario. Something about the red attire, dark hair, and blue eyes made her think they were cousins or something.
- Peach taught Rosalina everything she knows about Earth customs and social interactions. Considering she lived most of her life in space, she was largely unfamiliar with anything or anyone beyond stars, galaxies, and Lumas. In fact, Peach is the only reason Rosalina knows how to play golf.
- She frequently accompanies Isabelle on strolls outside to collect flowers and admire butterflies. Considering how much she loves nature, Peach will often bring her souvenirs from her trips to other kingdoms (mushrooms from the Mushroom Kingdom, plants from the Wooded Kingdom, seashells from the Seaside Kingdom, etc).
- Back home in the Mushroom Kingdom, Peach loves going outside and feeding the doves in the morning. On Smash Mansion grounds, however, there are no doves to be found. So, to keep up with her morning routine, she’ll go outside and just sit out there until a bird of any kind finally flies by. Unfortunately for her, the birds in the Light Realm don’t really care for the birdseed she brings along, so her generosity is often ignored.
- In addition to vegetables, Peach also grows Fire Flowers for battle use.
- Peach’s favorite tea is white tea with plenty of honey, garnished with a white orchid. She finds it pairs well with a lot of the desserts she enjoys making, and the orchid just adds an elegant finishing touch to the beverage.
- If fighters are feeling sick, she’ll make them little care packages with all of their favorite things inside.
- Unlike Toad (or even Mario, at times), Peach forgives Bowser for most of his misdeeds and has actually begun to develop a better relationship with him. The Koopa King really hopes this is a sign of progress.
- Fighters are divided over who they want Peach to end up with. Some, like King Dedede and Meta Knight, think she’s better off with Bowser, while others, like Pyra and Mythra, think that she and Mario would make a better couple.
- Meanwhile, Samus and Jigglypuff stay out of the fray, firm in their belief that the princess should just be left alone.
- During matches, Peach will always cheer on fighters by making small rainbows for them above her head. She's always believed that rainbows were a sign of good luck and triumph through difficult times, so displaying those vibrant, magical colors is her way of showing support.
- She refuses to let Toad eat beans of any kind. If he ingests them, he won't be able to stop farting for hours. His farts are silent but deadly, causing whoever's nearby to face a smelly fate. Once, he even made Sheik faint from how bad the smell was.
- She has the subconscious habit of constantly fixing her bangs. Even if every hair is perfectly in place, she'll still reach up and adjust them out of habit.
- During the warmer months, Peach frequently has problems with Duck Hunt digging up her vegetables. Villager has tried to keep this under control, but he's not very good at it.
- Peach is the head of the party planning committee and oversees all operations pertaining to celebrations. She is a watchful leader and always keeps everyone on task whilst doing her share of the work.
- Her favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros (Melee). It brings her a lot of nostalgia from back in the Melee days, when she first joined Smash.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Dorothy Must Die!Lion x Scarecrow'sFemAssistant!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: What it's like catching the fearsome Lion's attention, becoming his favourite, but also falling under the protection of his good friend.
Warnings: Threatening confession.
*picture there so y'all can see HOW HUGE THIS FUCKEN LION IS- and I assume this picture is from BEFORE he grew big and terrifying.
"And this... "Your boss, Scarecrow, sounds bored as he waives a gloved and straw-filled hand the animal's way, after introducing the Tin Man. "this is my old friend Lion, of course."
Obviously you knew who both of these men (Creatures??) were; you've been appointed the Scarecrow's research assistant for good reason afterall. You knew everything you could learn, and that certainly involved Oz history- in which your new boss, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly (Or not-so-cowardly, any longer) Lion were main figures.
But you let the Scarecrow tell you anyway. Because you're smart, and you know- a man like that? Needs the validation of sharing information others may not be aware of. And you would rather not get on the viscious scientists bad side boss or not.
You give both the Tin Man and the Lion a solemn, respectful nod. "Illuminating to make your acquaintances. I've heard all about your bravery in killing the Wicked Witch of the West by Queen Dorothy's side."
The Tin Man nods respectfully and sensibly back, and he's about to say something as his old metal mouth squeaks open- but the Lion, who's the same height as his two friends on all-fours, cuts in; approaching you and flashing a huge toothy smile down. "Oh, Scare old friend! Where have you been hiding this one?" The Tin Man promptly closes his mouth, a note or irritation in his metal squeal this time, you think. "She's pretty! You're pretty, young lady."
-immediately you go bug-eyed. What?? WHAT?? You're used to the Scarecrow's sensible, monotonous, borderline rude ways; this straight forward compliment is completely foreign to you. Though, you're sure you shouldn't be surprised by his boldness. The Lion is an animal, and animals don't play with subtlty, or pretending. And he is known for his courage these days, you suppose.
"U- um, I- "
"And she smells delicious."
"Wh- "
The Scarecrow cuts you off, with a sigh. "Leave her be, Lion. You're flustering her and I have no use for an emotional research assistant."
"I'm flustering her?" The Lion asks, looking at you with a stern, puzzled look on his face. With a roll of his giant muscled shoulders, he backs up a step. "My apologies."
"No- I- that's okay." You manage, then take a deep breath. "I... take no offence."
Another broad, leonine grin spreads across the big cats maw again. "Oh." Is there a wild, roguish lilt to his grin? Almost a smirk? "Good." He tells you bluntly in that deep voice sounding something like a roar, tail swishing behind him.
A few days later, it's the first time you've been allowed a break from thr Scarecrow's dark room's and the smell of death that fills them other then for meals. The Scarecrow wanted to be left alone, so he sent you to do some reading on cerebrospila fluids, and you chose to do so out in the courtyards. In the bright sun, surrounded by the emerald palaces beautiful gardens.
The Lion seemed to have had the same idea, covering a good portion of cobblestones with his large body sprawled lazily out under the warm ray's; dozing. And you keep sneaking glances at him like some silly girl- allowing your mind to skew from your duties and half admire the monster's muscles as well as half wonder to yourself what he meant by saying that you smell 'delicious'.
Does he want to eat you?? You've heard about his enormous, insatiable hunger, as well as how he enjoys his meals to be alive when he eats them. That doesn't sound particularly good, to you.
But... he also called you pretty. And that's throwing you off.
Before too long, you've only been sitting outside for no longer than 10 minutes, the Lion's deep echoing voice fills your eyes like molasses.
A crackly purr like growling sound escapes from deep in his chest as he stretches a little, muscles rippling under his skin, and his eyes gaze over at you half-lidded. "Nice day, isn't it?"
"Very nice."
"Come over here, pretty assistant."
You don't have a choice, it's the Lion (The King of the Beasts), and besides if you did try to run he could pounce and catch you in no time at all- so you do the smart thing, and close your book and wander over. When the enormous beast just looks at you, his maw pulling wider in a lazy grin, before nodding with his giant head to a spot next to him, you carefully sit down on the cobblestones with him.
After a moment of the Lion just looking at you, either like you're a prime steak or a masterpiece (maybe both), you take a deep breath. "Are you going to eat me??"
"... I want to. I like you quite a bit; you're pretty. If I could I would keep you and nibble off you for as long as I could- days, weeks, months, even years if you were strong enough. And the Scarecrow would just keep replacing your limbs one by one. You could be my favourite." He allows, looking pleased and impressed by your bravery, a roguish and wild lilt to his gorey, sharp smirk. "... but you're my dear old friend's help, and I wouldn't like to put him on the spot like that."
"... oh."
"Scared, little kitten?"
"I- "
"You shouldn't be." He sighs, adjusting his massive paws in front of him and making himself more comfortable. "Trust me, I spent far too long being a coward and fortune favours the brave. I'm King of the Beasts, now."
... "You have a point." You nod, speaking quietly.
"I do."
"Well... I- I should go." You curse yourself for stuttering, for you're still scared, but the Lion looks reproachfully at you. "The Scarecrow will be expecting me- "
Before you can even move, the Lion leans over and drops his heavy head on your lap with a thud; his snout nuzzling into your hip bone. He gives a content yawn, sounding more like a gentle roar thick with sleepiness. "Not yet... "
That makes your eyes widen wide open and heat fill up your chest, and your neck, and your cheeks. "But- I thought- I thought you didn't wish inconvenience the Scarecrow??"
"He can wait for a little while, pretty Y/N. I need you, now."
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
Revamped my fantasy Milgram au a bit!
Haruka: Son of nobility, human. His parents were too busy with their own business and self-image to care for him. Haruka’s little sister is the darling of the household/town, and he grows more strung tight and jealous as she gets so much attention all the time. The family used to have hunting dogs and a beautiful decorative fish pond on the grounds, but the animals have gone missing (along with the Duchess’ prized necklace). They live right on the shore, and looking out on the water, Haruka is often confronted with the thought of drowning.
Yuno: Vampire who lives lavishly in isolation. She’s very active in the nearby cities, though, enjoying everything and everyone the kingdom has to offer. She’s cold to the touch, and reveals an equally cold attitude when she’s not using her powers to charm and flirt. Her perpetually young appearance makes it difficult to convince others to treat her with the maturity she desires.
Fuuta: Human who joins a band of local knights. The group hasn’t sworn loyalty to a single lord, believing their own sense of justice will prevail. While he can’t use magic himself, Fuuta stumbled onto a fire sword and believes he’s been chosen as its owner. He believes he can wield it with ease, even though he hasn’t quite seen its full capabilities yet... The group catches word of a witch in a nearby village and charges in. And yes, he’s addicted to his sending stone.
Muu: A beautiful elven princess from a foreign country. She travels overseas to this kingdom, staying on the shore near Haruka’s family. (She’s much higher ranked, but takes an interest in him.) She had hoped to gain more knowledge of the world, as she’s next in line for the throne, but her treatment at the new school isn’t what she expected. There’s nature magic in her bloodline. She hasn’t mastered the animal/insect tendencies and transformations that arise in moments of strong emotion.
Shidou: A mysterious healer who’s known for his helpful magic and beautiful garden of medicinal plants. No one suspects he dabbles in a tiny bit of dark magic/necromancy on the side, which is what actually made him as successful as he’s been. No one notices when his carefully-tended garden starts to wilt, and townspeople go missing. However, the death of his family marks an obvious change in him. Having made one sacrifice too many, the cost of the magic really starts to affect him.
Mahiru: A faerie from the woods near a major city. She’s heard all about society, becoming captivated by stories of true love and fairy tale romance. She leaves her forest for the first time to try and live with them. Her knack with nature allows her to pick up a florist job easily, but there are plenty of things she still doesn’t quite understand – things about the people’s culture and boundaries that she misses in her focus on love. She claims to never use any charm or control over humans, though people wonder why that man followed her back into the dangerous forest alone…
Kazui: Bard with dragon blood who travels the kingdom with his wife to perform. They’ve made a livelihood of their signature act, one of picture-perfect lovers, so he knows he can never tell her that it really is just an act to him. His dragon traits make him big, strong, and masculine – all the more reason for him to hide parts of himself that aren’t typically associated with that.
Amane: Aspiring priestess who has never left the temple she grew up in. She's the chosen vessel being trained to channel/communicate with her deity. She feels immense pressure from the monks and priests around her, as they insist she be perfect in all ways or risk punishment. She claims she was successful in channeling her god, some say she was possessed by a demon instead, and others suspect there was no possession at all –, but either way, an incident occurs one rainy day inside the church.
Mikoto: A witch who has a normal job in a normal part of the city, bookkeeping and such. For fun, he also advertises his clairvoyance and spirit medium talents. When strange happenings begin in his house (things not where he left them, blacking out, concerning bloodstains), he assumes he’s just being haunted by the ghosts he reaches out to. No matter how careful he is, he can’t seem to shake it. Meanwhile, his alter(s) stay quiet, but are always ready to leap in and protect him when the need arises.
Kotoko: An ex-knight druid. She left her lord after witnessing corruption in their ranks. She calls herself an assassin, and though she’s not associated with any kind of guild or group she desperately wishes to be. She can’t find any that meet her standards, yet. She's in tune with animals, speaking with wolves and other beasts to rally them to her cause. There’s a nice aesthetic contrast between her animal wildness/raw power compared to the civilized justice systems she left behind.
(If sticking to the plot,) all ten wake up one day in the mysterious Milgram Fortress, with a cell in the dungeons for each of them. There’s powerful magic throughout the whole place, but even the more magic-inclined prisoners can’t tell its source. As well as Jackalope (who is exactly the same and probably speaks with modern slang/references still), the prisoners meet the warden Es. They are an incorporeal spirit whose voice doesn’t always seem their own. As time goes on, however, they seem to be getting more and more tangible. Es casts some kind of truth/sleeping spell after the interrogations that allows them to peek into a segment of the prisoner’s musical dreams.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 7 months
This may be a weird request, but pls hear me out. Could you do something in the format of those headcanons you write for EM characters—like which planet they are associated with—but just describing the character and their role in the series/movie in like 2-3 sentences? Like a trivia of sorts. I’ve only seen HOTD, and while some of his chars can be googled easily, like Osferth or Tom Bennet, the ones like Genyen or Michael are very obscure to me due to not having seen the stuff they’re from yet, and there isn’t always a wiki page available for them. You being the #1 Ewan Mitchell expert, I don’t really know who else to approach with such a thing. Please & I’d be very thankful 🏵💞🍀
Yeah, I can certainly do that for you. Below the cut!
Abraham - features in only one episode of a long running soap opera called Grantchester. The main protagonist of the series happens across a Romani camp. Ewan plays a character who is engaged to a girl named Luella. Luella keeps disappearing off. When Luella's father won't tell Abraham where she's going, he kills him with a fireplace poker. It later transpires that Luella is having an affair with the farmer whose land they're camped on and she doesn't want to marry Abraham at all. He's upset, not only at the loss of his wife-to-be, but also because he was next in line to become leader of their settlement, and has ruined that by killing someone from their community.
Aemond - Second son of Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower. Bit of a twat, resentful because his dragon egg never hatched in his cradle. Claims his dead aunt's dragon, and his nephew gets the arsehole with him and knifes him in the face for it. He loses hie eye, but puts a gnarly sapphire in the socket in its place. Kills his nephew for rocking up to Storm's End and cockblocking him, which starts a war within his family and loads of them die. Gets distracted by a big tiddy witch and spends the rest of the war slinging one up her until eventually him and his uncle commit murder suicide.
Billy Taylor - sweetest little treasure in the world. Works as a bell boy at a hotel called the Halcyon, which quite frankly ought to be shut down for its negligent business practices. Anyway, Billy is sweet on a maid called Kate. When a hotel guest assaults her, he pulls the guy's own gun on him and narrowly avoids getting the sack for it. His mum interferes in his drafting, because she doesn't want him going overseas to fight in the war, so he's stationed at the London army barracks manning the anti aircraft guns. Dies anyway, because he gets blown up.
Billy Washington - hopeless brother of boss bitch Lana Washington. Doesn't have a job, has been refused from the army and feels pretty shit about life. His girlfriend has left him and his flat's a shit state. Because of his mardy outlook on life, a fascist organisation is able to radicalise him and frames him for vandalising a Halal butcher's. They later plant a bomb in his car, with the intention of it going off when he gets out at Farringdon station, where an anti fascist protest is taking place. Lana intercepts him on route, and he drives to Cranstead Gardens instead. He panics in the car, not knowing what to do, and against all advice, ends up opening the door to get out, which sets off the bomb and kills him.
Ettore - on board a space ship with other death row inmates to try to find alternative energy resources. Essentially understood that it's a suicide mission, but the doctor on board is conducting heinous fertility experiments on everyone. They are not allowed to sleep with each other, but have a "box" that they can go into to masturbate. Ettore is generally considered creepy by everyone on board, and he is really perverted - lots of inappropriate staring, etc. One night, he sneaks into the cell of an inmate called Boyse and tries to rape her. When her bunkmate, Mink, tries to defend her he beats her up. Eventually, male members of crew are alerted and Ettore is beaten to a pulp. Mink then stabs him through the eye and he's chucked out of the airlock.
Genyen - Only in one episode of a soap opera called Doctors. Introduced in a Buddhist centre with a senior monk called Jinba. Jinba tells him to go out and collect money for the centre. A doctor from the series runs into him while he's collecting and feels sorry for him because he looks cold. He gives him his lunch and donates £20, which Genyen tucks into his robe instead of the charity box. Jinba sees and takes the money off of Genyen. At this point it seems as though Genyen is being mistreated by Jinba, and the doctor seems to think this too, so when Genyen wants to leave he gives him cash to help him. It then transpires that the reason Jinba doesn't want Genyen handling large sums of money is because he steals. He stole Jinba's bank card when he left and empties his bank account at an ATM. He is apprehended by the doctor though and the police are called.
Jack - from the short, Fire. Jack has an ability where the angrier he gets the more fire he is able to produce. His dad and him have made a living out of stealing cars. Jack runs away when he decides he doesn't want to do it anymore and his dad pursues him through the woods. Gets so angry his fire powers causes him to fell an entire tree.
Jason - from the film, Just Charlie, plays a guy hanging out at a play park. Beats up a girl when he finds out she's trans.
Michael Gavey - a student at Oxford. Befriends Oliver Quick because he believes him to be a social outcast, much like he is. Is a mathematical genius. Is quickly ditched by Oliver when he manages to befriend the more popular students. Incredibly abrasive, outspoken and looks down upon the popular students as he believes them to be "vapid cunts".
Osferth - King Alfred's bastard. Enrolled as a novice monk, but leaves the monastery when he's of age to join Uhtred, as his uncle Leofric had always spoken fondly of him. Not a particularly seasoned fighter, but brave in his own right and extremely loyal. Incredibly kind and maintains his faith throughout, but has some absolutely cracking one lines. "What is smite?" "Well, it's a word, isn't it?" Fucks like a dinosaur, according to the prostitutes of Winchester. Dies when he's stabbed in the side during battle, and it's honestly one of the most heart wrenching scenes I've ever watched in my life.
Poacher - from the short, Stalker, this film is minutes long and Ewan appears in it for seconds and says nothing. Plays a poacher that is in trouble for illegally hunting deer on private land. Just stands there holding a rifle.
Scott - from the film Stereotype. Literally only a voice part - a voicemail of Scott encouraging his friend to beat someone up.
Tom Bennett - a troublemaker that always seems to be attracting the attention of the police. He doesn't want to be drafted into the war, so decides to sign up as a conscientious objector. However, when it transpires that his latest crime is more serious than he realised, he enlists in the navy to avoid going to prison. Is stationed aboard the HMS Exeter and has a canary named Vera, which he takes bets for which ports she'll lay eggs in. Survives the Battle of the River Plate and it matures him. He's short in Dunkirk and ends up in a hospital in Paris around the time that they surrender to the Nazis. Is snuck out and across the Spanish border. In season two, somewhere on his way back home he stopped for a haircut that was administered by a lawnmower. His father died when their house was shelled and he blames his sister for it. He then goes back to war.
Will - from the short Salad Days. Robs people's houses with two of his friends. Discovers a gun in one of them and uses it to hold up a post office. Takes a worker hostage and his friends freak out and run away. He lets the guy go, but when his friend reveals he wants to go to the police about what they did, he beats him up because he doesn't want to go to prison or give back the money they stole.
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How the bachelorettes will play the The Sims 3:
Will spend 2 hours to create the perfect design for her sim's clothes.
Cheat code for a huge amount of money.
The richest house, the best cars, the biggest TV, etc.
Favorite expansion packs: Late night, Showtime and Island Paradise.
Goes to expensive bars and places to get interesting moodlets. Only the best and expensive thing!
Got "heartbreaker" lifetime's wish the very first in her game.
Of course, she's a popular super star! Admittedly, she constantly has to fight back her good name when her sim is publicly reviled. Oh, that popularity!
Maxed out the photographer's and serfing skill set.
Decided to try to learn a new skills in game. Her sim died in a fire the first time she tried to make macaroni and cheese.
Another interesting thing that helps her escape from reality (besides books).
Never uses cheat codes, trying to achieve everything herself.
Favorite expansion packs: Generation and Seasons.
Creates the perfect modest newlywed couple. One of the sims is her exact copy and the other is her dream spouse.
At first was upset that her sim had many failed attempts at cooking (too close to reality). Eventually pumped the skill to the max.
Gave her sim a career in school.
Mini heart attack every time a thief or ghost showed up at her sim's house.
Goes into the build menu just to listen to music.
Created as many children as the game allowed. Happy big family!
She spent twice as much time designing her sim's hair and clothes as her sister.
Inspired after the game, went to my sewing machine to recreate the clothes in reality.
Love all the expansion, but her favorite is Ambition. Because a career as a Stylist! Also pets, because parrot!
Her sim knows every skill in the game bit by bit.
She'll be picking up every stray animal.
Stopped doing that when one of the stray cat ate her parrot.
Was upset that unlike cats and dogs, she can't put a grave for a parrot.
Collects various gems and collects them in the Sim's house. Gems everywhere!
She thought it was a boring game, but when she found out you could create a sim as a ghost! Or a vampire! Or a werewolf, or a witch? She could become an adventurer? Awesome!
Favorite expansions are World Adventures and Supernatural.
Uses the occasional $1000 dollar cheat code to buy a ticket to another country.
Sim's personal life? No time for that, she has adventures waiting for her in Egypt!
Pumping skill sports to fight with the mummy.
No money for food? Time to look for breakfast in the trash cans!
Enjoys getting interesting moodlets, no matter positive or negative.
Created the sim as a witch and practiced magic during the adventure.
Making stinky potion? Absolutely yes 😈
Often saved to watch a sim die from a trap in adventures or from other things.
She is more interested in the architecture and design of the house than the game itself.
Uses money cheats to buy the necessary items to create the perfect cottage house.
However, she does not use cheats during the game itself. She enjoys creating the perfect house on a small budget.
Favorite expansions are Seasons, University Life, and Career.
The first expansion is for fall aesthetics 🤌 the other two are for pumping up her artist and sculptor skills.
A nemesis with a neighbor who strongly resembles her ex in personality.
Often sits in the city editor (like, almost 90% of her time), redesigning other sims' homes.
Her sim visits countries just to paint beautiful landscape and buy a bottle of "juice".
Also, the gardening skill is half developed.
Her sim was eaten by a carnivorous cow flower. And she didn't even keep the design of the town! Eh, need to start all over again...
Doesn't spend a lot of time creating a sim.
Of course they have the Inventor character, how could they not.
Favorite expansions packs are Ambition and Into the Future.
So many ideas in the game for her new inventions... A jetpack? Why not.
Fascinated by the quest to change the future into Utopia or Dystopia.
Science, invention and robot building skills are maxed out.
Used a cheat code for 1000 dollars just once to buy junk for inventions.
Made a sim Sebastian, so that at least in the game in them were good family relationships...
Synthesized food?! Now that's interesting!
Her Sims often died from burns and electrocution.
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dewitty1 · 7 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up - October 2023 ꐑ(ꐌ◡ꐌꐐ)࿐࿔࿓[¬º-°]¬・*ᕐ ̆̈͜͡ ᕐ ોु✩°。⋆:.。. .。.:*・ཥ•̬͡•ོཤ゜゚・*☆ʔ•̫͡•ཻʕ
Nothing Like the Sun by Lomonaaeren
Harry finally realizes that he has trouble keeping lovers both because of his looks and because he isn’t very good at sex. He does what he can to alter that, but it seems he’s never going to be good enough to satisfy a wizard lover. When Draco Malfoy offers, Harry thinks a casual relationship with him might be the solution to his problems. But he should have remembered one thing: when it comes to Harry, Malfoy has a problem staying casual. Rec Post
And Still I Dream by greenmegsnoham, Yoro_Kobi @greenmegsnoham  @gaudium6191
Draco was beyond frustrated with the school’s preferential treatment of sports programs over the arts. Determined to collect what is due, Draco must come toe to toe with the ever incessant thorn-in-his-side, Varsity Basketball Captain, Harry Potter. Though Draco may not receive the financial support he’d been hoping for, he just might get a boyfriend out of it instead… OR When you Dream a Dream, it just may come true… Rec Post
Curiosity, Wonder, Spontaneous Delight by cloudings
After Harry hears some rumours about Malfoy, he becomes more and more curious until he just has to get some answers. Malfoy is more than prepared to give him anything he needs, just as long as he gets something back in return. Harry’s not sure why he’s surprised that it’s something moderately illegal. In which Ron continues to get far too many eyefuls, Hermione has had quite enough with everybody, and Harry’s not sure why enemies to friends to friends with benefits isn’t enough for him. OR Harry becomes incredibly curious, and somewhere along the line ends up accidentally falling in love with Draco Malfoy. Because of course he bloody would. Rec Post
Romp and Circumstance by wolfpants @wolfpants
Since the war, Harry Potter has gone from Saviour to Scoundrel—not that he’s complaining. With a schedule full of gorgeous men, alcohol, and late nights, why would he want to change? Enter Draco Malfoy: beautiful, sharp, and completely untouchable. When Draco comes to Harry with a proposition to help him attract an engagement, Harry’s up for it—after all, how hard can it be not falling for his former nemesis? Very hard, apparently. Rec Post
A Shower, A Meal, A Nap, and A Shag by chickenlivesinpumpkin
Harry’s supposed to be alone in Grimmauld Place…so why is there a Malfoy in his shower? And what’s Harry going to do about it? Rec Post
Sunseeker by shiftylinguini @shiftylinguini
Harry is a struggling writer. Namely, he is struggling with: writing his next book, dealing with his agent, finding a decent tea strainer, fielding his friend’s concern over the aforementioned book, and figuring out who the cat loitering in his garden belongs to. He also has a slight liking-Malfoy problem. Okay, he has a massive liking-Malfoy problem. Rec Post
A Life Worth Remembering by Writcraft @writcraft
Severus Snape wakes in St Mungo’s, to discover that a potions accident has wiped the last forty years from his body and mind. Just twenty-five years old, Severus is reliant on Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, now both in their forties, to help him fill in the missing decades. As Severus tries to navigate a much-changed world, Harry and Draco struggle with a secret of their own. Rec Post
New Message by Mosrael @mosrael
Harry Potter has a crush on his roommate–like, a BIG one–but he can’t say anything to him, can he?! Naturally, he does what any early 2000s young adult would do and asks the internet for help, and gets a lot more back than he expected. Rec Post
Life skills outside the curriculum by Endrina @llendrinall
It was "Witch Weekly", of all people and organizations, the first to notice and comment on The Boy Who Lived’s absence from the ranks of first years at Hogwarts. The magazine went on to elucubrate that the young hero was studying at a foreign school, possibly Beauxbatons or Holzschuhkäse. Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well!(ノ゚∀゚)ノ━☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・.*・。゚*:・゚✧
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Howlr by partialtopotter @partialtopotter
Howlr is the new dating application enchanting Witches, Wizards and Everyone in between. Are you looking for the one or a one-night stand; it’s all here folks. Howlr is sponsored by Weasley Wizard Wheezes, the same team that brought us the Spellular just two years ago. Ginny Weasley, famed chaser for the Hollyhead Harpies, swears by the app, ‘guaranteed to make sparks fly,’ she says. The magic awaits you!
where all the veins meet by eight_of_wands @saxamophone
It's the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort's soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now? His friends try to help, but the only thing that can hold his attention—one of the only things that ever has—is Draco Malfoy, out on parole and weirdly hanging around the British Museum. As they keep running into each other, Harry sees that Malfoy is different, and he wonders if he can be someone else, too. Featuring rumpled band shirts, poker games everyone hates, fumbling sex, and a Harry going a little mental over how wands even work.
The Secret's in the Telling by Verayne @veraynes-blog
Draco Malfoy suffers the unthinkable when he is turned into a werewolf. How is he supposed to live any kind of life afterwards, especially when Potter continues to stick his unwanted nose into things?
Wherever You Go, There You Are by Anonymous for hd-fan-fair/HD Career Fair 2023
Four years after the War, Harry still fights to save the wizarding world. Only, he’s traded prophecies and duels for fundraising and politicking. Worried that he’s burning himself out, his friends sign him up for a week-long muggle relaxation retreat in the mountains of Snowdonia. The last thing he expects to find there is Draco Malfoy, his old school rival, working as a yoga instructor. How on earth is he supposed to learn to relax when Malfoy’s meant to teach him? Rec Post
Connecting Lines, Connecting Crimes by Anonymous for hd-fan-fair/HD Career Fair 2023
Magic is going haywire after ley lines all over the world are mysteriously failing. A cross-border Task Force is set up by the League of Wixen Nations with Expert Cartologist Draco Malfoy and Ley Line Specialist Pansy Parkinson being called in from Britain to work with Magi-Geographers Harry Potter and Parvati Patil in India. But can they get to the root of the issue before it’s too late? Rec Post
Full Fathom Five by  Anonymous for hd-fan-fair/HD Career Fair 2023
“Draco Malfoy is not a merman, and he does not perform for an audience in a tank,” Hermione said crossly. Harry had thought this would be just an ordinary holiday… Rec Post
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( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo, Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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dying-acc-idk-man · 1 year
Okay it's me, the "au masterpost" anon. Copy and pasting cause the info on google docs and connected to my personal email so uhh here it is:
- Characters -
Scar: avid adventurer. looking for Grian, one of the most well-known and mysterious adventurers who just… retired one day. wants to get advice about adventuring and combat. does not know Grian is flower folk.
Grian: runs a flower shop, used to be a formidable adventurer (see further notes below). has a minor rivalry with a gardening store across the street. Collabs with the coffee shop for limited drinks
Mumbo: grian's coworker who's very entertained by the scar antics and occasionally teases him about it. often seen with a broom and dustpan as grian “sheds” so much 
Bdubs: runs a coffee shop, mainly works as a barista rather than a manager as he’s short staffed. knows all the great gossip in town although he rarely gossips himself. dislikes Scar as he holds up the line when venting about his crush on the flower boy. Collabs with the flower shop for limited drinks.
Cub: Scar’s traveling buddy, was the one who found out what town Grian retired to.
Pearl: a witch who runs a crystal/herb shop. nobody knows where she came from. one day her shop was just there. nobody questioned it.
Cleo: runs a small pawn/thrift shop with Joe. was a pirate before she drowned. Joe brought her back against both their wills and now she’s his problem
Joe: former sorcerer who quit after he was forced to resurrect a dead pirate so some people could question her. the two ran away and now run a small pawn/thrift shop together
Doc: runs a small gardening/produce shop across the street from Grian. also a retired adventurer, lost his arm and half his face after winning a duel he was supposed to lose.
Ren: works at the gardening/produce shop. werewolf, just becomes a big dog when he turns.
Impulse: helps run the village inn when he’s not trying to keep his cousins out of trouble. dwarf who's the go-to when it comes to knowledge about different species of people. usually busy running the front desk and does all the heavy lifting.
Zedaph (satyr) & Tango (fireborn): Impulse’s cousins. help around the inn occasionally, but are often on long adventures out of town
Gem: satyr who owns the village inn. Zedaph’s sister and Impulse’s cousin. usually busy with housekeeping.
- Grian flower notes -
When sick: flowers closed off and in a budding state/wilted
When scared: thorns starts to surround and wrap around him- does hurt
When flustered/happy: large growths of red flowers that tend to fall off easily
When upset: blue flowers grow when sad, small violet clusters when anxious, and large orange flowers when angry
Additional skills before retirement: plants helped him sense others around (it only works when he’s in like an area where plants are naturally made like forests and such), his flowers would also attract his victims and prey, from how pretty they are, leaving a trail, or even the smell (same smell every time).
Ideal date: walk around in places with pretty structures or land
Weakness: fire
- Event notes -
Flower crowns
Scar injuring himself to get rare flowers
Scar vents to Bdubs, Grian vents to Bdubs, Bdubs sits back and enjoys the show
Scar learns the backstories of some of the village folk
Cub, Bdubs, and Mumbo make a “these two are super clueless and keep venting to us” club. Cub is the only chill one there.
(Essentially, scar and cub would stay in the inn, and through a series of events Scar would learn about the the shopfolk and a not-so-slow burn romance would happen between him and Grian (the slow burn is becuase they take so long to actually confess)
will I ever get the motivation to write this? i have no clue. am i gonna share it anyways? yes. yes i am.
Also 90% of this stuff I actually got combing through the au tag so props to the other askers who helped this au actually happen
i should make a full masterpost too at this point but I'll have to link it to my pinned post currently, unless im insane enough to make a separate blog of it (which i most likely wont because im too stupid to fully come up w a lot of things //slap, unless you guys rly want AHAHA)
though this is rad yes thank you my small brain wouldn't comprehend
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wndaswife · 1 year
Ooh you're doing headcanons?? Earth 838 Wanda Maximoff please!
characterization headcanons: earth-838 wanda maximoff
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not sure why but i feel like she's definitely allergic to shellfish and watermelon.
character flaws
has trouble saying no to anything, especially when her friends and coworkers pile a bunch of favours onto her; it’s always tommy and billy who remind her to value herself and her time more. 
cleaning habits
she’s a pretty lenient mother and isn’t one to force the twins to clean much, though granted they are a bit older now and are very responsible kids. she cleans pretty often on her own, but she’s not overly-fastidious about it at all.
cooking habits
i have a feeling she can make a really good stir fry… and that she loves adding potatoes and diced carrots to anything.
coping mechanisms
as a single mother to two kids, wanda puts an effort towards coping healthily and in turn being able to mother her children while also dealing with distressing situations. she bakes, goes for runs, and sees a therapist frequently to also talk through her experiences of her time with HYDRA, working with the avengers, and losing her brother and parents. 
often haunted by her experiences as HYDRA’s guinea pig, wanda sometimes has nightmares of the strucker experiments. she misses her brother dearly and although her life with HYDRA was nothing short of horrific, her dreams are always bittersweet as she always sees pietro’s face most vividly when she dreams of him. her dreams of her multiversal variants seem to her as lives she could have lived should she have remained an avenger, ranging from heroic to downright villainous as she also dreams of earth-616’s scarlet witch.
myer-briggs personality type
i don’t want be boring and say infp like 616-wanda, but i think she probably is also an infp even if i try to imagine something else.
enneagram personality type
9w1, maybe? i’m trying to be very creative and not put 4w5 like 616-wanda! i think she’s a very easygoing person with a habit of being a bit of a pushover, with strong feelings of right and wrong that makes her a very kind and strong-willed mother. might be prone to being a bystander despite a confident internal moral compass and strong opinions that she represses around those she does not know. in getting to know her, she’s a very sensitive and generous person.
she’s very easy to scare. she worries about the boys’ safety, the possible fragility of her domestic life with them, and sometimes fears her magic is not enough to protect them, especially because it's been years since the last time she fought any kind of adversaries as she left her life as a superhero long ago. her own experiences with losing her family has made her very concerned with maintaining a close eye over both tommy and billy while also ensuring she has a very present and permanent role in their life.
friends with neighbours and is cordial with the parents of tommy and billy’s classmates, though she wouldn’t say she’s very close with anyone. to some extent she has a bit of a lonely social life. though i see her befriending another single mother who’s just moved into town at some point and finding herself becoming very close with her. 
she’s a big gardener, and has definitely been super into pinterest lately wherein she finds a bunch of DIY projects for her garden.
her experiences as an avenger makes her feel different from the other mothers. the experiences she’s had can never be changed, and sometimes that makes her feel incapable of being the mother that her kids need. but it’s never a largely lingering insecurity because she also has a very close relationship with the twins and knows how much they love and need her.
lazy day
on school days, wanda will likely take the living room for herself, watch a few classic movies, or read a book. even on lazy days when she’s able to have time to herself, she always feels happy to have the twins back home after school. they’re around eleven now and have adopted her laid-back personality, and the day is always spent best when she can cuddle together while watching a movie after dinner.
on weekdays, wanda prepares tommy and billy’s lunches and wakes them up if they don’t on their own. she spends the mornings ensuring they get to school on time and that they’re eating enough breakfast. on weekends, they eat together before going off to do their own things at home. sometimes on weekends, the twins wake wanda for breakfast they made for her on their own.
music taste
classic movie soundtracks, top-forty song charts, and sometimes 90s R&B.
the twins have a pet turtle named sparky. she was opposed to it when they first asked, but after a long while of their begging, wanda gave in after imagining it would be good for them to learn how to care for a pet.
a few from her time as an avenger that she tries not to let bother her, though on rare days she feels a bit down from being so different from the other mothers she knows. 
there’s a cake the twins made for her months ago that they literally cannot stop bringing up because they feel so much pride in how much their mother loved it, but wanda honestly struggled with keeping it down and ate a whole slice just to make them happy. but she just agrees with them and subtly lets them know to have her help them the next time they bake a cake. and… she has a concealed box of vibrators and dildos in the very far back corner of the highest shelf in her closet — you know i’m right.
she has never lost a game of cup pong. and she’s pretty hard to lie to, which the twins are convinced has to be some kind of talent because she has never used her magic on them unless they’ve asked her to.
a small tattoo under her left breast along her ribs of a flower that she got done in college. at some point she regretted it and considered having it removed, but eventually came to the conclusion that it doesn’t look all too bad.
visited russia with the twins one summer, during which she taught them much about how similar some of its culture was with sokovia as she wouldn’t bring them to her home country with how unstable it still was. ever since visiting for a month two years ago, tommy and billy have steadily been learning sokovian.
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doppel-doodles · 7 months
What is Shui's opinion on a certain "Albino Witch" wandering in the mortal realm? xD (Aka: Yeva shdhsjjd-)
Also, do they have any hobbies? :0
Ayayayaya you are tickling my writers brain I see-
Let’s say in this scenario Shui and Yeva probably met via Redson dragging her along to his lessons with Arthur because uh yeah he is kinda his teacher-
And in that case congrats she is now part of the family and no rejecting this is not an option.
Of course a friend of redson is a friend of hers! But for Yeva specifically I can see Shui would probably mother hen after her a lot, I feel like her more quiet nature and lack of emotion remind her a lot of one of her own daughters.
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And a bonus for if she would have known her in her younger years, while Shui was a lot less terrifying than she was in her celestial warrior years she was still not the most approachable person however when Yeva decided to become her problem she would probably become the unpaid babysitter because „I guess I won’t let you die from stupidity.“ meant affectionately of course XD
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She definitely would have made Yeva babysit her little brats once they came into the world as revenge :>
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Well as for hobbies they all have something going on :0
But this is already way to long so have a quick list-
Shui: One of her favorite pastimes is researching marine biology and the underwater world in general, as an aquatic type demon it is pretty easy for her to just dive into a body of water and explore to her hearts content after all. On these trips she also looks for shiny knickknacks for her ever growing collection but besides that she also works out.
Arthur: Honestly if you were to just ask him then he would probably just answer "work." And to be fair almost blowing the roof of your house is a fun pass time but what he also likes doing is cooking which he is quite good at. Does adopting everything that breaths in your general direction also count as a hobby?-
Adrien: He's pretty into books but Adrien doesn't just like reading he also likes to write them himself. (definitely wrote a lot of fanfic in his teen years)
Klara: Oh she definitely is the type of kid that would do millions of activities and hobbies all the time and would leave nothing untouched, does everything from sports to researching physics for fun-
Katie: She likes to draw and dabbles in fashion design, really wants to learn how to actually make clothes, also a pretty big theater kid.
Jú: Dancing and singing were her main ones but she definitely doesn't do those a lot anymore, another one where the answer would just be "work." If asked. Volunteers at animal shelter's in her free time.
Băoshí: Also pretty big into working out but also likes to craft, everything from cute little bird houses to full on furniture if bro can make it himself then he won't buy it. He to has a collection of shiny things stashed somewhere and it's only growing. He does some gardening on the side.
Yúnlü: Her passion lies in music, she is on a mission to try and learn as many instruments as possible. Besides that I picture her to be really into video games, definitely gets way too competitive when playing Mario party.
Ming: I guess the closest thing he had to a hobby after his death was etching a line into his gravestone to keep track of the days, though eventually he couldn't even do that.
Baí: Sleeping, he doesn't need it anymore but it's a nice break from reality. Other than that he isn't exactly allowed to do anything that isn't serving or training.
Mengtao: Gardening is her main one, even if it is technically her duty she still enjoys it. Other than that she also likes to annoy Nezha and Lao tzu-
Amia: She likes to knit! Her webs make for surprisingly comfy sweaters. Amia is also into crappy romance novels as well as making candy and baked goods.
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Of course Yeva belongs to @chuitu
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tealeafgrimm · 2 years
Fulfilled Duties
Sirius Black x Reader Words: 618 Summary: The Potters' annual Winter Ball is coming up and as good friends it is your duty to attend. The only problem: you hate big crowds. A/N: This is a very short OS. I don't know when I will be able to write something longer again. I'm strating my first real shot in October and I'm moving within the next couple of weeks, so I can't promise anything. The request I've gotten will be done at some point though.
"Do I really have to come with you Sirius? You know how much I hate these gatherings. I don't even know half the people that are going to attend." With a whiny voice and wide eyes, you looked at your boyfriend. He just smiled encouragingly at you.
"We don't have to stay there all evening. But you know the Potters are like my family and I know it would mean a lot to them if we were there. Just two or three hours and then we can go again, okay?" Knowing that all the begging in the world wouldn't change your situation, you nodded.
Unlike many other pureblood families, the Potters didn't often host events. That made the annual Winter Ball, which the family hosted, that much more important. All the notable families, businessmen, wizards and witches of high repute would be present at this celebration.
You were not to be misunderstood. You loved the Potters. James was like a brother to you and you didn't know how many times you had asked Euphemia Potter for advice when it came to Sirius. And Fleamont Potter had also become a second father figure to you. But all that didn't change the fact that you simply didn't like big crowds and events.
Those who knew you well would describe you as more outgoing and loud. But if you didn't know people, you were quickly overwhelmed in social situations. The more people you were around, the more anxious you felt and you often found it difficult to sort out your thoughts and feelings.
For Sirius' sake, and because you more than respected the Potters, you'd pull yourself together for a few hours.
Even though it was freezing cold outside, you felt like you were trapped in a sauna. The air in the spacious ballroom was warm and stuffy, and you felt like the air you were breathing in never reached your lungs.
Your grip on Sirius' arm tightened and you tried to concentrate on him. Mentally, you had long since left the party. You had been here for two and a half hours already. People kept coming up to you to make small talk. You left most of it to Sirius and only nodded or made a few sounds when you were specifically addressed.
"I'm going out on the balcony for a bit, I need some fresh air," you whispered to Sirius and made your way towards the windows.
As soon as you had left the room and stepped out into the cold evening air, you felt like you were finally getting some breath. The sounds of the party going on were muffled by the windows and the silence around you enclosed you.
You took a few deep breaths, closed your eyes and propped yourself up against the parapet of the balcony.
You didn't know how long you had been standing outside. You didn't want to go back inside. You had no more energy. You were not made for such occasions, you got anxiety and fear just thinking about it.
Still looking into the garden, you could hear the door open and close behind you and a short time later a jacket was placed around your shoulders.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realise how long we'd been here."
Sirius wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. You buried your face in his neck, the familiar scent of his colognes instantly calming you.
"Do you think we've been here long enough? I don't know if I can take another old man telling me his entire life story," you murmured, your face still buried.
"I think we've done our duty," Sirius laughed and took your hand to walk you home.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐬/𝐨
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ So, she ended up breaking it off with Edward. Or he never came back in New Moon. That was because, during the time that he was away, Bella made that friendship with Jacob, but she also met you. 
⭑ Nothing romantic happened, actually. Not for a year. (Yeah I know, slow burn...)
⭑ Bella saw you as a friend, a neighbour. Someone that came over from time to time to hang out. You weren’t on her foremind for a while. 
⭑ Not until she had a huge fight with Jacob - 
⭑ Where her curiosity for the supernatural was too much for him, and he snapped at her 
⭑ Bella was offended, and upset that her desire for this whole other world, was shut down
⭑ She came to you, and ranted about it (you grew up in Forks, so you knew all about the supernatural, and the wolves. You came from a long line of witches) 
⭑ You consoled her. Because you completely understood - our curiosity is such a big factor in witchcraft. Without it, what would be the point of being a witch? 
⭑ She went home that day, with a new perception of you 
⭑ Someone who was more important in her life now 
⭑ And from there, she hung out with you a LOT. There wasn’t more than a day where she wouldn’t see you
⭑ Bella became interested in witchcraft, and wanted to learn 
⭑ And so, Bella became a witch
⭑ There are a lot of protection spells, especially around Charlie’s house. 
⭑ There would still be the threat of Victoria, but the wolves along with your magic, would keep Bella safe. 
⭑ Her favourite witch-book is the ‘5000 spells’ by Juika Illes
⭑ She actually loves astrology, and asks Charlie exactly when and where he was born
     “And the time too-”
“Why the time Bella?”
       “I just need ... the time ...the exact time.” 
⭑ Being with you means that Bella actually gets a normal life while being close to the supernatural. It’s a win-win
⭑ She wants to learn tarot reading, but feels as if she’s not too good at it 
⭑ Oh but she LOVES having many jars of various herbs’ angelica, cloves, frankincense, dandelion, bay leaves etc
⭑ And there are so many plants - especially when you do move in together. There are plants EVERYWHERE; potted plants, but also outside there’s a flower, herb and vegetable garden. Bella learns that she has a green thumb. 
⭑ Maybe you stay in Forks, or maybe you go travelling together? And you both wear protection amlets
⭑ Gifting her some crystals and she loves labradorite, mookaite and lepodolite 
⭑ You introduce her to witchy movies; ‘The Craft,’ ‘Practical Magic,’ ‘
⭑ Any movies, media or literature with Vampires are a bit touchy with Bella. But overtime, she finds them humorous
⭑ She makes up with Jake, and it becomes a love triangle because he thinks Bella should be with him. 
⭑ But you put Jake in his place. 
⭑ Autumn/Fall is Bella’s favourite, because she’ll jump to put on Gilmore Girls or Practical Magic, light some candles and make some hot chocolate for the both of you 
⭑ She loves spells about protection, better dreams(!) and healing: 
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(source: https://servantofthefates.tumblr.com/)
Theme Song: 
‘Spellbound’ by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Relationship Tropes: 
Moon (mysterious, night-person, creative, introverted) (Bella) x Star (individual/unique, curious, hopeful, imaginative) (You)
Initially Distant but Turns Into Mutual Pining 
Aggressively Supportive  
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