#am writer
storiesgoeveron · 1 year
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Writing tip of the day: Embrace the power of revision. Your first draft is just the beginning. Take the time to review, revise, and refine your work. Edit for clarity, coherence, and flow. Cut unnecessary words and tighten your sentences. Polish your prose until it gleams. Remember, great writing is often the result of multiple rounds of revision. Don't be afraid to make changes and let your words evolve. Happy writing!
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1randomperson15 · 2 years
He knew from the start, how could he not? It was merely a fact of life. There was nothing he could do about it, there never was. 
But this time, he had someone with him, someone connected to his very soul. He had a partner with unconditional love and support. He had Tango.
So, he decided to hope, at the very least to forget. To put the unwavering certainty of failure in a locked box buried beneath chickens, cows, smiles, and belief. Oh how foolish he was.
He should’ve known. If not from the moment he woke up in another world with three more mocking hearts, then from his first death. 
Through no fault of his own, his life was the first one lost. Back then, it felt as if the universe had conspired to rip his life away. Though, perhaps it was a sharp warning to be more careful, more aware. A warning he did not heed.
How could he? When he had a partner he could fight the world with. When that partner was understanding and never expected anything more than what Jimmy could give, did give. Always so proud of whatever meager resources he could gather. When he made mistakes, he was never mad. When the world was cruel to them both because of Jimmy, he only readied himself to fight the world. 
But now? He screwed up. He wasn’t careful enough, he wasn’t quick enough, he wasn’t prepared enough to stop the universe from once again plucking his happiness out of his hands. He was reckless, he didn’t think quick enough, didn’t fight hard enough. He wasn’t enough. 
So he would pay. Pay with vicious words. Pay with red eyes once filled with love and trust reflect hatred and contempt. Pay with hostility and darkness. As his old wounds throbbed with phantom pains, listening to groans of sorrow that bite more than any flurry of angry words ever could. 
And worst of all, he heard the frustration.
“You’re still here?” 
The resignation.
“It’s over.” 
The rejection.
“Go home.”
The dismissal.
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whatkindofnameisella · 4 months
can you believe that we have fanfiction. that we have websites dedicated to fanfiction. that there is a place that you can go and read tens, hundreds, thousands and thousands of pieces of writing that strangers have made. people who are not "writers". people who come home at the end of the day and have feelings and say, i am going to put that into words. i am going to share those words. short, long, sweet, sad, horny, funny, wonderful words. we are all just human and we all love to make and remake and share that with others. can you believe that.
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excavatinglizard · 7 months
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Shoutout to my dad for being the funniest person I know
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inkskinned · 6 days
please i love you i'm begging you bring back suspension of disbelief bring back trusting the audience like. i cannot handle any more dialogue that sounds like a legal document. "hello, i am here to talk to you about the incident from a few minutes ago, because i feel you might be unwell, and i am invested in your personal wellbeing." "thank you, i am unwell because the incident was hurtful to me due to my childhood, which was bad." I CANT!!!!
do you know how many people are mad that authors use "growled" as a word for "said"? it's just poetics! they do not literally mean "growled," it's just a common replacement for "said with force but in a low tone." it's normal! do you hear me!! help me i love you please let me out of here!!!
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selenekallanwriter · 2 months
Person: What's your book about?
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I'm both somehow 🙃
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jayysnotjoyful · 4 months
there are two types of ao3 authors, the type that will post as they are being set on fire and the type that will post every two years.
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xisadorapurlowx · 6 months
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anotherdarkiboi · 9 months
List of Astarion's Terms of Endearment
This is for the fanfic writers haha. Tell me if I'm missing any so can add it in!
Darling (his most used)
My love, love
My sweet
“You sweet, generous thing”, “you sweet little thing”
My dear, a dear, dear
Cheeky little pup
My little treat ("-with their cheeks all flushed")
You wicked little thing (affectionate)
"You're a sweetheart", "you sweetheart"
Delectable little pet (not directed towards Tav but it easily could be)
My friend (yay, we're his friend)
My favorite traveling companion (not a pet name but it's nice to be his favorite)
My leaking blood-bag (technically you refer to yourself as that first and he calls you his one after, but it counts)
You little scoundrel
Edit: Thank you everyone in the comments for adding the Dark Urge ones!
Bhaal-babe (I'm dead, this silly pun I swear)
My sweet, bloodthirsty friend
My precious little Bhaal-babe
My conflicted villain
My dagger-happy friend
Bonus: Ascended Yandere Astarion
My pet, pet
Little love
Precious thing
My treasure
My consort, My Dark Consort
My favorite spawn
Insolent little- (the Dev's notes say that the full line is "you insolent little brat" which, um...)
Insolent little pup (the line was in EA, although I’m not entirely sure if it’s Ascended Astarion. Full line: “you are an insolent little pup, aren’t you?”)
"You ingrate" (When you try to break up with him. It's not really a pet name, but-)
"Property I cherish, but still my property" (his thoughts)
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
So, just curious how many writers and creators will have to be forcibly outed by relentless harassment before we acknowledge that "This queer characters was written by a cishet person and that's why they're bad" is not good criticism.
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storiesgoeveron · 1 year
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hashtagloveloses · 11 months
the hollywood studios are the dumbest people alive bc now every american city with a large film/TV industry (LA, NYC, Atlanta, etc) are going to be overrun by grown up theatre kids (professional writers and actors) hanging out together in public for months on end with nothing to do but emulate newsies. whole american cities are about to look like the inside of a suburban dennys at 11 pm on a saturday after a high school musical closes. they have trapped millions of people in a hell of unimaginable proportions.
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jgmartin · 11 months
me, after clearing my schedule to write:
uhhhh it was raining... and dark (and also night) and um... cold i guess?? anyway, something dramatic~ happened
me, stuck in traffic on my way to work:
Rain tumbled through midnight leaves, casting the forest in liquid moonlight. A low growl shook the horizon. Death had come.
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somanywhatifs · 1 year
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dice-wizard · 9 months
Okay writers listen up
I'm gonna tell you about how I wrangled my shitbird brain into being a terrifying word-churning engine and have written over 170K words in under a year.
I wanna be clear that before unlocking this Secret Technique I was a victim of my unmedicated ADHD, able to start but never finish, able to ideate but not commit and I truly and firmly believed that I'd never write a novel and such a thing was simply outside of my reach.
Now I write (and read!!) every day. Every. Single. Day. Like some kind of scriptorial One Punch Man.
Step the First
Remove friction between yourself and writing.
I personally figured out how to comfortably write on my phone which meant I didn't have to struggle with the insurmountable task of opening my laptop.
I don't care if this means you write in a Discord server you set up for yourself, but fucking do it. Literally whatever makes you write!
(if you do write somewhere that isn't a word processor PLEASE back your work up regularly!)
Step the Second
Make that shit a habit. Write every day.
For me, I allow myself the grace that ANY progress on writing counts. One sentence? Legal. Five thousand furious hyperfixated words? Also legal.
Every day, make progress. Any progress.
I deleted Twitter from my phone and did my best to replace doomscrolling with writing. If I caught myself idly scrolling I'd close whatever I was looking at and open my draft and write one (1) sentence until I made THAT a habit, too.
Step Two-point-Five
DO NOT REWRITE. If you are creating a first draft, don't back up or restart. Continous forward motion. Second drafts and editors exist. Firsts are for ripping the fucking thing out of your brain.
If you're working on revisions after an editor or beta readers or whoever has given you feedback, then you can rewrite that's OK (and it counts as your writing for the day!)
Step the Third
Now that you've found a comfortable way to write and are doing it every day, don't stop. Keep doing it. Remember, just one sentence is all you need. You can always do more, but if one lousy sentence is all you can manage then you're still successfully writing.
Remember: this is what worked for me. Try things until you find what works for you.
You can do it. I believe in you.
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idolomantises · 6 months
I’ve said this before, but I always found stories that frame heaven as “evil” and hell as “good” (or less bad) to be genuinely boring. I like more nuanced approaches to each realm.
I understand that for a lot of people, Christianity is a religion they like to criticize and mock, but I feel like if you don’t even understand the fundamentals of the religion, why even attempt to critique it?
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