#although blind!kanan was
magical-gifts · 8 months
also what I really wanted to post was that darth maul make me question what morals do I really have. every. single. time. and it’s one hundred percent sam witwer’s fault
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grilledcheese-savage · 8 months
Costumes I think the ghost crew would wear for Halloween (or a Star Wars version of the holiday)
- Ezra bridger: I think he’d go as ghost because it was easy and I think his older self would be a ghost as a morbid joke since they thought he was dead for a lil bit 💀 but fr? Prob a werewolf or a pirate if he and sabine matched for fun (not shipping although I have nothing against sabezra). I can also see him in a skeleton costume but ALSO HE WOULD GO AS LANDO HAHAHA. I think he seriously dresses up for Halloween. Like different costume every year. Except for after Kanan went blind. He was too “grown up” and “going through something” for it 🙄
- Sabine: Vampire. I feel it in my bones. That or a pirate matching with Ezra. I also see her painting her beskar to be temporarily Halloween themed. Something artistic.
- Kanan: I don’t think he’d dress up for Halloween. I doubt Jedi are super into costumes and he’s just never grown up doing it so it’s eh. I think it’s also because he gets embarrassed. Strangely, I think he’d wear a costume once after he went blind and reconciled with Ezra to up the morale for everyone. In this universe he is definitely not dead because I said so. If he did(or almost died), then also a ghost costume 💀💀💀
- Hera: I can see vampire as well for her, but I think her costume would be something boring like “rebel pilot” costume where it’s just her orange flight suit with a rebel helmet 💀. She’d think it was funny.
- Garazeb: He thinks he’s already scary looking enough so he’s the kinda guy that says “this is my Halloween costume wdym” if Ezra pesters him. In the Ahsoka series however, I seriously believe him and Kallus would have couples costumes. (Hera tried to get Kanan to do a couples costume ONCE and he shot it down immediately before you ask) What those couples costumes would be, idk.
- C1-10P: Chopper would definitely stick a Jack a lantern he carved himself on his head and call it a day. He would also chase Ezra with the carving utensils on purpose. Idk what plant a pumpkin would be in this universe tho.
- Jacen Syndulla Dume(? I’m adding that because I like the idea of Kanan and hera keeping both last names) Hera would think it was adorable to dress him up when he was a toddler (even if it was impractical) I bet she’d dress him up like a lil meillorun 😭. When he was older obviously he’d want to be a Jedi for Halloween even if Kanan is a little perturbed by being a kid’s Halloween costume.
That is all. My answers are final and I do not take constructive criticism. Unless you want to come up with couples costume ideas for Kalluzeb. Then I do.
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x-reader-things · 1 year
hello! cant tell if you’re still taking requests or not, so if it’s no then i apologize. if you are could i request ezra bridger x platonic!reader? an imagine in which the reader is apart of the ghost crew and is friends with ezra, they’re always by each other’s sides and have a sibling-like dynamic, sorry if it’s not specific enough. thank you! i hope you have a great day!
Lord I am so sorry I’m just getting to these requests very late - kinda forcing some stuff out so that I can just feel more productive and everything, so if it’s not exactly what you want, I apologize - seriously.
When I first started this acc it was literally right before my senior year of highschool and then that year hit, so yknow-
Anyways, onto the request!!
“Is karabast like - a curse word or something?”
Platonic! Ezra Bridger x reader
Summary ; In which you and Ezra have a debate on the entomology of karabast. Kind of. And who gets involved in this debate? A very annoyed Lasat.
Requested? ; Yes
Warnings ; none, besides a bit of cursing.
Word count ; 1.1 k
You and Ezra have been best friends since the moment you guys met on the Ghost.
You joined a little after he did, securing your spot as the beloved Specter-7 of the ghost after a lovely run in with some imperial storm troopers.
One of which was Kallus, who was in the middle of detaining you in the market place when Ezra and Kanan were the ones out for a supply run on Lothal.
Kallus annoyed the crap out of you.
And Kanan and Ezra.
One thing led to another, and you kinda latched onto the pair.
They were funny.
Ezra was your age, you both got along well. Clicked together, almost immediately. And Kanan was one of the few adults you actually felt comfortable around immediately. One you could trust.
So you kinda, maybe, followed and tracked them down without a trace back to the Ghost and snuck on.
Well, Kanan knew of course.
Decided to test Ezra to see if he could sense you following them.
Ezra, still new to the whole force thing, did not. He felt like he was being watched, sure, but he always felt like that. It was a normal feeling that dulled out with the rest of the hyper vigilance he had grown accustomed to. He’d been dealing with it since he was seven years old, after all.
It was nothing new.
Soon enough, when you got onto the Ghost, Kanan asked you, without turning around, if the walk was nice.
Ezra turned around and you swore he almost jumped two feet in the air in surprise.
“What the - how did you—? When—?”
“I’ve been following you guys since you helped me in the market place. Thought you needed some extra stuff so I decided to come here.”
Blatant lie.
Kanan could tell.
Ezra couldn’t. But he would soon be able to, since you had no where else to go, and Hera figured they could use an extra hand on the ship since repairs were becoming more and more frequent and needed. Luckily you knew how to repair ships.
Your father had built ships and imperial machinery for a living before he left you on Lothal.
And one thing led to another.
You were family now.
Especially to Ezra.
It’s been a couple years since then. A lot of stuff happened; Ezra got scarred in more ways than one, as did the rest of you, Kanan was blinded, you were pretty sure Kanan and Hera had a thing going on (but no one said a thing - everyone knew, but that wasn’t a primary focus), Ezra almost went to the dark side, and his hair was cut.
Big change.
You still hated it.
Kind of.
But, it was after lightsaber practice with Kanan - this time to help Kanan hone more of his skills as a blind Jedi master as opposed to Ezra needing it (although Kanan said Ezra could always learn something new too) - and you and Ezra were just laying on a couple of large crates.
Hidden away on Chopper base, to escape from the bustling noise and busy people and missions and just—
You stubbed your toe on the way there.
Ezra laughed at your reaction, a quick shout of “Karabast!” being hissed through your teeth as your foot hit a rock.
A stupid rock.
He kept laughing on the way there.
You shoved his shoulder.
“Hey!” He grumbled, still smirking at you. “That was mean.”
You just shrugged. “Thats nice—“
He nudged his shoulder against yours. You grumbled under your breath.
So - once again, there you two were.
Laying on the crates, lost in thought.
“Is Karabast like - a curse word or something?” You broke the silence first.
“I think so.”, Ezra said, putting a hand behind his head. “I don’t know. Never really asked. I just copied off of Zeb.”
“And I copied off of you.”
Ezra lightly snickered at that.
“I bet you it’s probably the most horrendous thing translated into Basic that no one knows.” You said.
“Yeah you might be right. But i dunno, it might not be one.”
You scoff. “Yes it is. You hear how Zeb says it all the time?? Definitely a curse word like shit or fuck.”
“What if it isn’t though? What if it’s some kind of fruit from Lasan or something—“
Now you know Ezra’s just saying this to egg you on.
“I doubt it.”
“Oh do you? Wanna bet on it?”
You squint at Ezra. “Terms and conditions.”
“Loser gets to do the others chores on the ghost for a week.”
“And the winner?”
“Gets Kanan’s stash of snacks in the top left cupboard in the kitchen on the Ghost.”
“And what do we do to win this bet?”
“Whichever one guesses the meaning behind the word Karabast correctly after asking Zeb what it means wins.”
You hum in thought. “You asking for a race to see who’s the first to get to Zeb too?“
Ezra shrugs, smile growing on his face.
A race.
You guys haven’t raced in a couple years.
That’ll be fun.
“Usual rules?”, he asks. You answer.
“No head starts, no using weapons, no shoving or tripping the other, and no - under any circumstances unless if it’s an emergency - use of the Force to win the race.”
Ezra holds his free hand out to you. “It’s a deal then.”
You shake his hand, and the both of you get up from the crates, get ready with a couple shakes of limbs in anticipation, and dash off through the base.
Both of your shouts for Zeb - and snide comments against one another for being too slow, saying “hey, I always win these”, among various other things - reach the already irritated Lasat’s ears a couple minutes before he even saw you guys.
You took a couple short cuts, and got to Zeb first before Ezra did, which caused the taller boy to groan in protest.
You both bickered a little about who won, until Zeb couldn’t take it anymore and asked in a gruff, annoyed voice-
“What do you two bolts-for-brains want from me?”
You both opened your mouths to speak, but before Ezra said anything you pinched his ear and pulled him down a little, which made the boy shout your name in protest, and seethe in pain. Hurriedly, you continued.
“Zeb, what does Karabast mean?”
He paused, and looked at the both of you.
After letting go of Ezra’s reddening ear, said padawan rubbed at it with one hand, but stood back up to full height, looking at Zeb expectantly for an answer.
As were you, right next to him.
The expectant look on both of your guy’s faces mirrored the other. It was almost uncanny.
Karabast, you two were so much like siblings he forgets you guys aren’t related in the slightest.
Zeb pinched the bridge of his nose, sliding his hand down his furred, exhausted face.
“Oh for fucks sake—“
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tobytost · 11 months
god, chopper is just hera's weird feral cat that has been alive for way too long and like they're (read: Hera) grateful he's still here but like, it's a little concerning he's just alive and kicking still?
YES YOU GET IT, he has been with Hera since she was a little girl and he's very protective and no one really knows how old he is because he was already an adult cat when Hera found him
he's still very active and grumpy as HELL and he rarely lets anyone beside Hera to pet him. Although he's been cuddling on Kanan's lap more often since he became blind
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oftimeslostlongago · 11 months
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Trust in the Force, that had been the words Obi-Wan had used in that message he sent out. It had been something Kanan had tried to do ever since, although using it to help himself with his blindness might not have been what the Jedi had in mind. He was using it now to navigate, when he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time. The cold. He could almost feel it in his bones.
Before he even had time to react it seemed to pass. Instead a different presence, one he hadn't felt since he was a young boy. Watching Ahsoka practice fighting, learning her technique. Not her though, her Master. "General Skywalker?" well he did know the man had never made the rank of Master, and whilst he was convinced who was there, better to ask first then say something he shouldn't. Whatever the cold feeling was, it was gone at least.
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gizkalord · 2 years
I'd love to hear what you think of Ahsoka and Obi-Wan's relationship! Sorry if you recently talked about this specifically LOL
OOH yeah thanks for this! It's an interesting question because TCW tended to focus either on Anakin and Ahsoka, or Anakin and Obi-Wan, and not necessarily on just Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, so we generally have precious few moments to draw upon and just some implications here and there.
under the cut because this got looooong
In one sentence, I think Ahsoka and Obi-Wan's relationship is characterized by an understated kinship and acknowledgement of one another, perhaps partially borne out of their similar upbringings in contrast to Anakin's. My favorite example of that is when Anakin revives Ahsoka on Mortis, because I think Obi-Wan's care for her really shines through with the way he smiles at her and hands back her lightsaber (this weapon is your life yadda yadda). Like I said, it's very understated, but imo it's all about the small yet significant moments for them.
Even though their surface personalities are quite different, both of them have an undercurrent of caution and thoughtfulness. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both express conflict about the war and see the shades of gray. Ahsoka also becomes rather Obi-Wan-ish by the time SWR rolls around, especially in her role as a spy—imo they both understood in the end that doing the greater good didn't necessarily mean being in the spotlight, and that change would take time. Although they still definitely had their differences in opinion! Ahsoka is more willing to go totally out there and risk it all (i.e. her leaving the Order and eventually doing her own thing, while Obi-Wan doubles down). In a better world, I think Obi-Wan and adult Ahsoka would've had lively debates on all manner of topics.
They're also defined in relation to Anakin. In Mortis, they seamlessly worked together after Anakin goes dark side. In Zygerria, Obi-Wan explicitly trusted Ahsoka to keep Anakin in check. And arguably in the Deception arc, he implicitly trusted Ahsoka to do the same then too. So there's that quiet recognition that they both have the necessary levelheadedness to deal with Anakin. Even in Siege of Mandalore when they weren't on good terms anymore, they trusted each other to do the same once again. No matter how much bad blood there is between them, they're ultimately very much united over their care and concern for Anakin.
Re: post-Wrong Jedi arc relationship: I think she ends up becoming quite frustrated that Obi-Wan doubles down on being the model Jedi, which is compounded by her own personal feelings of betrayal over what happened in the Wrong Jedi. Again, to me this stems out of Ahsoka knowing or believing Obi-Wan isn't blind to the flaws of the Order or their role in the war, so she can't comprehend why he's willing to continue playing the game, especially since she sees herself as having broken free of it. It's like she's more annoyed with Obi-Wan going along it because she thinks he should know better, whereas for Anakin, I feel like she cut him more slack (for better or worse) because 1) she's ultimately closer to Anakin, and 2) she knows Anakin has a more black-and-white mindset, and so I don't know that she necessarily expects him to act the same way as her.
Finally, I'll finish with what I think they are NOT haha. I disagree with the popular notion that Obi-Wan played as significant and direct teaching role in her apprenticeship (i.e. him being the one to teach her jar'kai). I feel a lot of people ran away with that idea because Obi-Wan refers to her as "our padawan" in the Onderon arc, but there are way more moments that suggest he enjoyed letting Anakin experience the full responsibility (and headache lol) of training a padawan. I think it's more likely he was viewed as an informal mentor figure by Ahsoka rather than a co-Master, which seems more consistent with how Ahsoka groups Obi-Wan with Yoda in SWR when speaking to Kanan about who she and Anakin would seek wisdom/advice from.
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softpadawan · 3 years
Listening to the Star Wars Rebels Seasons 1 and 2 soundtrack is like watching the series at 500x speed and it hits just as hard, if not harder than watching the show. Why? Because now the music is isolated and one's (my) brain is conjuring the images that go along with it, so one (I) can better understand and appreciate the sheer mastery that went into the making of the soundtrack.
Like, why didn't anyone tell me that Blinded and Kanan's Mask (S2 OST), when Kanan and Ahsoka are battling Maul—to save Ezra from a dark fate—incorporates the iconic Duel of the Fates theme? Which played the last time Maul faced off against two Jedi?? *gargle foam froth*
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I never picked up on that when I was watching the show because I was too visually distracted by what was going on—omg wtf bbq Kanan vs Maul! Kanan's blinded! Maul's gonna get Ezra nooo! I was too busy howling at my TV like an animal while dangling from the living room ceiling fan to pay attention to music. (Although that's a good sign that the music is doing its job, complementing without disrupting.)
Where the Sun Sails and the Moon Walks and It's Over Now (last two tracks on the album, basically the last few epic minutes of "Twilight of the Apprentice pt. 2") was so powerful that all I could do was bellow "fuuuck! fuuuck!" at my computer screen over and over again.
I'm supposed to be working on art :1
Anyway, expect an in-depth musical analysis of Ezra's Theme soon.
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kanerallels · 3 years
OKAY OKAY ROUND TWO OF THIS! Kanera fix it or Kanera and waffles! Whichever works <3
*has no self control* *writes my first fix it* This was hecking fun! I hope you enjoyed it!
Pairing: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Word Count: 2,455
Tags/Warning: rated T (for time travel! *insert Hulk gif here*) and also near death
This wasn’t how Kanan wanted things to end.
He'd wanted more time. He'd wanted to explain things to Hera, to tell her how much she meant to him.
But things had moved too fast for him. Kanan was too late.
He felt the heat of the fire from the fuel pod singing the tips of his fingers, and concentrated on pushing it back with all his strength, his hands shaking slightly and his face twisting with the effort. The fire billowed high above him, but Kanan wasn’t afraid. Just full of regrets.
Behind him, he heard Hera scream his name, her voice full of raw desperation and fear. Kanan knew, without even needing to look, that she would run towards him and she did, her steps barely audible above the roar of the flames.
Turning without looking, Kanan diverted part of his concentration and caught her in her steps, holding her back with the Force. He felt her struggle against the grip, panic and fear pulsing through her.
Slowly, on some instinct he didn’t understand, he turned to face Hera. Maybe it was because of how much he ached to see her. Maybe it was to give her one last glimpse of him. Kanan sensed her desperation, her fear, how much she wanted to reach him.
But he couldn’t let her. There was too much at stake. So with a quick thrust, he sent her flying back to where Ezra was waiting, ready. His apprentice caught hold of her, holding her back. Kanan felt a flicker of gratitude-- he could always count on Ezra.
An odd tingling sensation swept across his eyes, and for a moment he thought he was crying. But crying had been impossible ever since Malachor. Since he’d been blinded.
Even as he thought the word, it was like a cloud was swept away from his eyes, and he could see. Kanan had no idea how, but he accepted it calmly, as he’d accepted his fate.
His gaze locked onto Hera first-- Hera, clad in an orange prisoner’s jumpsuit, a look of complete horror and fear in her eyes, with the slightest hint of surprise and awe as she looked at him. Kanan took her in, drinking in the very sight of her. She was older than she had been when they’d first met, and had only grown more beautiful. And Kanan had only grown more in love with her.
Behind her, holding her back, was Ezra-- Force, Ezra. He was so tall, so grown-up looking. Kanan was well aware he’d only ever pictured the little boy from Lothal, and he felt pride stirring in his heart. Stay safe, kid, he thought. You know what to do. I love you both.
And so he released his hold on the flames and used all his power and strength to send the ship that held Ezra, Sabine, and Hera flying away from the fuel depot. It would be enough. It had to be enough.
They would be safe. And they would keep fighting. Hera always did.
That was Kanan’s last thought before the flames swallowed him.
But it wasn’t his last thought.
Even as the fire swirled around him, he heard a strange whoosh, and the sound of boots impacting on metal, and suddenly the fire was gone. And Kanan was somewhere else entirely.
“Did it work?”
A young male voice came from behind Kanan, stunned but excited.
“Of course it worked, idiot, he’s not dead and we still exist,” said a dry female voice that sounded… bizarrely familiar. Almost like--
Kanan turned towards the sound and someone tackled him to the ground, slapping a hand over his eyes. “Sorry, sorry-- eyes closed,” the young man ordered. “If you look, I’ll tell Hera.”
“What does that even mean?” Kanan demanded-- although it was a fairly compelling argument. Trying to shove the young man off of him, he said “Who are you? What are you doing?”
“Saving you, you dumb--”
The young man cleared his throat loudly, cutting off the woman. “We were sent here to save your life.”
“What?” Kanan’s jaw dropped, surprise flashing through him. “Wha-- no, I was supposed to die. It had to happen, to save Hera and Ezra and Sabine--”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, the woman said, “They’re FINE, trust me. Well, other than the fact they think you’re dead.”
The young man groaned. “Okay, you should probably stop talking now. I’ll handle this.”
“You’re not much more diplomatic than me!”
“Everyone’s more diplomatic than you, Depa.”
“Depa?” Kanan asked, a frown knitting his forehead.
He heard his two rescuers freeze, and a muttered curse. “Yeah,” the young man said cautiously. “That’s her name.”
“That was my master’s name,” Kanan said, his mind racing. There was no way that could be a coincidence. Sure, there were probably other people in the galaxy named Depa, but--
“You can probably stop sitting on him-- he’ll behave,” Depa said dryly. “Right, Jarrus? That means keep your eyes close, and NO PEEKING or I’ll punch you out.”
“You can’t punch him out,” the young man said with a sigh.
“Why, because he’s an old geezer? I’m not afraid to hit an old man.”
Kanan sensed the young man rolling his eyes. “He’s not even that old right now! Okay, I’m gonna let you up-- please keep your eyes closed.”
The young man scrambled off of him, and Kanan slowly rose to his feet, wincing. He’d been burned, he could feel that much-- his hands, the back of his neck and his face especially. But somehow, impossibly, he was alive.
“I-- thank you,” he said. “I don’t know how or why you saved me, but thank you.”
“Someone had to,” Depa said, her voice surprisingly sincere. “And Force knows you needed help.”
“True,” the young man agreed. “But we don’t have all day here-- we need to get you back.”
“Back?” Kanan asked.
“Back to Hera and everyone else,” the young man elaborated. “If you follow us, we can get you out of here and back to them. They should be expecting you. Hopefully. We’re pretty sure Ezra warned them.”
“Reassuring,” Kanan said, keeping his eyes shut. “Which way are we going? And where are we, exactly?”
“This way,” Depa said, giving his shoulder a slight nudge in the right direction. As Kanan started walking, she added, “And we’re in some dumb alternate dimension.”
“It’s a world between worlds,” the young man corrected from ahead of them. “And it was really hard to get here. You wouldn’t believe all the stuff we had to do to get here. But it led us to where you were, which makes it worth it.”
“Why?” Kanan asked, releasing the question he’d been turning over in his mind. “Why did you come to save me? Why you in particular?”
He heard the young man’s footsteps stutter, like he’d paused in his steps. “Oh. Um…”
“Subtle, Jacen,” Depa said sarcastically.
“Jacen?” Kanan felt a grin cross his face. “So that’s your name.”
Jacen let out a sigh. “Nice one, Depa. Look, D-- Kanan. You’re… really important. To a lot of people. And they couldn’t just lose you if there was something that could be done.”
“So we did it,” Depa said matter of factly. “As you do. Oh, we’re here! This is your stop.”
They came to a halt, and Kanan sensed… something. Like a light at the end of a hallway, beckoning him forward. “And this is where I’m supposed to go?” he said warily. “It’s safe?”
“Trust me,” Jacen said. “She’s on the other side. Hera is. Your family is waiting for you.”
Kanan nodded slowly, his mind spinning. Despite the obvious strangeness of this whole thing, the way it had caught him off guard, there were a few things that he had a strange feeling about. Like he was two steps away from putting something together, something incredibly important. “Wait-- before I go through there. Will I be able to see?”
“I-- oh. No,” Depa said, her voice soft, almost shaken. “You never could after Lothal. That was the last time.”
“Then I at least want to see the faces of the pair that saved my life,” Kanan said. “If you’re alright with it.”
“I’m not sure--” Jacen began.
“Oh, shut up and let him,” Depa said, her voice exasperated. “What’s the worst that could happen? Besides, I-- I want him to.”
There was a short pause, then Jacen sighed. “I know. Me, too. Okay, go ahead.”
Kanan’s eyes flicked open. He was in what looked like outer space-- pure black, only broken up by strange white lines outlining paths. And, every now and then, circular doorways. “Huh,” Kanan murmured, his gaze sweeping across the place. And then it landed on the duo standing in front of him, and his eyes widened in surprise.
They were both a couple years younger than him. Jacen was a tall young man, tan-skinned except where it was green, especially along his pointed ears. His long hair, tied back in a ponytail, and scruffy goatee were a deep shade of green, and his eyes were almost an almost disturbingly familiar shade of turquoise.
Depa was a young Twi’lek woman with green skin, pink patches here and there. Her eyes were brown, and widened slightly with shock as they met his. “He really does have your eyes,” she said, her voice stunned.
“Wow,” Kanan breathed, any doubt in his mind swept away. “Are-- are you two-- Wow. Words fail me.”
Depa let out a snort. “Same here. But about that haircut. Mom was right, it really is awful. Worse than the one Jacen gave himself when he was eleven. It was really bad, be glad you didn’t see it.”
Kanan chuckled, then glanced at Jacen. “I-- and you two came here to save me?”
Jacen shrugged. “We wouldn’t exist if we didn’t. Well, I would, but Depa wouldn’t, and that’s a downside. Kinda.”
Depa punched him in the arm, and Jacen let out a yelp, darting away from her as she took another swing at him, and Kanan could only shake his head because of what he was watching. “This is unbelievable.”
“I mean. Not that unbelievable,” Jacen pointed out, a smile crossing his face that Kanan had seen a thousand times in the seat next to his own.
“Wow. You look… just like your mom. Both of you.”
Jacen’s eyes went wide. “R-really? Um. Everyone says I look like… you.”
“That is Hera Syndulla’s smile right there,” Kanan said, and he knew it to his core. “Looks just like hers. But yeah, I can see our resemblance. Well. For now.”
The smile faded off of Jacen’s face, and he said in a low voice, “We can’t stay.”
Nodding, Kanan said, “I know. I should probably get going, too. Just--” he paused, looking at his children for the last time. “I’m proud of you two already.”
“That is so typical of you,” Depa said, rolling her eyes in a completely Hera movement. “Do you have any idea how many kids you’re gonna adopt? Hint-- it’s a lot.”
“No spoilers,” Jacen ordered. “We should go. But before we do--” he turned to Kanan. “When the time comes, tell Ezra that he doesn’t have to be you. He has to be him, and no one else.”
“Oh, and don’t worry,” Depa said breezily. “You’ll find him eventually.”
“Wait, what? What does that mean?” Kanan demanded.
“You’re about to find out,” Depa said with a wink, and that, Kanan knew, she’d gotten from him.
Leaning forward, Jacen said, “She’s your most infuriating child. Yes, more so than the Mandalorian.”
Kanan shook his head, grinning. “I can’t wait for you two to come along. I really can’t.”
Shrugging, Depa said, “You might not have to wait that long. Now get out of here, we’ve all got places to be.”
“Right.” Kanan turned towards the doorway, which was a blank white, and glanced back at his kids one more time. “May the Force be with you,” he told them.
“You always say that,” Jacen said with a slight grin. “See you soon, Dad.”
Kanan nodded, then stepped through the doorway.
Everything was dark as he stumbled out into what was some kind of clearing, or something. But he felt the sunlight on his face, and knew why it was. His eyesight was gone again, and he was okay with that.
A shriek cut through his thoughts, and he jerked his head up as someone shouted his name. “Kanan!”
It was Hera, her voice holding shock and joy and love, and Kanan heard her run towards him. But this time, he was running, too, and felt her slam into him. “You’re here,” she choked out, a sob shaking her body. “Ezra was right. I didn’t think--”
Kanan cut her off with a kiss, pulling her closer as she kissed him back. Breaking away from the kiss, he whispered, “I love you, too.”
Hera let out a shaky laugh. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear those words, love.”
“I-- wait.” Kanan froze. “How long was I gone? How long since the fuel depot?” Panic raced through him.
“Only three months,” Hera assured him, clearly catching his fear. “You’ve missed a lot. There’s some things we should talk about.”
“I bet,” Kanan muttered. “Okay, let’s go talk.”
Hera stepped away from him, but caught hold of his hand so she could lead him. “Right this way, dear.”
Kanan relished the sound of her voice as he walked with her, willing to wait through whatever they had to talk about next.
Well. Almost willing. “There’s… one thing that I have to ask you,” he said. “There was this weird thing that happened while I was gone-- it’s a long story. But something that happened made me think-- it might be stupid, but I just need to ask--”
Cutting him off, Hera said, “Just ask, love.”
“Right.” Taking a quick breath, Kanan asked, “Are you… pregnant?”
He felt her stop in her tracks, shock radiating through her. “I--” Hera paused, then let out a sigh. “I was planning on telling you myself, you know. Not sure I should be thanking your Jedi instincts on this one. But… yes. I’m pregnant.”
Holy. Kriff. “I’m gonna be a dad,” Kanan whispered, the words surreal but beautiful. They were real. I actually saw my kids. Which means-- Jacen.
A smile slipping across his face, he bent down and kissed Hera again. He knew things had to have changed, and he had a lot to catch up on. But he was with the woman he loved, and he had a lifetime to look forward to. They could handle it together.
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clarisimart · 4 years
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What’s the point of hyper-fixations if you can’t smush them together? So here’s a Star Wars Rebels / Discworld mash up.
Descriptions headcannons under the cut
- Kanan is a wizard dropout of Unseen University who got blinded in a magical accident. He sometimes covers the runestone in his staff and pretends it’s just a regular walking staff.
- Male witch Ezra who gains the bregudging respect of Granny Weatherwax cause of his animal empathy skillz. He’s found and pseudo adopted by Kanan (who teaches him some basic magic stuff before realizing he's a Witch and not a Wizard) and Hera. (ofc he has a cat)
- Hera is a Gorgon and she’s the chief machinist of Ankh Morpok’s railroad. She’s the owner of an enchanted orange tool trunk who has a murderous streak a mile wide, that she affectionately calls chopper cause it has the tendency of breaking things.
- Alchemist and guardswoman Sabine, who dropped out of Assassin school when she realized blowing things up was much more her style than plain old stabbing, but not before picking up a thing or two.
-  Watchman Zeb who is a werewolf (although not from Uberwald) and somehow related to Nanny Ogg. One day he makes the mistake of writing home complaining about Kallus. After that, he gets increasingly lewd suggestions from her on how to seduce him.
- Kallus, once a former member of the Assassin’s Guild, developed a distaste to killing for money, and was sought out by Lord Vetinary to become one of his Dark Clerks. He might still do unsavory things, but he’s got a cause and it’s always for the good of the city. He can’t stand Captain Orrelios. Really
- Ahsoka is a female Wizard who got fed up of the lot and left UU. She started roaming the Disc, studied witchcraft, and gained misterious powers (and possibly even immortality?) after hangin around with the time monks. She and Esk have a lot in common.
- Vampire Thrawn, who may or may not be Lady Margolotta’s right hand man. He’s a black ribboner, so he won’t drink your blood. Somehow, that is not a comfort to most people he meets.
-Not pictured here: The Vod’e as Nac Mac Feegles
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heckin-music-dork · 3 years
Okay, so. Having recently rewatched Steps Into Shadow: Parts One and Two, I am Emotional and I need to talk about my feelings
One of my favorite things things about these two episodes, especially part two, is that it depicts Kanan as not just a father figure to Ezra, but a Christ figure, a savior, and I’ll explain how.
So. We got Angsty Teenage Ezra secretly using the sith holocron, learning how to wield the dark side, but he justifies it to himself by saying that he’s using what he learns from it for good, which he was, at the time. For months he’s been carrying around so much grief and guilt over what happened on Malachor; Kanan’s blindness and Ahsoka’s presumed death. He fully blamed himself, and he understandably wants to do whatever it takes to protect his little family from that point on. But as Kanan tells him when he finds out he’s been using the holocron, it’s a slippery slope, a dangerous path that he doesn’t want Ezra going another step down. Kanan confiscates the holocron, and Ezra reacts out of anger, resentment, and hurt by saying “I don’t need it, just like I don’t need you.”
That line wrecked me the first time I watched it (and it still does every time) and surely it must have cut Kanan to the core to hear that from the boy whom he had taken in, cared for, guided, and loved like his own son.
Later on, when a mission that Ezra lead went completely south due to his own carelessness and recklessness- which was likely a result of the dark side’s increasing hold on him- Ezra was stranded in a desperate situation that he had no chance of surviving on his own. Meanwhile, Kanan senses the danger he’s in and immediately, despite the rift that has grown between them, hurries to go rescue his boy.
(And this is the part where I start to get Really Emotional so here we go. There is so much deeper meaning behind Kanan’s rescue and I just can’t handle it.)
By this time, Ezra’s starting to fully realize that He Done Messed Up;. this mission had been one unforeseen disaster after another, and although everyone else had managed to get to relative safety, he had no way out, and despite the fact that the last thing he told Kanan before this point was a cold “I don’t need you,” he’s now asking in plaintive desperation, “Kanan, where are you?” By the time Kanan and Hera arrive in the Ghost, the imperial station that Ezra was trapped on was free falling into nothingness and he was clinging to it for dear life, possibly having already accepted that he would probably die there. Kanan calls out, "Ezra! I'm right here!" and reaches out to him. But even though Hera had the Ghost as close to the falling station as she could get it, Kanan was still to far away for Ezra to grab onto.
"I can't reach you! It's too far!"
"It's okay, I've got you! Go ahead. Let go."
The distance was too great for Ezra to take Kanan's outstretched arm, so all he could do was to let go of the ledge that he was clinging to and fully trust Kanan to reach him and pull him to safety, which, of course, he did. And keep in mind that although Kanan has learned to "see" through the force, Ezra didn't really know that at the time, and yet despite Kanan's blindness, he still had complete faith that he would catch him. The emotional gap between them wasn't suddenly healed though, they still had some things they needed to work through, but all that mattered at that point was that Ezra was safe, and he was home.
Okay, now to be Christian on Main, so often we are like Ezra, rejecting Christ and His commandments despite everything that He's already done for us in the past. We may have good intentions, but even the smallest sins will, if left unchanged, grow into something much more deadly. And then, after rejecting Him, we will try to do things our way, and naturally, because we are imperfect by nature, things will inevitably go wrong without the Savior's guiding hand in our lives. When we are humbled by these circumstances and call out to be rescued, He will never hesitate, He won't hold back, because He loves us and He wants us back into the safety of His arms. But He can't save us while we are still holding on to everything that is falling all around us, we need to let it all go and trust in Him and that He is able to pull us back into His arms. And again, everything isn't fixed all at once, it's a lifelong process, but as long as you keep trusting the Savior, one day, He will heal all those rifts and He will bring us home.
Also, a little bit of a tangent but it's sorta relevant, this scene reminds me of the song "Love Moved First" by Casting Crowns:
You didn't wait for me
to find my way to You
I couldn't cross that distance
even if I wanted to.
You came running after me
when anybody else would have turned and left me at my worst;
Love moved first
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You know what I’m always confused about? The whole “Jedi sensing others passing away/getting hurt” thing. Like sometimes some Jedi can feel it like during Order 66 Yoda feels just death everywhere and Ahsoka feels Anakin but like Depa doesn’t feel Mace die despite her seemingly having a deep relationship with him?
And also when Kanan gets blinded Ezra doesn’t feel him in servers pain??? But yet during season one when the Inquisitor knocks Kanan out Ezra senses him? But then Ezra doesn’t sense/feel Kanan getting tortured?
So like it works but does. Or is it like it picks and chooses when and when not to work?? 🤔 it’s just interesting and confusing?
The Force is not necessarily a consistent thing, especially when it comes to visions or sensing others. Although there is a matter of degrees to be considered.
Yoda is ancient and very tuned to the Force, so when literally thousands of Jedi were dying, it makes sense he senses it. And he's not the only one. Even Caleb senses it in The Last Padawan. It's such a galaxy wide tragedy that it's just that loud. Similar to how Obi Wan senses when Alderaan is destroyed.
Ezra's connection to the Force is still relatively rudimentary in season one. And when Kanan is blinded, Ezra is consumed by the need for power and probably semi-blinded by the Dark Side of the Force during those episodes.
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accidental-spice · 3 years
1, 2, 8, 28, and 35 for the star wars asks? (I now realize that's a lot sorry 😅)
Nah, vod, you know it's fine! Every time I get an ask, I get SUPER excited, so it's no bother, it's a pleasure.
1: Which movie have you watched the most?
Probably Rogue One. As literally anyone who read my post on it can tell, it's my favorite Star Wars movie.
2: What is your favorite line?
Oh, this is HARD. I probably couldn't choose JUST one, but in this case, I'll say, "Are you kidding me? I'm blind." From Rogue One, naturally. Although I also really love "This family will stand with you no matter what you choose." Y'know, that one bit at the end of Trials of the Darksaber.
8: Who is your role model?
Padmé Amidala, for sure. Kanan Jarrus, in some ways. Hera, too. Probably Ahsoka.
28: Which character are you actually most like?
Ooooh, difficult. I actually agree with you, I'm pretty similar to 3PO 🤣🤣🤣.
In all honesty, I've always wanted to find one Star Wars character I really felt similar to, but I'm not sure I have one in particular. Besides 3PO, of course.
35: What do you hope will happen in future Star Wars movies?
Mmmm, I really hope for more Ghost Crew cameos, for SURE. And I'd love for more Legends characters to come back to canon. Also, I really hope we get Mena Massoud as Ezra, and he and Thrawn are forced into becoming best friends.
Thanks so much for the ask!!
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starwars8976 · 4 years
As I’ve stately previously, I’ve been watching Rebels lately (for the first time). It’s honestly kinda dragged and I’ve been mostly disappointed by the stories. 
...But then, last night, I watched “Twilight of the Apprentice” and I adored it. This was everything I wanted out of this show. Should I hate the all of the remaining episodes, this two-parter was worth all the time I’ve spent on this show regardless. Magnificent. 
I have really struggled connecting with the new characters in Rebels. They never have stories with enough runtime to sufficiently flesh-out their characters. Two-dimensional. Or, if they did have enough screen-time, I didn’t think the stories were handled properly. But I love what they did with Kanan and Ezra in “Twilight of the Apprentice.” Maul’s manipulation of Ezra was so good. So good, in fact, that I was kinda manipulated along with Ezra. I am thoroughly impressed with how they showed Ezra being pulled toward the darkside — or at least away from the Jedi. I’m so excited for this development!
I can’t believe this show had the guts to blind Kanan. One of my earlier complaints of the show had been that there are no stakes at all. Everything always felt inconsequential because the characters had such heavy plot armor and rarely any personal stakes. But this episode had higher stakes from the get-go. Nothing felt safe, everything risky. And Maul blinded Kanan with a lightsaber. I was shocked. What does this mean going forward?
Maul is fascinating. About ten seconds after he spoke, I realized 1) it was Sam Witwer and then obviously 2) it was Maul. HIS WRITING IS SO GOOD. He’s completely self-interested. Also, the disdain he holds for the Sith is fascinating to me. Perfectly natural, but fascinating. I cannot wait to see how they continue Maul. I got spoiled that Maul and Obi-Wan get to have one final duel, but I’m interested in seeing the build-up to that and the fight itself. I love Maul’s character so much.
Ahsoka and Vader broke me. Although she suspected it, Ahsoka was in denial about Anakin becoming Vader. Her hope is reinforced for a moment. “My master would never be as vile as you.” But when she cuts open his mask (which was a jawdropping moment), she sees Anakin there. “I won’t leave you...not this time,” Ahsoka says. AND YOU SEE HIM SOFTEN FOR A MOMENT!! But only just a moment. “Then you will die.” This hurts so much. It’s so good but it hurts. Dang it, Dave Filoni. You have broken me.
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halfblood-demigods · 4 years
I love the idea that Ahsoka meet Luke and Leia and told them about their parents so I decided to write a short story about it.
Ahsoka never expected to be here sitting with the son and daughter of her former master, she never even knew that Anakin and Padme had had kids
She knew the two were in a relationship (you would have to be blind not to, although she bet the late Kanan Jarrus could have still realized it) but she didn’t ever think their relationship was that serious.
It wasn’t until after the war was over and she had returned from her mission to find Ezra Bridger that she meet the twins and found out the truth.
Since then she had been telling Luke and Leia stories about their parents, and Obi-Wan Kenobi (or old Ben Kenobi as Luke knew him)
“What was dad like?” Luke would ask
and Ahsoka would struggle to find the right answer because Anakin Skywalker was so many things, and not all of it was good, and how could you describe that to his child, who never met the man but had also met the shell of him that was left when he went to the dark side.
Yet, over time Ahsoka managed to explain, she told him about Anakin’s bravery that bordered on stupidity sometimes during the clone wars.
And talking about that would lead Leia the ever political mind to ask more questions about the clone wars, about the politics of it and every time she did Ahsoka would have to close her eyes and stop for a second because all of a sudden Leia would remind Ahsoka of her mom so much that it hurt.
Ahsoka would tell them about the clone wars and how there mom and dad both fought in it, just in different ways. She would tell them about how kind there mother was. How much she cared about the Republic and finding a peaceful solution that would benefit the most people. About the time she tried brought Ahsoka with her to try and broker a deal with the seperatists. About how she cared so deeply about what she believed in, and how she never gave up. How she treated Ahsoka like her own daughter and how much Ahsoka knew that there mom would have been looking forward to meeting them.
That just lead to more questions, questions that were even harder and more painful to talk about.
“What were the clones like?” Luke asked
And Ahsoka brought Rex to them, and together they old them about as many clones as they knew, trying to keep there stories alive as they told them. About Fives, and Tup, and Hardcase, And Jesse, and Echo, and Cody, and Gregor, and Appo and so many more clones who individuals wit there own unique story.
And then Leia asked the question they knew was coming but was going to be hard to talk about “Why did the clones kill there Jedi then, I know they said that the Jedi commited treason and we know that wasn’t true, so why would the clones kill them.”
Adn even though it was hard they told them the truth, about the chips in the clones brains, about Tup, and Fives discovering the whole thing and tried to tell everyone but no one believed him, about how all the clones were forced to execute order 66, about how Ahsoka removed Rex’s chip, and eventually they told them about crashing the ship and the death of all of the 332nd.
As they talked and they told stories, they began to heal, Ahsoka and Rex, bt they knew that it would always be painful. How sometimes even just someone calling for master or general Skywalker would cause them both to look around beofre realizing that anakin wasn’t there, and he never would be again.
Over time the questions changed, and the story’s began to have fewer details, but Ahsoka knew that no matter how many story’s she told, there would be thousands that would go untold, forgotten to both Ahsoka and time.
Ahsoka learned more stories from Luke and Leia too, about what Obi-Wan had been doing all those years, about the time that Leia meet the ghost crew, about Vader’s final moments, where he became Anakin again.
Ahsoka spent time with Luke and Leia, she cried with them as she told them sad stories, and laughed with them over silly things there dad did when he was younger. She grew attached to the Skywalker family once again.
As Ahsoka grew old, she stayed connected to the Skywalker family, she watched as Luke opened his Jedi academy, as Leia and Han got married, as they had there first kid a son named Ben, in honor of the man that had protected Luke on Tatooine for all those years, and protected there dad for years before that.
And eventually Ahsoka passed, a peaceful death in her sleep, after a long and meaningful life.
And when she joined the living force, the first thing she heard was:
“Hey Snips, I think it’s finally time to catch up.”
Ahhh!!! I hope you enjoyed this. I came close to tears so many times while writting this. I love the idea that Ahsoka meet and talked with the twins after everything. Cause I think they deserve to get to know their dad from someone who also cared about him even though he did bad things. I just love the idea and it was just so much fun to be able to write. Also did you catch that siege of mandalore reference at the end? I thought that would be a fitting way to end this story. Again I hope you enjoyed!
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maulsscream · 4 years
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(gif by lilkisara)
REUNIONS Maul x Ahsoka
I said I’d write it and I did! The last episode was absolutely amazing and put a lot of things in perspective. I love Maul and Ahsoka with all my heart. Their motives and final show down was perfect for the ending. Yes I wanted a team up but this creates a whole other layer of perfection added to their characters.
Short and sweet :3c
SUMMARY Rated G - 1,425 words
They meet again on Malachor by chance or fate, neither of them really knows. It’s been almost two decades and still, the ache is there.
Ahsoka was filled with anger. Had she not had Kanan and Ezra at her side, she wouldn’t have held herself back from killing the former Sith there and then. As she should have all those years ago when he had stolen the shuttle. By all accounts, he should have been dead. All those years later, Kenobi’s words echoed in her head. He was difficult to kill.
“You survived?”
Maul’s distorted smile grew wider as he turned around to face her, the Sith Inquisitors disappearing further into the temple. She had beaten all the odds that were stacked against her. Truth be told, Maul had assumed he had been the sole survivor of Order 66. It made sense really. He didn’t care enough to stick around to watch a ship be swallowed by a moon’s gravity. To his knowledge, she had been dead before they even reached the atmosphere.
When Maul had climbed up into the shuttle and escaped into hyperspace, he held no remorse towards his actions. After all, she had asked for chaos. His kind of chaos. She had asked him to play his role and Maul had taken his part to heart. He had followed orders. Good soldiers follow orders, do they not? Indirectly, she had sent him to march down that hallway and meet death. She hadn’t shown him any mercy or any kindness, so why should he have?
With a shout of rage, Ahsoka charged him like a fury, her lightsabers trailing behind her. She raised them up and they clashed in a blinding shock of light. It forced Maul to back up in a defensive stance, his leg extending back for balance. She pressed on, making him take a few more steps backwards. She slammed her blades into his double-edged lightsaber again with enough force that he stumbled backwards, taken by surprised at the speed and force of her action. His back bumped against the wall and he quickly brought the weapon up again to protect himself from another onslaught. She wanted to kill him, it was clear enough by the blazing look in her eyes and the way she wasn’t holding back. He had seen that grimace on her face once before. Ahsoka had been pushed beyond her breaking point by the mere sight of him.
The sheer force of her strikes spoke of all the resentment, ache and loss she had suffered over the years. Fair play. But Maul had suffered as well. The zabrak snarled, holding off the pressure of their weapons so that it wouldn’t cut his head clean off of his shoulders. He had suffered partial loss before but he doubted this was one he could recover from.
Their lightsabers locked with each other. It forced Maul in an awkward position, the buzzing of the weapons ringing in his ears and the white heat lapping at his throat. In the light of their blades, he could see tears forming in her eyes. She hadn’t been a Jedi for a long, long time. She was letting her emotions go through her freely, using them to fuel her. To Maul, it only made her more human.
“You should have died on that ship.”
Ahsoka said lowly through gritted teeth so that only he would here. Something about Maul made her ashamed. She hadn’t meant to snap in front of her companions. Thankfully, Kanan understood. After all, he had lived through the Clone Wars if only for a brief period. He had seen his master die in front of him just so that he might have a chance to escape. If there was bad blood between the former Sith and former Jedi, it would be settled here. No matter the outcome.
“So should you have, Lady Tano.”
Maul replied aggressively, using his robotic foot to kick her in the stomach and give himself more room to manoeuvre. When Ahsoka had raced him for the only way off the sinking Destroyer, he had finally seen her true colours. War had changed her. It had changed both of them, and yet her opinion of him hadn’t changed. He was a selfish, stubborn, and cruel half-droid scum.
“Well it wasn’t for a lack of trying on your part, was it? I gave you your freedom!”, Ahsoka shouted back, her chest heaving heavily and her voice breaking with emotion.
They stood apart in silence, weapons lowered at their sides while they sized each other up. Freedom? Surely she didn’t believe those words. Surely she was trying to save face in front of the others. There had been no motives other than her escape as to why she had let him out of his cell. Ahsoka Tano wanted her and her trooper friend to survive and live. If it meant sacrificing someone who she didn’t think deserved her mercy, so be it. Her plans had been to bring him to Coruscant for justice. But with no one left to assess his case, it had been easy for her to make a decision. No matter how wrong she knew it was deep inside. She had thought of Empress Sabine. Qui-gon. Finn Ertay. And all those nameless civilians he had killed. They weren’t just casualties, they were victims. They deserved justice for Maul’s crimes and she would be the hammer that brought it down upon him.
“How noble of you! You’re no different than your masters... Just as self-serving and delusional. What were your words again? I’m not rooting for you?”
She gave another cry as they charged each other and clashed. Their weapons were quickly discarded, flying across the dusty floor of the temple and at the Jedi’s feet. The pair of them tumbled onto the floor, kicking and punching to gain dominance. Maul gained the upper hand, locking her arms behind her back.
“I gave you countless opportunities to save yourself.”, he snarled down.
“You know I would never trust a Sith.”
Her words were seething with hatred. So that’s all he had ever been to her. A Sith. Even after the order had abandoned him, after his master had replaced him over and over, after he had lost his entire family to the Sith, that’s all he would ever add up to. This was how everyone saw him. A Sith. It made Maul’s blood boil, more so than usual. So be it. He would utilise the emotions swirling like a storm inside him just like his master had taught him. He would exact his revenge, as promised.
“You’ve made that quite clearly, padawan.”
Using the Force, Ahsoka shoved Maul off of her, holding him down onto the floor in front of her as she rose to her feet and dusted herself. She was in pain, both physically and emotionally. Seeing Maul only opened old wounds she was certain had healed.
“I’m tired of fighting... especially you.”
She whispered out of breath. Even if her eyes were focused on him, he could tell she was looking past him. The girl he had meet in the tunnels of Mandalore didn’t exist anymore. She had lived through and seen too much to have remained the same, unlike him. Maul took pride in his suffering, used it as both a shield and a weapon. Ahsoka ran away from it.
She had run all her life. From people, from her feelings, from who she’d become. She had lost sense of what it truly meant to be herself. To serve a purpose that wasn’t meddled and sullied by war and men. No more. She was free.
“Trust me, my Lady, so am I...”
There was truth in his voice, although Ahsoka wasn’t sure he had spoken at all. The question remained. If she didn’t want to fight him anymore but also didn’t trust him... why had she let him slip through her fingers? What had happened between the trooper and her? What had become of him? He must have meant a great deal to her.
Maul pulled himself up, one hand holding the structure behind him. He chuckled at the absurdity of his words which cued Ahsoka to do the same. It was an emotionless reaction to their display of force. There would never be trust between them, the mere thought of it was as ridicule as it had been before the Republic even fell.
“I could never trust a Sith.”, Ahsoka repeated.
“It’s a good thing I relinquished that title long ago then.”
In the corner of her eyes, she could see the smirk she had learnt to be wary of. What was he getting to?
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legobiwan · 4 years
G, W, Z?
G. A Character You Never Cared For But Love Now?
Answered here
W. Favorite Rebels Arc?
Ooooh, interesting question. I kind of abandoned ship on my Rebels rewatch a few months ago, so my answer might change with a re-viewing, but the first time around, my favorite broad arc was the repeated Maul-Ezra encounters that culminated with Twin Suns (which I will never be over in a million years). There was just so much to it, between Maul trying to recruit another apprentice (friend), Ezra battling with the Dark Side, Kanan’s blinding, Ahsoka's duel with Vader on Malachor, the creepy Kenobi-Kryze death shrine on Dathomir, etc. I really enjoyed how that all played out. 
A close second would be anything Thrawn, although I do feel like he was somewhat neutered later in the show (although I agree with the theories that he might have been self-sabotaging himself in order to get back to the Outer Regions to fight off a greater enemy and get away from Palpatine, which is kind of alluded to at the end of Treason.
Also, Kallus’s overall arc was fantastic. Looking forward to watching that again once I get back to my re-viewing. 
Z. Best Friendship? 
Answered here
(Ask me things about Star Wars!)
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