#alter language
pepsicandle · 10 months
tbh I dont think we have any full people in the system .. including me . like, if I were to fuse with .. just about anyone honestly, I think then I could be a full person, but right now? somethings missing from me for personhood. I'm not mad or sad about it, and I'm not looking to 'complete' myself. Honestly I dont even think I wanna know what it is. But I'm not really a full person, and that's okay.
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the-habitat-sysblog · 5 months
btw. use whatever terminology benefits you.
if they're your alters, beautiful. if they're your parts, fantastic. if they're your headmates, wonderful. if they're your fellow system members, awesome. if they're just YOU, delightful. as long as you're comfortable, it doesn't matter how you conceptualise or label your self-states!
if you are a system, perfect. if you are a person with a CDD, perfect. it's all perfect because you deserve the autonomy to choose how to define yourself & you have made your choice! or chosen not to care about terminology! & that's rad!
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alterouslyinlove · 1 year
oh to live with your qpp. oh to be in separate rooms or bunk beds but always join each other if we need to. oh to dance in the kitchen and make meals together. oh to cuddle while watching a movie. oh to have our time to our selves but still be close to each other. oh to be able to say i love you irl and any time you want. oh to own a cat together. oh to go grocery shopping together. oh to sit on the porch and watch the stars together. oh to simply be with one another. wouldn’t that be great.
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the-skyplex · 9 months
some pluralkit display names for u!
e name ⁺ prns prns
name ₒᵣ name • prns prns
e ◟ name name prns prns ◝
♪ name ! prns prns ~
name 。 prns¹ prns²
e ⁔ name ₊ name ﹐ prns prns
❛ e ﹐ name prns prns ⊃
any system origin can use this!
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be-right-bach · 1 year
can't believe an anime called buddy daddies did not end up being, in fact, just a silly little comedy of two hitmen raising a child together but instead an actual heartwarming, well written show about (re)learning to love and to be loved, about how the meaning of family goes way beyond blood and no matter how unconventional it may be, it's still as perfect and valid because it's yours and you wouldn't trade it for anything else
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thattheater-kid · 18 days
Shoutout to child hosts of teen/adult-bodied systems. System spaces tend to be inherently not accommodating to people like us, and there’s still so much stigma surrounding child alters being “allowed” to do “adult things” in adult-bodied (and adult-minded) systems.
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cavityinmybrain · 19 days
i hate seeing parts language vilified. i saw a super funny meme where op put a disclaimer saying “i dont use “”””parts”””” language this is just for sillies!”
but people DO use parts language. parts language helped us get to a point where some parts could self elect the language they wanted to use for themself. parts language is not bad or icky and i hate seeing people treat it like it is.
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jazzkrebber · 2 months
that lap around the house when a plot twist is that good but you have no one to talk to about it
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mokachikoshi · 8 months
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My fav servants with their main language based from their country lore/legends i can be wrong, but that's what i know uvu) (CMIIW)
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system-of-a-feather · 5 months
I think a thing that is frustrating about neurotypicals as someone with autism and auditory / language processing issues (yet to be explicitly diagnosed to my knowledge) is how little they understand neurological differences and disabilities in processing things like hearing and yet they feel like they understand it to a sufficient level.
Case in point, today at work one ofbmy coworkers got all mad and offended because I was "rude and disrespectful" because in the morning, while thinking about the things I needed to do and thought of an important question before I could start my question to ask my mentor, asked the question and she was talking and thus I interrupted her. Yes, rude now that I KNOW she was talking and so I apologize, but I really hate the implied intent or lack of caring put with the "autistic interruption" shit
Ignoring social cues and rules aside, I *literally* didn't realize / process she was talking. Of course, I'm not deaf or HoH so I can't say that because "How could I not hear her? She was speaking loud enough to know" and there is a HUGE difference between *hearing* and *processing* and so when they always give the advise of be more considerate / think before you speak or tell you the social rule to not interript cause its rude, it doesn't help like at all
Cause yes, I KNOW that and I DO think before I speak. I just *literally* didnt process her speech as speech and it was filtered as white noise.
Its like going into a busy and loud club and saying "dont speak if the guy two tables down is talking"
Like yeah, maybe I COULD hear that he is talking among the 50000 other people talking, but Im not processing him talking as distinct from the ambient noise around me.
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 21 days
:33 < idont care if youre anti or pro endo, if you use "delusional" or "p*ychotic" as an insult towards ANY system, YOU ARE ABELIST. you are singlehandedly showing off youdo NOT care for people with psychosis, youdo NOT care for people on the schizospectrum, and you are ABELIST TOWARDS YOUR OWN COMMUNITY. JUST BECAUSE THEY HAD ALTERS AS A DELUSION OF THEIRS, does NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE ABELIST TO THEM. my god, just leave delusional folks alone if youre gonna be uneducated and reality check them.
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sojutrait · 2 months
well… on the bright side cowboy carter will be getting that aoty
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disabled-sysboxes · 2 months
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[TEXT ID: this alter is selectively mute and wants to learn sign language]
[IMG ID: a light grey, rectangular box with a mute symbol on the left in a square, with the text 'this alter is selectively mute and wants to learn sign language' on the right.]
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[TEXT ID: this alter is selectively mute and wants to learn ASL]
[IMG ID: a light grey, rectangular box with a mute symbol on the left in a square, with the text 'this alter is selectively mute and wants to learn ASL' on the right.]
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[TEXT ID: this alter is selectively mute and wants to learn BSL]
[IMG ID: a light grey, rectangular box with a mute symbol on the left in a square, with the text 'this alter is selectively mute and wants to learn BSL' on the right.]
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[TEXT ID: this alter is selectively mute and wants to learn Auslan]
[IMG ID: a light grey, rectangular box with a mute symbol on the left in a square, with the text 'this alter is selectively mute and wants to learn Auslan' on the right.]
– ASL - American Sign Language
BSL - British Sign Language
Auslan - Australian Sign Language
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 1 year
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
other translation choices the german ofmd dub makes that I adore:
"lily-livered little rich boy" - "kleines feiges Bonzenbürschchen" Bonze (Bürschchen is like Boy (disrespectful)) being the interesting word here - it's a derogatory term for rich and powerful people who abuse their enormous influence for their own benefit. Out of the mouth of father Bonnet it's an epic self own
"Don' trifle with me" is translated as "Don't play games with me" ("Spielen Sie keine Spielchen mit mir!") which deteriorates into "Nicht spielen!" ("No playing!") said with the same tone of voice someone might use with an unfamiliar but suspiciously growly dog. Amazing 10/10
Mate - Kumpel. Which, ik, is the obvious choice but: Kumpel is originally what miners called each other (and still do afaik). It's not really nautical but does have strong working class vibes, which delights me for reasons of Themes and Motives.
When Izzy spits and mutters "Pirates my ass" in ep2, german!Izzy says Schwachmatenpiraten. (Schwachmat meaning imbecile/idiot/moron) Excellent use of compound nouns, this is my new favourite word.
Speaking of Izzy insults, another fave: at the beginning of ep6, when Ed demostrates a fuckery, Izzy snaps at Stede for failing to call Ed Blackbeard and calls him Banause. This is an insult for people who are uncultered/uneducated and don't appreciate art.
After Calico Jack tries and fails to shoot the bottle he says "Daneben" (missed) to which Buttons replies "Ein bisschen" (a bit). Fun little bit of passive aggression - something or someone being daneben can also mean it's inappropriate or unpleasant.
The quiet, thoughtful way german!Ed says "... du." right before the kiss. He sounds much less certain and more questioning than the og which I feel Very Normal about.
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wxrmeaterz · 3 months
call me Latin
cus i be fragmented as fuck
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