#una is generally a lot of things
pepsicandle · 10 months
tbh I dont think we have any full people in the system .. including me . like, if I were to fuse with .. just about anyone honestly, I think then I could be a full person, but right now? somethings missing from me for personhood. I'm not mad or sad about it, and I'm not looking to 'complete' myself. Honestly I dont even think I wanna know what it is. But I'm not really a full person, and that's okay.
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batrachised · 1 month
it kills me how Una doesn't really get her 'happily ever after' - all the other rainbow valley crowd, after a childhood seeded in misery and grief from the loss of their mother (and a neglectful father) get their own families and partners from what we know of their stories. Una doesn't, and what makes this particularly tragic for me is that Una imo would be the person who wanted it the most. She wanted to stay in the glen, and of anyone, I feel like she would be the one most interested in having a family. There's not so much as a hint of that for her; in fact, TBAQ confirms that years later, she's still "keeping the faith."
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scp-168 · 4 months
I think a mistake that people make on Ayin (and also sometimes Binah) its believing they are actually uncaring and heartless monsters when they really are not even if the people around them and themselves see them as such
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vintagegeekculture · 2 months
Because she was an intentionally mysterious woman initially only seen in a single episode, and before she got an on-air backstory in the recent streaming series, Star Trek supplementary material developed contradictory information on who - or what - Number One, the female first executive officer of the Enterprise, was. To my count, she has four different, completely incompatible backstories in the comics and novels, and this is absolutely unique in Star Trek, which usually keeps it consistent.
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Peter David, in his New Frontier novels, identified Number One as a long lived immortal human mutant (like Flint from the original series) named “Morgan Primus” who was an early genius in cybernetics and artificial intelligence, which is why the Enterprise computer has her voice. One of the names Morgan Primus assumed to hide her immortality was Morgan Lefler, and one of her daughters was Robin Lefler, Wesley Crusher’s love interest from the Next Generation Series played by Ashley Judd. Robin Lefler did not inherit her mutant ability to heal all injuries.
Alternatively, the DC Star Trek Comics of the early 1980s said that Number One was from an obscure planet of peaceful, open, friendly telepaths who resemble humans exactly, and that she was present at first contact with Starfleet. They explained that her blunt, direct, undiplomatic manner is due to her being from a telepathic culture that values total honesty. This would make her the first telepath on the Enterprise, with Spock and Arex coming later. Her planet was created before the Next Generation, but her species being a peaceful, open, telepathic race resembling Mediterranean humans who are not well known or commonly encountered in the original series era….well, that certainly sounds an awful lot like Betazoids to me. If this backstory is true, she may have been the first Betazoid seen on screen, in much the same way fans generally believe Trelane was either Q or a member of the Q Continuum.
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D.C. Fontana’s only Star Trek novel, “Vulcan’s Glory,” was one of the earliest attempts to give the character a backstory, and was the most consequential long term. The first novel set in the era of the first Star Trek pilot with Captain Pike and a young Spock, "Vulcan's Glory" identified Number One as being an Illyrian, a race of human-like beings who specialize in species wide breeding programs and genetic improvement. This genetic superiority is why she was cool, intellectual, aloof, and a bit arrogant. Her nickname “Number One” came from the fact she was the supreme product of the hyper-competitive Illyrian system, and won at everything from academics to athletics. According to DC Fontana, her actual Illyrian name is impossible to pronounce, so when dealing with humans, she assumed the human name “Una Chin-Riley.” Una of course, being “Number One” in Greek.
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As DC Fontana is such an important figure in Star Trek history and only actually wrote one Star Trek novel in her life, many future materials used the backstory established in “Vulcan’s Glory,” like the David Stern Pike-era novels of the 2010s....but more importantly, the Discovery and Strange New Worlds series, which canonized the “Una Chin-Reilly” name by using it on screen (I remember gasping when Pike called her Una in a Discovery episode, meaning they were going with the Fontana backstory, a detail that may not have been significant to the casual viewer). Since DC Fontana wrote “Vulcan’s Glory” in the 80s, a lot more information was learned about the role of genetic engineering in the Federation, however, and interesting things were done in that series to bring her in line with everything we’ve learned since in Deep Space 9 and Enterprise about augmentation and the society wide prejudice against it. For example, they established that the fact Number One was Illyrian was not public knowledge, but that she pretended to be human her entire life.
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The one person who didn’t see fit to give her a backstory or even a real name was John "Johnny Redbeard" Byrne in his comic series about the Cage era Enterprise, who thought the mystery of the character was the most interesting thing about her, and he was deliberately cagey about any details. To Johnny Redbeard, she was just “Number One.” There was a running joke that every time someone says her actual name, or when we see her personnel file, it was blurred out, or somebody’s thumb was over it, and so on. It was rather like the running joke where Mr. Burns never remembers Homer Simpson's name. Johnny Redbeard loves mystery men and women who don't talk about their past, since that was the characterization he famously gave to Wolverine in his X-Men comics.
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The one detail of Number One's past that is clear is that Number One in Byrne's comics is competent, mysterious, and has mystique, certainly, but she is completely human, without any powers. Byrne always got exasperated that his X-Men co-creator Chris Claremont added fantastical and far out details to the background of X-Men characters (like how Nightcrawler's girlfriend Amanda turned out to be a sorceress) because he felt "some people should just be allowed to be normal." Byrne always said his original idea for Wolverine's "true" backstory was that he was a Vietnam veteran in intelligence who volunteered for bionic experiments that wiped his memory, and disliked the idea he was immortal, and vetoed the very, very early Dave Cockrum idea Wolverine was an actual mutated wolverine who achieved sentience and a human shape (which early X-Men comics hint at). Byrne was reportedly enraged that they gave Moira MacTaggart a mutant power, as he saw her as just being a scrappy Scottish housekeeper.
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Johnny Redbeard didn’t give Number One a past (other than to show she was on the Enterprise's shakedown cruise with Robert April as a rookie officer), but he did give her a future, as he showed an older Number One as a starship commander in the Kirk era (aging gracefully with a white tuft like Tongolele), and later, a flag officer in the Motion Picture era.
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To what extent are these backstories compatible? Well, with what we currently know about Number One, that she hid her true species and status to avoid prejudice, it could be that some of the other versions were tall tales she spread to obscure her true origins. The John Byrne idea she served as an Ensign with Robert April in the Enterprise's very first mission hasn't been confirmed, but hasn't been denied, either. The Peter David "Morgan Primus" backstory is completely incompatible, but perhaps there are some elements to it that are true, like the idea that the early part of her career involved working as a computer engineer in artificial intelligence, which is why the computer has her voice.
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Idioms in Catalan with a religious origin
There's quite a lot of idioms that we say in everyday life, outside of the context of religion, but that come from religious stories or events.
Most of them come from Christianity, and many of them are shared with other Romance languages or other languages from historically Christian countries. To keep this list accessible to everyone regardless of cultural background, I will include the literal translation to English and also an explanation all of them.
Let's see how many of these you can understand before seeing the explanation. Let us know in the tags!
1. Fer Pasqua abans de Rams = "to do Easter before Palm Sunday", meaning to get pregnant, have a baby, or to have sex before getting married. Nowadays it's used in a more general sense to mean to do something before it's time (like English "put the cart before the horse"). Palm Sunday is a holiday celebrated the week before Easter.
2. Per a més inri = "for more INRI", used to add a bad thing on top of something else, making a situation even worse or more humiliating. It's a reference to the sign that said "INRI" (stands for the initials of "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews" in Latin) that Roman soldiers hanged on Christ's crucifix to make fun of him.
3. A la babalà = "in the babalà way", meaning to do something without having thought much about it. But what does "babalà" mean? This word doesn't exist in the Catalan language outside of this expression. It comes from the Arabic Alà bâb Allâh which means "in God's hands".
4. On Crist va perdre l'espardenya = "where Christ lost his sandal", or on Crist va perdre el barret = "where Christ lost his hat", meaning somewhere very far away and usually in the middle of nothing. I don't know of any story that has Christ lose his sandal or hat.
5. Perdut de la mà de Déu = "lost by God's hand", meaning a place in the middle of nowhere.
6. Ser un calvari ="to be a calvary", meaning that something is a cause of suffering. You can also hear quin calvari! = "what a calvary!". This is a reference to Mount Calvary, where Christ was crucified.
7. Endavant les atxes = "ahead with the candles!", meaning "keep going!", used to encourage to keep going in a negative situation with difficulties or a situation that you would have preferred to avoid. An atxa is a kind of big candle that the first people in a religious procession carry. This was the shout that would start a procession.
(Note: in recent years, Spanish media has used this idiom as supposed proof that Catalan independentists who said it are calling for violence, using a fake translation that assumed that "atxa" must mean the same as Spanish "hacha", meaning "axe" 🪓, because the pronunciation is almost identical. This is false, when people were saying "endavant les atxes" they did not intend any meaning related to "bring the axes". This was used to justify violence against Catalan activists, but has no ground in reality. "Axe"🪓 in Catalan would be "destral".)
8. Net com una patena = "as clean as a paten", meaning very clean. A paten is a kind of small dish used in Catholic mass, where the blessed sacramental bread in placed on.
9. Acabar com el rosari de l'aurora = "to end up like the dawn rosary", meaning to end very, very badly, usually in violence. The dawn rosary used to be a procession that was done in the early morning of certain holidays while praying the rosary. The idiom (which also exists in Spanish) comes from the year 1868. Around those years, there were many anticlerical riots, while the Catholic church kept doing the dawn rosary on the streets and often assigning it political meaning. In Barcelona and other cities, anticlerical protestors tried to stop the dawn rosary from happening, and it ended in violence and blood.
10. Plorar com una Magdalena = "to cry like a Magdalene", meaning to cry a lot and very desperately. This is a reference to Mary Magdalene, a character from the Bible's New Testament who cried when she met Christ.
11. Déu-n'hi-do! = "God gives!". This expression is difficult to translate because I don't think English has an equivalent (the closest I can think of are "wow!" or even "holy shit!"), but Catalan people use it a lot. It's an exclamation used to show surprise, awe or to mean a big quantity.
12. Ser més vell que Matusalem = "to be older than Methuselah", meaning that someone is very very old. Methuselah is a character from the Bible's Old Testament who is said to have lived for 969 years. This comparison is used for comedic value.
13. Rentar-se'n les mans = "to wash one's hands", meaning to say you're not responsible for what happens. This is a quote from the Bible's New Testament: when Christ is being judged by Pontius Pilate, the crowd is asking him to sentence him to crucifixion. He asks Christ to defend himself, but he doesn't. Pilate doesn't want to sentence him to death, but he sees he has no other option. Then, he sees his hands are stained with Christ's blood, and washes his hands as he decides that this situation will not be his responsibility.
14. Arribar a misses dites = "to arrive to mass [already] said", meaning to arrive late when something has already happened.
15. Ser com les palmes d’Elx, que vingueren el matí de Pasqua = "to be like the Elx palms, that arrived on Easter morning", this is used in the Valencian Country to mean to be late. Elx is a city with the biggest palm groove in Europe ever since the Middle Ages, and many of these palm tree leafs are used for making the palms used for Palm Sunday, the celebration that happens a week before Easter.
16. Va a missa = "goes to mass", meaning whatever is said is exactly what will happen, without complaining or second thoughts.
17. Endiumenjar-se = "to Sunday yourself" or "to Sunday up", meaning to dress up in your best clothes (same as "to wear your Sunday best" in English). Traditionally, people used to wear their best clothes for Sunday mass.
18. Alt com un sant Pau = "as tall as a saint Paul", someone who is very tall. Saint Paul was not tall, in his texts he describes himself as a "little man". The origin of this sentence is in Catalonia centuries ago. People used to celebrate the holiday of Saint Paul's Conversion (January 25th). In the Sant Pau del Camp church area in Barcelona, the tradition for this day had a man yield a huge sword. For this reason, the man had to be tall and strong.
19. Alegre/content com unes pasqües = "as cheerful/happy as Easters", meaning to be very happy and cheerful.
20. Discutir sobre el sexe dels àngels or parlar del sexe dels àngels = "to argue about angels' sex", meaning to endlessly argue heatedly about something insignificant where neither side will ever convince the other to change their minds. Also called una discussió bizantina="a Byzantine argument". This comes from the historical fact that Biblical scholars spent centuries arguing on whether angels can be male or female or not. Legends say that, when the Ottomans were laying siege on Constantinople in 1453 and getting ready to invade it, the Byzantine theologists were arguing about whether angels have sexes instead of doing anything useful.
21. Pagant, sant Pere canta = "if you pay, saint Peter sings". The person who hears it, might answer i sant Joan fa esclops = "and Saint John makes clogs". This means that money will get you anything, even the things that seemed impossible. It might be a reference to the Bible story where saint Peter was asked if he knew Christ after he was taken to crucify, and Peter lied three times and said he didn't know him. "To sing" in Catalan can also mean "to confess". Maybe, if they had paid him he would have confessed.
22. Perdre l'oremus = "to lose the oremus", meaning to lose control of yourself, or to get disoriented or lose memory. "Oremus" (which means "let's pray" in Latin) is the sentence that Catholic priests say during mass to lead a prayer. It's believed that this idiom comes from some incidents where a priest would start the sentence "oremus..." but then couldn't find the prayer he wanted to lead, which he might have misplaced somewhere else in his book. So he would say "oremus... uh... oremus..." while flipping the pages looking for the right one.
23. A bon sant t'encomanes! = "You entrust yourself to a good saint!", said with irony. It's said when you ask for help or rely on someone who is not competent.
24. Ser més papista que el Papa = "To be more Popeist than the Pope", meaning someone who is too dogmatic, too strict or extremist in following the rules, or who believes in or defends something in a more extreme way than the people most affected by it.
25. Qui no coneix Déu, a qualsevol sant li resa = "He who doesn't know God, prays to any saint", used to compare something very good to something worse that someone else likes, usually something worse but that is very popular.
And there's probably others that I forgot.
How many of these are shared with your language?
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hamlets-ak · 1 year
Ciao come stai? Potrei chiedere a timothée chamelet ×reader dove sono co-protagonisti e fanno l'intervista sulle montagne russe, come se i loro personaggi fossero innamorati e l'intervistatore chiede se la chimica tra i personaggi è anche tra loro due e loro non non rispondono ma si guardano e mentre cadono giù per il pendio si prendono per mano? Una cosa del genere! mi piace come scrivi! ciao <3!
hi, how are you? I could ask timothée chalamet x reader where they co-star and do the roller coaster interview, as their characters were in love and the interviewer asks if the chemistry between the characters is also between them and they do not respond but they look and as they fall down the slope they take hands? Something like that! I like how you write! ciao &lt;3
hiii, i’m doing great! thank you so much for asking!! i’m so happy you like my writing.
my italian is very meh so i tried to translate it. hope that’s what you're asking for, if not, i’d be more than happy to rewrite something more specific for you.
i did my little research for this one because i had no idea about the roller coaster interviews. hopefully, it turned out good?
thank you so much for your request. hope you have a lovely day as well <3
a brief thrill ride ༊*·˚
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༘♡ i sink into your eyes whenever i’m looking at you
you and timothée get interviewed on a roller coaster
You were the first one to sit at the cart, followed by Timothée who placed himself right next to you, leaving a space for the interviewer to the side. You looked at him with a smile and he chuckled as he pulled his curls back, out of his eyes only for them to jump back again. You held his face while pulling the fallen pieces behind his ears. His eyes lightly closed at the feeling of your hands bringing back his hair so gently.
« We should do this sometime alone, » he mumbled pointing with his eyes at the train and the place around him. You softly smiled at his words leaving his face but still gazing into his eyes and that infinity of colors that were locked in them.
The movements that were happening behind him caught your attention so you leaned your head to the side only to see the interviewer joining you.
« Okay, guys get ready, » she smiled at you and then quickly turned to the camera. You both cleared your throats as they locked you up, securing your safety, before starting the interview. « We’re at Knott's Berry Farm, I’m Ivy Miller and I’m about to interview Y/N L/N and Timothée Chalamet on this roller coaster about their new movie. » Unconsciously both of you gasped pressing your lips shut and lightly widening your eyes as the train started moving upwards. « So, can you tell us what was your favorite thing about shooting together before we fall down? »
« Everything, honestly. » you said truthfully. Your eyes couldn’t help but look back at the height you had already covered. « Oh shit, » you cursed. Tim looked at you with a smile.
« Scared? », he asked. « No! », you rushed to add. Timothée grinned even wider.
« Yeah, I agree with Y/N, I loved every single moment working with her. »
Two seconds later, without any warning, the cart fell down with incredible speed. Timothée unlike you, that were completely terrified, was leaving happy screams having his hands in the air. Your whole life ran in front of your eyes. You were shaking, while your hair was getting tangled with the wind and your eyes started to water from the violent change of height and speed.
« You’ve been spending lots of hours on set, can you tell me a thing you learned about the other? », the interviewer asked as the train was going up and down, wasting and turning.
« I don’t know, very random stuff, » Tim cried. « Like, for some reason, the less Y/N sleeps the more energy she has. » You laughed at his response as you closed your eyes trying to find yours.
« Timothée hasn’t watched Lord of the Rings, » you said back. « Very embarrassing, if you want my opinion. »
« You weren't supposed to say that! », he cried back at you as you the train twirled upside down.
After that, the cart stopped one last time on top, for a few seconds.
« Oh my God, » you murmured.
« One last question guys before we land. Your characters were madly in love and the chemistry between you two is unreal. Was this film more than acting to you? »
Your lips twitched and finally separated in surprise. The last thing you expected from an interview like that was that kind of question. You turned to Timothée who was already staring at you with a small cheeky smile.
Before saying anything with a sudden move, the cart fell down again. You released a loud scream, you were too high and the speed was impossible. You breathed out, feeling a warmness spreading to your body as Timothée’s long fingers wrapped tightly around your palm and between your fingers, holding you tightly.
« Why should people watch your movie? », the interviewer asked lastly, once you were in the ground.
« Come on guys, » Tim said leaning slightly his head towards the camera. « I mean, it's a Luca Guadagnino film. » You had your face covered with your palms, until you felt Timmy pulling you into a hug while laughing. « Why have to do this again. » You widened your eyes horrified and pulled back.
« Please, someone get me out of this death machine! »
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youssefguedira · 3 months
so. y'all might remember the post i made a while back asking y'all your favourite tog cast movies because i love arbitrary data collection. this was in the long ago era before polls were a thing, and now with experience of running one silly bracket under my belt, i have decided to do the same thing, but in tournament form this time. and we're starting with the one i feel most qualified to chime in on, but i DO plan to run the others once this is done depending on how it goes. so with all that said, allow me to introduce:
tog fandom's top luca marinelli movie bracket
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because there's a really awkward number involved here, a lot of movies (with higher seeds) won't come in until next round. we will run five in total, with polls running for a week. propaganda is encouraged, you can either add on to the post, send it to me in ask form, or put it in the tags. whichever you choose. judge the movies on whatever metric you choose but try to keep it consistent.
if you HAVEN'T SEEN both or either, i'll be including summaries so you get a general idea of the movie (taken from letterboxd, or in the case of one, written by me) and can vote based on which looks most interesting. or whatever
see below for our full list of winners:
polls will be posted over the course of the next couple days (possibly starting tomorrow) and links added here. go forth and enjoy
and if you're curious:
overall seeding is based on average letterboxd rating for a couple reasons! partially because it gave me a numerical ranking and also because i couldn't find my og survey post. there are places where it definitely doesnt line up with what id consider tumblr's general opinion on these so itll be interesting to see the ranking at the end of this tournament (i will make one and compare the two because i love arbitrary data collection)
that's all for now!
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spanishskulduggery · 5 months
Adjective Placement in Spanish Overview
With regards to adjective placement, I know I linked that bigger post I made about what the placement of adjectives generally mean but I'll give a very brief overview and if anyone has any specific questions please let me know.
IN GENERAL for like 70-ish percent of the time, adjectives go behind the noun in Spanish. These are your basic everyday adjectives that just describe nouns; el gato negro "the black cat", la mujer alta "the tall woman", los datos importantes "the important data", las tormentas peligrosas "the dangerous storms"
And again, IN GENERAL, if an adjective precedes the noun it is as if you bolded or italicized the adjective. It makes the adjective really stand out because of how out of the ordinary it is. It's very commonly used in poetry, writing, or for hyperbole:
La cruel realidad = The cruel reality La fea verdad = The ugly truth Mis sinceras disculpas = My sincere apologies Mi más sentido pésame = My most heartfelt condolences/regrets
If you were looking at it more poetically you could think of "blue sky"... el cielo azul "the blue sky" is everyday Spanish, very typical. Saying el azul cielo "the blue sky" draws the eye to azul making it seem like "blue" is the most important or noteworthy thing about it
You typically see this kind of construction in everyday Spanish with expressions of gratitude, grief, horror, deep love, or any very strong emotions or when you're trying to make an impact
(More below)
Note: This will impact certain aspects of grammar, such as the nouns that are actually feminine but take a general masculine article such as el agua, el arma, el hada, el hambre, el águila etc.
As an example:
El hada madrina = Fairy Godmother La buena hada = The good fairy
To further explain this rule - el hada is written with a masculine article. This is because it has its vocal stress on the first syllable and begins with A- or HA- [where H is silent]; and treating it as feminine would cause the sounds to run together, so the el adds a kind of phonetic break to preserve the sound; but in plural it will be las hadas "fairies/fey"
A word like this would still retain its normal functions as a feminine word, thus el agua bendita "holy water", el águila calva "bald eagle", el ave rapaz "bird of prey", and then in this case el hada madrina "fairy godmother"
By adding a separate word in front, you interrupt that la + A/HA construction and create a hiatus in the sounds already... so you can then treat it like a normal feminine noun, la buena hada "the good fairy"
You might also see this with grande "big" and its other form gran "great/large", el águila grande "the big eagle" vs. la gran águila "the great eagle"
Moving aside from the normal grammar, we now enter the exceptions. First - determiners.
There are a handful of adjectives that are known as determiners which come before the noun and they provide an important function in communicating things like number, possession, and location
The most common determiners include:
Definite articles [el, la, los, las]
Indefinite articles [un, una, unos, unas]
Possessives [mi, tu, su, nuestro/a, vuestro/a]
Demonstratives [este/esta, ese/esa/, aquel/aquella]
Interrogatives [qué, cuál/cuáles, cuánto/a] (Also work as exclamatory determiners which just means ¡! instead of ¿?)
Cardinal numbers [uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco etc]
Ordinal numbers [primer/primera, segundo/a, tercer/tercera, cuarto/a, quinto/a, etc]
There are also a few determiners of quantity such as mucho/a "a lot/many/much", todo/a "all/every", cada "each", vario/a "various/many", poco/a "few/less", tal "such", tan "so much" / tanto/a "so many", algún/alguna and ningún/ninguna etc.
And it will generally apply to más and menos "more" and "less", and sometimes mejor/peor "better/worse"
Note: With possessives is that there are two forms depending on adjective placement:
mi amigo/a = my friend mis amigos / amigas = my friends un amigo mío = a friend of mine una amiga mía = a friend of mine [f] unos amigos míos = a few friends of mine unas amigas mías = a few friends [f] of mine
All the pronouns have their own version of this possessive pattern
mi(s) and mío/a, tu(s) and tuyo/a, su(s) and suyo/a, and then nuestro/a and vuestro/a are the same but the adjective placement is different
As an example - nuestro país "our country" vs. el país nuestro "the country of ours", or nuestros familiares "our family members" vs. unos familiares nuestros "some family members of ours"
A common religious example - Nuestra Señora "Our Lady" and then el padrenuestro "the Our Father prayer"
The possessives that come after the noun are usually translated as "of mine/yours/his/hers/ours" etc.
You can also see a few determiners/adjectives in different places in a phrase like - un viejo amigo mío "an old friend of mine" vs. mi viejo amigo "my old friend"
As mentioned in the very beginning there are a handful of exceptions
Most notably:
viejo/a = old / elderly
antiguo/a = ancient, old / antique, old
mismo/a = same / self
gran = great, grand grande = large
And includes propio/a "own / appropriate", as well as bueno/a "good" or malo/a "bad". I discussed a lot of these in more depth in the previous posts and in the one linked above
In many cases the exact meaning is different, even if it's slight - such as el hotel grande "the big hotel" vs. el Gran Hotel "the Grand Hotel"
bueno/a and malo/a are generally either "good" and "kind", or "bad" and "unkind", though the meanings can kind of blur together... as something like la buena hada "the good fairy" isn't so far off from el hada buena "the nice fairy"
When places before though bueno/a turns to buen + masculine, and malo/a turns to mal + masculine
As an example - un buen augurio "good omen", un mal presagio "a bad omen/portent"
.....but in feminine it looks like you'd expect: buena suerte "good luck" vs. mala suerte
Similarly, and one I didn't include the first time is cualquier/cualquiera
cualquier persona = any person una persona cualquiera = an ordinary person
cualquier in front - regardless of gender - means "any", literally "whichever"
cualquiera in back comes out as "ordinary" or colloquially "any old" [such as un beso cualquiera "an ordinary kiss" / "any old kiss"], or in the case of people it could be like "a person of dubious/unknown background" sort of like "they could be anyone"...
And then you run into what I would consider "collocations" which is another word for a set noun or expression
There are some words/expressions that have the adjective in a specific place and you can't really change it or it sounds weird, so you sort of have to learn them as specific units to remember:
las bellas artes = fine arts [lit. "beautiful arts"]
(de) mala muerte = "backwater", "poor / middle of nowhere", a place of ill repute or somewhere very remote or inconsequential [lit. "of a bad death"]
a corto plazo = short-term
a largo plazo = long-term
(en) alta mar = (on) the high seas
alta calidad = high quality
baja calidad = low quality
Blancanieves = Snow White (the character/fairlytale)
la mala hierba, las malas hierbas = weeds [lit. "bad grasses"; plants that grow without you wanting them to or that grow in bad places etc]
los bajos fondos = criminal underworld [lit. "the low depths"]
el más allá = "the great beyond", "the afterlife" [lit. "the more over there/beyond"]
buen/mal augurio = good/bad omen buen/mal presagio = good/bad omen
buena/mala suerte = good/bad luck
...Also includes all the greetings like buen día / buenos días or buenas noches etc. they're all considered set phrases
There are also many collocations that use adjectives in their normal place that also can't be separated such as los frutos secos "nuts", or el vino tinto/banco "red/white wine" etc.
A collocation just means that they are treating multiple words as set phrases or a singular unit
And again, some history/geographical terms will have these as well:
la Gran Muralla China = Great Wall of China
la Primera Guerra Mundial = First World War
la Segunda Guerra Mundial = Second World War
el Sacro Imperio Romano = Holy Roman Empire
la Antigua Grecia = Ancient Greece
el Antiguo Egipto = Ancient Egypt (el) Alto Egipto = Upper Egypt (el) Bajo Egipto = Lower Egypt
Nueva York = New York
Nueva Zelanda = New Zealand
Nuevo México = New Mexico
Nueva Escocia = Nova Scotia [lit. "New Scotland"]
la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple [aka "New York"]
Buenos Aires
There are many such terms
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c-kiddo · 1 month
hi hi your drawings are amazing and i love each and every one of them, and i love dfy as well. it's comforting but like a nostalgic memory of a cold autumn morning when i Had to go to school but really didn't want to. i was curious, do you ever imagine your characters or your favourite characters (like cad) listening to the same music as you do? like him listening to the microphones or una and ava listening to mount eerie? what would any of them think abt it?
thank u ! glad u like things i make :- )
ava and ùna yes, for sure . tho idk how canon it is to the world because i find it tricky to set it in a specific time or place. but in spirit yes, ùna is a big Microphones fan especially. ava likes the weird quiet soft Mount Eerie things and loves his voice . i've drawn them singing his music too. ùna is v much into music as a thing, like listens to everything and has opinions abt it (fave is like crunchy loud lofi stuff, like the microphones) but she also likes tracy chapman, big thief/adrianne lenker. she likes this song:
and this is an ùna ava song in general to mee . so them
as for characters that aren't mine, idk i dont think abt it that much but especially if they're not set in this world . it feels incorrect to me. for cad i cant imagine him super listening to a lot of recorded music tbh , mmore like what his family or him are playing, or the radio or just the sounds outside. in dfy i think he just kind of hangs around and doesnt realise he could listen to music (autism coded). maybe he likes something repetitive like the shipping forecast.
ok maybe actually i do have other thoughts but its not like music i like i just think its funny to say characters have music taste thats a bit shit (in ->my<- opinion). like i bet fjord listens to imagine dragons while working out and is like wow this is so motivational . and im sorry for saying this but i just know jester would be a swiftie .
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flan-tasma · 4 months
Te dedican una canción (Sumeru ver.)
💖~ A kind of continuation of this other post, but with different men. Party Time!
Wanderer isn't here 'cause I couldn't find a song for him. Sorry ;;;;
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader, a little spicy I guess | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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"I know the things, the things that you like."
No te la dedica en sí, pero el mensaje llega, claro que sí. Él te mira, tu lo miras, él sonríe cuando nota la perfecta sincronía de la letra y sus pensamientos y no tiene otra cosa en la cabeza más que sacarte de esa fiesta y desaparecer contigo algunos días. El ritmo se sincroniza con su cola que se mueve con diversión mientras ustedes dos siguen luchando con la mirada en el otro. Una maldita sonrisa astuta es necesaria para que ambos puedan irse por fin, y sus garras no parecen querer soltarte en lo que reste de la noche.
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"What am I gonna do? Not grab your wrist?"
¡JODER! Tu tenías pareja. Era encantador y lo amabas mucho, a pesar de que era un total idiota. Tenías que suplicar mucho por la más mínima muestra de atención o cariño de parte suya y siempre era insuficiente para ti. El escriba lo sabía, le habías contado tus problemas en varias ocasiones y por eso no tuvo vergüenza en acercarse a ti y sentarte en su regazo, tomando tu mentón para que lo mires. Te pidió que te olvides de ese pobre infeliz, que dejes de ser tonta y busques lo que te conviene, y te demostró que lo que necesitabas era a él.
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"Let's start the show 'cause I want you to be mine"
Al hombre lo encontraste con algunas botellas encima, ya estaba ambientado en una fiesta con amigos y el gran General Mahamatra se había ido por la ventana y solo quedaba tu novio, Cyno, que bailaba contigo y de alguna manera lograba susurrarte las frases más coquetas que se sabía junto a la canción que sonaba de fondo. Si bien no hay mucho mensaje que enviarte, sus manos en tus caderas mientras bailan es suficiente para entender sus sentimientos.
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"We can talk about it in the morning."
Estaba ocupado, tenía que acabar algunos planos y lograr ganarse el pan de cada día, pero estaba tan estresado que una salida tranquila no venía mal. Sin embargo la salida tranquila terminó cuando el alcohol entró en su sistema y superó el agua que se supone que corre por su cuerpo. Si bien sus palabras eran torpes al igual que sus pasos, la canción no pudo evitar salir de su boca con sabor a alcohol mientras admitía que eras una mala influencia directo sobre tus labios. Amaba esa mala influencia.
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"I know the things, the things that you like."
He doesn't dedicate it to you per se, but the message gets through, of course it does. He looks at you, you look at him, he smiles when he notices the perfect synchronicity of the lyrics and his thoughts and has nothing else on his mind but to take you out of that party and disappear with you for a few days. The rhythm syncs with his tail wagging in amusement as the two of you continue to wrestle with your gaze on each other. A damn sly smile is necessary for both of you to finally leave, and his claws don't seem to want to let go of you for the rest of the night.
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"What am I gonna do? Not grab your wrist?"
FUCK! You had a partner. They were charming and you loved them very much, even though they were a total idiot. You had to beg a lot for the slightest show of attention or affection from them and it was always insufficient for you. The scribe knew it, you had told him your problems on several occasions and that is why he was not ashamed to approach you and sit you on his lap, holding your chin so that you could look at him. He asked you to forget about that poor bastard, to stop being stupid and look for what's best for you, and he showed you that what you needed was him.
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"Let's start the show 'cause I want you to be mine"
You found the man with some bottles on him, he was already at a party with friends and the great General Mahamatra had gone through the window and only your boyfriend, Cyno, was left, who danced with you and somehow managed to whisper the most flirtatious phrases to you. It was known along with the song that was playing in the background. While there isn't much of a message to send you, his hands on your hips while you dance is enough to understand his feelings.
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"We can talk about it in the morning"
He was busy, he had to finish some plans and earn his daily bread, but he was so stressed that a quiet outing wouldn't hurt. However the peaceful outing ended when the alcohol entered his system and overcame the water that is supposed to run through his body. Although his words were clumsy as were his steps, the song couldn't help but leave his mouth tasting of alcohol as he admitted that you were a bad influence right on your lips. He loved that bad influence.
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valyrfia · 2 months
Hello! I came to ask you to please write that essay you mentioned about how Charles is feminized in the fics, but you already beat me to it hahahah. Pero he de decir que coincido contigo en que se asigna una estructura heteronormativa a la dinámica de pareja y Charles acaba asumiendo el rol femenino, lo que se percibe como algo negativo debido en gran medida a la misoginia internalizada.
Personalmente, como ávido consumidor de fanfics, estas son caracterizaciones con las que siempre me encuentro y, francamente, me molestan. En el caso de Charles, lo describen como sumiso, ingenuo y con baja autoestima, en resúmenes con un carácter “débil”. Sinceramente no le veo nada malo si es con fines narrativos, pero el hecho de que muchos fanfics solo lo describan así o asuman que esa es su personalidad da mucho que pensar, sobre todo porque ignoran otros aspectos de La personalidad de Charles (o bueno, lo poco que sabemos sobre la personalidad de Charles, ya que no debemos olvidar que no lo conocemos y Charles solo muestra lo que quiere mostrar).
En fin, sólo decirte que valoro mucho tus reflexiones. 💕💕💕
Hi anon! I'm glad you agreed, and I agree with your points too. My issue is, and continues to be, when people can't divorce the narrative from the real person and these characterisations carry over into spaces where they shouldn't be. I'm going to expand wider than just RPF here and say the narrative around Charles' generally is sometimes a little much. Take this whole "haunted by tragedy" thing that Sky Sports was having a little too much fun with this weekend, with Damon Hill saying that the reason why Charles wasn't driving well was because he was distracted by grief? Sure, it makes for a good narrative to sell on your sports channel, but doesn't fit with the image of Charles who won Baku in F2 the weekend after his father died, and won his maiden grand prix the day after a childhood friend of his died.
It's so easy for all of us, fans to news pundits to talk about Charles battling with the circumstances of his life, whether it be those he's lost, or Ferrari being like a toxic ex he can never quite seem to leave, that it strips him of recognition of his own agency in a lot of ways. Charles has shown incredible mental strength in his life, and lest we forget, literally girlbossed his way to a legendary Ferrari contract. I got a few anons calling Charles mentally weak for not disobeying team orders in Japan, and I couldn't disagree more. This is a racing driver approaching his prime, who knew he could not defend on 20 lap newer tyres but ran an incredible race nonetheless. Charles is not a damsel in distress, he's an agent completely in control of his own destiny.
Speaking of destiny, the il predestinato nickname slaps, but I think is incredibly misleading for some people sometimes. When Charles wins a world championship, it won't be because he is 'destined' or 'fulfilling some prophecy', it will be due to his own choices, his own skill, his own talent, his own hard work. I think that Charles as a WDC is going to get hit with a VERY different narrative than the one we see now, one that acknowledges his hard work and agency in making his dream come true.
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just-a-random-hobbit · 9 months
Miguel O'hara × Italian!spider!reader hcs
Idk don't ask, I was in the mood for writing smth w a lot of self insert SO
Here we go
It's gonna be messy sooooo sorry not sorry
! Yes, I'm studying Spanish at school, but I'm kinda an ass w it. Sorry for the mistakes !
Since you entered the spider society you only spoke English, but sometimes some Italian words slipped
Same thing happened w Miguel and a lot of times you heard him speaking w himself in Spanish
Next thing you know is that with Miguel you talk in Italian and he talks in Spanish with you, except for a few words yow two can understand each other
An example?
"Mh bueno, dámelo"
"Mh good, give it to me"
Once you brought him some 'nduja (idk maybe you're from Calabria or went there for the holidays) and he loves that, I just know that he does, you can't say otherwise
If you like football you'd watch some matches w him and talk abt them for a few days
I also just know that you two talk shit abt Americans or people in general who cook an abomination and call it "Mexican food" or "Italian food"
Spices vs herbs, an endless war in the kitchen
Sometimes false friend words kick in and the conversation is hilarious
"Mmh ayer he comido unas gambas riquisimas"
"Mmh yesterday I have some delicious shrimps"
* disgusted * "tu cosa?"
"You what?"
(Gambas in Spanish means shrimp, in Italian it means leg) (omg idk if this is a word used in Spain and not in Latino America hold on a sec) (ok in Mexico it's camarón, can we pretend for a sec that it's also used gamba?) (It's not bc I don't have a lot of dialogue ideas, ofc not...)
"¿Me traes aquél vaso porfavor?"
"Can you hand me that glass please?"
* confused * "oook?" * hand him the flower vase *
(Vaso in Spanish means glass, in Italian it means flower vase)
(Ik these situations are really clichés but I still find them cute and funny)
You are siesta/pennichella mates
Now imgine if you get closer and closer w Miguel and invite him over for the Sunday lunch, (probably since you are a spiderperson you don't have a lot of relatives anymore, BUT LET'S IMAGINE THAT AT LEAST GRANDMA IT'S STILL WITH US)
Like- how cute it would be, w grandma saying to this beast of a man: "ma stai sciupato, mangia ancora qualcosa" ("you are so thin, eat some more") and he just keeps eating what she gives him bc he can't say no.
I also think that he's not really used to big family reunions, I read a few comics but I didn't catch any hint of a big family tree, so maybe he'd be kinda disoriented if you have a really big family.
For all my northern lovelies (me included) he's gonna be surprised when he sees that we aren't the italian bubbly and cheerful stereotype, but kinda cold and grumpy.
Another thing for the northeners: he's gonna bitch abt the time we usually have lunch and dinner. Lunch at 12/13 and dinner at 19/20???? You must be joking (Yes, the average northener eats early, obviously it depends on the family. In my experience and the ones of my friends these are the usual eating times)
If you still go to school and (like me) go to school also on Saturday: he's shocked. That's it. Just shocked that you have only one day to rest. But this helps to remind him that taking breaks it's important, so you two hopefully spend some time relaxing together, taking a break from school and being spoderman/spiderwoman.
Again, for people who go to school: he listens to your meltdowns. Even if he's from the future and from another country he understands that the school system stopped evolution in the mid 20th century and it fucking sucks.
If you struggle with subjects like chemistry or science he's more than glad to help you
If you go to a liceo he kinda sees himself in you and your experience, so with lots of subject to study and standars super high
If you have Spanish as a second foreign language at school he's definitely going to help you. YOU HEARD ME? YOU AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE UNTILL YOU LEARNED PERFECTLY TODOS LOS IRREGULARES DEL SUBJUNTIVO!!!!! (I really need his help)
If you go to a professional/technical (idk how to translate themmmm) institute with subjects in the field of engineering and computers he's gonna help you if you need help, giving you some tips and extra informations so that you can be the best of your class.
Let's say that you live in Milan: there aren't a lot of skyscrapers, but there are still some buildings on which you can swing decently. Same thing goes for most of the big cities
Now let's say that you live in a small town, in the middle of the countryside, where the tallest building is the bell tower of the church: "how the fuck do you swing and jump and- do litterally all the spiderthings?" And you just show him that you attach you webs on the top of the nearest strong tree or house. He's just like:
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Edit: ok got 3 more hcs
The idea of always having a sweet breakfast was kinda weird to him, and didn't really got used to it really fast. But with some time he found the combinations that he preferred: espresso and gocciole
He's team gocciole
He's also team lemon estathé
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ohmyenjolrass · 1 month
things i adored of the catalan version of jesus christ superstar
so i just saw the catalan version of after discovering there is one (it's here, check it out!) and i think it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. shoutout to @this-is-a-name-dont-worry for making me discover it <3
catalan is my favourite language and i am lucky enough to speak it every day, and this production didn't disappoint at all!
so as a tradition in this blog, let's review my favorite parts!
first of all, i adored the setting and the cast. the costumes were also fabulous. so the whole aesthetic of the show was impeccable, giving me the same vibes as the 2018 nbc version. 10/10 for scene.
now, specific things. many of these things have to do with lyrics because i think the translation was EVERYTHING.
heaven on their minds is always a banger, no matter the production. one thing i loved about this particular version was the lyric obri els ulls i escolta el que t'he de dir / que no veus que no vull veure't morir?, which literally translates to open your eyes and listen to what i have to say / can't you see that i don't want to see you die? (more or less).
that translation changed my life forever.
the percussion break right before what's the buzz? gave me +20 years of life.
then, judas's expression during mary's bit was so funny.
and also, some note changes during strange thing mystifying that i LOVED.
i also think it was clever how judas was arguing with the apostles in the background during the first chorus of everything's alright.
moreover, the way mary soothes judas in the second chorus
AND HOW THEY CHANGE THE LYRICS SO THEY CAN MAKE IT PLURAL (like mary talks to both jesus and judas).
ANNAS IS A GIRL !!!!! and an amazing performer, gotta say.
also, the little dancing of the priests during this jesus must die.
i adored how in hosanna, jesus and judas enter together and then mary joins them (and judas gives her a little kiss!!).
also judas telling the crowd to be chill while caiaphas sings.
and how he gets mad when jesus talks about heaven.
the way pilate and jesus look at each other just before pilate's dream.
the priests being in the temple during the scene.
mary confessing to jesus during i don't know how to love him and jesus ALMOST KISSING HER???? WOAH.
a priest offered judas some food while he was having a mental breakdown in damned for all time and i thought it was the funniest thing ever.
okay so during the last supper happened a lot of things
first, JUDAS SMOKING. i'm always a fan of that (please, don't smoke).
also, during their first confrontation, judas says deixa'm que t'expliqui (let me explain) to jesus, and I WANTED TO CRY
the way the apostles tidy up the table after jesus and judas's first fight.
at the end, judas looks for comfort in the apostles AND THEY REJECT HIM???? the audacity.
gethsemane was in general absolutely stunning, but some things i liked about it is the way it was translated. the song in catalan seems like jesus is asking god to show himself so that he can see that everything is real. HEART B R E A K I N G.
ANOTHER HEARTBREAK. the lyrics just before the song starts say ningú es vol quedar despert amb mi? / no em deixeu sol avui, which translates to none of you wants to stay awake with me? / don't leave me alone today. I MEAN.
some other lyrics that destroyed me were the pre-chorus. in catalan, jesus sings: vas donar-me llum / però ara sols veig fum / esperant que tú vinguessis / vaig donar-te el que tenia / una vida / no pots esperar més d'un home sol, which translates to you gave me light / but now i only see smoke / waiting for you to come / i gave you what i had / a life / you cannot expect more from only a man. I MEAN X2.
peter's voice was one of my favorites.
and also, herod serving cunt in that animal print trousers. chef's kiss.
judas's death affected me more than any other production
in superstar, judas singing de debò el teu sacrifici et converteix en salvador? which translates to does your sacrifice really makes you a savior? in the cuntiest way possible. yes, king.
and to finish, the timer above the cross going down before jesus's death.
if you reached this point, hi! i hope you enjoyed it, 'cause i know i did. check out this production, it is truly amazing. see you in the next post! x
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critter-genfic-events · 9 months
Minor Character Genfic Recs
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This week, the rec list is featuring minor characters! From Kiri to Maya to Jourreal, we have fourteen fics that flesh out people who don't get much of a spotlight during the campaigns. Check them out below the cut, and if you like them, please kudos or comment!
center of attention by tusktooth (9257,Teen) Warnings: none apply Pairings: Veth & Nila, Veth & Keg
When the Mighty Nein travel back through the Shadycreek region, Veth is forced to confront the feeling of being painfully visible when she has to explain her past and her transformation to old friends.
Reccer says: I love Nila, and I think her talk to Veth here is very touching
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broken not shattered by joyfulsongbird (3664,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Cassandra, on succumbing to darkness.
Reccer says: A glorious post-canon story that takes something Matt mentioned in the CR1 wrap-up and runs with it in the most visceral way.
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Especially the Lies by Operafloozy (7800,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Minor Beau/Yasha
A look into some of the interview sessions Beau has with Astrid and what is learned from them.
Reccer says: While the story is told from Beau's POV, it is very much an Astrid story and remains one of my favorite CR fanfics to date. It's well-characterized on all counts and includes marvelous worldbuilding.
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Whatever You Choose To Be by A_Orbit (1338,General) Warnings: Pairings: Yussa Errenis & Wensforth
On Wensforth's journey with Yussa
Reccer says: It allows for Wensforth to have a lot of depth and background - and when fandom gives a minor characters a full background, it's one of my favorite things
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Separate myself from me by wtgw (2031,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Fjord & Eadwulf Grieve, Past Blumentrio
What’s a living magical weapon without a wielder? In the Blooming Grove, Eadwulf Grieve tries to come to terms with making his own choices after 17 years, and Fjord comes to recognize the uncomfortable similarities between them.
Reccer says: It's a fantastic Eadwulf point of view
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we take our turns on the altar by grayintogreen (5093,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Caduceus Clay & Cree
While in Aeor, two clerics on opposing sides find themselves in a sticky situation and Cree gains some perspective.
Reccer says: I liked it
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ghost is a verb by mousecookie (1954,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Jourrael investigates rumors that Lolth has a new champion and encounters the Crownkeepers.
Reccer says: This fic is absolutely everything anyone could want from a series of encounters between The Inevitable End and the Crownkeepers and I wish to all the gods it was canon.
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I will be made a new creature, one bright day by PryingBlackbird (1619,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
A glimpse into the life of a lonely soul locked away in Vergesson Sanatorium.
Reccer says: If you like unreliable narrators and being kept in the dark initially until it all falls into place, this is the fic for you.
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Looking Out of the Window by Beauteousmajesty (1382,General) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings: Bren Aldric Ermendrud & Una Ermendrud
Una Ermendrud watches her son grow up as she works on her loom. From the babbling baby to the awkward teen, she is so very proud of him.
Reccer says: It's absolutely heartbreaking
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don't be chosen- make the choice to choose by grayintogreen (3003,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Kingsley & Orly, background Kingsley/Marius
Kingsley ends up getting some accidental advice from Orly.
Reccer says: Orly is very intimidating to write, but I like this take on him!
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Lay Your Bones by LadyOrpheus (4961,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Verin & Essek, Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast
Thinking only of justice and restoring his family's honor after Essek's betrayal, Verin Thelyss finds something he never expected, an Essek he never expected. A mission for justice turns into a race against time and a family finds their world upended.
Reccer says: It's very much a Verin-centric adventure fic that looks into what his thoughts would be on Essek's post-campaign state
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Benediction by Sandtalon (53587,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Maya Agrupnin & Cerrit Agrupnin
Maya after the events of the Calamity
Reccer says: It's absolutely incredible and what Maya deserves
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Shopping With the Baby Birb by Beserk (6399,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Kiri & Caleb
Back in Zadash, Caleb babysits Kiri for a bit. They go shopping!
Reccer says: It's the sweetest dang thing
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Lens Interrogation with Verin Thelyss, PD 838. by Operafloozy (1801,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek Thelyss & Verin Thelyss
Essek disappears from Eiselcross in PD. 837. The next year, scrutiny on this disappearance leads the Lens to interrogate his brother.
Reccer says: A delightfully tense outsider POV
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If you liked this rec list, follow along for more! We'll be posting a new list with a new theme each Monday. Want to make your own recs? Check out the rules, and then use the form to submit!
Next week, we'll be looking for Gen fics with budding friendships! It's like 'getting together', but only for coffee and gossip.
And hey, if you're looking for more great genfic, check out all of the critter gen week creations!
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boomboxboi · 7 months
gangs fave movies 🧐
The gangs favorite MOVIES! 🎬
This one is sort of hard because I don’t watch a lot of movies BUT I know people who do soooo Also not including canon things because I said so.
Bruno Bucciarati
Any James Bond movie ever.
Also noir detective films.
He enjoys a good thriller/action/mystery movie.
And if it has some romance in it, that just makes it even better.
He also enjoys Austin Powers.
He thinks they’re funny as hell.
He will watch with anyone who’s willing to watch with him.
Mista watches the Austin Powers movies with him.
Leone Abbacchio
Horror films.
Specifically slashers.
He especially likes Friday the 13th films.
Also enjoys watching everyone’s reactions to any scary movie ever.
Mista tends to get scared the easiest.
Trish is never afraid and he respects her for that.
He doesn’t watch with Narancia because Narancia doesn’t pay attention and asks every 5 minutes what’s happening.
Pannacotta Fugo
Alien vs. Predator
And any of the Alien or Predator movies, in general.
He loves the suspense.
Also enjoys The Lost Boys.
Toy Soldiers is also a favorite of his.
Watches movies with Giorno because Giorno hasn’t seen a lot of movies.
Refuses to watch movies with Narancia.
Will occasionally watch movies with Mista but only if Mista agrees to watch the movies he picks.
Narancia Ghirga
Specifically the second Shrek movie (but he enjoys the first one, too).
100% cries while watching the first Shrek, though.
It speaks to his soul.
Hates Fairy Godmother.
Loves Puss in Boots.
Also cried his eyes out when the giant gingerbread man died.
Watches movies with Mista.
Chronically talks through every movie he watches and doesn’t pay attention to the plot so asks what’s happening frequently.
Guido Mista
27 Dresses.
All About Steve.
And just any romantic comedy movies, in general.
He will watch them with anyone or by himself.
Always has popcorn for every movie.
And milk duds.
He also cries at the happy endings because they’re just great.
Will force Narancia to watch them because Narancia needs to watch something besides Shrek.
Giorno Giovanna
Shawshank Redemption.
Though, his blood gets boiling when he watches it.
He watches whatever anyone recommends to him because he did not watch a lot of movies when growing up.
He thinks Fugo has the most compelling suggestions and Narancia always just wants to watch the same movie over and over again.
Giorno is often asked to rank the movies he watches out of 5 (but no four stars, that’s not allowed).
He doesn’t care for the romantic comedies that Mista likes, however.
But he still watches them.
Trish Una
Loves horror movies and will watch them with Abbacchio.
She will indulge in romantic comedy as well.
Trish also loves a good action movie but not superheroes.
Will watch Lost Boys with Fugo.
She also thinks Alien is amazing.
Will tolerate watching movies with Narancia.
She learned that giving him snacks for movies will keep him quiet and pay attention long enough to get a basic understanding of the plot.
Regularly falls asleep to The Transformers Movie because it’s her comfort movie.
The animated one.
She can quote the entire movie.
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oh-snapperss · 2 years
hi for no particular reason and prompted by nothing in particular i'm begging for ethubs fluff. cmfort. occzy. cozy. pelase. please. pleas sfot. sfot comfy cozy soft please
anyway love you laurie <3 looking forward to totally NOT being carnally emotionally injured by your words in the very near future <333333333
omg hii shep. you asked me for a nightmare/comfort fic and uh. oh boy! i hope you like nightmare scenes!
this fic is based off the new half alive song, high up<3
Words: 3013
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CW: blood, nightmares, dead person (only in the nightmare), some unreality/disorienting scenes, general horror vibes?? i swear this is comfort in here LMAO
Things start out quite simple. The dark surrounds Etho. Etho waits to respawn. It’s nothing new, he must’ve been in the void between respawns a hundred, no, a million times.
As more time passes, and no respawn happens, Etho finally feels a spark of fear. The darkness of the void hasn’t ever been particularly appealing, especially since he’s been falling in it for hours. There’s no wind, no melody, no noise at all to help break the crushing feeling of the void.
Is he trapped here? Where was he before this? How long has it been? Where is Bdubs?
he is falling and alone and falling and still alone and falling and falling and–
“Wake up, wake up!”
His shoulder is being shaken, he’s not in the void, he’s… he’s lying down. There’s a quilt over the lower half of his body, twisted in such a way it’s clear either him or Bdubs has been thrashing about. There’s a snuffed out candle on the nightstand beside him, and the room is swathed in shadows and a stillness only found in the middle of the night. Chest heaving, heart pounding, it’s all he can do to keep himself from–
He flips around, quilt still tangled in his legs, and comes face to face with a dead man.
Blood drips from Bdubs’ shoulder, and Etho knows the warmth on his side is more blood seeping into his shirt from the second arrow wound in Bdubs’ side. Bdubs’ grins, two teeth missing, and his black eye is… well, it’s certainly not comforting.
“Bad dream, sweetheart?” Bdubs croons, and his voice is all wrong. It’s not his Bdubs. This Bdubs has a smile too wide. “Bad dreams, when you couldn’t even keep me alive? When you were too selfish to care?”
This Bdubs reaches a hand towards Etho, caressing his cheek with a gentleness Etho is certain he shouldn’t possess. But then Etho feels a stickiness against his cheek, and registers the warmth of blood on his face. Etho scrambles backwards, unable to help the gut reaction of panic and disgust and get that off NOW! He falls off the bed, trapped between the bed and the wall. Grasping at nothing, he tries to fly to his feet to run, but the quilt is still twisted around his legs. It holds him there, a sitting duck and keeping him from getting OUT-
He pulls upward with the nightstand, and…
The blanket is gone, along with the bed. He’s in the woods. There’s a splish-splash of running water nearby, and Etho heaves a sigh of relief at the thought of washing the blood off his face. The moon overhead is full, casting the jungle with more light than most nights.
Etho moves towards the water, although as he draws near, he realizes it’s flowing a lot slower than any creek he’s ever seen. Kneeling down, twigs pressing into his shins uncomfortably, he reaches down towards the dark liquid, mesmerized at the red color. Somewhere in his mind, a warning bell sounds. Is water red?
Something is wrong.
“No, no, no, no-” It takes less than a second to turn around, stumble backwards, away from his husband, away from the stench that can only come from a decomposing body. Bdubs limps forward, and the leaves around him turn red from the blood still dripping from the three arrows embedded in his body.
“You could have stopped this, cutie,” Bdubs smiles again, and Etho wants to throw up at how disgustingly un-Bdubs his expression is.
Etho keeps scooting backwards, unable to tear his eyes away from his lover, from… the thing his lover has become.
“Urgh!” Etho yelps as his hand dips into the creek. It’s not cold or refreshing, it’s warm, and as he throws himself further back from Bdubs, his other hand gets covered too. When he stands, breaking into a sprint, a cursory glance downward almost makes him scream. His hands are covered in blood.
“Wait for me, don’t leave me again.”
God, he doesn’t want to, he wants to turn around and be brave, but there’s no saving Bdubs in his state, and–
And Etho is a coward.
And it’s Etho’s fault.
When he trips on the vines he’s hardly surprised. The jungle always did seem sinister (was he in a jungle before?), and as they wrap around his legs, forcing him down to the ground, holding him still, tightening around his waist… it's all he can do to keep struggling. He pulls and pulls at the vines, but they wrap around his hands too, forcing him still to face… face his own…
“Don’t run away, my dear!”
Etho snaps his gaze up from the vines now reaching his waist, and there he is. There’s more blood on Bdubs now.
“‘Dubs… I tried to save–” Etho begins to plead, but Not-Bdubs cuts him off with a snarl, and lunges forward, hands outstretched and–
The vines release him, and it’s… he’s not in the jungle anymore.
It’s still night, but he’s in the shopping district now. The place feels silent, but Etho knows it must be late. Huh. Maybe he should go home? Etho’s never been one to fall asleep randomly, but… he must have been out just slightly too late and exhausted himself. Man, he’s not even sure what project he was working on today.
Okay, bed time.
Etho reaches for his rockets, and then realizes he doesn’t have any. That’s odd.
Wait, hang on… this is the wrong season. He’s in the Big-Eyes shopping district, and… and the ground is shaking.
Glancing up at the sky, Etho realizes.
It’s the end of the world.
Chunks of grass fly into the air, followed by rocks and bits of builds. Etho’s pretty sure there’s a flying pig. The ground shakes, and it takes a second for him to regain his balance. He grabs onto the nearest wood pole to keep himself from tripping over, then clutches it for dear life when he feels himself float upwards towards the ginormous moon in the sky.
There’s fires breaking out, and Etho can hear the distant screams of villagers and animals as meteorites crush them before the moon itself can. One of the shops nearby breaks into pieces, and his arm is grazed by a flying bit of wood. Etho winces as his feet hit the ground with more weight than needed, but then he’s tearing down the steps and toward the water. He’s gotta get out of here.
BOOM. Etho stops short at the wave bearing down on him from whatever just hit the sea, and just manages to avoid being soaked through and crushed by it.
Was the water… was it red? Why was the water red? Why is he even here? Hadn’t Bdubs been the only one left when–
“Bdubs!” gasps Etho, and this time he hears it.
Beyond the screaming, the spray of water, the sound of the literal apocalypse, there’s a jukebox playing.
This time, Etho doesn’t run.
The familiar tune guides him, feet carrying him to the place he’s only ever been told of. Bdubs had told him what happened, once, with tears on his face and fear in his eyes. He stayed because Etho had promised he would be there.
His feet move on their own. Etho knows where Bdubs was at the end, and as his feet carry him around the final corner, he’s proven right.
His husband stands alone, facing away from Etho and towards the moon. The jukebox is beside him, and… and Bdubs flinches when a rock hits the ground at his feet.
There are three arrows sticking out of him still. All of them are in his back, and the blood dripping down from his body makes a grotesque pool at his feet. Something keeps Etho from stepping any closer, and yet he can’t make himself flee.
“He promised he would come,” mutters Bdubs, and his fingers turn white where they clench the moss cloak Etho has come to associate him with.
I’m here, Etho wants to scream, I wanted to save you, I would have come–
“No you wouldn’t. And you didn’t.” Bdubs turns to face him with soulless eyes and an expression devoid of life. “You weren’t here, you didn’t care, don’t lie to me.”
Etho sinks to his knees, because Bdubs is right that he wasn’t there, he wasn’t there and Bdubs was alone and died and it’s all his own fault, it’s Etho’s fault, and–
“Go on and run,” Bdubs commands, and there’s something in his unforgiving and emotionless tone that sets Etho free. “Go and be selfish, go home, Etho.”
Etho glares up at the sky, in time to see the moon fill the entire sky.
It doesn’t crush him, but he’s helpless when it crushes Bdubs, burying him under rock and rubble and broken promises.
“Etho? Etho!”
The sound of screaming fills the air, and Etho thrashes to get away, get away from it, run–
(There’s a snuffed out candle on the bedside table. The room is cast in shadows not unlike before.)
“Etho, hey now-” A familiar voice comforts him (comfort? No, that can’t be right), and a hand lands on his shoulder. Etho can only move backwards get AWAY–
He wheezes, unable to catch his breath. “No, please, no–”
It’s his fault it’s his fault Bdubs died and it’s all his fault he could have saved Bdubs but he was too selfish.
“Shh, shh, it’s fine, what’s wrong?” Bdubs stares at him with far more concern than Etho deserves. The screaming has stopped, and Etho realizes belatedly it was his own cries.
It’s then he realizes that this Bdubs isn’t covered in blood, and is real, although Etho’s legs are tangled in their quilt just like before. He kicks away the quilt, sending it tumbling over the foot of their bed with too much force.
Bdubs is in front of him, breathing and alive. His lip is trembling slightly, and there’s no sign of the arrows or black eye… and it’s not–
“Moon big?” Etho croaks, and Bdubs eyes widen. His arms circle himself, tugging at his sleeves. It’s a nervous habit Bdubs picked up at some point when Etho wasn’t around, and already Etho wants to kick himself, he knows better than to–
“No… moon is small tonight,” Bdubs confirms, as though to reassure himself. Etho sags in relief, before stiffening again. He’s got no right to feel fear at the moon when it was Bdubs who died by it.
“You gonna tell me what–” Bdubs gestures at him, “--all this is about?”
Bdubs is right, Etho’s in a state. Between his haggard breathing, shivering violently against the cool breeze coming from the window, and general panic, it’s obvious Etho isn’t ok.
He doesn’t have a right to comfort though, does he? Not when he left Bdubs, he let him die not once but multiple times, he broke his promises and Bdubs suffered for it.
“...’m fine,” Etho chokes out, and he forces back the tears still growing at the edge of his eyes.
“You’re lying,” Bdubs says, frowning at him. Etho wants to rip his hand away when Bdubs takes it between both of his, gently massaging it. “What’s goin’ on?”
But he can’t, he can’t speak, he should be comforting Bdubs, hell, he shouldn’t even be in their bed after the way he’s betrayed Bdubs, he doesn’t deserve forgiveness.
A strangled noise makes its way out of his throat, and as much as Etho wants to be held, he pulls away.
He ignores the hurt in Bdubs’ eyes. He deserves to hold someone better.
And yet, Bdubs just sits there, legs crossed on the bed and waiting. He lets Etho breathe for a few more minutes, hands still hovering where Etho pulled away.
“Etho…” Bdubs tries again. “You know… you can tell me anything?” He reaches forward again, wrapping his hands around both of Etho’s hands. Etho is too weak to pull away. He wants to be held, he wants it so badly and he’s so selfish for it.
“You’re still cryin’, sweetheart,” Bdubs squeezes Etho’s right hand, then drops it to move his hand to Etho’s face. He wipes at Etho’s cheek, wiping away the tears that Etho hadn’t realized were still rolling down his face. “Whatever happened, better to talk about it, don’t ya think?”
“I shouldn’t,” Etho whispers, and he knows he’s right. His chest aches and aches, and it’s deserved. His own to bear.
“Why not? I wanna hear,” Bdubs blinks at him, and the corners of his lips turn upward into a mimicry of a smile. “You know I love you?”
“But you shouldn’t!” Etho bursts out, startling Bdubs into lurching slightly backwards. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to–” he cuts himself off with a groan and a hiccuping sob.
“No, no, it’s okay!” Bdubs recovers quickly, and moves his hand back down to hold Etho’s and thumb over his palm gently. “What in the world are you talkin’ about, me not supposed to love you?”
Etho clamps his mouth shut, determined not to make himself seem like the one deserving comfort. Minutes and more minutes pass, and Bdubs hums the same tune that played in Etho’s nightmare. Etho recognizes it now for what it is–it’s their song, he’s heard it a thousand times and danced to it with Bdubs almost as many. Soft, comforting notes that typically help Etho relax and feel safe-–this time it does little to calm Etho. But then Bdubs traces letters into Etho’s hands, declaring love over and over into his palms, and Etho can’t help but shift forward slightly. It does not help him keep his resolve to stay silent.
Bdubs’ hums trail off into silence, and Etho finally speaks.
“I… I’m so sorry.”
He can tell Bdubs is looking inquisitively, but he won’t look at Bdubs’ eyes now (just in case he finds them to be as soulless as in his nightmare).
“I should’ve saved you… I could have, I could have given you that life… there was no reason not to and–” Etho chokes on his own words for a moment before continuing. “I left you and betrayed you and–”
Bdubs is already shaking his head in denial, and squeezes Etho’s hands in reassurance. Etho keep going.
“And… and I left you alone on season eight, and you were alone and waited for me and I was just off doing nothing useful on my own world because I’m selfish and I didn’t wanna face you after I caused your death, and… and then you died again and it was my fault!” Etho tries to pull his hands away, but Bdubs’ grip is too strong.
“You shouldn’t love me, Bdubs,” Etho chuckles humorously, but sounds more like a sob. “You deserve someone who isn’t selfish and a betrayer and a killer.” Your killer, something whispers into Etho’s mind, and he can’t argue with it.
The death grip Bdubs has on his hands loosens.
That’s it, then, and Etho moves to leave their bed, but then…
“You’re stupid if you think that,” Bdubs’ voice is steady, and before Etho can back away, Bdubs reaches forward one more time, arms outstretched. “Etho, look at me.”
He doesn’t. He can’t. How could he look into the eyes of someone he’s practically been the death of? What if Bdubs’ eyes are dead and empty, and–
“Etho… please look at me,” Bdubs repeats, and Etho catches the tinge of hurt in his voice this time.
He can’t hurt Bdubs anymore.
Achingly slow, Etho raises his head to finally look his Bdubs in the eyes. He’s expecting them to be empty, uncaring, and probably full of deserved hatred.
Instead, he’s met with the same warmth Bdubs has always reserved for him, the same adoration Etho first recognized back on another world. Big brown eyes gaze at him, filled with more love than Etho has ever deserved.
“You’re stupid if you think that I’m just gonna stop lovin’ you,” Bdubs smiles, slightly watery, and Etho feels the same ecstatic rush he always does when Bdubs’ looks at him.
He shouldn’t, oh, he shouldn’t, he doesn’t deserve it at all.
“C’mere, sweetheart,” Bdubs nods encouragingly. “Let me love you, please.”
That’s what makes Etho break, makes him lurch forward into Bdubs’ waiting arms. It’s not the first time he’s had a nightmare, and he’s sure it won’t be the last. It’s not a perfect hug, but he curls his fingers into Bdubs’ shirt, falling into his arms desperately. Bdubs tilts Etho’s head up, and Etho feels like he’s flying in the sky with the way Bdubs looks at him so utterly filled with love. There’s no hatred to be found, and Etho knows despite his imperfections and selfishness and mistakes, Bdubs still loves him.
Bdubs shifts so that one of his hands can rest in Etho’s hair, and he runs his hand through it, detangling the strands from where it’s become knots and a mess. Once he’s done, Etho can feel him playing with a part of it, forming the tiniest braid at the nape of his neck.
It’s been a long time since Bdubs has done that. Etho knows Bdubs should have a braid of his own, around the back of his head. It’s a promise, and Etho knows that this time he’ll keep it.
He’s high up, higher than his imperfections, and it hurts to know the love Bdubs has for him. It consumes him, he doesn’t deserve it, and yet–
Etho thinks he can learn to live with it, and he lets Bdubs love him, lets Bdubs press his lips against Etho’s in reassurance.
but when you look at me i’m lifted high up
higher than my rain clouds
sitting on the mountain now i’m high up
never wanna come down
when you look at me i’m lifted
you saw me cowered in the corner
& offered me a second chance
now every night i wrestle Love
didn’t know that it could hurt this much
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