#also stream Talk to You by Ricky Montgomery
lacedqll · 2 months
I totally agree with what you said at the end there, I tend to find angst most comforting, I believe the best form of comfort comes after pure pain. Almost like the calm after the storm
But anyways, I was wondering if you’d be able to write a Ranboo x Reader where the reader tends to be very unemotional, calm, collected, and they never let anybody in. And eventually the reader just cracks and breaks down, letting out all of their buried and bottled up feelings and emotions? Only if you’re comfortable writing something like this Ofc, if not then I completely understand :)
(Also I was wondering if I could be 🌌 anon?)
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 . . 𝐲𝐞𝐬
「🐬 𝐓𝐖 ;;  」 ˚ ༘♡
🐋 ⁺ -ˋˏ 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻, 𝗰𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳. ꗃ 𓏸
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-ˋˏ !
  ❛ rather keep to myself . . . - ❜
    ❛ - 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑠 (𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝑒𝑐ℎ𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦) . . 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑜 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 ❜
୧ ‧₊ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦/𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚, 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎 𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒, 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡.
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"CHAT- CHAT- calm down, the poor mods are having to moderate all the spammers with you all being so excited today!" Ranboo laughed, smiling widely with that goofy personality as perusal, whilst i stayed that emotionless person. our differences contrasted well,, even if complete literal opposites. i mean, the saying is 'Opposites Attract', so i guess it worked out in a funny way i guess.
staring at the chat which quickly went by, messages getting deleted before being seen, one caught my eye. it was a message that quickly got deleted, a simple hate comment towards my body, but something in me took it so to heart. quickly trying to shake it off as usual with hate comments, i couldnt. taking it so deeply to the pit of my heart. taking a hitched sigh, i settled a little closer to Ranboo, scooting my chair with a quiet screech as it skidded against the floors towards them. Ranboo seemed to barely catch me moving closer, eyes looking at me for a hot second before looking back at the streaming camera, going back to talking as they put his hand out towards me.
i stared at there hand for a moment before hesitantly grabbing it, keeping my gaze downwards as i heard him whisper a quick 'Are you okay?' before proceeding the talking to chat. i just barely nodded, keeping the emotions bottled up as always, a trait i had that i hated. it wasnt my fault i always stayed boddled up, hiding my emotions and never seemjng to fall apart. i only ever cried when away from people, screaming into pillows, punching my matress. i never expressed feelings so openly and i just couldnt handle it. people would say its unhealthy, but i couldnt control how i would react.
before i had realized, Ranboo had the 'BRB' screen up and the mic muted, body turned to me. lifting up my head, meeting my eyes with his, they spoke. "You're okay, yeah?" they asked. i stared for a moment before nodding slowly. the grip he had on my hand tightened before loosening, giving me a squeeze. "I'm alright, Ranboo." my voice was dull, lips spread into a thin line. a blank lie i had told them almost everyday. every other day, Ranboo would ask if im alright, and every otther time, i would lie. im such a gross liar.
his already arched brow rose up. "Are you completely sure?" i didnt answer this time, unsure of what to say. lying would put me into a deeper hole i had digged many years ago, but being truthful would make Ranboo worry. i dont want to be the reason they worry for me. thats wrong,,, but i need to tell someone. with a shaky breath, i slowly shake my head, and just as i expected, a glint of worry crossed in Ranboos eyes. why do i always make people worry. it makes me seem like a disappointment. im su- "I'm sorry." my words were cut off by Ranboo. huh?
"Why are you sorry?" i asked quietly. they didnt respond, just staring at me softly to which i stared back, us both sitting in silence. he turned away eventually, squeezing my hand as they turned on the mic of the stream, almost forgetting he was live as they spoke into the mic. "Chat, we are gonna end early." his voice was more gentle than usual. chat was quick to spam no's, making them chuckle, quickly bidded there goodbyes with chat before turning off the stream before turning back to me. i gulped nervously, feeling as if under an inspection by a detective of some sorts.
"Just let it out." they mumbled to me. "What do you mean?" "Just,,, cry. I understand if you need to. Bottling up your emotions isn't gonna fix anything. Just let it out already. The stream is off, i'm the only one here. I don't want to peer pressure you into tears, but please. You need to get better with this type of stuff."
a hitched breath left my mouth, eyes getting stung as i looked away quickly, feeling the waterworks already get to work with a warm tear escaping my eye. including a few more. Ranboo smiled slightly before hugging me. i couldnt do this anymore. grasping tightly onto Ranboo, i sobbed into his shoulder, leaning over the armrest of the chair. "Ranboo I can't bottle up this anymore.."
"Shh. It's okay.. just cry, let it out. I understand if you wouldn't want to talk after this.."
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      🌌anon 'iyaa!! currently eating blue takis ^0^ (sorry if people fasting see this or have ED!! not meaning to trigger anyone<3) happy to see someone agree with me! :) writing angst, depending on how i begin or end it, can be really comforting or a sad type of comfort! happy to write 4 u again if it is you :3 happy readings 🌌anon!! :D reminder: if you ever want anything changed, dm me! but if you want to stay anonymous, you can send it in through an ask and i'll get right to it! being descriptive is helpful <3 but i think i did well on this one! little longer than expected!
━━━━━━━━ 🌷 ⤾·˚🦋 ༘ ◡
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peachypede · 1 year
Here is my first batch of the spam for the daily berries questions hahaha 💓💝🎶
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
- Suddenly goes from 50 on the stuttering scale to a 100. Can’t seem to form a sentence properly when she’s crushing on you.
- Same with clumsiness. Brain is turned off when there’s love.
- So. Much. Blushing.
- Lots of gifts “these made me think of you”. Gift giving is a big love language for her, especially baking. Likes to take care of her crush in some way, whether it be the food like I mentioned previously or even offering to clean their house if you’re feeling stressed with time. Feeling like she’s helping you makes her happy!
- Not much of a difference between how he treats friends and how he treats crushes. You’re in his social circle and he likes to tease you a lot.
- Texts you a lot more than usual. Wants to know what you’re up to. Wanna hang out?
- He’s often cuddly with close friends but becomes even more so with you. Just randomly holds hands. Turns his brain off when you guys are at a store or mall and kind lets you tug him wherever like a puppy on a leash.
- His giving love language is quality time and touch because he feels weird actually saying “i like you” out loud.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
- Any thoughtful or kind gesture goes straight to Pecha’s heart. Her receiving love languages are also gifts and acts of service, so she very much appreciated them. It makes her feel taken care of and loved. She does appreciate words, but she always feels like actions describe a person better
- Rawst also enjoys receiving physical touch and having his friends ask if they want to spend time, too. He enjoys when someone wants to do stuff with him, even if it’s weird things. (An example that popped in my head is @asterer ‘s oc Aster shows Rawst weird movies and he honestly loves that shit. Not only do they get to hang out but now they have like inside jokes)
🎶 - What’s a song they really like?
I’ll do a list of songs so you can get what kind of vibes they like in their music
Songs she likes ranges from “im depressed and need sad vibes” to “im energized and working so i need upbeat vibes” to “im daydreaming and need songs to imagine myself and my crush to”
- Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold
- Prom Queen by Beach Bunny
- My Ted Talk by Mxmtoon
- El Chico Del Apartamento 512 by Selena
- 2 Be Loved by Lizzo
- I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston
- Line Without a Hook By Ricky Montgomery
- This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory
- Dandelions by Ruth B
I feel like I might change Dawst liking emo and heavy metal because with the way ive written him he seems like he likes lofi and soundtracks because he does a lot of chill streams as well, when he’s alone he likes music when a heavy emphasis on guitar because he likes playing guitar.
- Any lofi that makes you feel like you’re in a cafe
- Beneath the mask (instrumental) - Persona 5 OST
- Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash
- Do I Wanna Know by Artic Monkeys
- Fell in Love With a Girl by White Stripes
- Back in Black by AC/DC
- I Was Made For Lovin’ You by KISS
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idk3ither · 3 years
The biggest take away I took from Ricky Montgomery’s newest music video is that he would fit perfectly in the Hargreeves family
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Hi don’t know if you remember but I’ve requested something before and I absolutely loved it❤️ anyways I was wondering if you could write a Regulus Black x reader again lol inspired by Line without a hook by Ricky Montgomery. Please💙
Line Without a Hook
Request: Hi don’t know if you remember me but I’ve requested something before and I absolutely loved it. Anyways I was wondering if you could write a Regulus Black x reader inspired by Line without a hook by Ricky Montgomery. Please
Hi! I love this song so I was excited to write this for you, sorry it took me so long to respond. I’ve been writing a lot of angsty imagines recently that were really dramatic, and that’s partially because that’s how is see Regulus’s character, there’s a lot of angst potential for him and Sirius because of that, which is fun to write. But I thought it would be nice to write a more fluffy and lovey imagine for him, so I hope that’s ok with you. We’re gonna ignore the more toxic breakup parts of the song and interpret the lyrics as something more happy for this imagine because Regulus deserves it. I incorporated them some, but they’re just for backstory.
(Warnings: a little angsty, insecurities, quick mention of sex, let me know if i missed anything)
Yours and Regulus’s relationship had been on rocky grounds before. You both were very spirited and tempered people, and getting into fights was easier than not. It wasn’t the most healthy of relationships at times, but you made it work, growing together rather than apart. Regulus often said that you were the best thing that ever happened to him, a welcome distraction to his everyday life. He’d swear to protect you from it, like he couldn’t bear the thought of you getting hurt and it being his fault. Recently, your relationship was at a high, every day a pleasant one. 
“I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me, when we're alone. You can hold my hand if no one's home.”
He truly loved you, more than he’d ever loved anything in his entire life. He made sure every day that you were on good terms, that you were happy with him. For him, your relationship was never about anything physical, he didn’t care about sex or having you for your body. You were the most precious thing to him, and as far as he was concerned, you gracing him with your presence every day was more than enough. He was never ashamed to be seen with you, and flaunted you whenever he got the chance, proud of the fact that he got to be the one to see you when you were alone together.
“I broke all my bones that day I found you, crying at the lake. Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden? Oh, and if I could take it all back, I swear that I would pull you from the tide.”
He could be very sweet when he wanted to, but his words could also sting. He could be absolutely devastating with his insults, ripping into you in the heat of anger, and then immediately regretting it after when he simmered down. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, but sometimes he couldn’t help it. 
You remembered after a particularly nasty fight, at the lowest of your relationship, he found you down by the Black Lake. You were huddled on the bank, knees curled into your chest, tears streaming down your face. You heard his footsteps approaching, and you could tell it was him, but you didn’t turn around. 
His heart broke at the sight. Later that night, when he’d eventually convinced you to forgive him after profusely apologizing, he made you a promise, one he really did try his best to keep. 
“I’d rather break all the bones in my body than break your heart, Y/N,” he’d say. “Please don’t ever let me do that to you, talk to me instead, don’t run off.”
You nodded, holding him tight. You knew he was under immense stress with worries about his family, his relationship with Sirius, and his parents growing allegiance with the Dark Lord. You knew it was an internal battle for him to find the courage to do the right thing, and that when he snapped at you, he didn't really mean it. After that night, things started looking up. 
“...there is a tiny dancer watching over me, he's singing, ‘she's a, she's a lady, and I am just a boy.’ He's singing, ‘she's a, she's a lady, and I am just a line without a hook.’"
Sometimes he could get insecure. He thought lowly of himself, despite you telling him every day that there was nothing about him you’d change, that you loved him just the way he was. Over the years, you have conversation after conversation, trying to convince him that he was enough. And over time he really did start to believe it. He occasionally still had doubts. You were a safe haven for him, and he was so afraid of losing you.
He’d watch you when you fell asleep in his bed, seeing how calm you looked near him. He valued you so much and thought so highly of you, probably an unhealthy amount. ‘I’m just me,’ he’d think, as if that wasn’t good enough. 
You caught him staring one night, reaching a hand up to cup his cheek. “Stop thinking, Reg. I know you, I know that face. You’re working yourself up over nothing. I love you, and there’s nothing you can do to get me to change my mind. You’re stuck with me, whether you like it or not. Now lay down.”
He’d smiled softly looking down at you, leaning his face into your hand. He had brought a hand up to pull yours away from his face, pressing a kiss to your open palm. You giggled at the sensation, and his smile grew. He curled into your side, getting comfortable. 
“Your wish is my command, darling.”
“Baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you. I need you here to stay.”
Today, you only had a class in the morning, and you spent the rest of the afternoon into the evening taking some time to yourself, relaxing. Regulus, on the other hand, had a very busy schedule and day, trudging through it, counting down the minutes till he could come and see you, sure that you’d be able to melt all his troubles away.
You had been sitting outside in the courtyard on a blanket, reading and enjoying the nice weather, knowing autumn was coming and that it was going to get nasty outside. You heard a huff behind you, and turned to see Regulus, shoulders slumped. 
“Hi, my love, did you–oh!” He dropped all his belongings onto the blanket, dropping down and dramatically plopping his head into your lap. You put down your book, smiling fondly at him as you ran your fingers through his curls. He sighed contently at the feeling, shutting his eyes. 
“Did you have a good day?”
You could feel him nod his head. “It was tiring, but I’m better now,” he said, smirking up at you.
You rolled your eyes. “You’re so dramatic.”
“I’m being serious!” He laughed. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You looked at him a moment, before leaning down and pressing your forehead against his. “And you won’t have to. I’m not going anywhere, not until you ask me to.”
“Never,” he responded quickly. “I am far too in love with you…and a little codependent, but that’s the small price to pay for you. I think I’m getting a pretty good deal.”
You hummed in agreement, pressing a kiss into his hair. “I love you. So much.”
“I love you, too.” He laced his free hand with yours, and you sat in silence, enjoying each other's company until the sun set. 
A/N - Hi! Sorry this is kind of short, I hope that’s ok and you liked it. 
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matchamorphosis · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒔
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𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 || you and Andy go on a trip to Greece for your birthday and discover the love you have for one another.
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆 || fluffy fluff
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 || andy barber × black[birthday girl]!reader
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 || 5.2K
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 || jealousy, some rom com cliches, divorced!andy, i used like six different dividers to match with the storyline so very sorry if that’s unusual to you!
𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 || past lives by bornes. mariposa by the peach rascals. apricot princess by rex orange country. out like a light by the honey sticks & ricky montgomery
𝒘. 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 || this is a birthday gift for @areyoustchewpid!!!! happy birthday ingrid!!! everyone go wish the birthday girl the best for her special day! 💗 I hope this fic fulfills your dreams of Greece with lawyer daddy and i hope you cherubs enjoy reading this <33
 + p.s || do not repost, republish or plagiarize my work on any other fanfic platform such as: wattpad, ao3, tumblr, etc or steal my work all together. do so and i will rip your spine from your scumy asshole and shove it down your talentless throat. ♡♡♡  
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an event that you’ve been expecting all day yet while a firm chestnut table sits underneath your crossed legs cools as a sweetpea and seasalt ocean breeze blows into the dining room your expectations have somewhat been granted and changed. where only a three layer chocolate cake sits between you and Andy, both your lovestruck eyes never leaving each other despite the comet rippling starry sky glimmering from the white paneled windows.
everything is all sparkling, soft pink and golden at this moment.
from the rosy dawned blush that grazes against Andy’s cheeks to the blushy tone of your sundress and beating heart. candles sparkling to life as you and him in the very moment, wax melting in rosy dewdrops just like the fear of allowing these caged emotions to fly free. now they seemed to have been unrestrained by the gold bars of worry, aversion, and self committed rejection.
simple cursive writing made of periwinkle icing contrasts against the dark fudge confection this dearest friend of yours created. this friend who might have been something more in a life way beyond this year and century but as your heart beats in a melody casted by the Muses themselves it pirouettes with the cupid bow lights dancing in Andy’s pools of hopeless paradise. it’s all enough for you to lace your fingers with his-which you do- and wish for something else to spread against your lips besides the cake you both will cut in a minute after you blow your candles.
the words below your cupid struck glance read Happy Birthday Y/n in the divine candlelight, a squeeze of his hand only encourages the rapid pace of your heart to jump and for you to swallow your hesitance. a very same feeling floods Andy’s insides but for the past minutes just sitting directly on the table, lighting your candles and enjoying the meteor shower, he hasn’t kept his promise to himself.
a promise he made for himself since the beginning of today when he discovered how his palms sweat when you neared him and how his heart warmed when you spoke his name and how his soul just sang a different song when you took his hand.
he should say something now, he should tell you how much you mean to him in this different roseate light. maybe you’ll say the same words back and maybe with the rush of the rose glasses besides you both one thing may lead to another but what comes out of his mouth makes him bite his tongue. “I hate to break it to you but wax is getting on the cake,”
those words snap you out of your amour aura, eyes fluttering for a second and smiling afterwards when you see Andy fidgeting with the crystal glass in his large hands. cheeks reddening like ripe strawberries glowing in the warmth of spring, it radiates the space between you both and with an almost whisper to your name he has your hands in his soft palms. “what do you wish for y/n?”
the question makes you swallow the raspberry rose laced lump in your throat. the love potion for an innocent drink still glistens in your glass that rests beside your body but it would spill if you would do the simple action your heart has been caressing your mind to just pull his collar down to smash his lips against yours.
to feel the tender roughness of his bearded cheeks in your palms and his lips molded along with yours in a kiss that would put all sculptured lovers to shame. it’s making you sink and float at the same time but the sparking second that Andy leans down you oblige.
“i’m sorry for not realizing it all those years,” it makes your brows scrunch in slight confusion at the confusion, his cool apricot breath wafting and twinning with your airy exhale when his nose grazes against yours. the heat of the candles underneath your close faces, you raise your hand to cup his face.
“realizing what?” its then did the breath escape your lungs and your heart to stop beating.
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seeing her open her eyes the very morning brought a different comfort than to watch her sleep- it was a normal thing to wake up but to experience her lashes fluttering to life to reveal the life in her sun speckled eyes was something for Andy. she rolled over, burying her face in the crispness of white sheets with a lazy grin.
through the honeycomb glass of the white portiéres of the hotel room, the soft sunshine of the province morning streams in and lights the bedchamber. the melodic sound of birdsong and light chatter slowly rouses her awake. Andy is seated in front of the swan feathered colored vanity, combing his hair and keeping the time on track on his watch.
the man had loads planned for you both today, a day planned for you both to be bone tired at the end but still reflecting on the memories and experiences once you laid your head to rest to sleep when it was over. the tapping rhythm of his polished tar black dress shoes fills the room, making you part open your eyelids to see who’s disrupting your peaceful second slumber.
“morning sleeping beauty, happy birthday,” he almost sing-songs, a slight whistle in his voice completely overtaking any fiber of drowsy and sleep riddance that enveloped your mind and body.
“morning Andy and thank you,” you grin with your porcelain smile, stretching your arms while simultaneously lifting your sunkissed legs. arching your back in a firm crane, yearning a deep yawn from you as you savour the sunshine on your ankles and naked shoulders.
“so I have a few things planned today but I thought it would be best to eat breakfast out at the cafe we talked about instead of ordering room service. what do you think?” his eyes focused on you in the mirror and you have no choice but to glance back with your remark weighing on your tongue.
so after a smile that was more than enough to let your childhood friend know that you were along with him for the ride you found yourself ready for your special day. a slightly puffed sleeve and flowy mint green sundress adorns your bodice softly, making you radiant in the morning sun that appears to be a glowing lemon slice across the cloudless skies.
arms securely wrap around Andy’s waist as he guides the scooter the same color of the sparkling sea and reflecting powdered blue vault above. hanging on to him as he brings you both to the tiny yet timeless cafe near the roaring pier of crashing waves and ancient cobblestone streets. the bouquet of large sunflowers that were tenderly hugged tightly between both your bodies are now free in your hold. their sunshine yellow petals sway in the morning breeze and take in the virtuous sunshine that rains in golden streaks on this magical day.
taking your seat near one of the outdoor tables, shaded by the umbrella the same color as the satin banner you both order your first meal as the waiter set your beginning entry of cheese, grapes, croissants and wine on a pine wood board in between you two. street cars come and go, along with passing people looking for special sites of eternal Athens Greece. the ocean bringing a calm sea mist breeze that only adds onto the refreshing and ecstatic tangibility seizing your atoms yet as you both talk about the plans you have for today.
although the words of the waiter coming to refill your tall glasses breaks both an uncontrollable smile and laugh between you both. “couples get a discount,” he spoke and you both had a dime for when you both were mistaken for a couple you’d be swimming in a sea as large as the one that captures your irises and heart.
with his confusion Andy quickly nods along, “yes we’d take that discount thank you,” and the waiter smiles back as he steps away after filling your glasses and informing you about your meal which you both thank back.
“Andy I thought we weren’t gonna take advantage of discounts by pretending we’re a couple anymore,” you broke with a raised brow and Andy only rolled his eyes in any way that wouldn’t ever be taken seriously by anyone despite his job disposition.
“awe come on y/n let's relive old times! do you wanna pay full price when we’ve been doing this for years?” Andy looked at you through a playful demeanor that you only recognize when he’s concocting and getting away with something as seemingly harmless as this.
“i’m not really fond of the backlash when it backfires on us in the end,” you speak as you bite into a butter croissant, the rich pastry practically melting on your tongue. “also you’re making us sound like some sort of Bonnie and Clyde duo. doesn’t look good with that attorney license of yours Barber,” you laugh as you return the same eye roll back as you sit up with your glass in hand.
“remember when I booked us a reservation at that restaurant when we were in college and I freaked out over the bill? I ‘proposed’ to you and once everyone cooed and congratulated us we got our bill cut in half-”
“and I nearly kicked your ass afterwards, yeah Andy my foot is remembering the loss,” you intervene which makes Andy shake with loud laughter enough to make all the other pairs -real couples instead of you sly imposters- stop from their conversations to glance at you two breaking into hysterics whilst eating green grapes and sipping on white wine.
“to be fair we were broke college students! money was tight as hell back then but I didn’t see you complain when I got on my knees and put a ring on your finger. I thought the rhinestone looked very good with your dress that night,” popping a grape in his mouth with a humorous smirk etched on his lips.
“i’m sure you were looking forward to saying that when you gave me a kinder surprise from a candy machine.” rolling your eyes as you bite into another golden croissant, pairing it along with a nibble of creamy cheese that taste heavenly on your tongue.
“alright you can hold that against me I still deserve it,” Andy still remembers the other students in his seminar congratulating him and some who didn’t know about his engagement and divorce to Laurie still believe he’s engaged to you. it was funny and seems like something straight out of the cheesy rom coms he and you used to binge together as bored high schoolers.
that you and him used to scoff and egg on the oblivious main protagonists to just kiss and push away the denial to just be together but amongst all these couples in the morning light at this café it’s you two reliving your movie annoyances. it was hilarious and unfortunately ironic but Andy Barber didn’t see anything or comprehend the knot in your stomach when you took his hand and said something he couldn’t quite hear.
all he was paying attention to in the slow-motion picturesque of your gleaming smile, the sparkle in your deep lashy eyes and how your lips moved so theatrically as you spoke his name.
Andy, Andy, Andy
eyes glossing over in wonder, it was possibly the prettiest thing he’s seen and he’d wish to hear you say his name one more time. heart yearning to just catch your lips movement yet as his mind wedges himself back into reality he finally catches what you’ve been saying.
“Andy our food is here,” you said as the waiter came with your large glass plates of oven baked pizzas. the comforting rich smell of toasted cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and freshly baked dough fill his nostrils. it's enough to cover the lush sweetness of your Dior perfume he loved taking a whiff of when you'd lean over the table to sneakily reach for his grapes and croissants.
“um, yeah thanks for the heads up,” he spoke in almost a broken sense of charisma compared to his boyish behavior minutes ago but it’s just now that’s Andy denying the feeling-
the seed of amorous that had been planted in his heart a long ago that’s beginning to sprout now.
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after roaming the creaky wooden piers with the sunshine twining divinely against your hair and every inch of revealed baby soft skin. a clementine in his hands and an apricot in yours, feeding the peels to the doves that rest besides the ancient stools as Andy give hands you cardinal slice after citrusy cardinal slice.
dangling both your legs over the docks and enjoying the way the rippling waves brushed against your curling toes. sweet orange and apricot filling your mouths like the sun spreading its orange and blush provenance across the aqua waters. lonely fingers fondle with your citrus fruits that you bought with wo shiny coins from a passing vender in a straw sunhat.
savoring the ocean blue and the sunny sky revealing the cotton white clouds that dot like dollops of whipping cream upon it. the sea breeze dancing with strand hairs, the topic of a greenhouse visit sparks and a sense of adventure rushes though bloodstream. within a matter of seconds you both race to hop back on the forget-me-not scooter.
inciting a school children challenge on who’s going to get there first and with the swiftness of putting your sandals back on and running against the mossy and dandelion cracked cobblestone had you seated on the bike. “I win,” you grin and of course Andy just gives you a fauxly hurt demeanor.
“you cheated,” you only hum back at his petty exchange, playing along for his sentiment until he sighs in his defeat. with the engine starting off you and him race to the glass palace that is the greenhouse.
a golden rimmed and sea mist colored empire, it stood out to you when touring the tiny city of colorful roof houses and marketplaces. mossy vines and leafy thorned shrubbery beautifully frame the interior pillars as rich golden sunlight fill in the glassy castle. cement molds create the railing for the lily pad and swan lotuses of the man made ponds. an occasional jasmine frog leaps from pad to pad as the milky pink and yellow koi’s swim about in the shadowy water.
exotic trees and wild plants bunch throughout the establishment, creating shade against the Apollo’s heavy rays as Andy lifts his head to marvel these large and tall works of Artemis. of course, with your polaroid camera you found in the rummage of your closet (that you haven't used since senior year of college) in a tight hold. wandering feet walk through the limestone pavement of the greenhouse, a sunflower in your hair that brightens the deep greens succulents and rich browns tree bark.
the vines of soft pink and purple flowers dangling from the glassy dome roof fall their baby pink petals as a breeze presents itself. some already settling in the brown tawny of Andy's hair, not far behind you smile at your face glossed in wonderstruck marvel. wide honey brown pools trail up the ten foot marble and ivory statue, reflecting in serenity cosmoses from the rainbows that spread from the crystal glass.
a sense of desire takes ahold of you as your slowed hands lift to trace your dark fingertips through the crinkle wrinkle of a marble maidens skirt. such detail and intricate design of the craftsman long ago must’ve took years to perfect, the cloth falling seamlessly upon the maidens body as her body crouches to run your clay hand again at the pond water. lifting your camera to your eyes, snapping your desired pictures that are set to capture all the whimsical aspects and elements that take your breath away.
Andy dares to draw near, it wasn’t like he hasn’t stood close to you at all- he might be making it hard on himself by overthinking ever move and step but you call out his name and his heart paces.
“yes y/n,” making his way to where you sit near a pond, you don’t say anything as you wrap the strap for the camera around your neck. fixing up your dress from any wrinkles from scrunching the hem up when dipping your feet in the sea earlier. checking your hair and make up in your hand mirror that you retrieved from your designer purse. an arched brow raises up at you, which you only respond by rolling your eyes and hand him the camera as you smile at yourself in the reflection of the ponds water.
“can you take a picture of me?” as you reapply another layer of gloss on your lips, the fishes swirling in the water to jump to the service to witness the beautiful nymph who have graced their pond themselves.
cupid bows perk at the fish and blow them kisses, your hands grab at a floating lotus before grasping the tender water blossom. putting it in the raven coils that delicately frame your face, damn it y/n.
it was as if you were torturing him with those mascara bambi eyes and glossy primrose lips, it makes his insides buzz and flutter like the malachite dragonfly that passes here and there.
“you telling me you want a picture or did you already decide for me yourself?” you only smack his chest with the camera once again.
“are you going to take the picture or not Barber? did you loose some of your magic with all that lawyer jumbo clouding your head or did you take those freshman photography lessons seriously?”
Andy rolls his eyes and takes the camera from you with a chuckle, “actually i’m still capable of using a camera y/l/n, god you’re making me feel old. go model for me,” you just laugh and run across to the other side of the pond.
soft skin from your legs revealed from the way your sundress lifts bends against your chest. head resting upon your knees while your arms wrap around them, the sunflower in your gasps and the lotus behind your ear. at this moment as the seconds turn into minutes Andy should be taking pictures, his eyes are looking through the lens as his index finger rests on the button.
with as much as single press he captures the greenhouse nymph but what good would a single picture do to capture every gift and grace you bestowed in the offering of your charm, beauty and heart?
it makes Andy's heart race, your eyes dashing from the godly statues that surround you to the camera. sweet music plays in deep cherry wood cellos and willow carved violins and even with the buzzing dragonfly it seems it found its favorite flower at the tip of your nose.
you certainly are the creation and waking of spring flowers and lovesick tales that took his heart then and its still yours now.
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that single snapshot was all he could think about you two drove down south to the coast. searching back the drunk nights before where you and him ran into a little covelete whilst drinking goblet after goblet in the forest of olive and grape vine trees. it was a long ride but nothing suited the wait better than the man on the radio singing with his strung trichordo.
the hands that grip Andy's shoulder slide down to wrap your arms around him tightly when the minutes pass and the forest of green olives and sangiovese grapes. parking the scooter near the shrubbery of some innocent bush you and him look for the wine stash the both of you left in the abandoned cavern of an ancient olive tree. Andy grinning as he grabbed the expansive bottle and before you know it you both head to the hidden beach.
Andy didn't plan to actually go swimming, just settle the gingham blanket upon the finely grain sand and open the picnic you both prepared. and he also didn't prepare himself for the rosy blush to dawn his face when your almond nails grip the hem of your sundress to lift it up and over your head. revealing your matching bathing suit underneath its quick that you throw him a wink and race to the nearby grassy cliff.
"see you soon Barber!" you yell and as Andy gets up from the blanket to understand what you mean by that its too late. the summer air is filled with your laughter and sky rippling cheer as you jump off the cliff and dive into the cloud blue water. the splash nonexistent from your perfect swoop.
if only he had the polaroid on him to capture the way your smile gleamed brighter than the sun reflecting off the sparkling water the the way your eyes cutely scrunched like sand dollars under the warmth of golden sand.
the silver green of the olive trees emphasize the richness of your skin. the rich skin he couldn't keep his sapphires off as you laugh your choir laugh that would make Apollo cease his chariot to listen to the siren of Olympus once more. dancing in the turquoise waves of the coast, they crash against your soft mounds, curves, and dips of sun glistening hips and waist.
how could he have been so blind?
rage and anguish slosh around in his mind that pour melancholic rain onto his heart, you were there for him through thick and thin. a friend he believed but how could he have buried that yearn and longing for you all those years?
it's almost criminal to the highest degree and he'd know his side of the justice system but how could that distract him from you? his head was far too buried in those lawbooks to realize, too oblivious to his emotions when you'd date and hang around other people that weren't him. looking far into the looking glass hoping that his work would pay off in the future, meeting another woman and putting a ring on her finger.
now here he is, a divorced man but a still very much happy man. lonely at times with his only child in the custody of his ex wife but still very happy with the comfort and support of you. it was you who helped him from the tears at night and it was you who he wasn't scared to open up to. even the past few months he didn't realize it but now as you call his name to get in the water he doesn't hesitate to pull his shirt over his head and take his shoes and socks off.
joining you in the water in a mater of a few heartbeats, it was as if you were a sea spirit calling for him and even if you weren't he's happily obliging when the small waves collide against his skin. both your laughs rippling the ocean in this small ocean paradise, swimming in the richness of the present never would have guessing that throughout all these years you be here.
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the salt water on your skin has dried as you and Andy walk side by side, your shoes rubbing against the gravel of the cobblestone paths as both you peer at the vendors and food stands arranging from rainbow scaled fish, fresh sesame seed breads, farm produced milks and cheeses, and vibrate fruits and vegetables. hands twined together in a firm hold, unfathomable excitement practically radiating off of you while you chat and giggle with Andy.
the topic of the conversation changing every few minutes when you find a stand that grabs your attention. curious eyes and wandering hands look over organic produce and homemade goods the people had to offer. the golden clutch of your purse being opened multiple times and Andy's mouth being stuffed with jam, cheese and fruit samples on the account of you. as you did you shopping he did as well, the ingredients for a sweet treat he had planned for you later on tonight are in a brown paper bag amongst your purchases.
of course he had to carry them all, not in obligation but because he didn’t want you to worry about shopping too much when you’re in the midst of enjoying your vacation. by all means he certainly wasn’t complaining, if anything he liked having you giddy and bursting with energy. practically dragging him from stand to stand and carrying your bags filled with stuff that you’d bring back home and try.
the village square where the marketplace takes place is tinted in an ambrosial hue, the sun now a glowing slice of grapefruit against the peachy pink carnation sky. lavender clouds that seem so close to grasp tower above you both yet they don't prevent the suns glow from capturing the beautiful soft planes of your face.
luscious and softer than the bouquet of sunflower carnations he surprised you with as you looked at the variety of sunhat options. one that you just purchased rests floppily against your temple but still doing its job at keeping you shaded from the suns glare. wrapped in a silky green bow, Andy smiles at how huge it is but it just makes you look divine and adorable in your sundress.
holding his hand tighter before tracing them up his forearm to softly grasp his bicep, it you who's leaning against him and pulling him close to you. the feeling of your body alongside his is warmer then any sunshine that seeps into his skin and lovelier than any of the flowers the market had to offer.
it’s hard to give you one excellent gift to give back all those years of commitment and loyalty and friendship but the way your lips spread in that enchanting smile it’s enough to make Andy know -despite the both of you not saying it- that you feel the same way to.
the bouquet in both your holds lifting up every once in a while for Andy to smell and for you to admire as you walk away from the noisy market. a little behind the village were the spring green of the countryside clashes within the stone brick city is a valley of flower arbors and hedge mazes. it was the last pitstop Andy the bags in both your hands settle down against the safety shadow of a maple trees shade and with a little laugh and an excited squeal he run to the flower arbors.
green rows of soft shrubbery dotted and laced in colorful blossoms stand in multiple rows upon rows look over of petunias and carnations. small apple and lemon trees in potted beds line up within the flowery hedges and no matter where you look it’s only the divination of spring and the gifts it bestows the Earth with. wooden picnic basket that was once used from your beach picnic is now empty but it’s quickly filling with the sweet smelling beauties of the flowers and fruits and you pluck.
Andy not fair behind you captures your wondering body in the still frame pictures of your polaroid camera. the pictures emerging quickly afterwards, he’s quick to fab them off and place them in your small picture album. turning your head over your shoulder your caught with Andy having the perfect opportunity to snap a picture that would be a bedtime story to tell with a child of his and yours.
it’s perfect and breathtaking, no matter the feeling of his heart thumping in its lingering hesitance you were the star that’s still continues to shine despite being out in broad daylight. it pulled at his heart strings because he knew what this feeling was, this feeling that he been avoiding to come to terms with all day but why was he so terrified?
the fear of rejection wouldn’t burst his heart but it would remind him that he was alone. a man like him wasn’t born to walk this Earth, wake to the sun and sleep with moon alone. the very presence of you besides him made him feel all the things besides lonely and bare to the universes cruelness at times. but maybe you felt the same way about him.
he only had one way to find out and he was set on keeping it, whatever sea he had to cross, valley he had to travel to and the plummeting ends to the Earth he will pronounce his love.
snapping another picture of you, you smile in it and with that he smiles to.
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"realize what Andy?" you press on but in the rosy candle light his lips pressed against yours seems to be the only answer he can bring himself to conclude.
it's takes the breath out of your lungs and makes your heart blush and burn deeper and hotter than the tiny flames that decorate the cake. the roughness of his bottom lip that have been occasionally bitten the past minutes of dancing around your feelings. the nerve of you both to push aside your feelings for each other because the fear of breaking each others hearts.
if only your past selves could see you now, shedding your hearts and allowing the key to them to finally open the gates of vulnerability and yearn. the passionate lovesick mess tastes delicious against your mouths and you both could get drunk off it instead of the rose. sweet and inching for more as your lips part to graze against each other, but in order to seal the prophecy of established lovers Andy pulls away.
"that i'm in love with you. that i've always been in love with you. it's been years and i'm sorry for just realizing it now but I need to know if you feel the same way. please tell me now, please," he whispers against your lips.
now its your turn for our heart to skip beats and take in each and everyone of his words. fluttering eyes drowning in his copper blues, you open your mouth to say something but nothing but a soundless nothing comes out. all these years your love for Andy has been buried deep within you and you've tried your best to hide that seed. to plow in new seeds because what use was that seed if it never flourished when he'd feel the same way.
you don't realize until you feel the tear dripping down your cheek, he wipes it with his thumb. pressing a kiss where it once existed and it's now that you realize that it's always come to this. your lives weren't entirely paved in stone but the love that has a faith of its own is something that changes as the pages of a storybook turn.
this virtuous night being the newest chapter and as much as you're scared to follow along your heart has been waiting for this moment for so long. with those teary eyes that bring some to his own you smile and pull his face with yours, pressing your lips with his to mark your answer clear, to make him feel the way you feel.
"i've always felt the same. dear god Barber it took you twenty years and it all worked out didn't it?" you giggle against his mouth, feeling his grin as he kisses you back.
"what did you wish for?" he murmurs and you only smile and wrap your arms around his neck, "this,"
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♡♡♡ thank you for reading! ♡♡♡ pretty please like, reblog and/or comment what you think and if you enjoy this follow me to read more of my future works! ♡♡♡
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obanzi · 3 years
Hi! I’d like to ask for a matchup if you don’t mind :)
My name is Audi, my pronouns are she/they and I’m bisexual!
My birthday is in May and I’m a Taurus
My hobbies include art (mostly drawing and coloring) music (both listening to and making) video games, writing, and being on the internet!
I like a lot of things! Some things I love are: animals, nature, my friends :) plushies!! Comedy, food, rocks!!, art, and music!
Dislikes include: people who judge others, story’s without a happy ending, the dark, and the usual gross stuff!
Demons or humans: humans! Tho demons can be cool sometimes, I love Nezuko :)
Do I like pda: Yes! Though I’m a bit shy so I probably won’t initiate it. Nothing too extreme tho bc I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable!
My breathing style: they’re all so cool!! Probably love breathing tho <:
Love language: quality time! Though physical touch is a runner up
Indoors or outdoors: both! It really depends on how I’m feeling that day [:
Favorite flowers: lilies of the valley, and irises!
Top kins: Nene Yashiro (jshk) Chiaki Nanami (danganronpa) and Mitsuri!
Ideal date: anything they want to do! Maybe a walk in the park and a picnic or a night of movies and cuddling if you asked me tho!
Thank you in advance and feel free to ignore this c:
hellooo , i hope u enjoy ur matchup !! Erhh sorry if the manga panel seems weird too :<
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Match Up for Anonymous
You got ..
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Muichiro Tokito
— I was thinking his twin but then there isn’t much about his twin so i went with this >:D
Songs Based Off Relationship :
Line Without a Hook — Ricky Montgomery
This Side of Paradise — Coyote Thoery
Heather — Conan Gray
How You Met :
You were Mitsuri’s Tsugoku , other known as the Love Hashira . One day , she was busy and asked you to go to the Stone Hashira ( Gyomei ) to train for the day . That’s where you met Muichiro who so happened to be there training with Gyomei too . At first , he didn’t pay much attention to you .. he just thought you were strong enough to be a Tsugoku . That’s all really . That was until Gyomei gave you both a break , that’s when you started to talk to him . He mostly forget everything you told him including your name , although you didn’t mind . From Mitsuri , you heard he was very forgetful . Even so , you wanted befriend the Mist Pillar . The more you came to train with Gyomei , the more you talked with the Mist Pillar ! And slowly and soon , Muichiro started to remember a few things about you .. even liking your presence . Gyomei started to catch on , on what was happening with the both of you . He told Mitsuri and Mitsuri was very happy ! She started to question you about it which made you blush a little >:D
Relationship Head-canons :
Muichiro is okay with PDA , he doesn’t really get the consent of it . Although he would probably cling to you from time time .. if you ask him to stop he’ll stop but you’ll have to hold his hand instead — I think he really likes it when you or him swings both of your arms . He’s still a teen so i think he be into that kind of stuff >:D
When Muichiro learned you make music , he was intrigued . I think he likes the music with tunes , he’s not a big fan of music with words !! When he has time he’ll come by and observe you make music , he likes to stare at you — not in a creepy way but he likes it when you make those faces !
Muichiro likes nature and you like nature .. so most dates are in nature ( win win ) most dates are near a stream , where you both go bird watching ! Muichiro likes to lay in your lap while you play with his hair :D you also go cloud watching . Sometimes you strike up a conversation but mostly you both like to enjoy the peace and eachothers presents ( AM I USING THE RIGHT WORD ??? )
I feel like Muichiro’s love language would be quality time and physical affection ! Like you :D although Muichiro goes more into physical affection . When alone , Muichiro clings to you like a baby koala — he really loves hugs , so when you can .. give him a hug !! He also prefers to spend most of his time with you , whether it’s training for just doing whatever . He just wants to be with you — okay ? >:D
Since you are Mitsuri’s Tsugoku , she pretty much knows a lot about your relationship with Muichiro ! She offers you a lot of advice when you need it , she even gave you some date plans ( she’s a big helper ) . Whenever she sees the two of you doing some wholesome she can’t help but squeal on how cute you both are !! You maybe get a little blushy and hide into Muichiro’s neck —
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k0dzukwen · 3 years
ʚ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 ɞ
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- ”I would’ve never thought I would have to say goodbye to my paradise so soon...”
pairing: tendou x gn!reader
genre: angst, tragedy
word count: 1.7k
song inspo: mr. loverman by ricky montgomery mixed with as the world caves in by matt maltese
warnings: major character death, mentions of eating disorder, mild cussing, hospitals, 
pre a/n: if you wanna blame someone for this idea blame rex orange county, jjk newest ep, and my bestfriend ANKNKA ok but fr...i was thinking of who to do for this for about like..30 mins, it was between tendou, kita, and atsumu. i’ll try to do atsumu tonight because i have a AMAZING prompt for him ok? anyways enjoy this :))
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“I can show you everything”
You wanted to be shown everything once, you were so eager to go everywhere and memorize every detail. And there was one person who you wanted to travel everywhere with
Satori Tendou
You were captivated by him, thoughts of him fogged your mind daily and you could barely focus. You knew he was the one for you that day you first started as a manager and he offered you candy, along with asking if you read manga. His smile when you said yes and accepted his snack made you melt on the inside, you practically started floating when he sat next to you and started talking about character complexes and powers. You listened to him for hours that day, you secretly wished he had invited you over so he could talk to you more. You went to sleep that night reminiscing over every word, every sentence, every laugh you both shared. 
Were you really that head over heels after one day?
As the days went by you and Tendou grew closer, becoming best friends within weeks. Yet the sparkle in your eyes when he smiled and laughed never faded, the warm feeling from being with him remained with you only growing stronger. You always fell too easily which left you vulnerable to getting hurt, yet with him you wanted to open yourself up completely hoping he would do the same. Months turned into years and before you knew it, You guys were graduating. Everything went by so fast you would believe you blinked and suddenly became a third year, now you were laying in the grass behind the dorms stargazing with your bestfriend who you had unironically fallen in love with. Have you told him how you felt? Nope
“Do you know what paradise is?”, Tendou stared up at the sky the slight light from the lights nearby illuminating his face and causing his eyes to sparkle
“Something or someone you find comfort in, Something you’re so addicted to just doing it or being around it brings you unimaginable joy. You can’t and won’t imagine ever leaving it or stopping it voluntarily” You sighed and looked over at him, gazing into his red eyes, “Why do you ask?”
He laughed and closed his eyes, breathing deeply “This is my paradise...I don’t think I’m ready to leave..” He opened his eyes and smiled, “But you know, This is a part of growing up right?”
“Ugh..” You huff and sit up, “What the hell is growing up anyways?”
Tendou sat up and shifted closer, leaning in so his nose could almost touch yours, “You aren’t old enough to understand”
Your face flushed a deep pink, he was so close to your face if you accidentally moved closer your lips would meet. You smiled at him and burst out laughing, laughing so hard you had to lay back down and hold your stomach. He laughed too, laying next to you and continuing to point out constellations like nothing had happened. What did he even mean “You aren’t old enough to understand”, he was only one year older than you so what did he mean?
Did you really want to know?
You never really understood the term “growing up”, deep down you wanted to stay a a kid forever. You knew that growing up brought unwanted pain and stress and even trauma, if you weren’t stressed with college enough you also had to deal with paying for bills on your studio apartment and making money from the cafe you worked at. And to make it all worse your best friend, the guy you were lovesick for was moving across the country to pursue his dreams
In Paris
You always asked why Paris, didn’t he want to go pro in volleyball? Wasn’t that his paradise? You knew you wanted the best for him but deep down you didn’t want the love of your life to move across the country, you knew you would both lose communication with eachother, you knew he would forget about you and you didn’t want to bear that pain. Yet he didn’t want to listen, he left to paris and exactly what you predicted happened. You started off calling him every day along with texting him, sending him pictures of what you did in everyday life. You didn’t have many friends so you often found yourself waiting for his reply, you knew his job was time consuming but impatience still got the best of you. Hours without a reply turned into days, the realization that you had lost your love ate at your soul. You found yourself skipping meals, and slacking off in school. You knew it was unhealthy and that you needed to stay strong but you couldn’t, his laugh and smile lingered in your dreams. You missed him dearly, but still couldn’t get the confidence to dial his number. One day you couldn’t take it and booked a flight out to Paris, you thought at the moment it would be the best option.
You never even left the hotel
You paced around the room, the TV playing in the background. You knew the chocolate shop he worked at and had a way of transportation but couldn’t bring yourself to go, what if he didn’t remember you? What if he had someone else? You tried to talk yourself up, motivating yourself to press the button
“God damn Y/N just-” You were cut off by a breaking news report, Your gaze switched from your hands to the TV. You squinted at the screen as it showed a report of a young male involved in a car collision, you didn’t even know what the instinct was but you ran out your hotel room down to the lobby, you busted through the entrance and started to run to the hospital the news report specified, tears welled up in your eyes as you ran praying that it was just a mistake. You prayed that the male in critical condition wasn’t who you thought it was, you stumbled and bumped into people as you ran saying a quick “I’m sorry” and keeping your pace. You arrived at the hospital and bust through the doors, running up to the desk
“Please miss, Who was the man involved in the car collision? The one in critical condition?” Tears pricked at your eyes as you stared at the woman in front of you expectantly
“Oh, at first we labeled him a John Doe but after further inspection we have confirmed the mans name is...Satori Tendou, We really shouldn’t give out this info but you seem like a family member or-”
The nurse continued on but you couldn’t hear, everything went silent as if you had just became deaf, Your knees felt weak and threatened to give out. It couldn’t be him, You shook your head and covered your ears despite the fact you couldn’t hear anything, everything started to swirl together like a fever dream. Thats right, it was just a dream, This wasn’t happening. You were gonna wake up from this crazy situation and go see your bestfriend, You were gonna finally see your best friend and he was going to be alive and healthy. Everything was going to be just fine, This was just a sick nightmare thats it
“Excuse me, this is his room. I’m sorry but he has about 20 mins left to live, he can hear but can’t move or respond to anything...I’m sorry”
The doctor patted your back and left the room, gently closing the door to avoid startling you. You hadn’t spoken a word since the news was given to you and of course, you didn’t take it well. You broke down completely, the nurses had to escort you to a room and try to calm you down
But even now you felt nothing but numbness
You stared at Tendous body blankly, gazing at all the tubes coming out of him, the beeping of the heart monitor and pumping of the life support machine kept the room from being completely silent. You felt tears well up into your eyes again and this time you didn’t fight them, you slowly walked towards his bed and gently touched his face. You could feel his face flinch and heard a wimper escape from his body, you let out a quiet sob and placed your hand over your mouth. You remembered how the doctor said he could hear you and feel everything
Feel Everything
He could probably feel the tubes and they were probably painful, He probably didn’t think that life was worth so much pain. 
“Tendou...” Your voice cracked and you sniffed, “I’m so sorry...I should have been there..for you” You sighed and sat down in a chair, leaning on the bed “Did I ever tell you about my paradise? Well unlike you...My paradise was a person, They were super funny and their smile could brighten anyones day” You smiled at the last part, unknowingly laying your head on the bed, “They had am amazing laugh too...It was so contagious I learned to memorize it, whenever I was around them...I felt like I was complete. I felt like I had a life worth living when they were around, I loved them..letting them go was the hardest thing, but at least they were safe and happy...” You started to choke up, tears streaming down your face, “You’re my paradise Tendou...I’m in love with you and I want to stay here forever if It means I’ll be with you”. You looked up at the monitor noticing how it was slowing down, You didn’t know much about medicine and medical things but you knew that wasn’t a good sign. You gently grabbed his cold hand and squeezed it, you blinked through tears and opened your mouth. You didn’t know what to say until the monitor started to rapidly beep, fear shot through your body causing your tears to flow faster and your body to shake. You broke your gaze from the monitor and looked at Tendou, his skin was pale and you could barely see his face through all the tubes
“I would have never thought...I would have to say goodbye to my paradise so soon. I love you Satori, I’m sorry I was too late” 
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post a/n: currently sitting here crying, i’m not even attached to Tendou like that and i’m HURT why do i do these things to myself i’m sorry to whovever reads this </3
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simpbur · 3 years
hello! i would like ur 40 song wiblur playlist
anon thank you so much for asking <333 while it would’ve been easier to just drop the link i have so many thoughts about everything so i explained why every single song has its spot on this list which was IMMENSELY fun for me
(also: if anyone does want the link i can provide both apple music and spotify but if u would like the apple music link i’d rather it be through dms or an ask off anon that i can make private!)
another also: i bolded all the songs for ease of perusing if you don’t want the director’s commentary and bolded + italicized the ones that i think fit Very Well
another another also: wrote the second bit of this on my laptop and the keyboard is p funky so if there are any typos or things that do not make sense i will try to fix them asap haha
saint bernard by lincoln: this is one of those like. Dream SMP Songs that i added because it fits into so many different relationships and plot lines and arcs but i think there’s some connection to c!wlbur somewhere out there. idk i asked my friend and he said to add it so this one goes out to him
amnesia was her name by lemon demon: ghostbur song ghostbur song! mostly comes from this lovely animatic
o valencia! by the decemberists: okay this is one of those songs that only really has one lyric that fits but is an absolutely banger so it’s here anyway. you’ll also notice a trend of quasi love songs that i relate to c!wilbur’s perception of l’manburg and i think this song shows this in a really cool way, esp with the chorus (‘and i swear to the stars i’ll burn this whole city down’ is The Line)
achilles come down by gang of youths: another one of those Dream SMP Songs. i think this fits better with c!tommy but i like it too much to remove it. this is a somewhat common trend with the earlier songs on this playlist (i’ve been building this thing since january, for reference)
brave as a noun by ajj: another Dream SMP Song. i think certain verses fit better than others when it comes to wilbur’s character but that ones that work really work
harness your hopes by pavement: a song that is one here for vibes alone. i have no idea what these lyrics mean. all i know is that i heard it, thought of c!wilbur, and put it on the playlist. thank you all for being here
evelyn evelyn by evelyn evelyn: sad-ist made this a tommy and tubbo song (as she should) so it’s validity on this playlist is questionable but folks used to compare it to wilbur and tommy’s relationship during the pogtopia arc and i think some points were made there
the execution of all things by rilo kiley: i’m so excited to get here because this was the first song i put on the playlist that i think really works and i thumb nailed an animatic for the last verse and november 16th so! i think it’s a good l’manburg song and the last verse has some good ghostbur lines (‘and lately you’re all alone with nothing left but sleep/but sleep never comes to you, it’s the guilt and forever wakefulness of the weak’)
i’m just your problem from adventure time: this ones a bit tricky since at is my favorite show of all time and i cannot detach this song from its in-show context very well but there is a very cool animatic with this song that landed it a spot on the playlist
man burning by josh ritter: almost became an animatic but the audio i wanted to use (which i recorded at a josh ritter concert and it’s just him and his guitar and there’s echo and it’s very haunting and pretty) has my stepbrother singing in the background and i could not edit it out so. that will probably not happen. but anyways the only hole i would pick in this song is that it’s mostly about self sabotage which isn’t really applicable but i think the imagery is cool
mamma mia by abba: here me out. here me out. this is another song that fits so well and i have spent so many hours thinking about this and somewhere there is a note on my phone explaining how every single line relates to c!wilbur’s entire arc from founding l’manburg to the resurrection (made when we thought gbur was going to get resurrected in january) and just. the metaphorical ‘you’ is l’manburg does this make any sense (another almost animatic except now that wilbur’s actually back it might become an actual animatic)
the other side of paradise by glass animals: no idea why this is here other than being a Dream SMP Song. it’s good tho
infinitesimal by mother mother: they saaaaay it stared with a big bang but they saaaaaaaay it came out of a small thing latelyyyyy i’ve been feeling like a big bang You Know
curses by the crane wives: had a thing drawn out for this song showing the comparisons between c!wilbur and c!niki because of the chorus and i think the last two lyrics of said chorus are the best thing about this one
lonely eyes by the front bottoms: gotta admit that i have no idea how this song got on here but i’ve come to associate it with ghostbur based on vibes alone. it’s a friendly song he’s a friendly ghost it works. the other tfb song coming up fits a bit better methinks
king of new orleans by better than ezra: not to put better than ezra on my c!wilbur playlist but like. something about the whole ‘tasing something up to let it fall’ motif makes me think
get me away from here, i’m dying by belle and sebastian: another almost animatic song (there’s a trend here). not only does the story told in this song work i like the lines ‘play me a song to set me free/nobody writes them like they used to so it may as well be me’ in relation to my l’manburg
montgomery forever by the front bottoms: certain bits and pieces of this song fit so well, specifically the chorus and those bits in the last two choruses Yeah (’montgomery forever and ever and ever and now they’re blowing it up/(x2)/as you started laughing and crying and trying to explain how all you want to do is leave’)
don’t look back in anger by oasis: out of all my almost animatic songs, this one got the furthest. the animatic, which I got pretty far in thumbnailing, was about wilbur and tommy and kind of drawing comparisons between their characters, also about the revolution in general. maybe i’ll finish that animatic one day idk 
snow by ricky montgomery: i wish i had a link for this so bad but!! saw art on twitter!! with the lyric ‘bury me six feet in snow’!! and went ahfsdjfk!!
burning pile by mother mother: a Dream SMP Song. also a jam there’s no real specific connection for this one but i think it could fit in a couple of ways
rounds by the oh hellos: in the same position as snow except it was on tumblr..... @ whoever made this comic i saw these lyrics in your brain is massive and your art is incredible
lovely by mt. eddy: on here for vibes alone. there’s something in the lyrical content too, but my thoughts in that regard are not very fleshed out
adventures in solitude by the new pornographers: ah yes..... the song that prompted this all...... this is a beautiful and incredibly well written song and if you’re going to listen to any song off of this playlist i’d encourage you to listen to this one. it’s place of here is mostly cause of the chorus but the imagery in the verses could all represent a part of c!wilbur and i’d love to explore that more
caught in the middle by paramore: obligatory paramore song. i think it got on here because limbo = ‘middle’ but i’m not quite sure. on the verge of being deleted if i can find a better pmore song
delicate by damien rice: one of the oddest songs on this list and i am well aware that it sticks out like a sore thumb. a song that’s on here pretty much because of one lyric, which is ‘and why’d you sing hallelujah/if it means nothing to you’ which i related to both eret’s betrayal and how my l’manburg is hallelujah yknow
bang! by ajr: almost animatic song. i think we all know what the bang is here
somewhere only we know by lily allen: ik i said don’t look back in anger has the most potential to get made into an animatic but this song might actually take it place. on par with adventures in solitude in terms of how pretty of a song it is, and probably even moreso. it’s kind of turned into a ghostbur song in my head, and makes me cry like an infant child every time i hear it
a pearl by mitski: i cannot defend this song’s place on here past the line ‘it’s just that i fell in love with a war and nobody told me it ended’
eight by sleeping at last: the official c!wilbur song needs a spot on here <3 if i can dig up the clip of cc!wilbur talking about this song in relation to his character i’ll add it but until then yeah <3
always by rilo kiley: no idea why this is on here but it fits well!! could not tell you why!! banger!!
celebration guns by stars: it’s a hauntingly beautiful song about war, and kind of one of those that necessarily isn’t about wilbur but moreso his place in the story? idk how to explain it but yes
passerine by the oh hellos: it’s. it’s from the . the fic. yeah h
oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place by bright eyes: added this after the real resurrection and i think it’s because fo the imagery? also the last verse
we are beautiful, we are doomed by los campesinos!: all i have to say is ‘i cannot emphasize enough that my body/is a badly designed, poorly put together vessel/harboring these diminishing, so called vital organs/i hope my heart goes first, i hope my heart goes first!’ has always made me think of pogtopia era wilbur :(
dead weight by jack stauber: no real connection other than eret played this song during a break during the ghostbur’s january ‘resurrection’ and i heard it and went :0
point me at lost lands by tired pony: gives me season on l’manburg vibes..... i love how free and passionate it sounds and that's p much the only reason it’s on this list haha
ghosting by mother mother: added this five seconds ago because i could not BELIEVE it was not on here. ghostbur song. mans sang it on that one stream with the reverb and everything. the lyrics ‘i will be kind and i’ll be sweet/if you stop staring straight through me’ hit particularly hard back when everyone thought that ghostbur was actually wilbur in disguise 
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grasslandgirl · 4 years
oooo i sent it more as a fix prompt but also from one adhdhead to another i’m glad we agree!! thinking about sam and peter study dates
ahhhh fvbjsjvkbjf im so dumb i’m sorry i saw “adhd sam” and my brain just yelled YEAH. RADICAL. and that was it kjdvskfj 
that being said i’ve been haunted by ricky montgomery’s Line Without a Hook + eldonado since yesterday so........ hmmm.... (oh no this got wildly out of hand)
Peter threw himself wholeheartedly into anything he worked on. It was just how he was built. Peter was either on or he was off, and it was hard to get him to change course once he was en route. Head down, eyes narrowed, his whole body angled down at his computer like if he got his face close enough to the screen, it would start streaming information right to and from his brain. His hair would flop, unnoticed, into his eyes and he would shove his glasses so far up his nose that Sam would worry he was going to bruise his nose. 
All this to say, of course, that study dates were something of an occupational hazard when you were best friends with Peter Maldonado.
And also secretly in love with him.
Well, mostly-secretly. Secretly to Peter, and probably only Peter, because Sam was 90% sure everyone else was in on the secret and knew how hopelessly gone Sam was for his oblivious best friend. Gabi was the only one who ever said anything to him about it, though. So, little victories. 
Finals were looming over their heads like a dark storm cloud. Looming on the horizon, fucking with barometric pressure just enough to make everyone jumpy and nervous. Peter worked well under pressure- which was a good thing, because Sam knew Peter put more pressure on himself than anyone else did- but he would always show up the night before a big exam and demand that Sam help him study. It was so commonplace after seven years of friendship that Sam didn’t question it anymore. Mostly.
There was always that small, hopeful, and nervous voice in the back of his head asking why Peter always studied with Sam when he studied just as well on his own. The only answer he could think of was that Peter knew Sam studied better with him there. But that wasn’t- that couldn’t- Sam always shut that annoying little voice down before it spiraled any further.
It didn’t do anyone any good to overcomplicate things that were objectively very simple. Peter liked routine, they were best friends, Sam was the only one who could talk Peter down from an academics-induced panic attack at 2 in the morning the night before a final exam. 2 + 2 = 4. Simple math. 
Sam was slumped on his back, halfway falling off his bed with his head and shoulders draped over the side of his mattress. The notebook he was supposed to be reviewing was abandoned, sitting on his stomach. Peter was sitting at Sam’s desk, leaned over and scowling at his laptop. 
It was unfair, really, how pretty Peter looked illuminated by the blue-white light of his notes document. Sam had the perfect view of Peter’s upside down profile, all furrowed eyebrows and clenched jaw and dark hair that’d had hands run through it too many times. It was late and Sam’s brain was wrung out and exhausted, only able to focus on Peter’s expression as he mouthed whatever obsolete moment in history he was trying to commit to memory, and the looping chorus of a Carly Rae Jepsen song he’d had stuck in his head for the last two hours. 
A big part of being friends with Peter Maldonado was knowing when to draw the line. 
“Pete, dude.” Peter looked up, blinking away the lines of notes Sam could almost see in his eyes. “It’s the middle of the night. Either we know it or we don’t at this point.”
“You think we should cut our losses?”
“I know you can survive on three hours of sleep and five cups of coffee, dude, but I can’t.” Sam tapped himself on the forehead. “This baby needs r&r or I can’t fucking function.”
“Right, right. What time is it?”
Sam sat up- an impressive showcase of his abs that Peter didn’t notice, of course- and dug around in his rumpled comforter for his phone. “12:30.”
Peter sighed heavily, tipping his head back against the headrest of Sam’s computer chair. “I should go home.”
“Dude. Just-” Sam was his own worst enemy sometimes- “just spend the night.”
“Yeah? Your moms won’t mind?”
“Nah, I’m pretty sure they assumed that’s what was happening when you showed up after dinner.”
It was probably just a weird reflection from the computer light on one of Sam’s posters onto Peter’s face. There was no way that Peter was blushing. 
“Anyway,” he continued, shoving his textbook and notes off of his bed instead of looking at Peter, “I’m gonna drive you tomorrow anyway, right? Saves me a trip.”
Peter closed his laptop with a soft click. “Yeah, sure, if it’s not-”
“It’s cool, dude, don’t be weird. Just two bros-”
“Chilling in a hot tub?”
Sam prayed Peter couldn’t see the hot blush he felt rising to his cheeks. Five feet apart cause they’re not gay. “Whatever you want, dude.”
Peter knew Sam was gay. He was the first person Sam had come out to- followed closely by Gabi and his moms. But there was a difference, Sam was sure, to having your best friend be gay versus having your best friend be gay and in love with you. An invisible line in the sand that would shift their relationship forever. Sam didn’t want to test how that shift would happen. Didn’t want to risk losing his best friend on the off chance that he wasn’t alone. 
“Right.” Peter repeated. 
They went to bed in pieces: Sam pulling on an old pair of sweatpants and throwing one to Peter, Peter neatly stacking all his notes on one corner of Sam’s desk, Sam kicking all his schoolwork to the edges of his bedroom floor as opposed to the middle of it, Peter brushing his teeth with the same toothbrush he’d kept in the Ecklund house since they were ten, Sam turning off all the lights, Peter wandering back into his bedroom, Peter’s hair turning to gold and ink in the faint streetlight coming in from the window, the two of them curling up back to back in Sam’s bed just like they always did.
And then it was dark and quiet and all Sam could hear was the faint sound of Peter’s breathing beside him. The warmth from Peter’s back mere inches from Sam’s. They’d fallen asleep next to each other a million times, but Sam still felt electric with the proximity. How easy it would be to just- stretch his legs out and wind his feet with Peter’s, to flip over and press his nose into the soft place where his hairline met the back of his neck, to whisper something hopeful and mortifying into the still night air and hear Peter’s breath catch in silent response.
Sam stayed still, held himself perfectly motionless lest he finally show his hand. And eventually, they both fell asleep.
Peter woke up surrounded by Sam. The pillow he’d pressed his face into smelled like Sam’s hair and the sheets on his bed were the same tacky Star Wars ones he’d been so proud of in the seventh grade and the bed was warm with Sam’s body next to him. For an instant, Peter let himself consider it: waking up next to Sam like this every day. Falling asleep with his arms wrapped around Sam and waking up with his head on his chest. 
He squeezed his eyes shut against the glaring dawn light, and against the daydream that quickly threatened to spin out of control. He could still hear Sam’s sleep heavy breathing behind him.
Slowly, Peter sat up in bed, pushing his hair out of his face and scrounging the nightstand as quietly as he could for his glasses. He allowed himself a single glance at Sam- sleep soft and sprawled out on the bed, his hand inches from where Peter’s shoulder had been, like he’d been reaching out in his sleep- before standing up and grabbing his phone from where he’d left it charging on the desk.
“Sam.” Peter poked his shoulder. “Sam.”
He groaned incoherently, but rolled over, which was a good sign. 
“You have to get up, dude.”
“Breakfast?” Sam mumbled.
“Yeah,” Peter laughed a little, “I’m sure your mom’s making breakfast.”
Peter grabbed the clothes he’d left in the corner the night before and pulled an old t shirt out of Sam’s closet. “I’m stealing a shirt.”
“Oh,” Sam said, half sitting up and blinking the sleep out of his eyes. “Yeah- good, okay.”
“I’m gonna go-” Peter gestured weakly towards the door, and beyond it, the bathroom. Sam peered up at him, the light from the window hitting his face in a single pane, like something out of a sun-soaked French movie. Like this was the moment where one of them broke the uncertainty, the silence. Peter could see the scene unfolding in his mind’s eye, like he’d seen it a hundred times. He’d say something like, did you sleep well? And Sam would answer, better with you here, and Peter would oh-so-slowly close the distance and drop his jeans to the floor and Sam would arch up and meet him halfway and the camera would pan away, leaving them both washed in the golden early-morning light. “Bathroom. I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” Peter said, and closed the bedroom door behind him. 
He splashed water on his face and combed through his hair with his fingers, throwing on yesterday’s jeans and Sam’s t shirt under his sweatshirt and hoping it wasn’t obvious to anyone else how badly Peter wished every morning could be like this. 
He left the bathroom quickly and perched on the edge of Sam’s bed, scrolling through twitter while Sam did his hair in the bathroom. 
Breakfast was quiet and normal and filled with the usual mini-dramas in the Ecklund house. Kara didn’t want PB&J for lunch and one of Sam’s moms left the flat iron on in their bathroom and Leah almost burned the eggs and Sam spent half of breakfast finishing the math homework he’d almost forgotten he had. 
Sam drove them both to school early for the Morning Show, laughing and singing along to his “perfectly composed drive to school playlist,” and the rest of the day went on normally. He took his history test and saw Sam in math class and they sat with Ming and Randall and Phil at lunch. 
But all the while, Peter couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted. He’d had... feelings for Sam for a while, unquantifiable and nebulous. He’d categorized them all: the way his stomach twisted when Sam smiled at him crookedly, the skipped beat of his heart when Sam slung his arm around Peter’s shoulders, how his hands got clammy when he caught Sam watching him out of the corner of his eye, how he always found ways to hangout during and after school. But he’d never dared to name the feeling. Defining it meant- meant he should do something about it. Made it real. 
But that morning, waking up next to Sam, borrowing his t shirt to wear to school, falling asleep next to each other- they were all things they’d done a million times before. Peter’s chest ached with the normalcy, the domesticity of it. 
Peter’s fingers itched to try and piece it all together, his feelings and Sam’s and their history together. String it all together on a corkboard until it made sense. But Peter knew it wouldn’t work. Not without Sam there to see the bigger picture in the first place. It’s why they worked so well together; Peter would gather and organize all the information, but Sam was the one that knew how to put it together, knew how to see the forest from the trees in a way Peter never could on his own. Even if he tried to map out the snarl of feelings in his chest, Peter knew he’d be left with a labyrinth of post-its and red string without Sam there to untangle it for him.
Dramatic irony, he supposed.
Peter caught the bus home, Sam had something for theatre after school, and spent the entire ride with his music turned as high as it would go, trying not to think about Sam as he stared out the window. 
The problem, Peter realized, with being a self-professed movie lover, is that your brain starts to treat life like a movie. He could imagine a dozen different ways his life could spiral out from this moment, a dozen different movie time-lines he could find himself in. The tragedy, where he never tells Sam and lives his entire life in uncertainty. The drama, where he tells Sam and it tears their friendship apart. The tragic love story, where he and Sam are together and happy until they’re not. The comedy, where Sam laughs him off and they go back to their friendship with a tiny crack between them, spackled over with laughter that’s just a little strained. 
The romantic comedy, where everything goes perfect and they ride out into the sunset. 
Life wasn’t like the movies, though, nothing ever went as simple or as straightforward or as cinematic. There isn’t a director behind the camera who can call cut and change the scene halfway through. There aren’t any sweeping cinematic shots with atmospheric indie pop playing in the background.
It was just Peter, and Sam, and the creeping uncertainty hanging between them. 
Right before dinner that night, Peter got a text from Sam.
sam: thanks for the study help last night, felt good about the test today
sam: don’t stress i know youre freaking out about it too
sam: you did great on the test pete i know it
Peter blinked at his phone, at the unspoken I know you hidden inbetween the lines. Sam knew him better than anyone, knew his habits and his worries and his annoying little tendencies. And he was still there. 
And that, Peter realized, said more than anything else.
Love wasn’t a panoramic of a passionate kiss at sunset. It was knowing someone, learning them backwards and forwards, all the good and the bad pieces of them. It was staying, not despite everything, but because of it.
Peter loved him. It was as simple and as complicated as that.
The doorbell rang at the end of dinner. Sam rushed to get to the door before his sisters- if he was lucky, it was their batty old neighbor Mrs Gorschtt and she would prattle on for fifteen minutes about her cat, shove a cake into Sam’s hands, and get him out of having to help clean the kitchen.
But when he opened the door, it wasn’t Mrs Gorschtt standing on the front porch, it was Peter. 
“Hey, dude, what’s up? We don’t have like a math test tomorrow I blanked on, do we?”
“Huh?” Peter blinked at him, “No, no.”
“So, what’s up?” Sam stepped out onto the porch beside Peter, closing the front door behind him. Maybe he could still get out of washing the dinner dishes. 
“Uh- so, the thing is-” Peter muttered, twisting one of the strings from his hoodie between his fingers. Sam’s stomach dropped; something was wrong. Peter was nervous, uncertain about something. He wasn’t looking Sam in the eye, and he had one arm wrapped around his stomach like a shield. His head started spinning with a million different things Peter could be upset about, but the thing Sam kept coming back to- he knew.
Somehow, Peter had finally figured him out. And he was coming to tell Sam- what? That they couldn’t be friends anymore? That Sam had made it weird? 
“Pete-” Sam started, trying to cover his bases, trying to fix this before his best friendship in the world went up in flames.
“You’re the only one who calls me that.” Peter interrupted, finally looking at Sam.
“Pete. You’re the only one.”
“I- we’re friends, dude, I’m allowed to have nicknames.” Sam tried to laugh, but it sounded forced, even to his ears.
“I- I know,” Peter’s eyebrows were furrowed, and he was staring at Sam like he was a page of history notes he was trying to memorize. “I got your text.”
“Oh, uh okay.”
“Sammy, I uh, I have to say something, and I want you to promise you’ll let me finish.”
Sam’s stomach dropped even further. Here it was. The end of everything. “Right,” he tried to smile at Peter, “sure dude, whatever you need.”
Peter nodded. “You’ve been my best friend since the fifth grade. You know all of my secrets, all the bad things that I don’t tell anyone else. You know that I don’t like orange-flavored things because I had too much orange-flavored medicine as a child and that I stay up too late studying the night before a test and I panic after I finish taking it. You watch movies I recommend, even though you think High School Musical 2 is the best movie ever made, you- god-” Peter scrubs his hands through his hair, clenching his eyes closed briefly- “this would be so much easier if I could just- you can see the big picture. Like with this you could just- take the words, the discrete pieces of data and put them together. Make it cohesive, coherent. I’m not making sense,” he muttered.
“I don’t want to just spend the night after study dates.” Peter blurted out abruptly. His face froze, like he wasn’t sure what he just said, like he was terrified Sam was going to misunderstand. “I- I mean. I want to do real dates. With you. And spend the night and wear your clothes and have my hoodies smell like you and watch you spin around in the morning show chairs without having to worry about you catching me and I want to see you without gel in your hair and I want to lean against you when we have movie nights and-”
“Sammy,” Peter said, kind of breathless. “Go on a date with me.”
“Like a study date?” Sam said, also kind of breathless.
“Like a date-date. Please.”
“Yeah. Yeah, just- come here-” and then Sam’s hands were on either side of Peter’s face and his fingers were in his hair and Peter’s hands were caught in Sam’s sweater and then-
Peter kissed like he didn’t know all the answers, for once, and he was okay with it. Peter kissed like he was memorizing everything about the moment. Peter kissed like he was planning on replaying it like an old video tape, over and over until the tape wore thin and tore. Peter kissed like he could hear the orchestra playing behind them, like they were in some cheesy made for tv rom com and were about to get their happy ending.
Peter kissed like Sam was his happy ending.
Finally, they broke apart- more to catch their breath than anything else. 
“Hell of a study date,” Sam breathed, unable to stop smiling.
“Shut up.” Peter was smiling, too.
And, leaning back in, Sam did.
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karmaristele · 3 years
Wnd of the yr asks!! 3, 6, 12, 16, 20, 21, and 24!
3.) Favorite musical artist/group you started listening to this year?
Cavetown. I had heard a couple of Robbie’s songs in 2019, but I became a big fan in 2020 and he ended up being all of my top 5 songs of 2020 on Spotify. I also fell in love with Beach Bunny, Chloe Moriondo, Ricky Montgomery, and Penelope Scott. Most importantly, I fell back in love with Taylor Swift. She was my top artist of the year. Stream Folklore and Evermore 💕
6.) Episode of TV or web series that to find the year for you?
I watched the entirety of The Umbrella Academy several times this year, so I’m just going to say that entire show.
12.) Talk about a new friend you made this year
I met the love of my life on June 2, 2020. Their name is Lizzie. We met through Black Lives Matter protests in town and coincidentally have matching tattoos on the same spot on the same arm. If that’s not the premise of a fan fiction, I don’t know what is. Although Lizzie and I are not dating anymore (they broke up with me due to their struggles with mental health), they still own my entire heart and they’re still my best friend.
16.) Post a picture from the beginning of the year
Tumblr media
This is the very first picture of me from this year. Photo taken on January 16, 2020.
20.) What’s something you learned this year?
I learned how to live without people I previously thought I couldn’t live without. I started the year engaged to someone I’d been dating since I was 12 years old. Our relationship was very toxic and I truly didn’t think that I could survive on my own. I was also dating another person who was even more abusive towards me. I had been manipulated into believing I needed them both to function. In January of 2020 I officially cut ties with both Sydney and Daniel and although I continue to struggle with my emotions revolving those two, I’m doing infinitely better without them in my life.
21.) What’s something new about your place of residence now v.s. the beginning of the year?
My brother, Ethan, moved out! He lives in a barn now. Good ridence.
24.) Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Truth be told, I didn’t plan on living past March 25th, so I didn’t bother to make any New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t worry, I’m doing significantly better now.
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