#also my gifs seem slower even at the same speed
uptondixon · 5 months
Daryl & Daugther!Reader - Quarry Era II
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Had this in my drafts for ages. I started writing and never finished, but I decided to post anyway. Thank you for all the love on Part 1! I'm sorry I'm not much of a writer to keep this storyline going :( Words: 1591 Warnings: Nightmares Gif not mine Chapter song is Fix You by Coldplay
Part I
"And the tears come streaming down your face, when you lose something you can't replace."
It's been a while since the three of them started the walk back to camp, which was proving to be especially hard for the girl. After the adrenaline went off, the pain on her feet and legs were becoming almost unbearable. With each step she got slower and felt weaker. A headache making its way over her head, probably a mix of pain, hunger and lack of sleep.
Before heading back to camp Daryl offered her water, which she accepted desperately. Even though she was happy the thirst was over, her growling stomach didn't let her forget the days without anything to eat. She didn't mention that, already thankful for the water. However, the girl's skinny body gave Daryl an idea of how hungry she must be.
Daryl and Merle didn't hunt anything, both too focused on the deer, so he made a mental note to feed her as soon as they got to camp. Daryl also tried to take a better look at her wounds, but she didn't let him. He didn't push and decided this was a job for Lori or Carol. They were the mothers of the group and the girl would feel safe with them, he thought.
"She's slowing us down man, if we don't speed up we're going to lose sunlight. This girl is like a damn walker bait. Hell, I can smell her blood from here." Merle complained again.
"I get it Merle! Stop whining alrigh?" Daryl said before approaching the kid. 
She had been trailing behind them the whole time, never sparing them a glance and looking almost ready to bolt in the opposite direction at any moment. All of a sudden, Daryl realized that they didn't know her name.
"What's yer name kid?" She looked up at him with wide eyes.
"Y/n." She said, voice almost a whisper.
"Alrigh', Y/n. Look, someone has to check yer wounds and for that we need to get to the camp but ya can barely walk…" Y/n knew he was right. She was scared to let him do anything with her wounds, afraid it would make it hurt even more. But the girl knew that it would only get worse if they didn't get there faster.
"What if I carry ya?" Daryl proposed. "We'll get to the folks faster and everything's gonna be okay." Daryl looked at her expectantly, while Merle was still mumbling some nonsense he chose to again ignore.
Y/n pounded for a moment. She didn't know this guy, even though he seemed to be making an effort to at least make her feel less scared. The same couldn't be said about the other guy, his brother. Even with Daryl's effort, she wasn't sure if trusting him was the right decision. However, it's not like she had any other choice at the moment.
Y/n looked up at Daryl and nodded her head. He handed his crossbow to Merle and picked the girl up. She felt so light and Daryl couldn't help but wonder how long she was alone out there, without food and water.
Y/n wrapped one of her arms around Daryl's neck, looking for something to hold on to. It was weird, how she didn't even know this man but felt safe in his arms. After being alone for months, she really wanted to believe someone good was going to help her.
Daryl arranged the girl in his arms and resumed their walking, Merle leading the way with Daryl's crossbow, aware of any danger.
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They arrived at the camp a couple hours later and Daryl came in calling for the first person he saw, which in that case was Lori. "Daryl, oh my god??? Who is that?"
Daryl immediately felt Y/n's arms wrap harder around him. "It's fine kid, don't worry."
"We found her in the woods, alone and hurt."
Minutes later, the whole camp was reunited outside the RV while Lori and Carol were inside with Y/n. The girl felt more at ease with them, like Daryl imagined. But she was still unsure about everything and everyone.
After they treated her wounds and helped her clean up, Daryl brought some of the squirrel from his last hunt along with more food from the camp. Being clean and fed, it was like Y/n could finally think straight again.
Yours later, everyone started to retreat to their tents for the night. Inside the RV, Y/n tried to stay awake, her brain still on alert for some reason. But after a while her body started to give up and she fell asleep to the sounds of the dying conversation outside.
“It will be okay my baby, just run and don’t look back, okay?”
“But mom, what about you?”
“I’ll be right behind you, go!” The little girl ran, but she couldn't help looking back. However, when she did, it made sense why her mother told her not to.
Screams, that’s what Daryl woke up to. He jumped out of his tent and saw Shane, Glenn and Dale outside the RV. “What the hell happened?”
“It 's Y/n.” Shane said “Lori is-” As if on cue, Lori leaves the RV. And to everyone's surprise, she smiled at Daryl.
“She’s asking for you, Daryl.” Daryl looked at Lori as if she had grown another head but entered the RV anyway.
“Hey kid, what's up?” Y/n was sitting in bed, death grip on the blanket and scared look on her face.
“I miss my mom” Daryl didn't know what to say, he didn't understand why she would want him there of all people. “Could you stay here until I fall back asleep?”
To be honest, Y/n didn't want to sleep, not if that meant another nightmare, but her body didn't give her any choice. Daryl saved her, his presence made her feel safe, so maybe he could help the bad dreams go away. Daryl was still confused, but he simply sat down in the chair close to the door and nodded his head, watching as the girl laid down, closing her eyes and falling asleep once again.
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The first week went by smoothly, Y/n couldn't think about anything other than sleep. Her body begging for rest in order to heal. She didn't talk much, still overwhelmed with the new environment and everything that happened, but slowly feeling more at ease with everyone. Amy was the one to bring her food the days she stayed in bed. Lori or Carol would brush her long hair after she washed up. Glenn and Dale would make her laugh with silly jokes. Andrea and Jacqui would help change her bandages. Daryl would always check on her at the end of the day. He didn't say much, only put his head inside the RV, saw her asleep and then went to his tent.
The second week was better, she was stronger and more active. However, the nightmares still hunted her at night. Since Y/n got in the camp, Carl and Sophia were anxious to talk with her. But she was weak and scared so the adults held them back. When she started feeling better, spending her days sitting in the staircase of the RV and watching the camp, Carl approached her. With everything that happened Y/n didn't really had the time to think about the other kids at camp. She knew Sophia was Carol's daugther and Carl was Lori's, but they never talked and she suddently felt nervous. It's been ages since she last talked with someone her age.
"Hi, I'm Carl. You're Y/n, right?"
"Yeah.." Y/n smiled awkwardly.
"Shane's going to teach me how to grab frogs, you wanna come too?"
Y/n apreciated the invitation but she couldn't help but ask "Why would you want to grab frogs?"
Carl seemed like he wasn't expecting the question but answered anyway "Well, it's just funny, they jump so high trying to run away" he said with a little laugh "But we release them right after, Shane says they probably taste really bad to eat."
Y/n was the one ot laugh this time, for sure she wouldn't want to eat a frog.
"Okay, it seems fun" Y/n said looking at the boy in front of her.
"Yes! It's going to be really fun, I'll tell Shane you're coming" Y/n laughed again seeing the boy excitement, she couldn't help but feel it too. After the last stressful weeks, it was good to have some distraction.
Y/n met Sophia a couple nights after her frong hunt with Carl and Shane. The camp was having dinner and since she started feeling better, she started to have dinner outside with the others. The first night she went straight to Daryl, he and Merle sitting around a fire further from the main camp. In the short time Y/n was there she could notice how they differed from the rest of the camp. Her, as well, felt unsure, not of Daryl but his brother. The first night she left the RV and went to Daryl, Merle looked at her they same way he looked at her back in the woods. Like she was an walker bait. Daryl didn't showed much affection towards her, at least not in clear eyes. But he silently made sure she was fed and safe every single day, most of the others from the camp would not notice most of the time, but he did and Y/n knew it.
Taglist: @justmare
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aliencatadventures · 7 months
Black Hole and Cosmic Lensing
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Once in my early youth, I watched a sci-fi movie about space travel that supposedly featured a black hole. It resembled a galaxy, which I found quite amusing—how can you see a black hole if no light can escape from it? Much later, I realized that although the depiction in the movie wasn't accurate, and yes, we certainly can't see the black hole itself, there are still many fascinating phenomena around it that can be observed. So, what exactly can we observe?
First, imagine Saturn with its majestic rings. Then, imagine this Saturn turning black, becoming invisible—and you'll get the picture. There are luminous rings rotating around something that, in reality, we cannot see. But it's definitely there. These rings, or more accurately, the matter drawn in by the black hole, spin at tremendous speeds and are located in the equatorial plane—just as in any galaxy formed around any massive celestial body. Unlike the tranquil, icy rings leisurely circling our native gas giant Saturn, this matter is accelerated to nearly the speed of light. It may be dense and heated near this celestial body and becomes more sparse and slower farther away. Another way to visualize it is like a whirlpool, only much faster.
But in the picture (below), it doesn't quite resemble rings. It looks more like a strange, faceless smiley wearing a hat, reminiscent of what some viewers might have seen in the movie 'Interstellar.' The reason is that space is distorted so much, so what lies behind this celestial body appears partially above and partially below it. The image seems almost turned inside out. Thus, the depiction is akin to Saturn's rings, if they were reflected in a curved mirror, or more accurately, viewed through a powerful lens.
I highly recommend clicking on the link on the video (below) to see it in action - it's absolutely spectacular!
Also, if you haven't seen the movie 'Interstellar,' I strongly suggest watching it. A group of scientists, including Kip Thorne, participated in its production. Thorne even wrote a book titled 'The Science of Interstellar' with scientific explanations. He explains how the film crew aimed to create images and visualizations as close as possible to what is actually known in science, or at least to use real scientific hypotheses. For the visualization of the black hole, they employed real scientific models, and the visuals were based on the latest scientific understanding. This approach was validated by the recent actual photograph of a black hole.
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In this visualization (below), it’s easy to observe dynamically why the rings around a black hole take on such a peculiar shape. The image displays a computer model showing how a black hole would appear if it passed in front of a distant galaxy. Note that the galaxy itself remains unaffected; it is far away, and nothing is happening to it. It's just the image of the galaxy that changes - it resembles what you would see if you took a thick, convex lens and moved it across the backdrop of that same galaxy or a simple geometric pattern. If you have such a lens or a glass sphere, try this experiment. It’s a straightforward way to help understand this phenomenon
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So, the biggest difficulty in understanding is that the picture appears static to us. As soon as you see it in motion, there's a moment of recognition of the phenomenon, and then it's no longer a problem to understand why you see rings both around the shadow of the black hole and above and below it.
Furthermore, the ability to view images dynamically also facilitates the discovery of new black holes. When astronomers notice that an entire sector of a previously familiar scene begins behaving strangely — with stars moving erratically or stretching into curved lines, and the image becoming blurred — it strongly indicates the presence of an invisible object traveling between us and this background scene, distorting the image. But we'll discuss this in more detail next time. Stay tuned!
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Akuyaku Reijou nano de Last Boss wo Kattemimashita REVIEW
Okay, so I just finished Akuyaku Reijou nano de Last Boss wo Kattemimashita. And let me just say, that has got to be one of the most unsatisfying endings I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through which is weird because I usually like endings where everything is wrapped up in a bow like your average Disney movie. I'm going to be particularly hard on it in this review because of it, but I didn't really dislike this anime as much as this post would make it seem. I actually rated it a 5.5/10 (bumped up to a 6 to keep it as an integer).
Content Warning: This series contains sexual assault and some problematic scenes.
I will go into details about the story, so spoilers are to be expected.
TL;DR: World-building make no sense. The cast isn't memorable. The story's pacing sucks. The art is mediocre at best. The sound is good. The story and especially the ending make even less sense.
Recommendations: Go watch Romantic Killer instead. Same voice actors playing the leads but infinitely better. If you've already watched Romantic Killer, maybe go read Akuyaku Reijou no Tsuihougo which is also more interesting even if it's just as problematic. Maybe go watch Hamefura if you haven't already. All of these are probably better choices.
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The story is all over the fricking place, and we kind of know that from the start. This story is in the specific subgenre of the subgenre of isekai where the main character is reincarnated into that game's villain. Inherently, this is not a bad starting point. In short, Hamefura made it work, so I don't have any reason to believe this subgenre can't make other concepts work. There are so many series that do the same thing and succeed. With that in mind, all that matters is how you tell the story.
This anime does not know what pacing is. It will go at the speed of light at some moments then be slower than molasses on a January day. This anime would not know pacing if it was beat over the head with it. Many parts of the story make little to no sense, but I will chalk that up to being a poor adaptation since I have not read the light novel, and those who read it say they bit off way more than they could chew.
One thing about fantasy anime with magic is that it needs to have at least some sort of semblance to a power system, but I kid you not, this anime gave up on making any of the magic make sense from the moment we meet Claude, the main male love interest. He can literally do anything that he wants because he's the demon king. Levitate and fly? Done. Control the weather? Done. Communicate with demons via even telepathy? Done. Eye surgeon? Done. I kid you not, he fixes this guy's eyeball with the power of demon magic. Second, there's this holy sword thing which doesn't make any sort of sense. It makes the least amount of sense in the last episode. The MC and the main villain have a fight with two holy swords which I will excuse them each having one because I guess two routes can run at once or something (I don't care about that anymore when that's the least of my worries). This sword can wipe memories, burn demon flesh, build invisible walls, but they can't hurt humans. In fact, if a person with the blood of the Sword Maiden is stabbed with it (which both the MC and villain have), they can absorb the sword. SO WHY ARE THEY FIGHTING EACH OTHER WITH THESE SWORDS?! THEY CAN'T HURT EACH OTHER WITH IT?! IN FACT, THEY'RE FIGHTING WITH THE ONLY WEAPON THEY HAVE IN EITHER OF THEIR ARSENALS. BRUH. I get this is supposed to be a shoujo, and I'm really not the target demographic (but I tend to watch a lot of stuff where I'm obviously not the target demographic), but I find it insulting as an RPG player that they did not even give a five-minute meeting to go, "Hey, guys, what if the power and magic system made sense?" Also, why is Belzebuth is the only demon that takes a human-like form while we have Sugita-- I mean Almond and Ribbon. Some are verbal, some aren't even within the same species. James is half-human, but I don't recall ever really getting that deep into his backstory, so maybe his mom got down with an animal-like demon or something? I don't fricking care.
That last episode makes less and less sense as a whole the more you think about it. We've got this twist villain whose motivation has to do with him being a simp. He matters for less than two episodes minus the fact that they imply that he killed Almond. To rectify killing the bird-- I mean demon, he pulls an Uchiha and rips his own eyeball and hands it to the MC until the animators thought, "Oh yeah, can't show the actual eyeball" and just add the weirdest glowy effects onto it like they didn't just animate a guy ripping his own eyeball out. Then there's just no blood on his face afterwards?! Also, Almond didn't even die, so it makes the trauma that Claude experienced from witnessing his "death" make less of an impact on the viewer. Especially when Almond actually saves the day at the last second to make one of the most anticlimactic endings I've ever seen. I literally looked at my computer with my eyes glazed over going, "Oh, I just... I just don't care anymore." We then get the conclusion of a redemption arc for a guy who dumps his fiancee publicly then attempts to r*pe her. "I know what [main villain] did was wrong. She's a rotten human being." Legitimately, you are just as twisted and bad, my guy. We don't need redemption for him! We don't need to justify this guy! He can rot!
I think they just put most of their ingredients into making sure the MC was interesting then were just kind of like, "Hmm... I have no idea who these extras are." They bring in random guys into this anime like there's no tomorrow then plop in some random female characters just to show that there are other women that aren't evil within that universe. Here are some of the characters that I read off a list of the cast because I don't remember most of them.
Aileen (MC): Genuinely a good character with reasonable motivations. She's intuitive, smart, and has the determination of a Shonen Jump protagonist.
Claude: His personality trait is he's a horny simp and says sweet lines like it's ASMR time 70% of the time he is on-screen. The remaining 30% is that he's overpowered when it comes to everything. I hope the writers know that you can't just slap Yuuichirou Umehara's voice onto a character and expect me to believe that it's a character. He pulls a 180 too. He just goes from "(blush) You're saying you like me?" to "This woman is mine now and I will flirt with her publicly even if it makes everyone including her uncomfortable."
Almond: Sugita gets to play a mascot character. Honestly, I have no qualms about the character. He's funny. Last few episodes did him dirty though.
Belzebuth: He's the one full-blood demon that looks like a human minus the horns.
Student council people: There's like four of them. James is supposed to be the important one, but I can't actually remember the names of the rest of them even though they were around for several episodes. I remember them by their voices which is pretty darn sad.
The help crew: I forgot they existed until the shoehorned them into the final episode.
King and queen: They are some of the blandest background villains I've ever seen. They don't make any sense.
Levy: He's voiced by Kouki Uchiyama. One of the lamest twist villains I've seen since watching Frozen. Actually, I think I prefer Hans. At least Hans has a song. Levy just rips out his eyeball... then gets it back because I guess they were like, "We can't just have another eyepatched character."
Keith: He got himself an interesting arc, so I guess he's okay.
Rachel: It honestly bothers me how Aileen knows how she's been treated then ends up making her a live-in maid. She's seen her being abused and was like, "Come with me to a place where you will work but under humane conditions."
Selena: They just wanted to add another "bitch" character into here. I will say though that the casting was spot-on.
Cedric: I can't believe they forgot that this guy was supposed to be a convicted attempted r*pist then tried to give him redemption near the end. How?! Why?! Actually, that's a trend with a ton of manga I've been seeing lately, but I still don't get it.
Lilia: The main villain and "bitch" character. Ah yes, I appreciate that they cast Kana Hanazawa in this role, but man, could they provide some more backstory, please?! I think that's the worst part about her character. The manga made her look so much better (even though they did the evil reveal a little early). I recall them giving her some more backstory which didn't really justify her character (it didn't need to though), but it's better than just going, "This girl is also a reincarnation. Reincarnated from what? I don't think it really matters."
I don't know what else I can say besides missed potential, really. The cast isn't even bad, but they didn't and couldn't build on what they had due to the issues with pacing.
Both the opening and ending are really catchy. The ending is also stylistically cool. The voice acting is strong, but the script is incredibly weak at times, and while Umehara tries to carry it with some sort of ASMR skills that don't work because the context doesn't support it, he and the rest of the cast give it their darn best (Rieri sounds amazing as a villainess). I can respect that. The score also fits quite well. The only thing is that I wanted some Mortal Kombat-esque sounds when that guy ripped out his eyeball to really sell on the "horror" of it.
The art is mediocre at best. It looks off-model at times (but definitely not the worst I've seen). It works, but the manga looks infinitely better. The fight scenes are some of the laziest I've seen this season, but I think they just saw it was a shoujo and went, "I guess they aren't here for the fights." BRO, WHAT IF I WANT A GOOD FIGHT SCENE?! Again, they severely underestimated the amount of bleeding that comes with ripping out an eyeball? How do I know this? I saw some Uchihas do it in Naruto. Come on, I'm practically an expert.
Conclusion: Yeah, this show certainly does exist, but just go read the manga even if it only has the first arc. Maybe watch the anime adaptation of the first arc after that. I think that's where it peaks then just plummets.
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little-x-wolf · 2 years
Imagine Sam and Dean sharing you.
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Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester (no wincest)
Warnings: threesome, language, unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex, degradation, seems dub-con at first but is consensual.
a/n: this is pure NSFW smut. Your media consumption is your own responsibility!
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"Shit, Sammy, the little whore is still tight," Dean groans as he fills you inch by inch.
You moan out, the sound getting muffled by Sam's cock which is resting at the back of your throat. He thrusts a little, making you gag. On instinct, you place your hands on his thighs to stop him. But he pins your wrists above your stomach in response.
"Did I tell you to touch me?" He growls above you, sending a harsh slap across your clit that makes you cry out. Even if you want to respond, you can't, not with their cocks buried deep inside you. "Forgetting our manners, are we, slut? Don't tell me I need to teach you a fucking lesson."
"Answer my brother," Dean hits you on the same spot again, both the brothers driving in and out of you at a slower pace.
"N-No," you croak out, but the sound gets muffled as Sam shoves himself deeper into your mouth.
"What?" He chuckles. "Can't hear you. Louder y/ n,"
You're hit again, your sore clit throbbing with a mixture of pleasure and pain. Deliberately, Sam picks up his thrusts, not caring how you're struggling to breathe around him.
"No," you manage out, desperate for even the tiniest amount of air to reach your lungs.
"Mhmm," he doesn't answer you directly.
You feel Dean's hands replacing his brothers, pining your hands on either side of you. He groans when he's finally balls deep inside of you, stretching you wide with his thick cock.
Tears sting your eyes as Sam also bottoms out, waiting impatiently inside your throat. "Shit," he traces the enormous bulge of your throat, his balls tightening against your face.
You feel like you're fuller than you've ever been before, even though they've taken you like this a million times. The glass table below you is cool against your body which seems to be on fire. Sam pulls out of you suddenly and you gasp for breath, taking in as much as you can. You know he isn't going to do that again for a long time. He enjoys watching you struggle and gag on his cock, both of them do.
In an instant, he's back inside your throat with a sharp thrust, his hands holding yours captive again. The sudden intrusion causes you to clench around Dean who chuckles.
"I haven't even fucked you yet, sweetheart and you're already ready to cum around my cock like a desperate whore," he takes after his brother, pulling out and thrusting back again. "Don't worry, if you keep being a good girl, maybe we'll let you cum today."
With that, they both start fucking you, long deep strokes that make your body convulse. Two pairs of rough hands roam your body freely, pinching your nipples and marking any little corner they can find. Sam's hands tighten around your throat, thumbs pressing against the bulge of his cock inside you. He slightly bends his knees, picking up his speed until he's rutting into you like a madman.
As you struggle for breath, Dean's hands forcefully hold your legs wide open for you. He starts pounding into you at a similar pace, bruising the sweet spots inside you with every thrust. With tears in your eyes, you feebly push against Sam's thighs to no avail. Their cocks only throb harder with your struggle, not even trying to stop you. They are stronger and faster than you in every aspect, keeping you at their mercy.
Dean's fingers rub your sensitive clit in circles, pushing you closer to your release. You let your orgasm wash over you, your cries adding to Sam's pleasure. By the time the older Winchester forces another release from you, you're exhausted and lightheaded, letting them use you however they like.
It's not long until Dean fills you, moaning loudly. Sam follows suit, his thick cum shooting straight into your throat as he grunts. He takes himself out of you, the oxygen rushing to your lungs.
You pant heavily, feeling a hand run down your body soothingly. "Shh... It's okay," Dean leans up to kiss you gently. You melt into him, relaxing against his body. "Good girl. Does it hurt anywhere?"
"Everywhere," you smile, voice hoarse thanks to Sam's assault on your throat. "But I like it."
Dean presses his lips to your forehead gently. "I'll prepare the bath, okay?" He asks and you nod.
As he breaks apart from you, Sam takes his place. "You're a mess," There's a glint of amusement in his eyes and you roll yours in response. He helps you sit up, giving you the glass of water in his hands.
He rubs your back as you gulp it down easily, lovingly pecking your lips when you're done. "You're amazing, you know that?" he praises, running his fingers through your hair and carrying you in his arms. "Let's get our girl cleaned up now, shall we?"
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kyberphilosopher · 3 years
Reverse Flash
A backwards version of your favorite speedster comes searching for Barry, only to find you instead. 
Word Count: 2403 Warnings: Crude Humor. Not proof read yet because I’m too tired. 
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As per my latest fics, the gender of the reader is not specified. 
Barry was always nice to you.
Well, Barry was nice to everyone. I mean, his parents named him Barry. He was set up for a life of cheekiness before he was even born. But Barry was nice to you even after ‘the incident’. Barry was nice to you when everyone else stopped. On top of that, Barry was being nicer to you than usual lately.
Probably because he and Iris were having a rough spot.
That was the only annoying thing. Barry liked you, and he was interested in you, but you were still second place. He was just using you. He wouldn’t marry you, or feel a deep longing for you. He’d just take you on ice skating rink dates in the winter and give you the best Valentine’s day of your life every year. Which is everyone’s dream, you guess, but it wouldn’t have been genuine, no matter what Barry managed to convince himself.
Barry’s little support team seemed to be on the same page as you (which was a first), which both added to and subdued your aggravation. All of them were in agreement of the simple fact: you were no good for Barry. Mr. Flash was the only one who didn’t seem to get the memo.
In the very beginning, things weren’t like how they were now. Team Flash or whatever the name was considered you good colleague, and they trusted you because Allen trusted you. You had been friends with Barry longer than anyone else there. And of course you were smart, and you handled annoying journalists and incriminating footage like it was nothing. But then you’d suggested using lethal force to subdue one of the Flash’s biggest problems. That’s when the air changed. That’s when people decided you should not now, not ever go on a date with him. It would throw off the whole rhythm of the team, probably Barry’s morals and possible the timeline. Lucky you.
Though flat out rejecting Barry might make it worse. You had been irritable lately. Maybe a little more sarcastic than normal. What if you snap, and then the team snaps too? And sweet little Barry is too kind to tell you off? God, you knew you were the worst, but the thought alone seemed like more than just ‘the worst’. It was like a tornado of stinky shit just barreling toward you, somehow simultaneously faster than the speed of light and slower than a turtle filled with rocks for organs.
And it was all definitely Barry Allen’s fault.
So, that’s why you’re here now. Stuck with watching Headquarters while all the speedsters go out and... speed. Who knows. You’re out of the loop with the whole... speed demon thing. You’re pretty sure they have a group chat without you. Fuckin’ nerds.
Your legs are stretched out to the desk in front of you. They cross over each other at the ankles, to the left of the big computer monitor that’s supposed to display the heartbeats of the team but is instead displaying something from cartoon network. A near empty bag of Chinese food sits at your side, it’s contents littered across the table.
As you chew, you look around the room. Several suits in display cases curve against the wall in a half circle, illuminated by blue light. Some are burgundy, some are silver, and some are golden. And you could smash every single one of them right now.
But you won’t, and you don’t. Not to say it isn’t tempting- it is. You still don’t touch the suits. 
God, what’s been wrong with you recently? Barry was your friend, and yet you’d been so annoyed with him. His flirting had only made it worse. Wally wasn’t any better. He got even more annoying once thinking about how childish, yet powerful he was. All the Kid Flash’s were just temporary brats that never stayed, whether you  liked them or not. And Iris wasn’t a fan of you. That was fine, because you weren’t exactly a friend of Iris’s either. So the most important part of your life that literally depended on superhuman existence and stopping crime was teetering because of pure social discomfort. Typical.
You’re watching the screen that serves as the closest light in the room as you shovel the next bite of rice between your lips. Neon colors make the shadows across your face feel alive and electric. It makes the glow in your eyes more prominent, encouraged by the childish nature of the media. You’ve just finished a snarky personal comment and given yourself another bite of rice when he appears to you.
He looks like Barry. The only difference is that he’s the complete opposite.
Instead of scarlet, his speed suit is yellow with red and dark grey accents. They remind you of blood lightning at the seams. Even under his half mask, he seems so familiar but so much more defined than your friend. As he exits the slice of colorful air and thunder, the heels of his shoes skidding across the floor, the red glow in his eyes settles into a calmer thrum.
And you’re still frozen in place, eyes wide as you still yourself mid chew.
The yellow speedster settles his orbs on you. They’re intelligent, and in the reflection of the little light in the room you can see they’re not red, but blue. And you? You’re just a deer in the headlights. 
“Aw, you’re not Barry,” he groans in disappointment, standing straighter as his arms cross over his chest. 
You finally continue your chewing, keeping your wide eyes on the intruder. Then you swallow it down. In your chest, your heart thump, thump, thumps with something. Fear? Not quite. Anxiety? Almost. It’s something else. Something more... intuitive. And the way this man looks at you makes you think that he can hear it, even from where he stands. That he knows.
“Uh... no?”
The man responds not a millisecond after you’ve gotten the words out. “Where is he? Where’s Barry Allen?”
Woof. His voice is throaty and laced with sarcasm, even though he’s clearly deathly serious. But the vibrations send a funny spasm straight to that little place between your legs, making the nerves in your spine dance with alertness. Arousal. Barry was never able to do that, let alone with just the sound of his voice.  
“Doing something?” you decide. “I don’t know.”
The golden man cocks his head to the side, almost smirks, and takes a step forward. “Hey, I know you.” His arms uncross. One raises and bends to point at you. “You’re Barry’s tech support. I remember reading about you in his museum.”
Your brows furrow. Hurriedly, you clear the take-out box from your lap and begin wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You drop your legs from their position on the desk to their normal position on the floor, knees bent. “Uh... I beg your pardon?”
“Yeah... Y/N L/N. Now I see it.” The man leans back on his heels and looks around the room. The red glow in his orbs burn away completely so it’s just him. “Ah, so this must be before you defected, huh? Interesting.”
“Pardon?!” you call again. Now you’re sitting forward, disbelief across your face. 
Golden speedster smiles. It looks evilly distorted, even though it’s just a normal smile. It curves his face sarcastically. His hands fly upwards as if in surrender. “Don’t shoot the messenger, Y/N. You know actually, you’re kind of a villain in my time. This is nice for me.”
“Great, I’ll tell Barry when I see him,” you bite.
“Thank you, sweetheart. Now how about you tell me where Barry is before I erase you from existence.”
“I don’t know,” you repeat as the quick bolt of fear fizzles from your system. Your eyes trail down to his chest for just a quick second, but it’s quick enough to observe yet another difference between your familiar scarlet speedster and him. The circle surrounding the lightning bolt on his chest is facing the opposite direction, red, and that circle is filled with black. It’s as if he were the complete opposite of Barry. A reverse Barry. 
“Yeah you do. Come on.”
You blink once, still in your roll-y chair. 
You’re not sure what to do here. On one hand, this guy radiates pure evil. You should really alert Barry or one of the other members of Team Flash. But for one reason or another you’ve made no attempt to. You’ve got no clue who this dude is other than the fact that he seems more inclined to rip the fabric of time apart than anyone else. There’s no doubt in your mind he really will erase you from existence if you make one wrong move. But what’s the wrong move?
On the other hand, Team Flash has been a bunch of dickhead’s to you. Barry has been ironically slow to the whole thing. Would it be so bad if you did make a wrong move? Not for you, but for your friends? They’d all die, wouldn’t they? This yellow one would end them, and then what? Would it really be so horrible for you? You can’t imagine mourning much.
“I don’t,” you say again, slowly. “They’re in the city. I don’t know where.”
The man seems to think for a moment, cocking his head back so the light behind the glass cases catches his sharpened features. “Hmm.”
Without even blinking, now he’s in front of you. So close, you can smell him. It’s not terribly strong, it’s just masculine. But it’s also flowery, with a dash of sweat from running. And then there’s something more. Something... metallic? 
Both his hands clutch the arms of the chair beside you, trapping you as you lean back reflexively. “Did you know that I killed Barry’s childhood best friend before he was born?” the man says lowly. 
On instinct, you prepare yourself to say, ‘Barry doesn’t have a childhood best friend’. Then you realize why. 
He continues. “Would you tell me where Barry was if you did know?”
You don’t even think about it. You’re true to your nature. “I don’t know, would I?”
Blip! You wait to burst into a cloud of nothingness. To never have been born or even get to be a ghost. But fifteen seconds later you’re still alive. And from the way Barry talks about being a Flash, fifteen seconds is a long time for someone of that caliber. 
The man is back by the cases of suits now. You can see his muscles through his suit. They’re more defined than Barry’s, thank God. 
“I think you would. But it’s gonna be hard to do that when you’ve got my fingers vibrating into your skull.”
“It’s going to be hard to speak when my fingers are inside you.”
You cup a hand against your ear. “Huh?”
“I said-” The man stops. His eyes narrow, arms crossing over his chest once more. “Oh, I see.” A short, dry- but genuine- laugh falls from his throat. “Very funny. Very, very funny.”
Suddenly, your eyebrows crease together in confusion. You place both palms on the arms of the chair for leverage as you push yourself into a stand, as if stirred by some great, important purpose. “Wait. Did you say you were going to stick your fingers inside me?”
“I knew you and I were the same,” he drawls. He sounds entertained. As if in his eyes, missing Barry and meeting you instead was the best outcome he could’ve hoped for. 
“Can’t you just...” Your shoulders slump as you glance around. “Just kill Barry and get on with it?”
“Aw, no. This is far more interesting.”
“Fingers in my skull...?” you whisper, half to yourself. Then you look up to him with a snap. “You are so weird,” you tell Reverse Barry, emphasizing it with a low point. “So weird.”
“Want me to tell your future?” 
Again with the voice and the nerves in that special place. 
“I gotta say, it’s kind of disturbing,” the man smirks. “You’ll love it.”
Across the base, just two hallways away, something clicks. It’s a familiar click. It’s the click of the door opening. 
Quickly, you glance backwards, then lean down to pause the show on the computer. You hadn’t even realized it was still going. Once that’s done, the man is still standing in front of you. That sinister and yet innocent grin is still dancing across his face, though his steely eyes are totally locked on you. 
“What, weirdo? You know where he is now. Aren’t you gonna go get him?”
“You want me to so badly, don’t you?” Reverse Barry whispers. You just give him a look. 
“I’ll be back for you.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
And then the speedster is gone. Right on time, too, cause Barry jogs into the room not a second later. 
“Yeah?” you turn around. 
“Did I just... see someone here?” Barry points towards your end of the room in his scarlet suit. Huh. Reverse Barry was taller too. 
“What are you on about?” you throw casually. “Nobody’s been here but me since you left.”
“Are you sure?” the Flash keeps pushing. You hate it. Pushing. 
“Yes, Barry,” you roll your eyes. “I’m sure. Oh, by the way, Barry. Did you have a childhood best friend?”
Barry frowns. “No, why?”
You smile to yourself as you turn back away from him. The other speedster’s footsteps are coming closer and closer. You can hear them echo off the walls. 
“No reason,” you answer with a smirk just as one of them enters the room, probably to give you crap again.
Fun fact, Reverse Flash is actually my favorite villain in DC comics. Bro is vicious in the comics. I just hate all the live action versions of him we get. Lego DC Villains Reverse Flash and Injustice 2 are the best versions. Injustice 2 is my personal preference. I’d like to do more with this but, who knows. Depends how this is received. #lol
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beevean · 2 years
Sonic Advance 3 Level Tips
Two years ago today, I made a post detailing every pro and con of each of the 20 teams in Sonic Advance 3. One of the most important parts was explaining the reasons each team could be used. But... where could they be used?
As I still haven’t had enough to analyze this game, I decided to try different teams in different acts and seeing which fit and which don’t.
This isn’t really a guide per se, but I wanted to emphasize how much choice you have when playing this game. It also assumes you have all characters unlocked and are at least somewhat familiar with the game, although of course there are also suggestions for first-time players. I recommend of course reading the previous posts to remember which teams can perform which moves.
Thank you @funk-forest​ for offering extra great footage to prove some of my points, and even influencing my analysis on certain acts <3
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NOTE: every boss, except Twinkle Snow’s and Cyber Track’s, can be broken in half by the Chao Attack when you replay the game, with C/K being by far the most overpowered team. If you don’t feel like cheesing the game, I will point out some different alternatives, especially if you don’t have Cream yet.
Route 99
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This is easily the fastest zone in the game, and I wouldn’t try to use any team that isn’t a Speed team. All three acts share similar structures, being relatively streamlined and with paths that loop on themselves (and can be cut short if you know what you’re doing): to be precise, Act 1 seems to be the most linear as long as you don’t fall to the bottom route, Act 2 has more routes and offers more vertical shortcuts, and Act 3 is in the middle, being linear like Act 1 and complex like Act 2.
As this level was meant to be played with only the Unbreakable Bond, there’s no real need to diverge from this set: with S/T you can take advantage of Tails’ Tag Action to take alternative routes, with T/S you can Boost to your heart’s content and skip sections by flying.
If you still want some variety when replaying, the Lovely Couple is an excellent replacement, trading flight and Trick Actions for the ability to use the Hammer on springs, and a nifty Jump Dash for A/S – just keep an eye out for the enemies with S/A, they’re especially annoying here. You can also opt for K/S and its powerful Mid-Air Dash Glide, or S/C with its quick Jump Dash and Cream’s momentum-amplifying Boost that can replace Tails’ Tag Action.
What you need in short: speed (essential), height (useful, especially in Act 2), Trick Actions (convenient).
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Egg Hammer 3: this boss is pretty easy with every combination, but you can break it even further to truly humiliate it.
The slower but more efficient method is attacking from behind the cockpit, with attacks that are either quick and with a long range, or attacks with a very big hitbox to hit Eggman twice: try the Tail Swipe (most useful when you’re playing for the first time), the Double Punch, T/K’s Tornado Attack (which also comes with an Insta Shield), the Hammer Attack and A/K’s Big Hammer Attack. Eggman can’t hit you, so it’s also a great strategy if you don’t have any Rings left. Don’t use Sonic’s slides for obvious reasons, and C/S’s Chao Ball Attack requires a more complex strategy to be effective (stepping on and off the platform and jumping in the air) so it’s not worth it as much.
If you favor speed over safety, you can also opt to stand under the cockpit and attack it as soon as Eggman slams down; you’ll be hit, but you’ll be fine as long as you keep recollecting Rings (tip: keep facing to the right, so that it’s much easier to keep recollecting at least one Ring). Remember: jumping isn’t enough, you have to use an attack; Amy’s aerial Tag Action doesn’t work. In this regard, the Propeller Flight is the best attack, and T/S is the best team that doesn’t have Cream, as flying is very easy and you can always rely on the Tail Swipe if you’re out of Rings. T/A’s Hammer Propeller Flight is similarly useful, although the team of course is slightly more defenseless. S/K is pretty good too: you can quickly hit the cockpit with the Upper Spin and sneak in extra hits with the Insta Shield as a last resort. K/T is both equipped with the Propeller Flight and the Spiral Upper, which has a vertical hitbox. Amy’s Mid-Air Hammer Attack also makes quick work of the boss this way, with all four teams; you can also use A/K’s Hammer Jump.
What you need in short: nothing in particular, but upward attacks or attacks with a big hitbox are convenient.
Sunset Hill
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Act 1: this act is structurally very complex, with many routes that cross each other and are connected by plenty of springs and platforms. The bottom route is slower due to the many switches and a couple of sneaky bottomless pits, while the top route is open enough that it can be skipped by flying and gliding until it drops down; however, to get a good time, it seems like staying in the lower-middle route or upper-middle route is the best solution. Any team would have an easy time here, although fast teams and/or teams with any enhanced jump have a slight advantage as they can easily skip the platforming sections and change route when necessary.
What you need in short: nothing in particular.
Act 2: this is the fast act of the zone, with little to no verticality, and any team with Sonic as the partner is perfect for these long straight paths. The bottom routes are much slower and even dangerous thanks to sneaky bottomless pits, but keeping yourself to the quicker top routes is very easy, and it’s why I recommend Speed teams. There is an unavoidable bottomless pit at the very end that is made a non-issue by flying, which combined with what said above suggests T/S as the best choice for first time players (his tails can even destroy the Buzzer put there to be an annoyance), but it’s not absolutely necessary. S/C is pretty good too, mostly for the Jump Dash. (tip: you can take the top route at the beginning not only by Boosting, but also by gaining enough speed with Sonic or flying/climbing)
What you need in short: speed (essential).
Act 3: this act is the opposite of the previous one, being extremely vertically oriented and with plenty of routes to choose from, and it can be broken by any team that can fly or be launched in the air: therefore, any team with Tails, Amy or Cream as the partner works well, mostly the former two. My favorites are S/T (pretty much the team this act was designed for, as you need it to unlock Knuckles), T/C (one of the rare occasions where ascending quickly helps), C/T (never underestimate the umbrella and Cheese), C/A (very similar to C/T but you can also fly and use the Hammer) and most of all T/A and K/A, with which you can take a huge shortcut that lets you skip the entire level and takes you to Gemerl in record time.
What you need in short: height (essential). Dash Climb and Hammer Propeller Flight highly encouraged. Sonic as the partner (S/T) imperative if you need to unlock Knuckles.
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Egg Ball No.2: once again, the best attacks are the ones that are long ranged or have a big hitbox. While Cheese always works, the Chao Ball Attack in particular can easily stun Eggman for the first phase and then hit him from a distance during the second one. When you’re playing for the first time, your best bet is T/S, which has the quick Tail Swipe and can also fly and attack Eggman when he’s hanging on the ceiling. The second-best attack is the Insta Shield, which both S/K and T/K have. Speaking of S/K, the Upper Spin is a good attack when Eggman is rolling on the walls. Knuckles is particularly helpful here, both with his normal punches and with the Spiral Upper, which also can hit Eggman easily when he’s on the walls. While the normal Hammer isn’t particularly useful, the Mid-Air Hammer Attack has an even bigger hitbox than the Insta Shield, best used by A/S; T/A, while lacking a Spin Jump, compensates with the Hammer Propeller Flight, with which you can hit Eggman with either the tails or the hammer. You can even give A/K a chance to be useful: the Big Hammer Attack helps with its big range, although it still requires very good timing, and the Hammer Jump is perfect when Eggman is out of reach, much more than the Spiral Upper. On the other hand, don’t bother with either of Sonic’s slides.
What you need in short: attacks with long range and/or big hitboxes. Upward attacks can help.
Ocean Base
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Act 1: between its extreme verticality, easy shortcuts, and abundance of upwards slopes with boosters, this act seems to have been thought for Speed teams, teams with Tails as the partner, and Knuckles: consequently, S/T and K/T are the perfect choices for turning this hellish act into a sub-minute affair. C/T seems to fare well too, thanks to Tails’ Tag Actions, Cheese and being able to adjust jumps with the umbrella. Flight alone won’t allow you to take major shortcuts, but will allow you to save time on horizontal bouts of platforming; same thing for gliding.
While Amy’s Tag Actions help as much as Tails’, the abundance of sneaky enemies doesn’t mix well with the standard Jump she provides. Still, every team with her as the partner has some kind of advantage: S/A is fast, T/A’s Hammer Propeller Flight is always excellent, K/A can scale long walls with the amazing Dash Climb, and C/A can fly, use Cheese and do Trick Actions.
On the other hand, Cream’s air boost is too short to take certain shortcuts, including one at the end that takes you straight to the Goal Medal without having to deal with other crushers, so while S/C is fast, and T/C and K/C can ascend in some way (and of the three, the latter is easily the best, due to the level being almost designed around being able to glide and climb), they can’t compete against the previously mentioned combinations. The same applies for the three teams that can fly but have no other aerial advantage: T/S, C/S and C/K.
And most importantly, avoid like the plague teams without strong aerial moves (S/K, T/K, K/S, A/S, A/K), if you don’t want to be forced into the slowest, most deadly crusher-filled route. I also don’t recommend using Amy as the leader at all, unless you want a challenge. Of course, if you learn to abuse Sonic’s Tag Action, the story is a little different.
What you need in short: height (essential) (Tails > Amy > Cream), wall climbing (recommended), speed (convenient).
Act 2: while still very vertical and filled with Boosters, this act is longer, more tortuous, but also with shortcuts that are easier to take: this time Cream’s Tag Actions help more, the three teams that can “just” fly do really well here, and I wouldn’t ignore the ability to glide to skip some platforming sections. There are also a couple of pools of water that might encourage you to use Knuckles or Tails, but you can avoid them both easily. On the other hand, I haven’t found a way to easily break it with Sonic’s Tag Action. Long shorty short, just avoid any team without verticality unless you want to experience the long route, and I do mean long.
Knuckles (when not paired with Sonic) is once again the MVP of this act, as he has plenty of walls to climb; Tails is your to-go partner thanks to his OP Tag Actions (these factors combined makes, of course, K/T the best team you can tackle this monster with). C/S and T/A are also good alternatives: both teams have a fast flight and are reasonably protected, making them good choices for this act. T/C, while not ideal, fits here better than in Act 1. All of these teams can easily take a neat shortcut two thirds in the level (look out for a booster that sends you up on a rail, with a platform above and an opening near it: by flying or climbing, you can squeeze through with good positioning and timing). For another shortcut, K/A, another excellent team, can take a very convenient one at the beginning of the act, literally turning back and Dash Climbing the tall walls behind him and skipping the first quarter of the level, or at the very least making it much easier to traverse.
What you need in short: height (essential), wall climbing (recommended), speed (convenient in certain places). Dash Climb highly encouraged.
Act 3: unlike the previous ones, this is a very short act that goes down and not up, and has pretty much one single route (weird detours like this one aside), thus use the same Speed teams that you would use for Sunset Hill Act 2. In particular, S/C and C/S seem to be the better choices, because not only they’re fast but they can gain height very quickly, just enough to get past some obstacles. While obviously slower, T/K isn’t too bad to use here, as you can avoid some obstacles with his glide and even exploit its physics to bounce on items. 
What you need in short: speed (convenient).
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Egg Foot: this is an extremely simple boss that is much harder to cheese than you’d think, and it’s not even worth it. If you’re quick enough, you can try to hit it when it’s in the air with S/K’s Upper Spin, T/A’s Hammer Propeller Flight, or even better Cream’s aerial Tag Action. You also can, in theory, jump and use Cheese in the air to hit Eggman while he’s flying around, but the positioning has to be precise, the hit detection is wonky and you’re more likely to get hit yourself (yes the pun above was intended); Cheese is more useful when Eggman does his wave attack. Not much to say here.
What you need in short: upward attacks (convenient).
Toy Kingdom
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Act 1 and 2: not counting its many gimmicks, this zone has a varied, balanced design: it has long roads and plenty of ramps, helping Speed teams (as long as you learn the pattern of the many crushing blocks), and at the same time the sheer amount of alternative paths and openness make it perfect for any team with at least one way to jump higher... which means that almost every combination will have a good time here.
In short, you can take advantage of Tails’, Cream’s and Amy’s Tag Actions; flying in general; the Hammer; Trick Actions ; Knuckles’ gliding and climbing; S/K’s Fire Sliding (excellent to overcome steep slopes and go past the numerous pairs of crushers) and Upper Spin (there are plenty of jumps just barely above reach, including some of the sections with the jack-in-the-box springs); K/A’s Dash Climbing; C/T’s umbrella (its small air boost makes the corridors with the crushers a little more bearable); A/T’s Mid-Air Hammer Jump; and A/K’s Hammer Jump.
What you need in short: height (recommended), Hammer (recommended), speed (convenient), short bursts of height (convenient), Trick Actions (convenient, especially in Act 2).
Act 3: this act is tighter and has less alternate routes (in fact, many of them are purely a waste of time), giving an even bigger advantage to teams with Sonic as the partner. Power teams can go through a convenient shortcut at the beginning of the level, which means K/S in particular is allowed to shine, but truth to be told any team with Tails, Amy or Cream as the partner can also take it. Speaking of Amy, there are enough springs for her to use, but if you still need to unlock her (and I suggest doing so before tackling Act 1 and 2), both S/T and S/K are excellent choices: you can either fly and do Trick Actions with the former, or go through the Power shortcut and use the Fire Sliding and Upper Spin with the latter.
What you need in short: speed (recommended), Hammer (convenient), Power team (convenient). Sonic as the partner imperative if you need to unlock Amy.
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Egg Cube: there are a lot of tricks for this RNG boss. The important things here are to hit it as fast as possible, and not fall into the pit on your left.
You can easily hit it by charging Spin Dashes next to it with almost every team, but don’t Spin Dash from a distance, because there’s the risk you’ll be bounced backwards to the bottomless pit to the left. Every melee move also works well, with the Tail Swipe being the best for its quickness and T/K’s Tornado for how long it lasts and for protecting you from the toy soldier Badniks. (for obvious reasons, the Chao Attack is by far the best attack against Eggman and his annoying soldiers)
To put yourself to safety when Eggman is attacking, especially during the nuke attack, the best strategy is to fly away to the bottomless pit to the left: try the Propeller Flight (which can be used by many teams and that can destroy the soldiers with the tails), the Hammer Propeller Flight (with which you can also use the Hammer in the air), or Cream’s Flight (which you can cancel). Other, slightly more risky alternatives are gliding (even with Knuckles as the partner) and Jump Dashing around the arena with A/S or S/C, but only once you start having enough room.
The constant barrage of soldiers makes Amy a dangerous character to have, due to the lack of Spin Jump: the exceptions are obviously A/S, whose only drawback is that Sonic can’t destroy the soldiers for you, and C/A, which has Cheese. A/K is a decent alternative as long as you attack Eggman by charging the Amy Dash next to him and use the Hammer Jump for the soldiers.
T/S is the easiest team to use, for the Tail Swipe and the Propeller Flight, but don’t ignore T/K on your first playthrough, mainly because the Tornado Attack is so convenient.
What you need in short: flight (recommended), gliding (convenient). Cheese highly encouraged.
Twinkle Snow
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General tips:
instead of riding the carts, run on the rails, even better if you have Sonic as the partner; Tails and Amy can help with the vertical sections, even more so underwater.
Tails, Amy and Cream as the partner help a lot with those chargeable platforms, although some of them are too high to be cheesed this way (this problem doesn’t exist if you have Knuckles as the leader).
as you’re supposed to have recently unlocked her by this point, use as much Amy as possible. The abundance of speed, horizontal jumps, vertical jumps and springs allows every team with her to shine.
Act 1: this act’s structure is reminiscent of Aquatic Ruin’s: very fast at the top, a wet slog at the bottom. I strongly recommend to avoid getting anywhere near water, as the water section in this act is a tad too long and annoying: thankfully, pretty much every team can avoid the bottom route at the beginning, either with speed, flight, air-oriented Tag Actions or the Hammer (or in T/K’s case, with a Spin Dash off a slope or a well-timed jump and glide just before the beginning of the water section). In any case, Speed teams fit this act better due to how straightforward the paths are: T/S and A/S, in particular, make quick work of this place if you manage to keep yourself in the top routes. Even the Upper Spin gets some neat uses here.
What you need in short: nothing in particular, but speed is convenient and height might be useful.
Act 2: being slightly more complex and with more opportunities to find vertical shortcuts, this time teams that can fly or ascend are better suited, especially teams with Tails or Amy as the partners; speed helps but doesn’t matter quite as much as in the previous act. When replaying the level, you can enjoy S/C at its full potential and have a much easier time in the underwater sections, as the last one is nearly mandatory – if you don’t have Cream yet, though, Tails and Amy once again prove themselves to be useful due to the vertical nature of those water sections. Don’t overlook Knuckles here, especially K/A: there are plenty of walls to climb/Dash Climb.
What you need in short: height (recommended; Tails and Amy > Cream), wall climbing (convenient). Infinite Air and Hammer Propeller Flight highly encouraged.
Act 3: a fast, simple, open act that sits at a comfortable midway point between the speed of Act 1 and the multiple vertical paths of Act 2, so choose any team that would go well with the previous acts. T/A in particular absolutely wrecks the level design with its fast flight, and C/A is no slouch either, with how it combines flight, Hammer and Trick Actions. This act is so simple that even teams like A/K and A/C can take advantage of their unique abilities.
What you need in short: speed (recommended), height (convenient).
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Egg Chaser: this boss is infamous for how merciless it is, but with some practice it becomes easier than it looks.
If you want to focus on your safety, you want a team that can fly on its own: from the most to the least useful flights, Cream’s Flight (balanced in every way), T/A’s Hammer Propeller Flight (very fast, harder to control), T/C’s High Propeller Flight (great for ascending, terrible for dodging the spiked ball), T/S’s Propeller Flight (good as a last resort, but its vertical momentum is too poor to keep up with the screen). However, if you choose to use flight to make your life easier, be careful to land on platforms from above and not from below, otherwise it will drop immediately.
Amy as a partner is another invaluable tool: if you keep the R button held the entire time, her aerial Tag Action is a great way to both gain some height and especially to save yourself in a pinch if you slip off a platform. Cream’s aerial Tag Action is another good alternative to ascend quickly, but it cannot be used to save yourself from a fall. Do not, instead, rely on Tails’ Tag Actions: his ground Tag Action is too fast and has a horizontal trajectory, and his aerial Tag Action is too slow and awkward to control.
When it comes to teams with enhanced jumps, which if used the right way can make the fight end more quickly, A/T is probably the best choice for this boss, as the Mid-Air Hammer Jump is easy to perform and gives you just the right amount of height and momentum. Then there’s S/K’s Upper Spin: while its input may be not very intuitive in such a tense situation, and it has little horizontal momentum, it works as a less powerful but quicker version of Amy’s Tag Action. Same for K/T’s double jump, although be careful to let go of the A button before you start gliding. And lastly, don’t ignore C/T’s umbrella with its neat air boost.
What you need in short: flight (recommended). Mid-Air Hammer Jump highly encouraged. Cheese doesn’t work.
Cyber Track 
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Act 1: much like Sunset Hill Act 1, the structure of the act is a maze and a good time is more determined by picking the right route rather than the right team, but it has long roads similarly to Route 99 and Sunset Hill Act 2, therefore it’s better suited for faster teams. If you can manage to stay in the high routes, you won’t come across many bottomless pits if at all, allowing you to focus on Boosting. Depending on the route, or if you’re looking for Chao, there’s a Power barrier hiding a shortcut and one of the little critters.
What you need in short: speed (essential). Power team might be necessary.
Act 2 and 3: while still fast acts, the huge amount of precarious platforming over bottomless pits and crossing paths might require the ability to fly: T/S and C/S are good teams as they can benefit from Sonic’s Tag Action, the latter even more so as Cream’s flight is better and Cheese can quickly dispatch enemies. Alternatively, climbing and gliding with Knuckles also helps. Tails’ and Amy’s Tag Actions can help with taking shortcuts, and in fact I recommend S/T or S/A for Act 3 if you need to unlock Cream – you can get to an upper route at the beginning with the Boost, and with a little skill you can skip the infamous final platforming section by being strategically launched in the air.
What you need in short: speed (recommended), flight (recommended), height (recommended in Act 3) gliding and wall climbing (convenient). Tails as a partner encouraged in Act 3, even more if you know how to glitch in the directional launchers. Sonic as the partner imperative in Act 3 if you need to unlock Cream.
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Egg Pinball: this fight has no strategy, unless you count “jumping around like a mad person”. If you feel like the partner only gets in your way, just choose A/S, as Amy can Spin Jump but Sonic can’t. If you don’t mind your partner’s help, though, S/C is another great choice thanks to Sonic’s Jump Dash that can hit the projectiles with force. And unless you really want a challenge, avoid teams without a Spin Jump, especially C/A whose only offensive move is the Hammer on the ground.
What you need in short: nothing in particular. Cheese doesn’t work. Teams without a Spin Jump highly discouraged.
Chaos Angel
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Act 1 and 2: without question, bring Cream for this hellish, enemy-filled, floating-over-a-giant-bottomless-pit level. With C/S, you can boost and attack with the Chao Ball Attack, which, while it doesn’t auto-aim, has a longer range than regular Cheese; with C/T, Tails’ Tag Actions help you with taking shortcuts and the umbrella is a huge help for the precarious platforming; with C/K, Cream is well protected against enemies and can take a Power shortcut in Act 1; and with C/A, the combination of flying, the Hammer, Cheese and Trick Actions is a life-safer. Cream’s Tag Actions are also incredibly useful for making big jumps or to use on springs (and having Cheese doesn’t hurt), and as such, S/C is another great choice, thanks to the many boosters in these acts.
Speaking of boosters and springs: if you don’t want to cheese these acts too much, the Lovely Couple is your next best bet. Choose S/A if you’re more vertically oriented and would rather skip huge sections of the levels with Amy’s Tag Action, or A/S if you’re more horizontally oriented and would rather Boost in the air. Both teams wreck these acts thanks to how many springs there are here – Amy is almost as much of a godsend as Cream is.
Other useful options are T/A, whose broken flight can make a joke out of the dangerous platforming sections (and again, they can use the Hammer on springs); S/T, for the combo of Boost, Tails’ Tag Actions and Trick Actions; and if you’re looking for an apt challenge, try A/T and A/C, which have the Hammer and enough height to help. Teams without any vertical advantage will probably have a bad time here.
What you need in short: flight (nearly essential), height (recommended), Hammer (recommended), speed (convenient). Cheese highly encouraged.
Act 3: If you want to greatly reduce the challenge, T/K (Tails’ gliding doesn’t outrun the platform and he can’t accidentally cling on walls), A/T or A/C (floating helps a lot with the spikes, even more than flying). If you want to nullify the challenge, C/T or C/K. If you want to skip the challenge, T/A, but it takes extremely high skill and amounts of practice.
What you need in short: flight/floating (recommended). Cheese highly encouraged. Tails’ glide surprisingly convenient.
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Egg Gravity: the key here is, once again, long ranged attacks. While the good ol’ Chao Attack is always great (and obviously C/K would be your first choice), C/S’s Chao Ball Attack is an even better way to attack quickly and from a safe distance: if you’re fast enough, you can stunlock Eggman for the entirety of the first phase. Any other melee attack is too short (or too long, in the case of the Fire Sliding).
K/C is actually a good team, because not only it has Cheese, but you can also quickly hit Eggman and then safely cling to a wall during his second phase (K/A is less safe to use, and K/T’s Double Mid-Air Glide is lethal in this arena). Another good choice is C/T, which combines the trusty Cheese with the umbrella that makes avoiding Eggman slightly easier.
What you need in short: Cheese (recommended).
Altar Emerald
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Gemerl: of course, with Gemerl it isn’t a matter of choosing the right team, it’s a matter of doing the best you can with the team you have chosen for the acts he appears in. Remember that he can’t hurt you when he’s flashing after being hit, and you can exploit this to prevent getting hurt you when he’s dashing on the ground (most important in Cyber Track, when he has a shield that only goes down when he starts dashing). He gets faster and more aggressive each time he appears, but the strategy to hit him is always the same.
When he’s standing still, you can attack him in any way you want: Spin Jumps, Spin Dashes, any melee attack, any downward attack and even gliding are all good options. If you hit him fast enough, there’s the chance he won’t attack you and will keep dashing left and right (less likely the more advanced he is). When he’s dashing, almost every melee move makes quick work of him, although the two Hammer Attacks require more precise timing. By far the best moves are: Tails’ Tail Swipe (quick to perform, the hitbox is bigger and lasts longer than it looks), S/K’s Fire Sliding (insane range), T/K’s Tornado Attack (very long lasting), K/T’s Spiral Upper (great range when running) and C/S’s Chao Ball Attack (very fast and long ranged, also not susceptible to invincibility frames like the standard Chao Attack). Knuckles’ Tag Actions can help in a pinch, although A/K is the only team with him as the partner without any better attacks (just... never bring A/K to a Gemerl fight unless you’re really familiar with his patterns). Good luck if you’re using a team without Spin Jump.
What you need in short: fast attacks or attacks with a big hitbox.
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Hyper Eggrobo: this boss is so easy to break, that I find simpler to write a list of attacks that make the final boss a joke: Propeller Flight, both as T/S and as Tails’ Air Tag Action; Upper Spin; High Propeller Flight (although it’s more difficult as you have to hit from the side); Chao Attack, both with Cream as a leader and as a partner; Mid-Air Hammer Jump; Cream’s Air Tag Action (except with Amy); Amy’s Air Tag Action.
I wouldn’t recommend T/A’s Hammer Propeller’s Flight, as cool as it is to hit it both with your tails and your Hammer, because you go upwards too quickly and it’s very hard to avoid the hands; A/K’s Hammer Jump technically works, but there’s the risk you hit the hands or you’re stopped by the balls. Trying to beat Gemerl with these teams is not worth it anyway.
What you need in short: upward attacks.
And that’s it! Much shorter than my older post but maybe more packed with information. If you still play this little gem of a game, or want to get into it, I greatly urge you to experiment as much as possible to really appreciate how much thought went into the level structure (not design because that’d include hazard placement lol) and into the team system :)
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fndmxreader · 3 years
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fandom: harry potter. pairing:  remus lupin x reader | the reader simps for lupin because isn’t that all what we do daily ?  summary:   connected to the self indulgent series where the reader is a slytherin muggle born witch working alongside the teachers at hogwarts.   note: this series will bounce around a lot involving timelines, but a lot of them don’t really have a coherent story line anyway.  movie setting:  prisoner of askaban.  pov:   she/her pronouns.
you were looking off into the distance in a daze, end of pen in mouth as your writings came to a halt and instead getting caught up in thoughts.  your summer hadn’t been great,  if you were being completely honest :  your muggle friends were getting on your case regarding being missing for a year,  you knew at some point you had to pick : the wizarding world or the muggle one,   living two lives was absolutely exhausting,  living them meant being two types of people - like one example,  you had accidentally used a levitating spell to put a cup back and last minute your friend walked in, smashing on the floor as your hand flinched down to your side.
“ what was that crash ? “  “ i put the mug too close to the counter, “ you had laughed nervously, quickly walking towards the glass to pick it up “ it fell off as a result ”  “you’re clumsiness is going to be the death of you “    
that was only one of the close calls,  there were far too many to keep track of,  including dropping hints to the wizarding world in conversation, only to stutter and try and say you were referencing a bizarre indie movie from overseas. at this point you were trying to pick would it be even possible to choose a side ?  it seemed impossible just to pick one over the other,  especially knowing that no matter what route you take it would result in an empty, hollow feeling left inside of chest.    you’re not sure who you could go to for guidance,  you weren’t familiar with any muggle borns your own age,  and talking to a pureblood or half blood would go in vein,  the latter would understand to some degree,  but ultimately it’s not the same and with it being so complicated,  listening to people who barely got it would be a waste of time and only twist the knife in gut. 
 “ everyone,  i would like to introduce you to remus jo - “     that was all you really heard dumbledore say before ears blocked out the world like static,  everything beyond the screaming in your head made everything else seem like a distant hum with no tune,  a crackle of a tv that can’t quite catch signal.  your pen tapped against your bottom lip,  perching against it as you eyebrows knitted together in deep thought.   
maybe professor dumbledore could help,  he wouldn’t get it but maybe he could shred some light on the situation ? he was always good at that. 
“ miss l/n - “
perhaps it’s all just being blown out of proportion,  work leave would surely be something the muggles would understand that.  even if they are after photos, work gossip and other details - 
“ y/n “  between the firmness and the sudden block of your view as the men stepped into eyesight causes you to flinch,  reeling away from nothing in panic as you try and grasped your surroundings once more,   blinking up in a rapid succession that causes concern to flash on the two men’s faces.  it takes a moment to register where you were,  the surroundings,  what the hell was going on in general... 
“ huh ? “  your tongue pokes out to roll against your bottom lip,  eyes wide as you stared up at dumbledore,  only for sight to break away from the one your most familiar with to the new guy...    you won’t lie to yourself,  you weren’t ready for seeing someone like him,  especially in your state.  his eyes were beaming with life,  amusement dancing behind dark hues as a faint smile tugged at lips,  hands pushed far into pockets as eye contact seemed to lock,  your lips part to say something,  anything but much like before your brain seemed to short circuit,  this time for an entirely and much more embarrassing reason,  “ huh ? “ you repeated again,  cheeks coming to life with colour as you kept looking at the new guy.
“ this is professor lupin, y/n.   the new defence against the dark arts teacher - “  speaking slower now,  and you’re rather grateful for the approach because you really needed things to stop going by so quickly,  the whole world seemed to flash in front of you at lightening speed.
“ oh “ a pause,  then it really began to register “ OH ! “  it was the most beautiful example of a pin drop ever to grace hogwarts’ walls  (  yes,  dumbledore will be thinking about it years to come  )   -  you jump up rather clumsily and hold your hand out to the man  “ hi,  sorry  -  i was just ... never mind,  hi  ! “ you repeated again,  the embarrassment settling deep within bones,  making itself at home in the creases of mind that would take weeks to weave out.  but regardless of the mocking in head, you do your best to not feed it and give it anymore attention... at least for the time being.   lupins much bigger hand wraps around yours,  a firm but gentle grasp as he finally takes the moment to speak himself. 
“ that’s quite alright,  i can tell that we disturbed you.  in fact i believe we should be the ones apologising, however professor dumbledore here insisted on the introduction - “ it came easily,  between tone of his voice and the warmth of his hand, you’ve never felt safer, it was like being in a warm hug beside the fire on the night of winter;   you mentally slap yourself for acting like a teenager towards a complete stranger.   your eyes however, narrow towards dumbledore,  in a way blaming you own pathetic display on him.  a faint smile on his lips as he made up some excuse to leave the pair of you alone,  not at all hiding the way his eyes twinkled with amusement at the scene that played out. 
your hand flexed around remus’,  far too busy sending daggers at dumbledore walking away than the fact you were still holding the older man hostage,  not helping the murmured   “ ugh,  he can be such an arse sometimes - “ 
“ i believe that’s apart of the charm “ remus chimed,  your eyes moving back to his as you smiled up at him once more,  less tense than what your face was previously  “ um,   miss l/n ?  your hand - “ 
“ oh, fuck, sorry - “   instantly your arms folded across your chest,  the blush only darkening your cheeks “ i promise i’m not this socially inept,  well,  at least to this extent - “ 
“ oh,  don’t fret.  i’ve met much worse people,  i myself tend to panic in social situations.  they’re not my forte “   you shoulders relax,  though you can’t help but note that he seemed surprisingly at ease even with the confession. your eyes dance around the staff room,  much to your own relief they seemed to be back to focusing on their own work. 
“ well,  you’re doing much better than me if that’s any help.  so,  you’re teaching dark arts -  ? “ then the conversation seemed to spark to life without much spluttering after that,  eventually both sitting on the couch and bonding over lessons;  including how you got your position in the first place,   your arm rested on the back of the furniture as your body turned fully to him,  the longer the pair of you were sat there,  the more they progressed beyond work and more into personal ones, about experiences outside of hogwarts and within the walls, not helping the fits of giggles that bubbled in your chest. 
“ being a slytherin comes with the natural title of ‘dark pranks,’  most of us tend to live up to the name.  people demonise us,  so we give them a reason to continue it.  that certainly doesn’t end at our humour, i think it shows more than ever in that aspect - “ you giggled again, head shaking  “ i remember my friends putting a real snake in one of the gryffindors bed covered in animals blood, the girl panicked for weeks  -  but they started it  ! “   
“ i must say being a gryffindor myself,  i feel like i should be offended on behalf of them.  then again,  my friends here were trouble makers as well.  their pranks could... “  wrist rolled in the air,  and while there’s a hint of pain twisting in features and a haunted look that seemed to cover bright eyes,  there was still a fondness in how he spoke  “ extremely, well and truly out of hand ? “
“ ahah  ! “  it’s like a triumph,  finger pointing at the others face   “ you can hide behind the fancy wording all you want, professor.  but you gryffindors can be just as over the top as the rest of us,  if not more so ! “  he knocks your hand away from his face playfully,  grin widening as mock offence does its best to take over features.
“ firstly,  you may call me remus,  second of all,  i will agree with nothing you say,  i would never stoop so low. “ 
your heart skipped a beat at the notion. 
“ you may call me y/n, only when you admit i’m right - “ 
a nice joke to push down the giddiness of calling him by his first name the short hours of knowing him. 
“ how very slytherin of you - “ 
“ how very gryffindor of you to point that out, remus “ 
the back and forth banter eventually came to a halt, as minutes ticked by it was time to go to the great hall for food and to sort out the new years. you and remus walked in a comfortable silence,  a lightness surrounding you both as it showed in your steps, and showed in the way his lips remained locked in a subtle smile.  you were left with one feeling...  finally, dumbledore hired someone worthwhile. you would also give him a hard time for that awkward bow that he did at dinner. 
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lilmissbacon · 2 years
Hey could do a death battle between Elsa and Shoto Todoroki (from My Hero Academia)? If Elsa ends up winning this death battle, then can you put her up against Todoroki's father, Endeavor?
Elsa vs Shoto Todoroki Death Battle
As much as I know about MHA and it's characters, I've only ever watched the first 6 episodes 😅 But I do have a friend who watches it, so he's linking me to videos that best showcase Todoroki's abilities. Just to help me narrow it down.
This is the third Death Battle I'm making and Elsa has still yet to win. Maybe third time's the charm.
Once again, I'm figuring this out as I write and I'm using Marvel's Power Grid to rank their abilities. If you want a more in depth analysis on Elsa's side (because I'm only summing up here) click this link.
1) Intelligence
She's rated a 4; gifted for how intricately she made her ice castle in the spar of the moment.
I am also giving him a 4 on the fact that he is one of the smartest in his class. He is also apparently so observant that he notices things that even the pro heroes don't.
Also, just to add, he's very quick to making walls of ice to avoid being blown back in battle. Especially in the sports festival.
2) Physical Strength
She is a 2 because she was able to lift herself into Nok when she was taming him.
Since he's able to pull people out of danger, not to mention just how toned he is and as much exercise he gets, no doubt he can lift more than his own weight. So he gets a 2.5.
3) Speed
She's a 1 because she's a beauty runner and slower than me.
He's pretty average. He runs many times throughout the anime and while he's not slow, he's not extremely fast either. So he's a 2; normal.
(Note: I do not know how fast he is going when he slides on his ice, nor do I have to energy to search around or do the math so I'm leaving it as is.)
4) Durability
She knocks herself out when she's running in her ice castle. She's only a 2 because she manages not to do it again when fighting Nok.
This boy gets punched, kicked and knocked into various things all the time and as far as I can tell, he barely bruises. I doubt he has any form of super health but he's definitely tougher than normal, so he gets another 2.5.
5) Energy Projection
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The amount of land she can cover (where she stands) with her magic is Arendelle's castle + fjord. Long range and duration is a 5.
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I would say he can cover just as much ground, if not more. Because I believe there is another scene where he does make more ice than the gif above. I can't recall what fight it was or find a gif on it, but still.
Not to mention it seems to be the same for his fire as well. Again, I don't know how far he is with his training or how good he's gotten with his fire side yet but just from the sports festival alone, the amount he can give off seems pretty even with both of his sides.
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So Todoroki has long range and duration on more than one energy type, he gets a 6.
6) Fighting Skills
She doesn't even know how to punch and relies too much on her powers, 1.
He doesn't really physically fight much and is often having to be dragged away to safety. There are many instances of this and much like Elsa, he relies too much on his powers to save himself.
That being said though, he still has had training if Endeavor had any say in that. Shoto just tends to stand in place way too much out of habit rather than his ability. So he gets a 3.
Overall Score
Elsa = 15 / Shoto Todoroki = 20
Yo, Elsa really be getting nothing 😂 This is her third loss!
Kinda surprised he only beat Frozone by 0.5 though.
Could Elsa get Shoto with the frozen heart? I would argue probably not, since he's super quick in making walls of ice to block attacks. And even if he was hit by it, his heart is on his fire side. I feel like his quirk within body would just melt it on it's own.
🎉The Winner🎉
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Any more recommendations are welcomed. As long as I know the characters, I'd love to take a crack at your requests. Elsa doesn't need to be in it 😆
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
*runs past, throwing a pegging fic at your head*
look I know I said I’d actually work on the smut prompts I got but this popped into my mind instead and I had to get it out
*runs off again*
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She found him sulking in bed when she came home, a full two hours after he’d left the precinct in a bit of a huff as his shift ended - she wasn’t perfectly up to date with the detectives workload anymore ever since moving downstairs, but she’d still gathered from Rosa’s tense replies during their lunch date and Charles’ hurried goodbyes and hellos that they were all stressed from whatever they were working on.
Not least of all her husband, who seemed to have taken on far more than he could chew yet again with two new cases, on which he obviously insisted to be the primary and which had been driving him slowly mad with pressure as she noted from every evening that she came upstairs to pick him up for their ride home, muttering under his breath about context clues and bad intel as he packed his bag. Holt had actually sent him home earlier today to ‘settle his mind’, which he hadn’t taken in a particularly good way, as he basically stormed past her desk on the ground floor to tell her he’d be heading home, still stopping for a kiss and a heartfelt ‘see you tonight’ though - even stressed out he still had the manners of her perfect husband.
Right now, though, he was back to angrily shouting at Wario on the gamepad in his hands while she changed out of her uniform in front of the dresser.
Usually he’d give her a little joking leer and a wolf whistle when she did, or a flirty comment. But this time his attention seemed to be much more focussed on raging about the game, and she knew that as another sign of pent-up frustrations that definitely needed a better outlet.
So Amy had climbed up on the bed with him in her oversized shirt and fresh underwear (it was a hot summer, and she felt like soaking through everything in her dark, heavy uniform, so at-home-time was strictly relegated to as little clothing as possible), nudged the gamepad out of his hands carefully and pulled them around her waist instead with a smile and a soft wink.
And here they were now, slowly and languidly making out with her hands roaming all over him, and earning themselves a lot of little sighs from him whenever she massages a particularly sensitive spot on his sides, or between his shoulder blades after getting rid of his shirt. She can feel him melting into her even as she’s positioned on top, all of him lifting up to reach her whenever she moves just an inch away, his hand on her lower back softly pushing her down again. But most of all, she can feel his half-hard erection as she presses her thigh between his and his breath against her lips hitches for a second.
“Mh, babe…” he mumbles as she pulls away from him again and is faced with his hazy, half-lidded eyes, always a bit disoriented after a particularly good kiss. Maybe a little more so today - she can already sense the stress lift from him, but not nearly enough. And she knows just the perfect way to finally get him to really let go, even if he’d probably not admit it.
“I really want to fuck you.” She offers before another little kiss, and feels his trademark grin against her.
“Yeah I kinda figured this is where this was heading anyway…?” He jokes, but she only presses her thigh against him a bit more insistently.
“No, I mean.  I  want to fuck  you .”
“Oh.” The atmosphere in the room changes as he follows her words, and she can see his still hazy eyes darken just a bit. “Yeah.”
“Are you up for that?”
“Yeah.” He nods maybe a bit too eagerly as she smiles and leans down for a quicker kiss.
“Can you get yourself ready while I go get a dick?”
“I really want to know how many people on earth have ever said that particular sentence.” He laughs as she climbs off the bed again, but also reaches over to his bedside drawer where they keep the lube while she squats down in front of the dresser, unlocks the lowest drawer filled with the toys that aren’t on regular rotation in both their bedside drawers.
She’s met with the view of a completely naked Jake once she returns, his slicked up fingers already reaching past his still growing erection down to his hole, one finger pushing in with slow motions.
“So sexy.” She says, earnestly, yet he laughs again, a bit more breathless this time with his eyes closed. And he really is, no matter how many times he denies it whenever she tells him - he is sexy, both in his looks that can make her feel hot and cold at the same time even if he’s not intentionally doing anything, and in the sincere eagerness he has in going along with her, willing to try almost anything she might suggest, and being honest about his likes and dislikes about it all. It’s unlike any other relationship she’s had, and she has to admit it was quite surprising at first to find this much maturity in her usually so childish partner. But she’s glad for it, and for the many things they’ve discovered together (and quickly noted down in what Jake has titled her ‘sexy binder’, for which he was equally on board with - he loves her nerdiness just as much as her sexyness).
Things like this - Jake under her and giving all of himself to her control, letting himself fall in the knowledge that she’s going to catch him and treat him right. She’s figured out pretty quickly how much they both enjoy the whole pegging process - simple physical pleasure aside, it especially gets Jake into a mindset he needs sometimes, shutting off from the pressure of the world and just giving in and letting go of the reins into Amy’s care. The fact that it makes  her  feel incredibly empowered, and bonded with him in a new kind of trust is just an added on benefit. Right now, she knows it’s mostly the first thing that he really needs, essentially a ‘turn off and on’ reboot of his brain that is still fussing over everything he couldn’t leave behind at the precinct.  
“Can you do one more?” Her voice is almost husky just from thinking about it all, even more so from seeing him laid out before her like this.
A second finger joins the first in lieu of a response, and Amy has to swallow hard as she watches him spread himself open, paired with an already slightly laboured breath and the loveliest facial expression of tense anticipation. She knows the feeling of those fingers working away too well from between her own legs, although he seems slower and more careful now, of course.
She shakes her head to get back into the moment after watching the scene before her for a bit too long, her hand sliding down the inside of his wide-spread thighs to get his attention back to her too, as his eyes flutter open again.
“Which one?” She simply asks, holding up two of the dildos that fit into the soft harness they bought a while ago that seemed a lot less daunting than the heavy duty leather straps they found in most sex shops. (She’s as good at ‘toy’ store research as she is at any other research, though, and quickly found a far more comforting boutique with a saleslady who very eagerly explained anything she could, no matter how much Jake was blushing beside her.)
“Uh.” He stutters as his brain slowly comes back to reality. “The, uhm, the blue.”
“You like the little bulge.” She states matter-of-fact (a fact that’s definitely already in her sexy binder too), even as he still blushes about it while she discards the other one and affixes the toy he picked to her harness.
“Alright.” The lube he left on the nightstand is quickly spread over it. “Turn around?”
She wanted it to be a question, but he only gulps as he nods, far more used to commands in these kind of situations as his fingers slip out and he rolls over, lifts his hips up enough that she can wedge a larger pillow under them to keep him up yet off his knees, a pose they’ve found to prefer much more than the usual doggy style. She playfully squeezes his butt before spreading his cheeks a bit more, and he feels the slick tip of the dildo against him.
“Ready?” She asks more clearly this time, and waits for his short  ‘Yeah’  before pushing in.
He’s already done a good job getting himself open, but she still takes her time to slide in, back and forth with rolling hips, pulling out and pushing in just an inch more each time while she’s met with little moans from between his bitten lips with every push. It turns into a drawn out, quiet groan as she finally presses her hips flush against his backside, feels him tense under her. Her hands stroke up and down his rigid back, and wait for the feeling of his muscles finally relaxing under them and his breath returning to a more steady beat before she starts to rock into him at a soft pace.
It’s a lot to take in - both figuratively and literally, as the blue dildo between her legs is slightly bigger than their usual toys, but she could see the glint in his eyes when he picked it. She would love to know more about that - about how he really feels when she’s inside of him, if it feels the way it does for her when the roles are reversed, but it’s one of the few things happening in their bedroom he doesn’t like to talk about too much. There’s a sense of vulnerability still there, and an underlying fear, she suspects, of being judged for it - even if the notion of Amy judging Jake for anything that gives him pleasure seems laughable, she knows him too well not to notice. She still remembers the almost apologetic tremble in his voice when he first ‘admitted’ that he wasn’t new to anal sex, albeit completely new to it with a woman, and his nervous look to see her reaction.
“You’re doing so well, babe.” She mumbles soft affirmations while her fingers dig into the work-tense skin around his neck, leaning her weight onto him as she thrusts, feeling him grind up against her at the same speed, essentially humping the pillow under him as well. It’s a wonderful rhythm they always find, but something’s not quite right - not quite enough, she can tell both from her own response and the almost hesitant noises coming from him, moans and sighs that aren’t fully there yet, not where she wants him to be.
He whines when she slides out of him, though, and she can see in his one dark eye with a blown pupil staring at her from where his face is pressed into the pillows that his mind was still slowly working to get to that place. She almost feels guilty for pulling him away from it for a bit, but she also knows what will be much more helpful for him.
“Can you turn back for me, actually?” Her voice is apologetic before turning husky again. “I really want to touch you.”
He complies, of course he does, twisting around a bit more carefully now, shifting aside the pillow that was under his hips, and god, she still loves the view of it all as both her hands travel down his thighs and wrap around his now fully hard cock, eliciting a far more intense moan than before.
She knows he’s capable of coming untouched in their previous position, the friction of the pillow enough to bring him over the edge, and it’s a special kind of orgasm that wrecks through him then, but that’s not what she’s going for right now. And given how he bucks into her hands immediately, even while she pushes the strap back into him a bit faster than before, tells her he’s definitely on board with it all this, too.
And yes, from seeing his mouth drop into a basically constant o-shape as he moans louder with every thrust, his eyes half-lidded and with fluttering eyelashes, turning impossibly dark, and his breathing out of synch, she knows she’s right back on track. He grabs onto the covers after a particularly hard push, his other hand trailing down to reach hers, interlocking their fingers while her other hand lazily strokes him - not fast enough for any quick effect, but more than enough to feel him tense and react under her with every motion. It sets a slower pace than what they usually go for, but she wants to drag this out anyway, wants to continue watching him shift his hips under her to get more of her touch from both ends, hear those little whines and empty pleas that are a rare treat from his otherwise very engaged talk during sex.
“Ames”, he says surprisingly coherently still, and she pushes a bit harder to get him over that, “Ames can y- ahn! God! - can you take off yo-uhhn- your shirt…?”
She has to let go of both his hand and his cock to do so, but she doesn’t stop her thrusts while she pulls the shirt over her head, and is met with just pure adoration in his hazy eyes as they rake over her.
“Fuck, I love you.” he whispers between moans, and it’s enough to make her lean over to kiss him, his mouth hungry on hers and both his hands immediately cupping her breasts as she returns her hand to stroking him. Her tongue slips between his lips just as she pushes into him again, and the change of angle has him almost shout into her open mouth.
“Fu- Oh god- Amy- please-” She repeats the motion twice, quickly, and watches his eyes almost roll back as his face slackens.
“Finally found your sweet spot.” Amy can’t help but boast, but Jake doesn’t hear it anyway as she continues to hit him exactly right, and nothing registers anymore but for that sensation shooting through his body every time. Her hand on him speeds up as well, while his noises reach a level and pitch she barely knows from him, ending with a proper shout as she feels him tense and twitch in her hand as he cums, his whole body going rigid and his back arching off the mattress, shaking through his orgasm.
The movement of her hips slows, but never stops, not until he’s dropped back down into the soft bedding and tries his best to get his racing breath back into control, a few last shivers cursing through his body with every exhale. He looks downright obscene as she surveys him under her - his head still thrown back and throat pulled taut, blushing bright red and with his mouth hanging open through a few more gasps, his chest and stomach covered with his own spend and his softening cock in her hand twitching once more as she ever so slowly pulls the blue strap-on out of him.
Her fingers travel down from his shaft, circling his rim carefully - she knows, if she were to push in, she could probably work him up again in barely a few minutes, and has done so before to get her own ride of pleasure after it, but that’s really not what this time is about. So she pulls her hand away from him completely to a soft little whine, and climbs up and over to settle at his side after getting rid of the harness.
His arm wraps limply around her waist more on reflex than anything while his breathing finally calms, but his eyes are still fully hazy and half-closed. She wanted to turn his brain off for a bit, but she might have just turned it into complete mush with that last move, she fears before he turns his head to place a kiss to her forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” She shuffles up a bit to kiss him on the lips, surprisingly chaste for what they just did. It seems to have worked - the tension has gone out of the room completely, and he’s smiling all soft and dopey instead of the frustrated frown he was sporting earlier. “You know it’s okay to- you know you can ask for things, if you feel like you need them.” She tries to word it as carefully as she can, because what he makes up for in sexual maturity, he sure doesn’t bring all too well when it comes to talking about actual needs and worries.
“You don’t get much out of it, though - I don’t wanna…”
“Babe, you have  no  idea how much I get out of this.” She interrupts him before he can explain it away. “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t like it. And I like seeing you like this so much.”
“By ‘like this’ you mean getting railed to death?” He can’t keep from joking, but she hides her responding grin with a more insistent kiss before whispering against his lips.
“I’d call it ‘blissfully fucked’ instead.”
“Yeah.” He whispers back without moving away from her. “That sounds better.”
She kisses him again, right back to the slow and languid pace that set all of this off, while his hand from her waist travels all across her backside with soft fingertips.
She knows she’ll have to bug them both out of bed soon enough for a shower - for obvious reasons - and he’ll most likely try to ‘make it up to her’ there, like he always does, but right now he seems perfectly content to just lay next to her, his mind as settled as his body limp between the sheets.
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xmalereader · 4 years
The Mandalorian X Short! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Request: hello I just wanted to request a Mando x Shortish reader. The reader loves that he is short and petite since he can fit into small places. Mando teases him a lot until he needed help on a bounty. He gets captured and the reader goes saves him. It’s a fluffy request.
Warnings: Fluff, sarcasm, short reader, Height difference.
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“Stop it.”
Din grins under his beskar helmet as he stared down at the shorter male. The two have been partners for almost a year now and Din just coulnd’t get over that fact that his partner was short. He he was shorter than him and used this as an advantage to tease the other male.
“Need help getting that?” Din tilts his head up at the medical box that was located on a top shelf of the razor crest. Y/n was standing on his toes as his fingers grazed the edge of the box, grunting as he tried to get the damn box. “Shut it, bucket head.” He mumbles out and glared at the mandalorian who continued to stare at him with a hand on his hip. He was waiting for him to give up which annoyed Y/n, it wasn’t the first time that the mandalorian had teased him this way. Mocking his height.
Y/n tries to stand a little taller but his legs and arms were giving out. Groaning he finally gives up. “Just get me the damn box!!” He shouts in frustration. Din rolls his eyes and walks over to take down the medical box, “You do know that we have a stool right?” Y/n glared at Din and snatches the medical kit away from him. “Don’t even get me started.” He limps over to his cot and sits down, rolling up his pants as he cleans his cut and makes sure to bandage it up.
Din walks over to the child’s pod as he double checks on him. “He’s been sleeping all day.”
“Yeah no, duh. Kids got an ability that gets him tired if used to frequently.” Said Y/n as he finishes up with his leg and smiles at his work. He closes up the medical box and walks over to return it back to its rightful place.
Din lifts his head up and shifts his gaze to y/n, smiling at he watched. “Need help putting it back too?” Y/n grumbles and in anger he tosses the box up, slamming it against the wall. “I swear you will regret your teasing one of these days.” He points a finger at him in warning causing Din to raise his hands up in defense, not really taking the threat seriously.
Y/n walks over to the kids pod and sighs. “Do you know where were going?” He asks and closes the kids pod before turning to face din. The mandalorian shrugs, “I’m trying to find us a nice planet where you and the kid can stretch your legs while I look for a job there.”
Y/n frowns. “When will you let me help?”
The mandalorian turns away and climbs up the ladder that leads him to the cockpit. “What do you mean never?!” The shorter male climbs in after him and follows him through the cockpit. He sits next to the pilots seat and crossed his arms with a small pout on his face. “Becuase they are dangerous and you always seem to attract the most trouble.” He was flipping some switches and putting in some coordinates. “That’s not true.”
“Is so.” Din puts the razor crest on hyper speed, he turns his chair to face y/n. “Yes you are, last time I allowed you to help me you caused havoc and nearly lost our bounty. You also almost lost the kid—“
“In my defense; the kid ran away from me while I was trying to get him back in the pod.” He cuts him off and looks away, sighing deeply. He’s been taking care of the child while mando did all of the dirty work. He misses being out there and taking down bounty’s together but once the kid came into their lives; everything suddenly changed. Din grew soft towards the kid and began to take care to care of him, suddenly becoming the kids father.
The relationship between the two was complicated.
They were close and Din trusted him with his life, he was actually the first person that Din told his real name too. The two always stick together and if anything happened to the other they would lose their mind, they were just used to each other’s presences, Y/n really loved Din.
“Get some rest, shorty.”
Never mind he takes that back.
“Din I sweat, one more short joke and I’m throwing you off this ship.”
“You know I can’t take your threats seriously because, each time you do say something it doesn’t make you sound scary. It makes you sound adorable.”
Y/n blushes deeply and buries his face in his hands. “I’m going to rest.” He quickly says and leaves the cockpit, heading back down the ladder as he throws himself inside his cot and lands face first onto his pillow, he groans against his pillow in embarrassment. “I hate him, but I also love him.” He groans again and buries his face away in his covers and pillow.
“I’ll be back soon—“ Din was able to find them a suitable planet to land on and had found a job for himself. Y/n was standing outside the razor crest with the child in his arms who cooed at both Din and Y/n, his eats moving up and down. “Don’t cause any trouble and stay close to the razor crest, in case anything happens.”
“Don’t forget to keep the kid close—“
“Make sure that you and the kid eat something too.”
Y/n sighs and sets the kid down, standing up straight he faces the mandalorian. “You’ve been telling me the same thing for months now, I know the drill so dont worry about me but about yourself. This bounty your after sounds dangerous so if anything happens to you the you send me a holo, got it?” He raised a brow at then, waiting for the other to confirm himself.
Din nods in reply. “Got it.” He softly says as Y/n stands on his toes and presses his head against the beskar helmet a some way kiss that the mandalorians did amongst each other. A moment that they liked to share with each other. “When I come back I expect you to be a little taller.”
Moment ruined.
Y/n glares at him and shoves him away. “Go before I decide to blast your ass.” He earns a chuckle in return which causes the shorter male to roll his eyes and groan. “How did I fall in love with a man like him?” He asks the child that stood by his legs, his ears fall back in confusion as he grips the end of his pants. “of course you wouldn’t understand.” He bends down to pick up the child and hold him in his arms. “Since we are alone, might as well and spend some time outside.” With that he pokes the child’s nose and earns a giggle in return.
The two remained outside for the rest of the day; playing in the grassy field as the child ran around while giggling happily. He was still learning how to use his abilites and had tried various times to try and pick up a stick with his abilites but he was still too young. Y/n sometimes watched in admiration on how such strange abilities could make such a small thing strong. “That’s enough little one or else you’ll get yourself hurt.” He takes the child small three fingered hand into his own as the child whines in protest but y/n shakes his head. “Not today, right now you need rest. You used up a lot of your energy.”
Heading back inside the razorcrest he makes sure that the kid falls asleep and is placed inside his pod, sighing tiredly he closes the pod and looks outside to see the suns setting already. “Where is he?” He knows that bounty hunting can take up to a day or two depending on how complicated the bounty is but mando was able to handle anything. But somehow it felt longer and Y/n was slowly getting an odd feeling.
Glancing at the closed up pod he bites his lip nervously. “Kriff.” He heads over to his cot and grabs his own blaster and double checks on the kid. “Please be here when I get back.” He tells himself before exiting the razor crest and closing up the ramp. He has no idea how he was going to find Din but deep down inside he felt like he already knew where he was.
Din had gotten himself captured, he was doing very well on getting the bounty but turns out that the bounty wasnt alone. It had help from a group of humanoids that sold spice and they thought that it would be a good idea to capture a mandalorian. Din thought he could space easily but their cells were on high security, he’s already tried a few times to escape but nothing seemed to work. He couldn’t give up, he had a kid and Y/n back at the razorcrest and for all he knows they could be in danger since the kid was still a bounty. Pacing around the cell he waits for someone to show up, already having a plan in mind.
“Well, well, well, am I seeing a captured mandalorian or is this all in my imagination?”
“Kriff.” Din looks around to Cell and raised a brow. “up here big guy.” He looks up to see y/n inside a vent, small enough for only him to fit through. “Where’s the kid?”
“Back at the razor crest—before you start yelling at me, I want you to know that he’s safe so dont worry.” He explains and adjusts his postion around the vent before turning back to face Din. Looking down at him, “I’m gonna need your help.”
Y/n’s lips twitch up into a grin. “Oh really? I thought you said that you did need my help.”
“Y/n, we dont have time for this!” Din hisses out.
“Oh there is plenty of time! I warned you Din Djarin that the next time that you teased me you would regret it.” Y/n glares down at him as Din lets his head hang back with a small groan before it drops down forward. “Alright, ill stop teasing you.”
“No more short jokes?”
“No more short jokes.”
“And you have to cuddle with me!”
“Y/n—“ Din was growing impatient, “Fine I’m going.” Y/n disappears through the vents and crawls around until he finds another opening. He climbs down and ends up on the other side of mandos cell. Dropping down he grunts and quickyl fixes his posture. “See? No harm done.” He tells hismelf before walking up to the cell and punching in the code number that allows the doors to open.
“Lets go before anyone else comes by.” Din was already booking it out but y/n stayed behind, taking his time. As din walks down the corridors with blaster in hand he glances over his shoulder to see y/n walking slowly behind him. “Can You be any slower?”
“Can you be an stupider?” Y/n shot back and grabs din by the wrist and drags him out into the open where a pile of bodies lied around. Din stared in shock before asking. “Did you do this?”
Y/n gasps sarcastically. “Who me? No, darling I think you’re confused because the last time I remembered you saying that ‘I couldn’t take care of myself’.” He stands next to Din with his hands behind his back and giving him an innocent look. Din rolls his eyes and puts his blaster away. “So, cuddling?” Y/n brings up the question again. “Only for a couple of hours.” Din answers back and makes his way through the bodies. Y/n smirks in victory as he follows after him, skipping through the corridors as he hums. “You look like a serial killer while skipping down a hall full of dead bodies.” Said Din.
Y/n laughs, “Yeah, you’re right I should probably stop.”
The two walked out of the underground building and made sure that they weren’t seen escaping. The walk back to the razorcrest was short since the two were desperate to get back and making sure that the kid was safe. “Baby?” Y/n whispers, once the ramp was lowered down for them. On the other end stood a grumpy baby, his ears pinned back as he glared at the two adults. Y/n bites his lip and laughs nervously, “next time we take him with us?”
“I’m not taking the kid to our next bounty hunt.” Din walks over to the kid and bends down, picking him up and holding him in his arms. “Come on, lets get going and search some place else for another bounty.”
Y/n nods in agreements and heads inside, making sure to close the ramp before they leave for their next destination.
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ducktracy · 4 years
happy birthday, tex avery!
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today’s an important day for every cartoon fan. 112 years ago today, tex avery was born! probably one of the biggest contributors to animation, the man responsible for bugs bunny, elmer fudd, daffy duck, droopy, screwy squirrel, chilly willy, wild animation... there’s much to celebrate.
born in texas (hence the nickname, real name frederick), tex arrived in los angeles on january 1st, 1928 to start a new career. nothing much, just menial jobs: working in a warehouse, loading fruits and vegetables at the docks, painting cars, and finally painting animation cels for the oswald cartoons. moving from the short lived winkler studio to the universal studio, he became an animator in 1930.
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(courtesy of tom klein.)
perhaps his work at universal spawned the most important event in tex's career. in 1933, he and a couple of his animation buddies were horse-playing. the game: shooting a spitball with a rubber band at the backs of peoples heads, yelling “bulls eye!” if shot successfully. the game evolved from spitballs to paperclips. animator charles hastings was armed with a paperclip and had his sights set on tex. someone yelled “look out, tex!”, and tex’s initial reaction was to turn around. vision in his left eye was gone in an instant. some people attribute the lack of depth perception to tex’s unconventional, warped point of view inserted in his cartoons.
universal was proving to be a lousy job for tex. he himself admitted that he wasn’t much of an animator. “i was never too great an artist. i realized there at lantz’s that most of those fellows could draw rings around me... i thought, brother! why fight it? i’ll never make it! go the other route. and i’m glad i did. my goodness, i’ve enjoyed that a lot more than i would have enjoyed just animating scenes all my life.” he was let go in april 1935 after the quality of his work declined thanks to a lack in interest. two days later, he and his girlfriend (an inker at the studio) got hitched and honeymooned in oregon. they arrived back in hollywood in may, where tex approached leon schlesinger.
to say warner bros was short staffed in terms of directors was an understatement. ben hardaway had just left, and friz freleng and jack king were the only directors there. tex flubbed his way in, citing his experience "'hey, i’m a director'. hell! i was no more a director than nothing, but with my loud mouth, i talked him into it."
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(the termite terrace crew in 1935. from left to right: virgil ross, sid sutherland, tex avery, chuck jones, and bob clampett.)
though there were few directors when tex arrived, the staff was beginning to outgrow the studio. tex and his unit (virgil ross, sid sutherland, chuck jones, and bob clampett) moved into a rickety building they unceremoniously dubbed termite terrace as a result of the termite population within the bungalow.
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tex’s first directed cartoon was gold diggers of ‘49, where he borrowed friz freleng’s characters of beans, kitty, and porky from the cartoon i haven’t got a hat. while beans was beginning to have his own small series of cartoons, this marks the second ever appearance of porky and is thusly an important occurrence. if tex didn’t use him, who knows what porky’s fate would be? gold diggers beans and porky are in the heart of the gold rush. beans strikes it big (tex’s love of gag shining brilliantly already as beans pulls a slot machine lodged into the side of a mountain) and invites all of his friends to dig for more gold. porky’s bag of gold is taken away from a villain, and he bargains that if beans can get the bag back, he’s allowed to marry his daughter (kitty). beans eagerly accepts and follows the villain. what ensues is an exhilarating gunfight turned car chase, tex’s knack for speed drastically picking up the pace of the cartoon. it’s exhilarating, rushing, and brought a much needed energy to warner bros at the time. perhaps even more amusing than the chase is the payoff itself: porky gets the bag back, which isn’t gold at all, but instead a hearty sandwich.
almost right away, tex rose to the top at the studio. some of his earliest merrie melodies (which had been exclusively reserved for friz freleng prior) include page miss glory and the classic i love to singa, both beautiful cartoons in their own ways. tex now served as the model. his gags were funny, his pace was quick, his cartoons GOOD, friz freleng and eventually frank tashlin adopting the change in pace. jack king, unfortunately, wasn’t faring well with the change, and his slower, duller cartoons stuck out like a sore thumb. he returned to disney in april of 1936.
porky’s duck hunt serves as an especially important cartoon directed by tex, marking a number of firsts. it’s the cartoon debut of daffy (who is unnamed, though model sheets label him as that crazy darn fool duck), and he first time mel blanc voiced porky. porky is also considerably slimmed down. the cartoon is exactly as it sounds: porky embarks on a duck hunt, but a screwy duck prevents him from getting anything accomplished.
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the cartoon itself, in comparison to tex’s others, isn’t really that special. a bunch of drunken fish hilariously singing a rendition of “moonlight bay” serves as the highlight. it’s not a bad cartoon at all, i love it a lot and it’s one of my favorites, but it IS rather repetitive, and daffy is pretty stark in personality. 75% of his dialogue is reduced to quacks. but what DOES have personality, which would shape his entire character, is a particular exit animated by bob clampett.
porky fires his gun and strikes daffy, who flops into the water. ecstatic, porky sends his dog after him. all we see is a black blob in the water, and daffy haughtily tosses the unconscious dog on the shore instead of the other way around. flummoxed, porky pulls out some paper, flipping through it and protesting “hey, that wasn’t in the script!” daffy laughs it off. “don’t let it worry ya, skipper. i’m just a crazy, darn fool duck!” with that, he gives his signature hoo-hoo laugh as he literally flips into the horizon, twirling and hopping, clicking his heels, hoo-hooing all the way along. great animation by bob clampett and definitely entertaining, and a scene that would serve as the basis for his trademark laugh and his truly daffy personality (that would begin to die down as early as 1938).
tex made a number of other good cartoons, experimenting with daffy some more and playing with porky a little more until exclusively dedicating his time to merrie melodies in friz freleng’s absence (who was at MGM). the one that truly changed looney tunes was released on july 27th, 1940, titled a wild hare.
bugs bunny had existed before tex touched him, but didn’t at the same time. he was conceived by ben “bugs” hardaway in 1938 with porky’s hare hunt. very similar to porky’s duck hunt, the screwy rabbit taunts porky and prevents him from getting a good shot. the only thing bugs has in common with his prototype self is his species and name. (he wasn’t formally called bugs then, and thanks to a false story by mel blanc where blanc referred to the prototype as “happy rabbit” fans have assumed that was his prototype name. in reality, model sheets and illustrations from picture books around 1938-1939 name him as bugs’ bunny, possessive after ben “bugs” hardaway.) bugs is portrayed as a white rabbit with a hayseed voice and woody woodpecker laugh in hare hunt, not at all the cool new yorker we know and love him as. he reappeared in a few other cartoons, still his hayseed self in hare-um scare-um and a more collected take by chuck jones in cartoons such as elmer’s candid camera and elmer’s pet rabbit. hare-um scare-um turned the previously white rabbit into a gray and white rabbit with yellow gloves.
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nevertheless, tex borrowed this strange rabbit and paired him with another character of his by the name of elmer fudd. elmer’s hunting wabbits, but bugs predictably taunts him the entire time and makes his life a living nightmare. the cartoon isn’t much different than the other hunting cartoons: prey drives hunter crazy, and prey ends up winning. it’s really just a glorified porky’s hare hunt. but at the same time, it has a certain charm. this previously unappealing, obnoxious rabbit is now cool, calm, and collected. an era of cartoons dominated by screwballs like daffy is now interrupted by the opposite, a smooth talking rabbit who always wins. bugs was rather temperamental in his early 40s cartoons, much more thin skinned, abrasive, and often a downright bully, but there was still something so different about him that audiences resonated with him regardless. so, while tex isn’t the true father of bugs, he absolutely is at the same time.
many fans believe that tex left warner bros after a dispute with schlesinger pertaining to his cartoon the heckling hare. in the cartoon, bugs (as the title suggests) heckles a dimwitted dog repeatedly. at the end, the two of them end up falling off of a cliff. both bugs and the dog cling to each other, screaming all the way. the scene is LENGTHY, nearing a minute of nonstop screaming. which, of course, is the joke. to see how long the audience can stand it. however, the cartoon cuts to an end rather abruptly. evidently, bugs and the dog were going to stop, with bugs remarking “hold onto your hats, folks, here we go again!” and thusly launching into a second fall. however, the “hold onto your hats, folks!” was a rather crude joke at the time, and thusly that’s assumed how the cut came to be.
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story goes that avery left the studio as a result of the censorship, which seems plausible. however, that’s not the case. tex was itching to do a series of live-action shorts, with real, live-action animals talking and cracking jokes with animated mouths. tex wanted to do it, schlesinger didn’t. tex lived out his dream at paramount for a short amount of time, and thankfully for the rest of us got some sense and moved to MGM in september 1941 to make cartoons once more.
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i’ve gone on way longer than i intended, and there’s still so much to be said about tex! all of tex’s best cartoons were at MGM, no doubt. he invented droopy, red, the wolf... red hot riding hood is considered one of the greatest cartoons of all time and spawned a number of sequels starring red and the wolf. all of the great qualities of tex’s cartoons from warner bros exploded at MGM. the fourth wall breaking, the gags, the speed... he also made the iconic “tex avery take”. limbs flying off characters and super big eye bulges... they’re absolutely fantastic. there’s so much to say about tex that can’t be articulated! he’s one of my favorite directors for sure and such an important figure in animation. he deserves all the praise and respect he gets and more.
happy birthday, tex!
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 4 years
Geralt of rivia x reader
Warnings: 18+, loss of innocence
Summary: y/n works at a brothel and she has never had a costumer ever since her arrival until a witcher walks in and makes her feel the things that she has never felt.
Amber 2
I'm not ment to be here. I was never ment to be here, but here I am, in a brothel due to my own father who sold me to pay the owners debt.
The only good thing about it was that I would clean and tidy up the rooms; but it only lasted for a while. Thanks to one of the whores who had left because she convinced an old man to take her, but it was just for some good fucking, probably until she took his money. But it's better than this place.
"Maybe its ya lucky day! A man will finally take that burden from between these legs." Mrs. Reagan said. She was in charge of us, making sure the pay was right and that we were safe. She also gave us a bit of the share.
"One day it will happen ya know." I nodded my head and continued putting some of my homemade rosemary oil on my legs and arms. 'Just in case' she said.
"Love, a real man will finally realize that your body is luxurious unlike those whores out there. I certainly love it" she pinched my pouchy stomach. I've been here for a year and a half and I've been blessed with no customers, I should be glad, but aftrer some time here I wondered what the feeling of a man's hands would feel against my body. Being in this place made me realize that I craved the touch, but wondered if my round figure wasn't enough for any man.
"Come on put on ya robes and fix ya hair. We'll be opening in a moment." She tossed me my robe. I carefully put the semi see through robe letting my breasts be seen barely. This day I let my hair out of its braids and let the wavy locks fall lightly gazing against my waist.
I sighed and left the comfort of my room or soon to be working room someday. The laughter echoes throughout the work place accompany with the smell of sweet wine.
"Y/n" a whisper at the bar made me wonder there.
"Yes mrs. Reagan" I placed my hands on the counter top and took the cup of wine she had left for me.
"Smile a bit or flirt. That's how that one made her history here." It was a drawing of the one who had left with the old man, her work brought in many men somehow.
That wasn't my intention.
Hours went by and it was almost night fall. The brothel slowed down and I still was still at the bar chatting with Mrs. Reagan about her working here.
"I almost stabbed a man. So I will protect you here, love." She lightly cupped my cheek and smiled making me do the same.
I had another cup of wine accompanied with cherries that I helped picked out earlier when a large figure sat a stool away from me. Probably another man here to get his cock wet.
"What can I get for you Witcher, the usual?" He grumbled and began removing his armor making me sneak a glance st his figure. I've only seen him a couple of times but I never actually glanced at the man. His intimidating look made me feel small and weak compared to his tall and broad figure.
His hair was silver and long, with a rough texture to it. Made me want to rub my homemade oil on his hair, but what made me hold my breath was those eyes. Amber. A beautiful amber color that unknowingly made a connection with mine, my heart skipped a couple of beats.
I realized that I had been staring long enough when his eyebrows frowned and looked away to drink his wine.
Awkwardly, I left and my feet took me away into my room looking for a comfortable aura and trying to relax my heartbeat.
I got a book Mrs. Reagan gifted me and began reading enjoying the breeze while sitting comfortably on the table. Another hour or so that passed and I had managed to place myself into the story, and I somehow missed the knock on my door until a manly hand left a couple of coins next to my hand.
I had a costumer. My heart stopped as it slowly sank in that the time had come.
"Come on" the voice was rough deep but strangely pleasant. Standing up I hesitantly look up and find the same amber eyes fixed on my face. It's the witcher. He was going to be the one, making me swallow thickly.
He stood there with a cotton shirt and black pants, arms crossed. I knew what I had to do. Hesitation rushed through me , but I managed to pulled the small knot on my back letting the sleeves fall off my shoulders, only letting my left breast peek out and feeling my heart beating out of my body.
He made his way to me and began pulling the robe down while taking a hold of my breast making me gasp. His fingers began circling my nub until I felt him clamp his fingers together making me wince.
"Get on the bed" I gently massaged my nub trying to relieve the pain.
"Now" he growls making me stumble on the bed feeling embarrassed by my nude body that my eyes watered.
He had taken his clothes off that I shivered when I felt the bed dip and he began playing with himself.
"Hmm" he trailed his hand up my thigh making me shut my legs.
"Aren't you going to do what I payed for?" He asked and I knew that if I didn't do it I would get a beating by the owner.
I was a whore.
I opened my legs and felt his thick fingers touch my core until he found my sensitive nub.
"You need to be wet if not it's going to hurt. You should know that." He angrily said into my ear without knowing that this was my first.
He grabbed my hand and placed it right on my nub, I had done this before, but alone.
"Hmm" he annoyedly hummed until I started moving my fingers finding a small spark. He kept playing with his cock making me feel hot and bothered. I finally took in his form, his actual naked form, muscles where all over his body making me crave to be hold by them. This was my chance to find out how his hands feel against my skin.
My fingers moved faster feeling the familiar spark grow and grow. A tiny sound left my lips making him stop his movements and get his attention to what was happening I'm between my legs.
"Cum now." He growls but then gets frustrated and replaced my hand with his. I yelp when his fast movements make me grip his wrist trying to slow him down but wanting more.
"O-ok" I said after a while and tried pushing his hand away feeling an orgasm rip through me making me bite down on my lip.
He showed me his hand, filled with my juices then rubbing them on his cock.
"Finally" he mumbled and felt him turn his side and pulled my body towards his. Warmness. He was warm and strong. Also it was like if his scent had hypnotized me to push myself into him melting in his arms. Is this how a man feels? Cause if it is, I'll do it.
He lifted my right leg up and wrapped his left arm around my neck making my hair get tangled in between his fingers.
With his right hand he grabbed his cock and began running it up and down my soaked lips until I felt pressure and pain drill into my core. I bit down on my lip feeling and tasting iron circle my mouth.
"Fuck" he hissed and buckled his hips making me yelp and bite down on his hand that had come up to my mouth.
"How are you tight?" He asked breathlessly. I was about to answer when he pulled out and slammed his hips into me.
His movements speed up making a few tears escape my eyes. His cock was being drilled into me, but i was not feeling aroused as I did when he finished my first orgasm.
His hands moved all over my body making me shiver at his touch. Mrs. Reagan had said that my first wouldn't be pleasuring as what people make it seem, but his touch was pleasuring enough, it made me feel strangely safe, knowing that this man killed monsters for coin.
He began grunting and grunting making me turn my head to the side and found myself close to his face. Taking it all in... he was hauntingly beautiful. His eyebrows were scrunched up with his eyes closed and lips slightly parted. I stared at him taking it all in.
Unknowingly, I lifted my hand and glazed my fingertips against his eyebrows trying to ease them, only to be surprised by his eyes.
They were mixed with emotions and lust, they were captivating. He removed his arms from me still deep in me and turned me onto my back with him in between my legs, not breaking his stare.
His weight felt delicious against my body as he continued his movements, slower and longer making my body feel the spark again.
His strokes where hitting a spot making me grip his back and wrapping my legs around his backside.
I felt myself slip a moan making his face slightly light up. He continued and continued until the full spark began begging to be let out. We both began panting, sharing the small patch of air until he speed up making my moans get louder with pleasure.
"I'm gonna- I'm going to-" he cradled the back of my head and dug his hand in between our bodies finding my sensitive nub and began playing with it while speeding his movements even more.
At this rate I felt the orgasm rip into me again making me squeeze him causing him to curse and slam his hip into me one last time.
"Fuck!" He gripped my head and bit down on the side of my neck to silence his groan, i gripped his arms hard enough making my knuckles go white.
When he let go the small patch of skin I found myself staring at his now moist lips asking for a go, but he removed his cock making me wince and layed next to me breathing heavily.
I closed my eyes feeling cold and empty.
I cant get attached to the man who took my innocence, I am a whore to give men pleasure not to find a partner.
"We are out of wine" his malicious voice removed me from my thoughts and I took the jar out of his hands. I got up to find my robe.
I watched as she slowly moved with the jar until a trail and smell of blood had left her thighs making me look at mine. Blood. Did I take her innocence?!
"Stop!" I paused her movements as she put on her robe making her cover her body.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" I asked grinding my teeth together. Her face was full of fear making me realize that this is a brothel, it was going to happen sooner or later.
"Sit" I pushed her onto the bed making her wince. I grabbed a random cloth she had and wet it with a bowel of water she had, and cleaned myself tossing it towards her. I put on my pants and put the empty jar of wine on the table and grabbed the full one taking a huge gulp. No wonder she was tight and smelled good.
I sat on the bed and put my arm behind my head watching as she washed the blood out of the cloth.
"How long have you been here?" I questioned.
"Long enough" her real voice was soft and sweet like honey just like her stare, touch and smell.
But a woman like her would have already lost her innocence a long time ago. I felt attracted to her the soon as I noticed her staring at me. Like a drunk looking at a glass of wine.
"Why what?"
"I was your first...why?" She finished and slowly moved to the bed laying on her side facing me.
"My roundness isn't what men want." She whispered but I was able to hear. I never even realized her figure, I was to into getting in bed with her, I didn't even see. Plus I'm no man.
I could tell that I had worn her out and i let her rest. I placed a large blanket over her feeling the slight shiver she gave, probably form the small breeze and that the sweet sweat she had over her.
"I'm y/n" she mumbled and I inched myself closer to her taking in her scent.
"I'm Garelt" I said my eyes focused on her, watching as her quiet snores echoed through the room.
The next thing I managed to fall asleep peacefully. For the first time in years.
I did it! Here it was!
I'm going to make another chapter......maybe.......probably..
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The Stroke Of Midnight
Seventeen + BigBang Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader  Characters: Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi), Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon), Wen Junhui (Jun) Summary: Can you believe the only person Hoshi has the remote interest in talking to wants to leave before midnight?  Word Count: 1k+  Warnings: Cinderella AU-ish, mafia au, fluff, angst, etc.
A/N: i watched cinderella and got feels. Also i made hoshi's hyung gdragon just because they have the same last name bye hahahahah
Also for he record, soonyoung can stab me with a fork and i'd thank him
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Soonyoung had much better plans than this-- in a constrained tuxedo, forcing smiles and caviar down his throat. Old people with unneccessarily wrinkly faces from the stress of not being able to sleep at night were congratulating him for his older brother's accomplishment. Sure, he helped kill the leader of their rival group, but damn this bow-tie was so tight.
To the world unknowing, this was just another rich family throwing a lavishly over-expensive party. But to those who were head of the households and old enough to understand, this was the underlings paying homage to the wealthiest and most dangerous family in the country.
Attendance was a must, unless you wanted a shell of lead through your skull.
Soonyoung sighs and adjusts his bow tie for the hundredth time. His older brother watches him from where they stood, waiting for the last of the guests to greet them. Yes, Soonyoung had much, much, much better plans.
"Just take it off if it annoys you that much," the infamous G-Dragon spoke, nose flaring im annoyance.
Soonyoung wastes no time and pulls the bow tie off him, breathing in, stuffing the silk in his pocket. His older brother clicks his tongue, "mother will be furious."
"Not unless I avoid her all night, Jiyong-ah," Soonyoung smiles.
"Ya! How dare you talk down on me!"
It was then, as Soonyoung got hit at the back of the head, he saw the glittery, baby blue dress flowing, and wandering eyes on a captivating wearer. Immediately, he appeared not so irritated, and in fact wholly captivated, even though he recieved a literally major blow.
Jiyong watches as his dongsaeng gawks, then snorts at his expression. "Typical," he mutters, fully wanting his brother to get annoyed at his remark and to recieve the relentless teasing he had in store.
But Soonyoung was too caught up, especially when you hid your laugh behind your hand over something.
Jiyoung turns from you to him and rolls his eyes chuckles, "Ya, you bastard, go talk to her." Instantly, Soonyoung gets shoved, and yet he doesn't even glare at his hyung for doing so.
Jiyong can't help but feel amusement, and jealousy at the same time, "Aish, I wish I could do that too."
"Kwon Soonyoung," he introduces the moment you two are in proximity. You turn to him from over your exposed shoulder and fully move your body to face him. You look at his hand and then connect yours with his. He leans down and kisses the skin on the back. You let out a soft, airy chuckle, expected a handshake and not a kiss. Still you play off the blush.
"I haven't seen you around here before."
"I've never been here before." After saying such, you immediately shift your focus elsewhere and note, "I like the music they're playing. It's fast enough to be lively, but slow enough to waltz to."
"Then," Soonyoung gives out his hand, "would you like to dance?"
You turn to his hand then over to the large clock on the wall. 10:16 pm. You turn to the man beside you. He was handsome and direct. Besides, it wasn't that late. You take him in and find yourself returning the soft, mischevious smirk he has on his lips.
You chuckle and take his hands, "I guess dancing won't do any harm."
And for the first time tonight, Soonyoung has a conversation. And not one out of pleasantries or force, but a lively one with purpose. He revels when he gets you to laugh and turn a shade pink. He thinks of every way to make your heart flutter and pulls on every string that works harshly.
"Jiyong-ie," his mother emerges beside him. G-Dragon turns to her with soft, respectful eyes. "Who's that lady with my Hoshi?"
Jiyong chuckles lowly as her mother raises her brows in curiousity, and apporval he guesses. For a moment, mother and son watch the dancing bodies and take in the busy hall in front of him. Jiyong smirks and shrugs, "Who knows?"
"He seems to be head over heels," the woman notes. She suddenly gasps, "he pulled off his bow tie!"
Jiyong breaks into a laugh, "Good luck, jerk."
The music changes, and the live orchestra plays something much slower than before. To the two of you, this somehow translates to needing to pull the other closer, as if you still could. Soonyoung refuses to let go of his hands placed in yours and on your waist. You smile when he finishes a story about his childhood playground injury. You don't mind his clutch, in fact welcome it.
"What about you?"
"Me?" you ask, seemingly questioning yourself, "I'm boring."
Soonyoung purses his lips and hums, "I don't care."
Your pulse rises at his deep tone, and you lick your lips unabashedly, "well, I wash the dishes."
"Mmm," Soonyoung says, leaning in, eye capturing your lips, "sexy."
Your face burns and you break into a nervous, giddy laugh. Soonyoung laughs as well, pleased with your reaction. 
And then, the large Victorian looking wall clock rings loudly. Your heart drops upon hearing it. You whip your head to see the time, only to have it confirmed it was really indeed 12 midnight. You sigh. Time, what a traitor.
Soonyoung looks at you, eyes concerned, lips pouted into a soft frown.
You want to kiss him right now. He's been nothing short of a prince charming. But you had to go.
And so you say this out loud.
"What?" Soonyoung mutters in shock so softly in disbelief.
You manage to pull awya from him because he is just so dumbfounded. "I had a wonderful time, but I really have to go."
You turn around and dart yourself through the sea of people. You try not to rub yourself against anyone if possible, but the amount of people present made it nearly impossible to avoid.
Soonyoung buffers a second more, before coming to his senses on how moronic he is for wasting so much time in doing so. "Wait," he says weakly.
You're quick on your feet, and near the exit when your heel buckle snags in your haste. You gasp and spare a moment to look at your feet and curse. You all but decide to tread on nevertheless. You come off walking as if you had a limp because of your wardrobe malfunction, and by the time you bump into someone, you decide enough is enough.
You wind up grabbing the man's bicep for the sake of your balance and turning to him with contniuous apologies. Normally, Jiyong would brush you off coldly, but due to the fesitivities, he was in a good mood, also you were really pretty, also you were the girl his younger brother was dancing with.
He chuckles and shakes his head, "It's okay."
You frown and kick your one broken shoe to the side in annoyance. Jiyong watches, brow raising in amusement and curiosity. You then push past him, rising and falling rapidly with uneven height. You get a few steps away when Jiyong has the brain to stop you and question, "You leaving like that?"
You don't really stop, even though there was a hand on your arm, "I don't really have a--" but the sound of your other flimsy buckle comong undone stops you, and you fall out of unbalance, yet again coming crashing on Jiyong.
You sigh and turn to your feet, slipping the cheap thing off you. Never again.
You lock eyes with Jiyong for a second, giving the quickest explanation, "I don't have time to explain."
With that you run off down the stairs of leading to the entrance, on in this case exit, of the place. You squeal when your bare feet come in contanct with the cool floor, small rocks, and what was hoepfully a puddle of water.
Your eyes catch Jun's agitated look. He bursts into a groan and sigh when he sees you. Annoyed, he waves his hands, urging, "Faster, faster!"
You clench your teeth and give a sour expression as you run to him and his car as fast as you can, for dear life. "I'm sorry!"
Jiyong watches as you go off with another man in a tuxedo, only this one kept his bow tie on. He furrows his brows and tilts his head, something he only does when he is intrigued.
Soonyoung errupts from behind him, hands flying onto Jiyong's shoulders, out of breath, "Did you see her?!"
Jiyong rolls his eyes and nods, "she just ran off with some other guy, dream boat."
"What?" Soonyoung snaps and the bolts to the door. Only by the time he got down the stairs, Jun's car, with him and you in it, has driven away with high speed.
Soonyoung groans and kicks the air in annoyance. His hands run and ruffle through his perfectly styled hair, loosening it where it was once neatly waxed and combed, making it look like he had just woken up; that, or he had lost a fight. And the latter had never happened in his entire life.
... perhaps until tonight.
Jiyong trots down to his brother to gloat, only to see that Soonyong looked genuinely devastated. Wih his hands in his pockets, Jiyong was supposed to comfort him, at least even a little before rubbing salt, except Soonyong beat him to the punch, "she's perfect hyung! Straight out of a damn fairytale."
Soonyoung sucks in a breath, "She has such a beautiful smile, and I don't even know her name!"
Soonyoung snorts and places his hands on his hips in frustation. Jiyong watches as he paces around in silence.
The younger of the two snaps, "she knows how to make Japanese food, hyung."
Jiyong breaks into a chuckle upon hearing that. Soonyoung only grinds his teeth. 
"Alright, alright," Jiyong nods and pulls out a key from his pocket. It's for his motor bike. Soonyoung turns to his brother, to his hand, and immediately lights up. Jiyong however pulls his grip away before his brother can take it, and says flatly, "put on a helmet."
With that, Soonyoung grabs the key and runs off.
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rkkyg · 5 years
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mnet global auditions callback ( the interview )  called out ; @rkkhg @rksuwoong @danielxrk @joohyunrk 
as the performances come to an end and the judges start their evaluation of everyone, yugyeom notices that people around him are being tugged out of the room. he didnt pay much attention to it though until hyunggu was the one who was being called out, and the not long after yugyeom was being called. 
ah interviews. he thinks as he’s guided to sit down in a setting that kind of similar to that of the initial audition. he figured something like this would happen. most survival shows tend to have a talk part where the contestants talk about what had been happening or how theyre feeling. these are the times when things tend to get edited and it’s when he knows he has to be careful to not say anything that could get edited badly. or that could be misinterpreted in a way he doesn’t want them to be interpreted. 
he knows this from watching the previous shows as well hearing about it from last seasons. 
that is to say that yugyeom has never been and probably will never be good at watching his own words. he hasn’t ever really cared--even at work he tends to be bad at it but luckily he hasn’t been in a situation where his words got him in trouble. there’s been a few close calls at work but the chicken shop ahjummas all love him to much to ever be really mad at him. he did get shoes chucked at him once but well... he probably deserved that one. he wished it hadn’t happened when he was working with dongmin. the ahjummas always do everything they can to ruin his image with the older male. how can he properly take care of dongmin if the other sees him getting beat by flying slippers. 
he shakes his head at the thought. 
he’s able to touch up his make up and hair before the interview starts which he’s thankful for. his lip tint having faded a bit since the beginning and he wanted to be a bit less shiny. though he only did one dance, he had sweated enough to make his face feel shiny. but that was taken care of. 
then he’s sat and settled, legs crossed knee over the other, and sitting as straight as he can without appearing stiff. a casual position that still looks like he isn’t slouching. 
"are we recording?” he asks, glancing from the camera to the interviewer who nods at him. and he blinks at the camera again before winking at it. 
how did you feel when you received the callback? 
the first question isn’t a surprising one, in fact he expected this. and he has an idea of what the other questions are going to be as well. his smirks though. “would it be cocky of me to say i expected it?” he asks in return, and maybe hyunggus dumb thing of always answering questions with questions has rubbed off on him. his tone comes off as kind of joking, but he seems serious at the same time. “i guess not expected so much as i hoped? i mean, i went in with all my effort and not to seem even more cocky but i know im a good dancer.” see, this is why he knew having the knowledge of watching his words would not be helpful. 
yugyeom just doesn't care about watching his words. he doesn’t care about sugar coating his thoughts. it’s better to just be honest, right? 
how was it seeing the set the first time? 
another question he expected, and boring one at that. though he keeps that thought to himself. “ah, it was really amazing to see! i thought wow this is an important place. and really wanted to be on the stage to do well.” he nods, still speaking honestly even if he didn’t care much for this question. and he supposes that it showed as he didn’t spend very long talking on it as he had the first one.
before they can move on though something comes to mind that makes him laugh. “actually, i didn’t really get to view it all at first. see, i came with my best friend kang hyunggu, and of course were going to sit together since we were allowed to choose. so we decided on the right side.” he laughs, raising a hand to pat his bangs in a small show of embarrassment. “but i don’t know why... but i ended up going to the left side and realize oh no i can’t find ggu. he was supposed to be here. i thought he might have not come which was ridiculous and all. thats when i spotted him across the way and realized i was on the wrong side.” 
a soft sigh leaves him, he looks very resigned with himself. “so i did the first thing that comes to mind and just boooked it full speed across the stage to his side. he didn’t say anything then but i now he won’t let me live it down.” 
this time he turns to the camera and points. “yah, hyunggu yah, don’t even think of teasing me for this, okay?”
what did you think when the judges were revealed? 
“i kind of expected something like that.” he responded, nodding as he did. “they were judges for last season too and this show is all about them finding new trainees and potential idols right? isn’t it better for them to be here to see the talent themselves? i didn’t think they would be there for the first episode but it’s really cool. it kind of shows how serious they are about finding people.” he hums, pausing his answer and picking absentmindedly at one of the rips in his jeans as he does. seeming to be thinking over his answer.
after a few seconds he raises his head back up and smiles. “makes me more excited to do well on the stage, like extra pressure and all but much more fun.” he nods again, agreeing with himself. 
how do you think you did?
his eye brows raised at the question, having expected them to get to these kinds of questions eventually and he finds himself leaning back a little. it’s hard to not smirk. to not let that overly confident energy bleed out because yugyeom has always been confident. he’s always been cocky and even though his personality has tamed a bit in the last year he’s still yugyeom. still the same guy who walks into a room and thinks himself the best. 
even sometimes when he’s with hyunggu who he acknowledges as a better dancer. 
“me?” he starts, tongue peeking out to wet his bottom lip before he shrugs. but the modest, nonchalant act is not something he’s good at. it’s not who he is. and there was really no reason for him to pretend any other way. so he decides to be true to himself. 
“i think--no, i know i did great.” he speaks with the confidence of someone who has the skills to back up his words. or that he at least believes he has the skills. “i can’t recall any big mistakes, or even any small ones. the dance was new to me, and it’s one i put together on my own, but i still felt comfortable with it. it was odd at first. normally i choreograph with hyunggu. he helps me out often enough, but this time we didn’t even talk about out performances.” he pauses, head tilting and eyes going up for a moment. 
“but i think the dance came out well. i felt good on stage. felt like i belonged. honestly, i didn’t want to step off the stage.” 
were there any performances you liked? 
“kang hyunggus.” he answers without a second of hesitation, and then he ends up chuckling due to how fast he had answered. though it comes to no surprise to him that he did as he has always liked what hyunggu does when performing. even back when they only vaguely knew each other in the busking circles he had been a mild fan. 
“he always brings so much to the stage. his energy and presence even when just dancing is so on another level. it makes people want to watch, draws them in.” he smiles. “thats how i feel at least. every time i watch him dance i always want to see more. i always feel so eager to see what hes going to do and it’s always so much fun to watch him.” his words are filled with so much sincerity, its’ very clear he holds a lot of affection for his friend. as well as admiration. if asked he would admit to looking up to hyunggu. “i mentioned earlier that we always choregraph together, and theres a reason i always turn to him for help with these things.” 
“he owned that stage-- knew he would--and i almost wish i could have seen him perform longer.” 
he takes a moment to think, tapping his finger to his chin before grinning. “i also really liked joohyun’s performance. i think she really showed her stuff. someone to keep an eye on for sure.” 
were there any performances you didn’t like?
“also kang hyunggu.”  again his words make him laugh, bit this time its more of a chuckle as he smirks. “see, while i really admire him for his skills i also acknowledge that he’s competition. this show is a competition, after all, right? he’s good. amazing even, and i’d be an idiot to not think of him as someone to watch out for.” 
“also suwoongs performance.” this time he crinkles his nose. the two of them are friends, and yugyeom enjoys taking any chance he can to mess with the other male. so why not here and now. “i’ve never liked trot--though i admit he did a good job with it. im still just like why trot of all things.” he chuckles. “sorry su, but maybe try something cooler next time.”
what did you think of kang daniel’s performance? we noticed you spoke very briefly with him at the beginning. 
“kang... daniel...” he says the name slowly, not because he doesn’t recognize it but because he does. and it makes him tense ever so slightly because of the history he has with said male. a history he really hopes doesn’t come to light should he make it onto the show farther than one episode. he knows his old drinking habits could come bite him in the ass.. but he really prays they don’t.
“i think...he’s got talent.” he continues in the same slower pace. as if weighing each word and being more careful with it than he had been before. “i remember seeing him on the last season but since he’s not signed now it goes to show he didn’t have the right stuff then. but well, it’s been almost a year since last season so who knows what kind of changes he’s gone through.”
“his performance was good--i think he kind of lacks in stage presence still. i thought that last season when watching. but i could be picky.” he shrugs, and the way he talks doesn’t give away if he likes or dislikes the other male. “anyway, i think he’s someone to watch out for if he makes it past this episode.”  he decides to leave it at that, not wanting to say more. 
is there anyone you are certain will move onto the next stage?
“i go back to my first question of would it be too cocky to say myself?” he smirks wider, sendin g a wink and a finger gun at the camera. that ever flirty, yet cocky attitude really making an appearance. and he knows it might not be painted well for him to be cocky like this as people tend to like modesty but well. someones gotta talk him up and who better than himself.
he’s here to get noticed one way or another. 
“i feel pretty safe.” he says a bit more calmly this time, letting himself relax. “i danced with energy and with confidence. i was comfortable on that stage and i think i was really able to show my stuff for the judges. even if i’m not the best dancer, i’m confident in the fact i was able to show a good stage presence. that’s important for idols right? a good performance is also about the energy as well as the skill, yeah?” 
“i feel comfortable in my ability for both.”
so yeah, maybe he’s going the cocky path for this. but well, he wouldn’t be kim yugyeom is he didn’t sound cocky as fuck. 
“i guess if im confident in myself then i should also be confident in hyunggu. im not scared to admit he’s more talented--or well, more trained than i am. if i’m moving on then he has to be moving on as well.”
anyone you think won’t be moving onto the next stage?
“there were a handful of performances that i felt were lacking--people who maybe had the skills but didn’t match it with stage presence. or those who just lacked in both.” he hums, tapping his knee before shrugging. “i’ll admit, i didn’t pay to close attention to anyone i didn’t know, especially if their performance wasn’t good. so at this point i don’t really have any names. i kind of didn’t notice names--i knew my friends and i took note of those who caught my eye but other wise i didn’t care as much.” 
“so i guess just best of luck to everyone.” he gives the camera a smile, a small show of the caring leader he has inside that keeps his stupid busking team alive, and looks after his friends who have begin calling him the mom friend. that cocky aura driiting away for the briefest of moments. “it takes guts no matter how good you are to stand on a stage like this and perform. i think every one who came today deserves a bit of merit for even coming. it’s intense, you know?” 
“but, well.” and the kindness fades back into that same cockiness he had displayed through the whole interview. “those who know what they’re doing will be the ones moving on, yeah?” he smirks again, really seeming to just bleed confidence right now. “if you don’t have what it takes you won’t move on. the more the cut the less competition to worry about.”
“not that i’m worried.” 
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forevercreativegeek · 6 years
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Prompt: being a lost new alpha with her own pack, the reader decided to seek for help, for a guide to teach her how to be a good alpha. And let’s face it, no one is better for the job than the true alpha Scott McCall.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3016
A/N: I just hope you’ll like it :)
Special Gratitude: None
 You’ve been running and running for miles now. Your first full moon as an alpha and in a whole new and unknown area, made it harder for you to chase down the one Beta who got released from her chains, and the most important one as well – your little sister.
“Alex!” you screamed out desperately, your mind divided between your sister to the other betas you’ve left behind with your trusted druid, Eve.
You stopped on your tracks, realizing that just running around with all the mixed scents and yourself reeking of desperation just won’t work!
“okay, Y/N, breathe” you spoke out softly, your chest rising and falling each time slower and slower as you relax and focus your inner wolf, the new alpha powers that overwhelmed you, slowly came into place.
Your mind was clear, you could hear every rustle of every leaf, you could scent even the furthest grounds, and your alpha eyes could pick up every small movement.
“This isn’t your ground” you suddenly heard a stranger’s voice, your eyes snapped to their usual (Y/E/C).
And the next thing you heard made you even more worried than you already were. The hurt howl of your beloved beta and sister that was cut short. Your heart was pounding against your chest, so hard it was about to jump out. Before your brain gave the command, the instincts kicked in and you took off, following where the howl came from.
“Please be okay sister” you wished lowly as you ran in the direction of your sister.
 “Let go of me” the young beta cried out, trying to claw thru the stranger’s jacket as his hand was pressed strongly against her chest, pinning her to the tree.
“You know what I do with unwelcomed trespassers?” he asked thru gritted fangs, staring into the terrified beta’s eyes with glowing amber ones, “I eliminate them”.
Just as his claws were diving to slash her throat, a loud angry roar was bringing him down.
Even as kids, when your little sister would need you, you heard her cries from miles away, and as an Alpha with her being your beta, it didn’t change. In fact, it grew stronger.
You followed the cries of your little sister, with a speed you didn’t know you could reach. You reached to the end of the endless woods, and the first thing you saw was the scene you were afraid to witness. A stranger’s claw is up high in the air, waiting to strike your frightened sister.
Your instincts kicked in, Y/E/C turn to red like blood and mouth with sharp fangs snapped open releasing the loudest roar you’ve ever held.
Ground was shaking, your sister’s eyes turned amber as she felt her wolf kicking in, pushing the stranger off her forcefully sending him flying to the other side of the clear.
The roar faded away, your eyes were still red with anger, and the moment the stranger tried to strike your sister once again, you stepped before her, claws out piercing into the stranger’s leader jacket.
The stranger’s eyes faded from yellow to his human eyes, looking at you with anger and pain.
“Stay away from her” you growled pushing him away.
As the stranger hit the ground, you heard another roar, this time, stronger than yours.
You gasp when another pair of blood red alpha eyes appear out of nowhere, inches away from your face.
Hearing your sister’s whimpers behind you, you couldn’t give up or even show any weakness, your eyes started glowing blood red once again, matching the alpha before you.
“Y/N” Alex whimpered behind you and you sent immediately a protective arm behind you.
The alpha’s eyes followed your hand, seeing the frightened bruised beta and it seemed as if his look softened to the sight of you trying to protect your beta, but you couldn’t take that risk. As his eyes landed on your sister you pulled her farther behind you growling at the other alpha.
“Theo, what’s going on in here?” the alpha asked, looking from Theo to me, staying on guard.
“Your beta tried to kill my beta” you growled, ready to protect your sister with everything you’ve got.
“They were trespassing” this ‘Theo’ beta exclaimed.
“It was an accident” Alex jumped in.
As an answer, the other beta glowed his eyes and revealed his fangs at her, making her go farther behind you.
It made you furious, you were ready to fight, but the alpha stepped in front of his beta protectively.
“I don’t want to hurt you” the alpha said gently, putting away the fangs, his eyes are still red, only to remind you he is an alpha as well.
“I’ll believe you if you let my sister go” you said, determinate to get your sister out of this dangerous situation.
The alpha took one step back, putting his hands up, “as I said, I don’t want to hurt either of you” he repeated.
“Y/N, please” Alex whimpered, seemed like the effect of the full moon has worn out.
“Then let us go” you said, ignoring your sister’s pleadings.
The alpha turned around, taking his beta with him and they both walked away, soon disappearing among the trees.
 “Me joining some stupid local high school? Is it really necessary?!” you scowled at Eve the moment you stepped out of school’s office and started walking down the hallways.
“If you want the pack to stay with nowhere to live but some abounded Coyote’s den, this is a part of the deal” she said, catching up to you, walking by your side.
“Just great” you rolled your eyes.
Eve caught your shoulder and forced you to turn and face her, “Would you stop raging around like some guy during a period and listen to me for a second!” she shot at you angrily.
You shut up, used to her weird examples, and listened.
“there’s a reason my aunt put you guys in this high school instead of the prep one” she finally started some reasonable explanations, “it’s true, there’re 2 alphas at the beacon, but if you want someone to help you reach your full potential and help you be the alpha you are aiming to be,” she stopped for a moment, taking your hands in hers, “this is the place to start”.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath and then let out one. You opened your eyes, looking into Eve’s ocean blue once, “I trust you, I always have and always will” you said.
“I’ll do anything to help you” she smiled her big beautiful satisfied smile.
The bell rang, and you sighed as you had your first class for today.
Before walking to class, you looked at Eve, with seriousness and concern, “The plan of separating the pack,” you started, “I know we had too, because 5 new students joining at the same time, will draw too much attention” you said, placing your hands on her shoulders, eyes begging, “please, keep both eyes on Kyle and Bruno” you knew you gave her your responsibility, but as they are all going to be in Devenford Prep, far from where you and your sister attended, you had no choice. They are your betas after all.
Eve snorted rolling her eyes as she flipped her wavy blonde hair behind her shoulder, “oh please, like you need to ask me” she laughed.
You smiled kissing her cheek, “thank you so much!” then you ran to your first class.
 One reason you hated coming to a new school? The introduction.
You stood next to the teacher’s desk at the front of the class as she wrote your name on the board and started introducing you, but you weren’t listening at all, your eyes moving from one student to another, searching for the one you’ve been looking for, but the moment he caught your eye, you stopped looking. His big brown eyes made your heart skip a beat as you recognized him from last night, the alpha who stood before you face to face, eye to eye.
“Miss Y/L/N, please take a sit next to Scott” the teacher said before turning her attention to the student, “Mr. McCall, please raise your hand”.
You realized. He’s the one you were looking for.
 You were waiting outside the classroom, waiting for Scott to meet you like you asked…
You bit on the end of your pen, fighting with yourself on rather to do it or not. But it seemed like the alpha you recognized from yesterday did the first move for you.
You turned your head, only to meet the same puppy brown eyes that hid the red truth behind them, “why are you staring?” you whispered quietly, knowing he will hear you for sure.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, obviously recognizing you from last night.
You stopped for a moment, looking around at the other students. Too crowded.
“Meet me after class is over” you said, “We need somewhere more private”
Scott looked at you with serious eyes before nodding in agreement.
You were slowly getting impatient as the teacher wanted to speak with Scott about god-knows-what, when.
“Y/N” you heard your sister’s whimpers for help.
Your heart dropped, suddenly, the talk with Scott slipped your mind as you started running, following your sister’s scent.
If Scott is learning here, then maybe the same beta is here too.
You held the wall for support as you made a sharp turn into an empty classroom, only to see your sister on the floor, surrounded by shattered glass, some shards cut into her back, looking to your right you saw the same beta from last night.
The fury triggered the wolf within as your eyes turned alpha red, fangs pierced into your lips and claws dangerously extended, but before you released your anger, you saw Scott walking in.
Scott looked at his half-shifted beta, then to where you were standing, half shifted as well, but what caught his attention, was the same beta from last night, YOUR beta, which also was your sister.
His jaw clenched as he returned his look to his beta, “what did you do Theo?” he asked, angry red eyes shining dangerously.
The beta named Theo seemed intimidated, but of course he hid it, “they are trespassers Scott, the fact they are here puts the pack in danger” he claimed.
Scott caught Theo’s collar in anger, pushing him against the wall, “We don’t hurt the innocent” he said, then let him go, his eyes going back to their normal brown, “if you wanna keep being in this pack, you better remember that” he finished.
You were surprised to see how differently Scott and his beta saw things, and the fact that an Alpha tear down his own Beta in front of a different pack, sure is a rare sight.
“Is your sister okay?” Scott asked crouching to yours and your sister’s level.
“I’ll be fine” Alex said, the pain is heard on her voice.
Scott took your sister’s hand, “wait, don’t move” he said softly, making her and you calm down almost immediately.
You looked at him confused, wondering what he’s doing. But then, you saw his veins turning black you looked at him surprised, you turned your head to your sister only to see her breathe out in relief.
As the black veins slowly disappeared up his sleeves he let go of your sister’s hand, you looked at your sister as she seemed surprised herself.
“Feeling better?” he asked with a caring look.
Your sister looked at him with adoration and gratitude, “thank you”.
 You’ll never forget that moment 4 months ago…
“I came here looking for you” you admitted looking into Scott’s eyes with hope.
He looked at you confused, “why?” he asked.
You felt a bit embarrassed as you told, “I’m a new alpha, I turned to an alpha after 6 months of being a beta, the newest in the pack” you admitted.
“What happened?” he asked, obviously curious.
You shook your head, “it’s not the time to tell, but I do need your help” you dismissed, going back to the main topic.
“Help with what?” he asked confused.
“With being an alpha”
A lot has changed, Scott had a little bit of a trouble teaching you as he didn’t know how, but you were watching him closely, and you took all the information that you needed to become the alpha you wanted to be.
But as you looked even closer, something other than your alpha abilities has changed.
You turned to face the guy you watched so close, that you started falling in love with.
“What are you doing here?” Scott asked in confusion, obviously meaning to the fact you were in his room waiting for him to come back from Lacrosse practice.
You smiled, “your mom let me in”.
“So,” he started dropping his practice bag to the floor and sitting you both on his bed, “what’s up?” he asked.
You sighed, wondering how to say that, “the pack,” you started, then decided to just go for it, “we’re leaving at the end of the week” you said.
Scott looked shocked, “what? Why?” he asked, his reaction surprising you.
“I came to Beacon Hills so you could teach me how to be an alpha, and you did” you said, “I owe you a lot, I am grateful for everything” you continued.
He got off his bed, not looking at you as he walked in his room back and forth, having thoughts you will never know.
“I fell in love with the guy who everyone knows but nobody knew” you started talking, earning Scott’s attention, “he was tall, handsome, strong, the fastest guy at school, he was the mysterious bad boy every girl wanted but could never get” you continued, Scott was now sitting on his bed by your side, listening to every word. “And this unreachable bad boy just came up to the unattractive nerdy me”.
“Was he-?” Scott started, but you cut him mid-sentence.
“a werewolf” you completed, “and not just any werewolf” you said, staring at nothing as you remembered everything, “he was the Alpha’s son” you said, feeling the tears starting to form in your eyes as you stared into Scott’s eyes.
“He lured you in?” Scott asked gently, holding your hand with sympathy.
You smiled, “me and then my younger sister” you told.
“His father turned you and your sister?” Scott asked with knitted brows.
You nodded, the tears falling from your eyes as you keep with the story even farther, “when we understood what’s going on, it was too late” you said avoiding Scott’s eyes, “and when we tried to stay away, they would chase us, and when we were trying to hide, he hurt the ones we love” your tears became too heavy for your eyes to hold, and they started falling on your cheeks, rolling down fast.
“They killed your parents” he finished.
You sniffed, trying to swallow the rest of the tears, “my sister is all I have left” you said.
Scott still looked at you confused, “then how did you become an alpha after only 6 full moons” Scott asked curious, “when I first started teaching you, you still had a problem of controlling your shift during a full moon”.
“and ironically that trouble was the thing that saved mine and my sister’s lives” you said, smiling thru the tears as you recalled, “there’re two ways for an alpha to get stronger, the first one is to bite and form more betas, and the second one is-“
“To kill and absorb their betas’ powers” Scott completed.
You nodded, “and the alpha decided to sacrifice the youngest and weakest beta – my sister”
“What did you do?” Scott asked, already knowing the answer.
You looked at him with blank expression, “I mimicked his actions, I’ve seen him taking a beta’s powers before” you explained, “so I first, took the power from the guy who started that all, and then I used this power to save the pack”.
“You killed the alpha” Scott finished.
You nodded, “and then I became the alpha”.
Scott got off his bed, his palms cupping your cheeks as he looked into your eyes, “thank you” he whispered.
Your eyebrows knitted and your lips were shaking. Scott pulled you to his chest, that’s when you couldn’t hold it in anymore, you cried on his chest, your tears are being soaked into his shirt as he’s trying to calm you down.
Minutes passed and you slowly calmed down, still wrapped in Scott’s arms. You were both quiet until Scott slowly and gently moved you out of his arms only so he could look at you as he asks you the one request that surprised you the most, yet at the same time you wished he would’ve asked.
“Stay” he simply said.
You looked at him confused, “what?”
“Please, stay in Beacon Hills” he asked you again.
You didn’t know exactly know what to say, “But there’s already one pack in Beacon Hills” you said, “YOUR pack” you reminded.
“so there could be two” he insisted, “my first love died saving us, my second girlfriend left so she could learn how to control her powers and it could take hundreds of years” he said so fast you could barely follow, “I’m not letting you get away” he breathed out, your foreheads are pressed to one another, “not another one, and never again” he said before his lips touched yours.
You were surprised by the kiss at first, he was waiting for you to react and your reaction wasn’t late to come. You kissed him. Man, how long you’ve been waiting for this, how long you’ve been dreaming about him liking you as much as you liked him, you were yearning to hear his heart beating as fast as yours when you are around each other. And it finally happened.
You stayed, and the stronger your bond was the more united your packs were.
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wickednerdery · 6 years
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Title: Lost Love Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Crimson Peak Pairing/character: Sir Thomas Sharpe/Reader Rating: FRM Summary: “Don’t ever marry someone you love.” Notes: I THOUGHT this would a be quick one-shot, but I was so wrong, lol! Still a one-shot, but it’s quite long...hopefully worth it though, haha! It’s based on this idea by @welcome-to-fangirl-hell, though I’ve made some adjustments to suit my desires/needs, lol! This one is dark, the “Reader” is a dark character, and it’s got a fair amount of angst so head’s up on that...also it’s long and smutty so, haha, FRM and “Read More”!
You’d not spoken face to face in more than twenty years, but he was certain enough that he’d dashed after you on the street. He called out formerly to start, then informally as the fear of missing you grew. When you finally paused, turned, he broke into a breathless smile.
“Thomas?” You grinned back, hiked dress slightly to better run over. “Little Thomas Sharpe!” You laughed as you playfully fell into his arms. Thomas always gave the best hugs; he clung like you meant the world to him. You suspected, in that moment, whoever he hugged truly did. “My, how you’ve grown.” You leaned back to admire the strapping man; such a change from the scrawny boy you’d known as a child.
“You’re most gracious,” he blushed out, took your arm to continue on. It was unseemly to just stand in the street hugging. “It seems almost fated I should finally see you again, here...now.”
“Why is that, Thomas?”
He hesitated, then dismissed with a smile. “No reason.”
A wickedly knowing smile spread across your lips. “Is Lucille with you?”
“She’s at the hotel, recuperating from the journey,” he confessed. Lucille hated to travel, she hated traveling across the ocean to America all the more it seemed.
“Will she be doing so throughout the evening?”
“I imagine.”
You stopped, turned to smile at him. “Join me for dinner tonight. Just the two of us so that we may catch up and you may speak freely.”
“I always speak freely.”
“Thomas,” you scolded gently, to which he dropped his eyes. You pecked his cheek. “I’ll have one of my people send you the address and time...do not bring Lucille. Not tonight.”
Lucille and you got on well enough, continued to exchange letters across the years just as you and Thomas had, but tonight you only wanted him. There was a delicacy about him, a way of caring more than he should for what he was capable of and something in it made you want to indulge. Help, counsel...Warn him, perhaps.
Servants dismissed for the evening it truly was only Thomas and you for dinner, then pastries and warm milk by the fire. For a period you both sat in silence, taking each other in as you sat opposite. He admired the womanly curves you’d developed, the delicate hands and face you’d held onto. Oh how he’d missed you, he hadn’t even realized until he saw you again. The bond you’d shared was unusual, in part because it’d always allowed for Lucille. You and she could easily enjoy placing poor creatures into the suffocation jars just as you and he could enjoy the trinkets he made - some beautiful, some horrifically so.
“I should have married you.” Thomas spoke with great seriousness. “Things would have been so different if I had.”
“Would they?” You questioned gently as you moved to stand behind him. “We are too similar and too different both, dear Thomas.” Your hands went into his hair, raked through raven locks gently before leaning down to his ear. “We would not survive each other.” It was meant as a tease, a brush against the truth of it all - neither of your spouses ever survived.
“I can’t keep doing this...” your name came plaintively from his lips. “The marriages, the...the things Lucille and I do. Each time I feel my soul poisoned as well. I want...I want to stop.” He wanted a life beyond, after, Allerdale Hall. He wanted love and happiness; peace of mind, body, and soul. He never felt it in his childhood home and each year there was another torture.
“Lucille will never allow it.” You set lips to his forehead, sighed. You knew what would have to be done for Thomas to be freed, but it was not something he could ever do. He loved his sister too much; she would assuredly end his life before he would ever end hers. You slipped hands around, undid the cravat and top buttons of his shirt. “I could handle it, if you wish.” It came as a whisper, a conspiracy begun.
Thomas’ eyes went wide, then closed as he dropped his head into a shake. “No, no, I....I couldn’t do that, ask you to do that. I’ll find another way.”
You sighed, knowing he would not, but it was pointless to try and convince him otherwise. Thomas, the eternal optimist...foolishly so. “Promise me something, Thomas.”
Always so eager to please, to be loved...It caused a sad smile to hit your lips. “Don’t ever marry someone you love.” He grew confused. You moved around to face him, dropped to your knees with hands on his. “Promise me. Please.” Because, if he were ever to marry for love, it’d be the end of him. The end of everything.
“I promise.”
But there was no relief in his words; he was lying, you knew it. Not intentionally, but nevertheless. "Make love to me, Thomas.” In memory of your shared past, in honor of the future neither of you would ever have.
He stood, pulled you into him. Into a mouth as greedy as yours, a kiss as passionate. Deft fingers pulled pins from your hair, which fell down shoulders and back in soft curls. You remembered this; the masculine smell of him and those soft growling moans that vibrated across lips.
You opened first, tongue sought his as you worked to strip him of coat and vest. You gasped as he roughly undid the lacing of your corseted dress, groaned when teeth seized upon your throat. Your hands tore through his shirt, worked fast on trousers until his breath caught in a growl as you took him in hand.
Thomas’s teeth pinched your flesh, then pulled off and licked the blood that trickled out. He sat, pulled you with him. Your dress split easily under his strength, exposing your sex to the heat of the fire. Of him. His kiss turned soft, drawn out with your collective moans, as fingers brushed your cheek, jaw, the blood across your neck. “I will never marry you,” he stated in earnest. He loved you, more than he’d thought. More than Lucille or you could realize.
“I love you too, Thomas.” And you meant it, more than you’d thought possible with your scarred-black heart. You reignited the kiss, a softer and slower one. One you’d never dared give him in Lucille’s presence.
A hand slipped around to your backside, gripped and guided you across his lap. You rolled hips, elicited low groans of distinct arousal from him. His other hand took hold of his cock, moved it between the lips of your sex, nudged clit with his tip. You shuddered each time, juices releasing to slicken his length. Thomas watched your face in the firelight, the sheen of sweat giving you both a devilish and angelic look in turn. Mouth agape, eyes fluttering...this was something he could never close his eyes too.
“Let me in...” your whisper is moaned, begged, as sparks fly throughout your body. You needed to feel him, feel that fullness and sense of home he’d always brought you in younger years. Those things you’d never felt with another.
There was only a nodded reply before you both shifted for him to enter. His eyes fluttered close, he steadied you to relish the feel. You weren’t home to him, you were something better. A respite that welcomed without expectation, an acceptance that he found nowhere else...not even with Lucille. Thomas let your name slip from his lips as tears slipped from his eyes. His life, his world, could have been so very different.
“Open your eyes, Thomas,” you requested gently. He looked so much the little boy you remembered; soft and sweet and so very alone. Desperate for approval, love, without conditions. You would give him that, even if only for tonight. The request was repeated between kisses until he finally looked up at you. You kissed the tears away, stroked his face, as you began to rock gently across his lap.
Fingers worked at your dress until you were free from the corset, your breasts fully exposed. Thomas lowered his head, kissed the tops and dipped tongue into cleavage. He brushed the backs of his knuckles down the sides of your chest, pressed flesh together and inhaled the scent of you and your perfume.
The warmth of his mouth caused a gasp, his suckle a groan. A hand slid down, found your clit, encircled and pressed and teased. Whatever attention his tongue gave your nipples, Thomas’ fingers copied between your thighs. You pressed in, encouraged, as arms wrapped around his neck. You bit shoulder, licked neck, crooned into his ear not to stop. His other hand gripped your ass, encouraged your increase in speed.
You moved faster, muscles began to twitch, as you burned up. “T-T-Thomas...” you begged for something you could not fathom. A closeness nigh unattainable for a woman such as you. Your cunt began to batter across his length as he let out his own fevered groan.
He held you closer, tighter, pinched a nipple between his teeth so that you screamed in the pleasurable pain of it. His eyes shut as nails drew blood across his back, as your teeth pierced in the same part of his throat as his teeth had yours. His cock pulsed, swelled, as he forced you still, spread wide across his lap. He pulled out just moments before his release. The heat of his cum spattered groin and thighs, coated his own fingers as his attention to your clit turned furious.
Your body fought itself, tried to escape the intense sensations just as it attempted to grind into it. Your orgasm blazed, your entire body tensed so that you were nearly able to stand up even as Thomas held you down. You collapsed forward, into Thomas’ arms with head over his shoulder. Juices trickled down inner thighs, stained his trousers and dripped to the floor.
He clung to you as you did him. His lips slid across bloodied sweat-covered shoulders, fingers smoothed dampened hair along your back. Your fingers lazily spread blood between his shoulder-blades.
“May I stay?” He requested softly, nervous of rejection.
You lapped at the crimson trail you’d left on his neck. “Please.”
I LOVED doing with this one and it could’ve maybe been a longer piece, but I like that it’s just this at the moment. This one moment that sorta brings Sir Thomas’ past and future together in a weird way. Also loved doing a darker reader too, I love that darkness, haha! (I actually have a LOT of backstory/headcanons just for this reader and piece to be honest, lol) I hope you out there enjoyed it too...and please let me know if you did! Bless @welcome-to-fangirl-hell for suggesting this, hope you like it girly!!
(Gif found on Google)
Tagging those I think would be/showed interest: @welcome-to-fangirl-hell, @zoesmama2024 @chibiyanai @wadeyourebarelyalive @ktonastya @brightstarmara @rizzo87 @creedslove @kandomeresbitch @carydorse @cheshire-cat-is-my-spirit-animal @littledeadrottinghood @tentacles-and-coffee @tarithenurse @magikat409 @acupofhotlatte
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