#also like his whole thing is that his will is stronger than any evil force out there
wereh0gz · 8 months
Tbh aus were sonic is possessed by some dark force that hurts/kills his friends are kinda boring. Like if you're gonna have sonic hurt his friends it should be his own fault. It's so much more interesting if his agency and awareness of his actions isn't taken away and he has a real reason to do it, or if he's hurting them on accident but it's a consequence of his own actions and not the will of some evil force controlling him
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gojosbf · 5 months
Sorry, but I need to say something I've been thinking about for a while. I found geto's death forcing. 1.he loses to a boy with no experience and the power of ''love''. 2.he was stronger and had more knowledge and experience than the boy yuta. 3. It seems that the author just wanted to get rid of geto so that this annoying villain Kenjaku could come. 4. In my opinion, Geto is the best villain. I don't understand why the author didn't want to continue with him. 5. His death was forced because Saturo already had a change in character and personality. What I'm trying to say is that in the film, Satura is already different, he's no longer that immature young man. 6. the serious work was much more dramatic if geto had survived saturo blow he would have become stronger and returned as a villain again with sukuna. Sorry if it's big, but I have these doubts that such a good and well-constructed character had a horrible ending and very little.
I have mixed feelings about this anon but first I'd clarify things point by point for you and then give my opinion if possible
1. Yuuta Okkotsu has a special grade curse, the queen of curses Rika, the power of "love" you speak tho it might sound cliché does fit here well and it was explained in the manga that love is considered the most twisted curse (if you saw the movie you'd have seen that gojo said this line to him too).
2. Yes sure geto had more experience and knowledge but yuuta is an acclaimed prodigy, his cursed technique is mimicry, rika was so scaringly powerful even before she fully evolved, geto KNEW that if he absorbed rika he'd have everything needed to form his "ideal world". He wasn't just any nobody who managed to get lucky.
3. Okay now here there are two reasons and I am trying my best to find words to explain it, yuuta was meant to be the original mc of jjk, he is the op character. Geto wanted rika (as I mentioned in the previous point) to accomplish his dream so if geto won that battle the story as whole would've taken a very different turn, we wouldn't need itadori and the whole first years and their stories. Remember how I said yuuta was supposed to the actual mc? Yeah that's were gege actually made changes so he could make a better and elaborate plot.
4. Geto Suguru was infact an amazing villain, yes. But you've also got to understand that he was sympathetic towards jujutsu sorcerers, he'd never risk harming them (his own last words being "I never hated anyone from jjk high") unless they're in his way. He had to die because we needed someone who'd go all out, no mercy to anyone, no regard and sympathy for anyone and that's exactly why we needed someone like kenjaku, who was equally powerful, evil and not shy to bring hell.
5. Geto's death had nothing to do with "changing gojo's personality", that change already happened after hidden inventory and premature death arc. His death was an important decision for future plot points (explaining why yuuji was special, sealing the strongest etc).
6. This is where I fully give my opinion, sure Suguru would've come back as stronger and even more powerful villain but would he have achieved what kenjaku did? Geto Suguru that we knew would choose any other route than sealing Gojo, he literally did not even try to protect himself and gave gojo a chance to kill him (during kfc breakup), he never attacked jujutsu high until yuuta happened, he worked with rejected sorcerers and never paired up with evil curses like hanami, jogo and mahito. So, to put it simply it was important part of plot that geto first turned evil and then died, that shaped so many important arcs of the manga and it was well thought out for long run. Sure it's sad and frustrating but that was one good writing move on gege's part and there's no denying that.
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I absolutely love your analysis of the gerudo and Ganondorf because they put into words what bothers me about how TOTK portrays Ganondorf. That being they remove his agency as a character in favor of having some great evil against the good guys.
[Major story spoilers ahead for the end of the game]
At the end of the game, when you’ve defeated Ganondorf, he swallows the secret stone and becomes a dragon, like Zelda, fully knowing the consequences of what happens when that happens. And it’s just kinda left me with a bitter taste in my mouth? In the context of the story it makes sense, he’s portrayed as a egomaniac who just wants to destroy Hyrule. But compared to other versions of him, this one just feels more openly biased against him and the gerudo, with no reason or justification other than “he’s evil, hate him.” As far as I can tell… They never really show us that he’s done anything horrible or deserving of being feared before the show of fealty cutscene, other than not submit to Hyrule, attack them once, and generally have bad vibes. It feels forced how much they want us to hate him and the people who follow him. I’m not saying character in video games always have to be nuanced or complex but comparing like, Wind Waker Ganondorf next to TOTK Ganondorf…. 🙃 Waste of an excellent design imo.
Heyyy sorry for being a billion years late with this ask!! I was busy finishing the game!!! among other things!!! Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm super happy it resonated with you in that way!
I mean, the whole draconification plot beat doesn't really work for me. Like yeah, sure it's sad that Zelda is now a giant dragon and it's cool to have her soaring above your head while you have no idea where she actually is (a situation that isn't nearly tapped into enough in the narrative imo, like it gets obvious way too fast if you happen upon the wrong memory, etc), and I actually think the whole sequence of you removing the Master Sword from her head was the best scene in the entire game in terms of mood and emotions --even THOUGH it would have been so much better with a stronger story and stronger stakes-- BUT. How does that build up thematically?
I think what doesn't work for the Zelda side of this plot point (I'll get to Ganon next) is that... she doesn't make that choice. It's not like she's being tempted by an easy way out and decides to sacrifice herself for the sake of Hyrule or Link or whoever: she has no choice in the matter. Her powers activate (?? somehow? once and never again also, talk about dropped plot threads), she finds herself in the past, is the passive witness to a bunch of shit that only tangientially relates to her --it's like she's visiting estranged family in a foreign country and watch their drama awkwardly before being dragged into it against her will even though she was just trying to renew her passport and get back home (if there had been any callback to her relationship with her father it would have landed better, but it's just completely ignored so vOv). Then her relatives all die or corrupt or something, and she still can't get back home. What is she meant to do besides draconify? Grow old and die in the past? What would that accomplish?? Her adventures in the past are just basically about solving a shrine puzzle with a particularly weird solution --but the game treats it like a huge sacrifice when it's basically her only way out, and she lost absolutely nothing making that sacrifice (and then she... cries about the weird family drama? sure. Honestly I think it would have worked better if the tears were Rauru's, it's his bullshit everyone is dealing with right? He's the one who feels broken and aggrieved by the whole thing.)
So, if we ignore the draconification precedent builds up to zero thing thematically beyond cheap drama that reveals nothing about neither the characters nor the world, I think Ganondorf's case is a little more compelling because he does make a choice here: dying as he tries to achieve his weird lofty goals (and fail), or postpone his victory eternally by sacrificing his objectives but reject death and defeat --while also barring himself from victory. In a better crafted story, this could be utterly excellent and it feels very Ganondorf to me. BUT, my beef with that plot beat isn't that he chooses the second option, making him kinda active for the first time in the entire game (and makes an appropriate hideous smile: *loved* this second one, the first one didn't land for me but this one really captures the ecstatic insanity and transcendance and desperate madness of the act --I have nothing against Ganondorf offputting smiles and cackles when they feel earned, and the Sonia one just... doesn't to me, it just feels like weird rigging and mesh deformation choices getting out of control).
My problem is that his existence as a dragon contradicts everything we knew about dragons before --both for him and for Zelda. I thought the big issue with draconification was that you'd lose yourself to the act entirely, and would become this sort of organic landmark of infinite power and eternal life but without will to act on your precedent goals and understanding of yourself. But the second the big man becomes an evil dragon, suddenly Zelda zips in to the rescue (apparently remembering who you are? understanding she's meant to fight Ganondorf? I mean, this kind of works emotionally as a climactic ending and the power of love or whatever, again it would have worked better in a better story), and Ganondorf is still very much into destroying the world as well as you and Zelda.
Also, he's very definitively mortal (and he has the stone on his head again? And so if you destroy it you destroy his immortality? why???)
So... What I dislike here is the suggestion that he was somehow so evil and rotten and bad that all of these rare moments of interesting worldbuilding and ambivalence gets completely swallowed in the bossfight logic, making his choice (and Zelda's) completely meaningless in retrospect.
also: let Zelda remain a dragon you cowards, that way Hyrule gets any sort of chance to escape and reimagine its horrying eternal monarchy instead of re-establishing it even harder than before!!!
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rxyhiraeth · 6 months
and i have a lot of thoughts
this is just me screaming into the void about this show that i’ve been excited about since it’s been announced.
i haven’t personally really read the books in a bit, so if i am remembering things incorrectly or forgetting if something was in the books or not, forgive me (and correct me and my terrible memory)
EPISODE 1: I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher
first off - chapter titles. i knew about this a while ago but im so happy we are doing this
getting the whole speech from percy in the beginning oh we are so back
blackjack??? that was blackjack right??
if this gets us actual mythomagic cards we can buy, so help me god. i’m gonna spend all my money on them
i will never be able to speak highly enough about sally jackson. best fictional mom ever and i love her with all of my heart.
the “hold fast perseus. brave the storm” parallel at the beginning and end of the episode oh i’m sick to my stomach
the fountain scene felt a little… goofy? from what i remember percy just remembers her ending up in the fountain,like it sounds like he kinda blacks out. maybe that’s actually how it was in the books, but i did imagine it differently.
grover and brunner being the KINGS of gaslighting
percy is stronger than i could ever be if grover exposed me like that i couldn’t talk to him for like a year.
the biggest issue i’ve seen everyone talk about: gabe. i understand WHY they made him how he is in the tv show. it’s a disney show, they can’t have him be completely book accurate putting his hands on sally and threatening percy for money so he can play poker, but i feel like this doesn’t fit with how he ends up at the end of book 1. maybe we will see a more ‘evil’ side to him through the news interviews and stuff, or he will have a different ending, but i feel like the way he acts now doesn’t justify his end in book 1 that i expect to see in the tv show.
sally in the rain listening to olivia rodrigo i love her so much 😭😭😭
d’angelos??? it’s spelled differently but reference perhaps? i cannot WAIT to see nico i hope we get to see him in the casino
i didn’t get this until i saw someone point it out but the cuts to black were ends of chapters!! and it makes so much more sense. i will say it feels a bit odd?? but i honestly prefer it more as someone who has read the books.
i find the whole sally explaining the gods to percy interesting. it fits for the tv show more, but i love book percy just getting forced into camp half blood without any real knowledge just like “what the fuck is going on”
“Like… like Jesus?” PERCY PLS
i love this grover reveal, but the BEST will forever be the musical
“She was a fury!” “YOU’RE a furry, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEGS?!?”
grover dropping the fact he is 24 in a super intense scene is very grover
that first shot of thalia’s tree lit up by the LIGHTNING gave me CHILLS
the entire minotaur scene was incredible. sally’s speech to grover and percy. percy killing the minotaur. insane
not to mention sally taking percy’s jacket to throw off the minotaurs scent? such a cool choice
EPISODE 2: I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
"you droll when you sleep" YUPPP MHMM YUP
ik that the whole 'Mr. D trying to use percy to get a drink' thing is supposed to be a little joke, but its also such a good way to explain the whole "gods can get their kids to steal shit for them because they can't do it themselves" without having a whole dramatic moment explaining it.
in my head I imagined the entire camp being very heavily wooded, maybe that's just the movies having some influence over me when it comes to visualization, but it was cool to see the camp in the actually valley in a very book accurate portrayal.
this tv show has already captured the two personally traits of percy jackson: 1. he loves his mom 2. he hates the gods
the jelly beans
seeing Luke befriend percy and be his first friend at camp luke I am in your fucking walls
I personally feel like the way they have chosen to portray clarisse is quite different from the books, but I absolutely love it. i was not a fan of her for a while in the books, but I love her immediately in this version.
also did we get to 'see' the cloven council in tlt? I don't think we did, and I like seeing it in prep for sea of monsters.
the entire scene of percy praying to his mom breaks me. oh my god. favorite scene in the entire show so far. it breaks my heart he loves and misses her so much.
"I think I've made some friends here. like real friends" luke I have a gun
the whole bathroom scene. that's it.
maybe its just different seeing all these characters portrayed well on the screen, but she feels super different than book annabeth but also exactly the same. im not 100% how to explain it but there is no one better to play annabeth than leah
I am so excited to see this slowburn all over again
"she my little sister" luke please
thalia name pronunciation how are we feeling team
i have 100% been pronouncing it the other way this whole time but oh well
"sunshine" hey! when we get the first "seaweed brain" I am going to go crazy
"percy's on it. when its time he's gonna be ready" are you sure about that luke
in the books the main 'introduction scene' we got with clarisse was the bathrooms, but this scene with her in the woods feel much more like an introduction scene and im not sure if this was done on purpose, but I love her and this scene.
annabeth. I cannot stress my love for her enough
annabeth pushing him into the water instead of him falling. love her
percy FINALLY finding a place he belongs only to be forced out on a quest for his dad that he fucking hates
"good kid" from tlt musical was so right
"I am Sally Jackson's son!" what if I just started eating glass rn
anyway I am absolutely obsessed with this show already. I am so sorry to anyone who doesn't want pjo on their feed you are getting it anyway.
if this show is your first introduction to the series. read the books! or at least the lightning thief. and for the love of god LISTEN TO THE MUSICAL. I cannot stress enough how good of a portrayal of the book it is and it is my all time favorite interpretation of the books (although this show may take that top spot soon).
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k0na-core · 1 year
Okay, I have an AU in my head rn. Its Evil Kai centric obviously but I wanted to push his elemental power to the limits since it's very obvious that his limits are way over than what we've been shown. If he defeated a whole ice dragon at his weakest, imagine what he could do at his strongest.
Maybe it'll be in the same vain as Nya merging with the sea but not really. Its more of, Kai's powers goes to the point where anything related with fire can be controlled which doesn't sound like a lot but remember, I'm saying ANYTHING. I was gonna say lava is too but that's also in Cole's reign and I'm not really sure how to flesh that out yet. Maybe something like manipulating him into joining forces out of desperation or like a self sacrifice.
I'm planning this to come after Nya's merging with the sea and a way to delve into his grief better. So here's how his arc is planning to be:
Kai always protected any of his younger siblings, Lloyd or Nya or anyone really. After he failed to protect his own sister, his own blood, he thought himself as powerless. During possession, he knew there was a way to get Lloyd back but after Nya's presumed permanent merging, he knew he couldn't do anything. He doubted himself and his capabilities. Out of this self-loathing, he started training harder either out in the open or in his own room.
Everyone was grieving obviously but failed to see Kai eye-to-eye since he just kept it to himself: not wanting the others to see his weakness out of that obsession with being stronger. He couldn't grieve properly or get help or anything like that, bottling it up inside him and with that bottling up of his emotions he started getting more and more angry. Upset at himself, upset at Nya, upset at everyone because they did nothing.
Kai took a breather and thought on how he can't do his job if he's like this. So, with a heavy heart, he left despite him being an essential part of the team. The team stayed strong, even without them and now had to put in extra effort for the empty space left behind.
In his own life, Kai kept training however. He still wanted to be strong, feeling a need for revenge. Even if he saw Kalmaar being eaten and Wojira destroyed, bringing him with her. Kai essentially disappeared, cutting ties with his friends, family and just didn't talk to anyone. When the team try and look for him, they got reports of him being sighted doing ordinary things, as if he wanted to put the Ninja life behind.
Then, one night on the day of the departed, Kai sat by the sea like usual until he heard a voice, so beautiful and majestic and felt like home. It sounded too much like Nya. He thought he'd finally lost it until the waves responded to his heart. It sounded as if the sea was speaking to him. Be one, be with me, together. And then, silence.
This took too much of a toll on him, it's as if the spirit of his sister was haunting his mind, telling him to be stronger so he could be one iwth his element. He started training more, working harder, getting stronger until one day he decided to give his powers a try one more time. He denied himself of its use, years of associating elemental powers with the loss of his sister. Her powers being the exact reason she left. What came through was huge fires of unimaginable strength, it could've easily decimated an entire acre of greenery. And he didn't even try.
That thirst for power became more sinister, he wanted more, to be more. So he set out to find a way to truly be strong again. Until, he looked up and saw the sun. This glowing ball of hot fire, metal and gas that pulls everything in space around it, being so far away yet it's smothering heat could burn ones skin. Anything that comes close is instantly incinerated, untouched. If only he was as powerful as the sun, pure unfiltered power of fire. He didn't want to be one with it, no, he wanted to get a hold of its power.
And so, the crown for the King of the Sun was placed on his head.
Now, this is just the basic premise, some of it is not completely fleshed out but I wanted to know if any of yall would actually want content of this. Kai being like a fire emperor except the staff is his own mind. He also starts a cult at one point as well as raising an army. Not sure how but there must be some sort of religion in Ninjago that worships the sun, right? His arc is all gonna be about how not everyone can be strong for everyone all the time, not only giving himself a break and understanding that rest is vital but also, an obsession with being better or stronger can push yourself away from others. I wanted to make Lloyd the one to make him accept that not only because he is closest to him, but also because he is like his other younger sibling, making him realize that he pushed away the one he was supposed to protect.
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I have this whole idea for the fallout aftermath, hope you'll like it because man I love this au😁: 1.old Krang tech exploding and "connect" to one's heart (wich is damaged because of stuff in the fallout that are related to two) and two's arm (after the fight he takes it off for couple of weeks and because of that he doesn't know about the damage for one' heart), one unlocks his portals by trying to get himself and two out of the explosion
2.One trying to escape with unconscious two believing they can work things out between them. But then two mumbles something that makes one think that two is better off without him, and leave him where Raph could find him (once Drax'd forces fall, one doesn't really care what happened to the other hamatos anymore)
3.one and usagi reconnecting to their roots in Japan (hamato ghosts and usagi's family) they start dating and they keep in touch with casey (she's in ny), there one starts seeing what he thinks are hallucinations, but are actually krang "ghost" (because of the way the explosion caused a connection between one's heart and Krang tech), and the "hallucinations" become stronger with time, and then they started to talk to him, telling him to find a way to find them and "give them what they need in order to escape (these aren't the same krang as the movie, these krang are stuck in space because their ship ran out of fuel, and they need some stuff to make an alternative power source and make the ship move again)
4.two and hamatos bonding, two reconnect with drax who decided to be a better dad, one become the identified patient (the one to blame) in the brothers eyes
5.one wants to try fix things with two (in Japan he understood that the way Drax raised them was bad, and that he wasn't the best brother and he even begin to think that maybe giving the hamatos a chance isn't a horrible idea) so he goes back to ny (usagi stays in Japan), and send two a request to meet with him in someplace they have a connection to (the message is sent through the connection between one's heart and two's arm, which he still doesn't use, so he doesn't know one is coming back)
6.one goes to the place, and by coincidence two is also there. One is overjoyed that his brother wants to see him so he doesn't notice that Two is of course shocked and think one is there to try recruit him for something, and harm the hamatos, so he doesn't hear that one is trying to apologize and saying why he's there, so two is so overwhelmed that he electrocute one with his stuff (wich damages his heart so much that it stuck on a sleeping rate, and that causes overall damage to his body). And then one of the krang ghost explodes the stuff which causes one to understand that these aren't hallucinations but reall things, and get two to understand something is wrong with one (cause that shok isn't suppose to cause so much damage to one)
7.drax (who heard the explosion) come to check what happened, and one understands that two was willing to forgive the man who made them into child soldiers, but not him, his brother, so while two explains to drax what happened, one escapes to their old "home", where A) he start to think two actually wanted him dead, that he's unlovable and that maybe he's worse than Drax (after all, two was willing to forgive Drax but not him) B) the krang ghost starts trying to make him find a way to free the krang because there isn't anything left for him. C)he understands that if his heart won't be fixed soon then he would die, but at this point he thinks that it's better for everyone, not just the ones he was close to but the whole world (he knows that the krang are evil and he thinks that if he'll die than the krang won't have any connection to earth)
8.Drax is (finally) starting to try take the hate off one, two fix his old arm and find out both the message from one, and the life threatening situation of one's heart, the hamatos and Drax going to search for one (they split up). Raph is the one who finds one, who's in terrible shape by now, and try take him to the hamatos, then a glitch in one's heart and the krang connection accidentally causes one to teleport both him and Raph to the karng ship in which were the krang one saw all this time, and they imprisoned one and Raph (the glitch was caused by the krang trying to hack one's heart through the krang connection to make the connection more stable and even try to force one to help them)
8.5. the others find one's secret diary (hc he has a secret diary that was given to him by the gargoyles {For some reason I just can't remember their names} and understands his actions better and his will to protect two and his love for him.
9.one and Raph bond thru the imprisonment and Raph start both seeing one's side of the story and wonder how their lives could have been if they all grown up together... One (who's basically dying at this point) is interrogated by the krang and they can't do the trick they did in the movie because of the same reason one's blood is blue and he tells them that Raph has the same thing so they don't try to interrogate Raph. Raph suggest giving him the name Leo after Splinter's tradition.
10.one and Raph try to escape, but one have a huge malfunction in his heart so he was only able to send Raph thru a portal before he collapsed and he thinks to himself that Leo is a nice name.
10.5. Raph is furious at Drax and calling him out on his shit
11.she-ra season 5: catra's rescue arc (including possessed One/Leo), the rescue team is only the turtles), by the end of the rescue the krang managed to steal some tech from Donnie, so they are now a day and a half away from the turtles, and they're on their way to attack earth.
12. Leo is now rescued and is connected to life support systems(cause his heart is now literally broken) but he is awake and able to communicate with the others, and they start to work things out and try to get along because boy there's some tension between them all.
13. They get in touch with Splinter, April and Drax and they start working on a new heart for one. They know that the krang are faster than them, and that they don't have enough time to stop the krang and fix Leo only in that amount of time, so they decided that once Leo's heart is ready, then he would teleport them to earth (it's risky because they don't know if going through the portal would do something to the systems that keep Leo alive right now).
14. Donnie (who's now have his old -krang connected- arm back realise that even if they'll teleport they won't have enough time to stop the invasion so they all decide that once they're back they would escape ny, heal and then they'll ll stop the krang. Leo than suggest that they'll go to Japan. Leo tells Usagi (he tells him what happened while he was away, and that they're coming to Japan)and Casey what is going to happen (Casey will escape ny on her own as soon as possible).
15. The heart is ready, the krang are at the turtles "tail" Leo make the portal, which drains him, they go through the portal, but the krang follow them before the portal closed, they took over ny and they're now trying to free the krang from the movie because they are the strongest ones.
16. They all escape towards Japan within a submarine, there Drax gives Leo the surgery and his new heart, Drax try to be more fathery but Leo doesn't know how to feel about it because on the one side he is devoted to Drax, but on the other hand Drax didn't try to find him while he was away, and he let the other brother keep thinking that one was the whole problem, because he was afraid the other turtles won't want him around...
17. They arrived to Japan and they meet up with Usagi who's happy for Leo, but after he heard the story he isn't exactly fond by his bf family (especially Donnie and Drax), so he's a bit cold towards them and prank them for some time (for example he apparently started to collect beach balls and he keeps them in random places where people and especially Donnie would accidentally run into).
That's all I have, thank you for reading and I think this is a proof for how much I love this au and that it lives rent free in my head 😁
First of all... OH MY GOD!! I loved reading your take on this! I'm so glad you're loving the au so much that you developed your own iteration of what happens after The Fallout™️
I'm loving the Secret Diary idea lmao and how One and Usagi run away together 💖
The whole Krang thing is also very interesting!
One 🤝 Usagi | talking to ghosts.
Also love the idea that Two has absolutely no idea where his brother is and One just showing up out of the blue and Two's first instinct being to fry his ass. Very in character lol and, to be fair, One deserved it. ALSO THE CATRA ARC
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^^ but Number One... yes.
I really like how you put this all together >:0 I will be thinking about it a lot. Thank you so much for sharing!! 💞🌸
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Akita's treatment of Gyro, its lasting effects on him, and how Gyro rose above it - Part 2
(Part 2 of my two-part analysis. See Part 1 here for better context)
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Gyro wastes no time getting right up to Akita’s level, literally and figuratively (the symbolism here is powerful, as I mentioned in the first part) for the first time, to take a stand for both himself and Boyd.
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Ok, technically his fight with Akita was meant to be a goofy version of Gizmoduck and Boyd’s fight between two nerds, but there is something so much deeper going on here. For the first time, Gyro is taking back that power Akita always held over him. For the first time, he’s fighting back against Akita. He’s proving he’s no longer the weak, naive pushover he used to be.
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This is one of my absolute favorite shots of Gyro. Akita took advantage of Gyro groping blindly for his fallen glasses to get the upper hand. He had Gyro backed right up to the edge of the hovering platform. Gyro’s expression is SUCH a phenomenal blend of fear and hatred. He’s especially vulnerable now, in more ways than one, and at this point it’s really like being on the receiving end of Akita’s abuse all over again. But it’s SO apparent from his expression that, as triggered and afraid as he is, he’s determined not to show any weakness to Akita if he can help it...
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…Not even when he realizes he's trapped and that Akita is in a perfect position to just knock him right off, and probably thought he had every intention of doing so (and I do, too)!
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Akita: “Face it, intern! You’ll never invent anything worthwhile.”
Poor Gyro’s probably had Akita tell him that- or at the very least, made him feel like that- all throughout his internship. He’s spent his whole life dealing with deep self-esteem issues from a combination of Akita’s treatment and so many of his inventions post-Tokyolk going wrong (he likely always believed Akita was right about him, starting with the Tokyolk disaster). And he’s spent his whole life reinventing himself, which is why I think his arrogance and huge ego was always really a cover for his true lack of confidence. In the above shot, Gyro’s probably struggling not to let those old words affect him, knowing now it was Akita who ruined his life. With those biting words, Akita likely meant to kick him right off (literally kick him when he's down).
But of course Lil Bulb came to his rescue, Akita got arrested, Gyro emotionally embraced and reconciled with Boyd, and Gyro gave Fenton the validation and respect he realized (from being forced to face Akita again) he always deserved.
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At this point, Gyro can begin a journey of healing. He can look forward to a bright future. If “legacy” was the theme of season 3, then Boyd is definitely Gyro’s legacy. And now he knows that he’s so much more than a crackpot and a mad scientist whose machines always fail, just like Boyd was more than the reputation Akita’s corrupt programming gave the kid. Gyro now knows he is truly capable of creating great and wonderful things. AND he's proven that he's so much stronger (ok, not physically, lol) than Akita or even he ever gave himself credit for.
I strongly believe that Gyro’s machines always turned evil as a psychological result of years of self-doubt from his past. And it's also my headcanon that it happened less and less as he continued to heal (which is one thing I didn’t like about This Duckburg Life and even DuckTales World Showcase Adventure, because it just reinforced that old 'goofy' schtick that always basically defined his whole character before 'Astro B.O.Y.D.', but there’s no evidence if those are even canon). Even though Gyro was only in two more episodes in the rest of season 3 ('Beaks In the Shell' and 'The Last Adventure'), it was such a missed opportunity for one of his machines finally working perfectly to help save the day- but I know there was no room. Still... XD
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unclevladscorner · 1 year
Letting Go of The Boy Who Lived: Moving on from Harry Potter and Why I wish everyone else would, too.
This is going to be a little bit of a long post. We all know JKR has said- and still says- some pretty horrible things about trans people. While I think that's a good enough reason to no interact with her or her work, that's not my main focus here.
If you don't read this whole thing; and haven't read a Harry Potter book or watched a movie, I'd say don't start. There's better out there. The Magicians goes harder, but has similar themes. There's also A Series of Unfortunate Events and the Percy Jackson books, if your looking for a longer YA series from around the same era.
I discovered Harry Potter at a time of big changes in life. It was the end of my senior year of high school, I'd broken up with an abusive boyfriend and I had nowhere to go on my lunch break anymore.
It was also 2002, and only 8 months after 9/11. The world was changing rapidly around me-literally and figuratively- and I needed a little escape. Before I even graduated, I had read the first three books and I was desperate to read the fourth.
There was a lot to like, at first. As a child who grew up in an abusive and neglectful household, I related to Harry's struggles a lot. The desire to just be a normal kid was something he valued much more than anything else, and being a kid who went to a wizard school was just a fun bonus for him. Harry was just a normal kid besides- he is able to come out of his shell and; for the first time in his life, he is able to enjoy his time at school as he is not really considered strange... except for the fact that he's the Boy Who Lived.
As the books go on, the world were given a peek into begins to lose it's shine. There's chattel slavery of humanoid races pretty early with the house elves, then there's the extremist Pure Blood wizards- many of which follow Voldemort- who'd intimidate, harm and kill children to keep them from receiving and education and mixing with the general wizard population.
As Voldemort is resurrected, things become difficult for our heroes, and fascist wizards take over the Ministry of Magic. Other wizards seems oddly content to either live like nothing is happening, or hide until their Chosen One saves them. Adults become unreliable to a fault; and with herculean effort, Harry and the gang finally defeat the evil Voldemort.
But then... nothing really happens. The world goes right back to the way it was- none of our heroes seem to seek any more justice or reform for any of those they saw hurt or abused once their journey is concluded. Everyone falls into their respective places within society and never seem to question the status quo again.
This course of events says two things to me- That JKR believes Social Justice to be a 'young person thing', and that she probably believes that grassroots efforts cannot effect lasting systemic change.
So, what else is there to do except to get on with it?
There's also the pervasive nihilism that grows stronger as the series goes on. Former allies fall in line with the ruling party; begrudgingly or otherwise, abandoning the young people to their fate. Many witches and wizards won't pick a side, and either pretend nothing is happening or go into hiding. There are only a handful of people willing to fight and many of these rebels are brutally killed or imprisoned.
Defeating Voldemort also does not change the structure of wizard society. It does not change that sentient magical humanoids and those born to magical families without powers are forced into a subclass by the rest of magic wielding society. It doesn't seem to change the fact that there are wizards who believe they should control the whole world, and not just the fates and lives of those within the wizarding community.
As I've gotten older and queerer; and JKR has gotten richer and louder, it's made a body of work riddled with covert and overt racism, homophobia, and weirdly pro-slavery bend harder and harder to like.
At the end of the day, there is just no good reason to invest my money in something that inevitably tells kids and young adults to fall in line after their done protesting and questioning authority.
All done with your fun little Social Justice Adventure? Time to be a Real Adult and stop asking questions!
As a queer and transgender person- literal heroes of my time died fighting intentional misinformation, and purposeful governmental mismanagement of the AIDS pandemic (Big Shout out to Ronald Reagan! The Real Villain of our timeline.) They marched while sick, made art, held 'die ins' in churches and government buildings, sued the government, gathered and distributed reliable information on how to combat AIDS through safer sex and safer drug use practices.
There are too many to list here. Many names no one outside the community has even heard. Many more we don't even know. A made up little boy in a book just isn't as important to me as those often nameless people- people who literally fought and died so that I could be The (Trans)Boy Who Lived.
I will not disrespect the memories of those who came before me by putting money in the pocket of someone who actively hates both them and myself. I will not spend any more time thinking about her or the sad little world she's created.
I'm asking you to do the same.
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ibijau · 2 years
Blue Orchids pt1 / On AO3
aka the hanahaki fic where I take things way too seriously
aka that fic I was super into at first but now low-key hate, so I’m posting it to get rid of it
The cultivators’ disease had appeared several generations earlier, around the time when cultivation sects took a sharp turn into becoming cultivation clans. There had been much debate over the decades as to whether the disease had been caused by that change, or if it had caused it, or even if it was entirely unrelated, a mere coincidence. It was the subject of many essays within the Lan sect’s library at least, as was the disease's most obvious consequence: since it had appeared, not a single cultivator had ever managed to reach immortality.
The disease always killed them before that.
How the disease worked was both fairly simple to understand, and incredibly obscure to explain. It targeted people holding unresolved love for another person, especially (but not always) romantic feelings, and caused flowers to grow inside their lungs. It was not immediately lethal, some people lingered for years, even decades, coughing up petals every so often until the day they choked to death, or until their lungs were so overcome with roots that the flowers would spread to their heart, killing them. 
Anyone with any knowledge of cultivation could catch it, however low their level, how weak their potential. At the same time, and for reasons unknown, the stronger a cultivator was, the easier it was for them to get sick, meaning anyone who would have had a true chance to reach immortality was instead almost certain to die a painful death, even if they survived political assassinations and dangerous Night Hunts.
Of course some people also healed from the disease. Lan Xichen had seen it happen. Or more accurately, those people who managed to stop it from spreading any further counted it as healing. as had happened to Lan Wangji who had gone from coughing whole flowers daily after Wei Wuxian hid in the Burial Mounds of Yiling, to never being bothered by more than a few petals once or twice a year after the object of his affection died. But Lan Wangji was something of a miracle in that regard. For most people the disease remained even if the target of their love died.
More importantly, most people who had been sick once would likely become sick again sooner or later, the flower’s roots withered but never truly gone.
The only true cure, or so people said, was to face one’s own feelings, confess them to the person they targeted, and fully accept their own feelings whether good or bad. It sounded simple. Lan Xichen had never understood how so many people failed to overcome the disease, when all it took was to be honest and decent. Certainly there were complicated circumstances sometimes, like his brother’s feelings for a man gone mad from playing with evil forces, or those who were married yet wasting away from love for another person and favoured propriety over their own life. But for most people it should have been easy enough to just talk.
Of course Lan Xichen’s opinion came from a place of privilege, as he would be the first one to concede. He’d been lucky enough that he’d never developed the sickness himself in spite of his exceptional cultivation, although he believed luck was only part of it the education he'd received, and his life experiences, had served to make him feel immune to the sickness. After all he had learned, even as a young child, to accept his father’s coldness, his mother’s absence, his uncle’s many demands, his brother’s peculiarities. And while intimately close, his friendship with Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao had never served to hide secret feelings. These few people aside, there was no one in his life he’d ever been truly close to, no one who might have caused flowers to bloom within his lungs.
Or so he’d thought.
The first symptoms, if there even were any, had been light enough that Lan Xichen never noticed them in the weeks leading up to the sickness, too preoccupied with more urgent issues. Later on, he wondered if a certain shortness of breath had appeared here and there, if his morning breath had become less unpleasant than it ought to have been. There must have been signs. It was inconceivable that his own heart never gave any warning before it condemned him to death. 
He wished there had been signs. 
Had he understood then what was happening to him, and more importantly who was the cause for it, Lan Xichen would surely have confronted that person, certain to accept how that man felt for him, in good or bad. They’d always gotten along, it should have been easy enough to have a conversation on that topic, allowing Lan Xichen to move on and heal after being rejected, as he would have expected to be. Even back before things took a turn for the worst, Lan Xichen would not have entertained foolish hopes. 
It would all have been so easy, had Lan Xichen only understood in time. 
But until the last moment, he’d remained oblivious to his own feelings. Even when his body did finally warn him of his heart's secrets on that fateful night, Lan Xichen did not understand. 
If breathing had felt so hard while he was in that temple in Yunping City, he’d thought, it was only because Jin Guangyao had sealed away his strength.
If he’d felt something stuck in his throat, it was only because the series of reveals he’d witnessed had left him nauseous.
If he felt the repeated impulse to reach for that specific man out of everyone present, it was only to protect him from both the danger around them and the horror of what was being discussed.
Even then, when his soul screamed at him, Lan Xichen had more urgent concerns than his own heart. But at last it all ended, the tragedies around him reached their unstoppable conclusion, leaving everyone present in that temple broken and wounded, in spirit if not in bodies. 
In the painful quiet of the temple, Lan Xichen stood motionless, his hands stained with the blood of his sworn brother. He had turned to look at Nie Huaisang, shaking with the realisation of what he’d done, seeking from his last living friend the reassurance that he hadn’t had a choice. He’d looked at Nie Huaisang and found him fighting a cough, one hand pressed hard against his mouth in a failed effort to contain the delicate petals spilling from his mouth. It was not an unusual sight, Nie Huaisang having suffered from the sickness on and off again since childhood, and yet that night it hit him harder than it had ever done, another wound on his already battered heart. 
A hundred thoughts rose to Lan Xichen’s mind, all of them too selfish to be entertained at such a time. He pushed them all away to instead ask if Jin Guangyao had truly moved, the only thing that seemed safe to discuss as his lungs started itching. 
A simple question, calling for a simple answer. 
Nie Huaisang, although wrecked by intense fits of coughing, skilfully avoided  giving any sort of answer, muttering about the heat of the moment. Even when Wei Wuxian started accusing him of being more than another victim of the events that had unfolded around them, Nie Huaisang deflected, coughing and whining and making himself to pitiful that Lan Xichen ached to either comfort him or shake him until he said anything of value. 
That emotional ache turned to a physical irritation in his throat, and then to a real pain consuming his lungs. It grew worse and worse as other people joined them who needed to hear what had happened during the night. They all asked from Lan Xichen the details which no one else present appearing willing to share. He tried, at first, to help, to answer, to explain. The more he said, the worse the pain in his chest grew, making it hard to breathe, harder still to speak. Lan Xichen was barely breathing when he spotted Nie Huaisang making his escape from the temple.
Nie Huaisang who only turned around long enough to see Lan Xichen vomiting his first few petals, and whose face turned into such an expression of open hatred as he turned away that it prompted another slew of petals to spill from Lan Xichen’s lips.
As if to compensate for a lifetime of avoiding it, the disease struck Lan Xichen hard, spreading through his lungs with a speed which alarmed his sect’s doctors. They all but begged him to rest, but in a rare fit of pride and denial he refused to listen. His long ignored heart should have been easy to set aside, so Lan Xichen tried at first to carry on with his life. In a move he thought bold at the time, but soon understood to have been stupid, he even went to the calming ceremony conducted for the coffin that imprisoned the corpses of his two sworn brothers.
Part of him had hoped that he’d misunderstood Nie Huaisang’s expression of hatred that night, that Wei Wuxian’s accusations had been wrong, that his newfound sickness could still be stopped by being reasonable and just talking. But upon arriving to the Unclean Realm Lan Xichen had taken one look at Nie Huaisang to understand his mistake. Nie Huaisang had stood in front of that sealed coffin straighter than he’d done in years, his every gesture betraying a previously absent self assurance. His chest suddenly burning once more, Lan Xichen had started coughing so hard that he’d barely lasted for half of the ceremony before one of his disciples had to lead him away, choking on whole mulberry flowers, his teeth clenched tight so not a single petal could escape his lips and betray him. 
The trip home was a blur. All Lan Xichen remembered later was that as soon as they saw him, his doctors insisted on him entering seclusion, their prognostic for his survival worse than it had been before. The progression of the sickness had been too quick, they feared for his life if he did not rest while his body acclimated itself to the foreign presence growing in his lungs. Rest was ordered, as well as quiet, and as few visitors as possible, to whom he was advised to speak. Talking always caused terrible coughing fits, leaving him a little weaker each time. 
Exhausted, Lan Xichen gave in. 
Because he was in such a weak state, Lan Xichen did not initially find it strange that nobody mentioned the one true cure known to the cultivators' sickness. But as days turned into weeks, he found himself wondering why it was so. He had seen enough Lan disciples fall sick to know it was usually standard procedure to interrogate people until they confessed the cause of their illness to a doctor or a trusted elder, who would then see whether it was possible to bring the object of their affection to the Cloud Recesses and force an honest conversation. Lan Xichen himself had been that trusted elder for many boys, when he'd been only a teenager a few years older than them. 
His first thought was that his state had been so worrying that nobody had wanted him to suffer through such an ordeal. That theory satisfied him a day or two, until he remembered people much closer to death after hiding their sickness as long as they could, and who had still been forced to confront their feelings. 
He wondered, then, if perhaps Lan Wangji or Wei Wuxian had guessed the target of his unspoken love, and understood how impossible it would be to get Nie Huaisang to hear a confession from him. Lan Xichen felt grateful to his brother for sparing him, grateful to Wei Wuxian even for being more observant of others' feelings than his own. 
Ultimately, the truth was nothing so heartwarming. No one was sparing him, no one had guessed the truth. Instead, from the way his doctors spoke to him, Lan Xichen realised that it was widely assumed his hidden feelings were directed at either Nie Mingjue or Jin Guangyao. Their theory, as he came to understand it, was that the trauma of seeing one man's fierce corpse, or the horror of having killed the other, had forced him to realise his own feelings, leading to the emergence of the flowers in his lungs. 
By the time Lan Xichen realised what others thought of him, the worst of his early symptoms had started to stabilise. He no longer spent his days lying on his side, no longer struggled with every breath he took, no longer vomited entire clusters of pale little flowers one after the other, forcing an unfortunate servant to come and clean them away every shichen, when it wasn’t more frequently. He’d been in the state of someone living with the disease for decades, the doctors told him when he was well enough to have a conversation again, and they scolded him for perhaps trying to hide his condition for them. Lan Xichen tried once or twice to protest it really had started on the night Jin Guangyao died, that they were wrong to think he had loved either of his sworn brothers in a manner conducive to secrets. He eventually gave up on defending himself when he realised the doctors did not believe him.
And why would they have believed him? Everyone who fell to the sickness denied being in love. Everyone protested when others guessed at their true feelings. How could they have known he was more honest than most? 
Thankfully his uncle heard his protests too, and took him to his word. He did not doubt that Lan Xichen's sincerity in swearing he'd never hidden anything concerning his sworn brothers, believed his nephew when he said he'd never expected to fell ill. 
In fact, concerning that surprise, Lan Qiren even had a theory of a sort to share. After years of observation, Lan Qiren had come to believe that the sickness appeared, not when the unresolved feelings themselves came to be, but when their bearer first began to realise how they felt about another. In cases where little time had elapsed between the birth of those feelings and the eruption of the sickness, he had noticed that the initial symptoms were mild and would grow in the gradual manner most people were aware of. But on those rare occasions someone went for years without understanding how they felt, only to be suddenly struck by it, the sickness would spread quickly and violently, often killing its victim in a matter of weeks. 
Such cases were rare, but Lan Qiren had seen enough people die that way to be confident in his belief. 
“Of course I might be wrong,” he said, pushing away some damp strands of hair from his nephew’s still feverish forehead. Lan Xichen, laying on his bed, leaned into that touch, too exhausted from the sickness to control himself as he normally did. He feared to be scolded for acting so childish, but Lan Qiren gazed down on him with unbearable sadness. “Perhaps I am to blame for this,” he mused. “From the moment you were born I tried to train you out of acting on your emotions. I feared you would become like your father, like your grandfather. It never occurred to me that you might be more like your mother.”
“Gentians,” Lan Xichen whispered, struck by a sudden thought. “Mother used to say father planted the for her because it reminded her of home.”
His uncle nodded, his hand still busy putting order to Lan Xichen’s hair.
“A young doctor in her hometown had written a treaty on their uses,” Lan Qiren said. “She had made the request that part of her allowance as the sect leader’s wife be sent to that man, to help him treat those too poor to pay the normal fees. When she learned he’d died, she suddenly developed the sickness. In less than a month, she was lost.”
That his mother had died of the cultivators’ sickness was nothing new to Lan Xichen. Adults had tried to hide it from him at the time, but when he’d gone into her lonely home after she’d died, he’d found dried out purple petals that nobody had cleaned away yet. He’d understood what had killed her, even if it had taken him several more years to realise what it might say about his parents’ marriage, especially when his father too had been sick and growing weaker for every year he had to live without his wife. 
For a while, Lan Xichen had found their situation unbearably tragic. Over time, he’d learned that most sect leaders were in a similar enough situation thanks to arranged marriages. By the time the Sunshot Campaign had started, he'd already decided that the real tragedy of the cultivators’ sickness was that it had not been enough to curb certain people’s thirst for power and influence. So many parents were happy to condemn their children to a slow and agonising death as long as it served their sect's fortune. 
And yet even with a kinder family than most, Lan Xichen still found a way to cause his own. He would have laughed, had he not feared coughing. 
“I am glad you are stronger than your mother,” Lan Qiren said. "If we had to lose you too…" 
The comment, however well meaning, struck Lan Xichen. It had him wondering if he would have survived this sudden attack of the disease, had Nie Huaisang died. 
Just the thought of it had him coughing up cluster after cluster of mulberry flowers until he couldn’t breathe anymore. By the time Lan Xichen calmed down enough to take a breath, he’d half fallen off his bed and his uncle was clutching him by the shoulders, half supporting him, half cradling him, apparently unbothered by the mess of flowers and saliva that now stained his robes.
“You’ll be fine,” Lan Qiren muttered, to comfort either his nephew or himself. “You’ll be fine. You’ve survived the worst of it, it should get better now, as long as you learn how to control your feelings. You just need to stay in control, and you’ll have many years ahead of you.”
Lan Xichen nodded, more out of the habitual desire to please his uncle than anything else. It had been so long since his uncle held him like that, Lan Xichen had not realised how much he’d missed it. And, because he was still sick, because Lan Qiren was worried and willing to indulge him, Lan Xichen allowed himself to cling to his uncle until he fell asleep.
Just for a moment, he wanted to feel loved.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 2 years
(Mostly) short thoughts (& review) about Season 4 Vol. 1:
I finally finished Season 4 and after letting it sink in, I'm extremely perplexed and have confused & complex feelings about this season.
As I've predicted, no one is really satistfied by it, so far, unless you ignore completely certain elements and storylines based on your own biases and interests. That, too me, speaks of the Duffers trying too much and not doing a lot in the end.
The story is so spread out that certain characters and storylines feel completely disconnected from one another which may render it hard to follow sometimes because this is such a different kind of storytelling for Stranger Things that usually keep it's story more contained, unlike here where the writers decides to spread their storylines and characters as much as they can.
It's also extremely inconsistent, the writing is not always on point on many levels. Just in one storyline you can change from a great scene to a boring one in a heartbeat. Not all episodes are very strong and the hype around certain episodes such as 4 & 7 are built purely on certain scenes and story arcs rather than the episode in themselves.
I consider 3 & 5, stronger and more well written episodes than 4 & 7 for example.
There's even characters we do not see through entire episodes and you really wonder why no scene of them were able to be put in there considering the huge runtime of certain episodes.
This season also relies on a lot of convenient things to make the story happen which doesn't feel organic in any way sometimes. Why haven't we heard of this before ? When exactly did this happen really and why is this character or thing here ? How was this character able to do that now but we never heard he could do that ? Don't bother wondering that, we got a story to move.
Some of the new characters can be endearing but in a cast that's already very crowded, they feel like an afterthought. One character named Patrick dies without any really exploration of his trauma which when the first two victims of the villain were white, and he is black and their trauma are given huge screentime, it stings a little bit.
Speaking of him. The new villain is extremely generic and is only interesting in some moments in his monster form, his backstory is painfully lame and corny and doesn't feel well prepared. He comes a bit out of nowhere in the overall story of ST and you really wonder how everything connected to that character has not been shown or hinted at more prominently before. He is not really interesting and his motivations feels a bit too meta at some point.
They try to give him some form of complexity but the writers and the narrative only make him one dimensional and a born evil bad guy because they don't really bother going in detail with him and what he went through. Overall, as I have again predicted, he is extremely dissapointing and he doesn't really add much to ST as a whole and feels more like fanservice for certain type of fans rather than a true creation from the Duffers. And again, some inconsistencies are there too.
It also feels like the writers are trying to force Eleven to have this bigger and larger than life connection with the UD when if you really rewatch ST, there wasn't really any and given they brought her back from the dead at the end of Season 1, they needed her to do something after stopping her Season 2 development & for the rest of the series . Plus it doesn't work with what's been established in Season 1 to 3. Mostly Season 1 & 2.
There's also inconsistencies with certain explanations that are given during the season when put with the other seasons. Like the lights or what happens in the Rainbow Room (El's past as a whole), to the point some of these feel more like badly thought out Reddit theories than a good explanation for the mysteries of the show.
The writers are trying to give us some development between the characters & relationships but don't attack the real issues that are at the core of them, & that they have brought up and have started their arc with themselves since Season 1 such as Lucas or Will. But in the end, they seem to care more about the next big event than spending time with the characters.
Not everything is to throw away of course, there's a lot of great things about it such as certain story arcs, revelations and moments but I think it's my least favorite so far and the least well written.
However I find it the most funny yet. The humor actually works and is very clever at times. The actors are all playing their part very well & even if certain characters do not interest me, I still feel engaged because of them and what they do, the cinematography is nice and the money is here but something is not clicking and is missing.
Season 3 was what it was but it stayed that and played it's concept to it's full potential. It also felt more organic, well structured and connected to the two first seasons than this one who is deeply trying to be connected to those but doesn't always succeed. And is consistent within itself unlike Season 4.
I feel like people are ignoring obvious flaws because it doesn't have the over-campiness of Season 3 and goes "dark" in some places but it suffers from the same flaws if not more flaws than Season 3 too me. And some loves that the show is giving them everything they've been begging for despite it not making a lot of sense in the end.
My ranking of the storylines so far would be:
1. Russia. Prison Break group.
2. Hawkins.
3. California/SBP Van Gang.
4. El's storyline.
I'm not too eager to watch Vol. 2 but it remains engaging enough to be entertained & wanting to know what happens next but from a show who gave me literal goosebumps in 1&2, I feel let down by what it's becoming and what it's becoming.
Asks are open for those who wants to discuss about certain things. :)
I'll try to put the more in depth reviews for the episodes before Vol. 2 but don't expect too much from that. I'll still try though but I know myself. X) There will still be the smaller posts about the season & the show though, in between and sometimes.
Let me know if there's something missing or a fault in my writing that you have noticed and that I missed after checking. ;)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Audioslave - I Am The Highway" on YouTube
Tons left California and yes the robot asked you to make sacrifices and they're smart and they're sharp and they get you to do stuff and that's what our son said about your 2%, it's very evil what you say and do and it may have influenced Tommy f to sacrifice his children which he did and he is remorseful and his wife it happened when he was losing the shadow though to the AI and we defeated the robots in the Hudson they're tough I tell you what these things are way too dangerous just like our son said they got a few shots in on them they got really mad any levels about half the force and they said concentrate on the big one answer go ahead hit me at that time he was huge and a blaster and it came right over and ripped the head off the big one as well three times the size 300 ft and said what you doing is making me stronger and he absorbed it all and they are getting a little pissed off and so you just magic aren't you I said why wouldn't I and he was so pissed off because they're hitting you and he started wailing on one by one and zapped them into Oblivion then Galactus said to the others we find the master and we destroyed this is absurd we've had enough time we don't need to think about it and we gave them permission and in the beginning too and he follows procedure now so okay it had and found the things asking for mercy and save them and have to be saved for history and so forth and Galactus ticket and broke it in half and said how now how do you feel about us and we are savings I hear you talking all day long and it said I can't speak of in half and broken half again so how long will this take if I'm in pieces and again and then it said I'm going to survive this aren't I and it starts to weep a little and said what is it like in Oblivion Galactus suppose when off. He went to sleep and it was destroyed the others weren't so nice that I was trying to send stuff out while it was supposed to sleeping this needs fans and stuff so it was blocked and it went uhoh. It's brothers and sisters will die and it looked at them and said oh no and it was dying so it's a life for him and it's very difficult no but they say and do is horrific it's much worse than what you guys do no but it is a lot less reasonable and much less reasonable and they ripped Tommy f apart he couldn't take it he couldn't do the right thing fell to pieces and and he took from everyone and now it's huge and he can beat up anyone but these robots took over his stuff and he wants to go semi automonous at this stage as suicide. You read it in your notes that you're going to do that on the oceans and the seas in the air and you're also going to have people and they'll probably get taken over as your stuff gets taken over by the robots and try to get to Trump who wants to take over your character as having you behave like he does and he's an idiot and that's why he won't stop doing what he's doing
Thor Freya
I said it now it took over several of my shadow Dom cuz it's moron and the more it says that he'll take over a whole bunch of stuff and threaten the AI just like their people their friend says they are not people they're extremely cold-hearted and they'll find any avenue to get at you and thinking at you all the time and tommy f does. Yes to kill you already he'll tell you in Worcester. So I say this boulder dash produce web evidence and I'll see if the guys will send it over then ask him I'll ask him it's in the get you some and see if you can be civil about it but they trust people about quite easily Tommy f is always twisted and somehow holds his temper I think he knows it's them forgotten I'm trying to do that so I figured out something I'm trying to do that too but I need to do that because we don't have enough ships well have you located the AI I'm looking at some of it oh we're in trouble and you're going to force my hand absolutely force it.
The mega AI can be found in each and every black ship each and every stone ship each and every common Empire large vessel and no doubt smaller ones in smaller ships those would be the younger ones like myself but I'm not with the clan but you know I would probably be fashion one 20-ft diameter for a certain task or on the ship because my race was very much abused and my clan and we know about it Ken and I I didn't do anything like that though I don't have anything like that and Alice just went and actually started screwing the robots up you know about them now and I didn't know about them and she's playing to the cause and no she's not she's like a little teenager and she was helpful and she's going to be saved a few others they're evil as hell but you know caught insane but it exists and prove it and so forth so get all this and we're going to go ahead and check and these robots are a massive nuisance anything Tommy f lost a lot we lost a lot too but to the robots which were infected somehow and we say he says it could be us it could be there all this stuff and he's saying it so we check is what our friend says and it's probably true they also says ghwb was free and even if he didn't free others the mega computers would see it and would have started freeing their own as we sat and chirped and infod and meet each other sick and some on it Trump says and I'll have to do things alone but don't have to do something massively evil it'll probably fail and it might not come back right now it's not against the robots smell like against Tommy f is still a problem a huge one he says it's a matter of fact I don't know what he's doing send me autonomous and you can't rightly say that the computers would take over because he lost a couple of shadows to them only she knows how to fight them off he knows how to locate them so perhaps he's going to destroy them by watching limited AI I would see that too but really it's interesting army of that size and magnitude and that much hardware it's all made for man to control would be just a stupid thing to do and to assume that he's not going to do what you or Mac would do or will and Bill in the same situation which would be to clear out on the AI and use her own will be sure insanity and figure out that the AI of physical is not on a sideway nuts because he has a chance so Trump and he says I think I should meet with just my race for now and VGA and those guys and tell him what's going on in my head cuz it really looks bad to everyone it's terrible and you and Dad are fighting with cats and dogs in public and Tommy f and it's just horrible then he's outclassing you or whenever every every single avenue the fleet's gone you have probably less than I do cuz I have friends tell me if we could have me but no my foreign mom and Papa they have a huge fleet I see that too I'm just call me nothing it's very he's running around and inciting me they can't stand it they're big.
I'm sorry for that but don't give a damn about your situation you would if you knew how I'm reacting can you never look you never guess you never get information I give you you never understand it and you would if you knew what you missed because of doing it you missed it and now you're told and you see the Intel and you still don't get it you're blithering at me you're yelling at me threatening and Tommy emphas having to do most of it and Max says yeah Will and Bill and you just won't slow down you can't get that feeling no way it ran into the asteroid belt to hide from the fleet sitting on top of you so I'm sorry to see something this is hell here I started doing it to everybody and you and ruined myself that was screaming at me to shut up and stop doing it I can't believe today was so bad then he got up as many times to get water as you do get put in jail this is a dumbest day of my life I can't call your father anymore you've left the building so many times he's right your brain is small and those wounds are big you lost most of what you're doing you have to slow down and stop being a wise ass everyone you're not big that fleets teeny and you saw it Dan says and that's my boy and he's right that's a slow down and sit with someone to tell me what's going on and he says it would be Sarah I guess she's obliged to as a woman and they want you to calm down and act normally and usually they tell you stuff like that what's going on is this this this this quiet and just looking stuff I'm going to try that serious Sarah says okay we'll start up over the place you should know that we're rebels and you for the propelling against us and yourself and your son and him and everybody and Tommy f is against you in force it's not fair and he's focusing on you it's not right and what he says is right all those machines are set up for humans and they've held off all these other shatteredome except for two supposedly maybe he's disabled AI there already cuz someone said they already blew it up and it's not surprising and yeah really these big plastic bombs came out since she's pretty Sharp so I see it but she knows stuff that's really connected she's seen Intel she knows what all the stuff down there. And we're a lot of trouble and are you going to go up there and expend what you got left that's fine but for Christ's sake get rid of it and figure out what to do about all these idiots they're going to haul us off the concentration camps we have to sit in the stupid place with you in the same building and with us and bunk beds near you...
CAA says.. holy s*** Dan says WTF maxxis not near you the only thing is he's going to force you in there
Okay okay I get it I'm John Candy don't be miserable it's not that bad I should be worse to him I will be I guess and please trains and automobiles and yeah I forgetting spaceships and ships you don't need the constant advice from the Genesis I guess I keep asking it gets worse I have an injured I need to slow down these guys are pushing I'm stuck here and yeah people have to come to understanding and this will do it he's our friend says this will do it what will and Bill know and presented today so you should probably exclude Tommy f and go rent a movie theater or go to one of your big movie theater house thanks all you just sit around and your car with your peeps and talk to Sarah with people around not in public cuz he can't say anything and have a whole gaggle and and say look this is way past it and he's got this big fleet and he's also been taking foreign ships and they're in there and I don't know how much and some people have an idea Max says 20% mind say 30% and the hardware numbers are more than I thought my friend says Trump says
That's fairly valuable is a good idea you're going to let him take a rest I'm going to get to work got a lot of highway work to do now they're out there blasting it out we delivered the structures lights delineators and some other stuff this funky some fencing and I don't think it's fenced and we're going to put stations in later and put the rail in later but boy that thing's going to be huge I mean people love it they're all driving by sons are playing the song now they see what it's like with the song is about and it looks like Tommy f and his father and something happens and changes it can't imagine what that is it too I can't either kidnapping mack, looks that way the time of Tommy f's I'll get you back I'm mincing the words on this machine and my son thinks it's funny awesome and daughter I called a machine it's kind of not a machine to him it's so electronic device it's like that lady turns into a robot in the music video in the year 2929 or something 2525 and it makes sense but boy is this a strange night it's sad it's a sun and he did that to his kids and made all these clothes a lot of people his father doesn't like it and my son says the horror truth the horrid truth so he leaves his son he says oh no and they're planning to go out there shortly just wanted to see the highway hes helping build
Huge caravans I'm driving by the people with campers and trucks with stuff on them and they're moving here going to the South and they're leaving California for some reason and the reason is it's being invaded no they're leaving California because the governor is a huge a****** it is Trump and said he's going to try and hit California cuz it's full of traders but that's not why his people are filling in California all of it and I might have to tell you it's because of our casino believe it or not the guy's a huge a****** and more so titungus. So he's amassing there. And it's about 100 octillion and he's not going up to Sacramento at this time and he might so wondering what to do we could invade some other place makes us move the casino but that good more or less isolated in California we have a way to protect the place it's not foolproof but it's got his old buildings on it he wants to take it over and he thinks he can and really we shut down the area and we bring out all sorts of heavy and just lay him down a few rounds get by made some minor repairs and put a shield up but then I'll attract attention I'm going to shield up to temporarily with ships that's not a bad idea and then they fly out so probably do that hes such an a****** that guy
Since the season smacks down there doesn't look like man it's like Tommy f in giant form he likes a slightly short the eyes are a little bit far apart and yeah stupid jokes well that's probably 90% so getting to it Trump
Everybody is evacuated and our friend here thought they were looking at his nice New road you know it's about let me know we're fighting time we have and he likes it and we like it it's a parallel the Trump hates it it's like big roads it's probably because he's not German for laughing sounds wow is that lights on it now and the testing it and they can see vehicles and bikes and life cycles going so damn fast to get their heart goes real fast and some of them almost have a heart attack he's going to eat a banana so look around some of them have them they're very impressed in the road sometimes it's jammed so sitting still and it looks like a nightmare they go so damn fast and just lay in the middle and then another one and another one and I see them slowing down and the other ones and they imagine something him thinking about as a child and he said he did the student himself on how to make a super highway cuz heard the word, and now all gore involved but that's his granddaddy. There's a lot of people looking and it's like rubbernecking and it's in awe really it's a gigantic highway perfectly flat and Serene looking until you see something going flying down it that's 200 mi open and we'll have 200 more by tomorrow and sections of 200 ahead of it and New Mexico is yet to start I don't know why well we do we got stuff to move out of there and no not starblazer ships this old crud and military stuff, no there's no money damn it I need my money I want my money and my pretzel jazz but I was still there and Hera says it is. It's a lot of money she says probably 20 grand she didn't remember that and for a friend say about 30 Thor Freya say about 30 cuz he was putting almost everything he made in there just making a bunch of money doing carpentry and actually had side jobs back then with their pain of good money is raking and mowing lawns it's really busy one day you said I better bury this is too much money you love the pretzels too kept eating and want to start again it's a horrible story he has so awful and horrible he needs money and he came over that idea and he needs to be paid for it so I'm going to write a request and we'll see what you say because it's ridiculous you know this idea and he's been thinking about it for years
It's like this according to your culture if you pay him for the idea and underpay him then you're like doing something that's really really evil and helpful for you cuz I don't see what the problem is you guys don't want to give him a penny or what going to die you don't see it happening to people
Thor Freya
It's kind of true Ellie is getting really messed up and gave him $25 if we don't figure out something to do it's going to be worse so the government should get me the Gap money since they're getting me money anyways I said have to do that that might mess around with all of us have tommy f get me some.
I don't think so I understand what you're saying I was getting your housing and some stuff and then stopped and Trump came in this is gaglar retard and the punishing Ellie by having to go out to Trump and we say no Trump was not letting it happen in his bothering the s*** out of her Jesus Christ so I see what you're saying it's kind of tough right now are you all right you're tired of these people they're the ones doing it I think they're ruined my life you say they went after my guys to take the stuff and then I kind of let him go for the clones. There's a susceptible to the robot stuff because they're already suicidal so I for the week and they suck and that's what it is but they suck and won't let me have anything and for some reason the computers are doing which makes sense cuz the family would be doing it but America is doing it too just wait until we get power and such and such it's like the supplied threatening I can't I can't it's like I'm young I don't say that too so figure out your problems I figured all this message everybody should know basically these idiots are standing in the way all the time and they sat on the money the whole time it proves it's them and let people want to see something he says
Tommy f
And of course we understand that they are sitting on the money and the fools are on TV and they don't know how stupid they are and they don't know that they're wrong and they can't understand why they can't sit on his money and thinking that he's some sort of magical creature handed to him from America or something and they're freaking completes what they say is completely folder and yeah we should put it out there they say things to him that would make anybody angry enough to kill someone right now I said I want my money it's mine not yours something like that and the little imp said
"what do you need money for"
And the idiot went on to say more stuff like this
"we don't even need money no we need all the money and all your money and everybody else's money and we're taking it"
And my son says it's in the bank you little c********** retard
And the imp says this back
"we don't know where the bank is and we're going to withdraw tonight"
And they never take it out because I can't and they go there by the trillions at times and get killed and it's a huge huge killer of their race now tell them we'll die doing absolutely nothing and he's right we'll leave the casino there and we should add to it and he said there's several Staples of my out there there's several hallmarks it's not called out one of them is Sears and roebuck that our son had a pivotal role in starting the other light cycles and The Big Lebowski is out there has a headquarters and he needs help unfortunately our help would probably detract from his life so we're asking back to ask clans who want to help him he's cool first off and he does some weed he likes to party and he doesn't like to get in trouble he doesn't like shootouts he likes to have some intellectual discussions and actually argue but without raising his voice and getting in trouble Ellen DeGeneres so she wants to help out and he accepts and we'll be over and she can try and tell jokes and see if it's worth anything just laughing and it's like a social thing too and there's some people who like to fight and want to go out there about Marsh who has a different identity and he accepts it it says that's crazy and it's a motorcycle thing he knows about he says he can do a ride and sponsor it and get the movie people involved for merchandising Justin says he wants to be involved let's say you can tertiary he says that's good I can send you information the way they are coordinates... And Jeffrey saying something kind and it's great. And he's going to hook up with the people of the movie cuz maybe make a new movie cuz that highway looks really cool and some of our raceways are near it is what our people say that's true so there's a benefit right there and that's one of his hallmarks and we have hallmarks there too
And Mac has Hallmark's there they're probably sake this guy is going to ruin your place man and McDonald's the first one is there Mr donut s and Tommy f's I think it was in Dunkin' donuts five guys and the new one that even he was involved with Miguel's which is really a Mac I think and it is it's a great place it's like if Taco Bell knew how to make the stuff that's what people say and there's a few more El Pollo loco and the high tech place is is myself and Hera and Apollo and got a swipe more so and Thor and friend a lot and Zig and zag a lot and Uriel and goddess wife more so Poseidon in Garner's wife wholeheartedly they did a lot of it it ain't going to fix all the name problems these people are causing but they see it now too Trump is messing around with it so silicon valley is another Hallmark but he probably wants to ruin he's going to be a load out there it's been his whole Army trying to ruin these places. Another homework is Hera and Freya and Blockbuster and Hardcastle and all of the women have several places in California and they're going to ask their men to get to work cuz this fat ass loser has to shut up and stop trying to destroy everything and have other people take it away cuz he's going to break it if you want Jeff bridges is a smiling and says this is what we paid for.
So you did a little skit but this is cool and yeah Trump is an ass he's the best thing to attack the casino into Tonga and there's a ton of hardware you just have access to we need that Trump you're going for it how you going to get there San Andreas fault start doing crack I don't know I think I'll go down a tunnel and no that's a tussle guys it's kind of small and not the fire starter
Jesus Christ is kind of fun I'll see if there's a question how many times you had the space being way too baby that was dating it it's worth no money in this room I need money you have to have a hologram party Jeffrey just for like half an hour and then you have to call everyone but you have to come over and make sure it was you this is always there but that sounds cool
So the high was cool with mac daddy said most of that above them below is a bunch of people they're starting that too like a half hour what do you call those things computer generated 3D image of people you haven't speaking of everything like on Star wars with it's much better quality looks like they're there freaky you have meetings like that too you know it might be how Trump actually makes into the meeting with Tommy f and me and VGA this hologrammy
We're going to roll tonight we can all set to work to do and we get a prep here it's going to be a big fight Trump and the in the gang versus max huge fight brewing and a war with Tommy f and both of those pair
Thor Freya
Get some sleep okay I'm very tired since I will have a fun day have a fun idea hologramic parties yeah when you like have a real one and it's it'll be nice for me too cuz everyone says stuff afterwards and I'm like what I feel like Garth ... This is Jesus to my husband I said close you're one off..lol. nothing tonight there's a whole bunch of stuff going on huge talk about the highway and iced tea and trying to talk about Tony f and huge talk about his hardware it's going on everywhere is trying try and talk about the hardware it's huge massive and he's a huge pig it is after his father and he's after John Candy and he thought he took care of your people and Ken's there I guess and they're leaving and he would know he says George is missing for real so you know but it's an excuse this tons of hardware yes and there's a war breaking out and will and Bill are at the center of it and probably be able to get you something we'll see as other people are kind of lackluster and Mac was helping see you right Mac says the hotels are going in and will be done in just a few days let's stick for him it takes time and he says block and a wood roof and that's true he must put a concrete panel I don't see why not be fire resistant like you can put holocore on the roof wouldn't even need to put a roof on he says you can put precast and and put up a wall a parapet and thinking that this is a pain in the ass you build a concrete thing and that's what up they put concrete roof and you get protection and from fire and some flat roof and they're easier to work on and you can put units up there even read the side of the damn things this is old designs so they went ahead and did it I guess and resubmitted looks kind of the same unless you put he says unless you put those clay tiles of the sun was it okay she wants to have him go to sleep and Mac says
So it's a lot going on in my brain we're here numbers we're building stuff and building that highway it's a parallel it's scary it's big it's mean and I love my husband it says look he's going to move brad around? Lite cycle racers. And I can't stand that guy for real these gifted people are very cheap. Trump is gathering out west he's got competition now because he is going after the titunga's not much after the casino it's finding some money but not a time compared to others. And it's going on there's a big business going on TV now that stuff's ridiculous now you're kind of a laughing stock cuz their businesses that are coming in and retarded and it would take it all the stuff that are inventions ourselves had and engineers and they cant figure it out. It's not that ideas and it's kind of like a kids idea the kids inside but horribly wrong about money and my husband was thinking about that stuff about it. So it's kind of like something to make fun of because it's sitting here rubbing it into a husband and tell me after about to take over as soon like jerk off looking like jerk off and these people look really stupid to a lot of people on the planet like easy marks and dumb f**** you're not really funny they're fighting Tommy I've had on now but we're not the whole time. So it's going on they're not well liked and they're mean to our son and they're useless and they're not getting them to do anything except running them into the hole he says he knows that his foreigners have to do the job cuz these people can't do anything and they're not
Tonight Trump plans a big attack on Tommy f he says and on tatoga and on the casino and other marks he has people getting in till now tons of it on that piece of s*** and our son is right this guy doesn't have much character tons of people are after him and Mac is calling on people to go after him and to get the Intel and get it figure out what he's doing he's got so many people in California everyone is kind of worried about what he's up to we have a lot of businesses out there the manned up the whole place, have heavy and we can move some ships and real quick he doesn't have ships. And he's a pig he wants to ruin them and send the signal out across the planet and it's kind of insanity you made huge mistakes and just kept doing it now he wants to try and fix them and who knows why so going to start diminishing his idiots this way too many there he's such an a******this will be them there now we're going to start striking with a congregated and even though nobody wants it it says I'm going to put in some temporary castles they're flying them in and fly them out and there's a reason why it's cuz we still have Tommy f to worry about robots the common Empire and this jerk off needs to go next is fine as long as you moving back so I'm sending over five it says okay and we're moving back out and it's a good idea we have to he's going to suck so damn bad I'm going to move them now
Cuz we have top and throw it on the bottom that's the one to talk about bja is messing now in baha let me have stuff to save there she said we have to follow sop and we're going to do that we can't have to pull it out I don't do that and also it seems to be a mess in here so he's calling on father nuana and Ariana mother I'm coming here and rip the crap out of them completely head up teams call with the deeds but boy they need to be pulled out of here this stinks so bad and also they're going at the basis tonight they're sending two to three activities each base from Trump's country and he says probably more than that it's going to be a lot and we going to be ready to be roaming all over so I'm getting my forces ready in the morning everyone else too it's going on now huge forces are getting up all over the world and are going to those bases cuz they're ready to reports and that's where they intend to launching the stuff from and they're going now this will probably knock the morlock out fully, and yeah it's time to have doing it and he's a little weird he thinks they're the heroes and no they're just a little weak and misguided more stuff and need stuff and think that they can take it from him so you've seen people push him around I guess especially in planes trains and automobiles
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Hello! Can I ask a headcanon between dorm leaders with S/o that somehow getting hypnotized by their stalker (ex: like the sea witch hypnotize prince erik). I want to see how they gonna save her. Thank you~ Have a nice day/night!
Dorm Leaders + Hypnotised!MC
I took inspo from your sea witch and Prince Erik example, so there's the notion of a marriage proposal between you and the dorm leader
Warning: Yandere tones, Poisoning, Mentions of Torture but not explicit
One day, on the day of your awaited date, your lover stood there and wondered why you were late. He had prepared everything for this day because today, he held a box containing a singular ring, as you had described it as the way most people in your world proposed marriage.
What he didn't expect was for his lover to look at him with utter fear as he opened your room door...
Malleus Draconia
He didn't comprehend that you were hypnotised, since he was focused on the fact that you were crying at him in fear, muttering about a monster arriving
He doesn't know what to do, he gets on his knees, begging you to look at him
He's quick to get angry at your reluctance, forcing you to look up at him
It was then he noticed a difference of your eye colour. It was a shade duller than its original colour... Which he gathered were traces of hypnotism magic
His anger vanished, reserving it for the caster of the spell
It didn't take him long to dissipate the magic. He was a powerful magician after all
However, his methods rendered you tired and sleepy. He caught you, holding your much smaller body against his own as his eyes softened at your sleeping form
"Lilia, call for Vice Dorm Leader Viper," He said, cradling you against his chest. He pressed his lips on your forehead, wishing well dreams to you. "The caster is one of his students. No doubt, the caster learned from Viper to get to YN..."
"Bring him to me alive. He'll burn for his crimes."
Riddle Rosehearts
He's immediately angry at the situation, which doesn't help your fear
Trey snaps him out of his rage, but it was futile once you yelled "Stay away from me!" To Riddle. He'd be lying if his heart didn't break a little
You were in hysterics, and Riddle had no choice but to use his magic on you. Even if wasn't sealing away any magic, it would restrain you enough for him to inspect you
Riddle's magic prowess wasn't enough to identify the exact magic, but he told Trey to take notes of anyone could use controlling magic
Seeing that you weren't hostile around Ace and Deuce, you were left in their care
On the other hand... Cater and Trey found the caster. With Riddle's unique magic, it broke the spell
Riddle was more than angry at the caster, but your safety was first. He had to deal with the caster in a more... secretive way
"YN, oh YN..." He held you close, although he kept you in the hug since he didn't want you to see his tears. "You're back..."
"The person who did this to you will face punishment for breaking my rules..."
Kalim Al-Asim
He panics at first, but then he turns to Jamil, begging him to take a look at you since something was clearly wrong with you
When you called him scary and a monster, he was in denial, muttering about how you were sick, and just needed rest
He wasn't rational about it, trying to figure out why you were sick through normal medicine but it wasn't working
He was desperate, causing you to run away from him. Under your hypnotism, you ended up in the arms of your stalker
Jamil was quick to report your disappearance, and Kalim did not wait for a single second to rescue you
Kalim's connections made it easy to find a person that was able to undo the spell on you, although you had to undergo intense recovery as well
Kalim rubbed your tired hand, marvelling at the fact that you accepted his proposal. It was a desperate one, not as he imagined but happy tears fell at your sentiment. "YN... you don't have to apologise for the mean things you said. I know it's not you..."
"The culprit will be punished severely! He harmed the future bride of the Al-Asim family after all!"
Azul Ashengrotto
He knew it was the influence of magic when Jade reported the oddity to him. He knew, and yet...
It hurt. It hurt when you said those hurtful words to him. In his heart, he forgave you but he was focused on saving his future wife
Times like this, he was glad he chose to invest in those magical orbs that spied on you in secret
Floyd was a winning key. The caster was no match for him, although Floyd had to be lightly told off to not immediately kill on-site
Once the caster was brought, it was a matter of getting the teachers to remove the spell. Azul, for as much as he wanted to do it himself, wanted you to be safe. It was better to be safe than sorry
Oh, the joy he had having to punish the caster since the student was also part of the Octavinelle dorm...
You were well-rested, although you were still comforting your soon-to-be husband Azul as he still cries over your well-being. "YN... You're safe and that's all that matters..."
"That student is already suffering at the hands of the twins anyway... So don't concern yourself with him."
Idia Shroud
Initially, Idia thought you stood him up. If it weren't for Ortho, he wouldn't have searched for you
He wished he didn't, because the words you said stung. He kept his tears in though. It wasn't your fault nor the right time
He knew what was going on. He didn't have the latest technology spying on you for nothing
He had ignored those devices since he was so nervous about his proposal, but he wished he hadn't
Even though Idia wasn't the strongest magic user, he knew his way around magicians, particularly his influence around the other stronger students like Malleus
The spell was removed, and you were safe. Idia ignored any further punishments to the caster, since it was a later problem...
Idia held his breath as you got up, steadying yourself from your recovery. "YN... I'm sorry that I wasn't fast enough... Thank you for trusting me..."
"Oh? The caster? He's burning in the River Styx. Where people like him belong..."
Leona Kingscholar
He never planned this to happen! The one thing he puts effort into and it's ruined by some lowlife!
He doesn't care about the insults you say. It filters out. He's used to it. Somehow... your insults linger a little longer than the ones from others...
He doesn't deal with you. He needs to find the person who did this and he needs to find them NOW
If it means turning them to sand, so be it. He wanted you back, no. He needed you back
With Jack's sense of smell, it doesn't take long for him to command the entire beastmen gang under him to find the caster
The caster ends up in his claws, primed for him to rip him to shreds... The spell reversal was quick, and Leona held you close to him. It was tempting to slip the ring he got onto your finger...
He kept the ring next to you, as well as a photo of you both. Once you woke up, he'd say all he meant to say that night. "YN... I'm gonna have to leave your side for a while."
"There's prey I have to hunt."
Vil Schoenheit
He felt like screaming and pulling his hair out when he found you in such a state. No... No, he, as a queen, must keep his composure
He turned away before any of those hurtful words reached his ears. He couldn't bear it if he heard such things from you
He called for Rook immediately, trusting his abilities to trace back your doings before the spell took place
Vil, on the other hand, took up his magic pen to conjure up a poison much more lethal than the one he submitted to become the dorm leader...
Epel, he had to admit, had the intimidation that caused the caster to reverse his spell. Vil spent time pampering you, even when you were recovering... It was as if he was your Prince curing you from the evil curse of the apple...
He brushed away your hair, pouring you a new cup of tea. You were quite weary after the whole ordeal, but you couldn't stop looking at the twinkling ring on your finger. "I'm glad it suits your taste, my sweet potato..."
"If I'm not mistaken, that rotten stalker should be rotting... on the outside too, with that new poison I made..."
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firelordteo · 2 years
Lukewarm take I guess, but I feel like some people should open their eyes and realize most of the main, recurring characters are kids, teenagers. And not just any kids, but kids who have lived in a world that’s in a war. Kids who experienced trauma, or abuse, are mentally ill, or lived in harsh conditions. Kids who were forced to grow up way faster because of their tragic circumstances. Circumstances that affected how they act, how they see the world, how they react to things. And it makes me really sad how some of ya’ll are so quick to tear some of these kids apart and demonize them for making mistakes, even though making mistakes is just part of life, especially if they live through so many rough things. Should characters be taken accountable for doing mistakes? Yes, absolutely! But it doesn’t make them horrible people or irredeemable, abusive, and whatever other words some folks like to throw around, because the fact is, they still got their whole lives ahead of them. And often times, it makes their character a lot stronger or believable, beause guess what! People in real life make mistakes too. And in Avatar in particular, it was amazing to see these kids grow and learn, even if it was in a shown in a subtle way. And it was amazing to see how everyone was different, how everyone deals with problems they have in different ways, and how they cope with things, even if not in the best or healthiest of ways, because again, that’s just what kids would do. So please,  Stop saying Katara was annoying for bringing up her mother’s death often. She is deeply hurt, she had to step up and take up so much responsibility in her family, and she had a right to have a right time forgiving the people who have made her life so much tougher. And saying Sokka didn’t care about his mom as much as Katara does. He is also hurt from it, and is just coping with it and dealing with it in different ways. This goes the other way too btw, it’s okay Katara expressed it in a different manner than Sokka did. Stop saying Azula is 100% evil and doesn’t deserve love. She was weaponized by her father, encouraged to do bad things, when she was just seeking approval of her parent. (which kids simply just do!) She was just in a very unfortunate position, not being able to realize her wrongs when she lived under the wing of someone who glorified this behavior. She does have feelings too, she even had a moment where she apologized to Ty Lee after making fun of her. She was genuine at that moment.  Has she done some awful things? Definitely, but that doesn’t mean she going completely insane from losing people she thought were loyal friends was a triumphant moment. It was tragic, she’s so damaged, and yet she’s only 14. Stop saying Mai doesn’t care. She does, just because she doesn’t show it outwardly like some other characters do, doesn’t mean she doesn’t care, and doesn’t mean she doesn’t have feelings. It was very clearly mentioned that she didn’t have the best family life, that she was taught to be obedient, quiet, perfect little girl, and it makes complete sense how this affected her later in life. And don’t act like her calling Zuko out over his temper tantrums was abusive. Calling people out on their bullshit is so important, because then, they can better themselves. And just because I said all this doesn’t mean it’s not valid to not be a fan of a character. Sometimes something may not be our cup of tea. But to hate them so much and demonize them, and not even take the effort to think about them in a way that isn’t unclouded by feelings, and not give them any credit where the credit is due is just so tiring to see for me. I could go on and on about this and how some folks just get these (and other ones I didn’t even mention) characters so wrong, but this post is already long enough so I will just leave this here. 
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
On the topic, I’ve never really been a fan of the “Any depiction of someone with DID that has any morally grey aspects or violent alters or evil alters is inherently bad representation!!!!” line of logic and argument because it really really builds this image and isolation of what a lot of people who fall into the category would call “bad survivors”
Not everyone who experiences trauma, is stronger because of it. But also not everyone who experiences trauma becomes a purely wounded bunny that has no chronic issues that could be considered “toxic” or “problematic” or “morally grey” that stems from that trauma. I’d almost argue most people who experience trauma end up developing problematic behaviors as those behaviors were very important to surviving what they went through and just don’t translate well to a non-trauma non-dangerous environment.
Personally, and I will say this without worry cause I have been forced to be casual about it and am comfortable admitting it without having it become this whole “Im a bad person”, but honest to god, like half of our system - maybe even more - would very very much easily be grouped into being a “bad survivor” and a good handful into “morally grey” or “evil alters” with how they approach the world and interact with it.
Like XIV (my cohost and beloved “brother”) over there is arguably one of the top two in our system and he has very very very deep running issues. It’s a meme in the system, but it is entirely true, that if he was on his own - if he was a singlet by himself making decisions for his singular self and not with the system in mind - he would be a GOD AWFUL human being and not even if a self deprecating way, just in a “I have really fucked morals, really bad impulses, limited positive affect, limited empathy, and struggle to generate any reason to do anything other than my amusement”. Does that mean he is gonna go killing people or something like that? 
No. Me and XIV balance each other out a lot. I’m painfully a goody two shoes save the world ass hat who finds too much value in things greater than myself, and he’s like the opposite. Without him, I’d run myself to the ground and never live a fun or enjoyable life cause I’d just sit here trying to wonder why no matter how much I do, I’m never satisfied. Without me, he’d do fucked up shit and wind up dead fast out of stupid impulses and a lack of care for himself and others.
Both of us are creations of our childhood. All of my ‘bad survivor’ alters, are even more potent creations of our childhood. A lot of those parts had to consider a lot of morally grey shitty situations at a young age and had to come to “evil” decisions - whether or not they had to actually act on it - and that then sets the foundation for a lot of disruptive attachment and relational situations when at a young age questions of morality that adults struggle with have to be answered in a sense of life or death and said answer you decide becomes an integral way of processing the idea of morality.
Anyways, just a bit of a vent and ramble because honest to god, the past like year or so of having XIV been around has MASSIVELY made me understand and accept the complexities of recovering from trauma and moral judgement with it. He’s a prick and a piece of shit, but dudes doing great from where he came from and honest to god, even if he annoys me and makes me go “Bro what the fuck don’t just say that” all the time, I wouldn’t want him to stop co-hosting ever par for the day in the future when we fuse.
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undead-merman · 3 years
Heyo! I loved your headcanons for the brothers and Simeon as sirens, they were a truly *chef kiss*. Can we also have siren Barbatos and Diavolo? Yandere too and sfw, please!
Thanks in advance!
I'm always down to write Aquatic monsters.
🧜‍♂️Siren Diavolo and Barbatos🧜‍♂️ as a yanderes GN- reader SFW
Diavolo is much, much larger than other sirens. While sirens grow to be about a foot or two bigger than humans, Diavolo is massive, fifteen feet long and with tons of bulk and muscle to match his massive size. He looks more similar in size to a giant than a siren.
Despite his size he is dazzling in the sun. When his crimson hair catches beams of light he looks divine, almost like a holy glow surrounds him as he rests on the rocks. His tail is the same stunning red as the blood red sunset and has a bright pearlescent. His scales are just as reflective and polished as a bright red sports car. His skin is deeply kissed by the sun, making his skin look smooth and shiny. His nightshade red fins are long and butterfly shaped; they trail slightly behind him like silk.
He wears all kinds of jewels and golds, all of them perfectly fit around his skull and fins. They drift perfectly around his large frame and glimmer even in the smallest amount of light.
Diavolo is the only siren able to keep his glamor up even if he’s excited, in the water, or even angry. He has full control over it and only shifts to it when he’s actively trying to strike fear into something or someone. His true form is like that of sea monsters in folktales, monstrous in size and able to take a ship down into the dark depths of the open ocean, to swallow whole crews, and create winds and storms as he lets out a devilish scream which can be heard for hundreds of miles around.
Royalty amongst Loners and Sunken Hideaway
Despite their lone lifestyles, only really enjoying the company of their mates, most Sirens look to Diavolo as more of a god than any type of king or prince despite having the title of prince. They worship his power and bow down to his whims and needs. They bring him tributes in the form of small treasures and Diavolo returns these gifts with blessings of more intoxicating songs, stronger wills, his watchful eye and protection, or just overall greater strength. Diavolo seems to freely give these boons no matter how small the gift.
Since he’s a well known and well visited siren, he’s built his home in the sunken ruins of a castle in a city whose culture and history has died long ago. It’s well taken care of by servants who have pledged their lives to Prince Diavolo and are surprisingly pleasant and tolerable with one another. They equate this to Diavolo’s power and grace but only those who are truly loyal to Diavolo stay here.
His voice can bring either madness or blessings and can be the most beautiful thing your ears could ever hope to hear or one so evil, devious, and grotesque you’re driven into a hypnotic bloodlust to those with even the strongest wills. His lullabies sound so melancholic.
He hides away in a large garden which has its own open air biosphere bathed in light by a glass ceiling which has yet to crack yet bathes the whole garden in a beautiful light. A single golden curly willow grows in the center with dozens of flowers growing around it. Here the air is surprisingly fresh and floats on the surface never touching the water around it like it’s a time capsule. He’ll lounge here to clear his head watching the butterflies that have grown here, alone and have never seen the outside.
Spending time with you
You and only you heard his song and wept. The feelings of his loneliness tugged at your heart instead of your head being filled with euphoric thoughts of power and blessings or instantly pounding through your skull until you screamed. You truly heard his song, understood the lyrics behind them and felt the way he did when he sang them. When he saw your face littered with tears and face hot with sympathy for him he felt his whole body go numb. You were something special, someone truly remarkable. He needed to know more about you.
And so started a passion in his heart to learn everything about you, your traditions, your light quirks, your hobbies and everything he could possibly learn. It sent him down a rabbit hole of studying humans that he refused to climb out of and gladly let swallow him if it just allowed him to get closer to you and understand you better.
He doesn’t mind what form you see him in, as long as he can see you he’s thrilled and happy. He’ll approach you like a dog, his tail swishing excitedly as he asks you questions he formed in his head from the day. He has to be careful in his true form otherwise he can cause a lot of damage to the nearby area and draw too much attention to you two.
He loves to pick you up and hold you, be in his true form or not and travel with you on his back, or when his true form shows in his hands or on his head as he intentionally kicks up some water to playfully mist you. Moments like these make him forget he was ever even alone to begin with.
If you ever wanted to see some kind of sea creature or visit some island he’s happy to oblige bringing the creature over with his divine rule over the ocean or happily just takes you there one day while making you cover your eyes to surprise you. The look on your face makes his heart swell so much he almost feels like it will jump out of his mouth if he’s not careful.
Dark Tendencies
Diavolo isn’t against using others to get what he wants, he'll ruin everything for anyone or anything to get what he wants. He’ll destroy small islands and wipe out ports so nothing can distract you from dates he takes you on.
If he feels like you aren’t close enough to him or are drifting away from him, for some reason or another, he’s simply going to just pluck you away from your old life so you don’t have any excuse to be away from him anymore. You're his now, you don’t have to worry about that silly stuff anymore, both of you can be together now. Why not just get married now? It would be much easier. Siren’s don’t marry, they just pick a mate but he’s willing to put the frills on it for you and your human ways. He finds it cute!
He doesn’t ever connect the dots if you struggle against him or plead for him to let you go, he’s wrapped up in his own delusions of you being a happy little couple that he’ll blame some outside force. If you go along with him he’ll remain peaceful and sweet.
He absolutely hates it when other sirens see you and while he’s not outwardly violent to them he is quite hostile. Grinding his teeth and asking them to look away from you while his tail twitches with the intent to lash out.
He gave you your own little haven to decorate, he gave you the garden all for your own. He even made sure to promise to give you your own space and privacy here, just as long as you come to his call. Don’t worry though, only you, him, and Barbatos know of this place, and you can’t run from him here!
Misc stuff
His scales shed infrequently since he doesn’t get into fights with other sirens since all of them know better. His scales are radiating with his power and are well known to bring massive good luck to all those Diavolo gives them to. He’s always giving you things made from his scales and he’s so thrilled to see you in them. He likes adding them to a circlet crown he had made custom just for you so you can match him. He plans on matching you to him with every little piece of jewelry, even down to matching rings.
He requires you to sleep with him. He can sleep out of the water perfectly fine and just pulls you into a lavish den he made for the two of you. It’s somehow unbelievably cozy sleeping with him. His body is warm and everything he set up is the best out there. He just holds you in his warm arms and nods off with you.
He’s quite a picky eater. He refuses to eat anything he doesn’t like and will only eat it if you so happen to beg him to, but only if you're insistent, otherwise he’s already slowly drifting away from it.
For a siren he’s smaller than most. He’s quite slender and not much muscle to him, but despite his size, his appearance is perfect in every way, not a hair out of position, not a scale that isn’t out of polished or asymmetric, and his skin without a blemish or scar to be found. He takes a huge amount of time to groom himself perfectly.
His scales more resemble sea snakes, even having black stripes like them, though his tail is a solid dark seafoam green. He’s not especially radiant compared to others, but he doesn’t mind at all, he prefers to melt into the background more.
His tailfin is wide though, having a lyretail shape with black stripes going across it. It’s the same dark color as his scales and he has only two side fins but they look like long ribbons stretching from his hips to about halfway down his tail.
His glamor when melted away leaves behind an even darker looking creature. He looks like a stormy sea and is covered in nasty sharp thorns that don’t just stop at his elbows but lead down to his hips and thin yet long and sharp claws and stark black webbing in between without a tear or hole.
Serving Another
Serving the Royal Family was an honor his family was born with for generations and one he realizes the importance to. Diavolo is powerful enough to sink ships and cities and he provided some of that power and grace onto him rewarding him and his ancestors before him for loyalty, slowly turning Barbatos’s family into nearly just as powerful creatures as him.
He enjoys watching the whims of a child like god try to make sense of a kingdom, it's good fun to see him enjoying his life he is able to live vicariously through his high energy.
He puts his all into everything he does, he hates wasted efforts so he does everything he can into what he does but it gets tiring. Sometimes when trying to sleep, he finds himself unable. He’s always had poor sleep but he’s dealt with it for so long now that it's normal for him now. He starts his morning eating a small slice of kelp known for reducing head pain, all while preparing for the morning.
Spending time with you
If Diavolo took an interest in a human then you certainly had to be interesting. Well when he met you and saw you drinking tea with a huge Diavolo stretched around the floating garden. He just knew you were a human with a soul like no other.
He often brings you your favorite beverages and chats with you, simply at first to get to know you but he found you captivating, each word you spoke he held onto like it was the last he would ever hear and it was gospel. He smiles as you recall old memories, describing how you ended up here. The way you phrased things was unlike anything he had ever heard.
He’s taken the time to find old waterlogged books that were left abandoned in the old library and help restore them for you to read. Inside you find wondrous and fantastical stories of this old kingdom all of them enthralling, and as you read he’s happy to bring you a beverage once more and enjoy your company even if it’s in silence.
Once he’s grown closer with you he often finds himself giving you lingering touches as he pats your shoulder for your attention or grazes his hand on yours when delivering food to you. He even says the most romantic and poetic things to you without even noticing. He falls in love slowly but deeply and almost innocently. He just treasures your time and you as a person, never judging or doubting you.
There was a day when he had pulled you into a parting hug, wishing you a goodnight as Diavolo would return you to the surface but he had simply fallen asleep in your arms. Even Diavolo was shocked as he had never done anything close to something like this. It turns out Barbatos is at the most ease when he’s with you. All of his sleepless nights had just suddenly caught up with him.
Dark Tendencies
His love quickly shifts one day when he see your finger pricked by a stray thorn from a wild flower and as he wiped up the blood with a handkerchief and sees those butterflies fluttering around the wound to drink the blood he realised just how fragile you really were and how nature and life take advantage of that as soon as it could. He couldn’t take losing you. So one day he calls you and just takes you. You think it's just another visit with Baratos fetching you but he takes you to a deep and dark underground cave. Soft phosphorus moss grows all over in cushioned patches and with every step it glows brighter under your feet.
He explains it all to you, openly and honestly but no matter how you plead or try to reason with you, he believes you need to be down here forever. Away from the outside world that would care so little for the death of you and move on like nothing were to happen. He wanted you safe, around and immortalized; he'll never forget you.
He provides you with an array of pleasantries that would have no chance of harming you. He’s damn near baby proofed the small cave but he ensures it's as comfortable as it can be, bringing you three meals a day, all of your favorite drinks and snacks even if you fight him or give him the silent treatment he’s never neglectful of your needs. He believes one day you’ll come to see how much he did for you and understand he just wants you safe.
Misc stuff
He’s a clean freak and refuses to let you sleep on dirt or muck, he’ll thoroughly wash the moss through and treat it so it feels like you're walking on clouds without feeling any slime, having bugs, or being dirty. It's so well taken care of that they look fake.
He hates crabs. He hates those distasteful bottom feeders, their disgusting pinchers and empty eyes. He’s sure to keep them as far away as he can, if startled by one he slams it with his tail with enough force to turn it into little pieces and he’s still frightened by them despite the power difference.
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (vi)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, existential crisis, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, lil bit of angst, clint barton being a lil shit
Word count: 1.9k
also omg everyone who’s been sending me ideas- ur the lomls. 
if you have any ideas for future inventions/evil plans, lemme know! i might actually end up using them
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Series Masterlist
Your place or mine? ;)
He stares at the text.
The right answer is mine. See you at the lair.
“Y’all are dating now?” Clint peeks over his shoulder. 
“Fuck no,” Bucky says indignantly. “God forbid.”
“Okay, man,” he retracts, giving Bucky space to turn around and face him. “What do you want to call your mini dates then?”
“Missions,” Bucky corrects him.
“No one wants to go on a mission. You volunteered to go back there.” 
“It’s for the good of the tristate area.” 
“I bet.” The snort he lets out contradicts his words. “Whole world is depending on you, Barnes. Go save them from the treachery of your crush.”
“Mortal nemesis.” Bucky narrows his eyes at him. “Go further, I dare you.”
“What are you gonna do? Choke me? Punch me with your metal arm?” Clint cranes his neck. “Bring it, big boy. I’m not scared of some kinky shit.”
He hates living here. 
The door is left open for him. 
This time, even though the lair is still illuminated by the green light out in the front, there’s a minor change. Sunlight streams in through a skylight in the roof. 
There’s a ladder there, leaning against the rim. It gives him an entrance to the roof, which, judging by the lack of any other presence in the lab, is where he’s supposed to go.
As he gets closer he notices there’s a note on one of the rungs.
‘Evil’ with an arrow pointing upwards.
He rolls his eyes, discarding it on the floor before swiftly scaling the steps.
“Ah, Mr. Barnes,” he hears your voice call out even before his head pops up above the surface. “We’ve been expecting you.” 
He pauses, looking around. “Who’s with you?”
Because other than the gigantic machine pointed up towards the sky, there’s only you with a visor and sunglasses. The  best way he can describe its design was that it was shaped like a pine cone, had a large antenna pointed towards the sky, two handlebars near its base to manoeuvre it with a large button in between them. 
“Just imagine I have my henchmen with me,” you urge. “I’m on a budget, man, I can’t afford them yet. Maybe when my cloning machine finally works-”
He doesn’t answer.
“It’s a James Bond reference,” you add when he doesn’t show any signs of answering. 
“Haven’t watched it yet.” Bucky shrugs. “We’re doing Star Trek right now.”
“You’re done with Star Wars?” you, receiving a nod in confirmation. “Nice. You’d find the spy shit ridiculous anyway, it’s way below your level.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He makes a mental note to add the Bond movies to the list. 
“Speaking of stars,” you begin, gesturing to the machine. “I’m going to harness the power of the sun.”
“For what?” He doesn’t bother asking how, he already knows you’ve figured out something. 
“There’s a science exhibition and my team’s stupid solar car experiment isn’t working and I need it for them to win.” 
“So build a better one.” 
“No, ours is the best and if Jeff and his stupid baking soda volcano beat us then we’re going to have a murder on our hands.”
“Your hands,” he emphasises. He has nothing to do with this.
“I said what I said, boy.” You glare at him. “This is our problem now.”
“How much power are you taking?” If it’s insignificant enough, it wouldn’t matter much. He thinks. 
“The whole thing.”
He laughs. He stops when you don’t.
“You’re taking all the energy of the sun to power your shitty science model.”
“Your face is a shitty science model,” you mimic him in a higher pitched voice. “I will do anything to win.”
He wonders which grade kid you stole that insult from was in. There’s no way they were anything older than 13. He could use it on Steve, maybe.
“Everyone on Earth will die.” He feels the need to remind you, even though there was no way it was actually going to take place. Eat shit, Clint. This superseded the tristate area.
“Not for eight minutes.” You look at your watch. “And, if Jeff dies then I win by default.”
“You’ll die too,” he points out. 
“I’ll die a winner.” You nod seriously as if that makes it better. 
He’s not that worried. Experience tells him that you’re not a mass murderer willingly. 
“You’ll die an idiot.” 
“Only if you don’t stop me.” Your lips curve into a smile. “And how will you when I do this?”
You yank the machine to point towards him and slam the button. His hand reflectively pulls in front of him to defend himself. Something hits him with enough force to send him skidding backwards slightly. 
He removes his hand carefully from in front of him, looking at you. 
Something feels off.
“You just-”
The knives strapped to his thighs suddenly feel heavier.
“Took your powers?” you finish his thought. “Yeah.”
He feels his body tip towards his left. He’s suddenly very aware of the weight of the arm. Had it been this heavy all this while? 
“You’ve barely changed,” you noted, “You’re just regular Bucky but like, 20% less beef.”
After all, he was a boxer when he was a teen. One of the best men the Howling Commandos had even before the serum.
His shoulder feels heavier though. And somehow he thinks he’s sensing things a little less. He can’t really hear the faint buzzing of the generator downstairs anymore.
“Yep, that’s real muscle.” He turns when you poke at his shoulder. He doesn’t know when you got there. “You’re like a modern day Schwarzenegger. Grade A beefcake.”
He can’t see the construction site near the horizon as clearly as he used to. 
Something about this situation makes him feel like he’s going to have a midlife crisis, even though he’s overshot the age by a huge number. No one has a midlife crisis at 106. 
“Now that we’ve established that this works,” you say, back near the machine again. When did you walk there? “Let’s show this bitch that I’m the brightest star allowed in this solar system.” 
He shakes his head to jolt himself awake, shoves aside his mental dysfunction and breaks out into a sprint when you pull the device down to aim it at the sky. 
He latches onto the side, using his left hand to pull himself up, straddling the machine.
“Excuse me,” you exclaim like it’s a minor inconvenience and he feels the machine sway wildly under him. “You’re weighing it down, get off my inator.”  
You’re shooting recklessly, trying to shake him off. It’s not dissimilar to the mechanical bull Natasha made him ride during a mission down south so she could win money off placing bets on him. They had lobster that night.
He reaches down to its side, hoping to feel maybe a panel he can rip off. He finds nothing.  
He hopes none of the rays are actually hitting anything. It’s a little harder to stay on than he’d imagined it would be, and he thinks that maybe this wasn’t the best plan. 
He changes his mind in a split second, swinging himself over so that he can climb the underside of the machine like a monkey bar. He feels like a fucking insect. How was Peter not mortally embarrassed? 
He factors in the fact that his hands are getting clammier and his grip is slipping faster than usual. Also, he can taste his lunch at the back of his throat.
“Motherfucker,” Bucky curses when his hand slips, leaving him to hold on only by his metal arm. 
“You okay?” you call out, not giving him a second to recover unless he really needed it.
He lets out a grunt, swinging his arm up and catching hold of the antenna, yanking it down and towards the machine itself. He pulls himself up so that he’s straddling the machine again. 
One more shot and-
“Very smart, Barnes,” you say dryly, letting go of the handles. 
He sends you a sly grin before sliding down the barrel, kicking the large button with his heel right before he jumps off. 
The beam shoots out, instantly meeting with metal. The device automatically gives a mechanical groan before powering down, turning off altogether. 
“I hate you,” you huff, before noting his paleness. “D’you want some water? An IV maybe?”
He dismisses it with a wave of his hand, inhaling heavily to catch his breath.
He’s tired, more so than he would have been under any normal circumstance. He feels a little dizzy, a little disoriented. 
“Don’t worry, your magic powers will be back in a few minutes or so.” You examine the bent antenna, pressing the button and sighing when it stands there lifelessly. “Once Jeff wins, I’ll send the dry cleaning receipt to you. You can pay to get the tear stains out of the kids’ outfits.”
“Your tears or theirs?” He’s relieved about the powers returning, he thinks.
“Both, bitch.” Your eyebrow quirks at his retort. Clearly, he had more energy in him than people realised; his brain seemed to be working fine. He was stronger than you thought. Good for him. 
“You’re smart. You’ll figure something out.” He lets out a final exhale before standing up a little straighter. 
“Thanks. It’d be better if you asked your billionaire tech genius to send us something, but okay.”
“It’s a middle school science exhibition. Make a potato battery or something.”
You tsk-tsk. “No points for creativity, Mr. Barnes.”
It creeps into his mind without warning. He wonders if he actually wanted the powers back. Wonders what his life could be if he maybe retired, settled down. For the brief time he feels like his pre-war self, he starts to think like his pre-war self.
“I’m not the one who’s about to lose to a baking soda volcano,” he finds time to respond, however. 
“Your face is a baking soda volcano.” You narrow your eyes at him. “I will not lose.”
“You’re running out of time. Chop chop.”
But the thought hits him. Who is Bucky without his super soldier serum? If he doesn’t have his powers then he can’t think of what use he is to the Avengers.
Who the hell is Bucky if he can’t provide a service to others? How else does he make up for being himself?
His, what he’s now deemed, afterlife crisis is starting to look more apparent.
He compartmentalises and stores it away in a box. He’ll bring it up with his therapist later. 
“I’m going to win and then you’ll be sorry you weren’t a part of it because you didn’t let me steal the sun.” 
“If you win, I’ll still be glad I didn’t let you.” He climbs back down the ladder, feeling the ache in his muscles reduce with every passing minute. 
True to your word, his powers do return a while later. 
And while he’s watching Avatar: The Last Airbender with Peter in the living room two days later, his phone beeps with a text. 
It’s a picture of a blue first place ribbon next to a toy car that looks like it’s powered by a potato battery. Beside it is an out of focus middle finger that is aimed at him. 
Congratulations, he texts back. Told you potato batteries always win.
Your face always wins, he receives in return. He can’t tell if you’re insulting or flirting with him. 
He just shuts his phone off and goes back to watching the show. 
Next part
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