#along with the ability to find and go down the path that will bring him happiness
kariachi · 2 years
Random: I write Kevin has being a surviving twin, and I’ve mentioned before in my Osmosian stuff they have a strong association between reflections and luck.
So as you can guess Kevin has some, complicated feelings and associations with mirrors.
Because you get the obvious- his history with his shapeshifting is just a solid recipe for lingering trauma surrounding his body and there’s probably always the fear he’s gonna look and it won’t be him there, and even if it is, with his history how do you look yourself in the eye, plus the twin thing which good odds involves feeling like his brother would’ve been the ‘good twin’ (and I still love the juxtaposition I put in there with their patron deities, as the ‘older’ twin Eric was under Darum- deity over death (but also rebirth so really has he completely passed our boy over?)- while Kevin is under Nanel- deity over life).
Then you get the less obvious- mirrors, in Savar, are a sign of good luck. They’re a direct window for the deity over luck, reflection in all it’s forms, and dreams. Devin, as a devout person, likely would’ve had one in every room. But then, does Kevin really feel like he deserves good luck? Or even just the prevention of bad luck? We’ve seen him, we know what the answer is. But to shield yourself from your reflections is also to shield yourself from your dreams. Cutting yourself off from the path you would want for yourself under the heavy weight of trauma and self-loathing.
Unable to move truly forward until he can look his reflection in the eye.
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winterinhimring · 3 months
The real tragedy of Dune (which the movies did an excellent job of portraying) is that almost none of the characters we see have any real choice in what they do. The only choices they have are in how they do them.
Duke Leto must take House Atreides to Arrakis, or be declared a traitor to the Imperium and hunted down. He knows it's a trap and that the Emperor is, in the very best case scenario, setting him and his family up for a serious reversal of their fortunes (far more likely, he's outright scheming to get them killed). But he doesn't have a choice. He must go to Arrakis. He does go to Arrakis. He dies.
Paul and Jessica must flee into the desert or the Harkonnen soldiers will kill them both brutally. They must go to the Fremen for refuge or the desert will kill them. They go. They find that the Fremen have already begun to mythologise Paul. He's the Mahdi, the Lisan al-Gaib. There is no option for Paul to be a normal person here. He is either the messiah or he is a false prophet, and false prophets in a nation of true believers don't live for long.
So Paul fits himself into the mold of the myth. He becomes Muad'dib and leads the Fremen in war because they believe too much in him to let him be anything less. Is it manipulation? Yes. But because the Bene Gesserit have been manipulating the Fremen for centuries, Paul has no choice but to continue it if he wants to live.
He sees the holy war at the end of every timeline by glimpses and he fights to avoid it. To avoid it, he becomes the Kwizatz Haderach and gains the ability to fully see timelines, and thereby he makes himself that much more of the Fremen messiah and brings himself one step closer to the holy war. Every choice he makes is a choice for survival and an attempt to avoid that war, the war he cannot escape because every step he makes along the path to survival is one more step towards the war. He has no more choice in what he becomes than his father had in whether or not he went to Arrakis.
The only people who ever had a choice were the Emperor and Gaius Helen Mohiam. They made their choice, to exterminate House Atreides, and thereby they took everyone's choices away, including their own. Once they sent House Atreides to Arrakis, the entire plot was inevitable.
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the-magiarcheologist · 5 months
The Forgotten Witch
Let me tell you the tale of the Forgotten Witch.
Chapter 1: The Prophecy
First of all, do you know Sylvia Pembroke? She is a seer in one of the portraits in the Grand Staircase.
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Throughout the game she makes different prophecies that foreshadow events in the game:
"Ancient secrets bring forth an age of magic with the rise of a new hero."
This one is about the whole plot of the game.
"I can sense someone close to you needs your help. Someone with the initial "S"."
That one is obviously about Sebastian.
"When what was lost has been found, the brother's betrayal will turn the tides of war."
That's when Lodgok finds the last of Bragbor's journal and tries to bring it to the MC. Ranrok discovers that he betrayed him, takes the journal and kills him. And by getting hold of the last journal this turns the tides of the war since Ranrok now knows where to find the last repository.
"When mentor and student collide a path must be chosen."
I think that one is about the final choice of the player, whether we follow the path of the Keepers and keep the repository closed and secret or we follow Isidora's path and try to use the ancient magic in the repository.
I think all of her prophecies can be explained by event in the game. And then there is this prophecy:
"When the forgotten one's true power is revealed bonds of trust will be broken."
And for this one, I couldn't think of a straighforward, obvious interpretation for it. And trying to find out who exactly this "forgotten one" is has lead me down quite the rabbit hole...
Now, the first thought is: the forgotten one must be Isidora. After all, all mentions and memories of her have been erased by the Keepers. What is her "true power" then? It could be her ability to rid people of their pain. And what about the bonds of trust that are broken? That's where it all starts to break down. The MC learns of Isidora's "true power" through the Keepers memories, there is no big revelation about Isidora that causes MC to loose trust in the Keepers or Fig or anyone else, really.
Someone on reddit had another interpretation. They believed the "bonds of trust" that were broken were between Rookwood and Ranrok. When Rookwood discovered what the repositories they were looking for really were (Isidora's "true power") and what Ranrok intended to use them for the fragile alliance between Rookwood and Ranrok shattered ("broken bonds of trust"). But rewatching the scene in the mine when Ranrok takes bragbor's last journal I think it's pretty clear that Rookwood realizes that his alliance with Ranrok is over the moment he understands that Ranrok has now found the location of the last repository. He realizes then that he has lost all of his usefullness to Ranrok and that the tentative partnership they had is over. Hence why he tries to kill Ranrok right after (before Ranrok can try to kill him). I don't think any "bonds of trust" are broken here because there was no trust to begin with and there is no revelation of a "true power". Rookwood already knew they were searching for repositories of ancient magic.
But thinking along the same lines, maybe the broken bonds of trust could be between Sebastian and MC when Sebastian realizes that Isidora could use ancient magic to cure people of their pain (the "true power" that is revealed) and yet MC refuses to ask the Keepers about that power or refuses to use it to cure Anne. But I think that is stretching it. Even though MC and Sebastian have a little fight about this I hardly think that you could say that "bonds of trust" are broken.
So maybe we should go right back to the beguining. Maybe the "forgotten one" is not Isidora but someone else entirely...
Chapter 2: The Statue
How do you go about discovering the identity of someone who was forgotten? You go search through the game files for clues of course!
And low and behold, there is an asset called "ForgottenStatue", could it be related to our "forgotten one"?
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I think the name of this particular asset is quite significant. Usually any asset in the game is identified with a letter. There are plenty of assets called "SmallStatue_A", "SmallStatue_B", "WallPlaque_D", etc. Few assets are given actual names like this.
And besides, don't you recognize this statue? It's the statue that is standing in the alcove by the water in the transfiguration courtyard!
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It's the statue that Prof. Ronen had us repair at the very beguining of the game after learning reparo. Prof. Ronen says this statue alledgedly represents heartbreak and that perhaps a jilted lover, seing it and finding it too accurate, could have lashed out and destroyed it. But maybe that is not the full story. Maybe there is another reason it was destroyed, perhaps so that no one could ever recognize this statue and find anything out about the witch it represents.
So here we have a statue of a forgotten witch. No one really knows for sure who she is, what the statue represents. Looking at the clothing that she is wearing, it seems that she is from really ancient times (could be ancient greece, could be ancient rome,...) and alledgedly she had her heart broken at some point.
Chapter 3: The Dagger
The statue is not the only thing I found in the game files. There is also a very interesting asset called "SM_Evil_ForgottenWitch_Dagger". Again, note how this asset has an actual name (as opposed to just "SM_Dagger_A") and also that it is even labelled as "Evil".
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Sorry for the image being so dark but I really wanted to show how the rune on the dagger is glowing. From what I can understand by looking at other in-game assets, the glow we see on the rune means there will be some VFX applied to it in game. So obviously, the rune etched into the dagger is significant somehow. The dagger is also very ornate. And, because it is labelled as "Evil", we can deduce that it is some king of artifact used for dark magic.
The gives us some new information about our "forgotten one". First of all it seems that she is a witch (that is also consistent with the "Forgotten Statue" that is of a woman) and she practised the dark arts. Could this be what her "true power" is? Some secret form of dark magic?
For the longest time I thought that this dagger was just part of some cut content, that it was not used in the game. Until someone found this exact dagger in a the middle of a standing stone circle near Marunweem Lake!
They also identified the rune on it as Mannaz rune. It's an Elder Futhark rune meaning 'mankind'. Elder Furthar dates back to the first century which is coherent with the type of dress of the forgotten statue. These runes also apparently had deep spiritual significance. Mannaz represents humanity, community and cooperation. It could also represent intelligence, mind and memory.
I went and found the dagger in-game myself.
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It's in the middle of standing stones on a flat circluar stone engraved with some weird symbols reminiscent of alchemy symbols. Also note the human skeleton that could hint at some dark ritual maybe involving a sacrifice.
I don't know if there are other places like this one elsewhere in Hogwarts Valley where we can also find the dagger. I have not found any yet but let me know if you have!
But there's more! In the game files, the asset for the dagger is found within the folder of props for "Sanctum_Dungeons". These are any dungeons related to ancient magic (like the keeper trials). So, how exactly is this dagger related to ancient magic and the Keepers?
Chapter 4: Ancient Magic
There is yet another place where the "ForgottenWitch" appreas within the game files. There are assets for stone columns used to build the environments for the ancient magic dungeons which are the Keeper trials, the place below the restricted section when we find the book and the cave we go to with Richard Jackdaw to find the missing pages and get access to the Map Chamber.
First there is a set of assets called "SM_SanctumDun_Column_Natural" which look like stone swirls.
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Then there is a set of assets called "SM_SanctumDun_ColumnFlair_Forgotten_Witch" which look a little more ornate with some developped "spikes" (sort of looking like thorns on the stem of a rose) but still made of stone.
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And lastly, there is a set of assets called "SM_SanctumDun_ColumnFlair_Keepers" that are even more ornate and detailed with spikes and some sort of tendrils. These columns also glow (again I believe indicating some VFX being applied to it). There are also some gold trims that can be added.
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To me, this looks like some kind of evolution of art style or archetictural style over time. As the technique is developped over the centuries (from 'Natural stone' to the work of the Forgotten Witch in antiquity and to the work of the Keepers in the late middle ages), more and more ornate designs are made possible.
I believe the "Forgotten Witch" could wield ancient magic. Like we see the Keepers do, she used ancient magic back in antiquity to transfigure the world around her, build elaborate colums. But then she also used her ancient magic for some dark purpose. This is the "true power" that the profecy refers to. What about the bonds of trust that are broken, then? I believe the events of this particular prophecy have not happened yet. Someone (and lets be honest, it's probably the Keepers because they are the only ones who seem to know anything about ancient magic) knows about this Forgotten Witch and the dark magic she used but they kept that secret from the MC. And when this secret is finally revealed, uncovering a dark history of ancient magic, the bonds of trust between MC and the Keepers will be broken.
After all, Isidora herself, another forgotten witch, could have left us a warning when she wrote on the wall of the Undercroft: "Percival is hiding somehing".
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theorphicangel · 5 months
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫. | 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐱 (𝐟𝐞𝐦!) 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 |
[ “𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿?” ]
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
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synopsis: You're pretty good at sticking to rules. Always have been. And for the past three years you would think that you've been good enough to stick to the rules of being a roommate.
Rule number one: Don’t fall in love. Under any circumstances.
Rule number two: Follow to rule number one.
Easy enough to follow.
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Chapter 4: April.
cw: suggestive themes, 18+
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“Levi! Come look at this rock!”
Levi comes to a stop. He’s only a little ahead of you and yet you can already imagine the frown on his face before he turns.
“Why? So you can throw it at me? That’s attempted murder.” He deadpans.
You snorted aloud, watching him stroll over to you with his hands in his pockets.
“Hey, don’t start giving me ideas, not when we’re getting along so well. I might just use it against you, and it’s not attempted if I succeed.”
“Too bad we’re in the open. Save it for later.” Levi turns to make his way back to the path but he stops again. “Who said that we were getting along well?”
“Well, you stopped calling me an idiot for one. That really annoyed me at one point.”
Levi snorts. “I’d like to see you try and pick that shit up anyways… idiot.”
“Hange’ll help me.” You say, purposely ignoring his insult.. At your comment Levi merely rolled his eyes as, unfortunately, you had a point.
If anything Hange would agree to any stupid thing you’d say. Together you were like tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum…only twice as worse. If Levi could prevent one moment from happening, it would have been the moment that the two of you met. If he’d known that you and Hange would live up to the expectations of making Levi’s life a pure hell, he wouldn't have taken you over to Hange’s house that day.
You laugh out loud suddenly, as if you had read Levi’s personal thoughts. “Don’t tell me you actually think we’ll carry this out.”
“Wouldn’t beat it past you.” Levi spoke, turning around and heading back to the path. You follow him diligently, wanting to keep up with him.
You quickly join his side abruptly bumping into his side. With this action you smoothly link arms with him. For a second you feel his body go stiff, freezing up in surprise but shockingly he doesn’t seem to protest by it.
You lean into him slightly as you tease. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on murdering my favorite roommate just yet.”
Now it’s his turn to laugh as you both walk down the path together, taking a slow pace.
“Okay one: I’ve been your only roommate… two: ‘just yet’?... I may as well take your guilty ass down to the police station myself.”
You shrug casually, ignoring his last threat. “One: Not many people have had the ability to earn the title of favorite roommate, so be grateful you jackass… and two: sure, I’ll give you credit for being the first but what about when I move out?”
Levi frowns almost immediately, a horrible taste in his mouth at the slight proposal of your last point. Levi feels his stomach suddenly drop and he tries to keep a light hearted tone in his voice as he questions you further. “What’d you mean when you move out?”
“After I murder you, I’ll need to find a new roommate of course, I can’t pay rent by myself.”
Levi rolls his eyes again but this time his shoulders seem to drop with a sort of internal relief. Levi hopes you won’t bring that up again, not even as a joke. He’s not looking forward to that conversation. Not for a long time anyways.
“So you’ll go off and find a new victim?”
“Something like that, although I don’t think anyone else will be as annoying as you.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Levi scoffs in reply.“And where exactly are you planning to hide my body?”
“Not sure.” You murmur softly. “Wanna help me with ideas?”
“Fuck no.”
You pull a frown. “I want to find a comfortable spot for you.”
“Comfortable? I’m dead.”
“Whatever, I still want to keep your soul in peace y’know?”
“You are absolutely fucking ridiculous.” Levi mutters. “I should’ve recorded this so that I can prove to the whole world how fucking crazy you are.”
“They would never believe you.” You taunt. “Plus it was you who made the suggestion in the first place, doofus.”
“Are you sure about that?” Levi asks, tilting his head to look over at you. You notice his dark locks falling gently beneath his brow.
Letting out a giggle and him a withdrawn scoff you continue to stroll down the path, arms still linked with his.
The local park was pretty quiet, give or take for a few lonesome people. You put this to the responsibility of the gloom of rain clouds approaching your overhead. You and Levi both randomly agreed to go out for a walk to clear your minds from rotting in the apartment all day. But it was suggested to you in particular.
Over the past few days Levi had noticed how you had been cooped up in your room all day, waiting for a text back from… him.
Earlier, Levi had thought for a second that you were alluding to about moving out to go live with Daniel. It was simply a joke. You didn’t even explicitly mention Daniel at all but it didn’t take long for Levi to quickly jump to conclusions.
Although you’d played it off as a lighthearted joke Levi would be lying if he said that he wasn’t worried about it turning to reality one day.
But who is he kidding? You’re only roommates. Friends even. Not…lovers. He has no right to get upset about what you choose to do in the future.
It’d be wrong to think of you as his. Completely wrong. And it’d be wrong to think of the ways you’d touch him. Particularly, late at night when he can’t sleep he’s conjuring up the ways that you would please him. It’s certainly wrong to think of you with his fist wrapped around his cock, imagining that it was yours.
How would you react?
Would you be gentle with him?
How would you sound when he touches you?
How would you sound when he enters you for the first time? When he fills you up? How would he feel when you're clenched around him? And what would the look on your face be when you–
Fuck, fuck, fuck, he shouldn’t be thinking that. Not when you’re right next to him.
“Are you alright?” You ask, noticing Levi’s silence. You felt his body suddenly stiffen.
“Yeah, yeah.” He plays off, trying to fixate his mind on anything, anything at all. Anything but you. In order to succeed in this, he thinks of the worst thing possible. And it seems to do the trick on getting his past thoughts to evaporate.
“Have you heard back from–”
He doesn’t even need to finish the sentence to get you to understand what he’s trying to say. Levi can barely say his name, mentally cursing himself for bringing him up. This walk was supposed to be an attempt to get your mind off him.
Lately, Levi’s noticed how you linger around your phone. Constantly refreshing your screen in the hope of receiving an immediate notification.
You shake your head beside him. Levi notices your facial expression drop at the topic of conversation and a sea of regret floods his entire body.
“No but…” you pause, taking a moment to search for some words. “I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.”
“It wouldn’t be reasonable enough.” Levi mutters under his breath, and he succeeds in getting a small smirk from you. The two of you continue to walk at a slow pace down the path, a comfortable silence emerging.
“I know you hate him.”
“What made that obvious?”
You chuckle at the sound of Levi’s sarcastic tone. “From the moment he came into the apartment and forgot to take his shoes off I knew that he would never be able to live up to your expectations ever again.”
Levi huffed, as if the remembrance of that occasion physically pained him.
“But I’m sure he’s learned his lesson by now. You probably scared him off with all your glaring.”
“I was not glaring.”
“Oh yeah? And the sky is purple.”
“I didn’t say a word to him.”
“You didn’t have to.” you remarked. “It was obvious by your face that you didn’t like him.”
“That’s not my problem.”
“Try and tone it down next time.” you sigh. “I really do want to make it work with him y’know?”
“I know.” Levi says, a random feeling of dejection in his heart and it takes all of him not to add to the end of that sentence ‘but you deserve so much better.’
A crease appears between his brows at your words of a ‘next time.’
Levi hopes there won’t be a next time. Deep down he hopes that there won’t be another time of Daniel coming over invading Levi’s personal space with his shitty jokes and pathetic conversation. He hopes there won’t be a next time of witnessing how Daniel eagerly tries to show off constantly to try and win your heart, blissfully unaware that you deeply dislike it.
He hopes there won’t be a next time when Daniel comes to stay over for the night and Levi is left to hear your muffled moans through the walls. It’s a violent reminder that he’s not getting the privilege of knowing you intimately. He hopes there isn’t a next time where he has to watch Daniel sneak out through the front door, not bothering to wait until you wake with claims of work at his excuse.
Levi truly hopes that there won’t be a time where he watches your innocent heart get played with.
“Ducks.” you say randomly, causing Levi to emerge from his thoughts.
You’ve both now reached the lake that stretches wide and far, creating an oval shape in the center of the park. Over to the right there’s a bridge that leads to the other side of the park.
“Ducks.” You repeat, now delving your hands in your pockets to look for your phone. “Lemme take a picture.”
“Swans.” Levi points out impassively.
“And ducks. Same thing.”
You ignore his last comment as your thumb clicks the white circle, taking multiple photos of the scenery despite the gray sky and all.
“Take one with me in it.” You turn towards him, holding out your phone to him. For a few seconds he merely stares at your phone in silent protest. You tilt your head in pure persuasion. “Pretty please?”
He rolls his eyes, unable to resist your somewhat adorable charm.
“Whatever.” He mumbles taking your phone as you walk ahead of him ready to pose. Levi sighed before tilting your phone landscape to get a full view of the lake and the swans behind you.
“Smile.” he deadpanned before focusing on taking the photo.
A cheesy grin spread across your face, your hands gesturing towards the swans and ducks. Levi couldn’t help but shake his head at the way you posed bashfully.
“Are you finished?” he mutters, after you start changing poses numerous times. “I think your storage is full.”
Your face drops. “Wait really?” And in a blink of an eye you’re by his side with a concerned look on your face as you glance at your phone screen. “Wait where?”
It then dawns on you that he just wanted you to stop.
“Fuck you.”
“It was for your own reputation. Murderers can’t be seen making goofy poses in the local park.”
“They were not goofy–”
Your argument soon gets interrupted by a stranger approaching and you could tell someone was coming based on the way Levi’s eyes squinted behind you and how his teasing expression began to disappear.
You turned to see an elderly woman, who you assume to be out on possibly on her daily walk.
“Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but admire the two of you and I was wondering if you would like me to take a picture of you and your boyfriend?”
The question makes you double take immediately. Your cheeks grow warm and you stutter for an answer as you and Levi both go silent.
“Oh, no he’s not my–” you begin before you’re interrupted by Levi.
Levi hands her the phone, your phone, and the two of you both shuffle backwards,
At first you’re unsure of how to pose but quickly relax and wrap an arm around Levi’s waist. Once again, you can feel how his body stiffens yet he ends up positioning his arms around your shoulders.
“Thank you!” you say, taking back the phone after she had taken a few pictures.
“The two of you remind me of my late husband and I. We met when we were quite young and we’d come to this park almost every day together.” As she comes to a pause, she bows her head making your heart ache for her as she remembers her gone soulmate.
“Keep each other close and don’t take each other for granted.” The older woman murmurs her advice. “You two are a beautiful couple. Please cherish every moment you spend together and don’t regret it.”
“Oh uh– thank you.” You nod, the idea of breaking the truth now a thought that you had pushed away.
You nudged Levi discreetly, who was listening silently with a blank expression, to say his gratitude. You wave at the woman who shuffles away, heading over to the bridge.
For a moment, there was a silence between you and Levi. Neither of you are sure how to carry on from that experience.
You take the opportunity to go first. “Why would you say that?”
Levi shrugs, “It’d be more embarrassing for us if we had to explain ourselves. It’s not like it’s the first time people have assumed, so I just thought to let it–be.”
You nod slowly, coming to realize that he’s right.
It was an honest and harmless mistake and that lady was not the first to think that you and Levi were more than just roommates or friends. It has gotten pretty exhaustive and repetitive to state your friendship so now, you don’t really care about the assumptions that people make about the two of you and by the looks of it…neither does he.
A small smile reaches your lips before carrying on with your stoll and in silence the two of you admire the lake which stretches to the other half of the park. On approaching the bridge, dark clouds of rain seem to be heading your way and this is the moment where you internally curse yourself for not bringing an umbrella.
“Maybe…we should start heading back to the car.” You suggest, anxious of the heavy shade of gray that looms over you.
“I second that.” Levi murmurs, beside you. “Let’s head back.”
Making a U-turn, the two of you decide to leave the opportunity to explore the other side of the park for another day as your weather app informs of heavy rain to begin in the next ten minutes which will continue for the rest of the afternoon.
You’re a little deflated, disappointed that your day had to come to a short end. Making your way back to the car, you and Levi briskly walk in an attempt to make it back to the apartment with your bodies as dry as possible but once you felt a large raindrop fall onto your skin, you knew that the raingods had come to curse you.
“Fuck’s sake.” you mutter underneath your breath, eyes watching the once dry pavement beneath your feet soon become patterned with raindrops. In a rush, Levi grabs your hand fiercely, taking you by surprise as he continues his pace despite the rain beginning to unleash its worst.
For a second he was optimistic. Thinking that perhaps this would be a slow start before the real downpour was set but his thinking has failed him as the light raindrops turn heavy and every inch of his body seems to become an antonym to the word dry.
You pull at his hand which causes him to abruptly halt for a moment to turn and look at you.
And by god were you a sight for sore eyes.
Your face is dripping with rain, clothes dark with precipitation and your waterproof mascara suddenly not living up to its name. It’s more than obvious that you needed to get somewhere dry. You both are in need of it.
Levi looks around, scanning for a place where the two of you can find shelter, the number of people in the park now becoming scarce. Unfortunately, there’s no buildings nearby but Levi spots a large oak tree whose branches seem to provide a decent enough roof for the two of you.
His hand, albeit wet, is still tightly wrapped around yours, guiding you to the tree as you try to blink away the on coming raindrops from your eyes. It doesn’t take long for the two of you to reach your safe haven whilst the rain is still smacking against the concrete.
Contrastingly, the ground is soft underneath your feet and you can feel yourself slightly sink a little into the ground with each step. Levi, of course, makes his complaints known by cursing as loudly as he can over the rushing sound of rainfall.
“Shit, I didn’t know this would be muddy. Maybe we should go somewhere else?” His eyes were already searching for a new location, a location with shelter and of appropriate ground.
You shake your head, raindrops falling from your head. “It’s fine, I don’t want to go back out there again.”
Although the leaves of the oak tree aren’t completely dense, you’re still glad that the amount of raindrops that are now falling on you has now slowed to a much relaxed pace.
You sniffle a little, wiping off the raindrops from your face, trying as much as you can to dry yourself up but you don’t seem to get much luck from your otherwise soaked sleeves.
“You alright?” Levi asks. And now you can hear his voice a little better as the volume of the rain has quietened down.
You nod wordlessly, straining your clothes from any damp, watching as water is squeezed out of your materials. You curse aloud, only now realizing the extent of being in the rain without the umbrella. You’ll just have to manifest to the universe tonight that you won’t catch a cold but you can’t completely disregard that consequence.
“Take this.” Levi mutters before taking off his black jacket. “I mean it’s pretty soaked, but you should stay warm. You don’t want to be catching a cold.”
You smirk a little at his offer. “I’m pretty sure it’s set in stone by now, don’t worry. You should keep it on, you might catch a cold.”
“Says the one whose immune system is weaker than an egg shell.”
You roll your eyes. “Alright jerk, just ‘cause you only get sick approximately every 5 years.”
You expected a laugh from him, maybe even an insult but instead you watch the frown on his face grow deeper, him still gesturing for you to take his jacket. “You’re shivering. Take it.” His tone is a little more forceful and before you could even respond, you found comforting material wrapped around your shoulders.
It's only now that you're aware of the sudden close proximity between the two of you. His features are somehow more prominent in the rain. The front locks of his jet black hair have raindrops dripping down onto his face, dripping from his nose and sliding down his cheeks to meet his sharp jawline.
Somehow the rain just makes him look even more…attractive.
“Levi, I’m fine I swear.” You grumble, trying to distract your mind as the warmth from his body transitions to yours. Your retaliations are continuously ignored, leaving you no choice but to accept the gesture gratefully.
Levi’s eyes meet yours. “No problem.”You blink and you’re suddenly lost in them.
The gray of his iris mixed with a hint of light blue, which is apparent if you squint and you can’t help but worship their beauty.Your eyes move to glance at his lips. Pink and plump, with water dripping from his cupid’s bow. You’re not really sure why your eyes suddenly fixate on those, but your heart does seem to race faster and all of a sudden you’re now wondering how soft he would feel against your own lips, your own skin.
Looking back at him, he’s still fixated on you and the two of you are stuck like a photo in time. The only thing that reinforces the notion that you’re not living in a freeze frame is the rush of downpour that streams behind you.
Swallowing thickly, you just wonder…whether…maybe…if you just leaned in to –
You clear your throat suddenly, stepping back and sniffing. You turn away to wipe the tip of your nose.
No. Absolutely not. Get that thought out of your head.
“Sick already?” Levi presumes and there’s a hint of playfulness in his voice.
“Yeah, yeah.” You brush off. “Do you think it’ll ever calm down?”
The rush of downpour continues to aggravate the stone pavement, water dripping off the leaves above.
“Should do.”
“Or should we just run for it?”
“You’ll get sick.”
“Which is inevitable either way I’m sure.” you shrug.
Levi raises a brow. “You sure?”
“Undoubtedly sure.”
“You’ll regret it.”
Rolling your eyes, you begin to step forward where the downpour of rain doesn’t hesitate in drenching you again. “Are you coming or not, Ackerman?”
Rolling his eyes, he follows you, making a mental reminder in his mind to get his favorite stash of tea out when you both get home. Immediately.
And boy, did you regret it.
There’s nothing more you hate in life than being constrained to your bed, with endless tissues that come with an endless amount of sneezes and snot. Not to mention the sore throat or the banging headache that returns every hour even after taking medicine.
But what you hated the most was having to deal with a smugass roommate whom you had to rely on for basic needs. After multiple ‘I told you so’s’ and his own endless amount of complaints and criticism for you, you decided to fulfill his ego and express your regret for your decision.
It was bad enough that you were sick but now you had Levi taking care of you. You were currently under the pretense that he absolutely hated every single moment which, unbeknownst to you, was terribly false.
Entering your room with your third cup of tea this morning, he caught you in the midst of a sneezing fit whilst placing the steaming hot china cup down on your bedside table. And of course he loudly grimaced as he did so.
“Shut up.” you groan, your voice croaky from your illness.
“I told you so, yeah, yeah are you finished?”
Levi frowned. “I was going to say that I could get you another pack of tissues if you wanted them?”
“Oh.” you say dumbly. “Right. That would be great thanks.”
Levi quickly disappeared from your room and arrived by the next minute, a new pack of tissues in his hands.
“Sorry.” You mumble, accepting the package.
“It’s fine.”
“It’s really not.” you sigh. “I’ve got you running around the house like a madman all because I’m sick.”
“Again.” you repeat, a small smile appearing across your lips.
“Thank you.” you say, after a long pause of silence.
“For what?”
You roll your eyes, honestly sometimes you really want to smack Levi against the wall. He can be so dense, which is surprising for someone who has achieved the highest grade possible at university.
“For this.” you gesture around. “For helping me out.”
He shrugged. “Nothing I haven’t done before.”
You hummed, “I’m getting pretty used to having you as my slave, maybe I won’t kill you at all.”
Levi clicked his tongue. “Don’t get too comfortable, princess.”
Whether it was the pet name or your fever spiking up again– though you wish to believe the latter– your cheeks suddenly burned and you looked away in hidden embarrassment. You cleared your throat before speaking again.
“I really do mean it though, thank you.”
Levi sat on the edge of your bed. “It’s the bare minimum I can do as your roommate.”
There it goes again. Your constant reminder.
You’re roommates, nothing more, nothing less. At the end of the day, you’re around each other merely because of a single contract.
You’re roommates, this is normal, the bare minimum.
This is what friends do. Not lovers.
Yet… you can’t stop yourself from thinking about if you were. Shaking your head you attempt to pull that thought out of your head. No, no, no, you’re with Daniel. Thinking about Levi? That would be wrong.
But could it be so wrong that he’s the only thing that you can think about late at night?
When you touch yourself underneath the sheets, it’s Levi’s name that you moan softly to yourself, fantasizing over the ways he would touch you. It’s embarrassing to admit but… Daniel’s never managed to please you properly. The only way that you can reach your full release is by imagining if it was Levi.
But it was wrong. So wrong. Yet, you couldn’t stop yourself from wondering.
How would he touch you? What would he feel like? Would he be soft and gentle with you or the complete opposite? What would he sound like when he–
You inhale sharply which catches Levi’s attention.
“You okay?” He asks.
You nod. “Just really cold.” You play off, trying to get rid of that dirty thought about your roommate.
You couldn’t. You were loyal to Daniel, even if he seems to take weeks to respond.
You couldn’t ever because you’re pretty sure Levi doesn’t even feel the same way.
If he did then you would’ve known by now. There would’ve been a hint.
You think back to Valentine’s day. Perhaps if you didn’t have a date with Daniel would he have asked you out?
No. Don’t be stupid. You are roommates.
The number one rule of being roommates is universal: Don’t fall in love with each other.
Snapping you back to reality, Levi picks up the cup of tea on your bedside table.
You cough a little. “Levi, I’m fine, really. You don’t need to babysit me.”
“You can’t murder me if you’re sick right?”
You laugh, which soon falls to a series of heavy coughs. With his free hand, Levi rubs reassuring circles on your back, once you’re alright he holds out the teacup for you to sip. You do so obediently, the hot liquid satisfying your body. You let out a deep exhale, reclining back into your bed.
“So when I get better you’ll watch out?”
He nods, smirking a little. “I’ll always watch out for you. Always.”
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sorceresssundries · 15 days
Writing prompt - Gale surprises Tav with a bunch of red roses and a candlelit dinner.
The Rose of Reithwin
Pairing: Gale x gn Tav - SFW
Word Count: 2k
You must have sensed i'm struck in a rut! Here you go, my lovely anon. I got a bit carried away. I hope you enjoy <3
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Tav ached all the way down to their bones. The lack of sunlight, breeze, and even the stagnation of time itself was a burden which they could feel cloying in their veins. Tav dreamed of flowers and sunlight, of food that wasn’t dried out and looted from long-rotted barrels or the backpacks of fallen soldiers. Tav ached for comfort in a land which still throbbed with ongoing pain.
After a long needed wash in whatever water they could find amongst the shadows, Tav headed back to camp, hoping to find some solace in Gale’s warm words and strong arms. It had been a couple of nights since they had spent their first, proper night together. Just the memory of it was enough to spark a small flame of comfort, but Tav needed to be in his company for it to fan into a heat warm enough to melt away the icy shards of the shadow curse. 
To Tav’s surprise, Karlach was hovering outside Gale’s tent,  excitement evident in the sparks and flickers glowing from her engine. She couldn’t stay still, practically vibrating with energy. She was dressed... unusually.
“You’re wearing a bow tie?” 
“I know!” Karlach’s ability to light up with even the slightest taste of joy was enough to keep even the darkest shadows at bay. “I found it on a corpse!!” She added with unbound enthusiasm.
“Oh, well... well done?”
“Thanks! Oh, wait a minute.” She rummaged around in her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper covered in elegant writing, along with a single, slightly flattened, rose. “Sorry, it looked better before I sat on it.”
Tav took the paper, perplexed. “This... is a menu.” They read over the intricate, swirling script in total confusion.
“Yeah! Gale asked if I would help him, and well... he said I may have gone a bit too far with everything, but I thought I could help! He, um, said the Simulacrum freaked you out a bit last time.” She mimicked the jaunty pose that Gale’s mirror image had performed a few nights ago, and Tav tried their best not to laugh at the impression. “And he was busy concentrating on other magicky, wizard stuff, so I told him to leave it with me.”
“So... here I am, my liege.” She bowed dramatically. “Mr. Dekarios awaits the pleasure of your incom... incom... incompra...” She suddenly unfurled another, smaller note from her top pocket and scanned over it, mouthing the words soundlessly. “Fuck it, his handwriting is awful. Gale is waiting for you at the Waning Moon.”
The abandoned pub was not far from where they had set up camp, and Karlach pointed to a trail of floating lanterns illuminating a path for Tav to follow. They glowed with gentle magic, and Tav grinned to themselves, amused by the wizard's flair for the dramatic. Gale was always one to create a sense of wonder, and it seemed like whatever he had planned for the evening would be no exception.
When Tav reached the building and pushed open the doors, they could not believe the view. 
In the centre of the room stood Gale, his hands aglow with arcane energy as he conducted a symphony of magic. With a wave of his hand, ribbons of light twisted and twirled, weaving themselves into elaborate decorations. Flowers bloomed from thin air, their petals unfolding in bursts of colour to settle upon various neglect-scarred surfaces.
“You’re here!” Gale said, his voice filled with warmth and excitement. “I’m almost finished.”
Tav watched in awe as Gale orchestrated the magic around them, bringing the abandoned building to life with his spellcraft. Tables appeared, draped in luxurious fabrics and adorned with silver candelabras that flickered with ethereal flames. Chairs formed from wisps of mist solidified under their touch, their cushions embroidered with intricate patterns that seemed to shift and shimmer. The cracked wooden floorboards were mended, and gleamed under the soft glow of floating candles. The grimy, stained walls had brightened, and were now streaked with vines of ivy that bloomed with small, colourful flowers.
In the centre, a table for two stood, set with fine china, crystal goblets, and a centrepiece of roses that flitted between various shades of rich red in the candlelight. The once dingy bar was now a haven in a hellscape.
“You… you did all this? For me?”
Gale made his way over to hold Tav’s hand, and the contact immediately relieved a tight coil within their chest. “I meant what I said. If we had more time… well...” He gestured to the scene around him. “I would do it all better.”
Music spilled from an unknown source, soft and comforting. It had been so long since Tav had heard music, since the air around them had been filled with anything other than death and shadow. The song was familiar, warm...
Gale seemed to pick up on their thoughts. “You may not remember, but... it's a song Alfira played at the party with the Tieflings.” He blushed slightly, the pink in his cheeks glowing in the soft candlelight.  “It was playing just after our conversation, after I told you to go enjoy your evening.”
Tav let a smirk play at their lips, recalling their attempt at propositioning the wizard. The heady mixture of joy and wine had urged them toward Gale, to flirt with the man with the disarming smile, who had very gallantly turned them down. 
“So… you did want me that evening?”
“Oh, I wanted you.” All hint of self-consciousness dropped from his expression, leaving only raw sincerity. “This song was playing when I realised I was falling in love with you.”
Tav’s heart fluttered. The music made the air feel lighter. For a moment, they were not soldiers in a battle-scarred town but two lovers in the bliss-filled infancy of a new relationship. Where possibilities crackled with lively potential. Where each touch and loving word was a promise heavy with pure, unfiltered intention.
“I remember that night,” Tav said softly. “I remember wishing for more moments we could just be us for a little while.”
Gale’s eyes were a mixture of hope and regret. “Maybe we can still have those moments. Maybe we can find a way.”
Tav squeezed his hand. “Maybe you already have.” “I hope so.” He kissed Tav’s poor, battle-worn fingers. “I am torn between wishing you had never had to endure any of this horror, to being extraordinarily grateful to have met you.” He was suddenly aching with sadness. “It is a heartbreaking realisation, to know the person you love is in your life due to a tragedy you wish had never befallen them.” He cupped the face of his love, and stroked his thumb along fresh scars and the fading stain of bruises which lurked just under their skin. “No-one should ever have to learn how brave they can be.”
He leant forward then, and brushed his lips against theirs. Chaste and gentlemanlike, the kind of kiss one would expect from a gallant partner on a first date, and Tav couldn’t help but think of the heavy, moaned kisses which Gale had lain across every inch of their body just a few nights prior. He really was doing everything backwards. 
Tav decided they would play along with the honourable behaviour, for now, and instead turned their attention to the beautiful display of roses. 
“A very traditional choice, Mr.Dekarios.” 
“‘Rose is a term of endearment in Waterdeep. To refer to one’s beloved.” His eyes were soft and shimmered in the light. “I thought they would be fitting.”
Tav picked up one of the roses and admired the velvet of its petals, the rich, wine-like scent, and the sharp bite of thorns.  “I hope you do not think the thorns are due to any slip in my arcane proficiency. I know it’s just illusionary, but.. I wanted to make the whole thing as.. human as possible. The old ways, if you will. Thorns and all.” 
“Well, whatever you’ve done - the food smells incredible.” The savoury scent of roasting meat mingled with the earthy, buttery smell of cooked vegetables and fresh herbs enveloped Tav in much-needed comfort. 
“That is no illusion, my rose.” He pulled out one of the chairs, and motioned for Tav to sit and with a click of his fingers two mage hands appeared with plates of fresh, steaming food. “That is the dedicated endeavour of a man with exceptional culinary skill and limited resources.”
“How on earth did you find all this?!” 
“Well, I may have used some of my charm and resorted to a bit of bribery.”
“You’re rubbish at bribery!
“Yes, okay, that’s true. But Astarion isn’t, and for a small fee, he was able to get me what I needed.” Gale raised his hands at Tav’s indignant expression. “I did not ask too many questions, and he gave no answers—so, for all intents and purposes, this food has been legitimately acquired and therefore should be enjoyed guilt-free.” He smiled his lazy, heart-melting smile and tucked into the meal.
The food was delicious, the wine full and rich, the company unrivalled. 
Tav thought how full of life this little pub in Reithwin must have been all those years ago. How locals would come through the doors after a day's hard graft. How mason’s would grip pint glasses with dusty hands and let the cold beer soothe their calloused fingers.
This place must have been filled with wine-fuelled singing, drinking games and endless, mindless, repetitive stories of the residents of Reithwin. A place for midday companionship, and late night solitude. This little heart of Reithwin town would have beat with stories and laughter of those lost to shadow.
And for a little while, in the long-dead town of Reithwin, life returned. The glow that enveloped Gale and Tav outshone that of even the moon’s blessing. There was light enough here to cast out curses, just for a little while. Just for two lovers in that hopeful, crack of a dawning relationship, where the impossible danced and shone, and took no notice of lurking shadows. 
As they ate and laughed and shared stories of times before tadpoles and curses and nautiloids, Tav took in the unrivalled beauty of the setting Gale had conjured with awe.
“I’ve never seen illusionary magic like this.” Tav ran their finger through one of the flames from a candle, and felt the heat bite their skin.
“That's because this is no ordinary illusion.” He reached over to hold Tav’s hand across the table, stroking them gently with his thumb.
“This is a promise of things to come. This is an illusion that I intend to make into reality, and the magic is all the stronger for it.”
There were no words, conjurations, or illusions powerful enough for Gale to express his gratitude, or his genuine intention. He knew that promises and declarations would not be enough, that these conjured roses were just saplings in the entire sun-filled garden he wanted to grow for Tav. It would take time, it would take nerve and messy, mortal dedication. But he would do it. 
He would plant seeds, feed them with water pulled from the deepest well . He would sweat and toil under the relentless summer sun, remaining vigilant through the bleak winters. With human hands, he would grow flowers, watching patiently as the slow spell of time brought life and beauty from nothing. He would wait, earning each soft-petaled rose, cherishing the joy they would bring, ribbon-tied and wine-scented, to his brave love. He would place them in crystal vases, where light would dance through and spill colour throughout their home.
And, when the inevitable happened, when the petals curled and dipped and eventually fell like feathers. It will have been worth it. All the toil and grief and mortal determination of it all will have been worth it, just to remind his love of the promise made in that hopeful night in Reithwin. 
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staytinyville · 4 months
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Stay Alive (42)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none
A/N NOT BETA. I am back to writing! I am crying. You have no idea how terrible this past two weeks was for me. I felt so out of place not writing but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to get back to it. I had lost literally all passion for it. So much happened that really didn't put me in the right state of mind. But I got back to it and found my passion again! So here is the long awaited Hobi chapter! I'm so excited to hear your thoughts on this one.
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Hoseok lived in the same region your grandparents had. It was nice to take in the beautiful sights you were so familiar with. However, watching as creatures and different kinds of magical beasts mingle about. The flora and fauna were much different to your own home–it seemed like everything flourished a lot more. 
Taehyung had told you about how witches and faeries lived out in nature because it made them feel connected. As you held onto his hand, you smiled softly as his fingers weaved between the bushes and trees that covered the path they were taking. Your eyes widened as the foliage seemed to bloom and follow along with his hands. 
“Hoseok!” Someone shouted, moving along the path as they came upon a large cottage. 
You smiled to yourself, finally seeing the kind of house you had assumed this world would have. However, it was still large. You were sure the inside looked spectacular. 
You let go of Hoseok’s hand, allowing him to embrace his mother and another woman who was crying. 
“Oh, my baby boy!” His mother smiled, looking over his shoulder to find you. “This must be your mate.” She exclaimed walking over to you to give you a hug. “I’m so happy to finally meet you.”
She turned around to her son, smiling as he was being bullied by the other woman. She had him in a chokehold, laughing when he tried to pull at her with the grass that was growing exponentially. 
“I came home when mom called to tell us that you finally came back.” She smiled, patting Hoseok on the back. 
“All thanks to (Y/N).” Hobi smiled, reaching out for your hand. 
“We owe you so much.” Hoseok’s mother smiled softly, dropping her hand onto your shoulder. 
“It was nothing.” You smiled bashfully. 
“Nonsense!” Hoseok’s sister exclaimed. “Please, allow me to give you something in return.” She reached out to hold your hands. “Not only did you bring my brother back but you also brought his coven home. I'm sure their families would give you something as well.” She told you softly. 
“I don't know—” You tried to tell her it was alright but she just gave you a smile. 
“Let me give you a reading.” She stopped you.
“A reading?” Your eyebrows furrowed, looking over at Hobi. 
“Jiwoo is a master at reading people.” He explained. “Witches clairsenses are a lot stronger than anyone else. We can predict futures, see the dead, see what haunts you. It's part of our abilities.” He told you. 
You grew interested, being reminded about how Taehyung had explained his abilities to you. He did tell you that you could find out what Hobi was capable of if you asked him. You assumed readings were part of the things witches could do that faeries couldn’t. 
“Taehyung can't do that then?” You questioned. 
“No.” Hobi answered. “Telepathy and mental manipulation is our thing. He can't do any of that.”
“Fairies have energy manipulation which is a very powerful thing.” Jiwoo told you. “However we have healing and can control the elements.”
You looked down to the grass, seeing that it had gone back to normal now that the siblings weren’t play fighting. You also remembered how the leaves and the trees followed after Hobi’s fingers as he passed them. You wondered what it was like to watch him play with fire or water. 
“That's so cool.” You breathed out. 
“Come.” Jiwoo quickly brought you into their home, the decor modernized as you guessed. “Sit!” She pushed you to sit at the dining table, moving a chair in front of you and taking your hands. “I already saw a lot the moment you walked in.”
You could feel something tingle at your fingertips, making you tilt your head. You suddenly felt something hovering over your shoulder. Hobi and his mother were standing behind Jiwoo, watching with curiosity. You wanted to turn your head and see what it was but Jiwoo stopped you before you could. 
“Oh.” You watched as Jiwoo’s eyebrows rose, making you glance up at Hobi. 
“I think the first thing I should say—you have a past with our world.” Jiwoo turned up to you. “Don't you?” She asked. 
“Yeah.” You sighed, thinking about your grandfather. “Apparently I do.”
Jiwoo nodded her head, smiling over your shoulder. “You have a protector too. They've been there since you were a little girl. Butterflies are what I see around you.” She explained, running her fingers along your palms just to get a sense of your energy. 
“Nabi.” Hobi spoke up. “It was a name you kept saying but didn't know where it came from.” 
“They're someone very important in your story. Both the past and this one.” Jiwoo nodded to herself, pausing as though she was listening to someone. “I'm positive they were the ones who led you to my brother and his coven.”
“You really think that?” You asked, eyes wide. 
“Of course.” Jiwoo hummed. 
You flinched just for a moment, hearing a childish giggle from behind you. Hobi and his family must have heard because they all looked over you, smiling softly. You turned around, frowning when you couldn’t find anything. It was clear that the Jung family could see things that you were not. 
“Now something I find extremely fascinating is the number 5.” You quickly furrowed your eyebrows, wondering what that would mean. 
“It keeps turning up–four and then two. They are different animals–different creatures.” This only served to make you more confused. If it was about the boys there was seven of them, not five. It made you worry, thinking something was going to happen. 
“I can't really tell what they are going to be but I know they have to do with the boys.” Jiwoo turned around, quickly pulling her brother to the table. “Hobi, come here.” She told him, making him place his hand over your own. 
“Ah!” Jiwoo gasped out, hands flying away from the two of you as though she had been burned. “I found it! Babies!” She jumped up, her face having elation as she turned to her mother.
“Babies?” You asked, still confused. You looked up at Hobi, watching as he seemed to have a frown on his face and looked beyond confused. 
Hobi was nowhere near as powerful when it came to his clairsense like his sister was. The most he knew was his mental abilities so watching how his sister made him take your hand brought things out of him. He saw the animals that seemed to scurry around. They were small things, indicating something childish and small. It was clear that Jiwoo knew exactly what they all meant by her screeching. 
“Eomma!” Jiwoo shouted. “Five grandbabies!”
“Five?” You whispered, wide eyed.
“Grandbabies?” Hoseok repeated. 
Hobi’s mother and sister took a moment to gush and talk about it–claiming that Hobi was going to be one of the babies' fathers. However you just kind of sat there with a wide eyed expression trying to go through the motions. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want children, it had more to do with the question Taehyung had asked you when you had visited his family. If you were to have their kids did that mean you were going to stay with them? Was that your answer without you even reaching it on your own?
Later that night, Hobi had taken you to his room–showing off everything he could. You smiled softly when he showed you his elemental manipulation. He created ice sculptures for you, made the wind blow through your hair, and had a flicker of fire crackling at his palms. It served to entertain you for a while, keeping your mind off what had happened with his mother. 
But after she came to bid you both a goodnight, you were left awestruck once more at the happy expression the woman had on her face. You couldn’t know how she must have felt–spending ten years without her son only to come back and hear that he had finally found his forever and was going to make a family of his own. 
It must have been something that one would think hard on–especially because the one who was meant to be the mate to seven men was human and not from their world. 
“Five children.” You brought up, laying on Hobi’s chest. “Oh god.” You chuckled quietly. 
“Wow, wow, wow.” Hoseok sat up, bringing you along with him so he could look at you properly. “You're okay. You're fine.” He tried to tell you. “Let's not think about it at the moment, yeah?” He said softly. 
“How can I not?” You sighed. “Jiwoo told yoru mom it was going to be her grandchildren.” You smiled lightly, memorizing Hobi’s face. “Does that mean I'm going to have a family with you?” You whispered to him.
“Not everything is set in stone.” Hobi’s shoulders dropped thinking it wasn’t something you wanted. “You can always change your future.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, pulling a hand up to his cheek. “What if I don't want to?” You whispered.
His eyes went wide, looking at you incredulously. “You want—to start a family with me? With us?” He gasped, lip trembling as he thought about it. 
“I don't think we're there yet but, staying with you all has been on my mind.” You laughed lightly.
“Who told you?” Hobi pouted, knowing it had been one of the boys who brought it up to you. 
“Taehyung.” You giggled. 
“Such a boy.” He rolled his eyes. 
Taking a glance over your face, he smiled softly, moving to rub a thumb across your cheek. “Hey, I love you with everything in me. You have done so much for all of us that it's hard not to love you.” 
“But we want you to know that even if we do love you, it's not our choice to make.” He added softly.
“I love you, Hoseok. I love you all so much I don't think I'd want to be away from you.” You leaned forward, breathing against his lips. 
“We have to save everyone first. And then we can talk about our coven.” Hoseok told you. 
He leaned down capturing your lips in a kiss. 
And so you smiled at him, knowing exactly what you wanted to do now that you had heard it from them all. You weren’t going to leave them. It would hurt too much. So you knew that deep down this was your story alongside them.
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specialagentlokitty · 3 months
Master chief x reader - for you I’ll do anything
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Every since you were a child joining the marines was all you had ever wanted, all you had ever thought about.
Just like your mom. Her dad. His father. His father’s mother.
Your family had been part of the marines for as long as you guys were able to go back through military history.
Your name was known throughout the entire military, from new members to high ranking officers, they all knew your last name.
You quickly rose through the ranks, and you loved every single moment off it, and your ability to combat made you an easy choice when it came to putting people to work with the Spartans.
You were used to working with them, and had grown used to their patterns, growing to accept them as friends even if they kept you at arms reach.
Standing with your hands clasped behind your back, you listened as the admiral talked.
“This is a simple in and out mission, do not make contact unless you have to.” She spoke.
You nodded your head.
“Yes ma’am.”
You walked over to the table in the middle of the room, pulling up a hologram, pointing to one of the paths as you looked to the silver team and their chief.
“We mapped this cave system a few weeks back, but we never found what the covenant were looking for. There’s a small group of them there now, we assume just as guards until their people can come and retrieve it.”
“How do you know where it is then?” Vannak asked.
You flicked through some files and pulled up a short video, playing it for them.
“I was able to place a tracker in one of them, and they’ve been taking the same path every single day.”
You pulled up the map again, highlighting the route that the covenant soldier always took.
“My best guess is that somewhere along where we’ll find what we’re looking for, most likely in this cavern here.”
“What do you need us for Marine?” John asked.
You turned your attention to him.
“I need you guys as a safety net essentially. I can get in and out by myself, there is a short window when they swap their shifts, if something goes wrong I’ll actually the alarm on my vest.”
“So we’re babysitters?” Riz huffed a little.
You knew she wasn’t mad at you, they just didn’t like having to escort people places, or do anything that wasn’t what they were usually trained for.
“If I can get this object, I can bring it back for Miranda to take a look at. We aren’t sure what it is, all we know is that we need to take it out of their hands.”
They nodded their heads.
“We need to leave in an hour, be ready at at the ship.”
You turned away from the group and back to the admiral.
“Are you sure this is worth it?” She asked.
“I’m not entirely sure if I’m honest ma’am, but I am sure whatever this is seems really important to them.”
She nodded her head.
“Bring it straight to me as soon as you get it.”l
“Yes ma’am.”
You left, going down to your office, you pulled your armour on, putting your helmet on and grabbed your gun.
People moved aside as you walked down the hallway, and you heard the heavy metal sounds of the Spartans all falling in line with you.
“Do we have any indication on what this object is?” John asked.
“My guess is I think it may be something they use to create their weapons. Years back a storm swept over the place, buried everything in water, which destroyed the ground’s integrity, and it collapsed. The cave used to be a valley.”
“So a few of their soldiers were in there and got caught, unable to get out, maybe they were carrying something?” Kai asked you.
“Covenant ships have been know to crash there for years, we’re not sure why. But every time one does they go and scrap the ship, whatever is on those ships they want back, I reckon that’s what this is. Maybe a black box of sorts.”
You walked over to the ship, waiting for them to go in first before you went to your own ship.
It was smaller, only enough room for two people and you got everything ready.
“Master Chief, are you patched in to my location?”
“Yes. Ready to follow.”
“Then let’s go.”
It was a long travel to get there, and you had to land a good distance away from them.
Making your way out of your ship, you walked over to the four.
“It’s a straight line from here to there, there’s some large rocks not far from here.”
“We can wait there.”
You nodded your head, leading them to the rocks and they all got in position while you looked at your watch.
It was old, passed down through generations of your family, and you crouched down, waiting for the right time.
You glanced up at John as he crouched down next to you, taking his helmet off so the others weren’t able to hear what he was saying.
“Are you sure this is worth it?”
“We need to get our hands on whatever it is their after John..” you whispered back.
“If something goes wrong we’ll be too far away to help.”
You sighed.
“Then you get the object back to the admiral.”
“Leave you here?”
You looked up at him.
“They did with my father, it would make no difference if you left me. My father spent months trying to get this, his job is my job now, John please. He died trying to get this.”
John sighed, putting his helmet back on.
“Cortana, is there another place to hide closer to the cave?”
You didn’t hear a response, but John stood up, and you did the same thing.
“There’s a small ditch, just big enough for one of us to fit in. I will hide closer to the cave just in case.”
“Remember the mission, get the object and go.”
He gave a nod of his head, and you both made your way over.
You left him in the ditch, and carried on jogging, making your way towards the cave and you checked the time once more before ducking into the cave.
You didn’t have long at all, so you needed to be in and out.
“Take a right.”
You did as John instructed and came into the cavern, kneeling to the side as you looked around.
“It’s not big, I should be able to carry it out…”
“Bring it out, we’re on standby awaiting orders.”
You crept forward, and you noticed there was two things laying on the floor.
“Guys I’ve got two of these objects, I’m going to bring them both out.”
“Hurry, we’ve noticed movement nearby. Take the first left and run straight.”
“Thanks chief…”
Grabbing the two, you quietly crept back, taking another tunnel to leave while the covenant were coming in.
You knelt at the exit, looking to make sure the coast was clear.
“On my way, get ready.”
You broke out into a dead sprint, praying you wouldn’t get caught along the way, and you jumped down into the ridge, kneeling in front of John.
He knelt over you, using the green on his armour to hide you both.
“They’ve found out it’s missing, they’re sending a group this way, do not move.”
You nodded your head, listening as the alien jets flew overhead, and he placed a large hand on your back.
“Let’s go…” John muttered.
You both broke out into a run again, he was slightly ahead of you as you regrouped with the others.
“Let’s go, I’ll run a scan on these in my ship when we’re safe.”
They joined you, all four of you making your way back to the ships.
“You three go back, we’ll meet you there.” John said.
“Chief?” Riz asked.
“Go, we’ll be right behind. No doubt if they find out we have them they’ll come after us, so I’ll take a different flight path.”
They nodded, you followed John into your ship, securing the objects into two separate holding areas before sitting in the back.
“Let’s go!” You called.
You had to wait for John to clear the atmosphere before you could get up, but the moment he did you were up and inspecting the objects.
He glanced back at you before turning back to the front of the ship.
“Any idea what they are yet?” He asked.
“No, but they seem to react the closer they get to each other.”
“Good or bad?”
“No idea.”
Walking behind his chair, you grabbed your bag and pulled out your father’s notebook, tossing the bag back down so you could look through it.
Walking back to the table you leant over it, eyes scanning over the pages as you flicked through them.
You were looking to see if he had any indication on what these things were.
“Any sign of us being followed?” You asked.
“None yet, either is silver team.”
You turned around, looking at the scans you had taken, and you looked at your father’s notebook.
You turned back to the devices.
Setting your notebook, you grabbed the two objects, holding them apart as you walked to the emergency escape pod.
“We’ve got company!” John called.
“Hold them off!”
You set them carefully on the ground, and walked over, getting a look at where you guys were and you saw a familiar planet under you.
You had been there before, and it was as good of a place as any.
“John keep going until you get back to reach.”
He turned to you in confusion.
You slowly backed away from him, giving him a small smile and a salute.
You pressed the button on your vest to open your com.
“It’s been a pleasure working with you all, and I couldn’t have asked for a better team to be paired up with. I’m glad to know my father’ss work wasn’t in vein.”
You stepped into the pod, hearing John trying to get out of his chair but he kept getting stuck on everything.
“(Y/N)!” He snapped.
“They’re bombs, the moment they came into close proximity, AKA when I picked them up, they activated. They’re going to go, and the covenant are going to follow them.”
You could hear them all shouting your name, including the admiral back at reach.
“Catch you on the flip side I guess.”
You slammed your hand into the button just before John could reach you, and you took control of the escape pod.
If you could get it to the ground you could find a place to hide while the bombs went off.
Of course the moment they moved the aliens followed you instead, and you could still hear everybody calling out for you.
You tried to ignore it, getting closer and closer to the ground, alarms were sounding all around you, smoke bellowing up from blow the pod.
Turning around in your chair, you grabbed one of the bombs, opening the door to the escape pod and threw it, then threw the other one.
Closing the door again you rushed back towards your chair to try and gain control over it but you couldn’t.
Bringing your hand back up to your com and pressed it.
“Covenant fleet and the bombs have been disposed off, but I’m hit. I’m going down, I’m not sure where and I doubt I’ll make the crash. This is captain (Y/N) (L/N) signing off.”
The door to pod blew off, and you took your com out, not wanting to hear the voices shouting anymore.
The ground grew closer, and you pulled the handles up, bringing the pod up as it hit the sand and your chair was ripped out along with a whole bunch of other things.
Everything went black, and you weren’t sure for how long you were out for.
When you came too, you undid the straps from your chair, taking a deep breath.
Your body was in shock, you couldn’t feel much pain, but when you stood up your legs were weak and you saw blood coating your uniform.
You walked away from the ruin, getting as far away as you could before your knees gave in, you placed your hands on the ground coughing up some blood.
Pushing yourself up, you took your vest off, and your shirt, leaving you in your undershirt.
Taking a few shaky breaths, you placed a hand on your side, and slowly sat down, looking at the water as it softly rippled against the shore.
It was like all the movies you had seen, the photos of the peaceful beaches.
Sure, reach has some beautiful places, but you absolutely admired this view, and if it was the last thing you saw that was okay.
Taking a few breaths, you pushed yourself up, taking a few steps and you stumbled again, more blood falling from your side.
You slowly stood up again, but you couldn’t, so you stopped trying and just laid there, staring up at the sky.
Your blood stained the sand, and it was in your hair, all over your clothes.
You were sleeping between unconscious and conscious, unable to do anything else to keep yourself alive.
The pain was creeping up on you.
The ground seemed to vibrate, and you put it down to your body shutting down, but the large green suit above you told you otherwise.
You saw the numbers.
He crouched down, looking at your vital signs which were Reading critical.
“I’ve got you.”
He carefully picked you up, running you back to your ship, and he laid you down on the floor.
“(Y/N)?” He called.
“I.. I want.. to go in.. the water…”
John quickly put the ship into autopilot and he made his way back over to you, pulling his helmet off, setting it aside as he pressed one of your shirts to your side.
You always kept spare everything on this ship in case of emergencies.
“I need you to stay awake.”
Your eyes slowly met his.
“Can we.. can we go… in the water…?”
“We are going back to reach, they have a team of medics on standby.”
You took a shaky breath, and a few tears fell from your eyes.
“I don’t… want to.. die…”
“You’re not going to die, but you must stay away.”
You sniffled a little bit.
It was strange for John to see you in such a state, he had never seen you so scared, he had never seen you cry.
He’d seen you angry, he’d seen you happy, but it never crossed his mind that you could actually be scared of something.
“Just stay awake…” he whispered.
You coughed up more blood, and he looked at you with furrowed brows.
John slowly reached out, gently placing his forehead on your, just like you had done for him once when he was seriously injured.
“Stay awake…”
He had to leave you in order to land the ship, but the moment he landed it, he rushed back over to you, but you were immediately taken away from him.
Grabbing his helmet he rushed after you, but was forced into a debrief.
After he spent hours waiting for any news of you, but he kept getting taken away to do other things.
“(L/N) will be fine, but it will take some time for a full recovery.” A doctor said.
John nodded his head, standing up.
“What room?”
“Just down the hall to the left.”
John made his way in, and sat on the chair next to your bed.
Every day he often came to see you, needing to make sure that you were okay, even as a mission took him away for a month, he came back and straight to your room.
You were up, slowly walking up and down the lengths of your room.
“You’re okay.”
You turned to the door and smiled a little bit.
“As good as new, can go back duty in a couple of months.”
He nodded his head, and closed the door.
You sat down on your bed, and he stood there with his arms clasped in front of him.
“When will you be released?”
“In a few days, why?”
He didn’t explain, and a few days later he asked for you to meet him by the Spartan ship, not explaining why even as he took flight.
You recognised the flight path, even as you two landed.
You walked out on to the vast sand.
“John? Why did you bring me here?”
He walked over to you, he wasn’t wearing his suit, just normal gym clothes.
But he did have his weapons on board the ship.
“When you were injured you kept saying you wanted to go into the water.”
He gestured to the water.
“Now you can.”
You smiled at him, walking to the water, taking your shoes and socks off, rolling up your trouser legs and you walked into the cold water.
John walked over, doing the same thing as he stood next to you.
“I saw my dad.”
He furrowed his brows, looking at you.
“When I was dying, and I said I didn’t want to go.”
“You remember.”
You slowly nodded your head.
“I wasn’t saying I didn’t want to go to you. I was saying it to my dad, he wanted me to go with him, but I wasn’t ready. I didn’t want to die.”
“Are you scared of dying?”
“Everybody is, but we all die eventually. But I guess I always thought I’d either die naturally or painlessly at least. I’d never been so close to death. But I was also scared you leaving you behind, you having to lose another person.”
John nodded his head.
You placed a hand on your side.
“I left my ship because even as a Spartan there was no way you’d survive that blast, and there was no point taking us both down.”
“You were protecting me?”
You turned to him, giving him a small smile.
“Of course I was John. Look, we’ve had this on and off thing for a while, but I wasn’t going to let you die because of a mission I insisted on. I would do it again if I had to.”
“But I don’t want you to die.” He said quietly.
“You know I’ll more than likely die before you right?”
John turned to look at you.
“Yes, but that still doesn’t change the fact I don’t want you to die.”
You laughed softly, reaching out to take his hand, placing your other hand on his chest and he stared down at you.
“I’m sorry…”
You closed your eyes, resting your forehead on his chest for a moment before pulling away to look at him.
“Thank you for bringing me back here…”
John brought a hand up, placing it on the side of your face, and he leant down, hesitantly kissing you and you moved your hand to the back of his head to kiss him back.
John pulled away first, and he just looked at you, his eyes boring into yours.
“Will you be okay?”
“Yeah John… I’ll be okay I promise…”
He nodded his head, and you moved to stand in front of him, your hand holding his to your side you had injured, back resting against him as you just looked at the water.
He wasn’t going to pretend he understood your fascination with it, because he didn’t, but you wanted to come here so that’s why he brought you here.
He was still learning about emotions, and what exactly was going on with you two, but he did feel lost when you were stuck in that room, he was so used to you by his side that when you weren’t there he didn’t know what to do with himself.
So, now he was here with you, he was going to memorise this moment because he realised how easily you could go and leave him behind and he wanted something to remember you by
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thepixelelf · 9 months
Even If
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genres: zombie apocalypse au, angst, loss pairing: reader x scoups words: 1.2k warnings: descriptions of injury, death, wound infection, and permanent scarring. notes: as with most of my fics, this story does not have a full plot! it is a snippet of a world!!
On a typical scouting, Jeonghan and Chan find more trouble than they initially thought.
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Sometime during the aftermonths, Jeonghan developed a keen eye for the living.
He doesn’t like to think about when he gained this inexplicable ability. The infection would have reached his brain in mere minutes if not for the quick thinking of his friends. Now, a good chunk of his left cheek is gone, the remaining scar tissue stretched taut over his cheekbone. And with that, his left eye is glazed over with a milky white. Too exact of a match to the moon-eyed to classify it as anything else.
Before his incident, the group had wondered how the moon-eyed could find them so often, even in the dark. Jeonghan, though, now half moon-eyed, understands.
The living have this certain… glow. He can’t explain it when the younger ones ask, because he doesn’t quite get it himself. It’s not that he really sees a glow. He just knows it’s there, in all of them.
And distinctly missing in the moon-eyed.
It’s his one solace, he thinks sometimes as he stares at the ceiling above his cot when he can’t fall asleep. (He never can these days.) Though he was bitten, and though he is partly… them… When he lifts his hand above his head, the glow is warm around his fingers. At least those, his hands, are human. Alive.
His eye is part of the reason he is always a part of the scouting group when they split up. He can tell if any wanderers are human and need help, or a high-functioning moon-eyed. The other reason is that he’s the oldest, and the idea of any of the boys going out without him to protect them brings a disgusting bile to the back of Jeonghan’s throat.
“Jeonghan,” Chan calls out, tearing Jeonghan’s eyes from the skyline ahead. Normally, Chan stays at the base, the closest thing the group has to a healer along with Mingyu, but he came out today claiming that if he didn’t, he’d go completely stir crazy. His concerned, almost scared tone makes Jeonghan regret letting him outside already.
Following his gaze, Jeonghan looks out to the right of their intended path.
“Is that guy…?”
Two bodies are tangled together on the grass, and usually, Jeonghan would chalk that up to some moon-eyed accidentally getting stuck to each other and unable to walk. The person underneath, however, has the glow.
Jeonghan looks at Chan. Neither of them have to speak. They just run.
There became a certain hopelessness in the aftermonths. Jeonghan himself almost succumbed to it, but the boys managed to pull him out.
Everyone, no matter how hopeless it may seem, deserves a chance at life. Especially in a world like this.
Jeonghan tears the moon-eyed off the human, and while Chan jumps in to apply aid to them, he throws it to the ground as far away as he can. He flips it over, hands moving quickly and practiced to force its arms behind its back in the hopes that he can press them close together, then shove all his weight on them to dislocate the shoulders. A moon-eyed with no functioning arms is a little easier to fend off.
But— Jeonghan’s hands pause. Its arms are already behind its back, bound with layers and layers of torn, dirty fabric. The same fabric is wrapped behind its head, gagging it. Jeonghan realizes that the screaming is not coming from the moon-eyed, which only grunts and struggles under him, and he instinctively puts his hand on the back of its head and shoves its face into the grass.
The screaming gets louder, gruff and guttural, and that’s when Jeonghan looks behind him at the human, whom Chan is desperately holding down by straddling his torso and gripping both of his wrists in each hand. The screaming isn’t garbled, moon-eyed nonsense, it’s—
“Get your fucking hands off them,” the man yells, eyes burning as he glares fire straight into Jeonghan. He attempts to throw Chan off, but the boy has grown stronger in the aftermonths. “You hurt them and I swear to god I will kill you. I will tear you apart!”
His glow is unmistakable, but also…
He doesn’t have a scratch on him.
After all — Jeonghan turns again to look at the moon-eyed under him — what damage can a bound and gagged moon-eyed do?
He lets go of his hand, and he lifts his weight off the moon-eyed right when the enraged human finally heaves Chan off him. The man scrambles up and over to the moon-eyed, shoving Jeonghan out of the way in the process, and drops to his knees at its side.
“Are you okay, baby?” he almost whispers as he sits the moon-eyed up, but Jeonghan hears him loud and clear. His hands gently cradle its face, as if it were delicate. “Are you hurt?”
Your blank, milky white eyes do nothing but stare forward. No response comes, nor does anything even close to recognition show on your face. To Jeonghan, you are as good as dead.
“Jeonghan,” Chan says softly, putting a hesitant hand on Jeonghan’s forearm. His eyes stay on the man and the moon-eyed, which he keeps coddling despite your lack of reaction. “What do we do…?”
Chan is one of those positive types. He wants to save everyone, and he’s a large part of the reason Jeonghan does now, too.
Jeonghan looks down at Chan’s hand on his arm. With his fucked up cheek and one glazed-over eye, he could be just like any other empty-headed, soulless moon-eyed to anyone who sees him. But Chan, he is okay with touching Jeonghan. He even asks to hold his hand sometimes when he can’t sleep. If Chan can care about his half zombified leader…
The man in front of them, shedding tears for the moon-eyed in his arms, is broken.
There’s something wrong with this, all of this, but Jeonghan clears his throat. “What’s your name?”
Hesitantly, the man turns to look up at him and Chan. “Seungcheol,” he says, voice hoarse. No doubt from the shortage of water in the area combined with his shouting.
Jeonghan crosses his arms. “I’m Jeonghan.” He tilts his head to his left. “This is Chan. Do you have a place to stay?”
Seungcheol’s arms wrap protectively tighter around you, and he furrows his brows at the two. “I’m not leaving them.”
“Never said you had to,” Jeonghan says, which prompts Chan’s jaw to drop before he clicks it back shut. Everyone deserves a chance. Everyone deserves a chance. It’s easier to repeat those words in his head than actually see to it. Jeonghan pushes the words out. “I’m sure we could…” He looks at the moon-eyed once more, and its eyes feel too much like a mirror. He swallows his fears. “...figure something out.”
Though a long moment passes in silence, Seungcheol eventually nods. “Did you hear that, baby?” he says to the moon-eyed, as if it can hear him. “We’re finally gonna have a home again.”
Jeonghan looks away, and he just starts walking in the direction of the base. He only glances back once, and he notices for the first time that rope is knotted in a sloppy, makeshift harness around the moon-eyed’s body. Seungcheol pulls it along by a leash.
What the hell did he just agree to?
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nunalastor · 5 days
Buckshot Anon here, back to provide more details about Alastor's demise. Last I covered the logistics of the gun and what that would do to the body, the next thing to cover is the dogs.
The dogs are actually the most mysterious aspect of Alastor's death because of the specification Alastor was shot because he was mistaken for a deer. There are two variations of hunting dogs: the hound meant to chase running prey, and the gun dog who brings downed prey (usually birds) back to their owner after it has been shot.
That's where it gets tricky, because for Alastor to have the mark he does on his head, he would need to be shot at close range from the front, which greatly reduces the chance he was running before his death. If he was, it would have become pretty clear pretty fast that this was not a deer, this was a human person, which would open the door to a whole different discussion.
I won't remove the possibility Alastor got mauled and was shot as a mercy kill, but I will be running under the information we know for certain: Alastor was mistaken for a deer, and he was shot in the forehead which for that bullet means I'd say 10-20 feet range. The mark was in a fatal spot, giving the impression that Alastor did not really move and by the time he realized the issue, it was too late. The mark he's been shown to have is too clean for this to be the likely case.
What I personally think happened is the dogs involved in Alastor's death were gun dogs, not hounds. After Alastor was shot, the dog(s) was sent ahead to find and locate the prey for the hunter to retrieve. Alastor has a dislike for dogs in relation to his death, meaning they had to put their jaws on him. This may be just Hazbin Hotel art style, but Alastor is generally on the thinner side and let me tell you gun dogs, even the small ones, are strong. If the dog put its jaws on Alastor, what I think happened is it realized it did have the strength to drag him without obstacles, and dragged his body over to the hunter to show off the kill.
You may think that would be better than the alternative, and in some ways it is, but imagine Alastor in this moment. He's been shot and what remains of his brain is trying to figure out wtf just happened. He's been blinded. Small fires are going off in his skull. And then one or multiple dogs clamp down on most likely his arms or legs to drag him along the path (also the back of his skull would be missing, so if he's conscious, he is on some level feeling all the things that went into the back of his head as he's being dragged, and the blood/brain matter that would come out) and they aren't drawing enough blood to finish him off faster.
If Alastor is still conscious which he very well could be, he is going to suffer and because of being shot in the brain and destroying his ability to communicate, he wouldn't even be able to scream.
In summary: Alastor's best case scenario is to knock himself out immediately thanks to human design flaw of clenching neck muscles, or knocking himself out on a rock. This does not seem to be the case.
Moderate scenario is he's conscious in the territory of 15 seconds to a minute, with traces of shock. He doesn't experience the dogs for very long and shock + brain on fire would numb some sensation, but long enough to develop a distaste for them.
Worst case scenario is he was conscious up to two minutes with minimal traces of shock, meaning he gets to experience the full process of being bitten and dragged along by the dogs before losing consciousness.
(Note: Losing consciousness does not mean dying. He wouldn't live longer than a couple minutes after losing consciousness, but it wouldn't be a closing his eyes and instantly dying thing.)
Have fun!
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bungalowbear · 7 months
nanami kento x reader, pokemon au, wc: 730
nanami is a ranger with yuji as his trainee and reader is a psychic gym leader. had so much fun thinking up this little universe. many thanks to @strawberrystepmom for bringing out our inner trainersonas!
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You’re sitting in the library, sipping on a hot cup of tea in front of the fireplace when you hear it. The loud, powerful knocks on the front doors echo throughout the gym. Zorua lifts her head from her front paws, ears perking up toward the sound.
“A visitor?” You glance at the clock resting on the mantle. It’s nearly midnight. “At this hour?”
Placing your cup and saucer on the side table, you rise from your seat and exit the library with Zorua following behind you into the hall. The path from the library to the front of the gym requires several turns down long hallways illuminated by the warm glow of sconces along the walls.
Once an abandoned family estate, your gym is the culmination of years of careful curation. Every detail from the carpet, to the light fixtures, to the crown molding was transformed during your renovation. There’s the library filled with shelves upon shelves of books, rooms for meditation and mental training, and the battle court in the backyard that was once a tennis court. The property also boasts a lush garden for Solrock and Lunatone to sit undisturbed, as well as a large freshwater lake where your Psyduck spends most of his time. It took several years to bring to life your perfect gym, fulfilling your dream of creating a paradise for psychic trainers and their Pokémon.
When you arrive at the foyer you stay standing at the other end of the room opposite from the front doors. The knocking is louder now that you’re closer, and Zorua yips before jumping into your arms. You smooth a hand over her dark fur before using your telekinesis to open the gym doors.
A young boy with pink hair stumbles forward, nearly dropping the person he’s carrying on his back. Judging by his quick recovery, this boy must be stronger than he looks as he straightens up and adjusts the hold he has on the man’s thighs around his waist.
“Hello?” the boy calls out. His voice rings out clearly in the empty foyer. “Is anyone here? We need help.”
He doesn’t see you right away. Not until both your feet lift off the floor and you slowly approach him. You study his face for a reaction to your presence, and you’re impressed by his lack of fear. Most people that end up at your gym have rarely encountered someone with psychic abilities and immediately start trembling. But this boy stares up at you with a wide eyed and awed expression.
“Y-you’re flying!”
His eyes jump from your face to your feet, bending lower to examine the empty space between the bottom of your shoes and the floor.
“I’m actually levitating,” you say, smirking.
“Wow,” he marvels, drawing out the sound as he straighten up again. “So cool.”
His enthusiasm makes you smile, but now that you’re up close you can see the state the man on his back is in. Your face falls at the sight of the head resting on the boy’s shoulder. Blonde hair sticks to the sides of the man’s face, obscuring most of what isn’t already squished against the boy’s body, but you make out a dark bruise blooming near his temple along with the blood that flows from the gash on his cheek.
“What happened?” you ask.
“We were going after poachers when we got caught in a rock slide,” the pink haired boy answers. “He pushed me out of the way and ended up taking some hard hits from the debris. Please, can you help him? Your gym was the closest place I could find.”
Zorua sticks her nose out to take a timid sniff at the unconscious man then turns her head back to look at you. You see worry in her usually playful blue eyes and run your hand across her back to soothe her.
“Poachers?” Your brow furrows. “So, you’re Rangers?”
“We sure are,” he says, chest puffing with pride. But then he turns a bit sheepish. “Well, he is. Technically I’m still in training.”
You hum, taking another look at the man. The longer you stare the more his presence piques your interest, a familiar aura that suggests you’ve met before.
“What’s your name?”
“Itadori,” the boy says. “Itadori Yuji.”
You tell him your name, turning to look at him over your shoulder.
“Follow me, Itadori.”
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sasster · 2 months
Don’t know how we got here, but! Here we are. If you see typos, no you didn’t. [Doc]
Dreams, for those who have them, are an unappreciated gift. Because the prophet does not possess the ability to conjure his own, ironic as that might be all things considered, he must stick to rooting in the minds of others so that he may steal theirs. This way he can, for a moment, drift off into a sweet fantasy and leave the headache of the waking world behind him. Heaven knows he has had no shortage of headaches recently; Mettling Roatuses, handsy fathers, and whiny bratty godlings included.
The process is a simple one, Cylion need only enter a sort of meditation, push away his own thoughts, and allow the constant vibrations of the unconscious minds that surround him to cross the threshold of his own consciousness. The ones he has made a visit to in the past buzz at a higher frequency in an attempt to lull him into the security of a familiar mind, when he chooses to reach beyond them, he finds the tentative hum of dreamers that have not had the pleasure of hosting him. In times of boredom, he would follow that thread as far as it went and test the outer limits of his dream hopping and mending.
Neither business nor boredom brought him here, though, so he lays in his bed and chews on the decision of where to go while his mind begins to flood with the hopes, aspirations, dread, and regret of the people around him. Mostly followers, he thinks, and the last thing he wants to waste his freetime on is Nymira’s following fawning over her.
He has had quite enough of fawning over Nymira these days. Ugh, the thought is nearly enough to throw his focus off altogether. Thankfully, he doesn’t get to dwell on that idea for too long before something interesting draws his attention. A mind that he visited in the past but has not seen in some time reveals itself to him.
In practicing to be the perfect prophet for the mutant dreamer, Cylion had become very good at picking out whose thoughts he would find himself swimming in. Magical to an observer, but to him it is as much a science as picking up color coded folders and knowing which one is math and which one is history. Only a moron could mistake the psyche of someone like Somnia for, say, Nymira.
Motivations change the flavor, experience influences the color.
The mind that reaches out to him vibrates at a frequency not dissimilar to his own fathers. A vile mind, steeped in the sort of cruelty that is somehow mindless let calculated at the same time. Such a mind that a more timid man might want to keep it miles away, but Cylion’s curiosity is only piqued; Minds do not just drop off of the grid once he has mingled with them, barring death, and they certainly do not crop back up out of nowhere either.
Something tells him he knows exactly who it belongs to even before he starts to dig into it.
“I wonder what the devil dreams of.” He muses to himself, which is the same as speaking out loud when in this state.
The rest of the vibrating bubbles of consciousness melt away in sync with the bed as he negotiates communication with the mind of his new subject, he has no intention of fabricating so he allows the scene to wash over him. The ceiling is replaced by the thick canopy of a forest, it brings along with it the smell of wet earth. Towering trees crowd his vision, save for a path that leads down to a clearing meant for a large building. Nearby running water completes the scene and it is all draped in a thick curtain of melancholy.
One man’s longing is another man’s relaxation, it seems.
Cylion finds his legs and sets off down the path towards the clearing, the satisfying crunch of leaves under his feet is more clear to him than anything he’d stumbled in on a whim before.
At the clearing he finds the purple blood, unmoving and staring wordlessly out in front of him. When the dreamer is certain that his visitor is within earshot, he speaks.
“He dreams of home.” Persep answers his question, turning to face him on the approach. “Or what is left of it.”
Not entirely surprised to see the man, but somehow put off by the sight of him without his face paint and stitches, as though he’d expected the man to dream himself in that state, Cylion raises both of his eyebrows. Then his lips quirk into a smile.
“Are you trying to get sympathy from me?” He comes to stand directly beside him. “That’s rich.”
“I am only answering your question. You’re visiting me, after all. What are you running from, Holy One?”
Cylion makes a face that causes Persep to flash him with a quick grin.
“Not so holy then? It’s rare that you imagine yourself without the flower these days. Isn’t it part of the holy look?”
The yellow blood sucks his teeth and rolls his eyes while Persep, ever the lucid dreamer, materializes a replica sunflower in his hand. Cylion digs the tip of his toes into the earth mindlessly.
“This divinity shit is so frustrating.”
“Imagine the real thing. It’s a bitch.”
“Hard pass.”
Persep lets out a bark of a laugh, turning the flower over in his hands. “Cowardice earns you nothing.”
“Courage burns your hive down?”
“Something like that. You didn’t answer my question.”
“What are you running from that you’ve found your solace with the devil?” He asks again, humored.
Cylion heaves out a sigh and drops to sit with his legs crossed, staring at the space where the puppet master’s home used to live and admiring the detail of the fire singed grass.
“I don’t know. Everything?”
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missywritesfor7 · 9 months
Constellations | KTH
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Synopsis: A short Taehyung fluff inspired by Constellations by Jack Johnson.
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: none. Just fluff.
Only 30 minutes have passed but you already feel your legs begging for a break. Wherever Taehyung is taking you he seems very excited about it. Whenever you slow down he looks back at you with his big boxy smile and grabs your arm to help you continue along the path to his “special” location. You only hope it’s not much longer so your legs can rest. Despite the mild exhaustion, you’re fueled by his childlike enthusiasm to continue on.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask for probably the hundredth time.
“We’re almost there, my love.” He wraps his arm around your shoulder still walking with an excited bounce.
With him he brought a large blanket, one you two typically use for picnics, but he didn’t bring anything else. A picnic with no food? You wondered. The sun was close to setting so you assumed he wanted to watch as he does often. This time, however, he’s taking you somewhere you’ve never been. You’re not even sure how he found such a remote place. Climbing a hill that looks over the vast lake below. You can’t deny it’s a beautiful sight.
“Here!” Taehyung points to a large tree up ahead and skips over. He lays the blanket out under the tree and sits down.
You sit next to him curling up under his arm taking in his warmth. The sun is quickly disappearing over the horizon, it’s reflection in the lake fading minute by minute. It’s beautiful, much more so than watching from home. It’s clear why Tae wanted to come here. There’s no one around and the view can’t be beat.
Soon there’s nothing left of the sun and the moon has taken its place in the sky amongst the stars. The stars which seem much brighter here than you’ve ever seen them. The sky looks unreal yet so hypnotizing. It’s gorgeous.
“Babe,” you look up at Taehyung who hasn’t taken his eyes off of the sky since he sat down. “Thanks for bringing me here. It’s beautiful.”
“Someone as beautiful as you deserves to see beautiful things.” He smiles pressing his lips softly against yours.
You both look out to the sky saying nothing more, just taking in the beautiful constellations painted across the dark canvas.
“How did you find this place?” You whisper still in awe at what a great location it is.
“An angel told me about it,” he smiles giving you a wink.
“An angel?” You should have known he wasn’t going to give you a straight answer.
Tae nods and points to a cluster of stars. “Those stars kind of look like an angel.” He smiles fondly as you squint trying to see the angel that he’s pointing out. “That’s the angel that told me about it,” he continues.
You’re still trying to see what he sees, but you nod along anyway. Tae has an incredible ability to see things that most people can’t and he usually has a story to go along with it. He approaches life from a different perspective and it gives him the ability to see beauty in things others aren’t able to even comprehend. Although you can’t see the angel in the sky you can still see the beauty simply through listening to him talk about it.
“How did the angel tell you?” You ask urging him to continue.
“I saw it one day when I was a kid. I couldn’t see it very well though. I knew it was trying to speak to me, but I couldn’t understand what it was saying. I asked how I could see it better so I could understand it, but there was no answer. Everyday since then I looked for a place where I could see the angel and talk to it.” He pauses still staring into the sky. His mouth turned up in an endearing smile.
“Finally,” he carried on. “I heard a voice tell me to look for the tree by the water. Everyday I searched for a place with a tree by water. I didn’t know about this place until I finally found it on a map last week.”
“Last week?” You look up at him though his eyes are still focused on the sky. “So you came here last week?”
“No, this is my first time here. I was so sure that this was the place that I waited to bring you with me. If I was going to finally see the angel that’s been guiding me my whole life, then I wanted to share the moment with you.”
“Babe,” you can feel your emotions clogging your throat as you try to get words out. You can tell he feels connected to this angel so deeply, and the fact that he thought to include you in this, that he’s been searching for most his life, is making you feel warm and so very loved.
“I couldn’t understand much, but I would hear the angel's voice come though every now and then,” Tae says with the reflection of the stars dancing in his eyes. “It’s been guiding me. It’s never steered me wrong this whole time. It’s my guardian. And I’m so happy I finally found it so I can talk to it. I’m happy to share this moment with you.” Taehyung looks at you and you can see the emotions in his face. The tears welling in his eyes as he experiences something he’d been chasing for so long.
“I’m happy to share this moment with you too,” you say kissing him. You’ve kissed him many times but it almost feels like this is the first kiss all over again. The butterflies you had on your first date are nothing compared to the ones overflowing out of you at this moment. His warm lips sending chills through your body are as strong as the first night you two spent together. In this moment it feels like you’ve fallen in love all over again.
“I love you,” he says looking into your eyes. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
He looks back to the sky and stares for a moment as if he’s listening.
“What’s the angel telling you now?” You ask.
Taehyung smiles not taking his eyes off the stars. “I’ll tell you when the time is right.” He says holding you closer.
In that moment you finally see it. You see the angel that he had been searching for all his life. The angel you squinted so hard into the sky to see. However the angel isn’t is the sky, the angel is in his eyes.
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suzakisbbygirl · 1 year
“Messed With the Wrong Girl…” (part three)
Pairing: bf!Tsukasa x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, abuse, violence, kidnapping, happy fluffy ending
Wc: 1.6k
An: here it is, part 3! Final part for this one, I had a lot of fun writing this, so hope you enjoy it !
Much love ~ ember
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I hear him, he's here… but he doesn't know where I am… will he hear me? Maybe if I yell loud enough.
“TSUKASA!” You yell as loud as you can, hoping that it reaches your boyfriend. Hoping that it was enough. Hoping that he was okay, and that he would find you. Oddly enough for the situation you are in, being tied up and punched around yourself, it was impossible not to hear the yelling from outside. You were worried about him. Even in your situation, you were worried about him…
“Y/N!” You hear Tsukasa, along with others. Fujio, Rao, Binzo, Yuken. All of your best friends. They all were there, and they all were looking for you. As weird as it sounds, your heart felt full. You felt happy knowing that they were all there for you. Knowing that they all were willing to do something like this just to make sure you are okay.
“TSUKASA!” You yelled again, as loud as you could. Before you could see who had entered the room, a shock of pain was sent through you, as you were struck again, in the same spot as before. This time though, there was a hand around your throat, slowly getting tighter and cutting off your ability to breathe.
“Shut it! It’s not like they’ll make it here anyways, not with the people I have outside.” Kohei released your neck at the last minute, just as your vision was about to go black from the lack of oxygen.
“You’ve already seen them fight, didn't you learn anything from the first time you took someone from Oya?” Struggling to catch your breath, you did your best to speak. “You lost the first time. What makes you think that this time will be different?”
“This time, I have more people. This time I have stronger people. Some as strong as Rao. This time will be different. This time, we will crush Oya, and you get to watch it happen.” He replies with a smug smile.
The commotion outside overbearing, you wonder where Tsukasa and the others are. Wondering if they are okay. Wondering if they will make it through the swarm of people that Kohei paid to fight them.
They’ll make it. They always do. Be patient. They’re coming.
Endless thoughts running through your mind, and all you want is to run to Tsukasa. To embrace him in the tightest hug, and never let go. Amidst the chaos unraveling around you, thinking about him always calms you down. You sit there, alone and tied up, thinking about the dates that he has taken you on, the deep talks you two have through all hours of the night, even just being with him sitting in silence. Alone, tied up, yet these thoughts bring you joy. They make you feel light. They make you feel free.
Just a few moments later, you can tell that the yelling is getting closer, even over Kohei ordering the people around as if this is a military raid.
“Y/N!” You hear them. They’re close. Close, yet they feel so far.
“TSUKASA!” Yelling again, not caring that Kohei is close by. Even if he hits you again, it's nothing like the beating he's gonna get when Tsukasa finds out he laid even a finger on you.
Suddenly, there is a loud bang, as the doors are kicked open. They boys come running in, and see Kohei and Suzaki, as well as a rather large group in front of them. They stop in their tracks and analyze the situation.
Tsukasa’ s POV
“Don’t worry about them, just get to y/n.” Fujio says behind him.
“Binzo, make a path for Tsukasa.” Rao chimes in.
“Gladly. Let’s go.” Binzo replies with an icy tone, and a fire in his eyes.
Not giving the group the chance to say anything, the fight starts. Binzo and Tsukasa make their way through. Again, not having to do much, he follows Binzo.
He really is like a wild animal. It doesn't seem like he's even lost an ounce of energy.
As the fight continues, Tsukasa continues looking for you, until he sees the rope tied around the railing above. He’s so close. So close to finally having you in his arms again. Yet he feels so far, seeing Kohei and Suzaki standing in his way.
“I'll take Suzaki. I expect Kohei to be beaten to a pulp by the time we're done.” Binzo says. His words sent chills down Tsukasa’s spine. There is no mercy in his tone. He’s out for blood. Even with the sense of urgency he got from Binzo, he felt an overwhelming sensation of ferocity. He knew he would beat Kohei, and he wouldn’t stop until the man was on the ground, unable to continue fighting. That was the only way to get to you.
The two take off towards you, ready to eliminate anyone or anything in their way. At first, only Suzaki engaged in the fight, Binzo taking the lead. While those two were busy, Tsukasa made his way forward. Kohei, feeling intimidated, took a few steps back, before retreating to the staircase, with Tsukasa following close behind him.
As they reach the top of the stairs, Tsukasa sees you. Finally, I made it to her. Wait. Is that?! Is that a cut on her cheek?! As soon as Tsukasa looked at you, with your head down and eyes closed, a sense of rage filled him, stronger than any rage he has ever felt before. Seeing the cut on your cheek, knowing that if he wouldn’t have been late to meet you, this would have never happened. He was filled with rage, with the one who caused it standing right in front of him, he unleashed.
Punch after punch, Kohei didn't have time to grab any sort of protection or weapon. He was completely helpless. Tsukasa, letting out his fury, didn’t even give him time to catch his feet, as he toppled over, landing on his back.
Tsukasa grabs him by the collar, staring straight into his eyes. Fire growing in his own.
“Did you do that to her? Did you hit her?” He yells in his face, unable to control the anger that he felt.
“It’s not my fault she’s so damn stubborn.” Kohei says, his own ego controlling his words. He knew that he shouldn’t have admitted to hitting her, but in his head, he was right to do so. His short fuse got the best of him, and his ego led him to believe that he was always right.
More punches are thrown by Tsukasa, as Kohei laid there, practically unconscious. Tsukasa would have kept going, but your voice pulled him back to reality.
Is that him? He made it! He’s here!
“Tsukasa!” You exclaimed, lifting your head as the exhaustion leaves you, and you are filled with joy seeing your boyfriend. He turns around, and that is when you see him on top of an almost unconscious Kohei. Surprise filled your eyes, followed by concern. Seeing this, Tsukasa gets off the man, and runs over to you.
“Y/n, are you okay?” He asked. The rage that he felt before was now masked with concern.
“I’m alright, I’m just happy that you’re here now.” You said, unable to hold back the tears that are stinging your eyes. Seeing this, Tsukasa immediately unties the rope that was around you and pulls you into the tightest hug. Releasing a sigh, you both felt whole again. Like it was just the two of you in the room. No fighting, no yelling. Pure bliss, as you are finally reconnected with the one you love.
“Was it Kohei who hit you?” Tsukasa asks, gently cupping the side of your face.
“Yeah.” You said, looking down. Gently, he grabs your chin, and kisses the bruise on your cheek. His lips are always so soft, especially when you are hurt. He is always so gentle with you. You're the most precious thing in his life, and he never fails to show you that.
“Don’t worry, I’ve taken care of him.” He says, locking your eyes with his, “And I’m never letting anyone take you away from me again.” He says, eyes still locked on yours. He plants a sweet kiss to your lips, and picks you up bridal style. Immediately, as if it is second nature to you, you lay your head on his shoulder, and take in his warmth.
“Let’s go home, love.” He says. Even with the chaos that is all around the two of you, he still makes you feel like the only one in the world. His eyes are filled with the purest love and admiration, as he kisses your nose before walking down the stairs.
As soon as the rest of the room sees the two of you, the fighting stops. Cheers erupt, with a hint of groaning in the background, coming from the people laying on the ground. Even Suzaki shows a hint of a smile, happy that you weren’t hurt too bad. Suzaki takes off running up the stairs to check on Kohei, and Tsukasa makes his way out of the building, still with you in his arms, and he's not about to let go anytime soon.
More cheers fill your ears, as you exit the building, as Oya high is ecstatic to see their golden girl back safe in Tsukasa’s arms. Shortly after, they make way for the two of you to lead them home. Following behind, they continue to cheer and talk about the fight, also letting out a groan of pain here and there, yet all you could focus on was Tsukasa. Unfazed by the large group behind you, you couldn't stop yourself from staring at him. He truly is your protector. The one who will always be there no matter the situation. The one to always bring you home. In that moment, you realized, among those things, he is also your forever.
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anonymousewrites · 8 months
Portal to My Heart (Book 1.5) Chapter Four
Loki x Reader
Chapter Four: During the Escape
Summary: (Y/N) and Loki team up with Thor to take care of Malekith and escape together from Asgard.
            (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief as her portal worked long enough before closing. She wasn’t sure what she was doing, but she knew that she felt better having given a mourning lantern to Loki so that he could say goodbye to his mother just as the rest of Asgard did.
            “(Y/N) (L/N)?” Fandral walked into the room. Several guards stood behind him.
            (Y/N) turned to him. “Yeah?”
            “You need to come with me,” said Fandral.
            “What?” said (Y/N).
            “The King has instructed me to bring you to a secure location,” said Fandral.
            (Y/N) had worked at SHIELD long enough to know what that really meant. “I’m not some prisoner. You can’t lock me up here.”
            “I have orders,” said Fandral. “Please don’t make this difficult.” He stepped up to (Y/N) as she glared. “Please.” His voice went low so only (Y/N) could hear. “Thor is waiting for us. But we must go as if we are following orders.”
            (Y/N) blinked before playing along. “Fine. But I’m not happy.”
            Fandral nodded. “Guards, go along to your posts. I will escort Lady (Y/N) to her new chambers.”
            Fandral and (Y/N) entered a small tavern to find Sif and Volstagg sitting with Thor. Heimdall stood behind him.
            “So, what are we planning?” said (Y/N).
            “Are you sure you wish to join us? You’re not a trained warrior,” said Sif.
            “I’m not letting the Dark Elves continue to hurt people,” said (Y/N). “I won’t just stand here useless.
            “Good. We need all the help we can get,” said Thor.
            (Y/N) nodded and sat down. “Alright, so what’s happening?”
            Thor cleared his throat. “What I’m about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile, and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here. He can sense its power. If we do nothing, he will come for it again but this time lay waste to all of Asgard. We must move Jane off-world. The Bifrost has been shut down, and the Tesseract locked away in the vault. (Y/N)’s powers are not strong enough to travel worlds.”
            (Y/N) shrugged as if saying “yeah, sorry, can’t help it.”
            “There are other paths off Asgard,” said Heimdall. “Ways known only to a few.”
            “One, actually,” said Thor.
            Sif’s eyes flicked to Thor, Fandral shifted uneasily, (Y/N) rolled her eyes, and Volstagg said, “No.”
            “Loki?” Sif stared at Thor. “He’s tried to kill you multiple times. Why would he work with you?”
            Fandral raised an eyebrow. “If you think one of us can convince him, you’re more out of your mind than I thought.”
            “Lady (Y/N) could speak to him,” said Heimdall.
            Everyone’s eyes went to (Y/N), and she blinked. “Me? Why?” Heimdall’s golden eyes bore into her, and she realized Heimdall had the ability to watch her and Loki visit. He knew they spoke frequently. “…Fine.”
            “Send the Midgardian to speak to Loki? How will that work?” said Volstagg.
            “I guess I’ll just have to figure it out.” (Y/N) huffed. “You know, seeing how the fate of Asgard rests on me getting Loki to help us.”
            Thor nodded. “And once we have Loki, here’s what we’ll do…”
           (Y/N) walked into the empty dungeon. Her dress hung just above her ankles, cut roughly so it didn't trail along the ground. She didn't want to trip during a run or fight.
            “(Y/N).” Loki laced his hands behind his back as (Y/N) approached him.
            “Loki.” (Y/N) gazed back at him evenly.
            “What a pleasure to see you,” said Loki. “And so soon after a crisis.”
            (Y/N) sighed. “Loki, you didn’t put the mourning lantern in your illusion.”
            Loki paused before stepping back. The green illusion faded, and the entire room changed. The furniture was in smashed pieces. The food and rink lay trampled on the ground. Loki was slumped against the wall in just his tunic and pants, barefoot and wild-haired. His gaze was faraway and pained. The mourning lantern lay beside him. It glowed faintly.
            “Now you see me,” murmured Loki.
            (Y/N)’s gaze softened, and she walked around his cell to the barrier closest to him. “Oh, Loki.”
            “Did she suffer?” asked Loki softly.
            “No. It was quick,” said (Y/N). “She protected my and Jane’s lives.” She looked at Loki “She died with honor.” Her gaze darkened. “But that doesn’t make it better. And it doesn’t mean Malekith should get away with it.”
            Loki’s eyes met (Y/N)’s. “No. He shouldn’t.” His voice shared the same darkness.
            “Do you want a chance to right that wrong?” said (Y/N).
            “Go on,” said Loki.
            “I have a way for us to get revenge,” said (Y/N). “You just need to help me and a few other people get off Asgard.”
            Loki considered for just a moment. He collected himself and chuckled. With a smirk, he looked at (Y/N). “You must be truly desperate to come to me for help.”
            “Well, you’re going to have to deal with me, Thor, and some others, so you’re just as desperate,” said (Y/N).
            “What makes you think you can trust me?” said Loki, not acknowledging that (Y/N) was right. He was willing to work with anyone, even his brother, in order to kill the man murdered his mother.
            “I don’t,” said (Y/N). “But I know that you loved your mother. I think she was one of the only people you ever cared about. So I know that you’ll stick by us until we beat Malekith.” She narrowed her eyes. “However, try anything, and I finish what Hulk started.”
            “Hm.” Loki smirked in amusement. “When do we start?”
            “Now.” Thor announced his presence by swinging his hammer into the device keeping the barrier of Loki’s cell up. The alarm blared, and Loki stood, summoning his clothing and armor once more.
            They quickly made their way out of the dungeons, darting through the columns of the palace as guards ran past.
            “I expect this rebellion from (Y/N)—” (Y/N) gave him the middle finger “—but you, Brother? Unexpected,” said Loki, grinning. “So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just punch your way out?”
            “If you keep speaking, I might,” said Thor.
            Loki held up his hands. “Fine. As you wish. I’m not even here.” Green light swirled over him, and he became an Asgardian guard. “Is this better?”
            “If you were quiet and played the role,” remarked (Y/N).
            “Still, we could be less conspicuous,” said Loki. He transformed back, and an illusion formed around Thor, changing him into Sif. “Much better, I think.”
            “It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form,” said Thor.
            “And not hiding your or me makes this just as suspicious as the three of us walking out normally,” added (Y/N).
            “Why would we hide you?” Loki smirked at her, and she rolled her eyes. “Very well. Perhaps you prefer your new companions, Thor, given that you seem to like them so much.” His magic turned Thor back to himself, switched (Y/N) to Black Widow, and changed himself to Captain America.
            (Y/N) pulled at the tight black suit and grimaced. “No thanks.”
            “Oh, this is much better!” said Loki in Captain America’s voice. “Ooh. This costume is a bit much. So tight. But the confidence…I can feel the righteousness surging. Hey, do you want to have a rousing discussion about truth? Honor? Patriotism? God bless Ameri—!”
            Thor pushed Loki against a column and slapped a hand over his mouth. The magic flew away, leaving (Y/N) and Loki as they were.
            Loki pushed Thor’s hand away. “What?”
            “Guards, idiot,” said (Y/N), gesturing to the two men walking by at the end of the hall.
            Loki looked at Thor. “You could at least furnish me with a weapon. My daggers, something.” Thor nodded and reached back for something on his belt. Loki grinned. “At last. A little common sense.” The cuffs clicked shut before Loki knew what was happening. (Y/N) smirked at his bewildered expression as he looked at them.
            “And I thought you liked tricks,” said Thor impishly.
            “Sif and Jane are here,” said (Y/N), nodding as from another entrance to the hall both women strode forward.
            Jane’s eyes widened. “You’re…!” She pointed at Loki.
            “I’m Loki, you may have heard of me,” said Loki.
            Jane slapped him across the face before he could do anything. “That was for New York!”
            (Y/N) burst out laughing. “I wish that was me!”
            Loki grinned. “I like her.”
            “There they are! Take them!” Guards ran towards them, finally having been alerted. “On my command!”
            “I’ll hold them off,” said Sif. “You go with them.”
            “Thank you,” said Thor. He turned and guided Jane towards the entrance.
            Sif placed her sword against Loki’s throat in warning. “Betray him, and I kill you.”
            Loki chuckled. “It’s good to see you too, Sif.”
            “Come on,” said (Y/N), taking Loki’s arm and pulled him with her as they made their way after Thor.
            They arrived at Volstagg and the knife-shaped ship of the Dark Elves that had crashed in the throne hall.
            “I will give you as much time as I can,” said Volstagg.
            “Thank you, my friend,” said Thor, shaking his hand. He walked past, and Jane nodded.
            Volstagg pushed Loki back by the chest for a moment. “If you even think about betraying him—”
            “—You’ll kill me?” Loki smirked. “Evidently, there will be a line.”
            “Well, you have a terrible habit of pissing everyone off,” said (Y/N), pulling him forward again. Loki glanced down at her hand around his elbow.
            Within the ship, Thor began pressing on different buttons of the strange console. Nothing happened, and he pressed harder in frustration.
            “Whatever you’re doing, Brother, I suggest you do it faster,” said Loki as the sounds of fighting outside began.
            “Shut up, Loki,” muttered Thor.
            “You must have missed something,” said Loki.
            “No, I didn’t,” said Thor. “I’m pressing every button on this thing.”
            “No, don’t hit it, just press it gently,” said Loki.
            “I am pressing it gently!” Thor fairly slammed his hand on the console. “It’s not working!”
            “Move.” (Y/N) pushed the hulking man of muscles out of the way and glanced over the console.
            Every hacker and SHIELD tech specialist instinct burned through her as she followed the patterns of controls across the console. She had it. (Y/N) calmly pressed a button and pushed a lever forward. The room lit up with blue light as a holographic screen came up. Jane, Thor, and Loki stared at her, and she shrugged.
            “I have spent a lot of time hacking into technology that I shouldn’t,” said (Y/N). “And it seems everyone gets similar ideas about design.” She gestured to two handrests. “Those are steering.”
            “Great!” Thor stepped forward and urged the ship forward.
            It lurched, and (Y/N) stumbled. Loki caught her, keeping her on her feet. The ship swerved around, destroying a dozen pillars of the throne room.
            “I think you missed a column,” said Loki.
            “Shut up!” said Thor.
            (Y/N) glanced down at Loki’s bound hands, still resting on her waist. Her attention was quickly taken as the ship crashed out of the palace. They swerved wildly through the city, and poor Jane held tightly onto a side console to keep from falling while Loki kept (Y/N) up.
            “Look, why don’t you let me take over?” said Loki. “I’m clearly the better pilot.”
            “Or me! I know how to use this stuff!” said (Y/N).
            “Is that right? Well, out of the three of us, which one can actually fly?” said Thor.
            The ship swerved as guard towers fired, and they dove into a canyon above a river. Beside the group, Jane’s eyes rolled into her head, and she collapsed.
            “Oh, dear. Is she dead?” said Loki matter-of-factly.
            “Jane!” cried Thor.
            She groaned. “I’m okay…” She didn’t have the strength to get up, though.
            Behind them, several ships popped up, and in his hurry, Thor sliced through a tower (abandoned and ornamental, luckily). “Not a word,” he said before Loki could criticize him.
            Still, that wouldn’t keep Loki from remarking on the tails. “Now they’re following us.”
            The ships fired, and their own ship shook.
            “Now they’re firing at us,” said Loki.
            “Thank you for the commentary, Loki, it’s not at all distracting!” said Thor. (Y/N) snickered.
            They slammed into a tunnel and cut the head of a towering statue off.
            “Well done,” said Loki. “You just decapitated your grandfather.” (Y/N) smothered a grin.
            Thor sped out across the lakes of Asgard, avoiding the towers and ships firing at them.
            “You know, this is wonderful,” said Loki. “This is a tremendous idea. Let’s steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that! Flying around the city, smashing into everything in sight so everyone can see us! It’s brilliant, Thor! It’s truly brilliant!”
            Thor shoved Loki out the door, and he yelped in surprise. (Y/N) leaned out to see Loki land on the flying ship Fandral had procured for their escape below.
            “You’re next!” called Thor over the whoosh of wind.
            “I know, I know, give me a moment to contemplate that I might die!” said (Y/N), tensing at the edge of the door. I better hope my powers give me some extra durability! She jumped.
            (Y/N) hit the ship hard. Luckily, her powers did seem to have heightened what her body could take, but her gracefulness, not so much. (Y/N) cursed as she hit the deck and tripped backwards and hit the side, nearly falling to the ground but being stopped by Loki. (Y/N) groaned and shook her head to clear it after the rush, but Loki’s eyes glanced over her. His grip on her tightened for a moment before releasing her.
            The thud of Thor landing with Jane in his arms took their attention. Thor gently laid Jane down a roll of fabric.
            “You lied to me,” said Loki. “I’m impressed.”
            “I’m glad you’re pleased,” said Thor. “Now, do as you promised and take us to your secret pathway.”
            Loki took the steering stick ((Y/N) studied computers, not boats) and gripped it tightly. He smirked, and the ship sped up across the water. (Y/N) stood at the back of the ship, holding onto the sides. Behind them, an Asgardian ship arrived and shot at them.
            “Our friends are back,” said (Y/N), and Loki swerved the ship back and forth to avoid the shots. He drove the ship up, and it flew instead of skimming the water.
            “Fandral,” said Thor.
            “Right,” said Fandral. He took a rope into his hands. “For Asgard.” He jumped from the ship and swung on the rope to the Asgardian. He too battled for Thor to make it out.
            Loki drove the ship into the mountains surrounding Asgard, leaving the populated lands behind. He turned towards two towering cliffs.
            “Uh…” (Y/N) stared at the tiny cleft they were approaching.
            “Loki,” said Thor warningly.
            “If it were easy, everyone would do it,” said Loki.
            “Are you mad?!” demanded Thor as they zoomed towards the tiny cleft in the cliff.
            “Probably,” said Loki with a wild grin.
            If that grin wasn’t hot, I’d punch him right now for being so ridiculous, thought (Y/N). “You better keep us alive!” She gripped the side of the ship beside Loki, and Thor crouched and covered Jane.
            The ship hit the small cave, screeching along the sides of it as they banged through. Thor held Jane tightly as sparks flew and turned to rainbow, Bifrost-like streaks. (Y/N) glanced up at Loki, and he smirked at her confidently. Somehow, that assured (Y/N) she would survive. The Bifrost-like sparks lit up the world around the group, and they rushed into the brightness.
            The ship popped out into a desolate wasteland of smoky clouds covering the sky and rocks strewn across barren earth.
            “Tada~” announced Loki as the ship banged across the ground before steadying in the ground.
            “Your driving sucks…” groaned (Y/N) from where she had fallen, rubbing her head.
            “Jane?” Thor crouched by her, and Jane groaned, rolling over and closing her eyes. His eyes softened, and he covered her in a blanket to let her rest. Thor straightened and looked at (Y/N). “I know Midgardians can tire after such excitement. You may rest if needed.”
            I could keep going, I’m not totally human anymore. Or, at least, my powers changed me. (Y/N) glanced around. “Alright.” But who says no to a nap? She lay down and closed her eyes, giving herself a moment after the terribly long day she’d had (and hey, visions were tiring). She knocked out in a second.
            Thor and Loki sat back as Loki steered them calmly across the Dark World’s surface. He glanced at the Midgardians.
            “What I could do with the power that flows through those veins,” said Loki.
            “It would consume you, just as the Tesseract and the scepter did,” said Thor.
            “Your Jane seems to be holding up right now,” said Loki. “For now.”
            “She’s strong in ways you’d never know,” said Thor.
            “Say goodbye,” said Loki.
            “Not this day,” said Thor.
            “This day, the next, a hundred years, it’s nothing,” said Loki. He stood and spoke cruelly, his own revenge against the way Thor abandoned him to his cell. “It’s a heartbeat. You’ll never be ready. The only woman whose love you’ve prized will be snatched from you.”
            “And will that satisfy you?” said Thor.
            “Satisfaction is not in my nature,” said Loki smoothly.
            “Surrender is not in mine,” replied Thor.
            “The son of Odin…” said Loki bitterly.
            “No. Not just of Odin,” said Thor. “You think you alone were loved of Mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust.”
            “Trust?” demanded Loki. “Was that her last expression?” He glared at Thor. “Trust? When you let her die?”
            “What help were you in that cell?!” cried Thor.
            “Who put me there?” hissed Loki. “Who put me there?!”
            “You know damn well!” Thor shoved him back. “You know damn well who!” He reared back to punch Loki but paused, breathing heavily. He let go and stepped back. “She wouldn’t want us to fight.”
            “Well…she wouldn’t exactly be shocked,” said Loki.
            Thor turned away and sighed, giving up the subject. It was too painful for both. He glanced back at Loki. “Insult me and remind me of Jane’s mortal life all you want. Let us love Mother together and get revenge for her.” Thor paused. “And remember that you have something to lose, too.”
            Loki paused. “What?”
            “(Y/N) is a Midgardian.” Thor turned away once more.
            Loki frowned and glanced at (Y/N). Yes. Time would pass. (Y/N) had shown no sign of her abilities changing her lifespan, and there was no way to test for it, so time would eventually steal her away. It would steal Loki’s friend away.
            Loki blinked.
            Loki’s friend. Yes. She was his friend. She was a person he…cared for.
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beast-towers · 2 months
So…. ;w;
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Here is my version of human Alton Towers.
This version, he is an retired Abyss Hunter, but he still assists the Abyss Watchers and Uri’s Grandmother with helping lost pure soul supernatural creatures to become guardians for anyone who is struggling, the Watchers, or with him in his park, Alton Towers. Of course he wants to make sure if the creature is comfortable enough to not only be around with people, but to help make his park interesting and safe for both worlds.
If the beast refuses, he will allow them to choose their own path with the Watchers or with any Soul who is struggling in life. However, if a beast wish to prove that not all supernatural creatures are not this scary, he will welcome them with open arms.
Those who have been willing to go with him, they will be placed to protect a coaster. Not only forming a mascot for the coaster, this also creating new abilities to those creatures. Whichever ride they’re with, they will gain the ability to mimic the ride’s power or personality. Creating a safe and an actual fun experience for both normal and supernatural worlds, in exchange, Alton makes sure the beasts are protected and safe. If a rogue hunter tries to kill one of the creatures, he will personally fight them off from his park. If there are beasts that are not getting along and on a verge of a Turf War, he will quickly stop them and find the root of the problem… but there were cases where he was too late to stop the fight, and sees one of the Beasts lying dead while the other stood victorious… only for that beast to have their abilities stripped away from them and banished back to the Abyss Watchers.
That sadly never lasted once The Ministry of Joy formed. Bringing Otsana into the picture. Alton was very uncomfortable with the fact he now has a werewolf in his park, but was threatened by MOJ if he doesn’t allow her in, they will take away the X-Sector, permanently. He reluctantly agreed, as Otsana became The Smiler Guard for the ride… he will soon find out it was a horrible mistake.
Charmer, an ex-guardian beast was protecting his Coaster, Wicker Man. Until he noticed Otsana trying to lure a poor soul into the X-Sector, to the Ministry. The former beast told Otsana to back off and leave his area, but the werewolf refused to leave without collecting her subjects.. creating a Turf War. Alton received news that two beasts are now fighting, causing him to worry as he quickly went out to the scene… he didn’t make it in time.
Otsana now had the dying Guard in her jaws, teeth holding Charmer’s neck as he struggled to breathe. Alton was furious, just before he was ready to take Otsana’s powers away, MOJ stopped him and reminded him of there deal. The man felt defeated, as he now watched Otsana freeing Charmer and returned to the Ministry. Alton apologize profusely to Charmer, as healers are doing everything they can to save him… but the wounds were very deep, Charmer asked Alton to find the right beast to take his place and make sure Otsana and the Ministry are burned to ashes. As much as Alton didn’t want to promise such thing, he accepted Charmer’s last wish. He also hated the Ministry, not only they took people away from their families, but they took away a friend to all.
Alton reported to the Watchers, as they understood his pain, frustration, and struggles. Both he and the Watcher secretly hatched a plan to slowly take down the Ministry piece by piece, to make sure not only they have no control over the X-Sector, but strip Otsana’s abilities and permanently banish her. While that, Uri was presented to Alton. Upon seeing her fire like energy and valor for fighting back darkness gave him a small smile, and Uri can see he is in pain, tired, and very defeated under his mask. Gently starting a conversation with the man as he explained what happened, the girl huffed as she formed into a beast. Fur up and spiky with anger, hoping one day to go to his park and fight the werewolf for him.
Uri’s Grandmother saw and heard them talking, soon an idea formed. She looked over to the two as she then spoke to her granddaughter, assigning her to be with Alton, and protect Wicker Man and guests. The two were surprised by this, but Alton was worried that something bad will happen to Uri. Yet the old woman looked unfazed, she has full trust in Uri and Alton. She knows they’re going to be okay, but if something deeply negative and heavy does happen, Alton has to contact his former leader immediately.
After that, Uri was now off with Alton, to protect and fulfill Charmer’s final wish. Looking over to see the Wicker Man Coaster, to this day, she is still impressed. Alton has seen Uri struggle with her assigned coaster, but seeing her and helping her out made her pick up everything quickly. As much it was reliving, it didn’t last as his worst fears came true. Otsana began to fight with Uri.
He raced over to stop the fight, to only see Uri ignite into flames and push back Otsana. She didn’t want to kill her, not only because of the guests, but she can see the Werewolf herself was somewhat in pain. Physically and mentally. Thus the two left each other alone to recover from their fight.
Alton and the healers ran over to inspect Uri, thankfully and thanks to her new fire abilities, her wounds somewhat healed on their own. Deeply relieved, Alton now makes sure to inspect and inform the beasts if they began to fight, they will have to go to him to sort it out or get away from each other. Thankfully, all of them agreed and some began to learn how to get along or left each other alone… the only one who hasn’t agreed was Otsana and the Ministry. To them, this is a test ground to show off their might. Little did they know, that ego of theirs will crumble.
Now Alton makes sure everyone is safe and having a fantastic time, even the beasts make sure to spread that same positive energy to all. Uri would visit Alton to make sure he’s doing well and ask if he needed anything or share information to the other Beasts. Deeply appreciated for her help through a tough time… almost, as he would scold her for trying to set fires to the Ministry and Phalanx.
All in all, he deeply loves his work and helping Pure Hearted Beasts… yet struggled with the binds of the Ministry and Phalanx.
In short with Phalanx: They want to control all of the beasts for government purposes (their purposes), but Alton and the Watchers said “How about you fuck off with that idea.” But professionally. So Alton never assigned a beast to protect Nemesis, fearing that Phalanx would take advantage of them and might do unspeakable harm. Let alone… Nemesis herself IS a beast.
Extra thing: If the coaster is retired, the beast’s power would also fade away. Yet Alton would allow them to stay to help him out or assist with Watchers to fend off darkness. Some stayed as a form of guidance for the newer beasts and some went of to join the watchers.
Writing hurts! But I did it ;w; so yeah, this man has non-threatening monsters in his park to show that both worlds can indeed coexist. Yet there are a few who would love to mess that up. But thanks for his connections, he hopes life would return to normal without the fears of control and Turf Wars. He still spots Otsana and Uri ready to fight each other again, but thankfully he is there to stop the two.
Also, here is him without his hat.
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This man never takes off his mask, unless it’s to wash or sleep, but even if you try, another one will appear lol
Uri and some of the beasts would sometimes play a joke and try to take off his mask, only to find another and another. The only people who had seen him without his mask, was Uri’s grandmother and old retired hunters.
This one was just a layout on how he’ll look like. Gonna now officially make his ref. Might use this pose or make a new one. For now, I hope you enjoy! :D
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four-loose-screws · 2 months
FE2 Novelization Translation - Chapter 5 Part 1
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Chapter 5 - To Mila's Shrine
Part 1 - The Sisters from Archanea
"What caused this mountain of corpses?! Was it the earthquake last night?" It was very possible that Valbar was right. 
Judging by the clothing that washed up on the red waves of Zofia's eastern coast which lead into a strait, they were Pirates. But from the number of corpses, they couldn't imagine a human had done this.
After Alm's fated reunion with Celica, she and her army left immediately for Zofia's northeastern region, where Mila's Shrine was located, despite being at the castle for less than a few hours. Zofia's east coast was likely to become the last beautiful scenery they would see. Before them lay nothing but rough terrain, first that of first a desert, then a volcano. 
Leo was the first to find what caused the pile of corpses. "Over there!" He pointed his finger at a pair of pegasi flying over the heads of a group of Pirates among the waves, dragging the corpses onto the beach. "Those are the foxy little ladies from Archanea!" He said, then turned towards Boey and winked.
"Wow…!" Valbar whistled, impressed. "These guys are from a group of Pirates led by Garth, one of Grieth's underlings. They're the fiercest group along this coast! The two of them alone did this? I can hardly believe it!"
As everyone was marveling at the sight of the Pegasus Knights’ abilities in combat, they were already taking down another Pirate with their swift lancework. 
"No! Someone strong is heading straight for them!" Saber shifted slightly, ready to move at a moment's notice.
A giant had snuck up behind the sisters at some point. Everyone quickly recognized him as Garth himself. 
Saber tried to jump into the fray, but Leo stopped him. "Boey, let's go!"
Both Leo and Boey started running. 
Mae scowled as she always did in response to their crude behavior, while Genny simply laughed.
Because their target was the leader himself, they wasted no time in starting to fight. Leo shot an arrow through his chest, and Boey burned his armor with a Fire spell. They watched his giant body collapse to the ground from a far-off distance, smoke billowing into the air, bringing all the fighting across the beach to a halt. 
Still, something seemed strange to Celica, and she didn't even have to squint to see what it was. The Pegasus Knight sisters did not start to come down from the sky, in fact, they turned their lances towards Leo and Boey.
With Celica as their vanguard, Mila's Restoration Army rushed into the fray as the sisters glared daggers at Leo and Boey. Both were yelling at the now pale men at the exact same time, so no one could make out exactly what they were angry about, but they seemed to be infuriated that Leo and Boey had killed Garth. They thought Garth had known something about where their younger sister was. 
"Bring him back and make him tell us where she is!" One of them said, her white cheeks turning bright red.
"We promise to help you find your sister." Celica said not so much as to take responsibility for Leo and Boey's behavior, but because she wanted the sisters’ far above average strength for her army. Ahead of them on their path was a desert and a volcano, where even the royal family's power had hardly any influence. Regardless of what might exactly happen as they traveled, to make it to the shrine and prevent Alm's tragedy, their army needed more members than they had right now.
The sisters realized that Celica was a Priestess and landed their pegasi, albeit reluctantly.
"Though we know she wouldn't do anything reckless, our youngest sister Est is currently training alone. We are worried that she might lose heart out on her own." The elder sister said. 
From their imposing stances, it was clear that they had prior experience fighting in war somewhere else before. The elder sister introduced herself as Palla, and the middle sister introduced herself as Catria, then they finally both shook Celica's outstretched hand, and vowed to go with her.
Grieth's Kingdom of Thieves was currently unstable, and much of that was caused by the footprints Celica and Mila's Restoration Army left behind on their journey. They had completely taken out Darth and his Pirates at the straight, and most recently - though this was mostly the work of the Archanea sisters - they had even eradicated Garth and his followers. In less than one month, two of Grieth’s most reliable main groups were gone. It would be strange even for him, the unofficial king of thieves, not to panic.
Or at least, that was the current hottest topic in the town Mila's Restoration Army stopped in to find a room for the night and stock up on food. It was the easternmost town in the eastern region of Zofia. The Pirates had been aggressive lately with their activity around the area, and were now stationed within Zofia's borders. 
They achieved that position by any means necessary, even if it meant choosing a town that could not fight back and physically threatening to turn their weapons against the people until the village surrendered.
That was what the owner of the inn told them.
He also told them that Grieth's Thieves were the reason why one of the villagers said he wanted to join them, after hearing that a group of units was in town.
To make it to Mila's Shrine, Celica felt it was inevitable that they would have to fight Grieth and his army of thieves. And so she said to the villager, Atlas, to accept his request, "If you are willing to help us defeat Grieth, then please come with us."
Atlas's family had been killed by thieves. Not only would his anger make him stronger, but Celica was also amazed by his swordsmanship when Saber challenged him to a duel to test his abilities. He wasn't even a unit yet. She felt that another sword wielder would be of great help to them after Kamui's passing.
"We must go fight Grieth immediately." Both Atlas and the sisters, worried about their kidnapped youngest sister, were impatient and ready to fight. 
But Saber stopped them from going anywhere. As he was taking a moment to relax in the living room of the small house they rented from the innkeeper, taking a sip of his drink, he said, "I understand how you feel, but we don't have a strategy. And as they say, without a strategy, all battles are reckless. It's not like you two sisters don't already know that."
Palla and Catria were both speechless.
"Grieth is a powerful enemy to have. People as strong as Darth and Garth were just small fry in his kingdom. At our current strength, we wouldn't even be able to touch him."
"Then what are you saying we should do?" Atlas, not yet used to being in an army, was overcome by his innate competitive spirit. He further furrowed his brow and shouted his enraged opinion at Saber, "Is Mila's Restoration Army really nothing more than a bunch of cowards?!"
"I appreciate the energy, but," Saber glared at Atlas to prevent him from saying anything further. "We will go to Mila's Shrine. We should keep our battles as small as possible, and prioritize going to the shrine. Since they have already transcended, our magic units should all be fine, but us sword wielders should at least transcend to the next highest class. If we don't, bringing down Grieth will be but a dream. Do you understand, Atlas? No matter how good you are with a sword, a mere villager will be of no help in real combat."
Valbar glanced down at Atlas's clenched fists and said, "But don't you have it backwards, then, Saber? We need to defeat Grieth to make it to the shrine. But you're also saying that it is impossible to defeat him without completing the transcendence ceremony at the shrine. So hasn't our mission always been impossible from the start?"
"It isn't like you at all to say something like that, Valbar." Saber said with a laugh. "If we face Grieth head on, then we'll all be killed. However, if we are able to transcend, then we will have a path to victory. The shrine is where we will obtain our path to victory. …But don't you know that we are in the greatest danger now? If we do not arrive at the shrine ready to face danger, then we will not be able to defeat the danger we must defeat to make it to the shrine, and we will enter a vicious cycle that will never end. If there's anyone who can sleep soundly through that kind of danger, they certainly aren't units!
"We must cast aside our shame, avoid any all-or-nothing battles that would make us sacrifice even one or two people, and commit transcending at the shrine as our only goal." Saber stated, and everyone fell silent.
In one of the rooms of the inn, Genny and Mae were tying up each other's hair in front of the crackling fireplace. At first glance, it looked like they were just doing regular girl stuff, but when Saber realized that the hairstyle they had chosen was the one usually reserved for the recently deceased before burial, he was sad to see that they had taken his words to heart.
Celica was sitting at the desk, just finishing a letter. As she prayed to Mila to grant Genny and Mae her divine blessing, she folded up the letter and placed it in a small leather bag, then dropped a ring. She had requested one of the blacksmiths in the village to have it made out of a piece of the hilt of the sword she received at the Necrozombie Shrine. Though it did not have much power, it could be used in place of healing magic to heal someone. During her brief meeting with Alm that afternoon, she had measured the size of his finger.
They heard a knock on the door. It was a peddler who utilized his ability to cast teleportation magic as capital to run his business. He went around each room of the inn, asking the patrons if there was any business he could do for them. He appeared to be a good person, and so Celica asked him to send a package to Alm at Zofia Castle. She then handed him the leather bag with the letter and ring inside, along with several gold coins.
Just as she did so, Valbar came flying into the room, completely out of breath. The scene startled the peddler so much that he thanked Celica and immediately left the room.
"The sisters are nowhere to be found! Atlas is gone too, and there's no trace of Boey or Leo either! They must have gotten too impatient, and left for Grieth's desert… You wait here, Celica. I'll go bring the five of them back." Valbar said.
Genny and Mae immediately began preparations to leave as well.
"What's so great about those pegasus ladies anyway?!" Mae grumbled.
"They have been quite a lot of trouble already!" Genny grinned widely to make her nervousness go away, then clasped her hands together to pray for forgiveness for Mae's understandably frustrated complaints.
Alm had already left Zofia Castle. Though this shocked the peddler, because Celica had paid him so exorbitantly well, he still saw the job through, finally finding Alm at the entrance to the western forest, and handing him the leather bag directly.
Alm decided that this town would be their frontline base for their attack on Desaix's fortress. As the village was one of many living in fear of Desaix's threat to their lives, once he said that they were the Deliverance, the villagers welcomed them with open arms.
'We will arrive at Mila's Shrine very soon. But because of the earthquake, I assume you will be stuck at Zofia Castle for some time.'
Alm read Celica's letter, then crumpled it up into a ball. "We really are on opposite paths." Alm grumbled as the ring fell out of the bag and landed at his feet. When he picked it up and tried it on, it fit his left ring finger perfectly. It made all of his childhood feelings for her come rushing back, so much so that his head started spinning.
Alm truly was in love with Celica. But there was no way for that love to grow right now. Because his heart was in such disarray, he already resented his reunion with her.
Desaix's fortress looked much more sturdily built up close than it did from far away. Alm reminisced on their fight against Commander Zakson, a reinforcement army of Desaix's who ambushed the Deliverance when they left the castle. It was no easy fight. Silque was forced to run all across the battlefield healing everyone, eventually fainting from exhaustion, and they had no guess yet as to when she would recover.
The Deliverance was getting impatient. They were still missing something, and that something was the very backbone of their operation. Mycen was right. They didn't know for certain if anyone who could inherit the throne was alive, and that uncertainty spread like an illness through the hearts of all their members.
A member of the royal family's bloodline. That was the only weapon the Deliverance needed now.
"Princess Anthiese… If you are alive, then grant us your divine protection…" Alm prayed. As meaningless as it was, that was all he could do.
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