#advice on mental health issues
darkspotblog · 6 months
5 Signs that your partner is cheating on you
5 Signs that your partner is cheating on you. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind infidelity and the possible indicators that may suggest it. #cheating #infidelity #partnership #relationshipadvice
The topic of infidelity is complex and often accompanied by a myriad of emotions and controversies. People engage in infidelity for various reasons, and the signs can be subtle. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind infidelity and the possible indicators that may suggest it. Recommendations for your Healing Journey Reasons for Infidelity Dissatisfaction in the Relationship: One…
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Attachment Styles in Relationships
Attachment styles are the ways people feel and act in relationships, based on their early experiences with parent or guardian. There are four main types:
Secure Attachment:
Healthy: Feeling comfortable with your partner and being able to share your feelings and needs openly. Trusting them and supporting each other without feeling overly worried about the relationship.
Unhealthy: Becoming overly dependent on your partner, feeling anxious or upset if they spend time away, or constantly seeking reassurance and validation.
Anxious Attachment:
Healthy: Expressing your emotions and needs to your partner, and valuing emotional closeness. Feeling secure when your partner reassures you and staying connected during difficult times.
Unhealthy: Constantly worrying about your partner leaving you, feeling jealous and possessive, or becoming too clingy and demanding in the relationship.
Avoidant Attachment:
Healthy: Valuing your independence and personal space while still being supportive and caring toward your partner. Understanding your emotions and expressing them in a balanced way.
Unhealthy: Pushing your partner away emotionally, avoiding discussions about feelings or conflicts, or being emotionally distant and unavailable.
Disorganized Attachment:
Healthy: Recognizing and addressing past traumas, working on building trust and emotional stability.
Unhealthy: Reacting impulsively or unpredictably in relationships due to unresolved traumas, struggling with forming and maintaining deep emotional connections, or experiencing extreme emotional highs and lows.
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diet7updrink · 9 days
All I want is a flat stomach
All I want is a flat stomach
All I want is a flat stomach
All I want is a flat stomach
All I want is a flat stomach
All I want is a flat stomach
All I want is a flat stomach
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hussyknee · 5 months
I need someone to give me permission to stop following Palestine. I'm really burnt out, my hyperempathy is killing me, but my OCD won't let me step away. I know I make so little difference, and yet taking turning away feels like a betrayal and abandonment. What right have I to be tired when I'm not even Palestinian. How is my mental health important when it's Palestinians living a nightmare they can't wake up from?
I know that hurting myself out of care is counter-productive, but that's pretty much been my whole life. I've all but landed myself in hospital nursing my rescue animals and doing what advocacy I can for my causes on social media. I'm just... acutely conscious of how little I can contribute to society, with all my disabilities, while my parentification trauma makes me feel immediately responsible for any deficit of care in the world. It's all just driven by hyperempathy and compulsion and maladaptive behaviours, and my kindness feels cancelled out by my temper and reactivity. Idk. I'm just really tired and feel ashamed of both wanting to disengage and not being able to.
I keep telling myself: I am a drop in the ocean but part of a great current, my only job is to not evaporate lest others evaporate with me. But I'm so close to evaporating.
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siecobaina · 2 months
pros and cons of being by yourself
- focus on yourself & understand yourself
- no rejection no heartbreak no humiliation
- can travel w/o feeling bogged down
- can do whatever you want lol
- loneliness
- don’t get to practice vulnerability
- boredom
- probably causes depression and low self esteem
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lightagainphoenix · 2 months
anyone know of any healthy ways to release pent up anger without working out? It’s burning me alive from the inside guys and the ice cream isn’t working as well
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boomstab-papa · 4 months
"But I could be more efficient" killed me & my friends too many times.
Don't fall for it.
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fishin-in-a-graveyard · 2 months
A lot of the time I genuinely cannot stand having flesh
This isn't like a self-esteem thing having a body bothers me. It's so overwhelming and anxiety inducing to be stuck in this gross uncomfortable form. For context I have autism and OCD so that probably has a lot to do with it.
How do I help this anybody have any suggestions?? It's genuinely hell sometimes!
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toaster-trash · 11 months
Sometimes I remember that my sanity is actually dependant on a few fictional characters from 200 years ago, like not a silly haha joke but that I genuinely don’t have any other support system or healthy coping mechanism other than reading about and engaging in fan content for these fictional Victorians, and then I am like “uh oh. Goodness me. I may be in a bit of a sticky situation. A pickle, if you will.”
Anyway ahahahah something something humorous tumblr post as a coping mechanism ahaha something something
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stormywinter42 · 2 days
Literally having zero free time and fully booking EVERY SINGLE DAY is so relaxing and I definitely recommend it
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shitivelearned · 1 year
Sometimes you just have to be mad. You can do therapy techniques, surround yourself with positivity and meditate until the cows come home, but sometimes nothing helps more than just allowing yourself to be angry. Everyone says violence isn't the answer, but sometimes there's no other way to release anger and rage than to do something aggressive - Hit a tree, scream, go to a rage room if you can, just be safe. If you feel trapped in your anger and rerouting doesn't help, many times it's because you have every right to be angry and you're trying to find a way not to be so in a situation where any person would be mad. Coping and regulating is great, but sometimes you're too far in to be able to change what you're feeling and that's okay. Toxic positivity makes us forget that not all of the things that make us human are pretty - Try not to forget that.
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sunrisethoughts02 · 1 year
Give yourself permission to be happy.
this has been such a struggle for me. I’ll have awful days and long depressive episodes, and sometimes when ‘feeling good’ arrives out of the blue, I’m actually scared to let it happen. As though an hour of happiness invalidates my sorrow, or traps me within it; as though it means that I’ve been lying to myself and I never was sad in the first place. None of that is true. You can have a good afternoon, a good day, a good hour, without being afraid to feel it or to let it go. Earth wasn’t meant to live in one season; there’s sunshine and rain. Learn to listen to yourself in each one. Do not fear time. Give yourself permission to feel joy when it comes, and don’t ignore your sorrow.
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bunnihearted · 7 months
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tarotphil · 7 days
Q!! For the ask game!! :0
<3 “Question; You can ask one question each to Dan and Phil and they will give you an honest answer, what will you ask?”
for Dan: ok so I spent like 3 months watching every deltarune theory video out there, and I think i heard that Dan played it privately. so I just really want to know his thoughts and theories. who do you think the knight is Mr. Howell
for Phil: I think all the time about how he said he has had a story and set of characters brewing in his mind for years. what I really want is for him to drop a Pinterest board about it lol, but I would settle for asking him for a plot synopsis
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depressed-fanperson · 7 months
PLS HELP I want to find weirdcore sweaters on Amazon because my school doesn’t allow hoods like you will have detention for a week and I can’t find any weird ass sweaters without hoods pls help tumblr you guys know weird shit pls help
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fleurfay · 1 month
I know im heading to be someone better
But i miss things before....before all that happened. I was so happy (kind of)
But now im heading to real happiness, and is being hard. Moving on so fast is being so hard, but i have Jesus, i have God by my side...i'll be okay! Things will get better, i'm being saved!!
Moving on is being so hard...sometimes i get reminders and i just want to cry in a corner, im always overthinking about endless scenarios and possibilities abt it...and the longing, the Saudade. It hurts...UGH IT DOES
....reminders hurt a lot....
But i put all my emotions and thoughts and heart and soul to God Almighty and...i just trust things will be okay in the long run
Im just so tired....yk? But i'll be fine...!
Advice from this?: Dont let your hyperfixations dictate your entire life 24/7....dont make someone on the internet your entire personality, especially if you have MADD, omg don't– the scenarios will be your downfall.
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