#adhd and language
queerasflux · 8 months
man I wish people understood how much it sucks ass to be neurodivergent and trying to find the middle ground where people like/tolerate you. like, I'm either "boring" (trying to wait my turn in conversations, holding space for other people, taking a back seat to let others get some spotlight) or "too much" (too loud/talking too much, getting excited to share, trying to participate in group conversations/activities). No one really talks about how much of being neurodivergent is just sort of trying to make yourself palatable.
I feel like so much of my life has been spent trying to find this effortless sort of middle ground everyone else seems to automatically already know, and I'm always swinging too far one way or the other. I'm lucky to have neurodivergent friends who grok me, but goddamn I wish that I could just like, exist without the constant background script in my brain that's like "you're being too loud. You're not talking enough. you're being self-centered. you're being boring. you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong." I feel like I'm back in high school trying to make friends but stuck as the eternal "weird kid"
it's just... lonely and sucks bad.
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vroomvroomwee · 7 months
If I ever give you an interesting rock without uttering a word, you should know that that is the highest form of love I am capable of displaying and the highest honour I can bestow upon you
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Shoutout to neurodivergents who were punished or marked down in assignments for using too complex language, and also shoutout to neurodivergents who were punished or marked down in assignments for using too simple language, and also shout out to neurodivergents who were punished for both of these depending on the most recent way they fucked up
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wordsoup420 · 4 months
Hot take: it's fucking idiotic to call someone who is just calmly trying to explain their actions or emotions 'rude'. It's ESPECIALLY idiotic to say that to a small child. You'll end up turning them into a fucking doormat unable to speak up for themselves (me)
Kids can't properly control tone yet. I ESPECIALLY couldn't due to autism. So to hold a kids tone to the importance of the tone of an actor on set to get the correct feel is completely idiotic. And some teen girls literally *just sound like that*. They aren't "being rude" that's just what her voice sounds like. They aren't "making excuses" they are genuinely trying to fucking communicate their reasons so that an understanding can be reached. This shit is why EVERYONE SUCKS AT COMMUNICATING AND WE NEED TO FUCKING STOP DISCOURAGING HONEST AND OPEN COMMUNICATION
Most kids are innately honest until they are taught to lie by society or their parents. By making them FEAR honesty. By punishing them for communicating you are teaching them to lie. You are making lieing feel like the safest option even when you punish for lies. Because at least with the lie there's a chance of no punishment, but with the truth you'll 100% get punished.
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exclusivelyhomosexual · 8 months
Depression is so fun bc you’ll have like 20% motivation and energy to do something after work, but then ofc you don’t do anything bc you’re 80% depressed, but then you feel guilty bc theoretically you could have done something with the 20% energy, and bc of what we learn in society, you therefore should have done something. So then you lay there feeling the 80% depressed that you already were but the 20% motivation and energy turns into guilt for not doing anything. And then if you math, that’s 100% depressed.
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notabled-noodle · 2 years
you can hate the word “disorder” all you like, but as someone who has OCD, ASD, and ADHD… disordered is the exact right word to describe my state of mind at any one time
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genderfluidsgetguns · 2 months
Me, makes minor spelling mistake: what if I fucking killed myself
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
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bambiraptorx · 2 years
I think the most exhausting part of being ND is that since I didn't get the Social Interaction Software that everyone else did, I'm constantly trying to manage people's perception of me so I don't accidentally come off as rude or mean or uninterested or nervous or awkward or stupid, and I never know if I actually succeed
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cuterefaction · 7 months
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#Trektober Day 9, "Dress Uniform". Julian's missing his dress uniform in 'Move Along Home', but since the one we eventually see him in is pretty unflattering I choose to believe that Garak did a night visit months before 'Cardassians' and got too distracted to actually wake him up.
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suppotato123 · 7 months
So, I’ve noticed that when we design an alien species that’s supposed to be sapient we tend to make them look like us, and I don’t mean in the typical “why in the world does this people on an entirely different planet of a completely different species with its own unique evolutionary history have a very primate/human-like body plan???” Kind of way. I’ve noticed that even when we make sapient species that look nothing like us and have a completely different body plan, we still give them the same or similar facial expressions and body language to ourselves. I find this really interesting because facial expressions are not across the board for all species (or all humans for that matter). Take, for example, the smile, a common friendly greeting among humans that communicates happiness, contentment, humor, and a lack of hostility, etc. However, for most animals, bearing teeth is a sign of unease or even open hostility. Its a threat that, “I have teeth and I’m willing to use them to protect myself!” Or take cats who, to the human eye, look relatively apathetic or sometimes even slightly annoyed when they are actually completely content. As I mentioned before, even human expression is more complicated than a set of particular facial expressions that only communicate one type of emotion.
Take a good look at this picture. What Emotion is this woman feeling?
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Did you say pain? Loss? Anger?
If you did you’d be incorrect.
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This is a picture of Sofia Kenin after winning a point in the first round of a Women’s singles match.
With the full context, it’s clear that she’s feeling elation, or excitement.
This is in no way meant to criticize artists for making their characters with distinctly human expressions. I understand that, especially in visual media, these sorts of expressions are really important to communicating the character’s inner world with the audience. I just find it super fascinating, and I think that it says something about us as a species that we look for and insert bits of ourselves in everything around us. So, yeah. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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vocaloidstudent · 1 year
This might be a very niche take but I think we should take people's reasons for learning a language in mind when suggesting how they go about it
I've seen people in a lot of Japanese learning communities tell other to never watch fantasy anime (or anime at all sometimes) or read anything that's not slice-of-life or actual literature because "people in real life don't speak like that"
And while, yes, that's true, native Japanese speakers do not generally speak like anime characters, uhhhh... The probability of me watching a fantasy anime in the course of a month is significantly higher than the probability of me going to Japan in the next five years. So understanding anime character speech is in fact more relevant to me than, idk, business lingo
And, I don't think that's a bad thing personally? Learning a language because you want to better understand content you find fun is just as good a reason as learning it to live in the country where the language is spoken, and it's fine and reasonable to adjust your learning strategies according to your personal goals
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kleefkruid · 1 year
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"haha yeah.... sorry what?"
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For the love of GOD stop saying neurodivergent when you mean autistic and neurotypical when you mean allistic. Neurodivergency is not just autism how many goddamn times are we gonna have to explain this
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melodymorningdew · 2 months
Ableist language content warning:
Just a PSA: Many people believe they aren't ableist but as soon as someone's disability inconveniences them in the slightest, they're immediately up in arms about how horrible this person is for being disabled.
So tired of hearing "you have to help yourself"
"Have you tried [insert completely unhelpful tip]"
"You can't expect the world to bend to your will." (When asking for accommodations)
"You don't LOOK disabled."
"Well you did ___ yesterday why can't you do it today?"
"You need to stop making excuses."
"You complain too much."
"You can do anything if you put your mind to it."
"You just have to force yourself to work you have no choice."
"Just go home if you're going to act like that [my legs collapsing beneath me/fainting/saying I'm having a panic attack]" (same people who tell me I just need to push through)
"Oh that person is being so rude" (when they are overwhelmed and unable to carry on a normal masked conversation bc they are overwhelmed)
"ADHD isn't an excuse to be late or forget things you can set alarms and have planners"
I and many others are rightfully pissed off at being dismissed and condescended to and belittled and stomped into the dirt EVERY OTHER DAY. (Not exaggerating.)
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my favorite form of affection is headbutting you in the shoulder like a goat. I’m small, I’m autistic, my head is at the perfect height and velocity to love you without hurting you. Real goats know 😎
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