#active ed
hades-lost-in-space · 1 month
Hey I’m back I thought this account got deleted but it didn’t
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dead-dove-doesnt-eat · 3 months
The best time to start starving was 6 months ago.
The second best time to start is NOW
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hatemelovemehurtme · 2 years
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laying with him while he does his schoolwork
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6666b0n3r · 2 years
Back after binging back to my platueu weight, and then steadily losing to my new lowest weight :) I hope everyone's doing okay, I love u
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crippledpunks · 7 months
cane users don't have to use their cane for every single step in order to be valid in their need for a cane. cane users can suddenly stop using their cane while moving around and not invalidate their need for it next time they use it. some cane users may only use their canes during flare ups. some only need their cane every few steps for short bursts. everyone's needs are different.
every cane user deserves respect.
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panicismydefaultstate · 7 months
Just in case anyone else needed to hear this today-
Your health is not your fault. You didn’t do anything to “deserve” this. And you are right, it isn’t fair. You are allowed to feel upset, hurt, angry and jealous that your health, body or mind disables you.
It’s not fair, and that sucks. You are allowed to scream about that as much as you need to.
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ripoutmygvtz · 16 days
god i missed fasting, this is amazing
started as a 24h fast but now i'm 43 hours into an (at least) 60 hour fast
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lostinmybodyshit · 14 days
No matter what you’re going through
The solution is definitely not in the fridge.
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98lindsey · 1 year
I was out with my family for my birthday at a restaurant when I started having an allergic reaction. So I pulled out my IV stuff to give myself something to stop it and my dad asks:
“Do you want to go in the bathroom and do that”
I laughed a little “um, not really”
I understand it’s a little strange for me to pull out needles and meds and everything in public, but the restaurant bathroom is the last place I want to be when setting up something to inject into my blood stream 😬
Can we normalize people having to regulate their bodies with medication in public please?
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genderless-nymph · 2 months
I feel so honoured when people skinnier than me follow my blog
Like omg you find me relatable and worth looking at even though I'm like double you stawwwppp
Honestly I love everyone who follows me you guys are so sweet and make me feel less alone in this cold world
Thank you for always listening to my bullshit hehehe 💖
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hades-lost-in-space · 1 month
My family is taking me to taxes road house and I don’t wanna go I don’t have a choice though can someone tell me what the lowest calorie options there are
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Do you have an active ED and an attention disorder?
Let me put you on something (medication) (it sucks)
Like many people with ADHD or ADD, I’ve been on adderall, Dexedrine, Ritilin, focalin, you name it. Here’s he one that worked for me
I started Vyvanse about 2 ish years ago when I was 17, and it has WAY way way more cons than pros, but the pros pay off and It’s what works for me. And while it might not work for everyone, I figured I’d share what I know
Disclaimer: this is an over the counter prescription drug. I am not encouraging getting this drug illegally or using it recreationally but also idc what you do
CONS (based on my personal experience an limited research)
Because It’s a known appetite suppressant, you may have a hard time getting it if you are already underweight or have ED anywhere in your records.
Random panic. I can just be sitting there and get shaky and can feel my heartbeat super fast, and overall I just sweat more when I’m on it.
I focus on whatever I’m doing. Not just school or work. I have a midterm due next week that I haven’t started, and I’m doing research for this post instead. This happens most of the time
I scratch myself till i bleed, and I pick at every imperfection on my face and body and scalp for hours on end without breaking concentration.
When I first started taking it I got panic attacks pretty often, but that went away as I got used to it. But it doesn’t go away if you aren’t consistent with taking it every day.
It gave me a couple of motor tics, which mostly faded away after about a year and a half of taking it.
I know the point of reading this for most people is to suppress appetite, but sometimes I just don’t notice that I haven’t eaten for a long time, and I get super super hangry without actually feeling hungry, so I just get frustrated.
Unlike other adhd medications that are more “take it when you need it” It has to be taken every morning to work best
You can’t sleep when it’s active. Its designed to keep you alert and focused for about 12 hours, but in my experience it fully wears off about 15 or 16 hours in. If I forget to take it in the morning I skip it for that day otherwise I won’t be able to fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning, and will be tossing and turning all night
^Seriously. Idc how sleepy of a person you think you are, it fucks up your sleep. Other people who take vyvanse have expressed this as well
It changes your personality. It changes who you like, how you think, how you act, and how you feel. It numbs me out big time
I had to get used to actively remembering to drink water
But also your mouth is always dry
I grind my teeth a ton and started biting my nails again
Random depression
I swear I’m like 70% less funny and socially aware when I take it
Everything around me is serious and I have a generally less fun than when I’m on it
Many doctors prefer it over adderall since it’s not as well known, isn’t a good high, and doesn’t have as much of a risk of being sold and abused
I can actually fucking focus when I take it it’s crazy
It’s used for treating binge eating disorder
Unlike other focus meds, it lasts all day. It’s working during class, it’s working at the gym, and it’s still working just as well at the end of the day so I can do my homework.
It just makes you flat out, not hungry all day
Like I don’t even think about food
Makes you less impulsive
I’m never bored when I take it. Idk if that makes sense but I used to get bored of video games and drawing and stuff and now I just don’t
It makes me motivated to do stuff idk
Gave me lots of pent up energy I used for working out
It gives you laser eyes and all the cool kids do it
Anyways that’s just my personal experience with it, if you have anything to add from being on it or something similar PLEASE do so
it’s cool and evil, and I love/hate it a lot.
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hatemelovemehurtme · 1 year
i hate the way it feels to be fat
the way it feels when you get up
the way it feels when you have to readjust your shirt
how it feels to constantly wonder how you look when you make any subtle movement
when you cant wear the things you like
you just dont feel normal
you dont feel like a person
you feel less than
you feel disgusting
you watch the scale go up but you keep eating
i hate the way it feels to be fat
not just physically but mentality wise
people say if you wanted to youd lose weight
if you reallllyy wanted it
but i do want it
ive always wanted it
i just cant stop
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theemployees · 2 months
Can Misa be a customer
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Of course you can be a customer! Everyone’s welcome in run of the mill!
Disclaimer: not everyone is welcome at ROTM due to our policy against assholes, trauma givers, and people fighting in the restaurant; the only exceptions are arsonists because if we removed them we wouldn’t have staff.
Art by @coyotecam
Featuring Characters by
@littlemissartemisia, @bambiraptorx, @iobsesswaytoomuch, @koolaidashley, @midnightcreator12, @star-sparkler, @quirkycorgianimations, and @disgracedghostprincess
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mercuryholixx · 1 year
Ik in fat acceptance I see a lot of "most fat people don't eat any more than a thin person! Stop assuming every fat person eats too much!" and like.... okay and I agree with that.... but some people who are fat DO need a supernormal amount of calories to function. I'm one of them where if I tried to adhere to just 2200 calories a day my body would probably begin shutting down like an anorexic's. Some thin people need a large caloric intake to function as well and they get praised for how much they eat. Whereas a fat person can't even talk about eating a lot and how it shouldn't be stigmatized without getting either insulted or told to "stop spreading stereotypes." SOME PEOPLE NEED TO EAT A LOT TO MAINTAIN A HEALTHY BODY. SOMETIMES THOSE PEOPLE WILL BE FAT. YOU GOTTA ACCEPT THAT
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captain-444 · 4 months
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Stolen joke lol idk who wrote it but you’re a funny one. Quote you every week Amen
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