#a great reaction to the whole monologue though
knifefightandchill · 2 years
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Twst boys reacting to you doing this pose
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He isn’t sure what you’re doing, but he does it back. He thinks maybe it’s a new magicam prank and he wants to seem cool. If you do it to him repeatedly, he’ll probably just laugh at you over time
“Oh? Do you want a hug?” Immediately you are being hugged. If this was your goal, great! If not…oops? If you do it to him repeatedly, he will continue offering you hugs
Stares at you before looking away. He pretends not to see it. If you do it repeatedly, you will eventually get him asking what you’re doing. He will not understand and will make no attempt to understand
Does it back, no questions asked. He will do it back whenever you do it to him, and sometimes even initiates it, seeing if you’ll do it to him
“Stop that. What are you doing? This is unseemly, I demand you stop at once.” He doesn’t like it, he doesn’t know what it is, he just knows that it’s improper. He’s making headway in being lax but he will absolutely not tolerate this kind of silliness. If you do it repeatedly, you will get collared.
He doesn’t really pay any attention to you doing it. If you do it repeatedly, you may get varying reactions from being ignored, laughed at, or picked up from under the armpits and carried around. Depends on if you’re interrupting something or not
He understands and does it back immediately. If you do it repeatedly, you might get him to do it back but it’s honestly a 50/50 chance because he might be busy
Doesn’t understand, also thinks you want a hug. Doesn’t ask, just ushers you into his arms. If you do it repeatedly, he may or may not notice as a whole? But he will silently offer you a hug.
Hates this. Stop making yourself bigger, it’s threatening. He won’t do it back, but he does feel the urge to. Probably tells you to knock it off. If you keep doing it, he’ll probably just sigh and ignore it
Unsure what this means. He’s not sure if you’re being silly, wanting a hug, or trying to start a fight. Probably just looks at you with his “you’re so stupid, this is adorable” face and continues working. If you keep doing it, he will eventually figure out what you want, but won’t indulge in it just to annoy you
Every time you do this, you are asking to be manhandled by Floyd. He might squeeze you (nicely?) or pick you up and carry you around, or he might do it back. If he’s in a bad mood, he will glare at you and tell you to scram.
He thinks what you’re doing looks fun and immediately joins. You now have a partner in crime, because Kalim starts doing it to you, to Jamil, to other people. He’s a menace. You have no option but to do it repeatedly
He hates this and wants it to stop but won’t say anything. If you do it repeatedly, he might begrudgingly do it back exactly once. You have to gang up with Kalim to do that though
“Stop. You look stupid.” Another person who isn’t a fan and wants you to please not. If you do it repeatedly, he will literally just corner you against a wall and try out one of his old villain monologues to see if it’ll scare the piss out of you. You won’t do this repeatedly
“Excellent form! Beautè! Bravo!” He’s a fan of you doing this. Probably won’t do it back, but he will support you doing it. If you do it repeatedly, he might join you once when you’re doing it to someone other than him
Does it back, no questions asked. Will continue your conversation completely normally, all while posed the same way as you. If you do this repeatedly, he might end up doing this specifically to piss off Vil
Will do it back, so long as you’re alone with him. If you do it in front of someone (like at board game club or something) he’ll just flush and try and hide in his jacket. Unless it’s exclusively with Azul, which he will gladly do it with you so he can watch the octopus loose his shit. If you do it repeatedly, he will begin amping it up slowly by turning on kazoo covers of meme songs.
Doesn’t know what you’re doing, but Idia does it too so he’s joining. In your antics with the shroud brothers, at some point you will recreate this meme. Idia uses it as a react image on discord
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Doesn’t understand, will never understand, but dragons do something similar when either starting a fight or attracting a mate. He’s both flattered and offended, and will do it back exclusively to see how you react. When you smile at him, he starts thinking you’re dating. If you do this repeatedly, he might ask you to meet his parents.
His response is to t-pose. He’s seen the youth stuff he’s hip with the kids. If you do this repeatedly, he will literally follow you around t-posing. You will end up birthing two memes at nrc
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He’s not paying any attention, he’s half asleep and annoyed. If you do it repeatedly, he will probably eventually ask you what you’re doing. Might do it back, but only when you’re alone (he will show up to your dorm, do this pose in the doorway, then wordlessly leave)
He gets angry and starts yelling at you about the indecency. Reaction very similar to Riddle, except Riddle had the authority and power to fuck with you while Sebek is just annoying. When he finds out that Malleus is happy with this, he will stop yelling at you but will still quietly hate it
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pix3lplays · 4 months
Ramble about video games~
Also um spoilers for Chrono Trigger…game came out in 1995 but just in case-
Random but I was thinking about my favorite video game of all time today.
Who else played Chrono Trigger? I was a kid…and I remember watching a video where someone talked about a boss from the game and somehow that was enough for me to go and find it for myself and play it-
I don’t remember my exact age but something I did when I was little was name everything after myself haha, but I remember using the default names for this game. Random and unimportant but I thought it was funny lol. I had this How To Train Your Dragon game on my DS and all my dragons just. Had my name or the name of a random color because those were the only things I could spell haha, I was so young-
But yeah I used the default names for Chrono Trigger, though now every time I replay I tend to name Frog ‘Glenn’ and when I’m feeling extra angsty I’ll name Magus ‘Janus’ haha
BUT SERIOUSLY that game is so good the amount of DETAIL and EFFORT put into every little part of it??
I used to know like EVERY single secret and stuff haha but anyways-
My party was always Frog, Ayla, and Magus and I remember that quest where you upgrade the Masamune. Like the little details were INSANE- if you had Magus on your party he would look away when the Masamune upgraded-like I know it’s just a little thing but oh my gosh I was OBSESSED??
And the music was SO good. SO GOOD. So many of the songs are a PART of me now, and Magus Confronted/Battle with Magus?? I will STILL stand by that as one of the greatest boss themes ever made-also World Revolution and Last Battle but yeah
And also you could have Magus fight and kill his own horrible mother, and they had SPECIAL DIALOGUE WITH EACH OTHER?? I was ALL about that-actually if I remember correctly he has a monologue and his theme starts playing during it too-
And going to that little village…if you’re playing as Magus his cat will recognize you and follow you??? Yeah. That was cool.
I do talk about Magus a lot haha…and he was the one I wrote the most fanfiction for too, I think I have five different note tabs of Magus fanfiction haha…I WANTED him haha I ADMIT IT…but my favorite character is still Glenn. Magus is a VERY close second but…Glenn.
And I love how their stories are interwoven. I LOVED that scene on the cliff’s edge where you can choose revenge or mercy as Glenn.
(I restarted haha because I totally went revenge first and I killed Magus and then got sad when all that remained was his pendant…)
Honestly Glenn’s mercy dialogue?? I was INSPIRED, I was a KID and I was like how is he going to justify not taking revenge on Magus?? But then he DID and I just- :0
Also when the game wants to be funny it ACTUALLY is funny haha, Dalton getting mad when the music was wrong was so funny. Him throwing the fireball at you only for it to immediately deflect was funny. Him hitting you with “whoa look over there!” and it actually working on your entire party was FUNNY-
And Magus and his dry humor was immaculate. Have him on your party when you’re doing the Marle’s mother mission and he’ll be the first one to find the genuine, heartfelt letter from her mother and his immediate reaction is to turn to you and say, “shall we burn it?” What is WRONG with him I love him so much-
That one ending where you can get Glenn and the Queen together?? Thusly turning Marle part frog?? That is GENIUS and HILARIOUS-the fact that they even let you do that…
Ozzie being all haha you can’t beat me and making himself impervious to damage only for you to just…flip a lever and defeat him immediately. And also the whole sequence of going through Ozzie’s castle was great haha. You can walk into an obvious trap and he’ll laugh at you and fade into the shadows?? That was so funny.
That one boss fight that was afraid of heights and thusly wouldn’t attack you because you were high up-
Also there is so much to say about how complicated the characters were despite being a video game that came out in 1995-
Specifically referring to Glenn and Magus though I swear THOSE TWO were the main characters to me haha.
Glenn’s my favorite and his story is GREAT but MAGUS?
(Also I still remember those scenes where you find the monsters worshiping the Magus statues they were so ominous…)
He’s so complicated I love it. He’s mean he’s grouchy he threatens you all the time he’s prideful on the surface but he plays the part of the villain even though his goal is to LITERALLY save the world. That scene leading up to the confrontation?? With the fire?? Epic. YEAH he’s a bad mean cruel man but…his main goal is to save the ONE person who had ever showed him true genuine kindness. Him and Schala make me emotional-he just wants to save and protect his big sister-
Also I feel like I should mention it haha I DID play Chrono Cross too, purely because I wanted to see how it connected to Chrono Trigger and. Yeah it’s not a bad game by any means but it just wasn’t for me. I thought a lot of the character designs were pretty cool and I thought the story was interesting enough. But yeah it was not Chrono Trigger. I think I got about halfway through it before I just. Went back to replaying Chrono Trigger-
Also I know I’m not the only one-Magus’s sprites were lowkey kinda hot haha. Him adjusting his glove. His cool arm motions when he casts a spell. The way his hair flows when you run as him. His COOL attack animations-especially the critical hits. I’m about it. And then you open the menu to mess with your equipment and he just looks…so scary haha. I still love him I WOULD marry him and I say that CONFIDENTLY haha. It’s like still having feelings for your childhood love~
And okay the criticisms about Chrono Trigger are typically pretty fair but that doesn’t make it a bad video game at all.
In my opinion…10/10.
Also side note Earthbound is really really really good too also one of my favorites~ AND THE REVITALIZER?? FROM CHRONO TRIGGER?? MAKES AN APPEARANCE IN EARTHBOUND??? THANK YOU.
But yeah I love Chrono Trigger. I remember I even played a fan game that gave more of a backstory to Magus making himself look like a Prophet to Queen Zeal. Cool.
Thinking about my Magus x reader fanfics now. I have in my notes something about a fic I wanted to write where Magus lost his lover to Lavos, or the flow of time, because I’m just angsty that way. Wonder why I never did it.
Other stuff included headcanons about his physical appearance and stuff. I had things like he has “sharp nails” and such.
Quote random person in Antiquity: “The prophet’s aura is clouded with hatred and sorrow. If he does not free himself of those emotions, he’ll destroy himself and those he loves along with him.” And I thought about that WAY too much-like EXCUSE ME??
Also I love the way Magus talks. “Unimaginable is the power of Lavos! Before him, all are as leaves cast to the bitter black winds that howl about Death’s black wings.” Yeah SAY It KING.
Anyways I’m just sayin it’s not weird to have a crush on Magus you can tell me I won’t judge.
Please marry me, Magus.
And of course I have a bit about reader calling him “Janus” instead of Magus I thought I was on to something haha.
Also I JUST remembered him being all, “oh kiss any princesses lately?” when he encountered Glenn. That was FUNNY.
Anyways I meant for this to be more of a Chrono Trigger appreciation post and not so much a Magus appreciation post but um yeah that’s very in-character for me to get a little off focus.
I think I’ve literally only found a single Magus x reader fic online hmm maybe I’ll change that…
Would anyone read that?? Seriously tell me. I’m adding Magus to my writing list lol…
Anyways yeah play Chrono Trigger. It’s GOOD. I wanna play it right now but I know if I start it up again I’ll disappear completely for a few days haha. But if I disappear for a few days you’ll know what happened, I have NO self-control lol.
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azquine · 1 year
Captain and Thomas both need to realise that they are shit at some things and that's ok. They don't have to be great leaders or poets. They don't have to be romantically desirable or athletically fit. They don't have to be the best at twister. Realising they ARE shit certain things would actually give them space to IMPROVE at those very things! Whereas currently they are blustering through each day wondering why the people surrounding them aren't giving the reactions they want.
Juxtaposing them is Julian who needs to realise that excelling is not always good. This man would brag about his ability to make someone cry, I'm sure he has bragged about how good he is at cheating on his wife in canon even if I can't think of an example right now. It's almost as though by putting his focus on the amoral things he IS good at he can ignore the more basic human areas he fails in (e.g being a husband and father)
Pat I feel gets so rooted in his routines he naturally gets better at the things he practices, but never comes across anything he isn't already at least ok at. He seems to like his comfort zone a LOT, and would only venture out of it with a lot of research and preparation beforehand (kind of removing the unexpected aspect of trying new things)
Fanny, Kitty, and Mary were very much taught differently to the men. As women they could never be as good as something as a man oh no. And so they internalise that, learn to underestimate themselves as much as they are underestimated.
Kitty as an adoptee would always be seen as less than her sister. The true daugher would always be believed first. But she still tries so earnestly and puts her whole self behind the things she enjoys, regardless of if others think it is good. If there were any spite behind it I would call it a rebellion. Perhaps it would become such with more thought into negative aspects of her past
Fanny was not trusted to uphold the family with her math skills, and thus was forced into a role others felt she could better fulfill. So she learnt to embody that role as best she could. Until she could not see anything beyond the boundaries of her place. And even then her husband does not believe in her ability to keep a secret. He denies her the choice, but she proves him wrong. She focuses more on the abilities and flaws of those surrounding her, and with the focus on someone else she can avoid the judgement both internal and external upon herself
And Mary as a member of the peasantry would have experienced this from two directions. And we can see the affect in how long it took for her voice to be regained. She could have been the most virtuous being on earth, but as everyone around her saw her use as lesser and spent nobody bothered to defend her. She was thrown to the flames at the first cry of witch. She would only ever engage in activities on others levels, waiting until others had already begun to join in. It is a shame she could not interact with anything anymore, because there are SO many areas in which Mary has expertise the others have NONE of either as modern or noble beings. Pat would come the closest, but only recreationally.
Humphrey and Robin really just seem to vibe through the centuries, as underestimated as they are they are pretty assured in their own worth and abilities. The Tory with a first from Cambridge says the uneducated caveman cannot beat him in chess? Robin shows him he is wrong. Humphrey is neglected and ignored? He'll amuse himself with his witticisms and take the conversation when it comes.
I don't know how to conclude this. Hope you enjoyed the monologue I guess?
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transboysokka · 3 months
rating changes made in natla: episode 1
I wanna be clear that I overall enjoyed the series. Most things I had problems with were actually pretty minor.
Planning to attack the Earth Kingdom as a distraction from the Air Nomad genocide: kind of cool I guess but still a weird and random way to open a whole ass show with these randos. Maybe a good way to set up the White Lotus I guess. Cool excuse to see Sozin. Reaction: Neutral
Kyoshi narrating the introduction: Cool. Makes sense. We haven’t met Katara yet. Also cool that they didn’t stick to the original opening monologue bc that wouldn’t have fit as well actually. Reaction: Positive
Showing life in the Air Temple before it was attacked. I mean I get it. It shows Aang’s reaction with Gyatso and kind of leads us to understand where he comes from. It makes his loss hurt that much more. Reaction: Positive
Great Comet Festival: Obviously an excuse to get everyone together for the Genocide but cool I guess. Reaction: Neutral
Aang just going away to clear his head instead of running away from being the Avatar: I get it. It’s to make him seem more likable, not irresponsible. I really don’t care either way. Reaction: Neutral.
Showing the Air Nation genocide: It didn’t last too long and it wasn’t as terribly graphic as I thought it could be. It fit in with the tone and narrative. Did it add anything to the point that it seemed necessary? No. Reaction: Neutral.
Katara using the Fire Nation ship as a place to practice her bending? Badass. Reaction: Positive
Showing more of Sokka’s duties/leadership/burden around the SWT village: love it, delicious, I’m obsessed. Also leaning into Hakoda’s absence. Great. Reaction: Positive
Finding Aang for some random reason that isn’t Katara being pissed at Sokka’s sexism: Honestly I wasn’t bothered by this the first time around but now it’s clear to me this is the first in a long line of choices that make Katara’s character more boring and like. peaceful so. Reaction: Negative
Zuko’s fanatical journal and doodle wall: Love it. Super on brand. Reaction: Positive
Aang already having the bison whistle: whatever. Reaction: Neutral
The SWT having a longhouse: It’s a small change but I love how much more developed the set is… Reaction: Positive
Gran Gran doing the opening monologue from the original show: it fit but I’m sorry it was soooo cringe oh my god….. Reaction: Negative
Let me just mention this here but it’s kind of weird that Katara doesn’t mention her mother’s necklace in the whole show when it was so important to the plot of the original show??? Just another facet of her character ignored I guess. Reaction: Negative
The weird claw thing the Firebenders do: it’s ugly lol. Reaction: Negative
Iroh starting real early trying to convince Zuko his dad sucks: their relationship is so much cooler and better in this show and I can’t really explain it. But I like this and it fits. Reaction: Positive
Sokka’s real ass engineering and defensive skills on full display? Huge love. Reaction: Positive
That one boy close in age to Sokka. Why is he here? Wasn’t Sokka supposed to be the only one left? Glad he gets a boyfriend though. Reaction: Neutral
Iroh’s conversation with Aang on the Fire Nation ship: it’s whatever. An interesting choice to have him tip his hand so early. I have to believe there’s a reason for it and again it works with his overall narrative in the season. Reaction: Neutral
Not spending so much time at the Southern Air Temple… I get it, it was kind of the trade off for showing so much in the beginning. It’s fine, it works. Reaction: Neutral
Aang bringing himself out of the Avatar state by thinking about Gyatso/who he is/whatever, instead of Katara doing it: I get it, they seem to be wanting to cut out any overt Kataang stuff. Still, the relationships between our three main characters are just not nearly as tight in this version of the show and something like this might have saved it? Still, Aang crying in her arms afterward covers that a bit so. Reaction: Neutral
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fuluga · 15 days
Luz - Emotional Processing Notes (this is the organized version see below for my brainrot version)
Luz exhibits traits of alexithymia, specifically struggling to label her emotions despite feeling them intensely. Her physical reactions often clue her in to what she might be feeling, though she's prone to misinterpretation. She’s never been to therapy, so her self-awareness is limited, but through her experiences and interactions, she begins to piece things together.
Examples: In a high-stake situation in SR1 she mistakes fear for anger (elevated heart rate, body sweat, etc.) and has an explosive reaction that complicates a situation.
Notes: Luz’s lack of therapy/proper emotional understanding does eventually lead to growth. I envision this through multiple characters from the series who have undergone therapy to some degree recognizing Luz's struggles and offering insight, even if it’s initially rejected. It plants the seed in her head. (This might end up being her sister, Elena who she communicates with occasionally at the hospital.)
Anger is the easiest emotion for Luz to recognize because it produces clear physical symptoms: a racing heart, tension, and a surge of energy. She channels this into violence, finding a return to homeostasis after releasing her pent-up energy. Murdering, descruction, fighting, the whole lot here. This coping mechanism is both a strength and a weakness, as it sometimes leads to impulsive actions but also explains why she hasn’t flat out died yet.
Luz's transition in her early twenties is delayed due to her inability to identify her dysphoria. Throughout SR1, her anger and volatility are heightened by this unrecognized core discomfort. As she ages, listens to her companions, makes friends, and deals with challenges as Playa, she starts to understand herself better.
Examples: My brain is struggling here but just imagine some inner monologues that show her lifelong but unrecognized dysphoria. Moments where she feels out of place, angry without understanding why, these all gradually lead to her realization pretty quickly into SR1 storyline but she stays closeted as Cez for awhile. She waits to gain reputation and respect.
Notes: Unrelated but really curious as to how yall canon Saints companions reacting to a trans Playa character. I feel like there’s room for stuff here but I haven’t really thought about it… like for someone like Luz who is besties with Aisha and Johnny would they have an opinion? Approve/dissaprove initially? How does it affect their friendship if there is some phobic vibes or does it not affect it at all due to the respect Playa has as a person idk
Relationship w/ Johnny and Aisha
Luz is a keen observer, especially in SR1, using others as a reference to understand her emotions. She connects with Johnny because of his directness and unapologetic nature, which aligns with her literal thinking. She admires Aisha’s femininity, success, and passion for music. Their romantic relationship confuses Luz, but third-wheeling with them helps her gather insights.
Notes: The insights are not always great. I think Luz would try to emulate aspects of Johnny and Aisha’s relationship in her own flings, but it fails, which adds to her confusion and irritation. An example like taking someone out to Freckle Bitches on a first date. Johnny did it and Aisha stayed, why can’t I? The reason why she emulates them I think is because she does recognize they have a deep bond whether they realize it or not. She can identify the emotion in them but she would not be able to do it in herself if that makes sense? She does want a real relationship like theirs at first but she fails too many times with her shitty method in SR1 so she becomes a player. Playa. Get it. (Aisha and Johnny 100% bully her for this as a bestie trio thing)
Flings and Manipulation and… Gaslighting?
In SR1, Luz engages in random flings and flirts with strangers, often as a means of emotional manipulation and gaslighting. These unreliable relationships reflect her dysfunctional understanding of normal relationships. She feels nothing genuine for her romantic pursuits, kinda just using them as a way to waste time and gain influence/information, focusing on power and ambition as main traits in this game. She is not extroverted at all so she kinda has that silent guy rizz and a pretty face that worked somehow on men and women.
Shift in SR2
By SR2, Luz has grown more emotionally aware and confident in her identity. Transitioning has expanded her emotional range, thanks to gender-affirming care and hormones. She remains direct and brash but is less obsessed with power, knowing her worth. (Getting blown up does that to ya) Her leadership style is defined by her no-nonsense attitude and refusal to take any disrespect.
Luz’s relationships with her companions evolve. She gets along well with Johnny and Aisha (post coma reunion) and they both play a significant role in her life. She idealizes Johnny/Aisha a bit as power couple despite their issues because she can identify that core emotion in them. Ask her to identify that emotion in herself though and she cannot.
Relationship w/ Luz and Carlos
Carlos's willingness to do anything for Luz puzzles her. She explores this by befriending him, experiencing a mix of flirty vibes and a sense of normalcy that she can’t quite interpret. Her interactions with Carlos are marked by fluctuating feelings she can’t label. The gang notices this dynamic, but Luz denies it. After Carlos's death, Luz is overwhelmed with regret, realizing too late how much she cared for him. This is a pivotal moment for her emotional clarity.
Examples: "Luz, you ever wonder why we do this?" Carlos spoke softly, acknowledging their closeness. Luz felt her chest well with tightness, misinterpreting the feeling that rose in her body. “It’s about power, Carlos. Nothing else.” Carlos blinked at her slowly, “For you, maybe. For me, it’s different.” Luz distanced herself from Carlos, attempting to brush off his words. “Stop overthinking it.”
Post Death:
Luz held the gold chain Carlos wore, pressing her thumb against the cross pendant. “Why does this hurt so much?” She whispered to herself, the tightness in her chest returning, sharper. She could not ignore or misplace the deep wound she felt. It wasn’t about power. It wasn’t about anger. It was loss. Regret.
Impact of Aisha’s Death
Aisha’s death hits Luz hard, triggering intense feelings of sadness, guilt, and envy. These emotions, compounded by Johnny's grief, strain their friendship. They become coworkers rather than close friends, driven by a shared goal of vengeance. Luz compartmentalizes her emotions, focusing on tracking down those responsible, leading to resentment and conflict with Johnny.
Luz and Johnny’s relationship deteriorates after their losses. They clash, with harsh words and physical fights reflecting their internal turmoil. (Peep that art i made) (I also kinda see the fight as a foil to their previous friendship and the end of SR1 them and start of sr2 them) Their arguments include comparisons of their losses, revealing their vulnerabilities at the core. Eventually, they realize they must support each other rather than fight, leading to a tentative truce. Their relationship rebuilds slowly, marked by raw honesty and mutual growth between the duo.
Luz’s feelings for Johnny develop over time. She recognizes her emotions sooner than she did with Carlos but remains hesitant. A slow burn towards a romantic relationship vibes. Imagine scenes where there is chemistry but unspoken. Classic unintentional physical closeness- I don’t know Luz is questioning her feelings. Debating on giving them a romantic encounter before the fight to serve as a catalyst but unsure. Unresolved feelings about Aisha and Carlos with that poor choice of sexual distraction could be interesting way to confront guilt/grief.
Examples: im too dead for this
"You don’t get it, Luz. Aisha’s death is on all of us."
"How can you say that? I didn’t kill her!"
I don’t know words here
*anger and confusion, lashing out grrrr* “Don't you dare compare your loss to mine. Carlos was—"
”Was what, Luz? ‘Nother pawn to you?"
Luz explodes in anger, initiating a physical fight
Bruised and bleeding
"We can't keep doing this, Johnny. We’re on the same side."
“Yeah, well, maybe if we talked instead of throwing punches..."
“Talking’s not exactly our thing."
“No, but maybe it should be."
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Chainsaw Man Chapter 118: Saying Goodbye
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So let me just say, that not once, definitely not even for a second, did I think that Yoru was going to be able to turn Denji into a spinal cord sword. Definitely not.
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⚠️Warning: Spoilers Ahead⚠️
It's absolutely like Fujimoto though to turn something that caused readers to panic and freak out into something incredibly casual and even borderline comedic. Put us on edge just for a funny and cute scene between Yoru/Asa and Denji.
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The interaction does beg the question of what's going on with Denji, and it's really such an incredible piece at that. Sure, part two is Asa's part, but at the same time Denji is still an important character that's been through a lot. Because of that, not having access to his inner monologue makes things a thousand times more interesting. Is Denji actually in love with Asa? Is Asa the one that felt too guilty to turn him into a weapon? It's just such a great and unique piece to the story that wouldn't be possible without a shift in the main character. Also, without it we wouldn't get a new Asa reaction meme.
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Anyways, I'm really loving the opposition that we have to Part 1 so far. Everything is going entirely differently, almost like a mirror image of it. The Eternity Devil appeared, but it didn't try to make a contract so that people could escape, and Denji didn't launch into combat with it for several days. Instead, Asa/Yoru beat it within just a small time frame. And now there's the whole thing with the date, Denji made it through the first date.
Also, Asa being just plain entitled and thinking she's the greatest thing the Earth has been graced with is so much fun. She has all of a second where she's sad that Denji doesn't like her, but then she immediately turns around to feel indignant that he doesn't like her. Just such a fun piece to her character.
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Moving forward though, it's really fun getting to see Fujimoto's interests in movies arise once more. Just feels like it's continuing to retrace the steps of Part 1, purposefully out of order and in completely different ways. The whole Mummy Movie Marathon was a fun bit, but Asa wanting to go over to Denji's place was a real surprise. We'll get to see Nayuta in the next chapter! Though it seems it'll be a high risk visit given the house rules.
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Overall, definitely a fun and highly enjoyable chapter, though one that doesn't contribute a massive deal to the story. It was largely just a setup, but Fujimoto still manages to make it really engaging and interesting, while even sneaking in a few pieces about the Famine Devil. Certainly looking forward to Asa and Denji's next date, and finally getting to see Nayuta in part 2!
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azure-firecracker · 3 months
I thought I’d do a liveblog reaction to the ATLA live action so this is just a chaotic stream of my thoughts as I watch. Spoilers ahead (fyi I’m going to be tagging these as “atla stream of consciousness”)
Episode 1 (Part 1)
The fire nation theme already got me excited lol.
Earthbending CGI is slightly sketchy. You can tell firebending got the whole budget
Firelord Sozin doesn’t have enough gravitasse imo. Like the music is out evil-ing him.
Oh shit they are getting graphic.
“Which is why we have to kill them all” that’s very on the nose.
I don’t recognize anyone bending in the intro but it looks cool (who’s narrating though?-they’re not doing a good job)
Air temple looks gorgeous!
I know people have complained about him being able to fly but it doesn’t really bother me. New universe, some new rules can apply (within reason).
“There may come a day where you wish you had spent more time with your teachers” THAT’S SO CRUEL (specifically cruel to me).
“Great comet festival” all I thought of was the musical.
I can see the Tibetan influences more evidently in the Air Nomads that’s cool.
Aang and Gyatso are so sweet omg!
I need to rewatch The Storm but does Aang know he’s the avatar or not in the original? Gyatso telling him feels new to me.
Edit: I’ve been told that he does find out but months before he runs away, and the thing that sets him off is being told to leave (thanks @ragnarssons !) For me it makes a little more sense the original way but I don’t deeply care.
Gordon’s delivery on “I never asked to be special” OKAY THIS KID CAN ACT.
This Aang and Gyatso scene has me emotional wow. Do more of this and less burning people.
I already knew that Aang didn’t run away and I get streamlining some stuff but I do think it was a pretty core trait to change and having him be slightly more morally grey would have been more interesting, especially because his monologue was already leading there.
The Fire Nation people do not need to say “we’re gonna kill everyone” so many times. Do they think we don’t understand?
Airbending CGI looks pretty good too.
I get why they’re showing people burning and it makes sense I just really have trouble watching it.
In terms of showing the Air Nomad genocide, I can understand why they did it. When you’re doing a reimagining, especially with the tonal shift, it’s good to have a new beginning or a new something to set yourself apart from the original. It’s a different story and that’s okay. That being said, I don’t like how gruesome everything is. I feel like a lot of the same fear factors could be achieved without showing everyone (especially Gyatso) burning, and it feels like it’s violence for the sake of shock value trying to be edgier or something (I also don’t like gruesome stuff generally so that may be me).
More to come! These are long so I’m splitting them up a lot because I have MANY thoughts.
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maythearo · 1 year
You know what? Spiderman!Jamil is an amazing idea
Can you imagine the reaction he makes the moment he gets bitten? Where was he? When did he get bit? There's so many questions that would be fun to think of!
You know how in the first Spiderverse movie, there is the scene where Miles could physically hear his own thoughts in the form of comic word boxes/bubbles? It'd be really fun to imagine something like that with him since a lot of the time he's thinking to himself
How long does he keep it away from Kalim? Does he manage to hide it from him very long? What kind of Super Embarrassing Spiderman Moment does he end up having with somebody when he first got bitten?
How would his spidersuit look like? Maybe something similar to Gwen is what I think, maybe with accents of a snake? Yknow kinda like how Miguel has his whole "vampire spider" stuff.
Okay this ask feels like more that I'm interviewing you but I would love to hear more thoughts you have on this because I'm on a post-watching-atsv surge
These are great questions!!! I'm in the same hype about atsv as you, and my thoughts on it are also running wild AKSJAKDNWKSBAK I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN
The toughest point to think of is how in the world he would get bit. I was rewatching the first movie that had Tobey Maguire, and there's just no way Jamil would willingly go to a school trip to a laboratory full of genetically modified spiders and insects or things of the sort 😭 I'll gladly listen to any ideas of how you think the bite would happen. I got no clue.
But when it does happen, obviously he would freak out upon seeing the spider/realizing he got bitten. Frantically wiping off wherever he felt the spider had crawled on him like "EW EW EW EW EW EW" he's devastated. That's the worst thing that could ever happen to him.
Whenever he starts feeling weird after the bite he immediately connects the dots and thinks he's going to die, nobody has ever seen him so nervous.
I'm making up a whole movie plot here, but hear me out. The only reason he doesn't immediately call a doctor is because he has an important basketball game to attend to, and his team needs him. That's where the super embarrassing spiderman moment comes in. He takes the ball and it doesn't want to let go. Struggle in front of the entire stadium, and he kinda had to quit the match since he cannot use his hands and the team ended up losing
The speech bubbles.. so many speech bubbles. Jamil tends to keep all his thoughts to himself so his inner monologue is filled with those. Visually very cool! He got more comic speech bubbles than any other spiderman out there fr
He's probably someone who would hide his powers and secret identity pretty well. Kalim wouldn't really suspect of anything, but he's not THAT oblivious as to not notice something weird is going on with his friend. He just doesn't push to get the truth out of him because Jamil's business is his own. Kalim's sure that if there's something he doesn't want to talk about it, he's doing it for a good reason (this was proven to not be true before, and he should absolutely worry about any secrets Jamil keeps away from most, but I digress). But if the truth's ever revealed, he wouldn't be so surprised, just react with an "oh yeah that makes sense 👍 I've never seen you and spiderman in the same room"
I got to add something you didn't ask anon, but the canon events ran through my mind and I'm making up on the spot what they would be for the friendly(-ish) neighborhood Spider Viper 🤔 it's mostly so tragic though, because the major canon events that have to happen to every spider person are: losing their best friend, losing a father figure (to teach that with great power comes great responsibility 💪), and also get a love interest (I volunteer btw)
I'm looking through the cast of twst and contemplating who's going to be the unfortunate soul for Jamil's uncle Ben, but I'm not 100% sure! What do you think?
Lastly, those are awesome ideas for a spider suit! I'm making something up as we speak, but for some reason I momentarily forgor how to draw and everything I'm coming up with don't look right 😭 I'll get over it soon enough though
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billpottsismygf · 6 months
That was a really well written episode, with some great sci-fi concepts and amazing character work. It obviously gives a slightly Midnight energy, with these mysterious creatures copying people, but it manages to be completely its own thing. The only place it really fell down were the effects, which is such a shame.
To get that out of the way, the body stretching stuff could have been really effective and creepy, but it mostly just came off very silly. After the incredible production values last episode, it's such a jump down. My suspicion is that The Star Beast and The Giggle were incredibly expensive, and that this was the budget-saving episode - just our main two actors and a spaceship set - but they tried to combine it with a story that required body horror to work, and sadly that element just didn't. Funnily enough, I noticed as the opening credits rolled that it was directed by Tom Kingsley, the original director of Ghosts, and I remember that the reason Ghosts hired him was because of his ability to do special effects on the cheap. Sadly, while I think he could get away with ghosts walking through walls in a budget-saving manner, here it just looks like David Tennant and Catherine Tate have been messed around awkwardly in photoshop and it totally took me out of the horror and the tension the episode was trying to build. It would have been far better, and still would have saved money, if we had barely been shown what they actually looked like and instead focused on Donna and the Doctor's reactions. Once the creatures started to stabilise and to look basically human, it was a fantastic episode, though.
Catherine Tate and David Tennant were on top form throughout, bringing so much comedy and also drama when necessary. I love the subtlety of their performances as the entities. When Donna started monologuing about how her family would react to her being gone, I thought it was an odd acting choice for the Doctor to be slightly smiling, but it turns out it was a genius acting choice.
Speaking of genius choices: Flux! Ahhhh, I cann't express how pleased I am with the way this episode tackled it. Trust RTD to do what Chris Chibnall totally failed to do and actually give it weight (gravity, one might say). Actually seeing the Doctor express emotions about it and have a complicated guilt over the whole thing was so goddamn cathartic. I've posted extensively in the past about how disappointing it was that the Flux seemed to not matter at all once it was over (Half the universe was destroyed, hello? The Doctor committed triple genocide without batting an eyelid, and both that and the destruction of the universe might as well have not happened by the next episode???), and RTD just swooped in and made it work with one scene. I also liked the acknowledgement that the Doctor doesn't know where they're from. I think that was perfect. I know there are people who want Chris Chibnall's run to be ignored, but I'd much rather the approach RTD is taking, which is to take those things and turn them into character moments.
This is one that I'm really looking forward to rewatching. Despite the goofy effects taking me out of what are meant to be suspenseful moments, it was a really effective episode, and what a joy to see David and Catherine at the height of their abilities bouncing off each other for an entire hour.
Small things:
Not so small, but Wilf! Wilf! Wilf! Wilf!!!! I'm so happy to see him <3 And the episode was dedicated to Bernard Cribbins' memory <3
Seeing Donna getting left behind genuinely had me terrified. I'd seen people speculating about Donna dying in these specials, which I rejected as not going to happen, but oh boy I really thought they might just do it here. My headache ramped right up as my heartrate did!
I loved seeing the Doctor having to get by without the TARDIS and the sonic, especially given how many new powers the latter was given last week.
The TARDIS was so extra this episode. Why was she playing Wild Blue Yonder as they arrived and left? I liked the anti-war discussion with Donna's teacher vs Wilf, echoed somewhat in the entities' experience of the universe, but I wonder if it'll have any further relevance.
The whole 'mavity' thing was very silly, but I also kind of liked it. Newton going for 'mavity' over gravity doesn't really make sense, given that gravity had an etymological reason to be called that - as my friend said, something like 'gravitude' or whatever would make more sense - but whatever. It was silly and kept making me laugh. I wonder if, as with the salt thing, there's an implication that messing with history might have a hand in summoning the Toymaker...
Oh, on the topic of Newton! Canon queer Fourteen! I like that the Doctor continues to be canonically queer now. I mean, my personal favourite Doctor headcanon is aro-ace all the way, but if I can't have that I'm overjoyed to have him think Newton is hot.
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blorbologist · 1 year
😭😭😭 please i need angst
I like the idea of one of the older de Rolo siblings (Julius or Vesper) not having been present for the masacre. Maybe attending to business in town, or courting a prospective spouse. And then they come home, try to save their little siblings, and get caught. Julius and Vesper, being the heir and spare, are likely well-trained in statecraft and politics, and thus way too big a risk to leave alive (unlike, say, Percy or Cass). So they get axed - up to you if Cass and/or Percy get to see them alive before they go. The ideal candidate for this would be Vesper, given we don’t see her in TLOVM in Percy’s nightmares, yet he notes that she’s dead in his monologue to Delilah, and in canon Tal says she was thrown from a tower - suitable example for the heir who came back to try and save the day.
Inspired by a recent vent with @rightpastnowhere: I think we, as a fandom, idealize the dead de Rolos. Partially because they usually only get written in the context of happy memories or fluffy AUs where they’re infinitely better than fucking Syldor (though that bar is admittedly low as hell). In reality? The kids were likely mostly raised by wetnurses, nannies and their tutors - Johanna was the Lady, fat chance she was breastfeeding much or dealing with diapers. Percy likely was closer to Anders than his father. Cass would have likely been married off for a political ploy. They were likely prejudiced to no small degree - all the happy AUs where Vex is arrange married to Percy, they’d likely look down their noses at her either due to her birth or the half-elven heritage or both (not to the extent of Syngorn, let’s be honest, so to her it would still be a breath of fresh air. But by no means perfect, there’d be microaggressions aplenty). Julius might have unacknowledged bastards running around Whitestone from his time in brothels (ask me about my angsty Julius bastard thoughts). I do think that the pre-Briarwoods were not exceptional nobles - not exceptionally cruel, but not above bias or pettyness or practicality either. However! I think most of that could have been eased with time and exposure. Cass and Percy have both had ample time among the lower class and with their noble past completely worthless, so they’ve had time to grow past this, but both of them likely were huge privileged pains in the ass pre-Briarwoods. But they have to either live with the fact their family would dislike most of their friends today, or cling to a version of them that never existed (worse: their reaction to the quarter-elves, to Gwen). Percy isn't sure which is worse - the choice comes easily for Cass.
Gnomes are long-lived - I’d like to think Scanlan’s father is still alive. Maybe he even comes a knocking, in the decades and decades to come, if he somehow figures out the famous Scanlan Shorthalt is the son of Juniper Shorthalt he knocked boots with. I… highly doubt his reaction would be pleasant lmao. Pike might chase him off with a mace. Scanlan would likely have a long tearful talk with Kaylie, after, because man… he gets it, now. He really fucking gets it and it sucks, and he just wants to hurt this fucker for the years he and his mother spent alone. (In a similar vein, again, gnomes live so long that I suspect they have a strong culture of family bonds - Wilhand lived to raise his great-great granddaughter and that does not seem too abnormal! Chetney is 400+, and given Scanlan likely had Kaylie into his 30s-50s and Pike had their kids in her 30s-40s, you could fit a whole lot of generations in a lifetime. With that said: Scanlan must be so, so bitter that Juniper can’t be around for the lives of his children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. It’s unfair. And because she died when he was fairly young, he doesn’t have nearly as many stories of her to share as he’d like. Sometimes he’s tempted to make some up. He hates the impulse.)
Send me a 😭 for one of my saddest headcanons about a character
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cdyssey · 9 months
New Tech (1.04) Rewatch:
The linguist in me has ALWAYS loved this cold open. Looooove regional colloquialisms.
“This is a classroom, not a hoagie stand.” QKQKWKDJSJ
Damn, last time I was up this early was to cuss out the mailman. I don’t need all them bills comin’.” SNSNSNS. Ugh, Ava’s fits are always immaculate—those high-waisted white pants.
“Ah, tech has its place—like when you haven’t been with a man for a few years.” JESUS GODNDIWJSNSNS. OKAY, freeze frame this shot. There’s Jacob’s reaction up front and Gregory staring straight into the camera in the back. BUT ALSO, there’s the extra next to Gregory straight up LOSING it.
“I had to potty train myself.” :((
“Okay, who do you gotta bang to get into the analytics annex?” AQkqkwkswkKWJSNS. Two sex jokes in less than two minutes. Mel is on a roll
Love Mrs. Barbara Howard lying and plastering a huge smile onto her face. <3 go, girlboss. Repress ur insecurities
“I love how you guys will just park anywhere.” lmao
“Now who took that picture of me…” ANSNSNS
“Got a hotmail. I once even rode in a Tesla.” i fucking love her
“I’m a little behind on my hotmail correspondence…sssss.” AJQJJSSN
“No, not Kaleel. Everybody knows that little dork can read.” QHQJWHJWJ
“A car full of women.” ANSNSNSNS, never change, Gregory.
“Like, you wanna run up the Rocky steps, but you can’t take a punch in the face!” Love this whole monologue, but especially the part where she’s like it’s a respect thing. This is the kids’ history and to sanitize it is to do a disservice to them.
The kid plays William is sooo cute.
“Sometimes I wonder if I put you on too high a pedestal, but then I think it’s not high enough. I say, ‘Janine, she’s a person just like you…’” Ughhshhshshshs, oh, this dialogue always gets me because that’s exactly the crux of Barbara’s insecurities. She has been lofted to a high pedestal—by both her own design and the admiration of others—and feeling as though there’s a gap between where she is and where people perceive her to be absolutely GUTS her. It’s the curse of the perfectionist.
The shot of Melissa smiling before William starts to read is so wonderful.
“Normally, I encourage cheating, but girl, you gots to let me know.” AJDNSNSN
“It just made me feel like I was being pushed out to sea.” :((
“Are those jellybeans on your belt?” AJQNDNW, I love when Barbara is mean. God.
“Basically, I was a jerk.” / “I wish my ex-husband could ever admit that much.” UGH!!! UGHHHHHH. UGH!!!!!!!!!!
“This is who we are—the good, the bad, and the ugly.” 😭
I really do love Jacob and Mel’s relationship.
“You’re gonna sell those, aren’t ya?” / “And what would you rather I do, Melissa?” AOQKQKAKWIWOWNANSNA. Now kiss
Barb and Janine dancing with little William. 😭😭
SHDNSNSN, great end stinger.
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augentrust · 8 months
i always saw essek's relationship with touch being like 'if i'm comfortable with you, you can touch me'. i think he genuinely likes jester, but things like her peer pressuring him into a thank you hug for the xhorhaus makes him being comfortable with her touch take longer.
that, or it was the fact that caleb touched him in a secluded room instead of in front of the whole base, lol
i definitely think essek comes into his interactions with the nein with a very different attitude towards touch (both personally and culturally), but that’s especially true when they reach him at the outpost. forget casual touch -- he can barely even look them in the eyes
prior to their in-person reunion, it’s been weeks of silence following a very tense parting at the peace talks. essek has no idea where they stand beyond a few frantic (and frankly, desperate) sendings over the last few days. there’s a ton of factors that go into his reaction to jester’s hug (see some of the very funny tags from folks on my previous post) but if i had to throw a guess out, i’d say that the poor man panicked. he walked floated out to meet them with a polite smile and an internal monologue of “oh gods, oh gods, oh gods” and got a hug. essek absolutely strikes me as someone who falls back on court appearances and protocol in times of full on blue-screening 
flash forward to leaving his meeting with the nein, when caleb goes in for the face touch: essek's had a chance to talk, an opportunity to gauge where their relationship stands (not great, but not unsalvageable), and has also received enough terrible information such that there is not enough whiskey chocolate in the world to make it better. he's still incredibly stressed, but for larger, external reasons and caleb (after being fairly distant during their chat) reads that on him and offers a quiet word. you're very correct that a few guards is different from an entire outpost, and i think it also helped that liam made a point to acknowledge that there were people around and that that influenced caleb's words and behavior
(on a very meta sidenote, laura announced jester’s hug explicitly, while caleb’s face touch was a quiet gesture on liam’s part -- there might be something there in terms of how obvious the action is and how that influences matt's decision to have essek respond to it)
regardless, i think essek accepting caleb’s touch was extremely important to him -- both because he values caleb’s opinion of him in particular (see: essek struggling to look at any of them but not making eye contact with caleb) but also because in the two hours since they arrived, the nein have complicated his life immensely. they've inadvertently connected him to the murder of an assembly member, asked him to abscond from the outpost that he (arguably very suspiciously) requested, and informed him that, without intervention, the end of the world was imminent. that’s a lot for anyone, let alone essek. and yet, as they’re leaving, he still accepts and even appreciates caleb’s attempt to console him about these new struggles that have been piled on top of everything else that he’s currently processing
even though one touch was gently rebuffed and the other was quietly accepted, i think both jester and caleb’s interactions with him were important during that reunion: jester’s showing essek that the nein still cared about him, and his reaction to caleb’s showing that the same was true in return
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merrikat-e · 2 years
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe film review!
Here I am, 10 years after I first read Aristotle and Dante, having just watched Aitch Alberto’s adaptation of the beloved book. I’m not one for writing reviews, but this story means a lot to me personally, and I know many others feel the same, so I want to share my thoughts on the film. I wont share too many specifics, but dm me if you want to know more. The reviews I’m seeing thus far are obviously written by film critics who are unfamiliar with the book. As someone very familiar with the book, here’s my two cents:
First of all, the casting is perfect. The two young actors who play Ari and Dante are wonderful and absolutely embody the characters and they have great chemistry with each other. I was especially moved by Max Pelayo, who plays Ari beautifully. Despite the lack of his internal monologue that is provided in the book, Ari remains just as nuanced and thoughtful in the film. Their relationship is so sweet, especially in the beginning as they become best friends and are unconsciously falling in love with each other.
Everyone is perfectly cast, the parents, especially Ari’s parents, Gina and Suzie (who could’ve had more screen time tbh), and Aunt Ophelia, who is a more prominent character in the film. Beautiful and sincere performances all around.
A surprising highlight for me was the music. Isabel Summers, AKA the Machine of Florence + the Machine, composed the original soundtrack. It definitely adds to the poetic nature of the story, and really sucks you into Ari’s world and emotions.
The film is also just beautiful to watch. I know there will be a thousand gif-sets of every scene once they can be made.
The critiques I have are mainly inevitable side-effects of book-to-film adaptation, such as pacing and scenes not included. Especially in the latter half of the film, where Ari is at his most conflicted internally. Scenes that happen over days or weeks in the book are filmed to seem like they are in the same day, giving some emotional whiplash that I suppose is expected from turning a whole novel into an hour and a half long film. (The director did mention that the uncut version is 2.5 hours and baby, I wanna see it all! Fuck Hollywood and it’s arbitrary marketability standards…)
I think the film, and definitely the reviews that I’ve seen if the film, are a little boxed in by Hollywood representation/identity politics. I mean, it is an undeniably beautiful and important representation of young latino, specifically mexicano queerness and masculinity. Ari having only his repressed father and estranged lost brother in prison as his male role models, expecting that he too will inevitably become just as lost and violent someday. This is more contemplative in the book than in the film, and Ari acts out in more toxic ways in the film than he does in the book. I understand this as a way to translate text to film, but I was a little off put at times, expecting the more tender yet repressed reactions of Ari in the book. I worry, though, that the film might get held back by leaning into toxic masculinity as a main theme, not that it isn’t an interesting or important topic in the book or the real world. Ari is inherently so masculinized because of his race and class, and so presenting toxic masculinity as a main conflict for him, his quieter issues of depression, loneliness, anxiety, shame get slightly overlooked. Well, it’s all connected, really, but does mainstream Hollywood get that? Probably not…good thing it’s an indie film. Not sure if any of this makes sense anyways but would love to discuss once others have seen it! Besides, when the film gets tender, it is very tender indeed, don’t worry.
Despite some of the odd pacing and omitted scenes that I maybe would have liked to see, this film is truly a loving homage to the book by queer latinx creators who made an indie film relatively quick knowing the pressure of Hollywood and modern identity politics. It leans into the symbolic and poetic nature of the book, and the translation isn’t always perfect, but it’s definitely powerful and beautiful to watch. I cried a lot lol. And you will too.
Again, dm me if you want to know about more specific things in the movie, but I think we as fans should really be proud of this project.
Finally, here’s me with Ari and Dante and the director before the screening! Crying about it!!!
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uths-ethnol-spam · 7 months
i've listened to MAG 158-159-160 in a perfect setting and just want to talk a bit about it
tw: animal death (rat) and a disturbing thing about it (it's the paragraph following me talking about mag 160 if you want to skip it, it really is not relevant)
spoilers for TMA season 4 finale
my experience listening to tma, there you go
i currently live in Paris. the autumn here lets the sinuous paved streets gleaming after the rain; the night falls early, and you quickly happen to walk under the yellow light of old street lamps, their glow slightly dimed by fog; when you know where to go, some places are almost devoid of people — and the cars are very rare. the sounds are mostly the Seine, the Canal Saint-Martin, your feet on the pavement, the wind, distant sounds from the city filtered by your headphones.
so i was walking in the 4th arrondissement, between Pont Marie, Sully Morland and l'île Saint-Louis, crossing some bridges, drinking hot tea as Martin dropped his actual first f-bomb, as Basira promised Daisy to kill her — and just couldn't stop wandering, as Jon entered the Lonely, searched for Martin, forced a statement out of Peter Lukas
(something funny did happened. i, well, gasped — really gasped — when Martin said “i really loved you”, but just had crossed path with a man, who turned back and stared at me, clearly concerned, and oh what a story like tma made me do)
(i told him “oh, pardon, c'est rien, désolé” and simply walked away)
then, mag 160; finally, i knew what the cows were about, why the sentence "hello Jon, apologies for the deception" is indeed iconic, and and i just fell into Jonah's clutches throughout his whole monologue.
when he was explaining the whole plan, i happened to walk on the corpse of a dead rat; they are not quite unusual here, though myself do not see rats often, actually; it was so bizarre, to feel its softness, and i did have an immediate body reaction, a shudder, and was a bit lightheaded right after; but it was thematically fitting. besides, it just reinforced the impression that it was just me, the town, and Jonah Magnus. a very... intimate journey, somehow
and then. well, the end (... no pun intended) happened. oh fuck. i had almost reach the Hôtel de Ville, and from where i was (les quais de Seine) i could see the very end of l'île Saint-Louis, where i was half an hour before, listening to Peter Lukas' statement; from there, you actually have a large view — you see all the sky. and oh. i actually stopped walking, and just stared. and it was brilliant
really, i don't think i could have had a better experience (besides, i don't walk enough these days, and doing so in Paris is always a good idea because the city is so cool)
anyway, i just wanted to talk about it, put it somewhere, because it was sick bordel vraiment incroyable, and it's great to commit it to memory
(there are. so, so, so much things at the end of the season. it is a very strong finale, probably my favourite, and i can't wait to finally listen to s5, though i do not want their story to end and leave them behind) (i won't, but... you know how it is)
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teanshan · 1 year
Hi, this was inspired by the "top 5 anything" post :)
Top 5 scenes you enjoyed writing in INAP so far and why (and if you want/please also the top 5 hardest scenes to write).
Bless your work 🖤🧡
hi! thanks for asking! ok for those who don't know, INAP is my ongoing tianshan fic on AO3 titled I'm Not A Prostitute. tbh sometimes i regret the title, bc prostitute is a pretty outdated term. but it still is constantly the most relevant name for my fic as its the biggest overarching conflict in the story.
Anyway! these are in no particular order:
top 5 enjoyed writing
1. Chapter 9 "Bath Time" - this entire fic can definitely be divided into two; BBT (Before Bath Time) and ABT (After Bath Time). Its the first major turning point in the fic. BBT chapters were all fun sex scenes with dashes of development. But then in Bath Time, everything completely changed for Red. he admitted to himself that he loved He Tian, and even though this is a He Tian pov chapter, that feeling shift in red is definitely conveyed. it also had great insight in he tian's messed up backstory, the cold mother, not knowing how to comfort, the overwhelming anxiety to stop red from feeling this loving way towards him. plus the sex scene was hot.
2. chapter 11 "Body Shots" - my toxic trait is that i love writing/reading drunk makeout scenes.
3. chapter 19 "The Hotel Room pt 2" - ahhhhh now this one!!!! it was brutal to write but i felt so much satisfaction when i was finally able to write he tian saying "i love you" to red for the first time. i built up this chapter and the ones prior, that red was going to say it, he was going to say it first and it wasn't going to end well bc on the opposite end, he tian was going to end things with red. so i absolutely loved reading everyone's reactions to finding out it was he tian who said it first. regarding the sex scene, i had been saving the ceiling mirror and the lying reverse cowgirl position for a special occasion.
4. chapter 6 "in the kitchen" - the relationship development in this was really fun. he's been spending too much time w he tian, sleeping over often and his mother is worried about his studies. meanwhile he tian is a horndog and wants to fuck in the kitchen. very fun!
5. chapter 14 "the phone call" - hot hot hot just straight up hot.
top 5 difficult chapters
1. chapter 4 "The Video" - when i first started inap, my plan was to only write from Red's pov. but when i got to chapter 4, it was so long ago, but i think i was A) bored of it and B) felt trapped by the single pov. i really wanted to start showing how he tians feelings were developing internally, and you can't do that from Red's pov. so i remember literally having half of the chapter complete and making the difficult decision to scrap it all! ultimately it was the best decision i ever made for the fic bc i thoroughly enjoy writing he tian's pov, and commenters sometimes praise how seeing their different povs for the same scenes really adds layers to the whole story.
2. chapter 22 "coffee & conversations" - ooooh chapter name spoiler~~ its the chapter I'm still working on. i mean it has taken me ehem…over a year to write so….yeah. but it's getting there i swear, I'm hoping end of jan early feb so stay tuned. the difficulty is obviously in the title...CONVERSATIONS!!! GOD I HATE DIALOGUE!!!! ESPECIALLY MEANINGFUL AND IMPORTANT DIALOGUE!!
3. chapter 21 "the hospital" - once again dialogue, well, really its he tian's monologue. I had all of these reasons for why he tian is the way he is that i finally wanted to reveal, but it was difficult to order them, to make it flow nicely between the topics in an orderly manner. this one basically took just under a year to write.
4. chapter 12 "parked" - this was a heavy dialogue chapter and you know how i feel about dialogue. but more importantly, the dialogue had to find the right balance of them returning to the norm, but also have them enter the next stage of their relationship. all sex scenes after this feel pretty meaningful? and its all because of this chapter.
5. chapter 20 "A night out" - it was difficult to figure out how…dark i wanted to go. bc my initial plans went a lot further and when it finally came time to writing it, i kept pulling back. tough stuff.
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