ellecdc · 2 months
okay so this accidentally ended up being almost 5.5k words??? whoopsie daisy.
this concept was a collaboration with @unstablereader and also intertwined a few requests for best friend Barty, big brother Sirius, and poly!moonwater hurt comfort!!
poly!moonwater x fem!reader who was bitten over the winter hols
CW: Best Friend Barty (i.e., swearing, chaos, slight insanity), Big Brother Sirius (i.e., coddling, bad cop, certified dumbass), swearing swearing swearing, slight muggle blasphemy, description of wounds/blood/injury, discussion of Sacred 28 Pureblood Families, etc etc etc - hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending
Barty Crouch Junior was a plethora of dichotomies and contradictions. 
He was a good friend and a bad son. He was a smart boy who made horrible ideas. He was a rational person with unreasonable reactions. He was a menace and very reliable. He was a good lay and a bad boy. 
Barty liked that about himself though; he liked that no one ever knew what to expect when it came to Bartemus Crouch Junior. 
Though, he supposed to those who knew him, it would have been completely predictable for him to have stayed at Hogwarts over the winter holidays. Maybe he should have gone home – really surprised everyone then.
His nightly routine of trying to incendio Daily Prophet articles of his father with nonverbal and wandless magic was interrupted by an awkward thump on his dorm room door. 
“Come in?” Barty called awkwardly, unsure who might be at his door seeing as his friends were all home for the holidays and the staff here tended to avoid him like Dragon Pox.
The doorknob began to rattle but it sounded as if the person on the other side of the door was struggling to turn it.
“Salazar’s saggy balls. WHAT!?” He seethed as he ripped the door open, determined to teach whoever was stupid enough to bother him a lesson when he came face to face with you.
Except...except you were crying, and bloody, and so pale.
“Treasure!?” Barty squawked, awkwardly catching you as you began to slide down the door frame which you were leaning the entirety of your weight on. 
“Barty...I-” you started before a pained sob tore through your teeth. “I need help.”
“What happened?” Barty asked breathlessly, moving you from the door to his bed without your help after your left leg gave out on you.
“What. Happened. Y/N?” He demanded.
“Barty, you cannot- cannot tell Reg and Remus. Pl- hnggh - please promise me you won’t tell them.”
“Tell them what, Treasure? What’s wrong!?” Barty pressed, beginning to panic when his bedding quickly became saturated with your blood. 
“Promise me!” You shrieked, your voice carrying the most clarity since you had arrived.
“Okay! I promise!” Barty agreed readily. You didn’t seem convinced, however.
You shakily held your pinky out to him and stared intensely at him. “Promise me that y-, that you will not tell Remus or, or Regulus.”
Barty looked between your eyes and your pinky before finally interlocking your pinky with his. “I promise I will not tell Remus or Regulus.”
More tears fell as you began pulling your long winter robes off. You were wearing a long sleeved shirt and long trousers, but Barty could tell most of the bleeding was coming from your leg. Your fingers were shaking too much as you unsuccessfully tried unbuttoning your trousers, so Barty silently asked for your permission before undoing the button and zip for you.
You pulled the pants to your knee to expose a large...werewolf bite on your left thigh.
“Treasure.” Barty breathed out horrified, looking back up at you with tears in his eyes. “What...what happened? No, I ... I can see what happened. How did this happen?”
“I...I just-”
And you passed out.
“No! No no no. Nononononono.” Barty chanted as he tried to rouse you awake.
“Okay Barty, come on, think. You didn’t achieve all twelve O.W.L’s for naught.” He berated himself, lying you down on his bed and pulling your trousers the rest of the way off.
He turned you onto your right side and tried elevating your leg to stop the blood flow after he realized a simple episkey was not going to close the wound.
He realized that the reason you’d been struggling to open the door was that your wrist appeared to be broken, and you’d been leaning onto the doorframe to keep your weight off of your injured leg. That he could fix with an episkey, so at least he wasn’t completely useless. 
His sweet, sweet Treasure. Bitten. By a werewolf!? Your parents...
Oh gods, your parents.
That’s why you were here.
You couldn’t go back home, not as a werewolf; your parents would kill you. The only thing worse to a Sacred 28 Family than a dead daughter would be a werewolf one.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Any why couldn’t he tell Lupin and Regulus!? Lupin was probably the only person who could actually help you right now. Barty hated that – hated that someone else could help you and he couldn’t – but he also loved that you had people who loved you and could help you.
Fucking fuck, he was supposed to be burning moving pictures of his father right now, not trying to bring his best friend back from the brink of death.
“That’s enough Treasure, you need to wake up.” He muttered, shaking you by your shoulders gently. When that still didn’t work, he cast a quick rennervate. 
You groaned in pain and tried rolling onto your back. 
“No, Y/N, you need to stay like this. I need you to tell me what happened.”
You moaned again and turned back towards him; eyes shut tight in pain. 
“I...I needed to leave I, I – ugh.”
“Okay, okay. So you left, that much I can understand. How’d you get bitten?”
“I didn’t, I didn’t know it was there until it was too late, Barty. I swear it. I was following the trail behind my-my house and it just appeared! I fell back- backwards onto my arm when it lunged and I apparated once I realized what was happening, but it was...it was too- too late.”
“Where were you trying to go?”
“The Potter’s.”
“And why can’t you go there now?”
You opened your eyes at that, and Barty felt his heart fall out of his ass at the amount of pain that spilled from your eyes that had nothing to do with any of your various physical injuries.
“Rem... Rem hates himself. He hates The Wolf, he ha- hates his lycanthropy; he thinks he is a m... monster and deserves nothing. Barty, he’ll hate me.” You broke into a sob at the end of your sentence and Barty was very close to joining you.
He didn’t think you were right at all, mind you; he thinks it’d be rather impossible for anyone to hate you, least of all Lupin who seemed completely lovesick for you and Regulus. He didn’t think it was worth your energy to argue with you about it though, seeing as he already pinky promised not to go to the lycanthrope or your other boyfriend about this.
He didn’t know what to do, though. He needed to close this wound and stop the bleeding, he needed to pilfer from the infirmary, he needed to pilfer the potions supply closet, and he needed to figure out how to help a werewolf. And he needed to do all of these things whilst somehow not leaving your side at all. 
“I’m tired, Barty.” You murmured quietly, startling him from his internal panic.
“You can’t sleep, Treasure. Not until we close this wound and stop the bleeding.”
He pulled out his third year DADA textbook to find the chapter on werewolves. 
“Dangerous creature this, loss of moral sense that, right then – powdered silver and dittany applied to a fresh bite wound.” Barty recited as he read off his textbook. He looked over to your wound, still oozing and bleeding, though the new angle and elevation did seem to be helping staunch the blood flow at least a little.
“Right... fresh enough I suppose.” Barty sighed, making you promise to stay awake long enough for him to raid the potions supply closet and the infirmary to get the necessary ingredients.
Barty had been feeling quite confident in his plans.
Except something was very, very wrong.
The dittany and powered silver bubbled slightly where it interacted with your blood and flesh but didn’t seem to be sticking to your wound at all; it seemed that it was just causing you to moan in agony as Barty uselessly tried spreading it over your leg.
“You’re sure it was a werewolf that bit you?” He asked again. Barty was certain that if you were feeling better, you would have kicked at him.
He wished you could have kicked at him.
“Yes, Barty.” You cried.
“Oh, Treasure, I’m sorry.” He lamented, putting down his bowl of useless silver paste and brushing sweaty hairs away from your forehead.
“Salazar, you’re burning up, Y/N.” He commented, cupping your heated and flushed face with his hand. 
“I’m cold.” You argued, awkwardly trying to pull at his bedsheets to cover your arms. Barty hated to add more layers on you when your fever was this high, but he couldn’t really bring himself to deny you, either. 
Unfortunately, it appeared that Barty needed help. 
Unfortunately, Barty made you a promise.
Fortunately, there were ways around that. 
Unfortunately, that meant having to resort to a fate worse than death.
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“Oh! Hello there.” Mrs. Potter greeted Barty as she rounded the corner after being alerted by the house elf that there was a student at the floo. “Are you looking for Regulus?”
Barty adorned his most charming (and least maniacal) grin as he bowed politely to Mrs. Potter like the proper Pureblood he'd been beaten raised to be. 
“Euphemia Potter – looking as smashing as ever.” He said before returning to his full height. “Actually, I’m here for the lesser Black brother today.”
Mrs. Potter narrowed her eyes at his comment but pursed her mouth as if fighting back a smile.
“Am I to assume you’re referring to Sirius, Barty?”
Barty sighed in admiration. “Smart and pretty, Euphemia; how do you do it?”
“I’ll be right back, Mr. Crouch.” Mrs. Potter called over her shoulder as she left the floo reception room. Barty quickly pulled out the charmed compact mirror he had connected to a hand mirror which he had set up beside you before he left. You were asleep and shivering violently, but you were alive.
Help is coming, Treasure. 
“Oh.” Barty heard, causing him to close the mirror and look up to see a confused looking Sirius pausing mid-step into the room. “Sorry, I’ll go get Regulus for you.”
Barty scoffed derisively. “Oh, come off it Black – give the woman a little credit, yeah? I asked for you. Now let’s go.” He barked, turning towards the floo flame.
He turned back when he realized Sirius wasn’t following him.
“Hello??” He called sarcastically. “Did you not hear me? I said let’s go.”
Sirius looked Barty up and down and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Why in the hells would I go anywhere with you?” Sirius asked bemusedly. 
“Black!” Barty seethed. “I do not have time for this, we have to go now.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what this is about.”
Barty sighed and looked down to the hells for patience or possibly extra strong demonic powers to get through this conversation with Sirius. 
“Where is Regulus right now?”
Sirius considered Barty skeptically but answered, nonetheless. 
“Upstairs with Remus.”
Barty looked at Sirius at that. “Is it safe to assume he is helping him recover from last night?”
Sirius’ face fell and he levelled Barty with a hard glare. “What the hell are you on about, Junior?”
“Black, please believe that there is absolutely nothing in this realm that I’d rather be doing than sitting here asking for your help but I’m here doing just that.”
“For what?”
Regulus was here, and Regulus was helping Lupin, which meant that Lupin was also here with his supernatural hearing. Barty made you a promise – he would not tell Regulus or Remus what has happened.
“I need your help, because I’ve found a lost Treasure that seems to be in some Trouble.” Barty explained slowly, praying to every god that Sirius would pick up on his not-so-subtle clues.
Sirius’ eyes stayed narrowed at Barty before they grew comically in understanding. 
“Where is-”
“Not here.” Barty interrupted. “Grab your things and come with me.”
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“I have so many fucking questions.” Sirius muttered as he stepped through the floo, somehow ending up standing in the Slytherin common room. 
“Like?” Barty asked in a bored tone.
“How the hell did you manage to connect the floo network to the Slytherin common room?” He started, realizing that it probably wasn’t the most important question, but it seemed to take precedence in his mind.
Barty turned to sneer at Sirius, though his steps never faltered as he sped towards what Sirius could only assume was his dorm.
“Really, Black? I tell you that your future sister-in-law is in dire need of your help, and that’s what you’re- you know what? I’m not surprised. The floo network is easy to manipulate so long as you know how to dismantle ancient wards.” Barty explained dismissively.
 Easy. Dismantle ancient wards. Sure.
“What’s wrong with Y/N?” He asked much more seriously. Most (though not all) of the contempt drained from Barty’s face as he stopped in front of a door. 
“She...she was bitten.”
Sirius just stared dumbly at the absolute last person he imagined he'd be spending his morning with as he let that information process.
He wasn't given much time, however, as Barty quickly opened the door and disappeared into the room, clearly unbothered to see if Sirius was following him in or not.
“Treasure? Hey, hey; it’s okay. Look? I brought some help, okay? You’re alright.” He cooed at a curled-up form on his bed – your curled-up form.
“Oh, Trouble.” Sirius breathed out in disbelief, surveying your shaking and battered body before his gaze paused on your exposed thigh – clear as day was a large canine bite, still bleeding. 
“Oh, my girl.” Sirius cooed, feeling like he might be sick at the sight of one of his favourite people in the world in so much pain. It was very different from post moon care with Remus; Remus was seasoned, he was prepared, they were prepared.
You looked like you were dying.
“What’s wrong with her?” Sirius asked quickly, shaking himself and trying to force himself into action.
“Other than the very obvious werewolf bite?” Barty sneered. “She has a fever that won’t quit.”
“Take the blankets off.” Sirius ordered, earning him a whimper from your form.
“S’cold, Siri.” You whined.
“I know, Trouble, but you’re burning up.” He replied apologetically, pulling the blankets out of your currently much weaker grasp.
Barty looked like he was just as heartbroken as you were at the loss of the warmth, but clearly agreed with Sirius enough not to argue. 
“Mean.” You pouted; eyes still screwed shut in pain.
“I know, I’m the worst.” He whispered, casting a quick auguamenti and glacius on a rag and placing it on your head, earning him another protesting groan from you.
“Why’s her leg still bleeding?” Sirius asked, eyes still on your face as he used the cloth to wipe away the sweat from your features. He quickly prepared two more rags and placed them on the back of your neck and your chest. 
“I don’t know. I followed the instructions from our DADA textbook on werewolves – three tablespoons of powdered silver mixed with four tablespoons of dittany to create a paste. It did nothing but hurt her and aggravate me.” He admitted, sounding horribly dejected.
“Where’s the silver from?”
“Slughorn’s supply closet.”
Sirius groaned. “That’s why. The school buys the cheapest ingredients they can to keep costs low. That won’t be pure silver.”
“Well, where in the hells are we supposed to find pure silver then?” Barty groaned. 
Of all the times for Sirius to not be at Grimmauld Place anymore – that place was teeming with pure silver.
Toujours pur. 
“Regulus.” Sirius whispered no louder than a breath. You didn’t seem to hear him, your lucid moment clearly over; but Barty did.
“I promised Y/N I wouldn’t tell Lupin or Regulus.” He explained plainly, causing Sirius to groan.
“Then what are we supposed to do?”
Barty turned his face to glare at Sirius. “I promised Y/N I wouldn’t tell Lupin or Regulus.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “I heard you, Junior. So, what are we going to do then?”
Barty let out a long-suffering sigh. “I promised Y/N I wouldn’t tell Lupin or Regulus.”
Sirius’ brows furrowed and he cautiously lifted his hand to press the back of it to Barty’s head, checking for fever of his own. Barty aggressively swatted him away.
“Are you quite alright, Junior? Is this a stroke?”
“I need you to listen to me very carefully, Black. Okay? Are you listening to my words?”
Sirius nodded at him as Barty grabbed Sirius by the shoulders and stared imposingly into his eyes. “I – Bartemus Crouch Junior – promised that sweet, lovely Treasure you call Trouble over there, that I – Bartemus Crouch Junior – would not tell Remus Lupin or Regulus Black. I promised her.” 
Now, Sirius feels it’s important to note that it was currently maybe seven o’clock in the morning, and he’d only just stepped out of the shower after washing away a night of romping in the woods around Potter Manor with Moony as Padfoot last night to be told there was someone at the floo for him; in other words, he was fucking exhausted. And to add to that, he had one of his least favourite people tell him that one of the worst possible things happened to one of his favourite people. So, sue him for what he said next.
“I don’t understand.” 
“Fucking son of a mother fucking cunt, I swear to that fucking muggle-religion-wizard-guy-that-caused-the-whole-brew-ha-ha-in-that-big-ass-muggle-tome I will shave that fucking head of yours and wear your hair as a wig; I cannot tell Lupin and Regulus.” Barty spat, though somehow managed to keep his voice low enough to not gain your attention.
“Yes, yes, yes. You promised her.” Sirius lamented. “You p- wait... you promised her. You promised her.”
“Thank Merlin and Morgana.” Barty groaned as fell to his knees in exhaustion, clearly more than thankful that Sirius had finally gotten it. 
“I’ll be back.” Sirius announced and started towards the fireplace in the Slytherin common room in order to retrieve his brother. 
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Regulus looked up from the pages of his novel to survey Remus’ form again. His boyfriend laid on his back with his head propped up on two pillows and his eyes closed as the soft morning light filtered its way through the sheer curtains and painted his features in its warm glow.
Regulus knew Remus was likely exhausted and sore and perhaps feeling awfully sorry for himself right now, but Regulus wasn’t sure he ever looked more beautiful. 
“You should take a picture; it’ll last longer.” Remus commented dryly, never bothering to open his eyes as a smile danced on his lips.
“Ha ha.” Regulus deadpanned, returning his gaze to his book with a blush taking over his face.
“You worry too much, love. I’m okay.” 
“I know you’re okay.” Regulus argued.
“Yet you still worry?”
“Yet I still worry.” 
Regulus heard Remus’ head turn against his pillow, and he looked back up to see Remus regarding him.
“Have you heard from her by chance?” Remus whispered as if fearing the answer he knew was coming.
Regulus knew it was you who Remus referred to; they’d been waiting quite impatiently for your owl for the past few days.
You had promised to write as often as you could - every day if possible – over the winter holidays. The last correspondence they had with you was four days ago as you told them of some family gathering at your home.
He hated to be the bearer of bad news, but he could tell he was caught at the disappointed sigh from Remus.
“No, mon loup. I’m sorry.” Regulus admitted.
Remus let out another sigh and leaned his head back down on the pillows, squishing his eyes shut as if the pain of not knowing how you were was more painful than the current aching in his bones.
“Hey, Reg?” Regulus heard his brother call from the door. 
“He’s awake.” Regulus called back simply.
“How’re you feeling, Moons?” Sirius asked, walking towards the end of the bed with his hands in his pocket.
“Been worse.” Remus answered.
“I...” Sirius started, cutting himself off with a sigh.
“Spit it out, Sirius. We’ve not got all day.” Regulus drawled and put his book down. He couldn’t stop his heart rate from picking up when he noticed Sirius’ discontent, however; sudden flashbacks of Sirius standing in Regulus’ doorway begging him to pack his things and leave with him bombarding his mind.
“What is it, Pads?” Remus asked, seeming to pick up on his friend’s anxiety as well.
“I need your help.” He admitted. “It’s...it’s Y/N.”
Remus sat up all too quickly and winced at the cracking of his back.
“What is it? Where is she? Is she okay?” He asked, trying to free himself from the bedding that Regulus had tucked him into hours earlier.
“No, well, yes...she-”
“Where is she?” Regulus whispered in horror.
“With Junior. At Hogwarts.”
Regulus relaxed slightly to at least know you were safe at Hogwarts and with Barty, though that raised more questions than answers for him.
“How do you know that?” Regulus asked, all the while Remus continued struggling to dress himself despite his various aches and pains. 
“Junior told me.” Sirius admitted, finally taking pity on his friend and helping him dress whilst his boyfriend sat their uselessly. 
“Why did he tell you? When did he tell you?”
“This morning!” Sirius barked, clearly growing agitated, “listen, I just-”
“What happened to her, Sirius?” Remus begged, finally taking a moment to catch his breath and stare at his friend imploringly. “What happened to her that Junior told you and not us?”
Sirius swallowed thickly before he answered.
“She was bitten, Rem.”
All colour drained from Remus’ face and Regulus sat stock still.
“Was it me?!” Remus asked through a choked sob. This seemed to snap Regulus out of his uselessness and he reached for Remus’ shoulder to squeeze it affectionately.
“No, no. Moony, no one was there last night. I swear it.”
“What...why do you need my help? What do you need?” Regulus asked quietly, standing to pull on his own jacket and retrieving his and Remus’ wands from the dresser. 
“We can’t get the wound to close, and she’s got a wicked fever that we can’t bring down. She’s barely lucid, she's lost an insane amount of blood, and the silver at the school didn’t work to close it and-”
“No, it wouldn’t.” Remus agreed breathlessly.
“Why not?”
“Too costly to give pure powdered silver to a bunch of students who make throw away potions – they only use what works in the brew but not in practice.” Remus explained, groaning as he stood and quickly transfigured his suitcase into a cane on account of his hip after the transformation. 
“So, you need pure silver? Like... the ring!” Regulus whispered, hastily ripping the Black Family signet ring from his thumb and passing it to Sirius.
“We need to go now. She can’t afford to lose any more blood, and it should have been closed immediately.” Remus pressed, making his way to the door albeit a little shakily. 
Regulus was sick with worry; for you, your life, your future, your family, for Remus and how upsetting this must be for him as well, but something still wasn’t making any sense.
“Why did Barty tell you?” Regulus asked as they stepped through the floo into the Slytherin common room, making a mental note to ensure that it was closed before the rest of the students returned from winter holidays.
Sirius grimaced slightly and turned to look at his friend who he was supporting as they followed Regulus to the dorm room.
“She...she made him promise not to tell you guys.” Sirius admitted.
Remus’ steps faltered and Regulus turned, ready to help Sirius in catching him, only to notice that he wasn’t falling but rather had stopped walking all together.
“Why wouldn’t she want us to know?” Remus asked mournfully.
“I never did hear why.” Sirius admitted, encouraging Regulus forward with a nod of his head.
The three of them entered the room to find Barty sitting on a low stool beside you with his pinky interlinked with yours. Your eyes were still shut tightly and your breathing was shallow, but Regulus could hear Barty talking lowly to you and your occasional responses. 
“I like that song about the fighter, the writer, and the ruler.” Barty murmured quietly to you.
Your brows twitched as you gritted out “it’s Soldier, Poet, King.”
“Ah, right you are, Treasure.” Barty responded, looking over his shoulder at the new additions to the room. “You always know everything.”
“How is she?” Sirius asked as he dropped the signet ring inside the mortar and pestle and traded seats with Barty who began to grind it into powder, and Regulus and Remus moved to stand near the end of the bed to take in your form.
“Hanging in there, Black.” Barty responded to Sirius, though he looked at Regulus as he said it.
Sirius must have noticed Regulus’ death glare being pointed at Barty and opted to intervene. 
“Hey, Trouble?” Sirius asked you gently, brushing some of your damp hair away from your forehead. You hummed in acknowledgement without opening your eyes.
“Why didn’t you want Remus and Regulus to know, sweets?”
You whimpered as your face morphed into agony, eyes finally opening to look at Sirius through fat tears.
“Remus will hate me.”
Remus actually whimpered at that, clearly itching to move towards you, but not wanting to interrupt you.
“Why would he hate you, sweets?”
“He hates werewolves.”
Remus’ head dropped in shame as Regulus rubbed soothing circle into his back. 
“But he loves you, Trouble.” Sirius pressed, watching Remus all the while.
“Not anymore.” You sighed in resignation, closing your eyes once more.
“Always, dove.” Remus insisted. You squeezed your eyes tightly as if you were trying to convince yourself that he wasn’t there. 
“Do you hear me? I will always love you. There is nothing that could ever happen that would make me hate you, okay?” He carried on, slowly making his way to the other side of the bed in order to curl up behind you and pull your back into his front. 
You whimpered, though Regulus was sure it was less from physical pain and more in distress.
“What about Reggie?” You cried as Sirius continued rubbing his thumb across your forehead. 
“It’s almost ready.” Barty interrupted as he began measuring out the silver and dittany. 
“Reggie thinks the world of you, dove.” Remus murmured into your hair, looking over at Regulus imploringly. 
“You’ve got a lot of people who care about you, Trouble.” Sirius added. “We’re not going to let you do this alone.”
“It’s done, Treasure. We’re gonna fix you up.” Barty said as he made his way over, keeping his eyes trained on Regulus. 
“Dovey, this is going to hurt an awful lot, okay? But you’re so brave, you’re so brave and then you’ll feel all better, okay?” Remus spoke into your hair, keeping you pressed tightly to his form as you began to struggle against his hold. 
“Regulus, you need to be brave for her.” Sirius ordered, looking as severe as Regulus ever remembers his older brother being. 
What could Regulus have ever done to make you think it was at all possible for him to feel anything but love for you?
How could Regulus ensure that you never thought such things again?
“I’m right here, amour. Okay? You’ve got four of us here who love you, we’re not going anywhere.” He pressed, moving to take over Sirius’ place on Barty’s short stool as Sirius positioned himself close to your feet.
“I don’t want to hurt.” You cried, breathing becoming slightly erratic as Remus added more pressure in keeping your arms pinned to your sides.
“I know, amour. It’ll be over soon, okay?” Regulus tried, brushing hair away and pressing his lips to your overly hot forehead.
“You’re so brave, Y/N. We’ve got you, okay? Such a brave girl, come on babylove, you’re okay.” Remus chanted, looking over at Sirius as he pinned your ankles to the bed and Barty transfigured a stirrer in an applicator.
“Please. I don’t want to.” You begged.
“You’re so brave.” Remus repeated, pressing his mouth to the top of your head as his own tears fell into your hair.
“Do it.” Regulus insisted, not wanting to prolong this anymore.
Regulus nearly dropped his wand in his haste to throw up a silencing charm around the dorm room as your screams bounced off the stone walls in time with Barty’s first swipe of the ointment. 
Regulus couldn’t hear the words spilling from Remus’ lips, but he knew that he was whispering sweet encouragements to you as he cried in sympathy. Sirius looked to be using all his strength to keep your legs pinned down as you struggled, and his eyebrows furrowed on your behalf as well.
“You’re okay, amour. You’re okay.” Regulus insisted for both of your benefits, watching as Barty applied the last of the paste to your leg.
“Now what!?” Barty shouted over your agonized cries.  
“Breathe dove, breathe. The pain will fade, just breathe.” Remus coached, rocking the both of you gently back and forth as you sobbed.
“You’ve done so well, amour, so well. Ma courageuse fille; you’re so brave.” Regulus praised, taking both of your hands into his and pulling them from Remus’ grasp to press kisses to your knuckles. “Tu as si bien fait, tu es la personne la plus forte que je connaisse.”
It took some time and many more encouragements before your sobs decreased into pitiful hiccups and whimpers as you looked towards Regulus. 
“You don’t hate me?” You asked pitifully.
Regulus used his thumb to wipe away the tears that were still falling as Remus caressed your arms.
“It never even crossed my mind, cheri. I could never; non.” Regulus insisted. 
“I’m so sorry, dove.” Remus whispered into your head. “I’m so sorry this has happened to you.”
“Remus.” Sirius warned. 
“Not because it makes her any less lovely, Sirius. But because she doesn’t deserve it.” Remus explained. 
“I’m scared.” You admitted timidly.
“I know, dove.”
“Lucky for you, Trouble, you’ve got some seasoned professionals here.” Sirius added, nudging Remus’ foot. 
“Can I start the animagus process now, Rem?” Regulus groaned, looking at Remus pointedly. 
“I guess it wouldn’t be fair to make you sit out on full moons now.” Remus relented – he’d always hated the idea of putting the two of you in any undue danger, but he couldn’t deny Regulus of the two of you, nor you of Regulus; not when you would need him most.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Barty interrupted, moving his skeptical glance between the four of you. “You’re telling me that animagi can romp around with the likes of werewolves?”
Remus nuzzled his face impossibly further into your head as Sirius chuckled. 
“Werewolves don’t care about animals. In fact, it makes them quite happy to have a ‘pack’.” Sirius explained.
Barty laughed conspiratorially. “Well, sign me the fuck up. Regulus, I’ll buy the first mandrake leaf; my treat!” He called as he grabbed his jacket and wand and headed for the door, likely heading to Hogsmeade for supplies in his excitement. 
“Moony is not going to like him.” Sirius proclaimed flippantly, finally falling into a chair in exhaustion after Barty was gone.
“It’s not just about him, anymore.” Remus responded, pressing a kiss to your head. Regulus could tell your fever was reducing, though your cheeks were still flushed.
You had a lot to discuss; what happened, why it happened, and where to go from here. But for now, Regulus was just happy you were alive, currently safe, surrounded by people who loved you, and agreeable to him running you a bath. 
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vxntagedior · 2 years
hello!!! i was wondering if you could write a xavier thorpe x reader where she’s having an awful day and it’s evident in the look on her face and the way her body moves while she’s walking towards xavier and they end up cuddling and it’s just comforting and cute??
i hope this makes sense!! i love ur writing!
true blood
summary | after receiving news that your parents aren't coming family weekend, your thrown into an awful mood for the rest of the day
pairing | xavier thorpe x fem!reader
warning | angst, fluff ending, absent parents, ajax's parents but the best
word count | 1.0k
Just staring at your phone, you re-read the text message over and over again. 
“Your father and I need to help a pack in the mountains and can’t make it tomorrow, maybe next year.”
For years, you seeked some sort of validation from your parents, just something that would give you their attention just for a second. The pack was put they cared about, and though you shifted, you were an omega in a family of alphas. 
Not wanting to bear the burden and have the news spread, they sent to Nevermore as fast as they could, and you were happy you could be away from them, but seeing how all the students became excited that their families are coming, it made it worse for you. 
You barely slept that night, tossing and turning, truly wondering if they were up in the mountains or if they couldn’t bear the shame of their daughter and pretended she didn’t exist. As the sun rose, you stayed in bed as long as you could before needing to get up and eat and get ready for the day. 
Walking out onto the balcony that gazed into the quad, there were families already there. You leaned against the railing, seeing students hugging their families, pulling them into a school to show them around. 
“Surprised you aren’t down there already, need another minute before going down to the wolves.” Xavier came next to you, copying your position, turning his head towards you. Because of the late text, you hadn’t told Xavier they weren’t coming yet. 
“A pack was in need of help last night.” You started, Xavier didn’t need for you to finish, knowing where it was going to end. “And you know them.”
Xavier didn’t say anything, scooting closer towards you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him. Kissing your forehead softly, he rested his head on yours. 
“You know Ajax’s parents are more than happy to have us.” He smiled, “They love you like a daughter.”
Since starting at Nevermore, neither Xavier’s father nor your parents had ever come to visit and Ajax’s parents made it known that the two of you were always welcome with them. 
“We can spend the day together and have dinner with them later, how does that sound?” He tried to lighten the mood. Xavier accepted that his dad wasn’t a part of his life but he remembered how it was during the beginning, and it was exactly how you were now. 
You were happy that Xavier was able to distract you during the day, making it almost seem like everything was perfectly okay. Spending most of the day in his art shed, Xavier lets you take your stress out. 
Before meeting Xavier, you never were an artist and you still aren’t to this day but Xavier constantly brought you here to teach you. 
Xavier worked on his own painting, listening as you spoke about your parents. 
“Like, I get that I’m not your favorite child, but god, how hard it is to take two days off to come visit!” You exclaimed. “Is it because I’m not an alpha, it’s not like I chose to be this way, I would change if I could.”
“Don’t say that.” Xavier finally expressed his feelings, frowning, “You don’t need to change to conform to what they want.”
Standing from his stool, he made his way over towards, standing behind you, his hands wrapped around your shoulders, squeezing them softly.
“I just want them to be proud of me, just for once.” You whispered softly, setting down your paints.
Xavier wrapped his around your torso, pulling you into him, your head resting against his chest, you felt tears forming in your eyes, letting out a quiet sob. 
His arms still around you, Xavier held you quietly, letting you cry while rubbing his hand up and down your back. Your face was still flush to his shirt, one that was probably covered in tears by now. 
As your sobs softened, Xavier pulled you from him, wiping away the rest of your tears with his thumb. 
“You okay?” He asked softly.
“Yeah, but dying to get that out.” You sent him a small smile. “Thank you.”
Sitting in the quad with Ajax’s family made your day a little less depressing. The five of you sat around the table, all conversing about the school year. 
“So Y/n,” Ajax’s mom started, “Ajax told me that you and Xavier are now together.”
You choked on your piece of steak, coughing. Xavier’s eyes were wide, turning to look at his friend. 
“Mom!” Ajax gasped. 
“No, it’s alright, I wasn't expecting that, but yes we are.” You confirmed. Watching as his mom turned gleeful, spewing all sorts of congratulations to the two of you, you just wished your parents could have an ounce of her happiness. 
“Oh that’s just wonderful.” She cooed, “You two must come to visit over the break.”
“Mrs. Petropolus, that’s too much.” You shook your head. 
“We insist.” Mr. Petropolus added. “We loved to have you.”
You knew that if you spoke, your voice would hardly be there and you didn’t want to cry in front of them. “Thank you, really, thank you.”
“Of course sweetheart, you’re family to us.”
As night started to turn in, you and Xavier used his single room to your advantage, laying in his bed together. 
Sitting against his headboard, Xavier sat up slightly with your head resting just below his chin, your legs tangled in his. 
One arm was wrapped around your waist, while the other sat on top of his chest with yours. Playing with his fingers, you sighed softly, looking up at your boyfriend. 
“I’m lucky to have you.” 
“I know.” He smirked, “I get told that everyday.”
You rolled your eyes, smacking his chest playfully. “I’m being serious, Xavi.”
“I think that I was one who is.” He confessed, “I get to be with you everyday.”
“You’re a sap, you know.” You smiled. 
“I know.” He reciprocated your smile, “I got the best thing right in front of me.”
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rosewaterandivy · 16 days
i. aconite
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Summary: there are strange things that go bump in the night, and then there’s steve harrington and his inexplicable nailbat.
Pairing: s.h. x f!werewolf reader
W.C.: 5.5K
Warnings: supernatural elements, questionable bodily substances in the adults only section of Family Video, steve gettin’ the heebie-jeebies
A/N: the thing that has been scratching at the back of my head for months tbh.
m.list | playlist
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The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
And if he’d only listened to Munson, he wouldn’t be out here in the middle of the night with a nailbat and a flashlight.
But Steve wasn’t in the habit of heeding the advice of the harbinger of Hawkins from the wrong side of the tracks.
Not when there were things afoot that tended to go thump in the night. Not when Munson’s girl wound up bruised and unconscious on his doorstep.
There had to be a logical explanation, right?
Unfortunately for him, these woods had secrets to keep and you had miles to go before you would sleep.
The moon shone low and lonely in the night sky, illuminating the man in front of you— his coif of hair and lazy swinging of the bat.
The weak yellow beam of his flashlight cast about this way and that with every step he took further into the woods past his house.
Picking your way across the pine needle-ridden forest floor, you trailed him at a leisurely pace. Senses heightened, you could hear the dry snap of twigs under his feet and the soft whistle from his lips; could smell the sweat beading on his brow, his cologne giving way to salty musk beneath.
Even in your sleep, you could track him— never mind how much you wish that weren’t the case.
Not, of course, that he knew any of this. Eddie had seen to that. And yet, despite the warnings, here he was: Steve Harrington ambling about the woods on the night of a full moon, seemingly without a care in the world.
And it fell to your lot to see that no harm befell him, even though he’d cast his crown aside long ago and traded it in for a rowdy bunch of kids and shifts at Family Video.
None of that mattered in the end, because King Steve or no you’d run until your feet were bloody if it meant keeping him safe.
That’s what you’d been born, cursed as you were, to do— protect.
Kill, if the occasion warranted it.
Though, it would help matters if he didn’t get himself into so much trouble.
But hey, we can’t have everything, right?
The first time it happened, it was a coincidence. The house did back up against a forested lot afterall.
The second time it happened, it was an accident. Cutting it too close to daybreak and utterly exhausted from activities hidden under a blanket of darkness.
The third time though…
The third time signified a pattern, and not one you could necessarily recognize.
Because when it happened, the wolf, the beast, the curse, what have you, the world narrowed to a singular point of focus.
Loping in the underbrush of the dense forest, pure instinct called you to follow a scent you couldn’t quite name— sharp, salty, with a tang that lingered on the tongue. Warm like the sun, and beckoning like a raging fire.
Mine, the beast purred from the depths of your throat.
In this form, the rational and logical part of you fell by the wayside as the beast unfurled and stretched to fill the caverns of your mind.
Retaining just enough of your waking self, you paused at the edge of the forest ears attuned to the sounds of the evening air. Radio frequencies, TV static, car engines turning over, water rushing through pipes.
Yet one sound soared above them all.
Stay, the beast hummed as you sat back on your haunches.
Foolishly, a part of you hoped to hear the bright sound once more, to have it fill the well inside of you and overflow into your veins.
A laugh.
“Robin, knock it off!”
The beast sighed as you settled against the underbrush, chest and stomach to the earth.
A surge of longing threatened to pull you under, a low whine eeking from the cavern of your chest. Laying your head down on the cool ground, you swallowed thickly around that hollow feeling.
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The last full moon had found you alone and waking up in the back of Eddie’s van as he drove down the quiet suburban streets of Loch Nora.
Your voice was barely a rasp, sore from disuse in its normal register, striking a muddled alto in the otherwise silent morning.
Eddie just sighed and reached over to toss an old Hellfire shirt and some boxers your way.
Shrugging off his jacket and the musty blanket he laid on you, you tugged on the worn raglan and shimmied into the plaid shorts. Once decent, you clambered over the console and tumbled into the front seat.
Your body, while sore and aching, didn’t audibly complain. Far used to rougher treatment by now, especially after a full moon.
He lights up a cigarette, not bothering to crack a window or look your way. Just simply and calmly states, “I told you so.”
The chains and aconite were supposed to be enough, that’s what all the books said. At least, all the books you could scrounge up in Hawkins.
A dull ache radiated from your wrists, telltale bruising from the shackles that were meant to contain the beast.
It was you, you were the beast— as if you could ever forget.
Lycanthropy by way of puberty, what a welcome into womanhood, huh?
”The chains are shot,” He says, turning onto the main drag. “Drywall too.”
You rolled your lip between your teeth and slumped down into the seat, heating in embarrassment.
”I’ll pay for the repairs.”
Eddie grunts and takes a long drag from the cigarette. He exhales slowly, rolling through a stop light before pulling off toward Forest Hills.
Silence from your best friend was never a good thing. All it signaled was a prelude to the inevitable rant driven by sheer boredom or hunger. But maybe, he was just tired.
You certainly were.
He parks the van and swings out of the door, loping onto the ground with the grace of a beleaguered old man, his knees cracking and popping like a bag of marbles. You follow shortly after, and no worse for wear, in spite of your bruises.
The comforting scent of tobacco and coffee hits your nostrils and the tension of your body melts away. Wayne left a warm pot on before passing out on the couch, and you tip-toe your way across the trailer as silently as you’re able.
You take a deep, bracing sip from a mug heralding Roswell as the ‘UFO Capital of the World!’ as cinnamon dances across your tongue.
Good ol’ Wayne.
Eddie is in his bedroom, cigarette dangling from his lips as he throws your backpack over his shoulder and eyes you up and down.
“Pants and shoes would be good,” He suggests, brushing past you on his way out the door. “We’re leaving in five.”
Setting the coffee aside, you scramble through piles of clothing, their cleanliness questionable, searching for anything that doesn’t scream ‘freshly fucked by Eddie Munson.’
You chug the coffee on the way to school, the sounds of Dio doing absolutely nothing for the throbbing pain behind your left eye. The van squeals into a parking spot just as the tardy bell trills.
Eddie’s hand braces against your chest, halting your exit from the vehicle and ensuring a pink slip from a hall monitor. The morning cigarette seems to have settled him, his gaze now concerned rather than annoyed.
”I’m sorry,” you say glumly, carding a hand through your tangled hair and tying it up in a loose bun. “I thought it would work Ed, I really fucking did.” Hands scrub down your face, desperately trying to hide your shame.
He pulls you toward him in a loose hug, his chin tucking over your head as it's buried in his chest. Soft, warm, familiar, his scent burrows its way into your consciousness calming the racket of your heart.
”We’ll figure it out, kid.”
And you’re about to laugh, can feel it wet and thick, currently lodged in your throat, when a maroon BMW swings into a spot not five paces away.
Tension cords the tendons of your body, a breath escapes you, as if it’s been forced from your chest. Pulse accelerating, you squeeze your eyes shut and try to just breathe.
Safe with Eddie. Safe with Eddie. Safe with—
A discongruent note of citrus and musk tinges the air. The sound of laughter, a euphoric baritone against a sputtering, higher-pitched explanation churns like magma through your veins.
You shudder in his hold, but it’s enough.
He tugs you closer and drops an affectionate kiss to the crown of your head before saying, “Okay, fuck this.”
The engine roars to life.
Before Eddie can hightail it out of the parking lot, your head swivels back to catch a glance from warm hazel eyes, and you can’t help the pathetic whine that eeks up your throat.
”So,” He clears his throat, hands fidgeting on the wheel, “It’s getting worse.”
Facing forward once the school is out of sight, you draw your knees into your seat and rest your head against them.
”Yeah,” you say glumly, “Yeah, I guess so.”
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Later that week, when Steve and Robin are drawing straws for who has to wipe down the 'ADULTS ONLY' room and the crusty questionable remnants found therein, she asks:
”So, anymore of those weird dreams?”
Steve takes his time picking his straw, moving left and then right to gauge length before taking a step back and cocking his head.
Robin has her fingers curled in a tight fist, making it difficult to assess which straw is the shorter of the two. And Steve braved the room behind the little red curtain last week, so he’s not terribly keen to see what fresh hell is back there now.
”Not since I told you last time, no.”
Surprisingly, there is rather a bit of time to kill after the evening rush on a Friday night at Family Video. The girls coming in for candy and movies at their sleepovers, toddlers absolutely wrecking the shelves as they sweep through with abandon, harried mothers trailing in their wake.
As such, Robin has pitched herself as a quasi-dream interpreter after reading some book about the subject, much to Steve’s chagrin and her entertainment.
”Seriously, nothing?” Her eyes blow wide, eager for anything to alleviate her boredom.
Steve assesses his options, eyes narrowing and biting his lip as he goes in for the kill. He pulls a straw from Robin’s grasp just as the bell on the door chimes, signaling a new customer.
”Welcome in,” Robin chirps, unraveling her fingers to reveal her straw.
”Let us know if you need any help!” Steve adds on automatically, holding his straw to hers for measurement.
She groans when she realizes that she’s drawn the short straw, eyes rolling in distaste while Steve pumps his fist into the air in victory. Robin grabs the gloves under the cash register, a spray bottle of cleaning fluid, and a rag.
”If I’m not back in ten minutes…”
”Call the NRA—“
”Yeah, yeah,” He smirks at her indignant squawk, “I know.” And waves Robin off to the back of the store with a lazy hand.
Steve leans against the counter, hand falling to a slinky resting on the laminate. He props himself up on an elbow, cupping his jaw with one hand, and wraps his fingers around the glorified silver spring.
He nearly forgets there’s a customer in the store until someone softly clears their throat. Letting the slinky drop with a metallic ching, Steve looks up to find a familiar face.
“Hey,” he greets as you slide the tapes across the counter, “Find everything okay?”
You nod, pulling out your wallet out of your pocket to count some bills as he tallies up the total.
It’s quiet, save for the rattle of the air conditioner and sound of plastic as Steve runs the tapes through the machine to unlock the cases. He can see you worry your bottom lip in between your teeth, the raw red of your lips a stark contrast to the white of your teeth.
And it’s not like he’s staring or anything; Steve’s mindful to keep his gaze moving, not landing in a particular spot for too long. That is until your eyes meet his and he drops a tape onto the floor.
“Shit,” He mutters, kneeling down behind the counter to reach it.
Your eyes aren’t normally that bright, are they? It’s just a trick of the light, surely.
He returns, momentarily baffled to find Eddie at your side, because he didn’t remember hearing the bell chime from the door.
Steve nods to Eddie in greeting and slides the case through the machine. He keys in a code on the register before asking, “Weekend rental?”
Again, you nod. Lip popping plump and full as your teeth retreat.
“Okay, so, Sunday night return,” Steve says and rattles off your total.
Sliding the bills across the table, his fingers brush yours just barely, and you retract your hand as if it’d been burned.
The register drawer dings open and before he can give you a receipt, you’re gone.
Eddie stands at the counter, the door swinging in the wake of your exit.
“She had to, uh—“ He begins to say, fingers drumming on the laminate. “Y’know what? It really doesn’t matter.”
He takes the receipt from Steve and shoves it into his pocket, leisurely backing toward the door.
“Dunno if you heard,” He says, voice raising just slightly as his back pushes against the glass and metal. “But there’s a party out on the lake, if you’re interested.”
He nods as Robin, dramatically shoves the velvet curtain open, the screeching metallic sound jarring as she stumbles toward the counter.
Eddie raises his brows in interest and bemusement, while Robin peels the yellow gloves from her arms and plops them into a nearby trash can.
”Yeah, some bonfire thing.” He kicks his foot back, the bell chiming as Eddie exits the store, “You should come by, if you want.”
Robin glances between Eddie’s retreating back and Steve, curiosity evident in her gaze.
”What was that all about?”
Steve shakes his head, momentarily transfixed at the memory of your eyes— so bright, they were nearly phosphorescent. Fascinating in the way they captivated him, both alluring and haunting.
He couldn’t recall seeing a color or hue quite like it, except for in his dreams.
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The bonfire had been burning for a little over an hour by the time you and Eddie arrived on the scene.
You’d killed the time by categorizing the little baggies of his lunchbox, under the guise of double-checking that he had enough stock from Rick for the evening’s business. When, in reality, you were making sure none of your wolfsbane had made its way into tonight’s offerings.
Not that there would be much of the dried blue petals left to do much of anything to the average American teenager. You’d been pounding the stuff all week, as if it was going out of style.
Anything to keep the beast in its slumber.
Following Eddie as he made his way through the crowd of drunk or on their way to it teens, you pondered the recent uptick in Wolf-like Incidents you’d had to deal with.
Because, while incredibly annoying, the beast used to be reliable. Every full moon, like clockwork, you would up your intake of aconite in the days leading up to it.
And it used to be enough to quell the ache in your bones. Sometimes, if you were lucky, you wouldn’t even transform at all. Just wake the next morning feeling like fresh road kill.
But recently things had been… well, worse, for one.
The tinctures and teas didn’t cut it any more, so after copious research you had added chains to the equation. That helped, for a time. And that time was quickly coming to a close.
Now, even without the ticking time bomb of a full moon, you felt the throb of your canines pushing underneath your gums. You had blood in your mouth, more often than not. And your senses seemed permanently heightened— scent, sound, touch.
It made day-to-day life an over-sensitized nightmare that you couldn’t wake from.
At least under a full moon, the preternatural senses were a boon rather than a burden.
Catching your gaze, Eddie nodded before slipping off with a few customers on the outskirts of the group. You kept your eyes trained on them as they walked further into the woods, even though he said he could handle himself.
Yeah, you could count on one hand the amount of times Eddie had successfully “handled” it. Settling your back against a tree trunk, you cross your arms and wait.
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Robin is still fixing her hair when Steve kills the engine of the beemer at Lover’s Lake.
“Seriously, you look fine,” He says, opening the car door and shoving the keys into his pocket.
He can hear the thump of the music and see the golden and amber flames from the fire a ways away.
Robin shuts her door and Steve crosses the hood of the car to sling an arm around her shoulders.
“It’ll be fun,” He promises, breath tickling against her cheekbone.
They shoulder their way through the crowd leading up to the keg, where Steve watches with a smirk as two linebackers haul out a replacement keg.
They stare at each other for a minute, brows furrowed as to how the beer possibly escapes a sealed keg while the line behind them grows restless.
Steve sighs and extricates himself from Robin, “Where’s the tap?”
He rolls his eyes, “The tap? The plastic pump that makes the beer come out?”
The linebackers nod and make a show of looking for the elusive tap. After a few minutes of frantic searching, there’s a victorious crow from the crowd when the tap if finally held aloft.
But still, the linebackers seem puzzled.
Steve, having quite enough of their bullshit, takes the tap from their grasp and slams it into the keg, twisting until a soft hiss sounds.
”Great,” He says, taking a step back. “Now, get to pumping. If I’m back in two minutes and you dinguses haven’t figured it out—“
Robin drags him away before he can finish the thought.
They tramp through the woods, twigs breaking underfoot, as Robin drags him along by the wrist. Beer cans skitter with a metallic clink as their shoes kick them along.
Once at the outskirts of the crowd, Robin drops his hand and turns to him with an incredulous look on her face.
“What is with you tonight?”
Her arms are crossed, a sure sign that she’s peeved, and he must be really in for it. She taps her foot impatiently awaiting his response.
She balks, “Yeah, sure. Then why the sudden emergence of King Steve, huh?”
“That wasn’t—“ He sputters, carding a hand through his hair.
He fails to string together any semblance of a response. Has no reason or excuse for how keyed up he feels right now. Itchy as if his skin is too tight, an impatient feeling skittering underneath the surface. Something is off, but he doesn’t know what. Which makes him frustrated, hence the scene at the keg.
The dull sounds of the party drown out the strained silence between them, the timber cracking from the bonfire loud enough to startle.
Steve starts to think that maybe, this wasn’t a good idea. But then, Robin’s eyes light up at something behind him. Steve turns to look and sees the copper flash of Vickie’s hair in the firelight.
He huffs a laugh and turns back to Robin with a smile, he jerks his head behind him and says, “Go.”
Robin pulls her lip between her teeth, “Y’sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
A smile breaks across her face as she pulls him into a hug, “You’re the best, Stevie.”
Steve sighs as he watches her go. Luckily she refrains from her typical idiot run— all gangly legs and spaghetti arms— and sends Vickie a shy wave as she skirts the bonfire and makes her way over.
Something tugs low in his gut, snapping like a rubber band. It’s an odd sensation and not entirely unpleasant, and Steve finds his blood thrumming just under the surface.
A languid breeze passes through, carrying on it a smoky woodiness and subtly crisp scent.
There’s something comforting in it, something familiar.
A sudden note of pine and rain steals the breath from his lungs. He exhales as if it was shoved from his chest, a dull pressure on his ribs and something akin to nausea swaying beneath his lungs.
He stumbles back, bracing himself against a nearby tree. Takes slow, deep breaths as the world shifts incrementally.
Steve blinks, his vision going fuzzy at the edges. The glow of the fire seems very far away, the sounds of the party even further.
Stay, says the voice in his mind.
And he readily agrees, swaying slightly as he sinks to the forest floor.
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Under the dull roar of the crackling bonfire and whoops and hollers from the party, there’s a distinct sound of heavy breathing.
Your head turns to the left, closer to the party, and you narrow your gaze.
A body falls maybe a hundred or so yards away.
You’re on your feet before you can think twice about it, heart beating a tattoo in the cage of your ribs. Keeping your footfalls soft, you slow to a stop just as Robin’s mouth falls open in a soft gasp.
He’s conscious but somewhat slumped against the trunk of an old oak tree.
Part of you knows that you should give them space, it is the polite thing to do, after all.
But a larger, territorial part of you snarls to say, “Stop,” as you stalk over to where he is.
Robin, curiously, does what she’s told.
He looks up at you, squinting eyes and furrowed brow, but says nothing. He takes deep breaths in and out, his chest rising and falling in equal measure, while your eyes rove across him.
There’s no copper tang in the air, and no broken skin that you can see.
Steve sits up a bit, appearing more alert than he was before. He scrubs a hand down his face and sighs, cheeks growing pink under your assessment.
“I’m fine,” His voice is syrupy thick and sends your blood surging. “Jus’ light headed is all.”
Robin hesitates stepping forward, eyes falling on you, as if for permission. You nod, not trusting yourself to snap at her, and watch as she crouches next to Steve.
Clenching your fists, you will the burning in your chest to subside.
Everything is fine, you try to reason, Robin’s just helping Steve get to his feet. She offers her hand to him and pulls him upright. He leans back against the trunk of the tree, eyes dreamy and hazy.
His lips kick up in an easy grin at the sight of you. Turned toward him, the firelight illuminates one side of your face, the other cast in shadow. Crossed arms, stiff posture your entire vibe screams ‘fuck off’ yet here you are.
Steve didn’t even realize a rager at Lover’s Lake would be your scene, but then again, where Eddie goes you tend to follow and vice versa. A lot like him and Robin in that respect. Still, it’s a nice surprise to see you there, lip worried between your teeth.
He wishes you wouldn’t do that, has half a mind to pull it from your glorious maw himself. Steve shivers and blinks owlishly at the thought.
“Thanks for uh…” He worries his thumb at the nape of his neck, searching for the words.
“Don’t mention it.” You say, incisors gleaming in the firelight.
Steve swallows, audibly. Blood rushing straight down at the sight of your pretty face, lips flushed, and eyes bright. God, he really shouldn’t have worn the Levi’s tonight— there’s no fucking give in these things.
He coughs and catches sight of Robin’s smirk. As you look back toward the crowd, she takes the opportunity to waggle her brows mischievously. Steve’s about to mouth something like ‘fuck off’ back to her when you turn back toward them.
She turns and waves at Vickie who has two solo cups in her possession. Her eyes light up at the sight of the redhead, and it’s fairly obvious what’s about to transpire when you clear your throat to say:
“I’ll keep an eye on him, Buckley.”
“You sure?” She looks to Steve, questioning.
“I don’t need a babysitter.”
You snort, “Right, sure.”
Robin’s pointy elbow lands in a patch of soft tissue on his side, just between his ribs. “That’s so nice of you!” She says brightly, “Isn’t that nice, Steve?”
“Uh huh, nice.”
“Be good,” She calls over her shoulder and melting back into the crowd.
An awkward beat of silence passes between you. Steve toes at the pine needles riddling the forest floor and grumbles, “I really don’t need a babysitter.”
“Well,” You say with a casual shrug. “I don’t see any babies that need sitting on at present so.”
He lets out a soft laugh, “Mmm, clever.”
“I try.”
Joining him, you let your back rest against the oak tree, posture much more relaxed than when you first arrived. He can feel your breath as you exhale, the puffs of air brushing against his arm.
It’s a welcome distraction.
Because, let’s be honest, it’s not as if Steve really knows you. He remembers you, fleetingly, from the halls of Hawkins High— you and Eddie, bundles of frenetic energy careening from class to class. Loud, boisterous, and with an ever-present smile.
He remembers once overhearing the tail end of a conversation between you and Higgins about your “less than satisfactory” attendance. He’d been in the office with a doctor’s note or something, bargaining with the attendance clerk.
Higgins has his usual disdain written across his face, the stern line of his lips and arms crossed against his chest. You, however, were less than concerned. You shrugged on your backpack and left his office with a sarcastic salute.
“Aye, aye, cap’n!”
“Chief Hopper will be hearing about this, young lady!”
You turn, incredulous, “Oh," You lob back at him with mock sincerity, "Rest assured, sir, I’m shaking in my boots.”
And before Higgins can go postal on your ass, you dart past Steve and out of the office doors with a swiftness he could only envy.
So, yeah.
Steve and you had exchanged a grand total of maybe a dozen words the entire time you’d known one another. It’s not exactly a ringing endorsement for making any overtures of friendship.
Besides, you’re Eddie’s girl.
Everyone knows that, what with the way you’re attached at the hip most of the time. Your wardrobes are so intermingled by now, that Steve would bet good money you’d be hard-pressed to find a shirt that Eddie hadn’t wormed his way into.
He sighs, it’s better left alone.
Steve figures Robin will hitch a ride with Vickie or some band nerds whenever she’s ready to go and pulls his set of keys from his pocket. Before he realizes it, you’ve snatched the keys from his hand.
“What the—”
“Looks like I’m your chauffeur for this evening, Harrington.” Your tone brokers no room for argument as you twirl them in warm yellow light. “Where to?”
He trails after you, and your strides, oddly, rival his own.
“I really am fine,” Steve points out. “Seriously!”
You round the car and slide the key into the lock on the door, flicking your wrist to unlock the front cab. One hand catches the window of the door, resting casually as you wait him out.
“Sorry man,” You offer a non-apology with a shrug. “I’m not in the habit of distressed damsels driving themselves home.”
Steve colors at that, can feel the heat radiating from the tips of his ears.
“‘M not a damsel.”
“Really?” You drawl as you slide into the driver’s seat and slot the key into the ignition. “You nearly passed out a party, princess.”
And oh, hearing you say that should be illegal with the way it has his traitorous blood flowing due south.
He petulantly joins you in the car, raking a hand through his hair in frustration.
“If that’s not damsel behavior, then I dunno what is.”
The car roars to life, stereo playing a tinny version of “West End Girls” by the Pet Shop Boys as you navigate out of the makeshift parking lot. The sounds of the party fall by the wayside as you pull onto the country road that’ll lead back into town.
Steve resigns himself to his fate and lets his head fall back against the seat.
It’s dark on the outskirts of town, no street lights until you’ve passed the Millers' farm and enter into Hawkins proper.
Your fingers drum absentmindedly against the steering wheel as you drive, the chipped nail polish of your fingertips barely visible in the dim light.
And you’re not… unattractive. You’d just never really crossed Steve’s radar until recently, but that’s probably more to do his own headassery than anything else. You weren’t really his usual type— all closed off with stiff posture spliced and the chaotic stylings that come with being around one Eddie Munson.
Like a shower where you had to move the taps just so for the perfect temperature; sometimes you’re too hot, then in other moments too cold.
Steve could never really get a handle on that, how your demeanor could change in the blink of an eye. There was something more appealing about looking at someone like, say Chrissy Cunningham with her bubbly personality and kind eyes, than catching you in a mood, which can feel something akin to a sucker punch straight to the gut.
He can’t be bothered to make heads or tails of it as you roll back into town, the streetlights flickering through the windows of the car.
It’s there in an instant and gone in the next, and he’s positively sure that this isn’t some trick of the light.
Your eyes shift from their local color to something otherworldly, and he wouldn’t have caught it if not for the streetlight from the next house over.
“What?” Your tone is light, curious and absolutely nothing to be frightened of.
But watching as they shift again, from that luminous phosphorescence back to your normal eye color. It does something to him.
He slams the passenger door shut a little too forcefully and a bit too quickly. You raise your eyebrows at him over the roof of the car, tossing him the keys.
“You okay there, Harrington?”
He clears his throat and smiles outwardly.
“Yeah, totally.”
Because what is he supposed to say?
Actually no, I’m not fine because your eyes just like, changed in front of me? That’s not something that just happens, right? And how did you find me so quickly back at the bonfire— I couldn’t see you anywhere near me. Why is it that you smell so good, kinda how it smells outside after a rainstorm? And why is every instinct telling me to run?
“If you say so,” You nod and step silently from his drive, pink tongue gliding against a pronounced canine with a predatory glint in your eye.
Internally, Steve is both screaming and oddly turned on.
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None of which, by the way, goes to explain why it is exactly that Steve is wandering the woods alone on the next full moon.
What could have possibly compelled him from the relative safety of his warm bed and into the cool spring night?
You, unfortunately enough.
It’s all your fault.
Because in an attempt to explain away the bruises braceleting your wrist to Robin, of all people (another go round with the new chains and repaired drywall in preparation for the full moon that weekend), you had settled on the completely rational response of:
“Oh, I sleepwalk sometimes.”
Her blue eyes blow wide, “Like, alone, at night?”
You nod and try to focus on the equations on the chalkboard as Mrs. G. drones on about something or other.
“Oh yeah,” Eddie chimes in from behind you, “Should put a bell on her or somethin’.” And his smile is that annoying one you’d like to smack off of his face, “Like a cat.”
And that was that.
Or, rather, that should have been that.
But Eddie and you were none the wiser as Robin relayed all of this plus the goings on of the band kids to Steve as he picked her up for work that evening.
“Yeesh,” He says, pulling into his spot behind Family Video.
“Yeah,” Robin says stepping out of the car. “And she was so normal about it. Like rambling around at all hours of the night completely unaware of your surroundings is a perfectly fine thing to do!”
Steve locks the car and follows her through the employee entrance to the store. He twirls his keys absently, trying to remember if he noticed any bruises on you at the bonfire last month.
She chats with Keith as he clocks out for the night, and shucks her bag on the sagging couch against the wall.
“What if they’re like, wolves out there Steve?”
So, yeah. In the end, he really has no choice about it.
Because there is definitely something out there.
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Hii, since you asked for some Sam requests, I throught about this.
What about something where reader (female if possible) is a werewolf and it's like full moon, and she's super insecure because she doesn't want to hurt him but he stays with her during the transformation? And it's just super fluffy before and after? Also, It would be great if It was season 1 Sam :3
Thank you in advance, don't worry if you can't or don't want to do this request^^
Have a good day/night <3
.⋆。Beneath The Moonlight。⋆.
Sam Winchester x werewolf!plus size reader
You have a deadly secret that you’ve been keeping for almost 12 years but when Sam Winchester blows back into your life, he proves to you that it’s ok to need someone else to help with the burden
Warnings: angst, self-loathing, fear, brief references to a werewolf’s diet, self-harm in the form of using silver against herself, fluff, almost confession, I made her a little more of a traditional werewolf cause I can, brief mention of dead parents, Dean really wants to be Sammy’s wingman
WC: 1.3k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Your eyes darted to the clock above the kitchen sink as you sliced off yet another piece of pie for the ravenous hunter in your living room. There was just about an hour left till sunset- only an hour until the full moon would breach the horizon and you would be swallowed up by the monster that lived in your chest.
Even now, you could feel her flexing her claws and pushing against the walls of your mind. She wanted out and she would do anything to be free.
You squeezed your eyes shut, forcing back the sting of tears as you took a deep breath and left the solitude of your small kitchen.
Sam and Dean, the sons of the man that saved you from a werewolf pack 12 years ago. John made it a habit to check in on you every once in a while but after he went missing, Dean decided that he should take on that responsibility. So as you were preparing to weather out another full moon chained up in the basement beneath your isolated farmhouse, the younger two Winchesters appeared on your doorstep, inviting themselves in. 
You knew you had to get them out, no one knew your secret and if they found out, you were sure that a silver bullet to the heart was in your future.
“It’s gettin kinda late don’t you think?” You desperately tried to keep your voice level but the flash of hazel told you that you weren’t doing a very good job. You handed Dean his third slice of pie while vehemently ignoring Sam’s gaze.
He had always known how to read your body language, even when you were both 10. “I thought you liked having us here sweetheart.” Dean attempted to croon but instead spat pie chucks across your coffee table. You shot him a look and he sheepishly wiped it up with his shirt sleeve
“I’ve got jobs I have to do early tomorrow and if you haven’t noticed, I don’t exactly have the space to house two hunters.” Dean paused mid-bite and cleared his throat before a devious smirk grew over his lips.
“Well I guess not but you certainly have room for one.” Before you could comprehend what the older boy was implying, he had wolfed down the rest of his pie and sprung up from the couch with a speed you thought he could never possess, and ran out the front door while yelling behind him. “Have a good night!”
The roar of the Impala’s engine carried over the quiet fields surrounding your house before Sam was even halfway down the hall. Your hands trembled as he walked back into the room, an embarrassed smile on his face. “I’m sorry about him. I can call a taxi or just walk back to town if you really want me gone.”
You shook your head. “It’s fine Sam. Let me clean up and I’ll set up the bed for you.” Your throat was tight with anxiety as you felt the beast inside you grin. He’ll make a good snack, you could hear her say.
“I couldn’t take your bed.” He started but you waved him off with what you hoped was a comforting smile and not a grimace. 
“You’re too tall to fit on the couch and I won’t accidentally wake you up in the morning if you’re in my room.” Sam’s footsteps followed you into the kitchen. “Go on, I’ll only be a couple minutes. There should be some extra soap in the hall closet if you want a shower.”
You chanced a look back at your friend and caught the briefest glimpse of a soft look on his face. “Thank you.” He silently turned and left, presumably to make use of your small shower, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
If he was in your bedroom, he wouldn’t hear your screams as you turned.
Pain blazed through your veins like a drug, slowly ripping you apart only to stitch you back together and do it all over again. She hated that you had tied yourself up like a dog- a silver infused iron chain wrapped around your neck and bolted to the reinforced concrete floor, the muzzle that kept her from howling bound tightly to your face and the handcuffs around your wrist that prevented you from moving lest the pure silver burn through your skin.
You eased yourself back against the far wall of the basement and turned your head to look out the lone window in the room. It was small and protected by iron bars but it allowed the warm summer breeze to wash over you, granting you a brief reprieve from the agony you were in.
As the weak moonlight finally brushed over you, your senses sharpened. You could smell the leftovers in your fridge and the scent of soap, you could see the small bugs that flew past the window and the small particles of dust that floated through the dark air. You could hear footsteps-
The basement door creaked open and you whimpered, the sound too grating on your sensitive ears. “Leave!” You snarled, your voice deeper and more dangerous as the wolf slowly consumed your mind. The footsteps continued.
Sam appeared at the bottom of the stairs, dressed only in his jeans and a t-shirt. He smelt like you with a mixture of his natural musk that you could only detect when he hugged you. His eyes were downturned and shining with tears.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” The laugh bubbled up from your chest before you could stop it. It was broken and sounded more like a hyena’s cackle than any sound a human could make.
“I only know hunters, what would happen if I told them I need to eat hearts to live?” Sam flinched but didn’t look scared, he almost looked… sheepish.
“Guess you’re right.” He stepped closer to you, his tall body now illuminated by the pale moonlight. “What I meant to say was, why didn’t you tell me?” 
Silence washed over the both of you and your eyes dropped down. The shadows around you were steadily getting shorter, closing you into the far corner of the basement in a vain attempt to keep your wolf at bay.
“You left, like you were meant to. I’m meant to be alone.” You were struggling to speak as your mind slipped into a more primitive state. “Alone- can’t hurt anyone.”
Your ribs cracked and Sam stepped forward. Another wave of his scent washed over you making your chest rumble with a pleased sound. “I would’ve stayed, for you.” 
Warmth bloomed across your face even as your back collided with the cool brick wall. “I would’ve taken care of you.” He slowly dropped to his knees only an arm’s length away from you, the moonlight following behind him. 
Suddenly you were both ten years old again and grappling with the concept that the monsters in your nightmares were real. But yet again, there was the hazel-eyed son of a hunter telling you that everything was going to be ok and that even if no one else was, he would be there for you, no matter what.
A large, warm hand cupped your full cheek, his thumb brushing over your soft skin. “Sh-sh-should be scared.” You growled but nuzzled into his touch anyway, desperate for the first piece of physical affection you had felt since your parents died. He smiled and took the chance to place his other hand beneath where the collar rested across your neck.
“I could never be scared of you.” Your eyes sparkled with tears which he quickly wiped away as soon as they fell. “And you don’t need to be scared of hurting me or anyone else for that matter. I’ll protect you.”
The moon bathed both of you in a serene light for only a moment before your vision began to blur and your body trembled under the strain of your transformation. “I won’t leave you behind, never again.” But it sounded more like ‘I love you’.
And as you finally surrendered to the monster within you, Sam’s face was the last thing you saw and for the first time since you had been condemned to this life, you knew peace.
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marvelsmarauder · 2 years
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poly!marauders x fem!werewolf!reader inspired by this tiktok summary: After a argument with the marauders about your choice of friends, things are misunderstood. On a full moon, while Remus is transforming, the marauders find out the only secret their girlfriend has. Unfortunately on that particular night Remus loses control. warnings: bad words/cussing, jealousy, angst, fluff, BAD LANGUAGE/NOT PROOF READ
A/N: I hate this so much lmao. I've had this in my drafts and wanted to post it because it was swirling in my head since forever.
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You have known the marauders since your first arrival at the train station in 1st year and have been dating three of them since 4th year. However you always had a feeling that they were hiding something from you. You didn’t blame them at first, since you weren’t as close with them like how they were to each other, you had your own group of friends. To the displeasure of your current boyfriends those friends were still in your life and none other than the Slytherin’s they hated the most. But also because you had your own little secret. Sirius, James and Remus were just horrible at being subtle about theirs. Over the years your relationship blossomed into what it is today but the little voice in the back of your mind kept nagging at you that they still didn’t trust you enough to tell you their big secret.
You ignored it. The insecure thoughts and harsh words directed at yourself were always locked up in a dark place that you rarely paid attention to. Today something was different. You couldn’t figure out what it was so you didn’t say anything, but today you felt extra sensitive than usually. It was nothing new to your boyfriends that you were grumpy at times, especially during those days of the month were you were bleeding in uncomfortable areas, so they didn’t talk to you about it. Still something was making you feel frustrated. Maybe it was the constant whispering the boys had been doing since yesterday. Maybe it was the disappearing together without even acknowledging you or it could be that Remus was always the first to leave. Remus, who always is the sweetest of you all and the best care giver you have ever met. It seemed that that Remus was hell bound on avoiding you and in doing so keeping the other two also out of your reach. You are sitting next to Regulus and Evan during breakfast and chatting with your friends. You are distracted by the book Regulus is telling you about that you don’t notice your boyfriends walking into the great hall. You don’t notice the jealous eyes that settle on you and sure as hell are oblivious to the pair of eyes that look at your direction, more likely to Regulus, with anger you would be afraid of. Sirius was purposefully sitting with his back turned to the Slytherin table and eating his food while chatting with James about quidditch so that the latter wouldn’t look at you every few seconds. He tried to include Remus in their conversation but the tall boy just growled at them and kept glaring at the younger Black, who was way too close to you in his opinion. Today would be the full moon of this month and Remus was being restless and more animal than himself this time. They all knew that tonight would be one of the harder cycles. Hopefully everything would go as smooth as possible. When Remus heard you laugh at something that Rosier said he abruptly stood up and left the hall. His two boyfriends looked at him warily when he stood up and followed him as soon as he took off. You laughed at something Evan had said when you heard Sirius’s voice “Remus, WAIT.” and looked over to the Gryffindor table, just seeing Remus’ frame disappearing from your sight as he left trough the big double doors. You watched as Sirius immediately rushed after the tall boy met James eyes who frowned and left soon after the other two. You felt as if someone had stabbed a blade trough your chest and set it on fire. What the hell was going on? Excusing yourself from your friends you stood up and made your way to the Gryffindor tower, the worried eyes of a younger Black brother following your figure till you disappeared from his view.
Your pace was quick as you walked trough the halls of Hogwarts, climbed up the stairs and said the password which gave you permission to enter the Gryffindor common room. When you didn’t see your boyfriends anywhere you quickly made your way up to the boys dormitory's.
Before you could knock on the door you hear your boyfriends shouting at each other, which greatly surprised you, seeing as the boys never fought and the doors should be charmed to not let any noise. Then you saw that the door is ajar. “WELL I DIDN’T TELL HER TO FLIRT WITH EVERYONE THAT HAS A DICK BETWEEN THEIR LEGS, DID I ?!” Remus’ shouting made you stop your hand that was about to push open the door. It broke your heart to hear what your boyfriend said about you. You knew that the boys didn’t much like your friends, however they’ve never acted out this much. You didn’t notice the tears that were falling down you cheeks, when suddenly your whole composure changed and you were fuming with anger. They had no right to talk about you like that when they had been nothing but distant and ignorant towards you. You slammed open the door and all heads snapped to you. James’ eyes widened at your tears but when he saw the anger in your eyes he decided it would be better not to point them out nor to walk up to you.
“You selfish git, you have no right to speak about me like that. What is you bloody problem, Lupin?!” you spat at him, a fire burning in your eyes. You were heartbroken and felt betrayed. You had every right to feel like shit, but you wanted to know what the cause of all of this was.
“I will tell you what my bloody problem is. You, eye fuckin’ those nasty Slytherin's. Why do you not ask them to just shag you, or maybe you have already-” Remus’ harsh words were cut off by you slapping his cheek. His head snapped to the right and it was dead silent. “y/n, he didn’ mean it. He-” Sirius attempt at cooling down the situation was also cut off this time by you speaking up. You were glaring at Remus with more tears streaming down your face, he wasn’t looking at you, he has not moved his head yet, frozen in place they all listen to what you say. “I have no idea what is going on with you these days, but you have no right to be jealous nor talking shit about me, when you have done nothing but avoid me and be distant. I don’t even remember the last time you talked to me other than insulting me now.. Whatever the hell you boys are keeping secret is destroying this relationship and I’m not up for it. This is nothing but toxic, I don’t even know if we should keep this up.” Remus snapped his eyes up at your words and the crack I n your voice at the end. When he saw how much hurt swirled in your eyes he immediately regretted what he said, but it was too late now. Before he could even say something you stormed out of the room and into your own shared dorm. It had been a couple of hours later, fortunately it was a Saturday and so you did not need to attend any classes, you had barricaded yourself in your bed with the curtains around the furniture drawn closed. Your roommates were checking in on you every hour but you shut them down quickly. Was it over now? Sure, you were the one who said those things but did you really mean them ? You loved the boys, more than anything but wouldn’t it be a mistake if you kept secrets from each other and then ended up fighting? So many questions swirling in your head that you could find no answers to. It was getting dark and it was when Dory, your roommate, shook you awake that you realized how late it was, you had fallen asleep after all the crying. You looked out of the window, that showed the view over the castle grounds and behind the walls, the moon was only starting to get up while the last sun rays made it over the surface. You quickly grabbed the potion that had been gifted to you last month by Severus. Another Slytherin friend, whom you’ve known before attending Hogwarts. Rushing down the stairs you made it out trough a hidden passage way that led you into the center of the forbidden forest. You downed the potion that helped you stay in control of your transformation and delayed the full moons attention. You had been a Lycanthrope since you were a baby, a mistake of your uncle that isn’t talked about, and you’ve gotten used to the transformation by the time that you were seven years old. Yes, it was immensely painful but as a kid who has been going trough the transition since the age of 8 months you didn’t know any better. You thought it was just something everyone went trough so you gave yourself to the pain and every time you did it the better you got with control and the pain.
A few more transitions later and you were completely control of your transformation. You are now able to transform at any time you wish on a full moon night and how often or long you wanted to. You still had to transform if you didn’t do it on your own your body forced you to but that happened rarely, you found joy while running through the woods.
You could also stay in your half transitioned form for longer than usual which saved your life a few times.
The moon was finally at its apex when you heard something rustle somewhere in the forest. Your hearing was now quite enhanced that you could almost hear the merpeople in the black lake singing to each other. You supposed that the noises came from the whomping willow and payed it no mind. You decided that you should transform and get it over with when you heard a scream and howl while you were mid transformation. Transforming fully, you began to sprint in the direction of the restless tree. When you arrived you could hear a fight going on under the tree. Or more like someone struggling with something. When you heard another painful cry your eyes widened at the familiar voice who was trying to talk to someone. Keyword: trying. “REMUS LISTEN, YOU NEED TO STOP!! JAMES, get away!” you quickly found a whole near the roots of the whomping willow. Your small thin werewolf appearance could easily dodge the the trees whipping branches and slipped trough the whole. Under the tree was a small cabin. You didn’t know who would build something in such a dangerous place. You walked into another room- a bedroom- and froze on your spot. What you saw made your heart race- It all made sense now. You saw Remus also mid transition, clearly not in charge of what’s happening to him, on top of Sirius ready to hurt your boyfriend in ways you didn’t want to think about. On the other side of the room you could see James propped up against the wall with a few cuts on his body. A half human, half wolf Remus snarled at Sirius before raising his claws and making himself ready to strike when you transformed back and ran at him, pushing him off of Sirius. Taking a protective stance in front of your boyfriend you slightly crouched down which made Sirius’ eyes widen. “Y/N YOU NEED TO GET OUT! He’s not himself” the raven haired boy said panicked but you didn’t pay him any mind as you kept your eyes on Remus. “Remus!” your boyfriend growled at you and made his way up to you, ready to attack, but you anticipated this and dodged his swing. You took a few steps away from Sirius, making the lycan follow you. Moony snarled at you and then fixed his gaze onto James, who was still struggling with a few wounds. You saw it in slow motion, how Remus raced to James and bit into his arm. James screamed in pain and you transformed immediately, running up to the boys and pushing the sandy brown haired boy away from your hurt boyfriend. Moony growled but when he saw another wolf he grew quite. You snarled at him and stood in front of James. Remus stared at you. Moony didn’t understand if the new wolf is a friend or enemy. You stared at him before going back to your half transformed state and letting your eyes glow up once again.
Moony growled again but you held your hand up and took a step closer, making him growl louder. “Remus!Remus! Remus! Listen! Listen!Listen!“ the transforming boy looked up at you and for a second you saw Remus‘ scared eyes. “You‘re not a monster! You‘re a werewolf!.. like me.“ something in him seemed to stir when you let your yellow wolf eyes glow and he kept staring at you. Slowly you saw how the animal features seemed to leave his face and your sweet boyfriend came to view. “Just like that, Rem! You’re controlling it.” you said, impressed and proud of your boyfriend. Remus stared at you wide eyed and breathless, kneeling on the floor, he dropped down so that he was sitting on the cold floor “I am?” he questioned in disbelief. “Yea, baby, you’re great, just breathe” you smiled at him and he let out an exhausted chuckle “I’m not alone?” you shook your head and gave him small sad smile while kneeling in front of him and taking his hands into yours, “You never were” he beamed at you. “James!” Sirius’ panicked call caught your attention. You looked behind you to see your bespectacled boyfriend smiling tiredly at the pair of you, his eyes fluttering closed as the blood flowed out of his arm.
Remus’ heart sank. He felt his insides churn and would have thrown up if he could. He had hurt James. He was frozen in his place and couldn’t comprehend anything. You instantly stood up and rushed to James’ side, Sirius following you soon after. “If you won’t be turning into another animal Siri, you better help me!” you said worried for your boyfriend “Jamie, hey, keep your eyes open sweetheart, okay?” you instructed in hopes of distracting him.
The curly haired boy could only nod slightly before he was picked up by Sirius. You supported Remus and the three four of you rushed to the hospital wing. Sirius placed James in a bed in the corner, you helped Remus to lay down on the opposite one and called for Poppy. The nurse quickly walked up to you and you all pointed out to James who was struggling to keep his eyes open and she got to work. You walked up to Sirius, standing next to James’ bed and slipped your hand trough the Black’s. He turned his head slightly and kissed your forehead, no one saying anything as Poppy helped James while you and Sirius watched him, Remus was peering over from his bed but was struggling to keep his eyes open. He felt nothing but guilt and sadness consume him. He truly was a monster, he thought.
As if he had read his boyfriends mind, Sirius looked over to Remus to see tears flowing down his cheeks. He sighed and squeezed your hand. You looked up at him with own tears gathering in your eyes, though yours were in sympathy and worry for the Gryffindor quidditch captain. The Black heir nodded to the bed you placed Remus on and when you turned to look at your third boyfriend you squeezed Sirius’ hand back and let his hand go so that he could go to Remus. You turned back to James to see that his eyes were twitching. You kneeled next to his bed and took his hand in yours. “Come on, Jamie. Let me see those pretty eyes of yours, please” You held back a sob as your voice cracked and more tears fell down your cheeks. You couldn’t imagine yourself living in a world without any one of your boyfriends. They were your happiness, they were the reason you stood up every morning, they were your reason to live.
Sirius sat at the edge of Remus’ bed and took his hand into his own. The tall boy had his eyes fixed on the Potter who looked as if he was in pain. When Sirius went to wrap his arms around Remus the latter flinched away from his touch. He stared at the black haired boy with widened eyes that were clouded with fear. He had hurt James, he could not hurt Sirius too. He couldn’t hurt any of you again. He will never forget this and will be plagued with guilt.
“Hey, Rem. It’s okay. He’s gonna be fine.” Sirius whispered. He tried to calm his boyfriend, he knew how it was to shy away from someones touch. He didn’t want to make Remus uncomfortable even if he knew that Remus’ reasons where way different than his own. “N-no. He’ll hate me. We should- I think- He should hate me. I- You all should. I don’t want to hurt you. Please.” Remus could not express himself. He wanted to say that he thought that they should break up. They are better off without him. But he knew that he could never be the one to say it, he was that selfish, he couldn’t imagine what his life would be like without his boyfriends and girlfriend. He couldn’t imagine what he would be like.
“He’ll heal without problem. You brought him here just in time.” Poppy’s voice cut off any other thing that would have been said as all three Gryffindors sighed in relief. You kneeled next to James’ bed and pressed your forehead against his fingers that were intertwined with yours. You felt your whole body shake as you realized in what kind of situation you guys were in and how badly it could have ended.
The nurse went on to Remus to inspect his injuries and to make sure that he didn’t have any after affects because of the transformation.
You all stayed the night at the hospital wing. Eventually Sirius fell asleep on the chair next to James’ bed. You were seated on the chair next to Remus’ bed and stared at the floor.
Remus had his eyes fixed on you as he thought about your secret. You were also a werewolf, just like him. You didn’t seem to be in any pain when you transformed.
He couldn’t believe that you had full control of your transition and more so when he remembered that you helped him gain control. He had stopped his transformation. How was that even possible?
“How did you do it?” Remus’ weak voice made you snap out of your thoughts. You looked at him and tilted your head as if to say ‘What do you mean?’ “How did you control your transformation? A-and how did I?” he stammered.
You stood up and sat next to him on his bed. You wrapped your arms around his stomach and rested your head on his chest. “I could control it since I was 10. My uncle is a werewolf and he’s helped me a lot. He taught me that in order to gain control over your wolf you have to embrace all your emotions. Good and bad. Your biggest fears and your saddest moments. Everything. It got easier for me when I met you three.” Remus hung on every word you said. He was intrigued to hear your story but didn’t want to ask.
He also felt a bit better and happier when he heard that they could be your support, even though unintentional. But he couldn’t understand how he did it. He always thought his biggest fear was he himself. “The moment you realized that you were not alone, that I was like you, you faced your biggest fear. And at the same time a happy moment. That’s how you did it. Honestly I’m surprised you weren’t able to before.” You looked up at him to see him looking at you already. You leaned up to capture his lips in yours. He deepened the kiss as if muscle memory. It was slow and steady, just what he needed to sort out his swirling thoughts. “I love you.” Remus whispered when you pulled away. He cast his gaze to Sirius and trailed over to James before looking back to you “I love all of you” he added. You smiled tiredly at him “We love you too. Get some rest, love.”
Remus nodded before he remembered the reason why tonight escalated “Y/n?” “Hm?” “I’m sorry. For arguing with you. I was angry and the moon was starting to effect me and I know that’s not an excuse but I’m just so so so-” He was cut off when you crashed your lips back onto his to stop him from rambling. “It’s alright. It really hurt that you thought that of me but-” now it was his turn to cut you off
“NO! I would never think that and I never did. I just *sigh* I distanced myself because I didn’t want you to find out. I didn’t want to hurt you. Which seems ironic now, but still. I was jealous and said things I didn’t mean, really!” He said sincerely. You nodded and rested your head back onto his chest. You both fell asleep soon after.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
So I saw the Vox Machina s/o wolf walker and I cant help but wonder:
Werewolf s/o who acts like a big puppy around their chosen member of VM? Like they will wine like a dog, puppy eyes and all and as soon as they get pats or attention that person is now being suffocated by snuggles and or licks to the face or the person next to the werewolf gets beaten up by a fluffy tail.
Awwww omygosh this is so cute!!
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Werewolf “big puppy” would include….
Perfect for cuddles!!
Keyleth (and Minxie) have a new cuddle buddies!
Grog sometimes likes to play-wrestle with you
Vex and Vax are now smooshed into a Trinket-you sandwich
Scanlan gets you to howl along with his harmonizations, which keeps everyone up at night
Or sometimes even Pike joins in, giving you belly rubs in a whole “who’s the best?? You are!!”
After Vax got his wings, now it’s raven boi trying to play tag with you
Always nudging into Percy relentlessly until he finally gives in with an exasperated, “ugh fine! If I let you, will you stop pestering me?”
The cuddles and pets go on for hours but he’ll never admit it
You stay in this form for so long that when you morphed back into human form one afternoon, everyone was confused. Like a “who are you?!” moment before you explain. “It’s me!”
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Jason Todd and a werewolf lady? Maybe like how they met
The smell of grease, oil, and gasoline dampened the smell of almost everything. Even for your heightened senses.
But, your ears were fine. So when you heard the boots on the floor of the garage, you half turned. "Batman."
"Y/N, got a job for you."
"Oh goody," you sigh, wrapping the sleeves of your coveralls around your waist and tying them. "Tracking or fixing?"
"Tracking," he said looking uncomfortable.
"Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?" you ask. For someone that wanted help, The Batman was notoriously cagey but- that made some sense. When he'd first met you as a kid, he'd thought you were... Well frankly a lot more dangerous.
He hadn't realized that the 250 pound beast was just a 12-year-old girl when she wasn't chasing random assholes who had the misfortune to trigger her prey drive. And you were pretty sure he wasn't entirely convinced that you'd never taken a bite out of someone.
... You had. But, he deserved it. You'd run across him trying to assault one of your classmates and took a chunk out of his ass. Not that Batman needed to know that. So far as you knew, he treated one criminal the same as any other.
"Human," he answered.
"When do you-"
You took the bag he thrust out at you, containing a shred of cloth. Painstakingly placed in a bag within a bag and nodded slowly. "Let me lock up and get changed."
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inkblot-inc · 1 year
Call Me Anything But Human
Summary: There's aways something that lurks in the dark, but often what's scarier is what lies out in the open.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf!Reader
Warning(s): 18+ as per usual, so hey MINORS DNI. there's also smut near the end; we got cnc, strap on use (wanda recieving), and edging (R recieving). Dark Themes; R literally eats someone alive, so like blood and gore + cannibalism(?), pretty sure there's language as well, I dunno about you, but that's probably the least of your concerns reading the previous warnings-
Note(s): What’s more self-indulgent than sharing a new universe earlier than planned? Hahaha someone please humor me here, I have so many goddamn WIPS. It's a lil intro for everything else to come as usual. I hope you enjoy :3
Word Count: floating around 2.2k
*squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit
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You watched from afar as the frail old lady hobbled her way back into her tiny cabin. The closest house was miles away, let alone a market.
You watched a dim light flicker on from inside with a static noise following soon after; she cut the TV on. You licked your chops in anticipation, creeping out from the tree line to make your way closer to the residence.
Silently coming up to the front window, you peer inside to see the older woman settle into a recliner with a steaming bowl of food ready to watch the tube. You don’t know how senile this lady is, but it’s definitely to your advantage that she’s not more aware. Looking around through the window still, you notice a slightly larger window cracked open over what looks like the kitchen sink.
It’s ballsy. A straight shot view from the main room.
Walking around the side of the cabin, you make your way to the kitchen window and slip your hand under the crack to lift the screen up slowly. There’s an audible *clack* when it goes all the way up.
There’s a cough and some shuffling as you stay stock still…
Nothing else happens.
You hoist yourself through the window, landing with a dull thud, The click of your claws on the rickety wood flooring was hardly noticeable. The TV droning on helped cover up a lot of noise no doubt.
From there, there was no real need to be discreet as you surged forward to maul the drowsy elderly woman. You were on her before she could even think to get up. Her half-eaten bowl of chicken and rice tumbled to the floor in a heap as you tore her neck open. Your other clawed hand ripped open the old lady’s stomach exposing its contents as she choked on her own blood. Her attempts to yell or even call for help were useless out here; her eyes were wide and mortified as she was essentially eaten alive. Bones and all.
The old woman’s head was the last to be devoured and you couldn’t even look at it as you shoved it down your gullet.
It helps that you don't know this lady personally at least.
Crunching on a bony hand that was left, you eyed the spilled food that remained lukewarm with the oily sauce trying to stain the unvarnished floorboards.
It could never compare to the full course meal you just had…
The scene had next to no sign of struggle, with all but a small collecting pool of blood and a smattering of torn and bloody clothes on the pleather lazy boy.
Before you could get to tidying up any evidence you could have left behind, your ears pricked up.
Footsteps and a light jangle of keys.
Your eyes widened as you made your way back to the kitchen sink to clean your newly shifted face and neck of blood, along with your hands. Finding a hallway closet, you tore off your crewneck before balling it up and chucking it inside. You were left in a black t-shirt and jeans as everything in the closet was either too small or too identifiable.
You pulled the flashlight from the top shelf along with your phone as you heard the front door open.
Turning around the corner, you call out to the person that's just entered the cabin, flashing the light in their direction. "Westview county sheriff's department! Keep your hands where I can see them!"
"Whoa wait! What's going on?" The person was revealed to be a brunette woman, probably in her mid to late 20s.
"I was called to check out a new missing person's case we got at the station. One Agnes Black. The trail led me to discover the scene here. I'm going to need to ask for your name and ID, miss."
You made sure to keep the interest on her for a bit as you tried to get yourself together to form a plan. "Oh! Um, Wanda Maximoff. Agnes is a family friend, she's the only one that's still around. Or she was… I tried to stop in every so often to make sure she's doing okay out here on her own."
You bury your nerves at the situation as you watch the young woman go to scramble through her bag to get her identification. She pulls it out to show you clearest day: 'Wanda Maximoff, twenty seven, NJ driver's license'. Designation: human.
Not a threat.
You look back up at her, " Right, well, this was the scene when I got here. No sign of forced entry, but quite a bit of blood."
Wanda raised a brow, " You came out to an unknown residence, in the middle of the woods miles from town, alone?"
You felt your face burn with embarrassment at her tone.
It did sound stupid as hell.
You cleared your throat, " I'm new. I guess I just… wanted a chance to prove myself I guess." In a sense this was true. You had just landed a job in the sheriff's department, but You didn't care to impress any of your peers in the slightest. You'd rather the woman think you an overzealous idiot, than have her build suspicion.
Wanda looked up slightly to squint at your face before a look of recognition took over her features. " You're Bigby, right? I know I've heard that name mentioned around town. The hot new deputy sheriff that came down from New York -"
Wanda's hand came to cover her mouth a bit too late, " or so I've heard, you know,"
You flash a bit of a pointy smile at the brunette before you scratch the back of your neck. " Well, for the record, Bigby is my uncle, my name is Y/n." If only he could see his "Lil Bean" now…
Wanda's answering smile with sheepish, but there was a subtle shift in her green eyes that you couldn't exactly place. " I wonder if he'd be proud or disappointed to see you follow in your family's footsteps."
You gave a brief laugh through your nose, taken a bit of back before Wanda spoke up again. " At least he never shat where he ate though, right?"
All you saw was a red mist passed over your eyes before you were knocked out cold, Wanda standing over your unconscious body.
Waking up, you found yourself in what you could only assume was a basement or some other underground room. The cement floor and persistent draft lending to this as well. While trying to move around, you found your hands and feet bound together with chains. Your attempts to break free with your supernatural strength proved to be pointless against whatever this metal was.
The sound of a door creaking open had you halting all movement. " I still have to get things insulated down here, but my guess is that it's not even cold enough for you to feel little more than a breeze right now."
You can only stare straight ahead as you heard the subtle clop of footsteps coming down cobbled stairs from behind you. Wanda came around to stand in front of you with a subtle smirk and a tilt of her head.
Her diffident posture was long gone.
" Well, Natasha wasn't lying. You are pretty cute." Wanda firmly grasped your chin between her thumb and four finger as she moved your head this way and that. " Human meat must work wonders for a mutt's skin."
To be quite frank: you were terrified. All creatures that brought undue terrors or committed crimes onto others, especially if it involved the harm of humans, were promptly and harshly dealt with. The most efficient way being torture for intentions before death. Government authorities often worked hand in hand with the Purifiers in that way.
Wanda briefly rolled her eyes as she sensed your heart rate spike, most likely from fear. " I'm not with the human puritans, if that's your worry, Wolfie. More like an interested third party."
You took a small breath of relief as you could cross the worst case scenario off of your list of possibilities. " Then- what do you want with me? Did you even know that lady?-"
" You mean your dinner? Yes, but Agatha has served her purpose. She owed it to me after all," You turned slightly as Wanda went on. "And I want you, officer, to be my inside person while I conduct my dealings."
Your eyes narrowed at her assured voice, " and I would just agree to that right? Be for real, woman."
Wanda’s smirk simply stayed in place. " Well, I could just drop off all the photographic evidence I have of you scouting and devouring your last four victims, all of whom are on the missing persons listings." Plenty of photos fluttered to the ground, fanned out for you to see yourself at your most vulnerable. Wanda tutted her tongue almost mockingly, " such a sloppy puppy, they'd have a field day with you I'm sure."
Your eyes were frozen on the high-definition pictures of you hastily leaving a woman's penthouse, clothes still bloody; one of the few cases that you've filed after spending the night with them. Gwen-something. Jesus, wasn't this in New York? Her father was still looking for her when you moved away...
You vaguely knew that Wanda was still speaking. " And, if that's not enough, you ingested Agatha's whole body. One of my own reanimated corpses bound with a fealty clause. One could assume it had passed on to you. I'd hate for you to have to find out what happens when that clause is broken firsthand." Your mouth could only open and close like a fish as you thought through the whole thing.
You don't have an option. You really don't.
Wanda sauntered closer to your restrained form as her fingers ran across your shoulders. She leaned over till her lips we next to your ear. "Way to be thorough, huh, Y/n?" Her hands lightly smoothed down your arm.
You tried to keep your face as stoic as you could. "Fine. What do you want me to do?" Wanda patted the your cheek rough enough for it to be considered patronizing instead of soothing. "We'll hash that out in time, don't you worry your fuzzy little head about it."
"But details, details…" Wanda's voice trailed off as she proceeded to straddle your waist, your breath caught. " You must be relieved to finally have some familiarity, huh?" As Wanda continues to shift on top of you to make yourself comfortable, you feel an odd amount of pressure that causes you to gasp.
Wanda's mouth lifts into a sly smirk, " there we are. This will end different then you're used to, I'm certain. There is one other thing you'll have to get acquainted with." One of Wanda's hands runs down your shirt over your stomach before lifting up the hem halfway for you to see.
A new wave of panicked confusion would have had you jolting around again if Wanda wasn't holding you steady.
From your pelvis and spreading outward, we're visible black and dimly glowing veins under your skin. Staring hard enough, you could see them pulse occasionally before the anomaly seemed to fade into your skin.
And it was all connected to the strap on between your legs.
Still struggling to comprehend, you just about lost your ever-loving mind when Wanda gripped it in her hand.
You could feel it.
The new feeling of sensitivity you basically had you like putting in Wanda's hands. "Hah- how…" You catch Wanda's eyes glow again, and it was almost impossible to string two thoughts together with the constant pump of her hand.
" It's more than you probably deserve, but I'm going to enjoy bringing you to your knees this way." You whine involuntarily as Wanda takes her hand off to untie her robe.
Wanda's breasts were now exposed, nipples hard with a rise of goose flesh being out in the cool air. She lifts herself up and lines your cock up at her entrance, and you watch as she fully sinks herself down on it, and she doesn't move. For a good minute. The haziness goes away as you fully connect with Wanda. The pleasure you feel is immediate and you feel a familiar tightening sensation in your stomach.
Wanda leans forward, her mouth latching onto the side of your neck. God, she felt so full. Her hands come to rest over your shoulders before her nails dig in. She feels the muscles there a bunch up a bit before slowly relaxing. The moment Wanda starts moving, she gets a low grunt from you as the toy slides in and out of her pussy. Every stroke, every flutter from inside does something to you, and it's the most tantalizing thing for Wanda to watch and feel.
Your hands keep trying to break through their bonds as you feel your high coming up. You can't help but whimper from under the brunette as she keeps abruptly stopping right at the edge. " Please," Wanda's watched you struggle this whole time, but she all but stops writing you and she's plays coy. "Hmm? What do you want now, baby?" Her rhythm is slower, teasing.
"I'm so fuckin close, can I please just cum?" Your hands clench open and closed behind you in desperation.
Wanda hums before she purses her lips, making her look far more innocent than her actions would dictate. " I don't know, I still feel like you haven't learned your place, honey. You might even use those claws for something you shouldn't…"
"I-" she can see your cheeks bloom with a blush at the situation You found yourself in. You were supposed to be angry, fight back, hold your ground even! But Wanda held all the cards and you knew it. You both knew.
And it didn't take her much to get here.
" Please, Wanda. I just wanna make you feel good, I just wanna cum!- I... I won't try anything. Just please…"
Wanda, continue to look down at you before her smirk returns. " You say please really pretty, puppy…"
You sounded pitiful to yourself. Practically groveling to fuck Wanda properly and cum, but at this point? Pride be damned. The red was all consuming.
But there are worse things to give in to.
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Since it Halloween season could you do head cannons with overwatch mcCree genji and mercy about there love who is a werewolf and they been trying to hide from them and when they transform the bones of sound like they’re breaking when asked about it they say that is used to the pain and they no cure for it and reader thought there lover would leave them because they didn’t think there love would wanna be with a monster
Sure! Always down for some spooky stuff! I know you said headcanons but these just came to me!
Cole had been walking home from the grocery store when it had happened. He had been gone for a handful of days and figured he’d do something nice on his way home. The only problem with this was by the time he had wrapped up and finally made his way to your shared home, it was dark. Well, not dark.
The full moon had seen to that. 
Cole had always liked full moons when he was a kid, thought they were probably the nicest thing to look at. That changed a bit when he met you. Now it was second. 
He had snuck inside the house, cursing himself when the screen door swung back a little too quickly, closing his eyes and wincing at the loud crashing sound.
Well, you were probably awake now thanks to that. 
“Come on Cole, try a little harder” he had whispered to himself. He took at deep breath and walked in, making his way quickly to the kitchen. He set the groceries down and called, “Darlin’ I’m home!”
No response. Hm.
“Sweetheart? I’m sorry about the door! We can try fixin’ it tomorrow huh? I got ice cream!”
Nothing again.
Okay, now he was starting to get worried. Something was definitely wrong. Neither of you were heavy sleepers. He understood why he was like that, the amount of time he spent in the Deadlock Gang and then Blackwatch after, those walks of life don’t exactly lead to heavy sleeping. He never quite understood why you were the same though. He never asked you, figured you might not want to talk about. Especially after how jumpy you seemed to get every once and a while. 
Cole checked every room in the house and could not find hide nor hair of you. This wasn’t good. He knew he hasn’t been home and he had planned on making his trip home a surprise, there was no reason that you had to be home right now and it would have been wild if you would have called to tell him where you were. Maybe that was it, maybe you were just out.
He had one place left to check though. He stepped outside, looking around the perimeter of the small farmhouse. Nothing.
He was all set to go back inside and bounce his knee sitting on the couch, when he heard it.
A cry of pain and the snap of something sounding like bone coming from the barn. 
It wasn’t really a barn, more of a small glorified shed than anything else. 
There was no mistaking it, that was your voice crying out in pain and Cole Cassidy would be damned to Hell and back if he didn’t do something about it. He rushed to the doors, using his robotic arm to rip the lock and chain off the door. Had someone locked you in there? It didn’t really matter who or what had done what to you in that moment. Whatever it was, Cole was going to put a stop to it.
He kicked the door down and was slightly surprised to see no one else in there with you. You were panting and chained up but otherwise there wasn’t a scratch on you.
“Darlin’?” Cole asked, rushing to your side.
“No! Wait!” You cried, shuffling away, hiding your face as quickly as you could. Oh god. Oh god, no. He wasn’t supposed to see you like this. Not yet. Not until you were ready to tell him.
Cole didn’t stop though, he stepped closer to you and stopped you with a hand on your cheek.
“Sweetheart, who did this to you? It’s gonna be okay, you’re safe now.”
You sighed. Damn it. Why did he have to be so sweet?
“I did this, love.”
“It should be about done now, there’s a key under that rock over there, that’ll get me out of here. I’ll explain after.”
Cole gently lifted your head for a moment. He was planning on listening, he just wanted to see your face first. Everything about you was the same. That same wonderful face he had fallen in love with, except your eyes. Instead of their natural color, they were a fading shade of amber.
You frowned and he understood.
Once you were free, you gave him a hug, letting him know that you were okay and hopefully to make him feel a bit calmer about the situation.
“Soooooooo,” you began about as awkwardly as your probably could’ve, “I guess you’ve figured out by now... I’m a werewolf...”
“Darlin’ are you okay?”
“Are you alright, honey?”
“I’m not crazy if that’s what you-”
“No!” he interrupted, “No. I don’t think you’re crazy. That wasn’t what I was trying to say. Are you alright, you sounded like you were in pain, sweetheart.”
“That’s cause I was.”
The blankness in your response broke his heart.
“Darlin’“ he whimpered.
“It’s okay. I’m used to it.” When he didn’t respond you continued, “And there isn’t a cure if that’s what you’re thinking next. I’ve tried just about everything. Half of them only made it worse.” You sighed again, “I tried to keep it a secret for so long. ‘Course I’d screw it up sooner or later...”
“Why would you hide this from me, pumpkin?”
“Because I didn’t want you to leave!” You said, tears beginning to well in your eyes, “Because I was scared that you would be just like everybody else. That... that you... wouldn’t see me anymore... just the monster.”
“Now you stop that right now.”
Cole scooted closer and closed the distance between the two of you grabbing your shoulders, “You are NOT a monster, do you understand me? However you got this, it isn’t your fault. Wouldn’t see you anymore, how could I not? I think about you all the time, darlin.’ You are smart, strong and braver than I could ever hope to be. I love you more than anything in this world, okay? And nothing, not even a little lycanthropy is gonna stop that, you hear me?”
Tears of a different kind started to flow from your eyes and Cole panicked.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Does it still hurt? Did I touch something I shouldn't've? Did I say something wrong?”
You finally had to shut him up with a kiss. “No. You said everything right.”
Genji had known you for a while, you happened to be one of Zenyatta’s students alongside him. You had gotten there a little bit after he did and the two of you hit it off (once he was a little more friendly that is). 
He never asked you what you were there for, figuring that was personal. If you wanted to share it with him you would.
He wouldn’t find out until years later.
It was a particularly cold night outside the temple in Nepal. It was late, or was it early? Regardless of the grayness of descriptors for the time of night/morning it was, Genji had woken up. 
Zenyatta’s teachings, though helpful in healing the anger the Shimada had felt as a result of what his family had done to him, did not stop the nightmares from coming. They did, however, offer means of winding down after one. Genji had taken to taking walks after his nightmares, he found they cleared his head and given his armored body, the temperatures didn’t really effect him as they probably should. 
He had taken a nice, soothing walk around the grounds, breathing easier in the cold night air and enjoying the beauty of the untouched snow at night. He was also entertaining himself with thoughts of you. You see, the two of you had been engaging in tentative little courtship for the past year. The two of you were close to something, you were just focused on healing yourselves first.
Genji, despite the nightmare that had woken him, was having a relatively nice night. That was, until he found some tracks in the snow. 
They were strange, larger than any foot prints he had ever seen. They were also staggered strangely, as if the being they belonged to was in a great deal of pain. Genji quickly grabbed his weapons, just in case, and followed the prints where the led. 
They led to the mouth of a cave, the tracks stopping as soon as they reached the covered rock floor. Whatever made the tracks was inside. He was debating whether or not he should go inside to investigate when he heard a scream. 
It was your’s.
He rushed into action immediately, acting more on instinct than anything else, and charged into the cave.
He found you relatively quickly, you had not hidden yourself very well, assuming no one would follow you and, to be fair to yourself, dealing with quite a bit of pain. 
“Y/N?” Genji asked, rushing toward you.
“No! Stay away from me!”
He paused but did not move away.
“You weren’t supposed to know.”
The transformation was mostly finished at this point, but there was no way Genji didn’t see at least enough to know the truth. 
“I wasn’t supposed to know what?” he asked.
“That I’m cursed. That no matter how hard I try to heal, I will always be a beast.”
Genji sighed sadly, placing a hand softly on your shoulder. He pressed the button on the side of his mask and took it off, revealing his eyes. He looked serious.
He stared at you intensely and said, “Y/N, I’m a cyborg.”
Whatever tension you had tried to maintain, was broken instantly.
“What?” you asked, laughing slightly.
You were so caught up in your own miserable situation, coming off basically getting hit by a train with the amount of pain you usually went through, that you had never expected him to say that.
And the mischief in Genji’s eyes was enough to tell you that he also knew that.
Genji laughed as a smile you couldn’t see reached his eyes. “We all come here for our own reasons. All of us need to heal in one way or another. There is no time limit on how long it is supposed to take you. You will get there eventually, it will simply take time. And,” he added, “there is nothing wrong about your abilities. I think it’s cool! I wish I could turn into a dragon!”
“Alright,” you chuckled, “you’ve made your point.”
“Let’s get you out of the cold,” he said, noticing your shivers.
For reasons unknown to Angela, you would never accept her as your doctor for checkups. You would always request Ana to check on you and patch you up. Angela didn’t have any reason to find this suspicious and she wasn’t even bothered by it really. She just figured you’d rather have Ana watch over you so she wouldn’t worry.
You always told her she worried too much. She couldn’t really help it though, she loved you and she wanted to make sure you were okay. You would do the same for her.
Things were a little shaky for the two of you sometimes. You had been a Blackwatch agent back in the day and despite all odds, the two of you found your way into a cozy little relationship. Angela always thought that it was Blackwatch’s worst kept secret that they really were a bunch of softies. Nothing wrong with that though. She loved it.
After the Swiss Base Incident, the two of you didn’t see each other for a long time. You both had tried to find each other when everything went haywire but you were both forced to evacuate before finding the other.
Now that the two of you had each other back, it was hard not to be at least a little worried about the other.
That translates into the field as well.
You both had been sent on the same mission along with a few other agents. The intel had been good on the outset. However, you found out that Murphy’s Law is constantly in effect no matter how well laid your plans are. 
You and Angela had gotten yourselves separated from the rest of your team, and, just to make matters so much worse, you were nearly surrounded. The cherry on top too, you could hear your allies calling frantically for your help over the comms. One of them was down. 
Weighing your options, you knew you really only had one card to play right now. Angela needed to get out of here and without a distraction, you knew that she couldn’t.
“Angela,” you told her, “You need to go.”
“What? What about you?!”
“I’ll be fine! Get to safety! I’ll meet up with you all when we’re done!”
“der Liebling, I’m not leaving you!”
You sighed out, looked back at her softly before you’re voice shifted. “Please, go!” The yell that came from you sounded much more like a growl by the time you were finished with it. Hair had already started growing on your arms. 
Angela gasped but got the message and she escaped while you and the abilities gained by your painful transformation covered her.
Once you had changed back you met back with the team as promised. Your quick thinking saved the mission actually. You couldn’t bare to look Mercy in the eyes though. Regardless of how much she heard after she made her escape, she still knew the truth about you. 
Angela was grateful, despite you not speaking with you at the moment, that you didn’t refuse her help this time. She checked you over, nursing what injuries were needed and then she left you be. You weren’t sure if you were grateful or not. 
As soon as you were back on base and as soon as she had the opportunity however, Angela grabbed you (she is surprisingly strong for her size, must be handling unruly patients) and dragged you into a room, standing in front of the door.
“Are we going to talk about what happened?” The voice she used to ask the question was firm but not unkind. She wasn’t going to force you to tell her but she made it clear that she wanted an answer. 
“I’ve been trying to keep it a secret for a reason, love.”
“Why?” she asked, sweeter, sadder, this time.
“Why?” you asked, incredulous, “Because I’m a monster? Because I’m something we tell children about to scare them into behaving? Because of what O’Deorain’s experiments made me? What more do you need?”
Angela was quiet for a long moment, you would almost describe it as surgical, the way she was handling the situation. She knew you well enough by now that your mood right now was very fragile and she did not want to make you feel any worse than you already did. Quite the opposite actually.
Angela sat down next to you, not touching you yet. She wasn’t afraid, she just wanted to make sure you weren’t.
“Would a monster come back after all this time to ensure they made a positive difference in the world? Would a monster be as loving to their friends as you are?” she paused for a beat before, “Would a monster have given me the chance to save someone else?”
You heart ached in a good way as you smiled at the doctor. You reached for her hand and brought it up to cup your cheek.
“Thank you love.”
“You’re not nearly as scary as you think you are, schatz.”
The two of you dissolved into laughter, you stopping only momentarily to kiss Angela’s cheek.
Happy Halloween!
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I can't wait for the next part of the trio saving werewolf!reader it was so good!
Ask: I can't wait for the next part of the trio saving werewolf!reader it was so good! 
Ask: Hi! Just read part one of what is hopefully a mini-series of the trio x werewolf reader, and I can’t wait to see what happens next. If you like some suggestions on how to continue: maybe part two could be about the Reader learning how to be free, or perhaps the Trio helping reader recover enough to be able to shift back to being a human? Either way, can’t wait to see what else you have planned. Thank you so much!
[Combining the two asks here.]
A/N: My toxic trait? Answering asks for Part 2s of something I wrote over a year ago and then promptly abandoned lol. (To Read Part 1 to refresh your memory, like I had to do, click here [x].)
✥ ✥ ✥
“Do you think they’ll ever be able to turn back?” Sypha asked from where she stood, in one of the many rows of bookshelves lining the Belmont hold. 
Several levels below her, Trevor grunted as he hauled large pieces of shattered support beams to the base of the main staircase. “It’s impressive how sentient they are now, being a were-creature and all.” 
“Yes, but they don’t want to stay a creature for the rest of their lives.” 
“Well, life isn’t always fucking fair,” Trevor cursed, half-out of breath, as he began lugging the large beam up the stairs. 
“I’m fairly certain she knows that,” Alucard intervened, entering the main chamber, having just arrived fresh off the newly built lift he installed. “Speakers see far more suffering than most people, seeing as they believe it is their duty to help the less fortunate.” 
“How’s the lift?” Sypha asked, coming over to the railing. “Does it work? Were the calculations correct?” 
Alucard nodded. “I needed to modify a few measurements, considering the potential excess weight load-”
“We’re not that heavy,” Trevor interrupted. “Or do you plan to start bringing villagers in by the dozen and give tours?” 
Alucard narrowed his eyes at Trevor. “I was considering the repairs that need to be done for all the damage the night creatures inflicted. Unless of course, you’d prefer to drag that thing up yet another hundred feet.” 
Trevor huffed, refusing to show his fatigue. “What? This old thing?” He locked his knees to keep them from buckling. “Can barely feel it.” 
Sypha rolled her eyes. “Could the two of you stop competing for one second?! We’re supposed to be looking for ways to help our friend!” 
Admitting defeat, Trevor dropped the large piece of timber at the next landing. “Sypha, we’ve been at it for months. Every book says the same thing: only the shapeshifter can cause a shift at will. Outside of whoever cursed them with the affliction undoing it themselves. Or killing the shapeshifter and using death magic to alter their form post-mortem, there’s nothing any of us can do.” 
Accepting her friend had a point, Sypha took one of the adjoining bridges, healing toward Trevor as he stopped to catch his breath. 
“I could freeze that beam and toss it out you know,” she gestured to where Alucard currently stood. 
“The last time you did that, we ended up with a giant hole in the ground.” 
“That wasn’t me, that was the night creatures.” 
“But you did break the castle,” Alucard countered. “All of the gears were melted.”
“I did not! I do not break things. I am a Speaker, I fix things!” 
Alucard chuckled, sharing a knowing look with Trevor. For as knowledgeable as she was, she certainly had a hard time admitting when she was wrong. 
“In either case, it will take years to repair, even with my vampiric speed and strength. Dracula engineered those cogs and wheels over several centuries, often hiring the best blacksmiths around.” 
The trio boarded the lift together, Trevor having decided to leave the broken beam behind for another day. 
“They worked here? With him?” Sypha asked. 
“The castle’s forge is quite extensive. And no matter their level of skill, I doubt any local blacksmith’s forge would be large enough to mold such immense gears. They could only manage such creation within the walls of the castle.” 
Trevor scoffed. “Did they know who they were working for?” 
“I’m certain they had suspicions, but I doubt my Fath-, Dracula ever told them the truth.” 
“That’s-” Trevor started.
“Sad,” Sypha finished for him. “To be alone all that time. To not be able to tell anyone who you are.” 
The ingenious pulley system lift finally came to a stop as it became level with the forest ground outside the Belmont hold. 
“Is that why you wish to help them so badly?” Alucard asked, referring to their new werewolf companion. “You feel they’re lonely?” 
“Well they were lonely, back in that cage, in that life,” Sypha reminded her friends, as Alucard locked the lift in place.
“They seem better now,” Trevor remarked, being the first to disembark. “After all, you keep bugging them every day, they’re hardly lonely.” 
Sypha elbowed him, lovingly. “I do not bug them. They enjoy my company.” 
“You keep forgetting Speakers are used to traveling in large groups,” Alucard reminded Belmont, once again, as the trio made their way back toward the entrance of the castle. “It’s shocking how much you've forgotten, the two of you being companions and all.” 
“The three of us being companions,” Sypha placed a reassuring hand on Alucard’s shoulder. 
The dhampir gave a soft smile at the Speaker’s action before averting his eyes. Stepping out of her embrace, he started to ascend the many stone steps at the front of the castle. 
“It’s about time for dinner. Let me see what I can cook up.” 
It had been a few months since the trio and their newfound companion arrived back home at Castlevania. Most of that time was spent with Sypha and Trevor bickering over how best to treat their new friend, while Alucard dedicated his time in between assessing the broken mechanisms of the castle to reading all of the tomes his father had collected on shapeshifting. Unfortunately, all roads pointed in the same direction: it was up to their friend to shift themselves back. 
At the present moment their werewolf friend, or Wynn, as they liked to be called, was resting in one of the many castle bedrooms. Their furry body was sprawled out over the entire length of the mattress, as they lazily tracked falling specks of dust around with their big puppy-dog eyes. 
Despite spending so much time resting, they felt exhausted this evening. It was as if the last few months of recovery meant nothing! 
‘I don’t know why I’m so tired,’ they thought, shifting to curl up in a tighter ball. 
Finally shutting their eyes, they made one final wish before drifting off to sleep, the same wish they had been making every night for god knows how long. 
‘Please let me be human when I wake up, please.’ 
The sun had barely peaked over the horizon. Trevor and Alucard had woken up early to finally start clearing the major debris from the Belmont hold using the newly designed lift. So far Alucard had cleared twelve large beams while Trevor had managed to remove seven. Not that it was a competition or anything. It was at this point that Sypha had come to join them. 
“Well if it isn’t Sleeping Beauty, finally come to grace us humble footmen with her presence,” Trevor ribbed. 
“Nice pile,” Sypha gestured to Trevor’s lesser stack laid out next to Alucard’s. 
Trevor snorted. “Nice comeback.” 
Sypha crossed her arms. “I had a very long night last night. Which was entirely your fault by the way.” 
“My fault?” Trevor guffawed. “No no, I believe that last round was your fault.” 
Alucard, who had been watching amusedly from the sides, chose this moment to step in. “No, she’s right, I recall you were the one enticing us into that last round.” 
“Well, it’s not my fault if- hey,” Trevor suddenly straightened his back, and pointed to something in the distance. “Who’s that?” 
Both Alucard and Sypha turned around to see who Trevor was referring to. Almost immediately, Sypha clasped her hands together happily and began running over to meet this ‘stranger’. 
“Looks like Sypha wasn’t the last one to wake up,” Alucard nudged Trevor to come along. 
“No, but seriously, who the hell is that?” Trevor asked Alucard, keeping his wits about him. 
“You’re joking.” 
“I’ve never seen that person before in my life.” 
“That’s because you’ve never seen them before as a human.” 
Sypha, having finally reached Wynn where they stood, proudly and excitedly in their human form, pulled them in for a big hug. Clasping each other in a tight embrace, the two companion’s eyes began to water. 
“It’s so good to finally see you, my friend!” Sypha laughed, hugging Wynn closer. 
“It’s so good to be seen!” Wynn answered back, clearly overjoyed. 
After a good long moment, Sypha finally let go, turning around to face the boys. “Look who it is!” 
Wynn gave a polite wave, suddenly overcome by shyness under the focus of all three of their friends. “Um, hi? It’s nice to finally meet you.” 
Alucard stuck his hand out for a handshake, which Wynn eagerly accepted. “Likewise.” 
Sensing Trevor’s hesitation, Wynn outstretched their hand to Trevor. 
Shaking his head, Trevor grasped Wynn’s hand and pulled them in for a hug, nearly knocking them off their feet. 
Speechless and touched by Trevor’s gesture, Sypha shot a knowing look at Alucard. 
Despite being their gruff, sarcastic, and sometimes slower friend, Trevor really was like a teddy bear deep, deep underneath that jaded exterior. Sure, very few would ever come to know it unless they were close to him, but that made the trio’s relationship all the more special. And it was a very telling sign that Trevor was able to let his guard down for the sake of their new friend. 
It was as if at that very moment, the trio had become a quartet. And Wynn couldn’t be happier to finally be a part of it. 
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
♡ oh beautiful moon: part ii - r.l ♡
starstruckwillows 🂱
requested by @cheezeyfoodles 🍕
adult!remus lupin x gn!werewolf!reader, hurt/comfort, purely platonic/paternal, i ignore most canon deaths
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snapping pain erupted over your right shoulder, lightning in your scarred veins, as it always did when you were nervous, or felt challenged. a reminder.
in the kitchen of sirius black's family house, under the scrutiny of the rest of the order, you definitely felt nervous.
this was your first year out of hogwarts, about to turn eighteen, so you had every right to be there. you met all the criteria, and, thanks to remus' tutoring and care, were a whiz with duelling of all sorts.
so why was your shoulder pulsing with the cruel insecurity in that moment? as the weasley family, hermione, harry, tonks, mad-eye, sirius black, and so on, all stared at you.
"how come you can join?" fred, you think, asked suddenly, sounding very accusatory.
confused, "what?"
george, you think, whacked his brother on the head then shook his own, "no, he doesn't mean it offensively, he really meant how old are you?"
uncertaintly, you nod, "i graduated hogwarts last year."
despite that rockier beginning, you became fast friends with the twins, and you could see the relief remus felt over it.
it wasn't that he didn't like spending time with you, it wasn't that he didn't view you as a mentee, it wasn't anything like that. it was that he'd seen you suffer, he'd seen you be isolated, he'd seen you lonely, for a mistake he made. seeing you laughing with two popular troublemakers brought him second hand joy.
another unlikely pairing that had formed was between you, and alastor "mad-eye" moody. a man who didn't trust anyone, including possums that moved too slowly or too quickly, had struck up some kind of rapport with you. maybe it was your welcoming nature.
more likely, it was that he knew of your wolfish secret, and didn't judge you for it, opening you up for the friendship. and with this covert knowledge, mad-eye felt he knew you beneath the surface. basically, he concluded you weren't a spy.
and the future both you and remus had been so afraid for you to face?
the aftermath of the war resulted in a total reform of most ministry policies, including treatment of people afflicted with lycanthropy.
hermione granger came to be a powerful influence during that time - she was one of the first to learn your secret, and that was merely down to the fact she was too smart for her own good.
settled in with a job you loved, you felt confident enough in other aspects of your life. friends, family, love, fun.
the war was immensely tragic and caused much loss, but the lessons wizarding society learnt from it became vital.
"earth to y/n? merlin, you'd sit there all day if someone didn't get you." both redhead twins were waving hands in front of your face. you swatted them off, jokingly, wondering when they'd got there and how long you'd been trapped reminiscing.
"we've come to inform you we've started a new line of product."
you hummed, "and what may that be? self detonating fireworks? living candles that breathe fire? water bottles that turn your water into a totally random beverage?"
george, you could definitely tell them apart now, with the missing ear and all, shook his head, "all excellent ideas though. you should come work with us."
you returned the offer with a laugh, "right, what's the new line then?"
"we've expanded our business into the medical industry as you know. livening up wards without making them a safety hazard, stuff for children stuck in hospital to do, that sort of thing," george started,
fred continued, "and we were having a chat with some staff at st mungos-"
"fred was having a chat, because he was trying to chat them up, but we digress."
"trying? there is only success in this story."
george nodded amicably, but mouthed the word 'no' to you when his twin looked away to say, "we've spread our funding into a line of research for all sorts of conditions."
a shot of excitement ran through your heart. being a werewolf was not comparable to a chronic illness - it turned you into a potential weapon, a monthly risk, someone or something who could hurt others.
after all, remus lupin had turned you, and he may be the kindest man on earth.
a cure for lycanthropy would change so many lives. so when the next words out of their mouths confirmed what they came to say, "including your furry problem", you had to restrain yourself from crying of relief.
things would be okay though, whether a cure was found or not, you knew that, and talking to remus later confirmed so.
"i've lived long enough and through hard enough times to say that there is nothing dishonorable about hoping for a cure to the problem. you are no less brave because you seek an end to the pain i caused in you."
remus was older now. not old, but growing, and shrinking under the pressure two wars had put him through. each transformation took more and more from his body, though his mind was sharp as ever.
"well, it wasn't all pain."
it had provided you with a father figure, and that meant a lot more to you.
and the moon in the sky, pulling the waves, and bathing them in silver, may have infinitely more beauty than it ever could sorrow.
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@anordinarymuse @ell0ra-br3kk3r @kingshitonly
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Werewolf!Reader X Male Human
Word Count: 3639 Explicit: No. Warnings: None.
You had never been so nervous before. You’ve had partners in the past, before, but they were never very close and never really went anywhere. And you didn’t let them get close enough for you to let them in on your biggest secret.
It was terrifying for others to know. Your parents had no explanation for your affliction and they went through every possible avenue to try and keep it secret and keep it suppressed. Throughout the years, you learned quite a bit about yourself.
You learned that you were still ‘you’ when you were shifted. Your parents were terrified of you when they first saw you shift during the full moon. But very quickly, they figured out that you weren’t really gone. You were still you, just more…doggish. It took a few full moons growing up for them to completely relax around you.
But they were then concerned about how others would react to you. You weren’t allowed outside the house during full moons and had to be either kept inside or kept in the yard when you were shifted. And you weren’t allowed out at night with friends in case you shifted early, for whatever reason.
And absolutely none of your friends were allowed to know.
That didn’t mean you didn’t try to tell them. That’s how it is when you’re young. Try as your parents might to make you think that you can trust them absolutely and listen to them absolutely, there are things you can only trust your friends with.
But when you did tell them, and it was only a mere handful, a couple of them believed you while others didn’t. It hurt to lose them as friends. After all, it wasn’t like you could show them.
And when you did, once you were moved out and on your own, it wasn’t always to acceptance.
So now, you were faced with something terrifying. You’d been seeing James for a while after meeting him at a dog training class you were teaching and you didn’t think much would come from the relationship. He seemed nice. But then you found out he was a lot more than just nice. He was sweet. He was funny. He was patient and so so gentle. And he never pushed you on anything.
You had never met anyone like him. You were sure that if there was anyone out there for you, he would be the one.
But that meant having to show him this part of yourself. And you hoped you could avoid it, but realistically, you knew you couldn’t hide this from him. If you wanted to be with him, you had to be honest.
He had to see every part of you. Even the parts you were most afraid to show.
The parts that had made your life so different.
You were terrified of losing him. You were terrified of him taking one look at you and deciding he didn’t want you. Which was why some part of you was more willing to lie about this to him just so you couldn’t risk that chance.
But the other knew that lying to him wouldn’t be fair to him. You really liked him. And if you wanted him to be in your life, then you needed to be honest. And if he really was the one meant for you, that meant that he needed to accept you completely and wholly. And he couldn’t do that if you hid this part of you from him.
So tonight was the night. The night you would invite him over during the full moon. And he would see you for what you were.
A werewolf. A real honest to God werewolf.
You were sitting in your place, worrying and fearful. Your only comfort right now was your beloved dog, Rodney. You adopted the large muscular Bulldog from the local shelter. He caught your eye. He wasn’t scrunchy and small and wrinkly like the English Bulldog. He was tall and built like an American Bulldog.
He just looked so sad, but the moment he made eye contact with you, he started wagging with his whole rear. He was white with a couple of large brown patches on his sides. There was one patch covering his right eye.
At first, you were unsure if it was a good idea to have a dog, considering your lycanthropy. But you couldn’t leave the poor dog in that place. And you knew that there was still an incredibly unfair stigma around Pit Bulls and Bulldogs in general. So, you took him in.
And it was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.
Because during the full moon, Rodney was your best friend. Even though you couldn’t talk to him like normal, you understood him better and he understood you. Every full moon, he was your constant companion.
There was a special bond between you. After all, you both had something in common. You both had bad stereotypes surrounding you.
Maybe if your family had a dog growing up, being a werewolf wouldn’t have been so bad. You wouldn’t have felt so alone.
While you were cuddling with Rodney on your lap, the doorbell rang. The large, muscular, mostly white dog ran to the door, barking. You knew he wouldn’t hurt James. You made it a point to make sure they met, and Rodney absolutely loved James.
You weren’t sure you could keep dating him if your dog thought something was wrong with him.
As soon as you opened the door, you were greeted by James’s sweet and handsome face. Rodney, immediately began to sniff at him, pawing at him to beg for pets and attention. “Hey, (Name).” He greeted you before turning his attention to the dog. “Hey, buddy.”
Once Rodney was getting James’s attention, he immediately flopped over, exposing his tummy and letting James pet him, laying on his shoes. You never ceased to find it so endearing. Rodney really was such a goofball.
“Hey, I love you too, but I need to take my shoes off.” James tried to bargain with Rodney, the cuddly slobber monster. But alas, the chunky muscular brute refused to stop being pet. The moment James stopped petting him, Rodney pawed at him to keep petting him. Clearly, he hadn’t pet him enough.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s Rodney, you’re not allowed to have your feet back until he decides you’re done petting him.” You teased. “Hopefully you’ve got a couple hours.”
James raised a quirked eyebrow at you. “Or, I could just move my feet out from under him.”
“And disturb his comfortable spot? You monster!” You snickered, playfully patting your partner’s shoulder. “He’ll let you up in a second. He’s always so happy to see you and you don’t see him every day.”
“Well, obviously I’m his favourite.” James teased lightly, still rubbing Rodney’s belly rigorously. The Bulldog was huffing and puffing happily before he suddenly rolled over into a play bow, quickly running off to grab a toy. A stuffed dinosaur with a squeaker in it, which he pointedly squeaked at James.
You snickered as James grabbed the toy and started to lightly roughhouse with Rodney, grumbling back at the dog as they played. Despite how scary the Bulldog could sound at times, you knew he was a big softie. He didn’t have a single mean bone in his body and he was the single biggest baby you’d ever seen.
If you ever walked him in public, you always felt safe. Nobody fucks with someone who has a big muscular dog like Rodney. And you noticed that when you were walking out at night, if a woman was sharing a street with a guy, she’d change streets and walk closer to you and Rodney. You figured that the dog’s presence, despite how scary he could look, brought a sense of safety and comfort to others as well.
The idea that you were a safe person and a safe place brought a sense of comfort to you that you didn’t find anywhere else. Except maybe James.
But that could change tonight. You hoped it wouldn’t. You prayed to whatever god was watching you to be kind to you. Just this once, damn it. Please just let you have one person that would accept you completely and unconditionally.
Soon enough, James was throwing the toy down the hall for Rodney to chase and tease the man with. It made you happy. It was enough of a decent distraction until the sun went down. Which would be fairly soon, you were sure. Maybe twenty to thirty minutes until the sun went down and you showed James what you really were.
You didn’t want him to just see you shift. He needed context before he saw you with his own eyes, but if you told him too soon, he might think you’re crazy and leave. Change his mind about being with you.
Of course, he might do that anyway, but you couldn’t think like that. You just had to wait. Just a little longer and then you could start to tell him the truth. And then once you got the truth out, you’d let the truth speak for itself.
Naturally, you’d asked about his day and listened to him explain. He was a software engineer, essentially what he did was a lot of code, but his passion project was a game he was working on with his friends. A small game, so it wasn’t a huge project or anything, but you’d heard him talk about the concept before and you liked it. It sounded like your kind of game.
And you were excited to play it once it was done. James insisted that you would get first pick once it was finished.
Apparently there were a lot of bugs that needed ironing out and constant crashes. It sounded incredibly frustrating and even though the process was well beyond your comprehension, you still tried to listen as best as you could. You really did not have the brain for code.
Once he was finished explaining, you sighed and took his hands. “I’m sorry, that sounds really fucking annoying.”
James nodded, smiling at you. God, why did he have to have such a nice smile? “Yeah. But, hey. We’re pretty sure that we’ll be able to troubleshoot it tomorrow and get it working properly in no time.”
“I hope so.” You replied, trying your hardest to relieve your impending sense of dread. The sun would set soon. You only had a limited amount of time to explain your situation with James. Rodney could tell you were getting anxious, and could probably tell your shift was coming close.
It was now or never.
But clearly, James could tell something was wrong and he furrowed his brows in concern as he looked at you. “Is something wrong? You’ve been a little…on edge.”
No hiding. No running away. This was it. “Yeah, it’s just…there’s something I need to tell you.” You prefaced, squeezing his hands gently. “I’ve been needing to tell you for some time, but I didn’t know how.”
Patiently, he sat there, looking at you expectantly. Though you could tell he was incredibly apprehensive. You were being vague, after all. You needed to ease him into this information slowly. “Okay…? I’m listening.”
Taking a deep breath, you swallowed. This was much harder than you thought it would be. “It might be hard to believe, but I just…I just need you to bear with me. Okay?”
Reluctantly, James nodded. “Okay.”
Rodney was seated in your lap, his big head at your hands that helped to calm your nerves. “I was born with a…condition.” You started. “It affects my life in very critical ways. People tend to think about me in a certain way when they know about it or just not believe me when I tell them. And when they see me at my worst, they hate me. They think…they think I’m some sort of violent monster.”
Shit, that probably sounded bad. “I’m not! I swear, I’m not! I would never hurt a soul. I’m not violent, even if I wanted to be.” You quickly explained. “It’s just that…I can be kinda scary when I have my episodes. And I wanted you to know about it in case this relationship got serious. I didn’t want you to find out later without me telling you.”
James was following along, and he nodded, swiping his thumbs over your knuckles. He even offered you a small smile. “Hey, everyone has their demons. That doesn’t scare me, (Name).” He assured you, reaching to tilt your head up by your chin to maintain his gaze. “Look, I really like you. Like…really like you. I look forward to spending time with you and I don’t want you to think that I’m only here for your best parts. I’m here for the bad parts, too. So it doesn’t matter what demons you battle with, I’m here for you. And I’m willing to put in the effort to help you manage it, no matter what.”
It was so sweet of him to say that. If you didn’t have doubts, you would have been completely reassured by his words of encouragement. But he didn’t have the full truth. So until he’s proven himself to be honest in his words, you couldn’t believe him.
You’d been hurt and abandoned too many times before. You weren’t about to be lied to again.
“I really appreciate you saying that. Really, I do.” You said earnestly to your human partner. “But you don’t really understand. Not yet. Because the truth is, I’m…I’m – hurgh!”
No! It couldn’t be sundown yet! You didn’t even have a chance to tell James the full truth! But the sharp pain in your spine was unmistakable. The shift didn’t hurt as much when you were a kid as it did as an adult, but the shift was still painful.
The pain surged up and down your spine, practically flowing out of your stinging teeth and nails. This was the worst that the pain got, though your tailbone certainly hurt as well, growing bones that stretched skin all of a sudden was no doubt painful.
And your skin itched horribly as your fur was starting to grow.
Meanwhile, you could hear James’s voice in your consciousness. His hand was pressed to your back until he realized that you were growing bigger and retracted his hands, an action that drove a proverbial dagger through your chest.
This was it. The moment James would see you as the monster you were and leave, leaving all of his sweet reassuring words rendered meaningless and empty.
Rodney was whining and circling you while you writhed in pain and discomfort while everything around you seemed to grow smaller and James had backed away, staring in shock at what was happening in front of him. Of all the things he was expecting from you, this definitely wasn’t it.
Your clothes were tight against your skin and fur to the point that some of it was starting to constrict you. So, on instinct, you tore it off, at least your shirt. Your pants were able to just be pulled off, but it was difficult to do with your larger clawed hands.
Once you were standing in your living room, the pain had subsided and your senses were heightened to what you were used to. And you couldn’t speak. You looked down at James – which was a different experience than you were used to. James looked so small, now. It was so strange looking down at him.
Even when you tried to make yourself small, you still seemed to make him look small.
James stared at you, eyes wide as he backed away. This was what you feared most. All of his sweetness and all of his kindness turned into an ugly bitterness that crushed your heart in an iron grip. You couldn’t take it.
Before you could even stop to think, you pushed past him with a whine and opened the door, charging out into the street to run off. To where, you had no idea. You were a creature driven by impulse and emotion and they were running high. Far too high for you to think rationally.
You could hear Rodney barking after you from the distance, but you were faster than him.
Running as fast and as far as you could run, you left it all behind. You didn’t care if you would get caught at the end of the night, you didn’t care what happened to you. You just needed to get as far as you could so you could sequester yourself away from anyone and everyone.
You thought this would be different. You thought that you’d finally found someone that would accept you completely. But James was just like everyone else.
At least…that’s what you’d thought until you heard his voice. “(Name)?!” His voice called out. “(Name), I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to – I just didn’t – I just didn’t know how to react, but…I promise I’m not bothered!”
You wanted to believe him, but you saw the look on his face. That was what was burned into your mind right now.
But then, right in front of you, was Rodney’s sweet face, with that big cute brown patch that covered one of his eyes. The one creature that didn’t look at you any differently whether you were shifted or not. To him, you were you no matter what form you took.
And he loved you completely and wholly anyways.
Crouching down to meet him, you let him scent you and curled around him, letting him groom your fur. If there was anyone that could calm you down, it was your beloved Bulldog.
It wasn’t long before James stumbled through the bush to meet you, out of breath and leaning against the nearest tree. “There you are, (Name). I was so worried about you…” He panted, looking up at him. He didn’t seem afraid of you and for a moment, you were starting to feel guilty for running off without warning. “Look I know…you must’ve been so worried about what I was going to think. And I’ll be honest, if you just told me without me seeing this, I would’ve had some concerns.”
That didn’t feel great.
“But I want you to know…that the second you ran off, I was more scared that something was going to happen to you than I was scared of you.” James said, finally managing to catch his breath and reaching out to grab your large hand-like paws in his. You let him, though you were hesitant. You remained curled around Rodney until you were sure you were safe. “I’m not bothered by this. I promise. Actually, I think it’s…kinda cool.”
Your ears perked up at that and your tail started to wag behind you hearing that. Standing up again, you leaned in to him, eye level with James as you let yourself be at his mercy.
He tilted his head at you. “You can’t talk, can you?”
You shook your head.
Then, James smiled at you, bringing your paws up to his face and kissing your knuckles. “That’s okay.” He reached down to pet Rodney, scratching him behind the ear affectionately. “Good dog…” Looking up at you, he rested his forehead against yours. “Look, I know this was a lot for you to tell me. To show me. I can’t imagine how stressful this must’ve been for you. So why don’t we go back to your place? We can watch a movie, I can order some food for us, and we can just…cuddle. Spend time together. How does that sound, (Name)?”
You felt so happy you could cry. You had never known this kind of acceptance in your life at any point and you felt like a fool for thinking James would be anything less than understanding and accepting. And cuddling with him while you were a big cuddly monster covered in fur sounded like a great idea.
So, once you made it back to your place, that’s exactly what the two of you did. You took up most of the space on the couch, practically putting your full weight on James’s lap, but never once did he complain. Rodney was comfortably sleeping on your backside and you let James pet your head.
He ended up buying pizza for you both, which was a good choice. You didn’t even realize how hungry you were until you smelled it. He remembered what you liked on it, which made the gesture all the sweeter.
Eventually, you fell asleep in your partner’s arms, feeling completely comfortable and safe. Loved. Cared for.
Wanted. Unconditionally.
When you woke up, you had a blanket over your shoulders on the couch and there was a change of clothes on the table in front of you underneath a note. 
Don’t worry, I left a couple of pieces for you in the fridge. Despite the brief scare, I really enjoyed spending time with you last night and honestly, if it’s okay with you, I wouldn’t mind spending every full moon with you.
Anyways, now that that’s out of the way, I was thinking next Saturday for date night? There’s this Ukrainian place I’ve been wanting to check out. I’ve heard good things about it.
With all my love, James.
Smiling at the sweetness of the note, you put on your change of clothes and had every intention of keeping that note somewhere safe so that you could look at it whenever you felt sad or alone.
And, of course, you were going to text James to confirm times for dinner on Saturday.
Now, you were sure. This one was a keeper.
You’d be a fool to let him go, now.
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raccoonspooky · 1 year
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After Crying Wolf For The Third Goddamned Time, You Start To Sound a Little Repetitive
Pairing: Vincent Sinclair x You, Bo Sinclair x You, Lester Sinclair x You. F/M/M/M.
Rated E. Multi chaptered, alternating POV's. Plot with Smut. Y/N Device is not used in this fic. Monsterfuckery, cryptid!reader
You are a rougarou, a very hungry Louisiana swamp werewolf who eats the dead. You've wound up in Ambrose to cause chaos and swoon over some stinky idiots. Think like old timey monster movies but with smut. The Sinclair brothers proceed to come to terms with how down for monsterfucking they are. Good for them. Dedicated to anyone who's ever wanted to go full feral, bite people and have three boyfriends. This is for you!
Here's my masterlist if you wanna check out any of my other works! 🍖🐺
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forestgoblinvibes · 6 months
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering what would Dracula from Castlevania would react to s/o is a werewolf and in the full moon what would be his reaction when he witness the entire and painful transformation
Another Halloween themed ask!!
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Being immortal for quite some time have him knowledge that slips by most.
You had been staying at the castle for quite some time so as the full moon approaches, it starts with the subtle things.
Antsy, easily aggravated, the profuse sweating, ravenous hunger
and on the night of the full moon, you stumble outside, clutching your side in pain as you wander into the nearest patch of woods
Screams merge into howls as your hands and limbs are no longer yours, and all that’s left is the creature with your eyes
Going into a near frenzy, you feel yourself thrown/knocked to the ground as a large black wolf stands over you, vision hazy with the seconds
When you awake, there’s piles of blankets near you, fresh clothes, and a fire going to keep you warm
The tall, dark cloaked figure stands near the fireplace. “You can trust me, with your secret. I have the knowledge to help in times like these.”
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dearest-painter · 1 year
I have no idea if you’ve seen any of the Twilight movies but hear an idea. What about Yandere platonic spidervers with a teen reader who can shift into a large black wolf at will just like the ones in twilight. When I mean large I mean large. They reach about the same size of a 6’0” man. Just think of Miguel walking into his dark office and seeing us sleeping in wolf form.
Oh dear god…I know twilight and..I hate it personally but I love the concept Anon!
Miguel has bought a dog bed for his office for whenever Werewolf!Reader sleeps in their wolf form because, the floor ain’t comfortable. Mayday, Pavitr, Miles, Gwen, and Hobie lay in them while their in wolf form because their fur is comfortable as shit.
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