gaydiation-poisoning · 10 months
idk how you feel about headcanon asks, but what do you think Octavio and Cuttlefish's favorite weapons would be out of the modern splatoon arsenal? (ignoring that they'd probably perfer their own weapons over what we have lol)
Oh I LOVE headcanon asks! They get the gears turning and I love it
So it all really depends on if you're talking about their younger or older selves, since I'm not sure, we'll just do both!
Craig is the easiest, as both young and old I think he'd pick his Bamboozler over anything else, even if presented with other options.
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They say the right pair of hands can make any weapon work and if there's a man alive who can turn an otherwise slightly underwhelming gun into a terrifying force of nature it's Craig motherfucking Cuttlefish. He'd be one of those all attack up gear + Bamboozler bastards who used to wreck shop back in the day I guarantee it
Octavio is a little more complicated, in his youth with his size, speed, and focus on melee damage, I believe he'd be a killer Octobrush main, man would be practically untouchable.
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This changed in the wake of the War however, as the extensive damage to his dominant arm means he can no longer use melee weapons, especially ones as bulky as brushes.
Now due to his advanced age and injuries catching up to him, he's not the most mobile combatant either. I considered that he might get a little mileage out of a splatana due to his experience in melee combat but his lack of speed and likely needing to use his non dominant arm would make the effectiveness limited at best.
So I had to stick to a gun, and sticking to the large damage output he'd prefer while balancing the recoil I have settled on a Tentabrella
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Good damage, decent fire rate, and the ability to guard if necessary. Plus the mental image of this man with a shotgun is hilarious.
Although in all honesty, if you were to engage him in head to head ground combat nowadays I feel like he'd be far more likely to just forgo the weapon entirely and throw himself at you n' beat the shit outta you.
Now all we gotta do is present em with the Grizzco variants of their weapons and watch the carnage
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thisisasafezone0 · 10 months
°˖✿˚⋆ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 ⋆˚✿˖°
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CHAPTER FOUR — SweetLies —
third person pov
The rest of psychology was not that bad in Y/N's opinion. She had asked Oko about his occult book that he started reading halfway through the icebreakers, leading to him rambling for about twenty minutes. The last minutes of class were spent with Oko apologizing for 'wasting her time' and Y/N assuring him it was fine. Long story short, the two exchanged numbers and Oko was very flustered when he left the classroom.
'Amao didn't tell me where to meet him, so I should probably check the cooking club first.'
Y/N gathered up her things quickly, almost stepping out of the room before Mr. Kina called her to his desk.
"Sorry, dear, but I heard you are also new to the school, correct?" The h/c-ette nodded as confirmation. "I was told by the guidance counselor to remind you to get to school early tomorrow for your meeting. Do you know where her office is? If not, I have a map of the school I can give you," the pink haired male smiled at her.
"I appreciate the offer, but I have my own map, thank you." Her teacher hummed in understanding and Y/N took that as her cue to leave. "Have a good day, Mr Kina." She waved and exited the room, knowing Nemesis was following her.
The cooking club was on the first floor and her classroom was on the second. How convenient that it was right next to the staircase she went down. She saw Osano standing right outside one of the doors, him angrily looking at his phone. Right before she opened her mouth to talk to him, his ringtone, a catchy J-pop song, started to play and he rushed off through the hall.
Nemesis walked beside Y/N and glanced at her. "That was certainly strange, wasn't it?" Y/N glared at him in return. The h/c-ette knocked on the closed gray doors, Saki answering the door.
"Oh hey, Y/N! Are you here to join the cooking club?" Her bright smile nearly blinded the aforementioned girl. As Y/N was about to respond, she heard her best friend exclaim her name.
Taeko Yamada swiftly walked up to her, intertwining their hands. "Saki, she's not here to join, Amao said he would give her a tour. I would come with, but I have to walk Hanako home today," the ravenette pouted, sighing dramatically. "I need to make sure that he doesn't get lost. You both know how he is."
"I didn't know you were in the cooking club, Tae." Y/N tilted her head at the thought of Taeko not telling her something as important as that.
"No, I'm not, but Osano is. Sometimes I stay here during club activities so we can walk home together. Speaking of," the ravenette's head poked out of the club doors and turned, her eyes looking for someone. "Where is Osano? I swear he was just out here."
"He left to take a phone call, it seems." Nemesis responded from behind Y/N, Saki jumping at how he suddenly appeared. "If this is the cooking club, why do I only see pastries on the counter?" The girl with teal hair sighed, her cheeks beginning to grow pink at Nemesis speaking to her.
'Hmm. How interesting. I'll have to ask about that later.'
Suddenly, a shout was heard from down the hallway. Nemesis wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist, pulling her into his chest as he stepped back. Hanako Yamada, the disturber of peace, flopped on the floor after trying to tackle-hug a certain h/c-ette. He groaned loudly as his face pressed against the tiles.
"Hanako! Oh my god, are you hurt?" His sister stepped forward and helped the boy up. "Alright, you aren't. But you could've gotten yourself or other people seriously hurt. Luckily Nemesis got Y/N out of the way, or she would've been on the floor with you." Taeko slightly glared at the fact that Nemesis was still holding Y/N, his arm having loosened its hold. Hanako muttered an apology, his face also falling at Y/N and the man behind her.
"Yeah, thanks, Nemesis. My hero." Y/N awkwardly chuckled and stepped away from him, right as the concerned cooking club leader popped out of the room.
Amao Odayaka did not look very pleased at the sight of the four students in the hall. He sighed and beckoned them into the clubroom with a weary smile.
"Can't say I didn't expect Taeko's sibling to already be causing trouble," the brunet chuckled. The first year in question hung his head and trudged into the cooking club.
Y/N followed immediately after, but not before another club room caught her eye. One of the doors wasn't shut properly, showing what looked to be a large pentagram in the middle of the floor, surrounded by unlit candles. 'Must be Oko's club.' She smiled at the thought. The occult club and cooking club being near each other was definitely strange, given the opposing aesthetics.
The cooking club room was entirely pink, it made sense that Osano had joined. Even the utensils and stand mixers were pink. It was almost blinding. All of the members with their either bright or pastel colors fit in perfectly. And then there was Nemesis, who was scowling and squinting at the whole room, not trying to hide his disdain for the interior decorating.
The members were all sitting at a table (pink, of course, are you seeing a theme here?) and sharing what looked to be a tray of calamari. There were only two girls, including Saki, which Y/N found to be odd. 'Isn't Amao Odayaka one of Akademi's golden boys? Don't a lot of girls like him?' She was brought out of her thoughts when a black haired girl waved at her and smiled.
"So, Y/N, these are all the members besides Osano and Raibaru Fumetsu. Kokona was in the club last year, but she preferred drama club, sadly." Saki wrapped her arm around Y/N's shoulders, a grin stretching from ear to ear. "I know you could choose something else, but I think it would be nice if you joined. Right Ajia?" Saki's eyes fell onto the same ravenette that waved.
"Oh, me? Yes, it would be cool to have another girl around. I am only a first year, though, so I don't know if I have any say." The girl sheepishly smiled and looked back at her plate, fingers fiddling with her utensils. "Would you like any octodogs? We just made them." Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, looking at Saki to explain.
"Right, you don't know what those are." Ajia murmured an apology, Y/N waving it off. "They're just hotdogs we cut into the shape of octopi." The h/c-ette glanced at Nemesis, who subtly shook his head. She politely declined and moved out from her place under Saki's arm.
Amao cleared his throat from where he was leaning against the counter. "We better get going if we want to see the whole school before club time ends." He bit his lip, the corners of his lips turning upwards. 'That's ho-', Y/N's thought was interrupted by a ginger barging into the room.
"Y/N, you're still here! Now I can show you around." He was panting, probably having run around the school looking for her. The other club members glanced between the two, smirking. Amao quietly protested that he, in fact, already said he was going to.
"It could be a group thing," Taeko smiled. "Hanako still doesn't know his way either so we can all go." She looked around at her friends in question, Y/N agreeing. Osano glared lightly at the male with brown hair but sighed and reluctantly nodded. Hanako grabbed Y/N's hand and began to drag her out of the room.
"This is the nurse's office."
"Yeah, I'm sure they could tell due to the sign right next to the door." Osano rolled his eyes at Amao, who, in turn, huffed and faced away from the ginger. Taeko and Hanako warily glanced over while Nemesis and Y/N didn't try to hide their stares.
The group hadn't gotten far - they were still on the first floor - since Osano kept bickering with both Amao and Nemesis (even though the latter hadn't said a word). Luckily, the brunet tried his best to keep the party going and they had made it fully down one of the hallways. Taeko steered the group into the courtyard.
"Oh, and here's where Taeko reads, like a dork." The ginger scoffed and put his hands on his hips, glaring at the aforementioned girl. Y/N nervously laughed and placed her hand on Taeko's shoulder.
"I think it's nice that she's an academic. It makes her more pleasant to talk to, unlike some people."
'Oh my god, did the sweet baker boy just throw shade? What is happening right now?'
Taeko smiled and appreciatively nodded at Amao. "I quite like reading. Osano, you only read what's required, which is why you don't like it." Osano made a few noncommittal noises but ended up slouching and walking away, the others following behind him. "He gave up because it's true," the ravenette whispered to Y/N, the two giggling.
"I heard that!"
The tour, in Y/N's opinion, started to get boring once they got halfway through the second floor, after passing by the martial arts club. But the tour went on. Nothing had particularly interested Y/N. She could join the science club like her mother had, but what if the members didn't like her? She already cooked at home, so there was no need to do it as an extracurricular. Sewing, art, music, drama, occult, and photography. Wait... photography?
Finally on the third floor, Y/N stared at the closed doors in front of her while the others walked past the club, not bothering to explain. There were people in it, she could hear them. Her curiosity got the best of her and she knocked.
"Y/N? What are you doing?" Hanako skipped over to her and beamed. His black eyes fell upon the sign as he mouthed the words. "Oh! I didn't know you were interested in photography!"
She wasn't interested in photography. Prior to moving, she had exchanged emails with Megamo Saikou and he had told her to be wary of this club in particular. While, of course, they were only normal students, they were far too adamant about finding out the supposed murderer's identity. There had only been one corpse found on campus. Toga Tabara, found near the dumpsters, head split open, shoes left by the railing on the roof. People outside Akademi assumed he committed suicide. The students knew better. Toga, a boy so concerned about his future that he joined every club, wouldn't give it all up. The photography club, being their perceptive selves, decided to ditch being lazy and get on top of that supposed case. Due to them investigating, Megamo didn't want Y/N to slip up and have the club find out that they were to be married. Coincidentally, Info had told her the same thing about them.
'How strange that a lone hacker and the heir to a tech company could have the exact same opinion on a group of students. Disregarding the fact that Info used to be a student here, it's too close.'
A blond male answered the door, knocking Y/N out of her thoughts. Hanako had completely changed his stance and the others were now closer, meaning it took a moment for this guy to answer the door.
"Sorry, we aren't accepting new members. I hope you understand." The boy's pale blue eyes stared into Y/N's. She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head.
"Oh, is it because it's the beginning of the year? Other clubs are taking in new people." She knew why they didn't want new members, but she wanted to hear his excuse.
"No, we are just choosing to stay as a group of five. We work the best that way." Before Y/N could get another word, he closed the door. She sighed and looked at her fellow students. Amao shrugged, as did Osano. Taeko just scratched her neck and laughed nervously.
"It's probably nothing personal. Maybe they're just in a bad mood. It is only the first day, after all." Hanako nodded along with his sister's statements.
"They're losers, anyway. You're too good for them, n/n." Osano's cheeks grew a few shades of pink upon realizing what he said. "Platonically, of course, not that I needed to say that, since it's obvious that I would-" The ginger was cut off by Amao placing his hand over the other boy's mouth and shaking his head while chuckling.
"Stop rambling and let's continue the tour, shall we?"
sorry it took almost a month, I've been busy with school and haven't had tons of ideas but that should be clearing up soon <3
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kinagossip · 9 months
Saw that you asked for a timeline a couple weeks ago ab her ex! I was around since the start of Tina officially streaming (among us era being 3 yrs ago wtf…) but I remember the timeline of Tina and her ex relationship, when she met everyone, kina timeline, etc.
December 2020:
- Tina and Karl first meet in one of the otv among us lobbies, they were very silly funny and got along quickly
- That same day they followed each other on socials, and subbed to each other on twitch; karl tweeted to her that they should play more games (bonded over shared interests)
- They played and interacted in the big OTV rust server
January 2021:
- Karl gift 50 subs to Tina, and she also mods him
- Karl who was in Tina’s chat and she asks him to join the lobby she was in
- Tina tweeted that she was cold and Karl suggested she buy a scarf that he also owns so they can match (she did buy it)
- Karl joins tina art streams
Feb 2021:
- Corpse Karl and Tina made a discord vc where they hang out, talk and play games offline (they named it ‘not live’)
- Karl told Tina he’s watched her youtube vids and he knows her impostor tells
- Salad gang gets formed by corpse; they all always hang and talk in the middle of the night
March 2021
- Tina’s ex tweeted that they broke up on 3/2, and tina takes almost two weeks off from streaming
-A few days later, on 3/6, tina & karl meet up IRL in nyc to see corpse’s billboard
- Tina starts streaming again and then karl lurked in her chat and gifts subs, while he was busy doing a podcast w train
- Tina starts posting forh0nktwt selfie days
- Karl commenting “M’LADY awooga” under tina’s ig pic and tina commenting “SIR *awooga*” under his pic (to which he replies ‘on the main? 😳’)
- Karl and Tina talk ab going to ny again or just traveling together
June 2021:
-fan spotted Karl at vegas airport around 6/6, where tina recently moved to
- One of mr beast’s guys posts an ig pic of the crew at breakfast, which revealed tina and karl at the table eating with them
Aug 2021:
-Karl and Tina meet in la again to eat dinner with salad gang + quackty, both went shopping with brooke and then met up with corpse together
Sept 2021:
- Tina went to vidsummit with karl and then went again for karls interview
- Tina talked ab how karl was the first person to like cartoons as much as her and when they first started talking he gifted her a signed comic
Oct/Nov 2021:
- Tina and Karl go to universal with q on halloween, both wearing matching slytherin outfits
- Kina watch cartoons with each other on stream
Jan 2022:
- Tina watches cartoons w Karl in vc then raids him, karl also watching cartoons w her in vc
- Tina and Karl wear the matching puppy cat scarves that he recommended the year before
Y’all kno the rest✔️
THANKS :D i looove kina timelines because everyone sending them adds a few different details. very interesting.
i'm interested in the portland theory btw, if anyone has any other details or leaks that could persuade people. i know it's been talked about but maybe a timeline on that would help visualize it if anyone wants to make one.
other timelines that were sent to me are tagged with #kina timeline too
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tfyouthinkiam505 · 1 year
long n unnecessary post
when im in a relationship
idc if they have my password or look through my socials as long as they respect my boundaries
meaning tumblr would be off limits and my photo gallery would be off limits
tumblr for obvious reason
photos cause i havent cleaned them out in so long
so I dont even know whats all in there
n i dont like the idea of someone snooping through my shit that i dont even have knowledge of
like messages, i know who im talking to
i know what i say to them and what they say to me
i aint got nothin to hide
but i dont want my partner finding a photo on my phone from like 3 years ago that id forgotten was even on there
i dont like someone knowing things about me or about what i have that i myself dont know
or that i dont know that they know
one my exs was snoopin through my phone n found a a random guys pp pic from way before we even got together n id forgotten it was even on there n they thought i kept it for "personal reasons"
when in reality, it was most likely n unsolicited pp pic someone sent me that i saved cause id save them n then find their close friends n send it to them or ill save them n send them to OTHER people who try n send me unsolicited pp pics
so theres that
they also got mad at me cause i kept photos of old friends on my phone even after we stopped bein friends n they believed they were my exs n that i kept the photos cause i "still had feelings for them"
i do still keep pictures of some my exs on my phone but i delete anything that has to do with our relationship. like screen shots of cute messages or their nudes/lewds or whatever. cause we were friends before we were partners
i only delete photos of friends/exs if they r e a l l y fucked me over
so yah. my photo gallery is off limits to my partner. idc how long we been together
sometimes there are certain chats that are off limits for them to look at as well
like if i have a friend that i vent to about shit that i dont wanna vent to my partner about
or vice versa, a friend who vents to me about stuff. thats their personal business so for their privacy, i wouldnt want my partner reading those
or i have a friend who will send me his lewds sometimes to ask me if they look good enough for him to send to his crush/partner. n i wouldn't want my partner seein that for, again, my friends privacy, unless my friend said it was okay
so yuh
ive never snooped through anything on my partners phones that they told me they didnt want me to snoop through
except for one cause i checked the time on it n saw he had a message from his ex sayin "thank you bby <3"
so i obvi looked through it n found out he was cheating on me uwu
so i whipped his phone against the wall n then took it outside and launched it into the woods
(dont judge me, i was 14 n he was extremely abusive n i only did all that cause when i asked him "why" he said "cause youre not willing to give yourself up to me like he is". sadly, because he was abusive and manipulative, he made me believe it was my fault n then used that against me to let him SA me whenever he wanted n threaten to go n find someone else who would if i didnt n i didnt leave him cause he said hed "tell everyone the kina person i am" if i did. but even after HE broke up with ME, he went n spread rumors about me sayin i was abusive n that i would beat him and manipulate him even tho i was the one getting verbally assaulted, hit, choked, SAd, threatened, etc. only time i ever even YELLED at him was cause he bullied a girl in his class n made her cry as well as throw up cause he hacked a loogie into her water bottle n stuck his earwax in the mouth piece n forced her to drink it)
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songwritingswift · 2 years
1 & 3!
Hey! Thanks for the ask!
I answered 1 here.
3. Name five artists you wish more people knew about.
Okay, on the one hand, I think everyone should love these people but on the other, I do kind of love the lack of drama because 99% of the people who know of them love them, you know? But I will share (full disclosure, I have no idea who is popular and who isn't so this is based on the hype I see in my limited online time). Number one is Kalie Shorr. She's a fantastic songwriter and artist; her lyric writing in particular is incredible. And she's the sweetest person (as well as being utterly hilarious). Her debut album, Open Book, is one of my all time favourite albums. We all know that Natalie Hemby is an incredible songwriter and legendary for that but her artist project is really cool too. I love both her albums but I think I prefer the second. 'Radio Silence' makes me cry every time. She is another absolutely lovely human being. Ingrid Andress is another great up and coming country artist and I love how she blends pop and country over the piano. She's also a really lovely person. Kina Grannis has been around for years but her audience feels quite insular for some reason. I love her album, It's Hard To Be Human, so much. And Sarah Close, who actually went to the same school as me (although not at the same time) is really cool; she's also doing some cool visual stuff to accompany her music. I'm sure there are more that I could mention but I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head (I'm still on my first coffee...) right now.
Thank you for the message!
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luvleona · 2 years
Hello , thank-you for answering my ask about my friendship with d, I'm kind of confused about what you ment by relationship like did it mean romantic or non romantic , ours is a non romantic relationship, we both are of same gender and as far as i know she is not attracted to girls and I'm not attracted to her
But the reading applied . Whenever i talk seriously about our friendship she acts so detached and not serious at all.A lot of things happened in the past , and yes i was emotional about it and i think i still am , no friend ever hurt me so much. That was my lowest time and the way she was behaving i felt so excluded. I think she was using me but i can't be sure , there are so many signs tho. I can tell everything about what happened but it's long and idk if anyone wants to hear it all. But yes i should look at whatever happened like its facts.
I would love to choose or find some new friend over her . I have trouble socialising and she was my only friend who lived in my area so i stayed despite the things she did. I did try to cut contact with her , that was the lonliest time ever , i went back to being her friend because I thought it was better option idk
I would love to find someone else
She recently started avoiding me after an incident and i am more than happy to get that extra help to cut her off. I don't think she feels some loss for me.Things didn't go as planned,i can see that.
Romantic feeling, i have an interpretation about this....
Whenever i have deep talk about my feelings, about how i felt excluded and a ton of things she just dosent respond just looks , even laughs like to lighten the situation ig but still she is just so detached and floaty
I think I'm gonna cut her off Idc anymore i have had enough
Thankyou again fr i was kina sad idk why? i should be happy instead to finally be free from her
Thankyou for helping me out i love your work, i love that you help others with their questions and i love your vibe
Hope you have the greatest luckiest week and that you get everything you want 💖💖💞💕:D !!!
Hi, I may be off about reading regarding love 😅at the moment. The four cups came up twice in reading means someone receiving an offer but would rather do something else.
Someone more apathetic and more focused on her own business at the moment. The love here can also be more of self-love that has for herself. Only cares about herself since the oracle's card-obsessed lover came out.
💀 I was trying some new methods tonight guess it's better to stick with the old. Sometimes I can be wrong as the future is always changeable.
Good luck to you too and thank you for the honest feedback.
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bruhbertwest · 4 years
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brvdges · 3 years
Like A River Flows - Stark!Reader x Peter Parker
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Title: like a river flows
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Y/N hopes to meet her soulmate on her eighteenth birthday. Soulmate No Blip AU
Warnings: none
A/N: I've been gone so long but here's a new imagine! I got a new laptop! So hopefully there will be tons more of these. I listened to "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Kina Grannis if you wanna get the full experience.
Word Count: 1824
You could hear the sound of glasses clinking and laughter echoing up from the main room as you tugged at your dress at the top of the stairs. You turned around and looked in the ornate mirror behind you. 
Everything about you was perfectly polished and plucked; your lace was perfectly laid with every hair beautifully framing your face. Your ears were adorned with simple gold diamond studs and a matching name necklace sat daintily on your collarbone.
Your makeup was done to perfection with your brown eyes sparkling from behind layers of shadow, liner, mascara, and false lashes. For the first time in your life, you had gotten your makeup done professionally. Your father had paid for it of course -- it was at his insistence that you had gotten it done.
In fact, the entire party was at his insistence and he had taken it upon himself to have every detail perfect. You didn’t really want a big elaborate birthday party, but today was the big day. 
Everyone had a special day when you’d finally know the person you’re meant to be with. At a young age, you’d come to the conclusion somehow your meeting would be on your eighteenth birthday. When your father was enlightened with this fact, he had taken it upon himself to make everything perfect -- including you. Thanks to him, you looked undeniably stunning.  It was the most beautiful you had seen yourself in a long while. Ever since your mom had passed, you hadn't felt the need to dress up anymore -- so it no longer felt like you.
“You look absolutely radiant, Y/N.” Pepper assured you as she joined you in looking in the mirror. “Your father outdid himself. Just wait until he sees you.” You understood immediately what she meant, you were almost a spitting image of your mother. Your mahogany skin and high cheekbones were hers, as was your smile and arched eyebrows. The only evidence of your father was the occasional facial expression. “You ready?” she asked turning you back towards the steps. 
You nodded and smiled cautiously, “You’re gonna be okay. There’s so many people down there and they’re all excited to see you.” The two of you peered over the banister down all the sea of people below. Your father had indeed gone for a more sophisticated approach, but as with all Stark parties it was pretty much promised to liven up as the night went on. 
“All right! Chin up!” You did as you were told and began your way down the grand staircase. As you made your descent, you saw the attention shift to you as everyone took you in for the first time that night. “The birthday girl is here!” Natasha raised a glass to you. You smiled to her as you were welcomed with a myriad of birthday wishes.
As the party continued on, you felt almost like a princess. So many promising people had come up and introduced themselves to you; however nothing had clicked yet. You were starting to wonder if all the theatrics had been for nothing when your dad found you. You were standing against the wall watching your friends have a ball of a time dancing to the DJ that had recently taken place of the string quartet. 
“Y/N, shouldn’t you be dancing?” he asked, his dark brows furrowing in confusion. You sighed disappointedly, “Yeah, I guess.” You picked at a string on your dress, “I thought I’d meet them today.” Your dad nodded glancing over at Pepper. She was talking excitedly to Natasha -- likely about wedding plans. The way he looked at her was so beautiful. The way you could tell everything he felt for her from just a look was absolutely amazing. That was it -- that what you wanted. 
“Well, Y/N, you never know there’s still a few hours left to your birthday.” you frowned a bit, “I’ve talked to every person here that I’ve never met. I’m pretty sure it’s not happening today.” your dad chuckled, “You know Y/N, I know I’ve told you the story of how I met your mom.”
“Italy, 1999.” you mumbled looking up at your father. He nodded, “We met and it felt right. I’m not one to be very emotional, but I knew I wanted to keep her around. There was just something about her.” you tilted your head, “She wasn’t your soulmate though. Pepper is.” He sighed, “She was the one for me -- well until she passed, of course. By that time, I had known Pepper for years and I didn’t see her in that way until one day, I just did.” He looked over at her again, her and Natasha had been joined by Maria.
“I don’t know if you're understanding what I’m getting at. I don’t know if I’m explaining it clearly. What I’m saying is -- it could be someone you’ve already met and maybe you just haven’t realized it yet. No one ever said it had to be someone new -- just that there was a day that you would know.” He gave you a small smile, “You should enjoy your night because either way, you look amazing, kiddo. Happy birthday.” he playfully hit you on the shoulder before walking away.
Taking your dad’s words to heart, you decided to let it go for the night and just have fun. You made your way out onto the dancefloor, your friends cheering at your arrival.
It was finally the end of the night, cake had been eaten and presents had been surveyed as there were too many to open. Most of the guests were beginning to go home but some still lingered out on the cul-de-sac. You stood on the front porch, your heels in your right hand as you waved people goodbye with your left.
“I seemed to have missed most of the festivities.” A familiar voice made you turn around to see your father’s prodigy, Peter Parker, standing behind you. You were pretty good friends with Peter as he had been working with your father for little over three years now. Even still, he seemed to have his moments where he seemed to shut himself off from you and get quiet. He seemed to have his moments and his secrets and so you didn’t really hang out much outside him visiting the tower.
He also wasn’t a social butterfly so even though you had invited him to your party, you didn’t actually expect him to show. Even though it was the end of the night, your spirits still rose seeing him here. “Yeah, you did. My dad got so drunk he serenaded Pepper on the bar.” the two of you laughed. 
You looked out over the seemingly never-ending property, your father had held your party at the summer home. It aided in you feeling like a princess, there was a garden maze on the south side of the home and a long driveway lit by lanterns. You glanced over at Peter and stepped off of the porch, “Would you like to join me on a walk?” He smiled and followed. 
The two of you slowly made your way towards the garden maze on the other side of the property. “You look...” he trailed off while admiring you. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks and were glad he couldn’t actually see it, “Thank you.” The two of you turned into the garden maze as lightning bugs flew overhead and a cool breeze filled the air. As you walked, you tried to catch and release a few lightning bugs.
The sounds of late summer night hummed in the background as you spotted the small black rectangular box in his hand, “What’s that?” you asked. He looked down at it sheepishly, “It’s just something I got you. I don’t know if you’ll actually like it.” He had thought to buy you something? That was unexpected, but very welcomed. 
Without you saying anything, he slowly opened the small box to reveal another gold necklace. “It’s not 100 percent pure gold like the ones your dad gets you,” it was absolutely gorgeous. It was a small heart pendant attached to a gold chain. “It’s stupid really-” he scratched the back of his neck, looking down at it. “It’s beautiful, Peter.” You whispered in awe. 
“Would you mind? You can take the other one off.” You said turning around. He carefully removed it from the box. He put it over your head and placed the pendant on your collarbone before securing it in the back and you felt a warm sensation in your heart. Suddenly, everything changed. 
It was like your senses had sharpened. You could hear the distant conversation at the front of the property and the chirping of the crickets. You could feel the soft summer breeze across your body and Peter’s soft breath on the back of your neck where goosebumps had started to form. Every time his skin accidentally brushed yours, it felt delicate yet intense all at once. The world seemed to slow as he pulled your hair over the chain after removing the other necklace and turned you to face him. 
You studied his face and your eyes fell upon his brown ones. His hand found yours sending shivers through your body. You lightly squeezed his hand before pulling him closer feeling your knees start to get weak.
Resting your hand on the side of his face, you slowly guided him to the ground. You were close enough to lightly feel the air escaping his nose. He looked down at your lips and was about to lean in when- “Y/N! Come say goodbye to your grandmother!” your father called off from the distance somewhere. 
The two of you fell apart still sitting on the ground the closest you had ever been. You frowned slightly looking away, “I should say goodbye to my nonna. I usually give her a kiss and a hug goodbye.” You licked your lips looking down to avoid eye contact. “She flew in from Italy -- my mom’s side of the family. I don’t get to see her like that.” 
“No, no. I understand.” he mumbled as you both quickly stood. You began dusting off your dress as he helped. You looked up at him again quickly before looking back down again, “Thanks again. It’s beautiful.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes again because his gaze suddenly felt so intense, it felt like you’d melt. “You’re welcome.”
“Y/N!” your dad yelled off in the distance again. You gestured towards the balcony of the house where your dad was likely yelling from, “I have to go.” Peter nodded quickly, “I understand.” You admired him and watched as his eyes softly gazed over your features one last time. “Good night, Peter.” you waved quickly, “Good night, Y/N.” You gathered your dress and hurried off towards where your dad and nonna waited for you on the balcony.
That was it.
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mysticjupi · 3 years
Umineko: When They Cry Review - Episode 0
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Part 0: Notes
This post can't be as aesthetic as I would like due to only having a phone; however I'll make do with what I have. Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read this; assuming you read my info on the header of my blog page, you should also know my dream is to be an author...and that takes me here, to Umineko and the WTC series in general. I finished reading the Umineko Visual Novel, and have watched the Higurashi Anime, and I plan to read the Manga for Higurashi soon.
The following posts will be about my thoughts, experience, and love for WTC, however this post 0 will be about WTC in general, along with miscallenous things.
Needless to say, SPOILERS!!!
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Part 1: When They Cry
My first experience with the series was years ago, when I was a child; and coming across some of the more gorey scenes from Higurashi on youtube, I was curious yet I never persued more of this media. Years went by and it remained nothing more than a afterthought in the back of my head, however, a friendgroup who was big into Higurashi made me watch the anime, and I decided on my own to read the Umineko novel, and since then...I've been very into the fandom for a few months.
I took two months to finish the Umineko VN...
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And as you can tell, some days I read very generously. That being said however, it was all time well spent.
Ryukishi's writing has become an inspiration and something I think about greatly, his ability for creating and characterizing his characters in both dynamic and subtle ways has stuck out to me, as well as how he handles abuse and sensitive topics authors usually avoid delving into. This aspect will be discussed more when I get around to talking about characters.
However, the thing that sticks out the most to me is his...lessons. How he makes you think about mortality and the negative and positive aspects of people and their situations. Higurashi and Umineko identify and share their themes strongly, while leaving some leeway for the reader to think about it themselves. God knows I've been rethinking and pondering a lot of Umineko's plot.
Without Love, it cannot be seen. Is a new philosophy I have started to use, for example.
That's where much of my love for WTC comes from, and before you ask, I know nothing about Ciconia but I plan to read it once my technology situation is sorted.
I think that's enough for my introduction, and now you know where I stand on this series that's wiggled it's way into my heart.
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Part 2: Music
Before I discuss the Episodes of Umineko, I'd like to dedicate some to discuss one of my other favorite aspects of the Visual Novel, which is of course the amazing soundtrack that I cannot get enough of.
I never knew a Visual Novel about victorian ladies fucking with people would carry such a banger OST. I'll link some of my favorites:
Patchwork Chimera
Death From Stupefaction
Golden Sneer
Dream End Discharger
Deep Blue Jeer
The Girls Witch Hunt
Kina no Kaori
Reflection Call
Last End Conducter
I never realized how big of an impact music had on your enjoyment of a story, but Umi's soundtrack compliments scenes extremely well. There isn't much to say here but it's an extremely good listen and one of the major perks of the visual novel. Kudos to the various composers who worked on the soundtrack.
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Part 3: Artstyle and Design
The last thing I should have to say for this post, and of course this section will be talking about the original novel Artstyle, however the others will be mentioned.
Umineko's designs are stand-out and very unique yet remain alluring. This goes both for the hair and face of the characters and their outfits...
And of course, the fact many of the outfits are taken from actual goth fashion being displayed at around the time or Umineko's original releases. Some of my favorite examples:
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Wonderful, I think. I can easily tell these characters from their silhouettes which always means good design. Somewhat unrelated but Ryukishi seemed to really enjoy thigh gaps when designing, (Chiester Sisters, Dlanor's Group, Seven Stakes...) and whatever you would consider Gaap's Gap. However this isn't a negative by any means. Most of the men's outfits are suits, however I can appreciate a formal and crisp style and at least everyone has their own suit aesthetic. Original Battler is the best style btw.
To make mention of the other Artstyles Umineko has...
Pachinko: It's...good? Some characters look better like Lambadelta or George but some were...proportioned oddly? Kyrie and her immensely inflated chest definitely put me off. I had the Pachinko sprites option during my read so I swapped between this and original depending on who was onscreen.
PS3 Remake: Very good and faithful rendition while also modernizing and streamlining designs, though it didn't quite capture the rawness of Ryukishi's expressions in the original Artstyle at times.
Manga: Amazing. The Umineko manga expressions are absolutely amazing. Raw, detailed, the anount of time spent on those illustrations is obvious, up there with the original style.
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Anime: It's alright.
That said, the expressions of Umi are stunning, which makes sense considering how gritty and fucked up the story can be at times, nothing beats the little laugh that accompanies these expressions in the visual novel.
(Original Novel) Finally, while the backgrounds in the novel can be pretty simple, Ryukishi truly does his best with what he has and works with, and I think the simple backgrounds work well to not detract focus from the characters and text, however I wish he made the glass shatter screen transition a bit less abrupt?
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That covers everything I feel like I should discuss, next I'll be taking a retrospective look at Episode 1 of Umineko...Legend of the Golden Witch.
I think one or two posts a day covering a episode will be how I'll write the rest of this review, I hope you enjoy!
- Jupiter.
As some last notes, feel free to interact with me in dms or asks or anything! I'd love to discuss this story with anyone because hearing differing opinions or just bonding over media is one of my favorite things! I'd love to make friends
This of course is all opinion and not objective! I love seeing different views and all opinions are valid to me!
Have a nice day!
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Hello! May I ask for a romantic mha matchup please? I’m female, Aquarius, IXFJ. I have long blonde hair, grey-blue eyes and wear glasses. I'm 1,59 m tall and chubby.
Positive traits: I'm patient and try to organised as best as I can. I like my sense of humor :). I try to make my friends as comfortable as possible around me, they say I'm a good person to vent to, I guess that counts as a positive trait? Lol
Negative traits: I can be cold and distant, but mostly because I'm emotional and don't want to be seen as vulnerable. I have trust issues and get anxious very easily. I generally don't have a good view of myself.
Hobbies: I enjoy reading, gaming and listening to music. I recently got into interactive fiction and now I'm addicted lol. I also like doing macrame, if I'm feeling creative.
Likes: I love animals, especially cats, joking around with my friends and comfortable silence. Horror movies. Fruits.  
Dislikes: crowds, drunk and pushy people, spiders
What you look for in a partner: I'd appreciate someone, who is patient, reliable and understanding. Someone I can trust, but also mess around with, someone who can make me laugh.
What you want in a relationship/how you want to be treated: I want comfort, something solid. I don't to be only lovers, I want to be friends. I want to be able and comfortable to be myself around them and the same goes for them.
Sexualit(y/ies): Bisexual
Thank you! Have a nice day and remember to stay hydrated! ❤
Thank you, and remember to stay hydrated as well! <3 I chose for you:
Mezo Shoji!
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He's very sweet and supportive! He's also very mature, so he can be goofing around at one point but he can still be mature and responsible. Plus he's always there by your side, making sure you're okay and that you come first!
Why They Love You
He loves how you are a good friend! He knows that you're always there for them. He loves that you're super caring and your sense of humor! He knows that you get anxious easily, so he always tries to calm you down and make sure you know everything will be okay.
Date Headcanons
He would take you to a cat café! The sole reason is that you talked about how much you liked cats, he found one, and honestly, you both loved it! You guys drank tea, coffee, etc., and ate while enjoying the cute company of kittens!
He took you strawberry picking for a date! It was early in the morning, you both got ready and went off to the farm! You guys spent the whole morning picking strawberries to eat later. Whenever you left the farm, you went out for ice cream! Let's say that day was beautiful and it was nice and cool so that makes it even better!
General Headcanons
Whenever you first started out as friends, he was very insecure about his quirk. Once you guys starting dating, he showed you his face, without the mask on! It showed how much he trusted you and you always told him that you loved him no matter what, he would do anything for you and to make sure you were okay!
You guys always have had this comfortable silence, as long as you were in the same room, you didn't mind it. He would be reading or working on something, while you would be studying or watching a movie. He just loves being in the room with you, he feels so comfortable with you there and by his side.
Songs That Remind Me of You Both
Let's Fall in Love for the Night by FINNEAS
Can We Kiss Forever? by Kina, Adriana Proenza
I'm Yours by Jason Mraz
I hope you have a great day!
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luna-jaden-shadow · 3 years
Friend On The Other Side
Request - Hi! If you’re doing requests, can you do a platonic aaron x teen!reader where she is a whisperer and meets Aaron (kina like him and gamma) and he tries to convince her to change sides but she’s unsure and one day alpha punishes her (with the stick thing) and Aaron sees it happening and later takes care of her wounds and that convinces the reader to join alexandrea? Thank you!
Fluff & Angst
Warning -Description of whipping, description of blood / gore,  
Pairing - Aaron X Fem!Teen!Reader
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Winter’s approach was coming faster than you thought it would. Your steps through the forest are so quiet as you cross a stream, messing around with a rather pretty rock you’d found the day prior. Leaves from the trees above have changed since last month, dropping to the ground and changing to colours that you could look at forever. You promised that you wouldn’t stray too far from the camp but here you were, walking out towards the border without even realizing it, too busy looking at the white rock that’s about as big as a quarter.
You broke from the forest, walking on a bridge, you didn’t even notice that there was another person until they spoke up. “Hey.” Startled, you drop the rock and back up, eyes meeting a man who wasn’t a whisperer. Instantly your hand goes to the knife resting at your side. He raises his hands, well his hand as the other one seemed to be a wooden one to replace one that was cut off. “Easy.” His voice is calm as he sees you panic a bit at being faced with the enemy. “It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you.” He promises you, watching you slowly back up from the sticks that separate you two. 
You two lock eyes, his eyes are blue and warm. With hawk eyes, you watch the strange man kneel down, picking up the rock you’d dropped. He stands back up, looking at the rock before looking back to you, holding it out as far as he could without passing the line. A wave of curiosity hits you as you observe him patiently waiting for you to take the rock from him. Cautiously, you take a couple steps towards him, hand still on the knife. You reach out your other hand, gently taking the rock from him when you’re close enough. 
The man smiles bright at you as you take a step back, putting distance between you and him. “I’m Aaron.” He states, getting you to look up from the rock. Your eyes catch on the flashlight that hangs from the side of his belt. Aaron follows your gaze, unclipping the flashlight from his side and offering it to you. “Wanna see?” You felt stupid for a moment, wanting nothing more than to turn on the flashlight, it had been so long since you’d been able to use something from the old world. You didn’t even think, walking forward and taking the flashlight, holding it in one hand and the rock in your other. 
Glancing up at Aaron, you raise an eyebrow under the mask on your face. “Can I turn it on?” Your voice comes out soft, a little louder than the whisper you’re used to using. Aaron smiles a little brighter, nodding. You look down at the device, pocketing your rock to turn on the flashlight. A circle of light hits the gray concrete of the bridge. “Where did you get it?” 
Aaron bites his cheek, trying to remember for the sake of keeping conversation with you. “Well this one I got from home. But I have another one that me and my friend found in this big museum.” Your eyes lit up at that, taking in what he said. You couldn’t remember the last time you went to a museum or slept in a house where you guess his home is. 
You took notice in how clean he is compared to you, how nicely kept his beard is compared to someone like Beta. “Home?” You ask him, turning off the flashlight. You walk up to the line, holding out the flashlight for him to grab. “Where is that?” Your curiosity was getting the best of you. 
Aaron takes the flashlight, re-clipping it to his belt. “This big place called Alexandria.” You remember Alpha talking about that place, how the people there are bad and your enemy. But this man, Aaron, seemed so nice. “It’s got walls so high that no walkers can get over, there’s hot water and power for heaters.” He goes off, telling you about his community. “I can bring you candy.” That caught your full attention, amazement filling your covered face. “Tomorrow, same time, you like chocolate?”
You frown, looking to your shoes. “I don’t really remember, I guess so.” You shrug and he nods, promising that he’ll bring some tomorrow for the both of you. Sure enough he came back with two bars of chocolate. The two of you sat on the bridge and you hesitated before eating it to say you fell in love with chocolate all over again was an understatement. 
From the moment on it became a ritual for the two of you, meeting on the bridge and Aaron would bring you something new every time. New candy or some of a meal that he’d made the night before. He started to bring a book halfway through the week that he’d read to you, sitting on the bridge. “You don’t have to be with them.” He says one of the days as you eat silently, you’d built up enough trust to take off your mask around him. “You can leave and come with me, we’ll treat you like one of our own.” He offers making you stop eating and look to him. He was genuine with his words, he’d showed that over the past two weeks that you two had met up. 
You grip the container tight, looking at the pasta that he’d brought you. “I can’t leave them, they’re my people. They’re all I know.” You reason, shaking your head. “I’m sorry Aaron but I can’t.” He just nods, falling quiet beside you. The rest of the time you two sat was in silence. “I should get going.” You stand up, handing him the now empty container. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow kid.” You nod, walking away from him and the bridge and back into the woods. Aaron watches you go with a sigh, closing the container. The next day you didn’t show up before him like you normal do. He was excited to see you, ready for another go at trying to convince you to come with him. He has a stack of photos, recently taken in his bag as well as half of a candy bar. 
Aaron holds his breath, looking around in the hopes of seeing you, maybe you were late. Something was wrong, he could feel it. It was worse when he got closer to the line, seeing a bag by where you normally sit. It was knocked over and on the floor in front of the bag was the same rock from where you first met. Setting down his bag, Aaron weighs his options before crossing the line and walking to the treeline. 
He could hear the distant sound of people arguing. Aaron stays low, following the voices till he’s forced to stop behind some bushes and trees. A few feet in front of him is you, mask off, and Alpha, who is holding your mask. “Who were you there to meet?” Alpha questions, looking you in the eye. 
You look her in the eye, hands at your sides in fists. “No one Alpha.” You say with confidence, praying with every fiber of your being that she’d believe you. “It’s nice by the bridge I just wanted to sit out there.” You insist, unaware of the man watching you to from behind the bushes. 
Alpha hums, looking around for a moment, forcing Aaron to press against the tree more. “Six marks.” She says firmly, handing off the mask in exchange for the stick that you’ve grown to fear. “Arms out.” 
You don’t argue with her, you’ve learned to not do that. “Yes Alpha.” Hesitantly, you roll up your sleeves and hold them out in front of you. You look her in the eye for the first three lashes, all of them cutting into your skin and making you bleed. The other three your eyes are shut in pain. Not a sound leaves you still as you stand, arms shaking slightly as your own blood drips from the lacerations on your forearms. When you opened your eyes again Alpha had her back to you and was walking away and back to the current camp sight. 
When she was out of view you finally let your arms fall, holding them close to your body. Somewhere behind you a twig snaps, making you instantly pull out your knife and spin around, ready to attack what could possibly be a walker. A wave of shock rolls over you at the sight of Aaron, his arms raised in defeat asa he stands from behind the bush and moves more into view. “You okay?” He questions, looking from your eyes to your arms then back again. 
You bite your lip, not wanting to look weak in front of Aaron in the fear that he will do the same that Alpha had done to you should you show any weakness. You just give him a nod but he frowns, taking a few steps till he’s in front of you, holding his hands out to you with a small smile. 
“I won’t hurt you.” He promises, watching as you slowly put your hands in his, letting him inspect your arms. “I have stuff in my bag at the bridge, come on.” His voice is calm and soft as he pulls you with him. You’re quiet the whole walk, finding yourself pausing out of habit at the stick line. “It’s okay.” Aaron promises again, stretching one hand out as you’ve let go of his when you got to the line. 
Looking at your arms again, you take his hand and walk past the line, letting him sit you down on the blacktop and look at the cuts. “Thank you.” You whisper as he cleans them up and starts to wrap them. 
“At Alexandria.” Aaron starts, not looking up at you. “We have a doctor who can look at this, you could catch an infection.” His voice is laced with concern for your well being. “Please.” He begs you, finally looking you in the eyes. You can tell that he cares so much about you. “Come with me.”
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yehet-about-it · 3 years
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I Like Me Better | 17 - Apology
~ A Wayv Social Media AU Series ~
< Prev || Series Masterlist || Next >
Synopsis: You’ve just moved into a new apartment with your best friend Yangyang, but you’re immediately faced with a problem: your incredibly noisy upstairs neighbour Xiao Dejun, or to friends, Xiaojun. You spend the first few weeks of your acquaintance hating his guts, but after a sincere apology and a fascinating revelation about his passions and motivations you slowly begin to see past his cold exterior to discover the real him. What will happen as you get closer to this troubled boy and how will those closest to you react?
Pairing: Reader x Xiaojun
Themes and Warnings: Explicit language, mild sexual content, mild violence and references to drinking/alcohol. Deals with themes of toxic masculinity, insecurity, gaslighting (sort of), and jealousy…
Disclaimer: All work is fictional, and not an accurate depiction of any real people mentioned within the story, nor is it intended to be an accurate or realistic depiction of said people.
Words: 2.2k
“Hey.” The atmosphere was awkward as you stood in the lobby of your apartment building having agreed to talk with Xiaojun. You had slipped out unnoticed by Yangyang, who would most likely be none too pleased at your willingness to spend time with the man who had inadvertently given you a bruised neck during his drunken tirade, and not in the pleasant way.
You turned left out of your building, following Xiaojun in silence until he spoke up again. “Are you okay to walk? I know it’s hot but there’s this place I know a mile or two away I thought we could go to.” You confirmed you were okay, having dressed appropriately in shorts and sneakers and sidled up to Xiaojun so you were walking side by side. You were thankful for the noise of the city as you walked, the both of you hesitant to start the conversation you knew you needed to have. “So uh.” Xiaojun chewed on his lip as he tried to find the right words to start, a habit he’d picked up over the years when he was nervous. “I really am sorry about the other night y/n. I really regret what I said, it was awful and I was drunk and- and just angry about some stuff, so I understand if you don’t like me, but I really want to make things right.” You nodded slowly, taking in his words. “Yeah, it was pretty awful… but I don’t think you’re a bad guy Xiaojun, you’re just- just kina frustrating. I think I can forgive you, but I just wanna know why you lashed out like that…” Since that day you went to his café, you had realised Xiaojun wasn’t just the stoney, cold bad boy he seemed to be on the surface; that there was a much softer and gentler side to him. When you saw his face light up at the sight of Bella, and the genuine carefree smile on his face when he held her, to the serene look on his face as he strummed on his guitar. It all told you there was something more to this boy, and you wanted to find out what. You wanted to find out why he was such a stubborn ass, when he was clearly a softie deep down. And you wanted to know why he fought with his friends so much. Xiaojun sighed deeply at your request. “Lucas,” he said grimly, shoving his hands in his pockets. “He was going on at me about… stuff. He’s one of my best friends but he can be a right jerk.” You scoffed at the irony and Xiaojun looked at you. “Yeah takes one to know one right? But you know, he’s this big ripped model and thinks he’s invincible, while I’m just this scrawny little nobody… He’s always bragging about girls and telling me how useless I am when it comes to that, and the other night he just took it too far. I guess he got in my head and I didn’t handle it well, and I took it out on you, so I’m sorry…”
Your eyes softened a little as you listened to Xiaojun rant. You never imagined that he’d be holding on to insecurities like that, let alone that one of his own best friends would be rubbing it in his face. You knew boys bantered over stuff like that, but it’s small things like that which can trigger peoples insecurities and produce some grim results, so you could understand where Xiaojun was coming from. “Oh… Lucas did mention something like that…” Xiaojun looked at you in annoyance. “Of course he did,” he grumbled. There was a pause before Xiaojun spoke again. “So, do you think you can forgive me? And I promise I’ll keep my music down or wear headphones from now on too.” You chuckled at his last statement. “Yeah, I think so. I get why you were annoyed, Lucas is a bit… much. But you shouldn’t have brought my friends into it. And next time? Maybe go a little easier on the liquor.” “Next time?” Xiaojun said playfully, his expression turning into a smirk, to which you rolled your eyes. “Yeah, sorry, I know. I promise it won’t happen again y/n.” “Well thank you, apology accepted.” A small smile played on Xiaojun’s lips as you answered, mostly out of relief, but also out of astonishment at your forgiveness. In truth, he’d been a complete and utter asshole, and he wouldn’t have been surprised if you despised him and had said you never wanted anything to do with him ever again, but mercifully, you hadn’t.
You continued the rest of your walk quietly, making small talk about how long he’d lived in Hannam, who Renjun was and so forth. Eventually you came to a small trail on a hill around the back of the infamous “Hannam The Hill” complex, that led to a small viewpoint, shrouded in trees. “Wow, I never knew this was here…” You breathed as Xiaojun led you out onto the platform, overlooking most of Seoul. “Yeah, not many people know about it. I come here when I need to think,” Xiaojun admitted leaning forwad on the wooden barrier. “It’s beautiful, you can see so much of the city…” You stopped gazing out across the city as you caught your breath from the climb. Who knew Xiaojun was the sort to come somewhere as pretty as this in his down time? Really you were humbled that he trusted you enough to bring him to such a private place for him. “Heh, yeah it’s pretty nice, especially at night. Helps me clear my head.”
You spent the next few moments in comfortable silence, appreciating the view, feeling the warm sun oon your face. You’d just closed your eyes, embracing the little bit of fresh air you were getting as a change from the usual stuffy dusty air of the city when Xiaojun spoke again. “Thank you y/n…” You blinked back at him. “For what?” You asked, puzzled. “For being so patient, and giving me another chance. Not many people do…” Your heart pounded in your chest, stunned by the moment of sincerity. “You don’t need to thank me Dejun, everyone deserves a second chance,” you said, smiling softly back at him. “I think you’ve given me more than two chances. And I really mean it. You’ve been more patient than most. I mean, you even came to see me sing at that dumb café. That… really meant a lot. My musical career hasn’t exactly taken off and at this point I’ll take all the audience I can get….” You looked Xiaojun in the eyes to respond sincerely, but saw an indescribable sadness in them that made your heart sink. “Really it mas my pleasure but… that must be hard,” you whispered. “You could say that. Doesn’t help when your dad and brother are always on your case about why you’re not getting anywhere, telling you ‘you’re wasting your life in Korea’, and that ‘if you’re still working at that coffee bar in 12 months you’re coming back to China’… Just because they’re big hotshots in the industry back home.” Here was the baggage you had been looking for. You had guessed he had more on his plate than he let on, and clearly this was it. You didn’t know why he was trusting you with all this, but you were glad he was. “Wow… That’s rough, I can’t believe they’d say that to you…” Your brows furrowed as you took in everything Xiaojun was saying, and you couldn’t help but feel sympathy towards him. “Yeah well I’ve dealt with it most of my life. The successful favorite brother. I’m just the failure. You know, your friend called me that, ‘a failed musician’…” “He did what?!” Your eyes widened at what Xiaojun had just told you. You couldn’t believe that Kun of all people would say that to him. You were definitely having words. “Heh, don’t worry I’ve been called worse, I’m used to it…” Xiaojun snorted indignantly. “No, no that’s not okay… Kun should know better…” You shook your head, genuinely feeling a little guilty. “Really its fine, it was a heat of the moment thing. And I guess after what I said on Saturday it can be forgiven…” You nodded. “Still, he shouldn’t have said that. It’s a hard industry to get into and you’re trying your best. Your voice is incredible Xiaojun, any label would be lucky to snap you up. It just takes a little more exposure, putting yourself out there, and I’m sure you’ll make it.” Xiaojun looked genuinely taken aback. “Well it’s definitely not as simple as that, but thanks.” There was a bashful smile on his face as he thanked you, seeming genuinely grateful for your compliment.
As the conversation stilled, you stood against the wooden fence of the observation deck, taking in the view of the city in silence and feeling the cool breeze trickling through your hair, providing some relief from the hot sun. Then you had a thought, as you realised there was still something you hadn’t cleared up. “By the way,” you looked up at Xiaojun, a small smirk on your face. “It’s really not like that with me and Kun…” Xiaojun looked at you quizzically. “He’s pretty much like my big brother. I’ve known him since I was in middle school. His parents are friends with mine and he went to school with my brother… I guess he’s always just looked out for me like a little sister. He looks out for all of us. So you can drop the whole sugar daddy thing.” Xiaojun snickered. “Heh yeah. Sorry about that… Guess I was just jealous,” he admitted, much to your surprise. “Oh…” you said, flushing a little and clearing your throat. “You know, I think if you two gave eachother a chance, you might get on.” You brushed Xiaojun’s comment off choosing to ignore it and work on reconciling him and Kun. Xiaojun scoffed. “I don’t think he’ll be willing to give me another chance after everything, especially that,” he said pointing to the bruise on your neck. “Well I don’t know, I have,” you shrugged. “Kun’s a good guy, he doesn’t hold grudges for long unless you really deserve it.” You paused, contemplating whether to tell Xiaojun what you were going to say next. “He’s a producer you know...” “What?” Xiaojun looked at you in surprise. “Kinda big time. He’s worked on some pretty big songs.” You knew Kun was going to be utterly mad at you for attempting to use him to help this guy, but nevertheless you wanted to try and give Xiaojun at least a little bit of hope, something positive to pull him out of his head. “Woah. Didn’t really have him down as the musical type.” “Oh really? What type did you have him down as then?” You said, playfully challenging Xiaojun to make another quip about Kun. “Honestly I don’t know. I didn’t put that much thought into it to be honest.” You both laughed, the glowing sun lighting up Xiaojun’s face as his eyes creased in genuine, happy laughter. “Well, maybe one day I can introduce you properly, he might be able to help you”. “Yeah one day. Let’s just focus on getting him to not hate me first,” Xiaojun said cynically, but with a tone of amusement in his voice.
You laughed, relieved that you could no longer feel the tension that had been between the two of you earlier, and that Xiaojun now seemed to have a genuine smile on his face. All the angst that had been clouding his aura before was now gone for the most part, and you happily enjoyed the rest of the afternoon, chatting and embracing the peace of Xiaojun’s little sanctuary. And when you got home, despite Yangyang’s nagging, you were filled with a resolve to actually make an effort with Xiaojun and get to know your mysterious neighbour.
Taglist:@i-can-do-this-all-daaaaayyy @strayteezjinnie @yukine-smx@crybabybomin @lolibaaae @nizhonimoon @mysticore-replies@08skrr @sunny-nyu @jangstarrr @smileyyuta
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brandyllyn · 3 years
In our own image... (02)
Chapter 2
(Poe Dameron x OFC)
Other chapters...  My Masterlist
Word count: 2200. Read it on AO3.
Rating: Teen & Up (PG) No warnings?
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Kina brushed her hair away from her face with the back of one hand, holding the tool in it well away from her face. She’d burnt herself one too many times with a soldering iron to not be careful of the thing now. She wouldn’t even have risked it except that her other hand was occupied holding part of the droid’s circuitry together and if her hair continued to fall as it was she was going to set it on fire.
She waited a moment, then added another bit of solder. "There," she whistled and sat back, dropping the tool back into its cradle. "How do you feel?"
The little round droid flashed through a series of colors before spinning in place. "Much better thank you."
Kina smiled and patted the droid. When they had first arrived they had been full of long, pitiful stories about being shot at by tie-fighters and then covered in sand and tar and something that sounded like saliva. Amid the telling, BB-8 kept mournfully beeping that they were not functioning optimally, as though they were revealing some great secret.
It had been cute. In fact, it had been really cute. Enough so that she had actually missed the arrival of the droid’s companion. It didn’t matter, as he had only wanted to talk to K-0 - which was odd but also fine by her. There was something about being unable to to speak Basic that made people assume she lacked intelligence. Anytime she could avoid talking to people entirely was better off all around. It didn’t really matter that he was easy on the eyes.
As soon as the man was gone the BB unit had proceeded to tell her story after story of Friend Poe. Even when she had half the droid’s panels off and was doing a deep clean, BB-8 kept up an endless chatter about how Friend Poe always made sure that they were clean and functioning well. And how sad Friend Poe had been that he couldn’t take good care of the BB unit on Ajan Kloss.
The information had made Kina feel marginally more gracious towards the pilot. BB-8 was in bad shape, and not all pilots were known for taking good care of their droids. Most seemed to see the units as expendable.
"BB-8," she whistled, ending in a series of clicks, "why do you call him Friend Poe and not Master?"
"Friend Poe asked me to," BB-8 whistled back. "Friend Poe does not like being called Master."
Kina tilted her head, studying the BB unit. That was… interesting information to have. Basic droid programming defaulted to the use of the honorific 'Master' for their owners. The only people she knew of who made an effort to change it were other droidsmiths, like herself. You could often follow the trail of a droid’s repairs based on the terms they used. Some went for gentler monikers, like Friend. Others went ever further past Master. Hells, Hukkin, on Tattooine, taught his droids to call him 'Oh Great One,' which was a bit of an ego stretch but he was also a damned good droidsmith and he had a gentle touch with them. He also had as great of a hatred for restraining bolts as Kina herself so she only barely faulted him for it.
She was so lost in thought she nearly missed the droid’s sudden movement. She barely had time to throw an arm across the table to stop the droid from leaving. "Whoa there little one," she whistled and clicked, "I’m not done with you yet. Let me get you put back together and then you can go back to Friend Poe. Okay?"
The droid settled back, turning their upper unit to her. "Okay."
Snorting, Kina glanced behind her, then up into the rafters. Once she’d gotten the BB unit cleaned out there was a maze of wiring and 'improvements' that she’d needed to sort through. Friend Poe had apparently been doing his own repairs which was… well she knew why people did it but Chasī above - she didn’t try to fly X-Wings, why did people think that just anyone could repair a droid?
She clicked her tongue, "K-0?"
The droid darted out from a small gap between the crates. They were always doing that, finding weird little bolt holes to go exploring. "Where are the converters? The 600 series."
K-0 immediately crossed the floor, bumping into a crate to Kina’s left. She squatted to read the lowest crate before moving to the next. The one she wanted was about three up, with two more stacked on top of it. Two heavy ones. Sighing, she gave herself the mental 'lift with you knees' reminder and started to shift the upper crates away.
She dropped the crate, jumping back and letting out a sharp whistle. Behind her, she could hear BB-8 trilling happily. "Hello friend! I am much improved since you last saw me."
"Hey BB," the voice said and Kina turned to it. A young woman was cautiously standing near the entrance to the workshop. "May I come in?"
As was their usual wont, K-0 happily translated the woman’s words directly into binary. It was a programming flaw, one that Kina hadn’t been able to fix without wiping the droid’s entire core memory. And she wasn’t going to do that. No harm in letting the droid chatter to themself.
Kina nodded at the woman, gesturing to the BB unit to let her know she could approach them if she wanted to. The woman did, running a hand along the droid in a familiar greeting. "Hey there big guy."
"Friend Rey, I am enthusiastic to see you. Have you met new friend?" BB-8 beeped at her, flashing their recently cleaned lights.
"I haven’t met your friend yet," the woman turned with a smile and held out her hand. "I’m Rey."
Kina stopped thumbing through the crate’s contents to hold out a hand, palm turned open and upwards to show she had no weapon.  She whistled at K-0, who translated for her. "This Kina."
Rey’s gaze swung between her and K-0 and Kina waited for her question. It was the same every time. "It’s nice to meet you Kina."
Okay, so maybe not the same. Rey smiled at her and Kina couldn’t help but return it. Then she turned to BB-8. Clicking to get their attention she told them, "I have a new memory convertor for you, but you’re going to need to power down completely so I can be sure this gets transferred correctly. May I do that?"
"I will not lose memories will I friend?"
Kina smiled, patting the droid reassuringly. "I promise you won’t lose a thing. I am very good at this."
BB-8 nodded it’s top unit before beginning a full power down. Kina waited, aware of the presence of the woman at her side. The slight furrowing of her brow.
"You speak Binary?" Rey asked.
Yep, there it was. Kina nodded, tilting her chin at K-0 before replying in a series of whistles and tongue clicks. "I understand Basic, but I don’t speak it." The droid translated for her almost simultaneously, which was immensely helpful, but their language processor left a little to be desired. It was necessary - otherwise K-0 was prone to add their own… color to the conversation. But her sentence ended up becoming "Know Basic. Can’t speak."
"That’s… I’ve never met any life form that spoke Binary. I thought only droids could." Rey sounded a little awe-struck which was the only reason that Kina didn’t start into her usual speech about the ill-defined lines between those who were considered alive and those who weren’t.
"It’s not perfect," she said instead, listening to K-0 translate about half of what she was saying, "it can take some units a little getting used to, especially the older ones, but I get by."
BB-8 was done powering down, slumped on the table, and Kina pulled a stool up to the workstation, swinging a looking glass down and turning on one of the brighter lights. She felt, more than saw, Rey pull up a stool next to her.
"Do you mind if I watch?" Rey asked, hesitation in her voice.
Kina gave her a sideways look and then shrugged. "Doesn’t bother me."
As she worked, Kina could feel Rey leaning in closer, trying to peer through the magnifying lens. After a minute Kina reached up and swung it slightly towards the other woman. Then she began to speak, listening to K-0 mangle the full meaning but getting the gist of it.
"The thing about a memory converter is that it’s all about the order. Most people don’t realize that. They think if you backup the unit then you can be sloppy about the part replacement," Kina pointed with a set of pliers at the bundle of wires she was poking into. "Each of these has a specific function. They’re like nerves of a body. I can replace one from one part of your body to another, but it will be different. It won’t feel the same." Kina gently nudged the bundle, pulling one free, and then another. "But if you do that too much or too often the whole system won’t work."
Next to her Rey nodded, eyes focused on Kina’s work. She’d never had an audience before, and she appreciated the other woman’s quiet presence beside her. There was something about Rey that was comforting - something she hadn’t felt since she’d left home.
"There," Kina clicked, setting the unit back into its place inside the droid, tightening the braces that held it. Over an hour had gone by and she stretched, feeling bones crack and rumble as she did so. "That should do it."
Tapping the droid’s power panel in a staccato series she felt the low vibration begin and then the top unit slid so that it was completely upright. "Friend!" BB-8 trilled, turning its photoreceptor to look at both Rey and Kina. "Friends!"
"Welcome back small one," Kina whistled. "How do you feel?"
"All systems functioning optimally!" BB-8 replied, spinning in place before wobbling slightly back and forth.
Kina raised an eyebrow, giving the droid a dubious look. "Are you sure your orbiculate motor is functioning correctly?"
"It’s odd," Rey said from beside her, "It’s as though I’m listening to someone speak in a dream. I feel like I should know what you’re saying, like the meaning is right on the tip of my tongue. But I just can’t get there."
Kina jerked her head to Rey, looking down and realizing that K-0 had disappeared at some point. She turned back to the droid on the table, "BB-8 can you repeat what I say in Binary please?"
"BB-8 can you repeat what I say in Binary please?" The droid parroted before titling to look at her. "Friend, for what purpose is this? You are speaking in Binary."
"Yes, but Friend Rey does not understand me," Kina told them. "BB-8 I’d like to check your orbiculate motor. I don’t like the look of that wobble."
"Oh, he does that when he’s happy," Rey interjected, looking between the two of them.
Kina looked at her, then back at BB-8. "Is this true? Do you move like this when you are happy?"
BB-8 flashed their lights, repeating what Kina said before adding, "I am functioning optimally and I am enthusiastic to be doing so."
Kina raised an eyebrow before gesturing at the table, "Can you get down on your own?"
Rather than replying, the orange droid rolled towards the ramp, hitting the floor at a steady clip and circling between the two women a few times before settling to a stop. "All systems are functioning optimally!"
Rey laughed and Kina felt her own shoulders shaking. It was hard not to be amused. BB-8 rolled over, bumping into Kina’s shins and she squatted down to eye level to the droid’s photoreceptor.
"I may return to Friend Poe?" The droid asked.
"If something happens to you between here and there Friend Poe will be very upset with me," Kina started but felt a hand on her shoulder.
"I’ll make sure BB gets back to him, I’m going that way." The woman smiled at her and Kina smiled back standing and leaning against the table.
"Well as long as it’s on your head…"
As she trailed off Kina heard a thump, and then K-0 was back, translating her whistles into Basic even as BB-8 repeated it in Binary. The two droids looked at each other and then K-0 knocked roughly into the larger droid.
"No. Go. No. Bad." K-0 said quickly, continuing to ram into the other droid. BB-8 tilted his upper unit at them quizzically but was barely shifted by the smaller droid’s efforts.
"You two should go," Kina grinned, "before K-0 decides to bite someone."
Thankfully, BB-8 continued to repeat her words because K-0 just kept thumping into the droid, repeating "Go. Bad. Go. No. Bad."
Rey smothered a laugh, ducking around the crates to the front of the workshop, BB-8 close behind her. A few seconds later her head popped back around. "May I visit again?"
Kina nodded and watched K-0 chase them off. When the droid returned, mumbling to themself, Kina blushed. Then she began scolding them, but her heart wasn’t really in it. After a minute she dropped to one knee, stroking a finger along the side of her friend.
"No one will replace you K-0. I promise."
Chpt 3
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diphthongsfordays · 3 years
🍎 and 🥭for the lil fruit ask pls :D
Hello! Thanks for the ask!!
🍎  Share a scene where a character is tempted by something/someone 🥭  Share a scene that introduces a new character
Two in one scene! It's longer, so part is under the cut. This isn't the first time we've heard about Kina's parents, but it's the first time meeting them. It's also the first time Kina really has to grapple with the idea of being powerful, and what that means.
“What is this?” demanded her father.
Kina’s heart skipped a beat, and magic exploded in her chest. This time, she held it. She wasn’t sure why.
She had never thought she’d hear his voice again.
Very deliberately, Kina turned to face him again. He stalked towards her, followed by Kina’s mother. They were almost exactly the same height, although both had longer hair than Kina remembered.
Kina stood her ground as they approached, feet planted in the sand. Tai stiffened beside her, but made no move to stop them.
“You,” whispered her father. Kina watched as, just like in her dream, his face flashed from horror, to rage, to guilt. Behind him, her mother had gone as pale as the sand under their feet.
Kina took a long breath, and exhaled for fifteen heartbeats. Silence swirled around them. People moved aside, leaving a circle of open space around Kina and her parents.
Magic swelled in the waves behind her, magic she could pull in and throw every last bit of at the people who had sent her away. It crackled in her chest, bones strengthening to stone.
She was suddenly, acutely aware of how easy it would be to throw both of them across the sand. She could break bones with her bare hands, she'd barely even have to move. A flick of her mind, and she could break them.
Kina’s awareness expanded, then contracted around her parents. Two minds, with more familiarity than Kina liked, shying away from her like frightened fish. She doubted she could use Mindspeak on them, but she could Read them. She’d done it to Nali. She could do it again.
Kina sent her magic away.
It went brittle as she tried, and her mind snatched to the focus point over her head that Tino had first taught her to use. Her chest went cold, a faint chill creeping into her blood as she siphoned off every trace of magic she’d held. To anyone watching, she was just standing still. Her parents didn’t realize how much easier it would have been to just let her magic boil over.
At the edge of her vision, Tino gave her a slight nod. He could have stopped her, if she’d lost control.
I wasn’t going to lose control. I was in complete control.
Kina looked up at her parents, wondering if they would ever know how close she had come to exploding.
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Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Reader
Song-fic: “Get you the moon” by Kina (cover)
Anon asked: could you write an imagine with bishops where you are curled up on his lap, your face buried in his neck while he is working for something for the club on templo
Word Count: 1.3k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @arved ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You gave me a shoulder when I needed it.
💬: “Mommy, daddy is having a mental breakdown”.
When your phone dings with Taza’s notification, you pause the movie to hold it and read the message. This is a red code. And doesn’t matter how far you are, nor what are you doing.
You showed me love when I wasn't feeling it.
The blankets tangled on your feet fly off of the bed, jumping your body out of it to find some clothes to wear. Of course, using one of his shirt. Bishop sees it as a way of marking his territory, so you grab his favourite one. His smell on it almost dizzy you. You’re obsessed with it, and you’re not even ashamed of recognize it. Your legs move faster than usually, putting your sneakers on while you’re trying to walk towards the entrance. Helmet on and keys in your left hand, you keep the phone inside a pocket, closing the door by your back. It’s cold. It’s raining. But you could cross swimming the ocean, if he needs it. That’s love. The purest one.
You helped me fight when I was giving in.
On moments like that, you usually remember the day you met. It was a summer night in Playa del Carmen, part of the Riviera Maya in México. You found him sitting on the beach shore, with a leather kutte over the sand, by his side, drinking from a tequila bottle in complete silence. His gaze was on the horizon, watching the moon glowing in the dark. It was almost half past three am, and you went out for a walk after a long and dire day. For some reason, you felt the need of sitting next to him, taking off a cigar packet to offer him. Without looking at you, he grabbed one giving you the tequila in somekind of exchange. Looked like you were on the same orbit of tiredness and stress, so you didn’t need any words. After seeing how it dawns, he took you home. Three months passed before you saw each other again. Since then, Bishop only has left your side for a ride out of Santo Padre.
And you made me laugh when I was losing it.
The road looks shorter than other days, driving as fast as you can, to reach the clubhouse. The crew is sitting on the porch with gloomy looks on his faces, but that change when you finally come. Taza gets up from his seat, leaving away the beer he was drinking, walking towards you with open arms a little bit confused with the situation.
“I don’t know what happened. He just… collapsed”.
“How bad is it?”
“We came four hours ago and he got locked in the Templo”. He sighs rubbing his forehead somewhat desperate. “He’s with the head on the table, in his arms. No beer, no tequila, no cigars. Nothing. I don’t even know if he’s awake, sleeping or dead”.
You nod in silence cross-armed, taking off your phone of the pocket, so you can purchase for two plane tickets. When it’s done already, you raise your eyes at his face.
“Call the charters, tell them that Bishop and I have to go for four days. He’s not even taking his phone with him, and I don’t give a shit about the club while we’re out”.
Taza doesn’t need to say anything, seeing you turn over your feet and walking back to your bike. You know exactly what you have to do and what he needs. You could rip off your heart to give it to him, if he asks you to do it. He saved you that night without knowing it. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for Bishop. And you’re probably gonna get a cold because of the rain in your way back home, but this is on the background. Reaching your house and parking the motorbike inside of the garage, you walk to the main room putting a suitcase on the bed. Keeping there clothes for both, you hold the passport and some money from the safe box to put it inside your bag. Once you’re ready and sure that you are carrying everything you could need, you continue your steps to the black Mustang parked in front of your house.
‘Cause you are, the reason why I'm still hanging on.
The crew is waiting you to leave the clubhouse, so you can have the loneliness Bishop truly needs at this moment. All the bikes roar at the same time, passing you away and parking your car where they were. Chucky palms your shoulder, walking to the car scrapping to stay in the office, till you leave. With calm steps, you go to the Templo, opening the glass door slowly. He’s there almost in the dark. And he don’t move a single inch even knowing that it’s you. He can smell that jasmine perfume he bought you as the first present, ‘cause you were wearing one of its flowers on your hair the night you met. You only use it with red codes. Taking off your jacket and leaving it on a chair, you put a hand on his nape to caress him softly with your fingertips.
“Muévete, mi amor”. (Move, my love) Whispering it, he takes it as a command.
Then, you sit on his lap curling against his chest.
‘Cause you are the reason why my head is still above water.
Tangling your fingers with his and surrounding your body with his arms, you sink your face on his neck. He sighs somewhat comforted. Your lips kissing his skin so gently and slow that you can feel his carotid beating by the pulse. His whole body starts to get relaxed, closing his eyes and focusing in every touch of your fingers caressing his, without caring about the time, the place or of the people around you. As if you were alone in the world and there wasn’t any trouble, nor danger, that could hurt him.
And if I could I'd get you the moon, and give it to you.
You don’t need to ask what’s happening to him. He’s human. He has a lot of weight above his shoulders and, sometimes, he feels weak. He needs to be saved too. So you do. Your presence is all he ask for, even if he doesn’t use any words. Sometimes he feels that he’s not good enough for anything that surrounds him. Sometimes he feels lost, blind, tired. Sometimes he just need a hug, ‘cause he’s not a superhero. He’s just a man fighting for a future for his family. Maybe, not in the correct way, but who cares? Not you. Not even when he comes home and you’re waiting him to take care of the wounds on his skin and on his soul.
And if death was coming for you, I'd give my life for you.
“¿Crees en el destino?” (Do you believe in destiny?) Another whisper comes out of your lips, getting somewhat comfy against his body, but raising your gaze to the dimmer one.
“Empecé a hacerlo cuando te conocí”. (I started to do it, when I met you). He nods leaving a soft caress on your cheek, resting it on his palm before kissing it with all the love you can feel for this man.
'Cause you…
“La maleta está en el carro y los billetes en mi celular”. (I have the suitcase in the car and the plane tickets in my phone). Those words make Bishop draw a fleeting smile. “Si salimos ahora, aún tenemos tiempo de cenar en el aeropuerto de San Diego. ¿Qué dices?”. (If we go now, we have time to have some dinner in San Diego’s airport. What ‘you say?)
“Contigo hasta el fin del mundo”. (With you till the end of the world).
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musashi · 3 years
Excuse me if some have been asked before and/or are repetitive and feel free to not answer some but anyhow..
What's your favorite kin memory with your loftwing?
Do you selfship with your kintype, an oc/si or with simply your irl self (like kin separated in that regard)?
In regards to the previous one kinda how do view some relationships with your kintypes like if you feel uncomfortable with one character do you avoid the ship with those and vice-versa?
Do you have memories with delia?
What are some of the memories of your kintypes that are the /most/ different from the show/game?
What are some of the posts/vines/etc that you like to quote the most? Or are the most burned in your mind?
How was the whole wing ceremony? And also how were the classes? How were the other students? What things did you do the most with zelda and/or groose?
How is cheeseburger? He radiates happiness and comfort please give him a head kiss from me if he likes those
thank you!!!
What's your favorite kin memory with your loftwing?
haha i never know how to answer “favourite memory” questions cause i don’t think i can ever pick favourites when it comes to anything i’ve experienced.
mmm... meeting him was definitely up there, but i feel like my fave memories with him are just finding some nowhere island and taking a nap in the sun.
Do you selfship with your kintype, an oc/si or with simply your irl self (like kin separated in that regard)?
i can’t really get into self-shipping longterm or in depth because the kin aspect really does just overtake it for me fghdghf. if i try to picture myself, i always just picture my kintype, usually because my kintype/my f/o is usually my OTP in any given series. i only fall for people i already loved ^^; 
In regards to the previous one kinda how do view some relationships with your kintypes like if you feel uncomfortable with one character do you avoid the ship with those and vice-versa?
not really, unless they’re skeevy ships to begin with. part of being kin for me is believing in the multiverse so i’m just like yeah, a universe exists for me to date everyone xD
Do you have memories with delia?
tons :’3 i lived in her restaurant! she was my super cool boss who i absolutely did not have a crush on. 
i was very much married to james, but there was an understanding that i would be a little in love with delia for the rest of my life. she was one of my best friends.
What are some of the memories of your kintypes that are the /most/ different from the show/game?
i’m always pretty canon compliant ngl fdgfdghfd
What are some of the posts/vines/etc that you like to quote the most? Or are the most burned in your mind?
it changes on any given week but i do have an all time fav tag for shit i cant stop saying dghgdj
How was the whole wing ceremony? And also how were the classes? How were the other students? What things did you do the most with zelda and/or groose?
oh this might be long i love talking about skyloft rip. am saving your first question for last.
how were the classes. well. i was asleep. i don’t remember a lot. they were basic stuff you’d expect, language and math and sciences and all the Typical Shit. but then also flying and swordsmanship, which i was Good At. i took an archery class one year but zelda was always better than me lol. skyloftian sign language was required because it was the best way to communicate on birdback but i was mostly mute so my mom taught me it when i was like, 7 and i showed up there and owlan was like “Link what are you doing here” and i just shrugged and signed “easy a” and fell asleep. i am... a good student. 
my relationship with my classmates was that i was just... kind of there? i was well-liked because i have always had this weird charisma, but it was like this. quiet charisma. i didn’t have a lot of close friends, but everyone definitely would respond to my name with some variation of ‘ohhh, LINK! that guy’s cool haha’ my reputation was mostly being zelda’s arm decoration but not her actual boyfriend. i don’t think anyone could actually tell you anything about me besides that i was link with the red bird, and i was quiet and tired and zelda liked me way too much. 
my junior year is when i really became close with all of them, when zelda and i started doing that thing where we tried dating a bunch of people just to date but it didn’t work out because we were in love with each other lol. her mingling with the others meant i mingled too because i couldn’t spend 5 mins away from her. fledge and pipit and i got pretty close, zelda and karane were basically sisters. the thing i always joke abt is the fact that i dated kina, which is hysterical to me to this day. peatrice was always There but acting like she didn’t want to be there. i need you to picture peatrice while we’re all swimming but she’s just, like, on the shore tanning while the remlits bother her. 
that was this summer of just, like, doing idiot teenage boy stuff. getting way too drunk in our rooms at night over break. sneaking onto the roof of the academy to stargaze. getting caught cause cawlin drunkenly tried to fight a chuchu w his fists. you know. normal kid stuff. i also think the others were maybe trying to include me more cause it was the year i lost my parents but i mean it worked, i was a lot happier with people around even if i didnt mind all those years it was just me and zelda.
most of mine and zelda’s friendship was just doing what we’d do alone but together. when we were younger we would explore the more adventurous areas of skyloft and play pretend, a lot of days we’d stay in and read shoulder-to-shoulder. i didn’t like talking but i loved reading, if that makes any sense. we’d take turns reading to each other. as the years progressed we’d go flying together, we’d study together, we’d fall asleep in each other’s rooms and sneak into them when we were frustrated or lonely or just needed to not be alone. i don’t really know, what DIDN’T we do together?? we shared everything ;_; <3
my earliest memories of groose where i wasn’t like “what is this guys deal. why is he so mad.” were. ok so. groose and i should have been friends sooner because he’s super into woodworking and i whittle stupid little sculptures right. ok. except, we live in the sky, and i don’t know if you noticed this, but trees....... well. there are not a lot in the sky. wood is a very scarce resource, and we need it, for like. houses and things. so jakamar gets all of the wood in skyloft because it’s his birthright or whatever, except groose and i find out about this, and we show up at his house twice a week begging for woodscraps, and he slips us some Illegal Fir(tm) beneath the table and as soon as we leave the premises groose tries to kick my ass and take my share. and this happens forever.
i think groose saw me as like, this sworn enemy of his but i was mostly very confused just kind of sitting there like huh. where am i. wait whats he talking about? and then i’d walk away. when i was a kid he was scarier but once we got older he kinda stopped throwing punches, all bark no bite. 
and then we went to the surface and he moved into my house. not even in a polyam way and like at one point he had a wife and was still living with us. i forgot to mention he built the house also. he built our house and would just like, wake us up every morning with the best fucking eggs i’ve ever eaten in my life. groose was just in mine and zelda’s marriage. everyone was fine with this. 
i dont actually remember a lot of what we did after getting to the surface. just that his cooking was amazing and he gave the best hugs and he could pick zelda and i both up and ferry us around on his arms like we were little songbirds. oh and he was always the one who picked me up and carried me to bed when i’d fall asleep at fi’s dais talking to her. i fell asleep there a lot. 
ok. breathes in. 
my wing ceremony is probably my fondest memory ever? probably. the race itself felt like aepon was literally just DRAGGING me thru the clouds its such a blur. groose kept trying to body me but he’s lowkey scared shitless of my bird it did not work. i just remember being like. no time to think time to go time to go time to go OH i won
the ceremony itself felt... like... dreamy? like something from a fairytale, i don’t know. i don’t know how much of it is coloured by the retrospective of what it called to action and foreshadowed. zelda and i had been growing so much closer in the weeks leading up to it, and i don’t know, like, when i fell for her if it was sometime then or the day i met her when i was 6. but at some point everything just kinda got tilted on its side around her and every second i spent with her made me feel like my head was stuffed full of cotton candy. in a fun way.
on skyloft, wing ceremonies have a pretty romantic connotation. not always, but a lot of the girls dream about performing it with the “strongest” knight in their class, and a lot of the knights feel the same. there’s a lot in the history books about hylia’s feelings for her chosen, a lot of speculation about how she stayed close to humanity because she learned to love from him. so to stand in place of the two of them, to a lot of people, carries the same note as standing in the place of two starcrossed lovers, breaching the gap.
zelda was a hopeless romantic, and she told me later she had this whole plan--to wake me up early, to run drills with me until i was a puddle, to perform the ceremony with me, and to use her 5 minutes alone with me to solidify us as something more than best friends. she had this whole fucking move planned where she was going to drape the sailcloth around my shoulders and pull me in for a kiss, and instead she got wicked nervous and screamed half her sentences and pushed me off the statue. this, predictably, only made me more in love with her. i had exactly 0 plans to ever tell her how i felt, because something something childhood friends to lovers, something something mutual pining, something something what if it ruins a good thing something something, valiant hero of courage who.
when we were flying after it, she said she’d remember that day for the rest of her life, and i remember thinking, yeah, that’s what i’m feeling. i’m living, right now, through a precious memory, something i’ll never forget. and everything that happened after that was, uh, the worst time of my life, but somehow it doesn’t. colour the memory a different shade. i still just think, like, this is this last beautiful moment i am having with this girl i love more than anything in the world before we stop just being kids living our normal lives. she is the goddess reborn and i am her chosen hero who’s heart has defied death itself, but right now we are teenagers who don’t know that and are playing pretend as them, as we always have. the joy of that--of pretending to be who we are, the bliss in that ignorance, our beautiful last hurrah. something about it sticks with me. 
How is cheeseburger? He radiates happiness and comfort please give him a head kiss from me if he likes those
DOESN’T HE??? i will. i came home and he was loafing and i started crying because he looked so sleepy.
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