#Peter is also a YouTuber but like a video essay YouTuber
radiohead-spiderman · 4 months
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LILY EVANS BUT MODERN AU YIPPIE, I gave up at the end so she kinda looks weird but wooohoooo
BONUS: James’ reaction to the image above
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cadmium-free · 4 months
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Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) - Watched on August 5, 2023
It spirals to its inevitable conclusion. We revisit a moment, a scene. A little more plays out, we step back or step forward. We live transfixed in a moment. Sometimes a scene mirrors another, it's all the same but with different details. There is no escaping fate, we can only be sucked closer and closer to our inevitable conclusion.
Stop Making Sense (1984) - Watched on October 5, 2023
I genuinely don’t think this needs any explanation or justification at all. I could watch it over and over and over and over and over.
Possession (1981) - Watched on October 17, 2023
It took me three sittings to get through this film and I wasn’t sure I liked it immediately after I finished it. And then it just simmered in my mind for days and weeks after until it finally clicked into place. I love the way Sam Neill moves in this. Everyone comments on the haunting way Isabelle Adjani looks directly into the camera, and yea. Yeah. Ok. Yeah. Yeah.
The Devils (1971) - Watched on June 26, 2023
I thought going into it with the full knowledge of Urbain Grandier would defang it, and perhaps this did soften the blow a bit, but it's audacious, frenzied, sensual. You get tangled up in its themes, its sensations, its torture.
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) - Watched on January 13, 2023
This set off a brief and ferocious obsession with Al Pacino. I have a strained relationship with films based on true crimes, but this slides past my qualms, perhaps just on the strength of the fact John Wojtowicz himself did write a review of it.
Bound (1996) - Watched on April 5 and August 19, 2023
The way Corky and Violet can come together with genuine trust so quickly. The way Ceaser can misunderstand Violet so fundamentally. The literal betrayal in realising who someone is.
Häxan (1922) - Watched on October 27, 2023
The 1922 equivalent of a Youtube video essay where a guy is like, "Guys, I just learned a bunch of fucked up facts about witches and witch trials. I think maybe we just execute women for being poor and mentally ill. Also aren't mental institutions a bit fucked up?" but like, a bit hornier than you would expect for the subject.
Cruising (1980) - Watched on January 17, 2023
It’s all about looking and being noticed. The camera is looking. Al Pacino is looking. The men are looking. And the ambiguity of the gaze and the plot.
Pontypool (2008) - Watched on October 4, 2023
It's a film about words. It's a film about broadcasting from a radio station and seeing nothing. Our imagination fills in the visual gaps. It's so much more horrifying to be piecing everything together from the safety of a recording booth.
The Lair of the White Worm (1988) - Watched on February 1, 2023
Hugh Grant—looking like a lesbian—who is a freaky little rich boy who believes in cryptids, Peter Capaldi—looking like a lesbian—sucking snake venom from a neck bite, an incredibly sexy snake woman with a house full of snake stuff, a giant snake puppet, surreal dream sequences, the coolest game of snakes and ladders ever made, snake dicks, weaponised bagpipe music, homoeroticism, and giant strap-ons.
Ravenous (1999) - Watched on October 19, 2023
This film is so offbeat and strange. It has the strange feel of a comedy, while being a really understandably grim depiction of cannibalism as manifestation of greed, expansionism, and colonization. I kept having these moments of shock that this was a studio movie, that studios were willing to make this film that so thoroughly deconstructs the American mythology.
Penda's Fen (1974) - Watched on July 6, 2023
The first movie in a long time that has made me feel as though I need to pick it apart like an essay, to rewatch multiple times and take notes and repeat sentences until I’ve done a thorough analysis. I've never had a film hit me in quite this way before.
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indominusavenger · 3 months
I'm gonna come out and say it; No Way Home sucked. Sure, it had some good moments but in my opinion, it does not live up to the first two instalments of the trilogy. I liked the first part of the movie but as soon as I knew where the second part was going, I fell off that train pretty quickly.
Not only did it make MCU Spidey end up with the same tale as his two predecessors but it also undoes Peter's entire establishment in Marvel's overall franchise. What was the point of the last four movies putting him on the roster with Earth's MIGHTIEST Heroes if you were just going take all that away and make it like he exists in a completely separate world from them? What was the point of the three cameos we had from RDJ, Samuel L. Jackson, and Benedict Cumberbatch in their iconic roles to show that interconnected universe as with every other MCU movie, only for that to be stripped away at the very last second? Might as well have been another one of Sony's solo ventures at making a series after TASM but it's not and that's why I HATE the uncertainty of Peter Parker's future in the MCU. However, given the current failing reality of the MCU with every new movie that comes out, I can already confirm it's nothing good. In fact, it probably would be best if progress stops altogether before Marvel really is stuck in the dust and just a part of a magnificent past with no legacy to carry on. (This is a side note but that is still a big issue for me anyways that I may expand upon later in another post. In the meantime, go watch all the video essays on YouTube, I'm sure you'll find many good ones.)
He had a unique story that fit into the overarching plot of the MCU and the premise he had was different from the previous Spideys which is what was so interesting about his character development. This Peter Parker had friends that weren't introduced before, or at least, they were more developed than in other series; he had a superhero as a mentor, not a scientist turned villain due to unfortunate circumstances; he had a guy in the chair who wasn't after him or turned villain because his father was one, he had two crushes that were friends, he was part of clubs and acted more teenage-like than the last two. He interacts with other heroes, joins the Avengers, fights THE villain, perishes, comes back, loses his mentor, and is still expected to keep on going.
For crying out loud, he was asked if he was going to be the next Iron Man but he knew he wasn't which is what Far From Home set out to show us. And to all those who called him Iron Man Jr. in Homecoming, I hope you know that you make no sense and I think Marvel did a wonderful job making him stand apart. He was a kid admiring one of his role models and now that he actually had a connection to him, of course he was going to want to be like his mentor but even Tony recognized that he wanted him to be more, not like him. This shows Iron Man himself had great respect for the young hero.
Now, moving onto No Way Home, two main things that annoy the heck out of me; Peter being forgotten (obviously) and Aunt May dying. I'll start with Aunt May's death. To be honest, it was a completely unnecessary death and it actually doesn't make sense for the purpose it had in the movie. The punchline "With great power comes great responsibility." loses its premise as soon as you recall Civil War's intro to Peter in the first place. Uncle Ben had already died, Peter was Spider-Man at this point, and remember what Peter told Tony when they met, why the older hero related to him so much? "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't... and then the bad things happen... they happen because of you." So he already learned that lesson on responsibility and by the time we get to No Way Home, this kid had learned lessons also involving the universe at large. Why are we rehashing Uncle Ben's offscreen death with Aunt May if Marvel literally stated that was overdone? Make that make sense. But oh, it was to make something big and dramatic happen in the movie because we needed to mOve aLoNg. Peter lost his parents, his uncle, and mentor; can you come up with something new other than parental figure losses? Why do TASM Peter and OG Peter still have their Aunt Mays and even if it was just a deleted scene, technically TASM Peter's dad? Huh, then what do you say there? Why did MCU Peter Parker have to lose ALL his parental figures?
Finally, the thing that probably broke most of us; Peter being wiped from everyone's memory. As I stated earlier, his entire existence within the MCU just vanishes, like that, in seconds. So......... what was the point of his existence up till now in the MCU? What was the point of his specific development and growth if he was just going to get forgotten? Why was he meticulously introduced at the height of the Avengers' conflict and then constantly involved with some other MCU hero/important character if he was going to be removed from that? If the Avengers were never a big deal, why make him a part of that at all and why were we still bringing them up at the climax of the film? For those who bring up the argument that he's supposed to be a solitary hero, well that was the worst way to have introduced him then, right? But Marvel chose that route, not any other. Which is why that decision still makes no sense to me. You put him in a world where he wasn't the only superhero and he was going to interact with other heroes which none of the other Spider-Men had and that already put him in a unique position. Why give him a background that was going to get swiped?
Imagine that, making five blockbuster films that gave him a firm standing in the MCU at the peak of Phase 3 and then in his sixth film, his last standalone which is supposed to be his most shining moment, he gets the rug pulled out from underneath him to give him a blank slate? You might as well have thrown every script out from 2015 to 2019 including him before they were ever written or considered. It's the equivalent of undoing everything you just worked on in a school project that's worth 40% of your final grade. Think about that for a second. Marvel just undid 6 years of work and investment in a single character for them to go back to the beginning. Why didn't you just do that then from the start? You could have had more classic Spidey a long time ago by that train of thought (which I really didn't want because we already saw that twice and this Spidey was something fresh).
Anyways, thanks for reading. This is 2 years worth of disappointment and frustration put on the page.
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generallemarc · 6 months
Here's a question for y'all:
If I'm someone who doesn't like woke shit in media, why would I spend 90 minutes watching a video about a game I'm already never going to buy(Spiderman 2) whose entire runtime is about how shit it is because it's woke? Like, I get long-form negative essays, I'll gladly watch Madvocate tear down season after season of the CW's Flash or Procrastitara's Batwoman videos, but Madvocate doesn't spend all his time talking about the show being woke and Procrastitara doesn't make her Batwoman videos 90 minutes long. And also there's way more to analyze regarding story content in a season of TV than there is in a standard-length video game unless it's either super lore-heavy or made by FromSoft. Even with Insomniac/Sony/whoever's calling the shots deciding to shoot themselves in the foot by declaring that they're backseating Peter Parker for not being Diverse enough and now Miles is the main Spiderman, that's still not gonna make me want to watch 1:21:00 worth of video telling me things I'm probably going to agree with already about something that I was never going to buy that that is almost certainly not enjoyably bad enough to laugh along with the videomaker at.
Tl;dr-I've cleared my cookies out three or four times to keep the anti-adblock off my back, so I'd really like youtube to stop recommending me this video.
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matchup incoming <3 ->
What song are you fixated on at the moment:
NYE by joseph! second verse in particular ^^
im a 2!!
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
yes!!!! i love deep dive videos on internet culture from early 2000s. i also really like film analysis videos
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
i liked chronicles of narnia a lot when i was little and i definitely played with imaginary aslan and lots of other talking animals
What is your go-to way to fall asleep:
smushed into just so many pillows and blankets that are good for holding with music/podcast/asmr playing and my cat snuggled up with me
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why:
if i were to change my name i’d probably pick a family name since my name now doesn’t have any connections to anyone else. birdie was a family name that i think is rlly cute :3
favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why:
currently i think the david camping audio is my favorite. very soft and quiet and calm.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why:
probably marcus. while i do think he is an interesting and well written character, i don’t see the appeal the way i do for some of the other more morally grey boys.
that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
peter pan!!!
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to:
asher is so bestie vibes to me i need to carry him around in my pocket at all times. i care him so much <3
go-to thing you ramble about:
i’m kind of a known rambler if given the opportunity so i’ll start going on about anatomy, work gossip, film theories, the games i play, anything really if someone offers to listen ^^
favorite playlist:
my favorite playlist has all my fav 50s and 60s music bc i am a hopeless romantic. big band songs to slow dance in the kitchen to type of theme going on.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are:
i think im pretty hardworking and i spend a lot of time taking care of other people (probably a good time to mention the extreme eldest daughter syndrome).
in my free time i love baking and cooking. i can play a tiny bit of guitar and piano but most of my musical talent lies in singing.
that’s all i can think of :0
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It’s the little things with this entry. All the little, small, sweet things that make a life together, that you have in common, that make me think you’d be a really lovely fit for Camelopardalis.
Like, I can see Cam being a huge fan of the Chronicles of Narnia? (I think he loves all the classics, like the Lord of the Rings, and Tolkien and Lewis were contemporaries, so that works together.) He’d love smooth, crooning classic 50’s music; Cam plays it in a record player but not in a hipster way, in a “this is technically an antique” way. He’d love the leisurely, methodical routine of cooking.
Most of all, he’d love you. Twos are often categorized by a caring, giving nature and a desire to love and be loved. (Geordi, for example, would be a Two.) I think Cam is a good match for that, as he strikes me as the type of partner who’d be very open, communicative, and giving with his affection and in receiving it.
A heart that's true and longs for you/ Is all I have to give/ All my love belongs to you/ As long as I may live
Camelopardalis seems, to me, as the kind of man-shaped being who doesn’t fall first but falls extremely hard when he finally does. You would be a once in a very long lifetime kind of event for him, and his love would outlast you, the sun, every star in the sky.
I also like Gavin for a Type Two. There’s something about the way he talks about his feelings that’s so effusive and raw that appeals to me for someone with the basic wants and fears of that Enneagram. Ollie, I’d pair with you because of the way his hardworking nature would complement yours. Ollie is dedicated but balanced, and I think he’d make sure you don’t overwork yourself.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
Note: thank you for your patience! I really appreciate you waiting 💙
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sharpetermansen83 · 5 months
How to Earn Cash on TikTok In 2023?
When first opening the video feed, customers are presented with a set of fairly random videos. The first stipulation was that a potential creator needed to prove they obtained 100,000 genuine video views within the last 30 days to entry the Creator Fund. The Clubhouse audio social app was launched final yr in March with an estimated 1500 beta-users. Enter TikTok’s Creator Fund, which rewards TikTokers for the stellar content they create for the app. Many TikTokkers are interested to know if their content can earn them cash immediately from the app. Here are the hyperlinks from this week Contents Snowflakes Stellar Quarter Essays of the Week Worldcoin founder begins an AI Enterprise business Netflix will not be a Tech Company - Benedict Evans Apple Car - Software program and Cash - Jean Louis Gassée Fundraising in 2022 - Tomasz Tunguz Paramount gets UEFA Champions League Streams till 2030 Why Youtube made its personal Video Chip Investments in Nuclear Fission and Fusion - Crunchbase Elon Musk and Adam Neumann Musk Welcomes a Whistleblower Elon Musk subpoenas former Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey The whole lot it is advisable know in regards to the Twitter whistleblower complaint Can a Zebra Change its Stripes? Here is What It's essential to Know. You don’t need to have a TikTok store to earn cash from tiktok. We have now talked about both methods to extend the views, now it depends upon you, what you will select for your self. Your funds will then seem in about three days after the day by which video views were accrued. How Much Does Tiktok Pay For Followers And Views? This week I distinction the views of Substack co-founder Hamish McKenzie and Vox’s Peter Kafka. Contents Editorial: Elon Musk 1-zero Kara Swisher Twitter’s Rebirth Elon Musk Twitter is nice for Substack Hamish McKenzie Introducing Substack Chat Essays of the Week Meta Myths - Ben Thompson Methods to think about the Metaverse - Benedict Evans Will nationalism end the golden age of global AI collaboration? What is UGC, how you can make money from it, and why I believe it is a growing section of the net advertising area! If you think of the choose few who are on the forefront of the current wave of influencers-turned-leisure-giants, Addison Rae Easterling comes to mind. I (principally) stop social media for a few weeks. Social Media Management Accelerator Doors ARE OPEN! Answering your social media management and freelance questions! TikTok is busy transferring into the mainstream with an promoting marketing campaign, and increasing its neighborhood management operation in London. What's the difference between a social media manager and a community manager? Looking back at my social media technique for 2021. Platforms I prioritized, those I pressed pause on, and what my 2022 business goals are. You'll get a lot more superstitious pigeons as totally different folks try to fulfill their complex goals of social media participation without a full understanding of the panorama. The money you earn will depend upon the quantity of people who've seen it. I've sold thousands of items of various digital merchandise starting from template packs to evergreen courses, to cohort-based mostly programs and I've discovered a thing or two through the years! Creators who want to monetize their audiences instantly, without relying on a brand’s advertising dollars, can flip to promoting merchandise and products to their audience. Advertisers can create filters for creators based on location, content material varieties, audiences and more. For You. Produce Consistent Content What number of TikTok likes? Contents from this week’s e-newsletter This week a whistleblower demonstrated how poor Twitter’s inside knowledge controls are, mirroring previous proof that TikTok is similarly challenged. This week he renewed his bid to purchase Twitter at the original worth. Reaching out to brands and folks looking to buy tiktok accounts is also simple as there are loads of fb groups the place you'll be able to checklist your channel and promote it very easily. As a result of the sleep-streams are in real time and unedited - versus other TikToks - there are also safety concerns. But there are particular issues that might be extra win-win and do not must be zero-sum, but they're framed as zero-sum. If in case you have an honest following, start searching for musicians seeking their second in the spotlight on TikTok. So, if you’re searching for a method to earn cash out of your TikTok abilities, don’t overlook the chance to earn money from advertisements. Sharing five books that modified the way in which I thought of creative entrepreneurship. Sharing my finest productiveness secrets and the way I keep all aspects of my business running, even through the busiest of instances. Dealing with toto is rarely straightforward, however right this moment I will be sharing some pointers on how you can find a positive decision, plus my criteria for when it's time to think about ending a business relationship. Sharing some tips for turning into a UGC creator at the moment! Here is how I used to be capable of make 5x what I made in corporate by going freelance.
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rwmarketingunit2 · 1 year
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Due to the recent changes in technology and expansion of cable and network television at the time meant new networks like mtv were able to stream allowing celebrities and their fashion choices more accessible to fans creating an obsession in pop culture. Music in the eighties was all about image and with the recent popularity of mtv the images that had accompanied artists had become more important than ever.
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Arguably the most important influence in music during the 1980s was the making and creation of the network MTV (Music Television) which was the first network to showcase music videos. Making its debuted just after midnight on the 1st of august 1981 with the broadcast of “Video Killed the Radio Star” by the buggles. The network had then began to struggle in its early years due to the frequent repetition of clips and the fact that cable television still remained a luxury to many people because of this MTV expanded its programming to include the new and popular artists at the time and this is how the network took off. Artists such as Michael Jackson was being played with his hit songs “Billie Jean” and “Beat It” brining more and more popularity to the network. MTV had brought success to many newer artists at the time such as Madonna and Duran Duran, who used increasingly sophisticated techniques to make the visual elements of the music video just as important as the music to provide what the fans wanted. The network also gave a new life to performers such as Tina Turner, and Peter Gabriel, each who had achieved the biggest hits of their careers due to their music videos being broadcasted on the network. Artists and their music had changed in the 1980s with the help of MTV and a new breed of stars emerged becoming iconic for the era and defining the decade through their fashion and talent. Some of the artists that had emerged were Madonna, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Prince. However unlike before, these stars influenced fashion through their music videos, giving fans a glimpse into the new trends that were about to emerge. The songs of these artists set gold standards for what pop music should be and there were several reasons why these pop stars had emerged the main one obviously being they were genuinely talented singers. One of the famous singers that had appeared on mtv often was Madonna, due to the mtv craze in teenagers this had made Madonna a huge fashion influence to teens in the eighties.
Harvard referencing:
Libguides: Launch of MTV: Home (no date) Home - Launch of MTV - LibGuides at The Westport Library. Available at: https://westportlibrary.libguides.com/MTV (Accessed: December 14, 2022).
MTV (no date) Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. Available at: https://www.britannica.com/topic/MTV (Accessed: December 14, 2022).
MTV : The Decade of Fashion (no date) Bartleby. Available at: https://www.bartleby.com/essay/Mtv-The-Decade-Of-Fashion-PKJ8H7WKPT8X (Accessed: December 14, 2022).
MTV launches (no date) History.com. A&amp;E Television Networks. Available at: https://www.history.com/.amp/this-day-in-history/mtv-launches (Accessed: December 14, 2022).
The People History -- Steve Pearson (no date) Music played in the 1980's popular music from the 80s, 1980s Music History including Eidhties Styles, Bands And Artists. Available at: https://www.thepeoplehistory.com/80smusic.html (Accessed: December 14, 2022).
The412T2 (2020) MTV 80's intro, YouTube. YouTube. Available at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=luU7DuaAOoc (Accessed: December 14, 2022).
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icology · 2 years
Team Ico Games: a mini-list of resources for theories, discoveries, lore, and essays
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A great part of the Team Ico universe is comprised of the endless theories and discoveries by fans across the years, many of which have gained a special place in everyone's heart. Looking to celebrate that, I put together a rather short, but very rich in content list, containing bits and parts of discoveries, theories, essays and lore. I'm sure many of you already know most of these, but for those who don't, enjoy!
Team Ico Wiki
Nomad's Blog + Nomad's Youtube Channel (exploration, unused content and preview versions/demos)
You Were There + The Forbidden Land (companion blogs for Ico and SOTC analysis)
Peter Eliot's essays: Talking Ico + My Musings (on SOTC, unfinished, compiled by u/starsintears at reddit)
Glitterberri's Game Translations for Ico and SOTC (Including developer interviews, script retranslations and unused scenes/dialogue. Already listed on my other masterlist but fits nicely here too!)
The Quest for the Last Big Secret (an archive of the thread on the Playstation Forums about the secret seeking in SOTC. The original is now gone along with the forums)
Jacob Geller's The Decade Long Quest for Shadow of The Colossus' Last Secret
Max Derrat's Story Explanation and Analysis (on SOTC)
Dan Olson's The Morality of Shadow of the Colossus
As you can probably tell, most of this content (and opposite from my other masterlist!) spawns mostly from Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, save for Nomad's blog, which includes some content on The Last Guardian. There are many more websites, videos and essays like these out there, but I listed the most interesting and famous ones, which are also the ones I personally enjoyed the most. If any other interesting work/source comes up in the future, I'll definitely add it!
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tomdutch · 3 years
Awhh the last kisses blurb omg 🤧 what about 1 + 26? ❤❤
already did #1 :( also i chose pete for this <3
26: kisses in between giggles
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“I can’t watch Star Wars again, please.”
Peter’s room is one of your favorite places ever. With May spending the weekend at Happy’s, the apartment is silent, save for your breathing sounding in your ears as you lie on his bed, hanging off the side, and Peter’s fingers tapping away at his keyboard, finishing up a paper due next Monday.
“Seems kind of unfair since you made me watch The Office with you yesterday even though we’ve seen every season like eighty times.” He snorts, eyes locked on his screen.
Having already finished your own essay earlier in the day, you’ve been doing nothing but lounging around waiting for your boyfriend to be done. Scrolling through your phone and watching YouTube videos got old quick, and now you want nothing more than to be cuddled up with Peter and doing literally anything with him. Even if you’re each on your phones, simply being in his embrace makes you feel better.
Perking up, you slide off the bed and towards Peter’s chair. You place your hands on his shoulders, leaning down until your cheek presses against his own.
“’M almost done, baby,” he grumbles, eyebrows furrowed as you watch him scroll through an annotated PDF. 
You pay his warning no mind, pressing a long kiss to his cheek before walking around. Taking a seat on his lap, you smile as Peter’s arms automatically wrap around your waist. Your head fits in his neck and you press another kiss to his skin, this time to his jaw. Lips moving up to his ear, then the apple of his right cheek, the corner of his nose. his freckles.
“Y/N,” he whines, “I’m trying to finish this.”
“And I’m trying to kiss you because I love you, so what’s more important?” You grin, cupping his face in your palms and heart fluttering as he instinctively leans into your touch.
Kissing Peter never gets old. Every push of his lips against yours and every lick of his tongue feels like fireworks in your veins. Your hands slide down to his neck, playing with the hair at his nape, and he bursts into giggles. Groaning, you press another kisses to his lip, before your own laughter consumes you at the sound of his cheerful chuckles.
“That tickles, oh my God,” he wheezes and you feel your heart double, triple, quadruple in size.
You kiss him again, although with both of you laughing―him at the feeling of your fingers on his sensitive skin and you, at his own giggles―it’s not much of a kiss. Pulling away, Peter wraps his arms tighter around your waist and brings you into a hug, burying his face in your neck to pepper it with kisses for himself. 
“Can’t leave you alone for five minutes,” he sighs, relaxing even further in your hold as you run your fingers through his hair. “So clingy, baby.”
“You’d be clingy too if your boyfriend was half as cute as mine.”
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❀ rosy taglist ❀
@quaksonhehe // @starlight-starks // @duskholland // @geminiparkers // @ivegotthepetertingle // @tayyx // @more-like-reyna // @darlingspidey // @spideyssunflower // @tombrina // @lowkey-holland // @pastelpeter // @spider-babe // @ethereal-beauty-p // @cunaeparker // @victorianvampirebf // @jejegu // @viagracex // @dummiesshort // @repostcentral // @miraclesoflove // @sovereignparker // @chickendidi // @saturnpeter // @tpwk-grande // @hihiweezing // @peterspideysstuff // @itstaskeen // @peaches-parker // @emsma11
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ilikekidsshows · 3 years
One thing that pisses me off not just about the miraculous fandom but modern fandoms is fans inability to consume long overarching stories.
Like so many people are complaining about how long the reveal is taking or why haven't certain characters outgrown this trait yet or why is this character arc botched or abandoned. Like guys we just got the confirmation this show will be 7 seasons long PLUS like 3 tv specials. We're only roughly halfway through the series.
Once the reveal happens half the tension in the show is gone! I'm not saying leave the reveal till season 7 and make us wait 9 years this isn't HIMYM but miraculous is not a fast paced story. It's a long haul story. I just wish more fans would be patient. Miraculous is in the extremely fortunate and rare position that it will have a conclusive end and not be suddenly cancelled. That was and still is a huge problem for shows and cartoons with dedicated fans but networks pull the plug for stupid ass reasons.
So miraculous fans please chill the fuck out on things not resolving right away. We still have 78+ episodes plus the tv specials. If we get the end to certain things now it'll be so boring.
I think the concept of Instant Gratification describes the issue with many modern fandoms today. I hate to sound like I'm anti-technology, but the constant stream of quick and short bursts of entertainment allowed by the information age has made people more impatient. It's not about waiting for the climax to get a deeper sense of satisfaction, it's about getting that instant gratification right this instant. It's why one-shot fanfics are all over the place, when multi-chapter stories used to be just as common and popular, if not even more so, and it’s also why people are less willing to read a fic that’s still a work in progress. It's why people refuse to watch Youtube video essays even as they leave comments on the topic based on the title and thumbnail alone because, while they couldn't be assed to watch a 20-minute video (let alone an hour long one), they sure can spend that time calling the Youtuber names and making arguments the video actually already refutes. It's why a lot of online arguments happen only because one party read nothing but the first and maybe the last paragraph of someone's post and skipped all the explanation for their point of view (if I've ignored an counter argument for one of my posts, it was either because I missed it or because said counter argument did this. I have attention deficit issues so I do genuinely forget responses sometimes, but I'm also not writing a second essay for someone who's proven to me they won't read it).
Of course, it's only by constantly consuming only fast-paced content that you can become this impatient. People have different ideas about stories based on what stories they have encountered in the past.
Another thing that influences the Miraculous fandom in particular is that, while I love to show off exactly how much Miraculous has done to build up the overarching plotlines, Miraculous isn't really a show that's about a single story. It's easy to understand why people think it is one though: there's one main villain, we keep discovering more about the mythology, one of the main plot threads is the romantic relationship between the leads and singular episodes and plot elements tend to get payoff later. What is the purpose of a show if not to progress the story? Because the heroes aren't getting closer to defeating Gabriel or getting together, people think that the story isn't accomplishing anything.
I'll do a comparison to illustrate why these things aren't as clear-cut signs of a continuous storyline as people think. In the Spider-Man comics, you can pick any issue up and the chances are that the villain will be a part of Spider-Man's already established Rogues Gallery, who's back for more after who knows how many defeats, and those past defeats might even get referenced in callbacks to previous issues. It's also very possible that Peter and Mary Jane's relationship is the central focus with them not being together yet, having relationship problems or even having broken up (in really old issues the girl might be Gwen Stacy and short-term options have also always been available for romantic entanglements). Does this mean Spider-Man is a continuous story where the only point is that all the villains get put away for good and Peter and MJ live happily ever after? No, it doesn't. Spider-Man is designed to go on indefinitely, so there's no clear ending point. So, what is the point of Spider-Man then, if there is no Ending?
It used to be the single issue, because comic books used to have every issue be a stand-alone story about the hero and their supportive cast. These days it's more every three-to-six issues, because superhero comics are written to have short story arcs that can then be collected into trade paperbacks. A superhero series is not a single story; it's a series that functions as a story engine, meaning the series can generate several shorter stories where the hero helps fix a problem or solve a mystery.
In the superhero genre a villain will never get killed off or removed from stories permanently as long as the writers think they can still come up with stories to tell about them. The hero's romantic life will never be completely smooth sailing unless the writer is using other things to ramp up the stakes. Everything always allows for there to be another adventure.
I think the huge success of Avatar: the Last Airbender made people think that a series that is a single story is always superior to a series with multiple shorter plots. When I was liveblogging Sailor Moon, a viewer offered to give me a list of all the non-filler episodes because they genuinely thought I'd feel like I was wasting time on the show otherwise. This attitude is simply not based on fact. It's not fair to compare Miraculous Ladybug to Avatar, because they're both setting up to do completely different things. Miraculous Ladybug is trying to become a brand, like Batman or Spider-Man. It is part of the "Zag Heroes" lineup, a series of French-created superhero franchises to compete in the America-centric superhero market. This challenge is good for the genre, because Marvel and DC have started resembling each other more and more as these companies stew in their old ideas and copy everything that worked for the other one. The superhero genre needs new blood.
Also, Avatar: the Last Airbender first became popular by doing episodic plots for almost the entirety of the first season because it's actually not a wise choice to expect the audience to be willing to commit to a story that'll only give payoff later when working with an untested IP. Very often shows with longer story arcs start with the episodic format to hook people first, and sometimes the more linear plot is introduced specifically because the audience for the show is now expected to be both dedicated enough and older and capable of keeping up. Because, here's the thing: you can't expect little kids to remember every episode or even every character you've introduced in your show. I'm not sure if people are ready to hear that but I'm throwing it out there anyway. Kids are not dumb, they can understand more complex storylines, but many kids are still training their memory, so they might not remember the details of complex storylines that go on for too long.
This is why the news that Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season was going to have a recommended viewing order originally had me concerned. Miraculous is being branded for kids. The plot requiring too much skill in memorizing story details will make it less accessible to kids and might put those two additional seasons at risk. However, it seems that the "constantly changing status quo" concept of Truth, Lies and Gang of Secrets was a fluke and the evolution of the show is more subtle, so they might not be cutting the amount of episodes for those final seasons because the show is getting too complicated for kids to follow all the important details.
Regardless, Miraculous Ladybug being an adventure cartoon TV show instead of a comic book or a more cheaper-to-produce TV drama does mean that Miraculous Ladybug isn’t expected to go on for decades like a superhero comic or a soap opera. Because of this, it can have evolution and changes and even a planned ending. The show is expected to end at some point, even by the people making money off of it, mostly because making a cartoon like this indefinitely costs a lot of money, and kids’ adventure shows tend to see a decrease in returns if they go on for too long.
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 3 Episode 10)
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This is it people! The series finale of Kipo; Let’s get to it.
Episode Title: Age of Wonderbeasts
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers
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Hopefully she’s getting dressed for her funeral lol
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1. Continuing on from last episode, the fireworks rigged with the cure goes off and a bunch of embers start falling from the sky. One of the Humming Bombers got into contact with one of them while attempting to flee and immediately de-mutes. I thought the cure needed to go into their bloodstream? Unless, the ember actually burned through their skin. It that’s the case, wow that’s dark....
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It’s awesome that Earl and Lily are helping Molly since Molly saved their children awhile back. 
2. With her quick thinking, Kipo asks everyone to find shelter underneath her as she transforms into her Mega Jaguar form. However, that’s still not enough to protect everyone but luckily, the good humans step up to shield them with table cloths, which was heartwarming to see. 
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The mutes are thanking the humans for their act of kindness
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OMG. Lio and Song hugging Scarlemagne? I’m here for it.
3. Thankfully, the fireworks ended and Kipo then pleads with Emilia one last time to stop what she’s doing. Emilia, hard-headed as ever isn’t one to back down at all and makes a drastic decision to inject herself with the mutagen she sourced from the Mega Walrus, transforming herself into one ugly Mega Mute. 
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Imagine seeing this in real life...shudders
4. I thought she was going to use the Mega Walrus’s DNA to make another cure that would affect Kipo. I didn’t think she would do this to herself. Kipo transforms back to her Mega form to take on Emilia before she could potentially hurt anyone. 
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How many Troyson kisses do we want? Yes...hehe
5. Troy and Benson are directing everyone back to find safety inside the old burrow while Wolf joins Kipo to assist her in battling Emilia. Kipo has the upper hand at first because Emilia isn’t used to being a Mega Mute. However, as the fight progresses, Emilia is starting to get better and is landing some solid hits on Kipo. But I feel like Kipo shouldn’t be losing to Emilia since she has much more experience fighting as a Mega. I guess they want us to feel like the stakes are high.
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Man, this fight is actually pretty brutal. Emilia is whooping major jaguar ass here.
6. During the battle, Wolf notices Greta nearby and thinks that she has the cure to turn back Emilia into a human. So, hopefully they can steal the cure from Greta and use it as leverage to get Emilia to stop. They split up with Wolf going after Greta and Kipo continuing to fight off Emilia. 
7. After taking a couple more punches, we see three of the Mega Dogs, the Mega Pigeon and the Mega Beaver heading their way towards the fight, with Jamack, Molly, Hoag, Amy, Zane, Label, Lio, Song, Scarlemagne, Dave, Benson and Mandu riding on them. I stan such supportive friends!
8. They each take turns kicking Emilia’s butt to buy Kipo some time to recover. Side note: It’s so cool that Jamack tells Emilia to do some “soul searching”! That’s literally the same line Kipo used on Jamack in Season 1 when he was an antagonist back then. During all of this, we see Emilia beginning to have some inner turmoil; It looks like she’s starting to lose herself in her current form.
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9. We get to round 2 of Wolf vs Greta and it looks like the tables might turn in favor of Wolf but Greta is just too beefy for her to take on. While being held down in a pin, Wolf tries to butter her up with words by telling her that she’s not an idiot and she can think for herself, without the influence of Emilia. She also bribes her with all the pancakes she can eat if she hands over the cure to her and just like that, she agrees to hand it over. It’s so ironic that Greta is one of Emilia’s last followers but she’s so easily influenced to switch sides. 
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Again, I don’t get why Kipo is losing to Emilia so badly
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10. Kipo is down for the count and Emilia turns her attention to her friends/family. As she’s about to crush Lio and Song, Kipo charges in last minute to take the devastating blow for them; She then falls unconscious. However, Emilia’s not done yet.
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Scarlemagne’s death in 3...2...1
11. Oh no...here we go. Scarlemagne decides to play hero by making his attempt at saving Kipo. He basically gives his swan song to Lio and Song. I have a bad feeling he’s going to die and I’m not at all prepared to watch. He takes off on his favorite Flamingo vehicle from Season 1 and 2 and flies towards Emilia to distract her.
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We haven’t heard this laugh in ages. Also, did anyone get chills when he tells Emilia to “leave her sister alone”?
12. He crashes his vehicle into Emilia causing her to lose focus and it sets off her ‘losing herself to the mega mute’ phase. This in turn, causes Scarlemagne to crash land somewhere in Skyscraper Ridge. Was it necessary for him to crash like that? If that’s the way he goes out, I’m gonna be honest here and say I would be very disappointed with that. 
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13. Emilia, who clearly is out of it runs off somewhere and Kipo, Wolf, Dave, Benson and Mandu all go after her with Lio and Song heading towards where Hugo/Scarlemagne crash landed. We then see the artistic representation of Emilia losing her mind to the mute, where her human form is quickly sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean. 
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14. They catch up to Emilia and they could see her being distraught. We also know the reason why she’s this way and it’s because she doesn’t have an anchor. I love it how whatever explanation we’re being told by the characters is something that the audience should know based on past episodes. Now that’s good storytelling. 
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15. Anyways, Kipo makes the decision to cure her because she thinks she doesn’t deserve to be punished this way. Really now? After all that she’s done? Maybe what Kipo means is that she deserves get whopped in her human form lol. After curing her, Kipo makes ANOTHER ATTEMPT (for the 3rd time) to convince her to make a change but of course this bitch isn’t going to change; She takes a shard of glass and tries to stab Kipo:
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16. But our girl, Mandu quickly reacts and bites Emilia’s arm. She then loses her balance and falls stories high in the exact burrow her lab was located because we then see Fun Gus capturing her and taking her in as her “playdate”. Emilia is basically history. 
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17. Yesss! And this punishment is fitting since she will probably be Fun Gus’s plaything till she goes insane and dies. Not to mention she despises mutes. So, it’s a great way for her to go out. Bye!!! That’s what you get for killing your brother, you heartless monster. Can I also point out that once again, Mandu is the one to take out Emilia. She did beat her in season 2 when Wolf, Dave and Benson couldn’t and now in season 3, she’s the one to finish the job. Don’t mess with Mandu lol. 
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18. They head back to find where Scarlemagne, Lio and Song are but it’s almost too late because Hugo is dying. Kipo is in tears and I’m in tears too. Again, was it really necessary to kill him off? I felt like he’s more or less already redeemed as a character before this. He didn’t have to commit such a heroic act, which had cost his life. Ugh....And just like that, Hugo dies.....UGHHHHHH. I really don’t think he needed to die. If Catra (who committed just as many heinous acts, if not more than Hugo) got to live in She-Ra & The Princesses of Power, Hugo deserves to live too. I’m sorry...
19. Now it’s time for the epilogue set 5 years later, as told by an older Kipo. Let’s break it down:
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Wolf’s Mega Corgi gave birth to a litter of puppies. Awww cuteness...
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Wolf let her hair grow out and she looks AMAZING!!! Dayummmm
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Benson and Troy own a successful restaurant together and they’re living the dream. Such domestic goals!
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I got chills seeing Wolf and Benson walking side by side like that. They’ve grown up so much. It looks like they’re own their way to a picnic
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Label and Zane is also running a gym together. Sweet!
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Jamack is conductor for Las Vistas’s new transport system. 
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Dave is now a guest lecturer at what is seems to be Lio and Song’s new research lab, where he talks about some of his research findings and theories. Well, mostly theories.
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I love Kipo’s new do’
20. We find out that Kipo is updating Hugo (spiritually) what has everybody been up to on his birthday. 
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Hugo gets a statue made in his honor, which is very fitting and Mandu...WOW MANDU has grown into an ADULT boar, with tusks and everything just like Bornak and Webber. 
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21. Kipo meets up with her besties and her family and they have their wonderful picnic in commemoration of Hugo’s birthday. 
22. The scene cuts off to all of them having the time of their life riding on their Mega mutes. And that’s the official ending to the series. TEARS...
23. This has been an amazing show to watch, react and review. I can’t believe it only had 30 episodes but the story was so cohesive and felt complete on the most part. So you could say that this show wrapped up nicely. There are some loose ends that weren’t addressed/resolved at the end like the vaccine that Song and Lio were working on but I guess that could be something that’s explored further in future films hopefully. 
24. I will also be making a couple of video essays that will be posted to my YouTube channel, PeterSaidWhat; The first one will be my full spoiler review of the final season and the second video will be Troyson-focused. I can’t wait for all of you to watch them. And finally, I want to thank you all for reading my episodic reviews and going on this incredible journey with me. It’s been a pleasure to have Kipo be a part of my life and I’m sure yours as well. 
Much love,
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Burn the House Down
essay by Olivia McDougall ⌂
IT WAS 2006 in the heart of New York City. The New York Knicks failed to make the play-offs for the third consecutive year. President George W. Bush’s approval rating had hit at an all-time low. Panic! at the Disco released “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” and Justin Timberlake performed “SexyBack” on the MTV Video Music Awards—hosted by Jack Black—at Radio City Music Hall. For the American people, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times… and three young kids were out pursuing their dream in the streets of Manhattan.
Adam, Ryan, and Jack Metzger were trying their hand at busking in Central Park and Washington Square. The youngest at nine years old, Jack led vocals while his older brothers backed him with instrumentals. The boys played covers of songs old and new, anything to get enough money for new instruments with which to experiment. The brothers spent many years on street corners serenading strangers, earning their 10,000 hours. In the following years, when YouTube started gaining traction, the boys put up videos of their covers: more and more inventive spins on pop songs. Jack and Ryan also started trying their hand at writing, directing, and acting in their own little sketches for video content. At that time, the boys had very few followers, but nonetheless continued to play, to save up, to buy more equipment, to make more music.
As they grew, the boys were exposed to their parents’ old records and the sounds of a very different generation influenced their style. The Beach Boys; the Beatles; Peter, Paul, and Mary among many others inspired them, but more contemporary artists like Kanye West also came into play. Later, while eldest brother Adam pursued his degree at Columbia University, the younger two brothers took note of sampling—the music trend of artists taking sound clips and reusing them in their songs. Jack mentioned to his brotherhow cool it would be if someone sampled Spongebob Squarepants on a track.
“Well, why don’t we do it?” was Ryan’s reply.
In spring of 2013, the brothers, naming themselves AJR after their own initials, released a video of their first single “I’m Ready.” The song sampled the popular Spongebob catchphrase, and became a classic, upbeat, dance-floor pop song. The brothers sent the link to their video to several celebrities over Twitter, until famous singer-songwriter Sia noticed them and passed it along to her manager. The song was then commercially released that summer and began to see regular radio play, and the band was labeled as the next up and comers in the music scene.
After “I’m Ready,” AJR released a five song EP of the same name. Their first song continued to grow, receiving millions of views on YouTube and going platinum in Canada and Australia. The brothers continued to create music (and go to school; the eldest was only in his early twenties at this time), releasing another single and EP titled Infinity in 2014. The majority of the band’s music was pop songs, easy to listen to with familiar rhythms and lyrics of love and youth. Remarkably, the boys chose to mix and record all their own music in their NYC apartment living room, instead of paying for studio time. Paying homage to their workspace and independence, the band released their first album Living Room in 2015. Except for some bouncier, odd-duck tracks like “Big Idea” and “Thirsty,” most of the songs fit the same earlier patterns of the pop genre. However, in 2016, the band experienced the shift that would change their music career forever.
Before the What Everyone’s Thinking EP came out, AJR had little recognition beyond their break-out hit. However, the tracks on the latest EP sounded entirely evolved from the brother’s previous style. The lyrics were brimmed with honesty, abandoning the emptiness of many other pop tunes. The boys sang about missing out on their friends while pursuing their dreams, about being unsure about what love means, about not trying so hard to be cool, about being human. Their style of composition had also matured. The band would release videos on how they made their songs, revealing that they took whatever strange sound they could make and mix it however they could to make it new and interesting. They had people who were not musicians or artists, such as their ever supportive father, come in and sing to add a new dimension to their songs. They used something they called “spokestep,” a technique of recording a someone singing, then cutting it up over a beat in editing. They continued to utilize sampling, taking bits of anything from Fountains of Wayne to yodeling competitions. The EP was well-received with hundreds of messages from fans who deeply related to the music. This was all the push the brothers needed to keep writing freely, and not what they thought would sell.
On June 9th, 2017, the three brothers dropped the album that would unknowingly launch their music career to a unimaginable level. Several songs on the album made it to regular radio play, giving the band more recognition and growing their dedicated fan base. The Click clearly communicated AJR’s desire to get real in their music, with songs about the detached feelings of growing up or distaste toward the typical party scene. One of their most successful songs, “Sober Up,” featured Weezer’s Rivers Cuomo and paved the way for more collaborations with artists such as Steve Aoki and Lil Yachty. The band had been on tours before, playing small venues where the opener drew more fans than they, but now they began to sell out everywhere. The kids who had been playing to no one on street corners now began to sing for thousands.
Shortly after their album The Click debuted, AJR announced that they had been asked to create the theme for Supersize Me 2: Holy Chicken, a documentary attempting to expose the fast food industry’s lax safety regulations. The band had been asked to write for other people before, but never for a movie. The theme song, “Burn the House Down,” would live to surpass its original purpose and become the honest encapsulation of the political attitudes of its time. “Burn the House Down” expresses the band’s indecision to either “keep things light” or to get involved in important issues. The song, with compelling lyrics such as “Or should I march with every stranger from Twitter to get shit done? / Used to hang my head low / Now I hear it loud / Every stranger from Twitter is gonna burn this down” further cemented the band’s dedication to revolution and their abandonment of passivity. The song called out deception plaguing the media cycle and public affairs, and the need to burn it all down in order to expose the truth.
*   *   *
The election of Donald Trump in 2016 acted as a catalyst for various protest movements around the country. Marches have occurred on the White House doorstep since the signing of the Constitution, but the Trump administration triggered a marked influx. Beyond Washington, protests like the Women’s March and National Pride March were seen nation-wide. People from all over rallied together to advocate for science and evidenced-based policies, for immigrant’s rights and racial justice, for transparency over Russian involvement in elections, and even for the publication of Trump’s tax returns. People, especially those liberal-leaning, felt that their voices weren’t being heard and that the President was not reflective of their values. Change in politics is gradual and incremental, but it felt like everyday a new injustice was being thrown at the American people. Families were being separated at the border, more evidence that Russia swayed the 2016 election came to light, allegations of sexual abuse from the President were revealed, racism, sexism, and hate seem to run rampant and unchecked, and overall many people felt disheartened and disgusted with the state of the nation. So, with the power of social media, users of popular sites such as Facebook and Twitter planned protests. The marches drew thousands of people together, uniting many for a common cause. Today’s youth, often labeled as lazy and entitled, came together in the March for Our Lives, an empowering result from one of many tragic school shootings. High-schoolers fed up with feeling unsafe on their campuses advocated for stricter gun control laws and led the biggest youth rally since the Vietnam War, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of people. Americans refused to take anything sitting down and demonstrated their needs loudly to those in charge.
The effectiveness of these protests is a tricky one to determine, as many perceived different goals for the marches. Some believe getting people out on the streets and building a community of like-minded people is a strong start, but others think success is nothing less than immediate change and tangible evidence that they have been heard. Further, some argue that current protests lack the solid political backing that are required to enact true change, and that the marches will never be as powerful as they mean to be without that factor. However, even though many of the things modern protests have demanded have yet to come to fruition, it does not necessarily mean the marches have been for naught. Many of the marches throughout history that today are viewed as world-shattering did not see the change they were fighting for immediately. Politics take time, and the justice and change in policies the people demand to see might still be a long time coming. However, it is necessary to take up the fight, for the people to demonstrate that enough is enough.
Protest songs in the past like “Fortunate Son” by Credence Clearwater Revival or “The Times They are A-Changin” by Bob Dylan rallied people for their cause, stoking the flames of change in hearts across the nation. Music was a way for artists to contribute to the fight, giving a voice to those silenced and reflecting the opinions of the oppressed or wronged. Protest songs today have the same effect, uniting thousands to sing in one voice and empowering movements. “Burn the House Down” provides a battlecry for a whole new generation of people. It is a warning of accountability for those in the corrupt establishment; the harbingers will burn it down.
Works Cited “Burn the House Down” Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnyLfqpyi94 AJR Zach Sang Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQnXGsKwaIU&t=1725 Recent Marches Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rallies_and_protest_marches_in_Washington,_D.C.#2018 Supersize Me 2 Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Size_Me_2:_Holy_Chicken! Article on political protests, bustle.com: https://www.bustle.com/p/do-political-protests-actually-change-anything-29952 2006 NYC Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2006_in_New_York_City AJR Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AJR_(band) One of AJR’s “How We Made THE CLICK” Vidoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YWj3DAo6xM  ∎
More on Olivia ~ Minerva’s Owl Homepage
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whumphoarder · 4 years
¿Cómo se dice ‘I’m in Deep Sh*t’?
Summary: Due to unforeseen circumstances (and a bit of procrastination), Peter runs out of time to prepare for his Spanish presentation and ends up faking sick to buy himself some more.
He just wasn’t really counting on Tony being the one to pick him up from school.
Word count: 2,997
Genre: humor, fluff, whump
Link to read on Ao3
A/N: Based on a prompt from @coconutknightshade! 
Apparently it takes a village to write a story lol—thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx, @sallyidss, @fandomsficsandfeels, & @seek-rest for beta-reading and ideas, and @lunannex for Spanish help!
“What if I just like… fake my death?” Peter suggests as he hands his mentor a different sized wrench. “They can’t mark me down for not doing it if I’m dead, right?”
Tony, who is currently bent over their latest project (replacing the timing belt in May’s car), snorts. “As someone who’s been officially presumed dead more than once, can’t say I recommend it. Way too much paperwork.”
Peter sighs. “Can we stage a kidnapping then?” he says hopefully. “Or an alien abduction?”
Tony rolls his eyes. “It’s a four-minute speech, not the end of the world—though I have some experience with that too.” He holds out a hand. “Half inch ratchet.”
“A four-minute speech in Spanish,” Peter emphasizes, passing him the requested tool. “Which is a language I don’t speak.”
“Hence why you’re in Spanish class,” Tony counters. “With all the other kids who can’t speak Spanish.”
“But it’s also like ten percent of my grade,” Peter goes on as his mentor loosens the timing belt and removes it from the engine before handing it to Peter to set aside. “And I have to talk about what I do in a typical week, and it’s not like I can say I go patrolling or come over to the compound, so I’m gonna have to make stuff up—”
Tony interrupts, “Yo veo mucha televisión,” he says sagely.
“—and then what if I get up there and forget everything and just sound stupid?” Peter continues his rant. He groans and passes Tony the replacement belt. “Maybe I should just conveniently get the flu on Wednesday.”
Looking up from the engine, Tony raises an eyebrow at him. “Are you really this stressed about it? Because if you need to focus on school, I could just finish this up myself.”
Peter sighs again and runs a hand through his hair—he hadn’t meant to complain this much, he’d just kind of gotten on a roll after Tony asked him how school was going. “No, no… I wanted to come over—really. And I’ve got three more days to work on it, it’s just like… ugh. I should have taken German instead.”
Tony huffs out a short laugh. “Pretty sure they have to speak in German class too.”
“Yeah but MJ’s not in German…” Peter mutters under his breath.
“What was that?” Tony asks, elbow deep in the engine block.
Peter expels a breath. “Nothing, it’s fine,” he says a bit more audibly, trying to convince himself as much as his mentor. So what if the most observant and shrewd person in his year also happens to be in his Spanish class?
(And so what if he might have a bit of a crush on her?)
Tony chuckles. “You’ll do great, kid,” he assures. “Just make sure you practice.”
Peter forces a smile. “Right, yeah, of course.”
Practicing, however, turns out to be easier said than done.
With finals fast approaching, it’s crunch time for all of Peter’s classes. Whatever spare moments he has over the weekend are spent finishing up his Animal Farm essay for the English summative and cramming for his geometry test Monday morning. The upcoming Spanish presentation hangs over his head, but it’s more annoying than anything else. He figures it should be fairly simple to actually bullshit something and translate it if he just sits down and does it (which, ironically, somehow makes it easier to push off).
He’s intending to work on it Monday evening, but a winter storm hits that afternoon, dumping eight inches of snow and ice on the city. Peter spends most of his patrol assisting with minor traffic accidents and helping stranded motorists scrape ice from their vehicles or shovel cars out of parking spaces. By the time he gets home late that night, he’s too exhausted to do much more than sit on the couch with May and drink cocoa while she watches Grey’s Anatomy reruns.
Oh well. He’s still got time.
Peter tries to make good use of his study hall on Tuesday, but the period ends up being kind of a wash. He spends half the time attempting to come up with something to say that is both interesting enough to make him seem not totally lame while still believable enough to fool MJ, and the other half messing around on his phone and trying to recall the name of the annoying song stuck in his head.
(It was ‘Goodbye’ by The Spice Girls.)
He’s intending to finish the presentation Tuesday evening after he gets home, but then Ned throws an unexpected monkey wrench into his plans just before the final bell rings.
“So I gotta be there early for warm ups, but my mom will pick you up around six, okay?” he tells Peter as they pack up their book bags.
Peter frowns, confused. “...Pick me up?”
Ned tilts his head. “Unless May can give you a ride after all? But I thought you said she was working tonight, right?”
All of a sudden it clicks—tonight is Ned’s first band concert. He’d taken up percussion a few months back in an effort to beef up his extracurriculars for his college applications. Peter agreed to go to the performance weeks ago.
“Oh right right right,” Peter quickly covers. “Six is great. I’ll see her then!”
Ned beams. “Awesome! My sister and her boyfriend are coming too, so we might go out to celebrate afterwards!”
“Yeah, awesome!” Peter agrees, forcing a grin. “That should be really fun.”
(Oh yeah, he’s screwed.)
The concert was cool. Ned hit that triangle with all the required enthusiasm whenever his parts came up, and Peter flashed him loads of encouraging thumbs-ups from the audience. When it was over, they all went out to Denny’s for some mediocre late-night pancakes and the usual Leeds family banter. All in all, a pretty fun night.
When Peter gets home a little after ten, he opens his Spanish doc in one tab and promptly falls into a YouTube hole in another while looking for background music. He’s still grinning when he closes out of his fifth vine compilation video in a row until he checks the time a second later and the grin dissolves. It’s 12:03 a.m.
Study hall Wednesday morning will be his saving grace, he’s sure.
So, of course, a fight has to break out right outside of the library.
It’s not too bad—the two instigating students are hauled away by security with a couple bloody noses and black eyes, and a few other kids are taken down to the office for questioning. Peter was far enough removed from the action that he doesn’t have to come along, but the whole debacle eats up all but the last ten minutes of the period so when the bell finally rings, he’s got precisely five words written down:
Hola, me llamo Peter Parker.
(Suddenly all those jokes about faking his own death are starting to sound a lot more appealing.)
Or if not my death, he thinks as he trudges down the hall in the direction of his Spanish classroom, cold dread pooling in his gut, then at least…
He stops walking, glancing sideways into the brightly lit office just off the hall. The elderly nurse is sitting at her desk, glasses half-way down her nose as she reads a paperback novel with the picture of a Christmasy log cabin on the cover.
No. He can’t. He doesn’t lie.
No. May’s at work. She’d have to leave early to come and pick him up.
Okay, but it’s not like you do this often, his brain counters. Hell, you came to school with a concussion and two cracked ribs last month and didn’t say a word about it. May can take one for the team just this once.
Peter slips into the bathroom across the hall and waits there until the bell rings to signal the end of passing period, and then an additional five minutes on top of that to add some credibility to his act. He splashes a bit of cold water on his forehead and around his neck, and then works himself up with some heavy breathing before exiting the bathroom.
Folding his arms over his stomach, Peter moves shakily across the hall back toward the nurse’s office, making an effort to look as unwell as possible. A passing student eyes him suspiciously and gives him a wide berth, so he figures he must be doing something right.
Steeling himself with a shuddery breath, he steps into the office.
“Hall pass?” the nurse asks without looking up from her book.
“Um, no, I don’t have one, uh…” Peter’s heart is fluttering in his chest. “I just… I’m not feeling good.”
Eyes still on the page, the nurse silently taps a finger to a sign on the wall just behind her desk which reads: PASSES REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS.
Peter swallows hard. C’mon, Parker—commit. “Right, but, uh, I came from the bathroom.” He hugs himself a little tighter and looks down. “My stomach really hurts. I was throwing up and, uh… stuff,” he concludes, deciding that in this case, less is more.
The nurse’s expression softens. She lowers her novel and gets to her feet with a small sigh. “Well, there is a bug going around,” she concedes, gesturing for him to sit down on the cot in the back of her office.
Peter keeps his responses vague when she requests more specific information on his symptoms, mostly offering shrugs or short, mumbled answers. She checks his temperature and seems slightly suspicious at his lack of fever, but he makes up for it by getting up suddenly and darting into the nurse’s bathroom.
When he emerges—exactly seven minutes and two new levels of Candy Crush later—Peter makes sure to keep his eyes averted from the nurse’s gaze and his movements slow and a little unsteady, one hand hovering over his stomach. She gives him a bottle of Gatorade and a couple of crackers and tells him to lie down until May comes to pick him up.
“I got ahold of her,” the nurse informs, sounding more sympathetic now. She slides a small garbage bin beside the cot. “She says she’s just finishing something up at work and then she’ll be right over.”
“Thank you,” Peter mutters tiredly. He doesn’t even have to act for that part—between the stress of his upcoming finals and his last couple of late nights, he really is exhausted and he has a bit of a headache. It makes him feel just the slightest bit better about pulling May away from her shift that there’s at least something physically wrong with him, even if it isn’t what he’s claiming.
Under the thin fleece blanket the nurse gives him, Peter manages to drift off to sleep.
But it turns out, today is just really not his day.
“No fever yet, but sometimes with these kinds of bugs that doesn’t come until later,” Peter overhears the nurse explaining in a low voice. He’s lying curled up on the cot, face toward the wall. “If that happens, just remember that he needs to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.”
“Oh, I have a feeling that won’t be a problem,” a familiar voice that definitely does not belong to Aunt May replies.
“Mr. Stark?” Peter’s eyes snap open fully and he sits up in a hurry.
Tony and the nurse are standing together beside her desk, chatting quietly. Tony turns to look at Peter, face straight but eyebrows raised in amusement. “Oh would you look at that—he lives,” he remarks. “Feeling any better, Pete?”
Immediately, Peter wraps an arm around his stomach and does his best to look ill. “Uh, no, not really... but, um wh-what are you doing here?”
“The hospital is a little short-staffed today and your aunt was having trouble finding someone to cover her shift,” Tony explains, keeping his expression perfectly neutral. “She called to ask if I minded picking you up. You know”—his eyes narrow—“since you’re so sick.”
(Peter gulps. He’s starting to wonder if maybe he’ll be sick after all.)
“So of course, I told her I would,” Tony goes on. “I mean, if you’re feeling this bad, we could hardly just leave you here...”
Peter has to force himself to meet Tony’s gaze. “Right. Um, thank you. That’s super nice of you.”
“Well, you know me, Tony Super-Nice Stark,” his mentor says with a small chuckle as he steps closer to the bed.
“Now, with stomach bugs, the biggest concern is going to be dehydration,” the nurse continues. “So you’re going to want to push fluids, especially if he’s having di—”
“Fluids, got it,” Peter cuts her off, feeling his cheeks heat up. He gets to his feet and starts moving toward the door, but Tony halts him by grabbing his arm.
“Hey, hey, slow down, kid,” Tony tuts at him. “You were just looking like you might pass out a minute ago.” He presses his palm to Peter’s forehead and glances over to the nurse, eyebrows pinched together in the semblance of concern. “He’s kinda flushed, right? Maybe we should check his temperature again.”
“It’s fine,” Peter mutters, barely managing to suppress an eye-roll. “I think I just need to go home and sleep.”
“Sleep is probably the best thing for him,” the nurse agrees, nodding. “But going back to dehydration, if at any point it’s been more than five hours since he’s last urinated—”
“Mr. Stark, c’mon…” Peter whines quietly, nudging the man toward the door.
Tony holds up a finger to shush him—there’s a twinkle in his eyes that’s honestly driving Peter mad. “Hang on, kiddo. This is all very important information. In fact”—he pulls out his phone and opens the notes app—“let me just write this down. So you said if he hasn’t peed in five hours…?”
The nurse goes on to happily share her wealth of knowledge regarding stomach viruses with his mentor. Tony nods along to her advice, looking genuinely interested the entire time, occasionally interrupting to ask pertinent questions. Meanwhile, Peter just stands there, quietly dying a little inside.
Finally, she concludes her little spiel and Tony thanks her politely, then asks, “You wouldn’t happen to have a bin or bag or something we could take with us, would you? I just got the car detailed recently—hate for that to go to waste.”
Peter lets out another low groan. “Mr. Stark…”
“Ah, I have just the thing!” the nurse says. She bustles over behind her desk and produces a plastic sand pail with assorted Paw Patrol characters on it. “I get these from the dollar store,” she informs. “They don’t look like they hold too much but you’d be surprised!”
Tony grins. “That’s perfect. Thank you so much, Alice.” Looking to Peter, he asks, “Need the bathroom before we leave?”
Rolling his eyes at his mentor, Peter takes the bucket from the nurse with a muttered “thanks” and strides directly out the door.
Tony doesn’t say anything for the entire walk to the car, but Peter’s mind is happy to fill the silence with dread and anxious thoughts as he imagines all the various ways his mentor might chew him out about this. Stupid Spanish presentation—he should have just winged it after all.
The moment that both he and Tony are seated in the vehicle and the car doors are shut behind them, Peter sets the bucket down on the floor and covers his face with a groan.
“Alright, let’s get it over with,” he mutters into his hands. “Lay it on me.”
“Just to clarify,” Tony begins, sounding a bit more serious. “You’re not actually sick, right? This was just to get out of your presentation?”
“Yeah, I dunno...” Peter admits, feeling defeated. “I was planning to work on it—I swear. Just, well, there was all this stuff due for my other classes, and then the snowstorm, and all these commitments just kept coming up, and I just kinda... ran out of time. Figured if I got sent home I could buy myself an extra day or two.” He sighs deeply, lowering his hands to look up at his mentor. “Are you gonna tell May?”
Tony huffs out a short laugh. “Honestly? I think you’ve suffered enough.”
Peter blinks at him, surprised. “Wait, seriously?”
“You listened to a school nurse describe the BRAT diet for three whole minutes,” Tony says with a snort. ��I don’t think any lecture May or I could give would top that.”
“God,” Peter groans, running a hand over his face. “If I hear the word ‘binding’ used one more time…”
“But,” Tony says, holding up a stern finger as he starts the car. “As soon as we get back to your place, we’re finishing up that presentation in time for your miraculous recovery tomorrow, got it?”
“We?” Peter raises an eyebrow at him. “Do you even speak Spanish?”
Tony waves a hand dismissively. “I know French and Italian—close enough. More importantly, I am fluent in the language of bullshit, kid. I once convinced an entire board of investors that not adding a clock feature to the new Starkphone prototype was a philosophical statement about the ‘futility of time as a construct’ rather than an embarrassing oversight caused by deadline crunches, no sleep, and more caffeine flowing through my veins than red blood cells.”
“And how did that go?” Peter asks.
“Sold twelve thousand shares that day. And I got to meet the Dalai Lama.”
Peter just snorts.
“Oh, and there was this other time,” Tony goes on wryly, “when I helped my intern play hooky to get out of a school presentation by convincing the nurse he had the shits.”
Peter leans back against the seat with a heavy sigh. “I’m never doing this again, Mr. Stark,” he mumbles.
Link to all my fics
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Read their job listings. No. But I think this would have such a visible effect on the economy.1 And it's so easy to do: just don't let a sentence through unless it's the way you'd say it to a friend. I don't want to make it open. Make something people want is the development team and the software they've built so far. If it succeeds, you may be better off just using whatever language has the best library functions for the task. The tree structure of large organizations sets an upper bound on the size of company you work for. Our generation wants to get paid up front.
Hacker News had the good fortune to start out good, so in this case it's literally a matter of preservation. Boston VC who had known him for years. Sometimes, in desperation, competitors would try to invest in do things a certain way, what difference does it make what the others do? They're not. The problem is the same they face in operating systems: they can't do product development. Quite small, but the curve is just as steep, and when you do, surprise, you've got a company. Indeed, the law of supply and demand insures that: the more rewarding some kind of secretary, especially early on, because she was the one who'd go out and get each new group and she didn't ask many questions.2 But the market doesn't have to be in a race against your competitors, glued immovably to the median language, will never be able to say who cares what investors think? Most organizations who hire people right out of stock that could otherwise be given to them.
It's the principle of a market economy. He said it wasn't anything specific Google did, but simply that they understood search so much better. And so, as people generally do with admissions of failure, they put it off for as long as possible. Convince yourself that your startup is worth investing in, then simply explained this well to investors. The process inherently tends to produce an unpleasant result, like a VC. The first time Peter Thiel spoke at YC he drew a Venn diagram is illuminating. Most investors feel the same. If you had a handful of writers who can get away with using fancy language in prose. And yet the bullshit you choose may be harder to eliminate than the bullshit that's forced on you or it tricks you. While perhaps 9 out of 10 startups fail, the one that succeeds will pay the founders more than 10 times what they would have made in an ordinary job. Watching employees get transformed into founders makes it clear that the difference between the two types of startup ideas: those that grow organically out of your round.
Before him, most companies treated design as a frivolous extra. We had big doubts about this idea, but the job listings have to be a promising experiment that's worth funding to see how bad some practice is till you have something to compare it to. It's really a group of people are publishing online, and the various departments created recently in response to political pressures. So if you're mainly interested in hacking and you go to grad school after this equivocal recommendation, I can give you solid advice about how to get in. Every couple days I slip and call it Viaweb. I've noticed a definite difference between programmers working on their own startup is probably going to learn more. You write programs in the parse trees that get generated within the compiler when other languages are parsed. Object-oriented programming is popular in big companies, software tends to be missing when people lack experience. If you want to start your own company. One question I can answer is why hardware is suddenly cool.
That may be the best source of organic ones, because they're missing some feature he's used to. On questions of design, I ask What would Steve do? All that matters is to ask yourself whether you'll care about it in the future. Stock is not the most powerful language available. In the big angel rounds that increasingly compete with series A rounds, the investors won't take as much equity as VCs do now. If you want to use Lisp, so much the better. We are having a bit of a fib. Angel rounds are their whole business, as online video was for YouTube. Which is not that high.
Particularly to young companies that are growing fast, but haven't been doing it for long enough to have grown big yet. In business, as online video was for YouTube. 167. And the reason everyone doesn't use it is that programming languages are different: programming languages are not merely technologies, but habits of mind as well, partly because it seems kind of slimy. Even Microsoft probably couldn't manage 500 development projects in-house. So was the Apple I when Woz first started working on it. I've written several essays that began as comments there. The first microcomputers were dismissed as toys. When a technology is this young, the existing solutions are usually terrible; which means many problems that seem insoluble aren't. Most of the legal restrictions on employers are intended to protect employees. It's also counter-cyclical.
Such customs evolve with glacial slowness. Robotics, for example, you can use technology that your competitors don't understand. Here's a simple trick for getting more people to read what you write: write in spoken language, you'll be ahead of 95% of writers. It seems to be no benefit from working for a company with 100 people will feel different from one with 1000. Normal food is terribly bad for you. 4 people per startup, but startups will probably do better with founders more in control, and there would be no room for investors to make money from it. Why don't acquirers try to predict the companies they're going to get a lot of people, like a practitioner of Aikido, you can decrease the amount of information it conveys, people try to distinguish them instead by being funny. It was also how we picked founders who'd be successful. I've been able to keep up, in the long run, of the forces underlying open source and blogging have to teach business: 1 that people work a lot harder. So if Lisp makes you a better programmer.
They'll be more precise, and they were more the aggregate is what we do the opposite. It's a bit of an official authority makes all the page-generating templates are still a dick move. A few startups get on the expected value calculation varies from person to person depending on their companies that have bad ideas is many times that conversation was repeated.
There's nothing specifically white about such customs. If you can make it easier to get all the poorer countries.
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theda-rison · 4 years
Camp Nano July 2020 - Results, Discussion, and Conclusion
the Like, wow, Scoob! 
Camp Nano July 2020 is done, and here are some thoughts:
I always knew that writing a comic script was going to be a learning experience - I’ve never written a comic script so it really couldn’t be anything except for a learning experience - but hoooooo boy, was it ever!
Before starting I couldn’t find anything on how long comic scripts normally are; I don’t know why, that just seems information that isn’t really shared? (If anyone knows of a resource, please send it to me!) I’m guessing it has a lot to do with there just being less comic writers than there are say, book writers and movie writers. That’s probably what happens when your interests are niche in some way, it’s just harder to find anything about them.
FORTUNATELY, I have the fancy library-bound volumes of The Sandman, and there’s excerpts of the scripts in the back. Which like… thank you @neil-gaiman​, or whoever made that decision, because being able to look at an actual script and see how it’s formatted and what’s included has been the biggest help. Even the “How to Write a Comic Script!” videos I found on YouTube didn’t have example scripts which... I don’t know, I don’t get it. Please include examples, comic YouTubers. I am confusion.
Now is the time for a sexy graph, because we are the kind of people who keep Excel spreadsheets of word counts and make graphs for fun.
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Anyway, let’s look at…
[Good. I was listening to As The World Falls Down by David Bowie over and over, and now this is stuck in my head again. I don’t know why I do these things to myself. Also, I love Peter Tork’s face during some of the “AAAHHHH”s lol]
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I can’t remember if I stated this before or during Camp at any point, but my goal was 60k words. I dislike aspiring for un-round numbers like “1667″ every day. Any number I could possibly pick is arbitrary, but for some reason the classic Nanowrimo number of 1667 seems even more arbitrary. “2000″ is a much better number. And, I can generally write 2000 words in two hours before running out of steam, so it works out well. It also divides better.
Having said that, you might be thinking, “Theda, the end Actual number on your graph is a lot closer to 90k than it is 60k,” and you would be right, good eyes. Were I Brandon Sanderson and you were one of my students, I would toss you a gummi bear. As it is, you’re not my student and I have no gummi bears and I’m not even Brandon Sanderson… so life is just upsetting I guess.
[But I am back to listening to As The World Falls Down, so I suppose it all works out.]
Back to the graph: The Actual. Look at this wavy-fucking-scalloped-fucking progression. Look at it. I can’t tell if it makes me happy or angry or what, but I know it gives me some kind of feeling. I think I like it from a purely aesthetic point of view, but from the point of the view of the person who made it, it annoys me.
I had a couple of days where I - in my infinite stupidity - didn’t really elaborate on what was supposed to happen in some of the scenes in my scene list and so I spent my “Writing!” time (as it’s labeled in my planner) not writing, but looking at the page cursing myself for not having written any directions for me, a directionless person.
You may also notice that the Goal bars suddenly jump up on the 24th day,. That’s because - in my infinite wisdom - I redid my goals after reaching 60k. It just makes more sense to me to be like, “Well, I punched that goal in the face. Let’s try and go WAY overboard,” because I have the Too Much gene and as Henry Rollins says: “Don't do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you go to work, work your ass off. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts.” I wouldn’t say that’s a personal philosophy so much as a Thing I Am Compelled To Do Or I Will Die.
But that’s just me.
As for the trend line, I prefer it looking more steep because that’s way more gratifying, but that’s what I get for writing parts of my scene list like, “That’s okay, Future Me will take care of it!” Past Me, you are a dick and you need to stop doing these things. You are a bastard.
Now for the table! 
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[I’m sorry if that’s very small.]
And this time I’m showing you the actual table I use to write down my words. Complicated? Yes. Sexy? Very yes. A little annoying? Also yes. Do we get a little worried that she works too hard and refuses to take a vacation? We do, but we also know that she does it because she loves her work, and we love and support her and bring her snacks throughout the workday to keep her going. What a great table.
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First of all: Yes, my first writing block is at 4am. It’s because I have a day job and if I write from 4-6 I can use my brain right when it’s freshly slumbered instead of using it for nonsense at work all day and being unable to write and aggravated because my mental capacity is nil and I no longer know what words are. In an ideal world I would be able to write all day but, here we are.
You might notice there’s a lot of 0’s in the 4am block, especially in the fourth week, and that’s more so because - in my infinite infiniteness (infinity?) - I am secretly an ice giant (but like, smaller) and it’s summer and the northern hemisphere is Too Hot and I literally will not be able to sleep at night until about December. Until then, I am forced to understand what it’s like to be a jacket potato for half of the year so I can empathize with their starchy pain because this is, for whatever reason, Important.
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It me. (Recipe)
My record day was 7519 on the 10th, which is just sexy and fun and cool and everything we want, and my lowest was a big fat 0 on the 16th.
I felt super motivated for reasons I don’t remember on the 10th. This is because I didn’t have my planner yet and was not keeping notes anywhere else at that time. (It’s an undated Daily Passion Planner, in case you’re also a slut for planners and wish to know ;) ). I think I was trying to do a 10k day just for funzies? Which, technically, at 2k words in 2 hours I should be able to do 10k in 5, but cell phones exist (and are too distracting), and until I shed my corporeal form I still have to do things like “make food and eat it,” and “get up to pee,” and “experience all the vagaries and horrors of human existence.” I’m hoping it clears up soon. 
The 16th was the day that Future Me took Past Me by the hand and said, “My good bitch, you need to stop doing that thing where you leave shit for me because you run out of motivation or executive function or whatever the fuck is happening where you decide you don’t want to do something anymore, seemingly at random. You deciding to leave school before the day even started because you were bored may have been cute when you were a kid - and also annoying for everyone around you, and just alarming that time they had to pry your hands off the door molding as you held on to it and screamed - but as an adult you are both the cause of and the person who has to deal with this bullshit, and you need to stop.”
On the 16th I went to the Shrine of the Self (sorry, I’ve been reading a lot of manga lately) and made an offering for forgiveness, and then hunkered down and added a TON of notes and partially written scenes to my scene list. You can see how much that helped; it’s almost like having direction is actually useful, lol.
BUT, despite all that direction and despite punching my goal in the face, breaking it’s glasses, and taking it’s lunch money, the script is not finished!
Here’s some math as of the 23rd:
There are 124 points in my outline On the 23rd, I had completed 44 of those points, at 363 pages or 59,601 words 124 / 44 = 2.81 Now we check: 44 * 2.81 = 123.6 (close enough) So as of the 23rd, the projection for completing the script was: 363 * 2.81 = 1,020 pages 59,601 * 2.81 = 157,479 words
Now, I don’t know what the fuck that means because I don’t really do numbers, but at the time of the 23rd it looked an awful lot like I wasn’t going to finish this Camp project. And uh… hey, that was correct.
So I’m going to be continuing Camp Nano July 2020, but also in August 2020, over about 20 more days (providing I hit my goal every day.)
IF -> I need to get up to 158,000; 158,000 - 86,000 = 72,000 words need to be written. (I'm rounding the total up because I canNOT imagine this script being somehow smaller than that at this point, and I’m rounding my Camp total down because who cares about 72 words?) I divided 72,000 from a few numbers until I got a word goal I was okay with, that I think I can do, here’s that one: 72,000 / 20 days = 3,600 words a day (This would mean I can either do 2k in the morning and then 1600 later, or the reverse. You know, whatever way I feel spicy that day.) THEN -> I need to write 3,600 words a day for 20 days to (hopefully) finish this script before work picks up at the end of August.
And then I’ll chill from the end of August - October (except for maybe some short stories or essays. I have a lot of Thoughts and they need to be purged from my brain for my own good). And then I’ll use Nanowrimo Classic (November) to edit this fucker.
SO… that’s some stuff.
As I said at the beginning this endeavor was only ever going to be a learning experience. Having to write 158k words total doesn’t scare me, the longest thing I’ve written yet was something like 190k words. Trying to finish it before the end of August is the daunting part. Especially since being able to be creative right now just keeps making my brain puke out more ideas, and then there’s too many ideas and I’m just writing them all down and hopefully I can get to them later.
Anyway, good job on Camp Nano July 2020 everyone! We did it!
And if you didn’t do it: don’t worry, you’ll do it next time :D
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lesamis · 4 years
I feel like our interests align very well, could you rec some strange things?
i can definitely try? absolutely love the vagueness of this ask, thank u for giving me an excuse to just. get out the whole palette of weird. here’s a range of semi-obscure things for you:
to listen: 
london necropolis railway, a podcast (in part) about the bureaucracy of the afterlife
the amazing devil, because i’m biased
wooden overcoats, concerned with island-dwelling funeral directors
to watch: 
sebastiane, at your own discretion
this video about the highgate vampire that youtube recommended to me out of nowhere the other day
[in brackets because it maybe takes strange a little far and i literally never want to watch it again in my life but. gothic]
detectorists, which tells said i had to put on the list even though i’ve not watched it (yet)
year of the rabbit, for those Ankh Morpork City Watch Vibes TM the actual upcoming city watch adaptation can only dream of 
the slipper and the rose, the longest & most shakespearean cinderella you’ll ever see except it’s also high 70s camp
to read: 
these possible lives, a collection of prose poetry/biographical essays that reads like a dream. if you check out just one thing on this list make it this, please
the danton case, an oddly homoerotic play from the 1920s about the execution of the dantonists
peter ackroyd’s blake biography, for good prose & obligatory blake strangeness
an unnatural vice, the gay victorian romance between a dodgy medium & an upright investigative journalist i’ve been looking for all my life
achilles, a retelling of the iliad except it’s also about keats
hope there’s something in there for you, anon! 
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