lobpoints · 2 years
#having thoughts about malkuth since#seeing some people interprets Malkuth (or in the case of Elijah) wanting Ayin's approval is about him but like#she heavily implied to always straggling with self worth since she never feels like she is ever in control of her situation#nor she feels like she herself as an individual could make an impact on the world around her#irrc her frustration at her lack of ''talent'' and her speech in lor where she dreamed about becoming an architect#in order to leave a mark in a world and bring out positive change within people#which is a reason why she joined carmen cause in the first place since the entirety of#''I couldnt make it on my own but if I was able to contribute to a greater cause/for a person who are able to make the change-#-maybe I will find some worth in my life''#like I can see Carmen and Ayin would be people whom she respect and therefore their approval would worth for her but like#when she is looking for their approval it wasnt really about them it just about her own powerlessness and her lack of self worth#without attaching it someone or something greater#something people in the city also struggle with#Thinking a lot about that line in LC where she absent mindedly talks to the manager about how great it is that she is in a department calls#THE CONTROL TEAM#and how much of a responsibility it is but she feels proud since it feels like a position she has always wanted#even before she came into existing (as a sephirah)#PUTTING THIS IN THE TAG SINCE IM CONSCIOUS TALKING ABOUT CHARACTER THAT IS NOT A LOL
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sentientgopro · 9 months
A massive difference in Gwenpool's writing that I don't see people point out is her addressing the audience. This simple fact reveals so much about her vastly different characterisation, and can even open up an in- universe explanation for her inconsistent writing.
This was copied from A Reddit post I made on r/gwenpool, thought I'd repost it here. Since Tumblr works differently, I decided to include tags for 196 and reddit refugee, since, well, fuck it, why not, as well as a few comic related tags. Because of that, I've added a short section summarizing her writing inconsistencies. If you know all about this stuff, look for the big text saying "Main point starts here."
I'm not going to explain the inconsistencies in Gwen's writing, you're on this sub, you (Might not) know all that already. I'm going to be using Unbelieveable Gwenpool and Gwenpool strikes back as my two main references here.
Okay, writing inconsistencies, lets make this quick. In her original Solo series, the Unbelieveable Gwenpool, Gwen is characterized as a "silly", "innocent" teenage girl (her exact age being 19, and those words arent the best descriptors, but the best I could think of in short terms.) However, when other writers pick up the character, for example in crossovers and teams, they hear "Gwenpool" and go "Oh so Deadpool with tits", stripping away any and all of her Character and personality. Another important note, later into her solo series, and an idea that would persist through THE REST of her appearances, is that she realises she is not popular enough and is heavily at risk of cancellation (which happened to her solo series) and fading into obscurity, which she actively tries to prevent. Im gonna end this here, if you don't know about Her, and youve got a spare 20 minutes, "The rise and fall of Gwenpool" By comic Drake on yt should catch you up on this. This topic of her inconsistencies has been done to death so, onto the main post.
Main Point starts here.
To try to get to the point, a massively understated difference in character is that throughout UGP, she does not address the audience. She mentions "someone is reading" while on the roof of the mobile base, worrying that shes bad, but thats it.
Breaking the fourth wall is, let's be honest, a gimmick. The character talks to the audience and thats weird and wacky! And then it got done a few times and got old for most people. 4th wall breaking also can lead to characters feeling insincere, for obvious reasons.
But the original meaning of breaking the fourth wall is talking to the audience. This is what modt people think of when talking about breaking the fourth wall. But, by this definition, and by alot of peoples conceptions of it, UGP Gwen _does not even break the fourth wall._ (Edit: a comment I saw on the Reddit post described it as "Medium Awareness instead of fourth wall breaking, which I quite like.") She begins to do it later on, though, in GSB and onwards, as she becomes more conscious of the audience.
So why? Why does it matter if she talks to the audience or not? Because Gwens interactions with the audience in GSB tend to be the parts fans don't like. Like the "could a comic book character do this" bits.
But what Im trying to say is, when Gwen is not conscious of the audience, shes the fan favourite version of herself. She _is_ herself. When she is conscious of the audience, people don't like her.
What Gwen missed when she first started getting wrapped up in trying to stay popular and relevant was what made her popular in the first place. People like her as a character. They like her being herself as a character in the marvel universe, acting as she would naturally act. By trying too hard to impress the audience and put on a show, Gwen stops being herself, stops being a character, and just turns into a gimmick. Here, I did some crazy things normal characters can't do. Aren't you impressed?
So, in summary, the difference in behaviour of addressing the audience vs not, and how much people like each version of the character at the times she does this, demonstrates that her consciousness of the audience and trying to address them is what causes all her problems.
I really do feel like concept should be taken further and should be used as the true reason for her character inconsistencies, and have Gwen come to the realisation that she should just be herself. Maybe this could happen in, say, I don't know, what movies are expected sometime in the future?
_It Ain't called BEYOND The Spiderverse for nothin', sony. Do it. Make an incredible trilogy perfect._
So, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. ESPECIALLY if youre here from one of the unrelated tags and dont know alot about her.
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omg i finally remembered to ask this X_X, anyways i remembered you left some interesting tags on one of my posts and i wanted to ask, how do you view yjh's gender identity?
i personally went with the masc-presenting trans lesbian angle since that felt the most "in character" and also had a lot of comedic potential in my au but im very curious about how you've characterized her since it seems like you see her as more feminine so to speak (feel free to make your answer as long as you want jdhfshfdsj i love talking about gender)
omg it's betawooper from transfem yoo joo au 😳 hiii!
Firstly I want to say that I ADORE your au!!! It's definitely influenced some of my headcanons on yjh's gender identity. I did see her as more feminine before but now I see her as comfortable with being masc-presenting and more androgenous. Secondly, I am biologically female and been comfortable with she/her pronouns and presenting femininely my entire life. However, after learning more about the lgbtqia+ community and doing some self-reflection, I realized that I may be under on the non-binary umbrella. I haven't really experimented with my gender identity much. Unlike my romantic and sexual orientation (aroace spectrum), which I felt a connection to as soon as i learned what it was, and felt the urge to do more research on it, my gender was more ambiguous to me. I didn't really feel a strong connection to it, or rather, I felt a strong disconnect to it. I feel like I should insert a cool metaphor here. It's like a cloud? I can see different shapes from it, but I can't get closer or touch it. It's amorphous and not solid, and I can't get a good grip on it. I like being feminine, but I like being referred to with they/them pronouns, and also get gender envy (?) from more androgenous male characters. I'm comfortable with having no labels as of now, but I'd like to experiment with my appearance and pronouns more irl if I get the chance.
All this to say that I started projecting onto Yoo Joonghyuk lol. Kinda funny because usually i project my aroace-ness and neurodivergence onto my blorbos, not my gender identity, but between Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship and the Punisher it was just too perfect. (actually I've noticed i've been projecting my gender onto more characters since I've fleshed out my headcanons for yjh. It's not a conscious decision, but if someone were to ask me what I thought of [character's] gender, I'd have to pause and go, 'Well, I'm not sure, but they're definitely not cis.' It's actually the same way I come up with my aspec headcanons: 'not sure where exactly you are on the spectrum but I like you way too much to make you allo.')
Another fic that inspired my interpretation of yjh's gender is this fic, https://archiveofourown.org/works/42593688/chapters/106989912, which I love dearly with my entire heart but might not be up your alley. It has a more feminine yjh and romantic yoohankim (if i may dump some more lgbtqia+ headcanons here I hc both yjh and kdj as aspec and yoohankim as a queerplatonic relationship but I am okay with romantic yoohankim mostly because there is so little qpr/aro representation in general. I am also a multishipper and I love your sapphic seolhyuk so much!) and it's a post-epilogue fic with yjh figuring out her gender identity with the support of Kimcom.
So to me, Joonghyuk's gender is similarly ambiguous in nature, the Amorphous Untouchable Cloud of Gender™️, Definitely Not cis, and she's androgynous-presenting. I think she would keep her hair short throughout the scenarios for efficiency, but post-epilogue she'd grow it out. Not a lot, but she would absolutely use her androgyny to fuck with strangers. I think Secretive Plotter with long hair would be great because she'd give me more gender envy than I already have. I don't think she'd have labels for herself. I think she wouldn't like makeup the one time she lets Seolhwa put some on her but everyone agrees that she looks amazing with eyeliner. I think she should be allowed to use Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship on transphobes. I think she uses any pronouns but prefers she/her. I think, had it been canon, her being trans would have added a whole new layer to her character arc and the meta-ness of ORV and its themes of breaking free from predetermined roles, to her role as "protagonist" and the way she breaks free from being a "character" and just... it would have been super cool and I can't write an entire essay on how trans yjh would have improved ORV but I want to.
Thanks for the opportunity for me to infodump about my headcanons lol! Just curious, what tags/post was it that made you ask?
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sangre · 1 year
OOP IM SAUR SORRY tags did not load for me with my prev ask - 47, 51, 59 for satine, the loveliest rose satine 🥺🌹🎭
sixty-nine more questions for your ttrpg characters! / ask.
weuben!!!!!! (picks you up and spins you) TY TY!!!
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47. what could they talk about for hours on end?
presentation! the presentation of something, especially wrt creative projects. the way an artist painted something, the way a musician composed something, the way a stage director asked for things to be done, like... because of his theater background both in the last life and in this one, he is really obsessed with the deliberate composition of things. not necessarily the way something looks per se, but just like. the way someone decided to put something together and show someone else, it's like casting your soul into light.
so like, especially with artists, satine can listen to (and talk about) why he chose to do something for a long time. reasoning, justification, meaning, you know? but this applies to things that aren't art-related too... like, talking about gender! he could probably talk about the fun about gender and what it means to him and how he presents, too. theater!!!! the self! presentation. what we present to the world and what it means to show something that we want to be seen (or better yet, recognized).
51. what element of their backstory are you proudest of?
AHH maybe the doppelganger element... it's been a couple years now that i've wanted to play the second version of someone, whether someone who died or someone who was artificially made (to be in the shape of someone). in 2015 i wrote smth with a friend that was like "guy comes back from the dead and feels like something other than himself, wants so badly to be seen as himself still, knows and is continuously traumatized by the fact that he both is and isn't"
and that's a narrative i've been exploring in characters for a while now, from a ton of different angles. but i don't think i've had a character who actively is the second-following incarnation of someone yet, so i'm excited to have finally followed through on the desire to play someone like that! especially since satine doesn't really have a complex of "please see me as the self i was" and is rather earnestly like, "i am in some ways that person, truly, but please see me as someone with my own life to live" and stuff.
it's a lot of like, navigating the urge to let go of people pleasing in/of making sure she doesn't drive herself crazy trying to perfectly be what everybody wants from her - letting go of trying to be a self that people knew, too, so it's an arc i really love and find personal for many reasons and i'm proud of its execution so far!!! so happy to be playing it in out a longform campaign.
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with?
ohhh! well let's see. satine is .. really forgiving. and i don't think i would agree with some of the things she can forgive with enough context. this is super thought-provoking because satine has a gentler perspective of the world than i do, he's more like... lenient about rolling with the punches. i'm more indignant
i guess the obvious answer is "satine can forgive pretty lightly depending on the person, he could even forgive murder if it was explained well enough emotionally" and you look at me and the characters i like and we both laugh but you know, in real life, in practice. G:LSJDKGLSDKSDG:L maybe it's just that satine doesn't hold grudges when people hurt him but i do.
satine also probably doesn't see the point of revenge for any reason and holds no pettiness. there is like negative twelve pettiness in satine's body, he doesn't see the sense in revenge at all. i, revenge arc enjoyer, do. i definitely think it's fun to have a really forgiving character who is learning what is more forgivable, and forming stronger opinions about what to forgive and what not to the longer he lives in the real world. mind you, satine has only been conscious in this life for 3ish years. ;LGJKSHLDGL;F Oh she's got planny of time.
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1watermelontea · 26 days
ask game fun times as your co-writer i have Experience i suppose aksld;fkjlas
i think i've mentioned this to you before but your dialogue is always pretty distinct—you use a bunch of less-common but still effective speech tags (is it a melon fic if no one “cedes” lmfao) + do a really lovely job of setting the different characters' speaking styles apart. also, just, the words you use for characters' speech (that makes no sense nine, oh dear)—little things like writing pearl saying "see ya" instead of "see you" help readers more vividly imagine her saying the line. i've started doing it a bit more since like. i've seen how you Make It Work but i didn't use to before bc i was always kinda paranoid it’d make it seem harder to read/just like… overkill?? dunno but i never see that problem with your dialogue
your actual prose is also pretty distinctive—I am Trying to put it into words but it’s just. a vibe. thanks brain. you’re really good at mixing it up with paragraph and sentence structure to keep things interesting; i do tend to miss that if i edit the day of writing lol but you’re really good at noticing that. also, ik you’ve mentioned not always knowing how to do descriptions and like. I find that funny bc you’re 10x more likely to open a scene with a landscape description than i am. the descriptions you do include are usually very movement-focused and have less to do with the characters body language and more to do with how they’re interacting with the environment. you’re also a fellow em-dash enjoyer, especially in dialogue, which makes character’s lines feel more natural + close to how people actually speak.
i keep talking about your dialogue but it’s just very fun!! you’re also like Not Afraid to juggle scenes with many characters which alskdjdhahal magic. i must spend ages poring over any character’s speech pattern before i dare write them and you just. do it
anyway you’re a v cool writer love everything you make 10/10
NIIIIIINNEEEE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you’re so kind
thank you yes dialogue is the one thing i’m confident in—i’ll say, shortening words is a thing i choose to do sparsely and only in circumstances where i think it is kind of necessary to get across the right vibe. accented speech in any capacity is finicky so if i think the reader will be able to read it in their voice without assistance, i leave it. like with stress’s scene in crosscurrents, although she even types in an accented manner, i didn’t do that in the text, because that would be difficult to read, and i know readers know how she speaks already. i use shortens to accentuate a tone or an energy first and foremost, unlike how i often see it used to denote accents. i think it works out well, and i’m glad you think so!
AND OKAY i have been opening with descriptions every time because i’m actively trying to practice, cos i basically ALWAYS opened every writing piece with dialogue for YEARS and im trying to get out of that habit 😅
& it’s so cool to know someone notices that i do a lot of variation in sentence lengths/types because that is a conscious decision i’ve been making for years. if i have too much consistency with it, i feel like it gets repetitive—with notable exceptions being that i use short simple sentences or sentence fragments repeatedly when trying to get across intense stress or fear or smth. go-to method for that lol because it mimics how my own mind organises disorganised thoughts
em dashes my beloved <3 i definitely have characters cutting themselves off or correcting themselves mid-speech pretty often or using filler words like “um” “like” “y’know” etc because i notice people use those a lot—i use those a lot—and no one’s ever going to be truly concise without a script. i gotta capture the girlfailure energy of these boys (gender neutral) not being able to get their thoughts across well
DO I REALLY USE CEDED FHAT OFTEN that’s so funny. the funniest thing, too, is that word is not even on my little list of speech tags i have pulled up when i’m writing. it just lives in my brain and comes out a lot, i suppose
lastly thank you i love writing scenes with many characters it’s always fun and i fear nothing 🥳 if i can write a scene with 14 characters present then i can do anything
love you nine <3 /p
you’re a sweetheart
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zukuist · 3 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞
200 followers special
includes: multiple characters (would add more tags but.. i reached 30 ;;)
your name is shortened to y/n, they/them pronouns
notes: thank you for 200 followers! this isn’t really going to be that long, but im just doing the characters i really like so ;; ALSO I MIGHT’VE GOTTEN KIRI’S ENTRY A LITTLE WRONG so ugh sorry ;;
shouto todoroki
from the start, he’s quite oblivious to certain things, (social ques, signs of romantic interest, etc.)
but when he’s observant with someone, then that totally means you’re special to him. does he realize how much he pays attention to you? hmm.. maybe?
he’s going to be the first one that notices you’re hungry, even if you don’t realize it yourself. he’s quick to grab a snack and break it open to you
same thing with being thirsty— if he notices that your water bottle is empty, he’ll quickly find the nearest vending machine and buy a bottle.
temperature is also no problem. he can immediately tell whenever someone’s cold; but he usually helps you first
too hot? he’s slowly putting down the room’s temperature
too cold? his left palm starts emitting some sort of heat in your direction, hoping it creates some sort of aid
if your shoelaces are undone, and/or he notices that there’s a button undone on your shirt— he’ll fix it for you
will ask to take your pictures on dates, and he’ll also help you pick out the best photo (not that any photo of you is short of any beauty)
in short— people will notice that he’s actually a big simp for you; because of how observant he is with you specifically.
katsuki bakugou
just because he’s simping for you doesn’t mean he’ll treat you any differently. bakugou will be bakugou, and you eventually learn how to adapt to that.
but even so, his simp habits slip out sometimes.
when he’s cooking, he’ll accidentally make too much to eat, and he’ll coincidentally put the extras in another box and hand it to you
he’s a good student, even with studies. but would he say he’s a good teacher? hm. probably not
but if he notices you need help, he’ll sigh, feining annoyance as he decides to tutor y’all, because those ‘idiots’ are hopeless
rolls his eyes when he sees food on your cheek, but he’ll grab a tissue and wipe it off for you— claiming how you’re so messy.
he’ll act like he hates hearing your ‘annoying ass singing’ but he’ll lean against the doorway and listen to you rock out to whatever song you’re singing to.
denki will call him a simp for looking after you, and bakugou will just yell at him to “SHUT UP” >:T
he secretly likes taking care of you. his words aren’t the softest thing in the world, but his actions make up to it.
izuku midoriya
as katsuki bakugou would call him; he is a nerd
he definitely meant that as an insult, but his input on detail makes it very useful in things like relationships
he remembers every detail of your quirk, your limits, potential secret moves.
it would’ve been stalker-ish, if it weren’t for the fact that deku does this out of admiration for his s/o
so if you so happen to collapse due to overusing your quirk— deku has a detailed plan on what to do. it’s almost scary.
he puts detail in a lot of things, anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, and so on.
deku’s also the type to plan things weeks before it actually happens. like.. planning out the perfect birthday gift
and with this, his memory is really good. so it’s very unlikely that he’ll just suddenly forget anniversaries and birthdays.
i hc deku as a bad cook, so he eats takeout food more than his homemade food
but he’s takes note of your allergies, your dislikes with food— and he finds himself mumbling small details to recall what you like
when you walk out in pretty/good outfits for dates
his face will break out into shades of red— suddenly rambling all the good details of your outfit, complimenting you while he’s at it
“y/n’s looks fantastic as always. i might die from their beauty”
if anyone calls him a simp, he’ll be really embarrassed about it. “me? a s-simp? is that a bad thing?”
just tell him it’s fine.
denki kaminari
a big simp
like.. really big
he worships the ground you step on, and hypes up everything you do
y’all know when irene from red velvet literally breathed in north korea, and the crowd just
yeah, that’s denki to you
it’s so blantly obvious that he’s simping over someone, and everyone’s just kinda used to it at this point
he’s just a big fanboy sometimes
whenever you’re sparring with someone, he’s always in the background like
“go s/o!!” 🤩
and he has tendencies to go a little easy on you like.. what’s he gonna do when you get electricuted??
but that doesn’t mean he’s never serious— nah.
there are times where he’s just a little bashful just being in your presence
sneaking glances your way, as he silently fanboys about you in general.
“s/o looks really good today. they always look good but !!”
when y’all weren’t together, the bakusquad was just tired of the constant romantic pining
it was really obvious that he was simping back then, and they’re not so sure as to how you didn’t say anything about it
mina always called him a simp
so yeah!! it was a big relief when you got together with him. he never makes you feel terrible, because he’s always your #1 hypeman.
eijirou kirishima
— THE HELPING SIMP (rip idk what to call this)
i didn’t really know what kinda name i went for this one but let me carry on
kiri upfront is very confident, and friendly. he never shows a mean side to anyone,
and there are rare cases of him being bashful
he’s kinda almost like a golden retriever? since he’s always nice and friendly to everyone
but then when you enter the room; he suddenly goes quiet, and he’s left alone with his rather loud thoughts about you
he didn’t really know how to properly approach you at first
but him being kiri, he’s still rather friendly to you (for now)
when he’s messing around, practically sharing one braincell with kami and sero
and then you suddenly walk in— he snaps out of his foolishness, and greet you with his very warm smile
“hey y/n!” he waves at you, and he hopes you don’t mention the teasing look on both kami and sero’s face
sometimes when he’s doing his close combat training, and he notices that he’s getting too close to you
he’ll be like “woah man, maybe we should move locations.” bc he doesn’t wanna hit you by accident ;;
kirishima prefers to not stand near you when his hair is all spiky. like he’s never conscious about it, until he’s around you
man poked sero with his hair before, and he doesn’t want to do that to you
kiri always looks at your hand, just to see if it’s occupied with something. his thoughts linger to what your hand might feel like
“their hand looks really.. soft. argh! i shouldn’t be thinking about these kind of things in public! im sorry y/n”
bakugou really only notices kirishima’s simping ways
bakugou always mentions the fact that kirishima goes really silent whenever you’re around—
and he’s secretly contemplating on having you around more so he can just shut up 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
moving aside all of that, kiri always carries your things.
you’ll beg him to give you at least one thing, and he’ll say no because it’s “not manly to let someone carry all of this.”
if you’re sad, he’s the first one to cheer you up— reassuring you that everything will be okay.
kiri’s just wants to be at your service at all times! it’s manly to help people, right?
hitoshi shinsou
no one would be able to tell that he’s simping for someone
because unlike kaminari; he’s not like IM HITOSHI SHINSO AND IM ACTUALLY A SIMP
he’s a lot more discreet, and no one has really caught on, besides you and kaminari of course
he’s a lot less sarcastic with you, asking you about anything that’s happened instead of just being there
he prefers it to hear you talk. the way each word and syllable rolls off your tongue smoothly, and the way you use your hands to emphasize things
he’s amused.
oh and the way he looks at you? almost any normal person can sense the simp in him pop out (he’s so contained though)
he’s definitely the person that’ll get rid of any bug that’s terrifying you— even though he’d normally just leave it to them
he’ll do it, regardless if it’s the biggest fucking spider he’s ever seen, or the smallest spider
he’ll do it to make you feel safe.
he has these random spurs of compliments during the day
the source mainly comes from his staring habit
and they’re just so unexpected and out of the blue. hitoshi’s amused whenever he sees your reaction to his compliments
like.. you could be really frustrated about something, and he’ll just go “your eyes are pretty.” that’s his discreet method tO MAKE YOU TEMPORARILY DISTRACTED FROM THE ISSUE—
call him a simp, whatever. it’s true anyway so he doesn’t why should he be ashamed of it?
he’s discreet about it, since it’s your business and his business. but you can definitely feel his feelings loud and clear
neito monoma
— THE 180 SIMP
“i’m not a simp!”
[you enter the room]
*nervous laughter*
he had his last laugh, and he never thought he’d be this soft around someone.
especially if you’re from class 1-A like.. i became the thing i hated, ugh.
relentless teasing is amped but this is his way of making sure you remember him loud and clear
but he’ll never tease you in a condescending way— like how he torments the rest of class 1-A
that’s reserved for them 💅
always compliments you, that’s the first thing he does when he sees you—
and they’re never generic compliments either
“it’s nice to see you here, y/n! you make the world better day by day!”
“i’m still wondering what you’re doing in class 1-A, you’re much better than them!”
everyone secretly wonders how you got monoma to like you
monoma canonically likes pastels. spread the word
so sometimes, you’ll walk over to your desk— and you’ll just see this random pastel ornament sitting on your desk
you know who it’s from
whenever monoma starts becoming annoying, kendo will definitely use you as a weapon to make him shut up
he’ll be laughing at the expression on his face, thinking he’s absolutely winning at this
but the smile is wiped off his face when he hears “ok go on, i’ll tell y/n about your antics.”
“no, no! i’ll behave now, please don’t tell y/n.”
class 1-b literally use you as blackmail whenever monoma acts up, and it’s because of how different he is around you
like.. his personality takes a 180, (besides the obvious teasing) it’s alarming
©️zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not repost my work❕
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I’d agree about the body type differences, Phoebe and Hannah are on the skinny (and as someone pointed out stereotypical period heroine) side whereas Ruby’s body type is like Florence Pugh’s which im not sure what the proper term is for. Ruby is shorter than Phoebe a bit but so is Florence, and between them Flo is the one I’d say is closer to Phoebe’s (and Hannah’s) body type so I get what that anon was saying about conventional attractiveness and wishing Fran’s new actress didn’t really fall under that
Thanks for the ask anon! Okay so I've seen this pop up a few times now. Before this ask, it was mentioned in my previous ask and I think that anon may have gotten it from a post in the main tag that I've seen before but for the life of me cannot find it right now. So if anyone sees that post mentioning Hannah not being like Ruby in physical likeness please do let me know in the comments thanks!
I just want to put this out there as a blanket statement: As someone who has always been skinny and not targeted to be ridiculed because of her weight, I feel like I'm not the best person to talk about this. So if anyone else better equipped wants to weigh in on this please feel free to do so!
That being said, here is my two cents: I kept googling the girls and comparing to see what 'different body type' I was missing because honestly the only thing I see is Ruby has a rounder face than Hannah and Phoebe. However, in this full length picture, she's looks to be my height and weight so I'd consider her skinny since her build reminds me of mine.
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And to me personally, Florence Pugh is more curvier than any of the three Bridgerton girls.
As Trivia @hptriviachamp has mentioned in our discussions; "While she wished for better body diversity in bridgerton, neither Ruby nor Hannah fulfil that, and she's not gonna judge their acting ability by their looks- and that goes either way." And I feel the same way.
Would it have been great if we got more body diversity via Fran's new casting? Yeah! It would have been great to have a fat actress like Nicola or Barbie Ferreira to portray a character like Frannie. It would definitely minimise the villianising of plus size characters on the show through Penalty at the moment.
But we got Hannah Dodd and so there's no use wishing for someone else. Maybe we could get a curvy or plus size Sophie but we'll see!
My friends and I have speculated that the production team only wants Nicola and Penelope so that the spotlight can be shined on her as the token fat character sigh.
Relevant addition from Zara @jeanvanjer (with some edits from yours truly to make it flow better!): 
Plus size Sophie works if they’re not following her story in the book exactly. But (for Frannie) as a rich girl and one of the Bridgertons would’ve been perfect for that rep. Even in other countries, back in the day, being bigger or curvier was a sign that you were well off. As for existing rep in the show, we’ll only get Nicola who I hope doesn’t get pressured to lose some weight for intimate scenes. There’s also a problem in any sort of Media that there’s just specific type of Plus size that’s acceptable. I mean as far as “plus size” rep goes and not what should really be fat rep because aesthetically there’s a difference right?  This was an opportunity to show a diverse body type as a “diamond” Hannah is, I’m sure a wonderful actress, and deserves the role but there are definitely actors out there who are just as talented but don’t look like models. If they have an opportunity to recast a role, they should’ve been more conscious of how they could again positively represent a community that is always undermined especially when it comes to “aesthetics”. 
Overall, I'll say it's okay to be sad and wish for more body diversity in the show but I honestly don't think Ruby brought body diversity into the show in the first place.
Thanks again for the ask and if anyone who is actually plus size and wants to add on this - feel free to via reblogs or comments (because my ask box is flooding and I'm going close them soon! Thanks for understanding :))
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katsukisblackteddy · 3 years
AAAA IM SO GLAD I FOUND ANOTHER POC CREATER!! I read one of your imagines and I'm in love skcnsn- Now. For my ask- Can i have Iida or Baku x a chubby mixed girl 👉🏽👈🏽 Which ever you like writing for the most hun! I don't care if its sfe or nsfw- I just want my men 🙄🤚🏽 thank youuuu! 😚🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
“A Mini Tenya!”
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Soooo I decided to write this because Iida would literally be the best dad and omg the thought of Iida taking care of a child literally makes my heart gush.
Pairing: aged up! Iida x black!fem! Reader Pronouns: she/her Warnings: cursing (bc of boom boom boy), fluff
Thank you so much for requesting and for the sweet message! It means a lot 😊 also I decided to write for iida bc I haven’t written for him much, hope that’s okay!
I also want to take a small amount of time to address a few things that I’ve been seeing recently on a few posts and on tiktok. Apparently some people are trying to say that Iida and Bakugou wouldn’t have a poc (more specifically black s/o) and that they would say the n word. Bruh...what the hell? Lmaoo. So to those people who think that, y’all can fight me bc they aren’t insensitive boys and they definitely would have a black girl/boy/enby s/o bc i say so and they just have that EnErGy. DO NOT RUIN COMFORT CHARACTERS FOR PEOPLE PLEASE. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk....
CHILE ANYWAYS....on with it
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Tenya sat on the large grey couch in the living room of your new home. The television was turned on to the news station, the volume down to almost silent as he looked from the television screen where a story about Midoriya was playing down to the small white blanket that sat in his arms. Tenya smiled, carefully running a finger over one of the baby’s soft tan chubby cheeks as the little one let out a small gurgle, moving closer to his father’s touch. His usually serious gaze then turned to look at you, as you snuggled into his side the both of you watching your tiny baby sleep. You were in one of Tenya’s large sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants, the warmth and the faint smell of his cologne were comforting. 
It had been two weeks since you had given birth to your baby, a son you decided to name Tenzen. When you had told your husband that you wanted to use the first syllable of his name for your son’s, he almost started crying out of pride. And now he couldn’t wait to show you both off to his friends, unbelievably proud of you for your strength and for bringing your son into the world. The small baby began growing fussy, opening his eyes to reveal dark blueish grey eyes, just like his father’s. “Don’t cry Tenzen-kun. What’s wrong?” Iida asked softly, his eyes quickly searching over the baby to analyze the problem. “Are you hungry?”
“He can’t be yet, he ate like 15 minutes ago.” You added, “maybe he needs to be changed?” Tenya lifted the small baby, his face quickly morphing into a frown. 
“He needs to be changed.” Iida agreed. “I’ll take care of it.” You let out a sigh, even though it had been two weeks, your body was still tired and you couldn’t help but love how hands on your husband was because it gave you time to rest. 
“I’m going to jump in the shower.” You said, passing the nursery on your way to your master bedroom to freshen up before your friends came over. After your shower, you pulled on a simple long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of leggings stopping to look at yourself in the mirror. 
Your body had changed some since you had been a student at UA and even since before you had had your son. Though you had never been a stick, at least that’s what Tenya called it, you hadn’t really been self conscious about it until now. Though Tenya constantly told you that you were beautiful and he didn’t want a twig for a wife. Sometimes he would absentmindedly trace your stretch marks as if they were tattoos, telling you that he loved each and every single of them because they made you you. You stepped away from the mirror, reminding yourself that you were a BEAUTIFUL STRONG BLACK WOMAN and a queen and anyone who said otherwise was stupid as fuck,  before returning back to the living room. 
“I hope you continue to be a good boy for your mother. She’s an amazing woman, you know. She’s one of the kindest and strongest people I know, you and I both got very lucky and she’s obviously the most beautiful woman, I’ve ever met. I hope your personality is like hers.” You stopped in the hallway, hearing Tenya talk to your son. “Anyways, a lot of people are very excited to meet you, Tenzen, that’s why I put you in your favorite outfit.” He said. You knew that the supposed ‘favorite outfit’ was actually a black baby onesie with a cartoon Ingenium on the front, you had gotten it as a joke...apparently not so much of a joke anymore.  You walked into the room from your spot in the hallway as the doorbell rang, Iida handing you your son who made little gurgling and cooing noises as he latched onto one of your fingers with one of his tiny hands. 
“Tenya! (y/n)! You had the baby!” Mina rushed in excitedly, Bakugou, Denki, Kirishima, Midoriya, Todoroki, Tsuyu, and Uraraka walked in afterwards, Jirou being out of town visiting some relatives. After you had transferred to UA in 2nd year, you had been accepted into the Bakusquad while he had been in the Dekusquad. 
“Hey Mina.” You smiled widely, happy to see your friends as Tenzen started to grow fussy at the loud noise, standing up to hug one of your best friends as the baby gave her a judgemental stare. 
“He’s so cute!” Uraraka, Mina, and Tsuyu cooed as they gathered around, eager to watch the little baby in your arms. 
“Do you want to hold him?” You asked as they all nodded quickly. You laughed, passing Tenzen to Mina as everyone sat around the room, talking and laughing. 
“He doesn’t even look like you, Dumbass.” Bakugou remarked, holding the little boy, hiding his smile as your son grabbed his finger. “Tch, he’s cute or whatever.” Bakugou admitted before passing him to Kirishima and Denki, a proud smile on both you and Tenya’s faces. 
Bakugou hadn’t been wrong. Your son had gotten most of his looks from his father, sharing the same eye color and shape and same smile among other things. While he had gotten his lips and hair type from you. His skin  tone was a shade or two lighter than yours and his hair was one shade of blue lighter than his father’s.
“He obviously likes me the most. I’m his favorite uncle, I already know it.” Kirishima beamed watching as the little baby seemed to smile up at him. 
“That’s fucking dumb and you know it, Shitty hair. It’s obvious it isn’t any of you.” Bakugou replied, rolling his crimson eyes and eyeing the baby. He didn’t mind holding your son, Hope he isn’t as much of a narc as his dad. Bakugou thought.
“Watch your language in front of my son!” Iida scolded, shooting an icy glare at the hothead who simply tched. 
You laughed observing everyone from where you sat, happy that your best friends had met your little boy and he hadn’t peed or thrown up on them...yet.
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butchsophiewalten · 2 years
HI I apologize if this is out of nowhere or weird and obviously u ofc do not need 2 reply to this if u would prefer not to but I saw ur post and the tags and i wanted to tell u regarding the me deleting the original post thing: don’t sweat it.!!!!! i got a little self conscious but ultimately that was just a Me thing ……… I’m vry glad u took the time to read it in the first place and I genuinely appreciate the feedback and 100% understand where ur coming from regarding the foster dad Felix thing because I know that trend has been done to death LOLL but anyways just know i didn’t take it personally or anything . I hope u have a nice day ok ^_^ . Also irrelevant side note even though we do have diff interpretations of soph the way u think about her is what made me start to luv her so much since like back in August so erm thank u for making me realize she is the most interesting character hands down
Not weird at all!!! In fact im overjoyed reading this. I'm glad it wasn't me who scared you off there.
And that second bit about sophie actually means so so much for me to hear! I love thinking about and talking about her and it means so much to me that i can help other people understand what i find so compelling about her. I should really start putting my thoughts about her on my blog again instead of keeping them regulated to private discord servers lol ;;
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villainrps · 5 years
Hi everyone! You may know me as NEETU/NAV/NINA/MINA/NIA, or just by my URL, @villainrps. I had the real displeasure of having to read some shit the last few days, and I’m here to tell you that I’m not happy about it, it wasn’t okay, and here’s why! I had someone who I had never spoken to before and who I, honestly, was not consciously following confront me and admit to having stalked me over a course of several years before finally coming forward and accusing me of plagiarism. This claim has no basis in reality or fact, which I told her to her face privately before she made the decision to block me before I could reply further. I feel no great shame or even hesitation mention this person’s name or URL as they’ve threatened to write a PSA about me for something I know I haven’t done, despite what an overinflated ego believes and might have you believe, so I thought I’d beat her to the punch and “expose” myself rather than give someone else the satisfaction. Read on below to find out all about this rather unpleasant encounter with Sarah, @marvolo ( previously @lilys and @aangs ).
As I’ve already said, I’ll begin with acknowledging that I was, apparently, at one time following Sarah. We never met or spoke, if we were ever in a roleplay together it’s not something I was aware of, and her most recent old URL wasn’t even one that I recognized. I believe that I began following her when she was @aangs, and I found her blog through a friend of mine ( @herorps ) who was likely following Sarah for her RP resources.
I also want to touch on the fact that Sarah states she has been playing the character in question -- a canon character, Lily Luna Potter -- since 2012. I have also been playing Lily Luna since 2012, and I’m sure there are a good number of other people who have been playing her for at least three years, if not the seven that Sarah and I both have. I also want to state that I have never seen Sarah’s portrayal of Lily Luna out in the wild, so to speak, at least to my own conscious knowledge as, despite the fact that she’s apparently been keeping tabs on me, I’ve not been keeping tabs on her. I want to make very clear that I have never plagiarised from anyone, for a number of reasons: a) it’s morally wrong, b) especially in the case of roleplay, it’s not a concept I could ever wrap my head around as writing someone else’s character in any capacity for any length of time isn’t sustainable, and c) I don’t need to. Anyone who knows me knows that I’m an incredibly confident person; I’m secure in my own abilities, I would and have never felt the need to bolster my own skills using the labor of someone else.
Before Sarah took the immense courtesy of very brusquely messaging me with this accusation herself, she decided to present a massive compilation of evidence to the admins of a group that I’m currently in, collected -- again, by her own admission -- over the course of several years without my knowledge of, to put it bluntly, any idea who she even was. You’ll find screenshots of all of these conversations below, but I just want to make it very clear before continuing that this kind of behavior is a plague in our community, and nothing ever makes it okay to literally stalk a complete stranger for years, not even taking into account how calmly and easily she admitted it to a third party, another stranger, as if it’s something rational and normal to do.
Now, regarding the things she’s accusing me of stealing from her portrayal of Lily Luna -- face claim, occupation, house, personality traits, and a few headcanons that I believe to be very generic not only for this specific character but just as far as headcanons go in general -- obviously, yes, I’m as a whole denying all of it. It’s just not true. You’re more than welcome to believe whatever you want about me, but I’m saying now, for the record, that this is not true, and what prompted me to write my own PSA is to call attention to this absolutely reprehensible behavior, as it was total bullshit to me, but also as I’ve heard in asking around that Sarah has a history of making these kinds of accusations against people.
Find first the screenshots of the Google Doc she sent to the admins of a group that I’m in; the Google Doc itself is now defunct, but the admins can attest that these screenshots are complete and unaltered. 
You'll see on the first page, she admits to having stalked me for "many years," and also posts that her biography has gone through several changes over the years, as well as the fact that she has people who can vouch for her who have been in previous groups with her. I, also, have people who I've known since 2012 who can vouch for me. She also says on the second page that she softblocked me at some point, rather than saying absolutely anything about any of this, despite having kept tabs on me for years and having said or done God knows what to other people about a situation that I had no knowledge of. Also on the second page she vows to "hold [the admins] accountable for the irresponsible way they handled the situation," which apparently just means they read this massive document and decided they didn't agree with her, so obviously they're wrong and at fault here as well. I really have nothing to say about these biosheet/introduction comparisons. I've run the similarities by half a dozen people now, and none of us can see how they're "too similar to be a coincidence," as Sarah says to me later, in our conversation. These are all fairly generic traits and headcanons; talking about Gryffindor traits, about her canonical family, about a headcanon of not being able to cook?, and another that literally just describes some basic Gryffindor aesthetics that you can find right away in a five second Pinterest search. None of these are unique to either one of our portrayals. This is a canon character with an established fanon. I'm sure you could find at LEAST a dozen other people who play Lily as a headstrong Gryffindor who has Harry's eyes and is afraid of losing her family. Towards the end of all this, she also mentions two similar character URLs -- mine, daughterofheroes, isn't even something I came up with myself, it was given to me by a friend that used to play Lily Luna. Additionally, she mentions some similar tags that we both use; "out of the ashes" was based on a really specific RPG event from a group that I ran years ago, and I don't think that I have to say that "lionheart" is about as generic as it gets for a Gryffindor. Then, out of nowhere, she accuses me of changing my introduction for Lily for MinistryHQ, a group that I co-adminned and she apparently briefly thought about joining, to avoid "[being] caught in the act." Remember how she's said her Lily biography has gone through many changes over the years? Apparently, when she does it, it's natural evolution and it's valid, but when I do it, it's obviously because I'm a vicious sneak thief and I don't want anyone to notice. Which, if I didn't want her to "detect" me in my own group, would I not have simply... blocked her? Softblocked her like she did to me? ANYWAY. It then details her conversation with the admins of the group I'm in, where she accuses me of plagiarism to them, but asks that I not be told about them at all, which -- I don't know, maybe I'm being unreasonable, but that's incredibly insensitive to the admins and the position that’s putting them in ( hey, kick this person out but you're not allowed to tell them why! ), not to mention still being weirdly stealthy about stalking me for this long?? Not only accusing me of plagiarism to them, then, but completely reaching up your ass and deciding that the reason you've kept all this a secret is because you think I'm going to harass you?? So now I'm not only a thief, I'm a bully too?? And, again, WE HAVE NEVER SPOKEN. In my opinion, the admins are exactly on point, telling her that the only person doing the harassment is you -- I have no idea how this can be seen as anything but, deciding you don't want a total stranger to have access to your blog despite the fact you've NEVER allotted them the courtesy of knowing you have an issue with them to begin with, despite the fact that you're helping yourself to having kept tabs on them for a span of YEARS -- and saying, like what I've just said, that neither of our Lily portrayals are particularly unique. I'll own up to that lol. But Sarah's not quite ready to do that, as you'll see in this next set of screenshots.
Next you can find the screenshots of Sarah finally taking the time to message me about her perceived grievance with me, finally after being quite literally forced to after her encounter with the admins of the group I’m in. 
A lot of the things I have to say I've already said directly to Sarah. Before I was blocked, that is. I'm a very-upfront person, and my tone in these IMs is not gonna be any different from my tone in this PSA lol. But let's still pick through for any important things. This is probably a little petty to point out, but I really need to mention that she says she's "[tried] to just let this go" and I really wanna ask you, reading this: does any of this so far seem like the actions or mental space of a person who's trying to let this go? Because that's not how it reads to me! But anyway, like I say to her, the tone of this message is incredibly abrasive; I don't think it's at all fair that she's been letting this anger and resentment stew for literal years, only to come at me with this message and act like she's tried to address it to me before and this is her last warning before putting me on blast as a last straw. Again, like I say to her, I just really think this whole accusation is incredibly ego-based coming from a place of thinking that she has a singular claim to what is just a very generic portrayal of this popular canon character, thinking that anyone who plays this character in a similar way to her must, logically, be copying her because there’s no other explanation for two similar ideas other than the fact that someone is jealous of her, etc. Much of this speaks for itself, but at the end of this conversation you can see us talking about the fact that the basis for my Lily Luna is a completely different canon character from an entirely different fandom. Even when I mention that and link her the application from four years ago, she still insists that that biography, now, was even plagiarized from her Lily Luna, despite how little sense that makes. If I wanted to rip someone's biography for Canon Character A, I would rip someone's biography that was also written for Canon Character A, not stumble upon a biography for a completely unrelated Canon Character B and copy that. This one in particular just really. Blows my mind. She ends the conversation by saying that it's "ridiculous" that I won't "cop" to something that I did not do; what I find ridiculous is that she's now had three people tell her her characterization just ain't that special and instead she's choosing to fall back on this narcissistic tirade that she's apparently been on against me for years without my knowledge. Well, you know what, Sarah? I had no reason to care about you then, and I still have no reason to care about you now. But you know what, honey? If this helps you sleep better at night, stalking and harassing random strangers on the internet to feed your ego, then you just go on believing that I’m the bad guy and everyone’s out to get you. Clearly that’s what you need to make it through the day, so who am I to take that away from you?
In conclusion, this whole thing really just caught me off guard rather than having the intimidating effect that was intended. I know I didn’t steal from anyone, which is why I feel comfortable enough posting all this, but I think that this has really gone on long enough and some people in this community really just need to be held accountable for getting off on shit like this. Some people here are too scared of confrontation to call shit like this out, but I’m not one of them. 
If you’ve read this far and your brain is still intact, congratulations! Because I was feeling really fried after experiencing all of this first hand. This is ridiculous, considering I thought we left this sort of rpc drama back in 2015. Also, for reference to these proofs that were collected by Sarah, please see below for most of the screenshots, as the google doc is not available to me any longer.
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different anon, but heck yeah u should definitely infodump about lucid dreaming!! im really interested in it
aaaaa okay !!! uh hold onto ur ears yall im abt to talk em off lmao
so !! if u didnt know, lucid dreaming is basically when you become aware that you’re dreaming while youre in a dream. once you’re aware, you can take control of the dream in literally any way u want — u can do anything, go anywhere, meet anyone, all with the knowledge that nothing can hurt u and nothing can stop u
its a fascinating concept and, the feeling when u actually become lucid for the first time? its better than anything else in the world. its the most invigorating thing u can ever feel, i think. but actually becoming lucid is, ,, , , hm. a time and a half. 
putting the rest under a cut bc, hooooo boy this is gonna get long
first things first! you absolutely have to keep a dream journal. forgetting ur dreams is all well and good when ur not trying to accomplish anything in them, but if you become lucid and then wake up with only the vaguest memory of what you actually did? thats painful.
u can either go all out and get a fancy journal and write them down physically each morning, or u can do what i do and just download an app. i personally use the app Dream Catcher, which lets u tag ur dreams for easy organization. just get in the habit of writing down your dreams every morning, and if you really, really cant remember anything, just write down that you didnt dream anything that day. you’ll train your brain to remember your dreams better
secondly! reality checks! are absolutely imperative! the idea behind them is that, if you do something throughout the day that “proves” your reality, eventually you’ll start doing it in your dreams as well. for example, a common thing in my dreams is that i’ll have extra fingers, so i check my hands a lot throughout the day. 
it can’t just be a casual thing, too. if all you do is glance at your hands and b like “yo looks normal, we gucci”, then you’ll do the same in your dreams even if you have Weird hands. trust me, Dream-You is an idiot, you gotta be obvious with this stuff. take a few moments, look at your hands, count out your fingers, and really think to yourself “am i dreaming?”
try to get in the habit of doing that at least 15 times a day, and eventually you’ll start doing it in your dreams too. 
now, if you just stick with doing those two things — which is what i’m doing right now — your chances of becoming lucid will raise astronomically. even just those two tiny things can train your brain into realizing when the world around you is real and when it isnt. you can also attempt something really easy called a MILD — a mnemonic-induced-lucid-dream — which can help your chances even more without upping the effort 
whenever you go to bed, just take a few moments — even just five minutes can help — and just. lay there. and think to urself, again and again “the next scene will be a dream” or “i will become lucid in my dreams tonight” or something similar. get ur brain really focused on lucid dreaming right before you fall asleep and chances are, those Vibes will bleed over into ur dreams and you’ll become lucid
practice those three things consistently, every day, and pretty soon you’ll start becoming lucid. it takes time, though! dont be discouraged if you end up not becoming lucid for the first few weeks, or even months. sometimes your brain just needs a bit of extra training
that’s what ive been doing for the past year or so — bc damn do i Not have the energy to actually put in too much effort — but!!! there are other techniques!!
my personal favorite is the WBTB, or wake-back-to-bed method. with this technique, you set your alarm for roughly 5-6 hours after you go to sleep so you’ll wake up inside of one of your REM cycles, specifically one where your dreams will be the most vivid. dont do anything, just roll over and go right back to sleep. 
you can even use a MILD along with this, repeat whatever mantra u usually use as you fall back asleep. you should start to see hypnagogic imagery — blobs of color and vague shapes floating before your eyes. just observe them. at one point, they’ll start forming more familiar shapes, and places, and maybe even people — and there should be a moment, a snap, where you go from observing these images to actually being in the scene. you literally build the dream around yourself, its magical
i have read that WBTB can cause sleep paralysis, but i’ve never personally experienced any problems with it, aside from the fact that im always tired the next day.
another thing that could severely increase your chances of being lucid but also involves Effort — meditation. specifically mindfulness meditation. the act of bringing full awareness to your Existence, honing in on just Your body, Your mind, Your breath, will make you a more aware, mindful person, which in turn makes you more perceptive of dream signs. also, the ability to clear your mind and center yourself with a moment’s notice really comes in handy when the dream becomes destabilized and you have to take control
if ur an adhd lad like me — or neurodivergent in any way, really — the idea of meditation can be,,,, terrifying. honestly, i havent meditated in like six months now, because it really wasnt?? doing anything for me?? mostly because im absolutely incapable of sitting still for that long without Something to stimulate me
so! loophole! guided meditations. having someone else guide you through the process can make it a bit easier to focus. just find one that works for u on youtube. there are even guided meditations made specifically to prime ur brain for lucid dreaming!
so thats how you get lucid. now for when youre lucid
at first, lucid dreaming is going to be extremely hard. dreams fall apart very easily — if you get too overexcited or if a dream-character looks at you the wrong way or if you cant seem to do what you want to do, your lucidity can fade and you’ll either go back to being your normal dream self or you’ll wake up. dreams are volatile and hard to control, and even harder to master
thats where meditation comes in handy. youll have a much easier time controlling your dreams if you can look at the world around you, take a breath, center yourself, and know that you can control it. that being said, you can absolutely learn to take control without ever having meditated a day in your life. its all about your mindset!
you have to go into it with confidence. the key to controlling your dreams is knowing that they’re your dreams. you cant forget that you’re in control. thats why i feel like learning to lucid dream doubles as a lesson in self-confidence — you have to learn to trust yourself, trust that you can handle any scenario thrown at you and come out on top.
if you can achieve this mindset, you can literally do anything. ive had maybe 50 lucid dreams since i started learning about them — which… is honestly a really low amount, but. i havent really had the time/energy to really throw myself into it  as much as i want to. but just in those dreams, ive flown, ive shapeshifted, ive met my sides, ive teleported to vast, gorgeous lands and seen some of the most beautiful things ive ever seen. anything is possible in a lucid dream; thats why its so worth it to put in the effort
but when youre first starting out, itll be extremely hard to maintain that mindset. like i said, Dream-you is dumb as shit — you’ll forget youre dreaming, you’ll be unable to control anything, you’ll wake up before you manage to accomplish anything. more often than not, the dream will destabilize, which is Not Fun
if the dream starts to destabilize — basically, if things start going fuzzy or vague, if you suddenly cant see, if you can feel ur body in bed, basically anything that points towards you waking up — there are ways to fix it. literally just spinning around helps for some reason? spin around, fall down, run ur hands along anything u can find and feel the texture, or just demand that the dream stabilize itself. most of the time, thatll work
and if it doesnt, dont be discouraged. theres always another night to dream
so basically: start a dream journal, do reality checks, mmmmaybe meditate if youre up for it, and your dreams will become like. at least 10x more interesting. trust me, try flying: its literally the best feeling in the entire world
its just !!! such a huge, incredible thing, and its so fascinating to learn about too. all the different ways you can train your brain, all the different things you can do, all the studies done on the subject. i suggest reading about Steven LaBerge or keith hearne. hearne led the study that proved lucid dreaming existed in the first place! he got a lucid dreamer to signal to him that he was conscious while asleep using REM (rapid-eye movement), because lucid dreaming happens during the REM state. also, robert waggoner’s book Gateway to the Inner Self is really fascinating too!
hm wow i really went ham here lmao
thanku for giving me a chance to infodump im very happy rn
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prrrower · 4 years
How I Run This Bitch My Blog :-)
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[ under a cut bc i literally can never shut the hell UP lolol ]
Speed: oof well,, i think i can be pretty slow at times lol. i often will write a reply and then delete it and redo it bc i’m not happy with it. also longer threads are often the ones that take me longer, since i like to think over what i’m gonna write. plus i do have a life so yknow this stuff gets put on the back burner sometimes. 
if it’s shitposting/short stuff i think i reply pretty decently... lmao ; w; 
Replies: i generally try to match whatever the other person writes tbh! i know that sometimes with the longer stuff i get a bit rambly ( bc i love writing introspection sometimes lknbefvd ) so s/o to all the cool people who don’t get upset about that :-) especially when it’s tech stuff GOD im so sorry lkngklegnfv
Starters: oh i don’t. do the ‘starter calls’ really,.. not for any dramatic reason lmao it’s bc i’m not great at coming up with multiple starters at once; they always end up pretty same-y, which sucks! so i never really uhhhh do starters :’’’) i also get overwhelmed VERY easy so hhhhh i know it’s super shitty of me flgkbnrldn but i’m trying to work my way up to doing them! 
i prefer ask memes to start interactions tbh, i feel like it’s less work for everyone involved lol. haven’t really plotted a whole bunch so idk how i feel about that either lmfao
Inbox: i love asks!! my inbox is open to everyone, whether i post a meme or if you just pop in to say something! however, oftentimes i don’t post every ask i get-- a lot of the time they’re related to crack stuff when i’m joking around with other people on dash, and i try to be conscious of how much i post in general ( but ESPECIALLY with shitposting fgklbnfd ) so, sometimes i just don’t answer stuff when i feel like i’ve been posting too much. if you’ve ever sent me an ask and i didn’t answer, it’s not you!! it’s just me being paranoid lol
Selectivity: well i was originally semi-selective but things change :-) mostly in that i... can be picky, i guess? so i’m selective now; i rp with mutuals mostly. if i follow you, i want to interact with you, that’s the biggest thing lol. i kind of expect somewhat proper grammar ( i speak 2 languages so yes i do understand having trouble with grammar! ) and for people to trim posts. before i had editable reblogs, i redid every single reply i wrote so that it wouldn’t be a giant post; if my dumb ass can do that, i feel it’s not too wild to expect that from others ; w;’’
Wishlist: ooh i don’t actually have one of these! i suppose... i’m always a sucker for tails fixing up robot characters, lol. i also love love love platonic friendship/familial stuff; part of the reason i love tails so much is bc found family stuff is so dear to me! so. yeah i’m a sucker for soft stuff, i guess that’s the mood lmao. 
Honest Note: i am babey and don’t often talk to people first; i’m just shy by nature and uhhh i think people often believe that means i’m very cold or something but it’s literally just that i’m very shy. i’m also yknow mid twenties and i hope people don’t think i’m creepy or something??? i’m always lowkey worried about that tbh lol,,
also i think that bc i don’t do fancy formatting people think i’m weird/lame, which is fine lmao. i’m colorblind and that shit is just way too hard for me to fiddle with, plus i’ve got lots going on outside of tumblr, so if people don’t want to write with me bc they think my icons/theme are lame like, that’s fine lol.
tagged by: @amidst-the-storm​ ( ty!!! ) tagging: this seems to be the meme of the day so if you’ve not done it, here’s ur chance <3
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kotofvi · 5 years
Mobile Rules
Important Notes
My mini-muse navigation on the main bagel has links to individual bios! I did this so you can get a preview on my fucks and see if you're interested, if so then you can check out their full bio! Please note the trigger warning tags before the bios. Though not all of them will have them and some will have more than others, I make it a point to put these warnings above whatever bio needs them so you have ample warning before reading them. The links in the mobile version of the bagel are for mobile bound users! I try to make my bagels as accessible as possible!
Please specify what muse you want. If you're not sure or are indecisive, that's alright! Just please tell me "Random" and I will give you a random muse! However, if you don't tell me what muse you want or tell me to give you a random one, I get anxious because I'm not sure which one of my fucks you'd like to write with and worry if I'm writing up something for the wrong muse. So please, please, specify a muse or "Random" so we can avoid all that mess.
Since I've had this problem several times before across all my other bagels: If I've written you multiple starters and you haven't responded to a single one of them, I will not write you anymore. That is just.. Unreasonable. I will legitimately write you a starter for every single muse and you can pick and choose which ones you want to reply to, so to reply to none and then ask for another one? It just really gets under my skin and makes me question whether or not its my writing or if you just have no interest. I will rewrite a starter for you if you didn't like the one you got, no problem! So please, instead of leaving me on read, tell me if you want a different muse or a new starter. I really don't mind at all. But do not just ghost me and not tell me anything then expect me to write you more. That's just rude af, mate.
Tagging system: N.SFW = Kettledrums // (I tag everything with ___ //) If you need anything specific tagged and I don't tag it, please let me know and I'll mark it down to tag in the future!
Since I’ve had some troubles in the past about non-mutual starlings still liking starter calls or the like, I feel its necessary to address this issue first.
My lovely starlings, I will always adore you and I will come into your inbox all the time. I will send you Nonnies and HC questions. I appreciate and adore you very much! However, if I didn’t follow you back its likely because of very few reasons: 
★ I want to keep my dash neat and organized and I can’t follow you (in good conscious because I will likely unfollow you soon after) if the content spread of your bagel is a bunch of varying things that I personally wouldn’t want on my dash or have no use for. 
★  Your character is wonderful but I don’t think they could really interact well with my muse in a sense of actually interacting and not in a sense of different fandoms or the like. No, our muses don’t have to get along for us to interact but if your muse isn’t my cup of tea– Well I can’t see us interacting. 
★ Our writing won’t work well together. I read a handful of threads when I go to check out your bagel and if I feel our writing won’t work well together, I can’t follow you because I don’t want to be the asshole who follows you then never interacts with you.
★  If I have no interest in writing with your muse I won’t follow you because, again, I really don’t want to be that asshole who follows but never interacts.  
None of this is personal, okay? I love all you beautiful starlings and I really do appreciate you so much! You’re not too OOC (may I direct you to my constant bagel situation? Look at all that endless OOC.) You’re not a bad writer. You’re not anything bad at all! These are just my preferences! 
This doesn’t mean we can never talk or interact, though! But here’s the rule of thumb:
★  Please do not send me asks or the like with Memes that aren’t relative to drabbles or HCs. Please do not send me asks or the like with inquiry to thread! I don’t want to have to tell you no, I’m really really bad at saying no, okay? And when I don’t say no, but I want to say no, I end up dropping threads and then no one feels good. Which is really not okay because I don’t want either of us not havin’ a good time!
I take great measures to check your bagel out! I’ll read your writing, check all your pages and I’ll basically stalk your bagel for a bit before I decide on following you or not. 
Please note though: Sometimes I can take a while to get to checking you out! This is because tumblr doesn’t notify me, I’m too busy working or I didn’t see the number change concerning my followers! Typically I’ll post when I’m checking new starlings out though! 
If you’re going to follow me, please note that I do tag everything as extensively as possible. If you need something tagged with a custom tag, please let me know! I’ll take care of it! 
Tagging in general: I always tag all forms of NSFW (Nudity, Violence, etc) as “Kettledrums //“  and I always tag Water, Blades, Eye contact, Scars and other things as “water //” etc.
If I unfollow you, don’t come at me asking why. Don’t come at me interrogating me for reasons as to why I unfollowed you. If we’re close friends or if we’ve always been following each other and suddenly I’m not following you, then yes, please IM me because I’m p sure that tumblr fucked up somewhere there.
But if not? Don’t come at me with that please. I am a very anxious person and I really don’t want to have to deal with that. 
The same goes for you unfollowing me though! I won’t come at you for it! Its your decision who you follow, not mine! I understand completely and you do you sugar! 
My threads vary in length but generally they tend to get long all on their own. Even if it starts off with just a sentence or something, it usually evolves into paragraphs within a few replies. 
I don’t mind length matching. You don’t have to match my length and you definitely don’t have to try to make it longer just to keep up. I want you to have fun writing and if you can only give me two paras on a three or four para reply, that’s fine. However, if I’ve given you six paragraphs and you only give me one, I’m likely to lose interest in the thread unless I’m told that you’re having writer’s block or something.
The reason for that is because when the reply length drops that dramatically, it makes me feel as though you have no interest in it. If I think you don’t have any interest in it, I’m not going to make you continue it. If you want to drop a thread with me, let me know! We can always have a thousand threads and only ever really do two of them. I mean, it happens a lot pfft. 
The point is: Relax. Threads are meant to be fun after all! 
PLEASE DO NOT EQUATE ME TO MY MUSE. However, whatever similarities may arise between us: I AM NOT MY MUSE. Anything they may do or say is not necessarily supported by me. 
I am multi-ship but I ship on chemistry. We can talk about shipping our muses all day long though! If you wanna ship with me, let me know! Just kick my inbox door down and say “HEY FUCKFACE LETS SHIP” and I will be down for discussing it! 
Shipping is not just Romantics here either. Platonic ships such as Familial, Best friends, etc. Hateful ships too. There’s various ways to ship, romanticism isn’t the only way. 
If you drop your ship with me, that is perfectly alright and I understand completely. Sometimes things change somewhere along the line and the ship doesn’t work anymore! 
Please note: ANY UNDERAGE MUSE / MUN WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY NSFW / SMUT WRITING. I will not write it with my underage muses and I definitely will not with underage muns, I do not wanna go to jail, thank you.
Don’t come here with any Anti bullshit. If you follow me and you’re an Anti, I’ve probably already blocked you. I don’t allow unneeded drama and bullshit here and I will protect anyone who follows me from it by keeping that shit off my bagel.
If you send me anon hate or anti ask bullshit, I will report and block you. NO ANTIS ALLOWED HERE. I’m not down with that life and this is a NO DRAMA ZONE. You bring it here, you’re INSTANTLY BLOCKED. I won’t answer you, I won’t respond nor react– I’ll just delete it, block you, report you and move on. Ain’t no one got time for that.  Beyond that: I welcome you with open arms!
The general Do(s)
★  Message me if you are interested in my muse! 
★  Send me memes when I reblogged them! 
★  Tag / Mention me in anything! 
★  Ship with me! If there’s chemistry, I am down! Even if it’s unrequited or anything of that sort! I mean, dang, ship in platonics! Do the thing my friend!
★ Ask me anything your little heart desires, even if it’s just some help or advice you need! 
★ Like/Reblog my roleplays if you are involved in it!
★  Send headcanons or drabble prompts! I’d love to hear them and hell, will probably accept them! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re from another fandom! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re an OC! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re a multiblog!
★  Interact with me! Just do it friend! I do not bite!!
The general Don’t(s)
★ Attempt to write smut with me if you are underaged. Mun is above 18 and would really rather not go to jail!
★  Expect me to follow you back once you followed me! Truly, I usually do follow back, but I also take the time to read every page on someone’s blog to see if I’m interested! It wouldn’t be fair to anyone if I just followed them back and never interacted with them due to lack of interest! Not to say that your muse(s) aren’t great, they’re just not my cup of tea!
★  Expect me to be my muse.
★  Expect me to solve every problem on my own. If we’re interacting with each other and run into a problem, I want to be able to communicate with you and solve it together! While I am an agile problem solver, I can’t do it on my own because it risks upsetting you by accident if I do something wrong! 
★  Assume I’ll ship with you just because I’m Multiship. I am multiship, but I ship upon chemistry! 
★  Guilt trip me into replies! I do them as quickly as I can and I try my very best! Please do poke at me if you feel I’ve missed it, but don’t give me hell for it, okay?
★  Message me and corner me into doing something I’m uncomfortable with. While I’m pretty laid back and am up for just about anything, if I express that I’m uncomfortable, please respect that! 
★  Bring me unneeded drama! I’m here to have fun, not bitch at people over the net, y'know?
★ Bring your “Anti” bullshit here. I’m not about that life.
Main images on this bagel by by Len-Yan.
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Down for the Count
i wrote chaos earlier so here’s some angst.  this isnt my best im sorry uhhhhh forgive me and my jafl;kdkjfd;lkjfs;lakdjf i dont know yall im sdkja;ldsk its fine everythings fine akjdf;alkdjf;ls
warrnings: past minor character deaths, nightmares
ship: platonic ralbert
editing: do i ever?
Albert felt as if he was looking through someone else’s eyes as he watched his father seizing in the front seat.  Screams were erupting from his brothers, Elijah and Thomas’, throat as his mother desperately tried to steer the car to safety.  It was no use.  They were in the middle of the highway- there was nowhere to go.  Subconsciously, Albert fumbled to make sure his brothers were buckled.  He held an arm over Elijah’s middle and grasped Thomas’ hand tightly as they sped over the median.  The world seemed to distort as a black SUV barreled towards them.  His mother was screaming now as well.  He was certain that he was screaming too, but as the collision happened, everything went blank.
Albert’s eyes flew open, his heart pounding fast and heavy in his chest.  The lights in his room were still on and his phone was pinned underneath him.  He became aware of the fact that his socks were still on and he was not under the covers.  He must have fallen asleep on accident.  
Sitting up shakily, the images from his nightmare turned into vivid memories of that awful day.  No one had survived.  Not truly anyway.  Granted, it was only his mother who had been killed in the initial crash, but his father was pronounced dead at the hospital only a short two hours later.  This left Albert to take care of his thoroughly traumatized younger brothers, which was no easy feat considering he was dealing with his own baggage from the incident.
Scrubbing a hand down his face, he became aware of how lightheaded he felt.  He wrapped his arms around his middle, trying to calm down, but his breathing was gaining speed and he knew that if he wasn’t careful, he’d spiral into a breakdown.  He needed to calm down.  He needed to distract himself.  He needed Race.  
He blindly rolled out of bed, slipping off his socks in the process.  When he got to the hall, he noticed light pouring out from under Race’s door.  He was still awake.  As he reached for the doorknob, he hesitated, suddenly feeling self conscious. A wave of shame washed over him and he quickly withdrew his hand, reaching up to run it through his hair in order to expel some nervous energy.  What did he want Race to do?  Hold him like some child?  Rock him back and forth like an infant until he could breathe again?  No, he couldn’t ask that of Race.  He’d already done so much for him after the car crash.  He helped him with his brothers and listened to him as he screamed curses at the world for damning him with this life.  He didn’t need him to help him through some pathetic nightmare- especially since it had been literal years since these memories had plagued him.
He stared at the door blankly, feeling distantly angry at himself for being so weak.  His fists clenched at his sides and he dug his fingernails into his palms so hard they stung.  
He was just about to turn around and go back to his own bedroom when he heard footsteps behind him, then, “Al? What are you doing?”
He jumped and turned around, eyes widening as he made eye contact with Race, who was dressed in boxers and a hoodie.  He was wearing his glasses and holding a mug of something- most likely warm milk with honey: his go to midnight drink.
“Uh,” Albert swallowed around the lump in his throat, his heart rate rising again.
Race’s eyebrows furrowed in concern and he took a careful step towards him, “You okay? You look pretty spooked, is there a spider in your room again?”
Albert shook his head, looking down to his hands and wringing them together.  He took a shaky breath, “N-no, I just, uhm..”
“You just what?” Race asked slowly, “You’re kinda freaking out, man, which is freaking me out. What’s got you worked up?”
“I kinda had a bad dream,” Albert mumbled, refusing to look at Race.
“What, like a nightmare?” Race asked, confusion and concern evident in his voice.  Albert nodded and even though he wasn’t looking, he could feel Race soften, “What about? Wait, here, come in.” Albert stepped out of the way to let Race into the bedroom, then followed him to his bed.  They sat across from each other and Albert tucked his legs under him, picking at a thread on Race’s sheets.  He was aware that his breathing was still a little unsteady, but he couldn’t seem to slow it.  
“Hey,” Race said, breaking the silence, “Talk to me, man.”
Albert steeled himself and flicked his eyes up to Race’s.  He quickly felt overwhelmed and fixed his gaze back on the bed, “I had a dream about the accident.  It hasn’t happened in a few years and..I don’t know.  Kinda shook me up, I guess.”
Race hummed sympathetically, “I’m sorry, dude. D’you know if anything triggered it?”
Albert shrugged, “I dunno.  I don’t even remember falling asleep, which might honestly have something to do with it if that makes sense.”
“Yeah,” Race sipped at his mug, “If you were out of your usual sleep routine, your brain mighta flipped out a bit.  Do you wanna talk about the dream more?”
Albert pursed his lips, emotions rising in his throat as the dream played in his mind again, “No,” he choked, “I really, really don’t.  It’s too much, it’s-“
“Hey,” Race cut him off, hastily putting his mug on his bedside table and crawling over next to Albert, making sure not to touch him, “Hey, you don’t gotta say anything you don’t wanna.  How about this,” he bit his lip, considering his options, “It’s a Friday, so we don’t gotta be anywhere in the morning.  What d’you say we fuck sleep and go watch Phineas and Ferb, yeah?”
Albert felt his chest loosen and he looked up at Race, “Uh, yeah.  Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Yeah?” Race grinned, “Alright c’mon. I’ll go make you some hot cocoa while you set up Netflix.”
“Actually can I have some of that warm milk with honey you make?”
“Yeah, for sure,” Race bounded off the bed and Albert stood too, following him to the living room.  
“Oh and hey, Al?”
“You can always come talk to me.  Any day, any hour.  Don’t feel like you have to hesitate.”
Albert blushed, warmth spreading through his stomach. He smiled, “Thanks, Racer.”
thanks for readin, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable @aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @thatpoorguysheadisspinning @labert-dasilver
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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walkerismychoice · 6 years
Bad Decisions (Damien X MC)
Book: Perfect Match
Rating: R/NSFW
Word Count: 1322
Author’s Note: This part 5 in the series chronicling my head-cannon of Damien and MC’s relationship up to present day, explaining why they have never been more than friends. Kai is out of character here for a bit (where the NSFW scene comes in), but that was kind of the point. I hoped I redeemed her enough by the end. Parts 1-4 are linked below
Tag List: @lizeboredom @hhiggs 
Part 1: For Safety | Part 2: Man of the Hour | Part 3: Sticky Situation
Part 4: Betrayal
Damien didn’t know how he had expected Kai to react when he showed her the pictures. He knew it wouldn’t be pretty, but he didn’t realize he would be made out to be the bad guy. In retrospect, he could understand why Kai felt he overstepped. If he had it to do all over again, he would have come to her first thing when he had suspicions that Kyle was cheating. Kai still might have gotten mad at him then, but he wouldn’t have broken her trust like he had now. This would be much harder for Kai to get over, if she ever could, and that killed Damien. He couldn’t imagine his life anymore without Kai in it.
Kai had gotten back from St. Thomas on Monday and planned to go right back to work on Tuesday. But then she lost the two most important men in her life all at once, and she couldn’t bear to go back yet. She only emerged from her room to grab some food (when she actually had an appetite) or she needed to use the bathroom.
If she was being honest with herself, she was much more upset about Damien than Kyle. She now realized she was more in love with the idea of Kyle than the man himself. Although not thrilled with the circumstances, she was glad she found out his true character now rather than after she married him. But Damien…she had trusted him more than anyone aside from Nadia. Why hadn’t he trusted her enough to talk to her right away? Maybe she was being too hard on him, but with everything happening all at once, she needed more time to sort out her feelings. She wanted to let Damien back in again, but she wasn’t sure yet if she should.
“Are you ever going to join the real world again?” Nadia asked standing in Kai’s bedroom doorway. “This isn’t healthy, and you aren’t feeling any better by isolating yourself.”
“It’s Friday,” Kai said softly. Kai used to look forward to Fridays all week long, getting to hang out with her two best friends. This Friday was just a big fat reminder that she didn’t have Damien as a friend anymore, at least not now.
“I’m glad you still have a grasp of what day it is.” Nadia joked. “Being that it is Friday, it is all the more reason to get out of here and do something fun. Something that doesn’t remind you of those guys who shall not be named. "I know, let’s go dancing! Dam-, I mean that guy we won’t talk about would never go dancing with us. It will take your mind off of everything.”
“That would require showering and putting on real clothes. I’m not sure I’m up for it.”
“Please Kai, do this for me. I’m really stating to worry about you. I’ll pick out your clothes and do your hair and makeup. Minimal effort on your part.”
“Fine,” Kai conceded, “but I can’t promise I’ll stay out long.”
“All I ask is that you try.” Nadia smiled as she headed towards Kai’s closet.
There was a long line to get into the club, but Nadia knew the bouncer, so she and Kai got in right away. Kai was feeling a bit self conscious in the short and sparkly dress Nadia picked out. Nadia said Kai didn’t have anything sexy enough in her closet, so she grabbed one of her own dresses. She had to admit, she looked really good, but she wasn’t necessarily up for the type of attention this might bring.
“Are you ready to hit the dance floor?” Nadia asked as soon as they walked through the doors.
“I think I need a drink or two first,” Kai said as she dragged Nadia to the bar.
Several shots and some time later, Kai had lost track of how many drinks she had and was past the point of making good decisions. Nadia was off at one of the corner tables engaged in conversation with some guy she was dancing with earlier. Kai felt someone come up from behind and start grinding on her. On any other night she would have turned around and said “no thanks,” but on this night and in her current condition, she welcomed any feeling that wasn’t sadness or depression. They danced for a couple songs and Kai could feel how turned on he was. Again, normal, sensible Kai would have been turned off by this, but not now.
The guy leaned down to whisper in her ear, “You want to go somewhere more private?”
Kai turned to face him. Her inner voice was screaming no, but her head nodded yes. He was hot and she was feeling reckless. He led her way in the back to more secluded bathroom and locked the door behind them.
His lips came down on hers with urgency. He wasted no time spinning her around and bending her over the counter. This was not like her. She did not do one night stands. But for some reason she wanted this, needed this. He traced his hand up her leg between her thighs. He pulled the fabric of her underwear aside to feel her wetness. A moan escaped as his fingers grazed her clit. He pulled her hair aside and kissed her neck as he pressed himself closer to her.
“Oh Damien…” She froze as soon as the words escaped her lips.
“That’s not my name, but I’ll let you call me whatever you want.”
“Oh my god, oh my god, what am I doing…I’m so sorry I can’t do this.” Kai ran out of the bathroom at found Nadia still talking to that same guy.
“Kai, are you okay?”
“Sorry Nadia but we need to leave right now. I’ll explain later.”
“Okay. James it was nice to meet you. Call me sometime.”
Kai and Nadia got back to their apartment. “So Kai, are you ready to tell me what happened back there.”
“Umm…let’s just say I was seconds away from having sex with some random guy, and the only thing that saved me was that I accidentally called him Damien. I’m going to bed now. Please don’t bring this up ever again. I’m drunk enough now to tell you about it, and will be too sober in morning to acknowledge that it ever happened.
Kai got ready for bed. She knew she had told Damien not to contact her, but she was halfway dissapointed that he hadn't ignored her wishes. Was this not hard for him like it was for her? She looked at her phone one more time, and still being drunk enough to make bad decisions, she decided to text Damien.
Kai: I'm still mad at u
Damien: OK. That's understandable
Kai: but i miss u
Kai: shit. nevermind. Im drink. Pretnd i didnt say aynthign
Damien: Are you okay?
Damien: Kai, are you there?
Damien was caught off guard by Kai's text. It was good to hear from her, no matter what she said. She sounded pretty drunk but she wouldn't have said she missed him if it wasn't true. He was a little concerned that she didn't respond to his last text so he decided to text Nadia and make sure Kai was home safe. They had messaged back and forth a few times since that night. Nadia wasn't as mad at Damien, but she was letting Kai take the lead on this. He received a text back a few minutes later:
Nadia: Kai is home safe and sleeping. She almost made a choice she would have regretted in the morning, but you saved her, in a way. I promised Kai I wouldn't say any more. You will have to ask her some day.
Damien had no idea what that meant, but for the first time all week, he had hope his friendship with Kai could be repaired.
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roseamongroses · 4 years
Antithesis: Dear Diary: why?
[Specific-Summary]:  They should expect growing pains. For not everything to feel right or make sense. That doesn't mean it'll always hurt, nor does it mean they can't have fun along the way. It's senior year. Everything may be different. It won't be senior year for long. Everything will be okay.
[General Warnings]: Implied Emotional Abuse, Implied Physical Abuse, Bad Parents are Bad Parents, Mild Sexual Content/jokes,Mentioned Homophobia, Mentions of underage drinking (backround), Some Catcalling,Cursing , Self Hate,implied pregnancy talk/inability to become pregnant, adults arguing where the “kid” can hear it, adults drinking, 
[Tags/mood:] highschool au,  fluff and angst but its all good, chat fic, teen stress, its flordia no snow we die like men [Pairing:] Roceit (Roman Sanders/ Deceit Sanders), hinted future/possible logince/roloceit/loceit [Characters]Roman Sanders/Deceit (Dmitri) Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Remy (Sleep) Sanders, Nate Sanders, Dragon Witch (Diana) Remus “The Duke” Sanders (minor/brief)
(Ao3) (Previously)
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(16) (17)
(Note: Please check the general warnings and character list before continuing since some changes have been made and I don’t want to throw you off later on) 
Roman slung the scarf across his shoulders, “You think I should pack this?” he said, striking a pose, “You think it’s gonna be too hot for summer or?”
“You do look good in red...” Dmitri glanced up from his laptop, still typing, “And it’s better than your fifteen--separately bought-- white jeans.”
Roman flung a trench coat at his face. “Glass-fuckin houses babe, half your closet is black and boring--plus I like the white, ” he protested, “And don’t you think the red will be a bit too much with my hair?” he untucked his curls from underneath the scarf, smoothing the sides.
Dmitri laughed, “You’re the definition of a bit too much, Ro,” he said, “But if it means anything the reds been fading for a while now,”
“Wait really?” Roman picked up a hand mirror, angling it with a frown, “Dammit,” he said, “Virgil might still have some bleach left over, but I don’t want to kill my curl pattern like he did…”
“Then don’t redye it,” Dmitri shrugged, “You’ll look good regardless.”
Roman fluffed his hair, pouting in the mirror, “How good?”
Dmitri rolled his eyes, “Fishing early I see,” he said, pausing his typing to take a better look, “The red hair nice, but the brown will soften your features since there ’ll be less contrast.”
“I’dunno if I want to ‘soften my features though...It’d look cute, but...maybe if I cut my hair?” Roman tugged the scarf off, “.…people would take me more seriously.”
“Now why would you…” Dmitri paused, setting his laptop aside nodding, “Come over here, let me take a closer look.”
Roman eyed him warily.
“C’mon now, I’ve been dating you for what? A little over a year, Have a little faith,” Dmitri defended, “I’m not a snake tricking you into sinning,”
Roman crossed his arms, eyeing him up and down, “You’ve done it before--remember?”
“Oh that was fun and you know it, now c’ mere,” He offered a hand.
“It was,” Roman sighed, relenting and taking his hand. Dmitri tugged him to his knees, Roman making panicked noises as they bumped foreheads and he used Dmitri’s shoulders to steady himself, “Close enough?”
Dmitri tilted his head, “A bit closer.”
“Closer?” Roman’s lips barely brushed his.
“There we go--would you look at that,” Dmitri murmured, “A handsome prince if I’ve ever seen one…” Roman’s expression softened and Dmitri continued, “Whoever you’re trying to impress would be stupid not to take you seriously, especially with your anal work ethic--mmph,” Dmitri’s hands flew to Roman’s waist only slightly caught off guard as Roman closed the distance. The sloppy kiss eventually dissolved into Roman peppering Dmitri’s face between giggles.
“Either you’re rewarding me or you’re trying to distract...” Dmitri’s joke died off, eyes fluttering as Roman’s attention dipped lower, trailing his jaw, “Oh that’s...that’s nice…Your brother out?”
“Mhm,” Roman hummed contemplatively, before pulling back a bit, “ Yeah he is, but...I dunno I’m not really in the mood for that…Sorry..”
“You don’t need to apologize every time you know?” Dmitri leaned into Roman’s chest, feeling Roman’s hands nestle into his hair.
“It’s just so...weird.” He could hear the frown in Roman’s voice, “Is it weird? I’m going to be gone for a while too…Am I being a bad boyfriend?”
“You’re not weird, it's normal.”
“But--” Roman’s voice was quiet, “--- it’s not like you’re not attractive-- but--I dunno-- sometimes actually doing stuff like that is just...ugh I can’t even describe it.”
“The other guys might be horny bastards 24/7, but it’s perfectly normal for you Roman.” Dmitri said, “If you want to kiss we can kiss if you want to cuddle and talk we can do that too.”
“Talk’n’cuddle,” Roman mumbled and Dmitri smiled.
“So how are you feeling about the trip?”
“Oh, I’m absolutely horrified--” Roman easily spun into a rant,” I have to be holed up in that infested dung heap with that odorous rat with only my beautiful tia’s cooking as solace?” He sniffed appalled.
“Huh,” Dmitri snickered, “I’ve never heard that nickname for Virgil.”
“I’m not...talking about Virgil.”
R: XXX.notalink/rated:m/dontclickfortheloveofgod/dJDoJi90
L: Why the hell didn’t you read the link first
L: I highly doubt it's that bad
L:....I stand corrected
Rem: you clicked the link too didn’t you
L: In the name of science of course
R: ;)
R: ;) XXXX.notalink/rated:m/oopsididitagain/dskfJjfd9dsf3gds
L: That one is more weird than disgusting
L: Why is Roman still sending them?
V: as much as i like smearing my brothers good name that isn’t roman
V: [Roman conked out on the couch, in a sweatshirt and shorts, drool pooling. Jpeg]
Rem: cute photo, 10/10 L: Agreed.
V: god both of you fuckin s t op i t s t o p s t o p
R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/you filthylinkreaders/d3gds789jk
Rem: just bc you have issues with compliments doesn't mean roman does
L:Here we go again I guess...
V; roman doesnt have any fuckin boundaries
Rem: yes, yes he does Rem: they may be thin but he Does have them
V:sorry but he’s way too nice about it
Rem: weve more then established that me calling him cute is okay and i require the sustenance of doting on him okay? Like i get it ive pushed a bit too hard before but like im trying ok???
V: k k I i hit the breaks a bit too soon this 1 time but it’s ducking thin ass ice and I’m not above sending y’all to an icy tomb if you get gross. Roman may be a bastard but he’s still baby
L:Translation: He understands your reasoning and agrees he overreacted, but this won’t stop him from questioning our intents and calling out certain actions. Roman may be okay with joking around with stuff like that and being the center of attenuation, but he’s still self conscious and sensitive.
V:why must you add feelings and adult reasoning to everything
L: How dare you accuse me of having feelings
R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/unicornhornsanddragontails/3nskjJ03 R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/specA-Z/54Kjjf9n R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/asliceofme/fljkl29mfJ
R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/laughsinspanish/5Kjd8
Rem:ye feelings are gross so moving on
Rem: anyway who the fuck is this
V: the bastard
R: you can call me duke [video of Roman, Virgil, and Remus as toddlers, Virgil playing with blocks and listening to some music while in the background Remus follows Roman around.mp3] [image of Roman, Virgil, and Remus currently. jpeg]
V: the bastards name is remus
Rem: why the shits have i never met them and why the FUCK does he look more like roman then you do virgil
V: i think it's bc rem doesnt cover up his freckles
V: but yeah my mom and tia had a falling out
R: more like my dad was an asshole
Rem: oh shit same
R: shitty dad squad hmu ;)
Pat: oh hey!!! Me too!!!!
V: yeah it was Not Fun and mom and mama refused to let us go back until tia got a divorce
R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/deodarant/298jksf
L: Are you done yet? They’re getting repetitive at this point.
Sun beating on his forehead, Dmitri’s chest was light and airy. His hair was tied up in a high ponytail as he worked on repotting some of his nursery plants. Usually, he’d be listening to music, but his aunt had left early that morning for some appointment so he relished the silence.
Brushing the dirt from his hands, he winced at the fresh cuts lining his knuckles.
“You’re still out here?”
Dmitri almost jumped at Dr. Montag’s voice, “Sorry for the mess” he said, gripping the nursery pot tighter, “I-I’ll clean it up right away…”
Dr. Montag crouched, waving him off, “There’s no need. I’m running a few errands for your aunt,” his hands barely brushing the leaves of one, “This is a Yucca right?”
“Uh,” Dmitri blinked, “Yeah it is,”
He laughed, “Don’t look so surprised-- I know things,” he stood back up, “Like how to use google. It’s rather impressive that y’all manage to keep up with so many of these.”
“Barely,” Dmitri relaxed, refocusing, “We used to have a lot more, but without my dad...it got overwhelming,” he shook his head, “It’s the only thing we really….It keeps us busy..”
“This is more than busy--you put a lot of work into these, anyone should be proud,” He murmured, studying Dmitri again, “I’ll be gone in a few, just need to grab her purse. You need anything from the store?”
“Uh...No,” Dmitri frowned, “I don’t.”
BlueRanger: Which class?
BlueRanger: Nice, good job
PurpleRain: L you fuckin broke him
PurpleRain:like I legit just heard a fuckin thud I think he fell
BlueRanger: I just told him good job?
LilRed: i die from validation i die w/o validation
BlueRanger: Please don’t die
PurpleRain: thats a lame ass way to die
LilRed: @purplebitch i feel so loved
PurpleRain: mama didnt raise us for us to die so b o r i n g l y
PurpleRain: idk im feelin,,,,rain,,,,,lots of it,,, maybe you’re watching the sea,,,,
PurpleRain: okay I got it
PurpleRain: you’re wearing a white sundress, the ends tattered but well loved. The coast empty with nly the lapping of waves your company. You’re thinking, a lot. Not of anything particular, but thinking nonetheless. The ocean always makes you think, always makes you remember--bringing about a bittersweet tinge of remorse to your heart, but no tears ever fall.
PurpleRain:You make it a habbit to watch the sunrise each day, relishing in the sobering feelings it invokes Maybe you're a masochist at heart
LilRed:maybe it’s maybelline
PurpleRain: one day, you hear footsteps approach, and assume it's your lover returned from war. The news of it's end just coming days prior and making your ventures to the coast sparked with an unfamilar hopefulness.
PurpleRain: instead when you turn around, you do not feel your heart soar. Instead it sinks. An icy panic spreading through you, a curl of dread closing your throat, it's grip tight. You need to move; to get away from them. But you cant. You cant.
PurpleRain: one shot is all it took.
PurpleRain: one.
PurpleRain: dnd just started again im prepping ok
LilRed:fuckin nerd
LilRed: huh…. i should get a sundress tho
PurpleRain: i have a few bookmarked ill show you later
BlueRanger: Is That Really What Y’all Are Taking Away From This
“And so the shop explodes-no not explodes it's in flames and they have the audacity--the au,” Roman coughs readjusting the webcam, “They have the audacity to play ‘Somebody to love’ as he’s fuckin mourning,” he gestured angrily, “Like Neil might as well come into my house and stomp on my heart.”
Dmitri nodded along, amused at the combination of camera lag and Roman’s erratic movements, “Before or after you watch the next episode?” he asked.
“It’s gonna have to be after cause I already finished the season. I never recovered from that scene though, ” Roman shrugged, tapping his jaw thoughtfully, “Probably should’ve started working on my commission sheet,”
“The same sheet you said you were going to start last month?”
“Yes the same one,” Roman blew out an exasperated huff, flopping into his hands, “I don’t know why it’s so hard --I feel scummy for pricing ‘too high’ and like shit for pricing ‘too lo--,” A notification rang, and he glanced over the screen, eyebrow raised, “Huh, Lo’s callin’ to video chat, you mind if I add’em?”
“Nah, go ahead,” Dmitri said, starting to fold the pile of towels.
“Alrighty,” He answered the call, “What’s up ner-” his face lit up, “Princess!”
Giggles erupted from the screen and Dmitri glanced up curious. On the screen instead of Logan was a small girl animatedly talking to Roman. She had two front teeth missing, glitter coloring her cheeks and rainbow beads rattling each time her braids moved.
“Woah, Woah-Woah,” Roman snorted, “Slow down hon, where’s your brother? Does he know you’re using his computer?”
“He’s in the shower,” she said, batting her eyes, “And know is a very strong word, but I can assure you he’s...aware?”
“Mmm, I won’t tell if you don’t,” he said, “So what’s the fairest of the land need?”
She beamed, “You at my birthday party.” she said, more of a command than anything.
Roman made of show of mulling it over, unable to keep a straight face, “I think I can make it.”
Her fist punched the air, “Ya--”
“Nieve,” Logan’s voice called out sternly.
Her eyes shot wide and she scrambled out of frame. Seconds later, Logan reappeared in the frame without his glasses, towel tucked to his chest. He didn’t look particularly mad.
He squinted blearily at the screen, “Roman? “ his gaze slid over, “Dmitri? Shit sorry did she bug you?”
“Not at all,” Roman reassured, “It’s been a while since I came over anyway,”
Logan grabbed their glasses, adjusting the frames, “Yeah...I guess it has...Since you’re here did you get that email from the school?”
“Yeah, it’s bullshit, “ Roman said, rolling his eyes, “If the state cared they would have found the funds somewhere else, it’s all shady as fuck. ”
Logan nodded, saying goodnight before disconnecting.
As soon as his icon disappeared, Roman said, “Huh, that...reminded me,”
Dmitri started on the next pile of laundry, “Of what?” he said, brow pinched, concerned.
“I’ dunno something Remy brought up…” Roman said, playing with his hands, “It’s stupid really but---”
He yelped falling to the floor, Remus victoriously sliding into the rolling chair. He spun wildly, the web camera a laggy blur, with only loud obnoxious kissing noises heard amongst the screaming.
Eventually, Remus slowed down, and it was jarring how much he and Roman looked alike. It was more unnerving seeing such a sleazy look with Roman’s face.
“Oh Dmitri,” Remus mocked, even adopting the heavy accent Roman usually placed on his name, “Embrace me with those big, long artist hands of yours, god I’m going to melt--"
“Shut up--shut up! You Rat-- give it back-give it back--” Roman whined, clambering over the chair, elbowing him, “Give it back, fuckin- MOM,” At one point Roman managed to wrestle the laptop from Remus, kicking him out of the chair and sending him off with a finger-- which Remus promptly returned.
Dmitri’s silently wheezed as Roman turned around visibly frazzled, “God I forgot what I was say-Are you laughing at me?” he said, “Stop it--stop laughing it’s not--”
“It-” Dmitri’s covered his mouth, shoulders shaking “It kinda is,” He said between snorts, only laughing harder at the offended noises Roman made.
As his snickers died down, Roman crossed his arms, “You done yet?” he sniffed.
“Yeah…” he gasped, “Yea...h... I am…” he blinked a bit, a slow smile spreading across his face, “So... what’s this about my hands?”
Roman’s eyes shot wide, incoherent babbling coming from his mouth as his ears turned a bright cherry. He slowly shrank out of frame to promptly die.
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