#Maybe he's tired of eating burnt chicken ? Surely !
yore-donatsu · 1 year
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I wanted to draw Poseidon!Ramattra and King Conrard between each commission and... this interaction was born in my mind 😅
The version without dialog 
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Itadori Yuji x Reader
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⚠️ Spoilers for chapter 257 and also a warning for cannibalism
Itadori Yuji
You enjoy fawning over babies, are a dog person or you have the attention span of a goldfish
First Date:
You were ecstatic. You never would have dreamed that your crush would agree to go out with you. Yuji insisted that the two of you meet up outside the theatre. Something about how he wanted to show you this romance movie? "I don't care as long as I'm with you itadori." You then heard what sounded like someone trying to vomit? "What was that?" Before Yuji could respond he slapped himself. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Just swatting an annoying mosquito. Anyway I'm gonna go grab some popcorn now..." You wondered why Itadori was acting so nervous. "Maybe he's just as excited about this date as I am?" You then made sure your mascara was on fleek and then made your way to the screening. "Great, you made it! It's just about to start!" You sat down while the previews began playing.
You couldn't help but notice how your date was shovelling fists full of popcorn down his throat, almost as if he was eating for two people. "Hungry?" you whispered. You then heard a voice saying "No more brat, this tastes awful!" It was probably just the movie since you two were the only ones in the room. Yuji then gave you a bashful look as he rubbed the back of his head. "I guess I've always had a larger appetite. My grandpa once mentioned something about my uncle eating his twin in the womb?" You were too stunned to speak.
The title of the movie showed up on screen. 'HUMAN EARTHWORM 4'. You cringed. How was this a romance movie? You were starting to fall asleep out of boredom when you heard a voice that was far too deep to belong to Itadori. "Pathetic. This is your attempt at courting a woman? Back in the Heian era I would-" There was a loud clap that was enough to fully wake you up. "What happened Itadori?"
Yuji was now sweating bullets. "Oh, You fell asleep? Is the movie not to your liking? We can always do something else if you want." Why did your date have to be so sweet? "No, it's fine. I suppose I'm just tired." The movie soon ended and the two of you decided to get something to eat. You then stopped at the local KFC. Yuji sat down while you went to order. You then returned to see him with a strange look on his face. "What's the matter?"
"I think I just saw my teacher? No wait, maybe it wasn't him? But then again who else has white hair in Tokyo? Anyway, I think this girl in blue robes dumped him or something? He just started crying. Look, he's still there!" You cast your gaze down the street. Itadori was right. There was a man sobbing on the ground while slamming his fist into the concrete. "SUGURU, WWWWHHHHHYYYYYYYY?????? PLEASE I NEED YOU!!"
You turned away. How embarrassing. You were just glad that he wasn't your date. "Hey, the foods getting cold. Let's eat!" The two of you then began to feed each other chicken tenders. You were so lovestruck that you failed to notice the burnt piece you had picked up. If anything it resembled a claw made out of hot dogs more than fried chicken. You put it to Yuji's lips and watched him swallow it whole.
Somethings wrong. Why was your date convulsing all of a sudden? "I swear if they gave you food poison!" You then noticed black markings appear on Itadori's skin. "What the hell-" You were then cut off before you could finish speaking. Literally. Next thing you knew, you were being cut apart into tiny meat cubes. Your date then took a slice of human meat, savoring the flavour. He then started tasting the blood on his fingers. "I guess that's why they call it finger licking good!"
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aemonds-wifey · 1 year
Some time away
Summary: You and Osferth get away for a weekend retreat
{Requested by the lovely @chainsawsangel } 💋
(Authors note : SMUT / 18+)
“Edmund eat up please your food will get cold.”
you said as you poured the children’s drinks out. You continued to move around the kitchen table to dish out the dinner for the family.
You were one for a better word frazzled. All the children were a handful But you were worn out. As you ventured back into the kitchen and clicked the kettle on.
Osferth appeared , fresh from the shower he smelt like coconut and spices. He saw you exhale slowly as he approached you “You alright love?”
You nodded “Yeah…just a bit burnt out.”
“You have been working a lot…you’re doing amazing my love but you gotta take it easy.” He said loving
You sighed “I know but four young children I can’t take it easy…we are a great team my love but we have our hands full.” You smiled softly.
He rubbed your arms quite reassuringly . Resting his chin on your shoulder he whispered “Why don’t we get away for the weekend…Finan said he would watch the kids.”
You sighed “a few days away would be nice…long weekend?”
“Really? What about the kids?”’you asked
He smiled “We have to have some time to ourselves…I’m sure Finan wouldn’t mind looking after them…the little runts he calls them.” Osferth chuckled
You nodded, he was right some time away would be beneficial, not only to rest your mind but also to reconnect with Osferth. Lately you had been too tired to be close to him and he was patient but he craved it too.
“Okay…yeah. It will be nice for some us time …a weekend you said?” You asked.
“Mmmm best make it four days….” He replied kissing your neck.
You closed your eyes “I’ll call Finan in the morning.”
As Osferth drove the car down the secluded road you felt a loop in your stomach , he had been so secretive the last few days your mind had wondered - where was he taking you?
He occasionally grinned, he loved surprising you and this was the most excited you had seen him for a while. He pulled up to the most rustic villa, overlooking the valley and the exquisite sunset. “It’s so beautiful here…” you said admiring the view as you explored the villa, purely so rustic interior that made your heart warm with happiness, a fireplace that was so inviting - a homely kitchen and a master bedroom with a stand-alone bath in adjacent Room.
You stood by the huge window which oversaw a small lake at the bottom of the hill, a footpath went from the villa down the lake
“Is that a jetty?!” You asked
He nodded standing beside you “it is.”
You grinned “maybe we should go for a dip
In the morning.”
He mirrored your grin “my wicked wife!”
“You spoil me…” you said as he hugged you .
“You deserve this my love. “
You smiled “what do you want to do about dinner?” You asked
He looked at you with such devotion , brushing a rogue strand of hair out of your face “I booked us a table at a New Restaurant for 6 o clock …it’s called the Saxon Village. Thought we could eat there…come back and “ he kissed you “relax you know” he said suggestively before kissing you again.
You laughed with affection as he kissed you “sounds like heaven my darling.”
Dinner was exsquist , you had a nice chicken dish , Osferth enjoyed some prime steak- he ordered some champagne for you to share, “Champagne? But it’s not a special occasion.” You remarked as he lifted his glass to you “Everyday with you is a special occasion” he said as you clinked your glasses together and took a sip. You leaned over the table and he met you with a kiss- how could you not love a man like him? He was a marvel. You decided to share a desert - honey and vanilla cheesecake - it was glorious and so romantic …he playfully took the last spoonful, it reminded you of when you first met. The youthful innocence and attraction between you was so powerful.
But Osferth was eager to get home, you could tell by his playful demeanor during dinner , subtly removing a shoe and rubbing it against your leg, going further and further up until you asked for the bill trying not to blush.
When you got back to the villa you felt the electricity between you both making your insides flutter. The slight sideways glances between you on the drive home, Osferth even got a bottle of red to open when you got back.
As you stepped inside , Osferth closed the door behind- turning the lock and stepping behind you. Grabbing your waist gently , kissing the back of your neck which made you only feel weaker and desperate for more. You turned around and kissed him.
He stopped the kiss , smiling at you , wetting his lips just before he spoke “My love I have another surprise for you…”
You were intrigued “Oh?” You asked
He took your hand and lead you to the bedroom- he opened the bottle of red wine and set it on top of the fire place. Before standing in front of you and removing his shirt, his body was so glorious you always admired it…he removed his trousers. Looking at you he cocked his head slightly “Do you want me to undress you?”
You grinned “Well if you insist.”
You automatically went limp when his hands went near your body. He undressed you like he was unwrapping a gift, carefully removing every article of clothing and tossing it aside - before you knew it you were both completely naked in front of each other. He leaned over to the beside drawer and kept his hands behind his back.
“Lay on your front” he said with a grin, hands still behind his back.
You obliged, you lay on your belly on the bed.
You crossed your arms and let your chin rest where they met. You felt Osferth sit at the base of you spine, he gently leant forward and kissed the centre of your spine , the notion on your bare skin was so intense. PYou heard a bottle opening and was immediately greeted by the scent of sweet lavender. The cool liquid spots fell on my your bare back which made your skin tingle, Osferth’s hand massages your shoulders then around your back- it felt like sheer heaven.
“That feels good?” He asked softly.
“Mmmm” you cooed.
He placed the bottle on the bedside table , he leant closer and you smiled warmly as you felt his lips meet the bare skin of your shoulders, he continued to kiss further to your neck - his hand snaking round to your front , going down to your centre and another hand cupping a breast as you learn up and turned your head to meet his lips with yours. He kissed you again as his fingers rubbed your sensitive buds
“Osferth ahhh.” As you gasped through your lips. As he deepens the kiss he swiftly turned you on your front, smiling as you looped your arms around his neck- sinking into his sweet kisses as he rubbed his body against yours.
His hands ran up and down your smooth lavender infused skin , he inhaled the watermelon scent of your hair , which only made your skin tingle - your felt a heat erupt between your legs as your legs moved apart to wrap around Osferth’s waist. You arched your back , your breasts firmly pressing against his bare chest. He left your lips briefly and trailed kisses down to your chest, he tenderly massaged one of your breasts with one hand- whilst his tongue swirled around your nipple on the other.
You exhaled as he played at your chest, his other hand rolled down to your clit, he rubbed it in circles as he continued , a finger slipped into you so slowly you arched your back even further.
“Osferth please…” you whined
He grinned “mmm my love soon…”
You couldn’t wait, you tightened your legs around him And pushed yourself up- his face went alive went gleeful surprise as he fell onto his back- your hands pressing on his chest as you settled yourself on him, he propped himself on his shoulders and grinned at you “your an angel…I love you.”
“I love you more “ you said as you leant down and kissed him fiercely. He sat up and assisted you by guiding his cock to your entrance- you slowly sank into him. He sat up properly and caressed at your back with his large hands . As you rolled your hips as Osferth thrust up into you to match your rhythm.
“Oh god!” He breathed against your neck, the hotness of his breath tingled your skin as your hand ruffled through his hair, your hands then rested on either side of the base of his neck.
“Osferth!” You moaned as he grunted with another thrust.
“Y/N.” He exhaled as he bit your neck playfully. He recited your name like a prayer , the pressure was building at your core and you felt powerless as your walls clenched around him, You felt Osferth’s tongue lick your neck as thrust once more before you felt him warmly spilling himself inside you, meeting your climax and your head dipped back- Osferth gripped the base of your spine and pulled you against him as he fell backwards, against the mattress.
You both gasped in ecstasy as the waves came over you and Osferth. You rolled lay on top of him, he smiled at you as he stayed inside you- his fingers tracing up and down your spine so gently. He enveloped you in his arms and rolled you onto your back, he simply devoured you with kisses. This is what you needed, intimate time with your cherished husband, he knew it was needed and you were forever grateful for him…he completed you and you were his everything.
@chainsawsangel @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @schniiipsel @mischiefmanaged71 @namoreno
@nolongereviliwantlove @talesofoldandnew @yentroucnagol @arcielee @bbyaemond @bcon24 @lauraneedstochill @polkadotsocks1993 @motley-baby @sscreamingbanshee @tssf-imagines @actualhawkesworld @avidreader73 @pearlstiare @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @f4ll-for-you @aemond-targaryenx @bogwaterswamp @afro-hispwriter
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Last Week
Delsin Rowe x Male reader
Request - Delsin rowe x conduit!male reader request. It’s Christmas time and also after the events of the game (good ending and reggie is fine!!) Delsin and reader fell in love over the course of the game. And Delsin is talking about how he wishes there was more snow. So the reader goes “i got it!”
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Delsin went to your apartment for movie night and just hang out. You always smile more when he is around and he does the same thing.
“I got the movie. So you definitely say ‘I saw the movie top gun” Delsin smiled.
“You are so dramatic. You should have been an actor” You said.
You told him you never saw the movie Top Gun which came out in 1986. He got the movie and it was his idea to have a movie night and you said yes.
You are making spaghetti and chicken, while Delsin is telling facts about the movie.
“Y/n, check this out,” Delsin said.
He wanted to show you a video on his phone. You stepped away from the stove and you watch the video with him, it's a funny animal video. Then the smoke comes from the kitchen and the food is burnt. The spaghetti and chicken are badly burned and you used your ability water to stop the fire
“Good thing it didn't get worse,” Delsin said.
“Yeah, but the food is badly burnt,” You said.
“Sorry, I distracted you with the video” Delsin said.
“It’s okay. Wanna have dinner at the mall? They opened a new place to eat” You said.
Delsin smiled. “Yeah, we can have dinner at the mall”
You and Delsin head to the mall, then got on the line to order the food with Delsin. Christmas music starts to play and you see him getting annoyed.
“What?” You asked.
“I'm tired of hearing this song. They have been playing it since November 1st” Delsin said.
He is talking about the song ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’ by Mariah Carey.
“We can't escape the song,” You said and start to laugh.
He starts to laugh also. You and Delsin are liking the food and he starts to talk about why he likes Top Gun.
Delsin went with you to buy a Christmas tree and other stuff. Back at your apartment, Delsin helped you set up the tree. Now you two start to put the decorations on it
“So... Are you going to bring a date to the party?” Delsin asked.
“I'm not sure. What about you?” You said.
“I want to ask this guy but I’m not sure if he would say yes,” Delsin said
“I think you should take a chance,” You said.
“Maybe...” Delsin said.
Earlier, you baked Christmas cookies and you take them out of the oven. But Delsin wanted the cookies now, and he didn't wait for them to cool down. He starts to eat them fast but he is burning his mouth and you're laughing.
“Slow down, I won't it take away from you” You laughed.
“I like my cookies hot” Delsin smiled.
You give him a glass of milk then you start to eat the cookie. Later, you and Delsin finish decorating the tree and the living room.
✬ ✯ ✯ ✫
Cole told Delsin why you're in the hospital and he went to see you. The window is open and you see Delsin come through the window.
“Nice entrance,” You said.
“Thanks. How are you feeling? Cole told me what happened. And I got this for you” Delsin said.
He bought you a get-well teddy bear and you think it's cute.
“Thanks. I'm a little sore but the medication is helping. I will be here for a few days,” You said.
“I did something for you. Come out here” Delsin smiled.
He helped you get out of the medical bed. He helped you get on the roof, across the hospital there is another building. He did a mural for you and he is smiling at you.
“Wow, it's amazing,” You said.
“Thanks. I thought it would cheer you up, Y/n” Delsin said.
“Saying thank you is not enough,” You said.
You and Delsin stare at each other, he leans in and you feel his lips on your lips. He starts to kiss you and he put his hand on your cheek.
“Y/n, I wanted to kiss you for so long,” Delsin said
“Me too. I always had a crush on you” You said.
“I feel the same way. Maybe... Maybe you want to be my boyfriend?” Delsin said.
You kiss him back and smiled.
“Yes, I will be your boyfriend,” You said.
“Cool,” Delsin smiled.
You are feeling much better, you and Delsin went to see the others. You and Delsin surprised everyone when they saw you hold his hand. Delsin was proud to tell everyone that you are his boyfriend and he can't stop smiling.
Everyone goes outside to watch the snowfall.
“Finally, we get snow,” You said.
“Wish there was more snow,” Delsin said.
“I got an idea,” You said.
“What is it?” Delsin asked.
“Just watch,” You said.
He watches your eyes change colors and you made more snowfall. He starts to smile and everyone is happy with more snow.
“Y/n, this is great!” Delsin smiled.
He gave you a peck on the lips and you can't stop smiling. Now you and Delsin have a snowball fight with the others, everyone is having fun.
You watched him play with the kids, they start to chase him. Delsin fell and you start to laugh and the kids cover him in snow.
“Y/n, help they are trying to kill me!!” Delsin yelled.
The kids laugh and they keep covering him with snow. You couldn't stop laughing and you take a picture with your phone. But you did help him stand up. Later, you make a snowman with the kids and Delsin tries to make a bigger snowman than you, he is cocky about it.
Much later, Delsin goes to your apartment. He is making hot chocolate while you put extra blankets on the couch. You and Delsin want to watch a Christmas movie but haven't picked one yet. He starts to talk about he thinks Die Hard the movie is a Christmas movie. While the movie, you and Delsin started kissing each other and didn't pay attention to the movie.
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wdhayun · 1 year
a family meal//hayun and junha
Hayun wasn’t sure why she invited Junha over for dinner, other than he looked like the type to sustain himself only on take out. The same held true for Hayun, but he didn’t need to know that after all her lecturing. Her brother, Hongbin, had always taken care of most of the meals even when their mom didn’t. Maybe it should have been more embarrassing that her second youngest sibling was a better cook than her, but it hadn’t made her self-conscious. At least, not until now.
She now remembered why her mother and grandmother had stopped trying to teach her how to cook. They had gotten tired of all the fires. Thankfully, one of her siblings had water magic. “In my defense, I never said I could cook. I just said you should eat more at home.”
Hayun looked at the burnt remnants of the chicken. At least the salad was fine. Even she had difficulty ruining that. “Don’t say a word. Just eat your damn vegetables.” She shoved the plate towards him. 
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the-arctic-beatles · 2 years
The Woes of Egg-Making [Buddie]
Title: The Woes of Egg-Making
Pairing: pre-Buddie
Rating: K/K+
Genre: Fluff/Family/Humor
Words: 772
Prompt/Summary: [the-likesofus] For the Buddie Prompts: Eddie trying to make breakfast for Chris and it all going horribly wrong so he calls Buck in a panic to come fix it for him.....if it sparks joy xx 🥰
Author’s Note: This is the first Buddie/pre-Buddie I’ve written and completed so please be honest with critisism! Thank you so much and I hope you like it! -X
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Dad?” Chris eyed his father skeptically as he watched Eddie grab a few pans.
“I’m not that bad at cooking, bud. I can manage bacon and eggs.” Ed tousled Chris’ hair, earning a few swats from the child. “Why don’t you go and watch some cartoons while I get breakfast ready?”
Chris shrugged, sliding off his stool and walking slowly into the living room. “If you say so. I’ll have 9-1-1 on speed dial.”
Eddie laughed. “That’s not nice, mijo.” He smiled as Chris laughed, listening to the sound of the TV turning on as he got to work. It was just bacon and eggs, right? He had this, right?
He didn’t have this. Sure, he’d managed not to start a fire, but he was definitely sure that eggs weren’t supposed to look like the briquettes that were used for charcoal barbecues.
“Is breakfast going to be done anytime soon?” Chris called.
“Uh, yeah, just a few more minutes buddy!” he returned. “Just gimme time to revive the dead over here.” The latter statement was mumbled, said only so he could hear it. The chickens that laid these eggs were so coming after him if they ever met him.
“It smells like you might want to give up.”
Chris had entered the kitchen, making a face as the smoke from the burnt eggs entered his nostrils. “How many eggs did you burn, Dad?”
Eddie shrugged. “I dunno, maybe six?”
“Why don’t you call Buck? He’s better at this than you.”
“I don’t need to call Buck for everything, mijo. Why don’t you go sit back down while I...” He looked down as Chris eyed him from the side. “...figure out how to fix this...”
“I don’t even think a wizard could fix that!” His son’s laughter drifted away as he went back to his cartoons.
He’s not wrong. Eddie picked up his phone, instinctively going to Buck’s contact. Should he really ring Buck at 8am on his day off to fix the massive fuck-up he was trying to call breakfast?
He hit the green “call” button before he could stop himself.
“What’s up, Eds?”
“Oh, Buck. I uh, might need your help.”
His best friend chuckled on the other end. It sounded a bit heavy, as if he was still tired, but not as if Eddie had woken him up. “Sure. What do you need?”
Eddie laughed nervously. “I may have ruined breakfast, and I have a very hungry kid on my hands.”
“You didn’t set anything on fire, did you?”
“Why does- No, I didn’t set anything on fire.”
Buck full-on laughed at Eddie’s reaction. “I’m kidding. I’ll be right there. Just- don’t try to cook anything else.”
“I won’t, I won’t.” He hung up the phone and sighed. “Well, I should try to clean this before Buck gets here. I’ll never hear the end of it.”
With his frying pan in the trash and cooking forgotten, Eddie heard a knock on the door fifteen minutes later. He opened the door to see Buck, grin on his face and a bag in hand. “What the hell, you never knock.”
“Well, a delivery man always knocks first.” Buck held up the bag and shook it. “I figured you had enough cooking trauma for one day and bought McDonalds. I just grabbed some Egg McMuffins - hope that’s fine.”
“Bucky!” Chris ran as fast as he could over to the door, barreling into the tall male. “Dad tried to cook again, did he tell you?”
Buck laughed. “Yeah, he did. He also told me he didn’t do too well.”
“He burned six eggs before he called you.”
“Chris! Way to rat me out!” Eddie pinched at Chris’ cheeks, earning squeaks of playful displeasure from his son.
“Why don’t we pick on your dad after we eat, huh? I have an Egg McMuffin and a hashbrown just for you. And I promise, the egg isn’t burnt.”
“Yay!” The young Diaz cheered, taking the bag from Buck and making his way into the kitchen.
Eddie took a deep breath. “Thanks for saving the day, Buck. I was sure he was about to call you himself.”
“What possessed you to try and cook? You’re a terrible cook.”
“You two just can’t give me a break, can you?”
“Of course not. I gotta pick on you. That’s what you love about me though, isn’t it?” Buck winked, walking into the kitchen. “Come on, let’s eat!”
Eddie stared after Buck, who was viciously tearing into the bag with Chris, and smiled softly. “Yeah, one of the things.”
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hooniee · 3 years
 — ꒰‧⁺ making lunch for them*ೃ༄ 
↷enhypen x reader ⋯ ♡ᵎ
↷ genre: reaction | fluff⋯ ♡ᵎ
↷warnings: mentions of food hence the title! please proceed with caution ⋯ ♡ᵎ
⇢˚⋆ ✎ this was super fun to write and i might write so more reactions/headcannons like this! please enjoy <3ˎˊ-
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*
-ˏˋ~ heeseung lee ~ˊˎ-
“okay here’s a lunchbox for you! all of your favorites, make sure to eat all the veggies so that you can be healthy. i packed two water bottles so that you don’t get dehydrated. i also packed a bunch of snacks for the boys so make sure they eat too! oh and-”
heeseung laughs at you rambling, making you halt and feel shy under his gaze
“too much? sorry, you know how i am”
heeseung shakes his head, “not at all babe, thank you”
you dating the oldest in the group automatically made you like a mother figure to the 6 boys you adored
you had packed heeseung lunch ever since you found out he never had time to cook anything besides ramen packets :((
it wasn’t healthy for him and both of you knew that
he loved your lunches and it had just become a routine
the boys started to pout and get sad that you didn’t pack them anything 
or as heeseung says, “they’re hungry little monsters too”
from then, you started putting loads of snacks in his lunch bag so that the boys could have something to munch on, occasionally making seven lunch boxes as a meal packed with nutritious foods.
heeseung complained about how heavy it was to carry all of them
but in reality, he wanted to be the only one who had the special heart shaped sandwiches. 
-ˏˋ~ jay park ~ˊˎ-
(tasting the potato) “a little too salty” 
(picking up the heart shaped onigiri) “why is it cut in a weird shape?
(staring at the ratio of chicken and rice) “could have added more chicken to balance out the amount of rice-” 
“jay if you don’t like it, just say it,” you pout, moving to take the lunch box away from him.
*glaring at you* “who said i didn’t like it?”
jay is definitely  the type of person to love cooking
from enhypen&hi, you can see him taking the lead in making dinner with the members
he critiques your cooking, like a mini gordan ramsy, but in a more loving way
honestly your food is amazing but he doesn’t want to be seen as soft so he pretends to play it off as
“it could be better but it’s still edible”
on the inside, he was screaming at himself
“this is so good! my cute s/o made it for me and look at this cute heart shape! oh veggies too! i should eat these so that i can be healthy”
he’s grateful that you take your time out of your day to cook for him
and who are we kidding?
jay swallows your food
even if it tastes like expired makeup
-ˏˋ~ jake sim ~ˊˎ-
“what is this baby?” jake asks, pulling a yellow bento box out of his practice bag.
he had never seen this box. it was labeled with “with love, enjoy babe!”
jake had woken up late or more so, you wanted to give him some more rest, and you decided to pack his bag and make him a lunch box while you were up.
“that’s your lunch jake,” you laugh at his adorable confused face, putting the ingredients back in the cabinet.
“lunch ?that you made for me?” jake’s eyes widen as you nod your head.
you didn’t know how he would react from the way his face stayed in shock, did he not want it? was the note too much?
that was before he rushed over to hug you and plant a kiss on your forehead. 
jake was a simp for you
you were the light of his life, his one and only, his whole world, etc.
you could have grabbed something from the top shelf and jake would cheer like you just won a grammy
he was grateful for anything you did for him, cuddling him when he was tired, packing his bag when he need those extra 5 minutes of sleep
to say the least, he never would have imagined that you would make lunch for him
you had usually packed snacks in his bag since you were also a busy person but it was the first time you had made a whole meal for him
your cooking was the best, next to his mom’s of course
jake almost didn’t want to eat it from how pretty it was made
“why is jake hyung looking at rice like that?” 
“because his OH SO precious (y/n) made it for him”
“ahhh makes sense”
-ˏˋ~ sunghoon park ~ˊˎ-
“sunghoon! wait up, wait up,” you yell out, running after him. 
maybe it was because sunghoon was blessed with those super long legs but man, does this man walk fast.
sunghoon turns around, baggy white tshirt and black sweats, a black duffel bag hanging off of his shoulder
he corks his eyebrow at your figure that’s panting after chasing after him.
he checks his pockets and unzips his bag, “did i forget anything?”
“here,” you place a bento box with a pink cloth tied in a knot in his hands.
he squints, turning it in different ways, “what is this?
“it’s a lunch box! i made it for you,” you smile.
no thank you came from his mouth but you could tell as his cheeks started to glow pink like the cloth
sunghoon is confused when you make him lunch?
don’t get him wrong, he’s thankful but why?
i see sunghoon as a person to ask why questions for anything his s/o does for him
not is it to just annoy you, but he can feel the love behind the words when you explain WHY you did that thing for him
he loves affirmation over physical touch
sunghoon seems to be someone more introverted and quiet in the relationship
listening to his s/o, nodding to them when their ranting about something
he feels really grateful to you and eats his lunch with a big smile
he attempts to make you lunch too
if jungwon hadn’t called the fire department, you guys probably would be burnt to a crisp </3
-ˏˋ~ sunoo kim ~ˊˎ-
“oh my gosh (y/n)! what is this?” sunoo squeals as you place the newly prepared food in the bento box.
“it’s your lunch, bub,” you smile, seeing his face light up when you mention his lunch.
“for me? for real?” he questions
you nod your head and he starts doing a cute wiggling dance.
“my (y/n) is the best!”
sunoo loves to eat!
he loves all types of foods from all different palettes
sunoo didn’t mean to wake up so early
after a long night of practice, the last thing he wanted to do was go wake up early
but he couldn’t help it
the smell of cooking had instantly made him rise from bed
he took a little peep out to see you rushing around the kitchen
there was an egg, frying in the pan
you were packing rice that was freshly steaming, into a blue bento box
in your (f/c) apron, hair out of your face
he smiles at the sight, pretending to be asleep when you awoke him
-ˏˋ~ jungwon yang ~ˊˎ-
“wonie? are you here?” you softly call out, peeping your head into the practice room
“i’m right here,” jungwon comes from behind you making you jump, almost dropping the lunch box
“hi won,” you smile
“hi (y/n), what’s up?” he smiles, softly giving you a forehead kiss
“i wanted to drop this off, “ you hold up the box
he tilts his head in confusion, “bento box? for me? i didn’t order anything though?”
“idiot, i made it for you”
jungwon is the leader
even though he doesn’t have to, he always makes sure that his members have eaten or are staying hydrated
he always is worried about his members than himself
and it takes a toll on him as the hyungs said
it made you sad when you heard a report from heeseung that jungwon had been skipping lunch as much as he preached about the topic
enough was enough for you
you got up extra early and got to work
you had prepared a lunch bento filled with protein, veggies, carbs and a small chocolate bar. making sure to pack a water bottle, you packed it in a tiny backpack
you felt proud of your final creation
and from then on, you had decided to start making jungwon lunch everyday
from that day on, jungwon hasn’t skipped lunch
-ˏˋ~ nishimura riki ~ˊˎ-
riki enters the practice room again, cutting his break short while his hyungs take a nap, continue to eat, etc.
as he’s about to start to warm up, a purple bento box catches his eye. it was placed on the speaker.
he didn’t remember that being there before? maybe it was one of his hyungs. he should probably give it to them.
to his surprise when taking a quick glance at it, it said his name
“for your lunch riki! (y/n)”
he quickly pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, sending it to you with the caption “is this for me?”
your phone buzzes and you see the notification from riki. you laugh, opening his message
you respond “yes babe! enjoy <3”
just like jungwon, ni-ki had been skipping meals :(((
and you weren’t happy to hear that
ni-ki was still growing and needed nutritious meals to be able to stay healthy
his only excuse was that he needed to practice to be better in dance
ni-ki was already amazing :((( 
why did he need to sacrifice his precious lunch time to practice?
you became anxious about the way he wasn’t taking care of himself
he already doesn’t get enough sleep
now not enough nutritious food?
that was not going to pass by you
you wanted to drop the lunchbox in secret, he didn’t need to see your flustered face anyway
you signaled to sunoo in the lobby as he guides you to the practice room
ni-ki was too busy playing on his phone to notice you
you dropped it off but you didn’t expect him to find it so fast
he was glad that it was just a drop off, so you couldn’t see the fire growing on his cheeks
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haijimee · 3 years
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It Should Be You
authors note: um i love tobio bcuz hes so blunt and mean <333 but here <33 i couldn't figure out a name for the bitch so meiko ig?? idfk im terrible w names dhmu
cw/tw: slight??angst?? if u squint??, fluff bcuz that's what im all abt, uh, some naughty words (watch ur mouth tobio >:(( ), uh plastic ass hoe??? fuckin shit up???, childhood friends to lovers <333, DW HAPPY ENDING!!!
song to listen to: Home to Me (Live) , Devil & The Deep Blue Sea
[Tobio Kageyama x Female Reader]
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He didn't get it. Why was this happening to him? His teammates told him that getting in a relationship would be enjoyable, so he did, with this girl named Meiko in his class, who wore hair extensions and way too much makeup. She was the first girl to confess to him after the conversation so he said yes.
But why was she so fucking annoying? He could hardly stand it. Sure he had a short temper but she made it even shorter. Always whining and complaining about everything!
"Tobioooo!! I said I wanted to go the the PINK café! This is red!!!"
"Tobioooo!! Why are you practicing right now?! You should be taking me on a dateeee!!"
"Tobiooo tell me my makeup looks good!"
"Tobiooo! Why were you talking to that other blonde girlll!! I don't care if she's your manager you can't talk to other girls when you have meee!!"
God, if she wasn't a girl he would've sent a ball into her face. He tried to talk and she would cut him off talking about her so terrible problems, which consisted of her makeup looking horrible or her hair was disgusting.
She looked the same to him so he made no comment until she whined about it. But the thing that irritated him the most as that she kept trying to change him. Saying he should dress more cleanly, or that he should focus more on her than volleyball, which was so fucking stupid! He wasn't going to change, he liked the way he was!
He hated it. His teammates said relationships were soothing and would make him happier, but he just felt shitty, he could never get a break.
And he told this all to one person. You. His best friend.
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He'd rant about Meiko and all the issues on the days he'd go over to your house, he'd lay down on your bed as you'd comb your hands through his soft black hair, whispering "really?" and "oh Tobio" every now and then. He spent most of his free time with you, usually, but Meiko kept dragging him away. It made him stressed and unhappy, he was so used to spending everyday with you. But on some days he could spend time with you, avoiding Meiko and walking home with you as he used to.
On one of those days, he was tired, drained, as you both walked through the door. You said hello to your mother as you slipped off your shoes and Tobio did the same. You took your backpacks and walked up the stairs to your room.
But the second you closed the door he flopped down on your bed face first. You laughed, taking his backpack from his hand and placing it next to yours as you climbed on your bed and laid back against the pillows and headboard, opening your legs and patting your lap as he crawled over, flipping over to look up at you.
Your hands found their way into his coal black strands, egging him on to begin talking, easing him easily into relaxation. And the waterfall flowed. Telling about how Meiko began screeching at him because he wouldn't eat the bento she made him, and he explained that it was all burnt and smelled like shit! So of course he wasn't going to eat it!
"And she went all 'I put love into that bento!' but if that's her love it's fucking gross!" he cried and you giggled, closing your eyes in a smile.
He looked up at you, as you began to laugh harder, your shoulders shaking as you laughed, little snorts interrupting your giggles, which made you laugh even harder.
He looked at you and felt his heart pound, his face go beet red. He had never realized how happy he was with you. How comfortable it felt to have his head in your lap, your hands on his face. He'd never noticed how he knew everything about you, from your favorite food to the strangest birthmark you had on your back. He had been there for a long time, and you were the only person strong enough to break down his walls.
As your giggles settled you looked back down at him with the warmest smile.
"Go on, tell me about the rest of your day Tobio, I wanna hear."
He stared at you, wide eyed before he sat up quickly, startling you as you jumped. He looked at you, his eyes tracing every feature of your face.
"Why couldn't it be you?" He asked, his face blank.
"What?" You said softly, confusion in your expression as you looked back at him.
"Why couldn't it be you who confessed?" He said.
You stopped, blinking.
"Tobio what do you mean?" You laughed nervously, was he serious? Of course he was, Tobio was always serious! But what was he talking about? 'Why couldn't it be you who confessed?' What did that mean?!
"I mean, why can't you be the one I'm dating?" He said bluntly, and your jaw dropped. Your cheeks flushed red as you looked at him.
"Tobio! You have a girlfriend you can't just say that! I'm just your best friend!" You squealed, fisting your bedsheets between your hands.
"But why can't you be more? Do you not like me?" He looked sad, his eyes looking down. It panged in your heart.
"Of course not Tobio. I like you, I like you so much! But- you have a girlfriend! Don't you love her?!" You cried, the words dug into your heart. He loved her.
"No? What made you think that?" Tobio asked, confused.
"Well, you're dating her so you love her right?" You asked, stating the obvious.
"What? No. My teammates said that dating would make my life better so I said yes to the next confession, though it's not making my life better to be honest." He said, and your jaw dropped. Again.
"Tobio! Do you even know how dating works?!" You screamed, grabbing his uniform collar and pulling him closer.
"Um...no?" he said, sweat dropping at your tone. Was there something special about dating he didn't know? Like, money? Or magic?
You looked at him, massaging your temples.
"Dating is something romantic. When two people feel love towards each other and decide to pursue a romantic relationship together. Where you kiss and go on dates to the movies or to restaurants or cute cafes where you get lattes with hearts in them. Where they're both comfortable with each other and cuddle on the couch, talk about life and the future. And if things go well they get married and live life together, maybe having kids or getting pets. Just loving each other with everything they have.." You said softly, a faraway look in your eyes, ever since you were a child you had dreamed of something like that. And as you grew, you realized you wanted to have the future with one person. The one person you could never have.
Tobio Kageyama.
He looked at you, his eyes wide in realization.
"I guess I'm breaking up with Meiko now. Thank god." He said, and you looked at him, laughing a bit. You felt so at ease with Tobio, even now he was making you smile and laugh. "So..have you ever..dated..anyone?" he asked.
For some reason, he didn't like it. The thought. He didn't like the picture in his head of you sitting on the couch with some random guy. Going out together and..and kissing. Or you running your hands through some other guys hair as he talks about his day and you give him that soft smile or snort laugh. It made his chest hurt. He didn't like it not one bit.
"Ah..no..I've never uh..been one for dating.." You mumbled, cheeks pink. Tobio looked at you and suddenly you realizing his eyes were sad. And as he looked at yours he saw beyond that smile you always gave him. He saw the swirls of pain in your eyes. He hated it. You gazed back at him to see those sad blue eyes, his lips curled in a frown as his brows furrowed together.
"Hey Tobio whats wrong?" You asked as you looked at him, reaching out to cup his cheek. His heart started pounding again, erratically beating against his chest. He stared at you, eyes wide before jumping back, scrambling a bit away from you as you watched in confusion. He calmed down, moving to sit on his knees as he looked at you again.
"So..do you..love someone?" He asked, breaking his gaze away from yours as he looked down at the bed.
You eyed him, before lifting your chin up a bit, looking at the corner of your ceiling.
"Yeah. I do, and I've loved them for a very long time." You said softly, and his head snapped up to look at you. Of course you loved someone, he spat in his head. You were so kind and so nice, it's obvious you'd find someone nice who you'd fallen for. But his chest squeezed. He knew there was someone. But why. Why did it hurt so much. Knowing it wasn't him? Why couldn't it be him.
He hadn't even realized he'd been clutching his chest, squeezing his uniform so hard his knuckles turned white. He hadn't realized until you grabbed his hand, unfurling it from the black material of his uniform as you took it in yours, rubbing your thumb across his knuckles like you always did. He looked at you, and felt the pain build up again as he stared into your eyes.
"Who is it..?" he asked, praying the emotions swirling in his head weren't betrayed by his voice. You looked at him and then at his hand.
"I don't think I'll tell you." You murmured, and Tobio gritted his teeth. As the thoughts in his head pounded until one slipped out of his lips.
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"I want it to be me."
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He said, and your eyes widened as you looked at him.
"I want it...to be me.." he repeated, his ears and face reddening, "I want to be..the person that you love.." he mumbled, as the thought settled in him. He did. He always has. Wait a minute. He always has. Yes..he..he has hasn't he?
He's always wanted to be the person holding your hand on the way to school. The one who leans over and asks you for help with his notes. The one who eats lunch with you as you share your food, as he sloppily takes his chopsticks and places a piece of chicken in your mouth as you laugh and put a piece of eggroll in his. He always wanted to see you at his games, it fired him up to see you cheering his name and looking so proud when he did a good set. He always wanted to be the person who took you out for snacks and who you could call at 2am when your crying because you feel sad, and he'll go over to your house just to hug you and listen to you rant.
He..he wants to be the person to kiss you, and hug you and cuddle you and take you out to romantic places. He wants to be the one to marry you.
As he looked up at you it hit him in the face. He has always loved you. It's why dating Meiko felt wrong. Why the past few weeks without you felt wrong. The truth was, he couldn't bare life without you. He wanted to always be with you.
You were still mulling over his words, eyes wide and blank. You couldn't even comprehend what you were saying until you said it.
"Silly Tobio..you've always been the person I loved."
You clasped your hands over your mouth as the words came out, face red as Tobio stared at you, his eyes were wide as he realized it. You both sat there for a few seconds before he carefully crawled over to you, taking your hands off your mouth and pressing them to his chest, where you could feel the fast beating of his heart.
"Is this..is this weird?" He asked softly, and you looked at him, his pink cheeks and ears, and smiled. Smiled so much as tears fell from your eyes and cascaded down your cheeks. Tobio began to panic but you simply pulled him closer, burying your face into his chest as you hugged him tightly. He looked at you before relaxing, sitting down as he wrapped his arms around your torso, resting his head atop yours.
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"Hey?" He asked softly, after you two had sat like this for a few minutes. You looked up.
"Does this mean we're dating now?" He asked, and you giggled.
"Just break up with Meiko tomorrow and yeah, yeah I think so." You said, and Tobio gave a proud smile. As you both shifted to lean against the pillows, legs and arms tangled up as you pressed close to eachother, his head atop yours and you snuggled into the crook of his neck.
"Hey?" He asked again, and you hummed in an answer, as he looked down at you.
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"I think I'm in love with you."
"I think I'm in love with you too."
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its so fucking LONG now that i realize it. i just got so into this wrote this in like 3 hours..
i love awkward tobio hes so cute
now kiss <333 come get ur man tobio stans <33 THAT RHYMED FUCK YEAH
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glennjaminhow · 3 years
“You’re only getting away with pampering me because I don’t have enough voice left to tell you to go away.”
Christmas Eve 2009 Philadelphia, PA 7:30 PM
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the apartment, not a creature was stirring, not even a Dennis.
Because Dennis is curled like a cat on the sofa, soft green blanket pulled up to his chin. He’s half-asleep, listening to the crackle of the portable fireplace and watching the snowflakes fall, encasing Philly in a beautiful white glow.
He moved the couch earlier to face their fire escape and give Dennis a better view of the world outside, the world he’s been cooped away from for the past two weeks while he recovers from double ear infections that turned into laryngitis a few days ago. Mac isn’t sure how it’s humanly possible for one dude’s immune system to be so unbelievably shitty. But, given how little Dennis eats and how generally weak his pussy ass is, his germs have gotta be like ten thousand times more germy than the normal person’s germs.
Mac doesn’t get sick because he never gets sick. He’s got the body of an ox. A strong, buff ox.
Anyway, Den’s been going crazy around here, bored out of his goddamn mind. They’ve watched all their DVDs four times each. They’ve marathoned Lord of the Rings and Indiana Jones and the Alien and Predator series twice, all with the captions on because Dennis still can’t hear for shit. Seeing him with cotton balls stuffed in his ears has been real entertaining, but first the dude can’t hear and then he can’t talk. He’s congested and cranky and not even a patented back massage from yours truly can help. Fuck, Mac even tried giving him a handy, but Dennis just scowled and pushed Mac away. Same goes with kissing or dry humping or nibbling at his neck like Dennis likes.
Which Mac guesses he understands. Dennis isn’t feeling good, so hand jobs and stuff can’t feel good either, right?
So that’s why Mac’s been waiting on him hand and foot, serving him bowl after bowl of steaming chicken noodle soup and fluffing the pillows behind his head. He’s been keeping the apartment blazingly hot, to the point where it’s 80-something degrees in here, and he’s taken up just wearing boxers and sleeveless tees in December. He makes sure Dennis takes regular baths to wash the toxins off his skin, all while shampooing and conditioning his hair because Dennis sure as shit isn’t going to do it by himself while he’s feeling like this.
“You’re only getting away with pampering me because I don’t have enough voice left to tell you to go away,” Dennis wrote in his notebook a couple days ago after his third fever-induced bath that day, showing it to Mac; Mac just rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through Dennis’ hair instead. Eventually, Dennis settled in for the afternoon, falling asleep with his face buried in the crook of Mac’s neck and snoring so painfully loud that Mac nearly smacked him but didn’t have the heart to.
The last two weeks have been a pain in the ass, but not because of Dennis, not really. Sure, the guy’s whiny and irritable, but given how fucking sick he’s been, Mac is honestly surprised he hasn’t been 8,000 times more of a dick. He guesses it’s because at first he couldn’t hear himself enough to insult Mac, and now he can’t verbalize it.
But the shittiest thing about this experience is that it’s Christmas, and Dennis is sick, and Dennis hates Christmas enough as it is. Mac went all out with decorating this year, but that’s only because he’s been cooped up too, seeing as the gang doesn’t exactly function the best without them around. Who knows what the hell they’ve been doing since Mac and Dennis holed themselves up in their apartment, but he doesn’t care. He’s been trying to make the holidays special. He gracefully put up 7 mistletoes, hanging them in places he knows he’ll be able to kiss Dennis whenever he wants. There’s a Christmas tree – fake, but still – and lights and that garland shit that tracked little pieces of paper shit everywhere.
It’s Christmas Eve, and Mac figures it’s time to put his plan in motion.
He finishes plating the pancakes and eggs. He puts a couple dots of maple syrup in the middle of Dennis’ pancakes, knowing he’ll throw an absolute bitch fit if there’s too much; Dennis won’t even touch pancakes with too much maple syrup. Mac drowns his in syrup because it’s so fucking good, but Dennis is like a different species, and Mac wants to make tonight special for him. He makes Dennis’ coffee just the way he always does – a ton of French vanilla creamer and a pinch of sugar. Mac takes his black because he isn’t a pussy.
Mac carries Dennis’ food and coffee over to their currently misplaced couch. He sets the stuff on the heater and takes in the sight of Dennis, illuminated by the white of the falling snow outside. His cheeks are flushed red, and there’s a shine of sweat on his forehead. Mac will get his antibiotics after food, just like he’s been doing since they switched Dennis’ prescription because the ear infections were resisting them.
For now, Mac shakes his knee gently. “Den,” he whispers.
Dennis slowly blinks awake as Mac keeps rubbing his knee. His eyebrows scrunch, and he opens his mouth to talk, but he knows firsthand no noise will come out; his voice is shot to shit.
“I made breakfast,” Mac says softly. “I know it’s like pretty late, but you need to eat, and it’s Christmas Eve, and I thought, ‘hey, Christmas Eve calls for pancakes!’ I also made scrambled eggs too ‘cuz I know how much you like ‘em.”
Dennis eyes him skeptically.
“They’re not burnt. Promise.”
They’re a little burned.
But Dennis takes the plate anyway. Mac sets a black plastic tray over Dennis’ lap. Mac puts the coffee and napkins there while Dennis settles the plate with trembling hands. He pokes at his food while Mac situates himself on the couch beside him. Once Mac starts pretty much swallowing without chewing because he’s the next level of hungry, Dennis follows suit, daintily cutting up his pancakes and scooping eggs onto his fork.
The only noises heard are the crackling from the fireplace and the scraping of utensils. They’ve been having quiet moments like this a lot more often, and it’s refreshing from their usual lifestyle of kicking ass and planning schemes and drinking till the sun comes up. Since they started hooking up, things have been better, and Dennis seems so much happier.
Mac’s thankful for that.
Dennis slurps his coffee until there’s nothing more than a dribble left in the mug. His plate is half gone.
“Want some more?” Mac asks as he finishes the rest of his eggs. “I got like a shit load left, dude.”
Dennis shakes his head. He looks tired, like he could fall asleep any second. He shivers.
Mac moves the tray to the floor. “C’mere, Den,” he whispers.
Dennis lays his head on Mac’s shoulder immediately. Mac wraps him up in his arms and kisses the top of his sweaty hair.
“T-Thank you,” Dennis forces out, long after Mac thought he’d fallen back asleep.
Mac snaps out of his snow-watching trance; fuck, Philly really is beautiful when it snows.
“For what?” he asks. He wants to tell Dennis to save his voice and rest up, but he doesn’t.
Truth be told, he’s missed Dennis’ voice a lot. Like so much more than he thought possible.
Dennis grabs Mac’s hand and rubs his thumb over his knuckles; Mac practically vibrates out of his skin. “Taking ca-care of me… Loving me.”
His voice is a scratchy, garbled train wreck, and, honestly, Mac can barely understand him, but the words are sincere. Ever since they started banging, Dennis has been more and more open with him. Less angry. More willing to resolve their fights without resorting to low blows and scratches. When they get upset, they talk. They hold hands. They make out. They play footsies under the covers. They just… get each other.
Mac knows this can’t go on forever. Knows he’s living in sin and eventually must go back on God’s path. But these few kind words from Dennis fill his heart with happiness and the sense that maybe – just maybe – this can be sustained.
“You don’t have to thank me, Den. I love you. I want to take care of you.”
Dennis nods and snuggles in closer, tangling their fingers together and nudging the back of his head into Mac’s collarbone.
Eventually, Christmas Eve turns into Christmas Morning. They fall asleep on the couch, Dennis with his head in Mac’s pillowed lap and curled into his stomach and Mac slouched to the side against a mountain of blankets.
Snow continues to fall, and the artificial fire burns as bright as the love in Mac’s heart.
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staywritten · 4 years
A Love That Last│Bang Chan
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A Love That Lasts │ Chapter Ⅰ
Synopsis: You’ve spent the last two years, helping your very handsome next door neighbor raise his adorable daughter. The two of you fell into a routine before you knew it. And now you had this little family. You couldn’t help but fall for him. 
Genre: Parent!Au, Dad!Bang Chan, Fluff, Nonidol!Au, smut in a later chapter
Word Count: 1k
You were coming off of a twenty-four-hour shift at the hospital, and nothing made you happier than finally being able to sleep in your bed. You stopped by your favorite restaurant before heading home, making sure to grab a large bowl of kimchi soup, fried chicken, and a case of beer. After back to back surgeries, and deal with co-running the ER with your irritating co-worker you needed a nice break.
Balancing all of the food in your hands, you climbed the stairs and walked by your neighbor’s doors. “I got dinner~” you chimed, kicking it lightly, before opening your own door, next do it. You set the food down on the table, and your backpack by the door. Before you could even stretch your bones you felt a rush at your legs as your neighbor’s adorable daughter ran in behind you, hugging you tight.
“You’re home!!” she cheered, with the brightest smile. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too Dollface” you kneeled down, pulling her in a warm hug. “You give the best hugs” you cooed.
“I’m so glad you’re home, I was afraid I was gonna have to eat what Daddy cooked” she groaned, exaggeratedly sticking her tongue out.
Chan scoffed, leaning on your doorway. “Hey! I’ll have you know my dinner would have been delicious”
“Sure Daddy” she teased before whispering at you “It was burnt”
You snorted, trying your best to hide your laughter. Seeing the offense on Chan’s face you covered your mouth. “I-I’m sorry” you giggled “But I smelled it when I walked past your door.” 
“Well if you two are quite done roasting me, I’d like to have dinner” Chan clapped his hands.
You smoothed down Minseo’s curly hair. “I’m gonna change out of my scrubs, I’ll be right back” You walked into your bedroom, washing your face and staring into your mirror trying to collect yourself from just how handsome Chan looked. It really wasn’t fair for him to look that attractive at this time of night. He honestly had to do the bare minimum to get you going. His messy hair, sweatpants low on his lips, that stupidly attractive dimpled smile. You groaned splashing your face again.
Two years ago when Chan moved into the vacant apartment next door with his three-year-old daughter you thought it was a silver lining in your love life. He was breathtakingly handsome, with the cutest dimples, and the shyest smile. He was single and just trying to navigate parenthood with his daughter. Chan worked hard to give her the world, but he was in way over his head. And there was something about watching him and his friends try to raise her that made you help out.
One favor turned into another, and before you knew it, a companionship was formed. You grew to love Minseo like she was your own. And there was something about pursuing Chan romantically that just felt wrong. You two were friends, and if it didn’t work out romantically then it could make the friendship awkward. It would make it weird for Minseo. She had become accustomed to your routine, and kids were sensitive to a routine so why ruin it? At least that’s what you kept telling yourself.
The attraction just remained unspoken.
There was always something there, but neither of you were willing to take the jump and risk it. And you would rather be something in Chan’s life, then risk losing it and being no one in his life.
So for now, this was enough.
You walked out of your bedroom, smiling at your makeshift family. It wasn’t yours to keep, but for now, you could at least enjoy borrowing it.
Minseo beamed up at you, a chicken leg in one hand and kimchi sauce on her cheek. “Our pajamas match!” she gestured toward the red plaid matching top and bottoms that she wore.
Seeing that beautiful smile you knew that you never wanted to do anything that risked losing it. You giggled smooshing her cheeks playfully. “We do match~”
“Daddy got you those for Christmas!” she chimed.
“He did!” you laughed. “Too bad he never wears his~” You sat down next to her, cleaning her face with a napkin and looking at Chan “How was work?”
“Long” he chuckled leaning on his hand, watching you two. A smile never leaving his face. He always loved seeing how bright his daughter got when she was with you, and how that brightness was always mirrored. It was so genuine and warm. “My new client really likes the album so far, we should be able to wrap it up soon”
“Are you remembering to sleep?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, letting out that shy giggle. “Ah, you know me I get restless when I have things to do”
You frowned. “You need sleep” you scolded him before winking “Don’t make me confiscate your to-do list, and tuck you in myself.” His ears began to warm as he looked away shyly. His daughter chiming about how he’s in trouble. “I’m serious Chris, Doctor’s orders”
“I’ll be more mindful, I promise” he smiled bashfully.
After dinner the three of you settle down with a kids movie on Netflix, Chan falling asleep within the first twenty minutes, and Minseo getting so close to seeing the end but she just couldn’t ride out the last ten minutes. You smiled to yourself, gently running your hands through her hair. “What am I gonna do with you two?” Chan’s head resting against your shoulder as he took in gentle breaths, Minseo bundled between the two of you, her little arms wrapped around your arm and the plush blanket.
The credits for the movie ran all the way though and you’d been staring at the Netflix main menu for almost twenty minutes. You tried to bring yourself to attempt to get up. But it was just so warm. Both of them were tangled against you and and the blanket. You looked down at him Chan’s face smooshed against your shoulder, you being close enough to see the tiniest dusting of freckles against his nose or how his cheek dimpled as he moved his mouth. Minseo’s tiny face mirroring his features with those same little freckles, dimple, and pouty lips.
But you couldn’t keep them here forever.
“Hey...wake up sleepy head” you cooed at Chan, your fingers gently grazing his scalp.
He sighed happily “Mmm that feels so good please don’t stop” He watched you sleepily, a lazy smile on his lips. “Did I fall asleep?”
Did he really have to look at you like that? His expression was so open, candid, it disarmed you, and captivated you. There was just something about that little smile, that mischievous twinkle in his eye. Did he really not realize how it made your stomach do this little flip? “You were out like a light” you giggled, continuing to scratch his scalp; Loving how his smile grew.
“In my defense I feel like you put on the most boring movie”
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. All I’m seeing is that you took a two hour nap” you grinned watching him stand up. You gently moved Minseo from your arms into his. He propped her up against his hip as she buried her tired face in his chest.
“Hmmm why do I have a feeling you did that on purpose?” he smirked
“Now, Chris. I’m not a magician” you quirked your brow. “But I am armed with hundreds of movies on Netflix Kids and I will use them on you if I have to” you winked at him.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time” he chuckled, walking toward the door.
It wasn’t that Chan hated sleeping, he was just restless. Growing up he was always struck with inspiration in the middle of the night, and as a young parent, he couldn’t exactly rest knowing his daughter may wake up in the middle of the night and need him. There just wasn’t times that he felt comfortable to sleep. He survived on napping well enough but you were one of the few people that completely disarmed him. That he could relax enough long enough to sleep.
You walked him the eight feet it took to get to his door, whispering a good night to Minseo before kissing her hair. You pouted cupping her little cheeks, one last time. “She’s so cute” you smiled smoothing down her dark hair. “And you” you peaked up at Chan with a pout “Please get some more sleep tonight, preferably another six hours” you looked at him, with pleading eyes.
“I’ll give it a shot” he opened his door, ready to walk in but stopped to look at you again. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Just some chores in the morning but then I’m free, what’s up?”
“I was just wondering if you wanted to come to the park with us” he smiled. “Minseo said she missed you”
“Only Minseo?” you raised a brow.
“And... Me too...” he gave you a bashful look, doing that nervous little giggle of his.
“I’d love to go” you grinned. “Goodnight Chris, see you tomorrow”
“Goodnight” he closed the door between you and sighed against the door. 
Yeah, he had a crush on you. And he wasn’t going to deny it. Waking up to your beautiful face watching him, his daughter in both your arms. It was like a dream come true. But the fact that he thought you were way out of his league and you two had a delicate friendship. He just didn’t have the courage to chance ruining your relationship.
This was good enough… Wasn’t it?
To be continued...
Chapter II
Hey Friends! ヾ(^∇^)
I couldn’t help myself D: I have such a kink for parent AU’s and boy I’d be lying if I said Dad!Chan didn’t get me going. I'm also planning on making this a 5 part story I’m aiming to upload daily.
And ever since Chan pointed out his freckles on the v-live I can’t stop mentioning it
If you guys like it please let me know! :3 your words always encourage me also if you’d liked to be tagged in future parts let me know <3
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amyscascadingtabs · 3 years
rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky
It’s the perfect little getaway, exactly what they needed. It would be even better if she could only stop thinking.
“So, tell me.” Jake holds her hand over the table, forcing her back to reality. “Five top moments for us 2019, go. Countdown-stylez.”
Three different New Year's Eves, as celebrated by Jake and Amy (and Mac).
read on ao3 💕
december 31st, 2019.
The hotel guests checking in before Jake and Amy are a family. A little girl with blonde hair, maybe four or five years old, is carrying her own pink backpack and making up dance steps around her father’s feet as he goes through the information with the receptionist, and an even younger boy is hiding behind his mother’s legs as he watches the people in the lobby with wide eyes. Looking up, Amy realizes that the mother’s open coat is revealing a baby bump, too. She’d put her at six, maybe seven months pregnant. Three kids. Amy feels a pang of jealousy.
Even with the observation skills of an experienced detective, it shocks her how good she’s become at picking out families and pregnant women in any crowd. It’s an interesting talent, but measured against the pain it causes her, Amy wouldn’t call it a very useful one. She notices Jake looking at the kids as well, a daydreaming look on his face, and somehow, that makes her pain worse.
The idea behind going away to a hotel upstate for New Year’s was so they could get away from the stress for a moment; go somewhere else, rest and relax, forget about the pregnancy master calendar they’ve stared themselves blind at for a few days. Amy didn’t realize how impossible it would be to get away from all the other reminders.
She draws a breath of relief when the family in front of them gets the keys to their room, the little girl running first towards the elevator and her brother laughing as he chases after.
“Cute kids,” Jake whispers, watching them longingly.
“Yeah.” Amy tries not to think about the negative pregnancy test she threw away in the bathroom trashcan before they left. “Really cute.”
“I’m excited you said we could drink tonight.” Jake toasts his White Russian with her glass of Sauvignon. “It’s been a while.”
“I know, “ Amy feels the guilt wash over her. “Well, it’s not New Year’s Eve every day. I think we’ve earned it.” And I already took a negative test, she thinks.
“We sure have.” He gives her a closer look, pressing his lips together like he always does when he’s worried about her. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Just tired,” she says. It’s not technically a lie. “I didn’t sleep that well last night.”
“Lucky we have a huge hotel bed to help with that tonight, then. Seriously, this place rocks.”
Amy’s prepared to agree on that part – she did her research the moment it stood clear they would both get New Year’s Eve off. After getting their room, they’ve spent the evening getting massages in the hotel spa, dining at the surprisingly nice restaurant, and now they’re admiring the view from the bar on the top floor, waiting for the fireworks. It’s the perfect little getaway, exactly what they needed. It would be even better if she could only stop thinking.
“So, tell me.” Jake holds her hand over the table, forcing her back to reality. “Five top moments for us 2019, go. Countdown-stylez.”
“Number five!” She rolls the r and holds on the i, earning herself an amused look from the older couple next to them. “Okay, I’m going to go with… that date you took me on for my birthday. I can’t believe you got into the puzzle bar this time!”
“I might have convinced the guard to let me in because it was your birthday, but still a good one. Number fooo-uur… the Cinco de Mayo-heist. God, that was fun, even if the tasing hurt like a bitch.”
“Agreed. Number three – when Holt finally invited us to that dinner party and I almost didn’t lose my cool once.”
“You keep telling yourself that, babe. Number two… the Jake way. Seriously, I still think we should try that again. It was awesome.”
“It was, but also way inappropriate,” she reminds him, but he just shrugs. “Number one, then.”
“I know which one is mine, but you go first.”
Amy swallows, then sighs. “Mine is after the manhunt. When we decided to start trying. That’s still my favorite moment.”
“Mine, too.” Jake looks her in the eyes, and she knows the bittersweet feeling is shared. “It’s going to happen, Ames. I know it. Maybe this month’s the one.”
Amy doesn’t have the strength to correct him, tell him she’s already taken an early test and that she’s lacking any confidence there’s going to be a second line when she tests again in a couple of days. Luckily, she doesn’t have to, because right then, the fireworks that have been going off a few at a time in the distance begin to multiply as the countdown starts.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four…
Amy leans forward so she can be kissing him already when the new year begins.
Three, two, one… happy new year!
The crowd around them erupts into cheers as the sky glows with colorful explosions when burning bits of metal lighting up the darkness outside. Jake kisses her deeper, seeming to forget that there are people around with a bit of alcohol in his system and his hands cupping her face. For a moment, Amy lets herself just be happy.
december 31st, 2020.
The instant Amy closes her eyes for the more-than-well-deserved nap Jake told her to take while he made dinner, Mac begins to cry from his crib again.
“McClane, please,” Amy pleads, as if reasoning with her two-month-old would solve his discontent. “You can't seriously be hungry again, that’s insane.”
She tries with the pacifier first, checking his diaper, even standing up and walking around with him for a bit to eliminate anything else, but Mac is still clenching his fists and only looking even more furious with her, so Amy gives in. She sits down with him again, unhooks one side of the bra and lets him find his grip, exhaling when the peaceful suckles begin and the desperate crying finally ceases. She swears it looks like her son is side-eyeing her for taking too long, but to her defense, she fed him for a good forty-five minutes only a little over an hour ago and it's exhausting being used like a human pacifier. Growth spurt, Camila Santiago said when Amy called her in tears yesterday, and the problem-shooting section in the 0-3 months baby-binder had agreed. Amy would argue that sounds way too innocent for something which is turning her otherwise happy and smiley baby into a constantly hungry and crying mini-monster who won't close his eyes for more than twenty minutes at a time.
There's a soft knock on the door after a few minutes, and Jake peeks in. He’s wearing his fancy kitchen apron, which Charles gave him for Christmas with the comment that there’s nothing sexier than a dad who can cook. It hasn’t magically improved his cooking skills, but Amy’s willing to admit that it does look good on him.
“You guys doing okay?”
“He is, for now. I’m going crazy. How’s our dinner going?”
“Well, I haven’t burnt it yet, but there’s still time,” he grimaces, sitting down at the foot of the bed. “Do you need anything, babe?”
“Sleep, but that’s not going to happen.” Amy rubs her eyes. “It’s fine. He’s got to fall asleep at some point, though, this is nuts.”
“Don’t challenge him, he’s breaking records,” Jake says, leaning forward to tickle Mac’s feet. Mac reacts by kicking at the boob he’s not currently feeding from, making Amy curse. “Oops, sorry. Anyway, I’m sure he will fall asleep at some point, and we can have a nice, calm New Year’s dinner. I mean, he has to be exhausted, right?”
“God, I hope so. I’m starving.” She can see Mac’s eyelids getting heavy, but every time she thinks they’re about to fall closed, it’s like he twitches and stares at her, wide awake. “He’s lucky he’s cute.”
Jake grins. “Lucky indeed.”
Mac starts pulling away at that moment, a little bit of milk still dribbling from his cheeks. Amy reaches for one of the muslin blankets that’s never more than a few feet away in their home nowadays, lifting him so he’s upright against her shoulder and patting him on the back. She expects a burp, but instead, she gets an unpleasant surprise when he spits up, managing to get sour baby puke down her back and in her already greasy hair. She groans, giving Jake an exhausted look when she sees him stifling a chuckle.
“Hey, I’ll take him. You go take a shower and I’ll put him in the BabyBjörn. Maybe that will do it.”
“That’s the hottest thing you’ve ever said,” Amy mumbles, and she’s not entirely kidding.
She makes the shower as long as she possibly can. Most days, she has to shower with Mac in the baby bouncer on the bathroom floor, so even the chance to be alone in the bathroom for more than five minutes feels like a luxury. She lets the shampoo really lather and the conditioner take its time to sink in, trying to massage the knots in her neck and shoulders under the hot water. She can hear Mac still fussing from the kitchen, and it makes her feel guilty even though he’s barely left her arms today.
“He’s fine,” she whispers to herself like a mantra. “He’s fine. Jake can handle it. He’s perfectly fine. Everything’s okay. You deserve this.”
She still skips the make-up and nicer clothes she had been planning to put on, throwing on a pair of maternity leggings and one of Jake’s old hoodies instead.
The dinner looks fantastic, some sort of chicken baked in the oven with rice and a lemon sauce, and Amy’s actually impressed. She imagines it would have been even nicer if she could have eaten it warm and together with Jake, but they only make it through toasting in orange soda and the first two bites before Mac wakes up from his ten-minute-nap, wailing as if he truly believed he’d just been abandoned. They end up having to take turns eating and walking laps around the living room with him, because he starts crying again if they stop moving for a second or as much as make an attempt to put him down. Amy is suddenly relieved they said no to her brother Tony’s New Year’s party-invite.
She can barely believe it when after what feels like the fiftieth or so feed of the day, Mac falls asleep. Curled up like a little frog on her chest and letting out the cutest of baby snores, he finally seems to relax, and Amy doesn’t even dare to breathe too sharply for the first ten minutes. Eventually, though, once it seems like he’s not going to wake up from the slightest movement or a raised voice anymore, Jake tucks them both in under a blanket and gets the Ben and Jerry’s from the freezer and orange soda from the fridge. Then he gets another blanket for himself, and they snuggle up together in the corner of the sofa in front of the tv. From live footage at Times Square, Amy can see crowds of people waiting for the ball to drop.
“Wishing you were there?” Jake winks, but she just laughs.
“Are you kidding? Cold, crowded, and you can never even get a good view. This is better in every way.” She strokes her thumb over Mac’s dark hair. “I have this one and you. That’s all I need. And ice cream,” she adds, digging out a piece of cookie dough from the tub.
“You’re right, it’s pretty damn close to perfection. Top five moments of 2020?”
Amy shakes her head, pointing to Mac. “No point. They’re all about him, anyway, and they’re all too good to compare.”
“True that.” Jake shakes his head. “Hey, isn’t it crazy that although he’s been kind of a nightmare today, I’ve already forgiven him?”
“No, it makes perfect sense, because I’ve almost wanted to give him away several times and now I can’t even remember why.”
“Having a baby makes us kind of crazy, huh?”
“Oh, absolutely. I wouldn’t change it for the world, though.”
“Me neither. Not even if I was offered a role in the next Die Hard-movie and Taylor Swift did the soundtrack.”
“That’s pretty big,” Amy laughs, leaning in for a quick kiss. “Would Taylor Swift do the soundtrack for Die Hard, though? Realistically speaking?”
“It’s a daydream, Ames!”
She has no time for a comeback, though, because right then, the countdown starts on the tv and Jake raises the volume a few bars so they can hear.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four…
“New Year’s kiss,” Amy says, holding Mac up slightly so they can both reach him.
Three, two, one… happy new year!
They both smother his cheeks with kisses at the same time as the fireworks explode over the sky in the distance outside their windows and the crowd begins to cheer on tv. Mac doesn’t even flinch, completely oblivious to the celebrations going on outside. Amy sighs.
“How can he magically sleep through all of this, but wake up the second I put him down in his crib at night?”
Jake shrugs. “Babies, man.”
december 31st, 2021.
Amy has only started to take off Mac’s winter overall before he starts trying to flee, kicking wildly with his boots and pointing towards the kitchen where he’s already spotted Rosa. Jake notices her struggle and is quick to help her, and the instant the toddler is free, he hurries off towards his best friend.
“Mac! Hey, happy new year, man!” Before Amy can even take off her own jacket, Mac is already in Rosa’s arms and babbling excitedly as he plays with her gold necklace. Amy wonders how much of what Mac’s saying actually makes sense to Rosa, but she’s nodding and smiling and seems to have abandoned whoever she was previously talking to in favor of the one-year-old.
“Jake. Amy.” Kevin appears to take their coats, shaking their hands. “Welcome. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres are in the living room, and I see your small child has made himself at home.”
“He found Rosa, yep.” Jake grins. “And he has a name.”
“Ah, yes… McClane.” Kevin nods. “Very well. I have to go check on… the kitchen. Enjoy your evening.”
  “He’s never going to like me,” Jake whispers to Amy the moment he’s left.
“Well, I think we both might have lost a few points with the name choice, babe.”
“He’s one to talk names, he’s got a dog named after a cheese!”
“I know, but we can’t tell him that. Come on, Jake, I have to find something to chew on before I get sick.”
“You can always blame it on the alcohol, if you do.”
“Just kidding,” he grins. “You go check on Mac and Rosa and I’ll locate the snacks.”
 It turns out Rosa is more than willing to guard Mac for the evening, currently showing him the model train she's found in the library. Mac is watching with focus as Rosa helps him turn on the button that makes the train drive around the tracks, laughing as it lets out a choo-choo sound.
“Your son is much cooler than the rest of these lame partygoers,” she shrugs when Amy asks her if she's sure it's fine. “He says what he's thinking, unlike the rest of all these dum-dums.”
“Dum-dums,” Mac repeats, proud. Rosa nods.
“Exactly. I’ll call you if something happens.”
 And so, in an unexpected turn of events, Amy finds herself able to sit down for most of the evening without having to chase a wild toddler around to keep him from whatever dangers he could somehow manage to get himself into in Holt’s and Kevin’s house. She supposes it looks quite antisocial of her, and maybe it is, but she’s six weeks pregnant and the early symptoms of nausea and fatigue seem to be coming on both stronger and faster the second time around, so Amy doesn’t really care. She’s got lemon sparkling water for a non-alcoholic drink, a paper plate of carrot sticks, salted crisps and almonds, and she’s not going to talk to anyone unless they sit down next to her. It’s practically heaven. Jake checks on her from time to time, assuring her multiple times that they can just leave early if she wants to, but however tired she feels, Amy doesn’t want to insult Holt that badly. They’re staying until midnight as per proper New Year’s party etiquette, and then — and not a second later — they can go home so she can crash in bed.
 Rosa finds her again when Mac begins to get sleepy, rubbing his eyes and yawning but still shaking his head when Amy asks if he's feeling a little tired. He crawls over to her arms anyway, laying his head on her shoulder and hugging his arms around her chest.
“Thanks for looking after him,” she tells Rosa, but she just shrugs.
“No worries. I don't get to hang out with him enough. Your kid is dope.”
“Douh,” Mac whispers, mimicking her, and Rosa laughs.
“Repeats every word you tell him, too,” Amy says. “Yeah, he’s pretty awesome. Come over to our apartment at five-thirty in the morning on any weekend and you can hang out with him all you want. I won't stop you.”
Rosa scrunches her nose. “I’ll consider it.”
“He’s in a great mood then, I can assure you that.”
“I'll take your word for it. Also, Jake was tipsy talking baby names with some etymology professor when I saw him last, and he seemed very intense about it for a guy who's not currently thinking of naming any new babies. Or?” She raises an eyebrow.
“No, he just get thats intense when somebody implies McClane is a weird name,” Amy says, and makes a note to herself to remind Jake about their agreement not to tell anyone else at least until the twelve-week mark. “Which, to be fair, I warned him that people would think. But here we are anyway.”
“It is a weird name. Couldn’t imagine him being called anything else, though, even if I still don’t understand why you agreed to it.”
“There was a really good PowerPoint involved.”
Rosa looks at her questioningly, but Amy shakes her head, knowing there’s no point in explaining the unexplainable.
“Hmm. You guys are weird. You make pretty great kids, though.”
“Yeah.” Mac has fallen asleep by now, drooling a little bit on Amy’s shoulder. She kisses the top of his head and thinks of the abstract idea of her second kid, the thump-thump of an already present heartbeat they got so lucky as to hear on an early ultrasound yesterday. “The best.”
 As midnight draws closer, most of the guests take on jackets, scarves and shoes to venture out into the garden to watch fireworks. Not wanting to be left out, Amy and Jake manage to get a half-sleeping Mac, who wakes up suddenly interested when he hears about the promise of fireworks, into his overall and join them. It’s a surprisingly good view from the garden, the cold winter air waking them up, and Jake points out the vibrant displays in the sky to a drowsy Mac, who blinks at them dazedly. It’s so cute it makes Amy tear up. Being both a mom and newly pregnant does that to her; she’s given up trying to fight it.
  It’s hard to believe that two years ago, she was toasting in champagne in a hotel bar and wondering if they would ever make a baby together, and now she’s standing in a garden watching Jake with their one-year-old son and knowing that next New Year’s, if all goes well, they’ll be parents of two.
“What are you thinking of?” Jake must see her tears, because he looks worried, but Amy just smiles.
“Just how quickly things can change. How happy I am. And how much I love you.”
“Love you, too. Top three-hundred-and-sixty-five moments of this year,” Jake says, hugging her close so they’re standing in a little family bubble. “Every single day I get to wake up with and then come home to my family.”
  Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four…
  They both lean in so they can smother their son with kisses, and he laughs as he figures out what’s about to happen.
 Three, two, one… happy new year!
  The sky explodes with color, Jake and Amy attack their son with kisses, and as the new year begins, Amy thinks she might just be the luckiest person in the entire world.
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themurphyzone · 3 years
If I Can’t Love Him Ch 4
AN: I do eventually wanna write out an entire BatB AU, it’s just that it’s kinda on the backburner compared to Nova and Pinky the Snowmouse right now. Decided to finish this story before working on anything else in BatB AU. Unlike the other chapters, this one’s not based off any scene in the 1991 movie.
AO3 Link
Ch 4: Hints of Kindness  
Two days since the West Wing incident, and there was still no sign of the Beast. His servants all said not to worry, he was always reclusive until it was time to give orders, but Pinky still worried for the Beast’s arm. He didn’t seem like the type to take it easy.
“Hey, if the scratches get infected, that’s on him,” Rita reassured Pinky as she escorted him down the corridor for breakfast.  
The servants were on a rotating schedule of helping him get around the castle to prevent another incident of wandering somewhere he wasn’t supposed to. Pinky appreciated the company, but part of him also wanted to sneak around too. If he was going to be here for the rest of his life, then he wanted to know every nook and cranny of the castle.
At least the nooks and crannies of the places he was allowed to go in.
But sneaking around would have to wait. At least until the world stopped spinning around. It was throwing him off-balance.
“So what do you want for breakfast?” Rita asked, her halo bobbing above her head as she glided along the floor. “Cream? Fish? Or the gray stuff again? That’s always a hit.”
The moment breakfast was mentioned, Pinky’s stomach flip-flopped and churned. “Quiet, tummy,” he scolded.
“You good? You’re pale,” Rita asked. “Not exactly a healthy shade of white.”
“I’m...narf...I’m okay!” Pinky tried to smile at her, but Rita’s eyes only narrowed. “Don’t worry about me!”
A shiver wracked his body. Was it just him, or was the castle draftier than usual?
“Nice try, mouse,” Rita crossed her paws over her angel robe. “But a little tip about castle living? If the boss can’t pull a fast one over Hello Nurse when he’s sick, neither can you. Try it, and the results ain’t gonna be pretty.”
He was fine though. Pinky was used to hiding any signs of sickness from Papa. He couldn’t worry his father like that when there were other things to worry about. All he had to do was cover his mouth so all the icky stuff wouldn’t get out and run over to Slappy’s tree for help.
He didn’t like lying. It made him feel awful inside. But he had to, just so he wouldn’t scare Papa.
"Sorry," Pinky whispered, his throat tight. "I'll go back to my...I mean, the room you all gave me. I don't wanna make anyone else sick. Poit."
"Eh, don't worry about it," Rita said. "Only the boss is affected by that sorta thing. Rest of us are immune. Now c'mon. I gotta tell Hello Nurse so we can get some chow into you."  
Secrets never remained secrets in the castle for long. It took a grand total of thirty seconds before a crowd of servants gathered outside the bedroom door, from the littlest dinner fork to several heavy cabinets that clinked with dishes and silverware as they moved.
A tall coat rack lifted Pinky back into bed. And while Pinky didn’t mind climbing to reach the strange, huge mattress that was cozy when he was tired and not so cozy when he thought of Papa and home, he was too dizzy to climb up himself right now.
Though he wanted to snuggle into the blankets more than anything else, he couldn’t until the stethoscope finished checking his heart and lungs. He shivered as the cold bell pressed into his chest and back, but tried to breathe when he was asked to.
When it was finished, the stethoscope firmly knocked twice against the mahogany bedframe and wrapped itself around the coat rack’s thin wooden arm.
“So what’s the verdict?” Rita asked from the doorway.
“Well, his heart and lungs are strong. And nothing’s inflamed either,” Hello Nurse said. “Pinky, are you having trouble breathing?”
Pinky shook his head.
“Any chest pain?”
“Nope. Don’t worry, everyone! It’s just a fever. I’ll be fit as a fiddle soon!” Pinky said, trying to reassure them. “And I can clean some rooms or dust the staircases or anything else you want then!”
“Nope, that won’t do at all! You’re our guest and we insist you get some rest!” Yakko protested. The fire on his head burnt intensely, and the flammable servants hastily scooted away from him. “Ya know, that’s not a bad verse for Be a Pest now that I think about it. But still! Don’t even think about getting out of bed ‘til Hello Nurse okays it!”
“Only for a day or two,” Hello Nurse added. “And tell someone immediately if you have trouble breathing or the fever gets worse. You came back soaked to the bone, and I don’t want this developing into pneumonia.”
Okay, at least he wouldn’t be confined for too long. He wanted to move around and explore. What was the point of being imprisoned in a castle if he couldn’t explore?
“What about Pharfignewton?” Pinky asked. “She fell in the river too. And...she’s all I’ve got now.”
His mother’s cape was in shreds. He didn’t know how Papa was doing. Pharfignewton was the only member of the family he could see now. The blue dress was his only remaining possession from his life in the village.
“She’s okay!” Dot piped up. “The stablemaster is one of the best in the province! He’s got her covered in a pretty violet blanket.”
“She really likes apples!” Wakko exclaimed.
Pharfignewton adored apples, and while Pinky trusted the servants to take care of her, he also wanted to make sure she was alright in-person.
But that would have to wait for a few hours.
Sapped of energy, he yawned and curled underneath the blankets. Only his head poked out, and his vision blurred as his eyes drooped with exhaustion.
The crowd dissipated with promises to come back with food and medicine later, until only Yakko lingered in the doorway.
“Keep an eye on him, Marita,” Hello Nurse told the purple and white wardrobe, which had a hippo’s face carved into the top. She hummed her agreement. “Now come along, Yakko. Pinky needs his rest.”
“I’m sure Dr. Scratchnsniff misses you. It’s been a busy past few days,” Hello Nurse suggested, and Yakko hopped away, his spirits restored as he hollered about all the news he wanted to deliver to the psychiatrist’s couch.
Soon they were gone. As Pinky’s eyes drooped shut, he thought he might’ve seen the end of a cape and a zigzagged tail dart behind a crouching gargoyle in the hallway. But the door swung closed before he could be sure.
Despite the fever, or maybe because of it, it was the best sleep he had in ages.
“Wakey, wakey, Rip Van Winkle!” Dot shouted. “Got your hot tea and soup here!”  
Pinky rubbed his eyes, stretching his limbs and tail as he sat up against his large pillow. His forehead was hot to the touch, and his throat was a bit sore. He breathed in fine, warm steam from the tea and soup, and while he didn’t have much of an appetite right now, he’d at least try to eat what he could. He was sure it would taste wonderful anyway.  
A tray slid onto his lap. A steaming bowl of chicken and vegetable broth, a flower patterned teacup full of warm liquid, and a spoon and napkin laid on top of it.
“It’s lovely. Thanks so much!” Pinky said, smiling at the Warners, who sat atop a rolling cart next to his bed.
“Make sure you gobble it all down like a turkey!” Wakko exclaimed, doing his best impression of a turkey call just as Pinky took his first sip of the broth, which included several small pieces of carrots.
Pinky couldn’t help but laugh, which was a huge mistake with food in his mouth. He sputtered and coughed, quickly pounding on his throat as he snatched up the teacup and took a huge gulp of tea to wash it down.
“Well, don’t make him choke on it!” Dot scolded.
“Careful, dearie,” Marita said as she shifted a lovely green dress to a hanger on her front.  “My darling Flavio puts lots of love into his food. I wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
“I will,” Pinky promised. He ate more slowly, trying to savor every bite. Not that he really needed to chew. Everything just slid down his throat like melted butter.
“That didn’t go into your lungs, right?” Yakko asked, who’d been strangely silent during the visit.
“I don’t think so,” Pinky replied. “And no agonizing, excruciating, stabbing, or writhing pain?”
Pinky stretched his limbs, careful not to jostle the tray too much. “A bit sore, but I’ll be alright.”
“It’s only a fever, Yakko,” Dot muttered, rolling her eyes as Yakko’s flames burst sporadically. “He’s not suddenly gonna drop dead or anything.”
Wakko shuffled his wooden legs awkwardly as Yakko and Dot burst into an argument over their guest’s health, and Pinky found himself nursing a headache that developed at his temple.
“Children, I think our guest wants some peace while he eats,” Marita suggested, her front drawer opening to reveal a lavender letter that was sealed with a heart-shaped kiss mark. “In the meantime, would you do me a favor and deliver this letter to my sweetheart?”
“For true love!” Dot squealed in joy, forgetting that she didn’t have hands to grab it by as she strained to grab it from Marita’s handle. Wakko reached over and grabbed it for her, and Dot hopped to the other side of the cart in a huff, muttering that she could’ve gotten it for herself.
“Hi-ho rolling cart, away!” Yakko shouted, and the cart sped across the room and slammed into the slightly ajar door, and the Warners were nearly thrown off the cart from the impact.
“GAH!” there was a surprised shout from behind the door as it crashed against the wall.
That wasn’t a normal door crashing into the wall sound.
To Pinky’s surprise, the Beast stumbled into view from behind the door. He clutched one shoulder with his bandaged arm, an irritated growl building in his throat.
The Warners whistled innocently and gave the Beast extremely wide, guilty smiles before zooming away.
“Ooh, that sounded like it hurt,” Pinky said, and the Beast looked at him in annoyance. Then Pinky remembered that they hadn’t spoken to each other in a few days, and he didn’t really know where he stood with the Beast right now. “Did they catch you on the arm?”
The white-collared shirt was new though. It was a high quality piece of clothing, even though it was a simple design.  
The Beast stood in the doorway, the bandages outlined against his sleeve on his injured arm while he held onto the doorframe with his uninjured arm. He also wore a wine-red cape and a pair of black trousers, and both clothing items were much less worn and ragged than when Pinky had first met him in that tower just a few nights ago.
“They didn’t,” the Beast grunted, staring at the floor like he’d seen a very interesting dust bunny. The silence was only broken by Marita’s blissful humming and the clink of Pinky’s spoon against his bowl.
The Beast wasn’t the best at conversations. It was either too much roaring or stony silence with no in-between with him.
“Were you eavesdropping?” Pinky asked.
The Beast huffed. “I was napping behind the door.”
“Strange place to nap,” Pinky said. “Wouldn’t you be better off in a cozy bed? Less back problems that way. And you wouldn’t be smashed in the shoulder by a door.”
“I’ll...keep that in mind,” the Beast replied, still not making eye contact with Pinky.
Though his responses were short and blunt, it seemed to be more out of awkwardness than anything. Still, Pinky wished the Beast would come up with a topic. It wasn’t exactly 20 Questions if the other party wasn’t asking anything.
Pinky chewed a piece of chicken, even though he didn’t need to. “Is Yakko okay? He seemed kinda scared cause I’m sick.”
“Oh, he can’t help it, dearie. An illness almost took-” Marita trailed off as a growl rose from the Beast’s throat. “-well, nobody wants to see your fever grow worse. Especially Yakko.”
Had the Beast been severely ill for a time and didn’t want to admit it? Pinky wanted to ask, but from the way the Beast’s claws dug into the doorframe, he decided that maybe it was better if he didn’t.
“Sorry if it’s a sore subject. I can ask something else if you want,” Pinky said.
The Beast’s large ears lowered, and his growl tapered off. And for the first time, shadowed pink eyes met Pinky’s.
“The fabric you used as a temporary bandage...was it important?” the Beast asked.
Pinky dropped his spoon into the bowl, surprised at a question that involved his mother’s cloak. No harm in being honest though.
“That cloak used to belong to my mother. It became mine after the accident,” Pinky admitted. The two fabric scraps from his cloak had been laundered, scrubbed of blood, and neatly tucked away in one of Marita’s drawers. He figured he could still use them somehow, but hadn’t quite figured it out yet.
The Beast looked distinctly uncomfortable, averting his eyes once more. “Sorry about your mother.”
Though awkward, it was a more sincere condolence than what some who’d attended her funeral had said.
“She wouldn’t have minded though. I think she’d be happy to know her cloak helped you,” Pinky said.
He didn’t have any doubts about that. He remembered his mother as a generous, lovely soul, even though he was a child when she passed away.
The Beast placed a hand over his bandaged arm. Then he turned to leave.
“When you’re healthy again, I’ll personally make sure that you know your way around the castle,” the Beast said. “But only to ascertain that you won’t barge into the West Wing again.”
It would be nice not to get lost. He always had trouble finding the kitchen so he could thank Chef Flavio for his meals.
“Alright,” Pinky agreed as he pushed his tray aside. He wasn’t hungry anymore. “And Beast?”
The Beast was a few steps away from Pinky’s door. He paused and looked back, stumbling over his feet like he wasn’t used to walking on two legs.
“Thanks for checking on me,” Pinky said. He snuggled into the blankets once again, ready to sleep off his meal. “I’m sure I’ll recover twice as fast cause I know everyone wants me to feel better.”
There was a long silence.
“You’re welcome,” the Beast finally said. Then he was gone.
And strangely, Pinky was looking forward to the promised tour.
Fun fact: Stethoscopes were invented in 1816, which isn’t in the French Revolution era of Beauty and the Beast, but this is Animaniacs and I am allowed to be anachronistic.
Before the curse took hold, Dot was severely ill for a time (same deal as Wakko’s Wish), and Brain doesn’t want this info getting out cause it could potentially reveal the curse to Pinky. Yakko is just spooked by any type of illness as a result, even a temporary mild fever.  
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shaydeoffical · 3 years
Burnt Chocolate Kisses: Osamu Miya x Fem Reader!
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Summary: Osamu and (Y/n),  think about their first valentines together, and find a way to celebrate their third anniversary after a busy day. 
Words: 2.5k
Warnings/keywords: fluff, light fighting, Suna with Barbz energy.
Author’s Note: This is for the Sweethearts Collide Collab I am hosting. Please go support everyone who joined in! I am so excited to share all these V-Day fics with you, and maybe make it a little less lonely for some of you! Please enjoy
Collab Masterlist: here  
Burnt Chocolate Kisses
"Samu." I sat my box down and rushed to meet him at the door. Rice was scattered across his hair and chest, not to mention there was a small patch on his cheek. His eyes were barely open, movements slow, as he took off his shoes. "I told you to let me help at the store today."         "Be glad you didn't." He stepped up from the genkan and slumped into my arms. "One couple tossed their food at the cashier. Instinct kicked it, and I spiked it across the store. I'm going to be collecting those free onigiri vouchers for the next three months."         "Valentine's day is about being with your loved ones and sharing a romantic evening. Yet, there's always an idiot or two who like to ruin the day for everyone. I'm sorry it was hell today." Rocking him lightly, we slowly edged our way to the kitchen. Part of the reason I stayed home today was so I could cook him a magical dinner. But my day hadn't gone to plan either.         "Why do I smell smoke?" Finding some energy, he moved past me and ran to the oven. Opening the door, the last billows of smoke rose up and out. "(Y/n); what happened? Are you okay?" Grabbing a towel, he fanned the air away from the smoke detector and glanced at my hands. There were few people in this world who'd be more interested in my well being than their stove in shambles.         "No burns this time." I laughed, gritting my teeth. The air was thick, my throat closing up. "I guess I did surprise you; there's just nothing to eat…" Inside the oven was a charred goose. We had watched someone cook a goose on Master Chef, and we had wanted to try it for a few months. He held his forehead and turned his back to me, getting the bird into the trash. "So, um, are you going to cook my goose over this?" My voice cracked, but I couldn't stop the joke from slipping out.
       He giggled to my relief. Osamu was a wonderful boyfriend; of course, we had some fights, but he never let it get out of hand. Though it was a different story between him and his twin. Atsumu always used me as a human shield from his brother during fights, and it worked every time. Osamu wouldn't risk hurting me, no matter how much he wanted to strangle his brother. "Nice pun, baby." Coming back to reality, I jumped up, sitting on the counter.         "Well, I wanted to make today special. But I think we both just want to try again tomorrow." I leaned my head against the cabinets. Soot had stained the ceilings and coated the light fixtures. To say I almost burned the house down was an understatement. Thankfully, 'Samu told me that if there was a fire in the oven, to just let it smother out by keeping the door shut.         "We have a history of celebrating the 15th, ya know." He slotted between my legs and pressed his soft stomach against mine. "We'll get our half-price teddy bears and snacks, walk around the park, maybe go to the arcade. Or."         "Or what?" Stealing a kiss, I tapped his nose.         "We just do what we did for our first valentines." He slowly kissed up my throat, nibbling here or there.         "No. Th-that doesn't count!" Blood rushed to my head, his hands ghosting up and down my back. "You can't sweet talk me into this. That was three years ago, and I didn't get to tell you how I felt. Plus, it was after midnight, so it doesn't count. Now, if you want to go skating like our first real valentines, I will."         "I'm not sweet talkin'," he bit down on my favorite spot, my hand anchoring in his hair. "Come on, it's nothin' scandalous. But if I have to keep persuading you, it might take a sloppy turn. I'm too tired to be any count tonight."         "I'm exhausted too." Pulling apart, his eyes sparkled, waiting for my reply. "Alright, let's do it." I jumped down and started to get my warm clothes on. "I'll make it up to you, for last time. Though this might tire us out more than we remember."         "Let's do it." He grabbed a quick snack and went to the bedroom to get changed. "It'll be fun." Hollering back at me, he poked his head out the door, and I could catch a peek at his chest, my chest fluttering.  
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback
        "So you burnt 'em?" Atsumu held the obligation chocolates to the street light. "You skipped class to cook all day, and this is what you made?"         "Thank you (L/n), they'll make a nice paperweight." Suna snickered, placing the pink heart bag in his pocket. It was Valentine's day, and the three of us were waiting for Osamu to join us for the festival.         "Oi, (Y/n). Tell me you didn't burn your hommi cocos for my brother." Atsumu poked the bulge in my bag.         "I'm going to wait for next year. There's no way I can confess with these." Gripping the side of my bag, I swallowed hard. "No matter how many times I tried, it just… didn't turn out. Hey, wait. How the hell did you know that Osamu's were hommi cocos?" I gripped Atsumu by his collar.         "It's not hard to tell. You keep sneaking away from your club to watch us practice. Not to mention, you've been up each other's ass the past three years of school. It's only a matter of time before one of you does something about it." Suna snuck out one of his chocolates and took a chase bite. His eyes bugged, this throat struggling to swallow the charred candy.           "Damn it." I stomped my foot. A dust cloud formed, sweeping through the crowd of people around us. The weather had been dry for a while; there was a debate on whether it was safe or not to have a fireworks display this year. That's when I was going to give Samu his candy, but things weren't really working out. "I guess there's next year. Maybe we'll go to the same college?"         "What about next year?"         "Ahh, nothing." Twirling on my heels, Osamu was right behind me. Our shoulder's bumped when I turned; his hands steadied me. There were lots of thoughts racing through my head, but I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was, the star's reflecting in his eyes.         "Sorry, I'm late." He smoothed the wrinkles on my sleeves and smiled. "Now, what are we planning for next year? A date without these two idiots?"         "I resent that." Suna looked towards the food booths.         "(Y/n) would rather it just be us, right?" Atsumu pulled me into his arms, pressing my head against his chest.         "Cut it out." I wriggled in his hold.         "I'm the superior twin by far. Who wants to spend time with a loser like Samu, when I'm right here?"         "Let them go, Tsumu." Osamu's voice was even. I was surprised he wasn't trying to lunge around me to hit his brother.         "She even gave me and Suna coco's, isn't that right (Y/n)?"         "She did." Suna agreed, egging them on.         "What's wrong with you?" I finally broke free. "Why are you trying to start a fight?" Atsumu grinned like a fox, holding up the candy I made him. When I looked at Osamu, he seemed crestfallen. The two fought all the time. Why was he so hurt this time? I had made him candy…it just wasn't good enough.         "Just say it (Y/n). I know you want to." Atsumu pushed me towards his brother. "Tell him how you really feel."         "Enough, Atsumu." I dug in my heels. "Can't you just let us have a good night? This is the last Valentine's we're going to have- Oh my god, Rintaro Suna. Put that god damn camera away." Tugging my hair, I noticed a crowd has started to form. Shaking, I hid my face in my hands. "I can't believe you two."         "Come one (Y/n)," Osamu took my hand, breaking the crowd so we could pass. "Let's do what we always do."         "Ditch our friends and stuff our face?" I sniffled, clutching onto his kimono.         "Of course." We stopped in front of a booth selling sweets. "I'm really sorry about the things that were said." I played with the strings hanging from my outfit. "Let's just focus on making happy memories now. Like you said, this could be our last chance to do this again." He stepped closer to me, tucking me under his arm as a large group passed us. There wasn't much of a line, and in a few minutes, it was our turn. My eyes were glued to the apples, and Samu noticed. "Two candy apples, please."         "Here." I tried to pass him some cash.         He pushed it back into my palm and handed me the apple. "It's my treat today."         "It's your treat every day." A pout settled on my lips until I dug into the apple. The red candy coating crunched, and the sweet juice rushed into my mouth. "Hmm, this is good. We should try to make some of these next weekends."         "We should. Let's make it a date." He grabbed my hand, walking towards the line for the next booth, which was selling ticker fish. Diving through the people, my heart was nestled in my throat.         "You shouldn't sound so casual, or I'll get the wrong idea." Someone stepped back, and I tripped over their foot. My candy apple went flying, and my arms failed for any support.         Osamu caught my upper half and eased me into a squat before I crashed. Popping back up, I apologized to the man, and he went on his way. "You okay." Samu dusted off my dress and examined my knees for any stress.         "Thanks to you, I'm fine." I looked at my candy apple, crusted with dirt. "But my apple isn't." The line was moving fast, so I nudged him forward. "Seams like today has been nothing but bad luck for me."         "Is that so? Why?" He ordered the fish, a few drinks and some grilled chicken too. As the food was being prepared, he handed me his apple. We shared food all the time, this was no different, but something was off. His fingers brushed mine when he handed it off. Sure the stick was hard to balance, but this was…so soft. Osamu grabbed the food and re-entered the crowd.         "Well, I-." Pushing my shoulder's back, I bit into his apple and collected my thoughts. We veered off the path with our dinner and find a quiet place to sit and eat. "I was making hommi cocos for someone special, and they burned…multiple times." I plopped down on the grass and took another bite of the apple.         "So Atsumu was lying." Osamu showed me his phone. Atsumu had texted him a picture of the obligation chocolates I made him.         "Yup, he just wanted to upset you." The fire flies lit up the sky as our eyes adjusted to the dark. A breeze filtered through the area, and I scooted closer to Samu for warmth.         "So you were making the hommi cocos for me?" He held out a piece of fish for me, and I used my teeth to pull it off the stick.         "Like I said, today's been terrible." I curled into my knees. "I can't share my true feelings with burnt chocolate."         "I see." He looked at his watch then the sky. "The fireworks about to start. Which means it's almost midnight." He reached over and took another bite of his apple. "We can just wait till then."         "It won't count if we wait, though." I realized that I was basically admitting my crush then and there, but there was no point in pretending now.         "Our feelings will be the same today and tomorrow." He reached into his bag. "I made these for you."                 "Sumu." It was a box of cocos; they were wrapped in pink ribbons and had special frosting with my name. "You, put so much effort into this, I. I defiantly can't show you what I made."         Fireworks went off in the sky above, raining down red and pink sparkles. They illuminated his eyes, making them glow almost. His face was inches from mine, our breath shared. "They are hommi cocos. I couldn't wait for white day. I didn't know for sure if you returned my feelings, so just in case, I made these for you. I really like you (Y/n), please, be mine?"         "I don't know what to say. I had all these things planned, but I'm lost for words." I pulled back, handing him the box. "These aren't good enough to express my feelings, but I want you to know I tried." Having killed the moment, I wanted to kick my own ass for pulling away.         "You skipped class to make these?" he asked, popping one in his mouth.         "I did. Feel free to rub in how bad they taste." I laughed, wiping the sweat from my brow.         "They're perfect." He leaned forward again, but not as far. I met him halfway, our lips touching in a feathery test.
        "Mm, that is so much better without the taste of burnt chocolates." I slid off his lap and onto the blanket beside us. We had gone to a festival and got the same dishes as before. The firework show was about to start, and we finally were alone. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present         "It was cute. You put some much effort into them that all I tasted was your love." He grabbed my chin, pulling me in for another kiss.         "My love and scorched caramel." Leaning against his chest, I looked at the sky, the first firework going up. "I'm glad you were braver than I was back then."         "As much as Atsumu pissed me off, I'm glad he tried to push together." A loud boom spoked me, of the fireworks bigger than usual. It made a giant red heart.           "He sped things up for sure. Thinking back on the day, there were a lot of disasters, but it was all worth it. Because I got to find the love of my life." I laced our fingers together. "I wish for us to always be together."         "We will; no need to wish for it." He kissed my knuckles, his knee knocking down the stick from our food. "Thank you for working so hard today."         "Well, burning stuff is my love language." I giggled, and we curled deeper into each other.         "I love you (Y/n)." He closed his eyes, starting to drift off. After a hard day's work, he needed a little rest. Considering how hard he fought it to spend time with me today, I could let him use me as a pillow.
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lailyn · 3 years
Tony rushes out of the bathroom because he hears sobbing.
"What's the matter? What's happened?" he demands at the sight and sound of Loki heaving great sobs into Stephen's chest.
"Loki thinks there was an intruder in our bedroom," Stephen says tersely.
Tony rushes over and sits on Loki's other side, stepping up to the plate by rubbing soothing circles on their boyfriend's back, while Stephen continues cooing nonsense and rambling reassurances in Loki's ear.
"If there was an intruder, JARVIS would have said something!" He hisses, on the verge of panic himself.
"I think it's just sleep paralysis," Stephen whispers back. "He said someone wrapped their arms and legs really tightly around him while he was sleeping and no matter how he tried to dislodge the perpetrator, he couldn't move."
"Oh my god Bambi!" Tony gasps in horror. "That's horrible! What a horrible dream!"
"It wasn't a dream!" Loki cries. "It was really disgusting! The pervert even tried to eat my ear! I hate that!"
Tony suddenly becomes very quiet. "You do, huh? You never said."
Stephen frowns. "That's hardly the issue here, Stark. We know Loki can kick anybody out of the bed with ease. Literally."
"Speaking from experience huh, Doc."
"Yours, I believe, more than mine. I keep count."
Tony rolls his eyes. "Of course you do."
"And since JARVIS didn't raise the alarm..." Stephen nuzzles Loki's temple and breathes a calming spell into his ear. "I think it was just a vivid dream, Baby."
Loki sniffles. "It couldn't have been. The pervert smelled like burnt meat. Maybe a fire demon? Or a goat demon? We need to exorcise him immediately."
"A goat demon, huh?" Tony mumbles, resisting the urge to smell himself.
"Tony, what's wrong with you? Why aren't you being more supportive?" Stephen asks in confusion. "You'd be running around the place like a headless chicken by now, calling everybody from the mayor's office to the fire brigade to the Pope!"
"Because the pervert - " Tony leaps to his feet, "- was me, you idiots!"
He points an accusing finger at Loki. "You had a craving for anticuchos in the middle of the night, remember?"
He then turns his wrath onto Stephen. "And you! You made me fly all the way to Lima to get it! The queue was hella long but I waited in line like a normal person just like you told me to - "
"Because your answer to everything is buying them! How many food businesses do you think Stark Industries will end up buying after all this is over?"
"- then I came back and you were both already asleep! You said you would wait up for me!"
"You know how Loki gets tired easily nowadays! And may I remind you that it was your turn last night to provide for him and our precious bubba?"
Stephen instinctively reaches out a hand to rub Loki's tiny bump. "Shh, baby, don't be scared. Daddy's not yelling at you. I'm yelling at your other Daddy, he's being a silly old goose - "
"Oh first I'm a goat, now I'm a goose?"
"I had to complete a 20-mile pilgrimage on foot in a remote town in Sardinia to get su filindeu for our dearest Loki, did you hear me complain?"
"No, because I gave you a damn good foot massage after!" Tony retorts. "And come on, surely no pasta dish can be that rare?"
"Only 3 women in the world know how to make it and they all come from a single family in Sardinia. I'd like to see you try buying them," Stephen gloats.
"Precious ones," Loki calls out, voice all feathery and frail. "Please cease this bickering..."
"Tony's being sensitive and insensitive at the same time. Your magic's a little haywire at the moment, he shouldn't be crushing you with all that weight - at least take your suit off before you get into bed with us!"
"Hey, you said it was sexy!"
"I did," Stephen admits. He finally relents, and offers a pair of very apologetic lips.
Tony accepts said lips readily.
"And it is sexy. But you gave poor Loki a fright," Stephen mumbles mid-kiss.
"I'm sorry, Bambi. I've showered now, see?"
Loki cautiously leans over. He gives a nod of approval, and a beaming smile so beautiful Tony's world turns golden for a second.
"You don't smell like a goat anymore."
"Yay!!!" Tony enjoys the next few seconds in communal lip-locking bliss, but as luck would have it, his non-monetary fortune never holds out for very long -
"Cow hearts for breakfast, anyone?"
To which Loki answers promptly by throwing up all over Tony's clean, just-showered self.
"I guess that's a no, then," Stephen says, sounding more tired than he has the right to.
Tony sighs, "Time to hit the showers again."
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knightofameris · 4 years
play date — hawks (keigo takami)
Setting: after hawks is No 2 Hero? + manga spoilers for recent chapters Gender: Female Contains: angst, fluff, lowkey/implied smut, just throw everything in why don’t you, pro-hero!reader Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: Oh yeah, that Hawks guy? The No. 2 Pro hero schmuck? Yeah, you definitely didn't like him (well, kinda). You'd never say that you cared about him, because you don't. He was just a good fuck, that’s all there was to it. And even if he asked you for something you'd maybe help him out because who were you to deny him?
a/n: [at the end]
Loosely based off of Play Date by Melanie Martinez
No beta we die like men.
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❝ guess it’s time that i tell you the truth if i share my toys, will you let me stay? don’t want to leave this play date with you ❞
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The moonlight shone through the window directly on top of the two bodies that were tangled upon each other. You glanced down at the blonde man who laid his head on your chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. It was just a few minutes ago when his lips were on yours, his hips thrusting into you. 
Now he was out like a light. 
You didn’t know why he always wrapped himself around you, not when you were the one that always had to leave before morning. It’s not like Hawks wanted a relationship with you. And you didn’t either. At least, that’s what you told yourself. Plus he was always an overly touchy person when it came to you and in general. And he knew it would annoy you. He does enjoy annoying people.
Your hands brushed through his golden locks but it was different than it was earlier that night. It was gentle compared to when you were gripping his windswept hair as his mouth explored your body under the sheets. 
Hawks groaned, shifting himself away from you. His wings brushed up against you as he turned to face the other way. Finally, you were free to leave. 
Slowly and quietly, you moved off his bed, watching as he breathed and making sure he didn’t wake up. A light snore escaped his mouth as you began picking up your clothes that were scattered all over the floor of the bedroom and hallway. Memories from earlier that night flashed through your mind.
Hawks hands roamed under your shirt as he suckled the base of your neck, chuckling as he heard a moan escape your mouth. He finally opened the door to his apartment and the two of you struggled to walk to his bedroom. You lifted your arms up in the air as he tore off your shirt, tossing it somewhere into the abyss, his hands stroking your sides as his thumbs lightly ghosted over your breasts, admiring the way they sat in the bralette you wore that evening and how his touch caused your nipples to harden. 
Your hands immediately grabbed his face, pulling him down to your mouth. His lips moved against yours, his tongue swiping against your lips as your hands trailed down his chest and then to his pants to unbuckle his belt. One of your hands stroking him through his pants causing him to groan into you, his hips bucking into your touch.
The back of your legs hit his bed and you fell backward, breaking the kiss. You stared up at Hawks, his lips bruised and thoroughly kissed with his crimson wings spread out behind him. He smirked as he shrugged off his jacket and then his shirt. The way his feathers would leave his wings to take off his clothes never ceased to amaze you. Even as they attached themselves back onto him. 
Like a predator to their prey, he slowly approached you, climbing on top of you. The bed dipped with his weight. His knuckles brushed against your cheek then caressed the back of your head, hair entangled between his fingers and tilted your head slightly with your lips hovering close to his.  
“Impatient now, are we?” 
The cool silk fabric brought you out of your thoughts as you finally grabbed your shirt, the last piece of clothing. You glanced back at Hawks who was still asleep. A sigh of relief left your mouth. 
The door closed behind you softly as you walked off to your own apartment, wishing so badly that you could wake up next to him. 
“Oh, come on, (Y/H/N), you’re the only one that can keep up with me,” Hawks waved his hands to fans and onlookers while still eating fried chicken out of a whole ass bucket. “You should totally join my agency.” 
You groaned and rolled your eyes at the man. Patrols were never boring with the No. 2 hero. It just happened that your agency was close by, and Hawks always asked your boss for you to join his patrols. Just because you had the ability to create portals, you were able to keep up with his speed. 
In more ways than one. 
It also happened that every now and then, if your patrols ended at night with nothing happening that day he’d always ask you to come back to his place. It was easier to go back together whenever you guys patrolled together, after all. 
And who were you to deny him his requests? 
“I think I’ll pass on that one Hawks, Celestial’s too nice of a boss,” you replied, eyes pretending to scan the area in case of suspicious activity. But mostly because you wanted to avoid his gaze. Of course, the man caught on and waved his hand in front of you, getting your attention once more. 
“Aw, you don’t have to be like that chickadee, I’m a fun boss,” he insisted. “I can show you a good time at my agency.” 
Blood rushed to your cheeks, causing you to get extremely flustered. You didn’t even have to look up at him to know that he winked at you the moment those words left his mouth. 
“I don’t—I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you stammered out. “If you say something like that I will make you fall through my portals for eternity.” 
“You would never do that, you love me.” 
“I really don’t, I don’t know where you got that from.” Hawks simply grinned at you, about to respond before the two of you got bombarded with fans asking for pictures. 
Sirens wailed in the background, buildings burned and fell on themselves, civilians crying out, and other heroes fighting against the nomus. Pain burst through your entire body as you yelled out because of it, trying to stand back up to get back into the fight. 
A red feather floated down in front of you, and fear struck you in your chest. Another rush of adrenaline flowed over your body and your sights were set on the skies, trying to find Hawks. Blurs of white and yellow flew around with the night sky in the background. His wings were dwindling, the only large feathers were the ones in his hands and even then, he was slowly descending into the ground. At this rate, Hawks was sure to become a pancake at the end of it. 
Your muscles screamed in pain and you screamed internally to keep on moving, standing up as a ball of energy enveloped your hand. And you threw it up to the sky, activating it the moment the nomu would pass through it, then closing it, cutting the nomu in half. Not before it breathed fire, however. Your eyes widened, another ball of energy shooting out as Hawks’ feathers burned up, having no way of slowing down. 
Your legs carry you as you run through the portal in front of you, jumping through it and immediately you were up in the skies, slamming into Hawks and another portal opened in front of you. The two of you landed on the ground with a hard hit, tumbling to ease the impact a little bit. Groans escaped your mouth as you held onto Hawks, your back against the cold hard ground. 
“Hey, chickadee, you can let go,” he spoke into your neck. It takes a few seconds for you to comprehend that your hands were tightly wrapped around his chest and head and you let go faster than ever. But that just made you feel how tired your muscles were. There was definitely something broken in you. Bones, hopefully. 
Hawks lifted himself off of you, his hand outreached for you to grab as he helped you up. 
The fight was long from over, but the two of you stood there staring at each other. 
“Always saving my ass, aren’t you.” His eyes wander over your injuries scattered around your body. Your uniform was extremely tattered up but it didn’t matter, not when there were villains to fight. He scratches the back of his neck. “You look pretty beat up, leave the rest to me and the others.” 
A frown made its way onto your face. “What? No, I can still fight.” You raise your hand to try to form a portal only for a sharp pain to flow through your wrist. Not only was your body extremely fatigued, but you overused your power. 
Hawks’ hands settled on your shoulder, sitting you back down. To any outsiders, it would seem as if he was ignoring the situation around him. But he knew that there was only one more nomu, and Endeavor was more than enough to take that one out along with Mirko. All of the civilians that were in the range of the attack had long been evacuated thanks to his sidekicks and Edgeshot and his sidekicks. He knew what the situation was. 
A pang of guilt hit you as you watched Hawks call for medical attention. Even if you saved his ass, that wouldn’t have been necessary if you killed off the nomu in the first place. So you apologized softly then looked up at him. His brow was arched before he frowned and squatted down beside you. 
“What are you sorry for?” he asked, though he already knew what your answer was. 
The ground suddenly became extremely interesting compared to the alternative which was Hawks. “If I was stronger and faster, your feathers wouldn’t be all burnt up.” 
“Aww, so you do care about me,” Hawks grinned. You groaned and shook your head, glancing back up at him.
“Nevermind, I take it back.” 
“Nope, you can’t take it back. It’s already out in the air,” he made a motion to pretend to grab the air with his hand causing you to realize one of his gloves was burnt up. He pretended to eat the words he caught in the air and stared down at you. You rolled your eyes, deciding to stare out in the distance. 
The calmness after a fight always hit differently. As if there was finally peace. 
False peace is what they began to call it. It makes you feel like all the bad has left the world. That the fight you just fought was the fight to end all fights. But everyone knew that was never going to happen. Even with all these heroes actively trying to fight for it. 
Hawks moved to sit down beside you. His feathers no longer brushing up against you like they used to and his visor was no longer on his face, showing his golden eyes a little bit better. 
“I could use that same logic against you,” Hawks said. His expression was soft as he stared off where you were a few seconds earlier. “If I were stronger and faster, these nomus wouldn’t even be a threat. Like I’ve said before,” he moves to stand up and lets out a loud sigh, “you’re the only person who can keep up with me.” His hands clasp behind his neck, watching Endeavor and Mirko heading over the two of you. Medical personnel was close behind and he began tapping his foot against the rubble. 
It was strange to see him without his wings. Besides the two small little stubs. Usually, he was able to spare some of his feathers so that they were all growing at different levels and he’d always be able to fight. It wasn’t often that he would go full out. And yet here Hawks stood in front of you, feathers all burned up and he’d probably need to rest for the next four days before they grew back. 
All of it was done to save you, but he’d do that for anyone. He’s a hero for a reason. You just happened to be someone he claimed to keep up with him. But you were never able to pass him. 
Yet, you were eerily okay with it for right now. With his back towards you, something that always seemed to happen between the two of you. You chasing after him, whether it was to be the better hero, him asking you for anything, or simply because your heart told you to. It was tiring watching his back. 
But for right now, it was okay.  
Everyone stared at you as if you had more than one head. It was hard to ignore what was going on. Hawks trailing after you, some of his feathers accompanying after you. 
“What’d I do chickadee, come on,” Hawks called after you. You furrowed your brows, closing your eyes. No doubt this was going to be on the tabloids tomorrow. Despite the fact that the tabloid you saw earlier was of him and a random woman in his apartment. The same woman you saw walk into his agency after greeting you as you left. 
What was the point of him keeping you around if he had any other girl to play with? It was frustrating not knowing what he wanted from you. Or what he needed. 
But it’s not like he kept his motives a secret. You knew that. But god was he confusing. 
Your head whipped back towards the winged hero.
“Go play with someone else, Hawks.” Your voice dripped with venom. Bystanders felt a chill run down the back of their neck as they listened in. Quite frankly, Hawks was surprised at your outburst. So surprised that he stopped in his track, his feathers following suit. His chest ached to see you angry. But it ached, even more, when he watched you wipe away the tears that gathered in the corner of your eyes. Though, no one caught that except him. 
And you knew it, hated that he had the eyes of a literal hawk yet he couldn’t tell that you hated him. Even if you didn’t. 
“What if I just want to play with you?” He asked. His hardened gaze on yours and yet there was still a bit of softness behind them. 
A laugh escaped your mouth, quite cynically actually. Laughing at him and everything about the two of you. 
“That’s bullshit and you know it. I don’t give a fuck about you anyways, so go away.” 
You didn’t let him have another word as you opened a portal in front of you and walked through it, closing it quickly behind you before he could follow you through it. 
It was funny. Hilarious. Some sort of sit-com or stand up comedy bit. 
One of his feathers happened to fall through the portal with you. Honestly, you weren’t sure if he could still sense with this feather. Not when you went to the other side of Japan to get as far away from him as possible. Yet, you still reached out to it, grabbing hold of the surprisingly soft feather and held it close as you broke down crying. Notifications from your phone began to ring out. A few of the ringtones you recognized to be your boss, Celestial. The others were a few coworkers and friends. But not one of them was from Hawks. 
But it’s fine, because you didn’t care about him. Who gives a shit about what he does. It’s not like you really knew him anyway, right? 
Right, keep lying to yourself. Because that always turns out fine.
The burns on your left arm slowly began to turn numb. No doubt that the nerves were slowly dying and if you didn’t get treated properly, you’d lose all sense of feeling. But that was the last thing on your mind. 
It had been weeks since you last saw Hawks. You’ve seen him plenty after telling him to leave. But then he just got busy, or so he said. 
Of course, the next time you see him is when he’s saving your ass after your attempt to save his. 
Dabi slammed Hawks into the ground, stomping on his face, breaking his visor in one smooth motion. Their mouths moved, but no sound came out. You had no clue what Dabi or Twice were saying to Hawks. But you knew that Dabi was talking about you the moment Hawks’ eyes filled with fear and landed on you. 
Dabi’s scarred ar reached out towards you and Hawks. Before you knew it, you felt yourself in Hawks’ arms, Twice beside you as well. 
A cry left your mouth from the pain and soon it was becoming unbearable. You couldn’t even muster up the energy to create a portal to get the two of you out. Not without Dabi sending out flames to prevent you from doing so. So you slowed your breathing, trying to focus despite the growing flames. Your eyes closed, feeling too heavy to keep it open. Before they closed, you were able to see Hawks’ intern come in, giving you the chance to muster up the energy you were building up to open a portal to get the three of you out. 
Hawks held you the moment you were out and safe, Fatgum nearby fending off villains as Hawks’ hand hovered over your face. 
“You totally give a fuck about me,” he laughed softly. A ghost of a smile appeared on your face before everything finally turned dark. 
It’d been weeks since all of the heroes of Japan fought against the League of Villains and the Liberation Army. Society was on the edge of collapsing, becoming wary of the hero commission and their methods. Word got out about Hawks, about who he was and what he’s done. 
But that didn’t stop you from knocking on his apartment door. Not after he asked you to stop by his place again once the two of you were all healed up.
That didn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. You didn’t realize how much you missed his lips against yours. 
How much you missed him against you. 
How much you needed him.
The kiss was needy, rough, as they moved against each other. Hawks’ lips parted and your tongue slid into his mouth. He moaned into you as he slammed you against the door, grinding his hips into you. Your fingers played with the hair against the nape of his neck, tugging them ever so slightly. 
Hawks was the first to pull away, opening his lust-filled eyes to stare into yours. His fingers played with the hem of your shirt calling out to you.
Ignoring him, you moved your hand through his hair, giving it a slight tug to reveal more of his neck as you began to plant kisses from his jaw down to his collarbone. His hold on your hips tightened, bringing you closer to feel his bulge against you. A moan escaped you as his hands moved against your ass, giving them a firm squeeze. 
“Wait,” he whispered out, pulling away ever so slightly, hands resting on your hips. Confusion was ridden all over your face as you looked up at him. Didn’t he just want you to come over to help get his mind off of everything? There was guilt in his eyes and he averted his gaze away from you. 
“What’s wrong Hawks?” You asked softly, your thumb stroking the burn scar over his face. 
“Don’t you hate me?” 
You frowned at his statement. He’d never be the one to ask that. 
Hawks continued, “After everything—”
“Hawks, you said it yourself,” you murmured, recalling the fight where you both saved each other. His golden eyes met your (e/c) eyes. “I totally give a fuck about you. I care about you and I’m sorry for what I said before. I... I care about you more than I like to think. It’s time I stop lying to myself, to you. I’ll continue to save your ass if-” you turned away, a rush of heat flowing up to your face and your voice became soft “-if you continue to save mine.” 
“Fuck.” Hawks pulled you into a hug, his arms wrapping around your waist and his face buried in the crook of your neck. Your hand slowly stroked his back, the other threading through his hair as you comforted him. The initial make-out session leaving both of your minds. 
“It’ll be okay, Hawks,” you murmured, knowing about the lash back from the public. 
“Keigo,” he said. There was a pause as your hands stilled. “Call me Keigo. If—if you want to stay with me. Please stay with me.” 
He pulled back, his eyes searching yours. An act of desperation and it seemed that the two of you were fearful of losing the other since the beginning. 
“I never wanted to leave in the first place.” 
Keigo smiled down at you, leaning his forehead against yours, grateful that you’d stay with him. 
But who were you to deny him his request? 
a/n: i was inspired by the timmy trend tiktok videos and i’ll show the videos at the end of the post or in a different post. Also who knew that the man who could get me back into writing reader fics, or writing in general, would be hawks after like MONTHS of not writing. Also, it featured (ish) an ocs of mine just cus i wanted to hah. also i posted this on Ao3, so dw if you saw this already
ALSO does ANYONe want to CRY WITH ME BECAUSE OF CHAPTER 271??? HELLO. im sorry but if best jeanist IS dead i honestly can’t forgive keigo IM STILL UPSET ABOUT TWICE? 
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soldrawss · 4 years
Does Big Bro!Mikey AU have an april or no? I think it would be nice for Mikey to have a bff april!!
April is a part of this au, yes! She started out as just a classmate of Mikey’s, they had the same homeroom in high school before Mikey dropped out the summer before his Junior year. They hadn’t really kept in contact, mostly because she only knew him by proxy (Mikey was nice and friendly to everyone, April of course included, but they didn’t have much in common, and their main friend groups were different, so they didn’t hang out much) and when Mikey all but disappeared without an explanation, she kinda just figured he moved or something, and left it at that, not giving him any thought for the next three years.
That is, until she meets him again, in the halls of Hunter College, looking like he was gonna collapse at any minute, which he kinda does, into an empty bench at the schools outside cafe and lounge area. April waffles for a few seconds, because ‘holy shit is that Mike Hamato?’ before biting the bullet and making her way over to say, “Hey, Michael right? Hi, it’s been a while. It’s April, we had homeroom together freshman and sophomore year. I haven’t seen you since Savanti Romero’s pool party. How are you?” And his smile is a slow, automatic thing at first, more out of common politeness than anything else, but then it grows into something much more genuine and glacier melting when he responds back, “April, hey, yeah, hi! Wow, has it really been that long? Man, it seems like just yesterday you were fishing Mondo and me out of the pool after one too many chicken fights. It’s good to see you!”
And catching up seemed so easy, April was almost surprised they hadn’t been better friends in high school. Though, she suspected that was mostly due to Mikey’s incredibly easy charm and naturally inviting warmth. (Dude could make friends with just about anyone)
He was a little different than how she remembered, a little more weather-worn and tired, a kinda weariness that hung off his shoulders like heavyweights. But there was still a bright shine to those penny-colored eyes, and when he smiled, it was with all the dimples and joy that she remembers so clearly from when she was 15. Holding back a laugh at the Hamato kid that was preforming springing handstands across the cafeteria just to draw attention away from the impending fight between two of their more hotheaded classmates and ease the tension out of the air in a ridiculous but effective manner.
She doesn’t ask why he left high school, it doesn’t really occur to her to ask, but after 2 hours of talking (April not even realizing she was missing her history class because she was so caught up in their catching up) he offers the information anyway.
His dad died. When he was barely 16, and he was left alone with 3 baby brothers and no other family that could help take care of them, and oh my god, he just dropped out of school to get his GED like it was the most common thing in the world and he went to work, what, 2, sometimes 3 jobs just to make enough money to support them all and April didn’t mean for tears to start pooling up because that so wasn’t fair to Mikey at all, if anyone should be crying, it should be him, but Mikey just looks a little shy and bashful about it all. “It was hard, but we got through it. And hey, now I’m working at like, this really prestigious Italian restaurant, super classy and everything! And they pay me more than I’m probably worth, but I’ll get my culinary degree in like a year, and then after that, a lot of things will change,” He says like everything in the world is just that easy, handing April a few tissues from his book bag and giving her one of those genuine, if not a little crooked, smiles of his.
Mikey promises to have lunch with her again (because April absolutely refuses to let this dandelion haired lunatic walk away from her life a second time and practically demands that they hang out again) since they both have the same free time before their respective classes at the college, and makes a show of saving her number with probably a few too many emojis as a contact name just to make her smile.
And what turned into a promise for another lunch date turned into almost a daily routine, them having lunch together on the bench, talking about classes and teachers and jobs and April’s problematic little kitten she affectionately named Mayhem and Mikey’s little brothers who are probably equally as problematic but he doesn’t have a say in what their names are, and things are fun and casual between Hamato and her.
That is, until two months later, when April gets a call from Mikey at 5pm on a Saturday.
“Donnie’s sick,” Mikey says almost breathlessly, and even without the context, April was already springing to her feet just at the sheer tension and concern in Mikey’s voice, like a taught wire about to snap. “I can’t get off work for another few hours, but I don’t want to leave him by himself with a fever. And I know this is like, putting you on the spot and really awkward and you can totally say no if you want to, but I don’t know who else to call and,-”
“Mike, it’s ok. Breathe hun,” April is saying, not unkindly pushing Mayhem off her lap and reaching for her backpack off the floor in her dorm room, stuffing a few random things in it before grabbing her jacket and her car keys off the counter. “Text me your address. I’ll be over there in 5 minutes tops.”
And it’s more of a promise than a fact, because his building is technically 20 minutes away from hers, but April makes it in 10 just by spite alone (and maybe driving a little recklessly downtown) and knocks on the door of the little apartment on the 6th floor, unit 404.
It takes a hesitant second, but then the door lock clicks open and April is greeted by warm brown eyes and a freckled face that reminds April so much of Mikey that it takes her almost a full 10 seconds before she introduces herself with an automatic smile. “Hi sweetheart, I’m April. I’m a friend of your older brother Mikey.”
Raphael, if April remembered Mikey’s brothers correctly, didn’t really need much convincing to let April in after she mentioned he was a friend of Mikey's, and doesn’t hesitate to pull her into their little apartment, leading her to the bedroom that the twins share with a small but tight little fist around hers.
“Mikey called and said you were coming. Leo’s atah sleepover, but Donnie’s in here. His head’s still hot and his voice is all scratchy, even though I made sure that he took the medicine Mikey left out. And he won’t eat anything I give him,” the 7-year-old reports diligently, much more mature than April had expected from the young child. 
April’s been babysitting since she was 11, and considering how all the neighborhood kids around her block adore her, she likes to think that she’s got a pretty solid Ph.D. in knowing how to take care of a sick pre-teen who wants nothing to do with her. So the heavy-lidded and red-eyed glare that Donatello shoots at her from under his covers is duly noted but otherwise ignored as she gently knocks on the door and slowly follows a much less hesitant Raphael into the bedroom.
It takes a while, a long while, for Donatello, no, Donnie, to warm up to her, but he gets there eventually, with the help of Raphael, Raph, who’s hanging off of Aprils shoulders, having warmed up to her almost immediately simply because ‘any friend of Mikey’s is a friend of ours Dee! Don’t be mean and eat some soup!’
After realizing that Donnie just had a little cold, and was in no real danger even with a fever, Raph seemed to cheer up immensely, and was more than willing to help answer all of April’s questions about what medicine Donnie had taken, any allergies, the last time he ate, and even helped her make some egg drop soup since they didn’t have enough ingredients of chicken noodle, which Donnie put up a fight about, but eventually took after one look of Raph’s puppy dog eyes.
Donnie was out like a light 15 minutes later, after taking some night time cough medicine and April sent a reassuring text to Mikey two hours later when his fever finally broke, to which Mikey replied with an explosion of heart emoji’s that April couldn’t rightly decipher other than he was happy about it.
Mikey got home at 11 that night, and April had to flag him down quietly from where she sat trapped under a sleeping, pj clad Raph on the couch; a Jupiter Jim movie marathon playing on the tv. 
“Thank you so much, April,” Mikey said to her in the kitchen 20 minutes later, handing her a cup of hot tea. He had efficiently plucked Raph off of April’s lap like a pro with years of experience, putting him into his own bed before checking on a still sleeping Donnie, whose face was no longer a burnt red from his fever earlier. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. I don’t get my paycheck till next week, so I can’t really pay you right now, but I brought home some chocolate mousse cake from my work that you can have until I can-” “You didn’t tell me you worked at Huesso’s!” April didn’t shout, because there were two kids sleeping down the hallway, as she grabbed the bag Mikey had offered to her. “Dude, their deserts are like, crazy good! I love their cheesecake, but they’re stupid expensive and you have to get a reservation like, 4 months in advance to get in.” And April uses the change in topics as a distraction because there was no way she’d let Mikey try to pay her for helping out, she didn’t even want that to be an option. April didn’t do this for the money. She wanted to help out Mikey out. She liked Mikey. She thought he was funny and charming and had a heart big enough to cradle the entire world if he was as big as all the love he has. And she adored being around his baby brothers.
April grins at Mikey when she opens the box, and slides her finger over the glossy frosting of the cake and licks her fingers of the chocolatey goodness before she says, “Listen, if I could convince you to bring me home deserts from this place, then I’ll hang out with the boys anytime you want me too. You have my number, literally call me anytime, for any reason, and I’m here.”
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