todayisafridaynight · 2 months
i think it’s so funny but pretty sad that mine was so desperate for someone that he considered kanda in that one rggo story but kanda actually just came back for the money not to save mine so he was like nvm this guy sucks
if i may be so daring to say mine was real as hell for that.
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souliebird · 5 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 15]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Words: 8.1k
ao3 link
banner thanks to the wonderful @theradioactivespidergwen
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The first thing you process as you begin to come to is a slow, rhythmic beeping. It is dull and low and it almost carries you right back into the nothingness. You slip in and out of the fog a few times before your mind is able to catch a hold of conciseness. Even then, it feels like everything crawls by until your thoughts go from incoherent images to actual awareness. 
You feel awful - like you've been hit by a massive truck, who then backed up over you only to run you over again. Everything aches, but the worst of it is centered on the left side of your head, going down to your neck. It throbs and feels so stiff. You don't think you could move your head if you tried.
The second worst thing is how dry your mouth feels. It is as if someone stuffed you full of cotton to remove all the moisture from your body, then to make sure you were drained, dried you out under a heat lamp. It hurts to even try to swallow the little saliva your mouth is producing.
You need something to drink. 
Like some sort of miracle, something cold and wet is pressed to your lips. It startles you, but you react quickly. You force your lips to part and an ice chip is slipped between them. You suck on it desperately and it only takes a second for it to melt away, but almost instantly you are given another one. This happens two more times before your mouth finally doesn't feel like a desert. 
Your eyes are hard to open. They feel crusted shut and you don't know if you have the energy to try and pull them apart, but you try. It takes multiple attempts, but finally they open. Everything is far too bright and blurry.
Matt comes into focus above you, face wracked with concern. His hair is a mess and it looks like he hasn't slept in ages. His eyes, while sightless, are puffy and bloodshot and you wonder if he has been crying. Your brow knits in confusion and you try to reach for his cheeks to offer some sort of comfort. Your hand doesn't make it far off whatever you are laying on, but it doesn't matter because as soon as it is in the air, he's clasping his around yours. 
He breathes out your name just as you croak out his. 
Above you, he lets out the smallest breath of a laugh, like he is relieved, before moving even closer to you. He presses his forehead to yours and you let your eyes fall shut again - you're too tired to keep them open and you don't think he will mind the lack of eye contact.
“You scared me,” he whispers against you, before you feel his lips brush your cheek. 
You manage a confused noise, not understanding what is going on. Your throat burns as you attempt to talk, “what happened…?”
“You've got a pretty bad ear infection,” he tells you and you think that sounds about right. Everything hurts so much and you are far too warm. The cotton feeling in your mouth is also in your left ear, making it feel like half your head is dunked under water.
He is so close, his breath warms your still cool lips as he talks, “It hit you hard and fast - your fever got up to 104 and you wouldn't wake up. We had to bring you to the hospital, but you'll be okay now. Your fever has gone down a lot.”
The words float through you and it takes you a few seconds to grasp onto them and make them make sense. “We…?” You question because you don't know who ‘we’ could be. 
“Foggy and I,” he confirms. The hand not clutching your own cups your jaw and feels so cool and nice that you can't help but lean into it. He gives you another kiss, this time to the forehead, with his scruff lightly scratching against you. It tickles. 
You realize a name is missing and your heart starts to race. Matt hasn't mentioned your daughter and you start to panic. 
Where is she? Where's your baby?
“Minnie?” You ask, but to your non-stuffy ear, it sounds more like a whine.
He quickly starts to shush you, his thumb gently rubbing over your cheek, “it's okay, she's okay. She's safe. Foggy took her to go get some breakfast. She's okay. She's okay.”
His words do calm you, but your heart still pounds in your chest. You know Matt trusts Foggy, so to an extent, you do as well, but you want your daughter. You want to hold her and make sure she is truly alright. She must be so scared. 
You get another kiss to the forehead and it pulls you from your worried yet sluggish thoughts. You decide you like the feeling of Matt's beard against your skin. It's not something you're used to, and even if it is a little scratchy, it feels nice. It makes you feel warm but not like your supposed fever is making you feel warm. It's a good warm that wraps around your heart. It helps to soothe you - Matt would never allow your little one to be in any danger. 
“Try to get some rest, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere - I'll be right here when you wake up, again. I swear,” he whispers into your hairline and you find yourself nodding into his palm. 
Sleep sounds good - you're tired and achy. Your eyes are so heavy you couldn't possibly open them again. You are slumping back down into your pillow before you know it, thoughts slowly buzzing back into nothing. 
The darkness takes you easily and you drift off without realizing Matt is practically clinging to you.
When you wake again, things make a little more sense. The hazy heavy fog is no longer covering your brain and you are more aware of what is happening around you before you open your eyes.
You can hear people walking around and talking outside your little room and everything smells disgustingly sterile. You can feel where IVs have been placed into your arm and the different monitors attached to your chest. You also know Matt is still clutching your hand and that motivates you to actually look around. 
Your head is tilted to the right, stretching out the stiffness on the other side, and centered in your view is Matt. He's asleep, head tilted down with his chin nearly to his collarbone. He looks so peaceful with his chest slowly rising and falling and someone has draped a thin blanket around his shoulders, only adding to his gentleness. You can't see it, but you're sure his knees must be bumping against the bed with how close he is to you. 
Your heart flutters in your chest. Had he stayed there this entire time? Has he let go of your hand at all? 
You remember when you were in the hospital to give birth. You had been so lonely - no one had been there to hold your hand or keep watch over you. No one had visited you - though you had received flowers from your work friends. 
Is this what it will be like now? 
You want that desperately - to feel like you matter to someone, for someone to care about you and your well-being, to feel like you aren't always alone. 
You squeeze his hand, and even though you feel absolutely horrible - hot and sweaty and like your head wants to fall off - you find yourself smiling at the sweet, handsome, lawyer who fathered your child. 
You are so happy you forced yourself to tell him the truth. 
You don't hear anything to your left but your heart rate monitor beeping, but your ear is also so clogged up not a lot of noise is getting through and you know it's throwing off your spatial awareness. It hurts to roll your head, but it eases your nerves to find you are alone with Matt in the exam room. However, you can't help the worry that bubbles in your stomach over the lack of your daughter. 
You know she must be with Foggy. The hospital is probably an incredibly unpleasant place for her - you hate being here because of the smells and atmosphere and that must be amplified for her. You can't imagine all the awful things she might hear here - the sick and dying and the surgeries. You are grateful for Matt's best friend. You will have to find a way to thank him properly. 
You force your gaze back to Matt and begin to slowly rub your thumb over his knuckles. He has so many scars there and you don't possibly know how he could have collected them all. He's told you before he practices boxing, but you don't think it is the bare knuckle kind. Maybe the punching bag can split skin - you have no idea about any of it beyond what you've seen in short viral videos. 
You have toyed with the idea of asking about going to the gym with him. You think it would be a fun experience for Minnie and you're curious how fit you actually are. Your workouts consist of chasing a toddler around - star jumps, push ups, and weights are no longer in your repertoire and you haven't properly gone on a run since high school. Plus, Minnie has recently learned what a cartwheel is and you are sure she will want to learn to do one and a gym is a safe place for that. 
You fall into a daydream about Matt teaching you and Mouse how to tumble, closing your eyes again as you do. You picture buying cute little leotards and watching your daughter perform a routine until there's movement under your hand. 
Matt squeezes your fingers, and you open your eyes just in time to see him blink awake. 
He gives you a sleepy smile, then with his free hand pulls his glasses out from somewhere under his blanket and puts them on. You watch him, taking in his crows feet before they disappear. 
“How are you feeling?” He asks as he shrugs the blanket off his shoulders.
You take a moment to consider the answer. You honestly feel horrible, but you don't feel as horrible as you previously did. There are aches and pains but you feel human again, as opposed to the concept of one. So you squeeze his hand and respond, “Better. I didn't…I didn't think I was that sick.” 
Matt hums and somehow scoots closer to the bed, then lifts your hand up to kiss the back of your hand. You feel your face heat up and your heart rate monitor beeps a little faster. “I'm glad, you gave us a good scare,” he says, keeping your hand against his lips. 
You have to remind yourself he's a very touchy person to keep your heart rate from increasing even more. To help with that, you drop your gaze to his chest - he's wearing a Columbia sweatshirt that is far too big on him and hides his lean frame. 
“What time is it?” His question throws you off at first, but then you realize there is a clock above the curtain entrance to the room. 
It takes you a second to process, which you blame on the illness and not the fact you haven't used an analog clock in ages, “Almost 1:30. I'm…guessing that it is PM. I can't really tell.”
Matt nods and you guess he can tell whether it is day or night. You hope it is day - you'd feel so guilty if you'd been in the hospital longer than a few hours.
Behind your hand, a small smile appears on his face, “Minnie and Foggy are on their way back up. I think she heard - oh. Okay, yes, she heard you talking. She says she has a present for you.”
Your heart pangs for your daughter. You don't want her to see you like this, but you desperately need her in your arms. You try to push yourself up, but you don't know if you have the energy to keep yourself sitting.
“Do you know how the bed works?” You ask and Matt shakes his head. He reaches out and feels along the railings, but by his frown, you guess he can't figure it out. You doubt any of the button labels are in Braille.
“Let me get the nurse.” 
He squeezes your hand once more before letting go. You tell yourself to ignore the strange feeling that envelopes you as he disappears behind the curtain separating you from everyone else. 
You don't want to be alone again. 
But you aren't - Matt is gone for barely thirty seconds before he's slipping back into the room, followed by a tired looking nurse. The woman comes up to your right side and you finally notice a little stand computer tucked by the bed. As she swipes her card key to unlock it, she looks at you, “How are you feeling?”
You decide to go with the same answer you gave Matt, “Better, ma’am.”
“Good, good,” she says as she types something. You go through the quick song and dance of confirming your name and birthdate, before she starts her questions, “Your pain on a scale of one to ten?” 
You have to think about that - your head hurts but not nearly as much as it did last night and your body feels sore and groggy. You bite your lip before estimating, “About a four..?” 
She adds that to your chart, “how about your ear? It should feel a bit clearer, you had a lot of fluid that drained out.”
That surprises you because you definitely do not remember that. You touch your ear and it feels far too warm and sensitive. You had no idea it was the problem, so you feel like you can't compare. 
“I don't know. Full? It…hurts. Like it's…sore on the inside?” you feel like an idiot trying to explain, but you have no idea about ear anatomy. 
The nurse hums, then turns to you, pulling a stethoscope out of her pocket, “I'm going to listen to your lungs. Take a deep breath.” 
You do as you are told as she places the device on your back to listen. You repeat this a few times with her until she's satisfied and she goes to enter her findings in the computer. 
“The doctor will be in shortly,” she tells you before leaning down to adjust your bed, so it can help you sit. You go from laying down to being propped up, “He will go over your discharge instructions.”
You're being discharged? You just woke up and haven't talked to anyone at all. The fact they are sending you away confuses you, “I'm being discharged?”
The nurse nods, not even looking at you as she locks the computer, “Yes. Do you feel you shouldn't be?”
You flush at the question and duck your head in shame. You know better than to question a doctor - if they think you should be discharged, you are fine. You force yourself to shrug and apologize, “No, I'm sorry, I just didn't expect it.”
The nurse simply gives you another hum before leaving to probably go tend to a patient that actually needs her. Almost instantly, Matt is back by your side, taking your hand. He kisses the meat of your thumb as he sits back in his chair.
“If you need to stay, you can stay,” he quietly advises.
You quickly shake your head, “No, it will be fine.” You huff a sad laugh, “It's not like I can afford this anyways.” You don't want to imagine the bill you are going to receive - being brought into the emergency room and given all kinds of medicine. You’ll have no more savings. 
“Don't worry about it,” he quickly tells you, a frown clear on his face. “Focus on getting better. Taking care of yourself. We can tackle the bill later - there's plenty of work arounds.”
Guilt pools in your belly - you don't need Matt worrying about your money problems. You force yourself to nod at his words, simply so he'll not try to comfort you over this issue. You think he must be on to what you are doing because he squeezes your hand and starts to say something, but quickly cuts himself off. You don't understand why until a few moments later - the curtain closing off your room is pushed aside and Minnie barrels in, closely followed by Foggy. 
You barely look at the blonde, instead pulling away from Matt to throw open your arms for your baby. The speed in which she manages to scale Matt and jump to you is impressive and you hug her to you like you're trying to absorb her. Your arm screams at you due to the fact you're trying to bend where your IVs are, but you don't care - and you don't care if your little angel is nearly strangling you with how tight she's hugging you. 
“Don't ever get sick again!” She whines into your neck and you nod against her. You'll never get sick again - what you put her through for being sick will forever live in your mind.
“I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, I didn't know I was sick.” 
“It was scary!” 
That absolutely breaks your heart and tears start to fall. 
“I'm so sorry, Minnie,” you choke out as you try to hold her impossibly closer. The guilt you had regarding money transforms into guilt over being sick at all. How dare you put Minnie through this? You should have realized something was wrong. You repeatedly apologize into her hair, trying to keep yourself from sobbing while she clings to you.
You feel the bed dip and then Matt is pulling you both against his chest and pressing his lips to your crown, “Shhh, it's okay. It's okay.”
You try to shake your head because none of this is okay. You scared and upset your daughter and you've got a stupid ear infection that is going to bankrupt you. Nothing is okay. 
“Do you want to show your Mommy what you got her to make her feel better?” Foggy asks Minnie after a minute of you being hysterical and shame courses through you as you are reminded someone else is there, watching you breakdown. 
You are such a fucking mess. 
However, Minnie pulls away from being squashed between you and Matt and jumps off the bed to go to the blonde. You finally notice, through teary tired eyes, that he has a decently sized gift bag. He sets it down on the ground and Mouse has to pick it up by its sides because it's too tall for her to hold by the handles. 
As she tries to figure out how to get back on the bed, you realize Matt is still wrapped around you and you decide you are too tired to fight with your anxiety and guilt any longer. You want his comfort - so you lean more into his arms and he responds by nuzzling you. He begins running his hands over your arms and somehow, it begins to soothe away your upset.
You miss whatever exchange your daughter and Foggy have, but he lifts her up and places her and the gift bag on the bed and she hauls it over to you. 
“We got you a present to get better,” she tells you and you know whatever it is, you'll cherish it. 
There's no tissue blocking your view and you see something pink and white checkered that looks very soft. Before you can move to pull it out, Matt intervenes. He takes your wrist and gently stretches out your arm that has the IV in it, humming against you, “You have to keep your arm straight.” 
You flush at the reminder, feeling like a complete idiot, and use only one hand to pull out the gift. 
It is a massive blanket and it is so so soft. You want to bury yourself in it.
“Oh, Mouse, this will make me feel better. Thank you so so much,” you say as you reach out with your good arm to hug her again. She wastes no time tucking herself back between you and Matt.
“Blankies make everything better,” she advises wisely, “Froggy said so.” 
You can't help but smile at that and hold your daughter even closer. You turn your attention to Foggy, who has just been an absolute saint for watching over your daughter, “Thank you so much, Foggy. For everything. I can't thank you enough.”
He scoffs and waves his hand, “it is my pleasure. This wasn't my first late night Murdock call, it won't be my last, and she is at least a pleasure to be around at three in the morning.”
You want to ask how they even knew you were sick, but you also don't want to know the details. You can only guess Minnie somehow called Matt and you aren't in a place to hear that conversation. The guilt and emotions would overwhelm you even more than you already are and you are so so tired of crying. So you hug your daughter even closer, so she's in your lap, and mumble another thank you. 
Foggy takes a seat in one of the visitor chairs and asks, “has the doctor come yet to talk to you?” You very much appreciate his concern, but most importantly, his tact. You don't feel like he's judging or lying to you. He seems genuinely concerned.
You try to not shake your head at his question, since Matt is still holding you and it would just hurt your head more, and reply “Just the nurse. She said I'm getting discharged.” 
The blonde huffs, leaning back in his seat to cross his arms, “Wow, they really do just turn and burn. Last time I was here, they pushed me through, too. American health care, right?” You hum in agreement - the health care system in America is very bad. 
Foggy dives into a story about being in the hospital when he was a kid. It quickly catches Minnie’s attention and you realize this may be more for her benefit than anyone else's. You try to listen, but instead find yourself resting your head on Matt's shoulder and closing your eyes again. 
You’ll just stay like this, your daughter in your lap and her father holding you against him, until the doctor comes. 
If he takes his time getting to you, you don't think anyone is going to complain. 
It takes another three hours for you to be fully discharged. You have to fill out a mass of paperwork before the doctor even speaks to you, but after he does, no time is wasted to clear you out of the needed exam room. 
Any concerns you have about getting home are moot, as Foggy has everything covered. He has borrowed his girlfriend's car and procured a child's seat from his parents - who apparently have multiple due to their ‘hoard of grandchildren’. Minnie doesn't fuss at all, focused on being the best helper she can be by carrying your purse, which had apparently been brought in with you. Matt is insistent on helping you walk, which you are grateful for - standing makes you very dizzy and you have to focus to not stumble. 
To your great surprise, Karen is waiting outside your building as Foggy pulls the car up. She's carrying a few shopping bags, and beside her is a grumpy looking man you vaguely recognize holding a very old fashion looking crockpot. It has an orange vintage flower pattern and you kind of want it. 
No one says anything as you all climb out of the vehicle. Matt quickly gets himself under your shoulder and his arm around your waist while Minnie latches herself to your hand. You don't know if she thinks she's helping or if she's obeying your rule of hand-holding when outside. 
You all awkwardly stand on the sidewalk and you watch as Foggy and the new man have a staring contest. You have no idea what is going on and kind of don't care, as you want to get up to your apartment. After a full minute, Foggy points to the man and declares, “you aren't coming to Thanksgiving,” before marching towards the door to the building. Matt, and thus you, follows after him and as you pass Karen, she snorts with laughter. She and the man fall in line behind you as you make your way to the stairs. 
You just know that if you allowed him, Matt would pick you up and carry you up the three flights of stairs, but you refuse to let it happen. You are dizzy and far too warm, but also very stubborn and you determinedly take each step at a time, refusing to stop until you're on your floor. Only then do you resume leaning into his hold. 
Foggy unlocks your door then ushers you all inside. Minnie lets go of your hand almost instantly, drops your purse, and runs to the bedroom. You guess she is going to grab Pig and Scooby to update them on everything. You make your way to your couch as Karen sets the groceries on the table and her grumpy friend finds a spot on the counter to plug in the crockpot. 
As she unpacks, Karen narrates, “Okay, so I got you all the essentials - Gatorade, tea, saltines, ibuprofen, a compress, and I got you life savers to suck on because that helps when you want something to sweet but don't want to eat anything. I picked up your medicine, it's just ear drops. And of course, the most important thing,” you turn on the couch just in time to see her motion towards your kitchen, “Nelson Family Chicken Soup.”
You stare at the blonde with wide eyes and you feel like you are going to start crying again. No one has ever done this much for you before - not even your ex-boyfriends. Your last one wouldn't even pick up tampons for you, but Karen has clearly gone out of her way and you've only met her a handful of times. You have no idea how to thank her and Foggy for everything they have done for you. You are going to have to bake them a cake or something. As for Matt, you know you are never going to be able to repay him for the comfort and care he has given you in the last few hours.
You are so overwhelmed with love for this little group of friends who are letting you into their life. 
“Thank you so much,” you say, meaning it with all of your heart, “you didn't have to do all of that. Thank you.”
Karen gives you a warm smile before waving you off, “Don't mention it. You'd do the same for any of us.”
You happily would and plan to take notes of what Karen bought, just in case. However, the soup is something that confuses you. Did Matt's best friend bring Minnie to his house to cook? You turn to Foggy, who is examining Minnie’s toy chest, and ask, “You made soup?”
The blonde man looks up with a laugh, “God, no, you don't want me cooking. That was all my mom. Her soup is a cure all.”
“It is,” Matt vouches from beside you. “It can cure almost anything. It got rid of my flu last year.”
“It saved countless Christmases,” Foggy adds.
“It also stops cramps,” Karen confirms. 
You look to the man in the kitchen for his approval and he just shrugs, “Haven't had it, but it smells good.”
You have to cover your face at that point because it is all too much. Foggy's mother made you soup? How did she even know you were sick? Why did she do this for you - someone she's never met? Someone she has no connection to at all? 
An arm wraps around your shoulder and you are pulled to lean against Matt. He nuzzles against you and whispers, “you aren't alone anymore. We're all here for you.” 
You hide yourself against him and he starts to rub your back in a comforting manner. This is far too much for you. You don't know how to process all of it.
Luckily, a distraction from your patheticness comes in the form of your daughter. 
You hear her come back into the living room and boldly ask the strange man in your kitchen, “Who are you?”
You try to listen since you are curious and you can feel that Matt has turned his head to pay attention to his daughter. You stay tucked against his shoulder, wishing you had your new big blanket to wrap yourself in.
“My name's Frank, what's yours, little lady?” The man says and you try to commit the name to memory. You wonder if he is Karen's boyfriend or something - you don't think he's been mentioned before. 
“Minnie!” She declares, then, “This is Pig and Scooby. They like soup, too!” You guess she's held up her toys for him to see. She must be less nervous of the man since he is in your home.
There's a round of chuckles before Frank speaks again, “That right? How about we leave it to your Daddy to get you and your friends some soup and we let your Mommy get some rest?”
There's a few beats of silence before you hear Minnie again, “Okay. Bye-bye, Mister Frank.” 
The man barks with laughter, which barely covers the pitter-patter of feet coming towards you, “Daddy, can we have soup for dinner, I'm hungry.” 
“Of course, princess, I'll make you a bowl.” 
The others must take that as a cue, because when you lift your head up, the three other adults are making their way back to your front door. 
Karen lightly calls out your name to get your attention, and when she sees you looking at her, offers a soft smile, “Feel better soon, and let us know if you need anything.”
“Anything at all,” Foggy adds, “I'm more than happy to play babysitter. Parks are my specialty if the squirt needs to get out all that Murdock energy.”
“I'm not a squirt!” Mouse huffs and you can picture her puffing up her cheeks. 
“I don't know, kid, you look like a squirt to me,” Frank tells her and she lets out a long ‘nooooo’ in response. 
You smile against Matt at the little exchange - you can tell your daughter is extremely fond of Foggy and that makes your heart rest easy. She's never been so vocal around other adults before. 
“Thank you, so much. I really, really mean it,” you tell the people who have come to your rescue. 
“It is really not a problem, you're family, now,” Foggy tells you before directing himself towards Minnie, “Okay, squirt, can I get a high five?” The sound of a toddler running followed by a slap tells you she just did that. “Good girl! Now, help your Dad take care of your Mom and call me if he gives you any trouble, got it?”
“Got it, Froggy!” 
Goodbyes are exchanged then it is just your little family left in your apartment. You finally allow yourself to pull away from Matt.
“You don't need to stay.”
His response is to raise his eyebrows at you, “You think I'm going to leave you alone while you're sick? You need to rest. I’ll take care of everything else. Minnie can finally show me her Scooby movie.”
You want to tell him ‘no’, that you have it handled and he should go get his own rest, but you know it's fruitless. You're learning Matt is committed to his role of being a father and there will be no way to convince him to go. He's a lawyer - he probably already has fifteen arguments ready for why he should stay. 
So you give in and give a small nod, “Okay…” 
He breaks into a big grin, like he expected you to push back and is happy you didn't, “Good. Are you feeling up to some soup?” 
Your stomach turns at the idea of eating anything. You’d been given IV fluids at the hospital and managed a cup of water, but you do not want to eat. There is nothing actually wrong with your stomach - everything is centered on your ear - but that doesn't change the fact you'll probably not be able to keep anything down. 
“No,” you tell him after a moment, then add, “I think I'm going to shower and go to bed.”
“Okay,” he hums, reaching up and oh so gently petting your cheek with the back of his fingers and making a shiver run up your spine, “Let me know if you need anything. You don't need to get up, if you just say anything, I'll hear it, okay?”
You don't like the idea of him being able to hear your sick gross body, but there is nothing you can do about it. You slowly push yourself up, careful to not get too dizzy, then start towards your bedroom. Behind you, Matt starts talking about soup and Scooby with Minnie. 
Once you are alone in your room with the door closed, you break down. You sit on your bed, hide your face in a pillow, and just let out all of your tears. All your frustration, your shame, your guilt, your confusion, your tiredness, and your pain pours out of you. Your shoulders shake as you bite into the pillow to try and hide your sobs and you pray Matt realizes you need to be alone right now and distracts Minnie. You just need to get all of this out of you. 
Your body is so exhausted you can only cry for a few minutes before you are completely drained. You feel slightly better emotionally, but your head is throbbing even more. 
You desperately want to get clean and curl up now. You weakly toss your pillow back on the bed and force yourself up to gather something clean to change into. You place the new garments of the dresser, before going to the closet and pulling out a new sheet for your bed. You know you don't have the energy to strip it, but you don't want to sleep on your own filth. So, you push your blanket off, then lay the clean sheet over the dirty one. 
Satisfied with your meager attempt, you grab your clothes, open the bedroom door, and shuffle to the bathroom. 
You look like absolute shit and don't need your mirror to tell you that, so you try to not look at it. To help, you grab a towel and maneuver it to hang over your medicine box, then strip out of your soiled clothing. 
You let your body go on autopilot to start the shower and as you wait for it to heat up, you wash your face and brush your teeth. That alone makes you feel cleaner. You take your hair out of its ponytail - you washed it on Saturday, so you aren't going to rewash it, but you'd like to wet your skull to remove some sweat. 
You kick your dirty clothes into a corner, then check the spray. It feels nice and hot, but not scalding, and you step in. 
Almost immediately, your vision goes spotty and it feels like your brain is floating in ice water. You have to reach out with both hands and lean on the wall so you don't tumble over and you shuffle to it to press your forehead to the cool tile. 
Maybe a shower wasn't such a good idea after all, but you feel so sweaty and sticky and gross. If you just stand and let the water wash over you, maybe it will help and you won't have to let go of the wall. Or you can just sit on the floor, but with how you are feeling that runs the risk of you not being able to get back up. 
A knock on the door startles you and you have to push more against the tile to keep yourself upright. 
You close your eyes tightly. 
You think it must be Minnie. She's come to go potty when you've been in the shower before and you don't think she went before you left the hospital. You take a deep breath and center yourself before calling out, “Come in.”
The door opens and closes and the voice that speaks isn't Minnie.
“Are you okay?”
You shake your head because you are very much not okay in any sense of the word. You don't know how to put that into words or even if you want to. You don't want to go on the emotional rollercoaster again - you're so tired. You just want to get clean and go back to sleep.
You don't mean to space out, but you do. There's just so much going on and your body decides to only focus on remaining upright. So when hands smooth over your waist, you nearly scream. You know it's Matt, but it still scares you. 
Why is he in the shower with you? 
You try to turn around to question him, but his hands tighten around you, keeping you in place. 
“Let me help you.”
The words shake your core. Your heart begins to pound in your chest and you know, if you had any tears left in you, they would be falling. Why is he doing this? Why is he here, asking to help you? Why is he pushing for it?
You feel him step even closer to you and his chest brushes against your back. He breathes your name into your ear, then repeats, “Let me help you, please.”
You try to shake your head and choke out, “You should be with Minnie.” Minnie needs him, she needs his help, not you. He is here to help watch over her, he even said so himself.
His nose bumps against your ear and you feel like your knees are going to give out. Why is he doing this?
“She's trying to give soup to her toys and watching her shows. She doesn't need me right now. You do. Let me help you.”
You push your hands firmer against the tile to keep your balance. 
Matt has been with you all day, holding your hand and keeping you upright until you left his arms to go take a shower. You haven't asked this of him - he's been with you of his own free will. He's been so gentle with you, so caring, so comforting. 
His hands move from your waist around to your stomach and slowly up to your sternum and very gently pulls you flush against his chest. He feels so firm, so steady, holding you up. 
Do you really want to push him away? Do you really want to send him back to watch Minnie? 
You can barely keep yourself standing. You're so dizzy. It feels like at any moment your body is going to give out and you'll collapse.
It feels nice to be held. 
It feels nice that he is here for you, for whatever motivation he has. 
You think of your daughter. How scary this must be for her and how terrifying it would be for her if you fainted in the shower after everything that has happened. 
That must be why Matt is here with you. He's far more in tune with your body and you know that means Minnie is too.
He's trying to keep her safe by keeping you safe. 
You need to think of Minnie, not yourself.
Matt whispers your name again and you drop your hand from the tile and place it over Matt's.
“Okay…” you whisper. “Okay.”
Lips brush your shoulder and his hands move to be at your ribs and there's a gentle pressure, silently asking you to turn. You take a steadying breath and start to rotate, slow as can be. 
You can't look at him in the face. Despite everything, shame burns deep inside of you. You've always been able to do things yourself - you've always had to. Even if it feels good to have the help, to know Matt is going to catch you if you fall, the voice that lives inside you hisses that you're being weak. Pathetic. 
You force your eyes open and the first thing you see are the scars going across his chest. 
He has been through so much you don't even know about, just like you have been through things you haven't told him about, and to make this work, to make raising your daughter work, you have to trust each other. You have to trust Matt and he needs to trust you. 
You slowly reach up and place your hand half over the scar on his right pec, then, to prove to yourself that you mean the beliefs in your head, you lean in and press your lips to the other side of the scar. 
He inhales sharply and you feel like, for some reason, you made the right move. 
Neither of you move for a minute, then Matt gently presses against you and guides you back into the spray of the shower. 
It feels so good against your hot sticky skin and you find yourself letting yourself lean more into Matt and you give in to your desires and let your head fall against his shoulder, closing your eyes as you do.
You feel him reach behind you to the shower caddy and you are happy you have been using bar soap, so you don't have to explain what is what to Matt. He lathers up his hands, then begins to wash you. He starts with your back and you decide to just zone out. You can't debate anymore, you can't let your mind go crazy - you're too tired, too sick to deal with much more. 
Matt's hands slowly work over your back and sides. They dip down to your bottom and even though he's touching somewhere intimate, it doesn't feel lewd. 
After your back has been washed, he tilts his head just slightly and his nose brushes the shell of your ear and he breathes into it, “turn around so I can get your front.” 
It takes a few moments, but you do as you are told, and then you are leaning back against Matt's chest, head once again resting on his shoulder, just the opposite one this time. Your nose is a hair's breadth away from his jaw. 
He relathers his hands, then starts on your stomach. He's so methodical about it and it feels almost hedonistic. You're not going to deny it feels good, but you know it's not in any way sexual or wanting. You just haven't been touched in so long, so anything will feel good. 
He avoids your nipples when he runs his hands over and under your breasts and he doesn't linger, moving up to your shoulders, then down your arms. When he gets to your hands, he laces your fingers together. 
“Do you want your hair done?” He quietly asks and you just barely shake your head.
“Just want to get it wet,” you mumble into his throat. 
He hums in response and squeezes your hands, “‘m gonna need to turn you around again to do that and to get your legs.” 
He keeps your hands in his and, to your great surprise, turns you slowly around like you are dancing, one arm over your head and another around your back. When you're facing the right way again, you open your eyes to see Matt smiling at you with the softest look. 
In your chest, your heart clenches. 
No one has ever looked at you like that before. No one. No one has ever treated you the way he has. 
You don't think you care if it is because you are the mother of his child. Matt is a truly good and loving person and you want to bask in it, at least for now. 
You let go of one of his hands and cup his jaw. He presses into it, closing his eyes and it's like you can feel any tension he might have in him melt away. You stay like that for a few seconds before he turns his head just slightly to nuzzle into your palm, then he lets go of you to drag his fingers through your hair. He makes sure to get your roots wet, but doesn't soak your hair. His nails dig slightly into your scalp and you try to not moan at how nice it feels.
“Hold onto my shoulders,”  he directs you and you do as you are told. Only when you have a secure hold on him does he kneel down and begin to run his hands over your legs. He starts high on one thigh and works his way down to your foot, then repeats the process on the opposite leg. 
You can't help but look down at him, watching as he delicately washes you. There's this deep urge in your belly, right above your core, to tangle your hands into his hair. A memory from your night together, all those years ago, flashes through your mind. 
He had backed you against a wall and gotten on his knees to push your dress up and your panties down. Your thigh had been draped over his shoulder and he had eaten you out like a starving man before taking you to bed and making you cum two more times on his tongue. 
You quickly banish the thoughts because not only do you know it's not the time for that, but that it was a one night stand between strangers. You don't want to make things any more awkward by Matt realizing he's having such an effect on your body, even if you don't intend for it. 
You tell yourself to think of the pajamas you've picked out to wear instead - a nice, soft, baggy shirt and your favorite biker shorts. You picture the amazing blanket your daughter got you and how nice it will be to curl up in it and sleep. 
You want that more than anything right now. You want to just sleep. 
You focus on that until Matt is back in front of you and turning off the water. 
“All done,” he whispers and you repeat the words back to him. 
He helps you out of the shower and gets you wrapped in a towel before starting to dry himself off. You don't allow yourself to admire his body and focus on getting the water droplets off of your body and out of your hair. 
Once you are no longer dripping, you bundle your hair back into a ponytail and pull on your clean clothes. 
The little change makes you feel so much better.  You always forget how just being clean can change your mood so drastically. 
“Thank you,” you whisper once you are dressed. “Thank you so much, Matt.” 
You turn to finally look at him, and he has redressed in just his boxers and oversized sweater. He steps towards you and cups your jaw, smoothing his thumb over your cheeks, “You don't have to thank me. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. You just have to let me in, okay? Please let me in.”
You close your eyes at his words and nod. 
You can't promise you will let him in fully, but after everything he's shown you in such a short time, you think you can try. You can try to let Matt in. 
He lets you go with a small, sweet, and soft smile then cocks his head slightly to the right, “Let's get you to bed, I think someone has decided they want to join you for a nap.”
Joy swells in your heart and belly at the idea of cuddling with your daughter. You want to wrap her up and hold her and let her feel loved and protected. You know now how nice it is and words tumble from your lips without you meaning them to, “you should come too.”
His eyes go wide at the offer before that small sweet smile morphs into a boyish grin, “I would like that. I would like that a lot.”
a/n: Matt would not stop smooching. I could not hold him back from smooching.
tag list:
@midnightreids @cloudroomblog @yeonalie @thychuvaluswife 
 @petrovafire39 @allllium
@dorothleah @mattmurdocksstarlight @mars-on-vinyl @mywellspringoflife @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @simmilarly @soupyspence @darkened-writer @akila-twt
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hiramaris · 2 months
Kiss it Off Me
Chapter Summary:
The farmer have the knack to be in the right place at the right time. And apparently, Haley just happens to be there— All the time.
Pairings: Haley x Fem!farmer
Disclaimer:  I do not own Stardew Valley or any of the related characters. Stardew Valley is created by and owned by ConcernedApe. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Stardew Valley story belong to ConcernedApe.
Warning: alcohol
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Gif by  LoucoMarx's Artwork
If anyone told Haley she'd grown fond of you at the beginning of the year, she'd probably laugh at their faces. 
It's weird.
How you become a constant presence in her life right now that it would be weird not to see you even once a day.
It had been apparently a routine for you, and unfortunately (fortunate) for her, that you'd drop by the 2 Willow Lane every morning as long as it's beyond 8am to have breakfast with them.
Emily is more than willing to accommodate you, saying along the lines "Haley's a little calmer when you're around, Y/n/n."
Of course Haley had to be on her best behavior. You didn't need to see her and Emily squabble for the second time around. That would be embarrassing.
Well... that's what she likes to think. What she allows herself to think.
Because why else would you even stick around with someone as mean as her and give her all these gifts?
And why the hell is Haley even putting up with this?
She'd like to think it's because you want to get something from her. Let's say an ulterior motive.
But deep down she knows it's simply because you're just nice. 
At first, you looked like you're trying a little too hard to be liked by everyone else. Why else would you give almost everyone gifts instead of actually selling them and make profit? It just doesn't make sense. 
But the moment Haley experienced your kindness firsthand, she knew to herself that there's really no other ulterior motive behind all the easy smiles and gifts you were giving Haley.
So, even though she tried not to like it, she found herself actively looking for your presence.
Luckily for her, it just so happens the farmer also have the knack to be in the right place at the right time. 
Surprisingly this time, Haley doesn't seem to mind.
Spring 17
This damn thing.
Haley let out an exasperated sigh as she stared at the stubborn jar in front of her, glaring it with such hatred she hoped it might open itself from the pressure. Her hands were already starting to hurt from trying to twist the lid open.
Can't she have a break? She just wants to cook breakfast today since Emily's out and all, and Haley can finally show you some of her cooking skills at home.
Yeah, sure she can be absolutely lazy with household chores but cooking is actually something she loved to do.
"Come on, just open already!" she exclaimed through gritted teeth.
Haley tried to use all her strength to open the jar, letting out a loud grunt as she felt her palms tingle with pain. But no matter how hard she tried, the stupid lid just wouldn't budge.
She was so busy trying to open the damn thing that she didn't noticed your presence behind her with an amused grin plastered all over your face, clearly finding humor at her antics.
"You need some help?" you voiced out behind her.
"Ugh," a flash of surprise flickered on her eyes when she turned around and locked her eyes with you before her face morphed into a mock scowl. "How does it feel seeing me in pain?"
You chuckled at her exaggeration. "Aw, does the baby needs help?" 
"Hmp." She squinted her eyes at that. "I was about to cook breakfast for us but now I don't feel like doing it."
She crossed her arms in mock anger for good measure.
How dare she calls her baby? And for the wrong reasons, too! 
The nerve!
"Alright, alright, miss sassy pants. Come here," Haley's frustration quickly turned into surprise as she felt you tugged her by the loop of her belt, pulling her close to your body. The heat that radiates from your skin ignites a fire in Haley's belly.
You reached over and snatched the jar out of Haley's grip, flicking it open with a simple twist of your wrist. You then swiftly returned it to Haley's hand and gave her a look that could only be described as smug.
"Piece of cake," you bragged with a grin.
Haley cleared her throat, masking her embarrassment as she playfully shoved you away. "Hmp. You're stronger than you look."
You narrowed your eyes at her, and Haley caught a mischievous glint in your gaze.
"What do you mean, 'stronger than I look'?" you retorted, a hint of challenge dripping in your voice. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve, you know?"
"Oh, really now?"
As if to prove your point, you rolled up your sleeves up to your shoulders, flexing your muscles just long enough for Haley to appreciate how farm works definitely did wonders to your physiques, not that you weren't already toned before, but you're definitely becoming a little buffer.
Those farmer clothes just hid them all this time.
Haley's mouth went dry. "Y-yeah, yeah, show off."
It's amazing how Haley still manage to act like this when a simple act of flexing had her gotten her hot and bothered.
She's never been one to swoon over muscles before (Alex's muscle only made her gag most of the time), but there's something about the way you look right now that has her feeling all kinds of things.
She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts of any impure ideas.
She didn't want to give you the satisfaction of stroking your already growing ego. Haley' sure that you are well aware of your effect on her, and if she let it show, you would only be so smug about it.
Sometimes, Haley regrets letting you be friends with Alex. Clearly, he's rubbing off you already.
"I wonder how many other ladies have been lucky enough to see that impressive display."
"How many are you?" you readily quipped.
Haley suddenly choked on her own spit as heat rose to her cheeks at your sudden boldness. (What the hell? What the what?)
"I'm gonna hit you," Haley threatened half-heartedly as she tried to regain her composure (and dignity.)
She has to make this stop or else everything will be too much for her. Which was a frequent occurrence nowadays when you're near her.
"Okay, okay!" you barked out a laugh, seemingly oblivious to your effect on Haley, much to her relief. "I'll help you cook, alright?"
"Fine. But you're going to boil the pasta. You suck at making the sauce."
"Yeah, yeah, M'lady. Let's do it your way."
Yeah, you definitely had the knack to be in the right place at the right time. 
And probably say the right things at the least opportune time. 
Does Haley mind? 
Definitely not.
Spring 20
The Flower Festival is in four days, and Haley will be damned if she'd be anything but flawless.
Currently lounging on her couch, Haley was draped in a flimsy white towel, the only piece of cloth covering her body besides the face mask she had just applied, and a soft towel wrapped around her hair to soak up some excess water.
She had already finished exfoliating her body, scrubbing away all the stresses and strains of the past few days. Of course, she can't forget moisturizing, too. Despite her naturally flawless skin, it took loads of branded lotions, scrubs and moisturizers (so worth the money) to keep it this perfect.
In short, it's her pampering day.
Haley was a true believer in the power of self-care, and she spared no expense in ensuring that every inch of her body was pampered to perfection.
And she can't afford to be stressed today.
Surprisingly, the day went by without a hitch.
Emily's usual nagging was nothing more than a minor annoyance that she brushed off without a second thought. And Alex, bless his heart, had the good sense to steer clear the moment he laid eyes on her with her bag of beauty essentials in tow.
He's also been kind enough to pass the message to you. Saying he'll just ask you to play ball with him or whatever to keep you busy earlier that morning.
Nothing, she repeats, nothing could ruin this nigh—
Her phone ringing was absolutely the least she expected to hear.
She was tempted to not answer, assuming it will be Emily on the other line. She doesn't call often during her shift, but if she does, she would occasionally ask Haley to bring either her apron or her shoes.
So, Haley's a little bit apprehensive about answering.
There's no way she's gonna be waltzing around outside just to give Emily her damn apron when she just finished her self-care!
Curiosity got the best of her though. With a deep breath, she swiped the answer button, hesitantly bringing the device to her ear.
"What?" she snapped, a little irritated at the interruption.
"Thank Yoba you answered. I was beginning to think you wouldn't." Emily babbled on the other line.
"Just spit it out, Em."
"Um," Haley can hear her hesitation. "Y/n/n's a little out of it and I kind of need help to get her home."
Haley sat a little bit straight at the mention of your name. "What do you mean she's out of it?"
"She's drunk."
For the love of Yoba—
What the hell are you thinking getting your ass drunk like that?
"Hay, are you still there?"
Haley has to literally calm herself down before speaking again. "I'm sorry but I can't. I just finished applying my face mask!"
"I see, I just thought since you're close with her and all..." Emily sounded a bit disappointed but didn't pushed it further. "I may just have to ask Penny to get her hom—"
"Be there in 5," was all Haley said before going to her room to get dressed.
She's going to kill you.
In no time at all, Haley arrived at the Saloon in her pajamas, hair damped and bare faced and everything. 
She saw Emily waiting outside, a visibly worried expression etched on her face. "Where is she?" Haley asked, her tone urgent.
Emily motioned towards the Saloon's door. "She's inside."
Normally, Haley wouldn't be caught alive inside her sister's workplace but that's the least of her concerns right now. "What the hell happened?"
"Since it was Shane's birthday and all. Y/n/n kind of bet with him who could drink the most beer without getting drunk. Safe to say no one won, huh?" Emily had the audacity to sound so sheepish. 
Haley nodded absentmindedly and took a deep breath before pushing open the door.
Sure enough, you were there, slumped over the bar with a couple of empty bottle of beer beside her. Shane's there too, but he's unconscious on the floor with Marnie trying her absolute best to wake her nephew up. 
Haley wanted to be mad at you. You literally made Haley walked across town with nothing but her pajamas! She also never go out without makeup and especially when she has just finished her skin care!
But what the hell.
Her heart could only flutter at the sight. How can someone be an idiot and cute at the same time?
She strode over to you and placed a hand on your back, careful not to startle you. "Y/n, come on. Let's get you home," she chided softly.
You groaned softly, lifting your head slightly at the sound of her voice, your eyes bloodshot and unfocused. "Hay..? Is that you..?"
"Yeah, it's me," Haley answered, helping you to your feet. She took your arm and wrapped them around her shoulder, while her other arm secured its place on your waist to keep youfrom falling. "Come on, let's go."
Having the inability to stand by yourself, Haley found you leaning almost half of your weight on her.
Yoba, you're quite heavy. 
"You smell geurd..." you slurred more.
Haley tried to fight herself from flushing at the comment. It did not help that your face is practically buried at the side of her neck.
"I know," Haley tried to retort. "And you smell like beer." She wrinkled her nose in mock disgust.
On the contrary, you actually smelled like freshly picked lemons and mint apart from the subtle scent of beer. It seemed that you prepared for this occasion and showered accordingly.
Haley briefly nods in approval. You didn't smell as bad as she expected, you weren't even sweaty, too compared to Shane here.
Haley stole a quick glance at him, noting his unruly stubble, tattered hoodie, and unkempt hair.
It was evident he hadn't exactly prioritized cleanliness lately. Haley couldn't help but be grateful that you were the complete opposite. But she decided not to dwell on it. After all, it was Shane's birthday, and he was entitled to be himself, even if it meant being his usual slightly musty, emo self.
"Even in my prime years I wasn't able to drink that much beer!" Pam cackled at the background, catching Haley's attention. She's clearly only tipsy despite the massive number of empty bottles in front of her. "Kids these days, really." She shook her head before turning to Emily. "Kid, can you give me some more mead?"
"Sure, Pam." Emily looks at Haley apologetically. "Sis, can you—"
"I got it. It's okay."
Leah, who had been eyeing them from the table decided to make her way towards them. "Do you need help?" before adding jokingly, "I didn't know Y/n/n was a drinker."
"Well, at least she's a lot calmer than Pam." Gus chimes in. "And a whole lot lesser violent than Shane here." He added as he eyed Shane on the floor with a couple of empty bottles beside him. Marnie is still trying to wake him up.
Haley raised an immaculate brow.
If Leah wanted to help maybe it would have been useful a couple of hours ago if she stopped this dungus from doing a stupid bet. Haley didn't dare say that though, and bit her tongue to stop saying something foul, instead, she opted with a strained, "thanks, but I got this." 
"You sur—"
The door of the Saloon swung open once again, and another redhead came straight to them. "What happened?" Penny asked in urgent. She's clad in her pajamas as well and her usually immaculate hair was down, which tells she's also ready for bed. "Mom called that Y/n/n was dru—"
"Kiddo, you're here!" Pam cheered loudly, Gus can only grimace at her antics. "I was just saying here that Y/n definitely won the bet!"
"Mom..." Penny sighed. "You should have stopped her. Y/n has work tomorrow."
"Hmp. It wouldn't hurt to have fun. Let the kid get loose a little. She's already been working hard."
Knowing it's no use to argue with her drunk mom. Penny turned to Haley, giving her a polite smile. "Do you need help taking her home?"
"Yeah!" Leah agreed beside her. "My cabin's near her farm, it would be no problem at all."
Haley tries to mask the sudden annoyance she feels at the women in front of her, and as well as the struggle she's feeling under the weight of the farmer. But she stood her ground stubbornly. She fakes a smile. "I got this."
"Are you s—"
"I got this." She repeated, this time firmly.
She definitely did not got this. 
You were thoughtful enough to stay still while Haley guided you out of the Saloon. But once they took a turn near 2 Willow Lane, the farmer started wriggling against her grasp.
"W-where... we going..?" you asked, slurring. 
"I'm taking you home," Haley replied in between grunts. 
What the hell is she even thinking?
She should have accepted Penny's help— hell, even Leah's help would be also appreciated but Haley just didn't like the idea of having those two around you.
Yeah, she knew you're friends with these two girls but Emily called her first, right? Never mind that she declined it first but Haley didn't want to be a bad friend letting you slumped all night long over that greasy bar. 
"Yoba, just how many beers did you drink? Surely, you're not that much of a lightweight."
You narrowed your eyes at her, holding up three fingers, "I had 9. Shane I think..." you held out a finger to her chin, "had 7."
Haley couldn't help but snort in amusement. "I'm pretty sure I'm not that dumb to count 3 on your fingers."
"It's 3 times 3." 
"Yeah, sure."
"Yeah! And I'm completely sober," you declared, as if your words alone were enough proof. But your actions told a different story, as you stumbled once again, prompting Haley to exclaim, "stay still, you dungus!"  before you manage to free yourself away from Haley's arms. "See?" 
"Clearly." Haley answered, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she approached you. You were swaying dangerously and on the verge of collapsing over Marnie's fence.
"Oops—" You flashed a stupid grin as Haley caught you just in time, preventing you from face-planting into one of the feces of Marnie's cows. "Thanks, babe."
Haley almost dropped you at the unexpected endearment.
Her cheeks flushed deeply, and she internally debated whether to abandon you here or let her own remaining shreds of dignity vanish into the night.
She coughed awkwardly, trying to regain her composure. "Wow, you sure are flirty tonight. You sure you're sober?" 
"I don't know," You answered truthfully, sounding strangely sober. You came to a halt, causing Haley to stop as well. "The only time I allow myself to be this close to you without my heart pounding in my chest is in the reality I've created in my dreams. So, tell me, Haley..."
Under the moonlight, your eyes held an intensity and softness that seemed almost impossible.
"Am I sober, or is this just a dream?"
I absolutely adore all those who left some comments from the past chapters. Thank you so much!
Alsooooo, I know it's a bit overdue buuuut
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K LIKES AND 100 FOLLOWERS! I didn't really expect this account to blow up like this but I really, really appreciate you guys and your patience for me.
I am so sorry for the delays as well. I just have a lot of things happening at the same time, you know, with uni and everything.
And I feel like I owe you guys a chapter. So here ya go!
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polakina · 4 months
how they act when they're jealous
call of duty headcanons #5
hc masterlist // masterlist
god i love seeing jealousy in men. and i love the 141. so this is a nice happy medium
ALSO im running out of ideas AHH pls send me some. i need to write more
rating: explicit
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stone-faced expression
teeth gritted
if looks could kill, they'd be dead
you'd all gone out after a long mission to unwind
gaz and soap took the opportunity to try and out drink eachother while simon stayed pretty much to himself
but price had alternative plans for the night
keeping an eye on you
not that you needed the supervision, but when you drank, you liked to wander. he'd been thinking about tying a balloon to your shirt when you all went out to make sure you were still in the building
he was considering it right this second, after he'd lost sight of you for a third time that night
then he caught you, at the bar, most likely ordering another round of drinks. you looked happy, smiling. it was nice for him to see after such a strenuous three weeks you'd all just had
but his eyes turned black when he saw a guy come up next to you, hand reaching for your waist
he'd left his drink with simon, made his way over to you and stood directly behind you as you were turned to the man before this asshole even formulated a hello
you'd felt a presence behind you, knowing it was john and not even turning to see if you were right. but by the look on that guy's face, you probably were
"best just to walk away, eh?" you heard from behind you. it made you smirk as the guy scuttled away like a raccoon in a trash can
turning to see john's stoic expression, his piercing gaze boring into the guy's head until he was out of view
had his hand on you the whole night after that
it felt like a protective grip on your thigh
his jaw was clenched and you felt his eyes on you constantly, but every time you looked at him, his gaze was elsewhere
feels the need to touch every part of you to eradicate any sense of that other guy's hands on you
turns dominant, holding you down, kissing every part of you
"can't believe he thought he had a chance" "fuckin' arsehole thinks he can put his hands on you" "need reminding that you're mine, hmm? is that it?"
you love it when he gets jealous
you're not leaving the bed for hours
he fucks you raw. hard.
your throat is hoarse and your voice is gone by the time he's done
you can barely lift your arms or legs afterwards; they're shaking and sore from his harsh grip on your thighs
his manhandling is rough, but you love it. you submit to it as he pounds into you until the sun peeks through your curtains
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graves is who riles him the most on base
especially when he's talking to you
graves has a certain way of annoying ghost but making it seem like an entirely normal conversation to you
just by existing, he gets on ghost's nerves
"you look good in that gear, honey. suits you" was all ghost could hear from the air field
it enraged him completely. everyone saw it. you brushed it off, and saw ghost glaring at the two of you
you smirked, catching his eye. he cocked his head, almost daring you to further this
always quiet when he's jealous
just likes to watch, unless something goes too far. then he steps in
but with this, he wanted until you came to him
you did, an hour later in the armoury. he busied himself cleaning his weapons as you came into the room
you knew that look, the one he gave you
he always gave you that look. whether it was because some man gave you attention, or you flirted for intel undercover, or even if someone looked at you for too long
he didn't speak. he just walked over to you, towering above you while reaching behind your back to lock the door
he liked to make you know that you were his
"letting graves give you all that attention, hmm?" his voice was decibles lower than usual when he was like this. it made your walls clench just hearing it. "that man was looking you up and down like a piece of meat. can't have that, can we?"
liked to hear you cry out his name when he fucked you
can't feel jealous if someone else's name isn't in your mouth, can he?
with each thrust he coaxed you, ordered you to tell him who you belonged to
the table which you sat on rammed into the wall every time his cock pushed deeper and harder into you
his hand on your throat forcing you to look at him, into his eyes, fingerprints bruising into your skin
his hands slapped against your thigh, marking your skin a deep red
never let you cover it up the next day either, you had that shit on show, for all ghost could say
graves steered clear of you after that
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as a commanding officer, you trained the rookies
but they were smarmy and smug, often threw comments your way that you learned to brush off without a passing thought
soap had sat in on one of your sessions, watching from under a tent
he watched them whisper about you, watched a few of them gaze at your arse
it made his blood boil
his face could never hide any signs of jealousy. it painted his features like a detailed portrait
they were target shooting, and the few delinquents that couldn't concentrate on anything other than you were poor at their aiming
he liked to prove his worth in situations like this
he took it as a competition, one he knew he could win
you saw him stride over, taking the rifle out of one of the boys hands and taking a stance at the marker
rolling your eyes, you knew this couldn't end well
he'd done this before
a guy tried to flirt with you in a bar once, soap won the fight between them
you were whistled at while driving through the city you lived in, soap smoked him and sped off way ahead of that asshole
he can't back down
he doesn't realise he doesn't need to compete for you. you're already his
soap fires at every target with immediate precision, not even taking a breath between shots
then he tosses the gun back to the rookie with a smug look on his face
"maybe start focusing on the task at hand instead of her, hmm? or else i'll have you off this base before you can blink, boy"
he grinned as he caught your eye, winking before taking his seat back under the shadow of the tent, continuing to watch as though nothing happened
no rookie let their gaze linger on you again after that
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he came to visit you at work often when he was home, so he didn't have to stay in the apartment by himself
the little coffee shop was a comforting place for him, the smell of coffee grounds and freshly baked goods always lifting his spirits
you had a co-worker that was always close by your side, but he never thought much of it up till now
you were on your break and made your way over to join him at the table with two coffees in hand
you seemed different, more irked than usual, and your phone wouldn't shut up either, which seemed to piss you off more
it was your co-worker. he learned about the dates he'd asked you on, about whether you wanted to go to his place after work. it'd been happening for weeks, even after you'd said no
gaz said nothing, making his way over to that co-worker
you watched as he leaned over the counter, whispering something to the man that turned his skin pale and his eyes wide
he scurried off to the back room and gaz walked back over to smiling
"what did you say?"
"nothing you haven't already said to him, love"
he pulled your chair closer, kissing the side of your head
he was calm when jealous, to a point where you could barely tell
his jaw never clenched, his gaze never darkened, his body language remained the exact same
but he was always observant, never let anything go too far
but his body language always changed, more tense, more aggravated whenever you became uncomfortable in any situation
he was always by your side in seconds, but never starting a confrontation, just removing you from the scene without causing a fight
like i said, not a man of confrontation
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thestoryofusstan · 8 days
clarisse x reader where y/n had been noticing clarisse like getting distant( like not holding her hand for more then 4 seconds just small stuff that only y/n notices😭) and then the day percy breaks her spear she's mad and y/n trys calming her down but clarisse just yells at her about how clingy she is and to leave her alone and basically she regrets it and apologizes multiple times and after like a week y/n forgives her and it's cute (I NEEDDDD THE PLAYING HARD TO GET PLS I HATE WHEN SHE FORGIVES HER EASILY)
I Miss You, I'm Sorry
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pairing: clarisse x apollo!reader
summary: clarisse is distant and cold, and y/n is officially done.
warnings: none?? i don't think?
you'd been with clarisse for around three years now. at first, a lot of people were confused. clarisse was, essentially, one big ball of anger, and you were a ball of sunshine. after a while, though, it made sense. you balanced each other out. plus, clarisse was a lot softer with you.
but recently, clarisse had been acting different. ever since percy jackson came to camp, actually. she was a lot more angry. and perhaps it was because you'd welcomed him to camp and generally tried to be nice to him. you couldn't help it, he reminded you of your brother, who had a mortal dad and stayed at home with your mom.
when you'd sneak to the ares table during meals, she'd hardly acknowledge you. when you tried to hold her hand, she'd let you, for all of six seconds. you weren't sure why. you hadn't done anything to personally anger her, had you?
you must have. because even as the two of you got ready for capture the flag, she ignored you.
"hey, claire?" you said, turning to her. you were just about the only one she let give her a nickname, and you'd settled on claire. "can you help me with my armor? i think it's crooked."
"you can do it yourself, i'm sure."
you frowned. she'd usually jump at the opportunity to help you- to touch you, to breathe the same air as you.
what did you do wrong?
you had one of your siblings fix it for you.
luke had outrun you with the flag when you heard a scream from the beach. you recognized it.
"clarisse!" you shouted, bolting towards the sound.
when you got there, you saw clarisse sitting before percy, her broken spear between them.
you ran to her side and helped her up as the other team began celebrating their win.
"claire, i am so sorry about your spear. we-- i can fix it! or i can have one of the athena kids do it! someone should know how, right? probably. yeah, we'll have them fix it, and it'll be-"
"can you just leave me alone?" clarisse snapped.
you froze. pulled your hands away, and retreated into yourself.
"oh," you said, clearing your throat.
"gods, you're just so clingy! i just need five minutes of peace."
that's when she seemed to realize she hurt your feelings. she sighed, her face softening, "y/n-"
"i'm gonna go."
"i didn't mean it like that-"
"yeah. i'm sure you didn't."
you crossed your arms as you walked away, resisting the urge to cry.
during dinner that night, clarisse came up to the apollo table.
"y/n?" she asked.
you kept pushing the food around your plate, ignoring her.
"y/n." she repeated.
she sighed.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean it-"
without saying anything, you stood up and walked off.
clarisse didn't follow.
you were sitting by the lake, your feet in the water. you heard someone come from behind, and you knew who it was.
you sighed.
“y/n..” she started.
“i’m not talking to you,” you stated. you crossed your arms and kicked your feet in the water.
“please, i’m sorry—“
“i don’t care. you really hurt my feelings, clarisse. you could’ve just told me you want space instead of acting like you hate me.”
“i don’t—“
“just go, clarisse.”
she sighed and didn’t fight you anymore.
clarisse had done what you asked for the past few days. she didn’t come up to you or try to apologize.
you were getting ready for bed, braiding your younger sister’s hair, when someone knocked on the cabin door.
assuming it was some late night check, you sighed.
“i’ll get it.”
you walked over to the door and opened it, and clarisse was standing there.
you didn’t even let her speak before you shut the door.
“who was that?” lee asked.
“no one,” you shrugged, sitting back on the bed and resuming the braids.
“why don’t you just talk to her?” percy asked you. you offered to help him train with the water as best as you could.
“because. i usually do, but she’s been rude to me for a few weeks now. i just wanna makes sure she knows i won’t put up with it.”
percy shrugged, “makes sense, i guess.”
even though you had a poker face around clarisse, it did make you sad every time you shut her down or pushed her away.
you just wanted your girlfriend back.
after dinner, you really just wanted to go to your cabin and sleep. however, when you opened the door, a bunch of candles were lit.
“what the—“
clarisse was standing next to your bed with a bouquet of flowers. they were your favorites— hibiscus. they didn’t grow anywhere near long island, so she must have gotten a demeter kid to get her some.
“i’m sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have snapped at you. i just.. i’ve worked my whole life at camp to be recognized by my dad, and percy gets all this fame and glory in a few weeks. it’s not an excuse, but i just.. wanted to explain myself,” she said, extending the flowers toward you.
you kept your arms crossed.
“i want to be around you all the time. i didn’t mean to act like i don’t wanna be with you, because i do. i mean.. besides, who else is able to calm me down?”
and that made you laugh, “nobody,” you took the flowers. “thank you for the flowers. no one’s ever gotten me these.”
she shrugged, “i figured it was about time you got your favorite flowers.”
you smiled and quickly turned to her.
“so.. we’re good?”
“we’re good,” you nod and plant your lips on hers.
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flowery-mess · 4 months
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Love Island couple with Noah
You were one of the first 5 girls of the reality show
You didn't really like any boy from the first group of 5
But you had to make a couple with someone so you chose a guy little bit taller than you, with blonde hair and green eyes
The first night was a welcome party for all of you
You made some friends with the girls and you got to know your partner a bit more
You talked about your past relationships, your family, your jobs and another boring 'nice to meet you' shit
It was nice talking to him, but there wasn't any spark
And he didn't attracted you physically
So you went on as a couple for 4 days
Then there was first recoupling
And of course first bombshell
And od course that was Noah
He's a fucking giant, was your first thought when he came out of the vila
You saw his tattoos, then his nice mid length hair and then his beautiful brown eyes
And you knew
You knew if this guy doesn't choose you, you're either gonna drown the girl he chooses in the pool or maybe put a pillow over her mouth in her sleep
You looked at your current partner with small smile, hoping he would take the hint and prepare himself that even if Noah doesn't choose you, you're gonna try to get to know him and see what happens
When Noah stood infront of the fire, you couldn't stop looking at him
He was smiling, looking at all of you one by one
And you could swear he looked at you for a second longer that anyone else and his smile grew a little bit more
That night he didn't have to choose anyone to couple up with, but he had to choose three girls to have a date with the next day
He chose two girls and then looked at you and said your name
You couldn't hide the excited smile on your face
After recoupling he went to say hi to everyone, introduce himself
Before he came to you, you took that chance to tell your partner that you think Noah is attractive and that if you get along on the date, you would be interested in continuing this show with him
He took it well, he knew there wasn't any spark, since all you did for those 4 days was a small talk
When you shook hands with Noah you felt electricity go through your whole body
You locked eyes and you just couldn't stop smiling
You both introduced yourselves and then he moved to the next person, but you had a feeling this could be good
For the rest of the night everyone tried to get to know Noah, girls throwing themselves at him, but not you, you knew you will have time on your date next day
Which came sooner than you expected
He chose three girls, but you went on three separate dates
Since he chose you last, when it was your turn the sun began to set and it looked beautiful
You chose your black dress that went good with your tattoos and you did your significant makeup
You had nice dinner with wine
And you two just couldn't shut up
You talked about everything
You had so much in common, same sense of humor and similiar interests
You didn't want the night to end, but it was time to return back to the vila
What surprised you was that Noah had to choose a girl to couple up with just a few seconds after you came back
You had a feeling that he could choose you, but you didn't know how his other dates went
But probably not so well, since he chose you
You tried to hold in your excitement as much as you could just out of respect for you first psrtner, who was going home now
But he took it well, he saw how your eyes lit up when Noah said your name and said he couldn't stand in the way of that
So you and Noah became a couple
You continued talking through the night, still finding topics to talk about
You became the 'strong couple'
Fans liked you, they were convinced you're gonna win
Even tho you were both really attracted to each other, all you did on the show was kissing
You hated knowing lots of people were watching it on TV and neither of you wanted to share your sexual life with them
But honestly sex after the show was much better because of that
You knew each others personalities, but not much about your bodies
Which felt exciting, except when it felt like torture
You had your ups and downs through the whole show
Lots of people breaking you up, choosing either you or him
But you both managed to stay in the show and get back together everytime
Although you were the fans favorite couple, you didn't win
But you didn't mind, you didn't want the pressure that came with being winners
You continued your relationship after the show and moved in together
And found out that your relationship is even better outside of the vila
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pomplalamoose · 7 months
DILF Luke headcanons / story draft pt. 2
🌹modern day AU🌹
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A/N: Guess who's back with more dilf Luke content!🤠 Thank you SO so much for liking the first part as much as you did🫶🏻 I hope you'll enjoy this second part as well!
part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5
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• his possessiveness isn't something he allows to be seen on the outside
• he is aware that he has no right to call you his own, even though he desperately wants to
• but you're so much younger than he is and, above all, have grown to become his child's best friend
• he does not want to take you away from them
• nor does he want to cause an awkward situation that might threaten to break your friendship
• and while objectively speaking all three of you are adults, he still views himself as the one that should be the most responsible
• this however won't stop him from thinking about you basically every minute of the day
• maybe he can't have you but nobody said anything about not buying you little presents here and there and offering his help whenever he can
• he wholeheartedly enjoys the way you are unable to hide your blush of excitement when he surprises you with a pretty necklace or a new pair of earrings
• he loves to hear your weak little protests and how easily he can make them fizzle out with a soft smile and the gentle promise that no, it wasn't expensive at all
• no, he isn't just getting you things out of the blue
• just take a look at the calendar, soon it's Christmas!
• soon it's your birthday!
• it's the beginning of summer!
• you have known each other for a year now!
• he always finds a reason
• of course you make sure to always wear his gifts too, they're beautiful and well chosen, matching your style perfectly
• oh how his heart sings whenever he can be a witness to it
• everyone is supposed to see and know that he was the one who got them for you
• it's his secret way of claiming you, of making sure to tell everyone else that you're taken, that someone already has their eyes on you
• if it wasn't for your lovely smell he would have liked to buy you a perfume to wear as well
• meanwhile you are absolutely clueless and think nothing of it, surely he's just being extra nice because he's finally used to your presence in his household?
• maybe he wants to make up for how he acted before?
• similarly your friend doesn't think it's weird either, after all that's just how he is, you know?
• he cares so much for the people in his live and of course he'd eventually come around to liking you a lot too
• after all, how could he not? You're around his house most of your free time
• secretly you are a little bit disappointed
• it may be foolish to hope for your friend's father to have taken an interest in you but your heart isn't interested in common sense
• I think you'd struggle admitting to yourself that you have a crush though
• he's your friend's father
• how would this work anyways?
• nevertheless your attraction stays
• it's the only thing you don't dare to talk to your friend about
• in your day dreams you fantasize about his big hand resting on your thigh while he drives and find yourself wishing for it to travel just a little bit higher
• you feel giddy with barely concealed nervousness whenever he touches you, hoping that this time he will make a move
• he never does
• and never does his touch find you outside of his car
• See? This gesture is altogether innocent, you tell yourself
• after all he never comes this close to you in any other situation and yet...
• "oh, he's being such a dad!", your friend says when you ask them about it
• "he keeps his hand near me as well so he can easily catch me when he needs to abruptly hit the brakes"
• and they're right, Luke does indeed reach out with his right arm to stabilize your upper body whenever he slows down the car
• still, his hand isn't just conveniently near to do so, it's literally on you during the whole ride
• maybe you've failed to mention that exact fact to your friend though
• you are conflicted and confused and eventually, despite your stupid heart insisting to speed up whenever you see him, decide to let it go
• from an outside perspective nothing about your relationship changes
• you continue to spend much of your free time with your friend
• their father further upholds his offer and drives you home at night
• every time, without fail, does he hold on to you
• and despite this going on for a long while you are none the wiser
• you are still uncapable to read his emotions
• you have not the slightest of clues about what goes on inside of him
• you remain in the dark about his past
• in many aspects he is more of a mystery to you now than he used to be when all you knew was his name
• yes, his demeanor has softened towards you
• but regardless there are certain moments in which you catch yourself being slightly frightened of him
• just like at the beginning
• your friend never mentions the peculiarities he puts on display and so you keep silent as well
• not seldomly does he get a call from work during dinner and while he always leaves the room, too polite to answer the phone at the table, you still are able to overhear how sharp and commanding his voice turns
• you seriously struggle to meet his gaze when he returns after
• sometimes during car rides, you try to make small talk
• you always mean well
• you want to pick up a topic you had earlier that day or to ask about a recipe he made for you and your friend
• maybe this way you'd get him to spend more time with you?
• but often his grip will grow hard enough to bruise
• it catches you off guard every time and when you squeak in pain he throws you a quick sideway glance, loosening his hand immediately
• he never speaks nor lets go of you completely, although his thumb will be rubbing soothing circles into your leg in silent apology
• should you try to initiative a conversation again after, he might answer; though in such a clipped way it shuts you up soon enough
• more often he'll simply shake his head, asking you to remain silent
• the first time you spend a night at your friend's house you feel as if there were a pair of hungry eyes watching your every move
• there is absolutely no reason for anybody to do so though, and nobody around that would have a reason to anyways
• and yet...
• of course you wouldn't mind Luke noticing the pretty top you chose to wear, the one who's neckline goes just a little bit lower than usual
• though unfortunately he seems to be very distracted and never looks your way
• so you simply strike it up to be your nerves and lively imagination; staying in a foreign place is always exciting after all
• staying with a handsome older man even more so
• as a matter of fact, however, Luke's eyes never leave you and as it gets late it takes all he has to restrain himself from snatching you away and dragging you to his own room
• you're lovely on a normal day but look absolutely ravishing in your soft pajamas
• the knowledge you won't be far away for a whole night being all too tantalizing
• maybe you are wearing short pants and so there are some faint bruises visible around your left knee
• ironically you're not aware of their existence, yet it's one of the first things Luke catches sight of and it makes him feel some kind of way
• not only are you wearing his necklace but clearly showing off what he did to you as well
• he likes it a lot, even though not the way in which they came to be
• so while you're contemplating slight paranoia he eventually has to remove himself from your immediate vicinity
• it's not becoming to lust after a young woman during late night dinner
• and the fact that you are afraid to get lost in unknown rooms in the dark doesn't help either
• your friend thinks it's hilarious and discusses it at length
• "the house won't swallow you whole because you take a wrong turn once"
• "it's only a little portion of the rooms you haven't been to yet, stop worrying!"
• "you're not prone to sleepwalking why and how would you even end up there?"
• good humoredly Luke laughs along at his kid's and your bickering but has to discreetly change his seating
• his pants grow uncomfortably tight at the thought of you accidentally walking into his bedroom
• he knows he doesn't have the strength not to make a move
• suddenly he sees himself demanding a kiss or making you beg to let you leave again
• he has to excuse himself early
• your friend and you are listening to a voice message some random guy from university/your job sent you, their father is in hearing distance but you think nothing of it
• innocently and rather excited you start talking and giggling about it, you can't believe he asked you out!
• when all of a sudden Luke gets up and leaves abruptly without a word
• you freeze and are immediately upset
• did you do something wrong? Maybe used a word or expression he didn't like? Is he angry?
• your friend just shrugs their shoulders and continues as if nothing happened but you can't stop thinking about the cold gaze he threw your way
• for the first time since meeting him he doesn't say goodbye or offers a drive home when you have to leave
• later your parents ask why your face is stained with tears, yet you can't give them an answer
• little do you know his anger was not directed at you but at the little boy who dared to show his interest in you
• he didn't even mean to listen and now has only himself to fault for the raging jealousy raising its ugly head
• additionally he's furious and ashamed at himself for his feelings
• his usually endless patience simply vanished into thin air at the prospect of another getting the chance he's been dreaming about for over a year
• he's acting like a teenager and he hates it
• he desperately needed to rein himself back in, he needed air
• and so he made a run for it, afraid to accidentally leave his anger out on you
• had he known what his disappearance caused, he would have acted differently
• you never went out with the guy who sent the message
• you are hesitant to return after what happened, despite your longing to go back and somehow fix your mistake
• whatever its is you did, you have the urge to throw yourself down at his feet and ask for forgiveness
• you don't even care for what you would be apologizing
• you could text him if course, he gave you his number, remember?
• but you don't dare to
• your friend repeatedly assures you that everything is fine and keeps passing on their father's greetings and inquiries about your person
• nobody is mad at you and least of all him
• so eventually you give in, despite feeling quite anxious about it
• to make it worse you receive a message when you arrive that your friend is still stuck in traffic and that it might take them a while
• "my dad will let you in though, no worries"
• all of a sudden you feel very much like your lungs stopped working, you are panicking and seriously consider turning around to leave
• but of course Luke knows you are coming and of course he knows the exact time as well
• he has opened the door before you can fully make up your mind on whether to wait outside or to ring the doorbell
• your words fail you
• just the sight of him makes your heart soar
• he greets you nicely enough and asks you to come in
• "it's great to see you again, it's been a while"
• however it's not like it used to be before
• something feels different
• and quickly you realize: parts of his walls came back up
• the realization chokes you
• Luke senses you're upset and despite vowing to keep his distance once and for all can't hold back from asking if everything is okay
• of course it's not
• and the way his gaze softens into familiarity is too much for you to take
• you leave to go home without waiting for your friend, instead telling them you were feeling quite ill all of a sudden
• it's not even a lie
• Luke knows exactly what just happened but forces himself to remain firm; it's for the best
• sadly I think this would put a strain on the relationship with your friend too
• you don't exactly grow apart, you're too close for that, but of course they realize there's something going on and your decision not to talk to them about it hurts their feelings
• don't you trust them anymore?
• it's during a dark autumn afternoon that you're caught by a seemingly endless downpour
• you're far from home, you don't have the money to call for a taxi and all your trains got delayed
• you think about your friend; they live near
• but you also know they aren't home, as they're currently visiting family in another part of the country
• their dad however...
• he said to call him whenever, you remember
• but what if he doesn't pick up? What if he doesn't want to see you again?
• maybe he's more willing to help when you're standing in front of him?
• despite your anxiety you have no other choice and so decide to check if he's home
• it's still pouring when you arrive and by now you're soaking wet
• Luke isn't home, probably still at work
• pressing close to the front door you sit down on the steps, trying your best to stay out of the rain
• by the time you see the headlights of Luke's car you start crying from relief
• there is not a single patch of your clothes that remained dry and you're more than freezing cold
• your teeth are chattering and you struggle to move your fingers, let alone your legs
• you hear the car door slam shut and then his steps on the path leading up to you
• he's wearing a black suit
• (this is important because even in your horrible state you are aware how absolutely hot he looks)
• when he spots your huddled together shivering form, he's momentarily at a loss for words
• still crying you raise your eyes to look up at him and for a few short seconds you're afraid he doesn't recognize you
• then his face drops
• he reaches for you, and holding you close, unlocks the door to let you in
• now able to take a proper look, his eyes travel up and down your body while he rids himself of his jacket and runs his hand through his wet hair
• it's like you can see the gears in his brain switching as he draws himself up to his full height
• when he speaks it's in such a stern tone that you can't help but wince
• his following orders are sharp and you have to RUN to follow him as he basically drags you upstairs to the master bathroom
• he tells you to undress as he's already turning on the shower for you
• he's not asking, he's commanding
• "Yes, Mr. Skywalker"
• you're so caught off guard you oblige as fast as you can
• no longer do you dare to call him by his first name
• when he sees you struggling with your frozen limbs, he helps pulling your soaked sweater over your head and assists you in getting out of your jeans before leaving you to yourself
• he informs you he'll be waiting outside
• once you are done he immediately is all over you again
• he tells you exactly what he wants you to wear, puts a pair of extra thick woolen socks on your feet and swaddles you in a blanket like a burrito
• only when you're so tightly wrapped up that you're basically unable to move, does he seem to calm down
• he places you on the big sofa in the living room and makes you a tea
• he towels off your hair while you drink it
• he takes your face in his hands and asks if you're okay
• you nod and then he goes OFF, pacing back and forth in front of you while giving you the lecture of a lifetime
• what in God's name were you thinking to not immediately call him? He would've left work early!
• you could've died walking through this weather by yourself, look at you, you're still shivering!
• you weren't dressed appropriately whatsoever! A car could've run you over, they wouldn't have seen you at all!
• under no circumstances is he allowing you to go home tonight, you're staying here where he can have an eye on you!
• his voice is getting louder with every sentence and then you're crying again
• it takes him a moment to catch himself but then he apologizes
• he asks if you would like to call your parents and hands you back your phone when you nod
• still sniffling you comply
• he remains next to you, listening in closely and throws you a stern look whenever you try to leave something out
• you know he expects you to tell them that you're staying the night too, so you do
• he softens and tells you how good you did once you hang up
• he cooks dinner and insists for you to eat even when you tell him you're not hungry
• he makes you another tea after
• "are you warm enough?"
• there is a lot you want to ask him about but hopefully it can wait for tomorrow
• he offers to accompany you to his child's room so you can go to sleep
• you shyly tell him you'd rather stay downstairs with him, maybe you could watch some TV together?
• after a moment he agrees
• you really wish he'd change out of his work clothes, it's more than distracting
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kpop---scenarios · 4 months
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Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Y/N
Warnings: Sexual Content, Mean BBH, ETC
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: Please forgive me for taking so long to do this. I hope you enjoy! ♡
Chapter One
Your mouth dropped open ever so slightly as you replayed Jennie’s words over in your head again and again. 
That word was baffling you. How could he have a fiancee when the connection the two of you had was so fucking strong? You looked back at Baekhyun who looked uncomfortable with Jennie’s arm caressing him. You didn’t want to be in the same room as the two of them any longer. You could feel a large lump in your throat as anger burned inside you, the redness spreading across your face. You needed to get away and you needed to do that now.
 “If there is nothing else you need from me, Mr. Byun, I'll be getting back to work. Nice to meet you Jamie.” you half smile, avoiding any eye contact. You knew what you did, but you didn't care. 
“Uh, it’s Jennie.” she yells out, but you're already out of his office and halfway back to your own by the time she gets the words out.
You had no right to be upset with him - or her. You knew you didn't in your head, but your heart was another story. You two weren't together, you'd never been together. What right did you have? Nothing even happened, but you could feel the fact that you and Baekhyun were meant for each other. You knew that he knew it too.  And all this time he had someone waiting for him at home. While your heart fluttered for him, her’s did too. 
You went home that night and felt like your heart was breaking all over again. You didn’t want to want Baekhyun, your brain knew that but clearly your heart did not get the same memo. And now you were faced with a hard decision and you didn’t know what to do about it. On one hand, you just knew that you weren’t going to be able to fight the connection that pulled you and Baekhyun together but did you really want to be that girl? The one who broke up a seemingly happy home. You could sense the love Jennie had for him, and you could see that he loved her, but you could physically feel the pure love and lust that he had for you. He didn't have that for her, at least not anymore. 
That night, you decided you weren’t going to be that girl. You were going to do your best to avoid him at all costs, avoid eye contact, and avoid being alone in any sort of space with him. Although you wanted to forget he even existed, that didn’t stop you from dreaming of him, again that night. The feeling of his breath on your skin, his hands gliding over your body, his mouth kissing every part of your skin. 
When you woke up in the morning, you were absolutely dreading going to work. You didn’t even want to be in the same vicinity as him but you knew it was unavoidable. As long as you did not end up alone with him. 
You had been in your office almost all day and had successfully veered off in the opposite direction of Baekhyun whenever he had tried to approach you. Glancing at the clock, you sigh with relief, you only have an hour and a half left of work for the day, and then you could enjoy the sweet relief of the weekend and could come up with a game plan for the next week. Maybe you could work remotely for the rest of your life? Move somewhere else.. Again. No, you couldn’t run away again. You hated moving, you hated starting over and you sure as hell were not going to let a guy ruin shit for you again. 
The second your clock hit 5 o’clock, you gathered up your things, muttered goodbyes as you walked towards the elevator doors with your head down, making sure not to make any eye contact with anyone. You jammed the down button a few times, hoping it made it come faster, but you knew that it didn’t do shit. As soon as the doors opened, you walked on and pressed the first floor. You watched the doors close, with you being the only one in there and only then realized that you had been holding your breath. You let out a large sigh as you listened to the elevator music, dreaming of crawling into your bed and falling asleep while eating a pizza and binge watching your favorite True Crime show. 
The next morning, you woke up refreshed, covered in pizza sauce and ready to take on the day. You cleaned yourself up quickly before putting on your favorite workout clothes. Lisa had told you good things about a trail that was down near the ocean and you wanted to take in the sights while getting a semi good workout in. You hopped in your car and made your way to the gas station that was halfway between your place to the trail and began pumping some gas before you ran inside to grab water, and some snacks just in case. Walking back out to your car, you stop in your tracks, feeling your face heating up as you see Baekhyun - who was not wearing a suit, pumping gas in his luxurious car. Your entire body was heating up in ways you could not describe as you watched his muscles flex. His shorts hung off his body just right, while the sleeves of his t-shirt clung to his muscles. You moved your hair over your face, clutching your snacks and water as you tried to rush to your car. You wanted to get in your car and peel off, and you almost did but then you remembered the fact that the pump nozzle was still in your car. As quietly as you could, you put the pump back where it belonged and got into your car and took off. That just pissed you right off. What the hell were the chances that Baekhyun would show up at the same god damn gas station at the same fucking time as you. 
You tried to do some deep breaths to calm yourself down but damn that pissed you off. You were trying your hardest to stay away from that man and here he is appearing out of thin goddamn air. 
As soon as you got to the trail you did your best to shake off the anger that was flowing through your body. You took a few more deep breaths, had some water and got out of your car and breathed in the fresh ocean air. You loved the smell of the air around the ocean, there was something different about it compared to the air of the city. You started walking as you plugged in your headphones, listening to your favorite pump up songs. You continued taking deep breaths as your pace picked up, walking along the path on the beach, the waves coming in. You stopped for a moment, watching the surfers, the people laying on the beach. This is what you loved. You smiled as you continued on the path, looking down at your phone while you walked, trying to find a different song, when you bump into someone. You looked up to apologize, but your entire body was on complete fire. Your eyes locked in on Baekhyun's, and you so badly wanted to press your lips against his. 
“Sorry.” You murmur as you move to the side to keep going. You couldn't do this with him, you couldn't even talk to him. It was too hard and you wanted him too much. 
“Y/N.” He called out as you began to walk away. You didn't want to do this. “Y/N stop.” He yells. You keep walking, pushing your headphones in deeper to pretend that you hadn't heard him calling out for you. You could feel the anger and lust building up from your toes, quickly pushing up your legs to your torso before it hit your head. How is he everywhere? You keep walking until you feel something grab your hand. The spark was electric and you knew exactly who it was. He pulled you to a stop, spinning you around at the same time to face him.
“Stop running from me, Y/N.” Baekhyun pleaded. He's desperate, you can see it in his face. 
“I can't do this with you.” You tell him. He can see the desperation in your face as well. The desperate need for him, as well as the desperate need for him to leave you alone. “You're engaged. Whatever you think you want from me, you don't. Go back to your fiance.” You spit. 
You pull your arm away from him, but he grabs it again with his quick reflexes. He spins you towards him, your chest pressing against his. You can feel his heart beating fast, your eyes lock. You can't fight this. You know you're meant to be. “We can't.” You whisper as he leans into you.n His head tilts to the side as he slowly moves in, his lips just hovering over yours. Your eyes close, you can feel his breath, you fucking want this so bad. 
But it never comes. You open your eyes and you're alone. Your lips parted, you were waiting for that kiss. You knew it was wrong but you wanted it. You needed it. You walk back the way you came, you were done with your walk. Your heart hurts. Your whole body hurts. It feels like forever to get to your car, but once you do you slowly start your car and make your way home. The hurt in your body only gets worse as the day goes on. You lay in your bed, withering in pain, before your nose starts to bleed. 
You've never in your life felt worse. Not even when all that shit happened to you before you moved. That feels like nothing compared to this. Eventually you manage to get your nose to settle down, and fall asleep. It was the worst night you'd ever had. You spent the entirety of the next day curled in a ball in your bed, not eating or drinking, strictly sleeping and weeping. 
Monday morning, you dreaded. You got into your office and shut all the blinds. You were an absolute mess. Your hair was slicked back into a bun, you wore whatever office clothes you pulled out of your closet. You're not even sure if they match, and you don't care. Your anxiety was through the roof the entire day, dreading the fact that you might see Baekhyun. 
Fuck you wanted him so badly. 
Tuesday, he wasn't there. Wednesday Or Thursday either. You still took the utility elevator everyday just in case you were to run into him. You really wanted to see him, but you wouldn't let yourself. 
Friday evening, finally the weekend. You were walking towards the elevator in the back, casually glancing over your shoulder to make sure no one else was there, when you saw a figure begin to approach you. Your heart starts to race, but not in the usual way when Baekhyun is around. You calmed down quickly, seeing a coworker you've had quite a few brief interactions with - Shownu. 
He was handsome. Very handsome. He had a good head on his shoulders, a nice smile, good job and just a gorgeous face. 
“Hey, Y/N.” He smiles at you. “Can I ask why you're taking the service elevator?” 
You blush. “I just prefer it.” You smile. “It's faster than the main ones.” You tell him. There's no way you were going to admit you were actively trying to avoid the boss because of an intense sexual attraction you had to him. 
“I can see that.” He says, nervously. His hand rubs the back of his neck as he glances at the floor. “Listen,” he begins. “I was wondering, well hoping that you'd maybe like to go for dinner with me tomorrow night?” 
You're slightly taken aback. That's not what you were expecting, but why not? One date couldn't hurt. 
“Sure.” You grin. “That would be great.” You agree. A large smile spreads across his face in excitement at your acceptance. “Great!” He exclaims. “Should I pick you up? Around 7pm?” He asks. 
You happily nod your head as he says goodbye before walking away. You were excited, and for a little bit your mind was finally off Baekhyun.
Saturday night, 6:58pm, you were ready and waiting for Shownu. You picked out your favorite little black dress, your hair was done exactly how you liked it. You did your makeup as a natural look but you felt absolutely beautiful. You were waiting for a car horn, or a text from Shownu to let you know that he had arrived. You definitely didn't expect to hear a knock at the door. You opened it wide to see a smiley, dressed up Shownu at your door, flowers in hand. 
“Wow.” He exclaimed. “You look stunning.” He finishes, handing you the beautiful bouquet. 
“You look so handsome, thank you.” You reply back. You're nervous but you can't quite pinpoint the reason why. 
“Shall we?” He asks, holding his hand out for you to grab. You do and he leads you to his car, opening the passenger door for you, and shutting it before making his way to the driver's seat. 
The entire drive to the restaurant was spent talking about anything and everything. The conversation flowed so well between the two of you and there was never a pause, never an awkward silence. Even walking into the restaurant, the two of you carried on talking. 
“Right this way to your table.” the hostess smiles, leading you to the middle of the room, to a romantic table for two. As you sit down you can feel the extreme lust filling up your body. You're hot, you can feel your cheeks are flushed but you're hiding behind the menu, so Shownu doesn't notice.
It can't be. He can't be here. Of all the restaurants, he cannot be here right now. “Are you okay?” Shownu asks. 
You lower the menu, looking him in the eyes. “I'm fine, just got very flushed.” You half chuckle, taking a sip of water. You look just past Shownu's shoulder and that's when you see him. Baekhyun sitting with Jennie, his eyes trained on you. It felt like he was going to burn a hole through you with how hard he was staring. You really didn't want to deal with this right now. 
“If you'll excuse me, I'm just going to go to the ladies room.” You say to Shownu, your eyes shifting from Shownu to Baekhyun. 
“Can I order you a drink?” Shownu asks as you stand up. 
“Some wine would be great, thank you.” You smile, walking away to the bathroom. Why was this happening to you tonight?
You push open the door to the bathroom, placing your hands on the sink as your head hangs down. You hear the door open, turning your head to look, and there stands Baekhyun. His eyes are dark as he stares at you. 
“Shownu?” He asks. You can hear the anger in his voice. “Why are you out with him?” 
“He asked me on a date.” You say, facing Baekhyun. “I'm single, I'm allowed to date whoever I want.” You say, turning back towards the mirror. 
“Date? You're dating him?” Baekhyun snaps. 
“Who cares if I am? You're engaged. What are you even doing in here?” You ask him. 
“I don't know.” He mutters. 
“Then I'm leaving.” You sigh, pushing your way past him, reaching for the handle on the door. 
“No.” He says in a husky voice. His hand pushes the door closed. You turn around to face him, he's looking down at you. Neither of you say anything, you're both breathing heavily. 
“Fuck it.” He groans, both of his hands grab your face, pulling you towards him as he presses his lips to yours. You melt into the kiss, his tongue slides into your mouth as the kiss deepens. You can feel his bulge pressing against you and you want it so fucking bad. You move your hand down to rub him, he quickly grabs your hand, pinning it against the door. His lips leave yours, moving to your neck as he takes his free hand, moving it between the two of you. His fingers sneak up the bottom of your dress, slowly making their way between your legs. He gently rubs between your lips, making your legs weak and your knees give out. He moves his fingers into your underwear, and between your lips, pressing onto your clit. You cry out, he lets go of your wrist, and covers your mouth as he starts rubbing you faster. Your eyes roll back as you spread your legs, allowing Baekhyun more room. He moves from your clit, pushing his fingers deep inside of you. He pulls his fingers out, spreading your wetness to your clit, before sliding, twisting back in. His head leans down, his hot breath hits your neck as he rams his fingers inside you. He slowly pulls his fingers out, placing them back on your clit, your cum covering his fingers. He moves his mouth back to yours as you wrap your arms around him, he grinds his clothed cock against you, as he fingers you. You weren't going to last long, you'd been waiting for this for too long. You break away from the kiss, you're both panting as you cry out. 
“Fuck, I'm gonna cum.” You say before your orgasm takes over, making your eyes roll back again and your knees weak as pure ecstasy fills your body. “Oh my god.” You breathe, looking up at Baekhyun who is beginning to back away from you. 
He looks defeated. Guilt suddenly fills you. You didn't mean to do that, but how are you supposed to say no when you know the two of you are so right for each other? 
“Baek..” you start to say his name before he cuts you off. 
“That was a mistake. I love my fiance.” he says. 
Ouch. That hurt. 
“But listen.” You begin. 
“No. You listen. Address me as Mr. Byun from now on, don't look at me or talk to me unless it has to do with work.” He spits. “Tha..that was a mistake. You are a mistake. I love Jennie, and I want her. Not you.” He spits.  
“I'm sure you do love her, Mr Byun.” You snap, beginning to pull open the bathroom door. “But at some point you'll have to admit you want me more.” You finish. You walk out back towards your date, you adjust your dress, your legs still shaking from what happened in the bathroom as you walk back to your date. As you approach the table, Shownu looks up and grins widely at you. “Everything okay?” He asks. 
“Just fine.” You reply. “Now where were we?”
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alexalessandro · 5 months
Frederick is not what you think
I saw a lot of people take umbrage with Frederick's new characterization in the train cart scene, but this is setting us up for either misdirect or a deeper nuanced take on Frederick's character.
Remember, they're setting up a parallel between the love Percy knows and understands and the love Annabeth has come to accept.
Percy is our voice for unconditional love. It's why he loves and trusts so fiercely; loyalty is his fatal flaw. He hasn't received much love from the world, but he will hang on with dear life to the love of the few people in his life. He will sacrifice himself for Grover and Annabeth. He will lay down his life on a quest he didn't want for the slight chance it could bring his mom back. He is loyal and stubborn, and he can't, and won't, accept the gods' definition of love and family.
"This is the kind of family the gods are to each other..."
"But at least with the gods you know the rules"
Annabeth is our proxy for every child demigod at camp, for all the campers that drunk down the Kool-Aid camp half-blood and the gods are feeding them. Most of these kids didn't have a Sally in their life. They didn't have someone who loved them and stayed in their corner no matter what. "All that matters is that you're safe... I told him I believe my kid, it was a very short call".
Annabeth has fully bought into the fact that love is conditional, that to be the pride of Athena's offspring, she has to be perfect.
"A monument to perfection... that's how you show Athena your love"
Now... Frederick.
From the train cart scene, we understand that Annabeth felt loved by Frederick and that she was "treated as a gift", but even gifts can be returned.
To argue in favor of Frederick for a second here, the way children of Athena come into this world is extremely jarring for their mortal parent. In the case of most other gods that have normal relations with humans, at least both parties are in favor during the act (one can only hope) or can expect a child as an outcome. With Athena, a child just plops on your doorstep after a nice conversation you had with a woman once and surprise surprise! You're a parent now! Congratulations! No, we do not take receipts.
This doesn't set up the relationship between the kid and the parent to be amazing (just another way that gods keep being inconsiderate of mortals and their children), to Frederick's merit, at least he tries with Annabeth in the series.
Their situation is neither of their fault he knows that, so he reframes Annabeth's arrival as a gift (prompting her to idolize her mom even before she knew she was a half-blood). He tries to be a good parent to Annabeth, but if there's anything that Annabeth's story and the fact that he didn't even try to look for her in the 5 years she's been missing tells us that he wasn't all that grateful for Athena's gift. Yet again, the only instance of love Annabeth has ever known has been conditional. I'll love you until I start a proper family of my own. I'll love you until it becomes inconvenient to go after you.
This leaves Annabeth with only Luke... Even Thalia had her "prove herself".
Thalia was most likely worried about Annabeth's chances of survival if she traveled with her. Annabeth was 7, untrained, traveling with a forbidden child of Zeus, with Hades actively trying to kill them. It makes sense she would try to keep Annabeth at arm's length at first, for both their sakes.
TLDR: In the end, I believe the series is setting up Frederick to be more of a nuanced character. He tried with Annabeth but he let her run away, proving his love to be conditional. I think the series is setting up Annabeth and Percy to be mirrors of each other in the way they perceive and understand love, all to make it all the sweeter and more painful once they discover the traitor's motivations because Percy gets it, but Annabeth won't understand. Annabeth perceiving Frederick's love as genuine and unconditional even though he didn't look for her is essential to set up her worldview of the gods and parental love.
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s. you've really screwed up now, and your boss won't be so nice and forgiving this time.
w. dark content, fem! reader, sub! reader, dubcon, drugging, kissing, overstimulation, squirting, begging, cervix fucking, cumming inside (use condoms irl!), power play, and office sex.
wc. 937
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It started with a kiss.
Pantalone's lips had felt smooth and cold against yours, his gloved hands anything but gentle as they tightly held your head in place. It was overwhelming; the taste of his lips, his near death grip on you, and the feel of something small and round being pushed down your throat.
"How cute," is what he said with a smug smirk, licking his lips as you gasped for air.
"S-sir, what the hell!"
"Think of this as your punishment. You just had to go screw up that mission, even when I let you off last time, didn't you?" He chuckles, eyeing you down through the narrowed slits of his eyes. "And here I was being nice by giving you another chance."
"Tch, I could've done the mission by myself! It doesn't matter how I do it, as long as I get the results, right? If it wasn't forー!"
You're caught completely off-guard when Pantalone pushes you down on his desk, pens and papers flying off his once immaculately clean and tidy desk as he hovers over you. You hiss at the bruising pain on your back, and quickly open your mouth to yell at him once more, but you stop mid breath.
"It seems like I've been far too lenient with you." The pleasant smile is gone, and for a brief second annoyance flickers on his faceー fuck, was he always this scary? "Now, you'll be a good girl and make up for your mistakes, won't you sweetheart?" He cups your chin and swipes your lower lip, smiling that sickly sweet smile, and it's then that you're painfully aware of the building heat in your belly.
He kisses you again, much less sweeter and with more force. He holds down your wrists, preventing you from striking at him as a sickening heat burns and sears inside you like a forest fire. The obvious feeling of arousal tears through you, and the familiar slickness between your legs makes you choke.
You're horribly embarrassed by the moan that escapes the suffocating kiss Pantalone enforces upon you when his knee comes between your legs and pushes right against your clothed clit. It sends volts of shattering electric through your body, and the resistance in you begins to melt away.
Your muscles relax, and you stop fighting him entirely. Satisfied, he pulls away with a grin as you gasp for air, cheeks feeling hotter than a mid-summer afternoon.
"Good girl. Now, won't you entertain me, sweetheart?"
You don't have the willpower to even say no. You've never felt this kind of pleasure before, and it's sapping all the strength and common sense you have left.
"Y.. yes sir.." Your head feels fuzzy and dangerously warm and Pantalone sucks in a breath with sadistic self-satisfaction brimming inside.
You're far too dazed to even move, so Pantalone takes it upon himself to undress you. Tsk, who knew that one of his own underlings can't even properly undress themselves without help. No matter, he'd shape you into the ideal subordinate so that your pretty little head would only be filled with thoughts of benefiting him, no matter the task.
First your pants, and then your panties, practically soaked and slick with your arousal, Pantalone notes in sick amusement. He has to say, you're becoming quite compliant for someone who always found some way to rebel against him in the most infuriating of ways. But he's quite adept in taming misbehaving brats like you, and he knows he'll have quite some fun with you.
Pantalone is greedy, and once he sets his mind to and craves something, he'll get it. No matter the cost.
And now you're splayed across his desk, pretty cunt spread open by his big cock that keeps kissing your cervix. The aphrodisiac has long since taken effect, and now you can't tell left from right; all you think of is how good everything feels.
"Kgh-! S-sir.. s'too muchー, ish feels..!"
"Feels good, doesn't it? You're cuter when you're not being a selfish brat dearie." He coos, fingers digging into the fat of your thighs hard enough to bruise. You weakly whimper in response, but a thrust to your cervix quickly shuts you up, and that whimper climbs in several octaves as a quick pang of heat rushes out of you, but leaves your body shaking like a leaf.
"Ughk-! N-no more.. please, m'sorry, m'shorry.." Pleading won't do anything or get you anywhere, but you have to least try. He'd been pounding into you non-stop for so long, spilling his thick seed into your womb with little care for how it spills and squelches out onto his pristine desk.
Each time you reach your orgasm, it's practically gushed out in cute slick spurts that stick to Pantalone's skin. It's rather cute, he thinks, how he's rendered you so utterly helpless and useless other than being a good girl and taking his cock. You'd make a fine toy for him to use, and given your current state, he's sure it wouldn't take much convincing to get you to agree.
"Why don't we make this a regular thing, hm? I'll make you feel good. All you have to do is be a good girl for me." He purrs, and to seal the deal, presses a loving kiss against the side of your forehead.
" I-I promise I'll be good! Just fuck my pussy more please!♡" Warbled moans leave your mouth sounding more like a twisted melody. But it sounds like heaven to Pantalone, and he can feel the crazed smile
"Oh dear, what am I to do with you sweetheart?"
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© latimeriafellfromheaven
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Hiiii hope you're having a nice day!!!!
Could recommend any fics where Derek is the True Alpha instead Scott? Preferably Sterek, but no-pairing/gen is alright too
Thank you!!
Hey @mayetaisho! I got you.
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christabel by Petr1chor
(5/5 I 7,623 I General)
“Peter?” Stiles said, too shocked to keep it out of his voice, “Why are you calling?”
Peter sighed on the other end, genuine in a way Peter rarely was. “I thought you would want to know.”
“Know what?”
“About Derek.”
“Peter, I’m too old for your cryptic shit. Either spit it out or I’m hanging up.”
“Stiles,” Peter said, his voice shaky, somehow, “Derek is dead.”
Stiles had a phone in his hand, a shattered mug, a puddle of coffee and what might be a first degree burn on his foot.
“Stiles? Are you still there?” Peter’s voice sounded fuzzy when his phone wasn’t pressed against his ear. Without response, he hit end call.
Derek is dead.
Stiles goes back to Beacon Hills for Derek's funeral, but Derek isn't as dead as they assumed
..With My Teeth by Fayaheda
(1/1 I 7,763 I Mature)
"I'm gonna bite that incredible ass of yours, now..." She grins when she sees his cheeks flood and he looks down to his feet out of embarrassment. "...With my teeth."
The Bargain by dr_girlfriend 
(6/6 I 9,713 I Teen)
Time drags on, and it becomes apparent that this is not a part of the tradition. The wolves start to shift on their feet and murmur, but no one attempts to speak to Stiles. He stands, feeling the back of his neck growing red from the sun and his face growing red from embarrassment.
What will happen if Derek Hale cannot be coerced to the altar? Will the bargain be revoked?
The One You Choose by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
(7/7 I 13,495 I Mature)
Stiles hadn’t seen Scott in over a week, except for glances he caught during school hours.
You’re an Understatement (you’re getting worse) by LadySlytherin
(1/1 I 13,510 I Explicit)
Erica’s goal in life was to be hired by Neckz’n’Throats. Not as a model, though she knew she was hot enough for that. No, she wanted to be behind the camera. And to do that, she needed two things. A glowing recommendation, and a portfolio that would grab their attention; that would make them take her seriously. For that, she needed the right models. Thankfully, she knew just who to ask.
I found you hidden in plain sight (why'd I take so long?) by Gorgeousgreymatter
(7/7 I 25,419 I Explicit)
Stiles is pretty sure he’s hallucinating. He’s got to be. There’s no other plausible explanation, he thinks, as he sits on the sidelines of the lacrosse field and feels the cold, hard bench underneath him, the roar of the crowd at his back like the worst white noise machine in the world.
There’s no other reason why he sees it, the hulking, black figure of a wolf peering at him from the treeline behind the bleachers. Its eyes flare in the glaring glow of the stadium lights, but they’re the wrong color, he thinks: blood-moon red instead of cobalt blue, but the familiarity of it all makes his stomach roll and clench.
"X" marks the spot by mmspring
(3/3 I 39,796 I General)
"Please, bring my nephew back" Stiles stays silent for a second, before clearing his throat and speaking again. "Do you remember that time when you asked if someone in this town could stay dead?" he asks, and waits for the other man to confirm that he, indeed, remembers. "Well, let's hope the answer is still no".
Stiles has to save the day once again, but he doesn't want the recognition for it.
DNA by badluckvixen13 (fanaticmusings)
(28/28 I 127,882 I Explicit)
Centuries ago, the Alliance gained control of the majority of the free world. The rest of the world, the Frontier, are the magical wastelands where criminals hide and dark secrets are lost and the pre-Alliance divisions remain. To foster a sense of allegiance, peace, and progression toward human and supernatural equality, the Alliance created the Handler-Shifter system to enforce supernatural law on behalf of humans and supernaturals alike.
For a better alliance, Stiles enters the service just like his parents before him. For the sake of Pack, Derek returns to the Alliance and finds himself partnered with a smart-mouthed, pale, kid who has seen more darkness than most people his age. Together with Scott and Kira, they find themselves standing on the edge of a revolution thousands of years in the making with only one question to answer:
Are they strong enough?
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Ghost x City Girl Reader
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After your car breaks down on you unexpectedly in the middle of the night, you're left with no choice but to call the only number left available to you... Ghost.
NSFW 18+, Eventual Smut (Coming in Full Part), Snippet, Hatemance, Toxic Relationships, Jealousy, Bickering, Slight romantic tension, Swearing, Reader and Ghost don't like each other, Scarcely Proofread
WC: 1.5k ~
I'm finally back from my captivity in Alaska. Here are some crumbs while I work on all my WIPs, full part should be out this weekend (with luck).
Previous Parts ~ Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
NOTE: This is subject to change in the final version
"Come on, come on, come on-"
You step forward towards the edge of the road, making sure not to accidentally step 5 inches deep into another puddle of rain water, as your eyes catch sight of another pair of car headlights approaching in the distance.
Their distance glow expands like tiny, white orbs within the black of night, speeding by ever closer each passing second.
Perfect timing.
You stick your thumb out, using your other hand to try and wave down the approaching vehicle.
"Hey!" You call out, as though they can hear you over the growing sounds of trees around you blowing in the wind like it were trying to conjure up a tornado. "Hey, I could use some-"
The car zips by, carrying a gust of wind which insultingly hits you in its departure. You scoff to yourself, watching their red tail-lights slowly disappear down the road, and suddenly you're reminded of the predicament you'd just found yourself in.
That's the fourth car that's driven past you since your car unexpectedly decided to take a shit on you halfway through on your drive home.
Deep down you knew you should have just had your date pick you up from the jump; your car being the piece of shit was a secret to absolutely no one. Just three weeks ago, the damn thing died on you in the parking lot on your way home from work. However, you've had one too many experiences with being trapped at someone's place without a vehicle (at the will of your DD) to know it's best to be your own ride home.
Or that would normally be the case; honestly you wish you'd just Ubered, or had your date come get you, now that you're outside, stranded on some empty road too far from town to walk but just far out enough to be an inconvenient for anyone, in the dead of night. But at least it had stopped raining.
Though it's residue still remains on this dark road. You knew you had been out far in the boonies just from the lack of streetlights, seeing how pitch black your surroundings had been. It almost felt like a wall of sorts, some sort of abyss, boxing you in. It makes you feel like you're being watched (even though you're absolutely not).
Still, it motivates you to step back into your car, settling into your driver's seat with a frustrated huff.
By now, the remainder of the car's heat had been zapped out, all its interior lights completely dead. Some false sense of hope drives you to try and twist your key in the ignition once more, only to have your dreams retroactively crushed once you see the key completely stuck in its hole, just as it had been for the past forty minutes now.
It brings you to check your messages another time. You'd all but gone through your contact list trying to find someone that could come get you; it hadn't helped that it was damn near 1am.
You called your date first, seeing as he would be the closest to you and it hadn't been like you'd left on bad terms.
One month of seeing him, now that you think about it; you hadn't noticed the time flying by, though it's not to say your time together had been anything remarkable. Just a change to your usual FWB and one-night stand order. He liked taking you out on nice dates and you liked going back to his place to fuck, and seeing he wasn't insufferable, it worked, for now.
However, his ringer had gone straight to voicemail when you called. At first you questioned why that could have been, but then you'd remembered him mentioning his phone being on the verge of death in the midst of the movie you'd been "watching". It crossed him out all the same.
Soap and Price were some of the least reliable men to reach at night, though it had only been because they valued their sleep, and did so like professionals. You weren't surprised in the slightest when they hadn't picked up.
You didn't even bother calling Gaz; the man didn't have a car. And every other one of your friends was either too far away for it to be worth the drive or just unavailable. By the time you'd called the last name listed on your lifeline and it didn't pick up, the hopelessness started to bubble up again.
But then you remembered one other person you could call, someone you're sure wouldn't even bother, if he even picks up.
The phone sits in your hand, purposefully procrastinating, as your eyes toiled on his contact name on your phone. Reluctant.
There's absolutely no way he would pick up; he'd all but made it clear to you that he'd rather do without your being around him as is. What makes you think he'd want to get out of bed in the middle of the night for you?
And yet, your gaze lingered on his number.
Who else was there, if not him?
You slowly dial in his number, nausea swirling in your stomach at each press, until you've heard the phone begun to ring.
You place the cool glass to your face, listening to the other line ring, awaiting to hear that familiar automotive voice message system of his.
However, the air catches in your throat when you've actually heard the other line pick up, sounds of covers shifting and a man's heavy sigh filling in this period of silence that's gone on far too long for you.
"You do realize what time it is, don't you?"
You roll your eyes, sinking back into your seat as you settled in for this conversation. Welp, you called him, and here he is. Time to deal with that.
"I had no idea," you say sarcastically.
"Should probably buy a watch then," he teases.
"You offering?"
You can't help but do anything else other than smack your lips together in response. "I'll just keep doin' me then, boo," you say.
"A shock to no one, I imagine." You hear Ghost groan gruffly on the other end, clearly having been in bed. "So what then? Your date end poorly or somethin'?"
While he had been making a jab at you, his words were more revealing than he realized. Clearly, he'd still been thinking about you, despite wanting to act like you'd been the one bothering him right now.
It makes you giggle under your breath, though you're loud enough for him to hear. "It went great actually," you say. "He really knows how to wine and dine a girl down."
"No doubt letting a man actually treat you like a woman for a change is a new experience for you," Ghost remarks.
"Guess it just took finding the right guy for the job," you remark back. "He's got you on a run for your money, Manchester."
The right guy, meaning anyone but Ghost, he had imagined. Not in any tangible way beyond whatever lust-filled mistakes you two continuously shared between each other.
Ghost pauses for a moment. You know your comment had gotten to him somewhat. Though he spares little time for you to rejoice in it.
"He can have it," he says coldly. "We're done, remember?"
You're not sure why, but hearing him say that to you yet again -- with not a heartbeat to spare, it only seemed to make your own heart run a bit colder.
Ghost only continues, his patience having run thin since talking. "Why are you calling?"
You hesitate to speak at first, your pride already having been bruised just having to call him to begin with. You sigh lightly to yourself, regaining your composure and cutting right to the chase. After all, what reason was there to be nervous? This was only Manchester.
"I need your help," you say plainly. "My car broke down and I'm in the middle of nowhere. I tried calling literally anyone else... but you're the only one who's actually answered. So... look, if you don't want to, just tell me now so I can call someone else, alright?"
You have to look down at your phone to see if the man had hung up on you suddenly; it wouldn't have surprised you. But no, he'd still been on the other line, merely existing with his tightly shut lips.
After some more seconds have gone by, you've found the silence has driven you mad.
"Look, just forget-"
"Where are you now?"
That's not what you were expecting to hear. His words stop you in your tracks, your heart beginning to race once you finally had a plan in motion.
You sit up in your seat, already typing in Ghost's address into your Google Maps so you could get a good estimate of how long you'd be waiting. You wanted to cry when you saw the double digits, and nearly did when you read that 27 minute drive time.
You hum to yourself, trying not to sound too disappointed as you spoke.
"Well..." You sigh. "It's not close."
"How far are we talking?"
Full Part Coming Soon... ( ˶˘ ³˘(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)♡
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devilmayfamily · 2 years
School vs DMC Boys
Summary: Because the fall school season is closing in and some of you may have already moved into your college/university dorms, I present to you all, the DMC boys vs you having to leave for school
"You have to leave?!", Dante whines. "You leave all the time Dante", you reply. "For like, a few days", Dante counters.
He'd rather have you home and will fight with you about it until the day you go
Helps you pack even if it means your a step closer to going
"You can always come visit", you say. "Dont give me that kind of permission", Dante replies.
Actually. Dont. Mans will be there every day to check on you until someone or yourself tell him he has to stop and leave
Has tried to bargain with you
"How about we live together in (enter where your college is). We can get an apartment or do couples housing", Dante says. "Dante, you barely have enough money to pay rent here. Besides, couple housing is for married couples", you reply. Dante:*slowly gets on one knee* "DONT!"
Seeing you get into the van all packed up makes him proud and sad at the same time. He loves seeing you go after your dreams but hates he has to stay behind this time.
He pulls you in for one last hug. "Write me, call, anything", he says. "Was planning on it", you reply, hugging him just as tight as he was you. You give the devil hunter one last kiss before jumping into the van, Nico driving you off.
"You have to leave? Yes, I suppose that makes sense"
He keeps it in how much he's going to miss you
Helps you pack, always double checking things
"You're sure you have everything?", Vergil asks. "Im sure babe", you reply.
Has secretly packed you a William Blake book so you having something that reminds you of him
And some tea because he knows if he doesn't you'll waste so much money on coffee
"You could come visit", you tell him. "Visit? That does sound nice"
He visits once a month, taking you out for lunch or just sitting and reading with you in the surrounding parks or libraries
No one messed with you before, but now no one really messes with you after seeing that cold Vergil stare
Right before you have to leave, Vergil pulls you aside to say his own goodbye
"I will miss you my dear", Vergil says. “I’m going to miss you too Verg", you reply. You pull Vergil into a hug, tears brimming in his eyes. He clears his throat, trying to get rid of them. "I suppose you must start heading out", Vergil says. You sadly nod, looking back at the van. You give Vergil a kiss, running into the van before you cry in front of him.
"Crying Verg?", Dante asks. "No, just dust", Vergil replies, wiping at his eyes. Dante smiles, giving his brother a pat on the back. "You'll see them again"
He's like a kicked puppy like his uncle
Becomes super clingy in your last few days
"Nero, I have to pee" "But I only have these last few days to be by ur side!" "5 seconds Nero!!"
Sure it can be annoying but you wouldn't trade it for the world
He does come visit often but not as much as Dante would. Maybe once a week at least
Blue anthropomorphic wings has never scared college kids more in the their lives
"Nero you scared him", you chuckle. "He needed to get a run in today anyways"
On the day you have to leave, Nero is constantly going where you do; to the room, in the kitchen, on the couch, he's everywhere
After everyone has said goodbye to you, Nero pulls you in for a hug, blue wings also accounted for
"Im going to call every day", Nero says. "I know you will", you reply. "And we will have to talk for at least an hour", Nero adds. "And if we cant?", you ask. "We make up for it next time", he replied. You smile up at the goof. "I'll be back before you know it, dont worry", you say, ruffling Nero's hair. You both laugh as Nero attacks you in kisses before loading up into the van.
"Haha! You have to live in some crummy ol' dorm room!", Griffon squawked out. V held onto the birds beak, fighting the bird to shut up
Griffon is gonna make as many jokes as possible about you leaving. They wont cross any boundaries but they will make you roll your eyes at the bird
Shadow gives you extra loving on the coming days of you leaving
V is helping you pack (when you aren't laying under Shadow)
He packs you all kinds of tea when you're not looking
"Who's this in the picture y/n?", your roommate asks. "That's my boyfriend", you reply, smiling fondly at the photo sitting on your desk. You were able to get a photo of V just admiring the world around him.
You brought a few photos of V and you to have as decor. It didn't help that V was the first to sneak a photo in your suitcase
V comes by once a month to take you out and away from studying all the time. He understands it's important but so is your mental health (get some rest guys)
Everyone on campus is curious about your mysterious boyfriend but Griffon is good at keeping them in line
Speaking of Griffon, the bird can't not visit you
He jokes about you being away but he secretly misses you a lot too
He visits almost as much as Dante would
"Griffon, you can't be here", you scolded the bird. "Who said so? I'm just checking on you", he replied. "That's what you said yesterday", you reminded him. Griffon didn't answer, just snuggled up next to you.
Your poor roommate had to get accustomed to a giant bird coming in through the window almost every day very quickly.
On the day you had to go, all the familiars were out, hugging you and saying goodbye
Nightmare doesnt want to let you go but knows he has to
"Alright you three, they got to go", V says to his familiars. They whine but return to their master nonetheless. "We will miss you", V says, finally able to say his own goodbye. "I know you will", you reply. V pulls you in for a hug, one you know you'll miss. Reluctantly you let go of the man, getting one more kiss from him before jumping into the van. Griffon flies along side the van just to make sure you get there safe.
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sothischickshe · 2 months
I was tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks (ty! 💛💛💛) to answer 20 questions for writers:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The only fandom I've ever published fic for is good girls
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bringing down the neighbourhood
waiting for someone who needs me🧞
What a sight to see🧛🏻
(a) time to kill
yourself and others
I'm not sure the middle 3 would def be there were it not for the anon kudos bombing but w/e it's nice having some single chapter fics in the top 5 🤘
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! 🥺🥺🥺
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A time to refrain (from embracing) methinks!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Both installments of the Are you afraid or is it true series are pretty fluffy. Maybe the second part (Through the park and by the tree) wins out? 🤔
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not generally. There was someone in the gg fandom leaving mean bookmark notes tho 🙄🗑️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. What are the kinds? 👀
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't, and I don't imagine I would?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, not that I'm aware of. It could be interesting to see how it would go!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes actually, as kids me and a friend co-wrote a tortall 'verse crackfic.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ooof. Maybe spuffy? That met me at a very formative time of my life, and I didn't expect it to become so canon (as opposed to like under a spell etc) and I think that experience really reshaped my brain 🤯🤯🤯 but fundamentally faves questions are immoral thus this is a very rude question.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope I'll finish all of them, and do intend to! I'm not sure I'll ever write the hilarious abortion fic tho.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mm, a love of language/interesting prose. A love of brevity/somewhat chiselled sentences. A love of editing/willingness to improve. Interesting stories. Dialogue, tho brio get little bc theyre annoying. Characterisation!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well I violently dislike plot. I don't feel super strong on creating original characters. I'm slow! I'd rather let things be confusing than beat readers over the head with info, which I think can be detrimental. I wouldnt say my descriptions are super strong, though I think they've improved a lil. Sometimes there's too much internal monologue at a go which breaks up the pacing of an eg dialogue scene (though again think that's improved somewhat). My love of planning and love of pantsing are at constant war lol, I get grumpiest abt stuff not having been established earlier and thus needing to state things which couldve been well demonstrated. Blocking, sometimes. I love short stories and oneshots but I'm apparently prone to writing long fics & continuing things into series which I consider a real weakness, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not against it in principle, I've read a lot of books which contain a lot of eg French or Spanish (often untranslated). We've got access to Google translate or w/e right? I do appreciate it when translations are provided bc lazy (and I think Ao3 does poss let you do hyperlinked superscript?). I feel the same way abt it in fic as in other media I think -- if you're happy for it to be a bonus to those that understand and everyone else needs to work to figure it out, I concur. If you think it needs to be understood, then providing translations (even if just as notes @ the end) makes sense.
But I also think pls don't write it via Google translate... If u don't speak the language/don't have someone who can help u translate it, don't write dodgy shite Spanish or w/e 🙈 not everything needs to be literal dialogue u can just say 'he explained to his grandmother abt the change in plans' or w/e I swear
...o wait I'm guessing the q meant me as a writer not reader 🤦 I don't think I've done much of it? Altho I do always seem to imply that every character speaks French, a language I don't really speak so who the hell knows 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published for: good girls. Wrote for hmmm I guess tortall books maybe? 🧓🤷🏼‍♀️
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ooof, immoral question! Let's say upon your ignorance (and the gray despair) of your ugly life tho bc every time I remember I wrote a fic where rio & Dean swap bodies I giggle 😂 there's so much abt this fic which is very funny to specifically me teehee
Tagging🔖🔖🔖🔖🔖: @hereliesbb @nakedmonkey @nottonyharrison @inyoursheets @bensonstablers @blizabrth @delicatelingon & U right in the middle of your forehead if u wanna play 😚🎯
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kalims · 2 years
Congrats on 3K❤️❤️❤️🎊🎊🎊
For my request, can you do the prompt “kabedonning” with Riddle Roseheart and Lilia Vanrouge please? Thank you
<- back to event page.
includes: riddle rosehearts, and lilia vanrouge.
8. kabedonning — corner them into a wall and see what happens.
thank you! <33 hi angel, how you doing? :DD
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✧ riddle rosehearts.
8. kabedonning
riddle is what you'd call a person that would lead the way in a haunted house while holding your hand despite him being terrified as well—flinching but shielding you from a staff member that leaps out of a bush and assumes an unusual position nonetheless.
what I mean to say is that he tries his best to remain as someone who will stay strong despite any situation, nerve-wracking, suprising, scary. he's always ready and thinks these 'obstacles' are just challenges for him to test himself. that's just how he motivates himself.
but this..
this is just another one of the gods challenges... right? riddle repeatedly chants his head as if trying to believe that his thought is the word of god themself. it doesn't help that you're in some random hallway and there's most likely students on their way to class..
—just like he was supposed to be!
not until you called out his name from behind, which prompted to him to stop. the wall who was just conveniently there next to him was in your favor and he didn't know how to react when you basically backed him up to the wall somehow and trapped him?
"what is.." he blubbered mindlessly. jerking to the side which proved to be a fail when your arm was literally there to ram in his forehead(or neck, depends on your height.) he's trying his best to keep the poker face, but he can feel his lips twitching and can practically feel the outstanding red making an appearance.
ARE YOU GONNA KISS HIM? why are you getting closer like tha— oh you're now leaning away.. he doesn't know whether to feel relieved or disappointed.
you muster a wobbly smile a twinge of embarrassment. "I was just curious?" you stare, and he stares back. you weren't just gonna tell him you backed out just cause you thought he was gonna blow up and collar you.. what? it's scary seeing him red up close after all the times of him being terrifyingly angry.
yeah totally not suspicious.
✧ lilia vanrouge.
8. kabedonning
honestly how could you ever even get him off guard? he has some super sharp tingly senses, which is in fact— just his convenient ears and nose. so he just straight up disappears when you were just looking at him and blink.
now there's a deep chuckle right beside your ears, so close that you can literally feel goosebumps crawl up your legs and arms. "my, what are you up to?" "WHAT THE FU—"
it's not that lilia isn't curious about your shenanigans, you're always stirring up something that proves to be great entertainment. however it's just too much of an opportunity for him to pass up the opportunity to jumpscare you and await the kind of reaction you'll give him..
there's very few chances that you'll find him holed up somewhere, just look up a chandelier and there's a 50/50 chance that you'll find lilia already looking straight at you. ask him to come down politely so he practically has no other chances to scare you when you're already looking at him, plus.. you're asking him nicely after all.
if you're lucky he lands near a wall, so if not you'd have to push him towards it yourself (to which he lets you with a raise of his brows because, why not?) let's face it. he'd either just plainly let you push him around like a ragdoll until you reach your goal or tease you a little by standing his ground and watch you confusedly push harder.
^ he still wouldn't budge.
just isn't phased when you kabedon him, if he's feeling particularly cheesy and cheeky. he will definitely just switch your positions so fast that you'd already be switched after a second, you will be processing that for more than 5 seconds and realize that you have been in fact,
have been switched single handedly by a small looking man, he looks far too mischievous to think that's there's anything good running through his mind.
so you wanted to make him want to kiss you right? well too bad, he's gone and you're the one wanting a kiss. haha, you gotta find him later... if you can. ;)
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
i am about to be so annoying this is going to be so long for no good reason but that's just how ted talks are ig
after all those asks about könig and the way he reacts to praise or a girl just being nice to him... i can't help but think of simon in a similar scenario, like toxic/yandere/etc simon maybe who doesn't yet have a partner but there's this new girl on their team. and his dick is hard a little bit maybe (not 100% most definitely not)
she doesn't think much of complimenting him and does it occasionally because in a way she looks up to ghost. he thinks it's annoying, he quite honestly finds most things about her annoying and especially the way she acts around soap. how they giggle chortle cackle all day long and how close they seem.
in his head, in his dirty crumbling and ill mind he justifies it like this: she seems to look up to him, someone so cold and professional yet the her behaviour around soap is the opposite of anything she claims she wants to be. so it makes sense to be this annoyed with her, right? right...
it's almost as though she is being annoying on purpose, so it's no surprise that at some point after she's in awe and all excited because of simon's kill he just. straight up barks something really angry at her. maybe to shut up and start doing something that proves that she actually deserves to be on their team if she finds simon's work so great.
ghost is somewhat able to control himself and what he says, and what he tells her out loud is sadly nowhere nearly as bad as his thoughts and what he actually wanted to tell her, but it does shut her up. finally, some peace is what he thinks to himself since she's stopped talking to johnny as much too after he said that to her.
his annoyance is replaced with something he doesn't really understand though. instead of johnny she started spending more time training with price, he doesn't think too much of it until he overhears her complimenting him. simon gets mad immediately but it's such a weird kind of anger, the type he doesn't know where to put so it just keeps growing into resentment towards her.
simon now acts like a cat that was begging to be let outside and 5 minutes later scratches the door and meows in agony because it wants back inside.
nothing he does during their training or missions or anything else gets any sort of praise from her. no matter how violent or careful he is, how fast or slow and methodical he acts - it's all nothing to her.
this is the part where !!!!! i have no idea if he would actually do something about it. in my ill mind id love a scenario where simon basically just gets drunk one day for no good reason, and the girlie just finds him miserable and shitfaced at his place. if he is drunk enough maybe he finds her on his own and basically does start acting like a cat that is begging to be let inside and get his version of head scratches (like "omg simon you're like the hottest killing machine everrrrr and your gun is soooo big <333 you're so good at this can you train me privately????")
maybe he just stays in his room and jerks off sadly while thinking about how she used to actually look up to him and how he'd love it if things just went back to normal so that he could show her his big gun or make her cum with his hands still covered in someone's blood
can't help it chief i like my men crying while they're cumming
toxic simon would be a horrendous man. one second he thinks you're annoying the next second you're gone and he's crying while holding your panties bunched up close to his chest, right where his heart is, in a "i am a widowed wife my husband just died in a war" kind of way. mf treats it like a heart locket. and all that spectacle happens because you left like he asked you to. does it matter to him? no!!! come back and kiss him right now!!!
Ooooh my god I'm gonna give you my own Ted talk of PRAISE because you had me already at the "his dick is hard a little bit maybe". The way he watches her being more casual with Johnny, how it annoys the everloving shit out of him? God... (Stupid jealous dickhead I love him) Seriously, he's appalled when she runs to Price and starts complimenting him after Ghost just told her to shut the fuck up?? And then this fucker gets mad because she doesn’t give him attention anymore???
AAAAH shut up and take my money!!
“simon now acts like a cat that was begging to be let outside and 5 minutes later scratches the door and meows in agony because it wants back inside”
and Ghost jerking off sadly – I’m crying, I’m screaming at the very thought of this brooding dumbass fapping alone, too stubborn to swallow his pride and fix the situation.
“can’t help it chief i like my men crying while they’re cumming”
ME TOO c'moan please I just. I’m done. I sort of wanted to ask if I could add this to my request pile even if requests are closed… add some dialogue here and there and describe in detail how he’s fisting himself in various states of anger and sadness and how he sheds two (2) tears as he cums. But I don’t know because??? This is like a masterpiece already? ❤️❤️❤️ (also I can't take take more requests because of reasons 😭)
Thank you for bringing this to us; this was yet again one of those Ted talks I’m going to hit like and leave a comment that says "Brilliant. Every word was priceless wisdom. Such an inspiration."
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(But I kinda did want to see him scratching at her door too while having thoughts of "Can I have a crumb of pussy please? Oh and also could you worship me like you did before, when I was your hero and your GOD >:( ?" But because he can’t voice those thoughts, he’s just gonna fuck that worship out of her because he’s stupid like that and a fool when it comes to emotions.
But then again would she be a brat and not give it to him so easily? Would she be the one who breaks him?? The smutty angst possibilities in this are endless! Please anon tell us the rest of this I’m begging you, who cries and cums first when they finally SMASH?)
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