#I’ll be sooo honest when I posed this all that time back I didn’t have any further thoughts beyond Hoohoo heehee mermaid :)
candycryptids · 24 days
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Found it ~ this is from November ‘22 I was visually exploring au’s for Chuu and Talia 🥰
“You can’t be real. This has to be some sort of hallucination because I spent 36 consecutive hours staring at schematics and putting together a Node, and finally went outside for a breather to get Cid off my blasted back.”
“We could always find out. If it’s a dream, you’ll wake up before you drown, right?”
“….. and if it’s not a dream?”
“Take my hand and find out.”
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fahhhhq · 3 years
Never Say Never - Part 5
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader (Fem)
WaRnInGs: Explicit content and imagery. Sex. (Don’t read if you’re not mature enough to handle hot and heavy situations😛)
Summary: The connection between you and Henry is indescribable, but will both of you continue with what you’re doing or will your fear of everything get the best of you.  
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Thank you for reading, whoever reads this. Love you, my babies🤍
              To be honest, you had never had sex in a shower, and you would be lying if that wasn’t the best sex you had had in your life. After both you and Henry had the most amazing orgasms, you finished washing yourselves. You grabbed some towels for both of you, you wrapped a towel around your head and around your body, but convinced Henry to do the same to his hair, after you teased him.
“Come on, it’s just you and me,” you poke at his side as he dries himself.
He wraps a towel around his waist and stands behind you, both of you looking into the mirror, “Fine.”
“Weee,” you say excitedly and grab a clean towel and turn to him expectantly. Instead, he rolls his eyes and shakes his head like a dog when you get close to him. “Henry!” you squeal and grin.
He laughs and stops, “Fine.” He whips his head forward and you wrap the towel around his hair. He lifts and he looks adorable, but sexy as fuck.
“Oh my, god, you look fucking cute,” you excitedly say and run to the room and grab your phone. You run back to the bathroom and he is waiting for you with a hand on his hip, smiling. “Pose,” you say grinning and he does. He mimics flipping his hair back and he cannot hold back his laughter, and neither can you.
“The things you make me do,” he sauntered towards you and you do not move. You were still not used to him wanting to touch and hug you all the time, because you were not a very touchy-feely person, but that was changing every time Henry touched you.
“What else should I make you do,” you fake a thinking face. When he got close you, you set your phone down and place your hands on his taut stomach and travelled up to his chest. You did not like hairy men, but for some reason, you thought this man was perfect, hairy and all. His body was trim, and his height added a menacing demeanor that drove you crazy.  His broad shoulders and chest were glistened under the bathroom lights like if he had been lying in the sun for hours.
Henry grabs your chin with his finger and his lifts your head, “You can make me do whatever you want, and I’d still say, ‘what else?’”
You look straight into his sapphire eyes and he is serious. Your heart teeters. Your only response is to give him a no holds bar kiss. Your lips fit perfectly to his. He gives a hungry moan, and he hugs you harder towards him. You know your lips are swollen from so much making out, but nothing compares to kissing this man.
You moan into his mouth and he separates from you and gives you a warning look, “If you keep making sounds like those, I’ll be tempted to make this last all night.”
You giggle and bite your lip, “No, I’m sooo sensitive, if you would of touch me right now, I’d come in ten seconds.” You do not care if it was too much information, it was the truth.
He pecks you lips, “Fine, but I’m not responsible for what happens in the morning.” He winks at you and slaps your ass before exiting the bathroom. You are left with your mouth agape and speechless. You walk out and he’s putting on his briefs, the towel still in his head. The muscles in his back moving with every movement he makes. You just stare and try to not get wet, again. You grab the boxers and tank you were wearing before Henry discarded them and put them on. Henry turns off the light from his side of the room, lays under the blankets and motions for you to join him.
“Wait, you’re sleeping here?” you didn’t mean to sound so surprised; you were more excited than anything.
He does not seem offended, he just gifts you a cheeky closed-lip smile, displaying his dimple and nods, “Is that ok?”
You playfully roll your eyes, “Fine, but just because I like you.” He grins and you playfully stick out your tongue at him. “I’ll be back,” You go to the bathroom and do your nightly routine. Just because Henry was waiting for you in bed, that didn’t mean you were going to set aside your beauty regime. You dry and put oils in your hair, moisturize your face and body and make sure you smell nice.
You walk into the bedroom and Henry is already tucked in without the towel in his hair and checking something on his phone. You close the drapes, turn off the lights and get in bed like if you had gotten ready for bed with Henry a million times before.
“I’m so freaking tired,” you say as you scooch over to him. He wraps an arm behind your head. He puts his phone in the table next to him and when he turns, he engulfs you in a bear hug.
“I’m sorry I wore you out,” Henry looks at you, smiling. He is so close to you that your breaths intermingle with one another.
You snuggle into him and run your nose alongside his jaw and neck, “You definitely did, but I don’t mind.”
He hooks his right leg on top of your leg, and you place your leg between his. He kisses your forehead and hugs you closer to him. As if there was any more space.
“When do you leave for Italy?” he says after a while. You were almost asleep, but his question disrupts it.
You look up and he stares straight into your brown eyes, worrisome in his, “In three days, why?”
“Ok,” He nods and looks away, “Can we spend those days together?”
You separate yourself away from him a little, and he seems concerned, “Really?” you cannot help to sound surprised.
“I don’t know if we’re going to see each other again after that, so I want to spend all the time I can with you before you leave,” he says genuinely and your heart swells.
“I would love nothing more, if that’s what you want,” you say as you caress his chin.
“That’s what I want,” He smiles and bites your thumb, the one that was now touching his lower lip. You yelp playfully. He grabs your hand and kisses your palm. “Go to sleep now, sweet girl. I have a signing tomorrow at noon and I want you to go with me.”
You look at him with what can only be explained as a puzzled look, “Wait what? Really?”
“Yes,” he chuckles, “Is that too forward?”
“I mean, a little,” You sit up a bit, this was moving too fast, you wanted to spend time with him, but you weren’t ready to be seen with him in that magnitude. Having that much attention for “dating” someone was not something that sounded appealing to you.
“You don’t have to be in there with me, we can meet afterwards,” his hands still around you, not wanting more space between the two of you.
“Yeah, that sounds better,” you say and lay down again.
Henry’s grin was all that you needed to have sweet dreams, “Brilliant. Now rest, it’s 3:30 a.m.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Sir, you’re the one keeping me up.” He tries to grab you by the waist to tickle you, but you grab his hands stopping him. “I will kill you,” You try your hardest to sound serious but fail miserably, he does, too.
“Fine,” he suppresses his laugh, “I’ll let you sleep.”
“Thank you,” you say smiling and you feel the butterflies in your stomach going crazy. You give him a peck on the lips, but he does not like that, he pulls you towards him and you let him. The kiss is deep and filled with longing. As you divide from each other, you sigh a deep sigh. You lay back and turn the other way, so he’s spooning you. Which he likes. He wraps a strong around your midriff and sets his leg atop yours. It feels like a 50-pound weighted blanked was just draped on top of you, and you welcome the heaviness.
“Sweet dreams,” he coos into your ear, kissing your neck. You intertwine your fingers with his, not yet ready to let him go either.
You wake up with jolt. You were too hot. But then you understand why you are feeling that way when you look down. Henry is almost completely on top of you. His head on your chest, his strong arm around your stomach and his right leg wrapped over yours. Only a sliver of sunshine coming in through the curtains.
You smile to yourself. The night before was not a dream, it was real. You pass your fingers through his curls, careful not to wake him. You stare at the ceiling, remembering everything that had happened last night: the dinner, the drinking, the laughing, the orgasms. Your stomach doing summersaults at the thought of how good he was at fucking you. He stirs a bit, and your hand stops caressing his hair. He rolls to his back, finally giving you some room to breathe. He takes a deep breath and exhale with a snore.
You roll to your side and look at him. This man was molded by the god’s himself and he walked around like if was just another regular person. You couldn’t help but stare at him sleeping so serenely. You lift your hand to his face as quietly as you can. With your index finger you slowly trace across his strong jaw, to his beautifully pouty lips, then down his sharp jaw, you trace the dimple on his chin, then down his neck, over his Adam’s apple, to the hair that caresses the dip between his collar bones and big chest.
You splay your hand over his hairy chest, and feel his chest rise and fall slowly. But then out of nowhere his hand covers yours. He doesn’t say anything, because he’s still asleep. You happily leave it there.
You gently look over to the close and see that it’s 10:30 a.m. You struggle with the decision to wake him up, so he can get ready to go to the signing or stay there a little longer and wake him up like he has probably never been woken up before. You go with the latter.
You gently pull your hand from under his, he does not move. You look down and see his morning wood straining his briefs. A Cheshire smile exhibits across your face and dirty thoughts freely travel your mind.
next parttttt here
Taggity Tags🤍: @tapismyforte, @xxxkatxo, @stephartrave, @summersong69​, @viking-raider, @nie-die-richtigen-wortex
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hiagainyou · 4 years
ღNice To Meet Ya!ღ
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Bee was excited, at first, she always dreamed about traveling to Japan, and here she was!
Well, she was a little bit more than excited really. She still felt like she was walking on cloud nine when she stepped off the plane and into the terminal, her backpack nestled lightly on her shoulders as she went to go find her luggage.
 What she wasn’t expecting was a rush of overwhelming anxiety to hit her out of nowhere.
 It happened as she sat down at a nearby bench, clinging to her luggage with a vice-like grip as she idly looked at the sights around her as well as doing a little bit of people watching to past the time.
 She was alone.
 She had no family here.
 No one to relate to.
 She hadn’t even considered the obvious language barrier between her and everyone else.
 Completely and utterly independent, if you could call it that.
 She didn’t know why she hadn’t considered it before. Granted, winning a lottery to go to one of the best hero schools would have anyone distracted until they landed.
 Or was that just her?
 She fiddled with the afro-puffs in her hair, fluffing them out nervously as she waited for her guide to come and get her.
 What if they never came?
 Did they know what she looked like?
 What if she flunked out of UA? What would she do then?
 Her quirk wasn’t anything special, not for fighting anyways, but she could see herself as a rescue hero of sorts.
 Or maybe a walking talking light bulb was more like it?
 She pulled out her phone and scrolled through it mindlessly once she drew her pattern to unlock it.
 Should she call her dad?
 Lament to him about her increasing anxiety about being 6,778 miles, thanks Google, from home and how this was stupid or how she was probably gonna either drop out or flunk?
 That didn’t sound too bad actually, it sounded like a normal conversation they would have.
 Before she could tap on the green call button, she heard her name being called.
 She lurched her head up, looking side to side nervously.
 Was she imagining it? Oh God, was she hallucinating?
 Could nerves do that to you?
 “Hi, are you Bee?”
 Maybe staring blankly at the person who addressed you by name like you couldn’t wrap your head around basic human interactions wasn’t the best response. But, Bee wasn’t the brightest person in the room.
 Well, not metaphorically.
 “Oh yeah, I’m so sorry! My brain froze the moment you called my name. I thought I imagined it at first. No one ever gets it on the first go.”
 The kind smile the woman gave all but melted her into a formless heap on the floor.
 “I know how you feel. When I first traveled here, a representative of my new agency had come to greet me, and my expression was the same as the one you just gave me.”
 The woman laughed to herself. It fell from her lips like notes from a soft piano solo, delicately accompanying her gentle frame.
 “So, you’re a Hero?”
 “Oh, yes! I didn’t even introduce myself, how rude of me.” The woman cupped Bee's small hands in her warm, slightly bigger ones, the smile etched on her face never faltering for even a second. “My name is Bellamy Reigns, I work as the support hero Flo here in Japan, it’s nice to meet you.”
 Their handshake was brief but firm, she only hoped to God that her hands weren’t as "clammy" as they usually were.
 She couldn’t help how warm she always was.
 “Are these all your belongings? I know you just got here, you’re probably going through some stages of jetlag but I can help you with that, right now we need to drop your stuff off at your new apartment and get you to your first day at UA.”
 Bellamy clasped her luggage and made a beeline for the entrance of the airport, Bee trying desperately to keep pace with her and also avoid bumping into the people passing by her.
 “Oh, this is sooo exciting! You’ll love it here, I promise! Ah, you remind me of when I was your age, so ready to be on my own and face the world. Only to call her parents in a panic because she didn’t know her right from her left she was so nervous!”
 Bellamy gave her an encouraging smile when she met her gaze as she glanced over her shoulder, receiving a timid smile in return.
 “Flo, so nice of you to join us, what happened this time?”
 A woman with cocoa brown skin, thunder cloud grey hair, and pumpkin orange hues dressed in simple business attire stared holes through the pair as they approached UA’s front gate.
 An hour behind schedule.
 “I was getting her settled into her new apartment and we lost track of time, that and our cab here was late.”
 The woman’s stare got heavier.
 “All I hear is excuses Reigns, why didn’t you drive your car here instead? You drove it to the airport, didn’t you?”
 “You know I don’t have the car right now Ami- “
 “And so, you still didn’t plan accordingly?”
 She began to tap her foot in annoyance.
 “You have to take more responsibility with your job Reigns, I’m honestly surprised they haven’t fired you yet.”
 “It wasn’t her fault, if anything, I’m the one that distracted her with all my hero-worship. And so what if we were late? You’re acting like the world was gonna end if we didn’t get here on time. You don’t have to be so rude about it.”
 Bee huffed at the woman, crossing her arms to mock her pose.
 The icy glare the woman gave her in return almost made her heart flatline. All the confidence she had mustered drained from her like emptying bathwater, causing her to slink behind Bellamy pitifully.
 “Her tie isn’t even on correctly.”
 “She wanted a bow tie.”
 “And you let her? Bellamy, you’re an adult, start acting like one.”
 “Having a bow tie isn’t a big de- “
 The woman brought her hand up to silence Bellamy, Bee catching the way the air around them became so tense it was almost suffocating.
 “We’ll discuss this later, she’s late and you have a class to teach. Dump her onto Weylyn and get moving.”
 Bellamy sighed through her nose before giving the girl beside her a warm smile.
 “Come on sunshine, you have a class to catch.”
 They walked into the bustling halls to be greeted by two girls standing idly by the lockers.
 One had long, flowy sea-green hair that cascaded down her slim body and stopped an inch shy of touching the floor. The deep color complimenting her round sepia brown face and bringing attention to her gleaming sunset orange eyes.
 The girl to the right of her stood rigid and emotionless, posed like a dutiful guard ready to attack at any moment. Her thick, bushy bark colored mane silhouetted her intimidating frame as two soft brown ears jutted from the sides of her diamond-shaped face. Her deep forest green eyes boring into Bee's chestnut brown ones seemingly in anger.
 The girl with the green hair was the first to approach them, her face brightening as she swung her arms up in a welcoming gesture.
 “Hello! You must be Bee, right? It’s so nice to have finally met you! I’m Arlo Weylyn by the way and I’ll be your guide until you get settled into UA.”
 Arlo brought her into a tight hug before pulling back to meet her gaze, her hands resting comfortably on her shoulders.
 “Oh yeah, that’s me! And yeah, it’s really nice to have met you too Arlo and...?”
 Bee tilted her head to look at Arlo’s silent companion who stared back at her with disinterest before focusing on the woman behind her.
 “Oh, this is Selah. She's been dubbed my shadow as of late but, don’t worry about her. She means well, I promise. Oh! Mrs. Flo, I couldn’t help but notice that Downer was seeming, well down, for lack of better words, did something happen?”
 Bellamy perked up at the sound of her name, her warm smile settling back on her face again.
 “Amias is fine Arlo, don’t worry about it, okay? Could you get sunshine here to her class, please? She’s already late, and I wouldn’t want her to miss out on any more important lessons.”
 Arlo nodded as she ushered the girl toward her first-year class, which was thankfully English as of right now.
 On the way to the classroom the trio, more like just Bee and Arlo, had made idle conversation about where they were from. Arlo being born and raised in Colchester England, and how their quirks worked.
 “So, your quirk allows you to glow?”
 “Yeah. It’s pretty boring, I guess.”
 “No, it isn’t! Any quirk can be amazing if you put effort into reaching its full potential.”
 “Whatever boats you float.”
 Bee fiddled with the straps of her backpack as she looked up, catching the gaze of smiling blue eyes.
 Her stomach did cartwheels as she forgot how to walk, almost tripping over her feet and getting up close and personal with the floor.
 Her stomach dropped into the Earth’s core as the owner of the blue eyes came closer, smile rivaling the sun with how bright it was.
 To be honest, he was probably rivaling her with how bright she must have been glowing. She just really hoped she wasn’t blinding anyone.
 He stopped in front of her and began to speak excitedly. His words zipping past her face like an arrow from an experienced archer.
 With all these people speaking English, she had completely forgotten about the blaring problem of a language barrier. Looking at Arlo almost pathetically for help.
 They had talked back and forth for a while as she stood there confused. Arlo gesturing to Bee periodically and the guy smiling even wider, if that were possible, with every word that fell from Arlo’s glossy lips.
 “Bee, this is Togata Mirio. He’s really happy to meet you, he says, and is hoping you two become friends.”
 Bee stared at the boy standing in front of her, noting how his soft blue eyes and blonde hair kinda reminded her of Lucas from Smash Brothers.
 Holding back a laugh, she brought her hand up to shake his, putting on her best smile for him.
 “It’s nice to meet you too, Mirio!”
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jenniferyoung · 4 years
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name: jennifer young age: 38 fc: laura vanderroort time in charming: life long occupation: trauma counsellor side: devils positive traits: + valiant, + fierce, + loving negative traits: - worrywart, - insecure, - stubborn children: one boy, 22 years old siblings: one older brother
trigger warnings(please read them carefully, her background is very dark and traumatic): kidnap, abuse, implied rape, teen pregnancy, traumatic child-birth.
this is gonna be really long and i’m sorry. if you actually read it all i’ll give you a cookie
✹ early life was pretty simple, even with a dad and brother in the MC
✹ plans to graduate and go to college to study archaeology
✹ that got yeeted when she was kidnapped not long after her 16th birthday
✹ jenny had been walking home from a friends when she was grabbed from behind and knocked out
✹ she woke up in a basement with her hands and feet chained to the bed. loose enough for her to move around and sit up but not to get free
✹ her captor? turned out to be a man who she’d been seeing a lot of in the last weeks. random encounters that seemed so innocent until right now
✹ he was quite young, late 20′s maybe but he was absolutely insane. completely infatuated with her and thought that by kidnapping her, he could have her for himself and they’d have a happy life. loco maniac with big temper issues
✹ naturally she did try countless times to escape but would be quickly slapped down, only for him to cry and apologise afterwards, “why did you make me do that” as though any of it was her fault
✹ once the abuse turned into physical touches, that’s when her tears dried up and her mind began to go into autopilot. not to mention the drugs he forced down her throat to keep her subdued really took away a lot of her will to fight
✹ it had been two whole months when she finally started accepting her fate. nobody was ever going to find her and as if the man could see that light go out in her eyes, that night he pinned her down and raped her in spite of her pleas
✹ he even had the audacity to call it love
✹ she was pretty much broken after this. especially since she had been a virgin, so imagine how traumatised she was when another 2 months slipped by and she realised she hadn’t had her period
✹ it had been his plan all along, he wanted a family with her because he was convinced “you’ll love me eventually”
✹ it would have been easy enough to break completely but in the following weeks, something really strange happened. instead of focusing on the trauma, on how used and disgusting she felt, she focused on her growing bump
✹ hours alone in the dark, she began to talk to it, as though somehow it was a comfort to them both
✹ the first time she felt it kick was the first time in months she had a spark of life behind her blue eyes. so she did fall in love, not with her captor, but with her baby
✹ at first she did try to hate it, this thing growing inside her that she didn’t ask for but she couldn’t. how could you blame an innocent life for how it came to be?
✹ the following months, she began to put on an act. starting with a smile now and again that looked genuine, to a laugh at one of the mans jokes. making him believe he was winning, that she was slowly coming around to the idea of being with him
✹ for the most part, it worked. the abuse stopped, she convinced him to stop drugging her because it wasn’t good for “their” baby
✹ the plan was to eventually convince him to unchain her. he agreed to unchain her feet, which was a start ( and a relief considering the metal had long since dug right into her ankles )
✹ she waited a few more days but before she could ask about her hands, she felt the first signs of labour
✹ newly terrified, she literally cried and begged him to call an ambulance because holy fuck
✹ obviously he refused and she spent the next 30 hours in excruciating agony. something was not right
✹ she was bleeding, trying to fight the urge to push because her whole instincts were telling her not to, but it was no use
✹ four pushes and a whole lot of banshee screams later, she birthed a baby boy whom she begged to hold instantly, if only to take him out of the mans hands
✹ beautiful. the second he started to cry and looked up at her with his blue eyes she knew there wasn’t anything or anyone she’d ever let hurt him
✹ somewhere between the mixture of emotions, she hadn’t realised that she was starting to bleed out and the panic returned
✹ frantically, she tried to tell the man that he needed to unchain her and take her to a hospital and to her almost shock, he agreed. like he was actually concerned that she was going to bleed out and die if he didn’t.
✹ it was practically impossible to get up the stairs and even harder to hold her son against her chest whilst looking with double vision for something she could use as a weapon
✹ the glimmer of something shiny caught her eye and in a burst of bravery and energy, she grabbed it (a shiny vase on the table top) and swung it around, smashing it off his head
✹ thank god it must have knocked him out for at least a few seconds because she managed to get to and out the front door
✹ that’s when she realised she was still in charming. not only that, but she could see the clubhouse from where she stood & so she ran (hobbled, hopped, nearly crawled w/e) bursting through the doors like something out of a horror movie, dirty and bloody and instantly on her knees because she couldn’t support her own weight anymore
✹ her father, brother and a couple other members instantly flew to her aid. it had to have been nearly a year since she went missing and now here she was, holding a baby and about to die
✹ “he’s mine” was almost all she could manage to whisper as she had no energy to stop one of the guys taking him from her “don’t let him touch him, don’t– don’t let him” don’t let the captor touch her son, is what she meant
✹ it was barely a second after everything turned black and when she woke, it was three days later and she was in hospital. safe
✹ she only asked once about the guy and got the reply from her dad “it’s been handled” presumably she left a good trail of blood for them to find the source. but she never did dare ask, had she killed him with the vase? or did they. not that she cared.
✹ she only went over her ordeal once with her parents, her brother and the mc’s president at the time and then she told them she never wanted to relive it. which suited them just fine because they couldn’t have the guys dead body getting tied to them.
✹ so the only alternative? was to say she had ran away, that she fell pregnant and that’s why she stayed away until she got scared and came home. cue the judgement from the towns snooty bitches
✹ it was a fight and a half to keep her son, with a mother who wanted to support her decision but a father who was adamant she wouldn’t be able to cope
✹ it got overly extreme, she threatened to end her own life if he had her baby taken away & went on to explain that her son was the only thing that kept her going in those months
✹ she wanted to raise him, teach him to be kind and be a good man and to her relief, her father relented
✹ she named him liam because she always recalled someone telling her it meant “unwavering saviour”
✹ the next five years were tough, but she never gave up and she never quit. she focused her energy on her son, on learning to handle her ordeal in a healthy manner. her father paid good money for her to see a trauma counsellor, one out of town who wouldn’t ask questions they didn’t have answers to. the only rules? never tell them her real name (she posed as someone called lucy) and never name the man so it could never be traced back to them
✹ it was an uphill battle and to be honest, even now sometimes it still is
✹ she was inspired by the way the counsellor helped her and decided that’s what she wanted to do with her life now, so she went back to school and studied for a degree
✹ she’s now a qualified trauma and ptsd counsellor with her own office in the hospital. she also does a lot of fundraising for charities that feel close to her heart. domestic violence, etc. etc.
✹ when she was 25, she finally spoke out at a charity auction she’d organised for survivors and it was hands down the scariest thing she’d ever done. but she did it because she wanted to help young girls see that there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. that you’re not defined by your trauma ( she had to tweak a couple facts, such as saying it happened out of town and that the guy got away )
✹ sooo yeah, she’s one tough bitch now. taught herself how to fight and yoo she kicks ass. got a lot of her confidence back and made damn sure she was raising a good boy
✹ there is literally nobody on this earth she loves more than liam and even though he’s 22 now, he’s still very much her baby and her saving grace
bop bop bop there we have it. *hands you a chocolate chip cookie*
exes ending on good or bad terms
fwb or past hook ups maybe
someone she councils would be great
her soN liam would be even better. i visualise him as brandon flynn if he could work for you. alternatively, joe keery or dacre montgomery? it’s negotiable
her older brother would be great too
or any mc members who were around at the time her trauma happened
life long besties who would also know the truth whilst everyone else assumed she was some dumb slapper who got knocked up
anything elseeee
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Basketball Game
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: Y/N has an idea and challenges her boyfriend on a basketball game, which she wins.
Warnings: swearing, aaand bad writing?
Notes: this is the first time I do something like that. I usually do ships fanfics, but never tried with a reader au. Buy I've been so obsessed with them lately (and Steve Hartington) and had so many ideas in my head, that I had to wrote at least one down. Side note, English is not my native language so sorry in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Enjoy!
Not requested
Also gif not mine
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You were drinking beers and swaying your feet on the pool's water under the full night of stars in Steve's house. It was a quiet and lazy night. You just wanted to relax a bit since both of you had some stressful days at your jobs. And what better way to relax than in your boyfriend's arms, alone in his house with music softly playing in the background.
As you were looking at the stars and Steve was playing with your y/h/c hair humming along with the song that was playing, your gaze fell on the basketball near you guys and a smirk started forming on your lips as an idea popped on your head. You turned to look at Steve and said mischievously.
" You know.. I'm pretty good at basketball, we should play some time." and Steve stopped everything that he was doing and stared at you with his brows raised.
"What? It's true!" you continued with a chuckle.
" I've never ever seen you being athletic in high school."
" That's because you didn't care about little nobodies back then like me and I was extremely shy to do anything in front of anyone." you said with sarcasm in your voice not meaning what you had said about his ignorance, but it seemed to get to Steve a bit. " But now that I have you as my thoughtful and considerate boyfriend whom I have all of his attention, let me show you my amazing skills. " you finished and after getting up you picked up the basketball and started pouncing it.
He seemed relieved with what you had said and then continued the teasing " Are you challenging me, Y/L/N? " he said and got up too.
" I wouldn't call it a challenge when the outcome it's obvious, which is me beating your ass, but yeah..let's call it that for your sake. " you winked and threw the ball at him. He caught it with ease and laughed a little.
" Alright.. It's your funeral, babygirl, not mine." he said and you scoffed. After agreeing to the terms of the game you started playing. To be honest, you were good. Your father had taught you. He always wanted to one day teach his son everything about sports and having a daughter first did not stop him at all. Lucky for him you enjoyed it so there wasn't any problem.
After about 10 minutes of passionately playing you both were out of breath. Steve wouldn't admit it, but you were pretty damn good and you were actually winning. But he couldn't give up. He wanted to prove to you that he is good too (even if you already know, since you had went to literally all of his basketball games back in the day).
When you finally scored your last point you threw your hands in the air and looked at him in triumph "What's up, lover boy? Did babygirl just beat your ass? Ah.. Yeah, I think she did!" and while you were doing several poses to prove how strong you are just to tease him, Steve just couldn't stop staring at you. But not in a 'this bitch just beat me and wronged my manly hood' which most of your brother's friends gave you after you beat them, but he gave you his lovingly ' you are amazing in all fucking things' look. And that was what you adored in him.
When you noticed his stare you questioned him with a small smile, even if you already knew what was in his mind "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Before he could answer he started walking towards you "Because not only my girlfriend is smart, gorgeous, kind, amazing, brave and a badass, but also good with sports? God.. What did I ever do to deserve you, Y/N?" he finished, putting his arms around your waist and pulling you close to him.
" You're right... I am awesome. " you pointed out with a playful smile and he started laughing throwing his head back a little.
" C'mooon.. You can't even give a compliment back?" he said pouting with big 'hurt' eyes.
You locked eyes with him and for this once you were serious " No.. I can't give you just one compliment.. Because if I do, I'll never stop talking about how intelligent, considerate, sweet, handsome, hot, brave, strong, thoughtful, fan-" you went on and on but were stopped by Steve's hand in your mouth
" Ok.. Ok, I get it. I'm pretty cool too. "he told you laughing.
" Not just pretty cool, Harrington. You are amazingly cool and you better believe that. " you continued placing a hand on his cheek. He leaned on your touch and gave you a small smile.
" Alright I won't.. But you better not forget it either." he said and tightened his grasp on your waist.
You just chucked " I could never... I lo- AGHH" you stopped mid sentence since your 'amazing' boyfriend had just thrown both of you into the pool. You tighten your grasp at him and tried to catch your breath.
" Steveee" you whined "What the fuck? C'mon those are new clothes." you tried to swim towards the little stairs they had at the pull, but some familiar hands dragged you back into the water.
"Nooo! Let me go you asshole.. It's freezing in here." you said trying to sound as mad as you could, but your giggling betrayed you.
"Aww.. C'mon.. What about those compliments you just gave me? You said you wouldn't forget." he said jokingly.
" Yeah...but that was before you had one of your stupid ideas." you continued to pretend like you were mad, but you also moved your hands around his neck and locking eyes with him.
Steve just smirked at you " What were you about to say to me before I destroyed your clothes? I didn't quite got it." he continued teasing you, but you wouldn't give him the pleasure.
"Oh that? I was just about to say that 'I LOathe you'." you said with a smirk.
"Oh were you now?" he said itching more and more close to you.
"Aha.." you said softly looking at his pink lips.
" Well then.. I 'loathe' you too." he finished and finally crushed his lips into yours. All of the unsaid things were said by this sweet gesture.
You both loved teasing each other. You also both loved each other, but sometimes you both were too stubborn to say it and just showed it in different ways. Either way, it doesn't matter. Because you both feel it and you are not going anywhere without each other.
Sooo that was it! Hope you enjoyed it and if you liked it enough to want and see more of my writing I would love to take requests. I do Stranger Things and Marvel for now.
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
When Cats Stare
Hello hello! Flash Fiction Friday again! I wanted to give you something a little more fun since I won’t be able to write for a while. I’m going to the land of beans on toast with my dad and I’m very excited! I’ve never been on a plane before, much less over seas! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story! Feedback is appreciated ^u^
Words: 1565
It’s never a good sign when your cat stares intently beyond you. You can tell they’re not daydreaming, but you don’t really want to know what they’re looking at. So, when my own furred goblin was sitting bolt upright on my chest in the middle of the night, staring at something, I did my best to ignore him and go back to staying up way too late watching videos on my phone. His persistence waivered my resolve. Usually he would flop himself against my face in a loving kind of smother. The closer to suffocation I am, the more he feels accomplished in his affection giving. But not tonight. He stared with those big green eyes into the space above my head. I figured I should at least try to assure him that the only thing silly enough to be up in the deep dark night was us.
“What are you looking at Bud? You staring at ghosties?” The last word was lost in a yawn.
His soft black fur was warm against my palms. He hunkered down, devoid of his usual purr, still staring.
“If it’s a demon, are you going to earn your rent and protect me like those animals in the hero pet compilations?” I kissed his little nose. “No, probably not. You’d leave me hanging, wouldn’t you, Basil Boy. I’d save you y’know. I mean, I probably wouldn’t be very good against a demon, but the thought is there.” Another yawn. At least my rambling was putting someone to sleep. Basil’s paw silenced my next round of spouted nonsense. The cheek of this cat! It’s hard to contain giggles at one in the morning. Harder still to contain the shriek. Long, slender fingers stretch like tendrils reached down from above. Cracked nails barely glanced my scalp when I looked up in my mirth. Fight, flight, or freeze. I froze. Burning, swirling, bottomless pits on a face of twisted fur matted with what I could only describe as ichor. The hand paused over me, deliberating. Its head tilted slowly, slowly, mechanically unwinding itself from the body while the neck grew longer and longer. Hot goats’ breath fanned my face. I sunk back as far as the twelve or so pillows allowed. It didn’t move. Basil, surprisingly, stayed hunkered on my chest. Of course he wouldn’t make things easier and just run away.
For several long seconds, we stayed like that. Me, pressed into my bed. Basil, squat on my torso. And the creature, looming above. No one moved. No one spoke. There’s an unwritten conversational rule where, if a silence stretches longer than four seconds, it becomes increasingly awkward. Not going to lie, I already don’t do well with social stuff. The more time stretched the more I hoped something would, well, happen.
“Sooo…” I began, tapping my index fingers against the mattress. “What brings ya here?”
It drew back. Not by a lot, still very much in my personal space bubble, but I’m not complaining. It was a start. Its mouth parted, tasting the thought before voicing it. (Or preparing to lunge, I’m not exactly a strange night creature psychologist.) Huh. There’s a beak under all that wiry fur. Cool.
“soOoO…” My own voice parroted back, warped. I guess the beak is just for show. The noise reverberated around us, no indication of its source. Other voices mixed in, creating a jittery, juttering kind of speech. “SsSooOO… SsssoooOoo…”
“… Cool… Are you uh.. Here to kill me maybe?”
That’s promising. I’m sure they’re a very honest.. being…
“Are you a ghost?”
Hmm. “Aaare you a demon?”
K. “Are you here on business or pleasure? Not Pleasure pleasure. Fun pleasure. Like, a holiday or something.”
They pause, crinkling a long finger against their chin. A thinking pose. “PleAsUReee. NoTTt PPleaSuREE pleasure.”
Thank cat beans. That could have been awkward. Their neck clicked as they turned to look at Basil.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re not here to steal my cat are you?”
No response. I sat up, drawing Basil closer to myself.
“I mean like, you can pat him if you don’t have that death touch thing going on, but he’s my baby. You can’t take him.”
“Ssoofftt…” They trailed a finger through his fur. The traitor started purring. “NicCee…”
Scooting up so I was sitting, I patted the bed, motioning for the demon to pop a squat beside me. They complied, creaking as they unfolded themselves joint by joint, from their ceiling perch. Basil wiggled from my grip, smacking me in the face with his tail in his haste to double cross me and sit in the demon’s lap. Somehow, I got the feeling this wasn’t their first meeting.
“So that’s Basil.”
“BaAssIiLll. LLikE BaSsIlL.”
“He’s a cool little dude. Do you have cats in the demon world, or where ever you come from?”
“CaaAnn. WaAnTtT BaaSiLLl.”
“Again, and this is super important, you can’t have Basil. He is my baby cat.” I leaned back, shoulders popping in that satisfying way. “Although, we might be able to arrange something for you.”
The demon tilted its head again. I could have sworn there was excitement in those deep, deep, deep pits. Deep, dark.. What was I saying? Oh yeah. Arrangements.
“One month. If you can show me that you are able to properly care for a cat, I’ll get you one in a months’ time. You can stay here and show me with Basil, or show me where you live and that you are able to fulfil a cats’ needs. They need more than food you know. You’ve gotta play with them, desex them, take them to the vet, make sure they have grass to munch on. It’s a big responsibility. I’ll show you some good websites though so you’re not going in blind or anything. What do you think? Sound good?”
They nodded. “SssoUnd GoOd.”
And that’s how I ended up with a demon roommate for a month. Once we got over the initial awkwardness like bathroom schedules, possible dietary issues, and the appropriateness of guests from the underworlds, it was actually pretty nice. We had long discussions about cats, obviously, but also about life. Our experiences were totally different, but we discovered new things together. They made a point of watching 2D animated movies with me and I got really into demonic card games. It was a lot of fun. We added each other on pokemon go and finally cleared some research tasks. They showed me their realm (more pokestops than you would expect) and we worked together to construct a proper cat enclosure using Ikea hacks and the Kitten Lady’s youtube videos. I even had a nice little existential… What’s the opposite of crisis? Calmness? Low-fi study music moment? Experience? Where life after death was confirmed. Damnation may be upgraded to Ikea jigsaws now. Sorry about that. That one’s on me…
It felt like no time at all had passed between that late night conversation and walking into the local animal shelter. The demon (who I should have mentioned wanted to be called Toto after the fuzzy bear dude from My Neighbour Totoro) had taken a human(ish) appearance. A totally generic stranger that was easily forgotten but that something nagged at you that it wasn’t quite right. Today was the day. We’d been approved as potential adopters and were picking out Toto’s new best friend. The lady gave us a friendly greeting and led us straight to the cat room at the back, debriefing along the way. I always forgot how loud it could be back there. Cats yowled and mewed, much to the chagrin of their quieter shelter mates. We looked at kittens and adults, fluffy cats and patchy cats, noisy cats and shy cats. Each one Toto inspected with care. I did not envy their choice. If I could, I’d take them all home. Toto stopped at the far corner. I peeked over their shoulder to see which one had caught their attention.
It was… Unfortunate. A scraggly brown cat with fur guaranteed to mat at a slight breeze. A short little thing with, what I think, was a snaggle tooth sticking out of his mouth. It was not a pageant winner. If someone took a year old loaf of bread and had it trampled by a herd of heavily concussed camels, and one buttered donkey, stuck whiskers on the rounder side and a bottle brush on the rear, it’d be in the same ball park as this ugly cat. It opened its mouth and gargled at us.
“ThHiSs OnEE iS GooOd.”
“I thought you’d say that.” I checked the info card. Not much to go on. The shelter guessed she was about 14. Ah, man. That’s… That’s not great…
“I’m, I’m not sure this is a good choice for your first cat, Bud. She’s pretty old… It’s a pretty difficult thing to go through, y’know, when your pet passes away…”
“NoO gUaRantEE FoR AnYtHiNG.”    
“That’s true… I’m definitely not saying don’t get an old cat, just don’t want you to get hurt so soon… Would she stay with you as a spirit cat?”
“If ShE WiLLs It. CaTs WaNdER.”
“Oh. Sweet. Let’s get her then.”
“What are you going to call her?”
He inspected her again. Human skin crinkling into a smile when she sneezed and left her tongue poking out.
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@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and @goblin-writer 
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chaniters · 5 years
Cyrus and Ortega go on the perfect date... for a pair of powered heroes, that is.
Fluff, inspired by all those hand-holding references on the Discord channel.
Spoilers ahead.
Want some?” he asks motioning to the ice-cream truck. He noticed you can’t take your eyes off it.
“Is that even in question?”
He chuckles and buys a cone for each of you, as you walk down the pier.
“You know, I’ve never done this,” you say taking a lick of your lime ice cream
“What Icecream? I’ve seen you eat so much of it one would think you’re made of the stuff”
“No” you groan “Dating. I mean for real. Without the secrets” you add, taking a small bite
“Oh… I see. Well, I’ve got to tell you, I keep feeling you’re going to run away any minute now…”
“I did that a lot, didn’t I?” you ask trying not to get stained with the melting lime
“Every single time. It was kind of your thing.”
“Well, I’m not going to do it now. I…. I…,” you say holding your temples
“What…?” he looks at you concerned
“Brain… freeze…”
“Wh… pff… hahaha!”
“Idiot…” you can’t help laughing too.  “it really hurts… “ you complain…  
It takes a moment for it to go away, and he’s giving you an amused look as you raise your gaze again. He takes your hand and you both resume your walking… as he rubs your fingers softly with his thumb.
It’s a beautiful day, is all you can think as you turn to look at the glorious sight of the sea. You’re happy to be alive here. Sharing this moment with him.
“You were saying..?” he asks bringing you back to earth.
“I’m saying I’m really not going to run off again.”
“Really?” he grins. “That’s good to know”
He lets go of your hand and runs his arm around your waist. Ok, you can handle that…
And then it slowly goes lower…
You can’t stand the look he’s giving you. He’s having a day, seeing how far can he go before you panic. But you’re not going to panic… are you…?
Lower… and lower…
What the hell is he doing?
And then his hand goes inside your jean’s back pocket.
Oh. So that’s what he…
You feel yourself blushing furious red. It’s not like he’s grabbing or anything, but he’s basically got his hand on your butt.
“Sooo… Is this ok?” he asks in a neutral tone. Not laughing, nor teasing. Just asking.
You don’t answer but walk even closer to him.
It’s hard to accept that he’s doing this in public, where everyone can see…
But then again, it’s probably the cutest thing you could think of right now and you feel ready to melt and break in pieces.
You don’t answer, but just run your arm around his waist. You could do to him what he’s doing to you, but you’re not quite as comfortable yet…
“You’re so darn smooth... it’s not fair”
“I could give you some pointers If you want”
“Oh really?” you squeeze closer to him... “Tell me then, Mr. expert... How do you go about this dating thing?”
“Come back home with me and I’ll show you,” he answers confidently.
You smile at him “Suppose I do… what would we be doing there?”
“Well, we can chat… have a few drinks.. and then you can eat what my mom made”
“Oh, she Was here? What did she make?”
You snort and blush even further.
You should have probably seen that one coming to be honest… but your two remaining brain cells are not cooperating. He’s got you right where he wants you, and you’re loving every second
He clearly knows it... but you’re not going to admit it just yet... let him use all his tools. He’s enjoying this just as much as you are.
You open your mouth to answer when you see something in the distance that draws your attention. It’s triggering every alarm your training taught you to look for.
Your eyes go from him to the smoking explosions in the distance.
He looks at you puzzled and then turns to look in the same direction you are, letting out a groan as he realizes what’s going on.
“Really?” he complains
“Well I don’t know dating, but I do know how this part goes. Black Nano-Ranger Activate!” you say with a smile, leaping forwards as soon as the transformation takes place.
“Hey wait for me! Blue Nano-Ranger Activate!” he commands, transforming and coming after you.
Leaping over rooftops, running towards unknown danger together again. You’re even wearing the same colors...
If only Anathema were here…
Are you tearing up under your mask?
Ortega engages his intercom as he follows. “Steel are you seeing this?”
Steel takes a few moments to answer, announcing they are moving in as well. Mortum’s teleporter will take a few minutes to activate.
“Seems it’s just us”
“We’ve been into worse,” you say confidently…
That is until you get to next jump lets you land over a building with an actual good view of what’s going on. You freeze immediately, and Ortega can’t help bumping into you as he lands from his own jump.
“Hey, are you ok?”
You point forward, and he turns to see what’s ahead.
An army of bladed creatures assaulting the town hall building. The LDPD officers are holding on behind a few barricades while some army soldiers provide cover with machineguns…  but none of it is really working. You gasp as one of the creatures cuts down an overturned car and walks over the flames without a second thought, tearing an officer to pieces in a split second...
A group of three men and a woman wearing medical gowns and strange gas masks seem to be overseeing the assault. They seem to have extensive mods attached to their skulls… gross.
“Greetings Citizens of Los Diablos!” they all speak in unison. “We are Doctor Grim. We are delighted to show you our latest creations!”
You recognize the hive-minded doctor. They are an abomination, the ones who inflicted the most experiments on you during your captivity. But even that’s not the cause of your hesitation.
The creatures assaulting the police, they all happen to look like one of your worse nightmares. The same is probably happening to Ortega right now...
Same blades… same multiple arms…
The Catastrofiend times a dozen. All of them bearing Regene Tattoos.
Ortega holds you down as you try to keep yourself from throwing up in your helm
It takes a few seconds for you to look back at him giving him a weak “I’m ok” nod. You’re not though. You know you’re both equally terrified.
You both walk up to the border of the rooftop, trying to figure out what to do next.
Still, your creative side isn't working right now. All you can think of is the taste of lime in your mouth.
"We have to do something," Ortega says.
He's right. If you don't move soon, the police will be ripped to pieces, along with anyone inside the building once those things get inside.
"There's 12 of them... possibly more," you say counting them. "Oh... there's 13 and 14 behind that bus..."
"I know... but we have these now, right?" he says patting the chest piece of your nano armor.
You nod slowly "Yes... we've got them," you say trying to convince yourself
"We're Charge and Sidestep! We beat it before, we can do it a dozen more times!" He boasts.
"Sidestep and Charge you mean…”  you correct him smiling under your helm “And you're right. Let's do this!"
Leaping forward, both of you fall in the middle of the small park, the creatures instantly turning on you.
"Hold it right there monsters! We won't let you kill anyone else! Blue Nano-Ranger, ready for combat!" he says posing with a kata, cracking his fists, and electrical current going between them.
"We've defeated the original once, and can sweep this place of your minions no matter what your plan is Dr. Grim!" you reinforce your words with a different kata displaying your suits enhanced strength with a strong fist to the ground that causes a light rumble.
The Grims turn on towards you. All of them smile at the same time. “Glad you could join us Rangers. We’ve been expecting you”
Oh. Those are the words you don’t want to hear when you’re facing a villain that has you completely outnumbered and outmatched. It still doesn’t stop your charge, clashing against the Catastrofiend clones to save the people in dangers.
That’s what heroes do, even if they sometimes end up in pieces. You and Ortega would know.
You hope Steel and the others don’t take too long... but until then... You’re going to give the things a hell of a fight. 
My Fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero 
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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uiruu · 5 years
Okay so here’s a confession lmao... I kind of got into Loona because of Hunter x Hunter. 
I got caught up in the HxH manga, and there are apparently a lot of references to a jpop idol group called Keyakizaka46. There’s a nen ability called “Silent Majority”, which is like a doll thing with the exact same haircut as the main member of that group, who has a song called Silent Majority. Also Halkenburg’s bow and arrow nen ability has him make a pose from the song Fukyouwaon. So I saw that and was like “WHAT THE HELL TOGASHI”, and I checked out those songs. They’re okay. Nothing to write home about. I mean like, they’re fun I guess, I like Fukyouwaon better of those two (which are the only ones I heard), but idk. I listened to it a lot for a couple days, it was like a guilty pleasure thing haha. And then like I must have seen posts from some of my HxH mutuals (who probably aren’t mutuals anymore after... uh... the drama in late february lmao...) post about Loona, and I was like okay, if I’m listening to this idol group that I can kinda tell isn’t like the highest quality thing in the world, let’s see what a Real group is like. 
I wasn’t really attuned to the differences between jpop and kpop, though I think I have a better understanding of the prevailing trends and styles that differentiate them (not just language. theyre as different as hiphop from LA and UK grime rap. that’s pretty different). But yeah, I was interested to see what a really Quality group sounded like. I wasn’t really expecting much, I was expecting something very catchy but kinda bland, like a lot of American pop is. I was also expecting something a little exploitative because of just the nature of having a group of “idols”, and I’d heard stuff about the kpop industry that wasn’t pleasant. 
And like, I listened to Hi High (which was the top result at the time. i got into them about a week before Butterfly), and I liked it at first. I wasn’t ready to let myself love it, though. In the back of my mind there was that voice saying “lol what are you doing, you are not the target audience for this, i should keep this to myself cause it’s embarrassing. if i admit that i’m listening to kpop right now i’ll be laughed at haha”. But still, it was catchy as hell and I liked that. The video production was sooooo good too, that video looks like a movie.
I watched Egoist too cause I guess it was the top related video, and I thought that song was pretty good, but idk I guess a lot of it just didn’t like sink in or something? I don’t really know. I listened to some others but didn’t find anything that stood out, I think there was a point just before Butterfly released where I liked Hi High, Egoist, and Love Cherry Motion (though I was kinda iffy on that one). I remember talking to my friend Jaci about them cause I know Jaci’s a kpop fan, and they said that they were kinda into Loona but not especially, though Heart Attack is one of the best kpop songs ever made. After hearing that, I listened to Heart Attack, but I didn’t really like it, it was a bit too bubblegummy for me, I guess.
Then Butterfly came out, and by then I knew most of the members by name (not all), and I had watched videos from people like formoftherapy about the songs I had heard and so I felt better about liking kpop cause the illusion of it being completely shallow was shattered. Butterfly didnt wow me at first... I liked the video a lot but the song was kinda eh. The “wings, wings” in the chorus stuck out to me in a bad way lol, I didn’t like that. 
So anyway, by then I was like huh, I’m gonna check out some more stuff. So I listened to groups like Momoland and Blackpink and Red Velvet. And by listened to, I mean really just kinda one song from each of those. I listened to other Momoland songs after Bboom Bboom and they didnt really do anything for me. I listened to Red Velvet songs besides Peekaboo and they were okay, Russian Roulette was pretty good but not something that really wowed me, but I was super super super into Blackpink for about a week there haha. I don’t know, I really liked Ddu-Du Ddu-Du, and I liked the members a lot. They’re only four members, so it was really easy to get into them. I listened to more of their songs though and at first I liked them, but the more I listened, the more I realized how bad they are lol. The members themselves are fine but god, some of the other Blackpink songs besides that one are just really bad. To me, anyway. And I think that’s when I realized... oh... Loona’s really something unique, huh?
Like, listening to other groups made me like Loona more hahaha. That’s when everything started to click with me. Songs that didnt impress me at first, like Girl Front and Favorite and especially Heart Attack started REALLY clicking with me. Suddenly every song I listened to from them I liked. And I was noticing things in their songs that I didn’t notice at first. And like, that’s also when it hit me... oh, it’s not just that Grimes did a feature in the intro to one of their songs, they actually take a lot of inspiration from Grimes musically. Aaaaaand that was the nail in the coffin. See, I was one of the biggest Grimes fans alive before we all collectively realized she’s kind of a shitty person. So, to see the good aspects of her music translated and adapted and iterated on by another group is cool. It also kinda made me facepalm because like god fucking damn it, I thought I was free of Grimes, turns out even when I get into something I thought was totally separate, nope... I can’t escape haha. Then though I started noticing interesting and experimental-ish production EVERYWHERE in their songs. 
And that’s when I’m like okay... I gotta finally go through and watch all their videos in order. I knew bits and pieces about the Loonaverse already, so I was ready to sink my teeth in and see it all for myself. It takes about 2 hours to watch all their music videos but it’s really worth it, that was a cool experience haha. The next day, I watched some of formoftherapy’s reactions to doing that same marathon too, and that helped me notice and appreciate even more things, especially about the music video production, since that’s what they specialize in talking about. 
And then you know, two or so weeks later, here we are, and I’m all in, haha. It’s wild to think that I thought Egoist was pretty good and Heart Attack was not really my cup of tea at first haha. Egoist now blows me away EVERY time I watch that video... the song is sooooooo good and the video is maybe their best and most cohesive video aesthetically and thematically speaking. Heart Attack is also in my top 5 songs now.. so is Butterfly haha, that song grew on me a lot too. It helps for Butterfly that the choreo and video are so artistic and masterful. 
Oh, also, one last thing, in the part where I mention other groups... I don’t wanna knock Red Velvet at all. I love Red Velvet. I could write a separate post about my journey with their music too, and how there was a moment when their songs also started clicking for me, and I think they’re just as adventurous and eccentric as Loona. I like Loona more cause I’m more personally invested, and I think Loona covers a broader range of styles and themes and stuff, but Red Velvet are really, really good. I cannot overstate that lol. Also, there are other groups and songs I’ve gotten into since then too, I’m not just a fan of two groups lol. Though to be honest, if I had to pick the ones that I think are doing something really interesting and stand out from the crowd, I think there’s only three groups I would call myself a die hard fan of, and that’s Loona, Red Velvet, and Fromis_9 (who have sooo much potential, im excited to see where they go). 
That’s all! I don’t expect anyone will reblog this (cause its so specific to me lol) or even read this, it’s pretty long after all, but if you did, thanks <3 I just wanted to write about my journey with this. Cause like, it’s cool how this type of thing can happen. It was cool to watch myself start to allow myself to really get into it. I could feel myself getting more and more into it but I was embarrassed about that and I thought it was really lame of me haha. I don’t mean that I was sad or scared or whatever, again, I just thought it was really lame haha. But I mean, deep down I thought it was cool, and the more I got into it, the more that became the only way I thought of it. And now I just think it’s really worth checking out and like not all that lame at all. There are lame groups, yeah. It’s just cool that Loona isn’t one of those. I didn’t expect that the one I heard the most about was 1. not even close to the most popular, and 2. really deeply musically interesting and risktaking, and that’s something that’s always appealed to me about the music I like. Who knew that Loona of all groups would be like that lol. You know... Loona. From the “Stan Loona” memes. Huh. 
Go figure. 
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tonidshipper · 6 years
The Sky In My Heart Clears - A YoshiMaru Fanfic
Read on Ao3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Decision-making is not my forte
Chapter Summary: In which Yoshiko makes a decision and panics over it.
Shinyyy sent a message to GK (Gay Kids) group chat
Shinyyy changed your nickname to Yazawa Nico Project
You changed your nickname to Anti-Shinyyy Club President
Gayest of them all: Will you two stop changing the nicknames.
Gayest of them all: Also, who gave me this nickname?!
Gayest of them all changed her nickname to Riko
Anti-Shinyyy Club President: But Riri! It was Mari! She started it!
Riko changed your nickname to Yoshiko
Yoshiko: It’s Yohane!
Riko changed Shinyyy ’s nickname to Mari
Mari: Sooo! Are you really going to work with Yazawa Nico?
Riko: I did hear about that too. How is that going so far, Yocchan? Have you decided to accept it yet?
Yoshiko sighs. She remembers telling that news specifically to only two people so far. Ruby and Hanamaru. Three, with Dia by extension, since Dia was there when the three of them were video calling the other night.
Yoshiko: Who’d you hear that from? Also, I’m not even sure if I’ll take it.
Mari: Dia
Riko: Dia
Yoshiko: Of course.
She pauses. Didn’t Dia say that she was not going to use her phone for a while because it distracts her from studying since she’s got an upcoming test? Yoshiko is pretty sure that Dia mentioned that when she joined their video chat for a while.
Yoshiko: Though, I’d understand Mari hearing it from Dia since I’m sure Mari finds a way to talk to break through Dia ‘unplugging from social media’ for studying
Yoshiko: But how’d you hear from Dia, Riri?
Riko: We talk! What, I can’t talk with Dia, Yocchan?
Riko’s on the defensive, huh? Interesting. Before Yoshiko can even type a reply, Mari sends in hers.
Mari: I heard the two of them met for a cup of coffee the other day. Lovely ~! Dia said it was nice to hang out with Riko-chan and she feels refreshed after that.
Riko: Why do I feel like you’re making a big deal out of this?
Mari: Oh, Riko-chan! Nothing to be embarrassed about! Going out on dates is fine!
What an odd pair, Yoshiko thinks. They’re both such level headed individuals so she wonders how that will go. Or maybe Mari really is just teasing. After all, dragging Dia away from her studies is like trying to pull a concrete post from the ground so, Dia meeting up with Riko is definitely intriguing. Still, Yoshiko decides to tease a bit.
Yoshiko: Is that what they call it these days?
Riko: How’d this turn into talking about me? Yocchan, did you accept it yet?
Yoshiko chuckles because Riko’s obviously turning to her for help. Oh well, she needs their insights anyway.
Yoshiko: I’m not sure what to do, to be honest. I feel like I’m not ready to step in a studio or a stage without you all.
Mari: Yoshiko-chan is so honest! How adorable!
Yoshiko: Remind me why I even bother to talk to you.
Mari: Adorable!
Yoshiko: Leave me alone Mari!
Mari: I wanna fly over there to give you a hug!!
Yoshiko: Ew. You’re hanging around Kanan too much. She’s rubbing off her hugging tendencies on you
Mari: That’s not the only thing she’s rubbing on me ;D
Yoshiko: Again, ew.
Yoshiko: You’re disgusting.
Riko: I’m going to ignore that, Mari-chan but, Yocchan, I think you should go for it.
Riko: I mean, opportunity is opportunity.
Riko: It wouldn’t hurt to try. I’m sure a part of you wishes performing and doing lives.
Yoshiko leans back her chair and looks at the time. It’s 12:47 AM. Why the other two Guilty Kiss members are awake, Yoshiko’s not sure. She’s supposed to be studying for a quiz. Mari, well, Mari’s abroad somewhere so her time’s different. Who knows where she is right now. Riko, on the other hand, is probably preoccupied with a new song or something. They’re all busy but, she sure is glad she has company at a time like this. She knows Hanamaru has an exam tomorrow morning so she didn’t ask her to stay up late with her.
Yoshiko: Do you miss it? I mean, I’m not really sure where this will lead me but,
Yoshiko: I don’t know, I’m just lost.
Riko: Whenever someone mentions a new school idol group or I watch performances, I can’t help but think of us nine, singing and dancing, performing our hearts out. I’d be lying if I say that I don’t miss it.
Riko: Whenever someone brings up Love Live, I immediately think about us, on stage, performing for fans.
Mari: It’s the same for me, Yoshiko-chan. Every once in a while I’d listen to our songs and reminisce. Sometimes, I’d even dance to it.
Mari: The point is, because of the paths that we’ve taken, not all of us have the opportunity to go back and perform.
Mari: You have the chance though. Do you want to?
Yoshiko stares at Mari’s question on her phone screen. Ever since she was a kid, Yoshiko did love to perform. Whether it be her crazy antics as Yohane, or making videos for her YouTube channel, or dancing on stage as a member of Aqours - Yoshiko admits that she does enjoy the attention.
Yoshiko: I want to try at least.
Riko: Then, there’s your answer, Yocchan.
Mari: Go for it!
Yoshiko: Thanks guys. You really helped me out a lot.
Mari: Ahh, adolescence. I swear if it was Yoshiko-chan back when she’s a first year in Uranohoshi, she’d be a horrible blushing mess right now while acting all tsundere
Mari: You have grown, my young padawan.
Yoshiko: Is that a Star Wars reference? Since when did you start making Star Wars reference?
Mari: Kanan insisted we watch it last night.
Riko: Wait, where exactly are you?
Mari sent a photo.
Yoshiko waits for it to load. After a couple of seconds, a picture of Mari and Kanan appeared. Specifically, Kanan sleeping next to a Mari who is sitting up the bed, doing their Guilty Kiss pose while smiling at the camera. Yoshiko smiles as well, seeing how Kanan is snuggled against Mari. They really look happy.
But then wouldn’t that mean-
Yoshiko: You’re in Uchiura?
Riko: You’re in Japan?!
Mari: No! No! Silly! We’re not in Japan! Kanan left for Hawaii last week and I had days off from uni so I went here!
Mari: I wasn’t lying about the rubbing.
Riko: We get it! Geez…
Yoshiko yawns, realizing she’s consumed most of her time talking to Mari and Riko when she should be studying.
Yoshiko: Anyway, before Mari gets into too much details of her and Kanan’s rubbing,
Yoshiko: thanks again you two. I think I’ll continue studying for now.
Yoshiko: Exam tomorrow.
Yoshiko: Good night, little demons!
Riko: Okay Yocchan. Good night!
Mari: Good night!!
Yoshiko logged off.
Mari: So…
Mari: How did that date with Dia-chan go, Riko-chan?
Riko has left the group.
Mari changed your nickname to Yo~Honey!
Mari changed her nickname to Shinyyy!!
Mari added Sakurauchi Riko to the group
Mari set Sakurauchi Riko ’s nickname to Gay for Dia
Gay for Dia: :/
Shinyyy!!: ;D
Yoshiko stands outside Keiko’s office. She straightens her clothes and has no idea what she should do. Should she knock? What if she messes up?
Why is this even so nervewr-
“Yoshiko-chan,” someone calls her from behind.
She turns around. “It’s Yohane!” Ah, because she’s too preoccupied, it slipped out of her on reflex. Yoshiko is sure that her face paled when she saw who it is.
Nico stands there, looking a bit stunned. But then, she bursts out laughing. “I thought that was a skit you did but I didn’t know you really do that!”
The younger girl blushes. “Y-You j-just surprised me, t-that’s all, N-Nico-senpai!” She insists though, with how many times she stammered, Nico is obviously unconvinced as the idol just continued to smirk at her.
“Well, if you’re done blocking the door, maybe we can now proceed inside, right Yo-ha-ne-chan?” She steps aside and allows Nico to walk towards the door. “Honestly though, Nico thinks Yohane-chan is too stiff again.” The older girl says, looking at Yoshiko over her shoulders. “Loosen up, it will be fine.”
Somehow, Nico manages to calm her with that. Reassurance from the No. 1 idol in the universe does that, Yoshiko jokes to herself, knowing what Nico might say if she voices out her thoughts.
Like last time, the idol knocks a couple of times before opening the door. “Super idol Yazawa Nico has arrived!” She announces, making Yoshiko grimace. Nico really is something.
“Excuse me for the intrusion,” Yoshiko mumbles, peeking inside to see Keiko frowning as Nico goes to the other side of the room they’re at right now. Upon hearing her though, Keiko sits up and smiles at her. “Good afternoon, Tanaka-san,”
“Good afternoon Tsushima-san. Please, have a seat.” The manager says, gesturing for her to sit down on the chair in front of her desk again. Yoshiko does as she is told. She clasps her hands together tightly, suddenly feeling nervous again. “How have you been the past few days, Tsushima-san?” Keiko smiles.
Yoshiko knows for a fact that Keiko is just doing the usual ‘small talks’ and all but, shouldn’t this be a lot more calming?!
“I-I’ve been well, thank you.” She musters a reply.
“And I assume you’ve thought about our proposal?”
Yikes. That must have been the smallest small talk ever, Yoshiko thinks. She nods in reply. “Actually, I have a question first. I just want to hear from you what I’ll be doing. Grand Sky’s has a lot of talents in a lot of fields. I-I just want to know what I’ll be doing exactly.”
Keiko smiles at her, a intrigued look in her eyes. Yoshiko can’t help but gulp. “Well Tsushima-san, Grand Sky has always been open to hear out which path our talents take. Initially, you will be going through voice acting workshops but, it all starts from there. Whether it be pursuing an idol career or, continuing with voice acting. We can also develop your hosting skills.” The manager says. “We want to help you discover which field you’d like take and allow you to flourish from there.”
Yoshiko nods. “I see.” So, voice acting for now. Yoshiko thinks it wouldn’t be so bad. She did enjoy playing characters, she thinks to herself.
“Like Nico said before we parted last time, there’s no pressure Yohane-chan,” Nico sits down the couch, looking at them with a cup of hot beverage in her hands. “We want you to decide on which offer you’d take. You have two options - both of the options Nico and Kei-chan is sure that you can do well. You can take that assistant position or, you can accept our offer.”
Yoshiko nods at Nico then turns to Keiko, who again, gives her a warm smile. “So, Tsushima-san… which will it be?”
She’s thought about this for many days now. Yoshiko steels herself and looks at Keiko. “I-I…”
“...accepted it.”
Ruby and Leah looks at her, amused.
Yoshiko learned that Ruby and Leah are just a couple of minutes away from Grand Sky’s building. Ruby suggested they meet up which is why she is currently with them in a nearby café.
“Yoshiko-chan, are you alright though?” Ruby tilts her head, trying to look at Yoshiko’s face. She did not even realize but apparently, she’s been looking down at her cake for a while now.
Leah harrumps. “You look so spooked about everything right now and you’re paler than usual.” She continues sipping the straw of her strawberry milkshake. “Don’t pass out on us.”
She thinks that she will probably never fully understand how Ruby, sweet and gentle Kurosawa Ruby, ended up being close friends with this younger Kazuno. Sarah is kind and warm while Leah is… cold. But, it works, she thinks. She kind of get that the other girl is just really awkward - after all, she’s just like that too before she met her friends. Ruby did explain once that Leah, as cold as she may seem, is quite fond of her and Hanamaru because Leah would ask about them once in a while. She’d like to think that Leah’s just not sure how to show her concern towards someone that is not her older sister or Ruby so her words usually just comes out as cold.
Yoshiko groans after a couple of seconds of wondering. “It’s just nerves. I don’t r-really know if it’s the right decision. I mean, sure they gave me a time to actually see my skills in an actual workshop and see where we’ll go from there. Not that I’m worried. T-This is Yohane you’re talking to!" She stands up, and on reflex, does her usual Yohane pose. "Fallen Angel Yohane who will make sure that I do my best to gather more little demons! The fallen angel will never bow down to mere humans and allow them to see me fail. I’ll-”
“She has lost it, zura.”
She doesn’t even realize that she’s out of breath until she heard a certain friend of theirs in Numazu. She looks at Ruby and Leah only to see that they had dialled Hanamaru’s number and the girl actually picked up. “Z-Zuramaru!”
Ruby chuckles. “I told you she’ll stop once she hears Hanamaru-chan,” the redhead mumbles to Leah.
“Yoshiko-chan?” Hanamaru sounds worried. That’s the last thing Yoshiko wants her friend to do.
“Ruby! Leah!” She groans again, rubbing a hand on her face in frustration. “Zuramaru, I’m alright!” She smiles, but then realizes she's still posing and she definitely looks ridiculous. “Yohane has great news, actually! I accepted the job!”
On the other line, the temple girl lets out a long humming sound. “Why do I not believe that Yoshiko-chan is alright, zura?”
“She looks ridiculous.” Leah sips at her milkshake, as if she didn’t say anything.
Ruby chuckles. “Sorry to bother you Hanamaru-chan. We just thought you’d know how to calm Yoshiko-chan down best.”
“It’s okay, Ruby-chan, Leah-chan! I’m actually thankful that you called me, zura,” Hanamaru says. “Yoshiko-chan, you know you can talk to me about this, right?”
She nods, as if Hanamaru can see her. “I know… I just didn’t want to worry you. More than you already are. And I was going to tell you later.”
“Once your calm?”
Yoshiko pouts. “I-I am c-calm!”
“You’re not.”
“You’re not.”
“You are not, zura.”
Yoshiko raises her head to look at Ruby and Leah. Ruby a concerned look on her face while Leah is just smirking at her. Somehow she feels like she can see the frown that Hanamaru has on right now.
It’s hard to be put on the spot like this, she thinks. “Look, I-I’m just worried about messing things up.” Yoshiko sighs in defeat. “I mean, I’d really like to see how this will work and honestly, somehow, I want it to work. I just don’t want to disappoint anyone. Nico-senpai sounds like she has a lot of faith in me and so does Tanaka-san.”
“Yoshiko-chan, I think you’re much reliable than you think,” Hanamaru says. “You always do your best at everything you do, I don’t think that will ever disappoint anyone.”
Ruby nods at their friend’s words. “Hanamaru-chan is right. When you put your mind to it, you always deliver with great results, Yoshiko-chan.” The redhead smiles at her.
“Well, you heard them. If you’re doubting yourself right now, you might as well trust your friends when they say that you'll be alright,” Leah adds as an afterthought.
True, Yoshiko agrees with Leah.
“Thanks,” she smiles, happy and relieved that she has her friends with her. Ruby smiles and Leah nods. Yoshiko thinks it’s adorable how Leah's acting all tough and uncaring but, she’s actually just awkward. Yoshiko would know, of course.
“Yoshiko-chan should go home,” Ruby says out of the blue which puzzles her because is Ruby kicking her out?
She rubs the back of her neck. “I-I mean, yeah, it is getting late,” she mutters awkwardly, collecting her things then standing up.
At the realization that she must have sounded like she’s shooing Yoshiko away, Ruby immediately shakes her head. “Pigyah! N-No, no! Yoshiko-chan, that’s not what I meant!” She grabs Yoshiko’s sleeve. “I meant that you might want a breather so maybe you should spend the weekend at Numazu,” A tiny gasp is heard from the phone. “with Hanamaru-chan!”
“Ruby-chan!” Hanamaru reacts.
“I’d love to accompany you but Leah-chan and I have a group project to do this weekend though.” She looks at Leah and smiles.
Leah tilts her head and blinks. After a couple of seconds, she nods. “Yeah... a group project... this weekend,” she drawls.
Yoshiko looks at them suspiciously because Leah doesn’t really sound convincing also, for all the years that Yoshiko has known Ruby, despite the innocent looks, she’s a terrifying mastermind who plots a lot of schemes. Ruby is currently smiling at her and looking all nice and innocent but she wonders what actually is going on inside that head of hers.
Then again, maybe she’s just being rude and Ruby actually just wants her to relax. A weekend at Numazu does sound tempting. She and Hanamaru would hang out and-
“A-Ah, well that does sounds good but, I don’t want to impose on Zuramaru.”
“You won’t, zura!” Her friend shouts from the phone. “It’s fine, Yoshiko-chan! I-I can accompany you,” she pauses. “If you’d like, that is.”
Why does it feel embarrassing all of a sudden? Yoshiko figures it’s because she’s usually a lot more honest around Hanamaru than with the others the past few months so talking to her like how she does recently in public, with Ruby and Leah watching them, is making her shy. She turns around, taking Ruby’s phone on the table. She taps the button on the screen so she’s the only one who’ll hear her. “O-Of course I’d like that, Zuramaru.”
“U-Uhm, why’re you whispering, zura?” Hanamaru whispers as well.
“Because Ruby and Leah are weird,” she says, not really answering the question itself but she figures Hanamaru gets it, she looks back at the two and Ruby still has that mischievous smile on her face while Leah’s just bored by now and is nibbling on the straw of her drink.
“So, uhm, my classes tomorrow end at 12:00 noon so, I’ll just go home to grab my stuff and then travel back there.”
“My classes end by 2:00 PM so I’ll probably be able to meet you at the station, zura.”
Yoshiko can already imagine Hanamaru smiling at her once they see each other. Somehow, she feels warm inside. “Okay,” is all she can say because she’d actually like that.
“Okay,” Hanamaru says, her tone happy and excited. It’s contagious, the fallen angel thinks. “Well, you should pack your things for the weekend then Yoshiko-chan.”
“I-I will. I’ll head back to the apartment to do just that. Uhm, want me to call you later?”
A giggle. “You know you don’t have to ask permission to do that, right?”
“Yeah,” Yoshiko chuckles sheepishly.
Someone obviously fakes a cough from the back and Yoshiko glares at Leah. “I mean, that’s cute and all but I bet we all got places to be and you’re hostaging Ruby’s phone.”
Yoshiko looks at the device in her hand. Oh, right. Yoshiko puts her on loudspeaker again. “Well, that’s planned then,” she says, her volume back to usual. “Thanks Zuramaru.”
Perhaps noticing that Yoshiko’s no longer talking to her quietly, Hanamaru does the same and talks in her usual happy tone. “You’re welcome. It’s too bad that I won’t be able to see you, Ruby-chan, Leah-chan.”
“Next time, Hanamaru-chan.” Ruby giggles and Leah just lets out a hum.
Once they all bid their farewells, Ruby and Leah walks back to the direction of Ruby and Dia’s apartment. Leah mentioned that she’d like to walk her home. Smooth kid, Yoshiko thinks.
And as for Yoshiko, she feels a lot better now. Of course, there’s still dread about what she’ll be facing after this week but nevermind that for now. By tomorrow, she’ll be travelling back to Numazu and will spend her weekend with Hanamaru.
That’s one thing to look forward to.
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lumilasi · 6 years
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Part 3 of the ocs/Vesuvia crossover series
(recommend reading first two too)
Part 1: https://lumilasi.tumblr.com/post/175679667601/sosince-helias-isnt-an-apprentice-character-and
Part 2: https://lumilasi.tumblr.com/post/175782057246/second-short-story-snippet-for-this-au-thingy-or
More pics about HeliasxJulian AND AsraxLina:
Here’s the story for this picture: (Lina is the apprentice of this verse, paired with Asra, and belongs to my friend @mad-hatter-rici)
Lina and her companion hurried across the streets of Vesuvia, and she felt sorry for Julian’s ear beforehand; Portia looked rather frustrated, which wasn’t surprising; her brother had made a number of himself again, apparently, and the two women were currently heading to Rowdy Raven to hopefully stop him before the dramatic man did something overly foolish - again.
Soon enough, they spot the familiar sign, and Portia marches in without any hesitation, then stopping on her tracks almost as soon as she enters. Lina almost bumps at her and rubs her nose, peeking from behind the redhead woman to see what she was glaring at.
The sight that greeted them was not at all surprising; the auburn haired man was currently fooling around hopelessly drunk, dancing on the table with his shirt half-untucked, multiple people cheering him on.
”For the love of...Ilya!” Portia marches towards him, making few bystanders back away a tad spooked upon seeing her peeved expression.
”Ahh, Pasha! How nice to see you here!” Julian greets her with a drunken grin, then proceeds to tug his sister on to the table, managing to avoid the hand trying to grab his ear in the process.
”Ilya what are you doing?! You are attracting too much attention!” Portia hisses at her brother, who just chuckles and twirls her around for a bit, before hugging her and rubbing his cheek sloppily against her hair.
”Have I ever told you how much I luv you Pasha? You’re the best little sister I could’ve ever hoped for!” He declares dramatically, gaining a slight eyeroll from the short woman who attempts to push him off her gently, but firmly.
 Lina glanced around, but luckily so far there were no guards or any of the sort in the premises. The onlookers had began to dissipate too now that they’d come, likely having seen Portia drag her brother away before.
”Yeah yeah I know Ilya, just come down will you?”
”Buut Pashaa, the night has just begun! You should join me on the dance floor, the music is quite good!” He declares and claps his hands together in rhythm with the music.
”We aren’t even on the floor!” She informs him and jumps down, trying to tug him down from the table as well.
”Come on, we need to go!”
Julian just sighs dramatically and slips his hand away from her grasp, giving her a pouty look.
”Why won’t my dear little sister dance with me? My heart is broken.” He declares with a hand held on his chest, gripping his shirt from where his heart was.
Portia rolls her eyes again and glances at Lina, as if asking her to help her out with this dramatic baby. Before the mage could even open her mouth however, a strong aura of magic brushes past her, and she looks up to find...Helias, beside her.
Shocked to see him there again, for a moment she just looks at him stunned. He was wearing the same cloak from before, gazing up at Julian with that same, pleasant and amused expression. Underneath the cloak he had a different outfit from usual she noted, which wasn’t too surprising; Nadia changed outfits almost daily as well. 
”Your highness! What brings you here?” 
Portia asks equally stunned, then notes how the foreign ruler was gazing at her brother. Slowly, she turns her gaze back towards the auburn haired drunkard on the table, who’d stopped to take a breather, only for his breathing to halt momentarily as he sees the figure examining him.
”....My Lord, what a pleasant surprise! What brings you here in this hour?” He manages to regain his composure, fixing his shirt a bit and bows dramatically, which almost results him in tripping to his own feet, being a bit too drunk perhaps.
”Curiosity as always, Doctor, curiosity.” 
Helias chuckles softly, then walks closer, and actually steps - or rather sort of floats up in one fluid stepping motion - to join him on the table. It was such a bizarre sight, and a lot of people were gawking at the pair right now, which concerned both Portia and Lina equally.
Not just for Julian, it had to be dangerous for a leader - even if he was magic - to just randomly walk around like this with what was clearly expensive clothing.
Lina had honestly wondered about it last time too, and as she examined the Mirthas’ Emperor now, she could sense a powerful enchantment from the cloak he wore. 
”Well I cannot deny I am delighted to see you again. I also must thank you for your kind words you’d apparently stated about me, even if I feel they are not deserved.”
Portia and Lina quickly glance at each other with heightened tension; they could not be sure how the ruler reacted to the knowledge of them eavesdropping on his conversation with his sister.
Helias just glances at them amused, before turning his gaze back at Julian. The green eyes held the same kind of intrigue from last time, and for a brief moment Julian found himself just sort of lost in them, examining the vivid, inhuman hue closely.
He still did not know what Helias was exactly, other than he probably was magic user somehow.
”I may disagree with that, but I’d rather not ruin your mood with bickering. It was quite amusing, watching you dance.”
 Julian flashes him a grin, striking a pose that gained an eyeroll from his sister, which he ignored.
”Always glad to entertain My Lord.”
”Helias. I do not care much for the title when speaking off-duty so to say.” Helias tells him with a soft laugh, then steps closer, making the brunet’s heart skip a beat, though he opted not to show his sudden nervousness.
”Well, then I must insist you call me Julian, my dear.” He tells him with a chuckle, brushing trough his auburn locks with a charming smile across his pale face.
”Very well then, Julian.” 
A pale hand reaches up to play with the long, wavy white hair as the ruler seems to contemplate on for a moment on what to do next. Lina glances at Portia, who was looking back at her uncertain, not knowing if they should interfere or not. So far, Helias’ opinion had been positive when it came to Ilya, but knowing her brother, he could turn this sour very soon.
Eventually, the cloaked figure breaks the relative silence however, offering Julian the kind of coy smile that could easily make most hearts stutter. Well, at least his did, but the doctor was aware of how easily he could be affected, so maybe it was just him.
”Perhaps you could offer me a dance? You do seem to have the skills for it.”
The brunet flushes a little at that, but then just grins, boldly grasping his hand - much to the shock and worry for his sister - tugging his companion closer, who just chuckles at his gesture, not bothered by it much to Portia’s relief.
”Why I’d be flattered to offer you one, your highness. I just hope you can keep up, I’d rather not injure your delicate feet.” He glances down pointedly, and indeed, Lina notes that like last time, Helias was barefoot. She was really curious about that honestly, figuring maybe she should ask about it sometime as it was a bit bizarre.
”Oh I am sure you’d love to, but I would prefer doing it on the floor.”
”Oh don’t worry dear, I’ll be careful with you.”
A pale hand lifts up to brush his cheek, taking the brunet by surprise.
”It’s more a concern of your wellbeing, Julian. If you trip and fall, you might injure yourself.”
 The brunet was about to inform him there was no need to worry given his peculiar trait, but he is too struck by the genuine soft concern in the musical voice, so instead, he steps down from the table, still holding a pale hand on his gloved one. He brings it up to his lips and kisses it, just as Helias slips back down from the table as well.
”If you insist, my dear.”
 Lina and Portia resign to watch from the sidelines as the brunet dances with his more unusual partner, and the young mage notes Helias was a capable dancer too. She also noticed that his feet rarely touched the ground. He’d also dropped his cloak briefly and leaving it at the edge of the table, likely to make it easier for him to dance. This was the first time she’d seen him wearing an outfit with pants, but it actually didn’t look that weird.
”Is he...floating? I don’t think Ilya is holding him up that much even if he’s shorter...” Portia muses out confused, having noticed the same thing she did.
”I think...he is. It’s some sort of passive magic thing maybe? Perhaps his kindred just like to move around by floating in general?” Lina contemplates on this peculiar detail, holding her chin thoughtfully. It didn’t feel likely as she’d never seen Lady Gwendolyn float. She always marched forward with determined steps.
 ”What are they exactly? I mean...I know Lord Helias and Lady Gwendolyn are some sort of magic folk. Milady has been telling us to be kind of hush hush about it, but...”
Lina could see her friend’s tendency to gossip shine trough for a bit as she examined the dancing pair curiously now. If the mage was honest with herself, she was curious too. The same time though, she had asked Asra about this, and he’d told her to not worry about it, stating that whatever their true selves were, neither sibling was a malevolent being.
Watching Julian and Sir Helias dance, Lina suddenly felt a pang of something in her chest; she missed Asra. He’d gone off again this morning, and even if he’d promised to be back by tomorrow, she still felt horrible sense of loneliness whenever he was away.
”We should probably get Ilya out of here soon; Lord Helias is bound to attract attention.” Portia points out suddenly, snapping Lina out of her thoughts. She sighs and smiles with a nod, and the two head for the pair. As if sensing them approach, Helias makes Julian halt his steps, and he turns to look at the two women.
”I presume you wish to send your brother home by now, my sweet?” The white haired figure asks from Portia with a light smile, and the woman nods, offering him a polite smile.
”If it’s not too much of a bother to you sire.”
”Of course not; I understand he should probably go and sleep this off.” Helias chuckles, turning to look at the brunet who looked miffed; he’d clearly been enjoying their dance a lot.
”Your skills are extraordinary my dear; then again, I should expect nothing less from a royalty.”
”Please; I simply followed your lead, Doctor.” Helias tells him with a laugh, patting his cheek gently, gaining a slight flush from his companion, who coughs a bit and then reminds him with a scolding finger to just use his name instead.
”Ah, of course, Julian. My apologies.” Helias chuckles, picking up his cloak and putting it back on, and then turns back at the two girls.
 ”I’d join you bringing him home, but I believe that would not be ......ideal to you given his circumstance.”
”Yes, we’d prefer if people wouldn’t know where he is staying at the moment much, sorry.” Lina offers the ruler an apologetic smile, but Helias just nods, stating he understood it fully.
”I should make haste as well to be frank with you; my sister has been….on the edge lately, and she’ll grow concerned if I’m gone for too long.” The white haired figure sighs and nods at them, glancing at Julian with a wry smile. 
”Hopefully I get to dance with you again, Julian; it was quite entertaining.”
”Ah, I hope so too.” The brunet manages to mumble out and watches as the pale figure disappears into the streets again.
As Lina gazes after him, she suddenly notices another familiar figure who heads after him, but not before giving them a glance. 
So the mage was still keeping an eye on the fluffy haired ruler.
After a brief moment of examining them, the blunet turns to head after Helias, but not before the snake on his shoulder waves his tail at them as a greeting.
”That guy again?” Portia muses upon noticing what Lina was looking at.
”Makes you wonder what happened in the past to have someone constantly stalk Lord Helias.”
Lina couldn’t agree more with her friend.
After a moment of silence, she sighs and gestures Portia to bring Julian to Mazelinka so he could sleep off his hangover.
Whee third story completed.
I initially planned to draw another picture to go along with this short story snippet, but my brain just sort of short circuited and I couldn’t decide on what to draw for it.
I’m also going to go into the actual story-reason behind why Helias is in Vesuvia soon enough; since he is not an apprentice, I wanted to create an actual background story for his presence and how this ship came to be.
Since, Y know, it’s not my style to ship stuff without giving it a story. The best part (to me anyway) about any sort of ship and couple is the journey to the point they are together, not the destination.
Helias, Azul, Azul’s snake (C) Me
Lina, Gwendolyn (C) @mad-hatter-rici
Julian, Portia, Nadia, Mazelinka (C) Nix Hydra
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bbbarneswrites · 6 years
High-Heeled Heaven
Read Chapter Five: Valentino Rockstud Pumps 
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: In which Sebastian can’t help but appreciate his girl’s high-heels shoes. Genre: Romance/fluff Warnings: Swearings 1,808 words
Notes: Inspired by Hell in High Heels by Jewelgirl04, I decided to write a little series of drabbles so we can be trash about how Seb likes high-heels. I’m not even sorry. Each chapter will be inspired by a different pair of shoes that I wish I could actually afford, lmao. The link down there provides a better look to the shoes if you want and in the middle of the fic there’s a link for the full outfit. Heads up for our cutest new ‘character’ in this chapter too. And Sebastian’s moustache...lmao. Enjoy! <3
Chapter Six: Gianvito Rossi Plexi Pumps
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Past the end of the year holidays and its shenanigans, January starts with a busy schedule for both you and Sebastian.
By the first week of the month, he’s off to Atlanta to film his new movie while you find yourself busy with a few events to attend in New York and a festival in Utah to promote your lastest movie, that has been actually moving a lot faster than the production team anticipated.
All in all, you don’t have much time to worry about anything else than interview schedules, photoshoots, flight times and public appearences during that month.
But February just happens to be a little different once you get a little break before your own press tour starts. New York is still ranging with its moody weather and there’s a few days in which you can’t help but be painfully aware of Sebastian’s absence, despite the new companion he got for you as a Christmas gift.
Little Jack is the most adorable Border Collie puppy you’ve ever seen and most definitely the best gift you’ve gotten during your entire life. He’s absolutely the best cuddle partner for lazy days and his presence makes your apartment feel less gloomy when you’re on your own.
Though that doesn’t mean you’re not missing Sebastian.
Within less than a week for your boyfriend’s homecoming, the New York Fashion Week is on again and you’re soon with another list of shows and parties to choose from.
So once Friday rolls around and the third day of the Fashion Week starts, your fairly small apartment is crowded with the presence of your hair stylist and make-up artist, all expertly getting you ready in less than two hours.
Even with the city’s frigid temperatures, you’re gifted with a beautiful black and white two-piece outfit matched with a knee-length black wool coat. It kinda makes you feel badass so you don’t complain much about it as you slip into the said clothes with Lia’s help, taking extra care with your hair and make-up as she helps you to adjust the last details.
Now that all you need are your shoes and jewelry, you walk run over to your bedroom to grab  them just in time to catch Sebastian’s FaceTime call on your phone.
With a instant smile growing on your lips, you pick up the phone and sit on your bed, Jack fumbling around your feet as you accept the call. As soon as Sebastian’s face fill up the device’s screen, you can’t help but hold back a laugh at his very particular predicament.
Something that he notices right away with your poor hiding skills.
“You know, if I didn’t know you any better I’d be offended.” He says right off the bat, a feigned angry frown deep between his eyebrows as he notices your struggle to keep yourself serious. “Fucking unbelievable.”
At his indignant muttered words, you immediately give in to your urges and let out a laugh, your chest flaring with low-key affection as you note that he’s holding back a smile of his own while keeping up his angry front.
“I know I should be sorry but I’m not really.” You shoot him a half smile, trying to look as guilty as you can though you know he’s not buying just by the way he’s shaking his head. “You look so funny, I can’t help it.”
To your defense, he really does look kinda funny. Seeing your usually fashionable and very sharp boyfriend sporting classic 90s outfits – that included hideous turtlenecks and dad jeans – with a thin moustache and no sideburns at all wasn’t something that you thought you’d ever experience. And yet, there you are.
“Yeah, story of my life.” Seb rolls his eyes and lets out a chuckle, getting past the playful moment once he smiles tenderly at you, phone shaking as he moves on his hotel bed. “How’s things over there? Where’s the dog?”
With a roll of eyes of your own, you turn to the front camera and focus on Jack playing with his toys by your feet, letting out a laugh as soon he starts speaking and doing cooing noises that the puppy immediately perks up with.
“As you can see, things are good and Jack is right here making me company.” You reply playfully in the background, turning the camera back to you again just in time to smile mischievously at him. “Sooo, how are things over there? Are you staying away from elementary schools?”
“Ha-ha, you’re so funny.” Sebastian glares at you through the phone screen, looking unimpressed by the proud and amused grin on your lips. “Charles already made that joke so you’re a little late on that one.”
“Don’t be like that.” You pout in feigned disappointment, chanelling your best puppy face when he simply hums in reply. “If it makes you feel better I really, really miss you today.”
Almost as if you’d said magic words, Sebastian’s face instantly light up and you swear you can spot a discrete shade of red covering his clean shaved cheeks, though you don’t mention a word about it despite the affection bubbling up in your chest.
It’s always cute when he’s caught off-guard, his sweet and shy self slipping every now and then through his usual charming front even though the bastard can compose himself pretty quickly.
“Yeah? Just today?” Sebastian smiles smugly for a brief moment until you glare at him, a honest laugh escaping from his lips that soon melts into an almost dreamy sigh. “You look so beautiful. I kinda feel bad that you have to deal with this now.”
“Thanks, babe. That’s the perks of going to a fashion show for free, I guess.” You shrug sheepishly, hoping that your flushed cheeks aren’t visible through the phone screen as you laugh. “And don’t worry about that, two hours ago I was wearing my pajamas onesie so you’re good.”
“Let me see you then.” He says abruptly, his lips growing in a smirk when he sees your slightly disgruntled expression at his sudden request. “Come on. You laughed at my moustache just now, can you let me see you for a second?”
Despite being used to his beaming personality and occasional flirty demeanor, you still can’t help but feel slightly timid whenever it sets on him to tease you like this. Even though Sebastian can be a little awkward and quiet at times, he knows he’s handsome and most definitely knows the effect he has on most people once he’s comfortable enough.
One of these people just happens to be you.
And just by the way he’s smiling through the camera with that ridiculous moustache of his (that makes him look funny but still not ugly, much to your despair), it seems like he knows he got his way on this one.
So his smile just widens as you groan and get up from your spot by the edge of the bed, the phone’s image shuffling as you walk towards the big mirror covering up one of your walls. When you flip the camera to the front side again and frame it on your reflection, you dare to give him a cheeky smile before pulling out a pose.
“There you go, mom.” You tease with a short laugh, turning to your sides a few times in a playful way to show him the full outfit. “Happy now?”
Sebastian lets out a content hum as he runs a hand through his jaw, eyes squinted and lips pursed into a smirk you know too well.
“That’s one look, I’ll tell you.” He boasts with a cocky smile, his eyes set on your frame in a way that almost makes you feel as if he’s right there watching you. “I gotta ask though. You’re going barefoot or...?”
The question comes as no surprise but your reaction is immediate. Once your laugh fills up the room, Sebastian is all the way over in Georgia smiling like the biggest show-off on Earth, low-key eager for whatever is coming next.
“Christ, you’re like a predator or something.” You shake your head in mocked disapproval, knowing that the action won’t put him off due the clear amusement still laced to your voice as you continue. “Of course not moustache man, I got new shoes just for this and they’re awesome.”
Before he can even ask, you walk over to where the box is set and makes a show of opening it as best as you can one-handed, still filming the whole thing with your front camera just to spite him. Even though he doesn’t see it, you completely fail at holding back a smile when he lets out a low, almost amazed ‘wow’ as the shoes come into the view.
Finally setting them on the floor, you slowly step into the heels and frame the image on your legs, unpretentiously walking back to the mirror to frame the camera on your reflection once again.
“God, I miss you so much.” Sebastian sighs tiredly, his eyes looking kind and tender despite the serious tone of his voice as he tilts his head to rest against the bed’s headboard. “Can’t wait to be home with you and the dog.”
His words warm up your chest right away and you bite back your lower lip to hide one of your giddy smiles, the camera now set back to your face.
“We miss you too.” You reply softly, giving in to a smile when Jack walks past you to walk into your closet. “Jack’s been out of his mind without your runners around to chew off, believe me.”
Seb laughs but doesn’t go further than that as Lia’s call from the living room interrupts the moment, warning that your Uber is just a few minutes away and asking if, for the love of God, you’re ready to go after all this time. As you glance apologetic at Sebastian, all he does is offer a cute laugh and a shake of head.
Well, at least you’ve put your shoes on. Jewelry is the least of your concerns right now. Or it’s supposed to be.
“Hey, knock them dead for me.” He says with a serious expression though his tone of voice is light and sounding as teasing as ever, his tongue running over his lower lip before he finishes. “I’ll be home in no time.”
“I will, handsome.” You smile knowingly at him, throwing a wink before gesturing around your mouth with a pleading face. “And please, take that thing off your face before you get into the plane, okay?”
Sebastian laughs, lower lip caught between his teeth and suddenly you can’t wait for the next six days to be just over.
“If you don’t forget to save these shoes for me.”
Just a few more days. 
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I’m baaack!
And I know I’ve said this before, but this time I am “back back” like, “big mad”…but “big back”, so I am “BIG mad, and BIG back”.
The only reason I ever took my little blogging hiatus was because some stuff went down, and I promised Darren I wouldn’t let strangers in on his life choices and share and blog about it…. But then I opened my big ass mouth, broke my promise and told actual real life humans what was going on… and now he hates me for a handful of reasons soooo FUCK IT, HERE’S THE TEA!!!! (PS-Sorry for acting as if you aren’t real life humans…. You know you’re my virtual fam for life)
So while you were all out enjoying your holidays, and I was remaining silent.. I was busy having really, REALLY hot breakup sex. The kind where you can barely make it up the stairs without ripping eachother’s clothes off, driving 30 minutes away at midnight for a quickie, and fucking in the kitchen before making it to the couch or bed..,. yeah it was THAT hot.
And yet here I am, after all that hot and dying for more sex… currently eternally blocked…  for the second and fair enough… probably final time… I’m calling it my third breakup…. WITH THE SAME DUDE.
So of course me and Darren have broken up way more than 3 times. But here’s the logic I have recently created. (Which is obviously very illogical, along with almost all of my thoughts).  I never once accepted our breaking up.  Legit until about a month ago when he brought some new broad around in public and I had to watch them check into a hotel room directly next to mine, and black out and sleep with a pillow over my ears so I didn’t hear them fucking through the hotels paper thin walls…. *takes massive gasp for air after that run on sentence * That did it for me TBH.  I think that would do it for anyone TBH. But I like to think that I almost accepted him breaking up with me one time prior... Back in May –ish when I was essentially kicked out on the mean streets and living with my Nonny, Darren dumped me for what iiiii personally consider to be the first time. (He’ll for sure say it was probably the 50th time). I was so devastated, I decided I’d go out and buy a Louis Vuitton bag cause it made me feel like a boss ass bitch.  It legit made me feel sooo good though. Like I was still shopping around the mall after, and store employees and other shoppers were having me unpack the bag and pose with the bag showing them which one I got. I was strutting around Nordstrom like the boujee girl that I am while everyone “oooed and ah-ed”. It was as close as I was to being famous before this blog. (Still not close to being famous lol)  Thennnn, the other day I decided no break up can be deemed a breakup until a new Louis Vuitton is purchased. SO. Here we are, the first step in recovery… ACCEPTANCE.  While I bought hundreds of other things when Darren broke up with me at the end of August, I didn’t buy a Louis.  So now that I’m making dumb money at my job, I decided I’d backtrack and make all these breakups official. So in May I bought my first child.. and today I bought my second and third. So I had bought brown leather in May, so now it’s time for a white bag to make up for the August break up. But let’s be real. We broke up in August, but it was NOT cold turkey. Darren loves telling me “WE BROKE UP 6 MONTHS AGO YOU OBSESSIVE FUCKING WEIRDO” But let me just say, breaking up 6 months ago and having breakup sex on Christmas is not exactly a 6 month old breakup…SO third breakup is right now, present day, and I of course think I deserve another bag for that too! So I bought myself a Louis clutch as well. (Which is really the only thing I intended to buy in the first place… but I’ve been listening to my girl Ariana Grande too much lately, and 7 Rings is a verrrry dangerous song . SO therefore I was over inspired  to buy them both). And now. I have accepted my three breakups, the third of which I completely created on my own to justify retail therapy, and now just like that…I have a realistic mind set on where I’m at.
So let me stop rambling, and explain what you’re actually looking to hear. This part isn’t going to be long. Or funny. Because it’s something I want out of my head, not to talk about but I want you guys to be able to follow my mind. Darren teased me with the idea of trying again. He was very open and honest, and the whole thing was my idea.. but he agreed that if we were to continue hooking up and talk a little here and there, that we could potentially try again. Now he did let me know he was also talking to someone else, that he did have feelings for them, and that he did not have feelings for me. Dope. So my dumbass went forward with opening my legs, and arguing with him over time he spent fucking me but not talking to me. GUYS- we all know go with the flow is not my fucking thing. But the sex was toooo good. Still too good. Like better than any other sex I have had. I’m thinking it hasss to be in my head now. Like I must be ruining other experiences for myself just comparing penises… anyway besides the point. I ruined it by insecure arguing over who he was spending time with instead of me. And now I have no hot breakup sex, or communication with Darren.
But the thing is. I don’t get me... I am doing well. Really well. It’s not a front. It’s not me tricking myself. I do positive things for myself and my mind all of the time and I feel good about them and I am happy. I feel good about myself, my life, where I’m at. But for some reason… I can’t control my other thoughts. It’s like whenever I talk to Darren, (WHICH I SHOULDN’T EVER BE DOING) my mind screams out, “TELL HIM HOW SAD YOU ARE, LET YOUR DESPARTE OUT, TELL HIM HOW IN LOVE WITH HIM YOU ARE” As if my mind thinks that’s doing myself a favor, or telling him what he wants to hear.. when I know it isn’t. So let me brag to all of you people, and maybe it’ll help you guys. So here’s some more classic advice from your emotionally unstable girl.
I meditate before going to bed, and first thing in the morning. Instead of waking up and texting Darren to see if I am unblocked, or to continue an argument…. I do a 5 minute meditation. Insecurity was always something I struggled with, so I wake up and tell myself things I like about myself. It doesn’t matter if anyone else likes them about me, because what I’ve been working on is falling in love with myself. Sometimes it’s my appearance.. like my eyebrows are on fucking point. Or …my life may not be perfect, buy my eyelashes always are!!!  Or I remind myself of the freckles on my nose that I always make sure I don’t cover up with my concealer. Or my smile with my big white teeth, and disappearing top lip. I make sure to look in the mirror and be happy with what I have and to not get down on myself and pick out everything I see is wrong. Darren was a pro at comparing me to anyone else. Like how this new girl is a dime, and I am just kind of cute and that’s all I’ll ever be. What the fuck, right??? Sometimes it’s not my appearance at all… it’s how big my heart is. How despite what people have put me through, I still try to see the best in them and not let their nasty traits or actions be what I judge them for. It’s my vulnerability, that makes me a good human. Or the fact that I am good at my job. Dwight was a good mentor to me, Darren helped me from time to time. But now this is me. Or even the little details about me like how I close my eyes and lift my feet and make wishes over railroad tracks. (I NEED AT LEAST ONE OF YOU TO TELL ME YOU’VE HEARD OF THAT BEFORE BY THE WAY). I am a hopeless romantic and I love it. I am an awesome fucking person.
I started karate classes again! (I know weird flex, right?)
Well I did karate when I was a kid. Like 5 year old kid. I quit when I was 10. I did it with my family friend Zach. I would cry every time I had to go to class. It was because once I reached a certain age, we had to spar . Like put on full head pieces, equipment and fight for points. I was the only girl and I would always spar against Zach who I had a massive little kid crush on because he was like… the only boy I even knew lol. And one night sparing, he punched me in the area of what I still to this day call my non-existent boob. I was so humiliated so I went home cried and quit.
BUT NOWWW . I’m ready to get my black belt bitches. My Sensai and I did the math the other night. I haven’t been to classes in 14 years. 14 FUCKING YEARS, IT’S DAY 1  AND THIS GUY IS WORKING ME LIKE I’M STILL A PURPLE BELT AND CAN REMEMBER SHIT FROM BACK IN THE DAY WHEN I CAN BARELY EVEN REMEMBER WHAT CAR I DROVE HOME TONIGHT. It’s wild. But it’s so good for stress and honestly guys are such perverts that being single I deff need to know self defense on how to fuck a dude up. I’ve has some scary uber drivers.
Uhm uhm uhm what else do I have to report…
I have been talking to this kid. We’ve been out a bunch. He makes me really happy. He listens to me, always is so interested in my day, and is golden retriever innocent. But I’ve been trying to force it more than I should. He’s so sweet and so fun to talk to and hang out with which I love. But I just don’t feel the right sexual chemistry (ironic because he’s a science teacher ) . But like that is such a huge deal to me. Let’s be real … not all girls are comfortable saying they love sex.. But I LOVEEEE sex. No shame. It’s natural. But I am also very cautious of who I am sleeping with. I’ve told you my 3 time rule.  Anyway, the chemistry wasn’t right. And while this 2019 dating world is not something I have really ANY experience with… I decided the next move was “ghosting” . Kind of fucked up huh? I would hate that happening to me. I am such a talker, I need answers so bad. But I mean he wasn’t my boyfriend, we were just talking for a few months, I didn’t have the energy to explain myself and it was so causal like I just didn’t think I needed to. BUT THEN I MADE A ROOKIE MISTAKE. I planned to leave that night and never respond again. But as soon as I got in my car to drive home… I realized I was missing one of my hoop earrings. Mind you this was not just my 17 dollar cheap sterling silver hoop earrings…. This was my SOLID GOLD FAVORITE HOOP EARRING EVER.  I was so mad at myself. Girls literally do shit like this on purpose. They’ll leave earrings , or underwear fucking anything to prove they were there. Whether it be to make sure they have another excuse to talk to the guy again or to show any other girl that there’s someone else in his life too, it’s all an evil plot. BUT NOT ME. How could something like that happen to me by accident?!?! Just my damn luck. So I texted him and asked him to put the earring in his mailbox that way I don’t have to do a walk of shame back to my earring, and he can hopefully take the hint that was that. But no. The hint was not taken. I had to hit him with the classic Dwight line, “It’s not you, and it’s not me”. Lmao I am a bitch. It’s nothing I’m proud of honestly. But I am just truly done looking for anyone. I’m just waiting for my future husband to walk into my branch and rent a car, someone to just fall into my life. I am not searching, and I am not trying. I like being alone anyway. The only thing that I wish I had was someone to just lay with at the end of the night when I’m lonely to talk to about my day. Someone to wake up next to in the morning with their hands all over me making me late for work… Other than that I’m so busy Monday- Friday that I don’t even have time for a boyfriend. I’m finally content.
The only real problem I have is that my mind still races about blowing it with Darren. I have accepted it’s over, but I haven’t been able to cope well with the fact that I completely fucked up the only thing I wanted, which was him. But I have to be careful cause I haven’t calmed down enough for those restraining order threats to stop yet… and I don’t think they are threats any more.  I have to get better control over my emotions.
But now you guys are completely all caught up on my crazy ass life. I hope I didn’t get too boring on y’all. I’ll be back to posting regularly as soon as the next fucked up shit happens. Cause you knowwww there will be something. 
0 notes
keeplovinanyway · 7 years
Vidcon Day 2
another little thing just for me and my friends :)
Right now, I am in the train back from Amsterdam. I am an emotional mess and can’t quite make sense of my feelings and what’s happened, so here I am again, attempting to write down the second day of Vidcon.
It started off with me waking up way too early again, and then I also was really early at the convention center. I was there at about 8:15 when I only wanted to attend a panel at 9:30. So I got myself a sandwich and a latte and sat down at the chillout area, taking some time to be a little more quiet and observe the very few people that were already scattered around the hall.
The night before I’d activated an international roaming flat so I would have data for the day, because I found the Wifi stuff the day before really annoying. I could charge my phone there though so that was what I did, and I was a little bit on twitter and then just reading on my phone.
After a while I went to find Josi in the m&g area, who was queuing up for someone’s m&g at 9:30. We chatted a little bit, before I went to the Auditorium to A Conversation About Mental Health.
That panel was sooooo amazing. It featured Kati Morton, who moderated again, as well as TomSka and two girls I didn’t know before. Kati is a therapist and does educational videos on Mental Health, and the other three are just regular youtubers who talk about their personal experiences with mental health on their channels. Kati is very calming in the way she talks to people, so it was just a very chill and interesting discussion that happened on stage. It also felt really personal and intimate, both for the pre-planned conversation topics as well as the questions that viewers asked after a while.
When the panel ended there was half an hour until the next panel started in the Auditorium again, which was There’s A Troll In The Dungeon, it was about trolls on youtube who comment hate just for the sake of it. Kati moderated it again, and the other youtubers were Jana Vlogs, Dodie and again a woman I didn’t know before. It was a very honest discussion and they raised many good points, explained their personal experiences and how they handle things like this, and so on. When the questions opened, I raised my hand and Kati picked me immediately (thanks Kati! :D it was good I talked to her the day before, I guess) and I asked what their thoughts on fans are when creators receive hate, because fandoms can get insanely protective, and I wanted to know how they look at it. I was quite nervous when I was talking but they appreciated the question a lot it seemed, Dodie even especially thanked me for it afterwards, and that made me really happy!
At those panels I also talked to a friend we made in a groupchat before Vidcon, Monica, who is also super nice.
After the panel we had again half and hour to get to the Holy Trinity Q&A. Josi had arrived at the panel after a while as well, so we went together and then saved a seat for Lena as well. They were unplanned and lovely on stage, and really funny and wonderful.
We left right after the Q&A ended and Lena and Josi rushed to the m&g to get in line for Tyler’s m&g as early as possible (which is an hour before the m&g’s start, which was exactly when the Q&A ended, whiiich was 13:30). My ankle had started hurting in the morning, no idea why, so I stayed behind, went to the toilet and got lunch for the three of us to eat in line. In line we also met up with Mees, who was as well from the groupchat we made before. He was so sweet!
The time passed really quickly because all of a sudden I got really, really nervous to meet Tyler. Especially when he actually arrived, I got really jittery and even scared. I’d been so excited to meet him for weeks, and I love him and wanted it to feel nice and special, and I was really scared that the experience wouldn’t live up to my expectations. Then on top I was also annoyed with myself for being so nervous now, when I don’t usually feel that way around Tyler anymore, and I’d been so calm meeting Hannah! Luckily Josi was a sweetheart and hugged me a lot.
Finally it was our turn. Lena went first, and I filmed her meeting Tyler, and then Josi went and I filmed her too. Josi had some things planned she wanted to say to him, so she took a little longer, and the photographers were getting soooo annoyed at her! It really bothered me, how much they rushed everyone. Josi took only one minute 19 seconds (video proof :P) but they acted as if she was there five minutes. Tyler didn’t even seem to care, but they were just so incredibly pushy, just shy of actually yelling at people to go away.
Then it was my turn, I handed Lena her phone back and she filmed me while I went up to Tyler. He immediately smiled when he recognized me and I was sooo happy right away. He greeted and hugged me and asked how I was doing, and after that I felt myself starting to freak a little, buuut then he asked which pose I wanted to do for our picture, and I said just a really cute hugging one. We did that  and he said “I was wondering all day which picture you wanted to do!”. Also, he was standing on his tippy toes HOW CUTE! Then, without me saying anything at all, he told me something that I can’t quite remember, but it was along the lines of that he is grateful every time he logs on to twitter and sees my replies, and maybe that he’s so happy that I am here…? I wish I could remember it better, but I was so touched and startled by this, I didn’t expect that at all, and lord knows I expect a billion things because my fantasy is thriving. I said I wanted to get a little heartfelt as well, and that the photographers would probably hate me for this (he laughed and put his hand on my arm briefly and said “they’ll kill you”), but that I appreciate him for making the decision to put himself out there, and that many people can be special and wonderful, so that’s not his big achievement, even though he is wonderful (“aww shush”), but yeah, that it is that decision I value a lot. He seemed almost bashful and hugged me again, and he told me he’d see me online after this, and I said for sure, and told him about a letter of a friend I’d had them put in a box for him, and we said goodbye.
On the video you can see that the photographers had already pushed the next girl ahead, so that she would step in my place, when I was still talking, and I am so annoyed at them ever since I noticed that. We are people who actually want to meet those people we’ve talked to online for ages, or just loved and admired, and their time schedule is more precious to them than that? It feels like they didn’t even try to appreciate how special those moments were, and that makes me angry. I was only there for just shortly under a minute, for fuck’s sake!
But, oh well, it is as it is. I am really happy Tyler took the time to talk to me, let me tell him something, and he seemed to listen attentively to everyone he met. It seems like a struggle for him as well though, when people are just being pushed in and out of his arms, basically…
Back to the meeting though. Aaaaah. That Tyler told me he’s grateful for me shook my world a little bit, and I’ll always hold that so, so close to my heart.
Apart from that his voice was way deeper than on camera, and for some reason while hugging him I had the thought that he’s so solid, idk what I was expecting, he’s not a ghost.
After the meeting we were still standing on the side, collecting ourselves (aka almost crying in each others arms), before we went away from the area. The three of us went to the large space before the Auditorium where we’d sat the day before already again, sat in the sun with the wifi, and downloaded our pictures and watched the videos and posted and were just insanely happy. I really needed that time to just try and process what had happened for a little while (even though I didn’t really succeed).
A panel “Race and Representation in the YouTube Community” had started while we were outside, and Josi went after a while, and a little later Lena and I went in as well. I didn’t listen all that much, I was still too focused on what I’d just experienced, and updating twitter and being emotional.
I did manage to hear them talk though about how they want people to just talk to each other, not always get angry and defensive immediately, and I value hearing that, because being more activist has been sometimes quite hard for me, as I am not really an aggressive person and activism often is aggressive in some form. Hearing this different perspective felt really good for me, like I can be activist in my own ways as well.
After the panel, Josi was going to another m&g, and I had a m&g for Ricky Dillon at the same time, that I was on the fence if I really wanted to go, but Josi and Lena made me queue for him anyways. When I got there though the line was huuuge, and while I really like Ricky as a person, I wouldn’t have wanted to be in line for that long, when I didn’t even really have anything to say to him. So what I did instead was sit a little with Josi in line, aaaand actually (sneaky sneak) manage to get my Ricky wristband off, and give it to Josi, so she could queue for him as well after the m&g she was just at. Vidcon doesn’t allow to trade m&g’s, not even before it starts, probably because it’s too chaotic to coordinate… but I found that so sad, because Ricky and Mamrie were people I like but didn’t desperately want to meet, and others would do anything for that experience and enjoy it way more, so why wouldn’t I give it to them? I was so happy I could give Josi the wristband, because to her Ricky does actually mean a lot.
So eventually I left the m&g area and went to the chillout area again, to try to write down what happened with meeting Tyler, because everyone wanted to know and I wanted to share but I needed to make it detailed. Eline, one girl we’d met on Saturday in the very first line, saw me there and said she wanted to go already to the main stage and save seats for the creator show at 19:30, and if she should save seats for us as well, which she did, which is super nice of her! Us three still wanted to check out the fan LGBTQIA+ meetup. We went there and the crowd was really big though, so we all kind of didn’t really want to stay there. It was around 18:20, and we went back to Eline and the main stage, got ourselves dinner and then just waited. The seats were filling really quickly and there was music playing, and at some point they turned it up and we all had so much fun just talking and dancing in our seats and the air was filled with so much excitement. At this point I was also often checking my notifications, trying to reply to people as much as possible, and then I saw sneaky Tyler liking some of my retweets (as well as my m&g pic before that, some time).
The creator show started eventually, we were all in SUCH a good mood, you could really tell it in the crowd. The show was really good as well, they had many fun things prepared, and despite everything the panels and everything else having a really chill vibe, this was a little more lively (but still not too much in any way).
During the show I kept checking my phone sometimes and suddenly Tyler tweeted a small collage of some people he met today and it was like 16 or 25 pictures, and two of them were my friends and one was me and two other girls I know where also there, and I and my friends freaked out a lot because kdsfmaskdfmaskdmk I LOVE HIM!
The show went on until 21:30 which felt actually really short, I was nowhere near as tired as the last day. But then, it ended, and everyone started leaving, and the hall was looking so empty already, and I became really emotional. We kept being near the stage and danced along to the music that was playing, the same piece that they’d always played before someone went on stage, and there were several groups of people just standing there dancing, not wanting the day to end.
At some point security came up to us and told us to leave, so we went to the toilets and wardrobe, and that’s where I started crying because it suddenly hit me that it all ended now, that tomorrow we wouldn’t come back, and it was all so sudden and the past days had been SO happy, that it was just all a bit too much.
Again, we were ushered away by security, so I continued crying outside. :P We were sat at the I-am-sterdam sign in front of the entrance doors, I was sat in the little hook of the t I think, and I was just watching the handful of people still standing there and talking, the happiness still all around in the air, and tears streaming down my face. It was a weird mixture of happiness and exhaustion and sadness, all mixed together, because … it was all SO great, so wonderful, and so much, for so long.
It was 22:15 or something like that when we eventually did leave for real. We all hugged goodbye, Josi and Lena and I and another girl we’d started talking to and dancing together. In the tram back I was still with Lena for a little while, and when we’d entered the tram a guy said he hoped we had a good Vidcon (he probably saw the badges around our necks), and a girl that had entered before us replied as well, so the three of us started talking about vidcon again, until I had to leave and hug Lena goodbye.
And then I was walking to my hotel, and then I was on my bed, crying again.
Wow, this is such an uplifting text! ;)
It was good though, it was really, really really good. A friend of mine let me vent a little online, and that helped, but it also helped just letting the emotions out.
I am still in a weird place where I am not sure if I am happy or sad or in some strange place in between.
I don’t have an ounce of doubt in my mind though that it was the best experience I EVER had. Traveling alone to Amsterdam, spending a whole day there exploring the city without a phone or a plan or anything at all, that was already so great that I often nearly cried. I had so much fun falling in love with this beautiful city.
And then, Vidcon, meeting all those lovely people that were my friends before or became friends or were just strangers that I shared lovely talks and experiences with. Seeing all those YouTubers I adore, hearing them talk in real life, on a stage just meters ahead of me, having them see me and react to me, or even talk to me and hug me. Meeting Tyler, someone I’ve loved for two years, and having him say that he is grateful for ME? Constantly being around so much positive energy, constantly being surrounded by so many lovely, lovely humans that share the same happiness that you are feeling. That was something incredibly special. I paid a lot of money for this trip (considering what I have), but I know that every cent was worth it, because that was the experience of a lifetime. I’ll never, ever forget what I had in those past couple of days. There’s a special place in my heart now that holds those memories.
I am so grateful <3
0 notes
alldayieat · 7 years
One day in Guadalajara…
We were walking by some street performers and one of them was covered up in silver paint. You know, like pretending to be a statue that doesn’t move.
He was off to the side maybe maybe 15 feet away.
We were standing there for a minute or so watching this other guy be Michael Jackson. This guy was doing a real good job and had his whole dance in sync to “Thriller” which was playing on a speaker.
Then all of a sudden the silver paint statue guy blurts out “Jackie Chan!”
Obviously, he was talking to us. And we knew he was trying to get our attention, but we didn’t know what he was really trying to say. So we just laughed. (I don’t think I look like Jackie Chan.)
But I get those shoutouts every now and then when traveling.
Random people will say “Ja-pan” or “konnichiwa” when they get it right. Sometimes, they say something different.
I know they’re just trying to be friendly. But I don’t go around saying “Mexico!” or “Hola!” to random people on the street. Do you?
Maybe it’s a cultural thing. I think next time it happens, I’ll need to ask, why they say that.😆 The reality of travel.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); So why Guadalajara?
This city was never on my radar, but having been to Mexico City so many times, I was ready to explore another big city.
According to Alaska Airlines, it’s one of the art capitals of Mexico. (Their advertising is probably how I got a glimpse into what the city has to offer. They fly direct from LAX.)
Though we didn’t get to see much gallery art, there was plenty of street art.
Our first glimpse of this was driving in from the airport.
When going through the hills into the city, there were several neighborhoods of single story houses with various colorful birds painted on the sides of the houses.
Usually one large bird per house. It added a lot of color and beauty to an otherwise, unremarkable brown and dry looking landscape. Look out for them if you ever end up visiting!
Another draw for me was the regional food.
Jalisco and Guadalajara have many of their own regional specialties.
After reading about them, I knew I’d eventually make there one day. Well, that day came and went quite quickly!
We spent 2 full days there and I think it was just enough for a good tease.
  Famous Foods of Guadalajara
Our first meal in the city was birria.  We got take out at Birriería las 9 Esquinas for breakfast on the way to the hotel.
It was quite heavy given that we had it for breakfast and it was mostly meat.
I’d describe it as spicy, rich, savory, and very meaty.
We ate it with tortillas and onions and additional hot sauce. It reminded me of pozole, but without the hominy. Yum!
After breakfast, we needed to go for a walk. So we set out to explore.😎
Our first stop was the main square. (Where else do you go ?!)
In the square they had a large Guadalajara art installation.
There was a pretty big line the entire time that we were there to get a picture with it.
We waited about 7 minutes to get ours. Not bad!
Throughout the square they also had a bunch of cartoon characters and mascots walking around posing for pictures for people too.
After hitting up the main square, we wandered down one of the Paseo Hospicio (one of the main streets) toward the Instituto Cultural Cabañas.
Once we made it there, we split a horchata since it was pretty warm out. Horchata is always so good in Mexico!!
On the way back, we saw some little electric cars being driven around by kids who looked liked they were having fun.
When I was a kid, those cars were one thing that I always wanted to drive. None of my friends had one, so I never got to drive one.
So I guess I have to just live vicariously through those little kids.
After thoroughly exploring the historical center, we ended up making a small trek to get tamales at Ricos Tamales for a late lunch.
We shared a red mole with pork tamale and a vegetable tamale as well as a vanilla atole drink.
While we were eating, a lot of local people stopped by to get take out.
This place was worth the trek as it was all very good!
For dinner, we had a reservation at Lula Bistro. It was my second choice for a nice meal, but the other restaurant Allium was MIA (according to their Facebook, they were out on holiday).
I’ll be sharing the Lula Bistro experience in a separate post tomorrow. It was definitely one of the highlights of our trip, food wise!
  Guadalajara Day 2: More Food
The next day we got chilaquiles for breakfast from La Chata.
This restaurant seemed to be pretty popular with the locals also. The chilaquiles were good, but to be honest, it’s not one of my favorites.
After breakfast we went to some of the produce markets since I wanted to get some beans and peppers to take home.
I got a pretty good amount (1 kg chiles -ancho, pasilla, mulato, guajillo + 1kg beans-peruano, texano, and flor de junio).
Now I just need to figure out what to do with them!! 😃 Any suggestions??
We dropped my haul back off at the hotel before going to get lunch.
We took a long 40 minute walk to get carne en su jugo. Which is stewed beef.
It came with tortillas, chips, onions, limes, and beans. This was sooo good.
I need to find a recipe and try to recreate this at home. 🍖
This dish alone totally made the trip worth it!!😋
There are two restaurants that seemed like the ‘go-to’ for this particular dish. We chose Kamilos 333 since it seemed less touristy and had better reviews.
It’s right next door is it’s competitor Karne Garibaldi, which has a Guinness world record of serving the fastest meal or something like that.
Kamilos was a good choice since the food was bomb. And, while we were their the clientele seemed to be local families and business people. Always a good sign, in my opinion!
After this, we did some more walking around at one of the local parks. We thought we knew where to enter but the entrance we tried to go to was closed.
We ended up walking around the entire perimeter of the park and ending up almost where we started before we were able to go in.
What kind of public park has one way in and one way out?! 😒 Parque Agua Azul !!
Since it was a weekend, they had a flea market nearby. It was mostly clothes and gothic apparel with the corresponding gothic looking crowd. Never expected to see that kind of a scene in Mexico, but there it was!
Just a block away, they had a completely different crowd. There was some sort of Hot Wheel convention going on. It looked like people where buying or trading cars. Yes, the little toy Hot Wheels! Totally different vibe!
After this, we headed back to get our bags as it was already time to go to the airport!
  In summary, I really liked Guadalajara. It didn’t have as many tourists as Mexico City.
It also felt a lot more Mexican and much more relaxed.
One thing I noticed about Guadalajara, is that the buildings are not tall. At most, those located downtown seemed only a few stories high. I think it seems to add a bit a of space or calm to the atmosphere.
If you ever get a chance, I would definitely consider visiting Guadalajara.
For me the food was my favorite part. I’m happy that I had the opportunity to try some of the regional specialties Guadalajara is known for.
I enjoyed seeing the new sights, sounds and smells. It was very stimulating and eye-opening. In a good way.
The real Mexico that you don’t hear about everyday.
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guava and strawberry
city sign in the center square
line for the sign
electric cars
long fountain
near the center of the city
city info
one of the markets
Ricos Tamales
the theatre
cathedral at dusk
art in the works
another square
the place to get carne en su jugo
carne en su jugo
hot wheel convention
coconut + hochata
look at all that candy!
one of the shops i bought my goods at
1 kg chiles (ancho, pasilla, mulato, guajillo) + 1kg beans!(peruano, texano, and flor de junio)
  If you haven’t already, you can also read my previous trip reports to Mexico below
Mexico Trip December 2016: Part 5 Mexico City Can’t Get Enough!
Mexico Trip December 2016: Part 4 Mexico City Discoveries
Mexico Trip December 2016: Part 3 Mexico City Never Gets Old
Mexico Trip December 2016: Part 2 Puebla
Mexico Trip December 2016: Part 1 Mexico City
Cozumel, Tulum, Playa del Carmen, BPM Festival Mexico 2016
Merida, Yucatan and Mexico City November 2015 Trip Report
If you liked what you saw, please join my email list! No more than once a week, I send out weekly finds (including travel tips) and site updates! Email list sign up bonus: A free copy of my Ebook All Day I Eat’s Top 10 Recipes for 2016!  [mc4wp_form id=”1849″]
Mexico Trip December 2016: Part 6 Guadalajara One day in Guadalajara... We were walking by some street performers and one of them was covered up in silver paint.
0 notes
ghenegersnaps · 7 years
I’ll see you again
Sighhh. Sad how you had to leave so soon. :( I mean, yeah we only got to hang out twice, but they were honestly the best nights to me. I learned a lot about you. Just like how much you order whenever we eat in a fast food chain, how you like your pizza and burger dipped in ketchup, how you bite your nails sometimes, how much of a Mama’s boy you are (which is cute haha), how you know almost ALL of the rap songs there is and sings to them instantly, and how clingy you are too hahaha.
There wasn’t really a final place and time on where we’ll actually go last January 2. Walrus was closed, which really sucked!! So Tj had to look for another place to go. Still, no luck hahaha he just told me to be at Starbucks, Katipunan by 6 to 7 pm. I told Jet and my heart sank when he said, “Okay, I’ll try my best to be there. It’s ‘cause we’re leaving tomorrow already”. Idk, I mean usually whenever someone would say they’ll ‘try’ to come or whatever, most of the time it would already mean they won’t. So that’s why I kinda felt like not going anymore. But hey, that was just a thought lol I wasn’t ditching Tj haha.
Before I left the house, Tj kept on texting me to get my ass there already. And it was only before 6 pm!! I told him I’d be there by 6:30 so technically, I’m not late. I arrived at around 6:40.. Lol. When I got there, “holy fucking shit” Tj said. I thought maybe he got a little pissed off because I was late for 10 minutes?? Lol. I just hugged him, said sorryyy and he was good already hahaha. He introduced me to Diego. He has a beard and hair tied in a small man bun. I thought I’ve never seen him before but I didn’t know he was the DJ at Walrus last time lol. His hair was laid down that night that’s why. Turns out he was a fashion student too. Doesn’t look like it to be honest.. I thought he was some art student really haha but he complimented what I was wearing and said, “You smell good, what is that?” “Bath & Body Works, Peppermint” I replied. Mom gave it to me and it’s my favorite perfume atm hehe.
“Jet’s on his way” Tj said. I made an instant squeal and said sorry after lol. I didn’t know he actually meant what he said! Get a man who sticks to his words right?? Lol just kidding. NOW I’m more excited hahaha. I sat down and a few minutes later, Jet came. And DAAAAMN HE’S SO FINE. We hugged and sat down. We were still waiting for Gab. I met him before at Walrus too. And yes, I was one of the boys once again haha. I went to the restroom to pee and inside, I made this quick happy dance all by myself lol. Seriously. I was that happy Jet’s actually coming! And it seemed like I was in some movie huh? Haha! I went out, fixed my hair and made sure I still look fresh enough lol. “I thought you weren’t coming!” I told Jet. “I said I’ll try, remember?” he replied while looking all cute lol. I bought an espresso frap with a note: “Enjoy! Nice name :)” written on my cup from the barista just above my perfectly spelled name lol. I spelled it out to him that’s why hahaha. Gab arrived a bit longer and now that we’re complete, I asked Tj, “What time are we gonna leave?” he asked Diego and said we’ll leave by 8:30. Tj and I were shocked ‘cause it’s not even 8 pm yet. But oh well, the night was still young anyway haha. Jet took my frap and read the note, then he made this funny face which made me laugh lol. So there we are, just chilling at Starbucks and talking about random things. It always feels different being around with just guys. I got so used to hanging out with girls ever since I was in Prep. I only get to experience this whenever I’m with Tj honestly haha. I’m thankful though. I don’t get awkward or scared or whatever— which is good! It’s funny too ‘cause they always talk about dirty jokes on dicks, sex, all that shebang haha. Even Gab’s ex girlfriend who left him for a lesbian lol. By the time when we’re almost leaving, Jet randomly squeezed my left cheek and of course, I got all giddy inside haha.
We left Starbucks and went to Jollibee. We were so noisy while walking on the way there and I was laughing so much ‘cause Gab was being such a weirdo lol. He was even more noisy inside, others were already looking hahaha. While waiting in line, that’s when Jet started being touchy again. I guess you can say, he’s kinda flirting with me already. Not complaining here!!! Lol. We ate and left at around 8:30.
Ohmygod. We seriously went to sooo many places that night. I swear. 4 in all. And Diego paid for every Uber he booked for us!! It’s crazy lol. But I mean, Tj did tell me he has a lot of money on him so. Good for all of us hahaha. Inside the car, Diego would always sit in front and it would be Jet, Me, Gab, and Tj at the back. It was a bit crowded lol but I didn’t mind. We first went to a clubhouse which I forgot where exactly that is ‘cause Diego had to drop off something. After that, we went to 2020. It was a bar somewhere in Makati. The place was nice and there weren’t too many people since it was a Monday, so we decided to just start there and go to a different place afterwards.
Diego ordered drinks for us which tasted really good but it was strong! Well, at least for me hehe. I turned red instantly! They were all teasing me how drunk I am already but Tj knows I’m not lol. Gab kept on telling me I’m a tomato but would also randomly say out loud, “Ghene’s so cute” “She’s so cute” stuff like that haha. Gab was one of the 2 guys who told me I was cute before. Him and Tj’s other friend, Luigi. Jet was teasing me already too. Just like last time, he’d grab my face and tell me, “You’re so reeeed”. Sometimes I catch him just looking at me at random times too. Then he would slightly stick his tongue out and it was cute haha. There was a time wherein I saw Jet and Tj talking for quite a long time. Before I went to the restroom, I stopped by them and they looked at each other and actually stopped talking. I honestly think they were talking about me. Maybe. I didn’t bother asking Tj. He’s not gonna tell me anyway. Pfft, stupid bro code. Anyway, we had to finish all 6 huge ass mason jars and there were only 5 of us! 
Something really embarrassing happened to me again. :( UGH WHYYY. Okay so I had to go the bathroom ‘cause I needed to pee. I washed my hands after, fixed my hair a bit, and went outside the bar since that’s where they are. I sat down beside Tj and suddenly, “Ghene” Jet was calling me. “Your zipper’s open” HOOOLY FUCKING SHIT??? I wanted to get a time machine asap and go back to when I actually zip my pants up this time!!! WHY WHY WHYYYY. How could I freakin’ forget! And Jet has to be the one to see and tell me. :( It was honestly nice of him to tell me straight up though. After hearing him say those horrible words, I gasped so deep and instantly touched my zipper. Shit. It is open. I quickly stood up and said, “Ohmygod why didn’t anyone tell me!!” “I don’t wanna be the one to say it” Gab said. Okay so he saw it too. Wow Ghene. Great, just great. Tj didn’t even notice it!! I wish he was the one who saw it instead ugh. I zipped my pants up and said thank you to Jet. Man, what a freakin’ nightmare.
Anyway, let’s move on from that. It was I think around 12 am when we decided to leave 2020. I didn’t really know where Diego would take us by that time. We just all went we did. While heading out of the parking lot, Diego asked me, “Ghene, how many boyfriends did you have?” “I had one” I replied. Then suddenly, Gab was like, “You’re very beautiful, Ghene”. Uhm, what? Well that was random lol and for the fact that none of us is drunk yet. I just said thank you afterwards. “How many hearts did you break already?” Diego asked. Tj decided to butt in and said, “A lot”. Of course I said no!! It’s not many to even have to count it. Besides, what does that have to do with anything? “Seems like it” Diego replied. Tj told them, “That’s roughly around more than 10, man”. I raised my voice up and told them it wasn’t true! Tj added, “She’s such a good girl before though. Now, she just looks like a good girl but she’s a…” he was thinking of a word to describe me, then Diego continued, “BAD THANG” Tj and Gab sang along, “FINE AS HELL”. And it was pretty funny lol. Jet was a few feet away from us ‘cause he was at the atm machine. Honestly, a part of me wanted him to hear everything though. Oh well haha.
Jet came back and we all had to cross the street and wait for our Uber. It was funny ‘cause while waiting, we were all goofin’ off by the sidewalk lol. I had to admit, because I already drank quite a lot, I was getting really hyper too. Gab, Tj, and Jet posed in the middle of the street when there were no cars passing by lol. There was also a time wherein we caught Jet undoing the first 2 buttons of his top. “Ooohhh” Gab said. “It’s ‘cause it’s getting hot, man” Jet replied while finishing undoing his 2nd button. “I will“ I said. Yes, I was flirting back of course lol but I mean I was tripping too!! “OOOOHHHH” they all reacted and I honestly felt a bit shy and shocked I actually said that. I know, alcohol right? “Later, later” Jet replied teasingly and we all laughed lol. He would sometimes hold my hand and hug me while waiting too hehe.
Inside the Uber, Jet slid his right index finger behind my left armpit. Lol! I squealed and felt okay with it though. Ha! Dude I waxed my pits that afternoon and they weren’t sweaty so your girl’s good. I’ve come prepared. Lmao. He would also rub my back sometimes too. I didn’t know we were heading to BGC until I actually saw the sign. I was shocked we already reached The Fort lol. I wasn’t worried though. As long as I get home before sunrise, I’m good hehe when you’re 20 af. “Why don’t you just stay here in Manila, Jet” Diego said. “I want to man” “School’s just so expensive here” he replied. I honestly was a bit shocked when I heard the second thing he said. He comes from a pretty wealthy family though. Probably just personal reasons. We went bar hopping at BGC, looking for a good place to stay for a bit. We walked here and there which was fun! BGC’s fun to go to whenever it’s night time. There are a few people, few cars, it was cold, city lights, I just love The Fort itself haha. 
We got a few drinks at this place called Cable Car. Finally, a place where there’s actually more people and better music lol. I only drank half of my drink ‘cause I was getting dizzy already. I was fine! Just dizzy. I would sometimes close my eyes and lean on Jet’s shoulder for a few seconds and keep my head straight up again. I also laid my head on the couch and closed my eyes. I think I was ready to sleep that time lol. But Gab poked my right waist and they’re all telling me not to go to sleep. I sat back up properly and drank plenty of water. A few minutes later, Diego told us that we’ll go to his friend’s party. I know. So sponty huh? I love it lol. We went out of the bar and waited by the open parking lot for our Uber. I sat down on those cement stopper thingy for the cars when parking. I was all quiet because my tummy suddenly felt funny. “I need to take a shit” I told them. “Turn on!!” Gab said lol. I laughed while placing my hands on my tummy. I honestly needed to! And I got a bit worried where would I actually do it or if I will. Cable Car was a few feet away already. But thank God, it sorta went away for a bit. I stood up and suddenly, Diego was all like, “Okay, honesty hour. Ghene’s pretty hot” “Wow” I quickly replied. That was random and unexpected. I’ve been getting compliments tonight lol what is up. Gab and Tj nodded and agreed. “Actually, she is hot” Diego continued. “She is” Tj added. Wow really? This is coming from Tj now lol. Jet was sitting next to me and I casually glanced at him and he was just quiet. I honestly don’t know what that means haha.
Our Uber came and as we get in, they were all teasing me with these noises whenever you gotta take a shit lol. They repeated it at random times too. It was funny but it’s a good thing that feeling didn’t come back hahaha. Jet wrapped his arms around me while we were in the car. It was tight and it felt nice. He would sniff my hair a few times and give me soft kisses on the left side of my head. How cute :(
We reached Corinthian Gardens and I think Diego said it was near Robinsons Galleria. I was already feeling the need to throw up again. Ohmygod. What happened to me. I swear whenever I drink, I don’t normally throw up. Maybe it’s ‘cause I wasn’t peeing enough lol. Once we got out of the car, I told Tj, “Tj I need to throw up” I decided to tell him ‘cause I’m shy to let Jet know this time. Tj asked me again, “You need to throw up?”. I nodded while placing my hand on my chest. “You need to throw up?” Jet asked me. Well, guess he heard it too. Tj made me come with Jet and without hesitation, Jet came with me. He placed his hand on my back while we were walking to a plant area (lol). “Here” he said. As I was throwing up, he would rub and pat my back. After embarrassing myself again, “Are you okay?” “Feel better now?” he asked. I nodded and told him, “Sorryyy. It’s so embarrassing, this is the second time you’ve seen me throw up”. “It’s fiiine, that’s part of drinking” he replied. Ugh :( I sprayed my favorite peppermint perfume and fixed myself while we were walking to the house. 
“This is a house?” Gab said. The ‘house’ was HUGE. It seemed like a freakin’ clubhouse! They had over 7 cars there I think. Damn. And I don’t even know who’s house was it! I saw the owner though but she didn’t really care that there were already strangers at her party lol. I met new friends! Fran, Juicy, Donna, and Kyle. They were all so nice hehe. They drank a bottle of beer but I didn’t. I just wanted water lol. We stayed there for a bit and Fran suddenly said, “Are you guys together? You look good together” she was referring to Tj and I!! FUCK NO. I honestly think Fran thinks Jet’s cute though. She was dancing with him at the party. Meh.
We left the place and stayed by the sidewalk again while waiting for our Uber. It was almost 2 am and I sat down next to Jet. I was already getting tired to be honest. I laid my head on Jet’s left shoulder and he asked me if I was okay. I nodded and kept my head up again. I wrapped one arm around his shoulder and ran my fingers behind his lower head while he was texting his Mom. Lol how cute right? A 19 year old, 6′3″ tall guy texting his Mom at 2 am hehe. I can tell he likes what I’m doing too though haha. Tj told me, “Let’s go eat at McDonald’s, Ghene” I nodded and Jet said, “Yeah let’s eat”.
Our Uber arrived and Jet and I sat real close to each other again. Same thing haha. We were back at Katipunan and Diego and Gab had to leave already. Diego asked Tj to make sure he asks me to come with them more often haha. And I sure will! It was just the 3 of us left. Jet asked me if he could text his Mom using my phone. Of course I let him and I never really deleted his text to his Mom haha. While walking, he opened his right hand towards me and I held onto it. Then he hugged me tight again. At McDonald’s, we ordered and waited for our food by the counter. “Donna’s pretty cute” Tj said. “She’s got the Asian look” Jet replied. “How about Ghene though?” “Hot?” Jet said. I was just there, between them, being quiet lol. “Hot” Tj said then stopped, and confidently told Jet, “Dude, Ghene’s like high standards. Nobody can be compared to Ghene”. Woah there Tj lol. I mean yeah, thanks for being my wing man here but that’s so not true haha. “And a virgin” he added. I hit his right chest hard and didn’t even say anything. Fuck you, Tj lol.
While we were eating, we were talking about Tj and Clarence. He keeps comparing me to her. He keeps telling Jet how I’m just in the middle of a controlling girlfriend to an Idgaf girlfriend. Tj tells him, ‘I’m just right’. He also said how he got his long ass patience from me. I honestly didn’t know that but wow, that’s actually good to know. :) At some point, Jet said, “I fucking hate LDR” as he drinks his Coke. Right there I knew this isn’t the right time for us yet. I honestly don’t know if I can make it through another LDR too. I get why he hates it.
We were all done eating and Tj told us he’s just gonna buy ciggs outside. After a few minutes, Jet and I decided to go out and follow him. We did and he keeps leaving us! Lol. I know what he was doing haha. Tj went to 2 of his friends he randomly saw at McDonald’s. Jet and I were alone and I was stepping on those cement stopper thingy for the cars when parking again. He faced me and hugged me. It was long and tight. It’s like those ‘I’m going to miss you’ type of hugs haha. I hugged him back and told him, “I’ll miss you”. He looked at me and in my head I was like, “Omg are you gonna kiss me?” he didn’t lol. We looked for Tj again and I was still booking Jet’s Grab. We found Tj again and this time Jet told me to come with him. He leaned back to this red car and grabbed my arm, pulling me close to him. We hugged and I looked at him. Right there, he kissed me. I wrapped my right arm around his neck while we make out and smiled at each other after. I giggled a bit haha. It was better than before and it felt nice. :)
“I think there are people in this car” Jet suddenly said. I looked at the windows and there were!!! Holy shit, they didn’t even honked or said anything! Lol. What? Enjoying the show?? Hahaha. “Ohmygod let’s go” I said while grabbing his hand and heading back to Tj. Tj was still talking to his friends. We were still outside and sat down by those cement stopper thing. Still no Grab driver for him. Tj finally went outside and sat down beside me. “Did you guys kiss?” he casually asked. Jet and I were quiet and nodded. Lol. Tj made this teasing laugh and Jet told him to fuck off haha. Sadly, I finally booked him a GrabCar. Noooo :( We all stood up and not long enough the driver came. Tj and Jet hugged and it was so cute. We hugged too and Tj said, “Kiiisss”. So Jet kissed me for the last time and got in the car. He waved bye and I got sad. :(
Tj and I got into our cab and I asked him, “Does he really like me?”. “He does, Ghene” Tj replied. “He’s not gonna hit on you like that and eventually quit. That’s why I was leaving you both awhile ago” he added. I laughed and told him how I noticed it. I’m pretty sure Jet did too haha. “Why do you think I let him kiss you? He’s a good guy. I think if he finally stays here in Manila, he’d definitely go for you”. Wow. Music to my ears. 
It was around 3:30 am when we reached my house. I kissed Tj on his left cheek and thanked him again. “I told you, I got you” he said. We hugged and he kissed my forehead. I showered and finally went to bed.
I understand why Jet doesn’t wanna be in a LDR again. For the fact that he just been into one and it’ll be too soon to be in a new relationship anyway. I guess, we really are both victims by this LDR bullshit haha. With the 2 nights I’ve been with him, it may seem like we were just using each other, just having a good time. I don’t know. At least that’s one of the things that popped in my head. At some point, maybe I did and so did he. 
BLAH. Whatever. Besides, he’s not just some stranger. We already had feelings for each other before. I mean, I’m not expecting anything really. Like what Verna told me, timing really is a bitch lol. That’s why I’ll just let things happen.
I’m gonna see him again. I’m sure I will. :)
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