#The Wives…. but in a Mermay AU?
candycryptids · 23 days
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Found it ~ this is from November ‘22 I was visually exploring au’s for Chuu and Talia 🥰
“You can’t be real. This has to be some sort of hallucination because I spent 36 consecutive hours staring at schematics and putting together a Node, and finally went outside for a breather to get Cid off my blasted back.”
“We could always find out. If it’s a dream, you’ll wake up before you drown, right?”
“….. and if it’s not a dream?”
“Take my hand and find out.”
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pasquiart · 2 months
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two wives fighting to have a husband!💕😅😳 my athena of my Au mech mermay together with queen Alpha of 💕✨@compaculaaa. it was fun collaborating with my friend her and her amazing art 💕✨✨✨
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trashboatprince · 23 days
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Reading time is currently on hold due to your fishy girlfriend wanting attention after a swim
(It’s mermay! I had to draw something for the sea monster wives au)
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brokenarsparagus · 21 days
Mermay au COD
Price and ghost (and I'll prolly end up adding my oc too lol) are fishermen (think like mid/late 1800s england cuz the fits are fucking swanky af) that live in Cornwall (because It's gorgeous down there don't question me on this lads) and like there's obviously several stories among the other fishermen of mermaids and all the usual magic/mythical shite.
They're kind of like "yeah mate whatever, someone's gone out with one too many pints in them." But at the same time they're in small town england in the 1800s. They're respectful of it cuz openly mocking this sort of stuff is asking for trouble.
Price deep down probably wants to believe in it but dosen't, ghost is pretty much flat out a skeptic (you won't catch him walking through a ring of mushrooms though. His mum ingrained that shit in his head when he was a kid.)
And then on a rare day off ghost is walking in the woods (he does that, let him be) and he sees what he thinks is a horse over by the lake but he blinks and it's gone. He shakes his head, shrugs and gets on with his day. But he could've sworn he saw a rather large shadow under the surface.
He goes out of his way to walk past the lake on his way to the Harbour from now on. And maybe the early starts and late nights are getting to him because he must be imagining the man with deep, ocean blue eyes taking a dip in the lake.
And price, who was practically born on the water and inherited the family fishing boat, grew up with stories of mermaids and krakens and sea monsters. But his favorites were the tales his grandfather used to tell him on stormy nights. It might all be some old wives tale, but they're the reason he always makes sure to cast away from and respect the local seal population.
Of course he gets suspicious when ghost starts spending even less time at the pub with the rest of the crew and the faint smell of pondwater starts growing pungent...but the man's always been more introverted and price spends all day with fish for gods sake-he's hardly one to make a comment.
And it isn't until one of the younger members of his crew is banging on his door in the dead of night that he realises there may be more truth to the stories than he thought.
He opens the door to see her clutching what looks like a grey seal pelt, drenched to the bone and rambling that she "swears she didn't mean to". That she "thought it was the washed up remains of some shark kill that would make a decent shawl" and she "tried giving it back to him.".
"But now he won't bloody leave."
Price follows where she gestures and sees a young man watching the two of them from nearer the shore. A very naked young man.
Mate this is has deffo healed my art block at the price of being my one cohesive thought for the next three months.
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komorebi-rabbit · 5 months
Tagged by @lightweaving!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs
Hmmm I'm gonna tag the wives @brig-the-plant @cynniminni and @lilibee! Time to fess up, whatcha working on? Mine's in absolutely NO particular order.
Talking to the Moon
ShiSaku Lunar Exchange
ShiObi Succubus
the akatsuki shisui with Mischa
"Reprising" (A sasosaku)
Prostitute AU
Untitled TobiIzu/TobiKaga
"Doctor" (I dont even know)
kisaita -- I think this is Hiraeth
Sasuke Time Travel
Flipside of the Graveyard
Water Under the Bridge
kkita "Grim"
Shiita mermay
Golden Veil of Autumn
Honey & Harvest
Stripper/Yakuza Shiobi
Sea Foam Woman
White Crow
akatsuki shisaku
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fledglingdoodles · 2 years
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A nearly last-minute entry for Mermay - It's the Shape Of! Wives! (I originally had the ASL sign for 'Wine' but I realized for the sake of this au it should be BSL instead! (But I'm no expert in either, so if I messed up, pls let me know!)
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meowdejavu · 4 years
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Aziraphale/Crowley — mermaid AU preview
Aziraphale had never seen a shipwreck before. She always imagined that the sight would be awful, but now that it was happening in front of her, she couldn’t look away. Some part of her mind felt that she ought to be horrified, or sad perhaps, but as the boat succumbed to the watery depths, seemingly growing larger as it sank toward her, she was frozen. Transfixed. 
So much painted wood and polished metal. So much time and effort by well-meaning humans. Sinking to the bottom of the ocean. 
“That one went down like a lead balloon,” came a sudden voice beside her. 
She looked and started when she found a sea serpent looking back at her. They were the ones who still sunk ships; mermaids considered it immoral. Serpents saw it as a justified defense of their home. This particular serpent looked fairly young—close to her own age, with fiery red hair, glowing eyes, and a long slender tail of slick black scales. Unlike a mermaid tail, the serpent’s had sharp barbs in place of a fluke, and her scales went much higher up the sides of her torso. 
“What?” Aziraphale asked when she realized she’d been staring. 
“I said that went down like a lead balloon,” the serpent repeated, gesturing to the now-submerged ship with her strangely pretty webbed fingers. 
“Oh,” was all Aziraphale could think to say. She didn’t think there was any such thing as a lead balloon, but she didn’t want to ask and sound foolish. 
Up above, at the surface, some of the adults in Aziraphale’s pod were helping the human survivors stay afloat so they could call for help. She could hear them singing a traditional mermaid ballad that always lulled humans into a calm, blissful state. Most of the serpents were long gone; they only really cared about sinking the boats. Or so she had heard.
“You’d think that by now they might have given up on travel by sea, eh? I mean, statistically, seems like an odd risk.”
“Is that what serpents want to happen?” Aziraphale asked, genuinely curious. “The humans stop using ships completely?” 
“I don’t know,” the serpent said, gaze shifting down. “Not all of us, I guess.”
Something about her made her feel easy to talk to. Something about her felt friendly. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Crowley,” she said, baring her fangs in a smile. “What’s yours?”
TBC for the @go-events Good AUmens Fest
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riyelaalelita · 4 years
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Well, so here I am ready to write down some random ffbe merman!au because I kept thinking about this for the last few days XD (this all was inspired by merman Welly of @tuensartpages, that drawing is really cute!) OK, so in this universe Lasswell is the Prince of Hess (a kingdom on land) while Rain is Prince of Aldore (kingdom under the sea). And Rain spends most of his time sneaking out of the castle, wandering around in the sea and slacking off. One day Lasswell sees Rain relaxing on a reef near the shore and falls for him at first sight. He could easily go talk to him, right? Nope, he just admires him while hiding and thinking about how to approach him. In the end, he decides to look for someone able to turn him into a merman. So he finds two potion makers (that I imagine being Citra and Sakura, don't ask why) that give him a potion that does just that...with some side effect because it's still an experiment: the effect lasts just 7 days and Lasswell loses his voice (yea, kind of the little mermaid, but reversed) Still, Lasswell meets Rain and somehow makes him understand that he's human, Rain thinks he became a merman because of a curse and sets off to find someone to break it for him, obviously carrying Lasswell with him, and grows closer and closer to him. Lasswell has the time of his life going around with his crush and doesn't notice that 7 days have passed and nearly drowns. Fortunately Rain brings him on the surface on time. Then Lasswell, human again and with his voice back, explains everything and confesses, and Rain says that's OK, he likes him too. And here end my ramblings...for now because I have actually thought about some other things but didn't want to make this too long XD Anyways, hope you enjoyed this ^-^
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lunewell · 3 years
In honour of MerMay, I would like to share the little interesting bit of knowledge that from 1963-1989 in Norway, we had ‘Norges Havfrueforbund’ which translates to ‘Norway’s Mermaid Association’
The association was a hugely popular group of wives of seamen, who fought for rights that would help maintain a relationship or family dynamic when their husbands were off to sea.
Now, I’m not saying that anyone should write an AU were ‘Norges Havfrueforbund’ was an actual association of mermaids married to sailors, but I am saying that I’m going to be writing an AU with actual mermaids married to sailors (:
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eve-evil-lair · 4 years
Night of Research, NSFW, Merman x Human (M)
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Okay “not Kay” XD I hope you enjoy it. Allen and Issith belong to my friends Kay ( @singinghands​ ) and Spooder ( @silver-spider-art​ ). This is definitely an AU for the characters.
Disclaimer: Aside of being Polish myself I took some artistic liberties here with how the whole festivity is done. Without further ado- have fun folks. First time writing mlm romance, please be gentle. @monster-bait​ tagging you again but let me know if I should stop xD
If you see this consider reblogging as it seems my posts don’t appear in the tags. Happy Mermay y’all
The night of Kupała, the shortest and probably the hottest night of his life. In more meaning that one.
Allen’s great-grandparents were from Poland, they had moved to the States shortly after the country gained independence. His grandmother had told him all the stories her mother, his great-grandmother, would have tell her; about the bloodthirsty strzygi, dancing rusałki and vodyanoys looking for wives among humankind. He has been fascinated with them ever since, much to his parents' dismay.
The fascination turned into passion and passion turned into a degree in folklore and ethnic studies. Finally, he had gotten himself a grant and with that, he set off to Europe to study his childhood stories in person.
He had already spent half a year working happily on his new thesis and he had found a perfect place to study the still alive traditions of Kupała’s night. The locals warned him though to not leave the local celebration because this was one of the nights when the veil between the world of mortals and fae was the thinnest and strange things happened in the forest around them.
The air was thick and the heat stuck to his skin even at night. The cool air from the nearby flow lake helped a little as he kept to the sidelines watching the dancing people. There was some drink being passed and he tried some out of the courtesy. It burned his throat making him cough. The locals had a good laugh out of him. Someone must have thrown something into the fire because suddenly the air filled with the scent of burning herbs and something sweet. He tried writing down as much as he could but his head was getting fuzzy. Taking another drink was a mistake. The heavily honeyed wine coated his throat and burned in his veins. He needed to breathe.
Despite the earlier warnings, he made his way as far as he could from the celebration. He sat down at the sandy shore and tossed his shoes off. The water washed over his feet cooling him down immediately. He laid down and let himself breathe.
Whatever was in the smoke or the drinks, or maybe both affected not just his brain but also his physiology. Knowing that everyone was at the party (and maybe he didn’t think too clearly anyway) he undid his pants and sighed as his dick sprung free, erect and seeping the precum a little.
“Great,” he sighed and wrapped his hand around it pumping his cock. Oh, that felt good. He closed his eyes and let himself fantasise of hot mouth and a heavy hand that didn’t belong to him.
Suddenly something cold touched him and he sprung up alert. His eyes focused and what he was about to scream when a wet finger touched Allen’s mouth and a quiet voice whispered: “Shh.”
The creature before him... the best he could say it was... a mermai- no, a merman? Maybe? The upper part seemed humanoid enough, dark hair and eyes like two voids, his(?) skin was covered in bright orange scales that matched the tail. The creature asked him something and it took him a moment to register. Oh, so they could talk. Not in English though. It seemed his new companion used a sign language. It was a bit of a strange one but similar enough to ASL.
Allen used his best to reply, which seemed to make the merman happy. The fishtail wagging happily over the lake’s surface, splashing water.
“What are you doing here? Not at the party with others?” The merman asked.
“It was getting too much for me, it’s my first time,” Allen replied.
The creature tilted his head. “My name is Issith. You’re not from here?”
“Allen and no.” He shook his head.
“Me neither, I’m visiting friends. They are busy now.” Issith looked to the forest then his eyes fell down at the still erect cock. “Do you want to celebrate too?” He asked simply looking up.
Allen stared back a bit dumbfounded. “I, um-” In all his life as a researcher... This was.... His mouth went dry and his cock twitched. There was lust in these void-like eyes. “Sure.” Allen replied much to his own surprise.
Issith’s mouth stretched in a wide smile. The two met in at first a careful kiss. Testing the waters, heh. It was so strange, a bit more wet, sharper than usual but just as needy. Just as passionate. He marvelled at the difference of a texture of his partner’s tongue. It made him shiver when it moved to his neck. The sand grated over the skin on his back as his clothes were removed. 
The merman found his cock, while their mouths were busy. The wet but strong hand gripped him well and stroked, at first exploring the anatomy, stroking the balls and rubbing his tip, gauging for a reaction. And a reaction he got. Allen gasped and moaned. Already panting, he gritted his teeth, his hips pushing into Issith’s hand. He cracked his eyes open a little and looked down he saw the webbed hand working magic on him. At the edge of his vision he noticed that Issith also was affected. Without thinking Allen reached his own hand and stroked the dick of his partner. The shape, girth and textures were different, more bumpy. He licked his lips as his brain tried to work out how it’d feel to taste it. For research of course.
Issith moaned in his ear and sharp teeth traced Allen’s earlobe. Encouraged, Allen squeezed him a little and continued to stroke. His hands went into the damp strands of Issith’s hair, while the merman’s tail wrapped around his legs.
Issith was now directly above him. Their eyes met as both males breathed heavily. Their cocks touched and the two worked each other, faster and faster until the tension was too much to bear. Allen couldn’t stop himself. He bit Issith’s neck and the merman finished with a growl and as if in retaliation bit Allen’s shoulder. It brought stars under his eyes and he came. Their mixed, hot seed staining both their stomachs. 
The merman collapsed next to Allen and sighed. Lazily he lift his hands and signed “Nice,” stretching the word with the movement.
“Yeah, it was,” Allen agreed. The bit stung a little now. “Am I bleeding?” 
“Sorry, wait,” Issith siged, looking sheepishly at him. He nuzzled Allen’s head before splashing back into the water. He returned quickly back with something that looked like first aid kid in a waterproof bag. 
“Thanks,” Allen smiled and let the merman dress the bit. “So, I’m going to be here for a couple more months... do you want to hang out some more?”
Issith nodded and smiled, his tail swishing happily. He finished wrapping the bite mark and stroked Allen’s arm affectionately. 
“Great.” Allen laid down on the sand again and patted the spot next to him. “I like the sky here. You don’t get to see this much stars where I’m from.” 
Issith laid next to him. The night was long, the noise of the humans celebrating was far in the distance. This was a really good choice coming here after all. 
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asexualzoro · 7 years
for the second-to-last day of mermay, here’s a zolu au maddie @baratiepromise and i made. there’s a lot more of it than this as we made up like. A Lot. but i doubt i’ll write any more of it than what’s here. regardless, hopefully this’ll be enough? idk. I… still don’t know how to add read mores on mobile
Title: The Iron Statue
Summary: Zoro moves to a new town and becomes acquainted with a local urban legend.
A worn black truck rumbled through the street, a moving trailer pulled behind it. Zoro had been driving for a few hours now, and after a few wrong turns along the way he was positive this was the right place. It looked the same from the pictures he’d seen, the little houses and stores all matching up. It was a tiny fishing town, mostly ignored by tourists despite the fact it boasts a number of nice beaches as there were bigger towns with nicer beaches. Zoro knew his house was farther out from the more populated streets, the moving truck might’ve even still been there to show him where he was going if he was lucky.
Zoro’s eyes scanned the town around him, mostly empty at this time of day. It was so early in the morning that the town still seemed to be asleep, but Zoro wasn’t tired. The truck approached the center of town and a large statue caught Zoro’s eye. It was about ten feet tall including the concrete pedestal it was set up on. Made of rusting iron was the figure of what appeared to be a merman reaching up above himself, tail curled at the base and face curled into a cruel grin. The merman had short hair, sharp teeth, and Zoro could just see a scar under the statue’s eye. Zoro couldn’t read the sign on the side of the pedestal as he drove by it, but he would have to go look at it later. As the statue grew smaller in his rear view mirror, Zoro felt curiosity tugging at the back of his mind. The merman had his attention, that was for sure.
Zoro’s house was an old wooden building above a cliff. It had been empty for a while, the last owner had drowned suddenly and, luckily for Zoro, it had been left with a fair amount of furniture. The place had been cheap, which was surprising as the cliff it rested on looked over a beautiful and secluded beach. Zoro couldn’t imagine any reason for the place to be so inexpensive, but he wasn’t going to complain. Zoro rolled up to it only a few minutes after passing the statue. Before he could look into that, though, he had to unpack his truck.
Black boots crunched on the gravel driveway for almost an hour as Zoro unloaded boxes from his trailer. The movers he’d hired had come and gone, leaving Zoro’s home full of boxes of what he had sent ahead. The town woke up as Zoro moved in, and Zoro became aware of someone approaching. He didn’t really have neighbors, his house was far from others in town because he’d wanted a place with privacy. Someone from town must’ve come to greet him regardless.
Zoro held a box to his hip and waved, but the approaching person seemed too solemn to notice. The expression was unfitting for greeting a new neighbor.
“You’re the one moving in here?” the person asked, stopping in front of Zoro. He was a man, old enough that his hair had started going grey.
“That would be me,” Zoro said. The man didn’t look happy, his face a mix of mourning and fear. Is he afraid of Zoro? Why would he seek Zoro out if he was? “Something wrong?”
“Don’t go to that beach alone,” the man said, pointing to the beach Zoro’s home overlooked. “It isn’t safe. You’ll be drowned.”
“I’m not a bad swimmer, I’ll be fine,” Zoro said. The guy came all this way to tell him he needed a lifeguard?
“No, there’s a monster in that water. He’ll get you if you go in there. If you value your life, don’t swim. Steer clear of the beach altogether if you can,” the man said.
“A monster? I’m a little old for fairy tales,” Zoro said. The man must’ve been a sailor, they were known for their superstition.
“This is no fairy tale. It’s killed at least three dozen people over the past few years,” the man said “The thing looks unassuming with its pretty tail and all, but it’ll kill you and dump your body on the shore.”
“Tail?” Zoro asked.
“Yeah, it’s got a tail like a koi. Very beautiful, all red and white…” the man said “But don’t let it fool you. It’ll drag you under the water if you aren’t careful.”
Zoro recognized the description, but just barely. It reminded him of that statue from before.
“Is that what that big statue is of?” Zoro asked, gesturing towards the town.
“You saw it coming in?” The man asked “Yeah, it’s of the monster, though it’s a memorial. On its base is the name of everyone it’s drowned so far. It targets kids and teens, gets them to the water and pulls them under. Then it leaves the corpses on the shore for someone else to find. Like it’s killing them for sport.”
“Thanks for the warning.” Zoro says, nodding. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
“You better. I’d hate to see them add another name to that plaque.”
The man turned and walked off, leaving Zoro to unload the rest of his truck.
It took only three days for Zoro to ignore the man’s warning. The beach was quiet and uninviting to townsfolk, so Zoro thought it would be a perfect place to train. He could be uninterrupted for hours, everyone else far too superstitious for their own good. Zoro was sure that the “monster” was just the creation of grieving townspeople who wanted something to blame for the loss of kids who couldn’t swim. Though even if it were true and there really was some murderous creature in the water, Zoro wasn’t worried. He was fairly sure he could take it on if he needed to.
Zoro’s private beach was at the bottom of the cliff. The rocks reached around ten feet above the water, trapping in not only the beach but several dozen feet out into the water in the form of large, jetty-like cliffs. They formed a U-shaped cove, and Zoro was fairly sure they were natural. The only manmade part he could tell was the a path leading down from the top of the cliff only a few feet from Zoro’s house. Zoro found there to be a small blockade at the top of the path on the first visit, but he moved it aside easily. No superstitious old men would stop him from training on the beach.
Zoro carried a box of weights down to the sand, figuring he could just leave them down there considering how scared everyone else was of the mythical mermonster in the water. He went down every day for hours, spending his time on the sand training or sleeping. He rarely went into the water, and never went deep. Though not one for urban legends, his gut told him not to venture too far into the water. Something about it felt off.
What felt most off about the cove was a feeling Zoro noticed after about a week of training there. He felt he was being watched, but the cliff hosted no spying eyes above him and the water held no observing boats. Boats avoided this cove like the plague the way swimmers avoided the beach. Zoro ignored the feeling, but it was constantly present. It only got stronger as time went on. Zoro took to watching around him as he trained, looking for the source of his feeling. Just as he was about to brush it off as paranoia, he noticed something moving in the water. Zoro only caught a flash of red and it was gone.
Another three days went by. Zoro had seen more of the red flashes in the water, but he had yet to figure out what they were. Zoro didn’t know what it was, but at the back of his mind the old man’s description of the merman was pulling at his imagination. A red tailed merman, that was the monster’s appearance. That was impossible, though Zoro couldn’t help but wonder…
Zoro dropped the weights in his hands and approached the water. When water was halfway up his shins, he stopped and cupped his hands to his mouth like a megaphone.
“If you’re out there, show yourself!” Zoro yelled.
Silence answered his call. Zoro’s arms fell to his sides. After a moment, he raised them to call out again.
“Come on!” Zoro yelled. He was starting to feel a little stupid, standing in the water and shouting at an old wive’s tale. Just as he was about to turn around, a head popped up from the water.
Zoro will forever deny it scared him, or that he jumped, but he won’t deny how surprising it was to hear the merman laugh for the first time. He grinned, and it looked nothing like the statue. He seemed, for all intents and purposes… normal. The short hair and scar matched that of the statue, but he didn’t seem malicious.
“I like your hair,” the merman said. He ducked under a moment to move closer, so he was only about a yard in front of Zoro. When he came up again, Zoro noticed gills on his neck.
“My hair?” Zoro asked. He hadn’t really known what to expect from an apparent monster, but compliments definitely weren’t it. Though shocked, Zoro still had the sense to back away from him. If he noticed, he said nothing. Zoro was only up to his ankles in the water, it would be hard for the merman to pull him under like this.
“Yeah, your hair. It’s green, like plants. I’ve never seen humans with green hair before,” the merman said. He ducked under again, surfacing again when his stomach was on the sand. He was right in front of Zoro this time, and he propped his head up above the water with his hands. Zoro could see clear, reddish fins along the side of his arms.
“My name’s Luffy. What’s yours?” the merman asked. Up close, Zoro could see sharp teeth in Luffy’s smile. He still seemed genuine, somehow, even with his gruesome mouth.
“Zoro. Roronoa Zoro,” Zoro said. He backed out of the water entirely now. The smile slipped off Luffy’s face.
“Are you leaving already?” Luffy asked. He moves up even more, pulling himself to the sand. His tail–red and white like a koi, just as the old man said–was still in the water, but his torso was only in water when hit by waves.
“I’m not stupid,” Zoro said, figuring he should just cut to the chase. He never liked beating around the bush. “I know what you’re after.”
“You do? Then why’re you leaving?” Luffy asks. “We can’t be friends if you leave.”
“Friends?” Zoro asked. Luffy nodded.
“I’ve tried asking people before, but once they agree to come with me, they always fall asleep,” Luffy said “Isn’t that rude? Who falls asleep after agreeing to play with someone?”
“You thought they fell asleep?” Zoro asked.
“Well, yeah. What else would they be doing?” Luffy asked. “I always leave them back on shore so they know when they are when they wake up, but none of them ever come back. They’re supposed to come back, though. A lot of them said they would, too! But none of them ever came back, and now no one comes at all. It’s… lonely.”
As Luffy talked, Zoro realized that it must have never occurred to a fish like Luffy that there were creatures who couldn’t swim. The merman wasn’t a monster, and the story of the town was not one of horror. If anything, it was a tragedy. Luffy didn’t seem to have anyone, and he didn’t understand what he’d done. He couldn’t have been much younger than Zoro… Luffy was around 17, if Zoro had to guess. If he’d been doing it over a few years, a few of them had to have happened when Luffy was a child. He didn’t want to tell Luffy about drowning. Zoro wasn’t sure how he’d take the truth of what he’d done. No, Zoro would keep his thoughts to himself.
“…I can be your friend,” Zoro said. Luffy’s face lit up.
“Really? That’s awesome! Can we go swim-”
“But,” Zoro said, cutting Luffy off before Luffy could say anything more “I don’t like the water that much. I won’t go swimming with you. If you try pulling me under regardless, I won’t come back ever again.”
It was a lie, Zoro loved the water. However, he didn’t want to risk Luffy pulling him under. And Luffy would pull him under, if given the chance, though Zoro wasn’t lying when he said he wouldn’t come back if Luffy did.
Luffy, in his own head, barely took a moment to consider the condition Zoro laid out. He had lived by himself for years, and he hated being alone more than anything. If Zoro would be his friend, he’d accept any rules.
“Deal!” Luffy said, tail splashing in the water with excitement. “We’re going to be great friends. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure you like the water soon and then we can play. I can even show you where I live!”
Zoro just nodded, sitting down in the sand just out of Luffy’s reach. He’d have to be careful around Luffy, that was for sure. Though Zoro thought–hoped?–it would be worth it. Luffy interested him, and Zoro found himself wanting to get to know him. Zoro knew it would be the start of an undeniably dangerous friendship. If Zoro let his guard down, Luffy could very well kill him without even knowing he was dead. But so long as Zoro was careful, what could go wrong?
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trashboatprince · 13 days
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Ineffable May day 25: While We Dance
With a bit of merfolk magic, these two can dance under the waves for hours to songs only they hear
(It’s mermay, and I wanted to draw my sea monster wives au with this theme)
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trashboatprince · 1 year
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Sea monster wives au for mermay, featuring them both as sea monsters! ♡
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trashboatprince · 1 year
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Do not sneak up on them, that's your only warning
(Sea monster wives au, since it's mermay!)
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