#ffxiv Talia
candycryptids · 23 days
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Found it ~ this is from November ‘22 I was visually exploring au’s for Chuu and Talia 🥰
“You can’t be real. This has to be some sort of hallucination because I spent 36 consecutive hours staring at schematics and putting together a Node, and finally went outside for a breather to get Cid off my blasted back.”
“We could always find out. If it’s a dream, you’ll wake up before you drown, right?”
“….. and if it’s not a dream?”
“Take my hand and find out.”
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thedarknesssings · 9 months
Prompt 18: Shallow
Prompt 18: Fish out of water  - FFXIV Write 2023 Characters: Seviere, Armel. Content Warning: Murder, corpse, grief.
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“Have a gil, leave a gil.”
Fingers laid a coin over dull eyes.  
“Need a gil, take a gil.”
The coins were plucked away, clung to, examined.  The metal remained cold.  Fingers patted at a pallid cheek.  The game began again. His sing-song voice a crisp melody echoing in the damp air.
“Have a gil, leave a gil.”  
Fingers laid a coin over dull eyes.  
“Need a gil, take a gil.”
The coins were reclaimed in haste. 
The scent of the sea permeated the depths beneath the house. Few put basements in homes at sea level.  Leave it to the duskwights to find a plausible way.  The scent wasn’t alone in its seeping through the stone walls.  Moisture bit at the stark rooms left mostly abandoned.  Once a forgotten man had lived in these spaces.  Once more than supplies for a thankless lot warmed these rooms.  Once. A forgotten man lived here again.
“Have a gil, leave a gil.”  
Fingers laid a coin over dull eyes.  
“Need a gil, take a gil.”
A soft chuckle accompanied the lift of the coins.
Black and white, black and white.  Everything used to be.  Like his hair, like his clothes.  His voice the only pure thing when lifted in song for the masses to hear.  No longer, not now.  Dirges do not carry the cheer he regrets knowing.  So swift to snuff out the flame that spread his wings and cast him burnt.  Like the hair sifting through his pale fingers.  Burnt brown when memory paints it grey as the slate tiles beneath his feet.  No matter.
“Have a gil, leave a gil.”  
Fingers laid a coin over dull eyes.  
“Need a gil, take a gil.”
Fingers caress the curve of a tanned cheek, drained ashen and bloodless.  Colour was cruel now that his vision cleared.  The face was wrong, the lifeless warmth crushing.  The nice elezen that had tried to help him.  Brown hair, green eyes, warm smile, soft hands, kind words.  He spoke of healing.  He encouraged him out from the dark corners he sought so as not to have to see himself.  Armel.  His name had been Armel.
Fingers pried the coins from the dead man’s eyes.
Tears streaked down trembling cheeks.  How unfair.  This is not what he wanted.  Not what he wanted at all.  Only one throat was designed to be under his hands.  He couldn’t see.  He couldn’t understand.
Fingers jammed the coins down into dull eyes.  Jammed them down again and again.
Sobbing took over the shadows, echoed around the hollow spaces of the basement.  How awful the sound was.  Just like the hollow spaces in his chest.
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cafe-melanion · 2 months
#AzemApril Day 2: Name
Talia enjoys having an unusual name, even if it has resulted in a lifetime of explaining that it isn't just a different spelling of Thalia and is pronounced Tal-ee-a. With Amaurotine society being the way it is, her name makes her memorable from the start!
As for surnames, her family name is Asev. Since Hythlodaeus took Hades' last name when they were married (which was before they met) after she joins their marriage she takes it as well and becomes Talia Moiraios.
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blisteringstar · 9 months
Prompt #4
Grief was a terrible, heavy thing, and Inwa had traveled the length of the universe to get away from his. He could have stayed with his family in that shining palace in the sky so far from everything else, but no. Instead, he chooses to stay by himself in a quaint little cottage in the middle of nowhere. To be alone with grief was hell to him, but to pour his pain on others was no better.
Viper almost died before his very eyes. Their gazes locked, watching the moment the Duskwight's own went dark with looking betrayal and pain. Viper had been there because Inwa asked for his help. It had barely been a sun before he was on the floor of the bar, slowly dying before Inwa's very eyes.
Inwa doesn't remember if he screamed. He doesn't remember if he pleaded with the fates to spare him. Did he promise anything to the universe in those dark moments when he thought Viper's life was lost? Did he breathe? The whole night was a blur after watching Viper fade.
His next memory was watching Viper sink into the dark water. He could do nothing but stand away from him and wait. He didn't eat or sleep, spending the whole sennight in a daze. Once Viper had resurfaced, Inwa fled.
The biggest difference between Sancturia and Etheirys was time. A year on his mother's homeworld was merely a sennight of Etheirys. He could spend much more time there trying to get himself through watching someone he cared about so deeply nearly die in peace. The time he spent alone was anything but peaceful, though.
Whether awake or asleep, he saw Viper's eyes. He could feel that hug he gave him the moment he saw him in Thavnair, and hear the way he sounded when asking Inwa if he was okay. Every memory of Viper felt distorted. Happy or sad, they all left him in tears when the deafening silence and isolation didn't. He couldn't count how many days ended with him sobbing on the floor while trying to remind himself to make it to the next day.
Change, as it always does, started small. He needed to eat, for one. If he wasn't going to stay with his family, he needed to feed himself, and that meant he either had to go into town to buy goods or find ways to produce them himself. The thought of being around other people in his state filled him with dread, so he foraged on his own and got to work. The more he could set his hands to, the more he didn't have to think about what happened. It wasn't healthy, but it was how he made it through the stillness of grief.
One day became several, over and over again until the years were starting to pass. Yet, still, the pain in his heart didn't pass. The time he spent thinking about Viper lessened and lessened until he found himself too busy with upkeep. It was only when he sat down to sleep that those silent hours brought back the memories he was trying to run from.
When Talia came for him, he returned to Etheirys without issue. What he found when he got there was that he was no better for all of his running and hiding. His heart was still heavy and the thought of Viper or Elias weighed him down like stone. He couldn't see him. He wouldn't see him. Every thought of him made him still feel like he could burst into tears like a grieving widow.
He still had not seen Viper, and intended to keep it that way. At the same time, he knew that even the vaguest mention of Viper being in trouble would send him to the duskwight's side.
This was The Curse of Compassion.
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
SWTOR had an update apparently and I can't progress story in FF14 for like... another fucking month until my friends catch up.
Anyway, I'm gonna take advantage of this full month of free time to focus on writing and shifting back into D&D mode so I'm ready for the new campaign!
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remysa · 11 months
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OMG HOW I LOVE PLANTS! Especially strange plants [relax its free] :) Describtion and download under the cut
@gryning `s FFXIV plants convertation to TS2 (thank you so much) i did convert to TS4 1 hour ago and want to share it for other plantlovers in TS4! Made with love <3
@simder-talia-blog @sssvitlanz
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zoetic-tome · 9 months
Prompt 23: Life
Prompt: Suit - FFXIV Write 2023  Characters: Talia Content Warning: None
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Lift a hand, rub at the back of your neck. Smooth red hair down from its tangle. You’re still and sore, too many hours under a machine that refused to work. The tasks are mindless. Fix this. Do that. Work on this new thing. Make this modification. 
You haven’t been to see anyone else to 'talk' since you realized Aramel had vanished into the building and never come out. You’re still not sure where he is. You’re trying to delegate who is going into what part of the building. You're probably going to have to send Edarien into the depths. If you're right, the dark below isn't safe for you.
Cool air enters the heat of the workshop with the opening and closing of the door. A flash of white hair and a smile greet you, devil, a hand holding out a mug of coffee. He’s tea in his other hand, like he plans to stay. Smile back, a gesture that’s automatic, easy. 
You’ve given him hundreds of these little smiles. In the quiet of your home. In the late hours of the night. When poetry falls from your lips or laughter falls from his. It isn’t perfect, devil, but you think you’ve gotten there. 
An effigy. Maybe Kuni had been right. Ever since you’d made yours, with twisting metal and scrap, with chips of crystal for eyes and painstakingly carved markings, you’ve felt better. Putting a shape to your hurt helped.
Pitching it into the heat of the forge was even better. You stood and watched it become a pool of metal, gleaming in the heat until all that had been was gone. Something else, something better would take shape from what it had been. But isn't that just life?
You glance up again when your husband speaks, and laughter falls from your lips as you finally reach to take your coffee. Life moves on. Better, brighter, with more cheer. You were never suited for staying still in the ache. You matter. Your voice. Your choice.
One of his arms wraps around your waist, as sweet words coax you form the workshop. Join people. Talk. Be social. You flash him up a smile. Life moves on.
And now you move with it.
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redsplash1 · 5 days
Children do not belong on the battlefield.
Tatake always held this belief. Tonight’s events made this painfully clear.
Or, a mother steps up and comforts the children she has come to love.
AN: I wrote this right after Death Unto Dawn LMFAOOOO, imma post it here first since I’m not at my pc rn. I’ll post to ao3 after. Didn’t even edit, just take it as it is <3 As stated this is right after the battle at Carteneau, I also attached a pic of Tatake’s current look
Although a few things:
Tatake’s real name is Talia Dragonseer. As of now only the twins know about it, and call her Talia when nobody else is around
I’m still trying to figure out the backstory, but what I’m thinking so far is that Tatake is part of a long living species of Lalafell that are basically like the Laguz/Manaketes from Fire Emblem; They look human, but actually aren’t and can transform into whatever animal/dragon/fish/literally anything
The main thing is that Tatake and her people were initially like Sharlayan where they stayed out of everything and kept to themselves, until mankind found them and started hunting them down. This is why Tatake hides her power until she couldn’t anymore, as she refused to get involved with mankind after they ruined her life along with everyone else’s
Dragonseer technically isn’t her last name, it’s just the title she had as part of the High Council. But for the sake of keeping things simple, she considers it a last name if she has to, which is almost never since she uses Tatake Take for everything
Anyways imma stfu now, sorry in advance if the twins r ooc, I’ve never written for ffxiv before until now. Enjoy! <3
“Sit with me for a spell,” Tatake spoke into the air, breaking her gaze away from the moon, an everlasting witness to tonight’s horrors.
Alphinaud looked down at her with a frown. “There is still much to do, I’m afraid. We must-“
“Rest, yes.” The Lalafell met his eyes in challenge. The others had already broken off, tending to the wounded and going over battle logistics. Alisaie moved to do the same, but one sharp look from Tatake made her pause.
“You two will not help anyone if you collapse here in exhaustion,” she continued. “Leave the others to shoulder the burden for now…you need not carry it alone.”
“But-“ Alisaie started in protest.
“Come along.” With no room for argument, Tatake took the twins’ hands, dragging them along to a quieter corner. Alphinaud sputtered in surprise, while Alisaie was grumbling about wasting time.
Neither of them fought against her pull.
After motioning the twins to sit down, Tatake took her place between them, backs against the wall.
They exchanged no words for a time. The sounds of healing magic, along with the many voices of orders being given and carried served as their ambience.
Tatake was not oblivious to the clear slump of the twins once they sat down, both leaning against her. Without a word, she quietly linked her arms with theirs and took their hands in the process. She squeezed in reassurance, as a reminder, that she was still here. They squeezed back, and held on tight.
Tatake quietly exhaled through her nose. Being with the twins always reminded her of how young they were in comparison to the countless years she has. As she observed the wounded, the dead, the dying, she couldn’t help but think. This wasn’t fair.
Truly. It wasn’t. Not to them.
Why must Alphinaud and Alisaie exist in a world where the adults failed so badly they had no choice but to pick up the pieces?
“Was I naive?” Alphinaud’s quiet and unsure voice broke their silence. “Did Fordola have the right of it after all…? There’s so many I couldn’t save.”
“You did everything you could,” Tatake gently cut in. “The ones who made it past this night are still with us thanks to your efforts.
“Along with the Tempered,” she added, turning her head to Alisaie. The Elezen grimaced at the praise.
“I wasn’t fast enough. And I couldn’t supply enough Aether for everyone. I’ll be quicker and stronger next time.”
Tatake gently flicked her forehead in response.
“I will not sit here and listen to you downplay your efforts,” she chided over Alisaie’s sputters of offense.
Children do not belong on the battlefield.
Tatake always held on to this belief. Tonight’s events made this painfully clear.
She thought back to the many mortals she encountered over the years. In the wake of the calamities, it was impossible not to see a citizen haunted by the destruction, or a soldier fighting the monsters in their mind.
She thought back to Ishgard, to Alphinaud screaming himself awake haunted by dreams drenched in blood. She remembered holding him as he sobbed out broken apologies, towards her, towards the Scions, towards the bystanders who got caught up in the wrath of the Crystal Braves. She remembered his struggle to go about his life after, having to gently coax him to get out of bed nearly every day, if not all. She remembered bringing him food because he wouldn’t do it himself without a helping hand. She remembered wiping his tears as he shakily confided in her during the dead of night after a panic attack, holding her tightly as if he were afraid she would be gone if he let go.
She thought back to Ala Mhigo, to Alisaie gritting her teeth in agony as her wounds were addressed. She remembered creating a routine of checking up on her after every battle because she tried to patch herself up on her own without anybody knowing, leading to disastrous results. She remembered seeing her hands shake when she thought nobody was looking. She remembered the panic attacks she would suffer, having to gently but firmly guide her through them. She remembered the nightmares that she suffered just like her brother, unable to banish the sight of bloodied bodies and the smell of death from her mind. She remembered her and Lyse quietly holding her after a particularly violent night terror, the young Elezen unable to voice what happened but could guess at what it was. She remembered gently reassuring her everything would be alright, even as her brother was not with them, and wouldn’t be for a long time.
She thought back to the First, where the both of them had the same reaction of hugging her tight, refusing to let go for a while. She remembered hardly sleeping alone in her room in the Pendants, the twins joining her almost every night. She remembered holding Alisaie as she grieved for her lost love. She remembered gently reminding Alphinaud as Kai-Shirr ran off, that he was good, and he should never change that. She remembered futilely reassuring them that she would be alright, despite the Light eating her alive even with her draconic lineage. She remembered the endless tears they shed and the screams of despair they let out as Urianger and Thancred forcefully held them back from her painful transformation at Mt. Gulg.
This truly wasn’t fair.
She breathed in.
“You did good.” Tatake began, finishing her long contemplation. “You have done more than fully grown adults could ever hope to achieve. I’m sorry Fourchenault is a fool and will not say this, but I hope I will suffice.”
She breathed out.
“I’m proud of you.”
She knew her words had the intended effect when Alphinaud’s choked sobs and Alisaie’s stifled whimpers rang in the air. She let them hold her, let them cling onto the only consistent piece in their lives.
In a world like this, it’s okay to stick with the familiar.
In a world like this, it’s okay to cry.
“You’ve done much for Eorzea, and I will not ask you to turn your backs on her,” she continued. “But I ask that you do not carry the weight of the world on your own. We can share the burden with you.
“Like many of the hatchlings, pups, and many more I raised, they too have set off once they have come of age. I made sure they were ready for the world. But above all else, I made sure they had what you mortals call a childhood. I prioritized their youth. Your father failed you in this regard.
“Being a child is not lesser. You are still capable. But you are young. I’m sorry your elders have failed you. But for as long as I am able, let me preserve your youth, your innocence for as long as I can.”
At this point, Tatake felt just as much as heard their tears, their faces pressed against her soft hair. It’s alright. She didn’t mind.
“Okay?” Tatake softly asked.
“Okay.” Alphinaud hoarsely choked out, voice somewhat muffled by her hair and his tears.
“Mhm.” Alisaie couldn’t muster a word, eyes squeezed shut.
“Good. I love you both. Please, do not forget this.”
She paused. She had been thinking about it for a while, but after Fourchenault’s foolishness, she made up her mind.
“And if you so choose…you may no longer have the name of Leveilleur, but Dragonseer is yours, if you’d like. I always saw you as my hatchlings…no harm in making it official.”
In answer, Alphinaud moved his arms to hug them both, sobs renewed. Alisaie returned the gesture, tremors wracking her whole body. The twins had their foreheads pressed together, refusing to let go.
Even for all their bickering and teasing, they were there for one another without fail. Tatake was glad.
The Lalafell caught the eyes of the other Scions, who had busied themselves helping around the camp. Thancred gave them a sad smile. Y’shtola and Urianger nodded in understanding. Raha looked on, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. Estinien was a ways back, understanding their need for privacy. But his approval was clear.
Right now, the future may look bleak. Right now, death surrounds them all like a shroud, unable to be shrugged off.
But here in this moment, in their private little corner, it was just the three of them. A mother and her children, the former watching over them, and the latter growing into themselves so beautifully, day by day.
For now, here in this little spot against the wall, they were safe.
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reddevil-xiv · 2 years
Prompt #1: Doubt & Reunion
Prompt 1: Cross - FFXIV Write 2022 Characters: Talia, the sprites of the Midnight Grove, Idristan (@roses-and-grimoires), Caedh (@thedarknesssings).
Talia had been pacing the length of the Grove for days now. Idristan had gone and made his visit to Caedh, and seemed all the happier for having done so. So what held her here, kept her from crossing the threshold deeper into Faerie where he currently resided during his isolation to solve his problem? 
The pacing grew longer, strides more and more agitated. As though she couldn’t quite bring herself to slow, to stop, or to self-moderate. If she had more room, perhaps, she would be running. There was a restlessness in her that she hadn’t realized the Night Prince quelled until she was forced to keep her distance from him. 
Each of her beloveds added some value to her life, and the absence of one of them for any length of time caused her heart to ache and her mind to wander and ugly and distracting thoughts to rear their heads. So much self-doubt still mired in her mortal identity. Her wings spread, their beating joining the steady sweep of the grass beneath her booted feet.
Her hands twisted in front of her as she glanced down amid her strides. She had started talking to herself half a bell before, and the sprites that lingered in the Grove to tend to her and Idristan’s needs in Caedh’s absence were growing worried. 
“My Lady?” Came several muted voices from nearby to draw her attention. Abruptly she stilled, realizing that they must have been there for some time. Longer than she had realized. How long had she been pacing like this to be so oblivious to their presence when she was usually so in-tune here? 
Mismatched eyes closed as she turned on her heel to peer back at the sprites, one of whom was drifting forward from the underbrush into view. The fact that one of them was speaking to her meant they had watched her long enough to likely glean what it was that had her flustered and frustrated as she was. 
“Yes?” She asked finally as her eyes opened again. The sprite glanced back to the others still in hiding, and then darted forward to hover in front of her. Wild hair was scattered across the things face, and glittering eyes fixed on those of the much larger woman as the sprite spoke. 
“My Lady,” the sprite flit around Talia, “why do you not go and see his Highness?” Talia managed only barely to hide the surprise on her face, her brows furrowing as she stared at the sprite as it wove back and forth in the air in front of her. “He did not refuse our Lord Moon, and so surely, my Lady Twilight, he will not refuse you.”
The absurdity of the situation had the redhead reaching up to shove her fingers into her hair and push the haphazardly colored locks out of her face, away from her eyes. But the sprite was right, weren’t they? Caedh wasn’t likely to turn her away. And after hearing his voice the other evening, her heart ached with the want to see him. 
Even if during their last few arguments, he had done just that in varying degrees. She winced at the sudden reminder of her last few encounters with her husband where they did little more than grow more and more cross with one another. Indecision warred in her head for far longer than it should have. Once her decision was made, however, it took her only a moment to reach out to Idristan to let him know where she was going. 
“Good,” came his smug reply almost immediately. “Don’t worry, Talia. Go and see our Night.” Encouragement, and the expectation that despite her stubborn nature, she’d listen. He had a perfectly lovely book to curl up with for a few hours, and he knew that both she and Caedh would likely be better off for the time spent together. “I’ll come and join the both of you later.” And like that, he shooed her off before she somehow talked herself out of her decision.
“I will return.” She said aloud at last, the words a declaration. Like water, the sprites scattered into the trees and underbrush to watch Twilight part the curtain of the Grove to traverse deeper into the pathways that led further into Faerie. 
Once she was free of the Grove, she didn’t walk, she ran. Her footsteps carried her in leaping strides as she hit the edge of the deeper area that Caedh was currently residing in. Her wings had spread and she had just taken off in flight when something barreled into her, overcame her from above. 
Her wings flattened to the ground with the impact, her teeth bared as a living shadow loomed over her, pitch black eyes searching the startled widening of her own violet and green gaze. 
“Sin…” The first syllable of his name had barely crossed her lips before it died on the crush of his mouth to hers, a rake of his hands baring her skin to the cold night air; air and the press of him above her.
No. She never need have feared seeing him. She had the momentary regret that she hadn’t done so sooner, though even that didn’t linger for long. There was no space left for any other thoughts to cross her mind, save of him. And he ensured there would not be such for quite some time.
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candycryptids · 2 years
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I sat down to do Day 15 for Junelezen and fell over and all these Chuu/Talia Date Pics happened instead? Happy pride lmao.
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thedarknesssings · 11 months
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Caedh with his spouses Talia @reddevil-xiv and Idristan @roses-and-grimoires
Junelezen Day 28: Family
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cafe-melanion · 4 months
Been working on the writeup for how my WoL's Ultima Thule really went:
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blisteringstar · 2 years
Prompt twenty-three: Pitch
"What are you really here for?" Swan's voice cut over Inwa's, stopping what the other man was saying. Inwa's head tilted to the side, regarding Swan and the sudden comment. It had been a meeting like all of their others, but today Swan seemed restless.
"I don't know what you mean--"
"There's something you want to say. Say it."
Inwa frowned and Swan closed his eyes. Each passing sun made him feel more and more tired. The promise of a slow, aether-starved death the cell gave him would be a very sleepy one.
"I…"Inwa started, choking on his words, "I told you that you shouldn't consider death, but now I wonder if that wouldn't be the better option."
Swan's ice blue eyes opened and fell to look at the face of the seeker that was turned away. Lifting himself up to sit straight and power his feet to touch the ground, he leaned forward towards the miqo'te to stare intently at him.
"You are the one who wanted me to live, and now you're telling me I should roll over and die? Do you often change your mind?" Swan's words cut into Inwa, the more petite man flinching and curling inward.
"The soul we have on hand is a problem, and Edarien doesn't want to save you," Inwa's words were calm and stern despite the way he curled and pulled one leg in close to his chest, turning away from facing Swan as he let the words fall out of him.
"Yet he saved Peregrine, and you're falling in line with him?" Swan pushed himself up to his feet, spitting the words even as his head swam with how quickly he went into motion.
"He is the boss and the one who would have to keep you. I wouldn't put 'who you'll become' on anyone else here."
"But Peregrine is worth saving?" Swan stalked forward to the bars, grabbing them with force and rattling them. "Everyone made it sound like you cared about Urien, but if you'd save the person who tortured him over your own blood then I guess they were wrong."
The words brought Inwa out and him, his head turning to set his gaze on Swan, concern written over his brow. Swan thought that Inwa would have already known, but the way he rose to his feet and stepped straight up to the bars told him otherwise.
"What did Peregrine do to Urien?" Inwa watched as Swan stepped back, releasing the bars. He gained the upper hand. It seems that was the one they meant when they said 'Urien' after all.
"Didn't you ask, or did your boss decide to save him without knowing the atrocities he's committed? I was under the impression Urien went to ask for help because of Peregrine, but you saved the assailant instead of the victim." Swan's arms crossed over his wrinkled shirt, looking smugly at the torment that crossed Inwa's face. Inwa wouldn't question his knowledge. He knew that the ink shared everything through their connection.
"It wasn't my choice," Inwa hissed out, stalking away from the bars. "Edarien is the one who saved him. This is his choice. I didn't know. I don't have a say in this!"
"So then why am I the one who must die? What we might have done or not doesn't seem to matter to you people. Is it really just because the soul is troublesome and you can't pick another? Or is there something about you that isn't measuring up to Talia?" Swan continued to press, his ears turning and following Inwa's pacing. He didn't need to see Inwa's face to know the words were having their effect. His tail lashed wildly more and more with every cutting point.
"It's Talia, isn't it?" Swan continued when Inwa didn't answer him with anything more than pacing. "Talia must be the one that Edarien decided was worth saving more than you are." He could see the seeker's ears move toward him, but his attention stayed resolute toward something else. Inwa could hear him, but as far as Swan could tell, the words were moving through one ear and out of the other. Maybe his words weren't having the effect he thought they were. It was no fun trying to cut at the dragon's dwindling confidence if he wasn't even going to listen to the insults.
Inwa's last circle around the room led him to the door, exiting without another word. Swan could hear the opening and closing of the first door and then the second, heralding his solitude once more.
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motheatenscarf · 11 months
Okay, I did the level 89 dungeon and trial, did the dungeon with friends, did the trial with NPCs
dungeon with Amon was good, glad we got to talk to him before he faded into oblivion
okay. had talia pick the "We'll find it together, next time," dialogue about Amon/Hermes being so full of The Morbs he was never able to cling to a reason to keep on living. I felt it was a growth moment for Talia, having seen how gentle and tormented Hermes was as the casual cruelty of the ancients, and Amon at the casual cruelty of Allag.
Asahi showed up and ruined the moment, but in a funny way because he is STILL simping for Zenos whom I am pretty sure never once was aware he even existed. OH WELL. this is a Post-Eden raids ffxiv, you can queer code your wretched little weasel villains all you like, the lesbians have solved the climate crisis, please let this buried gay leave and never come back.
Loved the little bits of dialogue along the whole dungeon tho, with seeing Ysayle and Haurchefant's lingering souls ;A;
I love my friends, but GOD, do I wish I'd had Estinien and Alphinaud in party for that bit
I did see at the end that they commented on Ysayle giving us the ice to hide behind Amon's mechanics at least, that was sweet and I got EMOTIONAL about it
annnnd that was just the start
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houserosaire · 2 years
Prompt #29: Fuse
He had long ago given up on seeing Priarch fuse itself into a singular, coherent, functioning unit. They were mercenaries, a diverse crowd with an equally varied skillset and moral code. Most of them had never been soldiers. He was used to the arguments, at the meeting table and away from it. Was used to having to raise his voice into the middle of it, and to being astounded that a point that seemed obvious and concrete to him generated such a myriad of opinions he could scarce keep track of them all.
If they had been soldiers he would have disciplined them. Tried his best to hammer them into a shape sharp and precise as a sword. But they were not, so instead he simply watched them, tried to learn the shape of them, the things they did best and the things that they needed.
He might have written it all down in notes easily enough:
-Strong magic. Strange magic if the way the others react means anything.
-Lonely. Needs a friend and sometimes a voice of reason. 
-Healer. Trustworthy. Kind and merciful.
-Too merciful sometimes. Needs someone to make sure his own kindness doesn’t kill him.
-Strong fighter. Cares deeply for those he loves.
-Uncontrolled temper. Does not like or trust me. What he needs must come from someone else.
-Steady. Good healer, and calm and reliable in crisis.
-Dislikes conflict. Needs someone to hear him and help him be heard.
-Clever. Quick. Determined. Variety of skills. Magic? Knives.
-Needs to be reminded not to rush into things alone or tackle more than she can manage.
-Sniper. Very good. Several other magical talents I probably don’t even know.
-Needs reminders of morality sometimes. Friends. Doesn’t need most of it from me.
-Magic. Very strong.
-Soft heart he doesn’t want anybody to know about. Fragile pride. What he needs isn’t for me to provide.
-Good-hearted. Means best for everybody. Hard to read.
-Clumsy, but usually manages. Not always sure what he needs. Perhaps nothing from me. 
-Fights with her fists. Surprisingly capable. Battle rages.
-May need someone to help her out of rages sometime. May not need it from me.
-Hiding several capabilities under several acts. Good when he settles down to heal.
-Needs? Inwa will sort it out.
-Healer. Sound insights. Voice of mercy.
-Needs someone to guard his back and temper his mercy. That is me.
But he did not. He kept his private assessments in his thoughts, and tried his best to remember them when they were needed. He might have liked to pretend they would all come together when the moment demanded like the pieces of a puzzle or the many links that together made a shirt of mail. They did not usually. They scattered, they argued, they raged.  He wasn’t certain what held them together at all sometimes. But something did. 
That same something carried them to victory as often as not. He frequently thought that their enemies would truly find something to fear if they ever managed to put themselves together. Sometimes, though, he wondered if they were not more fearsome just as they were.
@thedarknesssings for Edarien, @blisteringstar for Inwa, @louvel-roche for Louvel, @hiraethwyl for Lyrin’a, @liminal-storage for Okuni, @reddevil-xiv for Talia, @roses-and-grimoires for Idristan, @gorgagne-viperidae for Elias, @punches-and-cream-puffs for Teagan, @latikaa-renaz for Latika’a, and @bookbornexiv for Sui, @priarch-enterprises-ffxiv
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zoetic-tome · 9 months
Prompt 1: For Everything, An End
Prompt: Envoy - FFXIV Write 2023 
Characters: Lady Talia Sergenaux Content Warning: Mentions of; Rape, Sexual Assault, Murder. Death.
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“My Lady?” The voice of one of the many servants of the Sergenaux estate came quietly, breaking Talia from her reverie. Green eyes lifted, and she greeted the butler that had served the family for years with a smile. 
He had gotten older, while she never had. His once black hair had greyed at his temple, and warm brown eyes looked tired. Worn. Whatever message he had for her, it was neither pleasant, nor unexpected.
“I apologize, my Lady. Representatives of the Holy See wish to speak with you at the door.” Calmly, perhaps more calmly than the gentle tremor of her hand belied, Talia leaned forward to settle the teacup she had been holding back on the table nearby, and pushed to stand from the plush chair that held her. 
She had expected this visit, though perhaps not quite so soon. It had been precisely one week since she had murdered her step-father. Contrary to the abysmal atmosphere of the estate prior to his death, however, many were cheerfully celebrating. 
Marcenoix Sergenaux had been a cruel man, and had gotten crueler still after his wife had left him. What had begun as verbal abuse had quickly turned sour, heaped upon servants and stewards alike. Not a single person in this estate hadn’t been dealt bruises by the impact of a fist to skin, from the eldest to the youngest. It was a pity most of all, though, that Tiamara Shadoweaver had abandoned both her son and daughter to his tender mercies. 
His step-son had died years before, arranged at his hands for the audacity of speaking out against his treatment of his step-daughter. Not, of course, that it had taken much arranging. Merely suggesting where Darien might be most useful in the Dragonsong War. All Ishgardian sons and many daughters were called to service, after all. 
Bruises had finally faded after the latest and in fact last of his many assaults. Her sleeves were tugged down over the fading circles around her wrists. And of course, the high backed dress she wore, its soft fabric falling in waves to her slippered feet, covered the worst of the marks that a metal tipped crop had caused along her otherwise pale skin.
Talia stopped just shy of the door and folded her hands down in front of her, breathing deeply before she set her spine to rigidity. She was a Sergenaux, born and thusly raised. And even in the face of what was certain to come, she had both her pride to hold her upright, and her lack of remorse for what she had done. 
She had had Marcenoix’s body dumped into the streets the evening it had happened. Pitched over the side of the great railings and down into the lower districts. The marks of chains had circled his throat, strangled. She had hoped that the heavy snows of winter would cover his corpse as readily as her sleeves covered the remnant marks of the cuffs that had held that length of chain between them.
She nodded finally  and the butler, Olivier, stepped forward and opened the door. Outside it stood an individual dressed in the heavy robing of the Holy See. Alongside him were several armored knights. Talia smiled as she stepped forward into the door way, and dipped into a polite curtsy. 
“My Lord Inquisitor,” she began, “How may this humble servant of our Lady Halone assist you this evening?” It was hard to mistake his robing for belonging to any other station. Her head remained bowed, body dipped into that low gesture until he finally spoke, before she straightened once more.
“Lady Sergenaux.” He greeted her with tempered civility. “We have heard concerning reports regarding your father, the Lord Marcenoix Sergenaux. Will you come with us so we might speak of his absence?” She was being arrested. He knew it. She knew it. 
Talia inclined her head ever so slightly, and turned back to regard Olivier quietly. “Tend to the estate in my absence, Olivier.” The elderly butler swept a low bow as she spoke. He would likely never see the lady of the estate again once she had walked out those doors. 
Missives lay on the desk in the study, prepared to be sent and delivered. The servants would be dismissed, and what remained of the estate that was not to be seized would be used for severance for the lot of them. Whether or not her killing of Marcenoix had been justified, there would be no mercy for her. 
“As you will, my Lady.” He straightened as she stepped out the door and into the crisp winter night. She bore no cloak, and the Inquisitors and knights with the seemed disinclined to offer her any of their own for comfort. Instead the knights turned as one as Talia walked into the midst of them, moving to stride ahead of them.
She turned her head and glanced up at last to the manor where she had lived since she was a child. It had been many things, once. A home. A haven. A place of happiness. And then, after her mother’s departure, a place of torment. Of torture. Of violence unasked for and left too long unpunished. A prison. 
Her gaze lingered for several long moments, before she felt a hand against the curve of her back, propelling her onward. The Inquisitor, as the knights fell into step alongside them. 
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