#I may try making more little comics off of my dreams. I have really involved ones often
pixlatedvampire · 5 months
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Been dreaming lately 🌜☁️🌈💤
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zvkydesign · 1 year
5 Character Design Tips for Creating a Winning Game  Character
Are you an aspiring artist looking to make your mark in the world of character design? Or maybe you're a writer who wants to add a little pizzazz to your latest story by creating some amazing characters?
Either way, this guide is for you! Character design can be incredibly rewarding, allowing you to bring your unique vision to life. Let's dive into the steps involved in designing a character that is used by top game concept art services.
Step 1 - Brainstorming
The first step in character design is brainstorming. To begin, ask yourself questions like "What kind of character do I want to create?" and "What sort of qualities should my character have?" After you've come up with some ideas, start sketching out potential designs.
Don't worry if they don't look great at first – the goal here is just to get your imagination flowing and get a rough idea of what your character will look like in the end.  
Step 2 - Refining Your Design
Once you've got a few sketches on paper, it's time to do the fun part – refining! This is where you'll really start bringing your character to life. Think about how each design element interacts with one another and how that contributes to their overall look.
Consider elements such as facial expressions, clothing choice, posture and more to give them depth and personality. As you refine your design, remember that every detail matters – even seemingly small things like hairstyle or accessories can go a long way toward creating an interesting and unique character.
Step 3 - Find the Right Tools
When it comes to creating artwork, the tools you use don’t necessarily make or break your success. In most cases, you can accomplish the same outcomes utilizing both traditional and digital mediums – the only difference is the production speed.
It is possible to replicate certain art styles like watercolors on a computer, but they often look best in their original luster. Ultimately, your aesthetic preference and that of your client will heavily influence what tools you decide on.
That being said, no matter how advanced your equipment may be, it cannot compensate for poor concept development or fundamental shortcomings in your artistic skill set. So it is important to hone those skills first and foremost!
Step 4 - Do not underestimate thumbnails
Thumbnails are an important babbling point for creatives. From small previews of images or videos on the internet to sketches in the traditional illustration world, they are useful tools for professionals and hobbyists alike.
Thumbnail sketches allow a video game concept artist to draw out several ideas without committing to a finished piece of artwork. This ensures flexibility when moving through creative processes.
Step 3 - Creating Your Final Piece
Now that you've refined your design, it's time to create your piece! Start by drawing out each individual element of your character (such as clothing items or facial features) separately before putting them together into one cohesive image.
If needed, use reference images to help perfect certain details or get inspiration from other artists' work. When you're done, take a step back and admire all the hard work that went into creating your very own unique character!  
Congratulations on completing this guide on how to design a character! You now have all the tools necessary to create any type of character imaginable – so what are you waiting for? Get creative and show off those skills!
Whether it's for a comic book series or just for fun, designing characters can be incredibly rewarding when done right. So go ahead – get designing! Who knows? Maybe someday we'll see your characters featured in their own stories! Good luck!
Try us now if you are looking for the best concept art services. We have the dream team of artists for game art services that can put your concept to life. Trust us; we are the best among video game outsourcing companies.
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mouisorange · 3 years
☰ Yandere Personality Types  〔Big Five〕
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☰ Overview
〔Disclaimer〕 Yandere behavior and mindsets are not healthy, nor should they be sought after: this is just meant to be a fun way to analyze characters and see/understand how they may fit into this specific genre of fictional horror. 
This personality ‘assessment’ was inspired by @ddarker-dreams​‘s ‘Yandere MBTI’ as I adore their writing and have always thought that their MBTI assessment is really cool! I also noticed how other people enjoy it so I thought I would make my own assessment, though mine is inspired by the ‘Big Five Personality Traits’. I even tried to be creative and add in the little circles that you can find on the actual Big Five assessment too (which is 100% free btw!). I don’t really think I did the Big Five assessment justice, and I think that a lot more goes into the complexities around this kinda thing, but hopefully this is somewhat interesting!
If you have your own thoughts or even wanna try this out, 100% feel free to use or talk to me about it! Check it out below the cut!
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☰  OPEN   •  •  •  •  •  CLOSED 
〔Open〕 yanderes are blatant about their obsession. They do not try and hide it either because they believe it’s meant to be, because they’re too deep in their delusions to understand that it might be a good idea to keep their mouth shut, or simply because they’re in a position to not care about hiding their interest. Usually, this type of yandere is either seen as somewhat of a ‘lovesick puppy’ or a powerful character; though, being a ‘lovesick puppy’ doesn’t necessarily mean kind or affectionate. Whether it was ‘love at first sight’ or more of a slow-burn, these characters usually roll with their feelings with little to no hesitation. Situations with this type of yandere usually include darlings who are unaware of the yandere’s emotions (or even their existence) until they’re suddenly confronted, kidnapped, or confessed to seemingly out of the blue. 
examples︙Anasui 〔 jjba. Stone Ocean〕,  Diavolo & Doppio 〔 jjba. Golden Wind〕, Pina 〔Beastars〕, & Zeke Yeagar 〔Attack on Titan〕.
〔Closed〕 yanderes try to hide their obsessive mindset or behaviors. While they might not always be successful at hiding their interest, closed yandere types are either ashamed/embarrassed by their feelings or are frustrated by them in some way. Usually this type of yandere will ignore/avoid their darling in hopes of losing their feelings, or pretend their feelings don’t exist. This type of yandere is either upset at themselves for having these feelings or upset at their darling for ‘making’ them feel that way. Darling can possibly see their behavior coming and try to avoid the character, but this type of yandere is likely to ‘snap’ at some point and somehow corner their darling as an attempt at controlling their obsession or feelings (though, sometimes this is just the yandere trying to excuse their behavior).
examples︙Avdol〔jjba. SDC〕, Legoshi 〔Beastars〕, Alucard 〔Castlevania〕, & Klaus Hargreeves 〔The Umbrella Academy〕.
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 How does their behavior shift when they realize they’re obsessed?
〔 ⅱ. 〕 What are their opinions on their darling? Does this character adore them? Do they blame darling for their behavior (if so, are they angry about it)?
〔 ⅲ. 〕 How comfortable is this yandere with their feelings and/or actions in regards to their darling?
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☰  CASUAL  •  •  •  •  •  DIRECT
〔Casual〕 yanderes do not actively pursue their darling. This type of character is typically laid-back. They either believe that darling will inevitably fall ‘into line’ or is mellow enough to be content with simply being in darling’s life. Casual yanderes are either delusional or are not possessive enough to want more than close friendship from their darling. Though it usually takes a specific type of character for this, some yanderes here believe that they’re already in a relationship with their darling and therefore feel no need to chase after them. This kind of character can confuse their darling, and make it more difficult to get away, as their behavior can be waived off if the character is perceived as harmless, gains darling’s sympathy in some way, or otherwise is not vocal about their delusional thinking/is charming enough to convince darling to just go along with it. Some of these characters are willing to let go if darling catches on early enough, though most will just slowly follow behind regardless of what darling does (though this behavior/these reactions will definitely vary/be different depending on the character).  
examples︙ Mista 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Luther Hargreeves 〔The Umbrella Academy〕, Connie Springer 〔Attack on Titan〕, & Cater Diamond 〔Twisted Wonderland〕.   
〔Direct〕 yanderes, as their name suggests, directly or actively pursue their darling. Usually strict or over-bearing, these characters actively chase after their darling’s affections (or otherwise whatever goal relationship the yandere wants). This yandere makes organized, sometimes step by step, plans in order to achieve their goal. It depends on the character whether they get angry when plans have to be changed or if they just shift their angle, however, these characters are focused and will not be discouraged should darling fight against their plans. If anything, some of these characters will be encouraged by their darling fighting back for various reasons (for example, if they’re delusional or just thing it’s a part of the whole ‘chase’ thing/enjoy it). These characters will almost never give up on their darling regardless of what happens.
examples︙ Giorno Giovanna 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Armin Arlert 〔Attack on Titan〕, Rook Hunt 〔Twisted Wonderland〕, & Jason Todd 〔DC Comics〕. 
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 How goal-oriented is this character, especially when it comes to their darling? 
〔 ⅱ. 〕 How lenient is this character? Are they trying to force a bee-line to a relationship with their darling or are they willing to play the long game?
〔 ⅲ. 〕 Is this character organizing a plan in order to achieve their goal(s)? Or are they completely winging it? If they’re winging it, are they just hoping that everything will naturally fall into place, or do they genuinely believe it’s fated to happen?
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☰  DISCREET  •  •  •  •  •  INTENSE
〔Discreet〕 yanderes either do not have overly strong yandere behaviors or are able to hide said traits enough to be seen as ‘normal’. These characters will usually hide their behavior, regardless of the reasons, in order to have a normal relationship with their darling. While similar to closed character types, discreet yanderes differ in the sense that they usually do not struggle to hide their behavior, and will slowly (or suddenly, depending on the situation, one situation being kidnapping) merge this persona with their actual personality so that darling has no reason to want to leave. While not all characters within this category are fully aware of their behavior, most are intentionally manipulative and have some kind of end goal. They’re not ashamed of this mindset as they believe their reasons (such as “protecting” darling from something) excuse any tears that their darling might shed directly because of this yandere’s actions later on in the ‘relationship’. The period between “normal” and whatever end goal will vary based on the character. This type’s darling can have friends, and even other relationships to an extent (though this does vary), they’ll usually end up reaching the yandere’s goal without knowing about their behavior up until it’s too late to do anything about it. 
examples︙ Risotto Nero 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Louis 〔Beastars〕, Lilia Vanrouge 〔Twisted Wonderland〕, &  Sinbad 〔Magi〕. 
〔Intense〕 yanderes can be defined by their possessiveness, or otherwise intense behavior/mindset/emotions. This type of yandere will usually want to either isolate or monopolize their darling’s time in it’s entirety. While the character might not isolate themselves, they’ll do what they can in order to ensure that their darling is focused solely on them (or whatever goal yandere has in mind). Intense yanderes tend to come off as over-bearing or as harassers/bullies. Depending on their other traits, they will either direct their focus on getting other people away from darling or direct their focus on somehow getting darling away from other people (usually involving kidnapping or isolating them in their home). These characters have a tendency to be either cruel or manipulative and darling might believe that their yandere hates them in some way, even if the character says otherwise. 
examples︙ Illuso 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Melon 〔Beastars〕, Kouen Ren 〔Magi〕, & Leona Kingscholar 〔Twisted Wonderland〕.
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 How well would this character take rejection? Do they try and rationalize the rejection or do they just accept it (even taking whatever darling said to heart)?
〔 ⅱ. 〕 Can this character handle their darling having friendships? How do they react to darling spending periods of time without them? 
〔 ⅲ. 〕 Does this yandere need (or want?) to spend every waking (and sleeping) moment with darling? If so, what is time spent with this yandere like? 
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☰  AGREEABLE  •  •  •  •  •  CONTROLLING
〔Agreeable〕 yanderes seem to genuinely care about their darling and see their darling as a breathing person with their own thoughts/feelings. These characters put their darling before themselves, sometimes going as far as seeing them as someone to worship or put on a pedestal, and believe that darling is better than them in some way. In some cases, they see darling as being unable to do anything wrong (to an extent). They’re willing to debate rights or loosen rules/chains (if they even decided to do chain darling in the first place) with darling and are willing to listen to what they have to say. This yandere’s end goal usually involves some kind of genuine relationship, regardless of how delusional that might be. 
examples︙ Haru 〔Beastars〕, Floch Forster 〔Attack on Titan〕, Tim Drake 〔DC Comics〕, & Vanya Hargreeves 〔The Umbrella Academy〕.
〔Controlling〕 yanderes do not view their darling as equal, either seeing them as childish (in the sense that they don’t understand things or can’t), seeing them as some kind of pet/trophy, or somewhere in-between. They usually do not care about their darling’s thoughts, feelings, or general well-being. Usually the only thing this yandere cares about is controlling their darling, the connection they have to their darling is the only important thing when it comes to darling as a person. Some of these characters even go as far as not minding if darling dies as long as they still view darling as being theirs (example being, if prince charming kept his princess asleep in order to keep princess to himself). While end goals will vary from yandere to yandere, those in this category typically don’t care how darling feels as long as they’re getting what they want from darling. 
examples︙ Kars 〔jjba. Battle Tendency〕, Judar 〔Magi〕, Cioccolata 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, &  Diavolo 〔 jjba. Golden Wind〕.
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 Does this yandere view darling as a human with their own thoughts/feelings or is darling more of a possession/plaything? 
〔 ⅱ. 〕 Is darling’s mental or physical well-being important to this character? 
〔 ⅲ. 〕 How many rights does darling have and how quickly are said rights taken away/given back? Are they ever given back? What are the yandere’s motives in taking/giving these rights?
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☰  RESILIENT  •  •  •  •  •  FRAGILE
〔Resilient〕 yanderes will almost never become discouraged. They’re confident in the sense that they know they’ll eventually achieve their goal. This type of character is willing to spend years trying to either break down their darling or otherwise induce a sort of ‘Stockholm syndrome’. Characters who heavily stalk their darling tend to fall into this category. More so, resilient yanderes are not likely to have any sort of breakdown over their darling, regardless of the situation. They’re strong in their thought process, and are not willing to change their mind-set/behavior towards their darling (or anyone else).
examples︙ Ibuki 〔Beastars〕, Bruno Bucciarati 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕,   Jade Leech 〔Twisted Wonderland〕, & Shigaraki Tomura 〔My Hero Academia 〕.
〔Fragile〕 yanderes, as their name suggests, are ‘fragile’ in their goals or mind-set. Usually this type of yandere is either meek or feel overly guilty about their mind-set/behaviors. These characters can be easily swayed by their darling in some way, and they can get distracted from their end-goal if darling plays their cards right. More adoring, worshipper yanderes tend to fall in this category. Characters here usually do not like upsetting their darling and (at times) are desperate for their darling’s approval. While not an inherently manipulative category, fragile yanderes will use methods like gaslighting in order to avoid any kind of confrontation.
examples︙ Pesci 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Allison Hargreeves 〔The Umbrella Academy〕, Jack 〔Beastars〕, & Niccolo 〔Attack on Titan〕. 
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 How emotional/insecure is this character? 
〔 ⅱ. 〕 Is this character confrontational, or would they rather avoid any kind of confrontation by whatever means necessary (such as gaslighting or blackmailing others in the situation)? 
〔 ⅲ. 〕 How patient are they? How long are they willing to wait and/or bide their time in order to achieve some sort of goal?
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catwithangerissues · 3 years
Haikyuu Polyship hc’s!
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♚ Hey hey hey! Welcome to a little collab that @tetsurocking and I have been working on for a few weeks now! Like two but still. We each chose three different couples and wrote headcanons about a poly relationship with them!
♚ My three!: Suna x Osamu x Reader! Tendo x Ushijima x Reader! And Futakuchi x Shirabu x Reader!
♚ Make sure to check out the three couples J wrote about over on her page! I promise you’ll find some stuff ya like😉 ‘I think about polyships too much for a monogamous bitch’ -J 😂 Anyways, enjoy!
♚ Warnings: Should be none! Although I reference high school in the past, everyone involved is aged up!
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Suna x Osamu x Reader Poly!
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✧ When you guys were in high school, Rinta would always send you videos of Osamu and him at practice; sometimes they were videos of the twins fighting, some were of them doing little tricks with the ball to get your praise, and some were just of them waving/saying they missed you
✧ They tend to spam your little group chat with memes while you’re at work or school, and sometimes they just spam you for attention <3
✧ They both really like it when you wear their clothing. Sometimes they get pouty if you wear one shirt or the other, but they never genuinely mind. In addition to this, they basically share a wardrobe. Is that Suna’s shirt or Samu’s? They don’t even know 🤷🏻‍♀️
✧ Suna probably sends you two pictures of the ugliest things he sees in a day and and puts a caption like « haha that’s you two. » that’s it. He probably doesn’t even bother to put a period at the end (Thanks for this one, Alma!)
✧ Suna takes tons of pictures with/of the two of you, and he changes his lockscreen background pretty often because of it. His favorite pictures are the ones he takes without you two noticing, hehehe
✧ These two are both really great drivers and they’re very smug about it. Food for thought 😌
✧ When you’re grocery shopping, they probably start eating what’s in the cart before you’re even out of the store.
✧ In addition to grocery shopping, don’t even TRY to tell Osamu one brand of a certain ingredient or food is better than another, he will throw a Miya Twin hissy fit™️ lmao
✧ They both keep extras of anything any of you may need in their cars. Period stuff if you’re someone who has one, hygiene products like deodorant and an extra shirt for Suna after practice, snacks for Osamu cause the poor boy always wants to eat in the car, etc.
✧ They both like to tease, but in reality they’re big softies for you. Want cuddles? Rinta is always flopping down on top of you once you sit on the couch. Need a back or shoulder massage? You don’t even have to ask Osamu at this point, he does it subconsciously.
✧ Suna prefers dates at home, lounging around and cuddled up, movie nights, dinner dates, etc. Osamu prefers lazy errand days. Going grocery shopping, cleaning the house together, dropping something off to Atsumu or grabbing lunch on the way home, he enjoys the domesticity of life with the two of you.
✧ DOING THEIR HAIR. Styling Suna’s hair for him in the morning or helping Osamu touch up his color before he goes back to brown.
✧ Holiday decorating, birthdays, and anniversaries are always fun with these two. To others, they’re relatively reserved, with a few sarcastic comments to spare *cough cough* we all know who I mean- But to you, they’re rambunctious and sweet. Making stupid jokes to see you laugh, babying you, all the like.
✧ Someone picking on you or getting a little too friendly? No need to worry, your two tall ass, intimidating boyfriends have your back. Suna is more of the- glare daggers at them until they get the hint- kinda person, but Osamu is definitely the- throw my arm around my partner and tell the other person to back off- one.
✧ Going to Suna’s games with Osamu to support him! Osamu once pretended to be a fan and asked for his autograph, and when Suna just looked him dead in the face and kisses him everyone around lost their minds.
✧ You and Suna visiting Osamu at work and bringing him lunch so he doesn’t have to make it himself! He has pictures of you three in his office too <3
✧ The boys visiting you at work/school saying it’s to playfully embarrass you, but usually it’s something like; bringing you lunch, coming to pick you up for a spontaneous date/adventure after you clock out, or just coming to sit in your office and bug you for a little while to get your mind off of work.
✧ They are both pretty possessive, but aren’t controlling. They just like to hold you, though Suna is the more reserved one of the boys when it comes to pda.
✧ ^That said, they like to show you off- a lot. Showing pictures of you or the other boy to their coworkers and teammates is a favorite of theirs.
✧ Whatever hobbies you’re into, they like to sit and watch you do. Reading, cooking (with Osamu?😌), baking, art, music, video games, etc. They just love to watch you do your craft! You’re so supportive of them and their dreams, the things they love, they try to repay the favor any chance they get.
✧ Suna is definitely one to just sit his head on your lap or shoulder and listen to you talk all day about something you love <3
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Tendo x Ushijima x Reader Poly!
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✧ Tendo has a massive collection of hoodies and he loves it when you two wear them. It makes him so happy to see you guys in something that’s his, a physical symbol that you two want people to know you’re with him.
✧ Both very affectionate partners, in their own ways. vv
✧ ^Tendo wasn’t very fond of pda at first, more so he wasn’t comfortable with it because he thought you two would be embarrassed to be seen with him. Once he found out you two weren’t embarrassed of him and wanted to show others your relationship, he was all for it! Usually likes to hold your hands or lean on one of you.
✧ ^Ushijima is more subtle with his affection, not because he’s scared or embarrassed, just that he prefers to do it in private. He knows you two know he loves you, so he doesn’t really see the need to be all over you in public. But in private? That man is always hugging you or nuzzling into your shoulder- he’s like a giant teddy bear.
✧ Ushijima loves to do all the domestic shit with you two. Cooking, cleaning the house, running errands. He’s just a sucker for feeling like a lil family with his two cuties.
✧ Tendo loves to plan the dates! Though if you want to, he’ll gladly let you! He likes to plan little day adventures for the three of you, whenever Toshi doesn’t have practice or training!
✧ Tendo likes to have his nails painted by you, and Ushijima likes to watch you two <3
✧ Matching nails with Tendo??? Mhm😌
✧ Protective boyfies! Let’s be honest here, it’s unlikely you’re gonna have too many problems with these two giants standing next to you. But if there ever is one, they definitely scare off whoever is bugging you quickly.
✧ These two are some of the most comforting people on here. They both had their share of not so great things happen to them growing up, Tendo being bullied and Ushijima basically being treated like a brute. The two of them became really good at comforting people, knowing how it feels to not have someone there to comfort you when you needed it.
✧ They’re big on cuddling to begin with, but if you’re ever sad or stressed? Prepare for Tendo making a pillow fort and Ushijima baking your favorite treats. These two are incredibly supportive and comforting when you need them <3
✧ Ushijima once got so fed up with Tendo being a little brat, he threw him onto his shoulder and walked around the house like that for a good half hour. Tendo thought it was hilarious and so did you
✧ Speaking of, he seems to really enjoy carrying the two of you around at random times. Piggyback rides, bridal style, or just like a koala clinging to him, he loves it.
✧ Tendo can sense a mood change in the two of you like it’s nothin. Seriously, the guy just knows when something is bugging either of you.
✧ The boys definitely ask if they can get a pet when you move in together. Tendo has a long list of crazy animals and Ushijima keeps suggesting a hedgehog for some reason.
✧ Regardless of what you decide on, you know these two are going to treat your pet like their baby. They’re going to spoil tf outta that little fella. 100% Tendo takes a million photos of them everyday. Ushijima doesn’t baby talk, he just talks to them normally about random things like volleyball and it’s pretty comical.
✧ Visiting Tendo at his chocolatier shop! He usually has very long days, and gets extremely happy when you two pop in to see him. Please bring this baby some lunch or dinner, he’s not a big eater and often forgets too. He has pictures of the three of you in his office too <3
✧ Watching Ushijima’s games and practices! This boy can’t get enough of the praise you and Tendo offer him! He loves seeing you sport his jersey with his name on the back, and he says seeing you two in the stands at practice or during a game really helps his focus?
✧ If you’re someone who has a period, these two are so sweet and thoughtful to ya. Tendo always makes the best chocolate, and Ushijima is basically a walking heater, he runs you hot baths too! Both handle mood swings very well and always make sure the pain meds are stocked in the house. 10/10 boyfies
✧ Please let Ushijima have as many house plants as he wants. He loves them and names each of them, he’s let you and Tendo name some before too! Catch this big teddy bear talking to his plants while he repots or waters them and your heart will melt </3
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Futakuchi x Shirabu x Reader Poly!
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✧ Salty, sarcastic, teasy boyfies- if you’re easily flustered, prepare yourself, they are going to use it against you. Calling you nicknames and saying things they know will make you start to stutter at any chance they get. (Lookin at you, Futakuchi) (please don’t think I’m making fun of people with a stutter, I have one myself.)
✧ Very protective, though they may not show it as often as some others do. Someone messing with you? You bet they’re next to you in an instant- offering several sarcastic remarks and a menacing glare from Shirabu, Futakuchi throwing an arm around you and bending down to the creeps level to further the intimidation.
✧ Both very comforting partners, if you’re feeling anxious or upset they’ll gladly take you into a big cuddle pile. Petting your hair or cheek, and telling you all the sweet things they can think of to see you smile.
✧ ^ Shirabu picks up on your insecurities very easily, especially if they’re similar to his own, and helps you learn to cope with and improve your mental health. Futakuchi has a gift for comforting people, always knowing what to say to make you feel 100x better about yourself or anything that’s bugging you <3
✧ Let’s not even get into what they’d say or do to the person if someone hurt your feelings, let alone made you cry. We’ll leave that to your imagination.
✧ Very competitive with each other. They constantly play fight for your attention, making comments about who’s shirt you wore today or who you ate lunch with- but it’s all in good fun.
✧ Futakuchi is a sly bastard, he really loves to fluster and tease tf outta you and Shirabae. For example: When Jirou gets mad at Kenji, Futakuchi just calls him his pretty boy or compliments how cute he looks when he’s angry and Shirabu becomes a complete flustered, stuttering mess.
✧ Going to visit Shirabu at work and/or bring him lunch! He doesn’t like to admit it, but he really does appreciate when you two come to visit and eat with him, especially during long shifts where he doesn’t get to see or talk to you two very much. He always becomes a blushy mess, waving off his coworkers with a glare when they comment on it- or when Futakuchi points it out
✧ Going to watch Futakuchi’s games! He’s very open with his appreciation for the two of you coming to watch his games! Either of you wear an extra jersey of his and it’s game on. He’s mindful to ask if you’re okay with hugs after, since he’s usually pretty sweaty, though.
✧ Of the two of them, Shirabu is the more perceptive one. He can easily pick up on any of the changes in mood the two of you may have, and it makes it easier to solve any issues you may have, rather quickly.
✧ In your relationship, Shirabu also gets frustrated the easiest. Whether it be with himself or the stresses of work and school, he finds himself getting frustrated and overwhelmed rather easily.
✧ You and Futakuchi are masters at calming him down by now, pulling him into a cuddle with lots of affirmation and he feels better in no time, offering to help with his work and take a bit of the load off cheers him up quite a bit too.
✧ Your boys are both very loving and cuddly when sleepy.
✧ Both getting overwhelming soft when you’re being cute, they just start to overload. Whenever you do anything remotely adorable, they can’t help but dote on you. SOFT BOI HOURS
✧ HEAD PATS! That is all. :)
✧ Futakuchi is the type to kiss you hard during an argument while Shirabu is the type to sulk and then come over to you later that night asking to cuddle.
✧ Random hc, but Futakuchi’s car is a fucking mess, I just know it.
✧ Saw this somewhere else, but it fits him! Futakuchi says yes ma’am/sir with a huge shit eating grin.
✧ You three have a good system when it comes to planning dates, taking turns every week or so, although Shirabu tends to prefer slow days/nights at home, given his busy(er) schedule.
✧ Another random hc, but I think Futakuchi has some sort of energy drink addiction and Shirabu is constantly nagging him about cutting it out of his diet because he aggressively cares for that boy.
✧ “Stop drinking that, idiot. It’s bad for you.” “Aww, Jirou~ are you worried about me?” “Shut up,,”
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♚ Hope you enjoyed our little collab! Go check out @tetsurocking ’s part on her page! Believe me- it’s good😭 be warned! It does have nsfw content! Mine was gonna but some of you can’t follow rules😤
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Taglist: @sunalma @toworuu @lovie-and-co (for your boys😌)
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weirwoodking · 3 years
who do you think will be on the throne at the end? is there a chance it will be a woman? do you agree with the theory that bran will be king in the north bc he symbolizes winterfell? idk if i see dany on the throne bc i don't feel like she belongs in westeros, i think she would be better off with a throne on the other side of the narrow sea but i really don't know what i'm saying
It’s very hard to make predictions for ADOS, because we don’t have TWOW yet. So much can change about the story and the characters in one book, thematically and narratively. Think of how much the plot was influenced by just that final Bran chapter in ADWD. 
But, here I go anyway.
My short answer is: no one. (And no, I don’t mean Arya)
Let’s get into it.
Part 1: How the Show Tainted Everyone’s Brains
Obviously, a lot of people care about the Iron Throne plot. Sometimes too much. I do believe that this is mostly because of how much the HBO show changed everything about the story to make the Iron Throne seem like it was more important than anything else. Like promotional posters of all the actors each sitting on the throne, the name of the series itself being changed to “Game of Thrones”, actors getting asked in every interview “who do you think should get the Iron Throne?” as if it’s the last cupcake at a birthday party that everyone’s fighting over, the final episode was titled “The Iron Throne”. The marketing for everything was “it’s the fight for the Throne!” up through the eighth season. It made the object itself become a huge pop culture symbol.
It almost felt like the show was trying to make it seem like the goal of the Night King (a character not in the books) was to sit on the Iron Throne! The show portrayed it as if the Others were just a little distraction that needed to be dealt with so the characters could get back to arguing over the Porcupine Chair. However, in ASOIAF, it’s the exact opposite. The Porcupine Chair is what’s distracting the characters from the real conflict, the Others.
It’s almost comical how that has somewhat transferred over into the fandom, the “game of thrones” is what’s keeping everyone from focusing on what really matters, the “song of ice and fire”.
Part 2: GRRM’s Quote
It wasn't easy for me. I didn't want to give away my books. Every character has a different end. I told them who would be on the Iron Throne, and I told them some big twists like Hodor and "hold the door", and Stannis' decision to burn his daughter. We didn't get to everybody by any means.
-George R.R. Martin
So, he “told them who would be on the Iron Throne”. Something important about this quote is that he doesn’t say who. And, of course, the Iron Throne gets destroyed at the end of the show anyway. Show!Bran doesn’t really “end up on the Iron Throne”. Show!Dany does. George never said that who “ends up” on it in the books is who ends up on it in the show. He’s said that the Shireen thing and the Hodor thing will “happen very differently” in the books anyway. And, of course, another major part of that quote is “every character has a different end”.
I don’t think that who sits the Iron Throne last is necessarily going to be the ruler of Westeros at the end. For example, Cersei (or Aegon) may be the last person to sit the Iron Throne. Or even Euron (however, even though his goal is to rule post-apocalyptic Westeros as a god from the Iron Throne, I don’t think he’ll actually get there). If wildfire is hot enough to melt iron, I could see the throne being destroyed during whatever fiery shenanigans go down with Cersei and JonCon in TWOW. I think it would be fitting for the fight over the throne to end in the next book. ‘Cause the winds of winter are coming, baby, and it’s gonna be time to start dreaming of spring.
Part 3: The Weirwood King
The idea/theory of Bran becoming King has been around for a long time, long before the HBO show even started airing. This is because of the Celtic myth of King Brân the Blessed, whose name means “Blessed Crow” or “Blessed Raven” in Welsh. Other than the obvious connection with the name, Brân the Blessed’s story involves a magic cauldron that can bring the dead back to life. 
In the myth, Brân’s head is cut off and continues talking (think of how Bran’s most powerful aspect is the magical powers of his mind), because in Celtic mythology the head is believed to be where the soul is.
Celts had a reputation as head hunters. According to Paul Jacobsthal, "Amongst the Celts the human head was venerated above all else, since the head was to the Celt the soul, centre of the emotions as well as of life itself, a symbol of divinity and of the powers of the otherworld." (source)
Catch that? “Otherworld”. There is another myth (Irish, specifically) called the Voyage of Bran, in which the title character goes on a quest to the Otherworld. The Otherworld is a supernatural realm in Celtic mythology. It is also where the sidhe (a.k.a. aos sí) live. Remember, the sidhe are what George has said the Others are inspired by. In Irish mythology, the Otherworld is called Tír na nÓg, Mag Mell and Emain Ablach, in Welsh mythology it’s called Annwn, and in Arthurian legend it’s called Avalon. Fun fact, “Avalon” was the title of the novel George was writing when he had suddenly had the idea of a scene in which a young boy and his brothers see a beheading and then find a litter of direwolf pups in the snow. And so ASOIAF happened.
I’ll leave that there, and try not to go down the great big rabbit-hole of Celtic (and other cultures) mythology connections in ASOIAF. The takeaway is: ASOIAF has been influenced by these myths.
I do believe that Bran is going to be King. Not just because of his ties to this mythology, but also because of symbolism in his own story. The most notable one being…
Under the hill, the broken boy sat upon a weirwood throne, listening to whispers in the dark as ravens walked up and down his arms.
The singers made Bran a throne of his own, like the one Lord Brynden sat, white weirwood flecked with red, dead branches woven through living roots. 
His father and the black pool and the godswood faded and were gone and he was back in the cavern, the pale thick roots of his weirwood throne cradling his limbs as a mother does a child. 
- Bran III, A Dance with Dragons
Bran is also the only one of the Stark kids who still thinks of himself as royalty:
What was he now? Only Bran the broken boy, Brandon of House Stark, prince of a lost kingdom, lord of a burned castle, heir to ruins.
- Bran III, A Dance with Dragons
Bran is the heir to Winterfell. It doesn’t matter if Robb named Jon his heir in his will, the will was written under the pretense that Bran and Rickon were dead.
However, Bran doesn’t have any connection to the Iron Throne. It’s far more likely that he would sit on a weirwood throne, because of, y’know, everything about his story. So, if Bran was King of the Seven Kingdoms, I don’t think it would be on the Pincushion Stool.
If Bran is king of the realm, I do think there would still be a separate Lord/Lady of Winterfell, but I do think that there’s a possibility of a Pevensie siblings ending, where all the Stark kids would rule together as the Lords and Ladies and Winterfell.
Something that I’ve never really seen talked about regarding the idea of Bran becoming King of the Seven Kingdoms is the religious differences between the North and the southern regions of Westeros. Of course, the show didn’t deal with this at all. For fuck’s sake, they had Cersei blow up the Westerosi verison of the Vatican and face no backlash. It was so laughably absurd how Show!Cersei’s destructive reign was shown to have like… zero impact on the Seven Kingdoms. 
In short, I’m not too sure that the Kingdom who is majority Faith of the Seven worshippers would react too well to a weirwood-tree-Old-Gods-warg-wizard-king. I mean, when Janos Slynt finds out Jon is a warg he calls him a “thing”, a “creature”, and a “beastling that is not fit to live”, and wanted to execute him not just for being a turncloak but for being a warg as well. And Jojen warns Bran of these things, saying that his own folk may want to kill him if they know what he is.
But… all of that anti-magic attitude might not matter after night falls. 
Part 4: Winter is Coming
I believe that the Long Night is going to be very devastating for the Seven Kingdoms.
Martin is a big believer in making things have meaningful, permanent consequences in his stories. I don’t think that an apocalyptic event like the Long Night is something that’s just gonna get dealt with in a quick snap and have no lasting effect.
A lot of people are going to die. I don’t mean main characters, I mean people that would not survive a normal winter and sure as hell won’t be prepared for this one. Westeros’s food stores have been severely depleted by the War of the Five Kings, and we’ve been told multiple times in the text (particularly AFFC and ADWD) that feeding people during this winter is going to be extremely hard.
Besides that… the whole, uh, invasion of the eldritch ice beings thing might have a bit of an impact on the realm. 
I won’t go into depth about how the Seven Kingdoms will be affected by the Long Night, ‘cause we really have no idea. But, however it all goes down, I do think it will have lasting changes for the people of Westeros. The impact that it leaves may make the concept of Bran being a wizard-king more acceptable. “Oh, well we’ve just seen zombies and winter elves, so what’s too surprising about a magical greenseer warg king?” I think that Westerosi culture becoming more aware and accepting of the existence of magic is the only way that Bran could become the king of the whole realm. The Westeros at the end of the series is not going to be the place that it was at the beginning.
Part 5: Dany: A Home, Not a Throne
To sum up my thoughts on our dragon girl, I don’t think Dany will end up on the Spiky Toilet. I don’t want Dany to be on the Spiky Toilet.
Now, my personal speculation (which a lot of people disagree with, which is fine) is that Dany will never see King’s Landing before the Long Night. I personally don’t think that Dany will ever meet Aegon or Cersei. I don’t see there being enough time in the story for that. Yes, GRRM said that there will be a second Dance of the Dragons, but he also said that the second Dance does not have to involve Dany. He may have originally planned for it to be Aegon and Dany, but probably not once the Meereenese Knot happened.
The Meereenese Knot is what Dany’s ADWD plot is referred to as. GRRM did not intend for Dany to stay in Meereen as long as she has, but because of his “gardener” style of writing, that’s where the story led him. GRRM has said that one of the hardest parts of writing the Meereen plotline (which involves Dany, Barristan, Quentyn, Tyrion, and Victarion) is trying to find a way to cut the plot knot he accidentally got himself stuck in. He has said that Tyrion and Dany will meet towards the end of TWOW, which means that Dany will most likely be spending a large portion of her story with the Dothraki. That part is a completely blank page, but I believe that Dany will meet Tyrion possibly ¾ of the way into the book, and sail for Westeros at the end.
I won’t write a full meta about this here (because that’s not what this post is about), but to summarize my prediction: Aegon VS Cersei is going to be the battle in King’s Landing, a battle which will destroy the city. Dany (who has already rejected sailing for the Throne multiple times) will still be stuck in Essos, dealing with everything she’s still got going on, and will sail for Westeros at the end. Not for the Throne, but to go North for the real fight (remember that Marwyn is also on his way to Meereen to tell Dany that they need her).
Because Dany's purpose is not to fight for the Iron Throne, it’s to fight the Others. Dany (fire, light, and life) VS the Others (ice, darkness, and death) is the main thing the title refers to:
“Well of course the two outlying ones, the things that are going on north of the Wall and Daenerys Targaryen on the other continent with her dragons are of course the Ice and Fire of the title, the Song of Ice and Fire.” 
- George R.R. Martin, 2016
One of the most important excerpts that shows us where Dany’s story is headed is this:
That night she dreamt that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper's rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent. Some small part of her knew that she was dreaming, but another part exulted. This is how it was meant to be. The other was a nightmare, and I have only now awakened.
- Daenerys III, A Storm a Swords
Dany has a short prophetic “this is what I was meant to do” dream. Dany could possibly have more dreams about the Others in TWOW, visions that will make what Marwyn has to tell her more believable. It’s not like that dream was the only one Dany has had that alludes to the winter threat, Dany has had visions about this since book one:
The red door was so far ahead of her, and she could feel the icy breath behind, sweeping up on her. If it caught her she would die a death that was more than death, howling forever alone in the darkness. She began to run.
- Dany IX, A Game of Thrones
Anyway, there’s just a lot more foreshadowing in the plot that this is what Dany is meant to do. I think adding in another conflict into her story once she leaves Meereen would make the story feel bloated and would severely fuck up the pacing.
I don’t think Dany will ever see the Iron Throne. The themes of her story have never been about her wanting the Iron Throne for what it is, but for what it represents to her. It represents the possibility of a home and of feeling safe for the first time in her life, what Dany truly wants. I think that it’s absolutely fine if Dany never sees the Throne or sits on it, and that it makes more sense for her narrative arc if she discovers that she can find a home somewhere else, not necessarily where she thought it would be. 
Part 6: Final Thoughts
So, in conclusion, I don’t really give a shit who ends up placing their ass on the Forbidden Laz-E-Boy, I care about the War for the Dawn. I care about seeing the characters I’ve followed for the past five books coming together to fight the real conflict of A Song of Ice and Fire. Also, even if we do get a Scouring of the Shire-type post-climax for ASOIAF, it doesn’t matter. People don’t see the Scouring of the Shire as the climax of Lord of the Rings, they see the climax as Aragorn leading the forces of good against the forces of evil and Frodo and Sam throwing the One Ring into Mount Doom. Whatever ending resolution comes after the climax of ASOIAF, it doesn’t change what the climax is.
"Do you think your brother's war is more important than ours?" the old man barked.
Jon chewed his lip. The raven flapped its wings at him. "War, war, war, war," it sang.
"It's not," Mormont told him. "Gods save us, boy, you're not blind and you're not stupid. When dead men come hunting in the night, do you think it matters who sits the Iron Throne?"
"No." Jon had not thought of it that way.
- Jon IX, A Game of Thrones
My prediction: Cersei will be the last person to sit the Iron Throne, which will be destroyed in the Wildfire of King’s Landing. After the Long Night devastates the Seven Kingdoms, Bran will become the King of this new Westeros that has been majorly affected by the return of magic. Also, it would be real nice if Dany found her red door.
God I hope my rambling made sense
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
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Die For You
Requested by Anon: “hi :) can I request Jennie scenario based on The Weeknd’s song ‘Die For You’? I also wanted to say I really love your works, they’re really good”
Pairing: Jennie x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,705
Warnings / Misc. -- Angst, Fluff, Near-Death Experience, Happy Ending
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Thank you anon! My schedule is getting busy again, so writings may take a bit longer to get posted; I apologize for the delay with this one, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Let me know what you guys think!
PS ~ This is my first time writing a song request, so I kind of just went with it lol. It’s a little messy, but I think it has charm. Happy reading!
Jennie Kim has a magnetic pull to her -- one that is relentless and unwavering once it takes control of you. It’s hypnotic in every way; sweet torture in its truest form; and you’re always left to pick up the pieces.
The arrangement that you share with Jennie has been clear from the get-go: friends with benefits, no strings attached. Neither of you have time for anything serious, and this seemed like a win-win: always having someone to come home to when you happened to be in the same area at the same time? Hell yeah. 
You hate that you want me
Hate it when you cry
You're scared to be lonely
'Specially in the night
Gradually, though, things got messy -- lines became blurred as feelings mixed into the equation. You did everything in your power to make them go away, reminding yourself time and time again of the agreement you had. But in moments like these, as you lay in bed with Jennie, her head resting on your chest as your hand runs through her hair, you can’t help how your heart swells. Pale moonlight traces patterns on the floor, wiggling its way into the room to offer a soft glow and ambiance. In here, you’re untouchable: no cameras or prying eyes; it’s just you and Jennie, free to be yourselves. Given this fact, you’ve grown to have a love-hate relationship with these four walls; they’re your haven -- your refuge -- but they serve as a brutal reminder of just how limited your relationship with Jennie is.
Nothing is certain: weeks turn into months -- especially when she’s on tour or otherwise occupied with her busy schedule -- and you’re left to your own devices, waiting on her return. Each day without her brings you closer to believing that you’re strong enough to move onto something better -- something more consistent; but then there she is, knocking on your door again, completely pushing that absurd idea from your mind. One smile from her is enough to reel you back in, and it only makes you feel more conflicted. 
Jennie stirs in her sleep, nuzzling her face closer into you as she brings a hand up to rest against your collarbone. Her body twitches lightly, lips pursing and pouting against your neck, and you wonder what she’s dreaming about. She doesn’t seem to be distressed in any way, so you take the opportunity to get a good look at her. Within the next couple hours the alarm would be blaring that sound that you despise more than anything else in this world, signalling for her to get ready and head off to the airport to leave you all over again. Despite the circumstances, you're comforted by the fact that she always makes sure to set it for the very last second, barely giving herself enough time to catch her flight -- she wants to spend every moment possible with you, and she makes it a point to do just that. Tearful goodbyes in the back of your car would be too involved for your “relationship”, so you always try to seem unaffected (or, at least, as close to that as you can manage). You save your tears for when you arrive back home, where you spend the evening coming to terms with her absence. She would never tell you, of course, but her flights are known to bear witness to plenty of sadness for her as well; with each new mile added to the distance between the two of you, her heart breaks a little more.
It’s been 4 months since you last saw Jennie. The time apart had offered you a new perspective, something in the long nights without her affirming what you already knew to be true -- you weren’t capable of continuing on like this much longer. Nothing about your situation was ever simple; the instant you began catching feelings, it all became muddled. The one rule set -- the only principle you were tasked with following -- had been broken, and there was nothing you could do to repair it. 
A knock at your door echoes out across the empty apartment, and you quickly put down the food that you had been preparing. With a swift adjustment of the dial, you set the burner to simmer and make your way to the door. None of your friends had mentioned that they were coming by, so you’re genuinely clueless as to who it could be. 
“Jennie?” Surprise is inadequate in describing the feeling that courses through you upon meeting that familiar gaze. The metal of the knob is cool in your hand as you grip it, knuckles turning white while your emotions run wild. She had failed to let you know that she was coming back to town, neglecting even to text you recently.  
“Miss me?” How are you to answer that? Part of you wants to blurt out your thoughts, effectively ripping the metaphorical band aid right off, but another part of you wants to deny her: the past few months had allowed your feelings to become somewhat dormant as you attempted to see a future beyond this arrangement, one void of her presence. It’s completely normal to feel like that, you tell yourself. It’s strange, but as in love with her as you are, you’re almost as equally indifferent about it all. How many more times could you watch her walk away, only to string you along until she came waltzing right back in? 
The more important question of the matter is apparent: how would you even begin to tell her what you’re feeling? In the past, you’ve tried to make her aware of what you’re going through, only to be met by a change of topic. She always stayed reserved, opting to spend your time together talking about anything other than that.
Deciding that you were taking far too long to respond to her, she steps into the room, closing the door behind her. The time away from you had affected her more than she’s willing to admit, and she’s more than ready to embrace you. Her arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling your body flush up against hers, and she sighs at the feeling. “I’ve missed holding you, Y/N.” The sweet nothing does it’s job, making your heart flutter as the words register in your mind. You’re still tense, though, and she doesn’t fail to notice; before long, soft kisses are being trailed across your face -- her attempt at relaxing you. Sometimes you wonder if she knows your body better than you do: it responds to her, just like she knew it would, and you loosen up. 
After what feels like minutes of just standing there, bodies intertwined, her hands make their way to your hips. She leans forward and ghosts her lips over yours, her gloss smudging a bit in the process. A battle is being fought in your mind: should you allow yourself this indulgence? Or is this the time to be strong and finally put your foot down? The choice is made up for you by the way that she slowly backs you up against the wall, along with how her mouth brushes against yours as her warm hands steady you. Before you can stop yourself, you close the distance. 
Her lips move against yours in perfect time, a delicious rhythm being set in the process. It brings to mind the notion that maybe -- just maybe -- the two of you are meant to be. After all, you fit together like a puzzle, being complete in the presence of one another. 
As her fingers play at the band of your shorts, hands roaming further with each needy kiss she presses to your lips, you debate with yourself. Her actions tempt you to cave in and give yourself up to her, but you decide that you can’t go down that road again. At least not until everything gets sorted. Quickly -- as to not give her anymore time to change your mind -- you step back and run a hand through your hair. Hers is messy, lips red and pupils blown wide. She reaches out for you again, but you simply hold your hand up in response.
“I can’t, Jennie.” The words come out as a reluctant declaration, your tone sounding tired.
Her brows furrow, but you continue.
“I can’t keep doing this.” 
“Elaborate.” Her demand is clear, but you miss the effort that it took for her to come off that way. At your words, panic began to course through her; she can’t lose you. 
“Whatever this is,” you say, motioning between the two of you. “I can’t be someone who waits around for you all the time, just keeping your bed warm.” She wants to laugh at that one; it’s almost comical how far you are from the truth. Jennie knows she’s good at hiding her feelings, but she’s shocked that she managed to make you believe something that ridiculous about yourself. You mean the world to her -- she’s just too afraid to admit it.
“No, don’t even try to change the subject; I’m sick of it. Please, just listen to me for once.”
A subtle nod from her serves as your cue to continue.
“I never meant for things to get like this, Jennie, believe me. But I can’t pretend anymore: I like you, a lot. And after having you in the ways that I’ve had you…” you pause, allowing your eyes to trail up and down her body as you clench your jaw, “I can’t bear the thought of someone taking my place when I’m not around. Do you know how hard that is to deal with?”
Happens every time
I'm scared that I'll miss you
I don't want this feelin'
I can't afford love
She seems stunned, to say the least; she blinks a few times before gathering her thoughts and speaking up. “You’re all I think about, no matter what I’m doing.” For a second, you’re hopeful: your heart beats a little faster at her confession, and you finally believe you’re getting somewhere with her. Sadly, she continues: “But I can’t afford that. I don’t have time for a commitment like that, and we have something good right now. I’ve seen plenty of relationships go bad and end in heartbreak; why should we risk it?”
“Aren’t you tired of it? Sometimes I really start to think that you like me back, but then you’re as guarded as ever, pushing me away again. I never know where I stand with you. So unless you tell me how you honestly feel, you’ll have to take me off your list of fuck buddies.”
Your language catches her off guard, seeing as how it’s unexpected and unlike you. How are you so oblivious? You’re so much more than that to her.
“Fine, Y/N! I’m in deeper than I care to admit. I’ve tried to run from it, but I can’t. You’re the one person I can’t seem to forget, and I can’t stand you because of that. And yeah..” she pauses, a bit exasperated, and takes a deep breath before continuing. “I won’t deny that I’ve been with other people when I’m away.” You close your eyes at her admission, that familiar sadness beginning to seep in -- it wasn’t anything you didn’t already know, but that doesn’t make its confirmation any easier to hear. 
“They’re not you, though. They don’t know me like you do… they’re not fun like you. I’ve never felt like this about anyone, and I don’t want to. It terrifies me.”
“That’s kinda part of the deal, Jennie -- it’s a scary thing. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but I’m willing to try with you. What we have right now is wearing me down, and I don’t deserve it; so either listen to your heart and be with me, or you won’t be seeing me again.”
Following your ultimatum, she doesn’t dare speak. Her brows are slightly furrowed again, jaw set, and she’s looking at the ground. Out of habit, your arms cross against your chest -- being vulnerable is never something you particularly enjoy (especially with so much on the line) but you’re sick of beating around the bush with her. One of the first lessons you ever learned from Jennie is that she avoids her feelings at all costs; so, standing there, you wonder what it would take to make her finally open up. Would your absence be enough? Maybe you were foolish for thinking so.
With every second that passes, silence remaining unbroken by the words that you so desperately want to hear from her, your heart sinks more and more. Every insecurity you have is swirling in your mind, further clouding it. Her lack of a response confirms your fears, and you nod quickly, knowing what you have to do. 
“Okay, I get it. I’m gonna take a walk, but you can stay here and take a shower since you just got in. When I come back, though, I want you gone.”
She doesn’t even raise her head to look at you. Inside, her heart is breaking; every fiber of her being is begging to say something -- anything -- but she stays quiet. It’s hard enough for her to keep her feelings for you in check with the arrangement you have now; if you become official, she won’t know what to do with herself. She’s falling hard, but she’s fighting it all the while -- her lifestyle doesn’t have room for love. You deserve someone who can be with you whenever you want them, not someone who’s always a world away. Calls and texts only go so far, and she knows it wouldn’t be enough for either of you. She’s spent your latest stint apart attempting to come to terms with the idea of life without you; it’s the last thing she wants, but she needs you to move on and find someone better. For you, she’s willing to hurt, so long as it means you’re happy. 
After a beat, she accepts your words, confirming that she heard you by giving a simple nod. Any remaining hope you were clinging to fades away completely, and you’re left feeling empty. Now at the coat rack, you pull your jacket over your shoulders and slip your shoes on. “There’s food on the stove, by the way. Don’t let it burn.” You say over your shoulder, too sad to look at her again. Maybe that’s some sort of symbolism: the wonderful thing you had spent so long creating was fizzling out right in front of you, Jennie being the one who could fix it all. She can step up and repair things, but that doesn’t seem very likely to happen. Tears are brimming in your eyes, and her heart breaks at the sound of your sniffles. 
Even though we're going through it
And it makes you feel alone
With a thud, the apartment door closes, and Jennie finally breaks down. It all hits her in an instant, and soon she’s sliding down to the floor, her tears mimicking her actions as they fall onto her cheeks. Why did this have to be so hard? Seeing the pain etched so plainly into your features was definitely the hardest part to all of this; she’s being cruel to be kind… if only you knew that. 
I try to find reason to pull us apart
It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect
And I know that you're worth it
I can't walk away, oh!
As soon as Jennie had realized her feelings all that time ago, she racked her brain for any and every logical reason to end things. She would pick fights over small things, praying to every higher power that you’d get tired of the stupidity and give up on her. So many other people had in the past, so why wouldn’t you? Knowing that you’re different from all the rest -- perfect for her in every way imaginable -- only scares her more. You lit a fire in her heart the day you met, and it’s only grown stronger ever since. 
20 Minutes Later
You have no real destination in mind; you’re content with just allowing your feet to take you wherever they wish to go.
Chatter from across the city makes its way to your ears, oddly offering a sense of comfort in your time of need. The night sky is full of stars, and the city bustles with life and activity. As you pass different businesses and shops, their iridescent lights shine just for you. Distant cars honk as they traverse the streets, and your mind begins to think of all of the different things those people might be doing right now. Surely some are having a great day, maybe on their way home, eager to be greeted by their loved ones. Others might be hurting just like you.
And you won't find no one that's better
'Cause I'm right for you, babe
I think I'm right for you, babe
Jennie fails to realize that all you want is her; you’re not naive -- you know how crazy her schedule is, but you’re more than willing to make sacrifices if it means she’ll be yours. No one makes you feel the way she does, and the thought of spending your life searching for something that can never compare scares you. 
A slight breeze rolls in, ghosting over your skin, and you’re reminded of all the times she would pull you in close to keep you warm. Her sweet perfume would fill your nose as you snuggled into her embrace, sharing the heat that her coat offered. Getting over her would definitely be a bitch.
It's hard for me to communicate the thoughts that I hold
But tonight I'm gon' let you know
Let me tell the truth
Baby, let me tell the truth, yeah
The peace -- if you can call it that -- is broken by a shout. “Y/N, wait!” Confused, you spin around on your heel towards the voice. It’s Jennie; she’s sprinting to you, her brown locks bouncing and flowing in the wind with every step. Conflicted, yet again, your feet appear to be rooted in their spot. What does she want now? It seems that every time you get your hopes up, she’s always letting you down. With this in mind, you slowly turn back around and continue your walk. Eventually she’ll catch up to you, but you need the extra time to gather your now-jumbled thoughts. 
Just know that I would die for you
Baby I would die for you, yeah
It all happened in a blur. As you began crossing the street to put more distance between Jennie and yourself, the high pitched sound of tires squealing against the pavement rang out. The car came out of nowhere, barrelling straight towards you with no signs of stopping; they had run a red light. Your eyes locked with the driver’s, both of you donning an equally terrified expression, and you had no time to react. Just as the bumper was about to come into contact with your body, you were instead forcefully shoved out of the way. Another person -- your savior -- comes tumbling with you just in the nick of time, and the driver swerves around you.  
“Are you okay?!” It’s Jennie; her voice is ripe with worry, her thoughts focused solely on your wellbeing. She doesn’t even notice the cut that she received from the fall. You bring your hand up to her forehead to assess the wound.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. But you,” you say, touching her injury and eliciting a pained hiss from her in the process, “...are not.” The two of you are breathing hard as adrenaline courses through your systems; once it has died down a bit, you stand up and check each other for any more sore spots.
“Thank you, Jennie. I don’t know how to repay you for something like that.” 
“I’d do it again a million times, Y/N. I’m sorry for putting you through all of this. I came to tell you that I love you, and that I’m done running. Seeing you leave really put things into perspective for me.”
“Am I supposed to believe that, or will you change your mind again?” The words are harsh, your voice laced with the bitterness that you still hold onto. You can’t find it in yourself to cushion the blow much; you’re still hurt by what’s happened in the past, and rightfully so. Beyond that, though, you’re trying to be cautious; after hearing her confess like that, you know there’s no going back. 
“Okay, I deserve that one. But I mean what I said. You’re the best thing in my life -- the best I’ve ever had -- and I just want you to be happy. I’ve always been afraid that I can’t give you that if I’m so far away all the time.” 
“Oh, baby,” you start, cupping her cheek and running your thumb across it soothingly. She leans into your touch, and your expression softens. “All I’ve ever wanted is you. You’re everything to me, you know that? We can do this together, so long as you’re willing to try.” 
“I am.” She utters before pulling you in, sealing your new agreement with a kiss. Her lips move against yours gently, taking their time as they attempt to make up for her previous behavior. It’s soft yet urgent, a million different things passing between you without words. 
Suddenly, you pull back, and Jennie panics for a second. 
“Did you turn the burner off?”
“Oh shit!” She exclaims, a look of pure fear gracing her features. 
Just as that cold, prickly feeling of dread begins to spread throughout your body, she grins. 
“Yes, I did.” 
You roll your eyes and huff loudly at her, delivering a rough shove to her shoulder. 
“Don’t do that to me!” 
She responds by pulling you in again, kissing away your frown. “I love you, too, if you didn’t catch that earlier.” You declare, feeling her lips turn up in that beautifully iconic smile of hers. She hums at that, pulling you in closer just as the chilly wind blows again. Huh, maybe the universe had been listening all along.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About “Separate Tides” from The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who most likely won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
...>A-hem< F**KING CALLED IT!
I said that the earliest that The Owl House would return would be late June and early July. And some of YYYOOOUUU sons of witches doubted me by saying it would be fall or winter. Well, guess what! "Separate Tides'' has come and gone, the show is back and better than ever, and we are all happy about it! You see how it pays to be optimistic, you persistent PACK OF PESSIMISTS!
...Sorry. Got a little hot there. I'm just so happy it's BACK!
10 MONTHS! It's been nearly 10 months since this show began its hiatus, large in part because of the pandemic. It was painful. BOY, was it painful. But I can already tell that the new season is going to be well worth the wait just by this episode alone.
But beware you mangey sea dogs! Thar be spoilers ahead when discussing such a premier.
And I swear to you that it's only spoilers for "Separate Tides." I haven't seen "Escaping Expulsion" either, and I promise you will be safe from anybody ruining it for you. But maybe don't read any responses from this post. Thar may be d**ks in these waters. So let's review, shall we!
Mirroring Season One’s Opening Scene: First off, this is a neat callback to what is the perfect first impression of the series. That scene perfectly introduces us to the type of show The Owl House is, while this one acts as a reintroduction to the world we left for way too long.
Second, this is also a well-hidden character moment. Luz is finally living the life she dreamed of, but it isn't exactly all that she expected. It's a great showcase that despite literally running away to a fantasy world, Luz is still getting a regular dose of reality. And I still love the irony in all of that.
(Plus, King eating the bounty is just funny).
The Recap Recording: This is a smart way to recap events from the season finale. It might be weird that Luz says things that the audience already knows, but she's not talking to us. She's talking to her mom. So she's going to explain all that she can in a way for Camila to fully understand. Besides, not every fan had repeatedly watched The Owl House Season One over and over again like a bunch of frickin' lunatics...You know who you are.
Plus, as an upside, Luz gets to explain new events and concepts for how she and the rest of the Owl House are making a living. In no way does it feel like forced exposition because, again, she's trying to describe as much as she can to her mother. It's a reasonable and natural way to talk to the audience in order to catch them up while also showing what's been happening since we've last left this show.
Luz Can’t Send Texts to Her Mom: ...Well, Texts to Home, it was fun while it lasted, but the current canon has decided that you're done. I'll miss you and appreciate all that you've done for me, but, yeah, this is the end. Sorry.
Alright, now that I got my jokes out of the way, allow me to explain how this is really a heartbreaking moment. Because the fact that Luz is forever cut off from her mother, even through texts, is an idea that just twists the knife in your heart when you really sit down to think about it. Luz's little goodbye at the end of her video does nothing but makes it worse.
On the upside, we get some solid character development as Luz doesn't even hesitate to send the video to Camila, learning her lesson from "Enchanted Grom Fright" about being more honest. She finally faced her fear, even if it was a fruitless effort.
They’re Doing Odd Jobs Now: This is a smart workaround for how the Owl House residents are making money. Some fans guessed that maybe Eda had so much junk piled up that they wouldn’t worry, but this seems more of a logical direction. Even if Eda had enough garbage to sell, she’ll can and will eventually run out at some point, meaning that they will all have to take the odd jobs anyway. So I appreciate the writers used that plot point sooner rather than later, as a fun romp as bounty hunters is something you want to do early in the season instead of later on. Especially with how Dana Terrace confirmed that s**t’s gonna go down in the future.
Lilith: ...I'm still willing to hold off--What the f**k did I say his name was? *looks up past review* Frederick Ulis--Frederick Ulisinsburg!
I am willing to hold off Frederick Ulisinsburg, for now, because Lilith is...sort of on the right track. I mean, I don't like how quick she was to playfully mock Eda or rudely yell at Hooty. But I do think that there is potential for her character. She feels genuine guilt for what she's done, and there's a chance that the new season will explore that further if the writers are smart (which they are). On top of that, there's a possibility that every time Lilith tries to act cocky or full of herself, she will be treated as a proverbial punching bag because of it. Like how her poster got burned down after boasting how impressive she looks. Or how Golden Guard's poster magically sealed itself to her face when Lilith tried to throw it away. It's the latter that primarily got me cackling like a madman due to how deservingly hilarious it was.
And, well...she happily clapped like a schoolgirl! Which was adorable! I can't hate characters who have the potential to be adorable! It's not in my nature!
So, while I am a little hesitant in liking her, I think there's a chance for improvement in her character in the future that I look forward to. We just have to wait and see if the writers pull it off.
(By the way, to the person that came up with Lilith wearing a "battery low" shirt...you're a genius in visual gags/storytelling.)
Greg’s List: Have I ever mentioned that this show is funny?
Who's Greg? Why does he organize a list of perfect bounties?
I don't know, but the idea of some random person in the Boiling Isles is putting it on himself to set up a list to make bounties...I'm sorry, but that's funny to me. It's also probably for how Craig's List was made, but when you really think about it, Craig's List is a funny idea as well.
Eda Isn’t Feared Anymore: I sort of guessed that this would happen, but seeing it is a whole different level of sympathy to feel for the character. Eda's main schtick was being the most powerful witch on the Isles, and that's gone now. She's forced to adapt to this new normal, which she's quick to do, but still. Tt's got to be a rough kick to the ego now that no one even cares about who she is anymore.
It's a low moment for her character that hopefully sets up her own arc for the rest of the season.
Luz Feels Like She’s a Burden: I will demolish her with love and kindness if she even CONSIDERS talking so poorly about herself again! Because Luz is not a burden. She is a beam of light that literally brightens up the lives of nearly everyone she meets. Eda already explains how her life is better because of Luz (through a heart-tugging speech that almost got to me, by the way), but it's not just Eda.
King now has his first real friend who admires him and treats him like the king he wants to be.
Willow has become much more confident and cheerful because Luz was always in her corner.
Gus learns more about the humans he appreciates with his whole heart while also having a friend that treats him like an equal rather than a kid.
And do I even have to say ANYTHING about Amity?
The Boiling Isles wouldn't be better off without Luz. It's better because of her. And shame on this girl for thinking otherwise...even though I fully understand where she's coming from.
I'm about to get personal for a second, so strap in. Because I am a twenty-somthing-year-old who is currently living with his mom. It's as pathetic as it sounds. But it's because I'm still attending college, and she says school comes first and jobs and apartments come second. Despite that, I feel like trash for just...living here as she still takes care of me and pays for the food I can't afford. She says that I shouldn't worry about it, but I still wait for the day I can finally pay her back for everything. Not some things, but everything. And that's Luz's mentality in this episode. The overwhelming guilt she's feeling for thinking she's inconveniencing Eda's life is something that hits really hard for me. It doesn't matter if it's true, but that she believes it's true. It's a heartbreaking character arc she's forced into for this episode that also adds more to why she's one of the many characters I heavily relate to.
Lulu and Hootstipher: Whoever thought of this idea...I f**king love you.
This is similar to when Noah and Owen became friends in Total Drama World Tour. Seemingly one-sided at first, you see a cute friendship that you would have never expected, but it works! Hooty is this happy and naive character who hardly understands what's going on half the time, and Lilith is...Lilith. Their chemistry is instantly fun as their dynamic is quick to understand.
This also shines with potential for character growth, for it could give Lilith a chance to be more caring and Hooty a chance to be more than just the comic relief. If you were to tell me that this is what was going to happen when the season premiered, I would have thought you were crazy. But now, after seeing it in action, I'm genuinely excited to see where this cute friendship between these two goes.
(As long as it doesn't involve fans shipping them. Because Hooty can do better)
Luz Getting Better with Her Magic: Our little bisexual princess is growing up! And, man, is it awesome to see. Luz going from just barely knowing how to do magic to full-on using her spells like second nature just warms my heart with all the character growth it presents. Now, some people might want an explanation for how she's able to do said spells, to which I say: "Who the f**k cares?"
If you ask me, Luz's magic is one of those things that doesn't need a direct answer because it doesn't matter as much. But if you're going to be a baby about it, here's what I can offer: As far as I can tell, it's equal parts having the glyph and mentally picturing what the spell should do. It's much like how Willow draws a spell circle and can either make giant jungle vines or a patch of flowers to land on. Luz's glyphs are her own spell circles. As long as she concentrates hard enough, she can make the glyph do whatever she wants it to.
There. You have your explanation. Now let's just all appreciate the fact that Luz can now throw fireballs and make vine whips like the superpowered teenager she most likely fantasized of being. Ok? Ok.
A Pirate Losing His Head...Literally: ...And I'm gonna go ahead and add that to the list.
I mean, for f**k's sake, WE SEE BONE! He puts his head back on, but we still see the bone!
Eda in a Pirate Outfit: ...That is all.
The Golden Guard: This guy shows up for only a few minutes, and I'm already beginning to like him. He seems just as threatening as Belos while also coming across as a guy who loves his job and being a ton of fun to watch because of it. I adore villains that find that balance of being funny and terrifying. The result is a character who makes me laugh on top of making me scared of what they could do to our protagonists. So far, that's the Golden Guard in a nutshell, and I can't wait to see what the rest of the season has in store with him. Whether it involves seeing him play with food as he did with Eda and Luz in this episode or seeing him getting kicked in the crotch like a little punk like him deserves, I am all for it.
(Bonus points if it's Amity who does the crotch kicking if he ever makes an advancement on Luz)
Eda Wanting to Protect the Selkidomus: I love this. It plays into the idea that Eda cares about things being wild and free and despises how Emperor Belos would want to control everything, including the most insignificant of animals. It shows just how kind Eda really is rather than someone motivated by greed...even if she does end up filthy rich in the end.
Emperor Belos’ Brief Cameo: Yup, still terrifying!
And if it turns out that Belos can see the Scrying Potion that Lilith made...we're going to have some problems.
Much like the actual problems that I have with this episode!
(Like that transition?)
King Being Stupid: King has two different personalities in this series. Either he's a pathetic wannabe ruler who seems intelligent or an idiotic Disney comedic sidekick. That latter version of King is what we get in "Separate Tides," and I don't like it (obviously). I don't care how cute it is to see him cling onto Luz's leg and exclaim how he won't let her leave. The same character who helped Luz break into a prison to save Eda shouldn't be the same one who falls asleep when a sheet covers him like a dumbass parrot! King's at his best when he's as intelligent as the rest of the characters. And not as dumb as someone like Hooty.
Eda Being Too Nice Around Lilith: This one bothers me the most. After being cursed for thirty years and having her life ruined by the person she thought she could trust the most, Eda is still all smiley and jokey when talking to Lilith. Yeah, sorry, but I don't buy that. No one in their right mind would be that cool with a person who did all of what Lilith did. It's a major misstep that squanders what could have been a fantastic overarching story of Eda learning to forgive her sister and Lilith trying to earn it. We'll at least get Lilith's guilt, but as is, I feel Eda showing genuine anger towards her would elevate that story by a lot.
But that's about all the bad things I have to say about "Separate Tides." As is, it is a well-earned, solid A of a season premiere. It introduces new concepts and characters I can't wait to see more of, continues old storylines and character development instead of ignoring them, and still proves that The Owl House is as charming and funny as it always was. Maybe the rest of the season could continue to be great, or maybe things might get worse. Time can only tell. For now, all I can tell you is that "Separate Tides" is a great and fun episode that makes me excited as we set sail to this new season.
(And Scared. Mostly scared)
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Hetalia’s Russia and DID/OSDD 1-b
Hey! So @autistic-hetalia your blog said you accept neurodiverse head canons and I thought maybe I could share this one with your blog!
I believe the Hetalia character of Russia has OSDD 1-b (Otherwise Specified Disociative Disorder or possibly DID, being Dissociative Identity Disorder) and this is why.
Just a note,
There is no such thing as an evil alter. Do not demonize people with DID or Other Dissociative Disorders! Those with this disorder are victims of Trauma and are likely to continue being victims of abusers, rarely do they become abusers!
Anyways, -cough cough- I’d love if anyone wants to add to this with more evidence!
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1. Russia had a traumatic childhood
He is shown to have had abusive bosses who would punish him. He is threatened by one to invent steam power by the end of the week or be punished. Tartar Yoke mentioned by Lithuania as one of his bosses was also known for his cruelty. So the Authority figured in his youth were often cruel and held power over him.
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His environment is cold and unforgiving much like an abusive home. Russia often describes his home as cold, quiet and lonely. He rarely found support from his land and often struggled to get by. The environment and home were harsh with little support. It is also implied he froze to death each Winter, and celebrated the year he didn’t.
This is on top of having to deal with other nations attacking him, making him feel helpless. Many nations “bullied” him in attempts to conquer him. He was mobed and pursed every day by Mongolia. That is exhausting to have everyone around you be a threat. (Lithuania and his sisters were the only nations kind to him in his youth) Early on, he learns that force and strength are what matters.
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Next point tw sexual abuse and assault
He also felt a great deal of responsibility to care for his sisters. He was close to them, as they were experiencing similar issues and not violent to him. He had to be the strong one. Belarus and her unhealthy attachment to Russia depending on the age she started her behaviors may have also contributed to his trauma. All of the siblings have unhealthy attitudes towards boundaries with their bodies and the bodies of others, implying another type of abuse. Ukraine and Belarus took victim roles. Russia took on an abusers. Ukraine only ever suggests using her body to get what she wants as if never taught anything else, even as a child that’s what she knows. Belarus I don’t know where to begin, but her staring off is certainly dissociative like, paired with other trust issues. In a diary entry she is stated to have possibly messaged Ukraine’s breasts, once again showing more unhealthy boundaries with attachments to loved ones. Someone taught her that. And Russia, who internalized his abusers, acted out his abuse on others as implied with Lithuania looking distressed dressed as a maid and Russia holding a whip. In another non canon game Himaura worked on, Bulgaria in the bad ending is shown tied up and naked implied to be whipped by Russia as Russia says this is “tradition” or possibly more routine implying this is something he does often.
The idea with dissociative disorders is that the repetitive trauma that happens has to be too much for the mind of that individual child in comparison to the culture they’re raised in, and it conflicts with getting their needs met. And to the countries, all of them know Russia has had a life with far more conflicts in his youth than most, and a great deal of pain.
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2. Russia has General Winter (GW for short)
General Winter manifests when Russia is being attacked by other nations in order to defend him, or to be a tormentor to Russia himself (such as freezing him to death each Winter).
This is oddly similar to what is known as a persecutor alter. These alters have the goal in mind to protect the host or body, but they’re a bit misguided in how to do that. They might take on the form of an abuser, or something outside the body, this turns into being an Introject. I’ll post a link to more info on DID/OSDD at the end of the post. The educational videos playlist will have a video on alter roles.
Russia’s bosses often abused him, and if he had an alter like this it would make sense that it would take the form of a general, someone in power who feels so much bigger and stronger than him. A boss who can push him around and make him behave in a way that will avoid further trauma from the real abusers. Winter the season, being another tormenting force of the environment, is another abuser, and it makes sense GW would take that into his identity. Russia feels helpless to it. It is also worth noting that other nations who also had to deal with Harsh winters do not have General Winter as an ally. He only protects Russia.
It would also explain why General Winter protects Russia from others attacking him. He took the ideologies of his abusers to heart, so GW pushes people away and treats them like threats. He feels strong by holding power and fear over others and force. If I can be stronger, no one can hurt me or would dare try, this is the mentality.
I believe GW can manifest as he does because Russia has magic. It’s canon that Russia can do magic or has a strange magic of his own, so whose to say GW can’t utilize it too. Perhaps even to let himself manifest sometimes in his spirit like form. This is more a headcanon or idea though.
Russia himself however is shown to be very passive with his bosses. These are people who hold power over him that he can’t really run away from or fight. So his response is to faun or freeze. This is basically stated in the comics (picture below.) and it’s often that alters have a specific role. Russia’s would be to people please those who he can’t fight. Making General Winter’s job to defend from attack.
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3. Russia is shown to dissociate
When he is told to do an impossible amount of work, he just straight up loses himself in a fantasy immediately to escape the reality of the situation. There are other instances too, some in his childhood directly, but this was the most overt. This is from To your Hearts content, Russia!
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4. Russia Is Inconsistent
There are times when Russia feels very different from moment to moment.
He goes from open about himself to swiftly sadistic and cold. He has moments of childish behavior to moments of maturity. These, when combined with the rest of my points, are worth noting. He both wants to hurt (possibly destroy) the others, but also be liked by them?
You can’t destroy people and have them like you.
The baltic Trio who lived a substantial amount of time with him still are confused by his unpredictable behavior. Each encounter The Baltic’s have with Russia is marked by a fear of what he might do. And not having certainty, thus they say things without knowing if it’s safe or not.
Even to Lithuania, (Whom Russia often shows Vulnerability to, in moments like bloody Sunday and Sharing his dreams in Outsourcing Sequel)living with Russia feels a strange theme park where he never knew what to expect. Lithuania has been shown to be great in strategy and games of wit, and a commendable leader with great people skills, yet he only has a general idea of Russia’s behavior? He is seen advising Prussia and Moldova that Russia likes it when people laugh or cry easily (This being predictable to Russia and thus easier to navigate social situations with) so it’s not like Lithuania isn’t paying attention. Russia shows moments of vulnerability and his thought process in panels like Bloody Sunday, which is quite telling as to what he believes are his responsibilities, and how the world works.
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Now the real question is “why is he like this?”
He only understands the world from the point of view of someone who still lives in the abuse and knows no other options. He never had anyone teach or show him different. His world is ruled by who is the strongest, and if you can obey the strong you won’t get hurt or discarded. “We don’t want children who can’t play nice,” sounds like something an abuser told him frequently in his youth.
Russia just doesn’t have a support system due to his strained relationships with everyone. So he keeps relying on old defense mechanisms, hence letting General Winter step in when something threatens his sense of safety.
Nearly Every time (at least that’s what I noticed) Russia is emotionally vulnerable to someone, he suddenly changes to be sadistic or scary. It successfully pushes the person away and Reestablishes the fear of Russia in the individual, returning him to a state of being feared and alone where none of the other countries can hurt him. Examples below.
France talking to Russia after meetings and asking him personal questions would result in Russia ending the conversation by scaring him with a scsry remark and aura suddenly.
Russia Comforting China after Japan turns on him, he is kind and compassionate at first, but suddenly changes at the end.
The Baltic Trio never knows what to expect. He frequently uses fear and force to keep them.
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This behavior seems directly contradictory to wanting friends and having a warm and lively home. So GW still reacts with a trauma response, and Russia reacts in line with his wishes of making friends and having others around him. The Use of force and intimidation is naturally the middle ground between their wishes. Russia believes everyone is his friends, and doesn’t see how his behavior is pushing people away. Other times he seems to want friends to like him back, like when he sent France an anonymously written letter to his radio show. However he has wishes that contradict.
Now, I think he sees friends as people he can keep near him that he enjoys the company of. (This doesn’t need to be mutual or involve trust, just force) but those wants directly contradict.
I think GW is passively influencing him with some of the behavior rather than switching out right, but either option still would have the same effects. Passive influence is when an alter is close to the front, or feels/thinks something strong enough that it affects the person at the front. Making them behave in a way that is ooc for them, but not the other who intentionally or unintentionally influenced them.
This would explain sudden shifts to a cruel threatening position with other nations, something that will most likely always be a threat GW needs to defend against. He is particularly cold and defensive with anyone that has a chance to hurt him, (or tries to look into his psyche) regardless of if they made a move to do so.
More on passive influence can be found in the sources at the bottom under educational playlist.
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5. Misc. Points of knowledge
Russia’s character originally was meant to be a cry baby, and only when he drinks, has a complete switch in personality. Frankly I’m glad he was changed to the complex guy we have now. However I think this concept wasn’t fully lost.
His character song, Winter, seems to talk of him experiencing freezing to death each Winter. Further adding to his repetitive trauma.
It is not unheard of for nations to have disorders and conditions. Australia has ADHD, Prussia is Albino, Lithuania has severe anxiety (and possibly PTSD), so who is to say a nation like Russia can’t have a dissociative disorder?
It is stated in one of Russia’s character bios that “General Winter is always with him”, however where? I don’t physically see him, but perhaps we can’t because he’s sharing a body with Russia.
In summary
Russia dissociates under stress
Russia has repetitive traumas and an ongoing history of abuse all his life
Russia has inconsistent behavior and attachments
General Winter could certainly be a separate personality and functions exactly like an introject/persecutor alter would to their host.
Russia acts out and damages relationships, acting in inconsistent ways that might play out his own abuse, and/or reflect his desires to keep others near him.
As a note, I actually have DID, so this could be my projecting, but please don’t yell at me about how I made a “villain” have DID and feed into evil alters and split Stareotypes. I would only like to raise interest and provide an example of what a misrepresented disorder can look like. And the links below are there if you want to make your mind up for yourself and educate yourself if this inspires your portrayal of him! This isn’t meant to be insensitive, I’ve been working on this post for months to word it as sensitive as I could while also acknowledging Russia is still responsible for his and GW’s actions. Saying he has DID isn’t to excuse it, just explain it.
Don’t erase his victims, but don’t erase that he also is one.
(This blog below was also really helpful, but this post covers a lot of Russia’s earlier trauma and his mentality)
Research for DID and OSDD 1b below: (along with links to comics)
Below is for an example of dissociation:
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xxtraord1nary · 3 years
His Kiss of Life
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Fandom: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!mc (Charlotte West)
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: My preferred genre is smut and I’m okay with that. THIS IS A REPOST!
Summary: A tedious work gala takes a sensual turn and becomes a hot night filled with passion and heated restroom affairs.
Warnings: Cursing, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex.
Taglist: @katkart122 @missmiimiie @maurine07 @romewritingshop @custaroonie @lucas-rennells @omgfheishot @schnitzelbutterfingers @openheartfanfics
Charlotte and Ethan and the rest of their colleagues had to attend a mandatory work function and make “connections” for better funding for the hospital much to his dismay. He wasn’t particularly in the business of begging old stuffy socialites for money but Charlotte on the other hand was an absolute pro at it her charisma and beauty truly entranced the crowd that had formed around her as she retold a comical story of her youth involving her brothers and something about a spray paint can. Unfortunately on the other hand for Ethan he couldn’t focus on anything but the long slit going up her exposed toned mocha thighs and the open back of the form fitting midnight black dress she donned exquisitely. It was gorgeous on her and may have been seen as a little much from the scowls of some of the bitter women at the bar but it truly was elegantly sexy. The way it came down over her natural flared hips and flowed gracefully at her feet made her look as stunningly unreal. She was truly an ethereal and rare beauty and it was known by not just him but everyone in the large tastefully decorated ballroom.
Nursing his scotch by the bar he continued admiring the woman who haunted his dreams with her dark eyes and bright smile he watched on as the crowd dispersed and his lover secured more than enough pocket books to make up for everyone’s lackluster excuse for trying to do what she did. He could tell from his place a bit away leaning against the wet bar that now she was bored she always loved socializing till her “social battery” ran out as she called it and that was obviously the case right now. Ethan really tuned in at this point because she’d surely find a way to entertain herself and that had him on the edge of her seat; unpredictability was who she was after all.
As if she could feel his focused gaze burning into her more than generous backside she sensually turned and sent him an just as intense look with a slow smirk rising to her full crimson painted lips she made her way to the table where she’d left her belongings. As she picked up her phone and typed something presumably a message she couldn’t help but to hold eye contact between them not awkward at all but filled with unbridled lust. His phone dinged with a notification and he nearly jumped as it shaked him out of his stupor he almost didn’t break their gaze till another ding caused him to grab his phone annoyed at their “moment” being interrupted. That was until he saw the message was in fact from her.
Charlotte: Guess what I’m thinking right now. Okay, I’ll give you a hint. It involves my tongue and you naked.
Charlotte: I feel like something is missing from life. Namely you between my legs.
Ethan was a man of confidence and in his every move always oozed self assurance but now he was a blubbering mess of a man at a complete loss and his mouth had never been dryer. As shocked as he was, he had to admit this was such a Charlotte thing to do, and he meant it in the nicest way possible if that could be said but this woman was truly a freak. He couldn’t bring his fingers to type anything back, what the hell does one even say in response to this.
Charlotte gentle mohogany eyes held a tone of mischief and her misleading smirk was one of amuesement she always felt the best part of their relationship was tipping the scales and really keeping him on his toes. She almost felt bad at his flustered state but quickly shook it off it was too comical seeing such a composed man be left to no more than a heated mess of lust and wanting, teasing was truly her speciality. After all the chase was the best part. When she once more caught his eye she held a air of sensuality around her and decided that she needed to take things a step forward, she knew well he wouldn’t. With confident long strides she made her way to the bar “Red.” she told the bartender settling herself right in a seat next to a still stunned Ethan Ramsey. Sipping slowly from her glass he couldn’t help but be entranced by everything she did and followed every move of hers. Determined to take it a step further she caressed his hand left on the bar top with her long manicured to perfection ivory nails that contrasted beautifully with her smooth brown skin. The simple touch sent sweet shivers through his body and he longed for more once she withdrew and resumed her drinking.
“Rookie-” he started before she looped her nimble fingers through the belt loops of his slacks and pulled him with a purpose. “I know what you’re gonna say, and truthfully I don’t care.” she muttered into the crook of his neck where she left a chaste kiss and a small bite that made him wince which she soothed with her warm tounge. “God she was forward” he thought. And he’d be a damn bloody liar if he said he didn’t love it. Prior to meeting the temptress Ramsey was used to always being in charge in the bedroom no matter his partner, man or woman. He took control but Charlotte West was a wildcard and he’d soon learned he never truly knew what he was going to get and the spontaneity turned him on more than he could ever begin to describe.
“I’ll tell you how this is gonna go alright Doctor.” He groaned at the use of his title tumbling from her sweet full lips that he wanted so badly to have on him, every part of him. “You are not gonna give me that halfhearted lecture, you are going to keep me entertained. Okay?” She asked detaching her lips from his tender neck and staring him in his indigo blues. He could do no more than nod at a loss for words, or his brain simply couldn’t compute at the moment. “Meet me in the restroom in ten, your choice of course.” And with that she sashayed away with a small inconcealable smirk painted on her beautiful face as she knew he’d be there in five.
Left at a loss Ethan’s heart finally stopped its mission on trying to burst of his hard chest and his brain finally made sense of the situation and locating a clock on the wall he counted down the minutes. Back in the luxury restroom that could have been a swanky living room with a toilet and a sink. Not even three minutes late of her arrival she heard a two small raps of the hand against the large wood door. Swallowing her newfound nerves she carried herself to the door and opened it to reveal a stone faced Ramsey jaw muscles flexed in sexual frustration. “Look what we have here.” She pulled him inside by the lapels of his suit jacket and brought her silk like lips to whisper into his hear “I’m so glad you came, although I knew you would.” He couldn’t help the choked moan that struggled out of his throat as she ran her small hands up and down his toned abdomen and soon landed on his bulge that was almost bursting out of his black dress pants.
“Not more than me.” He rasped in a way that had her soaked and anxious to have him out of his pesky clothes. He finally got what he wanted most as he gripped her by the way back of her neck and wound his fingers in her mane of unruly coils nearly getting them stuck, but Charlotte couldn’t care less as he violently claimed her lips with his and sucked her bottom lip into his mouth with vigor. Her tounge made its way into his warm mouth causing him to moan aloud shamelessly as his hands made their way down to her backside and palmed with open hands all he could grab. In their heated passion she somehow had half the mind to push him backwards towards the fancy Italian leather couch settled against the wall.
His hands soon found their way under her dress palming her bare ass till he froze with realization, she wasn’t wearing anything under. He couldn’t believe it, almost as if she had planned this he chucked at her antics and she smiled knowingingly and a few giggles slip. “Dr. West you are surely one naughty girl.” He said whilst stroking her sensitive bud and spreading her wetness. This caused her moan aloud and in a sexy whisper,
“Punish me then.”
And that he did and by the seventh spank on her full backside she was a moaning mess wetter than before if possible she ground her hips into his generous hard on relentlessly poking her and much to her disdain he tossed her to the side of the couch but she soon perked up as she watched his impatiently snatch his belt his off and yank at his pants she happily took the place of his frantic hands and slowly worked his pants down along with his boxers. Sitting herself in a semi comfortable kneeling position she began to drag her nails down his thighs and ghosted her fulls lips right over the head of his throbbing member as she shamelessly admired her lover in all his naked glory. “What a view.” She thought to herself as she continued her perpetual teasing but Ethan didn’t mind he was drunk on a salacious high he never wanted to come down from.
“You know, I really like seeing you like this. All hot and bothered for me.” He moaned with satisfaction as she kneeled firmly gripped his pulsating member and stroked him slowly while placing chaste sweet kisses along the column of his neck he groaned when she sucked and bit as she went determined to mark what’s hers. As she should of course. Growing tired of the lack of not feeling more of her he shoved on the couch bringing a pleased grin to her face, she liked a rougher Ethan and he knew well as his cobalt blues to glint in mischief. He leered over her meager frame that in comparison to his was quite small. Winding his hand in her hair he pulled harshly and she soon found herself in his lap once again and it wasn’t long before her tight form fitting dress was stripped forcibly from her body “Take it off.” He rasped and she happily complied in the removal he once again claimed her lips roughly while tugging on her flaring hips. As much as she was enjoying the dominant and demanding Ethan she didn’t like the shift of control so quickly and looked for an upper hand.
But before she could even think of anything her thoughts were cut off with a strangled moan as he plunged himself deep inside her gripping onto her shoulders for leverage as he relentlessly pounded her into oblivion. She couldn’t even form words as he took her more than generous breast in his hands and kneeded one whilst suckling like a man starved on the other. Obscenities flew from Charlotte’s lips as she continued to be intoxicated by the ministrations of his blessed tongue and soon enough felt so hot she began to pleasure herself snaking a hand down to do so only to be stopped by a slap to the wrist. Her eye jerked open and sent him a fiery glare for not only stopping her but removing himself.
“You don’t get to do that, bad girls don’t get to pleasure themselves.” She was shocked to say the least but turned on all the same and couldn’t even begin to explain how good she felt at his words that almost made her moan all the while being scolded. “Well if I’m such a bad girl-” she cut herself off mid sentence and brought him in for a lip bruising kiss that left her shivering and him with numb lips from all the biting and sucking and finished with, “punish me then.” Before she could take a minute to gauge his reaction he began to leave welt raising slaps to her rear that left an excruciating stinging pain but just hurt so damn good she couldn’t help but to choke out a moan mixed with a sob.
After what made have been the twelfth slap, she didn’t know for sure the only thing she could focus on what the pleasureful sting she felt, she had no time to collect her bearings before he rammed himself mercilessly inside her with a low growl that made her want ride him into oblivion. He ran his free hand down her breast to her lower thigh and gripped all the brown skin and savored in the beauty that was her round and gracious behind and the beautiful glittery stretch that adored it perfectly. His other hand wound in her mane of unruly tendrils gripped for leverage as he lifted his hips to ruthlessly pounded into her so much so she felt, although the impossibility of it, that she’d leave this restroom with a rearranged cervix.
“God your perfect.” He groaned landing misplaced chaste kisses anywhere he could reach on her sweat glistening chest. “I bet.” She confidently responded with a smirk amidst her harsh pounding which only caused him to grin in response and pull harder on her crown of curls and if humanly possible enter her even rougher and harder. “That shut her right up.” he thought triumphantly. She hasn’t noticed it before but it was there a large vertical mirror with a perfect view of the ethans thrown back in ecstasy head and her body on full display. And there is truly nothing more erotic than watching yourself be brutally fucked by the man or your dreams and fantasies. Her chest shined with a sheen thin layer of sweat and she almost glowed from elation, thank god she went for a natural look involving only mascara and lipstick as she was a hot mess and could use a small touch up. But Ethan couldn’t care less he adores unruly sex hair that he couldn’t refrain from pulling and her mouth constantly wide open as the most alluring moans, groans and whimpers tumbled from his lover.
She watched on as she bounced on top of him and she’d be a damn liar if she said she wasn’t wetter than ever from the sight as she watched him and herself in such an intimate moment. Her nirvana was cut short by a sharp rap of knuckles against the large oak door separating the two passionate lovers from their dreary work function. Ethan’s calculated and punishing strokes never ceased much to Charlotte's dismay, he was shameless. He couldn’t possibly be turned on by the idea of being caught as he was the one that prided himself on his carefulness and keeping their relationship concealed. But maybe the older attending has been keeping some things to himself.
In particular a little fantasy exhibitonism. The idea of marking his territory with an audience was as enticing as ever as he watched the haughty stuck up socialites flirt shamelessly with his woman. Charlotte really should have known, he’d grown particularly fond of fucking her against his large floor to ceiling windows.
In response to the unsuspecting stranger Ethan hurriedly switched their positions into a kneeling one upon the couch with his front to her back and grabbed her arms from behind and again began to ruthlessly continue his assault. God he was amazing. Charlotte wasn’t a liar, she did have a little thing for older men. Not daddy issues or something but she just preferred experience and skill only a certain knowledgeable possessed. And that man was Ethan, this man scared her as he had successfully ruined her for any other man and weirdly she was okay with that.
“Hello, is anyone in there?” Came a smooth accented voice from the other side and although muffled Charlotte understood it perfectly. “Bryce!” She mentally cursed her horiness and the dilemma it got her in. Her attention snapped to Ethan as he too realized just who was at the door and he quieted her with an index finger to his lips but even then didn’t stop his stroking which slowed down to long and deep ones rather than hurried and brutal. After calling a few more times the sound of footsteps became few and far between indicating her good friend and ex-lover had left. Ethan, aware of the past relationship was glad at this and also a tad relieved he didn’t see a tinge of regret on his rookies face.
With a few more punishing strokes it was inevitable that they both climaxed and as they did her world went white and she gasped with pleasure while he could barely breathe as she gripped his neck for grounding and he quite liked the intoxicating feeling. Coming down from the high the gravity of the entire feverishly consuming ordeal at finally set upon them and unrestrained giggles flowed freely through her trembling body as she leaned forward and Ethan took the opportunity to just embrace her following their passion. “I can’t believe we had sex in a public restroom.” She sighed blissfully in his neck, chuckles from her warm breath tickling him every few seconds, she rubbed her hands down his abdomen feeling his toned pectorals all the way to his abs. “You surely are a wildcard, Dr. West.” he muttered, placing sweet kisses on the side of her beautiful face. How she could go from a complete sensual vixen to a adorable little teddy bear he would never know but was grateful all the same for his position. Here right now and just everyday with her in general.
“And you love it, Dr. Ramsey.” She knowingly grinned.
“That I do, rookie.” He sighed nuzzling her neck.
Eventually the two lovers knew they’d been gone far too long and they soon had to try and sneak back into the main hall and with that he got up and went to her purse where she always kept wet wipes and cleaned her up and with a strong calloused hand helped her to her feet and swayed her in the direction of her long abandoned gown and to the best of his ability helped her redress. Even in her tattered and wrinkled dress with wild coils adoring her head she still looked like the most flawless woman in the room.
God he was so whipped. And he truly didn’t mind.
She decided to go first and once bombarded with questions of her whereabouts for the past hour and a half by her roommates, or particularly a smirking Bryce and a worried sienna Ethan couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact that the scalpel jockey had probably a good idea at exactly what happened in that restroom. Ordering another scotch from the bar he absentmindedly stuck his free hand in his pocket and felt something unfamiliar he on instinct grabbed it out only to be stunned to silence once again by the woman so much so he almost choked on the burning liquid not so smoothly running down his throat.
He couldn’t believe it. Her racy black g-string was right in his hands and she had to have snuck it in his pocket when she handed him a fallen suit jacket. Once coming to term with what he was holding he quickly stuffed it in his pocket being reminded of the situation and setting. He looked up to meet her eyes across the large dining hall only to find her smirking devilishly and sending him a sultry wink.
A damn wink. She winked at him.
It was then they both realized, Ethan Ramsey was truly a damn goner.
Thanks for reading.
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 years
Fall 2020 Anime Overview
I started out watching the a ton of anime for the Fall 2020 season, but then ended up not being caught up with most of them by the the time the end rolled around. I still pretty much intend to catch up with Yashahime Princess Half Demon someday (I do like the three leads, it just the plot’s been dull as dirt and the fights aren’t very inspired either) and though I dropped Wandering Witch after bad press started rolling in (I CANNOT deal with pointless tragedy in my current state of mind) I might check out a few more episodes someday just to from my own opinion. For now, let’s just quickly review the anime I DID manage to finish on time this season.
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
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Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle is exactly what it says on the tin: Princess Syalis isn’t too bothered about being captured by demons and locked in their castle, but she does value a good night’s sleep, and she is absolutely ruthless when it comes to getting it- so ruthless, in fact, that the demons realized it might not be that she’s trapped in here with them, but that they’re trapped in here with her.
Sleepy Princess is top tier comedy comfort food. It rarely got a huge belly laugh, but it always but a smile on my face and was a great thing to watch before going to bed. Syalis’s single-minded search for some shut eye is a joke that could have gotten old very quickly, but the show consistently found creative ways to expand on the gags and build it’s world and a fun cast of characters along the way. 
Though Syalis is downright brutal to the demons when it comes to getting what she wants (and has a knack for getting herself killed at well), thanks to a demon cleric that offers easy resurrections, you never feel too bad for anyone involved. In fact, the demons and Syalis form a strangely heartwarming bond over the course of the show , and it’s clear by the end that Syalis definitely has the ability to come and go if she damn well pleases and just finds this castle a fun place where she can find respite from her princessly responsibilities. 
A nice bonus for those of us who like a little subversion is that the show has a lot of fun playing with standard adventure tropes- the demons often lament that Syalis is not at all what they expected from a captive princess, for one, but my favorite fun little twist is how Syalis feels about the hero currently on a (seemingly endless) quest to rescue her- she manages to both hold him in contempt AND consistently fail to remember his name. That level of disregard takes some impressive effort.
The show has the same director as the Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun anime and as such has a similarly nice comic and visual flourishes throughout. It definitely gets two sleepy thumbs up for me.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Jujutsu Kaisen follows a young man named Yuuji Itadori who, after tangling with a demon, ends up with one inside him. With a death sentence hanging over his head, he’s inducted into a school for “jujutsu sorcerers”, and begins training to use his newfound powers to defeat demons and curses.
Jujutsu Kaisen quickly tells you on no uncertain terms it is Action Shonen, introducing a huge cast of a characters and powers and super high stakes and hey there’s even gonna be a tournament arc soon. It is really, really pretty to look at, with a killer opening and ending, some seriously great animation and cool visuals for the fights especially. But is it particularly memorable otherwise? Noooooot really, so far. The sea of technobabble it tends to descend into when trying to explain how the various powers work often has me zoning out and wishing they’d just let me watch the pretty punches. The villains and the general plot isn’t particularly compelling. The characters are nice enough, but haven’t given me much to be attached to so far. Though I do appreciate this one dude who is the embodiment of millennial ennui:
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I’ll keep watching though, because it is a visually stunning, action-y thing to my turn your brain off to and god knows I want to turn my brain off all the time lately. 
And the characters do have potential- the One Girl of the main group, Nobara, has a really fun personality in that she’s a total shitlord doofus brawler who can thus doof around with our equally dumbass protagonist, which is an pretty fun, unusual personality for the One Girl to have! Her interactions with Maki, the weapons expert senpai girl, are promising too. I’m just waiting for her to actually, you know, DO something that really shows off her skills- I’m told she DOES eventually get to (gasp) win fights on her own and do cool stuff, but so far show has kind at that of failed miserably and underused her like most action shonen underuse their girls. Plus, taking Yuuji out of the group for such a long stretch seems like a weird choice, we’ve been deprived really seeing him for relationships with his peers. The pacing seems off. But maybe the upcoming tournament arc will make up for that and actually be worthwhile!
Talentless Nana
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In a world where kids with superpowers are sent to island schools to fight mysterious “enemies of humanity”, one class of such kids is thrown into chaos when they find themselves targeted by a deadly force.
It’s pretty much impossible to talk about Talentless Nana without discussing how it deviates dramatically from what its premise appears to be in episode one, so I’ll just say if you like stories with superpowers and intrigue, you should definitely sit through that first episode and see if the plot that’s eventually revealed is something that you’re here for. But if you want to avoid spoilers, DON’T GO BELOW THE CUT, because I’m about to get very spoilery.
Basically, Talentless Nana pulls a bait and switch, starting it’s first episode posing as generic superhero anime where the protagonist appears to be your standard meek-but-powerful anime boy (Nanao) who just needs some support and encouragement from a pink haired mind reading manic pixie dream girl (Nana) to unlock his self-confidence and ~true power~ (ugh)...only to take SHARP swerve when  Nana ruthlessly murders Nanao and reveals she’s been sent by the government to take out the superpowered kids one by one because THEY are the considered the true enemies of humanity. Oh, and she doesn’t have any superpowers, or “talents”- she was just able to sus out everything Nanao was thinking through basic deductive reasoning because he was so flippin’ obvious and basic.
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As my love for a certain character in a certain game may have clued people into, I am ALWAYS delighted when what appears to be a generic, underwritten girlfriend character is then revealed to be an interesting, ruthless mastermind. And having an anime appear to be about a bland boy with a Dream Girlfriend but then actually turn into a show about a deeply cynical, morally dubious girl who’s clearly holding down a lot of messy feelings as she considers everyone her enemy...well, it may be a cheap trick to some, but it also feels a little bit like justice for all the underwritten female characters sacrificed to bland male leads. It’s still rare enough that I dig it when it happens. And the metatext of Nana zeroing in on this kid as the most standard of main character boys, assessing him as the biggest threat because of it and knowing the perfect way to take him out, is pretty inherently funny to me.
But if the show JUST banked on that twist and was about Nana brutally and cynically slaughtering these kids, it would get boring quickly and Nana would be a bland character herself. Fortunately, it doesn’t go that route. Nana struggles and grows a lot over the course of the show. She finds opposition in transfer student Kyoya, a stoic (and socially awkward) young man who pretty quickly becomes suspicious of her. A lot of the tension from the early episodes comes from her sweating as she tries to outmaneuver him and she makes plenty of mistakes along the way. She also slowly but surely starts to question her mission, and we get an idea of her backstory and how the government specifically has groomed her into believing people with powers to be evil. That belief is one that’s challenged by her friendship with another girl, and it’s pretty rewarding to watch Nana’s feelings and world expand little by little.
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The show is definitely a little schlocky-some of the plots (as well as the general premise of the government thinking this is the optimal way to get rid of their superpowered kids problem) fall apart if you think too much about them, and some of the kids Nana goes up against are sleazy and unlikeable in over the top ways (which makes it easy for her to stick to her convictions all these kids deserve to die at first). In particular, I have to give a heads up for some sleazy guys doing and saying sleazy things, though the show never gets too overbearing or graphic with it (and the gore is generally PG-13 level as well). 
Basically. There are some truly ridiculous happenings in this show. But how ridiculous and pulpy and over the top it is can be part of the appeal, and it’s fun to just sit back and watch the spectacle of Nana and her peers head-scratching machinations. 
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So, while certainly not an anime with airtight construction or flawless quality and depth, I found Nana an overall entertaining watch, especially as a fan of cat-and-mouse murder-y shenanigans, and thought it has a very compelling main character and managed to end on a heartwrenching (but earned) note. I definitely wouldn’t say no to a second season and would be interested to see where things go from here.
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genaleah · 3 years
For the first time in about a year maybe??? Some of these might be even older than that.
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Yes, it is Korka! I definitely want her involved, she’s a wonderful character and there is a *lot* of fun paranormal stuff going on in this setting that she can help them research. Also, I’d just love for her and Nelson to become friends!
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Thank you! I love him a lot, and it’s fun to picture him interacting with the other guys. They’d all make for some interesting uncle figures, but they might not be that great in terms of role models.
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OHOHO. Devilish laugh. That’s a wonderful idea, and a good way to keep him occupied at some point. He’s a great character, but he’s incredibly powerful, and I want these dudes to solve their own problems whenever possible. 
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A good question! I don’t remember most of my dreams, but there’s usually a consistent look to the vivid ones. Lots of water, mountains, creeks, and high, winding roads. There are also a lot of buildings that are closely integrated with nature, even though I have almost never seen construction like that. 
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I had not, but now I have! Here’s a trailer, for anyone else that missed it:
I really like these new models! I’m looking forward to watching a playthrough when that’s available. Just like with Rhombus of Ruin, I don’t think I’ll be able to play this one myself.
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DOUBLE FINE, I WISH TO SPEAK WITH YOU- no, I’m kidding! I think great minds think alike. But I’m really excited to learn more about that character and possibly involve them in this whole au eventually. 
I’ve actually tried to avoid almost any info about Psychonauts 2 so I can go in mostly-blind, and a lot of the characters are vague to me. It’s fun to look forward to, but it’s also a little harrowing because I don’t know how to anticipate for it!
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N...NO..... I NEED TO... Honestly those are old enough that it might be a good idea for me to re-make them, as well as the playing cards I made for the mega playlist cover. I think it’d be nice to remake them as vectors... that might make for a nice art stream sometime. I’ll mention publicly if I start doing that, and sharing any of these conceptual Wildcards arts when they’re done. 
And if you’re just curious about what the tarot cards for the other characters are going to be, it’s this:
Eddie: Judgement, The Magician, The Emperor
Manny: Death, Justice, The World
Sam: The Chariot, The Tower, Strength
Max: The Devil, Wheel of Fortune, Joker
Although! I may actually give the Moon card to Max instead of the Devil, and replace the missing card from Nelson’s selection with the High Priestess?  🤔  I’ll decide when I get to it.
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Could be! I’ve flip-flopped occasionally on if I want the split-a-cab gang to participate much in the story. I think they deserve a break, and splitting an apartment in New York seems like a good situation for the four of them.
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Oh boy, that must be so disorienting for him. The Psychonauts deal with a lot of hippy-dippy weirdness in a seemingly organized way, but it seems like they’re not as paranoid about safety as a real federal organization would be. Not necessarily a good thing, considering one of their camp counselors went AWOL one day, and the head of the Psychonauts got kidnapped the next. They kinda need to get their act together.
Fun fact, in one of the earlier drafts of Chapter 3 I was actually going to make Nelson get scanned by the equivalent of a metal-detector for malevolent thoughts at the door and get really spooked by it, but I decided against it.
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Honestly, a big bulk of the plot in this just regards characters having to face their mental health struggles... via facing it as literal internal demons, unstable powers, etc.  It’s going to take a little while for any of Eddie’s teammates to realize how MUCH he has going on under the surface because he does a pretty good job of hiding it. “Needing to help others above ever helping themselves” is a hard issue to notice if you’re not looking for it. But it’s a guarantee that once they find out he needs help, they’ll give it; whether that’s making sure he’s not working himself too hard, or fighting off demonic cultists. Care comes in many forms.
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SHE NEEDS TO REST.... POOR SYBIL (on the upside, they don’t TECHNICALLY work there, so she might be fine most of the time.)
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Strong Bad isn’t a Psychonaut! He’s just a vlogger and a petty (psychic) criminal. It’s honestly not very different from canon.
Free Country, USA is a smalltown hotbed of psychic activity. Nearly everyone there has some mild capacity for supernatural powers, but nobody really notices or cares. Strong Bad just pops the tops off of cold ones and.... sometimes alters reality, a tiny bit. But mostly just in regards to media. The cartoons, comics, etc, that he invents and talks about have a tendency to suddenly voip into existence and nobody knows how. I swear, there’s actually a line of him saying something to this effect, but I can’t find it anywhere.  Don’t worry about it! Nobody in town is ever going to do anything truly nefarious with their powers, so it’s not a high priority on the Psychonauts’ radar, just a weird footnote.
The only reason Homestar is an actual agent is because he seems like exactly the kind of guy to sign up for a job like that on accident and then stick with it. And he’s a talented telekinetic! None of his other friends know about his job or notice his absences.
And just for fun, here’s some weird instances of psychic overpowering that happened in the cartoon:
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(Poor Strong Sad)
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I’ve actually answered this one before! BAM  Pretty sure all of it is still accurate.
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Nelson: He sees floating sheets of paper containing notes, questions, etc. Anything that he wants to know more about regarding that person. The notes are subject to edits, cross-outs, ripped pages, etc.
Guybrush: He sees the item that the person is carrying that he wants most. As he gets to know people better, he sees them for their useful skills first.
Manny: His view of most living people is not very kind...
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The people he’s closest to will eventually look a lot less garish. More like a flattering, camera-ready versions of themselves.
Eddie: Sickass sketch drawings that look like they belong in the margins of a composition book. The illustrations improve as he gets a better picture of where they’d fit in the internal lore of his mental world.
Sam: A lot like Nelson; Sam pictures case files, though his are a bit more in-depth.
Max: Max’s visions of people are highly personal and uncomfortable for those who witness them. He sees Nelson as a puzzle with a piece missing. Guybrush is a ripped up voodoo doll. Manny is a forgotten ofrenda. Eddie is a powder keg with a long, lit fuse. Sam is Sam, but he’s the wrong one.
I also got two questions that were pretty big subjects, or that I didn’t want to repeat, so I’m gonna cover them pretty broadly:
Sure, I support it! I’ve gotten this question a few times in regards to things that I haven’t had time to delve into yet, or I’m not interested in, so I’m not going to include it into the AU myself. But if you want to explore an idea like that, feel free! This AU is pretty dang collaborative.
My main focus is just on the main 6 properties: Psychonauts, Puzzle Agent, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Brutal Legend, and Sam & Max.
But my general rule of thumb for “characters that exist somewhere within the background of this story” are any other properties owned by Telltale, Lucasarts, or Double Fine. And considering all of the licensed games that Telltale was getting into before it kicked the bucket, that includes some really weird characters, even up to the Venture Bros. I loved that series, but I’m not really interested in doing anything with them for this story! Partly for my sanity, the canon I’ve picked are already a lot of content to play with. 
There’s no particular criteria needed to join the discord, and it’s not strictly on a need-to-know basis! Because it’s been a long while since anyone has joined, I've been hesitant about adding new people in... But I‘ve decided to try sending invitations again! Everyone who had asked about it in the past will be getting a ping by me in about a day or so, since I want to double-check if you’re still interested. If you’ve been nervous to ask you can reply to this post or message me privately.
Some things to keep in mind before asking or accepting the invite:
If you’re not a friend or a follower I recognize, I will likely double-check your tumblr along with some other current members before sending the invite. 
Here’s the Rules page, so you know what to expect before you join: 
Be Mindful - Respect other people's boundaries, don't do or say things that would cross the line. If your behavior makes other people feel uncomfortable or unsafe, I will remove you from the chat. In most cases I will try to resolve things with you and offer a chance to do better, but that will depend on the severity of the situation. And if you have any concerns regarding another member of the chat, you can contact me privately.
Health Boundaries - While discussions of mental health do occasionally pop up, do not rely on the chat for help. None of us are equipped to handle serious mental health concerns, and it will only cause distress for everyone. Please seek real help if it is needed! If you rely on people beyond the point that they have asked you to stop, I will remove you from the chat.
NSFW - Generally speaking, try to keep NSFW talk to a minimum. Swearing and humor is fine, but don't get too explicit please! Discussions should usually keep to a PG-13 / occasional R, but no NC-17.
Spoilers & Censorship - Please use the spoiler function to hide story spoilers, as well as discussions and graphic depictions of gore/excessive blood/body horror/severe psychological horror. Include a content warning so that people know what they could potentially be seeing when they click on the censored content. If the spoilered content is the subject of a back-and-forth discussion, please use another warning when you are switching to a different spoilered topic. (Note that these rules were added to the chat later, so be careful when using the search function or back reading.)
The canon series involved with the Wildcard AU are Psychonauts, Puzzle Agent, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Brutal Legend, and Sam & Max. Please be mindful of story spoilers!
Channel Organization - Also be mindful of which channel you're in and move a discussion over if need be! That way they don't get too clogged with unrelated info.
Creative Criticism - When it comes to writing, art, or character creation; try to be open to suggestions from others! Nearly all of the creative work in the chat is collaborative, so input from others is important! Creative criticism is not the same as judgement, and is not a personal attack.
Have fun! - Discussions move quickly in this chat! Don't feel bad if you ever need to step back, whether it's because of the speed or a disinterest in whatever current topic we're focusing on. If you ever want to come back, we're happy to have you and can give quick explanations if you feel out of the loop! :thumbsup:
We’re a group of approx. a half dozen to a dozen people, either posting very very quickly in a span of a few hours or barely anything for a few days. We’ve been in an activity uptick lately and there’s about a year and half of back content, too. If it’s hard to keep up on, not that interesting to read through, or you just have a hard time gelling with the group that's already there, there’s no shame in just lurking or dipping out if you need to.
We also talk a lot about Psychonauts OCs, so anticipate that.
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sorcerersofnyc · 3 years
The Last Thing Left (Zemo x F!Reader) 6/9
If it wasn’t so painfully ironic (and hilarious to watch,) Helmut would find the relationship between Sam and James a little sad.
Ghosts weren’t enough to hold two people together.
While they wait for Torres to locate Donya Madani, Zemo brings Sam and Bucky to the home he once shared with you.
You reunite and he reflects upon his relationship with you (his wife’s friend and his friend’s wife) and your journey from being people with mutual friends to partners.
Chapter 6: When he wakes up beside you, Zemo remembers the day everything changed.
Angst, various mentions of death & mourning, Zemo’s wife’s name is Heike because of comics. Implied alcoholism by Zemo as a means to deal with his guilt. I use Serbian Cyrillic as a stand-in for Sokovian. The reader likes waffles (this is a non-negotiable fact).
Note: Main Character is neutral in most regards, but the story was written with my own cultural background in mind. (In other words, I won’t say what she looks like but I envision her as being black.)
First Chapter | Previous
Grief softens, but it never truly leaves.
So when Helmut wakes beside you, he isn’t surprised to find grief there as well. Pain has been a constant companion over the years but today’s grief is nothing but a dull throb in his chest.
He had a dream about his wife again. It wasn’t a sad dream, it didn’t hurt to look upon her face, but his heart ached for her regardless.
In his dream, she was happy, happy to sit and chat in a home that wasn’t quite in Sokovia or Spain, but rather a mix of them both. You were there, too, laughing and smiling alongside her.
She was taking the time to explain something to him, something you already seemed to understand. You both laughed when he failed to get the joke.
With a sigh, Helmut sits up in his bed and turns toward the window.
It’s dawn. The rising sun baths the room in an orangy-pink glow and you sleep soundly beside him. He traces little circles unto your shoulder as he thinks about breakfast, what might he make for you. The answer is obvious, really.
He then turns his thoughts toward his mission, whether or not Sam’s associate would locate Madani soon.
He also thinks about what you may do if he kissed you awake.
He thinks about many things as you sleep beside him.
And as he listens to the steady rhythm of your breath, he thinks that he’s truly happy.
You never asked what happened to Vasily Zaev and Helmut didn’t offer.
News of his death never reached any headlines in Spain or any other International News Broadcast for that matter.
There were the occasional rumors of a scandal, many of which were exacerbated by social media, but nothing outside the ordinary.
His demise was attributed to liver failure and he’d given his entire inheritance to a young woman about a quarter of his age. Tragic indeed.
In the weeks that followed that night at the Opera, you took an interest in his work. There would be no more missions like the one with Vasily (none would ever be that easy and he didn’t like to see you so scared,) but there were plenty of opportunities to conduct research.
And on some nights, you’d talk about more than just mission, nights when you shared your hopes and dreams for the future, your past sorrows, and secret anxieties.
He’d sit with you while you worked on your art, bought you flowers when you completed a commissioned project, and asked plenty of questions about some of your more unorthodox means.
Sometimes you’d take breaks together and watch television or read.
It was strange, just like the day you first hugged him, Helmut felt as though the two of you had breached something.
He now knew where you were born, how you became involved in the arts, how you felt the night you met Dominik at Heike’s dinner party, (“I always thought she set us up on purpose, but she always denied that she did.”)
It was those stories, those small, stolen moments that made him see you differently.
So by the time autumn settled and painted the leaves orange, red and brown, you were no longer just a friend his wife had—you weren’t even the wife of a friend that he had.
You were a friend to him as well.
“Have you seen this?” You asked one day, sitting right beside him on the couch. You were so close, Helmut could feel the heat of your body pressed up against him.
“See what?” He asked, though he knew what you would say.
“This article.” You slid your phone closer to him, leaned forward so close that the curve of your bosom pressed against his arm for just a moment before you leaned away. For the sake of your pride, he pretended not to notice.
The articles mattered more than creating an awkward situation.
He learned that you found articles about the Avengers to be the most interesting. Each headline would often read something like: ‘Accountability: Who Pays for the Avengers’ Mistakes?’ or ‘Sokovia Six Months Later’ and ‘‘Banning Ironman? One Minister Holds Firm.’
They were engrossing.
“They say the U.N. may get involved.” You said one day. “What do you think would happen if they did?”
“Something I’d like to see.” Was his thoughtful reply. And it was true; because even with your help, even as you grew closer together, the weight of his promise still bore down upon him.
The weight of his failure still haunted his sleep.
So for every moment he spent with you, he worked ten times harder. He worked late into the night to complete his research, learned everything he could about the Avengers and the Winter Soldier to complete his plans.
He had to work; he had no choice. Because every laugh, every smile, every lingering glance, every reprieve from his grief was a betrayal to that promise he made to his family—because happiness, even for a moment, meant that he had forgotten them.
There was no other way to justify his actions. In what other way could he be happy in a world where his family was dead?
He hoped to find the answers at the bottom of a bottle, but scotch, whiskey, brandy, and vodka, couldn’t provide a balm for his soul. Not the way your smile did.
So clearly drinking was his only option, the safest option, because he couldn’t let his thoughts linger on you.
He couldn’t compromise his mission.
But then one day, in mid-November, something changed.
Helmut read the headline for an article he knew would suit your fancy, but you didn’t come down for breakfast to discuss it with him, nor did you open when he knocked on your door.
“I’ll be down in a minute,” you told him—but you never came.
You left your room around noon but you barely spoke a word.
Helmut should have been happy for the opportunity to work, the chance to focus without you stealing his gaze, but he couldn’t ignore the lump that formed in the back of his throat when his thoughts drifted to you.
Over the past 7 months, you encouraged him to talk about his feeling, to open up more—but it seemed you weren’t interested in doing the same.
You left the house a word to him.
So Helmut waited for you to return:
He conducted his research and decrypted more files.
He brewed a pot of coffee.
He prepared lunch.
Had a glass of whiskey.
He checked his phone for messages but found nothing from you.
He reorganized your spice cabinets, bringing the most used containers to the front.
He checked his phone again.
Had a glass of whiskey.
And finally, when evening arrived and you still hadn’t come home to him, Helmut went into your room without permission.
He was careful not to disturb your things, (even if he wanted nothing more than to pick your stray socks off the floor,) and looked around the space.
There were books and magazines neatly stacked across every surface, their genres ranged from art and fashion to relationships and grief.
He lingered on that last title before turning his attention to a paper on your nightstand. The page was wrinkled, spotted, and ripped in many places, but he knew what it was before he even held it in his hands.
It was the letter Dominik kept in his pocket, the one he held on to so tightly, the one he had with him when he died.
He frowned, and his eyebrows knit together in concern for you.
You were grieving, and your grief had taken you backward, back to the promise of a simpler time. The letter was filled with the musings of budding love, a love that had grown and flourished before the cruelties of life intervened.
Helmut understood the unpredictable nature of grief, how it came and went without reason or regard, how days or even months could go by before it returned in full force.
So he set the letter down with a sigh and left your room as quickly as he came. You arrived home 20 minutes later.
“Hello,” He greeted you by the door.
“Oh—hi.” You paused by the door, a bag of groceries in hand. He followed you into the kitchen.
“Is there anything I can do to help you?” He asked.
“No, I’m… I got it.” You placed the bag on the counter, unloading a bag of flour, eggs, and a box of powdered cocoa.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” You said, but then pause when you opened the spice cabinet. Your movements slowed before you stilled completely.
“Helmut? Did you…”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no, it’s just… I…”
Helmut didn’t know it at the time, but Dominik would organize your cabinets when he returned from duty. It was his way of telling you he was home if you weren’t there to greet him.
It was that gesture that broke you.
You placed both your hands over your mouth but even that couldn’t force back your cry. “I’m sorry,” you apologized, “I’m sorry—I’m ok,” you lied, but it only seemed to make you cry harder.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” Helmut spoke softly. With a hand on your shoulder, he turned you around to face him but you only shook your head. "Let me help you.”
It took a few more moments of coaxing, but once you calmed, you told him everything.
“His… his birthday is next week.” You said, and it didn’t take a genius to know who you were speaking of. “He wanted me to bake a cake.”
You set a yearly reminder to try new recipes a week in advance, a reminder you’d gotten that morning. “Sometimes I look down at my ring and I still can’t believe it. That’s I’m a...that I’m a widow.” Your voice shook around the word and you sniffled again.
Helmut walked you over to the table, helped you sit on a chair, and poured you a glass of Chardonnay.
“… I never wanted to move to Sokovia—did he tell you that?” He did, but Helmut thought it best not to interrupt you. “I wanted to be with him but I never would have considered it before I met Heike… but I loved him, Helmut, I loved him so much and he promised I’d be happy. There are days when I wake up and-” You didn’t finish that sentence, but he thought he knew what you’d say. There were days when you’d wake up and wonder why you were saved, why your loved ones died and you survived. He didn’t know if you remembered, but you told him this before, on the day he first brought you to Spain.
“… He used to wonder if he made a mistake,” Helmut started, “If he’d done you a disservice by asking you to move when his duties kept him away.” He released a bitter laugh at the memory. “He asked me once if he were selfish.”
“What did you say?”
“That he was.” Helmut shrugged, remembering the look of resignation that crossed his friend’s face, a look you then mirrored exactly.
Helmut put his hand on your shoulder.
“He was selfish, but he didn’t make a mistake… your happiness wasn’t wasted and he’d want you to be happy again.” After all, you didn’t fail Dominik. You hadn’t given him a false sense of security, a promise of safety away from the fighting—Not like he had with his own family.
At first, you looked as though he said something outrageous, something you couldn’t quite believe. But then you nodded, releasing your emotions with a shuddering sigh.
“You’re right… he would want me to, want us both to…”
He sat beside you for the rest of the night. He’d listened to you talk and then when there was nothing left to say, he sat with you in peaceful silence, your head against his shoulder.
And on his birthday, Helmut helped you bake a cake.
You stood in the kitchen together, mixing batter and flouring pans. The sweet scent of your creation spread and the home you shared was filled with joy and warm memories.
By the time you finished, you were exhausted, so he offered to take you to the best restaurant in the city.
It was the least he could do for you.
When you arrived, Helmut told the hostess of your reservation—Zemo, a party of two—and she checked his name off a long list that he somehow managed to get ahead of. The hostess noticed your wedding bands, and as she stepped away from the podium, she said,
‘De esta manera, el señor y la señora Zemo.’ Right this way, Mister and Misses Zemo.
Your eyes growing to the size of dinner plates as you turned to him, but he kept his gaze settled on the hostess, his jaw set closed.
It was an honest mistake, one he’s sure others made before, but to hear it said aloud was baffling. He intended to correct the young lady, but she gestured for you to follow before he thought of what to say.
If he said you were friends, others would presume you were having an affair. Normally, the opinions of others wouldn’t concern him, but he didn’t want anyone to think badly of you.
“That was weird,” you said. “I forgot people must think we’re…”
“Should I have corrected her?”
“It was an honest mistake, nothing worth embarrassing her over.”
And that was that.
You both agreed to treat it as a joke, to have fun with the idea because the alternative, explaining how you came to be together, was much worse.
And besides, Helmut thought while taking in his second cocktail, it wasn’t exactly hard to feign some level of attraction to you; you looked beautiful that night. He liked the way your formal clothing fit around your curves, and the way your heels gave shape to your legs.
He felt immediately guilty for that, however, and followed that guilt with another sip of his drink.
But that night wasn’t the only time someone mistook the two of you for a couple. Like meeting someone whose face one begins to see everywhere they go, he began to notice it more and more.
When he signed for your packages the delivery person would look at his ring and never bother to ask for familial confirmation. The old woman at the bakery would smile a secret, knowing, smile when he asked for two pastries to take home with him. The list of culprits went on and on. Everywhere he went people saw his ring and they’d assume he had a wife at home—that you were his wife at home.
On a gloomy day in January, you convinced him to visit an art gala with you. You made a group of friends around the area but one fell violently ill after a trip to New Jersey. You didn’t want to go alone so he agreed to put his work on hold for the evening.
You lead him to a room of abstract paintings and his attention was torn between the open bar and dizzying array of dark shapes pressed across the underside of a canvas. He couldn’t appreciate the work the same way you did, but he tried.
As he looked for what you described as ‘the emotional turmoil conveyed by the paint strokes,’ you drifted to the next piece and a gentleman approached you.
He was tall, with neatly trimmed hair and a clean-shaven face. The man seemed to recognize you from somewhere and offered his deepest condolences for Sokovia.
“Thank you,” you nodded.
“It was a genuine tragedy, a modern-day Pompeii.” His words gave you a reason to pause, which he seemed to take as permission to wax poetic about Sokovia’s demise in some futile attempt to prove his intellectual prowess.
“Yes, well, thanks for that.” You continued on politely. He didn’t seem to notice the exasperated edge. He opened his mouth to say something else, to perhaps touch you on the shoulder, and Helmut made the immediate decision to ensure that didn’t happen.
“Драга,” Dear, he called as he approached you, placing his hand on your lower back. “I’ve brought you a drink.” Helmut offered you the cocktail from the table, one he was about to drink himself before the man made you uncomfortable. You smiled, a look of relief on your face.
The man was no genuine threat, probably just a lover of art, but something in the way he looked at you, the way his gaze drifted from your face to your wedding band and the instant look of shame that overtook his (admittedly handsome) features, gave his intentions away—and Helmut didn’t like his intentions at all.
“Хвала ти љубави,” Thank you, my love, you replied with the mischievous smile you adopted whenever someone mistook you for being his wife. It was a playful flirtation, one that meant nothing.
Helmut greeted the man with a simple nod, pretending to have been oblivious to his blatant flirting, before guiding you away.
“I never would have thought to compare the destruction of Sokovia at the hands of an Artificial Intelligence to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius near Pompeii. How truly genius.” He said in a mocking tone.
“Stop that,” you nudged him, hushed laughter in your voice.
“I hope that isn’t what passes as flirting these days.”
“Flirting? He wasn’t flirting.”
Helmut struck you with a judgemental look. You tilted your head in contemplation.
“He wasn’t flirting,” you repeat. “It was just weird, that’s not really a topic most people bring up at parties.” You finally slowed your steps and you looked at a statue in the center of the room. It was clearly meant to represent a couple, but their abstract forms created a tangle of limbs that hurt his eyes to look at.
It was then he decided he hated contemporary art.
You took a sip of your drink—his drink—and turned to him. Your eyes met briefly, and you smiled, your eyes sparkling with mischievous glee.
“Let’s see what’s in the next room, душо,” Honey. You exaggerate.
“Of course, драга, lead the way.” You hooked your arm around his and you explored the rest of the gallery.
Eventually, you reached the main lobby where you set your empty glass on a table with dozens of others. An orchestra played a mix of soft melodies and something he thought to be tunes from an action movie. The music found it’s underscore in the murmurs of the guests who indulged themselves in cocktails and hors d'oeuvres.
He watched them for a moment and a dark feeling filled his belly.
This was the life he should have been living—perhaps not at a gaudy contemporary art gallery but something just as fabulous and amazing. This was the life you deserved to live.
Had it not been for Ultron, for the Avengers and others like them, he’d be enjoying this life between missions and military tours.
He might have even retired early, lived his life in bliss.
He felt angry, distraught, and disappointed all at once. So many dangerous thoughts spun around in his head and without even thinking, he looked at you. In his moment of grief and self-pity, he looked toward you to anchor him.
Your eyes landed on the couples swaying back and forth on the polished floor of the gallery. He noticed how close you stood to him, how your arm wrapped around his, the way your hand rested on his forearm.
He took a breath and he made himself smile.
“Would you like to dance, драга?”
“I’ve seen you dance, Helmut. I don’t.”
“You wound me.” He said, pulling you toward the others anyway. “You’ve yet to see me waltz.” (Or perhaps you did, at his wedding or your own, but it wasn’t the time to bring that up.)
He unraveled his arm from your and slid into position, pulling you close.
“You remember the steps, don’t you?” He asked because you had far less practice waltzing than he did. You nodded, but your eyes proved less certain than the gesture implied. “Don’t worry, I’ll lead.”
And he did.
Helmut led you through the steps of the dance, a simple box step he mastered many years ago.
“I think people are looking at us,” you whispered.
“They can take notes,” he replied. You were the only person in his gaze.
You anchored him; your kindness, your friendship, your playful banter, and your outlandish sense of design. With you he felt like less of a failure, his grief softened and he could see a clear path forward in your eyes—an alternate path if he was strong enough to take it.
But the U.N. taking actions against the Avengers seemed all but inevitable then. Helmut knew he could use their plans to his advantage, but it also meant he was running out of time.
Still, part of him wanted to surrender to your gaze, but the other part, the part that won, held firm. He tried to look away but then somehow ended up noticing the soft curve of your mouth and the fullness of your lips.
When the orchestra stopped playing, your dance slowed to a stop. But you couldn’t stop staring at each other, both cursed with the knowledge that something between you had changed.
Thanks for reading! Next time we'll get to see what happens when your flirtation with Helmut is no longer a game.
Feedback is very much appreciated. Please tell me what you think! This was a fun chapter to write.
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zvkydesign · 1 year
5 Character Design Tips for Creating a Winning Game  Character
Are you an aspiring artist looking to make your mark in the world of character design? Or maybe you're a writer who wants to add a little pizzazz to your latest story by creating some amazing characters?
Either way, this guide is for you! Character design can be incredibly rewarding, allowing you to bring your unique vision to life. Let's dive into the steps involved in designing a character that is used by top game concept art services. 
Step 1 - Brainstorming
The first step in character design is brainstorming. To begin, ask yourself questions like "What kind of character do I want to create?" and "What sort of qualities should my character have?" After you've come up with some ideas, start sketching out potential designs.
Don't worry if they don't look great at first – the goal here is just to get your imagination flowing and get a rough idea of what your character will look like in the end.  
Step 2 - Refining Your Design
Once you've got a few sketches on paper, it's time to do the fun part – refining! This is where you'll really start bringing your character to life. Think about how each design element interacts with one another and how that contributes to their overall look.
Consider elements such as facial expressions, clothing choice, posture and more to give them depth and personality. As you refine your design, remember that every detail matters – even seemingly small things like hairstyle or accessories can go a long way toward creating an interesting and unique character. 
Step 3 - Find the Right Tools
When it comes to creating artwork, the tools you use don’t necessarily make or break your success. In most cases, you can accomplish the same outcomes utilizing both traditional and digital mediums – the only difference is the production speed.
It is possible to replicate certain art styles like watercolors on a computer, but they often look best in their original luster. Ultimately, your aesthetic preference and that of your client will heavily influence what tools you decide on.
That being said, no matter how advanced your equipment may be, it cannot compensate for poor concept development or fundamental shortcomings in your artistic skill set. So it is important to hone those skills first and foremost!
Step 4 - Do not underestimate thumbnails
Thumbnails are an important babbling point for creatives. From small previews of images or videos on the internet to sketches in the traditional illustration world, they are useful tools for professionals and hobbyists alike.
Thumbnail sketches allow a video game concept artist to draw out several ideas without committing to a finished piece of artwork. This ensures flexibility when moving through creative processes. 
Step 3 - Creating Your Final Piece
Now that you've refined your design, it's time to create your piece! Start by drawing out each individual element of your character (such as clothing items or facial features) separately before putting them together into one cohesive image.
If needed, use reference images to help perfect certain details or get inspiration from other artists' work. When you're done, take a step back and admire all the hard work that went into creating your very own unique character!  
Congratulations on completing this guide on how to design a character! You now have all the tools necessary to create any type of character imaginable – so what are you waiting for? Get creative and show off those skills!
Whether it's for a comic book series or just for fun, designing characters can be incredibly rewarding when done right. So go ahead – get designing! Who knows? Maybe someday we'll see your characters featured in their own stories! Good luck!
Try us now if you are looking for the best concept art services. We have the dream team of artists for game art services that can put your concept to life. Trust us; we are the best among video game outsourcing companies. 
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not-wholly-unheroic · 3 years
Viewing Disney’s Peter Pan Through the Eyes of an Adult
Recently, I’ve seen several posts floating around talking about how Disney’s Hook is difficult for people to take seriously and is much too comical for what Barrie had intended. I grew up with Disney’s Hook. He was my first introduction to the character and the reason why I became interested in reading classic literature, writing fanfic, and seriously delving into the analysis of complex villainous/antagonistic characters, so he has a very special place in my heart and I’m prone to be quick to defend him. Rather than writing a long-winded reply to these individual posts, I decided to just make my own explaining why Disney’s Hook can be viewed as just as tragic and sympathetic as any other version. (You can also read some of my earlier posts defending Disney’s Hook here and here.)
*takes a deep breath* *cracks knuckles* Buckle up kiddos! You’re in for a long ride!
My view of Disney’s Hook as a tragic character lies primarily in my sympathy for him when he switches from a proud, elegant, dangerous character to a shivering mess of a man when the crocodile comes around. Let me attempt to elaborate--but first, a bit of a necessary digression.
Every film/book/play, etc. can be viewed from several perspectives. Typically, there is one character that we are meant to like and who becomes the primary focus of the story. Anyone who opposes that character is automatically an antagonist, if not a villain. Usually, even if the point of view is omniscient, we can still tell that it is not, perhaps, entirely objective in its portrayal of certain characters. This sort of situation happens all the time on the evening news--the interviewer is, in theory, supposed to be a neutral reporter on an incident, but it is often obvious that they favor one side of an issue over another, and as a result, the public's view of the situation and those involved is skewed. The lens through which we view a certain character tends to do the same thing. For instance, in Les Miserables (another favorite story of mine), Javert is viewed as an antagonist because the book is primarily concerned with the redemption story of Valjean; however, if the story was flipped and instead focused on the inspector's character and his transition from a strict legalist to a man so broken by the idea of morality that he commits suicide, he would, perhaps, be viewed instead as a tragic HERO instead of a tragic ANTAGONIST. Javert likely does many GOOD things in the name of the law as well during his career, but we don't see most of them because he isn't the main focus of the book. Similarly, I think Disney’s Hook can be more greatly appreciated as TRAGIC instead of COMICAL when we consider the lens through which we are viewing him.
Disney has always been geared toward children, so naturally, when they tell a story, they want the material to be attractive to a younger audience. This means not only that certain more frightening or upsetting elements of a story may be left out, edited, or altogether changed, but also that WE VIEW THE CHARACTERS THROUGH THE EYES OF A CHILD. (For example, in The Little Mermaid, King Triton's opposition to Ariel going to the surface world is presented in such a way that he seems extremely harsh when, in reality, he is father trying to keep his daughter safe. True, he DOES overreact, but remember, Ariel is only sixteen--not even LEGALLY an adult--and wants to run off with some guy she hasn’t even had a conversation with. But kids can relate to overbearing parents who, in a moment of disagreement, seem like they are being "mean," so that is how the audience sees Triton.) Peter Pan, especially, with its protagonist(s) as a child/children, really magnifies this perspective to the point where, unfortunately, some of the characters become almost caricatures of themselves. When children are legitimately afraid of something, they react one of two ways: Either they run from it/avoid it altogether, or they make-believe that whatever is frightening them is actually a lot less terrifying than it is so that they appear brave. I remember when I was younger, I used to be TERRIFIED of Monstro, the whale from Pinocchio. I couldn't watch the film without getting nightmares. But I didn't want to be afraid of watching the movie, so with my overactive imagination, I decided that I could fix that by turning him into a less scary version of himself and making him into an imaginary friend who more closely resembled Willy the anthropomorphic opera-singing whale from Make Mine Music than the terrifying creature we see in Pinocchio. Anyway, getting back to the point--I overcame my fear of the character by choosing to imagine that he was less scary than he was. This is what a lot of children do, and I think it's why Disney's Hook comes off as being comical.
The first time we see Disney Hook on screen, he actually comes across as pretty terrifying. He literally shoots his own crew member just because he didn't like the guy's singing! Rarely do we actually see Disney villains successfully kill another character on screen, but Hook does not even five minutes into his introduction. Immediately, we get the impression (or at least, a child should get the impression), that Hook is a genuinely dangerous guy. He also seems to regard his loss of a hand as "a childish prank," which further gives us the impression that he apparently has a pretty high pain tolerance and isn't afraid to do horrible, gruesome things to his enemies. If chopping someone's hand off is "childish," then what sort of serious damage does he inflict on his victims? However, this is Disney, and rather than having Hook gut someone or do something else which might scar a kid for life, we soon see he has a weakness...the crocodile. At this point, the Darling kids have been watching Hook for several minutes from their perch up on the cloud and are, probably, starting to have some second thoughts about fighting real pirates when they seem so scary...so what do they do? They do the same thing I did and turn him into a less-scary version of himself. They find his weakness and latch onto it. And since we're viewing things primarily from their perspective, that's how WE start to see Hook too. Hook's fear of the crocodile becomes comical for the audience because the Darling kids are trying to focus on that aspect of him so that they are can forget how terrifying he really is. We see this more frightening side of Hook come out a few more times, such as when he plans to blow up Pan's hideout...and at this point, we even catch a brief glimpse of the more sinister part of Smee when he asks Hook if it wouldn't be more humane for them to slit his throat...AND THIS IS SMEE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HERE!!! The LEAST frightening of the pirates in ANY version. But I think Disney throws this in just to remind us that Smee is still a pirate, and if HE'S willing to do something THAT bad, Hook is a thousand times worse. However, for the most part, Hook still remains a rather softened, comical version of himself because we are viewing him through the child-lens. Remove that lens, though, and things become more complicated.
Forget, for a moment, that we are supposed to be rooting for the Darling children and Pan, and look again--not as a frightened child who is trying to laugh in the face of danger but as an adult who can feel Hook's pain. I remember one time when I was driving back from the airport in a busy city in the dark and the road was icy...I'm not used to driving in ice, and I'm a naturally nervous driver...At one point, I skidded into the next lane... I literally spent about the next hour hyperventilating, practically rocking myself back and forth, praying, and trying not to cry because I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to see the road. It was horrible... Take that sort of feeling, and I believe it's what Disney Hook is experiencing when the crocodile shows up. Through the "child-lens" it may be funny to see a frightening character in a vulnerable situation, but viewing it as an adult who understands just HOW helpless and terrified one feels in such a situation, you can't help but empathize with Hook. Every move he makes, every tremble in his voice, every look of absolute horror in his eyes tells you that he is not mentally or physically really functioning at the moment. He's on autopilot--he's in survival mode like a wild animal that freezes in hopes that it won't be seen by the approaching predator. Take away the crocodile's obviously silly "theme-music" and Hook's slightly overdone expressions, and you're left with something similar to what we see Hook experience in the novel near the end of the chapter, "The Pirate Ship." ("Very frightful was it to see the change that came over him. It was as if he had been clipped at every joint. He fell in a little heap...he crawled on his knees along the deck as far from the sound that he could go...'Hide me,' he cried hoarsely.") Now we can start appreciating him for the tragic villain that he is supposed to be.
Viewed through the eyes of the Darling children, Hook represents all that is frightening and bad about the grown-up world. If Peter is ice cream parties and summer vacations and catching fireflies in the dark, then Hook is cancer and broken dreams and being worried about being able to make enough money to put food on the table. Barrie, however, tells us that there is much more to both characters than that. Peter has a dark side--a selfish streak that forgets all pain at the cost of never learning from the past, never growing from his experiences and becoming a better person. He is stagnant not only in physically growing up but also in mentally facing reality, which is just as damaging as Hook's attitude of regretting a childhood apparently gone too soon. Hook, too, has a lighter side that loves soft music and flowers and other such things (representative of the good things about being an adult--falling in love, pursuing one's passions in a professional sense, having children of one's own). Disney, of course, doesn't quite do this to the same extent as Barrie since we're given a skewed view of the characters, but it DOES still make a few points which, when stripped of the "child-lens" effect, gives off a similar impression. Peter, for instance, brags to the mermaids at one point about cutting off Hook's hand and feeding it to the crocodile. Though we never get to hear him finish the tale, it is rather unsettling to think that Disney's Pan is capable of such horror. (Personally, no matter WHAT the circumstances of the situation were, I think any real-life child who took such great pleasure in slicing off a body part of another person and then having the presence of mind to feed said body part to a dangerous wild animal would probably be considered a psychopath in need of some SERIOUS counseling.) Disney, of course, glosses over this little inconvenience by having Hook show up before he can really get any further into the story. Again, the child-lens is going up; Wendy doesn't want to see this side of Peter, and neither does the child-based audience, so they choose to look away. However, we see a brief glimpse of this side of Pan again at Skull Rock. First, we see it resurface when he hands Smee a gun and then flies up directly in front of Hook--knowing that he can move out of the way in time. Again, through the child-lens of the audience, it seems funny to watch Smee doing his best (and failing terribly) to aim at Pan...but when you think about it from an adult's perspective, it's actually pretty disturbing. Peter legitimately wants Hook dead and doesn't care if it happens to be at the hand of one of his own crewmen (and arguably, in the Disney universe, Hook's only real friend). When Hook "dies," Peter simply takes the hat and says nonchalantly, "What a pity, Mr. Smee. I'm afraid we've lost the dear captain." It doesn't even phase him that a man might have just died and poor Smee is probably feeling absolutely HORRIBLE because it was (sort of) his fault. Even Wendy's child-lens falters a little here... While Peter is celebrating Hook's death, she at least, has enough of an adult's heart to have compassion on their fallen enemy and turn her face away with an, "Oh, how dreadful!" It happens again a few moments later when Peter is getting ready to kick Hook's hook off the ledge so that he falls into the waiting jaws of the crocodile. (The captain, at this point, is of course, squirming like--to use Peter's phrasing--"a codfish on a hook.") Again, Pan has no sympathy, but Wendy, who is starting to gradually open up her eyes to the truth that maybe staying a child forever isn't all it's cracked up to be and maybe adulthood isn't entirely bad, is losing her "child-lens." Not entirely. Not to the point where she doesn't continue to view Hook as comical to keep from being afraid. But enough to know that what Peter is about to do is wrong. She expresses this verbally when she shouts, "Oh, Peter, NO!"
It is at this point, shortly after the crocodile chase, that we start to see Hook become more of a legitimate threat (and a legitimately sympathetic character) again. Why? Because Wendy, as the protagonist and the one whose eyes we are looking through even more so than Pan, is starting to grow up and face reality for what it is--scary or not. As she sings "Your Mother and Mine" and tells her brothers that they NEED a mother--that Neverland has been fun but they NEED to go home--Hook is throwing Tinkerbelle in a lantern and planning to kidnap the kids and blow Pan to smithereens. And then we get the "slit his throat" reminder (mentioned above)... Also, as a side note, when Hook is ill after the crocodile chase, we hear him lamenting how Pan has made him look like a fool yet again. This is also something that I think we can appreciate more as adults. All Hook's crew wants is to go back to haunting the Spanish Main, but Hook refuses to leave Neverland because he feels that he has to remain there until he can regain his pride...which in and of itself is admirable, since many people who have been played the fool simply hang their head and walk away in shame. Here's this guy who has been bested by a child no more than twelve or thirteen--and possibly much younger... How must that feel? I have been in an emotionally abusive relationship where I was constantly reminded how I couldn’t do anything right, and it felt SO degrading. I literally just wanted to go hide away in my room and cry because I felt so incompetent and useless and just plain stupid. So how does Hook feel? Probably the same way. But he doesn't give up. If there's one thing we can say for sure about Disney Hook, he's a fighter. So, I guess you could say that, in part, one reason I find Disney Hook so sympathetic and tragic is because I can identify with him in his crippling reaction to fear and admire him for his bold attempts to reclaim his pride.
Anyway, getting back on track with the storyline... As we near the end of the film, Hook once again appears to lose face at the final showdown. At first, this doesn't seem to make sense if Wendy is, in fact, beginning to lose the child-lens. However, although Hook is defeated, we are never actually shown that he dies (and obviously, from the second film, in the Disney universe, he doesn't). I remember reading somewhere that when they were originally working on Peter Pan, Walt Disney chose to keep Hook alive and just have him "going like hell" rather than actually dying because, "the audience will get to liking Hook." And by this point, we have...those of us still looking through the child-lens love to hate him as a character we can laugh at, and those of us who are more grown-up love him for being just like us--an adult who is STILL growing up, in some ways, who is STILL afraid of certain things and hasn't always learned his lessons and isn't perfect but also isn't willing to give up even when everything is against him and everyone is laughing at him and nothing seems to go right.
Now, I said that at first, it doesn't seem to make sense for us to view Hook in a comical light in this scene if we are viewing the movie primarily through the eyes of the Darling children--particularly Wendy, who is starting to grow up and realize that adults are supposed to feel things like compassion for one's enemies. However, Wendy is still a child. She IS still afraid of growing up. In fact, she's terrified. And that comes out when the kids are all mocking Hook. He's still frightening to them. They still need the security blanket of pretend sometimes, of focusing on his more comical, vulnerable side...but they don't defeat Hook by killing him in this version, and I think that's significant. As representative primarily of the "scary" parts of growing up, Hook is temporarily cast aside and shoved to the back of their minds, but he IS NOT DEAD. The kids (and even Pan) know he may come back. They know he isn't gone for good. One day, they will have to face adulthood. One day, Hook--in the guise of mortgages and taxes and wars and sickly older parents--will return. But for now, they have defeated him...not just by pretending but by choosing to accept the responsibility of growing up eventually, in their own good time. Even Peter starts to reflect this theme by beating Hook, "man to man" without the use of flight. Wendy, who wants to be the good grown-up but who isn't quite ready to let go of childhood, warns Peter against it, thinking that it may be a trap. She even goes so far as to shout at him to fly when he has the chance even though he has promised not to. But Disney Pan is a bit more mature than some (maybe Wendy's better judgment is wearing off on him), and he keeps his word. He beats Hook "like a man" NOT like a boy. Pan's victory here symbolically reflects the Darling children's decision to face adulthood by going back to London. Thus, Hook is defeated because adulthood is no longer an obstacle which causes a fear is so crippling that the kids can't face it. When Wendy returns home, we get one last glimpse of this truth in Mr. Darling--the real-world representative of all things frightening and frustrating about growing up and, as I'm sure you know, also (significantly) voiced by Conried--who has done some "growing up" himself. Mr. Darling, it seems, is willing to allow Wendy a bit more time to enjoy life as a child, remembering his own childhood fondly, even as Wendy has chosen to accept the responsibility of growing up. Mr. Darling, who much like Hook, was viewed previously by the kids (and by extension, the audience) as a bit of a bully and an object of ridicule, is now the object of Wendy's affection as a mutual understanding is reached. Adulthood is frightening in many ways, but Wendy has also come to realize that it is necessary to take responsibility for one's actions and feel compassion for others just as Mr. Darling has realized that sometimes, it's okay for kids to be kids and enjoy the moment. Essentially, what I'm saying is--borrowing the idea that Hook and Mr. Darling are two sides of the same coin--Hook in Neverland, chased away by the crocodile, appears as comical in the last scene only because he effectively gets one last serious scene through his London counterpart, staring wistfully out the window with a loving wife and child by his side. Wendy isn't quite yet grown up, so she still sees through the child-lens on occasion, but she is learning, gradually, to embrace that which she once feared. She no longer needs Hook, an imaginary figure, to personify that fear. She now has her father back, and though she now RESPECTS what he stands for, she is no longer so terrified of growing up that she can't appreciate the GOOD side of the future (such as having a husband and a family of her own someday) and look forward to it.
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noaltbruh · 3 years
Since I got my friend into the UT fandom, and the brainrot for this game is slowly coming back, I've figured that I'd fuse my favourite franchises and make this post, enjoy!
-This may surprise you, but Giorno would almost do a Blind Pacifist run
-While at first, he was planning on taking out whoever got in his way, he changed his mind in the moment he saw Toriel
-After she taught him how to resolve the various conflicts peacefully, he decided not to fight, but to show MERCY to every monster
-He finds the multiplicity of choices a very interesting mechanism, especially since he's not much of a gamer, and he's pleasantly surprised to see such an innovative game
-While most of the times he would completely avoid the FIGHT button, if a monster got on his nerves a little too much, he may attack it until it doesn't want to fight anymore
-He takes the time to interact with everything and everyone, he wants to enjoy the game at its fullest
-He was so freaking lucky to meet Gaster on his first run
-Actually brought the piece of snowman with him
-He's part of the "Chara defense squad", and finds them strangely...relatable
-He was just about to do a full Pacifist route, but he couldn't bring himself to SPARE Flowey, and killed him
-"I won't let you hurt her"
-Ultimately, he regretted it, and reset his save file
-After doing a TRUE Pacifist, he left the game, leaving the monsters alone and giving them an happy ending
-Only knows about the Genocide through gameplays
-Favourite character: Toriel, but also likes Chara quite a lot
-Favourite OST: Memories, followed by home, Undertale, Megalo strikes back and Star (he doesn't care if they actually don't play in the game)
-What SOUL would he have: DETERMINATION
-My man wouldn't hurt a fly if he had the chance to, off to the Pacifist route he goes
-Similar to Giorno, he finds Toriel a very comforting character, but he feels bad for pretty much every monster he meets. He thinks it's unfair for them to be forced to stay in the UNDERGROUND, and wants to find a way to destroy the barrier at any cost
-He's never played a videogame before, but he gets the hand of it quite quickly, even though he still ends up dying a couple of times.
-He would also be the kind of player to interact with EVERYTHING, paying close attention to whatever the passing monster has to say
-Sometimes, he likes to take a break, lay down and listen to the OST of the place he's exploring
-The most challenging enemies for him were Undyne and Asgore. It took him a while to realize that the only way to spare her was to run away, and he just really didn't want to hurt Goat papa
-He lets the bird carrying him to the other side, even if he doesn't actually need to move around. He just wants the little guy to feel appreciated
-Veeeery reluctantly, he decided to SPARE Flowey, it would have been a waste to kill somebody now, after everything that he had done so far
-He almost cried at the Pacifist ending
-He refuses to even acknowledge what happened in the Genocide route
-Favourite characters: Toriel and Asgore
-Favourite OST: Fallen down, but he also likes Heartache, Home and Waterfall
-What SOUL would he have: KINDNESS
-Mista's first run would be a Neutral. It's not that he enjoys killing the monsters, he's mostly just too lazy to think of a way to spare them
-If it's obvious, however, he'll just casually show the enemy MERCY, there's no need to take out absolutely everyone
-The only one who he genuinely looked for a way to spare was Papyrus. Honestly, he couldn't bring himself to just hurt him 'cause he had the chance to. Besides...He was afraid of what Sans would have done
-Speaking of him, he finds his jokes HILARIOUS, and he will use them in real life conversations if he gets the chance to
-He basically wasted all his money fighting Undyne
-He didn't buy the spider donut in the RUINS, and was forced to farm gold for 3 entire freaking days and buy one directly from Muffet
-After finishing the neutral route, he decided to go back and try the others. His next route was a Genocide
-He was about to shoot his computer AND himself while fighting Sans, but he eventually managed to beat him. Of course, after swearing at 3 A. M., drinking 10 cans of Sprite, listening to Megalovania on loop and threatening to throw Narancia out of the window because he interrupted him while he was playing
-His favourite moment during the Pacifist was cooking with Undyne
-He immediately questioned his life choices when he finished the route and saw Chara taking over Frisk's body. Closed the game and never opened it again
-Favourite characters: Papyrus, Sans and Undyne. He refuses to choose an absolute favorite
-Favourite OSTs: Megalovania and Song that might play when you fight Sans. He also likes Bonetroulse and Spear of justice
-What SOUL would he have: BRAVERY
-Narancia playing this game would be a total mess. Ironic, considering he's the one in the gang that likes video games the most
-Despite Toriel's guidance, at first, he would FIGHT every monster that got in his way, following the simple "It's an rpg, the more I kill, the better it is" logic
-When he saw the "but nobody came" screen, however, he freaked the hell out and immediately reset
-After that mini heart attack, he went on a full Pacifist route. However, sometimes, he would snap and accidentally kill a monster. He lost count of how many times he had to reload the file
-He also really likes Toriel (she's just very popular among the Bucci gang). The reason for it...Is not a very happy one, like in Giorno's case
-He genuinely tried to stay with her, he didn't want to leave Goat mom
-He's the one who gets emotionally invested in the game the most, he even forgets it's a game at times and just erase the surrounding world from his head
-He LOVES to voice the characters while he plays, it makes the story feel way more alive for him. He makes a very good Papyrus impression
-Speaking of which, his favourite parts of the game were the interactions between Sans and Papyrus.
-He lost his s**t when he arrived at the Temmie village. He stayed there FOR HOURS farming money. Heck, he even bought the Temmie armor
-He refused to open the game for two days after Flowey stole the SOULS
-He wanted to ask someone to play the TRUE lab with him, but he refused to admit that he was scared
-While he's not the kind of player who stops by to read every dialogue, he makes an exception for Snowdin. He really likes that area of the game!
-While he would never admit it, he cried three times during the Pacifist route. The first time when he left Toriel, the second when he heard Chara and Asriel's story, and the third when he finished it
-His favourite fight in the game is the one against Asriel. He kept on repeating the "Don't you have anything better to do" dialogue for 20 minutes, before giving up to the idea that there was really no way to save him
-After giving the monster an happy ending, he was overwhelmed by his own curiosity, and decided to try the Genocide route...Boy did it go wrong
-You thought he cried a lot during the Pacifist? He became a freaking fountain during the Genocide. Every single time he killed a Boss, he cried, with no exception
-He spent days trying to defeat Sans, until he was given the option to SPARE him, and so he did
-...The others could hear him yelling from the other floor after what happened next
-He got tired of Sans' bulls**ts, reset and did a Pacifist again
-He watched a gameplay to know what happened in the Genocide ending. Chara's jumpscare still haunts him
-Narancia gets really involved in the stuff made by the fandom, especially fan made songs and comics
-He listens to "To the bone" religiously, it's part of his routine
-He tried and failed to figure out how AUs work
-Favourite character: Papyrus, followed by Toriel and Asriel. He used to like Sans a lot too...But now he gets Vietnam flashbacks every time he thinks about him
-Favourite OSTs: Bonetroulse, Hopes and dreams and Snowdin. He can't choose between them
-What SOUL would he have: INTEGRITY
-Fugo would categorically refuse to reset on his first run. What it's done, it's done, and he has to take responsibilities for his choices
-He would do a Neutral, killing whoever he encounters, but without specifically looking for the monsters just so that he can kill them
-That doesn't mean, however, that he dislikes to play with the timeline. It's quite the opposite, to be honest
-Fugo enjoys messing around with the save files A LITTLE too much, dude basically became an hacker playing this game
-In his attempt to make a Pacifist run, he fu**ed up and accidentally got the Hacker ending
-He toned it down a little after that, but he still managed to modify the FUN value enough to meet Gaster and his followers
-He's also the only one who unlocked Sans' room. He doesn't trust him, but he finds him an interesting character
-Neither the Pacifist or Genocide endings particularly picked his interest, even though he did punch the walls a couple of times fighting Sans
-He likes to try the different Neutral endings, he doesn't do all of them, just the ones he thinks that would affect the monsters the most
-The only character he got attached to emotionally was Alphys, he can see himself a lot in her
-He's very interested in the various theories that surround this game, and he's waiting for Deltarune to come out, he just wants to know more about Gaster
-Favourite character: Alphys, but Gaster is a close second
-Favourite OST: Darker, darker, yet darker, followed by Here we are, Waterfall and Premonition
What SOUL would he have: faded BRAVERY
-MERCY? Is that a food? Yeah uhm...No, that doesn't exist with Abbacchio, nothing but Genocide for him
-It's already a surprise someone convinced him to play this game. He'll play in his own way, and that means killing literally everyone, not simply the ones he encounters, but even looking for them just to earn more Exp
-He was...Weirdly satisfied when he saw the "But nobody came" screen, and he was lucky enough to find every monster almost immediately
-He hadn't found a single character that he liked until he reached Undyne. Her sense of justice reminded him of his old self, which wasn't exactly pleasant at first, but at least he felt something
-He was finally happy to see a monster actually trying to stop what he was doing, and killing her was the only thing in the game that made him slightly sad
-He's still offended for not having the chance to kill monster kid, he couldn't stand that child
-He skipped through pretty much every dialogue in the game, not that there are many people to interact with during the Genocide...
-He'd eat a piece of the snowman right in front of him just to spite him, then take the rest and leave
-He didn't care about whatever Flowey was trying to tell him about his past. That's also because without knowing he's Asriel, most of what he says doesn't really make sense
-In the moment Sans dodged his attack, he realized that he had screwed up REALLY bad. After dying against him a couple of times, he considered resetting, but he wouldn't have let "the lazy skelefu**" have it his way
-He let out a huge "YES" and a sigh of relief when he finally managed to hit him, it took him around a week
-However, little did he know, that the worst still had to come. When he noticed that he wasn't the one who had just killed Asgore and Flowey, he freaked out a little, and Chara staring directly at him made him feel a small shiver down his spine
-Still, he decided to decline their offer to destroy everything, not because he regretted what he had done, he just wanted his revenge on the child for scaring him
-He closed the game after the jumpscare, and never questioned what the hell he had been through
-Favourite character: Undyne
-Favourite OSTs: But nobody came and Battle against a true hero, he also likes The fallen child
-What SOUL would he have: very very faded JUSTICE
-Trish got into this game just because of its music, she kept on hearing it everywhere and wanted to understand where it came from
-She was kinda scared at first, videogames aren't exactly her forte, and her encounter with Flowey didn't help
-She slowly got used to the dynamics of the game, even though she died at least three times in every area, exept for the RUINS. (She only got a game over two times there)
-She doesn't have the heart to hurt anybody, she thinks the monsters (well...Most of them, at least) are adorable! Shyren is her favourite minor enemy, and when she saw the "Taking piano lessons again" text, her heart melted a little
-She refused to take off the faded ribbon until she found she tutu, but she never sold either of them
-She loves flirting with literally ANYONE. You can? Well then...You must!
-Her favourite area is Hotland, including the Core too. She loves the whole "artificial" theme of the place, and she had a lot of fun reading Alphys's posts!
-She would pretend to be an actual part of Mettaton's programmes, but only when she was 100% sure nobody could hear her
-Needless to say, the boss fight against him was one of the funniest parts of the story for her
-Another thing she absolutely adored were the dates with Papyrus and Alphys, especially the latter. After everything that had happened, it was a nice opportunity to relax for a bit
-Similar to Narancia, Trish gets really involved emotionally in playing the game, and she had to take a little break from it before facing Asgore
-The ending genuinely made her cry, but it was the only time she shed a tear through it
-She doesn't care about trying the Genocide, she's worked hard to give the monsters an happy ending, and she wasn't going to throw it away
-She's in love with the Undertale Musical by Man on the Internet, she knows pretty much every song by memory
-Favourite character: Mettaton, but she honestly really likes all of them
-Favourite OST: Death by glamour, followed by Metal crusher, Power of NEO, and Another medium
-What SOUL would she have: INTEGRITY
Yes, I know that Narancia's part is longer, but it's just so funny to write about this baby, bear with me please 😌
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sad3girl · 4 years
I have this idea stuck in my head for a canon divergent fic where Aang and Katara get divorced when Tenzin is around 7-8 years old, and since I couldn't find the year Bumi and Kya were born (if any of you know please tell me) I'll just say Kya's around 11 and Bumi's 14(?). They stay friends and co-parents, but they just weren't working out and they knew it, Bumi gets it because he's a little older and he realized his parents weren't happy, Kya doesn't totally get it at first but then she comes to terms with it and Tenzin doesn't understand at first, and when he does he absolutely hates everything about it and just wants his parents back together.
They have joint custody and Katara lives in Republic City, wanting to expand her horizons and try new things, and even getting a job as a healer because I know that she wouldn't want to just be a housewife. Meanwhile Aang stays in Air Temple Island, going over to Republic City a lot though, and still travelling around the world when needed of course.
I don't really know how but I would see Katara and a reformed Azula kind of starting a flirtationship, before actually starting dating, simply because I really got into that pairing recently but I also think that the concept of parent Katara starting to date socially inept Azula is just amazing (I had a couple of ideas like maybe Katara was already helping Azula adapt to Republic City as a favor to Zuko, and she realizes how much she’s changed and how fun she is to be around, or maybe they run into each other at the hospital, or at a coffee chop and have a ‘meet cute’ though not really because they already know each other, or maybe at a party and at first they’re still antagonistic towards each other, and they keep running into each other so they slowly start becoming friends and then girlfriends, I don’t know, I’m just not sure yet)
As they're still friends Katara would talk to Aang about it, because as we learned from the comics in the Southern Water Tribe same sex couples were not really talked about, and that was in 173 (?) AG (correct me if I’m wrong). And of course, we know that Aang would be totally chill about it since he’s a monk, he would probably be more concerned about the fact it was Azula and tell her so, encouraging her to follow her heart because he trust her judgement, but telling not to be careless.
A couple of months after that starts happening and Azula and Katara have gotten serious she introduces her to the kids. Bumi loves Azula instantly because she’s badass and she doesn't really know how to handle it (though honestly she doesn't really know how to handle any of her girlfriend’s children), Kya is skeptical but she thinks Azula is pretty and cool so by the end of the dinner she likes her well enough, but Tenzin is difficult as always. Now, we know Tenzin has a temper but I don't know if child Tenzin would be prone to temper tantrums and if he would be outwardly malicious to someone he just met, but he definitely wouldn’t be chummy with Azula, probably even glaring at her a lot, and Katara would be able to tell he didn't like her (though he just doesn't like her on principle because even though she's kind of weird he thinks she's cool, but he wants his parents together). Both Katara and Aang would try to talk to him about it and try to get him to give Azula a chance but it wouldn’t really change his mind at first.
Sokka would be incredibly suspicious of Azula, because he's Sokka, but Suki would keep him in check when they visit and are inevitably forced by Katara into a double date (which Zuko and Mai had warned them about, apparently Katara loved double dating since the divorce, even before Azula. Once, she forced Aang to go on a double blind date which ended in disaster, but became a very funny story after a while). With time he would lose his suspicions and actually come to like Azula, because of how happy she made Katara mostly, but he would never admit it to her face, their relationship mainly consisting of empty insults to one another, despite actually coming to care for each other.
I feel like the divorce would sort of give Aang a reality check and make him spend some more time with his kids, though I may be totally off base. But he would hang around Republic City as much as he could, because he already only gets to see his kids half the time (I picture them trying to divide their time with the kids as evenly as possible, even though ultimately due to work Aang spends less time with them). And by being in the city a lot it would give him more time to hang out with Toph when the kids were at Katara's.
Then their friendship would flourish into something more, but you know slowly. Aang would have lunch with her when the kids were at school, they would just hang around her house, with Lin and baby Suyin (because Su would be around 1-2 years old at that point), Aang would try to help the police force after hearing more of Toph's stories and realizing a lot of what he does lately are just meetings and wanting to help, but she would mostly be annoyed at him when he tried to help, like with Yakone, only sometimes letting him tag along.
Their feelings and attraction grow with time and they both know the other feels it too, but both of them don't really know if it's a good idea so it remains unspoken for a while. 'Uncle' Aang becoming a regular at the Beifong house during the week, unless it was one of his days with the children, or he had work. And 'Aunt' Toph and the girls sometimes tagging along on weekends at Air Temple Island. First time there Toph calls Aang out for spending too much time with just Tenzin and telling him to let him and Lin play in the mud for a while and to spend time with his other children. Which he does. After that they have a deep, long, conversation about parenting. I picture Katara and Azula also going to Air Temple Island on some weekends, just like I see Aang having dinner at Katara's on some nights when he doesn't have the children. Tenzin still doesn't totally warm up to Azula as his mom’s girlfriend, no matter how many times Katara or Aang talk to him about it, but he starts liking her more as an individual after some time.
Lin and Tenzin weren't really friends yet before, but with their parents spending a lot of time together they become best friends, becoming practically attached to the hip despite Lin being about a year younger than Tenzin. Though Tenzin sometimes gets jealous that Lin and Su get to see his dad when he doesn’t because he's at his mom's.
After getting a reality check from Toph, Aang starts analyzing his relationship with his children and realizes he probably has been neglecting Kya and Bumi quite a bit, even if unintentionally. Though at this time I don't think it was quite as bad, since he hasn't started travelling all around with Tenzin and leaving them in the dust. He starts to spend more time with his kids, not just all three of them or even just Kya and Bumi, but also time with each of his children one-on-one. Having a daddy-daughter day with Kya, and taking Bumi to watch his first pro-bending match, letting Kya paint his nails, going to Bumi's school events, teaching him non bending defensive fighting styles, playing with Kya with Waterbending, and of course always still paying attention to Tenzin and spending time with him as he always did. And just overall spending more time with all of them, bonding, even if they're doing nothing.
One night Toph and him get into an argument, because he got involved in some gang related investigation and he tries to 'protect' her, but she can protect herself and she doesn't need him to do anything for her, he of course knows this but watching the woman he's grown to love in danger didn't let him think straight in the moment, of course the realization that he was actually in love with Toph now doesn't come out of his lips. They fight it out with words, and they get pretty loud, they hope that the girls can't hear them since they're at Toph's house, but the fighting just gets worse and worse. And then he just kisses her and she kisses back and then, before they can do something they can’t take back, they break apart, knowing they're being stupid and impulsive and deciding to continue their conversation the next day.
They don't continue their conversation the next day, however, because Toph avoids Aang all day while he tried at every available moment to reach her, failing time and time again. That afternoon he has to pick up his kids so he decides to continue his attempts the next day.
He only manages to reach her at night, in her house, once the girls are already asleep. She still tries to deflect the conversation, and calling him names. But eventually they do talk it out, and they finally let out their feelings, being honest with each other. Toph says that they're too different to actually work, being blunt and cynical as always, telling him that he couldn't even stay married to his dream girl so why would they ever last. And Aang, ever the optimist, tells her that while there is no guarantee for the future, that he knows how he feels, and that it isn't the same childlike love he felt for Katara, that was too much, too soon, too idealistic and coddling and way too much like familial love and most of all just not what either of them needed. That their differences are what makes him believe they can work, because he feels free to get angry around her and he's not scared when she gets angry at him, he doesn't like it exactly but he knows it's because she cares. That she’s honest with him, and that he’s never kept anything from her. That despite not being the most emotional person, she’s the one he goes to when he’s feeling down, not because she fixes him, but because she is there for him and knows he doesn’t need encouraging words, but just someone to listen. He lists every reason why he loves her. Eventually, even Toph can't keep listing reasons why they're bad for each other, she knows realistically that they not. That they're actually a perfect match. So instead of arguing she kisses him, and he spends the night.
Nothing really changes, their routine is the same. Only that when he comes over to the Beifong residence he doesn't leave after dark, he stays the night and the next day he makes breakfast. And when the Beifongs join him and the kids at Air Temple Island, she stays in his bedroom instead of one of the guest bedrooms. They both let Katara know immediately, and she is delighted. She forces them to have a double date with her and Azula about a week after they start dating and only after do they realize that now, for the rest of their lives they have to live with the knowledge that Azula was at their first date, and it wasn't awful (double dates with Azula and Katara become an almost monthly thing after that). For some reason, I think reformed Azula, along with redirecting her energy into planning events (she's totally the event planner of the century) also redirects it into being a huge gossip, so within two more weeks all their other friends are informed of the new relationship.
They decide to tell all the kids after about seven or eight months, not wanting to rush anything and not seeing any reason for it either. They decide to break the news during Sunday lunch at Air Temple Island. Once they do, Lin is unimpressed saying she already knew, Bumi suspected but he's really happy for both of them, especially because he loves Toph already and always has, since she's family either way, Kya is completely shocked but happy regardless, Suyin doesn't really understand anything going on but Tenzin just flips and walks off. It's been a while since his parents got divorced but he's still young and he's hurt that someone he considers family is 'coming between his parents'.
Aang tries to talk to him but he won't even open the door. His siblings try as well, taking some time off of teasing him to try to talk to him but he won't budge. So, Toph volunteers to give it a shot. Aang is reluctant, knowing how blunt Toph can be and not being sure if that's the best idea but she convinces him. Surprisingly, she actually manages to break through to him a little. Not enough he's magically okay with it all, but enough he comes out of his bedroom and has dinner with everyone.
Toph won't tell Aang what she said or what Tenzin said, and neither will Tenzin. But, she does tell him that he and Katara should look into a therapist for him so he can actually start working through all his stuff, as clearly time alone hasn't helped.
Things aren't perfect, Toph and Aang argue and bicker a lot. About pretty much anything they could argue about; grocery shopping, work, spending more time with the kids, giving the kids more rules, being more affectionate with the kids, not coddling the kids so much, where they're going to live full time, if they're going to travel together or not, just, a lot of things. That’s just how communication and relationships work. Katara does get involved a lot in the fights about the kids, not only the ones about hers with Aang's but in the ones about Toph's girls as well, because Katara wouldn't let Toph be such a relaxed parent as she was in LoK, but let's be honest neither would Aang.
Azula moves in with Katara after Tenzin starts actually dealing with his feelings about the divorce, which helps him to finally start accepting the changes to his family, slowly, but he’s trying his best and he's getting there. And him and Azula start getting along better, she always tells off his siblings when they bother him, she likes reading books with him and she teaches him how to cheat in Pai Sho to beat Bumi. She also makes surprisingly good brownies which everyone loves (and when Sokka comes to visit he always asks if she poisoned them before eating them). She gets along great with Bumi because he loves hearing stories about her adventures and she always helps him with school. And Kya just adores her because she teaches her how to act like a princess. Azula is actually a really good step mom to all the kids, and it really warms Katara's heart to see them all getting along and playing board games, playing with dolls, reading, baking together, or in one particular instance plotting revenge against some girl who pushed Kya (which she had to intervene, but she thought it was cute nonetheless).
Toph herself is also a great sort of step mom, having already known the kids all their life and being their favorite ‘Aunt’, the only real change was she got to spend more time with them and further along she had to help educate them (which she hated doing). They all love her and think she’s the coolest because come on, she’s Toph. Tenzin still has trouble with her dating his dad, but just like with Azula it gets better after a while. It certainly helps that she teaches him and Lin how to prank his siblings. Kya especially loves having step sisters, even if Lin won’t let her play with her hair or do her make up. And Bumi always wants to know what cases she’s working on. Aang as a step dad is basically the same as he is as a dad after the divorce, Lin always loved him because he was incredibly fun to be around, and as a step dad who’s trying his best to be a good dad he’s always there for her even if she just wants someone to play with because Tenzin is at Katara’s and she’s bored. Su takes to him like a moth to a flame, being so young she loves playing dolls with him and being carried in his shoulders.
Toph and Aang (officially) move in together two months after Katara and Azula. They decide to live in Republic City during the week and go to Air Temple Island on the weekends since it's easier considering their jobs and the kids' school. Since Suyin was so young when they started dating, shortly after they start living together she starts calling Aang daddy. The first time it happened Toph didn't even realize it, since Aang wasn't even around and Kya had said it, so she just deduced she was parroting the older girl. The second time it happened with Aang, he had finished reading her a bedtime story and told her goodnight when she said 'goodnight daddy'. He assumed they were both just tired and it meant nothing but he couldn't help but feel extremely happy at the thought that that's what Su saw him as (because if you don't love your partners' children as your own then idk what to tell you), he decided against telling Toph though, thinking it was most likely a fluke and she'd be back to calling him Aang or her preferred nickname for him 'Toes'. The third time it happened Toph freaked out, she had just picked up Su from her school when the little girl told her 'I have a present for you and daddy'. Of course, she didn't let it show and just followed along with Su's conversation, but inside she was completely losing it worrying about what Aang was going to do if she said that in front of him. She didn't have much more time to worry about it or even tell him, because as soon as he got home she called him over with that very moniker. They both just went along with it, both knowing the other was tense and stressed and not knowing what to do about it. Toph was stressed about Aang's reaction, and Aang was stressed about Toph's reaction, but neither of them minded, if anything it filled their hearts with happiness. At night they talk about it and both realize with relief that they're both actually thrilled about it.
Not even a week after, the whole Gaang meets, Katara and Azula already knowing about the whole ordeal. Not even five minutes pass before Azula tells everyone else and Katara's already chastising her.
Azula and Toph become unlikely friends and give each other heads ups when one of the kids is in a particularly bad mood, and they just bond over being step moms and their conflicting relationships with their respective parents (Azula and her mom still have a very rocky relationship though it does improve more and more with time, especially after Ursa sees how good Azula is with the kids, in her own way. And Toph is getting along with her parents better, but I just can't see them being very content with her having children out of wedlock, being high society and all so they're also still working out a lot of things).
Aang still travels for work, but he tries his best to leave his long trips for summer, unless they are emergencies, that way he can take the family in a bit of a family trip even if he still has to work some. During the summer he and Katara make a schedule, letting him have the kids for the first month and a half while he goes in Avatar and/or diplomatic missions, at the end of which they will meet in Ember Island where she will he staying with Azula, Aang and Toph and the girls stay there for two weeks with the whole family, actually vacationing for once. Zuko, Mai and Sokka and Suki also make an appearance with their own kids during the last week Aang and Toph are staying and it is an absolute mess but also a blast. During the trip Toph suspects she's pregnant and doesn't know how to tell Aang, and is worried that the kids aren't going to be too receptive of the information.
She tells Katara first, as soon as she is in Ember Island and she is able to confirm Toph's suspicions. She tries to comfort her and tell her that it's all going to be fine and that Aang and the children are going to be ecstatic, but Toph isn't so sure. She knows Aang will probably be happy, but she's mostly worried about Tenzin and Su's reactions. That night she tells Aang and he's over the moon. They decide to tell all their friends before telling the kids, or Azula, knowing how she can be, so they wait one week for everyone to get there.
Zuko and Sokka tease Aang endlessly (like they did when they first found out they were dating), Mai and Suki are very happy for the couple and Azula claims her 'rightful role' as the child's godmother (which scares Aang a little but just makes Toph laugh). After getting that out of the way they tell all their kids together, and are pleasantly surprised to find out that even Tenzin is excited for a sibling, saying he wishes it's an Airbender like him. Kya just wants it to be another girl, Bumi wants it to be another boy claiming there are too many girls in the family and that the 'men' are outnumbered, Lin is sure it's going to be a girl and that she's going to be an Earthbender too, and Su just wants a baby sister to play with.
That's as far as my idea got, I may get more later but so far I'm not sure if I want the baby to be a girl or a boy, an Airbender or a non-bender or and Earthbender. Just, no clue. But I do know that a while after the baby is born Azula and Katara adopt a 3 year-old Firebender, both of them loving being parents and wanting one more kid (though I feel they could also later become foster parents because Katara definitely has the right gentleness to be a foster mother, and they both just care about these kids in bad homes so much). I really fell in love with this idea what can I say, I could actually go on and on until everyone in the Gaang is a grandparent but I'll just leave it here to (maybe) continue later.
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