#tw freezing
factual-fantasy · 1 year
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This drawing was originally going to be with my last Mario Power-up post. But the theme of this one was much darker in comparison to the other drawings. So I felt it should have its own post. Lore under the cut! :0
TLDR: If Mario or Luigi have the Ice Flower or Fire Flower Power-up for too long.. It will slowly cook them/freeze them to death. They found this out the scary way..
So, as some of you might know, Mario has been helping the Toad people by experimenting with Power-ups and learning about what they do.
During these tests they have discovered that the Power-ups all have one goal. To find a suitable host to expel all of their power. And they also discovered that they function kind of like a battery. If you have one in your system long enough, you will eventually consume all of its power and return to normal.
The Fire Flowers and ice Flowers though.. they don’t work like that.
Turns out, the Fire Flower and Ice Flower are Power-ups that don’t just. Go away eventually. The only way to consume its power is to use it. If you don’t use it, it will sit idlily in the hosts body and slowly consume them..
Mario was testing an Ice Flower Power-up and didn’t use it all up by the end of their session. He went to bed that night a little chilly. He woke up the next morning and.. he couldn’t feel his legs.
They tried warming his feet in hot water, but after 30 seconds the water would turn to ice. They tried to apply hot water to Mario’s hand’s to remove the ice. But the ice kept growing back..
They began to really panic when ice formed on Mario's chest, and his breathing became labored. They scrambled to find a solution and thankfully they were able to figure out what to do in time. Mario cast the last bit of Ice power he had, officially ridding his system of the ice power. It took a day or two, but eventually he was able to warm back up and thankfully didn’t lose any fingers to frostbite.
They were very lucky that Mario didn’t suffer any permanent damage. And if they didn’t figure out what to do in time.. Mario would have perished.
Luigi still wakes up at night sometimes in a panic. and goes and puts just oooone more blanket on Mario. Mario knows Luigi had a rough night if he wakes up drenched in sweat under a mountain of blankets.
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muffledexplosion162 · 2 months
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pkmntrainertrix · 3 months
musharana mail- someone else's all-too-familiar nightmare
it's cold. it's so, so cold. you look at your hands and they're a dead-blue. it's frostbite, and it's bad. just as bad, is a heavy snowstorm. you feel numb. you reach for your aching head, and it's dripping blood.
..or, was dripping blood.
it's frozen over by now.
you are dying. your breaths, coming out in puffs is slowing.
you are alone.
no one is with you. your arms are covered in old burn scars- scars induced by someone you were supposed to trust.
maybe death will be kinder to you than life ever was, you think, as your consciousness slips from you for the last time in that life.
and no one even cared. no one will mourn you.
you wake up cold, with your fingers numb.
Okay ONE! I never thought I’d have the privilege of knowing what dying was like without dying! Course I don’t ACTUALLY know it’s a dream but this is probably as close as I’ll get!
And two, that loneliness, WOW. Really struck a cord with me! I don’t think I’ve ever felt so desperate and alone in my life! Never thought I’d be freezing to death tho, I always thought it would be significantly more violent like getting torn in two by an aggressive Gyrados or something. Ah well, this was interesting too
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bionicle-ramblings · 7 months
The whump ideas, both emotional and physical
Takua, in Ta-Metru, having an inexplicable, sometimes irrational fear of the dark. It gets to the point where he can't even go out at night or go anywhere that has no light. It's so bad that he sleeps holding a light stone. It goes well until he is one day arretsed and left alone in the dark. It's not long until Takua PANICS because he's alone in the dark and anything could get him. After he's let out, he never sleeps without a light stone. It's a fear that stays with him even when he's in Mata Nui, though Turaga Vakama does help him deal with it
The Toa Metru are in Ko-Metru and have to cross a canal. They all have ideas, but Nuju's wins when he freezes the water so it's thick enough for them to walk across. There is the tense feeling that the ice could break at any given second, so the Toa all try to be quick as they walk. There's a moment where someone falls on the ice, but doesn't break it, which makes everyone hold their breath for a moment. They all hear the ice cracking around them and pick up the pace, but they realize that Vakama has stopped moving entirely, and see that he's producing heat and slowly melting the ice around him until it starts cracking beneath him. Nuju and Nokama try to tell him to stay calm as Vakama slowly approaches, trying not to panic as he sees the cracks follow him, and he ultimately falls into the ice. It sends everyone into a panic, more so when Nokama dives after him and, out of sheer panic, Nuju's powers activate at the worst possible time and refreezes the ice, trapping Vakama and Nokama under the water. They are able to get both Toa out of the freezing waters and the team gets away from the canal with their lives, but where Nokama is freezing and can't stop shivering, Vakama is more or less knocked out cold, having passed out after nearly drowning and freezing to death. The team does get to a somewhere they can get a fore going and get their brother and dister warmed back up, but it's the first time they see Nuju look so genuinely afraid for his fellow Toa and also look haunted at what he'd nearly caused to happen, even when Whenua comforts him
Lhikan starting off as an optimistic, looker-ahead when he starts off as a Toa, but he ends up no longer being as hopeful, as he loses his friends, previous life, and even having to kill one of his own friends and see another betray him and get mutated into a four legged monster
Vakama's visions cause him headaches. Bad ones. And if he isn't racing to the visions and either dodging or racing stuff that isn't there, imagine if he instead froze on the spot or had a panic/anxiety attack or, most damaging, had a seizure, either while standing or collapsing to the ground in front of the other Toa. If it's the latter, it's something the team and Vakama keep an eye on because if he starts collapsing during battle, they cannot save him
Roodaka capturing Toa or Toa-Hordika Vakama, and when manipulating him doesn't work, she leaves him alone in the cell/"room" he was tied in. Maybe Vakama shouts that leaving him alone is a bad idea because he can just escape, but after a day or two, and being unable to get out, the solotude starts getting to him and he starts hearing and seeing things that aren't there, the hallucinations getting worse the longer he's left alone. Maybe to make it worse, Roodaka still visits Vakama and offers her proposal again and again. As much as Vakama revels in seeing an actual physical being and not a figment of his mind, he does not listen, so Roodaka casually tortures him and leaves him alone again, even when Vakama shouts for for not to, because he's that desperate to not be alone again.
Nokama having a sort of "freak out" because she's so used to being a teacher, a mentor, a natural leader, and having that weight taken off of her by Vakama and the other Toa is fine, but she's not sure what to do with herself.
This idea came from @sammykat2hb-blog . After their escape from the coliseum, instead of what's seen in the movie/book, Matau, Nokama, and Vakama are shaken and stirred after the day's events, even more so when Dume announces that they're frauds and frames them for all Metru Nui to see. Nokama, in a moment of complete anger and despair, shouts and maybe even punches one of the chute towers, which only hurts her. Matau is completely silent, only crouching to the ground as he reels and maybe gets overwhelmed with emotions. Vakama is caught between the two, being distraught to where he wants to just break down, but freezing because some small part of him knows Lhikan wouldn't have broken like that, and that leads to an inward battle of wanting to be upset, to be hurt, to break for a second; he was a mask-maker and a tool-maker. He knows how to put things back together again. Instead, the three simply sit side by side under the tower, all of them terrified and holding onto each other, a gesture that is awkward because they've never reached out for comfort like needing to be held, but they've got each other
Alternatively, in their cell, Onewa is doing everything he can to try and get out, banging on the door, striking the ceiling window above, and shouting that they were framed, maybe even shouting for the dark hunters to come back and deal with the Toa themselves. Whenua is taking a more quiet approach and trying to figure out what's around them, but he's having a hard time because Onewa won't shut up. Nuju, unlike both of them, has pressed himself into the corner as hard as he can, trying not to snap because, being more of the "solitary" type, there's nowhere he can go to get away from Onewa and Whenua, and, with where their cell is, he can't even look up or see the stars or sky(the light is reflected off a mountain side) so he's not having a good time. It all comes to a head when Whenua makes Onewa stop yelling and Onewa just stares at the Toa with absolute fear in his eyes because they're trapped in prison, they don't have their mask or elemental powers, they have no idea where the others Toa are, and they can't get out, so, for all they know, they could end up worse off than Lhikan: Disappearing, having their names dragging through the mud, and eventually being forgotten amd lost to time. Nuju screams at them both to shut up and the three, like Vakama, Matau, and Nokama, sit side by side, terrified, but together. It's awkward to sit together, but they've got each other and that's enough to calm them down
Vakama and the other Toa Metru struggling with the fact they were chosen and did not choose, dealing with a loss of autonomy over themselves and with how they didn’t get a say in what happened to them because they were chosen and, if they're going to be Toa, then they'll be the best Toa they can be despite it
The Matoran on Mata Nui all struggling post-memory wipe because they all know they're forgetting something, but don't know what it is, and all have knowledge they don't remember learning. It frightens them and confuses them, but they learn to cope as they adjust to their island home
In Time Trap, to try and get Vakama to spill the beans, Teridax uses the illusion of Takua and Jaller to try and get Vakama to tell him where the Mask of Time is, knowing the three were close. It goes well with Vakama being ruefully fooled into thinking he's with his friends, even as he goes to look around Metru Nui for answers about the new "reality" around him. When Vakama does realize and have it confirmed that the world he's in isn't real, he's gutted because he misses his old life and his friends. When "Takua" and "Jaller" try asking him what's up, Vakama admits he knows they're not really there, that they're in their forced slumber and they won't remember him when they wake up, that the world they're all in isn't real even if there's some part of him that wants it to be. With that, and his "friends" asking what he's talking about, Vakama throws a Kanoka disk, and it passes through them both. Vakama is resolved as the illusion breaks, but is still haunted by seeing his friends again because he'll never really have that friendship again
Jaller as a Toa experiencing TREMENDOUS guilt because as much as he fights to do the right thing, it's done nothing but hurt everyone because it didn't stop Teridax. Add to that the events of the final arc in Bionicle where he's mesmerized by a Golden being(I could be wrong about the name) and effects of being free from that feel like going through withdrawl even if being mesmerized left him open to be killed
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the-sidekick-club · 11 months
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Caught In The Storm
Origins: Kim - Part I
Written by: ​​@heroes-villains-side-blog​​★@tratieisdabest★@just-a-space-rabbit​​
TW: Theft, Starving, Freezing, Implied child abuse
Part 1 : Part 2
Theft and Snow 
“Well, folks!” said the meteorologist over the radio. “It’s 18:00 on the 15th of April, and it seems like the snowstorm that we’ve been expecting is just about to kick up. The mayor encourages everyone to stay home, and only travel out unless absolutely necessary. It is currently -17 degrees Fahrenheit (-8.33 degrees Celsius), and it’s expected to drop even lower tomorrow –”
The radio fades out as Lukas exits the small shop, two grocery bags in each hand. He shivered as the bitter cold hit him, immediately wanting to do nothing else than to get back to his base as fast as possible. He shot a quick glance down the icy street, the weather was getting so bad that even the usually colorful stores now looked gray and gloomy.
It had been almost five and a half years since he had been expelled from Mirmir Waters University and kicked out by his parents. So he left the country to start his life anew. 
Currently, he was living in the city of Boreas and working as a small-time villain but, for the most part, he made and sold machines to local supervillain Lynx. However, he was slowly starting making a name for himself with his own crimes. 
But now, it was the middle of winter, so all villains had slowed down crimes for the year, sending the city into an almost standstill as everyone bunkered down and made plans for spring. 
Well, almost all…
As he waited for the green light at the busy crosswalk, he was startled by a sudden “GET BACK HERE, CRIMINAL!” from a loud, harsh voice, just as something small flew past him. Immediately, Lukas turned to see who had yelled, only to be pushed aside by one of the local heroes. 
Catching himself before he fell over, his eyes shot towards the hero, who was in a mad dash after whatever that thing was that passed him. A smart part of his brain told him to leave it be, that it was late and cold, and to just go home and relax. 
But then there was just that little voice in the back, nagging him. Part curiosity, part worry… 
‘Who was that? And what on Aiga did they do to get a superhero that mad?’
‘NO! Don’t think about it! It’s not your problem!’ 
He tried to focus on moving forward, but even as the light turned green, he remained still. But this didn't last long, and he soon muttered “Damn it!” and jumped into a nearby shadow, much to the fear of those around him. He moved quickly in the darkness, teleporting through it, and he didn't have to move far before he found them. 
He saw them both running down the alleyway not far from the crosswalk. It was remarkable how fast the small person was, but, from within the shadows, he could see that they were close to being cornered by another hero coming from the other direction. 
‘What did you do to get two of them after you?’  Lukas thought as he sped up. ‘If I can just get there fast enough’  he thought as he began closing in on the person.
Then, in a split second, just as the person crossed into one of the many shadows in the alley, he grabbed them. 
“Gotcha!” he said in a cheeky voice, as the person tried to scream after the sudden fall, but finding themselves unable to do so in this strange void they were now in.  
“But… you’re… you're just a kid?” Lukas said in shock at the little figure that was staring wide-eyed back at him.
“So, they chased you for this?” Lukas asked, almost enraged, as he held the small sandwich that the kid had stolen from a nearby gas station. “How dare they? Calling themselves heroes and then chasing a child like that!”
It had not taken long for the heroes to give up the chase and continue on with their patrol. So he and the kid moved somewhere safer before getting out of the shadow. As he saw the fear in the kid's face, he quickly softened up. “Sorry… I didn't mean to yell, I don’t like it when heroes act like that. Are you hurt?” 
The small child, still a bit startled from the shock trip into the shadow, was sitting on some abandoned boxes, and seemed to shrink down even more, before finally nodding.
“Where?” he asked.
“Everything hurts…” they whispered. He couldn't blame them for the vague answer; they looked miserable and in pain, just so small and thin. ‘How did they even manage to outrun two heroes, much less survive this far into the winter?’ He wondered as he took off his jacket and gently wrapped it around the child’s thin shoulders.
“Kid. We’re at the start of a snowstorm, why are you out here alone?” He did not have time for this, but something in him just wanted to get to the bottom of it. 
“WHY DO YOU CARE?” the kid suddenly yelled defensively, more desperate than angry.
“I just need to know whether it’s better to give you back to the heroes or not,” Lukas answered firmly. “You're a kid, and it’s a blizzard. So, I’m sorry, but I’m not just going to let you go like that.” 
He looked at them, shivering from… fear? Anger? Cold? He struggled to tell. 
Taking a deep breath, he continued more softly, “Why were you out here stealing food?”
The kid looked away, and refused to meet his eyes before answering, “Not like I had a choice…” Lukas’s stomach dropped as he said the same thing the first time he had to steal food. “I ran out of money, it’s been two days since I last ate, what else could I do?”
“Why not go to the police for help?” he asked, already knowing the answer. 
“Can’t… They'll send me back to my parents, I don’t want to go back to them! I WON’T GO BACK!” the kid yelled at the brink of tears.
“Okay, okay! Please calm down,” Lukas said, trying to make sure the kid did not do something irrational. “Listen, I won't take you to the police, or the heroes.” Clearly there was a lot going on here that neither had the time to delve into. 
But there were some things he wanted to know. 
“You’re not local, are you? I can hear it in your accent. Now, I’m not a cop, I don’t need to know why you ran away and from where. But at least tell me, how old are you? And how long have you been on the streets?”
The kid stared at the ground for a few moments. After some time, they said, “I’m 12… and I ran away 3 months ago.”
“Alright…” Lukas said more to himself than to them. “Well, you can stay with me for a while, at least till the storm is over.” 
“What? Why?” the kid said, confused. But they were simply met with Lukas picking up the child in his arms. The kid shrank back defensively at first, then quickly realized what the villain was attempting to do. They were hesitant… but eventually relaxed and gave in, now comfortably seated on the villain’s arms. 
As Lukas picked them up, he replied to himself internally, ‘NOT BECAUSE I RELATE TO YOU OR ANYTHING!’ 
But on the outside, he simply replied, “Consider it a favor, from one villain to another. But first, please tell me, what is your name, little villain?”
The kid eyed him strangely, seemingly not too fond of being called a villain. “My parents gave me a name, but I don’t like it or them… So I use Kim now…”
“Well, then, Kim it is. Hello, Kim. My name is Lukas.” 
Shower and Sleep
“It’s not that grand.” Lukas said as the two appeared out of the hidden entrance and into the small but warm hideout. “But it’s home.”
It was homely indeed, Kim thought as they felt their cheeks reddening from the warmth finally returned to their body. It certainly didn't feel like it had been built inside an old abandoned warehouse. 
They were standing in the living room, which was small and cozy but slightly messy. With a mix of old furniture and lots of books, all of which had clearly been placed out strategically to maximize the small space that Lukas had to work with.
“Why don’t you sit down on the sofa? I’ll get you some spare clothing and get the hot water ready for you. Then, while you take a shower, I’ll make us some soup.” 
Kim only nodded, as they still felt strange about being in the lair of a villain. 
Then again, ‘At least he didn't let the heroes take me. I can’t go back there!’ they thought as they sat down on the comfy sofa. 
They began to doze off almost immediately, and they may have fallen fully asleep if Lukas had not returned after a few minutes.
“Here, I don’t have anything your size, but I got you one of my old college jumpers and t-shirts, and some sweatpants.” Kim took the comfy, but large, clothing in their hand, just lost for words. “The shower is just to the right of that door,” Lukas said as he went to the kitchen, not even giving Kim time to thank him.
It was a tiny hall, and a tiny bathroom, but wow, the hot water felt so amazing that Kim lost track of time. After the shower, and soup that they ate in silence, Lukas brought out a blanket and pillow. “Sorry, I don’t have a spare bed at the moment. Will the sofa do?”
“Thank you,” was all that Kim was able to say as they battled the sleepiness, and Lukas fully understood. There were no more words needed tonight.
Kim seemed to have fallen asleep before their head even hit the pillow. Once he was sure they were asleep, Lukas went to his office, and called up his friend who was a local healer. With how thin Kim was and if it was true that they had not eaten for over two days, he wanted to make sure they got medical attention right away.
His friend agreed to meet him the next day, once the plow clears the roads in the morning. Reassured, he began planning, grabbing a pen and some sticky notes. 
“Okay. Now the kid can’t keep sleeping on the sofa,” he mumbled to himself as he began noting down the plan for tomorrow, “it’s not good for them. So, I’m going to have to clean out the extra room and get a bed. Should also get them some proper clothing as it’s cold. I need more food and snacks… maybe get them some toys? Do 12-year-olds still like toys? Well, maybe they like some games? Hm… yeah, I’ll get those too – not that I’m planning to let them stay here long-term or anything… ” He lied to himself.
The next day was filled with stress and worry. Lukas had planned to go out and buy some extra essentials and start cleaning out the spare room. But Kim had woken up with a bad fever so, instead, he was now worryingly doing everything he could to keep the fever down as he waited for his friend to show up.
Finally, at 14:30, he got a notification that someone was at the lair’s hidden entrance. 
“Sorry for not being able to come earlier. It seems the blizzard is getting really bad out there,” Emma said as she dropped several bags into Lukas’s hand unprompted. “My husband went out and got some extra supplies and clothes that I hope will fit them,” she continued, while she also dumped her scarf and overcoat right on top of Lukas’ unwaiting arms. 
“Emma, you didn't have to do that!” Lukas said. His friend was often kind, so he shouldn't have been surprised, but maybe he just wasn't used to truly nice people quite yet. 
But Emma just saw the little body that was half asleep on the sofa and started side-whispering. “Theodore and a friend will bring over one of my kids' old beds and some toys once the storm is over, since we’re moving next month we don’t need to take them with us. Hope you can make room for one by then.”
Lukas stared in amazement at the generosity. Emma motioned questioningly towards the sofa, and Lukas nodded. 
She walked up to the little child bundled in a thick blanket. “Hi, there, little one,” she said softly as Kim slowly opened their eyes. “What’s your name?” 
“Kim…” they answered in a hoarse whisper. 
“Well, Kim, my name is Emma. I’m a friend of Lukas’s.” 
Kim only gave a small nod in response. 
Satisfied, she continued. “I’m also a healer, so why don’t you just keep laying still, so I can examine you?” she said in a comforting tone. Another small nod gave her the assurance she was looking for. “Okay, then. Don’t worry, it won't take too long…”
“You didn’t lie about their condition, poor kid.” Emma said as Lukas handed her a soda bottle. 
After healing everything that could be healed, Kim had fallen asleep again. And, although their fever was going down, their condition was still bad. “Underweight, malnourished — they even had a few broken bones! Who did this to them?” 
“I don’t know… they said that they have been on the street for 3 months, maybe some scum of a villain?”
“Some of those injuries were way older. There were even scars, Luke. No kid should have gone through anything like that. You don’t think they’re –”
“— can’t be,” Lukas cut her off. “Kim is only 12. There are no hero agencies that would let a 12-year-old fight.” Lukas wanted to believe what he said, but he was not fully convinced by his own argument. He had read far too many news stories about heroes and hero sidekicks who quit or went missing from Nizorro's hero agency and others across the world. Those horrible stories, sending out 15-year-olds (or even younger!) to fight crime… If they didn’t quit or go missing, then the injuries and trauma usually stopped them. How anyone could see it as justified, as good and "right", was beyond him.
The two fell silent for a moment. Emma finally asked what was weighing on both their shoulders. “So… what are we going to do?”
“I’m not giving them back,” Lukas replied after a moment. “Not until I fully know who they are, why they were on the streets, and what can be done to keep them safe so this doesn’t happen again.”
“You can’t just keep the kid here!” Emma almost shouted. “Even if you’re doing it to help them! Yes, I don't want them to go back to their parents if they did this. But it’s still illegal for you to keep them here if you know they’re a runaway!” 
“Yeah, it’s illegal, but I’m a villain following my own morals,” he smirked. “So, as long as Kim wants to stay, I’ll let them.” 
Emma could not really say anything back at that. Not that she wanted to, anyway. In the end, she just laughed. 
“What are you laughing at?”
“Sorry, I just can’t remember seeing you all soft before,” she said amused. 
Lukas gawked… then his voice went up a few octaves when he retorted all flustered, "I AM NOT SOFT!”
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maridotnet · 2 years
15 and 27 for the weirdly specific asks thing
15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
since it's not specified, i'm going from death I would least to most willingly inflict on someone: burning, freezing, drowning. burning - absolutely horrible, worst way to die. freezing - less painful, but uncomfortable but so SLOW. peaceful end though. drowning...terrifying, but at least it's over quick. and I hear you get some cool effects as your brain starts to die
17. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
anything that involves overalls! :DDDD i have two pairs, and i call anything I wear with them an outfit
weirdly specific | fun to be asked
thank you for the ask :)) -viv
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newts-and-sharks · 2 years
15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
1 being least painful, 3 being the worst
burning, freezing, drowning
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wild-moss-art · 2 years
Question 15 (i think) : Rank methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
Ok anon this IS actually something I have thought about unironically!, burn to death is my number 1!! Warm. Freeze second cause at a certain point u fall asleep. Drown last because that is very scary!!
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Ah yes, Dark Purple freezing
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this is actually a redraw of an unfinished drawing
↓↓original unfinished image ↓↓
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neverendinghiatus · 4 months
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I felt a creative energy at 1:30 in the morning, and this was the product!
My inspiration was from a short story called To Build A Fire, by Jack London, about a man who hiked the Alaskan Wilderness during a blizzard at night, and highlighted how easily susceptible man was to the sheer cold.
In the build I wished to highlight elements of warmth to be subtle in contrast to the overwhelming cold darkness, such as the "embers" underneath the extinguished campfire, and the blue lantern (which doesn't entirely fit the theme of freezing to death, since it's fire, but i typically headcanon soulfire as a sharp cold fire, so it works better in my head lol) being the only sources of light in the first three imagesI also like the symbolism of the last two images, where despite it being daytime, the "corpse" of the fallen traveler is still under the dark shadow, like the coldness lingered on his grave. The dog was put there as a homage to the original story, since the main character had a furry companion that managed to survive the night.
This is my first time doing something like this, so if you like what I did feel free to reblog!
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Welcome to the Freezing Wastes
This account will be delving into the tales of the five split clans: Frozenclan, Mothclan, Lilacclan, Trickleclan, and Hushclan.
General Settings
No resetting moons; whatever happens, happens.
Whenever a clan reaches 50 or more cats, I will either activate mass extinction events or do death rolls. I will make a poll to decide on which each time.
None of the clans have automatic deputy choosing on.
The relationship settings that allow first cousins and mentors and apprentices to be mates are turned off for every clan.
Experience based graduation is enabled, and apprentices will have to complete a "trial" before earning their names. These "trials" will be based on dice rolls or lone patrol outcomes depending on the clan.
The drawings will be separated by weeks, so at least four drawings per moon. If nothing of note happened, I will check the thoughts of the cats to ensure there are still drawings.
On the end of the second week of the moon, the spiritualist of the clan must go to Sun's Landing, their spiritual site, to meet with the other spiritualists, lest they begin to lose faith. As they lose faith, so do the other members of the clan, and each half-moon they go without meeting with the other spiritualists, another non-spiritualist in the clan will lose faith. If all the cats in a clan lose faith, the clan will disband, and be lost.
On the end of the fourth week of the moon, the clans will gather together at Dawnclan's old camp to socialize and ensure that the other clans are still around. If a clan has disbanded, all of the other clans will have a random number rolled, that can be up to half of their total population, that will indicate how many cats in one of the remaining clans have lost faith. All clans roll for this, aside from Hushclan, even though the other clans will roll faith loss for Hushclan's disbandment if it happens.
Each week, the healthy cats must go on at least two hunting patrols. If they are unable to do so, I will generate a number equivalent to the number of cats in the clan to see how many go hungry. If a cat who is a kitten, a sick cat, or a senior goes hungry for 3 times, they have a 50/50 chance of dying for each consecutive week that they continue to go hungry. Otherwise, it will take 5 times of going hungry for starvation rolls to start. If a monarch with kits younger than 2 moons goes hungry, their kits will begin to go hungry as well. Additionally, if there are no nursing cats while there are kits under 2 moons of age, they will go hungry regardless of hunting rolls.
If a cat with short fur joins or is born into the clan, they will have a d20 rolled for them each moon. If it is below 10, they will get hypothermia, below 5, they get frostbite, and if they roll a 1, they will freeze to death. In "greenleaf", 5 is hypothermia and 1 is frostbite, with no possibility of death by freezing.
This eternal cold... Something about it isn't natural. There is a chance for outsiders or non-founder kits to have something strange about them. They may not even be cats at all.
The herbalist of the clan will need to have at least one non-healing role cat to accompany them while they gather herbs, to ensure they get back safely. If there is nobody who can accompany the herbalist, there is a chance that they might go missing in the snowy wasteland...
It is very likely that this account will feature animal death, illness, and suffering. I will tag each post I make with the relevant tags. My warning tags are structured as such: tw trigger
If there is something that you think I should tag that I didn't, please make sure to send me an ask that points out the post and what I need to tag it with.
The Beginning of the Story (The Ever-Creeping Freeze)
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jack-daww · 7 months
Day 6: A Chill In The Air
Lisa wraps her arms around herself and shivers. It was supposed to be a warm night. And it was, up until ten seconds ago, when a cold wind set in. She sighs and looks around. It looks like nobody else is affected. Which is typical, really. She rubs her arms, hoping to warm up quickly. Really, Lisa should have expected it. She has a tendency to get chills even on the warmest of days. She curses herself for forgetting to take a jacket when she left earlier that day.
Lisa is still shivering when he gets to his door, shaking hands fumbling with the keys for a moment before he manages to unlock the door. The second he enters his home, the chill falls away and Lisa is left feeling warm. He sighs. This isn’t unusual, so he ignores it and starts going through his usual nightly routine. Even though he is no longer cold, he takes a hot shower and makes himself tea. It helps settle his mind as he focuses on what the next day will bring.
About a week after Lisa last felt cold, it happens again. This time, she’s at work. A feeling of cold air, as if a cool wind blew through her office. Lisa sighs as she gets up to get her coat, shivering all the while. She shivers and blows on her hands. Normally she’d just go home, where the chill goes away and she can relax with a hot cup of tea. Alas, she’s at work, so her coat will have to do.
The chill gets worse as time goes on but Lisa ignores it. She just needs to finish her hours and then she can go home and finally be warm again. If Lisa were to look in a mirror right now, she would notice her lips turning blue. She’s blinking sluggishly now, black spots dancing in front of her eyes. Lisa sighs, deciding to stretch her legs and go to the bathroom. Maybe that will help.
She’s leaning against the wall as she walks, keeping upright even as she wants to curl into herself, trying to protect what little warmth is left in her body. Lisa feels like there should be fog in her breath, but the world around her keeps acting as if it’s warm. She stumbles into the bathroom, turning on the water with shaking hands. The water in the bathrooms can’t turn hotter than lukewarm, but it still burns against her skin as Lisa splashes it into her face. She’s still freezing, but at least the black dots are gone from her vision.
Lisa looks into the mirror with a grimace. Her lips are blue, face pale, only a small hint of a flush on her cheeks. She breathes out and closes her eyes. When she opens them again, something has changed. The shadows behind Lisa seem to be moving, darkening and spreading outwards. Lisa can do nothing but stand still, watching the shadows approach, watching them reach for her. She can’t even scream as it touches her skin, colder than even the air is. She has stopped shivering by now. That has to be bad, doesn’t it?
Lisa can’t move, can’t speak. Her eyes are dry, her throat parched. Thinking is so hard. She’s so tired. Lisa blinks and the shadows have started climbing up her body, slowly reaching for her chest. A breath stutters in her lungs, her body refusing to keep breathing. It costs so much energy. Eventually, the shadows reach her face. Lisa closes her eyes, and feels nothing. At least she isn’t so cold any longer.
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jewishjon · 1 year
11, 15, 20!
Well I live in my childhood home so basically everything? First things to come to mind that I still have are old books and MLP dolls
Oh my god. Ok so I think burning is worst, drowning is middle and freezing is best? Bc maybe you wouldn’t feel it after a while? But I know nothing on the topic obviously, this is just based on how painful I think they’d be
Don’t have one now really but as a kid, Frozen, I was obsessed with Anna
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