#I do plan on finishing on the drabble prompts :)
tropes-and-tales · 20 hours
Don't Gloat
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(From the "Shut Up" kiss starter prompts, found here)
CW:  Richie being Richie, swearing, mild violence (a misunderstanding), smut (PiV, protected). 18+ only.
Word Count:  7289
AN:  Requested by an anonymous person, place, or thing!
AN2: Drabble? I don't know her, apparently.
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Your first real fight is over chicken.
You squabble, pretty much from day one.  Carmy hires you to help in the kitchen, and Richie immediately takes an intense dislike to you.  Adding you upsets the delicate ecosystem of The Beef.  You are unnecessary.  Richie makes it known on your first day.
“Don’t get comfortable,” he warns an hour into service.  “Cousin doesn’t run things.”
“Seems like he does,” you shoot back.
“I’m the manager here.”
Here is where the dislike really starts.  Richie is rude and sarcastic, but you’re a chameleon.  You can shift and change your demeanor to match what someone is giving you, so when Richie is rude and sarcastic to you, you respond in kind.
You call him “Mister Manager” in a tone dripping with sarcasm, and by the end of that first shift, Richie completely hates you.
The feeling is mutual by the end of your second shift.
At first, you just squabble.  You trade barbs and insults.  When Richie throws a temper tantrum over Carmy’s organization of the spices, you pout and turn to Ibra and posit that Richie is grumpy because he needs a juice box and a nap.  Which makes Ibra cock his head at you.  He speaks English impeccably, but sometimes he misses the finer nuances of language like sarcasm. 
“I do not think we have juice boxes here,” Ibra says, and Tina swats him as she walks past.
“She’s being sarcastic, you old bitch,” she tells him.
The allusion to Richie being a toddler isn’t far off.  He acts childish all the time.  He flings cookware around when he’s having a tantrum.  He swears, he throws out middle fingers like an angry pre-teen. 
He hides your expensive Henckles knives.  He turns the heat up or down when your back is turned.  Once, he parks you in behind The Beef, and when you go to leave, he’s nowhere to be found—you end up doing a thirty-six point turn, a fraction at a time, before you can properly pull out and drive away.
But your first real fight is over chicken.
The meat delivery is wrong one day.  You’re short on beef, but there’s five whole chickens, and Carmy throws up his hands and tells you to come up with something.
So you do. 
You roast them low and slow so they stay tender, and you’re putting the finishing touches on the sauce—an adobo-based barbeque that’s the perfect blend of tangy and smoky—when Richie strolls in.  He’s in his stupid leather jacket and ridiculous blue track pants, and he announces himself with his usual grinning, “what’s up, you fucking lizards?”
Sweeps and Manny call out their hellos, but Richie ignores them.  He’s already super-focused on you…and the sauce you’re stirring over a low heat.
“What the fuck is that?” he asks.  He stands too close to you, dips his head close to the pot, and takes a loud sniff of it.  Then rears back with a grimace, like you’re simmering a pot of shit and not a finely balanced sauce for your roasting chickens.
“It’s barbeque sauce.  For the chicken.”
“What fucking chicken?”
“Meat delivery was fucked up,” Carmy calls across the kitchen. 
Richie scoffs and turns to Carmy, and he gestures at you and your sauce.  “No offence, Cousin, but the place is called ‘The Beef.’”
“No offence, Cousin, but fuck off,” Carmy replies.
“Heaven forbid we try something new,” you add.  You snap the heat off and settle a lid over the pot to allow the flavors time to mellow together.  Once the chicken is done, you’ll shred it and mix it in.  You have a red cabbage slaw planned for it, and thin slices of sharp cheddar to round it out.  You turn towards the refrigerator, but Richie blocks your path.
“Nothing Italian about whatever the fuck that is.”  He glares down at you; he’s half a head taller than you, but he has a way of puffing out his chest like a bantam rooster spoiling for a fight.
Maybe other people are cowed by his posturing, but you’re unimpressed and not scared at all.
“It’s about as Italian as ‘Jerimovich.’”
His chest puffs out more, and he takes a half step closer to you.  This close, you can smell the cigarette smoke that clings to him, the old man cologne he splashes on with a heavy hand, the subtler scent of laundry detergent. 
“People come here every day and get the same thing,” he says.  “Same order every fuckin’ day.  No one is gonna order whatever fancy Noma bullshit you’re trying to pull out of your ass.”
You take a half step up to him and puff out your chest, and it makes Richie falter for a moment.  He leans back, just a fraction, but you note the movement and smirk up at him.  You reach out and poke him in the sternum with a forefinger, driving home each point.
“One, this isn’t Noma bullshit.  It’s literally slow-roasted chicken.  Two, it’s a pretty simple sauce.  Maybe it seems fancy to you because it’s more challenging to your palate than chicken nuggets.  Three, some customers might appreciate a change in their usual lunch order.  Not everyone is so resistant to change, Cousin.”
Your use of the familiar nickname makes his nostrils flare and his eyes widen in anger.  “I’m not your fucking Cousin.”
“Sure you are, Cousin.”
“Stop it.”
“I’ll save you a sandwich, Cousin.”  The thought occurs to you that you’re being childish now, that Richie has brought out some immature part of you, and you think it’s kinda fun, being a juvenile brat at work and leaning into the fight.
“Fucking stop it.”
“Stop what, Cousin?”
He turns away from you so quick, it makes you blink in surprise.  “Fucking bitch,” he mutters to himself, but he’s striding across the kitchen towards the office, and he’s calling for Carmy, so you follow at his heels and call for Carmy too.
“Yo, Cousin, can you fucking fire her already?  Jesus fucking Christ, I—” he starts, but you cut him off, mimic his growling voice and Chicago accent.
“Yo, Carmy, when are we gonna fire Richie already?  I mean, the place is changing—”
It makes Richie go fully nuclear.  The mention of change makes him apoplectic.  He turns and crowds you against the door jamb, and he gets right in your face:  so close that you can see his eyes aren’t completely blue—they are flecked with grey, like bits of mica in pavement.  You’re startled for a moment, surprised to find that his eyes are beautiful, but you obviously don’t say anything because he’s snarling in your face.
“Fuck you!” he spits out, and he points a finger inches from your face.  “Fuck you!  Nothin’ is changin’ here!  Nothin’ needs to change!”
And then he gives you his patented Richie double-chin flick, and he mutters some Italian insult you don’t know, and he’s marching through the kitchen to leave.
Not before he sweeps your mise en place off the counter, sending thin-sliced cabbage and vinegar flying.
Carmy stares at you with a look that is purely beleaguered.  He sighs, he scrubs his face with his hands, and he runs them through his hair before he sighs again.
“Whatever you and Richie have going on?  Squash that shit, Chef.”
You nod, embarrassed at rising—or sinking—to Richie’s childishness.  “Yes, Chef,” you reply.
“Squashing it” mostly means that you and Richie only fight when Carmy isn’t within earshot.
Your fighting still entails getting in each other’s faces.  It still means you insult each other, albeit more quietly.  You hiss insults at him, he grumbles them back.  You part when Carmy shows up, and you each stew in your separate corners and wait for the next round.
You start to suss out where the limits are.  You insult him as a father one single time, and the flash of hurt on his face makes you hold up your hands in a truce and apologize. 
He insults you once as a woman with daddy issues, and the words hit you like a punch to the gut.  You did grow up without a father—he died when you were six, and your only memories of him are full of pain from the stomach cancer that slowly killed him.  But you must show the hurt on your face too because Richie takes a step backwards away from you, stammers out an apology too.
All told, once you know each other’s hard limits, you actually fight pretty nicely, and if anyone notices it, no one says anything.
Sunday nights are a good time to come in to The Beef and set yourself up for the week.  You work it out with Carmy because it gives him a break and gives you a few more hours.  You enjoy the time there with the restaurant being closed—you blast your music, you sing along at the top of your lungs as you rotate stock, make detailed shopping lists for Carmy, and make sure everything is clean.
If one thing infuriates you, it’s the way certain national media outlets focus on Chicago as a cesspool of violence.  But it is a large city, and violence does happen, so when you’re in the basement of The Beef and hear the beep of the alarm system as it is deactivated, you immediately feel ice cold all over.  The alarm system, Ibra told you once, is easily overcome, and The Beef has been robbed before.
You glance around and see that you’re trapped, unless you want to rush up the steps (not advisable) or shimmy out a tiny window at street level (also not advisable).  There’s nothing in the way of weapons in the basement either, so you arm yourself with a half-burnt cookie sheet and tremble as you listen to the heavy tread above you.
Maybe they’ll just trash the place and leave.  There’s nothing worth stealing, unless they want to wheel out the massive, ancient Hobart.  Maybe they’ll get into Marcus’s stash of good vanilla.  Maybe they’ll—
Maybe they’ll make their way to the top of the stairs.  Maybe they’ll pause there and start walking down to where you wait.  You try not to breathe too loud, but your heart is hammering in your chest, your pulse is in your ears, and you’re flooded with adrenaline as the shoes of your would-be assailant come into view.
You don’t hear Richie’s voice when he calls out your name.  You’re too panicked.  You don’t hear him, and you don’t even register him when he rounds the corner—he’s in his usual track pants and leather jacket—because you’re fully in fight-or-flight mode…and independent of your will, your body chooses fight.
“Fuck you!” you scream, and you swing the cookie sheet directly at his head with all the force you can muster.  Your assailant stumbles backwards with a cry of pain, and you drop the pan and try to scramble past him, but you trip over his foot in your panic and fall hard, cracking your shinbone against the lowest step.
If you ever idly wondered how you’d react in a real life-or-death scenario, here is your answer:  you scream and scream, and you clutch one hand to your throbbing shin but flail your other hand at the person reaching for you, and it’s not until you smell him—the familiar cigarette/old man cologne smell—that your panic ebbs a little.
And then you see those blue eyes flecked with grey, and even if Richie is your enemy at work, he’s never really been an enemy in the true sense of the word.  The relief that you aren’t about to be raped or murdered floods you so suddenly that you burst into tears. 
And then you hug him, your arms so tight around his middle that he breathes out a sharp oof, but then he wraps one arm around your trembling form while the other clutches his bleeding nose in an attempt to staunch the blood.
“What the fuck’s wrong with you?” he asks.  His voice is thick and nasally, but there’s a hint of amusement to it.
“Thought you were an intruder.”  You release him from your hold, and you will yourself to stop shaking. 
“Carmy.”  He shakes his head.  “Guess Food and Wine’s Best New Asshole didn’t tell you I was coming by.”
“He did not.”
Richie reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wrinkled napkin.  He presses it to his nose and winces, and your panic is replaced by shame.  You’ll never live this down, you realize.  Richie is going to tell everyone first thing tomorrow, and he’ll add his usual Richie flourishes to make your screams more shrill, your flailing more erratic in the retelling.
His nose stops bleeding, and he checks it tentatively.  He prods at the swollen skin, red that is going to bruise by morning.  He fixes you with a curious look.
“You hit harder than I would have thought.”
“I play softball.”
“Lincoln Park.  At the North Avenue fields.”
He huffs at that.  Clears his throat.  “Yeah, my daughter has t-ball there.”
Your panic is gone now, and you feel more like yourself.  Your leg throbs at where you banged it, and it will be bruised by morning like Richie’s face.  You limp over to the big table and gather up your coat and purse.
“Don’t do that,” you tell Richie.
“Do what?”
“Don’t…whatever.  Talk to me nice.  Tell me about your daughter.  Don’t do that.”
He snorts and says, “why the fuck not?”
“Because we’re not friends, and you scared the shit out of me, and now I’m all keyed up and just want to get home instead of having an impromptu bonding session with the one guy at The Beef who truly, honesty hates me.”
“Alright, fine.  You’re a fucking head-case to freak out the way you did, and I think you broke my fucking nose.  Better?”
It startles a laugh out of you, and your laughter makes Richie grin.  It’s shy, and he ducks his head, but you catch it all the same.
He clears his throat again, then asks if you drove there.  You tell him no—you had a premium parking spot on your street, so you took the L.  He nods at that, and he seems to be thinking through something, so you pull on your coat and sling your bag over your shoulder and wait for him to say something.
“Let me drive you home, at least, “he finally offers.  “You’re all sorts of fucked up.”
“I’m fine.”
“The hell you are.  Someone looks at you wrong on the train, gonna catch an assault charge.”
“You’d love to see me in prison,” you reply.  “Out of your way.  No one left to defiantly make a delicious chicken sandwich special and destroy the system here.”
“Asshole.”  He shakes his head, then gestures for you to take the stairs ahead of him.  “I’m driving you home.  Let’s go.”
You can’t admit that a ride sounds fantastic.  You do feel keyed up, anxious and twitchy, and even if it’s Richie, you’re grateful for the offer.
Even so, as you limp upstairs, the pain in your leg makes it easier to admit to him.  You turn as he resets the alarm, and you thank him, softly.
“Yeah, fine.  Whatever.”  He points at his car, then grumbles, “c’mon already.”
Somehow, it becomes a thing.
Sunday evenings become yours and Richie’s thing.  The work should go twice as fast, but Richie doesn’t work so much as… not work.  He leans in the doorway of the walk-in as you take inventory, he perches on the counter as you make giardiniera for the next day.  He sits in the office as you write out the order list for Carmy, and he gripes about how long you’re taking, how he has better things to do.
If that were true, why does he spend every Sunday with you?  You doubt Food and Wine’s Best New Asshole told him to, yet he shows up every week and complains the entire time.  He complains the entire drive to your place, and when you thank him for the ride, he either flips you off or makes a jacking-off motion with his hand before he peels away from your curb.
“You almost done?” he asks now.  “Got shit to do.”
“You don’t have shit to do.”  You check the takings from last week, do a quick calculation in the margin of the print-out.  “If you did, you wouldn’t be here.”
“Someone’s gotta keep an eye on you.”
“Why, you afraid I might introduce a dish that isn’t entirely Italian-American approved?”
He grumbles, “nothin’ needs to change.  Menu’s fine the way it is.”
“You really don’t have to stay, Richie.  I can handle myself.”
“Bullshit you can.”  He leans forward, taps the side of his nose.  “You handle yourself so well, you dislocated my fucking nose.”
“And it gave your face some character,” you retort.
“What’s wrong with my face?”
You glance at him, roll your eyes.  “Aside from the fact it’s always in my face, glaring or stirring up shit?  Nothing.”
He leans back in his chair again and sighs.  “I don’t stir up shit.”
“You do.”
“Yes, you do.”
“No, I fucking don’t.”
“You talk way too much, Richard.”
“Don’t call me fucking Richard.  You sound like my asshole mother-in-law.”  He pauses, then amends it to, “my former asshole mother-in-law.”
A long beat of silence passes.  You calculate the meat order, the vegetables, the shelf stable stuff.  You balance out the order against where there’s already overdue bills—Carmy is juggling the vendors as best he can, and you try to give him relief where you can—
“Done yet?”
“Nope.”  You cross out the one line for the produce vendor, split it between two vendors.  “What are you in such a hurry for?”
“Told you.  I got stuff to do.”
You glance over at him.  He does seem more keyed up.  His leg bounces up and down, and he wrings his hands in his lap. 
“What sort of stuff?” you ask.
He mumbles his answer, and you miss it at first.  When you arch an eyebrow at him, he repeats it.  An embarrassed, “got a date.”
You pause in your writing and turn to face him.  Fak told you once about Richie’s imploded marriage, and he had heavily implied that Richie was still pining for his ex-wife.  “A date?” 
He shrugs.  “Kind of a date.”
“What’s kind of a date?”
Another shrug, and he fixes his gaze to the dirty tile floor.  “We went out last week, and we talked about grabbing a drink tonight.  I was gonna text her after I drop you off.”
“Sounds like a regular date to me.”
He lifts his hands in a gesture of helplessness, then lets them fall again.  “I dunno.  Wasn’t really feeling it, you know?”
You turn completely to face him, your list forgotten.  “Then why agree to a second date?”
Another shrug, a sheepish lift and fall of his shoulders.  The two of you are toeing the line of near-friendship, your usual squabbling turning into an honest-to-god friendly chat, but maybe Richie doesn’t have any confidants in his life, because he sighs, then mutters about how she seemed cold, how she wasn’t charmed by his Bill Murray voicemail greeting story, but how he thought he should try anyway—
“Richie, I’m not your gal pal in a rom-com, but if you aren’t feeling it, don’t do it.  Jesus, that’s just common sense.”
He fixes you with a glare.  “Oh, I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize you were a goddamned relationship expert.”
“It’s common sense.”
“When was the last time you went on a date?”
You bristle at the question.  Your love life is about as dead as The Beef’s commercial credit, but Richie doesn’t need to know that.  But you hesitate long enough that he can guess, and he laughs at you, and you bristle more.
“I knew it!”  He points at you, and you swat at his hand until he lowers it.  “You give off this whole ‘hasn’t been laid in a long time’ vibe.”
You turn away from him and bend your head back to your ordering list.  “Shut up,” you mumble.
“All those prissy little dishes you add to the menu.  You’re all wound up.  It makes sense.”
“My culinary excellence has nothing to do with my love life or lack thereof.”  You hope your tone is even and nonchalant, but you fear it comes out as defensive.  Which it must, because Richie holds up his hands again.
“No judgement.  It’s tough out there.  I get it.”
You groan and turn away from him, twisting yourself to get his smirking face out of your peripheral.  “You should leave.  Go get ready for your kind-of date.”
“Seriously, you can go.”
“Nah.”  You hear his deep breath, then a beat later, he continues.
“If you ever want to blow off some steam, we could…”  He trails off, but his intent is clear, and you feel a prickly heat break out across your skin. 
“…shut up, Richie.”
You turn a little and he reappears in your peripherals.  He presses his hands together in a prayer position, then presses his fingertips near his mouth in an expression of thoughtfulness. 
“Shut up, Richie isn’t no, Richie.”
“It’s most certainly no, Richie.”
“Look at me.”
“I gotta finish this list and send it to Carmy—”
“Look at me, sweetheart.”
You can’t.  You stare at your handwriting—the 50 pounds of cake flour Marcus needs—and you feel yourself heating up at the sudden image of you and Richie—no, you shove the mental image away, shake your head to clear it, and the man notices all of it.
“Why can’t you look at me?” he asks, and his voice is soft, low.  A graveled rumble, roughened by the cigarettes he chain-smokes when he’s not inside, and you don’t know if it really has been that long, but it’s a step-progression of reactions in your body.  The prickle of heat along your skin, the way your skin feels too tight.  The way your mouth feels too dry all of a sudden.
The strong, traitorous pulse of desire between your legs.  Fuck.
“Wouldn’t have to mean anything,” he continues with that low voice.  “No one would have to know.”
“Shut up, Richie.”
“Still not hearing a no, sweetheart.”
You breathe in deeply through your nose, then turn to face him squarely.  You look him right in his eyes—those bright blue eyes, flecked with grey, beautiful—and say, “No, Richie.”
He stares back at you, and a smile slowly unfurls across his face.  A real smile, not his usual shit-eating grin or smarmy smirk.  A real smile that, paired with his gorgeous eyes, makes his face transform into something beautiful.  It’s like he’s lifted his mask for a moment and is showing you who he really is.
“You’re tempted.”  He sounds in awe of the revelation, and he leans back against the wall.  “Holy shit, you’re really tempted by it.”
“No, I’m—”
“Bullshit,” he cuts you off.  “You are.”  His smile stays fixed on his face, and he shakes his head.  “Holy shit, sweetheart.”
You grumble out the weakest rebuttal, but he only laughs and shakes his head again, and the last half hour is passed in uncomfortable silence:  you as you email the shopping list to Carmy with hands you will into steadiness, and Richie as he grins at you and chuckles to himself.
Of course he drives you home, just as he always does.
And of course he parks his car and comes up to your apartment when you invite him up, which is a first.
A therapist would have a lifetime of secure business if Richie ever decided to pursue therapy for himself.  Not that he would—feelings are bullshit, and life is tough all over—but if he did…there’d be a lot of deep shit to mine.
At the core of him, Richie is desperately insecure.  He had a dicey childhood, and he glommed on the Berzatto family to make up for his own family’s shortcomings.  He had Tiff, for a glorious while, then lost her.  He has his daughter, but only part-time.  He lost Mikey, the nearest thing to a brother, and now he’s slowly losing The Beef as it becomes something more than a sandwich shop.
No wonder he feels lost all the time.  No wonder he lashes out and hurts those closest to him.
No wonder he’s been riding your ass for months, trying to get you to quit even as his initial dislike has mellowed out to acceptance and then to…something else he won’t name.
He can’t lie to himself:  that night in the basement shifted things.  Maybe you concussed him along with the dislocated nose.  Maybe he has slight brain damage.  He can’t account for it any other way, how seeing you so terrified caused a sea-change in him.  How feeling your arms around him, clinging to him and trembling so hard, softened him towards you.
He won’t name it.  He won’t even think it.  The most he’ll admit is, “maybe I don’t completely hate her.”
Which somehow turns into this moment.  The two of you awkwardly standing in your entryway, unsure if the other is bluffing, unsure if the other is serious.  There’s too much bad blood in your shared past, and you each are expecting the other to say “sike!,” to turn it into a humiliating story to share in the morning with the crew.
You’re both wrong. 
“So, uh, nice place.”  He looks around your apartment and rubs the back of his neck.  “You got a lot of books.”
“I like to read.”
“Yeah.  Nice.”  He takes a few steps deeper into your place, and he studies the titles on the nearest bookshelf.  “Stephen King.  Clive Barker.  You like the spooky shit, huh?”
“Nothing as scary as being ambushed in the basement at night by you.”
He snorts, shakes his head.  As he’s softened towards you, your teasing has gotten gentler too.  You’ve always rose to meet his energy, and now that he’s not actively despising you (he won’t name it, he will not), you aren’t actively despising him.
“Nothing as scary as seeing a giant fucking sheet pan flying at your face—”
You cut him off.  “Okay, Richie.  Enough.”
“I’m just saying—”
“Enough words.  More action.”  You face him and lift your eyebrows challengingly.  “Unless this was all a ruse.”
He shakes his head.
“Unless this is just a prank to embarrass me later.”
He shakes his head again, and he flexes his hands along his sides.  He’s itching to reach out and touch you—he remembers the feel of you in his arms, the way you tucked so perfectly against him when you were scared.  You had been relieved to see it had been him; you had felt safe enough to reach for him, and he’s been chasing that high ever since.  A therapist would make short work of this moment, but Richie wants to feel important to you again.  He wants to feel like you need him to protect you, to shelter you.  He wants to feel like a man, needed, necessary—
You’re talking but he doesn’t register the words.  Instead, he reaches for you, pulls you to him, and when you look up at him in surprise, he dips his head and kisses you.
It’s brutal at first.  He’s out of practice.  He’s certainly never kissed someone like you—someone so infuriatingly challenging—and he mashes his lips too hard against yours, can feel your wince as you struggle to kiss him back.  So he breaks the kiss and tries again, much more carefully, and it’s so much better:  the softness of your lips, the quiet moan you give as you kiss him back.
Maybe you need it bad, but he needs it just as bad, and when he considers why he does, he pushes the thought away completely.  Because if he thinks on it too much in this moment, if he thinks on how good it feels, the way you tug at his clothes—eager but shy, your hands steady but your eyes unable to meet his—he’d have to face an uncomfortable truth.
Still, he needs to see you.  Needs to look you in the eye.  He grasps your chin and tilts your face until you’re looking at him.
“You okay with this?”  He says it softly.  He says it as kindly as he can.
“Yeah.”  You nod, then add, “no one needs to know, right?”
“No one needs to know.”
You offer him a smile, and it’s genuine.  It’s not your normal smart-ass smirk, the way one corner of your mouth lifts higher than the other.  It’s a real smile, and he has to push that uncomfortable truth away again because if you’re cute when you smirk, you’re beautiful when you smile, and Richie can’t dwell on the fact.
“C’mon then, Richard.  Bedroom’s this way.”
“Asshole,” he huffs out, but you push his jacket off of his shoulders and let it fall to the ground, and you tug him down your hallway. 
You alternate and he lets you strip him and yourself—a piece of his clothing, a piece of yours.  You leave a trail so that you’re both nearly naked once you’re in the bedroom.  He stands in front of you, his boxers tented, and he takes in the sight of you.  In standard, everyday lingerie—dark grey bra and panties—but the everyday shit makes his mouth run dry.  Elaborate lingerie is not really his thing, but seeing a woman in her everyday shit, the comfortable cotton shit…that feels more special, somehow.  Like you woke up that morning and put on the functional stuff, but now here you are, nearly naked for him.
You always rise to meet his energy.  He’s openly ogling you now, and you gaze back at him, openly staring back.  He has a moment of doubt—maybe he should lift more, cut back on beers after work—but your eyes are blown dark with desire, and it makes his cock twitch to see it.
You seem to want him as much as he wants you. 
“C’mere, you fucking pain in the ass,” he growls, and you roll your eyes but bridge the distance between you.  You press the length of your near-naked body against his, and the sudden touch makes him bite back a groan.  He puts his hands on your waist, and you lay your palms against his chest, and you kiss again.
The kiss grows and grows.  He bullies his way into your mouth, sweeps his tongue and licks against your mouth, and you answer in kind.  You kiss him back, and your hands stroke his chest, his shoulders, his arms.  One snakes lower and grasps him through his boxers, and he swears against your lips at the feel of your palm stoking him.
He pushes you backwards towards the bed.  He pushes you until you hit the bed, and then he pushes you down, but you reach out and grasp him golden chain and tug him down to join you. 
You always rise to meet him.  He takes charge and slots himself between your legs, but you move eagerly.  When he lowers himself onto you, still partially dressed, you lift yourself up and press against him.  Your clothed breasts against his chest, and he dips his head and tugs the cups of your bra down until you’re exposed to him.  He lowers his head and kisses you, works his mouth against you.  He sucks a mark on each curve of your breast, right where your bra will cover.  He wants you to see them and think of him, a pair of mementos to this moment.
“Fuck, Richie.”  You breathe it out, and your hand cups the back of his head.  You hold him against you, and he’s too happy to stay here for a while:  sucking against your nipples, biting lightly until you squirm.  Laving your tender buds with the flat of his tongue, pinching and tugging until you shove him away with a groan.
“Too much,” you whine, but you tangle in his chain again and tug his mouth to yours.  He kisses you, relishes how flushed your skin feels under his lips as he kisses his way across your face, down your neck, across your bare shoulders.  He pauses long enough to undo your bra in earnest, tosses it aside.  Then he kisses his way down your chest again, traces his tongue further down to your soft belly until his chin is perched right on the waistband of your panties.
“Can I?” he asks.  He traces a finger under the lace edging, and he watches your face.  You gaze back at him, your eyes still dark and pupils blown.  Your lips are swollen, and your chest rises and falls with how hard you’re breathing.
You nod.  “You can take them off.”
“Is that it?  Nothing else?”
You laugh, breathless.  “Some other time.  Really want you to fuck me instead.”
Some other time.  The thought makes Richie’s dick twitch at the idea of doing this another time.
You feel him twitch against you.  You laugh again to feel it, and you lift a leg to hook it clumsily along the waistband of his boxers.  You try to push them down, and then you’re chanting “come on, come on, come on” as he scrambles to shuck off the rest of his clothing, scrambles to hook his fingers under your panties as he draws them down your legs. 
“Condoms in the bedside stand,” you tell him, and he opens the drawer, snags one.  He notes the bright pink vibrator there but doesn’t remark on it.  He’ll tuck the image away and revisit it days later in the shower:  a rich bit of fantasy where he pictures you masturbating to the thought of him.
He tears the foil with his teeth, and he watches you as he rolls the condom on himself.  You’re absolutely fucking gorgeous, better than he ever imagined, and a galling little voice in the back of his head asks, “so you’ve been imagining her, huh, asshole?”
He ignores the voice and what it might say next.  He stands over you and asks instead, “how do you want me, sweetheart?”
Another smile.  A genuine one.  “However you want it.”
“Anal, then.”
It startles a laugh out of you, and Richie thinks he might love that—the way he surprises you into laughing.  You prop yourself up on your elbows and look at him.  You kick out a bare foot and press your toes low against his belly, centimeters away from touching the tip of his cock where it stands at attention.
“Not that,” you chide.  “That requires prep.”
“Not a no, sweetheart.”
“It’s a no for this moment.”
“Hmm.  Interesting.”  He grips your ankle and circles it with his hand, and he bends your leg.  Pushes it away from him, pushes it closer to you, and it reveals your gorgeous pussy to him:  the neat-trimmed curls, the slick arousal, the swollen bud of your clit.
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart,” he groans to see you.  “Gotta tell me how you want me, and fucking quick.”
“Missionary works for me,” you reply.  “Old reliable.”
So he climbs onto you.  He kneels between your legs, then pushes them apart obscenely wide.  You stay propped up on your elbows, watching him, but when he settles between your thighs, you fall back against your pillow.
“Good?” he asks.
“You haven’t done much,” you point out. 
“Smart-ass.”  He reaches down and grasps his cock at the base, and he drags the tip of himself through your folds.  He coats himself in your arousal, feels the heat of your pussy even through the latex, then notches himself at your entrance.  He looks down and pushes just the tip in, and the sight of it—barely inside you, the promise of burying himself inside you—makes his vision go fuzzy around the edges.
“Richie.”  You reach up with one hand to cup his face, and you peer up into his eyes.  “Fuck me, please.”
Your other hand finds the small of his back.  You can’t quite reach his ass, so you lay your palm against the small of his back and urge him forward, and he pushes into you.  He goes slow but steady, and he hears your small gasp as your tight cunt makes room for him.  He feels the stretch of it, the smooth muscles twitching at him, and he studies your face for any pain but finds none.
“Pussy’s gripping at me,” he grits out once he’s seated in you.  “Guess you needed it bad after all.”
“Don’t gloat.”  You bear down on him, squeeze him like a fist, and it makes him choke out a curse.  “You needed it bad too, I think.”
“Not complaining here, sweetheart.”
You take his chain in your hand and tug him down to you again.  You kiss him, then mumble against his mouth, “so fuck me then, Richard.  Move.”
He does as you ask.  You’re a pain in the ass, and you’re a representative of all the change occurring in his life without his permission, but he wants to make it good for you.  He remembers the way you clung to him that night in the basement, and he wants to capture that feeling again…even as he shoves the memory aside and begins to fuck you in earnest.
He doesn’t thrust in and out so much as up and down; he learned this move a long time ago and knows it feels better for his partner.  His thrusts hit every part—each reseating brushes the tip of him against the end of you, and it makes you whine each time.  The slide in and out, at this angle, draws along the firm bud of your clit.  And each time he pushes himself home, the base of him grinds along your clit too, and it makes him feel like a million bucks when you gasp out his name, warn him that you’re close—
“Fuck, fuck.  God, Richie, I’m c-close.  Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t—"
And then it tears out of you:  the hard snap of your hips as you lift them to meet his most punishing thrust, the way you tremble under him, your legs shaking, your eyes rolled back in your head.  The way your cunt grips him, ripples against him until it feels like he’s being pulled into your body, and the thought takes hold of him.  He wants to crawl inside you, wants to fill you with himself, wants to merge with you, and the thoughts are so rapid-fire he feels insane for a moment before he settles.
You open your eyes and blink up at him, surprised.  “Holy shit.”
“Told you.”
“Don’t gloat.”  You lift your head and kiss the side of his neck, and he adjusts himself and keeps fucking you.
He’s hit his rhythm now; he deals you hard thrusts and you take them.  You beg for more.  His arms burn as he arches over you.  His calves burn as he drives his cock into you, and sweat beads along his hairline.  He’s covered in a sheen of it, but he doesn’t stop.  He fucks you hard, and his gold necklace swings in time to his thrusts.  It hits you in your face until you hook it with a finger and put the fucking thing in your mouth, and he doesn’t know why it's so hot—maybe it makes him think of your mouth on parts of him instead of just his necklace. 
He makes you come a second time, and it breaks around you again, leaves you trembling and incoherent, but after you recover, you push him over.  It’s easy for you to do—he’s winded as fuck from all his smoking—and Richie finds himself underneath you as you ride him.
He’s happy for the break, but he’s happy to see this side of you.  Any shyness from earlier is long gone.  You sit astride him and bounce on his cock, and it makes your tits bounce too, and he can look down at where he disappears into your tight, wet pussy.
He’s not going to last much longer, and he tells you so.
“S’fine,” you pant out.  “Want you to come too, Richie.”
Then you reach down and take his hands in yours, you place his hands on your tits, and he sort of loves how you take charge at the end.  You push your chest into his hands and ride him, and once he’s touching you there—pinching at your nipples until you arch your back—you reach down and touch yourself.  He watches, transfixed, as you rub a tight circle against your clit, and he can feel you getting close now.  Two orgasms down, he can feel the warning signs.
“Try to come with me,” you order him.  “Want to feel it.”
He’s close.  He’s been close for a while, has been forestalling his own pleasure by listing out White Sox statistics in his head.  But now he wants to come with you as you’ve asked (he wants to do everything for you, anything you ask, he wants all of it, and he struggles to push the thoughts away this time).  He breathes in time with your riding, and he feels his balls tighten as his orgasm approaches.
“I’m close,” he warns.  “Fuck, sweetheart, are you close?”
“Y-y-yes.”  You close your eyes and drop your head, focusing on whatever you’re feeling.
“Gonna come with me?”
“Mmm-hmm.”  You take a sharp breath, then moan as you come a third time, and if he doesn’t quite come with you at exactly the same time, it’s close enough:  the way your pussy grasps at him, draws him in deeper is enough to push him over the edge, and he shifts his hands to your waist.  He pulls you down onto him and stills, feels the pulse of his orgasm as he spills in the condom.
It takes him a long while to recover.  He feels weightless.  Boneless.  He feels like he’s melting into the covers of your bed.  Like he could sleep for a hundred years.  Like he could give up cigarettes and Xanax if he could just stay here and fuck  you whenever his anxiety or insomnia are too much….
You dismount on shaky legs, and you disappear.  When you return, you’re in an oversized t-shirt that skims the top of your thighs, and you hand him a warm washcloth.
“You can take your time,” you tell him.  “No rush.”
Richie reaches down and pulls the condom off.  He ties it off and looks around until he sees a waste bin.  He tosses it, then flops back down on your bed.
“Just need a minute,” he says, but his voice is already thick with sleep, and he doesn’t remember anything else until morning when he wakes up to the smell of strong coffee and sizzling bacon.
He doesn’t remember you standing over him, bemused as you watch him snore.  He doesn’t remember you lying down beside him, covering both of you with a blanket.
And he certainly doesn’t remember reaching for you in his sleep.  He doesn’t remember how you wrap your arms around him, just like that night in the basement of The Beef, and how he sighs at the feeling of you tucked against him again.
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mymiraclebox · 1 month
Can you write a drabble about Olivv? (If you're still doing them ofc)
[Olivv's bio, Dove of Peace.]
Earth was sick, very sick.
The planet had been tainted for a long time now, for many generations Olivv had watched the way the disease had spread across its surface, infecting all it came in contact with. The way it wove itself into people's hearts, sparked by the smallest of actions.
She watched it now as it unfurled below her, fueled and spurred by the force of technology and invention, elevated to levels she had never seen in history before. The plague of war crawling from continent to continent, slaughtering all in its path, and leaving the survivors to suffer and choke.
Once she had tried to root it up: working from the inside to bring Peace, dedicating efforts to helping the victims labeled as survivors, facing conflicts head on to try to suffocate them before they could blossom to battle. And it wasn't that these methods hadn't worked, Peace had flourished in moments she had provided. She had created safety for those fleeing conflict, had calmed conflicts before they had grown, had fostered Peace where it had sprouted... but it never lasted.
It was something that seemed to be rooted in the hearts of humanity itself, a desire to clash with another. A lust for power that drove one to fight. A sense of honor that carried them to spread this disease that seemed to have no end. Even when given all they needed, it seemed that humans would in time would turn once again to the dark ways of war and hatred.
It must end.
"I decline your offer," Olivv said simply, ruffling her feathers.
The kwami in front of her looked startled by this reply, and how he was she did not know. His eyes blinked, momentarily blocking her view of the gleaming reflections within. The purple one reflected the world around them well, sowed with chaos and conflict, while his blue eye showed the world she longed for.
A world he promised they could make together.
"You... you don't want a world of peace?" Yuume asked, the Sheep of Dreams clearly having not expected her refusal.
"It is what I seek, but I know I cannot seek it with you," Olivv replied.
"That is not what the others say," Yuume said, drifting closer, hooves out. "They join me in my journey because they know we all seek the same things. Freedom. Peace. A world of our own, where humans don't rule over us."
"And your path to such a world is lined with the same things?" Olivv prompted, tilting her head, as she already knew the answer.
Yuume's eyes gleamed, allowing her to once again see a reflection of her hopes and fears in his two toned eyes, and she couldn't help but let her gaze slip away. The Sheep drifted closer as she did, those hooves still held out towards her.
"Passiveness will not win us our freedom," Yuume said quietly. "If we do nothing, then nothing will change. Surely you must understand that, Olivv, if you want Peace you're going to have to fight for it."
Olivv let out a small laugh, as these were words she had heard before. Holders in the past had said such to her, and even if she had not believed such a statement (how could one attain something by doing the very opposite?) those holders had been ones seeking Peace, and she had often let them use her powers as they saw fit. But that did not mean she would do the same as they had done.
"You will not attain Peace if you seek the opposite," Olivv chided the young kwami in front of her. "I already know Sotaa has sought you out, and when Conflict himself relishes your presence, it is not Peace you are seeking."
"What about freedom," Yuume's tone had become slightly more challenging, and Olivv merely gave him an empty smile as he spoke. "Are you content to do nothing while our brothers are enslaved by this plague known as humanity!"
"Humanity has not done all wrong with us under them," Olivv replied, and Yuume looked down right horrified as she said this. "I know you despised the Order for what it was, but their intentions have always intrigued me."
"Do you even hear yourself?" Yuume hissed.
"I would say the same to you," Olivv replied. "But I feel that even if you looked, you would not see it, young kwami. You say humanity is a plague, and in this I do agree; but how would you define humanity? Is it the collective of the human race? Or the whole of all their actions? Or is the ideals they strive for?"
"You don't know what you're talking about," Yuume replied. His movements were now stiff, his demeanor from before gone, his gaze defensive and hostile.
"Perhaps I don't," she agreed. "Or perhaps you simply do not like what I say."
"You say that we should remain confined to the whims of humanity!"
"Yet you do not even know what humanity is."
Yuume turned away. "I know that it is dangerous, but it seems that is something that you do not even care about. If you think that standing back and letting humans prosper is acceptable, then you do not care for our kind."
"Just because I do not seek the same path as you, Dreamkeeper, does not mean that I don't care," Olivv replied softly, but he did not turn to face her. "But I do not think you realize what you are truly doing. Because as long as you strive for this war, Yuume, you are carrying humanity within your heart."
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pechoraflow · 5 months
A Writer's Guide to Character Development
I don’t know about you guys, but I can only answer “what’s your character’s favorite flavor of ice cream” so many times before I realize those lists are not going to help me actually write the character.
So, instead, I like to drabble practice. Answer these ten key questions about your character (answer in character). Then, after you know them a little better, write ten scenes (NOT part of your planned story) with the ten prompts below. Set it in your world, but it can be whenever you want—pre-story, or post-story, or mid-story. You could even write two scenes for one prompt, contrasting where your character starts the story and where they end up, or write one in first person and then write it again in third.
Just has to cover events that are NOT plot points. The point of the exercise is to come up with scenes you can toss out as soon as you finish them. You might end up using some of the lines or scenes you come up with, but for now you’re just playing around. 
What does your character tell everyone is their greatest fear? What is it actually? Is it the same? Why or why not?
What is their greatest strength and greatest weakness? 
Name the most important people to this character. All of them. Family and close friends and lovers.
Does your character have enemies? Who and why?
What is your character’s favorite holiday and why? 
How does your character like to present himself/herself? How do they dress? How do they act? Are they friendly or standoffish? Do they like to make a scene, or are they a wallflower?
What is their love language? How do they express it, and how do they best receive it?
What is their highest virtue? What is something that peers would praise about your character? What do they value most in other people?
Are they messy or neat? Why or why not?
If your character could change one thing about their life, what would it be and why? And, conversely, if they could only save one thing from their life, what would it be?
Your character has had a bad day. What happened?
Your character’s loved one is sick. What do they do?
It’s your character’s birthday.
Someone is hiding something from your character. How do they uncover what it is?
Your character has just heard the news. A character they loved is dead. Describe the rest of their day.
Your character is on their own for dinner.
Your character has the day to himself/herself. No responsibilities, nothing. What do they do?
In the middle of the night, your character hears a noise in the house.
Your character knows they will die at midnight. What is their last day like?
Your character suddenly develops amnesia. Their loved ones try to jog your character’s memories by taking them to familiar locations and reminiscing. 
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gloomwitchwrites · 8 days
Secret relationship and they find out you're being transferred to a different team.
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Anon...how DARE you. But really, the angst that this prompt is giving is everything. I want to warn readers now that I was not nice with this one. There is a lot of angst happening here. There is nothing spicy about it. It's all pain with a little comfort sprinkled in for a few of our boys.
(Sorry not sorry)
These are presented in four individual double drabbles.
Content & Warnings: angst, mild emotional hurt/comfort, secret relationships, yearning, heartbreak, 141!reader
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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John "Soap" MacTavish
“We’ve got two weeks!”
“Can you believe that?”
Soap’s smile remains but melts slightly. “What?”
“I’m leaving.”
He chuckles. “We both are.”
You shake your head. “No. I’m leaving the team.”
Soap frowns slightly. “Retirement?” He shrugs. “Seem a bit young.” That smile returns and he saunters forward, his large hands grasping your hips. “Means we can go public.”
He leans in for a kiss, but your heart isn’t in it. Soap realizes the reluctance the moment your lips meet. “It’s something else,” he says.
You nod because that is all you can manage. Originally, Captain Price said he wanted to tell the team together, but he doesn’t know about you and Johnny. Soap needs to know first before the rest. If not, it’ll come as a blow and a betrayal. You can’t do that to him no matter what Captain Price says.
“I’m being transferred,” you murmur, voice breaking slightly.
Soap does not retreat. He rests his forehead against your own, eyes closing as he inhales. His arms slide from your hips to your back, drawing you against him.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
“We’ll figure it out,” he says rubbing your back. “We’ll figure it out together.”
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Kyle enters the meeting room. It’s the last one before everyone breaks for a month.
But there is someone missing.
Laswell and Captain Price talk quietly, their heads bent in conversation. Soap is showing something to Ghost on his phone.
You are not among them. You are not in your usual spot.
Laswell glances up and Price clears his throat. “We can start.”
“Hold up, Captain. We’re missing one.”
Kyle gestures toward the chair you usually sit in and Price frowns.
“Transferred on another mission,” interrupts Laswell.
Kyle says nothing, sinking into his chair. He listens but most of it slips right out of his head. The only thing he can think about is that you’re not here and you didn’t say anything.
When Laswell and Price are finished, and everyone begins to exit, Kyle lingers, intent on talking to Price.
“Not gonna talk about our missing team member?”
“Nothing to say,” shrugs Price. “Transferred this morning.”
Kyle swallows down the emotion rising in his throat. No one knows about the two of you, and if he pushes too much, he might reveal something he shouldn’t.
“Coming back?” asks Kyle.
“Eventually,” answers Price. “Not sure when.”
Eventually. There’s hope then.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
“You’re leaving.”
“Did you plan on telling me?” You remain silent and Simon shakes his head. “Waiting for Price to do it?”
“That’s not true.”
Simon takes a step forward, entering your space. “I saw the transfer on his desk. I saw the date. How long have you known?”
“Does that matter?” you ask.
“Of course it does,” he snaps.
Simon is never angry, not with you. His anger is subtle which makes it more terrifying. This is something else. Simon is hurt, and you’re the cause of it.
“I’m sorry you found out like this. I planned on telling you.”
“When?” He’s closer now, towering over you.
“When I had more information.”
“More information?”
“I don’t know where I’m going or with who,” you add.
“Might not tell you until you get there. Happens all the time.”
You understand his meaning and know that Simon is right. Would you have left without telling him anything, only saying something once you’d left?
No. This thing between you might be tangled but he is the only one you want.
“Are you upset?” you ask.
Simon deflates. “Not with you.” He tugs you against him, creating a cocoon of warmth. “Never.”
John Price
The transfer papers mockingly stare at Price.
All this time, he believed he could have you without repercussion. Didn’t matter that you were another member of the team and his subordinate. You were his, and Price could protect you.
But these papers came from someone above him, and he cannot refuse them. No matter how much he wants to.
And no one knows what the two of you do when there isn’t anyone looking. But now, that’s shattered. Broken. And Price must grieve for your departure in silence. Price has already raged. He punched the wall until his knuckles bled.
After that, he walked until he came to terms with it.
You don’t know yet. You have no idea. Telling you will be the hardest part. What will happen? How will the two of you move forward? Can the secrets remain, or will it all need to be out in the open?
Price sighs and runs his hands over his face.
This is a punishment. Must be. Why else is it happening?
There is a loud knock at the door. Again, Price sighs, knowing that he has to face the reality of the situation.
You are on the other side.
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving
@childofyuggoth @miaraei @coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666
@unhinged-reader-36 @pearljamislife @miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath
@enfppuff @berarenado @saoirse06 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu
@thewulf @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos
@enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project
@burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67 @contractedcriteria
@lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @leed-bbg @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie
@tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe @jaggersinclair @nomercyforthewarrior @dakotakazansky
@hantheconqueror @sapphichotmess
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2hightocare · 2 months
We’re jk oc deprived 😭😭😭
Any new Drabble ?
noooo I can’t seem to finish any of my works for them, there’s only like prompts of barely 500 words here’s sum for you guys🥳🥳🥳🥳
“Do you guys have triple extra-large condoms?”
“Your dick is not that big, oh please,” Yoongi bursts out laughing, throwing his head back and covering his face with his hands. You can’t help but snort softly as Lora tries to figure out how many inches triple extra-large would be using her hands.
“How is that possible..?” Jimin says, laying his head down on the hotel room bed beside Taehyung, who’s been snoring away since you all arrived.
“Just because you have a small dick doesn’t mean I do,” Jungkook retorts, crossing his arms and leaning against the colorful wall of the room.
You’re all in Las Vegas, celebrating Jungkook’s and your three-year wedding anniversary. It was a spontaneous trip planned just a few hours before catching the earliest plane. None of you are new to Vegas, Taehyung, who’s lacking enthusiasm. The moment he steps foot in your and Jungkook’s hotel room, he knocks out.
The room has become the main hangout spot for everyone.
“I aspire to be as delusional as Kook,” Ari jokes from her spot on the floor in front of the mirror, curling her hair. The group bursts out laughing as Jungkook rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around your neck from behind, joining in the laughter.
Jungkook’s strong personality is one of the things that drew you to him. He always knows how to make you laugh, no matter the situation, with his random remarks and perfect timing.
“I think this is the dumbest thing ever,” Jungkook sighs, bouncing his leg where Iseul is sitting, sucking on her pink pacifier. Her two small pigtails bounce with each movement of your husband’s leg.
“She needs them, they’re literally mandatory, baby,” you lay your head on his shoulder, glancing around the clinic and noticing a brunette mom making googly eyes at your husband. Jungkook, too worried about his daughter, doesn’t even notice.
“I know, but do you not hear all the babies crying?” Jungkook says, watching Iseul giggle at his worried expression. “I’m afraid you’re worrying more than her,” you laugh, squeezing Iseul’s cheeks, making her squirm in Jungkook’s lap. “Aren’t you so cute, huh?” You coo, eliciting giggles from Iseul.
“Oh no,” Iseul pouts, pointing to the pacifier on the ground. “Oh no, it’s right, princess,” Jungkook bends over, picking up the pink pacifier and passing it to you. Iseul reaches for it eagerly, but you scrunch your face, sticking out your tongue. “Yuck,” you say, and Iseul mimics you, making Jungkook laugh at her reaction. “God, can’t believe I made such a perfect offspring,” Jungkook exclaims, showering Iseul’s face with kisses, which only makes her laugh more.
“You did not just call her offspring,” you gasp, a snort slipping past your mouth, making Jungkook laugh loudly before quieting down, realizing where you are. “Jeon Iseul?” The door opens, revealing a woman, likely the doctor’s assistant.
You and Jungkook immediately stand up, making your way to her. “Iseul?” she asks, and you confirm with a smile, interlocking your fingers with your husband’s as he holds Iseul on his other arm.
“Okay, follow me,” she says, leading you through a hallway adorned with pastel colors and animals painted on the walls, catching Iseul’s attention as she points and babbles.
“Gee-raffe!” she babbles, her baby teeth showing as she smiles at the animals. “Aw, she’s the cutest,” the assistant remarks, turning to give a warm smile to your daughter. She opens a sliding door with a giant elephant in the middle, leading you inside.
“Take a seat. Whoever’s going to hold her, please sit there,” she points to the big chair in the middle of the room. Jungkook sits, placing Iseul on his lap and adjusting her dress.
“Okay, can you tell me her birthday?” the assistant asks. “November 10th, 2022,” you answer, adjusting your cap as Jungkook pokes Iseul’s cheek.
“Okay, the doctor will be here in a few. Bye, Iseul. Nice meeting you,” she waves at your daughter, who waves back before the assistant exits the room.
“I want another one,” Jungkook whines, attacking your neck with kisses. “Baby, no,” you moan as he sucks and nips, leaving red marks on your throat.
“Please, give me another one,” your husband pouts, finally looking at you. His tattooed hand holds the base of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss as he smiles into it, making your teeth clash.
The kiss is messy, strings of saliva connecting between you both each time you separate to catch your breath. Jungkook bites your lip, making you moan into his mouth, to which he replies with a cocky smile.
“I’ll fuck you so good, baby, please,” Jungkook whines between kisses. “Please,” kiss. “Please,” another kiss. “Please,” and another.
“We can’t,” you reply between kisses. “Why the fuck not? We can do them right now,” Jungkook says, pulling you closer by your throat.
Jungkook has been wanting another kid, but as much as you want to say ‘fuck it’ and do it, you just couldn’t at the moment. You’ve been too busy with school, and the same goes for Jungkook with work, but he didn’t seem to think it through. He wanted another mini you, turning the house upside down alongside Iseul.
“Please, Iseul would love to have a brother… or sister,” he adds late, causing you to side-eye him, which only makes him smile as he nestles into your neck.
“No babies yet, let’s wait,” you happily sigh as he places a kiss on your collarbone, twirling a strand of your hair.
“So we’re not fucking?” Jungkook peeks up with a grin as you burst out laughing. “Not without protection,” you scratch the back of his head, making him moan before he rests his head on your lap, looking up at you with a smile.
“I see how it is,” you joke as you feel him shift in your arms before laying his head on your lap. “What?” you ask, placing your small palm over his face before moving it around. Jungkook sticks his tongue out, licking your palm, which has you quickly retrieving your hand.
“Ew, you’re nasty,” you scrunch your nose as he reaches for your hair, pulling gently.
“That’s nasty? You literally asked me to spit in your mo—,” before he could finish, you place your palm over his mouth again, shutting him up as his eyes widen with amusement.
“Shush,” a small giggle leaves your lips as you blush like a high school girl. You’ve known Jungkook for over ten years, and till this day, he has you giggling and kicking your feet whenever he looks at you.
“I miss your lip piercing,” you pout, squishing his cheeks with your hand as he laughs, poking your belly button with his pinky. “I do too, but Iseul literally ripped my shit,” he says, a pained expression on his face as he remembers his daughter pulling on the lip piercing with incredible force.
“Is that why you took out your ear ones too?” you ask, biting your lower lip as your finger plays with his pierced earlobe. He nods, his eyes fluttering closed as your fingers trace along his perfectly carved eyebrows.
“Well, I miss them,” you pout, tracing the outline of his lips.
“I’ll put them back on tomorrow,” he winks, making you roll your eyes before pinching his lips together.
“I still can’t believe you guys won’t add me to the group chat,” Jungkook whines, leaning his head on your shoulder and looking up at you with hopeful eyes.
“It’s only girls, so no,” Eunbi says, finishing braiding her thick blonde hair as Jungkook sends her a dirty look, which she returns.
“Namjoon is on it?” Your husband continues poking your cheek, as if that would make you add him to the group chat. But only if he knew that you weren’t even admin, and that it was Eunbi’s job to begin with.
“He’s part of the girls. He just gets us,” you give him an apologetic look, which he rolls his eyes at before scooting to the furthest edge of the couch and crossing his arms.
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generalsmemories · 9 months
hello jing yuan's wife!! congrats on 1k followers! you very much deserved it 😊 may i please request for jing yuan with angst scenario #5? thank you in advance!
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✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ prompt used: needing to go to an event after a party and having to pretend as if they aren’t angry with one another the entire time || 1k event
✧ contents: established relationship, hurt/comfort, alcohol consumption, arguments cause yeehaw, however happy ending cause they are functioning adults, mentions of other characters
✧ a/n: the amount of times ya'll have called me jing yuan's wife at this point HAHAH. anyway! first drabble to kickstart the 1k event is a sort of angsty one because why not but ya'll remember that one book where the sanctus medicus had 5 operations to try and get rid of jing yuan? yeah have that back in mind. - also not beta-read but who is surprised at this point LMFAO
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"... You could've died."
Jing Yuan snorts, adjusting the bracers on his forearms without even sparing you a glance, "But I'm here right now breathing, aren't I?" he quips back instead, almost sounding amused at your worry.
It infuriates you. It baffles you how little he truly cared about the situation and at the severity of it. The hair you had for once tried to style already messy by the amount of times you've ran a hand through it out of stress or frustration the past two hours.
You're so glad you made Yanqing leave earlier to assist where it was necessary.
"Do you honestly see this as a mere joke, Jing Yuan?" you sneer, arms crossed whilst leaning one side against the doorframe. He must already know what you're referring to, being that you had finally opened the report handed to you from today - a report telling that there was yet another attempt on his life.
Another attempt that he didn't want to tell you about.
"Quite the contrary," he says, turning around to finally face you. His smile is still present on his lips which only serves to make you more agitated, "Nothing happened as you can see, and I'm perfectly fine. As such I didn't see the need to tell you about it because nothing happened. I wasn't even at the Artisanship Commission like they thought-"
"Because you got delayed."
He sighs, crossing his arms as well and cocking his head to the side, "Dear, with the amount you're worrying about me it makes me believe you have no trust in my capabilities to protect myself. Am I right to assume that?" he questions, his smile fading a bit after he had asked.
"Where the hell did you even get that from- Can I not worry about my lovers safety even when I'm aware of his swordmanship?" you ask, clicking your tongue whilst running yet another hand through your strands.
"And I'm telling you that it is a needless worry-"
"You're fucking unbelievable," you scoff, turning around to head for the entrance of your home, Jing Yuan quirking an eyebrow at your retreating form, "Oh? You're not going to nag at me further?" he asks, his tone may be lighthearted, but even you can pick out the slight bite it has to it.
"Even looking at you right now makes me want to punch you. The fact that you can't even see where I'm coming from is unbelievable enough, so fine! I won't worry more about our dear general," you bite back, slamming the door shut once you're at the other side.
You can come up with an excuse as to why the two of you arrive separately - it wouldn't be the first time after all.
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"You must be quite delighted that the expedition finished earlier than planned, right [Name]?" Master Gongshu asks, handing you a glass and immediately clinking his own against it before taking a sip, "Even the tiny lieutenant made more of a name to himself out there."
You snicker, swirling the contents of the drink before you, stealing a brief glance over at Jing Yuan who is surrounded himself, "Indeed, I'm quite relieved to see him and Yanqing safely return to the Luofu."
Even though there was immediately another attempt on his life the moment he stepped one foot back onboard.
"But say, aren't you a bit saddened that the general haven't been by your side as much today? He's practically surrounded by the other commissioners and knights," master Gongshu points out, to which you only shake your head, "Why of course not, as long as I know that my husband is safe - I wouldn't have to worry about anything," you say - a bit louder than needed.
You know Jing Yuan heard you.
He kept his attention solely on the people before him though, not even sparing you a glance.
The sight makes you let out another loud sigh, bringing the glass to your lips only to immediately drink it in one gulp, Master Gongshu snickering beside you while calling another waiter over, "Oho, I see you're rearing to go so early! This is indeed what a celebration feast is about!" Master Gonshu roars, his laughter having been a bit too loud to attract the attention of other people, who merely snickered at his own energy.
Jing Yuan only narrowed his eyes, eyebrows furrowing in displeasure at your comment. It seems like you still haven't cooled down. But as soon as he heard his name get called, he was all smiles again, "Aren't you worried that [Name] is going to drink too much, general?" a solider jokingly asked, raising his own glass to have a toast with the general. Jing Yuan merely let out a low chuckle, "Of course not, and even if they were to, I'm here to take care of them."
At this point, the master diviner had made herself to your side with a few snacks - just in time to see your expression twist for a split second upon hearing what Jing Yuan said, letting out a laugh yourself, "Oh, don't worry dear. I know how to take care of myself, so there's no need for you to needlessly worry like this!"
She can practically sense the animosity between you two that no one else in the room has apparently picked up on.
But Fu Xuan does admit that seeing Jing Yuan's perfectly crafted smile twitch a bit in annoyance while his eyebrows furrowed a tiny bit did bring her satisfaction - a taste of his own medicine.
So while master Gongshu have wandered off to get a refill, she makes her way over to you with a raised eyebrow, "Trouble in paradise?" she asks lowly, you merely huff in return - turning around to lean on the fence, staring at the various starskiffs in the air, "... No."
"I applaud you for still wanting to lie in front of me," Fu Xuan comments, placing the tray of various snacks beside you for your perusal - you don't grab anything, already lost in thought.
"Is it a needless worry?" you end up asking, Fu Xuan having leaned against the fence herself while having her body turned to face you, "About what? His safety? Yes and no."
"Gee, that helps a lot."
"He's a general, [Name]. An attempt on his life is unfortunately common sense, moreso at this time too being that he had just returned from an expedition and would be by some standards - exhausted and have his senses dulled."
"So why-"
"But it's also because he is a general that precautions are taken. Even if he got delayed or not before coming to the Artisanship Commission, the Cloud Knights stationed had already intercepted the attempt - he would've still been safe."
You bite your tongue to prevent yourself from blurting anything more. In hindsight you were perfectly aware that Jing Yuan would be fine - but you're pretty sure there's not a single lover out there who would not worry about their own husbands' safety if his head had once again been targeted - even if it had been yet another failed attempt.
Before you can admit your wrongdoings to Fu Xuan, you feel an arm slither around your waist - delicate lips pressing against your temple, and from the faint breath Jing Yuan lets out, you can tell he's had a few more to drink than you in the span of your conversation with Fu Xuan.
"... I thought you didn't like to drink that much," you say softly, turning around in his hold only to be met with a smile, "And I thought you weren't going to speak to me?" he whispers back. You merely huff and let his head fall down to your shoulder, sending Fu Xuan a pleading gaze to which she immediately gets without you needing to say anything more - walking over to the crowd of onlookers to step in for both you and Jing Yuan.
"I am still mad," you finally utter after a few minutes of silence between the two of you.
"Whatever can I do to make my beloved not mad at me then?" he asks back in a whisper, careful to not let anyone else hear the two of you. You can tell from your peripheral vision that he's turned his head to face you, although you keep your gaze facing forward.
"Admit you were wrong," you huff, Jing Yuan letting out a low chuckle at how you're still holding onto that stubborness, "I'm pretty sure I saw that you were about to admit that you were wrong to the master diviner, no?"
You don't answer, merely looking away in a silent defiance. The sight making Jing Yuan sigh in amusement, "Alright, I'm sorry dear. I'll make sure to tell you in the future whenever I feel something amiss," he says in the end - but before you can accept that apology, he quickly adds on.
"In return, I do hope you tell me whenever the disciples also target you."
.... Oh.
"... You know you could've made me inform you in any other way than having us argue?" you state, back to your moody self - the switch in mood making your husband laugh, "Not such a great feeling being left in the dark, is it?" he reminds you - and you hate how effective this sort of method is.
So your only reply is to wrap your arms around his waist, "I'm sorry," You can feel his body shake with laughter, his own arms wrapping around your shoulders before you feel his lips pressing themselves at the top of your head, "Now stop being mad, because these few hours were quite tortuous for me."
"You just say that because I usually do all the talking."
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struggled with that ending for 3 days man.
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alphabetboyluvr · 9 months
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title credit: palladium- greyson chance
pairing: dilf!yoongi x reader // friends to lovers, slowburn, eventual smut
min yoongi is urgent.  in the way he bites his nails down to the bed, and the way his sore fingers type out desperate sentences just minutes before deadlines, he is urgent. how he prepares jaehyun’s day bag before grandma comes by, and how he double checks everything is packed, he is urgent.  the requests for you to watch over jaehyun each and every deadline day are, always, predictably, urgent. but the way min yoongi falls in love with you is slow. gradual. tepid. until, like everything with min yoongi, it becomes urgent.  
wordcount: 3.2K
note from holly: this was a prompt from a winner of one of my kofi quizzes! was supposed to be a drabble but now we are looking at a lil three parter. no smut in this part, just setting up our dynamics <3 yoongi is a boy dad! idc! argue with the wall!!!!
minors dni // cross posted to wattpad
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"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't urgent," Yoongi pleads across the bakery counter. Nails bitten down to the bed, he's got bags underneath his eyes. Hasn't been sleeping well these days. Hasn't really been sleeping at all.
"I told you last time—"
"I know, I know," he sighs, pushing off of the countertop and pacing a few steps away, raking a stressed palm through his long, dark hair. Dishevelled, he hasn't had it cut in a while. You'll never tell him, but you think it looks better this way. "Look, it's the last time. I promise. I just really fucked it this time."
With a raised brow, you fold your arms over your chest. The apron beneath you bunches a little awkwardly, but you've never cared much for composure around Yoongi. Have simply known him too long and seen him through too many clumsy stages of life to be bothered. 
Tipping your head back, you exhale a sharp breath from the very depths of your lungs. 
"You are so lucky Jaehyun is an angel baby," you eventually say, shaking your head as you reluctantly agree. "What time do you need me?"
"Deadline is at midnight," Yoongi says, "So whenever you can get to mine, really. Mum has him till seven, but then she's got Bitch'n'Stitch—"
"Hey," you scold. "My mum goes to that knitting group, too."
"I'm not calling her a bitch—but I've heard their conversations," Yoongi reminds you. He swears they don't actually do any knitting (as if they haven't handmade half of Jaehyun's closet). Thinks they spend the entire time gossiping. And while yes, they do do a lot of gossiping, they can multitask. Unlike him, apparently. "But fine. She has her knitting group at seven."
Yoongi will never simply call it a knitting group, if he can help it. 
Bitch'n'Stitch is his go-to, but he's also partial to Stitching Hour. 
Last week, you'd just gone on a rant about how it's inappropriate to insinuate that all women of a certain age from your small town are witches—"Women used to get burned at the stake, Yoongi. Burned!"—so he knows better than to say it out loud today, even if it makes him laugh whenever he thinks about them knitting on broomsticks.
"I'll probably be outta here at just gone six," you tell him. 
It's the late shift, so you're responsible for closing and cleaning up, but after two years of part-time work alongside your studies, you're a dab hand. Can action off every item on the to-do list in record time, and to a standard even your boss can't achieve. 
You're wasted on a small town like this, but someone's gotta do it. 
"That's fine," Yoongi nods. "I just need to straighten this essay out and get my citations done. You can go as soon as I'm finished—and hey, you can order takeout. I'll pay."
Knowing Yoongi, he's probably surviving on instant noodles, and spending all of his money on Red Bull and Jaehyun's meticulously planned diet. 
Jaehyun's been off formula for about two months, now, and Yoongi is terrified of feeding him the wrong thing. By the looks of his slightly skinnier-than-usual frame, he's the one in need of a good meal.
And so, as you're doing your final tasks of the day, you don't bin the breads that need to be chucked. Instead, you bag them up. All of them. The pastries, too. Will just have to hope Yoongi has freezer space.
By the time you make it home, you've only got ten minutes to spare for a quick shower before you need to rush to Yoongi's. You'll be a little after seven, but it's fine. You've resigned yourself to staying at Yoongi's until midnight, now. 
It's how it usually goes. 
He'll work up until his deadline, rewriting and revising paragraphs that are perfectly fine and need no alterations. His own worst critic, you know that he really doesn't need to stress himself out like this.
Still, he does. You think he'll always be this way—at least, he was in high school, and he remains to be this way, even in university. Too much of a habit has been formed. It's ingrained in the ridges of his brain. Pink and permanent—just like the pout on his lips as he opens his apartment door for you later that evening.
Forearm tucked under Jaehyun's pudgy thighs, Yoongi cradles his son into his side, as a look of relief relaxes onto his face. It's a stark reminder of why Yoongi stresses himself out so much. 
You can afford to make mistakes. The only person you have to answer to is yourself.
Yoongi doesn't have that luxury anymore. Hasn't done for a while, now. Won't ever get it again—or at least, not for another seventeen years.
"Hey," he whispers, then casts his eyes down to Jaehyun's sleepy head. Nestling into Yoongi's shoulder, Jaehyun's dark hair now has a little length to it. Much like his own, Yoongi is refusing to cut it. Another thing he's scared of getting wrong. 
The subtle nod Yoongi gestures towards Jaehyun is a request for you to be quiet. 
You're familiar with his paternal habits by now; the behaviours he exhibits only when he's wearing his invisible 'Dad' hat.
He tucks back against the door, letting you walk on through and into his apartment.
Shoes off by the door, Yoongi locks up as you shake off your jacket, and hook it on the empty peg in the middle of the rack.
Small and a little dark, Yoongi hates his home. Is strapped for cash, so turned the open plan kitchen and sitting room into a studio-type set-up. Has his bed where a sofa should be, and manages to cram everything somewhere. His desk, his small keyboard, his clothing rail that he really needs to reorganise. A bunch of his things are in storage. 
Jaehyun's room is what once was Yoongi's. It's got the most natural light, thanks to the window placement, not that it matters at this time of night. The curtains are drawn, playmat full of yellows and oranges scattered across the floor. Beside it, is Yoongi's laptop. The screensaver is running, and it's pretty obvious he'd been playing with the little toy octopus sprawled across the keyboard instead, when you had arrived.
"Bit late for nap time?" You question quietly as you pop your phone on the charging pad Yoongi keeps on the dresser.
Nodding, Yoongi gently rests his son down in his crib. These past couple of days, everything has been a little out of sync. He feels guilty—like he's failing—but the pressures he's been putting on himself are just getting far too great. He's doing the best he can, but it always feels like it's not enough.
But Jaehyun is loved, and sheltered, and provided for. Yoongi is doing all he can. He just still isn't sure he knows how to be a dad.
Which is silly, because as you watch him stroke across the dark hair that sits flat to Jaehyun's scalp, quietly monitoring his condition, you think that Yoongi was made for this. Is far more paternal than you are maternal.
Truth be told, you don't like kids all that much.
Your idea of a fun evening doesn't typically involve hanging out with an infant, and yet you'll do it for Yoongi. Of course, you will. Have known him for too long and have been through too much with him to not help him.
Plus, you really do adore Jaehyun. Sweet as can be when he sleeps, he really does look just like Yoongi at that age—or so you gather from the baby pictures you've seen a dozen times over at his parents' place. It's easier to count which features they don't share. Saves ever needing to do a paternity test, not that Yoongi would do one anyway.
Jaehyun is his kid. A little bit of DNA wouldn't change this fact, not in his eyes.
It worries you. Not because you think Yoongi isn't his father—again, they're too alike to not be related—but in case his mother decides she wants to play an active role in Jaehyun's life. You fear that the 1% of doubt could come true and tear any legal right away from Yoongi. You're not really sure how the courts would work it all out, but you doubt they'd side with him. 
Yoongi was never meant to be a father. Not now, at least. The outcome of a one-night-stand, Jaehyun's biological mother didn't realise she was pregnant until it was too late. Had no real choice in the matter. Was also nearing the end of her tenure in law school. A kid was not—and remains to not be—a part of her plan. 
You know the documents were signed. Legal rights, shit like that. Know that she must have an understanding of the law far greater than Yoongi. Just hope she hasn't done anything that will fuck him over in the future.
Still, it's not a topic of conversation Yoongi likes indulging in, and so you don't push, no matter how much you'd like to know the details. 
"Let him sleep," Yoongi eventually sighs, before sinking down to lie on the rug. "Better he rests while I'm working—and plus, he slept through till five-thirty this morning."
"Till sunrise?" You chirp, a little surprised but conscious of keeping your voice down. 
Yoongi nods, face rubbing against the carpet. "He's basically a teenager."
Rolling your eyes, you reach down for his wrist to drag him to his feet. He's got an essay to finish. 
"Shut up," you smile. "You've barely stopped being a teenager."
Sometimes, it makes you a little sad to think that Yoongi is missing out on his early twenties—but then you glance across to Jaehyun and know that he's not missing anything. Just experiencing different things. That's all. 
"Don't remind me," he grunts, lamely getting to his feet, letting you pull him down the hallway as you swipe the baby monitor that lives next to the charging pad. You'll come back for your phone later. 
"C'mon, gotta finish your essay. Can't be a DILF unless you get this degree."
"You'll just be a D without a good job," you tell him. "DILF's are always suited up."
"That's simply not true," he doubles down. "I've been told I'm a DILF at least, like, six times. Maybe more."
Definitely more. If he knew the way girls on campus spoke about him? God, his head would be so big he wouldn't be able to walk through doors.
But for now, you shoo him back through Jaehyun's bedroom door and to his sitting room-come-bedroom. The apartment isn't large. A baby monitor isn't needed, yet one is set up by Yoongi's bed, regardless. 
And so, as Yoongi knuckles down with his work, you flop onto his bed, and take prime babysitting position—though you're pretty sure you'd get fired if you ever got under anyone else's sheets on the job.
But it's late, and you've worked a long shift. You're only gonna rest your eyes for a moment. A second. A fraction of one, even. Just to hydrate them a little. Replenish your—
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You're out like a light.
The curse of Min Yoongi's bedsheets. You really should have known better. It happens every damn time. You know this. He knows this. 
Yet when he eventually wakes you, neither of you mention it.
"Hey," Yoongi mumbles as he gently nudges your sleepy body. Flopping down beside you on top of the duvet, his exhausted eyes close instantaneously. 
"I'm going, I'm going," you grumble into his duvet, half asleep but knowing that you should go and check on Jaehyun. 
The baby monitor hasn't made any noise to wake you, and Yoongi's just been with him for the last twenty minutes, quietly watching on as he slept. Is pretty confident he's gonna sleep through again tonight. 
Reaching out to pat you down, Yoongi doesn't really acknowledge the way he accidentally taps your ass. Nor do you. Just sort of pretend that he didn't. Pretend that it didn't make your heart race a little.
"S'fine," he says, voice muffled by his need for rest. "He's still sleeping. Just checked on him."
"Mhm," Yoongi nods, the sound of his hair smooth against his sheets. "You gonna crash here?"
"You all done?" You question right back. Shuffle, and his hand lazily moves with you. His wrist now rests on your hip, and you both pretend like it's normal.
"All done," he confirms. "Was late, so I've lost ten percent, but whatever."
For someone who stresses himself out as much as Yoongi does over his grades, as soon as he's hit the submission button, he just ceases to care. Has a 'what'll be, will be' attitude towards it all. Part of you wishes he would adopt that mentality when he's actually writing his essays.
What you don't realise is that it manifests from the same fear. 
He panics and panics and panics before a deadline—and then is so worried about his grade that he just pretends like they don't exist.
Too sleepy to care at this moment in time, Yoongi's placement of his wrist on your hip becomes more intentional. Deliberate. 
It's not like you're a stranger to the weight of Yoongi's arms draped over your body. Not like it's the first time—it's just every time it does happen, you swear it'll be the last.
It never is.
And it's not like it's anything illicit. Not anything you shouldn't be doing. Nothing that takes you beyond the realms of friendship—but it does threaten the integrity of your oldest connection to another human outside of familial ties. 
So every time Yoongi gets a little too close, or you find yourself lingering a little long on his words, you tell yourself to stop. That this is just a symptom of the dry spell you've been going through.
"Are you staying here tonight?" He asks.
Again, it wouldn't be the first time. Have been having sleepovers with him since you were kids. Ghost stories, midnight feasts. Sneaking out to the park to find UFOs and stopping by the corner shop for snacks. 
Once high school hit, it was deemed unwise by your parents. Open door policy. 
You'd been furious. Outraged that your privacy was being taken from you, and being told it was for your own good.
And so sneaking out the park became sneaking in windows; films watched with headphones on, dinner eaten in your bedroom under the guise of a melodramatic teenage strop, but actually shared with the boy from two doors down who knew better than to deceive your parents.
All innocent. Nothing that required a closed door. Those escapades were saved for—or wasted on—other people. Either, or. Neither you nor Yoongi gave it much thought. Why would you?
Friends, is what you were. What you are. What you always have been.
Which begs the question: why the fuck is Yoongi looking at you like that?
But then the wrist of Yoongi's resting on your hip becomes his hand. The grip becomes intentional. The stillness of your body comes not from tiredness, but from trepidation. 
"Do you want me to?" 
"It's late," he husks, thumb stroking against your hip as if that's what friends do. "You're off tomorrow, right? Don't need to go home?"
"Well, then stay," he shrugs, loosening his grip to roll onto his back. The ceiling is far less interesting than you are, but he has to stop looking at your lips and wondering if they taste like the strawberry lip balm you'd tossed on the side cabinet earlier. "Makes sense."
"Stay?" You question as if he still needs to clearly outline that, yes, he'd like you to stay. "And do what?"
"Sleep," he dryly replies, because it's the obvious answer. Because it's what you should do. You're tired. He's tired. Jaehyun is asleep in the next room over.
"Sleep," you nod. "Sounds good."
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Domestication becomes you in times like these. A toothbrush sits in an old glass on the top shelf of Yoongi's mirrored bathroom cabinet. The rest of the shelves are pretty much empty, but he always puts it up there. Says it annoys him anywhere else.
"Surely it's more annoying having to get it down for me every time I crash here?" You banter with him as you lean against the back wall of his bathroom, waiting for him to retrieve it. 
Plucking it from the glass, Yoongi is swift with his movements, and the way he wets the brush, puts a pearl of toothpaste on the bristles, then hands it back over to you.
"Doesn't bother me," he shrugs, turning back around to shut the cabinet. When he does, he's greeted with your eyes in the mirror, and a feeling in his stomach that should bother him. 
See, the D in Yoongi's DILF actually stands for dependable (although occasionally dickhead also fits). He likes being asked to do things. Likes being helpful. Useful. Knows that he depends on you far more than you do him, and so he does this to settle the score. 
You help him pass his exams, and he helps you keep good dental hygiene habits. A win-win situation. 
Leaving you to finish washing up, Yoongi does the final checks of his apartment. Bolts the door. Turns out the lights. Makes sure Jaehyun's day bag is packed for tomorrow with his Grandma. Adds the day's clothes to the laundry pile. Stands in the doorframe of Jaehyun's room to just simply watch his son exist for a little while longer. 
He loses track of time doing this. It's a nightly routine, so you think he'd get used to it, but he never does. Still can't fully comprehend that a living, breathing creature relies on him for basic survival. 
Sure, he hides your toothbrush away, and puts things out of reach for you just to get you asking him for help, but this is different. He cares about nothing more than making sure Jaehyun is surrounded by abundance: love, shelter, food. Everything the world has to offer, Yoongi wants for his son—and that's why he's working so damn hard to make sure it happens.
There's a tenderness to how Yoongi strokes your back when you stand beside him. He's far gentler than he used to be. Benevolent with age. Isn't the same kid who used to chase you around his parent's yard with a worm in one hand, and a pile of mud in the other. 
"C'mon," you whisper, walking away because you know you need to break the contact. "Let's rest."
Yoongi nods. Is slow as he tears his gaze from his son, but just as stoic as he watches you saunter down the hallway and into your bedroom for the night. His bedroom.
You slip out of sight, just in time for Yoongi to exhale the air in his lungs. His sigh is full of unspoken words. Uncertain terms—and as he follows you down, he wonders how many more secrets will bloat his lungs throughout the night.
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witchywithwhiskey · 1 month
Hey! For the spring time drabbles I would love to see Lloyd Hansen (this moustach… I swear…) with smut no. 75. “you’ll cum as many times as i want, got it?”
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ruining a perfect springtime date
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pairing: boyfriend!lloyd hansen x female reader
warnings: 18+ content (minors dni!!!), smut, oral sex (f receiving), piv sex, unprotected sex, creampie, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, restraints, light bondage, light bdsm, dom/sub vibes, praise kink, pet names, possessive behavior, established relationship
word count: 1,300ish
a/n: thank you for sending in this prompt!!! Lloyd absolutely would say something like this, so it wasn't hard to come up with an idea for this little ficlet 😏 i hope you enjoy it!!! ♡♡
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The forecast had called for a beautiful spring day—warm, but not too hot, and plenty of sunshine to make sure the constant breeze didn’t get too chilly. Excitement filled your heart like champagne bubbles as you eagerly bopped around your room, getting ready for the day.
Your boyfriend, Lloyd Hansen, had planned the perfect springtime date. He’d bought a few tickets for a spring garden where the two of you could ride around on bicycles together, taking in the gorgeous blooms and soaking up the sun. Then, he’d booked a reservation at a sweet little restaurant with the most beautiful outdoor patio, where you could eat outside and watch the sunset together.
You paused just as you were spritzing on perfume and smiled to yourself, thinking about asking Lloyd for his jacket at dinner because you’d conveniently forgotten a sweater. You could already imagine the warmth and comfort of being wrapped up in his jacket, and it only made you redouble your efforts to finish getting ready so your date could start.
Lloyd was waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs of the home you shared together, and you made yourself slow down so he could get the full effect of the effort you’d put into your date outfit and makeup. As slowly as you could manage with how excited you were, you flounced down the stairs, feeling your boyfriend’s gaze on your body.
You’d worn your favorite sundress in honor of your date, the cotton hugging all your curves perfectly to emphasize your body, while the hem was short enough to be flirty without showing too much thigh. It was sweet and a little sexy, and you thought Lloyd would love how good it made you look. Or so you thought. 
But as you watched your boyfriend’s face while you descended the stairs toward him, you saw his expression darken. By the time you stepped off the last stair, Lloyd’s face was positively stormy, his blue eyes dark as the sky during a spring rainstorm. 
Without a word, Lloyd prowled toward you and threw you over his shoulder, making you shriek in surprise. He started up the stairs, taking them two at a time as he carried you back to the bedroom you shared. When your sounds of surprise quieted, you realized he was muttering to himself.
“Look so fucking pretty in that sundress,” he grumbled to himself, his big hand gripping your soft thigh firmly so you couldn’t squirm off his shoulder. “How’m I supposed to keep my hands off you, huh?” he asked, but didn’t stop his muttering so you knew he didn’t expect an answer. “Woulda had to shoot every man that looked at you too long, woulda had to show them all you’re mine.”
Lloyd tossed you down on the king-size bed you shared, his mouth twisting in a snarl that had desire blooming deep in your core. His darkened eyes fell to your legs, where the hem of your dress had ridden up an indecent amount, his gaze staring at your thighs like he was greedy for them. But Lloyd held himself back.
Instead, he stood at the foot of the bed and slowly unbuckled his belt. 
“You’ve done it now, princess,” Lloyd growled, his gaze drifting up your body to your face. “You’re not moving from this bed until I’ve had my fill of you, do you hear me?” His expression was furious, but there was a heat in his gaze that had you melting for your man. “You’ll come as many times as I want, got it?” 
A part of you wanted to pout that Lloyd was ruining your perfect springtime date, but a much bigger part of you was eager for the punishment he had in mind. So you nodded, a breathy, “Yes, sir,” falling from your parted lips. 
Lloyd’s mouth curved into a smile and then he climbed on the bed, crawling up your body and gathering your hands above your head. Using his belt, Lloyd tied your hands to the headboard of the bed, checking with you to make sure the restraints weren’t too tight before he moved back down your body.
Your boyfriend settled between your thighs, pushing your legs wide so your sundress gathered around your waist. Without further preamble, Lloyd buried his face in your panty-covered core, breathing in so deeply, it made you squirm, desire leaking from your hole.
“Can smell how wet you are already, angel,” he groaned, his eyes flicking up and catching yours. Lloyd held your gaze while he ran the flat of his tongue over your pussy, teasing you through your panties. It was so hot, you squirmed, but Lloyd just grabbed your hips and pinned you to the bed, holding you still for him. “Patience, peanut, I’ll taste your sweet honey when I’m good and ready.”
A whine worked its way up your throat and spilled from your mouth as Lloyd continued to tease you, his smirk deepening while sweat gathered at your temples. When your hands tugged impatiently on the restraints, Lloyd chuckled against your pussy, his mustache teasing your clit through your panties and driving you wild.
Finally, when your panties were soaking wet from your desire and his tongue, Lloyd tore them from your body and dove into your cunt, eating you out like a starving man. 
That first time, your release came fast and hard, crashing over you like an unexpected wave that would’ve knocked you off your feet if you’d been standing. Pleasure the likes of which only Lloyd could give you swept through your body as you cried out for him, your thighs tightening around his head and body trembling through it all. 
But Lloyd was nowhere near done. Your boyfriend treated you to another release. Then another. Then another.
And another. 
He kept going until your mind was so blown with pleasure you could no longer keep track of how many times you’d come on Lloyd’s face, your juices gushing into your boyfriend’s mouth while he drank them down greedily, his mustache rapsing over your soft, sensitive skin. 
When Lloyd replaced his tongue with his fingers, he used his mouth to tell you how pretty you looked in your sundress—how fuckable you were, and how he needed to keep you all to himself when you looked so gorgeous. You were his and his alone and he needed to show you just what it meant to belong to him.
By the time Lloyd pushed his hard, weeping cock into your wet, swollen cunt, you were delirious and exhausted. But the feel of your boyfriend’s cock sinking into you made you moan wantonly and yank weakly on the belt still tied around your wrists. You wanted desperately to wrap your arms around Lloyd’s broad shoulders, but he wasn’t done yet.
Your boyfriend pounded into you until you came again, swallowing your mindless moans with his kisses. Then, finally, he released your hands from his belt. 
As quickly as he could, Lloyd divested both of you over your clothes, rubbing your aching shoulders and wrists, then slid back inside you. That time, he took you slow and sweet, rocking into your thoroughly used cunt and cradling your face in his hands while he told you how well you did for him. 
Lloyd murmured against your lips that you were his perfect good girl and, impossibly, you managed to give him one more release. You came at the same time as your boyfriend, the two of you clinging to one another as your bodies came together in the most intimate way.
As you let yourself succumb to exhaustion, you had to admit to yourself that Lloyd may have ruined your perfect springtime date, but he more than made up for it.
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earthtooz · 1 year
what do you think of reo with the jealousy + kiss cam prompt except you’re not dating (yet) so everyone is either shocked or happy because god it took you some time to realize your feelings for each other.
not proofread, very quick drabble
okay but let me present to you... reo confessing to you WITH the kiss cam.
he's got the money, the influence, and the will to bend things his way with just a flick of his hand. so with almost no effort, he sets it up.
you're the physotherapist's assistant, having been fortunate enough to land the opportunity of shadowing the manager of one of the top soccer teams in all of japan. an opportunity that came with a lot of advantages; decent pay for someone of your age, a great learning experience, and frequent interactions with a lot of (hot) athletes.
just as any job, however, there are also downsides... such as... developing feelings for one of the said athletes. a certain purple-haired who was way out of your league.
for professional sake, you kept reo at arm's length. to your dismay, he kept trying to lure you in.
whether it be spending unnecessary amounts of time with you, staying back after practice to help you sort through some files, buying you coffee with the excuse that he was 'given another one', or carrying all the equipment- not that soccer even had much equipment, so that you didn't have to.
as sweet as reo is, and as much as you want to delude yourself into thinking that it was because he was interested in you too, there are a lot of issues that could arise when it comes to pursuing a relationship with mikage reo.
therefore, for professional sake, you will continue to keep reo at arm's length. to your dismay, your plan turns south one fateful night.
it's the night of the finals and the matches just finished with a victory to your team, 5-2. the stadium and the team are hyped beyond belief, absolutely buzzing with energy and adrenaline as everyone celebrates, pumping their fists excitedly or collapsing to the ground in total exhaustion.
after presenting the awards, thanking the opposing team, and clearing the stadium out, all excitement eventually dies down as the boys let the victory sink in.
handing out their water bottles one by one as they go, you leave them with a congratulatory pat on the back. bachira bear hugs you with unforgiving tightness, but other than that, all the players thank you with a small smile or fist bump before retreating to the change rooms.
then, it's reo's turn, who is last out of all the team.
your heart thumps in your chest, trying your best to remain cool and composed in front of him.
"congratulations," you grin, holding out his water bottle for him to take. he does, but lingers, finding no hurry in rushing back to the change rooms.
"thanks," he huffs. "couldn't have been possible without you."
you laugh at that. "don't give me credit for something i could never do. it was all you guys, impressive as always."
he beams even bigger at that. "are you joining the team celebration later tonight?"
"what? oh, no, i'm heading home."
"why, are you busy?"
"not particularly, but i didn't want to intrude."
"that's ridiculous. you could never intrude, you've helped all of us so much."
"i'm flattered you think so," you break eye contact, wandering over to where the duffel bags of first aid and other medicine is. reo follows, even though it's just a few steps away. "but i really don't want to overstep, it's the team's win."
he frowns. "then can i ask of you another favour?"
"sure. what is it?"
the purple-haired points up and you instinctively follow the line of direction.
the kisscam. it's centred on you and reo. you feel your heart skip a beat and your breath hitch, clogging up your lungs. you almost drop the first aid kit too.
no way...
looking back at the athlete, he's giving you that boyish smile of his, laced with hope and sudden shyness.
"hey," is all he says. you blink at him.
"aren't you supposed to kiss me now?"
"i'm so confused, why is this happening, the game's ended-"
"-can you kiss me or not?"
your heart is hammering, reverberating violently up your spine and into your ears.
"can i kiss you?"
"w-wh- do you want to?" you splutter.
"yeah. i do. please?"
throwing all common sense and ethics out of the window, you give in to his pleas rather easily. "oh. okay."
everything that happens next happens in the blink of an eye. you feel his hand on your waist, then your chest pressing against his, and his warm breath fan across your lips before pulling you in for the most gentle, yet adoring, kiss you have ever received in your whole life. there's no bone in your body that tries to resist him, so, you allow yourself to sink right into him, letting go of your inhibitions (and the first aid kit).
reo doesn't let the noise distract him, instead, he throws away his bottle too and wraps both arms around your waist, deepening the kiss. his lips are slightly chapped from all that running around, but you could hardly care less.
after a few moments, you pull away, leaving the both of you with glistening lips and smiles wide enough to hurt your cheeks.
ridiculous. this all seems so ridiculous.
but it's real. you feel reo's breath fanning across your lips with every exhale, you see the strands of hair that stick to his forehead, and you hear the cheers and whoops of his teammates from the side. they look proud, some yelling 'finally!', causing reo to laugh triumphantly, throwing his head back whilst holding you tightly.
you hide your face in reo's neck, seeking protection from your embarrassment in his warmth. he holds you there.
"i've been waiting so long to do that," he says, rubbing circles on your back.
"sorry to have kept you waiting, then."
"it's not a problem, i would gladly wait for you, but..." reo trails off, a mischievous smile appearing along his lips. "i'll accept your apology if you come to the party? with me."
"with you?"
"as my date."
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seivsite · 1 year
hi miru!! can i request prompt 5 from ur milestone event with nagi hehe hope u enjoy writing it ><
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prompt: peppering kisses all over their face nonstop, making the other laugh out a plea for mercy.
includes: nagi seishiro x fem!reader. hinted college au, sick nagi, he’s a clingy boy, unedited — wc: 434
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Nagi had fallen sick. (Name) found out from Reo after he messaged her about Nagi’s condition. Reo had asked her to check up on Nagi since he couldn’t do so at the moment. After finishing university, she hurriedly went to Nagi’s home. Upon arrival, she swiftly unlocked the door using the spare keys Nagi had given her some time ago. As she stepped inside, she called out his name.
“Sei?” (Name) called, removing her shoes and heading towards his bedroom. “Is that you, (Name)?” a hoarse voice replied, and there she saw Nagi, bundled up in blankets. His usually neat hair was now tousled, and his nose appeared reddened.
“Loveeee, where are you?” he whined, struggling to free himself from the clutches of the blankets to search for (Name). Sensing his predicament, she took it upon herself to help him unravel, and Nagi’s head finally emerged, instantly brightening as he caught sight of her face.
“(Nameee)!” He pulled her onto the bed, enveloping her in a tight embrace, showering her face with peppering kisses. (Name) surrendered to the warmth of Nagi’s affection, delicately grasping his shoulders.
“S-Sei! Please, stop—Hey!” (Name) protested, attempting to thwart his kisses. Yet, his strength surpassed hers, resulting in a gentle peck on her lips. Finally, exhausted, he collapsed onto the bed, pulling (Name) into an intimate embrace, cradling her against his chest like a cherished teddy bear.
“Well, aren’t you clingy,” she muttered, surrendering to Nagi’s embrace. He whined and tightened his grip around her waist, while (Name) responded by gently stroking his hair. Suddenly, she remembered her purpose and made a move to leave the bed, realising she could search for some medicine.
“What are you doing? Stay with me,” he pouted.
“For the love of God, Sei, you need your medicine. I can’t let you stay sick for too long,” she replied, continuing to pat his head as it rested on her lap.
He grumbled in annoyance, then chose to hug the pillow beside him. (Name) sighed at his playful antics and swiftly went to fetch the medicine and a glass of water.
Returning, (Name) found Nagi still asleep, his chest rising and falling gently as soft snores escaped his lips. Shaking her head, she decided to lie down beside him, planning to administer the medicine once he woke up.
Nagi instinctively clung to her waist, finding comfort with his head resting against her collarbone. In (Name)’s eyes, he resembled a contented, oversized cat. She placed a tender kiss on his head, gently running her fingers through his hair before succumbing to a peaceful slumber herself.
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NOTES. i made it fem reader bc there was no stated gender and ive been dying to write a fem!reader drabble im sorry to my non fems Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) very long overdue my laziness stopped me from finishing this hours ago LOL sorry
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sangoqueenkoko · 28 days
“Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up.”
Drabble prompt: page 1: #14 = “Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up.”
Warnings? A sad and tired Ayato :(
Contains a mention of Thoma, Ayaka, and Ayato of course!
701 words.
please note before reading🔻🔻
(i wrote this within two hours with neuvillette idle in the background, “MELUSINES-” shush! and i am really not a fan of this. so it may be rewritten at some point.)
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High summer in Inazuma cannot be pleasant for some. Most houses in the city would have the appropriate conditions for such weathers like this. From the small houses just outside the city, all the way to Tenshukaku. As well as the Kamisato Estate.
But the pros of the weather being like this is that it should be cooler in the evenings. Where the sun’s rays shine behind Mt. Yougou, peaking around into the Estates windows. It was warm, but not too warm. It gave the light breeze the lovely warm and fresh feel as the sky slowly gets darker. It was lovely.
Inside the Estate, usually full of the sounds of quiet conversations, quiet and tidy house cleaning, and the fluid yet neat sounds of a thin brush scribbling on some paper. Important paper.
And the person who writes on that important paper is your beloved husband, Kamisato Ayato. The Yashiro Commissioner. The two of you had been married for almost 4 years now. The best 4 years, actually.
Ayaka looked up at you like an older sibling, someone who she turned to when she didn’t or couldn’t want to talk to Ayato or Thoma about something. And of course, to Thoma, you were like another best friend.
No one on the streets of Inazuma could speak of Ayato’s name without thinking of you. And vice versa. Two peas in a pod.
Ahem. Anyway.
Today has been a particularly warm and busy day for the Commissioner, a couple of meetings he had to attend, a trip into the city, and as always, some papers to fill in. So he was pretty spent on energy. All he wanted to do was wind down and relax with his beloved spouse.
Even that wasn’t easy. Just when he was about to finish his last thing for the day, it being the paper work, he realised that he made a spelling mistake. Which was rare even for him. Seeing how well he does his work first time around, it’s odd to see him make such mistakes. This only upset him more. He had to redo that before he could do anything else.
Now he was testy, in general and while trying not to mess up again.
After reading so, so very closely to the first version of the paper, and peaking his concentration, his energy was drained more. And after what felt like an eternity, he was finally finished. Meaning that he could finally be with you.
He finished his bathroom and bedroom routine before going into your shared bedroom.
It felt like a ton had been taken off his shoulders as he realised that he could now relax.
“You feel tense, dearest” you said as he held your hand before kissing the back of it softly, “was today Okay?” You asked with a sweet smile. One that he always melted at the sight of.
He sighed before replying, “the usual.” You know what that meant. You knew it was busy and stressful. But you also knew that he knew how to separate his work life from his home life, therefore he would have time for home life.
But seeing as he had done most of his work today, he could have some time off tomorrow yo actually rest and recharge. And seeing how stressed yet tired he had been as of late. You had a plan for next morning.
You went to sleep that night ready to take action of the plan.
And Ayato went to sleep unaware.
Next morning, after informing Thoma and the rest of the Estate staff of your plan, you got into action. Your idea was to give him… a small spa day. A secluded one to keep away outside business that did not need to be near at all time like this.
“Ayatooo~” you said quietly as the warm sun rays came through the rooms window, “I have a day planned for you.”
He would open his eyes to see that you had your hair pulled back away from your face with a face mask on.
“I figured that you could use some… stress relief.”
To his ‘amusement,’
“please tell me, this is not why you woke me up.”
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whoops, it’s shit!
so sorry
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starlingflight · 3 months
Ginniversary Drabble 3
Prompt - O72 - sorry, its just that i get nervous when someone else is driving.
AO3 or read below:
“So,” Ginny drew the word out until it was almost a breathy sigh that she knew would carry to Harry's ears on the faint spring breeze. Sunlight glinted brightly off the sleek chrome surface as she stroked her finger languidly down it. She looked at him over her shoulder, letting her hair fall back and pushing her lips out into the smallest of pouts. “Were you ever planning on taking me for a ride?” 
She leaned back against Sirius’ old motorbike, half-perched on the leather seat, as Harry laughed. “Your mum will kill me.” 
“I’m of age,” she reminded him, quite unnecessarily; he was definitely aware. “I don’t need my mother’s permission.” 
“No, but I do!” Harry protested, leaning against the wall of her father’s shed; showing no intention of moving, despite Ginny’s best efforts. “She has to love you unconditionally, I’m already on thin ice.” 
“Oh please, she’ll disown me before she disowns you!” 
“She already gave me a lecture about how you’re her responsibility until you finish Hogwarts,” Harry continued, a slight tremor in his voice she knew he was trying to battle into submission. “It took a lot of the enjoyment out of my treacle tart.” 
“That is not true!”
They shared a look and Ginny thought the same image that was filling her mind might be in his too; a taunting smile, a jet of light from her mother’s wand, the corpse of Bellatrix Lestrange dropping sickeningly to the ground. Suddenly, the balmy spring day felt unseasonably chilly. 
Ginny’s laughter was weak, but she forced it out anyway. Ghosts could only haunt you if you dwelled long enough to let them; she had become experienced in outrunning them. 
“I’m practically done, only one term left to go.” 
“Ninety-six days.” Harry agreed. His eyes went wide. She suspected the words wouldn’t have slipped from his lips at all if not for the unsteadiness of the moment. 
Ginny quirked an eyebrow; the smile spreading across her face was genuine. “Keeping count, are you?” 
“No,” Harry’s grin made it clear that this was a lie. “I know for reasons totally unrelated to you.” 
“Oh? What reasons might those be?” Ginny settled herself more firmly onto the motorbike’s seat, legs dangling over the side, looking at him expectantly. 
His smile remained in place, but something in his eyes turned earnest. “I’m keeping count.” 
Her head fell back in laughter. The motorbike remained stationary on the ground but Ginny felt the familiar soaring in her stomach that she’d grown accustomed to accompanying a moment of complete happiness in the face of the demons that were always lurking beneath the surface. 
“So, in ninety-six days I can take this thing for a spin?” 
“I can take you for a spin on it,” Harry corrected. 
“And what if I want to go solo?” 
She didn’t. She had a very specific vision of how this was going to play out, one that involved her arms wrapped around Harry’s waist, and her face tucked against his back while the wind blew through her hair. 
Still, the speed with which he shot down the suggestion had her eyebrows raising in surprise.
“Sorry,” he said quickly, eyes shining with a vulnerability Ginny was beginning to understand was for her eyes only. “It’s just that I get nervous when someone else is driving it… it was…” 
“Sirius,’” She finished for him. 
This time, it was Harry who didn’t allow them to linger in the shadow of a grief too big to face on a peaceful Spring afternoon. “Anyway, is that really what you want to do the minute you finish Hogwarts?” 
“Maybe,” Ginny shrugged, allowing the change of topic. “It feels fitting, doesn’t it? To finish school and do something a bit reckless and dangerous?” 
Harry shook his head. “It’s not that dangerous – your dad put loads of safety charms on it when he was rebuilding it.”
Ginny refrained from pointing out that if that was the case, there was no reason for her mother to protest her going out on it now. 
Instead, she slid from the seat and swiftly crossed the untidy patch of grass that separated them. “You’re playing this all wrong…” Her hand found his; Harry immediately used the contact to pull her closer. “you’re supposed to tell me how risky it is…” She rose onto her toes, letting her lips brush against the shell of his ear. “Entice me with tales of your thrilling adventures...” 
When she pulled back, Harry was smirking at her, and his eyes were focused intently on her lips. “I did get this when I went round a corner too fast the other day, if that’s dangerous enough for you?” 
He held up his free arm, the one not currently wrapped around her waist, revealing what she’d thought was a long, red burn across his forearm.
She’d seen it already, her eyes had been drawn to it the minute she’d got off the train, but she’d assumed it was from work, and hadn’t asked for any further explanation. The scenarios she dreamed up in her head while she was at school, and he was maddeningly out of sight, of things that could happen to him were hard enough to deal with, without adding more details to flesh them out further. 
Ninety-six days. Ginny had a feeling the number was about to become something of a mantra. Ninety-six days and she’d be able to see for herself that he was alright at the end of each day. 
“That looks terrible,” she said, pretending to look more closely at the minor abrasion. “I think you might be in need of a mediwitch.” 
Harry’s voice lowered in response to her tone. “If you think that’s necessary…” 
Ginny was already reaching behind her, nodding, as she unlatched the door to the shed. “I’ve really expanded my healing capabilities this term… if you’ll just step into my office, I think I should probably examine you, just to be on the safe side.” 
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
From the prompt list: “You’re the one avoiding me.” with Steven? 🥺
Alrighty! This turned a little angsty (like a tiny bit). I hope that's ok, anon!
Send me a prompt from this list + a character and I'll write a short reader drabble
tags: friends to lovers (kinda) | angst(y) (a tiny bit) | gn!reader
ships: Steven Grant/Reader
Edit: added AO3 link
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"You're the one avoiding me."
"So why are you avoiding me?" 
You look at him sternly, your hands placed firmly on the gift shop counter. Steven freezes like a deer caught in the headlights.
"You're the one avoiding me!", he blurts out in a panic. From the corner of his eye he can see Marc facepalming in the metallic surface of a scarab keychain. 
You raise your eyebrow, your face a perfect mixture of disbelief and amusement. With a short laugh you shake your head.
"Really, Steven?" 
"I'm sorry. I panicked.", he mumbles, his hands fidgeting with his sleeves. Your posture relaxes and you start feeling a little guilty about cornering Steven at work. You just didn't know how else to approach him, since he stopped visiting all the places you would usually meet, either planned or by accident. 
"I just-..."
You look at Steven intently, eyes never wavering, urging him to continue. 
Just say it, Steven. We talked about this. 
He knew Marc was right but he just couldn’t. Nerves were bubbling up in his throat and just thinking about confessing to you made him choke up. 
You were used to Steven stumbling over his words when he was excited but this was unfamiliar. Steven wasn't really one to be tongue-tied like this. It made you worry and feel even more guilty for forcing this conversation on him during his work shift. 
"It's ok. You don't have to explain if you don't want to, Steven.", you try to paddle back and diffuse the situation, "Just-... Could you not avoid me anymore? I miss you."
Steven feels his heart drop into his stomach. He never wanted to hurt you, he just doesn't want to lose you by confessing his more than platonic feelings for you.
He swallows hard and nods. With a smile he replies: "I won't. I promise."
You take a deep breath and return his smile. Slowly you take a step back from the counter. 
"Alright then. Uhm- text me when you feel like talking. Or just hanging out. We don't have to talk. Just-" You clear your throat awkwardly. "You know…", you finish lamely. 
Steven can do nothing but stare at you. Even like this all he can think about is how in love with you he is. 
He is pulled out of his reverie by the sight of Donna approaching behind you. You notice how his face suddenly drops and follow his gaze. As you realize that his mean-mannered boss is coming your way you give Steven a small wave and turn to leave with a silent Call me on your lips. 
He watches you go, his heart pounding so loudly in his chest he can't even hear Donna berate him. 
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neteyamsoare · 7 months
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the kinkmas masterlist.
about. this will be my masterlist that will contain all my written works for @neteyamsyawntu’s kinkmas event! if you want to join it as well, her prompts and guidelines are posted here!!
warnings. minors and ageless blogs do not interact. every fic on this contains nsfw so no minors allowed. each fic has its own warnings.
things to note. i know that i still have kinktober fics to get done and posted, haven’t forgotten, will be working on both so don’t worry. i couldn’t pass on the opportunity to join my twin’s event, had to do a few prompts. will be planning drabbles for each fic, i hope i can achieve below 1k words. day eleven is two different fics.
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day one. cockwarming : jake sully ꣑୧ jake lets you sit on him while he works, driving you crazy as you wait for him to finish / tsu'tey rongloa ꣑୧ tsu'tey sinks deep inside you while the two of you sleep under the stars.
day two. titty fucking : lo’ak sully ꣑୧ lo’ak is stressed out about leading the war party that’s coming up so you decide to calm him just the way he likes it.
day three. lingerie/stockings : spider socorro ꣑୧ it's spider birthday and you decide to pull a surprise on him.
day four. by the fire : neteyam sully + ralak sepwan ꣑୧ just a loving night being with your two mates who keep you warm on a cold night.
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— all rights reserved © NETEYAMSOARE 2022-2024. all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend on tiktok any of the works seen here.
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mckirkevents · 21 days
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One Week till McKirk Week 2024!
Reminder that McKirk Week will be held from 20th - 26th May! This is an event focused on the Kirk/McCoy pairing, across all Star Trek universes. We hope you'll join us soon!
See OUR EVENT POST for how it works and the full list of prompts.
Q: Do I have to make something for all days? A: Absolutely not, you’re welcome to dip in or out as much as you like.
Q: Can I still submit to the AO3 collection/be reblogged/tag the event if I’m late? A: Of course! The AO3 collection will be open indefinitely and we will continue monitoring the #mckirkweek2024 tag.
Q: Does my work have to be fully fleshed out/long/finished/'good'? A: Not at all! Drabbles, quick sketches, or any other form of quicker/rough work is equally welcomed. Especially if you're planning to create something every day, you're not expected to create 20k fics or oil paintings. As long as it's McKirk it's valid, go wild and have fun.
Q: Can I make something NSFW for a Trek or Gen prompt? Do the NSFW prompt fills have to be E rated?  A: The prompts are there to inspire you, you don't have to stick to them! Turn a sfw prompt into a nsfw one, or a nsfw into a sfw. Up to you! Please just tag any nsfw pieces and use content warnings.
Q: Do you accept TOS and AOS McKirk? A: Yep! Any Trek universe is totally valid. (And the non-Trek AUs too!)
Q: What if I have another question? A: Drop us an ASK!
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leclsrc · 1 year
can I request prompt number 10 with Carlos Sainz
kissy spells – cs55
genre: fluff, drabble, 1k celebration
10: a hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking — where neither person thinks twice about it.
“—and we’re all just determined to have a productive weekend where our strategies go as planned.” You finish, smiling slightly at the interviewer who nods along, totally invested. You’ve woefully been assigned to answer engineer questions for this network your stress has blurred the name of, seated beside Carlos who chips in with his occasional two cents.
You can’t say you’re not grateful, though: this is the most alone time you’ve had with your boyfriend in weeks.
It’s honestly criminal. Turns out, the sweet spot between keeping things private and wanting to always be together is absurdly hard to pinpoint and stay on. The only pros are you’ve become creative at crafting excuses to sneak off. Oh, and two new sex positions for tight spaces (who knew?) But apart from those, it’s an endless repeat of hiding, pretending, ignoring.
Which is why, despite the fact that you’d rather be working than talking about working, you consider this to be a moment of refuge. Both of you have been so unbelievably, dizzyingly tired lately, it helps to just be in each other’s presence. Your knees touch slightly, yours bare to Carlos’ denim as you fiddle the hem of your shorts and listen to him talk. After this, it’s back to work, your fifth year now of still coming to a mutual decision of “let’s not go public just yet.” 
The interviewer says both your names and you smile at the camera, holding for a few seconds before she waves a signal and you relax, exhaling. You turn your stool toward Carlos and offer a smile, one that translates telepathically into I want to die and you’re coming with me. Like always, your telepathic conversations click; he raises a brow, which means I don’t even get a choice?
None, you say through a slight shake of your head. You both laugh, always amazed at the love you share that leads to the moments of connection like this. He smiles again, narrows his eyes, turns his head to the side a bit. I love you. You need not say or do much. You know he knows what you say back; he’d know even if you made no change to your expression at all.
Still caught in your bubble, you both jolt out when the producer pipes up monotonously. “Uh… you guys can go. Your segment’s over.”
“Oh,” you say. “Oh. Okay. Thanks so much. I’ve got a meeting with some other engineers from—so yeah.” You shuffle awkwardly off the stool, unaware that you and Carlos had just been mindlessly talking while they waited for you to leave.
Carlos follows suit, shaking their hands. “I need to go discuss with Mattia, so. Thanks again, everyone.” You pick up your wallet and clipboard, which you’d left to rest on a nearby table; Carlos takes his Gatorade beside them. Caught in the sudden rush of having to leave, your minds both exhausted from the stress, you just offer a quick smile as Carlos leans in and pecks you goodbye.
You kiss back quickly and smile. He does it all the time, especially when you’ve just slept over, or when he drives you both around. You don’t think twice, turning around and walking toward the rest of the paddock and prepping for your meeting.
The interviewer and producer stare at you both, then each other. They’re slack-jawed. Did Carlos and his engineer just kiss? And then… walk away? Not even acknowledging the kiss? “Did you get that?”
“I did. It’s on the camera.”
“Okay.” She pauses. “You owe me ten bucks.”
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