mymiraclebox · 1 month
Can you write a drabble about Olivv? (If you're still doing them ofc)
[Olivv's bio, Dove of Peace.]
Earth was sick, very sick.
The planet had been tainted for a long time now, for many generations Olivv had watched the way the disease had spread across its surface, infecting all it came in contact with. The way it wove itself into people's hearts, sparked by the smallest of actions.
She watched it now as it unfurled below her, fueled and spurred by the force of technology and invention, elevated to levels she had never seen in history before. The plague of war crawling from continent to continent, slaughtering all in its path, and leaving the survivors to suffer and choke.
Once she had tried to root it up: working from the inside to bring Peace, dedicating efforts to helping the victims labeled as survivors, facing conflicts head on to try to suffocate them before they could blossom to battle. And it wasn't that these methods hadn't worked, Peace had flourished in moments she had provided. She had created safety for those fleeing conflict, had calmed conflicts before they had grown, had fostered Peace where it had sprouted... but it never lasted.
It was something that seemed to be rooted in the hearts of humanity itself, a desire to clash with another. A lust for power that drove one to fight. A sense of honor that carried them to spread this disease that seemed to have no end. Even when given all they needed, it seemed that humans would in time would turn once again to the dark ways of war and hatred.
It must end.
"I decline your offer," Olivv said simply, ruffling her feathers.
The kwami in front of her looked startled by this reply, and how he was she did not know. His eyes blinked, momentarily blocking her view of the gleaming reflections within. The purple one reflected the world around them well, sowed with chaos and conflict, while his blue eye showed the world she longed for.
A world he promised they could make together.
"You... you don't want a world of peace?" Yuume asked, the Sheep of Dreams clearly having not expected her refusal.
"It is what I seek, but I know I cannot seek it with you," Olivv replied.
"That is not what the others say," Yuume said, drifting closer, hooves out. "They join me in my journey because they know we all seek the same things. Freedom. Peace. A world of our own, where humans don't rule over us."
"And your path to such a world is lined with the same things?" Olivv prompted, tilting her head, as she already knew the answer.
Yuume's eyes gleamed, allowing her to once again see a reflection of her hopes and fears in his two toned eyes, and she couldn't help but let her gaze slip away. The Sheep drifted closer as she did, those hooves still held out towards her.
"Passiveness will not win us our freedom," Yuume said quietly. "If we do nothing, then nothing will change. Surely you must understand that, Olivv, if you want Peace you're going to have to fight for it."
Olivv let out a small laugh, as these were words she had heard before. Holders in the past had said such to her, and even if she had not believed such a statement (how could one attain something by doing the very opposite?) those holders had been ones seeking Peace, and she had often let them use her powers as they saw fit. But that did not mean she would do the same as they had done.
"You will not attain Peace if you seek the opposite," Olivv chided the young kwami in front of her. "I already know Sotaa has sought you out, and when Conflict himself relishes your presence, it is not Peace you are seeking."
"What about freedom," Yuume's tone had become slightly more challenging, and Olivv merely gave him an empty smile as he spoke. "Are you content to do nothing while our brothers are enslaved by this plague known as humanity!"
"Humanity has not done all wrong with us under them," Olivv replied, and Yuume looked down right horrified as she said this. "I know you despised the Order for what it was, but their intentions have always intrigued me."
"Do you even hear yourself?" Yuume hissed.
"I would say the same to you," Olivv replied. "But I feel that even if you looked, you would not see it, young kwami. You say humanity is a plague, and in this I do agree; but how would you define humanity? Is it the collective of the human race? Or the whole of all their actions? Or is the ideals they strive for?"
"You don't know what you're talking about," Yuume replied. His movements were now stiff, his demeanor from before gone, his gaze defensive and hostile.
"Perhaps I don't," she agreed. "Or perhaps you simply do not like what I say."
"You say that we should remain confined to the whims of humanity!"
"Yet you do not even know what humanity is."
Yuume turned away. "I know that it is dangerous, but it seems that is something that you do not even care about. If you think that standing back and letting humans prosper is acceptable, then you do not care for our kind."
"Just because I do not seek the same path as you, Dreamkeeper, does not mean that I don't care," Olivv replied softly, but he did not turn to face her. "But I do not think you realize what you are truly doing. Because as long as you strive for this war, Yuume, you are carrying humanity within your heart."
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Olive: Fun fact: If you wake up an hour earlier, you can get an extra 60 minutes of anxiety every day.
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stolligaseptember · 2 months
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Rosary devoted to misery - A Vegas Theerepanyakul playlist
blood on your hands and now blood covers mine, having the time of my life // i want money and power, my black heart's to blame // pouring some champagne over your panties so that we can cheer // i came up from the depths of hell with a golf club in my hand // i can't win, full of sin, wishing i was dead // you were kind and i was cruel // darling we should get together, i could worship you forever // please don't say it's over, you're too much to lose // i can't seem to find the truth in anything, so i'll realign 'til i feel born again
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hotwngz · 10 months
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gottagolisten · 6 months
Au5 & Skybreak feat. Olivver The Kid - Catharsis
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freakylilnutjob · 1 year
“And I’m pushing up daisies
Unfortunately when I’m done
You’ll have a garden to call your own
A bouquet from me as I watch you leave”
Loveless - La Bouquet and Olivver the Kid
thank you Lucia! 🧡
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notesofseptember · 2 months
Put me to rest me and tuck me in my bed
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grimroninreviews · 2 years
puke blue by olivver the kid review:
1. ishicd!!! (5/10)
2. well hung heart (6/10)
3. insomnia (9/10)
4. psychodrama w/ the chain gang of 1974 (9/10)
5. ysylmbyd w/ young rising sons & magic whatever (3/10)
6. oh, romeo (7/10)
7. bugs (10/10)
ranking: B- tier
a good ep from olivver the kid
if you like: lovelife, la bouquet, young rising sons,
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hecckyeah · 2 years
“maybe i don’t need the whole world to remember me, i just wanna know i’ll live forever in your memory” I CAN’T
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olivertcb · 2 years
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Photo by Oliver | Instagram: olivertcb
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mymiraclebox · 6 months
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Olivv's bio is now up!
Olivv the Dove, kwami of Peace. A kwami who hates violence in any form, and sees Earth as a place diseased by it. A disease that she must cure at any cost, even if humanity doesn't get a choice in her methods.
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A Series of Incorrect Quotes
(Shortly after Percy and Marcus's second year fight)
Marcus: Where are you going?!
Penny: To prove you're a jerk!
Marcus: Well, I don't need proof for that!
(The only context I can think for this is that the group summoned something on purpose)
Audrey: There she is. Giant, scary lady.
(Percy being annoyed)
Percy: "He's done the impossible." He's done nothing
(Marcus and Olivver having the same plans during Quidditch season at Hogwarts)
Oliver: Oh yeah here I go Marcus. Just another fucking day with Marcus. Hey hey hey fuck my life.
(Penny gets fed up with their third year DADA teacher)
Professor Susan [Last Name Here]: Someone should put your ass in a mental asylum
Penny: Someone should put you in a box and throw you down the fucking river, Susan
(Sleep deprived Percy having zero filter and Oliver dealing with it)
Percy: You think the wind is ever trying to tell us something? We don't know how to hear it anymore.
Oliver: Just want you to stop saying odd shit
(Draco assuming Percy and Audrey are gay)
Draco: Okay, listen. Assuming someone is gay because of their apperance is stereotyping and harmful but fucking look at them.
(Audrey and Oliver sharing a brain cell when being impulsive)
Oliver: I'm confused. We're being impulsive, are you supposed to kick or knock when you're being impulsive?
Audrey: Knock with your foot
Oliver: Brilliant
(Penny and Marcus having a conversation half the time)
Penny: Look, I know we don't always see eye to eye
Marcus [6 foot 4]: That's because you're too short to do so
Penny [Average height]: Listen here, you fuck
(Fourth year Quidditch practice after one of the twins' pranks puts Percy in the hospital wing)
Oliver: I am at a loss for words
Charlie: Despite being lost for words, Oliver yelled at them for the next 45 minutes
(Part of the aftermath of Percy buying a snake and asking Draco and Charlie for help naming it)
Percy (holding a python): Guys, I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name it
Charlie: You did WHAT
Draco: William Snakespeare
(Draco gets bribed into swearing for Marcus)
Marcus: Are you-
Draco: Fucking
Marcus: Kidding me? You-
Draco: Fucking
Marcus: Idiot
Percy: What was that?
Draco: Snape banned Flint from swearing so he's paying me to do it
(Percy anytime Charlie brings home a creature)
Percy: What you got there
Charlie [trying to smuggle a possibly illegal creature into the Burrow]: A smoothie
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stolligaseptember · 9 months
i was gonna say that the colour bruise by olivver the kid was a vegaspete song, but then i listened to vegas, baby and now i'm starting to think that the entire ego surfin' ep is vegaspete coded
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serfuzzypushover · 3 months
🐎pinned post⚙️
carrd—commissions(OPEN)—art request rules(CLOSED)
⚙️chris/spring/magnet/mituna e% e% just use wwhichevver u like⚡20⚡neurodivvergent⚙️
🐎bard of breath🃏prospit dreamer🃏olivve blood🃏my e%tended zodiac is leus but i use the lilith symbol ⚸🐎
⚙️transe%ual genderqueer clowwngender sleepgender slimething %enogender demigirl futch manthing⚡omnise%ual lesbian gay man fagdyke ase%ual fictose%ual grayromantic⚡celibate⚡therian/otherkin⚙️
(no quirk)i use xhe/xer/xers/xerself, it/its, ae/aer/aers/aerself, zap/zaps, void/viods, ⚡/⚡s, ⚙️/⚙️s, 🌑/🌑s and ☁️/☁️s (avvoid using they/them for me. he/him is fine only if u havve to)
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little cronus askblog: @badlydrawvnlittlecronus
wwarrior cats side blogs: @genderqueertree @demigirlvioletshine
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luckhissoul · 4 months
FIVE SONGS for your muse.
( i had to resist putting the same songs that i always put )
cover of me - sugr?
i'm not okay - weathers
hilo - olivver the kid
silence -khalid
sharp dressed man - zz top
FIVE QUOTES for your muse.
( these books have such much great writing in them but i just stuck to quotes that mat says )
“Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.”
"Sa souvraya niende misain ye.." (translates to: "I am lost in my own mind..")
"I'm no lord. I've more respect for myself than that."
"I'm just a gambler" ( okay, but like i get feelings from this one even tho it seems so simple but the scene it comes from isn't at all. because he's going around basically freeing someone from slavery and they're all 'you're a good man' and that's his response and i just --- )
“The only rules he wanted to remember were ‘never kiss a girl whose brothers have knife scars’ and ‘never gamble without knowing a back way out’
tagged by @petitsdieu tagging : @caracarnn - @agoldenlily - @xhideyourfires - @godresembled - @adversitybloomed - @incissam - @honorhearted
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beatlesforsale · 1 month
Shuffle your favourite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favourite mutuals. 💌💜
Awh thanks dummy! Wouldn't surprise me if most of them are from you 😂 (they were what the fuck hahahah) @duke-and-acceptance
Peach Scone - Hobo Johnson
Insomnia - Olivver the Kid
Fallout - Gus Dapperton
Someone Who Isn't You - Can't Swim
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