#dove kwami
celestiall0tus · 6 months
The beginning and the end, genesis and destiny
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Gabriel as the robin and kagami as the dove, both an anon request. Although separate requests, you can't have a start without and end otherwise there is no peace.
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
Which of your kwamis would be the most effective in positively influencing Chloe's personal growth?
Hmm... A think Nokk (Kelpie of Water) could knock (hehe) some sense into her. I think those two would really clash heads though, they would not stand each other. xD Yet at the same time I think they would put up with each other for the sake of being a hero, as Nokk is very duty bound to protecting the world, and Chloe wouldn't want to lose such power. Nokk would not stand for his power being abused in anyway, and someone unbending might be what Chloe needs to get through to her.
I am going to mention Pollen, as in this AU Chloe does go down a good path thanks to the influence of Ladybug and Pollen.
Harmonee (Ant of Cooperation) I think could also make an impact. Not only would Harmonee constantly encourage Chloe to work with others and trust those around her, but also Harmonee's powers create a hivemind, so I think that would help open up Chloe's eyes to others.
Along that same note, I can see Milli (Chameleon of Emotion) doing the same, being able to sense others' Emotions.
I think Olivv (Dove of Peace) and Chloe would actually both be a good influence for each other. Olivv is not on a good path herself, wanting to force Peace onto everyone to the point of taking away freewill and personal opinions. Her extremes vs Chloe's extremes might be able to balance each other out and help them to see things from another side.
These aren't the only kwamis I think could help Chloe, but they are the first ones that come to mind.
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bakawitch · 2 months
Alright, so now that all the kwamis have been posted, I have a question regarding the au!
She is going to be an antagonist, but I'm not sure if I want to redeem her yet...
I doodled some possible costumes for her, but note that these are just concepts. I'm extremely unsatisfied with how the spider looks, because wow... my ideas did not translate on paper well at all XD
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kari-go · 8 months
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Part 2!!
Chris is Caladrius, Lila is Torina, Alya is Inspirit, Juleka is Terreur Noire, Alix is Zebrix, and Rose is Joy.
Anyway, I love how Caladrius looks, exactly like I imagined it. For Inspirit I was trying to make her look a little like a princess ('cuz of the tiara) and a cheerleader('cuz of the power). I am not sure if I really succeeded but the top looks pretty nice but the bottom looks... bare? Maybe I should've given her shoes or something.
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wisteriasymphony · 18 days
Gimmi More - MLB AU
cw: physical abuse, mentions of torture and forced prostitution
"Welcome back to all our lovely viewers! We're your hosts, Moriarty P. Blight—"
"—And Victoria Boon—"
"—And you're watching 'Gimmi More'!"
Moriarty Blight slouched back in his seat like a king, the small round chair turned in to face his co-host's. In every sense, they were the perfect pair of opposites: Blight's slick monochrome suit to contrast Boon's colorful dress, his gaunt pale face and bony limbs, her round rosy cheeks and apple-like figure. The network said their visual differences were the most important draw, and that the chemistry would come later, and they were right. The network was always right.
"I say, Victoria, last night's episode was quite the excitement!" Blight grinned, grasping his capacitor microphone like a glass of wine. "The elimination has never been so hard, and we've still got 14 contestants to go before we reach the Ultimate Finale!"
"You're too right, Blight!" she said, with the same cadence she always used—Reliability drove ratings, after all. "But it'll all be worth it for this year's shining star to prove they've got what it takes!"
Blight smirked to the live audience, adding "And you can't make a star without frying the duds with a few extra vats of boiling oil, now can you?"
That was a callback to Aurore's televised sendoff, and the mob roared in response. Blight had a sense for when viewership spiked—a trait he'd gleaned from years of running this show—and every surge felt like a line of Pearl Dust shot through his veins. Victoria pretended to be mildly irritated by his humor, as that was part of the script.
"Now, to fill in our newest watchers, we'll be going over the remaining contestants, starting with our two brightest—The Lucky Darling herself, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and Mr. Heartstopper Adrien Agreste!"
Adrien's head buzzed as it hit the concrete wall.
"I go through all this goddamn trouble for you and I hear you're planning on requesting a new manager?"
Mr. Grassette's hands could've torn through Adrien's costume... and as far as Adrien himself cared, he wished Mr. Grassette would. Then he'd at least have a few more hours before being shoved back on stage again, forced through the motions as the screams of fans rained down on him like gunfire. Backstage was cold and dreadful and sterile, but it was a lesser hell, and he was at least guaranteed the mercy of being allowed to wear modest clothing.
"And what if I am?!"
Bad decision. Mr. Grassette then slammed Adrien into the nearest dresser, one holding previous costumes and rolls of fabric. As the dresser rocked forward from the force, it vomited out a burst of white tulle, as if it was ripped open to expose all of the textile guts and viscera underneath. Adrien tried to grip onto the lip of the dresser to steady himself, but his hands were too clammy and weak, so nothing stuck.
"I can make or break you, boy!" Mr. Grassette screamed back. "Do you really think being flayed live on TV is the worst thing that can happen to you? I'll buy your ticket back out of this game, and then I'll be free to make back every dollar I spent on your ass by selling your body! You'll be nothing but a whore for the rest of your miserable little life! Is that what you fucking want?"
Adrien wished that wasn't true. He wished his parents hadn't signed off his rights for the sake of this circus of torture. Emilie Agreste had been famous enough as it was. What was it all for? To prove an Agreste could win again? To make him understand what it meant to tear yourself apart for a fortune?
"No! No, please!" Adrien started to claw at his manager's hands, watching his cold blue eyes fade behind opaque glasses. "You can't— No, don't–"
"Then you get out there, and you sing, and you don't fucking complain. Ever."
Adrien nodded, biting back tears. He'd never see anyone he loved ever again if he didn't. He'd never get to go back home. He had to see it through, he had to win.
When Mr. Grassette finally left the room, Adrien poured himself a shot glass. The taste was poisonous, and he swore the network laced everything the contestants could eat with Pearl Dust… But he needed it anyways. He'd given up on getting himself hospitalized with it, as all it earned him was a dependency; But it helped him work up the nerve to sing. The nerve to survive.
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ninadove · 2 years
Miraculous AU - again! 🦚💙
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Because I’ve had Felix brainrot for weeks now.
Clive deserves a tiny blue friend. 💙
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box-of-miracles · 3 months
Kwami Intros - Day Twelve
Dove Miraculous:
Aspect - Pacification
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Accessory - Rossete Sash
Kwami: Zedekk
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Weapon - Whistle
Power - Recess
Transformation Phrases: "Zedekk, Comfort/Confound!"
Feel free to ask Zedekk any questions!
And As Always,
Stay Tuned...
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so-many-kwamis · 1 month
The kwamis
First layer
Tikki the ladybug
Plagg the cat
Luxx the lion
Grimm the hellhound
Eggo the stork
Niic the vulture
Second layer
Pollen the bee
Bloom the deer
Anurr the frog
Remm the koala
Arra the parrot
Duusu the peacock
Gentoo the penguin
Pyrro the phoenix
Cloverr the red panda 
Raii the seal
Voltt the thunderbird
Wayzz the turtle
Third layer
Unii the ant
Reddo the axolotl
Terro the bat
Iraa the bull
Nooroo the butterfly
Moo the cow
Cann the crab
Miraii the crow
Barkk the dog
Bliss the dove
Longg the dragon
Trixx the fox
Ziggy the goat
Gripp the griffin
Kaalki the horse
Viis the koi
Borre the leopard
Drool the llama
Verdii the mantis
Xuppu the monkey
Luuna the moth
Mullo the mouse
Lymm the opossum
Inn the orca
Allba the owl
Snoop the pigeon
Fluff the rabbit
Oriio the scorpion
Perfuu the skunk
Folli the sloth
Sabbi the snail
Sass the snake
Borre the snow leopard
Kummo the spider
Atta the swan
Roaar the tiger
Luppu the wolf
Thanks to @melissak2802 for the help!
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imthepunchlord · 3 months
So, in a recent ask, you said the bear's powers "echo themes of strength, spirituality, and ancestry".
So I'm curious: what themes do the other kwami's powers echo?
Feel free to ignore this if it's too much. I don't want it to overwhelm you since it seems like many previous asks have.
It's fine, it's just there quite a few asks I can't really answer. But to answer, these are the themes, for now. They could always be changed and tweaked later.
Bee: connection, leadership, judgement, teamwork Bull: personal power, resolve, spirituality Cat: destruction, chaos, elusiveness Crane: life, healing drifting, abstract Deer: reflection, truth, vision, and travel Dog: making connections, salvation, finding, catching Dove: love, hope, freedom Dragonfly: element, speed, power Eagle: power, combat, speed, electrifying Fish: fortune, prosperity, abundance, fluidity Fox: illusion, creativity, influence, music Frog: animation, healing, energy Goat: creativity, animation, mischief, alterations Grasshopper: leap of faith, prophecy, randomness Horse: speed, mobility, freedom, travel Ladybug: luck, creation, restoration, justice, aggression Lion: formidable, tenacity, teamwork, inspiration, empowerment Mantis: prudence, grounded, stability, power Monkey: playfulness, energetic, chaos, transformation, comedy Mouse: multitasking, teamwork, elusiveness, subtlety Owl: disconnection, fear, isolation, spirits, travel death Peafowl: rejuvenation, empowerment, assistance, vibrancy, foresight, flexibility, adaptation Pig: cognitive, mental power, deflection Rabbit: healing, provision, overwhelming Raven: duality, surprise, darkness, light Rooster: authority, imagination, creativity Snake: ingenuity, intuition, reflexes, inner power, surprise, evolution Songbird: communication, freedom, detachment Spider: creation, fabrication, illusion, control Swan: love, uplifting, hope, charming Tiger: explosive, chaos, iron will, domination Turtle: versatile, foundation, protection, withdrawn, introspection, security Wolf: isolation, void, fear, power, danger
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sweetcloverheart · 2 years
Things Adrien will never know since he’s not allowed to find out his father’s Hawkmoth
That Gabriel has purposely gone out of his way to upset Adrien’s friends via unfairly punishing him/limiting his freedom solely so he could have an Akuma to use (”Bubbler” and “Chat Blanc”)
That Gabriel once tricked him into believing he had upset his father so he could akumatize himself and keep him and Ladybug from realizing his real identity (”Collector”)
That after akumatizing Gorilla (“Gorizilla”), that he purposely put Adrien’s life in danger and had him thrown from on top a building just so he could find out if he was actually Chat Noir or not (and only changed his mind after Adrien had been thrown and it looked like he wasn’t about to transform to save himself)
Had noticed via his akuma butterflies when Adrien is upset/depressed but did nothing about it
Openly threatened his cousin (Like, feel how you want about Felix, Gabriel still threatened a child)
Has had Paris nearly flooded/burned down/deleted/eeby-deebied/brainwashed/zombie invaded several times while Adrien was outside the house with no idea if he had gotten/might get caught up in the attack (and not seeming to care)
That the few time he did arrange for Adrien to not be around when he was planning something (NY and Shanghai specials, “Risk”, etc.), it was specifically so he could hurt his friends, and usually done at Adrien’s own expense
That Gabriel almost caused WW3 by threatening the world with nukes (NY special)
That his father murdered someone(Or at least had their murder arranged via a gang hit) (Shanghai special)
That Nathalie’s health dove into the negatives specifically because she was helping him with his supervillainy (Yeah, she chose to become Mayura and everything, but this is still someone Adrien considers family here)
Everything about the Grimoire
Went out of his way to manipulate Chloe in “Heart Hunter” (Again, feel however you want, Gabe still purposely made it so Chloe would think Ladybug didn’t want her so he could get her on his side more easily)
Purposely put Lila and him together so she could “keep an eye on him” at his behest
Was the one who instigated Lila into enacting her plan in “Ladybug”, which ended up with Marinette expelled, and all because he considered her a “bad influence” on Adrien
Had twice Akumatized Adrien after he found out about him being Hawkmoth and his mother’s actual fate, just so he could get Ladybug’s miraculous (“Chat Blanc” and “Ephemeral”), which led to the world ending and everyone being dead in one of these scenarios
Has been magically manipulating him into obeying his will (If Senti!Adrien proves to be canon)
Made a deal with Felix to get all the Miraculous the latter stole ( “Strikeback”)
Deliberately chose to focus on stealing the Miraculous instead of taking the opportunity given to him to save his mother and Nathalie from their respective ailments (“Evolution”)
Purposely had him Cataclysm his arm, and near risking making his son a murderer/orphan (“Destruction”)
Kept the Kwamis he stole/kidnapped in cages and called them “slaves”
That the whole “Alliance Ring” nonsense was specifically to help mask his activities as Hawkmoth
And that he mainly just cares about his rivalry with Ladybug now.
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silverslate221 · 8 months
An Updated List of all my Kwamis including the Canon Kwamis some of which I've altered to fit my Headcanons since I've realized my old list was very outdated xD. (Just something to keep in my mind I'm horribly indecisive and all of these are subject to change)
Mother Box-
Tikki the Ladybug of Creation (Alpha)
Plagg the Black Cat of Destruction (Alpha)
Trixx the Fox of Deception
Pollen the Bee of Subjection
Wayzz the Turtle of Protection  
Duusu the Peacock of Manifestation
Nooroo the Butterfly of Transmission
Mullo the Mouse of Multiplication
Stompp the Ox of Determination
Roaar the Tiger of Confrontation
Fluff the Rabbit of Evolution (Timekeeper)
Longg the Dragon of Acclimatization (Elemental)
Sass the Snake of Repetition (Timekeeper)
Kaalki the Horse of Migration (Spacekeeper)
Ziggy the Goat of Imagination
Xuppu the Monkey of Derision
Orikko the Rooster of Illumination
Barkk the Dog of Loyalty
Daizzi the Pig of Love
Great Plains Box-
Kiikaa the Thunderbird of Electricity* (Elemental)
Maii the Coyote of Wisdom
Katta the Cougar of Passion
Liiri the Eagle of Freedom
Rummpa the Buffalo of Prosperity
Lokko the Wolf of Detection
Sorren the Falcon of Victory
Amikaa the Beaver of Innovation*
Livv the Deer of Vegetation
Pekk the Woodpecker of Dimension (Spacekeeper)
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy
Grizz the Bear of Soul
Ommen the Raven of Probability*
Hoppi the Rattlesnake of Beauty*
Tyyto the Owl of Truth
Honnk the Goose of Cooperation
Zibbi the Otter of Jubilation
Banditt the Raccoon of Avarice
Wandering Box-
Tangg the Mantis of Order (Alpha)
Kastorr & Poluxx the Hydra of Chaos (Alpha) **
Kirrin the Qilin of Light* (Elemental)
Rassi the Spider of Destiny* (Timekeeper) **
Slikki the Snail of Stagnation* (Timekeeper)
Deed the Stick Bug of Distribution (Spacekeeper)
Etterni the Salamander of Resurrection
Mikka the Ant of Conflict
Renn the Crane of Peace
Fianna the Koi Fish of Perfection
Finn the Shark of Fear
Døddie the Moth of Scarcity
Deuill the Dove of Mercy
Jellos the Jellyfish of Corruption
Hunduu the Cicada of Ruination
Taachi the Weasel of Secrets
Murrae the Eel of Elongation
Zodiac Box-
Flikker the Firefly of Hope
Emburr the Phoenix of Combustion* (Elemental)
Atticus the Sparrow of Oblivion (Spacekeeper)
Gemm the Chameleon of Transformation
Gloss the Ibex of Friction* (Aries)
Urazz the Aurochs of Preservation (Timekeeper) (Taurus) 
Oskrr the Squirrel of Duality (Gemini)
Cerra the Crab of Emotion (Cancer)
Rroy the Lion of Action (Leo)
Duchess the Swan of Dreams (Virgo)
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice (Libra)
Scorro the Scorpion of Vengeance (Scorpio)
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision (Sagittarius) 
Akwaa the Seahorse of Perception (Capricorn)
Nøkk the Kelpie of Hydration* (Aquarius)
Nerrea the Whale of Compassion (Pisces) 
Savannah Box-
Gaale the Griffin of Air* (Elemental)
Zipp the Dragonfly of Progression (Timekeeper)
Taamus the Hippo of Gravitation
Snapp the Crocodile of Adaptation
Parra the Giraffe of Confusion*
Equus the Donkey of Mathematics
Duune the Camel of Transaction
Mnemmi the Elephant of Memories
Kuuji the Gorilla of Connection
Irris the Hawk of Vision
Gorrge the Hyena of Consumption
Kallik the Jackal of Guidance
Azuure the Scarab of Thought
Keraas the Rhino of Substance
Zella the Antelope of Elusion
Gnuu the Wildebeest of Courage
Purr the Cheetah of Agility*
Grevyii the Zebra of Clarity
Chatter the Lemur of Negotiation
Jungle Box-
Tonna the Quetzalcoatl of Earth* (Elemental)
Legmm the Sloth of Isolation (Spacekeeper)
Saffi the Frog of Purity
Belaa the Jaguar of Imperception*
Ecco the Parrot of Communication*
Vammp the Bat of Absorption
Rivver the Piranha of Contempt
Bubiic the Mosquito of Plague
Ravanna the Skunk of Despair
Clikk the Dolphin of Sound*
Flairr the Toucan of Pretension
Ocellus the Stingray of Immersion
Charmm the Angelfish of Gentleness
Polaritti the Gecko of Magnetization
Tropical Box-
Allcy the Kingfisher of Sacrifice
Prrysm the Platypus of Distortion* (Spacekeeper)
Dontii the Pufferfish of Expansion (Spacekeeper)
Kicc the Kangaroo of Endurance*
Aumm the Koala of Relaxation
Lekyys the Pelican of Zonation
Alliss the Frilled Lizard of Extortion
Dideea the Shrimp of Patience
Xiphiaa the Swordfish of Honor
Prikk the Echidna of Boundary
Conkky the Wombat of Temperance
Tazz the Purinina of Temptation
Arctic Box-
Shaade the Grim of Darkness* (Elemental)
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition* (Timekeeper)
Maarus the Walrus of Realization
Demiis the Penguin of Glaciation
Fawnna the Elk of Wilderness*
Attlantis the Octopus of Choice*
Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence
Curri the Narwhal of Wonder*
Pinna the Seal of Altruism
Sotaa the Wolverine of Aggression*
Hidden Box- 
Vitaa the Panda of Life* (Alpha)
Shii the Crow of Death* (Alpha)
Uunice the Unicorn of Magic* (Elemental)
Italic- Canon Kwamis
*- Any kwami marked with an asterisk either belongs to my close friend @graaythekwami or draws from elements of one of their kwamis that I'm incorporating into my own headcanons
**- Any kwami marked with two consecutive asterisks draws inspiration from @this-wildchild-writes and their original kwamis
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celestiall0tus · 6 months
Well do I have something interesting for ya
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mymiraclebox · 1 month
Can you write a drabble about Olivv? (If you're still doing them ofc)
[Olivv's bio, Dove of Peace.]
Earth was sick, very sick.
The planet had been tainted for a long time now, for many generations Olivv had watched the way the disease had spread across its surface, infecting all it came in contact with. The way it wove itself into people's hearts, sparked by the smallest of actions.
She watched it now as it unfurled below her, fueled and spurred by the force of technology and invention, elevated to levels she had never seen in history before. The plague of war crawling from continent to continent, slaughtering all in its path, and leaving the survivors to suffer and choke.
Once she had tried to root it up: working from the inside to bring Peace, dedicating efforts to helping the victims labeled as survivors, facing conflicts head on to try to suffocate them before they could blossom to battle. And it wasn't that these methods hadn't worked, Peace had flourished in moments she had provided. She had created safety for those fleeing conflict, had calmed conflicts before they had grown, had fostered Peace where it had sprouted... but it never lasted.
It was something that seemed to be rooted in the hearts of humanity itself, a desire to clash with another. A lust for power that drove one to fight. A sense of honor that carried them to spread this disease that seemed to have no end. Even when given all they needed, it seemed that humans would in time would turn once again to the dark ways of war and hatred.
It must end.
"I decline your offer," Olivv said simply, ruffling her feathers.
The kwami in front of her looked startled by this reply, and how he was she did not know. His eyes blinked, momentarily blocking her view of the gleaming reflections within. The purple one reflected the world around them well, sowed with chaos and conflict, while his blue eye showed the world she longed for.
A world he promised they could make together.
"You... you don't want a world of peace?" Yuume asked, the Sheep of Dreams clearly having not expected her refusal.
"It is what I seek, but I know I cannot seek it with you," Olivv replied.
"That is not what the others say," Yuume said, drifting closer, hooves out. "They join me in my journey because they know we all seek the same things. Freedom. Peace. A world of our own, where humans don't rule over us."
"And your path to such a world is lined with the same things?" Olivv prompted, tilting her head, as she already knew the answer.
Yuume's eyes gleamed, allowing her to once again see a reflection of her hopes and fears in his two toned eyes, and she couldn't help but let her gaze slip away. The Sheep drifted closer as she did, those hooves still held out towards her.
"Passiveness will not win us our freedom," Yuume said quietly. "If we do nothing, then nothing will change. Surely you must understand that, Olivv, if you want Peace you're going to have to fight for it."
Olivv let out a small laugh, as these were words she had heard before. Holders in the past had said such to her, and even if she had not believed such a statement (how could one attain something by doing the very opposite?) those holders had been ones seeking Peace, and she had often let them use her powers as they saw fit. But that did not mean she would do the same as they had done.
"You will not attain Peace if you seek the opposite," Olivv chided the young kwami in front of her. "I already know Sotaa has sought you out, and when Conflict himself relishes your presence, it is not Peace you are seeking."
"What about freedom," Yuume's tone had become slightly more challenging, and Olivv merely gave him an empty smile as he spoke. "Are you content to do nothing while our brothers are enslaved by this plague known as humanity!"
"Humanity has not done all wrong with us under them," Olivv replied, and Yuume looked down right horrified as she said this. "I know you despised the Order for what it was, but their intentions have always intrigued me."
"Do you even hear yourself?" Yuume hissed.
"I would say the same to you," Olivv replied. "But I feel that even if you looked, you would not see it, young kwami. You say humanity is a plague, and in this I do agree; but how would you define humanity? Is it the collective of the human race? Or the whole of all their actions? Or is the ideals they strive for?"
"You don't know what you're talking about," Yuume replied. His movements were now stiff, his demeanor from before gone, his gaze defensive and hostile.
"Perhaps I don't," she agreed. "Or perhaps you simply do not like what I say."
"You say that we should remain confined to the whims of humanity!"
"Yet you do not even know what humanity is."
Yuume turned away. "I know that it is dangerous, but it seems that is something that you do not even care about. If you think that standing back and letting humans prosper is acceptable, then you do not care for our kind."
"Just because I do not seek the same path as you, Dreamkeeper, does not mean that I don't care," Olivv replied softly, but he did not turn to face her. "But I do not think you realize what you are truly doing. Because as long as you strive for this war, Yuume, you are carrying humanity within your heart."
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bakawitch · 1 month
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Random reimagining of Marinette with the dove parasite kwami from the mortality box. Will I ever stop trying turning her into a frilly magical girl? Possibly not. Also I know that there is a girl named Mireille in the show but she's probably not a thing here.
So in this rendition of the story the world is in a post-apocalyptic state after a mysterious zombie virus outbreak. Order has been re-established to a weirdly isolationist degree and zombies are not that big of an issue as they once were. However when zombie attacks suddenly begin rising in frequency again within the walls of the Red Clover district, Mireille is forced to take action to protect her friends with the power of an odd creature claiming to be an anti-virus.
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kari-go · 1 month
Hello! Since you made the offer, I gona abuse it😁 I know it's many, so do just those you see fit/find interesting/has idea for it😁 (I marked 💜 what I liked the most as ideas😅)
Lila!Dolphin - Higher porpouse, since I see her manipulating others. For the shame reason, maybe Gabriel with Dolphin-butterfly fusion?
Lila!Otter - Chrystalis, just for the pun, but purple suits her actially😁
One where Mylèn healimg Rose as dove - Nurse (maybe called like it, maybe just Rose calles that
Ivàn!Otter - Breakpoint (just... Could be cool
Juleka!Zebra - Champhor (just don't look at her)
Kim!Giraffe - Toproar (play on upror, if you don't like it, I called him in my version Gi-rouhg.... Because he is tall, and would be furious for having "no useful" power😅
💜Max!Pinguin - Celsius (wanted something very sciency😁)
💜Aurora!pinguin - She is beautyful and I wanted to suggest weather/temperature related🙂
Gabriel!Parrot - Silencebreaker?
Nathalie!Parrot - Secreter (for the pun)
💜Fu!Peacock or Snake - Azur feather and Serphemerald... Would be cool to see him as peacock, and he looked cool as Jade turtle
I would really like to ask for 💜Rabbit!Fu too (Lapis Lapus) and GabriRabbit (maybe King Hare?) but you rarly do adults, and I don't want to spoil Fu, so... You know...
Also would like to see your boys as rabbits... Idk why, just😅 Mari too, if her designe would be different (it's cool, it doesn't have to be💙
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I know it's a lot, again, do what you would enjoy, all of it, or non, or more, but not all... What you feel fitt😁
And bevare, I will return with more😁
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The dolphin, otter, giraffe, and zebra do not exist anymore. I changed a lot of stuff about the kwamis recently and a lot of them are changed/removed.
I did not do the Gabriel and Nathalie ones because I just didn't like how they looked, sorry
I'm gonna do the rest of the rabbits later, in a separate post, but I'll tag you in it.
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kittysuicoffee · 4 months
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Aphrodite the watermelon dove is the kwami of love! She was meant for yesterday but I got too tired and was doing some other art stuff for my friends/moots so she got done today!
She represent all forms of love that goes for the healthy love to the toxic love.
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