#I could write a book on everything that makes them important but it doesn’t MATTER you have you LISTEN you have to EXPERIENCE them
gothedrals · 2 years
desert song played live 2022 imbuing me with the most intense need to make every single person in my life understand just how important my chemical romance is on a personal level and on a much larger scale. but alas, the magic of my chemical romance cannot be explained it can only be felt
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“Many places I have been
Many sorrows I have seen
But I don't regret
Nor will I forget
All who took that road with me”
-The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd
This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja, after 86 chapters, 300k words, and 10 months of joy, laughter, tears, heartbreak and love, has finally reached its end. 
Adjuration is a tragedy that is nothing short of an act of love. That much is clear in the passion and dedication put towards the story, the characters, and the message Freyja is trying to convey. This fic will teach you about love. About death. About the inevitability of existence and why despite knowing it will all come to an end, there is still meaning in trying and hoping and loving each other. In loving yourself. You will laugh, you will cry, you will hope and you will despair as you read this story, but you will not be able to put it down.
It’s hard to say goodbye to something that has been so important to and loved by so many people. So we won’t. Instead, we will say thank you for this incredible journey and the community this fic has built. For the friendships that have been made and the endless inspiration you have given us. Thank you for wanting to tell a story, and for letting us join you around the campfire to listen.
Thank you.
(If you like Linked Universe and haven’t yet read Adjuration, see below for spoiler free reviews of this fic and artist credits.)
This is an Adjuration is the kind of story you fall in love with, the kind of story you think keep thinking about long after you put it down. The kind you keep finding hidden details in after you think you’ve got it figured out. 
The characters are distinct and people with their own voices, motivations, relationships and histories. You’ll have your favourites but love them all. They influence how you’ll see the characters in everything else. 
It’s full of moments where everything clicks and everything before is recontextualised in a way that’s so satisfying and make the whole story very re-readable. A time travel story where all loops are already closed, where you can know but not yet understand what will happen. It’s long, complex, and beautifully, meticulously planned and detailed. It’s clever and considered, funny and heartbreaking. 
A story that whispers ‘it matters’ over and over. It is worth it to love, it is worth it if it doesn’t last forever, it is worth it to give someone a little more time, it is worth it to fight. It’s about loving others and your world and finding grace for yourself. 
It’s loss and tragedy and the cruelness of fate. It is the sacrifice and the breaking. 
Full of heart to both fill yours and break it in the best possible way. 
It’s about love. Always.
By @toyouhellohowareyou
Sometimes, it’s hard to explain to others why art moves us.
I could tell you This is an Adjuration will make you cry, laugh, and sit at the edge of your seat in anticipation. And it’s probably true - I did all of that as I read, often with a coffee in one hand, early in the morning as I got ready for the day. 
But that’s not the reason why I’m writing this.
The real reason is how it followed me during the rest of the day.
You see, at a certain point I realized this isn’t a story about Links going on adventures. Well, it does feature Links, and they do go on adventures, so let’s talk about that for a minute.
The first thing that caught my attention about this book was the characters. Each individual is unique, interesting, and exciting to follow. Not only are the Links individually compelling, but one thing that stands out in Adjuration is how the relationship between each Hero and their own worlds matter, and these connections shift, evolve, break and grow as the plot progresses.
Freyja does an incredible job of bringing together impactful storytelling with humor and heart. This is an Adjuration starts with an interesting premise, and then twists and turns in directions you wouldn’t expect. It’s rich in thought-provoking moments, soft joy and intense action, blended in with carefully crafted time travel and magic.
Adjuration sucked me into the world it builds, combining believable characters with fascinating stories, an unnervingly devious antagonist, plot twists, and lovingly crafted details that slip unnoticed until you’re surrounded on all sides. It made me cheer for characters I feel as if I’ve known intimately for years, made me worry for their safety as I would for that of a loved one, kept me hunting for hints and hidden references, pulling on a thread to try to find the end only for it to twist and loop into itself and show me a completely new side to the story.
Yes, This is an Adjuration is a fanfiction piece that explores the winding river flow of the Legend of Zelda timeline and how the stories of each Hero merge into each other. It also stands out for its heavy emotional content, and it doesn’t shy away from angst and hurt.
But to me, Adjuration is an epic journey that taught me how the choices we make, make us in turn. It’s a tragedy that deals with pain and healing, and it bares naked the non-linear nature of grief. It’s a celebration of the things that make us unique, of our flaws, an essay of the impact of little acts of love. Indeed, it’s a story about love.
I can tell you now, This is an Adjuration moved me. It still does. It has a special way to surface in my mind in unexpected ways at seemingly random times, from something as simple as tossing an apple core, to watching a lightning storm in the distance, or finding a picture of an old friend.
And every time, without fail, it makes me think about love.
By @sunny-porridge
This is an Adjuration is a wonderfully and beautifully crafted story about love, loss, and choice as the various incarnations of Link come together and travel through time. Freyja seamlessly weaves a tapestry of setup and payoff across different timelines and loops, in the best-constructed time travel plot I’ve ever seen on page or screen. Even at its surface, Adjuration is an emotional rollercoaster involving tragedy and the soft moments that make that tragedy worth it. But the deeper you look, the more meaning you can pull from every chapter of this amazing work. This work has made me cry, squeal with delight, and think more deeply about its themes all while having an absolute blast reading it. So in summary: READ IT. READ IT. READ IT NOW. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.
By @life-in-winter
While I love that every chapter is emotionally enthralling, with carefully woven, visceral tension you crave in any good story, yet Adjuration is more than that, and you feel it in the careful weave of each character and plot point. Nothing is lost or unanswered. It's the kind of story that, by the end, makes you stop and take a hard look at your own life. Are you appreciating the now? Are you savoring joy? Are you so wrapped up in fear that you can hardly take care of yourself? Do you know who you are?
This story is more like an external experience. It's riding atop a tsunami. How do you handle that ride, Link?
There aren't enough words to describe how amazing this fic is.
Artist credit
Legend: @gia-d
Hyrule: @bittirsweeteer
Time: @toonblade
Sky: @noorahqar
Warriors: @whitewinterstar
Wild: @weavingstarlight
Twilight: @bluury2
Wind: @thewitchdoctor39
Four: @lunaopus
Red: @peepthatbish
Blue: @glowingmin
Green: @winterfen
Vio: @waterfallstream
Shadow: @deleetrix
Wolfie: @linkiscool333
Fierce Deity: @awildsilver
Ravio: @lele5429
Malon: @tooner-tastic
Dink: @passerinesoncaffeine
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lurkinggirlie · 3 months
Elain & Azriel are EndGame
Azriel’s bonus chapter: semi-essay on my thoughts
This post will be a long one. The shipwar has been going on for far too long, and there's a possiblity that we'll be getting closure soon. So, I want to put my thoughts out there. For Obvious reasons, I could be very wrong, but this is what I think based on canon text: (Ignore any errors..I haven't edited this, and I'm sure there are many posts like this that are way more articulate)
Elriel are endgame. If they’re not then Azriel is kinda pathetic and having him end-up with anyone else is bad writing and character assassination. (Which we sadly won’t put past sjm but I don’t think she would..at least I hope)
1- Elain has no other love interest. Yes, Lucien is her mate but we have hinted at a broken/rejected mating bond for the longest time when it comes to these two so having them accept it eventually is going to be quite underwhelming, repetitive and boring. Even Lucien seems to have given up/isn’t interested in bridging that gap between them, which we’re told in both acofas and acosf. Unless you want to count the longing pointed out by Cassian, although Cassian also pointed out that Lucien was also uncomfortable when he mentioned his mate. To add on, there is no sexual tension between the two, and we know how important that is for sjm’s couple. You can't keep whining "but Elain isn't giving him a chance, if only she gave him a chance, then maybe this and maybe that" Elain is not a seprate entity, she is what SJM writes, Sjm could have written that but she did not yet and I'm not sure if she will. It feels too late at this point, she had already shown us that Elain has feelings for someone else aka Azriel. The author doesn't have to spell everything out for us to understand to what's going on. Sarah usually makes it clear who's endgame. and she literally is. So, it would be very sudden and out of the blue if Lucien and Elain were to end up together when she had never shown it before. When even Azriel pointed this out “I think Lucien will never be good enough for her, and she has no interest in him, anyway” people can say Rhys killed elriel, that the bonus chapter ended them. But this line right here tells us otherwise! First we know Azriel and Elain can read each other so well that they don’t need words, and then Azriel tells us this. He’s literally telling us that Elain does not want Lucien.
We also cannot compare elucien to Feysand or Nessian in the “enemies to lovers" department, because these two seem to hardly care about each other. For obvious reasons she wouldn’t accept or reject Lucien in a book that isn’t hers. But if they do end up together I’d feel robbed that she had more sexual tension with Azriel than she did with Lucien. And we know that Nessian and Feysand had sexual tension before getting together. Most of what we got from Elain and Lucien was awkwardness, and discomfort. Not a single spark. Furthermore, it would feel like Azriel was just leading Elain own. Plus their romance (Lucien and Elain)  would not feel organic, only getting with Lucien because she felt rejected by Azriel, which doesn’t give epic romance no matter how sjm tries to spin it. It would always make Lucien seem like the second choice.
2- Azriel regifting the necklace was a dickhead move, and offensive to both girls. Anyone thinking the regifting of the necklace ended elriel or started gwynriel is delusional and clearly doesn’t know how the romance genre works. (should’ve thrown the gift in the Sidra like Cassain did) I can’t believe Rhys isn’t paying Azriel enough that he felt the need to return the necklace to the shop instead of throwing it. Senstive Illyrian baby indeed. 
3- Rhys saying stay away from Elain (can we take a moment to appreciate how sexy Rhys was for pulling rank, he really made the ship more interesting now) and Azriel actually listening to him?? When he told him you can’t order me to do that. shit would be underwhelming if Azriel actually stayed away? Hello? Secret relationship potential ? Hello? Forbidden romance potential  ??? The tropes would be epic. Sjm had never done that. And I’m not saying she will, but this is how I see it playing out. + Azriel saying it was a mistake to Elain, and Elain apologizing?? The fact she was confused/hurt and probably thought she misunderstood the whole situation? SHE IS BABYGIRL?? Regardless, Azriel saying it was a mistake and it being a mistake is NOT it. This is not how romance works most of the time. This is such a basic romantic trope, why are a lot of people misinterepting it? Elain deserves better, and sjm isn’t about to hurt Elain’s feelings without making it up to her. And she’s definitely not making Azriel end up with another girl before he fixes that shit. I will be needing a proper apology to Elain.  
4- Whenever people think of the bonus chapter they weigh in Azriel’s feelings far more than Elain’s. It’s clear that Elain and Azriel’s feelings are MUTUAL, ignore the bonus chapter and it’s right there in the actual book. I don’t think Elain got the memo that Azriel had  a conversation with another girl after he hurt her feelings which made him realize he’s in love all of a sudden. *sarcasm*  that would be very out of character for Azriel. 
5- His chest sparkling at the thought of Gwyn getting the necklace was so??? I have been saying he’s for the streets and yes this was out of pocket. So, I understand people shipping them. However it could mean anything really, you can't continue saying that Gwyn in the bonus has to mean something, and that that spark must mean somethig but continue to disreagrd every single Elriel interaction like they mean nothing. Because for it to be taken as romance we’d have to ignore the beginning of the bonus, the feysand’s bonus acosf/acomaf/acowar and acofas. + we could easily take this in a platonic way, which is how I viewed it when I read the bonus. Not everything has to be romantic. And sjm will NOT introduce a new guy to make him end up with Elain since we already established Elain doesn’t want Lucien and Lucien doesn’t want her either. 
6- I know that a lot of people have theories about Gwyn being a lightsinger and all of this happening because of her powers (While I do think this is very smart, it wasn’t something I thought of so I won’t talk about it). I do think it’s possible, and all the theories I saw were really cool but idk where sjm is going with this, so to make it simple I do think it could be because she’s his student, she went through a lot it could simply be platonic happiness that a girl who went through so much is going to be happy about something. Even if it was a secondhand necklace specifically picked with ANOTHER girl in mind PLUS I do think sjm wanted drama, and for people to doubt elriel cuz now they have all these obstacles, so Gwyn would be the easy choice, but the second choice regardless. The relationship would feel icky and I genuinely cannot see the potential gwynriels keep talking about. I would take the ship a lot more seriously if a) he didn’t regift her another girl’s necklace b) there was more to them in the actual book. c) he wasn’t still upset about it 3 days later… 
7- There’s a high possibility Gwyn never even got the necklace..
He gave it to Clotho not Gwyn, he didn’t want his name mentioned, and then said if any other girl would like it to give it to them: the aim was to get rid of Elain’s necklace. It’s sort of a parallel with Cassain throwing away Nesta’s present.
I think it’s possible that Azriel went there because he knows how much the girls in the library have suffered, especially since his mom did too, it's possible he thought "okay this is a pretty necklace, I don't want to hold onto the reminder of what could've been, so instead of throwing it let another girl be happy about it. At least it won’t go to waste”
Clotho could tell there was something wrong, like maybe she sensed the energy and decided ayeee let me keep this aside for him, he might come back and ask for it. 
The bonus did not happen at the end of the book 
If Azriel was truly in love with Gwyn now /or he wanted her/ or more between them was going to happen/ or they were mates according to some theories we could have AT LEAST gotten more after the bonus. 
We know the bonus happened after solstice.
Nesta mentions that Azriel was stone-faced and more aloof than usual, he wouldn’t even give her a smile. That was 3 days after the necklace situation. I think it would’ve been a great opportunity to highlight any attraction between Azriel and Gwyn.
Maybe he sees the necklace around her neck, maybe Nesta and Emerie compliment Gwyn’s necklace, or Gwyn telling them she doesn’t know who it’s from, maybe they tease her that someone might have a crush on her. Nesta could’ve pointed out that Azriel was looking at Gwyn’s necklace.or looking at Gwyn in some sort of way. Literally anything. 
Anyone pointing out the way Azriel and Gwyn looked at each other. A charged glance perhaps. Literally ANYTHING. We only got him looking at her with admiration which is very teacher coded. 
If sjm hadn’t made Nesta realize Azriel had a thing for Elain then maybe gwnyriel would’ve been more appealing to me. But no, Nesta noticed. This doesn’t mean nothing people.
aside from that we got nothing romantic, but a part of the fandom still acts like we need to exile Elain because she’s coming between Gwyn and Azriel’s epic love story.
Not everyone has access to the bonus.  
The Azriel chapter was only in ONE store in the US, but Feysand’s bonus chapter was in 3 stores in the US and UK. I don't know but something tells me it’s more important.  Soooo if SJM would do a love interest switch she would not do it in a bonus chapter, and wouldn’t be highlighting the Az/Elain interactions in ACOSF as much as she did. 
Feyre’s chapter focuses on Elain, it literally tells us Elain is next once we’re done helping Nesta. EASY MATH. and the Azriel bonus also focuses on elriel/Azriel’s feelings. ENDGAME MATERIAL RIGHT HERE. 
But the girls swear up and down that Gwyn and Azriel’s book is next because of a secondhand necklace. 
Let’s assume elriels are the delusional ones (like so many of them say), how do we explain these. 
Casual readers who usually read books and aren’t on the internet and aren’t looking for bonus content (wish that was me)  (lord knows I skipped every bonus chapter in throne of glass and crescent city and I wasn’t confused about anything. Not even once) so they’d expect answers for 
The Charged glance between Azriel and Elain
Azriel following the sound of Elain’s laughter. 
Elain looking away when Azriel smiled at her during family dinner, Cassian god bless him that idiot could NOT piece all of that together. BUT it was still highlighted through his POV ???
His secret to tell never hers (and we do learn of that secret in the bonus but people who didn’t read it could only guess so they’d want a confirmation) and sjm did say in one of her lives that Nesta learns of one of Azriel’s secrets (she looked all giddy about it)... and that Azriel is going through some shit right now…and we learn why from the bonus chapter. 
Cassian being confused that it seems like Azriel moved on from Mor
Nesta pointing out that Elain moved on from Graysen
Cassian wondering why Elain is lying about where she’s going. (I viewed this as her avoiding Azriel but idk) 
Azriel’s protectiveness of Elain. He gives mate behavior without the mate part. (I will hit him on the head though omg let my girl do something)
Elain willing to look for the troves even when Nesta wasn’t, the girl wants to do something  (her journey is coming next) 
Nesta wondering if Elain is training with Azriel or the twins (who are spies that were trained by Azriel !!!) 
Feyre telling Azriel that Elain got him beat for secret keeping. Sure it might sound delusional but Elain keeps being compared to Az/being a spy and maybe this could be a thing. 
Elain speaking back to her sisters about them treating her like a child?? Hello finally 
The way Elain’s mother only treated her like a pretty doll which shaped up Elain’s whole life??? I want this from Elain’s POV sooo bad 
In conclusion, we’re not pausing Elain’s story so Azriel can end up with a side character in a spinoff about an og side character, we’re sticking to our og side characters for now.
Azriel being over Mor because of Elain, and Elain moving on from Graysen because of Azriel only for Elain to get over Azriel to be with Lucien (who we got nothing from aside a mating bond..) and for Az to get over Elain and questioning fate for her…only to end up with gwyn…like I don’t think anyone could take Azriel’s feelings seriously if this happens. Shit will be too goofy.  Because if he ends up with Gwyn who says he won’t move on to the next pretty girl he sees afterwards.
To add to that, what plot would we have for Azriel and Gwyn. We'll get more Valkyries training, more healing journey so the plot would have to be paused for this. Nesta’s book was mostly about her healing journey and friendship, while it was nice I don’t want a repeat for the next book. Especially since we know the Rite took a toll on Gwyn, she went back to the library, wasn’t even sure she would make it to Nessian’s mating ceremony. This doesn’t give the protagonist of the next book to me. Or "I thought it was pretty obvious"
Elain’s healing journey had started in ACOWAR, she got her friends in ACOWAR. Now is their TIME to do something!! She is next. 
Closing thoughts on what I think would happen based off each ship happening: 
If elriel happens = new sjm couple dynamic/interesting plot. Fresh sjm protagonist that is unlike sjm's others + we don’t ignore all the foreshadowing and hints. We follow the love triangle we set up in the og trilogy + finally get a rejected mating bond. And instead of warrior training we might get spy training and instead of physical power (as far as we know) we get something more mental. Again this is very new for sjm + there’s a lot to Elain’s power that we don’t know and since Azriel was the one who found out what she was, I think it would make more sense for him to know how to help her. Imagine the sexual tension during training..yes please. I hope sjm doesn’t rob me. Elain is really mysterious, we got Nesta’s inner thoughts before her book but we still haven't gotten a peep about Elain’s inner thoughts and I’m just dying to know more. AND THE STAKES!
1) Rhys forbidding Azriel from Elain, 2) Elain’s mating bond,3) Azriel’s self doubt and how he doesn’t think he’s good enough. 4) The blood duel and the political mess we could get into. (Lucien probs won't but what if Beron would, the breeding potential, A seer must be a powerful thing she can see things others can't and I think that’s valuable. If Eris thought Nesta was valuable as cauldron made and there was no potential there, so The Autumn court probably feels even more entitled to Elain) We have high inner and outer stakes. I have a feeling SJM will fumble all this potential but a girl can dream 
If elucien happens = another successful mating bond + “enemies”  to lovers sort of but they won’t ever be mean to each other so maybe not enemies, just dislike and awkwardness to friends to lovers?  We ignore the hints about a rejected bond and in mating bonds we trust. We also ignore all the elriel hints, and their mutual feelings. We follow the love triangle set up in the og trilogy. I don’t think Lucien could train her in anything? Maybe self defense, Idk Sarah could pull something, but I don’t see Elain leaving her circle of friends but neither do I see Lucien settling in the night court and leaving his own friends. There are no stakes but Elain’s and Lucien’s awkwardness around each other + Elain’s feelings for Azriel. Elain’s and Lucien’s plot connects though so at least there’s that, SJM could ship them off on a mission together and make them get closer. Forced proximity sort of thing. 
If gwynriel happens then = we lost the whole plot, ignored the foreshadowing and hints found in the actual book. Mentor to lovers, civil with each other. Azriel has to move on from Elain first though and that could be icky. Healing journey, more Valkyries training. So we pick up from where we left off in acosf, and we’d see Azriel trying to get her to come out of the Library, or he goes to visit her there until she agrees to come out again. Maybe if Gwyn is a lightsinger then idk more training with Azriel? Again, no stakes but Gwyn’s trauma and Azriel’s self doubt oh and also his feelings for Elain. But that’s it, Gwyn as of now does not connect to the overall plot with the troves (she’s not made therefore she can’t use them) or koschei. So I don’t see us making her go on a mission like that. I’ve seen a lot of gwynriles saying Gwyn has spy potential idk where, but she could barely keep a secret for Nesta so I highly doubt she’d be keeping secrets for the IC. 
Ps: the original koschei plot is 3 sisters marrying 3 very powerful wizards and like idk 3 sisters 3 brothers…we can have a retelling ya know 
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yandere-kokeshi · 11 months
Hey, I only really need some short headcanons for this (but of course make it whatever length you want), but miles with a s/o who loves to cuddle and physical affection🥹 whenever going to bed, laying on his chest or opposite, holding hands, hugs, sleeping with ur head on his lap or opposite and hair playing and sorry im getting carried away ☹️
Thank you tho! always love whatever u write, I also do see that you’re not super touchy so if you don’t feel this one then that’s ok :)
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Warnings: yandere behavior
A/N: Hi :)! You're not getting carried away and you've made me realize something. I don't usually write touchy readers due to my own experiences. I don't like being touched. I only like receiving gifts or words of affirmation.
But I know that touch is a huge part of relationships to some people so I hope you enjoy this. Ty for the request darling <3
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In the beginning, Miles would slightly freeze up whenever you touched him. He wouldn’t know what to do other than touch your back but with awkward hands. Sweat and goosebumps appeared on his skin.
But the more you were touchy, the more Miles gradually began to acknowledge and swing around to your boundaries with touch.
He loves how affectionate you are. It makes him feel loved and appreciated. Sometimes being a hero is draining, and sometimes he just needs to be held, someone that can let him cry and tell him everything is okay.
He’s the definition of clingy. This boy cannot live without touching you in some way. He has to be kissing or hugging you, and at times, he may be overwhelming. When you least expect it, Miles comes behind you and kisses you, holding you as his hands fiddle with your shirt. If he could, he’d want to Koala hug you 24/7.
Whenever the both of you walk around Brooklyn, he always holds hands with you; his hands swinging back and forth with yours as he rambles on what to do. Occasionally, he’ll hold pinkies if he feels that his sweaty hands will gross you out.
Cuddles are really important to him. Never in his life would he deny your requests when you ask for them. The second he gets to your/or his apartment, you can bet that he’s scooping you up and making you lay on him on a bundle of blankets, wanting to know about your day.
With him on your lap, he doesn’t mind it. He’s more than happy to lay on your lap and let your fingers playfully boop his nose as he talks about things. However, Miles does like it when you’re on his lap, especially after a hard day of socializing.
Being able to run his fingers over your face, tracing your face, and watching you read a book, or be on your phone makes him realize how lucky he has it. By the time his mom comes in to tell him about dinner, both of you are passed out on each other.
When in his room, he loves drawing you whenever he has the chance to; although, he tries not to do it when you are in sight. In his sketchbook, he has a bunch of colored pages and thick pencil drawings of you in different areas and poses. Most things he draws of you are sleeping, smiling, and doing something funny on the same day with him.
If you by chance forget to hug him or kiss him before you leave, that entire day he’s thinking he did something wrong — Miles is chewing at his fingernails, gets snappy and grumpy at anyone, and sadly overthinks.
By the time he sees you again, he asks you straight up. And if you reassure him that you’re not? He’s so relieved that he’s on the verge of crying. He makes sure to hug you tightly, whispering in your ear how you scared him, and don’t do that again. He relies on your touch as comfort.
Gives you a bunch of piggyback rides. No matter what time or how many people are around, Miles is instinctively grabbing you and putting you on his back.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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insxghtt · 1 year
reschedule — bella ramsey x reader
All you wanted was to go back in time.
warnings: hurt/comfort. i used they/them pronouns for bella (bc i see that it's what pedro uses) and it was kind of difficult bc english is not my first language so if i got anything wrong i apologize. also bella said that they don't rlly care abt pronouns so i guess if i use she/her or he/him is ok right? idk let me know in the comments.
this was based on two requests: "hi babe can you write bella ramsey x reader where reader and bella are in a relationship but reader believes bella will leave them and bella reassures reader that they love them sm" / "bella and reader have a massive fight and reader thinks it’s a breakup but then bella comes and they makeup?"
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You and Bella had been together for three years and not even once you doubted that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them. Bella was everything you’ve ever wanted. They were kind, funny, beautiful, and most importantly, they always made sure to make you feel loved. 
You knew how important their career was to them and you respected that. The Last of Us was a huge success and Bella was out a lot, doing interviews and even getting new jobs. You were so proud of them and just seeing that sparkle in their eyes was enough to make you forget any problem you had going on. 
Well, you had a few problems going on. You just released your second book and the book launch was awesome, except for a little detail. Bella wasn’t there. 
It’s okay, you thought. They were busy with work. It happens. But just because it happens doesn’t mean that it didn’t hurt a bit. Especially when you found out that they didn’t show up because of an interview. Interviews can be rescheduled. Especially when it was someone like Bella. Pedro rescheduled an interview two times a while ago just because his sister needed some help with the children. He said that family always comes first. 
It was your second book. You had been writing it for two years, working every single detail of it. It was a big deal. Maybe she didn’t see you as family, you thought. That was when all the problems became to appear. All your insecurities, all your internal conflicts. You spent the whole book launch overthinking every part of your relationship. 
When you got home, you knew Bella would be there. They had your key and asked if they could go to your place after the interview. You said yes, of course. Didn’t matter if you were slightly hurt, you just wanted to be with them. 
“Hey! How was it?”, Bella smiled when they saw you walk inside the apartment. 
“It was good”, you smiled back and gave them a big hug. “I missed you so much.” 
Bella laughed at how muffled your voice was because of the way your face was hidden on the curve of their neck. “I missed you too, darling.” 
You let them go and they gave you a quick kiss. “I’m hungry. And really, really, tired.” 
“I know. It’s why I ordered some pizza”, they pointed to the box on the center table in front of the couch. 
“Oh, you’re the best!”, you throwed your body on the comfortable couch and sighed. “Is it pepperoni?” 
“Yes...”, they sat next to you and grabbed one piece, giving it to you. 
“Thank God... I mean, I know you’re like, a hater of meat eaters, but...” 
“I’m not a hater!” 
“You are kind of a hater. It’s why I appreciate this”, you grabbed the slice of pizza. 
Bella grabbed one slice of the other pizza, the one without meat, and looked at you. You two smiled at each other and toasted the slices before eating it. 
The time went by and considering how hungry the two of you were, it didn’t take long for the pizza to disappear. Between one bite and another, you told Bella about the event. You told everything, like you wanted them to see it. You really wanted them to see it. And when Bella realized it, they felt terrible for not being there. 
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” 
“You already said that”, you laughed and held their hand. 
You were with your head laid on their shoulder and you felt them kissing your hair. 
“No, I mean it.” 
You raised your head to look at Bella. “It’s fine, you were working.” 
“You’re not mad at me?” 
You were a little mad, but it would pass. There was no reason to ruin that moment with a stupid argument. They were sorry, that’s all that mattered to you. 
“At least you read my book, it’s more than what my own mother did, so...”, you joked. 
But Bella didn’t laugh. In fact, they gulped. 
“You read it, right?” 
The response was the silence. All the walls you used to hide how disappointed you were collapsed right there. 
“You didn’t even read my book?”, you dropped their hand. 
“I was going to...” 
“I gave it to you, like, a month ago.” 
“I was going to read it, I swear! It’s just that there were so many things going on that I...” 
“Oh my God”, you stood up from the couch. “You really don’t care, do you?” 
“What?”, they stood up as well. “Of course I do!” 
“Yes, of course you do, but never as much as you care about your own work!” 
Both of you were angry now. Bella was feeling offended. It wasn’t like they were terrible all the time, Bella was always doing the best to make you happy. 
“Are you kidding me?” 
“No, Bella, it’s just the truth.” 
“Imagine if I told you that every time you say no when I invite you to an event, how would you feel?” 
“It’s different, Bella. You’re great at what you do.” 
“And so are you!” 
“It’s not the same thing!”, you yelled. “People love you. You’re successful.” 
“So what? You want me to not be good at my job?” 
“No, damnit! What I'm trying to tell you is that we’re different. You’re on, like, a thousand tv shows”, you pointed at her and then at yourself. “My biggest achievement was a book written three years ago and after that, all I do is sit and watch while the world around me continues to move.” 
Bella stood silent, waiting for you to finish with tears in their eyes. 
“The one thing that kept me going was this stupid plot I had in my mind during a shower, a stupid plot that I worked so fucking hard for two years. You were there, you saw it! I fucking cried myself to sleep wondering if I would ever do anything good again”, you dried your tears with the sleeve of your sweater. “And I finally did it! I did it, and it’s so good, and I wanted you to be there so you could see how good I am. I wanted to give you a reason to be proud of me!” 
When you were done talking, Bella didn’t say anything. They didn’t even look at you. 
“I think I should go”, they said. 
“You’re going to leave? Really?” 
“I just...”, they sighed. “I need to be alone now.” 
Bella gave you no time to say anything. They grabbed their bag that was on the corner table next to the door and left. 
“Yeah, that is really fucking mature, Bella!”, you yelled before the door was closed and they were gone. 
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The morning after that night was awful. You and Bella never had a fight like that. You tried to call them 2 times since you woke up, but it was useless. At first, you thought they were asleep, that’s why they haven’t answer. But the day went by, the night came again, and they still gave you no answer. Talking to their mom, you found out where Bella was. 
“Locked in their room”, she said through the phone. 
“Okay, can I talk to them?”, you asked nervously. 
“Did you guys have a fight?” 
“Ah...”, you were not sure you wanted to talk about this. 
“Alright, you don’t have to tell me”, she calmed you down. “Bella asked me to say that they’re busy, if anyone called.” 
Shit, they were going to break up with you. 
“I though Pedro and Bella were supposed to be on a tv show today.” 
“Bella rescheduled.” 
Okay, so whatever Bella was doing, it was more important than you, apparently. 
Bella’s mom sighed. She knew the two of you enough to tell that something was off. 
“Honey don’t worry”, she said. “I’m sure you guys will figure this out.” 
It didn’t feel like it. 
“Okay”, you agreed. “Thank you, I'll try to call them again later.” 
“Bella loves you very much, you’ll be fine.” 
You thanked her again before hanging up. Not a second after that, you got a message from Pedro, answering one of your texts asking about Bella. 
“They didn’t say anything to me. Just that something came up and that it was urgent, so we had to reschedule the interview.” 
You couldn’t stop a tear from rolling down your cheek as you typed. 
“I think they’re gonna break up with me” 
Pedro was fast to answer that one. 
“Bella is crazy for you. Shut up.” 
You let out a sad laugh. Pedro was so sure of it that you were a bit jealous of that confidence. Bella never did that before. Honestly, it felt like it was already done. You could imagine them coming to your apartment to pick up their stuff and you could see yourself begging for them to stay. Were you being dramatic? Maybe, but it felt real. 
You laid on your couch, curled up in a ball of blankets that smelled like Bella. It was funny how much you missed them, considering that you saw each other last night. But this was different, this time they didn’t say the ‘I love you’ that they always said before leaving. No, they said ‘I need to be alone’. 
That was it? Three years of relationship thrown away because of a book. 
The sound of the doorbell brough you back to earth in a flinch. You stood from the couch and stared at the door. What if it was them? You didn’t want to hear it right now. You couldn’t handle it. Not now. 
“I know you’re in there, the lights are on.” 
Shit. It was Bella. Trying to be silent, you reached for the light switch and turned it off. 
“Did you just turn the lights off?” 
“No...”, you answered, soon closing your eyes and hating yourself for being so fucking stupid. 
With no other options, you walked to the door and opened it. 
“Why did you kill him?”, Bella asked. 
They had dark circles around their eyes and on their hands, was the book you gave them. Your book. 
“What?”, you were still trying to process it. 
Bella entered the apartment without even asking. “Why did you kill him? Do you know how sick and twisted this is?!” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Your book!”, they pointed at it. 
You closed the door and continued to stare at them without having any idea of what was going on. “You read it?” 
“I read the first two pages last night and just couldn’t stop”, they said, gesticulating every word in excitement. “Why did you kill him? Do you know how much I cried?” 
And then you realized. She was talking about the main character on your book. 
“Well, I...” 
“I mean, do you have a problem with happy endings? This is the best book I've ever read, and you had to kill my favorite character?” 
You didn’t know what to say. “How did you finish it so fast?” 
“I was up all night.” 
Oh, so that’s why... 
“And you didn’t even think of, I don’t know, check your fucking phone?”, you yelled. “I thought you were going to break up with me!” 
Bella finally stopped talking and looked at you with confusion in their eyes. 
“Why would I break up with you? I love you.” 
You breathed in relief and closed your eyes. “You dumbass”, you whispered before wrapping your arms around their waist on a tight hug. 
Bella was still confused, but they hugged you back and ran their fingers through your hair. “I’m so sorry I made you think that.” 
You raised your head to look at them. With all the tenderness in the world, Bella touched your cheeks and kissed you on the lips. All the worries, all the sadness, it was all gone. When they pulled away, their arms were still around your neck and your faces were still close. 
“So that's what you were doing?”, you asked with the smile on your lips that Bella loved so much. They nodded. “And you cried?”, Bella nodded again. “Good.” 
Bella laughed and gave you another kiss. “I should’ve been there. And I should’ve read it the same day you gave it to me...” 
“It’s fine.” 
“Shut up, let me finish”, they interrupted, and you let out a laugh. “I am so proud of you. You’re so good at everything you do and this book...”, Bella sighed. “This book is just heartbreaking, perfect, sad, beautiful, thrilling...” 
“Yes, I got it”, you giggled, already blushing from so many compliments. 
“Exciting, original, sensational, fantastic...” 
“Okay!”, you covered their mouth with your hand. “You loved it, I get it.” 
Bella tried to say something, so you removed your hand. 
“Are we good?”, they asked. 
You answered it with another kiss. 
“Okay, I think we’re good”, Bella smiled. 
“Yes. Yes, we are.” 
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sturniolojpg · 7 months
— boyfriend! matt sturniolo
pairing: matt sturniolo × reader
warnings: sfw & nsfw!! i put a divider for ya
notes: first time doing a headcannon i normally write oneshots so sorry if its like?? all over the place?? not proof read
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♥︎. when he needs someone to talk to, you’re there & vise versa. being so close with his brothers he’s learnt the importance of communicating and it’s become a super important thing to him. he’d rather admit he’s wrong or have you admit you’re wrong than go to bed upset with each other. he hates leaving fights unresolved.
♥︎. he holds your hand in public all the time. he’s gotta be touching some part of you. whether its locking pinkies or standing right up on each other. he just loves you tewww much to be not touching you when its an option! if nobody’s around he’ll throw in an ass grab here and there but never if people are there, he’s not a fan of that kind of pda
♥︎. passenger princess ALWAYS. which annoys you at times because you do like driving but if he’s with you, he wants to take over. he likes doing stuff for you and you let him bc look at his face!!!
♥︎. you constantly catch him starring at your face. when i say this man is OBSESSED with you, i mean it. you’re his favorite person ever. most important too (according to him after a late night conversation).
“mmm before your brothers?” you teased him after the admission. obviously, you were joking. that wasn’t something you excepted or cared about. what followed was the opposite of what you thought. “that’s right princess, you're before them. never tell them that i said that."
“fucking liar,” you chuckled. he joined in the laughter, placing a soft kiss on your nose.
♥︎. quality time is his favorite. he loves to be with you, doesn’t matter if you’re doing something or not. all he cares about is that he’s with you!
he hates baking because he’s bad at it but you love it and can actually make something edible so he bakes with you all the time.
you’re also pretty good with nail art so instead of going to a professional he lets you do his, extra time to just sit and stare at your pretty face!
when he’s playing video games you’ll spend that time reading your books (a hobby he can’t quite grasp but you love it so he loves it for you) - or you’ll join him if it’s a game you know how to play. you both just like being around the other.
♥︎. dating a public figure has its faults and the biggest one for you was a portion of his fans hating you. it felt like he wasn’t allowed to fully be your boyfriend because of some weird parasocial relationship others had with him. (me fr bc thats my man idc!!!😅) he comforts you with this 24/7 though & shows you in more ways than one that he is fully yours and you’re fully his.
♥︎. your laugh is the best medicine for him. he could anxious, sad, mad, etc, and with just the mere sound of your laughter he’ll be okay again. it’s his favorite song in the soundtrack of his life. he’d listen to it all day everyday. he tries to get you to laugh 24/7 & it works because you’re down bad, you think everything he does is hilarious, intentionally or not.
♥︎. you do little try on hauls for him when you go thrifting and always give him a runway show. he loves it, you’re the most adorable girl in the world in his eyes. he loves how comfortable you are with him and that you feel okay doing things considered to be “childish” with him.
♥︎. dirty jokes never go over his head and you love it. it could be the most niche thing in the world and they’ll always land with his slutty minded ass.
♥︎. he’s a silent jealously type, if a guys flirting with you he’ll stay quiet and just get more possessive via pda. he’s confrontational when he needs to be but doesn’t want to cause a scene over what he knows deep down is nothing. he knows it’s a price to pay when you’re with a FINEEEE ass bitch.
♥︎. when you’re back home though? the man is not hesitate to start an argument with you but it ends just as fast as it started, you both can’t be mad at each other for longer than 10 minutes. he’ll also give you make up kisses allll over your face.
HORNY BELOWWW, i’m not your parent but rwc
♥︎. or makeup sex. makeup sex is always an option. it’s actually your favorite way for him to apologize & his, you. you love the mans body! god forbid! it’s like all thoughts just leave your brain when you see him naked, he could get away with anything because you’re forever a ditzy girl around him unclothed.
♥︎. bro LIVES for when you ride him. he loves titties so being able to fuck you AND have your tits bounce in his face? closest thing to heaven.
♥︎. car sex 80% of the time. you both love the thrill of possibly getting caught but still maintaining a sense of privacy. plus it’s the only time you can be as loud as you want to. (he feels a lil bad afterwards though and makes sure to clean all the seats before his brothers get in)
♥︎. he’s a sucker for you in lingerie. he buys you some online all the time to surprise you. he loves when you give him a try on haul. it typically ends with him fucking you raw!! 🤗
♥︎. he hates when you get insecure. like HATES. he thinks you’re the most perfect person to exist and will not hesitate to overstim you so you can see just how much he practically worships you.
♥︎. speaking of overstim…. one night he’d gone so far that you squirted for the first time. since then he’d do absolutely anything to get you to do it. he finds it so hot and it’s such an ego boost that you did it for the first time with him. his new favorite thing about sex became when you soak his face.
♥︎. this!! man!! loves!! giving!! head!! your pleasure is his pleasure. he does it so well and makes you feel too good, you couldn’t possibly tell him no when he asks to eat you out at the most irregular times. he knows his way around your body and its the best thing in the world for both of you.
♥︎. morning sex is just…. like a staple of your relationship. it could be soft or rough, depends on how you both feel and just how far into it y’all get. it happens almost every morning. he’s always down for it and you’re always horny! (how could you not be when you sleep next to him?!)
♥︎. he is SO good with subtly turning you on. he knows exactly what you like and exactly what he’s doing when he does certain movements and gestures with his hands. he’ll post certain photos well aware of how insane you get with certain poses. he’s arguably more of a whore than you are and that’s saying… a lot. 😛😛
♥︎. turning him on is pretty easy, especially because of how much he loves everything about you. the sheer sight of you gives him a boner. you in a tight dress that hugs all the right curves?? practically nutting in his pants
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ynscrazylife · 5 months
I love that you’re going to try some writing for JJ! She’s one of my biggest comfort characters and youre like a comfort blog so like this is so perfect. I know it’s not quite a fic idea but do you think you would want to write some headcanons or something about JJ being your mom (assuming reader is a teen girl going through typical teen girl antics) thank you!!!
jj being your mom (jennifer jareau x daughter!reader hcs)
JJ would literally be the best mom ever. She’s so supportive and is always there for you no matter what. Even when she’s away with the BAU, she’ll stop whatever she’s doing to answer your phone calls, even if it’s over something trivial like you’re wondering where one of your books is. She definitely puts her family first. You’re the most important person in her life (along with her sons of course).
You and JJ often do a really bad country/southern accent to tease your dad, which often results in him finding a way to tease you back.
She is incredibly proud of anything that you do and will make sure everyone knows it. She does not care if it embarrasses you — she’ll tell everyone about your accomplishments.
Everyone in the BAU absolutely adores you. If JJ’s running late, she’ll often say that you needed help or something, and Hotch has a soft spot for you, so he won’t care (this leads to the others also trying to use you for excuses when they’re late/they mess up, then it doesn’t work as well).
JJ attends every one of your school events, sports games, concerts, etc. She’s always prepared when it comes to her children, so she’ll get there early and gets the best view.
She’s the type of mom to practically have a magical purse. It has everything you could need at any given moment. Water, snacks, tissues, a pen, advil, hand sanitizer, you name it.
JJ is also a big mama bear. She’ll do anything to protect you. Someone says something bad about you? She has it handled. Someone dares to lay a hand on you? Well . . . JJ becomes quite a scary sight. She won’t tolerate anyone mistreating you at all.
Her loyalties also always lie with you. If someone says that you’re lying about something, she’ll always believe you over them, no matter what.
Going through teenager-hood is hard! JJ’s not phased at all, though. She’s always around when you want to talk and when you need your space, she respects that and gives it to you. I think respect and boundaries would be a big thing for her.
If you need help with homework though . . . You might have to go to Uncle Spencer for that (which he’s more than happy to assist in).
JJ has a bit of a rough relationship with her own parents so she’s always making sure that you know that she loves you. She doesn’t care if saying “I love you” all the time is cheesy, it’s very important to her.
She tells you all about your aunt and eventually passes on to you the necklace that her sister gave to her <3 Although sometimes painful, JJ wants you to know about your aunt and she encourages you to ask any questions you have.
Going on BAU cases can be hard. She doesn’t like being away from you and will always call to check in. She also keeps a photo of her family with her at all times.
JJ loves to surprise you by coming home early. Seeing the look of sheer happiness on her face is everything to her.
You really can talk to her about anything. She’s very approachable and down to earth. The cool mom for sure.
Sometimes her patience can be tested, but JJ is more concerned about working things through with you and talking rather than immediately punishing you for something wrong you did. She wants to understand what happened and treat you respectfully, making sure you understand where she’s coming from too.
JJ tries not to spoil you a ton (Penelope seems to have that covered) and isn’t the type to give into puppy dog eyes, but sometimes she can’t help herself.
She’s also not obsessed with you getting the very best grades! As long as you’re doing well and trying your hardest, she’ll understand if something comes up.
I feel like she’d be the type of parent to want you to go to college but if you have a different plan in mind, she won’t immediately put you down for it. She’ll talk with you first to get the full picture.
You definitely inherent sarcasm from JJ too. It’s a battle of the wits, you give her a run for her money. She LOVES your jokes and hearing you laugh. She’ll often say that your laughter is her favorite sound.
Ultimately, JJ tries her hardest to be the best mom and role model for you :) and you make sure she knows she’s appreciated, just like she makes sure you know that you’re appreciated, too. The two of you are a team, you’re partners in crime. She’ll always be there, even if she’s mad, or not home, she’s by your side.
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ollie-lolly · 2 months
Hiya, Ollie! Hope you're doing good whenever ya read this. And if you're not, I have a fluffy request for you:
For the Brothers and dateables, where would they take someone for their first date, what would they do, and how would the day/night end?
Sending you hugs and cuddles, friend! Have a great day/night! ♡
Authors note: Hi I know you’ve requested this in September and I haven’t been writing in FOREVER, but I’m so happy I am finally feeling up for it again! Enjoy!! I’ll just start with the brothers first, if people still think I write decently after all these months I’ll write the letter rest! Also 700+ followers WOW I love y’all.
He likes his everything dates very organised. He plans everything out to a tea, he knows he will win you over, but it takes time if he wants you to love him exactly in the way he already fell for you. I think he would take you to a museum, then to a restaurant he somehow knew you wanted to try the food from. Making a reservation to guarantee the best table. He will subtly compliment you throughout the whole day. As a subtle way to tell you he is having a great time. At the end he will walk you to your room and bid you goodnight. His lips touching your knuckles as he kissed your hand. He is the eldest brother, but that doesn’t hold him back from thinking about you all night after the date ended. 
He will NEVER admit he was nervous even asking you out, but you knew. He likes to be flexible on his dates. Really going with the flow while subtly showing off how much he likes you. I’m mostly thinking of him taking you out to go shopping together, while he secretly takes pictures for the things you find ‘to expensive’ so he could buy you them later when he will make sure his debt declines. Then if you’re that kinda person going dancing together! Either way I think you two will both end up a little tipsy at the end, Mammon accidentally giving you a kiss on the cheek as he drops you off. Remembering when he finally fully sobered up in the dead of night. He would text you about it the next morning, preying you didn’t mind and maybe would want him to give one on the lips next time.
I’d like to think he asked to hangout in his room and if you ask if it is a date, he would throw his phone the moment he replied with: “If you’d be okay with it!”. Safe to say he is scared shitless at just the thought. He preys Asmo will help him with the fact he is sweating buckets. It will most likely be a date in his room, watching a movie or playing a video game with him you expressed interest in. He can’t even enjoy the movie or video game most of the time, because he is constantly worrying if you’re enjoying yourself or not. I think he could finally calm down the moment he would see you smile while eating the take-out you and him ordered. If you ever suggest feeding him some of your food he will be flustered and nod. Avoiding eye contact as you feed him. When the date ends he tries not to be sad you’re leaving already.
He finds your comfort the most important thing at all times. He is extremely considerate, who said chivalry is dead? Because then he would be dead. He is still a little nervous, but that’s because you’re so attractive to him. The date will most likely be to a book store where the two of you would pick a book for each other to read. I think then he would take you to a cat cafe. Him paying all of it with a smile. Just don’t give the cats all your attention, because he wil get a little jealous. I think he would ask to hold your hand on the later part of the date, giving you his jacket as you two walk beside a river on the way home.
He is over the moon. He will must look his best because he wants you to be entranced by him every second that he is with you. From the outfit, the perfume, the make up and the hair. Everything is top notch. When he sees you, in his mind you couldn’t look better. It doesn’t matter if you choose something more simple to wear and he definitely lets you know how he feels. Our sweet Asmo is most likely taking you to shop together then a self care spa at the end. He is quite touchy the whole time if you don’t mind that of course. Holding onto your arm, complimenting you, he might as well yell to the whole world he is madly in love with you. He might take you to his room by the end if you’re comfortable with it.
He wil be smiling throughout it all. When you would meet up at the spot he would have his usual blank face, the moment he would see you his sweet smile would appear. His bouquet of sunflowers in his slightly happy and nervous shaking hands as he gave it to you. I think you and him would do a workout class or go to a sports game together. He really pays attention to the things you like and talk about as you two talk in between breaks. Taking you to eat your favourite foods at the end and sharing desserts.
This sneaky little cow is most likely showing you the stars constellations in the planetarium on your first date. Little picknick blanket laid out as he would explain all your questions about the stars. Having lavender and chamomile tea and biscuits beside the two of you. The conversation eventually deepening to the thoughts in your heads to the memories the both of you have collected over the years. Belphie eventually placing his beloved cow pillow under your heads as the sleepiness slowly overpowers any nerves you might have had. Holding your hand as the two of you drift to sleep under the starry night above.
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fdelopera · 5 months
Moon Knight on Erev Rosh Hashanah
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I took part in the Moon Knight mystery swap, and I'm writing this fic for @enigmatist17 !
Since it is New Year's Eve (or New Year's Day depending on when you're reading this), I wanted to write a fic for the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah.
This fic is based on the MacKay comic book series (Moon Knight 2021), and is set several issues before Issue 30.
I wanted to show MK System as an observant Jewish System, since that isn't often explored in depth in the comics. And you just know, Jake "For the People" Lockley is usually the one who schleps their tuchus to shul!
Happy New Year!
“We’re not going,” said Marc, shaking his head, trying to push back the emotions coming from Jake and Steven. “Absolutely not. I haven’t been in years. Not since … well, not since that time with dad. And Jake, I think it was mostly you around that time anyway. You always paid more attention in shul.”
Marc felt a familiar pulling sensation from where Jake usually hung around, when he was close to front. And then Jake’s familiar Brooklyn twang said, “Marc, bubbeleh, I could just knock ya out cold and take us there myself, you know. But I want you to be there. This is for you as much as it is for us.”
Marc felt Steven chime in with his nasally Long Island cadence, “We both want this. Jake and I do. Not for dad. Not for the family. For us. For you. We’re the only mishpocheh that matters here.”
“Well, I guess I’m just the odd man out. As per usual.” Marc shook his head, and absentmindedly ran his hands through his hair. Their hair was greasy and unkept from being shoved under the mask. What else was new. They needed a shower. That was usually Steven’s job, but Marc didn’t want to give Steven any chance to front and collude with Jake to drag them to shul. Not now.
Not with tomorrow being the 1st of Tishrei. The first day of Rosh Hashanah.
“I heard that,” said Steven. “And neither Jake nor I are going to force you to go to High Holiday services. But we bought the ticket, everything’s all set up. Central Synagogue has a beautiful service. It won’t be anything like dad’s shul. The music is more contemporary. The Rabbi and the Cantor are both women. They’ve got beautiful voices. You’ll find a way to pout about it, I’m sure, but I know deep down you’ll enjoy it. Trust us.”
“What about Reese and Soldier? What about Greer? Are we really going to leave them alone for days at a time? Just tell them, ‘See you later!’ What if they need me? What if Hunter’s Moon has to track down another one of Black Spectre’s goons?”
Marc felt Jake’s chuckle erupt from deep within, and he heard Jake’s words wash over him with yellow-colored mirth. “Marc, I think a couple of vampires and a cat woman are more than capable of taking care of themselves without you fucking everything up, don’t you think?”
“Marc…” Steven’s voice echoed softly within, a wash of blue concern pushing against the back of their eyes. “Marc, what is this really about.”
“It just feels like a complete waste of time, with everything we’ve got going on.”
“Hey!” Jake’s annoyance came quickly. “You might not take shul seriously, but I do. This is important for us. We’re Jewish, Marc. Whether you like it or not. And as Jews, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are our two most important days. Our holiest days. I know that probably doesn’t mean shit to you anymore…”
“No, no, I’m not saying that…”
“Well, you kinda are. You’re saying that our two holiest days don’t matter for shit. Meanwhile, you’re out on the street, doing the bidding of an Egyptian god.”
“That’s different. I don’t worship Khonshu. I still remember the Aseret Hadibrot, and I know that Number One and Number Two are very important.
“I am the L-rd your G‑d, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
“You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor any manner of likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I the L‑rd your G‑d am a jealous G‑d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments. (x)
“See? I still remember what dad taught us.”
“Nice, so you can recite the Ten Commandments,” sighed Jake from inside. “But you still don’t seem to understand why it’s important for us to go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.”
“What I do remember is something dad talked about once… This was a while ago. Before he got sick. He was preparing a d’var Torah for Yom Kippur, and there was something he said…” Marc stopped himself before he thought about it more.
“Marc, what is it? What did he tell you?” Steven’s voice was gentle, his blue concern washed over them again.
“You already know, Steven.”
“Well, why don’t you say it, then.”
“It’s silly. Just a stupid thing. Something I heard dad say once. It just, got me thinking. About us. About me.”
“If it’s silly, then why are you trembling now?”
“I dunno. Maybe I still worry that it’s true.”
“Well, why don’t you talk to us about it? We can work through it together.”
Marc sighed and rolled his eyes. “This is fucking ridiculous. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Marc, bubbeleh…” Jake’s thoughts were soft. “C’mon. Try us.”
“Fine. I have to find it.”
Marc grabbed his phone and searched Sefaria for the specific passage. “It was just this one commentary in the Talmud. About Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Here it is. You’ll see how dumb this is. Really.” He sighed dramatically, but he couldn’t quite keep the tremble from his voice.
“The Gemara goes back to discuss the Day of Judgment. Rabbi Kruspedai said that Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Napacha said: Three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah before the Holy One, Blessed be He: One of wholly wicked people, and one of wholly righteous people, and one of middling people whose good and bad deeds are equally balanced. Wholly righteous people are immediately written and sealed for life; wholly wicked people are immediately written and sealed for death; and middling people are left with their judgment suspended from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur, their fate remaining undecided. If they merit, through the good deeds and mitzvot that they perform during this period, they are written for life; if they do not so merit, they are written for death.” (x)
Marc sighed. “That’s it. You get it? That’s why I’m worried.”
“And what about this worries you, Marc?” Steven’s thoughts were patient, even as Marc’s emotions started to rise.
“I’m scared. I’m terrified that something awful is gonna happen. I’m fucking terrified that I’ll be inscribed as one of these ‘Wholly Wicked’ people. Steven, you’ll be fine. You’re one of the ‘Middling People’ after all.”
“Ha! Very funny Marc. And I guess that makes Jake one of the Righteous few.”
“Damn straight I am!” laughed Jake.
“You are, Jake. Jake ‘For the People’ Lockley, of course you’ll be among the Righteous. But me? I dunno. Somehow I’m convinced that if I go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I’m going to die.”
“Yeah, Steven?”
“Headmates can’t die, Marc. At least, not without the body dying. And so long as you’re not planning on jumping out of a third story window…”
“No, no. It’s not that. I don’t know what it is. I just feel. Overwhelmed. By something. Something is weighing me down. I know headmates can’t die, or at least, not like that. But I just feel like something is coming for me.”
“Marc, what you’re feeling is grief. And guilt. And shame,” said Jake, his voice softer now. “We need to practice Teshuvah. Repentance. Being wrong. Telling the people we’ve hurt that we know we’re wrong. Explaining why we’re wrong. Asking for their forgiveness. Asking three separate times. Being prepared for them to say no each time. Being prepared to walk away. For that to be the closure we get. But Marc, we gotta start somewhere.” (x)
“I'd rather get punched in the face. Actually, I’d rather take a thousand hits than go through that.”
“Yeah, buddy. I know you would. But we don’t got that choice. Not when it’s the thing that is keeping us from being a Jew. Not when you believe that you are literally going to die because of your feelings of guilt and shame. We need Teshuvah.”
Jake sighed deeply from within. “Marc, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are sacred. They have always been our holiest days. Our Ten Days of Repentance. The Days of Awe. But do you know why they are so important?”
“Probably. I’m sure dad told us.”
“Because of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai.” (x) (x)
“Wait, which one was he?”
“Ribaz. He’s the rabbi who pretty much saved Judaism.”
“Oh. Right. After the Temple…”
“Yes. The Temple. This is how dad used to tell it...
"After the Romans besieged Jerusalem. After they set fire to the Beit Hamikdash, our holy Temple. When we had no place left to offer up sacrifices to G-d. What would we do? Especially on Yom Kippur. Without the sacrifices at the Temple, how would the Jewish people be able to repent? How would we be forgiven of our sins each year? How would we continue to be Jews?
“Ribaz was a wise old rabbi. He stood and wept as he watched the Temple burn. The flames went higher and higher, late into the night, casting evil shadows upon the land. And he looked to the Tanakh for guidance. He turned to the Nevi’im. To Hoshea. And there he found the wisdom he sought.”
“For I desire lovingkindness, not sacrifice; devotion to God, rather than burnt offerings.” (x)
“I remember,” muttered Marc, his thoughts blending with Jake's, remembering their father’s voice. “Hoshea 6:6. And with that, he knew how we would carry on as Jews. We would offer up lovingkindness, prayer, and Torah study. That is how we show our devotion to G-d.”
“Yes!” thought Jake, nudging Marc from the headspace. “And that’s why we gotta go to shul tomorrow. Ribaz didn’t save Judaism just for us to be a slouch about it! So we gotta go to shul tomorrow to get our name in the Book of Life. So we can be sealed on Yom Kippur. So we can start the process of doing Teshuvah. We gotta reach out to Frenchie, Marc. And I miss Gena and Crawley so damn much. It’s gonna be really hard. But we gotta start somewhere. We gotta start repenting to them. And we gotta mean it this time. Let go of some of that ego you carry around your neck. It’s weighing all of us down.”
“Jake’s right,” thought Steven. “We don’t know what the future will bring, Marc. But we gotta start.”
Steven began humming a tune that pushed out in little breaths through Marc’s voice. It was a tune that Marc knew but couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“What is that?” thought Marc, directing the question at Steven. “That sounds like…”
Steven pushed closer to front, and continued humming, a little louder this time. Some words came through Marc’s lips in Steven’s voice.
“Who by fire? And who by water? … Hmmm hmmm hmmmm… and hmmmm hmmm hmmmmm…”
Marc coughed, cutting off Steven’s song for a minute. “Oh, it’s Leonard Cohen.”
Marc could feel Steven’s smile from inside the headspace. “That’s right, Marc. And you know what it is, right?”
“I do. Yeah. Yeah. Who shall live and who shall die. His version of the Unetaneh Tokef prayer.” Marc began to sing softly. (x) (x)
And who by fire?
Who by water?
Who in the sunshine?
Who in the night time?
Who by high ordeal?
Who by common trial?
Who in your merry merry month of May?
Who by very slow decay?
And who shall I say is calling?
“But teshuvah, tefillah, and tzedakah shall avert the severe decree.” Marc took a deep breath. “I’ll go. I will. For Ribaz. And I’ll do it for you Jake… I’d do anything for you. You know that. And yeah, you too Steven. Even though you’re a pain in my ass. I’ll do it for you. We’re mishpocheh.”
“And for you, Marc?” asked Steven, whispering the words through their lips.
“Huh. Okay. Fine. For me too. I’ll go be a good Jew. Ha! Dad would be so proud.”
“We’re not doing it for him,” thought Jake.
“No. Okay, no. You’re right. We’re not. I’m not. We’re mishpocheh. We’re doing this for us.”
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Everyone's favorite Fanboy | M.F.G
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Pairing: Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
Request: “My teammates gets annoyed because I talk about you 24/7”. Tell me this doesn't scream Fanboy...cause that's his literally his callsign 🤣
A/N: It took me FOREVER to write this, I'm still working on the requests and I'll post them aLL I SWEAR
Warnings: all the fluuuuuuuuuuuffs
If you want to be added to my forever TGM tag list, let me know.
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Mickey is a fan of many things. Hence, his call sign. He's a fan of Star Trek, Marvel, video games, and more. He's proud of being a Fanboy. But the thing he's more fan of? His girlfriend. 
He talks about her all the time. How many books she can read. The little things she writes. How she tries to cook his favorite dishes, and even though they don't end up exactly like the original, he's content with the fact that you took time to learn the recipe and tried to cook it yourself. Just because you wanted to give him a surprise. 
Mickey says he's a fan.
The squad calls him a simp. 
At this point, Mickey’s fellow aviators know you better than yourself. The thing is that they haven't seen you yet. 
Mickey just doesn't shut up about you. 
Today, Mickey and the rest of the Daggers are coming back from a mission, and he has invited you to the Hard Deck to finally meet his friends. He's excited about it, almost bouncing up and down in the chair while waiting for you to walk through the door. 
"Mickey, you look like a puppy waiting for his owner," Payback jokes, patting Mickey’s back. 
"I'm not a puppy?"
"You're a golden retriever, Mickey." Bob adds while getting more peanuts. 
"Does your girl know that you behave like that?" Hangman asks, sitting down with a new round of beers. 
"Oh yeah, she knows. That's why she loves me. Because, dude, she could be dating whoever she wants. Have I ever told you that this rich guy was–"
"Yeah, you told us." The rest of the Dagger respond in unison, remembering the story they have been told, at least three times. 
"Did I? I don't remember, though." Mickey frowns, taking a sip from his drink, and almost chokes when he sees your figure walking through the door. "There she is!" 
You smile when you see him, waving cutely in his direction. Hangman’s head moves from you to Mickey, and he is starting to understand why he is always talking about you. 
Mickey gets up, offers you his seat, and places his hands on your shoulders when you sit down. “Guys, this is y/n. Y/n, these are Jake, Nat, Bob, Reuben, Bradley, and Javy.”
You greet everyone, excited to finally meet all of them. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet Mickey’s second family.” 
“I’d say it’s a pleasure to finally meet you too, but we know everything about you already.” Nat jokes, offering you the beer that Hangman had brought for her a minute ago.  
You frown, looking at their faces. You lean in Mickey’s direction, whispering in his ear. “Why is everyone looking at me like that?” 
Mickey sighs, kissing your shoulder while whispering back. “My teammates get annoyed because I talk about you 24/7”
You laugh out loud, looking at them. “You don’t know he talks about you all the time?” 
Jake places his arms on the table, pointing at you. “Speak, child.”
“Okay so, Mickey loves you all so much… He won’t shut up about Phoenix and Bob being the best team out there? He keeps talking about Phoenix being a badass and Bob probably being the best WSO.” You tell them, making Bob look at Mickey while rolling his eyes. 
“You’re better than me, Garcia. Shut up.” 
“Javy,” you continue, wanting to let the rest of the team know how important they are to Mickey. “You are literally his role model? He says that you are such a good friend, and it doesn’t matter how many times you have to try something, you keep going until you get it done.” 
Javy musses Mickey’s hair, which is a few inches longer than he normally wears it. “I learned from the best, Mickey.” 
“Jake, Bradley… I can’t even put into words how proud he is of working with people like you. He knows that you, Jake, are probably the best pilot of this generation, and he’s honored to work with you. And Bradley, you have been through so much and still have energy to put on a smile and face the world. You’re incredible.” 
Jake and Bradley, men of few words, just raise their beers in Mickey’s direction and nod. There’s no need for them to say anything. 
You finally turn to Reuben, sitting next to you, and place a hand on his arm. “You’re his big brother; I don’t have to tell you that. He is so proud of everything you have achieved, and how I wish you could have heard him talk when you guys were chosen to fly the uranium mission.”
Reuben smirks, shaking his head, and lets out a loud laugh. “So you’re just everyone’s Fanboy, huh?” 
Mickey, whose ears are more red than Rooster’s helmet, hides his face behind your back, making you giggle. 
“It’s the first time I have seen this man getting all shy.” Jake comments, unlocking his phone to take a picture. 
“Now I want to know what things he told you about me.” You request, and everyone bombards you with information the next second. 
He tells them everything. About your new hobbies, your past ones, how good you’re at your job even if sometimes you hate it, how much he loves you, how much he wants to move in with you, but it’s difficult with your jobs being so incompatible… 
“Oh, and we know about the rich guy.” Rooster says, snapping his fingers as if he just remembered that tiny detail. 
“You told them that too?” You say, honestly surprised that he keeps talking about that. 
“Of course? You literally picked me over a guy that has millions of dollars?” He says, moving his hand up and down to signal his whole body, signaling how all that isn’t worth millions of  dollars and, nonetheless, you picked him. 
You place your hands on his face, peck his lips, and lock eyes with him. “Mickey, I don’t want a million dollars. I want the guy who can make me laugh a million times, the guy who’s always ready to compliment me and make me feel better about my insecurities. I don’t want money; I want love. And I won the lottery with you, love.”
Mickey kisses you softly, holding himself back from all the things that he wants to say. Some of them aren’t appropriate to say in public. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, my fanboy.” You mumble, kissing his nose, and turn your body toward the table again, watching the aviators with dreamy expressions and soft smiles. 
“Okay, you are allowed to fanboy about her as much as you want,” Jake says, raising his beer. “Cheers for the cute couple!”
“And cheers for the best fanboy!” You add, making all of them chuckle while toasting. Mickey couldn’t be more proud of his family, even if he tried. 
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ghosts-of-love · 8 months
My thoughts about the Captain (and especially the scenes in episode 5) under the cut. Not spoiler-free, obviously. it's also...over 1000 words
I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about the way his story was handled. I’ve never been a Havers girlie and to an extent I’m still not, for reasons I would probably have to explain in a different post. I’ve always known the Captain loved Havers, but I will admit that I did always think it was quite one-sided and, given what we were shown in Redding Weddy, I had previously thought that the Captain didn’t know he loved Havers until after his death.
I didn’t mind being proven wrong about that. There was always the chance that we would be given more information about the Captain’s life that would make me rethink things. I suppose I would now see Redding Weddy less as the Captain realising his feelings for Havers too late, and more him coming to terms with it on another level. Or even just realising that you don’t have to bury everything, some emotions and memories can be brought to the forefront and considered in a healthy way.
I still didn’t get the impression that they were ever together. I think there’s a whole depth to the relationship that we were never privy to. A lot unsaid between them and the audience but also between each other. More could always be revealed in the Ghosts Book that’s coming out soon though.
There could have been mutual feelings and love and even an actual romantic relationship there but I personally believe that the raw desperation in the Captain fighting his way into the event shows that they were not in contact (eg. writing letters to each other) in the way that two people in a secret relationship might have been.
I think that they were something that ‘could have been’. They were each other’s ‘what ifs’. If it weren’t war time, if Havers (sorry, Anthony) hadn’t gone to the front, if it weren’t quite literally illegal.
Or maybe it wasn’t even mutual. I find it hard to parse Havers’ expression. His ‘I know’ isn’t even an agreement or a confession, so much as it is an acknowledgment that he understands the Captain’s feelings, even if they’re not reciprocated.
And the Captain says ‘I had to find you’. It was a desire to know he’s alive. To know he survived. He may as well have said “I had to see you in the flesh”.
I don’t think they were together back then. I think they could have both wanted to be. I think they could have ended up together in the future if the Captain hadn’t died. If he had just waited and found a way to reach out to him a different way.
I didn’t have any problems with any of that bit actually. I thought it was beautifully acted by Ben – I could feel everything so deeply. The panic of it all. The desperation. The deep yearning to get closer to Havers, however possible.
My one gripe (which is perhaps becoming less of a gripe as time passes, but might resurface when I rewatch) was actually with what happened afterwards – the apparent lack of reaction to the story by the ghosts. Or at least, the lack of time dedicated to their reactions. He didn’t say the words aloud, and neither did they.
I flip-flop between being annoyed and thinking it works, somehow. I suppose we get to fill in the gaps ourselves – there’s no, ‘he wouldn’t have said it like that’ arguments because we don’t know what he said, we just know the bare bones of what he revealed.
And they all knew anyway.
I enjoyed (you get what I mean) the mirroring of of his stuttering in season 4 ‘I – I -’. Maybe there wasn’t anything to merit sharing with the group then because he lost his nerve but also because he knew they all knew, even if he couldn’t say it aloud. And with Havers – he can’t get the words out. That doesn’t matter. Havers knew too.
It would have been disappointing to me if they’d joked or said ‘we knew’. It would have detracted from the importance, I think. I would have felt the same if they’d fumbled around to say something he didn’t actually need to hear. For example. I don’t think he actually needed anyone to tell him that ‘it’s okay to be gay’. He’s known this for years by this point, since Sam and Claire’s wedding.
But what did he need to hear?
The man who survived the war but saw no action, who sneaked into a ‘decorated officer’s only’ celebration, who crawled through a window, who stole someone’s medals – just to find, not even necessarily talk to the man he loves – the man who died of a heart attack after the war was won.
He needed to hear that he’s brave. And that’s what he’s told, and by Fanny no less (I don’t have the power to unpack all of the meanings behind that; their friendship, her previous attitudes, her husband). I don’t think anything else they could have said would have sat right with me. Considering it was a group setting, I think it was done under the right conditions – i.e. he wasn’t put on the spot like in season 4, he made the decision to say something himself, he didn’t want to move on still regretting, still believing he wasn’t brave, still thinking he’d done something terrible. I think them telling him he was brave – and all being in agreement, all letting him get his story out with no interruptions too, unlike with Thomas, Kitty, Humphrey talking about their deaths/Kitty’s ball – demonstrated a level of attention and respect they don’t normally give to each other too.
I just wish there had been a bit more. Just something. But I can’t even figure out what it is that I wanted them to say in addition, that’s the funny thing!
I suppose I had also hoped that Alison might be there when he finally admitted something about his life/sexuality. She was the one who introduced him to the idea that homosexuality is legal now and specifically welcome in Button House, after all. I think he deserved to feel that she was proud of him. But maybe she was the one who gave him the strength in season 4 to know he wanted to wait until he was ready.
But also, the knowledge that Ben has had this planned in his head from the beginning comforts me, as does the fact that he has always tried to handle the Captain’s story/arc with respect and dignity (as much as these ghosts are ever given, you know?).
Those are my thoughts, slightly untangled but still not exactly coherent. I’d love to hear what you all think too!
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earthtoharlow · 9 months
Teach Me Concept: Jayla's Prom! 🥹💕
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AN: loved this idea and I could not stop writing so it’s kinda long 🥹🫶
Series Masterlist
“Thank you for doing my makeup, ma” Jayla said as Ariel was finishing up her makeup. Tonight was her senior prom, and it was sure to be a night to remember.
“Anything for my first born.” Ariel said while touching up her lip gloss. Jayla couldn’t help but smile loving how Ariel considered her, her first child despite having the twins.
Jayla’s mind eventually started drifting off, while she was excited for Prom she was nervous. She was going to Prom with the most popular guy in school, Cameron Summers. The two never ran into the same circles at school, but it wasn’t until they were partnered up for their chemistry project that they started talking and became friends.
Their conversation quickly went from chemistry to innocent flirting. At first, Jayla didn’t think much of it until he nervously asked her out to prom, saying he was really starting to like her. Suddenly everything mattered to her and was important. Makeup, outfit, hair etc had to be on point.
She started biting her lip nervously, what if asking her out was some sick joke or bet, like how it plays out in books and movies? What if he really gets to know her, and Cameron decides that he doesn’t find her funny and interesting anymore? What if…
Jayla’s what ifs were cut off by Ariel’s voice. “Okay, what’s going on in that head of yours?”
Jayla raised an eyebrow wondering how she knew she was overthinking.
“Don’t look so shocked, I’ve been part of your life for far too long to not know that you always play with your KY necklace when you’re nervous.”
She immediately dropped the necklace from her hands and placed them in her lap and signed.
“I’m just thinking about Cameron…and this whole night in general.” Jayla said. She just wanted this night to go perfect. “What if Cameron realizes he doesn’t really like me?” Jayla continued.
Putting the makeup down she was holding in her hands on the vanity, Ariel pulled Jayla from her stool and drags her to the mirror in her bedroom.
“First, I just want to say that you look beautiful. Second, I’ve met Cameron when he would come over to work on that project and he had this silly love sick look on his face every time you spoke.”
“Really?” Jayla questioned not sure if she believed her or not
“Yeah, I thought I was going to have to give him a bib just in case he started drooling!” Ariel and Jayla laughed at the thought of that.
“But, seriously you don’t have anything to worry about. You have a pure and kind heart. Cameron would be an idiot to not like you. This is going to be a night to remember, don’t forget to have fun!”
Jayla’s shoulders dropped as she relaxed. Talking to her mom always made her feel better. Turning around she gave Ariel a loving hug, pulling away when she heard the doorbell.
“Ma, please hurry and get the door, you know how dad and Uncle Urb is!” Jayla said wide eyed.
“I got you, I’ll make sure they don’t scare him away!” She said as she quickly left the room.
Jack and Urban opened the door and looked at the nervous young teen up and down. Both could definitely tell he was a jock in the school.
“Hello, Mr. Harlow.” The young man squeaked out Jack couldn’t help but smile to himself, happy to know that he intimated the teen.
Cameron stood up straighter and held out his hand for Jack to shake. Jack stood there with his arms crossed, just to make him sweat a bit. Urban did the same, giving the teen a hard stare.
The teen awkwardly put his arm back to his side, and bounced on his toes.
Jack loudly cleared his throat, “What do you like about my daughter?”
“And you better answer correctly.” Urban added
Cameron rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he spoke.”Well, we’ve only been talking for a couple months but Jay…”
He was cut off by Urban, “Her name is Jayla.”
Cameron quickly nodded his head before continuing “Sorry, sir. Jayla is very smart, driven, and passionate. She’s the girl I look forward to talking and hanging out with during lunch and free periods…—“
Jack and Urban looked at each other as Cameron continued to ramble with a spark in his eye. They came with a silent agreement that Cameron was a good kid.
“Hey hey! You can stop with your ramblings. I get it.” Jack said with a playful eye roll and a sigh.”
He reached out his hand for Cameron to shake. He tightened his grip on the teen's hand when he tried to pull away. Cameron winced at the tight grip.
“Just don’t hurt her okay?” Jack said with a big almost evil smile
Just as Cameron was about to reply, Ariel came squeezing past Jack and Urban. “Move it!”
They both stepped back.
“Nice to see you again, Cameron”
“Wait, you’ve met him before?!” Jack said from behind her
“Shut up, Jackman.” Ariel said with a smile, not even bothering to turn around.
She guided Cameron through the house, ignoring the looks from Jack and Urban. “Don’t let them scare you, they’re all bark no bite.”
“Jayla will be down in just a minute.” Just as she spoke, she saw that sparkle come back to Cameron’s eyes, his mouth wide open this time, she knew Jayla was at the top of the steps.
She looked gorgeous with her curls pinned up, she wore a beautiful teal evening gown that had butterflies all over it. It reminded Jack so much of her butterfly themed birthday party from when she was younger.
Cameron reached his hand out for Jayla to grasp on to as she made it to the bottom of the staircase. “Wow, I don’t know what to say, you look amazing.”
Jayla’s face warmed as he took a step back to take her in. “Thank you, Cam. You look very handsome.” Cameron slid on a matching butterfly corsage on her wrist while Jayla pinned the butterfly boutonnière to his jacket.
They turned back towards the parents when they heard sniffling from behind them. Jack, Ariel and Urban were all cuddled up in a hug watching the teens interact with tears in all their eyes.
Jayla immediately rolled her eyes. “Guys, stop that please.” Before giving Cameron an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, you know I have allergies” Urban spoke first
“Yeah, uh you know I’m always getting something in my bad eye.” Jack added.
Ariel fanned her face to try to get rid of the tears. “C’mon, pose nice for us so we can get some photos.”
Jayla and Cameron smiled as Urban began taking pictures of them together. The photos ended up taking longer because Ariel wanted to take some using her phone. 20 minutes later Jayla was begging them to let her leave.
“Ok, ok I’m done I promise. You two go have fun! Call me if you need anything!” Ariel said as she walked the teens out.
“Cameron, I want her home by 10:30, no later!”
Ariel hit her husband on the chest. “Ignore him, sweetie! Be home by 1AM!” She said with a wave
“1AM are you crazy?!”
“Shut up, and get in the house Jackman!”
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tamelee · 3 months
I love the way you write, you're so articulate, I wish I could write like that 😭 I'm guessing you get good grades in school? Do you have advice on how to write articulately and clearly while also sounding professional? Like in essay writing?
Huuuu, that’s very kind of you 🥹;-; I’d never imagine anyone saying that to me… ever. 
Well, my grades are good, I have my last exams soon ^^
I do have a few tips! Or rather, there are things I’m still currently learning that may be helpful to you as well📝: 
(Sentence) Structure: I read a book called ‘elements of style’ by William Strunk (revised edition) recently and I learned that no matter how grammatically correct your sentences are, there are still ways to improve its structure. (I had to learn it all over again in English -.-) This is a big topic so I'll name a few specifics you can dive into.
Learn the difference between active and passive voice (passive isn’t bad and sometimes necessary, but active is almost always preferred). Don’t mind all this on your first draft though. It’ll only hinder you.
Study MRU (motivation-reaction units), often used in Fiction writing, but it helped me for essays as well. It is the logical pattern of cause and effect introduced by Dwight V. Swain and I read about it in 'techniques of the selling writer'. Here's an article on the topic as well.
Mind paragraphs. There are different rules for this depending on what you’re writing, but it helps its readability. For Essays especially it’s always good to keep topics separate and lead the reader to your conclusion in a way that makes sense. (It's sorta like holding their hand and going like "because of this... there is this... and therefore... and so.... that's why....") This may need some reorganizing of your premises/subjects at times. I especially need to organize my thoughts before I even start writing.  
Understand what it is that you need to write about and delete everything that isn’t relevant. If you’re like me and you get a ton of new ideas once you delve into a subject, then it’s good to keep a folder (or something similar) for these new ideas. Often these are entire topics on its own and including these into another will only make both unclear and your conclusion muddy. So, ask yourself whether it strengthens your point, or if it’ll make it more confusing. If it won’t make a difference then delete it anyway or save it in your folder for later.  
I always learned that objectivity is important in order to sound professional, though it depends on the kind of essay you’re writing. If you need to convince the reader of something then transparency about your own opinions can help your conclusion be more honest, but be careful of sounding preachy as well. I had to learn all these things when I still studied marketing/communication in entertainment, but it often makes me feel slimy because it’s all very manipulative. (Hence, I quit that path.) It's in fiction as well. Some authors let their own views bleed through their characters in such a way it becomes uncomfortable because it doesn’t argue for the story nor adds to the character— it attacks the reader’s personal morals which possibly gives them an ass-spanking while they’re at it which just really isn’t necessary. Emotional language is fine I think. Sometimes I got compliments from teachers especially because I didn't sound too professional, it requires a bit of knowledge when you can get away with it probably. Just make sure you can back up your arguments/statements and possibly add different views as well. In a way it's more about the confidence in which you present an idea than sounding professional and not being able to understand all the 'why's' I believe.
This one isn't that relevant for school-essays, but sometimes when writing one the question isn't clear. It helps both you and the reader to reformulate it in the beginning. Essays as well as stories are often nothing more than a problem you need to give an answer to. Even if there's no question, it helps to make one anyway so you don't wander off endlessly and drown in a sea of possible subjects you could write about.
Something that may help you as well— I created a roadmap for myself and the different types of things I have to write. That way I always know what to do first and it helps me structure both the essay and my process as I can get easily distracted otherwise. Making more decisions than necessary makes me freeze up, but with a roadmap I don’t have to do either.
Uuh, I've probably picked up on tons of helpful things lately, but I think these are great to start with. I hope they are helpful to you.
I always wanted to (story-)write, but gave up on it and decided to learn how to draw instead. Then, I sort of realized that I was being an idiot, because that desire never left and I had to write other things anyway— like this for example, and simply accepting the fact that no one can understand the load of incomprehensible rubbish I wrote, just wouldn’t do. You can check my older posts… it’s awful. If I ever intentionally want to give myself another headache, I’ll go and read those. 
It’s definitely not perfect now, but hopefully I improved though. I think so. Sometimes I still get scolded as I tend to ping-pong between thoughts suddenly and I can hardly tell the difference between BrE/AmE. (As I grew up I learned English mostly through a sort-of-aunt figure from Canada that always forced me to watch British tv with her.) But, the past few months I especially had to write many essays and (argumentative) case studies so I decided to learn and become better in writing. If that translated back to Tumblr then I'm happy and you’ve made my day >< 
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dazais-number1-whore · 11 months
•The Type of Person Akaashi Keiji is•
Akaashi x Reader fanfic
- 783 words
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Akaashi Keiji is the type of guy that would always bring you flowers just because. He’s the type of guy that could probably handle you no matter how crazy you are. Akaashi Keiji is a person that would always stick by you and cares for you in your lowest times. He’s the type of man to read books to you while you cuddle.
He’s the type to always remember the small details. He’s the type of guy that would practice saying “present” when his teacher is taking role because of his social anxiety. Akaashi Keiji always messes with his hands when he’s anxious. He’s the type to make pinky promises with you and never break them. Akaashi Keiji is a big tease.
He’s the type of guy that if something caught your eye he would buy it for you the next day. He’s the type of guy to help you study if you’re struggling. Akaashi is the type to ask you if he can hold your hand etc. because he likes consent and making you feel safe is important to him. Akaashi Keiji is the type to always and I mean always write you love letters because he just can’t help himself.
He’s the type of guy that if you had a bad day he’d make or get your favorite meal and let you vent out to him. He’s the type of guy that would hold your hand or rub his thumb over your hand when either of you guys gets anxious. He’s an amazing gift giver because of how observant he is. He has the type of eyes that you could just get lost in over and over again. His hair is probably really soft to run your hands through.
He’s extremely insecure about his hands even though they’re perfect. He always compares himself to others when he does something wrong even tho he’s perfect the way he is. He loves reading but loves reading even more in a cafe. He doesn’t enjoy studying much but he does it anyways. He always finds out a way to deal with Bokuto. He may lose his temper rarely but when he does he always makes it up to you. Akaashi is the type of guy that tends to keep his problems to himself and that leads to them piling up.
He’s absolutely willing to dance with you in the rain. Akaashi Keiji loves to cook with you. He always says good morning and goodnight. Akaashi is the type of guy that would stare at you for a long time and never notice until you catch him but he still ends up doing it every time. He’s the type of guy that always, always hypes you up, he’s your number one supporter. He loves when you come to his volleyball games and support and Cheer for him, even though he’ll get nervous.
Akaashi definitely gives you pet names like “my love” or “darling”. He’s the type that will not let you open or hold doors while he’s around. He loves forehead kisses whether it’s giving them or receiving them. He’s the type to hum songs that are stuck in his head. If you fall asleep somewhere he’ll always carry you back to bed. He’ll gladly give piggyback rides. Bookstore dates, coffee dates, boba dates, study dates, and stargazing dates are a must, with Akaashi. He’s the type to have such good handwriting that it makes you jealous.
He always cherishes every gift you give him, big or small. He’s the type of guy that would have a hair tie on his wrist just in case you need one. I know for a fact if you bought him flowers he’d blush like crazy. Even though it doesn’t seem like it from the outside, I swear if you date him he’d actually be a huge dork <3. He’d be so happy if you and Bokuto were friends.
If you beg him enough Akaashi would wear matching outfits with you. If you don’t feel like cleaning because you’re in a bad state, he’ll gladly clean up everything for you. Be always compliments you. He definitely has an act of service love language or just sarcasm as his love language. Akaashi is the type of guy that would ask you to let him attempt doing your makeup. Akaashi Keiji is definitely a romantic. He has an amazing style of clothes. He may not look it but he’d be protective over you. He definitely has stage fright. He’d have an amazing playlist. Akaashi is probably really good with claw machines, it’s a talent he has. He seems like the type of guy that likes the rain. Akaashi Keiji has the sweetest and warmest smile you’ve seen.
This is the type of guy I think Akaashi Keiji is :)
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No Longer a Dream || Chapter 1: His End
Main Summary:
Hob had felt a sense of worry about Dream ever since they last saw each other.
When Dream appears on his doorstep a month later, Hob's worries only grow.
But now he has a chance to be there and actually take care of Dream. And by God, he'll do his damnedest to keep his friend safe.
Total Word Count: 13,712
Author's Notes:
This work is a gift for @zzoomacroom as part of the @mr-sadman 2024 Spring Exchange <3 If you prefer to read it on AO3, here's the link~
Heads-up that I haven't read the comics leading up to the Significant Canon Event I mentioned here, I just got information about it from the internet, including the personality of a certain character that hasn't appeared in the show yet. So if the timelines or some other things don't match up, that's why.
Anyway this was really fun to write, and I hope you all have fun reading it too! ^_^
Chapter Summary:
Dream appears on Hob's doorstep injured and barely conscious. Hob helps him recover and worries about what could have happened to hurt his friend that much.
Chapter Word Count: 4,386
The butter sizzled on the tagine pot, so Hob lowered the heat on the stove before double-checking if he had evenly coated the chicken wings with the breading before frying them. He had become fond of the mixture of ground cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, pepper, salt, and olive oil ever since he first tried the recipe last Christmas.
While the chicken cooked, Hob got to work on the glaze; simmering honey, a cinnamon stick, and some apricots in a saucepan.
He usually didn't make elaborate dinners after a school night, but seeing as it was a Friday and he had just finished marking the backlogged essays, he figured he deserved it.
After everything was cooked, he set them on the coffee table in front of the telly. Some Jeopardy and then a good book would be the perfect way to end the evening.
Hob put his feet up on the armrest, the plate on his lap, and was about to take a bite of chicken just as the show was starting.
A knock on the door made the fork stop halfway to his mouth.
Hob sighed and put the plate down on the coffee table before walking towards the door.
One downside about living in a flat above The New Inn was that sometimes his staff came up to ask for his input about one thing or other. Tonight could be about the inventory; they usually had to restock for the end-of-month specials.
He opened the door and his eyes widened, any thoughts of the Inn fleeing from his mind.
“Hob…” Dream was standing unsteadily, his voice barely more than a breath.
His black coat was in tatters, and his pale cheekbones seemed more prominent on his bruised face. A cut above his left eyebrow was bleeding.
“Jesus, Dream—” Hob barely got the words out before Dream's legs buckled.
Hob quickly caught him, wrapping his arms around his friend’s waist as Dream slumped against his chest.
“Dream? Dream?” Hob heard the growing panic in his voice when Dream's limp form didn’t respond.
He half-dragged, half-carried Dream to his couch, barely registering the sounds from the TV show.
He propped up Dream's head with a pillow and gently brushed away the lock of hair that was sticking to his forehead.
Was Dream sweating?
Dream’s eyes were half-closed, and he seemed to be mumbling something.
“What? What do you need?” Hob leaned closer to hear him better.
“...leave. I must leave.” Dream looked like he wanted to stand up but couldn’t seem to remember how.
“Leave?” Hob said in surprise. “Mate, you can barely keep your eyes open."
"Must… Keep you safe…"
"I'm perfectly safe. It's you we should worry about. And why’d you come here if you’d just leave immediately?”
Dream shook his head, wincing as if the small movement caused him pain. “I did not… I was brought here.”
“What?” Hob frowned and took a breath. Each answer from Dream just brought up more questions. “That doesn’t matter right now. What’s important is you recover, yeah? Stay here.”
Hob quickly got the first-aid kit from the cabinet and went back to Dream's side. “Just gonna clean up that cut on your forehead. This might sting a bit.”
Dream flinched when the cotton made contact with his skin but didn't seem to have much energy to protest.
“Right then,” Hob said after cleaning up the cut. “I have to remove your coat to see your other injuries. Is that alright?”
Dream frowned and grudgingly nodded, his face contorting in pain as he tried to shrug off his coat.
Hob tried to help as gently as he could, and the coat practically fell apart in his hands with how shredded it already was.
“Jesus…” Hob tried not to think of the last time he saw Dream. His friend visited for a drink, and there had been a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach that made him reluctant to let Dream out of his sight.
The shirt underneath the coat was torn in a lot of places too, and the fabric stuck to Dream's skin with dried blood. Hob frowned and took a closer look. The dark patches of blood had a shimmering quality to them, like there was glitter mixed in. He checked the cotton he had used for the cut on Dream's forehead; it was faint but it was there, the glitter with the dark red.
Alright, so his oldest friend was bleeding starlight on his couch. But more importantly, most of the bleeding seemed to have stopped already. He didn't know if Endless even needed their wounds to be cleaned and disinfected, but it was better to be safe.
“I'd have to cut your shirt off of you to clean the rest of the wounds, sorry. But if you're not comfortable with that, I can… Uh…” Hob racked his brain for an alternative. He knew what Dream had gone through from 1916, and he didn't want to make his friend feel so exposed again, but he didn't want to risk him getting an infection either.
Dream reached for his hand and gave it a weak squeeze. “I trust you.” It was barely a whisper but Hob heard it clearly.
Hob smiled reassuringly at his friend even though he's not sure how well Dream's half-closed eyes could see him.
It didn't take very long to get the shirt out of the way and clean the cuts on Morpheus’ torso. Hob’s army doctor knowledge came naturally to him, and all the while he pushed down his worries about what could have possibly done this much damage to his godlike friend.
Dream's pants were intact and had no cuts, as well as his boots. So after making sure that his face and torso were tended to, Hob removed his boots and gently lifted him up from the sofa, supporting his back and the backs of his legs.
Dream grumbled a noise of protest, but his eyes were fully closed.
“Just taking you to the bed, you'll recover better if you're more comfortable,” Hob explained, carefully walking towards the bedroom so as not to jostle Dream. “So you get the bed tonight and I'll take the couch.”
He placed Dream down on his bed and quickly put the blanket up to his chin.
“There. You rest up, and tomorrow, tell me who I need to fistfight,” Hob said mostly to himself, he suspected that Dream was asleep already.
He sighed and looked down at his friend. He had never seen Dream sleep before, and seeing it now made him feel a surge of protectiveness, not unlike what he felt in 1789 when Lady Johanna’s thug pointed a knife at Dream's throat.
Hob returned to the living room to tidy up before he could fully analyse such feelings.
He tried eating the chicken on his plate, but he had lost his appetite and felt too nauseated with worry to eat properly. He cleaned up and put all the food in the fridge, glancing from time to time at the open doorway to check on Dream.
After everything had been put away, he returned to his bedroom and turned off the lamp on the nightstand. Dream looked much more relaxed now, the crease on his forehead had smoothened and his breathing came more evenly.
Hob knelt down and brushed a strand of hair from Dream’s face, barely touching the skin. “Good night, love,” he whispered, warmth spreading in his chest at how right the words felt.
He stood up and turned to go, deciding to leave the door open in case Dream needed something. But before he could walk away, he felt a hand grab his own.
“Stay,” Dream’s voice said, soft with sleepiness.
Hob looked at him in surprise, unsure if he heard correctly. “You… want me to stay in this room? Okay, um, just give me a moment to get the spare mattress—”
Dream shook his head and blinked blearily at Hob. “Beside me.” He moved aside to make more space on the bed, not letting go of Hob's hand.
Hob swallowed. Dream’s grip on his hand might still be weak, but Hob didn't feel nearly strong enough to pull away. He felt himself nodding. “Of course.”
He climbed in beside Dream, who pulled the blanket over the both of them as soon as he lay down.
Dream pressed in closer to Hob, tucking his head under Hob's chin, his hand over Hob's chest. “You are very warm.”
“Uh,” Hob managed, his brain still trying to process how they ended up here.
Dream felt cool against him, and Hob wondered if he was cold. That would certainly explain why he was suddenly all snuggly.
Hob tentatively turned and put an arm around Dream, making sure that his touch stayed over the blanket and not on Dream's skin. “Is this better?”
Dream made a contented hum, and when he didn't reply several moments later, Hob realised he had fallen asleep.
Hob sighed, resting his chin on Dream's soft hair. Tomorrow, he would ask Dream what had caused his injuries. He'd see what else he could do to help and what else Dream needed.
But for now, they both deserve a good night's rest. And in the darkness of his bedroom under the covers with Dream, Hob allowed himself to believe that he deserved this, too.
Hob began to wake up when he felt the mattress shift. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and saw a slim figure get up unsteadily from the bed and onto the floor.
“Dream,” Hob sat up, the events of last night coming back to him all at once. “Is everything all right?”
“I apologise for intruding on you last night. It was not my intention…” Dream trailed off and looked down at his bare chest, seeming to notice it for the first time. His eyes widened fractionally, and Hob was quick to jump out of bed and get to his closet.
“Here, take this.” He got the first black shirt he saw and handed it to Dream.
Dream looked at it uncertainly for a moment before putting it on. It hung loosely around his frame; the sleeves reached down to cover half of his hands and the neckline showed his collarbones. “I thank you for your kindness. I will be sure to repay it soon. But for now I must leave.”
“There’s nothing to repay— Wait, leave? You were barely conscious just hours ago, are you sure you should be going out by yourself already?”
Dream nodded once. “I feel quite alright. You have taken care of my injuries and…” He glanced to the bed and averted his eyes for a moment. “I apologise for my behaviour. It was crude of me to insist upon your company as I did last night.”
Hob shook his head. “Not at all. We’re friends, right? I’m always happy to keep you company.”
Dream gave him the barest hint of a smile. “I must go. I will return your item of clothing as soon as I am able.” He turned and headed for the door.
“Whoa wait,” Hob followed him to the living room. “I don’t care about the shirt. At least let me check on your wounds before you leave.” He kept remembering the way Dream looked when he arrived, how he fell limp and unresponsive in his arms.
“You have done more than enough for me, my friend,” Dream said gently. “By all rights I am… not even supposed to be alive anymore. But I am grateful that it was you to whom they brought me. Regardless, I cannot stay long. I thank you again.”
He walked quickly towards the front door, but Hob was faster.
“Hey,” Hob grabbed his arm and spun him around so they faced each other. “Not supposed to be alive anymore? What are you— You can’t just say that and then leave! What…” he trailed off, looking into Dream’s eyes as he held Hob’s gaze.
“Hob. I must go.” Despite his firm voice, Dream looked conflicted.
Hob couldn’t discern if the conflict meant he wanted to stay longer, or at the very least explain more. But Hob didn’t want to cause him any more distress. He reluctantly let go of Dream’s arm. “Okay, but… will I see you again next week?”
Before Dream had visited him a month ago to say that he was going to do something important, they had seen each other every week since Dream’s return from Fawney Rig.
The second that it took for Dream to answer was enough to make Hob's stomach turn with nervousness.
"I believe so, yes."
Hob nodded. "You take care, alright? If you need anything you know you can always come here."
The smile that Dream gave him was less subtle this time. "You take good care as well, Hob Gadling." He went out the door and closed it behind him.
Hob almost immediately began to pace the floor. There was something he couldn't quite figure out about the conflict in his friend's expression. Maybe two centuries ago Dream would be too prideful to stay or rely on him, but he was different now. Something else was stopping him from staying with Hob even though it seemed like he wanted to.
Hob stopped in his tracks as he remembered something that Dream said last night.
"Must… Keep you safe…"
Dream left to protect him. Dream was worried that whatever attacked him last night might follow him here.
"I am… not even supposed to be alive anymore."
Something was after Dream.
Hob flung open his front door and raced outside, praying to whoever god was listening that his friend hadn't teleported away.
He was just able to see Dream exit the Inn as the door closed behind him.
“Sir? Who was that?” The bartender asked Hob but he was already running to the door.
Dream walked fast. He had already gone a good distance when Hob got out onto the street.
The rush of the morning commute wasn't helping. Three times Hob had lost sight of Dream in the foot traffic, and each time he was afraid that Dream had teleported. Maybe he was overreacting, maybe there was nothing to worry about, but he'd rather not risk it. He had no idea that Dream had been captured and imprisoned for over a century; if Dream went away and died somewhere, would he ever know? Or would he keep waiting century after century for someone who would never come back?
Hob pushed down the wave of nausea that rose with that thought, and focused on keeping his eyes on Dream. He had considered calling out to him, but worried that it might only drive him away further.
Dream turned a right to the park, and Hob followed, keeping his distance.
Dream went to an empty bench and sat down.
Was he waiting for someone? Hob stood half-hidden behind a tree a few feet away, unsure of whether to approach.
“Will you not sit with me, Hob Gadling?” Dream said without looking at him.
Hob was only briefly surprised, then he chuckled to himself and walked over to the bench. “So you knew the whole time, then?” He smiled sheepishly, tugging at his left ear.
“I would recognize your presence anywhere.”
Hob was relieved to see that Dream didn't seem upset and even looked fondly at him—if Hob dared to believe it.
Hob shifted uneasily in his seat, feeling Dream's warmth even though there were a few inches of space between them. “What’s wrong?” he finally asked. “Are you in danger somehow?”
Dream seemed to weigh his words before speaking. “You must not worry about me, Hob. You need not have followed me here.”
“You're my friend, I'll always worry about you. Especially when you pass out in my house and say stuff like you shouldn't be alive anymore,” Hob said pointedly.
Dream looked down for a moment, his long eyelashes catching the light of the sun. “I suppose I do owe you an explanation after all that you have done for me.”
“No, it's not that.” Hob sighed. “You don't owe me, I'm just concerned. And if I can't do anything to help, at least let me be someone you can talk to.”
Dream stared out into the park where families were having picnics and kids ran around with their dogs. “What do you know of the story of Orpheus?”
“The bloke in Greek mythology?” Hob furrowed his eyebrows while trying to remember what jumbled knowledge he had of the myths. “He had a lyre, and he was the one who almost succeeded in getting his wife out of the Underworld, except he looked back when he wasn't supposed to.”
It was one of the more popular stories, and one that stuck with Hob as someone who had also lost a wife too soon. He would have also braved the Underworld to get Eleanor back, and like that poor sod Orpheus he would have also looked back.
“Indeed.” Dream kept his eyes looking in the distance. “Shortly after his failed quest, Orpheus was killed and his body hacked to pieces. His decapitated head remained conscious and was able to provide prophecies to adventurers and travellers alike.”
Hob pondered that for a moment. “What a way to live, eh? Just a talking head. Travelling would certainly be out of the question. Even I'm not sure how long I'd be able to do that.”
Dream was quiet for a few seconds. “He did not wish to continue living like that himself. And in exchange for a boon, he asked me to help him. End his life.”
“...Oh. You knew him, then?”
“Yes.” Dream said calmly. “He was my son.”
Hob stared at Dream, speechless in his surprise. After having known Dream for centuries, he had half-expected that most people in mythology were real. But knowing that Dream lost his son in such a way made him feel a deep sadness; no pain compared to outliving a child.
“And did you…” Hob couldn’t even finish the thought.
Dream nodded. “I asked for his help in finding my brother. In return, he made me promise to help him end his existence as a lone head of an oracle. He was unhappy, and I could not refuse when he asked for my aid.”
Hob fell silent. If he had been in Dream’s place, would he have had the strength to do the same? If Robyn had asked for his help in ending an unhappy existence, would Hob be selfless enough?
“I'm…” Hob trailed off. What could he say? He was sorry that Dream had to help with the death of his own son? Dream wouldn’t want to be pitied. “I'm glad to see you're okay, at least. But what did you mean that you're not supposed to be alive?”
“The old laws forbid us from killing our own blood, on pain of death. When the Kindly Ones found out what I had done for my son, they came to enforce the law.”
Hob could only imagine what it must have felt like for Dream, knowing he would be killed for fulfilling a promise to his son.
“How did you escape?” Hob's voice came out in a whisper, as if speaking any louder would bring the attackers upon them again.
There was a slight frown on Dream's face as he tried to recall what happened. “I am not entirely sure. I had no plans to escape. I regained consciousness shortly before my siblings brought me to your door.”
“You had no plans to escape?” Hob said incredulously, horrified. “You knew that your punishment was death, and what— You just— You just sat there while they tore at you?” He didn't even want to imagine such a scene.
Dream finally looked at him. “You are upset.”
“Of course I'm bloody upset! You just told me you planned to die. Were you ever gonna tell me?” Hob had gotten to his feet. He didn't know when the tears had started to well in his eyes.
“I had said goodbye to you. Before.” Dream looked at him with a sombre expression.
“What…” Hob frowned, processing what that could mean. “When you visited me for drinks a month ago? That's it? Was I supposed to wait for you for an eternity not knowing that you had died?” His voice broke.
“There would have been a funeral,” Dream looked up at him, his voice soft and his eyes resigned. “You would have been invited.”
“Oh, well then that makes everything better, doesn't it?” Hob was almost yelling now. “Centuries of friendship and I'm only supposed to find out about your suicide mission at your bloody funeral?” Hob’s tears began to fall, and Dream's eyes widened as he stood up.
“Hob…” Dream said in concern.
“You don't understand, Dream. You're the only person whose funeral I'm never supposed to attend. I've long since accepted that I would one day lose everyone I care about, but not you! What happened to meeting every century? Why didn't you wish to live?”
Dream stared at him in surprise and confusion. “I… did not think you cared that much. About our meetings. About…” he seemed to struggle in getting the words out. “Me.”
“Of course I care about you,” Hob's voice quieted down. He suddenly felt exhausted. “I never hid that, did I?”
There was conflict again in Dream's eyes, and a moment later he had stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Hob, pulling him in a loose embrace.
“Is this alright?” Dream asked softly.
Hob clenched his fists onto the back of Dream’s shirt and ducked his face into Dream’s chest, letting the last of the tears fall. All his pent-up worries since finding out about Fawney Rig and Dream's visit last month had surged up all at once, and now he was having a meltdown in the middle of a park. He'd be embarrassed if he didn't feel so wrung out.
He gently pulled away once his breathing had evened out. “Sorry, I've cried all over your shirt now.”
“It's your shirt,” Dream said with a hint of playfulness.
Hob chuckled. “Right. But seriously, Dream, are you still in any danger?”
Dream glanced at the sky, as if making sure there wasn't anything approaching. “If the Kindly Ones still wanted me dead, I believe I would be already. Something has happened to stop them, though I do not know what that could be.” He looked at Hob again, and when he spoke his voice was quieter. “I did not want to risk them following me to your home. That is why I had to leave.”
“Yeah I figured that much. But if you said they were only upholding some law, then they'd have no reason to harm me, right?”
Dream paused to consider it. “Indeed. But still I would rather you not encounter them.”
“And I'd rather you have a safe place to stay while you recover. Do you have anywhere to go?” A thought occurred to Hob. “Can you still teleport?”
Dream glanced down and didn't say anything. It would make sense that he was weakened enough not to have his powers; Hob should have realised that sooner.
“Wanna come back to my place and maybe we could figure something out over tea?” Hob asked gently. “There's also the spiced chicken I made for dinner last night, would take no time at all to reheat it.”
“I do not need to eat.”
“But I do. And I'm famished, love.” Hob belatedly realised what endearment he had just said, and he cleared his throat before averting his eyes in what he hoped looked like a nonchalant gesture. “Anyway. Shall we?”
Dream looked at him contemplatively before nodding.
They walked in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company while they went past the shops and restaurants. Some couples they came across were holding hands while walking, and Hob vaguely wondered what it would feel like to hold Dream's.
He should probably turn his thoughts to something else now.
“So, if you had a son, does that mean you're married? Is someone out there waiting for you to come home?”
Dream looked caught off-guard for a second and Hob wanted to kick himself. He never could stay quiet when it was the smarter choice. He was about to apologise and take back the question, but Dream was already answering.
“I have not been married in a long time. My former wife and I… We have had our problems even before our son was condemned to being an oracle. We had grieved separately. No one is waiting for me.” Dream's voice held an almost indifferent resignation, and Hob wanted so badly to tell him that he would always wait for him. That he did wait for him, all day and night at The White Horse in 1989, and every day since.
Dream stopped in front of a food stall. “I believe they sell grilled meat and bread over here. Shall we purchase some?”
Hob looked at the stall and raised an eyebrow at Dream teasingly. “I thought you said you don’t need to eat?”
“But you do. Love.” The corner of Dream’s mouth turned up.
Hob felt his face warm and he chuckled nervously. God, this man was going to kill him. “I don't have any money on me. I ran out of my flat in just my pyjamas, you know? Barely managed to put my shoes on. Besides, we're almost back there now,” he rambled, looking at anywhere but Dream.
“Then let us proceed to your home. I would not want to further intrude on your daily routines.” Dream began walking again.
“You're not intruding,” Hob said as he walked beside him. “How many times do I have to say it? I'll whack you over the head until you understand that you're welcome to stay with me anytime.”
Dream looked at him with a frown that Hob would never say he found endearing. “You would not dare.”
“Or what?” Hob challenged.
Dream narrowed his eyes at Hob. “You have grown insolent,” he said without any bite to it.
“Always been,” Hob winked.
Dream looked back at the road again, but not before Hob caught his smile.
I had no idea what a tagine pot was before I wrote this fic, but it sounds pretty cool and I can see Hob owning one.
(Chapter 2) ->
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sorry-moots · 1 day
Inversion of Genesis But I Changed It
so i started mha and subsequently was imbued with the urge to Create but i harnessed my inspiration and finished chapter 11 because i left you guys starving so i could be emo and get a job characters featured: yvette (oc), nilou, pierre (oc) cws: none wc: 1,449
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Chapter Eleven
Yvette found you at some point. Being employed by Lord Scaramouche, she was in the same boat as you– stranded in a foreign nation with a comatose employer and no friends or family.
Having her around made things easier. The night that your master slipped into his coma, you were effectively jobless and homeless. The next morning, you leased an apartment together.
About a month has passed since then. Bit by bit, you’ve been chipping away from the savings that you brought with you. You were already low on funds from the deposit and the down payment. Though you had split the cost, Yvette couldn’t afford to cover more than a fourth.
I need to get a job… Only, it’s not that simple. Everyone could tell you were a Fatuus. It’s obvious from the way you dress, the way you talk, the way your eyes scan the entire environment as you move through it.
No one trusts the Fatui and less than no one likes the Fatui. Finding someone willing to hire you would be almost impossible and even then you could be fired for the smallest of slights.
Still, it’s not fair to Yvette. As soon as you told her what had happened, she went out in search of a job. Now, she’s working as a maid for the mysterious lord of the Palace of Alcazarzaray.
You get to work writing your resume. “Assistant to the Sixth Fatui Harbinger” might not get you anywhere with most people, but there’s gotta be someone out there who doesn’t care. Right?
Two months later, you finally strike out.
Since the Akasha was shut down, scholars from every Darshan are struggling with the return to traditional research. It’s been hard to get past the initial shock— they went from having all of Sumeru’s knowledge whispering in their ears to permanent radio silence. Everyone is desperate for any help they could get; the House of Daena librarians could only handle so many requests at a time.
Back in Snezhnaya, everything is filed analog-style. Chronologically ordered documents within filing cabinets of alphabetized folders, rolodexes with names and addresses for every Fatui contact of import, binders with detailed reports of missions and related expenses. Having the expertise of a professional secretary, you get a job working for some student researchers.
The pay isn’t glamorous in the least, but no one else would hire you. Not the stockbrokers, not the grocers, not even the owners of the Puspa Café or Lambad’s Tavern. No one with any customers to lose wanted a former Fatuus working for them, so this was your only option.
Your job is very straightforward: find and assess relevant subject matter. The actual execution isn’t quite as simple. The House of Daena is the largest library in Teyvat, boasting a collection of over three hundred million books, scriptures, and tomes. Combing through it all is a huge effort.
Once you find the suggested literature, you still have to make sure the contents are what is needed for the research study. Even just an inspectional reading— table of contents, indices, glossary, etc.— takes hours. The worst part is when the material proves to be useless in the context it’s needed in, making all your work in vain.
Nevertheless, poverty is a good motivator. Though your days at the library often stretch into the night, the hefty pouch of mora you claim at the end of each project brings you great relief.
With your jobs, you and Yvette find it easiest to do your grocery shopping late in the evening. Once a week, the two of you leave work early, meet at the apartment, and leave with a couple baskets each to buy the most basic of essentials.
Your first stop is always, without fail, the tavern. While you usually take turns cooking, it’s become a weekly ritual to dine out and relax before shopping. More often than not, this entails visiting the fortune teller to pet her cats.
Most of your groceries come from Hamawi’s stall, but you like to check out the Grand Bazaar every so often for some less-than-essential goods. On this particular evening, the atmosphere feels different… electrifying almost.
As you take in your surroundings, you realize that the shoppers and stall owners are murmuring and gravitating toward the stage. Forgetting the weight of the baskets on your arms, you pull Yvette with you into the crowd.
You get some looks, presumably because of your uniform, but it’s worth it. When you make it to the front, you hear the strum of a sitar and your eyes land on a lone dancer.
She bears a striking resemblance to Yvette. Her skin is pale, her hair is bright red, and her eyes are like aquamarines. The longer you stare at her form as she dances, the easier it is to imagine her as your companion.
Finally, her performance ends and you’re released from your trance. The crowd begins to disperse and you turn to leave with Yvette.
“Wait! You, with the red hair!”
The two of you turn to see the dancer pushing through the crowd. Your eyes meet, confirming your suspicion that she was referring to Yvette– there weren’t many people in the room with red hair. 
“I totally get if you don’t want to, but hear me out!” She takes a deep breath before continuing. “You and I look almost exactly alike. If you danced with me, I could choreograph new shows where you pose as my doppelganger! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have experience either, I can teach you!”
As you stare blankly at one another, she blurts, “It pays really well, too!”
From the look in her eye, you can tell just what Yvette is thinking: she’s interested. “How much would she earn?”
“Oh, I earn about 800,000 mora for every show,” the dancer responded.
Without sparing your roommate another glance, you give your answer.
“She’ll do it.”
A lot has changed in the few weeks since you met Nilou. With Yvette being a fast learner, the theater was able to include her in their most recent show as a backup dancer. Her paycheck was less than Nilou’s– 500,000 mora– but that was to be expected. It would be hard to shine as bright as the star of the Zubayr Theater.
Aside from your elevated financial status, your time in Sumeru had changed your appearance almost beyond recognition. The pallor from Snezhnaya’s inhospitable winters was chased out by Sumeru’s sunny weather. Your hair was no longer bound and trapped in unyielding updos.
Best of all was your updated wardrobe. One afternoon, as you were having lunch with Nilou and Yvette, you spotted a blue skirt with brightly colored fish. She noticed you staring at the garment and convinced the vendor to lower the price so you could buy it and a pretty white blouse to go with it.
The difference in treatment was instantaneous. Passersby no longer whispered when they walked past you, merchants called out to you to buy their goods, waiters smiled at you when you entered restaurants.
It would almost feel good if you could forget.
Eight months after the incident, you wait at Bayda Harbor, watching the ships pass by. Normally, you would go through research material while waiting for something, but today is different.
Any one of the dozens of ships in the harbor could be host to your most loyal companion, Apollo.
Before leaving the city, you did your best to make some snacks for Apollo. They didn’t have the same varieties of carrot that were available in Snezhnaya so you improvised and dipped some hay and mint leaves in boiling sugar water. Crystallized, it made the perfect rock candy for horses.
I hope he likes them, you think to yourself as you check to make sure the treats haven’t melted in the heat.
As the sun nears its peak, you think you hear your name being called. You look around until you see not just a familiar snout, but a familiar face as well.
“Pierre!” you call out with a grin. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, someone had to bring your horse, miss,” he replied fondly, with a tip of his hat. “Besides… It’s about time I went on vacation.”
The two of you chat for a while as you feed Apollo the snacks, which were much to his liking– he even nibbled at the tin when you ran out.
Once the two of you part ways, him to the desert and you to the city, you squeeze Apollo tightly.
“I missed you, Apollo,” you whisper, sniffling. “It’s been so hard without you. Without you both.”
He says nothing. He is a horse.
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tags: @lacunaanonymoused, @dollpoetwriting, @constantlyoverthinking, @littlesliceofcheese, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @magicalink , @swivi a/n: if you saw the version of this where i mourned the loss of a tag list member no you didn't
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