#I am but a jester and life is my circus
dragonanon · 6 months
Pomni: I. FREAKING. HATE. THE. DIGITAL. CIRCUS! Jax and Blaire make me do the Fortnite dance while they T-pose around me and shout “Go white girl go!”
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DTIYS Results!
Greetings, circus goers! After so many amazing submissions, it is now time to find out whom I most favoured!
First off, Losers!
"What's that?" you say! "Is this not a friendly art competition?"
Well, kids, there are winners and losers in every game. You either die a winner or live long enough to see yourself become a loser. I hope you take that to heart and it affects you deeply for the rest of your adult life.
Anyway! Give a huge round of boos for our loser:
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Booooooooo, boooooo you suck boooooooo- ahem. Let's not waste too much of our time on this... charlatan, children.
There were so many amazing pieces with their own unique strengths that I wanted to shine some light on!
So, my favourite artists aside from first place were...
@grimmtells, who not only made this wonderful putdown of our favourite jester, but also made a toon of their own!
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You don't know how grateful I am that people love this au enough to make their own characters! Thank you for your little ego-tripping maniac into this jolly jack-in-the-box!
@mangotangerinepastry, for their lovely rendering and animation!
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Trust me when I say it was a very difficult decision between you and our first place winner!
@dreamybasil, who made this adorable comic!
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Poor Pomni, suffering from success.
And finally,
@notyesterdays-era with some Pomni-ception!
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He's a little confused, but he's got spirit.
Alright, ladies and Gents! the moment you've been waiting for, our first place winner:
(more extravagant drumroll)
@cruising-cats with this amazing animation!
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A fully coloured background, the spotlight fading in and out, the floating bubbles and of course, Pomni and our Plucky performer braving the tightrope, this was most certainly my favourite interpretation!
Be sure to message me with an image reference of what you'd like me to sketch!
Thank you all so much for participating! I honestly never expected this au to get as big as it has, so I hope this reboot will be worth the wait! (and hopefully draw in new fans!)
Ta Ta for now!
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robinette-green · 3 months
Robin's Fantasy AU DCA Romance Fics
These are fics I’ve started that take place in fantasy settings! Pirates, Castles, fairies, princesses and knights galore!
Black Sea Glass: (tag)
Trying to escape from a group of mercenaries hunting you down to catch you and collect the bounty on your head, you stow away on what you think to be a merchant ship. Unfortunately for you, you end up on a ship flying under the king’s flag. The two captains decide that you can work on the crew while aboard. Over time you find yourself falling in love with the Captains. This is bad news for you. You have so many secrets to hide and the two captains despise lies. If they find out who you really are will they leave you? Would they turn you in?
The Queen and Her Knights:
Banished from her home, MC uses her immense magical abilities to heal a barren land, making it a safe haven for lost souls. The people of these lands name her queen, and all is right with the world until the kingdom that banished the MC decides they want the now flourishing lands for themselves. Lying about why they are going to war, the king claims that the evil witch is keeping the people in these lands as slaves and sends out a massive army. Desperate to find a way to buy herself more time, and in a panic, MC kidnaps the two knight commanders, and shenanigans ensue. Sun and Moon are humans Sun is Solaris Starr And Moon is Lucien Altalune
Jesters and Dragons: (tag)
The main character is the 4th princess of a large kingdom. Her younger brother, the golden child, is gifted two magical construct jesters modeled after the sun and moon on his 14th birthday. While wishing that they had been gifted to her instead, the main character ends up running into the jesters at every turn, turning her into a blushing stuttering mess as they flirt shamelessly with her. Fluffy fluff fluff fluff. With a smidge of angst.
Monster in the Sea:
Sun and Moon are human and go by Solaris and Lucien. The MC is a water dragon. Water dragon reader finds Sun and Moon lost at sea during a storm
Two Hunters and a Bloodsucker:
My life is good for what it is. Except that I’m dead. Well, undead. I’ve been undead for about 15 years now, and I haven’t aged a day. Being a vampire hiding among humans can be difficult at times, mainly dealing with sunlight and avoiding mirrors, but I manage. I’ve been living and working in this little town as the town blacksmith for about 7 years now, and I’ve become a full-fledged member of the little community here. I thought I had been doing a good job hiding my presence among the humans, but one day two of the most well-known vampire hunters came into town. If they find out what I am, they will kill me, but both of them have become intent on becoming my friends and maybe more. How can I keep myself from being discovered when two hunters are trying to romance me?
Dreaming of Dancing Clocks:
Waking up in a ballroom filled with elegant dancers, you can't remember how you got there. Something if off about the others here but you can't put your finger on it.
Angel (LateNight DayDreams):
I’ve been avoiding going to the circus for years but when a curtain circus rolls into town, I can’t stop myself from going to see the show… to see him again. A Human Moon romance
Say Don't Go (LateNight DayDreams):
a human Sun and Reader romance A rich MC with her secret lover Solaris.
Some of these won't be finished and some are OLD writing of mine. you have been warned. Please don't let that stop you from reading these and enjoying them <3
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indibutterfly · 2 months
Awww, the Pomni short fic made my heart swell! And that's a good thing! Well done, dear author! If you're up to another fic prompt, I have one in mind.
Caine tries to genuinely conjure up an exit as per Pomni's request that will lead to an outside world. But ultimately fails. So to help, Pomni tries to explain what the outside world is like, or as much as she can remember anyway. Caine just ends up creating a pocket dimension. Looks like outside/exit, with nature stuff on it, but not really. Pomni doesn't want to leave the place he just created though. It creates a problem because it's unstable. And so she's sent back at the circus, sadder as ever. Might even abstract.
I wonder how will you write this one ;)✨ I have faith that you can do it! Thanks again though!
So sorry this took so long! I am glad you like the last story I made! I hope you like this one!
Warning: This is really angsty
“Boss…..you’ve been at this for days….maybe give it a rest?”
“I CANT BUBBLE!! She won’t love me anymore if I don’t do this!” Bubble gave a distraught look towards his master. He has been so different ever since…..that day…..no he wouldn’t think about that right now. Maybe if he talked some sense into the stripes, then his boss would go back to normal! Bubble immediately teleported to the location of stripes. He saw her in the same corner she has been in since…..that day………not thinking about that! Bubble floated over to Pomni, with a giant smile.
“Heya stripes! Doing any better?” Silence.
“Uh stripes? Did ya hear me?”
“Stripes, want me to get the boss?”
Silence. Bubble sighed,
“Pomni, the boss is worried about you…could you please feel better so everything can go back to normal?”
She finally responded. However, her response wasn’t coherent. All that could be heard was the sound of her muttering words…….it was honestly……a depressing sight to behold. Bubble teleported back to his boss. However when he arrived, it definitely was not what he was expecting.
“I’ve had done it……I’VE HAD DONE IT!!! My love will no longer have to suffer anymore!!! She is going to have everything she wanted!!” Caine snapped his fingers and created a mirror before him.
“My my my I look quite a mess don’t I? Well we can’t have that!” Another snap and he was good to go. He almost looked normal. Well all except for his tie being completely undone, but that had nothing at all to do with his mental state right? Right?! Caine spared it no mind, or was it pay no thought? Well whatever it was, the only thing he cared about was about to no longer feel depressed! That was all that mattered. He teleported over to his lover’s room.
“Oh Dearest~ I have the most wonderful of news!” Caine expected no response from Pomni. After all she wasn’t in her right mind! He was going to fix that!
“Pomni! I made you a special room in the circus! It’s modeled almost completely like the real world! It’s small, but I did it!” Real world……now those words caught the Jester’s attention.
“H-Home?” She said with a weak and broken voice. The ring master floated towards the love of his digital life. He cupped her face as though she were a porcelain doll.
“Yes my dear, your home.” Though she kept the same expression and broken voice, she seemed to perk up just a little bit.
“Take…me…home…” He did not waste any time. Caine took her by the hand and teleported the two in front of an Exit door.
“I know how fond you are of these types of doors, so I put your reality behind it! Go ahead my love! Open the door!” She lifted her hand and opened the exit door. Her eyes widened in shock and amazement. He did it……HE ACTUALLY DID IT!
“Do you….perhaps like it my love?” The jester ran up to the ringmaster and squeezed him ever so tightly.
“It’s perfect! Just like my home!” It was a small town with different shops that you could enter. It looked so realistic. It even had NPCs look like humans! Finally, true happiness could be achieved here for his love. Caine watched in pure enjoyment as Pomni ran around the entire area with wonder and excitement filling her. It had been so long since he saw her look anything other than scared……he could easily get used to this. Sure it took pretty much everything he had in his code to keep it together for her, but that didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered. Only her happiness. That’s all that was relevant mattered now. That’s all that could ever matter. For two weeks, Pomni hardly ever left the room. Caine couldn’t fault her though. She finally had everything she could ever want…until she got that look again. He had noticed it around the time of his daily visit to her.
“Oh my love! What would you like to do today?” She looked up at him with an almost melancholy expression.
“It’s getting dull Caine.”
“Dull? My dear whatever could you mean?” She took a deep breath and tried her very best to explain.
“I guess it just got kinda mundane. It’s really hard to have fun here, when everyday it’s the same shops, stores, etc. I guess I just want more.”
“Then more you shall have my dear! Give me only an hour, alright?” She nodded and sat on one of the benches that were scattered throughout the “real-like” room. When Caine returned, he looked rougher than usual. Not only was his tie undone still, but now his coat was completely untucked.
“There you are my dear! More for you to enjoy!” With a snap of his fingers, the room grew twice in size. There were now office buildings and homes, which created the illusion of living in the real world. Her face once more gained that amazed look as she rushed over to the new areas that surrounded the tiny business. This would be the start of a cruel cycle. Pomni would get bored of the new room. Caine would destroy himself making something new for her. She was happy. Until she wasn’t. Caine wasn’t bothered. Pomni loved him. He knew that very well. She was simply…..missing home was all. He looked in the mirror at his new appearance. His abilities were completely used, except for the little bit to keep the circus afloat. The ringmaster’s attire was torn and tattered. His hat was smushed flat, his coat was completely unbuttoned and torn. He did not look like the ringmaster of the digital circus.
“Boss……you don’t look so good.” Caine gave a sigh.
“What I look like doesn’t matter…..she is…..happy. I love her enough to give her everything she wants.” Bubble floated up to his boss. Even though he was an ai of very little brain, Bubble could tell this was unhealthy. He couldn’t stand to just sit and watch his best friend hurt himself like this. He teleported to the room where Pomni now resided.
“Stripes!” Pomni turned around and faced Bubble.
“Hi Bubble! Are you okay?”
“Stripes, the Boss doesn’t look so good. Please ask him to take away this world.”
Pomni shuddered to even entertain that thought.
“Caine made this place to show how much he cares for me. Wouldn’t it hurt him more if I asked for him to take everything back?” Bubble gave a load groan.
“Follow me, stripes.” Pomni did as Bubble asked. As soon as she walked outside her new room, the Jester saw how broken the circus looked. Pieces were falling, the stage curtains were ripped, doors were off their hinges. Caine would never let this slide! Where was he?!
“Why hasn’t Caine done anything about this? He loves this circus more than anything.”
“Not more than you, Pomni.” No……no……it wasn’t her fault that this was happening…….was it? She felt something deep within her break. Black squares began to surround and began to slowly engulf her. Bubble did not know what to do. Caine ran with everything he had in him. He felt the pain she was feeling and he knew what would happen next.
“POMNI!” He cried out in desperation. Though she had not yet fully transformed, her mental state had already left her. Caine grabbed her face and pulled her close.
“Pomni! My love! Please look at me!” The darkness continued to engulf her.
“What do you need?! I can give you anything, you want! Just say the word, my dear!” He tried snapping a few things into existence……but nothing happened. Pomni saw that.
“I don’t need anything!” She tried to cry out to the love of her life. However that’s not what came out of her mouth.
“Need everything.” That is what Caine heard.
“I can give you that! Just please…….” He began to break down in tears.
“Please, Pomni….don’t leave me!” Seeing her lover broken, she broke her even more. If she had never shown him true love, then he wouldn’t be like this. If she never told him how she felt about the real world, then he wouldn’t have hurt himself giving her what she wanted. She needed Caine. Seeing him break like that……hurt more than anything. With that she fully lost her old form.
“POMNI!” The jester known as Pomni…..was now no more. A feeling Caine had never known before.
“Was….was I not good enough?”
Broken sobs, overcame the circus.
I kinda wanna make a part two……lemme know if yall want that.
(I am still doing ship one-shots. Send me an ask or a comment and I will do it. As long as it follows the guidelines ofc.)
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Two Birds on a Wire
Fandom: Helluva Boss Summary: After getting trapped with his ex-boyfriend in Greed, Blitz ends up saying a lot of stupid stuff that makes his life better in the long run. Warnings: Past underage sex, pregnancy, trans male pregnancy, mpreg, and kidnapping Word Count: 4,883 Ship(s): Asmodeus/Fizzarolli and Stolas Ars Goetia/Blitzo Buckzo
Archive link!
A/N: Another fic for my wonderful mutual(@lovely-number-7)! They give me so much inspiration for this and encouragement to keep going. I added some surprises for them so everyone is going into this fic on an even playing field, haha. I hope that you all enjoy it! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Blitz’s day had already been going pretty terrible when he ended up getting into a fight with someone that had been very important to him over a decade ago.
Not only did seeing Fizz bring back memories of when they were in the circus together and everything that they had shared before the fire, but it now also reminded him of how awful the Loo Loo Land Fizzbot had been to him. The taunts and jeers from the back of the already sparse crowd still haunted his dreams and shot down his confidence when he was trying to cheer up his office or kids. Of course that was when the jester thought that it would be a great idea to pick on him and reference the stalkers that he had, which Blitz would never associate himself with.
After the fight, Striker had captured them to prove to Crimson that he was a worthy investment. Blitz had always known that being in his line of work would result in something like that happening to him, he just hadn’t accounted for Fizz being thrown into the same cage as him. At least Striker had finally gotten the sense to cater to who he was capturing instead of assuming that Millie wouldn’t chew her own leg off, beartrap or not, to save her husband.
He had been bound in normal rope, something that he couldn’t hope to wiggle out of because of the friction that it was causing on his skin and suit. Fizz, on the other hand, was bound in what looked to be duct tape so that he couldn’t do anything with his robotic arms and legs.
Even the memory of the fact that Fizz had prosthetics instead of his natural limbs made years and years of guilt come swimming back at him. He wanted to snap and fight back to get the feeling to go away, but he also knew that it would lead to nothing good for either of them. He had been trying so hard and for so long to better himself so that he could be a good example to his girls, but it was a slow going process. Being around the man that had started and ended everything in his life had regressed him back to where he had been fifteen years before.
Fizz started to whine and look around the cage for a way out. “Oh, chill out Jester,” Blitz spoke without meaning to. The words all just tumbled from him and into the open air without his mind even taking a second to process them. It was what had gotten him into the mess that was his life and would likely be what took him out of it as well. “It’s like you’ve never been tied up before.”
“Ugh,” Fizz grunted as he continued to try and pull at his bindings. “Sure, but not by a bunch of psychos.” He fell forward so that he smacked into the hard metal floor of the ground, “Arg! And a piece of shit.”
Blitz narrowed his eyes at the man that was once his best friend as he tried to figure out what he was talking about. “Fi- Okay… okay, am I the psycho or the piece of shit?”
“Both,” Fizz snapped.
“Ah, that checks,” he sighed. He should have known that even when they were in a dangerous situation Fizz wouldn’t be open to listening to him, just as he hadn’t been for years. He had tried so hard after the fire, when they were both trapped in that satanforsaken hospital, and then again through letters for nearly a decade and a half afterwards.
“How is this happening?” Fizz whined as he straightened up again. “I was just supposed to grab some gas station milk and rehearse some juggling!
Anger boiled inside of him. Blitz had been in situations like that more times than he could count and he had never spent as much time whining as Fizz had. They hadn’t even been drugged or interrogated yet, they were just waiting for money to exchange hands. “Oh relax. I’m sure your big royal chicken isn’t going to let anything happen to his peppy little fuck doll.”
“Oh, playing that card, huh?” Fizz snarled. He had just as much anger and vitriol as he had back when they were snarling at each other in Ozzie’s. “Okay, well what about you? Seems your taste has gotten more… regal, lately?”
Again, his brain spoke before his mouth could. “Stolas and I aren’t like that, alright? We might have been able to try out dating if you hadn’t fucking shamed him in front of countless people at what was supposed to be our first date.”
“First date? I knew that you were bad with that whole romance thing but I didn’t consider the fact that you only take a guy out when he’s been railing you into the mattress for months first,” Fizz snarked back. Gone was the boy that looked up to Blitz with all the earnestly of someone that was the golden child of the circus. He no longer had that compassion and tenderness that Blitz had fallen for all those years ago, at least not for the very imp that had protected that in him.
“I don’t think you know what you’re talking about,” Blitz seethed. He had worked so long and so hard to try and make his relationship with Stolas healthier for the sake of their children. He knew that he was bad at picking partners and starting things off, the fact that Verosika still hated him for using her credit card to pay for the twins medical bills when they got the hellflu. Fizz didn’t have the right to mock him for his romantic relationships when he was the one that had damaged Blitz into making bad decisions in the first place, though.
“I think that I do!” responded Fizz. “I was the first guy to earn a date by pounding you into the mattress for months, remember?”
“You know, that’s not really a claim to fame,” Blitz snarled. “Not that you really need anything else to boost your notoriety, right?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
His cheat was heaving with the emotion that was spinning through him like a bullet. He knew that feeling very well, he had gotten shot more times than he cared to admit in his line of work. When it was an emotional bullet instead of a literal one, the pain was so much more intense. A literal bullet would pierce the skin where it had been shot and then destroy the nerve endings in that specific spot, echoing the pain from that location. A metaphorical bullet, on the other hand, tore through the entire body all at once and lit every single nerve on fire. He could feel it twisting and ripping at his heart, making memories from a long time ago arise in his mind the way that an exorcist blade might on a sinner.
Blitz focused on what he was doing instead of saying something. If he kept talking then he was going to say something incredibly stupid. He couldn’t afford to do that when he was surrounded by people that very obviously wanted to use him for their own gain. He wouldn’t be surprised if they had already sent a message back to Stolas letting him know that Blitz had been captured, or if Stolas had been able to feel it the same way that he had with the demon hunters.
With thoughts of his Goetia lover rattling around his mind instead of the memories of what had happened that fateful night of the fire, he was able to focus. He jerked his foot backwards on the rough metal floor of the cage that they were in and removed the knife that he stashed there for moments such as this. He picked the blade up with the edge of his fingers and then turned it around with amazing dexterity, something that he had picked up when he was in the circus, not that it had done him any good. Maybe he could have gotten a job at that cat-themed gambling place if he had just been a bit older when he applied.
He deftly cut through the ropes that were binding his hands and then did the same to the ones on his arms and legs. “What was that supposed to mean, Blitzo?” Fizz demanded again, as if he couldn’t see that Blitz was trying to get them out of that cage so that they never had to face each other again.
He knew that he shouldn’t have said anything, he knew he should have kept his mouth shut and protected the little pocket of joy he had carved for himself with his own claws and teeth, but he couldn’t. “Oh, nothing. I’m just glad that you managed to find someone that you could knock up and not want to abandon this time around,” he replied. 
“What in the ever loving fuck is that supposed to mean?” Fizz demanded as he turned around towards Blitz.
They didn’t get the chance to keep fighting about what he had said because Striker was there at the cage, grasping at Fizz and threatening him. Blitz had seen how ruthless he was when he had been preparing to take down Stolas, so it was a surprise to everyone there that he didn’t just perform the kill immediately. Part of him wanted to be grateful to Crimson for reminding the bigot that they were a valuable asset that had to be returned in one piece, and the other half of him was so angry that he could barely see straight.
Blitz felt like an idiot, talking about the pregnancy that he had detected from Fizz’s goading earlier and putting his ex-boyfriend in trouble because of it. He knew what it was to be a child that grew up without a parent and to raise a child without the other half of one’s heart, he would never do that to someone else. He hated Fizz with every fiber of his being for what had happened during the fire and afterwards, but most of his heart was just clinging to that anger so that he didn’t have to feel the alternative. Somewhere deep inside of him, in a place that he had buried and decided to never return to, was the sorrow that tried to choke him out every second that it got.
He could barely think about the guilt that he was feeling over that. If he had any luck left in him then they wouldn’t have to worry about Striker or Crimson in a little while. He supposed that being a Prince of Hell and a Sin meant that Ozzie would be able to hire good security for his lover when he found out what had happened. Stolas didn’t have that luxury since he was one of seventy-two Ars Goetia and often ignored by his family, which was why he had resorted to using Blitz as a bodyguard even though the imp wasn’t very good at that. 
He had to get them both out of the warehouse or he would never forgive himself. He knew that he still held resentment for Fizz, but that was only there because of the massive swell of love that existed for his childhood best friend. So he flipped the knife around his front when he had finished cutting the ropes around his arms and sliced it off his legs as well. He worked silently as he got the sharp blade through the duct tape and let Fizz be free as well. He did something convoluted and stupid to get them down from the cage, but it also managed to distract all of the goons around them so that several of them were fighting each other.
While they were working together, Blitz learned several things about his ex-best friend that he never thought he would have been given the chance to. Fizz was incredibly flexible, likely because of the prosthetic arms that he had gotten after the fire at the circus. He was still able to do everything that he had when they were kids despite the fact that they were nearly thirty, which shouldn’t have really been a surprise. Despite the fact that he had bionic limbs and had been famous for over a decade, the bastard knew nothing about fighting.
Blitz had to pull the slack for both of them because while Fizz was able to avoid getting shot pretty well, he couldn’t shoot anyone else to literally save his life. It ended up working out well when Fizz picked Blitz up and used his stretchy arms and flexibility to help the other imp get some of the harder shots, which resulted in them finding the window that eventually got them out.
After another explosion and some acrobatics that he hadn’t done for years, he managed to get them to a point where they were both safe for the time being. He let out a low breath and nearly collapsed as the adrenaline began to melt from his body. “I know that you hate me, but can I borrow a phone from you so that I can call my girls?”
“I want to talk to you about that before I let you go,” Fizz shook his head. The world around them stank like burning rubber and melting metal from the fire that they had started on the junkyard, but it felt oddly poetic in some way. Their entire relationship had gone up like a trash fire so they might as well talk about it while surrounded by one.
He had always known that it was a possibility that he and Fizz would have this conversation one day. He had known the second that the doctor came in with the confirmation that the pregnancy had lasted through the fire, he had known the second that the test had come back positive, he had known the second that they had decided one time without a condom would probably be fine. “What did you want to talk to me about?” he finally managed to make his voice say.
“What did you mean when you said that I got someone pregnant and then abandoned them? This is my first time having a kid, Oz and I were really excited when we found out,” Fizz said quietly. He looked so forlorn and scared when he did it, that it actually made Blitz’s heart ache in his chest.
He turned his head to the side and tried to blink away the tears that had gathered there as he explained. “You know how we were dating back when we were sixteen and we thought that one or two times without a condom would be okay? Well, I got knocked up. When I tried to tell you I got sidelined or told to fuck off every time. I thought for sure you knew.”
“Why would you think that?” Fizz asked, holding his hands out to the side of him like Blitz had told him that he thought the living world’s moon was made out of cheese. He knew that his ex-best friend would react to that situation in that specific way because it had happened when they were thirteen, the first time that they had gotten drunk together.
“Because I tried to tell you a dozen times! I mean, the first time really didn’t work because I passed out at your party and then when I woke up everything was on fire,” he sighed.
Fizz tightened up when he heard that. “You passed out? While pregnant? Were you okay?” he asked.
“I mean, I’m okay now. At the time I was actually really anemic, having them almost killed me,” he shrugged. “But I did try to tell you about the twins, Fizz. I wrote you letters after the security gave me a bruise on my ass because of how hard they tossed me out of the hospital.”
“No one ever told me that you came to visit while I was in the hospital,” the other imp whispered. He had tilted his head down for the first time since the explosion, staring at the green flames still licking at the trash below them. It was beginning to peter out already as it had consumed everything that wasn’t just melting. He pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his one usable arm around them, his tail completing the circle. “I wanted you to visit me so badly. I was so scared and I didn’t understand why you ran away from me after you had seen me.”
“I didn’t really see you,” Blitz shrugged. He tilted his head forward and dug his fingers into his eye socket. He was able to see the absolutely disgusted face that Fizz gave him before he marveled at the glass eye. It had enough tech in it that it could help widen Blitz’s peripheral vision and give him his depth perception back, but it didn’t have anything high-tech. If he had wanted that then he would have had to go with VoxTech because Asmodean prosthetics tried to focus on actually being usable. “See? My eyes were totally fucked for like a week after the fire, I had to make the nurses give me an extra ultrasound so I had a chance to see my own babies since I couldn’t when they checked the first time.”
The other imp was quiet for a while longer, Blitz knew why. He had put together towards the beginning of their conversation that Cash and Mammon had worked to keep the two of them apart, especially since Cash was the one that had originally told Blitz that the fire was his fault and that Fizz didn’t want to see him. Both the older imp and the sin had to know about the twins and had kept Fizz from that knowledge on purpose.
“So you were pregnant and tried to tell me, but they didn’t let you because they wanted to keep exploiting me,” Fizz finally said the silent part out loud. Blitz had known that Mammon was abusing his best friend since he had attending the first show he had to work in Loo Loo Land. The robots were made poorly because of the demand for them, which meant that they only resembled his friend to some extent. He knew that none of that money was making it back to Fizz, at least to some extent, because otherwise he wouldn’t have kept working for the bastard as long as he had.
“Yeah, pretty much. I’ve been raising both girls on my own for a long time, there’s a lot of shit I wished you had seen and even more that I’m so glad you didn’t,” Blitz said. His pregnancy had been a fucking disaster, what with him being out on his own and absolutely covered in slowly healing burns for the entirety of it.
“What do you mean by that?” Fizz asked. It seemed like that was what he was asking most often, likely because Blitz was telling him something convoluted and overwhelming. He only had to ask for clarification when Blitz could actually get the words he needed to say forced out of his mouth.
“Well, it wasn’t pretty after I had the girls. I was mostly working odd jobs that were part time so that I could be home with them for the majority of the day. I even had to take up doing maintenance of my building so that my landlord would drop the rent to something that I could actually afford. Stole a lot too, usually baby clothes and formula because your kids sure know how to eat, Fizz. I guess that’s the one thing that I’m actually grateful that Cash taught me how to do,” Blitz rambled on.
While they talked, he shimmied towards the main part of the crane that would let them travel downwards. Fizz followed after him, coming down to the ashy ground as well despite the injury that he had on his arm. It felt almost like the fire had never happened and they had never been separated for those long fifteen years. He wondered what they would have been if they had that time instead of what they had received instead. They might have turned into what Blitz’s parents had been like, in love once upon a time but miserable and together only for their children. Perhaps it was for the best that they had been separated, so they could both grow as people and become better for their children.
They reached the bottom of the crane without either of them falling and then embarked further on their journey as they tried to get out of the junkyard. The fire had thankfully turned into nothing but warmth and foul smoke by the time that they actually descended and hadn’t caught the entire place on fire.
Thankfully, Blitz was used to his van giving out and stranding him wherever the most recent part had chosen to break. He was used to having to walk through cramped, foreign city streets until a payphone was found. He slipped into it and rigged the machine by hitting it in just the right places so that the coins inside jingled but didn’t fall, which was something that could only be done in greed. He rested his head against the grimy box as he listened to it ring a couple times before someone finally picked up.
“Blitz? Are you alright? Oh please tell me that this is actually you and not another one of those kidnappers trying to taunt me,” Stolas rambled. Blitz should have known that he was going to be an absolute mess when they were able to talk to each other again, but it still warmed his heart and the lower half of his belly to know that he had someone who cared that much about him. The part of his brain that carried Stolas’ voice with him like a protection ward told him that the only reason his lover hadn’t come to break him out the same way that he had when Blitz had gotten caught in the living world was because the politics in Hell were more complicated.
“I’m alright, Stolas. Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to get us out of there? I hope that you didn’t pay those fuckers any of your money,” Blitz said.
“I was preparing to, darling, if I’m being totally honest,” Stolas replied. He sounded a little sheepish when he spoke and Blitz could almost see the blush covering the lower half of his face. In the background, the imp could make out someone else talking but couldn’t quite discern what the words were. He just knew that the tone was familiar. 
“Stolas! What they were asking for was totally fucking ridiculous and you know that Striker still has a shit ton of money from when Stella tried to have you killed,” Blitz scoffed. The memory of how injured his boyfriend had been after that incident still made his entire body feel as though he had been doused in ice water. He hadn’t been able to go to the hospital because of the trauma that he had from his first pregnancy and post-fire, which meant that he had to deal with a lot of things completely on his own on top of battling the guilt at not being there to defend his partner. He couldn't wait until their case got through the courts of Hell and they were able to put the bitch in her place by taking Via from her and giving her nothing in return during the divorce.
Stolas chittered in that way that he did when he was blushing and preparing to say something mushy, “There’s no price in the Nine Rings that’s too high when it comes to making sure that you’re safe, my dear. Both of you.”
Blitz’s hand moved down to the bottom part of his stomach, which was already beginning to swell with whatever baby had been implanted in him some months ago. He and Stolas hadn’t even been aware that it was possible for a member of the Ars Goetia and an imp to reproduce, so they hadn’t been as careful as they could have been. That was, of course, what had gotten him into trouble with his twins back when he was nineteen with the very imp that was standing outside the phonebooth. He couldn’t bring himself to regret it either time, though. The only thing that he did regret was being the first to do it because the absence of knowledge about how that worked made them both worried. They had no idea if Blitz could handle delivering an egg, like what Octavia was born in, or if he would go into labor and deliver live babies the same way that he had with his twins. There were a lot of questions and very few answers to be found, which had to be half of the reason that Stolas was so worried about the kidnapping.
He couldn’t help the smile that crossed over his face as he said, “I’m okay, Stolas. You know that I can handle this kind of thing.”
“But we don’t, Blitzy,” Stolas replied. “You could have been very hurt if your balance was off when you were trying to do one of your action hero moves. Let me know where you are and I can portal you right home.”
“Are you with Ozzie right now?” Blitz asked. It was awkward to have to refer to the man that his ex-partner was now embroiled with, but it was important. Stolas had said that he was going to request an Asmodean crystal for Blitz so that they could make their relationship official. If it was known that a Goetia was allowing his lover to use such a powerful magical artifact without permission from Paimon, the leader of the Ars Goetia, then they could both get in serious trouble. Blitz refused to give up his work even if he was just manning the office with his eldest daughter until the baby came, in whatever form that was.
“I am, in fact,” the other replied. “Why?”
Blitz went quiet for a while. He let out a low breath to try and settle the nausea in the back of his throat. He was glad for the pregnancy, for once, because it allowed him to blame that feeling on the fact that he was growing another being instead of it being about the idea of telling Fizz. That was stupid anyway, since he had already told the other imp and the reaction that he had feared didn’t come to pass in the way that he had feared it. 
He straightened up in the phone booth and then waved at Fizz to make sure that the other was okay. “I want you to bring me and someone else to their palace. I, um, I finally told the twins father that they existed and I think that we should discuss when they’re going to meet for the first time.”
“Do you think that he’s going to try and fight for custody?” Stolas immediately asked.
“I don’t think so. And you know my feelings about how custody should work,” Blitz replied. Via had been very worried about what would happen to her when her parents finally settled in the courts. She didn’t want to have to go stay with her mother every other week, not when the woman had soured so completely since Stolas had cheated on her. Apparently her bad attitude had now transferred to being directed at her daughter instead of being reserved only for her ex-husband. They had managed to work in a clause that Via would get to choose where she wanted to go and who she wanted to be with. She wouldn’t get carted around based on the whims of her parents or a court system, she would have autonomy for who she got to be with.
Stolas agreed after a bit more poking and prodding, then got the coordinates that he needed from Blitz. The portal opened and they were permitted to step through onto the plush carpets of Ozzie’s mansion. It was decorated the same way that everything else in Lust was, with massive windows that let in the hazy pink light and blues thrown just about everywhere. 
As soon as they were safely through the swirling bit of magic, Fizz launched himself off the ground and into his boyfriend’s arms. Blitz could barely even think about being jealous or envious of what they had because his own boyfriend was smothering him with affection. He knew that things were going to be okay, even if they would be weird and out of the ordinary. He hadn’t been loved the way he wanted during his first pregnancy, but he was getting it now. And Fizz would get to know what it was like to watch his children grown in the belly of the man he loved, even if that had to be with his third child and Ozzie instead of his eldest girls and Blitz.
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mistkisbiggestfan · 7 months
Omg the Pomni x Fem jester was so cute! Would you mind writing more of it? (If you can or want to)
Pomni, romantic / Jester! Fem! Reader - Part 2
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Pomni (romantic) / Jester! Fem! Reader Hc + Small fic
A/n: Finally writing $h!t in my inbox?? Rare Jules moment, like actually I don’t know what’s happening (I’m gonna write those Tf2 and Voltron requests too, promise) REQUESTS FOR TADC ARE OPEN!!
Summary: Part 2 of being a silly jester couple Words: 1539 Rquest: Yeah!
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She was kind of insecure because of you.
After she settled and realized it’s her life now, tho
You were well, everything she wasn’t; tall, well-built, at least your avatar was, and not to mention Pomni hated to admit that your digital avatar was quite attractive. 
And worst of all, you were an actual circus performer. 
But that has its downsides, of course, when she realized you were closer in behavior to Kinger than Jax or Ragatha? $h!t man. 
She tried to avoid you all day (events before the end of the pilot: the digital feast).
But on the other hand, whenever she saw you, a lightbulb kinda flickered in her brain. 
She’s such a girl failure, didn’t even know you for a day and still fell for you.
The jester was very much confused: “Am I attracted to this…?” 
Yeah she is. This freaks her out. Why is she attracted to a crazy girl?  
Your first meeting was a bit rough, duh, but in between her panicking and having a freak out, she couldn’t help but note your good looks. 
After that she didn’t see you much because you stayed behind with Kinger and Gangle.
– You’re sure this is a good idea? – Ragatha said before turning around, looking at you, Kinger and Gangle. You were laughing about something, Gangle was crying, and Kinger was doing his usual stuff. – Of course, they’re the most mentally stable trio in the whole circus! – Jax snickered before walking along the halls. – Come on ladies, let’s go harass the clown. 
During the time when abstracted Kaufmo ran around, chasing Pomni, at one point you came out of nowhere and scooped her up, bringing her to safety.
Then you kind of fu(/#d off to let abstraction of your dear friend sink in, Ragatha was very worried when she saw you not attending the digital feast at the end of the day.
The loop of never-ending exits and the void left Pomni really fu(/#d, but none really cared (expect for maybe Gangle and Ragatha) because it was her first day.
She didn’t even realize when her legs led her to the digital lake. Like someone else brought her there.
Just as she was about to sit down and relax she heard the deep and loud voice that scared her, the feminine, in other circumstances soothing voice was terrifying, she looked up and saw the Moon talking to someone.
Oh yeah, she almost forgot that Sun and Moon were AI people here. 
“That was great dear, you should show that trick to Caine sometime.” She was talking with someone? But who?
And then, she saw your (in comparison) small figure looking up, with something that imitated fire, more like digital-fire but a flame nonetheless. 
That made her feel worse, it was all superficial, all being nothing more than lines of code. Just like the talking Sun and Moon – not giving off any heat or cold.
Pomni felt herself losing it again as she saw you talking with the Moon above. 
Feeling weird was an understatement. 
Before she could go away, because she was standing awfully close to you two, she heard the loud voice of the Moon again.
Pomni finally snapped out of whatever she was in, her shoes touching the smooth, untextured grass under her. She didn’t know when or how she got here but she had to roll with the punches in this new place she was forced to call “home”. She saw the lake’s water before her before hearing a deep and loud voice of someone seemingly echoing and coming from every possible direction. She looked up.
The moon, or rather, Moon, was talking to someone. She almost forgot it– she? Moon. She almost forgot Moon could talk here, probably being some kind of AI too, like Caine. 
But, Moon was talking with someone and she could tell it wasn’t Caine. – That was great dear, you should show that trick to Caine sometime. – She heard Moon’s voice again. 
And with that, Pomni found herself walking closer to the direction Moon was talking too. How could Moon be seemingly high above, be seen from all directions and 2d like? She sighed, deciding to ponder on the perspective and basic rules that reigned this world sometime later. 
Finally, she saw a small in comparison figure standing and holding a large stick or something like that, which ended with fire on both ends, the flame made her shiver, ironic. She looked as the fire danced, looking more animated than anything else, the thought that it was nothing more than lines of code wasn’t the best. 
As she looked more closely at the figure talking with Moon, she couldn’t make out the words. And she realized, it was you, well now that was obvious, you were the only person dressed like a jester other than herself.
Before she could turn around, walk away, forget about this, she heard Moon’s voice again. – I think you should get yourself going dear, it seems like someone’s waiting for you. – Pomni’s eyes widened as she saw Moon looking at her, and she saw your head whip around to look at the person who was waiting. 
Oh h#|! – She thought, and now she contemplated turning and running away, but before she could do so, you already stood in front of her. And you didn’t look quite as cheerful under the moonlight. 
Now she could notice you had makeup on, well that’s probably just a permanent characteristic of your digital skin. You were quite different from her, that was rather obvious since you were basically towering over her. But one thing was similar, both of you had a $h!t tons of bells on you, how could she haven't noticed you going here? You were basically a walking “hey! I’m here! Can’t you hear me? Oh yeah you can”
You seemed more worried about her now, she didn’t notice, somehow, still, basically checking you out. – Are you alright? – Your voice snapped her out of a staring contest with her and your lean body. 
– What? Oh, oh! – She looked up at you, as you leaned in to hear her better. – I’m not that short – She thought to herself. 
– Is there something you need? – You said now starting to walk along, towards the entrance of the main area. She shook herself and ran to catch up, you started juggling as she looked at you weirdly for a second, were those balloons? How the fu(/# can you juggle balloons?
– I just wanted to thank you, for, eh when you saved me from that monster. – She said, not looking up at you, but she heard a laugh, snicker, whatever, it seemed more nervous than cheery though.
– Kaufmo.
– What?
– That wasn’t a monster. It was Kaufmo. – You said, still juggling, she seemed to catch on with your thought process. 
– Right. Sorry – She apologized quietly, both of you being now in the hallway leading to your rooms. But you laughed it off, catching all the balloons and popping them, like Caine did with Bubble, with funny sounding “pop”. Only now she realized you were standing still now, not walking anymore. 
– Don’t beat yourself over it, sweetheart. – You laughed, not mockingly, somehow it sounded lovely. Amd Pomni froze – her face red. Oh god she if she didn’t want to hit herself then, she definitely wants to after this. Once she realized what happened your laughing disappeared a long time ago. She looked around and found out you left her off in front of her new room. – Wow… – She breathed out. 
At first you were not a big fan, but your behavior was always the same, you really kept almost everything to yourself, but you have to admit she was a little cutie.
Ever since you always tried to make her flustered, and it always works.
She tried to make you flustered on more than one occasions but you seem to not be able to feel flustered or embarrassed, your face just goes from “:D” to “(´ ꒳` )” 
You’re actually the boldest mf out there, even bolder than Jax. 
Jax probably gave up on trying to prank you after that “staring at your soul” thing.
But Pomni is a brand new target, so you protect her. And it makes her flustered, but on the other hand, what doesn’t make her flustered?
She might have called you mommy by accident. She was burning, but to her shock. That seemed to make you flustered, but just for a second, before you laughed sweetly at the mess before you.
“That was great, cutie.” “Thanks mommy.” “...” “...”
She should be glad Jax didn’t overhear that, or did he?
He did. It’s over for her. 
She was walking through the hallway towards your room and looked up to see him, looking down at his nails, even though they were covered with his gloves. “Pomni, remember that calling the jester mommy isn’t very PG 13.” He smirked before the situation resolved to a harmless fistfight.
Caine doesn’t bat an eye, maybe says something to Pomni but that’s all. (You’re his and Moon’s favourite so it’s understandable, don’t let the others know though.)
Favouritism is real.
Overall very cute, two jesters are always better than one.
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flammingnachos · 9 months
𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣. (𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙖!𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙮 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)
𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨: upon joining luffy’s crew after he saved your life he started to feel a sense of need to protect you more than the rest of the crew members with how being with you can make him feel like he’s been “locked out of heaven for too long”
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: slight cursing, opla spoilers (ep 2), mention of abuse, protective luffy, buggy being perverted toward the reader, best captain luffy
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗿; I changed up the episode a bit for the reader to fit into the story and for the sake of the story
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Fluttering my eyes open feeling someone shaking my shoulders.
It slowly opened my eyes and it was luffy smiling at me I noticed we were in some type of cargo box, I wasn’t the only person that was waking up the rest of the crew was too.
Zoro groaned out mumbling something about his swords and Nami looked around asking about her navigation gear.
suddenly luffy felt up on the top of his head.
“Phew they didn’t take my hat” he praised out
Nami rolled her eyes at that and made a sarcastic remark
“dammit we lost the map” she said getting up as luffy helped me to my feet in a flash hitting his heat on the cradle in the process and so did I
“ouch” I mumbled out, luffy caressed my head patting it slightly while answering back Nami
“no we didn’t..it’s in a safe place” he whispered out looking down and rubbing his stomach
Nami grimaced at that looking over at Zoro who was punching the cradle
“hey! Stop that” she whispered yelled out
“what I’m tryna find a way out”
“We’ve been captured we need a plan”
“I don’t need a plan. I just need to beat the hell out of every marine I see.”
Luffy interfered stopping both of them from having a further argument explaining that we were captured by pirates not marines.
“Great that’s much better news” I mumbled out rubbing my forehead from the serious migraine I’m about to have
Zoro started back with his mumbling about fighting these pirates when he gets to them but Luffy stopped him to it.
“We don’t need to fight them..we just need to talk to them..pirate to pirate” he announced out
“that won’t work” Nami spoke
“Why not?”
“Well for one you’re not a pirate!”
“Yes I am”
“No your not your just some starchy guy in a tattered hat”
“I’m a different kind of pirate”
“No your not pirates are pirates”
Right on cue the cradle top has been opened and the cradle bottom infront of us had dropped down revealing flashing lights and circus music.
We carefully stepped out, luffy instinctively grabbing a hold of my wrist while slowly walking out watching the performance of the circus dancers with his big wide smile.
I carefully inspected my surroundings, flinching a bit when a person dressed up as an animal blew fire right infront of my face
Once the performance was over he was holding my wrist with his while clapping along with the ‘audience’ that were screaming and clapping with joy.
Nami slapped his hands slightly signaling him to stop clapping.
“No, No, No..Stop clapping it’s all wrong!” A clown had said making his way into the center of the tent
“Spotlight was late, you completely missed my entrance” he angrily said as the spotlight then moved onto him on cue
“Where and oh where was the dancing..lion” he asked a man dressed up as something I’m guessing was a animal
“Hey.. I know you, I saw your wanted poster in shell’s town, your the clown guy” luffy spoke gaining the clowns attention as he looked over at us
“Uhm,uh..” Luffy looked over at me giving me the ‘what’s his name’ look
“Binky..” I said slightly unsure of my answer
“yeah, Binky right”
“Buggy..I’m buggy the clown” Buggy said slowly walking over towards us giving me a stare
“Buggy the flashy fool..Buggy the genius Jester”
“Wow you have a lot of names..I bet everyone in the east blue knows who you are” Luffy voiced out amazed by the clown
The atmosphere then went silent..and then gasp where heard throughout the tent.
That smile the clown guy once had turned upside down as he looked back at luffy
“What did you just say?” He slowly asked out
“Was that everyone in the east blue knows-”
“NOSE?!” buggy yelled out storming over to luffy and grabbing up his face, shouting
“Are you making fun of my nose”
“Well.. I wasn’t but now that you mention it, is that thing real?” Luffy muffled out from the right grip the clown had on his nose
He then tried to touch it but buggy smacked his hand away leaving the people in the ‘audience’ gasping at this act
“What real is I’ve been scheming for months.. to steal that map from that old axe handed moron” buggy said forcefully pushing luffys face out his hands and walking and carefully watching us.
He’s eye landed on luffys hand holding my wrist and giggled out
“..only to find out that I was up staged by three little nobodies right up under my nos-” He stopped himself yelling out
“hey..I’m not a nobody I’m Monkey D luffy and one day I’m gonna be king of the pirates” Luffy said
The clowned laughed out at his remark along with the ‘audience’
He then began talking about his boring crew and his boring bounty poster and how it is his destiny to become pirate king
Blah blah blah
“No you won’t cause I’m gonna find it first” luffy then argued back
“Don’t make me laugh” he then slickly said
Everyone started to laugh
“enough with these games, I’m rorona zoro, the pirate hunter” zoro said
wtf.. does he want to get us killed
At that point I just ignored everything zoro said for the sake of myself to not get a heart attack from the way knives were starting to point at us
“If I can’t offer them the map then at least I can offer them a pound of flesh” buggy said smiling down at us flashing the knives sticking out of his knuckles
“Wait wait!” Nami interjected
“What if I can offer you something valuable”
“something more valuable than the map?”
“What if I give you a new freak for your crew?”
“ a rare talent, most spectacular act in all of the east blue beside you of course” she then said slightly moving closer to luffy and he only smiled along
“Go on..”
She then sneakily backed up slowly next to luffy and grabbed his straw hat tossing it in the air and making a run for it
That bitch
“Hey!” Luffy yelled using his free hand to stretch up and grab his straw hat
“Get her” yelled the clown to his crew mate
They ran and in the next minute they brought her right back in struggling in there grips
“what did you do to the town? You destroyed everything!” She said yelling at the clown in which he only chuckled
“Not eveything.. I let them keep there hands” he said snacking on something he took out his pocket as everyone started to applause again
“Now onto my map”
“What was it you said rubber boy.. that it was in somewhere safe”
Luffy looked over at me surprised
“Don’t be surprised I got eyes and ears everywhere” he jokes out
“So please make our guest uncomfortable in the green room.. but please leave our pretty couple here out here” he snicked looking at me dead in the eyes too
I could feel luffy’s grip tighten more in my wrist
“I am gonna have a chat with my new stretchy pal, and have a audience with it” he said peering over at luffy but still watching you
He had signaled his crew mates to grab luffy
They had all grabbed luffy pushing him into a board while locking his down onto it and stretching out his limps onto it.
Buggy grabbed me up in a tight hold as he pushed me down on a chair infront of luffy, locking me on it.
“MORE” buggy signaled out to the person that was stretching out luffy’s limps as luffy screamed out loud at the contact
“I want you to think of this as a artistic exercise” buggy expressed out to calm down luffy
“Because pain leads to art”
“And art reveals the truth”
What the actual fuck
I looked back over at luffy worried as he only smiled out at buggy’s words
“But there’s only one truth in this exercise”
“Truthfully..I’m kinda hungry” luffy expressed out
Phew.. that was close
“Don’t circus have cotton candy?”
I nearly laughed
“What would you possible need the map for?” Buggy questioned out
Meanwhile I was trying looking around to find a way to escape without causing much of a distraction, I tired moving around my hand but nothing would work.
Whole luffy was distracting buggy I was trying to think of where I put my lock picket that I stole from alvidas office the day me and my older brother Koby escaped.
“What makes a boy wants to grow up and become and pirate?..who are you trying to empress”
“A lover” I froze feeling buggy gaze go right back on to me
I acted normal looking around anywhere but his eyes, rubbing my hands together to try to drag out the lock picket that was tucked in my shoulder band
“An absent parent”
“Or was it a false idol” he said looking back over at luffy
Phew that was close
Minutes of concentration and wrist rubbing the pick locket had slides down into my palms, looking back up now I saw buggy playing with luffy’s straw hat still questioning him
I then put my attention back onto the pick locket and was trying to pick the lock.
“Stench him until he breaks..”
God no.
“You’ve made us your prisoner and taking our town hostage” the man begged
“Maybe you’d prefer it if I threw one of your constituents on the rack instead” buggy said looking around the audience while throwing the straw hat to the side
“Hey kid” he then said grabbing a kid from the audience and shoving him into the center of the tent
“Boogie I’m warning you” luffy warned out
“Really, now that’s a laugh”
“I said that’s a laugh” he then said making everyone give back some fake ass laugh
Struggling some more I finally pick it and freed my arms, luckily my legs where tied up and in the moment luffy freed himself from the robes they had tied him up to.
“Put him down” I then said making my way next to luffy as the audience gasp at what was going on infront of them
“But he’s having such a good”
“Yes the best buggy” bugged mocked pulling up the kids face into a fake smile giggling
Right when luffy punched his head it fell of his body and landed in someone’s hand in the audience.. screams erupted and yells
“Well, we’ll looks like we have something else in common..” buggy said turning his head around in the person lap
What fuckery have we gotten ourselves into
His head then attached itself back onto his body and his hands loosen off the kid as the kid ran back to his mother.
“You ate a devil fruit”
“That’s right the chop chop fruit”
“So you can slice me and dice me and I can always put myself back together again” he then said spreading out his limps to showcase this gruesome power of his
“Want to see what else I can do” he whispered out
Oh no
Luffy and I looked right at each other in awe
When we looked back at him his wrist was gone and gasped out, just then luffy felt a tap on his shoulder and then a sleeping bomb was squeezed right into our faces. The hand punched luffys right into the face as we both dropped to the floor
My eyes fluttered open hearing gasps and water leaking
I tried to move my body and found it hard to do so, that’s when I fully opened my eyes squinting to adjust to the bright circus light and looking around to see that once again I was tied up.
But what was infront of me was even more horrifying it was luffy in a glass box that was now being filled slowly with water with luffy slowly banging on the glass door.
“Luffy!” I screamed out watching the water drip down onto his hair
He slowly tries to get up still banging, grunting in pain.
“Let him go!” I screamed out at the mad man that was next to me giggling
He laughed out grabbing me up by my tied arms, pulling me by hair.
I screamed out kneeing him in the groin as he groaned out and kicking him hard in the head, in which his head fell off and re attached back onto his body.
This fucking clown man
“Ooh looks like we got a fighter on our hands” he laughed out still keeping his tight grip on my hair
He then looked over to luffy noticing his struggle
“Don’t bother its seawater” he called out
“Hardly seems fair”
“ all those wonderful powers rendered useless from a few splashes” the clown sighed out loosening his grip and bit but still holding on
“Let me go” I grumped out trying to escape his grasp
“Stop moving will you” he said pushing me on the floor with force as two of his crew mates picked me up and held onto my arms
“Of course you could always give me my map..if you don’t wanna die alone in this tank” he giggled out kneeling down to luffys level in the tank
“My crew..” luffy muttered out looking over at me for a brief second
“Your crew? You mean the ones that abandoned you” buggy laughed out loud
“Just like shanks did”
“Oh did that make you sad?” He mocked
I grunted trying to move out there grasp but they were too tight ugh
“My crew will save me” luffy mumbled out
“your only chance is to give me back my map, and if you do, ..I may have a very special place on my crew for you” buggy offered
Don’t do it luffy
Luffy had slowly started to rise up groaning in pain as buggy followed along getting up too
“Never” luffy argued out
“Why not” buggy yelled out banging his hands on the glass tank and yelling out in pain
“Your a outcast just like the rest of us a freak, scorned and abandoned” he emphasized
“Join me and you’ll be with the person who will become the king the pirates”
“I will find the one piece and become the king of pirates” luffy said
“You can’t make people smile just like you can’t make people happy..I’ll never give you that map” luffy said in determination
“Well then.. I guess it’s curtains for you” buggy smiled out menacingly turning the pipe making more splashes of water come out but more faster and harder
“Luffy, No” I screamed out watching luffy drop down as I tried pushing myself out of there grips
“You now the price you the price you have to pay” buggy let out as luffy tapped on the glass pointing to somewhere as buggy looked over to where
It was Nami as she then threw her bo staff at the glass tank and it cracked a little, taking this distraction I butted my head against one of the men and kicked the other in there groin
Side kicking the one that I head butted and giving the other a knee to his face watching them both drop down in pain.
By that time the glass tank broke as I ran over to luffy that was spitting out water on the ground and now the map.
I kneeled beside him grabbing up his face and while asking if he’s okay
“I’m fine” he rasped out trying to breathe in air
“My map..” buggy called out looking at the map on the floor
Luffys focus then shifted to this straw hat a few feet from him
“My hat..” he rasped out dragging me with him and he crawled out to his hat putting it on his head
As the clown groaned it map laughing out loud
“You want a piece of me” the clown laughed watching zoro try to slice him
“Surprise shithead!”
He then started dismembering his whole body moving them all in the air in circular motion as luffy held me in his grasp leaning on the pole
We watched as zoro and Nami tired fighting off the limps that was floating around them
Luffy slowly pulled us both up as Nami and zoro fell into the audience area
“Ah.., would you look at that” buggy Said putting himself back together noticing me and luffy now standing up
“Somebody escaped my tank of doom and my freaks” he said looking over at me
“Well I’ll be back to finish you off..right after I tear apart your sad excuse for a crew” he yelled out at us
“You can dump seawater on me and I’ll let it slide.. but don’t you ever threaten my friends” luffy said slowly pulling out his arms
“So you want to die first.. be my guest” he then said now dismembering his body AGAIN
“Chop chop..” he then began with his body parts chomping towards us as luffy and I attacked and kicked them out of the way with luffy tackling buggy
And buggy using his knife hand and aiming it towards luffy’s hat, pinning it on the wooden pole as luffy gasped out racing after it but was met with his hand that swept him on the floor and started to strangle him.
I raced over to help him but he used his other hand and dropped me to my feet pulling my hair
“Nami the crates” luffy yelled out getting back to his feet as pulled off the moving hand off his neck and threw it with Nami using her bo stick to throw it into the crates
“Y/n go!” Luffy called out with me forcefully pulling the other hand out my hair and throwing it to Nami with her slamming the other hand in the crates
The clown began throwing more body parts at us with us throwing them all in the pile of crates
“What have you done to me..” he cried out
“Cut you down to size..”
“You’ll never find that treasure, you’re just a sad little boy wearing another man’s hat..” he cried out some more in furry
“I’m not a nobody, I’m monkey d luffy and one day I’m gonna become the king of the pirate” luffy cheered out
“Gum gum..”
“Bazooka” luffy then said throwing luffy out the tent and somewhere in the air
His hands grabbed my wrist one again making his way over to the map on the floor and picking it up as he handed it over to Nami.
“You’re giving this to me..”
“Your the navigator” luffy smiled out back at her
“Let’s get out of this clown show” Zoro said starting to walk away
“There’s still one more thing we have to do” luffy then said stopping him from walking further
We then went and freed the the people in the ‘audience’ untying there ankles.
When we finished as we where making our way out the tent and back onto the boat they had stopped us giving luffy a cradle filled with food
“We don’t have much but please do take this as a token of our gratitude” the old man said gesturing for luffy to take it
“You need it more than we do” Luffy then said smiling back at him turning his heels and walking away but stop in a few distance
“Maybe a little” he said grabbing a piece of meat out of the cradle and running back to catch up to us and grabbing back my wrist heading onto the ship with everyone else appalling us and giving us thank you’s
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scrabbleknight · 8 months
The Amazing Digital Circus Theory: Nothing is Real
I just watched (and rewatched) The Amazing Digital Circus and I absolutely love it, especially with the music. Pomni is my favourite anxiety-filled jester, Kingster is the most relatable character there is, Gangle is precious and should be protected, Jax is literally just the classic yellow-gloved Bugs Bunny, and Ragatha is the nicest person in the cast. Oh, and there's also Caine and Bubble, the beloved showman duo.
I don't really know anything about it outside of the pilot but I still want to put my two cents in the whole theory thing. A-hem! So, the theory goes:
The cast isn't trapped in this digital world; they're DIGITAL COPIES of the original persons.
In September 2015, a science fiction survival horror game was released, titled "SOMA". The game is about a man named Simon Jarrett who, after doing an experimental brain scan to help with his brain damage, was transported to a futuristic underwater lab that is completely taken over by a rouge AI known as the WAU.
Spoiler alert! This game deals with the concept of consciousness as well as the Ship of Theseus, except there's no real body. See, the big plot reveal in the game was that Simon wasn't transported to the future at all; the Simon we've been playing as was really a personality copy of the original Simon, which became the basis of AI technology. The real human Simon lived the rest of his days as usual and eventually died from his brain injury. This plot point about not being the real Simon was not only brought up once, nor twice, but THREE TIMES, each more devastating than the last.
What's happening in the Amazing Digital Circus is something like that. Pomni stated that she wore a headset and was suddenly transported here. But what if that's not true? What if Pomni is actually a digital copy of the real human Pomni (who's name we don't know)? What if that's the case for all of them, minus Caine and Bubbles who are more likely to be true AI made to help them and keep them sane?
This is why none of them can't escape. Because there's no such thing. They're not trapped in this circus purgatory; it's literally the only place they can exist. The real human selves are probably unaware at all. Real-life Pomni probably was playing a game and is now having dinner with her family, blissfully unaware that her personality had been copypasted into The Amazing Digital Circus. Turning into an Abstract is just what happens when their data becomes corrupted, which is exacerbated from insanity. Keeping sane means their data stays clean, or maybe their data becoming corrupted is what makes them insane and Abstracted. The chicken or the egg?
Calling it now; if this theory is true, then Pomni will learn that she herself is not real and this could cause other characters becoming Abstracted, maybe even herself. It could lead to them figuring out how to undo Abstracts, or at least destroy them completely, giving them a way out (through deletion).
As for why their personalities were copied and put into this place... Who knows? It could be an experiment performed by the C&A company, or it could be a glitch in the matrix that became self-aware and isn't big enough of a deal to be dealt with, like an old defunct project.
Man, I am so looking forward to Ep1 :D
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skulls-soul · 4 months
Sometimes my brain will give me ideas for ships that I don’t “necessarily” ship (especially when I have shit to do but don’t wanna)
Mainly because it has my favorite character in it
For instance, Luigi(my favorite character)x dimentio
I have not consumed a single ounce of content for this, except for the casual Tumblr glance
Yet for some reason my brain was like, imagine if after the whole “end of the world pure hearts” situation happened, Luigi and Mario go back to their cabin, and Luigi goes to sleep that night having a dream with dimentio in it
he doesn’t think anything of it as first but as the dreams get more vivid, he realizes that dimentio himself is actually trapped within Luigi‘s mind
Luigi doesn’t say anything to Mario because the last thing he wants to do is cause more stress to his poor Brother who JUST saved the world
So Luigi tries his best to get dimentio out himself thankfully, the jester doesn’t want to be inside of the witches mind anymore then Luigi wants him there 
The thing is, is that neither dimentio or Luigi have control over his dreams, or at the very least the surrounding bit
This causes dimentio to see the world from Luigis eyes, and, slowly by slowly dimentio starts to see value in the world that he tried so hard to destroy
At some point, Luigi ends up having a nightmare, causing dimentio extreme distress because one he now cares for luigi and doesn’t want him to have to deal with that and two any pain and danger, inside of the dream world is very real for dimentio
 after said, nightmare happens, Luigi starts talking to Mario about what’s going on (Mario is both flabbergasted and furious for not knowing sooner, but will quickly put that aside to find solutions)
Now that Mario is on the case hopefully Luigi won’t feel so stressed anymore, which should intern put a pause on the nightmares
now that Mario knows, I imagine Luigi would go to him telling him about his interactions with dimentio both because it would be nice to talk to someone about it and to come Mario’s worry on the ex lunatic
And it isn’t until one of these conversations in were Mario says that he thinks this guy has a thing for Luigi (after three months of seeing him each and every single night yeah it’s safe to say that he does) but Luigi the beautiful dense idiot brushes it off “pffft waaaat? No mario don’t be silly like ya I’d say we are on good terms but not THAT good”
No matter how much Luigi wants to deny it now that the idea was planted in his head he can’t help but see all the little things that could be “hints” causing Luigi to fall head over heels
I imagine that it isn’t until dimentio is finally set free from Luigis dreams, in where he tells Luigi “ if you don’t ~ mind~  I’d like to stay in this reality with you is… hopefully more than friends”
Luigis a blushing mess once dimentio kisses his knuckles and says his goodbyes
If you think Mario isn’t having the time of his life, teasing Luigi, and telling him how older brothers are always right then I am here to tell you that you are wrong and he is absolutely 100% doing that
By the way, dimentio and Luigi’s first date is that a circus :3
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chiaraanatra · 1 year
You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' | Part 2
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Summary: Goose meets you at the Miramar Officers’ Club and after a drink and a brief conversation he wished would never end he believes that he’ll never see you again. Little did he know while this may have been your first meeting, it would not be your last.
Warning: Swearing, boys being stupid, me knowing nothing about how radar works, Goose having some suggestive thoughts
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Goose is a leg man I will not be taking any questions on the matter. We are all imagining that Carol is living her best life somewhere far from San Diego. I love her and Goose and refuse to kill her off or have either one of them go through a divorce. Sorry not sorry to Bradley for wiping your existence from this fictional plane. Also I know nothing about planes, aviation, engineering, or the Navy, I'm just a Goose girly at heart.
《 part 1 || part 3 || part 4 || epilogue 》 《 m.list || ao3 》
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Maverick and Goose stood stiff as boards against one of the joint naval offices. Goose could feel himself sweating through his khaki uniform as he listened to an irate Air Boss Johnson scream at Commander Mike ‘Viper’ Metcalf. “One of your snot-nosed jockeys did a flyby on my tower at over 400 knots! I want somebody's butt! I want it now! I've had it!”
Johnson burst through the office doors just in time to knock into a Navy boy carrying a tray of coffee. “God damn it! That's twice! I want some butts!” He screamed as he made his way down the hall.
Viper and Jester emerged from the office. Viper let out a sigh, “Well, that'll just about cover the flybys.”
Lieutenant Commander Heatherly looked over at the boys, “Follow me.”
The walk down the hall felt like miles. Nick was used to Pete’s antics, they had been flying together for years, but sometimes it felt like Mav didn’t understand what was really at stake with all this. Goose needed this, not the Top Gun trophy, if Nick was honest, he could give a fuck about the trophy, but if this went south, the two could get kicked out of Top Gun, or worse, lose their wings and be grounded.
The four walked into Commander Metcalf’s office. Metcalf grabbed a manila folder from his desk, before standing to look out his office window. Mav and Goose stood at attention in front of the commander’s desk mentally preparing for the ass-chewing they were about to receive.
“Gentlemen, you had a hell of a first day.” Viper glanced out his office window. “The hard deck for this hop was 10,000 feet. You knew it, you broke it. You followed Commander Heatherly below after he lost sight of you and called ‘no joy.’ Why?” Viper’s voice was steady and calm, too calm for Goose’s liking.
“Sir!” Mav looked straight ahead, “I had Commander Heatherly in my sights. He saw me move in for the kill. He then proceeded below the hard deck. We weren't below 10,000 for more than a few seconds. I had the shot, there was no danger, so I took it.”
God damn it, Mav…
Commander Metcalf turned towards the boys. “You took it... and broke a major rule of engagement!” The rise in his voice made Goose want to curl up and die as he watches the commander walk towards them. “Then you broke another one with that circus stunt flyby.” Viper let out a sigh as he looked back out his office window. “Lieutenant Mitchell... Top Gun rules exist for your safety and that of your team. They are not flexible, nor am l. Either obey them, or you are history. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir!” Stated Mav, his eyes remaining focused on the window in front of him.
Metcalf took the seat in front of his desk before dismissing the young aviators.
Goose followed closely behind Maverick, closing the Commander’s office door after him. He let his hand come down a bit harder than he might have intended on the shorter pilot’s shoulder, “I really enjoyed that, Mav. Thanks a lot.” He leaned up against the wall, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. “Holy shit! Maybe I could learn how to be a truck driver.” He dropped his hands and looked back at Pete. “You have the number of that driving school on TV? Truck Master, I think it is. I might need that…”
Before he could spiral any further, he was brought out of his thoughts by a voice as sweet as honey. “Lieutenant.”
The two men turned to look down the hall. Goose was greeted by a beautiful sight. His eyes widened as he took in your form, making their way from your heels that clicked on the tile floor to your stocking-clad legs that went on for miles. When they made their way to the first of your outfit, Goose couldn’t help but wish your skirt was a little shorter and there was one less button done on your blouse.
Goose shut his eyes and let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Get it together, she’s your instructor!
As you came closer to the two-man Maverick turned to his RIO. “Okay, well,” he dusted off the shoulders of Goose’s khaki uniform. “Don’t be nervous. You look great, dear.”
“Thanks, honey.” Goose turned to you as Maverick made his way down the hall.
You couldn’t help but smile at the interaction. But quickly regained your professional composure. “That pilot of yours is quite the troublemaker. I could hear Johnson yelling from my office down the hall.”
“Mav’s not one to think before he acts. It’s bitten me in the ass more times than I would like to admit.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard about his hotshot antics. Charlie was annoyed, to say the least, after finding out that the two of you were the famous MIG insulter. Then again, judging by the back and forth with Charlie this morning, you seem to enjoy yourself at times.
“Oh, you heard all that...?” Goose looked down at his boots gently taping his foot.
“Bits and pieces to say the least,” You notice him looking everywhere but you. “Look, Charlie and I are instructors, we see 20 new hotshots every eight weeks.” If you were being honest you weren’t completely sure what you were saying. You are his instructor the last thing you should be thinking about is flirting with one of your students, let alone thinking about how good he looks in that khaki uniform. “That being said…”
Goose couldn’t bring himself to look up from his boots, it may have been disrespectful in some right, but he wasn’t sure where to look at this felt like the safest bet. His thoughts were running a mile a minute. Here it comes. Yeah, we can forget all about last night and I promise to think only wholesome thoughts when looking at you-
“I would love to see that MiG polaroid sometime.” You smiled up as the taller man finally met your gaze. You swear you could fall for those amber eyes even though you both knew that could never happen.
Goose smiled at your comment. “I’ll admit if this top gun thing doesn’t work out, I could always fall on photography as a backup,” he joked.
“Don’t forget your singing career. With that, you’re practically a triple threat, Lieutenant.
“Please, call me Nick. At least in casual conversation.”
“Are you anticipating more casual conversations with me Lieutenant?” Before he could answer you looked down at your watch noticing the time. “Well, Nick I should get going. I’m sure I will be seeing you.”
The way his name fell from your lips was heavenly. Unfortunately, before he could form a cohesive sentence you were already making your way down the hall.
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The next day the Pilots and RIOs were split, with pilots going with Charlie to discuss the maneuvering capabilities of the F-18 and RIOs going with you to discuss radar systems and running hypotheticals drills.
You were leaning on the desk in front and center of the small lecture-style room. You could hear the ROIs down the hall before they made their entrance into the room. Marcus ‘Sundown’ Williams, Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe, Ron "Slider" Kerner, and Nick ‘Goose’ Bradshaw. The boys took their seats as you began.
Goose couldn’t help but stare at you as you began talking about radar systems that he knew like the back of his hand. He listened to you talk about the F14’s APG-65 system and its uses. He couldn’t deny that you knew what you were talking about, he could tell that this introduction was to spell that out to the others. He thought about how often people might not take you as seriously as they might a man in your same position and how the thought of someone disrespecting you ticked him off.
“-but you all knew that.” Your pause brought Nick out of his thoughts to focus back on your lecture. “To an extent, a raid assessment allows radar separation of closely spaced targets. While these are advanced systems, and ones far better than what we were using 3 years ago, they are not perfect. If a second MiG is flying close enough below the first, the APG won’t be able to detect the second aircraft until it has diverged from its partner.” You paused for a moment to glance at Goose. “I’m sure some of you have seen this firsthand.” You tried not to maintain eye contact with Goose for too long, however, his eyes never left your form.
Your lecture came to a close. You stood at the head of the desk gathering some files. You hadn’t noticed that someone had stayed behind until you heard a voice from behind you. “You really know your stuff.” Goose was leaning against the railing in front of the first row of lecture seating.
“I sure hope so, I was told I was hired for that very reason.” You said with a smile before turning to face the tall aviator. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
Goose looked down at his boots before looking back up to meet your gaze, “I wanted to ask, why didn’t you tell me who you were the other night.”
“I remember telling you my name. However, I may have left out the Top Gun instructor part.” You leaned against the desk and watched as Nick made his way close to you.
“A small detail. I can see how it could be overlooked.” He joked. He stopped just in of you, watching you look up at him. He couldn’t help as less-than-appropriate thoughts wandered into his mind. He shouldn’t be flirting with you, but you weren’t exactly making any attempts to stop him.
“A small oversight.” You could feel your heartbeat quicken slightly. You bite your cheek in an attempt to subdue the smile that was attempting to make its way across your lips. You couldn’t deny that Nick Bradshaw was a handsome man. His dirty blonde hair, his amber eyes, his voice that you knew could make any woman melt.
“I’ll be honest… I’m very tempted to ask you to dinner.”
Your eyes left his as you scribbled something on a piece of paper, “I usually make it a point to not date my students, Lieutenant.”
For a moment Nick thought he had crashed and burned, but then your words hit him, “usually?”
You folded the quarter sheet of paper twice, “usually.” You smile up at him before standing and gathering your things. Before making your exit, you placed the small note into his breast pocket, taping it lightly.
Nick watched as you exited the room. As clique as it was, he hated to see you go but couldn’t complain about watching you leave. When you were out the door he quickly grabbed the note out of his pocket
Dinner tonight 6:00 102 Laurel Beach Don’t be late!
“Holy shit…” Goose looked at his watch, it was 3:30 now. He grabbed his jacket and ran out into the hallway only to be met with Mav and Ice having a dick-measuring contest just down the hall. “Mav!” he waved his pilot down.
“Might want to run along to mother Goose,” Ice laughs.
“Yeah, I’m sure you have to find Slider and make sure he’s not lost in the hangar again.” Mav flashed the taller pilot a smile before making his way down the hall to his RIO.
“You never gonna believe this,” he hands Mav the note.
Mav looks at the note, “wow, Goose, your handwriting has improved. But you didn’t have to write me a note to get me to go to dinner with you.”
Goose let out a fake laugh placing his hand over his heart, “haha! Oh, Mav, you kill me!” He snatches the note out of the shorter man’s hands. “It’s from Stinger.”
Nick held up three fingers, “scouts honor!”
Mav looked at his watch, “You better get going. You definitely need a shower. Also please don’t wear one of your stupid Hawaiian shirts…”
“What? Ladies love my Hawaiian shirts!”
“Sure, they do.” Mav rolled his eyes watching his friend practically run down the hallway. “And use protection!” He yells.
Goose turns to run backward and flashes a middle finger and a smile to Mav before making his way out of the building.
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Part 3
Taglist: @luckyladycreator2 & @saturnsbabe69
As always, feedback, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑏𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑? 𝐿𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 💜
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tinkadreamchaser · 1 month
Jester, not Clown. Fool, not idiot.
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This is going to be a bit of a pointless rant, BUT.
I'm sure someone already did this, but I want to do my own theorizing and detail dump. I realized that there were several clown-ish characters crossed out in the hallway featured in the pilot, including Kaufmo, but no jesters. So with the idea of Kinger having been with a 'Queen' character once before (and of course, we assigned a meaning to that, right?)
So, the characters forms got to have some meaning, which means I get to dive into a thorough analysis of what a jester and/or fool is supposed to be, do and represent.
Unlike modern clowns, jesters were employed by royalty to entertain the court, which is why they were called court jesters. They could also perform for the general public as part of travelling performers, but the connection to the court is what stuck out to me, since we already have a literal chess King as a character. And the close connection to the royal court would give jesters a bit more insight into the workings of the court and were given the privilege to speak the truth for comedic value. (Which is also something Shakespeare liked to do, let his jesters be little oracles of a sort.)
They were even considered as advisors and critics at times, since they had the Jester's Privilege to speak freely to the crown.
This, in combination with Pomni seeing and going for the elusive Exit right off the bat, makes me think she's just gonna keep seeing a bunch of stuff that was supposed to remain behind the scenes and hopefully relay it to the others. This has already happened in the second episode, in part. But she is still new, ergo a fool.
Which brings me to the dumbest connection my brain has made: The Fool tarot card.
The major arcana cards in tarot are supposed to represent life-altering events, the big steps a human being takes on their life's journey. And the Fool, number 0, is the first. (Usually pictured happily walking off a cliff, with their gaze to the clouds.)
The idea is that the fool has the potential to be great, but due to inexperience, may be seen as stupid.
So, whether the 'court' in the Amazing Digital Circus is a nod towards Kinger or Caine, I have no idea. Functionally, Caine is in charge, but maybe Kinger was at some point? Maybe it's both, but the one thing I am certain about in this chaotic trainwreck of a show is that Pomni is gonna wise up real quickly, and once she does, she'll probably dismantle the whole system.
Rant over. Do with it what you will.
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deadstoats · 5 months
more old drawings today! even if no one realy interesed in it
so! as i am really into clowns and jesters, today's hot take is my clown gang!!! they all from the same circus and working together
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sweet popcorn (they/she/it)
they're like a boss for whole gang, but actually she doesn't appear at the circus very often because they have other work to do! like... save the world! or destroy it! because they're friends/enemies/rivals with some local detective and always trying to stop them or help them. but of course she still loves circuis and everyone there. popcorn is a true trickster of them all.
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sour candy and salty caramel (they/it)
a duo that you'll never see apart. they're always together, not only at the stage but in a daily life too! candy is a calm, lazy and positive; and caramel is just a small weepie and crybaby. and candy is the only one who can calm caramel down! but at the other hand, caramel also a little scared by candy because they have this hidden risky nature, loves scary things, and their pranks sometimes are too much. but candy don't want to offend caramel or hurt them! they do really love them, it's just their strange nature
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cherry bomb (they/it)
the youngest one and the craziest one, not in an evil way tho, just for fun! their hunger for fun, tricks and pranks is immeasurable. they don't fear ANYTHING and will do anything to make audience or their friends laugh. and yeah, sometimes it's too much, like for sour candy. don't blame them, they have a brain of 6 years old. and a cannon! a giant cannon that no one else can lift up and that can shoot anything from ballons with water to a real lions.
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minty (she/they/it)
a dog. not in a furry way, it's LITERALLY a dog. a dog that can talk, but a real dog. someone just threw her away, and clowns were the ones to find her. they taught her to walk on two legs and even made her a costume! and a little hat!!! she's a shy doggy, but kind and curious, she likes to talk to people and learn things. she knows some tricks and really really wants to learn magic ones!
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liquorice (he/they/it)
a cat, but in a furry way now. he's a mime and also a magician. he never talks, usually using sign language, pantomime, writing and any other way to communicate, and everyone just. understand him. but minty says that he CAN talk, it's just others can't hear him. he has this typical cat nature for sure, and he's also a big cheese lover. liquorice is actually a 100% white cat, he just paints his ears, nose and tail with black. he also has an assistant named meringue, but she's my friend's character so i can't show her here
and that's all for today
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blue-bower · 1 year
Just a bunch of Silly Little Guys
So some of yall have probably noticed I've had a tiiiiny bit of a hyperfixation on clowns and jesters for a while now. 
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It really started becoming apparent to me when I latched onto Jevil in 2018, but I've honestly loved clown characters for many years. I think the earliest I may have realized I might have a thing for them was that scene from The Brave Little Toaster, and the Toon monsters from Yu-Gi-Oh. I think I was just, in denial or hadn’t fully realized it. And I’ve thought a lot about all the reasons they appeal to me.
1.) Laughter: Laughter and comedy is fucking amazing. I love to laugh, I love hearing and making other people laugh. Everyone deserves something that can brighten their day, and I love that there’s a bunch of gremlins out there whose entire job is to bring laughter. And I enjoy all the methods they use to loosen people up: Pranks, tickling, general goofiness, appealing to one’s inner child, tickling (x2), making someone absolutely loopy and laughter-drunk with bouts of lunacy and ridiculousness, giving playful scares.
2.) Design: I think clown & jester designs are so much fun and so freaking cute. I love elaborate, colorful outfits, I have mad respect for people who can tolerate wearing facepaint all day, I love seeing people who can absolutely own a mismatched, extravagant, goofy outfit.
3.) Fear factor: I enjoy how much they creep people out. I'm a little shit that loves scaring people, and I myself am an adrenaline junkie that enjoys spooky & unsettling things. It fascinates me how so many people have a phobia for silly little guys in facepaint.
4.) Personality: I've always taken a liking to characters that are unhinged and chaotic with way too much energy. I don't necessarily like blatant Evil/Killer Clown stereotypes (I could honestly care less about Pennywise, and the Joker leaves a bad taste in my mouth due to my ex and an abusive POS ex-friend) But I enjoy characters that don't give a fuck what society thinks about their oddities. Characters who just enjoy being pranking little shits, who just want to be seen and enjoyed for the manic goofballs they are. Characters who are on the verge of finally fucking snapping after being misunderstood for so long, because heaven knows I can relate to that.
5.) Commentary on society: Jesters especially are meant to tear down societal conventions, to mock and point out the shortcomings of the upper class. And I eat that shit up, as someone who absolutely hates societal expectations, corporations, biased dictation over how people should behave, how they should view people who exist outside of heteronormativity, gender norms, race & neurotypical behavior. Clowns are often seen as the butt of the joke, and in that sense, they show a sadder side of how society acts towards people who don’t fit their mold, showing the effect that emotional abuse can have on the psyche of someone who just wants to bring joy.
6.) Relatability to myself: For a long time I’ve loved to entertain people, I love making people laugh, I enjoy being in the limelight when in costume and acting as a character, I love impacting peoples' moods in a positive way. That being said, for a good majority of my life, I felt like I was the clown that everybody mocked and laughed at. I was constantly bullied, humiliated, blown off, looked down on. I was the clumsy, ditzy, undiagnosed neurodivergent that everyone in middle & early high school unanimously agreed was a prime target for projecting their need to feel superior. I've always had the worst luck, and to this day I feel like I jinx everything I say or do. Life tried to make a clown out of me. If the song “Circus Hop” existed in my teen years, I would feel it to my core.
But, now that I'm finally more confident in myself, I choose to embrace the klutzy, silly, manic inner gremlin that craves to see the downfall of massive corporations and bigoted, entitled, joyless prickheads. The side of myself that refuses to let harsh realities and cynicism stifle my childlike imagination & creativity and my passion for fictional worlds in "childish" animated media. And I won't let people look down on me for it. I won't let people see me as a laughingstock anymore - not unless it's on my own terms. I'll choose to let people laugh at me, and laugh with me, for reasons that highlight my good traits, not because they think they can throw pies at my face whenever they want.
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faotoni · 15 days
Confessions of a Teenage Jester
Synopsis: Fizz wants to open up to Blitz about something important. Hi there. I like 21 Pilots and the new album has me in a chokehold. I AM working on Aftermath, it’s just taking a lot longer because my muses have a lot to say. This is just silly and pointless and i have about 100 things I SHOULD be doing but In the middle of all that I was like; “hey. I wanna write.” So I derailed my life to do this. Song Inspo: Backslide- 21 Pilots I have a BlitzFizz playlist I was using to entertain myself when I was working on preparing for my vendor spot at pride. Blame that. And me. And 21 Pilots. I own none of my free will. :P Ages: I head canon that Fizz is two years younger than Blitz. The end. I have no rhyme or reason for this I just think that way. They are both teenagers in this, maybe 2-3 years before the accident. Also YES this is the same Terri from Aftermath. Yay for tiny role OCs :D Happy Pride! :D see ya the 31st :D
“Hey! Hey wait up you two!” A voice echoed and bounced off the old, decrepit buildings that lined the streets that ran parallel to Cash Buckzo’s circus in Greed. The buildings were all abandoned, left to rot or become home to vulgar graffiti and even worse bugs and mold as the years went by. 
The voice belonged to another circus performer, a tall Imp named Terri, who had one horn shorter than the other. He was a year older than Blitz and three years older than Fizz; he had been in the circus though around as long as the two of them have, his mom and dad falling on hard times, desperate to find success somewhere. Terri himself was ok; he was a tad loud and didn’t have the greatest “read the room” radar. 
“Shh, be quiet, we aren’t even supposed to leave!” Blitzø hissed once Terri caught up to him and Fizz.
Fizz offered a little wave before wrapping his arms around himself, a look of disappointment on his face. He wanted this adventure to be just the two of them, Blitzø and himself, like it always was. The two were going down the road to the old carnival, to see if they couldn’t reactivate some of it and have a fun night riding some rides or just freaking each other out by hiding behind things, or finding old masks to scare each other with. 
“Then what the fuck are you doing out?” Terri asked raising an eyebrow and Blitzø, who waved his hand at him and walked closer to Fizz. 
“Come if you want, I’m sure you’d say something to my dad if you don’t…” Blitzø grumbled in response, quickening his pace and brushing against Fizz as he passed, causing Fizz to pause for a second and blush. 
Lately, things have been… weird. 
And they shared a room so it only made them weirder. 
It wasn’t weird to Fizz when he found himself attracted to guys, he sort of always suspected that, it was weird when he started developing a crush on his best friend. They were almost always together, they relied on each other to make it through the day, through performances, Fizz always being there to comfort Blitzø from his dad’s abuse… it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility that Fizz would fall for his best friend, it was just… weird. They were friends. They did friend things. Right? 
Well… maybe that was a little bit of an understatement, they were more than friends some may say, and possibly why Cash didn’t like seeing the two together. They would sneak off at night to go swimming in unsuspecting demon’s yards, steal from local stores around the circus, sleep curled up together in the only tree in Greed, a thousand year old hard oak with no leaves left but the perfect bowed out perch to sit or lay in while watching everything from below. 
That past part was what made Fizz suspicious of Blitzø. He wanted to think his best friend felt some sort of way about him too, because there were little moments like that, the compliments, the reassurance, the “intimate” goofing off, that lead Fizz to believe, to hope that Blitzø felt something, but he wasn’t sure. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if Blitzø knew. 
“Dude. When have I ever done that?” Terri asked, leaning an arm of Fizz’s shoulder while they walked. 
“Uh. Last week. When I gave you some of my dad’s booze and you fucking told him!” Blitzø complained, turning to face Terri. When he realized Terri was leaning on Fizz, Blitzø took Fizz by the wrist and pulled him to his side, prompting him to run by tugging at his wrist. 
The two ran down the road laughing, with Terri running behind them trying to catch up. 
Stuff like that. 
The Carnival seemed darker than the street, even though the carnival had lamps and the street did not. The lights seemed to make everything darker, causing deep shadows over places that would otherwise wise be light. It was creepy, but also fun. 
“Alright we’re do we start?” Blitzø asked turning to Fizz who turned to look at Terri who was looking up at a tall tower ride. “This was your idea, Fizz.” 
“I know that, uh…” Fizz looked away and walked further into the park. One of the overhead lights caught his eye, the dim light shining on a round barrel looking ride. “That one.” fizz pointed to it, getting closer to it to inspect what it could possibly do. The pair of them and possibly Terri had never been to a carnival before, none of them could afford to go to Mammon’s “Loo Loo Land” but when that made the small park near the Circus go out of business, Fizz had the idea to at least go and check it out before Blitzø suggested they try to get the rides to work so they could at least try them out. 
“Alright.” Came Blitzø’s reply, closer to Fizz than he thought he was. Blitzø was standing next to him, observing the electric panel that made the ride work. “I mean if I could read…” Blitzø started pressing buttons until the lights around the ride turned on and a loud horn blared, shaking the ground and causing the two Imps to jump back. 
“Whoa! That one works!” Terri yelled from wherever he was, somewhere behind the two. 
“Yeah hopefully.” Blitzø said; tongue out in concentration as he studied what button to press next. 
“Big red button says start…” Fizz offered from over his shoulder, putting a shaking hand on it before smiling at him in reassurance. 
“You’re a nerd.” Blitzø fired back making a face at him before turning back and pressing the button Fizz suggested. The barrel started to lift up, a couple of loud creaks from months of abandonment as it stretched up to its tallest position before the whole barrel started spinning, some obnoxiously loud dance music accompanying its ascent. 
“Awesome!” Fizz said jumping up and down. Terri had joined them next to the ride. 
“So how do we get on?” He asked. The three looked at each other. 
“Well, I guess we would have to take turns, someone has to be out here to press all the buttons, so it actually works.” Fizz explained. He looked back at the panel and reached over to press the stop button. The ride slowly stopped spinning and returned back to its resting position. “I think Blitzø and I should try this ride out first, you can press the buttons for us.” 
“Okay but I ain’t doin’ it every time. I want to try them too.” Terri said raising a brow at the pair. Blitzø smirked evilly, sharing the look with Fizz who took a second before realizing what he was thinking, causing Fizz to look down and blush, chuckling. 
“You are NOT leaving me on one of these fucking things.” Terri growled, pushing Blitzø playfully. Blitzø and Fizz burst out laughing. 
“Alright alright just promise us you won’t tell my dad shit.” Blitzø said, holding a hand out to Terri. He rolled his eyes but accepted the hand. 
“Fine.” Terri agreed. Fizz regained his composure and walked Terri through the 3 buttons he needed to press for the ride to work before he and Blitzø entered the ride. They both looked at each other as they realized the ride didn’t have seatbelts, but it appeared that there was a ledge and the floor drooped out. 
“Uh. Ha-ha…” Blitzø said walking in and standing against the wall. “Good luck to us I guess!” He giggled as Fizz closed the door, trying to figure out how the ride worked exactly before taking his place next to Blitzø, the two of them sharing a look. 
“Alright Terri!” Blitzø yelled. The ride started playing its music and rising and the middle of the floor opened up. Fizz guessed that the spinning would keep the two of them in place and that they would both not be violently flung from the ride but he was nerv-
Blitzø took Fizz’s hand, linking their fingers together and squeezing tightly. Fizz blushed and the lights around them flashed before going out completely. The barrel started to spin and fizz felt his body press against the back of the wall. Blitzø let out a loud laugh before yelling; “Fizz! Try lifting your arm!” Fizz tried lifting the arm that wasn’t holding Blitzø’s hand, it wouldn’t move. 
“What?” Fizz asked in disbelief, trying again and laughing. He tried to lift his head too but it wouldn’t budge. 
The ride was over too soon. 
“Woooo!”Blitzø yelled after the ride came to a stop. He started moving before the floor fully closed and tripped on his own feet, falling to the ground. Fizz moved forward, concerned before Blitzø let out another “woooo” before laughing and rolling over, looking up at Fizz. 
Fizz smiled at him and held out a hand to help him back up. Blitzø took it and got up, their hands lingering together before fully letting go. Blitzø looked towards the door, which opened to Terri who was wearing a large grin. 
“My turn!” 
The night was exciting. Even with Terri there. The trio managed to get almost every ride to work, and spent a long time scaring the shit out of each other in a funhouse with broken mirrors and even more broken animatronics. Fizz just wished it was the two of them still. Before they had gone on this adventure, Fizz had tried to psyche himself up into telling Blitzø about how he felt, or at least about his feelings for guys. He thought he owed that to his best friend, being the first being he ever came out to. He was sure that Cash would give the two of them hell for it, Cash wasn’t the biggest fan of anyone “different”, though he wouldn’t outright attack Fizz for it, he would find a way to make it Blitzø’s fault. Fizz didn’t want that. He only wanted to tell Blitzø so that he might be able to help him hide, or maybe telling him might get rid of his crush, him finding out might just squash that. Fizz imagining Blitzø putting a hand on his shoulder and laughing at him saying something like; “that’s cool” would really kill the feeling.
Regardless it was moot now. Fizz couldn’t tell Blitzø the truth. Not with Terri there. 
“It’s getting late, huh, guys?” Terri asked, joining Fizz on the broken bench he was currently sitting on. Blitzø wasn’t too far away from them, standing on a fake plant and looking out over the rest of the park. 
“It’s always been late!” Blitzø called from where he was. 
“Yeah but don’t you think we should pack it up? They might start lookin’ for us.” Terri said. He wasn’t wrong, but, it was seldom that anyone checked around the sleeping quarters at night. No one really ever suspected Blitzø and Fizz sneaking off because they always knew around the time they should come back. 
“Pussy. If you want to leave you can. Me and Fizz’is professionals.” Blitzø said jokingly, jumping off the plant and casually walking over to the bench. Terri looked at Fizz who was looking off into the distance; the dim lights of Mammon’s “Loo Loo Land” filled the grey sky. 
“If you want to go ahead you can.” Fizz said. “It’s a nice night.” Fizz didn’t want to leave yet. He felt free and calm anywhere but the circus. Sure, he loved preforming but he didn’t love being abused, or being forced to diet, or being forced to practice for 13 plus hours a day, or being away from Blitzø… here, on the outside he could be free.
“Yeah I think I’m gonna head back.” Terri said standing up and brushing off his pants. “See you guys in the morning.” 
Blitzø and Fizz both bid Terri farewell and watched him disappear into the darkness of the street. Blitzø joined Fizz on the bench and signed, scratching his head. 
“Do we ever have to go back?” Blitzø asked almost miserably. It was a question that he asked almost every time they went on an adventure. Fizz felt bad for Blitzø. If anyone deserved to escape the circus, it was him. He got abused worse than Fizz was, once being sold to Royal snobs for 5$. Fizz couldn’t imagine having a family who you thought cared about you do that. 
“We could stay here forever.” Fizz said reassuringly, even knowing they couldn’t do that. He took a deep breath before reaching over and touching the top of Blitzø’s hand. Blitzø looked over at their hand before turning his over and holding Fizz’s hand. 
“We could run…” Blitzø suggested. Fizz liked the idea, imagining the two of them running away together, stealing enough stuff to buy a crappy apartment and being able to live together and do what they want, without the threat of being abused or starved for someone else’s gain. 
“I wish…” Fizz mumbled. It wasn’t feasible. If Fizz agreed and stood up and tried to pull Blitzø up with him, he would stop and ask Fizz about Barbie, or his mom. Blitzo couldn’t truly leave. He couldn’t leave them. It left Fizz feeling lonely. He didn’t have the same hang ups. He didn’t have a family. It was just him.
And Blitzø… 
“But we can’t.” Blitzo murmured, taking Fizz’s hand in both of his and playing with his fingers, causing Fizz to blush. He took a deep breath and looked away for a minute, figuring it was now or never. He should tell Blitzo the truth. 
“Blitzø, I need to tell you something.” Fizz said nervously, pulling his hand away and inching further away from Blitzø. 
“What’s up?” He asked, turning to look at Fizz who was looking at his knees. 
“I’m gay.” Fizz started. He couldn’t make eye contact with Blitzø yet. “I’ve known since I was like 8 or so. I just don’t know, I didn’t know if I should tell anyone, but you’re my best friend, and…” Fizz stopped as he felt Blitzø’s arm wrap around his shoulders and squeezed them. 
“I kinda figured.” Blitzø said laughing a bit. “Have you seen yourself? Haha, Barbie taught you to wear makeup because you asked!” He squeezed Fizz’s shoulders again and poked Fizz’s hand with his finger. “You’re wearing nail polish.” 
“Those are just stereotypes! I like all that stuff!” Fizz defended himself weakly. Blitzø rested his head on Fizz’s shoulder. 
“Uh huh. Yeah.” Blitzø said. Fizz sighed and put his head down on Blitzø’s. “I’m not surprised, is all I’m sayin’.”
“thanks, jerk.” Fizz grumbled, and pushed Blitzø away from him a little before smiling shyly.
Blitzø regained his composure from being pushed and slid back to his spot sitting next to Fizz, putting his arm around him again. “Thanks for telling me.” He said after a few seconds of silence. “I was just joking about all that, I didn’t really know… but it’s cool you know, I sure don’t…”
“It takes time I guess.” Fizz offered, not knowing too many other beings who had come out. He didn’t know if it was normal to know who he was so early. He figured it was more realistic for Blitzø to not know because of his dad, and his hang-ups on all that.
“Yeah, I don’t know…” Blitzø said almost sadly before shaking his head and standing up. “Now, it’s getting late, we should probably head back.”
“Yeah. Uh, don’t tell anyone else about…” Fizz started while standing before getting interrupted by Blitzø who hugged him.
“Of course I won’t. It’ll be our secret.” Blitzø said softly. “I know.”
-2 Years Later-
Dear Fizz;
Happy Birthday Circus-Pus!
hey, so, i wanted to talk to you about something important, but i didn’t know how to say it out loud, you know? the day we went to the pier, a few weeks ago when i told you i needed to tell you something, and i couldn’t? well, this is that, so...
remember when you came out to me? yeah well, it made me realize something... that i maybe felt the same way. i know now that i did, that i do. i really like you, Fizz...
 Maybe we could try to work it out, maybe we could actually run away... escape all this and be happy somewhere we don’t have to hide from anyone. we could start up our own circus, both be the stars! or you know, anything.
Maybe we could try? Even if we don’t run away?
We can talk about it,
Confessions of a Teenage Jester - Electoni - Helluva Boss (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own]
its here too :) same with Fate.
see ya in 500 years. o/
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peonylover2 · 4 months
So recently I realized that Kal Cavill ( henry cavill’s dog ) is 13 years old. AS OLD AS MY LITTLE BROTHER. HAHAHA now i am sad tho..
Also the change in Henry’s posting is making me laugh. Its going into “ i have settled down into the relationship “ kind of pictures but the caption on today’s made me think “ oh god HAHAHA. He is giving ‘ ya i am resting… IN PEACE . I don’t give a fuck about the thing with the relationship so much anymore ( only a TINY ITSY BITSY) but actually… i am in a better place now. Relaxed “ and I thought oh god i am familiar with this… he is resting like someone who is sinking into the couch after saying “ just a second to rest my back” then they only go lower and decide to stay home.
What i am trying to say… reading his energy from pictures… he is breaking up with Natalie. What he is resting from is marriage.
His posting schedule made think he might be building up to an announcement too.
Curious to see what will happen. I am 99% right in my own life with everyone i ever meet or talk about so this is interesting. Leaning more towards sinking into that couch of being single and free. ( sweet sweet freedom) i predict he will go back to Britain and we will be seeing lots of running and hobbies cozy posts again.
The marriage is a choice not if things were left alone as they are now. I read energy not actions only. This is going to be SOOOOOOO FUN. Can’t wait to win this bet between normal me ( Aquarius logic) and feelings me ( Aquarius spiritual gifts)
Nothing like sweet and hearty claircognize sprinkled with “ I don’t man, doesn’t sound like its our business” its like a jester juggling on a circus ball.. huh… 2 of pentacles symbolism.
My dear nerdy Henry, if by any chance you lurking around and see this. Give kal a kiss and remember to look at your life from a bird eye perspective. Feelings/thoughts and their impact your health, body and spirit are circumstantial and therefore shall be taken with a grain of salt. Good things will come, you never late. You’re exactly where you are supposed to be in everything in life.
The dutch say “ accidents lurk in small corners”
I say so do miracles ( from personal experience especially if that experience is all my life. Right after you say you are exactly where you are supposed to be things start moving so much faster and luckier)
Lots of love ❤️
Greetings from st Michael ( AAM Michael) 😉
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daisyvramien · 2 months
Okay, so maybe this is a little niche and slightly out of left field, but hear me out, bestie: I am feeling so damn inspired by artists right now. I'm talking holy trinity here: Taylor, Hozier, and Lana.
Can I sing like them ? Heck no. Can I play guitar ? Well, enough to entertain a king as a court jester, I suppose. Can I write poetry ? You bet your sweet bippy I'll die trying.
That insatiable need to create something, anything, that's practically bursting out of me like a Jack-in-the-box on steroids. Like "there's smoke in the room and it's time to open the windows or I'll suffocate" type of need.
Sure, work is here, life is throwing its usual curveballs, but you know what ? I REFUSE to let that dampen this fiery desire and NEED to create. It's like, yeah, the world might be a dumpster fire, but if I gotta go, I'll go out vibing and doing what I love. And maybe this whole ramble is just me clowning around, but hey, isn't life just one big circus act anyway ?
Maybe it's the spring allergies finally getting to me, or perhaps it's the delululand citizenship renewal. It could even just be the warm weather making a grand comeback and just making me feel like someone digged up my body. But let's not rule out the very real possibility of some minor brain damage caused by excessive consumption of fanfiction but like... I'm starting to worry that I might be developing a slight case of god complex. Am I good at everything ? Fuck no. Will I still do it cause I love the daylights out of it ? Girl I'll go down swinging for damn sure.
Basically, here's me rambling on and on about the state of my overactive imagination. But hey, if you're reading this and you need a sign or a green light to just DO what you wanna do, consider this it, my friend.
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