yamikawas · 2 years
I love you. I always will. Just give me time, my love, someday I’ll take you away from this place and we can be together forever. 💕 -yoomtah
YYYYYYYOOMIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;///;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE DO STEAL ME AWAY AND LOVE ME FOREVER I'LL ALWAYS BE WAITING FOR YOU I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<333<3<3<4<3<4<3<4=<3<3<3<<33<<3<33<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<333333<3<3<33
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yoursweetwife · 20 days
hi i’m absolutely brain rottimg about dr ratio while trying to complete a lab report
just thinking about his partner complaining about statistics and about how they despise statistical analysis. they’ve got this report to do (i wonder where this idea is coming from…) and they’re dreading it
he notices them furrowing their brows as they input data into this analysis program, cursing under their breath.
“aeons, why is this so confusing…? the graphs they use… why can’t i tell if…” they’re mumbling under their breath, absolutely confused. they’ve actually been at it for a while, and ratio *hates* to admit that he’s beginning to miss their presence…
so he goes up and pries the laptop out of their hands, with a soft mumble of ‘you’re an idiot’ under his breath.
“i’ll help you out. it’s better than watching you fumble with the data like an idiot.” he says softly, but he really is too embarrassed to admit he would literally do their whole lab report for them if they asked him.
just thinking of soft fluffy dr ratio begrudgingly helping his partner suffer through their lab work. as a reward they smother him in kisses and he hates to admit he enjoys seeing them so happy and thankful…
Sorry, it took me a long time to respond to your request. Since you didn't specify gender, I decided to take a female reader
synopsis: [name] was tired and Ratio decided to help his lover
Sitting on the flock sofa, Ratio looked up from his book from time to time to look at his watch. From the outside it may seem that he is completely calm, but inside the scientist was trying to overcome his own anxiety. Only the rapid tapping of his fingers on the pages of the book betrayed his irritation.
Ratio ran his hand through his disheveled hair and sighed irritably. How long he's been sitting here? Ever since you told him to go to bed alone because you had a lab report to fill out, and Ratio knew how much you hated that, but you hated asking him for help even more. And no matter how much Veritas respected you for this, your absence began to bother him.
And Ratio hates this feeling, now even being alone in the room seems like some kind of torture, he’s used to your more physical displays of affection, cuddling against his side, resting your head on his shoulder..
Quiet rustling noises made Ratio glance displeasedly towards the kitchen. He put the book on the coffee table and headed into the next room, trying to make as little noise as possible.
Already at the door frame, his golden eyes met your tired figure. He could hear you irritably whispering curses under your breath while writing something down, and Ratio began to fear that you were about to cry, seeing your completely confused face and futile attempts to fill out the table.
You didn't even notice his bulky figure standing right in front of you, and his worried expression never reached your eyes. For a couple of seconds, he had the urge to throw the ill-fated laptop out the window.
"Oh, I don't understand...what.."
Here again, Ratio rubbed the bridge of his nose, and with light steps walked straight to the table, before you even had time to come to your senses, as the gadget slammed shut in front of your face, making you flinch.
Veritas stands at the side of the table, keeping his hand on the computer and staring irritably straight into your tired eyes. His whole body was tense, as evidenced by the bulging veins on his strong arms and twitching muscles, you almost thought that he was going to scold you for your idiocy, as if you were one of his students.
"Veritas, what are you doing?"
He interrupted your question and leaned closer to your face, and you involuntarily held your breath, avoiding his assessing gaze and waiting for the next words.
“Idiot, how long are you going to rack your brain over such basic things? If you continue to stare mindlessly at the screen, knowledge will not appear in your head automatically.”
Ratio crossed his arms over his chest and looked at you expectantly. You laughed awkwardly and leaned back in your chair, relaxing for the first time in hours.
“What else could I do but stare mindlessly?”
You decided to joke to diffuse the tension. But your lover seemed to take it seriously and pointed to himself proudly.
"For example, asking me for help."
The look of surprise your face did not go unnoticed, but almost immediately it was replaced by a slight smile. Ratio's face relaxed a little, and his cheeks turned a light crimson shade.He cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure.
"I'll help you. It's better than watching you fiddle with data like an idiot."
In just a second he was sitting next to you, opening laptop to see what he had to work with. For aeons, he wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible and be in a soft bed with you in his arms.
You silently watched Veritas’s actions, listening to his explanations, but your thoughts constantly went somewhere else. Contrary to popular belief, Ratio is quite a cute lover, especially in the mornings when he is too sleepy to try to act cool and confident. And his attempts to hide his need for you are adorable.
Soon the work was almost finished, and you even learned something during this time and helped Veritas, for which you received a dry “not bad,” but pride was visible in his eyes.
You couldn't help but yawn, causing tears to form in your eyes. Your lover shook his head softly. His sweet troubled woman.
"Time for bed, you look like you might faint from exhaustion."
“Thank you, Veritas, now I’ll clean everything up and we’ll go...”
Just as you reached for the mess on the table, Veritas stopped your hand, gently grabbing your wrist, and looked at you sternly.
"I'm pretty sure it can wait until tomorrow."
With his free hand, Veritas lifted your chin while the other rested on your waist.
"No "but", we're going to the room now and you won't get out of bed until the next morning."
Ratio said, draw out each word. A deep blush filled your cheeks, for the first time Veritas looked so...needy, and he also seemed surprised by his own words.
Veritas let go of you almost immediately and turned away, trying to hide his red face, but you prevented him by grabbing both of his hands.
“It seems like I never thanked you for your help, does it?”
Your soft hands came to rest on his face, pulling him closer to place a light but passionate kiss on his lips. And Veritas wasted no time in deepening the kiss, leaning into your soothing touch.
If you always thank him like that, then he is ready to fill out thousands of such reports.
You soon broke contact and a few more quick kisses landed on his cheeks, forehead and nose, causing him to protest, but despite the outward hostility, Veritas clearly wanted more, and you were going to give it to him.
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kalims · 1 year
the day we met.
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and to think i promised i wouldn't fall in love.
characters. dorm leaders
cw. not proofread
note. just some random hcs.. I wonder who can recognize what post this resembles hehe.. AKA title
pls read malleus' part mwahahaha I like it
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riddle rosehearts keeps you on your toes (quite literally.) if it weren't for him you're sure you would have fallen off the horse that seems awfully intent on driving you off it's back to a face full of mud. clearly he was lying when he said 'beverly' was a fairly nice horse... she's literally the living spawn of a demon! but you can say that she counts for a pretty great wing.. horsewoman? how else would you get the esteemed riddle to handle you so delicately?
leona oddly resembles a cat... (technically he is one.) but he really likes to nap, you're sure his daily schedule involves sleeping, eating, looking dead every time of the day he's awake then going back to sleep—let's not forget the favorite thing cats love to either knead with their paws or lay on! in this case it's you. at some point you had to tip toe and keep quiet everywhere so he doesn't hear, and promptly snatch you for the rest of the day.
the bounds azul would go for you is a little concerning but you're there for them all the well. as far as you knew on campus he was banned from making contracts but the cheeky little octopus had simply smirked when he casually says that the headmaster never said out of campus.. if he isn't there then how would he know? he just has to lure out whoever was the one that was stupid enough to bother you out of campus, hm... this is a job for the eels, no?
to be honest. forget about azul, kalim would do anything for your expense. it doesn't matter if you ask directly or not, just an implication is enough to trigger his impulsive decisions. seriously though, jamil is begging you to be considerate of what you say around kalim. you don't want him actually purchasing a whole country if you accidentally imply you want to rule one. again, be careful or you'll be smothered by his love, and deep gold pockets.
vil has a tendency to stare. believe it or not, even though it might seem like it would be the other way around you do catch his gaze sometimes but he always ends up trying to play it off. maybe he's sick or something? was there something on your face? (vil: yeah perfection) you find out not to point it out though, last time you did you got ignored with a huff. more so when you catch sight of a furious blush you almost mistook as too much of the makeup product. (no such person like vil wouldn't notice how red his cheeks would be if it was that case.)
besides the unintentional spoiling from kalim (who genuinely just thinks you deserve it all as a form of his love and affection.) idia is by no means poor. how else could he afford all the latest parts for his technology? let alone whale on the games he likes to play. this man spoils you intentionally. if he knows you want a character, weapon, or certain item he's getting his hands on it and giving it all to you. a collector's item? easy. it doesn't matter if the price is too high on the bar, nothing would ever compare to you anyways.
malleus is on your side, always. it doesn't matter if you're actually wrong about something, he's siding with you and defending you with his life 💀 you burned down a building knowing full well that the fire is a big possibility? everyone makes mistakes though... according to malleus draconia everybody. one of the strongest person in twisted wonderland is either the next 100% win rate lawyer or some random person making third grade defenses. there's no in between. that or he's making the dumbest excuse and actually making good points right after.
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Squishy squishy baby fishy (Floyd)
Floyd's cheeks need some squishes and you're more than happy to do it.
Note: I only write female reader (she/her), as stated on the blog's description
— (っ˘ω˘ς )
It kinda just happened, really
I mean, Floyd was standing right there, being cute with his droopy eyes and his little smile and his cheeks
Oooooh, his cheeks
They were asking to be squished
So you kinda just... Did that.
Walked up to him in the middle of the hallway, ignoring everyone around you, including his latest victim (Ruggie shared half a donut with you as thanks for distracting Floyd), cupped his face and started squishing his cheeks gently
You were so enthralled with the task that you didn't even notice how the Floyd Leech froze in surprise, smile plastered on his face like it was sculpted on marble
Once you were satisfied, you focused on his eyes and smiled, "your cheeks are so squishable~"
Then, the same way you just walked up to him, you walked away from him. He let you, still frozen in place, trying to figure out the fuck just happened
Once he finishes rebooting, he cackles. And people clear the hallway in fear of whatever hell spawn will be born out of his joy
You can bet he'll never leave you alone after this, constantly teasing you about your like of his cheeks, and whining that he wants more squishes, trailing behind you as soon as the Force™ warns him you're nearby (how he does it? No one but Jade knows, because he's the same, and no, he won't be telling anyone)
The school is divided people who think that's weird as it is terrifying, and people who are just glad the menace is 60% under control
— (っ˘ω˘ς )
"Floyd, I need to finish this–"
"But I wanna be squiiiiiiiiished~"
Jade watches as his brother dramatically falls on his knees and places his head on (Y/N)'s knees, puffing out his cheeks like a pufferfish. He thinks this side of Floyd is hilarious, all clingy and manipulative. Jade's surprised when she manage to hold the urge to smother him with affection for ten seconds more than she usually does, but eventually the world rights itself again and she gives in.
"Who's my squishy squishy baby fishy?" She coos, squishing Floyd's cheeks and kissing his forehead "That's right, it's my Floyd~"
Jade shakes his head with a soft laugh, knowing nothing will take his brother away from her now that he has her attention. And Jade is to blame for indulging him just as much as you are. Just because he likes to see his brother enjoy himself so much.
And Azul's face of distress when he notices his office has become a cuddling spot for the two is always hilarious.
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dollita-fawn · 3 months
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You Mystify Me [part 1!] discontinued
pairings- toji x fem bunny hybrid! reader x shiu
content / warnings : fluff & smut (mostly smut), pet names, daddy kink, oral sex (r! receiving), praise kink, slight angst (??), idk this is super rushed im sorry !
additional info. this will be multi chaptered :3 think of this as the introduction…(my excuse for lazy writing! i just wanted to get the idea sort of started) and title ib ‘sunday’- the cranberries
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“C’mon, just for tonight, alright? You can sleep with me tomorrow…I just need some me time tonight.” he pats your head, giving you that half-assed apologetic smile and before you can even open your mouth to speak, the door is shut in your face.
You fight against it, trying to swallow back that familiar lump as it builds in your throat but you can’t stop the watering of your eyes. It pissed you off when Toji got all distant. He was your favorite out of your two owners.
Well, you always said that until he set you off, then Shiu was labeled your favorite.
At least he never shut you out.
You climb into his bed, careful not to wake him - if he’s even sleeping. But you can’t stop sniffing, making your entrance known. He rolls over to face you as soon as he makes the connection.
“What’s the matter, baby?” he cups your face, locking his eyes onto your red and puffy ones. His thumb strokes your cheek, offering a bit of comfort. “He lock you out again?”
“Mhm…said he needs alone time again,” you reply, voice still cracking. It breaks his heart to see you so upset. Can’t stand it.
“It’s not your fault, bun. Might’ve just had a shit day at work,” he wraps an arm around you, pulling your head against his thumping chest. “Let’s just forget about him for now, yeah? You and I can hang out in the meantime. I’ve missed you anyway.”
“Missed you too…” you croak. Your ears remain flat against your head, face hidden against his tight embrace.
“I’m always here, whether he’s being a douche or not.” he reminds.
The thought makes you feel a bit uneasy with yourself. You shouldn’t pick favorites. You could love them both and you did leave Shiu out of the loop more than intended.
“Tell you what,” he whispers down at you. “Just you and me tomorrow. I’ll take you to that frilly little store you like.”
Instantly your ears perk back up, an eager expression overlapping your original dismal one.
Shiu hated seeing you upset of course, but he loved being the one who could fix it. Gave him the one up on Toji in a way.
Pretty selfish of him sure, but taking care of you was his specialty. He never made you cry or feel worrisome. He prided himself on that.
“There’s that pretty smile…no more cryin’, kay?” His lips press to your cheek, steadily smothering you with kisses until that sweet laugh of yours makes an appearance.
“kay…” you agree. It earns you a kiss on the lips, but it was no longer an innocent show of affection.
He holds you there, fingers looped through your hair as his tongue tries to push past your lips. Your body presses flush against his, and his knee works its way between your legs.
“Need daddy to make you feel all better, hm?” he teases, pulling back to see you’re already worked up and panting. “Poor baby. Don’t worry. Just lay back and let me do all the work.”
He pecks your lips a few more times before inching down. His hands push your shorts down along with your panties as his mouth takes in every inch of your skin. He teases everywhere surrounding where you need him most. Makes you feel like you’re on fire.
“Please daddy…need you,” you pout. his hand slides along your inner thigh, stopping right before touching your dripping pool of need. He stops, just looking up at you as you squirm.
He’d love to push you more, but you look down at him so desperate, your voice making it clear how pent up you are.
“Spread for me, bunny. Lemme see that pretty pussy.”
You open instantly. Didn’t have to be told twice.
“That’s my good girl, just relax for me.” he levels himself with your cunt, gifting sweet kitten licks to your sensitive bud. The heat of his breath against it makes you all the more needy.
At the feel of his tongue full throttle, your eyes snap shut and your gnaw your lip trying to hold back a whine.
He flicked, leaving lengthy breaks between. His pace left you aching, needing more.
He took his time unlike Toji.
“Don’t be shy, baby.” he mumbles, face completely burrowed into your folds. “Lemme hear those pretty noises. Want you to feel good.” his fingers push past your entrance, the pads feeling along your inner walls. “So fucking wet. Such a greedy girl.”
Two fingers pumped in and out of you as his mouth remained focused on your clit. He flicked over and over, thrusting faster until your body stiffened, babbled pleas flying past your lips.
“That’s it…cum for me.” he kept at it until your moans turned into cries, and your hands frantically pushed his head away.
“No more,” you shake your head, stifling a sob. “s’ too much..please daddy.”
Shiu pulled his fingers out, sucking them clean of your juices before diving back into you. “Gotta get you cleaned up, bunny. Daddy deserves a treat too, no?”
He suckles and traces along your entrance, devouring all of your mess like it’s his last meal. Your body trembles, unable to take any more of his torment. You cling to the sheets like your life depends on it, whining out lewdly a combo of ‘please’ and incoherent swearing.
“Shhh, baby. All done, i’ve got ya’” he’s quick to wrap you up in the blankets, pulling you back against the warmth of his form. He coos soft hushes, running his fingers back through your hair and occasionally petting your adorable fluffy ears.
Your legs wrap around his waist, wanting to be closer.
“love you, Shiu,” you mutter softly, eyes closing as you rest against him.
The way you got all sleepy and clingy after just tugged on all his heart strings. You were too cute for your own good.
“I love you too, pretty girl.” he whispers back. “Get some rest. Got a big day tomorrow, remember?”
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The next morning, you’re loaded into the car and taken to your favorite shop, as promised. Only you were given rules. No phone.
No phone, meaning you can’t text Toji all day.
It’s eating at you. You haven’t had the chance to talk about his shutting you out the night before. Didn’t even know if it was as big of a deal as your mind made it out to be. But Shiu insisted.
Today was supposed to be just you and him.
You felt bad, your mind was on Toji the whole time. You wondered if your absence bothered him as much as his did you. Probably not.
Toji wasn’t the type to commit to one thing. Couldn’t even stick to one job so why would he prioritize you?
Better yet, why were you so hung up on the idea of being something more with him?
Sure, he saved you from that shit hole of a shelter, let you sleep with him. But you didn’t know if that meant anything to him.
Shiu is clear with his intentions. Tells you what he’s thinking without having been asked to or pressured. He seemed to mean it.
On the other hand, Toji, didn’t seem to know what he wanted. One second he showers you with praise and affection, making you feel loved. The next, he needs space and it makes you question it all.
Actions speak louder than words, but just how true could that be?
The way he looked at you during sex seemed like the real him. But then after, he lost that loving gaze. So was it only fun?
“Look at this,” shiu calls to you, snapping you out of your negative spiral of a headspace. “Seems right up your alley.”
Shopping. Just focus on shopping and having a good time and not the guy who probably isn’t even thinking about you in return.
Shiu was right in front of you, ready to put you first.
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squirmhoney · 10 months
The Pout of Your Lips
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A/N: Thanks to the anon that sent this through, this really got me writing and I loved every bit of it. Unfortunately, I forgot to make the reader innocent but the rest is still in there. This is actually really sweet I can't lie and I hope you all enjoy it. Warnings: Incest. Angst. Mentions of cheating. Soft Aegon. Smut. Cum play. Slightly possessive Aegon. 18+ Pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Sister!Reader
That small pout that you do, the one where both of your lips sticks out all puffy, that got Aegon every single time. He only liked to see it on certain occasions, that being when you begged him for the simplicity of his attention or when you were in dire need of a favour that only he could help with. At those times you were perfect for him and all he could think about was planting his lips onto yours.
Never did he want to see that look paired with soaked cheeks as your eyes leaked with tears. But there were those times that he had to. Those days where he cradled your sobbing form into his chest as you struggled to croak out what had happened. 
It horrified him that anybody could bring you to such a wreck, the thought of it made him livid inside. And when you finally managed to explain what had happened and who had got you like this, Aegon saw red. 
“Someone sent me pictures of them,” you blinked furiously as you spoke, desperately trying to stop yourself from crying again. “They were... uh...  kissing and-” Your teeth grinded against each other as you swallowed down another sob.
“It’s okay,” Aegon whispered, pressing his lips against your forehead. “You don’t have to say anymore.” 
You crawled into his lap, allowing him to pull you in as he wrapped his arms around you. Aegon held you with desperation, smothering you with a warm affection you had never got anywhere else. 
“You’re okay now,” Aegon reassured you, arms tightening around you. “I’ve got you.” 
Nothing but broken cries left your lips for what felt like hours until you were nothing but a crumbled mess amongst Aegon’s sheets. It was then Aegon left you in his bed, making sure you were fully tucked in before he stepped out of his bedroom doors. 
Without Aegon you struggled to sleep that night, tossing around in his sheets until you found yourself sat up waiting for his return. It wasn’t till past midnight that his bedroom door creaked open and Aegon crept inside. 
You didn’t know who looked more of a mess between the pair of you. You with your tear stained face and puffy cheeks. Or Aegon with the dried blood around his nose and bruises that painted his face. 
“Aegon,” you whispered, moving out of the sheets. 
“You should see the other guy,” Aegon chuckled in a twisted way, an anger still laced in his tone. 
“Come to bed,” you pleaded, arms reaching out for him. 
There was no fight with Aegon. He was quick to strip himself to his boxers, eagerly getting underneath the sheets with you. 
Once his arms wrapped around you though, yanking you towards him, you felt your heart stop for a moment. You hadn’t been intimate like this, not since you were thirteen seeking the love and affection your parents denied you. But now it felt different as his fingers ran along the skin of your back, not nearly the same as when you were both kids. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you told him, breaking the eerie silence between you. 
He hummed, resting his forehead against yours as you both stared at each other.
It took him a moment to say anything, leaving you alone in your thoughts as your fingers scratched the back of his head. There was a moment before his lips slipped open to speak that you wanted to pull his face closer to yours and smother your lips with his. 
“I wanted to hurt him,” Aegon admitted, leaning in ever so slightly. His nose brushed yours, making you gulp. “I needed to.” 
“But you’re hurt.” You stared back at him with glassy eyes and parted lips, guilt sinking in at how he’d so willingly hurt himself for you. 
“I’m fine.” He retracted from you, just an inch. “He got what he deserved in the end. No one should be able to hurt you like that and get away with it.” 
“I don’t care about him,” you confessed, shuddering lightly when his fingers ran over your bare legs. Your voice came out delicate, stuck in a sigh as you squeezed your eyes shut. “I care about you.” 
“My hand is cold.” 
He was lying, you knew that but yet you ever so happily guided his hand between your thighs. His lips lifted upwards at this, rubbing his hand up and down as he pretended to make it warm. 
“Better?” You asked.
“Better,” He replied. 
But Aegon didn’t leave it at that, running his hands ever so slowly up the skin of your thighs. His eyes scanned yours, giving you the chance to deny him.
“No one is good enough for you,” Aegon was sure of that. 
“Except you?” You giggled only for a second, your nerves getting the better of you. 
“Not even me.” 
You swallowed, biting down on your lip as his hand finally reached the top of your thighs. 
“A guy that preys on his little sister is definitely not good enough for her.” 
You whimpered when his hand cupped you, clamping your thighs down to hold him there. 
“I’m sick and twisted, clearly.” Aegon tried to retract his hand but you squeezed your thighs tighter. 
“Don’t-” you pleaded with him, eyes fluttering closed. “Don’t paint yourself like that. Because if you’re sick, I’m sick t-”
Aegon’s lips smothered yours, nose pushed up against yours as he kissed you gently. At first that was, until it became fervent as his lips worked against yours, practically burying themselves in between yours.
A choked moan left your lips when his fingers brushed your clit, rubbing you through your underwear. 
Aegon withdrew his lips from yours, giving you space to breathe as his lips moved down your neck. His tongue ran down the length of it, sucking till he made his mark across your skin. Clearly he wasn’t satisfied till your neck was painted in purple, matching the dark bruise under his eye. Even then his lips and teeth were grazing the subtle skin of your body, ripping your top off so his lips could attach themselves to your skin again. 
“Aegon,” you needily whispered his name, fingers raking through his hair. 
He looked up, his violet eyes piercing into you as he said, “Let me make you feel better.” 
Aegon didn’t need any other confirmation than that before he had flipped you on your back, hovering on top of you. He situated himself between your legs, using your hands to slowly push them apart. 
You watched as his fingers slipped into your underwear, moving your legs around to help him take it off. You were eager, unable to stop yourself from sighing once his breath fanned against your wet pussy, dying for him to do something about it. 
“Is this for me?” Aegon asked, pressing his index finger against your wetness. 
You nodded, moaning a bit louder as he slid his finger an inch inside.
Aegon doesn’t miss the way you buck your hips when his finger is fully inside you, smiling smugly at you as he pushes another one in there. It’s a sight he’s been patiently waiting to see for years, you pathetically moaning as he curls his fingers inside you. It’s something he’ll ingrain into his brain, knowing nothing else could ever compare to it. 
“Aegon, I need more.” 
His fingers thrusted into you, creating a rhythm that has you struggling to keep your thighs apart. It feels different to when anyone else touched you before, your whole body feeling ablaze as he reaches down to kiss your thigh. You want to tell him this but you can’t think of the words to get across what you really wanted to say. 
And you think he knows, giving you a reassuring smile before he takes his first taste of you. His tongue delves into your pussy, licking at your clit slowly to get a good taste of you. 
“I’ve always wanted to do this,” he confessed before sucking your clit. 
With his fingers working themselves inside of you, massaging your walls and his tongue flicking against your bundle of nerves, you were in heavenly bliss that you had only heard about. 
“Feel good?” Aegon managed to murmur out between wet kisses. 
“Yes,” you nodded again, staring down at him with your mouth hanging open. “It feels good, Aegon.” 
He slips in a third finger, groaning at how your walls wrap around him so snuggly. He can only imagine how he will feel when he’s finally inside you, sock twitching at thought, sending the man into overdrive as he eats you like a wild beast. 
“Ae-” his name got lost in a moan on your lips as he pushed you over the edge. 
The way his fingers brushed against your walls again and again had your thighs trapping him as they squeezed around him. But instead of Aegon pushing them away he did the opposite as he buried himself between them, delving further into you. 
Your head spinned as your fingers twisted in his hair, pussy fluttering around his fingers as you came. It knocked the breath out of you, leaving you a wreck underneath Aegon’s body as he continues to hold you. He only slowed down when he knew you were fully done, making sure his tongue still licked any taste of your slickness before fully parting from your thighs. 
It’s only momentary, he told himself as he hovered back over to your face.
When he was close enough, your hands eagerly pulled him in, hungrily kissing him as you tasted the sweetness of yourself on his lips. It was more than a desire that drove you but a need to feel him inside you, for him to be the one between your legs, even if he was your brother. 
It wasn’t long before you felt him against you. His hard cock pressed against your slit and you couldn’t help yourself as you grinded up onto him, hooking your legs around his hips to get closer. 
“And I thought I was the impatient one,” Aegon grinned into your lips. 
You laughed with him, breath mingling with his as your hand slid in between your bodies. Your hand wrapped around his cock as soon as you found out, giving it a stroke as your thumb played with the head. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, eyes rolling back at the simplest of touches. “Tell me you want this as much as I want this.” 
“I want this, Aegon,” you told him, reassuring him with the soft pout of your lips and an eager nod. 
Aegon’s hand replaced yours, pushing the tip up and down your slit to have you shuddering underneath him. 
When he finally pushed himself into your walls, you let out a harsh gasp, feeling your walls practically sucking him in. He was also there with you, groaning as he pushed himself into the hilt. But he didn’t seem fully satisfied with that, pushing your legs in between the pair of you so he could slide into you from a new angle. 
Then you were feeling full, his thick cock stretching you out so easily, moulding your walls just for him. The thought gave him a smug smile, making you his. The marks on your chest, the way he fit so perfectly inside your body and the way he was sure he’d fill you up with his cum, like no other man had before. 
Aegon realised there was another time that he enjoyed the pout of your lips. When you were just like this, chest pressed up against his with wet eyes and a soft pout as he drove you to what must have been your fourth orgasm of the night. He already came once too, a thick ring of cum leaking by the base of where his cock was still thrusting up inside of you. 
He didn’t think he’d ever be done with you even as you struggled on top of him, legs becoming weak from bouncing up and down so much. Even as your eyes fluttered shut, face scrunching up from the intensity of it all. 
When your eyes opened again, you realised how he was staring at you. His pupils dilated, the violet barely noticeable in his eyes. His lips were parted slightly, gentle gasps and moans of his own slipping out now and then.
To you he was utterly beautiful. 
To him you were exactly the same, especially when your lips twitched up into a wide grin looking down at him. He swiped your hair behind your ear, resting his hand on your cheek before sharing that smile with you. 
Aegon grabbed your hips, holding them in place before delivering a particularly hard thrust into you. One that caught you by surprise, nails digging into his shoulders as you let out a choked moan. Your moans started to mingle into one, lips almost touching as you tried to match his pace. It’s a pathetic attempt really, all you could do was grind down onto him, allowing him to be the one to do most of the work. 
You barely could focus on anything, only the look on Aegon’s face as his cock pounded into you. Everything was sending you into overdrive and when Aegon’s fingers brushed over your clit, an orgasm washed over you without warning. Your walls pulsated around him, making you mumble incoherently into his mouth to where neither of you knew what you were saying. 
But Aegon understood how you were feeling, hand holding the back of your neck when your head lulled back. He understood because he felt the same, a warmth rushing through him as your pussy clenched around him. His thrusts started to become sloppy as he panted praises into your lips. 
Before he knew it he was spilling into you again, holding you up as he did. Your mind was blank as he came inside you, drunk off the feel of keeping his cock warm. It’s to the point where your toes are curled and you're unable to realise he’s pushing you back down on the bed again. You only realised when he was pulling out of you, that distinct empty feeling hitting you only for a short period of time, until his cock was replaced with his fingers.
“My pretty little sister,” he admired, head staring at your pussy. His fingers were buried inside of you, the cum leaking around them until he was pulling them out of you again. His fingers played with his cum, spreading it around your slit until you whined at him. 
It was enough for him, knowing he had fully marked you as his. Then he was happy to lie down next to you, wrapping his arms around your body to pull you into his chest again. 
Your eyes opened for a second taking one last look at him, realising this is the first time you had seen him like this before. Completely blissed out, glowing with happiness as he stared back at you. 
“I don’t think you’re not good enough for me,” you whispered to him, closing your eyes again. “I think you’re the only person that’s good enough for me, that’s meant for me.”
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peachseashell · 5 months
𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐜𝐞
Kaeya, venti and Kazuha x figure skater! Gn! Reader
・*:..。o Warnings: dangerous sport (?) mentions of injury, badly written, bad grammar, inaccurate kaeya
✽・:..。 Notes: sorry for not keeping up with my requests!! might be less frequent now school started again, sorry this is short. Love you all have a good day ❄⛄
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♡ - Kaeya
Kaeya had never seen such a beautiful person as yourself; you look like a dove as you glide across the ice on your skates. He was utterly infatuated with your talent , you never failed to impress him with your skill.
He was actually quite shy to talk to you first. He only simply admired you from afar before he had the courage to approach you with a bouquet of flowers and sickeningly sweet words ready to spill.
- Kaeya is happy to recieve any wishes from you. Such as you need a new pair of skates or an appropriate outfit, he always is ready to buy you whatever you need when you want it.
- he watches you most of the time during his breaks when the ice has frozen over a pond in dragonspine, he will walk all the way over there just to watch you jump and twirl and around.
- Kaeya welcomes you home with a hug after you've been out in the cold for a while, despite his cryo vision he can be very warm. He knows your legs and feet probably hurt like hell from all the training and work, so he tries his absolute best to take care of you by running a hot bath and preparing a snack.
- talks about you a lot to jean and Mika at work, won't stop rambling honestly. Cute compliments fall out of his mouth as the mention of your name because he can't help but praise you for your gorgeous performances.
♡ - Venti
Venti had adored you for the longest time. He felt like you were like his little secret when he watched you twirl on the ice. almost as if your performance was just for him. He didn't really have much to offer except his love and affection.
He was absolutely delighted on that cold evening when you accepted his obvious feelings for you.
- your ventis biggest inspiration! He sings in the tavers about and occasionally writes poetry dedicated to you and only you as well. He just can't stop giggling and kicking his feet whenever someone asks him about you.
"i know right? they're so cool!"
He almost definitely could talk about if for hours but the poor person who asked would be falling asleep on the floor!
- venti of course does worry though. He worries that you might slip and fall, or the ice beneath you cracks and you plunge into the frigid water below. Sometimes he begs you not to go alone when he may be too busy to watch you.
- he sends a warm breeze your way so you don't completely freeze whilst skating out in the cold. It probably doesn't help because you're already sweaty and hot from all the movement.
♡ - Kazuha
Kazuha loved gentle, elegant things. That's why you attracted his attention so much, you were gorgeous to him in every way. You both fell for each other slowly, every day he'd glance at you as your skates scraped against the ice.
- watching you perform is a daily habbit. his admiration for you was soft, like he craved your attention but didn't want to smother you too much.
- he takes care of any cuts or aches you may have after hardcore training. Kazuha makes sure to touch you as light as he can with his bandaged fingers; carefully gliding over your skin as he patches you up.
- lets you fall asleep on his lap when you come home tired. His lap is warm, and his hand is soft as it ruffles your hair and the melody he is humming is quiet and tranquil.
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Please do not share my work anywhere, thank you.
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
Can I get a Steven from Steven Universe Future yandere alphabet, please?
Sure! Here's what I came up with :)
Original Steven Concept I Did Here.
Yandere Alphabet - Steven Universe
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Fear of loss, Trauma/PTSD, Steven's a mess, Blood, Violence mention, Attachment issues, Jealousy, Anger issues, Manipulation, Stalking, Kidnapping, Dark themes, Poor mental health, Angst, Possessive behavior, General yandere themes, Delusional behavior, Unhealthy behavior, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Steven is naturally clingy due to his past. He doesn't like leaving you so he comes off as smothering. He's used to losing others and now that he's found someone new... he doesn't want to let go.
Steven comes off as intense, even when he doesn't mean to. He just wants to cover you in hugs and kisses. He just wants to feel your warmth and not be alone again.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Steven has always been a person who wants to solve problems by talking them out. However, with his new unpredictability... there may be times he gets more violent than he'd like to be.
He feels conflicted and horrible the moment he sees blood on his hands. Yet he quickly hides it. After all... you shouldn't view him as a monster just yet, right?
He wants to enjoy you for a while longer before you leave him.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Steven would not purposefully try to mock you unless you set him off or something. He's impulsive though, which may lead to him kidnapping you without thinking things through.
Abduction would be a last ditch effort for him to not lose his darling. He cares for you the best he can all while trying to self soothe himself in your embrace. In abduction you can truly see how messed up the poor young man is.
He always asks how he can help. He denies you your freedom and quickly becomes the only thing you see. He's in denial of everything... including his toxicity.
He's been struggling to find a purpose, but when he meets you... He just knows he's needed you since he met you.
He just hopes you understand him... eventually.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He probably doesn't mean to, but it ends up happening anyways. He's so caught up in what he wants or trying to "help" and "care" for you... only to forget you really need space, not him.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He may try to hide it, but in the end he's very vulnerable with you. He struggles to be open but it ends up spilling out of him anyways. When he's vulnerable... it's almost upsetting when he holds you close and sobs.
However... he's still dangerous... and you know that.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Genuinely upset and you may set off his temper. He may fight back verbally, but even with just words... his powers can get hectic by accident.
If he ever hurt you by accident, he pauses and either isolates himself or tries to make things better again.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No and he hates it.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Well, with this one there can be a lot of candidates due to how volatile Steven can be. As I said before, he'd never mean to hurt you but he may do it by accident.
Seeing his mental breakdowns... seeing him snap at others... at some point he'll take it too far.
In a fit of desperation, he may accidentally harm you or someone close to you. You're terrified once you see his hands and the floor covered in blood. The realization of what he's done may break both of you.
The thought is unnerving... as that blood can either belong to someone you know... or you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
In the end, somehow, Steven wants to have you two married and happy together. Yet he's so emotionally driven and plagued with trauma, that even if you tried to help him, it only hurts the both of you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes. Steven has a fear of being left behind. So when he sees you turn your attention to other people, it affects him. He'll usually try to deal with it alone, often going into a depressive state and crying about it in his room.
Honestly, him just being sad is the better option. All you have to do is comfort him afterwards. Although... he is fully capable of lashing out, which would be dangerous for anyone around him. We've seen in Future how he gets.
Left unchecked and someone may get hurt.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Obsessive, Clingy, Affectionate, Manipulative, Controlling, Needy, Volatile, Possessive, Intimidating, Caring, Smothering.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Pulling from my older concept, you two most likely met after he left home to have a fresh start. You offer to be his friend, to help him, and he ends up feeling attached. However... soon friendship turns into more than friendship.
He wants you to be lovers, to be married, to support him.
He's moving too fast with his feelings which causes issues for both of you. He stresses out over the fact you don't feel the same and worries you'll leave him. He doesn't want to lose you...
So it seems he must prevent that somehow.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Well, he's not really trying to mask anything. He may try to hide his darker nature... but you'll find out eventually.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He doesn't like hurting you, the only times he does is by accident. So your punishment may be something like... forcing you by his side or something like that. Isolation punishes him too, so he'll do the opposite.
He'll use his powers to chain you to his side until he knows you won't leave him.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Most of them if it meant he wouldn't be left behind.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
I like to think at first he's really patient... but as he gets worse and worse... he's impatient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Honestly, if anything bad happened to you, he'd snap. Like... monster Steven snap.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little and maybe.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood trauma. One of the main things dealt with in Future.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Steven is used to helping. He'd do whatever he can to see you happy again. Sometimes he's even unaware that he could be the one causing it due to his delusions. He'll hold you close, kiss your head, and just stay beside you. He hates it when you're upset.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Get this man the help he needs, put up boundaries, and probably get the poor man a therapist. He'll be much easier to manage. (Also he just really needs help.)
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Unintentionally, afterwards he panics and tries to fix things.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Steven may actually be a worship yandere at times. There's times he's just so grateful that you want to help him and he just wants to keep you forever. He'd do anything to have you. Just so he can keep your warmth all to himself.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Anything from months to a couple years.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not on purpose.
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Can I get a poly!yandere alpha werewolf pack where we are an omega and we don't know it, as omega are very precious and rarely found the pack takes it upon them to keep us safe , sound and satisfyed and breeded full with pups....I love ur works very much author-nim🥰❤
Thank you nim🥰 ❤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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A hundred years ago this would probably be a lot harder for you 
Probably them seeing you on a chance encounter
Before dragging you to their den in the forest before smothering and stuffing you in an insane and aggressive dogpile
But nowadays they’ve mellowed 
Or at least some of them have and lucky for you you have whole pack just like that
Consisting of 2 alphas and 2 (special case) betas 
Typically considered head-Alpha is Nero Nakamura
Who also happens to be a silent billionaire that runs his company with an iron-fist
He’d like to run his home life the same way but that couldn’t ever be a possibility when you have characters like Rori Tongs in control
Rori is a world-reknowned model and coach for Olympic swimmers
He’s sly he’s domineering and he loves nothing more than to make his fellow alpha squirm
His alphaness is more like a switch he chooses to turn on rather than a constant agenda but any of his betas or omega on the line and he’s an absolute villain
Next tier in their relationship Suki Nakamura the beta with alpha like tendencies that can woo even Nero into submission
He’s Nero’s number one assistant or was until he politely asked pummeled Nero into giving him a smaller role in the company, a manager position
He’s often called during business emergencies or whenever his Ceo is feeling peckish so he’s not above calling in his own favors
And last on the hierarchy until you come along is Eve Tongs
A shy and quiet beta with omega tendencies
Who’s constantly fighting off being bred because
“It’d be weird if I looked pregnant all the time!”
He says his worry is about being discovered but really he doesn’t want to close his shop to be heavily pregnant all alone
But now that you’re in the picture it won’t nearly be as bad: 
“Aww darling, no need to cry Suki’ll be back from the store with your craving snack.”
Rori cooed rubbing your swollen belly as he peppered your neck with kisses. You were crying again and while part of it was your craving for your typical low-priced meals it was a side-effect of your absolute confusion. Whoever you met at work or on your daily commute somehow goaded you into their trap of a penthouse. Which sooner than you could gather had you plump and at the whim to the multiple men who claimed to be werewolves. 
“I-I d-don’t understand, w-why is this happening?”
You continued to sob as Nero only seemed to pull you closer to him. Nero who had been in the room over came in sensing your distress cuddled on your other side to massage your head. 
“Love, I’m sure it's hard to realize this but as werewolves there's an order that we live by. I’m sure you’ll adapt as we go through our life together.”
“Yeah baby, you’ll get used to it!” 
You shook your head, resisting the weird calm that was being brought over you as the two men cuddled up against you. More tears fell from your eyes and you pushed away their affections unsuccessfully.
“Uhm m-maybe they don’t believe us about the…uh…werewolf thing…”
A silence formed as everyone had realized they never really did show you. Eve spoke from experience, he too was especially skeptical when Rori first came to him. Rori immediately perked up.
“Oh well that's an easy fix!” 
Immediately a pair of wolf-ears flicked out from his head and a tail from his lower back. Nero did the same and so did Eve. Stunned to silence you immediately stopped crying to just take in the strange sight. Hearing the door open Suki returns with store bags hanging from his arms.
“Oh! You guys are having a tails and ear party without me?!” 
He too flicks his own ears and tails out as he begins preparing the snack he just fetched. Still stunned you just sat still as Eve kneeled in front of you laying his head on your stomach before knowingly whispering. 
“After this liter is born you’ll turn into one too.”
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imahinatjon · 4 months
Another version of sick reader with jouno, tecchou, and nikolai maybeeeee?
Yup :)
Sick reader ft. Jouno, Tetcchou, and Nikolai!
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• This guy can tell the MOMENT he walks in that your not well.
• Y'know how when you walk into someone's room or house when they have a cold and it feels warmer? They have the heating up high or something?
• Yeah, no, you don't have the heating up, but he can practically feel your temperature from the door.
• He can also hear your quiet sniffles as you try to breath through your stuffed nose
• He can even hear the rasp in your breath.
• Jouno doesn't need eyes to know when your will. He FEELS it.
• He feels sorry for you. Nobody likes being ill.
• But at the same time? It happens to everyone at some point. So he doesn't change much about his usual routine.
• He might offer you some food that's easier on the stomach than he previously planned. He'll make you warm drinks, fetch things for you so you don't have to get up.
• ...huh... hes kinda like your butler now. Don't abuse this newfound power, he'll know, and will then leave you to suffer alone.
• Simply - he'll do what you want, get what you need, just don't take the p*ss with it.
• Overall, he's nice when your ill. Just don't expect cuddles.
• He doesn't want to get sick too.
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• Tetchou probably had a hard day at work.
• All he wants is to come back to you, cuddle, eat and sleep.
• He doesn't know your ill.
• When he sees you underneath 2 or 3 different blankets, he just assumes your also tired, so he joins you.
• Blinks owlishly when you start having a coughing fit
• "Uh...what?"
• You have to tell him your ill.
• When he gets it, he's all over you, smothering you in affection (doesn't believe he'll get ill), offering to cook for you.
• If you don't want him to cook, he'll take no offence and order something in instead.
• He's too busy fussing over you to think about why you would rather have takeout.
• He joins you under the blankets too.
• Beware, you may have to kick him out of the blankets. He gets too hot under there and keeps kicking them off, which makes them fall off of you.
• Don't worry, he always picks them back up, but it will keep happening until you tell him to just not lie under the blankets
• "But-"
• "It's too hot for you, and you might get sick"
• "...okay"
• He just wants to look after you and be as close as possible so you don't get lonely or sad in your sickness
• What was that saying again...?
• Through sickness and in health? Even if you aren't married he believes it still applies.
• Forgive him for not knowing exactly what he's doing. He tried.
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• You don't know what this guy does for work.
• He's not trying to protect you, he just never thought to let you know, and you never asked.
• He comes home everyday though, so you assume it's nothing too dangerous (ha!)
• I know most would probably want Nikolai to be caring and nice when he comes home from... whatever his work is, but don't expect that.
• I sincerely believe that he does not care if your ill.
• If it was terminal, that would a different story, but its not, so it isn't.
• He carries on like it's a normal day.
• Walks in, tell you about his day- leaving out certain gory details, asks what's for dinner and how your days been.
• Your too sick to make dinner?
• Oh well, maybe he can try? No. Nope. Not gonna happen. He tried, and he failed.
• Maybe there are some packet noodles around here somewhere? Microwave rice? Cereal?????
• Don't expect anything lavish. He never needed to cook anything fancy or proper for himself, so he doesn't know how to do anything aside from the basics, and even that's not great.
• "What take out do you want?"
• He likes whatever you like so just pick whatever you want. Ask for medicine too, he won't bother to get any if you don't ask.
• He hugs you a lot. But that's normal.
• When it comes to late at night though, when you've long been asleep and he's wide awake, holding you delicately in his arms, he'll frown.
• Your face is flushed and you wince in slight pain every so often. You snuggle as close to him as possible, and he holds you as though your made of glass
• Your ill. He doesn't like it when you aren't your normal self.
• He's a little sad, but reminds himself that this happens to everyone at some point, it just so happens that right now, its your turn.
• He's just glad it's nothing worse
Still don't know if I'm spelling any of these names right, it's too late for me to check.
Anyway, hope you get better soon!
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probablysimpledreams · 11 months
Darling, Am I Good Enough?
(Shanks x reader)
a/n: WOOO finally got a fic up! I've been thinking about this all day at work loll this is inspired by the fact I've been kinda insecure lately and I deserve some fictional man love after working through it! So just as it sounds, this is some Shanks fluff<3
cw: none aside from like....depressive thoughts, oh a tad suggestive towards the end but otherwise sfw (nsfw is to come though hehe)
word count: 887
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Being in love with Shanks was easy. It felt right. Your heart fluttered every time you were with him. His charm, strength, and presence alone was enough to have you completely head over heels for the man.
And for those same reasons it was so easy to love him, it was so hard to be his lover. You knew he loved you, that you were his one and only. Despite this, insecurities lingered deep in your mind. You couldn't help but feel dull next to the shiny red haired man. He was an emperor of the sea, someone who knew the former Pirate King personally, known across the seas for his power and charm, the list goes on. What did he want with you?
Usually these painful thoughts were easy to drown out as Shanks was smothering you in affection. His sweet praise was enough to silence any questions of his love and desire for you.
However, in this moment, all those thoughts came flooding in. You wore a slight frown as you mindlessly swirled your glass in a circle. You were still seated at the table where the entire Red Haired Pirates crew were eating hours before. The room next door over is full of laughs, glasses clinking, and your boyfriend's voice. Even though you are not actively listening, you know he is in the restaurant's bar with a huge smile, recounting his numerous adventures. Maybe you were just weighing him down, maybe he didn't need you. I mean he could have anyone and anything he wanted. What were you still doing here.....
"Hey beautiful," a voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You lift your head to see Shanks smiling down at you. "This seat taken?" He points to the chair next to you, that he was seated in during dinner. A small small forms on your lips as he takes the seat, ruffling your hair with his hand.
The rest of the crew soon stumbles in, taking up the remaining chairs. The strong scent of booze and loudness of the men make you conclude they were finally cut off. You remain quiet as the men continue their conversations, causing Shanks to raise an eyebrow. Though you were unable to think in this environment, you couldn't shake the feelings your spiraling thoughts gave you.
"Wanna get outta here?" Shanks' whispered into your ear, giving it a nip and kiss. He laughs as you shiver under his touch. You nod, prompting both of you to stand up. His arm snakes around your waist as he says goodnight to his crew, your face becoming warm as a few of the drunk men snicker and comment on him leaving so soon with you.
The walk back to the small inn you two were staying in was quiet, expect from a low hum coming from your boyfriend. You felt guilty for being in a sour mood, especially when he seemed so content to be on this island with his crew and you. Maybe this is all too good to be true....
"Okay, talk to me baby," his words once again snapping you back into reality. "What has been bothering you all night? You're never this quiet." He stops walking, causing you to stop as well. You turn to face him, eyes wide as you look at him under the night sky. You feel heat rush back to your face and your heart skip a beat. Did you make him feel like this?
"You're beautiful Shanks," is all that can leave your mouth. The older man laughs at your statement.
"You flatter me-"
"Hold on," you cut him off. "I'm being honest Shanks. It's just," you break eye contact and stare at your feet. "You are so many things. You are strong, charming, handsome, etc! But what am I? Am I even good enough to-" Almost as if he was waiting for payback for cutting him off, Shanks cuts you off mid sentence. His lips meet yours in a rough kiss, leaving you gasping for air as he pulls away. His hand cups your cheek.
"You're all I want ______," his thumb brushes over your lips. "What makes you question this?" He frowns slightly as you shrug. While you don't often open up to Shanks, he's realizing just how deep those insecurities you had at the start of your relationship are. "You are the greatest treasure there is. You are so many wonderful things. You are my love." He pulls you into him, hand on your back as you lay your head on his chest. "And I will spend the rest of my life telling you so." You smile at his gentle words.
"Thank you Shanks."
"You don't have to thank me baby," he chuckles. "I'm happy to do so. And I'm just as happy to show you how much I love you." You shiver as his hand moves further down your back, giving your ass a firm grab. He laughs louder as you squirm, moving his hand to your waist. "But right now, let's just be in this moment."
Your eyes meet with his once again as you lift your head up. Loving him was so easy. It was second nature. And of all the amazing things Shanks was, the best one is that he is in love with you.
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woonhakist · 10 months
love bite
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synopsis — silently conveying your love for haemin came in many sudden, irresistible forms; including biting.
pairing — jung haemin x gn!reader
genre — fluff
warnings — reader bites haemin (affectionately)
word count — 0.6k
notes — this isn’t relevant to any of my tumblr responsibilities i just want to bite haemin
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nothing felt safer to you than the warmth that haemin radiated. with him, the coldest days of winter felt like summer, and the hottest days of summer melted you into a puddle of love. no matter the time of year, being in haemin’s embrace was your favorite activity. you’d spend hours encased in his arms, basking in comfortable silence.
words weren’t important between the two of you; your actions already spelled out your love for each other in blinding lights. every clasp of your hand in his, every cup of his cheeks underneath your palms, and every twirl of your hair between his fingers was enough.
you adored every touch you shared with him, but nothing came close to having your body tangled in his. being trapped in his limbs, smothered in his scent, and cozied in his presence added up to your idea of heaven, and haemin himself represented the gates.
he opened himself up to you every time he closed you in his hold, and this time was no different. even if he tried, nothing could hide everything he felt for you. each rub of his thumb on your back expressed silent affection, and each of his breaths on your shoulder spoke voiceless words of love.
you spoke back to him, burying your face in his neck. you smiled against his skin, and he shivered in response. the sheets beneath you crumpled as your arms lightly squeezed around his torso once, and he did it back. your bodies conversed with each other, and every movement felt as natural as breathing.
your need for air was equal to your need to give haemin every ounce of love in the world. your heart was his, and you always needed to make sure he knew that. conscious or not, you never never missed a chance to convey your feelings to him.
with your lips against his neck, it was instinct to press soft pecks on it. you trailed kisses everywhere you could reach, disregarding the restrictions of your position. each kiss gradually increased the temperature of his skin, and you could feel the heat seep into your lips.
the warmth traveled down through your body, reaching the soul of your chest. your heart was warm, and you could imagine that haemin’s was, too. together, you made a fire incapable of extinguishing. alone, you were a cycle of given and taken warmth, and it was your turn to give.
in the heat of your moment, you abruptly bit haemin’s neck, feeling him flinch simultaneously.
“what was that for?” haemin questioned, his voice as soft as his giggles. his laughs vibrated throughout his body, and they made their way through yours as a result.
“sorry, haem. a little birdie told me to,” you joked, letting yourself laugh along. the wishes of your heart were unpredictable, and you couldn’t help but fulfill all of them.
“could the little birdie warn me next time?” haemin played along, kissing the crown of your head.
“of course,” you assured, your heart nearly soaring out of your chest. the warmth in your heart was no where near gone; you had so much more to give. “in fact, the little birdie is telling me to do it again right now.”
“go ahead,” haemin allowed, stretching his neck a little bit. “i wouldn’t dream of stopping you.”
a small breath escaped his lips before you attached yourself to him again, gently taking his skin between your teeth. he melted further into your body, and you mirrored the affection. you felt somewhat childish, but your heart was fuller than ever, and you could never resist giving it to haemin.
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© woonhakist 2023
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shiemori-writes · 1 year
If your still doing requests, How would Cater, Kalim, Malleus and Jamil be like when their s/o gifts them a portrait of themselves that s/o painted?
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✰—" because every artist need's a muse!"
the prefect decides to gift their lovely s/o a portrait!! how will the boys react?
characs: cater, kalim, malleus and jamil <3
includes: sfw, fluff, pining, pre-established relationship, and ofc, gender neutral reader as per usual!
notes: this was pretty fun to write! thanks for the request nonnie~! (also yes thats malleus' username) (he was using speech to text and it was too late to change it khehehe)
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Growing up, he never really wouldve thought he'd have someone..Let alone a partner, care for him like you do, and now after he's seen how you see him? Heh, he might as well have fallen for you all over again.
Sheeesh you got him feeling all mushy inside mc! youre gonna be the death of him, you're too cute you know that?
He's uncharacteristically careful, quiet even for a few moments, wide eyed as he observes the little strokes and splashes of color you added, whether it be the emerald green you carefully painted for his eyes, the lovely ginger locks you gingerly (heh) painted across the canvas, or even just his smile, not the smile that he put up with everyone but the smile that he puts with you.
Once he's done observing though, he'd smile, he'd smile real big at you, the type of smile that never failed to make your heart flutter
Thanks you by tackling you into a hug, peppering kisses all over your face despite your giggly protests
He definitely posts it on magicam bring all ooey-gooey
(yk those couple posts? Yeah)
heh, after all! he has such a lovely s/o and he absolutely wants to brag about it
If you hear ace gagging in the background ignore him smh (maidenless behaviour)
He has the painting in his room now, a silent reminder that you'll always be here for him, and he greatly appreciates it <3
"—Hey, (name)-san, thanks, alright? no really,- I-..I really appreciate this, kay? You made cay-cays heart melt y'know!! You're the most cutest sweetest s/o ever!!! Hehe!! I'll post this later but..For now, I'll reward you with my affection!!!"
You decided to give it to your sunshine of a boyfriend once you were both done with classes, casually showing him the portrait inside your locker wh- OH GOD IS HE CRYING??? KALIMM-
Bros literally SWOONING (rook who?)
Literally squeels and scream like a little kid on christmas when you gave him the portrait, guy fell in love with you all over again please his hearts doing jumps and he feels all mushy and just <33 his,,, his pwetty s/o 👉👈 painted him🥺
Thanks you by giving you lots of kisses!!! literally smothers u in his affection and hugs the life out of you (FLOYD WH-)
He immediately hangs it on his bedroom wall, gushing about you to jamil (help him)
it definitely cheers him up in his bad days!!
Like he could be doing the most mundane things and randomly think about your portrait, and hes smiling all lovesick all over again
Seriously, at this point jamil's heavily considering into moving into a different dorm because all Kalim will talk about for the rest of the week or so is prefect this, prefect that, blegh dear sevens jamil is TIRED
But anyways, kalim loves it, and love you even mooreee!!! He also hosts a party in your honor (jamil stopped him from doing anything more grand)
(I love him so much omg)
"—AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH (NAMEE)!!! I LOVE IT!!! *SNIFF* YOU PAINTED ME SO WELL TOOOO!!!! I love love love you!!!! I'll make sure to hang this in my room hehe!! oh and by the way!! im hosting a party later for you!! eh? what do you mean its not necessary? Only the best for my dearest jewel!!!"
this man, oh my sevens where do I even start? He already praises the ground you walk on, so boy-oh-boy does this work wonders for him! (sebek crying in the background is normal)
You guys were at your normal hang outs, gazing at the stars as Malleus held you close, talking about whatever is on both of your minds when you realized the portrait you did for him!!
Literally mid way of you talking you stopped bc of that and just went like :O !!!
(Malleus found it ridiculously adorable, he wants to kiss u stupid rn)
Curious to what revelation you had just witnessed, he watched as you grab something from your bag carefully
"My my,? What's this child of man? Fufufu~ I was not aware you would be bold enough t—!!!"
His teasing remark was caught in his throat once he saw your bashful grin at the painting of what seems to be,,...him..?
You handed him the painting as he carefully examined it, the details of his features that you took great notice of, his eyes, his horns..
You cleared your throat and explained yourself when you saw noticed how quiet he was, cheeks flushed
Breaking him out of his reverie, he finally processed your explanation and flashed you the most sweetest, sincere smile that made your heart go crazy bc he was so cute rn oml
He quietly pulled you closer, engulfing you in the most gentle hug ever, treating you like fragile porcelain as he inhaled your scent, chuckling a response to your gracious gift
"—my my, child of- no, (name), for once you have me speechless...You truly are full of surprises arent you,? Well..Anyways, I sincerely thank you, dearest. Your affections have reached me and I hope you know I plan on returning them ten fold. I love you, (name)."
Its no secret that you and Jamil are busy people, after all he was the vice housewarden and you were a prefect
Regardless of your busy schedule, you would always reassure him that no matter how busy you two would get, you'd always be there for him, whether it be through sticky notes, or little cute texts to get him going, he would cherish them all, but..
all of that pailed in comparison to what you had just given him now
He stared at the painting you had given him in awe, wide eyed and cheek flushed as he stroked every detail of the piece, from his golden ornaments to his eyes..or the way his smile was painted, you never missed a single detail about him and..and..and god you were just so, so amazing
He's definitely quiet for a long time, but once he's out of his thoughts he immediately smiled, a small curve on his lips as his cheeks was painted with a lovely red, gazing at you with the most fondest look he's ever given.
Pulls you close to him as he mutters a quiet 'thank you', trailing kisses around your neck as he buries his flustered face in the crook of your neck, he loved you very much
He hung up the painting a little while after, admiring the little detail's you had painted on him.
"—ya hayati..Thank you..I really appreciate it," he mutters out, voice gentle as he trails a kiss on your forehead, chuckling at how flustered you were, too. "Love you.." He said, voice laced with fondness as he held you closer, feeling your warmth.
"-Say, (name), there's a feast later in Scarabia..Mind joining? I'll cook your favorite, alright?"
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end notes: hi hi!! sorry this took so long nonnie </3 hope you like it!!! My favorite parts to write was definitely jamil lol! i think it showed but anyways, thanks for requesting!
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sunshine-scented · 2 years
❀ I just want you with me ❀
: how would they react when they're feeling clingy?
: Sun wukong, Macaque, Red son x gn! Reader
: Fluff :)
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Sun wukong
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Guess when he'll start to feel like he randomly wants to smother you with attention
Spoiler, everyday
I mean come on, he's been living on top of a mountain for more than a hundred years, ALONE?
Obviously that means that whenever he's with you, it's like an extreme dopamine rush and just constantly making him feel like he's fallen in love again
If you're dating; he's so shamless
Tugs you closer with his tail, randomly clings onto your back in a hug and never lets you go, shoving his head into your lap for head scraches
Will literally whine if you don't give him attention
Started acting so dramatic when you pushed him off your lap cause you needed to work
"(Name) pushed me off! My heart is shattering into a thousand pieces! I will never recover from such a cruel and evil betrayal!"
"We've been sitting here for 3 hours"
"Your point?"
If he's crushing on you: yeah no nothing changes
He's still so shameless
One time you said that you liked how fluffy his fur was
The next day he won't stop rubbing all over you like a cat so you can "feel" it
You're always finding yourself holding his hand without knowing cause the sneaky bastard decided to do it when you were distracted
Give this man a leash, please
Six eared Macaque
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He doesn't get relatively clingy
Cause he thinks too cool for affection >:(
But there are times where he needs comfort the most
Probably because of his past traumas and literally his death flashing through his very eyes
Poor baby just wants to feel your hands wrapped around his body man :((
Very subtle about his needs
You have to read between his words and actions to understand
If you see him get all touchy towards you or just never leaving your side, that's a sign
Will literally melt just by feeling your hands
Leans in closing your your palm and holds it with his hand while just staring at you with the most love struck eyes ever
Moments like those really resemble how much he trusts you so much
So willing to even show his deepest and darkest vulnerabilities just to be closer to you
Much more softer and more honest when he's like this
You normally lay in bed at the middle of the night and talk about random things, from his new story for his shadow theater to you just sharing your hobbies
Legs tangled with each other, hands deep inside his fluffy hair, his head burying himself closer to your chest
But then he wakes you up by splashing cold water on your face
Red son
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Clingy isn't a word to describe him, more like helpless
Whenever he's feeling "clingy" it's mostly when some things been pissing him off as usual and he just wants to lay on your chest
Your back leaning against the bed frame with your angry boyfriend wrapping his arms around you and ranging about how shitty his day has been
"And then he hit me, TWICE >:(("
"Awe, that's too bad :((" *pets hair*
Once you got your arms around him, he will never let go
But entirely denies it whenever you bring it up
Even if you tease him, he won't budge
Sure he'll get flustered and the usual bantering between words are flown off to you, but he's still not letting you go
Heck, even burying his face deeper into your chest while he grumbles on how annoying you are
You could pretty much feel his smile grow when you start cooing at him on how adorable he is as pet his head, downbad for you
If he's crushing on you; the day he becomes clingy is the day he'll stop calling MK "noodle boy"
But, subtle actions such as lingering in your presence and just staring at you from afar is just him begging you to touch him
His hair, his shoulders, gosh please touch his face
But when you catch him he literally bursts into flames and just starts speaking gibberish
Haha, simp
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I want to eat wukong
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tojisun · 2 years
ughh imagining toji with speckles of grey hair is making me scream and blush (*μ_μ) mans literally has no idea how attractive that is, let alone on him??? but yes!!! i adore comfort/fluff fics so much so i hope you’ll like this one <333
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Toji’s never been insecure of the age gap between you two; for a long time he knew that as long as you love him, as long as you continue to choose him, he has nothing to worry about.
That was before today.
Toji rests his hand on the counter, leaning forward to get closer to the mirror, his eyes narrowed at the few strands of grey hair hidden amidst the black locks. A myriad of emotions flash in his chest, bubbling over until everything is smothered by a blanketing dread.
Toji combs his fingers through his hair, watching as the grey hairs fall and hide underneath the mop of black hair, but it does nothing to abate his unease. He is still aware of their existence, aware of what it entails: he is growing too old, too fast, for you.
“Toji, sweetheart?” you call. “Are you doing alright there?”
“Yeah.” Toji clears his throat. “Just fixing something.”
Toji hears you hum in response, the sound of your voice echoing mutely in the master bedroom. He looks back at his reflection, quickly shooting his hair a sharp glare, before walking into the room.
He sees you lounging on the bed, clothed in his loose shirt that sags down to your thighs, your hair pulled away from your face. You look up at hearing him enter, your face scrunching up in a beautiful smile. 
“Hey there, baby,” you say, beaming at him. Toji feels his heart thud in his chest, flooding him with so much warmth and affection for you, and yet it is not enough to chase away the insecurity that coiled itself in the webs of his nerves. 
Your smile crumples at seeing his hesitance. “Toji?”
He shrugs wordlessly in response, gingerly settling himself beside you. From the corner of his eyes, he can see your eyes furrow, worry etching itself in your face. 
You are quiet for a moment, thinking, before you pull him in your arms. Toji’s head falls onto your chest and he blinks, feeling comforted at hearing your beating heart so close to his ears.
“Toji, I don’t know what’s up but whatever it is, I’m here for you.”
“Oh, darling,” Toji whispers, his voice so quiet and chipped that it had you holding him tighter. He laughs weakly, shaking his head softly in endearment. “How did this old man even land a chance with a sweet thing like you?”
You blink. “Wait. Is this about your- our ages?”
Toji peers up at you, his eyes misty and his tan cheeks flushed. 
“Oh my god it is!” 
Toji sniffs, embarrassment creeping in, before fully pulling away from your warm embrace to sit up properly. Your hands twitch, almost like you want to pull him back in again, and Toji’s lips dance in a fond smile at seeing your protective streak coming up alive. 
“Toji, baby, what brought this up?”
He shrugs. “I’m just getting old.”
“…Yes?” You tilt your head, confused. “Humans tend to do that, my love.”
Toji snorts without meaning to and it breaks the heavy tension even for a bit. You roll your eyes at him fondly, but the crease between your brows still shows how worried you are. 
“I noticed, kid,” he pauses, almost hesitating. Then, “But I’m getting too old for you.” Toji looks away, feeling the shame settle in. “You can do better.”
Silence falls, tangling itself between the crevices of Toji’s spiralling thoughts. He can feel sweat beading on his nape, the summer air driving up his expanding unease, and Toji almost takes back what he said. He almost claims that he was just joking, that he’s perfectly okay and that he’s just being unreasonable. The excuses pile up, almost spilling out from Toji’s lips, but they all get chased away when your hand reaches to hold Toji’s.
He watches, in reverence, as you bring the back of his palm to your face, pressing your plush lips on the aged skin of his hand as your eyes lock with his. Toji’s breath hitches and his heart rockets within the cages of his ribs. But Toji ignores them all as he watches you continue to pepper his hand with feather-light kisses, your soft lips ghosting over every knuckle. His cheeks burn, and Toji wonders just how bright they are right now.
It feels like minutes when you finally say, “You’re perfect.” 
Your voice was steady like you are sure, like you know that you are right. There are so many things that Toji wants to say—‘no’, ‘you’re lying’, ‘only in your eyes’—but he feels choked up, unknowing of where to even begin.
You press his hand to your cheeks, nuzzling it softly. Your eyes close like you are savouring Toji’s touch. “You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen,” you say. “And no matter how old you are, that will never change.”
Toji’s lips lift. “Thanks.”
You hum but your words continue to pour out.
“And perhaps I am biased because I love you, but isn’t that the crux in beating this insecurity? I love you, Toji.” Your eyes flutter open. “I am so in love with you that I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever I think about you. You really think that you aging would change that?”
He must’ve been quiet for too long because you add, “There’s no one who’s better than you, Toji. There’s no one who’s worth more. To me and especially for me.”
You kiss his palm, right where a huge scar lays, as you blink up at him. You two do not point out the wetness of his eyes, clumping his lashes together, or the way he trembles ever so slightly. So Toji crumbles, pulling you to his lap and burrowing his face on the crook of your neck. Your fingers run through his hair and Toji tenses, ashamed at the prospect of you seeing the root of his insecurities, but you do not comment on anything at all. 
You just. You let him fall in your arms, tucking him under your chin like you are trying so hard to protect him with your thin wrists and small hands. And Toji melts, feeling so, so safe.
There is still a voice nagging in Toji’s head that tries to worm itself in his most vulnerable sides, but he resolutely ignores it and focuses on you.
And this, right here in your arms, Toji remembers why loving you has always been one of the greatest things that he ever fought for.
“Love you,” he murmurs, his voice wet and soft. 
Toji feels your lips press on his hair, your arms squeezing him just a tad tighter, before you whisper, “I love you too.”
Toji’s eyes fall, his shoulders sagging as the tightness in his chest eases up a bit, and this feels enough.
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doubletalkingmaeve · 10 months
Jason Newsted sfw alphabet
Needed to get this out of my system so I can sleep peacefully again
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s extremely affectionate and he’s not scared about showing it in public. He’ll hold your hand, have his arm around you, you name it and he’s doing it. He shows affection in a lot of ways but his main language is just being around you. Since he’s touring the world every other day, he likes to spend every second he can with you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Jason would be that one friend that you take everywhere because he’s so easy to talk to and can just read the room clearly. He’s very supportive and I’d see him as the friend who comes round and helps you fix something at your house. The friendship would start either because he knew you since he was young, you were a friend-of-a-friend or he just met you on the road.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves a cuddle!!!! You’re in his arms at every given opportunity. If you’re sitting together, he’d have his arm around the back of the chair you’re sat on. He’s hugging you from behind, arms around your waist if you’re sat on him, like I said before he’s a very affectionate person. After a tough day though, he’s got his head in the crook of your neck and cuddling you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning)
He wants to settle down and he plans to, things are just a little more awkward because of the whole “band” thing. He tries his best to make the balance work and he’s not always perfect with it. He’s a lot better at cleaning than he is cooking. The food he makes is edible but if you want to actually taste something… maybe he better take a step back.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Jase is not a shy person by any means, if he’s grown to be comfortable with you, but unfortunately it’s not working out, he’d tell you in person. He’d call you over for a chat at his and maybe prewarn you over the phone. He’d probably sugarcoat things a tiny bit and I see him as someone who’d blame himself if things went wrong (even if it obviously wasn’t)
F = Fiancé (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Now, it’s obviously quite known that he isn’t exactly the most loyal man in the world but I feel like when he knows he’s found the one, he’s behaving himself. I feel like he’d wait at least a year and a half to two years before he proposes, and even then the wedding would be a couple months after that. He loves the idea of being a family and marriage is important to him.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Jason is extremely gentle. He’s one of the most patient and supportive people out there. He treats you like a gentleman and would never even dare to be caught dead talking bad about you, let alone treating you bad. He leaves soft kisses on you and is always there to listen. Doesn’t matter what the subject is, he wants you to come to him and share your problems.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
BIGGEST HUG LOVER IN THE ROOM!!! He’s constantly needy, he with smother you with hugs, especially when it’s just the two of you. His hugs are warm and tight but just the right amount. He’s always got either both arms around your waist or one there and the other over your shoulders. He could spend hours just cuddling and hugging you and that’s not an exaggeration.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I feel like after a couple weeks, but it all depends on the situation with you two. It might accidentally come out of his mouth and he just runs with it, but after a couple dates and when he feels the time is right, he’ll say it. After that, he’s always dropping it and will remind you everyday if he has to.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s not an overly jealous person, but jealousy is a normal emotion and everyone feels it some point. He doesn’t get jealous when you’re busy talking and hanging out with other men. The only expectation is when someone gets too touchy with you or says something out of line that be doesn’t like, only then does he get wound up. When Jason does get jealous though he goes deadly silent. The bubbly personality is gone and he’s fully tense. His body language and the death glares he gives speak for themselves.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses start of soft and nice. He likes to be gentle at first and if things are going well he’ll be the one to deepen the kiss. Jason doesn’t force anything on you, he can tell by the way your body reacts and he goes with it. He likes to kiss every single inch of you, but his favourite parts are your lips (of course) and your forehead. When it comes to him, I don’t think he’d every admit it unless you ask, but he has a soft spot for kisses on the side of his neck.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I mean this man is a literal child at heart so he fits right in. He’s likes to be the fun uncle and he takes that position very seriously. Him being more relaxed ultimately means you got the short straw and are now dubbed the strict one. He’s the type of person to completely spoil them even if he doesn’t realise it and whatever they want, they get. He’d gladly babysit if he’s asked to, he’d just be a great person to be around.
M = Morning (How are morning spent with them?)
I don’t see him as the worlds best morning person but I do see him as someone who is easily confused as soon as they wake up. Years of touring has left him with the “what country is this? what time? what--” questions. When he’s half awake he’s always patting his hand on your side of the bed to see if you’re still there which ends with him cuddling you to death or a sulking Jason. He’s always the one to get up and put the coffee on, but if the two of you are in no rush, then it’s cuddle time.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Once again, it depends, but even when it’s a night on tour or back in your home, expect to be served all the attention you could possibly want. The nights you’re on tour you normally have Jase talking about how good the last show was and how he’s excited for the next one. After finishing both of your night routines, you climb into bed and Jase is there with his arms wide open. You talk til you fall asleep. When you’re at home, you watch a movie or just browse the TV together until one of you gets tired. It’s roughly the same, with most nights ending up with neither of you getting sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think if you were friends/best friends before the two of you started dating than he’d be a lot more open to you early on. He’d tell you more personal things and how he feels about that. If you met in any other way I think he’d still be open but it might take two or three dates to get it out of him. Like I said before, he’s not a relatively shy person, he’s just private but if he’s comfortable around you, he’d be more open!
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s relatively patient. He’s just like anyone else with some things/people pissing him off more than others but he handles things well. He doesn’t immediately run his mouth, although he will easily tell you or anybody when he disagrees with something. He just gets quiet and bottles things inside of him until he feels it’s the right time to say it (which is extremely bad!!!)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s extremely observant and whatever you say to him sticks in his head somehow. Whether you said you liked your eggs a certain way or that your great-great-grandmother’s cousin’s son’s neighbour’s dog was born in France, he’s got it memorised. Sometimes if he’s a little bit tired he might forget certain things but he’s relatively good. Important dates stick to him, he’s got your work schedule memorised. He’s just invested in your life.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
The first time the two of you met and the more banter-y conversations you have. Inside jokes makes him so happy and he’s fully prepared to tease you for years to come if you said something wrong. The first concert the two of you went to, the first time you got drunk, the first kiss, etc.. He’d also remember your reactions to when you all travel to new places that he might’ve already been to but it’s a first for you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Jason makes sure to keep his personal life far away as possible from the public. He’s known to be quite a private guy and will do everything he can to make sure that you are kept safe. He’ll talk about you briefly in interviews but won’t go into details, unless you’re comfortable with it but even then he probably won’t. If you’re going into an area that’s crowded with fans, he’ll walk closely in front of you to shield you from the cameras. For him, it would be the same thing but the other way around. You keeping his secrets private, things he says etc. I also feel like he’d appreciate you standing up for him. If someone is treating him like shit and you call them out, it would make him feel more protected.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in so much effort!!! Whether it’s a birthday or anniversary he’s always putting in so much thought about what to get you and how to make you feel special. Whenever he’s away for shows and you’re not there, he’s always bringing you back small gifts he bought that made him think of you. He just wants to make you happy. When he knows you’ve had a long day at work and he’s home, he’s getting the house ready for you and running all the errands that you’ve been behind with.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He always forgets to check the answering machine when he’s home. If he’s accidentally missed a call or let it right to a voicemail, he’s always got a “I’ll just get back to it later” attitude and he never does!!! If it’s something important he’s answering it in seconds but when it’s anyone else, he’s too lazy.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I don’t think he’s overly concerned with looks, more about what’s comfortable for him. Sure he likes to look nice but once he’s home he choose his comfiest clothes over anything, even if it looms ridiculous. When it comes to being in public/events, he’s more dressed up to keep up with that ‘metalhead’ image (😌). Of course he wants to look good for you so maybe he’ll put in a little bit of effort. Like most of these, it really does depend but generally speaking, he doesn’t care that much
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Every day that he doesn’t see you feels like it’s dragging on forever. Even though you can talk on the phone if you needed to, that doesn’t make up for you being physically there with him. He hates being away from you and tries to drag you on tour as much as he physically can. If you were to ever leave him, it would take a toll on him greatly. He’s used to putting all his energy into you and now you’re not around he feels bored and empty.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
Whenever he gets home and he’s trying to get back in the momento and the swing of things, he always leaves you notes on the fridge. When he’s catching up on sleep and you’re off to work early. He’ll write a note the night before for you to read when you make your way to the fridge. It’s always either about how he’s proud of you and how you’re gonna do amazing, something he forgot to mention the other day or just plans he’s thinking of making with you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I feel like with him he wouldn’t like someone who was too overly authoritative with him and what he does. There’s a good thing with being assertive, being able to have the confidence to do what you want to do and being able to back it up, it’s something that he’s attracted to. The problem lies when they try to dictate their beliefs and feelings onto him, and this is with everyone not just a partner. For the more physical side of it, I think having a partner who doesn’t want to do anything in general might not be the best for him. Sure having a lazy day is good (especially after a tour) but he gets bored easily and always has to have something to do.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He is a VERY heavy sleeper when he’s finally sleeping in a proper bed and not some random seat on any transportation. He doesn’t really snore that much but he nearly take up half the bed. He’s either sleeping hugging the pillow or you, whichever one is closer. Once he’s fallen asleep he’s out, there’s no way in hell you can wake him up without the military getting involved. Jason normally falls asleep first, he stays up late but he’s always fatigued. Sometimes he finds it hard to sleep because of his neck so you might have to sacrifice a pillow or two.
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