#God why is it so much fun to torture ma bois
bluehourbucky · 1 year
the biting problem
pairing: rockstardad!bucky x f!reader
summary: how theo developed a liking to biting
a/n: I had so much fun writing this hope you enjoy!
rockstardad! bucky universe
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bucky masterlist
Bucky didn't know he could love someone more than you, but when he saw his son for the first time, he knew he would do anything for his baby boy.
Bucky loved being a first-time father, the not sleeping for a year didn't even matter to him when he got to wake up next to you.
"Doll look he smiled!" Bucky still after 2 years couldn't stop gushing over his sons little actions.
"Imma eat your toes! Imma eat them all. Nom nom." He says to his son and gently starts biting them, and Theo giggles and screams, making you laugh.
You come to help him, but instead, Bucky catches you and starts tickling you. After he's done torturing you and you're out of breath Bucky kisses you softly and then grabs Theo to put him to bed since it was getting late.
"Is everything okay?" You yelled out from the living room hearing your husband.
"Theo you can't just bite people." Bucky picks up Theo in his arms and scolds him. Theo looks at his father confused, because why not?
Theo laughs and bites Buckys shoulder, hard.
"That hurts, baby. You can't bite that hard. Like this is okay when you're playing. Okay?" Bucky gently nibbles on Theo's slobbery fingers.
"Mmkay, dada." Theo nodds.
Your phone rings and you pick up immediately seeing its the number of Theo's day care
"Hello. Is this miss Barnes?"
"Yes that's me. Is Theo okay?"
"He's okay. But, Theo bit two kids today. We need you or your husband to come in."
"We'll be there."
You quickly call Bucky and pick him up from the studio.
"Oh god. Why is he biting kids. He never did that before? Are we bad parents. I think it's my fault." Bucky rants nervously.
"Babe, we're not bad parents, and we'll talk to him. See what he was thinking. It's okay " You put your hand over Buckys thigh. Who would've thought this huge scary looking man could be so soft.
"No it's my fault because I always bite him when we're playing. This is all my fault."
Bucky is sweating so much, he wasn't even this nervous when the band played their first sold out show.
"Thank you for coming."
The meeting doesn't last that long, and when you're out of the day care, you three sit in the car.
"Well, that wasn't that bad." You say and look at Buckys scrunched up face, the one he makes when he's thinking very hard.
"Theo honey do you have anything to say?"
"Sowwy mommy, sowwy daddy." He looks down shamefully, he didn't think he was bad he was just playing.
"It's okay. Just please don't bite other kids okay? That's bad. Promise?" Bucky holds out his pinky finger waiting for Theo to do the same.
And he does.
"Good boy. I love you so much." Theo is pulled into Buckys chest and showered with kisses. He has him wrapped around his tiny finger.
"Love you trouble." You plant a kiss on top of Theo's head and drive home.
couple of months later
"Mmh, so pretty, my pretty doll." Bucky kisses you and squeezes your ass , you've been making out for last 15 minutes and he's been teasing you for even longer.
"Please, Bucky!" you beg and you suck a hickey on Buckys neck.
"MOMMA NO THAT'S BAD!" Theo screams and Bucky drops you from his hold. The kid was supposed to be asleep.
You and Bucky look at each other, luckly you're both dressed.
"What are you doing up trouble?" Bucky picks up his son and tickles his belly.
"Are you kay daddy? Mommy always bite your neck! You say it bad! But why I can no bite but mommy can?"
Bucky smirks and realises that it was you who Theo picked up biting from.
"That's right. I'm going to have to put her in time out uh?" Theo nodds proudly.
"And you too little guy you're up past your bed time." Theo looks at Bucky his eyes wide open.
"No I sleep now." He goes completely limp and starts snoring.
Bucky rolls his eyes and goes to tuck him in.
"Mommy was bad I think she deserves a punishment?" Bucky teases you and you roll your eyes.
"He picked this biting stuff from you! You're the one that biting me all the time." It's not like he's wrong, you might like to bite Bucky but it's not your fault, he just looks delicious all the time!
"He did not." you cross your arms, pouting.
"No? Well, so it's not you who bites me when we cuddle, when I cook, when I'm talking on the phone, or playing the guitar?"
You're stubborn so you shake your head a no.
"Lying is bad, doll. Gotta punish you for that too." Bucky picks you up, throws you over your shoulder and then gives your ass a slap.
There's only one person who no longer bites people and it's not you.
[the end]
likes comments and reblogs are appreciated!
if you have any questions or feedback please feel free to send them in my asks are open!
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
I’ll watch over you 2
This was prompted by the wonderful @rufina72! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warning: Graphic description of violence)
Being in the army wasn’t like the movies, Gavin had quickly learned. At the same time, it wasn’t as bad as it was depicted by some either. It was just another job for him, just another way to earn his money. He had had no idea what to do after school and simply wanted to move away from his family, so it was the next-best option.
It stopped being that as they prepared for war. So far, there were only rumours about new oil findings in Antarctica, but if it would end up being true, he had no doubts they would fail to come to an agreement the civilised way. That and the fact that he failed to get along with anyone made him decide to step down. Thankfully he quickly got a job with the police after a few years of additional training. He had liked the freedom of his new job far more than his last and was able to make it to Detective in no time. Additionally, he could help out the SWAT team occasionally as he had all the necessary qualifications.
He was immensely relieved to have left the army when the revolution started. He saw androids be killed on the streets and while he didn’t like the things by any means, that was a bit drastic even to him. Sure, they were just malfunctioning machines, but they didn’t hurt anyone in their protests. It took him a while afterwards to accept he had been wrong and that these malfunctions were a real personality blossoming.
He might have needed the help of one incredible clingy bot for that. RK900, upgraded model of Connor, the most annoying android on earth, had been assigned as his partner on his own volition and while Gavin had tried the hardest to make him reconsider his decision, he had been defeated in the end. The android was competent, a true help and they complemented each other perfectly. Nines was just the right amount of patient to keep Gavin grounded and sit through his tantrums, but strict enough to know when to step in and tell him the truth no matter how bluntly. They had each other’s back and soon didn’t want to go another day without the other.
Gavin knew Nines didn’t like it when he agreed to dangerous missions without second thought. Helping the SWAT team, working in surveillance and going undercover was just the little kick of adrenaline Gavin needed to keep it interesting. He liked the danger, even though he knew Nines would worry. He was addicted to it and couldn’t say no, as Fowler offered him another one: A red ice den that kidnapped androids from the streets for their thirium. Lately they had changed tactics turning to kidnapping an android’s human and pressing the android for more and more until they could get them back. It was never meant for the gang to kidnap him though. Gavin had successfully infiltrated the den as a fist for hire and delivered his information via a heavily encrypted channel to Nines’ terminal directly. Anything he didn’t want to send; he could tell him once he was back home. They were careful to never arrive or leave at the same time, but apparently whoever kept his eyes on Gavin did so for far longer than any of them had expected. One morning, when Gavin had driven to the abandoned college building, they used as a hideout, he was met by the whole gang waiting for him. From there on he only remembered being hit unconscious and dragged underground into a dingy lit room.
He never learned whether or not they had actually contacted anyone, but by the way they grinned at him as he laid there strapped to a hard chair and called him a dirty pig, he knew they knew everything. His cover had been blown. Well, no need to play the idiot henchman any longer then. If only he had Nines by his side telling him how that was a bad idea and holding him back from cursing at them and spitting in their faces. Maybe he wouldn’t have been beaten to a pulp then. At least the gang seemed comfortable using him as a punching back in the basement only. Gavin tried to stay positive. As long as he stayed alive, he just had to wait. Nines would find him. He would know the moment he didn’t come home that something was amiss.
The door opened and Gavin looked up, hoping to see the familiar figure of his most handsome android. But who grinned back at him was only one of the other punchers. To think he had once shared a beer with this asshole… ‘What? Missed me already?’, the idiot laughed, and Gavin let his head fall back down with a sigh. ‘Just so you wait, I won’t be stuck in here for long. You on the other hand…’ It should have been intimidating, but apparently it had the opposite effect: ‘Oh, should I be scared now? Who do you think will save you?’ He looked down at his hand. ‘Detective poodle? Officer TC? Or the “Tin-Can” with a little heart next to it?’ All colour vanished from Gavin’s face. That was his phone. That were the names he had saved for his colleagues. Shit. The man in front of him laughed and held it out for him to read. He had apparently continued to send information to the DPD and also texted Nines and Tina frequently with explanations why he couldn’t come home or to their bar evening. It even sounded like him. Oh, he was phcked… ‘No one is coming for you’, the asshole laughed, pocketing Gavin’s phone again and instead pulling up his sleeves. ‘Now, let’s have some fun, shall we?’
Gavin felt like shit. Shittier than ever in his life. He was hurting all over from being used as a punching bag and being cut open with knifes. On top of all of that he was hungry. These assholes really needed a hobby. As the door swung open, he didn’t even look up. ‘Hello Gavin.’ ‘Go phck yourself!’ ‘Nah, that wasn’t friendly at all. Let’s try again.’ ‘I hope you rot in hell’, he spat, not even looking at the man in front of him. ‘I don’t believe in all this heaven and hell stuff. I believe we need to use the time we got in this world. So Gavin, maybe you should use yours and give us what we need, hm?’ ‘What the hell could you possibly need from me?’, Gavin tried to laugh, but his chest flared up as he tried and cut it short. ‘Well, you see, the password on your connection was changed. Would be a shame if we wouldn’t be able to keep you as our plaything, wouldn’t it? The police can’t know what we are doing here and your phone allows us to feed them false information. Just give us the password, Gavin and we might not kill you off.’ ‘I don’t know the password.’ ‘Oh, Gavin, are you sure that’s your answer?’ ‘I don’t know the phcking password, alright?’ ‘Too bad. I didn’t want to do this, Gavin but you leave me no other choice.’
Gavin had spent most of his time after the beating spitting blood and feeling for one of his teeth that had loosened a bit. Was dental covered by the police? Why did he think about something like that now at all times? He closed his eyes and concentrated on breathing through the pain the slight motion caused. Oh, they had beaten him up real good, he couldn’t move a muscle without something hurting. His face had to look terrible. Maybe he should be thankful Nines couldn’t see him like that.
The break he was granted wasn’t long enough to recover. The door opened and the same asshole came in, asking the same question: ‘What’s the password?’ ‘I don’t phcking know.’ He hated how tired he sounded. ‘Didn’t you learn a thing last time?’ ‘Listen, the whole idea behind this password is that I have to get it from them. For cases like this. God, I knew you were dumb, but I thought at least that had reached your-‘ He wasn’t allowed to end his sentence as the fist collided with his face. The loosened teeth fell out completely and instinctively, Gavin threw his head to the side to spit it out together with the blood. ‘Listen asshole, I-‘ Another fist collided with his jaw and let him see stars for a brief moment. ‘Give me the password!’ ‘I don’t phcking have it!’
They started using knifes next. Maybe they thought stepping up their game would convince Gavin. It did change something in the Detective: He began to be truly afraid. Until now, it had been temporary damage if you forgot the tooth. But using a knife would leave scars and the wounds could get infected. Blood loss was also something he had to account for. All of that had him fearing the next time the door would open and at the same time holding onto the hope Nines would come and save him. How long had it been since the last update from him? He had dropped in and out of consciousness a few times, but it felt like a day could have passed already. How long would it take for Nines to lose his patience?
The door opened and immediately Gavin started pleading: ‘Please. Don’t. I don’t know anything. I don’t know the password. I… Please, let me go.’ ‘I’ll let you go if you tell us what we want to know.’ ‘I don’t know that. Phck, I would have given you the password by now if I knew it!’ ‘I don’t believe you.’ ‘Than that’s your problem.’ Gavin just wanted it to end and it hadn’t even begun yet. ‘Err… No, no, it’s yours actually. Well then, let’s get on with it.’
There was commotion outside. Gavin didn’t care anymore. He just wanted to go home. Be held by Nines, those cool plastic hands soothing his bruised skin and patching him up again. Massaging his healing body that would ache all over without a doubt. God, he wanted to hear his voice again so badly. Gunshots made him flinch, but he failed to connect the dots. It was all just noise to him, shifting in and out of the next and making no sense.
Until the sounds died down and all was calm again. Gavin allowed himself to relax in his restraints and drifted off to a state of semi-sleep after the insurmountable efforts of tensing his muscles in anticipation of the worst. It didn’t help that the door was ripped open exactly then and there were hands all over him. They ripped at clothes and pressed something to his wounds that stung. He screamed and thrashed against them, managed to land a kick on someone, but otherwise was utterly helpless.
He could only scream and call out for help, plead it to end: ‘Go away! No, no, no, no! Not again, never again! Let me go!’ It didn’t help at all, as the hands stayed on him, wrapping him further in what felt like more restraints. No!
It was then that something entered his vision. In the dark room a red circle was weirdly in focus for him. He blinked a few times through swollen eyes and tears. He thought he heard someone. Someone important. They seemed to order someone around. Oh, Nines could order him around so good. Maybe if he believed it hard enough, he could manipulate himself into thinking Nines was there. Was keeping him company through this. He fixed the red ring and tried to imagine his face. ‘Nines?’, he asked, his own voice incredibly silent. ‘I’m here, Gavin. Everything is alright now.’ It didn’t speak well for his brain that it had worked, Gavin thought, but didn’t question it any further.
‘There… There were people…  Just a while ago!’ Gavin looked up at him letting all his feelings show. He needed help. He wanted someone else to take over so dearly. There were fingers in his hair, rubbing at his scalp like heaven on earth. That… he couldn’t imagine that, right? ‘They are here to help, Gavin. It is over.’ Hmm yes, Nines, it’s all over. We can go home, right? ‘They will patch you up so you can go home again.’ ‘It hurts’, Gavin admitted, now that it didn’t matter anymore. Nines needed to know whether he was real or not. ‘I’m scared.’ ‘I know’, Nines mumbled and then there were these heavenly hands on his head, lifting it up and cooling the burning flesh. ‘I’m here now. I’ll make sure they only help you get better. I would never let someone hurt you, Gavin. You know that, right?’ ‘Yes…’ Gavin was ready to believe everything as long as this voice didn’t stop talking to him. ‘It will hurt again, but they are just cleaning your wounds and stop the bleeding so you will be fine. I’ll be here. I won’t leave you. Is that okay?’ Gavin nodded, feeling like he was about to fall asleep. He could sleep now, right? Nines was right there next to him, holding him. Everything would be fine.
‘You will be fine, Gavin.’ Gavin’s full attention was on the face hovering over him, clearer now. He dared to believe this was real. ‘You will heal in no time. You did so before. You are strong and you always come back for me.’ There was the softness of careful lips on his hand and forehead. ‘You will be home soon. And then we will spend the whole day on the couch cuddling and watching movies with the cats, how’s that sound, hmm?’ Gavin smiled thinking about that. He wanted nothing more.
He only realised he was lifted up as his back connected with softer material. He immediately clawed for Nines. Where was that hand, where were these lips? Nines was here, right? Nines would stay with him! Where was he? ‘Gavin, please.’ Oh. There he was. ‘…go to the hospital… lost a lot of blood… look over… can’t go home just yet.’ No. No, Nines. Home. Please. ‘Will- Will you stay?’ ‘Of course… won’t leave your side… safe and sound.’
Gavin allowed himself to relax. Of course. Nines would stay with him. Always. There was more movement. He vaguely noticed the sound of an engine. More hands on him. The most important one a cool one on his hand, gradually getting warmer from his own body warmth. Then the hand was gone, and Nines’ voice accompanied him to sleep: ‘It’s all over now. You will be fine. I’ll be waiting for you when you come back out.’
Gavin didn’t wake up until light hit his eyes and he wanted to turn to his side in his sleep. Pain flaring up all over made him rise with a troubled groan. ‘Nines?’, he mumbled even before his eyes were opened. Where was this hand? This voice? He finally managed to look around. There was an empty chair next to his bed. Flowers on a table. Purple ones. He liked the colour. A lot of cards stood around them, but his eyes caught on a stuffed toy sitting on his bedside table. A small, orange cat. He smiled and reached for it, bracing the pain. It was incredible fluffy, and Gavin focussed just on that sensation for a while. He flinched as the door opened, being reminded of something else entirely. ‘Ah, shit, I missed it.’ Nines. Nines was there. Gavin looked up into that beautiful face and smiled, relaxing. ‘Thought you wanted coffee when you woke up. Doctors told me it would be a few hours. But as always, you are an impatient one.’ Nines sat down and handed Gavin the cup, who greedily took it.
‘I’m sorry I wasn’t there earlier’, the android said as Gavin put it down. ‘I should have known I had been tricked.’ ‘That’s the thing with being tricked, unfortunately’, Gavin commented. ‘You tend to fall for it.’ ‘Gavin, I should know you better.’ ‘Nines, don’t blame yourself. I should lock my work phone better.’ ‘Yeah, you should.’
‘When can I go back home?’, Gavin dared to ask finally. ‘In a few days. I took vacation time, so don’t worry. You won’t be alone.’ Gavin nodded. ‘Thank you, Nines.’ The android leaned forwards and pressed a gentle kiss to Gavin’s mouth. He pulled back before the man could deepen it and laughed at the pouting face. ‘Let your split lip heal first, then we’ll see, okay?’ ‘Okay…’ ‘It’s good to see you are better now. I was seriously worried, Gavin.’ The Detective nodded again. ‘Me too, Nines. Trust me. Never in my life have I experienced something like this, and I hope I’ll never again.’ The RK900 perked up suddenly. ‘Are you saying you’ll finally listen to me?’ Gavin smiled, cursing as it pulled at the small but painful wound.
‘Yes. No more undercover missions unless strictly necessary.’
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fluffymcu · 4 years
The Date (Bucky x reader x Steve)
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@il0veyoujk requested: Heyyyy, can you write a ff where Buck (your older bro) and Steve are back from a mission but you're not home and they somehow discover you're on a date and when you get back home they tickle you with tickles (mouth tickles mostly) to make you admit it and give them more details?? (If you don't want to it's okayyyy) Also your ACC is A-MA-ZING!! Keep going!!
Sure! This idea is cute! Ill try my best. This is ModernAU! Bucky and Steve. But they still kinda have the same 40’s past, but Bucky has short hair here and two fresh arms. Don’t get me wrong I love Bucky just the way he is but I felt like modernAU Bucky fit this fic better.
If you haven’t already, the second part to my Letting Loose series is out, but didn’t show up on tags and it’s not getting much love :( if you haven’t read it you might wanna check it out :)
Your boys were out on a mission for quite a few days now, and you...were on a date!
No you had not told them about it. Why? Because the were EXTREMELY overprotective! Especially your older brother, Bucky. He denied the accusation that he hated when you went on dates, but you knew deep down he would always not like it when you'd go out with someone. Steve was overp too, but it was really Bucky that would start the fire and Steve would ride along with just as much passion. So when a cute guy you'd met at a coffee shop yesterday asked you out, you said yes, deciding not to tell the boys. Besides, you didn't know how it would go; maybe it would just be a one time thing. They didn't need to know. And you definitely didn't need them bugging you the whole day, bombar you with questions about the guy and how he treated you and what kind of guy he was and so on.
So you just decided to leave it at that and keep it a subtle secret. You went to your room to go get ready in your shared apartment with Bucky and Steve, and put on some light makeup and picked your outfit. Once you were satis with your look, you grabbed your wallet, keys, and phone and drove out to meet Jackson at the new pizza joint a few blocks away.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky and Steve has come home from the mission early. Just your luck. They came home to an empty apartment and to be honest they were a bit confused.
"Y/n actually left the bed? Why would she be out, it's not like she has a life," Bucky said carelessly, looking around the apartment for you. Steve chortled and shrigge, partly agreeing with him. You hardly ever went out. You loved staying inside your room and the boys would often tease you about it. But you didn't know why they were complaining, they dont even like it that much when you go out. It makes them ""nervous"".
You were having a lot of fun on your date. Jackson was a pretty nice guy and definitely surprised you with his kind personality. You had expected him to be... well, you didn't know. But he really did surprise you. Back at home, Bucky thought to look on the Life360 app to see if he could know where you're at. His jaw dropped and He looked at Steve incredulously.
"This girl really just turned off her location!" Steve's brows furrowed as he stepped closer to him to grab the phone from him.
"What? Why would she do that?" Steve hummed. Bucky presses his lips in a fine line while looking at Steve with an unamused smirk, taking the phone back in his hands.
"Cause she's bein' sneaky, that's why. We're gonna find out what she's been doin when she gets home." Bucky sighs, taking a seat on the couch to wait for you. He sighs deeper and pulls out his phone again to text you.
Your laughing at one of Jackson's jokes when your phone buzzes. "Oh, excuse me this'll just take a second." You smile, taking out your phone. Your shocked at the text you receive.
Where are you?? And why is your location off?
You don't even realize you let out a loud breath until your date calls your attention. "Is everything alright?" You look up at him before softening your features and giving him a smile.
"Of course! Just my brother being annoying." You chuckled, texting back a quick reply before shoving your phone back in your pocket.
None of your business :))
Bucky gasped offended, growing more and more suspicious of what you were up to. For the next 20 minutes of your date, your phone was buzzing every 3 seconds, getting on your nerves. You inhale deeply, feeling bad that you had to cut Jackson off in the middle of his story. "I'm so sorry, I have to sort some things out in the bathroom. That sounded weird. No, I just have to take care of somethi- I have to use the bathroom!" You sighed, shaking your head and getting up. "I'll be right back." You leave after Jackson nods and smiles.
When you're in a bathroom stall, you get out your phone and roll your eyes and groan in annoy at all the texts your brother has been spamming you with.
None of my business?
It is my business
Answer me
I know you know I'm texting you. Answer the phone dummy 👁👅👁
Answer the phooone 🤪
I'm not gonna stop until you answerrrrrr
Knock knock :)
Helloooo darling sister???
Where are youuuu?
“Ughhh.” You groan, texting him back before heading back out to your date.
Stop being annoying!! It’s not healthy ;)
The date went well, until your brother decide to annoy the crap out of you, but overall, you really liked Jackson. You thanked him for the date and made your way home. You really didn’t want the date to end, because you were now dreading coming home, knowing you were going to be interrogated to death.
You prayed to god as you got closer to your floor that the boys were in their room so the you could slip in and sneak into your room with out being seen. But as fate would have it, they were waiting for you right in the open living room. You rolled your eyes and stepped into the apartment, setting your bag on the floor. Bucky and Steve immediately stood from the couch and put their hands on their hips in synch. “Where were you?” Bucky asked with a brow raised, looking you up and down noting you were pretty dressed up. The date had been pretty casual, but it was obvious that you put a little more effort than you usually put for doing random errands. You stayed there for a moment, standing there and feigning innocence before booking it to your bedroom. “Hey!” Bucky yelled, quickly running after you and catching you before you got to your bedroom.
He scooped you up quickly and dropped you on the couch, ignoring your weak threats and protests. He quickly straddled your waist to prevent you from escaping and Steve stepped closer to tower over the both of you. “Get off me!!” You spat, pushing at Bucky’s chest and punching his knees to get him off you.
“Tell us where you were.” Bucky said, brushing off your punches.
“Get OFF!!! I’m not telling you, it’s none. Of. Your. Business!” You growled, grabbing at Steve’s jeans to use him to crawl out from underneath your brother. Steve pulled away briefly to stop you and looked at you expectantly.
“Tell us where you’ve been, y/n.” Steve hummed. You pursed your lips and shook your head stubbornly. You were and adult and you could do your own things without them knowing about every little aspect in your life.
“I don’t need to tell you anything!” You yelled, pushing harshly at Bucky’s chest again. Bucky smirked and tased your side to warn you about what was about to go down. You flinched harshly and slapped at his shoulder, eliciting another squeeze at your side. You snorted, not wanting to give him the satisfaction but not being able to contain your laughter either. Bucky’s smirk grew as he began to pinch at your sides and ribs sporadically, making your laughter bubble up. “Quihihit it you jeheheherk!” You whined, failing at protecting yourself.
“Tell us where you went then, y/n!” He chuckled, keeping up his antics, using a hand to scribble into your belly. You couldn’t help the squeal that left your mouth as you turned side to side to try to distract yourself from the torturous feeling. Steve smirked and sat in the couch, next to your head and looked at you mischievously. “Still not gonna break?” He asked, grabbing your wrists in one hand and scratching lightly into your armpits. You shrieked at the feeling, pulling desperately at your arms and letting out loud belly laughter.
“STOHOHOHOP IHIHIT! IHIHIM NOT TELLING!” You yelled, cackling when Steve started moving his fingers faster.
“So stubborn. And ticklish.” Bucky hummed, lifting up your shirt and blowing a long raspberry on your belly, making sure to rub his stubble in it. You shriek, kicking your legs out, your stomach cramping a bit from all the laughter. Steve chuckled at your reaction and started fluttering his fingers under your chin and around your neck. It was hard to protect your neck because your arms were held above your head, so you had to just lay there and laugh it out. “She can never stand raspberries.” Steve chuckled fondly, laughing when you try to crane your neck down to bite him.
“She really can’t!” Bucky laughed, blowing another one right above your belly button to prove their point. “Now, think you’re ready to tell us where you went y/n? Or you wanna take some more?” He chuckled, giving you a break to breathe. Steve let your arms go for the moment and you panted, letting out residual giggles.
“Nohoho! I don’t have to tell you every little thing about my lihihife!” You whined, grabbing his hands to keep them at bay. Bucky tsk’ed and and shook his head at you before suddenly gasping.
“Did you go on a date?!” He asked, looking at Steve, his expression changing as well when he began to think about it.
You hesitated a bit before replying, giving it away instantly. “Nooo!”
“You did! You so did!” Bucky sang, starting you tickle you again, shaking into your ribs. You fell back in a fit of loud laughter and you shook your head side to side. Steve scoffed, still surprised at the discovery and stood up to sit at the opposite side, near your feet. “Tell us who he was! Where did you go!!” Bucky yelled, rubbing his beard up your side, all the way up to your ribs before nibbling on the skin. You let out an inhuman scream and began to push at his shoulders, but he wouldn’t move much. You went limp when you felt someone grab your feet in a headlock and start scribbling their fingers on your soles. Steve turned to look at you with a smirk and continued to torture you.
“It’s not hard, y/n, all you have to do is tell us where you’ve been and who’d you go with.” Steve sang, scribbling is fingers under your toes. It was no use trying to kick your feet out, you knew you weren’t getting out. Bucky decided to blow several tiny raspberries along your ribs and sides, switching over to the other side and doing the same.
“I HAHAHAHATE YOHOHOU!” You cackled, pulling at his hair. Bucky laughed and growled loudly before nestling his stubble in the crook of your neck and making nomming noises, just like he always used to do when you were younger. You let out a bunch of squeaky laughter, making Bucky chuckle.
“But you loved when I would tickle you!” He teased, mumbling into your neck. Your laughter was getting hoarse and with Steve spidering his fingers up to the spot behind you knees, and pinching your lower thighs, you knew you’d go insane if they didn’t stop soon.
“GUHUHUHUYS! STOHOHOP IT I MEHEHEAN IT!!” You squealed, kicking your legs out as much as you could. Steve chortled and stood up, motioning for Bucky to scoot over. Bucky stood up and you made your way to roll off the couch but Steve only took Bucky’s spot, straddling you and digging his fingers into your hips. You arched your back and let out a long squeal before bursting into hysterics, pushing at his hands. You were so desperate, that you actually looked to your brother for help, as if he was gonna help you. “BUHUHUHUCKY MAKE HIM STOHOHOHOP!”
Steve and Bucky looked at each other and laughed, Bucky shaking his head. “Geez, you’re tough to crack today! This must be some pretty interesting stuff that you wanna keep hidden from us... don’t worry though, we’ll get it outta ya eventually. We can stay here all night if we have to.” He sang, smirking when you shook your head at him.
“NOHOHO PLEHEHEASE! ILL TELL YOHOHOU!” You cried, knowing that they really weren’t going to stop until you told them. Also it was to the point where you couldn’t stand another second of this. You had to give in at some point. The boys cheered and got off of you, waiting patiently for you to catch your breath. “Gohohod. You guys ahahalmost killed me!” You yelled exhaustedly, sitting up a bit and holding your stomach. The boys looked at you with smirks and only shrugged.
“Yeah yeah. Anyway, tell us about the date. Was it a date?” Bucky asked. You sighed, rolling your eyes before telling them about Jackson and the date, and where you’d met him.
“He’s not good enough for you.” Bucky grounded. You sucked your teeth and groaned.
“You say that about every guy! No one is gonna be good enough for you. You’d be happy with me just being single my whole life!”
“Exactly! No one deserves you!”
“Bucky’s right! I mean, he didn’t even walk you home or anything. Did he buy you flowers? Did he come to pick you up? He’s not a true gentleman!” Steve exclaimed, Bucky nodding and agreeing with him.
“Guys! This isn’t the 40’s anymore! You know things are different. Even dates. I have my own car now. We just meet at the place and have our date. It’s not as... I don’t know it’s just not the same as the 40’s.” You sighed.
“Yeah, because romance and chivalry has been dying recently. Dates used to be so special and meaningful. Now it’s all just casual and no one even appreciates the quality of a good date anymore.” Bucky says, putting his hands in his hips. You sigh, looking away. Yes, that was true, but there was nothing you could do about it. Things change, sometimes even the best things. But the key was to adapt. And it was always easier for you to adapt to the modern world than it was for the boys. They had made many improvements, but they still had a few habits that stick with them to this day.
You just had to accept the fact that Bucky and Steve would always be protective of you no matter what, especially if it included dating. “Okay, you guys are right. Whatever. Can we just call it a night?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. Bucky rolled his eyes before nodding, offering a hand to help you off the couch. When you stood up, he pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight dummyhead.” He smiled. You clenched you’re jaw and punched him lightly on the arm.
“Night, jerk.” You spat, giving Steve a hug and kiss as well before crashing on your bed and knocking out.
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bi-robins-club · 4 years
jason had just settled onto his couch with a jane austen novel and his favourite peach iced tea when damian crept in through his window. he sighed internally and decided to simply ignore him. he had told damian to use the front door (nevermind the fact that jason rarely used the door) and more importantly? he was freaking comfortable. after a few minutes as jason flipped idly through the book, damian cleared his throat. jason sighed again, outwardly this time and reluctantly dragged his eyes up to his youngest brother. baby bat was shivering slightly from the rain outside and jason simply rasied an eyebrow as he sipped at his tea. scowling, dami stomped over to jasons bathroom to dry off. he rolled his eyes. how dramatic. damian was acting like he sentenced titus and alfred the cat to their deaths instead of how he was actually saving jason from deep cleaning his rain soaked carpet. (he was still going to deep clean the carpet the next time he tidied up but still)
when damian stalked back into the room, looking less like a wet, angry kitten and more like a dry, angry kitten, jason titled his head back and established eye contact.
"so what brings you over to my neck of the woods, demon spawn?"
instead of snapping back like jason expected, damian simply stood there looking extremely uncomfortable. he shuffled his feet, opened his mouth then closed it and sat next to jason on the couch he splurged way too much on.
"i don't know how to tell you this" dami began, hesitant "but i believe harper is experiencing thoughts of suicide"
jason jerked up, almost knocking over his tea (and what a damn waste that would be) before fixing damian with a look. he hadnt noticed anything different in roy lately but he knew more than anyone that depression acted strangely and was hard to pinpoint. his mind raced with thoughts of why roy might be suddenly suicidal, from a sudden relapse to not getting a happy meal toy included in his 3.99 box of clogged arteries. "why do you say that, damian?"
"i have been keeping an eye on his health since he became a close confidant to you and last night he said something worrying that i am still not able to parse the meaning of" jason smiled lightly at that, in damian speak he was basically declaring that he cared for roy- if for nothing else than for how happy he made jason. still he shook it off and asked what roy had said that was worrying dami.
"he was patrolling last night" jason knew that. roy had been picking up his patrols since jason had a nasty leg wound. it was the reason he wasn't out tonight. "and he was on the phone with an unknown person, though i am inclined to believe it was either Starfire or Canary" okay, still not surprising "and then he said that the only place he could die happy was between your thighs" oh hello blue screen. yes jasons mind was in the middle of rebooting but could you hurry it along? he almost missed what damian said next. "not only does he wish for death upon himself, he wishes for you to give it to him!"
"damian" jason managed, frantically trying to figure out a way to explain to his baby brother without including his sex life. "uhh its just an expression"
damians face brightened up slightly. "really? he does not wish to smother himself between your thighs?"
"yeah, its like...like just a way to say... mind your business? mmhmm" he struggled to get out, pulling an explanation out of his ass.
"you have told father to mind his business a thousand times but i dont recal you ever using that one. is it new?"
oh god. jason would rather die again than continue this conversation.
"uhh its only used if you're close to someone" jason didnt know what he didnt wrong but dami's eyes widened in clear worry. "i thought you and father were reconnecting? has something happened? are you fighting again?"
well shit. jason had not thought this one through. fuck roy and fuck his mile wide kink that centered around jasons thighs. he was going to kill him. and he wouldnt even use his thighs. "oh nonono dami we're fine, just not as close as me and roy" he hedged, pleading to gods he didnt believe in to stop this conversation with whatever means necessary. strike him dead if need be but *please*. damians eyes narrowed "and exactly how close are you with harper, jason?" jason stared in disbelief. how had his nice relaxing evening turned into such a shitshow? damian was fine with roy when he and jason were just friends but now that he was (correctly) assuming a relationship, his over protective instincts were kicking in? christ. he remembered how when dick and babs finally started dating (again), damian seemingly lost all respect for her and called her an evil harlot more than once.
thankfully he was saved by answering in the form of the best person jason had ever met aka duke thomas. he announced his presence by awkwardly coughing. jason met his dark eyes and mouthed 'help me' over damians head. duke smiled as if it was getting pulled out of him by torture but nodded.
"hey dames, dick wanted you to join him by the docks when you finished up here" damian scowled "cant you see i am clearly not finished yet"
"hah, well dick was facing up against scarecrow and i think he needed some back up but you know him"
"yes, he wont admit he needs help when he very clearly does" damian sighed "very well, ill go check on dick. you stay and question jason. " and with that damian clambered out the window and after he disappeared from sight, jason threw his head back to stare at his ceiling and groaned. duke laughed at him.
"hey daisy duke?" duke grumbled at the nickname and jason cracked a smile "how did you know i needed back up?" duke winced and ran a hand over his dreads. he made a face and jasons soul was slowly draining out of his body. "oh haha funny story" duke rocked back on his feet and faked laughed "damians com was still connected to the channel" jason froze.
"who was on the channel oh my god" duke smiled thinly and his hand paused on his head. "other than me? everyone." jason buried his head in his hands and let out a high pitched whine. duke consolingly rubbed his shoulder. this is why jason loved him. he hadn't even laughed at jason like tim, dick or steph would or started plotting death like damian started to. he and cass would just offer support. jasons favorite brother and sister right here folks. duke sat down beside him
"listen. i know what it's like to be outed when youre not ready and when i heard damian grilling you about roy, i thought i would help" jason turned and stared at his brother. duke was staring at his hands and avoiding eye contact. "i got caught with a boy when i was 15 in high school. its pretty shitty to be gay and poor in a homophobic neighbourhood but its worse to be gay, poor and black." jason knocked shoulders with him. "if you tell me the name of whatever asshat outed you, I'll shoot him for you." duke let out a waterly laugh. "they kept bullying me for being gay but if they even listened, they would have realised that im pan" he joked "its a completely different thing after all". jason snorted
"that was horrible"
duke winced "yeah, it was wasnt it. im bad at this" it was jasons turn to avoid eye contact now.
"talia once caught me with a league operative. a male operative. i was so paranoid for days until i caught shiva leaving her rooms. i got the courage to tell her i was bi and she just patted my cheek and asked how my training was going."
duke huffed out a laugh. "bruce gives you shit but i for one think your lesbians moms are cool"
jason laughed with him "just wait until you meet Ducra. shes a badass"
"ducra?" he questioned with a weird look. "how many moms do you actually have? i knew about diana and your assassin moms but thats a new name" jason burst into laughter at the expression on dukes face. "its not fair man. steph is the only other one with a mom and you have four! you need to share" jason choked on his laughter and shoved duke.
"first of all, its only *three*. ducra is like my badass abuela"
"dont you already have a badass grandma? have you forgotten about Ma Gunn? she threatened to shoot bruce in the dick last week!"
"yes well excuse you i need strong female role models in my life, fuck you" the two of them continued to joke around for a little while longer before jason caught a flash of black kelvar outside his window and sighed. duke followed his eyes and smiled before patting jasons shoulder and pushing off. "have fun with the one strong male role model in your life. im going to see if cass needs help" both of them knew that cass wouldn't need help but jason accepted the excuse for what it was. "me and steph are still coming over to study tomorrow. college is kicking my ass and i need you to explain this English assignment to me"
jason scoffed "im not writing your essay for you"
"eh worth a try. bye jace" duke gave a two fingered salute and slipped out the window. jason took the brief reprieve to sip his tea and mourned when he discovered the ice had melted and watered down the peach taste. for the third time that night, someone crept into his window. oh well. third times the charm right? jason wasn't going to acknowledge bruce until he said something himself. it was a repeat of damian. jasom read his book as it got increasingly uncomfortable.
"bruce" jason drawled, not lifting his eyes from his book. bruce grunted like the neanderthal he was and jason finally huffed out a heaving breath before marking his page and looking up. bruce looked supremely uncomfortable. actually his face looked exceedingly neutral but jason knew how to read bruce and that was the brow furrow of how do i deal with jason without fucking it up? jason was well famailairsed with that one.
"you know i love you" jasons own eyebrows rose. bruce only said 'i love you' like four times a year tops. and he usually never wasted it on jason. bruce deflated at whatever face jason must have made. goddamn it. this was why jason always fought with bruce with his helmet on, he couldnt control his facial expressions for shit. "no you dont know that." bruce smiled thinly and to jasons suprise, quickly crossed the room and knelt, placing his hands on jasons shoulders.
"even if you dont believe it, and its my own fault that you do and i hate that i ever caused you to even doubt my love for you, i swear that i do, jay lad" jason was completely frozen. he had expected bruce to yell at him for letting roy go unchecked on patrol last night and how irresponsible he was yada yada, not this declaration of feelings that he had no clue how to deal with. he couldnt remember the last time bruce called him that. it had to have been when he was still in those scaly green panties and pixie boots. and not the adult verison that jason picked up from a halloween store on a whim just to see roys eyes.
bruce sighed and drew jason into a hug. when bruces shoulder started getting wet, jason was horrified to realise he was crying. "i wanted you to know that i wouldnt love you any less for loving a man. but you have to know that i love you in the first place for that to happen" bruce said self deprecating.
"shut the fuck up" jason said sniffling and gripping his dads back. "i hate you"
bruce laughed softly at him before pressing a kiss to the side of jasons head. "i want you to know that i expect roy-and you- over at dinner on sunday. i need to meet the man that stole my babys heart" he murmured. jason laughed wetly "youve already met roy, you just want to con me into actually coming to family dinner"
bruce smiled "that was before i knew you two were dating. roy needs to know what hes getting into" jason leaned back enough to stare into bruces eyes and weakly punched him in the chest "dont threaten my boyfriend. he refused to look at me for two weeks after t was done with him" bruce sighed longingly "its times like this when i remember what caused me to love talia in the first place."
"bruce!" the aforementioned man laughed and hugged jason tightly before stepping back a few steps. "Sunday dinner. you and roy. 8 pm." on a whim jason reached out and snagged bruces hand. "hey" he started, swallowing "you wanna stay for a while? we could watch a movie or something" bruces eyes softened and he nodded. "let me change out of the suit."
and if roy had crept in after patrol only to see jason napping on his dads chest to a shitty action movie playing in the background and took several pictures, well that bruces fault for not waking up when roy stumbled it. (nevermind the fact that bruce had every single one of those pictures saved on his phone) (nevermind the fact that after roy put his phone away, he was greeted to the sight of batman glaring at him as he twisted a batarang around his fingers. it was sorta ruined by the fact that jasons curls was hiding the lower half of his face but roy was still adequately terrified)
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
A Lovely Intervention  -  Damian Wayne x Jon Kent & Tim Drake x Conner Kent
Words: 2.3k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Can you make a fic out your short where Damian is taking after his brothers? Maybe like an intervention or something? I love your shorts I basically binged them😁😁”
I LOVE THIS! TimKon is my everything and we love Damian and Jon secretly taking after their brothers and it turning into a whole family moment. This req made me soft, thank you so so so much and I’m glad you like my shorts hehehe 💓 Hope you enjoy!
“We gotta talk get here asap.” Dick called his family, needing to investigate the current problem.
“I’m bringing Kon if you’re interrupting my day” Tim buzzed in, and Dick smiled, everything was going exactly to plan. “Yeah Red that’s fine, I want him here anyways” Dick replied, hearing the whoosh of Tim and Conner take off towards their rondevu point.
“Kay gang’s all here except the demon, you hiding him here somewhere?” Jason mocked, eliciting a harsh look from Dick.
“No, this meeting is actually about him, or about us. Have you guys noticed Damian and Jon trying to imitate us recently?” A lightbulb went off for Conner as he stole the floor, recollecting his most recent interaction with the boys.
“Oh my god yea, wait get this: I’m at the farm gettin’ work done so I could hang with Timmy - don’t blush babe everyone knew we were out together - yeah, then I see Damian tearing across the field with one of Ma’s horses. And I’m like ‘Hey Punk! She isn’t yours!’ and the kid gives me this shitty little smirk like he knows something, and he keeps going! Then he has the balls to flip me off! In my house?!?” Kon was waving his hands around trying to get the point across. “Is this gonna go anywhere airhead?” Jason interrupted, and Tim grabbed Conner’s hand, pulling him down back onto the ground after he began floating with anger.
“Shh babe lemme finish I was there too” Dick looked taken aback “TIM YOU SPENT THE NIGHT AT CONNORS? YOU TOLD BRUCE YOU WERE WITH THE TITANS” Tim quickly blushed and kept talking “Well yeah, but that’s not the point! I was watching Damian cuz he wanted to go over and ‘watch the stars’ which seems lame but the kid’s messed up enough maybe he needs some star gazing” Jason rolled his eyes, tapping his wrist to hurry his younger brother up. "Shit I took Kori star gazing a few weeks ago!" Dick mumbled before Tim got back to explaining.
“Sorry, sorry, so I wake up before Kon and go down and Jon is showing Damian pictures of all his pets then he ruffles Damian’s hair [ Dick audibly gasps ] yeah I fucking know, he let him touch him. Then it gets worse. Jon was wearing your jacket Kon. With the fucking spikes. The. Spikes. And Damian complimented him like I always do like he said ‘looking sharp Kent’ and that’s literally my line. So I have to do some recon but you’re right Dick, the kid’s a robot or something, not the demon” Kon nodded, finishing his story right after Tim “Oh my you’re right, Jon told me that he wanted to give Damian something to cement his feelings, like how I give you some of my clothes and souvenirs babe, except he gave the punk a whole ass horse!”
Dick realized it was getting worse that he thought. “This is good info guys, Tim I don’t think Damian is a robot but I think he’s taking after us, remember when I caught you trying on my Nightwing outfit? Jay you did it too, do I need to remind you about the Robin suit? And Kon you know what it’s like” The three boys shifted, uncomfortable with being called out by Dick.
“Alright so what do we do? Jump off a bridge and see if the demon follows? Kid doesn’t take after me so I don’t know why this is a problem?” Jason crossed his arms, still a little hurt by the robin reference. “Shut up Jay you’re with Tim running interference while Conner and I take the lead” Dick looked at the group explaining his plan. “Conner you’re talking to Jon about being himself, don’t roll your eyes they’re teens they need shaping in the right direction, it’s the least we can do. I mean look how well Jason turned out, you don’t want that happening to Jon!” Conner nodded, glancing at Jason who was openly scowling at the group. “Shut up Jay you’ve got the easy job unless you rather take mine and try to talk to Damian about his feelings. That’s where you guys come in, if Damian tries to make a break for it you’re security.” Tim and Jason high fived, excited at the possibility of having to cage a demon.
“So, plan A is the civil plan, plan B is caging the bird and then trying to be civil what happens if plan B fails?” Tim was well aware there were odds Damian wouldn’t want to hear it. Dick sighed, “well, plan C is disgusting Jon and Dami with Kon’s sappiness” and Kon cheered. “Plan C it is!” And it was time to set the plan (s) in motion.
“Dami look! I’m like a bat!” Damian tried to suppress a smile as Jon grinned, hanging upside down on the tree he’d climbed. “C’mon I can see that smile come hang with me!” Jon cooed and Damian easily scrambled up the tree, sitting on one of the limbs with his back against the trunk. “TT Kent I’m Robin not Batman, besides shouldn’t I be trying to impersonate your father?” he joked, tracing an S on his chest.
In a flash, Jon was pulled from the tree by his big brother. Damian jumped up, not sure what had taken Jon. “At ease soldier, it’s just Kon!” Tim walked up to the base of the tree, gesturing Damian down. Sliding down the tree Damian mumbled “your Kent stole my Kent” and Tim nudged him “so you’ve staked a claim huh?” and Damian blushed, looking down and walking towards the house. “Dames Dickwing needs you for something I think he’s waiting outside. “And you’re not coming? Gonna spend another night with Conner, who is your excuse this time?” Damian sneered as it was now Tim’s turn to flush with red. “Hey you wanted to go too! Don’t pretend like you didn’t hold Jon’s hand on the way over” Damian didn’t turn around, flipping Tim off as he raced toward’s Dick’s car.
“What’s with the super-snatching?” Jon huffed while Conner set him down on top of the family barn, the view of their home from on top of the barn was a favorite spot of theirs. “Well, uh, I’m never good at these but I’ve noticed you and Dames getting really close, and that’s really cool ya know”
Jon gagged and tried to begin climbing down from the roof, “oh god Kon no. I don’t want whatever talk you’re trying to give me. You really? Aren’t you already with a bat yourself?” Kon snorted “so you admit you wanna be with the bat?” and Jon huffed, sitting down again. “Maybe a little bit - what does it mean to you!” Jon refused to make eye contact with Conner. “Kid nothing’s wrong! But if you are I just wanted to give some advice, one SuperBat to another!” Jon shook his head at the cringeworthy ship name but eventually gave him attention back to Kon.
“What I’ve learned is that each of those boys is their own person, and so are we. And you know how hard that was for me to learn especially! So, I guess we’ve noticed you kinda trying to act like me and Tim but I just wanted to tell you that Damian isn’t Tim and you aren’t me, you gotta make your own path bro” Kon nudged Jon as he nodded, “yeah, I mean you’re right Damian is nothing like your coffee addict, he’s strong and passionate and really cares if you actually look deeper and - uh, yeah. I get what you’re saying.” Kon smiled, it wasn’t often they had a good “bro moment” but it went well. “Okay good talk bud, I’m gonna take ya back over now, but remember I’m here to give advice. You know Damian is emotionally constipated and so’s Timmy sometimes so I’m here when ya need me, okay bud?” Jon rolled his eyes “okay there we go, too sappy Kon, let’s go back... Oh no, are you guys trying the same thing with Dames?” Conner nodded, and Jon groaned knowing Dami was gonna be in a bad mood now if he hadn’t torn one of his brothers to shreds yet. “Let’s go back now”
“What do you need Grayson” Damian slumped in the passenger seat while Dick began driving. He noticed Dick locked the doors and noted all the ways he could escape if Dick wasn’t who he seemed to be. “Not much little-D just wanted to chat n grab some food, I’ve missed ya!” Damian narrowed his eyes, “I thought you liked Kent, you let Tim sleepover too and he had significantly more fun with the clone than Jon and I, who knows what they were doing while we traced star patterns” Dick cringed, noting that he’d have to talk to Tim later. “Well this is actually about Jon! You’ve gotten really close huh?” Damian shifted in his seat, getting a clear view of the car’s side mirror which showed none other than Red Robin trailing a couple hundred feet behind Dick’s car. “What is happening Grayson, we’ve done nothing wrong, not to mention nothing the clone and replacement haven’t done,” Damian couldn’t fathom why he was being tortured by his mom brother.
“That’s just the point baby bat, you and Jon haven’t done anything for yourselves. You invited Jon to star watch, Kori and I did that two weeks ago, Jon’s ruffling your hair the way Kon does Tim, and you’re saving news clippings from your adventures with Jon just as Tim does with Kon. It’s time to be your own guy Dames!” This was too much emotional intervention for Damian. Noticing Tim had fallen behind he pulled the lever on the car seat and use the momentum of it flying forward to push himself out the car’s side window. Never without his tool belt, he grabbed his grapple but cursed Smallville for having nothing good to swing towards. He heard cars honk and a child threw themself out of a window, rolled smoothly on the grass beside the road, and took off.
He was in the clear until he heard the rev of Red Hood’s motorcycle. Muttering under his breath he pulled out the comm he and Jon had exchanged just a few days before, he’d seen Jason do it with his teammates why shouldn’t he? As he signaled Jon he let his thoughts divulge for just a second at how similar he was to his brothers, and how Jon really liked to copy Kon as well. “Might have a point but this is good fun” he mumbled as he radioed Jon.
“They try the intervention?”
“I think I’m still being intervened for lack of a better word. Care to give me a lift these damn Smallville buildings aren’t big enough to swing from.” Damian heard Jon chuckle. “I would say ‘I’m on the way bird-brain’ but I think that’s Kon’s line and we aren’t supposed to do that anymore” Damian groaned at the realization they’d already gotten to Jon and knowing him he’d want to talk about it with Damian. There truly was no escape, but Jon was better than getting captured by Jason and Tim.
“C’mere you little shit!” Jason screeched as he saw Damian pick up the pace. Damian would usually know when he’d lost and go in for a fight but the kid kept running. “Something’s up, he’s not fighting” Jason lookup up to see Tim soaring down towards Damian. “Wings aren’t flapping Drake you’re not airborne much longer” Jason noted as Tim cascaded through the air. “Long enough idiot, pick up is on the way”
“of - fucking - course it is” Jason stopped in his tracks when he saw not only Jon but Conner flying in, Conner on Jon’s tail. “So is this just a fun exercise now? I think the kids got the message” Tim had connected Kon to the group. “Leave ‘em be let’s go for plan C” Dick told the group and the comms filled with Tim’s groans and Kon whooping. “Nah I’m out but I still wanna give ‘em a run for it. Dami is smart he’ll figure out what he and Jon are” Jason tried to sound caring and thoughtful, but really he wanted to chase Damian and not have to watch Conner makeout with his brother. “Alright we can talk later, go get them” Dick gave the go-ahead and the three took after their younger brothers who had quite the head start.
“Clone is on our tail, can’t you go faster?” Damian complained. “Good one Rob but if I’ve got this correctly I’m the one carrying you.” Damian rolled his eyes, using his wrist computer to find the quickest hiding spot. “Left here, hard turn” Damian instructed as Jon dove into a field of grains. “Not that hard idiot” Jon laughed and Damian couldn’t contain a giggle. “Well they won’t find us... what should we do?” Jon poked at Damian.
“Sometimes I wonder how I befriended you”
“So you admit we’re best friends!”
“Glad that’s what you got”
“Well now that we’re here wanna talk about our..... feelings?” Jon waggled an eyebrow at Damian.
“Forget it, Jason finding me is better than this” Damian began to get up when Jon grabbed his hand, stopping him dead in his tracks. “Stay with me Dames, just for a little” and though Damian wouldn’t admit it, he was glad Jon asked him to stay, because he was never good at the feelings thing but with Jon he kinda wanted to try. He wanted to find what the feeling of his heart pounding out his chest and his brain being fuzzy was, and just how he could feel it just a little more often.
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overclockedroulette · 3 years
I am so sorry
(it's not explicit but it does have....undertones. so watch out for that i guess.)
it's scotty's fault for drawing him in a maid dress anyway
they coerced me into it
I am so so sorry
Avarice was used to going a little overboard when acquiring test subjects, but this was beyond unreasonable.
It had been a date. Some half-elven journalist in a squalid tavern - much too young to be this down on his luck - going by the name of Kedian. It was easy to charm the boy: a couple drinks, a few well-placed compliments here and there, just enough false emotional vulnerability for him to give a resolute acceptance when he offered to return home with him. It had gotten out of hand. He didn’t know how he ended up agreeing to this.
“Kedian, dear, this dress is ridiculous. Is it really necessary?” He called, giving a lackluster spin in the full-length mirror while the half-elf snickered.
“Don’t- no, don’t be like that! I- aha- come on! You look great!”
“You’re laughing at me,” he pointed out. “What, you think I can’t look good in anything?” Avarice turned on his heel, irritated, and leaned over him slightly, backing him up against the bedframe. Kedian would be lying to say he wasn’t blushing slightly. “Because you’d be wrong, darling; just because the dress looks absurd doesn’t mean I don’t look gorgeous right now. Isn’t that right?” Avarice smirked slightly, and the words of praise caught in Kedian’s throat as the blush crept further up his cheeks. He abruptly grabbed the flustered half-elf’s wrist in his metal hand and pinned it to the back wall, a hint of a growl edging into his voice. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Gods, yes-” he breathed, using his free hand to push a loose ringlet of straw-blonde hair out of his eyes. “Yes, you- holy shit.”
“That’s what I thought.” Avarice smiled, taking his arm away and quickly turning his back on his enraptured date. “Right, I’m going to change-”
He paused. Turned around.
“Little longer?”
It wasn’t supposed to take this long. He was supposed to be done by now. And it was more than likely he was inevitably going to die anyway, so what was the point? But the poor boy was transfixed, and he would be lying if he were to say he didn’t thrive on the attention.
Besides, he supposed it didn’t look that bad. And, really, what was the point if he didn’t have a little fun?
“Alright pet, just for you,” he resigned. “Since you’re so obsessed with me.” He threw his arms to the side and bowed deeply, into something almost more reminiscent of a curtsey. Kedian paused, thinking for a moment.
“Hm. ‘Pet’ doesn’t sound right, actually,” he mused, the smug grin creeping into his voice. “How about ‘master’ instead?”
And for the first time, Avarice’s cheeks lit up with dancing flecks of silver. So sure, almost every impulse in his body was telling him to back off and take him, get it over with, but that remaining 1%... wanted to play along. And the worst part was that he didn’t know why.
But… why shouldn’t he?
“Alright,” he started, pushing himself up onto the bed and positioning himself directly above Kedian, carefully enunciating each syllable as if it weren’t foreign on his tongue. “Ma~ster.”
What he didn’t expect was for Kedian to stroke a thumb down his cheek from below, looking him directly in the eyes. “Good boy.”
And Avarice, albeit almost completely involuntarily, melted.
That tinge of silver was almost overpowering now, the incandescent glitter on his cheeks insufferably evocative of the moonlight he hated so much. But he was thankful for the lack of comment. Not that he was in the right state of mind to care. He felt high. Or, rather, what he assumed being high felt like, since he had almost no recollection of the last and only time he tried to take recreational drugs (barring the memory of lying on the floor trying desperately to evoke anything resembling coherent thought). Either way, the unfamiliarity of it all was like ecstasy, and the humiliation was significantly lessened by the burning curiosity. So, he really had no choice but to experiment.
“Master,” he repeated breathlessly, his mouth entirely unaccustomed to the shape of the words. Gods, that felt strange. But not being in control for so long was unbearable, so he ran one finger down the side of Kedian’s neck, taking immense pleasure in watching him shiver under the touch of the cold metal.
“Gods, you do look good in that, don’t you? Reckon you can keep it.”
Avarice rolled his eyes. “Don’t push it, darling, I’m still vastly questioning your tastes.”
“Whatever,” he waved. “Suits you, anyway.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“What else?” He grinned, before pausing and adding: “Whatever, kiss me already, fucker.”
Avarice hated the fact that he didn’t hesitate.
“Of course, master.”
It wasn’t as if it didn’t feel good - because of course it did; but that wasn’t what mattered. What mattered was that Avarice had a job to do. The only problem being that he didn’t want to do it. This… had never happened before. He was curious. He wanted him alive. Not out of empathy or any other foreign concept, but out of a simple curiosity.
But it wasn’t as if he didn’t want to hurt him. And he did have a dagger strapped to his leg.
He let it linger for another moment. And for some reason, that felt good. The feeling was unbearably euphoric, and the audacity of Kedian to dare make him feel so overwhelmed irritated and infuriated him. He hated it. He hated that he liked it. He hated that he didn’t want to ruin his life. So he tugged that dagger from his leg and drove it into his arm: because it was familiar, because he was used to it, because the look of agony and betrayal was a comfort, because it felt good in a way he understood.
Kedian struggled, of course, his screams muffled by a firm hand. This was good. This was familiar. He was in control. He dragged the knife down his forearm in a neat line, slow and deliberate, noting only for a second that there was a splatter of blood on the front of the dress.
“You’re smart. Promise you won’t scream, and I’ll take my hand away.”
He took the frantic nod as a yes.
“What-!” he was shushed with one finger, eyes wild and feverish. He lowered his voice. “What the- khh, ow- what the fuck- wh-”
“Yes, get on with it, dear.” He waved a hand impatiently. “How dare you betray me, it hurts, please don’t kill me, etcetera, etcetera. We don’t have all day.”
There was silence for a moment, before Kedian finally settled on a shaky: “why?”
“Mostly, because I wanted to. Would you prefer me to say that I was claiming you? Some possessive act of predetermined jealousy?”
“I-” He paused. “That might help, actually.”
Avarice blinked in surprise, then quickly shook his head and smiled, grabbing one arm and pinning it above his head. “Very well, darling. Just be warned that this will definitely hurt. And try not to be too loud.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to-”
He cut himself off with a tortured cry as the blade was expertly plunged back into his arm, twisting up and around in what must have been a pattern based on the practised and deliberated movements, but Kedian was too focused on his own pain to tell. And then it was over, and Avarice pulled back to admire his work. A single heart, carved into his arm with an expert precision. It was almost sweet.
“There we go~!” He sung, visibly satisfied with himself, before leaning in and lowering his voice. “Now everybody knows that you’re mine. Master.” The word still felt alien to him, and he was somewhat glad of that fact. It wasn’t the kind of thing he wanted to be used to. But the heavenly amount of fear in his victim’s eyes was enough to distract him from the odd feeling, and he stood up, watching the trembling half-elf get shakily to his feet.
“Now run,” he commanded, making sure to lock eyes with him. “As far as possible, preferably, because if I see you again, I will be obligated not to be so merciful. Understood, dear?”
Kedian nodded firmly. And then fled, clutching his bleeding arm, as Avarice sighed and turned to consider himself in the mirror - a maid’s dress with far too many petticoats to be practical, flecked in blood to match the dagger that dripped a scarlet red onto the floorboards. He hummed to himself. Maybe it didn’t look too bad after all.
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mtab2260 · 3 years
Tagged by @samanthaswishes. Thanks for letting me join in, mate.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have three.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Err... 95 445.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I have written for technically two fandoms, but if you really care then three.
The first one is a Marvel Agents of SHIELD fic called Turbine Addition. The second fandom I have written is Star Wars and here's where it gets technical, one is a part of the Star Wars Rebels section of Star Wars, and the other is Clone Wars.
And then also I have an idea for a Manifest fic, but I won't be writing that for a while.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Turbine Addition is in the lead by nine whole kudos at 67. It's the first-ever fic that I have posted on AO3, and boy, I got big plans for it. I have such big plans the google docs I have for it is starting to glitch because of how long it is. I have become obsessed.
Old Memories is next with 58 kudos. This is a fic that I first had on fanficton.net however I wanted to bring it over to AO3 a few months ago, so I did. I also cleaned it up a bit as it was the second-ever piece I have written. It's basically a rewrite of the Kanan: The Last Padawan Comic, not all of it, just the going back to Kallar part. I like torturing Kanan apparently.
In The Darkness is in dead last with a whopping 4 kudos. I'm not surprised, it only has one chapter uploaded so far and I haven't gotten to redoing the second chapter yet. This is the first-ever fic that I have written, ever. I'm very proud of the idea, the execution the first time around not so much. There was a book I read in year eight called The Cay, it just stuck with me for a while and it heavily influenced a main aspect of the fic. Also, Siri Tachi lives throughout the Clone Wars with no actual reason and it's never explained.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Of course I do. Personally, I think it's slightly rude not to especially if they are saying they enjoyed it and thought my work was good, a proper thank you is always in place. Also when I comment on other fics I always enjoy a good chat with the author, I'd assume other people feel the same.
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Well, there's only one fic that actually fits the bill, but regardless I almost felt bad where I left it off. I mean Kanan is inconsolable after literally reliving the worst moment of his life and Hera also had to watch the horrors too just because she touched his shoulder. So, yeah, Old Memories definitely.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've ever written?
I haven't written any crossovers yet. Keyword being yet. That Manifest fic that I mentioned earlier is going to be a crossover with Agents of SHIELD. It was going to be giving Manifest an actual ending but instead of proving god exists like how the show was leading to, it was going to be proved with science. And or space crap by something we've seen in Agents of SHIELD.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, I haven't. The people who must hate my fics have more restrain and know it'll do jack shit.
I'm assuming.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, no definitely not.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nopity, nope, nope.
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Okay, watching? QuakerSquares. Reading? Probably also QuakerSquares, maybe Phillinda if it's good- but not the sex ones. Writing though? Definitely FitzSimmons, I love the challenge of trying to write their back and forth talking and speech patterns. I also love doing thirty minutes of research to write a four-lined section of them talking about science. I learn so much and I actually impressed my science teacher last school year with my ahead of class research.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I do really want to finish In The Darkness. I was to first rewrite it to something actually readable because honestly I don't know how anyone understood a thing of what was going on and I'm so embarrassed that I believed it was good enough to post. Then I wanted to actually finish it. I have big plans for it, ideas that pop into my head when I'm trying to sleep. However, my current focus is Turbine Addition and I seriously don't think I'm finishing that until I'm thirty by how fucking slow I write.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I write sibling banter quite well.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Distinguishing characters from each other. I struggle the most to make sure each character talks, thinks and acts like themselves. They all sorta blend together I feel. I understand each person's own traits and ways of talking but actually writing it down myself is a struggle of mine.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it's a part of the character I'm all for it as long as the other language is actually written out and then a translation off the side in parenthesis. Like for example:
"Fiù ' s ma tha mi gun rud dè tha e ag ràdh a tha mi ag iarraidh an gibberish na faclan gu fhathast a bhith ann. Tha e a 'dèanamh' s a ' faireachdainn nas fhìor-riochdail seach dìreach a bhith ag ràdh 'I a' bruidhinn san ruisis gu h-charaid.'" (Even if I have no clue what it's saying I want the gibberish of words to still be there. It makes it feel more realistic than just saying 'She spoke in Scottish Gaelic to her friend.')
Also, don't use google translate, it's shit. If you're doing Spanish use Spanish Dictionary. For any other language, I'd recommend Yandex Translate, it's slightly better.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars in the Clone Wars era but with characters from the Jude Watson books.
19. What's you're favorite fic you've written?
Turbine Addition easy. It gives me a reason to keep Agents of SHIELD on repeat and there's just so much I can do with it. Plus I've never had so much fun writing something, it's relaxing in a way.
Tagging: Err, crap... @pocketmouse18 @cloudypaws @stilltryingtowrite and I've run out of people that I know who I can say definitely write fics.
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tae-cup · 4 years
.hamartia. ‘Part 6,
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (f) x Taehyung (?)
Plot: Y/N is a skilled, well, torturer, though you don’t like to call yourself that; it makes what you do too real. When mafia boss Yoongi wants information or wants a hostage to suffer, you step in. However, one fateful day you are thrown Taehyung, another person who does your line of work. You need answers, he is determined not to give them to you. That’s when you try...a different approach, and Yoongi is not pleased.
Rating: TV-MA
WARNINGS: YO IF YOU’RE NOT COOL WITH SUBTLE BI AGENDAS THEN I’M SORRY THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU, Blood, torture, mafia things (ya know?), drugs alcohol, sadistic tendencies, a fundamentally flawed main character (I’m sorry i’m just writing myself pretty much), assault, harassment, stalking (not bad), romance (somehow), Maybe stockholm syndrome???
Word Count: 3k Words
A/N: I don’t know how I feel about this chapter but I sorta like it.
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Next
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~ The word hamartia refers to a flaw or mistake that leads to a fictional character's downfall. Classical tragedies revolve around the main character's hamartia, the tragic flaw that sets a series of disastrous events in motion. Achilles' heel was his hamartia – his fatal flaw.
“What do you mean they’re gone.” Yoongi never raised his voice, but there was a steel to his tone. 
“We searched everywhere on the property, hyung.” Jungkook pleaded. 
“No. No they can’t have just up and left, now could they?” Yoongi stayed absolutely still, not willing to give away the flame broiling inside. He still cared for you. Of course he did. He couldn’t bare to see you in pain. He left...for you. The man believed it was for the best. He just hadn’t expected you to then throw yourself into your work. 
“N-no.” Jungkook stammered. The poor boy had already been traumatized enough after seeing Mark being shot in front of him. 
“And it’s boss, to you.” Yoongi continued, his words cutting deep into Jungkook. They had known each other for so long. They grew up together, yet here Yoongi was, souring and severing the relationship he held so dear. With striking clarity he realized he did this a lot; pushed people away. He was wrong before. He was the selfish one. Self-preservation was the issue. 
Jungkook flinched at the man’s words. Jimin stood quietly in the corner, heart breaking at the sight before him. He hadn’t known the two as long as they had known each other, but that didn’t stop him from feeling pain for the ties he saw being cut. The short man still didn’t move to intervene the fight beginning. 
“I know you care for them, but what if they left voluntarily?” Jungkook pondered, instantly regretting the words as they tumbled out of his mouth. Yoongi instantly narrowed his eyes. He leaned forward and place his elbows on the desk, interlocking his fingers to rest his chin on them. 
“And why would they do that?” 
God awful silence. 
The younger male made the wise decision to remain silent. Yoongi slowly stood, pressing his palms into the table as a power play. 
“Find them. You’re dismissed.” He said with a wave of his hand. The young boy scurried off, seemingly wanting to leave the office as fast as possible. 
Only Jimin remained. He didn’t move from his spot in the corner as the silent observer. He watched Yoongi rake his hand through his hair. Then the dark haired man called out to the silver haired one. 
“Jimin, sit.” He sighed. Jimin nodded and swiftly took a seat. The tension from earlier lingered, but it wasn’t quite as intense. “I like that about you.” 
Jimin looked up slightly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. His hands subconsciously went to his hair. Yoongi scoffed at the action. 
“Not your hair, dumbass.” Then he took a seat as well. “I mean, you follow directions well. You never do what you’re not supposed to and you keep your head down, not asking questions.” 
The other male’s ears pricked up at the sound of his companion’s words. He smiled slightly to himself, but tried his best to keep a neutral face. He just dipped his head in a swift nod. Yoongi looked at him, intrigued, before continuing. 
“I don’t trust Kook to find them whatsoever.” He addressed Jungkook with a casualness that seemed odd given the earlier fight. “So, I’m also sending you to find them. We have some men tied up downstairs that may have answers and since my darling Y/N is missing, you will need to take the task of getting their information.” 
Jimin swallowed thickly. He realized that maybe he was the monster between You and him. After all, he had been in this business far longer than you and he had yet to lose his head. Maybe that’s why Yoongi trusted him without a doubt. 
“Of course, boss.” 
“You’re not going to hurt me, are you?” You said, a teasing tone at the back of your throat. Taehyung sat in front of you. For the past 10 minutes, he had just stared at you, not speaking a word. And you tried to as well, but it was hard to with your swollen eye. The not speaking issue wasn’t really an issue as you had dealt with it for months. 
“I trusted you. You betrayed me so easily.” You sneered. You hated him. Hated him. But you just couldn’t get the words out. “And I thought you were a man of honor.” With that, he let a laugh escape. 
“You really think there are men of honor in our business, Y/N? I have-”
“Killed a thousand people, blah blah blah. Haven’t we all?” You rolled your eyes. “Come on, I know the intimidation tactic.” You groaned. His eyes grew darker. 
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I can and will if necessary. And I may not be a man of honor but,” He turned around, seemingly not wanting to meet your gaze. He stopped himself short, remembering the audio was still running. The man sighed and turned back around. If you had seen his eyes in the short in the short time he had turned around, you would see him break. He knew you were observant and he didn’t want you to see him like that. Taehyung wasn’t honorable in any sense, but he wasn’t a complete monster. He had grown an attachment to you; you, who was so complicated it made his head spin. 
“But?” You frowned. His eyes swept the room. Then he leaned in. 
“Please pretend I’m saying something nasty.” His breath fanning against your neck and his proximity made your heart race. You gave the slightest of nods in agreement. “Okay, I didn’t want to turn you in.” 
“You bitch.” You played along. He paid you no mind. 
“We were caught, but I realized I couldn’t help you out of here if I was also incapacitated.” He mumbled against your skin. You felt your breath hitch. Was he telling the truth? Was he playing a game with you? 
“Fuck off.” You spewed out. Then you whispered back with the same ferocity, “Why haven’t you gotten me out then.”
“I had some complications.” 
You looked at him questioningly. He waved you off. He knew he had to hurt you in some way to appease them. So he went with a good ‘ole sucker punch to your fucking stomach. Of course it didn’t please him to see you in pain and he shot you a pained look, one that you couldn’t see from how quickly your eyes closed in shock.  
You gasped for air as he left. This man really just promised to help me escape and then punched me in the fucking stomach. You hissed to yourself. What an ass. 
“Why do you push people away?” 
Your eyes snapped to Taehyung as he sat, once more, in front of you. 
“I’m not sure what you mean.” 
“Yes, you do.” he could tell from your instinctual reaction. You looked around, eyes sweeping the room again, as if the walls would somehow disappear. They didn’t, obviously, and you decided that there was no point in hiding. You weren’t sure what Taehyung’s intentions were. He seemed like he was trying to get to know you, like how you had approached him, except he made the mistake of also letting his comrades in to have fun torturing you for information. Luckily, you were a lot more soulless than you let on and you managed to endure the pain. Blood dribbled from your mouth from the earlier beating. You spat this blood onto the floor. 
“Like hell I would tell you.” You shuddered. You knew you were close to breaking. It had been weeks. Yoongi probably didn’t spare you a thought, the heartless bastard, Maybe you were a quick fuck for him and that was all.
“You have nothing left to lose.” He shrugged, reading you easily. He had gotten better at this, slowly worming his way into your mind. 
“You’re right, but I still have some sense of sanity.” Not much. 
“I don’t think you’re a bad person.” He laid a soft hand on your knee. You didn’t even realize you were shaking. 
“I think you’d change your mind really quick if you actually knew me.” You shook your head. The rest of your body hurt too much to even consider moving. 
“Tell me...What’s wrong, Y/N, with the word selfish?” 
Instantly, you growled lowly at the word. “Don’t say that word with my name in the same sentence ever again.” 
He grinned, knowing he hit a nerve. He raised his hands in mock surrender. “Fine. Fine. But at least tell me why.” 
You thought it over a moment, having a battle in your head. The way he stared at you almost made you feel obligated to tell him. You didn’t have the strength to both fight his advances to know you, and to keep yourself fucking alive. So you gave in, promising yourself that this would be the last time. You always broke your promises to yourself. 
“I’m selfish because I don’t want to be selfless.” You emphasized the last part. “I don’t want to give all of myself to someone else or something else because if I gave away a piece of me to every person I’ve ever cared about,” You hesitated before hanging your head low. “I’d have none of myself left. So instead I forcefully rip myself back from their prying hands, even if it breaks them in the process.” 
You were a naturally selfless person. Being selfish was a learned behavior after a long time of being in this world of crime. Taehyung nodded slowly, but there was no pity in his eyes, you hated pity, but he did have understanding. 
“I get it.” He muttered. Then he took your bloodied hand, still tied to the chair, and held it softly. “I’m selfish too.” 
You almost relaxed until those last words. Yoongi flashed across your mind, reminding you of your situation. You jerked your hand back, as much as you could in your situation. He noticed. Taehyung slowly withdrew. 
“Sorry, that was uncalled for.” He apologized, his deep voice its own kind of relaxation. 
“You can do what you want. You’re not the one tied up to a chair. And frankly, that was better than being punched in the gut.” You said with an accusing tone. 
“Ah right.” He scratched the back of his head. “Sorry about that. I just can’t leave you unscathed or else there will be issues.” He glanced at the security cameras. Taehyung usually had great self control. He never said more than he needed to and his co-workers would describe him as short and blunt when speaking. So why did he go to the extra lengths of formalities and apologies when it came to you? He couldn’t put his finger on it. 
“Yeah yeah. As long as there’s no permanent damage, Yoongi might save your life.” You only half joked. 
“You still think Yoongi is coming? It’s been weeks.” He chuckled bitterly. You swallowed thickly, reality dawning on you. 
“I’m sure he is.” You felt your jaw clench. Maybe he was right. Maybe no one was coming for you. 
“I see your resolve wavering. I’m working on...a plan.” His voice dipped low at that last part. You coughed, rolling your eyes. 
“Does that matter now? Why don’t you just kill me already? I’m not giving you information and it’s clear they don’t care enough about me for you to use me as a bargaining chip.” You spat blood onto the ground, too tired to do anything else. You just wanted it all to be over with. 
“Hey,” His voice was gentle, almost soft. “Look at me.” His hand went out to your cheek as you lifted your heavy eyelids to look at him. 
“Come on, Tae, stop dragging this out. I did nothing but keep you captive the entire time you were with me. You owe me nothing.” 
The handsome man nodded. “I know.” He murmured. 
There was a loud bang from somewhere outside. “I just wanted to make sure you know I’m sorry for everything. If we had met under better circumstances, I would have liked to get to know you. But I can’t, not now, and we will probably never meet again.” 
“What do you mean?” Your voice was hushed as another bang came from outside. There were footsteps and loud voices. Taehyung didn’t answer, he just donned a serious expression. Your breath hitched as you watched him take out his gun and flick the safety off. 
“I’ve got to go.” He held up his gun and rushed outside the room, his feet joining the beat of many others. 
Sitting in the dark is not fun. Your eyes strained against the pitch blackness of the room. There was the smallest sliver of yellow light from under the doorway. It was giving you a headache. You shut your eyes, growing increasingly annoyed by the tightness of the ropes. 
“Could have at least loosened the ropes.” You grumble to yourself. Then you slowly opened your eyes, hearing the commotion die down. Your sense went into overdrive, eyes trapped on the door. Slow, heavy set, footsteps walked down the hallway. It was way too quiet. Your body shook, a natural reaction. Anytime someone stopped outside your door, it had been to beat you until you lost consciousness. Your breath caught in your chest. 
“Y/N?” A deep voice murmured. “Are you alright?” 
You narrowed your eyes, debating whether or not to answer. You didn’t really get a choice, however, because the door flew open to reveal two men you really didn’t want to see. Taehyung and Yoongi. Yoongi was stiffly standing there, drinking in your appearance, while Taehyung panted, clearly from running. 
“Are you alright?” Yoongi asked, swallowing thickly. Then he turned to Taehyung. “You were supposed to keep her safe, you prick.”
Taehyung simply shrugged. The two ignored your bewildered expression. “Hold on. So Taehyung...was a double agent?” 
“This is a dangerous business.” Taehyung smiled wolfishly. 
“I trusted you.” Yoongi grabbed the man’s shirt. You cleared your throat, finally drawing attention to yourself. 
“While I’d love to see this go down, I’d also like my freedom back.” You mused, a smirk on your face. As Yoongi hurried over, untangling you from your ropes, you added more flames to the wildfire of issues between the two men. “You know Taehyung was so good at acting, it fooled me. Especially when he punched me in the gut.” You tried not to wince and you could see he looked away, ashamed. 
“He what?”“ Yoongi turned, staring at Taehyung incredulously. “I should have you killed for this.”
Yoongi helped you out and you felt your legs fall from under you. They were numb, not responding to your desperate wishes for them to move. After all, you had been strapped to that chair for weeks. Yoongi caught you, rough hands running over your bloodied arms. 
“Fuck. I never should have trusted him to keep you safe.” Yoongi murmured, shooting Taehyung a glare. 
“It’s okay, I just...I need some explanation.” You breathed. How long had you been toyed with? Who else knew? Did Jimin know? Why would Yoongi send one of his own to be tortured? 
“I should kill you right now.” Yoongi held his gun out, finger twitching on the trigger. 
“Now what good would that do?” Taehyung’s mouth quirked upwards ever so slightly. “You’ll never know why I’m here.”
“I don’t need to know.” The shorter man eyed the other’s stance. Taehyung was casually standing there, hand resting on the holster that held his handgun. 
“Do we have a deal?” Taehyung watched Yoongi. 
“Like hell we do.” Yoongi held a blank expression. His eyes roamed Taehyung’s face and body, sizing him up. 
“Come on.” Taehyung ran a hand through his hair. “I’m willing to be your little spy, a double agent against my own gang.”
“I want protection. Total protection when you attack my gang. I’ll even protect Y/N if that’s what you wish.”
That made Yoongi hesitate. He had been looking for a bodyguard. You were of the utmost importance. Jimin stood to the side, ever the shadow. He nudged his boss, “I think it’s a good idea.” He murmured into his ear. 
“I think you know more than you let on, Taehyung. But I’ll give you a chance.” He snapped, waving off the taller man. “You’re dismissed. I want you back here, Friday, to discuss new information.” 
Taehyung bowed his head and left. 
“Jimin.” Yoongi commanded, eyes flicking to the seat in front of him. Jimin took a seat. “I want you to watch Taehyung. Be discreet.” 
The younger man nodded. “I will.” 
“Great, and try not to tell Y/N. She’s stressed out enough as it is.”
Another punch. Blood flew from a nose. 
“Rot in hell.” 
Blood was spat on the floor. 
“That’s where you’re mistaken. I thrive in hell.” Yoongi bent over Taehyung, studying him. He tilted his head before standing, wiping the blood on his hands onto a rag nearby. “Our deal means nothing. You have no use to me anymore.” Yoongi chuckled darkly, moving to the exit. “I hope you never see the sunlight again.” 
The door slammed shut. 
I forgot to put this in before I posted, but I’m writing through my iphone hotspot and It’s so slow. - Marria
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cryptidcryptic · 4 years
Free pass to blab about hxh
NeN! This system is so fucking genius man, it’s way of stopping power escalation is ducking brilliant, anyone can win any fight with any nen ability as long as they’re smart it’s 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
It makes fights so much more fun omfg, esspeciallt since the main characters loose fights so regularly that I’m always surprised about the out come of fights!!!
Look at how damn simple it is! Hisoka said it best, sjdhgcv it’s so easy to say what my fav characters from other anime would be (Mura would be a specialist and no I don’t take constructive criticism)
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And it’s frigging maP of actual contents? I c o n I c
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BuT ENOUGH AB OUTTT NEN! The 👏🏽story 👏🏽is 👏🏽so 👏🏽gooood👏🏽 these genius one in a million talent kids just running round beating the ever loving shit out of every adult in their path??? 👌🏽
First ofF you got killua god daMn Zoldyck this lil shIT is from a family of assassinations, next in line to the assassin throne cuz only white haired anime boys can be head zoldyck. His straight up immune to torture, poisons and electricity, cuz in the Zoldyc family child abuse is just your average every day hand me downs.
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One time he juSt tore a guys heart out and handed it back to him??? It was great 🤩 and his friendship with Gon is so pure!!! He just wants friends so bad and he ngdddfsjddggfvvv friendship goals 😭
G o n! This little shit a damn dark horse, you think his gonna be stereotypical anime protagonist no. 47552 but he ducking switches the script!!!! His still a kid and a real fucking selfish one at that, I lov e it!!! He has flaws that are constantly being called out????!??? G o o d, when an assassin tells you to calm tf Down maybe you should Gon ma boiii. Also, his ability is literally rock paper scissors cuz his just cute like that 😭
at first his whole ark is finding his damn absentee dad that just left him at his aunties and bounced
LeOrio is b a b y! He literally entered this exam full of the toughest of the tough as a broke ass med student just to pay his way through school, relatable. We stan a working king 😪👌🏽 also he punches gons absentee dad in the face one time, it was great 💜👄💜
Kurapika is basically just sasuke before sasuke was sasuke: red eyes, dead family someone stole all their eyeballs, r e v e n g e: kurapika 🤝sasuke
As much as I love these four flippers the best part of hxh is that most of the arks we spend away from them, it makes the world seem so much bigger!!! They aren’t the bee all and end all of everything, they really are just kids and sometimes they can’t be involved in shit like war.
And omg the side characters holy shit they could all carry series on their own knuckles, octoboy and camellion best boy are some of the defining side characters 👌🏽 the chimera ant ark is my favourite arks in any god damn anime ever and if you say you watched it to the end without crying you are a LIeR meruem I love you with all my heart omg
AlSo the villains?? ICONIC. Hisoka and Illumi? The best god damn murduos set of CANON husbands in the series and I would pay top dollar to see that wedding
THE PHANTOM TROUP? Poor kids stealing shit and protecting their home even if they live in a literal tip??? Found family in the trash heap????? STAN. Also that one girls ability is literally just hoover with a mouth 👁👄👁 FR NO JOKE
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I would die for egdy boy faitan look AT HIM EDGYYYYYY with the power of speaking in tongues and the sun, he technically does a magical girl transformation whenever he activated his nen 👀 new coat who do dis type of transformation
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And Kalluto has the best damn design be looks so ducking elligsnt, bUt god the fuck did solver aggre to let him roll with the spiders w t f happened to too dangerous?? Please parent your kids silver, do not let youngest zodyck roll with the most dangerous of crews🤡 also Kalluto fights with the power of paper cuts and I love it
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
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Talk to Me
Stay Safe, Stay Home Writing Challenge: (Prompt #16 – Call me if you need anything)
Genre:  Romance
Pairing:  Modern Ivar x OC
Fandom: Vikings
Warning: Language/mild angst
Rating: M
Summary: Can an online relationship work in the real world?  Ivar and Cash are about to find out.
A/N:  So this is my first challenge.  What was supposed to be a one-shot has turned into a mini-series.  I’m having so much fun writing it.  I haven't written in about 10 years - my muses all went away when Dave Batista left WWE. Then one day, Alex Høgh Andersen showed up and all of my muses came back!  I’m so happy!
Please, note if you notice grammatical errors in the dialogues between characters, it’s because I write how people speak.  Any other errors may just be because I was careless...
Also, I’m writing the Lothbroks as Europeans speaking English. In my head, when they are together they are speaking Norweigan but when they speak English, it’s with their Vikings’ show accents.    
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
What the fuck am I doing?  No seriously, what the fuck was she doing?  
Cash didn’t do things like this.  Ever.  She had literally seen every episode of MTV’s Catfish and 90 Day Fiance (the original show, Abroad, and After the 90 Days). She was responsible, respectable, intelligent, reasonably attractive and she had just landed a job where she actually got to use her degree. This side of 25 was looking up for her. She wasn’t desperate, was she?  
She was going to feel so stupid when everyone rubbed it in her face that this “Ivar” guy didn’t really exist, or turned out to be something totally other than what he claimed. Although she had only told a handful of people about her trip, they had all filled her head with so much more angst that she almost canceled the trip four times in the last month.  Her mom was convinced that Cash was going to be kidnapped and sold into an Eastern European sex trafficking ring.  While her best friend just knew that Ivar was going to turn out to be a sadistic 65-year-old ex-KGB operative who hated Americans and only wanted to torture her like in that movie Hostel.  Even her younger brother tried to email Nev & Max to see if MTV could do an episode of Catfish Abroad and put her on blast for all of his friends to see.
Cash let out a nervous breath as she looked around the Austrian Airlines terminal. Her flight to Vienna was due to start boarding in a little more than an hour and there were still a lot of empty seats. 
She fidgeted in her chair trying to fish her phone out of her jacket pocket.  What she needed was mood music – Billie Eilish, although played in heavy rotation lately, wasn’t cutting it.  She needed mood music - something angrier... more upbeat.  Remi Ma or Joyner Lucas?  Why not both? She made a quick playlist, put it on shuffle, and bobbed her head to the music.   
No sooner did she feel herself getting lost in the beat, did the music stop and the phone ring.  With a slight eye roll, Cash answered the phone pleasantly, “Hey Ma.”
“Hey, honey. How you doing?”  Barbara Heath spoke to her daughter in a voice reserved for someone that might have just suffered a loss or been seriously injured, “You okay?”
“Yeah, Ma.  I’m fine.”
“You know, it’s not too late to come home, Shay.”  Cash cringed at her mother’s nickname for her.  All of her life, she had tried to get people to call her Cash, but her parents were still hell-bent on calling her Shay.  “No one would blame you.  I didn’t tell anyone you were going on your little excursion except your Aunt Margaret and Gigi.  You know they don’t think this is a good idea, either.  And you know your Daddy is still upset that you decided to go.”
“Ma, don’t.”  She slouched in her seat and looked up at the airport ceiling. “When I finished grad school, I told you guys I wanted to travel more. Everyone was fine with it then.  Now all of a sudden everyone is against me going…”
“We’re aren’t!” Barbara walked across the kitchen with her glass of wine and took a seat at the kitchen counter.  She didn’t want to start another fight with her daughter, but she needed to Cash to understand how dangerous this could be. “I just don’t understand about this going across the world to meet some boy. There are plenty of those here.”
Oh my, God.  “For the last time, I’m going to Vienna because I haven’t been back to Austria since undergrad.  While I’m there I’m going to meet up with one of my friends, Ma.”  
“Yeah, a friend you met on the internet.”
“Really?  I’m about to get on a plane and I won’t see you for weeks, and you want to do this now?  How about saying ‘Have a nice trip’ or ‘I’m proud of you for being so adventurous’ or something like that?” She tried not to raise her voice, but she could tell her frustration at her mother mixed with her own nerves about the situation was coming through on the phone.
Barbara sighed in defeat. “You got that stubbornness from your Daddy.”  She was relieved when she heard her daughter chuckle.  “You know, I’m proud of you.  And I want you to have so much fun!  This is going to be the best trip of your life. I just want you to be careful and know that I will worry about you. Let me know when you land, and when you get to your hotel, and when you meet this Ivar-boy.”  She was going to make a point to stop babying her as soon as she came back from Europe. “Just know that I love you.  Call me if you need anything.  Me and your Daddy will be on the first flight to come get you and bring you…”
“I love you, too Mommy. I’ll call you when I land.”  
When Cash hit the button to end the call, she noticed a WhatsApp notification on her phone.  She hadn’t even heard the phone chime.  She felt the smile slide across her face as she opened the app. 
Ivar was the only person who ever contacted her on WhatsApp.
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“Ahh, Ivar, you will be fine.”  Ivar cut his blue eyes over to his brother driving the car.  “You will have fun.  You’ll see.”
He folded his arms over his chest, like a child, and returned his gaze out of the passenger’s window. “I am not a child, Bubbe. I do not a chaperone.”  He really hated being the youngest. His brothers always acted like he was completely incapable of doing anything on his own.  
“I know, brother.” Ubbe let out a soft chuckle and connected eyes with Hvitserk in the backseat through the rearview mirror, “Serk is not coming to chaperone. He is coming with you, to help you.”
“I do not need help, either.”  Ivar was sick of this fight.  He had been having it with his brothers for about a month now.  He was perfectly capable of traveling by himself, without Hvitserk’s assistance. “And why Serk?  He is the least responsible of us all.”
Hvitserk nodded in agreement from the backseat and smiled good-naturedly. He really didn’t give a shit what Ivar wanted to do.  All he knew was Bjorn was footing the bill for his trip to Austria with Ivar and he wasn’t about to turn down a free vacation. Women, liquor, food, and a hotel suite...all he had to do was carry Ivar’s bags and help him through the airport? It sounded like a sweet deal to him.
Ubbe shook his brother’s shoulder, “C’mon, Ivy.  I would come with you if I could. I have to work.”  He peeked over at his brother’s face, noting his anger looked something more akin to nerves.  “Besides, Serk will give you much more freedom than I would.  Who knows, you might really like this girl when you meet her.”
“It is not like that.” Ivar said quietly, looking out of the window.  He wanted to talk to Ubbe about Cash for some time now, but Ubbe was always so busy with work. Besides, he and Torvi had just had a baby. He clearly had more important things to think about than his little brother and his lack of experience with women. But, Ubbe was the kindest and most level headed person he knew. What he wouldn’t give for some of his big brother’s advice right now. “We are just friends.”  Even if that’s not what he wanted, he was sure that’s all they would end up being.
“But there may come a time when you are not just friends.”  Ubbe tried to hide his smirk as he noticed the blush start to creep up Ivar’s neck and settle on his earlobes.  “What will you do then, hmm?”
“He will fuck her!” Hvitserk clapped Ivar on the shoulders and laughed.  
How far ways was this damn airport?  If Ivar didn’t get out of this car soon, he was going to grab the steering wheel and drive them off of a cliff.  “Please don’t leave me with him.”  He never asked his brothers for anything, but he made this plea to Ubbe with such sincerity. “I am going to kill him.”  
After Ubbe pulled the car into the parking space, he killed the engine and asked Hvitserk to get the bags while he talked to Ivar for a moment.  “So…you have told her?”  He waited for Ivar to turn around and look at him before he lowered his eyes to Ivar’s legs.  He sighed in disappointment when Ivar refused to meet his eyes.  “Ivar.”
“I never thought we would actually meet.” It was never really his intention to lie, but it really wasn’t a conversation he was sure how to start. Did he start by saying, ‘Hi I’m Ivar. I’m a Taurus and I’m physically challenged?’  “Then I started to like her and could not tell her.  I did not want to stop talking to her.  So, I came off like Bjorn.”
“Like an ass?”
Ivar shrugged.  “A little. She is American.  She likes that confident, arrogant type.”  Shaking his head at the mess he had gotten himself into, he threw his hands up in frustration.  “Ahh, it does not matter now.  We will meet and have fun as friends and that will be all.”
“But that is not all. You like this girl and it sounds like she likes you.  You need to tell her before you see her.”  Gripping his little brother by the back of the neck, Ubbe pulled gave him a brotherly hug.  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about Ivar Ragarsson.  Any woman would be proud to have you.”  Kissing him on the top of his head, he grumbled when Ivar pushed him away and got out of the car.
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ipraygreywords · 5 years
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Slayers Week 2 Day 2: Villains
But is he really? 
 “I am both better and worse than you thought” (Sylvia Plath). 
Of all the many characters for whom I have written, none is more difficult to pinpoint than Rezo, in this particular regard.  This is the man who heals stray kittens for little boys when nobody is looking, who devoted 150 years of life to traveling nonstop and healing hundreds of thousands of people of illness, but also steals another preteen boy’s body for the chance to cure his own blindness.  See what I mean?
My ultimate conclusion is that Rezo is a good person who has had to compensate for personal impediments using opportunistic means, and because Rezo was never fully in control of Rezo’s own judgment or Rezo’s own choices, these actions became increasingly abhorrent in the two to three years before his death: but he still did a great deal of good in his life, and, were he to live free of that influence, he would be unequivocally good. That is WHY he was chosen to be corrupted.  Bad people attack symbols of goodness to demoralize their enemies.  But let me back up. Because woosh. This is a complex topic.  
Sussing out Rezo’s moral alignment is difficult because Rezo, as we see him in canon, never does anything without the powerful, corrupting presence of a ma-oh (the strongest tier of demon in all his world, one of only four in the universe, who are eclipsed by only one other being) which was affixed to his soul from birth.  This ma-oh (the mouthful name of “Ruby-Eyed Shabranigdu”) chose Rezo intentionally as a vessel, from which he hoped to eventually be resurrected (in the process, killing Rezo–a fact which alone is intriguing, because Shabranigdu has done this before to other humans, who survived his resurrected and far more comfortably cohabited with him).  So when one analyzes Rezo’s actions as a human being, one always has to try and separate out Shabranigdu’s manipulations from Rezo’s natural inclinations. Let’s get a couple (overly simplistic, imho) anti arguments out of the way first:
–People who dislike Rezo often point out that Shabranigdu picked Rezo because he saw vulnerabilities that he could exploit to the point of serious moral corruption.  That means it was possible to break Rezo: but I–and Lina Inverse, the chief protagonist of the Slayers series–believe that still doesn’t condemn Rezo as a “bad” or “weak” person. It just means that Shabranigdu, who is a master manipulator, could find a strategy with which to erode Rezo’s will. I also believe that because Rezo was born with a famously powerful capacity for white/healing magic, and a demonstrable urge to serve others in ways that could not possibly benefit him, Shabranigdu thought it would be perversely hilarious to target a cleric: a person in whom people placed their trust, to have their best interests at heart, and to make them well. (Shabranigdu’s main goal is to wreak despair and violence on the world, and return it to a state of chaos, so why not take down a few more people beyond Rezo, ruin their faith in the benevolence of their healers, while he’s at it? But I’ll get to this more later.)
–People who dislike Rezo also often assume that Shabranigdu was the cause of Rezo’s eyes being sealed shut, causing him “blindness,” from birth. Why is this important to your question? Because when we analyze the series more closely, it becomes clear that Rezo’s eyes are a protective seal AGAINST Shabranigdu’s resurrection, which means that the ma-oh cannot complete his resurrection unless Rezo opens his eyes (we see this both in Slayers Season One and in Slayers Evolution-R).  When Rezo was born, his eyes acted as a failsafe shielding the world FROM Shabranigdu.  Shabranigdu had to act against that failsafe to be reborn.  So Shabranigdu turned the VIRTUE of the sealed-shut eyes into a HANDICAP which embarrassed, discouraged, and isolated Rezo, because he could cure everyone else with his amazing healing skills, but not himself (and even a saint must eventually feel jealousy and resentment from that)–such that EVEN THE THING THAT MADE HIM FAMOUS, AND GOOD, AND LOVED BY OTHERS, BECAME A SYMBOL OF “BUT NOT YOU: YOU DON’T GET TO BE HAPPY LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. NEVER YOU.”  A person who is depressed and angry and alone is much easier to break.  See below.  
–People who dislike Rezo almost always cite what he did to his own grandson Zelgadis as the most condemnation-worthy “evidence” that he is rotten to the core. While there is NO EXCUSING WHAT HE DID, and I will NEVER think what he did is okay, I could not disagree with these individuals more.  Rezo is capable of forming and maintaining loving attachments; in the end, Shabranigdu USES precisely those loving attachments to isolate Rezo, by perverting their purity, and breaking his loved ones WITH HIS OWN HANDS. What better way to demoralize a good person than to make them SEEM to choose being a monster?  There are actual contemporary scientific studies that prove that one of the best ways to torture prisoners of war is to make them torture others. It dehumanizes them, renders them weapons, and lowers their resolve to fight back. This is what happened when Rezo took Zelgadis’s words “we need to do small evils for great good, and get stronger” and twisted them into an excuse to make Zelgadis a chimera–effectively alienating Zelgadis from the world just as Shabrranigdu had Rezo–as part of his research to cure his own eyes.   (People reading this who have the “but he knew Zel could never be cured, and Evo-R proves that!” rebuttal, let me know, because I have a whole separate meta theory on that, which does not exonerate Rezo, but does cast serious doubt on the allegation that the chimera process can never be reversed).   –Rezo does terrible evils (the other big whoppers are creating and experimenting on a clone of himself, and deliberately spreading a disease to an isolated kingdom to take advantage of its ill as test subjects).  But, and while this isn’t a make it or break it thing, he lso more than once shows genuine contrition for the evil he has done, when it will benefit him in no way to do so. This is rare, and sometimes it is on the tail end of a lot of emotionally manipulative bargaining and self-justification (borne primarily of pride), but he has either apologized or openly acknowledged that his choices were evil and unconscionable, on both the occasions that he was confronted by the heroes for his choices. –People who dislike Rezo like to say “he only started his white magical career to try and heal his own eyes!” to which I answer: yes, and? The subsequent entire life he spent healing people while continuing to master other magics to heal himself were not mandatory. No one was forcing Rezo to share his findings with others.  That was an act of selflessness.   –Both times that Shabranigdu is reborn out of Rezo (which…rips apart his body, fun times) and he realizes it, he helps the heroes kill Shabranigdu, and without him they would have failed to do so.  Which. You know. BIG INDICATION that he’s not, at heart, a bad guy lol. –Rezo plans ahead to try to do damage control for potential collateral, when he does selfish and reckless things.  It’s usually not enough, and he puts new meaning to the word “quixotic.”  But it still matters for the purposes of your question. For instance, when he finally breaks down and chooses to resurrect Shabranigdu, he plans to create an arguably evenly-matched creature called a “Zanaffar” with which to kill the demon the moment he gains vision.  He also creates laboratories deep underground so that explosions can be contained and do less damage to the surrounding area.  He also thinks (wrongly) that he can heal all the people in Taforashia before they die, once he can see.    Rezo’s fatal flaw in all these cases is to assume, out of desperation, that he is capable of more than any one human being ever could be.  
Which is not good or evil, really, but HUMAN: pulling us back toward a consistent, perennial theme of Slayers, that humans are flawed but redeemable creatures, neither gods nor demons, who exist to maintain the *balance* of the cosmos (the true plan, according to Xelloss, of the most powerful of all beings, referred to as LoN).  
–People expect too much of Rezo, which I think was a genuine, conscious point the Slayers writers wanted to make.  
It doesn’t excuse anything he did that was evil.  At the same time, there are two ways to dehumanize a person. One is to vilify them.
The other is to idolize them.   Zelgadis idolized Rezo. Eris idolized Rezo.  Pokota idolized Rezo.  And Rezo took advantage of that, and that’s wrong. But think about that for a moment. It is wrong, on a moral level, to idolize a living person, and expect god-tier ethical purity at all times and under all forms of pressure.  It is wrong, and it is hurtful.  Sometimes it’s done out of naivety, sometimes emotional codependence, but in any case, it is wrong. I speak here from painful experience on the receiving end of idolization. It exerts impossible pressure on a person. And it is scary.  
Hundreds of thousands of sick and disabled people idolized Rezo. They built statues and made paintings of him. They installed him as one of the “Five Great Sages”–literally the most revered of magical users/scholars of ALL RECORDED HISTORY.  They threw so much money at him that he owned “several” mansions by the time of his death.  Rezo was good at maintaining the facade of authoritative serenity. But my God, was it ever that: a facade.  He was tired, angry, and afraid: so afraid that he once told his servant Ozel, in strictest confidence, knowing she would tell no one else, and in a tone of deep depression,  “Sometimes I lose my sense of what it is to be a person.”  
And don’t we all know the feeling, when we too are at a crossroads?  Isn’t that HUMAN?
I genuinely believe the Slayers writers wanted the audience to sort of meta-replicate the feelings of Rezo’s disciples, and expect Rezo to be a saint, and then be horrified and angry when his worst actions proved seriously otherwise. And then by the end of the story, I think they were meant to realize, this was just a guy. This was just a guy who had the rough equivalent of Satan possessing his body and soul, a guy who was meant to be a healer but had his whole life rendered a farce because of his own soul’s attempt to keep a monster sealed inside.  Rezo became a living prison for a demon, and he could not contain it. No one, in fact, who has served as the vessel of Shabranigdu has been able, ultimately, to resist him.  
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Whats More Fun? (ILB Gang Fanfic)
Hey guys,
Sorry for not being able to post in a while - exams are killing me. But I got 2 new followers in last few days and i FINALLY HAVE DOUBLE-DIGIT NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS YAYYYYY. So that NEEDS a fiction :D.
So here is a shoooorrrrrrtttt drabble for you guys :D
It was a very lovely Sunday afternoon - an afternoon where the weather is just right, when the clouds caress the sky as sun’s ray fall meekly on the grass and a cool breeze blows across the horizon. Such a day is always perfect for an outing!
But lol our gang is stuck up taking care of babies at a daycare centre, thanks to them owing up Imogen lots of apologies for breaking into her house before.
What made it even more awkward for our trio of Parker, Vance and Tom was the fact that those three were the only males there, aside from kids of course! Every other staff member was a girl, and it gave the place a tender feminine aura which they needed time to adjust to. 
Imogen and Danni on the other hand, were having a time of their life - especially more because they didn’t had much to do apart from coo and play with those little kids with cotton skin.
“Hey Danni,” Imogen spoke up, “I need to go to the restroom.”
Danni nodded. “Ok, I am coming too.”
“Are you two going to the restroom??” a passing-by staff member asked. “Let me accompany you.”
Not even moments later the entire room became devoid of all females as everyone went to the washroom.
“Why do they girls go to washroom together everytime?” Tom asked, only to be cut short by some baby girl crying at a corner of the room.  “Aww! Aww! Whose a good girl? Whose a good girl?” Tom awkwardly tried to cradle her in his arms but to no avail.
“....Looks like Tom is haunted.” Vance casually commented. “How are you holding up?” He turned to Parker.
“Honestly...its not bad at all!” Parker flashed a smile as he watched the baby boy he just lulled to sleep. “They are so...soft...so...adorable!! “ His eyes lit up. “Its fun babysitting babies.”
“You know whats more fun?” Vance asked as he looked at other babies sleeping blissfully, “I think making babies is more fun than babysitting babies.” He laughed off-  only to be interrupted by a shrill cry as Tom failed to quiet down the baby girl.
“Boo.... Waaaaah...Boooo” Tom tried making faces but that made her cry even more. 
“I think she is hungry Tom!” Vance shouted as he rushed to kitchen to get a warm bottle of milk.
Parker however, was in no state to pay heed to Tom’s rant as Vance’s words kept on echoing in his mind.
“I think making babies is more fun than babysitting babies.”
“M-M-Ma-Making babies...?”   
He stuttered even while thinking of it as he felt a lump in his throat while repeating Vance’s words to himself.
Was it a hint? Was Vance flirting with him ? Or is it a sign that he is interested in him? Interested in making BABIES with him- no wait, he means, interested in doing stuff which usually leads to making babies and-
Vance could never have guessed his words would have zoned Parker out. Parker just blankly stared at Vance who was now feeding the baby girl some milk. He admired how focused Vance looked to make sure everything is perfect, how he made sure to be as delicate as possible, how he made sure to be as affectionate as possible as he lulled her back to sleep. If Parker thought he couldn’t fall harder for Vance, he was proven dead wrong. There was something sexy, something attractive about this side of Vance. He imagined Vance taking care of him like a baby, showering him with love and affection, feeding him, kissing him.  Parker felt a familiar tightness press against the zip of his pants.
He gulped as a familiar chatter indicated the girls returning to the room. He looked here and there desperately for a cover.
“I-I need to go to washroom as well.” Parker shouted out of panic - attracting every eye in the room.
“”OMG PARKER” Danni screamed” EW! EW! EW! EW!!”  she shouted, “IF YOU HAVE TO GO THEN GO. FOR GOD’S SAKE DONT ADVERTISE TO THE WORLD WHERE YOU ARE HEADED TO AND WHAT FOR.”. The girls grimaced at Danni’s last two words - making Danni earn glares from everyone, including Vance.
“No one asked you to think that much.” He retorted. Unlike any other human being, Vance felt bathroom privacy must be upheld. Men deserve the right to announce they are going to restroom without being subjected to humiliation, embarrassment, torture or shame. Those are their fundamental rights of equality.
Danni shot an apologetic look towards Vance and he smiled. Danni - howsoever spontaneously combustible - never stepped back from apologizing for anything wrong from her part. Vance admired that trait in her.
“I think I can use a break as well.” Vance said as he came to Parker, ready to go to washroom with him. Parker’s breath hitched and his cheeks threatened to turn red as he thought on if Vance’s reference to making babies had a deeper meaning and what things he can do to him when he is all alone with him in the restroom and-
Tom’s heart almost stopped in fear as he looked in Parker’s direction - a murderous glare darkening his face as if threatening to cut Tom into pieces. But Tom had to pee. Parker could be dealt with later - but same doesn’t apply to controlling pee. And so he timidly accompanied Parker and Vance to restroom, clutching Vance’s arm for his life....
Parker swore Tom will pay for saying this in front of Vance. Parker swore Tom will pay brutally when he got a confused and bewildered look from Vance after Tom said that.
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Shadowhunters Finale Review
...I can’t even summarize my thoughts properly right now because I am just so wildly exhausted and disappointed and frustrated, so here’s the unfiltered running commentary I made during the two-parter, sorted by characters and due to length beneath the cut:
On Jonathan:
Jonathan back at it again, killing flowers. ~puuure eeeviiil~ (Sorry. Still not over Jocelyn being a fucking dickhead who is ready to murder her son over one dead flower he killed as a toddler...)
...I just... I'm so tired of what they did with Jonathan? When they set him up as Sebastian Verlac, he seemed to layered, but this season, they are completely reducing him to the Incest Boi whose only motivation is “Clary doesn't love me enough!” and absolutely no one has even half a fuck to give about everything he has suffered...? Every abuse that is driving him and forged him...?
He could have been such a layered character. I'm not even talking redemption wise, to use the abuse to make him A Good Boi, but he could have been such an interesting villain, there could have been so much to him. This is stupid and sad.
But I am chocking on my laughter at the Seelie Queen literally teaching him WHAT HE COULDA BEEN TAUGHT FROM THE GET GO. To channel his powers. Granted, she channels them into killing Shadowhunters. But they could have been channeled into killing demons.
With the right parent, the right training, without living in hell and being tortured, he could have been an exceptional Shadowhunter. But let's pretend that he is Truly Inherently Evil only because of his demon blood and hey it's legit because he wants to bang his sister so who cares about this guy LOL.
HOLY SHIT THEY REALLY MADE CLARY MURDER HIM WITH A HUG. What a fucking way to go. I don't... I don't even know what to say to that to be honest.
On Clary:
“How do I come back after everything I've done”. What. What line is that. That's the line they could have given Jace in the first episode of 3B. You know, the guy who saw his own body commit 30+ murders, among them the murder of his own grandmother.
What... What's that everything Clary has done? Dress hotter than usual? Go to a rave? Try some Seelie drugs? Sure she killed Lenaia, but that was also a chick she didn't even know and so far she's not been very traumatized by like – killing her own biological father (seriously, the writers never bothered to give her a genuine reaction to that). Way to be overdramatic, writers.
Shitty Ex Machina Rune's existence aside; WHY does the Ex Machina Rune work?? RUNES DON'T WORK ON DOWNWORLDERS. That was like a whole thing in season 1. They kill mundies and they don't work on Downworlders?? Why the fuck is Clary allowed to play – not just an angel but an actual god at this point.
(But y'all know I am going to use this shitty dumb stupid rune in so many fanfiction.)
...But like holy shit. It is so callous to have her say that she wouldn't trade the Shadow World for anything and that “and I met Jace” like he brought all light into her life when the Shadow World killed her mother. Have the writers just completely forgotten that a month ago she lost her mother, her only biological family left?? Ah but it's totally fine because she has Jace now!!! And even though we literally started the episode off with her being devastated and wondering how she will ever come back after everything she has done, they are now only half an hour later already forgetting that she has just gone through major trauma, that she murdered her own father, that she lost her mother? But oh the Shadow World is super awesome, wouldn't wanna trade those past two, utterly traumatizing months for anything!!! Not even for my mom being alive LOL! Just... do the writers even care about the characters? At all?
HOLY FUCKING GODS THEY REMEMBERED JOCELYN. FUCK THIS IS RIDICULOUS ESPECIALLY AFTER HER CONVERSATION WITH SIMON IN EDOM. I am baffled. But I am 100% behind Jocelyn's message because Clary has been a scary motherfucker all this season now with all the things she has done and the rule-breaking. Fuck yeah she shouldn't be allowed to play God, which she DOES at this point.
But like, on a scale of 1 to 10 how dumb did they have to make Clary? Out of all of the ways she could have killed Jonathan, they decided “Nah man she is totally giving up her Shadowhunter self to hug her brother to death” instead of having Miss Stabby-Stab-Stab pull out a dagger and stab him to death? She literallly just got the warning and decides “LOL nope this is how I go out”. What---
There is a huge difference between a character sacrificing themselves for the greater good because there was 100% no other way and a character somehow turning a completely manageable situation into a self-sacrifice that is completely unnecessary... She could have just stabbed him. Or, you know, captured him with a trick instead of murdering. She could have stayed a Shadowhunter without using the Deus Ex Machina runes, living like a normal Shadowhunter. But they really made her go “If I can't play god, I'd rather give up the Shadow World”.
What the fuck even was that “One Year Later”. They literally just wasted a whole year since C/ace reuniting had zero negative effect on her? She didn't combust or anything. They could have literally went after her the day of the wedding, explained amnesia to her and brought her back. But the writers had to be dramatic bitches that put Jace through hell again, huh.
And what exactly did she believe happened? Like, Jocelyn and Luke and Simon?? Basically everyone she ever knew? What did she think happened to them and to herself? She just decided to go back to art school or what? Did they even think about this ending?
Honestly. It'd have been better had they actually Donna Nobled her and said she can never remember and has to be a mundie. But this? This year gap and bullshit and C/ace looking at each other and she suddenly remembers his name because True Love Wins? That makes it even dumber.
On Jace & Meliorn: (I'm trying to give each character their own for the finale, but... I can't separate those two in this case)
THAT STARTLED LITTLE BACKING OFF JACE DOES WHEN MELIORN TAKES IT TO THE BEDROOM. If that wasn't a coming on from Meliorn, I don't know what is. I am definitely living for this little bit of Jeliorn because that was a ship I was sure I'd never get to see proper interactions of. So, small blessings.
Hng. Jace can't lie. How pretty. Seriously his bond with Meliorn is like the saving grace from all of this. And how much fun Meliorn is having with this. Oh my gods my shipper heart is soaring.
SERIOUSLY I AM LIVING FOR THIS. “A serious question. How handsome do you think I am?” WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASK THAT. Because you want to let my shipper-heart beat some. Thank you, Meliorn, personally, for my life. (Not to mention the answer. A NINE?? Jace. You so pansexual and into handsome Downworlders. It's canon now and I am blessed.)
I'm just absolutely living for Jace getting to interact with a non-Clary and a non-Alec (especially since all of his Alec-interactions this half-season have only been about Ma/ec...). It's... so refreshing to see them use Jace as... a character... instead of a prop. Even if he's played as a comic relief, I am taking so much more from this.
(ALSO: Jimon sparring! Jimon sparring and JACE BOOPING SIMON'S NOSE WHAT THE FUCK.)
On Alec:
What's with Maryse telling him to “take time to mourn”? What the fuck is that? XD He has literally been in Edom and gone back too. There's always been ways in and out. You're sure fast to bury him.
But also, maybe Alec should focus on the way to bring Magnus back instead of planning this fucking stupid wedding. You'd need your groom first.
Tonight. They're literally... I am weeping at how stupid this is. They got engaged yesterday and are getting married today. I had... actual, dumb hopes that the wedding would happen after a time skip. But I forgot this show doesn't know what time is. Ahahaha. Hilarious.
But holy shit am I angry about him being all dodgy and asking Maryse's permission to invite his own father to his wedding. Like. I am very rationally angry about the fact that all the kids sided with their abusive mother over their father, but that they are really all just treating him like that now is insane. Sure, he cheated on their mother, but he is still their father?? He has still been their father and he has been the good parent. If you can forgive Maryse's abuse just like that, how do you hold Robert cheating on Maryse over him like that? This is absolutely insane. What kind of priorities do those writers have to fuck it up this badly? Like the “oh no dad cheated on you let us all comfort you and totally forget the shitty way you have been treating your children!!!” wasn't bad enough on its own, but that they are completely acting like Robert was not just the cheating husband but somehow also the bad parent now? If this is where the show wanted to end it, they should have from the get-go also written him as the bad parent and her as the good parent, then I'd understand this, I'd understand the taking sides thing, the way they all completely turned away from Robert, the way Maryse blossomed and turned into an entirely different character. That ALL would make sense IF they hadn't decided in the first season and in 2B to write Robert as the warm rather and Maryse as the cold and abusive mother. The starting points and end points don't match.
On Magnus:
Magnus. On that throne. In that light. Now that's a look, to be honest.
Also, awkward conversations with the stepmother are very amusing. :D” (But, honestly, Anna and Harry playing off each other is really great. They play the power-dynamic really fascinating.)
Magnus being like “Well no need to close the door if we burn down the place right?” is a mood. It's so stupid and ridiculous, but like it's right. XD”
I'm glad Magnus at least said thank you to Lorenzo and even invited him to the wedding.
I genuinely don't know how to react to “High Warlock of Alicante” to be honest. Like. I don'T know what to say to that.
On Maia:
...I'd like to live in the alternate reality where Maia was more than just her relationships to boys. I'm still let down by the fact that the one (1) badass shot she got in the trailer was literally her walking away from Jordan's funeral fire, with her other ex and her future boyfriend flanking her from either side. If that doesn't summarize this show, I don't know what does.
And while I admire her decision to reconnect with her parents, it also seems rather messed up considering she literally just decided to be The Alpha. So let's leave the pack that has suffered so many recent losses... all alone. That's... not exactly Alpha behavior, even if it is the right thing for her as an individual at that point.
I mean like yeah sure she came back to become an Alpha, but still it's—a weird choice.
BAT BAT EXISTS BAT IS THERE I LOVE BAT HE GOT TO SPEAK. I am so so salty that he didn't get developed properly, that his relationship with Maia didn't get fully fleshed out.
On Isabelle & Simon:
Isabelle as the Human Torch is sure a very nice visual, to be honest.
(ALSO HELEN! HELEN! HELEN! I am 200% sure I can ship Aline/Helen/Isabelle in peace now. Don't @ me.) Though explain to me why Helen doesn't get the fuck away from Isabelle ASAP after realizing that Downworlders turn Isabelle into basically a bomb? I mean, she is half-Seelie.
...and can everyone maybe focus on “Izzy now catches fire when she is touching Downworlders” instead of “SHE WAS KISSING SIMON!!!”...? Like, priorities, dudes?
And how did she conclude “I explore when I touch demon blood. I should totally go to Edom! The place where demons live!”... and act like that should totally “”shield”” her from the atmosphere? What... logic goes into that? I'm serious, someone explain to me why “I explode when I come in contact with demonic stuff” leads to “but I'ma be extra safe in hell where all demonic things live and the very atmosphere should be demonic!!!”...
And Simon and Isabelle... kiss once... like... literally once and the next time they get a moment of being shown alone they literally already fucked. This show... knows that... you can actually go on dates and have a relationship with... oh no never mind this show has never heard the word “pacing” before I forgot sorry LOL
On Luke:
...But like why did his runes return though. I mean, getting turned into a Downworlder like... burned the runes away. They were gone. Why would him no longer being a Downworlder also immediately reapply all of his runes.
I don't know if I really like this, to be quite honest. I don't feel like we know enough about Luke for me to know what to feel about this? Like, he said he didn't want to be alpha and he's been turned against his will sure, but he's been a wolf for like 20 years now. It's... I don't know what to feel on this. Like, he seems really happy about this, but it also feels incredibly cheap due to the show never actually focusing on his thoughts and feelings??
Okay no now that I'm through with it I actually actively hate it. He should have become mundie. Erase it all. Let him live a mundie life with Clary.
On Lorenzo:
I love how Lorenzo brings up the Downworld Council. SOMETHING I HAVE BEEN WONDERING ABOUT TOO. What the fuck happened to that. But nope, SoRrY Lorenzo you are just here to save Magnus. Again. (Others too, but still. It's once again for selfish reasons of helping the Shadowhunters with shit.)
I really like where they took his character. I thought he was just going to be a shallow prop to take Magnus down. Petty and empty. But that they actually give him growth and personality and a personal goal and that they also made him rekindle with Magnus after admitting what he truly wants? That was... actually good. That was more than I ever expected from those writers. Huh.
On Max:
MAAAAX!!! MAX WITH GLASSES! MAX BEING PRECIOUS! He is literally the only thing about episode 22 that I liked. Like that entire final episode was a fucking shit-show.
On Raphael:
Honestly at this point just fuck this show. It is his father’s wedding and he is a mundane. But let’s just have him interact with his ex and her new guy so he can give them his blessing instead of having him actually interact with Magnus.
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maximumkillshot · 5 years
The Situation-Part Three
Warnings: Mentions of Menstrual cycle, Gender bent! Dean Winchester, Some Cursing,  I can’t remember anything else at the moment but I hope y’all enjoy!
Pairing: None
Characters: Gender Bent! Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, ofc Stacey, omc Kyle
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy!!
“All I Could Do” Masterlist- CLICK HERE
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“When You Call” Masterlist- Click Here
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“The Situation” Masterlist- Click Here
Soon I felt myself plop down in Baby’s back seat…
As soon as Baby’s engine roared to life I said, “Hey Sammy?”
“Yeah, Dean?”
“I’m glad you came back…”
“After Jess… I was afraid you’d pull away… that I’d lose you for good, y’know… but you didn’t… Maybe it’s selfish of me or maybe it’s the booze but I’m happy you came back… I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You would’ve been fine,” said Sammy.
“No, I wouldn’t have been ‘fine’. I wasn’t fine when you were gone either… I missed you. Had no idiot little brother to nag me about my Nirvana tapes. Would’ve never had fun like I had tonight, wouldn’t have anything without you.”
“Shut up… Missed you too…”
“We’re a team, right Sammy?”
“Yeah… yeah, we are…”
“Mmmm I knew it,” I said as I passed out.
My head, it’s throbbing so much, and my stomach, oh my god my stomach. Why is my back killing me?
“Gahh what happened?” I said absentmindedly as I tried to stretch, then I felt my hand hit something, cold and porcelain. When I opened my eyes I realized, I was in my bathroom on the floor. When I looked down at my body I got scared…. “WHY AM I STILL A CHICK?” I whined to no one. The minute I moved my ass I felt wet…
Almost knowing what was coming I got up and I felt a rush of fluid in my pants, I couldn’t control it… I just looked up to God and said, “C’mon C’mon no whammies, no whammies….” and I pulled down my pants…
“OH MAH GOD,” I said almost horrified... The stench... The feeling, the sheer amount… Blood and goo were everywhere on that pad...okay…
Halfway through the cleanup, I decided to just give up on the whole thing entirely and chuck the panty and the pad away. I jumped into the shower and started to scrub until I felt human again. When I got out of the shower Sam was waiting at the doorway of my room…
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“Ah, she lives I see,” said Sam…
“I’m more surprised than you ever could be… Are you sure just the lining is being shed here because I saw enough blood and guts to Frankenstein a whole damn organ.”
“I would say too much information but it’s too late for that.”
“Hey, if I’m being emotionally scarred so are you.” I quipped.
“How are you feeling though…” asked Sam.
“Like I need more clothing and shoes, if Rowena isn’t going to be here for a few more days, I can’t just wear the same thing…” I said begrudgingly.
“You aren’t gonna like half of the things they have at the store, they’re all either pink, purple, or a dress.” I looked with a slight smile. Hmmm, maybe a dress isn’t that bad. “What is that face for?” I asked what face and he replied with, “That’s the ‘i have an idea but I’m not sure you’ll go with it’ face.”
“Don’t say anything until I finish” I said as I played with the hem of my shirt, “Ma-maybe a dress isn’t as bad as it seems,” Sam’s jaw dropped as I continued, “I mean think about it, with these diaper torture chambers on, having some airflow wouldn’t be too bad. I feel like I’m being smothered here, maybe some breeze would be good.” Sam replied with a smart quip about heels and I responded with, “I actually heard that heels work out the calves and help with balance, after all, if a drunk chick can walk in heels, I’m pretty damn sure I can walk in them too.”
As soon as we set foot in the mall I was assaulted with the smell of cologne from the Abercrombie and Fitch store, which always gave me a headache.
Why are all the guys staring at me… No matter how many ‘get away from me or I’ll shoot you’ vibes I send, they still stare. Every once in a while, while Sam strayed away from me, more guys kept on coming up to me, hitting on me… ON ME….. a HUNTER…. Every time I have to remind myself I’m just playing a role, kind of like how I have to act like I care when Sammy talks about lore. Smile… say “thank you”, awkwardly walk away towards Sammy, Sammy scowls, they walk away, repeat. Over and over again….
I mean I don’t blame them, I’m hot… like 12 alarm fire in a 2 alarm apartment hot… I mean I make ghost peppers jealous, but that doesn’t mean that they need to stare at me like that… right? Is this how I always treated women at bars… Gawking, shooting my shot, scoring or walking away…. I never considered how they felt… Like a fucking trophy, an item to be won… It feels miserable. I’m just trying to live yet I can’t walk 5 feet away from Sammy without being approached by a random guy.
“Sammy can we leave pleaseee” I whined as I saw him pick up yet another flannel from the rack in an all men’s clothing store.
“This would go faster if you’d tell me, which one do I pick?” Asked Sam as he picked two flannel’s off the rack, one a seafoam blue, another a chestnut red.
“Seafoam, definitely seafoam, goes better with your eyes and offers a pop of color from that mop on your head that you call a hairdo,” I said as plainly as possible. Sam looked at me weird and I replied with, “What? You think I’m going to let you buy something that doesn’t flatter you? I may be moody but I am not cruel.”
“Awee you two are such a cute couple!” Said a tiny female associate of the store. I scoffed as Sammy pulled me closer and said, “Thanks so much.
“How long have you two been together?” gushed the woman.
“Too damn long” I grumbled.
Sam replied with, “Haha, Deena, you are too funny, we’ve been together since Middle School.” Oh, I bet he’s enjoying this. As soon as I become tall again I’m kicking his ass. If I tried now it’d just make things worse… right now the chant in my head is ‘just give it time, give it time.’
“You are such a lucky woman, someone as tall and handsome as him,” said the woman.
I replied with, “He may look like this now but in middle school. Man he was zit city, had about as much muscle mass as a piece of paper, and the highest pitch voice you’ve ever heard.”
“OH MY GOD, THAT’S ADORABLE!!!!!” She squealed, “It was never about looks huh?”.
I replied, “No, it was about me being fed up with stretching to reach the top shelf… In return, I prevent him from committing fashion crimes.” She started laughing as Sam’s face turned a bright red and I pinched his cheek saying, “Something wrong Baby? You look a little flustered…”
“Mmm fine. I guess we are going with the seafoam?” Said Sam.
“Only if you wanna make your eyes pop Pumpkin!” I said with exaggerated enthusiasm as I snatched the flannel from his hand.
As the sales associate walked away Sam said, “I was trying to sell it, you didn’t need to be such a dick.”
I replied with, “Just wanted to remind you that, normally, I have one.” After we paid we then headed to where Sam found the camisole and the jeans, Rue21.
As as we walked in I immediately said “No… nononononono” It looked like the 60s and today’s pop culture threw up all over the store. Pink and Purples scattered the walls, literally fighting for my attention, almost immediately giving me a headache. The only saving grace being the one Rolling Stones sweatshirt they had, and even then, it was cheap, it was scratchy, it was never going on my body… that I definitely knew.
“Sam we’ve gotta go,” I said near a mental breakdown. “These colors give me a headache and I have no clue but I think that the garbage that they’re playing isn’t helping…” As soon as I heard that I heard a random man yell ’squaaa’ and I jumped. Sam laughed as I replied, “How are you so calm, it looks like John Lennon got high on acid, came to the present day, and tried to make clothing that combined the two eras, man. That’s not to mention the Barbie clothing everywhere so can we please just leave…”
“I’ve never seen you so worked up over music, relax man it’s just Fetty Wap,” chuckled Sam…
I looked confused, “Sam, stop speaking in tongues before I exorcize you. The point is that we need to get the hell outta here before  any of the poor sonsabitches that were hired here spot us.”
“Well, then where are we gonna find clothing?”
Then I remembered….. LISA! Lisa told me about how girls like to help each other pick out clothing. “I got it!”, Sam looked intrigued, ”I’m gonna ask a random chick who is dressed like an actual human being where they got their clothing. I remember Lisa telling me that girls would ask for her fashion advice all of the time…. And she actually liked it!”
“Why didn’t I think about that?” asked Sammy.
“I have no idea, you’re usually the smart one…” I said as I lead the way out.
We basically roamed around until I found this hot chick that was walking around with a dude who looked like a jock of some sort. She had a style that I actually liked, she had camo pants on that hugged her ass perfectly, a ripped up AC/DC tee with a nice camo jacket, and a nice pair of heeled combat looking boots to go with it. I immediately smacked Sam on the chest and I said “Her… she can tell me where to go…”
I immediately made a beeline to her smiling, she immediately smiled back and I said, “I’m sorry to bother you guys, but I absolutely adore that outfit, where did you get these clothes?”
She smiled and giggled as she said “Oh these? Thanks so much, I got the camo pieces at Torrid, the shirt at Hot Topic, and the boots were at Payless for  $15. Well, it’s easier if I just show you..”
“Ok, where are those places?” I giggled, trying to seem as confident as possible, soon I felt Sam behind me, I introduced him to the couple. I found out her name was Stacey and her boyfriend's name was Kyle.
Stacey looked at me and said, “Y’know what, how about you and me go shopping and the boys can hang out and do their thing.”
I looked at Sam and he said, “Go if you want to, babe. You spotted that outfit from across the mall… Go for it, have fun!”
Kyle looked at Sam and said, “C’mon there’s a Bass Pro Shop… I heard they got new crossbows in… let’s let the girls be girls, call us when you’re done, okay?” he then kissed her on the lips and walked towards Sam, almost expecting him to come up to me.
Sam walked up to me and said “Alright babe, if you need anything let me know okay” then he kissed me on the forehead… I…. I don’t know how to feel right now. I wanna kick him in the balls, so so badly. Yet… I admire the way he navigated the situation. The next thing I knew I was being pulled in the opposite direction by Stacey.
The first place we set foot in was Hot Topic. The minute we walked in I took a giant breath. All of this was my style. Graphic tees were everywhere plus jackets that looked stylish yet functional, ones that actually fit a phone in the pocket instead of those ‘fashion’ jackets that stitched all of theirs shut. Immediately Stacey and I got to work, combing through the racks until we found some pieces that I could try on. After I found what I liked and what looked good, we moved onto Torrid.
In Torrid, there were more graphic tees but they also had some formal wear, like peacoats and formal shirts. But then we went to the back, where there were sexy ass dresses and lingerie.
“So, what’s your size?” she asked as she held up a sexy red lace bra.
“I, uh, I don’t know” I answered. It’s not like the boulders on my chest were the first thing to worry me.
‘OK, let’s get someone to measure you, because I am loving this bra, plus it’ll go perfectly with that mesh Rolling Stones shirt you got from Hot Topic.” She said as she went to find someone. After a few minutes, a girl with a tape measurer came at me.
“Hello my name is Ashlynn and I’m one of the associates here. Your friend said that you wanted to get sized for a bra?” asked the woman. I just nodded. I had no idea how this worked.
She told me to lift my arms and I did, then she got all in my personal space as she wrapped the tape around me then squeezed it tight. Then she told me to put my arms down and slid the tape up and over my nipples, which was… oddly pleasant and she stated, “So you’re a little small for our sizes, you’re a 32 C. Which I’m sure Victoria Secret has in its stock, in the plus size section.”
“What?” I asked shocked, “Hold on, 32 is plus sized?”
“Uhh yeah”
“What the hell’s small like?”
“ A double zero is their smallest”
“How can a human skeleton be that small?” I asked shocked.
“I honestly don’t know. Some people starve themselves, some work out until they have literally no fat on their bones… Some people are just born like that.” Said the woman as she started to look around the store.
“So is anything in here going to fit me because I really like the styles,” I said almost saddened by the news.  
“Our 00 size is a size 10-12 so that should fit your frame since your shoulders are a bit wide, but we definitely have pants for you, since your hips are wide, we make jeans and pants specifically made with more room for your curves. Let’s see what we can find.”
As soon as we started looking for jeans, Stacey came back with a dress that had a giant slit at the side and a plunging neckline, “Deena, you have to get this! You HAVE to, I know it’s going to look killer on you. With those hips and that ass! You’re gonna make Sam drool in this.” I tried my best not to puke when she said that, but then it hit me…. This is the best prank opportunity ever…
“Okay let me try it on. Also, they don’t have my bra size here, but they do at Victoria’s Secret, could you go by there and get me a few sexy ones?” I asked shyly, it’s literally the next storefront so it wouldn’t be a giant trip. I gave her $50 and she went off to the lingerie store.
After finding a few pieces I went into the dressing room. I found a great leather jacket that had a bunch of classic rock band emblems on them, which I had to have…. Damn I’m sounding like a chick, anyway; I also found some really good jeans that didn’t squeeze me to all hell like the ones Sammy got me. Finally, after all of the clothing I tried, maybe a half an hour went by and I heard Stacey outside the door just as I slipped on the dress.
“Deena, I am back and girl did I find some sexy ass sets for you!! You are gonna thank me after you see Sam’s face! Hell, I’m straight and I was drooling just thinking of you in these. “
“Thanks, hey I just put on the dress,” I said with slight confidence.
“Then get out here girl!”
As soon as I walked out, her jaw dropped. She dragged me to the mirror and said, “LOOK AT YOU SEXY MAMA!! OWWW”
And to be honest, my draw dropped. The dress hugged my curves perfectly and just flattered me in a way I never knew was possible… Is this what it feels like to be beautiful?
“GIRL YOU ARE HOT!” Stacey screamed.
“I… for once I agree with that statement,” I said as I traced my own curves up and down.
“What do you mean?”
“I…. I never felt like I was good looking… People told me but I didn’t care, didn’t believe em’” I stated.
“Well, now you know… and now we have to get this dress and have a girls night!” She squealed as I chuckled and agreed.
After we bought everything, we went to Payless and got a whole bunch of boots, heels, and sneakers. As we were on our way to meet the guys… She sees a Sephora  and said, “We need to get you some makeup and perfume, it’s gonna tie everything together.”
After we got everything and she told me how to use it, I got a text from Sammy that he and Kyle were at the cafeteria.
As soon as we walked in Kyle grabbed Stacey and kissed her saying, “Hey ladies, wow, looks like you guys got some good stuff!”
“Yeah, Deena has an amazing new wardrobe, and we are taking a few pieces out for a test drive, tonight actually.”
“Girls night?” Asked Kyle.
“Yeah” smiled Stacey.
“That’s great because Sam and I were just going to ask you, ladies, if we could have a guys night. Sam hasn’t seen sports on the right TV. he only has a 32 inch. He has to see the game tonight on the 72-inch plasma at out place. Which works out, since you girls are gonna go out.” smiled Kyle.
I just thought to myself… Oh, this is gonna be good.
After we exchanged numbers, Stacey handed off some of the bags and we waved goodbye to each other. On our way to the car….
“Dean, what did you do?” Sammy asked me.
“Nothing... Just got some clothes… some makeup.”
“You…. got makeup?!” snickered Sam…
“You won’t be laughing soon…” I quipped.
“What?” Sam’s face scrunched up.  
“Nothing Sammy, listen I’m gonna be a chick for a few more days, I mine as well commit to the new role. You can’t tell me that me not wearing a bra or makeup is making me blend in.”
“Dean, as much as I hate to admit it, you look like a model. You don’t need that.”
“Aweee Sammy, keep on saying things like that and I’ll start to think you like me.”
Sam chuckled as we loaded Baby and headed home for our nights out.
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The Situation Taglist!: 
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missjackil · 5 years
My 14x17 Opinion
Game Night
This was the first new episode since “The Announcement” and I have to say I was putting off writing it. I usually post these the day after, but I procrastinated so it’s a bit late. So forgive my butt-hurt tardiness and let's have at it.
I enjoyed this episode, though it wasn't without some issues. I must say that I was pleased that it wasn't as Sam-lite as I thought it would be from the promo pics, trailer, and knowing Jared didn't work a lot that week, I will always want for more Sam in an episode, but all his parts were necessary and high quality in this one, so I'm not angry at all. 
We start the episode with Donatello making cookies, singing Raindrops are Fallin’ on my Head, which made me smile. It made me think of Butch Cassiday and The Sundance Kid and I love that movie, and if J2 ever want to play the leads in a remake, I would be willing to pay for it myself! 
Donny gets interrupted by the door, and we know this is a problem because its the first 5 minutes of SPN, let's be honest. As soon as I see the bad guy’s wedding ring, I think “Shit... here comes Nick”. I thought he was gonna kill him and I'm glad he didn't. I like Donny, he looks like my dad. 😊
Back at the Bunker, the fam is getting ready for “Winchester Game Night” and Dean is playing Mouse Trap, and having no luck getting it to work. I had that game as a kid too and was never able to get it to work either, but it was fun putting it together! I did think it was a little sad but fitting, that Dean would have played that game as a 4 yr old, but leave it to John and Mary to give Dean a game made for older kids, that never worked out the way it was supposed to and had too many small parts he could choke on. (the irony is not lost on me)
Mary and Jack are in the kitchen. I could literally almost smell the Jiffy Pop popcorn. A Saturday night staple at my house growing up (any of you out there ever taste that greasy salt left on the sides of the foil pan? Good stuff!) and Mary starts in with the questions for Jack. I got a kick out of him telling her its annoying, and her face after. It’s ok Mary, he’s fine, he’s just a teenager now. Something I guess she never got to experience from the adult side. 
Sam is out getting pizza, and all the times they’ve had pizza, I never really saw what Sam likes on his. Apparently both he and Dean like lots of pepperoni. Good choice boys! The joy is short-lived (of course) by Donatello’s call, and Dean and Mary go off to help. I loved Sam sitting there researching. I have always loved his look of interest and concentration during these times. Smart!Sam moment #1 he figures out the language is ancient Hebrew, #2 he has the moment of realization that he knows it’s from the Bible, and knows what chapter and verse. (demerits for the writers though for not knowing Peter is in the New Testament and is in Ancient Greek, not Hebrew, but kudos for Sam/Jared for at least knowing the book is located near the back of The Bible)
Mom and Dean in the car. Now we have the talk about how wrong she knows she’s been but how appreciative she is to have this time with him and Sam. Uhoh... sounds like lines typically given to a character who is soon to be killed off? Hmmm we’ll see. Soon they arrive at Donny’s to find Nick. He says he's poisoned Donny and to save him, they have to help him. He wants to talk. 
Back at the bunker, violent rage!Sam awaits!! GOD that gave me tingles in the best way! I loved Dean leading Nick down the hall in cuffs, in slow motion as if leading him to his execution, and Sam standing there with his chest puffed out like a friggin’ bulldozer, and the snarl and slam attack against the wall!! (hand me that towel, please??) Dean backs Sam off, lots of brother touching going on, but we need intel, we can't kill him yet. 
Now Sam is in self-loathing mode.... he thinks everything is his fault. So many people dying because of him. This is gonna be a big issue soon, I promise. Mom talks Sam off the self-deprecating ledge and tells him he gave Nick another chance because he’s a good man and that's why she’s so proud of him. Sam softens up into the sweetest “aww shucks ma” smile and I want to hug him💕 also, still lines are being spoken by mom that are synonymous with being killed off.
Now, I procrastinated talking about Cas and Anael because the whole thing was boring. I'm not a wife hater but at least make her necessary if you’re going to cast her. I was ok about her role as Sister Jo for Devil’s Bargain but she hasn't been necessary since. Cas wasn't even necessary in this episode. We knew he was hiding the fact that Jack killed the snake, and there are probably 1000 other ways they could have reminded us that the Samulet is still around and maybe they can use it, than for him to find a similar one in the thrift shop or whatever that place was. I dug Methuzula though, he was the oldest dude in the Bible. He wasn’t an angel, for any of you worried about him liking lasagna or why he couldn't just smite Cas... its because he's HUMAN just extremely old. 
On to more interesting things. 
Nick wants to talk to Jack. I was not pleased with Nick referring to Jack as his son. Im not 100% convinced that the writer (and all involved really) remembered that Jack isnt Nick’s son, but added that as a note of empathy Nick has for Lucifer, you’d THINK someone, particularly Jack would say “Im not your son” ?? but anyway, he gives intel to Jack and also gets his blood (dun dun dunnnn) 
Sam is again a smarty pants and knows the antidote for Thalium is Prussian Blue (makes note) and figures he can hack the live feed (brains are so sexy) I also love that Sam’s word is the go word. So many more decisions are made because Sam thinks its the best option than he's ever given for in the fandom. So Sam and Dean take Nick with them to find Donny. 
I really love the broments in this part. Dean tells Nick if he tries anything funny, Sam will shoot him. “And if anything happens to me....” “Sam will shoot me”  “To start!” says Sam... because if he hurts Dean, Sam isnt letting him off that easy. But in true SPN form, as soon as Sam and Dean are separated, shit goes south.
Mom calls Sam and lets him know Donny was shot up with Angel grace, as Jack figured out, Nick was playing them. Now the fight between Sam and Nick ensues! Nick tells Sam why he used Donatello, which was to bring Lucifer back, “You can't, he’s dead he’s in the Empty” Sam says but this show’s self-awareness gets me sometimes lol Nick’s like “Cmon Sam you know no one stays dead anymore” and Sam starts kicking his ass. 
Now, I have already seen a million of you whine and complain that Sam didn’t kill Nick. It’s almost as though some of you have never met Sam Winchester. Of course Sam could have killed Nick, and most of us wish he did, but Sam has stopped himself from killing humans before. He stopped himself with Jake in AHBL and also with Toni in 12x01. Unfortunately it always bites him in the ass. Could it be that Sam thinks if he can kill a human with his bare hands that he’s a monster? This isn’t bad writing folks, this is Sam’s character. 
Nick takes advantage of Sam’s hesitation and starts nailing him with a rock. Spewing crap about Sam being Lucifer’s Perfect vessel and such.... this can only mean that issue will be coming up soon! Sam gets in the car and starts laying on the horn for Dean, calling out to him... Dean hears Sam is in trouble, enough playing around here time to kill some demons. 
When he gets to Sam. he sees he’s badly injured. Sam can hardly hold on to consciousness, protective!dean kicks in! Apply preasure to the blled, call 911, call mom. Now check for brain damage and play a counting game with Sam This hurt my feels so much, it made it feel so much more serious than all the other head injuries he’s sustained. Dean and his caring big brother smile and light hearted speech so Sam doesnt panic just kills me in the best way!! Sam tries to count with him a little and breaks into “You always put me first... your whole life” and manages to muster a little smile. Dean knows Sam believes he’s checking out, and you see the fear all over Dean’s face as Sam fades away. (OMG these 2!! Every freakin time!!)
Meanwhile, Mary and Jack found Nick and he has summoned Lucifer and just about to take him in again (Lucifer looked pretty cool,,, gotta say) and Jack zaps Lucifer back into the rift (no not forever guys... cmon) and starts torturing Nick. Mary kinda flips out telling Jack to stop. He’s contorting his hand, burning him from the inside out... not simply killijng him. Mary is full on worried now. Jack stops and Nick is laying on the floor. Mary is in shock and tells Jack to go help Sam, He heals him and Dean cant even hide his relief as he turns away to catch his breath. 
Now Jack returns to Mary who is more than worried about how Jack was torturing Nick. We know the Winchesters dont mind killing, but draw the line at torture. However, Mary stupidly poked the bear. She could have just kept herself and Jack calm and talked to the boys later, but she poked and poked till Jack freaked out. Though I am wondering if Jack was also hearing Lucifer when he was shouting “Leave me alone!!” But in any regard, he looked at Mary and something happened. Fade to black. 
Aside from the Cas/Anael part, I really enjoyed this episode. A few issues yes, but it hit most of the marks needed for me to enjoy an episode. Ive already rewatched it twice and will again and again. 
On a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon, I give this a strong 7.5 without the Cas/Anael bit it would have been an easy 8.
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username-trademark · 6 years
A Hot Summer Day
Authors Note: So its been awhile since i put some writing on here, life has been weird for me and I've been uninspired. so this story is probably trash, but it was a fun practice round, so i hope you guys enjoy it. hope to be posting more stories now. Also if you catch a typo or bad grammar, feel free to say something. ill fix it.
The sun was bearing down hard that day, making even the pool hard to be out in. I was no stranger to heat waves, i lived in San Antonio for a large portion of my 20 years, but something about today felt like a miniature hell. But there was one benefit of all this, my girlfriends reaction. She was a gorgeous redhead from Vegas, with gorgeous brown eyes and soft, tan skin. Depending on the heat, she tended to take her clothes off to help, but today, as we hung out near my pool, she was totally naked.
She has some small but perky tits, a big bubble butt that i just wanted to squeeze like clay, and her pussy was deliciously puffy. I layed back in the pool, trying to relax but i couldn't keep my eyes off her which wasn’t helping me. A lustful heat was rolling over me, making me feel even hotter and really thirsty. She tipped her sunglasses down to look at me gave her usual crooked grin. “How hard ya? Like a steel beam, or like a really thick branch?” I couldn't help but twitch as she mentioned it, a reminder of my need.
“Why don't you come over here and find out?” She scoffed and sat back on her chair under a umbrella. “Hell no, your country ass might be able to take it, but as soon as the air starts working im going back inside.” I sighed. I had always been a country kid, i even had the general look. Big, lots of muscle from hard work, strong rough hands, the tan, the whole works. Add my hay colored hair and my dark eyes, not even i could argue it. But i still hated this heat, being from the country didn't fix that.
“Oh come on. Saying i like the heat because im from the country is like saying you like stripping because you lived right next to a strip club.” She laughed at that. “Hell no! You had to deal with heat even if you do hate it, even when i was 12 i ogled those sluts and loved it.” I sighed. “Come on babe, if your gonna be all naked and teasing at least help me out.” I couldn't help but plead. She looked at me curiously, a sorta sly look on her face. “Maybe… i might. Come closer to me, now.” I obeyed and got closer to the edge, closer to her and her amazing body.
She put her foot in my face. “Do you like the color?” Her nails were a soft red, and i nodded. I ran my lips along the top of her foot, and began to kiss and lick her soft feet. “Good boy. Knowing what i want, when i want it.” I began sucking on one of her toes wich made her moan a little. Normally i wasn't into this kinda thing, it did more for her then me, but i just felt so needy that even this was arousing me even more. “Damn, has your brain melted from the heat or is my good boy just that desperate to get off?” I answered with a lick and a harder suck, she simply giggled.
“This please you Rebecca?” She nodded. She hated it when people shortened her name, she claimed her full name was one for a queen. “Mmmm god your tongue is talented. Your ma teach you how to please women?” I glared at her, the obvious ‘Redneck = incest’ not too appreciated. “Your mother teach you how to be a slut?” she growled at my cheeky grin.
“Please, im a sex goddess and you know it.” I rolled my eyes but kept licking and sucking on her soft toes. “.... Hey Dillian?” I looked up at her, seeing how red her cheeks were getting. “Yes?” a cat like smile came over her lips, though her blush made it look a little sheepish. “I know we've talked about this, but does it all bother you that i'm… you know…?” i answered by moving up and giving her a hickey on her thigh, wich makes her moan and her pussy glisten.
“That your such a pervert, a bonafide slut?” She laughed. “I know you don't mind that, since you love taking advantage of it so muCH!” i gave her another hickey, this time on the other thigh, wich made her back arch and her pussy drool. “That you love it when i bite you? I definitely don't mind that.” I bit down a little harder, getting closer to her heated crotch. “Come on Re-becc-a. Say it.” She loves it when i put the extra emphasis on her name.
“Fuck, Dillian, your distracting me sto- OH G-GOD!” I was ever so lightly nibbling on her clit now, rubbing her thick thighs the entire time. She was drooling from both her gorgeous pussy and her pretty mouth. I began to lap and suck and more nibbles, making her writhe in pleasure. “D-d-dillia-n, oh f-fck your drving me razy! MWORE!”
I chuckled “Not till you say it. What should bother me babe?” I know i'm torturing Rebecca but i can't help it, her moans and twitches were so gorgeous and fun to watch. “Y-you fucking DICK! Y-you yo-you fucking slut!” I began to lick too, giving her a full body trembles. “F-uck...i… need to KNoW if… you like how… if you hate how… i tease other… guys…THERE I FUCKING SAID IT!” She was trying not to completely break, it was rather cute. But she was serious, so id better answer her.
I get up on the chair and lift her up and put her down near my lap, near my cock. “Just relax babe. Ill answer your question, but let me give your reward.” she growled. “When did you get all dominant?” Instead of answering her, i plunged her down on my extremely hard and erect cock. Her face bulged out a little in a very sexy way, as if her mind had just exploded and she couldn't perceive how horny it made her.
And one of the most adorable things she does when i'm dominant, wich admitally is not often, when she just kinda utters softly in disbelief. “Feels… so… brain no… of… fuuuck!” i couldn't help but chuckle as i forced her up and down my cock like a toy, a super hot, tight, trembling, drooling toy that was responding my every action.
“Feel good princess?” She clenched hard at me calling her ‘princess’ and she moaned out loud. “FUCK ME MOOOOOOOORE! PLEASSSS!” i think it just hit it her how hard i was fucking her. I began to slam her down harder and harder, and i felt myself throb in her. It feels incredible to do this to her, to just pleasure her like this, to drive her beyond crazy.
“You want more huh?” My fingers began to twist her nipples the way she liked and i suckled collar bone, all causing her to break into a ear destroying screech and her eyes to roll back. She quickly came over me, right as i exploded myself, not being able to handle how wonderful her clenching pussy felt.
I pulled her into my body, us both panting and sweating, no longer caring about the heat. I let my hands slowly go over her body, feeling each tremble along her skin. “Damn princess, i made you lose your mind for a second there.” She gasped, feeling my finger trace her pussy slowly. “Fuck… god i love it when your riled up. You fuck me so good.” She responded, smiling happily.
“Hey babe?” She looked up at me, snuggling against my chest. “Don't worry about the whole teasing thing. I know your mine, and mine alone. I trust you.” She blushed but smiled. “Only yours… speaking of, fuck me again?” I give her a cheeky smile.
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