#Giant crystal cave
unbfacts · 6 months
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madcat-world · 2 years
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Crystal Skull Cave - Luke Fitzsimons
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siryl · 10 months
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"Crystal Caverns" by Evan Sisson.
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demartinidesigns · 1 year
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Crystal Caverns
Deep into the cave system, patches of ground give way to shards of large translucent rocks. Crystals bigger than your hands. The first pillar soon comes into sight: jagged-ended and nearly too large to wrap your arms around. Deeper yet, stretches of ground are more crystal than dirt and gargantuan pillars grow at haphazard angles, halting progress. Are these crystals natural, or emanating from somewhere deeper?
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lupinus-bicolor · 1 year
going crazy bouncing off the walls gnawing on peoples arms trying to hold myself back from talking about caves. i fucking love caves so much holy shit theyre so cool
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werezolft · 24 days
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The Dead Boy Detectives (and crew), have been occupying my thoughts the past few weeks. I’ve watched the show on repeat, rewatched Sandman, actually started reading the Sandman graphic novels (currently on Seasons of Mist, the introduction of the Dead Boys), and I’ve started drawing the episodes in the style of old teen detective novels.
I started these before getting super into behind the scenes details. I went down a bit of a rabbit-hole last night, and was delighted to learn that show-runner Steve Yockey wanted the show to be reminiscent of The Hardy Boys, one of the main influences of these covers.
The accuracy of their depictions varies, I don’t think they always really look like themselves. But I had a lot of fun.
I hope to continue designing these for a bit while the obsession holds, and maybe I can properly bring in purples, Crystal’s hero color.
[Alt Text:
Image 1: A series of covers on a white background. From left to right, "The Case Of The Dandelion Shrine", "The Case Of Devlin House", "The Case Of The Dandelion Shrine" (alt cover), "The Case Of The Hungry Snake", and "The Case Of The Lighthouse Leapers".
Image 2: Three teenagers, Charles, Crystal and Edwin explore a blue green cave with a skull covered in dandelions on a center shrine. Charles holds a flashlight, Crystal is climbing in while her eyes have gone white during a psychic episode, and Edwin is playing lookout. At the top of the page in yellow italics is the text “Dead Boy Detectives” and below in off-white bold caps “THE CASE OF THE DANDELION SHRINE”.
Image 3: Edwin, Charles and Crystal peering around the corner of a yellow-green wooden hallway, looking at the silhouette of a man swinging an axe. They have varying worried expressions. At the top, in yellow italics is “Dead Boy Detectives” and in off-white bold caps “THE CASE OF DEVLIN HOUSE”.
Image 4: Crystal and Niko stare at each other across a green hallway. Niko has her left hand raised and is surrounded by glowing images, stars, hearts, moons, butterflies, rainbows, and sparkles. The cast a faint pink light. At the top in yellow italics is “Dead Boy Detectives”, and in off-white bold caps “THE CASE OF THE DANDELION SHRINE”.
Image 5: Charles and Edwin tied to chairs in a golden yellow room. Charles has an iron collar chained to his neck, and his wrists are bound. Edwin is in a white tank top, and his mouth is gagged with a clothe. On the wall is the shadow of the witch Esther, with her cane. In the corner is a large cabinet, Niko peers out of. On top of the cabinet is perched a crow, Monty. At the top, in yellow italics “Dead Boy Detectives” and in off-white bold caps “THE CASE OF THE HUNGRY SNAKE”.
Image 6: Edwin, Charles and Crystal stand on stairs overlooking the gray sea and red sky. A giant angler fish, Angie, is staring at them. In the corner, on top of the hill is a classic red and white striped lighthouse. At the top, in yellow italics “Dead Boy Detectives” and in off-white bold caps “THE CASE OF THE LIGHTHOUSE LEAPERS”.
Image 7: A series of book covers on a white background: “Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in The Secret of Skeleton Island”, “Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, The Ghost of Blackwood Hall”, “Nancy Drew, The Mystery at Lilac Inn”, “The Hardy Boys, While the Clock Ticked”, and “The Three Investigators in The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon”.
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starlit-typewriter · 27 days
Genshin SAGAU, Creator of Teyvat, but not Humanity Part 6
Thank you to everyone who liked and commented, it really kept me motivated!
Warning for mild self harm, nothing graphic. There are no depressive feelings associated with it.
Warning for Spoilers up to 4.6
Masterlist | Prev Part | Next Part
You’re honestly not sure how long you’ve been sitting in the beautiful meadow, enjoying the scenery and the sounds of nature. 
You spent some time staring at the glowing yellow flowers, admiring their soft silken petals. 
You also spent some splashing around in the small river nearby. Its crystal clear blue water lets you see all the way to the bottom. 
The singing of birdsong echo through the beautiful meadow, providing a beautiful atmosphere. 
It’s probably been some time now since you’ve arrived, as the sun is starting to set and the sky was getting dark.
Well, it’s no fun sitting in a dark meadow, you reasoned, may as well see if you could find someplace to sleep. 
You wander over to the gigantic tree that stood as a centerpiece to this meadow and started to investigate its roots to see if there were any nook-worthy spots.
To your surprise you found, well it’s not a nook, but a cave.
Even better!
You scoot your way down, mindful of the steep incline. 
In the back of your head you realize you should probably be panicked about the fact you’re in the middle of nowhere, alone and with nothing, but its only the back of your head, which means the front part that actually makes the decisions is happily powering on. 
At the back of the cave, is not a wall of rock and dirt, you know like you’d expect the back of a cave to be like, but rather a glowing wall of golden symbols.
There’s also a strange energy behind the glowing wall that’s beckoning you closer.
That voice in the back of your head is outright screaming about how insane this whole situation is, but again as we’ve already established, it’s the back not the front. Therefore you reach out to touch the glowing wall of golden symbols.
You expect nothing to happen, because it’s a wall and you’re just touching it. But something does happen, to you, not the wall. The wall is fine, at least you think it’s fine because you can’t see it anymore.
Instead you see this gigantic underground cavern with a giant round rock in the center, surrounded by other large tall rocks and what looks to be a golden fence surrounding the aforementioned round rock.
Then the round rock starts to move.
Update, that is not a rock it is a living thing that looks like a rock.
You think it might be making some kind of sound, but there’s all of a sudden a loud buzzing in your ears that you can’t get rid of.
You shake your head in hopes it’ll do something, to no avail. Actually it makes it quite a bit worse, since you now have a bit of a headache.
You would like to investigate the creature that was once the large round rock so you start to move closer.
As you do the buzzing in your ears and the pounding in your head gets worse, but you can’t seem to stop your feet from moving you closer to the center. Or really your entire body because it would be weird if it was just your feet moving you closer when your entire body is trying to get away, that would probably look like a weird fusion of a tug of war and a crab dance wouldn't it.
Oh you’re at the golden gate now.
At this point your head feels like it’s splitting open. But your hand moves to touch the golden fence, only for it to shatter into golden sparkling particles. 
Before you can process what just happened, the round rock creature moves towards you at a speed that your brain honestly can’t comprehend due to it being in debilitating pain.
It doesn’t run you over or attack you, but rather it nudges you gently with its snout.
The word went unsaid.
Yet it echoed in your mind nonetheless.
They’ve never met a dragon before, not do they know what one should look like. 
But now, looking into the topaz eyes of this creature, you knew in your heart of hearts that they were a dragon.
He was also talking to you.
You couldn’t understand what he was saying.
But you can sense his pain.
You can sense anger, rage, helplessness, fear
Your vision is suddenly filled with glowing golden particles.
The world seems to come alive with energy as it pours into your body.
Flashes of scenes and people run through your head.
These scenes, 
These memories.
Also his?
His name falls from your lips as your weakened knees give out.
That was his name,
He was dying
But, he still remembered his history
His kin
His family
He gave you his memories,
His powers
And in doing so,
It killed him.
But awakened you.
Glittering tears dripped off your fluttering eyelids as you struggled to wrap your mind over what happened.
Flashes of a history you never knew,
Memories of a family you never had.
Images of a swirling cosmos, dancing around your form. Joy, curiosity, freedom
An orb of golden light, zipping around you like a beloved pet. Fondness, concern, excitement.
The shadow of a large flying creature passing overtop you. Awe, pride, trust.
A pair of desperate golden eyes, apologetic and pleading as a searing pain overwhelms you. Betrayal, pain, hurt, hurt, huRT, HURT.
A sharp, sickening, burning pain fills your body as you fight the urge to cough blood.
Eons upon eons of pain and anger and betrayal crashes into you, bringing you to the floor.
There’s screaming, and pain.
Sounds of something crumbling and falling are but whispers in your ear as they’re filled with the sound of your pounding heart.
Your eyes burn with tears as you lay there.
Your tears stain the earth in front you.
Laying there on your side, you can feel the softness of the cool dirt, and a slight breeze in the air.
It was silent
Not a single birdsong nor the sounds of trickling water to be found.
Your heart bursting with more emotion than they could bear.
How could anyone live like this?
Every moment, every action, every thought is wracked with agony and pain.
All you could do was curl up in a ball and hope it all fades.
Little by little it does.
The fear, pain, panic, and sorrow are all stripped away.
Seeping into the cold hard dirt beneath you, replacing you with a familiar sense of numbness.
You breathe, feeling nothing
This is why you were so calm, you realized.
Even as you got transported to a foreign place, got threatened at sword point and lost all your belongings.
You knew that there was something wrong with your mindset, but you were so calm that you didn't think to question it.
But now, with the dried tear tracks on your face, you realize.
Something is very very wrong with this place.
It's like something or someone is constantly pumping you with a sedative, urging you to not focus on things that make you unhappy.
Even now, a part of you is trying to forget what just happened, to go back to wandering through the flowers.
To close your eyes and ears to the horrors and memories of the past.
No, you can't forget.
Azhdaha died for this.
He died to give you a chance at remembering.
You dug your nails into your skin until you felt it split open and something wet trickle out.
The pain helped ground you.
Helped you remember.
With all that swirling around in your mind, you had many questions.
Where am I?
What happened?
Why is this going on?
But the central one remains clear.
Who are you?
“-iao, please!”
The adeptus turned his head at the call.
While not many people knew his name, there were still times when those who didn’t know better used his name in vain. 
Either those who weren’t sure who its was connected to, or those who didn’t care.
But this one was different.
It wasn’t full of arrogant confidence that he wouldn’t hear.
Nor the simple curiosity of an irritating scholar.
This one was full of fear and panic.
From a familiar voice.
Summoning his adeptal energy he focused on that call, and willed himself to disappear.
The next moment he opened his eyes, it was to a sight that made his blood run cold.
The Traveler, usually so strong and bright and full of life, collapsed on the ground, their flying companion panicking.
He raced over, senses on high alert for any nearby enemies.
“Xiao!” The flying pixie shot over to his side, her hands twisted into her clothing in stress.
“What happened,” he demanded, checking over their body for any wounds or abyssal energy, but could find none. All the while Paimon blabbed helplessly about how they were just walking like normal when they dropped like a stone for no reason.
The conqueror of demons pressed his ear to their chest to see if he could hear a heartbeat.
Thankfully it was beating strong.
He moved over to their head, to examine their breathing and check for head wounds.
He cradled their body in his lap and he looked over their skull for any bumps or wounds.
Unbeknownst to him, as he was checking over this head, the Traveler’s eyes snapped open.
They sat up rapidly, almost hitting Xiao’s chin in their frantic panic.
“Azhdaha,” they breathed, scrambling to their feet and taking a couple of shaky steps.
The Yaksha leaped forward to catch them as they swayed.
The Traveler blinked at their savior.
“Xiao?” They breathed, their eyes glassy and unfocused.
“Are you ok,” he asked gently, trying not to spook them in their disorientated state. 
They blinked at him slowly, before pushing themselves upright. They seemed to be focused on something in the distance.
He shook them slightly, they startled at the contact. They turned to face him, the glassiness in their eyes fading slightly.
“We need to check on Azhdaha,” their tone showed no room for argument.
Xiao had many questions he wanted to ask, but, well.
The Traveler is never this serious. Only a couple times before have they seen them with this look on their face, that was always in the heat of battle.
He wanted to argue, but he knew that they wouldn’t ask like this without cause. 
Not to mention they’d probably go investigate without him if he didn’t agree. 
He exchanged looks with Paimon, who whilst still looking understandably stressed, seemed to to know better than to argue with the Traveler in such a state.
So he nods in agreement, offering his hand to take them to Nantianmen.
In a swirl of Adeptal and Anemo power, the three disappeared.
As the trio raced towards the base of Mt. Hulao , they noticed an issue.
A glaring issue,
The biggest landmark, the proof of Azhdaha’s sealing. 
The crystalline tree that became the dragon’s tail.
It was gone.
It also seemed that they were not the only people who came to investigate.
A handsome gentleman in a brown and gold suit stood at the edge of where the tree used to be.
At the edge of a giant crater.
“Lord La- Zhongli,” the Yaksha breathed, stalling to a stop behind him.
The man in question turned at his call, his gaze tired as it swept over the three of them. 
“What happened,” the Traveler demanded, walking up to him.
He sighed, seeming very old and tired.  “It seems that Azhdaha has passed on.”
There was a moment,
“WHAT!” Paimon’s shriek echoed through the meadow.
“But, I thought you said that the energy from ki-” Zhongli raises a hand, interrupting her tirade.
“A normal death would result in a backlash that would level the entirety of Jueyun Karst, that is true.” He turned back to the edge of the crater, “But this is no normal death.”
The four of them peered over the edge of the crater.
A small bedraggled figure lay there in the center, their white clothing stained with dirt and soot. 
“It seems,” he breathed, “that he’s given his energy to someone else before passing on.”
Masterlist | Prev Part | Next Part
This one is a little shorter, but I just had to end it here, its such a perfect cliffhan- I mean ending.
Again, the next couple updates might take a while, but I promise I'm trying my best.
My askbox is always open if you have any question, concerns or just wanna chat about Genshin.
Behold, the taglist!
@bunniotomia,@lucid-stories, @ymechi, @chocogi,  @ra404, @ash1, @esthelily, @tottybear, @mmeatt, @quacking-simp, @reemthetheme, @universallyenthusiastsage, @resident-cryptid, @fantasyhopperhea, @thedevioussmirk, @etherisy, @naynayaa ,@mel-star636, @chericia, @aithane, @mmeatt, @xrosegorex
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assistant-of-drama · 14 days
Total Drama AU, where Noah says disturbing science facts, similar to how Harold says boring science facts...
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Noah only says these science facts to get people to leave him alone...
Harold: (Talks about beavers!)
Noah: There's a part of River Wharfe called the Bolton Strid, which has waters so fast and deadly that nobody has even survived swimming in it.
Harold: ...
Duncan: (Threatens to give Noah a piercing again!)
Noah: There's a cave in Mexico with giant crystals that's so humid, it can cause you to drown in your own lungs.
Duncan: ... I can see why Izzy and Eva hang out with you.
Alejandro: (Flirts!)
Noah: Your saliva and blood will boil in the vacuum of space.
Alejandro: ... It's cute you think that can scare me away.
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ckret2 · 2 months
Chapter 47 of human Bill Cipher thinking that being imprisoned in the Mystery Shack is looking pretty good right now:
The Eclipse: Part 5
Bill and Ford are just... so energized and enthusiastic after their near death experience. Not to mention fashionable.
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But they've got nothing on Dipper.
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And, at long last, Ford and Dipper badger Bill—who's just too tired to lie—into explaining what kind of an "eclipse" involves a giant flying axolotl making gravity disappear.
When they reached the cave, Ford discovered that his antique lantern was too waterlogged to light.
"I'm not sure how we're getting to the top now," Ford said. The cavern directly behind the waterfall had some ambient lighting, but it wouldn't carry very far. "I know you can see, but I don't trust you to lead me through a cave system in the dark, no offense." He was surprised at himself for saying no offense.
"If I was planning to let you fall off a cliff, I could've saved myself a swim in the lake." Bill had taken off his backpack and was rummaging through it. "Didn't your lantern go out when you took four-eyes hiking through here? You should have learned your lesson."
Bill must have meant Fiddleford, though it was strange to hear him single out Fiddleford as "four-eyes" when Ford wore glasses too. "I did learn my lesson. I brought three flashlights as backup," Ford said. "Which are in Dipper's backpack."
Bill laughed weakly.
"Did you bring a flashlight?"
"Better." Bill pulled out a kazoo. He blew a stream of water from it, shook it, and then took a deep breath and played a long high note that wavered up and down.
Ford cringed at the noise. "Bill, what—?"
Bill held up a finger to silence Ford. Okay, fine. He was curious now.
It took a few moments of increasingly irritating kazoo playing, but Ford heard a soft clinking sound coming from the deeper caverns; and then several geodites—small creatures that looked like stone orbs with crystal limbs and teeth and glowing eyes—curiously emerged into the main cavern. Ford hadn't seen these creatures since he'd documented them in the eighties. He hadn't known they could be summoned via kazoo. They began making a high pitched humming along with Bill's kazooing. 
"There you are." Bill stuffed the kazoo into his backpack and crouched down, holding out a hand until a couple of geodites crept closer to inspect it; and then he scooped up the closest one. The others startled into breaking off singing, but hovered nearby, chirping and clicking. "Okay, grab a flashlight." The light the geodites' eyes gave off wasn't very bright; but it was enough for Ford to see Bill's smug smirk. They proceeded into the caves, and a dozen-odd more geodites—perhaps out of curiosity, perhaps out of concern for the two hostages—followed along behind them.
The climb went much slower than it had just a few hours earlier. Unsurprisingly, without low gravity on his side, Bill was the holdup this time. Not only was he not as experienced in spelunking as Ford, but between his waterlogged dress shoes and his borrowed trout slippers he didn't have any appropriate footwear, and he'd elected to carefully climb barefoot again. When Ford had climbed up this path with Fiddleford in the 80s, it had been a six hour climb. He had no idea how long it would take with Bill.
But even at that, Ford hadn't expected Bill to need to pause so often to get his energy back. It seemed like the more Ford recovered from their fall in the lake, the weaker Bill got. In any other situation, he'd suspect Bill of slowing them down on purpose, but after... well, even that aside, Ford couldn't think of any reason Bill would want to delay getting home.
"It's just this body that's dizzy," Bill said, the fourth time they had to stop for him to sit. "Probably one of those... counterproductive stress reactions human bodies get." He wiped a film of sweat off his forehead, then stopped to examine how his hand trembled when his geodite's spotlight eyes fixed on it. "That or it's because I've only had a handful of cereal for the past two days."
Ford stared at him. "You what? Why?"
Bill shrugged. "Body wouldn't let me get more down. Wasn't my idea."
"Well, for goodness's sake, eat something now."
Bill took off his backpack, pulled out a cereal box, and opened it. He grimaced. He poured out a puddle of sugary lake water and dissolved cereal.
Of course. "Here." Ford pulled a tube of astronaut meat out of his backpack and offered it over. "It's not the most nutritionally complete meal supplement, but it's something. It'll have protein."
Bill took the tube with a grimace, but squeezed out a dollop of meat paste and licked it; and then he gagged so hard he doubled over. He clapped a hand over his mouth to keep from retching and offered the tube back. "Mmmf." The geodite hopped out of his lap in alarm and retreated to the group of hangers-on traveling with them.
The meat paste wasn't great, but that was a disproportionate reaction out of the alien who liked to mix chocolate sauce and mustard. This was a bigger problem than Ford had anticipated. "Keep it. If you can get down even a tiny bit every few minutes, that's better than nothing."
Bill nodded jerkily.
"I think it's better if we reach Dipper and get out of here as soon as possible."
Bill nodded more enthusiastically.
What would they do if Bill couldn't make it the whole way? Would Ford have to leave him in the cave and come back for him later? Ford hadn't tied the infinity belt's cable to Bill like he'd meant to, he just realized. It seemed unnecessarily cruel to try now; but it might be useful if he did have to leave Bill behind. He didn't know that they had any better option, he couldn't carry Bill all the way up and down. Especially since Bill had let go of his geodite, and Ford suspected the rest might abandon them if he put down his own...
They'd have to figure that out if it came to it. For now, they kept walking—Ford glancing back regularly to check on Bill, and Bill pretending he didn't notice.
After another half hour and another two increasingly frequent breaks, Ford saw a faint light in the tunnels ahead—yellow-white, not like the geodites' natural blues and purples. "Bill, is that...?"
"Hm?" Bill looked in the direction Ford was pointing. His right eye twitched, and then he had to squeeze his eyes shut in pain. "Yep. Boy child at 12 o'clock."
Ford called out, "Dipper?"
"Great Uncle Ford!" Dipper's voice echoed through the caves. There was a sound of clattering rocks as Dipper scrabbled down the tunnel to join them. The geodites scattered in fear, peering out from behind stalagmites as Dipper's flashlight swept over the scene. "Grunkle Ford! Are you okay?"
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Are you—?"
Dipper collided with Ford to hug him. (Ford held his geodite out to the side so he could return a one-armed hug.) "I'm so sorry I saw you go over the cliff but I couldn't do anything I was in the mindscape the whole time something sucked my soul out of my body—"
"Not it, I'm innocent," Bill said unnecessarily, "nobody look at me." He'd taken advantage of the break to immediately sit on the ground. His abandoned geodite crept back over to check on him.
"—and—and wow, that was the Axolotl you were talking about, right?" Dipper let go of Ford to gesture like a fisherman demonstrating the size of an enormous catch, "It was huge, it had to be—I don't know, as long as the county? The whole state? How did it get so big? Is the Axolotl an alien or some kind of mutant Earth axolotl? Are all axolotls aliens—?"
"Now, hold on," Ford said, putting a hand on Dipper's shoulder, "what huge axolotl? What are you talking about?"
"You didn't see it?" Dipper paused, looked Ford up and down, and said, "What are you wearing?"
Ford grimaced, tugged his bandanna up a little higher, and turned his geodite away when it tried to aim its spotlight eyes at his neck to see what he was doing. "We had to borrow some dry clothes."
"He couldn't see the Axolotl," Bill said. "You shouldn't have, either."
"Sor-ry. Getting sucked out of my body wasn't my idea—"
"Hold on," Ford said again. "What do you mean, sucked out of your body?"
As they headed back down toward the waterfall, Dipper and Ford exchanged their versions of events. It didn't take long for them to realize Bill had saved both their lives with a swift efficiency that, had it been applied to any less altruistic a task, could have been called "ruthless." They didn't say anything, but neither one could stop from glancing back toward Bill.
"What?" he snapped, clinging to his geodite a little tighter like he thought they were planning to take it. "I don't owe you an explanation. You're not dead! Be grateful. Stop looking at me."
They stopped looking at him. Bill should be gloating about them owing him their lives. He should be convincing them they had to pay back their debt. Silence alone would have been worrying; but bristling like he wanted them to forget what he'd done was baffling.
As Dipper finished explaining his version of events, he said, "I think I remember meeting the Axolotl before—like you said." He directed this last comment back over his shoulder toward Bill.
Bill—whose entire attention had been focused for the last ten minutes on walking without collapsing, tripping, or dropping his geodite—simply muttered, "My condolences."
"Wait," Ford said, "You've... met a giant invisible axolotl before?"
"Mabel and I both did."
Dipper opened his mouth, paused, and glanced back again at Bill for help.
It took a few seconds for Bill to register the question. "Oh—they've never met before. Not in this reality."
Exasperated, Dipper asked, "Then why do I remember it?"
"I told you—echoes," Bill said. When Dipper continued giving him an expectant look, Bill sighed deeply and said, "This is an embarrassing oversimplification, but you're at least familiar with the concept of branching timelines, right?"
"Of course I am. Every time you make a decision, the timeline splits into two paths—"
"Cute that you think it caps out at two," Bill said. "And a decision doesn't always split the timeline, sometimes the branches collapse back together depending on the gravity of the decision you made. I don't literally mean a decision 'you' made—you've never made a decision that important—but sure, you've got the basic idea."
"Fine," Dipper snapped. "So I met it on another branch, right? When?"
"Never," Bill said.
"Okay. Yes. But there is a branch where... some version of me met it. Right?"
"It depends on how you define 'is.'"
Dipper puffed out his cheeks with the effort of restraining a yell. He looked at Ford for either help or sympathy.
Ford winked surreptitiously at Dipper and said, "It's probably some complicated chronological issue. I doubt Bill can explain it in a way humans can understand." Under his breath, he loudly muttered, "Some 'teacher.'"
Bill straight-armed Ford aside to walk beside Dipper. "You humans have no sense of humor," he said. "I said you met him never because it's literally true. You had an accident that landed you in a time and space outside time and space—the meeting happened never and nowhere. It's where he prefers to take visitors. That timeline terminated after your meeting���and I don't mean you died, I mean he terminated that entire timeline."
"Really?" Dipper shivered. "With... With everyone in it? Why did he do that? Did something dangerous happen in that timeline, or was it unstable, or...?"
"That's how he usually ends casual meet-and-greets," Bill said. "Higher dimensional beings. He sees your reality from a perspective unimaginable to you. Remember when I told you you're just a movie projecting on a wall to him; he's got no problem with pulling the film out of the reel to inspect a few frames and then turning the entire projector off when he's done. What does he care if that's somebody's entire reality?" He paused to think that over. "Maybe the projector metaphor's getting strained. Imagine flipping through a book with all the pages out of order, and meeting him is like somehow flipping to a page outside the book... No, that's a little too contrived. I'll stick with the projector."
"When did we... when would we have met him?" Dipper asked. "And—when I say 'when' I mean—you know what I mean."
"You mean, when would you have made the decisions that could have led to you meeting him? Depending on your perspective, either last August or 207̃05. Time travel was involved."
"Last August..." Dipper thought back. "Was that when we were—?"
"Treasure hunting, yeah. By the by, I never asked—" Bill gestured vaguely around them at everything in general, "—which dimension did I end up in? Is this the one where you went hunting in the 1400s or 1800s?"
"Hm. Knew this wasn't a 207̃05 treasure hunt timeline, Questiony doesn't have a pet enslaved time pirate."
"A what?"
"So you never had a chance of meeting the Axolotl anyway," Bill said. "Hey, fun fact! Did you know there's a time pocket where twelve million alternate versions of you, your sister, and the puppet with the goggles failed at your quest and plummeted out of time? I wonder how long the last of them survived! I meant to check in after Weirdmageddon. Human flesh isn't that nutritious and doesn't have much water, but with millions of bodies and a little determination— Hey, wanna know how long you all were there before you started resorting to cannibalism—?"
"No," Ford said before Dipper had to. "And I'll thank you not to get off topic to try to give my gnephew more nightmares."
Bill shot him a sideways glance. "Remind me to tell you about the time pocket formed by all the timelines where you and Specs did your first portal test without checking your math."
"So if I wasn't even supposed to meet him—how did I see him today?" Dipper asked. "Did he pull me out of my body into the mindscape so we could talk, or...? But he didn't even tell me anything, was he just trying to get me to remember meeting him in the terminated timeline—?"
"He wasn't trying to do anything," Bill said. "He wasn't here for you, he didn't care. Shadow on the wall."
"Then what was he here for? You?"
It took Bill too long to answer. He just shrugged vaguely. "Probably not."
"Huh." Instead of questioning Bill, Dipper briefly turned introspective himself, gaze far away and thoughtful. "I think I remember a little more about meeting the Axolotl now. The first time, I mean."
"Oh, do you?" Bill asked. "Ha! Poor kid."
"Mabel and I were in some kind of rocket car?" Dipper's brows furrowed in concentration. "And the Axolotl had a... bean bag chair?"
Bill scoffed. "He still has that old thing?! Wow."
"It was really comfortable."
"It's also really tacky."
"You talked about him like he was some kind of... of big... eldritch cosmic horror thing," Dipper said. "What kind of a cosmic horror has bean bag chairs?"
"What, do you think being a vast multidimensional amphibious monstrosity with an incomprehensible mind and a body that can only been seen in lower dimensions as grotesque shapeshifting cross-sections protects you from having bad taste? He'll flay your sanity straight out of your gray matter—and you won't even have the comfort of knowing your mind-shredder had nice interior decor sensibilities!"
"I can sympathize with the experience," Ford muttered. "I was driven to the brink of paranoid madness by a nightmare demon who thinks Doric columns go with checkerboard flooring."
Bill let out a shrill "Ha!" and smacked Ford's shoulder.
"But he remembered me when we met," Dipper went on. "He told me to say hi to Mabel. And—the last time we met, we—talked. I don't remember it all yet, but... you were wrong about him. There was nothing insanity-inducing about him. He was just... nice."
"You don't think the madness sets in all at once, do you?" Bill turned back to Dipper, with an air of what Ford uncomfortably felt like was ill intent. "Go on then—what did you talk about? You can't remember it, can you? Why not? Just a harmless little conversation, right?"
Dipper frowned in thought. "There was something important, but—I can't remember what it was. What was it?" He muttered, "I know it was something important—"
"And there we go!" Bill gestured at Dipper with a flourish, triumphant. "Now you're digging for the significance of the whole thing. You're trying to comprehend the motives of something that has a state of existence your mind wasn't built to understand! You'll either go mad trying to understand his motives—or you'll go mad because you do understand. You're doomed now, kid—this is gonna haunt you for the rest of your days." He laughed. "Try to stop thinking about it now while you're ahead!"
"I'm not going insane," Dipper said. "Just shut up, I'm trying to remember."
"'I'm not obsessed, I swear! I can stop thinking about it any time I want!' Sure."
"Shut up," Dipper repeated. "It had to have been something important! Otherwise why would he dragged me out of my body and—and shown me the fourth dimension just so I could meet him?"
"Don't sound so self-important! You never saw the fourth dimension; if you had, you wouldn't think he looks like an axolotl. He visited this dimension's mindscape," Bill said. "And he didn't even mean to drag you into the mindscape! It was just a side-effect of his gravitational pull. He tugged you toward him just like everything else in town; but Earth'sgravity doesn't extend through planes like the mindscape, and his does. Yanked your spirit right out of your body."
"Then why was I the only one?" Dipper demanded. "Why didn't you or Grunkle Ford leave your bodies?"
"Your spirit's more loosely attached to your body than ours."
For a moment, Bill's face twisted with displeasure; and then he sighed in resignation. "Ah, heck with it. You've been astral projecting."
Dipper's mouth worked uselessly. He croaked, "What?"
"It's when you—"
"I know what it is! I mean—what? How? When?"
"At least as long as I've been here. How long have you been having those out-of-body dreams?"
"Y—!" Dipper socked Bill's arm. Bill didn't even flinch. "You said those were nightmares!"
"And I lied," Bill said tiredly.
"Thought you'd be annoying about it."
"I've been dealing with this all year, you—!" Dipper groaned in aggravation. "Why am I astral projecting! I wasn't trying to learn or anything!"
"How should I know, I wasn't around. Best guess, I think I ripped up the Velcro sticking your soul to your body when I yanked you out to puppet it," Bill said. "Oops."
Dipper gaped at him in outrage. "'Oops'?! That's all you can— I've been terrified and I thought it was a nightmare and it was real all along and it was all your fault and you won't even—"
"I knew you'd be annoying."
"I'm annoying?! How would you like it if you'd spent a year getting dragged out of your body in your sleep—!"
Bill abruptly stopped walking, turned toward Dipper, and said with an intensity that startled Dipper into silence, "You don't have the slightest idea how much I'd like it. How would you like it if you'd been trying for weeks t—" Bill cut himself off before he could get more heated; and instead, only said, "If you. Wanted to get out of your body. And couldn't. And some brat down the hall is doing it without even trying."
Dipper remained frozen, jaw locked tight in a grimace, until Bill turned away and trudged on. Dipper snapped, "But I don't want to do it. And it's your fault I am."
"Great. Nobody's satisfied." Bill sighed. "Make the most of it. Watch late night TV. Learn to meditate or something, I don't care. You've got nothing to worry about, it's harmless." He paused. "As long as nothing else crawls in your body while you're outside of it."
"It's fine. Nothing'll get you in the shack through the unicorn hair barri... hm. Well—you're safe in the shack."
"But I have to go home at the end of summer! Will something be able to get me then?!"
Bill shrugged. "Hypothetically."
"Am I gonna die?!"
"Given my understanding of human mortality? Sure, sooner or later. Wanna hear your top five most likely causes of death?"
"No! Is it possible to—to stop? Can I control the astral projecting?"
"Yeah, sure, I guess. Ask me next time you're out of your body. I'll show you"
"Can't you show me n—"
"No. Not while you're in your body."
Dipper scowled. "Fine! Next time I'm projecting, I'm kicking you awake until you help me." He turned away from Bill; and, after a moment of fuming, mumbled to himself, "If I've been astral projecting... then that time I visited the neighbors... oh, man..." He trailed off, getting lost in his own thoughts.
Keeping silent during that discussion had been agony for Ford.
Every few seconds, he'd wanted to butt in either to eagerly ask for more information about the Axolotl or astral projection, or—far more often—to express his rage on Dipper's behalf, that Bill (of course!) had put him through this, and then not even had the decency (of course!) to try to rectify it.
But it was Dipper's conversation. It was about Dipper's problem, and anyway Dipper had been trying so long to pry some sort of useful information out of Bill—it would be cruel of Ford to snatch the conversation away from him when he was finally getting somewhere. He'd have a lot to discuss with Dipper once they were home and could get away from Bill.
But staying outside the conversation had let him observe three points he might have otherwise missed.
One: Bill really wasn't himself. Back when he'd been playing as Ford's muse, whenever he got to answer questions, he'd always done it with an air of theatricality and barely-suppressed glee; and after he'd given up that act, he'd answered questions with smug arrogance, the glee turned to sadistic delight at the bad news he could deliver. Now, he simply answered them. Even his attempts to be condescending gradually got less enthusiastic until they petered out completely.
Two: Bill was answering questions he never would have answered that morning. After telling them as little as he could about the thing coming to Gravity Falls, even trying to avoid admitting it was the Axolotl, now he was freely talking about the Axolotl's taste in furniture as though he knew the beast personally. After hiding that Dipper was astral projecting for over a month, he simply told him. Heck with it. He'd admitted it was probably his fault. He'd said the last two words Ford had ever thought he'd hear come out of Bill's mouth: I lied.
Three: this was the longest Bill had walked without needing a break all day. His voice was stronger. His steps were more steady. Ford had even seen him squeeze out a few dollops of astronaut paste between comments—and he struggled to make himself swallow, but he didn't gag.
And now that Dipper had stopped asking him about the Axolotl and about astral projection, Bill's footing was growing less certain again. He wove unsteadily on the path and had to pause to lean a hand on a stalactite, taking deep breaths. "Gimme a second."
Bill was distracting himself. He was keeping himself going through conversation, the simple ritual of receiving and answering questions. Ford understood: sometimes, in desperate circumstances, you had to burn yourself out to get somewhere safe enough to collapse and recover. When you had no choice but to push yourself, the best thing you could do was think about anything but your exhausted, failing body. It made it easier to keep moving and burn through what energy you had left.
Ford had once wondered if his "muse" was some manner of creature that was compelled to answer the questions his protégés asked him. This was perhaps the closest Bill had ever gotten to actually being such an entity: answering questions because he had to to go on, and willing to give away almost anything as long as it kept him moving.
Ford stopped next to Bill. "So. The Axolotl was the source of your 'gravitational eclipse,' I suppose."
"Astute observation," Bill said flatly.
"I take it that it isn't 'eclipsing' gravity so much as canceling it out. The Axolotl must have a mass similar to Earth's, if the force it exerts flying by above us is nearly identical to the force of Earth below us."
"More or less."
"But according to Dipper's observations, this Axolotl is only the size of Oregon at most. Did he underestimate its size? Or perhaps it's incredibly dense...?"
Bill gave Ford a sharp sideways glance. Were this any other conversation on any other day, this would be when the gloating started. Well, well, well, look who finally believes I was telling the truth, finally crawling back to me to give you all the answers you can't find yourself— But Bill only looked away again, pushed himself back upright, and kept walking. "You're the square looking at the sphere and thinking it's a circle," Bill said. "The majority of the Axolotl's mass is in dimensions you can't see. The little bit of him that's visible in the mindscape is just a... a feeler. Or an anglerfish's lure. The rest of him is close enough to exert a gravitational pull—but not in a dimension you can see."
"Which dimensions does he exist in?"
"I can't tell you because your species knows so little about them that the answer wouldn't mean anything. You haven't even decided whether or not you want to officially call the dimension that time shines from the 'fourth' dimension—I could tell you he comes from the seventeenth dimension and it wouldn't mean anything but an impressively high number to you."
Dubiously, Ford asked, "Does he come from the seventeenth?"
Bill waved a hand vaguely. "Heck if I know. The most I've ever seen at once is nine, and I was on a lot of psychedelics at the time. My eyeball popped."
"Worth it, though. If you ever wanna feel cosmically insignificant in the most breathtakingly beautiful way possible, and you don't mind going blind, let me know. I think I can remember most of what I was on."
"Pass," Ford said. "If the Axolotl is so enormous, then why was only Gravity Falls affected by its gravity? At a minimum, shouldn't have the rest of the Pacific Northwest been impacted—if not the whole planet?"
"He wasn't near the rest of the Pacific Northwest. In the third dimension, Gravity Falls is obviously connected to Oregon; but in higher dimensions, it's..." He tried unsuccessfully to pantomime something mountainlike. "Imagine if the second dimension were a flat sheet of stretchy fabric. If somebody plucked the fabric up in the middle and made a peak, a creature living on the surface of the fabric would still be able to travel across its slope like it was flat, right?"
Ford tried to visualize Bill's description. "Right."
"And so if a fly flew past the peak of the fabric, it'd cross near whatever town's at that peak without getting near the towns at the bottom of the slope."
"That's what Gravity Falls looks like from the fourth dimension," Bill said. "In the third dimension you can't see anything, but to fourth dimensional beings it sticks out of the fabric of spacetime like a thousand mile high pillar in the middle of a desert. That's why Time Baby put his capitol here."
Now, Ford wasn't sure that sounded right, but he didn't know enough about the seventeenth-or-whatever dimension to dispute it. "And why you kept trying to punch through to our dimension from here?" he guessed. "I imagine stretching the fabric of spacetime that far might make it easier to tear."
Bill shot him a sour look, but didn't deny it.
"Why did the gravity go down slowly for two days and then come back all at once? Did the Axolotl just leave faster than it came?"
"You know how the Doppler effect works?"
Ford hesitated. "Yes. Obviously."
"Well, in higher dimensions, gravity works like a reverse Doppler effect. It spreads out in front of a moving object—"
"Oh, come on."
"—and compresses behind the object—"
"Now you're just making up scientific-sounding nonsense because you know I can't disprove it."
"I'm not, and as soon as you get me a pen and paper I can prove it." Loftily, Bill said, "There's a simple equation that can explain higher dimensional gravity."
Ford was pretty sure he was being made fun of. He didn't mean to laugh, but he did. Dipper looked at him like he'd lost his mind; but trying to explain what was so funny would probably just make him look more insane.
Bill looked nearly as surprised.
"... And the smaller axolotls, what are they—heralds, worshipers? Children?"
Bill scoffed in disgust, "I don't know, I've never asked him. I see them like the flies orbiting a cow's tail. They migrate with him, that's all I know."
"Then the Axolotl really was just 'migrating'?"
"Well. Migrating in the sense that a mayfly watching a human walk back and forth to the office thinks it must be 'migrating.' He has..." Bill gestured vaguely, "duties, that mandate he travel fixed routes through the multiverse. He just happens to have a years-long workday. His commute doesn't usually take him past 46'\."
"'Duties' as in... divine duties?"
"It depends on if you worship him for doing them. I don't."
The cavern was growing light again, and the distant waterfall was audible. Ford quietly sighed in relief. Even as oddly forthcoming as Bill had been, Ford doubted that even two-thirds of the information he'd shared was true. But it was hard to tell. It had always been hard to tell.
Dipper helped Ford deflate the raft and pack it up. As he did, he said, voice low, "Is it just me, or is Bill kinda...?"
Ford cast a sideways glance across the cavern. Bill was crouched in front of the geodite he'd carried all up and down the tunnel, backpack in his lap, pouring a pile of soggy cereal onto the ground for the geodite to eat. Ford was surprised he'd gotten so attached to the creature. "I think he's been in some state of mental shock since the fall in the lake," Ford said. "And it seems he hasn't been able to keep down a full meal since we left yesterday. I suspect he's barely on his feet. The sooner we can get him back to the shack, the better."
"Oh." Dipper frowned toward Bill. (He was now pouring cold medicine on the cereal. Ford would have to ask him about geodite diets.)
"What are you thinking?"
Dipper shook his head. "I just thought... He seems like he's thinking about something. And he's giving so much away... I don't know. I wanted him to talk, but now it makes me wonder if he's scheming something."
From what Ford had seen, at the moment he doubted Bill could so much as scheme a way to ruin a picnic. But now he was second-guessing his perception. Ford knew Bill better than anyone; but that also meant Bill knew how to manipulate Ford better than anyone. What was Dipper seeing that he didn't? "Really? Do you think so?"
Dipper hesitated. "I—thought so? Maybe not." (Well, now they were both second-guessing themselves.) "I just don't know why he'd tell us so much if he isn't up to something. It feels like a distraction."
"Ah." Ford nodded. "I think the distraction is for himself."
"Mm." (Ford wasn't sure if Dipper had heard him.) "I just feel like there's—something. I can feel it in the back of my head." He stared at Bill a moment longer; then shook his head and turned away. "Maybe it's not him, maybe it's the Axolotl. He said something I can't remember. Something about degrees."
But Dipper didn't reply. He'd returned to his work, lost in his own head, mumbling under his breath the way he did whenever he was trying to work something out. Something else for Ford to ask about later.
When they got in Tate's loaned motorboat to head back out, Dipper got a look at the rainbow trout slippers Bill had put back on, and let out a choked laugh of surprise; and then that was the last sound any of them made as they crossed the lake. Ford steered, Dipper remained lost in his own thoughts, and Bill stared at his friendship bracelet, thumb running around the glass evil eyes.
(Finally a few mysteries solved! I hope y'all enjoyed, and I look forward to hearing what you think. Next week is another emotionally wrenching chapter!!)
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Be my escape
Written for the @steddiemicrofic challenge, January 2024 edition
Prompt: hole, 404 words
Rated: M
Tags: Fantasy AU, Magic AU, Guard!Steve, Thief!Eddie, Imprisonment, Claustrophobia, Eddie Munson whump, Referenced sex
Notes: Set in the same universe as this one.
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People call it the Hole.
That's not its actual name, of course. Steve thinks it fits, though.
He still remembers his last visit. He was just a boy, but his father - newly appointed Captain of the Royal Guard - insisted he come.
The journey was long and tedious, giant waves battering at their boat. When they reached the steel platform far off the coast, he was freezing and nauseous. And then came the descent.
He recalls the warden's boasts as the cage slid into the depths. The magic crystals keeping the structure deep under the ocean from caving in on itself. The intricate enchantments sealing away the inmates’ magic.
What he recalls even better is the moisture and the despair hanging in the stale air. The mounting pressure inside his skull the further down they went.
Today, he's Captain of the Guard himself, but the dread crawling up his spine as he glides downwards is still the same.
The name fits perfectly. This place is a hole. A hole under the sea where families like the Harringtons and the Carvers throw their enemies to rot.
Enemies like Eddie Munson.
As he stalks down the corridors, he wonders what he's doing. He should be glad Eddie got caught. The man is a criminal. A thief. The insufferable bane of his existence.
Didn't find him so insufferable the other night, a voice at the back of his mind gloats. Nor the way his body fit against yours, or the way his mouth felt on your-
He tells it to shut up. He doesn’t have time for this.
The inside of the cell is dark. A figure stirs upright on the metal cot against the wall.
“Finally,” croaks a voice. “Are you the manager of this fine establishment? I have a complaint. The room service sucks and I think there's rats in-"
“Oh, for fuck's sake,” Steve sets down his lantern and drops to his knees. “Shut up, will you?”
Then …
A whisper, a plea.
“Told you not to call me that,” he huffs, already unlocking the shackles around too-skinny wrists. The second they fall away, there's hands in his hair, tracing the shape of his face.
“Shit,” Eddie breathes. “Why- Are you a dream?”
Steve snorts, pulls them both to their feet.
“Sure hope not. Imagine that'd make it difficult to bust you outta here. C'mon, we have no time to lose.”
Part 3
So I texted @house-of-the-moving-image if I should write more Phantom Thief for this prompt, and they were like "funny you should ask, I just had this idea about a magic high-security prison called The Hole". 🤣
We've got the next bit all figured out already, but this was all I could fit into 404 words.
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queenendless · 1 month
Chase (Darth Vader x Fem!Adult!Reader)
A/n: Tales of the Empire gave me ideas. Particularly on a snowy chilly planet ... it's a very open setting as to what is going on in this so bare with me. First time writing SW stuff on here.
So AU with unburnt Vader who's also kinda OOC in this, some fluff and steamy romance with some Anakin at the end, but it's a short ass piece cause of short notice for today.
And May The 4th be with you.
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Your cloak blew from the chilly winds.
Your hood covered head raised up to meet at the top of the snowy hill.
Climbing up with the darkening gray storm clouds piling up, heighting the anxious tension filling you up inside, the helmeted figure coming into view struck through your core.
He had pursued after your wandering lost self.
You wanted to see how far he would go, as selfish as that was.
Your fear of the cold blooded, brutal Sith Lord becomes mingled with how you are lustful of his imposing presence.
Your cape fluttered in the blowing cold winds as you hurried away, straight to the ice cave entrance.
He knew you thrive off the chase.
And you knew he was relentless in playing along.
“You cannot run forever, Y/n."
His deep modulated voice bounced off the towering crystal ice walls, using the light shining from the high cracked ceiling to guide you.
“I've come this far.” Your tepid sweet voice echoing back at him had him growling a bit.
“You cannot hide from me.”
You didn't need to be Force sensitive to feel that he was honing in on you quickly.
Your flushed nervous face met your eyes as your bumpy reflection followed your side, his heavy footsteps sounding that much closer. “Doing good so far, all things considered.”
You should have figured uttering those words into existence would jinx your ongoing streak. The moment you stepped back from the dead end and spun around on your heel, you bumped into that armored chest.
You screamed a bit as his leather black gloves grabbed your forearms and pinned you to the wall gently but firmly.
His red lenses hid his eyes boring into your very soul, his giant frame enveloping you, pressing you carefully against the alien texture. His heavy breathing made your breathing go silent like a scared mouse, caught by the big bad beast.
“The game is over.” For some reason, he sounded so smug about it.
“You're unbelievable.” You pouted up at that obsidian face.
“You're foolish.” He scoffed.
“Says the man wearing the robot suit.”
The fact that he released his grip on you and leaned back a bit to actually take off that intimidating helmet still took your breath away.
“It helps with the image.” To hear that warm enriching amused voice again already had you giggling as your hands cupped his sculpted cheeks to pull his face down to peck those tempting lips.
His helmet clanked along the ground as his arms slithered around your waist to lift you off the ground, grinning slyly to you hugging his waist in response.
“It's working, my Lord.” You shakily spoke, weaving through that shoulder length darkened hair to tug him closer, pecking many a time quite desperately.
“This little ploy of yours has gotten us completely off track.” His husky tone was sheer evidence that he did not give a damn. Not one bit.
“Forgive me, Lord Vader, for my teasing.”
You squeaked as those giant leather hands of his cupped and squeezed your ass.
“I shall have to punish you, my dear. Quite thoroughly~” Those blue eyes were riddled with devious intention, marking your neck with ferocious bites along your delectable skin.
Your fevered gasps and lecherous cries traveled the caves as you became a mess under his wet steamy mouth. “A – Ani~!”
The former Jedi turned Sith Lord smirked, devouring your mouth with that needy tongue of his.
“Hush, my love. We're just getting started.”
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suppermariobroth · 1 year
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Top: in Crystal Caves in Donkey Kong 64, there is a giant boulder that Chunky Kong can lift when using the Hunky Chunky ability. If the boulder is transported to an ice dome near the start of the level, it is possible to make the boulder clip inside the dome by placing it in a specific spot. Once the boulder is inside the dome, performing a backflip will cause Chunky to remain in a T-pose when he lands, causing chunks of the boulder to fly off in all directions indefinitely.
Bottom: when exiting Hunky Chunky and going back to normal size, Chunky Kong will slide around in a T-pose instead of walking.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Small Findings | Source: youtube.com user “chordex”
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babygorewhore · 4 months
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Konig x female reader
Your crush at the diner is growing stronger and you finally make a move. But it doesn’t go as you imagined.
Hiii so I’m in love with this giant of a man and I decided to add him to my collection of characters I write for!!! I hope you enjoy and lemme know if you wanna be tagged for future fics with him! Thank you to dolly, @xxhellfirebunnyxx and @marchsfreakshow for helping me with this!!!
Warnings! Age gap! (Reader is 27) Slight angst! Blow job! Fingering! Unprotected sex! Slight degrading! Praise! Talks you through it! Going off of fan lore for him!
Konig often visited the same diner when he couldn’t sleep. Which was usually most nights of the week. You were there with your own set of problems plaguing your mind but your current infatuation with the very large man wasn’t weaning at all. He wore a mask a lot of times but when he didn’t, he was very handsome. Late thirties to maybe forty.
You were drinking hot chocolate when you felt a presence behind you cup your ass as you were waiting for a muffin. “Hey!” You turned around and saw John, a regular, with a sick smirk.
“Sorry. It’s just so hard to resist an ass like that.”
You didn’t expect Konig to quickly rise from his seat the second John leered at you again. His muscular hand latched around the smaller male's arm and spun him around. “Leave the lady alone.” He leaned down, 6’10 in height. “Now.” He growled close to his face. His mask slipping.
You swallowed from his accented voice and your stomach fluttered from his demand. John was intimidated and he quickly scurried off. Wise.
Konigs eyes softened when he looked at you and he crossed over in a single step. “I’m sorry, miss. He won’t do it again. I’ll make sure of it.” He spoke with authority, you knew he was in the military.
“Thank you, sir.” You tilted your head up as he dipped his own in a nod.
“I’ve seen you here but I’ve never asked your name, liebling.” The endearment made your chest warm as you told him.
“That’s a lovely name. Konig, at your service.” He outstretched his massive palm and it engulfed yours as you gently shook. His skin was warm and calloused. Yet comforting.
You gave him a smile and he seemed to harden at that. “Well, I best be going now, young lady.” He emphasized young which made you battle the urge to remind him you’re not a child but he walked away, his boots echoing on the wood floor of the restaurant.
You thought about him all night as you removed your makeup and changed into your nightclothes. You tossed and turned in bed for a half hour before you caved and searched for any signs of him on social media. What you did find was an article with his achievements. One of them was a description of him saving a bunch of people from human trafficking. He was a hero. He seemed to dislike photos considering there were hardly any. But from what you gathered, Konig was a mystery.
One you were determined to figure out.
You again couldn’t sleep. And you decided to get your favorite source of hot chocolate as you shivered from the drizzle of rain outside as you stepped inside the diner. Michael, the owner, gave you a smile and called out, “The usual, hon?” You nodded gratefully and your stomach fluttered when you saw Konig at his seat, his thick legs spread wide in his jeans as he flipped through a book in German.
You blushed at his reading glasses and hid a smile as you collected your hot chocolate and snack you always got. You chose your most flattering leggings at the off chance he was here as you casually sat diagonally from him on the other side. Konig had his mask on but the bottom was pulled up as he drank something, you saw the tea bag.
You wondered what flavor it was and you knew you could just ask him but…he was so still as he flipped a page. You noticed a watch on his wrist as he checked the time and sighed.
You wondered if he was tired of not sleeping too. He glanced up and his crystal eyes locked on yours. You saw them crinkle in what you assumed was a smile. You met the expression and stood, taking your cup with you as you approached him.
“Hi Konig. Can’t sleep either?” You tried not to fidget.
“Yes, ma’am. It’s difficult these days. You’d think after a long day I’d be tired but…” he trailed off and cleared his throat. “Do you want to sit?”
You sat down too quickly and spilled the liquid on your hand. “Shit.” You hissed as the burn sunk onto your skin.
“Here, let me.” Konig told you and removed the mug. He was fast to collect his napkin, taking your wrist as he started dabbing away the beverage. “You’ve got to be more careful, ma’am.” He told you as he called for Michael to bring you some ice.
“Oh, it’s okay, it’s not a big deal.” You chuckled and blinked as he accepted the small glass with ice.
“Shh, I insist. We don’t want it to blister.” His concentration as he pressed the cool glass against your hand was enough to make you feel warm as his eyes were focused on your red skin.
“You know your medical stuff don’t you?” You playfully smiled and he nodded.
“Yes. I’d hate to see you get hurt no matter how small.” He murmured and released you.
“I-“ You stuttered as he cleared his throat.
“You feeling better, ma’am?” He asked.
“You don’t have to call me ma’am, Konig. It’s so formal.” You giggled and he sat up straighter. “You did call me darling the other day. Well in German.”
“Ah, yes. I must have not been thinking.” He swallowed. “I shouldn’t have said it.”
“I didn’t mind, I liked it.” You assured him, you knew he probably assumed he overstepped a boundary. “I think it’s cute.”
“Cute?” He chuckled and tilted his head. “You find me cute? I could crush you with my fingers.” He flashed his eyes and you inhaled sharply.
“You’re right. But maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing, hmm?” You didn’t know where this bravery was coming from and he leaned forward a little.
“I think it was a little inappropriate. Which I apologize for. But-“ He cleared his throat and leaned back. “I should be going. I should try and get home and sleep. I have to train and spar with recruits tomorrow.” He said quickly and stood.
Your shoulders sank with disappointment as he walked away, his steps heavy across the floor you sighed. Looking at his tea cup.
Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Michael give you a sympathy look before returning to assembling a sandwich for another customer. You clenched your jaw. You hadn’t been with a man that much older but he was so…desirable. He would be hard to break.
One week later
You hated tonight. It was supposed to be fun. Be a break from your everyday life and the toxic relationships you had from your parents who didn’t and refused to support you most of the time.
You tried to sleep. Attempted to do anything that relaxed you but it failed miserably. Sunrise was coming and you were hungry. You were out of coffee and you really didn’t feel like cooking breakfast. Sighing, you got dressed into casual lounge clothes and a pair of sneakers. Your hair was out of your face as you drove to the diner.
Michael had the best pancakes and coffee. As you walked inside, you saw Konig at a different spot this early morning. His mask was off. Exposing his handsome features and set lips as he read something on his phone with his reading glasses.
His hair had small streaks of gray and his eyes were tired.
You settled on the stool as Michael stepped around the corner. He gasped and almost dropped his pot of coffee. “How ya doing, honey?” Your chest deflated and shrugged.
“Got into an argument with my mom about my dad. I think he’s in jail right now.” Michael shook his head angrily.
“Asshole. I’m sorry. Want some coffee? Fresh made.” You nodded quietly.
“Sure. And I’ll take some of those amazing pancakes.” You wiggled your eyebrows and he smiled.
“On the house this morning.”
Heavy footsteps caught your attention and then a large hand set on your shoulder. Turning, you met the eyes of Konig. His expression was furious as he examined your blood shot eyes.
“Are you okay, liebling?” Your mouth parted as he took your jaw and looked closer. “I heard about someone being in jail. Did he hurt you?.” His glasses were pulled to his head.
“Not physically but my dad is an asshole. And my mom wanted me to bail him out.” You chuckled and tried to look away.
“Look at me.” He ordered. And you instantly obeyed. “You don’t need to do anything you don’t need too.”
“No one deserves that.” He nodded, “Let alone someone like you.”
“Someone like me? Konig,” You started but lost your confidence when he sat next to you, trying to shrink himself.
“Besides. You don’t even know me.” You teased him and he gave you a small smirk.
“I think you underestimate how smart I am. Especially since I wanted to be a sniper. You must learn how to read someone.” You almost choked on your spit as you filled your coffee with cream and sugar.
“Oh? And what happened?”
He shrugged and watched your movements. “I was too big. Decided to put me into rescues. I’m an insertion specialist. They call me a human battering ram.”
You giggled without thinking and he raised a brow. “Is that funny?”
“I’m sorry, I just. It almost sounds like a brag.” His smirk widened and he looked smug.
“And what if it is?” He ran his tongue along his teeth. “Nothing wrong with it sometimes, little love.” Your body stilled at the nickname and you took a sip before asking a question you’ve been craving to ask.
“Are you married?” He sat straight and you immediately regretted asking something so personal. “I’m sorry-that was probably rude.”
“It’s okay. And yes I was. Briefly. She left me several years ago. I joined at seventeen so I was pretty young when we got together.” His accent was heavier as he talked more and you enjoyed every single second.
“I’m sorry.” He nodded and awkwardly shifted in his seat.
“Mmm. How old are you?” His tone almost sounded accusatory and you bristled.
“Twenty seven.”
He loosened a long breath. “So young.”
You wanted to scream. “It’s not that young. I’m a grown woman. And I know what I want.” His head snapped at you and you wanted to shrink but you continued looking into his eyes.
He said your name slowly, tasting the letters before he shook his head. “I don’t want to but I’m gonna have to leave.” You wanted to scream. No, no you just got him to talk!
“Wait, Konig. Would you-would like to go out sometime? I really loved our conversation and I’d-“
“What?” His tone sounded almost angry and you closed your mouth. Your stomach dropped. And embarrassment crept inside you like a virus.
“I wanted to go out. With you. I’ve had a crush on you for a while and I just…” you trailed off as his expression turned cold.
“That’s a horrible idea. You can’t be with someone like me. I’m too old for you. Too damaged. You couldn’t handle it. And I can’t do that to someone like you.”
“Someone like me?” Your own anger flared. “What does that mean?” You demanded and he sighed. Giving you a sympathy glance and you wanted to scream.
“Someone as fragile, young and sensitive as you are.” You wanted to slap him into next week. How dare he call you those things. I mean they were true but his tone implied them to be flaws.
“I’m not too young for you. I’m still an adult. Why would you-“
Konig stood and his mammoth height swallowed you in his shadow. “I know what’s best for you. And it wouldn’t work.”
You gritted your teeth to prevent yourself from yelling or crying. And you watched him walk away. You wanted to chase after him and beg but you had enough pride to prevent yourself. It would be desperate and you had a long enough night.
“Sorry, honey. He’s like that. Cold and hard to read.” Michael delivered your pancakes. “Don’t want my favorite girl to go hungry.” You managed a smile for the sweet older man as you twirled your fork.
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As you left the diner two weeks later, you saw Konig doing the same thing and you paused. He was on the phone, speaking German and you assumed it was work considering how stern he sounded. Your stomach dropped.
You didn’t want to face him anyway after the humiliation rejection. Well, it could have been worse but you still hated how you wanted him. You missed his attractive face and his endearments. His accent was adorable. He was adorable. Fuck! No! You couldn’t do this again. He didn’t want you back and you needed to accept it. You didn’t have to like it. But you needed to respect his choice.
People would look at you both with judgment but you wouldn’t care. You craved more. And you wanted to touch him. A few nights you had fingered yourself to the fantasy of how massive his dick must have been but you couldn’t make yourself cum as well as he could make you.
His mask was on but his expression underneath turned into coldness when he laid eyes on you, hanging up the phone. And he started storming to his truck.
Your chest swelled from hurt and you quickly followed him. Jogging to catch up with his long legs and quick pace as he walked to his truck. “Hey! Wait a minute!”
Konig paused but didn’t face you.
“Did I do something to offend you?” You questioned with hands on your hips. “And it’s rude to not look at someone when they speak to you.” You half scolded and that made his shoulders raise. “Look at me!” You raised your voice and he spun around.
“You don’t order me around,” He said your name in a growl. “You understand me? You never order me around.”
You didn’t back down even though you felt a thrill from the way he peered down at you with his burning gaze. “I don’t understand why you’re running from me. I have a crush on you. So what?”
Konig snarled and he latched a hand around the back of your neck and pulled his mask over his nose and smashed his lips to yours. You gasped in shock but quickly met his brutal attack on your lips as he brought you off your feet with his second arm around your waist. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you tasted mint on his tongue that lapped at yours and swept the inside of your mouth. Your entire core was pulsing from the weight of his body that pressed against your breasts.
But as quickly as he kissed you was the speed he set you down, he breathed heavily. “Liebling…it’s not…entirely your age…I-“ Konig struggled to speak when you gently stood on his boots and pulled his face down, cupping his loose mask between your hands.
“Then what? No one kisses someone like that without feeling something close to what I do.” You persisted when he attempted to look away from you.
“I’m a dark cloud. And you’re a ray of sunshine.. I’ve seen you come in every night with a smile. You interact with the owner so freely. You’re kind. You’re sweet…so sweet.” You heard him swallow and shake his head underneath your hands. “I couldn’t deserve someone like you. I will bring you down.”
“No, you wouldn’t! Konig, you’re a hero. I know how you’ve saved lives. You’re a wonderful man and I don’t even know you yet. I want to know you. I want to hear everything in that cute accent. I want to listen to your stories. I want to…touch you.” He shivered as you traced your fingers along his chest, feeling the hard muscle underneath your nail. “Please? Can I?”
“I-I want you too-so bad, liebling.” He moved to touch you again before he wrenched himself away. “But I can’t have you.”
You refused to take that as an answer. So you decided to bait him. “Fine. I guess I’ll go out with someone else. Someone who wants to fuck me more than you do.”
That made him stop short from opening his door. “Excuse me?”
“Yeah. Don’t want to waste my time with someone who doesn’t give a shit about me, huh?” You said harshly and he released a long breath.
“That’s not gonna work. You think I don’t know when someone is trying to get a rise out of me?” But he did stalk towards you, his hands clenched as you plucked an invisible lint off your sleeve.
“And? Am I supposed to be scared now?” You replied.
“Oh, yeah. You should be.” He whispered. “You should know better than this. I would break you. Your little desperate pussy couldn’t handle it.” His dirty words did the opposite effect he hoped for as you dropped to your knees, your back facing the diner that was obscured by the dark.
“What about my mouth? I think my mouth can handle it.”
Konig groaned as his hand grabbed the back of your head, his fingers covering the entirety of it as he buried them inside your hair. Your hands moved to unbuckle his pants as you pulled them down his thigh.
His cock was so big as you took it out of his boxers. His thick purple heavy tip was leaking with precum that you swiped with a lick of your tongue. He grunted as you held him, your fingers rubbing up and down the soft skin. Your cunt glistened inside your panties as you licked the side of the vein on the side and then repeated on the other side, his thick arousal covering your lips as you focused on the underside.
“Fuck, you’re-“ You dug your nails into his hips as you then took the tip inside your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you bobbed your head up and down.
His hand naturally bounced your head as he started thrusting, your throat wanted to protest as he hit the back and made you gag. But you relaxed and your eyes rolled back as he moaned.
Your mouth made squelching noises as you sucked him and reached up to massage his balls.
“Shit-“ He pulled you off and made you whine as he lifted you up into his arms off the ground and he slammed you on your back on the bed of his truck.
“You’re playing with fire, Angel. And you’re underestimating how much I can handle.” He rasped and slapped your pussy outside your leggings that he removed quickly. He clicked his tongue teasingly as he felt the outside of your panties that were soaked and sticky.
“I’m a selfish whore, liebling. And by the way,” he gripped your jaw and opened your mouth. “You better watch that tone next time.” You felt him spit in your mouth and he closed it. Making you swallow as his big digit traced your folds and gathered the wetness.
“I don’t even need to spit on this pretty little pussy. Only in that wicked mouth of yours.” He plunged one finger inside, making you arch your back and pant as he easily reached that sweet spot inside you. “What’s wrong, bunny? Thought you could last longer than that.”
“Konig…I-please-“ He dipped down and pressed hot kisses down your neck and sucked your collarbone. His tongue dragged along the flesh before settling on your jaw before he captured your lips at the same time as he inserted his second finger and curled up so deeply you saw stars and his thumb circled your clit to soothe the stretch.
As he brought you close, Konig stopped as you attempted to pull him fully on top of you. “Want you in me.” You started begging. “Please fuck me.”
Konig growled and situated himself between your spread legs. “Are you going to be a good little liebling?” You nodded frantically as he lined his cock to your opening.
He sunk the tip inside and you groaned, scrunching your face slightly from his size but his own sounds erased whatever nerves you had. “Oh fuck, you’re so perfect. You’re so good for me. Take me, cling around me.” He gasped and his head fell into the crook of your neck. “Fucking hell, pretty pussy sucking me.”
He moved in deeper and your nails dug into the material of his shirt as he already hit the deepest part of you.
“You can take it, bunny.” His accent grew thicker as he moved, the truck jolting from his strength. You cried out and your eyes rolled back in your head.
“No, no, no, look at me.” He lightly tapped your cheek and thrusted but not putting it in all the way. “I’m not one of those little boys who’s gonna let you do whatever you want.” He said and settled into a rhythm.
“Cum in me, want your baby.” You humped his dick as he gently bit down on your neck and he slammed into you further.
Your orgasm covered his cock and his own creamy fluid spilled inside you. You mixed together and it dripped down and coated the entirety of your thighs. You almost screamed but he covered your mouth with a hungry kiss and he sucked your tongue before letting go.
Konig pulled off his mask, revealing the emotion and lust in his eyes. “You’re mine, now.”
You smiled at him and accepted the challenge.
Tagging @slvt4jamesmarch @emsgoodthinkin @lesservillain @take-everything-you-can
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 4 months
(Open Rp) Valentines day story in" The isle of Mermen"
(Warning, this contains NSFW, Muscle growth, transformation, Ect. If your a Minor please don't reply to this..Viewer disgression is advised)
It all Started In the small Town of Middleton and Saphira Threw Her Horrible, babykilling, Gold-digging Ex-boyfriend and her treacherous Ex bestfriend Out of her home..She was in tears of hatred and In pain and Then Ron said,
Ron: "Saph, Please I'm Sorry! Its just a Fling..Its just a mistake!"
Saph:" a Mistake!! After almost 7 years, And you call this a "Mistake" I don't thinks so, That "Mistake" is a choice and you Chose to cheat on me with my bestfriend. I Have never Felt so betrayed before In my entire Life…My own bestfriend…My own boyfriend..never in the million years…never!… What would my Daughter Serena would think…if she's alive right now, Seeing her own Father Betraying Her own mother with her own Godmother herself? She will be heartbroken just like I am. Turns to kim and you!..Messing with a Womans Man…Is Off limits..Period.. You betray me and my daughter…To both of ya… This is the last time..that i've been hurt for so long…I will see you two in court…"
And that, after graduations as saphira sued Ron and Kim for emotional distress..and charge for murder…after saphira won the case..she heard that Ron and Kim was sent away from Sweden after being Force to marry eachother after paying saphira Compensation as well.
2 years later, Saphira Decided to the cruise just to Forget Ronald stoppable For good, During the time when saphira began to Sing beautifully with her Siren voice…as the Ocean was echoing by her beautiful voice..and suddenly..after her singing, something Big was moving the ship back and forth..and then..she went outside and saw the Giant fin…was heading towards the ship…after it slice the ship in half as it began to sink..and saphira fell into the waters..as she passed out..but someone saved her Life and takes her to the Mysterious Island…Then..She woke up and Discovered that she's in the Lovely Lodge Hut..She comes out to the porch and saw a lovely View, She doesn't know How Did she got here and all. Then She began to Look around until she sees the lagoon and a lovely water fall..she sense something underwater..She had a weird feeling about it until She sees The Cave..She Comes in and saw the crystals began to glow like a star when her Birthmark on her right arm began to glow blue brightly and then began to walk throught the tunnel..and there..the Lair of the mermen was shown..it was nothing but beautiful Crystals and gems everywhere beyond her wildest dream..until..something big notice her as she hears someone said..
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astrolovecosmos · 10 months
Aries vs. Libra
Red Dragon vs. Harpy
Man-Caused Fires vs. Polluted Air
Lava Flow, Fireworks, Sparklers, Burns, Red Paint, Red Stones vs. Feathers, Chimes, Cottonwood Seeds, Bubbles, Fresh Air or Naturally Fragrant Air
Taurus vs. Scorpio
Earth Giant vs. Sea Monster or Titan
Earthquake vs. Tsunami
Diamonds, Emeralds, Silks, Satin, Wine vs. Caviar, Hypnotizing Colors and Lights, Deep Sea Secrets, Graveyards, or Treasures
Gemini vs. Sagittarius
Fairy vs. Salamander
Raining of Animals or Substances, Surprises from the Wind vs. Wildfire or Fire Cyclone
Fairy Lights, Fireflies, Butterflies, Talking Birds, Swamp Lights vs. Dancing Flames, Embers, Sparks, Wax, Lanterns or Torches, All the Colors of Fire, Glow
Cancer vs. Capricorn
The Kraken vs. Gold-Hoarding Dragon
Cave-In vs. Riptide
Lost Treasure, Coral, Pearls, Seaweed, Crabs, Lobsters, Seafoam, Moonlight vs. Precious Metals, Crystals, Expensive Woods, Coins
Leo vs. Aquarius
Chimera or Manticore vs. Thunderbird
Heatwave vs. Freeze
Sunshine, Sunbursts, Glittering Sand, Mirages, Heat Refraction, Cozy Fireplace, Heated Blankets vs. Stars, Rainbows, Prisms, Glitter, Wide and Open Skies
Virgo vs. Pisces
Gnome vs. Mermaid or Siren
Famine, Infestation, or Sickness vs. Floods
Safron, Truffles, Expensive Fruits, Medicinal Plants vs. Seashells, River Stones, Gold, River Treasures, Flashy Scales, Salmon, Smell and Sound of Rain, Watery Reflections
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sas-soulwriter · 8 months
Fantasy place (which you can use for your story)
Some fantasy places you can use for your next story .
Luminoth Hollow: A subterranean cavern filled with glowing crystals that emit soothing light. Luminoth Hollow is home to a race of peaceful, bioluminescent creatures who communicate through light patterns.
Zephyria: A floating archipelago of lush, skyborne islands, tethered together by colossal, living vines. Each island has its unique ecosystem and is inhabited by winged creatures who navigate the skies between them.
Aurora Glade: A tranquil meadow hidden within a giant, sentient tree. The glade is bathed in eternal twilight and inhabited by gentle, dreamweaving creatures who protect the dreams of those who visit.
The Obsidian Spire: A towering, black monolith that pierces the heavens. It's said that at its peak lies a portal to another realm, guarded by enigmatic sentinels who test the worth of those who seek passage.
Eldertide Marsh: A mystical swamp where ancient, sentient trees rise from the waters, and luminous fireflies lead travelers along phosphorescent pathways. It's rumored that the marsh holds the key to unlocking forgotten knowledge.
Clockwork Citadel: A colossal, mechanical fortress powered by intricate gears and steam. Clockwork automatons serve as both guardians and caretakers, and the citadel houses a library containing the accumulated wisdom of the ages.
Whispering Sands: A desert where the dunes are constantly shifting, and the winds carry the whispers of long-forgotten spirits. At its heart stands an oasis of liquid crystal that reveals glimpses of the past and future.
The Eternal Library: A massive, floating island covered in towering bookshelves. Each book contains the life story of an individual, and the library is said to grant the power to rewrite destinies.
Gloomwood Thicket: A dense, enchanted forest perpetually cloaked in twilight. Within its shadows reside shadowy creatures that can manipulate time, making it a place of both wonder and danger.
Abyssal Abyss: An underwater realm where bioluminescent flora and fauna thrive. Merfolk and other aquatic beings have built stunning, glowing cities within deep-sea caves.
Sylvan Skylines: An archipelago of floating islands inhabited by tree-dwelling, bird-like beings who harness the power of wind and weather. They craft intricate bridges and pathways connecting their aerial homes.
Whispering Peaks: Towering, mist-shrouded mountains said to hold the knowledge of the cosmos. Monasteries and meditation chambers dot the landscape, where monks seek enlightenment through quiet contemplation.
The Emberforge: An underground forge where skilled blacksmiths craft legendary weapons and armor imbued with the essence of fallen stars. The air is filled with the sound of hammers on metal and the crackling of celestial flames.
The Crystal Canyons: A network of canyons adorned with enormous, glowing crystals that resonate with hauntingly beautiful melodies when touched. Nomadic crystal herders roam the canyons, taming the living crystals.
The Dreamer's Archipelago: A series of islands, each representing different dreams and nightmares. Travelers can enter these dreamscapes and interact with the inhabitants, who are manifestations of dreams themselves.
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