#Eventually she will call them or send a letter but not until she figures out how to stop people from finding out where she is
oculusxcaro · 1 year
🍉 - What is something they have done that they feel the most guilt over? How do they handle this guilt?  Does the guilt ever get resolved?
Random Headcanons
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There is one other thing that Khare feels like absolute shit about and that's not contacting her family as soon as she was able to, if only to let them know she's still alive. She'd been missing for months after all so naturally her family back home would be worried out of their minds, right? Only... the thought of hearing their voices after so long, to tell them she's okay when she's very much not okay is just too painful to bear. Khare often looks at phones and debates ringing them every time, perhaps even sending them a letter but she fears those at the facility finding out somehow, maybe even going overseas to bring trouble their way. Khare had her passport on her when she was abducted, which would no doubt provide valuable information leading them right to her family which would only be another way for her captors to find her. If her family doesn't know she's alive and haven't heard from her, they can't possibly be targeted, right? It's safer for everybody both that way, the only way she's able to protect them from her situation. She's not sure how they'd react if they knew she was alive, if they'd actually go as far as coming to America to get her which would only put them in even more danger. Better for everyone involved she just... waits a little longer, to make sure things have quietened down enough while she finds a way to purchase a ride back to Britain without getting arrested or uncovered as the monster she's become. Her resolve wavers every time she looks at her phone, knowing her loved ones are just a few buttons away if only she had the nerve to call them.
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rubycruzin4abruzin · 9 days
Forbidden Crown: ch. II
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Summary: Five years after your last visit to Tir Asleen, you finally get to see Kit again. Although you promised your mother you wouldn’t let Kit influence you, her fiery personality and strong will draw you in, and open your eyes to a whole new world of excitement and adventure.
Pairing: kit tanthalos x princess!reader
Contains: fluff, reader’s subtle mommy issues, rebellious kit, weapons, sword fighting, stumbling upon mature illustrations, childlike innocence, implied parent death, one bed, sneaking out
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: this chapter does contain adolescents stumbling upon some ‘sensual’ illustrations in library books. It is purely meant to be part of a ‘coming of age,’ and I even had others proofread it to make sure it comes off that way. Anyways, here’s the second chapter of Forbidden Crown! :)
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Almost immediately upon returning to Azarenth, you began pressing your parents about revisiting Tir Asleen.
Your inquiries began innocently. “Mommy, can we go and see the twins today?”
Each time, she’d shake her head. “Not today, sweetheart. Our responsibilities leave no time for such an endeavor.”
Then, you resorted to excuses. “Father, we’ve been so busy, we could really use a holiday. How about a trip to Tir Asleen?”
He’d chortle at the suggestion. “Princess, if we were to go on holiday, it certainly would not be to a place such as Tir Asleen!”
Every day, you would pose similar questions, and as time went on, your parents' refusals became curt, tinged with vexation. Eventually, you ceased questioning altogether, not wanting to further irritate them.
Despite your silence, your mind occupied itself with thoughts of Kit. You longed to keep in contact with her, but your parents thought you weren’t old enough to have your own carrier pigeon. In an attempt to keep her close, you even secretly wore her breeches beneath your dresses until they no longer fit, then kept them stashed in the bottom of your storage chest, hidden from your parents or any prying maids.
Every day, you wondered how she was doing, and every day, you wondered if she thought of you as well.
It wasn’t until just before the summer of your tenth year that you thought you would ever see Kit again. On a golden May afternoon, you heard your mothers voice calling you in from playing outside with some children from the nearby village. Disgruntled, you bid your friends farewell and trudged back in through the castle doors.
Upon entering, you immediately saw your parents sitting in the Great Hall, hands folded on the table in front of them. You gulped; this room was rarely ever used, with the exception of large gatherings or very important meetings. Hypothetical scenarios swarmed your mind as you desperately tried to figure out what horrible thing you had done to warrant a meeting in the Great Hall.
Walking in, you took a seat across from your parents, folding your hands in your lap and refusing eye contact.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why we called you in here,” your mother began, never one to beat around the bush.
You nodded slowly, still declining to meet her gaze. Your father cleared his throat, taking over the conversation.
“Princess,” he began. “As you’re well aware, you are a child of nobility. It is very important to us that you grow up receiving the best education and training possible, and that includes learning crucial life skills such as independence and adaptability.”
Furrowing your brow, you nodded, confused. You didn’t have a clue where this conversation was going and frankly wished your parents would just get to the point so you could go back outside.
Almost as if she could read your mind, your mother jumped in. “Your father and I have been exchanging letters with the Queen of Tir Asleen. You remember Sorsha and her twins, don’t you?”
Your ears perked up at this, the mere mention of your long-lost friends sending a wave of sweet nostalgia to wash over you. “Of course! I loved playing with Kit.”
“And Airk,” your mother interrupted, hardening her gaze.
Forgetting that your mother wasn’t necessarily a fan of the Princess of Tir Asleen, you were quick to agree. “Yes, Airk too, surely.”
“After some back and forth,” your mother took a deep breath before delivering the news. “Queen Sorsha has agreed to foster you temporarily. You will be staying in Tir Asleen with her and her children for the summer months.”
Just for a brief moment, you swore your heart stopped beating before a burst of warmth exploded in your chest. Three whole months spent with Kit? Staying in the Tir Asleen castle? Away from your parents? The very thought made you tingle with excitement.
“This is not a holiday,” your mother interrupted your daydream as if she could see your thoughts. “You will be studying under an array of tutors and governesses, receiving a rigorous education and learning proper court etiquette. I hope you don’t think you’re going to spend the entire summer rolling around in mud with that filthy girl.”
Your mother’s slander against Kit made your blood boil underneath your skin, evaporating to your face and turning your cheeks a dark crimson. Every cell in your body wanted to stand up and scream at your mother before shouting Kit’s praises. Instead, you decided to seethe quietly, fearing that speaking up could jeopardize the trip.
As the conversation came to a close and you got up to leave, your mother called your name just before you made it out the door. You took a deep breath, forcing a grin as you turned to face her.
“Yes, mother?” Your voice came out strained and tense.
Her expression turned serious as her jaw stilled, mouth tight in a straight line. She peered at you through her brow, not breaking her gaze for one moment.
“Don’t let that Kit girl influence you. I mean it.”
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The following fortnight seemed to drag as you waited impatiently for June to arrive. Each day seemed to tick by slower than the last, until you managed to develop an irrational hatred for the month of May.
When the morning of your departure finally arrived, a servant entered your bedchamber to fetch your storage chest, only to find the room empty and the chest missing. After informing the castle and a brief moment of panic, one of the guards found you already in the carriage, having dragged your storage chest by yourself all the way outside at the first sign of daybreak.
“May we leave now?” You asked, ever impatient.
The castle staff shared a hearty chuckle over your eagerness when your parents stepped outside, dismissing the crew before bidding their final farewells.
“Luck be with you in Tir Asleen, Princess,” your father began, bearing his familiar kind smile. “You’re not to worry about traveling alone, I hired the best coachman in all of Azarenth to ensure your safety.”
Returning your fathers warm grin, you leaned out the carriage window to wrap your arms around his neck. Your mother, nowhere near as affectionate as her husband, simply gave you a tight smile and a curt nod.
“Be on your best behavior for Sorsha, please.”
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The day-long journey to Tir Asleen was long and winding, the wheels against cobblestone bricks gently rocking the carriage. Traveling alone for the first time had you a tad nervous, but the friendly coachman made sure to keep you company.
Soon, as the late afternoon sun began its descent, the castle of Tir Asleen gradually came into view. Nostalgic memories rushed through your mind as the stone battlements seemed to pierce the clouds. You leaned your head out the carriage window, feeling the warm wind on your face and breathing in the familiar smell of dew.
The carriage came to a halt at the castle entrance, the sudden stillness of the car making you wonder how long your hands had been shaking. Peering out the carriage window, you saw Airk near the front, sword sparring with another boy around his age.
Disappointment shadowed your face at the absence of Kit, but you tried to hide it. As you waited for the coachman to gather your things, you busied yourself watching Airk spar. He was quite the swordsman, staying quick on his feet, and countering each attack with focus clouding his uncovered face.
Despite Airk’s impressive skill, his opponent still seemed to have the upper hand. You couldn’t quite make out who he was due to a faceplate covering his features, but his technique was precise, perfected, almost as if he’d had to work twice as hard as Airk to get where he was.
Suddenly, Airk momentarily lost his footing on a slippery rock, allowing his mysterious opponent to take advantage and deliver one final strike. Airk tumbled to the ground, the anonymous swordsman moving to stand over him as he conceded defeat.
You couldn’t help but erupt into applause, after all, duels rarely happened in your kingdom. Startled, Airk and his friend turned towards you, noticing your presence for the first time since you’d arrived. You were about to approach Airk and exchange pleasant greetings when his masked adversary suddenly removed his faceplate, shaking out his hair and revealing his identity.
Shock hung from your features. This mysterious man wasn’t mysterious at all! Or a man! It was Kit!
“Kit!” You exclaimed, your voice coming out as an involuntary squeal.
She called your name back and ran to you, enveloping you in a hug. You buried your face into the crook of her neck, damp with sweat from the humidity of the faceplate.
“Your hair got so long!” You commented after pulling away.
It was true. Kits original short chop now flowed in waves down to her mid-torso, making her look oddly feminine even in trousers.
“I hate it,” Kit groaned, pinching a lock of her hair and frowning down at it. “It gets so hot, and I hate having to put it up.”
As she fidgeted with her hair, your gaze traveled down to her wrist, noticing a sandstone silk strand peeking out of her sleeve. Curious, you took her hand and pushed her sleeve up, revealing the ribbon she had stolen from you all those years ago.
“My ribbon!” You exclaimed, surprised and genuinely touched. “You still wear it?”
“Every day,” Kit answered truthfully. “It reminds me of you.”
You turned her wrist over in your hand, admiring the ribbon. The previously bright pink silk had faded into a blush beige, bleached from sun exposure. Once perky bunny-ear loops now drooped down her wrist, tickling the bottom of her palm. It was almost unrecognizable, this old ribbon that time had not been kind to, and the fact that Kit had worn it all these years warmed a special place in your heart.
Airk cleared his throat, startling you slightly as you had forgotten he was there. You offered him an apologetic smile, letting go of Kit’s wrist to shake his hand.
“Forgive me,” you chuckled nervously. “It’s good to see you again as well, Airk.”
The rest of the evening was spent catching up; the three of you laid on patches of grass and recounted events from the last five years until a maid rang the dinner bell. Even at dinner, all of you prattled incessantly. Airk eventually found he’d said enough and focused on his meal, but you and Kit talked through mouthfuls of food, much to Sorsha’s chagrin.
“You can eat or you can speak, but it’s terribly impolite to combine the two,” she scolded.
After the third or fourth lecture, you noticed how they would only come from Sorsha. A brief glance around the table confirmed your suspicions: Madmartigan was absent.
“Where’s your dad?” You whispered to Kit, worried that asking Sorsha directly would upset her.
Kit, however, perked up at your question, eyes sparkling at the mention of her role model. “He’s on a quest! He’s going to fight inside a worm!”
“He’s trying to destroy the Wyrm from the inside, Kit.” Airk corrected.
Kit brushed off her brother, ignoring his comment and continuing. “He’s been fighting the Wyrm for some time now. He’s so busy, but he always has a letter delivered to us on the first of every month!”
She sprang up from her chair, dashing to fetch the most recent letter before being stopped by Sorsha. “Kit, how many times have I said not to leave the table without being excused?”
Kit spun around with a dramatically curtsy and mimed pulling on an invisible skirt. “Mother, may I please be excused from this fine supper? Oh mummy, please may I?”
You stifled a giggle at her theatrics. Sorsha sighed, dismissing her with the wave of her hand. Kit sped out of the room, returning seconds later with a piece of paper and thrusting it into Sorsha’s hands.
“This one arrived today.” Kit explained, leaning over her mother’s shoulder.
Despite Sorsha’s annoyance with her daughter, she couldn’t help but smile as she gingerly pinched the corners of her husband's letter.
“My dear family,” she began reading as Airk rushed over, joining Kit in reading over their mother’s shoulder. “As I venture forth on this perilous mission, know that my thoughts are never far from all of you. My journey to confront the Wyrm may be ripe with danger, but carrying the strength of our family has gotten me through some challenging moments.”
“To my daughter, Kit,” Kit perked up at the mention of her name, leaning farther into the letter as Sorsha continued to read. “Your unyielding spirit and fearlessness are sure to serve you well in all that you do. Always remember to keep your sword sharp and your wits sharper.”
“To Airk,” it was Airk’s turn to lean into the letter. “My son, every day you continue to amaze me. I look forward to returning and watching you grow into the man I know you’re destined to be.”
“And to my lovely wife,” Sorsha’s voice cracked as she read. “Not a day goes by where I don’t picture your face. You are the light that leads me through the darkest tunnels.”
Sorsha sniffed, attempting to discreetly wipe away a tear before reading the last section. “I promise to return one day, victorious and bearing plenty of stories. Until then, I hope you’ll take comfort in these letters. All my love, Madmartigan.”
Kit looked up from the letter, eyes shining with undeterrable admiration. “When I grow up, I want to be just like him.”
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Later that night, as you readied yourself for slumber in one of the castle's many guest rooms, a knock interrupted your solitude. You granted permission to enter, fixing your posture and bracing yourself to be greeted by Sorsha. However, your tension eased when the door cracked and Kit’s face poked through.
“I need your help with something,” she whispered, cautious not to disturb any sleeping residents.
“Why? What happened?” You inquired.
Without another word, Kit seized your hand and led you away. You protested at first, feeling naked in your thin nightgown outside the walls of your bedchamber, but Kit's hand wrapped around yours felt soothing, like a warm glove on a cold day, and you knew that no matter where you went, you would be safe as long as Kit was there.
She led you to the end of the hall, down a flight of stairs, and through the doors of the basement, only letting go of your hand to ignite a taper candle and shed some light into the dark room. Weapons of all shapes and sizes mounted the walls, their silver blades illuminating in the candle light. Various types of armor decorated the corners, including the faceplate Kit had worn earlier in the day.
“Is this…”
“The armory.” Kit answered your unspoken question.
You nodded, marveling at the room. Azarenth had an armory in their castle too, but it was heavily guarded, and strictly off limits to you.
Kit plucked a sword from the wall and laid it flat against her palms, presenting it to you. “I need you to cut my hair.”
“What?” You searched Kit’s face for any sign of humor, but found none as she stood completely serious.
“I need you to cut my hair,” she repeated. “I can’t reach back there, and Airk won’t do it because he’s afraid of getting in trouble.”
“What if I get in trouble?” You asked, still in disbelief at her request.
“You won’t,” she replied, completely sure of herself.
Kit still sensed your hesitation, so she put the sword down and took both of your hands in hers. “You’re not going to get in trouble, I promise. My mom won’t let me cut my hair because she says it makes me look ‘pretty,’ but what good is beauty if I’m constantly uncomfortable? Please, I really need you to do this for me.”
There it was again, that feeling of safety that surmounted whenever Kit held your hand. You sighed defeatedly, nodding in agreement. Kit beamed at you as she placed the sword in your hands, but the large piece of metal turned out to be much heavier than you expected and you ended up dropping it, the sword falling to the ground with a loud clatter.
“I haven’t actually… used a sword before,” you admitted sheepishly.
“Hmm…” Kit thought for a second before her face brightened once again, running to a nearby rack and picking up an oddly-shaped knife. “Dagger?”
You agreed, and Kit handed you the dagger, showing you how to grip the handle. As you clutched this foreign weapon, a new sense of power washed over you. You suddenly felt invincible, safe, but a different kind of safe from when Kit held your hand.
“How short do you want it?” You asked, still examining the jagged piece of metal.
Kit shrugged. “I just don’t want to have to tie it up in order to spar.”
She turned around, facing away from you and shaking out her long locks so they all flowed down her back. You gulped, gathering her hair in a handful just below her neck, hands shaking as the previous power evaporated into thin air and replaced itself with anxiety. With one quick slash it was all over, the sharp blade passing through her delicate hairs with ease. A sigh left your lips, relieved to have completed your task. You glanced down to admire your handiwork, but were met with a sight so horrific that the dagger fell from your unsteady hands, dropping to the floor with a sharp clang.
Her hair, once long and beautiful, was now absolutely botched. Tresses meant to float over her shoulders now curled just under her ears, while crooked sprigs stuck out in all directions.
“How does it look?” Kit asked, but you were too afraid to answer.
When you didn’t, she picked up the sword off the ground, admiring her reflection in the shiny metal. Her jaw dropped, eyes wide with shock. She reached up, carefully running her fingers over the butchered ends.
A lump rose in your throat as you became overwhelmed with guilt. “Kit, I’m so…”
“I love it.” Kit said in a low voice.
You blinked, not quite registering what she said. “Huh?”
“I love it!” Kit repeated, grinning from ear to ear. “It’s exactly what I wanted: short!”
“But it’s so choppy and uneven!” You exclaimed, confused by her elation.
Kit shook her head, sprigs flying in every direction. “I look the way I’ve always felt inside: a harbinger of chaos!”
She swung the sword around for effect, giggling like a little kid. You felt yourself relax as you watched her, relieved she wasn’t angry and somewhat enamored by her unbridled joy.
All of a sudden, the unmistakable slam of a basement door reverberated throughout the armory. A tall figure entered, holding a large torch that cast a looming shadow. You and Kit froze, tension palpable as the figure stepped forward, revealing itself to be Sorsha.
Her gaze immediately fixated on Kit’s hair, expression hardening into unreadable stone. “There was a clatter. I was afraid there might be an intruder.”
Slowly, she approached you two, both of you holding your breath in anticipation. She reached out to touch Kit’s chopped tresses tentatively, as if they would scald her. “Your hair…”
You glanced between Kit and Sorsha, a sense of dread settling inside you as you prepared your confession. “Your majesty, I…”
“I did it,” Kit interjected, surprising you. “I got fed up with my long hair, and since you wouldn’t allow me to get it cut, I snuck down here and did it myself.”
Sorsha squinted at her daughter, skeptical at her story. Noticing her doubt, Kit gestured towards you. “She’s here because she tried to stop me.”
Sorsha’s gaze shifted down, noticing Kit still holding a sword, while your hands were empty. She took a step back, her face darkening with a quiet anger. You held your breath, bracing yourself for the explosion, but instead her eyes softened as she turned to you.
“Your mother raised such a well-behaved young lady,” she remarked sweetly before redirecting her attention to Kit. “I wish I had done the same…”
You glanced over at Kit, who appeared unfazed by her mother’s hurtful words.
“We’ll continue this discussion upstairs,” Sorsha muttered through clenched teeth, seizing Kit’s arm and leading her away.
You watched as Kit was pulled out of the basement, the guilt from going along with her lie eating you up from the inside. Part of you longed to follow, to confess your involvement, but your feet stayed cemented to the floor, blocks of concrete too heavy to move.
Just before disappearing through the door, Kit turned to look at you, noting your terror-stricken face. You attempted to mouth an ‘I’m sorry,’ but she vigorously shook her head. Instead, she offered you a reassuring smile, sending a wink in your direction that made your heart squeeze. And just like that, you became certain that everything would be alright.
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It would be a full month before you could speak to Kit again.
You were right to be worried about getting into trouble, because Kit had gotten herself into a lot. As punishment, she had been confined to her chambers for the past few weeks, only being let out to assist the scullions with chores. Sometimes, you would pass her walking with the maids in the hallways, and when no one was looking, she would shoot you a funny face that never failed to make you laugh.
The weeks without Kit seemed to stretch, each day growing longer than the last. You eventually grew bored with Tir Asleen, the absence of your friend diminishing the kingdom’s original appeal. Luckily, you at least had Airk to keep you company.
“Why do you think our parents keep pushing us to be friends?” You asked him one day, while you were both taking a stroll around the palace gardens.
Airk simply shrugged. “I wonder that too sometimes. Perhaps they want us to learn about each other's homes?”
You shook your head. “Azarenth is only a day trip away from Tir Asleen, not much to learn. Maybe they just want us to get along.”
“But I don’t recall any conflict between our kingdoms,” Airk remarked.
These were the typical conversations between you and Airk: mundane, frivolous words meant to fill an empty space. It’s not as if he wasn’t pleasant company, but he just didn’t excite you the way Kit did.
One early morning, near the end of the month, you were sound asleep in your guest bed when you suddenly felt a crushing weight moving on top of you, followed by the inability to breathe. You opened your eyes to see a dark figure over you, holding its hands over your nose and mouth. Fear coursed through you as your survival instinct took over, thrashing under the dark figure and screaming pleas muffled by its hands.
“Shh… shh… Princess…” the figure leaned down to whisper in your ear.
Your stifled breath hitched in your throat at the familiarity of the figure's voice. Forcing yourself to calm down, you stared up at the figure, eyes adjusting to the darkness until Kit’s unmistakable face came into view.
“Kit…” you whispered as soon as she removed her hands from your mouth. “What are you…”
“I’m not in trouble anymore,” she cut you off. “I’m free.”
“What…” you sat up to lean on your elbows. “Kit, that’s wonderful. But, what do you mean?”
“My mother’s focusing on Airk now,” she replied. “Come with me.”
She seized your hand once again and pulled you out of bed, disclosing her intentions while leading you across the castle.
“I’m usually awoken this early to assist the scullions with chores,” she explained. “However, this morning one of the more prying maids told me that I’m no longer needed, that Airk will be doing chores now.”
“But why?” You inquired.
“I’ll show you.”
She led you down to the large double doors of the palace library, opening them cautiously to avoid getting caught. The overwhelming smell of old books hit you as soon as you stepped inside, smacking you in the face before enveloping you in a warm hug. Your castle didn’t have a library as much as a few bookshelves here and there, so you couldn’t help but stop and marvel at Tir Asleen’s vast collection of books piled high as the ceiling.
“Come on,” Kit insisted, yanking you out of your daydream and pulling you towards a table in the back of the library that was covered with half-open books. “The maid said that my mother caught Airk reading these late last night, and that’s why he’s in trouble.”
“For reading?” You were puzzled.
“Not just reading,” Kit explained. “She said the literature was lewd.”
“Bad.” Kit clarified, a wicked grin spreading across her face.
Your brows furrowed, still confused. “But… how can a book be bad?”
Kit seemed unsure how to answer your question, but was curious to find out. She pulled a paper manuscript off the top of one of the piles and opened it to a random page, both of you gasping at the sight. While the text was nothing extraordinary, the margins of the pages were filled with graphic drawings of women in various states of undress.
Your finger trembled as you pointed at one of the women, the top of her dress pulled down to her stomach. “Is that…”
“I think that’s what they’re supposed to look like. When we’re older.” Kit whispered, not taking her eyes off the page.
Both of you sat at the table and stared at the page in awe, neither of you daring to speak. After a moment, you decided to pick another book off of one of the piles, the cover reading “Carmina Burana.” You glanced at Kit, who bore into you, silently daring you to open it.
Flipping to another random page, you came across a translated poem entitled “Si Puer Cum Puella,” and began to read. “If a lad and his sweet lover, in a room together linger—an ineffable game begins, in their abandoned lips and limbs.”
Looking over at Kit, you expected her to explain what the poem meant, but she seemed as confused as you were. Turning the page, you found more marginalia, these drawings far different from the ones in the manuscript. In the corner of the page was a drawing of a man, carrying a sword in a full state of undress that exposed his flaccid…
You slammed the book shut in disgust, cheeks burning a dark crimson.
“What happened?” Kit questioned.
With a shaky hand, you pushed the book in her direction. She furrowed her brow at you and flipped it open, thumbing through the pages until coming across the drawing. Horrified, she let out a sharp “eek” before slamming the book shut once again.
“Shhh…” you reminded her, remembering what happened the last time you two got caught sneaking around. She nodded, slapping a hand over her mouth.
Both of you stared down at the book as if it had burned you. The air around you felt thick, the only audible sounds being shallow breaths and your own heart beating in your ears.
“Airk has one of those,” Kit finally spoke in a low voice. “I’ve seen it. We took baths together when we were younger.”
“Do they all look like that?” You asked in disgust.
Kit shook her head, gesturing to the abandoned book. “Not like that!”
The two of you stood frozen for another minute before you decided to take a leap of faith, grabbing the “Carmina Burana” and flipping back to the offending page. You tore out the drawing, ripping it to shreds and shoving it down one of your stockings to dispose of later. Glancing over at Kit, she stood shocked, her mouth agape.
“I think boys are nasty,” you exclaimed, grabbing the previous manuscript and revisiting the page with the drawings of women, a satisfied grin spreading across your face. “Much better.”
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For the rest of the summer, you and Kit made it a habit to sneak around in the dead of nights, embarking on secret little adventures just for the two of you. Sometimes you would revisit the back corners of the library to explore banned literature; other times, you would break into the kitchen to eat an entire jar of fruit preserves between the two of you.
But most nights were reserved for nothing but late-night chatter. You would hide in each other's rooms, whispering secrets that dissolved into the quiet of the night, like you did when you were younger.
However, these late nights did take a toll on your daily schedules; neither of you could stay awake during the day. When summer classes started around mid-July, you often found yourself dozing off in the middle of them, frequently waking up to the angry scolds of a palace tutor following the sharp thwack of a ruler against your desk.
One Saturday morning, you were at the breakfast table eating with the Tanthalos family, when you felt yourself start to nod off before being awoken by a sharp jab in the ribs.
“Ouch,” you exclaimed, glaring daggers at Airk, sitting next to you. “What was that for?”
He held up his hands defensively. “You fell asleep on your toast.”
Groaning, you took your napkin and wiped the butter off your cheek. Now that you were awake, you couldn’t help but notice that Kit, who usually sat across from you in a similar state of stupor, was missing.
“Where did Kit go?” You asked Airk.
He gave a half-hearted wave in the direction of the kitchen window. “It’s the first of the month. Where do you think she went?”
Sure enough, Kit had glued herself to the kitchen window, refusing to look away from the nothingness of the outside in case a messenger were to appear out of nowhere.
“Kit,” Sorsha sighed in exasperation. “Come back and finish your breakfast.”
“But dad’s letter hasn’t arrived yet!” Kit protested.
“It’s early morning, the day has just begun. I’m sure your father’s letter will arrive later, now come eat!”
Kit grumbled as she plopped herself back down at the breakfast table, wolfing down her meal in seconds flat before excusing herself back to the window.
Unfortunately, the day’s sun came and went with no letter in sight. By nightfall, Kit was still perched at the window, wringing her hands like a damp towel.
“Time for bed, Kit.” Sorsha commanded, a hint of pity in her voice.
Kit looked up at her mom with wide eyes. “What about dad’s letter?”
Sorsha sent her daughter a reassuring smile, not showing any concern. “Sometimes messengers can get lost, nothing to worry about. I’m sure his letter will turn up soon.”
Several days passed with Kit stationed at the window, growing increasingly anxious each day as she waited for something that never came. By the end of the week, still no letter had arrived, and even Sorsha’s calm composition began to falter.
“Mom,” Kit called from the window, voice coming out small and frail. “Where’s dad’s letter?”
Sorsha rested her hand on her daughter’s shoulder, peering out at the fading sky alongside her. “I’m not sure, Kit.”
“Is he alright?” Kit looked to her mother for reassurance, a small child desperate for a glimmer of hope.
Sorsha opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She turned away from her daughter, letting the silence settle between them like a thick fog. And that was the moment all light died from Kit’s eyes, the innocence of her childhood crumbling before her like a glass vase shattering on tile floor.
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That night, you were preparing for a restful evening when your door flung open. Startled, you whipped around to see Kit standing in your doorway. She seemed fragile, like a baby bird with a broken wing.
“Hey,” she whispered, her red, puffy eyes visible in the dim candlelight.
“Hey…” you responded, confused. Your midnight retreats had been put on hold after Kit’s attention turned towards her father’s letter.
“I’m worried about my dad…” Kit admitted in a low voice. “Can I sleep in here tonight?”
Her words tugged at your heartstrings, filling you with sympathy. You agreed, climbing into bed and patting the space beside you. Kit smiled gratefully and crawled onto her side, pulling the covers over the both of you. It was a bit of a tight squeeze to cram two adolescents into a twin bed, as you both had done a lot of growing since your childhood sleepover. But as Kit buried her head in your chest and snuggled up close, the proximity didn’t bother you. The warmth of your bodies merged like two flames into a single fire, becoming one and the same.
“No one knows where he is,” she mumbled into the silk of your nightgown. “Do you think something happened to him?”
You gently scratched her back and soothed her labored breaths, taking a moment to choose your words carefully. “Kit… you are one of the strongest people I know. I really, truly mean that. If your dad has even a fraction of your strength, I know there’s nothing that could stop him from seeing you again.”
Kit’s breathing evened out as your words seemed to reassure her. Her eyelids fought to stay open, a week of restless nights finally catching up to her. You bent down, planting a gentle kiss on her head before you both drifted off to sleep.
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Tag List: @chloepricesgirl @canmargesimpson @yourelliewillms @valenftcrush @camilleee222 @prettygirlfemme @slaytillieswooo @love4lyn @joanvisitsrome @athenalive @mih11 @j-pacifica @everybodyhatesari @vii-ofswords @sofi4v13
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cyxnidx · 4 months
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a/n: omg hihihi😭apologies if this took a while, i haven't been checking my inbox at all. but i adore this idea!! tysm ♡. original post here.
character pairing: pantalone x gn!reader
genre: kinda angsty fluff hehe.
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two weeks.
thats how long you've been gone for a commission. longer than usual, but pantalone has known you for long enough to know you're fine.
however, your little girl hasn't quite yet gained that pleasure of conscious.
"daddy.." the small girl whines, curling up in a ball against her fathers chest again.
she's been crying and whining about you all evening.
and while it wasn't out of the ordinary for the little girl to know that yes, you'd leave for "work" occasionally, she always got to have contact with you.
whether you end up sending a letter, calling, or sending some sort of souvenir, she always got something to remind her of her other support system.
but the extended time you've been gone paired with no gifts or contact whatsoever is overwhelming for the poor thing.
"i know, dear." pantalone says solemnly. it's the only thing he can tell her, other than the constant affirmation that you're fine.
but, of course she wants proof. its a warrant she's worthy of. but he just can't provide that for her.
its breaking him, from the inside out.
the small girl gets out from her fathers hold, eyes watering as she stomps over to her play shoes at the door. "daddy.. daddy, let's.. go!" she whines, wiping her own tears as she slips them on, and pantalone feels the last bit of his heart rip.
"where are we going, dear?" he asks, humoring the little girl.
"to go.. to go find.." she gets choked up on her own words, struggling to finish her sentence.
and back to her roots, she's a sobbing mess once again. mumbling your name like it's the only word she knows, pantalone can only kiss her forehead and tell her it's alright.
and even now, he's wondering if it's alright.
he takes the girl back to the couch, rocking her until she eventually quiets down from the constant crying she's been doing.
for once, pantalone feels useful in a situation like this. he's a smart man - he can do a lot, he knows a lot. but calming his little one while you're gone with no contact is something that nothing could've prepared him for. no book, no lesson, no prophecy, nothing.
just as he's beginning to relax on the couch, he hears the door knob twist and push open, revealing the same figure he and his little girl has missed for so long.
by the tensing of his body, your girl wakes up, looking around, still upset. until she meets your eyes.
and there she goes. crying, sobbing, a mess as she runs toward you, scolding you while also telling you she's missed you for what seems like a decade.
you kiss her forehead. "i know, i know, i'm sorry." you apologize, walking her over to pantalone.
he wraps his arms around you, his hedonistic smile crossing his face, though how he feels at the moment is anything but. his eyes say it all:
he's hurt. hurt, worried, upset, scared, and confused.
he pulls your figure in tight, as if he's afraid that if he lets go, you'll trickle into dust. nothingness. his head rests on your shoulder, his breathing choppy. "please don't worry me like that again." he mumbles.
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boycasanova · 1 year
Hey, let’s talk about Riddle! It’s time to think about Riddle post NRC!!!
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🥀 Riddle calls his mom mama pre overblot and mother, or Dr. Rosehearts after. He doesn’t hate her, nor does he do it to hurt her, but rather to distance himself. He resolved then that he likely wasn’t going to stay in contact with her once he was an adult, and this made it easier. She didn’t notice, which hurt in it’s own way.
🥀 His favorite books are romance novels with Byronic heroes and damsels. He likes ditzy women who need a leader, my little misogynist. 🫶🏾 He believes that until he starts actually being interested in dating and realizes how draining it would be to be the “adult” at all times. He wants to be the Byronic love interest to a strong willed person who wants to save him from himself and his mysterious brooding, even if it doesn’t always work out like that.
🥀 He’s imbued with romance, but wouldn’t know how to initiate one. He’s read all of the books, listened to the music about yearning, but that’s not how you learn it. He especially likes Victorian novels, with Lords and Ladies. Where others hid a playboy, he hid his mother’s “bodice rippers” novels he stole from her personal library. They were the highlight of his personal reading.
🥀 Growing up, he considered his father the safe parent. He was less strict and less volatile and allowed Riddle some freedoms, like more than a cup of oat, unprocessed cereal for breakfast, or music that wasn’t classical. He never defended him from Dr. Rosehearts however, which he didn’t understand, but never got around to asking about.
🥀 He’s going to write a tell all memoir, a la Mother Dearest, where he explores his turbulent relationship with his mother in a series of vignettes. Some of them would be happy memories, but the rest of the world wouldn’t know that. Trey would feel bad about leaving Riddle alone in that world, but force himself to read it to atone. It’s a tear jerker when he describes the relationship he wanted with her, and the later onset realization that he didn’t have a “safe parent,” just an active antagonizer and her passive partner. He eventually stops calling him too, embarrassed that it took him so long to figure it out.
🥀 Dr. Rosehearts would find out about the memoir and send him angry letters about how he’s dead to her, owes her some type of compensation, will sue him for depicting her so poorly and is genuinely saddened that he only remembers the bad. He would correspond with her occasionally before he stops all together. Someone like Trey wouldn’t stop him, but would express his displeasure in it, leading riddle to prioritize him and stop talking to her. It never did him any good anyway.
🥀 Now this is a man who can be alone although he doesn’t want to be. He fantasizes about romance and has big ideas on what it needs to be like and isn’t willing to accept anything else. He likes poetry, big weddings, musical scores to punctuate an unrehearsed, completely vulnerable confession. But as a young man in a modern world, he may have to settle for movie dates and hand holding.
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crazyk-imagine · 4 months
You die while they're Working Headcanon
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*This is sad but I couldn't resist, it's been in my draft much like... every other thing I want to write
-       He wouldn't know until a couple of hours after he was back on the ground after training
-       He was in the air, acting cocky as all hell
-       It was a normal day like nothing was different
-       Beau was the one to get the call
-       Bradley was the one to tell him
-       And when his frenemy told him about the news, it takes him a couple of minutes before all the information clicks
-       The poor man wouldn't know how to console him or calm Jake as the tears pool in the Texan boys eyes
-       Jake's legs give out and he's going down
-       Bradley catches him and his suit is sticking to him as he lets the man begin grieving
-       No one’s ever seen him this way
-       He was quiet in the sky whenever it was his turn
-       It was hard for him to process but eventually the Hangman everyone knew slowly began to return but the spark in his eye was gone
-       Everyone knew it might not ever come back and felt bad they couldn’t do anything about it
-       He had yet to take off
-       Pete got the call
-       Natasha was in the room with him but the older man felt it was his duty to tell his godson
-       She understood and felt the same way
-       Another reason why her best friend didn’t see her that morning
-       Bradley had no idea what Pete was going to tell him
-       Then the words came out and he did nothing
-       The poor boy- he just stood there, unable to move and then came the water works
-       His mustached quivered before he sniffled
-       This is the second worse thing the two men have ever heard and had to deal with in their lives
-       He wasn't told until the end of the day
-       He had a gnawing feeling in his stomach all day but couldn't put his finger on why
-       Beau got the call
-       No one could figure out who should tell him (out of Beau, Pete, and Bernie)
-       There was no way they were going to drag Natasha into this
-       They didn’t even know if she would be able to tell him because Pete and Bernie know that she introduced the two of you
-       And them talking with the door open was one of the worst things they could have done
-       Bob walked by the door as they were still trying to figure it out and almost lost it right then and there
-       Instead, he was running on his emotions and stormed into the room, demanding answers
-       Something he instantly regretted doing
-       The Vice Admiral sent him home, giving him time to try and collect himself
-       He didn’t know until after he came back from his recent deployment
-       Bernie got the call with his friend in the room
-       And that’s when Jake decided to take matters into his own hands (with permission because this is such a serious matter)
-       He’s the first face Javy sees after taking a shower
-       He has barley finished getting dressed when he felt something off with his friend
-       Jake lets him start the conversation before he explains to him the news he’s just learned
-       They sit on the bench in front of the lockers as Javy stares at picture he has of the two of you in his locker
-       It takes him a few weeks before he is comfortable enough to come back to base a little better
-       You know, not crying anytime anyone asks if he’s okay
-       She wasn’t meant to be on base but here she is
-       The base mail guy tried to send it to her but didn’t know where she was and Bob happened to walk by
-       He passed the letter to him and ran off
-       Bob wasn’t trying to he nosy but when he saw a familiar phrase on it, he knew something bad had happened
-       He ran to find Pete because he doesn’t want to tell the other members of the squad
-       The man didn’t know what Bob was going to tell him, he very much wasn’t expecting this
-       Pete opens the letter and skims through it, finding that it was about you
-       He knows everyone is going to be devastated and feels it would be better coming from him
-       Bernie was in the room with him and he makes sure Bob is nearby in case she needs a familiar face
-       Bernie would have done it but he doesn’t know if Nat would want to listen to him after
-       She knew something was off when she got here, it was her day off and she’s here
-       She missed spending time with you to be here
-       She takes a leave of absence which everyone understands
-       It takes Beau threatening to discharge her for her to go in the air again
-       Beau got the letter and felt he should be the one to tell him
-       Poor guy was so nervous when he got called in by the big man
-       He didn't know what was going to happen
-       Logan was hyping him up by saying he was going to be promoted or something of that extent
-       It was awkward when he sat down but then the words came out of the admiral's mouth and his world fell apart
-       He honestly didn't believe him at first
-       But that letter slid across the way and he knew it was real
-       His life wouldn’t be the same
-       It took everyone a minute before they realized it was something serious
-       Nothing could have prepared anyone for this
-       She was getting ready for practice when it happened
-       Beau got the call but thought Bernie might be the better choice
-       She was confused when he called her and pulled her outside their “hangout” room
-       She slid down the wall after he told her
-       It was the worst thing she could have heard
-       Even for her fellow squad mates
-       They weren’t trying to listen, but it was hard not to put two and two together with all the commotion coming from outside the door
-       It took a while before she came back to work
-       Sticking with paperwork for a bit before trying to get back into her plane
-       She saw your old plane and decided that’d be it, she’d fly it
-       It was the only thing that could bring her some sort of comfort
-       Beau wasn’t to upset when she decided to fly it (more than her own)
-       The only reason was because his seniors were on his ass about it, but he understands what she’s going through
-       He didn’t know what was going to happen that day but he could sense something was going to change his life
-       It was like a back and forth game between the three men when they tried to figure out who should tell him the news
-       They decided to have Beau call him in do they could all tell him
-       He felt like a kid being called to the principals office
-       The squads comments didn’t help either (it was just before they needed to start training)
-       He waited, for what seemed like hours, before Beau said anything 
- He lost it when he finally heard and didn't know how to act when he got back to everyone 
- Callie made sure everyone took turns checking on him 
-       He thought everything was fine… until it wasn’t
-       Bernie had to tell him, he didn't have to talk to Pete or Beau. He thought it'd be better coming from him
-       The two talked and stayed together for a few hours before he decided it was time to go home and take some time off to process and grieve
-       He didn’t think that he should tell anyone (not wanting to worry them
- Everyone found out because Pete and Bernie were worried about him
- Pete didn't want him to go through this alone and feel as though he had to 
- He was not alone for even a second
- Everyone came his way, offering food, a place to say, etc, etc 
- No one was upset with his brief leave, they understood and wanted him to come back when he knew he could be in the air and his mind not be elsewhere
-       He still doesn’t know what happened exactly, even now when he thinks back or has nightmares
-       He thought Beau and Pete were surprising him with something else when they told him they needed to see him as soon as he landed 
- He was one of the few up for a new position and this was the worst thing he could have ever heard 
-       He waited till he was alone before breaking down in the locker room 
- No one knew what he did until was he found by Jake 
- The blond was thrown off and knew something bad had happened, kept the poor distraught man at bay until Reuben could get there 
- His friend drove him back to their shared apartment and let him cry before explaining what happened 
- Natasha got everyone down to the bar so they could hold a private ceremony in your honor. They all loved you and they needed to grieve with him
- It was a while before he decided he was done being on desk duty 
- Natasha grabbed him by the collar and threw him into her plane so they could practice 
- Bob got him a collectable item the two of you wanted when your one year anniversary came up and he teared up 
- It was a while before he started dating again, not being able to see your face or hear your voice made it harder 
- He added a letter he'd written to you in the early years of your relationship to his locker and it was his lucky charm 
-       He hoped that everything would be fine
-       But when he saw Pete walking down that hallway in his fast and serious manner, he knew it had to do with you
-       The squad has never seen this man cry (sober, of course). So, imagine how they'd feel when they heard the news 
- Only reason they found out was because Pete was holding him while he wept and kept begging for you 
-       They couldn’t leave him behind because they know how hard it is to go through grief whether you’re on your own or not
- When it first happened, Mickey made sure he ate when he was at home 
- He took a few months off to fully grieve you so he could make sure his head was in the game and not hurt anyone 
- The others made sure he never went to bed or woke up with an empty stomach 
- They're the only ones keeping sane throughout the wake and funeral but he's happy he has them by his side otherworldly who knows what would have happened to him 
- None of the older guys wanted to talk about it but couldn't put it off forever 
- When he was called into the Beau’s office, hearing this devastating news is not how he thought he was going to start training 
- Bernie was the the one to tell him but Beau was in the room with him, explaining that they understood if he needed some time off
- It was a couple of hours until the rest of the squad heard about it because they were all training before him
- When they got back, they teased him for not being there until he told them with little to no emotion 
- Logan and Neil checked on him constantly 
- Natasha got everyone together so they could through a small potluck in your honor because everyone loved you and knew you two were meant to be 
- They were excited when his name was on the board to practice and practically threw themselves at him as they hugged
@blueoorchid @kmc1989
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shatcey · 3 months
1st anniversary (William)
William Victor Victor epilogue Liam Liam epilogue
You know how it happens… Someone shows you affection, and you become curious about this person… Will recently shows up with the most beautiful 5⭐ card I've ever seen in this game, and that's the reason I decided to read his story in this event. Not because I liked the description of his story more than the others. No, no, no, no! It's just because he definitely likes me. And it doesn't really matter that I chose his route about a week before I got the card. This is just a... coincidence, yes, coincidence.
You expect some flashbacks from the events dedicated to the anniversary. And this one is no exception. The story is from his perspective (which is really rare), so it is even more precious.
After Victor's instruction, Will feels a bit conflicted. Will respects the wishes of others, and he doesn't like making decisions for them. But Victor forbade him to tell Kate about it. So he went to play the piano, but Kate didn't answer his call as usual… So he went to look for her. He finds her in the garden with Harry and Liam. They were playing cards and laughing happily.
Will feels a bit nostalgic and recall the impression of her at their first meeting.
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Harry jokes that it's written on her face that she loves Will. They laugh and at that moment, the man himself appears. The boys immediately found a reason to leave them alone. Good boys.
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Will said he was a little tired and would like to take a nap on her lap and listen to her story. She agrees and asks what story he would like to hear. The day they met… He wanted to know in details how she spent that day. And she tells him (I'm actually impressed. It was a year ago, and she remembers it so well… I don't remember what I did a week ago, at least not in so much detail, that's for sure).
The next day… thanks to the combined efforts of the Crown members…
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They repeat step by step everything she did on that remarkable day. She wakes up late (Alfons played the role of an alarm clock, oh, his magic fingers), Ellis brings her bread from the bakery (she used to lives to the second floor of the bakery and eats their bread for breakfast). Liam asks her to write a love letter. When Harry came and said that because of the season at the post office, where she used to work, there were not enough staff and they needed a hand. Kate is a good girl, so she agrees to help.
Will escorted her to the post office and went for his business. But at the same time as before, he was at the same place where they met. While waiting for her, he remembers their meeting…
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I'm not sure, but I think it was in episode 0…
So… Kate appears and points out that this day is remarkably similar to the day they met.
In the normal ending, she instantly figure out that this is Will's doing, and when she asks why, he offers her to reveal it herself. So she did. And then she begs him to let her stay by his side.
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After that, Will came to Victor with a signed agreement.
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I actually find it so Will's like… "until the final day separates us"… poetic and a bit depressing)
And they recall their conversation on the same topic when Kate first appeared in the crown.
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I think he ment "not soon" or "as far as possible"… But I'm not certain…
In the premium ending they continue. He sends her to deliver the last two letters. And the last one leads her to the same mansion where she meets all the boys from the crown (prologue).
Will mentioned that in this mansion he once again killed someone…. This place somehow attracts bad people.
He was playing the piano, and Kate (of course) happily approached him. She realized once again that this was a test of her determination.
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If you've finished his route, you know what it means… If not… don't think about it, you'll figure out eventually.
After that, Will recalled his thoughts…
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Yet again I think it was in episode 0…
And in the end, he expressed his usual hope..
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And for once, something sweet, not gloomy.
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I didn't expect it to be so grim.
I finished his route, read his events, so I knew about his fatalism and I cannot say I was surprised. But it's still too dark…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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deadgit · 18 days
I don't think I'm ever going to have the time to write it, but I've been thinking about a Rimster Overboard (1987) AU story for like two years, tentatively called "Shipwrecked".
For background: Lister, at his 23rd birthday party, gets so drunk that he spends all of his money on a one-way ticket to Fiji. He wakes up with no resources, friends, or any semblance of a plan except "make enough money to buy some land and start a farm."
Land, however, is hard to come by in Fiji. It's mostly underwater in the dismal future of Red Dwarf, and what land there is is mostly owned by big hotel companies operating from richer countries like Australia or Indonesia. Most of the indigenous population, as well as other less affluent locals, live in houseboats or, in some cases, make their own land by collecting patches of plastic from the ocean on top of some of the polluted, muddy shallows left after the volcanic eruption, and filling in the holes with sediment and rocks to keep the plastic from getting back into the ecosystem. Some start building homes and businesses on this reclaimed land, since it's all they can build on.
Eventually, Lister makes friends with a local who runs a bar and restaurant on one of these artificial land masses, and makes some money on occasion by stepping in as a temporary cook when the usual chef, his friend's wife, isn't able to come in. Other than that, he makes the rest of his cash by ferrying tourists around in a cab boat that he found half-sunk near one of the run-down mega-resorts on the remaining islands. (These resorts are mostly run by mechanoids, since they don't really draw enough tourists to pay the salaries of human employees.)
And now, the story begins.
A big shuttlecraft lands in Fiji, full of extremely grumpy astros. They'd all been told they were going to "Fuji," and had been looking forward to a night in Japan. Lister picks up one of them on his ferry boat, a deeply unpleasant man claiming to be an officer named "Christopher Todhunter". After a bombastic encounter that ends with Lister's boat springing a leak and not even getting paid for his trouble, he calls the night a wash and goes to his friend's bar.
There, he meets another astro, Kristine Kochanski. They hit it off, have a great time together, spend the night, and when she needs to leave the next morning, exchange contact information and promise to send letters.
After she leaves, Lister immediately writes a letter about how he thinks it was love at first sight, and he's going to get his life together so that the next time her ship, Red Dwarf, is near Earth, they'll be able to start a life together. Brimming over with hope and optimism, he takes his letter to the interplanetary customs station in Fiji on the biggest remaining island.
There, the unpleasant officer from the night before is arguing with a computer, an outdated AI named "Dolly."
He'd apparently fallen out of a shuttle and knocked his head, and can't remember anything about his life or identity. After he storms off, Lister tells the computer everything he knows: the guy is called "Christopher Todhunter," and he's an officer on some big ship. The computer insists that nobody by that name was reported missing. Lister asks what will happen to the guy while his identity is being sorted out. Dolly says he'll be stuck at the government offices for the whole time, even if it takes days and days, since they can't let random astros loose on Earth with no screening.
Lister offers him a place to stay, and Dolly insists that she can only release him to family. Lister asks if he could pretend to be his husband, just until they figure out where he needs to go. He thinks it's a good opportunity to mess with the guy for wrecking his boat, but also give him somewhere nicer to stay than the customs office. Dolly agrees, mostly because she's bored.
"Chris" is deeply concerned about Lister's sudden declaration, but doesn't have anywhere else to go so he reluctantly leaves with Lister. On the way he insists that there must be some mistake because he's absolutely certain that he isn't gay, but Lister assures him that, no, they're both straight, but love each other so much that they got married anyway. Chris is not particularly convinced by this, but Lister assures him that it was extremely romantic, especially when Chris gave up his high-flying officer career for him.
They get back to Lister's place: basically a small houseboat with a broken motor. There's only one bedroom, but Lister says that he'll sleep on the couch for as long as Chris can't remember anything, letting him have the room.
Chris asks where all of his things are, and Lister tells him that they share everything. He says that Chris gave up everything except his officer's uniform for him, again insisting on how romantic that is.
Chris doesn't really believe him, until that night. He can't sleep, and leaves the room to get some water, only to hear Lister talking in his sleep, muttering something about "Krissie".
The next morning, he's resigned to his life as the straight, gay-married husband of a part time boat cabbie.
Everything after that is a bit vague. I know there'd be a climactic pictionary game with Lister's friends, for example. And Chris would eventually, awkwardly, admit that he might have been lying about being straight, and Lister starts to feel very guilty about putting him in this situation that was supposed to be temporary, but seems to be dragging on longer and longer. Lister would receive a Dear John letter from Kochanski leading to a correspondence about possible missing people from her ship ("No, I don't know about anyone going missing, certainly no officers... I don't know a Chris Todhunter, but I do know a Frank Todhunter" "My brother! I have a brother Frank, I remember that!"), and eventually Rimmer is picked up by his family, who had already reported him dead and were annoyed about how much paperwork it was going to take to reverse that.
I think that Lister, who thinks that Chris is quite a bit wealthier than he is, eventually indulges in thoughts of how, maybe, Chris will remember who he is, and still love Lister. And maybe they can really do something good together with Chris' resources. I think he has a dream of helping out his friend by somehow, nebulously, replacing the awful mega-resorts with something his friend owns, but eventually figures out that that isn't even something that the guy WANTS, that he's just happy to have something he built, where he can make people feel comfortable and rebuild some sense of community amid all the wreckage.
Anyway, I doubt I'll ever have the time to write this story, but it's definitely one that's stuck in my mind. I think the setup lends itself to some phenomenal character interactions, some of the name-related coincidences make me giggle, and most of all, I find the setting extremely evocative. (One of the reasons I'm hesitant to write it, really, is that I don't think I could do the setting justice.) Hopefully the bones of the story are still fun to read about!
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feelbokkie · 6 months
bokkie commentary time
okay, i'm up and chapter 20 has been up for a few hours so let me tell you how the chapter, and the entire series was supposed to go
because i generally don't plan out my fics much, but i planned this one out a lot because i didn't want to fuck it up
and there is still so much lore but i think the series needs to end here. it just feels...right
spoilers down below
okay, by now, you know (if you read my last explanation post) Lee Know was originally supposed to die.
The texts at the end where Minho was texting reader, that was always going to happen. Obviously, it was going to be reader texting him, but that is one of the few original details that i knew i had to keep. actually, this is idea comes all the way from when i started thinking about sorry right number.
originally, srn was going to be about reader texting the number of an ex boyfriend who passed which is now chan's number (because his old number got leaked or something) and he realizes that she's grieving and just lets her (she already lost so much). he mutes her number and goes on with his life, but over time he starts to kind of fall for her or at least gets some form of emotional attachment to her via text. then one day reader sends a text that is alarming and chan just happens to see it so he does something he probably should have, he calls her. talks her out of it and that how the love story starts. but none of that felt right so i scrapped that idea and came up with a more light hearted story for sorry right number and let one last dance be born.
reader left gifts behind for everyone, but she also left letters
it was a newer detail that i had been playing around with since i started chapter 19. but it felt too cliche. seungmin, for whatever reason, held onto reader's shopping bags from that day and kinda figured out what went to who. at least that was the original idea. now, readers stuff sit in her old bedroom back at the apartment, untouched until one day when minho eventually moves and decides to hand them out. the letters, he was going to find but i decided last minute that reader actually gave them to her mom not too long after they originally visited them because she didn't want them to get lost in the move. reader's mom was going to also visit her grave that day, see the kids and invite them over to her house so she could give them to her. but i think letting seungmin give those last messages was a better ending overall.
minho ends up buying seungmin's guitar from the pawn shop and gifting it back to him
he immediately went to find it after he heard he pawned it but held onto it for him until he thought he was ready for it. which wouldn't have been until like christmas or something.
reader was going to go to a dance company in australia
back when minho was going to die and chan was supposed to be a good guy, reader originally was supposed to join a company in australia. after he died there was eventually going to be a string of texts towards the end talking about her move and how both felix and chan went with her to help her adjust to life down in australia and how minho shouldn't worry about chan because she only had eyes for him
han and hyunjin made up
reader wanted han and hyunjin to be friends. she knew that they would be close if they got over themselves. after she died han runs into hyunjin in the hallway and gives his condolences. and hyunjin says something about how reader wanted them to at least be civil with each other and over time, him and changbin get integrated into the group
minho fucked chan's shit up
after the bar incident minho runs into chan in the hallway, or maybe he goes over there directly, (idk i never settled that part) and gives chan a black eye. reader only finds out because minho's hand was bruised and when she ran into chan in the hallway later, she put two and two together
i took so long writing the last chapter because i wasn't ready for the series to end
this year has been incredibly hard for me. i tried to not let on how bad it's been for me often but it's been really, really bad. this month especially. as many of you know, i'm grieving my oldest brother. this month, in two weeks exactly actually, marks the first year since he passed and i haven't been coping well at all. i'm no stranger to death but i'm absolutely shit when it comes to expressing my feelings, especially if they're personal (something, something childhood trauma and all that) but i have no problem crying and all that when it's fictional. which is probably why i wrote a fic that focuses heavily on grief. so i can finally grieve properly. and while i haven't writing this series allowed my to let out some of the tears that i've been bottling up since last year. but i didn't want to end the series because it's been pretty much the only thing keeping me from completely losing my shit. i originally was going to take this month off. i was going to finish back in november, cue my feelbokkimas posts and then disappear until january but i couldn't so here i am. thank you for taking this path with me and allowing me to write this story
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imaginationmess · 1 year
Dabi (Todoroki Touya) X Fem!Reader
Blur/Snippet/Drabble whatever
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The biggest headlines throughout every news channel, among the media and newspapers. It was the enormous news that broke the news. The infamous villain, Dabi had killed the Number One Hero Endeavor. He broke out of the hospital by kidnapping a Pro Hero named Remedy, a staff member at U.A. It created all kinds of conspiracy theories.
A staff member who worked closely with Recovery Girl due to having similar quirks in the form of healing. A teacher who her students loved within the heroes department. A Pro Hero who was always called on by Hospitals for severe injuries.
The same one who stepped in to save her student, Midoriya Izuku from death, and purposely went against orders. She refused to let the responsibility of killing Shigaraki Tomura fall on a teenager's shoulders. With the help of her student, she was the one who killed him by taking his life force, which was used to restore her life energy due to the repetitive regeneration.
You were the reason why there weren’t any casualties when Dabi had ‘kidnapped’ you. You had made any Pro heroes pass out by using their own energy with hints of her own to heal their own wounds. Such as Hawks got his wings to be fully healed. Aizawa's eyes were completely healed which means he was able to use her quirk once more.
It was the bizarre case that drove everyone insane. No one could figure out why would Dabi kidnap her. The thing was you could have easily taken him down if you truly wanted to unless you were beyond exhausted after causing people to faint whoever tried to stop you. There was no kind of trace behind to follow along the tips from the public had stopped coming in on any sighting of them within the first week. It was like the two just vanished to the ends of the world.
Dabi now known as Todoroki Touya gets put on the most wanted criminal worldwide if he has traveled out of the country with the kidnapped hero.
Unknowingly, Todoroki Touya no longer had purple skin with stables to his skin. He no longer had the identifying ear and nose piercings. His skin was completely cleared and normal. He looked like another person completely. His healed body and looks are now under a different identity.
The conspiracy theory that was corrected was the two of you were lovers.
A Hero and Villain.
Now, he is living out of the grid with you on his side until everything calms down. You had an alternative appearance in order to not be recognized. You did eventually send a letter to your family to let them know you were okay. You attached a picture of the two of you at the festival.
Your family already knew who Touya was before he eventually became Dabi. They were surprisingly supportive. They were the ones who got the official documents with your new identities. They did not say anything at all and acted clueless to the authorities.
They knew you were more capable of taking care of yourself, especially having him beside you.
Love makes you do crazy things.
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I had to write out of my brain because I couldn’t focus on my school work or sleep. I had to get out of my system.
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astarionfreak · 6 months
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carve it in red 🩸
// Ascended Astarion x Serin (Female!Durge)
Don't read this if you're looking to avoid endgame spoilers.
With his newfound powers, Astarion brought Baldur's Gate to its knees. He was the man who had everything. But he lost her.
Serin. His mad love. Consumed by her urge. Mind stolen by her cruel father. And yet, her soul remains intact. Can he save her? Is there hope for them yet?
Status: In progress (1/?) | Read on AO3
Wouldn't it be so much fun if I made you better and then we made each other worse? 🥰
Title is a lyric from "switchblade" by aeseaes.
Tags: Eventual Smut, Violence, Murder, Blood, Blood Drinking, Vampire Bites, Trauma, more tba . . .
Astarion stood in the garden, a solitary figure, silhouetted by a low-hanging blood moon. He often found himself here when he needed a moment of quiet reflection.
With his newfound powers, the Vampire Ascendant brought Baldur’s Gate to its knees. He ruled a kingdom of blood, which he had built on the ashes of his enemies. Quite literally. The Szarr name had all but been eradicated in Astarion’s efforts to reclaim the palace as his own.
He surrounded himself with beautiful people and held extravagant events, ensuring that the palace halls were rarely empty. He cemented his position among the city’s elite — many of whom now bowed to his every whim.
Everything he needed, anything he wanted, was his for the taking. Servants were at his every beck and call. He adorned himself with only the finest of fabrics. All of his grandest desires were true.
But it wasn’t enough.
And Astarion knew why.
Six months.
It had been six months since his one true love turned against her cruel father and ordered the destruction of the Netherbrain.
He remembered everything about that day. Down to the way her long, dark hair poured over her shoulders, untamed. The way the sun warmed his skin as the sky parted.
The lustful look she wore so perfectly, one he’d seen after many bloody battles. He could name each fleck of gold in her green eyes. Those wild eyes of hers.
Until they weren’t hers anymore.
“They’re calling us heroes, you know?” Serin said.
“Hm. A waste. They could be calling us gods,” Astarion said. “All in good time, I suppose.”
Serin smiled and reached up to cup his face. “I did this for you, my love.”
“And will it be worth it? Turning against your father. Surely there will be repercussions?” Astarion found himself leaning into her touch.
“Had I taken control of the Netherbrain in his name, you would have been lost to me. This was the only way.”
Serin pulled his face down to hers and captured his lips in a gentle kiss. She rarely kissed him with such tenderness.
He was the first one to pull away. “Little love, why does this feel like goodbye?”
“Because it is,” she said.
Serin. His mad love.
Bhaal broke her mind to make an example of her. She had been lost to him from that day forward. But he had not stopped searching.
Heavy footsteps on gravel brought Astarion back to the present moment. Emyr, a Flaming Fist, approached carrying a torch in one hand and a letter in the other.
“You know better than to interrupt me when I’m out here, Emyr,” Astarion snapped.
Emyr wouldn’t meet Astarion’s eyes. Good. He preferred it when they cowered in fear.
“I bring word from Waterdeep, my Lord,” Emyr said.
Waterdeep? That could only mean one thing. Gale. What could the wizard possibly want? And why was he sending messages by courier?
“Very well. Bring it here,” Astarion said.
Emyr kept their head bowed as they approached, holding the letter in an outstretched hand. Astarion snatched the letter from them and dismissed Emyr with a wave.
Emyr knew better than to say another word.
Astarion ripped the letter open and let the envelope fall to the ground. Someone would pick it up in the morning. He paced back and forth along the gravel path, eye scanning the text for anything of importance.
Gale had a rather annoying habit of speaking too much. That same habit was reflected in his letters as well, apparently. Something about Bhaal cultists. Something about danger. Astarion froze when he reached the end of the letter.
If he had a heartbeat, it may have stopped beating when he read those last six words.
I found her. She is alive.
Continue reading on AO3
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just-eyris-things · 7 months
okay eyris rambling lets fucking goooo (because i dont remember if i've said any of this before)
soto spoilers so imma put a read more riiiight here.
So I was thinking and then I did some more thinking and then I thought some more! In conclusion: I've been thinking a lot lately. About Eyris.
Honestly, SotO fucking sucks for her.
All your friends and family are either dead or have left you because they have their own lives (and that's okay!!). Your girlfriend kinda disappeared without a world so I guess she dumped you. Your dragon child went for a long-ass nap, your life-long mission that you've tried so hard to avoid for most of your life is finally over and in theory you finally have what you've always wanted: freedom. There is no more Wyld Hunt, no more lose threads to pick up on. Your mission is over and you can rest peacefully in a shadow of a tree with a book in one hand and Elonian wine in the other.
So why do you feel so empty? Why do you feel like a part of you is gone now that it's all over?
So after the entire Oni business is over in Cantha, Eyris finally returns to Tyria. She tries to rest at Whale Tail Island and fails miserably. Sitting idly is not doing her any good. She hates how the moment she gets to sit down and relax, she immediately starts overthinking and having nightmares. She hates how all the problems that she avoided adressing are now resurfacing. So, she leaves for the Shiverpeaks. She could try to find Freya, right? She went missing after Bjora's Marches so...
While it keeps her occupied and she meets another norn, Yagna (more about Yagna in another post that I will eventually make, but here she goes for your "looking orbs" needs),
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Eyris gets a call from "Caithe". By the Bear, she is sooo happy! Finally she's needed again. But she isn't aware of those feelings. Eyris just sighs heavily and says "well... I guess she's really gone...", then proceeds to go to the Grove to meet Caithe. Right after she gets it over with with the Reporter, she gets an unexpected letter - a letter from an old acquaintence and a Whispers agent, Laeyrin.
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Laerin wants Eyris to investigate the disappearance of Wizard Tower in Garrenhoff. Eyris was hesitant but she agreed. She had nothing to do anyway. Laerin gives Eyris a little private comm device for the two of them only (she omits that latter info) and sends her on her way.
So we have:
Eyris, lost, traumatised, running away from confronting her past which causes her to get send into the demon realm
Laerin, who wants to slither back in because she's bored.
Peitha, Eyris's new brainworm. Eyris doesn't want to trust her. Eyris would still choose Peitha over her sadistic ex. Also she somehow finds Peitha's presence comforting. Peitha being in her brain somehow resembles the connection to the Dream and to Airell. Yes, it's a bit more intense since Eyris feels like she has NO privacy and that Peitha's watching and hearing EVERYTHING but... She'll take it. Eyris leans into it because something about Peitha is drawing her in. Idk, something something Eyris is trying to subconsciously replace Freya and Peitha is RIGHT THERE.
Okay ramble over. Two minor points left.
This is not where I was going when I started writing this post and
I was thinking "What if Freya and Eyris reunited in teh Wizard land or in Nayos but idk how to get Freya there so for now I am shelving this idea until I figure out how that could happen and if I realise there's no way - it goes into the idea trash can.
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happy-hermit · 1 year
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Okay very long incoherent ramble incoming I haven't figured everything out yet so here's just the general idea :)
Okay so basically the setting is a sort of like. Medieval setting where magic also exists! Ren is the king of the land which isn't plot relevant at all but it's relevant in my heart ASJKDKJS. Grian is a just sort of a traveler. He hates staying in one spot for too long so he's always hopping from village to village getting into trouble, the usual Grian stuff you know. He's best friends with Mumbo, who's a big name in what i'm calling the industrial district. He's a redstoner, which i'm thinking is a type of like. technology based magic. So he and Grian communicate on ye olde FaceTime via redstone/magic crystals, which is a very new technology that he's basically beta testing on Grian because what else are friends for.
ANYWAY akjsdkjs so Grian is a traveler. Pearl is his sister, also sort of does the same thing except she's been into sailing lately, so Grian can't exactly send her mail. Her address is perpetually changing. But he misses her and wants to check in on her SO he has to go to a wizard to help him send a message :) Just so happens that the next village he stops in knows of one close by...
Enter Scar :D He lives in a tower sort of on a cliffside by the ocean (dramatic flair). He's a good bit away from the village but close enough to walk, other than that he's pretty isolated. The village people act a little weird about him, like he's some kind of mysterious shut-in, or a hermit (hah), so when Grian knocks on the door he expects like. Some old and grumpy magic user telling him to get off his lawn. And it's Scar. Neither old nor grumpy, and in fact he is delighted to have a visitor.
Grian explains what he wants to do and asks what the price is, expecting like. diamonds or emeralds or his soul or something. And what Scar asks for is flowers. Grian is a little worried he's being scammed but ultimately goes through with it. Grian writes a letter and Scar conjures a bird to carry it safely to Pearl, and Grian goes outside and walks a bit until he finds some flowers to pick, and he brings them back to Scar. Scar pretty much lights up when he sees them, and the moment he touches them they get more vibrant and alive, so Grian figures out that he's nature-aligned (which just means he's got a natural talent for nature magic) which is weird because apart from the flowers Grian just brought there just. aren't any plants in his house. But he shakes it off and goes back to the village to stay in his little rented room.
He has to stay in the village long enough to get a response back from Pearl, so he has to visit Scar every few days to check! Cue awkward bonding moments and the forming of a friendship while they wait for the magic mail service to make the rounds. Finally he gets a response from Pearl and of course has to write her back. And of course has to wait for her response to that, and eventually it's just a thinly-veiled excuse to keep hanging around Scar KADSJJKD
Mumbo notices on one of their ye olde FaceTime calls that Grian's been in the same spot for like. way longer than usual. And he starts teasing him about it. ("Did you meet someone?" "...Well." "YOU DID?!")
So they're both falling in love, but Scar is. clearly nervous about something, hiding something. Grian tries to be patient but he's also worried and horribly curious. He invites Scar to walk through the market or the meadow or stargaze multiple times but Scar always looks guilty and scared and makes some random excuse. Grian's confused and a little hurt but is now fully invested in the health and wellbeing of this silly little wizard so he sticks around.
So things are sort of at a standstill. Until one day after a few days away Grian visits Scar again to find him fully panicking and freaking out, and he tells him that Jellie hasn't come back in a few days, and he begs Grian to look for her, telling him he'll do anything if he does. So Grian calms him down and promises to look for her, even as he's wondering why Scar isn't, and he asks if Scar wants to come with him but Scar just shakes his head through his tears and Grian leaves it alone.
He goes and looks for Jellie and finds that she's been "adopted" by one of the village families that thought she was a stray. Grian buys her back from them and takes a very grumpy Jellie back to Scar, who is just. so incredibly relieved and he cries into his cat for a while. Eventually Grian can't help himself and gently asks him why he didn't go look for her himself. Why he didn't leave.
Scar seems to resign himself to something, and he looks up at Grian with dull eyes and a sad smile. "I can't."
Grian asks him what that means. Scar demonstrates by standing up and trying to walk out the door. Glowing purple shackles appear around his wrists and neck, chains connecting back into the tower and fading into the walls. He steps back inside and they disappear. "I can't."
He explains that someone has trapped him here. That they think it's handy to have a wizard at the ready whenever they need one. That they force him to do magic for paying customers but that he never sees a penny of the profits. He doesn't have plants in his tower because he has not been allowed outside in years.
(i haven't decided who the evil person should be yet sdjskj please help.)
Anyway :) Grian starts feeling very, very murderous :)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
For the fandom and faceclaim ask game: Maude Apatow + The Wizarding World, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨💛✨
Ahhh, now this was a good one! Thank you so much, Alexandra!! <3
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NAME: Orla Byrne.
LOVE INTEREST: Mary Macdonald.
SUMMARY: Up until receiving her Hogwarts letter at age eleven, Orla hadn’t realized at all that her father was a wizard. She’d never met him, and her mother hadn’t talked about him at all - only to tell her, when she’d innocently asked about him at the tender age of six, that he was a “right thumpin’ bastard” who’d fled the second Orla’s mother had realized she was pregnant. But now Orla is finding out that he was a wizard, and that that makes her something called a half-blood, and before she knows it she’s being whisked away from her small Irish village to a castle in the Scottish highlands, standing with a crowd of other magical kids waiting their turn to put on a dusty old hat that would apparently tell them where their dorm rooms would be, before Orla herself was donning the hat and being proclaimed as a Hufflepuff, whatever that was. She’s fairly certain that she’s never been more confused during the start of her Hogwarts career than she’s ever been in her life… but after quickly making friends with a sweet Scottish girl who’s also knew to this world, Orla finds that she may just be able to start making her way towards figuring everything out.
An OC for the Marauders era, obviously.
Possibly the snarkiest Hufflepuff to ever exist - seriously, this girl does not put up with one bit of BS and is not to be crossed.
She and Mary form a connection pretty quickly after meeting each other because they’re both new to the magical world and still figuring it out, and through Mary Orla also becomes besties with the other Gryffindor girls.
She’s also totally besties with Remus and Sirius - the three of them have fun studying together (it’s really more Remus trying to get Sirius and Orla to actually focus on studying), and judging idiots together. Lily kind of disapproves of Orla being friends with Sirius at first, while she still hates James, but she eventually comes around.
After the war, Orla and Mary get married and Orla becomes a Healer and St. Mungoe’s while Mary becomes an Auror, and they adopt a few kids and just generally live happily together.
send me a fandom + a faceclaim and i’ll make an oc!!
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whumpsmith · 8 months
OC talk~
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Jaime Fetcher
If I had to label her I think she's technically a caretaker, but in essence she's mainly just the daughter of and best friends with the main characters of the story, and doesn't even make an appearance until the sequel, but she's still very dear to my heart and a rebel with a capital R~
More about she under the cut
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Jaime Fetcher is everything she isn't supposed to be (according to her mom and aunt). Both her mother and her aunt wanted her to grow up as a respectable young woman, but the harder they tried to push her into a mold the more she broke out of it.
She thrifts for high-quality grunge outfits instead of shopping for the latest fast fashion. She wears dark makeup to scare people off instead of pretty makeup to attract men. She's an artist instead of a scholar. She protests instead of conforming.
And worst of all; she takes after her father instead of her mother.
Jaime's parents divorced when she was only little, but she was old enough to see the truth despite what her mother tried to tell her. She managed to convince everyone that her father shouldn't be allowed near her, except for Jaime herself. She managed to keep in touch with her father despite her mother trying to do everything to prevent that, including revoking his parental rights by pointing out his alcoholism and unemployment.
But being a daddy's girl at heart, Jaime only saw the good in him and as soon as she figured out how postage worked, she kept sending him letters without her mom finding out. When her mother got terminally ill, she sought his comfort, even running away from home to finally see him again. However, her father had fallen in with various criminal activities at this point, and talked her into going back.
Before she passed, Jaime's mother named her sister as legal guardian to look after Jaime, and since her father never fought for custody after she passed, she remained in the care of her karen aunt.
Jaime starts spending as much time away from home as she possibly can, hanging out with her friends after school who are all seen as misfits in their small rural town, and onoccassion she runs away back to her father, who lets her stay a couple of days to cool down before sending her back.
She's considered a delinquent back home, much to her aunt's horror, but manages to stay out of trouble because the town sherrif is a big ol' softie, and all Jaime and her friends really do is make some really good points regarding social justice, just in the wrong ways; (vandalising offensive signs and landmarks, attacking pro-lifers at a protest, calling out karens in public, and starting fights with homophobes).
She forms a squad with three queer friends and their one token normie, and are often caught smoking pot in a resident's scrapyard because there is literally nothing for them to do outside of school. The sherrif knows this and usually sends them on their way with some breath mints and a joking "see you next week." Knowing they'll wind up back there eventually.
After years of kicking up trouble in her town, she eventually escapes by attending college for an art degree, her provocative paintings eventually appreciated as powerful commentary on society, but most importantly she doesn't have to be sneaky about being in touch with her father anymore.
Read all about her whumper of a father right here~
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ailendolin · 2 years
Whump Wednesday - 49 - BBC Ghosts
Title: One Day [AO3]
Characters: The Captain & Fanny, George Button, Lieutenant Havers
Prompt: Fanny and the Captain reconcile after the wedding - Prompt sent in by the lovely @viola-halogen.
A/N: This turned out to be a lot more introspective than I originally planned but I hope you like what I came up with 💙
Prompts are open, so if you want me to write a story for you as well just send me an ask with the fandom, characters and your prompt. I’m writing for Ghosts, Yonderland, Horrible Histories and Bill at the moment.
Six Idiots Whump Wednesday / Fluff Friday masterlist is here.
One Day
“What made you change your mind?”
With a frown on her face, Fanny turn to face the Captain. “Hm?”
“The wedding,” he explained. “What made you change your mind about attending?”
“Oh,” Fanny said softly.
It was one thing for Thomas to acknowledge her change of heart but quite another when the Captain did it. Fanny was very well aware of his … inclinations. He had tried to hide it when he was alive but one had to have been blind to not see the longing looks he’d sent his fetching lieutenant whenever said lieutenant wasn’t looking at him or recognise the constant stammering and throat-clearing for what it was when he was. It had bothered her a lot less than she’d thought it would, given her personal experience with men like him. Fanny had often pondered why that was. She’d always figured it was because of his self-control – something she couldn’t help but admire. Or selflessness, rather, Fanny supposed, thinking back to the day the young lieutenant had left and a letter full of secrets had been buried in the ground instead of shared as it had been meant to.
It had also helped tremendously that the Captain had never made any advances whatsoever on any of the other male ghosts after his death. Fanny would have bet her favourite brooch on him becoming a fumbling mess over Thomas’s admittedly handsome looks or perhaps Humphrey’s noble intellect, yet the only thing on the Captain’s mind in those early days of his ghostly existence had been establishing a new routine and sense of normalcy for himself. It was something they’d all done when they died, each in their own ways, of course, until they eventually realised how pointless that was. The Captain had never stopped chasing that reminder of his life, though – had indeed found a kindred soul in Patrick only a few decades later.
Fanny used to believe that the Captain kept to his strict schedule to keep his mind off the feelings he secretly harboured for one of the other male ghosts but now she wasn’t so sure anymore. Over the last few months – perhaps even years – he had become noticeably less guarded around them. Every now and then he would let a comment slip that would raise eyebrows – Julian’s, especially, seemingly unaware of how revealing his words were. No one had ever called him out on it and Fanny definitely would not be the first to do so but it seemed his personal stance on his attraction to men had weakened over the years.
Hence his excitement for the two-brides-wedding.
Fanny couldn’t say how she would have reacted if the Captain had made peace with that part of himself before this day, let alone shared it with them. On the one hand, he was the closest thing she had ever had to a best friend. They were of similar mind and opinion on so many matters that she couldn’t help but gravitate towards him, even knowing a part of him was like that no-good husband of hers. But on the other hand, she wasn’t sure she would be able to stand being constantly reminded of all those vile things George had done right under her nose.
She paused suddenly; reflecting, wondering if those things George had done had truly been as vile as she’d always believed them to be. The cheating was, obviously, not to mention the part where he’d pushed her out of a window and murdered her but Fanny couldn’t deny that her talk with Humphrey had opened her eyes to a world she had purposely ignored before – a world where something as universal as love was dangerous, where its discovery led to terror and blind panic and sometimes, as Fanny could attest to, ended in death and tragedy. Perhaps, she thought reluctantly, she and George had not been so different after all. In the end, they had both been stuck in an unhappy marriage with no way out, albeit for different reasons. She had found comfort in her pets and, like the Captain, in a routine that prevented her eyes and hands from wandering where they were not meant to be. George, always weaker of mind, had eventually reached for what life had denied him: happiness, even if it was brief and stolen in precious short moments.
Could Fanny truly blame him for that? For wanting to feel the touch of someone who actually loved and desired him? For kissing lips that smiled into the caress and reciprocated it gladly? For no longer hiding a part of him that he couldn’t change anyway?
Even more importantly: could she blame the Captain for wanting the same?
The answer, in retrospect, seemed so clear that Fanny wanted to shake her head at herself: of course she couldn’t. Just like she couldn’t blame herself for all the times she’d cried herself to sleep in this large, empty house and wished for a better life, a simpler one that would let her utilise her mind instead of forcing it into obedient silence. It was not weakness at all that had driven George into other men’s arms, she realised; it had been courage. Courage to reach for something no one would understand; to defy society and make the most of a life that was so terribly short and be true to one’s self instead of hiding behind polite smiles and proper manners.
Fanny blinked against the sudden burning in her eyes. Even in death, she still hadn’t found that courage that had come so easily to George and the Captain was slowly discovering inside himself. She’d pretended so fiercely all her life to be less than what she was that she did not know how to be anything else anymore. What was there left if Lady Button was stripped away from her?
Nothing but a lonely woman.
That would have been her answer before her death. Now, though – now Fanny looked around the room and saw Thomas dancing, Humphrey softly singing along to the music, Mary and Robin bickering, Kitty smiling like the brightest star in the sky and Pat stopping Julian from wreaking havoc. She saw a group of people she had chosen just as little as she’d chosen George all those years ago, and yet unlike him, they had become her family. With them around, she did not have to fear loneliness, no matter if she chose to be Lady Button for the rest of her afterlife or decided to finally uncover Fanny after all these years.
A smile tugged at her lips as she turned towards the Captain. “I had a talk with Humphrey earlier. About marriage and free choice and how those things, or the lack of them rather, influenced our lives. It opened my eyes quite a bit, I have to admit.”
“Did it now?” There was a spark in the Captain’s eye – a spark that looked an awfully lot like repressed hope. Fanny’s chest tightened in sudden sympathy as she realised just how much her opinion must matter to him, especially on this issue.
She linked her arm with his and gently steered him out of the room with its music and dancing to a quieter area of the house.
“We have been friends for a very long time, haven’t we?” she began softly.
The Captain glanced at her, surprised, and cleared his throat. “I’d say so. Almost seventy years now.”
“A lifetime, for some,” Fanny said. “I dare say that’s long enough to know someone and find out whether or not they’re a good person at heart. I never had that time with George, and even if I had I don’t think it would have been enough, given that we never talked to each other. Not like we do.” She offered the Captain a small smile.
“But if we’d had, I’d like to think I would have learned to accept him the way he was – and maybe he would have learned not to see me as a threat but rather as an ally. We might have even found happiness in life – not together, perhaps, but with each other nonetheless. It’s a nice thought, isn’t it?”
The Captain gazed past her out the window to the garden where he had buried so much more than military plans and mines a long time ago. “Do you really believe he would have confided in you?”
Fanny thought about that for a moment. “Under the right circumstances? Maybe.”
“And … you would not have minded that he had lied to you for years?” the Captain asked, looking anywhere but at her.
“No,” Fanny said softly, knowing they were no longer talking about George. “I would have felt honoured to have earned his trust.”
The muscles under her arm tensed and the Captain made a noise in the back of his throat that she couldn’t quite interpret. Then, at last, he turned towards her, and Fanny was relieved to see him smiling slightly. “We are very lucky to have you with us, Fanny. And so was your husband.”
It wasn’t quite the step forward Fanny had been hoping for but it was a step forward nonetheless. Deciding it was time to steer them back towards more familiar ground, she tugged at the Captain’s arm to lead him back to the ballroom.
“As I kept telling him!” she said. “Honestly, no other woman would have put up with all his nonsense – and managed to raise decent children on top of it! I’m telling you, he was–“
As she went on about her late husband, about all his many faults but that one, she slowly felt the Captain relax next to her.
One day, Fanny thought to herself as she looked at his kind face that had seen so much sorrow and so little acceptance from the world in its time. She hoped with all her heart that opening up to him about George was the first step in regaining his trust after she had trampled it so callously earlier that day with her behaviour, and countless times before that as well.
One day.
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miss-celestia13 · 1 year
I Am Not a Woman, I’m a God
Rating: Explicit
Words so far: 150k, 22 chapters.
Pairing: Daenerys Targaryen/Jon Snow
A Smut snippet has been added below to entice you to give it a try!
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Summary: Bran sends Daenerys a letter warning her not to trust Tyrion, he has lost the taste for war and will only lead her to ruin. Instead, he advises her to turn to Jon Snow. Only together will they defeat both threats in the South and the North.
Bran’s warning comes as they’re preparing to parley with Cersei. Another of Tyrion’s “clever” plans that is doomed to fail if Daenerys doesn’t take matters into her own hands and trust in herself. Olenna Tyrell had been right all along, she must be the dragon she was born to be. A dragon is not a slave, neither will she be Tyrion’s puppet queen.
A love story with a backdrop of politics, war and scheming, two lost people finding each other at a most inconvenient time. Jon Snow actually has a clue and Bran Stark uses his magic for good and not as a medieval porn channel. Starts at Dragonstone, then to Kings Landing, and eventually heading North to destroy the Night King and his army.
Mainly posting this so I can use the collage on Ao3, but figured a bit of self promotion couldn’t hurt! A Jonerys love fest for fans of Daenerys Targaryen as it’s from her POV. My aim with this was to give them their brains and voices back. I don’t have many brains myself but I do have more than D&D! If you try it, I hope you enjoy. If you don’t enjoy, I don’t want to know. I had to rewatch season 8 multiple times for this story and will not entertain tomfoolery! Thank you ❤️
Smut snippet:
“I’m tired of discussing it. I want to quiet the noise in my head and worship you like the Queen you are,” He said, voice all smoke and dark promise that made her skin feel too tight as he lowered his head. It felt like coming home as he peeled her folds apart with his thumbs and teased her with quick darts of his tongue.
Desire kindled low in her stomach; cold embers stoked back to life as he lapped at her essence, quickly turning her slicker. Nothing had changed for her. He still made her feel free, wild, and safe. She wanted to claim him as hers, speak to him in the language of bodies attuned and desperate for each other. A language only they understood, the darkness in him calling to the darkness in her. A rush of savage protectiveness and possession ran through her then, and there was nothing she wouldn’t do or face to keep him with her. She reached out and stroked his raven curls as she opened her mouth on a purring sigh as he used his hands and sinful mouth on her, tongue delicately flicking up the seam of her to circle her clit.
Soon it was all she could do to hold on, hands buried in his inky hair as he worked, and she cried out too loudly, her legs moving restlessly as he consumed her slippery flesh. Soft moans and gasps filled the hushed silence of their room, the slick sound of his tongue and enthusiastic, famished noises turned her molten as he pushed a finger inside her. His bearded face was buried in her folds so completely the scrape of it only heightened the arousal simmering in her veins as he added another finger, crooking them and pulling to make her buck and moan.
Her thighs clamped around his head as he took her clit into his mouth and sucked lightly. Thrashing and keening, a lick of nerves sparked down her torso as he hummed through a mouthful of her cunt until she arched and whined, his fingers never ceasing their torment inside her. She was never able to withstand this treatment for long. Already release pulsed in her core, and her quivering thighs held him captive between them as pleasure seized her like a trap, inner walls already fluttering around his fingers. There was a deep ache in her womb, one she knew could only be banished by his perfect length nestled inside her. It was more intense than usual, hungry and demanding, her blood heating as her mind skipped ahead to when he filled her so completely that her every nerve felt exposed.
She gave herself away with an impatient whimper that made him lift his head, a smug smirk on his glistening mouth as his singular eyes smoldered, blown black with lust for her. Suddenly, they were face to face, tasting herself on his plush mouth as he took possession of hers. If forever was all they had, she wanted to spend it like this, and never waste a second of it. His rigid cock pressed against her center, and she couldn’t withstand another moment of the hollow ache, making her feel lost at sea as she clutched his shoulders to keep her afloat. He groaned as she lifted her leg, took him in hand, and lined him up with her cunt, taking him inside her in a slow slide and arching to force him past her tense walls.
Now she was smirking as Jon’s eyes flew open, and he hissed her name into her open mouth. She gripped him, deliberately tensing around his hard length, wet and warm, gradually loosening as his hips rocked maddeningly slowly. His hand in her hair moved, trailing down the side of her face and wrapping loosely around her throat as he nipped at her lips and ground into her taut heat. He taunted her with tiny movements and languid strokes of his cock to pluck at the fine strands holding her patience together, pushing her to the brink of insanity before he gave her what they both wanted. She never wanted a gentle, soft lover. No, she needed calloused hands, bruising grips, and sharp teeth to conquer her in a way no one else had ever been able to.
Sobbing as his hand pressed down on her throat, lustrous eyes locked on hers, she felt as if she were in a dream and time no longer existed, drawing out her torment for an age. She increased the depth, moving her legs back and digging her heels into the small of his back to urge him deeper until he was nocked close against her womb and rubbing that spot high inside her that he always found with ease. He broke away from her mouth, the hand around her neck flexing as she tensed her cunt in time with it to make his eyes go impossibly darker.
”You’re wicked. I need you and love you. I always will, Dany.” He whispered, making her eyes sting as she beheld the devotion on his pretty face and wondered what she had done to deserve such love.
”Show me you love me like I love you. I want to feel it when I mount Drogon tomorrow.” She challenged, the growl she got for her boldness making her grin wickedly.
His hands slid under her shoulders to give him more leverage, torturously slow thrusts giving way to relentless brutal snaps of his hips that shoved her up the bed, clawing at his back as she scrabbled for purchase. Her leg was drawn up in a smooth glide, resting against his shoulder, and she felt like she was being plundered, the slight sting of her resisting muscles only sending her higher. Crying out, head thrown back as he bit and sucked his way down her neck, marking her for all to see, she held on for dear life as he made her his again. Her earlier fears seemed ridiculous to her then, lost in the feel of him slamming into her and the weight of his eyes on her, dragging her down, becoming nothing more than a creature of feeling and lust.
If you want more, the link is at the top! Thank you 🥰
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