#Declarations of love
ineffableaddiction · 2 months
For those who wanted to hear declarations of love from Crowley and Aziraphale, you may have missed this:
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This was the first time they were nominally free from their respective sides and were able to be an us.
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minxchester · 5 months
Fourth Wing Reread~ Declarations
The parallels of them declaring themselves to each other are magnificent.
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~Violet, Fourth Wing
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~Xaden, Iron Flame
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atths--twice · 1 year
Letters of Love
A feeling leads Scully to an Internet café, hoping to hear from Mulder, praying that he is safe.
The other day, I was on TikTok and I saw a video with a poem being read. It was so beautiful and I couldn't help but see it relating to Mulder and Scully, as I do almost everything, and so I had to write a story.
I love the emails that Mulder and Scully send to one another, the love that is held within each of them, and so I thought what if we saw another one?
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February 20th, 2002
“I won’t be long,” Scully told her mother, who had come over to visit, bringing dinner with her. “I didn’t realize I was in need of milk. I’ll just pop to the shop real quick.”
“I can go for you,” Maggie said with a smile, drying her hands on the kitchen towel she had been using to dry the dishes.
“No,” Scully said forcefully and her mother looked at her in surprise. She smiled and touched her mother’s arm. “I just meant… I don’t mind going. I could do with a walk, on my own. I don’t get that chance too often. That is, if you don’t mind staying for a bit longer.”
“Of course I don’t. But, it’s cold out, Dana. You should drive.”
“No, that’s okay. The walk will do me good. It’s not very far. Thanks, Mom.”
She grabbed her coat and hurried out the door before any further discussion could take place.
Not sure if her mother was watching her from the window, she began walking in the direction of the little convenience shop around the corner, then doubling back when she knew it would be safe. Heading in the opposite direction, the need for milk a complete fabrication, she checked both ways and then crossed the street.
“Please,” she whispered as she walked, the cold winter air filling her lungs as she took deep breaths. “Please let me be right.”
A few more streets over and she paused in front of Cyber Cafe, the internet cafe near her apartment. Closing her eyes briefly, and pleading with the universe once more, she continued on and pushed the door open.
“Welcome,” a barista said to her as she walked in and she nodded, making only quick eye contact with him.
It was not overly crowded, but many of the computers were in use. Choosing one near the back of the cafe, she passed by others in order to reach it.
Sitting down, she swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. Her hands shook slightly as she typed in her information and waited, her heart racing.
Tonight was not the first night she had come in, desperate to see if Mulder had replied to her last email after their planned meeting had been thwarted. Part of her hoped she would not see a message waiting for her. But the other part of her ached to know that he was safe and had found a way to contact her, even as she knew he should be taking precautions to remain hidden.
All through dinner tonight, she had felt an odd sensation in her stomach, an excitement bubbling up. The way a drop on a roller coaster makes you feel, nervous and happy all at once. She could not explain how she knew it meant coming to the cafe, but she did.
Follow the white rabbit. The yellow brick road. The path she had been meant to take even before she had known herself.
The computer beeped, her information entered and received successfully.
Letting out a long, silent breath, she moved the mouse, clicked open her email, and licked her lips.
There were three messages. Two were inconsequential and she barely gave them a glance. But the last one was from an address she had not seen before and tears filled her eyes as she clicked to open the email with no subject, from [email protected].
Blinking her eyes and exhaling quickly, she drew in a breath and covered her mouth with her hand to hold back her sobs as she read and then reread the single paragraph.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way than this: where I does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
Breathing brokenly through her nose, she closed her eyes and bowed her head, too many thoughts suddenly crowding her mind.
Nearly four years ago, in a small town ironically named Honey, women had been disappearing. Lines of poetry, from different poets, had been found in their homes, written on paper left on desks, with lipstick on mirrors, and in one case, with rose petals on a bed.
The last one had creeped Scully out more than she had been willing to admit, causing her to triple check her motel lock every night, even going so far as to place a chair in front of it and using a couple of clothespins she had begun to keep with her to keep her curtains shut tightly.
She had not slept well during the entirety of that case.
Without much of a lead, and feeling as though they had hit a brick wall, Mulder had suggested visiting the local library. Asking to see all the books of poetry they had on the shelves, the librarian soon had a table filled with them.
They had been silently reading through them for a few minutes, looking for a pattern or anything to help, when Mulder had begun to read random passages aloud. Scully had sighed and tried to ignore the uneasy feeling in her stomach, when familiar words caused her to tense up and her breath to catch.
“I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz, or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off,” Mulder had read quietly. She had closed her eyes for a moment before raising her head, her brows furrowed, and stomach clenching. “I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.” He looked at her and smiled before looking back at the book. “I love you as the plant that never blooms but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers; thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance, risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.”
“Mulder,” she had said, shaking her head as she pictured the bright rose petals that had been arranged with meticulous care on the dark blue comforter.
“Wait, it’s nearly finished,” he had said, holding up one finger, not aware of her reaction. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way than this: where I does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep. Hmm, that’s really beautiful.”
“Is it?” she had whispered, shivering slightly as she imagined those words left behind by a possible murderer.
“You don’t think so?” he had asked, looking at her. “It’s Pablo Neruda, Scully.”
“Yes, I know. And I can also see that for myself,” she had said, nodding toward the book and he had smiled as he too looked at the cover.
“You didn’t like it?”
“Not in this context,” she had said, gesturing to the books around them. “I like poetry, I really do. I always have. Just…” She had shaken her head and sighed as she had picked up another book and began to look through it. “It feels more disturbing than romantic at the moment.”
“Oh. I… I suppose I wasn’t thinking about it that way. It just… I thought it was…” he had quietly replied. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
She had felt his eyes on her and she had looked up at him.
“It’s okay,” she had said again, smiling tightly.
“It’s not,” he had said, shaking his head and looking down at the book.
“It is a good poem and one that I actually really like,” she had said softly.
“You do?”
“Yeah. We studied poetry for a few weeks when I was in high school and Neruda became one of my favorite poets.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Well, I don’t think we’ve ever really discussed it.” She had shrugged and turned a page in the book she held. “I like that sonnet, but it’s the last part of it that I like best.” She had looked at him and drew in a breath, reciting it from memory. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way than this: where I does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.”
He had stared at her as she forced away disturbing thoughts, instead thinking of how she had felt when she read that poem for the first time, her gaze becoming unfocused and faraway.
“Straightforward. No complexities. Not existing without the other. Falling asleep in sync,” she had whispered as she had shaken her head, remembering the rather juvenile dreams she’d once had. “Does anyone ever really find that kind of love? Is it even possible?”
Inhaling, she had blinked and then met his eyes. He had not said anything, and as she had shrugged and exhaled, her attention returned to the book in her hand as his had returned to his own, no further words spoken.
Months later, after the mentally exhausting days spent with Daniel, thoughts of her past blending with her present, she had lain warm and naked with Mulder in his bed. Sleep had nearly claimed her, when she felt his fingertips gently caressing her forehead.
“I love you because I know no other way than this,” he had whispered and she had opened her eyes tiredly, his thumb rubbing softly at her temple as he stared at her intently, his eyes dark. “Straightforwardly, without complexities or pride.”
“Mulder,” she had breathed. Closing her eyes again, she had shifted closer to him and he enveloped her in his arms, her hand resting above his heart.
“So close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep,” he had spoken in a low tone against her ear and she had hummed, his scent and the warmth of his body making it nearly impossible to form coherent thoughts. “I love you, Scully. Without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Mulder,” she had murmured against his skin, kissing his neck as she exhaled and he had held her tighter, kissing the top of her head.
“Excuse me, is anyone using this computer?” Scully heard someone ask the person to her left and she opened her eyes as she raised her head, almost confused to find she was sitting at a table in front of a computer and not in bed with Mulder.
She drew in steadying breaths and looked at the screen. Reading the paragraph again, she smiled through her tears.
He was safe. Alive.
Quickly, she opened a new message and began to type. Knowing the likelihood of him risking his safety again to check his email was nearly nonexistent, she knew she had to at least try.
To give to him what he had given her.
Sending it, she reopened her email from him and selected to print it. Logging out of her account, she hurried to the printer, picked up her paper, and walked out of the cafe.
Folding the paper, not wanting anything to happen to it, she placed it in her pocket, where she kept a hold on it. Needing a second, she stepped into the mouth of an alleyway and leaned against the wall with a deep sigh.
“Thank you,” she breathed, lifting her face to the sky. “Please continue to keep him safe.” Quickly making the sign of the cross, she stepped back onto the sidewalk and continued home.
“They didn’t have milk?” her mother asked when she walked through the door and Scully froze, completely forgetting the reason she had given for her need to leave the apartment.
“Oh… no. There was a mix up with their shipment and uh… they’ll have it tomorrow.”
“I could go to the other grocery store and get you some now if you’d like…”
“No. That’s okay, Mom,” Scully said, her thumb caressing the piece of paper in her pocket. “I’ll be alright. I can get it in the morning.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I am. You head on home and I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Okay. Goodnight, Dana.”
“Night, Mom. Thank you for dinner. And thanks for staying.”
“Of course.”
They embraced and her mother left, zipping her coat as she walked out. Scully sighed as she locked the door and took off her coat, removing the paper from her pocket.
She checked in on William, smiling at his rosy cheeks as she watched him breathing deeply. Not wanting to risk waking him, she refrained from touching him and quietly left the room.
Once she was in bed, she propped the paper up against the pillow beside her, staring at the words until her eyelids began to droop.
For the first time in weeks, her sleep was peaceful and undisturbed.
Three days later, entering a busy Internet café, timing it perfectly to blend in with the crowd, a rather disheveled looking man in a beat up Dodgers cap, sat down at a computer. He watched the room as he logged in to his account, wary of everyone around him.
He had four emails. Three of which were spam and meant absolutely nothing to him.
Clicking on the bottom one, the one that made his heart beat almost painfully, he read the single sentence and he grinned as eleven words caused him to feel more loved and less alone than he had in a very long time.
Without knowing how, or when, or from where… I love you.
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seokiepout · 8 months
help me hold onto you
“I don’t need your pity or everyone pretending that it didn’t happen. Call me out to my fucking face, Minho.”
“Call you ou—? Okay, sure I’ll do that,” Minho scoffs. “I’ll tell you how you’re being an absolutely fucking menace to yourself over something so small and using that to push us—push me—away.”
It’s a bumpy road, and even amongst all the love-stricken glances and confessions, Jisung navigates through fights just as often in his relationship with Minho. It’s only a blessing that the other understands him better than his own self.
posted on ao3.
fandom: stray kids
ship: han jisung / lee know (minsung)
status: completed
tags: general audience, 5.6k
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Author: @bumblehumblebee
Rating/Warning: Explicit
Chapter Count: 1/1
Eddie ties his bandana around his hair, a frown on his face but eyes far away. They all have a part to play, it’s agreed, but that doesn’t mean he’s happy about it. He’s playing a decoy, but Chrissy? Chrissy is bait. Along with Max, she’s putting herself right in the line of fire and he can’t stand it.
Because what if he never gets to tell her…
Clearing his throat, he crosses the room to her side, Max making herself scarce.
“You ready?” She asks him. There’s a cheery smile on her face, but those eyes are haunted. Scared.
“Hell no,” he answers, shaking his head. “This is beyond fucked but what choice do we have?”
Eddie deals with the aftermath of surviving Vecna and returning to Hawkins with Chrissy
Tags: Alternate Universe- canon divergence, alternate universe- everyone lives/nobody dies, angst, hurt/comfort, post-vecna, protective Eddie, mutually pining, they're in love, declarations of love, smut, emotional sex, Eddie POV, one-shot, status: completed
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wolfstarshipping · 11 months
I'll Be Yours In a Landslide (8464 words) by MoonCat457 (@mooncat457writing) Rating: Mature Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Lie Low at Lupin's Summary: You are to alert Remus Lupin, Arabella Figg, Mundungus Fletcher —the old crowd. Lie low at Lupin’s for a while, I will contact you there.
Coming together again in the summer of 1995.
Comment: I've been really into Lie Low at Lupin's-fics recently and this one was wonderful! I loved reading about their slow reconnecting, how they reluctantly start to create intimacy again between each other, and I especially loved Remus taking care of Sirius's hair and may or may not have cried a bit at the end!
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I’m going to marry you someday.” 
James topples over, crashing down hard onto the carpet, for the words that were just spoken didn’t come from his mouth, but Regulus’, and surely that was a mistake because Regulus would never–he wouldn’t–he just…wouldn’t. 
Into the Dark - @constellationsinaglass
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danlaw1991 · 22 days
Only Us
General Audience / 775 Words / Originally posted to Ao3 on 18/10/21
Summary: Something surprising but long overdue happens when the 118 go out for a karaoke night.
Inspired by the song Only Us from Dear Evan Hansen. For reference the following version on YouTube is my preferred: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJkwjrFbmIs.
Things between Buck and Eddie had been heading in a certain direction ever since they met. All of their friends and family could see the connection between the two but they seemed to be oblivious to it themselves.
The 118 had arranged a team night out at the karaoke bar. They felt that it would do Buck and Eddie good, given that they’d both split with their girlfriends within the same week. No one knew why their respective relationships had ended though.
The rest of the team had bought their partners and Albert had tagged along since he hadn’t hung out with them much since getting assigned to a completely different station.
It was part way into the night after they’d all had a few drinks that Eddie suddenly took to the stage, which he had never done before. A couple of the 118, Chim and Hen specifically, were quick to pull out their phones and start recording.
Eddie took a deep breath to calm his nerves and as the music started to play, he locked eyes with Buck. He started to sing and he was really good. He had a rich and warm voice.
“I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you I don't need you to search for the proof that I should You don't have to convince me You don't have to be scared you're not enough 'Cause what we've got going is good”
As Eddie was singing, Buck got up from his seat and crossed the bar to the stage, all the while maintaining eye contact with Eddie.
“I don't need more reminders of all that's been broken I don't need you to fix what I'd rather forget Clear the slate and start over Try to quiet the noises in your head We can't compete with all that
So what if it's us? What if it's us And only us And what came before won't count anymore or matter? Can we try that?
What if it's you And what if it's me And what if that's all that we need it to be And the rest of the world falls away? What do you say?”
Buck had taken a mic from the sound technician next to the stage whilst listening to the other man sing to him. And then Buck started singing whilst getting on stage with Eddie. He wasn’t as good a singer as his sister Maddie but he could still hold a tune. He had a bright voice to match his bright personality.
“I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go But if you really see me If you like me for me and nothing else Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer that you could possibly know.
So it can be us It can be us And only us And what came before won't count anymore or matter We can try that.”
Then they started singing together. The pair’s voices blended so beautifully, it was like they were made for each other.
“It's not so impossible Nobody else but the two of us here (Buck) 'Cause you're saying it's possible We can just watch the whole world disappear (Eddie) 'Til you're the only one I still know how to see”
“It's just you and me” Buck sang as he held out his hands to Eddie, who took them without hesitation before continuing the song himself.
“It'll be us It'll be us And only us And what came before won't count anymore”
Everyone stared wide eyed between Eddie and Buck. The adoration in each of their eyes shined brightly and the sexual tension between the pair was palpable. Was it finally happening? Their voices melded together once more.
“We can try that You and me That's all that we need it to be And the rest of the world falls away And the rest of the world falls away
The world falls away The world falls away And it's only us”
As the music came to an end their friends and the rest of the crowd went wild with applause. Eddie gently cupped Buck’s jaw and pulled him down into a searing kiss. Their friends started cheering louder. Maddie started crying, she was just so happy for her little brother.
Eddie and Buck couldn’t hear the din of the bar, they were so lost in each other that the world had fallen away and it was only them. Buck pulled Eddie closer and deepened the kiss further. They were more than happy to stay in that moment forever.
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liesandnights · 2 years
Do you remember the way people would call out “love you!”
Conveniently leaving out the “I” as if they didn’t want to commit to their own declarations.
I agree that the “I” is a pretty heavy concept.
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endenope · 1 year
God Fuckign Bless I'm so glad I asked that's a tasty AU. Got everything, mutual pining, possessive Zhongli, accidental thought voyeurism, VIRGIN TARU... Everyone start placing bets on how fast Taru will give away that he knows more than he lets on in his horny panic
def the moment zhongli is balls deep in, declaring his love over and over again in his mind while marking up his neck and childe just moans a "i love you too xiansheng ♡" back and zhongli is like
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daniwib · 11 months
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Eddie has never told anyone, not even Buck, that he can sing and play guitar. No one finds out until they're watching America's Got Talent and see him walk out onto the stage.
Read on Ao3 here
Reblogs appreciated and comments adored!
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Relationship: Orym/Dorian Storm Characters: Dorian Storm, Orym (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon, Drinking, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Pie, Blood and Injury, Love, Declarations Of Love, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Bathing/Washing, 5+1 Things Series: ← Previous Work Part 3 of Dorym Week 2023
Summary: Orym could be stubborn when he wanted to. When he sets his mind to it, Orym would dig his heels in and refuse to back down. It was one of the things Dorian loved and admired about him.
Fic Preview “You think you and your little friend here can drink us under the table?” The beefy human that had introduced himself at some point during their conversation eyed up Dariax and Orym, then looked to his equally muscular aasimar friend. “I'd like to see you try.”
“Want to bet on it?”
“You're really that confident?”
“Why wouldn't I be?”
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atths--twice · 1 year
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Chapter Eighteen
It's time for a reunion. What will happen when Fox and Dana see each other again?
December 28th
“You heading somewhere special?” the cab driver asked as they drove from the airport to the train station. 
“Uh… home actually,” Fox said. “But, the people I’m meeting to travel there with are special. Very special.” 
“Your wife?” 
“No. A… a friend,” Fox said. 
“Hmm. A friend. Okay,” the cab driver said with a chuckle as he made a right turn and Fox nodded as he smiled and thought about Dana. 
Their phone call on Christmas Eve had ended only when his phone had beeped menacingly that the battery was about to die and she had yawned for the third time, stating that it was nearly midnight. 
He had hung up and went upstairs in search of his charger, walking quietly through the dark and silent house. 
The fire had been extinguished and the finished bikes set out by the colorfully lit tree, big red bows attached to each of them. The stockings had been filled, cookies and carrots eaten, milk drunk, and other gifts had been added from Santa for Nina and Dave, Greg and Samantha, and even for him. He had smiled, knowing Samantha had been the one to make sure everyone was included. 
“Everything’s okay, I’m assuming,” Samantha had said quietly, yet it still had caused him to jump. 
“Jesus,” he had whispered. “Don’t sneak up on a guy like that.” He had placed a hand on his heart and she had laughed softly. “Where’d you come from?”
“I was in the kitchen getting some water,” she had said, putting her hands into the pockets of her robe. “Everything okay?” 
“Yeah,” he had said, unable to keep the smile off of his face. “More than okay.” 
“Well,” she had said with a slow smile. “Okay then. I’ll hold my many questions until tomorrow and let you simmer in this happiness that’s practically pouring off of you.” She had made a motion with her hand, waving it to encompass his body and he had laughed quietly. 
“Thanks, Sam.” 
“You’re welcome.” She had smiled and then walked toward him, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing tight. “Merry Christmas, brother.” 
“And to you, sister,” he had said, closing his eyes as he returned her hug. Stepping back, she had smiled and nodded as she turned toward the stairs. 
“I told you, she’s good people,” she had said, looking back over her shoulder and smiling at him. “My judge of character is never wrong.” 
“She is at that,” he had agreed. 
“Goodnight, Fox. Don’t stay up too late. Those two boys will be waking all of us up at the butt crack of dawn.” 
“So eloquent. Goodnight, Sam,” he had said and she chuckled, waving over her shoulder as she went down the stairs. 
He had smiled and glanced at the tree and the gifts once more before taking his charger from the wall and going back downstairs. 
After using the bathroom, he had changed and plugged in his phone. A message had caused it to vibrate and he had smiled when he saw it was from Dana. 
Merry Christmas, my friend Fox. 
A gif of Santa flying across the sky in his sleigh had been below it and then another gif of a glowing Christmas tree. 
Merry Christmas to you, my friend Dana. 
He had found a gif of a package being wrapped and then steaming coffee in a Santa mug. 
A reply had come in quickly and he had smiled as he shut off the light, laying down and covering up. 
I love you. ❤️ 
I love you too. ❤️ 
They had liked each other’s messages almost simultaneously and he had laughed as she sent one final message. 
That was spooky. Goodnight. Zzzz. 
Goodnight. And yes, it was.
She had liked his message again and as he had closed the app and set the phone on the nightstand, he had smiled. 
Christmas Day, they had exchanged early morning messages and then she had flooded him with pictures and videos of Ivy opening her gifts. Compared to the stilted messages she had been sending before their phone call, it had felt like she now wanted to share everything with him. 
More than once, as they had opened their own gifts, Samantha had met his eye as his phone buzzed and he had reached for it. She had said nothing, but smiled with a knowing look. 
A picture of Dana’s entire family had been sent and he had asked after each one, wanting to know more about them. 
She had sent back a long message detailing everyone, with numbers written onto the picture so he would not be confused. He had smiled when he saw it, loving the details and effort she had put into it. 
Her parents, William and Margaret, known to all as Will and Maggie, had been married for thirty six years and they owned a hardware store in town, Scully’s Hardware. Her mother was more knowledgeable about everything held within it, a fact which her father never failed to mention, and was incredibly proud of, when customers came in searching for an item. 
“Let me refer to the smarter one of this duo,” he says every time, Dana had written and Fox had laughed. He could easily imagine that was the case when he had looked again at the picture of the beaming, balding man with his arm around his wife. 
Her older brother, Bill, named after their father, and his wife Tara, had been married for ten years. They had three children, with another on the way. Bill owned a very busy construction company, proudly sponsored by Scully’s Hardware. 
Melissa you know, Dana had written. Well, sort of, I suppose. 😊 She and her husband, Artie, have been married for nine years and they have two daughters, whom you’ve already heard about.
And, to round out the Scully clan, there’s Charlie, who just got engaged to Beatrice. 
We’re a large group of redheads who need to buy the highest SPF sunscreen anytime we’re outside, even if it’s only slightly cloudy. 
He had laughed at her messages and looked at their family picture again. As he had, the familiar aching feeling in his chest pained him. Seeing the happiness they shared, the happy family life and obvious love they had for one another, had made him sigh and shake his head. 
A fabulous looking bunch, he had sent back. And it’s a good thing it’s winter, so you don’t have to worry about sunscreen… much anyway. 
Haha, she had sent back and he had smiled. 
Sending back the family picture that had been taken that morning, everyone in their pajamas and in front of the tree, he had told her more about Samantha, Greg, William and Adam, and Nina and Dave. 
We both have a William in the family, she had sent. Or two in my case. 😊
Indeed we do, he had sent back as he smiled. My father’s name was William as well. William Adam actually. When Samantha found out she was having twin boys, their names were decided before they left the doctor’s office, Greg insisting they do it to honor our father. 
That’s… that’s just beautiful. 
“You know,” Samantha had teased him, two days after Christmas, as they once again stood in the indoor bike park, drinking coffee while they had watched the twins ride their new bikes. “I’m surprised you haven’t torn out of here by now to go see Dana.” 
“You’re hilarious,” he had said, shaking his head. “Believe me, I would love to see her, but she’s with her family right now. I’m not going to disrupt that time and if I went home before she was due to return, I’d be sitting there alone while I waited for her. Being here with you all is definitely the better option.” 
Samantha threaded her arm through his and smiled with a nod. 
“So thoughtful and kind you are, my brother.” 
“Stop,” he had said, bumping her and making her laugh. 
“I’m so glad you found each other, Fox,” she had said, her tone low and serious, laying her head on his shoulder. “When you moved away, I was sad that you’d be so far from us, but now I know the reason for it. Dana had unknowingly been waiting for you and you, likewise, were unknowingly on a quest to find her.” 
“Jesus, Sam,” he had said, clearing his throat and shaking his head again. 
“It’s true though,” she had said with a sigh. “You deserve to be happy and loved. You deserve that so much, Fox.” 
She had ended her sentence on a sob and then they were embracing, words not necessary as they had both cried quietly, their grief near the surface as it always was during the holidays, despite the happiness surrounding them. 
“Mommy, you’re not watching!” William had called out and Samantha had started laughing as she had nodded against Fox’s shoulder. 
“You’re right, my love,” she had said, pulling back and wiping her eyes. “I’m sorry, show me again, please.” 
“Okay! Watch me!” William had turned and ridden down the small hill as Fox had wiped his own eyes and then had taken Samantha’s hand, giving it a squeeze. 
“I love you, Sammy,” he had said, looking at her and smiling. 
“I love you too, Fox,” she had replied, tears shining in her eyes as she had squeezed his hand. 
Coming back that evening, he had made a decision. He would not infringe on Dana’s time with her family, just as he had told Samantha, but he would make a plan to meet her sooner than he had previously planned. 
Calling the airline, he had changed his flight home to arrive at the airport closer to where Dana’s family lived. From there, he would go to the train station to meet her and Ivy and ride home with them. 
And the best part about it, neither of them had any idea that he had done it and that he was now currently en route to said train station to wait for them to arrive for their scheduled departure, in just under an hour. 
It had been a time squeeze and he had been incredibly anxious as the airplane seemed to take its sweet time to arrive at the gate. Thrumming with nervous energy, worried he would be late for the surprise meet up, he had waited impatiently for his bag at baggage claim, grabbing it as soon as he had seen it, and then hurried to the taxi line. 
“Should be there in just a couple of minutes,” the cab driver said, breaking into his thoughts, and Fox nodded with a smile. “Traffic isn’t too bad for a Sunday after a holiday. Sometimes it’s crazy with people who are returning gifts or looking for sales, but it’s good today. Works out well for you to meet up sooner with your uh… friend.” He caught Fox’s eye in the rearview mirror and grinned. 
“Yeah,” Fox said with a smile of his own, looking out the window as he spied the sign for the station on their left. 
Two more lights and he was grabbing his backpack and his bag as he got out of the taxi. 
“Thanks,” he said to the cab driver and he nodded, waving as he drove away. 
Letting out a calming breath, Fox walked into the station and to the ticket booth to buy his ticket. On a whim, he asked if he could pay for a first class upgrade to Dana and Ivy’s tickets, knowing that Dana would most likely not have purchased them herself. 
The woman was very kind and put the order through, handing him three tickets with a smile and wishing him happy holidays. Thanking her, he picked up his bags and walked through the station to platform number eight. 
Finding a spot to wait and watch for them to arrive, he took a deep breath, his stomach nervous and excited all at the same time. His phone beeped and vibrated and he took it from his pocket to find a message from Dana. 
We’re leaving for the station soon and then it’s only a couple of hours until we’ll be home. I can’t wait to see you. ❤️
He grinned and nodded as he typed back quickly. 
I can’t wait to see you either. Both of you. ❤️❤️
😊 Ivy has her backpack stuffed with gifts that she is dying to show you. She’s packed and unpacked it so many times, putting what she feels are the most important ones at the top. 
Aww, I love that. 
Yeah. Okay. I have to get going. Gotta double check we have everything and then get it all in the car. See you soon, my friend Fox. Love you. ❤️💋
“Oh,” he said, his eyebrows raising at the kiss emoji, which she had never used before. He swallowed and released a breath as he typed back, grinning like a complete fool. 
Make sure you don’t forget Pandy. Princesses can’t be left behind. See you soon, my friend Dana. Love you too. ❤️💋 
No, we would never forget the princess, she’s far too precious. 🐼 Bye for now. 💋❤️💋 
“God, I can’t wait to see her,” he breathed as he put his phone away, his heart now racing even faster. Standing up, he paced within the space of the bench and the light post in front of him. 
A train arrived on the odd numbered side of the tracks and there was a flurry of activity for a few minutes before the train left and the crowd of people thinned out. 
Another train arrived on the even numbered side, but did not stop at the station. 
He looked at the large clock above the station doors so many times, but time dragged by, the minutes beginning to feel like hours. 
And then he saw them and his heart stopped for a second. Melissa was with them, pulling his borrowed suitcase behind her and laughing about something. Dana was also laughing and he exhaled deeply at the sound, so happy to see her again. 
Ivy was wearing the panda earmuffs over the panda beanie he had given her and had the panda scarf wrapped around her neck. She was walking and occasionally jumping, her arms out at her sides for balance. She looked up and saw him, then did a double take before she grinned. 
“FOX!” she shouted, running toward him, dodging around anyone in her way. 
“Ivy! Get back here! What are you- oh my God!” Dana said, catching sight of him, a hand going to her chest. 
“Fox! Fox! Fox!” Ivy chanted, flinging her arms around his waist and smiling up at him. “I missed you so much! We made snow ducks! They were so cute! Look at my ear puffs! Aren’t they so cute? You gave me a good present. Thank you for my present.” 
He laughed, his heart feeling full and happy. He bent down to pick her up and her legs dangled as he rocked her from side to side, hugging her tightly. 
“Oh Ivy, I missed you too,” he said, squeezing her one more time before setting her down and smiling at her. 
He raised his head and looked at Dana, who was now a few feet in front of him, her hand still on her chest, staring at him in disbelief. 
“Hi,” he said and she let out a shaky laugh. 
“Hi,” she whispered.
“Fox! I want to show you something!” Ivy said, starting to take off her backpack. “It’s in here and it’s so good.” 
“Ivy,” Melissa said, reaching for Ivy’s hand. “Why don’t you come with me?” 
“No thank you, Auntie Missy, I want to stay here. I want to show Fox something.” 
“I know you do, hon, but I just realized we didn’t bring any fun snacks for you guys to take on the train. Let’s go get some candy or a cookie, if they have them. There’s a coffee shop inside. Let’s go see what they have. Come on.” 
She took Ivy’s hand and started to walk away, despite Ivy’s half hearted protests, glancing back at them with a smile. 
“What are you doing here? I didn’t know you…” Dana shook her head and he smiled, stepping closer to her and wiggling his fingers. 
“Surprise,” he said softly and she choked out a laugh as she launched herself at him and he caught her, breathing in her familiar scent and holding her tightly. 
“I missed you. So much. I can’t believe you’re here,” she whispered and he hummed, his eyes closed. 
“I was thinking about how it would be, waiting for your train to come in and knowing you both were getting closer and closer… I think I would have left a hole in the pavement from my pacing. I thought coming here and surprising you would be better for my nerves.” 
She laughed and he felt her nod against him. Pulling back, she looked at him and smiled. 
“Hi,” she said again. 
“Hello,” he said, smiling as he cupped her cheek, his thumb gently grazing her skin. He looked down at her lips and back into her eyes. 
At the same time that he leaned forward, she did the same, their lips meeting in a soft kiss. She whimpered as she clutched at his coat, his hand moving to her neck as his thumb ran along her jaw and he kissed her again.  
Her mouth opened slightly and he kissed her bottom lip before moving to the top one, her breath entering his mouth in a warm minty exhale. 
Attention on the train platform, the three o’clock southbound train will be arriving shortly. 
“Oh,” Dana breathed as she pulled back, her eyes closed, hands still on his chest. “Hmm, I… that…” She opened her eyes slowly and stared at him. “That was good.” 
“I completely agree,” he whispered, stroking her jaw with his thumb. He kissed her again, soft kisses that caused her to stumble into him, the hold he had on her tightening. 
“You made my knees weak,” she whispered against his lips. “I didn’t think that was something that really happened, but you did it.” She kissed him as he smiled and then she pulled back again. 
“You’re a really good kisser,” she breathed and he laughed. He kissed her lips, the tip of her nose, and then her forehead as she hummed. 
“You are too,” he whispered, kissing her forehead again. 
“My sister will have heard that announcement,” she said quietly. “She and Ivy will be back in a minute.” 
“Hmm,” he hummed, kissing her temple and then her cheekbone. “Makes sense as the train is coming soon.” He smiled and she scrunched her chin, her eyes shining. 
“I seriously can’t believe you’re here. You… you are such an amazingly good man,” she said, shaking her head. He shook his as well and she placed her hand on his face, running her thumb over his lips. “You are, Fox. You truly are.” 
“Thank you,” he whispered, kissing her thumb and smiling. 
“I love you. So very much.” 
“I love you too. And God, have I missed you. I’m so happy to see you.” 
“Me too.” 
He turned his head and kissed her palm, smiling at her and then taking her hands into his own.  
“Your hands are cold.” 
“Are they?” she asked softly and he laughed. 
“Should we make you a doctor's appointment? Seeing as you can’t feel your hands?” he teased and she shook her head. 
“Not sure there’s any medicine that could be given for one who is lovesick,” she said with a smile and he laughed. 
“A kiss would work perhaps?” he asked and she nodded. 
“Yes, please.” 
Squeezing her hands, he leaned closer and kissed her softly twice before pulling back and smiling at her. 
Glancing up, he saw Melissa and Ivy headed their way. Melissa was pointing out something to Ivy, keeping her attention away from looking for him and Dana. Melissa caught his eye and smiled with a nod. 
“They're nearly here,” he said, squeezing Dana’s hands and then letting go. “I think there needs to be a conversation with Ivy before we’re overly affectionate in front of her. So she understands my intentions and how I feel about you… and her.” 
“Fox Mulder,” she said, smoothing down the lapels of his coat. “God, but I love you.” 
“And I love you, Miss Scully.” 
“Mommy!” Ivy yelled and he took two steps back from Dana as he smiled at her. “Auntie Missy got some snacks for us.” 
“Did she?” she asked, still staring at Fox. “That was nice of her.” 
“It was nice of me, wasn’t it, Dane?” Melissa said and Dana turned her head to look at her. She grinned and then handed a small paper bag to Dana. Holding her hand out to Fox, she nodded. “Hello, Fox. It’s nice to meet you properly at last.” 
“And you,” he said, taking her hand and smiling, liking her instantly. “Thank you.” He squeezed her hand and she squeezed back, nodding once again, understanding between them at why he had thanked her. 
“The train will be here soon. You guys should be ready.” 
She let go of Fox’s hand and pulled Dana in for a hug, saying goodbye. Ivy was picked up and then turned upside down as Melissa sang goodbye to her, over and over, and Ivy laughed loudly. Setting her down, Melissa nodded at him and tucked her hair behind her ears. 
“Well, I’m gonna head back home now. I leave you in Fox’s very capable hands. Message me when you get home, so I know you’re okay.” 
“I will, Mel. Thank you for everything,” Dana said, hugging her again and saying something quietly to her that made her laugh. 
“Yeah,” Melissa said, nodding at her as she pulled back. “Goodbye, Ivy Ivy.” 
“Bye, Auntie Auntie. Love you.” 
“Love you too. Goodbye, Fox.” She held his eyes for a beat and then smiled with a nod. Blowing Dana and Ivy a kiss, she turned and walked through the gathering crowd of people. 
Fox looked at the two of them with a smile. Ivy, in the panda items he had bought her, bouncing from foot to foot and humming happily under her breath while Dana smiled at him, her cheeks rosy and eyes shining. 
“Well,” he said, clearing his throat, and starting to gather their bags. “We better get ready for the arrival of the train. Get ready to head home.” 
“Home,” Dana said with a nod. “Yes, we’d better.” 
A bell rang in a soft ding dong fashion and he looked around, his hand on both of his suitcases, his backpack on his back once again. 
“Got everything?” 
“Yup,” they both said, checking with each other and smiling. 
The train arrived and they hefted everything onto it, double checking one more time. Dana began to head towards coach seating, but he stopped her, gesturing with his head to continue to the first class section. Squeezing his hand as she passed him, she shook her head with a smile. 
Luggage stowed as the train began to move, they found a table to share, Ivy sitting across from them, her backpack beside her. She opened it, telling him about all she was going to show him and he smiled as he waited for the items to be shared. 
The treats Melisa had bought were brought out and eaten as the train traveled down the tracks, the sun setting and lighting the sky with beautiful golds and pinks. 
Ivy looked out the window, Pandy on her lap, and gave a running commentary about all she saw, looking for familiar landmarks. 
Dana took Fox’s hand under the table, interlacing their fingers and laying her head against his shoulder. He rested his head against hers and closed his eyes with a sigh as he gently squeezed her hand, his heart happier than he ever imagined could be possible. 
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camelliasinensis81 · 5 months
Rating declarations of love (for anyone who for some reason wants to declare love)
"I would die for you" -> boring. cliche. you're not special.
"You are everything to me" -> whoa there buckaroo that's a lot of pressure
"I would drink a mixture of shitty iced coffee and decaf black tea for you" -> pushing your human boundaries for true love. romantic. adorable. no notes.
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raointean · 1 year
Day 5 - Love Languages
IT’S THE BROCCOLI FIC!!!!! Y’all don’t UNDERSTAND how long I’ve been waiting to post this! Inspired by this tumblr post.
Bronwyn turned as she heard Arondir clear his throat behind her. They had made camp for the night, not far from the banks of Anduin, and Arondir had wandered off with Theo nearly an hour ago. They had been whispering all day but wouldn’t say anything when she questioned them about it.
Now, Arondir was back, holding- “Is that broccoli?”
Arondir shifted from foot to foot looking almost nervous and in his hands, he held a head of broccoli. “I know that there has been something between us for quite a while, but I thought, with all we have been through together… I wish to court you properly. I know it is custom among your people to begin a courtship with flowers, but, well, the fiery mountain has destroyed most of them. Theo has told me that these are, in fact, flowers, although I do not know their name so… here. Please receive them with the intent they were given.”
He offered her the broccoli and she took it with a radiant smile. She was glad beyond measure that Arondir and Theo were beginning to get along so well. Theo would always be the most important person in her life, but still. She was glad she would not have to choose between them. 
“I can’t believe Theo helped you with these…” Arondir certainly wasn’t lying. Broccoli was one of Bronwyn’s favorite vegetables and Theo was one of the few people who knew that. It warmed her heart straight through.
Arondir brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear with a touch as gentle as a breeze. “Yes, well, if he is important to you, then he is important to me. Though I must admit, he has grown quite dear to me as well, by his own merit.”
Bronwyn teared up a little. She could not help it. Never before in her life had two things come together so neatly. She blinked away her tears and, studying the broccoli in her hands, changed the subject. “You know, broccoli actually has five meanings in our flower language.”
Arondir looked interested so she continued. “It can represent simple love, a beautiful expectation, the hope that the receiver will always be happy, that the giver cares only for the receiver’s feelings and,” she looked deep into his eye. “And that the giver shall love the receiver for all of his life.”
Arondir drew nearer, cupping her face in his hand. “Then my heart has chosen well and my gift has spoken truly. I will love you. Both here and now, and a thousand years from now when you are gone beyond the bounds of this world. When even the stones have forgotten your name, I shall remember you, and my love will never cease.”
Bronwyn nearly forgot how to breathe. “No matter where I go after my death, no matter what I become, my love for you will endure. I could forget my own name, but still my soul would remember yours. Arondir.”
Their lips met at last.
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jajafilm · 10 months
How is it possible that WISE's best spy doesn't even notice, who he actually married? Yori and her abilities are pretty obvious, right?
Well, maybe we need to think about it and look at it from Lloid's perspective.
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