#Confidence Counseling
betterlyf · 1 year
Confidence counselling is the process of helping individuals build their self-confidence and improve their self-esteem. It can involve helping individuals identify their skills, strengths, and weaknesses and recognize their own capabilities. The goal of self confidence counselling is to help individuals become more confident and make more positive choices in their lives. 
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This type of counseling can involve exploring past experiences, identifying negative beliefs and patterns, and developing new strategies for success. It can also involve developing specific goals and plans, and developing positive coping strategies. Get in touch with our therapists today at https://bit.ly/3ZgponH
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Find the Best Spiritual Counseling Online | Living Excellence Today
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Meditation is the best way you can follow to connect with your inner self. When you meditate in a calm and peaceful place, you try to connect with your inner self. Counselors also endorse the practice of meditation through their spiritual counseling online seminars. You can experience the positive effects of meditation from your first session itself. So, try to meditate for a minimum of 5 minutes daily.
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When do you stop putting yourself down? Stop telling yourself you’re ugly? You’re not enough? You’re not worthy? You come second? When does all this self-abuse end? When you get the Porsche on your vision board? When you get the ring? The man? The baby? The house? The six-figure job? The designer handbag? Because the truth is, getting the above might soothe you, it might put the band-aid on the wound…but the wound is still there! 
You have to make peace with yourself regardless of where you’re at in life. You have to learn to love yourself where you are, because if you can’t love, respect, and honour yourself being broke, or being in your most natural form how will you do this once you’re in a relationship? Once you have more money? Once you have the surgery? Do you magically love yourself and respect yourself? If you can’t take care and love yourself and accept yourself as you are, in this very moment, with all your perfect imperfections, in your single season, in your times of difficulty then there is some serious work to be done…. Self-love is your foundation, so make sure you’re building a house on love and not self-hate as you navigate through your growth season. 
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waterlikequotes · 2 years
“Choosing yourself won’t result in losing the right people. If choosing yourself (setting a boundary/engaging in self-care) results in losing them, question their motivation for being in your life. Why does protecting yourself hurt them? What do they gain from your self-neglect?”
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justana0kguy · 2 months
2024 APRIL 01 Easter Monday
"I bless the LORD who counsels me; even in the night my heart exhorts me. I set the LORD ever before me; with Him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.
Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices, my body, too, abides in confidence because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld, nor will you suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption.
You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever."
~ Psalms 16:7-11
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kuppaking · 1 year
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Need  to  catch  a  nap  because  I  have  an  unreal  headache  and  its  been  a  morning  but  I  just  wanted  to  say  as  far  as  Bowser's  intentions  with  Peach  goes,  the  worst  thing  he  would  do  is  make  her  marry  him.  He  wouldn't  force  her  to  do  anything  else.  It  may  be  fair  to  call  him  a  stalker  and  a  bit  of  creep  for  everything,  but  I  think  thats  the  limit.  In  fact,  he'd  probably  end  up  letting  her  go  once  he  realized  she  wasn't  just  going  to  fall  in  love  with  him  because  he  really  wants  her  to  and  that  keeping  her  against  her  will  is  actually  going  to  make  her  hate  him.  He  could  lock  her  in  a  cage  and  sing  her  stupid  songs  all  day,  but  it  wouldn't  necessarily  make  her  love  him.
Like  Peach  wouldn't  necessarily  be  in  danger.  Bowser  isn't  dangerous  to  Peach,  he's  a  nuisance  and  perhaps an  inconvenience  but  not   a  'danger'.  If  Mario  didn't  save  her  or  she  didn't  break  out  herself  (  as  far  as  movie  verse  goes )  Bowser  wouldn't  actually  do  anything  to  hurt  her  and  like  I  said  once  he  gets  it  through  his  thick  turtle  head  she  isn't  gonna  suddenly  fall  in  love  with  him,  even  if  his  efforts  include  singing  her  songs  and  trying  to  show  her  he'd  give  her  the  best  he  has  to  offer,  he'd  probably  let  her  go  and  cry  about  it  tbh.
See  we  know  Bowser's  deeply  delusional  but  to  be  fair  to  him  his  feelings  for  Peach  were  neither  challenged  nor  fostered  in  a  healthy,  normal  way.  Kamek  was  the  one  who  knew  about  Bowser's  crush,  and  supported  it,  but  not  in  a  yes,  son,  its  sweet  that  you're  in  love  with  the  princess,  maybe  we  should  invite  her  to  dinner  one  day  and  you  can  get  to  know  each  other,  or  anything  like  that,  it  was  more,  yes,  now  once  we  get  the  power  star  and  take  over  the  world  Peach  will  defo  marry  you  whether  because  she's  so  impressed  you  have  the  power  star  or  because  we're  going  to  destroy  the  mushroom  kingdom  otherwise.
Bowser  is... Very  naive  in  the  sense  that  given  that  was  put  to  him  as  the  one/right  way,  that  is  the  way  it  can/  should  be  done.  Bowser's  also  always  got  what  he  wanted  by  force  with  pretty  much  no  negative  repercussions  and  only  rewards  so  its  not  fully  occurring  to  him  that  you  can't  just  approach  Peach,  as  another  living  breathing  thing,  with  thoughts  and  feelings  of  her  own,  and  be  like  hey  you  have  to  like  me  now  because  I  said  so,  and  that'll  work.  Everything  else  Bowser's  acquired  has  been  either  inanimate  or  he  hasn't  cared  enough  to  care  about  its  feelings.
With  Peach  he  DOES  care  about  her  feelings  so  he  would  probably  not  know  what  to  do  once  it  registers(d)  to  him  that  Peach  does  not  want  to  be  his  bride  even  if  he  forced  her  to  be  because  he  does  want  her  to  be  happy  and  he  does  want  her  to  love  him  back.  Thats  like,  the  end  goal,  to  find  some  way  to  make  Peach  love  him  back,  he's  just  not  understanding  the  whole  "make"  thing  isn't  guaranteed  and  he  actually  can't  force  it  to  happen. And  there  is  a  part  of  him  deep  inside  that  might  have  the  suspicion  of  this  kind  of  thing  being  true,  hence  his  rage,  insecurity  and  spite  but  instead  of  exploring  and  acknowledging  that  as  part  of  himself  and  the  reality  he's  living  in,  he  directs  all  of  that  at  Mario  and  blames  Mario  +  Mario's  friends  for  "ruining  things"  instead  of  himself  for  not  knowing  how  to  and  not  going  about  things  "right".
That  being  said  yeah,  he's  fully  capable  of  some  other  types  of  fucked  up  shit,  and  he  IS  a  danger  to  those  who  aren't  Peach,  like,  for  example,  reasoning  something  bleak  and  crazy  like  well  if  Peach  loves  someone  else  instead  of  me  I'll  just  kill  that  someone  else  and  keep  killing  the  someone  else's  until  eventually  she's  left  with  just  ME  and  surely  once  all  the  other  options  are  gone  she'll  HAVE  to  choose  me  and  if  she  doesn't  well  FINE  at  least  I  don't  have  to  deal  with  her  with  anyone  else.
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kaaramdadon · 1 year
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strozzaprete · 2 years
my aunt offered to pay for my therapy (with an actual therapist!!!) starting from september good god this is such a big fucking deal for me i'm so relieved...
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drellenkenner · 2 months
• This episode is at https://bit.ly/49SvIqA • Hundreds of podcasts sorted by topic https://bit.ly/3qh6BX7 ✦ Free Relationship Advice ~ download chapter one of Dr. Kenner’s romance guidebook for free at https://www.drkenner.com • Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week
#confidence #assertiveness #relationships #dating #love #romance #emotions #counseling #mental_health #self_help #objectivism #stress #therapy #psychology #happiness
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theprayasindia12 · 4 months
Top UPSC Coaching Classes In Borivali - The Prayas India
Best UPSC Coaching Institutes in Borivali
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When it comes to navigating the daunting landscape of UPSC exam preparation in Borivali, The Prayas India emerges as an illuminating because of guidance and excellence. Revered as the epitome of IAS coaching institutes in the region, The Prayas India has etched its name through a blend of unparalleled commitment and distinctive features that elevate it above its counterparts.
At the heart of The Prayas India's success lies its team of seasoned mentors, each a stalwart in their domain, armed with years of experience and insights into the intricacies of the UPSC exam. These mentors go beyond conventional teaching, offering personalized guidance tailored to the unique needs of each aspirant. Their mentorship not only imparts knowledge but also instills the confidence and resilience necessary to thrive in the challenging UPSC journey.
Moreover, The Prayas India prides itself on its meticulously curated study material, a comprehensive compendium designed to encompass every facet of the UPSC syllabus. Continuously updated to reflect the dynamic nature of the exam, this material ensures that students remain abreast of the latest trends and patterns, equipping them with the requisite arsenal to tackle any curveball thrown by the UPSC.
In addition to academic support, The Prayas India fosters a nurturing ecosystem that empowers aspirants to navigate the UPSC exam process with poise and assurance. Through a gamut of resources and support services, ranging from mock tests to personalized counseling, The Prayas India stands as a steadfast companion in the aspirants' journey towards UPSC success.
In summation, for those embarking on the UPSC odyssey in Borivali, The Prayas India emerges as the unequivocal choice, offering not just coaching but a transformative experience that paves the way for success in the UPSC exam and beyond.
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How to do shadow work to heal | Living Excellence Today
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We all need someone who could be our secret-keeper, and a highly-qualified counselor does the same. Your counselor would be your trusted guide who’ll let you know how to do shadow work. During your counseling sessions, your counselor would motivate you to believe that you are worthy, and you just need to identify your shadow that’s located in your subconscious mind.
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waterlikequotes · 2 years
Who’s been treating you right lately?
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justana0kguy · 2 months
2024 APRIL 01 Easter Monday
"I bless the LORD who counsels me; even in the night my heart exhorts me. I set the LORD ever before me; with Him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.
Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices, my body, too, abides in confidence because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld, nor will you suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption.
You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever."
~ Psalms 16:7-11
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thecoachingdirectory · 7 months
Feeling overwhelmed with your financial obligations, lacking confidence in your ability to handle money, living payday to payday, or tired of the hamster wheel of “living to work”? Jess Burchell of Tillow Coaching and Consulting, a business coach can help you. When working with her you can expect a unique blend of coaching, education, and counseling with a focus on your finances and mindset. Reach out and connect with her today!
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piber20 · 8 months
capitalism is even worse to deal with when your parents completely neglected you as a kid
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myfitbrain9 · 9 months
Self Confidence Counselling
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