#Coach: wtf hes such a great player
yes-i-exist-shutup · 6 months
imagine coach Hernandez keeps a track of exy news and literally gets to see all the shit that goes down simply bcs he signed Neil up for PSU
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leonsliga · 10 months
Tuchel clearly has an agenda against Goretzka he is the one that gets treated the worst by the coach. Pretty sure he wants to get rid of him wtf.
Also convinced that other players are against him (Kimmich for example) but it's only an hypothesis. In general the players seem be listless (?), they lack of confidence.
Ps. looove your blog.
Tbh, sometimes I feel that way too. If I’m honest though, I’m feeling cautiously optimistic after the season opener. Maybe I’m delusional or in denial, but so be it 😂💜 seriously though, Leon put in a great performance against Bremen; when the moment demanded it, he proved his worth. Tuchel would be foolish to ignore that. I don’t think Tuchel cares much for Leon, but even he can’t deny how well he played.
Definitely an interesting, thought-provoking hypothesis too! Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m really hoping you’re wrong; I’m a Kimetzka shipper for life and the knowledge that Jo is against Leon would kill me 😵 that said, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the team. At least on the pitch, the joy and passion we’ve grown accustomed to seeing in the past feels like it’s missing—or, at the very, least, much less present. I think it’s fair to say that the events of last season really shook the squad’s confidence. That’s why I wanna give them a little grace at the start of this season (maybe even the season as a whole). The 2023/24 season might be about treating old wounds, but if it means we get back to the team spirit we know and love, it’s worth it in my eyes :) I just wish we could do it without Tuchel, but I’m not sure shaking the team up more right now is really a good idea either oof.
And aww!!! Thank you for saying that! It means the world that you like my blog 💜 stay tuned: there’s more coming!
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naanima · 1 year
I'm super interested in what the Pens will do in the coming months & next two years. Barring the core three, they are in a shit of a situation IRT lack of bottom 6 depth, front loaded long term contracts with NMC, a goalie crisis, a defence crisis, and a lack of young future franchise carrying talents.
From everything I have read the free agency market is shit, and I doubt they can offload some of their old & wtf contracts. So even if they get a GM how the fuck do they try make the current team work? And how the fuck are they gonna deal with the possible retirement of Sidney Crosby & Evgeni Malkin?
And Sully, I love Sully, but the way this season went down, his stubbornness to play certain players, the way there seems to be a lack of concrete strategy for the team. I think he is a great coach, but I also think he needs to do some fucking long navel gazing to figure out where the fuck he went wrong, and what he can do differently.
I'm just so curious bcos I'm a nerd, but I'd love to know how the new GM will handle this. They need to offload some bad contracts, get some new blood, and try & leverage as much as they can from their current roster that they can't trade or would be stupid to trade. And then there is a need for scouting & player development bcos duuuude, the Pens seem to lack developing new talents in their farm teams.
Are there any usable talents in their AHL team? I look at the Flyers who are arguably fucked, but if you do a more careful inspection you realise they are actually in a way better situation than the Pens. They have up and coming talents, they have options, what they are is missing one or two franchise carrying Superstars, but they have so much of the pieces ready to go.
The future is murky but I'm curious how they will handle the situation.
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carlossainz5533 · 1 year
My unpopular Bayern takes (I’m just annoyed by the game)
- nagelsmann out, he’s a good coach don’t get me wrong but I don’t think he’s the right fit for the squad and tbh 3 draws in a row just isn’t good enough
-Nagelsmann is horrible at substitutions, like sabitzer for stanišić wtf is that like a midfielder for a defender when we r being pressed in the dying minutes of the game?!?! Sounds like smh my 9 year old brother would do on fifa career mode
-Thomas needs to start more, today he was one of our best players that provided the assist, he needs to be starting more games mainly bc of his organisation skills and helping to keep the team in check. And if he’s not starting still allowing him to have a decent amount of play time
-while the transfer window is still open get another centre back or defender just in case we get another injury it’s better to be safe then sorry
-choupo Moting needs to be rested a bit more, he wasn’t great today and if we can allow players like tel and ibrahimović to develop more now it would be better for us
- Bambi needs to be rested, I get that he’s our wonderkid but we can’t keep starting him for draws, he’s off form at the minute and we need him back in form quickly
-kingsley need to start more, he’s better at make opportunities and running down the wing then say gnabry and if he got a few more starts I think it would help him develop
-our defence needs a confidence boost, since the wc we’ve been shocking and our defence has been good but not good enough and considering we r only 1 point ahead of the rest we should really be strengthing that b4 we get clapped by mbappe
So I’m just annoyed by the game, we played so well in the first half and for a bit of the first and then it just turned to the shit so I am quite (very) annoyed
Lmk if u agree with what I’m saying
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transjlawrence · 7 months
It's hockey season again which means my brain is imagining an alisusan hockey au where Susan is the first girl player in the NHL until Ali gets called up and then reporters are like, "Omg rivalry??" and make stupid headlines.
And Susan's like, "Wtf?? We're not going to have a rivalry." and Ali feels the same until Susan gets some stupid penalty against Ali and then Ali's like, "Oh, it is on. Clearly she believes in this rivalry thing." while Susan is like, "Damn it, I do not want a rivalry-"
Anyways, they clearly do have a rivalry because bsf to lovers alisusan is great but so is enemies to lovers alisusan.
Honestly, my various ideas for this include:
Susan on a team with all the og cobras and they're all besties. Johnny, Tommy, and Dutch are the biggest alisusan rivalry fans while Bobby and Jimmy are like hey maybe not-
(Obviously Bobby and Jimmy are just as invested bc they are in support of women's rights and women's wrongs.)
Chozen and Daniel play with Ali. They're both alisusan rivalry haters and alisusan rivalry lovers. Daniel's like, "You should talk!!" but the minute Susan gets like a high sticking penalty against Ali he's like, "BEAT HER ASS ALI!!! BEAT HER ASS!!!" Chozen is like, "You know, fighting isn't always the answer." but is tapping his stick and yelling the minute Ali and Susan start fighting.
Kreese and Silver don't actually know what to think of the alisusan rivalry. Silver's like, "A rivalry will be good for the franchise." while Kreese is like, "No, she'll get distracted and ruin her career and-" "Remember our rivalry?" "We are not doing this ag-" "It was October of 1976-"
(Lucille is the GM of Ali's team and Miyagi is the head coach and Lucille is all for it while Miyagi is like hey don't do that.)
Susan's PIMs are off the chart by the time the All Star break comes around. So are Ali's, but Ali has way more instigating penalties than Susan does.
They actually share a room during the All Star break, because the organizers were like, "Guys surprise!! It's a room for the girlies!!!" and alisusan are like haha yeahhh. Cue the mutual death stares.
They actually start to get along because they both agree they hate the way the media treats them. Like hey, why is every interview question about you and not about how I scored that awesome shorty off of Lawrence's sick pass?? Or why did they ask me about your shorthanded shot off of Lawrence's pass when I literally scored two goals the other night unassisted??
They leave New Jersey (I did have to look up where this was hosted the year tkk came out) with a better understanding of one another and also each other's numbers
They also slowly start to fall in love after they better understand each other and are like, "I should tell her...right? Shit, wait, maybe not-"
The og cobras are totally cheering for Susan to tell Ali. They have seen Susan fight Ali and they have seen Susan look all in love while on the phone with her. They want them to get together.
Chozen and Daniel try to coach Ali through telling Susan. They're like, "Just ask her if she wants to meet up the next time we play them. Offer to get ice cream with her. No one hates ice cream."
Long story short they do meet up and tell each other and it goes well and yay they're in love!!
Also my favorite part is imagining the nicknames the teams would have for each other. I feel like Susan would just be abbreviated to Suze and Ali would either get called Ali or Milly.
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thenighttrain · 10 months
some context abt the spanish coach: after the euros, 15 top spanish players all signed an open letter to the spanish football federation saying that their physical & emotional health had been affected by his coaching and controlling behaviour, and made themselves unavailable to be selected for the national team. a bunch of them put themselves up for selection again and 3 of them are currently playing in the world cup, but if spain wins the whole thing then they won’t ever be able to get rid of him. it’s great that they’re performing well but it shouldn’t be at the expense of their well-being, so that’s why i’m backing england :(
that's insane wtf he sounds like an asshole! i did notice that they didn't celebrate their goals/wins with him, whereas other teams did. i'm sure he'll keep his job after this, sadly :(
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fossadeileonixv · 2 years
Milan 3 Dinamo Zagreb 1
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Umm...so...is this becoming a thing, Alexis?...
As usual, ratings and then a little commentary at the bottom
MAIGNAN 7 Might be a little bit high but the goal wasn't on him. With Dinamo Zagreb sitting back trying to counter there wasn't a whole lot for him to do. So...yeah, that's what I got
CALABRIA 6.5 I just can't bring myself to rate him higher than a 6.5 and that's with him not having a terrible game. Dinamo's goal was well executed and sometimes you just gotta tip your hat, but I can't help but notice how relentless teams are at attacking him. All but one goal conceded this season has been on his side and his deficits are causing Milan to lose their defensive integrity at the back. Gotta get Dest in there
KALULU 7 Kalulu was fine. I'll talk about what I noticed in this game below along with Tomori
TOMORI 7 Was fine...for the most part. Again, I little more detail below
THEO 7.5 Was having a good-not-great game but then had the great effort to find Pobega for the assist and to kill off the game
BENNACER 7 Nothing flashy but was there to win back the ball and was his usual self moving the ball up the pitch. Oh, a nice little effort on goal from distance too
TONALI 6.5 Not a bad game but a little more on his game and he likely would've had a goal within the first 15min. Then got forward less but was still solid in the middle with Bennacer. I feel like we still haven't seen peak Tonali yet this season
SAELEMAEKERS 8 MOTM A leaping header banged into the back of the goal? Another Saelemaekers's CL goal?! WTF?! Someone check on Nonno...
DÍAZ 7 After barely seeing the pitch the previous 2 games in league and CL play, Brahim came out ready to play. Truth be told he probably should've had 1, maybe 2 assists had Giroud and Leão done better. After throwing darts with his passes the first 30-40min, began to fade just a bit but impressive from the little guy
LEÃO 7  A little wasteful now in back-to-back games but had a wonderful assist to Saelemaekers just after the half to follow up drawing a penalty just before the half. Still, even when not in form is still a headache for opposing teams. Now, he gets to cheer on his fellow lads as Milan battles Napoli without him on Sunday
GIROUD 7 Goals in 3 of the last 4 and the wily vet is hitting great form. Probably going to need him to carry the load on Sunday and wouldn't mind seeing him bag another 1 or 2 vs Napoli
POBEGA 7 I can't say I saw this one coming,...I don't think anyone can. But he's looked like an interesting player and one given a lot more freedom to get forward from what I was expecting. But, he's making a believer out of me! Well done, kid
CDK 6 Came on for Giroud and was his first action at CF while in Milan colors. Not impressive. Didn't play high enough up the pitch or in the box to help keep the CBs honest. Still young and still learning but he needs to speed up the learning curve. You come in for €35M and taking your time isn't something you're afforded. Ask Silva, Paqueta, or even Leão during Leão's first 1.5 seasons
DEST 6.5 Not a lot of time to watch him but he came in as a RW and I saw him getting into the box and making himself available going forward. I liked what I saw AND maybe he makes this jump next year?...really need him to win over that RB spot this season and soon
KRUNIC N/A Came in at the same time as Dest but I didn't see him do much (and I was really focused on him to be fair), so I'm not going to rate him. Good to have him back on the pitch though. Need these bodies with all these games this month and next
MESSIAS N/A Didn't really notice him either but Pioli put him in the CAM position mostly just to sub out Brahim and give him a break since the only other CAM was up top at CF with no other strikers on the squad
PIOLI 7 Another 7 from me. The team came out the gates firing and ready to score but just lacked that last little bit of class to get on the board early and often. It was the first chance we've really had an opportunity to see Pioli against another team so willing to sit back since the Atalanta game and his improvements in tactics and attacking were welcomed. Not sure what was going on with the subbing at the end but again, I think he was just trying to save some legs and was short not on players, but short on players at certain positions. But still, #IPIT!
Champions League
Milan are sitting on top of the Group E with Salzburg and Chelsea drawing today:
Milan 4pts (+2 GD)
Dinamo 3pts (-1 GD)
Salzburg 2pts (0 GD)
Chelsea 1pt (-1 GD)
A win vs Chelsea and it certainly makes the return legs of these group matches much easier, especially if Salzburg and Dinamo Zagreb draw next match. Still a lot of CL matches to play but Milan are in the driver's seat. What a difference a year makes...
Ok, WHAT is going on on Milan's right side? That's now 7 of 8 goals conceded by Milan coming either on their right side or at least right of center.
Having rewatched the Orsic goal about 5-6 times it was clear Dinamo wanted the ball over on Milan's right, and they passed it over the top to Orsic who was over on Calabria's side. Orsic cuts in and Ljubicic overlaps his run towards the touchline dragging Calabria with him while Petkovic runs towards Orsic to get the ball. Orsic passes the ball, begins the give-and-go and Petkovic does a little back heel flick back to him and Osric bangs home the goal from the edge of the 6yd box.
First off, hell of a play as I mentioned above in the ratings. Sometimes you just get beat and of the 8 goals conceded, this one and the Becão one are the ones you just shrug because you just got beat...but...BUT it looks like Tomori followed Petkovic too far over to Milan's right especially when Kalulu was right there. That left a massive hole right in front of Maignan, where Tomori should've been, and while Tonali did well to fill the gap, he was just a second too late to get a boot or put his body in front of Orsic's shot.
So, was this Tomori's fault? In vacuum, it sure looks like it (and for sure he takes some of the blame), but I can't help but think about everyone starting to cheat over to their right, to Calabria's side, to help because they know that's where they're vulnerable. Everyone starts side-eying their right side and nudging over that way and all of the sudden people are no longer where they should be and lanes are opening up left and right for teams to exploit. At this level, especially in CL, being in the wrong position, even by a foot or two, and all of the sudden you’re reading some guy's name on the back of his kit as he scores on you.
Random Facts
Another goal from the RW spot and that's now goals in 3 consecutive games. Saelemaekers and Messias are starting to take advantage of the extra space they're being given. So far this season these two have combined for 3 goals and 1 assist through 8 games (with Saelemaekers doing most of that), or .5 goals/assists a game. Last year combined they had 7 goals and 5 assists (with Messias doing most of it) in 70 games, or .17 goals/assists a game. Almost a 3-fold increase. Keep it up, boys
Milan as scored 16 goals in 8 games so far. Of those:
Milan have scored 7 of the 16 goals within 15min before and 15min after halftime (with 7 before the half overall, and 9 after)
Milan have scored 12 of the 16 goals before the 60th minute
Milan have scored 15 of the 16 before the 75min
Milan is averaging 2 goals a game, up from 1.7 last season in Serie A and CL (Inter led Serie A teams in scoring last season with 2.02 goals a game in Serie A and CL)
Alright, that's about it. Big game vs red hot Napoli at the San Siro this Sunday. Nonno will be bringing some fun between-game reading this Friday.
Forza Milan!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 24 Penalteam
(Spoilers below) Two episodes in 24 hours. I was a bit underwhelmed by Qilin. So Lets see what Penalteam brings to the table
-Kim and Marinette are Captains.
-Kim picked Max first then asked Markov who should he pick for the best chance of winning. (That is hilarious)
-Marinette picks alya
-Marinette points out Kim is cheating
-So Mr.Divia (idk how thats spelled.) He is gonna teach them soccer/Futbol
-I think the lesson for today is gonna be teamwork (call it a hunch)
-Alix suggesting Girls against boys. Which Kim points out they would lose again. Which a lot of people would take as the cliche of cartoons making girls better than boys but really... All of the girls except Chloé and Lila are CRAZY STRONG (rose is especially strong). And Aside from Kim and Adrien (and nino somewhat) none of the boys are really athletic. Ivan is big but he is slow.
-Nino throwing shade at Chloé.
-Nathaniel you a lazy bitch proving my point, I love you.
-Marc you are adorable little bean. boy gushing about Soccer. (I want to protect him
-So the coach is like a sports journalist. Marc would probably know about good writers. also 50 BUCKS SAYS THATS THE BABY DADDY
-Nathaniel making marc come up with an excuse for him. Dude... WHERE HAS NATHANIEL BEEN? I MISSED MY BOY
-Marc is pretty good at soccer (also he went over the top with that pass
-Marc getting some development.
-Sabrina is mad fast but then Chloé pulls the forbidden (listen to me card) And marinette encourages
-Ivan doesnt want to hurt anyone (cause he too stronk) Also i heard that cute nickname Myvan for LIFE
-GASP! Marinette found her self facing the perfect defence against her... ADRIEN.
-And Adrien doesnt know how to play soccer. Considering he litterally showed he can dribble and shoot in Furious Fu... Meh its. funny I will ignore it.
-Yo, That was some clever Play manuver (As a former soccer player i compliment Marinette's amazing Shot on goal.)
-And Lila is there but is on bench. As usual (also she never learned Lila's name) Marinette knows its bulls***
-Marinette's suggestion makes sense and Is a dig at Chloé
-WAIT... Is Chloe waiting to get akumatized?! OMG they really just said f*** all of that previous character development. But also using it to get out of class. Mood
-Oh look a reason for Mega akuma
-Chloé just like "Just do the thing already I know what you want."
-I really like the design of penalteam
-Chloé being next level petty (I am living for it
-Ms Bustier is like "Vengence isnt the answer" but like... isnt it though (jk) and she got red carded
-And Alya is out via slide tackle (which warps her out into a little ball)
-And Alix is out too... So no bunnyx
-Ooo, the more goals means less space
-Plagg hates soccer
-Ladybug is like "Me and Chat noir can kick your butt." But chat noir is fidgiting
-OH THAT WAS CLEVER OF CHLOÉ. Putting it so she cant be un akumatized.
-Chat noir whispering that he sucks at soccer. and Ladybug realizing (s*** we need reinforcements)
-The commenter is great
-Wtf was Luka, kagami and Zoe doing there? I get that marc took Nathaniel's place.
-Looks like they speed running the other miraculous holders
- Sabrina's power is called Fetch. PFFFFF (oh this will be useful in the finale)
-Sabrina is too much of a simp. Honey get a personality
-OHHHH. Marc has the cock Rooster. I was confused. okay neat.
-Wait she found nathaniel?!
-Ivan you sweet bean.
-Okay so the announcer conveniently knows the old heroes.
-So new heroes. Miss Hound, Rooster bold (like booster gold i see you), Caprakid, and Minotaurox.
-Okay so now that I have seen the costumes. Rooster kid and Caprakid look cool
-Now i want a Miraculous Strikers game. GET ON THAT ZAG
-AND VIPERION IS DOWN! First one out.
-So now the field is all of Paris. Neat.
-Seriously giving me mario strikers vibes and I LOVE IT
-And Ryuuko is out.
-Man Ladybug really needs to learn about the lesson of the day
-And Pigella is down. They are getting their asses kicked
-12 to 0 at halftime. Really starting to feel like space jam
-Ladybug giving the team pep talk. She needed Mike's secret stuff
-And the game is tied up
-So minotaurox power is Called resistence. Which makes him immune to other powers. Like a charging bull. I expected it but it is very cool.
-And Penalteam cheated. What a surprise. (shadowmoth did say she could)
-"IM THE VILLAIN!" we get it thomas.
-And she red carded chat noir
-And now the game is on a 5 minute dead line
-Shadow moth is basically watching with popcorn
-And the Lucky charm.
-Oh so Ladybug's plan is really clever.
-And Caprikid can make any object he wants but its not magical. So its the exact opposite of Ladybug's lucky charm. Thats kind of situational AND a reference to evillustrator. AND IT HAS THE COOLEST NAME EVER! Genesis
-And they fooling her
-Sublimation. Basically the power to make a specific outcome occur. Thats a really cool power
-So this plan is really brilliant
-Shadowmoth is trying to calm her down
-Chloe just RAGE QUIT! Amazing
-And thats how ladybug and team wins
-Shadowmoth is salty
-Oh and Lila-Chloe alliance. (welp. My fanfic was already outdated. so this doesnt matter) Risk now makes more sense
Okay so I did feel the hero intros were rushed. But I was very entertained.
I wish they didnt bulk intro the other heroes. It feels like they got robbed. But I did enjoy the akuma and the set up.
The ending was also good.
The lesson of the day was obvious but that was expected. It was a lot more fun
8 out of 10.
If the other heroes were more fleshed out and Ivan and Sabrina were given more personality I feel like this would be higher.
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daegall · 3 years
pairing: Ice hockey player! Sungchan x figure skater! reader
genre: fluff
warnings: umm is falling on your ass like 3 times a warning ALSO IDK THIS MIGHT BE CHEESY.................
a/n: whooo!! this is part of @knet-bakery's nostalgic melodies event!! though this will be posted while in supposed to be on a mini hiatus, i hope it still goes well and nothing wrong happens! enjoy bubs <33
🎶: fool - nct 127
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You were very proud to announce to your closest friends and family that you've been accepted to your university's figure skating team! It was, and still is, one of your biggest accomplishments. First you got into your dream school, then your dream team, what's next, you're dream boy?
You feel your chest tighten and breathing stop as you enter your uni's ice rink, the cold sensation of the ice instantly nipping at your warm skin. It's not like you mind, you've felt it all your life, it was your favorite feeling.
The sound of skates scraping against the ice fills your ears, swarming around your body and swirling especially in your heart, the nostalgic sound of it feeling so nostalgic to you.
It was crazy how much time you spent on the ice.
They beckon you over, to which you instantly rush up to them with buzzing excitement coursing through your veins.
Just as you get right next to them, and greet them enthusiastically, a bunch of boys come out of the changing room with red and blue uniforms, laughing and chatting loudly with each other as they get onto the ice.
Just as you get right next to them, and greet them enthusiastically, a bunch of boys come out of the changing room with red and blue uniforms, laughing and chatting loudly with each other as they get onto the ice.
Woah, you think. It's the gators!
You've seen them play before, and they are really no joke. They gave the best team players, fastest skaters, and the most strategic moves. They have so many international transfers as well.
You recognize each and every one of them, every one but a certain tall, shy boy. There's a sudden rush of warmth that spreads through your face and ears, and your eyes widen as you see him skate gracefully in the ice.
"Woah, aren't they great? Y/n didn't you- oh gosh are you blushing?"
Your palms instantly fly up to cover your face, shaking your head no, "N-no! I'm just cold!"
They all know it's bullshit, you've never been so red because of the cold, and you would literally skate all night with only a t-shirt when the team was opening for players. There is no way you're just cold. He
"Whatever you say, Y/n. Come on, let's get our skates."
You give them a tight nod, picking your duffle back up into your arms. You give the hockey players one last glance, and already find the new member looking right at your direction. A squeak erupts from your throat, before you scurry off into the changing rooms quickly.
You didn't expect to be skating at the same time as the hockey players, but you guess it's how the first practice of the semester goes. Each of the coaches are at the benches, talking to each other excitedly as they talk about each of their new skaters.
You're only doing a few spins on the ice, your nerves making it somehow colder, when you catch the new guy looking at you again. You try to brush it off, but to no avail. You slip and fall.
It's alright, most of the skaters here have already done the exact same thing, some taking a fall even worse than yours. You groan and pat your lower back and butt in pain, before getting up quickly to start yet once again. It's a painful, but daily routine.
The coaches stand to call all team members, each on different sides of the rink. To your dismay, you're all the way on the other side from your teammates and coach. You quickly get up to skate to them, but the second you get up you're tumbling back down because of a weight pushing you.
"A-ah! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you..."
Your head snaps up at the unfamiliar voice, and your own voice disappears when you see the same cute new member from the hockey team.
There's an awkward moment between you two as you just stare at each other, breaths being stolen away by one another, but remaining breathless. Your heart pounds dangerously loudly in your ears, swelling in a way you've never felt before.
It feels like forever, before the boy helps you up with an apologetic pat at your lower back.
That’s all you think of for the rest of the week, in the middle of class, eating lunch, heck, when you’re late to class, his awkward smile and gleaming eyes permanent in your memories.
Your teammates tease you to no end, calling you out whenever the boy, who you’ve learned his name is Sungchan, comes within just 15 meters from you.
It’s no different for him himself, it all started when Donghyuck teased him of how red he was and how he would always glance at you that day. He was never one to believe in love at first sight, but suddenly it was his whole love life the moment he helped you up from the ice.
Fortunately for the both of you, you got to see each other without being teased out of your minds. At first, you doubted why you signed up for economy, but now you keep looking at the clock to see how far 5th period was.
Maybe coincidence, maybe fate, you don’t really care. Just the fact that you get to sit next to him in econ made your heart thump quickly.
But, even with such time, you two were still too shy to make a move. It was so obvious you wanted to, but it was like a mutual agreement that the time will come, when the time will come.
You kind of regret it though, you hate that you have to be so self conscious around him, when there are your teammates, always walking up to random dudes and asking them random shit.
You think this and curse to yourself as you open the ice rink doors, the cool wind blowing at your face for the nth time this week.
Just as you get sight of the ice, a familiar red and blue jersey flies from one side of the rink to the other, and you can’t help but wish it’s Sungchan.
It might just be fate, for your crush was there, with a hockey stick, playing around and doing all kinds of tricks with the puck.
You are once again, blow away at his skills, eyes traveling with him and observing every move he makes. It’s 8:45 pm, just 2 hours before the rink closes for the day. You thought you were the only one planning on training this evening.
You take in a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for some awkward moments, before placing your duffle bag on the benches.
Just as you step on the ice with your skates, Sungchan turns around, and is shocked to see you on the ice with him. He instantly loses focus and topples over suddenly, causing both him and you to gasp.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?”
As your voice gets clearer and closer, the boy feels his heart start to shake, and the same feeling of when you fell on the ice fluttering within his body.
“Y-yeah! I’m fine, r-really,”
Your expressions still twist in worry, and despite your mind freaking out and not knowing what to do, you still offer him a hand.
It feels like strikes of electricity or sparks running through your body as Sungchan’s cold, gloved hand envelops yours. You tug him upward gently, your heart beating in your ears loudly like drums.
Sungchan sends you an awkward, shy smile, one that you reciprocate with just as much nervousness shading it. Despite being in an ice rink, with literally just a shirt and yoga pants, you’re burning up. You haven’t even warmed up yet.
You mutually, but silently, agree to split the ice, the right side for you, the left for Sungchan.
Youreally can’t help but sneak a few glances at him as he practices, sometimes even going as far as staring without realizing. It’s not like it’s too easy for him either, your movements are so graceful and full of effort, he can feel the hard work radiate off of you. Many times did you want to help each other when one fell, but decided not to since it’s so common for people on the ice.
At some point of the individual practice, Sungchan accidentally hits his puck all the way to your side. He internally panics, hesitating to go in your zone to take the puck. The second he’s taking a step into your side, the puck is flying back in front of him.
Alarmed, Sungchan’s head whips up, shocked and very much delighted to see you, with a bright smile on your face and sparkling eyes.
He’s stunned. How could someone so perfect, suddenly become even better?
“Bring it on, Jung!”
A smile finds itself instinctively on Sungchan’s lips, before he’s retrieving the puck again and dribbling it around. Your confidence starts to waver at his determined stare, instead a chill of excitement running through your body.
Before you know it, you’re chasing Sungchan around the ice, attempting to steal the puck from him. It’s of course, not that easy, for someone who hasn’t played since the 8th grade. Though, you still impress your crush a lot, with your speed and stamina, you could train to be a hockey player.
The silent playfulness is turned vocal, with laughs and groans whenever one falls or fails to steal the puck. You can barely pick up the pace because of how much you’ve laughed at this point, just tagging along behind Sungchan as he teasingly tells you to catch up.
At last, you have a chance to steal the puck. Without any hesitation, you skate faster, and swerve the puck your way. The way your stick clashed with Sungchan’s made him shocked, not to mention your speed and swiftness too.
Sungchan is racing after you, ready to take the puck back to his possession, but he’s too late, you’ve hit, and it goes straight into the goalpost.
With a breathy laugh, you throw your hands into the air, and throw Sungchan a big, proud grin. He only pants with a smile, and gives you a much appreciated thumbs up.
“How are you so good?” At the question your ego is nibbling on, you smirk smugly and shrug, “I used to play ice hockey a lot with my dad and cousins.”
You get the puck back from the goal, and start dribbling it around the rink with skill. Oblivious to the adoring loom Sungchan gives your way, you attempt to shoot the puck at him. He catches it with no problem, “You’re so damn cool,”
At that, you slip painfully onto your back.
You lay no mind though, sitting straight back up and staring at your crush with big, surprised eyes, “W-what?”
Sungchan only laughs, wiping his forehead with his gloved hand, “Nevermind that,” he skates towards the exit of the ice, smiling shyly down at his skates.
Now’s a good time, right?
“H-hey,” you hum back a response, knowing your words would catch in your throat if you spoke. Sungchan bites his lip shyly, “You wanna go out sometime?” A soft gasp leaves your lips.
“L-like a date?”
“I mean, y-yeah. A date,”
Unwanted fireworks go on in your body, exploding with joy and giddiness from the suggestion of a date.
You both grin like fools once the other is out of sight, replaying whatever happened over and over on repeat.
There, in the ice, minutes after being asked out by your crush, you are unaware of the bright and fun future you have with him, unaware of the black hole you call love, falling deeper and deeper for him.
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kenmasangel · 3 years
Fight ; Ushijima Wakatoshi
characters : ushijima wakatoshi, f!reader
synopsis : you and ushijima had your first real lowkey hardcore fight as a couple
genre : angst, fluff
ps : i am trying my best lol, i am new at this if you any remarks my dm's are open. hope you enjoy <3
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both you and your boyfriend, ushijima play volleyball that is actually what pulled you closer and ushi couldn't be happier
you've always enjoyed playing volleyball; it wasn't your passion and you wouldn't dedicate your life for it like ushijima but you still did your best all the time and you were pretty good
you actually were captain of the team for a while but then just decided to be a normal player
you practiced really hard; you didn't want to disappoint your boyfriend who was a great volleyball player
it really stressed you out though, especially when people would compare you or make really uncalled for remarks (this was maybe even one of the reasons you quit as a captain)
anyway these last days you haven't been feeling really good, the exams were upcoming and you wanted to keep up your excellent grades so you could attend the college of your dream
and not to make things better you had a practice match with you-don't-know-what-team and you couldn't care less
even if you were attending practice you were still kind of lacking, you wouldn't give it your all as usual and your teammates noticed that, you tried conving your coach into keeping you on the bleachers but he just wouldn't give up on you and your amazing serves
so here you were, sleep deprived, stressed out about school work and volleyball and your boyfriend didn't seem to notice anything, he would ask you times to times if anything is wrong but you would brush him off since you knew he was already preoccupied with the nationals
ushijima wasn't dumb though, he knew something was off with you but since you kept telling him not to worry he thought he would give you time unil you feel completely comfortable talking about it
he would kiss your forehead and tell you that he is here anytime
i ship you guys so bad wtf 😔
and as if the universe was against you, the day before your practice match you had an important exam, “at this point i should drop out and become a stripper” you thought to yourself as you were cramming informations into your brain
after your exam you headed to the gym to practice, you and your team stayed until late night and needless to say you only had few hours of sleep because you also had to wake up early to practice your serves, you didn't even have time to see your boyfriend so he could encourage you
you were exhausted, your brain was about to explode and your coach would still not let stay on the bleachers. the only thing positive was that ushijima sent you a good luck text message the night before
the match started, you were trying so hard to stay focused and to fall asleep; your serves were not as sharp as usual, you would miss the ball many times and the coach finally decided to change you with someone else
what you were not aware of is that ushijima and tendou came to watch the match and support you, they were weirded out at the way you were playing, it clearly was not in your habits to play that way
your team won the match but you couldn't care less, you just wanted to go home and sleep for one week straight
there were still a few people in the gym, you were getting ready to leave; you didn't even notice that the trio was coming your way
“y/n!” you heard tendou call you, “oh, hi sorry i didn't notice you were here” you replied, closing your bag “what's up?” you ask
“what's up with you? are you okay?” tendou asks, “what ?” you didn't know they saw everything, you kept staring at them until it hit you “oh, so you guys watched the match”
“yes, and what was all that about?” asked ushijima. “we can't always play well, you know” you shrugged, they were staring at you kind of shocked
“what? y/n did you see your serves ? did you see how many times you missed easy balls? it was almost as if i was watching a beginner! the team almost lost because of you” ushijima replies
“okay and ? i told the coach not to put me on the field yet he did. not my fault” you answered, it stung hearing him say that but it was true and you knew it
“thank god #8 came in, she saved the game ” he adds, what started annoying you. the last thing you wanted was to fight with your boyfriend
“good for them,” you clapped back in a cold tone what sent shivers down tendou's spine. he didn't want to get in between you two and he didn't know how to react since it was his first time seeing you like that
“you are my girlfriend, you know better! you should know this isn't only about others but the whole team! i heard people say stuff i didn't want to hear when you were playing an-” he couldn't finish when you cut him off
“ i know what people say ushijima! i know i am not dumb. and what if i am your girlfriend ? does that make me obliged to be a good volleyball player like you ? volleyball isn't my dream as far as i know i also have other dreams and other goals ushijima, but do you even care ? do you even bother asking me what i am passionate about ? and if you're ashamed of me, the so-bad volleyball player why don't you just go out with other great players ?” you snapped, what made the gym go quiet and all eyes stare at you and your boyfriend.
you gave him a last glance , took your stuff and went home
him and tendou stood there, alone now that everyone have left, still trying to comprehend what just happened, “wow, i’ve never seen y/n-chan like that” tendou broke the silence between him and ushijima. he didn’t answer tho, his mind was still replaying the fight you two had
you never fought; you guys were both mature and dealt with every situation you had to go through rationally so this fight really made ushijima tense up, something that tendou noticed
“ushijima,” tendou started as they were walking back to their dorms. “did you notice that y/n wasn’t feeling good right ?”
“hm? what?” the green eyed boy looked at him confused
“y/n is definetly not feeling good, you could tell just by looking at her face,” he stopped a moment before he continued “you can’t be oblivious to your girlfriend feeling bad, can you ?”
“look, i am not one to tell you what to do ushijima, this is your relationship but take good care of y/n before you loose her. she is a wonderful person and i know people who are just waiting for the right moment to have a chance with her,” he finished, sighing
“i don’t know what to do, we’ve never had a fight like this before and i sure don’t want to loose her,” finally stated ushijima burying his face in his hands, “i know i am lucky to have her, but you know how i suck at this relationship stuff...”
“give her time to cool down, but not too much time too. anyway goodnight” tendou pats ushijima’s shoulder before getting into his dorm
the days after you tried to keep it lowkey; you didn’t go to practice, you’d spend most of your time alone in the library or at home
your friends tried to contact you but you went on ghost mode, ushijima and the vb team too but you didn’t have enough strenght to deal with anyone not even your own parents
yet one night after everyone had finsihed practice you decided to head to the gym, you had so much frustration that you wanted to get rid off and the only thing that could help you was to hit in a ball
so here you are, at 10:30 pm serving in your highschool’s gym with all the power you had
what you didn’t know is that someone was there, watching this whole time hitting them balls with all the power you had wondering if they should come and talk to you or not
saying he missed you be an understatement, he missed your touch, the sound of your voice, your silly fights with tendou over who ushijima loved the most, the way you would hold his hand with no warning, the way you came to his practices and his teammates would all want to catch your attention. he was craving you and he couldn’t do anything but blame himself on how he lacked as a boyfriend
“man up, wakatoshi,” he opened the door yet didn’t catch your attention as you were still serving your mind obviously somewhere else
“uhm, hello?” he clumsily tries to catch your attention, which he succeeded  in
you turn, kind of startled but lowkey relaxing at his sight. “hi,” looking at his face you realized how much you missed him but the fight you had was still replaying in your head. “i was leaving, i just need to clean the gym” you said shaking off your pianful thoughts
as you walked by him he held you wrist making you stop, “y/n, let’s talk it out... please” his face slowly turning around, your eyes meeting his
he was right, you couldn’t just ghost everyone for the rest of the year, you just nodded and looked away
still holding your hand he took you to sit on a bench, facing each other. both of you wondering what will come out of this conversation
“y/n, i miss you, i was a horrible boyfriend i should’ve noticed how bad you were doing and comfort you instead of being a total douchebag, it’s just that...” he stopped for a while, thinking of the right words to say. “i just want the best for you, and i should’ve known vb isn’t your dream but i know how much potential you have and i just want the best for you.”
you couldn’t help but soften and the bluntness of your boyfriend, you knew he was genuine
“i don’t want to loose you y/n, and i promise to do my best to be a better boyfriend. please accept my apology,” you couldn’t help but breakdown infront of him
that’s it, you reached your peak and here you were sobbing in your boyfriend’s arms who was rubbing your back, trying to comfort you
he sure was taken aback when he saw you crying like that, he had never seen you like that and he never dealt with this type of situation but somehow he knew you needed to let everything out
he kissed the top of your head, whispering things like “everything is gonna be fine”
“i just got so stressed out, volleyball, academics, relationships... and i wanted to be the best but i couldn’t handle this much pressure and i should’ve told you how i felt but i bottled up thinking i could handle it,” you managed to say between your sobs. “ i love you too and i don’t want to loose you toshi,” he hugged you tighter after this sentence
“it’s alright love, i should’ve been here for you that’s the point of being together, it’s to lift a certain weight on each other,” he cupped your face in his big hands, wiping your tears, “no more secrets now, we’re here for each other,” you nod and he gently presses his lips against yours
“i love you, and i am here for you, please stop crying i hate to see my s/o this way especially when i suck at comforting you,” he made you chuckle
you’ve never  seen this side of ushijima, you knew he was trying his best right now, but you were glad you saw it today; it proved that he really loved you and you felt happy to have him by your side
“i love you too, toshi,” you hugged him tight and he kissed your forehead
both of you feeling relieved to know that your relationship was strong enough and you’d be able to count on each other and go through anything by each other’s side
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volleychumps · 4 years
hi i loved your helping karasuno during a game hc’s and i was wondering if you could do one for nekoma ?
Due to popular demand, here it is! I wrote with the ones I was the most comfortable with, so I hope you guys enjoy!!
Calming Down Nekoma in a Match
- “God, all these Nohebi players are pricks.” “Kuroo, they might hear-” “Kenma, look at my face. Do I look like I care?” 
- runs a hand through his already sweaty hair frustratedly as he gulps down water, eyes taking on a menacing edge as the team all simutaneously take a step away from the pissed-off captain
- “Nekomata-sensei…” “Don’t worry. We have luck on our side.” “What do you-?” “Get (Y/N) down here. Now.” 
- gets riled up immensely so much to the point where he begins making mistakes, allowing the toxic words from the other team to get to him until he gets subbed out
- legit the whole team is shook because the captain was no longer playing, messing up the flow that they’re usually able to keep intact 
- leans against the wall with a pissed-off expression as he dares the players of the other team to look his way, blinking when a pair of arms is suddenly on either side of his body
- Yaku has to stop the team from laughing at how funny it looked: your adorable figure was trapping Kuroo against the wall with both arms as he stared down at you. unblinking 
- stiff posture relaxes immediately, pissed-off expression forming into one of amusement and confusion 
- “Came to visit?” the side of his lips quirk up, feeling the tension slip his chest as you look up at him sternly, refusing to let him leave his spot on the wall before your arms suddenly wrap around his torso 
- “What are you so mad for? You’re playing so well.” You pout, looking up at him as your front body presses up against his in a hug. “And you’re the one who told me to come because you were gonna win. Were you wrong in saying that?” 
- looks at you for a second before his hand gently strokes your cheek, feeling his breathing even out before taking a deep breath, determination brimming his eyes as you grin. You had done it. 
- “Nope. I wasn’t wrong at all when saying that.” leans down towards you, feral eyes playful as his lips form a smirk, eyes twinkling in amusement as he pulls you in.
- flips off the staring Nohebi team as he plants his lips on yours for a good fifteen seconds, looking energized as he jogs back on to the court away from your flushed figure 
-bro wtf we get it you have a gf 
- “Kuroo, there are children-” “Lev and Shibuyama can get over it. Let’s win this.” 
- Nekomata sensei lets you sit next to him throughout the rest of the game, and when Nekoma manages to win their third set, Kuroo jogs over to you before quite literally sweeping you off your feet, picking you up bridal style as he peppers kisses all over your cheeks
- “Kuroo, please let me go-!”
- “Never.” His forehead rests against yours.
-“You’re too good to let go, I can’t help myself.” 
-You never thought you’d see the day where Kenma would lose his cool
- It was a match against Fukurodani, and you could tell Kenma was becoming more and more irate as Bokuto’s speed was too much to allow him to think
- Kenma’s sets begin to lack strength, signalling he was lessening the amount of pressure he was using in his arms to set the ball up as he got more and more lost within his mind 
- The Nekoma team blinks when Kenma’s set doesn’t even rise above the net
- Luckily, Fukunaga comes in to set in his place when Kenma gets benched, eyes downcast on the floor as the team legit freaks out
- Yamamoto stop freaking out baby pls
- like what are they supposed to do without the brain of the team? all connection would suddenly become lost without Kenma
-Kuroo is legit looking at Kenma with a we-say-a-fucking-chant-for-you-before-the-game-are-you-kidding-me look before whipping out his phone in the middle of time out
-poor love feels pressured as he sits on the bench, trying to make himself calm as the irritation bubbles in his stomach 
- “Hey uh, Y/N, you’re watching this, right?” “ I can see Kenma looks a tad frustrated.” “You’re his girlfriend! Do something!” “What?” 
- You snap your phone shut before leaving the stands to enter the gym floor, ignoring the stares you were getting from the audience to see that Nekoma had called a time-out, the other team sitting at set point 
- “Kenma, Bokuto has a stupid amount of strength and you know that-” “Kuroo. I don’t care. Don’t lecture me.” 
- silently, you shoo the surrounding members of the team away from Kenma as you take the unoccupied seat next to him, remaining quiet for a few seconds before you hear him sigh lightly 
- “You shouldn’t be down here.” “Yet here I am!” 
- doesn’t react when you take his hand, tracing your finger over the lines on his hands as your thumb runs back and forth soothingly on his skin
- “It’s just a game.” You say finally, nudging him in the side with your shoulder before resting your head on his. “Think about it this way. The faster you win this, the faster you can finally beat me at Smash Bros.” 
- “You’ve won once.” “Doesn’t matter! You still lost!” 
- scoffs a little at your fuming face before feeling the air circulation in his lungs allow him to breathe a little easier, glancing down at your bright grin before he sighs, as if this were the most troublesome thing 
-shut up kenma you know you love them
-“Fine then. Rematch. After this.” 
- “After this. Now will you hurry up and win already?” 
- As he stands, you press your lips to his knuckle quickly, not enough to make him flustered, but enough for him to smile the smallest of smiles at you -
-until it disappears as soon as Kuroo comes to drag him back into the game
- “You’re a miracle worker.” “I do what I can.” “Will you two stop high-fiving each other? I’m still here.” “Kenma, don’t be jealous.” 
- rolls his eyes as he makes his way back into the game, feeling complete serenity flow back trough his mind as the Nekoma team finally takes back the points they had missed
-so when they win, he’s already walking back to your sitting figure on the bench before plopping down in his previous seat, rummaging through his duffel before emerging with a switch
- “You don’t want to celebrate with your screaming team?” You question as he pops off a controller. He blinks before standing up, offering you his hand. 
- “You’re right. Let’s get out of here. Before Kuroo drags us.” 
- You laugh, grasping his hand as he leads you out of the gym. Without turning back to look at you, his grip tightens ever so slightly. 
- “Hey (Y/N)?” “Hm?”
- “Thank you.” 
- “Don’t mind, Yakkun!” “Lev, you’re the last person I want to be telling me not to mind.” 
-Yaku you made the baby sad stop being a hoe 
- Irate baby frustratedly wipes the sweat trailing down the bridge of his nose when another ball slams down into the floor before his hand can reach in between it
- grinds his teeth together as the whistle seems to blow in his ears, his nails biting into his clenched fist as Kai flinches from trying to help him off the floor 
- “I’m so off my game today.” “Yaku, you’re doing great-” “Kai, don’t touch me. I mean it.” 
- creates an air that’s almost suffocating as he becomes more and more irritable, effecting his overall performance
- flinches when he gets switched out with Shibuyama, who was trembling as they switched numbers, Yaku pulling it a little more harshly than necessary
- “Hello love!”
- darkened eyes soften at your grinning figure standing by the bench before darkening again, taking a seat without paying much mind to you
- doesn’t even look at you as he pops the cap to his water bottle “So you saw me play. Like that. What are you even doing down here?”
- Unfazed, you stand in front of your libero boyfriend with your hands on your hips, noting the clench of his fists and tightened jaw before reaching your hand out
- seems to relax at your touch when you stroke his cheek gently, smiling softly down at him as his arms slowly snake around your waist, pulling you closer as his breaths begin to steady 
- “I’m sorry.” “There’s nothing to be sorry for. You’re playing great, love. I’m always proud of how you play, you’re the one who stands out the most on the court! Do you know how proud that makes me?”
- his eyes lose their darkened glare as he stares up at you, his grip on his water bottle loosening as he takes a deep breath, standing as he looks down at you
- “What would I do without you?” “Cry, probably.”
- quirks an eyebrow at your cheeky response before pressing his lips against your forehead, smiling down at you without a trace of his previous anger
- “Let’s go on a date after this.” “But the team dinner...?” “Nope. Just you and me.”
- kisses you on the tip of your nose before ensuring you get to the stands okay, waving at you when he’s put back in the game
- you smile widely when he fist pumps the air, reaching the top of his game as the atmosphere diminishes completely
- “Lev...I’m s...sor...cOUGH” “it’s okay, Yakkun! We won, and you did so well for someone who’s short!”
- Lev you little shit he’s trying
- is about to kick Lev in the shin until you leap into his arms, overjoyed as his hands wrap around your waist to steady you
- “You played so well, love!”
- “It’s all thanks to you, dork.”
- “Kuroo are you crying?” “I...Yakkun just never looks this nice!”
-“Lev, you could’ve gotten that-“ “I know! My receives still suck, I’m sorry.”
- the whole team blanches at Lev’s irate and borderline depressed self, knowing how low their attack power went if he isn’t at the top of his game
- “Kenma-San, please set to me less.” Literally gets so sad omg baby no
- Kenma being Kenma, shrugs and nods as the whistle blows, signaling the start of the next rally as Lev slowly becomes more and more downhearted
- when his next spike gets into the net, his spike usually being the one thing he has confidence in, he makes eye contact with his coach before he’s promptly benched
- “That one girl Lev never shuts up about...is she here?” “Uh, probably, sensei-“ “Go find her.”
- Within the next few minutes, you’re jogging into the gym after receiving a text from Inuoka, eyes brimmed with concern as you see your boy hunched over on the bench
- “what’s with him?” “I don’t know, his receives were off and I think that eventually effected his spikes...”
- ignoring the questioning stares of the people who noticed you, you give Lev a hug from behind, causing him to jump before relaxing into your touch
- “...(Y/N).”
- “Heyo, cutie.” You flirt, resting your chin on the top of his head as you hug him from his sitting position. “Come here often?”
- chuckles at your cute actions before his shoulders slump over again “Sorry you have to see me suck this bad...I bragged and everything.”
- “sorry, who are you?”
-blinks, thinking you’re still trying to flirt with him before spinning around on the bench to face you with a questioning stare
- “The Lev I know is the ace of the Nekoma team...right now I don’t really know who you are? Are you an imposter?”
- laughs, long arms finding your waist as he pulls you closer to him “Nope. I’m the real thing.”
- “Then go be the ace.” You say, hands cupping his cheeks. “They’re relying on you. And I’m here to support you. Always.”
- looks at you in awe for a moment before furrowing his brows and nodding, feeling soothed as you run your hands through his bright hair
- he pinches your waist, his cat-like grin passing over his face when you yelp, causing you to land in his lap as you blush
-digs his face into your neck as if he was recharging himself as you embarrassedly try to push him off before he sighs deeply and sets you down next to him
-when he stands and glances back, his eyes glint as he smiles at you lovingly
- “Don’t stop watching me.”
- so as you watch from the stands as Lev slams down the winning point, he blows you a kiss with a wink from the winning line-up as you roll your eyes
- “That was kind of cute, I guess.” You cross your arms when he comes to get you from the stands, pulling you into a tight hug as he smiles into your hair.
- “Good. You were watching.”
- “I never stopped.” 
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st-louis · 3 years
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JOEL ARMIA: 2018 every player on the montreal canadiens [12/28]
selected 16th  overall by the buffalo sabres in 2011
before coming over to north america, he played for his hometown team in the liiga, porin ässät
they won the league championship in 2012-13; in a twist of fate, one of the assistant coaches was mikael kotkaniemi (mikael’s son jesperi is, coincidentally, a big joel armia fan)
on that note, army has been described by kk as “a hometown hero with those blond curls”
he owns a very cute puppy named otso; otso is a lagotto, a breed used in italy for hunting truffles, he’s very smart and energetic and needs to be kept busy with puzzles
anyway he started out playing with the sabres’ ahl affiliate, got recalled, then got traded to the jets in 2015
he was traded to the habs in 2018 with steve mason, a seventh round 2019 pick, and a fourth round 2020 pick for simon bourque; he signed a one year extension
he is great friends with kk; they live in the same apartment building, carpool to practices, and army’s girlfriend has to tell them to cut it out sometimes
army has had trouble with consistency and injuries; he often goes games without notable offense and then will have a multi goal game where you’re like “HOLY SHIT WTF WAS THAT”
even when he’s not scoring, he’s frickin’ amazing defensively and on the penalty kill
he is second to none for puck possession on the team and it is a real treat to watch like three players attempt to get the puck from him and just bounce off of his ass
it was really fun watching him on a line with nick and cole; he would get the puck for them and they would just go
in the words of one teammate he is “an absolute horse”
he was a runner-up vote in player polls for best backhand, and he also has a wicked wrister (voted best wrist shot by his teammates in 2019)
army doing army things:
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voted runner up by his teammates as the best shot (after jeff petry): “he has such a long reach that he can pull it in and release it from just about anywhere. it’s just a huge window where he can release it and it’s so long and quick and silent that it just shoots up.”
he’s come up clutch in the playoffs the last two years but again, his inconsistency means his contract situation is uncertain right now. i truly hope we can keep him, i think what he provides the team is not easily replaced
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state of the flyers address (march edition)
the flyers really got me fucked up
like okay I kinda get the whole sitting oskar and nolan thing. they are both coming back from such serious conditions and into such a long and fast paced season so they both do probably deserve some rest and reset. but also was now the time to do it? nolan has been on such a role and he’s been taking a lot of shots and generating some big plays. he had pretty good momentum going and placing this pause on him after benching him for the entire third period the game before is not going to be helpful. same goes for oskar, he’s been scoring pretty decently and has some good momentum going. I do think they should both take a couple days and just rest up and reset and it seemed like buffalo would be the best game to do it but it was just poor timing and probably killed some confidence in them from av.
now the whole ghost thing???? do not get me started. like wtf??? we don’t have a defense it’s literally just a goalie (who av is absolutely murdering which all his slick ass comments). so we have no defense but we have one defense thats playing decently and is tied for #2 in goals in defensemen but he gets put on waivers?? he speaks out and puts some faith back into our 22 year old goalie, who’s had his confidence killed by his coach and has no defense to support him, and he gets put on waivers. it makes no sense. if they put guss on waiver it would have cleared up the same amount of money and space so that excuse is bullshit. and then they put ghost on the taxi squad??? just no?? we don’t have a defense and there is literally one person that's kinda generating some defense or scoring chance and y'all put him on the taxi squad? it just doesn’t make any sense at all. I really love ghost and I think he’s a great player and I love him as a flyer but I can’t see him wanting to stay a flyer much longer after the shit av has put him through.
and the carter hart issue. av has basically shit on carter. poor guy has had literally -2 defensemen this season to help him but he can’t be expected to bail this team out game after game. carter has been so great and he is a great goalie but he can’t be a brick wall every single game and he can’t be expected to be the great goalie we know without a defense. av having him lose and pulling him out of games every game has just been so bad on carters confidence. he's a young guy who’s putting so much pressure on himself to carry this team and he’s not succeeding and having a coach dog on him to the media and telling him he needs to practice harder??? fuck no. av is gonna kill carter’s confidence and it’s gonna take him even longer to bounce back from this. av needs to worry about fixing his defense before he publicly shits on hart. 
and on that note, I am done my ranting about the flyers for the month of march.
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hockstuff · 2 years
Tbh Barry has been an l coach this season. Idk wtf is going on with him but his treatment of players (ice time or benching the good players) it never makes fucking sense……. Kinda disappointing considering the last couple years we’ve been good and clinched playoffs but yaaaaaaaa know what do i knooooooooooow
i personally wouldn’t categorize him as an L coach this season but some of his decisions have been ~questionable, to say the least🤨 most of the players he’s benched (for what i remember), i don’t mind bc it does seem like benching them gives them the drive and motivation to do better! everyone seems to have gotten better after being benched. and like the whole mixing and matching of lines, i get that too bc none of our lines were producing so it took a while to find a good lineup to get going. the only thing i’m so so SO confused about is wahlstrom???
he’s finally on a line with mat and that’s great! they’ve been generated chances and actually producing here and there, but i’m just so BAFFLED by wally’s ice time??? like it’s so confusing to me, to the point where it feels like there MUST be something else going on behind the scenes (might not be anyone fault tbh! like it could be a lingering injury? or maybe they’ve talked about what wally’s role could be and how to get there?) bc wally’s clearly not Terrible, and barry doesn’t seem to think he’s terrible otherwise he would be fully scratched i’d assume. so it’s all so ?????? bc we never get anything substantial in pressers, it’s always about “effort” or ~making the right decisions for the situations~ which YEAH I GET but it doesn’t explain anything AND ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY is it wahlstrom’s defensive game???? is that it???? is it chemistry???? although that can’t be it bc there seems to be chemistry on his new line????? TELL ME BARRY. I NEED TO KNOW.
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laraplisetski · 3 years
Dating Takahiro Hanamaki
A/n: Makki and Matsun are honestly some of my favorite guys from Seijoh. I hope I portrayed Makki well enough. Hope you guys enjoy reading it. :)
Tags: @imthatchishiyasimp​, @kekozume​
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Hello dear friends, I hope you like this
Hanamaki’s a pretty calm and collected guy-
From that sentence only you know I'm lying 
This guy is the most Crackhead person you will ever meet aside from Matsun that is.
He loves to make you laugh, because of that he sends you memes 24/7. 
It's lowkey annoying but you love him.
He also sends you random facts about anything at like 3am and then he gets sad when you dont reply.
‘One-quarter of all your bones are located in your feet’
And your just like, ‘please go to sleep’
He loves to prank you and Matsun but then you get back at him when you team up with Matsun.
Also Matsun is your bestie cause yes and you are friends with the other third years. 
Iwaizumi got more people to tease Oikawa. You guys like to gang up on him when he misses a serve and start teasing him.
It's not bullying I swear.
Also you really trust the other third years a lot. 
If you have a problem and Makki isn't there, you go ask Matsun for help. If he isn't there as well then you go to Oikawa or Iwaizumi. 
It isn't just the third years that like you, The whole team loves you and they're all your children.
You help Iwaizumi keep them in line and you're like the team mom.
Even though you tell everyone that you don't have a favorite, Oikawa is secretly your favorite child.
Side note, Oikawa and Kyotani are tied for favorite children.
Aside from the team you guys have sleepovers and movie nights that are very calm until Matsun makes an appearance and then it turns chaotic.
Say goodbye to your house cause it'll be on fire till the morning.
When Matsun doesn't join, it's all calm and quiet and you guys just bask in each other's presence.
If you don't want to stay at home and you want to go out he's down to go anywhere you want to go. 
Want to go skydiving? He's in 
Want to go to a haunted house? He’ll try it ig
Want to go to eat ramen at a convenience store? Hell yes
But anyways you guys have weird ass date ideas, some examples are given above.
When you guys go on dates Makki always has matching clothes ready and he seems to think they're really cute.
(honestly I don't get the hype in matching clothes. Like I don't mind matching clothes that have a few elements that are matching but I hate the ones that are fully the same. Sorry for going on a rant, can't believe i got pissed over matching clothes)
You guys also sometimes go to the countryside on the weekends and you guys book like a little cottage and stay there and catch chickens or whatever.
Makki’s not that romantic but he’s trying his best oKay.
He likes giving you kisses. 
Just coming up from behind and giving you a little peck on your cheek and running away. Or when you guys are cuddling you get a forehead kiss.
He also gives you forehead kisses when he wakes up in the morning and you're not awake. When he wants to wake you up he starts peppering your collarbone with kisses and starts whining really loud which makes you want to punch him.
When you wake sleepover at his house, you usually wear one of his shirts to bed and he finds it very hot when you come stumbling into the kitchen looking all soft and cute in his oversized shirt. 
Also Makkis hugs are amazing cause 1. He's soft 2. He smells very nice.
Also when you're tired and don't want to walk to your bedroom he tends to pick you up and have your legs wrap around his waist.  Like yk how parents pick up their children.
I'm sorry if you don't get what I mean.
Y'all also vent to each other. 
You just sit down and hold each other in your arms if you've had a rough day.
When you get sick he takes a lot of care for you.
Like brings you soup and makes you stuff to eat.
You're not allowed to get up, if you need anything he's there.
He will still make fun of you. 
He’ll refuse to cuddle with you because he ‘doEsN’t wAnT tO caTcH gErMs’.
Sakusa is that you.
If he does this you tell him to give back all the pens he took from you. 
He shuts up and obliges right away.
Also he's a supportive boyfriend. 
When youre doing anything new, he'll hype you up.
Entering debating? That great
He’ll research whatever you're doing and try to help you as much as he can.
He has a meme account on instagram. I'm not gonna dive deeper into this topic but lemme tell you it's very chaotic and it's about Oikawa, and Oikawa hates it.
Usually he wouldn't let anyone touch his meme account because that's his baby but he lets you post some of you guys pictures or little snippets on his story.
Other than that you're his twitter manager congrats.
Whatever he posts on instagram you post on twitter for him.
It's free real estate really.
He has this habit of making dirty jokes.
(I just know, don't ask)
Like sometimes his timing is really bad and you'll have to shut him up before he offends someone.
‘I swear to god if you make another dick joke you will be going inside the grave as well’
Also his flirting skills are…. questionable if I'm being nice. Like he's gonna use the most horrendous pick up lines on you and you'll be like wtf.
Makki doesn't get jealous very easily and usually if someone's bothering you he will expect you to tell them off on your own but if someone's bothering you even after you told them off he will step in.
Suddenly the person will have the school volleyball team towering over him.
That person will never be seen again, jk jk, unless..
But last point and I swear I'm done.
You tend to watch practice and help with stretches. You sometimes even comment if his technique seemed off and you study volleyball strategies with the coach. 
Plus points if you're a volleyball player.
If you're a setter he will make you set for you and if you're a spiker he’ll have you spike a ball and hell see if he can receive them, if you're a libero it's gonna be the other way around.
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writeiolite · 4 years
shine and burn — [ WTF U! 17 ]
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❝ You’re close to your dream life: early graduation and big-city opportunities. A one night stand with Oikawa turned into two, which turned to three, which somehow turned into two little lines on a plastic stick. It was nice being able to live your dreams, but suddenly it’s time for you both to wake the fuck up and start being parents. ❞
wc: 2,529
WTF U!: m.list . 17 . 18
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“It was great — I haven’t coached in such a long time but it felt like I never stopped,” Tooru brags, his face lit up like the morning sun reflecting in a cup of tea. Lit up like happiness. “Takeru is going to be a star-player in no time! His setter dump was perfectly timed!”
“I don’t doubt it! His uncle is an amazing player that works hard and exceeds expectations.”
He shines a little brighter and a little pinker, his posture growing taller. Like a sunflower reaching for the light. And the longer Akiko looks at him, the more she notices these little comparisons — these natural comparisons. Because for once since two weeks ago, her brother-in-law looks full of life and looks like he’s in his element. He’s a sight to see, that’s for sure. And it’s a sight she doesn’t want to forget.
Even if it haunts her.
The whistle blows twice, each short and chirpy and perking up the tall man in front of her. His smile remains even as he looks at her apologetically.
“I gotta go but cheer for me! I’ll be looking for you four before I serve,” he tells her over his shoulder. “I’m counting on you~.”
Once the shine of his smile is no longer in her sight, Akiko darkens a little. She knows better than to let it show too much, but even she’s human. Her heart is a sandbag, heavy and taking punches left and right with each step, left then right until she’s sitting in the bleachers and waiting for her family. Even through the turmoil in her head and the roaring chatter around her, she still makes out Takeru’s quick footsteps padding toward her with a familiar energy.
“Mom! Dad said he’d take us out for bingsu after dinner!” Sunshine.
“Did he?!” Flashlight.
“Yeah! Do you wanna share a raspberry lychee one with me?” Light beams.
“Of course, Takeru-chan. But don’t complain if I eat it all~.” Light bulb.
Tarou watches the entire interaction with Amaki in his arms, seeing the faintest tinge of darkness dulling his wife’s eyes. It’s small, but it’s there amongst the artificial light that’s shining on her face, paling in comparison to their son’s cheery expression and bouncing energy. His heart aches at the sight, unable to contain the way his eyebrows reach for each other on his forehead.
“Honey? Don’t just stand there,” she says, patting the empty spot beside her. Takeru is already sitting beside her with his attention on the players.
Tarou takes his place on her left, adjusting the baby in his arms while she coos at him, the same shine glowing off her. Is she unhappy with their marriage? He dreads the answer to that no matter how secure he is in their relationship. There’s no doubt in his mind that the two of them are happy together with their picture-perfect family and house. It was something they built from the ground up, so he knows it wouldn’t come crashing down so easily.
“Aki-chan,” he starts, and she looks up at him. “How are you feeling?”
She cocks an eyebrow. “Fine. Why do you ask?”
“Because I know my wife,” he chuckles, one hand coming up to stroke her hair. He watches her eyebrows imitate his from earlier at the action, but she doesn’t cower away from it.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, why do you ask?”
He doesn’t hold back his smile when she purses her lips and narrows her eyes at the mirrored response.
“Because I know my husband,” she mocks, imitating his voice. They both know that even though he doesn’t shy away from wearing his heart on his sleeve, he doesn’t typically express affection openly.
“Ah, you see, that’s exactly what I mean. You know when I’m acting weird and I know when you’re acting weird. So what’s been going on lately?” He stares into her hard, like the noisy world around them is fading away and it’s just two souls in motion together. When things are bared down to just the soul, it’s impossible to hide.
Akiko sighs. “Just some stuff with Tooru and Y/N. I was worried he wouldn’t get better but he seems really happy now at least. And I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not since that could mean he’s cutting himself off from her and the baby completely.”
“What?” The emotions on his face make Akiko cringe back a little. “You know him — he’s not going to just forget his own kid.”
“No, no I didn’t mean that,” she peeps out. “I mean- if he were to- I don’t-”
Tarou waits for her to find the words, clenching and unclenching his jaw patiently. She has to draw her eyes away just to think, desperately immersing herself into the world to escape just a little — to breathe in some courage. Whatever she says is going to have a negative impact. There’s not a way to sugarcoat it without avoiding it entirely.
“Y/N is out there doing all she can right now to provide for the baby until she’s on maternal leave. I just meant that I don’t want Tooru to stop doing all he can too. At the same time, I want them both to be happy with themselves and happy enough with each other to communicate.”
She can hear the air sizzle out of Tarou’s nostrils before he responds, his voice much less emotional now. It’s still the same even tone as always, but it lacks the dangerously dark edge from before.
“I think we both want that, Aki.” The whistle blowing again doesn’t even cut into his thought process. “But he’s hurt. He deserves time to heal just as much as she does.”
“I know that,” she answers, eyes on him. “They both deserve it, I just wish they’d see that too. They’re on the same side, they just aren’t working together…”
Akiko’s words hang around them for a moment, realization settling into their bones. It’s just a matter of who out of the two of them will speak up on their shared thoughts, if anyone at all.
“How is she doing? Is she upset with him still?”
Akiko gives him a look, making him sigh.
“Right, of course. Those two are so stubborn.” Tarou’s eyes finally leave his wife to watch his brother’s team, the opposing team landing a nasty serve right into the libero’s hands. “It’s just like what happened with Dayoung except Tooru’s lightened up a little.”
“Well, it’s not like they don’t have good reason to be stubborn. They both have different ways of expressing that they care and different ways of going about it! And Y/N could take over the Osaka branch for Dayoung if she does well enough, so she could end up working from home. She’s just thinking of the longterm goals.”
Tarou catches on to the bitter tone… No, defensive tone. “And what are you thinking about?”
His sentence is punctuated by the ball being spiked, right past Tooru and gaining a point for the opposing team. The other side of the stadium cheers, but that doesn’t mean this side goes quiet. Cheers of encouragement come from everyone on their side, but the cheers from the pair are a bit quieter. There’s not as much spirit in it as those words settle into Akiko’s bones.
There’s no answer she could give. And she’s not the only one thinking it.
His words after should’ve been expected. She didn’t know how he would word them, but she knew they were coming. So when he says them with such bitterness in that even tone of his, she’s a little prepared. Not enough to respond to the accusation, though. There’s no way she could respond when he whispers out a “It was because of you.”
This time, Tooru dumps the ball over the net. All the chaos of the play, the sliding and diving, the yelling, the way everyone’s hearts stopped each time the ball was floating high or flying fast… All of that tension built up for nothing but a tiny little slip up on the opposing team’s end. Even the scramble to catch the ball at the last moment doesn’t match up to the heat that came prior.
When Tooru looks up proudly to give his nephew a thumbs up, he barely catches a glimpse of his brother walking out of the bleachers with a path burning behind him. And scrambling behind is Akiko who drags Takeru behind, the dust clouds they leave shadowing over the sun once again.
It’s overcast outside a well when he is finally free from the game. 25 to 11. It should matter more to him, but all he can think about is that empty section in the stands and the cloud of disappointment hanging over him. Even the text from Akiko doesn’t make things better for him. It’s a short “Your brother isn’t in a good mood- I’ll try to calm him down and come back.”
And while the message was small, the hole it left behind was large and Oikawa is so close to falling into it. But he can’t. He finally feels good. He doesn’t want to be disappointed or sad or vulnerable or anything else. Is it so wrong to crave happiness right now? To crave something better than this vortex of depression that’s sucking him in?
He lays in bed with his thumb hovering over the screen. At this point, he could burn holes through the tiny device and still not see his goal clearly. He doesn’t know what he wants out of this, but he knows he wants to do it. Whether or not it’s necessary or the right thing to do isn’t on his mind. For once, he just wants something to feel right.
And things felt right with you.
“…Hey,” he starts, but it comes out muffled behind his nerves. “How’s… work?”
There’s a pause and the sound of something shuffling — papers maybe. “It’s work… Keeping me busy.”
“Yeah? That’s good then. I know you were getting bored behind the receptionist’s desk, right?”
You bite your lip. He sounds the same, and maybe you do too, but things feel different. You should’ve expected that much, but for whatever reason, the shock of hearing his voice in such a casual manner is… pleasant. The Oikawa you had in your mind — the one from two weeks ago that fought you until your bones ground to sand — isn’t the same one speaking like sunshine dancing across the windshield of his car. He’s not the same one that holds your hand while you’re singing together with the radio. This is Tooru.
“Yeah, I was. But that’s behind me now.” Still, you aren’t sure if you should open up just yet. What are you supposed to say to him? If you knew then you’d say it!
“I know, I know. There were funny moments too, though! Remember that time I was bouncing a ball against the glass and Tsuyu got upset? I think that was the angriest I’ve ever seen her. Especially at me!”
The resurfaced memory causes a giggle or two to bubble up from your mouth before you can even consider it. And the sound… the relief he feels…
It sounds right.
“She never gets mad at you for too long, though,” you comment.
Tooru doesn’t realize he’s smiling. “Eh, that’s her own fault. She should’ve stayed at least a little bit mad so that I’d feel bad about annoying her. She forgave me too easily and then-”
“You did it again when Rina was working.”
Together, the two of you giggle.
“I only bring it up because I did something similar the other day with Takeru. The two of us were practicing in the driveway for a second and then Tarou caught us bouncing the ball on his car. Which we didn’t leave a dent, but it was still something that he nagged about for days.” The sound of him shuffling around on his bed is received on your end. “I think it was fun, though. Wait till you hear this.”
And you do. You wait and listen while he talks about anything and everything. From things Rina told him, silly stuff Asahi did (who lost his ID again), and lastly, new things he’s been practicing. Before you realized it, each safe topic opened you up little and little. You didn’t need to know what to say when it comes to him. Not when it comes to Tooru.
“I’m so done with you,” you laugh out, your smile burned into your cheeks now. “I literally thought about that the other day and I didn’t realize that’s what he meant!”
“I knew it! I knew you didn’t know! Oh my god, and you still pretended so I wouldn’t lose! You sure are a team player, Y/N-chan,” his own laughs match yours, ringing like two bells meant for the same love song.
“Of course I did! I wasn’t going to let you handle that alone,” you chide. There’s a pause that follows, but it isn’t exactly uncomfortable. Not until he speaks up again.
“Well, what about now? Do you think you’d be okay with me being with you next week?” The words has his heart dangling off the last syllable, precariously over the edge of that vortex. He quickly adds on, “Not for a long time, just a short visit. Being with family this whole time has made me realize I need to value you a little more… Both of you.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Iwa would call you Shittykawa right now if he heard this!
He wants to reach through the phone and erase the words from your memory. He knows this is off-limits! He shouldn’t have said that, especially not the last part. No matter what, he doesn’t have a plan for how he’d express how much he values you… Even he’s smart enough to realize he’s talking out of his ass.
But he doesn’t know why. He’s been happy today. He was happy this whole time and the only thing that dulled the sparkle in his eyes was seeing his brother and sister-in-law leaving his game. He was happy, though! So what is he doing?
The silence between you two is palpable. Even if he reached through the phone, he wouldn’t be able to stick his hand through that. You swallow thickly as if to push the silence into your stomach. Even then you feel sick — there’s no room in there for anything else.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you whisper out, your words delicate like shattered glass. This isn’t something you’re ready for. Maybe he’s not ready for it either.
“…Yeah. I know.”
His heart doesn’t fall into the vortex, but he doesn’t get it back. That’s almost worse, just knowing that it’s dangling and swinging like that… He doesn’t realize that his heart isn’t alone.
“I’m…” Sorry? You aren’t. But what else are you supposed to say? “I’m sure it’ll come.”
Together, the two of you say nothing.
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